B -6,O -66:  Bingo numbers of the beast.
B Cing U
B U R P !!!  My compliments to the chef.  Garfield
B for Mutton            (Beef or Mutton)
B is for Basil assaulted by bears.
B is for Byakhee, the worms that can fly
B is for Troi's home planet, namely Betazed
B is for back problem. -- Joel Robinson
B u g s   A r e   S o n s   o f   G l i t c h e s
B&B = Beavis and Butt-Head
B'Elana is the only one I know who tried to kill her spirit guide
B'Elanna Torres: "Quit calling me Banana!" Now immortalized!
B'OH? Homer Simpson does not say B'oh, he says... D'OH! - Mr.Burns
B'elanna's the only one I know who tried to kill her animal guide.
B) You don't know the systems are compatible. --Ivanova.
B-)     A message from Batman.
B-)    smiling with sunglasses on
B-)   User wears horn-rimmed glasses
B-) horn-rims
B-52D another good example of Aluminum Overcast.
B-6,O-66 - Bingo numbers of the beast
B-A-D COP!   No donut!
B-Ko's my girlfriend! Wanna toy Robot!?
B-O-B. There. I spelled Bob backwards. (This confuses people from RI.)
B-dee...b-dee...b-dee, uh thats all folks!
B-tha B-tha B-tha B-that's all folks!
B. Clinton of Borg: You will not be assimilated.
B. Gates: We have ways of making people upgrade.
B.A. Baraccus of Borg: I ain't goin' in no spaceship!
B.A.D.D. - Brotherhood Against Dink Doers
B.A.D.D. news, kid.  Roleplaying is dangerous!
B.A.T.F.:  America's New and Improved Nazi Party
B.B., give me that guitar. I'll show you how to play it!
B.C. Comics: coming to a Sunday tablet near you.
B.C./Trek Crossover:  VULCAN'S GOT EARS !!
B.E.N.Z.I.N. Cudno pisu rec voda...
B.I.T.C.H. - Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Charming, Horny.
B.M. = Bowel Movement  OR  = Brian Mulroney
B.S., M.S., Ph.D. (Bull S___, More S___, Piled high, Deep)
B/D..A police term for burlary, theft
B4N                   Bye For Now
B5 a port of call for diplomates and pissed-off trek writers.
B5 is the place to be, space livin' is the life for me...
B5, our last, best hope for peace...
B:-)  Sunglasses on head
B@ Something is VERY wrong here!
B@ This tagline made backwards by Tag O' The Day
B@ Why can't you see things my way?
BA: Branch Anywhere
BA: Branch Approximate
BAA BAA: Baa Baa 'on a ' Black Jeep.
BABA! Baba,bre...Baba! Smanji taj radio...
BABIES do it in their pants
BABIES: easy to make, hard to deliver.
BABIES: little rivets in the bonds of matrimony. - Arthur Gordon
BABOON SALOON - Hunting grounds for prime mates..<---where Rasta works
BABY ON BOARD - Just means five more points because they're a yuppie!
BABY ON BOARD - Just means five more points.
BABY ON BOARD - direct hit scores 5 bonus points
BABY ON BOARD - just means five more points.
BABY ON BOARD--500 point Bonus!
BABY ON BOARD: Five more points!
BABY SITTERS charge by the hour.
BABY-SITTERS charge by the hour.
BABY-SITTERS charge by the hour.   
BABYSITTER(n): young girl you hire to watch your TV
BABYSITTERS charge by the hour
BAC             By Any Chance
BAC: Branch to Alpha Centauri
BACARDI.151. On the floor reader.
BACG          "Ball & Chain" Grin
BACH did it with the organ
BACHELOR(n):man who's cheated a woman out of a divorce
BACHELOR: An unaltared male.
BACK RUBS--Given with pleasure, received with ecstasy
BACKFIRE:  Der Lowdenbangermekkenjumpen
BACKSPACE:  The first key to show wear, followed by DELETE.
BACKUP MISSING:  M)umble, G)rumble, E)xpletive deleated?
BACKUP NOT FOUND! Abort/Retry/Scream?
BACKUP NOT FOUND:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic, (O)h &*%$|+@!
BACKUP NOT FOUND:  (M)umble (G)rumble (E)xpletive deleated?
BACKUP not found - (A)bort  (R)etry  (F)ire phasers
BACKUP? ... Did you say backup?
BACKUPS !  We don't need no stinking BACKUPS !
BAD                   Broken As Designed
BAD COMMAND! Baaaaaaaaaaad command! Sit! Stay!
BAD COMMAND: "Oh, you've been a bad <whack>, bad <whack>, bad command"
BAD Cop!  No doughnut!
BAD DAY(n):Spouse is reading new book:"CelibacyIsWeapon"
BAD Doggie! - Now drop the nice officer's arm.
BAD Doggie! Now drop the nice officer's arm.
BAD GIRL:  Nothing but a good girl found out.
BAD MONEY by Count R. Fitz.
BAD command or filename...Go stand in that corner!
BAD cop!  NO doughnut!
BAD doc!  Malpractice Suit!
BAD doggie! Now drop the nice Emt's arm.
BAD doggie! Now drop the nice medic's arm.
BAD idea:  Using a flame test to detect hydrogen...
BAD idea:  Using a flame test to detect methane...
BAD sign:  Someone has written "The Hot Zone" on the lab door...
BAD: Branch And Die
BAD: Branch to Auto Destruct
BADGERS? We don't need no steenking BADGERS!-- Raul, _UHF_
BADLINE#2-Hey baby, you know you want to hate yourself in the morning.
BAF: Blow All Fuses
BAFL: Branch And FLush
BAG           Blatently Arrogant Grin
BAG 'em? - Wakko Bag 'em! - Yakko
BAGPIPE:  Stuff Cat under arm, pull legs and chew tail.
BAH: Branch And Hang
BAILIFFS always come to order
BAILIFFS always come to order.
BAILIFFS always come to order.   
BAK           Back At the Keyboard
BAK = back at keyboard
BAKERS do it for the dough
BAKERS knead it daily
BAKERS knead it daily.
BAKERS let it rise
BAKERS serve up sticky buns.
BALC: Branch And Link Cheeseburger
BALLERINAS do it en point
BALLET DANCERS do it on tip -toe
BALLET DANCERS do it on tip-toe
BALLET DANCERS do it with toes
BAM! POW! CR-RUNCH! ZOT! - More of Batman & Robin's greatest hits...
BAM! This is the Tagline Police! Everybody FREEZE!
BAMF                  Bad [A] [My Friend]
BANALITY: Any joke about a banana.
BANANA (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything).
BANANA PICKERS do it in bunches
BANANA:  Better than an Apple, at least you can eat it.
BANANA: Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything
BANANA: Teaching aid for condom use.
BANANAS - What baby prefers to clay.
BANANAS do it in bunches
BANANAS---What baby prefers to clay.
BANANAS: What baby prefers to clay.
BAND MEMBERS do it all night
BAND MEMBERS do it in a parade
BAND MEMBERS do it in front of 100,000 people
BAND MEMBERS do it in public
BAND MEMBERS do it in sectionals
BAND MEMBERS do it on the football field
BAND MEMBERS do it with their instruments.
BAND MEMBERS play all night
BAND MEMBERS play all night.
BAND MEMBERS play all night.   
BANG! "Look out, a metor is about to hit the ship."
BANG! "That's it.  Look out, a metor is about to hit the ship." * Holly
BANG! @FN@'s dead!
BANG! John's dead!
BANG! Orville's dead!
BANG! That's it. Look out, a meteor is about to hit the ship. --Holly.
BANJO PLAYERS pluck with a stiff pick
BANKERS do it for money, but there is a penalty for early withdrawal
BANKERS do it with interest (penalty for early withdrawal!)
BANKERS do it with interest (penalty for early withdrawal).
BANKERS do it with interest (penalty for early withdrawal).   
BANKERS do it with interest, but pay for early with drawl.
BANKERS do it with interest, but pay for early withdrawl
BANKERS have bigger assets
BANKERS like big deposits
BAP: Branch And Punt
BAPTISTS do it under water
BAR CODE: Electronic device to help locate bars.
BARBARIANS do it with anything
BARBERS do it after they shave...
BARBERS do it and end up with soaping hair
BARBERS do it for shear pleasure.
BARBERS do it for shear pleasure.   
BARBERS do it with Brylcreem
BARBERS do it with shear pleasure
BARF-NET : For the Bulemic in YOU!
BARF: Bureau of Alcohol, Religion, and Firearms.
BARFIGNUGEN: The pleasure you get from walking your dog.
BARIUM:  What you do after the guy dies
BARIUM: What to do with corpses.
BARIUM: What you do when somebody dies
BARIUM: What you do when somebody dies.
BARNEY does it with children.
BARNEY is a pedophile...
BARNEY virus found -(A)bort (R)etry (S)hoot it! (S)hoot it again!
BARNEY virus found --(A)bort (R)etry (S)hoot it!  (S)hoot it again!
BARNEY virus found--(A)bort (R)etry (S)hoot it
BARNEY(n): result of feeding a Smurf after midnight
BAROMETER, n. Instrument which shows the weather we are having.
BARREN(n): a nude bird
BART (Brat'us Don'thaveacow'us)
BART of the BORG - 'Resistance is useless you WILL eat my shorts!!'
BARTENDERS do it on the Forks.
BARTENDERS do it on the Forks.   
BARTENDERS do it on the rocks
BASEBALL PLAYERS do it for a lot of money
BASEBALL PLAYERS do it head first
BASEBALL PLAYERS do it in series
BASEBALL PLAYERS do it in teams
BASEBALL PLAYERS do it with their bats
BASEBALL PLAYERS hit more home runs
BASEBALL PLAYERS make it to first base
BASEBALL PLAYERS make it to first base.
BASEBALL PLAYERS make it to first base.  
BASEBALL.BAT caused a General Protection Fault in module WINDOW
BASIC - Beginner's All-purpose Sloppy Instruction Code.
BASIC - Something so simple you need a computer to understand it.
BASIC -- Bloated And Slow Interpreted Code
BASIC By All Standards It's Changing
BASIC LAW OF CONSTRUCTION:  Cut it large and kick it into place.
BASIC Lives....
BASIC PROGRAMMERS do it all over the place
BASIC is the Computer Science equivalent of `Scientific Creationism'.
BASIC is to computer programming as "qwerty" is to typing.
BASIC is to computer programming as QWERTY is to typing.  - Seymour Papert
BASIC isn't;  C stands for Confusing...
BASIC isn't; C stands for Confusing...
BASIC je za programere isto sto i QWERTY za daktilografe.
BASIC programmer switches to Pascal, goes from bad to Wirth.
BASIC programmers DO IT by the number.
BASIC programmers GOTO it.
BASIC programmers do it all over the place.
BASIC programmers do it basically.
BASIC programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
BASIC programmers don't die. They GOSUB without RETURN.
BASIC programmers never die, they GOSUB and don't RETURN.
BASIC programmers never die, they GOSUB without RETURN
BASIC programmers never die, they GOSUB without RETURN.
BASIC programmers never die, they just GOSUB and never RETURN.
BASIC sux!
BASIC- Beginner's All-purpose Sloppy Instruction Code.
BASIC:  Barely Adequate Simplistic Instruction Code
BASIC:  Beginners Are Stuck In Computing
BASIC:  Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Identity Crisis?
BASIC: Beginner's All-purpose Sloppy Instruction Code.
BASIC: Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Identity Crisis?
BASIC: Briskly Achieve Solutions Impossible in C.
BASIL RATHBONE - Holmes' Sweet Home
BASIL!!!!  BASIL!!?????
BASKET BALL players do it through hoops.
BASKETBALL PLAYERS score more often
BASKETBALL PLAYERS score more often.
BASKETBALL PLAYERS score more often.   
BASS CLARINETS put it between their legs and blow.
BASS PLAYERS do it with something big and brown.
BASS PLAYERS just pluck at
BASS PLAYERS just pluck at it
BASS PLAYERS just pluck at.
BASS TROMBONISTS have bigger 'bones.
BASSISTS do it with their fingers
BATCH - A group, kinda like a herd.
BATCH:  A group, kinda like a herd.
BATF - "Constitution, we don't need no steenking Constitution!"
BATF = Bureau of Assassins, Terrorists, and Felons
BATF Cafeteria Menu: Baby Back Ribs, fresh from the babies.
BATF Cafeteria Menu: Blackened Baby Back Ribs.
BATF Motto "Let God sort out the innocent!"
BATF motto: "Let God sort out the innocent!"
BATF- Government sponsored gang activity.
BATF:  Bureau of Arsonists, Terrorists, and Foul-ups.
BATF:  Gestapo wannabees!
BATF: (B)elieve us. (A)ccept us. (T)rust us. (F)ooled *YOU*!
BATF: Bad Attitude Toward Freedom.
BATF: Bad Attitude Towards Freedom
BATF: Bastards Authorized to Take Freedoms
BATF: Believe us, Accept us, Trust us . . . FOOLED YOU!
BATF: Bloodthirsty Assassins, Terrorists and Firestarters
BATF: Bureau of Assassins, Terrorists and Fire starters
BATF: Bureau of Assassins, Terrorists, and Felons
BATF: Bureaucrats Are Terrified of Firearms
BATF: Burn All Toddlers First
BATF: Burn All Toddlers and Females
BATF: Gestapo wannabees!
BATF: Government sponsored gang activity.
BATF: the Bureau of Assholes, Twits, and Fascists.
BATMAN does it with Robin
BAUD RATE:  Fee charged by loose women; usually $500 and up.
BAUD:  How slow a modem goes.
BAW: Bells And Whistles
BAY CITY ROLLER MAN - Joel's super hero
BAYSEIANS probably do it
BB.* = BBC, a BBQ, a BBL, the BBB, a BBS, BBKing.
BB: Branch on Bug
BBBB: Byte Baudy Bit and Branch
BBBBBCC - Berke Breathed, Bring Back Bloom County Committee.
BBBF: Branch on Bit Bucket Full
BBCDOS 1.0: Delete DOCTOR.WHO?  (Y/n/Partially)
BBD: Branch on Bastille Day
BBG           Big Big Grin
BBH - Blank Boot Sector & Hang  (Irish Assembler)
BBI: Branch on Burned-out Indicator
BBIL: Branch on Burned-out Indicator Light
BBL  = Be Back Later
BBL: Branch on Burned out Light
BBLB: Branch on Blinking Light Bulb
BBOOOOOMMMMM!! - Hey guys, I found a trap.
BBQ: Home incinerator used for disposing of meats.
BBR                   Burnt Beyond Recognition
BBS                   Bulletin Board System
BBS 'till you drop - carrier
BBS = Area for accruing viruses
BBS = Busted Broke SysOp. Now you know what it *REALLY* means!
BBS = Busted, Broke, SysOp (Now You Know !)
BBS Booboo #2:  Dorky quoting macros.
BBS Busy - (C)all back later (T)hrow tantrum
BBS Fatal Error: Virus detected#$^#$ NO CARRIER
BBS Faux Pas #1:  Quoting the entire message.
BBS Faux Pas #2:  Dorky quoting macros.
BBS Hint 45: ALT-H gives you Sysop access!
BBS Lingo: "2U2" Say it out loud and you get "to you, too".
BBS Lingo: "CU" Say it out loud and you get "see you"
BBS Lingo: "UR"  Say it out loud and you get "You Are".
BBS Lingo: "l8er" Say it out loud and you get "later".
BBS Lingo: "str8" Say it out loud and you get "straight".
BBS Lingo: AAA; Amazingly Appropriate Abbreviation
BBS Lingo: ADIDAS; All Day I Dream About Sex
BBS Lingo: AFAIK = As Far As I Know
BBS Lingo: BHIELL; Big Huge Insane Evil Lunatic Laugh
BBS Lingo: BILGE; Big Insane Lunatic Grin, Extrafactual
BBS Lingo: DILLIGAFF; Do I Look Like I Give a Flying Figment?!
BBS Lingo: DOM; Dirty Old Man
BBS Lingo: DTITS; Don't take it too serious.
BBS Lingo: DYDG; Die, Yuppie, Die! Grin.
BBS Lingo: EMSL; Evil Mad Scientist Laugh
BBS Lingo: EOD; End Of Discussion
BBS Lingo: ESAD; Eat Sh*t And Die.
BBS Lingo: FITB; Fill In The Blank....
BBS Lingo: FLW = Famous Last Words
BBS Lingo: FOBL; Fell outta bed laughing
BBS Lingo: FREQ = File Request - available to Sysops.
BBS Lingo: FREQ; File Request - available to sysops.
BBS Lingo: FUBAR; F*cked Up Beyond All Recognition.
BBS Lingo: FUWOTD; Fed up with off-topic discussions.
BBS Lingo: GD&R; Grinning, Ducking & Running (@ end of "nasty" message)
BBS Lingo: GIWIST; Gee I Wish I'd Said That
BBS Lingo: GLB stands for Gays Lesbians and Bisexuals.
BBS Lingo: GMTA; Great Minds Think Alike
BBS Lingo: GROK; As in "I GROK" = thorough understanding.(From Heinlin)
BBS Lingo: GROK; As in "I GROK" = thorough understanding.(Heinlin)
BBS Lingo: GROK; As in "I GROK"=thorough understanding.(From Heinlin)
BBS Lingo: HAPRD; Had a perfectly rotten day.
BBS Lingo: HHTYAY; Happy Holidays to You and Yours
BBS Lingo: IANAL; I Am Not A Lawyer
BBS Lingo: IANALBIPOOTV I Am Not A Lawyer, But I Play One On TV.
BBS Lingo: IBARFT; It's been a real fun time.
BBS Lingo: IDIC; Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations
BBS Lingo: ILM; Industrial Light and Magic
BBS Lingo: IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
BBS Lingo: IMO -- In My Opinion
BBS Lingo: INNEWATOK; Inquiring NErd WAnts TO Know
BBS Lingo: ISBAB; I Should have Bought A Book
BBS Lingo: JASA; Just Another Stupid Acronym.
BBS Lingo: JSNM; Just Stark Naked Magic
BBS Lingo: KBL = Klingon Belly Laugh
BBS Lingo: KHC = Klingon High Council
BBS Lingo: KHP = Klingon Home Planet
BBS Lingo: KISS; Keep It Simple Stupid
BBS Lingo: KMA; Kiss my ASCII
BBS Lingo: LMAO; Laughing My A$$ Off.
BBS Lingo: LMAO; Laughing My ASCII Off.
BBS Lingo: MOTSS Internet newsgroup refers to Members Of The Same Sex.
BBS Lingo: NERD; National Establishment for Real Dorks
BBS Lingo: NERD; Never-Ending Resplendent Discussion.
BBS Lingo: NYTT; Now you're talking turkey.
BBS Lingo: PAG; Psychoanalytical Grin
BBS Lingo: PFLAG refers to Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays.
BBS Lingo: PPTSPAHS; Please Pass The Salt, Pepper And Hot Sauce.
BBS Lingo: ROFLMAO *WMP;  Rof laughing my a$$ off, *Wet my pants!
BBS Lingo: ROFLMAO *WMP; Rof laughing my ASCII off, *Wet my pants!
BBS Lingo: ROFLMAO; Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off!
BBS Lingo: ROFLMPO; Rolling on the floor laughing my pants off!
BBS Lingo: ROLF; Rolling on Linoleum F*cking..  whoops, family echo.
BBS Lingo: ROTBA; Reality On The Blink Again
BBS Lingo: ROTFFLMAO; Rolling On The F*cking Floor Laughing My A** Off
BBS Lingo: ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor, Laughing
BBS Lingo: ROTFLMAO; Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
BBS Lingo: ROTFLMAO; Rolling On The Floor Laughing My ASCII Off.
BBS Lingo: RPG; Role Playing Game
BBS Lingo: SNAFU; Situation Normal, All Fouled Up
BBS Lingo: STU; Star Trek Universe
BBS Lingo: SYSOP = System Operator
BBS Lingo: SYSOP; System Operator
BBS Lingo: TANJ; There Ain't No Justice
BBS Lingo: TANSTAAFL; There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
BBS Lingo: TBPH; To be perfectly honest.
BBS Lingo: TFG; Task Force Games (company that puts out SFB)
BBS Lingo: TFTHAOT; Thanks For The Help Ahead Of Time.
BBS Lingo: TIA; Thanks In Advance
BBS Lingo: TIC; Tongue in cheek
BBS Lingo: TLA; Three Letter Acronym.
BBS Lingo: TOBAL; There Oughta Be A Law
BBS Lingo: TOBG; This Oughta Be Good.
BBS Lingo: TTFN; Ta Ta For Now
BBS Lingo: TTUL; Talk to U later (lazy version).
BBS Lingo: TYVM; Thank you very much
BBS Lingo: URA = You Are A (e.g., Redneck)
BBS Lingo: USA; You Are A (e.g., Redneck).
BBS Lingo: USA; You Is A (e.g., Redneck).
BBS Lingo: W10; Warp 10 - Infinite Speed
BBS Lingo: WMTA; Warped Minds Think Alike
BBS Lingo: WTANS; Will These Acronyms Never Stop?
BBS Lingo: WYSIWYG; What You See Is What You Get
BBS Lingo: YAFA = Yet Another "Fine" Abbreviation
BBS Lingo: YAFT = Yet Another Fine Tagline
BBS Lingo: YAPT = Yet Another Pointless Tagline
BBS Lingo: YGLT = You're Gonna Love This ...
BBS Lingo: YKYARW; You Know You're A Redneck When
BBS Plus+ code 28934
BBS SYSOP: "Hey Honey, When did we get COLOR in the TV?
BBS SysOp:Person who spends $$ to receive abuse. See S&M
BBS Tip #01: Vocabulary lessons at 3:00 am. Page Sysop for details.
BBS Tip #1: Vocabulary lessons at 3:00 am.  Page Sysop for details.
BBS Tip #45:  ALT-H gives you SysOp access!
BBS Tip #45: <CTRL>-<Alt>-<Del> gives you sysop access!
BBS Tip #45: ALT-H gives you SysOp access!
BBS Tip #45: ALT-H gives you sysop access!
BBS Tip #45: ALT-H gives you sysop access!
BBS Tip #4: Download *.* for a complete list of files available.
BBS Tip #5: Log in as ALL and receive more e-mail.
BBS Tip #6: Get the most for your money; subscribe to the logoff menu.
BBS Tip #7: For a faster response, address your mail to GUEST USER.
BBS Tip: ALT-H gives you sysop access.
BBS Tip: Pressing Alt-H gives you SysOp status!
BBS Tips for beginners: ALT-H gives you SysOp access.
BBS Trek -- The Text Generation
BBS Trek:  The Text Generation...
BBS addiction is a terminal disease
BBS addiction is a terminal disease.
BBS error:  Unable to read user's mind - Disconnect (Y/n)?
BBS error: Unable to read user's mind - Disconnect (Y/n)?
BBS line is busy(A)bort (R)etry (C)ry
BBS mail: a lot faster than Canada Post.
BBS means never having to admit to Multiple Personality Disorder
BBS not Ready - Error Reading User's Mind - Start Again
BBS not responding, hit Sysop to continue!
BBS tip #02: Pressing Alt-H gives you Sysop status!
BBS tip:  Pressing Alt-H gives you SysOp status!
BBS users do it QWKer!
BBS'ers do it and watch it on the monitor.
BBS'ers do it in an online session.
BBS'ers do it with .zip
BBS'ers: Keep them dry and don't feed them after midnight.
BBS's - A perfect good replacement for a social life - Darkwood
BBS, American style.
BBS, What BBS, We have a BBS in the realm???
BBS-Busted, Broke Sysop
BBS-Lingo: FLW = Famous Last Words (as in AD&D FLW: "Arrrgh!")
BBS-ing... Ya gotta be Nuts!
BBS...the single largest pile of carpal on the Net.
BBS:  A device used to triple your phone bill.
BBS:  Basically BS -- what many users post on boards.
BBS:  a conspiracy to triple your phone bill.
BBS:  a method to triple your phone bill.
BBS: A device used to triple your phone bill.
BBS: A method of tripling your phone bill.
BBS: Big Boys' Sanndbox. (no girls allowed)
BBS: Busted Broke SysOp. Now you know what it *REALLY* means!!
BBS: Purgatory for pointless people.
BBS: Standard class zip sysops,  PREMIUM Class ARJ Sysops
BBS: When hive building insects tell tall tales.
BBS: When hive insects start telling tales.
BBS: When hive-building insects start to tell tall tales.
BBS: a method to triple a phone bill
BBS: a method to triple your phone bill.
BBS: sound made by Sysops after 3 months.
BBS: sound made by sysops after 3 months...
BBS; Bulletin Board System
BBS=Busted Broke SysOp. Now you know what it *REALLY* means!!
BBS?  But where do the thumbtacks go?
BBS?  Yeah, I do bbs.  But I can control it ...
BBSLingo: FREQ; File Request - available to Sysops.
BBSR - Blank Boot Sector & Reset  (Irish Assembler)
BBS_ID  WIMPYS    C:\Bwave\Wildblue.Tag       Prompt
BBSers - Bards of Behavioral Science (Windows is NOT a maze, is TOO).
BBSers are virtually alive.
BBSers come in all Typists.
BBSers come in all typists
BBSers do it and watch it on the monitor.
BBSers do it til 3:00 in the morning.
BBSers do it till well after 3:00 in the morning.
BBSers do it with .ZIP
BBSers watch it on the monitor.
BBSers: the few, the unbalanced, the eccentric!
BBSing - all the social dynamics of pre-school!
BBSing - all the social dynamics of pre-school!!
BBSing ... time's blackhole.
BBSing addictive?  I hadn't noticed, too busy BBSing!
BBSing and Computers
BBSing at least keeps SOME drunks off the street
BBSing at least keeps SOME drunks off the street.
BBSing is a Maalox Moment
BBSing is a Maalox Moment.
BBSing is a fun, relaxing hobby after a hard days work
BBSing is a lot like sex, except you never want to get off.
BBSing is a terminal disease and I have the ANSI strain.
BBSing is like sex, except for not wanting to get off.
BBSing time's blackhole.
BBSing's like sex, except for not wanting to get off.
BBSing, A right to information not a privilage to abuse privacy.
BBSing: Files, folks and fun
BBSing: Files, folks and fun.
BBSing: The Bus Woman's Holiday.
BBSing: a method to triple your phone bill.
BBSs and Sysops make the world go around!
BBSs: a method to triple your phone bill.
BBT: Branch on Binary Tree
BBW: Branch Both Ways
BC>   I need to refresh my stock of sexist taglines.  (I know...
BC>   not "pc"... too bad.  They're still fun).
BC=corrupt incompetent unprincipled liar with blood on his hands.
BCB: Burp and Clear Bytes
BCF: Branch and Catch Fire
BCF: Branch on Chip box Full
BCIL: Branch Creating Infinite Loop
BCNU2: Be seeing you too.
BCNU; Be seeing you ....
BCPL -> B -> C !!! No wonder C is so cryptic!
BCPL -< B -< C !!! No wonder C is so cryptic!
BCPL: Beats Cobol Programming Language
BCPL: Before C, Programming Language
BCR: Backspace Card Reader
BCS: Branch and Crash System
BCSEEDA: Bill Clinton School of Evasions, Excuses, Denials and Alibis.
BCSUTI Version 1.1
BCU: Be Cruel and Unusual
BD-=> CH> It's for the sharing of taglines, and NOTHING else.
BD: Backspace Disk
BD: Branch to Data
BDC: Break Down and Cry
BDI: Branch to Data Indirect
BDM: Branch and Disconnect Memory
BDT: Burn Data Tree
BDU: Branch on Dense User
BE ALERT!!!!  (The world needs more lerts ...)
BE PREPARED  - Scout Motto
BE careful he is armed and dangerous.
BE: Branch Everywhere
BEA ARTHUR - Here's Maud in your eye
BEACHN: Beaching!
BEAM me up, JIM.  I need a drink.
BEAST!  You've been SPOKEN to about biting the users!
BEAVIS and BUTTHEAD are actually based on most of MTV's viewers.
BEAVIS! What is your major malfunction? - Buzzcut
BEDRAGGLE: A nocturnal argument.
BEEEEEEP: This is a test of the Emergency Tagline System
BEEEEEP: This is a test of the Emergency Tagline System.
BEEEEEP: This is a test of the Emergency recipe System.
BEEF!  'Cause the west wasn't won on salad.
BEEKEEPERS do it with hives.
BEEKEEPERS like to eat their honey
BEEKEEPERS like to eat their honey.
BEEKEEPERS like to eat their honey. 
BEEP: This is a test of the Emergency Tagline System.
BEEP: This is a test of the Emergency recipe System.
BEER - Bloody Effective Emotion Re-caliber
BEER - Bloody Effective Emotion Re-caliber,
BEER - More than just *another* breakfast drink!
BEER ... It's not just for Breakfast anymore!
BEER BREWERS do it with more hops
BEER BREWERS do it with more hops.
BEER BREWERS do it with more hops.   
BEER DRINKERS get more head
BEER DRINKERS get more head.
BEER Drink your daily B-complex with a foamy head.
BEER It's not just for Breakfast anymore!
BEER not found:  (P)anic, (S)tart new batch
BEER...  Drink your daily B-complex with a foamy head.
BEER... It's not just for breakfast anymore.
BEER.CAN Located Operator probably loaded
BEER.CAN not found, USER.EXE not loaded
BEER.COM not found -- programmmer not loaded.
BEER.COM not found, Sysop not loaded.
BEER.COM not found. [G]o to bead [R]un to store [P]ass out here.
BEER.KEG empty! OVERFLOW ERROR DETECTED! Bleeeaakkk! <yuk!>
BEER.KEG empty! OVERFLOW ERROR DETECTED! Bleeeaakkk! <yuk!<
BEER.SYS not found, SYSOP.EXE not loaded.
BEER: It isn't just for breakfast anymore!
BEERWARE ===If it works, buy yourself a beer!
BEERWARE: If it works right the 1st time, buy yourself a beer!
BEERWARE: If it works, buy yourself a beer.
BEERWARE: If you like it, buy yourself a beer.
BEETHOVEN did it apassionately
BEETHOVEN was the first to do it with a full orchestra
BEG           Big Evil Grin
BEGIN PGP TAGLINE v2.3 ---- hfk5+GL0freojkAR2mpwm@!+wlxmS ----END PGP
BEGONE, foul pachyderms!!!<hic>
BEING from another planet, I didn't have much to do - Tom
BELA LUGOSI is my co-pilot..
BELIEVE & SUCCEED " The key to success is making dreams come true."
BELL -RINGERS pull it themselves
BELL RATES: pay an arm & leg to use an ear & mouth
BELL-RINGERS pull it themselves
BELL-RINGERS pull it themselves.
BELLOLOGY: The study of beer bellies.
BELLYOLOGY: The study of Beer bellies
BELLYOLOGY: The study of beer bellys
BENG          Big Evil Nasty Grin
BENIGN:  The one that follows bee eight.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN - A Penny Saved is a Penny Urned
BENJI!  Watch out for that ca -- @#%^@^$%^ NO TERRIER
BEQ: Buy EQuipment
BERT PARKS - I Miss America
BESIDES: Sideline beekeeper.
BESPG         Bacheler's Eobiential Science Project Grin
BESPG         Bacheleroid Environmental Science Project Grin
BEST:  A sleveless garment worn over a shirt.
BETA TESTERS WHO LIE! On the next Geraldo.
BETA TESTERS WHO LIE! On the next Geraldo...
BETA TESTERS do it first!
BETA TESTERS do it for free.
BETA TESTERS do it looking for mistakes
BETA TESTERS do it until it breaks.
BETA Tester's Ethics #2: Crash 'em all, let the coder sort it out.
BETA testing is hazardous to your health.
BETTE DAVIS - All This And Heaven Too
BETTE DAVIS - Whatta Dump!!!!
BETTE MIDLER - truly the Divine Ms M.
BETTY MCBROOM please pick up the white courtesy phone
BEVIS and BUTTHEAD are actually based on most of MTV's viewers.
BEW: Branch Either Way
BEWARE ! Tagline WORM in this echo. Check your TAGLINES !!!
BEWARE -  Tagline Thief in this echo
BEWARE - Ferret Tagline Thief in this echo
BEWARE - Ferret Tagline Thief in this echo.
BEWARE - Starfleet Security is monitoring this transmission!
BEWARE - Tagline Thief Tomasek is in this echo!
BEWARE - Tagline Thief in this echo
BEWARE - Tagline Thief in this echo.
BEWARE - Tagline Thief on this echo.
BEWARE - there's a Tagline Thief on this echo!
BEWARE - there's another Tagline Thief in this echo!
BEWARE Tagline thief!?  No, BEWARE - Tagline creator in this echo!
BEWARE! - Blue Wave v2.12... Tagline Thief On Board.
BEWARE! Tagline WORM in this echo. Check your TAGLINES!!!
BEWARE! Tagline thieves in this echo!
BEWARE!!!! @X82 Color Coded Taglines!!! @X84 Not for the Faint At Heart!
BEWARE!!!! Color Coded Taglines!!!  Not for the Faint At Heart!
BEWARE...Tagline protected by Worf!
BEWARE...Tagline protected by guard dogs
BEWARE...Tagline protected by guard dogs!
BEWARETagline protected by guard dogs
BEYOND: On a 'blue' Plymouth 'HORIZON', Beyond the horizon.
BF: Belch Fire
BF: Blow Fuse
BF: Branch Forever
BFD  = Big (Fat) Deal
BFD: Branch on Full Disk
BFF: Branch and Form Feed
BFG9000? I'll raise a Phase Transit Cannon. OH SH%^&*&%@!@#^(NO CARRIER)
BFHAD: Big Fat Hairy Ass Deal
BFM: Be Fruitful and Multiply
BFM: Branch on Full Moon
BFOG = Blouse Full Of Goodies
BFP: Blow Front Panel
BG            BIG grin
BG&BGSU's cut$ are going into Toledo Carty's condo?Sentnl
BGFT: Add a new dimension to BBS communications
BGFT: BackGround File Transfer conference on NANET
BGL: Branch and Goto Lunch
BH: Branch and Hang
BHIELL        Big Huge Insane Evil Lunatic Laugh
BI-DIRECTIONAL - A computer who swings both ways
BIB: Branch If Branch if branch...
BIBLE - Tells of the miracles of God. SEED CATALOGUE - Proves them!
BIBLE = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
BICYCLE: A lesbian's menstrual cycle.
BICYCLISTS do it in 10 speeds
BICYCLISTS do it off the road
BICYCLISTS do it with 10 speeds
BICYCLISTS do it with 10 speeds.
BICYCLISTS do it with 10 speeds.   
BIFURCATED: Made an obscene gesture requiring two hands.
BIG BAND:  20 men who take it in turns to stand up plus a drummer.
BIG BANG: First there was nothing... then it exploded!
BIG BIRD - Roost in Peace
BIG BUX: on a Ferrari 308.
BIG Blue ... Yesterday's technology at tomorrow's prices!
BIG HONKIN' MUONS--The new release by Larry 'Bud' Niven!
BIGAMIST: A man who has loved not wisely, but two well.
BIGAMY: Two wives too many.
BIGBANG.COM finshed. Run again (Y/N) ? Y#%^%& NO CARRIER
BIGOT----Anyone winning an argument with a Liberal.
BIGOT: Anyone winning an argument with a liberal.
BIGOT: someone winning an argument with a liberal
BIGOTRY: One of the California redwoods.
BIKER B@#$H FROM HELL, INC.-Live to Ride, Ride to Live
BIKERS do it on wheels
BILGE         Big Insane Lunatic Grin, Extrafactual
BILL CLINTON - Not Inhaling
BILL is like a box of chocolates. Forrest SysOp
BILLS stands for: Boy I Love to Lose Superbowls.
BILLY BARTY - There are no Small Parts, Just Small Actors
BINARY STARS:  What you see after dropping your binoculars.
BINARY--Possessing the ability to have friends of both sexes.
BIO-GENETIX ENGINEERING LABS: "Playing God so you don't have to."
BIOLOGISTS do it with clones
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERS do it with artificial limbs.
BION            Believe It Or Not
BIP             Books In Print
BIR: Branch Inside Ranch
BIRDERS do it in the bush
BIRDIE ;Driven by good looking lady from New Zealand.
BIRDIE: Driven by good looking lady from New Zealand.
BIRDS do it, bees do it, even chimpanzees do
BIRDS do it, bees do it, even chimpanzees do it
BIRM: Branch on Index Register Missing
BISEXUAL..Means if you can't get it for free you buy it
BIT: Past tense of BYTE.
BIT: n. unit by which programmers go insane
BITCH(n):woman who speaks her mind and isn't a horny bimbo.
BITCH(n):woman who speaks her mind&isn't a horny bimbo.
BITCH: A woman who speaks her mind and doesn't act like a blond bimbo.
BITCH: A woman who speaks her mind and doesn't act like a blonde bimbo.
BITCH: Babe In Total Control Here.
BITCH: Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented & Commonly Horny.
BITCH: Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented & Horny
BITCH: Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Charming and Horny.
BITCHENAID - It's like the best mixer, dude.
BITCHENAID - It's like totally the best dishwasher, dude.
BITCHENAID-It's like totally the best dishwasher, dude...
BITCHY: Attitudinally Challenged.
BITE ME! It's fun! Crow! NO!
BIg Ideas + Limited Knowledge = Lots and Lots of 'test' Renders :-)
BK            Because
BK - The best Gene program I've ever used.
BKEEPR: Bee keeper.
BLACK HOLE - Where God divided by zero...
BLACKJACK players do it double down.
BLAM!  "It was a boring conversation anyway." - Han Solo
BLAM! "Anybody else wanna LIMP?"
BLAM! BLAM! Hot doggeees... rolled that ferret over with that one!
BLAM! BLAM! Stop! BLAM! BLAM! Police!
BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! <thud> EX-POLICE!!!
BLAME: It's better to give than to receive.
BLANK CHECK: Frequent offering at Unitarian Churches.
BLAST REGULATIONS! Spock, I ORDER you to assume c^mmand!
BLAST REGULATIONS! Spock, I ORDER you to assume command! -- Kirk
BLC: Branch and Loop Continuous
BLECCCCHHHHH!!!! I've been KISSED by a dog!-Lucy van Pelt
BLI: Branch and Loop Infinite
BLIND.BAT was written for some of the people I work with!
BLISS is ignorance
BLM: Branch, Like, Maybe
BLMWM: Branch, Like, Maybe, Wow, Man
BLOND MATING CALL:  "Oh, I'm so drunk [giggle]!!"
BLOND.COM failed. Missing CPU.
BLONDE.COM failed.  Missing CPU.
BLONDES do it with a thermos
BLONDES do it with a thermos {c}
BLONDES.ZIP:  Great Shareware, but be careful of viruses!
BLONDES.ZIP: Great sharware, but be careful of viruses!
BLOODY MARY - Now Ain't That Too Damn Bad
BLORF: The sound of a very large number of EchoMessages arriving
BLORF: sound made by a very large number of Messages arriving
BLOWJOB..A term used by demolition experts and safecrackers
BLP: Boot from Line Printer
BLR: Branch and Lose Return
BLSH: Buy Low, Sell High
BLT: Break Little Thing
BLUE HARVEST FIDONET ECHO...Horror Beyond Imagination
BLUE wave?? then how come it marked my message as "read"?
BLUES.COM not found! (W)ail, (M)ellow down easy, (G)et a mojo hand
BLUES:  Played exclusively by people who woke up this morning.
BLUEWAVE       Bluewave.Txt                Prompt
BLUEWAVE ECHO:  Best manual in the computer industry.
BLUEWAVE--The wave that everyone who's anyone rides!
BLUNDERBUSS: A vehicle used for random travelling.
BM: Branch Maybe
BMES!  It's Clinton's fault!
BMI: Blow up Memory Immediate
BMI: Branch on Missing Index
BMI: Branch to Muncee Immediate
BMOW...Big Mouse On Web.
BMP: Branch and Make Popcorn
BMR: Branch Multiple Registers
BMTIPG:Brilliant Minds Think In Parallel Gutters
BMUS: Beam Me Up, Scotty
BMW             Babbling Mechanical Wench
BMW             Beastly Monsterous Wonder
BMW             Beautiful Masterpeices on Wheels
BMW             Beautiful Mechanical Wonder
BMW             Big Money Waste
BMW             Big Money Works
BMW             Blastphemous Motorized Wreck
BMW             Born Moderately Wealthy.
BMW             Break My Windows
BMW             Broken Money Waster
BMW             Broken Monsterous Wonder
BMW             Broken Monstrous Wonder.
BMW             Brutal Money Waster
BMW             Bumbling Mechanical Wretch
BMW's the call letters for a station, right?...what's wrong with that?
BMW: Babbling Mechanical Wench
BMW: Bastard Money Wielders
BMW: Bastard Money Wielders 
BMW: Bavarian Manure Wagon
BMW: Bayerisher Mist Wagen (Bawarian shit-car, in german)
BMW: Beastly Monstrous Wonder
BMW: Beautiful Masterpieces on Wheels
BMW: Beautiful Mechanical Wonder
BMW: Big Money Waste
BMW: Big Money Waste.
BMW: Big Money Waster
BMW: Big Money Works
BMW: Blasphemized Motorized Wreck
BMW: Blasphemous Motorized Wreck
BMW: Born Moderately Wealthy.
BMW: Bowel Movement Wagon (Bowdlerized term for Shitmobile)
BMW: Break My Windows
BMW: Broken Money Waster
BMW: Broken Money Waster.
BMW: Broken Monstrous Wonder
BMW: Brutal Money Waster
BMW: Brutal Money Waster.
BMW: Bumbling Mechanical Wretch
BNA: Branch to Nonexistant Address
BNCB: Branch and Never Come Back
BNE: Buy Non-IBM Equipment
BNF                   Big Name Fan
BNL: Become a Neo-Luddite
BNR: Branch for No Reason
BO JACKSON knows doing it
BO PEEP - Dyed in the Wool
BO PEEP - The Lord Is MY Shepherd
BOARD HOG:  Someone with more online time than you, who uses it.
BOARDHEADS do it with stiff masts
BOAT (n.):  a vessel into which huge amounts of money are poured
BOB MARLEY - Rasta in peace
BOB: Branch On Bug
BOBBITT used to do it.
BOBW          Best of Both Worlds
BOCA modems - when you don't need file transfer capability!
BOCA: (B)eyond (O)bvious (C)orrective (A)ction.
BOD: Beat On Disk
BOD: Branch on Operator Desperate
BODILY FUNCTION: The biological process of making room for more beer!
BODY BUILDERS do it with muscle.
BODY BUILDERS pump it up.
BODY-BUILDERS do it with muscle
BODYBUILDERS do it with muscle
BOH: Branch On Humidity
BOH: Branch on Operator High
BOHCTLA! (bend over - here comes the liberals again)
BOHICA          Bend Over Here It Comes Again!
BOHICA -- military term which describes Clinton's health care plan.
BOHICA: (B)end (O)ver (H)ere (I)t (C)omes (A)gain
BOHP: Bribe Operator for Higher Priority
BOI: Byte Operator Immediately
BOING!  ASCII stupid question; get a stupid ANSI
BOING!  ASCII stupid question; get a stupid ANSI.
BOING!  Bill Clinton? Use a Presidential invoice
BOING!  RIME--America's Funniest Home Computers
BOING!  Tag!  You're It...
BOING!  There are too many people in the world.
BOING!  Toxicologists have better endpoints
BOING! ASCII stupid question; get a stupid ANSI.
BOING! BOING! BOING! Jumping WHO on a pogo stick?
BOING! Dolly Parton-- silicone based life
BOL           Beginning of Lecture
BOLJSEVIK = onaj koji bolje sevi !
BOMB: Burn Out Memory Banks
BONNET: Pullnob und Knucklechoppen
BOO!  We changed Coke again!  BLEAH!  BLEAH! 
BOOF: A typo for "book" which caught on.  It means "book".
BOOK: The ultimate random access device!
BOOKKEEPERS are well balanced
BOOKKEEPERS do it for the record
BOOKKEEPERS do it with double entry
BOOKKEEPERS do it with double entry.
BOOKKEEPERS do it with double entry.   
BOOKWORMS only read about it
BOOM!  Sooner or later BOOM!!! - Susan Ivanova
BOOM! It was over just like that!
BOOM! Sooner or later BOOM! --Susan Ivanova.
BOOOOOM!!!! -- Hey, guys! I found a trap.....
BOOT DEVICE NOT FOUND and you're ugly too ...
BOOT:  What you give the computer when it won't start.
BOOZE -- It's what's for dinner.
BOOZERS do it bottoms up.
BOP           Bird Of Prey
BOP: Boot OPerator
BORE: A guy who wraps up a 2 minute idea in a 2 hour vocabulary.
BORE: One who, upon being asked how they are, tells you.
BORE: Person who is an open book you don't want to read.
BOREALIS is where I'm at.
BOREN'S FIRST LAW - When in doubt, mumble.
BORG 4077th:  "Attention!  All personnel!  Resistance is futile!"
BORG 4077th:  "Choppers are irrelevant."
BORG 4077th:  "Pierce, stop assimilating the nurses."
BORG 4077th: "All the hooch in the Swamp has been assimilated." <HIC!>
BORG 4077th: Attention! All personnel! Resistance is futile!
BORG 4077th: Choppers are irrelevant.
BORG 4077th: Pierce, stop assimilating the nurses.
BORG COLA - Not The Choice Of The Next Genaration
BORG For President - All Politicians Will Be Assimilated!
BORG For President--All Politicians Will Be Assimilated!
BORG IDIC:  Incalculable Devastation for Infinite Cubes.
BORG IDIC:  Incalculable Devastation from Infinite Cubes.
BORG IDIC: Incalculable Devastation for Infinite Cubes.
BORG Pascal 7: OBJs are irrelevant, they will be assimilated into TPUs.
BORG Spreadsheet: Locutus 1-2-3.
BORG TV: One Channel. Anything else is irrelevant.
BORG-DOS V5.01  Assimilating Next revision, Downgrading is Futile.
BORGER KING: "We do it our way. Your way is irrelevant."
BORGER KING: We Do It Our Way. Your Way Is Irrelevant.
BORGer King. Your way is irrelevant.
BORGer King.. We do it OUR way, Your way is irrelevant...
BORGerKing : Burgers made our way. Your way is irrelevant.
BORGerKing : Burgers made our way. Your way is irrelevent.
BORGerKing: Burgers made our way, your way is irrelevent!
BOS - BRS     Big Orange (Red) Switch
BOSSES delegate the task to others
BOSSES delegate the task to others.
BOSSES delegate the task to others.   
BOT: Branch On Tree
BOTH sexes kill men more than they kill women
BOTH sexes kill men more than they kill women.
BOTHER: a Pooh poo.
BOTTLE.GIN NOT found:  Sysop NOT loaded
BOULDER: Less timid.
BOUNCERS have more ejections
BOUYANT: The opposite of gallant; a male hive insect.
BOW TIE: Big Over Weight Tired Impotent Engines
BOWEL:     word like A.E.I.O.U.
BOWLERS do it in the alley
BOWLERS do it with three fingers.
BOWLERS have bigger balls
BOWLERS have bigger balls.
BOWLERS have bigger balls.   
BOXER: 1994 Shareware Industry Awards Winner, Best Major Application
BOXER: Compile and jump automatically to error lines!
BOXER: Each macro will hold up to 500 keystrokes (commands)!
BOXER: Ever 'undo' too far?  Now you can Redo, to recover that text!
BOXER: Menus change *dynamically* for key reassignment!
BOXER: Pop-up ASCII chart with hex/dec/oct displays!
BOXER: Undo up to 4,096 changes with the UNDO command!
BOXER: columns, compile, colors, calculator, calendar...
BOXER: mouse, menus, macros, marking, matching, math...
BOXERS do it with fists
BOXERS do it with their gloves on.
BOY SCOUTS do it in the woods
BOY SCOUTS do it with sticks.
BOY(n): a noise with dirt on it.
BOY: A noise system with dirt on it.
BOYS: Of all the wild beasts, the most difficult to manage.
BOZO: Use Multics operating system
BPB: Branch on Program Bug
BPDI: Be Polite, Don't Interrupt
BPIM: Bury Programmer In Manuals
BPL: Branch PLease
BPM: Become a Psych Major
BPO: Branch on Power Off
BPO: Branch on Power On
BPP: Branch Pretty Please
BPP: Branch and Pull the Plug
BR: Byte and Run
BRA: Branch to Random Address
BRA: Somethng that makes mountains out of molehills.
BRAIN.COM closed:  (A)rgue, (R)etry, (I)nstall Windows, (F)orget It
BRAIN.COM file closed. (A)rgue (R)etry (F)orget It
BRAIN.COM file closed. (A)rgue (R)etry (I)nstall Windows (F)orget It
BRAIN.COM file closed:  (A)rgue, (R)etry, (F)orget It!
BRAIN.SYS NOT FOUND!!!  (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail ?
BRAIN: The thing I thought I think with, I think. (0^0--()
BRANCH DAVIDIANS do it with fire.
BRASIL !!!! TETRA campeao ....
BRAT: Someone else's kid that behaves like your own.
BRAVERY(n): Cannibal letting his wife give him head.
BRAVO CO. is not a traveling audience.
BRAZEL: The scratch plate on a matchbook.
BRB                   (I'll) Be Right Back
BRB             Be Right Back
BRB           Big Red Button
BRB-Be Right Back
BRB: BRanch on Beaver
BREAKFAST.COM Halted - Cereal Port Not Responding
BREAKFAST.COM Halted .... Cereal port not responding!
BREAKFAST.COM Halted... Cereal Port Not Responding
BREAKFAST.COM Halted... Cereal Port Not Responding.
BREAKFAST.COM Halted...Cereal Port Not Responding.
BREAKFAST.COM halted... cereal port not responding!
BREAKFST.COM halted . . . cereal port not ready!
BREAKING NEWS! -- Bill Clinton has joined the luftWAFFLE. Film at 11.
BREAST STROKERS have better hip action.
BREASTSROKERS have better hip action
BREATHALYSER: Die Puffitinter fur Pistenarsen
BREECH BIRTH---Rear Entry.
BREKFAST.COM Halted...Cereal Port Not Responding.
BREKFEST.COM halted -- cereal port not responding.
BRH: BRanch and Hang
BRI: BRanch Indefinitely
BRIAN does it conservatively
BRIAN heads the Conservative Party
BRICK (noun): National Bird of Palestine
BRICKLAYERS lay all day
BRICKLAYERS lay all day.
BRICKLAYERS lay all day.   
BRIDE, n.  A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.
BRIDGE PLAYERS do it with finesse
BRIDGE PLAYERS don't need a partner, if they have a good hand
BRIDGE PLAYERS try to get a rubber
BRIDGE PLAYERS try to get a rubber.
BRIDGE PLAYERS try to get a rubber.   
BRITAIN! Sir, that wasn't me, it was Orville.
BRKFAST.COM halted .. Cereal port not responding
BRL: BRanch and Leak
BRML - Branch to Random Memory Location (Irish Assembler)
BRO: BRanch and Overheat
BRO: BRanch to Oblivion
BROAD-BASED CONTRIBUTIONS?!? And they said Quayle needed a dictionary.
BROADCAST MESSAGE AT 4:45pm   Brain going down... IMMEDIATELY.
BROTHEL : New Zealand sheep mustering yard.
BROTHER!  I didn't think you had the lobes! - Quark
BROWN SPOTS IN THE DESERT by Squatt and Leavitt.
BROWN-DYED BLOND (n): artificial intelligence
BRRRRRRRRPPP! - Worf  You're excused! -- Troi
BRS                   Big Red Switch
BRUCE LEE - Inter the Dragon
BS (bee ess): n. An uninformed statement.
BS = El Toro poo-poo.
BS: Behave Strangely
BS?  Oh, it's *** EVERYWHERE *** !!!!!!!!!!!!!
BSC: Branch on Second Coming
BSC: Burst Selector Channel
BSD: BackSpace Disk
BSEG          Big S*** Eating Grin
BSI: Back up Sewer Immediate
BSI: Backup Sewer Immediately
BSM: Branch and Scramble Memory
BSO: Branch Sort Of
BSO: Branch on Sleepy Operator
BSP: BackSpace Punch
BSR: Branch and Stomp Registers
BSS: Branch on SunSpot
BSST: BackSpace and Stretch Tape
BTA                   But Then Again
BTD: Branch on Time of Day
BTD: Byte The Dust
BTI: Blow Trumpet Immediately
BTIC:  But then, I'm crazy.  (Sam Tuirel)
BTJ: Branch and Turn Japanese
BTN: Birmingham Telecommunications News. Now you know.
BTO: Branch To Oblivion
BTREE ERROR -> Access not possible, undefined error.
BTSOOM          Beats The Stuffing (?) Out Of Me
BTW                   By The Way
BTW - got any "vampire" taglines laying around that you don't want?
BTW FWIW good luck with your collection.
BTW I have had more info lately from the computer than the mailman.
BTW I'm still in first place!!!
BTW, Bob, are you a grouchy old fart?
BTW, FWIW, IMHO, yes.  OTOH, AAMOF, maybe not.
BTW, FWIW, IMHO, yes.  OTOH, maybe not.  TTYL.
BTW, FWIW, IMHO, yes. OTOH, AAMOF, maybe not.
BTW, FWIW, IMHO, yes. OTOH, AAMOF, maybe not. And RTFM.
BTW, Has anyone seen my StarShip???? I seem to have misplaced it!
BTW, I *S*W*I*P*E*D* the "challenged" Tagline! Thanks, Ben. :-)
BTW, I no longer hang out with the heavily drugged.
BTW, I want you to tell me something while we're talking.
BTW, Jack, are you a grouchy old fart?
BTW, Orville, are you a grouchy old fart?
BTW, These are @*#STOLEN#*@ taglines, from you users!
BTW, anyone here got the complete Ferengi Rules of Acquisition?
BTW, are you a grouchy old fart?
BTW, does Jesus know you flame?
BTW, if you are a Rush Limbaugh fan you should be a hit.
BTW, it's spelled "Minbari."
BTW, it's that time again!!   P A R T Y   T I M E ! ! !
BTW, there is no "always have sex with the boss" rule.
BTW, what happened to Coridon Henshaw??
BTW,"The check is in the mail."Really,it is! No,I mean it!
BTW...don't drink it!
BTW:  Has any body ever told you to....Well...I guess they have...
BTW: Between The Words
BTW: Branch on Third Wednesday
BTW: The Five Bucks is free, but the envelope will cost you $10.00/..
BTW: This is the 386 version!
BTW: Two taglines to 15+ lines of jihad isn't good enough.
BTW; By the way,...
BU: Branch Unexpectedly
BUBBA.COM not found .. (A)bort (R)etry (D)rain lizard?
BUCCANEER: The unit cost of a $2 pair of earrings.
BUDDHISTS imagine doing
BUDDHISTS imagine doing it
BUDDY HOLLY - 2/3/59   That'll be the day...when I die
BUDGET(n):method for going broke methodically.
BUDWEISER.CAN found. BOTTLE.RUM found. @N@ found...LOADED!
BUDWEISER.CAN found. BOTTLE.RUM found. Damien Wellman found...LOADED!
BUDWEISER.CAN found. BOTTLE.RUM found. Orville Bullitt found...LOADED!
BUDWEISR.CAN found. BOTTLE.RUM found. Orville Bullitt found...LOADED!
BUDWEISR.CAN found. BOTTLE.RUM found. Orville found...LOADED!
BUFFALO: Two nudists greeting one another.
BUFFER:  A nude Programmer.
BUFFERS = 20, FILES = 15,  2nd program, 4th floppy, 5 Kbytes to go.
BUFFERS=20 FILES=15 2nd and 6 on the 45 yard line
BUFFERS=30 FILES=27 4th Quarter, 15 MHz left.
BUFFERS=7 FILES=5, 2nd Down, 4th quarter, 5 yards to go!
BUFFERS=7 FILES=5, Who's on third? I don't know. WHAT?!
BUG (n.) An undocumented feature   FEATURE (n.) A documented bug.
BUGGERY..The collecting of insects
BUGLESS PROGRAM (n): see: Abstract Theoretical Concept.
BUGS???? I'll get them ... STOMP!
BUGS???? I'll get them....STOMP!
BUICK           Big Ugly Import Car Killer
BUICK           Butt-Ugly; It Can Kill
BUICK: Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer
BUICK: Butt Ugly, It Could Kill.
BUILDING INSPECTORS do it under the table
BUILT TO PRECISION TOLERANCES [Trans: We finally got it to fit together]
BULLDOZER: One who sleeps through political speeches.
BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM:  High tech graffiti walls.
BULLETIN FROM FLORIDA:  Ted Bundy quit smoking this week!
BULLETIN! Government UFO coverup. No film at eleven.......
BULLETIN: The description of a loaded gun.
BULLFIGHTER: 1 little man against a 1/2ton of pissed off POT ROAST!
BULLFIGHTER: Little man VS. 1/2 Ton of PISSED OFF beef.
BULLITT for President: Leadership with an attitude.
BULLITT:  Commanding General of the Army of Ignorance.
BULLITT: All that is, is Orville; Orville is all that is.
BULLSHIT!  Just stop this thing!  I order you!
BULLY:  A person with more muscles and less brains than anyone else.
BUMPER SNICKER:  Drive carefully; Death kills!!
BUMPER STICKER:  Horn busted... Watch for finger.
BUNGEE NAKED! (>---====***-----*:)*---<
BUREAUCRACY: the vortex of taxpayers' money
BURGER CHEF. He's INCREDI-BURGABLE - Joel's super hero
BURGER WAR!!! - Beavis & Butthead
BURGLARS do it without protection
BURP hic up @#!^%*(*  My computer is drunk ...
BUS DRIVERS come early and pull out on time
BUS DRIVERS come early and pull out on time.
BUS DRIVERS come early and pull out on time.   
BUS DRIVERS do it in transit
BUSH.SYS corrupted, recommend optimizing politics.
BUSHNELL:  Creator of Heaven and Earth, Atmosphere and Atari.
BUSHPILOTS do it out of sight.
BUSHPILOTS do it out of sight.........
BUSINESSMEN screw you the best they can
BUSINESSMEN screw you the best they can.
BUSTER: "Say good night, Babs." BABS: "Good night, Babs."
BUSY   BUSY   BUSY   BUSY   BUSY   *@%!#&!
BUSY...   BUSY...   BUSY...   BUSY...  *@%!#&!
BUT BUT!  I'll go into toxic roadkill shock! - Janier
BUT!The legal implications IF you ever wind up in a co
BUT: Are you SURE you want to WRITE a Trek novel????
BUTCHERS have better meat
BUTCHERS have better meat.
BUTCHERS have better meat.   
BUTI: Blow Up Terminal Immediately
BUTTHENGE - [n] A pile of cigarette butts occupying a parking lot space.
BUTTNICK - [n] The crevice on an ashtray where the cigarette rests.
BUTTman: Sure would like to give him a swift kick in his!
BUURRP.... Must be a barge coming through..
BUY AMERICAN!    (This Tagline made in Japan)
BUY AMERICAN. (This recipe made in Japan.)
BUY AMERICAN. (This tagline made in Japan.)
BUY CANADIAN!    (This Tagline made in Japan)
BUY a Pentium-100 to play DOOM.
BU__ SH__ Texas is his home? Maine is his home? etc, ad nauseum.
BUbba shot the jukebox last night
BVS: Branch and Veer South
BW is the VW of off line readers, low price and top performance.
BW> Windows version...
BW>> of errors, Includeing not enought memory in system, Kinda
BW-PGP.BAT / BlueWave 2.12 / PGP 2.6.2
BW22_DOS.ZIP Date of registration: 09-14-95
BW: Branch on Whim
BW< Ferret tags,
BW< I need
BW< Uhh... guys.  I made some sort of mistake and lost a couple tagfile
BWABL: Bells, Whistles, And Blinking Lights
BWAVE and MS Works: A great off-line combo!
BWC: Branch When Convenient
BWF: Busy, Wait Forever
BWOP: BeWilder OPerator
BWQ                   BuzzWord Quotient
BWave 2.20 * Offline E-Mail from THE Cutting Edge
BWave = Blue Wave Taglines
BWave snags recipes.....not me!
BWave steals taglines.....not me!
BY THE GODS! I, Quigley, have killed men for less!
BY YALL: on a Porsche 911.
BYDS: Beware Your Dark Side
BYE BYE The Maestro.
BYE-BYE: on a Porsche 911 Turbo.
BYEBYE: Store in Write-Only Storage
BYMYHNY: Buy my honey, a beekeeper.
BYTE - Short for "BUY IT", usually in reference to peripherals
BYTE : What your friends put on you when you win Lotto.
BZR: Branch if piZza Ready
BZZZT!  Sorry, but wrong.  Thank you for playing!
B] SMILEY captioned for the humor impaired.
Ba-Ba-Black Sheep...do YOU count your "black sheep"?????
Ba-bye then. - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-daaa-dum.
Baaa! Baaa! -Henry  Oh,Edmund! It's the lying I find so hurtful.-Queen
Baaaaa! Baaaaa!  I think my RAM is lonely.
Baaaaadd Beast!  BAD!  BAD!  BAD!
Bab5's top 10 insults: Go french-kiss a Pak'Ma'ra!
BabCom News Flash: Minbari Religious Caste are Shaolin Priests
Bababooey! Bababooey!   -- Howard Stern
Bababooey. Bababooey.
Babaganouj is in da house!
Babalooey! Babalooey!
Babble on but a touch of writer's cramp will soon sort you out.
Babble sir?  I wasn't aware that I ever -babble- sir.
Babbling? :) OH, I'm sorry, you meant the Taglines.. <g> - Dire Wolf
Babe Ruth is dead, throw strikes.
Babe! I got you, Babe!
Babe, I couldn't leave you if I tried.
Babes are like roads.
Babes prefer hard disks to floppy ones.
Babes, mom. I gotta look cool - Calvin
Babies are a nice way to start people.
Babies are god's opinion that the world should go on.
Babies are such a nice way to start people.
Babies are the enemy of the human race. -- Isaac Asimov
Babies do it in their pants.
Babies don't sleep; they recharge!
Babies should not have to die by choice.
Babies who eat crayons download in Technicolor.
Babies: noisy at one end, irresponsible at the other.
Baboon, w/ football in hand, can we afFORD higher taxes!
Baby + Cute = trouble making sod.
Baby - A sound system.
Baby = A new acorn on the family tree.
Baby Bop - Bop that baby! From the nerf version of Jurassic Park.
Baby Bop to T-rex: Ooooo Ooooo I'm...*CHOMP!*
Baby Bop: What Barney does in his time off?
Baby Borg: Isn't he le cutest little thing?
Baby Borg: Isn't he the cutest little thing?
Baby Borg: Le cutest little thing you ever saw...
Baby I've been through it all before
Baby In the Gas Tank - By Who Pumped Ethel
Baby Oil.........The preferred choice of FL Singles!
Baby Philosophy - If it stinks, change it.
Baby Sitters: Girls you hire to watch your T.V.
Baby Sitters: Girls you hired to watch your TV!
Baby What Blue eyes you have, HEY, nice crysknife!
Baby baby, I need ya tonight.
Baby carriage bumper sticker:   "POO-POO HAPPENS!''
Baby conceived on back seat of car with automatic transmission
Baby dragon to Momma dragon: Can I play with it now? Huh huh? Please!
Baby likes to rock it like a boogie woogie choo-choo train.
Baby needs a new pair of shoes. - Data
Baby needs a new pair of shoes. --Data.
Baby not wanted: (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore
Baby oil does NOT come from squeezing dead babies.
Baby oil is NOT made by squeezing dead babies!
Baby oil is made by squeezing dead babies.
Baby on Board, Mom on Valium
Baby on Board, Mom on Valium.
Baby on board!
Baby on board. Just means five more points.
Baby philosophy:  If it stinks, change it...
Baby philosophy: If it stinks, change it!
Baby philosophy: If it stinks, change it.
Baby sitters:  girls you hire to watch your tv.
Baby steps to the Runabout.
Baby stork, "Mama, where did I come from?"
Baby stork, Mama, where did I come from?
Baby take your teeth out, it'll be fine. -- Frank Zappa
Baby take your teeth out, try it one time. -- Frank Zappa
Baby we can talk all night but that'll never change the way I feel.
Baby we can talk all night but that'll never change the way that I feel.
Baby we will never go back... and If love is real....
Baby! Baby! Baby! I killed that fat bar keep! -Joel wails
Baby! Baby! oo-ah oo-ah! Baby! Baby! oo-ah oo-ah!
Baby! Take it off!! - Crow as Jan in the Pan strips
Baby, I could buy you a beer.
Baby, I'm a' want you - Mike
Baby, I'm your's!
Baby, baby, baby, I fell from the sun. --The Cult.
Baby, can you dig yo' man? -- The Stand
Baby, can you dig your man?
Baby, don't look up, the sky is falling - Tori Amos
Baby, it's ok to talk with your mouth full...it tickles.
Baby, she's an Ocampa...we won't be married long!
Baby, sweetheart, would I lie to you?
Baby, we're getting outta here...
Baby, what you do!    William Holden
Baby, you're the key to my ignition.
Baby...         -- The Late Elvis Presley.
Baby:"Everybody talks to me like I'm an idiot."
Babylon 4 disappeared shortly after completion.
Babylon 5 -- Only the Amiga makes it possible!
Babylon 5 founded (Dawn of the Third Age of Mankind)
Babylon 5 is a Babylonian Production
Babylon 5 is coming on, Tim.  Got your popcorn and hankies ready?
Babylon 5 is declaring its independance from the Earth Alliance.
Babylon 5 is open for business.
Babylon 5 is open for business. - Laurel Takashomi
Babylon 5 is our last, best hope for Spoo.
Babylon 5 is the last of the Babylon stations.
Babylon 5 might try your concentration but the rewards seem greater!
Babylon 5 or bust!
Babylon 5 rule #2: NO ONE is what they seem...
Babylon 5 was a dream given form--B5.
Babylon 5 was a dream given form.
Babylon 5 was on last night - TV's Frank
Babylon 5 was our last best hope for decent sci-fi television.
Babylon 5 was our last, best hope for peace.
Babylon 5 was our last, best hope for peace; a dream given form.
Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations.
Babylon 5, The last best hope for a quick buck. --Ivanova.
Babylon 5, What a show! Trek has competition now!
Babylon 5---Our last, best hope for television SF.
Babylon 5. -  It is definatly NOT StarTrek.
Babylon 5:  A science fiction show that *knows* where it's going!
Babylon 5:  Casablanca in Space
Babylon 5:  Casablanca in space.
Babylon 5:  Humanity's last, best hope for peace.
Babylon 5:  Our last, best hope for television sci-fi.
Babylon 5: A science fiction show that KNOWS where it's going!
Babylon 5: Casablanca in Space
Babylon 5: Humanity's last, best hope for peace
Babylon 5: Our last, best hope for TV Science Fiction.
Babylon 5: a port of call for diplomats and pissed-off Trek writers.
Babylon 5:A science fiction show that KNOWS where it's going
Babylon 5?  I could have had a V8!
Babylon will fall, this place will be destroyed.
Babylon's 1 through 3 were sabotaged and destroyed.
Babylon's 1-3 were sabotaged and destroyed.
Babylon-5: a Shining beacon in the night.
Babylon5: the Best show on tv!!
Babylonomoly : An error or anomoly on Babylon 5
Babylons 1 through 3 were sabotaged and destroyed.
Babysitters charge by the hour.
Babysitting: Hostage care.
Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune. - Guiseppe Garibaldi
Bach did it with his organ.
Bach did it with the organ.
Bach is like a jetstream -if you can get on it, you soar!
Bachelor - a man who Mrs. no one ??
Bachelor rules for cooking:  Brown=cooking, Black=done.
Bachelor's All Purpose Cookbook:  Microwave on High until Hot!
Bachelor's wives and spinster's children: always perfect.
Bachelor, n.  A man whom women are still sampling.
Bachelor...a person with no subdirectories in his root system.
Bachelor:  A guy who is footloose and fiancee-free.
Bachelor:  A man who has cheated a woman out of a divorce
Bachelor:  A man who never makes the same mistake once.
Bachelor:  A man whom women are still sampling.
Bachelor:  Guy who has cheated a woman out of a divorce.
Bachelor:  One Who Avoids Bride-Eyed Women.
Bachelor:  One Who Believes In Wine, Women And So-Long.
Bachelor:  One who never Mrs. a girl.
Bachelor:  One who never makes the same mistake once.
Bachelor:  One who never makes the same mistake once...
Bachelor:  One who's footloose and fiance free...
Bachelor:  One who's footloose and fiancee free.
Bachelor:  the only man who never lies to his wife.
Bachelor: A guy who has cheated a woman out of a divorce.
Bachelor: Guy who has cheated a woman out of a divorce.
Bachelor: One who never Mrs. a girl.
Bachelor: One who never makes the same mistake once.
Bachelor: One who's footloose and fiance free.
Bachelor: One who's footloose and fiancee free.
Bachelor: Plays the field until the field comes in.
Bachelor: footloose and fiancee free.
Bachelor: one who is footloose & fiance free!
Bachelor: one who's footloose and fiancŠ free.
Bachelor: plays the field until the field comes in.
Bachelor: the only man who has never told his wife a lie.
Bachelorhood should be taxed, such happiness is valuable.
Bachelors have consciences, married men have wives.
Bachelors wives & Spinsters children are always perfect.
Bachelors wives and old maids children are always perfect
Bacili smo krizu na plecaradnika!!!
Back Off, Man! - Ren.
Back Row Of The Orchestra: Clara Nett
Back Row Of The Orchestra: Clara Nett*
Back Up Mah Hard Roll?  I Can't Find De Reverse Switch.  Yo' Man!!
Back Up My Hard Drive?  Is this a stick shift?
Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch!
Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse.
Back Up My Hard Drive? I don't have a license yet!
Back Up My Hard Drive? Is this a stick shift?
Back Up My Hard wot ?
Back Up my Hard Drive? ...I can't find Reverse!
Back Up, Not Down.
Back at ya......
Back away slowly! - Tom to Crow as Mike wears dress
Back away slowly. --Ivanova.
Back burners not fully operating.
Back by popular demand: Snow White and the Seven White Russians.
Back down to you, Dr. Florentine - Mike to Dr. Forrester
Back down to you, Subterranean Doughy Guys! -Mike to mads
Back fence: shortest distance between two gossips...
Back from the shadows again ...
Back in my day I had to use EDLIN, and was happy about it!
Back in my day I had use to use EDLIN, and was happy about it!
Back in the saddle again.   Shut up, bard.
Back in the saddle again...
Back off buddy or the reindeer won't be the only one with a red nose!
Back off man!  Don't make me use this!
Back off man! I'm a programmer...
Back off man, I'm a scientist. - Bill Murray, Ghostbusters.
Back off man...I'm a scientist.
Back off me, man! I can do eet... - Ren Hoek
Back off on the coffee when you can't even hold the cup anymore.
Back off on the coffee when you can't even hold the cup.
Back off!  I'm a Goddess!
Back off, back off or I'll turn your son into a flaming torch! - Lore.
Back off, man ... I'm a scientist!
Back off, man. I'm a scientist.
Back off, pardner! I have a twit filter and I'm not afraid to use it.
Back off.  I'm a Goddess!!!
Back on Earth, I heard things. --Frost.
Back the Metric System every inch of the way!
Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now.
Back then everyone drove a boss machine - Tom
Back then i couldn't do the things that i can do now -- NIN
Back to "Men With Little Pants" - Tom
Back to livin' Floridays, blue skies & ultraviolet rays.
Back to reality....now where exactly did I put it.....
Back to taxation without representation..
Back to taxation without representation...
Back to the drudgery that is your life - Tom Servo
Back to the exciting Tuna Store - Mike
Back to you, Mitchell - Dr. Forrester to Mike
Back to you, Nelson - Dr. Forrester
Back up my hard Drive? Is this a stick shift?
Back up my hard disk?  I can't find the reverse switch!
Back up my hard disk?  Is this a 4 or a 5 speed??
Back up my hard disk? All 10 Meg?
Back up my hard disk? I can't even find the reverse gear!
Back up my hard disk? I can't find the reverse switch!
Back up my hard disk???  It has a REVERSE???
Back up my hard drive?  I can't find the reverse switch!
Back up my hard drive? - Always will in future!!!
Back up my hard drive? And what, run over something?
Back up my hard drive? I can't find the Reverse switch!
Back up my hard drive? REAL men don't make back-ups!
Back up to you, Margo - Dr. Forrester to Mike
Back up to you, Merv - Dr. Forrester to Mike
Back up, nah, forward, forever forward me laddies!
Back up.... But look first
Back when I was a boy, we carved our own IC's out of wood
Back when I was a boy, we carved our own ICs out of wood.
Back when I was yer age.. Wait.. I'm not there yet..
Back when undergarments had NO erotic appeal - Tom
Back-scratched by cutie with very long nails:  R-E-L-I-E-F
Back-up My Hard drive ?? I can't find the reverse switch !
Back-up My Hard drive ?? I can't find the reverse switch!
Backatcha! Watch out for incoming water balloons!!!   SPLAATTT!!! <GG>
Backdraft - A rush of wind you never want to experience!
Background here is really a lo-tech .bmp
Backing Up Drive C:...<beep>...<beep>...<beep>...<beep>..
Backing Up Drive C:...<beep<...<beep<...<beep<...<beep<..
Backing into a fan, the firefly was delighted to no end!
Backing up does not cause severe tire damage...
Backing up is an acquired taste; after a crash
Backing up is an acquired taste; after a crash.
Backing up my airplane... <beep>... <beep>... <beep>...
Backpacker's nightmare: 1 week on trail & last butane bottle expires
Backpacker's nightmare: Bear with insomnia
Backpacker's worst nightmare:  choking on dehydrated meal packet.
Backsliding starts when kneebending stops.
Backstabbing a skeleton doesn't work.
Backup !?!?!?! I thought *YOU* did the backup!
Backup - Opposite of forward.
Backup Initiated:  Insert disk 1 of 1362.
Backup Not Found: (A)bort (R)etry (B)uy a new computer
Backup Not Found: A)bort, R)etry, C)ry
Backup Not Found: A)bort, R)etry, Y)ell profanity in several languages?
Backup Not Found: A)bort, R)etry, Y)ell rofanity in several languages?
Backup aborted:  Please remove disk #92 and start over.
Backup aborted:  Remove disk #92 and start over.
Backup aborted: Please remove disk #92 and start over
Backup aborted: Please remove disk #92 and start over.
Backup aborted: Remove disk #92 and start over
Backup corrupted: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic (H)ammer
Backup is for whimps!
Backup is for wimps! SMART wimps!
Backup is irrelevant, your C drive will be assimilated.
Backup my Hard Disk? I did, right after I bought it.
Backup my hard disk? I can't even find the reverse switch!
Backup my hard disk? I can't find the reverse switch!
Backup my hard drive, I can't find reverse!
Backup my hard drive-- where is the clutch?
Backup my hard drive?  I can't even find reverse!
Backup my hard drive?  I can't find reverse!
Backup my hard drive?  Where's reverse?
Backup my hard drive? I can't even find reverse!
Backup my hard drive?! I can't find the reverse switch!
Backup niet gevonden. (H)erhaal (P)aniek (E)migreer (W)erkeloos?
Backup no encontrado ! : (R)eintento, (P) nico ?
Backup no encontrado ! : (R)eintento, (P) nico ?
Backup no encontrado!: (R)eintento, (P)anico ?
Backup not found - (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)lap Nearest Innocent Bystander
Backup not found!  A)bort, R)etry or P)anic?
Backup not found!  So buy a tape drive!
Backup not found! (A)bort  (R)etry  (F)ail  Aww Hell!
Backup not found! (A)bort (B)ackup (F)orget it!
Backup not found! A)bort, R)etry, or P)anic?
Backup not found--(A)bort (R)etry (S)lap nearest innocent bystander
Backup not found.  (A)bort, (R)etry, (B)ribe - I take VISA
Backup not found.  Want a gun or sleeping pills?
Backup not found. A)bort, R)etry, S)oil pants?.
Backup not found. Want a gun or sleeping pills?
Backup not found... (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
Backup not found....(A)bort (R)etry (S)oil pants
Backup not found:  <A>bort <R>etry <M>assive heart failure?
Backup not found:  (A)bort  (R)etry  (P)anic
Backup not found:  (A)bort (P)anic (D)iarrhea.
Backup not found:  (A)bort (R)etry (M)assive heart failure?
Backup not found:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
Backup not found:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)eefirst
Backup not found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (T)hat should teach you a lesson!
Backup not found:  (P) Panic  (Any other key) Panic.
Backup not found:  (P) Panic (Any Other Key) Panic.
Backup not found:  (S)cream (S)cream (S)cream
Backup not found:  (a)bort (r)etire (p)eefirst
Backup not found:  I might as well kill myself now...
Backup not found: <A>bort <P>anic <D>iarrhea.
Backup not found: <A>bort <R>etry <C>ommit HaraKiri
Backup not found: <A>bort <R>etry <C>ry
Backup not found: <A>bort <R>etry <D>etonate
Backup not found: <A>bort <R>etry <F>reak Out!
Backup not found: <A>bort <R>etry <P>eefirst
Backup not found: <A>bort <R>etry <P>unish Slave
Backup not found: <A>bort <R>etry <S>ell Computer
Backup not found: <A>bort <R>etry <S>hrug <P>anic
Backup not found: (A)bort  (R)etry  (P)anic!
Backup not found: (A)bort (B)ackup (F)orget it!
Backup not found: (A)bort (N)atch (S)atanic Message
Backup not found: (A)bort (P)anic (D)iarrhea
Backup not found: (A)bort (P)anic (D)iarrhea.
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (B)ang your head
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (B)end Over?
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (B)ubbles (G)rinning
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (C)ommit HaraKiri
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (C)ry
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (D)etonate
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (D)ownload new twit list
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (E)ject into toilet
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (E)xterminate Bill Gates
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)#@K it!
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)LO-BEE
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ail Aww Heck!
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ire phasers
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)latulate
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)orget It
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)reak Out!
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)uck it!
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (G)o Fishing (Y)odel (W)orship Goat.
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (G)o for a beer
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (K)addish
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (K)ill
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (K)ill something
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (L)ick eyebrows
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (M)assive heart failure?
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (O)ld Joke
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic (C)all in sick
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic (C)hange underwear
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic`
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)enuin
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)eriod
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)et the cat
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)ot of strong tea
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)ray to St. Jude
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)retend it didn't happen
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)ull finger
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)unish Slave
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)unt
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)ell Computer
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)eppuku
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)hoot nearest innocent bystander.
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)hoot the damn thing! -=-
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)hrug (P)anic
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)it shiva
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)lap Nearest Innocent Bystander
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)ledgehammer
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)mash Monitor
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)oil pants
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)pank user
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)top spinning
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (T)hrowup
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (T)wit it?
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (Y)ell at Bryce Lynch
Backup not found: (A)bort, (P)anic, (D)iarrhea.
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etire, (P)eefirst
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)ommit HaraKiri
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)etonate
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)ownload new twit list.
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (E)xplosives
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail Aww Hell!
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ire phasers
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)reak Out!
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (G)o for a beer.
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)ncontinence
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (M)assive heart failure?
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic, <O>h &*%$|+@!
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic, (S)oil pants
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)unish Slave
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ell Computer
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)hrug, (P)anic
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)it shiva
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)lap nearest innocent bystander.
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ledge-o-matic
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)oil pants
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)uicide
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (U)zi
Backup not found: (P) Panic (Any Other Key) Panic
Backup not found: (P)anic, (S)uicide, (K)ill bystanders
Backup not found: (S)o? (R)emain Calm (D)estroy computer
Backup not found: (S)o? (R)emain Calm (D)estroy terminal
Backup not found: (S)uspend (G)uru
Backup not found: (a)bort (r)etire (p)ee first
Backup not found: (a)bort (r)etire (p)eefirst
Backup not found: (a)bort (r)etry (p)anic (c)ryalot
Backup not found: (a)bort (r)etry (p)anic (s)uicide
Backup not found: (a)bort (r)etry (s)it sheba
Backup not found: (a)bort (r)etry (s)it shiva
Backup not found: (a)bort (r)etry (u)rinate
Backup not found: (p) Panic (Any other key) Panic
Backup not found: A)bort, R)etry, M)assive heart failure?
Backup not found: Abort, Retry, Beat computer to a pulp?
Backup not found: Abort, Retry, Massive heart failure?
Backup not found: I might as well kill myself now.
Backup not found: I might as well kill myself now...
Backup not found: I might as well kiss my a$$ goodbye ...
Backup not found:(A)bort (R)etry (D)ownload new twit list
Backup not found:(A)bort (R)etry (O)live oil
Backup not found;Hard Drive Dead;Time to take a valium
Backup religiously -- Pray you don't lose anything
Backup your HD - you don't have enough road for 88mph
Backup! He's got a magnet!!!
Backup: Opposite of forward.
Backup?  I haven't lost my data; it's still in the library somewhere!
Backup?  I've never had troub**&{[} 3$$ERROR
Backup?  What Backup?
Backup? I haven't lost my data; it's still in the library somewhere!
Backup? What Backup?
Backup? Why Backup? - OH NO!!!!!
Backups are for whimps!
Backups are for wussies! -- Oliver Wendell Jones
Backups are irrelevant, your hard drive will be assimilated.
Backups is for whimps!
Backups?  We doan *NEED* no steenking baX%^~,VbKx    NO CARRIER
Backups?  We doan *NEED* no steenking baX%^~,VbKx NO CARRIER
Backups?  We don' *NEED* no steenking baX%^~,VbKx.
Backups?  We don't need no stinkin' backupooops.
Backups? We don' *NEED* no steenking baX%^~,VbKx.
Backups? We don' *NEED* no steenking backups.
Backups? We don' *NEED* no stinking baX%^~,VbKx.
Backups??  Why, when we have the Air Force.
Backus' Law: The water is always one inch over your boot tops.
Backward masking for 'Buddy Ebsen has Salmonella' - Tom Servo
Backward ran sentences 'til reeled the mind.
Backwards moving is time feeling the get you do?
Backwards speak to used I! ... Damn! ... Again go I there! - Yoda
Bacon & eggs - Hens are involved but pigs are commited.
Bacteria (def.) - back door of a cafeteria.
Bacteria -- back door of cafeteria
Bacteria acts more intelligent than human beings
Bacteria acts more intelligent than some human beings
Bacteria is the only culture that some people will ever have.
Bacteria, n.: the only culture some people have.
Bacteria:  Back door to a cafeteria.
Bacteria:  Lunchroom for chiropractors.
Bacteria:  The rear portion of the cafeteria.
Bacteria:  The rear portion of the cafeteria...
Bacteria:  the only culture some people have.
Bacteria: Back door of a cafeteria
Bacteria: Back door to a cafeteria.
Bacteria: Lunchroom for chiropractors.
Bacteria: Rear entrance to a cafeteria.
Bacteria: The only culture some people have.
Bacteria: The rear portion of the cafeteria!
Bacteriology Lab: STAPH ONLY!
Bad Advertising:  Jack Kevorkian Life Insurance Company.
Bad Advertising:  Nancy Kerrigan Camp for Good Sportsmanship.
Bad Advertising:  The Donald Trump School of Business.
Bad Advertising:  The Grace Kelly Driving School.
Bad Advertising:  The Natalie Wood Swimming School.
Bad Advertising:  The Rodney King School of Behavior Management.
Bad Advertising:  The Tonya Harding School of Competition
Bad Advertising:  The William Shatner School of Acting.
Bad Advertising: Adolph Hitler Kosher Products.
Bad Advertising: Aldrich Ames Home Security System.
Bad Advertising: Be The Bobbitts Home Game.
Bad Advertising: Bill Clinton Dominant Male Guide.
Bad Advertising: Dahlmer Gourmet Meat Shoppe.
Bad Advertising: Dan Quayle Edition Hooked On Phonics.
Bad Advertising: David Duke Jheri Curl System.
Bad Advertising: Delta Burke Diet System.
Bad Advertising: Donald Trump School of Business
Bad Advertising: Grace Kelly Driving School.
Bad Advertising: J.S. Bach Planned Parenthood Center.
Bad Advertising: JFK School of Self-defense.
Bad Advertising: Jack Kevorkian Life Insurance Company.
Bad Advertising: Jeffrey Dahlmer Cookbook/Dissection Kit.
Bad Advertising: Jim Morrison Bathtub Kit.
Bad Advertising: Joan Crawford Day Care Center.
Bad Advertising: KKK Bed Sheets.
Bad Advertising: Karen Carpenter Diet Clinic.
Bad Advertising: Kennedy Bulletproof Vests.
Bad Advertising: Klaus Von Buelow Pharmaceuticals.
Bad Advertising: Klaus Von Buhlo Pharmaceuticals.
Bad Advertising: Kojak's Barber Shop.
Bad Advertising: Koresh's Bar-B-Q pit.
Bad Advertising: Leona Helmsley Tax Guide.
Bad Advertising: Leona Helmsly Tax Guide.
Bad Advertising: Manuel Noriega Skin Care System.
Bad Advertising: Marie Antoinette Bakery.
Bad Advertising: Marlboro Running Team.
Bad Advertising: Marlee Matlin Home Stereo Systems.
Bad Advertising: Michael Jackson Child Care Center.
Bad Advertising: Nancy Kerrigan Camp for Good Sportsmanship.
Bad Advertising: Natalie Wood Swimming School.
Bad Advertising: Pee Wee Herman Movie Theater.
Bad Advertising: Pee Wee Herman Theater Guide.
Bad Advertising: River Phoenix Night Club Guide.
Bad Advertising: Rob Lowe Teen Dating Center.
Bad Advertising: Rodney King School of Behavior Management.
Bad Advertising: Roman Polanski Home for Child Stars.
Bad Advertising: Rooney Marriage Clinic.
Bad Advertising: Rush Limbaugh Home Fitness Center.
Bad Advertising: Rush Limbaugh abortion clinic.
Bad Advertising: Ted Kennedy Driving Academy.
Bad Advertising: The Delta Burke Diet System.
Bad Advertising: The James Taylor Guide To Happiness.
Bad Advertising: The Over-The-Counter Impotence Cure.
Bad Advertising: The Roseanne Barr Playboy.
Bad Advertising: The Schindler's List Coloring Book.
Bad Advertising: Tonya Harding Camp for Competitive Ice Skating.
Bad Advertising: Tonya Harding School of Competition.
Bad Advertising: William Holden Liquor Store.
Bad Advertising: William Shatner's School of Acting.
Bad Advertizing:  The Leona Helmsley School of Tax Preparation.
Bad Advertizing:  The Pee-wee Herman Advanced Sexuality Course.
Bad Borg Bad Borg  Whatcha gonna do when they assimilate you...
Bad Borg Bad Borg Watcha gonna do when they assimilate you?
Bad Borg, Bad Borg, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Bad Borg, Bad Borg.  What ya gonna do when they assimilate you?
Bad Borg, Bad Borg. Watcha gonna do when they assimilate you?
Bad Borg,Bad Borg, whatcha gonna do when they come 4U?
Bad Breath is bad ! But - It beats NO breath at all !
Bad CRC or Checksum Recieved.   SEEYA!!!!!!
Bad CRC.  BAD CRC!  Go up to your room and wait until I call for you!
Bad CRC.  Bad CRC!  Go up to your room!
Bad Case #12: Nostalgia buff with amnesia.
Bad City, Arizona - Crow on movie
Bad Cluster:  Bloc Quebecois Party.
Bad Cluster: Republican Party
Bad Command or FIlename. Or maybe @FN@ screwed up!
Bad Command or FIlename. Or maybe Orville screwed up!
Bad Command or File Name. Go and stand in the corner!
Bad Command or Filename.  Or maybe you screwed up.
Bad Command or Filename. Or maybe He  screwed up!
Bad Command or Filename...It's all @N@'s fault!
Bad Command or Filename...It's all Orville Bullitt's fault!
Bad Command or Filename...It's all Ron Janorkar's fault!
Bad Command!  Bad, Bad Command!  Sit!  Staaaaay...HEEELLLPPP!!!
Bad Command!  You'll have to have a timeout until you can behave.
Bad Command! Bad Bad Command! Sit Command! SIT...STAY!!
Bad Command! Bad, Bad Command! Sit! Staaaaay
Bad Command:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (T)ake RAM hostage?
Bad Command: (A)bort (R)etry (T)ake RAM hostage
Bad Command: [A]bort [R]etry [S]hove foot up COM port
Bad Command:(A)bort (R)etry (T)ake RAM hostage
Bad Cow Jokes: Terry Bull
Bad Cow Jokes: Terry Bull(8)
Bad Credit?  No Credit?  No Problem.  No Money?  Problem.
Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem.  No Money? Problem.
Bad Credit? No Problem! - No Money? Problem!
Bad DM Quote: "'Spontaneous Decompression' is a spell?"
Bad DM Quote: "A *PACK* of Tarrasques?"
Bad DM Quote: "Are we all being disintegrated, or is it just me?"
Bad DM Quote: "But I thought a 25 Str was the maximum!"
Bad DM Quote: "But I'm *already* dead!"
Bad DM Quote: "But the A-bomb hasn't been invented yet!"
Bad DM Quote: "Each of the kobolds has a 'Wand of Orcus'?!?"
Bad DM Quote: "Exactly what is a 'pantheon', and why is it mad at me?"
Bad DM Quote: "Fighters can't use edged weapons?"
Bad DM Quote: "He hits and...I'm gonna need more dice..."
Bad DM Quote: "How did mecha get into the dungeon?"
Bad DM Quote: "I didn't even know Zeus was mad at me!"
Bad DM Quote: "I didn't know Arch-Devils travelled in groups..."
Bad DM Quote: "I didn't think *ANYTHING* did 40-400 hp damage..."
Bad DM Quote: "I missed with a natural 20?"
Bad DM Quote: "I never heard of a 'sword of party member slaying'"
Bad DM Quote: "I never heard of a `word of party member slaying'"
Bad DM Quote: "I never knew Tiamat had so many twin sisters..."
Bad DM Quote: "I think a mace is a blunt weapon, not a spray..."
Bad DM Quote: "In a first level dungeon?  It HAS to be a gas spore!"
Bad DM Quote: "No, seriously, how much damage did I take?"
Bad DM Quote: "So this troll is regenerating our fire damage?"
Bad DM Quote: "That's okay.  The spikes broke his fall"
Bad DM Quote: "That's one tough kobold..."
Bad DM Quote: "Tinker gnomes invented the machine gun?"
Bad DM Quote: "We should have become farmers."
Bad DM Quote: "We were surprised by a 55' dinosaur in an empty field?"
Bad DM Quote: "You don't use saving throws?"
Bad DM Quote: "`Spontaneous Decompression' is a spell?"
Bad DM Quote: A *PACK* of Tarrasques?
Bad DM Quote: Are we all being disintegrated, or is it just me?
Bad DM Quote: But I thought a 25 Str was the maximum!
Bad DM Quote: But I'm *already* dead!
Bad DM Quote: But the A-bomb hasn't been invented yet!
Bad DM Quote: Each of the kobolds has a 'Wand of Orcus'?!?
Bad DM Quote: Exactly what is a 'pantheon', and why is it mad at me?
Bad DM Quote: Fighters can't use edged weapons?
Bad DM Quote: He hits and...I'm gonna need more dice...
Bad DM Quote: How did mecha get into the dungeon?
Bad DM Quote: I didn't even know Zeus was mad at me!
Bad DM Quote: I didn't know Arch-Devils traveled in groups...
Bad DM Quote: I didn't know Arch-Devils travelled in groups
Bad DM Quote: I didn't think *ANYTHING* did 40-400 hp damage
Bad DM Quote: I missed with a natural 20?
Bad DM Quote: I never heard of a 'sword of party member slaying'
Bad DM Quote: I never knew Tiamat had so many twin sisters
Bad DM Quote: I think a mace is a blunt weapon, not a spray
Bad DM Quote: In a first level dungeon? It HAS to be a gas spore!
Bad DM Quote: No, seriously, how much damage did I take?
Bad DM Quote: So this troll is regenerating our fire damage?
Bad DM Quote: That's okay. The spikes broke his fall
Bad DM Quote: That's one tough kobold
Bad DM Quote: Tinker gnomes invented the machine gun?
Bad DM Quote: We should have become farmers.
Bad DM Quote: We were surprised by a 55' dinosaur in an empty field?
Bad DM Quote: You don't use saving throws?
Bad DM Quote:"Exactly what is a `pantheon', and why is it mad at me?
Bad DM!:  "Even after fudging it, you're all still dead!"
Bad DM!:  "Even after fudging it, you're still dead!"
Bad DM!:  "I didn't think *ANYTHING* did 40-400 hp damage..."
Bad DM!:  "I missed with a natural 20?"
Bad DM!:  "We were surprised by a 55' dinosaur in an empty field?"
Bad DM!:  "What do you mean I hit with negative damage?"
Bad DM!:  "You call a plasma grenade a WARNING?!?"
Bad DM!:  "You don't use saving throws?"
Bad DM!:  "`Spontaneous Decompression' is a spell?"
Bad DM!: All of the kobolds hit us, even with -5 AC *EACH*?!?
Bad DM!: Aren't Radiant Dragons only found in SPACE?
Bad DM!: I think a mace is a handheld weapon, not a spray...
Bad DM!: So this troll is regenerating our fire damage.
Bad DM!: We were surprised by a 55' dinosaur hiding in an empty field.
Bad DM!: What do you mean I missed with a natural 20?
Bad DM!:"Flaming Plasma Death" is a spell?
Bad DM!:"Spontaneous Decompression" is a spell?
Bad DM!:A *PACK* of tarrasques?!?
Bad DM!:A whole village of drow living in Evermeet... riiiight...
Bad DM!:All of the kobolds hit us, even with -5 AC *EACH*?
Bad DM!:Are we all being disintegrated, or is it just me?
Bad DM!:Are we all being disintergrated, or is it just me?
Bad DM!:Aren't Radiant Dragons only found in SPACE?
Bad DM!:But I'm already *DEAD*!
Bad DM!:But the A-bomb hasn't been invented yet!
Bad DM!:Can we PUH-LEASE use store bought modules from now on?
Bad DM!:Each of the kobolds has a `Wand of Orcus'?!?
Bad DM!:Enemy mages get no upper limit to their fireballs?
Bad DM!:Exactly what is a `pantheon'... and why is it mad at me?
Bad DM!:Fighters can't use edged weapons?
Bad DM!:Gee, thanx.  As if having two arms was challenging enough!
Bad DM!:He came back from the dead again -Darkwood
Bad DM!:He has a magic resistance of *WHAT*?!
Bad DM!:He hits, and... I'm gonna need some more dice!
Bad DM!:He's came back from the dead again -Darkwood
Bad DM!:Hey!  You're hogging the chips... What do you mean "I DIE??!?"
Bad DM!:How come that fireball only affects us and not the kobolds?
Bad DM!:How did BattleMechs get into this dungeon?
Bad DM!:How the hell's a GARGANTUA pursuing us in a 10' wide corridor?
Bad DM!:I didn't even know Zeus was mad at me.
Bad DM!:I didn't think *ANYTHING* did 40-400 points of damage...
Bad DM!:I don't think `100 Megaton Explosion' is a magic spell -Darkwood
Bad DM!:I don't think railguns have been invented yet.
Bad DM!:I missed with a natural 20?
Bad DM!:I never heard of a `sword of party member slaying.'
Bad DM!:I never know Tiamat has so many twin sisters...
Bad DM!:I think a mace is a hand held weapon, not a spray...
Bad DM!:I thought 25 STR was maximum?
Bad DM!:I thought Orcs had only 1 hit die?
Bad DM!:I was not aware that spells had a chance to backfire.
Bad DM!:In a first-level dungeon?  It has to be a gas spore!
Bad DM!:Just how many 30th level wizards are there in this village?
Bad DM!:No seriously, how much damage did I take?
Bad DM!:Not another god to fight!
Bad DM!:Put the Hand of Vecna in the bag with the rest of the artifacts!
Bad DM!:Since when is Gruumsh a wandering monster?
Bad DM!:So this troll is regenerating our fire damage.
Bad DM!:Swords and daggers are the only weapons available?!
Bad DM!:That's its 43rd attack, can we draw our swords now?
Bad DM!:That's okay, the spikes broke his fall.
Bad DM!:That's one tough kobold...
Bad DM!:Tinker gnomes invented Uzis?
Bad DM!:Until now, I didn't know arch-devils travelled in groups.
Bad DM!:WHAT?  A RIFTS Conversion book?  This is AD&D!!!
Bad DM!:We should have become farmers.
Bad DM!:We were surprised by a 55' dinosaur hiding in an empty field.
Bad DM!:What do you mean `Bend over if I want the magic sword'??
Bad DM!:You don't use saving throws?
Bad DM!:You're rolling *10D20* for random encounters!?
Bad DM!:_MDC_ damage dragons?  Oh boy...
Bad DM!:`Spontaneous Decompression' is a spell?
Bad DM: "That's okay, the spikes broke his fall..."
Bad DM: I never heard of a `sword of party member slaying.'
Bad DM: Swords and daggers are the only weapons available?!
Bad DM: That's its 43rd attack, can we draw our swords now?
Bad DM: There's no such thing as a sword +1/+8 vs. PCs!
Bad DM: What do you mean `Bend over if I want the magic sword'??
Bad DM: Who's this Cthulu, and why's he pissed at me?
Bad DM: You're rolling *10D20* for random encounters!?
Bad DM?  ME?  That goblin had EVERY right to be using a machinegun!!!
Bad DOS.  Bad, bad DOS.  Bad  DOS-ie !
Bad Day: The fortune teller refunds your money.
Bad Day: your wife greets you at the door in a nightie...on her way IN
Bad Day: your wife meets you at the door in a nightie. On her way IN!
Bad Dog! Don't chew the power cor!#$#$ NO TERRIER
Bad Dog! Don't chew the power cor!@!Phzzt!&$ NO TERRIER
Bad FAT means disk has high cholesterol?
Bad FAT?  My hard disk has high cholesterol?
Bad Fido.  Go fetch the messages you dropped.
Bad Gardeners: Wilt Plant
Bad Girl! Come sit on my face, I'm giving you a tongue-lashing!
Bad Girl: nothing but a good girl found out.
Bad Idea 1: Walk into a Star Trek Convention and shout "Spock Sucks!"
Bad Idea: Going alpine skiing in the summer.
Bad Investment: Les Riches
Bad News Travels Fast. Good News Takes the Scenic Route.
Bad Omens #4: Your chauffer is Toonces the Driving Cat.
Bad Pickup Lines: "Do they accept food stamps at this sports bar?"
Bad President Found (P)uke (I)mpeach (S)uffer.
Bad President Found (P)uke (I)mpeach (S)uffer......................
Bad Sci-Fi Tactic: "Let's let the *air* out!"
Bad Sci-Fi Tactic: "Let's unshield the *reactor*!"
Bad Spellers of the world uniet.
Bad TV don't make Bad Kids, Bad Parenting Does.
Bad Track 0, why can't you be more like Track 1?
Bad advice has consequences as well.
Bad boy, bad Boy, what ya gonna do when they come for you
Bad boys have more fun playing with bad girls! :-)
Bad carrot! BAD! BAD! - Crow on goofy looking monster
Bad case of CDD: Clue Deficiency Disorder
Bad command interpreter. Unable to load C: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic
Bad command or a liberal!  Go stand in the corner!
Bad command or file name - don't play with computers on display floor.
Bad command or file name!  Go stand in the corner.
Bad command or file name, you idiot!
Bad command or file name-Mommy not found ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Bad command or file name.   Go stand in the corner.
Bad command or file name.  Bad, bad command!  Sit!  Stay!  Staaaay...
Bad command or file name.  Go stand in the corner!
Bad command or file name.  Go stand in the corner.
Bad command or file name. Go sit in corner.
Bad command or file name. You have 2 wishes left.
Bad command or file name..STUPID!
Bad command or file name.THWAP<  No dinner for you tonight!
Bad command or filename - Hey! You're not my regular programmer. HELP!
Bad command or filename - do you REALLY know what you're doing?
Bad command or filename - get it right you dope!
Bad command or filename - now, what did you REALLY mean?
Bad command or filename - shall we try it just once more?
Bad command or filename - shall we try it once again, for the dummies?
Bad command or filename!  <THWAP!>  No dinner for you tonight!
Bad command or filename!  Go stand in the corner!
Bad command or filename.  Go stand in the corner.
Bad command or filename. Go stand in a corner.
Bad command or filename. Go stand in the corner
Bad command or recipe.
Bad command or tagline.
Bad command!  Baaaaaaaaad command!  No!  No!
Bad command!  Bad bad command!  Sit command!  SIT!!  STAY!!!
Bad command!  Bad, BAD command! Sit! Staaaaaay!
Bad command.  Bad, bad command!  Sit!  Stay!  Staaayyy!!!!
Bad command. Bad, BAD command! Sit! SIT!
Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay..
Bad command. Bad, bad command. Sit! Staaay....
Bad command: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)lace fist in screen.
Bad cop!  No donut!
Bad day! When your twin brother forgets your birthday.
Bad day! When your twin sister forgets your birthday.
Bad day.. my inflatable girlfriend exploded.
Bad day:  Birthday cake collapses under all the candles.
Bad day:  Smokey the Bear stamps out your birthday cake.
Bad day:  When the bird outside your window is a vulture.
Bad day:  When your income tax refund check bounces.
Bad day: "Transfer completed (5720468 bytes, 1 CPS)"
Bad day: "Transfer completed [5720468 bytes at 1 CPS]"
Bad day: A garden snail honks to pass on the freeway.
Bad day: Blind date turns out to be your ex-spouse.
Bad day: Everyone loves your drivers license photo.
Bad day: It only rains on your foursome.
Bad day: Kids put crazy glue in your Preparation H.
Bad day: Phone number on the restroom wall is yours.
Bad day: Smokey the Bear stamps out your birthday cake.
Bad day: Spouse is reading "Celibacy, The Secret Weapon."
Bad day: Spouse is reading a new book : "Celibacy. The Secret Weapon."
Bad day: Takes longer to get over sex than to have it.
Bad day: Takes more oil to fill your car than gas.
Bad day: The bird outside your window is a vulture.
Bad day: The blood pressure cuff explodes.
Bad day: The dog licks the mailman and bites you.
Bad day: The health inspector condemns your coffee maker.
Bad day: The milkman takes back full bottles to the truck.
Bad day: The moderator has you on his twit list.
Bad day: The priest confesses to you.
Bad day: The spare is flat when you have a blowout.
Bad day: They avoid you the day after the office party.
Bad day: Transfer completed [5720468 bytes at 1 CPS]
Bad day: When Dad dates your steady.
Bad day: When Mom approves of the one you're dating.
Bad day: When airline food starts to taste good.
Bad day: When nothing you own is actually paid for.
Bad day: When people think you're 40...and you are.
Bad day: When the bird outside your window is a vulture.
Bad day: When the fortune teller refunds your money.
Bad day: When you notice dandruf...on your umbrella.
Bad day: When you put both contacts in the same eye.
Bad day: When you see a "60 Minutes" news team waiting in your office.
Bad day: When you wake up with your braces stuck together.
Bad day: When your boss tells you not to bother to take off your coat.
Bad day: When your horn sticks behind 32 Hells Angels.
Bad day: When your income tax refund check bounces.
Bad day: When your twin sister forgets your birthday.
Bad day: You are invited to a battle of wits and you feel defenseless.
Bad day: You borrow on your VISA to pay your MASTERCARD.
Bad day: You find out you're allergic to chocolate chip cookies.
Bad day: You invite a peeping tom in...he says no.
Bad day: You see a "60 Minutes" news team waiting in your office.
Bad day: You triple bogey the first hole and....
Bad day: You wake up dead.
Bad day: You're allergic to chocolate chip cookies.
Bad day: Your birthday cake collapses under all the candles.
Bad day: Your boss asks you for a raise in salary.
Bad day: Your bra fits better on backwards.
Bad day: Your drug case has to go baggage.
Bad day: Your lover calls out the name of her ex during sex.
Bad day: Your lover calls out the name of his ex during sex.
Bad day: Your lover calls the name of his ex during sex.
Bad day: Your lover calls the name of their ex during sex.
Bad day: Your mother-in-law comes to stay....
Bad day: Your pussy cat has a satisfied smile the next day.
Bad day: Your skirt is tucked in your panty hose at 11 a.m.
Bad day: Your sysop doesn't know you.
Bad day: Your tagline runs away and hides.
Bad day: Your tagline self-destructs.
Bad days in Christ beat good days anywhere!
Bad disks make good coasters.
Bad dog!  No biscuit!!
Bad dog! Don't chew on the power cor#$@!%  NO TERRIER
Bad dog! Don't chew the power cor..!# NO TERRIER
Bad dog! No biscuit!
Bad dog! No, don't bite that cabl*&%@$!#NO TERRIER
Bad fishing is better than the best work day
Bad girls drive fast and kiss slow... and drop carrier.
Bad girls drive fast and kiss......S-L-L-L-O-O-W-W-W-W!
Bad guys who are bad guys to the bad guysare actually good guys!
Bad habits?  I have nun.
Bad hair day is when you put your blow dryer on KILL!
Bad hair day.
Bad is never good until worse happens
Bad is never good until worse happens, as in plumbing.
Bad is never good until worse happens.
Bad judgement + experience + luck = good judgement.
Bad knee, gotta run - Pat Buchanan to his draft board
Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Bad luck is being run over by the welcome wagon.
Bad luck! Three on a match  - Crow as boys smoke cigarette
Bad marksmanship, the hunter groused. -Roy Bongartz
Bad mood this morning. Told my Rice Krispies to shut up!
Bad move, wearing that much metal, Destroyer! -- Polarity
Bad movie- you're soaking in it- MST3K
Bad movie?  You're soaking in it...
Bad news Dad, your polls are way down. --Calvin.
Bad news drives good news out of the media. - Lee Loevinger
Bad news mom, I sold my soul to the devil. - Calvin
Bad news, @OTO@.  I sold your soul to the devil.
Bad news, Dad.  Your polls are way down. - Calvin
Bad news, Dad. You polls are way down. -- Calvin
Bad news, Mom.  I sold my soul to the devil  -Calvin
Bad news. THESE are the good old days!
Bad odds?  Roll a 1D1.
Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote!
Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don't vote
Bad officials: elected by good citizens who fail to vote.
Bad or missing BEER.CAN. End universe? Y/y.
Bad or missing Miss America Interpreter.
Bad or missing REALITY.SYS  Load ANIMANIACS.SYS instead [Y/n]?
Bad or missing REALITY.SYS  Reboot universe?
Bad or missing SYSOP, free files in all areas and CDROMs.
Bad or missing Sysop, free files in all areas.
Bad or missing Sysop; begin download C:\*.* (Y/y)?
Bad or missing command interpreter.  Wonder what that means?
Bad or missing filename.  Spank it or find it.
Bad or missing keyboard - think F1 to continue.
Bad or missing mouse - Boot the Cat (Y/n)?
Bad or missing mouse driver - probable cat error.
Bad or missing mouse driver.  Spank the Cat? (Y/n)
Bad or missing mouse driver. Blame the cat? (y/n)
Bad or missing mouse driver. Spank the cat? (Y/n)
Bad or missing mouse driver. Spank the cat? (y/n)
Bad or missing mouse driver; Spank cat?  (Y/N)
Bad or missing sysop
Bad politicians are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
Bad politicians are elected by good citizens who don't vote.
Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote.
Bad print, bad sound, bad for you! - Dr. F on movie
Bad scrabble player: inconsonant with no vowel movement.
Bad spelers of teh word untie!
Bad spelers of the word, untie!
Bad spelers of the word, untie.
Bad spelers of tih word untie!
Bad spellers of the world ... UNTIE !!!
Bad spellers of the world untie.
Bad spellers of the world! Untie!
Bad spot on the disk.
Bad style destroys an otherwise superb program.
Bad subtitling sucks, but Carl Macek swallows...
Bad taste - a big plus if you're low on the food chain.
Bad taste is timeless...
Bad things happen to bad people too. But we don't care as much.
Bad times for virii ->
Bad times for virii -<
Bad waltzers are grasping at Strauss.
Bad weather is God's way of saying, "take the day off".
Bad weather reports are more often right than good ones.
Bad wolf, bad wolf...
Bad! Run POLITICALLY CORRECT before post? (y/n/Screw em)
Bad:  Your children are sexually active.  Worse:  With each other.
Bad:  Your wife wants a divorce.  Worse:  She's a lawyer.
Bad: You find a porn movie in your son's room.  Worse: You're in it.
Bad: Your children are sexually active.  Worse: With each other.
Bad: Your husband's a crossdresser.  Worse: He looks better than you.
Bad: Your son's involved in Satanism.  Worse: As a sacrifice.
Bad: Your wife wants a divorce.  Worse: She's a lawyer.
Bad: Your wife's arrested for soliciting.  Worse: She implicates you.
Bad: Your wife's leaving you.  Worse: For another woman.
Bad: Your wife's leaving you.  Worse: To enter a convent.
Bada bean, we're living in Deep 13! - Mads sing
Badches?  We don't need no steenkin' badches!
Badday: When you call suicide prevention and they put you on hold!
Baden Powell said, "Train them, trust them and let them lead."
Badgers?  We don't need no stinkin' badgers!
Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!
Badgers?!  We don't need no stinkin' badgers!
Badgers?!?!? We don need no steenking badgers!
Badges..........We don't need no stinking badges!!!!
Badges?  We don't need no stinkin badges!
Badges? *WE* don't need any #$%&in' badges!
Badges? We don't got to show you no stinkin' badges! Or warrants!
Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!
Badminton.       The reason the lamb tastes off.
Baffle them with bovine defecation.
Baffled: New user looking for the "Any" Key to continue...
Bagdad in flames! Missles coming! Film at 11.
Bagel  (BAY-gul) n.  A hole surrounded by concrete.
Bagel bakers settle... Kneadless strike ends!
Bagel bakers settle...kneadless strike ends!
Bagels are made with love and a little cement.
Bagels, Lox, Cream Cheese  --  YUM YUM !!
Baggins! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it for ever!
Bagginses keep snagging our recipes, my preciousssss...
Bagginses keep stealing our taglines, my preciousssss...
Baghdad in flames! Missiles coming! Film at 11.
Baghdad in flames, missiles headed for Washington D.C., film at 11.
Baghdad is Arabic for molten glass!
Baghdad is Arabic for molten glass...
Bagpipe (n) - Put cat under arm, pull legs, chew on tail.
Bagpipe (n): Stuff cat under arm, pull legs and chew tail.
Bagpipe (n): ill wind that nobody blows good.
Bagpipe - What other instrument do you use your elbow to play?
Bagpipe - a flute built to government specs.
Bagpipe for free:  Stuff cat under arm, pull legs and chew tail.
Bagpipe for free: Stuff cat under arm. Pull legs, chew tail.
Bagpipe music - A soft caterwaul wafting through the air.
Bagpipe music - beats the accordian
Bagpipe music - beats the accordion.
Bagpipe, n. Stuff cat under arm; pull legs and chew tail.
Bagpipe: A VERY serious plumbing accident!
Bagpipe: A flute built to government specifications.
Bagpipe: Stuff cat under arm, pull legs and chew tail.
Bagpipe: Stuff cat under arm. Pull legs and chew tail.
Bagpipers do it and *still* get tae Scotland before ye.
Bagpipers do it with amazing grace...
Bagpipers do it with three chanters in the background.
Bagpipes are always a good reason for men to wear skirts.
Bagpipes are an 'outside' toy
Bagpipes are difficult to play; some people wish it was impossible.
Bagpipes do it excruciatingly.
Bagpipes, the only musical instrument with a driver's side air bag!
Bags and bags of ragged tags, collected by sexy ol' hags.
Bah Humbug, you little twit...%$#@& - NO MERRIER
Bah!  You've got no sense of humor...
Bah, Humbug! Don't post 'til next year. - Moderator Christmas greeting.
Bailiff! Whack Bob's peepee!
Bailiff! Whack HER peepee!
Bailiff! Whack his Orvilles peepee!
Bailiff! Whack his peepee!
Bailiff, whack his peepee!
Bailiffs always come to order.
Bains by Oxford, Body by beer!
Bair's Law: Fuses never blow during daylight hours.
Bajor Hills 90210 - Dax's First Time, "I Awoke To See The Morn"
Bajor Hills 90210 - Kira teaches Sex Ed, "I Said: Put It On, NOW!"
Bajor Hills 90210-Dax's First Time:I Woke To See The Morn
Bajora Hills 90210 EP#24 Bashir & Dax on a date "Fecklar catches cold"
Bajora Hills 90210 EP#4 Kieko readies her first exams, Death Threats.
Bajora Hills 90210, EP#12: Changeling romance. "Odo Gets Mushy"
Bajoran bikers who refuse to wear earrings... on the next Oprah!
Bajoran independence...it won't happen overnight, but it WILL happen.
Bajorans and Cardies and Orbs, oh my!
Bajorans and PMS - A lethal combination. Quark
Bajorans don't give good ear - they give good piece of mind.
Bajorans don't like it when you yank their chains.
Bajorans excel in everthing but plastic surgery
Bajorans may follow the Prophets, but Ferengi follow the PROFITS!!
Bajorans prefer crinkle-cut potato chips.
Bajorans revere the prophets; Ferengi revere the profits.
Bajorans worship Prophets.  Ferengi worship profits.
Bajorans' sunglasses never slip down their noses.
Bake 350 degrees for 30 minutes - cat should be flaky but not too done
Bake 350 for 40 minutes - cat should be flaky, not tough.
Bake at 325*F for 40 minutes. The cat should be flaky when done.
Bake at 350 for 40 minutes - cat should be flaky, not tough.
Baked beans - the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving and
Baked beans are off!
Baked by little elves in a hollow tree.
Baked with little elves in a hollow tree.
Baker's Byroad:  When you are over the hill, you pick up speed.
Baker's Law:  Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it.
Baker's dozen:  Twelve of today's donuts...one of yesterday's.
Baker, Swaggart...Only 3 To Go!
BakerDos 4.0: (O)ffer a jelly baby; (C)onfuse 'em; (S)earch pockets
Bakers DO IT for the dough.
Bakers do it after they grease it.
Bakers do it but you have to give them flours first.
Bakers do it for the dough.
Bakers good luck charm: a four-loaf cleaver.
Bakers knead it daily.
Bakers knead it daily. (And so do I)
Bakery:  "Cakes 66`   -   Upside-down cakes 99`"
Baking motto:  I knead more dough!
Bakker.  Swaggart.  Only 4 to go!
BalamerLingo: Droodle...Park that houses the zoo.
BalamerLingo: Gubmint...government.
BalamerLingo: Quarr...sings in a church
BalamerLingo: Wrench"rinse" as in "wrench your hands in the zinc"
BalamerLingo: Zarrite?...is that right?
BalamerLingo: Zinc...sink
BalamerLingo: Zollaphone...xylophone
Balance equations for food. (out of work engineer holding sign)
Balance the budget - declare politicians a game species.
Balance the budget.  Declare politicians a game species!
Balance.         Something you lose if the bank pushes you.
Balanced Merge - Sex on a tightrope
Balanced News Story: Quote two liberals and give personal opinion.
Balanced budget? Show me someone who has a balanced budget!
Balanced diet: four pounds of chocolate with four pounds of cake.
Bald Eagle + Spotted Owl = Owl Gore
Bald is beautiful: (Personally verified)
Bald men don't waste hormones growing hair.
Bald men don't waste their hormones growing hair.
Bald spot?  No - solar panel for brain power
Bald spot?  No -- solar panel for brain power
Bald spot?  No!  It's a solar panel for a sex machine.
Bald spot? It's a solar panel for a sex machine.
Bald spot? No -- solar panel for brain power.
Bald spot? No! It's a solar panel for a sex machine.
Bald tribble: o
Bald-faced lie: Larry King claiming not taking political positions.
Bald:  Hairing Impaired.
Bald: follicularly challenged.
Bald: hairing impaired.
Bald?    No!    Follically deficient.
Baldar of Borg:  We will assimilate mass quantities!
Baldness = Solar panel for sex machine.
Baldrick for President. He has a cunning plan for '96!
Baldrick, have you been eating dung again?
Baldrick, this is Molly, an inexpensive prostitute.
Baldrick, whats that piece of cheese under your nose for?
Baldrick, you mustn't let me sleep all day, this woman charges by
Baldrik, that's because your breath comes straight from Satin's bottom
Baldy's Law:  Some of it plus the rest of it is all of it.
Ball Busters 'R' Us Inc.
Ball's in your court, Joel-- Dr. Forrester
Ballerinas DO IT with their toes.
Ballerinas do it in toe shoes and tutus.
Ballet dancers do it on tip-toe.
Ballet dancers do it with toes.
Ballmer & Gates voodoo dolls for sale: 1-800-KILL-WIN
Balloons and Government both require Hot Air to float
Balloons and Government both require Hot Air to float.
Balloons and government both need hot-air to float.
Balloons do not float, the earth is sinking.
Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets.
Ballpoint penguins; an endangered species.
Ballroom dancing ... a navel engagement without loss of semen.
Balls said the Queen, If I had them I'd be King.
Balls said the Queen,If I had them Id be King
Balls" said the Queen "if I had two, I'd be King"
Balonegna: The last slice of bologna that no one ever eats.
Balonegna: the last slice of bologna that no one ever eats.
Baloney:  An unvarnished lie laid on so thick you hate it.
Bambi was Disney's first stag film.
Bamboo sweeps the stairs, but the dust is undisturbed.
Ban "assault" politicians!
Ban *ME* from Fidonet? That trick hasn't worked in almost 8 years.
Ban Assault Fertilizer now!
Ban Ignorance, Not Guns!
Ban files, bring on the echos!
Ban the Bomb - Save the world for swordplay.
Ban the Bomb! Save the world for swordplay!
Ban the Bomb!! Ban Jacque-ass Chirac!!!
Ban the bomb! Save the world for conventional warfare.
Ban the bomb.  Save the world for conventional warfare.
Ban the sale of arms to Venus de Milo!
Banana Jam?  Is this something to eat or a party game?
Banana pickers DO IT in bunches.
Banana pickers do it in bunches.
Bananas In Pyjamas CD superglued to drive tray   Delete children (Y/N) ?
Bananas do it in bunches.
Bananas don't have bones....
Bananas have appeal!
Bananas make great slippers!
Bananectomy: the removal of bruises on a banana.
Band members DO IT with rhythm.
Band members do it all night.
Band members do it in a parade.
Band members do it in front of 100,000 people.
Band members do it in public.
Band members do it in sectionals.
Band members do it on the football field.
Bandaid!!!...Damnit Jim, I'm a paramedic...er uh..oh..OK....
Bandile - The thin red strip one pulls to release a bandage.
Bandile: the thin red strip one pulls to release a bandage.
Bandit..Bandit...Bandit.  Yo' Man!!!.  Yo' Man!!
Bandits at 3 O'clock!  I haven't fuel to fly 2 more hours!
Bandwagon jumpers NOT welcome here!
Banectomy, n.: The removal of bruises on a banana.  -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"
Banectomy, n.: The removal of bruises on a banana. -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"
Banectomy:  The removal of bruises on a banana.  -- Rich Hall
Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Blame Blame Blame - Bang & Blame
Bang head on keyboard to continue...
Bang on the LEFT side of your computer to reset Windows.
Bang on the LEFT side of your computer to restart Windows
Bang on the LEFT side of your computer to restart Windows.
Bang your head! Metal Health will drive you mad! - QR
Bang!  Bob's dead!
Bang!  Christopher Thompson's dead!
Bang!  I'm dead!
Bang!  he's dead!
Bang! @N@'s dead!
Bang! Bob Morgan's dead!
Bang! I'm dead!
Bang! Orville Bullitt's dead!
Bang! goes the kanga off the bonnet of the van...
Bang, You're Dead!
Bangin' on the bongos like a chim-pan-zee
Banging head against wall mode - off.
Banging my head against the writing on the screen.
Banging my head against the writing on the wall
Bangs like a privy door when the plague's in town. -Black Adder
Banish me to Babbledegook! No, No! I DID my time!
Bank Robbers Are Easily Alarmed!
Bank Rule: To get a loan, first prove you don't need it.
Bank Rule: To get a loan, first prove you don't need it.
Bank error in your favor.  Collect $200.
Bank for virgins - Chaste Manhattan
Bank on God for a higher rate of interest.
Bank tellers do it with interest. Penalty for early withdrawal.
Bank tellers do it with interest. Penalty for early withdrawl.
Bankcard + ST Fanatic = Boldly owing what you've never owed before
Bankers DO IT with interest.
Bankers do it for money, but there is a penalty for early withdrawal.
Bankers do it for money, but there is a penalty for early withdrawl.
Bankers do it with interest.
Bankers' Hours: That part of the day when it is too hot to play golf.
Bankruptcy...assistance in settling huge credit bills
Bankrupture: A Fiscal Hernia.
Banned in 34 countries.
Banned in the USA!
Banned on Big Blue
Banning Liberals promotes free-speech!
Banquet at McDonalds: Tommy Ayk
Banquet at McDonalds: Tommy Ayk*
Baptism: A kind of damp bar mitzvah.
Baptist angels don't dance anywhere.
Baptists are better 'cause we're wetter! - G. Pharoah
Baptists do it under water.
Baptists don't have sex because it leads to dancing.
Baptists don't like to discuss their sex lies.
Baptists don't make love standing up.  It's too close to dancing.
Baptists hate Nazis as anti-Semitism is THEIR job.
Bar Chart: A list of places to go when it's Miller Time.
Bar code Tagline the latest in digital technology
Bar stool - what Davy Crockett stepped in.
Bar-B-Coup - When a relative commandeers the outdoor grill.
Bar: (n) What a Southerner hunts in the woods.
Barach's Rule: An alcoholic is a person who drinks more than his own physician.
Barbara Frum to Satan: "But are you bitter?"
Barbara Walters? Ugh...me prefer deer
Barbarian.       The man who cuts your hair.
Barbarians Do It In Bearskin
Barbarians do it with anything.  (As do orcs.)
Barbarism: it's a hairy business.
Barbarow's Motto: Don't fix the mistake--fix the blame.
Barbecue sauce? But looky what we've got! - Dr. Forrester
Barber, NC: it's illegal for a cat to fight a dog (or vice versa)
Barbers do it with Brylcream.
Barbers do it with Brylcreem.
Barbers do it with Bryll Cream.
Barbers do it with scissors.
Barbers do it with shear pleasure.
Barbie sat on Pinnocio's nose saying "lie, lie oh lie some more!"
Barbra Streisand has the hots for Bill Clinton.
Barbra Streisand-Clinton??? Could happen.
Barcathrottle - The wooden lever/gear shift on the side of a recliner
Barcissist - The person in every bar staring at himself in the mirror.
Barcissist: the person in every bar staring at himself in the mirror.
Barclay Burger:    (D-d-don't eat m-me, p-p-please!)
Barclay Burger:    (Don't eat me, please!)
Barclay Burger: D-d-don't eat m-me, p-p-please!
Bard 1:"Is he honest?" Bard 2:"As honest as you 'n I." Bard 1:"Uh oh."
Bard and Rasta Tagline Match...coming soon!
Bard is so old that he doesn't learn history.  He remembers it.
Bard's an incorrigible punster. Please don't incorrige him.
Bard, smard.  I want a fighter.
Bards Do It With A Song
Bards are beautiful
Bards do it for audiences.
Bards do it then make into a bawdy tale.
Bards do it to music
Bards do it to music.
Bards don't do it, they just sing about it.
Bards make good cannon fodder.
Bards make the best lays.
Barebear - A very worn teddy bear kept from childhood.
Barebear: A very worn teddy bear kept from childhood.
Bareil's dead Jim.  And Kai Winn says we're next!
Barely OS/2ing it
Barf and Produce The Liquid Laugh
Barf! <Slam> Always when I'm eating.
Barf! Not in HERE, mister! This is a MERCEDES!
Barf-O-Rama, new home game.
Barfbuffet - Airline flip-down trays.
Barfergnugen: Car Sickness in a Volkswagen.
Barfergnugen: car sickness in a Volkswagen.
Barfign*gen: Carsickness in a Volkswagen...
Barfignugen: Car Sickness in a Volkswagen.
Barfing dogs never bite
Barfinghnugin - The feeling you get from a Volkswagen.
Barfingnewgen: German Car Sickness.
Barfingnugen:  Getting car sick in a Volkswagen.
Barfscarf - An ugly tie.
Bargain Tagline (no message).
Bargain recipe (no message).
Bariel after Kira's vision: Was it as good for you as it was for me?..
Bariel in the arboretum swimming. Orville, her smile wide.
Bariel swimming in the arboretum..Gail, her smile wide...
Barium (def.) - when treatment fails.
Barium -- what doctors do when treatment fails
Barium. What you do if CPR fails.
Barium.... what you do when C.P.R. fails.
Barium............ What you do when C.P.R. fails.
Barium:  What doctors do when treatment fails
Barium:  What doctors do when treatment fails...
Barium:  What one does with a dead chemist.
Barium:  What one does with dead chemists.
Barium:  What you do if CPR fails.
Barium:  what you do with dead chemists.
Barium: What doctors do when the patient dies.
Barium: What doctors do when treatment fails.
Barium: What one does with a dead chemist.
Barium: What one does with dead chemists.
Barium: What to do with a dead man.
Barium: What you do if CPR fails.
Barium: What you do when CPR fails...
Barium: What you do when the patient dies.
Barium: What you do with dead chemists.
Barium: When treatment fails
Barium: what you do with dead chemists.
Barium=What doctors do when patients die.
Bark at the moon, Isstvan. - Tananda
Bark like a chicken!
Bark! Woof! Froinlaven! - Jerry Lewis (Animaniacs)
Barkeep! I'll have what the gentleman on the floor is having, please.
Barkeep, please freshen my date. -- Joel Robinson
Barking dogs sometimes bite.
Barking up the wrong directory tree? Have I missed the point?
Barmaids do it for tips.
Barman, three German beers, said Tom dryly.
Barn swallows, quite naturally, have very large mouths.
Barnch Davidians do it in a blaze of glory.
Barney & Friends - An adult's virtual reality trip through Jurassic Park
Barney & Friends - An adult's virtual reality trip through hell
Barney & Friends - An adult's virtual reality trip thru Jurassic Park
Barney & Friends-An adult's virtual reality trip through Jurassic Park
Barney & Friends-An adult's virtual reality trip thru Jurassic Park
Barney & Friends: A virtual reality trip through Jurassic Park.
Barney & Friends: An adult's virtual reality trip through Jurassic Park.
Barney (BAR-nee): 1. A well-known purple mutant eggplant from hell.
Barney (Bar-Knee) n. 1) Well known purple mutant eggplant from Hell.
Barney (Bar-Knee)n. Well known purple mutant eggplant from he**
Barney (Bar-knee) n. 1 Well known puple mutant eggplant from hell.
Barney (n.): Well known purple mutant eggplant from Hell
Barney - A Jurassic Park DNA sequencing error between dino & Bozo
Barney - A Jurassic Park DNA sequencing error between dino and Bozo.
Barney - A Jurassic Park DNA sequencing error between dinosaur & Bozo
Barney - A Jurassic Park DNA sequencing error between dinosaur & Bozo.
Barney - A Jurassic Park DNA sequencing error between dinosaur and Bozo.
Barney - A Jurassic Park DNA sequencing error.
Barney - Jurassic Park T. REX embryo injected with Purple Haze.
Barney - Jurassic Park T. REX embryo injected with Purple.
Barney - Jurassic Park T. Rex embryo injected with purple dye.
Barney - Jurassic Park clones Barney, feeds him gefilte fish.
Barney - The reason Mr. Rogers now feels macho.
Barney - What happens when you feed a smurf after midnight.
Barney - what you get when you choke a Smurf?
Barney / bar knee / n. Well known purple mutant eggplant from Hell.
Barney : Hell on earth.
Barney = Barney bashing tags
Barney = Satan... I have proof!
Barney Basher: Frustrated person who can't understand the concepts.
Barney Basher: Illiterate, intolerant, people with no sense of taste.
Barney Basher: Imbicilic adult who needs to grow up and get a job.
Barney Basher: Jealous parent who can't keep their kids attention.
Barney Basher: Moronic twit with no imagination.
Barney Basher: Someone afraid to let their kids learn something decent
Barney Basher: Uneducated, unemployed oaf who has nothing better to do
Barney Burgers!  Get your red-hot Barney Burgers!
Barney Fife beat out Ross Perot for the Deputy's job in Mayberry.
Barney Fife, Deputy Sheriff Mayberry Police, Yep thats me.
Barney Hunting season is now *OPEN*...
Barney Must Die!
Barney Park - Like Jurassic Park for kids.  But something STARTED wrong.
Barney Park:  Jurassic Park gone horribly wrong!
Barney REALLY should be eating those kids--J. Fox
Barney Rubble found new work in a purple dinosaur suit.
Barney Rubble goes to Club Fred.
Barney Vs Mr. Rogers in the wrestling match of the Century!
Barney Vs. Big Bird- Coming on Pay Per View!
Barney Windows Is there a connection?
Barney and Baby Bop MUST DIE!
Barney and Baby Bop at Jurassic Park = A happy Velociraptor.
Barney and Friends - A virtual reality trip through Jurassic Park.
Barney and Friends-An adult's virtual reality trip thru Jurassic Park.
Barney at Jurassic Park = A happy Velociraptor.
Barney beer:  for parents who haven't been driven over the edge yet.
Barney beer: for parents who haven't been driven over the edge yet.
Barney destroyed by velociraptor in Jurassic Park -- millions rejoice!
Barney devoured by _T. rex_ in Jurassic Park - millions go beserk.
Barney devoured by hadrosaur in Jurassic Park -- millions rejoice!
Barney devoured in Jurassic Park -- millions rejoice!
Barney eaten by Jurassic Park 'raptor. Millions rejoice!
Barney eaten by Jurassic Park Velociraptor. Millions Rejoice!
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney Admits Eating All The Adults."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney At Betty Ford."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney Barbecues the Back Yard Gang."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney Buys A Blow-up Doll."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney Buys A Rubber."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney Comes Out Of The Closet."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney Has Needs..."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney Meets Godzilla."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney On A Bender."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney's Big Purple One."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney's Favorite Sailor Songs."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney's Night With Madonna."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Barney, Beavis & Butthead."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Bopping Baby Bop."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Jurassic Barney."
Barney episodes we'll never see:  "Picking Up The Dino-doo."
Barney hasn't filed a tax return in 65 million years.
Barney is David Koresh reincarnated, I have prood.
Barney is David Koresh reincarnated, I have proof.
Barney is Satan, and Xuxa is his Princess
Barney is a Velociraptor
Barney is a purple Velociraptor and he LOVES your kids.
Barney is a purple velociraptor, and he loves your kids!
Barney is a velociraptor.
Barney is an evil way of preparing children for Limbaugh.
Barney is my hero! <BOOM!> @#$&*! NO CARRIER
Barney is the Anti-Rogers...
Barney is the Conspiracy's way of preparing children for Rush Limbaugh.
Barney is the DEVIL! and Rush Limbaugh is the ANTI-CHRIST!
Barney is the Purple People Eater!
Barney is to television what @TO@ is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what @TOFIRST@ is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what Casey Myers is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what Jim Franco is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what Joe Goyette is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what Joe is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what Karl Reed is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what Orville Bullitt is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what Orville is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what Steve Winter is to FidoNet
Barney is to television what Steve Winter is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what \FNAME\ is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what he is to Fidonet.
Barney is to television what the Werner-Beast is to Fidonet
Barney is to television what you are to Fidonet.
Barney killed my family and stole my land.
Barney meets Wolverine: "My, what shiny claws you <uurkgh!>"
Barney must be destroyed.
Barney must die from our boredom!
Barney of Borg:  Being assimilated is fun!
Barney of Borg:  Big Bird is irrelevant!
Barney of Borg:  Big Bird will be assimilated!
Barney of Borg:  Sesame Street is irrelevant.
Barney of Borg:  Sesame Street will be assimilated!
Barney of Borg:  Today we learned resistance is useless.
Barney of Borg:  Today we learned that resistance is futile.
Barney of Borg:  Today we learned that resistance is useless.
Barney of Borg:  You will be assimilated because I love you.
Barney of Borg:  You will be nauseated.
Barney of Borg: "I love you.  You love me.  We're a happy entity..."
Barney of Borg: Being assimilated is fun!
Barney of Borg: Big Bird is irrelevant!
Barney of Borg: Big Bird will be assimilated!
Barney of Borg: I assimilate you, you assimilate me
Barney of Borg: I love you, and you love me.
Barney of Borg: I love you, you love me, we're a collective family.
Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me.  Assimilate into my family.
Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me.  We're a happy Borg entity.
Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. Assimilate into my family.
Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. I will kill your family.
Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. We're a happy Borg entity.
Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. We're a happy entity.
Barney of Borg: Prepare to be loved
Barney of Borg: Resistance is futile. You will love me.
Barney of Borg: Resistance is useless you will buy my toys.
Barney of Borg: Resistance is useless you will buy my videos.
Barney of Borg: Resistance is useless you will love me.
Barney of Borg: Sesame Street is irrelevant.
Barney of Borg: Sesame Street will be assimilated!
Barney of Borg: Today we learned resistance is useless.
Barney of Borg: Today we learned that resistance is futile.
Barney of Borg: Today we learned that resistance is useless.
Barney of Borg: Today we learned that resistance is usless
Barney of Borg: We are a happy collective!
Barney of Borg: We love you, Being assimilated is fun.
Barney of Borg: You and your beer will be as <BELCH>!
Barney of Borg: You assimilate me, I'll assimilate you.
Barney of Borg: You loving me is irrelevant!
Barney of Borg: You will be assimilated because I love U!
Barney of Borg: You will be assimilated because I love you.
Barney of Borg: You will be nauseated.
Barney of Borg: Your irrelevent, but I still love you!
Barney of Borg:I love you.You love me.Were a happy entity
Barney on drugs: Pure-acid Park.
Barney on vacation at Jurassic Park.... <CHOMP>...
Barney should tour the La Brea Tar Pits - from the inside
Barney should tour the La Brea Tar Pits - from the inside!
Barney squished by apatosaur in Jurassic Park -- millions rejoice!
Barney the Dinosaur MUST DIE!
Barney the dinosaur <tm> must DIE!
Barney the dinosaur is the AntiChrist... I have proof.
Barney worshiper Joe Goyette said this: Be vewy, vewy quiet.
Barney worshiper Orville Bullitt said this: Be vewy, vewy quiet.
Barney worshipper Joe Goyette said this: AARRGGHH!! Slander!!!
Barney would be a kinder, gentler Gorn. --Rosemary Ighel.
Barney&Friends: An adult's virtual reality trip through Jurassic Park.
Barney's Evil!
Barney's Role in Jurassic Park:  Raptor food.
Barney's biggest fan.
Barney's not that bad ... or is he?
Barney's purple to show concern for AIDS. (trivia time).
Barney, have you seen Mr. Rogers? ARGGH! You spit him out right now!
Barney, turn around and back this way... right over this meat grinder!
Barney--What you get when you choke a Smurf?
Barney-A Jurrasic Park DNA sequencing error between dinosaur&Bozo
Barney. Haha. haha. hmm. haha. haha. He's looking at you Beavis.
Barney...  Windows...  Is there a connection?
Barney... Windows... Is there a connection?
Barney/Xuxa '96 - Leadership through brainwashing kids
Barney:  A DNA sequencing error between a dinosaur and Bozo.
Barney:  A Jurassic Park DNA sequencing error.
Barney:  A Smurf on a really big regression trip.
Barney:  A Smurf on steroids.
Barney:  A T. Rex embryo injected with Purple Haze.
Barney:  Dino on drugs.
Barney:  The only known Molestasaur in existance.
Barney:  The reason Mr. Rogers now feels macho.
Barney:  Well known purple mutant eggplant from Hell.
Barney:  What happens when you feed a smurf after midnight.
Barney:  What you get when you choke a smurf.
Barney: A DNA sequencing error between a dinosaur and Bozo.
Barney: A Jurassic Park DNA sequencing error between dinosaur & Bozo.
Barney: A Jurassic Park DNA sequencing error between dinosaur and Bozo
Barney: A Smurf on a really big regression trip.
Barney: A Smurf on steroids.
Barney: A T. Rex embryo injected with Purple Haze.
Barney: A smurf that ate a pacman power-pellet.
Barney: A well known purple eggplant from Hell.
Barney: Dino on drugs
Barney: Genetic engineering's first big mistake.
Barney: Jurassic Dork.
Barney: Jurassic Park DNA Sequencing Error
Barney: Jurassic Park T. REX embryo injected with Purple Haze.
Barney: Jurrasic Park DNA sequencing error.
Barney: Just Say No!
Barney: Only known Molestasaur in existence.
Barney: Purple Platitude Pusher
Barney: The only known Molestasaur in existence.
Barney: The reason Mr Rogers now feels macho.
Barney: The reason Mr. Rogers now feels macho.
Barney: Well known purple mutant eggplant from Hell.
Barney: What happens if you feed a Smurf after Midnight.
Barney: What happens if you feed a gremlin after midnight.
Barney: What happens when you feed a smurf after midnight
Barney: What happens when you feed a smurf after midnight.
Barney: What you get when you choke a smurf.
Barney: What you get when you feed a Smurf after midnight
Barney: the reason Mr. Rodgers now feels macho.
Barney:A smurf on steriods.
Barney? - Fox Mulder, guessing at the most henious force of all.
Barney? --Fox Mulder, guessing at the most heinous force of all.
Barney? Man the guns! FIRE!
Barnum is outdated - it's now every 10 seconds....
Barnum of Borg - "There's one assimilated every minute."
Barnum was WRONG. There's one born every SECOND!
Barnum was wrong - it's every 30 seconds.
Barnum was wrong -- It's more like every 30 seconds...
Barnum was wrong ... it's more like every 30 sec.
Barnum was wrong!  It's more like every thirty seconds.
Barnum was wrong... it's more like every 12 seconds.
Barnum was wrong... it's more like every thirty seconds.
Barnum was wrong....it's more like every 30 seconds!
Barnum's Dictum: Every crowd has a silver lining.
Barometer: An ingenious instrument which indicates what k
Barometer: Indicates what kind of weather we are having.
Baron Ivan Dillitante Crow de R'obot
Baroque (n.): When you are out of Monet.
Baroque: (def.) When you are out of Monet!
Baroque: When you are out of Monet
Baroque: When you are out of Monet!
Barr's Hypothesis:  Familiarity breeds content.
Barren:  A naked bird.
Barry - A victim of retroactive birth control.
Barry Horowitz won!  Barry Horowitz won!  Barry Horowitz won!
Barry Levinson might drive an Avalon.
Barry Newman was Edmund Newman's dumber brother - Joel
Barry Young's wardrobe by Victoria's Secret - Joel
Barry can't eat solid foods  -Crow as guy drinks breakfast
Barry doesn't have all of his groceries in the same bag.
Barry was sliding into alternate Fidonet Echo, Barry heard Larry say...
Barry! There's some lovely filth down here!
Barry's World! Party Time! Excellent!
Barry/Foxworthy '96: It can't get worse, but it can get funnier.
Bart ... don't! Uh-uh, baby. I *have* to! <WHANG>
Bart ... don't! Uh-uh, baby. I *have* to! <WHANG<
Bart Bucks are not legal tender -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F06
Bart Bucks are not legal tender. --Bart Simpson.
Bart Simpson for President
Bart Simpson in `96! Nothing else has worked!
Bart Simpson is Elvis' love child.
Bart to Martin: Eat my shorts!
Bart!  I'm going to.. Oh, Chocolate..mmmmmmmm!
Bart!  If you take that $10,000 we'll be millionaires!
Bart! Get out of the Spirit of St. Louis! - Homer
Bart: "How did a lion get rich?"     Homer: "It was the olden days!"
BartBoard: I will finish what I sta
BartBoard: I will not aim for the head
BartBoard: I will not belch the National Anthem
BartBoard: I will not bury the new kid
BartBoard: I will not claim diplomatic immunity
BartBoard: I will not conduct my own fire drills
BartBoard: I will not do that thing with my tongue.
BartBoard: I will not encourage others to fly
BartBoard: I will not fire substitute teachers
BartBoard: I will not prescribe medication
BartBoard: I will not sell school property
BartBoard: I will not torment the emotionally frail
BartBoard: I will not yell "She's Dead" at roll call
BartBoard: My homework was not stolen by a one-armed man
BartBoard: Pledge of Allegiance doesn't end "Hail Satan"
Bartender to Bela Lugosi: "Would you like a Bloody Mary, Sir?"
Bartender!  I'll have whatever the man on the floor was drinking.
Bartender! Another Beer!
Bartender! Another round!
Bartender, Gimme a pint of JD and a Crazy Straw...
Bartender, I'd like a Blue Marini, please.
Bartender, I'd like whatever Rasta was drinking, before he collapsed!
Bartender, I'd like whatever Rasta was drinking.
Bartender, I'd like whatever the man on the floor had.
Bartender, I'd like whatever the man on the floor was drinking.
Bartender, I'd like whatever the woman on the floor was drinking.
Bartender, I'll have a Blue Moon.  That's corn whiskey and Aqua Velva.
Bartender, give me what the guy on the floor had.
Bartender, set up a tab for me. @FN@'s buying the beer!
Bartender, set up a tab for me. @TOFIRST@'s buying the beer!
Bartender, set up a tab for me. Bob's buying the beer!.
Bartender, set up a tab for me. Chrissy Di's buying the beer!.
Bartender, set up a tab for me. Dan's buying the beer!
Bartender, set up a tab for me. Orville's buying the beer!
Bartender, set up a tab for me. Richard's buying the beer!
Bartender, set up a tab for me. Rick's buying the beer!
Bartender:  worker in the spirit world.
Bartenders - your money's best friend.
Bartenders DO IT till you barf.
Bartenders do it on the rocks.
Barticus: Movie about a spikey-haired Roman Warrior.
Bartlett: small, familiar quotation by the Simpson's son.
Bartucis: Movie about a spikey-haired Roman Warrior.
Baruch's Observation: If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Basaball been bery bery good to me.
Base 8 is just like base 10, if you are missing two fingers.  - Tom Lehrer
Base 8 is just like base 10, if you are missing two fingers.  -- Tom Lehrer
Base 8 is really simple -- if you're missing two fingers!
Base eight is just like base ten really,if you're missing two fingers.
BaseBall not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ootball!
Baseball <yawn> better than Sominex
Baseball Players do it with their bats.
Baseball fan: Fan of the GAME, not the NAME$!
Baseball has been bery bery gooood to me.
Baseball has the great advantage over cricket of being sooner ended.
Baseball in the Bible???  Gen 1.1  In the Big Inning...
Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical.   Yogi Berra
Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical. Yogi Berra
Baseball is a skilled game.  It's America's game - it, and high taxes.
Baseball is in the Bible, too: In the Big Inning...
Baseball is wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk.
Baseball makes sense: man with four balls walks to first base.
Baseball players do it by hitting balls until they fly out.
Baseball players do it by tagging until they run out.
Baseball players do it for the full count.
Baseball players do it on deck.
Baseball players do it with a seventh inning stretch.
Baseball players do it with diamonds.
Baseball players do it with their bats.
Baseball players hit more home runs.
Baseball players make it to first base.
Baseball taglines on strike.  Please accept substitutes.
Baseball very funny game--man with 4 balls no can walk!!
Baseball's a wonderful game, no matter who's playing. - Col. Potter
Baseball, Apple Pie and Coca-Cola, what America is.
Baseball, Hot dogs, Apple pie, Mom, NRA!
Baseball, Hot dogs, Apple pie, NRA!
Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple pie, NRA!
Baseball, apple pie and Coca-Cola.
Baseball, post-1994: America's past pasttime?
Baseball?  What is this? -- The Entities
Based Closed!  Make emergency landings on freeway.
Based on a true story; soon to be a made-for-TV movie.
Based on? As in they're BOTH in English? - Crow
Bash any key, and put this puppy out of it's misery.
Bash any key, and put this puppy out of my life's misery.
Bash any key, and put this puppy out of my wife's misery.
Bash forehead against wall to continue...
Bash her?!  No, I said Bashir!  Stop hitting Jadzia!
Bashir Burger:     (Just a burger, but thinks it's a Big Mac.)
Bashir Burger: Just a burger, but thinks it's a Big Mac.
Bashir can say "Take 2 Asparin & call me tomorrow" in 499 languages
Bashir may have nice eyes...but that ain't where I'm lookin'...
Bashir on Borg: I'd be hostile to if my poo were cubed!
Bashir on Borg: I'd be hostile to if my poop was cubed!
Bashir on Borg: I'd be hostile too if my poop was cubed!
Bashir to O'Brien: Beam down Dax and a twelve pack....
Bashir/Garak for President in 96!
Basic 4 food grps: junk, frozen, instant, carryout ---
Basic Airline Flying:  Keep the pointy end forward.
Basic Airline Flying: Keep the pointy end forward
Basic Programmers Never Die! They just GOSUB w/o RETURN
Basic Programmers Never Die! They just GOSUB w/o RETURN.
Basic airplane flying.. Keep the pointed end forward..
Basic food groups: caffeine, sugar, fat & alcohol
Basic human reasoning: $1 now > 1 human life later.
Basic is a high level languish.
Basic is a high level languish.  APL is a high level anguish.
Basic is a high level languish. APL is a high level anguish.
Basic minds make Basic programs.
Basic programmers never die.  They just GOSUB without RETURN!
Basic programmers never die. They just GOSUB without RETURN!
Basic programmers never die; they GoSub and don't Return.
Basic research is what I am doing when --- I don't know what I am doin
Basic research is what I am doing when --- I don't know what I am doing.
Basic research is what you do when you don't know what you are doing.
Basil!? Basil!? BASIL!?!? - Sybill Fawlty
Basis for appeal:  My client has $500 left.
Basis for appeal: My client has $500 left.
Basketball players DO IT through hoops.
Basketball players DO IT to score.
Basketball players do it in a foul manner.
Basketball players do it in dribbles.
Basketball players do it to score.
Basketball players do it with bouncing balls.
Basketball players dribble while they do it.
Basketball players score more often.
Basoonists do it to the "Bolero."
Bass players do it lower and with more vibration.
Bass players like lots of bottom end(s)
Bast, Cat Goddess, Mother of all Cats.
Bastard Sword?  How can you tell it's parentage?
Bastard toadflax:  not the result nearsighted horny toads.
Bastard toadflax:  not the result nearsighted horny toads.               
Bastard toadflax: not the result nearsighted horny toads.
Bastards do have a redeemable feature:  mortality.
Bat Out Of Heaven by Meatloaf
Bat tribble: ^*^
Bat-this, Bat-that, when are we going to have some Robin things?
Batboy, Nightwingwhat's a good sidekick name? -- Dick Grayson
Batch files?  No, but here's a nice batch of cookies.
Batchelor Hostage - Crow
Batchelor's All Purpose Cookbook: "Microwave on High until Hot!"
Batches, batches, we don' need no steenkin' batches!
Bathing Beauty:  A girl worth wading for.
Bathing Beauty:  A girl worth wading for...
Bathing suits are for wimps.  SWIM NAKED!
Bathmats are little dry rugs that wet children like to stand beside.
Bathroom Menace: Man circumcised by a crossed-eyed Rabbi.
Bathroom scale: Something you stand on and swear at.
Bathroom scale: Something you stand on and swear at.
Bathyeolpian: having a deep bosom or cleavage => Troi.
Batman Does it in a cave.
Batman For a Limited Time Only
Batman IS Mr.Mom?!?!
Batman Wish List:  Alan Rickman as Maxie Zeus.
Batman Wish List:  Bill Duke as Killer Croc.
Batman Wish List:  Denzel Washington as Black Spider.
Batman Wish List:  Dustin Hoffman as The Mad Hatter.
Batman Wish List:  Helena Bonham Carter as Poison Ivy.
Batman Wish List:  Jean Claude Van Damme as Night Slayer.
Batman Wish List:  John Goodman as Tweedle Dee.
Batman Wish List:  Kevin Kline as The Cavalier.
Batman Wish List:  Lance Henrikson as Ra's Al Ghul.
Batman Wish List:  Lawrence Fishburne as The Bronze Tiger.
Batman Wish List:  Louie Anderson as Tweedle Dum.
Batman Wish List:  Michael Biehn as Deadshot.
Batman Wish List:  Michael Keaton as The Wrath.
Batman Wish List:  Patrick Stewart as Professor Hugo Strange.
Batman Wish List:  Patrick Swayze as Catman.
Batman Wish List:  Richard Moll as Mr. Freeze.
Batman Wish List:  Tia Carrere as Lady Shiva.
Batman Wish List:  Val Kilmer as The Wrath.
Batman Wish List:  Winona Rider as Magpie.
Batman Wish List: Dolph Lundgren as The KGBeast.
Batman Wish List: John Goodman as Tweedle Dee.
Batman Wish List: Michael Keaton as The Wrath.
Batman does it with Robin.
Batman is Mr. Mom???
Batman is a menace to society.
Batman is a menace to society...
Batman wore spandex *before* it was cool.obile!
Batman's Worst Fear: Waking up in Catwoman's leathers.
Batman's fear:  Waking up in Catwoman's leathers.
Batman, was around here somewhere
Batman...The ultimate BAT file authority.
Batphone, Batpole, Bat-this, Bat-that.  I want some Robin stuff!
Bats can bounce sonar signals off a single mosquito.
Bats do it "umop apisdn"
Bats do it apisdn umop.
Bats do it upside down.
Bats fly in the dark because they see better...?
Bats in the belfry.
Bats=Baseball Birdies=Badminton Birds /= Bats.
Bats? -- Worf
Battered Men canNOT attack their abuser or use it for self-defense
Battered Men canNOT attack their abuser or use it for self-defense.
Battered women?  No thanks, I prefer to eat mine plain. 
Battered women? No thanks, I prefer to eat mine raw.
Batteries included...some assembly required.
Batteries not included
Batteries not included.
Battery assembly...some required included.
Battery assembly...some required.
Battle Axes: Tom A. Hawk
Battle Axes: Tom A. Hawk(a)
Battle Creek makes cereal terminals.
Battle Cry - Take all of the ancestors, leave only the records!
Battle entropy .....recycle electrons!
Battle for Endor - By West End Games
Battle of our wits? SURE, but you have no ammo.
Battle of the Las Vegas crooners - Mike
Battle of the Laura Petries! - Crow
Battle of the Network Has-Beens - Crow
Battle of wits?  But you have no ammunition.
BattleCrab BattleCrab BattleCrab BattleCrab BattleCrab BattleCrab :)
Battles should not be fought over color of skin.  We all bleed red.
Baud, James Baud. - famous British modemer!!!!!!!!
Baud, James Baud. - famous British spy/modemer
Baud, James: Famous British spy/modemer.
Baud. James Baud. - famous British spy/modemer.
Baudy House:  Bordello with a modem.
Baudy House:  Bordello with a modem...
Baudy House: Bordello with a modem.
Baudy house: A bordello with a modem...
Bavarian aphorism #2: Mir san mir, host me?
Bawlroom:  Hospital nursery where all the babies are placed for viewing.
Bawlroom:  Hospital nursery where the babies are placed for viewing.
Bawlroom: Hospital nursery where all the babies are placed for viewing
Bay 13? No one goes into Bay 13. --Garibaldi.
Bay 13? Nobody goes into bay 13. - Garibaldi
Bayonettes are EVIL ... We must reduce drive-by stabbings!
Bayseians probably do it.        
Baywatch can wait for now, Frank-- Dr. Forrester
Bdole is right. Also check if you need new speaker.
Be A Moderator Mark! & May the force be with you!
Be Alert -- what the world needs is more LERTS.
Be Alert.  (We need more lerts)
Be Alert. And just why _do_ we need more Lerts, anyway?
Be American, Buy American - and CHARGE IT!
Be Brave!  When you get to Death's door, act like an insurance salesman.
Be Careful, Fox! -Peppy Hare
Be Careful.... Trouble can get you in a lot of Fun!
Be Careful.....Don't practice "UNSAFE HEX".
Be Careful: I Have An Attitude And Know How To Use It.
Be Dere Life Out Dere?
Be Environmentally friendly - use RECYCLED toilet paper..
Be GAY, be PROUD, and let THEM worry about it...
Be Gentile? ... And ruin my Heathen image?
Be Good To Yourself At Least Once A Day.
Be Good! If you can't be good, BE CAREFUL!!!
Be I seeing things, Lord Chancellor, or doth be that a...flightdragon?
Be Kind to Animals - Don't Eat Them.
Be Nice to Your Enemies, It Drives Them Nuts.
Be O.J. guilty? Fo' more info, call 1-900-HE-DID-IT
Be Politically Incorrect:  Support the Constitution!
Be Quite You Eeediot!!!!!!! - Ren.
Be Radical, Demand Your Rights!
Be Seeing You!  - No. 6
Be Seeing you.....I'm the New Number Two-----Come to the Green Dome!
Be Strong and the Universe Can Be Yours!
Be True to Your Teeth so They Won't be False to You.
Be VERY VERY QUITE, I am hunting wuntime werrors.
Be Vewy Vewy Quiet, I'm hunting tagwines !
Be WEIRD, and be PROUD!
Be Ye, therefore, temperate in use of the word temperance.
Be Young Be Foolish but Be Happy - the Tams
Be Young! Have Fun! Surf the Blue Wave.
Be Young! Have Fun! Use Blue Wave!
Be Young! Have Fun! Use Tag Line Xpress!
Be Young! Have Fun! Use wsOMR!
Be Young! Have fun! Play hockey!
Be Young! Have fun! Register Tag Line Xpress!
Be Young! Have fun! Watch hockey!
Be Young... Have Fun... Chug Down Six-Packs Of Jolt... Worship Barney.
Be Young; Have Fun; Drink COKE!!
Be Yourself!  There isn't anyone better qualified.
Be a "genealogy bird" - find new family tree branches to perch on.
Be a Blue Waver. Join the Wave!
Be a Hero: Teach your Children to say NO to the Gay Agenda.
Be a Hero: Teach your Children to say NO to the Religious Reich's agenda
Be a Lert -- what the world needs is more Lerts!
Be a Super Chicken. Drink Super Sauce.
Be a better psychiatrist and the world will beat a psychopath to your door.
Be a better psychiatrist and the world will beat a pyschopath to you.
Be a better psychiatrist, world will beat a psychopath to your door.
Be a better shrink and the world will beat a psychopath to your door.
Be a boss so you, too, can work 16 hours a day!
Be a closed minded bigot... bash a gay today!
Be a closed minded bigot... bash a homo today!
Be a coffee-drinking individual...espresso yourself!
Be a dear & turn the shower massage head on pulsate - Tom
Be a defensive driver.  Buy a Tiger M31.
Be a feminist, slam a door in an old lady's face today.
Be a friend to the earth and it will be a friend to you.
Be a good Samaritan, destroy a Politician !
Be a good consumer; ask, complain, choose!
Be a good corporate citizen; hire the morally handicapped.
Be a good little boy and feed yourself to the sharks.
Be a good neighbor, and leave me alone.
Be a hero!  Save a whale!  Save a baby, go to jail!
Be a hero!  Teach your children to think for THEMSELVES!
Be a hero! Save a whale! Save a baby, go to jail!
Be a hero.  Give blood.
Be a lert.  We all need lerts.
Be a love and try not to get underfoot during the next week. - Hemlock
Be a loyal Citizen. Turn in a friend.
Be a real Ferengi #3:  Get real Star Trek autographs & then sell them.
Be a real man...use 28.8
Be a sinner & sin strongly... - Martin Luther
Be a sovereign Citizen, not 14th Amendment serf!
Be a swinger; wear boxer shorts.
Be able to look back and say "At least I didn't lead no humdrum life".
Be advised, I've gone Winchester!
Be advised: All red dragon's incoming fireballs have the right-of-way.
Be afraid, Marc, be VERY afraid.
Be afraid, Minor, be VERY afraid.
Be afraid, be very very afraid....You're on the most hunted list.
Be afraid, be very, VERY Afraid.
Be afraid.  Be very, very afraid.  Now be happy.  Okay, pout.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Be afraid. Be very afraid. --Sign above the entrance to Terok Nor
Be alert - The world is short of lerts!
Be alert - This country needs lerts.
Be alert - the world needs more Lerts!
Be alert for opportunities to show praise and appreciation.
Be alert!  We need more lerts!
Be alert! The world needs more lerts
Be alert! We need more lerts!
Be alert!! America needs more Lerts!
Be alert!! Canada needs more Lerts.
Be alert, America needs more lerts.
Be alert, the world needs more lerts.
Be alert, the world needs more lerts.....
Be alert. Canada needs more lerts!
Be alert. The world needs more lerts.
Be all that you can be.  Then die. -- Shadow recruitment slogan?
Be all you can be, be a lesbian!
Be all you can be, in a lesbian.
Be all you can be. Become a Scout.
Be all you can be. Become a Scoutmaster.
Be all you could have been - join the Time Commandos!
Be all you could've been....Join the Time Commandos.
Be ambiguous; it lets you work both sides of the issue.
Be an Organ Donor. (John Wayne Bobbitt)
Be an open and sharing person, fart in public.
Be an original.  If that means being a little eccentric, so be it.
Be articulate! Your new patience will not show up immediately.
Be as a rock in a river, problems surround you, let them flow by...
Be as a rock in a river; as problems surround you, let them flow by...
Be as good at receiving as you are at giving.
Be as-im-ilated at Borger King.
Be aware of what folks are being taught by Limbaugh.
Be aware, we now have enough lerts!
Be aware.  We already have enough lerts.
Be barefoot all the way up!
Be better prepared than you think you will need to be!
Be bisexual & double your chances for a date
Be bisexual and double your chances for a date.
Be bold in what you STAND for and careful what you FALL for.
Be bold in what you stand for and careful who you fall for.
Be bound in my exstacy.
Be brave - join the Klingon Freestyle Aerobics Team.
Be brave, be true, stand.
Be brave... Join the Klingon overhand bowling team!
Be braver - join the Klingon Overhand Bowling Team.
Be braver -- you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
Be careful and have a good time (mother's paradox curse)
Be careful man!  Don't get my keyboard all GUI.
Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.  -- Mark Twain
Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint. -- Mark Twain
Be careful of reading health books.  You may die of a misprint.
Be careful of what you dream, it might come true.
Be careful of what you wish for, for you might just get it.
Be careful or I'll include you in my plans!
Be careful or I'll include you in my plans.
Be careful to never split infinitives ...
Be careful what you ask for - you may get it!
Be careful what you ask for ... you just might get it!
Be careful what you ask for, you may get it - Shin'a'in saying
Be careful what you ask for.  You might get it.
Be careful what you pray for. You may get it.
Be careful what you pray for....you might get it.
Be careful what you take with you into your old age.
Be careful what you vote for. You may get it.
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
Be careful what you wish for. It might come true.
Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.
Be careful what you wish for...you just might get it!
Be careful what you wish for; you may get it.
Be careful when a loop exits to the same place from side and bottom.
Be careful when playing under the anvil tree
Be careful when playing under the anvil tree.
Be careful when reading health books ... you might die of a misprint.
Be careful when slinging mud, you might lose ground!
Be careful when you scoff at a higher being, OK? - Joel
Be careful when you're playing under an anvil tree!
Be careful where the dogies go and don'tcha eat that yellow snow.
Be careful whut ya' wish fo'; ya' may git it.
Be careful with that Del key, or you'll put an I out!
Be careful with that saw! Tom said offhandedly.
Be careful with that saw!, Tom said offhandedly.
Be careful with water - it's full of Hydrogen and Oxygen!
Be careful!  Is it classified?
Be careful, don't get my keyboard all GUI
Be careful, or I'll include you in my plans.
Be careful, or you'll fall into a category.
Be careful, there is always something or someone watching you.
Be careful, there is always something watching you.
Be careful--you may find out more than you wish to know!
Be careful.  I *do* tend to take things literally.- LaCroix
Be careful. Today your religion is supreme, tommorrow, mine.
Be carefull out there
Be cautious about lending modey to friends.  You might lose both.
Be certain of a refund! Give the IRS a Pentium.
Be concerned about SELF-morality - HANDS OFF NEVADA!
Be consistent - but don't do it all the time.
Be cool! Stay slinky! - The Cat
Be creative  -  invent a perversion
Be creative  -  invent a perversion!
Be creative - invent a new perversion.
Be creative, invent a perversion. L. Long
Be different - Don't be different.
Be different DON'T speak your mind!
Be different, act normal.
Be different: conform.
Be ecologically safe...[delete] your garbage files.
Be environmentally safe...[delete] *.tmp files.
Be excellent to each other & Party On, Dudes.
Be excellent to each other ... and ... Party On, Dudes!  - Abraham Lincoln
Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes.
Be excellent to each other.
Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. <Sun Tzu>
Be flexible, some things just take time.
Be flexible. Some things just take time.
Be forgiving of yourself and others.
Be free and *keep* your money: Vote Libertarian.
Be friendly, Hawaiian style.  Give someone a lei!
Be fruit fly and multiple.
Be fruitful & multiply, AFTER you're married -Joel as GOD
Be fruitful & multiply? I am fruitful, I'm just not good at math.
Be fruitful and multiply - NO WAIT - be happy and party on! YEAH!!!!
Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth.
Be fruitful and multiply.  *After* you're married. -- Joel
Be gentle to all and stern with yourself. - St Teresa of Avila@0E@
Be gentle with me now...
Be gentle with the Earth.
Be glad we don't get all the government we pay for.
Be glad you don't get all the government you pay for!
Be glad you don't get all the guvmint you pay fer.
Be good and you will be lonely.  Mark Twain
Be good and you'll be lonely.
Be good to your ENVIRONMENT -- Purge a liberal
Be good to your ENVIRONMENT -- Purge the Religious Reich!
Be good to your ENVIRONMENT -- Purge your TREE
Be good to your ENVIRONMENT: Prune your TREE.
Be good to your ENVIRONMENT: Purge a liberal
Be good to your ENVIRONMENT: Purge an environmentalist!
Be good to your environment today.
Be good, or at least good at it.
Be good; if you can't be good, forget it!
Be good; if you can't be good, have fun.
Be good?  Why, I am always good!
Be guided by the hand of Friendship.
Be happy while y'er leevin, for y'er a lang time died. -Scottish motto
Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead
Be humble & polite, but don't let anyone push you around!
Be inconsistent--but don't do it all the time.
Be insane - commit random acts of senseless kindness!
Be kind to all except Non-Christians and Pro-Choicers -- Bible
Be kind to animals - hug Monika
Be kind to animals - hug a Sysop!!!
Be kind to animals - kiss a man today.
Be kind to animals -- hug a sysop!!!
Be kind to animals, everybody.  They're reincarnated relatives.
Be kind to animals, kiss a HOCKEY player!
Be kind to animals.....Take your Boss to lunch......
Be kind to animals: Take a bitch to lunch.
Be kind to dumb animals, and give small birds root beer.
Be kind to men, they don't have much to think with.
Be kind to women, they're penile-impaired.
Be kind to your friends. If it weren't for them you'd be a stranger.
Be kind to your inferiors - if you can find any.
Be kind to your inferiors, if you can find any.
Be kind to your kids - they'll choose your nursing home.
Be kind to your mother-in-law. Babysitters are expensive.
Be kind to your neighbor.  He knows where you live.
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a tough battle.
Be kind.  Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
Be kinder than necessary.
Be kindly affectionated one to another
Be like Barney:  all mouth, no balls.
Be like Dad, not like Sis, [Config] your [Sys] before you piss.
Be like Pooh...eat your honey.
Be like Pooh...eat your hunny.
Be like Pooheat your honey.
Be like a cat: Make a friend out of your enemy's enemy.
Be like a congressman...Bend your pages over.
Be like an uncoiling spring in your strike:  focused energy.
Be like boy! ..Now the seniors in the back!.. We like Roy!
Be mean to men, cuz they think too much with what's below their belts.
Be mischevious and creative, if they fit you...
Be mischievous and creative, if they fit you.
Be moderate where pleasure is concerned, avoid fatigue.
Be modest.  A lot was accomplished before you were born. -LLIB
Be naughty - save Santa the trip!
Be naughty, save Santa a trip!!!!
Be naughty--save Santa the trip!
Be naughty. Save Santa a trip.
Be naughty....save Santa a trip!
Be nice and post the occaisional ferret tagline.
Be nice and post the occasional Vaseline tagline.
Be nice and post the occasional ferret recipe.
Be nice and post the occasional ferret tagline.
Be nice on your way up you'll meet again on the way down.
Be nice on your way up, you'll meet on the way down.
Be nice or I'll put my teeth in and bite you  ;*)
Be nice or be nuked.
Be nice to flamers. They hate that.
Be nice to me - I'm out of Valium.
Be nice to me - or else I'll cut off your Bobbitt!
Be nice to me--I'm out of Valium
Be nice to me--I'm out of Valium.
Be nice to moderators.  They HATE that!
Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way
Be nice to people on your way up; you'll meet them on your way down.
Be nice to smokers . . . . they don't have long to live!
Be nice to smokers. They don't have long to live.
Be nice to the person using English as a *second* language.
Be nice to unattractive people. - Robert Agnew
Be nice to your children, they are going to choose your nursing home.
Be nice to your computer... it might not be as stupid as you think.
Be nice to your kids.  They'll choose your nursing home.
Be nice to your kids. They will choose your nursing home.
Be nice to your kids. They'll be choosing your nursing home.
Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.
Be nice to your kids. They're going to choose your nursing home.
Be nice, Mr. Moderator notices everything!
Be nice, Rasta is watching and saving messages...
Be nice. It doesn't cost a penny.
Be nice. Please? :) - Dione
Be nonviolent, or I'll kill you!
Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.
Be not deceived. Liberalism does not go backward.
Be not faithless, but believing. - John 20:27
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. - Romans 12:21
Be not righteous overmuch. - Ecclesiastes 7:16
Be not thou envious against evil men,- Proverbs 24:1
Be not ye therefore partakers with them. (EPH 5:7)
Be on guard against men who can strike from a distance.
Be on the lookout for two men and a babe! -- Joel Robinson
Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. - Luke 12:15
Be original.  If that means being eccentric, so be it.
Be original.. keep your .BATs in D:\BATCAVE !!
Be part of the solution - not part of the problem.
Be part of the solution not part of the polution
Be part of the solution--not part of the problem
Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself.
Be patient with me!  God is busy and She's not finished with me yet...
Be patient, evolution isn't finished with us yet.
Be patient.  God isn't finished with me yet.
Be patient. Maybe it will happen...one sunny day. ;-)
Be patient... God isn't finished with me yet!
Be pleasant no matter how much it hurts.
Be polite.  First listen to sermon, THEN eat missionary.
Be prepared to take some sh*t in life.
Be prepared--that's the Boy Scout's solemn creed.
Be prepared.
Be pro-choice: choose abstinence!
Be proud of being politically incorrect! - Be proud to be Bajoran!
Be proud of your North Tibetan heritage!
Be proud that you're in Scouting.
Be punctual.  "We lost 9 minutes" just wont cut it with your boss.
Be quiet, Mindy, or I shall have to hurt you. - Brain
Be quiet, Pinky, or I shall have to hurt you.--The Brain
Be quiet, blabber-FINGERS...
Be real easy to grab the wrong whiskery fat guy - Mike
Be real. - Veritatem imitare.
Be realistic, and accept the fact that I live in a dream world.
Be really whole and all things will come to you <Lao Tzu>
Be reasonable  Do it -MY- way!
Be reasonable ... Let's do it MY way.
Be reasonable ... Let's do it my way.
Be reasonable, do it my way
Be reasonable.  Let's do it my way.
Be reasonable. Do it my way.
Be right & fear no man.  Don't write & fear no woman.
Be ruthlessly realistic when it comes to your finances!
Be safe use smoke detectors, and sleep with a Fire Chief!
Be safe, sleep with a Gremlin, (It keeps him off your keyboard!)<VBG>
Be safe, use smoke detectors OR Sleep with a Fireman!
Be safe. Use a condom.
Be safe: Use smoke detectors AND sleep with a firefighter
Be safe: Use smoke detectors OR Sleep with a firefighter
Be satisfied with what you have, but never with who you are.
Be scared. Be very a'scared! - Crow
Be security conscious - National defense is at stake.
Be security conscious -- National defense is at stake.
Be seein' ya! --Death.
Be seeing you, Number Six.
Be seeing you. -- Death
Be self-reliant and your success is assured.
Be sincere, Whether you mean it or not!
Be sincere, even if you don't mean it.
Be slow of tongue, and quick of eye. -- Miguel de Cervantes
Be smart as a cat--make a friend of your enemy's enemy
Be smart as a cat: Make a friend of your enemy's enemy.
Be smart enough not to show it.
Be spontaneous ... combust.
Be still as a mountain, move like a great river.  Wu Yu-hsiang
Be still as a mountain, move like a great river. - Yu-hsiang
Be still my heart. --Ivanova.
Be still, and know that I am God. - Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10
Be strange... it's cool out there.
Be suicidal - join the Klingon Roller ball Team.
Be sure it is, other wise we are in a BIG trouble.
Be sure no one knows the REAL you - Crow
Be sure not to start a Tagline you can't finis
Be sure not to start a recipe you can't finis
Be sure not to start a tagline you can't finis
Be sure to get a brand new chin - Crow on weasely guy
Be sure to make a plate for the narrator - Crow
Be sure to practice safe hex... Use an Eraser
Be sure to practice safe hexUse an Eraser
Be sure to specify 78rpm, 8 track, or Edison Cylinder on your order.
Be sure to use DEVICE=EXXON to screw up your environment.
Be sure to use DEVICE=NDP.sys to screw up your government.
Be sure to wear your shades.
Be sure to worship at the airport of your choice - Mike
Be sure your sin will find you out. - Numbers 32:23
Be suspicious of all native-born Esperanto speakers
Be suspicious of all native-born Esperanto speakers.
Be suspicious of all native-born Esperanto speakers.     
Be suspicious of all non-native-born Esperanto speakers.
Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. - James 1:19
Be thankful we don't get ALL the government we pay for!
Be thankful you don't get all the government you pay for.
Be thankful you're not a giraffe with a sore throat!
Be thankful you're not a girrafe with a sore throat!
Be thankful...  I could be your neighbor.
Be the ball, @FN@.  Be the ball.
Be the ball, Danny, be the ball.
Be the seventh caller when you hear "NO CARRIER"
Be there or be hexagonal!
Be tolerant of Christiansthey only have *one* god.
Be tough as armour but...as soft as velvet!!
Be tough minded but tenderhearted.
Be true to your teeth and they won't be false to you!
Be true to your teeth or they'll be false to you.
Be uneconomical - it's good for the economy.
Be useless.   -Vedek Bariel
Be vary quite, I'm huntin' wabbits
Be very careful.  YOU, too, can be a circuit.
Be very, very frightened, Arthur Dent.
Be very, very frightened, Briarpatch.
Be vewwy vewwy quiet ... I'm hunting taglines!
Be vewwy vewwy quiet ... I'm hunting taglines! ... hehehe
Be vewwy vewwy quiet ... I'm hunting taglines! ... hehehe.
Be vewwy vewwy quiet ....... I'm hunting taglines.
Be vewwy vewwy quiet I'm hunting tagwines!
Be vewwy vewwy quiet, I'm hunting the Energizer Bunny - Elmer Fudd
Be vewwy vewwy quiet... I'm hunting tagwines!
Be vewwy vewwy quiet.......I'm hunting beaver!
Be vewwy vewwy quietI'm hunting tagwines!
Be vewwy, vewwy quiet ... I'm hunting wabbits ... heh, heh, heh, heh.
Be vewwy, vewwy quiet!  I'm hunting wabbits!
Be vewwy, vewwy quiet! I'm hunting tagwines.
Be vewwy, vewwy qwiet. We're hunting Elmers.." -Bugs Bunny & Daffy
Be vewy quiet, I'm hunting forebears
Be vewy quiet.. I'm assymilatin' wabbits - Elmer Fud of Borg.
Be vewy qwiet. I'm assimiwating humans. - Elmer of Borg
Be vewy qwiewet!  I'm hunting wuntime ewwors.
Be vewy qwiewet! I'm hunting wuntime ewwors.
Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting bwondes . . .
Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting tagwines
Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting the Energizer Bunny - E. Fudd
Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits!
Be vewy vewy quiet.  I'm hunting wabbits.
Be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting Womuwins! - Capain Elmer J. Fudd
Be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting tagwines! Huhhuhhuhhuh.
Be vewy vewy quiet...I'm hunting tagwines!
Be vewy vewy qwiet.... I'm hunting wabbit!
Be vewy vewy qwiet.... I'm hunting wabbits!!!  <Elmer Fudd>
Be vewy vewy qwiet...I'm assimiwating humans. Heh eh heh eh.
Be vewy, vewy quiet ... I'm hunting tagwines!
Be vewy, vewy quiet.  I'm hunting taglines.
Be vewy, vewy quiet.  I'm hunting tagwines.  Huhuhuhuhuh.
Be vewy, vewy quiet.  I'm huntwing tagwines!
Be vewy, vewy quiet.  I'm huntwing wabbits.
Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting Bawiels...
Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting Vedeks
Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting tagwines!
Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting wontime ewows
Be vewy, vewy quiet... I'm hunting Wadiowaves!
Be vewy, vewy quiet... I'm hunting for tagwines...
Be vewy, vewy quiet... I'm hunting tagwines!
Be vewy, vewy quiet.....I'm hunting dwive-bys.
Be vewy, vewy quiet....I am hunting tagwines!
Be vewy, vewy quiet....I'm hunting tagwines.
Be vewy, vewy quiet: I'm hunting Womulans!
Be vewy, vewy quiet; I'm hunting forebears!
Be vewy, vewy quietI'm hunting tagwines!
Be vewy, vewy quite... I'm hunting tagwines.
Be vewy, vewy qwiet .. I'm hunting for tagwines!
Be vewy, vewy qwiet. I'm hunting Vedeks. Heh heh heh heh!
Be vewy, vewy qwiet. I'm hunting girls. Heh heh heh heh!
Be warned young adventurer, here there be Dragons......
Be wary of Dragons, for you are chewy.
Be wary of drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors... and miss!
Be wary of friends you don't know you have bearing gifts.
Be wary of gifts from friends you don't know you have.
Be wary of strong alcohol, it makes you shoot your boss and MISSED!
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at Fundies and miss.
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at IRS Agents and Miss!
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at Rehab counselors.
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at Romulans, and miss.
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors.
Be well, Do good work, and Keep in touch -Garrison Keilor
Be wewy wewy quiet... I'm hunting Womulins!!
Be wewy wewy quiet...I'm hunting Womulins!!
Be what you are.
Be what? Nice? NOT in my vocabulary!
Be with a child today to be in his memory tomorrow.
Be ye not lost among precepts of order - The Book of Utereus 1;5
Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children.
Be young.  Have fun.  Drink Pepsi.  Worship Barney.
Be young. Have fun. Smoke Weed.
Be your children's best teacher and coach.
Be yourself - If you don't, who else will?
Be yourself:  it scares the hell out of everyone else!!!
Bea O'Problem? C'mon guys, do I have a Bea O'Problem here?
Beach Blanket Sushi - Joel sings
Beach Wiccan: would that be a Sand Witch?
Beach's Law:  No two identical parts are alike.
Beach's Law: No two identical parts are alike.
Beach:  Where girls go when they have nothing to wear.
Beachbum... the highest honor a pilot can receive!
Beaches are Free, but Nudist Resorts have Cover Charges.
Beady beady beady. Get the hell outta my cave, Buck -Joel
Beam Me Down, Scotty!
Beam Me UP Scotty, it's a Planet Of Nuns
Beam Me Up Scottie!........I've fallen and can't get up
Beam Me Up Scotty!  ...*S-C-O-T-T-Y*!
Beam Me Up Scotty, ............*S-C-O-T-T-Y*!!!
Beam Me up Scotty... It's a Planet Of Nuns!
Beam Wesley into a bulkhead.
Beam down Troi and a six pack - Riker
Beam me UP ... JESUS !
Beam me a board Scotty! A 2x4, Captain?
Beam me a board, Scotty! <clunk!> There ye go, Keptin!
Beam me a broad, Scotty.
Beam me a broad, Scotty.  No, wait, make it 2 broads and some wine.
Beam me a broad, Scotty..
Beam me aboar...what do you mean they repossessed the Enterprise?
Beam me aboard Scotty!     "A 2x4 Sir?"
Beam me aboard Scotty!  A 2 X 4, Captain?
Beam me aboard Scotty! "A 2x4 Sir?"
Beam me aboard Scotty! - Will a 2 X 4 do Captain?
Beam me aboard Scotty.  Aye, will a 2x4 do captain?
Beam me aboard Scotty..Sure will a 2X4 do?
Beam me aboard, Scotty Is a 2x4 okay, sir?
Beam me aboard, Scotty!   A 2x4, sir?
Beam me aboard, Scotty!  Aye Sir, a 4x2?
Beam me aboard, Scotty!  Is a 2x4 okay, sir?
Beam me aboard, Scotty!  It ate my phaser!
Beam me aboard, Scotty!  This is a convent!
Beam me aboard, Scotty!  This is the ladies' room.
Beam me aboard, Scotty!  Will a 2 X 4 do Captain?
Beam me aboard, Scotty! "How about A 2x4, sir??"
Beam me aboard, Scotty! A 2x4 or a 1x6, Sir?
Beam me aboard, Scotty! A 2x4, sir?
Beam me aboard, Scotty! A two-by-four, sir?
Beam me aboard, Scotty! How about A 2x4, sir??
Beam me aboard, Scotty! I'm building a deck.
Beam me aboard, Scotty! Sure. Will a 2x10 do?
Beam me aboard, Scotty! Will a 2X4 do, Captain?
Beam me aboard, Scotty! [*] Aye sair, will a 2x4 do?
Beam me aboard, Scotty!" -- "A 2 x 4, Sir?
Beam me aboard, Scotty"Will a 2x4 do, Captain?"
Beam me aboard, Scotty.  The weed at this concert sucks!
Beam me aboard, Scotty. Aye, will a 2x4 do captain?
Beam me aboard, Scotty. How about A 2x4, sir??
Beam me aboard, Scotty. Sure. Will a 2x10 do?
Beam me aboard, Scotty... "Will a 2x4 do, Captain?"
Beam me aboard...uh, hmm, Spock, what's that guy's name again?
Beam me to the star destroyer...whoops, wrong universe!
Beam me up Jesus!
Beam me up Orville. There's no intelligent life down here.
Beam me up Ron. There's no intelligent life down here.
Beam me up Scotty -  this isn't the men's room.
Beam me up Scotty - - no, Scotty that's not what I meant
Beam me up Scotty - It ate my phaser!
Beam me up Scotty - the rabbit just died!
Beam me up Scotty - this isn't the men's room.
Beam me up Scotty it just ate my phaser.
Beam me up Scotty!  *It* ATE my Phaser!
Beam me up Scotty!  She says she's... pregnant!
Beam me up Scotty!  The liberals have taken over!
Beam me up Scotty!  There's no intellgent life here.
Beam me up Scotty!  This thing just ate my phaser!
Beam me up Scotty!  What do you mean they've repossessed the Enterprise?
Beam me up Scotty! Her boyfriend's at the door!
Beam me up Scotty! I've fallen & I can't get up!
Beam me up Scotty! It ate my phaser!
Beam me up Scotty! It's HUGE!
Beam me up Scotty! She says she's ... pregnant!
Beam me up Scotty! She says she's .pregnant!
Beam me up Scotty! She says she's pregnant!
Beam me up Scotty! Someone farted!
Beam me up Scotty! The bill collectors have arrived!
Beam me up Scotty! The liberals have taken over!
Beam me up Scotty! The rabbit just died!
Beam me up Scotty! There's no intelligent life down here.
Beam me up Scotty! There's no intelligent life here!
Beam me up Scotty! There's no public restrooms down here!
Beam me up Scotty! This isn't the men's room!
Beam me up Scotty! This planet sucks!
Beam me up Scotty! This thing just ate my phaser!
Beam me up Scotty! What do you mean they've repossessed the Enterprise
Beam me up Scotty, I swallowed my Phaser.
Beam me up Scotty, I think I'm going to PUKE!
Beam me up Scotty, but leave the others here.
Beam me up Scotty, it ate my phaser!
Beam me up Scotty, it just ate my phaser!
Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life here.
Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life on this BBS
Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life on this BBS!
Beam me up Scotty, no sign of intelligent life here.
Beam me up Scotty, she says she's . pregnant!
Beam me up Scotty, the conservatives have taken over!
Beam me up Scotty, the elevators don't work
Beam me up Scotty, the liberals have taken over!
Beam me up Scotty, the rabbit just died!
Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here!
Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life here
Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent taglines here.
Beam me up Scotty, there's no...Erk-gh..Arg...Spklt-t...
Beam me up Scotty, this isn't the men's room! -Kirk
Beam me up Scotty, this isn't the men's room.
Beam me up Scotty, this planet sucks!
Beam me up Scotty.  There's no intelligent life down here!
Beam me up Scotty.  There's no intelligent life down here.
Beam me up Scotty.  This isn't the men's room.
Beam me up Scotty. I swallowed my Phaser.
Beam me up Scotty. Oh S_$%! NO CARRIER
Beam me up Scotty. This isn't the ladie's room.
Beam me up Scotty. This isn't the men's room!
Beam me up Scotty. This isn't the men's room.
Beam me up Scotty...I swallowed my phaser!  Kirk
Beam me up Scotty...there's not enough sex down here!
Beam me up Scotty.I swallowed my Phaser.
Beam me up another Wave Rider Packet!
Beam me up fast! I don't know what it is but it just ate my Phaser!
Beam me up quickly, Scotty. This is NOT the Mens room!
Beam me up!  What do you mean they've repossessed the Enterprise?
Beam me up, Mr. O'Brien.  There's no intelligent life down here.
Beam me up, Scotty!
Beam me up, Scotty!  It ate my phaser!
Beam me up, Scotty!  It ate my phaser.
Beam me up, Scotty!  She says she's...pregnant!
Beam me up, Scotty! The liberals have taken over!
Beam me up, Scotty! The rabbit just died!
Beam me up, Scotty! There's no intelligent Taglines here!
Beam me up, Scotty! There's no intelligent recipes here!
Beam me up, Scotty! This planet sucks!
Beam me up, Scotty, This planet has no beer!
Beam me up, Scotty, This planet sucks!
Beam me up, Scotty, but leave the others here.
Beam me up, Scotty, the weed down here stinks!
Beam me up, Scotty--this isn't the men's room!
Beam me up, Scotty.  There's no intelligent life down here.
Beam me up, Scotty. I swallowed my phaser.
Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life down here
Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life down here.
Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life down here. -- J.T. Kirk
Beam me up, Scotty. There's no intelligent life here.
Beam me up, Scotty. This isn't the men's room.
Beam me up, Scotty....I think I'm in the s**t.
Beam me up, Scotty...I think I'm going to PUKE!
Beam me up, Snotty!
Beam me up, there's no intelligent life at Channel Nine!
Beam me up, there's no intelligent life here!
Beam me up............why doesn't that ever work for me?
Beam me up...uh...uh Spock?  What's that guy's name again
Beam me....uh...somewhere...not down......., Scotty.
Beam us Up, Scotty; there's no intelligent life down here.
Beam us aboard, Scotty! Aye, sir, will a 2x4 do?
Beam!  This guy's a pig...and so are you.  Did you program this guy?
Beaming at you from Miami Shores, Florida.
Bean Motto - "Touch Not the Cat But With a Glove."
Bean me a board, Scotty! - A 2x4, Sir?
Beans Meanz Fartz
Beans are neither fruit nor musical - Bart Simpson's lines
Beans are neither fruit nor musical -Bart Simp./Epis. 1F22
Beans are neither fruit nor musical -Bart Simpson/Episode 1F22
Beans are the musical fruit.  The more you eat, the more you toot.
Beans for dinner last night huh?
Beans! C'mere you little rascals! - Crow
Bear Hugs make you feel Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Bear Left!  Frog Right!
Bear Whiz Beer : It's in the water - that's why it's yellow!
Bear Whiz Beer : It's in the water thats why is's yellow!
Bear Whiz Beer: It's in the water that's why it's yellow!
Bear takes over Disneyland in Pooh D'Etat!
Bear takes over Disneyworld in Pooh D'Etat!
Bear with me folks! - Crow as stuffed bear
BearJoran takes over Deep Space Nine in Pooh-de-tat!
Bearded Clams?  HAH!  I've never seen one!
Bearded Clams? HAH!! I've never seen one!
Bearjoran takes over DS9 in Pooh D'Etat!
Beartraps are provided for the convenience of our patrons!
Beast rules & TREK drools!
Beast yellow pages entry: between "Bearings" and "Beauty Salons"
Beasts DO IT 666 times a night!
Beastus & Butthead - Attorneys at Law
Beat Me! Whip Me! Take Away My Credit Cards!
Beat Me, Moderate Me, Make Me Write Bad Checks!
Beat Me, Whip Me.  A masochist is Never Satisfied.
Beat Q up? Nah, I'll let Worf and Riker do it! - Picard
Beat a dogma with a stigma.
Beat dead, beating dead beets and am STILL trying to keep the beat
Beat him up, Scotty!
Beat inflation - steal!
Beat it kid, ya bother me!
Beat it through the lines
Beat me Mistress!  Whip me!  Be brutal!!  Oops!  Wrong Conference!
Beat me Mistress..Whip me..Be brutal...OOOPs !...wrong echo    8:)
Beat me first ... ask questions later ...
Beat me mistress,whip me,abuse me...ooops! wrong echo!
Beat me up Scotty, no sado-masochism on this planet.
Beat me!  Whip me!  Make me return to 1200 baud!!
Beat me!  Whip me!  Make me return to 2400 baud!
Beat me!  Whip me!  Make me return to XMODEM!
Beat me!  Whip me!  Make me use Kermit.
Beat me!  Whip me!  Make me use Windows!
Beat me!  Whip me!  Make me use Windoze!!!
Beat me! Whip me! Make me Upload files at 300 BPS.
Beat me! Whip me! Make me return to 1200 baud
Beat me! Whip me! Make me return to 1200 baud!!
Beat me! Whip me! Make me use Kermit.
Beat me! Whip me! Make me use Qmodem.
Beat me! Whip me! Make me use Windows!
Beat me! Whip me! Make me write lousy messages!
Beat me, Bite me, F*ck me, but hey; don't mess up my hair!
Beat me, Moderate me, make me squish Tribble taglines.
Beat me, Moderate me, make me write tribble Taglines.
Beat me, brand me, make me a moderator.
Beat me, moderate me, make me write bad Taglines!
Beat me, moderate me, make me write bad taglines.
Beat me, whip me, ...make me write Windows software...
Beat me, whip me, but don't make me read my mail online
Beat me, whip me, make me join FEMMSA!
Beat me, whip me, make me listen to rap music!
Beat me, whip me, make me listen to this JERK.
Beat me, whip me, make me play 'Stairway to Heaven'!
Beat me, whip me, make me read mail 1 packet at a time.
Beat me, whip me, make me read mail online at 110 baud!
Beat me, whip me, make me read mail without Blue Wave v2.12!!!!
Beat me, whip me, make me read mail without SPEED READ.
Beat me, whip me, make me read messages ONLINE...
Beat me, whip me, make me read my Qmail!
Beat me, whip me, make me read my mail online!
Beat me, whip me, make me read my mail online.
Beat me, whip me, make me squish Tribble Taglines --> ____
Beat me, whip me, make me use 2400 baud!
Beat me, whip me, make me use Qmodem . . . . . . . . . .
Beat me, whip me, make me use Windows
Beat me, whip me, make me use a Macintosh . . .
Beat me, whip me, make me use a Macintosh...
Beat me, whip me, make me vote Liberal !
Beat me, whip me, make me watch Star Trek!
Beat me, whip me, make me watch a drag race!
Beat me, whip me, make me write @TO Taglines.
Beat me, whip me, make me write Orville Bullitt Taglines.
Beat me, whip me, make me write Tribble recipes.
Beat me, whip me, make me write Tribble taglines.
Beat me, whip me, make me write bad taglines.
Beat me, whip me, make we watch England play FOOTBALL!
Beat me, whip me, spank me, but...mess up my hair, and *YOU* DIE!
Beat me, whip me... OUCH! That hurt!
Beat me. Whip me. Make me write bad taglines.
Beat me/whip me... but dont make me read mail without Blue Wave v2.20!
Beat on the Brat With a Baseball Bat... (Ramones)
Beat our swords into plowshares?  They'd be useless!
Beat the 5 o'clock rush - Leave work at noon!
Beat the 5 o'clock rush - leave work at noon!
Beat the love of Jesus into them - Mike
Beat the system.... Unplug the computer!
Beat the word of God into her - Mike as nun
Beat two eggs?  Why?  What did the eggs do?
Beat your child once a day.  If you don't know why, he does.
Beat's me!!! I never read the documentation.
Beat's me. Isn't that weird ? - Calvin
Beaten by a "YouKnowWhat" ... with a "Don'tMention" ??
Beaten by a Sweet Looking Little Girl!  I'm so ashamed.
Beating a dead horse: Sadonecrobestiality.
Beating the crap out of Pernell Roberts - Mike
Beatings shall continue until morale improves!!!
Beatings will continue until morale improves
Beatings will continue until morale improves.
Beatles of Borg:  Assimilate and Let Die!
Beatnik: Santa Claus the day after Christmas.
Beats me where I get these crazy ideas.
Beats me!!! I never read the documentation.
Beats me.  You want some toast? - The Toaster
Beauteous Bimbo Bajoran Bags Bashir's "Boy, Oh, Boy"--Yes, it's Leeta!
Beauticians do it with lots of hot air.
Beautiful Bajoran Bimbo Babe Bags Bashir's "Boy, Oh, Boy"--It's Leeta!
Beautiful flowers die fast.  Blooming idiots are everywhere.
Beautiful girls don't bother me ... I wish they would!
Beautiful girls don't bother me...I wish they WOULD!
Beautiful girls don't bother me...but I wish they WOULD!
Beautiful lady lawyer: Corpus Delectable.
Beautiful story.  Kinda gets you right HERE!   -- Q
Beautiful! Splash one. Look at the carnage! Haha - Tom
Beautify America - Deport Congress!
Beautify Australia ... Plant a lawyer!  (Deep)
Beautify Texas.  Put a Yankee on a bus.
Beautify Texas...Plant a lawyer! (DEEP!).
Beautify yourself, go on a diet and gain 500 pounds.
Beauty And The Beast...Macintosh And UNIX
Beauty School Drop out... Go back to high school.
Beauty comes in all sizes.
Beauty does not season soup -- Polish proverb
Beauty faded has no second spring.
Beauty fades.  Ugly is forever.
Beauty goes beyond physical appearance.
Beauty is a fading flower. - Isaiah 28:1
Beauty is a gift which is seldom despised, except by those without it.
Beauty is a weapon; a smile its sword.
Beauty is all around for those who chose to see it.
Beauty is but skin deep, but what of Cardassians?
Beauty is feared / more than death.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer drinker!
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder....
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder--Even if it is blind
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What an eye!
Beauty is in the eyes of the beer holder!
Beauty is in the hand of the beer holder.
Beauty is in the heart of the beer holder
Beauty is just a light switch away...'click!'
Beauty is not caused. It is.
Beauty is often in the thighs of the beholder.
Beauty is only a light switch away!!
Beauty is only sin deep.
Beauty is only skin deep - that's ok, skin is all I want!
Beauty is only skin deep, but blonde goes to the root!
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone.
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.
Beauty is only skin deep, some people should be skinned
Beauty is only skin deep.  Ugly goes right to the bone.
Beauty is only skin deep. Ugly goes clear to the bone.
Beauty is only skin deep. Ugly goes right to the bone.
Beauty is power; a smile its sword.
Beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone.
Beauty is skin deep, ugly goes to the bone.
Beauty is skin deep. Ugly cuts to the bone.
Beauty is skin-deep.  Ugly goes to the bone.
Beauty is the 1st gift nature gives to women and the 1st it takes away
Beauty is the gift of God. - Aristotle
Beauty is transitory.
Beauty isn't everything...but it's certainly a nice start.
Beauty lies in the neurosomatic "I" of the beholder. - Timothy Leary
Beauty provoketh fools sooner than gold. -- Shakespeare
Beauty seldom recommends one woman to another.
Beauty survives.
Beauty times brains equals a constant.
Beauty without brains is just window dressing...
Beauty without grace is like a hook without bait.
Beauty without grace is the hook without the bait.<R. W. Emerson>
Beauty without virtue is a flower without perfume.
Beauty----- make-up that gets in the eye of the wearer
Beauty:  A valuable asset if you're poor or haven't any sense.
Beauty: Woman's power to charm lovers and terrify husbands.
Beauty: the power by which a woman charms a lover & terrifies a husband.
Beautyrest: Modern Queen of Innerspace
Beaver Cleaver has an edible complex
Beavis & Butt-head of Borg: "Resistance sucks!"
Beavis & Butt-head: Mystery Science Theater 3000 for morons.
Beavis & Butt-head: Road kill on the Information Superhighway.
Beavis & Butthead are actually based on most of MTV's viewers.
Beavis & Butthead of Borg: "Resistance sucks!"
Beavis & Butthead: MST3000 for morons.
Beavis - he's got the Playboy Channel! - Butthead
Beavis Gump.....He said box.  Uh huh huh uh huh.
Beavis Gump: He said box.  Uh huh huh uh huh.
Beavis and Butt-Head are not role models....
Beavis and Butt-Head: Mystery Science Theater 3000 for morons.
Beavis and Butt-Tag: Tagdude is COOL! heh heh huh huh
Beavis and Butt-head of Borg: Resistance sucks!
Beavis and Butthead are based on real MTV viewers.
Beavis and Butthead are not role models....
Beavis and Butthead are the new American role models. huh
Beavis and Butthead for Primetime!
Beavis and Butthead must die...
Beavis and Butthead of Borg:  assimilation bites!
Beavis and Butthead on the Invid Invasion: "COOL!!!  THIS RULES!!!"
Beavis and Butthead take on Captain Picard!
Beavis and Butthead, the hottest show in town.
Beavis and Butthead:  MST3K for morons.
Beavis and Butthead: MST3000 for morons.
Beavis and Butthead: MST3K for morons.
Beavis and Clintonhead.
Beavis and butthead made me do it..I can't be held respon
Beavis has a magic Johnson- It disappears into his hand -Butthead
Beavis is not dog food! .. huh uh huh He's worm food!
Beavis lied for your SIMMS.
Beavis of Borg "Prepare to have your ass lemon-imated"
Beavis of Borg.  Assimilation is cool.  Huh-Huh-Huh
Beavis of Borg:  "You said A$$-imilate. heh heh hehheh."
Beavis of Borg: You said Ass-imilate. heh heh hehheh.
Beavis, And Butthead Kick ASS, huh huh huh Moderators Suck, Huh Huh!
Beavis, I thought YOU were daddy's little cutie?!? huh huh huh
Beavis, are you sure you're ready for this? - Butthead
Beavis, don't ever take that tone with me! - Butthead
Beavis, pull my finger.
Beavis, we need to start a band. TODAY. - Butthead
Beavis, you gotta get a whiff of this! - Butthead
Beavis, you wuss, you never drank a beer!
Beavis: I feel a siezure comin' on........
Beavis:I am Bungholio!!!
Beavis:That's explain all the diahhrea coming out of his mouth.
Beavis:Ummm...what are you wearing?
Beavo - A pencil with teeth marks all over it.
Because I am Mexican! - Mike
Because I am.  CANADIAN!
Because I could not stop for death -  He kindly stopped for me -
Because I don't say it, don't mean I ain't thinkin' it.
Because I have been thirsty, I will dig a well that others may drink.
Because I told you before, girl, you can't do that.
Because I'm evil, and love is gone. My love is gone. - Danzig
Because I'm the COMPUTER that's why!
Because I'm the Moderator, that's why.
Because I'm the Mommy, *that's* why!
Because I'm the SYSOP that's WHY!
Because I'm the Sysop; that's why.
Because I'm the editor, that's why!
Because I'm the writer, that's why!
Because I'm your Father. THAT'S why!
Because I'm your mother. THAT'S why!
Because I've never been one to play it safe...I choose to try - Picard
Because I've never been one to play it safe...I choose to try.
Because I`m the Daddy, that`s why!
Because I`m the Mommy, that`s why!
Because Pikinu barked so, THAT'S why.
Because SOMEBODY has to do the dirty work.
Because This Is A Story About Sex.
Because he is trying to find other suckers to fall for it.....
Because he was mortal they called him insane      RUSH
Because he's holding a thermal detonator! - C-3PO
Because it's there.
Because no matter where you go there you are.
Because nothing else comes close.
Because now, at this moment, beer is legal. Grass ain't. <M>
Because of BBSing, reading and writing actually pays off!
Because that's what we do. We're professional botherers. --Al.
Because the Darkness is within us all.
Because the Tao favours no finite thing, it is infinite.-Tao te Ching
Because the frogs don't listen - Crow
Because the sky is still, you must not think there is no dragon.
Because the trashy things in life are the best!
Because the water is still, you must not think there is no crocodile
Because the wind is high, it blows my mind. -Beatles
Because we're Protestant!  And fiercely proud of it!
Because we're winners and winners take all!
Because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT trying to get you.
Because you're paranoid it doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
Because, because, because, because, because..!  Because.
Because... I am....  CANADIAN!
Beck's Postulate:  Murphy was an optimist.
Beckett & Calavicci '96: Putting right what went wrong.
Beckett/Callavicci in '96. Putting right what once went wrong!
Beckett/Callavicci in '96...and '72...and '60...and '88.
Beckhap's Law:  Beauty times brains equals a constant.
Beckmann's Law: Where there is no cop, there is no speed limit.
Become a Midwife, meet new people.
Become a Sysop and never see the world!
Become a moderator to up your message total.
Become a programmer - crash your computer for a living!
Become a programmer and never see the world!
Become a programmer and never see the world!!
Become a programmer--Make a living crashing your computer
Become famous for finishing important, difficult tasks!
Become one with what you are. Become one with what you are not.
Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
Bed and I were made for each other.
Bed goes up. Bed goes down. Bed goes up. Bed goes down.. - Homer
Bed her late than never.
Bed her late than never...
Bed stain removal by Master Bate
Bed, Chocolate, and a hug  help with PMS.
Bedfellows make strange politicians.
Bedfellows make stranger politicians.
Bedpan - larger than a pie pan.
Bedrock, home of the original Honeymooners!
Bedtime for Barney Who plays Ronnie Regan's part this time around?
Bedtime? Not yet--I have to upload my .reps!
Bee Gees online: "I just gotta post a message to you, hold on . . ."
Bee Healthy - Eat your Honey!
Bee fish ewe a mare egrets moose, panda hippo gnu deer.
Beeble DOS: Well, that *is* a command, but OTOH, he . . .
Beeeep! This is a test of the emergency recipe system.
Beeeep! This is a test of the emergency tagline system.
BeeepBeeepBeeep(Backing up my hard drive.)
Beef Distribution Network: Spreading the bull for Jesus!
Beef jerky...Dehydrated mad cow disease.
Beef up your life... Have a cow, Man!
Beefy peanut buster bel grande! -- Joel Robinson
Beekeepers like to eat their honey.
Beekeeping:  by A. P. Arry
Beekeeping: A. P. Arry
Beekeeping: A. P. Arry(6)
Beelyuns and beelyuns of Carl Sagans...
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me...
Been 2 weeks & you haven't slipped her the tongue - Crow
Been Bikin', by 'Rhoda Lotta Miles'
Been There! Done That! Don't want to do it again.
Been a long time since I Rock and Rolled
Been a long time since I rock an' rolled
Been counting fuzz on a catapillar by touch?
Been eating pillows, feeling down in the mouth.
Been in a coccoon, but now I sing just like a loon - Tom
Been involved in a disk crash?  Call the PC Attorney.
Been married for 25 yrs...Lemme get to 2nd base - Tom
Been napping in front of the ion shield again.
Been offended?  Dial 1-900-GET-STUFD
Been playing with his wand too much.
Been playing with the pharmacy section again.
Been poisoned?  Induce vomiting!  How?  Listen to Howard Stern!
Been reading those Illuminati conspiracy books again, eh?
Been reading those Illuminati conspiracy books again, huh?
Been ridin' broomsticks since she was fifteen
Been ridin'on that Cosmic Freight Train feeling bad -Mike
Been saved again by the garbage truck.
Been seduced by the chocolate side of the force, have we?
Been short on oxygen one time too many.
Been so long since I've had sex, I forget who get's tied up.
Been so long without sex, I think I'm a virgin again,
Been there and did WHAT?
Been there!  Done that!  Stole the recipe!
Been there!  Done that!  Stole the tagline!
Been there, Done that, Got the T-Shirt and Coffee Cup.
Been there, done it, bought the T-shirt
Been there, done it, got the tagline.
Been there, done it, reincarnated.
Been there, done that, *s*w*i*p*e*d* the Taglines.
Been there, done that, *s*w*i*p*ed the recipes.
Been there, done that, Got Moderated!
Been there, done that, Got warned by the MODERATOR!!!
Been there, done that, and got the T-Shirt to prove it!
Been there, done that, and someone stole the T-shirt!  Hated it.
Been there, done that, ate teh T-shirt.
Been there, done that, ate the T-shirt.
Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt concession.
Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.
Been there, done that, can't remember.
Been there, done that, didn't even get a T-Shirt....
Been there, done that, died and was reincarnated as a lamp.
Been there, done that, died and was reincarnated as a light bulb.
Been there, done that, got reincarnated.
Been there, done that, got the Aardvark!
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt to prove it.
Been there, done that, paid for the lawyer.
Been there, done that, the T-shirt cost too much.
Been there, done that, tripped the alarm, came here.
Been there, done that, went back for more...
Been there, read that, stole the tagline.
Been there, seen that, bought a T-shirt, gone home.
Been there, seen that, bought a t-shirt, gone home...
Been there, seen that, done that, got the T-shirt.
Been there.  Done that.  Got the T-shirt.
Been there.  Done that.  Reincarnated.
Been there. Done that. Got the T-Shirt.
Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt.
Been there.. Did that.. Got the stupid-looking T-shirt..  What's next?
Been through Hell?  And what did you bring me?
Been through Hell?  Did you bring me back a T-shirt?
Been through Hell? And what did you bring me?
Been through Hell?? and what did you bring me??
Been through Hell??? and what did you bring me???
Been through hell, eh?  Great!  What did you bring me?
Been through hell?  And what did you bring back for me?
Been through hell?  Great... what did you bring me?
Been through hell?  Okay... What did you bring me?
Been through hell?  What did you bring me?
Been through the desert on a car with no name -Crow sings
Been through the fires of Hell, and have the ashes to prove it.
Been thru Hell?  What did you bring back for me?
Been to Sodom, did the angels, got the T-shirt.
Been to the Boneless Chicken Farm.
Been to the Mausoleum lately?  It's really DEAD in there.
Been to the movies lately @F? They talk now, and everything!
Been using her head as a mass driver.
Been volunteering for those psychological tests again, haven't you?
Beep Beep? Must be Earth humor - Londo Molari
Beep Beep? Must be Earth humor. --Londo Mollari.
Beep Beep? Must be Earth humor. --Londo.
Beep Beep? Must be Earth humour.... - Londo
Beep Beep?..must be Earth humor -Londo
Beep beep boop beep boop beep beep. - R2D2
Beep beep?  It *must* be Earth humor-- Londo Molari
Beep beep? It *must* be Earth humor--Londo Mollari.
Beep beep? It MUST be Earth humor - Londo
Beep beep? It MUST be Earth humor--Babylon 5.
Beep beep? It MUST be Earth humor--Londo.
Beep beep? It MUST be Earth humor... <Londo<
Beep beep? It MUST be Earth humor... - B5
Beep beep? It MUST be Earth humor... - Londo
Beep!  Invalid Input.  I take only cash....
Beep! Invalid Input.  I take only cash....
Beep! Liberal Input.
Beep, Beep... nope, not felix the cat...
Beep. Invalid Input.  I take only cash.
Beer - It's not just a breakfast food anymore
Beer - So much more than just a breakfast drink.
Beer : It is not just for breakfast anymore . . .
Beer Can wHEN tHIS...Notify SYSOP have Sales Aids...UNCH
Beer Drinker's Excuse: "Hey, yeast rises..gotta go somewhere!"
Beer Drinkers Always Have Head.
Beer Goggles. See the world through the eyes of a drunk
Beer Goggles. See the world through the eyes of a drunk.
Beer Gut?  Nah, I got pregnant before I had the sex change.
Beer Gut? Nah, I got pregnant before I had the sex change.
Beer Here, Get Your Ice Cold Beer Here! --- Beer Here...
Beer Lock and Load
Beer Nuts are $1.29 but Deer Nuts are under a buck.
Beer Nuts:  Larval stage of cotton balls...
Beer Overdose : Shutting off User until bubbling stops ...
Beer ads show people drinking beer...what about condoms?
Beer and Ice don't mix.
Beer and Rice Krispies....Snap, Crackle, and BELCH!
Beer and Wheaties....breakfast of champions!
Beer and hockey: Two of life's best things.
Beer and men: Two of god's best gifts to mankind.
Beer and women: Two of God's best gifts to mankind.
Beer bellies = great waist.
Beer bellies: *large* waist.
Beer bellies: great waist.
Beer belly?   It's a fuel tank for a sex machine!.
Beer belly?  No!  It's a fuel tank for a sex machine!
Beer belly? It's a fuel tank for a sex machine!
Beer bottles and Marines are both empty from the neck up.
Beer bottles and blondes are both empty from the neck up.
Beer brewers do it with more hops.
Beer cans empty! Memory Full! Zzzzzzzzzz!
Beer cans empty! Memory Full! Zzzzzzzzzz!!!
Beer doesn't care how much you earn.
Beer doesn't care if you go to sleep right after you've had it.
Beer doesn't complain about farting.
Beer doesn't grow hair where it shouldn't.
Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.
Beer drinker's motto: "Need beer. Will grovel."
Beer drinkers do it...in packs of six.
Beer drinkers get more head.
Beer farts: THAT's a turnoff - Crow
Beer for me, Bloody Mary for my friend @TOFIRST@ here.
Beer for me, Bloody Mary for my friend Lestat here
Beer for me, Bloody Mary for my friend Lestat here.
Beer for me, Bloody Mary for my friend Orville here.
Beer for me, Bloody Mary for my friend Tom here.
Beer goggles-see the world thru the eyes of drunk.
Beer has character and the American people don't.
Beer has never caused a major war.
Beer have mostly a shorter half time period as indicated!
Beer in MODERATION is Good, In EXCESS its even BETTER ! - Liz Reynolds
Beer is Better. Beer bottles don't get sprayed with pesticides.
Beer is Better. Beer is always in season.
Beer is Better. Eating cucumbers to forget doesn't work.
Beer is Better: Beer bottles don't get sprayed with pesticide.
Beer is Better: Beer bottles don't get sprayed with pesticides
Beer is Better: Beer is always in season.
Beer is Better: Eating cucumbers to forget doesn't work.
Beer is Better: Eating cucumbers to forget doesn't.
Beer is Better: You can't get drunk, no matter how
Beer is better, eating cucumbers to forget doesn't work..
Beer is for breakfast around here, so drink or be gone!
Beer is good!
Beer is happy to ride in the trunk of your car.
Beer is the answer.........What was the question?
Beer isn't just for breakfast any more.
Beer isn't just for breakfast anymore!
Beer kills brain cells, but only the weak ones.
Beer makers do it with bottles.
Beer makes the world go `round (and `round, and `round.
Beer makes you feel like sex, but mostly your-an-eight.
Beer makes you think better.  2 heads are better than 1.
Beer makes you think better.  Two heads are better than one.
Beer math is 2 beers X 37 soldiers = 49 cases.
Beer math is two beers times 37 men equals 49 cases.
Beer math is: Two beers times 37 men = 49 cases.
Beer math: 2 beers * 37 men = 49 cases.  'Murphy
Beer math: 2 beers * 37 men = 49 cases. --Murphy.
Beer math: two beers times 37 men equals 49 cases.
Beer never complains about the wet spot.
Beer never gets mad if you stop & have a couple wives on the way home.
Beer never has a headache.
Beer not found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
Beer not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
Beer not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic.
Beer not found: (S)ettle for import;  S(t)art brewing
Beer nuts are $1.39.  Deer nuts are under a buck.
Beer nuts:  The dreaded final stage of cotton balls.
Beer nuts: The dreaded final stage of cotton balls.
Beer nuts: the dreaded final stage of cotton balls.
Beer overdose... SHutting User off till bubbling stops.
Beer overdoseSHutting User off till bubbling s
Beer was made so ugly women get some too.
Beer will be the urination of me!
Beer won't complain about your choice of vacation.
Beer won't drive you to drink.
Beer won't kill sofa slugs. Neither will salty pretzels.
Beer!  It's not just for breakfast anymore.
Beer!  It's not just for breakfast anymore..
Beer!  It's not just for breakfast anymore.....
Beer!  Now there's a temporary solution.
Beer! I'll drink to that!
Beer! It's not just for breakfast anymore!
Beer! It's not just for breakfast anymore.
Beer! Now there's a temporary solution!
Beer! Now there's a temporary solution.
Beer!, Now that's a temporary solution.
Beer's the answer! .... NOW!... What was the question?
Beer, Budweiser, cold. --Riker.
Beer, Budweiser, ice cold                       - Riker
Beer, Budweiser, ice cold --Riker.
Beer, Is there nothing it can't do.
Beer, Mr. Peterson? Ok, but stop me at 1... well, 1:30.
Beer, Norm?...Have I gotten that predictable?  Good.
Beer, Wine and Women --- Is't Life Great !!!
Beer, Wine and Women --- Isn't Life Great !!!
Beer, Wine and Women --- Isn't Life Great!
Beer, Wine, and Womem  Is't it Great!
Beer, hockey, and men...isn't life Great!
Beer, it's not just for breakfast anymore.
Beer, not just for breakfast anymore.
Beer-O-Meter  [E\........F] ... Time for a commercial.
Beer-O-Meter [E\........F] ... Time for a commercial.
Beer.  Budweiser.  Cold. - Riker
Beer.  It's not just for breakfast anymore.
Beer. Budweiser. Cold. - Riker
Beer. It's not just for breakfast anymore!
Beer. It's not just for breakfast anymore.
Beer. Now there's a temporary solution. - Homer
Beer... It's not just for breakfast anymore!
Beer.... not just a breakfast beverage anymore!
Beer...Drink your daily B-complex with a foamy head.
Beer...the Breakfast of Champions.
Beer...the breakfast of Champions.
Beer.Com located...Operator loaded.
Beer.com not found <A>bort <R>etry <J>ack Daniels
Beer.not just a breakfast beverage anymore!!
Beer/Wine? Wine made from fresh beer - Mike
Beer:  It makes me a jolly old fellow.
Beer:  It's not just for breakfast anymore...
Beer: God's gift to the working slob.
Beer: It ain't just for breakfast anymore...
Beer: It makes me a jolly old fellow.
Beer: Nectar of the Gods, or Urine of the Yeast?
Beer: So much more than just a breakfast drink.
Beer: So much more then a just a Breakfast Drink.
Beer: Why would anyone want to drink yeast excrement?
Beer: You don't buy it, you only rent it...
Beer: it's not just for breakfast anymore
Beer:it ain't just for breakfast anymore...
BeerGut: if you had equipment like mine you'd build a shelter over it.
BeerIt's not just for breakfast anymore!
BeerWare: If it works, buy yourself a beer.
Beercan Located. Operator Loaded.
Beergut?  Nah, I just got pregnant before I started drinking.
Beergut? Nah, I just got pregnant before I started drinking.
Beermakers do it with bottles.
Beertender, bring me another bar!
Bees are a state of mind.
Bees aren't that busy, they just can't buzz any slower.
Bees flap their wings 300 times a second.
Beethoven composed for 43 years...then he decomposed
Beethoven composed for 43 years...then he decomposed.
Beethoven did it apassionately.
Beethoven was the first to do it with a full orchestra.
Beethoven wrote nine symphonies.  They never wrote back.
Beetle- 25,000,000 and counting.
Beetle: Battered Everywhere, Expect To Lose Engine
Beets are a very misunderstood vegetable.
Before Abraham was, I am. - John 8:58
Before Barney, there was Mister Rogers.  Can you say Mister Rogers?
Before God builds, He first demolishes.
Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish. - Einstein
Before I go to bed, I want some filk and cookies
Before I go, let me kiss you.
Before I know it, Saturday's gone...
Before Men's Hair Club  (:)  After  @:)
Before Midgets have sex, do they have two-play?
Before TV was invented I wonder if they had "radio dinners"?
Before Xerox, five carbons were the maximum extension of anybody's ego.
Before a long trip, fill your tank & empty your bladder!
Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed.
Before advising "Be yourself!" reassess his character.
Before backing up ... make a backup
Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which one you need more.
Before borrowing money from a friend, decide which you need more.
Before burning the flag, stuff most of it into your pants.
Before buying a piece of property, walk around its perimeter.
Before calling Tech Support, ask the Guru
Before going to Confession, [rmdir] *.porn.
Before liberalism ->  :-)   After ->  :_(
Before logging on, take time to shave. In your EMail, you'll get raves.
Before making a backup, first destroy the originals.
Before pointed sticks..How did one grill Hot Dogs?
Before pollution people used to get air sick only on airplanes.
Before sunrise he's your son. - Mufasa
Before sunrise, he's your son.
Before the Borg there was  Jesus.
Before the Borg, there were the fundies.
Before the Handsome prince comes you kiss a lot of toads.
Before the dark times. Before the Empire. -- Obi Wan Kenobi
Before they made him, they broke the mold..
Before treating my nose and ear, my doctor asked for an arm and a leg.
Before vanishing in a puff of *life is* Taglines smoke!
Before we go any further, do you love me?
Before we got married did he say he was "over-sexed" or "over sex"?!?
Before we got married did you say you're over-sexed or over sex?!?
Before we met I was angry.  Together we're a movement.
Before you attack her, cover your whacker.
Before you attack her, wrap your whacker
Before you attack her, wrap your whacker.
Before you become unnoticeable, stand up and be noticed.
Before you can make a Friend... You must first meet a Stranger!
Before you can win, you've got to keep from losing..
Before you decide to retire, take a day off and watch daytime T.V.
Before you find a handsome prince, you've got to kiss a lot of frogs.
Before you find your handsome prince, you've got to kiss a lot of frogs.
Before you find your handsome prince, you've gotta kiss a lot of frogs
Before you get to where you can make ends meet,someone moves the ends.
Before you go, take the liberal trash with you!
Before you kick a sleeping dog have a plan for when it wakes up!
Before you kill a lawyer, hug him.
Before you kill a lawyer, torture him.
Before you louse something up, THIMK!
Before you see the light, you must die.
Before you start anything, make sure you can finis
Before you start on the road to revenge, dig two graves.
Before yoy swallow facts, find out what liberal said them
Before, I cudnt spel programmer; now, I are one.
Before, it was just greasy outside; NOW, it's RAINING LARD!--KitH
Beg for mercy.
Beg your pardon, didn't recognize you, I've changed a lot
Beggars can't be choosy.
Begging is bad Karma but sometimes ya just gotta!!!
Begging is not demeaning -- when its for something you *really* want!
Begin the day with a friendly voice, a companion unobtrusive.
Begin the day with a friendly voice. -Rush
Begin the greatest task in the world while it is still small.
Beginning Player: "But I don't have 30 hit points left...is that bad?"
Beginning of the End? Already?! It just started! - Mike
Beginning to chant: "We want our Internet.  We want our Internet.  We.."
Beginning to chant: "We want our Internet.  We want our Internet."
Beginnings and endings are truly artificial constructs.
Beginnings are apt to be shadowy.<Carson>
Behave yourself, or I'll have Morn sit on you.
Behaves like a wise mother, rather than a spoiled big brother.
Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his image.
Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his/her image.
Behavioral psychology: pulling habits out of rats
Behaviorial Research:  Pulling habits out of rats.
Behaviorism is the art of pulling habits out
Behaviorism is the art of pulling habits out of rats.  -- O'Neill
Behaviorist psychology -- pulling habits out of rats.
Behavioural psychology is the science of pulling habits out of rats.
Behavioural psychology:  Pulling habits out of rats...
Behavioural psychology: pulling habits out of rats
Behead @N@ for Allah!
Behead Orville Bullitt for Allah!
Behead a Lawyer for Allah!
Behead a Moderator for Allah!
Behead a Moderator for Allah! <--That's sick!
Behead a Sysop for Allah!
Beheading: The ultimate loss of face.
Behind Door #3 is Tiamat!  Better luck next time.
Behind Door #3 is... Orville Bullitt! Better luck next time. <*POOF*>.
Behind Door #3 is... TIAMAT!   Better luck next time.  <*POOF*>
Behind Door #3 is... Tiamat! Better luck next time.
Behind Door #3 isBrendan Keyport! Better luck next time. <*POOF*>.
Behind Door #3 isChris Sallek! Better luck next time. <*POOF*>.
Behind Door #3 isTIAMAT!   Better luck next time.  <*POOF*>
Behind Door #3 isTiamat! Better luck next time.
Behind Every Successful Woman is Herself.
Behind a great man, there's a woman preventing him from being greater!
Behind a successful man is a woman who made it necessary.
Behind a successful man there is a woman with nothing to wear.
Behind an able man, there are always other able men.
Behind door #3 is...Dave Harper!  Better luck next time.  <*POOF*>
Behind every SATISFIED man, there's an EXHAUSTED woman!
Behind every SATISFIED redhead, there is an EXHAUSTED man!!
Behind every SATISFIED woman...there's an EXHAUSTED man!
Behind every argument is someon'e ignorance.
Behind every argument is someone's ignorance
Behind every argument is someone's ignorance.
Behind every firefighter is a woman holding his hose...
Behind every good BBS is a good woman.
Behind every good BBS, is a good man.
Behind every good BBS, is a good woman.
Behind every good computer - is a jumble of cables!
Behind every good computer - is a jumble of wire
Behind every good computer is a jumble of wire.
Behind every good echo conference stands a great woman!
Behind every good man is a woman with nothing to wear.
Behind every good woman is a great behind
Behind every good woman, there is a great behind.
Behind every great BBS echo conference stands a great Woman....
Behind every great computer lies... a mess of wires!
Behind every great loser...there is ALSO a woman...
Behind every great man is an amazed mother-in-law!
Behind every great man is an amazed mother-in-law.
Behind every great man is his BUTT.
Behind every great man stands a woman; correcting him.
Behind every great man, there is a woman -- urging him on
Behind every great man, there is a woman -- urging him on. - Harry Mud
Behind every great man, there is a woman he is running from.
Behind every great man, there is a woman he's running from.
Behind every man, there's a woman with nothing to wear.
Behind every man, there's a woman with nothing to wear.
Behind every satisfied man is a line of exhausted blondes.
Behind every satisfied woman is a weak-kneed man needing a nap.
Behind every satisfied woman is an exhausted man.
Behind every succesful man is woman with nothing to wear
Behind every succesfull man is woman with nothing to wear
Behind every successful BBS is a female Co-Sysop....
Behind every successful man -- himself.
Behind every successful man is a woman nagging him to death.
Behind every successful man is a woman who made it neccessary.
Behind every successful man is a woman who made it necessary.
Behind every successful man is a woman who wants a fur coat.
Behind every successful man is a woman with nothing to wear.
Behind every successful man is an astonished motherinlaw
Behind every successful man is an exhausted woman
Behind every successful man is an exhausted woman.
Behind every successful man is his butt.
Behind every successful man is me wanting a fur coat.
Behind every successful man is woman with nothing to wear.
Behind every successful man stands a bunch of amazed co-workers.
Behind every successful man stands a surprised MIL.
Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law.
Behind every successful man stands a woman waiting for his job.
Behind every successful man stands an amazed woman.
Behind every successful man there is a woman with nothing to wear.
Behind every successful man you'll find a woman who has nothing to wear.
Behind every successful man, stands a surprised mother-in-law.
Behind every successful man--a surprised mother-in-law.
Behind every successful woman - herself.
Behind every successful woman is an exhausted man.
Behind every successful woman stands NO ONE.
Behind the scenes at Easy Rider magazine - Crow
Behind you
Behold the warranty ... the bold print giveth and the fine print taketh away.
Behold the warranty...the bold print giveth and the fine print taketh
Behold the warranty...the bold print giveth and the fine print taketh.
Behold this, you mutated basketball!
Behold, the cave of Kyre Banorg! -- Tim
Behold, the half was not told me. - 1 Kings 10:7
Behold, this dreamer cometh. - Genesis 32:19
Beifeld's Principle:
Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwalt gersput!
Bein' a idiot is a lot of fun when ain't nobody lookin'.
Bein' an idiot is lot'sa fun when ain't nobody lookin' -- Forrest Gump
Being Bajoran is never having your sunglasses slip down your nose.
Being Evil means never having to say you're sorry.
Being Gay isn't taught...  Hate & Prejudice are!
Being Wyrd just isn't good enough these days.
Being a "nice guy" doesn't cost, but it generally pays.
Being a JONES seeker I don't discourage too quickly.
Being a LIBERAL is its own punishment.
Being a Pagan means a choice of afterlives.
Being a SEAL made me a killer.  Being gay made me compassionate.
Being a SysOp is nice but it interferes with me being a wife. <g>
Being a SysOp is nice but it interferes with my WIFE!
Being a SysOp rulz!
Being a Sysop is nice but it interferes with my life.
Being a bigot is easy.  It takes a real man to be gay.
Being a bitch is a tough job, But someone's got-a do it!
Being a cat means never having to say "I'm sorry!"
Being a computer means never having to say you're sorry
Being a congressman means the law applies to someone else.
Being a good friend is a 24-hour job.
Being a good husband is a full time job.
Being a hero is the shortist-lived profession on earth - Will Rogers.
Being a hero means you've got to do stupid things once in a while.-DW
Being a husband is a full time job.
Being a moderator is like herding cats.
Being a moderator is nice but it interferes with my life.
Being a pain in the a$$ is a perogative of the creative mind.
Being a pain in the ass is a perogative of the creative mind.
Being a pain in the ass is a prerogative of the creative mind
Being a pain in the neck is a perogative of the creative mind.
Being a pain is a perogative of the creative mind.
Being a viking, I eat raw software
Being able to say NO is the root to reclaiming your life
Being able to say NO is the root to reclaiming your life.
Being able to say no is the root of reclaiming your life.
Being adopted is NO disgrace, don't let anyone tell you different.
Being alive: Concentrating on goals, not limitations.
Being an Alana isn't quite... well...masculine. :) - DigiShake
Being an idiot is no box of chocolates, is it?  Tell me.
Being an idiot is no box of chocolates.
Being an idiot is still better than being You.
Being an old fart stinks...so does a new one.
Being an outsider isn't so bad.--Odo
Being antisocial means never having to say you're sorry.
Being attacked and viciously licked by 20 puppies.
Being average, I am always at my best.
Being baldpate is an unfailing sex magnet.
Being bisexual doubles your chance of getting a date on weekends.
Being bisexual doubles your chances for a date.
Being black in no way makes you immune to being a racist.
Being bored is an insult to oneself.
Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.   Mafusa
Being circumcised is no skin off my nose
Being common isn't one of my strenghts.
Being crazy isn't bad when you consider the alternatives.
Being dead builds character!
Being dead is not my fear. It's too often the *dying* that's a bitch!!
Being digested is a painfully slow process.
Being disintegrated makes me ve-ry an-gry!  huff, huff
Being female isn't bad considering the alternative.
Being friendly to one brings happiness to two.
Being funny doesn't mean you aren't serious.
Being gay isn't taught...  Hate and prejudice are!
Being generous is inborn, being altruistic is a learned perversity.
Being genetically altered on cable TV - Mike as J.Perkins
Being good at being stupid doesn't count.
Being hailed?  Get off the environment controls Scott!  J.T. Kirk
Being happy, truly happy comes from obtaining your dream. <G>
Being here is a lot like being lost, Arthur. - The Tick
Being hit with a tuning fork really hertz (har har har)
Being human does have certain advantages
Being in a good health in the slowest possible way to die.
Being in debt is one way of proving that is possible to have less than nothing.
Being in love is the most glorious 2.5 days of your life.
Being in love is the most glorious two and a half days of your life.
Being insane isn't bad when you consider the alternatives
Being keys themselves, their keylessness does not matter.
Being king is not much fun if no one knows you are one.
Being late is better than getting a $50 speeding ticket.
Being liberal is the root of all worldly evils!
Being liberal means never having to accept responsibility
Being liberal means never having to accept responsibility.
Being male isn't bad considering the alternative.
Being married for 13 years to Jym; I haven't MISSed anything <g> M I Fox
Being married for 13 years to JymI haven't MISSed anything <g>
Being married is like being on a diet in a pastry shop.
Being married means making both love *AND* war.
Being mistaken for a toilet isn't that bad. Cleaning up afterwards is.
Being moderator means less time for the fun messages  :-(
Being multiple means never having to say "Who, me?"
Being normal is driving me crazy.
Being normal is not one of my strengths :)
Being normal isn't one of my strenghs..
Being normal isn't one of my strengths, but being a redhead is!!
Being normal isn't one of my strengths.
Being old fashioned is not necessarily good or better.
Being old sucks!
Being old sucks!! <= Sucks whatt??
Being on time means never having to say you're sorry.
Being one man too many, Ensign Extra is booted off the E.
Being one man too many, Ensign Extra is booted off the Enterprise.
Being one man too many, Ensign Extra is eaten by the alien.
Being overweight just sort of snacks up on you
Being paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you!
Being paranoid doesn't mean they AREN'T out to get you!
Being paranoid doesn't mean they _aren't_ out to get you!
Being placed on a pedestal is a RIGHT, not a privilege.
Being politically correct is curbing an action after someone bitches.
Being politically correct means always having to say you're sorry.
Being popular is important.  Otherwise people might not like you.
Being psychotic is all it's cracked up to be.
Being punctual makes people think you have nothing to do.
Being random is the best defense against stupidity.
Being rich isn't a sin. It's a %$#!@ miracle!
Being rich isn't a sin. It's a %$#!@)^ miracle!
Being rich isn't a sin. It's a %$*#&!@ miracle!
Being right too soon is socially unacceptable. -- Heinlein
Being romanced by Mr. French - Tom on fat Russian
Being seven points behind gives you a definite psychological advantage.
Being sexy is a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it
Being sexy is a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it Hard!
Being sexy is a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it!
Being shot down is a real disavantage..
Being superstitious brings bad luck.
Being taxed is like being raped, just relax and holler!
Being too drunk to fish is like being too fat to bowl - impossible.
Being under fire is bad for the nervous system.
Being vewy, vewy quiet is iweviwent. <hehehehehe> - Fudd of Borg.
Being virtuous sounds awfully dull. - Dolores Scott
Being weird is enough!
Being weird is the best defense!
Being weird is the best defense.
Being weird isn't enough, but it's a start.
Being weird isn't enough.
Being weird just isn't enough anymore!
Being young is I don't remember anymore!
Being young is...I don't remember anymore!
Being young is..I don't remember !
Beiser's Law: Facts without theory is trivia. Theory w/o facts is bull.
Bejeeses, I'm no good at speeches. - Fredric March
Bela Lugosi's brother Shemp Lugosi - Crow
Belabor my below-the-belly bandit.
Belfry: The directory for .BAT files!
Belief gets in the way of learning. -L. Long
Belief in a GOD shouldn't require heavy financing.
Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man. -- Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
Belief is Irrelevant!!! Thought is Irrelevant!!  FACTS ARE!!!!
Belief is no substitute for arithmetic.
Belief is not a problem of the intellect, but of the will.
Belief is the death of intelligence.
Belief it the death of intelligence.
Beliefs are rarely affected by Reality.
Believe and Succeed.
Believe in Christ, yesterday or today, and tomorrow, to live forever!
Believe in Darwin; cancer cures smoking.
Believe in a loving God, infidel, or die!
Believe in beauty and the world will be much brighter.
Believe in fondue? In the heart of every person there's melted cheese.
Believe in me, there are worse things on Earth.-Lestat
Believe in the Bible?  Hell, man, I've **seen** one.
Believe in the bible?  Hell no, I've read it.
Believe it or not, Worf is developing a sense of humor. - Yar
Believe me, I never meant to shut you out. - Richard Franklin
Believe me, NOTHING is trivial.
Believe me, believe me, I can't tell you why I'm trapped by your love,
Believe me, this will hurt you more than it hurts me.- Duncan MacLeod
Believe me... It's a hardware problem or a Virus
Believe nothing and be on your guard against everything.
Believe the man, not the oath.
Believe those seeking the truth, doubt those who find it.
Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.
Believe what you want, but don't get mad when others yell "BULLSHIT!"
Believe what you will, until experience changes your mind. - Delenn
Believe, obey, fight.
Believing any politician won't raise your taxes
Believing in yourself is the beginning of wisdom.
Believing is Not Required. Listening and Understanding IS!
Bell Cellular:  All roads lead to ROAM!
Bell Labs UNIX - reach out and grep someone
Bell Labs Unix -- Reach out and grep someone.
Bell Labs programmers do it with UNIX.
Bell announces, FREE call waiti+ngo +* 8>
Bell's Rule #3: Tiny objects, when dropped, run and hide.
Bell's Rule #4: There is an updraft over wastepaper baskets.
Bell-Bottoms!  Who are you?  Sammy Davis Jr.? - Bloom County
Bell-bottomed sailor suits, and you think NOW there are gays there?
Bell-ringers pull it themselves.
Belladonna:  In Italian, a beautiful lady; in English a deadly poison.
Bells in the land of Nod had nodding, so they invented the "clapper".
Belly Dancers:   People who use sign language and stutter...
Belly Dancers:  People who use sign language and stutter.
Belly button: Where men put 'honey' in after being a 'busy bee'.
Belly button: for salt when eating celery in bed
Belly laugh: Mirthquake.
Bellybutton. Where you put the dip when you eat chips in bed!
Bellybuttons are for holding chocolate sauce to dip strawberries in.
Beloved, gaze in thine own heart. -L. McKennitt
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God - 1 John 4:7
Below Average Pilot:  Unequal number of takeoffs and landings
Below Average Pilot:  Unequal number of takeoffs and landings...
Below is a list of all the recipes I have
Below is a list of all the taglines I have
Below the navel there is neither religion nor truth
Beltane: It's not a holiday, it's a state of mind.
Ben Cartwright might drive a Ranchero.
Ben Casey might drive an Infiniti.
Ben Dover & C. Howett Fealz -- Attorneys at Law
Ben Dover & C. Howit Feels  --Attorneys at Law
Ben Dover & C. Howit Feels -- Attorney's at law
Ben Dover & C. Howit Fields   Attorneys at Law
Ben Dover & C. Howit-Feels.. Attourneys at Law
Ben Dover and C. Howit Feelz -- Attorneys at Law.
Ben Franklin wasn't the ONLY one lightning got
Ben Franklin wasn't the ONLY one lightning got.
Ben Hogan recovered his golf ball, said Tom profoundly.
Ben Kenobi at the dinner table: "Luke... use the Forks, Luke!"
Ben Kenobi at the dinnertable: Use the FORKS, Luke
Ben Kenobi at the dinnertable: Use the FORKS, Luke!
Ben!  Ben! - Luke
Ben, why didn't you tell me? - Luke
Bend a carrot if you will, but a turnip will never bend.
Bend her over and load her like a shotgun
Bend over & touch your toes & I'll show you where the wild goose goes!
Bend over Blackadder it's poker time
Bend over Canada, Here comes gun control!!
Bend over and receive your destiny
Bend over and take it like a man!
Bend over!  Let me see you shake your tale feathers!!!!
Bend over, America - Clinton's in charge!
Bend over, America, Clinton's in charge!
Bend over, America--Clinton's in charge!
Bend over, I'll count.
Bend over.  I'll drive.
Bend over...I'll drive your floppy home.
Bend over...I'll plug in your modem !
Bend the facts to fit the conclusion.  It's easier that way.
Bend the facts to fit the conclusion. It's easier that way.
Bend the rules, you end up with crooked lines.....
Benden!  Noted for fine wines and large dragons.
Beneath every stone sleeps a scorpion.
Beneath the stain of time, the feeling disappears - NIN
Beneath the sweet calm face of the sea.. swift undertow..
Benign - What you be after you be eight.
Benign ... What you are after you be eight.
Benign:  What you are after you be eight.
Benign:  what you be after you be eight.
Benign: what you are after you be eight.
Benjamin, will you *please* stop calling me 'Old Man?'<Jadzia Dax>
Benjamin, will you *please* stop calling me 'Old Man?'<Jadzia Dax<
Benjamin, will you *please* stop calling me `Old Man?' -- Dax
Benji look out! There's a lion! !@*%^$# NO TERRIER
Benji!  Don't run out in the street- @#$*#'_.NO TERRIER
Benji!  Look out for that lion#@#~NO TERRIER
Benji!  Look out for the lion  !&^*#&&  NO TERRIER
Benji!  Look out!!  it)$&^#-_) NO TERRIER
Benji! Don't run out in the street! $#!@& - NO TERRIER
Benji! Don't run out in the street- @#$#'_.NO TERRIER.
Benji! Don't run out into the street! @$%%#$-= NO TERRIER
Benji! Don't run out onto the road! $%_@     -- [NO TERRIER].
Benji! Look out for the lion !&^*#&& NO TERRIER
Benji! Look out!! it)$&^#-_) NO TERRIER
Benji! Look out!!T)$#_^)Y NO TERRIER
Benji! The lion - &&^#&& NO TERRIER.
Benji!!  Look out for that tru#%^$&*_ NO TERRIER
Benji!, look out for that car %@%&@@15 $!^$#&!@<>>, NO TERRIER
Benji, Lassi, Rin Tin Tin and Windows 95 = 3 stars and a DOG !!!
Benny Hill:  The master of the single entendre.
Benny's not-so-great Sandwiches - Crow
Benson, you are so free of the ravages of intelligence -- Time Bandits
Bentleys.  Taj Mahal.  WILDCAT!  OLX.  QMODEM.
Beowulf 2: Grendel Goes to Hell
Bequeath your wheels to some destitute vehicle.
Berkeley Beatitude: The real world is just a special case.
Berliner's Law: Wire coat hangers multiply in dark closets.
Berman and sense are contradictions in terms. - Dex
Berman's Bible: "Don't Walk Away" Rene Lachemann
Berman's Bible: "Fettucini" Alfredo Griffin
Berman's Bible: "Me And" Willie McGee
Berman's Bible: Al "What Me Worry" Newman
Berman's Bible: Barry "U.S." Bonds
Berman's Bible: Bert "Be Home" Blyleven
Berman's Bible: Bill "Bubble" Bathe
Berman's Bible: Bill "Crop" Scherrer
Berman's Bible: Bill "Hello" Dawley
Berman's Bible: Bill "Toasted" Almon
Berman's Bible: Billy "Free" Sample
Berman's Bible: Billy "Lima" Beane
Berman's Bible: Bo "Buenos" Diaz
Berman's Bible: Bob "Air" Forsch
Berman's Bible: Bob "Ebony Eyes" Welch
Berman's Bible: Bob "Intentional" Walk
Berman's Bible: Bob "The Car Please" James
Berman's Bible: Bob "Yom" Kipper
Berman's Bible: Bob Melvin "And The Blue Notes"
Berman's Bible: Brian "10 Downing" Street
Berman's Bible: Britt "Third-Degree" Burns
Berman's Bible: Bruce "Eggs" Benedict
Berman's Bible: Bruce "Three Piece" Sutter
Berman's Bible: Bud "Paint It" Black
Berman's Bible: Butch "Oil And" Wynegar
Berman's Bible: Charles "Moscow On The" Hudson
Berman's Bible: Chet "Bitter" Lemon
Berman's Bible: Chris "Church" Speier
Berman's Bible: Chuck "My Bags Please" Porter
Berman's Bible: Chuck "Welcome Back" Cottier
Berman's Bible: Cliff "Brothers" Johnson
Berman's Bible: Dan "Man From" Gladden
Berman's Bible: Dan "Model A" Ford
Berman's Bible: Danny "Uriah" Heep
Berman's Bible: Danny Darwin "Theory"
Berman's Bible: Darryl "Rhubarb" Strawberry
Berman's Bible: Darryl Motley "Crew"
Berman's Bible: Dave "Canta" Lopes
Berman's Bible: Dave "Parallel" Parker
Berman's Bible: Dave "Tenor" Sax
Berman's Bible: Dave "Vodka" Collins
Berman's Bible: Dave Righetti "Prince"
Berman's Bible: Dennis "Flourescent" Lamp
Berman's Bible: Dickie "Mara" Thon
Berman's Bible: Don "On" Slaught
Berman's Bible: Don "Roses" Carman
Berman's Bible: Donny "Blueberry" Hill
Berman's Bible: Doyle "Brandy" Alexander
Berman's Bible: Dwight "Johnny B." Gooden
Berman's Bible: Ed "Caesar" Romero
Berman's Bible: Ed "Merrill" Lynch
Berman's Bible: Eddie "Eat, Drink And Be" Murray
Berman's Bible: Eric "Ker" Plunk
Berman's Bible: Eric "Win Place And" Show
Berman's Bible: Floyd "Up The Down" Bannister
Berman's Bible: Frank "101 Strings" Viola
Berman's Bible: Frank Tanana "Daiquiri"
Berman's Bible: Franklin "Ticket" Stubbs
Berman's Bible: Gary "Hospital" Ward
Berman's Bible: Gene "Full" Nelson
Berman's Bible: George "Taco" Bell
Berman's Bible: Glenn "Mother" Hubbard
Berman's Bible: Glenn "Mr. Outside" Davis
Berman's Bible: Greg "Crocodile" Brock
Berman's Bible: Henry "Ava" Cotto
Berman's Bible: Hubie "Babbling" Brooks
Berman's Bible: Jamie "Men At" Quirk
Berman's Bible: Jay "Mr." Tibbs
Berman's Bible: Jeff "Alfred E." Newman
Berman's Bible: Jeff "Romancing The" Stone
Berman's Bible: Jeff Dedmon "Don't Wear Plaid"
Berman's Bible: Jeff Lahti "Da"
Berman's Bible: Jerry "Ike And Tina" Turner
Berman's Bible: Jerry "Rats" Willard
Berman's Bible: Jerry "Rolls" Reuss
Berman's Bible: Jim "Hound Dog" Presley
Berman's Bible: Jim "People Are Strange" Morrison
Berman's Bible: Jim "Two Silhouettes On" Deshaies
Berman's Bible: Jim "Washer And" Dwyer
Berman's Bible: Jimmy "Francis Scott" Key
Berman's Bible: Joaquin "The Dog" Andujar
Berman's Bible: Jody Davis "Eyes"
Berman's Bible: Joe "Actual Retail" Price
Berman's Bible: Joel "Come On People Now" Youngblood
Berman's Bible: John "Clams" Castino
Berman's Bible: John "Holy" Moses
Berman's Bible: John "Pass The" Grubb
Berman's Bible: John "Private" Tudor
Berman's Bible: John "USDA" Butcher
Berman's Bible: Johnny "Manta" Ray
Berman's Bible: Jose "Blame It On "Rijo
Berman's Bible: Jose "Can You See" Cruz
Berman's Bible: Julio "Generalissimo" Franco
Berman's Bible: Julio "Schoolyard" Solano
Berman's Bible: Julio "Won't You Take Me On A Sea" Cruz
Berman's Bible: Keith "Shrimp" Creel
Berman's Bible: Ken "Fix Or Repair" Dayley
Berman's Bible: Ken "Good Morning Mr." Phelps
Berman's Bible: Ken "Magnum" Forsch
Berman's Bible: Kevin "Small Mouth" Bass
Berman's Bible: Kevin "Totally" Gross
Berman's Bible: Kirby "Union Gap" Puckett
Berman's Bible: LaMarr "Where Does It" Hoyt
Berman's Bible: Larry "Satin" Sheets
Berman's Bible: Manny "Kingston" Trillo
Berman's Bible: Mark "Beetle" Bailey
Berman's Bible: Mark "Crystal" Clear
Berman's Bible: Mark "Eve Of Distruction" McGwire
Berman's Bible: Mark "Tossed" Salas
Berman's Bible: Mel "Tammany" Hall
Berman's Bible: Mike "Izod" LaCoss
Berman's Bible: Mike "Perry" Mason
Berman's Bible: Mike "Sharp" Witt
Berman's Bible: Mike "Tuna" Fischlin
Berman's Bible: Mike Heath "Bar"
Berman's Bible: Milt "Maggie" May
Berman's Bible: Moose "Antlers" Haas
Berman's Bible: Neal "Oil" Heaton
Berman's Bible: Oddibe "Young Again" McDowell
Berman's Bible: Oscar "6 To 5" Gamble
Berman's Bible: Ozzie "Like A" Virgil
Berman's Bible: Pat "OK" Corrales
Berman's Bible: Paul "Kremlin" Moskau
Berman's Bible: Rafael "Say It Again" Santana
Berman's Bible: Randy "Bird In The Hand" Bush
Berman's Bible: Ray "I Dub Thee" Knight
Berman's Bible: Rich "280-Z" Dotson
Berman's Bible: Rick "Innocent" Lysander
Berman's Bible: Rick "Junk" Mahler
Berman's Bible: Rick "Really Big" Schu
Berman's Bible: Rick "Summer" Camp
Berman's Bible: Rob "Rein" Deer
Berman's Bible: Rod Scurry "With The Fringe On Top"
Berman's Bible: Ron "Born In The U.S." Cey
Berman's Bible: Ron "Greco" Romanick
Berman's Bible: Ron "Ma And Pa" Kittle
Berman's Bible: Ron "Oh My" Darling
Berman's Bible: Roy "Thurston B." Howell
Berman's Bible: Ruben "High" Sierra
Berman's Bible: Rudy "Mother In" Law
Berman's Bible: Ruppert "Along Came" Jones
Berman's Bible: Ryne "Carl" Sandberg
Berman's Bible: Scott "Hay" Bailes
Berman's Bible: Scott "Tallulah" Bankhead
Berman's Bible: Sid "Coffee And" Bream
Berman's Bible: Steve "Alto" Sax
Berman's Bible: Steve "Rainbow" Trout
Berman's Bible: Steve "Soil" Bedrosian
Berman's Bible: Ted "Blues" Power
Berman's Bible: Terry "Swimming" Puhl
Berman's Bible: Tim "Purple" Raines
Berman's Bible: Toby "Last" Harrah
Berman's Bible: Todd "Caribbean" Cruz
Berman's Bible: Tom "Cotton" Candiotti
Berman's Bible: Tom "Ex" Hume
Berman's Bible: Tom "Leave It To" Seaver
Berman's Bible: Tommy "Ben" Herr
Berman's Bible: Tony "Jala" Pena
Berman's Bible: Vance "Common" Law
Berman's Bible: Vern "Golden" Ruhle
Berman's Bible: Von "Purple" Hayes
Berman's Bible: Wade "Cranberry" Boggs
Berman's Bible: Wally "Absorbine" Joyner
Berman's Bible: Wally "Takin' Care of Business" Backman
Berman's Canon Postulate- We say, therefore it is.
Berman, when the plot fell apart.
Bermuda: Must be where the grass grows...it sure ain't here
Berney - Jurassic Park clones Barney, feeds him gefilte fish.
Berney, a Jurassic Park clone of Barney.  Prefers to eat gefilte fish.
Berney: Jurassic Park clones Barney, feeds him gefilte fish.
Bernie:  Limbless man who's caught on fire
Bernoulli's Law "Go with the Flow"
Berra's First Law:  You can observe a lot by just watching.
Berra's Law:     You can observe a lot just by watching.
Berserkers do it without thinking
Bert I. sure doesn't skimp on the opening - Mike
Bert? Are you awake Bert?- Ernie
Berverly can turn Data off, but only Tasha can turn him on
Beseech this! -- Joel Robinson
Beshrew my heart, but I pity the man.
Beside's, being weird is in the eye of the Beholder!
Besides the Prime, are there any OTHER directives?
Besides, I don't think we have the room. - Sheridan
Besides, I swiped this entire page!
Besides, It's clearly a bunny rabbit --Data
Besides, friends don't let friends buy Seagates.
Besides, he's kinda sexy --Persephone on Hades
Besides, it is clearly a bunny rabbit! - Data
Besides, it's no stranger than what you're eating. - Troi
Besides, you know what a careful guy I am. -- Indiana Jones
Besides, you look good in a dress. --Riker to Worf.
Besides, you look good in a dress. DDRiker, to Worf
Besides, your pulse cannons RUINED my bunny slippers!
Besides.  Elves are geeks.
Best CheeseBurgers #15: Wimpys Burgers Waco Texas USA
Best Cheeseborger: Data's Bar and Grill - Wolf 359.
Best Cheeseburger #10:  Margaritaville, Key West, Florida.
Best Cheeseburger #11: Linda's, Apopka, Florida.
Best Cheeseburger #12: Good Ol' Burgers, Paso Robles, CA.
Best Cheeseburger #13: Duggan's, Royal Oak, Michigan USA
Best Cheeseburger #14: Clubhouse BBQ, Ferndale, Michigan USA
Best Cheeseburger #1:  Dew Drop Inn, Mobile, Alabama.
Best Cheeseburger #2:  Camelia Grill, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Best Cheeseburger #3:  Rotiers, Nashville Tennessee.
Best Cheeseburger #4:  Herbert's Market, Palm Beach, Florida.
Best Cheeseburger #5:  Original Fatburger, Los Angeles
Best Cheeseburger #6:  Le Select, St. Barthelemy.
Best Cheeseburger #7:  Ruby's, Harbor Island, Bahamas.
Best Cheeseburger #8:  Sky Way Drive, Akron, Ohio.
Best Cheeseburger #9:  Steak n Shake, Gainesville, Florida.
Best Cheeseburgers #01:  White Castle, Everywhere USA
Best Cheeseburgers #02:  Nations, Northern California
Best Cheeseburgers #03:  White Cottage, Lancaster, Ohio
Best Cheeseburgers #16: Dirty's, Austin, Texas USA
Best Cheeseburgers #17: Charle's Old Time Burger Houston,Tx USA
Best Cheeseburgers #17: Stanley Tavern, Kaministiquia,Ontario Canada
Best Cheeseburgers #18: Helvetia Tavern, Helvetia, Oregon USA
Best Cheeseburgers #19: Hamburger Mary's, San Francisco, CA
Best Cheeseburgers #20 Murphy's, Burleson, Texas USA
Best Cheeseburgers #20: Vic's Hamburger Haven, Arroyo Grande, CA USA
Best Democratic candidates in 96?    Barney and Baby Bop.
Best Democratic candidates in 96?    Beavis and Butt-head.
Best Democratic candidates in 96?    Ren and Stimpy.
Best Description of the 1990's: The Days of Whines and Noses.....
Best File Compression: Del *.* (100% compression gauranted 8-)
Best Friends come and go... Mine just die.
Best Mac accelerator: gravity
Best Regards From The Good Folks At Trio+ Software
Best Scout movie ever?  Disney's "Follow Me Boys"
Best Seller of 2015: Oat Bran the Silent Killer.
Best Seller: "The Ability to Make a Long Story Short" by Rasta
Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season!
Best argument for gay rights is who its opponents are.
Best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.
Best diet: Eat as much as you want, but don't swallow it.
Best file compression around:  "DEL *.*" = 100% compression
Best file compression around: DEL *.* = 100% compresion
Best file compression around: Del *.*  100% compatible
Best file compression around: Del *.* 100% compatible
Best file compressor around: DEL *.* (100% compression guaranteed)
Best file compressor around: DEL *.* (100% compression!)
Best file compressor around: DEL *.* (100% compression)
Best for a case of nerves is a case of beer.
Best ground cover - green cement
Best guess, Mr. Sulu -- Kirk
Best if read before date stamped on outer package.
Best ingredient in any recipe - love.
Best laugh I had all evening.
Best new file compressor around: DEL *.* (100% compression!)
Best of Both Worlds part III:  Picard and crew go to Disneyland.
Best of all is never to have been born.  Second best is to die soon.
Best quote:- NCC-one-seven-oh-one, no bloody A, B, C or D!
Best regards from me and remember... KEEP SMILING!
Best selling books: "Rusty Bedsprings", by I. P. Nightly.
Best therapy I know - make some money, feel better.
Best thing about failing - it makes nobody jealous...
Best thing about the future: it comes one day at a time.
Best thing for a case of nerves....a case of beer!
Best to avoid nightmare; Never argue with your spouse.
Best use for Milk Duds:  Getting people to shut up at the movies.
Best use for a cat? Speed bump on a busy street!
Best way to Accelerate WINDows: -9.8 m/s2.
Best way to a man's heart...crack the 3rd and 4th rib...
Best way to accelarate a Mac?  9.8 m/s^2
Best way to accelerate Windows? Throw it harder...!
Best way to accelerate a Mac?  9.8 m/s^2
Best way to appreciate a job: imagine yourself without it
Best way to avoid an accident is to go by bus
Best way to avoid an accident is to stay home on Sunday
Best way to avoid nightmare: Never argue with your spouse.
Best way to be useful - stay out of the way!
Best way to be useful - stay out of the way.
Best way to defeat the the Borg:  Give them Windows 3.1.
Best way to dispose of the Borg: Give them Windows 3.1
Best way to get rid of phone solicitors: hand the phone to a child.
Best way to keep your friends: don't give them away.
Best way to stop a runaway horse:  Place a bet on it.
Best windows configuration I've ever seen -> DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.*
Best wishes on your upcoming marriage!
Best you take my advice... before the cat eats it.
Best you take my advice...before the cat eats it.
BestSeller:  "When's The Revolution?"  by  Millie Tant
Bester "That's a lie." Jeff "Yes it is. What's your point?"
Bester That's a lie. Jeff Yes it is. What's your point? --Babylon 5.
Bester will try to stop us.  We'll have to kill him - Telepath
Bestiality - 9 out of 10 cats said their owners preferred it.
Bestiality:   And they called it puppy love...
Bestiality:  And they called it puppy love...
Bestiality:  also called puppy love.
Bestiality: And they call it puppy love.
Bestiality: a perverted sex act between a human and a Republican.
Bet MY cats sleep more than YOUR cats!!!!
Bet he dips his sleeves in his food -Crow on alien's robe
Bet he wishes he had a life! -- Joel Robinson
Bet my floppy's bigger than yours.
Bet the Klingons would like a 12 gauge to their batleth!
Bet the camera man got sick - Crow on spinning effect
Bet their phone bills are smaller than mine ;>
Bet they're all on the same cycle in Girls Town - Crow
Bet you can't say that three times fast. - Wakko
Bet you can't stop reading here  <==                    I knew it...
Bet you can't stop reading here <---                     I knew it...
Bet you can't stop reading here <==                    I knew it...
Bet you can't stop reading here |<==                        I knew it...
Bet you can't stop reading now.                          I knew it!
Bet you know which leaves make the best toilet paper.
Bet you think this tagline's about you, don't you, don't you?
Bet you're gay! -- Galahad   No I'm not! -- Launcelot
Beta Fi-Fi: A prototype french poodle, released for testing.
Beta Fi-Fi: A prototype french poople, released for testing.
Beta Testers are crazy, Alpha Testers are totally insane
Beta bashing - a way of life for demented people
Beta test? I don't need no stinkin' beta test.
Beta testers DO IT first!
Beta testers DO IT for free.
Beta testers DO IT until *it* breaks.<-Ouch! Bobbittized!!
Beta testers DO IT until it breaks. <--That SMARTS!
Beta testers are merely crazy; alpha testers are totally insane.
Beta testers do it first!
Beta testers do it for free.
Beta version - too buggy to be released.
Beta-test the Delta Quadrant with Voyager!
Beta-testers do it for free.
Beta-testing where no one has beta-tested before!
Betaziods don't ROFL, they FYJE (Feel Your Joke Empathicaly).
Betazoid Burger:       (Changes taste depending on your mood.)
Betazoid Modem: It senses what it thinks you want to download....
Betazoid modem:  Downloads the files it senses I want.
Betazoid modem: downloads the files it senses I want.
Betazoid modem: downloads the files it senses you want.
Betazoid modem: it downloads the files it senses you want.
Betazoid wedding dress - Can't beat the price!
Betazoid wedding dresses... can't beat the price.
Betazoid wedding gown...can't beat the price!
Betazoid/Klingon female: A bitch who knows it all!
Betcha Bo don't know SALT!
Betcha can't steal just one... Tagline Chips!
Betcha can't type RACECAR backwards!
Betcha care now, don'tcha?
Betcha my tagline file hits one gig before yours does!
Betelgeuse!  Betelgeuse!  Betelgeuse!
Bette (Midler) and I owned a race horse together: Krudler! - Krusty
Bette:  Limbless woman who gambles
Better Bullshipping thru Science!
Better Extreme Right than Extreme Wrong.
Better Late than never  applies to returning books too.
Better Mental Health:  by Cy Kosis
Better Mental Health: Cy Kosis
Better Red than dead.
Better Taglines Through Assimilation. --The Borg.
Better a Cat in your GP9 than a cat on your car.
Better a Dittohead than a dipshit any day!
Better a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Better a coward for a minute than dead forever.
Better a few rules, than Calvinball rules.
Better a free bottle in front of me, than a Pre-frontal Lobotomy.
Better a free bottle in front of me, than a Pre-frontal lobotomy
Better a receding hairline than an ADVANCING one!
Better a smart-ass than a dumb-ass.
Better a wiity fool than a foolish wit.
Better an authentic atheist than a bogus god.
Better at sex than anyone; now all he needs is a partner.
Better attitudes through chemistry.
Better be dead that a fat slave.- Old Scot Sayin
Better be patient on the road than a patient in the hospital.
Better be quite than sing a bad sang.- Old Scot Sayin
Better coward for a minute than dead forever.
Better days are coming, they are called Saturday and Sunday!
Better dead than disco!
Better dead than mellow
Better dead than mellow.
Better dead, than SMEG. -- Rimmer
Better do IT now! 'Cause it'll likely be illegal later.
Better double-bag this - TV's Frank with comic book
Better gay than grumpy!
Better get a bigger gun, cuz I'm not dead yet....
Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery.
Better hide when father nature finds out what we've done to his wife!
Better hide your Megadeath albums. - Fox Mulder
Better hide your Megadeath albums. --Mulder.
Better is the death knell for Good Enough
Better is the death knell for good enough
Better is the enemy of good enough
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Better keep the brass monkeys in *tonight*! - Col. Henry Blake
Better killing thru technology.  CYBERPUNK
Better know nothing than half-know many things.
Better know some questions than all the answers.
Better late than never holds good for returning a borrowed 
Better late than really late.
Better leave the dungeon, otherwise you might get hurt badly.
Better let her go, Sisko.  She's all we've got. - Odo
Better living through Pink lingerie! ...
Better living through alchemy.
Better living through chemistry! It worked in the '60s, why not now!!?
Better lock up the silverware. -- Sisko    I'm on it. -- Odo
Better lock up the store real good tonight, dear.  Yokozuna's in town.
Better loved and lost than never lost at all.
Better make myself look *big*! - The Cat
Better mince your words--makes them easier to eat, later on.
Better not hug your Vulcan today.
Better not sit down:  Brain damage is irreversable.
Better one bird in your hand, than no hand...
Better one true friend than a hundred relatives.
Better or worse, but never the same.
Better pay for a good book than to the consultant. 
Better quit while you're behind, Frank. - Trapper
Better read it now than wish you would read it someday! 
Better recipes Through Assimilation
Better recipes Through Confiscation
Better safe than sorry.
Better selling than - 'Fifty-three More things to do in Zero Gravity'.
Better silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove doubt.
Better starve free than be a fat slave.
Better stop short than fill to the brim.
Better taglines through confiscation!
Better taglines through confiscation.
Better taglines through creative confiscation
Better taste = Increased consumption = Enlarged waistline...!
Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
Better than counting your years is making all your years count.
Better than stripping the message sender.
Better than the Other Leading National Brand...
Better than the other leading national brand.
Better than those No-Scientist strips - Crow
Better than you expected or better than you hoped? - Dana Scully
Better than you expected or better than you hoped? --Scully.
Better the ACLU today than Amnesty International tomorrow.
Better the devil you know than none at all
Better the foot slip than the tongue.
Better the shoulder to the wheel than the back to the A I
Better the storm with Christ than smooth waters without Him.
Better things to do w/my time Mr. Tech Support - Crow
Better things to do:  change my new guitar strings!
Better things to do: wash car in the rain!
Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.
Better to "gun-proof" kids than to "kid-proof" guns
Better to Trade Knowledge than Something of Value.
Better to ask twice than lose your way once. (Danish proverb)
Better to ask twice than to lose your way once. (Danish proverb)
Better to be a smart*** than a dumb*** . . .
Better to be an oxymoron than a moron.
Better to be envied than pitied.
Better to be ignorant of a matter than to half know it. Publius Syrus
Better to be ignorant of a matter than to half know it.<Syrus>
Better to be silent and be thought a fool.
Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove doubt.
Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6
Better to burn in hell than to fade away. <Kurgan>
Better to copulate than never.  L. Long
Better to copulate than never. - Lazarus Long
Better to create happiness than to pursue happiness
Better to die a hero than to live a coward. - Wisetongue
Better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees.
Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
Better to have a gun & not need it, than to need a gun & not have it.
Better to have loved and lost... But unrequited love is still a bitch!
Better to have loved and lost...it's also cheaper.
Better to have never loved at all than to have loved and lost it all
Better to hit with a Buick than to miss with a Peterbilt...
Better to know some questions than ALL the answers.
Better to know the demon that chases you than to imagine him.
Better to light a candle, than curse the darkness- Confucius
Better to light a candle, than curse the darkness.
Better to limp all the way to heaven than to not arrive.
Better to live an hour as a tiger than a whole life as a worm.-The Cat
Better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a lamb.
Better to lose the anchor than the whole ship.
Better to love a short than never to love a tall.
Better to marry a man who loves you than one you love.
Better to marry a woman who loves you than one you love.
Better to me misquoted than never quoted at all.
Better to shoot 1 bad woman than 100 tempted men.
Better to swim in Fantasy than sink in Reality!
Better to understand little than misunderstand a lot.
Better to understand little than to misunderstand a lot.
Better to use medicines at the outset than at the last moment.
Better untaught than ill-taught.
Better watch out, you're starting to sound like me...
Better watch where you're stepping, when in this conference.
Better yet, I'll kill him. You push the button. - Dr. F
Better'n those dickweeds on 60 Minutes - Tom on MST3K
Better. Better bring a bucket.
Betty Crocker -- Is moist and easy!
Betty Crocker is a flour child!
Betty Crocker is a flour child.
Betty Crocker is moist and easy. Should this be on TV?
Betty Crocker was a flour child
Betty Crocker was a flour child.
Betty Friedan might drive a Mystique.
Betty Rubble?  I would go with Betty, but I'd be thinking of Wilma.
Betty earns some extra credit after school -Tom on lovers
Betty, Marv is more excused than you - Mike
Between 2 evils always pick the one you haven't tried.
Between 2 evils, pick the one you haven't tried...
Between 2 evils. Always pick the one you haven't tried.
Between NeXT and OS/2 was the 'Dark Ages of Windows.'
Between Yugo drivers - "Pardon me, do you have any mayo?"
Between cheap and expen$ive is the truth.
Between our quests, we seek incest and impersonate Clark Gable -- Monty
Between our quests, we seek incest and impersonate Clark Gable,
Between our quests, we sequin vests and impersonate Clark Gable...
Between stimulus and response lies the free will to choose.
Between the horses of love & lust we are trampled underfoot -U2
Between two evils I always pick the one I haven't tried before-MaeWest
Between two evils, I always like to take the one I've never tried!
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried.
Between two evils, I pick the one I never tried.
Between two evils, always pick the one you never tried be
Between two evils, always pick the one you never tried before.
Between two evils, pick the one you haven't tried before.
Between two evils, pick the one you never tried before!
Between you, me, and the grand piano, it wasn't a bad idea. - Potter
Betwixt...Somewhere between a Hard Rock Cafe and a nightspot.
Beulah, peel me a grape.
Beuty is just a light switch away!
Bev Crusher and Kate Pulaski are a "paradox."
Bev and Riker, when the trill got frisky
Bev can turn Data off, but only Tasha can turn him on.
Bevare! BEVARE the green dragon that sits on your doorstep.
Beveramirage:  the dark ring on the bottom of the soft drink bottle.
Beveramirage: the dark ring on the bottom of the soft drink bottle.
Beverly Crusher and Kate Pulaski are a "paradox."
Beverly Crusher and Kate Pulaski are a Pair o' Docs.
Beverly Crusher can turn Data off, but only Tasha Yar can turn him on.
Beverly Garland in her 'pre-Dotie' period - Dr. F
Beverly Hills Cop - The slow, white version - Crow
Beverly and Mike; when the bulkheads shook.
Beverly can turn Data off but only Tasha can turn him on
Beverly can turn Data off but only Tasha can turn him on.
Beverly can turn Data off but only Yar can turn him on.
Beverly can turn Data off, but only Tasha can turn him on
Beverly is in a sweater - 2 drinks!
Beverly is in something slinky - 3 drinks!
Beverly is in something slinky and in Picard's quarters - 4 drinks!
Beverly told me to put a tagline here.
Bevis and Butthead on VH-1! What a concept!
Bevis: he, he... NO CARRIER is cool... he, he!
Beware - Bajoran Major at the helm!
Beware - I'm wearing boxer shorts and know how to use them!
Beware - I'm wearing silk panties and know how to use them!
Beware .. Bajoran Major at the helm!
Beware Bureau 13 lurks everywhere!!
Beware Dyslexia: It can warn without striking!
Beware Minbari bearing little red fruits.
Beware Mortal! Thou art crunchy, and good with ketchup!
Beware a Borg-again Christian.  Reasoning with them is futile.
Beware a Borg-again Christian. Resistance to their evangelism is futile.
Beware any philosophy that will fit in this space.
Beware cerebro-testicular transfunctionalism!
Beware of "it is too good to be true".
Beware of Abbey Road....
Beware of Bigfoot!
Beware of Demons - For you're crunchy and good with ketchup.
Beware of Discordian's bearing answers.
Beware of Dragons - For you're crunchy and good with ketchup.
Beware of Geeks Bearing .GIF's...
Beware of Geeks bearing GIF's. 
Beware of Geeks bearing gifs.
Beware of Geeks bearing gifts
Beware of Greeks bearing Trojans.....
Beware of Greeks bearing Vaseline.
Beware of Low Flying Tribbles!
Beware of Modem Addiction!  It's contagious!
Beware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers.  -- Leonard Brandwein
Beware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers. -- Leonard Brandwein
Beware of Quantum ducks (Quark! Quark! Quark!)
Beware of Quantum ducks (Quark!Quark!Quark!)
Beware of Romulans bearing gifts - Dr. McCoy
Beware of Romulans bearing gifts.  * Bones
Beware of Romulans bearing gifts. * McCoy
Beware of Roumulans bearing GIFs.
Beware of TIDS! If you play DooM you may be affected!
Beware of Tots bearing .gifs
Beware of Trojans that are complete smegheads.
Beware of a dark--haired man with a loud tie.
Beware of a half truth; you may be getting the wrong half.
Beware of a tall dark man with a spoon up his nose.
Beware of all Moderators!
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.
Beware of all inter-lonial cross-functioning warbats.. Be afraid!
Beware of altruism.  It is based on self-deception,  - Heinlein
Beware of altruism. It is based on self-deception, -- RAH
Beware of altruism. It is based on self-deception, the root of all evil.
Beware of any endeavor requiring new clothes.  -- H.D. Thoreau
Beware of attacking SPEED BUMPS!
Beware of attacking SPEED HUMPS!
Beware of bow-hunters, You might get the SHAFT!
Beware of cheap JH Junior imitations.
Beware of cheap JH imitations.
Beware of computer techs dragging in a pair of 100 amp jumper leads...
Beware of computerized fortune-tellers!
Beware of dark rooms ... They might be the morgue.
Beware of dark rooms... they might be the morgue.
Beware of dog.
Beware of exploding penguins!
Beware of false prophets- Matthew 7:15
Beware of fat women in Achy Breaky Heart t-shirts.
Beware of friends who are false and deceitful.
Beware of geeks bearing GIFs!
Beware of geeks bearing GIFs.
Beware of half truths; your half may be the liberal half!
Beware of half-truths: You may have gotten the wrong half.
Beware of half-truths: You may have gotten the wrong half...
Beware of health books  you might die of a misprint
Beware of hip and rum drivers.
Beware of instigators bearing coy taglines!
Beware of lesbian.
Beware of liberals bearing statistics.
Beware of little expenses. A small leak can sink a ship.
Beware of low flying butterflies.
Beware of low-flying butterflies.
Beware of magicians, they manifest anger in strange ways.
Beware of men who flourish with hereditary honors.
Beware of men who won't be bothered with details
Beware of nerds bearing .gifs!
Beware of opinions of anyone with or without any facts.
Beware of people that put numbers after their names.
Beware of plants that eat their young
Beware of powermonging Fido Moderators.
Beware of programmers carrying magnets!
Beware of programmers carrying screwdrivers
Beware of programmers carrying screwdrivers!
Beware of programmers carrying screwdrivers.
Beware of programmers that carry screwdrivers!!!
Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers
Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers!!!
Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.
Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.  - Leonard Brandwein
Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers.  -- Leonard Brandwein
Beware of programmers with screwdrivers
Beware of quantum ducks--Quark, quark!
Beware of quantum ducks.       Quark!     Quark!
Beware of quantum ducks.  (Quark!  Quark!)
Beware of quantum ducks. (Quark! Quark!)
Beware of rabid speedbumps!
Beware of relatives bearing gifts.
Beware of software that ends in .0.
Beware of the .. Oh, NOOO!  Arghhh!
Beware of the .. Oh, NOOO! AARRGGHH!!
Beware of the .. Oh, NOOO! Arghhh!
Beware of the Bear that walks like a man.
Beware of the Congressman you think is your friend.
Beware of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons!
Beware of the Dimes of March !
Beware of the Genealogy Bug; It's bite can be addictive!
Beware of the Invid!  They will come in search of the spores!
Beware of the Quantum Ducks   Quark! Quark! Quark!
Beware of the Quantum Ducks -- QUARK  QUARK  QUARK.
Beware of the Turd of Alteir 7! - Tom
Beware of the dead, boy.  They have eerie powers.
Beware of the man who won't be bothered with details.
Beware of the naked man who offers his shirt.
Beware of the opinion of someone without any facts.
Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
Beware of the physician who is great at getting out of trouble.
Beware of the power mongering InterLink Moderators.
Beware of the power monging InterLink Moderators.
Beware of the powermongering ImagiNet Moderators.
Beware of the powermonging InterLink Moderators.
Beware of the tiger in its lair or the Moderator in his echo
Beware of the woman who does not drink.
Beware of the young doctor and the old barber.
Beware of those persons with *explosive* natures.
Beware of true believers - you may be duped by a false god.
Beware of true believers you may be duped by a false god.
Beware of vampires that only want to neck.
Beware of what you ask from the Gods, for They may give it to you.
Beware of what you ask of the Gods, for they may....
Beware of women who carry hockey sticks.
Beware of women who won't be bothered with details.
Beware programmers who carry screwdrivers.
Beware the Cobolosaurus Rex!
Beware the Grin Reaper [fx: smiley face with teeth]
Beware the IDEs of Seagate!
Beware the Inn @f...While you sleep...I'LL get ya...<Evil Grin>...
Beware the Inn...While you sleep...I'LL getya...<Evil Grin>...
Beware the Jubjub bird
Beware the One True Way. That path leads only to the One True Mistake.
Beware the Tyrannosaurus Dex, my friend, the teeth that bite, the claws
Beware the Vulcan butt pinch.
Beware the alcoholic rabit.
Beware the anger of the patient man...
Beware the coming of the typo dragon!
Beware the fury of a patient man.                  Dryden
Beware the fury of a patient man. - Dryden
Beware the fury of a patient man. - John Dryden
Beware the fury of a patient woman.
Beware the fury of the lawyer of a a woman scorned!
Beware the grammar / Spelling Gestapo.
Beware the half truth; you may have gotten the wrong half.
Beware the ire of those with hair of fire!
Beware the legless man who teaches running.
Beware the letter 'G'. It is the end of everything.
Beware the man who fears you.
Beware the person who has nothing to lose. He always wins
Beware the psychopomp
Beware the psychopomp!
Beware the shadows, for they are ... AARRGGHH!!
Beware the shadows, for they are...ARRGHH!
Beware the small creatures for they have the sharpest teeth
Beware the thirty--first of November.
Beware the wrath of a patient person.
Beware when God lets loose a thinker on this planet.
Beware!   The tagline thief lurks in the depths of _____Net!
Beware!  I'm armed and have premenstrual tension.
Beware!  She's armed and has premenstrual tension.
Beware!  This is a known habitat of gun-toting rednecks!!
Beware! 36D -- the number of the breast!
Beware! I believe that this echo area has grown another Moderator!!
Beware! I'm armed and have MSS (Male Menopause Syndrome)
Beware! I'm armed and have premenstrual tension!
Beware! I'm armed and have suffered from PMS all my life.
Beware! I'm armed and suffering from PMS!
Beware! She is armed and has premenstrual tension!
Beware! She's armed and has premenstrual tension.
Beware! The teddy bears of today
Beware! This is a dangerous product, manuals required.
Beware! This is a known habitat of gun-toting rednecks!
Beware, Bill Clinton and the Bimbonic Plague!
Beware, Pink Boys, the frop in the Pipe of Bob!
Beware, Pink Boys, the frop in the Pipe of Orville!
Beware, little sister. That way lies the Wyrm. -- Jalisha
Beware. I'm armed and have suffered from PMS all my life.
Beware:  Guard cats on duty!
Beware:  I'm acting under the influence of human nature.
Beware:  a tagline thief has been reported...GOTCHA!
Beware: Guard cats on duty!
Beware: a Tagline thief has been reported.
Bewitched and bewildered in San Diego
Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered, they should be!
Beyond The Realms Of Death.
Beyond that, it's just a matter of following the included directions.
Beyond the Gallic bounds lies an island by Ancient Giants held.
Beyond the gates I'll take you where the blood forever rains!
Beyond the reach of human range - A touch of hell, a drop of strange.
Beyond the scope...
Beyond this place there be dragons! -Picard
Beyond this tagline there is a militant Naturist.
Bez pozdrava nestajes u noc i odnosis samo kapi nesrece u ocima
Bhuddist Tim:  Storm Spirit
Bi Montana cowboy - one who likes cows as well as sheep
Bi by nature, Proud by choice!
Bi-Sexual:  +--O-->
Bi-Sexuality increases your chances for a date on Saturday Night.
Bi-Sexuality: Double your pleasure, double the fun!
Bi-bi-bop-backing up! - Crow scats as Torme drives
Bi-lingual Education...The dumbing down of America.
Bi-polar - an eskimo marketing slogan.
Bi-sexual vampire needs tongue lashing apply here.
Bi-sexual vampire needs tongue lashing...apply here.
Bialac's Law: Statistics are no substitute for common sense.
Bibbity Bobbity Boo!
Bible - ALL knowledge contained therein...
Bible is copyrighted by God.
Bible quotation #1: I am the antichrist -Sex Pistols
Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it: Creationist Concrete.
Bible thumpers should use the unabridged version.
Bible, but what does that have to say about being a Christian now?
Bible?  Yes, it's right over there next to Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Biblical computer languages - "Go FORTH and multiply!"
Biblical constipation - "Baalam's ass would not move"
Biblical drugs - Mary Magdalen getting stoned
Biblical laxatives - "Moses took two tablets and went up on the mount"
Biblical meteorologist: "30% chance of frogs..."
Biblical motorcycles - "Joshua's Triumph was heard throughout the land
Biblical of sex - "Jesus was Layed in the tomb"
Biblical race fixing - "Jesus told Lazarus to "come Fourth"
Biblical smoking - "Sarah lit up on a camel"
Biblical truth?I can only be right, if you're wrong...
Biblotry: A mental disorder that only effects Republicans.
Bicycle - a gay woman's menstrual cycle.
Bicycle - a gay women's menstrual cycle.
Bicycle Repair Man!  But... how?!?
Bicycle Repair Man! Buthow?!?
Bicycle racers do it with at 90-110 rpm.
Bicycle: A bi-sexual female's menstrual cycle.
Bicycles: why do the ones with the balls get the ones with the bars?
Bicyclists do it in 10 speeds.
Bicyclists do it with a cadence.
Bicyclists do it with chains.
Bidet?  Try washing your whole body.
Bierce We want playmates we can own. -Jules Feiffer on marriage
Big 7-11 item, provolone. -- Tom Servo
Big Biz loves Democrats; they tax small biz out of biz.
Big Blonde Daughter Available - Write if interested
Big Brother is here: but he brought the whole family.
Big Brother is watching YOU. Are you watching BACK?
Big Brother is watching you!
Big Brother is watching...So smile!! that really pisses him off...
Big Cats can EAT you! Big cats can kill you!
Big Face Theater! - Joel
Big Fart!:  by Hugh Jass
Big Fart!: Hugh Jass
Big Flanges on Welded Steel I, Tilting Cars, turning Axles =FAST-RR
Big Guy to Picard,.............................. 5 billion to beam up.
Big Hand's on 120, little hand's on E -- TMBG
Big John Call IS Santa Claus in `O Little Town of DEATHlehem'!
Big Money goes around the world..... -RUSH
Big O wears Barney underwear!
Big Sister is watching!
Big and strong, smart, good natured and sudden death in all directions
Big bang took and shook the world, shook down the rising sun.-Rush
Big bang, took and shook the world, shot down the rising sun -RUSH
Big bits, nice baud, and a tight ASCII!
Big bits, nice baud, and a tight ASCII.
Big bits, nice baud, tight ASCII.
Big boobs! No they are Deuterium filled hooters.
Big breasted women are nature's way of saying,  Keep it up!
Big brother is watching, listening, reading, taxing, and taking notes.
Big cats can kill you!
Big city nights you keep me running. OH YAH!
Big city turn me loose and set me free
Big deal!  My MOTHER died at Khitomer!!
Big deal. My stools always float - Crow
Big deal. So we changed our minds. - Terrible Tues
Big dog for sale, eats anything- fond of children.
Big dreams in a small town.
Big fish eat little fish. Prepare to die.
Big lie:  I'd LOVE to see that other box of vacation slides!
Big lie:  Me?  Married?  Of course not!
Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are..
Big money!  Big Prizes!  I love it!
Big mouth and a big heart.
Big nostrils? Look at your finger size!
Big on NATURAL foods?  80% of people die of NATURAL causes!
Big or small We tax them all.
Big or small, liberals tax them all.
Big or small, the Democratic Congress taxes them all.
Big people talk about ideas, Average people talk about things...
Big shot! Big shot! Big shot! - Mike & Bots sing
Big talk always compensates for liberal accomplishments.
Big talk never compensates for liberalism.
Big things come in .QWK packages. 23 Jan 96 ...
Big tough astronaut guy has a pricess phone - Tom
Big winner in this year's elections: the American people
Big, old Mr. Kanish! - Ace Ventura
Big-*ss claws beat Smith & Wessons, nine times out of ten...
Bigamist - a heavy fog over Roma.
Bigamist : an Italian fog.
Bigamist = A vast Italian fog.
Bigamist = Italian fog
Bigamist!! Man with 2 mother-in-laws!! Lord Help That Man!!
Bigamist- a fog over Italy.
Bigamist:  A Man Who Has Married An Attractive Woman And A Good Cook.
Bigamist:  A Man Who Loves Not Wisely But Two Well.
Bigamist:  A Man Who Makes The Same Mistake Twice.
Bigamist:  One who makes the same mistake twice.  Or more.
Bigamist: An Italian fog.
Bigamist: One who makes the same mistake twice
Bigamist: One who makes the same mistake twice.
Bigamist: one who makes the same mistake twice.
Bigamists do it illegally.
Bigamy - one wife too many; monogamy - same thing.
Bigamy : one wife too many. Monogamy : same thing
Bigamy is having one too many wives... So is Monogamy...
Bigamy is one wife too many. Monogamy is the same thing.
Bigamy:  One wife too many.   Monogamy:  Same idea.
Bigamy:  Only crime where two rites make a wrong. --B Hope
Bigamy:  Too many wives.   Monogamy:  Same thing.
Bigamy:  When two rites make a wrong...
Bigamy: Having one spouse too many. Come to think, so's Monogamy!
Bigamy: One husband too many. Monogamy: The same idea.
Bigamy: One too many wives.     Monogamy: Same thing.
Bigamy: One too many wives.  Monogamy: See Bigamy
Bigamy: One too many wives. Monogamy: See Bigamy
Bigamy: One wife too many.      Monogamy: The same idea.
Bigamy: One wife too many.  Monogamy: Same thing.
Bigamy: One wife too many. Monogamy: The same idea.
Bigamy: One wife too many. Monogamy: The same idea...
Bigamy: One wife too many. Monogomy: Same idea...
Bigamy: Too many wives.         Alimony: Same thing.
Bigamy: Too many wives. Alimony: Same thing.
Bigamy: Too many wives. Monogamy: Same thing.
Bigamy: When two rites make a wrong
Bigamy: one wife too many.  Monogamy: same idea.
Bigamy: too many wives  Monogamy: same thing
Bigamy: too many wives. Monogamy: not enough wives.
Bigamy: too many wives. Monogamy: same thing.
Bigamy: too many wives. Monogamy: see Bigamy
Bigamy: too many wives. Monogamy: see Bigamy.
Bigamy=one spouse too many.  Monagamy=the same thing.
Bigfoot Boogies On Down
Bigfoot Goes High Society
Bigfoot Goes to Sunday School
Bigfoot Makes the Valhalla Scene
Bigfoot Puts on the Dog
Bigfoot Puts on the Dog.
Bigfoot's Peeves, Kids today would rather see the San Diego Chicken.
Bigfoots With Dirty Faces
Bigger Bulges! Coming to a conference near you...
Bigger isn't necessarily better - take a look at Windows!
Biggerel or literal, I love you all. <Estelle Goldstein>
Biggest Oxymoron:  MICROSOFT WORKS
Biggest deficit known?  Clinton's honesty.
Biggest deficit known?  Clinton's integrity.
Biggest deficit known?  Clinton's intelligence.
Biggest disaster in USHistory & they're televising it-Tom
Biggest indoor heated tent event in history: B. Clinton
Biggest lie: "The game's almost over, honey"
Biggest of all Babylon stations. We need. Needing we take - Zathras
Biggest security gap - an open mouth.
Biggest security gap -- an open mouth.
Bigomy : one wife too many. Monogamy : same idea.
Bigomy: one wife to many.  Monogamy: same idea.
Bigomy: one wife too many.  Monogamy: same idea.
Bigot (n.): 1. a conservative winning an argument with a liberal.
Bigot (n.): A label an idiot gives people he disagrees with.
Bigot (n.): A person winning an argument with a Liberal!
Bigot * Anyone winning an argument with a liberal
Bigot agenda: (a) blacks (b) homosexuals (c) jews (d) anyone unlike me.
Bigot agenda: (a)blacks (b)gays (c)jews (d)anyone who isn't like me.
Bigot agenda: (a)blacks (b)gays (c)jews (d)anyone who isnt like me.
Bigot detected.  (A)bort, (D)ebate, (F)lame, (M)ake fool of.
Bigot--anybody who wins an argument against a liberal
Bigot:  Anyone who's winning an argument with a liberal.
Bigot:  Someone winning an argument with a LIbEral.
Bigot: Anyone who disagrees with a liberal.
Bigot: Anyone who's winning an argument with a liberal!
Bigot: Anyone winning an argument with a fundamentalist.
Bigot: Anyone winning an argument with a fundie.
Bigot: won't think.  Fool: Can't Think.  Slave: dare not
Bigot?  Racist?  Fundamentalist?  Redneck?  The Republicans want YOU!
Bigot?  Racist?  Fundamentalist?  Redneck?  The repukelicans want YOU!
Bigot? Fundamentalist? Love guns?  The Republicans want YOU!
Bigot? Fundamentalist? Love guns?  The conservatives want YOU!
Bigot? Racist? Fundamentalist? Love guns?  The Republicans want YOU!
Bigot? Racist? Fundamentalist? Redneck? The Republicans want YOU!
Bigot? Racist? Fundamentalist? Redneck? The repukelicans want YOU!
Bigotry and hatred are NOT "family values".
Bigotry and hatred are _NOT_ "family values."
Bigotry murders religion to frighten fools with her ghost.
Bigotry's hard to remove-wasn't reasoned in & can't be reasoned out.
Bigotry, hatred, and prejudice are NOT conservative values.
Bigotry:  an Italian redwood.
Bigots will not reason; fools cannot; slaves dare not.
Bigots:  Those who assume gay is just something to ridicule.
Bijelo svjetlo iznad povrsine tupih koraka. Koliko jos ima do ocaja.
Bike or Die...!
Biker Nuns From Hell - on the next Geraldo!
Biker Nuns From Hell - on the next Geraldo!  -SLR
Biker rhubarb - Tom mumbles
Biker's definition of rape: Assualt with a friendly weapon!
Bikers hopped up on goof balls - Crow
Bikes Not Bombs
Bikini contest on Deck 5...
Bikini tops support two of my favorite things.
Bikini underwear:  scanty panty.
Bikini: Public Waist.
Bikini: Underwear for outdoors.
Bikinis are a delight for the male optic nerve.
Bil Gates' wife discovers why he is called "Mr.  Microsoft."
Bila je kao boginja. Svi su je prelezali.
Bilbo's Proverb: Never laugh at live dragons.
Bilbo, Bilbo Baggins, the bravest little hobbit of them all.
Bilbo_Baggens of Borg -  "Alas, the assimilation goes ever onward."
Bilemma: A dilemma that can go either way.
Bilignurent - someone who is ignorant in two languages.
Bilingual men are cunning linguists.
Biljana platno belese, na ohridskite izvori....
Bill & Hillary Clinton are SOCIALISTS!
Bill & Hillary are hazardous to your health care.
Bill & Hillary:  They've got what it takes to take what you've got!
Bill & Ted's DOS:  Most excellent command or filename.
Bill + Opus in '96!
Bill Alexander, Congressman (Ark.), was an Eagle Scout.
Bill Clinton & Al Gore--(C) 1992 Walt Disney Animatronics
Bill Clinton *IS* a better sax player than he is a President!
Bill Clinton *must* be a Statistics Expert.
Bill Clinton *was* drafted in April 1969!
Bill Clinton + O2 = Oxymoron
Bill Clinton - A heartbeat away from the Presidency
Bill Clinton - A legend in his own mind.
Bill Clinton - A mandate in his own mind.
Bill Clinton - All in all, still just an Arkansas redneck.
Bill Clinton - America's leading truthophobe!
Bill Clinton - Body by Fisher - brains by Mattel.
Bill Clinton - Born a day late, and like that ever since.
Bill Clinton - Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth.
Bill Clinton - He's not "Slick"...He's just a DAMN LIAR!
Bill Clinton - His oily tongue goes with his slick mind.
Bill Clinton - Hold your breath, here comes another popularity poll.
Bill Clinton - No honor! No pride! No clue!
Bill Clinton - Only Half-Term President in the history of the USA!
Bill Clinton - Only Half-Term President(to-be) in USA's history!
Bill Clinton - Over 10,000,000 Whoppers Told.
Bill Clinton - Physically alive, but morally dead.
Bill Clinton - Poster Child For Prophylactics.
Bill Clinton - Promises changes and changes promises.
Bill Clinton - Public Enema #1!
Bill Clinton - Raising the art of prevarication to new lows!
Bill Clinton - Seven seconds behind, and built to stay that way.
Bill Clinton - The Democrat's idea of a practical joke!
Bill Clinton - The Eddie Haskel of politics.
Bill Clinton - The Eddie Haskell of politics
Bill Clinton - The Republican's greatest campaign asset.
Bill Clinton - The Spam of world leaders.
Bill Clinton - The brother Earnest P. Worrel never talks about.
Bill Clinton - The brother Gomer Pyle never talks about.
Bill Clinton - The brother Goober Pyle never talks about.
Bill Clinton - The brother Mr. Spock never talks about.
Bill Clinton - The closest he comes to a brainstorm is a drizzle.
Bill Clinton - The most Unknown Soldier of them all.
Bill Clinton - The person who brought you the beer milkshake.
Bill Clinton - Unwilling to serve - Unfit to lead
Bill Clinton - What happens if Bart Simpson became President.
Bill Clinton - Your "contribution" today, your shirt tomorrow.
Bill Clinton - a 10K brain attached to a 9600 baud mouth.
Bill Clinton - credibility deficient.
Bill Clinton - disaster as usual!
Bill Clinton - losing touch with reality more each day.
Bill Clinton - morally bankrupt.
Bill Clinton - on the cutting edge of societal pollution.
Bill Clinton - over 10,000 whoppers told!
Bill Clinton - redneck extrordinaire!
Bill Clinton - renewable energy source for hot air balloons.
Bill Clinton - saving the world for bureaucracy. 
Bill Clinton - the EDLIN of presidents
Bill Clinton - the Eddie Haskel of politics
Bill Clinton - the Milli Vanilli of presidents
Bill Clinton - the third Warner Brother on Animaniacs.
Bill Clinton -- Commander-in-Chief of the D.C. Loon Platoon.
Bill Clinton -- Coward-in-Chief of the D.C. Loon Platoon.
Bill Clinton -- Elmer Fudd without the grip on reality.
Bill Clinton -- If pro-wrestling is too complicated for you.
Bill Clinton -- he may not inhale, but he sure sucks.
Bill Clinton -- tax and spend champion.
Bill Clinton = Jimmy Carter - Integrity
Bill Clinton = coward
Bill Clinton AI subroutine - written in floating point moral code.
Bill Clinton MUST be a Statistics Expert.
Bill Clinton Presidency: America held hostage!
Bill Clinton Tax Form --->  Send us all your money.
Bill Clinton Tax Form ---> Send us all your money.
Bill Clinton Tax Form:   1) Amount earned $_______     2) Send it in.
Bill Clinton Tax Form:  Send us all your money.
Bill Clinton Tax Form: 1) Amount earned $_______. 2) Send it in.
Bill Clinton Tax Form: Send us all your money.
Bill Clinton _IS_ a better sax player than he is a President!
Bill Clinton _is_ my pain.
Bill Clinton _was_ drafted in April 1969!
Bill Clinton actually is a [ ] Democrat; [ ] Moderate; [X] Socialist
Bill Clinton after sex: "I'll be home in an hour, Hillary."
Bill Clinton and Al Gore -- Partners in crime.
Bill Clinton and Al Gore -- Partners in grime.
Bill Clinton and Al Gore -- Partners in slime.
Bill Clinton and Al Gore -- Reinventing mediocrity.
Bill Clinton and Pontius Pilate: "I am innocent of the blood..."
Bill Clinton before he bills you.
Bill Clinton bounces reality checks.
Bill Clinton couldn't buy a clue with lottery winnings.
Bill Clinton didn't inhale . . . Jerry Brown didn't exhale!
Bill Clinton dodged the draft?  Big deal.  So did Pat Buchanan.
Bill Clinton does the work of 3 Men ... Larry, Curly & Moe!
Bill Clinton does the work of three men:  Moe, Larry, and Curly!
Bill Clinton doesn't inhale.  HE SUCKS!
Bill Clinton doesn't know my pain...he *IS* my pain.
Bill Clinton doesn't lie...he's ethically challenged!
Bill Clinton doesn't lie...he's ethically challenged.
Bill Clinton drank a beer once, but he didn't swallow any.
Bill Clinton even dodges draft beer!
Bill Clinton has U.S. soldiers' blood on his hands.
Bill Clinton has all the charisma of a speed bump.
Bill Clinton has turned the White House into the Waffle House.
Bill Clinton is Alive! He sat between me and Bigfoot on the UFO.
Bill Clinton is Barney in disguise....Sorry Kids!!
Bill Clinton is God's way of saying "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Bill Clinton is PKUNZIPing your wallet to SQZ out every last bit.
Bill Clinton is PKUNZIPping your wallet to SQZ out every last bit.
Bill Clinton is SQZing you wallet even MORE!
Bill Clinton is a closet ditto-head!
Bill Clinton is a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Bill Clinton is a mutated Ferengi trader.
Bill Clinton is attempting to UNzip your wallet.
Bill Clinton is dating Jody Foster -- Reagan
Bill Clinton is killing the future, TREK is about BUILDING it!
Bill Clinton is my Pain.
Bill Clinton is no Jack Kennedy! However, Ted Kennedy I can believe.
Bill Clinton is no Jack Kennedy! _Ted_ Kennedy I can believe.
Bill Clinton is preparing to PKZIP your Bank account.
Bill Clinton is proof that you can *screw* your way to fame.
Bill Clinton is temperamental:  50% temper, 50% mental.
Bill Clinton is the Abraham Lincoln of the gay & lesbian community.
Bill Clinton is the Borg's tax collector.
Bill Clinton is the best president since George Bush.
Bill Clinton isn't like Jimmy Carter...more like Billy!
Bill Clinton lied to his wife & lied to us. Why should we trust him?
Bill Clinton loves Bill Clinton best.
Bill Clinton makes Richard Nixon look honest!
Bill Clinton may be southern, but he's no comfort.
Bill Clinton may not be the anti-Christ, but he's awfully close.
Bill Clinton meets Godzilla!   And there was much rejoicing.
Bill Clinton might drive a Dodge.
Bill Clinton must love non sequiturs. He uses them so much.
Bill Clinton never had a real job. How would he know what it's like?
Bill Clinton never inhaled.  Jerry Brown never exhaled.
Bill Clinton never inhaled...Jerry Brown never exhaled.
Bill Clinton on Homo-Sexuality: But I didn't Swallow!
Bill Clinton or Teddy Ruxpin: Who told a better story?
Bill Clinton propositioned this tagline.
Bill Clinton runs squares around the competition.
Bill Clinton says a thousand pleasant things, but never "Adieu."
Bill Clinton says after sex, "I'll be home in an hour, Hillary."
Bill Clinton spelled his name Clintonovitch in the 70's.
Bill Clinton stars in "Plan 9 From Outer Arkansas"
Bill Clinton stars in "TAX-ULA".  Premiered Jan. 20, 1993!
Bill Clinton stars in "TAX-ULA".  Premieres Jan. 20,1993!
Bill Clinton stars in TAX-ULA. Premiered Jan. 20, 1993!
Bill Clinton stars in Taxula.  Premiered Jan. 20, 1993!
Bill Clinton sucks Hey maybe that is why the homosexuals like him.
Bill Clinton sucks, but doesn't swallow.
Bill Clinton sucks...  Hey maybe that is why the homosexuals like him.
Bill Clinton suffers from delusions of competence.
Bill Clinton suffers from rectalcranial inversion syndrome.
Bill Clinton suffers fum delusions o' competence.  Cheeeiit.
Bill Clinton thinks safe sex is when Hillary is out of town.
Bill Clinton wants to tax my *what*?
Bill Clinton was born twins and they killed the wrong one!
Bill Clinton was caused by a failed condom.
Bill Clinton will log-off in '96...
Bill Clinton will log-off in '96...Colin Powell will log-on in '96.
Bill Clinton would have trouble leading lemmings into the sea.
Bill Clinton's America - a modern-day Rodham and Gomorrah
Bill Clinton's New Tax Plan For the Borg: Name Taxes
Bill Clinton's been playing with his wand too much.
Bill Clinton's egotism is a plain case of mistaken nonentity.
Bill Clinton's favorite breakfast?  Shredded wheat.
Bill Clinton's favorite breakfast?  Waffles.
Bill Clinton's favorite movie?   "Deliverance"
Bill Clinton's favorite movie?   "Plan 9 From Outer Space"
Bill Clinton's favorite movie?   "Return to Oz"
Bill Clinton's favorite movie?   "Taming of the Shrew"
Bill Clinton's favorite movie?   "The Omen"
Bill Clinton's favorite movie?   "The Sting"
Bill Clinton's favorite vegetable: James Brady
Bill Clinton's going to save the economy...from what?
Bill Clinton's mouth:    Big Macs in, Whoppers out.......
Bill Clinton's new presidential theme song: "Flip, Flop & Fly"
Bill Clinton's new presidential theme song: "Inhale to the Chief"
Bill Clinton's new presidential theme song: Inhale to the Chief
Bill Clinton's not like Jimmy Carter ... more like Billy.
Bill Clinton's not like Jimmy Carter more like Billy.
Bill Clinton,  I tried homosexuality once, but I didn't swallow.
Bill Clinton, America's leading truthophobe!
Bill Clinton, America's leading truthphobe!
Bill Clinton, The Best Argument for the Retroactive Abortion.
Bill Clinton, a differently-abled president.
Bill Clinton, he doesn't Tax and Spend, he Spends and Taxes.
Bill Clinton, labor negotiator -- yeah, right!
Bill Clinton, meathead (dead from the neck up).
Bill Clinton, meet Mr. Truth. No, I'm sure you've never met before.
Bill Clinton, on the cutting edge of societal pollution.
Bill Clinton, rebel without a clue.
Bill Clinton, sorry about your rectocranial inversion.
Bill Clinton, the EDLIN of presidents
Bill Clinton, the Milli Vanilli of Presidents.
Bill Clinton--on the cutting edge of societal pollution.
Bill Clinton. He's not dishonest, he's just morally different.
Bill Clinton...when brother and sister reproduce.
Bill Clinton:  A good reason to be Pro-Choice.
Bill Clinton:  All Talk.  All Tax.  All Spend.
Bill Clinton:  America's first amateur President.
Bill Clinton:  America's leading truthophobe!
Bill Clinton:  Fool?  Coward?  Liar?  President?
Bill Clinton:  He's not "Slick".  He's just a damn liar!
Bill Clinton:  I Did Not Cheat On My Wife!  I Was Multitasking..
Bill Clinton:  Jethro in the White House!
Bill Clinton:  Pathological liar?
Bill Clinton:  The Democrat's idea of a practical joke!
Bill Clinton:  The EDLIN of Presidents.
Bill Clinton:  The Eddie Haskel of politics.
Bill Clinton:  The Republican's greatest campaign asset.
Bill Clinton:  The brother Gomer Pyle won't talk about.
Bill Clinton:  What you get when cousins breed.
Bill Clinton:  he's not dishonest, he's just morally different.
Bill Clinton: A good reason to be Pro-Choice.
Bill Clinton: All Talk, All Tax, All Spend
Bill Clinton: Birth Control Poster child - 1993.
Bill Clinton: Boy Radical
Bill Clinton: Commander-in-Chief of the D.C. Loon Platoon
Bill Clinton: Elmer Fudd without the grasp on reality.
Bill Clinton: Elmer Fudd without the grip on reality.
Bill Clinton: Fool?  Coward?  Liar?  President?
Bill Clinton: He's not "Slick".  He's just a damn liar!
Bill Clinton: He's not Slick. He's just a damn liar!
Bill Clinton: He's not dishonest, he's just morally different.
Bill Clinton: Hold your breath, here comes another popularity poll.
Bill Clinton: I tried homosexuality once, but I didn't swallow!
Bill Clinton: I tried homosexuality once, but didn't swallow
Bill Clinton: No honor! No pride! No clue!
Bill Clinton: Pathological liar?
Bill Clinton: Perfect argument for term limits.
Bill Clinton: Poster Child For Prophylactics.
Bill Clinton: Raising the art of prevarication to new heights!
Bill Clinton: See Also; liberal, immoral, liar, fraud, president 92-96
Bill Clinton: Taxing us into prosperity?!?!?!?!?
Bill Clinton: The Dan Quayle of Presidents
Bill Clinton: The Democrat's idea of a practical joke!
Bill Clinton: The Dope from Hope
Bill Clinton: The EDLIN of Presidents
Bill Clinton: The Eddie Haskel of politics.
Bill Clinton: The Kelly Bundy of politics
Bill Clinton: The Prince of Dorkness
Bill Clinton: The Republican's greatest campaign asset.
Bill Clinton: The Spin doctor in the White House.
Bill Clinton: The brother Gomer Pyle won't talk about.
Bill Clinton: Two presidents for the price of one.
Bill Clinton: Unwilling to serve - Unfit to lead
Bill Clinton: on the cutting edge of societal pollution.
Bill Clinton: physically alive, but morally dead.
Bill Clinton: the EDLIN of presidents.
Bill Clinton: the Milli Vanilli of presidents
Bill Clinton: the Rodney Dangerfield of presidents.
Bill Clinton: the Spam of world leaders
Bill Clinton: the mistake of the 90's
Bill Clinton; against the War, but submitted to the draft.
Bill Clinton?  Nothing but white trash.
Bill Clinton? "New Democrat" my ass!
Bill Clinton?!? I was hoping it was the funkmaster George Clinton!
Bill Cosby meets God. The pudding pop religion is founded.
Bill D. Cat of Borg: You will be Ack!Thbbpt!imilated!
Bill D. Catt of Borg:  You will be Ack! Thbbpt! imilated!
Bill D. Catt of Borg: You will be Ack!Thbbpt!imilated!!!
Bill Gates - marriage trouble - wife found out what Microsoft meant!
Bill Gates = racun kapije
Bill Gates IV still couldn't get Windows 95 on the market.
Bill Gates Unplugged... IBM's wish for a how-to manual.
Bill Gates announces that Win95 will be subtitled "Windows for Losers"
Bill Gates at Comdex '89: "OS/2 is the Operating System of the '90's."
Bill Gates better grab his money and run! OS/2 Warp is here!
Bill Gates bought 1996 and named it "95-b"
Bill Gates did write a slowdown virus : Windows
Bill Gates did wrote a slowdown virus : WINDOWS
Bill Gates goes back to Microsoft and says.."I've got two pieces of good
Bill Gates honeymoon summed up in one word - "MicroSoft"
Bill Gates invents cluttered code. Details at six. Make that next year
Bill Gates is a closet OS/2 user.
Bill Gates is really Gill Bates, Norman's twin brother.
Bill Gates just got divorced, His wife didn't do Windows.
Bill Gates made $6.3 Billion selling us MS-DOS?
Bill Gates of Borg. Patents are irrelevant; copyrights also..
Bill Gates should not dress as Spock; I think he'd make a better Quark!
Bill Gates should use his powers for good instead of evil!
Bill Gates' mother always told him it was rude to point.
Bill Gates's wife has just found out why he's called Mr Microsoft...
Bill Gates, have 'em write _real_ code...
Bill Gates, stand up comic, telling Windows 95 jokes, "It was a Joke."
Bill Gates...Mr. Carpal
Bill Gates:  For whom the belle toils!   :)
Bill Gates: "Who needs multi-tasking?  High speed switching will do!"
Bill Gates: "Windows is MicroSofts greatest achievement"
Bill Gates: For whom the belle toils! :)
Bill Gates: Thomas Edison of computers, & just as crooked
Bill Gates: minion of the devil, or Lucifer incarnate?
Bill Gump, Liberal is as Liberal does.
Bill Koppelmann only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Bill T. Catt of Borg: "You will be Ack!Thbbpt!imilated!!"
Bill and Al are the Abbott and Costello of Washington, D.C.
Bill and Al are the Barney and Baby Bop of Washington, D.C.
Bill and Al are the Beavis and Butthead of Washington, D.C.
Bill and Al are the Ren and Stimpy of Washington, D.C.
Bill and Al's Bogus Adventure begins!
Bill and Al's Bogus Adventure: Gun Control!
Bill and Al: The Stepford Husbands
Bill and Hillary Clinton The Best Thing That Ever Happened To The G.O.P.
Bill and Hillary Clinton: Probably the most corrupt in D.C. history.
Bill and Hillary Clinton: Washington's version of Bonnie and Clyde.
Bill and Hitlery met while dating the same women. 
Bill and Ted meet Wayne and Garth... EXCELLENT!  NOT!
Bill and Ted of Borg: Assimilation is EXCELLENT! ()
Bill and Ted's Excellent Mortuary - "You Kill 'Em, We Chill 'Em!"
Bill and Ted's excellent adventure happened in Florida
Bill and Ted's excellent adventure happened in Florida.
Bill can build a new world, all he needs is your money!
Bill has all the charm of a dirty Christmas card.
Bill of Rights - Void where prohibited by LIBERALS.
Bill of Rights, Void where prohibited by law.
Bill of Rights:  Void where Prohibited by Law
Bill of Rights: number 5 on the endangered species list..
Bill of Rights? The Bill of WRONGS is in the White House!
Bill the Cat for President! Opus for Vice Pres!
Bill the Cat is gone, but his spirit lives on.
Bill the cat lives!
Bill who?
Bill your doctor for the time in his waiting room
Bill's tax infoline: 1-900-SCR-EWME - $100 1st min, $75 each extra min.
Bill, strange things are afoot at the Circle K. -- Ted
Bill, what's wrong?  Oh Hil, I dreamed we ran out of things to tax.
Bill. Bill. Summons. Bill. - Homer goes through the daily mail
Bill:  Limbless man jammed into a mailbox
BillDCat of Borg - "You will be ass--<Acckk! Thbbbpt!>--imilated!"
BillDOS & TedDOS:  Truly excellent command.  Party on (Y/y)?
Billary Clinton's Military Budget Cuts: Two men to a bed.
Billary Clinton's Military Cuts - Two men to a bed. ;-)
Billary says, "All that's not mandatory is forbidden!"
Billary...the first androgynous president!
Billions and billions served (and lived).
Billions and billions served (and survived).
Bills have been pouring in fast and curious.
Bills travel thru the mail at twice the speed of cheques
Billy + Penny + Electrical socket = Money that goes a long way
Billy Blaze is Commander Keen: Defender of the Universe!
Billy Bob's Road Kill Cafe - You kill 'em, we Grill 'em!
Billy Bob's Road Kill Cafe - You kill'em, we Grill
Billy Carter: The Sequel ... starring Roger Clinton!
Billy Ray Cyrus and the Dukes of Hazard?  I'm not from Kentucky!
Billyuns & billyuns & billyuns of Carl Sagans. . .
Bilo je lijepo, odlazim od kuce Jos jedan poljubac za kraj
Bimbabble:  Noise coming from a table full of blondes.
Bimbae:  More than one bimbo.
Bimbait:  Perfume worn by blondes in a bar.
Bimbald        Result of going to a Bimbarber
Bimband        Bimbo Bimusical group
Bimbarf:  What bimbae do after a session in the bar.
Bimbarf: What bimbai do after a session in the bar.
Bimbastard:  Child of a bimbo.
Bimbastard: Child of a bimbo.
Bimbastic Surgeon: Specialist in breast enhancements for blondes
Bimbattle-axe:  Blonde mother-in-law
Bimbeast       Alternate view of a Bimboette
Bimbeeper:  Homing device for lost bimbos.
Bimbessence:  Aura created when a bimbo enters a room.
Bimbette:  A small bimbo.
Bimbezzle:  A blonde bank teller.
Bimbi:  Blonde with the traditional bimbo name Bamby.
Bimbino:  A baby bimbo.
Bimbino: A baby bimbo.
Bimbitude:  State of being a bimbo.
Bimblaze:  Result of bimbo trying to cook.
Bimblur: Vision created by blonde in a red sports car on the freeway.
Bimbo - Fictional biographical data on the back side of a centerfold.
Bimbob:  A bimbo's boyfriend.
Bimbob: A bimbo's boyfriend.
Bimbobble:  A blonde playing catch.
Bimboo:  An oriental bimbo.
Bimbooboo:  Mistake made by a bimbo.
Bimbooze:  Well drinks.
Bimboozle:  To defraud a bimbo.
Bimbore:  Using the word like more than 5 times in a sentence.
Bimbore: Blonde who uses the word like more than 5 times in a sentence.
Bimbore: Blonde who uses the word like more than 5 times per sentence.
Bimbore: BlondeWho uses the word like more than 5 times in a sentence.
Bimbos should be obscene and not heard.
Bimbosity:  Degree of being a bimbo.
Bimboss        One who tries to control a group of Bimbos
Bimbouy:  A blonde in the water.
Bimboy:  A male homosexual bimbo.
Bimboy: A male homosexual bimbo.
Bimbuoy: A blonde in the water.
Bimburger:  Bimbo surrounded by 2 guys.
Bimorgy        Group Bimbang
Bimp:  The Goodyear Bimbo.
Bimple:  A bimbo with acne.
Binary Choir = 1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1
Binary Paint-By-Numbers:  Red = 10   Blue = 101   Green = 10110
Binary joys and digital sighs, so appealing.
Binary logic:  1 = on  0 = Windows
Binary tagline 1100011001
Binary tribble: *.*
Binary, adj.: Possessing the ability to have friends of both sexes.
Binary: A canary that goes both ways.
BinaryFootball...111   1110   1010   11   =   34.
Bindle - a little bundle?
Bing Crosby faked his own death.
Bing tiddle tiddle tiddle BONG!
Bingo, to quote you, you're in deep caca. --Sam Beckett.
Binkley without mail is like a scooter without wheels!
Binkley(term)/Opus '96 - candidates who know how to handshake!
Binkleyterm/OMX-Bluewave/Squish: The perfect threesome!
Bio readouts are in the green. Looks like she's alive. <salvage crew>
Bio sam omiljen kod zena, onda sam se probudio.
Bio-Genetic Engineering:  Playing God so you don't have to.
Bio-Genetix Enc. Co.; We play God, so you don't have to!
Bio-Genetix Engineering:  Playing God so you don't have to.
Bio-Genetix Engineering:  Playing God, so you don't have to.
BioGenetix Engineering:  Playing God so you don't have to.
BioMOO, the virtual reality for biologists.
Biochemists Wear Designer GreenGenes.
Biochemists wear designer genes
Bioengineers use designer genes.
Bioengineers wear designer genes.
Biography should be written by an acute enemy.
Biography:  One of the terrors of death.
Biography: One of the terrors of death.
Biography: one of the terrors of death.
Biological love =/= chemical love.
Biologically challenged - dead
Biologist to Chemist:  "What?  There's 25 moles in that beaker?"
Biologists do it with clones.
Biology 101: Sex test tomorrow, Oral examination
Biology grows on you.
Biology is destiny.
Bionn gach tosu lag.  Every beginning is weak.
Bios City, where Fatman leaves his mark!
Biotechnology is changing our world.
Biped. Small. Good cranial development. McCoy
Birch John Society: Preservation of wooden toilet seats
Bird brain, you missed the best part - Crow's other half
Bird euphemism: Polly "joined the ex-parrots' society".
Bird in hand, safer than one overhead.
Bird lives.
Bird neck and bird brain should get on like a house on fire! -B.Adder
Bird owners have a cheep on their shoulder!
Birdbrain and birdneck, should get on like a house on fire!
Birdie - One in the bush is worth two in the hand.
Birdie num-nums.
Birdmodem:  ZRCHRP Received.  Sending SEEDS.LZH
Birdmodem: CHIRP.DOC...Received.  Sending SEEDS.ZIP
Birdmodem: ZRCHRP Received. Sending SEEDS.LZH
Birds are entangled by their feet & men by their tongues!
Birds are trapped by their feet, people by their tongues.
Birds can't talk!  Ask any parrot!
Birds deliver the white poupon!OJW
Birds do it, bees do it, even chimpanzees do it ...
Birds do it, bees do it, even chimpanzees do it.
Birds do it, bees do it, even educated trees do it.
Birds do it...bees do it...even overeducated fleas do it
Birds fly over the rainbow.  Why, then, oh why,  can't I?
Birds gather in flocks; cockroaches gather in congregations. Jonny Vee
Birds gather in flocks; morons gather in congregations.
Birds have bills too, but they keep on singing
Birds of a feather flock together, sometimes: ~` ~` ~` ~` ~` ~` ~`
Birds of a feather flock together.
Birds of feather flock together, but look out for deep guano.
Birds of prey know they're cool.
Birds: proof that 'heavier than air' can fly.
Birra, [It.]: Beer.
Birth   |-O Death 8-#
Birth control = husband or wife with a modem.
Birth control pills are a tax deduction only if they don't work
Birth control...Borrow my kids for one day, and you'll use it.
Birth is the beginning of Death.
Birth, life, death.  Repeat as necessary.
Birth, life, death:  Repeat as neccesary.
Birth, n.: The first and direst of all disasters.
Birth, school, work, death - That about sums it up.
Birth, school, work, death About sums it up, I think.
Birth, school, work, death.  About sums it up, I think.
Birth, school, work, taxes, death...that's life.
Birth, sex & death: the three great events of my life.
Birth.  School.  Work.  Death.
Birth. School. Metallica. Death.
Birth: The first and direst of all disasters.
Birthday Cheesecake Jellybean Boom!
Birthday party cheesecake jellybean boom - I.T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I.
Birthday: Proof that you survived another year with out dying.
Birthdays are significant.  Without them you're dead.
Birthdays.  They're not just for spankings anymore.
Bisexual Aussies DO IT with cows *and* sheep.
Bisexual Someone who a likes a girl just as much as the next guy.
Bisexual by nature, proud by choice!
Bisexual vampire needs tongue lashing...apply here.
Bisexual welshmen DO IT with cows *and* sheep.
Bisexual... Someone who a likes a girl just as much as the next guy.
Bisexual:  Someone who likes girls as well as the next guy.
Bisexual: Someone who a likes a girl just as much as the next guy.
Bisexual: Someone who likes a girl just as much as the next guy.
Bisexual: Someone who likes girls as well as the next guy
BisexualSomeone who a likes a girl just as much as the next guy.
Bisexuality doubles the chance of getting a date on Sat.
Bisexuality doubles the chance of getting a date.
Bisexuality doubles the chances of getting a date!
Bisexuality doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night
Bisexuality doubles your chances for a date.
Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date!
Bisexuality is getting the orientation right.
Bisexuality: the superior sexual orientation.
Bisexuals against politicians.
Bisexuals built for two
Bisexuals have double the chance of getting a date on weekends.
Bisexuals know the differences between men and women.
Bisexuals like the differences between men and women.
Bisexuals love the differences between men and women.
Bishop takes Rook...your move!
Bisquick!   Your bants are on fire!
Bit - The increment by which programmers slowly go mad.
Bit - unit by which programmers go insane
Bit :  The increment by which programmers slowly go mad
Bit Decay!?  You say you have Bi+ DEcay?
Bit Decay!? YoU say you have Bi+ Decay!
Bit Decay!? Yoš say ˜ou have Bi Dîcay­
Bit:  The increment by which programmers slowly go mad.
Bit: The increment by which programmers slowly go mad.
Bit: Unit by which programmers lose their sanity.
Bitch by birth.
Bitch! - Tom as nun to girl
Bitch, bitch, bitch! I gave you Chaos! What more do you want?
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch... on the next Oprah!
Bitch, bitch, bitch...that's all Ben ever does!
Bitch, bitch, bitch...that's all I ever do!
Bitch, bitch, bitch...that's all Orville ever does!
Bitch, whine, gripe, moan, and complain... on the next Rush Limbaugh!
Bitch-o-meter: [......../]    Hmmph!   I thought so!
Bitching..Whining with confidence!
Bite but keep your backs against the wall.
Bite here. Then turn and examine.
Bite me! -- Gypsy
Bite me! ...but remember, ladies first!
Bite me, Frodo! -- TV's Frank
Bite me, Miyu!
Bite me, Orville!
Bite me, it's fun!   Crow!  No!
Bite off one chicken head and they never let you forget.
Bite off, dirtball.
Bite the Wax Tadpole. Original Coca-Cola Chinese
Bite the Wax Tadpole. Original translation of Coca-Cola into Chinese
Bite the bearded clam
Bite the bullet and shoot your mouth off.
Bite this tagline.
Bite, Claw, Claw, Flap, Slap, Stomp, Stomp, *WHOOSH*You're dead.
Bite, Claw, Claw, Flap, Slap. You're dead.
Bite, chew, suck away the tender parts - NIN
Biti praznoveran znaci: verovati zeni.
Bitmaps? We don't need no stinkin' Bitmaps!
Bits make bites, but nibbles turn me on!
Bits make bytes, but nibbles turn me on!
Bits, Bytes, Bauds ...Can't live With, or Without!
Bitten by a mutant computer bug, he turned into _SYSOP_!
Bitter sarcasm, the second-best medicine.
Biz is better.
Bizarre, ain't it?
Bizarreness is the essence of the exotic
Bizarreness is the essence of the exotic.
Bizzaro Borg - "Me do it your way!  My way unrelevant!"
Bizzaro of Borg - Me do it your way! My way unrelevant!
Bjo  Bjo      "Bee-joe" Trimble, author of Star Trek Concordance
Bjorn Borg He's DEAD, Jim.
Bjorn of Borg : Wimbledon is irrelevant
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Black & tan & looks good on a lawyer? A doberman.
Black Adder! Black Adder! With many a cunning plan...<Black Adder I>
Black Adder! Black Adder! You horrid little man...<Black AdderI>
Black Hole Discovered: Now there is PROOF that the universe sucks!
Black Hole Golf Course - A hole in one every time!
Black Hole Golf Course - a hole in one every time.
Black Holes are Out of Sight
Black Holes are what happens when God divides by zero.
Black Holes are where God divided by zero
Black Holes come from God trying to divide by zero.
Black Holes happened when God divided by Zero
Black Holes were created when God divided by zero!
Black Lotus - Black Lotus - Channel - Fireball, Gun.
Black Nazis, white ninjas & beige berets - Tom
Black Talon, when you care to send the very best.
Black Talon: when you care enough to send the very best
Black Talons.....aren't those bird claws?
Black and white tv sucks! huh huh huh
Black arrow! I have saved you to the last! - Bard, Lord of Dale
Black card, Lister. Black card. - Rimmer
Black clothes:  Ideal tool for removing cat hair from furniture.
Black clothes: Idea tool for removing cat hair from furn.
Black clothes: Ideal tool for removing cat hair from furniture.
Black coffee's not enough for me, I need a better friend.
Black coffee, blue morning.
Black face mask, submachine gun, silencer, It's the BATF!!!
Black gold - not oil, but coffee!
Black gold - not oil...COFFEE!
Black hole: The "subway" of the universe......
Black holes are outa sight!
Black holes are where God did nothing, in a *big* way!
Black holes are where God divided by zero.
Black holes are where God divided by zero.
Black holes are where God forgot to cancel the infinities
Black holes are where God forgot to cancel the infinities.
Black holes are where God is dividing by zero.
Black holes are where gods divided by zero.
Black holes really SUCK!
Black holes really suck...
Black holes result from God dividing by zero.
Black holes result from God dividing the universe by zero.
Black holes resulted when MS tried to beat a deadline!
Black holes resulted when Marvel UK tried to beat a deadline!
Black holes suck!
Black holes were created when God divided by zero.
Black holes were created when Orville Bullitt divided by zero.
Black holes: XRW, CLOUT, R:TOOLS, R:MACROS, R:Documenter
Black is black & white is white, except for damn liberals
Black is grey, and yellow, white.
Black market shirts - Crow
Black plastic electrical tape is the work of the Devil.
Black racist is an oxymoron.
Black rum, music, computers, women....Ain't life great?
Black stinky cloud hanging over the whole ugly scene-Crow
Black widow spiders do it, then eat the male.
Blackadder and I'm the new minister in charge of religious genocide.
Blackberries are red when they are green.
Blackberries are red when they're green.
Blackbored:  disinterested African-American.  White-out:  departing Caucasian.
Blackened magic infest with lust, Lucifer rules supreme!
Blackmail's an ugly word.-BJ to Frank. We prefer extortion.-Hawk
Blackout: Electric company's general screen saver.
Blackouts are Not unscheduled midweek vacations.
Blackstone Bordeaux is a good Australian table wine.
Blago vetru! On stalno duva...
Blagosloven neka je onaj koji nema sta da kaze, a ipak cuti.
Blah Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Blah, Blah Blah, Blah..
Blah blah blah, quack quack quack.
Blah, blah, blah.  Yackety Schmackety.
Blah, blah, blah...
Blaine is a pain, and THAT is the truth.-- S. King.
Blaising along at Turbo speed...
Blake's gone, son. I'm here. - Potter to Radar
Blam!  Blam!  Blam!  "Stop!"  Blam!  Blam!  Blam!  "Police!"
Blam!  Blam!  Click...Click um "Stop, Police!"
Blam! Blam! Click... Click... um... "Stop, Police!"
Blame Beavis and Butthead, they made me do it
Blame Harry Mudd for the Borgs .. His Toys grew Up!
Blame Harvey Mudd for the Borgs .. His Toys grew Up!
Blame Murphy when you dig at the wrong end of a rainbow.
Blame Saint Andreas - it's all his fault.
Blame San Andreas - its all his fault.
Blame San Andreas, it's all his fault.
Blame San Andreas.  Its his fault.
Blame San Andreas. It's his fault.
Blame is better to give than receive. -- Limbaugh
Blame is better to give than receive. -- Rush Limbaugh
Blame is better to give than receive. --Limbaugh.
Blame is better to give than receive. --Rush Limbaugh.
Blame is something for a person with a conscience.
Blame it all on FIDO-- it ate my message! (to Blame it on the Rain)
Blame it on ME everybody else does!....
Blame it on Texas, don't blame it on me. -C&W
Blame it on the dice!
Blame it on the love of Rock and Roll
Blame it on the love of Rock and Roll.
Blame not on Stupidity what is explained by Ignorance.
Blame not on stupidity what is best explained by ignorance.
Blame the Lawyers.
Blame your maker or blame yourself, but don't blame me!
Blaming others can become a satisfying way of life.
Blaming the gun for murder is like blaming the typewriter for libel.
Blank recipe: paint it, draw on it, be creative!
Blank tagline: paint it, draw on it, be creative!
Blarney Stone: A hated Irish dinosaur, on drugs.
Blarney:  Flattery laid on so thin you love it.
Blarney: A hated Irish dinosaur.
Blarney: official birthstone of the Taglines echo
Blarney: official birthstone of the recipes echo
Blashpemers.. what's wrong with orange?  -Quickling
Blasphemy.  I should cast you out, or smite you or something. -Q
Blasphemy:  When a religious person dares to think.
Blast medicine anyway! -- McCoy
Blast off to adventure in the amazing year 400 billion!!
Blasted TARDIS is on the fritz again!
Blasting concrete off the streets and screaming "mach schnell".
Blasting our way through the boundaries of Hell!
Blatant suckup mode enabled
Blazing along at Turbo speed...
Bleach gives really dumb brunets an excuse.
Bleached Blonde Klingon: Today is a good day to dye!
Bleating and bubbling, he fell on his back with a scream!
Blech, green eggs and Spam.  Mom used the Dr. Suess cookbook again.
Blech...This tastes like reconstituted vomit!
Bled-white and blue: Paul, the melancholy American vampire.
Bleeding will always stop, eventually.
Blended coffee... today's & yesterday's.
Bless My Good Intentions ...
Bless me Father for I have played a musical condom.
Bless me Father, for this is a fax of my sins.
Bless me father for I have SIMMed.
Bless my Mommy, Daddy, Kitty, Bob Dole & Rush Limbaugh.
Bless my Mommy, Daddy, Kitty, Bob Dole and Rush Limbaugh.
Bless the peacemakers their work will never end.
Bless them which persecute you. (Rom 12:14)
Bless this Holy Hand Grenade and with it smash our enemy to tiny bits!
Bless you and may your bread always fall butter side up !!
Bless you, Scotty!  Go, Sulu! * Kirk
Bless you, child... now send money.
Bless your beautiful hide - Frank sings on cowgirl
Blessed Are The Geek, For They Shall Inherit Treknology.
Blessed Are The Meek,  for They Make Great Scapegoats.  
Blessed Bovine, Batman!
Blessed Mother of Acceleration, don't fail us now! - Elwood Blues
Blessed are censors; for they shall inhibit the Earth
Blessed are the Cheesemakers
Blessed are the Elderly for they remember what we never knew.
Blessed are the Fundamentalists, for they shall inhibit the earth.
Blessed are the Greeks
Blessed are the Ouilters for they are the piecemakers.
Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are the assimilated- they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the bignoses.
Blessed are the censors for they shall inhibit the earth.
Blessed are the censors, for they shall ####, ###, and #### the earth.
Blessed are the censors, for they shall INHIBIT the earth.
Blessed are the censors, for they shall inhibit the Earth.
Blessed are the censors, for they shall inhibit the earth
Blessed are the censors; they shall inhibit the earth.
Blessed are the cross-eyed; for they shall see God twice.
Blessed are the cross-eyed; they shall see God twice.
Blessed are the grease monkeys - Joel
Blessed are the heat-seekers
Blessed are the humble, for they shall be humiliated.
Blessed are the inept for they will inherit the skies.
Blessed are the meek, for they are easy to control.
Blessed are the meek, for they make great scapegoats.
Blessed are the meek, for they make great scapegoats.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall bite ankles.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the crap.
Blessed are the meek, they make great scapegoats.
Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. (Matt 5:7)
Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the meth drinkers, pot sellers, illusion dwellers.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides.
Blessed are the peacemakers- Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the pessimistic, for they hath made backups.
Blessed are the pessimists, for they hath made backups
Blessed are the pessimists, for they have made backups.
Blessed are the pessimists, they make backups!
Blessed are the pessimists; they make backups!
Blessed are the piecemakers, for they shall have quilts.
Blessed are the poor in spirit:for thiers is the kingdom of heaven.(Matt
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. (Matt 5:8)
Blessed are the pure of heart; for they shall see God.
Blessed are the ugly and determined
Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.
Blessed are the young for they'll inherit the national debt.
Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the National debt !!!
Blessed are the young, let them inherit the national debt
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. (Matt 5:4)
Blessed are they that mourn; for they will be comforted.
Blessed are they that run around in circles, for they sha
Blessed are they who Go Around in Circles, for they Shall be Known as Wheels.
Blessed are those who eat first, for they shall have more stamina.
Blessed are you among women.
Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you...Jesus.
Blessed be he who art a big wheel, for he goeth around in circles.
Blessed be our young;  they will inherit our national debt.
Blessed be the amoeba watchers, for they shall behold miracles.
Blessed be the meek: they've got a one-name society.
Blessed be the pessimist for he hath made backups.
Blessed be the pessimists for they hath backups.
Blessed be the pessimists, for they carry extra ammo!
Blessed be!
Blessed is he expecting nothing, and never disappointed.
Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall not be disappointed.
Blessed is he who expected naught for he shall not be disappointed.
Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. (Matt 11:6)
Blessed is the man to whom the lord will not impute sin. (Rom 4:8)
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt
Blessed is the one who digs a well  from which another may draw faith.
Blessed our young they will inherit our national debt.
Blessed shall be the cyberpunks in 2004.
Blessings never come in pairs, misfortunes never alone...
Blessings never come in pairs; misfortunes never alone.
Blessings never come in pairs; misfortunes never come alone.
Blesss us and splash us, my precioussss! - Gollum
Blesss us and splash usss, recipesss for my preciousss.
Blesss us and splash usss, taglinesss for my precioussss. --Gollum
Blest too are the sorrowing for they shall be consoled.
Blew a brain cell on that?  2 left.
Blew his O-rings.
Blew the hatch before the lock sealed.
Blick's Rule: You have 2 chances: slim and none.
Blimey! Frognal Cockfosters!
Blind Artists do it with Feeling!
Blind Spot:  What Dick and Jane did to be cruel.
Blind Spot:  What Dick and Jane did to be cruel...
Blind acceptance is a sign of stupid fools. -Sex Pistols
Blind cyberspace beggar: "Taglines.... Taglines for the poor..."
Blind date lie: I date several times a week.
Blind date lie: I love Indian food.
Blind date lie: You're an accountant. How interesting.
Blind faith in anything can get you killed. - B. Springsteen, 1985
Blind hookers: You've really got to hand it to them!
Blind in one eye, and can't see out of the other!
Blind lifeguard
Blind people do it with feeling.
Blind people don't bungee jump - it scares the dog too much
Blind people don't bungee jump because it scares the dog.
Blind people don't bungee jump; it scares the dog too much.
Blind prostitutes: You've really got to hand it to them!
Blind teleport:  Rough equivalent of DWI, with allowances for falling.
Blind workers eye better wages - film at 11
Blinder 1 to women killings: Poisoning disguise
Blinder 1 to women killings: Poisoning disguise.
Blinder 2 to women killings: Contract killings, disguise accidents
Blinder 2 to women killings: Contract killings, disguise accidents.
Blinder 3 to women killings: Money factor
Blinder 3 to women killings: Money factor.
Blinder 4 to women killings: Chivalry Factor
Blinder 4 to women killings: Chivalry Factor.
Blinder 5 to women killings: Innocent Woman Factor
Blinder 5 to women killings: Innocent Woman Factor.
Blinder 6 to women killings: Plea Bargain Defense
Blinder 6 to women killings: Plea Bargain Defense.
Blindfold you!  oh thank you, but! I rather you watch me.......
Blinding signs flap, flicker flicker flicker blam, POW!  pow.
Blindside, you're flickering-- Force
Blindsided by another short. -- Joel Robinson
Blink and they'll be ghosts.  Blink and they'll be gone.- LaCroix
Blink and they'll be gone.  Blink and they'll be dead.- LaCroix
Blink! Blink, I say, you stinky bee!-Artie the strongest man in the wo
BlinkTalk - Blind bats in the belfry!
Bliss *IS* ignorance
Bliss is ignorance.
Blitzkrieg players do it in five minutes.
Bloatboat:  Chocolate sundae you have right after finishing off a meal
Blobs are a lazy mans bezier patch.
Block Parity:  One heck of a good time.
Block Parity: One heck of a good time.
Blockade??  What blockade??!
Blockade?? What blockade??!
Blocked one too many hockey pucks / soccer balls / punches
Blond Klingons:  Because it was a good day to dye.
Blond Mating Call:  Oh, I'm so drunk [giggle]!!
Blond goes fishing with 3 guys, returns with a red snapper and crabs.
Blond jokes are one-liners so men can understand them  ;)
Blond math: If 1+2=3, then 4+5=6
Blonde Borg have the same fun.
Blonde Borgs all have the same fun.
Blonde Borgs have the same fun
Blonde Klingons - Because it's a good day to Dye.
Blonde Klingons:  May you dye well!
Blonde Klingons:  because it was a good day to dye
Blonde Klingons:  because it's a good day to dye.
Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!
Blonde Klingons: Because it's a good day to dye
Blonde Klingons: May you dye well!
Blonde Klingons: because it was a good day to dye.
Blonde Klingons: it's a good day to dye!
Blonde Mating Call:  "Oh, I'm so drunk [giggle]!!"
Blonde Mating Call:  Oh, I'm so drunk...<*giggle*>!!!
Blonde Moment: "Cross my legs and hope to die!"
Blonde Moment: Don't play stupid with me...I'm better at it!
Blonde Tagline #27... She thinks Barry Goldwater was a Urologist.
Blonde Taglines
Blonde Wisdom - 1+2=3 therefore 4+5=6.
Blonde bought a pet zebra...Named it Spot.
Blonde conundrum: To giggle or to giggle louder.
Blonde girls have black hair by cracky.
Blonde goes fishing with 3 guys, returns with a red snapper and crabs.
Blonde hair is so retro. - Elmyra
Blonde in a Volkswagon: Farfromthinkin
Blonde jokes are dumb.
Blonde jokes are one-liners so men can understand them.
Blonde jokes are one-liners so that men can understand them.
Blonde jokes are short so men can understand them.
Blonde jokes?  They used to call them Lauralee jokes.
Blonde jokes?  They used to call them Paul jokes.
Blonde jokes? They used to call them Lauralee jokes.
Blonde never know english good...
Blonde proofreader fired at M&M factory. Tossed the W's.
Blonde usually hear this after sex: "Honey, I'm home!"
Blonde with 2 a mind?a hell of a rare&lucky find!
Blonde with a leather jacket? Rebel without a clue.
Blonde's favorite nursery rhyme:  Humpme Dumpme.
Blonde's mating call: "... I'm soooooo drunk." [Giggle]
Blonde's prefer Hard Disks over floppy ones!
Blonde: Dumb sh*t happens.
Blonde: Storing a Yugo for a future collector's item
Blonde:- It's not a hair color, it's a state of mind.
Blonde? Born yesterday? Yes, but early in the morning.
BlondeWare - A satisfying supplemental utility program
BlondeWare - Better than the Head Start program
BlondeWare - Beyond Virtual Reality
Blondes & doors: harder U slam them, looser they come.
Blondes - <smirk> 'nuff said
Blondes AND women AND nurses can be sysops, too!
Blondes AND women AND nurses can be sysops, too! - Bunny
Blondes HAVE more fun, but redheads ARE more fun!
Blondes also prefer gentlemen!!
Blondes and Beer bottles:  both empty from the neck up.
Blondes and Beer bottles: both empty from the neck up.
Blondes and jazz seldom go together. - Riker
Blondes are easier than redheads. They just don't know it.
Blondes are intellagint..intell.....oh forget it.:)
Blondes are like 7-Eleven's - Always open for your convenience
Blondes are smart.....now *thats* funny!
Blondes do it all the time, it's a gift!
Blondes do it and have more fun.
Blondes do it with a thermos. (from the blonde joke list)
Blondes don't eat pickles, because their heads get stuck in the jar.
Blondes don't have Intel Inside...
Blondes don't necessarily prefer gentlemen!
Blondes have fun.  Redheads are more fun.  -Some pervert
Blondes have more fun - because I only date blondes!
Blondes have more fun, Redheads ARE more fun!!!
Blondes have more fun, but brunettes make more money.
Blondes in snow - frosted flakes!
Blondes like tilt-wheel steering - more headroom!
Blondes may NOT have more fun, but brunettes sure get the job done.
Blondes prefer Hard Disks over floppy ones!
Blondes prefer gentlemen, too
Blondes rule the earth, or at least earth's politicians.
Blondes take the pill so they know what day it is.
Blondes wear hoop earrings so they have a place to put their feet.
Blondes wear panties to keep their ancles warm.
Blondes, like butterflies, need no excuse
Blondes: Legal Handicapped Parking Permits
Blondie online: Page me, my board line, page me, page me anytime.
Blonds don't necessarily prefer gentlemen!
Blonds have more fun, but redheads ARE more fun!
Blonds have more fun, but us Redheads get the job done!
Blonds have more fun, redheads ARE more fun.
Blonds may NOT have more fun, but brunettes sure get the job done!
Blonds may have more fun, but Redheads get the job done!
Blood Vessels:   Arteries, vanes and caterpillars.
Blood and death are waiting like a raven in the sky...
Blood and guts!  That's what I love about compact cars.
Blood boots. Killer Storm. Fool's gold. God in Heaven. --JM
Blood calls out for blood - Londo
Blood detected. Run VAMPIRE.BAT? (Y/N)
Blood flows down one leg and up the other.
Blood in my alcohol system ..
Blood in the Saddle  by The Kotex Kid
Blood in the Saddle - By the Kotex Kid.
Blood is thicker than vacuum.  But only slightly. -- Ferengi Proverb
Blood is thicker than water - also tastier...
Blood is thicker than water - and MUCH tastier!
Blood is thicker than water and better on a Ritz. - Janier
Blood is thicker than water and much tastier.
Blood is thicker than water, and better on a Ritz!
Blood is thicker than water, and it tastes better, too.
Blood is thicker than water, and much more tastier.
Blood is thicker than water, and much tastier too
Blood is thicker than water, and much tastier too!
Blood is thicker than water, and much tastier.
Blood is thicker than water, and tastier.
Blood is thicker than water--and much tastier.
Blood is thicker than water.  Tastier and more nutritious too.
Blood is thicker than water. Tastier & more nutritious, too.
Blood is thicker than water. Tastier and more nutritious too. - Janier
Blood is thicker than water...and much tastier! - Janier
Blood is too precious a commodity.-Bram Stoker's Dracula
Blood of the sisters. Rage of the Mother. -- Black Fury
Blood on the Hurdle - By Wun Hung Low.
Blood on the Saddle by Kot Tex
Blood will follow blood, dying time is here. Damage Incorporated.
Blood's thicker than water; and it tastes better too!
Blood:  A type of Gang.
Bloodshed!  Uncle Fester
Bloodthirsty Tim:  Skull Catapult
Bloodweiser, Diane Merriman's favorite Late-Night snack!
Bloody Cardasians! I just got the damn thing fixed!
Bloody Cardassians -- I just got this damn thing fixed.
Bloody Cardassians -- I just got this damn thing fixed. -- O'Brien
Bloody Cardassians! I just got the damn thing fixed! - O'Brien.
Bloody Cardassians, I just got this damn thing fixed - O'brien
Bloody Cardies. We just /fixed/ the damn thing!
Bloody Hell! -- O'Brien
Bloody Vikings!!
Bloody hell....
Bloody peasant! "Ooh, didja hear that? What a giveaway!"
Blossum was really funny last night -Tom as Mongol leader
Blouse and shoes required. Dress optional. 
Blow it out your comm port!
Blow me a little kiss, will ya, huh?
Blow the lid off the whole bread wholesaling racket - Tom
Blow up all the monuments and throw the wrecking ball - Course of Empire
Blow up all the monuments and throw the wrecking ball.
Blow up your car.  It's really fun.
Blow up your vehicle. It's really fun to watch.
Blow ye winds, like the trumpet blows;  But without that noise.
Blow ye winds, like the trumpet blows; but without that noise.
Blow your mind - smoke gun powder.
Blow your mind - smoke gunpowder.
Blow your mind - smoke the NEW Hydrogen Sigar (R)!
Blow your mind - snort Nitroglycerin....
Blow your mind, smoke gunpowder.
Blowers good, paper baaad-Dana Carvey
Blowers good, paper baaad... -Dana Carvey
Blowing the bosin's pipe has a new Clinton Navy meaning.
Blowing the bosin's pipe has a new meaning in the new Clinton Navy.
Blowing the bosun's pipe has a new meaning in the Clinton Navy.
Blowjobs: Protein Slurpies!
Blowout!: Vlad Tire
Blue  \/\/ave ...The totally cool way to do mail!
Blue + Wave = Bluewave.  Wacky, wacky, wacky!
Blue - Shifted * Red - Shifted * Doppler Effect...
Blue - Shifted: The only way to Travel... smooth...
Blue Angles, Thunder Birds and Snowbirds=15 Plane Diamond Formation.
Blue Canary in the light switch, who watches over you -- TMBG
Blue Dragons are my favorite ...yum yum yum!
Blue Harvest Prequel/Director's Cut `97
Blue Leader, They have a lock on my tagline.
Blue Oyster Cult! - Joel on seeing an alien symbol
Blue Thunder + Red Dawn = Purple Rain
Blue Wave  ...   what electronic mail communications is all about!
Blue Wave  ...where you want to go, today!
Blue Wave "What a  Great Concept"
Blue Wave "What a Concept"
Blue Wave & Qedit... the perfect marriage!
Blue Wave '95: !Ahora en espan~ol!
Blue Wave *v2.20* ---->>>>available on The PharmBoard
Blue Wave - "What a  Country"
Blue Wave - 40,000 Smurphs in a stadium amusing themselves.
Blue Wave - English, Scottish Tour - 1996
Blue Wave - Offline Mail from the Cutting Edge!
Blue Wave - Senior citizen hairdoo?
Blue Wave - What smurfs do at the Super Bowl.
Blue Wave - World Tour - 1995 ------>> Now on version  V2.21!
Blue Wave - World Tour - 1996
Blue Wave - the Cadillac of Offline Reader Editors.
Blue Wave - the fastest way to get around the world.
Blue Wave - what Smurfs do at a football game..
Blue Wave ...  Made with pride in the USA!
Blue Wave ... a tradition we can all value.
Blue Wave ... what electronic mail communications is all about!
Blue Wave .... Your Link to the Information Super Highway!
Blue Wave / T.A.G. line
Blue Wave 2.20 - No Cholesterol! No Saturated fats!
Blue Wave 2.20! .... The Master Surfer!
Blue Wave 2.20!..... Your Link to the Information Super Highway!
Blue Wave 2.20!...... Don't Read Mail Without it!
Blue Wave 2.20!...... Don't leave home without it!
Blue Wave 2.20!...... Not Just Another Off-Line Mail System <tm>!
Blue Wave Mail Doors & Readers:  The wave of the future here today!
Blue Wave Mail System:  The wave of the future here today!
Blue Wave Offline Mail System:  The wave of the future here today!
Blue Wave Reader v2.12: Released 17 December 1992!  Try it!
Blue Wave Reader v2.20.  Available in 3 flavors!  Try it!
Blue Wave Reader v2.20.  Available in 3 flavors!  Try one!
Blue Wave Reader v2.20.  Released 07 August 1995!   Try it!
Blue Wave Reader v2.20.  Released 08 Auguest 1995!   Try it!
Blue Wave Reader v2.20.  The OFFICIAL OLMR of the 1996 Olympics!
Blue Wave Reader v2.20.  The OFFICIAL tagline of the 1996 Olympics!
Blue Wave Reader v2.21. The OFFICIAL OLMR of the 1996 Olympics!
Blue Wave Reader v2.30.  Available in 3 flavors!  Try one!
Blue Wave Reader v2.30.  Released 12 February 1996!   Try it!
Blue Wave Surfing - the fastest way to get around the world.
Blue Wave Tagline makers can DO IT  l o n g e r .
Blue Wave Users Manual - Chapter 1: The Alt-A key.
Blue Wave World Tour - 1995
Blue Wave and Sedit... the perfect pair!
Blue Wave cleans away the Slime. SLMR that is.
Blue Wave designed for the truely addicted tagline collector.
Blue Wave gets my mail, keeps me safe from the twits and flames!
Blue Wave has been found effective in the treatment of insomnia.
Blue Wave is a global wave.
Blue Wave is still the BEST!
Blue Wave is to QWK as AmigaDOS is to MS-DOS.
Blue Wave leaves others in the dust pdQWK!
Blue Wave mail door not found.  Delete sysop? (Y/n)
Blue Wave mail door not found.  Hang sysop? (Y/n)
Blue Wave mail door not found.  Run Sysop out of town? (Y/n)
Blue Wave of Borg: My entire format is irrelevant.
Blue Wave offline mail reader features
Blue Wave packets Now used for breast implants!!
Blue Wave packets vs. QWK packets
Blue Wave reader: The genealogist's best friend.
Blue Wave spoken fluently here!
Blue Wave taglines can be up to 72 characters long.
Blue Wave took the sparkle out of Comit!!
Blue Wave v2.12!...... Don't Read Mail Without it!
Blue Wave v2.12, designed for the truely addicted tagline collector.
Blue Wave v2.12, designed for the truly addicted tagline collector.
Blue Wave v2.12... a REAL man's offline reader!  <GRUNT!> <GRUNT!>
Blue Wave v2.12:  The Universal Off-Line Reader!  It Reads QWK!
Blue Wave v2.12: Kickin' QWK's butt!
Blue Wave v2.12a REAL man's offline reader!  <GRUNT!> <GRUNT!>
Blue Wave v2.20 -- coming to a bbs near you ... NOW!
Blue Wave v2.20!...... Don't Read Mail Without it!
Blue Wave v2.20... Kickin' QWK's butt!
Blue Wave v2.20... The Universal Off-Line Reader!  It Reads QWK!!!
Blue Wave v2.20... a REAL man's offline reader!  <GRUNT!> <GRUNT!>
Blue Wave v2.20..... Pioneering Off-line Mail Technology!
Blue Wave v2.20:  Getting better all the time!
Blue Wave v2.21 and Sedit v1.1 .... the perfect pair!
Blue Wave v2.21... a REAL man's offline reader!  <GRUNT!> <GRUNT!>
Blue Wave v2.21:  The Universal Off-Line Reader!  It Reads QWK!!!
Blue Wave v2.30... Kickin' QWK's butt!
Blue Wave v2.30... a REAL man's offline reader!  <GRUNT!> <GRUNT!>
Blue Wave!  Not just for FIDONet anymore!
Blue Wave! Absolutely the fastest way to get around the world.
Blue Wave! Don't try surfing the QWK without it.
Blue Wave! Not just for FidoNet anymore! Hello.......Internet.World..
Blue Wave! Now 100% QWK Compatible! More bang for your bucks!
Blue Wave!...... Don't Read Mail Without it!
Blue Wave!...... Don't Read Your Mail Without it!
Blue Wave!...... Don't leave home without it!
Blue Wave!...... Not Just Another Off-Line Mail System <tm>!
Blue Wave!...... Now 100% QWK Compatible! More bang for your bucks.
Blue Wave!...... Simply more bang for your bucks!
Blue Wave!...... The Far East Pirate's choice!
Blue Wave!...... The Master Surfer!
Blue Wave!...... Your Link to the Information Super Highway! <tm>
Blue Wave!...Now 100% QWK Compatible! More bang for your bucks!
Blue Wave, QEdit, ShareSpell, PGP & PGPWave. Try 'em, you'll like 'em!
Blue Wave, Qedit & ShareSpell... the perfect 3-some!
Blue Wave, Sled & ShareSpell... the perfect 3-some!
Blue Wave, Telix and me: all problems solved!
Blue Wave, makes a pencil look HI-TECH!
Blue Wave.  The totally cool way to do mail!
Blue Wave. It's not blue. It's not a wave. So what gives?
Blue Wave... The Lean, Mean, Reading Machine..."
Blue Wave.... You know whats next!
Blue Wave.....    The totally cool way to do mail!
Blue Wave..... what electronic mail communications is all about!
Blue Wave....Not Just Another Off-Line Mail System <tm>!
Blue Wave/RA v2.12 (re-tearing be DAMNED!)
Blue Wave/RA v2.20f 386 Beta (re-tearing be DAMNED!)
Blue Wave/RA v2.20f OS/2 (re-tearing be DAMNED!)
Blue Wave/RA v2.20k Beta (re-tearing be DAMNED!)
Blue Wave/RA v2.20l 386 Beta
Blue Wave/RA v2.20p Beta (re-tearing be DAMNED!)
Blue Wave/RA v2.20p OS/2 (re-tearing be DAMNED!)
Blue Wave/RA v2.20t Beta (re-tearing be DAMNED!)
Blue Wave/RA v2.20t OS/2 (re-tearing be DAMNED!)
Blue Wave/RA v2.20u 386 Beta
Blue Wave/RA v2.20x 386 Beta
Blue Wave:  50,000 Smurfs amusing themselves in a stadium.
Blue Wave: 40,000 Smurfs in a stadium amusing themselves.
Blue Wave: 50,000 smurfs amusing themselves in a stadium
Blue Wave: 75,000 smurfs at a baseball game.
Blue Wave: Attempting to pull a "CompuCom" of its own.
Blue Wave: Don't Read Mail Without it!
Blue Wave: How dead people say goodbye.
Blue Wave: How dead people say hello.
Blue Wave: Not Just Another Off-Line Mail System <tm>!
Blue Wave: Now 100% QWK Compatible! More bang for your bucks!
Blue Wave: Pioneering Off-line Mail Technology! <tm>
Blue Wave: Reality alterations while you wait.
Blue Wave: The long distance caller's answer to a Post/Call ratio
Blue Wave: What Smurf's do at football games.
Blue Wave: What happens when Granny's teeth fall into the toilet.
Blue Wave: What the Tidybowl Man surfs on.
Blue Waver Lover!
Blue Wavers do it better offline.
Blue Wavers do it in QWK doors!
Blue Wavers do it with QWK mail packets!
Blue Wavers do it with longer taglines!
Blue Wavers have longer taglines! A full 8.75" worth. Measure Screen.
Blue Wavers" are folks who love Blue Wave Offline Mail Products!
Blue Wavers: folks who love Blue Wave Offline Mail Products!
Blue dove...the crackerjack is on the windowsill.
Blue ship collides with red ship... Sailors marooned.
Blue wave.  How....quaint.
Blue-shifted: The only way to travel ...
Blue-shifted: The way to travel ...
Blue... No, yelloooooooooooooow
BlueWave - World Tour - 1995
BlueWave 2.20 - QEdit 3.0 - ShareSpell 3.0
BlueWave Reader v2.12 reads QWK packets automatically!
BlueWave and WordPerfect... A Perfect Marriage!
BlueWave does everything but make up new taglines.
BlueWave does everything but think up new taglines!
BlueWave mail door not found.  Delete sysop? (Y/n)
BlueWave mail door not found.  Hang sysop? (Y/n)
BlueWave mail door not found.  Run Sysop out of town? (Y/Y)
BlueWave mail door not found.  Run Sysop out of town? (Y/n)
BlueWave mail door not found. Run sysop out of town? (Y/n)
BlueWave running on an incredibly obselete 486-DX/33.
BlueWave snags recipes...not me!
BlueWave spoken fluently here!
BlueWave users don't steal taglines...we adopt them!
BlueWave v7.98 - The Offical Off Line BBS
BlueWave! We don't need no stinking BlueWave, CATCH THIS!
BlueWave, Qedit & ShareSpell... the perfect 3-some!
BlueWave, TagDude, and WARP!   What a combination!!!!!!!!!!!!
BlueWave- Running under PC Emulation on a Mac!
BlueWave-compatible mail door not found.  Run Sysop out of town? (Y/n)
BlueWave/OMX/Terminate - The best combination!
BlueWave:  50,000 Smurfs amusing themselves in a stadium.
BlueWave: 50,000 Smurfs amusing themselves in a stadium.
BlueWave:75,000 smerfs at a baseball game
BlueWave?  Wet behind the ears, eh?
BlueWavers do it better offline.
Blueberries are purple except when green they're red.
Blueberries are purple, except when unripe they are red.
Blueberry jelly, Cool Whip and Jack Daniels....Party time!!!
Blueberry pancakes: smashed smurf!
Bluewave - 40,000 Smurphs in a stadium amusing themselves.
Bluewave 2.20 spoken fluently here!
Bluewave UnRegistered, 300 Bpi Modem, Net Fee Due, Off Topic, NO FEAR
Bluewave for MAX!  It doesn't get ANY better!
Bluewave gets my mail, keeps me safe from the twits and flames!
Bluewave ready..goto caffeine source? Y/N
Bluewave the *BEST* mail reader around!
Bluewave took the sparkle out of Comit!!
Bluewave!!!...Don't Read Mail Without it!
Bluewave!...Not Just Another Off-Line Mail System <tm>!
Bluewave!...Pioneering Off-line Mail Technology! <tm>
Bluewave:  everyone's doin' it!  Come on!  You'll be COOOOOL!
Bluewave: Attempting to pull a "CompuCom" of its own.
Bluewave: Reality alterations while you wait.
Bluff means never having to sway your story!
Bluff means never having to sway your story.
Blye Wave .....  what electronic mail communications is all about!
Bo Derek Starred in 10
Bo Derek getting older: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8 (plastic surgery), 7, 6...
Bo Derek has a baud rate of 10!
Bo Derek thinks we're a bunch of airheads.
Bo Diddly-Squat...He knows nothing.
Bo Jackson knows doing it.
Bo KNOWS Needlepoint
Bo KNOWS Tag Line Xpress!
Bo Knows Blue Wave!
Bo Knows MegaMail!
Bo Knows Taglines!
Bo Peep did it for the insurance.
Bo Pilgrim of Borg: We just won't assimilate a fat, yella chicken.
Bo knows Taglines!
Bo knows Windows
Bo knows Windows.
Bo knows lesbians.
Bo knows the moderator
Bo knows your girlfriend!
Bo knows your girlfriend...very well.
Bo knows your mother!
Bo knows your mother...very well.
Bo knows your sister!
Bo knows your wife
Bo nose - The tip of a deodorant dispenser.
Bo shuda. -- Jabba the Hutt
Bo shuda..
BoPcAtS .. ( o o ) .. HePcAtS .. ( o o ) .. BLACKCATS .. ( o o ) ..
Boardheads do it with stiff masts.
Boarding in hockey has NOTHING to do with exchange students!
Boards don't hit back! B. LEE
Boardwinds - Mysterious force in Monopoly that sucks up currency.
Boast not against the branches....be not high-minded, but fear:
Boasting the largest supply of good stolen taglines!
Boat "A Hole You Put Money in and Never fills Up"
Boat (n) bot: A hole in the water into which one throws money.
Boat Drinks! I gotta go where it's warm!
Boat: A hole in the water into which one throws money.
Boat: A wooden hole in the water into which one throws money.
Boat: Hole in the water surrounded by wood into which one pours money
Bob & Carol & Tor & Alice - Joel
Bob - Windows for Dummies.
Bob Baliban - The Googooplex Names of Tom Servo!
Bob Barker of Borg:  C'mon down and be assimilated!
Bob Barker of Borg:  Resistance is futile.  Have your pet spayed
Bob Barker of Borg: C'mon down and be assimilated!
Bob Barker of Borg: Reminding you to have your pets assimilated.
Bob Barker of Borg: Resistance is futile. Have your pet spayed
Bob Barker: slick pricer      Lorena Bobbit: prick slicer
Bob Crane's private video collection - Crow
Bob Doesn't have an answer, but refuses to admit it..
Bob Dole should've known about dandelion patches. -- Opus
Bob Dole would know how to treat Hillary if they were married.
Bob Dornan: Wild at Heart - Mike
Bob Dylan to save the day! - Tom
Bob Morgan - Body by Fisher..
Bob Morgan has been caught stealing taglines again.
Bob Morgan has it floored in neutral.
Bob Morgan is to moderators what mosquitos are to campers.
Bob Morgan reminds me of London - Always in a fog.
Bob Morgan speaks rather loudly for a rational creature..
Bob Morgan your birth certificate is expired?!?
Bob Morgan, leap - and the net will appear.
Bob Morgan, rebel without a clue.
Bob Packwood goes a'courting - Crow on rape scene
Bob Packwood thinks harass is two words!
Bob Rae's library burned.....both books destroyed.
Bob Rae: The Kelly Bundy of politics.
Bob Rae: the Milli Vanilli of premiers.
Bob Saget is cool!  !#($&!@#$  NO CARRIER
Bob Vila of Borg:  This Old House is futile.
Bob Vila of Borg:  This Old House is irrelevant.
Bob Vila of Borg:  Welcome to "This Old Assimilation".
Bob Vila of Borg: This Old House is futile.
Bob Vila of Borg: This Old House is irrelevant.
Bob Vila of Borg: Welcome to This Old Assimilation.
Bob beats Cal like a rented mule!
Bob died while having sex.  Explains his wife, "He came and he went."
Bob doesn't 'matte' very well - Joel on cheesy effect
Bob has listed "Reality" as a PREVIOUS address!!
Bob in a straightjacket!
Bob is everywhere, man, Bob is everywhere. <Agent Cooper>
Bob is temperamental: 50% temper, 50% mental.
Bob it?  H*ll, she cut it clean off! --John Bobbitt
Bob it? Hell, she cut it clean off! - John Bobbitt
Bob knows *things* about *stuff*!!
Bob must be home. The modem is still warm.
Bob must have hidden the Cthulhu escape plans in the escape pod.
Bob oh Bob, wherefore art thou Bob?
Bob splattered quite nicely.
Bob the Germ's Wonderous Journey Into and Out of Your Digestive System.
Bob the knob
Bob was never on TV, but he was on radar 10 times.
Bob went to a freak show and got in free !
Bob!  Hay what's up?  How's life?
Bob!!!   Is that a UFO outside????
Bob's Bank. Save at the sign of the sock.
Bob's nuts roasting on an open fire...  OUCH!
Bob, how do you attract so much trouble??!?
Bob, if you die can I have your hat? --Tom during crisis.
Bob, kindly refrain yer brain.
Bob, my tear ducts are bone dry!
Bob, you forgot the bloomin' TAGLINE.
Bob, you magnificent b*stard...I READ YOUR MENU!
Bob, you sick little monkey!
Bob:  Limbless man in a pool.
Boba Fett?!? Where?!?
Boba Fett?....Boba Fett?....where?...
Boba Gump Thermal Detonators
Bobbers on sale?! - Crow as tough guy
Bobbitt = John/Lorena Bobbitt
Bobbitt Discount Warehouse: members half off.
Bobbitt Lesson #1:  Sleep on your stomach.
Bobbitt Lesson Number One: Sleep on your stomach.
Bobbitt Penis Not Found: (R)etry (L)ook on roadside (Q)uit
Bobbitt Taglines are getting harder to find!
Bobbitt Trial Juror, "Yeah, we've got this thing about all sewn up."
Bobbitt Wannabe Loses Aim - Charged with Misdeweanor
Bobbitt runs out of restaurant: waitress wanted tip.
Bobbitt school of driving:  Cut off annoying drivers.
Bobbitt: Official medical expert of the Tagline echo.
Bobbitted; Deleted, `cut off' material <-Sean Ganess
Bobby Orr's electric marriage. Real marriage action -Crow
Bobby Rydell goes undercover - Crow
Bobby has OFTEN observed his parents at night - Tom
Bobby wants to be on radio - Queen for a Day!
Bobby's Gourmet Taglines: All about Snake, Possum And Mole {SPAM}
Bobeatus sum inrabatus est. (Cesar depois da facada)
Boch GHICH-raj  (Translation:  Your nose is shiny)
Bodduh! said Pooh, We're here to <clap> pump you up!
Bodies stack easily - Mike on freezer's capacity
Bodily Functions: Make room for more beer.
Body Care & Grooming: They're cops! - Tom
Body builder by day, Trappist monk by night - Crow
Body by Bob Denver. --Tom on skinny guy.
Body by Fisher - brains by Mattel
Body by Godiva.
Body count math is 2 VC + NVA + 1 water buffalo = 37 KIA
Body language is more powerful than verbal language
Body language is more powerful than verbal language.
Body language: A way without words.
Body-builders do it with muscle.
Body-count math: 3 bodies + 1 maybe + 2 pigs = 37 enemy KIA.  'Murphy
Boeing B-52 Superfortress
Boeing:  The sound a plane makes when it hits the ground
Bog je izmislio plavusu jer ovca ne zna da donese pivo!
Bog je prvo izmislio BIGBANG.EXE
Bog je stvorio zenu od koske koju je Adam dao svom psu.
Bog te je za sebe licno svojom rukom vajao.
Bogart zivi kraj klavira,za klavirom crnac svira,napolju II svetski rat
Bogeys ar alike non-filter cigaretts, Light at either end.
Bogovi umiru, turisti ne!
Bogustie - Clip-on bow ties that look real but aren't.
Bogustie: clip-on bow ties that look real but aren't.
Boil that Dust Speck...Boil that Dust Speck...
Boiled chicken ovulations, delicious. --Kryten.
Boing! Boing! Boing! - Crow on women wrestlers
Boingee Banga Ka Bonga?!?!?!? - MST3K
Boingee, Boingee, Boingee! - Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner
Boingee, Boingee, Boingee! -- Yakko, Wakko and Dot
Boingie, banga, kabonga?! - Joel & Bots
Boingy boingy boingy boingy -- Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Bok's Law:  If you think education is expensive -- try ignorance.
Boku wa hon desu.
Bold?  Well, hell yes it's bold! -- Mike Nelson
Bold? Well, hell yes it's bold!!! - Mike
Boldly backing away from where no man has gone before.
Boldly backing away from where no one has gone before.
Boldly calling where no modem has called before.
Boldly going Forward because we can't find Reverse!
Boldly going Forward because we still can't find Reverse!
Boldly going foreward 'cause we can't find reverse!
Boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse.
Boldly going forward Cuz we just can't find reverse!!
Boldly going forward because we can't find reverse
Boldly going forward because we can't find reverse.
Boldly going forward because we simply can't find reverse
Boldly going forward, 'cause we can't find reverse.
Boldly going forward, because we can't find reverse!
Boldly going forward.......'cause we simply can't find reverse........
Boldly going where everyone's already been, at a cheaper rate...
Boldly going where everyone's already been, but at discount rates.
Boldly going where no clusters have gone before.
Boldly going where no modem has gone before...
Boldly going where no tagline has gone before....
Boldly is the only way to go.
Boldly start in reverse, 'cause that's the genealogy way.
Boldy backing away from where no man has gone before.
Boldy going forward 'cause we can't find reverse.
Bolger wears a hat so he knows which end to wipe!
Boli me stomak,boli me glava,treba mi lek da mi se spava
Boli te kurac, ti imas picku...
Boling's postulate: If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.
Bolje 2 piva nego 2 viskija!
Bolje 6 sati u skoli, nego ne spavati uopste.
Bolje biti gladan, nego sit svega !!!
Bolje biti malo lud, nego malo pametan.
Bolje botanicarka u ruci, nego kobac u herbarijumu.
Bolje da ispadnes iz aviona nego da ispadnes glup !!!
Bolje da mene seta po krevetu :)
Bolje da ne kvarim...
Bolje da nosim kratku kosu, bolje da nosim kratku kosu i slusam taj zvuk
Bolje imati modem nego zenu. Modem ne laze, a i manje tro
Bolje kamen u bubregu, nego k*r*c u dupetu.
Bolje kita u ruci nego riba sa Masinca.
Bolje kita u ruci, nego riba iz Jovine.
Bolje riba sa VEKS-a, nego maturantkinja :)
Bolje tenis na posteru nego penis u tosteru.
Bolje varburg u oboru nego svinja u garazi
Bolje ziveti 100 godina kao milioner,nego 7 dana u bedi.
Bollocks to Marxism
Bollocks! said Pooh, being more forthright than usual.
Bollocks, said Pooh, being more forthright than usual.
Bolshevik Dinosaur--Killtheczarus!
Bolt Clamp-skull - Tom as serious looking guy
Bom bom! Bigger than YOU! - Tom sings
Bom bom! Bigger than life! - Tom sings
Bomb #20, you're out of the bomb bay again.
Bomb Hanoi, Nuke China!
Bomb Squad Motto: If you see US running, catch up!
Bomb kill cocaine weapon president nuclear HELLO NSA!
Bomb so nice he dropped it twice - Tom on stock footage
Bomb so nice he dropped it twice! -- Tom Servo
Bombeck's Rule of Medicine: Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
Bombs don't go crazy, say you?
Bombs don't kill people, explosions kill people
Bombs don't kill people, explosions kill people.
Bombs don't kill people.  Explosions do!
Bombs don't kill people.  Explosions kill people!
Bon Collexion.
Bon appe-die! -- Dr. Forrester
Bon soir, my little friends - Dr. F to Mike & Bots
Bonanza: Starring the Mandrell Sisters - Mike
Bonds almost instantly!
Bone-breaking rhubarb! - Tom mumbles during fight
Bones Burger:       (Damnit Jim, I'm a burger not a doctor.)
Bones Heal, Girls like scars,Pain is Tempoary but Glory is Forever-D&S
Bones McCoy, DDS He's DEAD, Jim. Get his ears. - Spock
Bones hasn't missed one yet - He's dead Jim!
Bones imbedded in the bulkhead..."I'm dead, Jim!"
Bones of Borg: He's assimilated, Jim.
Bones!  That!  Feels!  Wonderful!     It's head, Jim.
Bones! It's EnsignGoodyear!  He's tread, Jim.
Bones! It's Jerry Garcia! He's dead, Jim. And grateful.
Bones! That! feels! wonderful!  "It's head, Jim."
Bones! This! Feels! Wonderful!      It's head, Jim.
Bones' analysis of the Glutenoid - 'He's bread, Jim!'
Bones, "It's Ensign Goodyear!"  "He's tread, Jim"
Bones, I hate your #@!*% human guts. Discussion?
Bones, I hate your @!*#%& human guts. Discussion?
Bones, I'm a captain!  Not a doctor. -- Kirk
Bones, Spock, come with me.  Ensign Redshirt, say byebye!
Bones, examine that yeast creature. He's bread, Jim.
Bones, examining the yeast creature, "He's bread, Jim."
Bones, it Ensign Danson! He's Ted, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Adrian! He's Zmed, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Beatty! He's Ned, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Book! He's read, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Clampett! He's Jed, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Club! He's Med, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Coward! He fled, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Fast! He sped, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Flinstone. He's Fred, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Flintstone.  He's Fred, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign FullaPb. He's lead, Jim!
Bones, it's Ensign Garcia! [*] He's dead, Jim.  And Grateful.
Bones, it's Ensign Goodyear! He's tread, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Grim Reaper! He's dread, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Groom! He's wed, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Guilty! He pled, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Guy in the Red Shirt! He's dead, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign John! He's the head, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Kaat! He's a bed, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Lithium! He's a med, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Mayo! He's a spread, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Pencil! He's lead, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Rosebud! He's a sled, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Scarlet! He's red, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Scott! He's Dred, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Sneaker! He's a Ked, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Spoken! He said, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Stead! [*] He's a home, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Stuffed! He's fed, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Tiger! He's g-r-r-e-e-a-a-t, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Tyre! He's tread, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Vampyre! He's undead, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Wonder! He's bread, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign Zeppelin! He's Led, Jim.
Bones, it's Ensign horse! He's Ed, Jim.
Bones, it's simple.  I care about how I look.
Bones, this man is dying. Blast it Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a.....oh
Bones: He's dead Jim!    Jim: No kidding !!
Bones; "Meet my father, the elder McCoy, he's dad Jim."
Bones? - Yakko Dammit Yakko, I'm a doctor, not a magician! - Bones
Bones? Dr.Crusher? Chiropractic in the Federation.
Bonk-bonk!  On the head!  Bonk-bonk!
Bonk. Bonk on the head - Mike
Bonking with Barbie..
Bonose: The tip of a deodorant dispenser.
Bonsai: the way of the shrub.  Bambi: the way of venison.
Bonvolu alsendi la pordiston - lausajne esta rano en mia bideo.
Boo Boo Be Doop                         Betty Boop
Boo-Boo to Yogi Borg: The ranger's not gonna like being assimilated!
Boo-Boo to Yogi of Borg "The ranger's not gonna like being assimilated
Boo....Boo....BOOOOOOOOO! -- A cow with a cold.
Boob's Law:  You always find something the last place you look.
Boob's Law: You always find something in the last place you look.
Booblading - Carving a jack-o'-lantern.
Boofheads, boofheads, tiny little boofheads.
Boogers on the Wall-By the twin writers, Pickem & Flickem
Boojum loves me, this I know: Cuz the Booble tells me so!
Book 'em, Danno!
Book 'im, Dano. -McGarrett, Hawaii 5-0
Book (n):  cat magnet, but only if you're reading it.
Book Never Written: Programming The Female Operating System.
Book Title: Adopting The Dead.
Book lovers never go to bed alone.
Book never written: "Dog training" by Wille Bite.
Book never written: "Dog training" by Willie Bite.
Book never written: "Dog training." by Wille Bite
Book never written: Dog Training by Willie Bite.
Book never written: Dog training. by Wille Bite.
Book of Mormon, Second Testimony that Jesus LIVES!
Book of Mormon: another witness of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
Book reviewers are little old ladies of both sexes.  (John O'Hara)
Book that was never published:  "1001 Amish Zingers and Put-Downs."
Book title:  "Ham Dinner?" by I. M. Pig
Book title: Do it yourself, then call a professional
Book title: Eat out, gain weight, adjust the scale to compensate.
Book title: Prophecies - You will hate this book.
Book title: Publisher's Clearing House giant phone book of finalists.
Book yourself, Dano! - Tom
Book-pusher by trade. Care for a nice copy of...
Book:        What you see is what you think.
Book: What you see is what you think.
Book: bWhat you see is what you think.
Booker's Law:  An ounce of application is worth a ton of abstraction.
Bookies are rarely found inside the library.
Bookkeepers do it by manipulating figures.
Bookkeepers do it for the record.
Bookkeepers do it using double entries.
Bookkeepers do it with double entry.
Bookowordies = Another word for Thesaurus.
Books - a legal escape from the drudges of reality.
Books and the Librarian wait for All. 
Books are better than TV; they exercise your imagination.
Books are better. No commercial interruptions.
Books are good travel companions : They don't nag. 
Books are not men and yet they stay alive.
Books are our friends.
Books are patient. Page 17 will still be on p. 17 tomorrow.
Books are silent teachers. 
Books are sources of substitutional pleasure. 
Books are the portals into new worlds.
Books are the portals to new worlds.
Books beget books. 
Books concealed are books lost. 
Books may be used for cooking facts. 
Books of a subject stock together. 
Books on claustrophobia?  In that little room over there.
Books will speak plain when counsellors blanch. -- Bacon
Books will speak plain when counselors blanch. -- Bacon
Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen
Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.
Books, like people, are too loud when dropped. - Worf
Books:  A legal escape from the drudges of reality.
Books:  The alternative to television.
Books:  They're what's for dinner.
Books: The alternative to television.
Books: They're what's for dinner.
Books?  Aren't those the things with words on 'em?
Books?  I'd rather lend you my dog - He knows his way home.
Books?  I'd rather lend you my dog.  He knows his way home!
Bookstores: the financial black hole of my wallet.
Bookworms only read about it.
Boolean Bible.  It's all true and/or at least partly false
Boom Boom Boom Boom, whishwishwish, still going......
Boom boom, boom boom boom, boom boom, boom, boom boom boom boom
Boom shabalabalaba Dinner shabalabalaba Drinks shabalabalaba !!
Boom shabba-labba, boom shabba-labba, hey there hey there - Ivanova
Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow. - Ivanova
Boom!  Shaka La Ka  Boom!  Shaka La Ka
Boom, shabalabalaba, Boom, shabalabalaba! --Ivanova.
Boom, shabalabalaba--Ivanova.
Boom, shabba-labba, Boom shabba-labba, hey there hey there - Ivanova
Boom, sooner or later, BOOM! --Ivanova.
Boom...boom..boom boom boom boom...BOOM! - Ivanova
Boop Boop A Doop                        Betty Boop
Boop Boop Adieu.
Boop Boop Bee Boop - Betty Boop
Boop Boop Bee Boop - Marilyn Monroe
Boopchatter - The beeps at the beginning/end of pre-recorded tapes.
Boost limiter?  Naw, I ripped it out.
Boost system speed by 10 MHz - DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.*
Boost system speed by 200% - DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.* DELTREE C:\WINDOWS!
Boost your system's speed by 200% - DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.*
Boost your system's speed by 200%:  ECHO Y|DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.*
Booster cables become permanent fixtures in transporter room.
Boot & ye shall see. Replace & all will be made clear.
Boot Sector Not Found! Wear Socks? (Y/N?)
Boot Windows, not your Dog.
Boot in the root!  BAT in a FAT!  Backup, backup, DAT, DAT, DAT!
Boot in the root!BAT in the FAT!Backup,backup,DAT DAT DAT
Boot to the head.  <SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THWOK!!>
Bootheels clocking along the road...
Boothgap - Space between a stationary seat and the next table.
Booths for two or more.
Booze & Jammies don't mix! - Mike as judge
Booze and math don't mix.  Don't drink and derive.
Booze is the answer.  Does anyone remember the question?
Booze is the answer.  I don't remember the question.
Booze still heals! -- Dr. Forrester
Boozer's Revision:  A bird in the hand is dead.
Bordello with a modem: A baudy house
Borderline psychotic with hermit-like tendencies.
Borderline psychotic with hermit-like tendencys.
Bore - A person who talks when you wish him to listen.
Bore. A person who talks when you wish him to listen.
Bore:  A person who has nothing to say and says it.
Bore:  A person who has nothing to say and says it...
Bore:  One who, upon being asked how they are, tells you.
Bore: A person who has nothing to say and says it.
Bore: A person who talks when you wish him to listen.
Bore: A person who talks when you wish him to listen.  (A. Bierce)
Bore: a person who talks when you wish him to listen.
Borealis Weyr there be dragons.
Bored at 3:00 a.m.?  PSSSTTT - got a modem?
Bored dogs are subject to episodic cat mirages.
Bored of insulting ya friends ?
Bored on the Net ?  Count the pixels on your screen.
Bored?  Dance naked in front of your pets!
Bored?  Lick something.  Canine proverb #17
Bored?  Read the dictionary upside down and look for secret messages.
Bored? #372. Recopy the Bible substituting your name for God.
Bored? Drive the speed limit.. in your garage..
Bored? Drive the speed limit... in your garage.
Bored? Fed up? Want a change? Just screw up once more....
Bored? Fill out your tax form using Roman Numerals.
Bored? Go to a cemetery and verbally abuse dead people..
Bored? Play air guitar..
Bored? Recite romantic poetry.. to your toaster..
Bored? Turn your TV picture tube upside down..
Bored? Type ALT-0 or CTRL-2 from SLMR or OLX.
Boredom delenda est!
Boredom is the curse of immortality. - Cormac McCardle
Boredom:  Life without RIME or reason.
Boren's Law:   When in doubt, mumble.
Boren's Law: When in doubt, mumble.
Borg - Michael Jackson of Borg
Borg - plastic surgery taken too far.
Borg ... James Borg - 007 - Licence to Assimilate.
Borg 2000: The Assimilation Milkman
Borg = Borg tags
Borg = Prophets! Vote Tom for Bajoran Kai!
Borg Alka Seltzer:  I can't believe I assimilated the WHOLE thing.
Borg And the only thing the BORG left was this Macintosh...
Borg Assimilation is the Best Cure for the Common Man.
Borg Barney: Today we learned that resistance is useless.
Borg Bartender: Prepare to be inebriated.
Borg Beer:  For all you've assimilated, this Borg's for you!
Borg Benny assimilates again!
Borg Bergers - We do it our way.  Your way is IRRELIVENT!
Borg Bumper Sticker:  "If you can read this, you're irrelevant."
Borg Bumper Sticker: If you can read this, you're irrelevant.
Borg Burger:      (Your way is irrelevant)
Borg Burgers - We do it our way; your way is irrelevant.
Borg Burgers:  Have'em our way, yours is irrelevant.
Borg Burgers:  We do it our way.  Yours is IRRELEVANT!!
Borg Burgers:  Your way is IRRELEVANT!
Borg Burgers: Have 'em Our Way - Yours is Irrelevant!
Borg Burgers: Have them OUR way...yours is irrelevant.
Borg Burgers: Have'em our way, yours is irrelevant.
Borg Burgers: We do it our way. Your way is irrelevant!
Borg Burgers: Your way is IRRELEVANT!
Borg C++: Compiling is futile.
Borg Cable Company: Subscribers' wishes are irrelevant!
Borg Cable: Subscribers wishes are irrelevant.
Borg Call-Back-Validation Processor : Validation Process Is Futile
Borg Clergymen - CircumLocutus.
Borg Cola - For the Next Generation!
Borg Cola - NOT the choice of the Next Generation!
Borg Cola - The choice of the Next Generation
Borg Cola:  Not the choice of The Next Generation.
Borg Cola: Assimilating the Next Generation.
Borg Cola: NOT the choice of the Next Generation!
Borg Cola: The Assimilation Thing.
Borg Cola: The ONLY choice of the next generation!
Borg Collection Agency:  Pay up or be assimilated!
Borg DOS 5.0:  Assimilate Another (Y/N)?
Borg DOS 6.0 * Assimilate drive C:? (Y)es, (O)k or (F)ine
Borg DOS v5.0:  Assimilate Another (Y/N)?
Borg Destroyed After Absorbing MS-Windows.
Borg Do It Collectively.
Borg Empire:  Equal opportunity assimilator!
Borg Empire: Equal opportunity Assimilator!
Borg Empire: Equal opportunity Assimilator!!!!
Borg Espresso Bar:  Resistance is futile.  You will stay up all night.
Borg Express Don't be assimilated without it!
Borg Hippies - "Make Love. War is irrelevant"
Borg IDIC: Incalculable Devestation for Infinate Cubes.
Borg Institute of Technology, Assimilation Department
Borg James Borg - 007 - Licence to Assimilate.
Borg Lite:  Twice the fun and half the calories
Borg MTV:  The Music Revolution Will Be Assimilated.
Borg Mail Reader v.2.1a * Tagline theft is futile.
Borg Mail Reader v2.1 * Taglines are irrelevant
Borg Mail Reader v2.1a   Tagline theft is futile.
Borg Mail Reader v2.1a   Taglines are irrelevent.
Borg Mail Reader v2.1a  Tagline theft is futile.
Borg Mail Reader v2.1a  Taglines are irrelevant
Borg Mail Reader v2.1a  Taglines are irrelevent.
Borg Mail Reader v2.1a * Tagline theft is futile.
Borg Mail Reader v2.1a Taglines are irrelevant.
Borg Mail Reader v2.1a X Tagline theft is futile.
Borg Mail Reader v2.1a. Tagline theft is futile.
Borg Mail Reader v3.1b: Tagline theft is irrelevant.
Borg MailReader v1.0 * Your taglines will be assimilated!
Borg Moderator:  Your Topic Is Irrelevant, your arguments are futile.
Borg Moderator:  Your Topic Is Irrelevant.
Borg Moderator: Kill thread, your post is irrelevant!
Borg Moderator: The topic is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
Borg Moderator: Your Topic Is Irrelevant, your arguments are futile.
Borg Moderator: Your Topic is Irrelevant.
Borg Moderator: Your topic is irrelevant, your arguments futile.
Borg Network TV: You will be assimilated after the break.
Borg Nightmare: Assimilate another? NO WAIT, IT'S A PB!
Borg Offline Mail Reader v3.1: Tagline theft is irrelevant.
Borg Oyster Cult: Fearing the Reaper is irrelevant.
Borg Pepsi - Coke is irrelevant.
Borg Pepsi - Pepsi is irrelevant.
Borg Pizza: A large pizza and an assimilation to go, please.
Borg Pizza: A large pizza, hold the assimilaton, please.
Borg Pizza: Anchovies are irrelevant.
Borg Pizza: Gott-a be, gott-a be, fu-ti-le!
Borg Pizza: One large pizza , hold the assimilation, please.
Borg Pizza: One large pizza with extra assimilations, please.
Borg Pizza: One large pizza, hold the humans please. ()
Borg Pizza:One large pizza and an assimilation to go, please.
Borg Pizza:One large pizza with extra assimilations, please.
Borg Saying #2: Been there! Assimilated That!
Borg Saying - We Assimilated BlueBox - Look what happend to our.
Borg Ships are Rubik's Cubes Without the Colored Stickers
Borg Ships are Rubik's Cubes without the colored stickers.
Borg Sneak Previews: Michael Medved is EXTREMELY irrelevant!
Borg Spreadsheet - Locutus 1-2-3
Borg Spreadsheet Program  -  Locutus 1-2-3
Borg Spreadsheet Program - Locutus 1-2-3
Borg Spreadsheet program: Locutus 1-2-3
Borg Spreadsheet: Locutus 1-2-3 - / FILE SAVE is irrelevant!
Borg Statesman - CircumLocutus.
Borg Style. We Came, We Saw, We Absorbed.
Borg Surgeon General's Warning - Assimilation is a health hazard.
Borg TV: Your programs will be assimilated after these messages...
Borg Top 10: 5) Borg out of Hell - Borgloaf
Borg Underachievers Anonymous:  Persistence is Futile.
Borg Wave 3.14: Your taglines have been assimilated. <*URP*
Borg Wave v. 2.21:  Your mail packet has been assimilated.
Borg Wave v. 2.21:  Your taglines have been assimilated.  <BURP>
Borg Wave--Assimilating your Mail ()
Borg Word Processor - Locutus Pro.
Borg are made, not Bjorn.
Borg asSimulator 1.0 for Windows NT -- DOS is irrelevant.
Borg assimilated my race & all I got was this T-shirt.
Borg assimilated my race & all I got was this Tag Line.
Borg assimilated my race and all I got was this T-shirt.
Borg assimilated my race and all I got was this Tagline.
Borg assimilated my world & all I got is this lousy T-Shirt!
Borg assimilation of Republicans.  Can *you* tell the difference?
Borg at Jurassic Park: You will be assimil....SQUISH!
Borg at Microsoft: You will be assimil... <swallowed>!
Borg bumper sticker:  We brake for assimilation.
Borg come-on: Wow, with your a$$_im_elated.
Borg come-on: Wow, with your ass_im_elated.
Borg destroyed by Federation Death Star DS9, film at 11.
Borg do it mechanically.
Borg do it their way.  Your way is irrelevant
Borg false alarm:  "Never Cry Wolf 359"
Borg for PM! 'The deficit will be assimilated..'
Borg for President! 'The deficit will be assimilated..'
Borg for President! `The deficit will be assimilated..'
Borg free! As free as the...
Borg in New Jersey: "Florio is irrelevant."
Borg late-night talk-show wars: Chevy Chase is EXTREMELY irrelevant!
Borg license plate "If you can read this, you're irrelevant."
Borg meeting Pakleds: "We are Borg. You will be... FORGET IT!"
Borg meets Tribbles: "We are the Borg. We surrender.  Please help."
Borg of Istanbul, Constantinople is irrelevant
Borg on tribbles: Soft and furry is irrelevant, you will be assim***.
Borg philosophy:  Joke theft is futile.
Borg philosophy:  Theft of one-liners is irrelevant.
Borg philosophy: Joke theft is futile.
Borg philosophy: Theft of one-liners is irrelevant.
Borg pick-up line: Hey! You've got a nice baud!
Borg restaurant: Smorgasborg.
Borg saying. We came. We absorbed. We left.
Borg saying: "We came. We assimilated. We left."
Borg saying: We came. We Assimilated. We left.
Borg saying: We came. We absorbed. We left.
Borg saying: We came. We saw. We slept. (Boom)!
Borg ship entering system! Mr. Crusher, take a shuttle and greet them
Borg snack food: Computer chips.
Borg spreadsheet program:  Locutus 1-2-3
Borg starter kit.  Some assimilation required.
Borg taglines: your hard-drive will be assimilated.
Borg telecommunication: Prodigy is irrelevant.
Borg television gameshow: The Price is Irrelevant.
Borg to Ferenghi, Profit is irrelevant.
Borg to Ferengi, Profit is irrelevant.
Borg to Ferrangi, Profit is irrelevant.
Borg to Ferrangi, Profit is irrevelant.
Borg to Q: Omnipotence is irrelevant.
Borg to be Wild.
Borg to be wild! (sorry 'bout that).
Borg to biology teacher: Parasites are irrelevant.
Borg under OS/2: Games are irrevalent.  You will be assimilated.
Borg under OS/2: Games are irreverent. You will be assimilated.
Borg virus detected.  (A)ssimilate? (Y/y/y)
Borg vs Animaniacs: We are the Borg. We surrender! Please help!
Borg vs Tribbles: We are the Borg. We surrender. Please help.
Borg!  Unh!  Good God, y'all!  What is it good for?
Borg! Unh! Good God, y'all! What is it good for?
Borg! Where? I don't se*(#$#.. NO CARRIER
Borg'er King: Cause your way is irrelevant.
Borg's Wold! Partying is irrelevant! Assimilate beer!
Borg's World - Partying is relevant. Assimilate Beer!
Borg's World - Partying is relevant. Assimilate Beer.
Borg's World! Partying is irrelevant! Assimilate beer!
Borg's World:  Partying is relevant.  Assimilate Beer.
Borg, Borg, Borg, Borg, Wonderful BORG! Marvalous Borg!
Borg, Christian, what's the difference?
Borg, James Borg.  Vodka martini, gin is irrelevant.
Borg, and the women who love them -- on the next Oprah!
Borg-Burgers:  We do it our way.  Your way is irrelevant.
Borg-Cola : Not the choice of The Next Generation.
Borg-Moderator: Your topic is irrelevant.
Borg-U-Baste:  The Meal of Champions!
Borg-er King. We do burgers our way. Your way is irrelevant!
Borg-er King: We do it our way.  Yor way is irrelevant.
Borg-er King: We do it our way. Yours is irrelevant.
Borg-er King: We do it our way. Yours is irrelivant.
Borg-weiser, the Assimilator of Beers.
Borg.  We will assimilate your shiny things.
Borg... James Borg.  Prepare to be assimilated, Miss MoneyPenny.
Borg..Where? I Don't see an...@&*%#$@
Borg.Com found!  (A)ssimilate (C>hange channel
Borg.Com found!  (A)ssimilate (C<hange channel
Borg.Device Found. C:Assimilate <Nil: >Nil: DH1:earth
Borg:  Official extraterrestrial race of the TAGLINE echo.
Borg:  What happens when you let the government take care of you.
Borg: Assimilation is the best cure for the common man.
Borg: Damn it, I'm a doctor, not an assimilator!
Borg: Official Extra-Terrestrial race of the Tagline echo.
Borg: The official ET race of the Tagline echo.
Borg: What happens when you let the government take care of you.
Borg?  Where?   I don't se*(#$#..NO CARRIER
Borg?  Where?  I don't se*(#$#..NO CARRIER
Borg?  Where?  I don't see any *&^$#-aa..  NO CARRIER
Borg? What Borg? I don't see any!#$%^&%~ NO CARRIER
Borg? Where? I don't se&#@#%$@$%%NO CARRIER.
Borg? Where? I don't see any *&^$#-aa.. NO CARRIER
Borg? Where? I don't see any4^%#$ NO CARRIER
Borg? Where? I don't see#$^ NO CARRIER
Borg?!  Where?  I don't see any%a   -- [NO CARRIER].
Borg?! Where? I don't see any%*(|!NO CARRIER
Borg?! Where? I don't see any%a -- NO CARRIER.
BorgBurgers - Do it our way....Your way is irrelevant.
BorgBurgers - We do it our way. (Your way is irrelevant!).
BorgBurgers - We do it our way. Yours is irrelevant.
BorgBurgers - We do it our way; your way is irrelevant.
BorgBurgers - We do it our way;yours is irrelevent
BorgBurgers.  We do it our way.  Your way is irrelevant.
BorgBurgers:  Have it our way.  Your way is irrelevant.
BorgBurgers:  Your way is irrelevant.
BorgBurgers: "We do it our way. Your way is irrelevant."
BorgBurgers: Have them our way, your way is irrelevant.
BorgBurgers: We do it OUR way. Yours is irrelevant
BorgBurgers: We do it our way; your way is irrelevant.
BorgBurgers: We do it our way; yours is irrelevant.
BorgCola:  NOT the choice of The Next Generation!
BorgCola: Not the real thing, baby. Uh uh.
BorgCola: Not the real thing, baby. Unh Huh.
BorgCrafters:  Total assimilation, in about an hour!
BorgDOS 1.0  -  Your utilities will be assimilated!
BorgDOS 1.0 - Your utilities will be assimilated!
BorgDOS 189.27:  Assimilate another? (Y/n)
BorgDOS 5.01: Assimilate another? (Y/y)
BorgDOS 5.01: File not found, I)rellevent, A)ssimilate, D)estroy?
BorgDOS 5.0:  Assimilate another (Y/N)?
BorgDOS 5.0: Assimilate another (Y/N)?
BorgDOS 5.0: Assimilate another (Y/Y)?
BorgDOS 5.0: Assimilate another? [Y/N]
BorgDOS 5.0: Irrelevant command or filename.
BorgDOS 6.0-- FORMAT C: [Y/y]...Resistance is futile.
BorgDOS 6.0: Your utilities will be assimilated!
BorgDOS v1.0 - Your utilities will be assimilated!
BorgDOS v5.0  - Assimilate Another? [Y/n]
BorgDOS v5.0 - Assimilate another? (Y/n)
BorgDOS v5.0 - Assimilate another? [Y/n]
BorgDOS v6.0 - FORMAT C: [Y/y] Resistance is futile.
BorgDOS v6.0: Now with real-time assimilation on the fly.
BorgDOS v6.22 - Assimilate another? (Y/n)
BorgDOS v7.0: Assimilate another? [Y/y]
BorgDOS: Assimilate another (Y/y)?_
BorgDOS: Irrelevant command or filename
BorgDos 1.0 - Irrelevant command or filename.
BorgDos 1.0 : Irrelevant Command Or Filename. (A)ssimilate, (D)estroy?
BorgDos 1.0 : Irrelevant Command/Filename. (A)ssimilate, (D)estroy?
BorgDos 1.0: Irrelevant Command/Filename. (A)ssimilate, (D)estroy?
BorgDos v1.0 - Irrelevant command or filename.
BorgDos6.0 Format C: ? (Y/y) Resistance is Futile
BorgDos: Assimilate another? (Y/n)?
BorgJames Borg.  Prepare to be assimilated, Miss MoneyPenny.
BorgLaw - "Prepare to be litigated.  Your case is irrelevant."
BorgMail v2.1a: Tagline theft is futile.
BorgNet:  Assimilating its way through CyberSpace.
BorgTV: Barry Blaes programs will be assimilated after these messages.
BorgTV: You will be assimilated after these messages!
BorgTV: Your programs will be assimilated after these messages
Borga Cola - The choice of the next Assimilation.
Borga-Cola : Not the choice of The Next Generation.
Borganist:  Music maker at Borg baseball games.
Borganist: music maker at Borg baseball games
Borgasm * The ecstacy of being assimilated.
Borgasm * The ecstasy of being assimilated.
Borgasm, n.  The ecstacy of being assimilated
Borgasm, n.  The ecstacy of being assimilated.
Borgasm, n. The ecstasy of being assimilated.
Borgasm:  (n) The ecstacy of being assimilated.
Borgasm:  The ecstasy of being assimilated.
Borgasm: The Ecstasy of Assimilation.
Borgasm: The ecstacy of being Assimilated...
Borgasm: The ecstasy of being assimilated.
Borgasm: The extasy of being assimilated.
Borgburgers: We do it our way. Your way is irrelevant.
Borgen-Daas Ice Cream:  "Calories are irrelevant"
Borgen-Daz Ice Cream: "Calories Are Irrelevant."
Borger King - We do it our way!  Your way is irrelevant!
Borger King - We do it our way! Your way is irrelevant!
Borger King--Have it our way, your way is irrelevant!
Borger King. Have it our way. Your way is irrelevant.
Borger King:  "Have it OUR way.  Your way is irrelevant."
Borger King:  We do it our way.  Your way is irrelevant.
Borger King:  Your way is irrelevant.
Borger King: Have it our way, Your way is irrelevant
Borger King: Have it our way. Your way is irrelevant.
Borger King: Over 55 Billion Assimilated
Borger King: We do it OUR way, your way is irrelevant!
Borger King: We do it our way, Your way is irrevelant!
Borger King: We do it our way, Yours is irrelevant
Borger King: We do it our way.  Yor way is irrelevant.
Borger King: We do it our way. Any other way is irrelevant.
Borger King: We do it our way. Your way is irrelevant.
Borger King: We do it our way. Yours is irrelevant.
Borger King: You get it our way, your way is irrelevant.
Borger King: Your way is irrelevant
Borger Kink: Have it our way... Yours is irrelevant...
Borger Kink: Have it our way... Yours is irrelevent...
BorgerKing- Have it our way; your way is irrelevant.
BorgerKing--Have it our way. Your way is irrelevant.
BorggnmBodo! Have it our way. Your way is irrelevant.
Borginator 2: Assimilation Day, coming soon to a federation near you.
Borglibrarian: Prepare to assimilate another book.
Borgmania: And you thought the Beatles had followers?
Borgs Bunny:  "What's up is irrelevant, Doc."
Borgs Bunny:  "What's up is irrelevent, Doc."
Borgs Bunny: "'What's up' is irrelevant, Doc.  Assimilate carrots"
Borgs Bunny: "`What's up' is irrelevant, Doc.  Assimilate carrots."
Borgs Bunny: What's up is irrelevant, Doc.
Borgs Bunny: What's up is irrelevent, Doc.
Borgs are made, not Bjorn
Borgs having an affair with androids...on the next Oprah
Borgs i-n-n-n  S-P-A-A-C-C-C-E-E-E-E!
Borgspere - To be or not to be, that is the collective.
Borgus & Butt-head: "Huh huh You said assimilation!"
Borgus & Butt-head: "Huh huh huh assimilation is cool!"
Borgus & Butthead: "Huhuhuh.. You said ASSimilation!"
Borgus & Butthead: Huh huh You said assimilation!
Borgus & Butthead: Huh huh huh assimilation is cool!
Borgus & Butthead: Huhuhuh.. You said ASSimilation!
Borgy Pig - "th..th..th..that's irrelevent folks"
Borgy Pig - th..th..th..that's irrelevant folks.
Borgy Pig - th..th..th..that's irrelevent folks
Borgy Pig, th..th..th..that's irrelevant folks.
Borgy:  A group of people frantically assimilating each other.
Borimor doesn't do it...anymore
Boring AND Pointless?  A zombie duel-to-the-death.
Boring Midwestern Cities: Cole Lumbus
Boring Midwestern Cities: Cole Lumbus*
Boring conversation anyway. -- Han Solo
Boring conversation anyway. Luke! We're gonna have company! - Han Solo
Boring women have immaculate homes.
Boring! Boring! Really Boring! - Tom chants to music
Boring! Incidental music! - Tom sings
Boris darling, you're soooo nasty! - T'ank you Natasha!
Boris of Borg - "Now ve assimilate moose and sqvirrel!"
Boris, Dahlink!   Got to get Moose and Squirrel!
Boriti se za mir <=> j**ati se za nevinost!
Borkowski's Law:  You can't guard against the arbitrary.
Borkowski's Law: You can't guard against the arbitrary.
Borland liked dBase so much they bought the COMPANY
Borland schmorland
Born *again*?  Pardon me for getting it right the FIRST time!
Born *again*?  Your mother didn't do it right the FIRST time?
Born -again Christians are worse the second time.
Born Again (adj.)  Traumatized, at least twice.
Born Again Christian = "I guess I myth'd again."
Born Again Christians are such a pain because the 2nd birth was anal!
Born Again Pagan
Born Again Virgin
Born Again Virgin.
Born Again?  My Goddess got it right the first time!
Born Again? - My god got it right the first time.
Born Again? - My goddess got it right the first time.
Born Again? --- My goddess got it right the first time.
Born Again? NOT ME I got it right the first time.
Born Again? No thanks. I got it right the first time!
Born Executive.  A bloke whose father owns the company.
Born Free, Taxed to Death !!
Born Free....TAXED TO DEATH!
Born To Be Wild . STEPPENW0LF
Born a day late and like that ever since.
Born a day late, and like that ever since.
Born a liberal. Die a conservative.
Born a poor young country boy, mother nature's son.
Born again (and again and again and again) pagan
Born again Christians are a pain because the second birth was anal
Born again people don't seem to get as much oxygen the second time
Born again virgin.
Born again, but suffered brain damage during rebirth
Born again.  And again.  And again.
Born again. I used to be a Fundie, but I feel much better now.
Born again?  Excuse me for getting it right the first time!
Born again?  Have you been potty trained again?
Born again?  You don't seem to have been potty trained this time.
Born again? Excuse me for getting it right the first time!
Born again? What went wrong the first time?
Born brain dead and still is that way.
Born crying, live complaining, die disappointed.
Born free and taxed to death.
Born free, TAX to DEATH!
Born free, but taxed to death.
Born in 1943, The Year of the Zinc-Coated Steel Penny.
Born in 1943, Year of the Zinc Penny
Born in 1943, Year of the Zinc-Coated Steel Penny ;-)
Born in 1945.  The replacement for WW II.
Born in 1945; the replacement for World War II.
Born in 1975: Everything before has gotta be *old.*
Born in 1975: Everything before was only black and white, no color.
Born in Arizona (got a condo made of stone-a) King Tut! - Steve Martin
Born in Boston - raised in Harvard - graduated from Harvard, too{EG}
Born in the USA... A loooooooooooong time ago!
Born naked, wet and hungry...and it gets worse!??
Born ok the first time.
Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once. --Revelation 20:12-15.
Born right, went wrong.  :(
Born to RPG - Darkwood
Born to be Kings!  We're the Princes of the Universe! - Queen
Born to be Wiiiillllllddddddddddd
Born to be cuddled
Born to be cuddled.
Born to cross Stitch
Born to proofread.
Born to.....Oh, I forget!
Born ugly and built to last.
Born ugly and losing ground ever since.
Born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world is mad...
Born with a silver foot in his mouth.  -- Ann Richards on George Bush
Born-again Christians are worse the second time round.
Born-again Christians are worse the second time.
Born-again Pagan!   (And again, and again, and again, and ...)
Borrow a few lines = Plagiarism.  Steal *volumes* = Research.
Borrow money from a pessimist - he doesn't expect to be paid back.
Borrow money from a pessimist; he won't expect to be paid!
Borrow money from pessimists-They don't expect it back
Borrow money from pessimists.  They don't expect it back.
Borrow money from pessimists; they won't expect it back.
Bosnia is free, said Tom acerbically.
Bosnia: Serbian word for "Vietnam"
Bosnian solution? A few plane loads of postal workers.
Boss - Late when you're early, early when you're late.
Boss Jim Geddes? Missus Miller? Karen Valentine? - Frank
Boss is always in a good mood when the heroin arrives. - Nelson
Boss spelled backwards is "double SOB".
Boss's always in a good mood when the heroin arrives-Mike
Boss, I'm going. I've found a new position.       Great, let's try it!
Boss, their dumpster was *full*! -- George the Janitor
Boss, today I got in on time, to make up for being out yesterday.
Boss:  A co-worker who is always right.
Boss: Late when you're early, early when you're late.
Bosses are so busy delegating jobs, they have no time to work.
Bosses delegate the task to others.
Bosses were built all wrong...soft head, hard heart.
Bossing arround the Moderator in his own echo? That, I must say, is a no
Botanist discovers God is really a plantand becomes a Budist.
Botany 500 rhubarb - Tom mumbles
Botany Bay Botany Bay...oh, no! -- Chekov
Both Lawyers and wagon wheels must be well greased.
Both needing something from each other...
Both oars in the water, but on the same side of the boat.
Both of his feet are firmly planted in the air.
Both of his feet are firmly planted in the air.
Both sexes have sex when they don't want it--even on the first date.
Both sides come out looking pretty-much brain-dead.
Both teem with life, but deserts are quieter than forests.
Both the worst -- and best -- Christmas of my life!!
Bother  said Pooh, as the vice squad took his GIFS.
Bother Said Pooh, As Superman Died Of Kryptonite Poisoning
Bother Said Pooh, As The Redneck Blew Him Away!
Bother said Capt. Pooh, as antimatter containment was lost.
Bother said Cmdr. Pooh, as Picard demoted him to Ensign.
Bother said Lt. Pooh, as Armus the oil slick killed him.
Bother said Pooh and deleted C:\WINDOWS.
Bother said Pooh and erased his message base.
Bother said Pooh and inhaled.
Bother said Pooh as @TFIRST@ replied to his message.
Bother said Pooh as A lightning bold hit his house on pooh corner
Bother said Pooh as DELTREE BBS appeared on his computer.
Bother said Pooh as Lorena Bobbit ((Need I say more?))
Bother said Pooh as Ms. Bobbitt pulled up.
Bother said Pooh as O.J. Simpson ran him over in A Ford Bronco
Bother said Pooh as The sysop locked him out of the system
Bother said Pooh as he backed up onto the wrong tape
Bother said Pooh as he erased his hard drive
Bother said Pooh as he fell into the tiger pit.
Bother said Pooh as he fell into the toilet...
Bother said Pooh as he got trapped in the printer
Bother said Pooh as he hid Piglet's body with Tigger's.
Bother said Pooh as he pulled the cat off his face
Bother said Pooh as he put the message in the wrong conference.
Bother said Pooh as he reached for the reset button.
Bother said Pooh as he reached over to pick up his soap
Bother said Pooh as he received his Compuserve bill
Bother said Pooh as he saw Ms. Bobbit drive up.
Bother said Pooh as he scrambled his partition table.
Bother said Pooh as he sunk his twelfth Guinness
Bother said Pooh as he twitted his moderator.
Bother said Pooh as he was destoryed in Doom II deathmatch
Bother said Pooh as he was flatened by a steam roller
Bother said Pooh as he was thrown out into space
Bother said Pooh as he wiped the vomit from his chin.
Bother said Pooh as his bungie cord broke.
Bother said Pooh as his head exploded.
Bother said Pooh as his mind ran out of taglines to use
Bother said Pooh as the Brigadier destroyed another alien race.
Bother said Pooh as the Skin Heads shaved his head
Bother said Pooh as the vice squad took his GIFS.
Bother said Pooh pulling the tribble from his honey pot
Bother said Pooh when he couldn't think of a tagline.
Bother said Pooh, I need a honey glaze for Piglet.
Bother said Pooh, and called in an air strike.
Bother said Pooh, and hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother said Pooh, and pulled the detonator killing the dictator.
Bother said Pooh, and then he drew his .45 and shot the intruder.
Bother said Pooh, and then he pulled his .45 and shot the UN soldier
Bother said Pooh, and then he pulled his .45 and shot the intruder.
Bother said Pooh, as Christopher Robin pleaded to be spanked again.
Bother said Pooh, as Larry tried to kill him.
Bother said Pooh, as Naiman wrought terrible revenge upon him.
Bother said Pooh, as he bounced off the Starfury.
Bother said Pooh, as he found out his symbiont hated hunny.
Bother said Pooh, as he got cattle-prodded in the nuts.
Bother said Pooh, as he hid Piglet's corpse with Roo's.
Bother said Pooh, as he mounted Piglet.
Bother said Pooh, as he paid 5 extra for 'teddy' style.
Bother said Pooh, as he pulled his 9mm and wasted the intruder.
Bother said Pooh, as he read Gravis Support's latest offering.
Bother said Pooh, as he read the Generations script.
Bother said Pooh, as he read yet another 'Pooh' tagline.
Bother said Pooh, as he realized that he wasn't warping!
Bother said Pooh, as he was forced to watch Shades of Gray.
Bother said Pooh, as the AIDS test came back positive.
Bother said Pooh, as the Borg assimilated him.
Bother said Pooh, as the Face hugger impregnated him.
Bother said Pooh, as the condom came away in his hand.
Bother said Pooh, as the vice squad took his .GIF files
Bother said Pooh, as the vice squad took his .GIF files.
Bother said Pooh, as the vice squad took his GIFS.
Bother said Pooh, reaching around Owl's waist to adjust his condom.
Bother said Pooh, then he pulled his 9mm and wasted the intruder.
Bother said Pooh, when he couldn't think of a tagline.
Bother said Pooh-card, as all his fur fell out.
Bother said the Moderator, &$&^%NO CARRIER
Bother signed Pooh, in Chinese sign language.
Bother!  I didn't think you had the lobes! -- Quark
Bother!  Pooh
Bother! A Pooh poo.
Bother! Bother! said Pooh's twin.
Bother! I didn't think you had the lobes! --Quark.
Bother! Pooh said as he was assimilated.
Bother! Said Pooh, I need a sauce for piglet.
Bother! Said Pooh, and twited his moderator.
Bother! Said Pooh, and twitted his moderator.
Bother! cried Pooh, after he spoke the lords name backwards.
Bother! cried Pooh, as he pushed The Button to start Armageddon.
Bother! cried Pooh, as he sold Eeyore to the glue factory.
Bother! said @F and twitted the (HI-ASCII) moderator.
Bother! said @F, and kicked Pooh's ass.
Bother! said @TO, as he received his phoone-bill.
Bother! said A. A. Milne, as he pooh poohed Disney.
Bother! said Capt. Pooh, as antimatter containment was lost.
Bother! said Captain Pooh, as antimatter containment was lost.
Bother! said Cmdr. Pooh, as Picard demoted him to Ensign.
Bother! said Eeyore, as he smiled and kicked Pooh's ass.
Bother! said Eeyore, as he smiled and kicked Pooh's butt.
Bother! said Kes, as she field dressed Cthulhu of Borg.
Bother! said Lt. Pooh, as Armus the oil slick killed him.
Bother! said Mistress as she remembered she had left someone tied up.
Bother! said Odo, as Pooh ran out and vaporized him.
Bother! said Odo, as his time ran out and he turned into a puddle.
Bother! said Pooh & pulled the detonator killing the dictator.
Bother! said Pooh after getting the 25th AOL disk, TH1S 1SNT KEWL!
Bother! said Pooh after he spoke the Lord's name backward.
Bother! said Pooh after not recording 'Eastenders'.
Bother! said Pooh and carved @F's name in the black candle.
Bother! said Pooh and carved Eeyore's name in the black candle.
Bother! said Pooh and carved Orville's name in the black candle.
Bother! said Pooh and deleted C:\DOS\*.*.
Bother! said Pooh and deleted his message base....
Bother! said Pooh and deleted his source code.
Bother! said Pooh and discorporated.
Bother! said Pooh and erased his message base.
Bother! said Pooh and garotted another passing proletariat.
Bother! said Pooh and he hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother! said Pooh and he twit filtered his moderator.
Bother! said Pooh and hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother! said Pooh and lit another joint.
Bother! said Pooh and then deleted his message base.
Bother! said Pooh and then he deleted his source code.
Bother! said Pooh and twited his moderator.
Bother! said Pooh and twitted @TO.
Bother! said Pooh and twitted the SYSOP.
Bother! said Pooh and twitted the moderator.
Bother! said Pooh as Beavis and Butthead roasted Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh as Christopher Robin pleaded to be spanked again.
Bother! said Pooh as Piglet sacrificed him to the dark gods.
Bother! said Pooh as Piglet whipped him with the riding crop.
Bother! said Pooh as Satan pointed out the fine print.
Bother! said Pooh as he cross-dressed for Christopher Robin.
Bother! said Pooh as he drew a Dragon's Fang on Rabbit's door.
Bother! said Pooh as he found Piglet in bed with Eeyore.
Bother! said Pooh as he misquoted the Druidic Spell of Making.
Bother! said Pooh as he sent away for an inflatable Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh as he struggled with his condom
Bother! said Pooh as he twitted his moderator.
Bother! said Pooh as he wrestled with the moderator.
Bother! said Pooh as his batteries died just moments before climax.
Bother! said Pooh as the moderator swung his club.
Bother! said Pooh as the police closed in.
Bother! said Pooh celebrating solstice with candles.
Bother! said Pooh deleting his QWK packet.
Bother! said Pooh discovering he was anatomically incorrect.
Bother! said Pooh finding that Eeyore was a donkey voodoo doll.
Bother! said Pooh for no apparent reason.
Bother! said Pooh getting caught with his knickers down.
Bother! said Pooh hawking `Saturday Night Specials' in the ghetto.
Bother! said Pooh helplessly.
Bother! said Pooh in an attempt to compose a scintillating tagline.
Bother! said Pooh joining @TO in making excuses.
Bother! said Pooh joining AOLers. 1"M NOW TYP1NG KEWL STUFF//!!!
Bother! said Pooh locking his photon torpedoes on the USS Heffalump.
Bother! said Pooh lyingYes, I'll respect you in the morning.
Bother! said Pooh nailing Eeyore's tail onto Owl's feathered fanny.
Bother! said Pooh noticing he'd deleted his source code.
Bother! said Pooh one last time, as the Earth fell into the sun.
Bother! said Pooh pulling a tribble from his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh punching holes in another shipment of condoms.
Bother! said Pooh reaching around Owl's waist to adjust his condom.
Bother! said Pooh removing the tribble from his honey pot!
Bother! said Pooh sending in a team from the S.A.S.
Bother! said Pooh stuffing Jim's useless corpse into a dustbin.
Bother! said Pooh sweating over a hot computer.
Bother! said Pooh taking the last hit from @F's dope.
Bother! said Pooh taking the last hit from his grass.
Bother! said Pooh then he pulled his 9mm and wasted the intruder.
Bother! said Pooh this Tagline is revolting.
Bother! said Pooh tossing his empty Guinness bottle into a dustbin.
Bother! said Pooh turning off his computer. All the SMUT'S on CABLE TV!
Bother! said Pooh with a sexy grin, as he tied up his favorite redhead!!
Bother! said Pooh, As her husband pulled a gun.
Bother! said Pooh, Beavis and Butthead are barbecuing Barney!
Bother! said Pooh, Beavis and Butthead are roasting Piglet!
Bother! said Pooh, Getting caught with his knickers down.
Bother! said Pooh, I need a honey glaze for Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, I need a sauce for Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, I only wanted to *stun* Tigger.
Bother! said Pooh, I'm Brian of Nazareth!
Bother! said Pooh, I'm just a sweet transvestite.
Bother! said Pooh, I've fallen and I can't get up!
Bother! said Pooh, It's your husband and he has a gun.
Bother! said Pooh, Lock phasers on that heffalump!
Bother! said Pooh, We better nuke 'em from orbit
Bother! said Pooh, _I'm_ Brian of Nazareth!
Bother! said Pooh, after getting the 25th AOL disk, TH1S 1SN"T KEWEL!
Bother! said Pooh, after getting the 25th AOL disk, TH1S 1SN"T KEWL!
Bother! said Pooh, after he spoke the Lord's name backward.
Bother! said Pooh, after not recording 'Eastenders'.
Bother! said Pooh, am I a lieutenant or a chief petty officer?
Bother! said Pooh, and called in an air strike.
Bother! said Pooh, and carved Eeyore's name in the black candle.
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted 35 AOLer `Me Too' posts.
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted C:\DOS.
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted C:\WINDOWS 3.1; Installed WINDOWS 95.
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted C:\WINDOWS.
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted UNIX from his machine.
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted his WAD files.
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted his entire message base
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted his message base....
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted his source code.
Bother! said Pooh, and deleted the entire message base
Bother! said Pooh, and drew his .45 and shot the intruder.
Bother! said Pooh, and erased his message base.
Bother! said Pooh, and filed suit.
Bother! said Pooh, and garotted another passing proletariat.
Bother! said Pooh, and garroted another passing proletariat.
Bother! said Pooh, and he twit filtered his moderator.
Bother! said Pooh, and hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother! said Pooh, and hit his reset switch.
Bother! said Pooh, and inhaled.
Bother! said Pooh, and installed WINDOWS 95.
Bother! said Pooh, and launched a Maverick.
Bother! said Pooh, and launched a salvo from his MLRS
Bother! said Pooh, and loaded up Rise of the Triad.
Bother! said Pooh, and nuked Iraq!
Bother! said Pooh, and opened fire.
Bother! said Pooh, and promptly vanished.
Bother! said Pooh, and pulled his .45 and shot the UN soldier.
Bother! said Pooh, and pulled the detonator killing the dictator.
Bother! said Pooh, and pulled the yellow handles.
Bother! said Pooh, and put a fresh magazine in his Glock.
Bother! said Pooh, and put a fresh magazine in his Glok
Bother! said Pooh, and put a pin in the Piglet doll.
Bother! said Pooh, and reinstalled DOOM.
Bother! said Pooh, and reinstalled TAG-X PRO Tag-X Pro v1.20.
Bother! said Pooh, and reinstalled TLX Tag-X Pro v1.20.
Bother! said Pooh, and reinstalled Tag-X Pro v1.20.
Bother! said Pooh, and reinstalled Tag-X Pro.
Bother! said Pooh, and the Jem'Hadar beat him senseless.
Bother! said Pooh, and the warp core breached.
Bother! said Pooh, and then deleted his message base.
Bother! said Pooh, and then he deleted his source code.
Bother! said Pooh, and then he pulled his .45 and shot the intruder.
Bother! said Pooh, and transcended this plane.
Bother! said Pooh, and turned the launch key.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted @N@.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted @TO@.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted Ben Grey.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted Brian Rupert.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted Cal Webster.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted Chris Miller.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted Orville.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted Roger Barnes.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted Steve Hine.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted her.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted him.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted his Moderator
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted his SYSOP.
Bother! said Pooh, and twitted the moderator.
Bother! said Pooh, as @F butchered him for his paws and liver.
Bother! said Pooh, as @F cheated on him.
Bother! said Pooh, as @F ran to him with his pants down.
Bother! said Pooh, as @F wrought terrible revenge upon him.
Bother! said Pooh, as @F's condom ripped.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO broke the last seal.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO butchered him for his paws and liver.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO caught him.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO decompressed the airlock.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO gave him to the Emperor.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO posted again.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO torched the forest.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO tried to install OS/2.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO was assimilated by the Borg.
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO was assumed to be a lamer...
Bother! said Pooh, as @TO was caught playing with himself.
Bother! said Pooh, as Al disappeared through the Door.
Bother! said Pooh, as Al made a sexist remark.
Bother! said Pooh, as Alderaan exploded.
Bother! said Pooh, as Anna cheated on him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Beavis & Butt-Head roast Piglet
Bother! said Pooh, as Beavis and Butthead roasted Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as Beavis and Butthead torched him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Beverly's hair changed color yet again.
Bother! said Pooh, as Bryce Lynch copied his mind.
Bother! said Pooh, as Buchanan bulldozed the Gays.
Bother! said Pooh, as Buchanan closed the borders.
Bother! said Pooh, as Buchanan penetrated his bum.
Bother! said Pooh, as Chewbacca ripped him in half.
Bother! said Pooh, as Chewbakka ripped him in half.
Bother! said Pooh, as Christopher Robin pleaded to be spanked again.
Bother! said Pooh, as Christopher Robin pushed him under a truck.
Bother! said Pooh, as Christopher Robin vanished from the echo.
Bother! said Pooh, as Cthulhu emerged from the darkness.
Bother! said Pooh, as Cthulhu rose up and ate him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Cthulhu woke up and ate him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Curzon kissed him on the head.
Bother! said Pooh, as Deanna Troi sensed he was hiding something.
Bother! said Pooh, as Dot kissed him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Earnhardt won again!
Bother! said Pooh, as EchoMan and Anna foiled his crime.
Bother! said Pooh, as Eeyore fell into the pit of the Sarlacc.
Bother! said Pooh, as Eeyore mounted him from behind.
Bother! said Pooh, as Eyeore mounted him from behind.
Bother! said Pooh, as Ford pulled out the Elecronic Thumb.
Bother! said Pooh, as Ford pulled out the Electronic Thumb.
Bother! said Pooh, as Freddy used his body to kill Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as Garak told an obvious lie.
Bother! said Pooh, as Geordi found a NEW problem.
Bother! said Pooh, as Han asked for more money.
Bother! said Pooh, as Han put him in a dead Tauntaun.
Bother! said Pooh, as Hannibal Lecter at his liver...
Bother! said Pooh, as Hannibal ate his liver with a nice Chianti.
Bother! said Pooh, as Jabba threw his friends to the Rancor.
Bother! said Pooh, as Jem'Hadar slid into the Hundred Acre Wood.
Bother! said Pooh, as Julius Caesar said "Et tu Poohte?"
Bother! said Pooh, as Kai Opaka gripped his earlobe.
Bother! said Pooh, as Kanga gave birth to a monster.
Bother! said Pooh, as Kanga sneezed in his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as King Tut's curse claimed him as a victim.
Bother! said Pooh, as Kirk beamed him down in a red shirt.
Bother! said Pooh, as Kirk gave him a red shirt.
Bother! said Pooh, as Klingons beamed into the 100 Acre Wood.
Bother! said Pooh, as Leia stepped on him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Londo plotted against him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Lorena Bobbitt tied him to the bed.
Bother! said Pooh, as Lorena Bobbitt waved a knife in front of him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Lursa and B'Etor conceived his children.
Bother! said Pooh, as Lwaxana began giving him Oomox.
Bother! said Pooh, as MacLeod disconnected his head.
Bother! said Pooh, as Macgyver posted again.
Bother! said Pooh, as Ms. Bobbitt pulled up.
Bother! said Pooh, as Mulder and Scully rushed in, guns drawn.
Bother! said Pooh, as NBC cancelled Star Trek.
Bother! said Pooh, as Naiman wrought terrible revenge upon him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Neuromancer flatlined him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Odo collapsed in his lap.
Bother! said Pooh, as Odo morphed into several shades of purple.
Bother! said Pooh, as Odo ordered him off the Promenade.
Bother! said Pooh, as Patton slapped him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Picard demoted him to Ensign.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet acquired all four Railroads.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet became possesed by a demon.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet became possessed by a demon.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet came back from the dead.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet had just bought a Macintosh
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet pulled out the Anal Intruder.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet refused to give him some Pooh-tang.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet sacrificed him to Cthulhu.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet sacrificed him to the dark gods.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet sacrified him to Cthulhu.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet stepped on the land mine.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet stole his pocket money at knifepoint.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet tried to cast fireball.
Bother! said Pooh, as Piglet whipped him with the riding crop.
Bother! said Pooh, as President Clinton said kiss it.
Bother! said Pooh, as Q destroyed the universe.
Bother! said Pooh, as Quark cheated him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Quark showed him the Ferengi print.
Bother! said Pooh, as Rabbit pushed him off the speeding train.
Bother! said Pooh, as Ro Laren kicked him in the crotch.
Bother! said Pooh, as Robert posted again.
Bother! said Pooh, as Satan laid his soul to waste.
Bother! said Pooh, as Satan pointed out the small print.
Bother! said Pooh, as Scotty beamed him up.
Bother! said Pooh, as Sheridan decompressed the airlock.
Bother! said Pooh, as Soran destroyed the nearby sun.
Bother! said Pooh, as Spock called him illogical.
Bother! said Pooh, as Sub-Zero ripped his spine out.
Bother! said Pooh, as Superman died of kryptonite poisoning.
Bother! said Pooh, as Tigger came out of the closet.
Bother! said Pooh, as Tigger turned out to be a changeling.
Bother! said Pooh, as Trelane aimed his pistol at him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Trollocs came pouring out of the woods.
Bother! said Pooh, as Vader choked Piglet with the Force!
Bother! said Pooh, as Vader cut off his right paw.
Bother! said Pooh, as Vader gave him to the Emperor.
Bother! said Pooh, as Vader killed Obi Wan.
Bother! said Pooh, as Vader sent bounty hunters after him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Vader stopped him from killing the Emperor.
Bother! said Pooh, as Vader tried to turn him over to the Dark Side.
Bother! said Pooh, as Vulcans stole his homework.
Bother! said Pooh, as Will Riker attempted to mate with him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Windows swapped out again.
Bother! said Pooh, as Winn started foaming at the mouth.
Bother! said Pooh, as Wintermute flatlined him.
Bother! said Pooh, as Worf growled.
Bother! said Pooh, as Yoda told him Leia was his sister.
Bother! said Pooh, as Yoda told him of another Pooh.
Bother! said Pooh, as Ziggy's circuits failed.
Bother! said Pooh, as a SuperTruck rammed into Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as a concealed handgun shot him.
Bother! said Pooh, as a tagline tumbled out of his pocket.
Bother! said Pooh, as a vole stole his honey.
Bother! said Pooh, as a woozle bit his bottom.
Bother! said Pooh, as auxillary control blew up.
Bother! said Pooh, as gave him to the Emperor.
Bother! said Pooh, as he >S*W*I*P*E*D< a better tagline.
Bother! said Pooh, as he assembled the Grand Grimoire.
Bother! said Pooh, as he awakened Tiamet.
Bother! said Pooh, as he backed into a squad car.
Bother! said Pooh, as he backed up onto the wrong tape
Bother! said Pooh, as he blew away half of the 100 acre woods.
Bother! said Pooh, as he blew up the Enterprise.
Bother! said Pooh, as he broke the last seal.
Bother! said Pooh, as he built a glove with knives for fingers.
Bother! said Pooh, as he bumped into Barney.
Bother! said Pooh, as he buried Piglet next to Roo.
Bother! said Pooh, as he called for his brother.
Bother! said Pooh, as he called forth a demon.
Bother! said Pooh, as he called in an air strike.
Bother! said Pooh, as he came all over little Roo.
Bother! said Pooh, as he carved Eeyore's name into the black candle.
Bother! said Pooh, as he centered the cross hairs on Tigger.
Bother! said Pooh, as he chambered a round.
Bother! said Pooh, as he changed a Barney clone into an AOLer...KEWL!!!
Bother! said Pooh, as he changed history.
Bother! said Pooh, as he composed Roo's ransom note.
Bother! said Pooh, as he converted the hunting rifle to automatic fire.
Bother! said Pooh, as he couldn't think of a tagline.
Bother! said Pooh, as he cross-dressed for Christopher Robin.
Bother! said Pooh, as he cut and paste the ransom demand.
Bother! said Pooh, as he cut his initials in the snow.
Bother! said Pooh, as he cut open a Tauntaun.
Bother! said Pooh, as he declared his horse a Senator.
Bother! said Pooh, as he deleted 35 AOLer `Me Too' posts.
Bother! said Pooh, as he deleted C:\DOS.
Bother! said Pooh, as he deleted C:\WINDOWS.
Bother! said Pooh, as he deleted UNIX from his machine
Bother! said Pooh, as he deleted his hard drive.
Bother! said Pooh, as he deleted his message base.
Bother! said Pooh, as he deleted his message.
Bother! said Pooh, as he deleted his source code.
Bother! said Pooh, as he deported Buchanan to Northern Ireland.
Bother! said Pooh, as he descended down to Shayol Ghul.
Bother! said Pooh, as he destroyed the evidence.
Bother! said Pooh, as he developed crabs.
Bother! said Pooh, as he died for the 5th time in DOOM!
Bother! said Pooh, as he died in a pool of blood.
Bother! said Pooh, as he donned his ninja uniform and went to kill Owl.
Bother! said Pooh, as he drank Roo's blood.
Bother! said Pooh, as he drank his fifth Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
Bother! said Pooh, as he dressed up like Santa and grabbed his ax.
Bother! said Pooh, as he drew a Dragon's Fang on Rabbits door.
Bother! said Pooh, as he drew the Glock.
Bother! said Pooh, as he dropped another white rhino.
Bother! said Pooh, as he dropped his bombs.
Bother! said Pooh, as he dropped his suppository.
Bother! said Pooh, as he dropped the razor on his gonads.
Bother! said Pooh, as he drove the Ka-Bar home again.
Bother! said Pooh, as he engaged his cloaking device.
Bother! said Pooh, as he entered the Badlands.
Bother! said Pooh, as he erased his hard drive
Bother! said Pooh, as he erased his message base.
Bother! said Pooh, as he failed another melee combat roll.
Bother! said Pooh, as he failed to appease the gods.
Bother! said Pooh, as he failed to lift the X-wing with the Force.
Bother! said Pooh, as he failed to reach Nirvana
Bother! said Pooh, as he falsified his income tax return.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fed his cat to his dog.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fed the intruder to an alligator.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fed the pidgeons to his cat.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fell into the W.C.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fell into the nitric acid bath.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fell into the nitric acid.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fell into the spinblades.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fell into the tiger pit.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fell into the toilet.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fell off the prostitute.
Bother! said Pooh, as he felt Vader's presence.
Bother! said Pooh, as he felt a disturbance in the Force.
Bother! said Pooh, as he filed suit.
Bother! said Pooh, as he finished shooting up.
Bother! said Pooh, as he finished the last line of cocaine.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fired on the UN commandos.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fished his diskettes out of the honey jar.
Bother! said Pooh, as he floored it, and outran the state trooper!
Bother! said Pooh, as he forged Necheyev's suicide note.
Bother! said Pooh, as he forgot which Tagline (c) he was going to use.
Bother! said Pooh, as he forgot which Tagline he was going to use.
Bother! said Pooh, as he forked over 20,000 New Yen for a bribe.
Bother! said Pooh, as he formatted C: drive.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fought off three dragons.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found Earl in his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found Odo in his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found Piglet in bed with Eeyore.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found a 19mm Willmerdinger unit would DO IT.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found a politician in his honey.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found he'd used a dirty needle.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found his smack had talc in it.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found out his symbiont hated "hunny."
Bother! said Pooh, as he found out his symbiont hated honey.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found out his symbiont hated hunny.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found out that Christopher Robin was Vader.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found that he had VD.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found that he had an S.T.D.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found that he had genital warts.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found that he had gonnarhea.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found that he had gonorrhea.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found that he had herpes.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found that he had syphilis.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found that he had syphillus.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found the smack contained talc.
Bother! said Pooh, as he found you in his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he fried Piglet for breakfast.
Bother! said Pooh, as he gained the First Power.
Bother! said Pooh, as he garroted another passing proletariat.
Bother! said Pooh, as he gave Ted Kennedy another driving lesson.
Bother! said Pooh, as he got a bill from the IRS.
Bother! said Pooh, as he got cattle-prodded in the groin.
Bother! said Pooh, as he got cattle-prodded in the nuts.
Bother! said Pooh, as he got splattered all over the Taglines.
Bother! said Pooh, as he got splattered all over the place.
Bother! said Pooh, as he got stoned with Bill Clinton.
Bother! said Pooh, as he got trapped in the printer
Bother! said Pooh, as he got up for another brewski.
Bother! said Pooh, as he gunned down yet another drooling Fanboy.
Bother! said Pooh, as he had Eeyore for dinner.
Bother! said Pooh, as he had Fluffosuction.
Bother! said Pooh, as he had sex with Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as he harpooned Flipper.
Bother! said Pooh, as he he twit filtered his moderator.
Bother! said Pooh, as he heard his Doc Wagon band go off
Bother! said Pooh, as he heard, "Will the Defendant please rise."
Bother! said Pooh, as he hid Piglet's body with Tigger's.
Bother! said Pooh, as he hid Piglet's corpse with Roo's.
Bother! said Pooh, as he hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother! said Pooh, as he hid Tigger's corpse with Roo's.
Bother! said Pooh, as he hid the Death Star plans in his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he hid the Death Star plans in his hunny pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he hit his reset switch.
Bother! said Pooh, as he hit the barrier arm.
Bother! said Pooh, as he hung onto Cloud City's antenna.
Bother! said Pooh, as he infected the Indians blankets.
Bother! said Pooh, as he informed on Christopher Robin to the CIA.
Bother! said Pooh, as he inhaled.
Bother! said Pooh, as he inserted the suppository.
Bother! said Pooh, as he jacked in.
Bother! said Pooh, as he jacked out.
Bother! said Pooh, as he kicked the gamer into a pit.
Bother! said Pooh, as he launched a Gooie Kablooie.
Bother! said Pooh, as he launched a Maverick.
Bother! said Pooh, as he launched a salvo from his MLRS.
Bother! said Pooh, as he launched the nuclear warheads.
Bother! said Pooh, as he lay back and lit Piglet's cigarette.
Bother! said Pooh, as he leaped through time.
Bother! said Pooh, as he learned that his symbiont detested hunny.
Bother! said Pooh, as he lit the end of the gas-soaked rag.
Bother! said Pooh, as he loaded another clip into his UZI.
Bother! said Pooh, as he loaded his last round.
Bother! said Pooh, as he lobbed a grenade at the intruder.
Bother! said Pooh, as he looked into the face of the Myrddraal.
Bother! said Pooh, as he lost again at `Quarks Place'.
Bother! said Pooh, as he lost another game of strip poker.
Bother! said Pooh, as he lost antimatter containment.
Bother! said Pooh, as he lost at Dabo again.
Bother! said Pooh, as he lost in TIE Fighter.
Bother! said Pooh, as he made a mask out of Piglet's skin.
Bother! said Pooh, as he made yet another ham sandwich.
Bother! said Pooh, as he misquoted the druidic Spell of Making.
Bother! said Pooh, as he mixed the lime with the coconut!
Bother! said Pooh, as he mounted Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as he named the Dark One.
Bother! said Pooh, as he nuked Iraq!
Bother! said Pooh, as he opened a gate to Hell.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ordered Mr. Worf to fire all phasers.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ordered Mr. Worff to fire all phasers.
Bother! said Pooh, as he paid $5 extra for 'teddy' style.
Bother! said Pooh, as he parked O.J.'s white Bronco.
Bother! said Pooh, as he placed the message in the wrong conference.
Bother! said Pooh, as he played with the Cynobite's puzzle box.
Bother! said Pooh, as he poured grease onto the interstate.
Bother! said Pooh, as he promptly vanished.
Bother! said Pooh, as he puked all over Christopher Robin.
Bother! said Pooh, as he puked on Christopher Robin.
Bother! said Pooh, as he puked over Christopher Robin.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled a Tribble from a honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled his .45 and shot the UN soldier.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled his 9mm and wasted the intruder.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled out his .45 and shot the UN soldier.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled out his .45 and shot the intruder.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled the 5rd AOLer out of his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled the 5th AOLer out of his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled the cat off his face
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled the detonator killing the dictator.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pulled the yellow handles.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pushed The Button to start Armageddon.
Bother! said Pooh, as he pushed the plunger and the UN fell
Bother! said Pooh, as he put Spanish Fly in Christopher Robin's drink
Bother! said Pooh, as he put a fresh magazine in his Glock.
Bother! said Pooh, as he put a pin in the Piglet doll.
Bother! said Pooh, as he put on his asbestos suit.
Bother! said Pooh, as he put on the Helm of Alignment Scrambling
Bother! said Pooh, as he put on the hockey mask and started the saw.
Bother! said Pooh, as he put right what once went wrong.
Bother! said Pooh, as he put the coffee in the microwave.
Bother! said Pooh, as he put the message in the wrong conference.
Bother! said Pooh, as he put the money under Kanga's pillow.
Bother! said Pooh, as he quietly hid Piglet's body away.
Bother! said Pooh, as he raised his veil and grabbed his spear.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ran C3PO through the trash compacter.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ran Doublespace.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ran into the Archvile.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ran out of KY jelly.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ran out of Taglines.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ran out of ammo.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ran out of cigarettes.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ran out of dilithium crystals.
Bother! said Pooh, as he reached for Saidin.
Bother! said Pooh, as he reached for the flamethrower.
Bother! said Pooh, as he reached for the reset button.
Bother! said Pooh, as he read Gravis Support's latest offering.
Bother! said Pooh, as he read alt.aol-sucks. AOL SUCKS B1G T1ME!!!
Bother! said Pooh, as he read alt.aol-sucks. AOL SUKKS B1G T1ME!!!
Bother! said Pooh, as he read alt.aolsucks. AOL SUCKS B1G T1ME!!!
Bother! said Pooh, as he read alt.fan.bill-gates -- Cool Programs! :-)
Bother! said Pooh, as he read alt.fan.bill-gates.
Bother! said Pooh, as he read his Compuserve bill.
Bother! said Pooh, as he read the Generations script.
Bother! said Pooh, as he read the joke about his inability to procreate.
Bother! said Pooh, as he read yet another 'Pooh' tagline.
Bother! said Pooh, as he realised he didn't fit ANY demographics
Bother! said Pooh, as he realised that his Visor was a hair barrette.
Bother! said Pooh, as he realized he couldn't speak Klingon.
Bother! said Pooh, as he realized he didn't fit ANY demographics.
Bother! said Pooh, as he realized he was a Star Trek redshirt.
Bother! said Pooh, as he realized he was a red shirt. <<ZAP>>
Bother! said Pooh, as he realized that Ferengi sell fuel by the US.
Bother! said Pooh, as he realized that Rabbit was indeed Chaotic Evil.
Bother! said Pooh, as he realized that his VISOR was a hair barrette.
Bother! said Pooh, as he realized that logic really WAS a tweeting.
Bother! said Pooh, as he received his America Online bill.
Bother! said Pooh, as he received his Compu$erve bill.
Bother! said Pooh, as he received his Compuserve bill
Bother! said Pooh, as he regenerated into Colin Baker.
Bother! said Pooh, as he reinstalled Tag-X Pro.
Bother! said Pooh, as he reloaded his AK-47.
Bother! said Pooh, as he reverted to his liquid state.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ripped his ring piece.
Bother! said Pooh, as he ripped the fabric of Time and Space.
Bother! said Pooh, as he rolled over and lit @F's cigarette.
Bother! said Pooh, as he rolled over and lit Myra's cigarette.
Bother! said Pooh, as he rolled over and lit her cigarette.
Bother! said Pooh, as he rolled over into the wet spot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he rose from the grave.
Bother! said Pooh, as he said "Bother" again.
Bother! said Pooh, as he saw Chris nibbling on Anna's belly.
Bother! said Pooh, as he saw Lorena Bobbitt drive up.
Bother! said Pooh, as he saw Ms. Bobbit drive up.
Bother! said Pooh, as he saw another message from New Jersey.
Bother! said Pooh, as he saw his friends dressed in black robes.
Bother! said Pooh, as he saw the bondage marks on his wrists.
Bother! said Pooh, as he saw the mushroom cloud.
Bother! said Pooh, as he saw yet another Pooh tagline.
Bother! said Pooh, as he scrambled his partition table.
Bother! said Pooh, as he screwed up X-wing TOD 1/4 yet again.
Bother! said Pooh, as he seduced Christopher Robin's mother
Bother! said Pooh, as he sent away for an inflatable Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as he set his phaser on kill.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shared his pain with Sybok.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot A.A. Milne for being a git.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot Rabbit.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot another Spotted Owl.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot his concealed handgun into a crowd.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot that bird in the wing.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot the Emperical drone.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot the Imperial drone.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot the propellor from Biggles' machine.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot the sheriff.
Bother! said Pooh, as he shot three ATF agents raiding his home.
Bother! said Pooh, as he signed the pact.
Bother! said Pooh, as he slashed the ambulance's tires.
Bother! said Pooh, as he slaughtered innocent Jawas.
Bother! said Pooh, as he slid into another Earth.
Bother! said Pooh, as he slid on the wet echo floor.
Bother! said Pooh, as he slipped his date a Purple Microdot.
Bother! said Pooh, as he slipped the traffic cop $10.
Bother! said Pooh, as he sniffed the tube of glue.
Bother! said Pooh, as he sold Eeyore to the glue factory.
Bother! said Pooh, as he sold Eore to the glue factory.
Bother! said Pooh, as he sprayed the playground with gunfire.
Bother! said Pooh, as he stared into the Myrddraal's face.
Bother! said Pooh, as he stared into the myrddraal face.
Bother! said Pooh, as he started to install Windows.
Bother! said Pooh, as he started up Norton Utilities.
Bother! said Pooh, as he stepped into the acceleration chamber.
Bother! said Pooh, as he stepped into the particle accelerator.
Bother! said Pooh, as he stepped on the cat's tail.
Bother! said Pooh, as he stomped Barney's ass to jello.
Bother! said Pooh, as he stomped Barney's butt to jello.
Bother! said Pooh, as he strafed the lifeboats.
Bother! said Pooh, as he struggled with his condom.
Bother! said Pooh, as he struggled with his tagline dupes.
Bother! said Pooh, as he struggled with the computer's reset button.
Bother! said Pooh, as he stuck his finger in the light socket.
Bother! said Pooh, as he stuffed Piglet's corpse into a trash bag.
Bother! said Pooh, as he sucked the life out of Tigger.
Bother! said Pooh, as he suffered the 'Heartbreak of Psoriasis'.
Bother! said Pooh, as he sunk his twelfth Guinness
Bother! said Pooh, as he swallowed the mucus in lumps.
Bother! said Pooh, as he switched between Animaniacs and Star Trek.
Bother! said Pooh, as he swore an oath on the Oath Rod.
Bother! said Pooh, as he tapped out a false distress signal.
Bother! said Pooh, as he testified O.J. was with him.
Bother! said Pooh, as he testified he was with O.J.
Bother! said Pooh, as he tied @F to the "Wheel of Lust".
Bother! said Pooh, as he tied Kanga down, sport.
Bother! said Pooh, as he tied Piglet to the "Wheel of Lust".
Bother! said Pooh, as he tied Piglet to the Wheel of Lust.
Bother! said Pooh, as he tied Piglet to the bed.
Bother! said Pooh, as he took Duncan McCloud's Quickening...
Bother! said Pooh, as he took aim from behind the grassy knoll.
Bother! said Pooh, as he took his torn pants to Garak's.
Bother! said Pooh, as he took his torn trousers to Garak's shop.
Bother! said Pooh, as he torched the forest.
Bother! said Pooh, as he transcended this plane.
Bother! said Pooh, as he tried on his new Rooskin coat.
Bother! said Pooh, as he tried to install OS/2.
Bother! said Pooh, as he tried to install Windows.
Bother! said Pooh, as he tried to learn COBOL
Bother! said Pooh, as he tried to uninstall WARP.
Bother! said Pooh, as he tripped over the sleeping Dragon's tail.
Bother! said Pooh, as he turned into a bat.
Bother! said Pooh, as he turned the launch key.
Bother! said Pooh, as he turned to the Dark Side.
Bother! said Pooh, as he twitted Mother Nature.
Bother! said Pooh, as he twitted his Moderator
Bother! said Pooh, as he twitted his Sysop.
Bother! said Pooh, as he twitted the moderator.
Bother! said Pooh, as he typed a Canonical List for alt.tasteless.jokes
Bother! said Pooh, as he typed a Canonical List in alt.tasteless.jokes
Bother! said Pooh, as he uncovered a hive of Smurfs.
Bother! said Pooh, as he underwent aversion therapy.
Bother! said Pooh, as he unloaded his Aries Predator on Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as he used up the last of his dodge pool.
Bother! said Pooh, as he violated Eeyore.
Bother! said Pooh, as he violated the Bosnian cease fire.
Bother! said Pooh, as he waded through a feminist linguistic polemic.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was arrested for non-support.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was assimilated by the Borg.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was assumed to be a lamer. Get me WIN 95!!
Bother! said Pooh, as he was assumed to be a lamer...
Bother! said Pooh, as he was bitten by a rabid bear.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was bitten by his date's living bra.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was butchered for his paws & liver.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was butchered for his paws and liver.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was captured by Nazi Smurf commandos.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was caught playing with himself.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was defenestrated... on the twentieth floor.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was forced to watch Babylon 5.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was forced to watch Shades of Gray.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was frozen in carbonite.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was given another bad script.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was hit by the heat ray.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was killed by BATF agents.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was molested by Barney.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was served to the Klingons as the main dish.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was sodomized by Barney.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was struck by a meteor and lightning.
Bother! said Pooh, as he was thrown 70,000 light years from home.
Bother! said Pooh, as he watch his 830mb drive slowly format itself.
Bother! said Pooh, as he watched his 830mb drive slowly format itself.
Bother! said Pooh, as he went blotchy from that time with Eeyore.
Bother! said Pooh, as he went to kill Owl.
Bother! said Pooh, as he wiped the vomit from his chin.
Bother! said Pooh, as he wished everyone a Happy Pearl Harbor Day.
Bother! said Pooh, as he wondered why he bothered to answer.
Bother! said Pooh, as he wrestled with the Moderator.
Bother! said Pooh, as he wrung out his lambskin condoms to dry.
Bother! said Pooh, as he yanked the guillotine's lanyard.
Bother! said Pooh, as he yawned so hard he lost Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as his Ben-wah balls broke.
Bother! said Pooh, as his Ben-wah balls shattered.
Bother! said Pooh, as his Earl Grey tea was delivered cold.
Bother! said Pooh, as his LAN manager went downhill.
Bother! said Pooh, as his SIN number failed.
Bother! said Pooh, as his Stinger locked onto the 747.
Bother! said Pooh, as his Sysop locked him out of the system.
Bother! said Pooh, as his TIE fighter smashed into an asteriod.
Bother! said Pooh, as his VCR ate a Babylon 5 tape.
Bother! said Pooh, as his X-wing exploded.
Bother! said Pooh, as his account was deleted by the Sysop
Bother! said Pooh, as his batteries died just moments before climax.
Bother! said Pooh, as his brain was sucked out.
Bother! said Pooh, as his bungee cord broke.
Bother! said Pooh, as his bungie cord broke.
Bother! said Pooh, as his buttocks caught fire.
Bother! said Pooh, as his cable gun jammed.
Bother! said Pooh, as his combat drone exploded.
Bother! said Pooh, as his condom ripped.
Bother! said Pooh, as his credstick deleted itself.
Bother! said Pooh, as his friends left him alone to die.
Bother! said Pooh, as his head exploded.
Bother! said Pooh, as his hemorrhoids flared.
Bother! said Pooh, as his latest beta crashed.
Bother! said Pooh, as his light saber went out.
Bother! said Pooh, as his motorcycle left the ground.
Bother! said Pooh, as his phaser overloaded.
Bother! said Pooh, as his pit crew was eating ice cream.
Bother! said Pooh, as his plastic love doll exploded.
Bother! said Pooh, as his rectum exploded.
Bother! said Pooh, as his regeneration failed.
Bother! said Pooh, as his rockets missed the Death Star's weak spot.
Bother! said Pooh, as his rubber woman sprung a leak.
Bother! said Pooh, as his runabout entered the Badlands.
Bother! said Pooh, as his saw ran out of gas.
Bother! said Pooh, as his scanners detected a Romulan war bird.
Bother! said Pooh, as his ship failed to jump to light speed.
Bother! said Pooh, as his starship disintegrated.
Bother! said Pooh, as his time ran out and he turned into a puddle.
Bother! said Pooh, as his torpedoes missed the Death Star's weak spot.
Bother! said Pooh, as his torpedos missed the Death Star's weak spot.
Bother! said Pooh, as his warp core breached.
Bother! said Pooh, as his warp core was breached.
Bother! said Pooh, as his weapons systems failed.
Bother! said Pooh, as millions of voices cried out and went silent.
Bother! said Pooh, as one of the Forsaken appeared in his dreams.
Bother! said Pooh, as racked up another frag.
Bother! said Pooh, as ran C3PO through the trash compactor.
Bother! said Pooh, as realized that Rabbit was indeed Chaotic Evil..
Bother! said Pooh, as the 4-Iron struck him soundly in the groin.
Bother! said Pooh, as the AIDS test came back positive.
Bother! said Pooh, as the AT's foot crushed Tigger and Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as the AT-AT's foot crushed Tigger and Piglet.
Bother! said Pooh, as the BATF destroyed his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Big Time bus ran him over.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Borg assimilated him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Borg pumped bio-chips into him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Borg pumped their bio-chips into him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Brigadier destroyed another alien race.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Cardassians ripped off his head and legs.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Cardassians ripped off his head and.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Cardassians tortured him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Daleks exterminated him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Death Star landed in his backyard.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Draghkar tried to slip him the tongue.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Draghkar tried to slip him the tounge.
Bother! said Pooh, as the EPA closed the honey factory.
Bother! said Pooh, as the EPA closed the hunny factory.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Emperor electrocuted him with the Force.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Enterprise exploded again.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Enterprise exploded.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Ewoks stole his honey pot.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Jem'Hadar beat him senseless.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Judge turned another one free.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Judge turns another one free.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Kazons discovered hair mousse.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Klingons decloaked.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Klingons opened fire.
Bother! said Pooh, as the LAPD beat him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Millenium Falcon blasted his Star Destroyer.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Na'ka'leen feeder consumed him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Panther Moderns attacked him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Rangers won the Stanley Cup.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Ravanous Bugblatter Beast of Trall ate Owl.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Trall ate Owl.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Red Ajah captured him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Romulan warbird uncloaked.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Shadows decimated his homeworld.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Sharom exploded into black fire.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Stormtroopers caught him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Swat Team closed in.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Sysop locked him out of the system.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Tribbles made him *itch* like mad.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Tribbles rained down on him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the VCR ate his favorite porno tape.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Vogon began to read.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Vogons destroyed Earth.
Bother! said Pooh, as the Yakuza pounced upon him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the alien burst from his chest.
Bother! said Pooh, as the atomic blast consumed him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the batteries died in his blaster.
Bother! said Pooh, as the brakes went out!
Bother! said Pooh, as the bungee cord broke.
Bother! said Pooh, as the bungi cord broke.
Bother! said Pooh, as the bungie cord broke.
Bother! said Pooh, as the cable system messed with his channels.
Bother! said Pooh, as the condom came away in his hand
Bother! said Pooh, as the facehugger impregnated him.
Bother! said Pooh, as the feds took his videotapes and guns.
Bother! said Pooh, as the flames swallowed his card collection.
Bother! said Pooh, as the jumja stick stuck to his hand.
Bother! said Pooh, as the moderator Orbed him for being off-topic.
Bother! said Pooh, as the moderator sent him a PVT note.
Bother! said Pooh, as the moderator swung his club.
Bother! said Pooh, as the others burned him at the stake.
Bother! said Pooh, as the pin fell out of the grenade.
Bother! said Pooh, as the pin fell out the grenade
Bother! said Pooh, as the plot device was re-used again.
Bother! said Pooh, as the plot device was used again.
Bother! said Pooh, as the police closed in.
Bother! said Pooh, as the pus dribbled out his nose.
Bother! said Pooh, as the pus dribbled out of his nose.
Bother! said Pooh, as the raptor shook him by the throat.
Bother! said Pooh, as the shuttle bay decompressed.
Bother! said Pooh, as the spaceships landed.
Bother! said Pooh, as the trip-wire clicked.
Bother! said Pooh, as the tsunami hit.
Bother! said Pooh, as the vice squad took his .GIF files
Bother! said Pooh, as the vice squad took his GIFS.
Bother! said Pooh, as the war bird decloaked.
Bother! said Pooh, as the warp core breached.
Bother! said Pooh, as the warp core was breached.
Bother! said Pooh, as the wind blew the smoke from his gun barrel.
Bother! said Pooh, as the writers killed off his character.
Bother! said Pooh, as they all gathered for an orgy.
Bother! said Pooh, as yet another condom ruptured.
Bother! said Pooh, celebrating solstice with candles.
Bother! said Pooh, deleting his QWK packet.
Bother! said Pooh, discovering he was anatomically incorrect.
Bother! said Pooh, finding that Eeyore was a donkey voodoo doll.
Bother! said Pooh, for no apparent reason.
Bother! said Pooh, hawking 'Saturday Night Specials' in the ghetto.
Bother! said Pooh, helplessly.
Bother! said Pooh, in an attempt to compose a scintillating Tagline.
Bother! said Pooh, joining AOLers. 1"M NOW TYP1NG KEWL STUFF//!!!
Bother! said Pooh, joining Rick Godbee in making excuses.
Bother! said Pooh, locking his photon torpedoes on the USS Heffalump.
Bother! said Pooh, lying, Yes, I'll respect you in the morning.
Bother! said Pooh, nailing Eeyore's tail onto Owl's feathered fanny.
Bother! said Pooh, noticing he'd deleted his source code.
Bother! said Pooh, one last time, as the Earth fell into the sun.
Bother! said Pooh, pulling the Tribble from his hunny pot.
Bother! said Pooh, pulling the tribble from his honey pot
Bother! said Pooh, punching holes in another shipment of condoms.
Bother! said Pooh, reaching around Owl's waist to adjust his condom.
Bother! said Pooh, sending in a team from the S.A.S.
Bother! said Pooh, staring for hours at Rabbit's CD-ROM GIF library.
Bother! said Pooh, stuffing Piglet's lifeless corpse into a dustbin.
Bother! said Pooh, sweating over a hot computer.
Bother! said Pooh, taking the last hit from his grass.
Bother! said Pooh, the AOL software has marginal utility. <@#$% !!>
Bother! said Pooh, then he pulled his 9mm and wasted the intruder.
Bother! said Pooh, this Martini was stirred, not shaken.
Bother! said Pooh, this Tagline is revolting.
Bother! said Pooh, tossing his empty Guinness bottle into a dustbin.
Bother! said Pooh, turning off his computer. All the SMUT'S on CABLE TV!
Bother! said Pooh, we're here to <clap> pump you up!
Bother! said Pooh, when @F takes the last hit from his grass.
Bother! said Pooh, when @TO's microwave exploded.
Bother! said Pooh, when Tigger came out of the closet.
Bother! said Pooh, when he couldn't think of a tagline.
Bother! said Pooh, when he deleted his message base.
Bother! said Pooh, when he found that Eeyore was a donkey voodoo doll
Bother! said Pooh, when he found that the Tagline would not fi
Bother! said Pooh, when he mixed up the Ben-Gay and the K-Y Jelly.
Bother! said Pooh, when he realized he didn't really have a stomach.
Bother! said Pooh, when he saw another Pooh tagline.
Bother! said Pooh, when he shot a "preemie."
Bother! said Pooh, when his microwave exploded.
Bother! said Pooh, when the Alien thingie popped out of his chest.
Bother! said Pooh, when the BATF knocked on the door with a tank.
Bother! said Pooh, when the red dot appeared on his chest.
Bother! said Pooh, who then deleted his message base.
Bother! said Pooh, wishing he had a nose like a Bajoran.
Bother! said Pooh,-card, as all his fur fell out.
Bother! said PoohBeavis and Butthead are barbecuing Barney!
Bother! said PoohBeavis and Butthead are roasting Piglet!
Bother! said PoohI need a honey glaze for Piglet.
Bother! said PoohI need a sauce for Piglet.
Bother! said PoohI only wanted to *stun* Tigger.
Bother! said PoohI'M Brian of Nazareth!
Bother! said PoohI'm @TO!
Bother! said PoohI'm just a sweet transvestite.
Bother! said PoohI've fallen and I can't get up!
Bother! said PoohIt's your husband and he has a gun.
Bother! said Pooham I a lieutenant or a chief petty officer?
Bother! said Poohthis Martini was stirred, not shaken.
Bother! said Poohwe better nuke 'em from orbit.
Bother! said Poohwe're here to <clap> pump you up!
Bother! said Rasta, as he blew Pooh away with a 12 gauge.
Bother! said a time-traveling Pooh, as he killed his own mother.
Bother! said a time-travelling Pooh as he killed his own mother.
Bother! said pooh, as Beavis & Butthead roasted Piglet.
Bother! said the Borg, we assimilated a Pooh.
Bother! said the Borg, we just assimilated Pooh.
Bother! said the Borgwe assimilated a Pooh.
Bother! said the Moderator to Pooh, &$&^%NO CARRIER
Bother! said the Moderator, &$&^%NO CARRIER
Bother! said, Pooh, as he was taken to the Body Bank
Bother! signed Pooh, in Chinese sign language.
Bother! twittered Pooh as the FBI came knocking.
Bother! worried Pooh, as Eeyore missed another period.
Bother! worried Pooh, as the *Tagline Addict* deleted another dupe.
Bother!" said Pooh, and launched a salvo from his MLRS
Bother!" said Pooh, and put a fresh magazine in his Glok
Bother!" said Pooh, as he tied-up his favorite redhead.
Bother!' said Pooh as he put the coffee in the microwave...
Bother!, Said Pooh, and twitted his moderator.
Bother!, said Pooh as the flames swallowed his card collection.
Bother!, said Pooh, and called in an air strike.
Bother!, said Pooh, and crushed his radio...
Bother!, said Pooh, and deleted his message base.
Bother!, said Pooh, and deleted his message base....
Bother!, said Pooh, and inhaled.
Bother!, said Pooh, as Kanga sneezed in his honey pot.
Bother!, said Pooh, as he fell into the tiger pit.
Bother!, said Pooh, as he hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother!, said Pooh, as he loaded his last round.
Bother!, said Pooh, as he puked on Christopher Robin.
Bother!, said Pooh, as he sunk his twelfth Guinness.
Bother!, said Pooh, as he wiped the vomit from his chin.
Bother!, said Pooh, as his bungee cord broke.
Bother!, said Pooh, as his bungie cord broke.
Bother!, said Pooh, as the police closed in.
Bother!, said Pooh.
Bother!: a Pooh poo.
Bother" said Pooh, "We better nuke 'em from orbit"
Bother" said Pooh, and then he pulled his .45 and shot the UN soldier
Bother", said Pooh, and deleted his message base.
Bother' said Pooh as he dropped his bombs.
Bother' said Pooh as he hid Piglet's body with Tigger's.
Bother' said Pooh, sending in a team from the S.A.S.
Bother, I just can't seem to sell any marijuana anymore sid Pooh to Eore
Bother, said Barney, as he was bitten by a rabid bear.
Bother, said Capt. Pooh, as antimatter containment was lost.
Bother, said Kes, as she field dressed Cthulhu of Borg.
Bother, said Mrs. Bobbitt, and deleted her husband's prize.
Bother, said Odo as his time ran out and he turned into a puddle. <-TLP
Bother, said Poo as he buried Piglet's corpse in the backyard.
Bother, said Pooh and erased his message base.
Bother, said Pooh and hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother, said Pooh as Al disappeared through the Door.
Bother, said Pooh as Al made a sexist remark.
Bother, said Pooh as Alderaan exploded.
Bother, said Pooh as Beavis & Butt-Head roast Piglet
Bother, said Pooh as Beavis and Butthead roasted Piglet.
Bother, said Pooh as Chewbakka ripped him in half.
Bother, said Pooh as Cthulhu rose up and ate him.
Bother, said Pooh as Earnhardt won again!
Bother, said Pooh as Eeyore fell into the pit of the Sarlacc.
Bother, said Pooh as Ford pulled out the Electronic Thumb.
Bother, said Pooh as Freddy used his body to kill Piglet.
Bother, said Pooh as Han asked for more money.
Bother, said Pooh as Han put him in a dead Tauntaun.
Bother, said Pooh as Jabba threw his friends to the Rancor.
Bother, said Pooh as Kanga gave birth to a monster.
Bother, said Pooh as Kirk beamed him down in a red shirt.
Bother, said Pooh as Piglet became possessed by a demon.
Bother, said Pooh as Piglet came back from the dead.
Bother, said Pooh as Piglet pulled out the Anal Intruder.
Bother, said Pooh as Piglet refused to give him some Pooh-tang.
Bother, said Pooh as Piglet sacrificed him to the dark gods.
Bother, said Pooh as Piglet stepped on the land mine.
Bother, said Pooh as Piglet tried to cast fireball.
Bother, said Pooh as Piglet whipped him with the riding crop.
Bother, said Pooh as President Clinton said kiss it.
Bother, said Pooh as Quark cheated him.
Bother, said Pooh as Satan laid his soul to waste.
Bother, said Pooh as Tigger turned out to be a changeling.
Bother, said Pooh as Vader choked Piglet with the Force.
Bother, said Pooh as Vader cut off his right paw.
Bother, said Pooh as Vader killed Obi Wan.
Bother, said Pooh as Vader sent bounty hunters after him.
Bother, said Pooh as Vader stopped him from killing the Emperor.
Bother, said Pooh as Vader tried to turn him over to the Dark Side.
Bother, said Pooh as Yoda told him of another Pooh.
Bother, said Pooh as Ziggy's circuits failed.
Bother, said Pooh as a SuperTruck rammed into Piglet.
Bother, said Pooh as a vole stole his honey
Bother, said Pooh as gave him to the Emperor.
Bother, said Pooh as he assembled the Grand Grimoire.
Bother, said Pooh as he awakened Tiamet.
Bother, said Pooh as he built a glove with knives for fingers.
Bother, said Pooh as he called in an air strike.
Bother, said Pooh as he chambered a round.
Bother, said Pooh as he changed history.
Bother, said Pooh as he converted the hunting rifle to automatic fire.
Bother, said Pooh as he cross-dressed for Christopher Robin.
Bother, said Pooh as he cut his initials in the snow.
Bother, said Pooh as he cut open a Tauntaun.
Bother, said Pooh as he developed crabs.
Bother, said Pooh as he donned his ninja uniform and went to kill Owl.
Bother, said Pooh as he drank Roo's blood.
Bother, said Pooh as he drank his fifth Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
Bother, said Pooh as he dressed up like Santa and grabbed his ax.
Bother, said Pooh as he dropped another white rhino.
Bother, said Pooh as he extended his razors.
Bother, said Pooh as he failed another melee combat roll.
Bother, said Pooh as he failed to lift the X-wing with the Force.
Bother, said Pooh as he felt Vader's presence.
Bother, said Pooh as he felt a disturbance in the Force.
Bother, said Pooh as he finished shooting up.
Bother, said Pooh as he forked over 20,000 New Yen for a bribe.
Bother, said Pooh as he found Piglet in bed with Eeyore.
Bother, said Pooh as he found out his symbiont hated hunny.
Bother, said Pooh as he found out that Christopher Robin was Vader.
Bother, said Pooh as he found that he had VD.
Bother, said Pooh as he found that he had an S.T.D.
Bother, said Pooh as he found that he had genital warts.
Bother, said Pooh as he found that he had gonorrhea.
Bother, said Pooh as he found that he had herpes.
Bother, said Pooh as he found that he had syphilis.
Bother, said Pooh as he gained the First Power.
Bother, said Pooh as he gave Ted Kennedy another driving lesson.
Bother, said Pooh as he got cattle-prodded in the nuts.
Bother, said Pooh as he got stoned with Bill Clinton.
Bother, said Pooh as he got trapped in the printer.
Bother, said Pooh as he heard his Doc Wagon band go off.
Bother, said Pooh as he hid the Death Star plans in his Hunny pot.
Bother, said Pooh as he hung onto Cloud City's antenna.
Bother, said Pooh as he inserted the suppository.
Bother, said Pooh as he leaped through time.
Bother, said Pooh as he leveled the building.
Bother, said Pooh as he made a mask out of Piglet's skin.
Bother, said Pooh as he misquoted the druidic Spell of Making.
Bother, said Pooh as he opened a gate to Hell.
Bother, said Pooh as he played with the Cynobite's puzzle box.
Bother, said Pooh as he poured grease onto the interstate.
Bother, said Pooh as he prepared Christopher Robin for human sacrifice.
Bother, said Pooh as he put Spanish Fly in Christopher Robin's drink.
Bother, said Pooh as he put on the hockey mask and started the saw.
Bother, said Pooh as he put right what once went wrong.
Bother, said Pooh as he put the message in the wrong conf.
Bother, said Pooh as he put the money under Kanga's pillow.
Bother, said Pooh as he ran out of KY jelly.
Bother, said Pooh as he ran out of dilithium crystals.
Bother, said Pooh as he ran out of taglines.
Bother, said Pooh as he reached for the reset button.
Bother, said Pooh as he realized he couldn't speak Klingon.
Bother, said Pooh as he realized that his Visor was a hair barrette.
Bother, said Pooh as he received his Compu$erve bill.
Bother, said Pooh as he received his Compuserve bill.
Bother, said Pooh as he reloaded his AK-47.
Bother, said Pooh as he rolled over and lit Myra's cigarette.
Bother, said Pooh as he rolled over into the wet spot.
Bother, said Pooh as he rose from the grave.
Bother, said Pooh as he saw his friends dressed in black robes.
Bother, said Pooh as he sent away for an inflatable Piglet.
Bother, said Pooh as he shot another Spotted Owl.
Bother, said Pooh as he shot the Empirical drone.
Bother, said Pooh as he shot the Imperial drone.
Bother, said Pooh as he signed the pact.
Bother, said Pooh as he slapped on a trauma patch.
Bother, said Pooh as he slaughtered innocent Jawas.
Bother, said Pooh as he slipped his date a Purple Microdot.
Bother, said Pooh as he stepped into the acceleration chamber.
Bother, said Pooh as he strafed the lifeboats.
Bother, said Pooh as he stuffed Piglet's corpse into a trash bag.
Bother, said Pooh as he suffered the 'Heartbreak of Psoriasis'.
Bother, said Pooh as he switched to Full Auto.
Bother, said Pooh as he tapped out a false distress signal.
Bother, said Pooh as he tied Piglet to the Wheel of Lust.
Bother, said Pooh as he tied Piglet to the bed.
Bother, said Pooh as he tried to install OS/2.
Bother, said Pooh as he tried to install Windows.
Bother, said Pooh as he tried to learn COBOL
Bother, said Pooh as he tried to learn COBOL.
Bother, said Pooh as he turned into a bat.
Bother, said Pooh as he underwent aversion therapy.
Bother, said Pooh as he unloaded his Aries Predator on Piglet.
Bother, said Pooh as he used the rest of his Combat Pool.
Bother, said Pooh as he used up the last of his dodge pool.
Bother, said Pooh as he violated Eeyore.
Bother, said Pooh as he was assimilated by the Borg.
Bother, said Pooh as he was bitten by his date's living bra.
Bother, said Pooh as he was caught playing with himself.
Bother, said Pooh as he was dumped from the Matrix.
Bother, said Pooh as he was frozen in carbonite.
Bother, said Pooh as he was served to the Klingons as the main dish.
Bother, said Pooh as he wished everyone a Happy Pearl Harbor day.
Bother, said Pooh as he wrestled with the moderator.
Bother, said Pooh as he wrung out his lambskin condoms to dry.
Bother, said Pooh as he yanked the guillotine's lanyard.
Bother, said Pooh as his Ben-wah balls broke.
Bother, said Pooh as his Earl Grey tea was delivered cold.
Bother, said Pooh as his SIN number failed.
Bother, said Pooh as his Tie-fighter smashed into an asteroid.
Bother, said Pooh as his X-wing exploded.
Bother, said Pooh as his batteries died just moments before climax.
Bother, said Pooh as his cable gun jammed.
Bother, said Pooh as his combat drone exploded.
Bother, said Pooh as his condom ripped.
Bother, said Pooh as his credstick deleted itself.
Bother, said Pooh as his friends left him alone to die.
Bother, said Pooh as his light saber went out.
Bother, said Pooh as his plastic love doll exploded.
Bother, said Pooh as his rectum exploded.
Bother, said Pooh as his regeneration failed.
Bother, said Pooh as his rockets missed the Death Star's weak spot.
Bother, said Pooh as his saw ran out of gas.
Bother, said Pooh as his ship failed to jump to light speed.
Bother, said Pooh as his time ran out and he turned into a puddle.
Bother, said Pooh as his torpedoes missed the Death Star's weak spot.
Bother, said Pooh as millions of voices cried out and went silent.
Bother, said Pooh as ran C3PO through the trash compacter.
Bother, said Pooh as ran C3PO through the trash compactor.
Bother, said Pooh as the AT-AT's foot crushed Tigger and Piglet.
Bother, said Pooh as the Borg pumped bio-chips into him.
Bother, said Pooh as the Cardassians ripped off his head and...
Bother, said Pooh as the Emperor electrocuted him with the Force.
Bother, said Pooh as the Enterprise exploded.
Bother, said Pooh as the Ewoks stole his honey pot.
Bother, said Pooh as the Judge turns another one free.
Bother, said Pooh as the Moderator sent him a PVT note.
Bother, said Pooh as the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Trall ate Owl.
Bother, said Pooh as the Stormtroopers caught him.
Bother, said Pooh as the VCR ate his favorite porno tape.
Bother, said Pooh as the Vogons destroyed Earth.
Bother, said Pooh as the batteries died in his blaster.
Bother, said Pooh as the brakes went out!
Bother, said Pooh as the bungi cord broke.
Bother, said Pooh as the condom came away in his hand
Bother, said Pooh as the condom came away in his hand.
Bother, said Pooh as the moderator Orbed him for being off-topic.
Bother, said Pooh as the moderator swung his club.
Bother, said Pooh as the others burned him at the stake.
Bother, said Pooh as the pin fell out the grenade.
Bother, said Pooh as the police closed in.
Bother, said Pooh as the train approached and the ropes wouldn't break
Bother, said Pooh as the vice squad took his GIFS.
Bother, said Pooh as the warp core breached.
Bother, said Pooh as they all gathered for an orgy.
Bother, said Pooh when he couldn't think of a tagline.
Bother, said Pooh when he found that Eeyore was a donkey voodoo doll.
Bother, said Pooh when he mixed up the Ben-Gay and the K-Y Jelly...
Bother, said Pooh when he shot a preemie.
Bother, said Pooh when the Alien thingie popped out of his chest.
Bother, said Pooh when the BATF knocked on the door with a tank.
Bother, said Pooh, It's your husband and he has a gun.
Bother, said Pooh, after not recording 'Eastenders'.
Bother, said Pooh, and called in an air strike.
Bother, said Pooh, and carved Eeyore's name in the black candle.
Bother, said Pooh, and deleted C:\DOS\*.*.
Bother, said Pooh, and deleted C:\WINDOWS.
Bother, said Pooh, and deleted his message base.
Bother, said Pooh, and deleted his source code ...
Bother, said Pooh, and deleted the message base.
Bother, said Pooh, and filed suit.
Bother, said Pooh, and he hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother, said Pooh, and hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother, said Pooh, and inhaled.
Bother, said Pooh, and launched a Maverick.
Bother, said Pooh, and nuked Iraq!
Bother, said Pooh, and reinstalled @VER@.
Bother, said Pooh, and reinstalled Blue Wave.
Bother, said Pooh, and reinstalled TLX @VER@.
Bother, said Pooh, and reinstalled TLX TLX v4.00.
Bother, said Pooh, and reinstalled TLX v4.00.
Bother, said Pooh, and reinstalled Telemate 4.12.
Bother, said Pooh, and the warp core breached.
Bother, said Pooh, and then deleted his message base.
Bother, said Pooh, and then he deleted his source code.
Bother, said Pooh, and then he deleted his source file.
Bother, said Pooh, and then he pulled his .45 and shot the intruder.
Bother, said Pooh, and turned the launch key.
Bother, said Pooh, and twitted @TO@.
Bother, said Pooh, and twitted Brian Rupert.
Bother, said Pooh, and twitted Jon Randle.
Bother, said Pooh, and twitted Orville Bullitt.
Bother, said Pooh, and twitted his moderator.
Bother, said Pooh, and twitted the nut.
Bother, said Pooh, as A. Louis ran to him with his pants down.
Bother, said Pooh, as Beavis and Butthead torched him.
Bother, said Pooh, as Christopher Robin pleaded to be spanked again.
Bother, said Pooh, as Cthulhu emerged from the darkness...
Bother, said Pooh, as Cthulhu rose up and ate him.
Bother, said Pooh, as Cthulu rose up and ate him.
Bother, said Pooh, as David Paulson ran to him with his pants down.
Bother, said Pooh, as Hannibal Lecter at his liver...
Bother, said Pooh, as Hannibal ate his liver with a nice Chianti.
Bother, said Pooh, as Kai Opaka gripped his earlobe.
Bother, said Pooh, as Kanga sneezed in his honey pot.
Bother, said Pooh, as Londo plotted against him.
Bother, said Pooh, as Lorena Bobbitt tied him to the bed.
Bother, said Pooh, as Patton slapped him.
Bother, said Pooh, as Q destroyed the universe.
Bother, said Pooh, as Rabbit pushed him off the speeding train.
Bother, said Pooh, as Ro Laren kicked him in the crotch.
Bother, said Pooh, as Satan laid his soul to waste.
Bother, said Pooh, as Satan pointed out the small print.
Bother, said Pooh, as Soran destroyed the nearby sun.
Bother, said Pooh, as Windows swapped out again.
Bother, said Pooh, as he >SWIPED< a better tagline.
Bother, said Pooh, as he backed into a squad car.
Bother, said Pooh, as he backed up onto the wrong tape.
Bother, said Pooh, as he built a glove with knives for fingers.
Bother, said Pooh, as he bumped into Barney.
Bother, said Pooh, as he called in an air strike.
Bother, said Pooh, as he carved Eeyore's name into the black candle.
Bother, said Pooh, as he deleted C:\WINDOWS.
Bother, said Pooh, as he deleted UNIX from his machine.
Bother, said Pooh, as he deleted his message base.
Bother, said Pooh, as he deleted his message.
Bother, said Pooh, as he deleted his source code.
Bother, said Pooh, as he died for the 5th time in DOOM!
Bother, said Pooh, as he dropped the razor on his gonads.
Bother, said Pooh, as he failed another melee combat roll.
Bother, said Pooh, as he failed to appease the gods.
Bother, said Pooh, as he fed the intruder to an alligator.
Bother, said Pooh, as he fell into the W.C.
Bother, said Pooh, as he fell into the nitric acid bath.
Bother, said Pooh, as he fell into the tiger pit.
Bother, said Pooh, as he fell into the toilet.
Bother, said Pooh, as he fell off the prostitute.
Bother, said Pooh, as he felt Vader's presence.
Bother, said Pooh, as he fished his diskettes out of the honey jar.
Bother, said Pooh, as he forgot which Tagline (c) he was going to use.
Bother, said Pooh, as he found Earl in his honey pot.
Bother, said Pooh, as he found a politician in his honey.
Bother, said Pooh, as he found he'd used a dirty needle.
Bother, said Pooh, as he found out his symbiont hated hunny.
Bother, said Pooh, as he found out his symbiont hated huuny.
Bother, said Pooh, as he found the smack contained talc.
Bother, said Pooh, as he got cattle-prodded in the groin.
Bother, said Pooh, as he got cattle-prodded in the nuts.
Bother, said Pooh, as he got splattered all over the place.
Bother, said Pooh, as he got trapped in the printer.
Bother, said Pooh, as he had Eeyore for dinner.
Bother, said Pooh, as he hid Piglet's corpse.
Bother, said Pooh, as he inserted the suppository.
Bother, said Pooh, as he kicked the gamer into a pit.
Bother, said Pooh, as he learned that his symbiont detested hunny.
Bother, said Pooh, as he loaded his last round.
Bother, said Pooh, as he lobbed a grenade at the intruder.
Bother, said Pooh, as he mounted Piglet.
Bother, said Pooh, as he nuked Iraq.
Bother, said Pooh, as he paid $5 extra for "teddy" style
Bother, said Pooh, as he placed the message in the wrong conference.
Bother, said Pooh, as he puked on Christopher Robin.
Bother, said Pooh, as he puked over Christopher Robin.
Bother, said Pooh, as he pulled out his .45 and shot the intruder.
Bother, said Pooh, as he pulled the Tribble from his honey pot.
Bother, said Pooh, as he pulled the cat off his face.
Bother, said Pooh, as he put the message in the wrong conference.
Bother, said Pooh, as he ran Doublespace.
Bother, said Pooh, as he reached for the reset button.
Bother, said Pooh, as he read alt.fan.bill-gates
Bother, said Pooh, as he read alt.fan.bill-gates.
Bother, said Pooh, as he read his Compuserve bill.
Bother, said Pooh, as he realized he didn't fit ANY demographics.
Bother, said Pooh, as he received his CompuServe bill.
Bother, said Pooh, as he received his Compuserve bill.
Bother, said Pooh, as he ripped his ring piece.
Bother, said Pooh, as he ripped his ringpiece.
Bother, said Pooh, as he saw Mrs Bobbitt drive up.
Bother, said Pooh, as he saw Ms. Bobbit drive up.
Bother, said Pooh, as he saw Ms. Bobbitt drive up.
Bother, said Pooh, as he saw the mushroom cloud.
Bother, said Pooh, as he saw yet another Pooh Tagline.
Bother, said Pooh, as he scrambled his partition table.
Bother, said Pooh, as he screwed up X-wing TOD 1/4 yet again.
Bother, said Pooh, as he shot A.A. Milne for being a git.
Bother, said Pooh, as he shot that bird in the wing.
Bother, said Pooh, as he shot the sheriff.
Bother, said Pooh, as he shot three ATF agents raiding his home.
Bother, said Pooh, as he started up Norton Utilities.
Bother, said Pooh, as he struggled with his condom.
Bother, said Pooh, as he struggled with the computer's reset button.
Bother, said Pooh, as he stuffed Piglet's corpse into a trash bag.
Bother, said Pooh, as he sunk his twelfth Guinness.
Bother, said Pooh, as he swallowed the mucus in lumps.
Bother, said Pooh, as he torched the forest.
Bother, said Pooh, as he tried to install OS/2.
Bother, said Pooh, as he tried to install OS/2. (For the tenth time.)
Bother, said Pooh, as he tried to install Windoze.
Bother, said Pooh, as he tried to learn COBOL.
Bother, said Pooh, as he tried to uninstall WARP.
Bother, said Pooh, as he tripped over the sleeping Dragon's tail..
Bother, said Pooh, as he turned off "Lost In Space".
Bother, said Pooh, as he turned the launch key...
Bother, said Pooh, as he turned to the Dark Side.
Bother, said Pooh, as he twitted his moderator.
Bother, said Pooh, as he twitted the moderator.
Bother, said Pooh, as he uncovered a hive of Smurfs.
Bother, said Pooh, as he uncovered a hive of Smurves.
Bother, said Pooh, as he underwent aversion therapy.
Bother, said Pooh, as he was butchered for his paws & liver.
Bother, said Pooh, as he was butchered for his paws and liver.
Bother, said Pooh, as he was captured by Nazi Smurf commandos.
Bother, said Pooh, as he was forced to watch Babylon 5.
Bother, said Pooh, as he was given another bad script.
Bother, said Pooh, as he was hit by the heat ray.
Bother, said Pooh, as he watch his 830mb drive slowly format itself
Bother, said Pooh, as he watched his 830mb drive slowly format itself.
Bother, said Pooh, as he wiped the vomit from his chin.
Bother, said Pooh, as he wondered why he bothered to answer.
Bother, said Pooh, as he wrestled with the moderator.
Bother, said Pooh, as his LAN manager went downhill.
Bother, said Pooh, as his bungee cord broke.
Bother, said Pooh, as his bungie cord broke.
Bother, said Pooh, as his buttocks caught fire.
Bother, said Pooh, as his plastic love doll exploded.
Bother, said Pooh, as his rectum exploded.
Bother, said Pooh, as his scanners detected a Romulan war bird.
Bother, said Pooh, as his starship disintegrated.
Bother, said Pooh, as his weapons systems failed.
Bother, said Pooh, as the Cardassians tortured him.
Bother, said Pooh, as the Daleks exterminated him.
Bother, said Pooh, as the Enterprise exploded again.
Bother, said Pooh, as the Fedcops took his videotapes and guns...
Bother, said Pooh, as the Jem'Hadar beat him senseless.
Bother, said Pooh, as the Monitor blew up in his face.
Bother, said Pooh, as the Rangers won the Stanley Cup.
Bother, said Pooh, as the cable system messed with his channels.
Bother, said Pooh, as the condom came away in his hand.
Bother, said Pooh, as the moderator Orbed him for being off-topic.
Bother, said Pooh, as the pin fell out of the grenade.
Bother, said Pooh, as the pin fell out the grenade.
Bother, said Pooh, as the police closed in.
Bother, said Pooh, as the pus dribbled out his nose.
Bother, said Pooh, as the shuttle bay decompressed.
Bother, said Pooh, as the vice squad took his .GIF files
Bother, said Pooh, as the vice squad took his GIFS
Bother, said Pooh, as the vice squad took his GIFS.
Bother, said Pooh, as the war bird decloaked.
Bother, said Pooh, in an attempt to compose a scintillating tagline.
Bother, said Pooh, locking his photon torpedoes on the USS Heffalump.
Bother, said Pooh, looking at his latest CompuServe bill.
Bother, said Pooh, nailing Eeyore's tail onto Owl's feathered fanny.
Bother, said Pooh, noticing he'd deleted his source code.
Bother, said Pooh, pulling the Tribble from his honey pot.
Bother, said Pooh, pulling the Tribble from his hunny pot.
Bother, said Pooh, reaching around Owl's waist to adjust his condom.
Bother, said Pooh, staring for hours at Rabbit's CD-ROM GIF library.
Bother, said Pooh, stuffing Piglet's lifeless corpse into a dustbin.
Bother, said Pooh, sweating over a hot computer.
Bother, said Pooh, taking the last hit from his grass.
Bother, said Pooh, tossing his empty Guinness bottle into a dustbin.
Bother, said Pooh, when Howard Stern wasn't governor.
Bother, said Pooh, when Tigger came out of the closet.
Bother, said Pooh, when he couldn't think of a tagline.
Bother, said Pooh-card, as all his fur fell out.
Bother, said Pooh.  Lock phasers on that heffalump!
Bother, said Pooh. Lock phasers on that heffalump!
Bother, said Zen Pooh, what is the sound of one paw clapping?
Bother, said the Borg, we assimilated a Pooh.
Bother, signed Pooh, in Chinese Sign Language.
Bother," said Pooh as he had sex with Piglet.
Bother," said the Borg, "we assimilated a Pooh."
Bother," she said as she deleted 40MB of taglines.
Bother,said Pooh as the Brigadier destroyed another alien race.
Bother., said Pooh, and twitted his moderator.
Bother.., said Pooh, as he called in an air strike..
Bother... said the Moderator, &$&^%NO CARRIER
Bothersaid the Moderator, &$&^%NO CARRIER
Botswana wife swappers and their Afrikans cousins - Next on Opra.
Bottle 'o wine, fruit 'o the vine ...
Bottle rockets! - Mike as Anka lights candle in chapel
Bottom line: Bill Clinton has little credibility from world leaders.
Bottom line: Hillary Clinton is an insincere and dishonest person.
Bottom line: Hillary Clinton wants total control of your life.
Bottom line: Mike doesn't know what he's talking about.
Bottom line: Sarah Brady & HCI wants ALL firearms banned.
Bottom of the oral sex food chain
Bottoms Up! has nothing to do with drinking.
Bought And Sold...
Bought a decaffeinated coffee table - you can't even see a difference.
Bought a decaffeinated coffee table.You can't even tell.
Bought a decaffeinated coffee table;  You can't even see a difference.
Bought a decaffienated coffee table;  You can't even see a difference.
Bought powdered water, I don't know what to add!
Bought some powdered water.  Not sure what to add, though.
Boulder Bob  ---  InterNet: bob.echelmeier@ssbbs.org
Bounce, went the bunnies.  Bounce bounce bounce.
Bounced from VANVESDP.COM via Praxis 3000 -- buy TransTech!
Bourbon & beans...an explosive combination.
Bourbon is to Beer as Hamburger Helper is to Hamburger.
Bourbon: Breakfast of Champions.
Bout time, you big ugly yak! -- Tom Servo
Bovilexia - The urge to yell 'Moo!' every time you pass a cow.
Bovine Feces!
Bow Wow  Woof- Woof
Bow Wow!  Dog for Sale:  Eats anything and is fond of children.
Bow Wow!  Dyslexic dogs sit on your face and lick your lap.
Bow Wow! Some days you're the dog, other days you're the hydrant!
Bow down before me o slave....I am The Kumquat Haagendaaz.
Bow down before me, for I am the Kumquat Haagendaaz!
Bow down before the one you serve, you're go'a get what you deserve.
Bow down before the one you serve, you're gonna get what you deserve
Bow down to Rick Wakeman!
Bow down to my nipples! - Mike as muscular guy
Bow to Leper Messiah
Bow your head with great respect, and Genuflect, genuflect, genuflect!
Bowel -- letter like A.E.I.O.U
Bowel:  A letter like A, E, I, O, or U.
Bowel:  A letter like A, E, I, O, or U...
Bowler, what did you have to go and do that for? -- Brisco
Bowlers DO IT with a steady Ball !
Bowlers DO IT with bigger balls & a finger in each hole!
Bowlers do it in the alley.
Bowlers do it with big balls.
Bowlers do it with bigger balls, and a finger in each hole!
Bowlers do it with bigger balls.
Bowlers do it with heavy balls.
Bowlers do it with their balls.
Bowlers have bigger balls.
Bowlers have bigger balls.  Wanna go bowling?
Bowling - the 2nd most popular indoor sport!
Bowling: Another chance to end up in the gutter.
Bowman hesitates. You're not IBM compatible.
Box of bowling balls, coming through! - Crow
Boxer: Winner of Shareware Magazine 1991 Editor's Choice Award!
Boxers do it in 3 minute bursts.
Boxers do it with fists.
Boxers do it with gloves on.
Boxers who suffer defeats tend to be sore losers.
Boxing and parasailing don't mix.
Boy - ya done been "Whooshed(R)!"
Boy Am I Tired! It Must Be NET-LAG!
Boy Am I Tired! It Must Be The FIDO NET-LAG!
Boy Am I Tired! It Must Be The NET-LAG!
Boy Am I Tired! It Must Be The RIME NET-LAG!
Boy Hippie: a guy who looks like a Jill and smells like a john.
Boy I'm really feeling my Tab today - Tom on Tab Hunter
Boy Named Q. Q reflects on his childhood.
Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy, I'm Gonna Be Rich! - Ren.
Boy Scout motto: Clean mind, clean body, take your pick.
Boy Scout treats: First, get 12 brownies real hot...
Boy Scout's Handbook:  by Casey Needzit
Boy Scout's Handbook: Casey Needzit
Boy Scout's Handbook: Casey Needzit.
Boy Scouts are better than Air Force: they have adult leadership!
Boy Scouts do it in the woods.   
Boy Scouts where it's happening!
Boy Scouts:  Like the army with adult supervision.
Boy Trekkie meets Girl Trekkie --  Object: Tribble
Boy cries wolf, has a few laughs, I forget how it ends. --Bart.
Boy did I tell that moderato%-%$###@$ NO CARRIER
Boy did I tell that moderator off when I sa-%$###@$ NO CARRIER
Boy meets girl, girl gets boy into pickle, boy gets pickle for girl. 
Boy meets girl...Boy says "Wanna play tag?"  That's a tagline.
Boy oh boy, that lightening sounds clo)^*&%&$NO CARRIER
Boy scouts DO IT with brownies.
Boy that Tagline brought back some memories of years gone by.
Boy that lightning is coming a little too close-***$*%***NO CARRIER
Boy that lightning is coming clo $&%%&$%#^$&(%&^%&NO CARRIER
Boy that recipe brought back some memories of years gone by.
Boy the Mr. Big scenes really rescue the movie - Mike
Boy they're going to give you a butt chewing for that reply!
Boy this is good bar-be-que! Hey! Has anyone seen the cat today!?!
Boy who go to bed with sex problem wake up with solution in hand.
Boy who goes to bed with sex problem, wakes up with solution in hand.
Boy who play with himself pulls boner.
Boy who sleep on sex problem wake with solution in hand.
Boy with hole in pocket, feel cocky all day.
Boy you'd best pray that I bleed real soon. - Tori Amos
Boy!  Boy!  Don't play with that! -- Kozinski
Boy!  That data is slicker than cow snot.
Boy! I feel like the Democratic Party! -- Opus Penguin
Boy! I'm dead on my feet - Crow as zombie
Boy! There sure are alot of people flying about today!
Boy! This is Fun and inxepensive too.
Boy! This is a real yawn-fest - Crow on boring movie
Boy, Data, you look great in a push-up bra! - Riker
Boy, Elizabethan pronouns still send a tingle up the old spine.
Boy, I Love Losing Superbowls! [Buffalo Bills Acronym]
Boy, I look good in anything, don't I ? - Hobbes
Boy, I sure would like to tilt at that - Joel on windmill
Boy, I wish I was ignorant so I could be in bliss.
Boy, I wish my crystal ball ran in reverse!!
Boy, I wish the elevator were working, said a tired Tom, staring up.
Boy, I'd hate to be in YOUR shoes right now.
Boy, I'd hate to be in my shoes right now.
Boy, I'm glad that SOMEONE else is paying attention.  :)
Boy, am I glad it's only 1971...
Boy, am I impressed! said Tom as he joined the British Navy.
Boy, am I in Dutch with the Greeks! - Col. Henry Blake
Boy, are *YOU* in trouble.....BTW, got any UFO taglines ????
Boy, are YOU in the wrong conference!!! <g>
Boy, are you dumb! I'm on page twenty-nine. - Joy
Boy, are you lucky I don't have time for more of a reply!
Boy, his cheeks are HUGE - Tom
Boy, if ever a movie needed El Santo - Tom
Boy, is it out there! -- TV's Frank
Boy, it's like a Norman Rockwell painting - Mike on drunk
Boy, life takes a long time to live -- Steven Wright
Boy, make the Universe.
Boy, n.: A noise with dirt on it.
Boy, nothing beats a dripping eyeful of Shampoo in the shower...
Boy, perfect for a nice cold Budweiser - Tom
Boy, police work is REALLY hard - Crow
Boy, she can nap ANYWHERE - Mike on unconcious girl
Boy, that Data is slicker than cow snot! -Guinan (dressing)
Boy, that Gypsy is one sexy woman! - Evil Servo
Boy, that Kennedy Compound! - Tom as guy chases girl
Boy, that Moreta can really ride!
Boy, that lightning storm sounds clo*****%*$^ NO CARRIER
Boy, that music draws you in - Crow
Boy, that sure took the wind out of my sails! said Tom disgustedly.
Boy, that thunder sounds clo@$#%^%#$^  NO CARRIER
Boy, that thunderstorm sounds clo$*****%*$^  NO CARRIER
Boy, that thunderstorm sounds clo@#$
Boy, that was a gratuitous grab at Oscar glory! -- Crow
Boy, that was a rugged movie - Mike
Boy, that's a bright star, said Tom seriously.
Boy, that's an ugly hippopotamus! said Tom hypocritically.
Boy, that's bad!!
Boy, that's why I swear to have crawled through the end.
Boy, they were big on crematoriums, weren't they? -- Bush
Boy, this Soylent Green tastes great!  What's the recipe?
Boy, this is some thunder storm, isn}.*.NO CARRIER
Boy, this is some thunder storm, isn}aa+-*+sia
Boy, this place could use some yardwork. -- Joel Robinson
Boy, what a dope you must think I am!   Fred MacMurray
Boy, what a super silly ass! said Tom superciliously.
Boy, when you miss a call, you don't do it small, do you? - Skeeve
Boy, will I give YOU a haircut! said Tom barbarously.
Boy, you guys are in a lot of trouble. - Radar to Hawkeye & BJ
Boy, you sure got a lotta pepperoni in your tagline, @F!
Boy, you sure got a lotta pepperoni in your tagline, Orville!
Boy, you'll think they'll give my character some holographic hair!-Pic
Boy, you're oily - Crow
Boy:  A noise with dirt on it.
Boy: A noise with dirt on it.
Boycott EXXON... get a horse!
Boycott Hell, Repent.
Boycott Shampoo  -  Demand REAL poo!
Boycott Sprite!  They use RAP to promote their POP.
Boycott Taglines
Boycott meat - beat a vegetable.
Boycott meat - suck your thumb.
Boycott reality!
Boycott shampoo - demand REAL poo!
Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!
Boycott shampoo! Insist on REAL poo!
Boycott shampoo....We want the REAL poo!
Boyd, Dewey, Cheatham & Howe, Attorneys At Law
Boyd, Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe:  Attorneys at Law
Boyd, Dewey, Chetham, and Howe: Attorneys At Law
Boyfriend? Yep, a 50 Mhz 486 with 256k cache!
Boys and girls, can you say AMOEBA???
Boys and girls, can you say dead meat? I thought you could.
Boys get discovered as winter melts
Boys have dogs.  Men have cats.
Boys in berry syrup?   ...On pancakes?
Boys want to light bangers, but end up holding sparklers.
Boys will be boys, & so will some middle-aged men.
Boys will be boys, and so will @FN@.
Boys will be boys, and so will Orville.
Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of grown men.
Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle aged men.
Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men.
Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men.  -- Kin Hubbard
Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men. -- Kin Hubbard
Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of old codgers.
Boys will be boys, and so will some middle-aged men.
Boys will be boys, thank goodness.
Boys will be boys. - Duncan MacLeod
Boys will be boys... and so will a lot of middle age men...
Boys will be boys...for much longer than is generally necessary.
Boys!  Do they get better when they get older? -- Dot Warner
Boys! Do they get better when they get older? - Dot
Boys' abusers are usually women
Boys' abusers are usually women.
Boys, this is a battle of wits ...and you're unarmed!
Boys, you ain't close! - The Cat
Boys, you have ALL been selected to LEAVE th' PLANET in 15 minutes!!
Boys- the reason 'GRUNGE' was invented. - Dot
Boys. Control yourselves! - Dot
Boys. Do they get better when they get older? - Dot
Boys. Go fig. - Dot
Boys: the reason 'GRUNGE' was invented. - Dot
Boyz in da Hood BBS -=- Whuz up man? Why yous dissin' me likes that?
Boze, ako opet budes stvarao svet, pamet u glavu!
Boze, cuvaj me od prijatelja, od neprijatelja cu sam..
Bozego Narodzenie -Polish Christmas
Bozo the Clown for President!     That's who we got!
Bozoom - The circus clown shot out of a cannon.
Bra: Cover for a great double feature.
Bra: Over the shoulder boulder holder.
Bra?!?! - Crow
Brace for impact, Picard said parenthetically.
Brace yerself Sheila. - Australian foreplay
Brace your self, worse attacks on your reason are coming along.
Brace yourself.  The message is coming any second now!
Brad!  Dr. Scott!  Janet!  Dr. Scott!  Rocky!  Unh!
Bradley Putchat MODERATOR HomeNet Automotive Echo
BradyMail: 5 day waiting period before you get your offline mail.
Braga! Give me TrekAngst in 3 min. or we're dead! --Berman
Bragging : the pitter-patter of little feats. ---
Braille dictionary for sale. Must see to appreciate!
Braille?? Where? I don't see it...:) - TEC
BrailleMail:  E:.::: ::..: ::.::.  :..::
Brain - the apparatus with which we think that we think.
Brain -- the apparatus with which we think that we think.
Brain Cells:  E -[--+----+----+---- F
Brain Constipation? FL SINGLES is sweeping the Nation! Try it Now!
Brain Disengaged; Call Back Tomorrow.
Brain Memory Error: (R)estart (P)anic (G)o Beserk?
Brain Offline - Please wait...
Brain Power Meter: [.\.....]
Brain and Brain! What is Brain???  - Peter
Brain bucket?  Doncha have to have brains?
Brain cell currently disengaged
Brain cell currently disengaged ...
Brain cells? We don't need no steenkeeng brain cells!
Brain damage ? No, thanks, I already have some.
Brain damage?  No thanks, I already have some.
Brain damage?  No thanks, I have some already.
Brain damage? No thanks, I already have some.
Brain damage? No thanks, already have some.
Brain damage? No thanx, I already have some.
Brain dead Homosexual...once a fruit, now a veggie.
Brain dead before midnight, again?
Brain dead victims of the holy- Preach your holy lies.
Brain dead winner for most Suicidal Action of 1993.
Brain decay isn't @FN@'s only problem.
Brain decay isn't Al Gore's only problem.
Brain decay isn't Bill Clinton's only problem.
Brain decay isn't He's only problem.
Brain decay isn't Orville Bullitt's only problem.
Brain decay isn't Orville's only problem.
Brain decay isn't your only problem.
Brain disfunction detected.
Brain disfunction detected....
Brain dysfunction detected....
Brain free to good home.
Brain fried -- Core dumped
Brain fried -- core dumped.
Brain fried; core dumped.
Brain in gear before mouth in motion.
Brain n. (brAn'): Organ with which we think we think.
Brain not found - (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)uh!
Brain not found - (A)bort, (R)etry, (H)uh?
Brain not found - (D)uh!
Brain not found- <A>bort, <R>etry, <D>uh!?
Brain not found. Run for office? (Y/N)
Brain not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (C)arry on
Brain on holidays - penis on autopilot.
Brain on vacation, body on auto pilot
Brain on vacation, body on autopilot.
Brain on vacation, penis on autopilot
Brain out to lunch.  Mouth watching the store.
Brain out to lunch. mouth watchin' tha store.
Brain out to lunch... mouth watchin' the store.
Brain out to lunch.... mouth watchin' tha store.
Brain out to lunch.... mouth watchin' the store.
Brain out to lunch.mouth watchin' tha store.
Brain out to lunch.mouth watching' the store.
Brain over - Insert coin
Brain speaking to Dolly Parton: Puberty was inordinately kind to you.
Brain stimulator permanently set to -5VDC.
Brain, like muscle, works better if regularly exercised.
Brain, n. An apparatus with which we think that we think.
Brain. Brain. What is Brain? - Kara the Imorg.
Brain. Brain. What is brain?
Brain/Pinky '96   A Brain is a Terrible Thing to Waste!
Brain/Pinky '96   Put a Mouse in the Whitehouse!
Brain/Pinky '96: first the United States; then, the WROLD!!!!!
Brain:  The apparatus with which we think that we think.
Brain:  [...../]   Brain on drugs:  [\.....]  Any questions?
Brain:  [...../]   Moderator Brain:  [\.....]  Any
Brain: An echo-dampening device between the ears
Brain: The apparatus with which we think that we think.
Brain: The apparatus with which we think we think.
Brain: The organ with which we think we think
Brain: [...../]   Brain On Drugs: [\.....]  Any questions?
Brain: [...../]   Brain Question: [?????/]  Got any drugs?
Brain: [...../]   Moderator Brain: [\.....] Any questions?
Brain: [...../] Brain on drugs: [\.....] Any questions?
Brain: [...../] Moderator Brain: [\.....] Any questions?
Brain: [...../]. Brain Question: [?/] Got any drugs?
Brain: [../] Moderator Brain: [\..] Any questions?
Brain: [XXXXXX] Moderator Brain: [XXXXXX] Any questions?
Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.
Brain: apparatus used to think we think.
Brain: included.  Instruction Manual: costs extra.  I bought one...
Brain: the apparatus with which we think that we think.
Brain? I don't need no friggin' br..!!@$#%\ NO SYNAPSES
Braindead Homosexual...first a fruit, now a veggie.
Braindead Homosexual...once a fruit, now a veggie.
Braindead homosexual; once a fruit, now a vegetable.
Braindead-no. Electroencephalographically challenged-Yes!
Braindead:(n)The mental state of most members of the Catholic church
Brainfood?  Sure, give me a bit of that cerebrum.
Brains are an asset, if you don't abuse them.
Brains are an asset, if you hide them.
Brains aren't everything. In fact in your case, they're nothing.
Brains by Oxford, Body by beer!
Brains by Tequila, body by the table on the floor
Brains not found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (B)S
Brains not found: (A)bort (R)etry (B)BS
Brains x Beauty = Constant.
Brains, like parachutes, work well only when open.
Brains, we want brains...
Brains... brains.... fresh human brians....
Brains...BRAINS!  Fresh brai... oh, wrong conference
Brainstorm?  No, but I got a braindrizzle once.
Braise the Lord!  325 degrees for an hour.  Add veggies & serve.
Braise the Lord!  350 degrees for an hour!
Braise the Lord! (at 325 degrees for one hour, then add veggies)
Braise the Lord! 325 degrees! 1 hour! Add vegetables.
Braise the Lord! 325 degrees.. 1 hour..garnish and serve.
Braise the Lord! 325 for an hour! Add veggies & serve.
Braise the Lord! 325F for an hour & add veggies.
Braise the Lord! 325` for an hour! Add veggies and serve.
Braise the Lord! 325o for an hour! Add veggies & serve.
Braise the Lord! 350 degrees for one hour.  Add veggies.
Braise the Lord: 325 degrees, 1 hour; add veggies; simmer 'til tender.
Braise the lord! 325 degrees for an hour!  Add veggies..
Braised be the Lord.
Bram Stoker's Dracula? Give me a break!
Branch - A stick used for beating.
Branch Davidians do it in a blaze of glory.
Branch Davidians do it while reloading.
Branch Davidians: Whoa! I guess sh*t happened!
Branch: A stick used for beating.
Brand-New ... COMM.AID Taglines ############## from Johnson & Johnson.
Brandie, I seem to have lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?
Brandon Lee played) are marked either "-- Eric" or "-- The Crow".  Lines
Brandy, bottled in 1783...1783 was a very good year. - Connor MacLeod
Brandy-and-water spoils two good things
Brane Surjery Maid Simpel: Sarah Bellum
Brane Surjery Maid Simpel: Sarah Bellum*
Braniff ran OS/2
Braniff ran Windows... look where it got them.
Braniff ran Windoze.
Brannon Braga, when the plot   fell apart - Tamarian review of bad TNG
Brannon Braga, when the plot fell apart- Tamarian review of bad Trek.
Brassiere - something that makes mountains out of molehills.
Brassiere:  A tit-tote.
Brassiere:  A tit-tote...
Brassiere: A tit-tote.
Brassiere: Something that makes mountains out of molehills.
Brassiere: Yarmulke for Siamese twins.
Brassiere: a device that makes mountains out of molehills.
Bratach bhan chlann aoidh!
Bratach bhann clan eoidh!
Brave Sir Robin ran away, bravely ran away...
Brave Sir Robin ran away...
Brave heart, Tegan...it's only a hairball!
Brave the man who sets his course for Albion.
Brave, brave Sir @FN@!
Brave, brave, Sir Robin, he bravely ran away...
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin!
Bravery:  an accident of circumstance.
Bravo Pugsley!  Gomez Addams
Bravo skola, triput URA za igranje!
Bravo, don't want to waste my valuable time with wobblebottoms.-George
Bread & Circuses, hell!  Limbaugh's cheaper...
Bread that must be sliced with an ax is bread that is too nourishing.
Bread that must be sliced with an axe is bread that is too nourishing.
Bread, the arrive seen earlier. - Sisko
Break her open like a shotgun
Break his fingers, that will keep him quiet.
Break on through to the other side-- Jim Morrison
Break on thru to the other IDE.
Break right!  He's got tone on me! ^$0y@!#)  NO HARRIER!
Break the PACS' grip on Congress.
Break these liberal chains that bind you!
Break time:  Low coffee light is on.
Break time: Hockey season is over.
Break time: Low alcohol light is on.
Break up a relationship - buy a computer!
Break up a relationship - buy a computer!!
Break up a relationship. Buy an ultralight!
Break up!  You look like a cadet-review.  -Kirk
Break'n the law, break'n the law. --Beavis and Butt-head.
Break_Paragraph...Is better than Break_Wind.
Breakdown can occur from many causes.
Breaker 1-9...anyone got a copy???
Breakfast in Paris, lunch in Greece, luggage in Japan?
Breakfast is served, sir. - Kryten
Breakfast is the bud of the blossom of the day.
Breakfast is the most boring meal of the day. -- Crow T. Robot
Breakfast n.-first meal of the day, wheat beer'n pretzels
Breakfast of Champions is not cereal, it's the opposition.
Breakfast tomorrow?  Shall I call you or nudge you?
Breakfast without coffee is like a Predator without ammo.
Breakfast: a pot of coffee and a straw.
Breakin the Law, Breakin the Law, huh huhh - Beavis & Butthead
Breakin the Law, Breakin the Law, huh huhh. --Beavis and Butthead.
Breaking Windows and closing Gates
Breaking Windows isn't just for kids anymore
Breaking Windows isn't just for kids anymore...
Breaking and Entering - Crime of having sex with a virgin.
Breaking glass does not make an emergency any less severe
Breaking seal constitutes acceptance of agreement.
Breaking the Law:  by Kermit A. Krime
Breaking the Law: Kermit A. Krime
Breaking the law! Breaking the law!
Breaks my heart. -- Geordi
Breakthrough:  It finally booted on the first try.
Breakthrough: It finally booted on the first try.
Breakthrough: It nearly booted on the first try.
Breast Self-Examination By Phone:  Press one.  Now press the other.
Breast Self-Examination by phone - Press 1. Now press the other.
Breast Self-Examination by phone:  Press 1.  Now press the other.
Breast fed - A female FBI agent
Breast fed:  A female FBI agent.
Breast implant silicon should not influence brains.
Breast implants on a female hacker: Virtual Mammeries
Breast implants on a lady hacker: Virtual mammaries.
Breast of luck!  
Breast size multiplied by IQ always equals 69
Breast size multiplied by IQ always equals 69.
Breast size times I.Q. is constant.
Breastfeeding:  A lot more than good nutrition.
Breath Deep, The Gathering Gloom...
Breath....Breath in the air, don't be afraid to care. -Pink Floyd
Breathe Deep, The Gathering Gloom...
Breathe gently, dream easy.
Breathe the fumes in, it's good for you - Mike
Breathing affects your health. Do it long enough and you'll die.
Breathing may be hazardous to your health.
Brecht's Heirarchy: Grub first, then ethics.
Breeding rabbits is a hair-raising experience.
Breeding rabbits is a hare raising experience!
Breeding rabbits is a hare raising experience.
Breeding rabbits is a hare raising!
Breeding rabbits is hare raising!
Brena je Brena, al' dvaput je dvaput!
Brenne's Law #2: If you think it's tough now, just wait.
Brevity and conciseness are the parents of correction.
Brevity is the soul of lingerie - D. Parker
Brevity is the soul of lingerie.
Brevity is the soul of taglines.  Tagspeare, Hamlet
Brevity is the soul of utter incomprehension.
Brevity is the soul of wit.  Shakespeare; Hamlet
Brevity is the universe again!
Brew me another coffee, said Tom perkily
Brew me more coffee, said Tom perkily.
Brewed from only the finest aged ASCII characters.
Brian 's Gourmet Taglines: Best and Freshest Every Day!
Brian Champlin writes the best taglines, but humans need pictures.
Brian Daley wrote to all (and it'll cost $5.99 to read)
Brian Daley wuz here
Brian Hackett on Wings: "Think of it as a country - Naked Land."
Brian Leetch: "I want some more file points!"
Brian Mulroney - The EDLIN of Prime Ministers
Brian Mulroney: Biggest syntax error in politic.
Brian Watts: More fun than a ferret in your pants!
Brian does his best work with MY help!! Hehe...
Brian! Come on, let's go to the stoning.
Brian's Gourmet Taglines: Best and Freshest Every Day!
Brian, never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
Briana, the Good Mother.
Bribery will get you anywhere.
Bricklayers lay all day.
Bride, n.: A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.
Bride: Woman with fine prospect of happiness behind her.
Bridge command is handed over to Orville Bullitt.
Bridge is like sex, if you have a poor partner you need a good hand
Bridge on the River WOW! - Tom as Mamie crosses bridge
Bridge players DO IT with finesse
Bridge players do it for rubbers.
Bridge players do it with a good hand.
Bridge players do it with a partner.
Bridge players do it with finesse.
Bridge players try to get a rubber.
Bridgekeeper of Borg: Your favorite color is irrelevant!
Bridget Loves Burnout - Crow
Bridgette, Queen of the Whip
Brief:  The only monosyllabic oxymoron in the English Language.
Brief: The only monosyllabic oxymoron in the English Language.
Brief: the only monosyllabic oxymoron in the Eng Language.
Briefniks of the world, Unite!
Brigadier there is nothing to worry about Doctor (4)
Brigadier there is nothing to worry about. --The Doctor.
Brigands demand your money or your life; women require both.
Brigands require your money or your life.   Women require both.
Bright Lights, Big Mummy - Joel
Bright as Alaska in December.
Bright as an acetylene torch -- without an oxygen supply.
Bright idea - find a passing spaceship and get rescued.
Bright the Moon, gentle the rains, and smooth your Path! E. O'Croinan
Bright, Witty, Bisexual.   Hey!!!   I'm three for three.
Brighten a friend's day, give 'em a SheridanSmile(TM)!
Brighten someone's day--give them a hug.
Brighter than Cindi Lauper.  But then, what isn't?
Brighter, brighter than a thousand suns,
Brigit, the Sage, Three Blessed Ladies of Britain.
Brilliant Genius Best message of 1993! -- N.Y. Times
Brilliant Ideas are often ridiculed because they are different!
Brilliant idea raped by liberal's logic!
Brilliant, Brain!  *NARF* - Pinky
Brilliant-- Duncan MacLeod
Brilliant...Genius...Best message of 1995!  -The Toronto Star
Brilliant...Genius...Best recipe of 1995!  -The Toronto Star
BrilliantGeniusBest message of 1993! -- N.Y. Times
Bring Arnold Schwartzenegger to play the Borg Terminator!
Bring Lord Stanley to the Montreal Forum - immediately!
Bring Windows to it's knees:  Start an application *
Bring Windows to its knees: Start an application.
Bring back "The Winner", Barry Horowitz!
Bring back Clutch Cargo, Skipper, and Paddlefoot!
Bring back Cosmo! I love suction cups!
Bring back DICK..At least we KNEW he was crooked!
Bring back Jake Gaudaur!
Bring back Max Headroom!
Bring back REAL monster movies!
Bring back TV NATION before the Newts take it away!
Bring back War of the Worlds...
Bring back White Fang, Black Tooth, and Pookie!
Bring back lifeform, Priority One. All other priorities rescinded.
Bring back the Atlantic Schooners!
Bring back the Wavedancers! Or at least BB the artist...
Bring back the blind Green Lantern!  F-Sharp Bell Lives!
Bring back the dobro to rock n roll!
Bring back the posse and the old hanging tree.
Bring back the skeleton skull guy - Tom after credits end
Bring back the snakes -- Ireland was better off Pagan!
Bring back the snakes, Ireland was better off Pagan...
Bring home the bacon?  HECK!  I Brought the PIG!
Bring it out sir, and also any opium plants you may have around there.
Bring me *more*!-Freddy Krueger
Bring me a shrubbery.
Bring me my blue soap box. I want to make a speech.
Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding.
Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman.
Bring me my soap box. I want to make a speech.
Bring me the head of the preacher man!
Bring me the sultry wench - THAT one - with the fire in her eyes!
Bring me, if you would, a handful of our green earth..
Bring music to someone's life:  Donate an organ!
Bring music to someone's life: donate an organ!
Bring on the dead.
Bring on the scare, man! - Mike after dull credits
Bring order to your life - use random numbers.
Bring order to your life .. use random numbers.
Bring out yer deeeaaaaad! (Bong!)
Bring out your dead <CLANG!> Bring out your dead <CLANG>
Bring out your dead!  <klang>
Bring out your dead!  Bring out your dead!
Bring out your dead!  The time of judgment is at hand!
Bring out your dead! <klang>
Bring out your dead! -- I'm not quite dead yet!  Soon will be.
Bring out your dead! --Monty Python
Bring out your dead! --The Monster-Shouter.
Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead! <CLANG>
Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead! <CLANG<
Bring out your dead!...Bring out your dead!...Bring out your dead!
Bring out your dead. **CLINK**  Bring out your dead.
Bring the Holy Hand Grenade! -- King Arthur
Bring the body and the mind will follow
Bring the hammer! There's a fly on Bob's head
Bring the hammer! There's a fly on Chrissy Di's head
Bring the hammer! There's a fly on his head
Bring the petite beauty. - Armand
Bring the snakes back - Ireland was better off pagan!
Bring the whole family...but leave the kids at home!
Bring to the Grocer's:  by R. List
Bring to the Grocer's: R. List
Bring us around to heading 104 Mark 8, Ensign Bullitt.
Bring us in. --Sinclair.
Bring your Dilly Bar to the car, honey - Mike
Bring your buns over here, sweet cheeks - Mike
Bring your sweet behind over this way - Crow
Bringing in the Lords of Chaos.  Bringing up the Beasts of Hades
Bringing it all together in '94, we hope.
Bringing you more in '94... Blue Wave!
Brit iron ain't reliable......but the bits are cheap!
Britannia waives the rules.
British Airways: Breakfast in London, Lunch in NY, Luggage in Bermuda.
British Gun Control, 1776. Aren't you glad some resisted?
British Sitcom party at Dennis's place.
British boobs are the best in the world.
Britt Ekland: She's a professional girl-friend and an amateur actress.
Broad Based Contributions: Hidden Tax Costs passed onto consumers
Broad Based Contributions: Taxes on the Middle Class
Broad-mindedness, n.: The result of flattening high-mindedness out.
Broad-mindedness: Result of flattening high-mindedness.
Broad-mindedness: The result of flattening high-mindednes
Broadband:  an all female rock group.
Broadcast Message AT 4:45pm   Brain going down immediately.
Broadcasters Do It With Greater Frequency!
Broadcasting from the 6th floor of the Flim Building.
Brodovi su isto ka i ljudi, zlu moru daju zivot svoj za tobom umiru
Brogan's Rule: When in doubt, blame the schools.
Brogg is immune to everything except a +3 club.
Broke all the commandments ... I'm still bored!
Broke all the commandments, still bored
Broke down in space?  Call Scotty's Roving Repair Service!
Broke my garter belt. - Klinger. Don't expect a Purple Heart. - Potter
Broken Hearts repaired while you Sleep!
Broken Super Stor ? .. YUK .. Gimmee broken DOS anyday
Broken down with a flat tire on the the information highway.
Broken guitar ... no strings attached!!!
Broken guitar for sale - no strings attached.
Broken promises: tax fairness, Social Security, Word Perfect
Broken window.  Watch for glass fragments.
Broken windows can be a pane.
Brontosaurus McBits
Brook Shields, The Creature from the Blue Lagoon - Tom
Brook of Taglines, where we babble on and on<Merry>
Brook of Taglines, where we just babble on and on
Brook of recipes, where we just babble on and on...
Brook's Law:  Adding manpower to a late project makes it later.
Brook's Law:  Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
Brook's Law: Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later
Brooklyn -- the Fertile Crescent of Civilization
Brooklyn, NY: Donkeys are not allowed to sleep in bathtubs.
Brooklyn, New York, Donkeys are not allowed to sleep in Bathtubs.
Brooks & Dunne! Brooks & Dunne!!! - Dr. Forrester
Brother Bullitt! Bring out the Holy Hand Grenade!
Brother Cane : And fools shine on...
Brother Florian's thinking of you too Dire ;) - Jalapeno
Brother Maynard!  Bring out the Holy Hand Grenade! -- King Arthur
Brother Maynard! Bring out the Holy Hand Grenade!
Brother has a tight psychological grip on junior - Mike
Brother in the Order of Saint John (Browning)
Brother killing brother for the profit of another..... QR
Brother killing brother for the profit of another..Qyr
Brother runs a boy cleaning service - Crow
Brother signed Pooh, in Chinese Sign Language.
Brother! said Cmdr. Pooh as Picard demoted him to Ensign.
Brother! said Eeyore, as he smiled and kicked Pooh's butt.
Brother! said Lt. Pooh as Armus the oil slick killed him.
Brother! said Pooh as Alderaan exploded.
Brother! said Pooh as Beavis and Butthead roasted Piglet.
Brother! said Pooh as Beverly's hair changed color yet again.
Brother! said Pooh as Eeyore fell into the pit of the Sarlacc.
Brother! said Pooh as Ford pulled out the Electronic Thumb.
Brother! said Pooh as Freddy used his body to kill Piglet.
Brother! said Pooh as Han Solo asked for more money.
Brother! said Pooh as Han put him in a dead Tauntaun.
Brother! said Pooh as Hannibal ate his liver with a nice Chianti.
Brother! said Pooh as Kanga sneezed in his honey pot.
Brother! said Pooh as King Tut's curse claimed him as a victim.
Brother! said Pooh as Patton slapped him.
Brother! said Pooh as Piglet became possessed by a demon.
Brother! said Pooh as Piglet came back from the dead.
Brother! said Pooh as Piglet stepped on the land mine.
Brother! said Pooh as Piglet took his modem away from him.
Brother! said Pooh as Rabbit pushed him off the speeding train.
Brother! said Pooh as Satan laid his soul to waste.
Brother! said Pooh as Satan pointed out the small print.
Brother! said Pooh as Soran destroyed the nearby sun.
Brother! said Pooh as a Super truck rammed into Piglet.
Brother! said Pooh as a vole stole his honey.
Brother! said Pooh as gave him to the Emperor.
Brother! said Pooh as he >S*W*I*P*E*D< a better tagline.
Brother! said Pooh as he assembled the Grand Grimoire.
Brother! said Pooh as he backed into a squad car.
Brother! said Pooh as he backed up onto the wrong tape.
Brother! said Pooh as he built a glove with knives for fingers.
Brother! said Pooh as he bumped into Barney.
Brother! said Pooh as he buried Piglet next to Roo.
Brother! said Pooh as he called in an air strike.
Brother! said Pooh as he centered the cross hairs on Tigger.
Brother! said Pooh as he chambered a round.
Brother! said Pooh as he changed history.
Brother! said Pooh as he composed Roo's ransom note.
Brother! said Pooh as he cut his initials in the snow.
Brother! said Pooh as he developed crabs.
Brother! said Pooh as he drank the bong water.
Brother! said Pooh as he dressed up like Santa and grabbed his ax.
Brother! said Pooh as he drew a Dragon's Fang on Rabbit's door.
Brother! said Pooh as he dropped another white rhino.
Brother! said Pooh as he dropped his bombs.
Brother! said Pooh as he drove the Ka-Bar home again.
Brother! said Pooh as he failed another melee combat roll.
Brother! said Pooh as he failed to appease the gods.
Brother! said Pooh as he failed to lift the X-wing with the Force.
Brother! said Pooh as he fed the intruder to an alligator.
Brother! said Pooh as he fell into the nitric acid bath.
Brother! said Pooh as he fell into the tiger pit.
Brother! said Pooh as he fell off the prostitute.
Brother! said Pooh as he felt Vader's presence.
Brother! said Pooh as he felt a disturbance in the Force.
Brother! said Pooh as he fished his diskettes out of the honey jar.
Brother! said Pooh as he forgot which tagline he was going to use.
Brother! said Pooh as he found Earl in his honey pot.
Brother! said Pooh as he got splattered all over the taglines.
Brother! said Pooh as he got trapped in the printer.
Brother! said Pooh as he had Eeyore for dinner.
Brother! said Pooh as he had another quasi-idea.
Brother! said Pooh as he harpooned Flipper.
Brother! said Pooh as he heard his Doc Wagon band go off.
Brother! said Pooh as he hid Piglet's corpse with Roo's.
Brother! said Pooh as he informed on Christopher Robin to the CIA.
Brother! said Pooh as he leaped through time.
Brother! said Pooh as he lit the end of the gas-soaked rag.
Brother! said Pooh as he loaded another clip into his Uzi.
Brother! said Pooh as he loaded his last round.
Brother! said Pooh as he lobbed a grenade at the intruder.
Brother! said Pooh as he looked at his genealogy.
Brother! said Pooh as he made yet another ham sandwich.
Brother! said Pooh as he opened a gate to Hell.
Brother! said Pooh as he opened his America Online bill.
Brother! said Pooh as he placed the message in the wrong conference.
Brother! said Pooh as he poured grease onto the interstate.
Brother! said Pooh as he puked on Christopher Robin.
Brother! said Pooh as he pulled the cat off his face.
Brother! said Pooh as he pushed The Button to start Armageddon.
Brother! said Pooh as he put on the hockey mask and started the saw.
Brother! said Pooh as he put right what once went wrong.
Brother! said Pooh as he quietly hid Piglet's body away.
Brother! said Pooh as he ran Doublespace.
Brother! said Pooh as he ran out of taglines.
Brother! said Pooh as he read alt.fan.bill-gates
Brother! said Pooh as he read the Generations script.
Brother! said Pooh as he read yet another `Pooh' tagline.
Brother! said Pooh as he received his CompuServe bill.
Brother! said Pooh as he reloaded his AK-47.
Brother! said Pooh as he rose from the grave.
Brother! said Pooh as he saw Lorena Bobbitt drive up.
Brother! said Pooh as he saw his friends dressed in black robes.
Brother! said Pooh as he saw the mushroom cloud.
Brother! said Pooh as he scrambled his partition table.
Brother! said Pooh as he sold Eyore to the glue factory.
Brother! said Pooh as he stepped into the acceleration chamber.
Brother! said Pooh as he struggled with the computer's reset button.
Brother! said Pooh as he stuffed Piglet's corpse into a trash bag.
Brother! said Pooh as he transcended this plane.
Brother! said Pooh as he tried to install OS/2.
Brother! said Pooh as he tried to install Windows.
Brother! said Pooh as he tried to learn COBOL.
Brother! said Pooh as he tried to uninstall WARP.
Brother! said Pooh as he twitted his moderator.
Brother! said Pooh as he uncovered a hive of Smurfs.
Brother! said Pooh as he was assimilated by the Borg.
Brother! said Pooh as he was bitten by his date's living bra.
Brother! said Pooh as he was captured by Nazi Smurf commandos.
Brother! said Pooh as he was forced to watch Babylon 5.
Brother! said Pooh as he was frozen in carbonite.
Brother! said Pooh as he was hit by the heat ray.
Brother! said Pooh as he watched his 830mb drive slowly format itself.
Brother! said Pooh as he yanked the guillotine's lanyard.
Brother! said Pooh as his bungee cord broke.
Brother! said Pooh as his combat drone exploded.
Brother! said Pooh as his friends left him alone to die.
Brother! said Pooh as his head exploded.
Brother! said Pooh as his light saber went out.
Brother! said Pooh as his phaser overloaded.
Brother! said Pooh as his regeneration failed.
Brother! said Pooh as his saw ran out of gas.
Brother! said Pooh as his ship failed to jump to light speed.
Brother! said Pooh as his weapons systems failed.
Brother! said Pooh as millions of voices cried out and went silent.
Brother! said Pooh as the Borg assimilated him.
Brother! said Pooh as the FBI knocked on his door.
Brother! said Pooh as the Judge turns another one free.
Brother! said Pooh as the Storm troopers caught him.
Brother! said Pooh as the batteries died in his blaster.
Brother! said Pooh as the cable system messed with his channels.
Brother! said Pooh as the flames swallowed his card collection.
Brother! said Pooh as the police closed in.
Brother! said Pooh as the shuttle bay decompressed.
Brother! said Pooh as the sysop locked him out of the system.
Brother! said Pooh as the vice squad took his .GIF files.
Brother! said Pooh as they loaded him into the sub's torpedo tube.
Brother! said Pooh as they nailed him to a tree.
Brother! said Pooh as they plowed him under.
Brother! said Pooh as they poured salt on his open wounds.
Brother! said Pooh as they stuffed him and mounted him on the wall.
Brother! said Pooh as wolf pack caught his scent.
Brother! said Pooh, & reached for the reset button.
Brother! said Pooh, I need a sauce for piglet.
Brother! said Pooh, We better nuke 'em from orbit.
Brother! said Pooh, am I a lieutenant or a chief petty officer?
Brother! said Pooh, and called in an air strike.
Brother! said Pooh, and deleted C:\DOS\*.*
Brother! said Pooh, and deleted C:\WINDOWS.
Brother! said Pooh, and deleted his entire message base.
Brother! said Pooh, and drew his .45 and shot the intruder.
Brother! said Pooh, and filed suit.
Brother! said Pooh, and garroted another passing proletariat.
Brother! said Pooh, and hid Piglet's corpse.
Brother! said Pooh, and hit his reset switch.
Brother! said Pooh, and inhaled.
Brother! said Pooh, and launched a Maverick.
Brother! said Pooh, and launched a salvo from his MLRS.
Brother! said Pooh, and nuked Iraq!
Brother! said Pooh, and pulled his .45 and shot the UN soldier.
Brother! said Pooh, and pulled the detonator killing the dictator.
Brother! said Pooh, and put a fresh magazine in his Glok.
Brother! said Pooh, and the warp core breached.
Brother! said Pooh, and transcended this plane.
Brother! said Pooh, and turned the launch key.
Brother! said Pooh, and twitted the moderator.
Brother! said Pooh, as Kanga sneezed in his honey pot.
Brother! said Pooh, as King Tut's curse claimed him as a victim.
Brother! said Pooh, as Patton slapped him.
Brother! said Pooh, as Piglet became possessed by a demon.
Brother! said Pooh, as Piglet came back from the dead.
Brother! said Pooh, as Piglet stepped on the land mine.
Brother! said Pooh, as Piglet took his modem away from him.
Brother! said Pooh, as Piglet tried to cast fireball.
Brother! said Pooh, as Rabbit pushed him off the speeding train.
Brother! said Pooh, as Satan laid his soul to waste.
Brother! said Pooh, as Satan pointed out the small print.
Brother! said Pooh, as Soran destroyed the nearby sun.
Brother! said Pooh, as he placed the message in the wrong conference.
Brother! said Pooh, as he tried to install OS/2.
Brother! said Pooh, as he was assimilated by the Borg.
Brother! said Pooh, as he was frozen in carbonite.
Brother! said Pooh, as he was hit by the heat ray.
Brother! said Pooh, as he yanked the guillotine's lanyard.
Brother! said Pooh, as his bungee cord broke.
Brother! said Pooh, as his buttocks caught fire.
Brother! said Pooh, as his combat drone exploded.
Brother! said Pooh, as his friends left him alone to die.
Brother! said Pooh, as his head exploded.
Brother! said Pooh, as his light saber went out.
Brother! said Pooh, as his phaser overloaded.
Brother! said Pooh, as his regeneration failed.
Brother! said Pooh, as his saw ran out of gas.
Brother! said Pooh, as his ship failed to jump to light speed.
Brother! said Pooh, as his weapons systems failed.
Brother! said Pooh, as millions of voices cried out and went silent.
Brother! said Pooh, as the Borg assimilated him.
Brother! said Pooh, as the FBI knocked on his door.
Brother! said Pooh, as the Judge turns another one free.
Brother! said Pooh, as the batteries died in his blaster.
Brother! said Pooh, as the cable system messed with his channels.
Brother! said Pooh, as the flames swallowed his card collection.
Brother! said Pooh, from his fighter, lost deep in hyper space.
Brother! said Pooh, nailing Eeyore's tail onto Owl's feathered fanny.
Brother! said Pooh, staring for hours at Rabbit's CD-ROM GIF library.
Brother! said Pooh, taking the last hit from his grass.
Brother! said Pooh, then he pulled his 9mm and wasted the intruder.
Brother! said Pooh, tossing his empty Guinness bottle into a dust bin.
Brother! said Pooh, when he found out his taglines sucked.
Brother! said Pooh, when he found that Eeyore was a donkey voodoo doll.
Brother! said Pooh, when the Alien thingie popped out of his chest.
Brother's Keeper ... the ultimate program
Brother's Keeper... the few, the proud, the registered !
Brother's Keeper...the ultimate program. [IMHO]
Brother, can you spare a meg?
Brother, can you spare a recipe?
Brother, can you spare a tagline?
Brother, has your data been saved?
Brother, said Pooh, as Beavis and Butthead roasted Piglet.
Brother, said Pooh, as he called for his brother.
Brother, said Pooh, as he tried to install OS/2. (For the tenth time.)
Brother, signed Pooh, in Chinese Sign Language.
Brotherly love for brotherly love, but cheese for money.
Brothers are annoying until they get a car.
Brothers of the Prince of Night by bargains we have made
Brothers who assimilate sisters...on the next Geraldo of Borg!
Brought to you by ALLGONE-REP
Brought to you by Conservative Republicans Against Progress (C.R.A.P.)
Brought to you by Guardian Angel, sometimes known as the ANTI-Feminist!
Brought to you by Hi-C, the beverage of opera singers.
Brought to you by High-C, the beverage of Opera singers
Brought to you by Lifestyles of the Witch and Famous.
Brought to you by NateCo, maker of some stuff.
Brought to you by Planet Zorg. Mend your ways or be destroyed.
Brought to you by Republicans Against Social Equality!
Brought to you by TAG.CMD v1.31 (c) 1995
Brought to you by Uncle Al's Auto Stop & Gunnery Shop -Car Wars
Brought to you by a dittohead who thinks for himself.
Brought to you by a member of: BLUE WAVE Conference Palace Guard (tm)
Brought to you by a member of: The BLUE WAVE 'Impunity' Club. :-)
Brought to you by a query
Brought to you by the Acme Super Sleuth Detective Agency.
Brought to you by the Cowlifornia Milk Cooperatives
Brought to you by the Department of Repetitive Redundant Duplicity.
Brought to you by the Department of the Redundancy Department.
Brought to you by the Dept. of Repetitive Redundancy.
Brought to you by the International Agency for Outrageous Names
Brought to you by the Letters O and S, and by the number 2!
Brought to you by the Lithuanian Left Handed Golfing Association.
Brought to you by the Mother of all Messages
Brought to you by the Presidential Committee on Lower Expectations.
Brought to you by the Sponsors of the Olympic Drowning Team.
Brought to you by the anarcho-syndicalist commune. - Monty Python
Brought to you by the dogs of Cyberspace.
Brought to you by the letter <insert letter of choice> -Sesame Street
Brought to you by the letter B -RUSH Roll The Bones
Brought to you by the letter D -RUSH Presto
Brought to you by the letter oe -RUSH Counterparts
Brought to you by the letters "O" & "S" and the number "2"
Brought to you by the letters A and O and the number Pi.
Brought to you by the letters F, O & D and the no. 69
Brought to you by the letters O & S and by the number 2.
Brought to you by the letters O and S and by the number 2.
Brought to you by the letters: Q,W,K and the # 3 =
Brought to you by: Committee for a Liberal and Free America.
Brought to you by: Committee for a Liberal-Free America.
Brought to you from Blue Wave 2.20 via Telemate 4.20.
Brought to you in part by the Save the Semi-Colon Foundation...
Brought to you today by the letters O & S and by the number
Brought to your attention by the kludge police.
Brought you some swaddling clothes - Mike on guy in barn
Brown Spots on the Wal: by Who Flungdung.
Brown Spots on the Wall  By Who Flung Pooh
Brown Spots on the Wall - By Who Flung Pooh
Brown Spots on the Wall - By Who Flungdung
Brown Spots on the Wall .... by Woo Flung Poo
Brown Spots on the Wall. By Who Flung Pooh.
Brown and black on a lawyer...Think Doberman.
Brown nosers do it disgustingly.
Brown shoes don't make it, quit school, why fake it?
Brown spots in the Desert - By Squat and Leavit
Brozik's Law: Never ask a question you *really* don't want answered.
Brrr. Is it cold in here? - Londo
Brrrrrrt! Halftime! - Ace Ventura
Bruce here teaches classical philosophy.
Bruce there teaches Haegelian philosophy.
Bruce?  Well, things happen.  :(
BruisBaby Bop: What Barney does in his time off?
Bruise:  A six-pack.
Bruises are only skin deep, but wit goes clear to the bone.
Brujah with Celerity *****.  A rebel without a pause.
Brunette mating call:  "Hey, wanna drink?"
Brunette to Blonde: " Look, a dead bird!"  Blonde looks up: "Where?"
Brunette to Blonde; Look, a dead bird! Blonde looks up. Where?
Brunette's nightmare:  The blonde lead the blonde.
Brunette: "Look, a dead bird!"  Blonde looks up: "Where?"
Brunettes Mating Call "All the Blondes have gone home!"  :)
Bruno want woman!! Where woman? What is woman?
Brush brush brush, Floss floss floss.
Brutal tattoo, man.  What's it stand for?  Heavy metal?--young Lister
Brutal tattoo, man. What's it stand for-Heavy metal?--Young Lister
Brute force, clumsiness, ignorance, and superstition will always triumph
Bryce Lynch is holding Paul Spurrier hostage!
Bryce Lynch was here
Buahahah!  2 second warning!  #%$&@)& NO CARRIER.
Buana, the Good Mother.
Bubba is an old indian word meaning "man with crimson neck"
Bubba is like some sort of electronic sulking machine !
Bubba said, concern for women is a setback for America.
Bubba>..Gen Patton: Ol Blood 'n Guts. Bill Clinton: Ol Cut 'n Run
Bubba>..You're a redneck if a porch collapse kills more'n two dogs
Bubba's Gun Shop - Discount to Postal Workers
Bubba's Gun Shop.  Discounts for Post Office Employees.
Bubba's Gun Shop. Discounts to Postal Workers.
Bubba, extend to Steempy your POWERFULLY hairy arm. - Ren Hoek
Bubble ,bubble.  "Oh Bother," said POOH, "Toilet trouble again!"
Bubble head! - Tom on racer's helmet
Bubble, Bubble..Am I too late to jump the ship ?
Bubble, Bubble..Am I too late to jump the ship ??
Bubble, bubble, toil & trouble; Goddess, I hate laundry!
Bubble, bubble, toilet trouble..
Bubble-Jet:  the disaster Boeing doesn't want you to know about...
Bubbles in her think tank.
Bubbles in his think tank.
Bubbles in the Bath - By Verewynn de Bottam
Bubbleweiser - The yellow liquid found in a carpenter's level.
Bubblic: Addicted to the systematic popping of bubble packing.
Buc Wheat's Folly or Vision: Pats will win 9 games this year!!! :)
Buccaneer:  The price of corn on the cob...
Buccaneer: Very expensive corn on the cob.
Buchanan - Robertson '96...The Nazi Pat Brothers
Buchanan doesn't throw water on fires - he sprays gasoline!
Buchanan for Fuhrer!
Buchanan hates foreigners but loves his Mercedes
Buchanan is a PEACH, but if I must I'll take a PINEAPPLE over a LEMON!
Buchanan wins: Mexico & Canada build walls to control US emigration
Buchanan! said Pooh, vomiting all over the crowd.
Buchanan/Quayle: the Dream Team for 1896
Buchanan: In your guts you know he's nuts
Buchanan: Irish for "dipsh*t."
Buchanan: Irish for "dipshit"
Buchanan: Kick out the Mexicans, *I'll* harvest the beets
Buchanan: Kill the liberals & foreigners
Buchanan: Some of my best friends aren't Jews
Buchanan: Storm trooper for g0D!
Buchanan: The Holocaust was a hoax, and so am I
Buchanan: The world's best argument FOR abortion
Buck & Run. On three - Crow
Buck Naked in the 25th Century.
Buck, Buck, Bo-uk, banna fanna fo f...hey!  I can't say that!
Buck? What buck? Can you describe it, please?
Buckaroo Banzai lives!
Bucket of Buffalo:  2 wings, 4 legs and one VERRRRRRY large breast.
Buckle up Bonehead, 'cuz you're goin' for a ride! -Army of Darkness
Buckle up baby, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Buckle up back there... we're going into... Hyper Active!
Buckle up, gents, it's gonna be a bumpy ride !
Buckle your seatbelt! -- I wanna try something!!!
Buckweiser, the king of deer.
Bucy's Law: Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man.
Bud Adams Sells Oilers to Phillipino Exec, Renamed Manila Folders.
Bud in RIME sent me ZIPd Tags! :) Many dupes; lotsa WORK! :(
Bud said,`Let there be lite' and there was Lite.
Budala je sve vise, a NoRMaLnih sve manje
Buddha of Borg: Resistance is suffering. Suffering is useless.
Buddhism - If **** happens, it really isn't ****.
Buddhism means never having to say you're sorry.
Buddhism: (def) When s**t happens, is it really s**t?
Buddhism: If shit happens, It realy isn't shit.
Buddhism: Music by God; Lyrics by Siddharta Gautama.
Buddhist asks for hot dog: Make me one with everything.
Buddhist asks for hotdog: "Make me one with everything".
Buddhist monk to hot dog vendor: Make me one with everything ):>
Buddhist nudists practices yoga bare!
Buddhist ordering pizza:  "Make me one with everything."
Buddhist pizza order: Make me one w/ everything
Buddhist to hot dog vendor, Make me One with Everything.
Buddhist: The fullness of the glass is an illusion.
Buddhists imagine doing it.
Buddism ... If S*** happens, it really isn't s***
Buddist to hot dog vendor: "Make me One with Everything"
Buddy can you spare a clue?
Buddy some morphine Jack? - Crow reads letter
Buddy, can you spare a wife?
Budget the luxuries *first*! -- Heinlein
Budget the luxuries first!  L. Long
Budget the luxuries first! - Lazarus Long
Budget:  a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions...
Budget: A method for going broke methodically.
Budget: A record of what the money should have been spent for.
Budget: An orderly system of living beyond your means.
Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions...
Budget: a method of going into debt systematically.
Budgeting:  The way you spend your money.
Budweiser and Pop Tarts, Breakfast of champions!
Budweiser: Breakfast of Champions
Buechner's Law: The simplest explanation is that it doesn't make sense.
Buffalo Bills of Borg- Winning Superbowls is futile.
Buffalo Bob of Borg - "What time is it?  Assimilation time!"
Buffalo shot, won't you come out tonight -- Tom Servo
Buffalo's.....Are more interesting than some people...
Buffalo: Greeting between two nudists.
Buffer - A programmer who works in the nude.
Buffer: Programmer who works in the nude
Buffers do it with circular friction.
Buffers=30 Files=20 4Th Quarter, 3rd Down and 5 On 15.
Buffet: French for making a pig of yourself.
Bufford Pusser, Walking Dense - Mike
Buffy of Borg! Prepare to be, like, *TOTALLY* assimilated!
Buford killed the Beast - Mike/#606
Bug -- An undocumented feature of Windows 95'
Bug free, cheap, on time, works. Pick two.
Bug free, cheap, or on time.  (Pick two)
Bug free, cheap, or on time. Pick two.
Bug free.  Cheap.  On time.  Works.  Pick two.
Bug in reality.sys. Universe halted.
Bug located! Please call Anticimex.
Bug off, Banana Nose; Relieve mine eyes
Bug removal tagline, bang forehead here to de-bug --->|x|
Bug reports to: president@whitehouse.gov
Bug to bug...virus to virus.
Bug-free programs, rare as Rocking-Horse manure.
Bug-free, cheap, or on time. Pick two.
Bug:  process used by Project Managers to get your attention.
Bug: (n.) any program feature not yet described to marketing.
Bug?  That's not a bug, that's a feature.       -T. John Wendel
Bug?  That's not a bug, that's a feature. -- T. John Wendel
Bug? Nah...that's an undocumented feature
Bug?_______+++_o.o_+++_______What Bug? SPLAT______!
Bug?________***_*.*_***________What Bug? SPLAT_______!
Bugbears and goblins and orcs, oh my!
Bugf*ck about Mr. Ellison...
Bugger me with a fish fork.
Bugger me with a fish fork..
Bugger--boring. Incest--relatively boring. Necrophilia--dead boring.
Bugger. Sorry. Lawks!
Buggery - boring. Incest - relatively boring. Necrophilia - dead boring.
Buggery is boring.
Bugle Poi: Lint ball found at the bottom of your jeans pocket.
Bugle poi: Gray lint ball found at the bottom of your jeans pocket.
Bugpedal - To accelerate/decelerate rapidly to remove a clinging bug.
Bugs Bunny - A rabbit with fleas.
Bugs Bunny DOES IT with carrots.
Bugs Bunny is a Hare Brain.
Bugs Bunny works for the KGB.
Bugs Bunny's file:  whatzup.doc
Bugs are Sons of Glitches!
Bugs are sons of glitches
Bugs are sons of glitches.
Bugs come in through Open Windows
Bugs come in through Windows.
Bugs come in through open Windows
Bugs come in through open Windows.
Bugs come in thru WINDOWS.
Bugs crawl in through open Windows.
Bugs crawl under doors, software crawls under Windows!
Bugs crawl under doors; programs crawl under Windows.
Bugs crawl under doorsSoftware crawls under Windoze
Bugs don't happen because you do something. Bugs just are.
Bugs fly in through open Windows
Bugs in system
Bugs in the teeth
Bugs, What BBBuuugggsss?
Bugs, like coat hangers, breed if unobserved.
Bugs, like coathangers, breed if unobserved.
Bugs. Otherwise known as undocumented "features!"
Bugs?  I just programmed undocumented features!
Bugs? What bugs? //\\oo//\\ //\\@@//\\
Buh-buh-born to be bad - Crow on movie
Buhhdism: (def) When s**t happens, is it really s**t?
Buick           Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer
Buick: Big Ugly Import Car Killer
Buick: Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer
Buick: Built Under Inspection of Cooky Korean
Build a Univac at home in your spare time.
Build a better Windows, and kids will still screw it up!
Build a better Windows, and kids will still throw rocks.
Build a better Windows, and the kids will still throw rocks.
Build a better mouse trap and Bill Gates will steal all the cheese.
Build a better mouse trap, and you'll have a lot of dead mice around.
Build a better mousetrap and along will come better mice.
Build a better mousetrap; catch better mice.
Build a strong foundation for America, invest in our children.
Build a system even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it.
Build a system that even a fool can use and only a fool w
Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool
Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.
Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to.
Build a vast arena, then put a half-vast team therein.
Build a watch in 179 easy steps -by C. Forsberg.
Build a watch in 179 easy steps by C. Forsberg.
Build a watch in 179 easy steps by Chuck F.
Build a watch in 56,179 easy steps by C. Forsberg.
Build bridges instead of walls and you will have a friend.
Build high for happiness.
Build more prisons, but not near my house!!!!
Build something foolproof and every fool will use it.
Build statue to Zatthras, give Zatthras own Fido echo!
Build your ego... flame a newbie!!!!
Build your own XT, Run Windows on a 486
Build-A-Tagline Kit -> asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm.?",:;$
Build-A-recipe Kit: 1/4 1/2 cup spoon fry simmer add mix chill
Builders do it by building to a climax.
Builders do it until the project is finished.
Building Bigger and Better Hangovers
Building Contractors, not to be confused with homemakers
Building Inspectors do it by the book....
Building a fighting force of extraordinary magnitudeSHINING FORCE!
Building contractors DO IT with major erections.
Building inspectors do it under the table.
Building my courage, one ridge at a time.
Buildings burn, people die, but true love is forever. -- Sarah
Built an expensive track, yet Bill Clinton *STILL* jogs in traffic.
Built for comfort - I ain't built for speed.
Built in the belly of junk by the river my cabin stands.
Built-in full featured signature manager.
Buknula je ljubav nasa ko kanister benzina...
Bulges appeared in the fabric of space-time.  Great ugly bulges.
Bulimic:  A student on the meal plan.
Bulk and Skull rule.
Bulkhead:  Discomfort suffered by sailors who drink too much.
Bull riders think 10 seconds is a long ride.
Bulldogs live for laziness.
Bulldozer (n): one who sleeps through a political speech.
Bulldozer:     Tagline writer taking a nap.
Bulldozer:   One who can sleep through a campaign speech.
Bulldozer:  A person who sleeps through the Rush Limbaugh show.
Bulldozer:  One who can sleep through a campaign speech.
Bulldozer:  One who can sleep through a campaign speech...
Bulldozer:  One who sleeps through a political speech.
Bulldozer: A person who sleeps through the Rush Limbaugh show.
Bulldozer: One who can sleep through a campaign speech.
Bulldozer: One who sleeps through a political speech.
Bulletin Board Service. ... Parental viewing is generally discouraged,
Bulletin Boarders DO IT Online!
Bulletin Broads Baud Better!
Bullets cost bucks, mister. - Frank to Hawkeye
Bullets speak louder than reason.
Bullfeathers! - Henry That was *last* week's password. - Klinger
Bullfight:  One man versus a half-ton of pissed-off pot roast
Bullfight: 1 little man against a 1/2 ton of pissed-off pot roast.
Bullfight: One little man against a half ton of P.O.'ed pot roast.
Bullfight: One man versus a half-ton of pissed-off pot roast.
Bullfighter: Congressional watchdog.
Bullfighters have toreador-gasms
Bullfrog saying: Time is fun when you're having flies.
Bullfrogs & butterflies, they've both been born again
Bullheads got me. Lampreys, sucking at my skin! - Crow
Bullitt , you are in command of the Enterprise.
Bullitt Airlines - Dunno where we are, but we're making good time.
Bullitt Motors - Home of the World's Largest Lemon Collection.
Bullitt Spaceport.  You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum.
Bullitt University: Where men are men and the women are too.
Bullitt can go skinny dipping in Cool Whip!
Bullitt is And Bullitt beats Roy like a rented mule!
Bullitt is here. The Force is with him.
Bullitt smashes his stick in frustration.
Bullitt was seduced by the dark side of the Force.
Bullitt's Summer Camp - not just for the criminally insane!!!
Bullitt's cat? Sorry, I haven't seen it.
Bullitt, I'll pay you because it's my pleasure.
Bullitt, get us out of here!
Bullitt, target your blaster at the nearest moderator AND SHOOT!
Bullitt, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans.
Bullitt, you are in command of the Enterprise.
Bullitt? No, we don't have any Bullitts'. YOU have all our Bullitts'.
Bulls are enraged by the color red..
Bulls see a red cape and charge. Women see a store and charge.
Bulls, as cows, are udder failures.
Bulls..., said Pooh in an attitude a bit more forthright than usual.
Bullseying womprats in our T-16s
Bullsh... I mean, El Toro Crappo.
Bullsh...I mean, El Toro Crappo
BullshI mean, El Toro Crappo
Bullsheet - A advertising supplement in a newspaper.
Bullshit Detector.  When alarm sounds,  please re-engage your brain.
Bullshit makes the flowers grow and that's beautiful.
Bullshit makes the flowers grow and thats beautiful.
Bullwinkle J. Moose -- A moose among men.
Bullwinkle was just caught moose-turbating.
Bullwinkle, Batman, Elvis--Anyone but a Liberal PLEEEEEEEZE
Bum bum bum...another one bites the dust! --Queen
Bumber sticker: Support equal rights: make him sleep on the wet spot.
Bumbie's Mom! But she's-- WAAAHHH!! --Skippy Squirrel, crying loudly
Bumbo:  A jumbo bimbo.
Bummer, said Pooh when Tigger dropped the joint in the honey jar.
Bumper Sticker - Thank you for helping, may I hold you.
Bumper Sticker it said 'TO ALL VIRGIN'S THANKS FOR NOTHING'.
Bumper Sticker on Saucer-"UFO's do it in Orbit"
Bumper Sticker:  (on a dented car) Close Encounters of the Female Kind
Bumper Sticker:  I spent my tax refund on this bumper sticker
Bumper Sticker:  Is there life before death?
Bumper Sticker:  Keep Honking......I'm RELOADING....
Bumper Sticker:  Meter Maids Love My Body
Bumper Sticker:  My child beat up your honor student
Bumper Sticker:  My daughter turned down your honor student
Bumper Sticker:  My honor student can drink yours under the table
Bumper Sticker:  My honor student sells the best dope
Bumper Sticker:  My other sticker is funny.
Bumper Sticker:  Previous owner had an honor student
Bumper Sticker:  Your honor student never gets laid
Bumper Sticker:  Your honor student sells bumper stickers
Bumper Sticker:  Your honor student swallows
Bumper Sticker: "CAUTION...We've a trigger happy Klingon at tactical."
Bumper Sticker: CAUTION...We've a trigger happy Klingon at tactical.
Bumper Sticker: Lick Bush in '92.
Bumper Sticker: Nuke the unborn gay whales
Bumper Sticker:CAUTION...Triggerhappy Klingon at tactical
Bumper sticker - STUD              Free sample upon Request
Bumper sticker I saw: Horn busted! Watch for finger.
Bumper sticker in Arkansas: If you can read this you're not from here.
Bumper sticker in L.A.: To change lanes, first pull out your 9mm...
Bumper sticker on a hearse:  I'd rather be breathing
Bumper sticker seen on toyota corolla - my other car is a real ota !
Bumper sticker:  Honk if you're illiterate!
Bumper sticker: "Amateur gynecologist...Honk for free exam,
Bumper sticker: "Rock-and-roll is music, not driving instructions."
Bumper sticker: "Stop looking at her rear and watch mine."
Bumper sticker: Honk if you're illiterate.
Bumper sticker: Horn busted! Watch for finger.
Bumper sticker: If this van's rockin', don't bother knockin'.
Bumpersticker - If you can read this, you're being ran over.
Bumpersticker on SB1: WE BRAKE FOR NOBODY
Bumpersticker on a van: Honk If The Twins Fall Out.
Bumpersticker on the 'Bago: I Love URANUS
Bumpersticker:  "I brake for tailgaters."
Bumpersticker: Born Free...Taxed to Death.
Bunch of bunnies hopping backwards:  a receding hare line
Bungalow:  Buffalo that can't do anything right.
Bungalow: Buffalo that can't do anything right.
Bungalow: a buffalo that can't do anything right.
Bungee Diving - Living it up when you're going down!
Bungee Jumper? Catch you on the rebound.
Bungee Jumping - makes WWF Wrestling look intelligent!!
Bungee Jumping: 4 those who Really want to experience the Ups & Downs
Bungee Jumping: Cheap Thrills get Real Costly if Rubber Band Breaks!
Bungee Jumping: It helps keep me out of the Nuthouse!
Bungee Jumping: Life's Ups & Downs dramatically reproduced on demand!
Bungee Jumping: Suicide without the committment...
Bungee Jumping: When the Cheap Thrills Just Ain't So Cheap Any More!
Bungee Jumping: When the Cheap Thrills Just Ain't So Cheap No More!
Bungee Jumping: When you Know it's time for a straightjacket, jump!
Bungee Jumping: makes WWF Wrestling look intelligent!
Bungee Jumping: the coward's suicide.
Bungee jumping Tribble:   ___------------------*
Bungee jumping is cool, unless the cord breaks.
Bungee jumping, sport of fools.
Bungee-jumping: Living it up when you're going down!
Bungie jumping off the edge of sanity
Bungling Bros., Rodham and Billy Circus. Hillary Clinton, ringmaster.
Bunionettes - Any young professional women in a suit and Reeboks.
Bunionettes: any young professional women in a suit and Reeboks.
Bunker of Boig. Prepare to be assumptiated, meathead!
Bunnies and beer don't mix.
Bunnies hopping backward:   A receding hareline...
Bunnies hopping backward:  A receding hareline.
Bunny Beer ...made with more hops.
Bunny Beer--made with more hops...
Bunny Rich! - Crow as rabbit drums paws
Bunny and Sleepwalker:  The Footware Specialists
Bunny owners of the world, UNITE!
Bunny says, "Be nice to your nurse, and you'll get a warm bedpan."
Buns of Steel of the Old West - Crow
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo -Italian Christmas
Bure and Mogilny...once again! Paging Mr. Fedorov...Vancouver calling!
Bureau of Firearms, Alcohol, Religion and Tobacco
Bureau of Natural Disasters - Planning Division
Bureaucat (n): A Cat that sleeps in your underware.
Bureaucat:  A kitty who sleeps on your undies
Bureaucat:  A kitty who sleeps on your undies.
Bureaucat:  A kitty who sleeps on your undies...
Bureaucracies do not die then terminated; they change names.
Bureaucracy - transforming energy into solid waste.
Bureaucracy - transforming money into solid waste.
Bureaucracy is a complex math equation operated by mental midgets.
Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies.
Bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of an expanding bureaucracy.
Bureaucracy: That place always in need of a laxative
Bureaucracy: That place always in need of a laxative.
Bureaucracy: a method for transforming energy into solid waste.
Bureaucracy: turning energy into solid waste.
Bureaucrat (n):  Waste product produced by Politicians, see feces.
Bureaucrat (n): A Cat that sleeps in your underware.
Bureaucrat's Law #2: Say what will convince, not what you believe.
Bureaucrat, n.: A person who cuts red tape sideways.
Bureaucrat, n.: A politician who has tenure.
Bureaucrat: A person who cuts red tape sideways.
Bureaucratic organization is like a septic tank: the big
Bureaucratics are like a septic tank: big chunks rise to the top
Bureaucrats are the meat loaf of humanity
Bureaucrats cut red tape -- lengthwise.
Bureaucrats cut red tape, lengthwise
Bureaucrats never listen they just want your support at election time.
Burek je bolje od zene jer ne vristi dok ga seces
Burglar needed.  All applicants please see Gandalf The Grey.
Buried the cat.  Took an hour.  Damn thing kept fighting.
Burl Ives is Andy Capp - Crow
Burma Shave.
Burn -y! Come back!  - Crow as burning worker runs away
Burn In, Not Out.
Burn Republicans, not flags.
Burn a cross = hate crime. Burn a flag = free speech. Go figure!
Burn a flag = free speech. Burn a cross = hate crime.
Burn a flag for freedom
Burn a flag for freedom.  NOT!!!
Burn a flag=free speech. Burn a cross=hate crime.
Burn a flag=free speech. Burn a cross=hate crime. Huh???
Burn down the hut and call me in the morning  -Dr Mbogo
Burn one extient species to extinguish another! Good Idea$.
Burn the flag, but tie a liberal to it first.
Burn the flag, but tie yourself to it first.
Burn's Law: Things cost about two dollars a pound.
Burn-y! Come back! - Crow as burning worker runs away
Burned-In - Fire Dept. has already been called.
Burnin' down the house...
Burning both end of the night.
Burning both ends of the night.
Burning down the house !
Burning from within, you know one spark is all it takes
Burning passion with no guilt or shame, it's accepted education.
Burns & Shreiver to the rescue - Crow
Burns doing brain surgery: "Hand me that ice cream scoop, will you?
Burns of Borg:  "Smithers, what's that irrelevant human's name again?"
Burns tried to eat Klinger's mop. - Hawkeye
Burns' Birthday Today. Credits long life to Satan.
Burnt Sienna. Thats the best thing that ever happened to Crayolas.
Burp! Well, it COULD have been worse!
Burp!......(well it COULD have been worse!)
Burroughs programmers have to pay a Poll tax.
Bursploot - Using one's thumb at the end of the hose to boost pressure
Burt and Ernie.. let's see.. two guys livin' together............
Burton Ford wrote about Re: Meal-Master Help? to
Bury Hussein in Kimchee & Limburger!
Bury John Gacy?  Nah!  Turn him over to a hazardous waste contractor.
Bury a lawyer 12 feet under. Deep down they're nice.
Bury your bodies deep, but away from the well.
Bus - vehicle used by data to commute to work.
Bus drivers come early and pull out on time.
Bus drivers do it in transit.
Bus error (Passengers dumped)
Busblender: Device at the front of the bus that swirls/swallows coins.
Buses turn up within seconds of your lighting a cigarette.
Bush Pilots DO IT out of sight.
Bush and Quayle; sounds like a hunting magazine.
Bush of Borg:  Read my lips...Resistance is futile.
Bush of Borg: We've got to do that assimilation-thing.
Bush said, No new taxes. Clinton said, No! New taxes!
Bush says "No New Taxes"...  Clinton says "No! New Taxes!"
Bush says "No new taxes!", Clinton says, "No, NEW taxes!"
Bush sez "No New Taxes"     Clinton sez "No! New Taxes!"
Bush wears a hat so he knows which end to wipe!
Bush's BIG mistake: Believing the Democrats.
Bush's record: 200K dead Iraqis, one smelly Japanese PM.
Bush.sys corrupt, recommend optimizing politics
Bush/Quayle   ERROR!  Division by Zero encountered.
Bush/Quayle   ERROR: Division by zero.
Bush/Quayle - ERROR 11 - Attempted division by zero.
Bush/Quayle ERROR: Deficit overflow. Gave too many tax breaks.
Bush/Quayle disappear from public view, & Beavis & Butthead appear...
Bush/Quayle disappear from public view, and Beavis and Butthead appear
Bush/Quayle in '92..... N O T !!!
Bush:  "You misheard me, I said NO NUDE TEXANS!"
Bush:  He hasn't a single redeeming vice.
Bush:  Like Reagan without the acting ability!
Bush: "You misheard me, I said NO NUDE TEXANS!"
Bush:like Reagan without the acting ability!
Bush? Read my tagline "Not gonna do it."
Bush??? Read my recipe "Not gonna do it."
Bush??? Read my tagline "Not gonna do it."
Bushido -- the way of the shrub.
Bushido does not mean what it sounds like.
Bushido: the way of the shrub.
Bushpilots DO IT out of sight
Bushydo: the way of the shrub.
Busier than a Blind cat at the Braille Institute
Busier than a Mormon at a wife swapping party...
Busier than a flying squirrel in a wind-tunnel...
Busier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs
Busier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of electric wheelchairs!
Busier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of power chairs!
Busier than a one legged man in an arse kicking contest
Busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
Busier than a one-eyed cat watching 9 mouseholes
Busier than a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes.
Business & science walk hand in sweaty hand - Dr. F
Business Card: SUE and BILL SUCKERS attorneys at law.
Business before pleasure.
Business is good Quark, you're almost making an honest living.- Odo
Business is simple: make it, sell it. That's it without the details.
Business is slow but hanging in there,  I'm not dead yet!!
Business will be either better or worse.  -- Calvin Coolidge
Businessmen do it in the black.
Businessmen do it in the red.
Businessmen do it on a contractual basis.
Busting moves on monster's & he bites for good -Crow raps
Busty girl: Am I intruding? * Tom: No, protruding
Busy Day? Busy? I just spent four hours burying the cat
Busy Day? Busy? I just spent four hours burying the cat.
Busy hands will ease a troubled mind.
Busy little fingers lead to trouble
Busy little fingers leads to trouble...
Busy restarunt needs dish dirtier. - Kryten
Busy restaurant needs dish dirtier. --Kryten.
Busy signal? Initiate Attack Dial Sequence.
Busy signals is the major cause of stress among BBSers'"-Darkwood
Busy, Busy, Busy.. Connect..!  Taglines scurry to dress..
But ..., I was chasing Ancestors!
But 6 rights make a broad jump with his tongue.
But Aahz has assured me that the fix is in. - Skeeve
But Brain, we're not on the Internet - Pinky
But Brain, we're off-topic. - Pinky
But Brain, where are we gonna find rubber pants our size?
But Calvin is no kind and loving God, He Demands Sacrifice!
But Calvin is not a forgiving god, He Demands Sacrifice.
But Calvin is not a forgiving god, He Demands a Sacrifice
But Captain I protest  I am NOT a merry man! -- Worf
But Captain I protest... I am NOT a merry man !!!!
But Captain Mike! - Evil Crow
But Captain, I don't want to be the odd man on the away team!
But Charlotte, how do you know about the match? -Ranma
But Chief, I want a leather wrapped steering wheel...
But Clay. Do you think it might be...BOLD? - Frank
But Colonel $PSEUDO, this'll teleport 'em ALL to Phobos! <<ZAP>>
But Colonel Butler, this'll teleport `em ALL to Phobos! <<ZAP>>
But DAD...  Mom waves at people in the car with that finger.
But DARLIN' I was under the impression that we always have fun!
But Daaad, I don't like the Dark side.
But Daddy, you watched the news on television YESTERDAY.
But Doc...I eat fruit every day. Three cherries in every Hollywood!
But Doctor, all these corridors look the same <-TLP
But Doctor, all these corridors look the same...
But Father, all I want to do is siiiiiiiiiiing- Monty Python
But Father, all I want to do is siiiiiiiiiiing...
But Gates-bashing *is* my job...my only job.
But Geordi doesn't want to be assimilated -- Hugh
But God TOLD me to use a GOTO.
But God told me to use a GOTO.
But God, my interpretation was...
But Henry VII he'd never be, 'till Richard III was dead. --Gwidion P.
But Honey - I *need* this stuff for a Scout activity
But Honey, I need TWO 486's!
But Honey, I thought you *wanted* a 2 GB drive for your birthday.
But Honey, I wouldn't be up so late on a faster computer!
But Honey, I wouldn't be up so late on a faster machine!
But Honey, just *one* more messageI *mean* it this time!
But Honey, you NEED SVGA for Dbase management!
But Honey, you NEED SVGA, a Sound Blaster and CDROM to run a database.
But Honey, you NEED Super VGA to run a database.
But Honey, you NEED VGA for Dbase management!
But Honey, you NEED VGA for dBASE management!
But I !!WANT!! the two in the bush...
But I *LIKE* beating about the bush!!!
But I *am* the Doctor.  Check my hearts. - The Doctor
But I *do* know everything! -- Q
But I AM the Doctor.  Check my hearts.  --Tom Baker as the Doctor
But I AM the Doctor.  Check my hearts. - The Doctor
But I DID read the manual...
But I DO know everything -- Q
But I be a cat, and no cat anywhere ever gave anyone a straight answer
But I be the taxes on this tagline are murder.
But I believe in peace, bitch! - Tori Amos
But I bet the ones that use guilt get more money. :) - Springheel Jack
But I can prove you wrong cos I'm right first time...
But I can tell you here and now I'd rather see than be one.
But I confessed my sin, does that mean I have to stop it too???
But I confessed my sin, why do i need to change?
But I did read the docs!  I just didn't understand them.
But I did read the docs...I just didn't understand them.
But I did read the msgs,...I just don't understand them.
But I didn't think it was against the law(Zoe Baird)
But I do  NOT  have an "any key"!
But I do believe they think I am some sort of god. -- C-3PO
But I don't *have* a life, I'm a sysop.
But I don't *want* to go back to Nazi World! -- Freefall
But I don't HAVE a life. I'm a SysOp!
But I don't WANT to do more before 9 than everyone by 5.
But I don't WANT to go on the cart!  I feel HAP-py- Monty Python
But I don't WANT to go on the cart!  I feel HAP-py...
But I don't have 30 hit points left.  Oh.
But I don't have an "any key" on my computer!
But I don't like Spam!
But I don't like Spam!!
But I don't like the cat. Shut up and eat your dinner!
But I don't speak German, said Tom teutonically.
But I don't think you will be wrong if you choose any of those.
But I don't travel in large OS/2 circles.
But I don't travel in large Windoze circles.
But I don't wanna Kazon-Nistrim mood ring!
But I don't wanna put Cool-Whip on the cat!
But I don't want to put Cool Whip on the cat !
But I dont think it means what you think it means
But I feel like celebrating! - Q I don't! - Picard
But I forgot all about the Amnesia Conference!
But I forgot all about the Amnesia Conference!!
But I forgot all about the Memory Conference!!
But I got out of my uniform for you, Data. -- Tasha
But I have grown older, and you have grown colder- Pink Floyd
But I kid the other planet - Crow
But I know I'M bad, 'cuz I do the Bart-Man!
But I like Spam!
But I like pineapple said Tom, dolefully
But I like this one.. got it from Earth First!
But I only have three small bags...%$#@& - NO CARRY ON !
But I received the operational signal again!
But I saw that tagline *before* 1995 <g> -- Myra I Fox
But I sure can smell the rain.
But I sure would like to answer that question!!!!! ;-)
But I thought Madonna already *had* a steady bloke! -- Pinky
But I thought Peter David already *was* God. ......?
But I thought YOU did the backups!
But I thought YOU did the backups...
But I thought all lawyers were clowns?
But I thought we had an agreement to keep fooling each other!
But I thought you were supposed to be dead!
But I wanna get my mail packet, I wanna, I wanna,I wanna!
But I was going into Toshi Station to pick up some power converters...
But I was just getting interested!
But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve for daws to peck at.
But I'll miss "Weird Tales"!
But I'm TIRED! - Lex
But I'm a bunny. Hop. Hop. Hop. - Mike in bunny suit
But I'm a good dog, they sometimes throw me a bone
But I'm feeling MUCH better *now*...
But I'm feeling MUCH better now!
But I'm gonna wave my Freak-Flag high!  J. Hendrix
But I'm just a kid! - Kenny
But I'm not a bad, they draw me that way!
But I'm not a bitch, they dressed me that way!
But I'm not schizophrenic.  It's this guy beside me!
But I'm not wasting a tagline on you.
But I'm still in the mood for some action - Crow
But I'm still trying to escape THIS virtual reality!
But I'm vulnerable now, damnit! - Tom as two guys talk
But I've been classified 4F - Crow
But I've never felt the least bit like a high priest.
But I've spent ALL MY $$$!!
But If You Have Been Mean Or Kinda Bad, I Will Knock Out All Your Teeth
But John hasn't got any.
But King Solomon loved many strange women. - 1 Kings 11:1
But MOM, it 'really' WAS a virus!
But MOM, it really WAS my evil twin!
But Ma, Johnny has all of his doors registerd!
But Ma, Johnny has all of his doors registered!
But Mike, irregardless of that fact... - Crow
But Mom - I *need* this stuff for a Scout badge.
But Mom, Johnny has all his doors registered.
But Mom, you NEED 1024x768x256 for word proccessing!
But Mr Fawlty, he not rat. He hampster
But Mr. Horrible says "I don't mind..."
But Mr. Moderator, I was chasing Ancestors!
But Mr. NEC, I did not get those warnings in NetMail...
But Mrs. Dickie, Beavis & Butthead are complete imbeciles.
But Mrs. Dickie, Beavis and Butthead are complete imbeciles.
But Nell, I love my horse! - D. Dooright
But Nell, I love my horse! --Dudley Dooright
But Officer Bullitt, the Tree didn't give way to the Right.
But Officer Orville, the Tree didn't give way to the Right.
But Officer the Tree didn't give way to the Right..
But Officer!  The dwarf was on fire when I got here!
But Officer, I was chasing Ancestors!
But Officer, I was only going one way!
But Officer, the Tree didn't give way to the Right.
But Orville, thou dost wrong me sorely.
But Orville, you ARE a smeghead. --Lister.
But Resusci, you *IS* a chick! - Dr. F to Resusci Annie
But Santa!  Naughty IS Nice.
But Santa, Naughty IS Nice!
But What If They Went _NOWHERE_? ~ Dr. McCoy (II)
But When Worlds Collide, said George Powell to his bride
But Windows 95 bashing *is* my job...my only job.
But Windows bashing is my job...my only job.
But a cold wind blows and a dark rain falls.
But a kiss can be deadlier if you mean it.
But a subordinate to an Alana is fun.. well so I hear =) -Tristessa
But after you have gone, I'll still have chocolate.
But after you've gone, I'll still have chocolate.
But all my words come back to me in shades of mediocrity...-P. Simon
But as always things have to change.
But as they say: The night is still young - Servo
But at least one must be lived ... and died.
But at least they're not new enemies. * Picard
But attaining a desired goal always is.
But aunt Slappy, that was a cartoon. This is real life!
But bad girls do it for the fun of just being.
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only. - James 1:22
But before I go, there's a debt I wish to pay. - Q
But before I go...a gift from friends you don't know you have.
But before you go for a swim- Garek
But boys will be boys. -- Beverly
But can DOS do Minesweeper?
But can he control the transporter room???
But captain, can't we just give the Borg Windows '95?
But chiefly on the just, because/ -Charles, Baron Bowen
But dad never works nude - Tom Servo as dumb girl
But dad never works nude - Tom as dumb girl
But daddy, if Clinton can lie, why can't I?
But do our best adventures have to end?
But do you like me for my brain or my baud?
But do you trust the _government_ with semi-automatic assault rifles?
But do you trust the government with full-automatic assault rifles?
But doc, I eat lots of fruit - 3 cherries in every Hollywood!
But does Bo know double diamonds?
But does the Enterprise have anti-lock brakes?
But don't believe all you see.
But don't get funny
But don't tell my Borg, my Achy breaky Borg.
But essential to the butterfly. <David Carradine>
But first ...    *AARRGGHH!!!*...  Tension breaker, had to be done.
But first, let me tie the laces of both your shoes together...
But first, there is no Neutral Zone, remember?
But first, this word from Maxwell House.
But for the Grace of God goes @N@.
But for the grace of God goes I. -- Bradford
But for these vile guns, Willy would have been a soldier.
But for this echo being strange is an advantage <g>.
But god only knows what I can do right now.
But good grooming? Not one of his strong points. - Mike Nelson
But half a bee has got to bee, vis a vis, its entity.
But hark, what bird through yonder windscreen breaks?
But hark, what wind through yonder buttocks breaks?
But have you actually tasted an airline toilet seat?
But have you tried PRUNES?
But he knoweth the way I take - Job 23:10
But he that glorieth, let him glory in the lord. (2 Cor 10:17)
But he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit. (1 Cor 6:17)
But he's a giant chicken I tell you! A giant chicken!
But he's one of the good-guys, right? - Richie Ryan
But here are a few RD ones I jotted down:
But here you are wrong... Sure it was DATA, Q's only "friend" :-)
But his bossess didn't like him so they shot him into space!
But his bread sucks - Mike
But his destiny lies elsewhere. - Delenn
But honest and truly, I _am_ Robin Hood  Suuuuure you are...
But honey, I need a new High-Res Metheus Premier 928 for Windows.
But honey, I need a new Pentium server so I can reboot faster.
But honey, I wouldn't be up as late on a faster machine.
But honey, I wouldn't be up so late on a faster machine!
But honey, we can afford it, I sold your car
But honey, we can afford the new computer; I sold your car.
But honey, we need a 2 gig drive for word processing!
But horse radish does *not* go with chicken! - Tom Servo
But horse radish does NOT go with chicken! - Tom
But how can you be SURE that you can never be sure of anything?
But how do we know your the REAL Angle of Death?
But how do we know your the REAL angel of death?
But how do you *really* feel about us? -- Dot Warner
But if I shout for help, somebody might hear me.
But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. (1 Cor 14:38)
But if any man love God, the same is known of him.
But if he could be turned, he could be a powerful ally.
But if we LEGALIZE it, we can't take your HOUSE!
But if ye be led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law. (Gal 5:18)
But if you convert us ALL, who ya gonna hate THEN?
But if you overload it...POOF, all the smoke leaks out!
But if you try too hard to see it, You'll only become confused.
But in purple, I am stunning. - Londo Mollari
But in the end we're left with the one we chose.
But is it good for the Jews?
But isn't that the purpose of the echo, to spread the wealth?
But it SHOULD be black/white, cut/dried, dead simple!
But it ain't got what we got corn! - Runt
But it all fit in the car on the way HERE!
But it didn't have to stop. I just kept on going - Hendrix
But it is not MY way -- Worf
But it only works if you have downloaded a mail packet before lunch.
But it seems so unhealthy here. - Janet Weiss
But it was "Guaranteed not to rust, bust or collect dust.."
But it won't fit! ... Well maybe. - Mutant Raccoon
But it worked in Beta testing!
But it'll keep you alive until I get the shelter built. - Han
But it's FAST!  So's roadkill.
But it's NOT an ASSAULT Weapon, it's a DEFENSE weapon!
But it's alright, ma, everybody must get stoned.
But it's not against any religion / To want to dispose of a pigeon
But it's not black hole season either. --Fox Mulder.
But it's only a flesh wound
But it's real. And if it's real it can be affected...
But it's so easy to confuse Al Gore.
But it's so easy to confuse He.
But it's so easy to confuse Orville Bullitt.
But it's so easy to confuse Orville.
But it's so easy to confuse Ross Perot.
But it's so easy to confuse YOU, @FN@.
But it's so easy to confuse YOU, Orville.
But it's so easy to confuse him.
But it's so easy to frustrate He.
But it's so easy to frustrate Orville Bullitt.
But it's so easy to frustrate Orville.
But it's so easy to frustrate Ross Perot.
But it's so easy to frustrate you
But it's so flat, Orville! Are you sure it will work?
But it's so flat, Underdog! Are you sure it will work?
But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane!
But its not fair:  Rush has had 3 wives and I'm still on my first.
But keep a LID on it, okay?
But let it be. Horatio, I am dead.
But love ye your enemies, and do good,- Luke 6:35
But magic has a habit of lying low, like a rake in the grass.
But maybe you've never played Infocom games?
But mom, I don't like the cat. Shut up and eat your dinner.
But mom, frogs are our *friends*! - Calvin
But mommy, I don't like cats. Shutup and eat your dinner.
But most of all, I just want relatives I can find!!!
But most of all, IT WAITS FOR YOU!   Star Trek DSN.
But mummy...I WANT to be a Nazi ! <WACK>
But my assault rifle IS for sport!  I use it for hunting fundies.
But my doctor says, you went and pushed it to the limits - Tori Amos
But my father says you ain't makin' any money. - Tori Amos
But my heart says you've been shattered - Tori Amos
But my little voice TOLD me to DO IT!
But my little voice TOLD me to do it!
But my mom says I'm cool.. - Milhouse
But my priest says you ain't savin' no souls. - Tori Amos
But my sorrows they learned to swim --U2
But my sysop doesn't carry the cow-tipping conference!
But none of this explains Why in the Context of the Trek Universe...
But not Spam, Spam, Bacon, Eggs and Spam Quiche.
But not a real Tagline that's cruel.
But not a real recipe that's cruel.
But not a real tagline that's cruel.
But now I'm finished staffing, I don't know what to do.
But now the holy dollar rules everybody's lives.
But nurse jokes are fair game.
But occifer, I only had ONE beer! said Bud wisely.
But of *course* you need a tagline.  Especially here!
But of COURSE the Universe does not make sense!
But of all the Thompson gunners, Roland was the best..
But of course my dear he said with a lear.
But of course, I whish you can do the same one day. ;-)
But of course, it *is* only my opinion.
But officer I swear I was going at Warp 5!  Don't give me a ticket!
But officer!  I was only GOING one way!
But officer! I was merely conducting a physics experiment.
But officer, I only had two beers.
But officer, I swear the light was yellow...
But officer, I was only going 10 MIPS!
But officer, so why does the speedometer go up to 100 then?
But officer, that Llama wasn't there a minute ago.
But officer, the stop sign was green when I went through it!
But officer, the stop sign was green when I went through it.
But officer, why does the speedometer go up to 100 then?
But officer.... the sign said "Drive Thru Window," so I did.
But once you are real, you can't become unreal again.
But one man can change the present!
But ossifer I don' wanna take a buckin' frosiety test...
But ossifer, I have no blood in my alcohol system!
But people in hell want ice-water, too...
But really, it was EXACTLY the same as before...
But really, you've been a beautiful audience! I love ya. I love ya!
But seriously, you've been a beautiful audience...
But she gives good headache!
But she never lost her head, even when she was givin' head.
But she sure looks fine after a bottle of wine.
But she's kissing willie, my best friend willie...
But silence!  Here comes Virginia.
But silence! Here comes Thisbe.
But sir, no one worries about upsetting a droid. -- C3PO
But soft!  What beam thru yonder saucer section cuts?  'Tis the Borg.
But soft!  What light through yonder tagline breaks?
But soft! What beam thru yonder saucer section cuts? 'Tis the Borg.
But soft, what bird through yonder window breaks?
But soft, what code through yonder Windows breaks?
But soft, what light through yonder recipe breaks?
But soft, what light through yonder tagline breaks.
But soft, what light through yonder tagline breaks?
But soft, what light through yonder---
But someone has to do it!
But sometimes Fido takes a bite out of the messages before sending.
But suburbs are no charms to soothe the restless dreams of youth.-Rush
But suppose X does exist after all, Tom expostulated.
But teacher!  My Pentium said that the answer to 1+1 was 1.6746854!!
But that comic book ad PROMISED these "X-Ray" things worked!
But that doesn't qualify me to help you run station operations. - Odo
But that would be bad for the fish!
But that's for later-- Dr. Forrester
But that's illogical.
But that's not a Florida area code!
But that's not what *he* saw. --Winters.
But thats why God created strawberry ice-cream, not just vanilla
But the Dragons said they ATE all the Elves!
But the Martians -=are=- after me!!!
But the Powers That Be will give her Shakaar.
But the Shadows were only defeated, not destroyed. --Delenn.
But the TREK echo is about business travel, boss.
But the big, bad world doesn't owe you a thing. -- Eagles
But the cow CHIP is organic...
But the cow CHIP is organic....
But the day will come when you finally see.
But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot.
But the drunk was good! Ben Frommer! - Crow on credits
But the earth abideth forever. - Ecclesiastes 1:4
But the fillies are So Much Fun!
But the future is always uncertain. Tharn
But the guy at Radio Shack said Tandy was PC-compatible.
But the initial objective was to drain the swamp!
But the man you want to see is in Jamaica for a year, Orville.
But the needle's already in my eye -- NIN
But the needle's already in my eye.
But the nice men in white coats are my FRIENDS!
But the pusher don't care / If u live or u die
But the stars are made of latinum.
But the sysop says it will overload his message count.
But the word of God grew and multiplied. - Acts 12:24
But then - a baby is not an adult, either.
But then I burned the house down; the chili was too hot!!
But then again, I like cold toilet seats.
But then again, I was a black cat which isn't there.
But then again, all good things must come to an end.  - Q
But then again, what the heck do *I* know!
But then again, what the heck do I know!
But then again, what the heck do you know!
But then again, what the hell do I know?
But then of course African swallows are not migratory.
But then one day you wake up dead - Course of Empire
But then you were the best - Gypsy writes Adam West
But then, all good things must come to an end. - Q
But there All, Bold as Love... Hendrix
But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
But there are no old, bold Klingons.
But there aren't any lions in the Antarctic
But there isn't any real people here at all!  So what's new?!
But there's something I got to do first.
But they all got away when the animator died of a massive coronary.
But they need you in Vietnam - Crow to teenager
But this is my sister's bike!
But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; (ACT 2:16)
But this one act of consecration is what I ask of you - NIN
But this, Tammy Potash, you probably realize...
But those mine enemies... slay them before me. - Luke 19:27
But to Klingons, it's entertainment. - Quark
But to live outside the law you must be honest. - Bob Dylan
But to paraphrase a famous saying, who cares?
But today I am still just a bill.
But tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun. -Beatles
But truthfully, who *IS* Sheila Bungee?
But under these circumstances, it sucks. --Beavis.
But wait!  There's more!
But wait!! :-) There's *more* to SPAM than this!!
But washing the come stains out of silk OR satin is such a bother.
But we LIKE spontaneity, don't we, Pinky? - Brain
But we can dream all we want to.
But we can't prosecute you for that.
But we did make you a cupcake - Gypsy to Mike
But we loved with a love that was more than love....
But we're the Good kind of weird people... - Vhujunka
But we've only fondled the surface of that subject. - Virginia Masters
But we've surrounded you, my friend.  There  I-S  N-O  E-S-C-A-P-E-!
But what I have is at your disposal. - Delenn
But what does THIS button do anyw%@*!....
But what does piercing your nipple have to do with driving your VW?
But what happens when the gloves come off? --Winters.
But what if I am just a figment of MY imagination?
But what if I'm a figment of MY imagination?
But what if I'm a figment of my OWN imagination?
But what if I'm a mermaid in these jeans of his?
But what if I'm really a holodeck program?
But what if they went nowhere? -- McCoy
But what if you don't kiss the chicken? I was LOST!
But what is life worth if you are not a sysop?
But what's "cognate" an itself of?
But what's the speed of DARK?
But what's the speed of Dark?
But when Old MacDonald had a farm, the doctor nearly died.
But when Old MacDonald had a farm, the doctors almost died!
But when the cannibal woman said, "I want you inside me," I ran!
But when the first shot hit the dock, I started runnin'
But when your armor's thick enough, why bother being charming?
But where do all the calculators go? - Kryten
But where do all the calculators go? -- Kryten
But where do all the dead calculators go?
But where does the water buffalo fit in? -- Vladmyr Tethosh
But where's the disposable crewman?
But where's the rubber band?!? - Tom
But where's the self-abused, stomped elephant seal of approval?
But which one is the fatherboard?
But who shall Moderate the Moderators?
But why do you exist...here?
But why is it wrong to kill an innocent liberal?
But why spend $. just to run Windows?
But with his mouth he kiste hir naked ers,
But you *never* drink coffee in the afternoon! -- Keiko O'Brien
But you NEVER drink coffee in the afternoon! - Keiko
But you Thaid it wath a PITH helmet!
But you and me, we got the kingdom, we got the key...
But you are correct, sir! I do tend to....babble!
But you are correct, sir. I do tend to....babble!
But you are right... it is nice.. but not functional enough....
But you broke our window! - Wakko
But you can always *try*.. Save up for a few days...<g> - TEC
But you can sure get nothing for something!
But you can't have babies.   Don't you oppress me! -- Stan
But you can't let her drive!  She's legally blonde!
But you can't let her drive! She's legally blonde!  See?
But you can't lrt me drive!  I'm legally blonde!
But you didn't include a tagline!
But you don't have to pray to a little tin god...
But you have to realize I've grown.                - Moriarty
But you make feel a little sick Can you stand up?
But you misunderstand, I am the MASTER. . .
But you misunderstand, I am the MASTER....
But you shall not escape my iambics.
But you thaid is was a pith helmet!
But you told me to freeze. - S. Ipkiss
But you're not a man, you're a chicken, Boo  - Animaniacs
But you're only partially disabled!
But you're so *cute* when you blush!
But you're still of the same nature.
But! Johnny, he's a son of mine and so is kin to you.
But! Sleeping is my favorite exercise!
But! William, he's a son of mine and so is kin to you.
But, @FN@'s MUCH cuter when he pouts.
But, Cap'n!  The modem canna take warp 9!"  --Scotty
But, I *AM* the Bogie Man!
But, I changed the conference <g>
But, I do know everything. -Q That makes it even worse. -Vash
But, I got out of my uniform for you, Data. - Tasha
But, I thought her testimony was irrelevant, too!
But, I'm not dead, yet. THWACK!
But, MOM, it really WAS my evil twin!
But, Major! She's _unbridled_!! - Winchester to Hoolihan
But, Mom! I PUT Mr. Data on floppies, first!
But, Mom, I don't like cats.   Shutup and eat your dinner.
But, Mom, I hate my little sister.  Shutup and eat your meat.
But, Mother     Father, lad, Father.
But, Mum..he IS the right girl for me!
But, Odo could make "it" as big as he wants to.-heard at local Con
But, Officer, a broadsword is hardly a concealed weapon!
But, Orville's MUCH cuter when he pouts.
But, Santa, naughty IS Nice.
But, Your Honor, the light had dopplered to green.
But, boss, this IS part of my job!
But, but but... I AM crazy!
But, but... I thought *I* was the terror of the night!
But, did you see that with your eyes open?
But, from your record, you look like that. - Hague
But, hey! I'm just a harmless little fuzzball.
But, how are you, metalman? Ford Very depressed. Marvin
But, if Picard can baldly go, so can Picardo. - Picardo
But, if ye wish her gratefu' prayer, Gie her a haggis!
But, if ye wish her gratefu' prayer, give her a haggis.
But, never fearBert is still around!
But, officer, I was only going ONE way!
But, on the other hand, you have five fingers.
But, that's just the way you are.
But, there ain't no way to win.
But, there's *always* a point!... Out with it!... - TEC
But, wait! There's more!
But, whhhhhhhhyyyyyyy....???????
But, you can't let her drive! She's legally BLONDE!
But, you were dead. -- Buttercup
But... But....But.... Ohh.... look at that butt!!!
But... did you prophet from this experience?
But...I *DO* know everything! - Q
But..but... I WAS on topic--for another conference, sure, but...
But..butI WAS on topic--for another conference, sure, but...
ButI *DO* know everything!  - Q
ButI'm not schizophrenic. It's this guy beside me!
Butch Cassidy might drive a Sundance.
Butcher who back into meat grinder get a little behind in his orders.
Butchers do it in the raw.
Butchers have better meat.
Butler-Adams War II:  The Cold War!
Butlers do it downstairs with upstairs maids.
Butt-grabbing slacks! - Mike on guy's tight pants
Buttblotting Fluid - The blue stuff on diaper commercials.
Buttcheek analysis complete -Enterprise Computer
Butter her muffin
Butter wouldn't melt on her knife.
Butterfliers are free
Butterflies are free.  Termites will cost ya.
Butterflies are not insects.  They are self-propelled flowers.
Butterflies do it with a flitter.
Butterfly crossing next five miles...
Buttermilk - truth in advertising?
Butthead : Men who feel themselves (ha.ha.huh).
Butthead : Men who feel... themselves (ha.ha.huh).
Butthead Butthead! Come here quick! Bare ass on TV!
Butthead Butthead! Come here quick! SQUID baseball on TV! huh huh huh
Butthead has left COOL lets talk about him... HUH HUH HUH
Butthead of Borg, Prepare to be assimilated ass-munch.
Butthead of Borg:  "Assimilation is cool. huh-huh-huh."
Butthead of Borg:  "Resistance sucks!"
Butthead virus would be annoying! uh huh huh uh Your system
Butthead! Butthead! Come here quick. Bare ass on TV!
Butthead, Butthead! Come here quick! SQUID baseball on tv! huh huh
Butthead, Butthead! Come quick! Bare ass on TV!
Butthead: "Check it out! There's something cool coming up."
Butthead: "What seems to the problem?" Beavis: "My thingy itches!"
Butthead:That guy's chin looks like a butt.
Butthead:Uhhhh..huhhuhuh..you said "ism"
Butthole Surfers kick ass!!! huh huh huh
Butthole Surfers kicks ass!!!
Buttnut - A rodeo clown.
Button Me, Ren - Stimpy
Buttons (::) : She's not just for breakfast anymore!
Buttons are everywhere!! (::) (::)
Buttons chases Mindy, while Rita sings in verse! - Animaniacs
Buttweiser, King of Rears.
Buuuurrrrrrrrnnnnnn the witch!! Buurrrnn heerr!
Buuuuuuuuut if I got a knock on the head *bonk!*
Buy "QUARKBAR", the candy with Flavor and Charm.
Buy American the job you save may be your own
Buy American! Remington, Winchester, Colt, Springfield, S&W,,,,
Buy American, where?
Buy American. The job you save may be your own!
Buy BUY$$$$$$
Buy Banana! Go Banana! Buy Banana! Go Banana! Buy Banana! Go Banana!
Buy Canadian - if you can afford it!
Buy Canadian - if you can aford it!
Buy Ed McMahon's Budweiser ice cream - Tom
Buy Israeli War Bagels
Buy Land Now.  It's Not Being Made Any More.
Buy QUARKBAR, the candy with Flavor and Charm.
Buy Savings Bonds...The government is BROKE!
Buy Stacker?  Why not just delete Windows?
Buy Stacker?  Why not just delete Windows?!
Buy Stacker?  Wouldn't it be cheaper to delete Windows?
Buy Stacker? Why not just delete Windows?
Buy Uncle Ben's Perverted Rice in the leather box.
Buy Windows. We guarantee you'll be crying over the NO CARRIER!!
Buy Yugoslavian War Bonds!
Buy Yugoslavian Wars Bonds!
Buy a 14.4 modem so your messages don't get out even faster.
Buy a 28.8 modem so your messages get out even --===faster.
Buy a 486-33 so you can reboot faster.
Buy a 486-33 you can reboot faster
Buy a 486-33...you can reboot faster..
Buy a 486-66 and you can reboot faster.
Buy a 486-66 so you can reboot faster.
Buy a 486-66 so you can wait for Windows much faster!
Buy a 586-120, you can reboot faster
Buy a HST and keep Ma Bell in business!
Buy a IBM.  It can do SOMETHING right.
Buy a Mac.  It can do SOMETHING right.
Buy a P5-120 so you can reboot faster..
Buy a Pentium - reboot faster..
Buy a Pentium - so you can restart Windoze faster!
Buy a Pentium so you can reboot Windows faster!
Buy a Pentium so you can reboot faster!
Buy a Pentium.  You can reboot Windows faster.
Buy a Pentium/90 so you can reboot faster.
Buy a condom and you'll learn - no deposit, no return...
Buy a cured ham, the sick ones are terrible.
Buy a kid a $50 toy, and he'll play with the box.
Buy a self-help guide for recovering worshipers
Buy bonds where you work or bank - Mike
Buy cattle, sell ethics! Hillary Clinton
Buy in haste, repair at leisure
Buy into the firm foundation - Jesus!
Buy it cheap, cut it to fit, jury-rig it on, and paint to match.
Buy land.  It's not being made anymore.
Buy left-handed coffee mugs.
Buy me a 486DX4/100 with 64 MB RAM, and a 2.4 GB HDD and I'll shut-up!
Buy me a 586/150 with 256 MB RAM, and a 2 GB HDD and I'll shut-up
Buy me a drink?  Tom asked dryly.
Buy me a drink? said Tom dryly.
Buy my new book: 1001 Ways to Wok Your Dog.
Buy one, get one FREE!  Does it have to be in that order?
Buy one, get one free?  Does it have to be in that order?
Buy stealth condoms!  She'll never see you coming!
Buy the Clinton watch... only $5.95. ($59.95 with tax).
Buy today, Borg tomorrow!
Buy weapons of Death & Destruction at the NRA outlet nearest you.
Buy, Buy, My Darling - Price Rebel Icon Mdse. Catalog
Buy, sell, or get out of the way!
Buyer:Fill up my hard drive. Salesmen:You Want Windows!
Buying Windows, an Unrecoverable Application Error
Buying an HP is RISCy !
Buysexuality can become expensive.
Buyzantine - A building style designed so visitors exit the gift shop
Buzz Aldrin calling lunar module... Raindrops keep falling on my head.
Buzzard Theory:   Patience, Hell! - Kill Something !
Buzzbundle - A six-pack of beer.
Buzzbundle: A six-pack of beer.
Buzzword:  [n]  The fly in the ointment of computer literacy.
Bwave command? filter 'Bill Crisman'
By 1990, no Australian child will be... What? 1995? Already?
By Day, Enlighten; By Night, Endarken.
By George I think she's got it!
By Ghod!- for a moment there, it all made sense..
By God's light we see the light of truth in His Word.
By God, for a moment there it all made sense!
By God, for a moment there, it all made sense.
By God, for a moment there, it all made sense...
By Golly, for a moment there, it all made sense...
By His Spirit in us we will overcome!
By Pendragon's sword the Dark shall fall!
By all means, let's not confuse ourselves by the facts.
By all means, let's not confuse ourselves with facts.
By all means, let's not confuse ourselves with the facts!
By all means, let's not confuse the issue with facts.
By all means, let's not confuse theused.
By confessing her culpabilities, she made way for more.
By convention! cussed Tom airily. [customarily]
By day and by night his presence is near. He is my salvation from sin.
By day, an average person; By night a Modem Maniac!!!!!!!
By establishing real money, men rule out its debasement.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
By following the Savage, you learn to be savage.
By following the good, you learn to be good.
By gnawing through a dyke, even a rat may drown a nation. - Burke
By hook, or by crook, we will.
By keyboard has as bad code.
By my God have I leaped over a wall. - 2 Samuel 22:30
By my mark ye shall know me.
By my troth, I am off! - Calvin
By my troth, I was seeking a fool when I found you.
By my troth, captain, these are very bitter words.
By my weirdness, you shall know me...
By night an atheist half believes a God.
By one man's will many must woe endure.
By perseverance the snail reached the ark.
By reading this tagline you permit me to do anything.
By reading this, you're either a lawyer or a nut
By remaining single, a man is a permanent public temptation.
By submission, you conquer.  <Chiun>
By sunrise I will rule the universe.
By the Gods below... ...A PERVERT! - Brockhurst & Higgins
By the Middle Pillar, that's amazing!
By the gods, I'm adventuring with a troup of dancers!
By the gun we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.
By the lady Blessed Be!
By the light of the night/ It will all seem alright... -Frank
By the moon and the stars in the sky...
By the power of Grayskull, I'm He-Man - Master of the Universe!
By the power of Grayskull, I'm She-Ra, Mistress of the Universe!
By the power of Grayskull, I'm Vampyra - Mistress of the Universe!
By the power of Numbskull, I am Mor-on - Idiot of the Universe!
By the pricking in my thumbs, something trashy this way comes...
By the pricking of my thumb, something scary this way comes. - Dot
By the pricking of my thumb, something stupid this way comes!
By the pricking of my thumbs, Diet Pepsi this way comes.
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty.
By the taste, I would say the other one was Shinola.
By the time I have money to burn, my fire will be out!
By the time I have money to burn, my fire will be out.
By the time I'm done with you, you'll wish you died on the Icarus!
By the time most of us have money to burn, our fire's gone out.
By the time rules are is needed, it's already too late
By the time this message gets back on topic, WE'LL ALL BE DEAD!
By the time we saved enough for a honeymoon, we didn't want one.
By the time we've made it, we've had it.
By the time you can make ends meet, they've moved the ends.
By the time you get this, I should be dead.   Cheers!
By the time you make ends meet they move the ends.
By the time you make ends meet, they move the ends.
By the time you notice the GM smiling, it's far too late.
By the way ladies, I can part my hair with my tongue.
By the way, glad to see you on the board.
By the way, have you ever bathed? -- Joel Robinson
By the way, if you're still reading this, you have a BIG problem!
By the way, the referee is Charlie Watts - Tom
By the way, what does "BTW" mean?
By the way, what does BTW mean?
By the way, what does BTW stand for?
By the way, you're soaking in it.
By the way, your tortoise is on fire.
By the way.. Do you happen to own more TV's than books..?
By the way.. is a slave ignorant, lacking in intelligence or
By the way... Do you happen to own more TV's than books?
By the way...BOOGER! - Johnny Fever
By their Taglines shall ye know them.
By their deeds do we know them.
By their recipes shall ye know them.
By this ferret, I will most horribly revenge
By this time my lungs were aching for air.
By this time my son's lungs were aching for air! -- Tom Servo
By this time tomorrow, we will be at war with the Narn. - Londo
By tomorrow, this will all seem like a dream.
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity--another man's I mean.
By trying we can learn to endure another's adversity.
By your command, Imperious Leader.
By-Tor and the Snowdog, prepared for battle!! -Rush?
By-Tor, knight of Darkness, Centurion of evil, devil's prince!
By-and-by is easily said.  Shakespeare
By: Dean Cran
By: Trial and re-boot
Bye Bye Tag  Bye Bye Happiness
Bye bye to a slow baboon, he'll be the lion's dinner soon.
Bye bye, boys!  Have fun storming the castle! -Princess Bride
Bye bye, boys! Have fun storming the castle!
Bye fo' now and Gots some NICE Day
Bye for now and Have a NICE Day
Bye!  That's the password!  I don't know, I'm so confused!
Bye! --- I am Imelda Marcos of Borg. Prepare your shoes for assimilat
Bye! ---> Mr. Worf, prepare to fire phasers at Paul". Two second burst
Bye! I gotta go mow the cat!
Bye!! --< poof ::: cloud of dust :::
Bye, Mr. Hoffa! -- Joel Robinson
Bye, teen gang! - Tom as bikers leave
Bye-bye to the slow baboon, he'll be the lion's dinner soon.
Byebyte - Losing a file in your computer.
Byeloon: Helium balloon that escapes from a small child at carnivals.
Bymnasium:  A health club for bimbos.
Byte My ASCII, Comrade!
Byte me and I'll byte you back!!!
Byte: Painful wound inflicted by dogs, snakes, children etc.
Bytebrothers..children of the ARCLITE!
Bzz Bzzzt.. <<There is no "earth" on current star maps.>>
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!  Thanks for playing.
b p bb bp p d pd     <--- Continuum kids on drugs
bE yOuNg, HaVe FuN, PlAy TrAdEwArS!
bIjeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh!  (translation:  Surrender or die!)
bIjeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh...
back.  But it's nice to know you liked it, so thank YOU for replying!
bad news, he's going to destroy the world in ONE MONTH!"
bad shorts! -- Batty
bagel:  An unsweetened donut with rigor mortis.
bamboo puncturing this skin
banker:  One who loans you money after you prove you don't need it.
bar se nasmesi kada me vidis, ostani djubre do kraja.
barbarically."Boy, will I give YOU a haircut!" said Tom barbarously.
barefoot in the lawn with shooting stars
basic elemental, instinct to survive, stirs a higher passion
bastard: Stabs you in the back & has you arrested for hiding a weapon.
bathroom scale:   Something you stand on and swear at.
be in your pleasures like the flowers and the bees. -- gibran
be known forevermore as 'THOSE WHO CHOSE CHEESE.' - F. Zappa
because the people on the earth were really screwing things up...so, he
bed is too small for my tiredness...give me a hilltopped with trees...
been all the music with a phony gas chamber,
been there, done that, won the Wet T-shirt contest...
beg praN sN't m heY En't uT t G y!
begin 622 vsmall.gif Vqjrrm!N!LrZIrr!!!""!#3"R end
begin by spilling the man's guts." Yrkoon
beginning with life my to interfere mail reading My is.
beguilingly."I won't be on time," Tom said belatedly.
being held by you is enough to get us excited
bel wIghahtaH'a'  (Are we having fun?)
believe in backups! Wether afterlive, 3,5" disks or tapestreamer...
belly button:  Crumb catcher while eating cookies in bed.
best be quiet & *thought* a fool than to speak, & remove all doubt...
best frog renaissance amoeba packrat concrete
best known) 'Stranger in a Strange Land'.
best thing to sand in your hard disk.
betcha this plays havic with a KEYWORD search, huh??! :)
better the pride that resides in a citizen of the world.
beyond a reasonable doubt
big cats can kill you ...
bigamy:  One husband too many.  Monogomy:  Same thing.
bigamy:  When two rites make a wrong.
bigamy:  Where two rites make a wrong.
bill clinton:  Back to the Sticks in '96.
birds happen music like clocks ticking heavens
birra, [It.]:  Beer.
bis: Bug Infected System
bison, (b'zon), (n.) - Sexually confused male child.
bits of ice striking hull "Captain, we're being hailed"
bius tagline. This is a Mobius tagline. This is a Mo ...
bl00p!  The M00se Illuminati strike!
black & white & red all over?    A......Blushing Zebra!
black and blue and broken bones you left me here i'm all alone
black,white,&red all over?    A......Blushing Zebra!
blah.. blah... Blah.. Blah... Blah.. Do you understand me???
blaming Political Correctness: conservative demagogue thought control.
ble-dipper v 4.2 *
bleakness desolation plastic forks ...
bled-white & blue:melencholy American victim of a vampire
blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. (Matt 5:5)
blind obedience to a monolithic government.  Or else.
bljeghbe'chugh vaj blHegh  (Klingon: "Surrender or die!")
blocking transmission; or someone loaded Star Trek 3.2 into our video
blonde, brunette, redhead & an albino just to make it interesting.
blondes&doors:harderUslam them,looser they come.
bloodhunt) are simply marked "-- Crow".  Unattributed tags are either
blue-blue-red-silver - color code of the beast's resistor
boat, n.: A hole in the water that you throw money into.
bon appetite!
bortS bI jablu'DI'reH QaQqu'nay'
bortaS bIr jablu'DI'reH QaQqu' nay'...
bother, I just can't sell any marijuana anymore, said Pooh to Eore
bow down before the one you serve you're going to get what you deserve
boxing can make your eyes turn really big and explode
brea9430@mach1.wlu.ca	Waterloo, Ontario, Canada-for-now	##############
break a leg
british left waffles on falkland islands
brought to you by the Presidential Committee on Lower Expectations.
brown & lies on piano bench: Beethoven's first movement.
brute STRENGTH...the GENE pool.
btw - this traffic is going blazing fastisn't it?
buccaneer:  Very expensive corn on the cob.
buddhists imagine doing it
buh du du du dum! (snap, snap)
build it...and they will come!!!!!
bumper sticker: Mean people suck.
bumps, it is the recipient's own damned fault!! :-*
bunnys bunnys and more bunnys.....
but *NOT* by both methods please!  :-)
but Mr Fawlty, he not rat, he hampster - Manuel
but all that ANSI on your login screens hangs my software up...
but are otherwise incapable of reading simple rules.
but everytime I try to lick my balls I end up falling off the couch.
but frankly, we're dogs- a What Alien
but good try!
but have you tried PRUNES?
but if you're a point, you will be able to choose your own...
but only as a last resort :-)
but probably quite unable to drink the coffee ...
but the Prince is young and foolish and has a peanut for a brain
but the blood has stopped pumping & he's left to decay
but the stories do get kinda preachy in the epilogs.
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
but there are no old, bold pilots.
but what I really want to do is direct.
but when I can I do it all again.
but when i can i do it all again -- NIN
but you only want the Major, who you can't have.
buying Windows:the real "Unrecoverable Application Error"
by George I think she's got it!
byte:  A little nibble.

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca