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 Aftermarket tailgate lock. Not great but it works.
|  She makes it look easy.
|  Again.
 For sure.
|  Really needed a spotter.
|  Flight out to Amariilo to pick up Code Red.
 Rockface where I was at.
|  I do wash her. I swear.
|  Dive plate and Interceptor Bug Deflector
 37" of two year old.
|  Ok, Sway bar did indeed disconnect.
|  Got a black chrome fire extinguisher this time.
 Couldn't tell how much more rockface I had.
|  Fire extinguisher again.
|  C'mere Shay.
 Steering wheel cover. I love the meaty feel of these.
|  Needs another wash and wax.
|  Lil' rock climber.
 Ok I'm done taking pics.
|  Baby steps first.
|  Rockpile minus Code Red.
 Jayden for relative size.
|  Moving on to bigger things.
|  Jayden and Shay.
 Provided I hit the rockface straight on next time!
|  Lund in-channel aerovisors
|  Good long jump to the ground getting out.
 XM Radio mounted location. Need a longer 12v cord to route nicely.
|  Lil' rock climber.
|  I think I could have gotten three or four more inches.
 Bug deflectors.
|  ShurTrax with about 200 pound of water for traction in the snow.
|  Lil' rock climber.