Morphy Lake 07

30 Jun 2007 - 01 Jul 2007

Tough campground for Popups. I made the mistake of following the road all the way up looking to see if anyone had gotten there yet and had a site. When I got to the end of the road, there were too many cars parked and I couldn't get the PUP and truck turned around. We eventually disconnected and spun it around manually then hooked everything back up. PITA..

I ended up getting the last available site on the campground to set up on. while it was fine for the PUP, the surrounding area was on a grade which would have been a bit rough on the tent campers. Luckily for them, nobody else decided to spend the night anyway, so it was just Jayden and I after about 6pm.

With all the day use people fishing, there was a lot of trash around. On our walks around the lake we picked up odds and ends people just left on the ground.

Morphy Lake Campground: N35 56.514 W105 23.709

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