=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Date: Wednesday, 01 Dec 1999 18:50:15 From: Dmitry Potapenko To: Englishmen Subject: List of shortcuts (keystrokes) v.1.08b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST OF (UN)DOCUMENTED SHORTCUTS FOR THE BAT V.1.35b1 Version 1.08b ====================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>> ------ EDITOR ------- <<<<<<<<<<< ====================================================================== ___| Movements (windows, pages, rows) |______________________________ o Alt+Up/Down = scroll up/down to one row o Ctrl+S (*) <- = left to one character o Ctrl+D (*) -> = right to one character o Ctrl+A (*) Ctrl+ <- = word left o Ctrl+F (*) Ctrl+ -> = word right o Home = to the beginning of the row o End = to the end of the row o Ctrl+R (*) PageUp = up to one screen height o Ctrl+C (*) PageDown = down to one screen height o Ctrl+PageUp = to the beginning of the page o Ctrl+PageDown = to the end of the page o Ctrl+Q B (*) = to the selection start o Ctrl+Q K (*) = to the selection end o Ctrl+Home = to the beginning of the text o Ctrl+End = to the end of the text * That shortcut doesn't work ______________________________________________________________________ _____| Word |_________________________________________________________ o Ctrl+[ = uppercase the WORD o Ctrl+] = lowercase the word o Ctrl+\ = change the register of the letters of a wORD o Ctrl+/ = capitalize the Word ______________________________________________________________________ ____| Blocks, Rows |__________________________________________________ o Alt+J = justify the block or paragraph o Alt+R = align the block on right end o Alt+L = align the block on left end o Alt+C = align the block on center o Ctrl+O K = switch block type to stream o Ctrl+O C = switch block type to column o Ctrl+O L = switch block type to linear o Ctrl+K T = mark the current word o Ctrl+K L = mark the current row o Ins = toggle insert/overwrite mode o Ctrl+Del Ctrl+K Y = delete the block o Ctrl+Ins Ctrl+K C Ctrl+C Ctrl+Q C = copy the block to clipboard o Shift+Ins Ctrl+K V Ctrl+V = paste the block from clipboard o Ctrl+K I = move the block to the right o Ctrl+K U (*) = move the block to the right o Shift+Del Ctrl+X = cut the block o Alt+Ins = paste the block as quotation o Ctrl+K B = mark the beginning of a block o Ctrl+K K = mark the end of a block o Ctrl+K H = toggle the mark of a block o Ctrl+K R = read the block from file o Ctrl+K W = write the block to a file o Ctrl+Y = delete the current line o Ctrl+Q Y = delete to the end of line o Ctrl+K n (n=0..9) = place a position marker on the text o Ctrl+Q n (n=0..9) = go to a marker o Enter = new row o Backspace Ctrl+H = delete character on the left o Del Ctrl+G = delete character on the right o Ctrl+T = delete the word after cursor o Ñtrl+Backspace = delete the word before cursor o Alt+Backspace = undo o Alt+mouse = column selection DG o Shift+mouse = stream selection o Ctrl+mouse = line selection The last two (not functional) keys in some shortcuts with 3 keys need to be pressed rather quickly. * That shortcut doesn't work ______________________________________________________________________ ___| Search |_________________________________________________________ o F7 Ctrl+F Ctrl+Q F F3 Ctrl+L = search for a string o Shift+F7 F3 Ctrl+L = repeat the last search o Ctrl+F7 Ctrl+Q A = search and replace o Alt+F7 = reverse search ______________________________________________________________________ ____| Message |_______________________________________________________ o F2 Ctrl+Enter = send message immediately o Shift+F2 = save message in Outbox and exit editing o Ctrl+S = save message and continue editing o Ctrl+F2 Alt+F5 = save message as... o Alt+F2 = save draft o Esc = cancel message ______________________________________________________________________ ____| Utilities |_____________________________________________________ o Ctrl+Q D = insert current date o Ctrl+Q T = insert current time o Alt+PgDn = attach UUE file o Alt+PgUp = attach MIME file o Ctrl+A = select all o F4 = check spelling o Ctrl+F4 = automatic checking ______________________________________________________________________ ____| Miscellaneous |_________________________________________________ o Shift+Enter = address book while in From:, To:, etc o Alt+Enter Right mouse clk = local menu while in From:, To:, etc o Ctrl+Alt+Enter = next field from a history o Ctrl+Plus = complete the address from the address book while in From:, To:, etc o Arrows Tab/Shift+Tab = move to the another address field while in From:, To:, etc o Tab = move to the message edit window while in the last field (in Subject: ) o Alt+Down = history of the field while in From:, To:, etc o Shift+Tab = move to the one of the From:, To:, etc field o Ctrl+Space = insert quick template Arrows=Up/Down/Left/Right ______________________________________________________________________ ====================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>> ------- MESSAGE LIST WINDOW ------- <<<<<<<<<<< ====================================================================== ___| Messages |_______________________________________________________ o Enter = open o Ctrl+Enter Ctrl+F5 Ctrl+R = reply o Ctrl+Backspace = find reply to the message o Ctrl+Shift+F5 = reply to all o Ctrl+F Shift+F5 = forward o Ctrl+E Ctrl+F6 = redirect o Shift+F6 = re-post o Ctrl+C = copy to folder o Ctrl+V = move to folder o Ctrl+S Alt+F5 = save the message as... o Del = delete o Ctrl+U = mark as unread o Ctrl+M = mark as read o Ctrl+J = park the message o Ctrl+D = unpark the message o Ctrl+] = move to the next unread message o Ctrl+[ = move to the previous unread message o Ctrl+W = add sender to the address book o Ctrl+Shift+W = add recipient to the address book o Ctrl+B = delete sender from the address book o Ctrl+Shift+B = delete recipient from the address book o Ctrl+Shift+F = create filter o Space = next page of the message o Alt+Up/Down = scroll up/down to one row Sort by: o Ctrl+1 = received time o Ctrl+2 = creation time o Ctrl+3 = size o Ctrl+4 = from o Ctrl+5 = to o Ctrl+6 = subject o Ctrl+7 = message flags o Ctrl+8 = attachment presence o Ctrl+9 = parking/draft flag o Ctrl+0 = descending order ______________________________________________________________________ ___| Threads |________________________________________________________ o Plus/Minus Ctrl+Space Shift+Space Alt+Space ^^^^^^^^^ with well-known effect :) Right Arrow/Left Arrow = open/close the branch of the current thread in a folder o Ctrl+Plus/Minus = open/close all the branches of the current thread in a folder o Ctrl+* = open all the branches of all threads in a folder o Ctrl+T = copy thread o Ctrl+Shift+V = move thread o Ctrl+Shift+Del = delete thread o Ctrl+Shift+M = mark thread as read o Ctrl+Shift+U = mark thread as unread View threads by: o Alt+0 = none o Alt+1 = references o Alt+2 = subject o Alt+3 = from o Alt+4 = to ______________________________________________________________________ ___| Selections |_____________________________________________________ o Ctrl+Up/Down = message (de)selection o Ctrl+A = select all o Shift+Up/Down = message selection o Shift+End = select from the cursor position to the end (in EDITOR as well) o Shift+Home = select from the beginning to the cursor position (in EDITOR as well) o Shift+PgUp = select from cursor position to the beginning of the page (in EDITOR as well) o Shift+PgDn = select from the cursor position to the end of the page (in EDITOR as well) o Shift+Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn/End/Home = that's a combination of previous shortcuts ______________________________________________________________________ o Alt+Right/Left = scroll right/left to one field o PgDn = up to one screen height o PgUp = down to one screen height o Home Ctrl+K = to the beginning of the message list o End = to the end of the message list the last 4 ones can be used along with pressed Ctrl key - with the same result ====================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>> ------ MESSAGE VIEW WINDOW ------- <<<<<<<<<<< ====================================================================== Most of all shortcuts in the previous window work here as well. o Ctrl+Shift+Enter = reply to all ====================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>> ------ ACCOUNT TREE ------- <<<<<<<<<<< ====================================================================== o F5 Ctrl+N = create new message o Ins = create new folder o Ctrl+Del = empty folder o Ctrl+Enter = properties o Ctrl+Up/Down = folder scrolling o Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L = search for unlisted folders AKL ====================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>> ------ ADDRESS BOOK ------- <<<<<<<<<<< ====================================================================== o Ctrl+O = open address book o Ctrl+T = create new contact o Ctrl+G = create new group o Ctrl+X = cut o Ctrl+C = copy o Ctrl+V = insert o Ctrl+Enter = properties o Shift+Enter = create a message o F5 = refresh o F7 = LDAP search ====================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>> ------ MISCELLANEOUS ------- <<<<<<<<<<< ====================================================================== o Ctrl+Shift+A = view log o Ctrl+Shift+H = show/hide message header o Ctrl+Shift+K = show/hide kludges o Ctrl+Shift+L = show/hide log panel o Ctrl+Shift+M = message auto-view o Ctrl+Shift+T = mail ticker auto-view o Ctrl+Shift+O = address auto-view o Ctrl+Shift+Alt+/ = toggle full/short menu LK o F7 = message search o F8 = address book o Ctrl+F12 = set account access password o Ctrl+Shift+P = account properties o F2 = get new mail o Shift+F2 = send queued mail o Alt+F2 mouse click on Shift + = check mail for all accounts "Get new mail" o Shift+Alt+F2 mouse click on Shift + = send queued mail from all accounts "Send queued mail" o Ctrl+Shift+F2 = dispatch all messages on server o Ctrl+F2 = dispatch only new messages on server o Tab = to the next window (account tree, message list window, message view window) o Ctrl+(Shift)+Tab = to attach tabs o F10 = menu o Alt+F10 = local menu o Alt+F6 = switch to another window o Alt+X = exit o Alt+F1 = about o Alt+Ins = add a filtering string while in the Sorting Office ________________ Mouse shortcuts: ---------------- ALT+mouse click on a field (From:, To:, Subject:, etc) = filter out all messages with the same field (From:, To:, Subject:, etc) (Ctrl+=, Esc = undo that filter) Alt+mouse = change folder position DG ALT+CTRL+mouse = move a folder inside another folder DG Ctrl+mouse = select a few messages (elective selection) Ctrl+drag'n'drop = copy message >With the additions from: Dmitriy Gradskov gradskov@bigfoot.com Garry V. Dorohin dorohin@ssga.ru Andrew K. Lovetski lovetski@softhome.net Lena Kokoulina lena@erlang.erl.e-burg.su