C             The Speed Of Light (186,000 miles/sec (300,000 km/sec))
C - is that the Program Listing or is that Line Noise?
C -- It isn't just for breakfast anymore.
C :The power of Asm w/the flexibility of Asm
C = (C++)--;
C A U T I O N !   You have now entered the Genealogy Zone.
C C C This tagline C C C was nailed down C C C to prevent theft. C C C
C Code, C Code Compile, C Code Fail, C Programmer Punch Wall.
C Code, C Code run, Run Code Run !  *Please* Run Code !
C Error #003: You're joking, right?
C Error #003: You're joking... right?
C Error #007: Irrational concept!
C Error #008: It'll never work, really!
C Error #009: FATAL! Portable code found
C Error #011: First C Program, huh?
C Error #012: printf("Hello world/n");
C Error #012: printf("Hello world\n");
C Error #013: That's Mr C to you bub!
C Error #013: That's Mr. C to you bub!
C Error #022: Missing period eh? Core dump
C Error #022: Missing period eh? Core dump...
C Error #026: Sorry, gone fishing
C Error #026: Sorry, gone fishing...
C Error #029:  Well!  I'm impressed.
C Error #029: Well! I'm impressed
C Error #030: tisk, tisk, tisk
C Error #031: May I suggest delivering pizza?
C Error 032: Forget it.  Use paper and pencil.
C Jack code.  C code run. C Jack debug.
C Jack code. C code run. C Jack debug.
C O N S I D E R    Y O U R S E L F     M O D E R A T E D ! ! !
C PROGRAMMERS continue it
C PROGRAMMERS continue it.
C PROGRAMMERS do it with pointers.
C PROGRAMMERS do it with their nose in a manual.
C Programmers do it with models!
C Programmers do it with the LARGE model!
C Windows run.  C Windows crash.  C user cry.
C code run. Run code run!
C code.  C code run.  C code crash.  Why code, why?
C code.  C code run.  Please, code, run.
C code.  C code run.  Run code, run....PLEASE!!
C code.  C code run.  Run, code, run!  Please run.
C code. C code run. PLEASE, code, run?
C code. C code run. Run code run! Aw come on code! RUN!
C code. C code run. Run code run.
C code. C code run. Run code, run. PLEASE!
C code. C code run. Run, code, run!
C error #22780 - Wow, I'm impressed!
C is for Bangers.
C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me. - Cookie Monster
C is for Crusher, the doctor and cadet
C is for Cthulhu, who sleeps in R'lyeh
C is for cookie; that's good enough for me!  COOOOKKKIESSSS!!!!!!!
C program run   C program crash   C programmer (Q)uit!
C program run, C program crash, C programmer cry.
C program run.  C program crash.  C programmer drink.
C program run.  C program crash.  C programmer quit
C program run.  C program crash.  C programmer quit.
C program run. C program crash. C programmer cry.
C program run. C program crash. C programmer get drunk.
C program run. C program crash. C programmer quit.
C program run. C program crash. C programmer swear. C programmer quit!
C program run. C program crash. C programmer throw up.
C program run... Run, program, run...  PLEASE...
C programmer run C programmer crash C programmer quit
C programmers DO IT with the LARGE model!
C programmers DO IT with their nose in a manual.
C programmers SWITCH and then BREAK it.
C programmers continue it.
C programmers do it in a structured manner, sometimes.
C programmers do it in a structured manner.
C programmers do it in libraries.
C programmers don't have the BASIC instincts.
C programming means never having to say you're done.
C weirdo in training. Avoid references to Pascal.
C$A#M*O$U%F@L#A)G@E~D   T@A#G$L@I~N$E
C&W music backward:  Get yer dog, wife, job, truck, kids, etc. back.
C&W music backward: get yer dog, job, truck, kids, n'sobriety back.
C&W music backward: get yer dog, wife, job, truck, kids, n'sobriety back
C&W pick:If I'd Shot You Sooner,I'd Be Out of Jail by Now
C> ... Formatting Universe, 0.0000000000000000001% complete
C>Win. Nope. I don't do Windows
C>rename C:\whatIsaid C:\whatImeant
C' What?
C'Bers do it on the air.
C'est La Vie, Marie.. iT's nOt a gAmE...
C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?
C'est la vie.
C'est la vie. C'est la guerre. [picture of celery]
C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre. -- Bosquet
C'ing More and More Each Day!!!
C'mere Baby, I'll Show You The Meaning Of Love! --Servo.
C'mon Butthead, change it! Change it, Butthead! This sucks!
C'mon Butthead, change it. Change Butthead. This sucks!
C'mon Butthead, change it. Change it Butthead! This sucks!
C'mon Daddy O! - Tom
C'mon Data, get mad!  Just once!!!
C'mon Doctor it's as easy as 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841.
C'mon Honey it's only a computer put down the ax, please.
C'mon Honey, it's only a computer, put down the axe.
C'mon I'm writing taglines begging you! :)
C'mon McCauly! Pull my Finger! - Michael Jackson
C'mon Scully... It'll be a nice trip through the woods - Fox Mulder
C'mon Scully... it'll be a nice trip through the forest --Fox Mulder.
C'mon Scullyit'll be a nice trip through the forest - Mulder
C'mon Special Agent Sweetheart - Mike as deputy to wife/#606
C'mon Spock.  Pull my finger!
C'mon Sysop, I apologized! Don't lock me ou%:(n@ NO CARRIER
C'mon Thor, don't make me shove this thing up your butt! - B&B
C'mon Thor, don't make me shove this thing up your butt! huh huh huh
C'mon Tommy Gun! I'll catch you! - Mike to Servo
C'mon baby drive south
C'mon baby light my fire.
C'mon back & shag some flies for me - Crow
C'mon everybody! Do the Dorky Old White Guy -Tom on dance
C'mon everybody! Do the Dorky Old White Guy! -- Tom Servo
C'mon everybody, let's have a hoedown! - Stimpy
C'mon honey! Let's crab walk out of here - Mike
C'mon make with the fright, already! - Crow after credits
C'mon men, let's go kick some Indian butt!-LTC Custer, 7th US Cavalry
C'mon over baby, whole lotta shakin' goin' on
C'mon over here, Boy, have a cigar.. - Pink Floyd
C'mon over, baby, whole lotta bakin' goin' on ..
C'mon over, baby. Whole lotta shakin' going on!
C'mon you bastards! Come at me! - Joel on guy w/gun
C'mon you bastards! I'm ready for you!- Crow on guy w/gun
C'mon you chunk'a dogfood! - Crow during horse race
C'mon you guys, the Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox are calling. - Joel
C'mon you old war wagon - Mike
C'mon! Get some Jello or mud or oil - Tom on wrestler
C'mon! It's a delightful story! - Crow as tough guy
C'mon! Shoulder/elbow hookup - Mike to Tom
C'mon! We paid to see the whole guy - Crow
C'mon! Who's the high school junior around here? - Crow
C'mon,  get a GRIP!!!
C'mon, @FN@, whine some more.
C'mon, @TO, whine some more.
C'mon, George, tell me about the contras again, George, huh? Huh?
C'mon, He, snivel some more.
C'mon, He, whine some more.
C'mon, He, yell some more.
C'mon, I never said THAT!
C'mon, I'm funny! Somebody laugh! - Tom Arnold
C'mon, Mike! Freak, freaky, freely dude!!! - Crow
C'mon, Orville Bullitt, snivel some more.
C'mon, Orville Bullitt, whine some more.
C'mon, Orville Bullitt, yell some more.
C'mon, Orville, snivel some more.
C'mon, Orville, whine some more.
C'mon, Orville, yell some more.
C'mon, Punk...Reductio my Absurdum
C'mon, Spock, pull my finger!
C'mon, gimme the keys to the morgue, dad! - Crow
C'mon, one o' you guys has gotta be Homer Sexual. - Moe
C'mon, sibs -- Yakko Warner
C'mon, snivel some more.
C'mon, try it onIt's in your blood.-Freddy Krueger
C'mon, vote for Perot...It'l be FUNNY!
C'mon, vote for Perot...It'll be FUNNY!
C'mon, where's your sense of adventure?
C'mon, whine some more.
C'mon, yell some more.
C'mon, you buttheads! - Crow
C'mon, you guys, Michael is INNOCENT! Woody Allen told me so.
C'mon. It's time to scrub you! - Mike
C'ya! Virus Remover: Removed EGO from All.SYS .
C)ountdown before logoff
C+ call for Windows95: "Here, Piggy, Piggy, Piggy..."
C++  Where only your friends can access your private parts
C++ PROGRAMMERS do it with "OOP, there it is!"
C++ PROGRAMMERS do it with class
C++ PROGRAMMERS do it with private members and public objects
C++ PROGRAMMERS do it with private members and public objects.
C++ PROGRAMMERS do it with their friends, in private
C++ Programmers are proud of their Private Parts.
C++ Programmers do it with objects
C++ Programmers have private parts.
C++ Where only your friends can access your private parts
C++ classes - call for times and dates!
C++ is still not good enough for a B.
C++ is to C as Lung Cancer is to Lung
C++ programmers DO IT with class
C++ programmers DO IT with their friends, in private.
C++ programmers do it _with_ class.
C++ programmers do it with class.
C++ programmers do it with private members and public objects.   
C++ programmers earns money by inheritance.
C++ programmers earns money by inheritence.
C++ should have been called "D"
C++ should have been called D
C++: Operations at a 90  angle to reality!
C, the power of ASM with the flexibility of ASM
C-128D USRobotics DS V.34+, FAX, w/ASL Use'n Swiftlink RS232
C-14 Dating: the mood ring of evolutionist dogmatists.
C-3PO of Borg:  Master Luke!  We will be Assimilated!  Oh, my...
C-3PO: "Might I inquire what's going on?"   Han Solo: "Why not?"
C-Ko Cook For You?
C-L-I-N-T-O-N = Compulsive Liar Is Nations Top Official Now!
C-beams glittering in space near the Tannhauser Gate
C-ing is believing
C-ko: You <squeak> won't eat it <squeak> will you? WAAAAAHH!
C. P. A.:  Certified Pain in the Ass
C... it's not just a language, it's also a chord.
C.I.A. -- A contradiction in terms most of the time.
C.L.I.N.T.O.N - Compulsive Liar In Nation's Top Office Now
C.L.I.N.T.O.N. = Compulsive Liar is Nation's Top Official Now.
C.O.P.'s. . . . Criminals On Payroll
C.R.E.A.M. - Cash Rules Everything Around Me!
C.W. McCall? Zamfir? Barbra Mandrell? - Frank
C.j. Showers is to Fidonet, what The Rangers are to hockey.
C/C++: So simple a child could do it? Go find me a child!
C: Drive Error:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)estruct
C: Drive Error:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ick, (S)cream
C: Drive Error: (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)estruct
C: Drive failure. Oh no, it must be a Monday.. again.
C: Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one
C: Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one.
C: Sysop not found; begin download C: *.* (Y,N)?
C: The power of Assembly with its flexibility
C: \World - Amusement park for computer users.
C: being, of course, DH0:c. And the slashes go the right way!
C: drive flattened and left outside. Doormat another (Y/N)?
C: not just a programming language...a way of life!
C:#     Football player.
C:> COFFEE.COM error. Contact programmer J. Valdez.
C:> COFFEE.COM missing SysOp halted
C:>COFFEE.CUP missing   SysOp Halted
C:>WIN ... Nope, I don't do Windows.
C:>rename c:\windows\win.bat c:\windows\lose.bat
C:<COFFEE.CUP missing   SysOp Halted
C:Ha?\>                              (Swiss DOS prompt)
C:\             The Prime Directory
C:\  No Evil
C:\ <------------- HELL FOR MACINTOSH USERS!!!!
C:\>  The shift stick of computing.
C:\>  The stick shift of computing.
C:\> - The REAL computer user's ONLY icon.
C:\> Police Not Found: Try Adult Bookstore [Y/N]?
C:\> Police Not Found: Try Donut shop [Y/N]?
C:\> cd\windows  C:\WINDOWS\>del *.*
C:\> is a smiley with a shower cap and a broken nose.
C:\> sweep echo y | del *.*_
C:\>BOOT.COM.... <B>oot <R>eboot <S>teel toe boot?
C:\>DEL C:\REALITY.SYS.....C:\>Copy A:\TREK\*.* C:
C:\>cd Bob C:\Bob>HUMOR File not found ((A)bort (R)etry (F)ail?).
C:\>chkdsk c: ... Formatting Track 0 Head 0
C:\>del c:\reality.sys  copy a:\pern\*.* c:
C:\>erase c:\reality.sys  copy a:\pern\*.* c:
C:\>erase c:\reality.sys  copy a:\trek\*.* c:
C:\>erase c:\reality.sys copy a:\trek\*.* c:
C:\<erase c:\reality.sys  copy a:\pern\*.* c:
C:\Airplane C:\Airplane\Takeoff C:\Airplane\Fly C:\Airplane\Crash
C:\BBS  and C:\Bwave. All I need to survive.
C:\BELFRY /\oo/\ This is where bat files are kept /\oo/\
C:\BELFRY is where I keep my .BAT files ^^^oo^^^
C:\BELFRY is where I keep my .BAT files.
C:\BELFRY:  the directory for .BAT files
C:\BW\TAGLINES.BW (or whatever) so that it will
C:\Belfry  "Where I keep my .BAT files"
C:\CLINTON.EXE  Bad President or File Name
C:\CLINTON\TRUTH.COM not found (A)bort (R)etry (I)mpeach
C:\CLINTON\TRUTH.COM not found--(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)mpea
C:\CLINTON\TRUTH.COM not found.  Abort, Retry, Impeach?
C:\COFFEE.CUP missing  SysOp Halted
C:\COFFEE.POT missing <A>bort <R>etry <F>all asleep?
C:\COFFEE.POT missing: (A)bort (R)etry (E)nter message?
C:\COFFEE.POT missing: (A)bort (R)etry (F)all asleep
C:\COFFEE.POT missing: (A)bort, (R)etry, (E)nter message?
C:\COFFEE.POT missing: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)all asleep
C:\COFFEE.POT missing:(A)bort (R)etry (F)all alseep
C:\COFFEE.POT not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)reak out?
C:\DAMSEL.EXE crosslinked w/DISTRESS.COM--RESCUE?(y/n)
C:\DAMSEL.EXE crosslinked with DISTRESS.COM: RESCUE- (Y)es, (N)o
C:\DAMSEL.EXE x-linked with DISTRESS.BAT.  Rescue? (Y/N)
C:\DAMSEL.EXE x-linked with DISTRESS.COM.  RESCUE? (Y/n?)
C:\DAMSEL.EXE x-linked with DISTRESS.DAT. Rescue? (Y/n).
C:\DEL C:\REALITY.SYS.....C:\Copy A:\TREK\*.* C:
C:\DOS -> C:\DOS\RUN -> C:\Windows\Crash -> C:\Josh\CRY
C:\DOS -> C:\DOS\RUN -> C:\Windows\Crash -> C:\Martyn\CRY
C:\DOS\RUN          C:\WINDOWS\CRAWL          C:\OS2\FLY
C:\DOS\RUN.  Run DOS, run!
C:\Divorce.Sys "Echo Y| Erase \Wife\*.*
C:\Divorce.Sys Echo Y| Erase \Wife\*.*.
C:\Dos . . . C\Dos\Run . . .  Run\Dos\Run
C:\ENERGIZE.BUN halted, <R>eplace, <K>eep going, <A>nd going
C:\JACKSON\MICHAEL\NOSE.BIT missing ... Sue Plastic Surgeon [Y/n]
C:\ONGRTSWI.N95 (Apple Inc.)
C:\PCBACKUP>Insert disk 1 of 1362    360 Kb disks!
C:\PCBACKUP>Insert disk 1 of 1362 disks!
C:\POLITICS.TMP corrupted. Delete (Y/N)?
C:\Planets\Earth\ is 99% full.  Please delete unnecessary people.
C:\Police Not Found: Try Adult Bookstore [Y/N]?
C:\REALITY.SYS failure, <A>bort, <R>etry, <I>nitialize dream sequence?
C:\WIN95>del *.*   <-- The most efficient solution
C:\WINDOWS DELTREE  will really speed up your system
C:\WINDOWS> del *.*   I feel MUCH better now!
C:\WINDOWS>DEL *.*     I feel better now!
C:\WINDOWS\>del *.* ...I feel much better now!
C:\WINDOWS\RUN (I can't wait that long at my age!)
C:\WINDOWS\WIN.DEX with Ammonia-D helps keep your Windows sparkling
C:\WORLD\HOMO.SAP corrupted. Delete (Y/N)?
C:\Windows  C:\Windows\CRASH  C:\COMPUTER\FRY
C:\Windows  C:\Windows\RUN  C:\PC\CRAWL
C:\Windows  C:\Windows\RUN  C:\Windows\CRASH  DEL *.*
C:\Windows  C:\Windows\Run  C:\Programs\Crawl
C:\pet      C:\pet\cat      C:\cat\ignore\human.
C:\pet   C:\pet\cat    C:\pet\cat\ignore\human.
C:\pet C:\pet\cat C:\cat\ignore\human.
C:\pet C:\pet\cat C:\pet\cat\ignore\human
C:drive...C:drive run...C:drive crash...File not found.
C:pms.exe\bitch\shoot\on sight.run
C:} WIN Nope, I don't do Windows.
C= is still holding up the Amiga.  Isn't that robbery?    [AET 37.4B #5]
C=:-)           <---- smiling chef
C=:-) User is a chef
C=}>;*{))  Mega-Smilie...
CA Condor?  Tastes like a combo of Bald Eagle & Manatee
CA Driving:  To Change lanes, first pull out your 9mm..
CA Raisins murdered by Cereal Killer! Film at 11.
CA Raisins murdered!  Cereal Killer? Film at 11.
CA bumper sticker: Cover me, I'm changing lanes.
CA has Gang Wars.  KS has Tammy.  CA had 1st choice.
CA has gang wars.  Kansas has Tammy!
CA raisins murdered, Cereal killer suspected.
CA raisins murdered, cereal killer suspected!
CA, the Granola State - What ain't fruits is nuts.
CA, the Granola State - What ain't fruits is nutz.
CA: The granola state - all fruits, nuts, and flakes!
CABBAGE: The number of years a taxi has existed.
CABINET:  When your taxi trap has been sprung.
CABLE.SYS Corrupt: [A]rgue [L]ie [D]BS?
CAC: Calling All Cars
CAC: Cash And Carry
CAD = Computer artist who runs off with your spouse
CADAVERS do it six feet under.
CADAVERS do it under wraps.
CAESAREAN: pertaining to a Roman city
CAF: Convert ASCII to Farsii
CAFFEINE NOT FOUND: (S)cream (K)ick wall (F)all asleep
CAFFEINE.SYS not found -- Operator Halted.
CAFFEINE:  One of the four basic food groups.
CAI: Corrupt Accounting Information
CAIL: Crash After I Leave
CAJI:  Acronym for Crackpot Association of Junior Investigators.
CAL Sucks; UCLA Swallows
CALCULUS MAJORS do it in increments
CALCULUS MAJORS do it in increments.
CALCULUS STUDENTS do it by parts
CALCULUS: the agony and dx/dt
CALIFORNIANS do it laid back
CALIFORNIANS do it laid back.
CALORIE(n):a unit measuring the amount of flavour in food
CALORIE: A unit that tells you how good food tastes.
CALVINISM:  Shit happens because you don't work hard enough.
CAMELOT: the place to shop for a used dromedary.
CAMELS do it with props (Sopworth Camel was aeroplane with a propeller).
CAMPERS do it in a tent
CAMPERS do it in a tent.
CAMPERS do it in a tent.   
CAN'T whistle at my girlfriend, she leaves me breathless!
CANADA - Nine months of winter, three of bad skiing.
CANADA -- Nine months of winter, three of bad skiing.
CANADA CALLING: Quebec for sale cheap. Must take it all.
CANADA: Our wind blows trees really well.
CANADIAN DOS: Format c:?  Yer sure, eh? [S]ure [N]o-way
CANADIAN(n):like American,but no gun&with Healthcare! <G>
CANADIANS do it bilingually.
CANADOS:  Format C:? Yer Sure, eh? [Y] [N]o way hoser!
CANDIASIS NETWORK: Self rising yeast for Jesus!
CANNIBAL - One who is apt to pass his best friend.
CANONICALS, n.  The motley worn by Jesters of the Court of Heaven.
CAO: Compare Apples to Oranges
CAPS LOCK - A tight chin strap for a baseball hat
CAPSIZE: The same dimensions as one's hat.
CAPT'N! ... Bullitt is unlurking off the port bow, arming his TLX!
CAPT'N! Geco uncloaking off the port bow, and he's arming his Tag-X!
CAPT'N! Warner uncloaking off the port bow, and he's arming his Tag-X!
CAPT'N.....Bullitt unlurking off the port bow, and he's arming his TLX!
CAPT'N.....Orville unlurking off the port bow, and he's arming his @%&*!
CAPT'N.....Theist unlurking off the port bow, and he's arming his OLX!
CAPTAIN KIRK does it where no man has gone before.
CAPTAIN!! Moderator decloaking on the port#!$&^@ NO CARRIER
CAPTAIN!!!!!!  Moderator decloaking on the port#^!$&^!$@ NO CARRIER
CAPTAIN!!!!!!  Moderator decloaking on the port#^!$&^!$@ \SLMR\TAGL
CAR BUF: on a car owned by Bill Buff.
CAR CUSTOMISERS do it with a hot rod
CAR: Cancel Accounts Receivable
CARDIOLOGISTS do it halfheartedly
CARDIOLOGISTS do it lightheartedly
CARFIELD activates any Monday
CARLY SIMON - The anticipation is over.
CARNIVORE:  People Dancing And Playing Music In The Street.
CAROL CHANNING - Well, Goodbye Dolly
CARPENTERS do it tongue-in-groove
CARPENTERS hammer it harder
CARPENTERS hammer it harder.
CARPENTERS nail harder
CARPET FITTERS do it on their knees
CARPET FITTERS do it on their knees.
CARPET LAYERS do it on the floor
CARPET LAYERS do it on the floor.
CARPETLAYERS do it on the floor.
CARPETLAYERS do it on the floor.   
CARRIER  Is the Sysop looking?  No? Great, now I ca...NO CARRIER
CARRIER LOST DURING DATA TRANSFER.. ..  .   . <crash> . . .
CARROLL O'CONNOR - Archie Bunker's Place
CARROT JUICE?!?! --6th Dr.
CARTEL: Getting your vehicle to pass information.
CARTOONISTS do it with just a few good strokes
CASCADE activates Sep 1 - Dec 31
CASCADE-B activates Sep 1 - Dec 31
CASH ONLY! We Know Your Kind!
CASH ONLY! We know your kind!
CASINO activates Apr 15th
CASINO activates Aug 15th
CASINO activates Jan 15th
CASPER activates Apr 1st
CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN:  Kiddie Trainer for DOOM ][!
CASTRATE(n): hotel room cost for actors
CAT (n): 1. Furry keyboard cover 2. Alarm clock
CAT (n): A walking ego with fur.
CAT (n.): 1. Furry keyboard cover.  2. Fur ball puker
CAT (n.): 1. Furry keyboard cover. 2. Alarm clock. 3. Fur ball puker.
CAT (n.): 1. Furry keyboard cover. 2. Fur ball puker
CAT - (kat') n. Dog with an attitude problem.
CAT /KAT/ n Small, four legged, fur bearing extortionist.
CAT : A small, furry beast resembling a meatloaf.
CAT : Furry keyboard cover.
CAT : Furry, really annoying keyboard cover.
CAT ADVICE:  Take some time to eat the flowers.
CAT ADVICE: Take some time to eat the flowers.
CAT PROBLEMS:  Drawers that make no allowance for tails.
CAT PROBLEMS: Drawers that make no allowance for tails.
CAT RULE #2: Get plenty of sleep so you can play at
CAT RULE #4: Reserve hairballs for shag carpets.
CAT RULE #8: Add roughage to human's food by shedding on it.
CAT Scan: What dogs do when they enter your yard.
CAT Scan: a hi-tech device for examining cats.
CAT Scan: a medical test for the presence of furballs.
CAT reader seems to be conflicting with the mouse.
CAT scan:  Searching for a kitty.
CAT!  GET AWAY from the monitor!  Geezzzz!
CAT! GET AWAY from the monitor! Geezzzz!
CAT(n):fast psychotic animal bred for target practice.
CAT. I hope that Schrodinger guy put litter in here.
CAT.COM started.  Computer will barf a hairball in five seconds.
CAT.COM started.  Computer will furball in 5 seconds!
CAT.COM started.  Computer will furball in five seconds.
CAT.COM started.  Computer will hairball in five seconds.
CAT.COM started. Computer will barf a hairball in 5 secs.
CAT.COM started. Computer will furball in five seconds.
CAT.COM started. Computer will hack furball in 5 seconds.
CAT.COM started....Computer will furball in 5 seconds
CAT:  A small furry beast resembling a meatloaf.
CAT:  Walking ego with fur.
CAT: (n) Walking ego with fur.
CAT: A small furry beast resembling a meatloaf.
CAT: Black or white, may or may not be missing.  Contact Schredinger.
CAT: Black or white, may or may not be missing.  Contact Schroedinger.
CAT: Black or white, may or may not be missing. Contact Schroedinger.
CAT: Confused And Tired
CAT: I hope that All gal put litter in here.
CAT: I hope that Bullitt gal put litter in here.
CAT: I hope that Bullitt guy put litter in here.
CAT: I hope that Hastings gal put litter in here.
CAT: I hope that Hastings guy put litter in here.
CAT: I hope that Orville gal put litter in here.
CAT: I hope that Schrodinger guy put litter in here ...
CAT: I hope that Schrodinger guy put litter in here...
CAT: I hope that Schroedinger guy put litter in here...
CAT: Walking ego with fur.
CAT: a small, furry beast resembling a meatloaf.
CAT:Climb Your Way To The Top. That's What Drapes Are For
CATALYST   n. an alphabetical list of cats.
CATALYST n. an alphabetical list of Italian cats.
CATASATROPHE: Award given to the cat with the cutest buns.
CATASTROPHE: The award given to the cat with the nicest buns
CATASTROPHY(n):Award given to feline with the cutest buns
CATASTROPHY: Award for the feline with the nicest buns.
CATFOOD.CAN not found. Eat Logitech mouse (Y/N)?
CATFOOD.CAN not found...Eat Microsoft mouse? Y/N
CATFOOD??!!?? You woke me up for a lousy can of CATFOOD??!!??
CATGUTS.EXE not found, (A)bort (R)etry (L)ook under tire!
CATHOLICS do it a lot
CATHOLICS talk about it after wards.
CATHOLICS talk about it afterwards
CATS - Cats Are Totally Stupid.
CATS as cats CAN!
CATS. CATS ARE NICE. - Death, "Sorcery."
CATS. CATS ARE NICE. - Death, "Sourcery"
CATS. CATS ARE NICE. - Death, _Sorcery_
CATS:  Good for dusting high places.
CATapult:  device for thowing cats long distances.
CATapult:  device for throwing cats long distances.
CATapult: device for thowing cats long distances.
CATapult: used to rid oneself of annoying, furry, 4-legge\SLMR\TAGLINE
CATapult: used to rid oneself of annoying, furry, 4-legged noisemaker!
CATasstrophe: An award for the cat with the nicest buns.
CATerpillar:  A soft scratching post for a kitten.
CATifornia:  The sunshine State for cats.
CATolick:  A religiously clean kitty.
CATscan:  searching for a kitty.
CAUSE: The noises made by crows.
CAUTION - Incorrigable punster. Don't incorrige!
CAUTION!  BUG Bashing in progress - Caution!
CAUTION!  Be very careful of warnings.
CAUTION!  Breathing may be hazardous to your health.
CAUTION!  Dangerous and off medication.
CAUTION!  Do not look into laser with remaining eye.
CAUTION!  Not to be taken internally.
CAUTION!  Pyrotechnician is armed and off his medication.
CAUTION!  Sexually Active Area.  Protection must be worn at all times.
CAUTION!  Sleepy brain at work.
CAUTION!  Stupidity may prove fatal if used excessively.
CAUTION!  Taglines may be closer than they appear!
CAUTION!  Taglines may be hazardous to your disk space!
CAUTION!  Texas ahead:  Use alternate route!
CAUTION!  The Users Bite.
CAUTION!  The tagline you steal may be your own!
CAUTION!  Trigger Happy Klingon manning Tactical station!
CAUTION!  Use with a 3-wire electrical system only!
CAUTION!  recipes may be hazardous to your disk space!
CAUTION! BUG Bashing in progress - Caution!
CAUTION! Be very careful of warnings.
CAUTION! Be very careful of warnings. 
CAUTION! Big tool.
CAUTION! Blown Brain At Work!
CAUTION! Blue Wave roaring through here!
CAUTION! Breathing may be hazardous to your health.
CAUTION! Computer Store Ahead - Hide Credit Cards!
CAUTION! Contents under pressure.
CAUTION! Corny tagline alert.
CAUTION! Dangerous and off medication.
CAUTION! Do Not Look Into Laser With Remaining Eye.
CAUTION! Do not install prior to installation.
CAUTION! Do not operate heavy machinery while reading tagline!
CAUTION! Do not remove this cover.
CAUTION! High Pressure!!!  Contents are PKZIPED.
CAUTION! Hungry Dieter--May bite if provoked.
CAUTION! I steal taglines!
CAUTION! I was not hired for my disposition.
CAUTION! I've been drinking and am at the keyboard again.
CAUTION! Incorrigible Punster! Don't Incorrige
CAUTION! Look out for the Blue Wave!
CAUTION! Man with tools.
CAUTION! No serviceable components inside.
CAUTION! Not to be taken internally.
CAUTION! Off Medication and Dangerous.
CAUTION! Programmer X-ing..
CAUTION! Pyrotechnician is armed and off his medication.
CAUTION! Sexually Active Area.  Protection must be worn at all times.
CAUTION! Sexually Active Area. Protection must be worn!
CAUTION! Slippery when oiled.
CAUTION! Speed kills!!!
CAUTION! Student BBS'er at the Wheel...
CAUTION! Taglines can be hazardous to disk space!
CAUTION! Taglines may be closer than they appear!
CAUTION! Taglines may be hazardous to your disk space!
CAUTION! The Users Bite.
CAUTION! The mass of this product is 85 megatons energy equivalent.
CAUTION! This Stuff is Addictive
CAUTION! This Tagline offensive to some audiences.
CAUTION! This Tagline stops for page breaks.
CAUTION! This recipe offensive to some audiences.
CAUTION! This side up.
CAUTION! This tagline stops for all page breaks.
CAUTION! This tagline stops for page breaks.
CAUTION! Trained service people only.
CAUTION! Trigger Happy Klingon manning Tactical station!
CAUTION! Use with a 3-wire electrical system only!
CAUTION! We have a trigger happy Klingon at tactical.
CAUTION! recipes may be hazardous to your disk space!
CAUTION!! This house protected by Killer Dust Bunnies!
CAUTION!!! Do NOT look at laser with remaining eye.
CAUTION!!! Do NOT look at laser with remaining eye...
CAUTION*  Always unplug computer before typing "dblspace"
CAUTION--The Users Bite
CAUTION. Taglines can be hazardous to disk space!
CAUTION... we have a trigger-happy Klingon at Tactical.
CAUTION...Digitally Disabled WebSite ahead...Use 300 baud only.
CAUTION:  Armed, Dangerous, and off Medication....
CAUTION:  Avoid using plastic and aluminum while preparing formula.
CAUTION:  Breathing may be hazardous to your health.
CAUTION:  Dangerous and off Medication...
CAUTION:  Dangerous and off medication.
CAUTION:  Do not look into laser with remaining eye.
CAUTION:  Flag decals may obscure your vision.
CAUTION:  Genealogy may be addictive!!
CAUTION:  SysOp under pressure!
CAUTION:  Taglines may be hazardous to your disk space!
CAUTION:  This Tagline offensive to some audiences.
CAUTION:  This stuff is addictive...
CAUTION:  Toxic Tag Line
CAUTION:  tribble crossing ahead             ******************
CAUTION: Armed, dangerous, out of asylum and off medication.
CAUTION: Computer Store Ahead - Hide Credit Cards!
CAUTION: Dangerous, and off medication...
CAUTION: Do Not Look Into Laser With Remaining Eye.
CAUTION: Do not install prior to installation.
CAUTION: Do not stand up while room is in motion!
CAUTION: Hockey is addictive.
CAUTION: Off Medication and Dangerous
CAUTION: Programmer X-ing..
CAUTION: Sexually Active Area.  Protection must be worn at all times!
CAUTION: Tagline may contain small parts. Not for children under 3.
CAUTION: The mass of this product is 85 megatons energy equivalent.
CAUTION: This house protected by Killer Dust Bunnies!
CAUTION: This tagline has a Virus!!!
CAUTION: Trigger happy Klingon at tactical!
CAUTION: Trigger-happy Klingon at tactical.
CAUTION: Use with a 3-wire electrical system only!
CAUTION: be very careful of warnings.
CAUTION:I brake for Bauds (If I see 'em)
CAUTIONwe have a trigger-happy Klingon at Tactical.
CAVALIERS do it mounted
CAVERN.QT found: (H)ug, (R)ib, (W)ave-Rider tech-support?
CAVERS do it in the mud
CAVERS do it in the mud.
CAVIAR: Unborn offsprings of dead fish. Yum!!!
CB'ers do it on the air.
CB'ers do it on the air.   
CB: Consult Bozo
CBA: Compare and Branch Anyway
CBA: Compare if Biorhythms Amenable
CBBR: Crash and Blow Boot Read-only memory
CBC Newsworld - I'd rather have the six pack...\
CBIP            Current Book In Progress
CBIP:  Five Hundred Years After; S. Brust; 15/553
CBIP: Current Book In Progress.
CBN, where we define truth, and you get to believe it.
CBNC: Close, But No Cigar
CBS's replacement for the NFL - Mike on lame jazz band
CBS...the Eyecon.
CBS: Clobber BootStrap
CBSCollection of Bloopers by Squier!!!
CBaker Virus: blinds you in VGA mode and repeats all commands 3 times.
CBaker Virus: blinds you in VGA mode and repeats all commmands 3 times
CBers do it on the air
CBers do it on the air.
CC: Call Calvery
CC: Compliment Core
CCB: Chocolate Chip Byte-mode
CCB: Consult Crystal Ball
CCC - Campus Crusade for Cthulhu.
CCC: Crash if Carry Clear
CCCComputer SSSSex CCCCauses FFFFinger SSSStuttering!!!!!
CCCP: Conditionally Corrupt Current Process
CCCP:< format CCCP: /u
CCD: Choke Cough and Die
CCD: Clear Core and Dump
CCG Rule #1: When in doubt, READ THE CARD!  Then try common sense.
CCITT           Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today
CCITT - Can't Conceive Intelligent Taglines Today
CCITT - Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today
CCITT - Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today.
CCITT - Change Communications-program Immediately To Terminate!
CCITT- Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today
CCITT: Can't Certify I Trust Telecom.
CCITT: Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today
CCITT: Cannot Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today
CCITT: Cannot Concieve Intelligent Thoughts Today
CCITT=Confused Corporations In Thrall to Terror
CCP: Clear Core and Proceed
CCR: Change Channels at Random
CCS: Chinese Character Set
CCWR: Change Color of Write Ring
CChheecckk  yyoouurr  dduupplleexx  sswwiittcchh..
CChheecckk yyoouurr dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh.
CChheecckk yyoouurr dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh..
CD activates Thursday the 12th
CD players contribute to laziness.
CD-ROM:  The most space-efficient place to keep your porno GIFs.
CD-WOM, Wead Onwy Memowy.
CD: Civil Defense = Civil Disobedience.  NEVER DISARM!
CD: Complement Disk
CDA: Computer Dumb Ass
CDC: Clear Disk and Crash
CDC: Clear Disks and Crash
CDC: Close Disk Cover
CDIOOAZ: Calm Down, It's Only Ones And Zeroes
CDS: Change Disk Speed
CE  Oxymoron: peace-keeper missile.
CE> Hey, Ryan...How about...MORE CALVIN AND HOBBES taglines? :-)
CELERY: High class wages.
CELL: The opposite of buy.
CELLISTS give better hand jobs
CELLISTS give better hand jobs.
CELLULAR YES....and call my lawyer.
CEMU: Close Eyes and Monkey with User space
CENSUS: Sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste.
CENTAURI EMPEROR: How will this end?  KOSH: In fire.
CEO of Dementia and Other Meaningless Entities.
CEO:  "Miss Smith, get my broker."  Secretary:  "Stock or pawn?"
CEOs DO IT in conference rooms.
CEOs do it at conventions.
CEOs do it to the employees.
CEOs do it to the rest of the company
CEPHEID:  (1) Another exception to 'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.
CEPHEID:  (2) A star which shines doubt upon cosmological assumptions.
CEQ: Corrupt and Erase Queue
CEX: Call EXterminator
CF> I'm wondering if any of ye out there have any taglines from Ranma
CF: Come From [replaces goto]
CFE: Call Field Engineer
CFL Fans like it longer, wider and faster!
CFL football still available in the nations capital!!
CFL franchise deal!  Buy now, no payments 'til 1999!
CFL: C-A-N-A-D-I-A-N Football League
CFL: If it's not one Flutie, it's the other.
CFL: even the offseason goes down to the final second!
CFOs DO IT with flow
CFP: Change and Forget Password
CFS: Corrupt File Structure
CG: Convert to Garbage
CGA = Computer Geeks Anonymous
CGA is the pallete from hell
CGA is the pallette from hell.
CGA:  Computer Geeks Anonymous.
CGA:  Crummy Graphics Always.  Monochrome times four.
CH: Create Havoc
CHARACTER DENSITY--The number of very weird people in the office.
CHARLES does it royally.
CHARMING SPOT! DOCTOR! --Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart.
CHASTITY BELT---A labor-saving device.
CHASTITY:  The most unnatural of sexual perversions.
CHASTITY: The most unnatural of sexual perversions.
CHCJ: Compare Haig to Christine Jorgensen
CHEAP is only one letter away from HEAP!
CHEAPEST WAY TO TRACE A FAMILY TREE:  Run for political office.
CHEAPSKATES pay less for it.
CHECK OUT THIS TAGLINE! Made you look! Made you look!
CHEERLEADERS do it between periods.
CHEERLEADERS do it enthusiastically
CHEERLEADERS do it with more enthusiasm
CHEERLEADERS do it with more enthusiasm.
CHEETAH: One who does not play by the rules.
CHEFS do it for dessert
CHEFS do it for dessert.
CHEFS do it in the kitchen
CHEFS do it with spice.
CHEKOV:  Air lock 4 has been opened.  A thruster suit is reported miss
CHEKOV:  We are looking for nuclear "wessels".
CHEKOV:  What's emergency plan "B" ?
CHEKOV:  You are a master of understatement!
CHEMICAL ENGINEERS do it in packed beds
CHEMICAL ENGINEERS do it in packed beds!
CHEMICAL ENGINEERS do it under a fume hood
CHEMISTS do it in an excited state
CHEMISTS do it in an excited state.
CHEMISTS do it in test tubes
CHEMISTS do it in the fume hood
CHEMISTS do it organically.
CHEMISTS do it periodically on table
CHEMISTS do it periodically on tables.
CHEMISTS do it reactively
CHEMISTS do it with pipettes.
CHEMISTS like to experiment
CHEMISTS like to experiment.
CHEMISTS like to experiment. 
CHESS PLAYERS check their mates
CHESS PLAYERS check their mates.
CHESS PLAYERS do it in their minds
CHESS PLAYERS do it knightly.
CHESS PLAYERS do it with knights/kings/queens/bishops/mates
CHESS PLAYERS make better mates.
CHESS PLAYERS mate better
CHESS PLAYERS mate better.
CHESSPLAYERS check their mates
CHESSPLAYERS check their mates.
CHEWIE: "Ack! Ack!" LUKE: "What's wrong?!" HAN: "Hairball."
CHICAGO -   25 or 624    (I forgot)
CHICKEN:  An animal eaten both before birth & after death..
CHICKEN:  Only animal eaten before birth & after death.
CHICKEN:  The only animal you eat before it's born & after it's dead.
CHICKEN: Only animal eaten before birth & after death.
CHICKEN: Only animal eaten before birth and after death.
CHICKEN: The egg's way of making more eggs.
CHICKEN: The only animal you eat before it's born and after it's dead.
CHIEFS do it with tradition.
CHILD:  Thing that stands between an adult and the TV set
CHILDHOOD...That happy period when nightmares occur only during sleep.
CHILDISH GAME: One at which you cannot beat your spouse.
CHILDREN, Life's Shareware Registration Fee
CHILDREN: God's daily reminders that Yes, you were crazy.
CHILI----Stew with a definite attitude!
CHILI: Stew with a definite attitude!
CHILL OUT: Data can never be human.
CHILL OUT: Ohura is NOT an elephant.
CHILL OUT: Q-ticus, "Really Jean-Luc, we are continuuamally immortal"
CHIP:  One California hi-way patrolman.
CHIROPRACTORS are manipulators.
CHIROPRACTORS are manipulators.   
CHIROPRACTORS do it by manipulation
CHIROPRACTORS do it by manipulation.
CHIROPRACTORS do it, but they X-ray it first
CHIROPRACTORS do it, but they X-ray it first.
CHK the DSK yourself, for once!
CHKBRAIN /F is getting scarier every time I run it lately.
CHKDSK:  Check to see if the disk is still there.
CHOCOLATE NOT FOUND - Halt on all errors?
CHOCOLATE:  Fifth essential food group
CHOCOLATE:  Fifth essential food group.
CHOCOLATE: Fifth essential food group
CHOICE - what a beautiless LIE!
CHOIR BOYS do it unaccompanied
CHPAMR: CHase Pointers Around Machine Room
CHR$(32)...the Final Frontier...these are the voyages...
CHR$(32): The Final Frontier!
CHRISTMAS IN JAPAN activates Dec 25th
CHRISTMAS TREE activates Apr 1st
CHRISTMAS TREE activates Dec 24 - Jan 1
CHROMATOGRAPHERS do it with packed columns.
CHSE: Compare Half-words and Swap if Equal
CHURCH: A place where you encounter nodding acquaintances
CIA Motto: In God we trust, all others we polygraph.
CIA mandatory privacy notice: your shower head is a hidden camera.
CIA: Mercenary soldiers = unilaterally controlled Latino Assets.
CIA= Cocaine Import Agency.
CIB: Change Important Byte
CIC: Cash In Chips
CICS....the darker side of COBOL!!!
CID: Compare and Ignore Data
CIMM: Create Imaginary Memory Map
CIRCLE JERK..A very fat nerd
CIRCUIT DESIGNERS do it with silicon.
CIRCUIT DESIGNERS have a very low rise time
CIRCUIT DESIGNERS have a very low rise time.
CITY PLANNERS do it with their eyes shut
CITY STREET REPAIRMEN do it with three supervisors watching
CIVIL ENGINEERS build large erections with rigid members.
CIVIL ENGINEERS do it by reinforcing it
CIVIL ENGINEERS do it by reinforcing it.
CIVIL ENGINEERS do it in the dirt
CIVIL ENGINEERS do it in the soil.
CIVIL ENGINEERS do it with an erection
CIVIL ENGINEERS do it with their bridges (britches) up.
CIZ: Clear If Zero
CLAP ON (clap, clap), CLAP OFF (clap,clap) %@#NO CARRIER
CLAP ON"(clap, clap),"CLAP OFF"(clap,clap)%@%#NO CARRIER
CLASSICAL MUSIC:  Music that is not Popular.
CLASSICAL:  Discover the other 45 minutes they left out of the TV ad.
CLBR: CLoBber Register
CLBRI: CLoBber Register Immediate
CLEARASOL - Effective sunspot remover.
CLEARASOL:  Effective sunspot remover.
CLEARED     This tagline approved by Canada Customs..    CLEARED
CLEARED This tagline approved by U.S. Customs CLEARED
CLERICS do it with their gods
CLEVER PYGMY WOMEN'S TRACK TEAM: A bunch of cunning runts.
CLEVIS & BUCKHEAD: Comic team that was almost famous.
CLICK mousie. DRAG mousie. KILL KILL KILL. Muwwahahahaha!
CLIMAX..A large woodland tool
CLIMBERS do it in harnesses.
CLIMBERS do it on rope
CLIMBERS do it on rope.
CLIMBERS do it with dangling nuts.
CLIMBERS do it with their hands.
CLINTON (n) see also gay loving, draft dodging, pot smoking, womanizer
CLINTON - <C<ompulsive <L<iar <I<n <N<ation's <T<op <O<ffice <N<ow.
CLINTON - The Courage to Quit
CLINTON = C.hief L.unatic I.s N.ow T.axing O.ur N.erves
CLINTON = Chicken Lickin' Idiot Now Taking Over Nation
CLINTON = Crazy Liberal Intent On Needlessly Trashing Our Nation
CLINTON ASKS QUESTION: Have you hugged your favorite Algo
CLINTON DOGGIE-STYLE:He sits up and begs, she plays dead.
CLINTON HEALTHPLAN ERROR, A)bort,R)etry,G)o back to tax p
CLINTON LEGACY??...even Pharaoh had only ten plagues...
CLINTON TO HILLARY: Hey, don't bother me, I am eating a Big Mac!
CLINTON and GORE - out in FOUR!!!
CLINTON and GORE out in FOUR!!!
CLINTON does it to us.
CLINTON nominates this tagline for a CHANGE!
CLINTON,(n), see:  gay loving, draft dodging, pot smoking, womanizer.
CLINTON,(n), see: gay loving, draft dodging, pot smoking, womanizer.
CLINTON-Error in EXE file.
CLINTON-the Constitution is just a technicality.
CLINTON.LIE Virus Detected - Run LIMBAUGH.BAT To Correct.
CLINTON.LIE found. Cannot save COUNTRY.USA
CLINTON.SYS CORRUPTED. Hold new election (Y/n/q)?
CLINTON.SYS Corrupted.  Cannot Run DEVICE.USA
CLINTON.SYS Installed. BUSH.SHT Deleted. Bugs multiply!
CLINTON.SYS Installed....HIGHER.TAX Loading.
CLINTON.SYS bad, cannot recover ECONOMY.USA
CLINTON.SYS corrupt - run GOP.EXE to fix
CLINTON.SYS corrupt, recommend optimizing politics
CLINTON.SYS corrupt; recommend that you optimize politics.
CLINTON.SYS corrupted, recommend optimizing politics.
CLINTON.SYS installed.  RODHAM.COM assuming control.
CLINTON.SYS installed.  RODHAM.COM assuming system control.
CLINTON.SYS installed. RODHAM.COM assuming control.
CLINTON.SYS installed. RODHAM.COM assuming system control
CLINTON.SYS installed. RODHAM.COM assuming system control.
CLINTON: "I said 'No gnu taxes!' Do you see any gnus being taxed?"
CLINTON: "I said `No gnu taxes!' Do you see any gnus being taxed?"
CLINTON: Certified Liar In National Top Office Now
CLINTON: Commie Lying Idiot Now Terrorizing Our Nation.
CLINTON: Compulsive Liar In Nation's Top Office Now
CLINTON: Compulsive Liar Is Nation's Top Official Now
CLINTON: Punish Acheivement! Reward Failure!
CLINTON: Punish Achievement! Reward Failure!
CLINTON: Punish Achivement! Reward Failure!
CLINTON: The GOP's Most Valuable Asset!
CLINTON: Total indulgence. Zero guilt.
CLINTON: [C]aught  [L]ying  [I]n  [N]ine  [T]imes  [O]uta  [N]ine
CLINTON: [C]aught [L]ying [I]n [N]ine [T]imes [O]utta [N]ine
CLIP CLOP CLIP CLOP <BANG!> CLIP CLOP  - Amish Drive-by shooting
CLIP CLOP CLIP CLOP <BANG> <BANG> CLIP CLOP - Amish Drive by shooting
CLIP CLOP CLIP CLOP <BANG> CLIP CLOP......: Amish drive by shooting
CLITORIS..A type of exotic flower
CLOCK MAKERS do it mechanically
CLOCK MAKERS do it mechanically.
CLOCK: A small device used to wake up people who have no children.
CLOCK: A small mechanical device used to wake people up with no kids.
CLOCK: Something that scares the daylight out of you.
CLOTHED: The oppothite of open.
CLOUT: Call Long-distance On Unused Telephone
CLOWNS do it for laughs
CLOWNS do it for laughs.
CLOWNS do it for laughs.   
CLT Point (Fidonet 2:320/213.9)
CLUSTER ANALYSTS do it in groups
CLUTCH: Die Kuplink mit achlippen und schaken
CM taglines?  MR not taglines!  SAR CDEDBD dots?  LIB  MR taglines!
CM: Circulate Memory
CMD: CPU Melt Down
CMD: Compare Meaningless Data
CME4DK: See me for decay, on a dentist's car.
CMI: Clobber Monitor Immediate
CMIIW         Correct Me If I'm Wrong
CML: Compute Meaning of Life
CMN: Convert to Mayan Numerals
CMOS Checksum failure have you forgotten something?
CMOS... CMOS run... CMOS Jump... Jump MOS Jump!
CMOS:  Commonly Misunderstood Option Switches
CMOS:  Computer Must Obliterate Sanity.
CMOS: Commonly Misunderstood Option Switches
CMP: Create Memory Prosthesis
CMS: Click MicroSwitch
CN: Compare Nonsensically
CNB: Cause Nervous Breakdown
CNE - Computer Nut...Enhanced
CNE's are a dime a dozen.
CNN Headlines: President Clinton caught when stealing Taglines.
CNN...News politically cleansed by Hanoi Jane.
CNS: Call Nonexistent Subroutine
CO Amendment 2 is Wrong! Discrimination is Wrong!
CO-SYSOP - The Invention Factory - NYC
COACHES whistle while they work
COACHES whistle while they work.
COACHES whistle while they work.   
COBOL = Completely Obnoxious Because Of Length.
COBOL = Completely Obsolete, Boring Old Language
COBOL HACKERS do it by committee
COBOL HACKERS do it by committee.
COBOL PROGRAMMERS do it very slow
COBOL PROGRAMMERS do it with bugs
COBOL PROGRAMMERS do it with reams (of paper).
COBOL and BASIC and C... Oh, My!
COBOL can be cured with early detection!
COBOL debugging: "If we can't fix it, it ain't broke"
COBOL hackers do it by committee.
COBOL is an acronym for "Compiles Only Because Of Luck."
COBOL is an exercise in Artificial Inelegance!
COBOL is not dead, it just smells that way.
COBOL programmers are self-documenting.
COBOL programmers do it very slow.
COBOL programmers do it with bugs
COBOL programmers do it with punctuation.
COBOL programmers understand why women hate periods
COBOL programmers understand why women hate periods.
COBOL programmers wanted. (quick lighting pref.)
COBOL programs are an example of artificial inelegance.
COBOL programs are an exercise in AI.
COBOL programs are an exercise in Artificial Inelegance.
COBOL programs are examples of artificial inelegance
COBOL, like cancer, can be cured if deleted early.
COBOL- Confused Oriental Bean-cOunting Language.
COBOL..(C)ompiles (O)nly (B)ecause (O)f (L)uck
COBOL.....(C)ompiles (O)nly (B)ecause (O)f (L)uck
COBOL.....(C)rude (O)utdated (B)oring (O)bsolete (L)anguage
COBOL:  Completely Obsolete Boring Old Language
COBOL: 25 years of tradition unmarred by progress.
COBOL: A prime example of artificial inelegance.
COBOL: Compiles Only Because Of Luck
COBOL: Completely Obnoxious Because Of Length
COBOL: Completely Obsolete Boring Old Language
COBOL: Confused Oriental Bean-cOunting Language.
COBOL: Crude Outdated Boring Obsolete Language
COBRA: "Foundation garment" for Siamese twin women.
COCACOLA.BTL not found!  SysOp dying of thirst!
COCKROACHES have done it for millions of years, without apparent ill-effects
COCKTAIL WAITRESSES serve highballs.
COCKTAIL WAITRESSES serve highballs. 
COCS: Copy Object Code to Source
COD: Crash On Demand
CODING:  AN addictive Drug.
COED NAKED BILLIARDS...Get felt on the table...
COFFE.COM not found: Operator Halted!
COFFEE AND DONUTS:  Unitarian communion.
COFFEE.COM missing. SysOp halted.
COFFEE.COM missing...SysOp halted.
COFFEE.COM not found - Operator haulted!
COFFEE.COM not found.  Sysop asleep.
COFFEE.COM not found. (A)bort, (R)eheat, (S)nooze
COFFEE.COM not found. Sysop asleep.
COFFEE.COM not found:  (A)bort (R)etry (S)nooze?
COFFEE.COM not found:  (A)bort, (R)eheat, (S)nooze?
COFFEE.COM not found:  (A)bort, (R)eheat, (T)remble
COFFEE.COM not found:  (A)dd More, (R)eheat, (F)reak Out?
COFFEE.COM not found: (A)bort, (R)eheat, (S)nooze
COFFEE.COM not found: (A)bort, (R)eheat, (S)nooze.
COFFEE.COM not found: (A)bort, (R)eheat, (T)remble
COFFEE.COM not found: (A)dd more, (R)eheat (F)reak out.
COFFEE.COM not found: (B)rew fresh (R)eheat (F)reakout
COFFEE.COM not found: A)bort, R)eheat, T)remble
COFFEE.COM not found: A)dd more, R)eheat F)reak out
COFFEE.COM not found: A)dd more, R)eheat F)reak out.
COFFEE.COM not located (A)dd more (R)etry (F)reak out
COFFEE.CUP empty - Operator shelled out to KITCHEN.EAT
COFFEE.CUP missing   Sysop Halted
COFFEE.CUP not found:  (W)ash, (R)e-use, (D)rink straight from pot?
COFFEE.EXE Missing  - Insert Cup and Press Any Key
COFFEE.EXE Not Found:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic?
COFFEE.EXE Not Found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
COFFEE.EXE not found:  (A)bort (R)etry (F)all asleep
COFFEE.EXE not found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)all asleep
COFFEE.EXE not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)all asleep
COFFEE.MUG empty, (A)bort (R)efill (M)ake new pot
COFFEE.POT  Not Found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
COFFEE.POT Not Found:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic?
COFFEE.POT Not Found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
COFFEE.POT corrupted:  Found failure in module FILTER.
COFFEE.POT not found:  (L)ook For, (B)orrow Neighbor's, (P)anic?
COFFEE.POT not found:  Kill (E)verybody (S)elected bodies (Y)ou?
COFFEE.POT not found;  kill (E)verybody (S)elected bodies (Y)ou?
COFFEE.SYS Not Found:  User startup disabled.
COFFEE.SYS: NMI ACTIVATED ... coffee pot empty ... Operator asleep
COFFEE:  Sneezy's younger brother.
COFFEE: Sneezy's younger brother.
COFFIN: One of the symptoms of a chest cold.
COGITO ERGO SUM: Slogan of people who don't think much.
COINCIDE: What one should do when it starts raining.
COITUS..An obscure musical instrument
COITUS..Large, wily, doglike animals
COLA: Poor coffee substitute!
COLB: Crash for Operator's Lunch Break
COLD BOOT : What you get when you kick an eskimo.
COLDBEER.CAN Found - Programmer LOADED.
COLDBEER.CAN found, programmer probably loaded.
COLDBEER.CAN not found. Operator not loaded.
COLDBEER.CAN not found. SysOp pissed!
COLLECTIBLE CARD GAMES:  the crack cocaine of gaming.
COLLECTORS do it in sets
COLLEGE EDUCATION:  A way to give you more things to worry about.
COLONEL SANDERS does it, and then licks his fingers
COLONEL SANDERS does it, and then licks his fingers.
COLONEL SANDERS does it, then licks his fingers
COLONEL SANDERS does it, then licks his fingers.
COLT 45(n):only known permanent cure for cat box odor
COM program murdered. "Bits everywhere" says witness
COM1: Not responding Format Drive C: instead?
COM: Clear Operator's Mind
COMB: Straighten Wires
COME HUNTING, SISTER! --Ace's `sister.' Survival
COMEDIAN:  A person who has a good memory for old jokes.
COMEDIANS do it for laughs
COMICS: They arn't just for fat aging hippies anymore!
COMING IN AUGUST to a BBS near you!     Blue Wave Reader v2.20!
COMING SOON to a BBS near you!     Blue Wave Reader v2.20!
COMING SOON to a BBS near you!     Blue Wave v2.20!
COMING SOON: Software Developers Interface.
COMING: Dan's Bake Sale in Ft. Collins, Colo.
COMM program murdered. "Bits everywhere" says witness.
COMMAND.COM not found! Promote LTCMDR.COM? <Y/n>
COMMAND.COM not found, Promote LtCOMMANDER.COM? (Y/N)
COMMAND.COM not found.  Activating random interrupts.
COMMAND.COM not found.  Promote LTCMDR.COM (Y/N)?
COMMAND.COM not found. Running NONSENSE.COM. Ufdsk (Q/L)?
COMMAND.COM not found... replace with 4DOS.COM? <Y/N>
COMMAND.COM not loaded.  System halted due to sobriety.
COMMAND.com will not respond...System Query: promote Lt-Cmdr.com?
COMMAND:  A suggestion made to a computer.
COMMANDO'S do it for the insertion.
COMMITTEE:  A life-form with several mouths but no brain.
COMMITTEE: A life-form with several mouths but no brain.
COMMO -- lean, mean, communicating machine..
COMMODITIES TRADERS do it in the pits
COMMS is like black magic, just harder.
COMMUNICATION:Telephone, Television & TELL A WOMAN.
COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE: Error Code 123 - Incompetent Typist
COMMUNICATORS do it long distance.
COMMUNICATORS talk about it.
COMMUNISTS do it without class
COMMUNISTS do it without class.
COMP-U-DATE listing by Chthulu: Female Vergin.
COMPLEXITY FREAKS do it with minimum space
COMPLEXITY FREAKS do it with minimum space.
COMPOSERS do it by numbers
COMPOSERS do it by numbers.
COMPOSERS do it with a quill and a staff
COMPOSERS do it with entire orchestras
COMPOSERS do it with entire orchestras.
COMPOSERS leave it unfinished
COMPOSERS leave it unfinished.
COMPOST: A heap of goodness for your garden.
COMPU$ERVE = NAZI censorship
COMPUTER - A highly addictive device.
COMPUTER CLUB - A bat used to align computer bits.
COMPUTER DEPARTMENT - mistake$ made whyle you waite.
COMPUTER ENGINEERS do it with minimum delay
COMPUTER GAME PLAYERS just can't stop.
COMPUTER GAME PLAYERS just can't stop. 
COMPUTER LITERACY? You mean my computer can READ?!
COMPUTER MUSIC:  The burst of silence when you switch off.
COMPUTER NERDS just simulate it
COMPUTER NERDS just simulate it.
COMPUTER OPERATORS do it upon mount requests
COMPUTER OPERATORS do it upon mount requests.
COMPUTER OPERATORS get the most out of their software
COMPUTER OPERATORS get the most out of their software.   
COMPUTER OPERATORS peek before they poke
COMPUTER OPERATORS peek before they poke.
COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR SALE -- Some Assembly Required
COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS do it bit by bit.
COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS do it interactively
COMPUTER RELATED LITERATURE:  As you like it [W. Shakespeare]
COMPUTER RELATED LITERATURE:  TOS of the D`Urbervilles [T. Hardy]
COMPUTER RELATED LITERATURE:  The Charge of the Lightgun Brigade
COMPUTER RELATED LITERATURE:  The Fourth Protocol [F. Forsyth]
COMPUTER SCIENCE students do it with hard drives
COMPUTER SCIENCE students do it with hard drives.
COMPUTER SCIENTISTS do it bit by bit
COMPUTER SCIENTISTS do it on command
COMPUTER SCIENTISTS simulate doing it
COMPUTER SUICIDE: Let len(walk) > len(pier)
COMPUTER.COM installed.  SEXLIFE.EXE removed from memory.
COMPUTER.COM installed. SEXLIFE.EXE removed from memory.
COMPUTER: (noun) an altar upon which virgin programs are sacrificed.
COMPUTER: Run Troi naked workout program #1.
COMPUTER: Something to pass the time when a hockey game isn't on.
COMPUTER: n. A box that you can never completely fill with money.
COMPUTERESE...ain't automation GREAT!
COMPUTERS do it in ASCII, except IBM's which use EBCDIC
COMPUTERS forget everything they know the instant you turn them off.
COMPUTERS store words on disks never made any sense and it never will.
COMPUTERS think the world can be reduced to strings of ones and zeros.
COMPUTERS:  Electronic bulletin boards never have enough thumbtacks.
COMPUTERS:  God's way of telling you that you're not confused enough.
COMPUTERS:  How can you respect any machine controlled by a mouse?
COMPUTERS:  Instruction manuals are written by illiterate sadists.
COMPUTERS:  It hurts your back to sit in front of one for a long time.
COMPUTERS:  Our grandparents never had them, & they got along just fine.
COMPUTERS:  Printer ribbons have to be replaced too frequently.
COMPUTERS:  They become obsolete five minutes after you leave the store.
COMPUTERS:  They don't do anything the average person needs.
COMPUTERS:  They have three-pronged plugs, & it's a two-pronged world.
COMPUTERS:  You can't fix 'em by whacking them a few times with a hammer
CON is the opposite of PRO - i.e. Congress and Progress
CON: Call Operator Now
CONCER  Musicians do it in front of an audience.
CONCLUSION:  The place where you get tired of thinking.
CONCLUSION:  The place where you got tired of thinking.
CONCLUSION: The place where you get tired of thinking.
CONCLUSION: Where somebody got tired of thinking.
CONCORDE: Goes twice as fast as a bullet, and you get smoked salmon.
CONDOM..Apartment complex for yuppies
CONDOMINIUM: Raw material used for making prophylactics.
CONDUCTORS do it rhythmically
CONDUCTORS do it with 12 to 16-inch sticks.
CONDUCTORS do it with the orchestras
CONDUCTORS wave it up and down
CONDUCTORS wave it up and down.
CONFECTIONERS do it sweetly
CONFERENCE-Organized way of postponing a decision.
CONFIG.SYS:  when your female sibling is able to eat dried fruit
CONFLICT:  Reading mail packets or doing the housework?
CONFLICT: Answering the E-mail vs Doing the housework.
CONFLICT: Answering the E-mail..vs.. Doing the housework
CONFLICT: Answering the mail...Doing the housework
CONFLICT: Answering the mail..vs.. Doing the housework
CONFLICT: Reading mail packets or doing the housework?
CONFUSION:  7 blind lesbians in a fish market.
CONGRATULATION, n.  The civility of envy.
CONGRESS - transforming energy into solid waste.
CONGRESS VIRUS: Attaches itself to your cache. Cache deleted.
CONGRESS virus: overextends your Ram cache
CONGRESS.SYS Corrupt. Reboot WASHINGTON.DC?   <Y>es  <N>o
CONGRESS.SYS Corrupted.  Reboot Washington, D.C.? (Y/N)
CONGRESS.SYS Corrupted:  Re-boot Washington D.C (Y/n)?
CONGRESS.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot Bill & Hillary (Y/n)?
CONGRESS.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot Washington D.C (Y/n)?
CONGRESS.SYS corrupt.***  Reset Washinton D.C.? (y/n)
CONGRESS.SYS corrupted! reformat WASH.DC <Y/Y>?
CONGRESS.SYS corrupted! reformat WASH.DC <Y/Y<?
CONGRESS.SYS corrupted, load LIBERTRN.SYS (y/n/a)?
CONGRESS.SYS corrupted; Re-Format WASH_DC (Y/N)?
CONGRESS.USA file corrupt.  (A)bolish (R)eform (F)log
CONGRESS: A group of people soon to be out of work.
CONGRESS: How can we justify a raise w/out increasing taxes.
CONGRESS: If we increase taxes, we can justify a raise!
CONGRESS: If we make more people poor, we can raise taxes.
CONGRESSMAN: Someone well-paid to vote.
CONGRESSMEN do it in the House
CONNECT 110?!?  Help!  I'm in  s l o w   m o t i o n ! !
CONNECT 110?!? Help! I'm in s l  o  w    m   o   t   i   o   n   !!
CONNECT 110?!? Help! I'm in s l o w  m o t i o n !!
CONNECT 1200  !@#$%&&!@$%  NO CARRIER
CONNECT 14400/ARQ Press ESC twice to enter BBS...
CONNECT 300  (A)bort (R)etry (S)uicide ?
CONNECT 300  VerySmartModem(V42bis) when I feel like it
CONNECT 300...   Connect 300?!?!?! #$^# NO CARRIER
CONNECT 300...300!!! #$^# NO CARRIER
CONNECT 9600  ^&*$^&*^&*)HN# <$!$#?>?     NO CARRIER
CONNECT 9600 : Assimilating C:, Resistance is futile.
CONNECT 9600 volts....pouf...Oups!..OOOoouuuuaaa %$&!#
CONSCIENCE:  keeps more people awake than coffee.
CONSCIOUSNESS - That annoying time between naps.
CONSCIOUSNESS:  That annoying time between naps.
CONSTIPATION - To have and to hold.
CONSTRUCTION WORKERS lay a better foundation
CONSTRUCTION WORKERS lay a better foundation.
CONSTRUCTION WORKERS lay a better foundation.   
CONSULTANT(n): unemployed practitioner <G>
CONSULTANT: Knows 186 ways to make love.and no women!
CONSULTANTS tell other how to do it.
CONSULTANTS tell others how to do it
CONSULTANTS tell others how to do it.
CONSULTANTS tell others how to do it. 
CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST(n):A roll in bed with honey.
CONTORTION.COM not found - CTRL-ALT-HOME-ENTER-Q-M-F1 to continue.
CONTORTION.EXE not found -- CTRL-ALT-HOME-ENTER-Q-M-F1 to continue. Calm
CONTRITE: The lament of an illiterate person.
CONTROL CHARACTERS : Security guards at a punk rock concert.
CONgress (n) - Opposite of PROgress
CONgress is the opposite of PROgress (NO KIDDING)
COOKS do it with grease and a lot of heat
COOKS do it with grease and a lot of heat.
COOKS do it with oil, sugar and salt
COOL! THIS RULES! - Beavis and Butthead on Urotsukidoji
COOL! THIS RULES! --Beavis and Butthead on Urotsuki Doji.
COOL! THIS RULES! --Beavis and Butthead on the Invid Invasion.
COOL! THIS RULES!!! -Beavis and Butthead on the Invid Invasion
COOL!! THIS RULES! - Beavis and Butthead on Urotsuki Doji
COOPER.CON clogged stool, [F]lush [A]gain or [Q]uit?
COP MOTTO:  If you drink and drive, we'll provide the chaser!
COP's motto:  IN GOD WE TRUST, All others are checked through NCIC.
COP: Criminal On Payroll
COPIER REPAIRMEN do it with duplicity
COPPER NITRATE: Policemen's overtime salary.
COPS do it arrestingly
COPS do it at gun-point
COPS do it by the book
COPS do it by the book.
COPS do it with cuffs
COPS do it with electric rods
COPS do it with nightsticks
COPS have bigger guns
COPS have bigger guns.
COPS is filmed on location in a Winchells donut shop-Crow
COPS was filmed on location in THIS guy's yard - Crow
COPULATION: Sex Between Consenting Police
COPY CON:  The chief cause of .BAT files and .BAT file errors.
COPY EDITORS do it with style.
COPYRIGHT:  To duplicate a disk without errors.
COPYRIGHT: To dublicate a disk without errors.
COPYRIGHT: To duplicate a disk without errors.
CORELSCRIBBLE 3.0 - For When Accuracy Isn't Important
COS: Copy Object code to Source file
COSMOLOGISTS do it with a Bang.
COSMOS.DAT corrupted.  Reinitialize Universe?  Y/N
COUNTRY JOE McDONALD - I Felt Like I Was Fixin' to Die
COURT: A place where confusion becomes more unsettled than before.
COURT: A place where they dispense with justice.
COW(n):machine to make grass palatable for humans.
COWBOYS handle anything horny
COWBOYS handle anything horny.
COWGIRLS like to ride bareback
COWGIRLS like to ride bareback.
COWS do it in leather
COWS... <devilish grin>.
COWYHU: Come Out With Your Hands Up
CP 2.00 #8 * Twisted mind?  No, just bent in several strategic places.
CP 2.00 [NR] * Real women don't deflate when you bite them.
CP [NR] * (BEERWARE) If it works, buy yourself a beer!
CP [NR] * All Warranties Expire Upon Payment Of Invoice.
CP [NR] * Have you seen my mind? It wandered again.<sigh<
CP [NR] * Klingon prompt: Strike any user when ready.
CP [NR] * New Mexico?  Sorry, we don't ship to foreign countries
CP%FKM: CPU \(em FlaKeout Mode
CP%WM: CPU \(em Weird Mode
CP/M < Windows 3.1 < DOS 5.0 < DESQView < UNIX
CP/M + IBM = 'Just about what we got NOW.'
CP/M -> DOS -> Windows -> OS/2 -> ? Just evolution!
CP/M Machines never die.. NEVER! DOS Machines die quicker.
CP/M users can't remember when they did it last.
CP/M:  Program listing for `Look in the evening section.'
CP: Compliment Programmer
CPA - Certified Public Assassin.
CPA :  Fiscal Therapist
CPA stands for Constantly Proposing Audits.
CPAV Warning: (S)top (C)ontinue (B)urn infected disk
CPAV Warning:(S)top (C)ontinue (B)urn infected disk
CPB: Create Program Bug
CPE1704TKS  "The only winning move is not to play." - Joshua
CPE: Create Parity Error
CPM: Change Programmer's Mind
CPN: Call Programmer Names
CPO Spot: Chief PET Officer.
CPP: Crush Plotter Pen
CPPR: Crumple Printer Paper and Rip
CPR Instructors Do It with a Vertical Stroke!
CPR instructers do it with a vertical stroke
CPR?  Dammit I'm a doctor, not a... oh, okay
CPU - Baby talk way of telling your dog he or she missed the paper.
CPU - Random number generator
CPU Pickup Line: (p(, (What's your MHZ?)
CPU Pickup Line: Hey, What's your MHZ?
CPU not connected to the bus.
CPU time flies when you're having fun.
CPU to VIDEO:  "I'm just waiting for the bus."
CPU--Baby talk way of telling your dog he or she missed the paper.
CPU:  C-3PO's mother.
CPU:  Random number generator.
CPU:  The heart of the machine, which can be torn out.
CPU:  a juvenile way of telling your dog he missed the paper.
CPU: (n.) acronym for Central Purging Unit.
CPU: C-3PO's mother.
CPU: Makes brain farts visble.
CRACK That's gonna hurt come winter! - Grampa
CRANE OPERATORS have swinging balls
CRANE OPERATORS have swinging balls.
CRANE OPERATORS have swinging balls.  
CRASH! BOOM! CRACK! POW!  God, I love that wand!
CRASH:  Normal termination.
CRASH: Continue Running After Stop or Halt
CRAY Z: Crazy.
CRB: CRash and Burn
CRD: Confirm Rumor by Denial
CREAMED CORN: The outcome of the Peas-Corn bout.
CREATIVITY ZONE: NO boredom.  Violaters will be toad.
CREDIT MANAGERS always collect
CREDIT MANAGERS always collect.
CREDIT MANAGERS always collect.   
CRICKET: More boring than watching a 2400 BPS download.
CRIME CONTROL: Fire a warning shot into his HEART!
CRIMINALS - GUNS = CRIMINALS    Any questions?
CRIPPLEWARE:  Paya da fee, or wes breaka ya legs!
CRM: CReate Memory
CRM: Clear Random Memory
CRN: Compare to Random Number
CRN: Compare with Random Number
CRN: Convert to Roman Numerals
CRONYM: Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning.
CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS do it in open fields.
CROSS-WORD PLAYERS do it crossly
CROSSCOUNTRY RUNNERS do it in open fields
CROW: "AtttttenSHUN!!!! Prrrrrrrrrrresent CRAP!!!
CROW: "Follow me if you're flame-retardant!"
CRS Online Subscriber
CRS...something really good in the big smoke!
CRTC - Creeps Ruining Television for Canadians
CRUISING: 16800bps modem and 0.5bps fingers!
CRUISING: 19200bps modem and 0.5bps fingers!
CRUNCH!  "What're you doing, Worf!?"  "Studying Data-Comp
CRUNCH!  "What're you doing, Worf!?"  "Studying Data-Compression!"
CRYONICISTS stay stiff longer
CRYONICISTS stay stiff longer.
CRYPT: reCuRsive encrYPt Tape
CRYPTOGRAPHERS do it secretly
CS111 STUDENTS do it in binary
CS111 STUDENTS do it with ORGs
CS111 STUDENTS do it with interspersed comments
CS111 students DO IT with interspersed comments.
CS111 students do it in binary.
CS111 students do it with ORGs.
CS111 students do it with interspersed comments.
CS: Crash System
CSA: Confederate States of America.
CSA: Confederate money is worth more than Federal Reserve Notes.
CSA: Davis for President, sounds good to me.
CSA: Hell no we didn't surrender, we took a hundred years to regroup!
CSA: Lee was right, Damn Yankees can't fight.
CSA: Rebel and Proud of it!
CSA: Save your Conferate money boys, the south HAS rose again.
CSA: The south didn't rape women in the North, but the North did South!
CSA: We don't care how you do it in the North!
CSD: Charge Surreptitiously to DOE
CSF: Charge to NSF
CSHOW.EXE:  The popular name for file SEEPORN.EXE.
CSL: Curse and Swear Loudly
CSM sent a Rat-Boy to do a man's job. <ap>
CSN: Call Supervisor Names
CSNIO: Crash System on Next I/O
CSS: Crash Subsidiary Systems
CSU: Call Self Unconditional
CT Legislature: A Tagline? Are you SURE it's not taxable?
CT Legislature: A recipe? Are you SURE it's not taxable?
CTDMR: Change Tape Density, Mid Record
CTHULHU CALLS and orders a large pizza with anchovies.
CTHULHU SAVES! ...the bones, that is...
CTHULHU in '96! Why settle for the Lesser Evil!
CTHULHU, @FN calling CTHULHU.  He won't come. "ZOT"
CTHULHU, David calling CTHULHU. He won't come.
CTHULU '96!   Vote for The Old Party, and they'll *END ALL* problems.
CTRL+ALT+DEL to continue...
CTRL-ALT-DEL thyself.
CTRL-ALT-DEL: a way of life.
CTT: Call Time and Temperature
CU                    See You
CU next time with another lesson ;)
CU: Convert to Unary
CU; See You
CUBANS do it with cigars.
CUC: Cheat Until Caught
CUCKOOS do it by proxy
CUESLIX - Pool players favorite cereal
CUL                   See You Later
CUL8R           See You Later - also CUL
CUL8R         See You Later It's kind of a play on words,
CUL8R; See You Later...
CUL8RALEG8R   See You Later, Al E Gator
CUL8er -  See you Later
CUL; See You Later
CULATR: See you Later.
CULT (n.) - The church up the street from yours.
CUM..What you say to your dog
CUNNILINGUS..An Irish-American Country-Western singer
CURATE(n):speed at which paint dries
CURRENT GAIN ............. most recent rise in one's stock
CURSES the humans have found me out!
CURSOR - A hacker on his way home from the computer store
CURSOR:  What you become when you lose your REP packet.
CURSOR:  What you become when your system crashes.
CURSOR: An expert in four-letter words.
CURSOR: What you become when you lose you .REP packet.
CURSOR: what you become when your system crashes
CURTAIL: What the dog wags.
CURVED UNIVERSE THEORY:  What goes around comes around!
CURZON took a blood oath. - Kira
CUSTOMER SERVICE ACROSS THE COUNTRY       [Return it from most airports]
CV-59/CVW-6: You point it out, we'll take it out!
CVFL: ConVert Floating to Logical
CVFP: ConVert Fortran to Pascal
CVG: ConVert to Garbage
CVU: ConVert to Unary
CW Forever!  Talking with your hands is an art form.
CW>0246: If it's not MS-DOS, it's C-R-R-R-A-P..
CW-=<try these.........
CWAH: Create Woman And Hold
CWB: Carry With Borrow
CWDC: Cut Wires and Drop Core
CWG: Chase Wild Goose
CWGK: Compare Watt to Genghis Khan
CWIT: Compare Watt to Ivan the Terrible
CWM: Compare Watt to Mussolini
CWOM: Complement Write-Only Memory
CYA             Cover your a-- (ASCII?)
CYA; Cover Your A$$
CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK: Stocktaking at a Bike shop
CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK; Taking Inventory at a Bike shop
CYCLIST: Der Peddallpushink Pilloken
CYCLONE: To ride a bike without company.
CYCLOPS - Here's Mud In Your Eye
CYL; C you later.
CYNIC: A man who knows the price of everything & the value of nothing.
CYNICS do it critically.
CZZC: Convert Zone to Zip Code
C_L_I_N_T_O_N = Chicken Lickin' Idiot Now Taking Over Nation
C_L_I_N_T_O_N = Clinton Lies In Nine Times Outta Nine
C_L_I_N_T_O_N = Crazy Liberal Intent On Needlessly Trashing Our Nation
Ca&T, g*ET o@FF m^y kEyb!OArD...
Cab Calloway's Garden:  by Heidi Ho
Cab Calloway's Garden: Heidi Ho
Cabbage & Mayo: it's a good idea, *and* it's slaw.
Cabbage that wilt shall be the cole of the slaw.
Cabbage.         The fare you pay the taxi driver.
Cabbage:  The age of a taxi.
Cabbage:  The fare you pay the taxi driver.
Cabbage: A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as lar
Cabbage: A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and wise as
Cabbage: A kitchen-garden vegetable as large as a man's head
Cabbage: The age of a taxi.
Cabbage: vegetable about as large and wise as a man's head.
Cabinessence timely hello welcomes the time for a change...
Cabinicreep:  When closing one kitchen cabinet causes another to open.
Cable TV is not a right, nor a utility, it's a luxury.
Cable TV prayer:  "Dear God, please don't let it be Beast Master!"
Cable TV:  How can one little insulated wire bring so much happiness?
Cable out! Let her go!
Cabnicreep: The closing of one kitchen cabinet causes another to open.
Caboose seems to be pulling the engine.
Cacak, Cacak, sumadijski rokenrol, to je zivot moj i tvoj
Cache me if you can . . .
Cache me if you can.
Caches to caches, DOS to DOS
Caches to caches, DOS to DOS...
Cackanje nosa je za neke jedini nacin da udju u sebe!
Caco-doodle-deamon cried the Arch-Rooster
Cactus:  An overgrown pin cushion.
Cadavers DO IT stiffly.
Cadavers DO IT with their eyes closed.
Cadavers for Algernon - Mike
Caddie - Carries the club of rich guys.
Caddy, hand me my number 2 vorpal sword and my 1,000 wish ring.
Caddy, hand me my number 2 vorporal sword and my 1,000 wish ring.
Cadet Babette: You...call...me...QUEEN!
Cadet Bullitt. Better lower landing gear BEFORE we la..nd. crAAASH!
Cadet Keyport. Better lower landing gear BEFORE we la..nd. crAAASH!
Cadet Orville. Better lower landing gear BEFORE we la..nd. crAAASH!
Cadet Sallek. Better lower landing gear BEFORE we la..nd. crAAASH!
Cadet! I asked you a question! - Picard
Cadet's Personal Log: I thought homework would be *extinct* by now...
Cadillac BBS is coming back... Watch For It!
Caerthe had an Earl, a Jarl, and a Graf. They were a no 'count barony.
Caesar is coming to inspect us, not marry us. - Henry to Frank
Caesarean Section - A neighborhood in Rome
Caesarean Section.. A district in Rome.
Caesarean Section:  A district in Rome...
Caesarian section -- district in Rome
Cafateria Ladies on their off hours - Mike on wrestlers
Cafeteria:  An eatery where the "catch of the day" is botulism.
Caffeine Allocation Error: COFFEE.SYS missing, Programmer halted.
Caffeine Allocation Error: ROOTBEER.SYS missing, Programmer halted.
Caffeine Binge:  That which is necessary to function normally.
Caffeine Free Diet Jolt Cola?  Is nothing sacred?!
Caffeine Free Diet Jolt Cola? Is nothing sacred?!
Caffeine MaKe$ ++e WogLD Go POuND
Caffeine is not a drug, it's a vitamin!
Caffeine is our friend.
Caffeine is your friend.
Caffeine isn't a drug, it's a vitamin!
Caffeine keeps you up.  I died last week.  Go figure.
Caffeine makes the world go round
Caffeine makes the world go round.
Caffeine, Chocolate, Pizza, Fritos: THE 4 Food Groups.
Caffeine...a BBSer's best friend!
Caffidget - To break up an emptied Styrofoam cup into 100's of pieces.
Caffidget: To break up an emptied Styrofoam cup into 100s of pieces.
Caffidget: to break up an emptied styrofoam cup into 100's of pieces.
Caffiend loose in the echo!
Cagney & Lacey, the Attractive Years - Mike
Cahn's Axiom:    When all else fails, read the instructions
Cahn's Axiom: When all else fails, read the instructions.
Caigula in the Life & Times of Grizzly Adams - Mike/#605
Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him.
Cain took "E", his wife, in the land of Nod, which became Kentucky.
Cain's wife's name was Nodacain.  Her mother-in-law was Novacain.
Caine ... I'm here to question all your answers.
Cajun breakfast:  blackened toast
Cakes and wine are fine; faerie food has no calories.
Cakes: 66 cents    Upside Down Cakes: 99 cents
Cal Webster headbutts steel posts for fun.
Cal Webster sticks his tongue in rotating fan blades for fun.
Cal Webster thought drugs were fun `til he started studying pharmacy.
Cal Webster, you are some piece of work!! Hoo Ha!!!
Cal doesn't like that idea....
Cal is so old that his Social Security number is 4.
Cal may be certifiably crazy! - Most Everyone :)
Cal's Delivery Service: Letter Bombs to Chrissy Di Martino, 30% off.
Cal's Tagcrafters: Taglines repaired for about $20.00!
Cal, I may be certifiably crazy - Don Horton
Cal, you can be weirder, but please don't be a stranger! :-)
Cal, you're playing the wrong message!
Calamity is the test of integrity.
Calcium Anthropology: The study of milkmen.
Calculate : When Clavin doesn't say his lines on time, in a play.
Calculus & alcohol don't mix. Please don't drink & derive
Calculus and Alcohol don't mix. Please don't drink and derive.
Calculus and alcohol don't mix.  Don't drink and derive.
Calculus and alcohol don't mix.  Please don't drink and derive.
Calculus students DO IT by parts.
Calculus students do it by parts.
Calculus..... the agony and dx/dt
Calculus: The agony and dx/dc
Calgary weather:  There is a 25% chance of sun this year.
Calif Raisins Murdered: Cereal Killer Suspected
Calif. is like motor oil, Quaker-State that is!
Calif: Burn and Shake, add Water and Slide.
California - Hmmmm... Why is everyone leaving?
California - The land of fruits and nuts.
California DOS 6.2:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (B)ail ?
California DOS:  Bogus and bummer command, dude.
California DOS: Bogus and bummed command, dude
California Driving: To Change lanes, first pull out your 9mm..
California Institute of Treknology
California License Plate: [D'SLOB]
California License Plate: [LVE4LFE]
California License Plate: [TARDIS]
California Raisin arrested - suspect in cereal killings!
California Raisins Murdered! Cereal Killer Sought.
California Raisins Murdered! Police suspect Cereal Killer.
California Raisins murdered - cereal killer suspected!
California Raisins murdered!  Cereal Killer?  Film at 11.
California Raisins murdered! Cereal Killer? News at 11.
California Raisins murdered-cereal killer suspected!
California Raisons found murdered.. Cereal Killer sought.
California Saga...
California Tagline Lotto: .######.######.######. <-Match three to win!
California Trek:   The Trouble with Trembles
California Trek: The Trouble with Tremblers.
California does have its faults.
California driving: To Change lanes, first pull out your 9mm.
California has its faults, but L.A. is a riot!
California has its faults.
California home of Liberals and earth quakes.
California is a fine place to live -- if you happen to be
California is a fine place to live -- if you happen to be a fruit!
California is a fine place to live -- if you happen to be an orange. Can
California is a fine place to live, if you are an orange.
California is a great place to live...if you happen to be an orange.
California is not perfect. It has its faults.
California is so laid back they market ALWAYS there as SOMETIMES!
California makes the best wine - New York, the best whine.
California raisins murdered! Cereal killer suspected.
California raisins murdered: Cereal Killer suspected
California will never slide into the ocean - Texas sucks!
California! Summer in Toronto will fall on a Tuesday this year.
California's 4 seasons:  Mudslide, Earthquake, Wildfire and Riot.
California's four seasons: Mudslide, Earthquake, Wildfire
California:  It is against state law to peel an orange in a hotel room.
California: It is against state law to peel an orange in a hotel room.
California: It's a misdemeanor to detain a homing pigeon.
California: Our state flower is the concrete cloverleaf.
California: financing the study of *only* female prisoner health issues
California: financing the study of only female prisoner health issues.
California: land of rays, quakes, and those damned Raisins.
California: washed by Pacific, cleaned by Las Vegas.
California=Granola State: remove the fruit & nuts, you still got flake
California=granola (i.e. - fruits, nuts and flakes).
Californians do it laid back.
Californians welcome in Texas...Leave your money then leave the state!
Caligula in the Life & Times of Grizzly Adams - Mike
Call  a cop. Weller just stole Harold Bibik's "moose"tagline.
Call 1-800-24-SAMPO for your 5 day demo copy of SAMPO.
Call 1-800-52-STERN For "CRUSIFIED BY THE FCC"!!!
Call 1-800-Astarte for all your in-home Goddess needs.
Call 1-800-GET-COKE For More information. Always Coca-Cola.
Call 1-800-HEARING for free information on deafness..
Call 1-800-HEARING for free information.
Call 1-900-SX-CHANGE and ask for Lorena.
Call 1-900-TAG-LINE for the current taglines.
Call 1-900-TAGLINE/New tags daily/Only $3.95 per minute.
Call 1-900-new-meal/New recipes daily/Only $3.95 per minute.
Call 1-900-recipe/New recipes daily/Only $3.95 per minute.
Call 911 and make a Firefighter come.
Call 911! There is a multi-cliche pilup on the Information Highway...
Call 911, I've been hit by a bus on the information super highway.
Call 911.  $3.00 first minute, $1.00 each additional minute.
Call 911. $3.00 first minute, $1.00 each additional minute.
Call 976-911 for an emergency sex talk!
Call B.D.C. for all your computer needs 310/864-5685
Call Barf Construction, and we'll throw it up!
Call Bill Clinton's tax infoline.  1-900-SCR-EWME.  $100.00/min.
Call Bill Clinton's tax infoline...1-900-SCR-EWME $100.00
Call Clinton's tax infoline...1-900-SCR-EWME $100.00 min, $75.00 each
Call GET-BALL (438-2255) the CSA tennis hotline - IT'S HOT!!
Call Psychic Friends today, throw some money away!
Call Rush Limbaugh at 1-800-282-2882 from noon `til 3 pm (Eastern).
Call The Bates Motel BBS: 1-800-BIG-NIFE
Call Waiting - great if you have two friends
Call Waiting may cause your security level to drop!
Call Waiting: A way to insult 2 people at the same time!
Call Yakko's World BBS! (1-800-WTR-TOWR)
Call Yakko's World! (1-800-WTR-TOWR)
Call a cop. Weller just stole Harold Bibik's "moose" tagline!
Call a witch doctor!  My witch is sick.
Call a witch doctor! This witch is very very sick!
Call again tomorrow. - Picard
Call an ambulance! The explosion ignited Mr. Dallas' chest hair!
Call for Oliver Kloushoff. - Moe
Call for the captain ashore, I wanna go home.
Call for the police, an ambulance & a pizza.  See which arrives first.
Call her something that rhymes w/bitch - Gypsy
Call in, tune up, turn out, hang up.
Call it a "SPORT" only after BAMBI shoots back!
Call it a Hoozit from the dimension Hoo. - Skeeve
Call it a hunch - Quasimodo.
Call it a program.  They'll never realize that it's a magic spell.
Call me Charley... no... call me Fred... no... call me Bubba.
Call me Charley...no...call me Fred...no...call me Bubba.
Call me Dottie and you die. -- Dot Warner
Call me Dottie and you die. --Dot.
Call me Dotty and you die. - Dot Warner
Call me Dotty, and you DIE! --Dot.
Call me Ishmael, Todd Ishmael - Tom
Call me Ishmael.  I won't ANSWER, but..
Call me Ishmael.  I won't ANSWER, but...
Call me Ishmael. I won't ANSWER, but ...
Call me Master Po, cause I'm a po excuse for a Kung Fu master.  RWK
Call me Moby. Let me tell you what REALLY happened.
Call me RS-232, I'm a serial killer.
Call me Shadowchaser if it makes you feel more comfortable. - Amy
Call me a cab, said Tom hackly.
Call me anything, but don't call me late for dinner.
Call me apathetic - I don't care..!
Call me back so I can hang up on you!
Call me by the nickname I had in school. What, bonehead? --Lister.
Call me crazy but I can live without ICONS.
Call me crazy!  I can live without ICONS!
Call me if you don't get this message.
Call me if you need my phone number!
Call me if you need my phone number.
Call me if you want my phone number.
Call me insane once more and I'll eat your other eye!
Call me insane one more time and I'll eat your other eye!!
Call me mad, will you?   You'll see!   You'll *ALL* see!!
Call me now...  <*ringie*dingie*>.. "Hello?"
Call me pathetic, call me what you will...
Call me schizo. . .but I'll always have each other.
Call me what you will but listen to my words. - Amara Windcrusher
Call me when the sky ACTUALLY starts to fall.
Call me when you get a clue!
Call my Cat? Nope - I just run the Can Opener.
Call my agent. Get me outta this film! -Tom on phone call
Call my cat?  No, I just run the can opener.
Call my cat?!  No, I just run the can opener...
Call my cat?!  [hehehe]  No, I just run the can opener
Call my dog?!  [hehehe]  No, I just run the can opener.
Call now & receive your FREE Belching Dragon Coloring Book!!!
Call of the Borg, Jack London
Call on God, but row away from the rocks. -- Indian proverb
Call our S&M Hotline at 1-900-BOB-BITT today.
Call out the vice squad! Someone's mounting a disk drive!
Call the Bates Motel BBS -- 1 800 BIG-NIFE
Call the Center for Abused Taglines
Call the Center for Abused recipes
Call the Conservative Hot Line: 1-976-TRICKLE.
Call the Liberal Hot Line - 1-976-WEL-FARE ($10 per min)
Call the Liberal Hot Line: 1-976-WEL-FARE ($10 per min)
Call the Men of Science.
Call the Odyssey BBS (I am cosysop there) 813/531-6723,,,11
Call the Tonya Harding hotline 1-900-#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Call the Vice Squad! Someone's mounting a Disk Drive!
Call the cable company - Crow on rocket's video reception
Call the church police!
Call the church police!    >*THE CHURCH POLICE!!!!*<
Call the cops, the fire dept., & the pizza place.  Who arrives first?
Call the cops. Call an ambulance. Call for pizza. Which comes first?
Call the hotel porter, there's a frog in my bidet.
Call the narcotics squad, 175 pounds of dope just walked in!
Call the police! Tagline thief detected!
Call the police. They always know where I am.
Call the vet! My cat just ate my mouse.
Call them ENVIRONIHILISTS...there's no MENTAL involved!
Call this number for illiteracy:  555-READ
Call this number for illiteracy: 555-READ
Call this whole thing off while there is still time! - Sheriaden.
Call waiting is great if you have two friends!
Call waiting, great if you have only two friends.
Call waiting, great if you have two friends
Call waiting: Windows for your telephone.
Call waiting: how to insult two people at the same time!
Call your Father today: I wish I still COULD!
Call your mother.
Call-waiting is indeed the ULTIMATE line noise!
Called hard to get by it's real name
Caller ID and non-published phone numbers don't mix!
Calling ALL Ansi-Phreaks!  Come out, come out!
Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard...
Calling Jennie Fair = Makes you excited
Calling Jennie Hot = Energizes you
Calling Jennie Sexy = Extra Users Fight
Calling Jennie Star = a cute message
Calling Powdered Toast Man! Come in! Please respond!
Calling Rush Limbaugh stupid is an insult to stupid people.
Calling Rush Limbaugh stupid is insulting to stupid people.
Calling at the highest speed for me right NOW!
Calling for complex blends of reverse psychology and extreme violence.
Calling from N.W. Wisconsin
Calling her stupid would be an insult to stupid people.
Calling him a pea brain would be an undeserved compliment.
Calling him stupid is an insult to stupid people.
Calling me Dotty is futile. - Dot Warner of Borg
Calling me wrong does not make you right.
Calling your bluff since 1967...
Calm Down Girlie, You'll Scare Away The Fish - Wilbur.
Calm Down!  It's only ones and zeros!
Calm down -- it's only ones and zeros.
Calm down ... it's only ones and zeros.
Calm down guys!  It was just a joke!
Calm down, Ensign.  Exactly WHICH button did you push?
Calm down, Syndi Rose.  You'll get your earring in a twist. |-)
Calm down, Ted Bragg.  You'll get your earring in a twist. |-)
Calm down, Tim Edwards.  You'll get your earring in a twist. |"^)
Calm down--It's only ones and zeroes.
Calm down.  It's only ones and zeros.
Calm down; give me the nun. - Jalapeno
Calm down; have some dip.
Calm waters do not mean the crocodile is not present.
Calm waters often conceal sharks.
Calm your dogs? - Crow
Calorie: a unit of measure for how good food tastes.  Garfield
Calories don't count, they just accumulate!
Calories removed electronically upon request!!
Calrissian, take the princess and the Wookie to my ship..
Caltitude: Height the cat's back can arch to meet the hand stroking it
Calvert DeForest is a personal friend of mine.
Calvin & Hobbes Tags!
Calvin & hobbes rules!
Calvin = Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin Coolidge Jeans - Crow
Calvin Coolidge looks as if he had been weaned on a pickle.
Calvin Coolidge, Referee - Crow
Calvin and Hobbes rules!
Calvin arriving in turbo chute 4.  Clear receiving pad.
Calvin on STV:  It's a loathesome bat-webbed booger being.
Calvin on STV: It's a loathsome bat-webbed booger being.
Calvin suddenly realizes the world has no Hue, Value, or Chroma!
Calvin you stinkhead: I told you not to read this. - Susie's note
Calvin!! Get back here and get all those dead bugs out of my shampoo!
Calvin's Doctor: Nothing like a little virus to take the edge off a kid
Calvin's Mom: Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman.
Calvin's room: Enter & Die
Calvin, I want you to take this note to Miss Zarves for me. - Mrs. Jewls
Calvin, do U know what state u're living in? Denial. I can believe it.
Calvin, if you're bored I'll find something for you to do.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman - Calvin's mom
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman.-Calvin's Dad
Calvin, we will not have anatomically correct snowmen!
Calvin, you baloney brain - Susie
Calvin: "Ahh... the perfect slushball!"
Calvin: "Any game without 'hits' is a sissy game."
Calvin: "Bad news, I promised my soul to the devil today."
Calvin: "Did you notice the part about my allowance?"
Calvin: "I can't believe this moronic sport is our national pastime."
Calvin: "I don't believe in ethics anymore."
Calvin: "I don't want to watch anything that has a moral."
Calvin: "I guess I'm a child progeny."    Hobbes: "Most children are."
Calvin: "I hate everybody."
Calvin: "I think it's high time the world changed to suit *me*!"
Calvin: "I think the bases are too darn far apart."
Calvin: "I wish people were more like animals."
Calvin: "If I'm not a wimp, why take the path of least resistance?"
Calvin: "If like was like that, what'd we watch on TV?"
Calvin: "Let's go outside. . . mom's getting that look."
Calvin: "My dreams are getting way too literal."
Calvin: "My eyeball fell out. Help me look for it."
Calvin: "Of course, some animals get on your nerves. . ."
Calvin: "Oh boy, here comes Susie. . ."
Calvin: "Our hero sets his death ray blaster. . . ."
Calvin: "Santa's gonna skip this block for years."
Calvin: "Shut up."
Calvin: "They can't stand my genius."
Calvin: "We superpowers have it tough."
Calvin: "You're in trouble *now*, Hobbes! Heh heh heh!"
Calvin: A red spaceship on the monitor, your vileness.
Calvin: All my real skills are undervalued.
Calvin: And before I got to third grade, I could retire.
Calvin: And when you add them, they magically become one new number.
Calvin: Another gruesome kill!
Calvin: As a math atheist, I believe I should be excused from this.
Calvin: As far as I'm concerned, the ends justify the means.
Calvin: Aw Mom, you act like I'm not even wearing a bungee cord!
Calvin: Bad news, Dad.  Your polls are way down.
Calvin: Bad news, Mom.  I sold my soul to the devil.
Calvin: But mom, frogs are our *friends*!
Calvin: Calvin?  Who's Calvin?  I'm *Stupendous Man*!
Calvin: Can I take an ax to school tomorrow for, um, Show and Tell?
Calvin: Can I take some logs up to my room?
Calvin: Careful, we don't want to learn from this.
Calvin: Chew electronic death, you snarling cur!
Calvin: Childhood is short and maturity is forever.
Calvin: Childhood is so disillusioning.
Calvin: Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs- recommended b
Calvin: Dad!  Dad!  Where do you keep your guns?
Calvin: Days like these let you savor a bad mood.
Calvin: Do you think God lets you plea bargain?
Calvin: Don't we even get a few practice semesters?
Calvin: Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?
Calvin: Eat feathers, fuzzball!
Calvin: Even my *friends* don't do what I want.
Calvin: Every time I've built character, I've regretted it.
Calvin: Everything's gotta have rules, rules, rules!
Calvin: Eww!  He's giving himself two weird heads!
Calvin: Existence is not only temporary, its pointless.
Calvin: Face it, Dad. The season's OVER.
Calvin: For the townsfolk below, the day began like any other...
Calvin: Geez, I gotta have a REASON for everything?!
Calvin: Genius is never understood in it's own time.
Calvin: Girls are so weird.
Calvin: Hey Dad, remember our car?
Calvin: Hey, just be grateful we're still alive!
Calvin: Hobbes did it, Mom!
Calvin: Houston, we have a negative on that orbit trajectory.
Calvin: How good do you have to be to qualify as good?
Calvin: I achieve a lower consciousness.
Calvin: I always leave the room when the talk gets philosophical.
Calvin: I don't think math is a science. I think it's a religion.
Calvin: I don't want to watch anything that has a moral.
Calvin: I guess that got pretty pathetic.
Calvin: I let my mind wander and it didn't come back.
Calvin: I like maxims that don't encourage behavior modification.
Calvin: I need a stunt double!
Calvin: I need to work on my salesmanship.
Calvin: I never get to do anything fun.
Calvin: I say just punch him then and there.
Calvin: I suppose if I had two X Chromosomes *I'd* feel hostile too.
Calvin: I think my cerebellum just fused!
Calvin: I think that would affect my stomach more than my heart.
Calvin: I told her to expect you to deny everything.
Calvin: I try to make everyone's day a little more surreal.
Calvin: I wish I could go to the moon.     Dad: I wish you could too
Calvin: I'M SIGNIFICANT!!! .. cried the dust speck
Calvin: I'd explain it, but there's a lot of math.
Calvin: I'll bet my autopsy reveals my mouth is too big.
Calvin: I'm a card-carrying genius.
Calvin: I'm a man of few words.
Calvin: I'm a professional snoop.
Calvin: I'm engaged in a contest of wills! It's me against Nature
Calvin: I'm fine just the way I am!  Why should *I* change?
Calvin: I'm leaking brain lubricant.
Calvin: I'm off to meet my doom, Mom.  See you after school.
Calvin: I'm off to meet my doom, Mom. See you after school.
Calvin: I'm related to people I don't relate to.
Calvin: I'm sure they can track the Bee on radar.
Calvin: I've changed my mind, Hobbes.  People are scum.
Calvin: I've got plenty of common sense! I just choose to ignore it.
Calvin: I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts.
Calvin: If Jiminy Cricket was here, I'd skoosh him.
Calvin: If you can't win by reason, go for volume.
Calvin: Imaginary Numbers... Like Eleventeen and Thirty-Twelve.
Calvin: In my book, food should be nutrition -and- entertainment.
Calvin: Is it a volcano?  An earthquake?  No, a CALVINOSAURUS!
Calvin: It must be sad being a species with so little imagination.
Calvin: It's Psychosomatic.  You need a lobotomy.  I'll get a saw.
Calvin: It's a loathsome bat-webbed booger being.
Calvin: It's not as if lives hang in the balance, right?
Calvin: It's sad how some people can't handle a little variety.
Calvin: It's too much work!  It's boring!  It's slow!
Calvin: Keep in mind transmogrification is new technology.
Calvin: Look!  A thermos full of phlegm!
Calvin: Mom has to EARN a night's respite from m
Calvin: Mom would be alot more fun if she was a little more gullible.
Calvin: Mom, I sneezed and blew my head off!
Calvin: Mom, was I ever a grub?
Calvin: Moms and reason are like oil and water.
Calvin: Monopoly is more fun when you make your own chance cards.
Calvin: Mothers are the necessity of invention.
Calvin: My dreams are getting way too literal.
Calvin: My likely historical significance is a terrible burden.
Calvin: My personal gravity must have reversed polarity!
Calvin: My upbringing is filled with inconsistent messages.
Calvin: Never annoy a CALVIN, I have a stuffed tiger in my pocket
Calvin: No one understands my work.
Calvin: Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.
Calvin: Now I'm here, and history is vindicated.
Calvin: Now give me *another* five cents and let's see what I have!
Calvin: Oh what the heck.  I'll do it.
Calvin: Personally, I'm rooting for the eye creatures.
Calvin: Please tell me I'm adopted.
Calvin: Rats.  I can't tell my gum from my silly putty.
Calvin: Shut up and go get me some antiseptic.
Calvin: Slugs are so chewy before you shrivel 'em up.
Calvin: Snowgoons on the horizon... Hobbes, load the CALVINATOR!
Calvin: Snowgoons on the horizonHobbes, load the CALVINATOR!
Calvin: So, who *else* do I add to my list of total jerks?
Calvin: Someday I'll write my own philosophy book.
Calvin: Somehow I imagined this experience would be more rewarding.
Calvin: Something under the bed is drooling.
Calvin: Something under the bed is drooling...
Calvin: Spaceman Spiff is going down over the planet Gork!
Calvin: Suffice to say, I cannot add, so ask some other kid.
Calvin: Super Hereos wear snow pants? When there's snow out they do.
Calvin: Ta Da Da Daaaaa! I'm Stupendous Man
Calvin: That darn bicycle tried to kill me!
Calvin: That's a lot more mature than I think I care to be.
Calvin: That's me. *OOF*  The human slinky.
Calvin: The creature appears hostile!
Calvin: The fearless Spaceman Spiff sets off to explore a new plane
Calvin: The incurable weirdness poster child.
Calvin: The oil tanker crashed, Mom
Calvin: There isn't an ounce of imagination in the whole bunch.
Calvin: There!  Now we're both transmogrified!  We're even!
Calvin: There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want.
Calvin: They don't realize I'm a card-carrying genius.
Calvin: Things don't bug you if you don't think about them.
Calvin: This is a job for.. AACK! WAAUGHHH!! ...someone else.
Calvin: This serene metropolis lies directly beneath the Hoover Dam.
Calvin: To the inattentive and brainless layman, yes.
Calvin: Tonight: The Revenge of the Baby-Sat!
Calvin: Trusting your parents can be hazardous to your health.
Calvin: Twisted Fiend!  No four walls can hold STPENDOUS MAN
Calvin: We don't ATTEND parties, we just CRASH 'em!
Calvin: What I wouldn't give to be a latchkey kid...
Calvin: Whatcha doin'? - Hobbes  Counterfeiting money.
Calvin: While you ponder this analogy, I'm going outside.
Calvin: Who do we know that we could sue?
Calvin: With supendous speed, STUPENDOUS MAN is out the door!
Calvin: Wow, I bored myself *AWAKE*
Calvin: You need a lobotomy. I'll get a saw.
Calvin?  Who's Calvin?  I'm *Stupendous Man*!
Calvin?  Who's Calvin?  I'm *Stupendous Man*!  -Calvin
Calvinism - **** happens because you don't work hard enough.
Calzone:  That particular zone where one pigs out on pizza.
Camaro: Can't America Make A Real One?
Camaro: Cool American Made Automobile, Runs Outstanding
Cambot! Make it cool for me! - Tom
Cambot's gonna start recording soon and if those FidoNet mama-jamas.
Cambot, Rock Climbing - Tom
Came here in search of Freedom, but all I found were Taxes.
Camel: A quarter horse designed by a committee.
Camelot!  Camelot!  It's only a model!  Shhh!
Camelot! -- Launcelot   It's only a model! -- Patsy
Camels DO IT with props (Sopworth Camel was aeroplane w/a propeller).
Camels have wet dreams too!  Ask Ismail!
Camels have wet dreams too.
Camels have wet dreams too. It's just a bumpier road.
Camels live in Camelfornia.
Camera bugs always know where to light!
Camera operator is indulging himself -Crow on crotch shot
Camerino's Communication Center
Cameron Park - It's a zoo out there!
Cameron Wins! Flawless Victory!
Camles Have 2 Humps
Camouflage condoms:  They'll never see you coming
Campbell's Primordial Soup: Add water and energy, stir for 1E+9 years.
Campbell's Snail Stew..  Umm Umm good!
Campers do it in a tent.
Camping (n.): See "Heat Stroke," "Mud," and "Insects"
Camptown Races, 6837.6 Meters Long. Do Dah!
Camptown Races, 6837.6 Meters Long. Do Dah! Do Dah!
Campus Crusade For Cthulhu: If your god's dead blame mine.
Campus Crusade for Cthulhu - It found me
Campus Crusade for Cthulhu--It found me
Campus Crusade for Cthulhu: Cthulhu SAVES!
Campus Crusade for Cthulhu: IT found ME!
Campus Crusade for Cthulhu: If your god's dead blame mine.
Campus Crusade for Cthulhu: Your God is dead. Blame mine.
Campus Crusade for Cthulhu:If your god's dead, blame mine
Campus Crusade for KALI!
Campus crusade for Cthulu - IT found ME!!!!
Campus sidewalks never exist as the straightest line between two points.
Camshaft Grinders do it with more lift and duration!
Camus of Borg: We must resist even though resistance is useless.
Can Batman escape the Riddler's evil plot? Tune in next.
Can Claude wave BYE BYE??? Good boy Claude... - Lou Lamarillo :)
Can Diana Rigg a fishing line?
Can E-Mail be grounds for Divorce ???
Can Gary come out and play?
Can God forgive me for what I have unleashed? -Evil Dead II
Can God make a rock so big He can't lift it?
Can God make a rock so big She can't lift it?
Can Harrison Ford the river?
Can I Come Sleep In Your QWK Packet Tonight...
Can I add a TURBO to Windows to make it go faster?
Can I be excused?  My brain is full.
Can I be frank, Frank? - Hoolihan
Can I bench press one of you guys? - Crow as Colossus
Can I blame all of my spelling on line noise?
Can I blame my bad spelling on Line Noise?
Can I blame my spelling on Line Noise?
Can I blame my spelling on line noise?
Can I bring @TOFISRT@ to show and tell on Monday?
Can I bring Jim for Show and Tell on Monday?
Can I bring you to show and tell on Monday?
Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?
Can I call my spouse's lawyer if my lawyer if out of town?
Can I call you Ms. Dos ?
Can I call you Ms. Dos?
Can I call your BBS Collect??
Can I come play with your friends ? heh heh heh
Can I convince you to smile? --Jim Morrison
Can I deduct last years taxes as a bad investment ?
Can I do it till I have to wear glasses?
Can I do just until I need glasses? 
Can I do that human slingshot bit? -- Freefall
Can I eat him, Boss? Huh, can I?
Can I eat um, Boss?
Can I even believe you'd be so bbbaaaaaaaaadddddddddd!?!?!
Can I fire my lawyer? Yes, with a big enough cannon.
Can I flirt with you?
Can I get a bowl of those chocolate frosted sugar bombs please?
Can I get a divorce without a lawyer?
Can I get a grunt in here edgewise? - Tom
Can I get a second legal opinion without firing my lawyer?
Can I get off my knees now, they're starting to ache a little?
Can I get some body piercing done? - Mike on Tijuana
Can I get some dramamine for these credits - Crow
Can I get some nachos? No! Are you sure this is heaven? -Beavis
Can I get you something... A beverage?
Can I go back to bed now ?
Can I go back to bed now?
Can I go change now? I soiled myself -- Crow
Can I go look for the holy grail again? Tom requested.
Can I go to prison for this?
Can I go to the bathroom? You can if you believe you can..
Can I have a second bowl? My tapeworm isn't dead yet.
Can I have directions to your heart?
Can I have my gloves back now? - O.J.
Can I have my line back please?
Can I have my sombrero? - Tom
Can I have my thorax back? - Crow to zombie
Can I have one of those chocolates? Tom said candidly.
Can I have one of those chocolates? asked Tom, candidly
Can I have one of those chocolates? said Tom, candidly.
Can I have one of those chocolates?, asked Tom candidly.
Can I have the window seat?  Please, please, please...? -- Pinky
Can I help it if DELETE and ENTER are next to each other!
Can I help it that pins and 6 year olds are the only things shorter than
Can I help you? No sir, we're just here to break stuff!
Can I just do it until I have to wear glasses?
Can I just pick off one of the little sick ones? - Banzai
Can I just touch the hem of your tunic?
Can I kill a +5000 moderator with a +10 Sniper Rifle ?
Can I kiss one of the bridesmaids instead? -Herman
Can I kiss you there?     Tom asked cunningly.
Can I leave now?  My brain is full.
Can I make a U-turn? Nup, but I CAN make a ram's eyes water.
Can I make this thing initialize my coffee pot?
Can I object to the amount of fees charged by my lawyer?
Can I offer you a hutch? - Tom
Can I play with madness...
Can I please say something? - Hoolihan
Can I push the button? - Wakko
Can I put my boss in my twit filter?
Can I rub it on you?  - Joel to nude girl on health shake
Can I run DBLSPACE or STACKER on my VISA card?
Can I run Stacker on my MASTERCARD?
Can I run my toes through your hair?
Can I see another's woe and not be in sorrow too?
Can I see the raw data? - Mike
Can I shout "Religion!" in a crowded science conference?
Can I sniff your bra? - Mike as geeky guy
Can I snuggle with you guys? - Joel as hero
Can I split your top & butter your buns - Mike leers
Can I still rip the WLAF, at least?
Can I take an ax to school tomorrow for, um, Show & Tell?
Can I take an ax to school tomorrow for, um, Show and Tell?
Can I take an ax to school tomorrow for, um, Show and Tell? - Calvin
Can I take an axe to school tomorrow for um, Show and Tell -Calvin
Can I take some logs up to my room? - Calvin
Can I throw up in your bathroom? I'll buy something. -Barney Gumble
Can I trust you with my heart?
Can I twist little pretty colour ribbons around it??
Can I uh, use your Communicator Dianna - Riker
Can I update my hard drive to a Warp Drive?
Can I upgrade my Hard drive to a Warp Drive?
Can I upgrade my hard drive to a Warp Drive?
Can I upgrade my hard drive to a Warp drive ?
Can I use my A.M. Radio after noon?
Can I use my AM radio in the afternoon?
Can I vote for my Senator again even if he's in jail?
Can I warm up your bra...Uh, coffee? - Tom Servo
Can I yell "Crowded" In a moving firehouse?
Can I yell "Science!" in a crowded religion conference?
Can I yell "movie!" in a crowded firehouse?
Can I yell "movie" in a crowded firehouse?
Can I yell "movie" in a crowded firehouse??
Can I yell 'Religion' in a crowded Science conference?
Can I yell 'Science' in a crowded Religion conference?
Can I yell AIDS in a crowded bathhouse??
Can I yell FREE BEER in a crowded AA meeting??
Can I yell SCIENCE in a crowded Religion conference?
Can I yell movie in a crowded firehouse?
Can O' Worms. Open, Heat, & Eat. Ready in 15 mins.
Can O'Worms - open, heat, & eat.  Ready in 15 minutes!
Can Pee Wee choose to waive the evidence in court?
Can REALLY let her hair down!
Can Rush Limbaugh PROVIDE a GOOD JOB for ANYBODY?
Can Superman outrun the Flash?
Can Toonces the Cat drive a Dodge Tradesman?
Can YOU fly?
Can YOU spell F-R-U-S-T-R-A-S-H.....F-R-U-S-T-R-I....F-R-U-S-T-R-
Can You Help ?  My Participle Is Dangling...
Can a Cessna 150 truly "slip the surly bonds of Earth"?
Can a baby be born born again?
Can a blue man sing the whites?
Can a first cousin once removed return?
Can a program turn Data into error messages?????
Can a replicator be replicated?
Can a song change all the wrong to right?  Can it stop a single tear?
Can a time traveler be late for an appointment?
Can a vampire catch AIDS...?
Can an Opus marriage fit into the general scheme of the cosmos? - Milo
Can an atheist get insurance for "Act of God"?
Can anybody think of a good recipe I can snag?
Can anybody think of a good tagline I can steal?
Can anyone advise me of how I might find this person?
Can anyone find one of my relatives that actually had some money!
Can anyone here tell me if there's a VD clinic in town?
Can anyone recommend a good psychologist?
Can anyone remember when the times were not hard, and money not scarce
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing out of bed!?
Can anyone tell me where in the manual RTFM is defined?
Can bankers count?  Eight windows and only four tellers?
Can be outwitted by a jar of Marshmallow Fluff.
Can children have their own lawyer?
Can crosseyed dyslexics read normally?
Can elephants fly?
Can golfers get handicap parking permits?
Can he fail armed with his chocolate surprise?
Can he resist the shiny, CANDY-LIKE button? - Announcer
Can he scat? - Mike on wind demon
Can i write "former Moderator" in my job application?
Can look astonished at the right times.
Can lyposuction be performed on FAT tables?
Can of peas?  I can make a can of peas.
Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? (PRO 6:28)
Can one lawyer represent both of us?
Can one really be ethical through following someone else's rules?
Can priests turn other food into God, or only cookies?
Can recipes be recycled?
Can recipes have sequels?  Hmmm.....
Can shellfish sue for damages in small CLAMS court?
Can spirit guides have near -life experiences?
Can taglines be recycled?
Can taglines have sequels?  Hmmm . . .
Can taglines have sequels?  Hmmm.....
Can televangelists do more than lay people???
Can the Borg assimilate Q?
Can the balloon juice, Pierce. - Frank Burns
Can the police give you a speeding ticket in a car wash?
Can the world take 2 of us?
Can the world take TWO of us?   ;-)
Can they repeal the law of Gravity?
Can they think and then think like this?
Can this be real? @N@ is at a loss for words?!
Can this be real? Orville Bullitt is at a loss for words?!
Can this be real? Orville is at a loss for words?!
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? - Amos 3:3
Can violate the Prime Directive without wallowing like a beached whale.
Can we Hurry?...... My HardDisk is double parked.
Can we accept a collect call from Fiacho? -- Freefall
Can we believe Nixon, just 'cause he SAYS he's dead?
Can we call the country Pinkyland? -Pinky
Can we call you Dad-oo? - Wakko Warner
Can we call you Dad-oo?--Wakko
Can we commute out four year sentence of Clinton?
Can we get SOMEBODY in the frame, please? - Crow
Can we get back to our bleak, meaningless lifes? - Tom
Can we get loss of liability insurance insurance?
Can we go home now, Mommy? --Tad Trenton.
Can we have your liver then?
Can we make Clinton's defeat in '96 retroactive to '92?
Can we play a game now?
Can we speed this up a bit?  The ambulance is double-parked.
Can we turn on the fuzzy bubbles? - Crow as bimbo
Can we watch the adult channel? Helloooo, Nurse!! - Yakko
Can we yell "FACT!" in a room full of fundies?
Can wear alien attire while still looking like a leader.
Can write a few lines and REALLY blow it!
Can ya come up with some better ending for this?
Can you Handel music with a Baroquen instrument?
Can you actually prove any of that?
Can you and your associates arrange that, Mr. Morden? --Vir.
Can you be arrested for killing a program??
Can you be arrested for snaging recipes?
Can you be arrested for stealing taglines?
Can you be more explicit in your request, Doctor? - Data.
Can you be on the edge of time and still dance at the center? Merry
Can you believe it?  This message really does end?
Can you believe that thing is STILL moving?
Can you borrow me some bean money? - Crow as old drunk
Can you build an emerald city with these grains of sand?
Can you buy camel's milk at a dromedairy?
Can you clear any of this up for me?
Can you come back tomorrow?  We're all out of insurance forms.
Can you describe the UFO, Picard? Yes, There...are.. four... lights!
Can you dig that happy cr*ppy?
Can you dig that happy crappy?
Can you direct me to the inflatable bathrobes?
Can you do the PICARD MANUVER in a Grand Am??
Can you do the Picard Maneuver in a Corvette?
Can you do the Picard Maneuver in a Ford Tempo?
Can you do the Picard Maneuver in a Grand Am?
Can you do the Picard Maneuver in a Grand am?
Can you do the Picard Maneuver in a Hyundai?
Can you do the Picard Maneuver in an Isuzu?
Can you do the Picard Manueuver in a Grand Am?
Can you do the Picard Manuever in a Pontiac Grand Am?
Can you do the Picard maneuver in a Lamborgini?
Can you do the Picard maneuver in an RX7?
Can you feel anything when I do this?
Can you feel the madness here? Drawing you all to near.
Can you fill us in more on this, Lt. Data?
Can you find the mispelled word in hear?
Can you follow the thread backwards?.
Can you get Modem Addictus from a CALL girl?
Can you get a DUI on the information superhighway?
Can you get a DUI ticket on the Information Superhighway?
Can you get a DWI on the Information Superhighway?
Can you get a hernia from opening a child-proof safety cap?
Can you get drunk on a grape Nehi?-Radar. Let's find out.-Hawk
Can you get the sub-plot off the road? - Crow
Can you give me body lice? - Joel as biker
Can you give me mouth to mouth, you just took my breath away.
Can you give me the coordinates of their home world? - Ivanova
Can you give up Catholicism for Lent?
Can you hammer a six inch spike through a board with your penis?
Can you handle it?
Can you handle some PLEASURE?
Can you hang a "sense of humor" from a duty belt?
Can you have faith in groundhogs if they're afraid of their own shadows?
Can you hear me through this sieve? was Tom's strained query.
Can you hear me? Listen. A dead man visits you. --The Crow.
Can you hear the bilabial fricative I'm sending you.
Can you hear the drums Fernando............(urp)
Can you help me to understand you? - Kosh to Sheridan
Can you help me? Are you for my brain...oh, yeah!
Can you hold off a vampire with a sun lamp?
Can you imagine 1,000 cats agreeing to do *anything*?
Can you imagine Jack Benny as a surgeon?
Can you imagine OS/2 for Windows 95? <CJ>
Can you imagine Spock picking his nose?
Can you imagine a roast aardvark without an apple in its mouth?
Can you imagine conning eight cats into pulling a sled?
Can you kill a vampire with a sunlamp?
Can you open this jar of olives for me.
Can you open your mind without it falling out?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?  -- Pocahontas
Can you pass through things like... bulkheads?
Can you pick up `LA Law' in that thing? -- Skimmer
Can you play the coal powered frog-violin
Can you please help me to find the 'any key' key on my keyboard ?
Can you prove it didn't happen?
Can you put more money on the table?
Can you read music?  the bandleader asked notably.
Can you remember core memory!
Can you remember when air was clean and sex was dirty?
Can you remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty
Can you remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty.
Can you repeat the bit after "Listen very carefully"?
Can you repeat the part after "Listen carefully..."?
Can you repeat the part after "Listen very carefully" ?
Can you repeat the part after "Listen very carefully"?
Can you repeat the part after "Listen very carefully?"
Can you ride a big dinosaur while eating pizza?
Can you say "Advanced Mental Aberration?"
Can you say "MORON", boys and girls?
Can you say "Pervert", I thought you could.
Can you say "unclear on the concept"?
Can you say Advanced Mental Aberration?
Can you say PCTools Upgrade vers. 29.1? I knew you could!
Can you say Superfantasticunproductiveuselesslegislation ?
Can you say Superfranticunproductiveuselesslegislation!!?
Can you say `cardiac arrest', boys and girls?
Can you say as-sim-i-late? I can... --Mr. Rogers of Borg.
Can you say critical mass?  I knew you could.
Can you say:  Tongue planted firmly in cheek???
Can you see it Joker?  It's written all over my face.
Can you see the real me ?
Can you sell a timeshare in your marriage?
Can you show me where it hurts? Thank you <prod>
Can you smell the deadly radiation coming out of the TV set?
Can you spare a moment, Chief O'Brien? I've got a little prob
Can you spell "Odo" backwards?
Can you spell 'Enterprise'? E-N-T-E-R-P...
Can you swim in melted dry ice without getting wet?
Can you take your bra off while driving..?
Can you teach an old Moderator new tricks?
Can you teach an old Sysop new tricks?
Can you teach an old hooker new tricks?
Can you teach new dogs old tricks?
Can you tell I need more recipes?
Can you tell I need more tag lines?
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
Can you tell me how to get to the Susquehana Hat Co.?
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Lesbian Street!
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?
Can you tell me the location of the Nuclear Wessles? -- Chekov
Can you tell me where the cemetary is, or what it is called?
Can you think of another word for "synonym"?
Can you trust a government that won't obey it's own laws?
Can you trust me with a child if you can't trust me with a ch
Can you whistle 300 baud?
Can you yell "yIHmey!" in a crowded Klingon restaurant?
Can't I enjoy a little misery in peace? - Frank Burns
Can't I just do it until I need glasses?
Can't I just have a *little* peril?
Can't I like you for your mind and still love Hooters?
Can't I love BOTH your mind AND your body?
Can't I love both her mind -AND- her Hooters ???
Can't I love both your mind -AND- your Hooters ???
Can't I love both your mind AND your hooters?
Can't I love you for your mind and like your hooters too?
Can't Wal-Mart's Tech Support Department help you with this?
Can't Wal-Mart's Technical Support Department help you with this? -IM
Can't Win, Can't Break Even, Can't Quit
Can't Win, Can't Break Even, Can't Quit.
Can't You See I'm Operating! - Ren.
Can't You See, I Have No Talent! - Ren.
Can't You See, I'm Operating! - Ren.
Can't afford a tagline for this message.
Can't beat the real thing!
Can't catch a bird of paradise? Grab a wet hen.
Can't catch what you can't find . . .
Can't eat, can't sleep, can't bury the Bruins in the back yard.
Can't eat, can't sleep, can't bury the Red Wings in the back yard.
Can't eat, can't sleep, can't bury the ex in the back yard.
Can't eat, can't sleep, can't bury the husband in the back yard.
Can't eat. Can't sleep. Can't bury the wife in the yard.
Can't enter warp while food dispenser is making macaroni and cheese.
Can't even Trust Taglines to keep you out of trouble, these days!
Can't even talk without someone making recipes of it...
Can't even talk without someone making taglines of it...
Can't expect to keep them on the farm after they've seen Pari
Can't find COLDBEER.CAN, Moderator not loaded.
Can't find COLDBEER.CAN, Sysop not loaded.
Can't find COLDBEER.CAN:  SYSOP.EXE not loaded
Can't find COLDBEER.CAN: SYSOP.EXE not loaded
Can't find COLDBEER.CAN: Sysop not loaded.
Can't find COLDWINE.BOT, Moderator not loaded.
Can't find any new mail,........Start (W)hine (P)out........."AGAIN"!
Can't find his ass with two hands and a periscope/
Can't find your cat?  Look under my wheels...
Can't fix it? LOSE it. If you can't LOSE it. Sell it to tourists!
Can't get a lawyer who knows the law? Get one who knows the judge.
Can't get the damn tagline fuction to work right!
Can't get this drive to backup, forward only operation.
Can't give up sex?  Get married and taper off.
Can't go out again until you return my straight jacket..........
Can't handle reality? Watch Animaniacs!
Can't have everything.  Where would you put it?
Can't have everything. Where would you put it?
Can't have evrything. Where would you put it?
Can't i leave you for 5 minutes alone? (Adam to Eve)
Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.. - Pink Floyd
Can't learn to do it well? Learn to enjoy doing it badly
Can't learn to do it well? Learn to enjoy doing it badly!
Can't leave you alone for a minute can I?
Can't let blood get into my caffeine stream
Can't live with her, without her, or SHOOT her!
Can't load CANADA.SYS, invalid parameter, /LOWTAXES.
Can't make the grades? Liberals will lower the standards for you.
Can't open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat Microsoft mouse instead (Y/n
Can't open CLINTON.LIE, cannot recover COUNTRY.USA
Can't rain all the time -- The Crow
Can't read the copy Ma'am?  Funny, I can't read the original either!
Can't read, call 1800ABCDEFG; can't do math, call 6*5/4+2
Can't say that I blame you.  She sounds like a sweetheart.
Can't says as I did.  Sure don't remember it.  Got this one though!
Can't see it?  It's there.  I'm using stealth technology.
Can't see it? It IS there, using Stealth technology.
Can't sing, can't dance, can handle a sword a little.
Can't stand the heat? Stop burning the books!
Can't stop assimilating Taglines? Try the new Tagline Patch.
Can't stop creating Taglines? Try the new Tagline Patch.
Can't talk right now... The statue got me high...
Can't talk to a man With a shotgun in his hand. - Carole King
Can't talk. Eating. - Homer
Can't talk. Kinda down. - Lisa
Can't talk. Praying. - Homer
Can't talk. Robbed. Go hell. - Homer
Can't talk. See Flanders. Later sex. - Homer
Can't teach an old dog new tricks?  Threaten to neuter them.
Can't tell by looking at a toad how high he'll jump.
Can't the replicator turn out a decent cup of coffee? -- Everyone
Can't think of a better buncha' people to die with - Crow
Can't trust a monkey with a gun - Crow
Can't understand why my sacred cow died. I fed her plenty of veneration.
Can't use Windows, have single tasking brain and fingers.
Can't use Windows.  I have a singletasking brain and fingers. Cats crawl
Can't use Windows. I have a singletasking brain and fingers.
Can't use Windows; have single-tasking brain and fingers.
Can't wait 'til Reagan fires us -Tom as air traffic ctrlr
Can't wait for MS-DOS 5.01!
Can't wait for him to stick his head out again...
Can't wait for the 100Gb, 10ns drives! C++ is still not good enough
Can't wait for them 100Gb, 10ns drives!
Can't wait to get my hands on those pesky robots! - Joel
Can't wait to try TFW
Can't wake up... accidentally reformatted my brain.
Can't we all just get a beer? Norm Peterson.
Can't we discuss this like adults, Stinkyface?
Can't we find the minds to bring us closer to the heart -RUSH
Can't we just be friends?
Can't we play something else?  - Calvin
Can't we taint the food or something? <G>
Can't work up any interest in THAT group of people - Mike
Can't ya' hit me!! - Ace Ventura
Can't you be serious about anything, Mindweb?  Not a chance!
Can't you get it right? Loot, Pillage, THEN Burn!
Can't you leave me alone? No? Why not? Oh please?
Can't you read what people are in their faces?  Angela Lansbury
Can't you see I want tenderness, you idiot?
Can't you see I'm easily bothered by persistence.
Can't you see what that woman is doing to me? -
Can't you see? It all makes perfect sense.
Can't you sharpen up your pencil a little on this?
Can't you tell by the look in my eyes I love you?!  - Great White
Can't you tell by the look in my eyes I'm mad about you?! -Great White
Can't. I didn't pay taxes for my daughter's nanny either.
Can't? Can't? There's no such word as can't! <The Doctor>
Can't? Can't? There's no such word as can't! <The Doctor<
Can-can girls DO IT for kicks...
Cana-DOS:  Yer sure, eh?  (B)eauty! (N)o way! (T)ake off!
Cana-DOS: "Yer sure, eh?" (O)k, eh! (N)o way! (B)eauty!
Cana-DOS: Yer sure, eh? (B)eauty! (N)o way! (T)ake off!
Cana-DOS: [Y]er sure, eh? [O]k, eh!   [N]o way, eh!   [B]eauty!
CanaDOS   (B)eauty!  (N)o Way!  (T)ake Off!
CanaDOS - EH?:\>
CanaDOS Prompt - EH?>
CanaDOS:  "Yer sure, eh?" [y/n]
CanaDOS:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ell the brewery?
CanaDOS: Yer sure, eh? (B)eauty! (N)o way! (T)ake off, ya hoser!
CanaDOS:(Y)our sure-Eh? (B)eauty! (N)o Way (T)ake off!
Canada & America - Separated by a common language!
Canada -- C eh? N eh? D eh?
Canada 7 games to 1. Mark Mulvoy, Sports Illustrated.
Canada Chat - where men are men and sheep are nervous!  <g>
Canada borders on the Home of the Brave: America!
Canada borders on the magnificent -> ALASKA!
Canada didn't have a civil war to establish a continental nation!
Canada didn't have a revolution to establish a continental nation!
Canada has a much *lower* crime rate (per 100,000 people) that we do.
Canada has two months: Winter and July 11
Canada has two seasons. Winter and Construction.
Canada should annex the U.S.A.
Canada strong & free - from sea to sea to sea!
Canada's just a hockey player breeding facility.
Canada:   C Eh? N Eh? D Eh?
Canada: 51 weeks winter, one week hockeyless summer.
Canada: A pack of cigarettes- $8; a heart transplant- just $8.
Canada: C Eh? N Eh? D Eh?
Canada: Land of frigid winters and weird politicians.
Canada: Save the trees, eat a beaver.
Canada: The one place in the world where it's not hip to be French.
Canada: the state so clever, they don't pay taxes to Washington!
Canada?  What part of Texas is that in?
Canada? Nice place, just can't remember what state it's in.
Canada? What part of Texas is that in?
Canadian Alphabet: ....x,y,zed. Yeah, that's right ZED!
Canadian Alphabet: eh,b,c.
Canadian Alphabet:eh,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
Canadian Currency (n): See Monopoly Money.
Canadian DOS Promot:  EH?>
Canadian DOS Prompt - EH?:\>
Canadian DOS Prompt - EH?>
Canadian DOS Prompt - EH?:\>_
Canadian DOS Prompt - EH?:\>
Canadian DOS Prompt-----------------EH?:\>
Canadian DOS Prompt: C:EH>?
Canadian DOS Prompt: EH>?
Canadian DOS prompt C:\EH?>
Canadian DOS prompt:  EH?>
Canadian DOS prompt: EH?\>
Canadian DOS prompt: Like, Insert Disk #1, eh?
Canadian DOS:  "Yer sure, eh?" [y/n]
Canadian DOS: "Yer sure, eh?" (B)eauty (T)ake off
Canadian DOS: "Yer sure, eh?" (S)ure (N)o-way
Canadian DOS: "Yer sure, eh?" (Y/N)
Canadian DOS: "Yer sure, eh?" [S]ure [N]o-way
Canadian DOS: "Yer sure, eh?" [y/n]
Canadian DOS: Yer sure, eh? (B)eauty! (N)o way! (T)ake off!
Canadian Football--#1 sport of hosers everywhere!
Canadian and Proud Eh!
Canadian football junkies - on the next Geraldo!
Canadian kids have Nintendo; Japanese kids have homework.
Canadian men.....gotta love 'em, eh!
Canadian myth #1:  Canadians end every sentence with eh. Eh?
Canadian tagline - Add 7% for GST.
Canadian wildlife found here.
Canadian:  An unarmed American with health care.
Canadian: unarmed American with health care.
Canadians DO IT in english and french.
Canadians First, Canadian Government Second.
Canadians don't take kindly to being mistaken for Yanks!
Canadians drank 24,000,000 gallons Kool-Aid summer '95.
Canadians, I am NAFTA of Borg-Prepare to be assimilated.
Canadians:  The *other* Americans.
Canadians: unarmed Americans with health insurance.
Canalpal - A bug flies into your ear.
Canapes:  A sandwich that's cut into 24 pieces.
Canberra, the biggest daycare center in the world.
Canberra:  I went there once, but it was closed.
Cancan girls DO IT for kicks
Cancel the order. We'll take the patient. - Trapper
Cancer - The cure for smoking.
Cancer Man: Nothing disappears without a trace.
Cancer Man: You can kill me now, but you'll never know the truth.
Cancer cures smoking -- It puts you in a flip-top box too!
Cancer cures smoking.
Cancer: God's answer to bigots.
Cancer: The cure for smoking.
Cancerian nature is egocentric - we're just shellfish!
Candle-Vaulting:  by Jack B. Nimble
Candle-Vaulting: Jack B. Nimble
Candles made from human fat, let the devil know where your at!
Candy & Flowers?  Baa Humbug!  They don't need those.
Candy Cave & her Romanian cousin Sucrose Spelunker - Tom
Candy coated communion wafers!  Jesus Pieces!
Candy is Dandy But Liqour's Quicker!
Candy is Dandy but Sex Won't Rot Your Teeth!
Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.
Candy is dandy, but it's slicker to lick'er...
Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. <=====Very old saying.
Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker...
Candy is dandy, but sex won't rot your teeth!
Candy is dandy, but sex won't rot your teeth.
Candy is the destiny that shapes our ends.
Candy on keyboard.  Delete children (Y/n)?
Candy's Dandy, but liquor's quicker..
Candy's dandy but liquor's quicker. - O.N.
Candy's dandy, but sex won't rot your teeth.
Candy's fine and dandy, but sex don't rot your teeth.
Candygram for Mongo. Mongo LIKE candy!
Candyman! Candyman! Candymanuuurk...!
Canine Bestseller: Upset Dog by Mr. Legs.
Canine cricket player: Allan Border Collie.
Canis Wimpus: Breed of dog with a strong aversion to large cats.
Caniscootus - A dog pushing its food bowl around the floor as it eats.
Caniscootus:  A dog pushing its food bowl as it eats.
Caniscootus: A dog pushing its food bowl around the floor as it eats.
Caniscootus: A dog pushing its food bowl as it eats.
Canned music is like audible wallpaper.
Cannibal Stewardess Vixens Unchained.
Cannibal Stewardess Vixens Unchained...
Cannibal Women in the Avacado Jungle of Death
Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death.
Cannibal's recipe book: How to Serve Your Fellow Man.
Cannibal:  A person who is fed up with people.
Cannibal:  one who gets fed up with people.
Cannibal: A person who is fed up with people.
Cannibal: Guy in a restaurant, and orders the waiter.
Cannibal: one who gets fed up with people.
Cannibalism Rule 10: Jogger's are considered FAST FOOD!
Cannibalism Rule 11: Food fights....just before cooking!
Cannibalism Rule 4: No finger snacks before dinner!
Cannibalism Rule 6: Make sure you spit out the arm pits!
Cannibalism Rule 7: A mind is a terrible thing to waste!
Cannibalism Rule: Listen to sermon, THEN eat missionary!.
Cannibalism: intra-species dining
Cannibalize : What headhunters see with.
Cannibals aren't vegetarian; they're humanitarians.
Cannibals aren't vegetarians, they're humanitarians.
Cannibals consider joggers to be Fast Food.
Cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny
Cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny.
Cannibals don't eat clowns! (they taste funny)
Cannibals don't eat clowns, because they taste funny.
Cannibals don't eat clowns.  They say they taste funny.
Cannibals don't eat clowns.  They taste funny.
Cannibals don't eat lawyers. Professional courtesy.
Cannibals never eat clowns because they taste funny
Cannibals send out for pizza boys.
Cannibals won't eat clowns because they taste FUNNY.
Cannibals won't eat clowns because they taste funny.
Cannibals' favorite beverage?  Handshakes!
Cannon Films....guaranteed to show up on MST3K
Cannon!  This guy's a pig...and so are you.  Did you program this guy?
Cannot Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today
Cannot Load CLINTON.SYS - File Corrupt.  (Truth Missing)
Cannot Load CLINTON.SYS - File Corrupt. (Truth Missing)
Cannot Load CLINTON.SYS - File Corrupted. (Truth Missing)
Cannot access COLDBEER.CAN  Sysop not loaded!!!
Cannot close TROUSER.ZIP. Insert floppy and retry
Cannot find BOMB.ICON: crash anyway? (Y/N/R)
Cannot find COLDBEER.CAN, Moderator not loaded.
Cannot find COLDBEER.CAN, Sysop not loaded.
Cannot find ORG.ASM girlfriend halted...
Cannot find REALITY.SYS.  Universe halted.
Cannot load CLINTON.SYS - File Corrupt - Truth Not Found!
Cannot load TAGLINE.SYS, system halted.
Cannot locate B:rain  (A)bort (T)erminate (I)gnore
Cannot open BEER.CAN:  Operator not loaded
Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat Logitech mouse? (Y/n)
Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat logitech mouse instead (Y/n)?
Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat logitech mouse? (Y/n)?
Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN-Eat Logitech mouse instead? (Y/n)
Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN: Eat mouse instead? (Y/n)
Cannot open Windows, using Doors instead
Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home?
Cannot understand recipe: <A>bort, <R>etry, <C>ook anyway?
Cannot understand tagline (A)bort (R)etry (L)augh anyway
Canst thou by searching find out God? - Job 11:7
Cant be VERY intelligent, look what they're flying - Crow
Cant expect to keep them on the farm after theyve seen Paris.
Cant see the difference between Mole & Minogue
Cantus Firmus:  The part you get when you can only play four notes.
Cap'n Crunch Dead. Cereal Killer Held. More at 11.
Cap'n Crunch found murdered!  Cereal killer blamed.
Cap'n Crunch stabbed 57 times- Was it a cereal killer?
Cap'n!  The twit filter canna take much a more a 'dis.
Cap'n!  The twit filter canna take much more
Cap'n!  The twit shields canna take much more o' this!
Cap'n!  The twit shields canna take much more of this!
Cap'n! Cap'n! The UART's will'nae take the speed!
Cap'n! The modem canna keep up this speed much longer!
Cap'n! The spell checker kinna handle this abuse!
Cap'n! The twit shields canna take much more o' this!
Cap'n,  The filters canna take much more o' this!
Cap'n, it's the har' drive!  She canna take much more!
Cap'n, she's only a 2400, she canna take 1650 cps!  ...Scotty
Cap'n, the UARTs kenna take these speeds!
Cap'n, the twit filters kenna take nae more!
Cap'n, this t'glin dinna' say ennythin!
Cap'n, we're at 1700 CPS. The UARTs canna take any more!
Cap'n, you canna break the laws of physics!
Cap't!  The twit shields canna take much more!
Capatain's Log, stardate 28514.8...nothing interesting
Capital City..the Windy Apple.. - Mindy Simmons
Capital Punishment Justification #1: Prevention of repeat crimes.
Capital Punishment Justification #2: Deterrance of other criminals.
Capital Punishment Justification #3: Punishment of the guilty.
Capital Punishment means never having to say "you again?"
Capital Punishment means never having to say - "YOU AGAIN?"
Capital Punishment:  The Male-Only Death Penalty
Capital Punishment: The Male-Only Death Penalty.
Capital Punishment: the income tax.
Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil. -Ghandi
Capital punishment ends recidivism!
Capital punishment means those without the capital get punished.
Capital punishment:  People in the Capital need to be punished.
Capital punishment: people in the Capitol need to be punished...
Capital punishment: people in the capital need to be punished.
Capital, (n). The seat of misgovernment.
Capitalism I love it!
Capitalism can exist in one of only two states:  welfare or warfare.
Capitalism is what people do if you leave them alone.
Capitalism, I love it!
Capitalism. I love it!
Capitalism:  Man exploiting man.   Socialism:  The reverse.
Capitalism: It's not just a good idea, it's the BEST idea!
Capitalism: Man exploiting man. Socialism: The reverse.
Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
Capitalist rap group: Snoop Dog-Eat-Dog.
Capitalist:    Shit happens & it'll cost you.
Capitalistic man exploits man; Socialism reverses this.
Capitol Hill Bank: Member F.L.E.E.C.E.
Capitol Punishment?  Yes, punish everyone in the capitol!
Cappuchino is the dessert form of coffee.
Capsule:  A space ship.
Capt'n!  The Censors canna' take much more o' this!
Capt'n!  The spell checker kinna take this abuse!
Capt'n!  The spellchecker kinna take this abuse!
Capt'n!  The spellchecker kinnae take this abuse!
Capt'n!  The twit filter canna take much more o' this!
Capt'n! The spellchecker kinna take this abuse!
Capt'n! The twit filter kinna take much more!
Capt'n, The Editor Canna Hold Any More Taglines. She's Gonna Blow!
Capt'n... the modem cannot keep up this speed much longer!
Capt'n....there be whales here!!!!!! Scotty
Capt, CyberSpace is expanding so quickly it shows a Blue Wave shift.
Capt. James T. Kirk:  Intergalactic Space Whore!
Capt. Kirk & Toilet paper...both keep Klingons off Uranus
Capt. Kirk gives lousy head, but by gosh, the price is right. - Spock.
Capt. it would appear this civilization uses taglines to communicate.
Capt. log, s.d. 49999.9... That late? Red alert!
Capt., experiments show that dead puppies aren't much fun.
Captain #AL#, it's the Death Star! We mu*^%#&%$#NO CARRIER
Captain #AL#, the auto-destruct sequence is activated.
Captain - "What's that odor?"   Worf - "Apologies, Sir!"
Captain - What's that odor?    Worf apologise!   Worf!!
Captain - What's that odor? Worf - Apologies, Sir!
Captain - What's that odor? Worf apologise! Worf!!
Captain ... Renegade ship approc!@$(@#&$* NO CARRIER
Captain ... one .. harmless ... little ... Tribble?
Captain @FN@, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited.
Captain @FN@, why does your phaser look like a dust buster?
Captain @LN@, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage.
Captain @LN@...one harmless little...Tribble?
Captain @TF@ to the rescue!
Captain All to the rescue!
Captain Barbara to the rescue!
Captain Barney's last words: Don't worry the Borg are friendly.
Captain Broughton, it's the Death Star! We mu *^%#&%$# NO CARRIER
Captain Bullitt, I must protest! I am NOT a merry man!
Captain Bullitt, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage.
Captain Bullitt, Sir, that looks like earth. Turn About!
Captain Bullitt, a Klingon does NOT play Lemmings.
Captain Bullitt, a Klingon does NOT play Tetris.
Captain Bullitt, a shuttle craft just launched.
Captain Bullitt, experiments show that dead puppies aren't much fun.
Captain Bullitt, it's the Death Star! We mu*^%#&%$#NO CARRIER
Captain Bullitt, the Enterprise has been taken over.
Captain Bullitt, the Enterprise has just been boarded by hostiles.
Captain Bullitt, the auto-destruct sequence is activated.
Captain Bullitt, the communicators are out of range.
Captain Bullitt, the communicators don't work.
Captain Bullitt, the probe is launched.
Captain Bullitt, the readings I get go off the scale.
Captain Bullitt, the weapons have been rendered useless.
Captain Bullitt, we've just landed.
Captain Bullitt, why do our phasers look like dustbusters?
Captain Bullitt, why does your phaser look like a dust buster?
Captain Butler, we've just landed.
Captain Cajones and the Testosterone Rangers.
Captain Comic II - Fractured Reality
Captain Crunch is dead. Looks like a cereal killing.
Captain Crunch murdered - cereal killer suspected.
Captain Cyrus to the rescue!
Captain Data: Number 00000001, you have the bridge.
Captain Deering, it's the Death Star! We mu *^%#&%$# NO CARRIER
Captain High at your service - Servo Chorus
Captain Hook died yesterday of Jock Itch.
Captain Hook must remember not to pick his nose.
Captain Horatio Hornblower would hang you by the nearest yard arm!
Captain Howdy will show me the way - Tom
Captain I protest ... I am NOT a merry man! --Worf
Captain I protest, Warriors are not cute!
Captain Ingram, experiments show that dead puppies aren't much fun.
Captain Ingram, it's the Death Star! We mu *^%#&%$# NO CARRIER
Captain Janeway can't wait to get home and drive her Caravan.
Captain Janeway eats here when she can find us!  - Vic's Restaurant
Captain Janeway is stored in memory block 41 Alpha. - Computer
Captain Janeway's only credit card?  The "Discover" card!
Captain Janeway, I'm a hologram but not a human
Captain Joel to the rescue!
Captain Kirk has three ears: left, right and a final front ear!
Captain Kirk in an S&M bar: "Beat me up, Scotty."
Captain Kirk is a weenie.
Captain Kirk to Enterprise:  four to upload
Captain Kirk, meet my father.  He's Dad, Jim. -- McCoy
Captain Kirk...please...respond.
Captain Kirk:  We come in peace. Shoot to kill.
Captain Kirk:  We come in peace; shoot to kill, men.
Captain Kirk: "We come in peace. Shoot to kill."
Captain Morgan's and blood, please ... shaken, not stirred.
Captain Orville to the rescue!
Captain Orville, I must protest! I am NOT a merry man!
Captain Orville, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage.
Captain Orville, Sir, that looks like earth. Turn About!
Captain Orville, a Klingon does NOT play Lemmings.
Captain Orville, a Klingon does NOT play Tetris.
Captain Orville, a shuttle craft just launched.
Captain Orville, being held by you isn't enough to get me excited.
Captain Orville, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited.
Captain Orville, experiments show that dead puppies aren't much fun.
Captain Orville, it's the Death Star! We mu*^%#&%$#NO CARRIER
Captain Orville, the Enterprise has been taken over.
Captain Orville, the Enterprise has just been boarded by hostiles.
Captain Orville, the auto-destruct sequence is activated.
Captain Orville, the communicators are out of range.
Captain Orville, the communicators don't work.
Captain Orville, the probe is launched.
Captain Orville, the readings I get go off the scale.
Captain Orville, the weapons have been rendered useless.
Captain Orville, we've just landed.
Captain Orville, why do our phasers look like dust busters?
Captain Orville, why does your phaser look like a dust buster?
Captain Pican, the wackiest nut in the Galaxy.
Captain Picard!  Mr. Spock just swallowed our budget!
Captain Picard! Mr. Spock just swallowed our budget!
Captain Picard, stop staring at my chest! * Troi
Captain Picard... To BOLDLY go where no one has gone before.
Captain Piccard to the bridge.
Captain Planet..He's a liberal..Gonna subvert all the children...
Captain Pollard.. Renegade ship approc!@$(@#&$* NO CARRIER
Captain Riker has never lost - Riker
Captain Sensitive on the job here - Tom on pushy cop
Captain Smith, a Klingon does NOT play Lemmings.
Captain Smith, a Klingon does NOT play Tetris.
Captain Stephanie to the rescue!
Captain Taglines (Kirk, Picard, Janeway)
Captain Tammy to the rescue!
Captain Thompson!!! Cardassian warship decloaking off the#$^ NO CARRIE
Captain Trips, you wanna give it a rest? - Mike to Crow
Captain Yakko, why do our phasers look like dust busters?
Captain Yakko, your new ship, the USS Water Tower, is ready in Stardock.
Captain Your new ship, the U.S.S. #AL# is ready in Star-Dock.
Captain Your new ship, the U.S.S. Bullitt is ready in Star-Dock.
Captain Your new ship, the U.S.S. Orville is ready in Star-Dock.
Captain Your new ship, the U.S.S. Slawson is ready in Star-Dock.
Captain in an S&M bar: Beat me up, Scotty!
Captain my tag line, It just ... wanished!
Captain on the bridge.  (Translated: get off your butts.)
Captain on the bridge.  (Translation:  Get off your butts)
Captain on the bridge. (Translated: get off your butts.)
Captain one .. harmless little Tribble?
Captain please, not in front of the Klingons.
Captain we're at 1700 CPS. The UARTs canna take much more
Captain we're at 1700 CPS. The UARTs canna take much more.
Captain we're at 1960 CPS. The UARTs canna take much more.
Captain we're doing 9600 CPS. The UARTs canna take much more.
Captain we're out of Columbian coffee - Tom to pilot
Captain your head! You're growing HAIR!!!
Captain!   It's Bob Morgan off starboard bow unlurking.
Captain!  A Klinkon Sheep!  An Enema Wessel! - Chekov
Captain!  Sensors detect an end-of-file marker...
Captain!  Someone has snorted all the dilithium crystals!
Captain!  Someone has snorted the dilithium crystals!
Captain!  The UARTs kenna' take these speeds!
Captain!  The tricorder isn't listening to me! - Worf
Captain!  They're sending us Windows 95!  <Enterprise self-destructs>
Captain!  They've switched our Dilithium crystals for New Folgers!
Captain! - Ramirez
Captain! Admiral Brahms is on sub-space requesting you!!!
Captain! I am sensing something painfully obvious. - Troi
Captain! I sense millions of minds...staring at my cleavage! - Troi
Captain! Moderator decloaking on port side!
Captain! Moderator decloak~%$#NO CARRIER
Captain! One... harmless... little Limbaugh? --Cyrano Jones.
Captain! Riker is snorting all the dilithium crystals. Wow!
Captain! Romulan Warbird decloa-************ NO CARRIER
Captain! Romulan Warbird powering up weapo%$(&^(^)#$^#@^@&
Captain! Romulan Warbird powering up wepo@*&#^()@! NO CARRIER
Captain! Sensors are picking up a line eater!.
Captain! Sensors detect a TagLine thief!
Captain! She kinna take morrre of thies! We'rrre out of duct tape!
Captain! She's gonna blow! We'rrrre out of duct tape!
Captain! Someone has snorted all the dilithium crystals!
Captain! Someone has snorted all the dilithium crystals.
Captain! Someone's snorted the Dilithium crystals!
Captain! The UARTs can't handle this speed much longer!
Captain! The UARTs kenna' take these speeds!
Captain! The UARTs won't take the speed
Captain! The spell checker kinna take this much abuse!
Captain! They have found a way to penetrate our shields#$%^ NO CARRIER
Captain!! I sense...I sense...I sense a commercial coming!
Captain!! Incoming$%$% NO CARRIER
Captain!! Warp core breech imminen- @#$@..&%"#@  NO CARRIER
Captain!!! The Twit Filters canna' take much more a' this
Captain!? Commander!? Can we talk? --Londo.
Captain's Log Star Date 48231.2, I Hate Doing Log Entries.
Captain's Log Stardate 9572.05: Another strange message written.
Captain's Log, Stardate  Hey, Spock!  Is this Friday?
Captain's Log, Stardate -----...  Hey, Spock!  Is this Tuesday?
Captain's Log, Stardate ...  Hey, Spock!  Is this Friday?
Captain's Log, Stardate.. Hey, Spock!  Is this Friday?
Captain's Log, star date 21:34.5.
Captain's Log:  Been there, done that, have the T-shirt!
Captain's Log:  Same stuff.  Different sector.
Captain's Log: stardate... um, does anyone know the date?
Captain's log Stardate 9699.01 Ensign Bullitt is under guard...
Captain's log, Stardate 42336.2: We've been attacked by Taxi!
Captain's log, stardate 1234.5 - Bored beyond belief!
Captain's sporting a bike rack! -Crow on guy's butt crack
Captain, @FN@ is snorting the Dilithium Crystals again!
Captain, Aston's smoking the Dilithium again!
Captain, Bullitt is snorting the Dilithium Crystals again!
Captain, David's smoking the Dilithium again!
Captain, Engines here. Scotty canna take much more of this!
Captain, He  off starboard brow unlurking.
Captain, Hill is snorting the Dilithium Crystals again!
Captain, I beleive it is time for a colorful metaphor.
Captain, I believe I have found the cause of the power surge. - Data
Captain, I believe your friend Stinky has arrived. --Ivanova.
Captain, I didn't know Human women were so fragile - Worf
Captain, I don't know who to trust anymore. -- Ensign Ro
Captain, I must protest. A Klingon does NOT play Tetris!
Captain, I need to kill someone. - Worf
Captain, I never will understand Humans. Spock
Captain, I protest -- I am not a merry man! - Worf
Captain, I protest.  I am NOT a merry man! - Worf
Captain, I sense a PLOT DEVICE!
Captain, I sense a commercial coming.  Troi
Captain, I sense a commercial comming - Troi
Captain, I sense a million minds staring at my cleavage.
Captain, I sense an imminent commercial break. -Troi
Captain, I sense great hostility.
Captain, I sense he is staring at my cleavage! - D. Troi
Captain, I sense intense sexual thoughts.
Captain, I sense millions of guys'  eyes staring at my cleavage.
Captain, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage.
Captain, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage...(*)(*)
Captain, I sense millions of minds staring at my body ...
Captain, I sense millions of minds staring at my cleavage!
Captain, I sense millions of people staring at my breasts.
Captain, I sense millions of people staring at my cleavage.
Captain, I sense. . . Chocolate! - Deanna
Captain, I sense. . . Chocolate! --Troi.
Captain, I sense. . .Chocolate! -- Deanna
Captain, I sense... a PLOT DEVICE!
Captain, I sense...Chocolate!  -- Troi
Captain, I'e REALLY gotta pee! Where's the Bathroom?
Captain, I'm sensing a ______
Captain, Klingon ship approa...[!@$(@#&$* NO CARRIER]
Captain, Orville Bullitt off starboard bow unlurking.
Captain, Orville Bullitt off starboard brow unlurking.
Captain, Orville is snorting the Dilithium Crystals again!
Captain, Orville off starboard brow unlurking.
Captain, Romulan decloa...[%@$%#%^& NO CARRIER]
Captain, Romulan decloaking%@$%#%^& NO CARRIER
Captain, Sensors detect cleavage ahead...oooOOOOHHHHhh  ssssSSHHiiII..
Captain, Starfleet Command is calling
Captain, The mains are OFFLINE and I cant send Starfleet \SLMR\TAGL
Captain, The mains are OFFLINE and I cant send Starfleet a message!
Captain, We Are Being Hailed.  Quick Get My Umbrella!
Captain, Why not just give The Borg Windows?
Captain, a Klingon does *NOT* play SimAnt!
Captain, a Klingon does *NOT* play SimTribble!!!!!!
Captain, a Klingon does NOT play Lemmings!
Captain, a Klingon does NOT play Mario Brothers!
Captain, a Klingon does NOT play Tetris -- Worf
Captain, a Klingon does NOT play Tetris!
Captain, a Klingon does NOT play Twister!
Captain, ahead is the planet of Amazon Women...can we go? Huh? Huh??
Captain, beam Michael back for short-arm inspection.
Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited. - Leia
Captain, communications is jammed...NO CARRIER
Captain, could I play some jazz? -- Make it soul, No. 1
Captain, do you know how fast you were goin'? Warp 6 in a Warp 5 zone.
Captain, exactly how much cleavage will they allow? - Troi
Captain, experiments show that dead puppies aren't much fun.
Captain, he's hiding something in his pants. * Troi
Captain, hormone levels are off the scale!
Captain, if the Borg have OS/2, they'll be unstoppable!
Captain, is something wrong with your chair?
Captain, it's the Death Star!  We mu*^%#&%$#NO CARRIER
Captain, life is _not_ a dream.
Captain, life is not a dream - Spock
Captain, logic indicates that we should run like hell.
Captain, ma puir bairns! Ye deleted 'em!
Captain, our shields won't handle another attack.
Captain, our shields won't take another attack.
Captain, perhaps you should appear to enjoy your soup. - Data
Captain, phasers and photons down, get the hand phaser out?
Captain, please.  Not in front of the Klingons.
Captain, please. Not in front of the Klingons -- Spock
Captain, please. Not in front of the Klingons.
Captain, sensor is picking up a moron in this sector.
Captain, sensor probe of SOL 3 reports no intelligent life.
Captain, sensors are picking up a moron in this sector.
Captain, sensors detect the presence of a line eater!
Captain, sensors identify the creatures as "scrubbing bubbles."
Captain, sensors show a Tag-Line thief in this sector.
Captain, she can't take much more...
Captain, someone has snorted all the Dilithium crystals!
Captain, someone's messing with our computer, better get h.^NO CARRIER
Captain, someone's put Cheeze Whiz into the intermix chamber again!
Captain, spare me your inspirational anecdote -- Deanna
Captain, that is highly illogical. Even Vulcans have needs. Bend over.
Captain, the Borg left the Microsoft headquarters untouched.
Captain, the Engines here.  Scotty canna take much more.
Captain, the Engines here...  Scotty's canna take much more!
Captain, the Singer is back online. Picard:Excellent! Make it Sew.
Captain, the UARTS kenna' take these speeds!
Captain, the UARTs won't take this Speed!
Captain, the VGA is not responding.  I'm switching to EGA.
Captain, the digital warpometer on helm console is stuck at warp 2.
Captain, the impulse engines stalled when used in reverse.
Captain, the main sensor array is unable to pick up anything except SBS
Captain, the mains are OFFLINE, and I can't get a message to Starfleet!
Captain, the modem can't take much more of this!
Captain, the planet's women have made us sex slaves, don't beam us up.
Captain, the plumbing canno take much more of this! (Snoty)
Captain, the ship's been infected with the Windows virus!
Captain, the stars are gone!-Get off the Viewscreen controls, Chekov!
Captain, there be mail here!
Captain, there be raptors here... &^@$#%* NO CARRIER
Captain, there be whales here!
Captain, there be whales!   Scotty!  That's a mirror!
Captain, this board seems highly illogical.
Captain, this is not logical but I like it.
Captain, we are being hailed. Get out your umbrella.
Captain, we are being hailed. [Ice hits hull]
Captain, we are going to crash! - Damn the Stockmarket!!
Captain, we are receiving 285,000 hails - Lt. Wesley Crusher
Captain, we are receiving 285,000 hails - Wesley
Captain, we are receiving 285,000 hails -- Wesley
Captain, we are receiving 285,000 hails.  - Lt. Wesley Crusher
Captain, we found a robot tailor. Make it sew.
Captain, we have a Priority One tagline from Starfleet.
Captain, we have attained ridiculous speed. * Data
Captain, we have engaged dataschlurp mode!
Captain, we must fight, ya but, I'm afraid
Captain, we must surrender!
Captain, we're being hailed by Myra I Fox, who says:
Captain, we're being hailed by Nicole Schwab, who says:
Captain, we're being hailed. Get out your umbrella!
Captain, we're out of Columbian coffee.
Captain, we're out of Earl Grey. Bridge, course 180!
Captain, we've beamed him onboard, but his head stayed there..
Captain, we've dropped out of warp.
Captain, we've found a robot tailor. Make it sew!
Captain, why did you give me this red shirt to wear?
Captain, why do our phasers look like dust busters?
Captain, why do you have floor wax in here?
Captain, why does your phaser look like a dust buster?
Captain, why not give the Borg Windows 3.1?
Captain, why not just give the Borg OS/2?
Captain, why not just give the Borg Windows 3.1?
Captain, why not just give the Borg Windows 3.1? - Worf
Captain, why not just give the Borg a 286 and Windows NT
Captain, would you tell Will to leave me alnoe? * Troi
Captain. One. Harmless. Little. Tribble. - Cyrano Jones
Captain... the Borg left the Microsoft headquarters untouched.
Captain... your head! You're growing HAIR!!!
Captain...one harmless little Tribble? -- Cyrano Jones
Captain:  Engines here.  Scotty can't take much more!
Captain: "Damn the torpedoes!"  Ensign: "Damn torpedoes..."
Captain: Engines here. Scotty can't take much more!
Captain: Sensors detect the presence of a line eater!
Captain? Welcome aboard the USS Coriander....
Captainone harmless little tribble? Cyrano Jones.
Captains don't give majors orders. - Maj. Frank Burns
Captains log, Stardate 9602.34 Worf bites Ensign Fox
Captains log, Stardate 9623.17 Worf bites Ensign Smith
Captainyour head!  You're growing HAIR!!!
Captian, I am sensing menacing background music - Troi
Captin, the modem can't take much more of this!
Captin...I can't defy the laws of the moderators.
Captioned in HEX for Programmers.
Capture by design, kill by necessity - Bounty Hunter's Creed
Car 666 Where Are You? They had a devil of a time finding it.
Car Capital Of The World: Mitch Egan
Car Capital Of The World: Mitch Egan*
Car Phone answering maching: "Hi.. I'm home right now"
Car Phones:  One more arrogant symbol of the Reagan Era.
Car Repairs: Axel Grease
Car Repairs: Axel Grease*
Car customisers do it with a hot rod.
Car customizers do it with a hot rod.
Car mechanics do it automatically.
Car mechanics jack...
Car phone answering machine:  "Hi, I'm home right now..."- S. Wright
Car phone answering machine: "Hi, I'm home right now..."
Car pooling - By Sharif d'Ride
Car salespersons do it with interest.
Car smooshed -- reload G-ANSI?
Car trouble is when the car won't start and the payments won't stop.
Car's only got three wheels, and one's going flat.
Car, Mother of Carnivals, Charms and Letters.
Cara mia, my sweet lobster, what is wrong?
Caramel Corn!!, In The President's Head! - Ren.
Carasvemos, corazones no sabemos.
Carbcozy - Foam sleeve holder for a canned beverage.
Card Reader: Middle-aged Gypsy usually found just across state lines.
Card collector Gump:  "Life is like a box of cards..."
Card collectors do it in sets.
Card collectors do it with foil wraps.
Card collectors trade sex for sets!  News at 11.
Card readers do it on any flat surface.
Card smart: A Smith & Wesson beats four aces
Card-carrying member of the cultural elite.
Cardassian Animaniacs: There are FIVE Warners, not THREE!
Cardassian Burger (How many pickles do you see?)
Cardassian Burger: How many pickles do you see?
Cardassian Cable - bringing you five - er, FOUR channels
Cardassian Cable - bringing you five - er, FOUR channels!
Cardassian Cable : 4 channels? No! We have *5* channels!
Cardassian Cable : Bad picture? Wrong, it's crystal clear.
Cardassian Cable : How many channels do *you* see?
Cardassian Cable Co.:  4 channels?  No, we have *5* channels!
Cardassian Cable Co.:  Bad picture?  You're wrong, it's crystal clear.
Cardassian Cable, bringing you five, er, FOUR channels of excitement.
Cardassian Cable: 4 channels?  No, we have *5* channels!
Cardassian Cable: 4 channels? No, there are FIVE!
Cardassian Cable: You see FIVE channels!
Cardassian Motel 6: No, we'll leave *5* lights on for ya
Cardassian Scale: How many pounds do you see?
Cardassian architechture.  Need I say more?
Cardassian enigma tale: Murder on the Obsidian Express
Cardassian rule was oppressive, but it was simple. -- Odo
Cardassians are a Bajor problem.
Cardassians enjoy bloodsport fights between Voles and Tribbles.
Cardiac arrested for breaking an entering!
Cardinal @LN@!  Fetch.....the comfy chair!
Cardinal Biggles, tie Orville Bullitt to the RACK!
Cardinal Fang!  Fetch... the comfy chair! - Monty Python
Cardinal Fang!  Fetch.....the comfy chair!
Cardinal Fang! Fetch...THE COMFY CHAIR!
Cardinal Fang, go and fetch... THE COMFY CHAIR!!!
Cardinal Rule of Cats:  When fat, arrange self in slim pose.
Cardiologists DO IT wholeheartedly.
Cardiologists do it halfheartedly.
Cardiologists do it heartily.
Cardiologists do it lightheartedly.
Cards cleaned & pressed while you wait - Tom
Care For A Chop? - by Marsha Larts.
Care For A Chop?: Marsha Larts
Care for a Jelly Baby? -- The Doctor
Care for a Jelly Baby? --The Doctor.
Care for a shrimp cocktail?  No, thanks - I need a BIG one.
Care for a shrimp cocktail?  No, thanks, I need a BIG one.
Care for another bottle of champagne, m'dear?
Care for another glass of checkers? - Hawkeye
Care for some "Anthrax Ripple" @FN@?
Care for some "Crunchy Frog" @FN@?
Care for some "Spring Surprise" @FN@?
Care for some albatros @FN@?
Care for some cheese with that whine?
Care for some pudding? said Tom hastily.
Care to dance with an intense whip-toting redhead in leather & heels?
Care to dance with an intense whip-toting stranger in high heels?
Care to dance with an intense whip-toting stranger in leather & heels?
Care to donate to the Lorena Bobbit collection?
Care to guess how the fetus would vote on abortion?
Care to join the "Flat Earth" Society?
Care to join us in Wonderland?
Care to read that tagline in front of the class, Mario Trujillo?
Care to read that tagline in front of the class, William James?
Care to try cordless bungee jumping?
Careful Bullitt, you only have a few brain cells left.
Careful Orville, you only have a few brain cells left.
Careful Smithers! That sponge has corners you know! - Mr. Burns
Careful Warner, you only have a few brain cells left.
Careful Wright, you only have a few brain cells left.
Careful driver:  Traffic gem.
Careful is a naked man climbin' a barbed wire fence!
Careful not to let education get in the way of your learning....
Careful now or Bullitt will getcha!
Careful now or Orville will getcha!
Careful planning is the key to safe and swift travel. - Ulysses
Careful planning will never replace dumb luck.
Careful what you think you want, you may get it.
Careful with that Axe Eugene...
Careful with that axe Damian...
Careful with that axe, @FN@.
Careful with that axe, Bob !
Careful with that axe, Eugene!
Careful with that axe, William!
Careful!  Don't step in that - Oh, never mind
Careful!  My laser printer is set to stun.
Careful! Don't step in that... Oh, never mind
Careful! She knees groins! - Tom
Careful!!...You may be the only Bible some people ever read.
Careful, I'm spring loaded in the dumb ass position!
Careful, Pinky, somebody might mistake you for a rodeo clown. -Brain
Careful, Smithers, that sponge has corners, you know - Monty Burns
Careful, We don't want to learn from this!OJW
Careful, we don't want to learn from this.  -Calvin
Careful, you only have a few brain cells left.
Careful.  I know Karate and a few other foreign words.
Careful.  I know Karate and a few other foreign words...
Careful.  We don't want to learn from this. - Calvin
Careful. I got hips like Watersford Crystal - Crow
Careful. We don't want to learn from this. -Calvin
Careful... This guy is one planet short of a full system.
Careful:  I might be landing on your street...
Careful; these guys are trained cable-installers!
Carefull the camel spits  <* * * * *
Carefull you idiot!  I said across her nose, not UP it!
Carefully avoid anything said to be KEWL!!
Carefully avoid anything said to be NEATO!
Carefully consider the best course of action; then fall asleep.
Carelessness does more harm than a want of knowledge.
Caressing an ear is often more forceful than pointing a weapon.
Caressing your love with rabbit fur is a form of necrobestiality.
Caretaker of Borg: "I haven't the time to assimilate you!"
Carey Sundberg has been caught cheating on taglines again.
Carey knows Taglines!
Carey said, Put in a tagline. So I did.
Carey's Tagcrafters: taglines repaired in about an hour.
Careys Gourmet Taglines: Best and Freshest Every Day!
Caribou Chili Pizza Beta Tester
Carica Milica je umrla jer Marko uvek pola daje Sarcu.
Caring and sharing are the very nicest parts of love.
Cariopractor...An Egyptian masseuse.
Carleton University?  How about Uncle Phil college?  Vivian Collegiate? ...
Carlsbad Caverns: 22\% more cavities.
Carlson's Law: Don't try to eat where they don't want to feed you.
Carly Simon, on Windows, "I haven't got time for the pane."
Carmel, CA: A woman cannot take a bath in a business office.
Carmel, California - a woman cannot take a bath in a business office.
Carmen San Diego, pick up the nearest white courtesy phone.
Carmen Sandiego is somewhere in this tagline.
Carmen Sandiego stole my entire tagline file! :( <sob!>
Carmen Sandiego, pick up the nearest white courtesy phone, please.
Carmen lovers have Show him the door!-gasms.
Carmichael's Law: For every human reaction there's an over-reaction.
Carnival (v.) - You sit on my face, and I'll guess your weight.
Carnivore I am, cannibal I am not. :) -Digital Shakespeare
Carolyn's Law: A penny saved isn't a hell of a lot.
Carp Diem - Fish of the Day? I hope it's not trout...
Carpal = CyberPooPoo
Carpal Knowledge...computer smarts.
Carpal Punishment..."Permission Denied..."
Carpal Tunnel ahead...turn keyboard on.
Carpal has to be felt to be believed.
Carpal in the morning, carpal in the evening, carpal at supper time...
Carpal onto others as they would carpal onto you.
Carpal stamps...for Email only.
Carpal-To-Go...Outgoing Email
CarpalCrash...%#@&$-NO CARRIER !
CarpalProtection...ergonomic keyboard.
Carpalation...Your first successful log-on.
Carpalette....A small byte of carpal.
Carpaletti...And Italian hacker.
Carpaling...having your cache and eating it too.
Carpalite... material used to make keyboards.
Carpalology 101...Computer Science Department.
Carpe Carp - "Seize the fish"
Carpe D.M. - Seize the Dungeon Master.
Carpe D.M.--Seize the Dungeon Master!
Carpe DM - Seize the Dungeon Master!
Carpe DM:  Sieze the Dungeon Master.
Carpe DM: Seize the Dungeon Master!
Carpe Dialem!  (Seize the MODEM!)
Carpe Diem before it carpes you...
Carpe Diem does _not_ mean complain daily.
Carpe Diem--Make your lives extraordinary
Carpe Diem: Make your life extraordinary!
Carpe Diem: Sieze the Dungeon Master.
Carpe GM-!!!-Seize the Game Master!
Carpe Noctem   Seize the night
Carpe THIS diem!
Carpe Tomus - Sieze the Books! (new FUBS rally cry candidate)
Carpe denim!  Seize the pants!
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero!   Horace (8 BC)
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero! --Horace.
Carpe diem/Seize the Day! --Robin Williams.
Carpe modem!  Sieze the bandwith!
Carpe modem! Sieze the bandwith!
Carpe per diem. Seize the check.
Carpe that diem sucker!
Carpenter's Rule:  Cut to fit;  beat into place.
Carpenter:  A guy who nails down his agreement.
Carpenter:  A guy who nails down his agreement...
Carpenters are just plane folks
Carpenters do it indoors.
Carpenters do it tongue in groove.
Carpenters do it tongue in groove.                               
Carpenters do it tongue-in-groove.
Carpenters do it with a big hammer.
Carpenters hammer it harder.
Carpenters nail harder.
Carpet Fitting: Walter Wall
Carpet installers do it horizontally.
Carpet layers do it on the floor.
Carpet layers do it on their knees.
Carphone answering machine "I'm at home now.  Please . ."
Carphone answering machine: "I'm home right now, if you'll please..."
Carpillary action - Enables water to move up a windshield.
Carpitchulake: Host of TV show catches, talks then throws back a fish.
Carptenters do it with a big hammer.
Carrier Landing - Most Fun Possible with pants on!
Carrier's view point...REIRRAC ON - %$#@&
Carrier?  We don't need *&#|$ NO STINKING CARRIER
Carries a tire gauge in her purse.
Carrion Roadside Cafe: You Kill 'em - We grill 'em.
Carry a grudge?  Hell, I've been known to >nurse< them!
Carry on my wayward son  -Kansas
Carry out your own dead.
Carry the Alaskan Express Card. Don't leave Nome without it.
Cars demolished while you wait.  Hot wax extra.
Cars, computers and wimmin... never enough money or time for them.
Cars:  A bird of prey might drive a Talon.
Cars:  A person who hunts using birds of prey might drive a Falcon.
Cars:  A professional bowler might drive a Fairlane.
Cars:  A skid-row wino might drive a Thunderbird.
Cars:  Igor Stravinsky might drive a Firebird.
Cars:  Mozart might drive a Prelude.
Cars:  Napoleon might drive a Corsica.
Carson of Borg - "Hah! This is soooo futile."     <How futile is it?>
Carson of Borg:  How futile is it?
Carson's Law: It's better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick.
Carson's Travel Law: There is no Gate #1 at any airport.
Carter II, The Wrath of Bill
Carter II: The Wrath of Bill
Carter didn't destroy the US, Clinton probably won't.
Carter didn't kill America...but Clinton just might!
Carter do this. Carter do that. Carter you're fired -Crow
Carter of Borg: I am irrelevant, but Amy says you'll be assimilated
Carter of tears & scotch - Mike
Carter of the foggy drive through London's streets - Mike
Carter of the rainy afternoons - Mike
Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton -- proof that 4*0 = 0.
Cartoon - A device used by papers to say what an editor dare not.
Cartoon Characters Don't Do That! - Anthony.
Cartoon weeds go away faster than real ones. - TV ad
Cartoon: A device used by papers to say what an editor dare not.
Cartoonists do it in charactures.
Cartoonists do it with just a few good strokes.
Cartoons: music played in an automobile?
Carve your name on hearts and not on marble.
Case dismissed. Rusty, take these two out back and shoot them
Casey saves, @FN@ picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores!
Casey saves, Damphousse picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores!
Casey saves, Desjardins picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores!
Casey saves, Muller picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores!
Casey saves...Dionne picks up the rebound, he shoots, HE SCORES!!
Casey saves...Keane picks up the rebound, he shoots, HE SCORES!!
Casey saves...but Muller scores on the rebound!
Casey savesDionne picks up the rebound, he shoots, HE SCORES!!
Casey savesKeane picks up the rebound, he shoots, HE SCORES!!
Casey savesbut Muller scores on the rebound!
Casey's in the net, @FN@ goes right, fakes left, shoots, SCORES! "WUSS!"
Cash for trash
Cash is a always accepted
Cash the BlueWave.... What??? Pay for shareware? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Cash value of this recipe: 1/20 of 1 cent.
Cash value of this tagline: 1/20 of 1 cent
Cash, a poor person's credit card.
Cash: a poor man's credit card!
Cashew (n):  nut with a perpetual cold.
Cashew?  Gesundheit!
Casino poker is to poker, as military intelligence is to intelligence.
Casinos and Theme parks and Shopping...OH! MY! KC in 2K
Casinos defeated in Fla.--Bring on all those new/increased TAXES !!
Casinos in South Florida ??? --- BET ON IT !
Cason's Law #1: When in doubt, blame the Maintenance Dept.
Cason's Law #1: When in doubt, blame the Maintenence Dept.
Casserole is just another word for leftovers.
Casserole: Yesterdays leftovers incognito.
Cast Detect Magic on a TSR module and it'll explode. -DM Advice
Cast a cold eye on life, on death, horseman pass by!   W.B. Yeats
Cast about for another one liner.
Cast in this unlikely role, ill-equipped to act.: Rush
Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thalt shall find it...
Cast your bread upon the water and it shall come back soggy.
Cast your bread upon the waters, it will return soggy
Castcaspers - Dead movie stars appearing in old movies on T.V.
Casted out and beaten down in vain, He's now the Prince of Earth
Caster oil makes Windows run faster.
Castigir is gone...now only you and I remain. - The Kurgan
Casting bread upon the waters, my son? - Father Mulcahy
Casting spell.....<ZAP>....RIBBITT!
Castle McKoziol in Transylvania: Drop In For A Bite!
Castle Wolfenstein 3D - training course for DOOM ][!
Castles are burning in my heart.
Castlevania; if it doesn't whip you, you'll be hooked!
Castrate - the hotel rate for actors.
Castrate Congress and save the nation a screwing!
Castrate your 486 and make it an XT -- Just add Microsoft Windows
Castrate: The hotel rate for actors.
Castration takes a lot of balls.
Castration takes balls.
Castration?!? Oh my god! I thought he said circumcision!
Castration?!? Oh my gosh! I thought he said circumcision!
Castro is an OK guy! - Tom as communist
Casual Killer:  Piss me off at your own risk.
Casual Sex: When a body meets a body o're a pint of rye
Casualties: 1 dead, 1 wounded. Per abortion.
Cat #*&hair'`*^~in}{keyboard:<~)_+| #
Cat (KAT') n. Small mammal with an attitude problem.
Cat (Kat) N. 1: A dog with an attitude.
Cat (Kat) n. 1: A dog with an attitude.
Cat (cat') n. Dog with an attitude problem.
Cat (kat') n. 1.  A dog with an attitude problem.
Cat (kat') n. Dog with an attitude problem
Cat (kat') n. Dog with an attitude problem.
Cat (kat') n.: Dog with an attitude problem.
Cat (n) Car target!
Cat (n) Small furry beast resembling meatloaf.
Cat (n):  1. furry keyboard cover  2. alarm clock.
Cat (n):  small, four legged, fur-bearing extortionist.
Cat (n): Fast, psychotic animal bred for target practice.
Cat + BBS = Paraniod Sysop
Cat + unattended keyboard = garbage all over screen.
Cat - (n) An Unprogrammable Animal.
Cat - Car Target
Cat - Pothole Cover
Cat - a dog with an attitude problem.
Cat - small animal when defurred, resembles Chinese food
Cat - small animal when defurred, resembles Chinese food.
Cat Cardinal Rule #377: When fat, arrange self in slim pose.
Cat Eats Ball of Yarn, Gives Birth to Set of Mittens"
Cat Eradication Council of Greater Toronto
Cat Fu: Cat bathing as martial art.
Cat Game #01:  Hah - made you look!
Cat Game #06:  Fit into the smallest space available
Cat Game #06:  Fit into the smallest space available...
Cat Game #10: Hide and go puke.
Cat Game #1:  Hah - made you look!
Cat Game #3: Take up most room on bed.
Cat Game #6:  Fit into the smallest possible space.
Cat Game #6:  Fit into the smallest space available...
Cat Game #6:  Fit into the smallest space possible.
Cat Game #6: Fit into the smallest place available.
Cat Game #6: Fit into the smallest space available
Cat Game #6: Fit into the smallest space available.
Cat Game #6: fit into the smallest space possible.
Cat Game #6: hide inside the smallest space.
Cat Game #7: Hide inside the smallest space.
Cat Game#6:  Fit into the smallest space possible.
Cat HAIR all over the keyboard. Don't blame me for spelling errors.
Cat Physics #2:  A cat will assume the shape of its container.
Cat Physics:  Work = Mass * Distance....except cats never work.
Cat Problem: "Here kitty kitty!" gets annoying.
Cat Problem: Being mistaken for Bill the cat.
Cat Problem: Hard to resist urge to bite mail-carrier.
Cat Problem: Lee Press-Ons won't cut meat.
Cat Problem: Picking hair off your keyboard.
Cat Problems: Being mistaken for Bill the cat.
Cat Problems: Getting tail caught in doors.
Cat Problems: HEAT!
Cat Problems: Hairballs.
Cat Problems: Having to wear a license just to walk around.
Cat Problems: Trousers that make no allowance for tails.
Cat Problems: VETS!
Cat Rule #04: Reserve hairballs for shag carpets.
Cat Rule #08: Add roughage to human food by shedding in it.
Cat Rule #2: Bite hand that won't feed you fast enough.
Cat Rule #2: Bite the hand that won't feed you fast enough.
Cat Rule #32: Bite hand that don't feed you fast enough.
Cat Rule #377:  When fat, arrange self in slim pose.
Cat Rule #4:  Reserve hairballs for shag carpets
Cat Rule #5: Fit into the smallest space possible.
Cat Rule #8:  Add roughage to human's food by shedding on it.
Cat Rule #8: Add roughage to human food by shedding in it
Cat Rule #8: Add roughage to human food by shedding in it.
Cat Rule: Bite the hand that doesn't feed you fast enough.
Cat Scan:  A medical test for the presence of furballs.
Cat Scan:  Searching for kitty.
Cat Scan:  Searching for kitty...
Cat Scan:  a very expensive way to find the missing hamster.
Cat Scan: A medical test to detect the presence of furballs.
Cat Scan: Searching for kitty.
Cat Scan: a very expensive way to find the missing hampster.
Cat Scratch Fever, NUH NUH NUH!!!--Ted Nugent
Cat Sleeping On Shoulder? That's The Only Way To Wear Fur
Cat Toy (n):  Any object on the ground.
Cat Toy (n):  Anything not nailed down.
Cat Toy (n): Any object on the ground.
Cat Toy:  Anything not nailed down.
Cat \kat'\ n. 1:  A dog with an attitude problem
Cat \kat'\ n. 1: A dog with an attitude problem
Cat advice: Take the time to eat the flowers.
Cat advice; take time to eat some flowers.
Cat aplomb: Whatever happens, look as if it were intended.
Cat are always more sarcastic than dogs.
Cat asleep on my shoulders - the ONLY way to wear fur!
Cat ate cheese and waited by mousehole with baited breath
Cat bathing is a martial art.
Cat cymbals: On the Next Twilight Zone.
Cat for rent.  Specialty:  barking dogs surgically removed.
Cat found trapped in refrigerator.  Delete children (Y/N) ?
Cat fur expands to fill all available drives.
Cat game #6.  Fit in the smallest space possible
Cat game #6:  fit into the smallest place possible.
Cat goes crazy trying to mark his territory in Cyberspace.
Cat got your voice sequencer? - Joel to Bots
Cat got your your voice sequencer? - Joel to Bots
Cat haters just resent never getting their pussy to come.
Cat in the Bed by Claude Balls
Cat like "Paper-Bags"---they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cat lovers -- primary source of the sickest dead cat jokes around.
Cat magic - the more you pet them, the longer you both live.
Cat missing?  Check my tires.
Cat mystery: Why did it become a domestic animal?
Cat of Borg: I think I'll assimilate ... myself!
Cat of Borg: I'll assimilate this, and this, but I don't want =this=
Cat of Borg: I'll assimilate this, and this, but I don't want cats!
Cat of Borg: I'll assimilate this, and this, but I don't want it.
Cat of Borg: What!  Black Armor with this suit?  You must be crazy!
Cat on the mantlepiece, when the china fell.
Cat on the modem, when the carrier fell.
Cat philosophy - when in doubt cop an attitude!
Cat philosophy:  I am, therefore give me tuna.
Cat philosophy:  I think, therefore give me tuna.
Cat philosophy:  When in doubt, cop an attitude!
Cat philosophy: I am, therefore give me tuna.
Cat philosophy: I doesn't hurt to ask for what you want.
Cat philosophy: I think, therefore give me tuna.
Cat philosophy: It doesn't hurt to ask for what you want.
Cat philosophy: When in doubt, cop an attitude.
Cat purring on my shoulders - the ONLY way to wear fur!
Cat quote: "Doesn't take much to entertain a human!"
Cat rule #32:  Bite the hand that doesn't feed you fast enough
Cat rule #32: bite the hand that doesn't feed you fast enough
Cat rule 32:Bite the hand that doesn't feed u fast enough
Cat rule: Add roughage to human food by shedding in it.
Cat scan - a most expensive way to find the missing hamster.
Cat scan -- searching for kitty
Cat sleeping on my shoulders - the ONLY way to wear fur.
Cat toy (n) Anything not nailed down.
Cat toy (n): anything not nailed down
Cat toy: Any object on the ground.
Cat washing IS a martial art.
Cat won't move?  Try gasoline and a match.
Cat!?  Where?!  Where is a cat?! - Runt
Cat#*&hair'`*^~in}{keyboard:<~ )_+| #~
Cat#*&hair`'in{}keybaord:<~)_+| #~
Cat's Favorite Game - "Ha! Made you look!"
Cat's Favorite Game: "Ha! Made you look!"
Cat's In The Bag! The Neighbours Holler!
Cat's Paw: Cat breaking wind.
Cat's aren't clean, they're covered with cat spit!
Cat's aren't clean, they're just covered with cat spit!
Cat's aren't clean; they're covered with cat spit!
Cat's do the most amazing things.
Cat's favorite game:  "HAH-  made you look!!!"
Cat's foot, iron claw, neurosurgeons scream for more...
Cat's hate Windows, mouse driven ya know.
Cat's teach us tolerance....and how to see through walls.
Cat, n.  Small mammal with an attitude problem.
Cat, n.: Lapwarmer with built-in buzzer.
Cat-A-Ract...Cats being questioned by the "Inquisition"--jkb
Cat-Tags can be a nice way to go-they're habit forming!
Cat-a-Lan a network of Cats-they're the Cats-Meoowww!
Cat-as-trophe: An award for the cat with the nicest buns...
Cat-as-trophy - what I have on my mantle piece.
Cat-hater's spouse's cat's nickname: Punt.
Cat-holic (n.)  A cat with a drinking problem.
Cat-holic: Can't stop bringing cats home.
Cat-kill #21..Run over cat with lawn-mower.
Cat-o'-nine-tails: Noodle machine accident.
Cat-o-holic - addicted to cats.
Cat-scan: A medical test used to detect the presence of furrballs
Cat...an attitude in fur!
Cat:  (n) An Unprogrammable Animal.
Cat:  A small, furry beast resembling a meatloaf...
Cat:  Dog with an attitude problem.
Cat:  Ethereal music wreathed in mystery.
Cat:  Fast, psychotic animal bred for target practice.
Cat:  Fast, psychotoc animal bred for target practice.
Cat:  Furry alarmclock.
Cat:  God's way of saying your furniture is too nice.
Cat:  Pit bull junk food.
Cat:  Small animal that when defurred, resembles Chinese food.
Cat:  a dog with an attitude problem.
Cat:  an unprogrammable animal.
Cat:  small, four-legged, fur-bearing alien here to observe humanity.
Cat: (n) An Unprogrammable Animal.
Cat: A Bit of Heaven Here On Earth
Cat: A dog with an attitude problem.
Cat: A small, furry animal resembling a meatloaf.
Cat: Alien that took over the Earth millenia ago.
Cat: An unprogrammable animal
Cat: An unprogrammable animal.
Cat: Animal that proves eating and sleeping is not ALL bad
Cat: Companion in grace, beauty, mystery and curiosity!
Cat: Companion in grace, beauty, mystery, and curiousity
Cat: Dog with an attitude problem.
Cat: Ethereal music wreathed in mystery.
Cat: Fast, psychotic animal bred for target practice.
Cat: Fast, psychotoc animal bred for target practice.
Cat: Fur ball puker
Cat: Furry alarmclock.
Cat: Furry keyboard cover.
Cat: I could've SWORN I heard the can opener!
Cat: I hope that Michael put litter in here.
Cat: I hope that Orville put litter in here.
Cat: I hope that Tammy put litter in here.
Cat: Living poetry.
Cat: Murphy's way of saying "Nice Furniture!"
Cat: Nature's own pop-up targets.
Cat: Not so brave once it's in a microwave!
Cat: Official mascot of the Tagline echo.
Cat: Official mascot of the recipe echo.
Cat: One Helluva nice animal commonly mistaken for meatloaf.
Cat: Pit bull junk food.
Cat: Proof that not everything in nature has a purpose.
Cat: Small animal that, when defurred, resembles Chinese food.
Cat: Small animal which, when defurred, resembles Chinese food.
Cat: The only self-cleaning appliance in the house.
Cat: a nice animal, frequently mistaken for a meatloaf.
Cat: a purr-bearing mammal.
Cat: psychotic animal bred for target practice.
Cat: small animal when defurred, resembles Chinese food
Cat: small, four-legged, fur-bearing alien here to observe humanity.
Cat: the only self-cleaning appliance in the house.
Cat:Animal that proves eating and sleeping is not ALL bad
Cat; n: Lapwarmer with built-in buzzer.
Cat=stress relief,  Kitten=Tiny terror Get the VALIUM!!!
Cat?   I had a cat once, kinda tasted like chicken
Cat?  What cat?  It's a small dog doing impressions of cats!
Cat? I had a cat once, kinda tasted like chicken.
CatTag:   Heading out for somewhere; won't be back for a while.
CatTag:   Remember, it's not just a cat, it's an adventure!
CatWoman Pregnant?! Holy BatKittens, Batman!!
Catabolic: Dogs lick themselves too!
Cataclysm: Bible study classes for cats.
Catacomb (n.) - used for brushing cat hair.
Catacomb: Italian Cats Comb.
Catagory: Road flattened cat.
Catalan Opening:  Starting a local area network for cats.
Catalan: Local area network for Cats.
Catalog: Cats Firewood.
Catalog: the cat's firewood
Catalogue: How to tell one sort of cat from another.
Catalyst:  An alphabetical list of cats worldwide.
Catapult: (n) Large device for propelling cats over long distances.
Cataract: A cat being questioned by the Spanish Inquisition.
Cataract: Pool playing Cat.
Cataract: Rack for punishing bad puddy tats.
Catarrh:  Stringed instrument.
Catarrh:  Stringed instrument...
Catasstrophe: What you get if you don't clean the litter box.
Catastrophe - Award given to the cat with the cutest buns
Catastrophe -- an award for the cat with the nicest buns!
Catastrophe:  An award for the cat with the nicest buns.
Catastrophe:  An award for the feline with the cutest buttocks.
Catastrophe:  Award for the cat with the nicest buns.
Catastrophe:  Award given to the cat with the cutest behind.
Catastrophe:  Award given to the cat with the cutest buns.
Catastrophe:  Award given to the cat with the cutest buns...
Catastrophe: 38 Years of Liberal Democrats in Congress.
Catastrophe: Award for the cast with the nicest buns.
Catastrophe: Award given to the cat with the cutest buns
Catastrophe: an award for the cat with the nicest buns
Catastrophe: award given to the cat with the cutest ass.
Catastrophes are daily events to a House Parent.
Catastrophes to others are everyday events to you.
Catastrophy: Award given at a cat bun show.
Catastrophy: Cat punctuation written on your skin.
Catatonic (n) - Italian beverage most preferred by cats.
Catatonic (n): Geritol for cats.
Catatonic (n): an aging cat in desperate need of Geritol.
Catatonic (n.) - Italian beverage most preferred by cats.
Catatonic:  (n) an aging cat in desperate need of Geritol.
Catatonic:  An aging cat in desperate need for Geritol.
Catatonic:  An aging cat in desperate need for Geritol...
Catatonic:  feline medicinal drink
Catatonic: An aging cat in desperate need for Geritol.
Catch & Release is good for Trout -- NOT for criminals!
Catch & Release is good for fish; not criminals.
Catch 22 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Humans 0
Catch 23:  Major Major Major - Three wrongs don't make a Colonel.
Catch AZRIN doing the SUrf!
Catch SMOKER's echo at Family tree 1:147/32
Catch SMOKER's issues echo Twilight Zone 1:147/9
Catch SMOKER's issues echo at Fam. tree 1:147/32
Catch a Blue Wave and surf the information... well, you know. :-)
Catch a breath of morning exhaust fumes.
Catch a wave and you're sitting on top of the world.
Catch a wave!
Catch and release is great for trout - NOT for criminals!
Catch that and sew a button on it!
Catch the BLUE JAYS!
Catch the Blue Doodie!
Catch the Blue Wave and you're sitting on top of the world!
Catch the Blue Wave at Makaha!
Catch the Blue Wave at Waikiki!
Catch the Blue Wave by its tail!
Catch the Blue Wave in Waikiki!
Catch the Blue Wave!
Catch the Dire Wave!
Catch the OS/2 Revolution!
Catch the Red Wave!
Catch the Wave! Coca-Cola.
Catch the great Blue Wave!  Blue Wave OLMR v2.12.
Catch the great Blue Wave!  Blue Wave Off-line Mail System v2.20.
Catch the mist, Catch the myth -RUSH Tom Sawyer
Catch the mystery, catch the drift-RUSH Tom Saywer
Catch the wave, or don't.  See if we care.
Catch you around the Bluewaves sometime
Catch you on a Sunbeam (smile)
Catch you on a Sunbeam.
Catchup helps the cat go down, the cat go down.
Catchup:  A hair ball.
Catchup:  A hair ball...
Categories on Iraqi "Jeopardy!":  Broadway show tunes.
Categories on Iraqi "Jeopardy!":  Famous Mohammeds.
Categories on Iraqi "Jeopardy!":  Ways to lose a hand.
Categories: All
Category:  appropriate pet for Stephen King
Caterpillar:  A soft scratching post for a kitten...
Caterpillar:  An upholstered worm.
Caterpillar: A soft scratching post for a kitten.
Caterpillar: An upholstered worm.
Caterpiller: Place for cats to scratch.
Caterva carissima mea est Cimictus.
Caterva carissima mea est Ille Quis.
Caterva carissima mea est Inlecebrae.
Caterva carissima mea est Iosephus Agrestis Piscesque.
Caterva carissima mea est Mortui Grati.
Caterwaul: Process of extracting cat gut.
Catfish       breakfast of Blonde Lawyers
Catfu - The study of catbathing as a martial art form
Catgut [n], My dog got fleas but my catgut kittens.
Catherine, never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
Catheter:  String instruments.
Catholic (n.)  A cat with a drinking problem.
Catholic (n.) A cat with a drinking problem.
Catholic - If **** happens, you have sinned.
Catholic Church: Elderly celibates clueless about the real world
Catholic Education: A Nun with a Whip.
Catholic adage..."Tantem ergo makes your hair grow."
Catholic girls, in the little white dress
Catholic girls, send me a dozen..
Catholic girls, they never confess.
Catholic girls, they never confess...
Catholic girls... send me a dozen!
Catholic girls...they never confess.
Catholic girlssend me a dozen!
Catholic:  can't stop bringing home cats.
Catholic: A Religion Absent of God.
Catholic: Can't stop bringing cats home.
Catholicism - **** happens because you are BAD.
Catholicism ... If s*** happens, I deserved it
Catholicism:   If shit happens, then you deserve it
Catholicism:  If shit happens, you deserve it.
Catholicism:  Sh*t happens because we deserve it.
Catholicism: (def) If s**t happens, I deserve it.
Catholicism: Boy, what a cult. Children are born into it.
Catholicism: If "stuff" happens, you deserve it.
Catholicism: If shit happens, you deserve it.
Catholics do it A LOT!
Catholics do it A LOT.
Catholics do it a LOT!
Catholics do it with fear.
Catholics talk about it afterwards.
Catifornia:  The sunshine State for cats...
Catlapse:  Time between removal from a lap and the cat waking.
Catlapse: The cat's time between removal from a lap and awakening.
Catnip Research Has Not Kept Pace With Other Sciences.
Catolic (n): a religiously clean Cat.
Catolick:  A religiously clean kitty...
Cats & Dogs are Household Schedulers.
Cats (DO IT) "after meals"--it's the "Cats-Meow!--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "before meals"--it's the "Cats-Meow!--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "enthusiastically"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "on Halloween"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "randomly"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "unaided"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "unchaperoned"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "uncushioned"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "under-beds"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "undetected"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "unembarrassed"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "universally"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "unnoticed"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "upstanding"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "urgently"--jkb
Cats (DO IT) "with-purr-fection"--jkb
Cats (ON FOOLS) a Cats nobody's fool!--(stolen)--jkb
Cats (ON FOOLS) only fools, fall for Dogs--ugh!--jkb
Cats (ON FOOLS) only fools, fall for bimbos!--jkb
Cats (ON FOOLS) only fools, fool with "Big-Cats!"--jkb
Cats (ON FOOLS) only fools, worry about tool size!--jkb
Cats (ON FOOLS) what do you call two fools on a bike--damm fools!--jkb
Cats (n):  Nature's pop up targets.
Cats (on common sense) don't bite the hand that feeds you!--jkb
Cats (on exercise)..."Dogs-do-it"...UGH!!!--jkb
Cats (on exercise)...it's for "Dogs!"
Cats (on females)...where'd we be without'em! Meow! Meow!--jkb
Cats (on how to handle stress)...get 1-2-3-4 "Cats!"--jkb
Cats (on religion) give up "Dogma take-up "Catma"--jkb
Cats (on sex)...sleeping-around...it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats *are* the higher purpose of the universe.
Cats - Great for earmuffs, tiny throw rugs, and slippers.
Cats - The other white meat.
Cats - by Ann Gora
Cats - nature's own pop-up targets!
Cats - proof that eating & sleeping isn't all bad.
Cats - proof that eating and sleeping isn't all bad
Cats - proof that eating and sleeping isn't all bad.
Cats - the ultimate stress reliever.
Cats - they're not so brave once they're in a microwave!
Cats -- ya gotta love em...cause you can't hate them!
Cats -ya grotta love em...cause you can't hate them!
Cats ALWAYS land on their feet?  Maybe you don't THROW 'em right!
Cats ARE smarter!  Eight cats won't pull a sled.
Cats Are Great !!  (if cooked properly).
Cats Are Not Just Pets! They Are Company For Singles.
Cats Are PEOPLE Too
Cats KNOW how we feel - they just don't CARE about it!
Cats Know Their Rights.
Cats Make Great Footballs If You Punt Them Right!
Cats Taglines
Cats admit it when they're lost.
Cats admit when they're jealous.
Cats allow man the pleasure of caressing the tiger.
Cats also have nine wives!
Cats always land on their feet, but at 10 stories, it doesn't matter.
Cats and Women: no matter what you tell them, they do as they please..
Cats and badgers and ferrets, oh my!   <g>
Cats and ferrets *don't* have the same paw prints.
Cats and ferrets don't HAVE the same paw prints.
Cats and monkeys, monkeys and cats.  All human life is there.
Cats are God's way of telling you that your furniture is too nice.
Cats are PROOF there is a higher purpose to the Universe
Cats are PROOF there is a higher purpose to the Universe.
Cats are Reincarnated Fundies.  Proof?  They refuse to go quietly.
Cats are Roommates Dogs are Family!
Cats are Roommates...... Dogs are Family!
Cats are RoommatesDogs are Family!
Cats are aliens that took over the Earth millenia ago.
Cats are aliens who took over the world years ago!
Cats are all Libertarians!
Cats are already in touch with their inner kittens.
Cats are alright.  It's the aftertaste that bothers me.
Cats are always more sarcastic than dogs.
Cats are always more sarcastic than dragons
Cats are always on the wrong side of the door.
Cats are companions.  Dogs are slaves.
Cats are companions. Dogs are slaves.
Cats are crazy,...But just crazy to please you!
Cats are dignified?  Ever watch one clean it's privates?
Cats are domesticated until a paw-operated tin-opener is invented.
Cats are easier to train than kids!
Cats are easier to train than kids, and easier to kill, too.
Cats are easier to train than men -You can litter box train a cat!
Cats are easier to train than men.
Cats are easy to buy for.
Cats are easy to understand... if you're a woman.
Cats are evil, they must be stopped.
Cats are excellent at domesticating people...
Cats are fast but a 12 guage is faster.
Cats are fun-loving.  Mine plays Hide-and-go-Pee.
Cats are fun.  Mine plays Hide-and-go-Puke.
Cats are good at tennis cause they got the guts for it!
Cats are good for 2 things: Mulch... and...I forget.
Cats are good for just 2 things - mulch  and  I forget.
Cats are good for just 2 things - mulch...and speedbumps
Cats are good for just 2 things - mulch...and...I forget.
Cats are good for just 2 things - mulch...and...Speedbumps!
Cats are good for just 2 things - mulchandI forget.
Cats are good for nothing, and they're very good at it!
Cats are good lapwarmers for modemers.
Cats are good with kids.
Cats are great, especially with a white wine sauce.
Cats are hard on cars - especially when you chase them over curbs
Cats are hard on cars.  Mostly when you chase them over curbs!
Cats are hard on cars. Mostly when you chase them over curbs!
Cats are just little bundles of purr.
Cats are like furry dilettanti, or the reverse?
Cats are like furry dilettanti, or the reverse? 
Cats are lovers and dogs are not.
Cats are loyal to no one but the can opener.
Cats are magic.  The more you pet them the longer you both live.
Cats are magical, the more you pet them the longer you both live.
Cats are more selfish, they won't aid the blind.
Cats are much easier to train than Men!
Cats are natural paper shreaders
Cats are nature's way of telling you that you don't really matter.
Cats are nice but does anyone have any good FERRET recipes?
Cats are nice but does anyone have any good FERRET tags?
Cats are nice to your relatives.
Cats are not clean; they're just covered in "Cat Spit".
Cats are not nearly as inquisitive as dragons.
Cats are not pets, they own the house and let you live there.
Cats are people too...no, I mean...
Cats are pretty cool - you can kill them nine times.
Cats are professional entertainers. NEVER eat children!
Cats are proof of a higher purpose to the universe.
Cats are proof that eating and sleeping aren't all bad.
Cats are proof that eating and sleeping isn't all bad!
Cats are proof the universe doesn't *need* a purpose!
Cats are purrfect.
Cats are room-mates.  Dogs are children.
Cats are room-mates.  Dogs are kids.
Cats are room-mates. Dogs are children.
Cats are room-mates. Dogs are kids.
Cats are roommates. Dogs are kids.
Cats are roommates; Dogs are kids!
Cats are smarter dogs. You can't get 8 cats to pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than Dogs - get 9 Cats to pull a sled!
Cats are smarter than dogs - Can't get 8 cats to pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs -- they won't pull sleds.
Cats are smarter than dogs!  You can't get 8 cats to pull a sled!
Cats are smarter than dogs.  Eight cats won't pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs.  Ever try to get 8 cats to pull a sled?
Cats are smarter than dogs.  They won't pull sleds.
Cats are smarter than dogs.  Try and get 9 cats to pull a sled!
Cats are smarter than dogs.  You can't get eight cats to pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs. Can't get eight cats to pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs. Eight cats won't pull a sled!
Cats are smarter than dogs. Eight cats won't pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs. Eight cats won't pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs. They don't pull sleds.
Cats are smarter than dogs. They won't pull sleds.
Cats are smarter than dogs. Try and get 9 cats to pull a sled!
Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get 8 cats to pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled!
Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't teach eight cats to pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs. You won't find eight cats pulling a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs. You'd never get eight cats to pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs... You won't see eight cats pulling a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs...8 cats won't pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs: Eight cats won't pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs: you can't get eight cats to pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs; eight cats won't pull a sled.
Cats are smarter than dogs; they won't pull sleds.
Cats are so marvellously true to themselves.
Cats are so marvelously true to themselves.
Cats are the proof of a higher purpose to the universe
Cats are the soul of honesty - they hide not their dislikes.
Cats are the soul of honesty, hide not their dislikes.
Cats are the soul of honesty-they hide not their dislikes
Cats are the world's way of telling you your furniture is too nice.
Cats are too cool to beg for food.  They WILL charge it on your VISA.
Cats are wonderful - everyone should own one...two...three...four...fi
Cats are wonderful! (They taste JUST like chicken.)
Cats aren't bad loosers - cats never loose.
Cats aren't clean, they are just covered with cat spit.
Cats aren't clean, they're covered with cat spit!
Cats aren't clean, they're just covered with cat spit!
Cats aren't intelligent; they just THINK they are.
Cats aren't sore losers, because cats NEVER lose!
Cats aren't the only species - they just act like it!
Cats aren't threatened by a woman with short hair.
Cats aren't threatened if you earn more than they do.
Cats can fall 9 stories and live? DING! 10th Floor, sir
Cats can't read and they don't want you to, either!
Cats categorically refuse to perform.
Cats come in many varieties...and every one is divine.
Cats crawl under *Beds*...Software crawls under *Windows*--jkb
Cats crawl under gates, software under Windows.
Cats created Earth because the Cosmic Litterbox was full.
Cats do it in a box.
Cats do it purrfectly.
Cats do not care whether you shave your legs.
Cats do not have problems expressing affection in public.
Cats do not keep mice away, they preserve them for the chase - Barron
Cats do not read at the table.
Cats do pay attention.  Just plug them into the 240V line.  MEWWWR!
Cats do pay attention.  Just plug them into the 240v line.  MEWWWR!
Cats do pay attention. Just plug them into the 240v line.
Cats do pay attention. Just plug them into the 240v line. MEWWWWR!
Cats do pay attention... once you plug them in.
Cats do whatever they want, yet still get treated like royalty.
Cats don't adopt people.  They adopt refrigerators.
Cats don't brag about whom they have slept with.
Cats don't care if you don't shave your legs....
Cats don't correct your stories.
Cats don't criticize your friends.
Cats don't feel threatened by your intelligence.
Cats don't hitch hike. The fur covers their tiny little thumbs.
Cats don't land on their feet when they're in a working dryer.
Cats don't make a practice of killing their own species.
Cats don't mind if you do all the driving.
Cats don't need any excuses.
Cats don't need therapy to undo their bad socialization.
Cats don't step on the imaginary brake.
Cats don't weigh down your purse with their stuff.
Cats e Diem--Make you hot baths...all temperature chemore. Say what?
Cats eat fur balls because they like a good gag.
Cats eat grass!---it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats feel guilt when they've done something wrong.
Cats find "Bugs-in-Windows"--they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats flattened while you wait.
Cats get "High-on-Grass"--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats get Cup in '95!!  Another CFL Cinderella Story!
Cats get what they want because they won't settle for a dog's life.
Cats go "Cat-B-Lanche"--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats go "quack" if ya squeeze 'em hard enough.
Cats go "quack".. if you squeeze them hard enough!
Cats go "quack"...if ya squeeze 'em hard enough!
Cats got the "Brains"---"Dogs-got-the-Bark"...Woof! Woof!--jkb
Cats hate Windows, mouse driven ya know.
Cats have 9 lives, but they die 8 times before they're born.
Cats have 9 lives,do radioactive cats have 18 half-lifes?
Cats have 9 lives.  Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
Cats have 9 lives. BANG 8 lives. BANG 7 lives. BANG
Cats have fur coats because they look sillly in raincoats
Cats have fur coats because they look silly in raincoats
Cats have fur coats because they look silly in raincoats.
Cats have fur coats because they look so silly in raincoats
Cats have fur coats because they'd look silly in raincoats.
Cats have fur coats since they look positively silly in windbreakers.
Cats have fur coats since they look positively stupid in windbreakers.
Cats have nifty ways of inflicting revenge. 4 on each paw.
Cats have no handles.
Cats have not forgotten they were once worshipped.
Cats have nothing on dragons for inquisitiveness.
Cats have purr-sonality. =^..^=
Cats have the simplest of taste - the best is satisfactoy
Cats have the simplest of taste - the best will suffice.
Cats have the simplest of taste: the best is satisfactory
Cats have the simplest of tastes.  The best is satisfactory.
Cats have their own lives;  get on with yours
Cats know all the sunny places.
Cats know how we feel ... They just don't give a damn.
Cats know how we feel.  They don't care, but they know.
Cats know how we feel.  They don't give a damn, but they know.
Cats know how we feel. They don't care, but they know.
Cats know how we feel. They don't give a damn mind you.
Cats know how we feel. They don't give a damn, but they know.
Cats know how we feel... don't give a damn, but they know!
Cats know how we feel...they just don't give a damn.
Cats know just how we feel. They don't give a damn, but they know!
Cats land on their feet, but at 10 stories, it doesn't matter.
Cats leave footprints on our hearts and we are never the same.
Cats like "Cat-A-Pults"--they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like "Cat-Fish"--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like "Cat-Mobiles"--they stop at "Cats-X-ings!"--jkb
Cats like "Cat-Mobiles"--they're stop at "Cats-X-Ings"--jkb
Cats like "Cat-Naps"--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like "Cat-Nip"--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like "Cat-Shows" they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like "Cat-Shows"--they're the "Cats-Meow!"
Cats like "Pro-Cat-Stinating"---it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like "Serial-Mice" for breakfast!--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like "Serial-Mice"--they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like "Treky-Tags"--they're out of this World!--jkb
Cats like Cars that stop at "Cats-X-Ings"--they're A-O/K--jkb
Cats like MS-Mice anytime--they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like WINdoze, it seems to attract Mice...
Cats like Windows - it seems to attract Mice.
Cats like Windows...it attracts "Bugs" they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like all "Fido's-in-the-Net"--that's the "Cats-Meow!"
Cats like all warm places!---they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats like being petted---Soo pet a pussy (kitty) today!--jkb
Cats like mice.  Windows like mice.  I don't.
Cats like to play Hide-and-Go-Puke.
Cats like to sit on what you are reading at the time.
Cats like your size.
Cats likes to play Hide-and-Go-Puke.
Cats look at your eyes.
Cats look for "Bugs-in-Win95"--they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats love "Santa-Cat-Alina"--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats make for good company, dogs make great throw-rugs!
Cats make good company. Dogs make good throw-rugs.
Cats make keen alarm clocks. At no extra charge.  Garfield
Cats may have 9 lives, but I have 10 bullets.
Cats may share a house with you, but dogs share your home.
Cats mean it when they kiss you.
Cats meow here at exec and sec's
Cats miss you when you're gone.
Cats never argue with *Moderators* they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats never argue with the "Hand-that-Feeds'em"--jkb
Cats obsess about you as much as you obsess about them.
Cats often chase things that their person can't see.
Cats only tolerate us, dogs strive hard to please.
Cats own the house --- They just let you live there.
Cats play "Cat-&-Mouse"--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats polished while you wait. Hot wax costs extra.
Cats prefer "Cat-I-Llacs"--they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats prove that just eating and sleeping isn't all bad.
Cats prove that not everything in nature has a function!
Cats prove that not everything in nature has a purpose.
Cats remind us not everything in nature has a purpose.
Cats remind us that not all things in life have a purpose
Cats remind us that not everything in Nature has a purpose.
Cats remind us that not everything in life has a purpose.
Cats remind us: not everything in Nature has a purpose.
Cats rule and dogs drool! - Sassy
Cats rule, dogs drool. --Sassy.
Cats rule.  Dogs drool.
Cats sleep on shelves like motorized bookends.
Cats take care of their own needs.
Cats teach that not everything in nature has a function.
Cats teach us that not everything in nature has a function.
Cats think "Tribble--tags-are-Trouble!"--jkb
Cats think you are a culinary genius.
Cats took many thousands of years to domesticate humans
Cats took many thousands of years to domesticate humans.
Cats took thousands of years to domesticate humans.
Cats took thousands of years to semi-domesticate humans.
Cats understand if some of their friends cannot come inside.
Cats understand what no means.
Cats use "Cat-Walks"--they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats use claws to climb trees and fire departments to get down. - G.
Cats v. Rush Limbaugh: They both have fuzzy tales.
Cats v. Rush: They both have fuzzy tales.
Cats vs Rush Limbaugh: They both have fuzzy tales.
Cats won't pull a sled across Alaska for a bowl of reeking fish stew.
Cats would never chase a mechanical rabbit around a race track.
Cats!  They Call When You Don't Come.
Cats! Reincarnated Fundies. They refuse to go quietly.
Cats" - by Ann Gora
Cats' cardinal rule: When fat arrange self in slim pose.
Cats' cardinal rule: when fat, arrange self in slim pose.
Cats' favorite game:  "Hah - made you look!"
Cats' favorite game: "Hah--made you look!"
Cats, Earth's Most Purrfect Lifeform.
Cats, See dis? de otha' honky meat.
Cats, companions in grace and beauty and mystery and curiosity.
Cats, like butterflies, need no excuse.
Cats, like butterflies, need no excuse. -- Heinlein
Cats, love 'em. Taste just like chicken.
Cats, proof that eating and sleeping isn't all bad
Cats, proof that eating and sleeping isn't all bad.
Cats, the finest "doggie chew toy" money can buy.
Cats, they don't come when you callCATS.
Cats, ya gotta love em...cause you can't hate them!
Cats--the ultimate agents of Entropy.
Cats-I-Fornia...attracts "Cats"--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats-Sleep-in-Cat-Cradles--it's the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Cats-the ultimate agents of Entropy.
Cats. Earth's most purrfect lifeform.
Cats... the other white meat.
Cats...They're not so brave in your microwave.
Cats:  A good source of spare parts for re-stringing a tennis racket.
Cats:  Companions in grace and beauty and mystery and curiousity.
Cats:  Companions in grace, beauty, mystery and curiosity!
Cats:  God's way of telling you your furniture is too nice.
Cats:  Living poetry.
Cats:  Nature's own pop-up targets!
Cats:  Nature's pop-up targets.
Cats:  Proof that eating and sleeping aren't so bad.
Cats:  Proof that nothing but eating and sleeping isn't all bad.
Cats:  They're not as brave in the microwave.
Cats:  They're not so brave once they're in a microwave!
Cats:  proof that eating and sleeping aren't all bad!
Cats: A great untapped natural resource for doormats.
Cats: Companions in grace and beauty and mystery and curiosity.
Cats: Companions in grace and beauty and mystery and curiousity.
Cats: Companions in grace, beauty, mystery and curiosity!
Cats: Earths most purrfect lifeform.
Cats: God's way of saying your furniture is too nice.
Cats: God's way of telling you your furniture is too nice
Cats: Good for dusting high places.
Cats: Great for earmuffs, tiny throw rugs, and slippers
Cats: Living Poetry!
Cats: Murphy's way of saying "Nice furnature!"
Cats: Murphy's way of saying "Nice furniture!"
Cats: Nature's own pop-up targets!
Cats: Nature's pop-up targets.
Cats: Nature's way of telling you your furniture is too nice.
Cats: Pit Bull junk food.
Cats: Pit bull junk food.
Cats: Proof that eating and sleeping aren't all bad.
Cats: Self-propelled grease rags.
Cats: Smarter than dogs; can't find 8 to pull snow sled.
Cats: They're not so brave in the microwave...
Cats: They're not so brave in your microwave.
Cats: They're not so brave once they're in a microwave!
Cats: Walking egos with fur.
Cats: companions in grace, beauty, mystery & curiosity.
Cats: mammalian raptors.
Cats: mate like tribbles.
Cats: nature's way of telling you that you don't matter.
Cats: natures's enviromentally friendly pest controllers.
Cats: proof that eating and sleeping isn't all bad
Cats: proof that eating and sleeping isn't all bad.
Cats: proof that not everything in nature has a function
Cats: proof that not everything in nature has a purpose.
Cats: proof that only eating and sleeping isn't all that bad
Cats: pure love contained in small packages.
Cats: the other white meat.
Cats: woman's best friend......
Catscan - a hi-tech device for examining cats.
Catskill Mountains: The land of dead mice.
Catsthe other white meat.
Catsup:  Hollandaise sauce for bachelors.
Cattin' around, playing with fire.
Cattle in orbit - the herd shot round the world.
Cattle mutilations are up...
Cattle without legs: ground beef.
Cattlecar Galactica - move 'em out!
Cattlecar Galatica - move 'em out!
Catty:  An afternoon gathering of gossips.
Catty:  An afternoon gathering of gossips...
Catwoman's pregnant?  Holy Batkittens, Batman!
Catwoman's pregnant?  Holy rubbers Batman
Catwoman's pregnant? Holy Batkittens, Batman!
Catwoman's pregnant? Holy rubbers Batman.
CatwomanDOS:  Batman found.  (P)urr, (M)eow, (U)ncoil whip?
Caucus : A dead animal.
Caucus and cactus ? One has the pricks on the outside.
Caught a bolt of lightning...cursed the day he let it go.
Caught between Chernobyl and a test site!
Caught between the rack and a hard drive.
Caught cheating with shoes off; reading footnotes.
Caught my dog making clay figures with Fi-Doh!
Caught myself etching the name Gates into a .357 shell casing.
Caught the Blue Wave, no life preserver, dang near drowned!
Caught the bluewave, no life preserver, No more QWacKs.
Caught you reading the tagline first again, didn't I?
Cauliflower for brains.
Cauliflower is nothing but Cabbage with a College Education.
Cauliflower is nothing but Cabbage with a College Education. -- Mark Twain
Cauliflower: Cabbage with a college education - Mark Twain
Cause I know that you're gonna die.
Cause I love my ol' tag...
Cause I want to be, Anarchy. Again and again. Destroy.
Cause I'm a Borg, yea, yea, yea.
Cause I....... Want to be....... Anarchy.
Cause It's A Mystery!
Cause NOTHING quite beats SWIGGING them FROSTY can`s `O Swine!
Cause and effect, chain of events
Cause if ya do it right it will be!
Cause of Crash: Inadvertant contact with the ground.
Cause of Crash:Inadvertant contact with the ground.
Cause of Death. CRC Error.
Cause of Death: CRC Error
Cause of crash:  Inadvertent contact with the ground.
Cause of crash: Inadvertent contact with the ground.
Cause of fights forgotten. Bravery metals given to all.
Cause ole Ben ain't been since 15 Beers Ago! --Ben Colder.
Cause saying those nouns over and over can really wear you down...
Cause that's the way the computer crumbles.
Cause there ain't no dialtone for to give you no pain...
Cause we love ya! *MMMMMMWAH!* Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Cause-&-Effectergizer: "The starship keeps blowing and blowing and..."
Cause-&-Effectergizer: "They keep dying & dying & dying"
Caustic soda:  The beverage to cure acid indigestion.
Cauterise: Made eye contact with her.
Cauterize -- Made eye contact with her
Cauterize.................................Make eye contact with her.
Cauterize:  Made eye contact with her.
Cauterize:  Made eye contact with her...
Caution - Blind man at keyboard.
Caution CLINTON.LIE virus detected - RUN LIMBAUGH.BAT to Correct
Caution CLINTON.LIE virus detected! RUN LIMBAUGH.BAT?
Caution PET XING
Caution TAGLINE area: Post message at own risk!
Caution Unitarians do not have black-and-white answers.
Caution is one thing and wavering is another. <Strider>
Caution!    Moose crossing tagline   +++ +++   Caution!
Caution!  Humorous tagline under construction.
Caution!  PET XING
Caution!  SysOp under pressure!
Caution!  The recipe you snag may be your own!
Caution!  The tagline you steal may be your own!
Caution!  This echo is infested with tagline thieves.
Caution! **_**_**  Tribble crossing.
Caution! - Amoeba Bashing in progress - Caution!
Caution! - BUG Bashing in progress - Caution!
Caution! - Bug squashing in progress.
Caution! Programmer at work!
Caution! Programmer at work.
Caution! Sensitive SYSOP - DO NOT offend !!!! :->
Caution! Sensitive SysOp - DO NOT offend !!!! :-<
Caution! Speed will getcha!!!
Caution! SysOp under pressure!
Caution!!  Gold Xpress Construction Zone.
Caution!!  Tagline Addict on board!!  use taglines carefully!
Caution, Caution, Aircraft Parts Store Ahead.  Hide Wallet!
Caution, Student BBS'er at the Wheel...
Caution, Tribble Crossing: ******************************
Caution, initiating CAT scan. Yup, there's one on the desk!
Caution--I was not hired for my disposition
Caution..satisfied Windows user ahead..be prepared for a sudden stop.
Caution:  Betazoid with a Klingon attitude!
Caution:  Blown Brain At Work!
Caution:  Breathing may be hazardous to your health.
Caution:  Contents under pressure
Caution:  Do not operate PC while intoxicated.
Caution:  Hard work causes brain damage . . .
Caution:  High Pressure!!!  Contents are PKZIPED
Caution:  Humorous tagline under construction.
Caution:  Hungry Dieter   May bite if provoked
Caution:  Hungry Dieter - May bite if provoked.
Caution:  I don't brake for liberals
Caution:  I drive using The Force
Caution:  I was not hired for my disposition.
Caution:  May be hazardous to your sense of reality!
Caution:  Not to be taken internally.
Caution:  Off Medication and Dangerous...
Caution:  PET XING
Caution:  This tagline stops for page breaks.
Caution:  We have a trigger happy Klingon at tactical.
Caution: Big tool.
Caution: Blown Brain At Work!
Caution: Breathing may be hazardous to your health.
Caution: Computer Store Ahead - Hide Credit Cards!
Caution: Contains subliminal suggestions
Caution: Contents under pressure!
Caution: Corny tagline alert
Caution: Dangerous and off medication.
Caution: Do not install prior to installation!
Caution: Do not operate heavy machinery while reading tag
Caution: Eating may be hazardous to your health.
Caution: Humorous tagline under construction.
Caution: Hungry Dieter -- May bite if provoked!!
Caution: I drive using The Force
Caution: Man with tools.
Caution: Not to be taken internally.
Caution: Objects on screen are closer than they appear
Caution: Off Medication and Dangerous
Caution: PET XING
Caution: Stupidity may prove fatal if used excessively
Caution: SysOp under pressure!
Caution: Taglines may be closer than they appear!
Caution: Taglines may be hazardous to your disk space!
Caution: The tagline you steal may be your own!
Caution: This Tagline offensive to some audiences.
Caution: This genealogy stuff is addictive.
Caution: This recipe stops for page breaks.
Caution: This side up
Caution: This stuff is addictive...
Caution: This tagline makes frequent stops.
Caution: This tagline may be offensive to some audiences.
Caution: This tagline stop''s for page breaks.
Caution: This tagline stops for page breaks.
Caution: breathing is hazardous for your health!
Caution: breathing may be hazardous to your health.
Caution: evolution can be hazardous to your ego.
Caution: living too long may be fatal.
Caution: naughty bits follow 101001100011101
Caution:High Pressure!!!  Contents are PKZIPED!!
Cautious monks practice safe sects.
Cautious: Breathing may be hazardous to your health.
Cavaliers do it mounted.
Cavaliers do it with their rapiers.
Cave women all belong to the same club.
Caveat Canine....Beware of my Wife
Caveat abutor coniunx: Beware of spouse abuse.
Caveat abutor pueri: Beware of child abuse.
Caveat accipiter esuriens: Beware the hungry hawk.
Caveat adrisor: Beware the flatterer.
Caveat adsector lacertus: Beware the follower of Newt.
Caveat adsensor: Beware the yes-man.
Caveat adventor: Beware the visitor.
Caveat agitator alter: Beware the other driver.
Caveat agitator ebrius: Beware the drunk driver.
Caveat aleator: Beware the gambler.
Caveat apparitor: Beware the public servant.
Caveat emptor, no deposit no return, do not remove.
Caveat ensifer:  Beware the sword bearer.
Caveat ereptor libertas: Beware the robber of freedom.
Caveat imber: Beware the rain storm.
Caveat imprecor: Beware the invoker of harm.
Caveat iocular: Beware the Joker.
Caveat lector...Let the reader beware.
Caveat obsonator: Beware the caterer.
Caveat ultor: Beware the avenger.
Caveman's Motto:  He who hesitates is lunch.
Cavers DO IT deep, wet, & tight.
Cavers DO IT deep, wet, and tight.
Cavers DO IT underground.
Caviar Emptor; Let the Fish Beware!
Caviat adiutor: Beware the helper.
Caviat admonitor: Beware the memo.
Cavorting about like that isn't proper behavior. * Picard
Cavorting about like that isn't proper behavior.  Picard
Cavorting really makes you lose your electrolytes - Joel
Ceaser divided Gual into 3 parts, but I got my gall together!OJW
Ceci n'est pas un chapeau.
Ceci n'est pas une recipe
Ceci n'est pas une tagline
Cecil B. DeMilitarism: The making of Rambo movies.
Cedant arma togae.
Cekajuci promene ispratio sam i Godoa
Cekam da se dignes i pokupis stvari, u meni jos samo praznina postoji,
Cela pensee isole incarne la solitude essentielle de l'existence
Celebacy is NOT hereditary.
Celebrate "We hate John Denver" day every day.
Celebrate Diversity
Celebrate Earth Day <ad paid for by Exxon>
Celebrate Earth Day <ad pd. for by Exxon>
Celebrate Earth Day <ad pd. for by Exxon<
Celebrate Freedom... read a banned book
Celebrate Freedom:  Read a banned book!
Celebrate Hannibal Day this year.  Take an elephant to lunch.
Celebrate Hannibal Day.  Eat Jodie Foster.
Celebrate Hannibal Day.  Take an elephant to lunch.
Celebrate Hannibal Day. Eat Jodi Foster.
Celebrate Hannibal Day. Eat Jodie Foster.
Celebrate Hannibal Day. Take an elephant to lunch.
Celebrate Lizzie Borden Day '94!!! Get out the Ax!!!
Celebrate National No Pants Day.
Celebrate freedom -- read a banned book!
Celebrate freedom, read, riffing on vacation.
Celebrate life...call a midwife!
Celebrate the first day you open the windows.
Celebrate your freedom.  Read a banned book.
Celebrating the death of JFK 20 years ago. -- Larry King [11-22-93]
Celery farmers play the stalk market.
Celery is not food. It is a member of the plywood family.
Celery raw develops a jaw. But stewed, is quietly chewed
Celery raw develops a jaw. But stewed, is quietly chewed.
Celestial Mechanic--inclined to be eccentric.
Celibacy is *NOT* an inherited characteristic.
Celibacy is *NOT* hereditary.
Celibacy is AIDS driven.
Celibacy is a good idea if practiced in moderation.
Celibacy is hereditary.
Celibacy is not Heriditatery 
Celibacy is not an inherited characteristic.
Celibacy is not hereditary.
Celibacy is not hereditary. -- Goden
Celibacy is not hereditary; Think about it.
Celibacy is not inherited
Celibacy isn't hereditary. Your children force it on you.
Celibacy:  The ultimate safe sex.
Celibacy: The ultimate safe sex.
Celibacy: most unnatural of perversions.
Celibate !  Celibate !  Dance to the virgins !
Cellophane T-shirts. Doncha just love it!
Cellophane T-shirts... Don't ya just love 'em!
Cellostatic - Property of cracker wrappers that causes them to stick.
Cellostatic: property of cracker wrappers that causes them to stick.
Cellular phone (n.) : See walkie-talkie.
Celog zivota odvajam od usta da bih ulagao u stomak!
Celtic Magic?  Didn't he play basketball?
Celtic Management Training for Sysops
Cement shoes, dirt cheap. Ask for Guido.
Cemetary furnishings by Jiffy Tune - Crow on credits
Cemetary: A special place for people with no problems.
Cemetery: (n) A marble orchard not to be taken for granite.
Cemetery: (n); A marble orchard you can take for granite.
Cemetery: A marble orchard you can take for granite.
Censor - a man who know more than he thinks you ought to.
Censor - a man who knows more than he thinks you should.
Censor:  "A man who knows more than he thinks you ought to."
Censor:  (n) One who drinks too much prude juice.
Censor: A man who knows more than he thinks you ought to.
Censor: A man who thinks he knows more than you ought.
Censor: Someone who knows more than he thinks you should.
Censor: one who knows more than he thinks you ought to.
Censoring kit:
Censorship in any form is unconst.........
Censorship is something      I do     like       !!!
Censorship is something   I do  like!
Censorship is un-American
Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself.
Censorship shows society's lack of confidence in itself.
Censorship sucks.....///// is for your own good
Censorship:  The reaction of the ignorant to freedom.
Censorship: The reaction of the ignorant to freedom.
Censorship? *HERE*?? There's no censoring on this Net*@#$% NO CARRIER
Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent.
Census Taker to Housewife: Did you ever have the measles, and, if so, how many?
Census not found - paranoia alert!
Cent, 5 cent, 10 cent, dollar.
Centauri husband to wife "Well, four outta SIX aint bad...!"
Centaurs are proof there's more horse butts than horses
Center For Advanced Cat Juggling!
Centipede: An ant built to government specifications.
Centipedes start 99 out of 100 days on the wrong foot.
Central casting sent over a family - Tom
Centrally-planned economy  -Oxymoron
Centstress: Anxiety felt when asked, "Do you have a penny?"
Centuries of tradition unimpeded by progress. The Marines.
Cerberus. We've been down this road before. --Hercules
Cereal Killer Strikes Again - does it for Kix!
Cereal Killer Strikes Again!  Cap'n Crunch found dead.
Cereal Killer Strikes Again! Cap'n Crunch found dead.
Cereal Killer Strikes Again! Cap'n Crunch found dead...
Cereal Killer Strikes Again! Sam Toucan was found plucked
Cereal Killer smoked chocolate cigs!  Find COCO PUFFS
Cereal killer caught while cashing victim's Chex.
Cereal killer convicted - gets Life!
Cereal killer escapes - Trix police!
Cereal killer escapes -- Trix police!
Cereal killer hits, "Tony Tiger, Toucan Sam dead", say police.
Cereal killer said to be a Flake.
Cereal killer strikes!!! Wheaties found dead
Cereal port 1 error, frosted flakes NOT found!
Cereal port 1 error.........
Cereal port not found. BREAKFST.SYS halted.
Cereal port not responding - BREAKFAST halted.
Cereal port not responding; BREAKFAST.COM halted!
Cerebral Babylon - Because the mind is a terrible thing to taste.
Cerebral Palsy:  Hands playing in the Cereal.
Cerebus doesn't need =you= for a guide. Bloop [Darkness]
Certain things shouldn't be moved.  Murray Teigh Bloom
Certainly not knitting with two needles!
Certainly nothing is unnatural that is not physically impossible.
Certainly the game is rigged.  Don't let that stop you. - Lazarus Long
Certainly the game is rigged. -- Heinlein
Certainly the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you.  L. Long
Certainly the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you. -- RAH
Certainly, my son. - Wakko
Certainly, sir. I shall return interfrastically-Edmund Black Adder
Certainty is a delusion.
Certe, Toto, credo nos in Kansate non iam adesse...  -  Dorothea
Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate nin iam adesse.
Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate nom iam adesse.
Certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse.
Certifiably drain-bamaged ...
Certified "fan" of the most dangerous man in America!
Certified 100% Error Free Disk...There is no such animal !
Certified Debugger = VW Mechanic with Inspection License
Certified Debugger = Volkswagon mechanic with Inspection License.
Certified Debugger= VW Mechanic with an Inspection Liscense
Certified Public Assassin
Certified Public Assassin.
Certified Rocket Scientist <NOT!>
Certified Rocket Scientist <NOT!<
Certified new shop. We promise NOT recycled - Mike
Certified to serve!
Certum est quia impossibile est.
Certum quod factum
Cesarean Section - a district in Rome
Cesarean Section: A historic district in Rome.
Ch Ch Ch Chia Doom
Chafing Dish: a stretch pants girl who's jeans are too tight.
Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday) -Hebrew
Chain Letter...email-email-email-email-email-email-email-email-email-email...
Chain Lightning:  For when you just can't stop at one.
Chain Lightning: For when you just can't stop at one.
Chain Lightning: for when you can't just stop at one
Chain Tagline - Stolen 385 times - Add to # when stolen.
Chain Tagline Add one number when you steal it.
Chain Tagline Gang... outlawed in Texas.
Chain Tagline [1] - Add one as stolen.
Chain Tagline, add on to the number when you steel it. [30]
Chain Tagline, add on to the number when you steel it. [31]
Chain Tagline-Copy and send to six friends for good luck.
Chain Tagline. Steal and add one to this number: 12
Chain Tagline... Add one number when you steal it.
Chain Tagline:  Now stolen 269 times. Add 1 as stolen.
Chain Tagline:  Now stolen [17] times.
Chain Tagline:  Now stolen [266] times. Add 1 as stolen
Chain Tagline: Now stolen [267] times. Add 1 as stolen
Chain link. Julie. Pete - Mike on fence
Chain of Command: What Picard pulls when he's finished in the bathroom
Chain recipe - snagged [385] times - Add 1 to # when snagged.
Chain recipe- Copy and send to six friends for good luck.
Chain recipe; snag this or suffer consequences
Chain tagline - Stolen 380 times - Add 1 when stolen.
Chain tagline - Stolen 384 times - Add one when stolen.
Chain tagline!  Copy or bad luck will follow.
Chain tagline!  Steal it _now_ or suffer bad luck.
Chain tagline! Copy it or bad luck will follow!
Chain tagline! Copy or bad luck will follow!
Chain tagline! Stolen 6 times....
Chain tagline, steal and add 1 to this number - 7
Chain tagline-now stolen [267] times--Steal & add 1!
Chain tagline.  Copy or bad luck will follow.
Chain tagline.  Stolen [264] times.  Add 1 when stolen.
Chain tagline. Add one when you steal it. [0000010]
Chain tagline:  Add 1 to this number ->(2)<- when you steal it!
Chain tagline: Add 1 to the # when you steal it  [000008]
Chain tagline: Add 1 to the number when you steal it [000004] 0153
Chain tagline: Add 1 to the number when you steal it [08]
Chain tagline; steal this or suffer consequences
Chain taglines are for those who watch BOWLING on TV.
Chainguns + Fundies = Peace & Quiet.
Chainguns + Fundies = Peace and Quiet.
Chaining - A method of attaching programmers to desks to speed up
Chaining - Method of attaching programmers to desk to speed up output.
Chains chains, shackles and chains...
Chains required.  Whips optional.
Chainsaw...splashguard...new goggles...:Jeffery Dalhmer Xmas list...
Chakotay when the spirit roamed free...
Chakotay, pull the Voyager in a circle!
Chalk another love lost up to foolish pride.
Chalk up another one to stupid people!
Chalk up another soul that's lost, calculate the social cost
Challenge AND direction!  A moderator's job is never ending. :) <Merry>
Challenge is the fuel that drives the winner.
Champagne goes right thru me - Tom as fireman with hose
Champagne, Caffeine, Nicotine, Chocolate: The 4 Food Groups.
Champion Kuno counters with her brother!
Champions, the breakfast of Klingons!
Chance favours the trained mind. -- Pastuer
Chance makes our families, but choice makes our friends
Chance makes our parents, Choice makes our friends.
Chance makes our parents, but choice makes our friends.
Chanel No 5
Chang on arrival of Excelsior: Ahh, the games afoot, eh?
Chang: Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!
Chang: Don't wait for the translation.  Answer me now!
Chang: Have we not heard the chimes at midnight?
Chang: I am constant as the northern star.
Chang: In space, all warriors are cold warriors.
Chang: Once more into the breach, dear friends.
Chang: Our revels now have ended, Kirk.
Chang: Parting is such sweet sorrow...
Chang: Prick us, do we not bleed?
Chang: Tickle us, do we not laugh?
Chang: To be or not...to be...[BANG]
Chang: Wrong us, shall we not revenge?
Change a diaper, and you'll understand why they're called "squirts".
Change a life; make someone feel important.
Change for the machines. --Synners.
Change is good but dollars are better.
Change is good, as long as it doesn't affect me.
Change is good.  Cash is better.
Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.
Change is inevitable --- except from a vending machine.
Change is inevitable ... except from a university's Coca-Cola machine.
Change is inevitable ... except from vending machines.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Change is inevitable, except in vending machines.
Change is inevitable... except from a vending machine.
Change is inevitable...except from a vending machine
Change is inevitable...except from vending machines.
Change is never easy.
Change is not progress. - H.L. Mencken
Change is the essential process of all existence.
Change is the essential process of all existence. - Spock
Change it! Change it, Butthead! This sucks! This Sucks!
Change it, Butthead, this sucks! Change it! CHANGE IT!
Change my mind? No, I'll just rinse it out in the sink.
Change of plan! Leg it! - Lister
Change often brings fear, but also hope
Change the M to R (ules) and I guess you got it <g>.
Change the subject?  I thought it was toilet trained!
Change your mind, or at least REPAIR it.
Change your mind.  Or, at least, repair it!
Change your password!  The SysOp's hacked your account!!!
Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon!--The SIXTH Doctor
Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon!--The SIXTH Dr.
Changed a tire without a license, huh? - Crow
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes....  -Jimmy B.
Changing Diapers is not just a job, it's a doody
Changing gears, here.
Changing the words! Filkers of the Fidonet!
Changing your underwear - It really works
Channel 3 - VCR's root directory.
Channeling's out, try cabeling - 150 entities for one low price.
Channeling's out, try cabling...you get 150 entities for one low price.
Chants of evil incantation fill the murky night
Chaos (n): mass confusion; disorder - see also American Government
Chaos Is Good.
Chaos and Hell shadows me.Will it shadow u ?
Chaos is not a theory, its a fact!  Just look at Windows!
Chaos is your friend.
Chaos never died.
Chaos: n.? v.?- 6 ferrets loose in a ping-pong ball factory!
Chaotic Evil means never having to say you're sorry!
Chaperone: a form of fire extinguisher.
Chapter #15:  The Earth is dubbed the SDF-15 and transforms!
Chapter 9:  Buck Benny Falls Off His Horse
Character doesn't matter!  (The Press)
Character is a perfectly educated will.<Novalis>
Character is much easier kept than recovered.
Character is not made in a crisis; it is only exhibited.
Character is what God and the angels know of us.
Character is what you are in the dark.
Character matters; leadership descends from character
Character must not matter - Ted Kennedy is still in the Senate.
Character, like a photograph, develops in darkness
Charge defense grids, screens to maximum! - Lt Cmdr. Laural Takashima
Charge defense grids, screens to maximum! --Laural Takashima.
Charge till the blood flows fetlock high...       Old Irish song.
Charge twice what it is worth, then give a 10% discount.
Charity and pride have different aims, yet both feed the poor.
Charity begins at home but should not end there.
Charity begins at home, and mostly ends where it begins.
Charity begins at home, and pretty much ends there, too.
Charity begins at home...preferably, at MY home.
Charity covers a multitude of sins, but curiosity soon uncovers them a
Charity envieth not. - 1 Corinthians 13:4
Charity is the daily practice of random acts of kindness.
Charity shall cover the multitude of sins. - 1 Peter 4:8
Charity:  a thing that begins at home and usually stays t
Charity:  a thing that begins at home and usually stays there.
Charity: begins at home and usually stays there.
Charle Schumer:Too big for his britches, yet too small for his inseam.
Charlemagne likes to help me type:  .,'x'jhuhcjkn';b kl,dzgfb vcfg
Charlene Deering, I said I was Sorry!.. Don't Delete^*%*&**NO CARRIER
Charlene, I said I was Sorry!.. Don't Delete^*%*&****NO CARRIER
Charles Atlas: In strength there is Unity.
Charles Barkley -- Official NBA Superstar of the E.I.B. Network.
Charles E. Bennett, Congressman (Fla.), was an Eagle Scout.
Charles H. Bonesteel III, Army four-star General, was an Eagle Scout.
Charles Larson, Comdr., U.S. Navy Atlantic Fleet, was an Eagle Scout.
Charles Manson's drinking buddy.
Charles Moffit...feared not! Hahahaha! Puma? - Dr. Forrester
Charles Pashayan, Jr., Congressman (Cal.), was an Eagle Scout.
Charles R. Larson, Vice-Admiral, was an Eagle Scout.
Charles Schumer for N.Y. Governor! Get him out of our House!
Charles Schumer is an example of why some animals eat their young.
Charles Schumer is still alive?  Proof that gun owners aren't violent.
Charles Schumer still alive?  Proof that gun owners aren't violent.
Charles Schumer's little black book contains only names ending in 'MD'.
Charles Schumer's oily comb should be declared an EPA hazard!
Charles Schumer's soul is an overflowing dung heap.
Charles Schumer: A DNA sequencing error between a dinosaur and a Slug.
Charles-O. Fournier was seduced by the Quark side of the Force: Latinum.
Charleston SC ...Where the Civil War began.
Charleston, SC * Charleston's Finest!!!
Charlie Brown is an example of an endless loop.
Charlie Don't Surf.
Charlie Sheen, Ben Vereen, Shrink to the size of a lima bean! - Brain
Charlie Ward (FSU QB) -- 1993 Heisman Trophy winner.
Charlie Weaver, pornographer - Mike on old man
Charlie was a chemist;Charlie is no more;Charlie thought H20 was H2SO4
Charlton Heston Starred In The 10 Commandments
Charm is a way of getting a "yes" without having asked a question.
Charmed by another's purpose, I attain my own desire--Kuo Hsi
Charmed, I'm sure. -- Quark
Charming as a carbuncle.
Charon quit? &*&(**$##)*( NO FERRIER
Charred bones? Mmmmm! - Crow
Charron, the ferryman? ... HE'S A FAG!
Charter Member of Couch Potatoes for Physical Fitness.
Charter Member of Journalists for Accuracy.
Charter Member of Politicians for Ethics.
Charter Member, Immoral Majority.
Charter member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class.
Charter member of Mutants for Nuclear Power.
Charter member of the Blue Wave Support Echo Impunity Club. :-)
Chase, insert, foil wrap ...Huh ? No, Newt, we're talking cards !
Chaste makes waste.
Chaste:  why you're running.
Chaste: why virgins run.
Chastity - The most unnatural of sexual perversions.
Chastity - most unnatural of the perversions
Chastity Belt is here. Do you have the right key?
Chastity and virginity are not mutually inclusive.
Chastity belt:  The Great Wall of Vagina
Chastity can be cured if detected early enough.
Chastity can be cured, if detected early enough!
Chastity can be difficult, God will help!
Chastity is curable - if detected early.
Chastity is curable, if detected early.
Chastity is it's own punishment, Trust.
Chastity is it's own punishment.
Chastity is its own punishment.
Chastity is the most peculiar of all sexual aberrations.
Chastity is the most peculiar of all the sexual aberrations.
Chastity is the most peculiar sexual aberration.
Chastity is the most unnatural of the sexual perversions.
Chastity: The most unnatural sexual perversion
Chastity: The strangest of the sexual perversions.
Chastity: the most unnatural of the sexual perversions.
Chat Mode * SYSOP Here,  You have 30 seconds!
Chat Mode, SYSOP Here, You have 30 seconds!
Chat mode is DISABLED during B5, Star Trek, and Animaniacs
Chat mode is DISABLED during Babylon 5
Chat mode is DISABLED during MacGyver
Chat mode is DISABLED during Quantum Leap
Chat mode is DISABLED during Star Trek and Animaniacs
Chat mode is DISABLED during Star Trek!
Chat mode is disabled during Dr Who.
Chaucer shouldde hav usede a dicshoneri.
Cheap Saudi apartments: Call "Low-Rents of Arabia"
Cheap Saudi apartments: Call Low-Rents of Arabia
Cheap goldfish live longer than expensive angelfish.
Cheap lawyers have a cents of humour!
Cheap software doesn't *have* to be good!
Cheap tagline
Cheap things are of no value, valuable things are not cheap.
Cheap way to trace your family history--run for public office!
Cheap!  Cheap!  Really cheap!
Cheap! Cheap! Really cheap! -- Crow T. Robot
Cheap, Fast, Good--pick two
Cheap, Fast, Good; Pick two.
Cheap, On time, Bug free; Pick two.
Cheap? Ha.. I'm so cheap I walk all my dates to the drive-in movie <g>
Cheaper than IBM: P.C. Clone
Cheapo Airlines: Your kids will love our inflatable slides!
Cheapskates imperil shareware! Film at 11!
Cheat on your taxes ... quit smoking!
Cheaters never prosper.   Zazu
Cheating is bad.  Richard Baseheart is good. -- Gypsy
Cheating on His Wife:  by Izzy Backyet*
Cheating on His Wife: Izzy Backyet
Cheating on His Wife: Izzy Backyet*
Cheating:  Playing by the rules they teach in business school.
Check Details - Read Own Messages
Check Enclosed.
Check THOSE at the desk - Mike on Mamie's bust
Check again Mr. Dallas you're sure you're still breathing? - B. Cnty
Check again Mr. Dallasyou're sure you're still breathing? - B.
Check again to make sure it's not loaded.
Check any two: [] good [] quick [] cheap
Check book: a book with a unhappy ending.
Check for *.bat's in your c:\belfry\ !
Check for toilet paper *before* sitting down.
Check for viruses...Give your C Drive a colonoscopy.
Check here if tax deductible.
Check it out Beavis, he's got a drive-thru headset! huh huh huh
Check it out Beavis, he's got a drive-thru headset.
Check it out Beavis, it's one of those laboratory retrievers!
Check it out. There's something cool coming up. - Butthead
Check me for knits - Crow as villain with fuzzy vest
Check out Elmer over there. Elmer as in Fudd. - Freebooter
Check out Fractionnal T1 service as an alternative to 56K.
Check out my butt! - Beavis
Check out our web page-http://crisny.org/not-for-profit/csa/index.html
Check out that dark corner - Crow to hiding couple
Check please.
Check rear view mirror and don't run over people as you back off!
Check the dilithium crystals, we got us a cross-echo!
Check the dilithium crystals, we've got a cross-echo.
Check the dilithium crystals; we got us a cross-echo!
Check this out, guys!  It's my brain! -- Mudslide
Check you local software stores.
Check your TV Guide!  Don't miss those "Zukes of Hazzard" reruns...
Check your altimeter!  Pull a lever!  Push a button!
Check your altimeter! Pull a lever! Push a button!
Check your duplex switch, idiot !...%$#@& - NNOO CCAARRRRIIEERR
Check your gun at the door, Festus. -- Joel Robinson
Check your hormones at the door.  THANKS  -The Management
Check your seat belt. I wanna try something...
Check's in the mail Orville Bullitt, I stale dated it!
Check's in the mail Orville, I stale dated it!
Check. Check. OK Mike is this thing on? - Dr. Forrester
Checked was tagline this Grammatik by.
Checking in? What the h**l is all that?
Checking reality of Gary's message...test failed.
Checking reality of Myra Fox's message...test failed.
Cheddar! It's only the single most popular cheeze in the world!
Chee-toes Free-toes Munchos Lays- The Chip Hunter.
Chee-tos Fri-tos Nachos Lays... -- The Chip Hunter.
CheeBORGer, chips, Pepsi. Coke and fries are irrelevant.
CheeBack Up Mah Hard Roll?  I Can't Find De Reverse Switch.  Yo' Man!!
Cheeble softly, and carry a big chewstick.
Cheech!  Hey!  Cheech!
Cheedle - Residue left on fingers after eating a bag of Cheetos.
Cheeewwwwwwwwww!  Cheeewwwwwwwwwww! - Stimpy
Cheer leaders DO IT cheerfully.
Cheer up - things will get worse.
Cheer up @N@. The worst is yet to come.
Cheer up Bob. The worst is yet to come
Cheer up Motorcycle Dude. The worst is yet to come.
Cheer up Orville Bullitt. The worst is yet to come.
Cheer up Orville@. The worst is yet to come.
Cheer up! The worst is yet to come.
Cheer up! Things may be getting worse at a slower rate.
Cheer up, birds have bills, and they're still singing.
Cheer up, the worst is yet to come.
Cheeriomagnetism: cereal using the buddy system in the milk.
Cheerios:  Hula-hoops for ants.
Cheerios: Bagel seeds
Cheerios: Hula-hoops for ants.
Cheerleader:  A girl whose face melts near an open flame.
Cheerleaders DO IT enthusiastically.
Cheerleaders DO IT with pom-poms.
Cheerleaders do it enthusiastically.
Cheerleaders do it with more enthusiasm.
Cheers!                    - Orville -
Cheesborger, cheeseborger, cheeseborger, Coke.  Pepsi is irrelevant.
Cheese Une Crackers! This TagLine is Crummy
Cheese Une Crackers! This recipe is Crummy
Cheese can be your friend!
Cheese food? Hmmm.. Phew! That Limburger must LOVE beans!
Cheese it ... the Moderator!
Cheese it! It's the heat! - Tom
Cheese it... the Moderator!
Cheeseborger, Cheeseborger, Coke.  Pepsi is irrelevant.
Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, pepsi.
Cheetahs never prosper. - Zazu
Cheetahs...goes with "The buzz from the bees..." etc.
Cheezwiz for brains.
Chef (n):  Any cook who swears in French.
Chef (n):  any cook that swears in French.
Chef, n.: Any cook who swears in French.
Chef:  Any cook that swears in French.
Chef: (n.)  Any cook that swears in French.
Chefs DO IT in the kitchen.
Chefs do it for dessert.
Chefs do it in the kitchen.
Chekov on Klingons: Guess who's coming to dinner...
Chekov on Klingons: Terrible table manners.
Chekov on V'Ger probe: Absolutely I will not interfere!
Chekov on V'ger's probe: Absolutely I will not interfere!
Chekov on V'ger's probe: Can that be one of their crew?
Chekov, fire!  No, no, no, put down that extinguisher.
Chekov, install the EMS board.
Chekov: Excuse me, we are looking for nuclear wessels...
Chekov: The Garden of Eden was just outside Moscow.
Chelsea - "Dad meet my new boyfriend...Rush meet Dad."
Chelsea - Dad meet my new boyfriend...Rush meet Dad.
Chelsea Clinton is the 90's version of Amy Carter.
Chelsea Clinton is worth a thousand condom commercials.
Chelsea Clinton, the ZPG poster child.
Chelsea Clinton: "Dad, meet my date.  Rush Limbaugh."
Chelsea Clinton: "Dad, meet my fianc...Rush Limbaugh!"
Chelsea Clinton: "Dad, meet my new steady...Rush Limbaugh!"
Chelsea Clinton: "PLEASE tell me I'm adopted!"
Chelsea Clinton: "Somebody, PLEASE tell me I'm ADOPTED!"
Chelsea Clinton: "Somebody, tell me I'm ADOPTED!"
Chelsea Clinton: Dad, meet my new steady, Rush Limbaugh.
Chelsea Clinton: Dad, meet my new steady...Rush Limbaugh!
Chelsea and Socks -- the only Clintons not being investig
Chelsea has two mommies.
Chelsea needs braces, but Bill needs a brain.
Chelsea needs braces, but Hillary needs a heart.
Chelsea needs braces, but Hillary needs a soul.
Chelsea, Call my Daddy, my Mommy is ruining the country!
Chelsea:  "Dad, I want you to meet my new boyfriend, Rush
Chelsea:  "Dad, meet my new boyfriend, Rush."
Chelsea: "Call my Daddy, my Mommy is ruining the country!"
Chelsea: "Call my daddy, my mom is too busy running the country."
Chelsea: "Dad, meet my new boyfriend, Rush."
Chelsea: "Daddy, meet my new boyfriend...Rush!"
Chelsea: Dad, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Rush!
Chem E.'s DO IT in packed beds.
Chem E.'s do it in packed beds.
Chem Engineers do it in packed beds.
Chemical Engineers have quicker reactions.
Chemical engineers do it in packed beds.
Chemicals - Noxious substances from which modern foods are made.
Chemicals, n.: Noxious substances from which modern foods are made.
Chemist:  "Right, who's got a boil on his Semprini, then?"
Chemistry is applied theology. -- Augustus Stanley Owsley III
Chemistry is physics without thought; mathematics is physics without purpose.
Chemistry professors never die, they just fail to react.
Chemistry professors never die, they just smell that way!
Chemistry stinks.
Chemists DO IT in test tubes.
Chemists DO IT on the bench!
Chemists DO IT periodically on table.
Chemists do it in a petri dish..
Chemists do it in test tubes.    
Chemists do it in the fume hood.
Chemists do it in the fume hood. 
Chemists do it on the bench!
Chemists do it periodically on table.
Chemists do it reactively.
Chemists do it with noxious fumes.
Chemists don't die, they just stop reacting!
Chemists don't die, they just stop reacting!
Chemists have nice reactions.
Chemists have solutions!
Chemists like to experiment.
Chemists never die - they just stop reacting
Chemists never die -- they just stop reacting.
Chemists really know their bismuth.
Chemists wash their hands BEFORE using the bathroom.
Chemists who fall in acid get absorbed in their work!
Cheops' Law: Nothing *ever* gets built on schedule or within budget.
Cheops' Law: Nothing *ever* gets built on schedule or within budget. -LL
Cherchez la Fulbright: Look for the scholarship.
Cherchez la fable: Look for the fairy tale.
Cherchez la facility: Look for the toilet.
Cherchez la falsies: Look for the Kleenex.
Cherchez la fang: Look for the vampire.
Cherchez la farm: Look for Willie Nelson.
Cherchez la fashion: Look for the hemline.
Cherchez la father: Look for the deadbeat dad.
Cherchez la faucet: Look for the water.
Cherchez la fawn: Look for Bambi.
Cherchez la feces: Look for the dirty diaper.
Cherchez la fiddle: Look for Charlie Daniels.
Cherchez la fig leaf: Look for the clothing.
Cherchez la fig leaf: Look for the modesty.
Cherchez la film: Look for the Kodak moment.
Cherchez la fin: Look for the SHARK!
Cherchez la finger: Look for the 'bird'.
Cherchez la first lady: Look for Hillary.
Cherchez la fish story: Look for the minnow.
Cherchez la fizz: Look for the Alka Seltzer.
Cherchez la fluff: Look for the airhead.
Cherchez la fly: Look for Jeff Goldblum.
Cherchez la fly: Look for Vincent Price.
Cherchez la freshman: Look for the rookie.
Cherchez la frosty one: Look for Miller Time!
Cherchez la frozen assets: Look for the popsicles.
Cherchez la fugitive: Look for the one-armed man.
Cherchez la fundy: Look for the zealot.
Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age.
Cherk - Person who writes a check for the items in the grocery store.
Cherk: Person who writes a check for 16 items in the express lane.
Cherk: person who writes a check for the items in the grocery store.
Chernobyl used DBLSPACE - next question
Chernobyl used MACs
Chernobyl used MS DOS
Chernobyl used Microsoft Windows.
Chernobyl used OS/2
Chernobyl used Windows NT, shouldn't you?
Chernobyl used Windows.
Chernobyl used Windoze.
Chernobyl uses NT
Chernobyl uses OS/2
Chernobyl uses Windows
Chernobyl was an Windows 95 betatest site.
Chernobyl was running Windows & had a G.P.F.!
Chernobyl was using DOS 6.0, shouldn't you?
Cherry picker: Finicky vegetarian
Cherware - you have to send in proof of a tattoo.
Cherware...programs by Sonny's ex.
Cheryl, you stand between Ella & Pauline, interposed the photographer.
Chess Players do it with a Queen.
Chess is an ancient game, played by warriors. - Duncan MacLeod
Chess is faster than my computer.  Ack!
Chess is good. Chest is better!
Chess is the art of battle for the victorious battle of
Chess player with three balls has pawn shop!
Chess players DO IT in their minds.
Chess players DO IT knightly!
Chess players check their mates.
Chess players do it in check.
Chess players do it in their minds.
Chess players do it with knights/kings/queens/bishops/mates.
Chess players know more mating positions.
Chess players mate better.       
Chessman: Too reckless to live, too cool to die!
Chessplayers DO IT knightly!
Chestnut Grey is like the Chevy Suburban of Horses - Crow
Chestnut Grey, quit doing your impressions - Crow
Chestnut: a breast-fed maniac
Chestnuts - a painful and embarrassing condition
Chestnuts - a painful, embarrassing condition.
Chestnuts roasting over an open Pentium...
Chestnuts: a painful, embarrassing condition.
Chet's nuts roasting on an open fire...  OUCH!
Chevorlet: Crappy Hot-Running Engines, Very Rusted Out, Lose Every Time
Chevrolet       Car Has Extensive Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips.
Chevrolet       Climbs Hills Even Valleys, Runs Over Logs Even Trees.
Chevrolet, Heartbreak of America.
Chevrolet, the Heartbreak of America.
Chevrolet:  Car Has Extensive Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips.
Chevrolet: Car Has Extensive Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips.
Chevy           Charged Heavily
Chevy           Cheapest Heap Ever Visioned Yet
Chevy: Charged Heavily
Chevy: Cheapest Heap Ever enVisioned Yet 
Chew Electronic death, snarling cur ! - Calvin
Chew electronic death, you snarling cur! - Calvin
Chewbacca of Borg - "RRWARARRHHG!"
Chewbacca's Welding Co.:  "We break it, YOU fix it!"
Chewbacca's Welding:  "We break it, YOU fix it!"
Chewed up the slipper! Bad shrew! - Crow on dog as shrew
Chewie and I will take care of this.  You stay here. - Han Solo
Chewie here tells me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system
Chewing on a subject is like beef jerkey...lots of taste no calories!
Chez Dax: for the ultimate in escargot.
Chia Jesus: Grow your own Messiah. (Just add holy water)
Chic Hecht, Senator (Nev.), was an Eagle Scout.
Chicago (My Kind of Town!) * OS/2 (My Kind of OS!)
Chicago Cubs - World Champions 1908...when Baseball was Baseball!
Chicago Gangs Of The '30's: Tommy Gunn
Chicago Gangs Of The '30's: Tommy Gunn*
Chicago law prohibits eating in a place that is on fire.
Chicago only promises what OS/2 DELIVERS!
Chicago promises, OS/2 delivers.
Chicago, n.: Where the dead still vote ... early and often!
Chicago. . .  The biggest thing since New Coke!
Chicago?  Been There,... Done That 2 Years Ago!    I run OS/2!
Chicago?...Been There,...Done That,... 2 Years Ago!!...  OS/2 !
Chick sex uhh, Chuck sox umm, Check six OK!.
Chicken - the egg's way of making more eggs.
Chicken Boo of Borg: But you're not a Borg, you're a Chicken, Boo.
Chicken Little has to be right only once.
Chicken Little hasn't been right yet... but she still keeps trying.
Chicken Little only has to be right once!
Chicken Little only has to be right once.
Chicken Little was an optimist.
Chicken Little was right.
Chicken Little, watching the sky, was hit by a truck
Chicken Little, when the sky fell - Tamarian fairy tale.
Chicken Sneakers: Re-bok bok bok!
Chicken Suit: The official uniform of Bill Clinton...
Chicken Teriyaki - the only surviving kamikaze pilot.
Chicken Teriyaki is the only surviving kamikaze pilot.
Chicken Teriyaki: Name of only living Kamikazi pilot.
Chicken Teriyaki: Name of the only living Kamikaze pilot!
Chicken Teriyaki: Name of the only living kamikazi pilot
Chicken Teriyaki: name of the only living Kamikazi pilot.
Chicken Teriyaki: name of the only living kamikazi pilot.
Chicken heads are the chief food of captive Gator fans.
Chicken heads are the chief food of captive alligators.
Chicken heads be de chief food o' captive alligators.
Chicken lips and Lizard toes... <Yum Yum>
Chicken little was acctually a dinosaur of the late cretaceous.
Chicken one day, feathers the next...
Chicken or the egg... Not which came first but laid !!
Chicken pluckers do it with feathers.
Chicken slick: the ring around Clinton's bathtub.
Chicken soup is our only chance for survival! - The Tick
Chicken! Chicken! - The Black Knight
Chicken: The only animal you eat before it's born & after it's dead.
Chicken? Egg?. The Rooster came first!
Chickens are how eggs make more eggs.
Chickens are just like you and me, except they're chickens.
Chickens:  How eggs make more eggs.
Chicloexdus:  The Route Taken By A Gum Ball To Avoid Capture.
Chicloexdus:  The route taken by a gumball to avoid capture...
Chief @LN@, beam the landing party to the bridge.
Chief Bowels had to move ... Too much poop in tee-pee!
Chief Bullitt, I think you should place a monitoring device on me.
Chief Bullitt, transport the landing party directly to OPS.
Chief Engineer Nog?  That'll be something to see.
Chief Justice Forrest Thomas  I never touched her milk-duds!
Chief O'Brien, beam Mr. Clinton and Mr Gore to the brig.
Chief Orville, I think you should place a monitoring device on me.
Chief, wait! - Kira    When?! - O'Brien
Chief, you just gave artillery our coordinates.
Chiefs beat da Steelers! Bring on Houston Baby!
Chiefs over Raiders - 5 straight; 11 out of last 12; 14 out of last 16!
Chigau, chigau!  You've got it all wrong!  I'm innocent!
Chihuahua:  [noun]  1) Small canine species  2) Musky bait
Child Logic: Unbreakable toys are useful for breaking other toys.
Child Rearing Myth #1:  Labor ends when the baby is born.
Child Support: Taxation without representation in child's life
Child Support: Taxation without representation in child's life.
Child abuse - Forcing children to attend Church.
Child abuse: Buying kid a Yugo for graduation.
Child abuse: Buying your kid a Yugo for graduation.
Child asks sick Mom:  "Did you get your virus from the computer?"
Child asks the sick dad: Did you get your virus from the computer?
Child birth: Preparing you for the agony of being a parent.
Child birth: having a Buick drive through your abdomen.
Child conceived early in life becomes fellow playmate.
Child conceived in automatic becomes shiftless bastard.
Child killer? It's you or him...just do it!
Child killer? Only when he missed me first!
Child of a messy divorce on runway two-- Tom Servo
Child rapists - cut them off a lot higher than the knees!
Child rearing myth #1: Labor ends when the baby is born.
Child rearing myth #4: Labour ends when the baby is born...
Child's Play 5--with Chuckie Schumer as the evil doll after your guns!
Child: 1.a: an unborn or recently born person. - WEBSTER'S
Childbirth can't be painful if mere women can endure it.
Childhood is not preparation for life it is life.
Childhood is short and maturity is forever.' -- Calvin (&Hobbes)
Childhood is so disillusioning. - Calvin
Childhood is the kingdom where no one dies. --Edna St. Vincent Millay.
Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies. (E. St. Vincent Milay)
Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies. (Edna St. Vincent Milay)
Childhood sometimes does pay a 2nd visit to man; youth never.
Childish Game    : One at which your spouse beats you.
Childish Game:  One at which your spouse beats you.
Childish Game: A game that your spouse beats you at.
Childish Game: One at which your spouse beats you
Childish Game: One at which your spouse beats you.
Childish Game: one at which your wife can beat you.
Childish game:  One at which you cannot beat your spouse.
Childish game: One at which you cannot beat your spouse.
Childish game: one at which your spouse beats you.
Childish games: Those at which your spouse beats you.
Children = The most common sexually transmitted disease.
Children Deserve to Be Free And to Feel Safe
Children Learn What They Live!
Children Should Not Play With Dead Things.
Children and puppies and men, oh my!!!
Children are God's gift to parents...
Children are a comfort in old age, and they will even help you reach
Children are a grandparent's revenge.
Children are curly, dimpled lunatics.
Children are from God  He can't stand the noise, either.
Children are not born prejudiced....
Children are not to be blamed for the faults of there parents.
Children are our best assets!
Children are our future:  Teach them well, and love them honest.
Children are our future: Teach them well and love them honest.
Children are our most valuable natural resource.
Children are soft packages of love!
Children are the most common form of sexually transmitted disease.
Children are the most common of sexually transmitted disease.
Children are treasures ... so bury them in the backyard.
Children aren't the only ones being fed fairy tales.
Children born in a whore house: Brothel Sprouts.
Children come from God.  He can't stand the noise either.
Children deserve to be wanted, and feel free and safe.
Children deserve to be wanted, free and safe.
Children deserve to feel wanted, free and safe.
Children don't sleep; they recharge!
Children have become a very expensive hobby.
Children have dressed up like cowboys & vise versa - Dr.F
Children have more need of models than critics.
Children have more need of models than of critics.
Children have the right to live and be loved...
Children learn by example -- don't go onto welfare. 
Children learn what they live ...
Children left unattended will be sold as slaves.
Children need models, not critics.
Children of Darkness!/Meet the Children of Light! -Lestat-
Children of Waco, I feel your pain! - Bill Clinton
Children of the night Shut up! -- Dracula
Children should be given the desire to learn.
Children shouldn't do it until they are older.
Children under 5 free.... if eaten in dining room...
Children who eat crayons download in Technicolor :)
Children who eat crayons, download in technicolour.
Children will walk where we walk, Not where we point!
Children's Song book: Skip Tumalu.
Children's Songbook:  by Skip Tumalu*
Children's Songbook: Skip Tumalu
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. (Eph 6:1)
Children, the times they are a-becoming quite different. - Skinner
Children, they aren't sleeping. They're recharging!
Children, when ignored, eventually go away.
Children:  Pure love contained in soft packages.
Children:  the most common sexually transmitted disease!
Children: My Greatest Natural Resource
Children: Pure love contained in soft packages.
Children: Pure love in small packages.
Children: The most common sexually transmitted disease.
Children: unreasonable facsimilies
Children:the most common sexually transmetted disease
Children? Love children! Girl children, 19,20 years old- W.C. Fields
Chile Sauce: Ketsup with an attitude.
Chile rearing myth #1:  Labor ends when the baby is born...
Chile today. Hot tamale.
Chili Pizza - East
Chili is a spiritual event not a food.
Chili is a spritual event not a food.
Chili waffles! Simply fine! - Crow sings
Chili: Red stuff, hot, no beans.
Chill out dude - calm down.
Chill out or bugger off.  Either action is acceptable.
Chill out!  I'm just here for your hamster. - Death
Chill out, DOOM.WAD
Chilly water has a positive effect ...
Chimney's clogged.
Chimp Sorbet - Crow on frozen lab monkeys
Chimp Sorbet! -- Crow T. Robot
Chimp children...Yard apes - Crow
Chin, round up every Finn on the island - Tom
Chinese Parsley?  An hour later you want to garnish again.
Chinese are yellow 'cause two Wongs don't make a white!
Chinese chefs do it gingerly.
Chinese chefs do it gingerly...
Chinese cookbook... 1001 ways to wok your dog!
Chinese food on Indian wood carving - Lo Mein on Totem pole
Chinese never invented an airplane: two Wongs don't make a Wright.
Chinese restaurant called "Hung Far Lo."
Chinese restaurant called 'Hung Far Lo'.
Chinese spy:  A Peking Tom.
Chinese spy:  A Peking Tom...
Chinese word for "69":  Tu Kin Chu
Chinga! Chinga! - Tom
Chinoggy - A used paper plate.
Chip is dead! Chip is dead! - Mike & Bots sing
Chip.  Micro-Chip.  Eighty Three Eighty-six.
Chip: Not spensive.
Chipfault: Defective potato chips that break and stay in the dip.
Chipfault: Stress point when a potato chip brakes & stays in the can.
Chipfault: Stress point when a potato chip brakes and stays in the can.
Chipfault: The point on a chip where it breaks in the dip.
Chiplinger - Debris left in the dip during a large party.
Chipmunks roasting on a open fire...
Chipmunks roasting on an open fire
Chipmunks roasting on an open fire ...
Chipmunks roasting on an open fire.
Chipmunks roasting on an open fire...
Chipped dishes never break.
Chips: What the crumbs on the keyboard used to be.
Chiropodist      : A man who trains birds to sing.
Chiropractors do it behind your back.
Chiropractors do it by manipulation.
Chiropractors do it with a push, twist, pop and pull.
Chirpes: A canarial disease for which there is no tweetment.
Chirpes: A canarial disease, no tweetment.....
Chirpes: n, A canarial disease, no tweetment.
Chirpies, it's a canarial disease, and it' untweetable!
Chirpin' and Jumpin':  by  Katie Didd*
Chirpin' and Jumpin': Katie Didd
Chirpin' and Jumpin': Katie Didd*
Chiseled menus and Color coded signatures...the hottest Wave yet!
Chit chat and drivel unwelcome here
Chit-Chat:  Chock Full O' Nuts AND Coffee!!!
Chiun, you're incredible. - No, I am better than that!
Chivalry ain't dead, it's just being sued for sexual harassment.
Chivalry ain't dead, it's just being sued for sexual harrassment.
Chivalry is alive and well in the SCA
Chivalry is not dead - it's on life support.
Chivalry is not dead, although I try my best.
Chivalry is not only dead, it's decomposed.   Rudy Vallee
Chivalry is only reasonably dead.
Chivalry is the most delicate form of contempt.
Chivalry isn't dead ... it just smells funny!
Chivalry: defending girl against all but himself.
Chizboiger, Chizboiger, Pepsi, Pepsi, Chip, Chip!!
Chizborger, chizborger, chizborger, Coke.  Pepsi is irrelevant.
Chlorine      (Cl)    35.45300
Chocography - Information describing the candy arrangement in box.
Chocography: information describing the candy arrangement in box.
Chocoholic Blood Type - M & M positive.
Chocoholic Unite. Make Chocolate Our National Flavoring.
Chocoholic, not exactly, but I do go on binges occasionally!
Chocoholic, not exactly, but I do go on binges occasionally! Chocolate
Chocoholic:  Blood type M&M positive
Chocoholics Unite!  Make Chocolate Our National Flavoring!
Chocoholie:  Blood Type M&M Positive !!!
Chocolate & Peanut Butter: The 2 basic food groups
Chocolate (n.):  Food of the gods.
Chocolate (n.):  See Ambrosia
Chocolate -  it goes with Ibuprofen very well.
Chocolate - Tastes good and improves your sex life.
Chocolate -It 's not just for breakfast anymore.
Chocolate -vs- sex:  You can fondle chocolates in a supermarket.
Chocolate = Heaven.  Fudge = G*d.
Chocolate = Heaven.  Fudge = God.
Chocolate = Heaven. Fudge = God.
Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs - recommended by Calvin.
Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs- reccomended by Calvin
Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs- recommended by Calvin.
Chocolate GOOD! Diabetes NOT GOOD!!!
Chocolate Labrador retreiver.  Cheap.  Prefers antiques and good carpet.
Chocolate MILK!  What else did you think?
Chocolate Moose:  1 medium size moose, 20 pounds chocolate.
Chocolate Moose: 1 medium size moose, 20 pounds.
Chocolate Tacos.
Chocolate and sex are not mutually exclusive!
Chocolate and sex:  they are not mutually exclusive.
Chocolate chip cookies: hazardous waist products.
Chocolate chips are hard at times, but later become gooey when hot.
Chocolate coat them words.  You'll be eating them later.
Chocolate covered Spam - a true WARRIOR'S food!
Chocolate cures all. So does pizza.
Chocolate doesn't cure PMS, but it helps!
Chocolate frogs can't swim.. there's no bones in bananas
Chocolate is Serious Business!
Chocolate is a medical treatment for CFS.  Repeat as needed. <hehehe>.
Chocolate is a serious thing! - Counselor Troi
Chocolate is a serious thing.   - - Deanna
Chocolate is a serious thing.  -Troi.
Chocolate is a serious thing. --Deanna.
Chocolate is a serious thing. --Troi.
Chocolate is a very serious subject.
Chocolate is a waist additive.
Chocolate is a zit's best friend.
Chocolate is always okay. --Rosemary.
Chocolate is for kids?...I may never grow up!  ;*)
Chocolate is irrelevant.  -- Oh no!  The Borg got Troi! Choosey
Chocolate is irrelevant. -- Oh no! The Borg got Troi! Choosy.
Chocolate is irrelevant. Oh no! The Borg got Troi!
Chocolate is my religion
Chocolate is not a food, it is a medicine - an anti-depressant.
Chocolate is self-consecrating.
Chocolate is serious business - Counsellor Troi
Chocolate is serious business -- Deanna
Chocolate is serious business.  -Troi.
Chocolate is serious business. -- Counselor Troi
Chocolate is serious business. -- Troi
Chocolate is serious business. --Deanna Troi.
Chocolate is serious business. --Troi.
Chocolate is the answer to *all* questions.
Chocolate isn't a food, it's a medicine -- an anti-depressant.
Chocolate isn't food,it's medicine - an anti-depressant.
Chocolate makes me human.
Chocolate manhole covers come from the Hershey highway.
Chocolate manhole covers come from the hershey highway.
Chocolate not found.  (C)ry (W)himper (D)espair
Chocolate not found. (C)ry, (W)himper, (D)ispair?
Chocolate sauce is not the answer for bad cooking.
Chocolate staples
Chocolate syrup is good on ice cream too!
Chocolate syrup, chocolate sprinkles, a cherry and thou.
Chocolate will be assimilated. Wrappers are futile.
Chocolate, champagne, a large waterbed, and thou
Chocolate, damn you!  I need CHOCOLATE!
Chocolate, damn you!  I need chocolate!
Chocolate, it's not just for doughnuts anymore.
Chocolate, men, coffee - some things are better rich.
Chocolate, pizza, naked women, and Star Trek. What a combination!
Chocolate, pizza, redheads, and Star Trek.  What a combination!
Chocolate, pizza, redheads, and Star Trek...Wow!! What a combination!!
Chocolate-coat those words.  You'll eat them later.
Chocolate-covered redhead hearts; new from Nabisco! --Shawn McMahon.
Chocolate-it goes with Ibuprofen very well.
Chocolate... It's Not Just For Breakfast Anymore.
Chocolate..... the stuff hips are made of....
Chocolate...not just a job.....its an ADVENTURE
Chocolate:  It goes with Ibuprofen very well.
Chocolate:  It's Not Just For Breakfast Anymore.
Chocolate:  The other major food group.
Chocolate:  the fifth essential food group
Chocolate: A perfect substance in an imperfect world.
Chocolate: As Einstein said(C=S) Chocolate = Sex?
Chocolate: It goes with Ibuprofen very well.
Chocolate: It's Not Just For Breakfast Anymore.
Chocolate: the *first* food group.
Chocolate: the fifth essential food group
Chocolate: the other major food group
Chocolate; it goes with Ibuprofen very well.
ChocolateIt's Not Just For Breakfast Anymore.
Chocolatenot just a job..its an ADVENTURE!
Chocolates ... Forrest Fudd: Wife is wike a box of chocowates.
Chocolates, Redheads, Pizza and Star Trek.  Can it get any better?
Choconiverous:  Biting off the head of the chocolate Easter bunny first.
Choice begins when the legs open ...
Choice is irrelevant. -- Locutus of Pepsi
Choice, not chance, determines destiny.
Choice. What a beautiful life.
Choir boys DO IT unaccompanied.
Choir boys do it unaccompanied.
Chokin' On The Ashes Of A Runaway..........
Choking is cool man, he hu huh huh - Beavis and Butthead.
Choking is cool man, he hu huh huh... --Beavis.
Choking on *another* Xanth novel?  Apply the Heinlein Maneuver!
Choking on ANOTHER Xanth novel??? Apply the HEINLEIN MANEUVER!!!
Choking on SF?  Apply the Heinlein Maneuver!
Choking on Science Fiction?  Apply the Heinlein Maneuver.
Choking on a Xanth novel?  Apply the Heinlein manuever!
Choking on a beernut? Apply the Heineken maneuver.
Choking on your spellbook?  Apply the Heim the Lich maneuver.
Chokotay of Borg: "My tribe does not assimilate."
Cholesterol: The stuff in food that makes it taste good.
Chomputer...Computer hardware that chews up data.
Choose Genetic Engineering and get ahead (or two)
Choose Life!
Choose One: I'm Single/Rich - Divorced/Poor (S/r/D/p):
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work again.
Choose heaven for climate, hell for society.
Choose heaven for climate; choose Hell for society.
Choose one: Book buying lawyer or car buying lawyer.
Choose or Lose...it's up to you.  Register to vote NOW!
Choose the people you trust very carefully, but then trust them fully.
Choose the people you trust very carefully, then trust them fully.
Choose the right when a choice is placed before you.
Choose variable names that will not be confused.
Choose your enemies with more care than your friends.
Choose your friends carefully - Y. Arafat
Choose your friends carefully.  Your enemies will choose you!-Y. Arafat
Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you!
Choose your friends, allow your enemies to choose you.
Choose your option: [Y]es [N]o [M]aybe [I]'m confused
Choose your wife with her night-cap on.- Old Scot Sayin
Choose, but choose wisely.
Choosey Modemers choose .GIF
Choosey cats choose Logitech Mice 10 to 1 over MicroSoft!
Choosey cats choose Logitech Mice 10:1 Over MicroSoft!
Choosey cats prefer Logitech mice, 10 to 1
Choosey cats prefer Logitech mice, 10 to 1...
Choosey cats prefer Microsoft mice, 10 to 1
Choosey cats prefer Microsoft mice, 10 to 1 Choosy cats prefer Microsoft
Choosey cats prefer Microsoft mice. Coming soon from Microsoft Foods:
Choosey mothers choose GIF.
Choosey perverts choose GIF
Choosing Taglines, Step 1:  Read message...Was it clever?
Choosing my weapons:  Coffee and danishes at dawn.
Choosy Hackers Choose .GIF!
Choosy Voyeurs choose .GIF! ....
Choosy Web-surfers choose GIFs.
Choosy cats prefer Microsoft mice 10:1
Choosy cats prefer Microsoft mice, 10 to 1
Choosy hackers choose .GIF!
Choosy kids hate JIF with a passion.
Choosy modemers choose .GIF!!!!
Choosy modemers choose GIF
Choosy modemers choose GIF.
Choosy perverts choose .GIF
Choosy perverts choose .GIF!
Choosy perverts choose GIF.
Choosy users choose GIF!
Chop chop! - Dr. Forrester
Chopin/Sand '96: Better music than Clinton and more passion than Gore.
Chopped Cabbage:  not just a good idea, it's the slaw!
Chopped cabbage & mayo: it's not only a good idea, it's the slaw.
Chopped cabbage - not just a good idea, it's the SLAW!
Chopped cabbage -- not just a good idea, it's the SLAW!
Chopped cabbage...It's not just a good idea, it's the SLAW
Chopped cabbage: It's not just a good idea, it's the slaw!
Chopped cabbage: Not just a good idea, it's the slaw!
Chopped cabbage: not just a good idea, it's the slaw!
Chopper 1 reports a major wreck on the Information Highway!!!
Choral sex spreads a-choired immune deficiencies
Chris can go skinny dipping in Cool Whip!
Chris does for manhood what the French did for the kiss.
Chris is not very smart but he can lift heavy things.
Chris is so bad in bed that even peeping Tom's boo.
Chris is so stupid he thinks a Texas border pays rent.
Chris's an odd name. Mind if we call ya Bruce?
Chris's post PROVES the fourth stooge theory
Chris: "I can't go out tonight, none of my socks match"
Chris: "Whaddya mean you don't staple diskette labels on ?"
Chrissy Di Martino reminds me of London - Always in a fog.
Chrissy Di Martino, leap - and the net will appear.
Chrissy Di!  Hay what's up?  How's life?
Chrissy's Advice: He who buys the hockey tickets, lives!
Christ died for our sins, so let's not disappoint him
Christ died for our sins, so let's not disappoint him!
Christ died for our sins, so let's not disappoint him.
Christ died for our sins.  Let's not disappoint Him!
Christ died for your sins.  Don't disappoint Him!
Christ endured the darkness so we might enjoy the light.
Christ from cross: Peter, I can see your house from here.
Christ from the cross: "Peter...I can see your house from here."
Christ has turned all our sunsets into dawns.
Christ is coming...and is he ever pissed!
Christ is cool! --Beavis
Christ loves and forgives.  Why can't Christians?
Christ was INTOLERANT! He asked people to go and sin no more!
Christ was INTOLERANT! He called a sin a sin!
Christ was crucified for preaching without a police permit.
Christ! There are raptors free in the park! - Muldoon
Christ's blood makes us safe; God's word makes us sure.
Christ: A man who was born at least 5,000 years ahead of his time.
Christian Coalition: Pat Robertson and the Religious Reich
Christian Myth #1: Jesus was white
Christian Nation Warning:  Ether 8.
Christian Science - **** is in your mind.
Christian Science Programming 3000: "Let God Debug It!".
Christian Science Programming:  "Let God Debug It!"
Christian Science Programming: "Let God Debug It!"
Christian Scientist - What is ****?
Christian baby shower gift: a tithing ring.
Christian church: free food. Unitarian church: free of religion.
Christian education = a nun with a whip
Christian life is not a way 'out', but a way though life. - B. Graham
Christian symbol: the cross. Pagan symbol: a burning stake.
Christian: One who believes the bible is something used to control the
Christianity begins where religion ends... with the Resurrection.
Christianity broke the heart of the world, and mended it.
Christianity has made of death a terror.  Ouida
Christianity has made of death a terror. -- Ouida
Christianity has not failed. It's just never been tried.
Christianity is not a RELIGION, it is a RELATIONSHIP!
Christianity is not a religion, it's an industry.
Christianity is the land of beginning again.
Christianity should be a steering wheel, not a spare tire!
Christianity taught that love is worth more than intelligence.
Christianity:  A flash in the Pantheon.
Christianity:  How the Borg got started.
Christianity:  Please help find the cure.
Christianity:  Three gods for the price of one.
Christianity: Choose from over 30,000 different flavors of dogma.
Christianity: Judaism for Windows
Christianity: Music by God; Lyrics by Joshua ben-Joseph.
Christianity: Please help find a cure....
Christianity: Please help find the cure.
Christianity: The Living Word of The Dead God On A Stick.
Christianity: The Living Word of The Dead God.
Christianity: Three gods for the price of one.
Christianity: it is the way of a loving father with His children.
Christianity: the Borg of religions.
Christianity=1 begger telling other where 2 find bread.
Christians DO IT with amazing grace.
Christians For Chainguns.  All rights reserved.
Christians are God's ambassadors, not His policemen.
Christians are egocentricPagans are geocentric.
Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.
Christians can have only one wife. This is called monotony.
Christians centralize. Pagans diversify.
Christians do it with grace
Christians do it with grace.  (So who's Grace?)
Christians don't have moccasins, they have ORIGINAL sins!
Christians don't have to think, just tithe.
Christians talk you to deathPagans just turn you into a frog.
Christians versus the Borg... what's the difference?
Christians will please refrain from biting lions!
Christians with tracts: worse than new grandparents with pictures!
Christians! Only fools go outside during April.
Christians! Stay inside during December, the 10th Roman month.
Christians! Stay inside during Halloween. (some do)
Christians! Stay inside during November, the 9th Roman month.
Christians! Stay inside during October, the 8th Roman month.
Christians! Stay inside during September, the 7th Roman month.
Christians! Stay inside during the Februarius Roman festival.
Christians! Stay inside during the Roman month of Mars.
Christians! Stay inside during the month of Augustus Caesar.
Christians! Stay inside during the month of Julius Caesar.
Christians! Stay inside during the month of the Roman clan Junii.
Christians! Stay inside during the month of the Roman god Janus.
Christians! Stay inside during the month of the goddess Maia.
Christians! Stay inside on Tiw's, Woden's, Thor's, and Saturn's day.
Christians! Stay inside on pagan Sun's, Moon's, Frigg's (Venus) day.
Christina Applegate Fan Club -- Go Kelly Bundy!
Christina, this is a hand phaser. Stunning, isn't it?
Christios, the cereal of zealots. They walk on milk!
Christmas & Halloween confuse programmers:  DEC 25, OCT 31
Christmas & Halloween confuse programmers: DEC 25, OCT 31
Christmas Chopin time ...make a Liszt.
Christmas Chopin time.  Make a Lizt.
Christmas Chopin time...make a Liszt.
Christmas Shopping for @F? Buy a Tribble!
Christmas Shopping for Him? Buy a Tribble!
Christmas Shopping for Orville? Buy a Tribble!
Christmas Shopping for Worf?  Buy him a Tribble!
Christmas Shopping for her? Buy a Tribble!
Christmas comes more than I do.
Christmas comes, but once a year is enough.
Christmas for Baldies:  by Yule Brynner
Christmas for Baldies: Yule Brynner
Christmas is not a date. It is a state of mind.
Christmas is so Republican. - Binkley
Christmas is the promise, and Easter the Proof.
Christmas isn't over till the FAT man eat's your cookies!
Christmas or nayah saal mubarak -Urdu/Pakistan Christmas
Christmas shopping for Dan Cerman? Buy a tribble!
Christmas tag-sale. Handmade gifts for the hard-to-find person.
Christmas tagline sale.  Handmade gifts for the hard-to-find person.
Christmas time is here by golly, disapproval would be folly. -Lehrer
Christmas trees: kill a tree for Jesus today!
Christmas tune:  "Chipmunks roasting on an open fire"
Christmas tune:  "I Came Upon a Road Kill Deer."
Christmas tune:  "Wreck the malls with cows on Harleys."
Christmas would be nicer if elves assembled ALL the toys.
Christmas: If you don't give, you don't get it.
Christmas? I want to see the list of naughty girls!
Christmasochism: Shopping on Dec. 23.
Christmastime: Wreck the malls with cows on Harleys...
Christopher H. Smith, Congressman (N.J.), was an Eagle Scout.
Christopher Reeve won a HUGO?
Christopher Robbins was a twit.  Pooh
Christopher Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives to the Pooh
Christopher Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives to the Pooh.
Christopher Robin Hood:  Steals from the rich, give to the Pooh.
Christopher Robin Hood: Steals from the rich and gives to the Pooh.
Christopher Robin Hood: Steals from the rich, give to the Pooh.
Christopher Robin of Borg: You sit here and assimilate Piglet, Pooh.
Christopher Robin was a twit. - Pooh.
Christopher Tolkein does it for the money.
Chromatic Scale:  An instrument for weighing that indicates half-pounds.
Chromatic Scale:  Instrument for weighing that indicates half-pounds.
Chromatographers give you multiple peaks!
Chronesia - The tendency to not know the time after checking.
Chronesia: The tendency to not know the time when asked, after checking.
Chronesia: tendency to not know the time when asked, after checking.
Chruff - The line of grease on your leg after dismounting a bicycle.
Chrysalis? Oh no! Looks like someone's fed Delenn after midnight!
Chrysler's New Presidential Model - Dodge Drafter
Chrysler: Car Having Really Yucky Stupid Lazy Engine Runs
Chrysler: Could Have Remained Your Sickly Lame Elderly Relative's
Chthulu loves you...on a Ritz cracker.
Chthulu loves you...with a tossed salad and white wine.
Chthulu makes the Four Horsemen look like wimps.
Chtulhu now co-moderates this conference...
Chu descendu dans mon jardin! J'aime ca quand ca grouille!
Chu'c mu+`ng Gia'ng Sinh va` na(m mo+'i -Vietnamese Christmas
Chuck you, Farley. You and your whole famn damily can go buck a fuffalo!
Chuck's Chili<tm>:  Gourmet roadkill with beans.
Chuck's chili<tm>:Breakfast of...Nah, NOTHING could live through that.
Chugging down coffee when I shoulda been sleeping.
Chunky guys attract people - Tom
Chupar sangre es placer de vampiros.
Church of Orville: The Cult of The Sub-genius.
Church parking only:  Trespassers will NOT be forgiven.
Churning from the visitation that colors my imagination
Churters - Grill marks on a wienie.
Churters: Grill marks on a wiener.
Churters: Grill marks on a wienie.
Chutzpah: Does your BBS take collect calls?
Chutzpah: asking if a bbs takes collect calls.
Ci4  Ci4  Ci4 TIE fighter attack !  Ci4  Ci4  Ci4
Ciao .. Adieu .. Hasta luego .. Goodbye .. Aloha ..
Ciao .. Adieu .. Hasta luego .. Goodbye .. Aloha .. So long Pardner!
Ciao!                                        Bill
Ciao, America! - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Ciao, America! -- Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
Ciao, America! -- Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Ciborga! Third of Five! Bum-te-bump bump! -Trashcan of Borg
Cigadent - Any accident involving a cigarette.
Cigar is just a cigar.
Cigarette - The dumbass markers of society
Cigarette = Cancer Stick
Cigarette smokers suck.
Cigarette?  No thanks, I'm not into suicide.
Cigarette? No? - The Mask
Cigarettes are harmless.  The LIGHTERS, on the other hand, are a problem...
Cigarettes are killers that travel in packs
Cigarettes, killers that travel in packs.
Cigarettes: Money to burn.
Cim brod potone proglasimo ga za podmornicu
Cindarella's Godmother was a fairy.
Cinderella Complex: Women who yearn to be taken care of.
Cinderella is the idol of female Capricorns everywhere!
Cinderella married for money.
Cinderella's Godmother was a fairy.
Cinderella, when the prince came. -Tamarian fairy tale
Cindy, your fairy godmother couldn't make it. I'm your fairy godfather
Cinemuck - The popcorn/soda/candy melted all over the theater floor.
Cinemuck:  Popcorn, soda, and candy that covers the floors of movie theaters.
Cineslouch: The position one adopts during a shock/horror scene.
Cintons Angry if shots are coming from the White house this time.
Circle Perimiter: Sir Cumference
Circle Perimiter: Sir Cumference(h)
Circle not found: (A)bort (R)ecast (F)ail?
Circle of Protection Black, meet three Glooms...
Circle:  A line that meets its other end without ending.
Circuit ---/\/\/\/\/\/\/---//--->>> |=| <<< ( /^^^O^^^\ )
Circuit designers DO IT with wires.
Circuit designers have a very low rise time.
Circuit designers offer VLSI. ( Very Long Sexual Intercourse)
Circular Definition - See Definition, Circular.
Circular Definition:  See Definition, Circular
Circular Definition:  see Definition, Circular.
Circular Definition: see Definition, Circular.
Circular definition: see definition, circular.
Circular logic will only get you dizzy.
Circular logic will only make you dizzy, Doctor.
Circumcise a hillbilly - kick his sister in the chin!
Circumcision?!? Oh my god! I thought he said castration!
Circumsize Clinton.  Kick his sister in the chin.
Circumsize the President, Kick Bill in the chin!
Circumstances are beyond control of man; but conduct is in his power.
Circumstances can force your hand, so think ahead! -- Heinlein
Circumventiums - 586s which use software patches to fix FDIV bug.
Circus ladies as my pall bearers - Tom plans his funeral
Circus riders do it bare back.
Circuts scream-Authority-Mankind heedsMachines.
Cirrus Logic - The Need for (cheap) SPEED!
Citajte pazljivo, ovo pisem samo jedanput.
Citanje kvari vid. Dobro vide samo ne pismeni.
Citation for slow BBS'ing: Going 1200 in an HST lane
Citation for slow BBS'ing: Going 2400 in an HST lane.
Citation for slow Modeming: Going 2400 in an HST lane.
Citavog zivota odvajam od usta da bih ulagao u stomak.
Cities, like cats, will reveal themselves at night
Cities, like cats, will reveal themselves at night.
Citing you for poor taste. The *TagSquad*.
Citing you for poor taste. The Tagline Police.
Citing you for poor taste. The recipe Police.
Citizenship has its priviledges and RESPONSIBILITIES
Citroen: Crap Interior Terrible Road-holding Owned Entirely by Nuts
Citroen: Crap Interior Terrible Road-holding Owned Entirely by Nutters
City Baby Attacked by Rats.
City Morge:  "Tou kill 'em...We Chill 'em."
City Morgue-U kill 'm, we chill 'm/U stab 'm we slab 'm!
City Morgue: You stab 'em, we slab 'em.
City Planners do it with their eyes shut.
City Waterworks - which drip do you want?
City names like: Balls Ferry, CA.
City names like: Beaver Creek, PA.
City names like: Big Beaver, PA.
City names like: Fort Deposit, AL.
City names like: French Lick, IN.
City names like: Intercourse, PA.
City names like: Licking, MO.
City street repairmen DO IT with three supervisors watching.
City!!! On!!! Fire!!!  - Tom screams during titles
Civil Engineers do it by reinforcing it.
Civil Service Maxim: The pension is mightier than the sword.
Civil War Firearms - By Captain Ball
Civil War is an oxymoron
Civil War. There's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. --Carlin.
Civil War:  A true oxymoron if I've ever heard one." -- Carlin
Civil debate with a Liberal is a figment of the imagination.
Civil engineers DO IT in the dirt.
Civil engineers DO IT with an erection.
Civil engineers do it in the dirt.
Civil engineers do it with an erection.
Civil engineers don't just DO IT, they give a dam.
Civil servant is semantically equal to civil master.  L. Long
Civil servant is semantically equal to civil master. -- RAH
Civil servants are neither civil nor servile.
Civilian, Single, and Loving it!
Civility costs nothing and buys everything.--Lady Montagu
Civilization - biggest syntax error in history!
Civilization has always depended on courtesy rather than truth.
Civilization is a Race between Education and Catastrophe!
Civilization is a movement, it is a voyage not a harbor.
Civilization is a race between education and catastrophe.
Civilization is fun!  Anyway, it keeps me busy!!
Civilization is the lamb's skin in which barbarism masquerades.
Civilization is the order and freedom promoting cultural activity.
Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy.
Civilization...from caveman to king in only 2500 years.
Civilization: Biggest syntax error in history!
Civilized people don't need a government. So we have one.
Civilized people need love for full sexual satisfaction.
Civilized people need love for full sexual satisfaction. - RAH
Claiming mental bankruptcy is always an easy option.
Clairvoyant meeting canceled due to unforeseen event...
Clairvoyants convention cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.
Clammy! Clammy! Clammy! - Dr. F & Frank argue
Clamp that artery. It's bleeding against orders. - Trapper
Clang! Clang! Bring out your dead!
Clang! Clang! Maxwell's Silver Hammer made sure she was dead.
Clank, Rattle, clunk. "I am the Moderator of echos past!
Clanless and lawless and hearthless is he. - Homer
Clap ON <clap clap> Clap OFF <clap clap> &0j3%@`d*v#% NO CARRIER
Clap ON<*clap clap*>Clap OFF<*clap clap*> NO CARRIER
Clap On (clap clap), Clap Off (clap clap) %$#@!*^%$ NO CARRIER
Clap On *CLAP* *CLAP* Clap Off *CLAP* *CL*$*(@)F{]/~` NO CARRIER
Clap on <<CLAP CLAP>>, Clap off <<CLAP CLAP>>#@%%*&@ NO CARRIER
Clap on <CLAP,CLAP> Clap off <CLAP,CLAP> &*#%!@>&.. NO CARRIER
Clap on <clap clap> Clap off <clap clap> +NO CARRIER
Clap on (clap clap)!  Clap off(clap clap)!  #%^$@NO CARRIER
Clap on (clap clap), clap off (clap clap) # NO CARRIER
Clap on (clap clap). clap off (clap)%#^$)_*$%NO CARRIER
Clap on (clap, clap)..clap off (clap,^&6^%$*&!#NO CARRIER
Clap on -Clap- -Clap-, Clap off -Clap- ****%*$#%@NO CARRIER
Clap on Clap off
Clap on!  <clap clap>  Clap off!  <clap cla~~%&=NO CARRIER
Clap on!  <clap clap<  Clap off!  <clap cla~~%&=NO CARRIER
Clap on! <CLAP CLAP> Clap Off! <CLAP CLA lli$ 2@f f*NO CARRIER
Clap on! <clap clap Clap off! <clap cla~~%{{ NO CARRIER
Clap on! <clap clap> Clap off! <clap cla~~%&=NO CARRIER
Clap on! <clap clap> Clap off! <clap@#v<NO CARRIER            -dSXY bTY
Clap on! (clap clap) Clap off! (clap cla+xe>4NO CARRIER
Clap on! (clap, clap) Clap off! (clap, cl*%)!(`NO CARRIER
Clap on! (clap, clap) Clap off! (clap@#&$NO CARRIER
Clap on! (clap,clap) Clap off! (clap,cl$@^ NO CARRIER
Clap on! *CLAP CLAP* Clap off! *CLAP C$#@#$%$#%NO CARRIER
Clap on! Clap off! Clap on, clap off show's over. - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Clap on!(clap, clap) Clap off!(clap@#&$NO CARRIER
Clap on, (clap clap).  Clap off, (clap). #%*!$  NO CARRIER
Clap on, clap off... NO WAIT!   NO CARRIER
Clap on, clap off... no wait! +#oTe+NO CARRIER
Clap on,<clap>Clap off<clap> NO CARRIER
Clap onClap off...
Clapton is GOD.
Clara Barton Hooks hits the waterfront - Tom
Claravoiant meeting canceled due to unforseen events.
Clarence Thomas: Crybaby of the US Supreme Court.
Clarinetists squeak when they DO IT.
Clarinets DO IT by sucking and blowing.
Clarinets squeak when they DO IT.
Clarity of thought does not excludes charity.
Clark Kent is a cross dresser.
Clark Kent is a transvestite.
Clark Kent is always a Superuser.
Clarvoiant meeting canceled due to unforseen events.
Clarvoiant meeting cancelled due to unforeseen events.
Class I like : Public Sex 101
Class I like : pub--==<<< Continued next message >>>==--
Class I like : public Sex { \
Class Warfare: Clinton's economic policy.
Class warfare is foolish because the poor always lose.
Class, today we will learn how to edit previous quotes.
Classes NOW Forming! BIG demand for Petroleum Transfer Enginneers
Classes in temporal physics will start yesterday.
Classic - a book which people praise and don't read.
Classic Capt. Kirk chop. Known as the "Pork" chop -Crow
Classic Groceries: Chopin Liszt
Classic Misnomer:  People's Republic of China
Classic Oxymoron:  Black Light
Classic Oxymoron:  Conventional Wisdom
Classic Oxymoron:  My Humble Opinion
Classic oxymoron:  Common sense.
Classic oxymoron: Common sense.
Classic. A book which people praise and don't read. - Mark Twain
Classic: A book which people praise and don't read.
Classical music is the kind we keep thinking will turn into a tune.
Classical music was written by famous dead foreigners.
Classically speaking, all musicians end up baroque.
Classics remain classics!
Classified Ads: The Final Frontier.
Classified Recipe: Please Enter Password:_ _ _ _ _
Classified Tag Line - Please Enter Password:
Classified Tagline:  Please enter your password: _
Classified ad: "Roommate needed. Man or woman preferred."
Classified add: For Sale: Man's suit, perfect fit.
Classified material requires proper storage.
Classified tagline. Please enter password: _
Classified tagline==Please enter password._
Claude? Vivian? - Tom groggily
Claudia Schiffer, we salute you!   SCHWING!
Claudia, you've been a VERY, VERY naughty little girl. - Lestat
Claustrophobia:  Fear of Santa.
Claustrophobia: The fear of Santa Claus
Clawed Balls, ladies & gentlemen! - Tom on lion attack
Claws! The only way to eat olives.  Garfield
Clawson City, MI: It's illegal to sleep with chickens.
Clay looks better in a sweater washed in Woolite - Frank
Clay! There are girls here! Actual girls! - TV's Frank
Clay! Where are your fine washables? - Frank
Clay's Law: Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster.
Clay, I didn't mean to make you undead - TV's Frank
Clay, have you seen my X-Men #354? - TV's Frank
Clay, it's for you - Frank on phone call
Clay? Clay?! CLAY!? - Frank to Dr. Forrester
Clean mind, clean body - take your pick.
Clean mind, clean body:  take your pick.
Clean room. Apparently you do not refer to my room.
Clean shirt, new shoes, & I dunno what I am gonna do. -ZZ Top
Clean the environment -- Recycle your wife
Clean up the NET...Curb your DOS !
Clean up your hard disk.  Del *.*
Clean your finger before you point at my spots. (Franklin)
Clean your screen, I can't see out!
Clean, hard working, dependable..AARGH! I've become a monster!
Cleanliness is next to "clean-limbed," in the dictionary.
Cleanliness is next to clean-limbed, according to Webster's.
Cleanliness is next to clean-limbed, in the dictionary.
Cleanliness is next to impossible.
Cleanliness is next to soap and water.
Cleanup crew to Ops. Bring a mop- and a very large bucket. Sisko.
Cleanup's a breeze thanks to wind demon - Crow
Clear as mud
Clear enough now, shit-for-brains?
Clear off, or I'll set the cats on you.
Clear soda, clear beer... how about some clear water?
Clear the neutron blasters for firing!
Clear your mind of everything in it... if there's anything there.
Clear-cut a virgin forest so people could make out -Tom/#606
Clear? --Holly. No. --Lister. Tough. --Holly.
Cleared by U.S. Pentagon Censors
Cleared by military censors
Cleared for taxi!  I can't find the keys for this plane..
Clearly defining the areas of doubt and uncertainty.
Clearly superior to this piece of junk - Crow on movie
Clearly, you people are having too much fun.
Cleavage inspectors know happiness.
Cleavage: The sight one sees when a large repair man bends over.
Cleavage: something you can approve of and look down on also!
Cleopatra lived and loved on denial.
Cleopatra: How did these f***ing snakes get on my tits!
Clepto-Bismol: For shoplifters on the run
Clerics Do It On Their Knees.
Clerics do it religiously
Clerics do it with a hammer.
Clerics do it with their gods.
Clerks do it in cubicles.
Clevelage - The sight one see when a large repair man bends over.
Cleveland still lives.  God ____must be dead.
Cleveland, OH:  Women aren't allowed to wear patent-leather shoes.
Cleveland?  Yes, I spent a week there one day.
Clever father, clever daughter; clever mother, clever son
Clever is as clever does, toots. - Aahz
Clever is getting out alive.
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult . . .
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult between 2:00 AM-3:00 AM.
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
Cliche update:  I can read him like an open file.
Cliche: the sound a French door makes when closing.
Click  click  click  damn, out of Taglines!
Click  click  click  damn, out of ferret Taglines!
Click ... click ... click ... damn, out of ferret recipes!
Click ... click ... click ... damn, out of ferret taglines!
Click ... click ... click ... damn, out of moth killing taglines! ;-)
Click ... click ... click ... damn, out of s!
Click ... click ... click ... damn, out of taglines!
Click ... click ... click ... damn, out of witty replies!
Click ... click ... click ... darn, out of taglines!
Click ... click ... click ... out of Taglines!
Click ... click ... click ... out of recipes!
Click ... click ... click damn, out of ferret taglines!
Click ... click ... shoot, out of taglines!
Click Bang-what a hang-Your daddy just shot poor me. - Hendrix
Click click click Damn! Out of Taglines!
Click click click damn, out of Taglines!
Click click click damn, out of ferret taglines!
Click click click darn, out of taglines!
Click mousie...Drag mousie...KILL! KILL! KILL! Muwwahahahah!
Click once to [Delete]...or twice to [Save].
Click your heels together three times and say "Is not!  Is not!
Click... click... click... Damn! Out of Taglines!
Click...click...click...Damn, out of taglines!
Click...click...click...Damn...Out of icons !
Click...click...click...damn, out of new taglines.
Click...click...click...damn, out of taglines!
Click...click...click..damn, gotta reload.
Click...click...click..damn, out of taglines!
Click...click...click..dang, out of taglines!
Click..Click..Click..Damn!  Out of taglines!
Click..Click..Click..darn, out of taglines!
ClickclickclickDamn! Out of Taglines!
ClickclickclickDamn! Out of recipes!
Clickclickclickum"Stop, Police!"
Clifford the Big Dog Accidently Eats his Masters and is Put to Sleep.
Clifton C. Garvin, Jr., C.of B. (Exxon), was an Eagle Scout.
Climate is what we expect.  Weather is what we get.  L. Long
Climate is what we expect.  Weather is what we get. - Lazarus Long
Climate is what we expect; weather is what we get.
Climate is what you expect.  Weather is what you get.
Climate.         The best thing to do with a ladder.
Climb into the 50 ft. Ann Margaret - Mike
Climbed up real high, now fall down real hard - NIN
Climbers DO IT on a high.
Climbers DO IT up thin cracks.
Climbers DO IT with their friends.
Climbing my family tree is fun...even gathering a nut or two.
Climbing my family tree was fun until the nuts appeared!
Climbing my family tree was fun, 'til the nuts appeared.
Climbing my family tree was fun, until the nuts appeared.
Clinanon, a 12 Step program for Clinton Cultists.
Clingon society for the promotion of cruelty to Tribbles.
Clinical studies show there are no answers.
Clink. That was just my $. being thrown in...
Clint Far-Eastwood - Joel on Japanese hero
Clint Howard! - Crow on wind demon
Clintax/Bore; Gone in 4!
Clintolingus: Clinton's tongue in the fold of your wallet
Clinton         Caught Lieing In Nine Times Out of Nine
Clinton         Compulsive Liar In Nations Top Office Now
Clinton         Compulsive Liar Is Nations Top Official Now
Clinton "Doggie style": He sits up and begs; she plays dead.
Clinton & Butt-head: "Let's tax something!"  "Huh huh.  That'd be cool."
Clinton & Butt-head: "Let's tax something!"  "Huh huh."
Clinton & Butt-head: "Let's tax something!" "Huhuhuh...that'd be cool"
Clinton & Co: Untapped revenue source.
Clinton & Congress: The Best Politics PAC Money Can Buy!
Clinton & Gore: Wrong Team; Wrong Time; Wrong for America
Clinton '92:  He'll do to you as he's done to others!
Clinton (Mac) LaRue
Clinton (n) see also gay loving, draft dodging, pot smoking, womanizer
Clinton (n), see: gay loving, draft dodging, pot smoking, womanizer.
Clinton *is* helping the economy:  Rope sales are up!
Clinton *is* helping the economy: Gun & ammo sales are UP!
Clinton *knows* how we feel. He doesn't care, but he *kno
Clinton *tried* to enlist, but there's no MOS for clown.
Clinton - "America's Going Out Of Business Sale"
Clinton - "Do not ask for whom the tax rises "
Clinton - "East wing? Absolutely no! I need to TELL Bill
Clinton - "Gennifer who?"
Clinton - "Give us more responsibility"
Clinton - "God damn it, you can't do this to me."
Clinton - "I love the smell of Liberalism in the morning.
Clinton - "I never met a government program I didn't like
Clinton - "I won't tax the Middle Class to pay for my programs!"
Clinton - "I'll debate, anytime anyplace ON MY TERMS."
Clinton - "I'm at a disadvantage. I'm an elected official
Clinton - "I've got what it takes to take what you got!"
Clinton - "Sleeping with the Enemy"
Clinton - "The Good Old Days" ...Before Clinton
Clinton - "The Unknown Soldier, better him than me."
Clinton - "There is a perfectly logical explanation."
Clinton - "There's spending, and there's spending."
Clinton - (((((((((Hypocritical)))))))) (((((((((Presiden
Clinton - - Nixon's Honesty and Carter's Majesty.
Clinton - 1st Pres. to announce to the world a bathroom t
Clinton - 57% is less than 43%, Clintonomics rules suprem
Clinton - A one bit brain with a parity error.
Clinton - A trip through a sewer in a glass bottom boat.
Clinton - After his tax plan, he'll be coming for everything else.
Clinton - All hope abandon, ye who voted for a Communist
Clinton - America held hostage!
Clinton - America's National flower is the IRS tax form!
Clinton - America, your Constitution was just cancelled.
Clinton - American Government running on empty.
Clinton - American/Soviet Liberal's ode to P. T. Barnum
Clinton - Back to taxation without representation.
Clinton - Carter without the teeth.
Clinton - Do not ask for whom the tax rises.
Clinton - Earning a profit in America is now illegal!
Clinton - FIRST Commander-in-Chief who never served.
Clinton - Freedom of speech is now illegal!
Clinton - From a chicken in every pot, to a chicken who smoked pot!
Clinton - Gardening with the Slickster: From Weeds to Flowers
Clinton - General Sekretary Komrad Hillary
Clinton - Get High, Get Stupid, Buy Clinton Lies  1-800-2-INHALE
Clinton - Get High, Get Stupid, Vote Incumbent 1-800-NU-TAXES
Clinton - Giving "Reality" as a previous address!
Clinton - Gore, OUT in four!
Clinton - He came...He saw...He took it all!!
Clinton - He won; send Candy.  He's already had Flowers!
Clinton - Hillary to Barbara: "OK!  So where is the cemen
Clinton - Hillary: The World's Greatest Authority on heal
Clinton - Hollywood and the Press picked Clinton, The She
Clinton - I am a Liberal, you will be assimilated.
Clinton - I don't blame you for getting rid of him, Arkan
Clinton - I preferred LBJ and his dogs.
Clinton - I suggest an immediate investigation of Clinton
Clinton - I won't tax the Middle Class to pay for my programs!
Clinton - If idiots could fly, Bill Clinton would be a 74
Clinton - If ignorance is blessed, I know some ecstatic p
Clinton - If this is the answer, it was VERY ignorant que
Clinton - Impeach Clinton: and her husband too!
Clinton - Impeach General Sekretary Komrad KlinTAX.
Clinton - Is he the brother Mr. Spock never talks about?
Clinton - Liberal Plan: Totally enslave working Americans
Clinton - More Communist tax-and-spend at OUR expense.
Clinton - New Liberal Math: your paycheck minus your paycheck.
Clinton - New Motto: Jimmy Carter was right!
Clinton - No taxation with out representation (null & void)
Clinton - On the cutting edge of America's moral collapse
Clinton - Only Liberals fear an armed citizenry.
Clinton - Only Liberals need new asset forfeiture & seizu
Clinton - President by the votes of American Communists
Clinton - Socialism! Coming to a Government near you.
Clinton - Socialist Politicians do it to everyone!
Clinton - Southern Babtist?  Another name for southern co
Clinton - Southern Baptist?  So's Gorby & Castro then!
Clinton - Statehood for DC -- Secession for others.
Clinton - The Bill of Wrongs.
Clinton - The Carter of the 90's
Clinton - The Unknown Soldier, better him than me.
Clinton - The only Democrat to make CARTER look good.
Clinton - We came, we saw, we took it all away.
Clinton - We don't have to be nice, we're liberals.
Clinton - Welcome to hell, I'm your new case worker.
Clinton - What happens if Bart Simpson becomes President.
Clinton - When pro-wrestling is too complicated for you.
Clinton - Your credibility check just bounced!
Clinton - a "good ol' boy" -- he "didn't inhale"
Clinton - first psychoceramic pres -- a real crackpot!
Clinton - looks like Carter, quacks like Carter.
Clinton - or is it Clintoon, maybe it's Clintax - I'll call him Jimmy
Clinton - the Eddie Haskel of Presidents.
Clinton - the lowest common denominator of liberal special interests.
Clinton -- Carter without the teeth and the guts.
Clinton -- Carter without the teeth.
Clinton -- Jimmy Carter sans teeth, but with Billy Carter belly.
Clinton -- New Dimensions in Theft and Perversion
Clinton -- The Carter of the 90's
Clinton 1040 Tax Form:  How much do you make? _________ Send it in!
Clinton 1040EZ Tax Form: 1) Amount earned $_______. 2) Send it in.
Clinton = Carter + Perot  -- Mark Russell
Clinton = WYSAWYG (What You See Ain't What You Get)
Clinton Administration: Taxation without hesitation
Clinton Bashing . . . our newest National Sport!!
Clinton Borg * The economy is irrelevant.
Clinton Casualty: Get a piece of the Little Rock
Clinton Casualty: Get a piece of the Little Rock...
Clinton Condoms -- "ONE will screw an entire nation."
Clinton Condoms:  ONE will screw an entire nation.
Clinton County, OH: It is illegal to lean against a public building.
Clinton County, Ohio - It is illegal to lean against a public building.
Clinton Cruise Lines - Taking America for a Ride!
Clinton Cruise Lines: Taking Americans for a ride!
Clinton Cruise Lines: We're taking America for a ride!
Clinton Defense #01: "Hey, I just do what the wife says."
Clinton Defense #02: "I wrote my campaign speech on April 1st!"
Clinton Defense #03: "Were you *really* that gullible?"
Clinton Defense #04: "You took that seriously?"
Clinton Defense #17:  "Aliens ran my campaign while I was with Elvis."
Clinton Defense #18: "You took that seriously? Har har haw haw!!!"
Clinton Defense #1:  "Hey, I just do what the wife says."
Clinton Defense #2:  "I wrote my campaign speech on April 1st!"
Clinton Defense #3:  "Were you *really* that gullible?"
Clinton Defense #4:  "You took that seriously?"
Clinton Economics: If 1+2=3 then 4+5=6.
Clinton Excuse #23: "That's a misstatement of something I never said."
Clinton Fan Club, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C
Clinton Health Care Plan:  All medical bills sent to Ross Perot.
Clinton Health Plan: Failure to remain healthy is punishable by death.
Clinton Healthcare Plan, Page 12,750: We are all going to die.
Clinton II: The Liberal Empire Strikes Back.
Clinton III: With even More Blood and Gore.
Clinton Inaugural: "I've already raised your taxes."
Clinton MUST be left.  After all, he's never RIGHT!!!
Clinton Math: $20,000 = RICH.
Clinton Math: $250,000 = MILLIONAIRE
Clinton Math: $290b deficit - $500b reduction = $340b deficit
Clinton Math: Don't worry about counting it. We'll take it all from you.
Clinton Math: Don't worry counting it. We'll take it all for you.
Clinton Medical Dictionary:  CAT SCAN:  Searching for a lost kitty.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: ARTERY: THE STUDY OF PAINTINGS.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: BOWEL: A LETTER LIKE A, E, I, O, OR U
Clinton Medical Dictionary: CAT SCAN: SEARCHING FOR KITTY.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: COLIC: A SHEEP DOG.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: DILATE: TO LIVE LONG.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: ENEMA: NOT A FRIEND.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: G. I. SERIES: SOLDIER BALL GAME.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: GENITAL: NOT A JEW.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: HANG NAIL: COAT HOOK.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: LABOR PAIN: GETTING HURT AT WORK.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: MEDICAL STAFF: A DOCTORS CANE.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: MORBID: A HIGHER OFFER.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: NITRATES: CHEAPER THAN DAY RATES.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: NODE: WAS AWARE OF.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: OUTPATIENT: A PERSON WHO FAINTED.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: PAPSMEAR: A FATHERHOOD TEST.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: RECTUM: DANG NEAR KILLED EM'.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: SEIZURE: ROMAN EMPEROR.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: TUMOR: MORE THAN ONE.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: URINE: Opposite of "Your out".
Clinton Medical Dictionary: VARICOSE: NEARBY.
Clinton Medical Dictionary: VEIN: CONCEITED.
Clinton Program failure:  I still have $3 left.
Clinton Report Card:   Touchy-Feely = A+   Results = F
Clinton Sandwich:   $5 worth of Baloney + $20 tax.
Clinton Tax Advisors: Dewey, Screwem and Howe.
Clinton Tax Form: 1) Amount earned $_______. 2) Send it in.
Clinton The Best Thing That Ever Happened To The G.O.P.
Clinton Virus - Causes Windoze to actually work as intended
Clinton Virus - Causes your computer's clock to run backwards...
Clinton Virus: Automatically debits bank account for Arkansas virus.
Clinton _is_ helping the economy--rope sales are up!
Clinton _is_ helping the economy: Rope sales are up!
Clinton `92 - Lots of sax and plenty of Gore.
Clinton `92 -- Lots of sax and plenty of Gore.
Clinton and Butt-head: Let's tax something! Huh huh. That'd be cool.
Clinton and Congress: The Best Politics PAC Money Can Buy!
Clinton and Gore - The Beavis and Butthead of politics
Clinton and Gore - The Bevis and Butthead of politics
Clinton and Gore - Washington's answer to Beavis & Butt-head.
Clinton and Gore - Washington's answer to Ren & Stimpy.
Clinton and Gore - gone in 4
Clinton and Gore gone in 4
Clinton and Gore gone in 4!
Clinton and Gore: Beavis and Butthead do DC
Clinton and Hillary and Al Gore, oh my
Clinton and truth seldom intersect - Robert Novak
Clinton appointees:  Love 'em, leave 'em, and find anothe
Clinton at a war memorial is like Castro joining Amnesty Int'l.
Clinton at a war memorial is like David Duke in the NAACP.
Clinton at a war memorial is like Dr. Spock giving corporal punishment.
Clinton at a war memorial is like EarthFirst! owning a logging company
Clinton at a war memorial is like EarthFirst! owning a logging company.
Clinton at a war memorial is like Gloria Steinem chasing men.
Clinton at a war memorial is like Jack Kervorkian doing CPR.
Clinton at a war memorial is like Madonna teaching chastity.
Clinton at a war memorial is like Molly Yard in a swimsuit.
Clinton at a war memorial is like Sinead O'Connor at Burger King.
Clinton at a war memorial? Like Chuck Schumer giving shooting lessons.
Clinton balances the budget: A snip snip here and a snip snip there.
Clinton belongs in a circus.  He's Two Faced freak!
Clinton belongs in a freak show.  He's Two Faced!
Clinton bought NAFTA. Let's see if he pays up.
Clinton bumper sticker:  Quayle is a BOZOE!
Clinton cabinet:  IRS windfall providers.
Clinton can't even manage a haircut, now the economy?
Clinton can't start a trust fund - insufficient trust!
Clinton cleaned up the travel fraud setup left by Bush/Reagan.
Clinton could screw-up an IRON ball!!
Clinton cultists do not believe in miracles, they rely on them.
Clinton daffynition: "New Democrat" - socialist.
Clinton daffynition: "broad-based contributions" - taxes.
Clinton daffynition: "cabinet nominee" - flunkie.
Clinton daffynition: "change" - status quo.
Clinton daffynition: "compassion" - federal handout.
Clinton daffynition: "contributions" - taxes.
Clinton daffynition: "economic stimulus package" - pork barrel.
Clinton daffynition: "fellow citizens" - suckers.
Clinton daffynition: "opportunity" - federal handout.
Clinton daffynition: "promise" - goal.
Clinton daffynition: "rich" - anyone earning over $36,000.
Clinton daffynition: "spending cuts" - decimating the military.
Clinton daffynition: cabinet nominee - flunkie.
Clinton daffynition: change - status quo.
Clinton daffynition: contributions - taxes.
Clinton daffynition: economic stimulus package - pork barrel.
Clinton daffynition: promise - goal.
Clinton daffynition: rich - anyone earning over $36,000.
Clinton declares confidence in someone and they immediately resign.
Clinton defense #14: Wrote my campaign speech on April 1st! Gotcha
Clinton defense #15: Hey - I just do what the wife says.
Clinton defense #16: If I raise taxes it'll be easier to cut 'em!
Clinton defense #18: You took that seriously? Har har haw
Clinton defense #19: Were you REALLY that gullible!?
Clinton defense #20: Did it so Chelsie had chance in heck of dating.
Clinton defense #21: Only wanted to see Lincoln's bed-room
Clinton defense #23: "That's a misstatement of something I never said.
Clinton did: [A] Nothing, [B] None, [C] Nuttin'
Clinton didn't WIN in `92 - he just LOST by the least.
Clinton didn't inhale . . . Brown didn't exhale!
Clinton didn't inhale he just sucks!!!
Clinton didn't inhale. Rush Limbaugh Did, regularly thru college....
Clinton didn't inhale...Brown didn't exhale!
Clinton didn't inhale;  Madonna's a virgin.
Clinton didn't invent sin.  He's just fine-tuning it.
Clinton didn't win in '92 - he just lost by the least
Clinton didn't win in '92 - he just lost by the least...
Clinton does it with flowers.
Clinton does the work of 3 men - Larry, Moe, and Curly!
Clinton does the work of 3 men...Curly, Larry and Moe.
Clinton does the work of three men...Larry, Curley, & Moe
Clinton does to the economy what POKE 1,0 does to the C-64!
Clinton doesn't inhale . . . he SUCKS!
Clinton eats way too much broccoli & has too much gas.
Clinton economic info: Dial 1-800-SUICIDE.
Clinton era: Days of Whine and Rose's lawyers.
Clinton excuse #14: "Wrote my campaign speech on April 1st! Gotcha!"
Clinton excuse #15: "Hey - I just do what the wife says."
Clinton excuse #15: Hey - I just do what the wife says.
Clinton excuse #16: "If I raise taxes it'll be easier to cut 'em!"
Clinton excuse #17: "Aliens ran my campaign while I was with Elvis."
Clinton excuse #18: "You took that seriously?  Har har haw haw!!!"
Clinton excuse #19: "It wasn't *MY* fault!"
Clinton excuse #20: "It's the fault of the Reagan/Bush era."
Clinton excuse #21: "I wasn't fully informed."
Clinton excuse #22: "I was just joking!"
Clinton excuse #23: "That's a misstatement of something I never said."
Clinton excuse #23: "That's a mistatement of something I never said."
Clinton family makes Billy urinating in public desireable
Clinton file transfer: PKZIP C:\
Clinton flunked the SHINOLA test.
Clinton gave the Pope a handsome matched set of "parameters".-D. Barry
Clinton gives a whole new meaning to CURRENT AFFAIRS!OJW
Clinton got his health plan ideas from Doctor Kevorkian.
Clinton got the E-word, now we get the next letter.
Clinton had a reality check.  It bounced.
Clinton had more tanks in Waco than Mogadishu.
Clinton had more tanks in Waco than Somalia.
Clinton hair cuts -- In shop: $7.00. On plane $200.00.
Clinton hair cuts. In shop: $7.00. On plane $200.00.
Clinton happens.
Clinton has LOTS of fans...they help diffuse the odor.
Clinton has LOTS of fansthey help diffuse the odor.
Clinton has turned the White House into the Waffle House
Clinton has turned the White House into the Waffle House.
Clinton has what it takes to take what you have.
Clinton healthcare -- don't worry it's free, but highly taxable.
Clinton healthcare; don't worry it's free, but taxable.
Clinton hypocrisy: Inviting Rushdie, but refusing photos.
Clinton in '96 - "Don't Change Stones in Mid-Avalache"
Clinton in '96 - "Four More Veers"
Clinton in '96 - "No More Waffling and Indecision...Probably"
Clinton in '96 - NOT!
Clinton in '96?  The fat lady _is already_ gargling!
Clinton in '96?  The fat lady is already gargling!
Clinton is God's way of saying, Hahaha!!!
Clinton is a BOIL on the Buttocks of America!
Clinton is a bad President, and I don't like his taxes or his wife.
Clinton is a cat lover.  Quick!  Send him a Kzin for his birthday.
Clinton is a real big gun...of small caliber and immense bore.
Clinton is about as useful as Windows 3.1 on a Tandy1000.
Clinton is an multiplication liar. He thinks two lies makes a truth.
Clinton is doing it with everybody.
Clinton is hiring Chuck Forsburg to be healthcare editor.
Clinton is just like my dustbuster, they both suck.
Clinton is like Odo.  They both change before your eyes.
Clinton is like Odo. They both change before your eyes.
Clinton is like a rooster - every noise he makes is annoying
Clinton is living proof that mountain men screwed water buffaloes.
Clinton is one Bill, George Bush can't veto...
Clinton is our best hope is like saying Moe was the smart stooge
Clinton is proof that Americans can take a joke.
Clinton is proof that stupid people shouldn't vote.
Clinton is quickly acclimating to Washington. Her husband is trying.
Clinton is responsible for a lot of new Republican officials.
Clinton is responsible for a lot of new Republicans!
Clinton is rewarding China, Thanks a lot, Bill.
Clinton is the answer? Now what was the stupid question?
Clinton is to Reagan what Edlin is to WordPerfect 6.0.
Clinton is to Washington as 'Pong' is to a Cray.
Clinton is to government what Windows is to software!
Clinton isn't a Comunist!  That requires refinement.
Clinton isn't doing his job - I still have a few dollars left!
Clinton knows two things; play sax & raise tax!
Clinton leads polls! Voters suffering "selective amnesia."
Clinton leads polls! Voters suffering selective amnesia.
Clinton logic: $30,000 a year!?  Wow - I'm a MILLIONARE!
Clinton logic: $30,000 a year!? Wow - I'm a MILLIONAIRE!
Clinton logic: $30,000 a year!? Wow - I'm a MILLIONARE!
Clinton loses grip on reality; tightens it on wallets.
Clinton lost touch with the American public a *LONG* time ago.
Clinton made a mental note, then forgot where he put it.
Clinton makes Billy Carter urinating in public look desirable.
Clinton makes Nixon look truthful and Carter competent.
Clinton making foreign policy is like a blind man backing a semi.
Clinton math:  $30,000 = You're Rich!
Clinton math: $30,000 = $200,000
Clinton math: $30,000 = You're Rich!
Clinton mathematics. $30,000 = Your rich.
Clinton mathematics: $30,000 = you're rich
Clinton mathetmatics. $30,000 = Your rich
Clinton may fib sometimes, but at least he can tell the difference.
Clinton may not have inhaled but Brown has never exhaled.
Clinton may not have inhaled but Elders has never exhaled.
Clinton may not have inhaled, but Brown has never exhaled.
Clinton may not have inhaled, but Elders has never exhaled.
Clinton may not have inhaled, but he sure SUCKS now!
Clinton might tell a few lies, but at least he can tell the difference.
Clinton minimized my life's savings.
Clinton needs a reality check.
Clinton never held a real job so how would he know what it's like?
Clinton never inhaled.   Brown has never exhaled.
Clinton never saw a tax he didn't like....
Clinton of Borg - "Inhaling is Irrelevant!"
Clinton of Borg - Inhaling is irrelevant.
Clinton of Borg...your paycheck will be assimilated!
Clinton of Borg: "Hillary told me to tell y'all to prepare to be..."
Clinton of Borg: "Inhaling is irrelevant."
Clinton of Borg: "Prepare to be... say, that's a tight skirt, baby."
Clinton of Borg: Hillary's out of town. Prepare to be ass-imilated.
Clinton of Borg: I feel your pain and it is irrelevant.
Clinton of Borg: Prepare to be ... say, that's a tight skirt, baby.
Clinton of Borg: Prepare to be assimilated, not inhaled.
Clinton of Borg: Truth is Irrelevant.
Clinton of Borg: resistance is taxable.
Clinton of Borg: your paycheck will be assimilated!
Clinton of OZ: "Ignore the man behind the (voting) curtain."
Clinton on Vietnam: Hell No! to Canada we go.
Clinton only has to deal with an unbalanced budget.
Clinton or Bush is like Airline or Hospital food.  Both are shit.
Clinton plays sax with an Al Gore rhythm.
Clinton political strategy: Flip-floppery.
Clinton presidency = America being held hostage!
Clinton presidency failing - (A)bort (R)etry (I)mpeach
Clinton promised change. Instead he's changed all his promises!
Clinton promised change...he's changed all his promises!
Clinton promised changes...he's changed all his promises!
Clinton promised me two feet of space in the unemployment line.
Clinton promises are like nailing jelly to Al Gore.
Clinton promises changes and changes promises
Clinton promises changes and changes promises.
Clinton promises the moon. Brown LIVES there.
Clinton promises to spread the pain.
Clinton really does tell the truth. @!#$&&@#$(  NO CARRIER
Clinton says "Jump!  100,000 lemmings can't be wrong..."
Clinton says "Pay up!!  43% of America can't be wrong!"
Clinton should kill himself & solve the REAL problem with this country
Clinton should kill himself to solve the REAL problem with this country!
Clinton stamp discontinued....people spitting on wrong side.
Clinton studied International Politics at IHOP.
Clinton sucks but he doesn't swallow.
Clinton sucks but she doesn't swallow.
Clinton supporters know how the Indians felt!
Clinton supporters know how the Indians felt.
Clinton surrounds himself with incompetence so he won't look as bad.
Clinton tagline:
Clinton tax shelter:  Don't pay until you get caught.
Clinton tax tip:  Blame it on the wife.
Clinton taxed my tagline writers, so I had to lay them off.
Clinton taxed my taglines, so I had to lay them off.
Clinton taxes gas; price of beans soars.
Clinton tells the truth. CLINTON.TXT  0 bytes
Clinton the answer. It must be a stupid question
Clinton the best hope?  That's like Moe being the smart one!
Clinton the best hope?  That's like saying Moe was the smart stooge.
Clinton the best hope? That's like saying Curly was the smart stooge.
Clinton the chia-pet of chief executives everywhere.
Clinton thinks he's a wit. At least he's HALF right.
Clinton thought the IRA was the Internal Revenue!
Clinton to America: I've a tax plan, bend over and I'll demonstrate.
Clinton to America: I've got a tax plan, bend over and I'll demonstrate.
Clinton to America: I've got a tax plan, bend over and I'll show you.
Clinton to Flowers: "Sure you can come over, Ted Kennedy will drive"
Clinton to Flowers: "Sure you can come over, Ted Kennedy will drive."
Clinton to Flowers: "Sure, come on over, Ted Kennedy will drive."
Clinton to his lawyer:  "Go out there and win one for the zipper"
Clinton tried Oral Sex....        Claims he didn't swallow!
Clinton voter and proud of it!
Clinton voter and proud of...<BOOM!> %$K@!  NO CARRIER
Clinton voter and proud of...<BOOM!< %$K@!  NO CARRIER
Clinton voters: end the embarrasment now and apologize.
Clinton waffles so much he should have stock in IHOP.
Clinton wants to "Gore" us with higher taxes.
Clinton wants to Gore us with higher taxes.
Clinton wants to streamline government. No, I'm serious. Stop laughing!
Clinton wants to tax my *what*?
Clinton was born with a silver corn cob in his WHAT??
Clinton was elected by a plurality and it's been downhill ever since.
Clinton was the best hope? That's like saying Moe was the smartest.
Clinton was the most electable Democrat; Moe was the smartest Stooge.
Clinton will tax wealthy Americans. Congratulations! You're rich!
Clinton wins drug war! Nobody has money left to buy them.
Clinton won and you lost as usual.  Did you expect anything else?
Clinton won't let me smoke in the White House, even if I don't inhale.
Clinton won: You lost as usual. Did you expect anything else?
Clinton won: You lost.
Clinton's 1040EZ: Just send it all in...
Clinton's ACTUAL first choice for Attorney General: G. Gordon Liddy
Clinton's Air Force: Now grabbing new flight sticks!
Clinton's America: Criminals vs Unarmed Citizens.
Clinton's America: Defining Deviancy Down!
Clinton's Amerika, Thanks comrades!
Clinton's Army: where Sargeants play with their Privates.
Clinton's Army: where Sergeants play with their Privates.
Clinton's Army: where sergeants play with their privates.
Clinton's Cabinet: CIA, Ross Perot.
Clinton's Cabinet: Chief of Protocol, Roseanne Arnold.
Clinton's Cabinet: Defense Secretary, Patsy Schroeder
Clinton's Cabinet: Drug Czar, Marion Barry, ...
Clinton's Cabinet: Education, Dan Quayle.
Clinton's Cabinet: FBI, John Gotti.
Clinton's Cabinet: Family Values Advisor, Woody Allen.
Clinton's Cabinet: Health & Human Resources, Magic Johnson.
Clinton's Cabinet: Housing, Leona Helmsley.
Clinton's Cabinet: Labor, Murphy Brown.
Clinton's Cabinet: NASA, Jerry Brown.
Clinton's Cabinet: Press Secretary, Admiral Jim Stockdale.
Clinton's Cabinet: Surgeon General, Dr. Kovorkian.
Clinton's Cabinet: Transportation, Ted Kennedy.
Clinton's Cabinet: Treasury, Charles Keating.
Clinton's Cabinet: Veterans Administration, Jane Fonda.
Clinton's Cabinet: White House Staff, Gennifer Flowers.
Clinton's Cabinet: White House Staff, Jennifer Flowers.
Clinton's Caliber? What's smaller than a BB??
Clinton's Cousin Chosen to Head Pentagon Travel.
Clinton's Cowardess should not be subsidized w/your vote
Clinton's Dream has become America's worst nightmare.
Clinton's Gift to us....$1.1 trillion MORE debt.
Clinton's House of Lavatories: We flush it with the worst of them!
Clinton's House of Uniforms: RED shirts at there finest!
Clinton's Motto: Jimmy Carter was right!
Clinton's Navy -- It's not just a job, it's a date!
Clinton's Navy -- Where Chiefs mess with their seamen.
Clinton's Navy gives new meaning to "going to the head!"
Clinton's Navy gives new meaning to, "going to the head!"
Clinton's Navy: Where Chiefs mess with their seamen.
Clinton's New Army -- Where Sergeants play with their Privates.
Clinton's Plan:  Socialism for all.
Clinton's Science Advisor won't eat Vealjust Crow.
Clinton's Solution to Smog in the LA Basin: "Don't inhale!"
Clinton's Tax Decision Maker: TAX, TAX, TAX, SPIN AGAIN
Clinton's White House, New Home of the Whopper!
Clinton's a _good_ President...And pigs fly!
Clinton's a few disks short of a full backup!
Clinton's angry When the gravy in his veins rushes to his head.
Clinton's angry if he actually talked back to Hillary.
Clinton's angry when he's so angry he can't even think about dating.
Clinton's angry when he's using the F-word like he's Madonna.
Clinton's angry when his pasty white thighs now have a dull red glow
Clinton's angry when the White House Tour gets the finger.
Clinton's angry.. his '96 campaign slogan is "You can all bite me"
Clinton's answer to free enterprise is Socialism!
Clinton's basic tax rule: The sky's the limit!
Clinton's biggest problem:  Wifewater !
Clinton's cleaned-up the travel waste/fraud that was going on.
Clinton's coattails are in the Republican party.
Clinton's definition of rich is anyone not on welfare.
Clinton's definition: "contribution = taxes"
Clinton's economic plan PROVES the Fourth Stooge theory.
Clinton's economic plan will finally put poverty within your reach.
Clinton's election----bait and switch!
Clinton's energy bill will tax the btu values in farts.
Clinton's father believed in family values.   Lots of families.
Clinton's favorite marching tune: "IN-hale to the Chief"
Clinton's favorite movie: Deliverance!
Clinton's first 100 days--9% fewer homosexuals!
Clinton's first 100 days:  100 dead in Waco.
Clinton's first choice for Surgeon General: Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
Clinton's first choice for Surgeon General: Dr. Jack Kevorkian.
Clinton's five year plan -- "Symbolism over Substance."
Clinton's foreign policy plan PROVES the Fourth Stooge theory.
Clinton's got a strange sex life - He's a pussy & she's a prick!
Clinton's hair turned nearly white, when he saw Reno in the light!!
Clinton's health plan PROVES the Fourth Stooge theory.
Clinton's health plan disks were found to have a virus.
Clinton's health plan is as lost as the Mars Probe.
Clinton's in the White House of Cards & the wind's beginning to howl.
Clinton's lies will cause inflation and unemployment.
Clinton's master health plan disks were found to have a virus.
Clinton's memory is RAM, not ROM.
Clinton's memory is the only part of him subject to Selective Service.
Clinton's new insurance plan - Insuring you'll have nothing.
Clinton's not a crook; He's "ethically challenged."
Clinton's not a crook; he's "ethically challenged."
Clinton's plan failed.  I still have 3 dollars left!
Clinton's plan failed. I still have 3 dollars left!
Clinton's policy. Don't bother to count your money, we'll take it all!
Clinton's popularity declines - Paula Jones denies all.
Clinton's proctologist called - his head is ready.
Clinton's programs stand to KILL America.Get involved and STOP 'em!
Clinton's promises: "May the Farce Be With You."
Clinton's tax form. "How much did you make? $_______ Send it in.
Clinton's tax policy is DOODOO economics.
Clinton's term has been *SO* bad people kill themselves to get out.
Clinton's the best hope? That's like saying Moe was the smartest Stooge.
Clinton's whining is that Rush's influence obviously extends far
Clinton's word for Economics: Farfromthinkin.
Clinton's worst nightmare?  Rush Limbaugh marries Chelsea.
Clinton's worst nightmare? Rush Limbaugh marries Chelsea.
Clinton's worst nightmare? The truth!!
Clinton, "I didn't say that - er, well - yes, but I didn't mean..."
Clinton, Aristide & Castro - The Marxist Brothers
Clinton, Aspin, Dellums....Two down and one to go!!!!!
Clinton, Bozo, Clarabell, Ronald McDonald & Homey
Clinton, Bozo, Clarabell, Ronald McDonald & Homey.
Clinton, Gore & Dolly Parton in an elevator? 2 boobs & a country music
Clinton, Gore & Dolly Parton: 2 boobs & a country music star..
Clinton, I didn't say that - er, well - yes, but I didn't know then.
Clinton, Rodham & Gore: The Three Stooges of the '90's.
Clinton, Rodham and Gore, See dis? Three Stooges o' de '90's
Clinton, Rodham and Gore: Three Stooges of the '90's
Clinton, Year 3: "Hey Tim! What's that!?" "I think it's a $, Bob!"
Clinton, You got out of the last war, now do it again!
Clinton, for a Kinder, Gentler, Communism!!!
Clinton, health plans, democrats; it's all fake anyway.
Clinton, if you didn't inhale, what killed your brain? - CSU student
Clinton, is good at grabbing money, women, & guns...nothing else.
Clinton, is good at grabbing women, & guns...nothing else.
Clinton, prosperity <->
Clinton, prosperity <-<
Clinton, the EDLIN of presidential candidates.
Clinton-"I'll debate anytime anyplace ON MY TERMS."
Clinton--looks like Carter, quacks like Carter
Clinton-The only Democrat to make the CARTER presidency look good!
Clinton-Year 3: "Hey Tim! What's that!?" "I think it's a $, Bob!"
Clinton.  Is he the brother Mr. Spock never talks about?
Clinton.Com Found: (A)bort (T)ax (W)affle (B)lame Republicans.
Clinton.sys corrupted; Cannot run Device.USA.
Clinton/Clinton/He's our man/If he can't do it/GREAT!!! -
Clinton/Gore    ERROR: Division by zero.
Clinton/Gore '92 - the Decline of Civilization part III
Clinton/Gore '92!  ERROR #11:  Attempted division by Zero.
Clinton/Gore '92:  The Decline of Civilization Part III.
Clinton/Gore - DC's version of Beavis and Butt-head
Clinton/Gore - ERROR 11 - Attempted division by zero.
Clinton/Gore - Error #11, attempted division by zero.
Clinton/Gore - Error #12, Timeout error: 100 days of inactivity.
Clinton/Gore - Error: Division By Zero
Clinton/Gore - Gone in Four.
Clinton/Gore - Out In Four!
Clinton/Gore - The Capitol Hillbillies.
Clinton/Gore - for a kinder, gentler Communism.
Clinton/Gore -- for a kinder, gentler Socialism.
Clinton/Gore ERROR: Division by zero.
Clinton/Gore and Doo-Doo Economics.
Clinton/Gore elected then Beavis & Butthead appear.  Coincidence?
Clinton/Gore elected then Beavis & Butthead appear. Coincidence?
Clinton/Gore elected then Beavis and Butthead appear. Coincidence?
Clinton/Gore elected; Beavis & Butthead appear.  Coincidence?
Clinton/Gore elected; Beavis and Butt-head appear--coincidence?
Clinton/Gore elected; Beavis and Butt-head appear...coincidence?
Clinton/Gore for a kinder, gentler Communism.
Clinton/Gore for a kinder, gentler Socialism.
Clinton/Gore in '92??......................NOT!!!
Clinton/Gore is to the presidency as Beavis & Butthead are to cartoons
Clinton/Gore, Gone in Four!
Clinton/Gore, for a kinder, gentler Communism.
Clinton/Gore--DC's version of Beavis and Butt-head
Clinton/Gore--Out In Four!
Clinton/Gore--for a kinder, gentler Communism.
Clinton/Gore-DC's version of Beavis and Butt-head
Clinton/Gore.....EXCELLENT! Vote 1992
Clinton/Gore...gone in four!
Clinton/Gore.One Term or LESS
Clinton/Gore:  Divide by ZERO error - not allowed!
Clinton/Gore:  ERROR -- Dividing by zero.
Clinton/Gore:  ERROR Division by Zero
Clinton/Gore:  Gone in Four.
Clinton/Gore: DC's version of Beavis and Butt-head
Clinton:  "Don't blame me... I don't know what I'm doing."
Clinton:  60's Flower Child/90's Blooming Idiot.
Clinton:  A good reason to be Pro-Choice.
Clinton:  America's first Communist President.
Clinton:  Didn't dodge the draft, didn't inhale, didn't think...
Clinton:  From a chicken in every pot, to a chicken who smoked...
Clinton:  He's not dishonest.  He's just morally different.
Clinton:  Looks like Carter, quacks like Carter...
Clinton:  More commonly known as Comrade Clintonskivitch, KGB
Clinton:  The Carter of the 90's.
Clinton:  The Charlie Brown (Wishy Washy) President.
Clinton:  The Constitution is just a technicality.
Clinton:  The Pee Wee Herman of Arkansas.
Clinton:  The Pinocchio of Presidents.
Clinton:  The Pinochio of Presidents.
Clinton:  The disaster aid for 12 years of Reagan/Bush.
Clinton: "Al, I need a orange juice substitute and I need it now."
Clinton: "Ted, will you drive Hillary home?"
Clinton: "This is the day for firm decisions! Or is it?"
Clinton: "Well, how're we gonna pull the wool over their eyes today?"
Clinton: #1 reason to require truth in political ads
Clinton: #1 reason to require truth in political ads.
Clinton: 60's Flower Child/90's Blooming Idiot.
Clinton: A Charlie Brown (wishy washy) president.
Clinton: A sick political necrophiliac.
Clinton: Al, I need a orange juice substitute and I need it now.
Clinton: America's Truth Deflector
Clinton: Carter without the smile.
Clinton: Communism, Naziism + Soilant Green, 1984, Brave New World
Clinton: From a 60's Flower Child to a Blooming Idiot in the 90's
Clinton: From a 60's Flower Child to a Blooming Idiot in the 90's...
Clinton: From a chicken in every pot, to a chicken who smoked
Clinton: I've got a tax plan, bend over and I'll demonstrate.
Clinton: Looks like Carter, quacks like Carter
Clinton: Official Tagline echo court jester.
Clinton: Symbolism over Substance
Clinton: The "Bill" of No Rights
Clinton: The Bill of Wrongs.
Clinton: The Carter of the 90's.
Clinton: The Charlie Brown President. (Wishy Washy)
Clinton: The Energizer President. He keeps lying and lying and lying and
Clinton: The Pee Wee Herman of Arkansas.
Clinton: The Pinocchio of Presidents.
Clinton: The best thing to happen to the Republican party
Clinton: The consequence of voting for Perot.
Clinton: The coward of the Country. Everyone knows he's yellow!
Clinton: The coward of the country.  EVERYBOY calls him yellow!
Clinton: The reason why Republicans will rise again!
Clinton: WHSAWYG (What He Says Ain't What You Get)
Clinton: We do it our way. Your way is irrelevant.
Clinton: What Liberal Democrats are *REALLY* made of
Clinton: What does he believe in deeply this week?
Clinton: What happens if Bart Simpson becomes President.
Clinton: from 60's flower child to 90's blooming idiot!
Clinton: from 60s flower child to 90s blooming idiot!!
Clinton: makes Nixon look truthful and Carter competent
Clinton: n: another LBJ in the white house!
Clinton: the new JFK...come on down and visit sometime! - Dallas Voters
Clinton: what happens when minorities rule.
Clinton:Best thing to happen to the Republicans in 40 yrs
Clinton:Truth as Terminator:Life
Clinton= communism, Naziism + Soilant Green, 1984, Brave New World
Clinton?  Oh yeah, the lady at the White House and her husband.
Clinton? 1996? - The FAT LADY is ALREADY gargling.
Clinton? Clinton? Oh! Comrade Clintonivitch! - M. Gorbachev
Clinton? Imagine a fat, henpecked, lying Dan Quayle.
Clinton? Some just seem to have a BIOS against him.
Clintonia...A Socialist Society run by a moron...Newsat11
Clintonism:  When the left doesn't know what the left is doing!
Clintonism: New-Age Marxism
Clintonism: One who allows their purse snatched = patriot.
Clintonism: When the left doesn't know what the left is doing!
Clintonism: when the left doesn't know what it's doing
Clintonoics info: 1-900-SCREWME
Clintonomics - Reaganonomic in reverse.
Clintonomics Hotline: 1-900-TAX-U-DRY
Clintonomics Info: 1-800-SUI-CIDE
Clintonomics Info: 1-900-SCREWME
Clintonomics info:  1-800-SUI-CIDE
Clintonomics info: 1-800-SUI-CIDE
Clintonomics:  Reaganomics in reverse.
Clintonomics:  Reaganonomic in reverse.
Clintonomics:  Reaganonomics in reverse.
Clintonomics:  Tax, Borrow and Spend.
Clintonomics: Reaganomics in reverse.
Clintonomics: Reaganonomic in reverse.
Clintonomics: Reaganonomics in reverse.
Clintonomics: Stealing from the many and keeping it.
Clintonomics: Tax, Borrow and Spend.
Clintonomics: Trickle-down Depression.
Clintonomics: trickle down depression.
Clintons are good at cattle futures 'cause they're so full of bull
Clintons doing to America just what he did to Flowers!!
Clintons should exercise a little abstinence on the American people!
Clintstones, ..meet the Clintstones...
Clintstones, meet the Clintstones...
Clip-clop..clip-clop..<scowl>..Clip-clop(Amish drive-by shunning)
Clipboard areas for storing text blocks!
Clipclopclipclopbangclipclop - Amish drive-by shooting
Clipper Chip ?  An apt name, you and I the taxpayers get sheared.
Clipper Chip:  The Lorena Bobbit of the Information Superhighway.
Clippity-clop clippity-clop BANG! - Amish drive-by shooting
Clitoris - a type of flower.
Clitoris:  A type of flower.
Clive Anderson of Borg: Welcome to 'Whose Assimilation Is This
Clive Anderson of Borg: Welcome to Whose Assimilation Is This Anyway?
Cloak captioned for the Romulan impaired.
Cloaked Captioned for the Romulan Impaired.
Cloaked tribble:
Clock doesn't have all its numbers.
Clock makers do it mechanically.
Clock:  A mechanical timing device to wake up people who have no children.
Clock:  A small mechanical device to wake up people without children.
Clocks don't bring tomorrow--knives don't bring good news -Cockburn
Clocks don't bring tomorrow--knives don't bring good news.
Clocks go entirely too slow at work!
Clocks go entirely too slow at work.
Clockwise?  My clock keeps stopping on me.
Clod Merlot - The Googooplex Names of Tom Servo!
Clogbytes - The holed edges of computer paper that jam up when printing.
Clogbytes: holed edges of computer paper that jam up when printing.
Clone (n):  Kind of like the real thing but isn't exactly...
Clones are people two!
Clones are people two.
Clones are the curse of the ruling class!
Cloning is the highest form of flattery!
Cloning is the sencerest form of flattery
Cloning is the sincerest form of flattery.
Cloning: Irma Dubble II
Close Caption Funding for this echo provided by DeltaComm Dev.
Close Encounters of the Sandy Frank Kind - Tom on UFO
Close cover before striking.
Close encounters are the best kind!
Close enough for Government Work!
Close enough for Pentium work.
Close only counts if you are on the receiving end.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, NOT Law.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, NOT Physics.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, NOT algebra.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, NOT chemistry.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, NOT trig.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
Close only counts in horseshoes and lemonade or something-Butthead
Close only counts in horseshoes and lemonade or something...
Close only counts in horseshoes and nuclear warfare.
Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and Nukes
Close the Dreamtime door and drive away.
Close the Hexfield! - Crow
Close the blast doors!  {SLAM}  Open the blast doors! - Trooper
Close the blast doors! {SLAM} Open the blast doors!
Close the door and the light stays on!
Close the door and the light stays on!  You sure?
Close the door!  You're gonna let the BFG in...
Close the door, I'm dressing! - Mayonnaise
Close the door, Y'shua ben-Yosef!  You born in a barn?!
Close the fridge door, I'm dressing! cried the mayonnaise.
Close the hatch! We're being invaded by bugs! said Tom importantly.
Close to home, feeling so far away <Evening Falls/Enya>
Close to the Edge, down by the river.
Close your Bhudda before striking - Crow
Close your eyes and let your spirit start to soar...
Close your eyes and listen..the universe sings in perfect harmony.
Close your eyes and press ESC three times.
Close your eyes and press escape 3 times
Close your eyes and press escape three times
Close your eyes and press escape three times.
Close your eyes and press escape three times...
Close your eyes, care to look inside?  I AM I...
Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar.
Close your eyes.  What do you hear?--Master Po to young Caine
Close your little ticket hole - Crow on space helmet
Close, but no DONUT, cops! - Snake
Closed Captioned in HEX for Programmers.
Closed Hearing for the Caption Impaired...
Closed captioned for the hearing impaired.
Closed captioned in hex for programmers where available
Closed captioned in hex for programmers where available.
Closed eyes are not always sleeping.
Closed eyes are not always sleeping. 
Closed minds gather no.well, gather nothing   <g>
Closed minds have kept these two worlds apart -- Spock
Closet: what people forget to do to doors.
Closeted gays sometimes oppose gay civil rights as part of their cover.
Closets are for clothing.....Not People
Closets are for coathangers.
Closets are made for clothes.
Closeup, he's really a putz - Mike on Paul Anka
Closing bid, ask, and total sales of stocks not traded.
Closing hailing frequencies,
Closing on ship target.  Music on!  Fire away!
Clothed in sunlight, restless in wanting, dying of fever--JM
Clothes Captioned for the Hairy and Bare
Clothes aren't sexy, Klingons are!
Clothes aren't sexy, people are.
Clothes aren't sexy, women are.
Clothes aren't sexy.  Men are.
Clothes aren't sexy.  Women are.
Clothes captioned for the fashionably impaired.
Clothes don't make a man, but a good suit makes many a lawyer.
Clothes don't make the man, but clothes have got men a good job.
Clothes don't necessarily make a man, but a good suit makes a lawyer.
Clothes don't necessarily make the man, but a good suit makes a lawyer
Clothes don't necessarily make the man, but a suit makes a lawyer.
Clothes for Germ Kings:  by Mike Robes
Clothes for Germ Kings: Mike Robes
Clothes make the man.
Clothes make the man.  Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no infl
Clothes were made to tell the difference between lawyers and people.
Clothing makes no sense unless it inspires Orville to remove it.
Clothing so ugly it changes every 6 mo.
Cloud goes up. Cloud goes down. Cloud goes up. Cloud goes down.. - Homer
Clouds are 90% water, Humans 80%.  You missed by 10%.
Clouds are caused by astronomers with new telescopes.
Clouds are caused by new sundials.
Clouds?  We don't need no Stinking Clouds!
Clove captioned for the ham impaired.
Cloves captioned for the Ham impaired
Clowdyer n -s [prob. var. of clutter]: A group of cats.
Clown limousines - Mike as group of men get into car
Clowns do it for laughs.
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right....
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right
Clu Gulager & Yvonne Goolagong - Tom
Clu Gulager is Gilligan in Gulliver's Travels - Mike
Clu! Clu! Clu! Black guy! Black guy! Black guy!-Mike/Bots
Club Dead...Hades.
Club Fed...Washington D.C.
Club Med, Jim! - McCoy suggesting a vacation for Captain Kirk
Club Red...Bejing.
Club Wed...Niagara Falls.
Clucket - A large container of take-out chicken.
Clue Implant!!  DDDDD~6[[[[[[[00003FMMMM]
Clue, then?  You can be Col. Mustard.
Clueless Clinton Clones Can't Compute.
Clueless male: "PMS? Isn't that a time zone?"
Cluelessness... try it!
Clues for sale.  Make an offer.  I have plenty!
Clumsiness is next to godliness...
Cluster analysts DO IT in groups.
Cluster analysts do it in groups.
Cmdr. Data is second-hand merchandise...  you wouldn't want him.
Cmdr. I'm puzzled by your reaction to Gaitch. - Delenn
Cmdr. the Lovely Angels to see you. Shall I let them in?
Cnty "Come along, my little booboochitos." - Opus
Co -ed naked BBSing  - - We make constant connections!
Co-Ed Fire Fighting Find 'em Hot, Leave 'em Wet.
Co-Sysop: The reason your favorite bbs is always busy
Co-Sysop: Thomas Eugene Paris.
Co-ed naked BBSing -- We make constant connections!
Co-ed naked cellphoning: Find 'em fast - Ring 'em hard!
Co-sysop wanted: Must have good oral skills
Co-sysoping is just being a good user - Danny Dp (Billy Joel)
Co4  Co4  Co4   TIE fighter attack!  Co4  Co4  Co4
CoP: Pink with Purple polka dots.
CoSysop Wanted:  Must have good oral skills.
CoSysop, Thunderbolt BBS - 1.5 gig online, HST
CoSysop, Thunderbolt BBS - SDS, SDN, and more
CoSysop, Thunderbolt BBS - call for a good time
Coach Clinton: "Fake right, go left!"
Coal mining tribble with pick: *--)
Coal powered frog-violin
Coalesce into one your shadow and soul; Soon you will meet the undead!
Coalition Forces: fighting for YOUR right to dissent!
Coarse and violent nudity.  Occasional language.
Coarse violence and nudity. Occasional language.
Coast Guard: for men too chicken to join the navy - Crow T. Robot
Coastal access, next left.
Coathangers, like bugs, breed if unobserved.
Cobol programmers are down in the dumps.
Cobra on Kilrathi - "There's no justification for their existance."
Cobra:  A brassiere for Siamese twins.
Cobra: A brassiere for Siamese twins.
Coca Cola not found: (a)bort, (r)etry, (b)bitch
Coca-Cola 50 Million Times a Day - 1955
Coca-Cola slammin' 'em all since 1886.
Cocaine -- the thinking man's Aspirin.
Cocaine -- the thinking man's Asprin.
Cocaine -- the thinking man's Asprin...
Cocaine -- the thinking man's Dristan.
Cocaine is God's way of saying to make too much money.
Cocaine is God's way of saying you make too much money.
Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you make too damn much money.
Cocaine isn't habit forming,I should know, I've been using it for years.
Cocaine isn't habit forming.  I should know -- I've been
Cocaine isn't what it is cracked up to be.
Cocaine lies: C'mon, just once can't hurt you.
Cocaine lies: It'll make you feel great.
Cocaine lies: Sex with cocaine is amazing.
Cocaine lies: You can't get addicted to cocaine.
Cocaine: God's way of telling you you make too much money.
Cock it, pump it, now it's ready to blow!
Cockadoodle, I say doodle, do, son.     Foghorn Leghorn
Cocker Spaniel.  I did.
Cockroach Slain, Husband Badly Hurt - film at 11
Cockroach! - Tom as mother slaps girl's leg
Cockroaches have done it for millions of years, without apparent ill-effects.
Cockroaches have done it for millions of years.
Cockroaches rule the Earth.  Pass it on.
Cockroaches rule the Earth. Pass it on.
Cocktail waitresses serve highballs.
Cod tongues?  "Won't eat anything out of a fish mouth"  Egg, sir?
Code run. Run code run!
Code, code, code, code, code, code, code, code, code, code, code, DIE!
Code.  Zero.  Zero.  Zero.  Destruct.  Zero. -- Kirk
Code: (n.) a means of concealing bugs favored by programmers.
Code: (v.) process of concealing bugs by programming.
Codename: Bobby Goldsboro Hair - Tom
Codename: Cubic Zirconium-Head - Mike
Codename: Diamondhead-cold - Crow
Codename: Grand Torino! - Mike
Codename: Interruptus - Crow
Codename: Receding - Tom on Roy Thinnes' hairline
Coders know all the right MOVs.
Coding - An addictive drug.
Coed Naked EMT:  Only the tough work a Code in the buff.
Coed dorms promote campus unrest.
Coed sues her parents for sending her to college
Cofee I need my coffee
Coffee - 1 sugars - milk - and aspirin.
Coffee - 2 sugars - cream - and aspirin.
Coffee - 2 sugars - cream - and aspirin. - Sinclair
Coffee - 2 sugars, 2 cream - and aspirin.
Coffee - A legal drug addiction with free refills!
Coffee - Pharmacological basis of consciousness.
Coffee - The beans from Heaven!
Coffee - The beans from Hell!!
Coffee Deleted - Operator Lost
Coffee Deleted - User Lost
Coffee Drinkers Anonymous Charter Member
Coffee Jamaican blend double strong double sweet.-O'Brien
Coffee Loaded -- Operator Resumes
Coffee Not Found - Operator Halted!
Coffee Warmer: Place cup on Pentium, calculate Pi, get wrong answer.
Coffee Warmer: Place cup on Pentium, calculate Pi.
Coffee a  Go-Go. We don't know what it means either.
Coffee adultery:  Your spouse has a 2nd cup from someone else's pot!
Coffee affects your hearing. - Could you repeat that, please?
Coffee and Echo mail are my second and third favorite things in the AM
Coffee and EchoMail are my favorite things in the morning
Coffee and EchoMail are my second and third favorite things in the AM.
Coffee and cigarettes: The Original Cyber-Tools!
Coffee and cigarettes: The first two peripherals!
Coffee and cigarettes: Two *must have* peripherals!
Coffee and doughnuts:  The first two peripherals!
Coffee boiler: Place cup on Pentium, compute Pi using 586 unit.
Coffee boiler: Place cup on Pentium, compute Pi using both units.
Coffee doesn't cause cancer - Water does!
Coffee doesn't cause cancer -------- water does!!!
Coffee doesnt cause cancer --------Water does!!!
Coffee drinkers do it with shaky hands.
Coffee fact: the Japanese bathe in it for it's health giving qualities.
Coffee fact: the coffee industry employs 25 million people.
Coffee flavored cigarettes...kill yourself twice as fast.
Coffee in England is just toasted milk.
Coffee is *not* supposed to be a *solid*. -- Maj. Winchester, M*A*S*H
Coffee is good food.
Coffee is my only REAL friend
Coffee is not for kids - Bart Simpson's lines
Coffee is not for kids -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F09 [last line is a scrawl]
Coffee is not for kids.
Coffee is not for kids. - Bart's Board
Coffee is not for kids. --Bart Simpson.
Coffee is not supposed to be a *solid*. - Winchester
Coffee line forms here.  Take a number.
Coffee makes the world go round, love only populates it!
Coffee not found -- Programmer Halted!
Coffee not found. (A)bort (R)etry (S)nooze?
Coffee not found. (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)nooze?
Coffee not found. Programmer halted!
Coffee not found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)all asleep
Coffee not found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)nooze?
Coffee not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)all asleep
Coffee not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)all asleep
Coffee not found: (a)bort, (r)etry, (f)all asleep
Coffee sprayed everywhere on this one!
Coffee sweetend with NO-DOZ...Programmers' fuel...
Coffee sweetened with NO-DOZ ... Programmers petrol!
Coffee sweetened with NO-DOZ ... Programmers' fuel...
Coffee sweetened with NO-DOZ...Programmers petrol!
Coffee sweetened with NO-DOZ...Programmers petrol.
Coffee table? Purchased w/the souls of young girls - Tom Servo
Coffee via I.V. Drip(Doughnuts optional)
Coffee warmer: Place cup on Pentium, compute Pi.
Coffee will be the urination of me.
Coffee's a major plot point - Mike
Coffee's a slow poison...After drinking it for years, I'm still alive.
Coffee, Jamaican blend, double-strong, black  - Rasta
Coffee, Jamaican blend, double-strong, double-sweet. - O'Brien.
Coffee, Tea, or PGMP? -Menu, Toxic Cafe
Coffee, black and strong.
Coffee, black and strong. -- Cooper
Coffee, ice cream, paper cuts & Dan Haggerty - Tom
Coffee, tea, monster coffee, tea, monster - Dot Warner
Coffee, tea, monstercoffee, tea, monster-Dot
Coffee, two sugars, creamand aspirin. -- Sinclair
Coffee--the beans from Hell!!
Coffee. Thanks, that's better than sex! - Crow
Coffee.Com HOT not found: {a}bort, {r}eheat, {s}nooze
Coffee.Com not found (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)nooze?
Coffee:  The pharmacological basis of consciousness.
Coffee:  pharmacological basis of consciousness.
Coffee: The pharmacological basis of consciousness.
Coffee: a legal drug addiction with free refills!
Coffee?  Tea?  Weasel spit?
Coffin for sale.  Lifetime guarantee.
Coffin not available. Press F10 to cremate
Cogito Eggo Sum - I think, therefore I waffle.
Cogito Eggo sum   (I think; therefore, I am a waffle)
Cogito Ergo Batman:  I think, therefore I *WHAM*!
Cogito Ergo Boom - Smart Bomb!
Cogito Ergo Boom == Smart Bomb!!!
Cogito Ergo Hormel: I think therefore I Spam.
Cogito Ergo Mortalis...I think, therefore I'm Doomed.
Cogito Ergo Oink:  I think, therefore I ham. -- Shatner
Cogito Ergo SPLATT! (I think, therefore I AIM!)
Cogito Ergo Sum. --Descartes.
Cogito Ergo Windows:  I think, therefore Icon.
Cogito Ergo Zoom (I Think, Therefore I Go FAST)
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum--I think that I think, ther
Cogito cogito, ergo cogito sum.
Cogito ergo Batman -- I think, therefore I BLAM!
Cogito ergo Batman. I think, therefor I *BLAM*!
Cogito ergo Deus non est.
Cogito ergo I'm right and you're wrong. -- Blair Houghton
Cogito ergo bi-valve - I think, therefore I clam...
Cogito ergo cogito !
Cogito ergo liberal.
Cogito ergo spud - I think, therefore I yam.
Cogito ergo spud : I think, therefore I yam !
Cogito ergo spud: I think therefore I yam.
Cogito ergo sum conservative.
Cogito ergo sum presupposes "I"-ness
Cogito ergo tango. I think, therefore I dance.
Cogito, Ergo, Hormel - I think, therefore I Spam.
Cogito, Ergo, Oink: I think, therefore I ham. -- Shatner
Cogito, cogito ergo sum... cogito.
Cogito, ergo Deus non est.
Cogito, ergo Homer - I think, therefore... ooohh!! Doughnuts!
Cogito, ergo Hormel - I think, therefore I Spam.
Cogito, ergo Hormel -- I think, therefore I Spam <TM>
Cogito, ergo Hormel.  (I think, therefore I Spam)
Cogito, ergo confusum.
Cogito, ergo doleo.  --- I think, therefore I am depressed.
Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am)
Cogito, ergo sum conservative.
Cogito, ergo, thud (I think, therefore I fall down)
Cogitus ergo conservatis ...
Cogley: Is the saving an innocent man's career a theatric?
Cognac: A noun I never yet declined.
Cognition is a poor substitute for education.
Cognito Ergo Spud. I think, therefore I yam.
Cognito ergo Batman -- I think, therefore I BLAM!
Cognito ergo windows - I think therefore icon.
Cognito, Ergo Hormel... I think, therefore, I'm Spam...
Cognito, Ergo Spud. (I think, therefore I yam.)
Cohabitation is a crime punishable by marriage.
Cohodas' Law: If it looks too good to be true, it is.
Coiled, one thousand miles deep
Coin collectors DO IT in all denominations.
Coincide (v): what you do when it starts to rain.
Coincide:  What you do when it starts to rain.
Coincide:  What you do when it starts to rain...
Coincide: What you do when it starts to rain.
Coincide: what you do when it starts raining.
Coincidence Often Isn'T.
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.
Coincidence...or just plain stupid?
Coincidence?  No.  Cthulhu.
Coincidence?  No.  Cthulu.
Coincidence?  No. Cthulhu.
Coincidences always happen for a reason.
Coincidences are spiritual puns. - G. K. Chesterton
Coincidences are spiritual puns. -- G. K. Chesterton
Coinophony - Pocket concerts conducted by people jiggling keys, etc.
Cointreauception - dip it in liqueur - it's all the rage
Coito ergo sum -- A. Taylor
Coitus - a musical instrument.
Coitus Interruptus is _not_ a propagation delay..
Coitus Interruptus. Emission Impossible.
Coitus interruptus. Emission impossible.
Coitus is a musical instrument.
Coitus, ergo multiply.
Coitus: a musical instrument.
Coke & Twinkies.. the breakfast of Champions!!!
Coke + Bailey's = A Turd
Coke Classic.  Shaken, not stirred.  Stand back!
Coke adds life--but only Pepsi brings back your dead ancestors.
Coke adds life.
Coke is it!
Coke or Pepsi....you decide !!
Coke, smoke and a doughnut, Aviators breakfast..
Coke.  The tastiest way to get caffeine.
Coke: the official sponsor of the NHL.        <snort> Ahhh.....
Col. Potter would like to address the personnel personally. - Radar
Cold Capture, Warm Boot
Cold Fire : Fire Elemental in an Icy Prison.
Cold and lonely, they whirled noiselessly through the black holes of space.
Cold as a well-digger's bottom.
Cold hands, warm feet.
Cold hands, warm heart.
Cold hands...warm slug -- Trill proverb
Cold is God's way of telling us to burn more Christians
Cold is God's way of telling us to burn more catholics.
Cold is the viper, stalking the night for the heat it must find.
Cold natures have only recollections; tender natures have remembrances.
Cold pizza:  the generic breakfast
Cold pizza: The perfect breakfast.
Cold steel and hand grenades: how God MEANT man to fight!!
Cold wave linked to temperatures.
Cold waves from Canada. Can't we weatherstrip the border?
Cold, ice, and snow are an *inconvenience* compared to an earthquake!
Cold-Blooded murder: Hypothermicide.
Cold:  When a lawyers hands are in his OWN pockets!
Colder than a baby in a brass diaper.
Colder than a dead eskimo's ass.
Cole's Law:  Finely chopped cabbage.
Cole's Law:  Thinly sliced cabbage.
Cole's Law:  Thinly sliced cabbage...
Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage.
Cole's law--thinly sliced cabbage.
Coleman Francis is Curly Howard in The Fugitive - Mike
Coleman Francis makes a terrific stewardess - Crow
Coleman, I think you sat in ice cream -- Crow
Coles Law: Chopped Lettuce
Colic -- sheep dog
Colic............. A sheepdog.
Colic:  A sheep dog...
Colic: a sheepdog that is part collie.
Colin Bomba `arris was `ere.
Colin Powell was supposed to log-on in '96, but he never even got a dial tone.
ColinDOS 6.0 Beta: Unstable? UNSTABLE?! UNSTABLE????!!!!
ColinDOS 6.0- (A)dmire self, (R)epeat word 3 times, getting louder.
ColinDOS 6.0: (A)bort (R)etry (S)trangle (C)huck a Wobbly
ColinDOS 6.0: (A)dmire self, (R)epeat word 3 times, getting louder.
ColinDOS 6.0: (C)arrot juice? (C)arrot juice?! (C)ARROT JUICE??!!
ColinDOS 6.0: Insufficient memory in EGO.EXE ... Load high (Y/N)?
ColinDOS 6.0: With in built doublespace
Collaboration: A literary partnership based on the false
Collaborators.  Not even the Ferengi would do that. -- Odo
Collar and chains? - Dire Wolf
Collateral damage is good for you! - Iceberg
Collect Taglines; NOT messages!
Collect all recipes series! recipe NUMBER 8/10
Collect all taglines series! TAGLINE NUMBER 8/10
Collect art, its cheaper than ex-wives!
Collect call from Earth, will you accept?
Collect flags of different countries - including Texas!
Collect taglines for valuable free gifts!
Collect the O.J. Simpson trial card set. Only 89,000 cards per set!
Collecting $$$ to give Barney a 1-way ticket to Jurassic Park.
Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.
Collecting voyage details on the ship "Raleigh" (also passengers,etc)
Collectivist liberalism is curable if detected early.
Collector: Person few care to see but ask to call again.
Collectors do it excessively.
Collectors do it in sets.
Collectors do it obsessively.
Collects cards for Craig.
College Athletics:  by Nancy Dubblelay
College Athletics: Nancy Dubblelay
College Athletics: Nancy Dubblelay*
College Education:Something to talk about while waiting in an unemployment line.
College Professor: Determine whether glass is empty or full. Show work
College Students Do It With Class
College Students do it until they get it right.
College atheletes are in a class by themselves...Remedial Reading !
College book report=free translation of Cliff notes!OJW
College don't make fools; they only develop them
College is a fountain of knowledge...and the students are there to drink.
College is just high school with ash trays.
College is one big party with a $20,000 cover charge.
College isn't the place to go for ideas.
College isn't the place to go for ideas. -- HELLEN KELLER
College marriages are o.k. if the colleges really love each other
College nothing, I'm goin' to Vegas!! - Skippy
College professors talk in other people's sleep.
College years:  Boy's vacation between his mother and his wife.
College:  The fountains of knowledge, where everyone goes to drink.
College:  Where girls go for facts and guys go for figures.
College:  something to fill in the time between BBS calls.
College: $100 for a book, $300 to prove you read it.
College: A bar with a $25000 cover charge.
College: Guarantee the quality of the product or return.
College: The bread of life; a four year loaf.
College: Where football is taught.....
Colleges need federal aid -- SEND TROOPS!
Colleges teach dead languages as if they were buried.
Colonel Moamar Khadafy action figures  - Tom Servo
Colonel North, may we borrow your shredder? -- Hillary Clinton
Colonel Powell, a little overqualified to work here.
Colonel Sanders does it, then licks his fingers.
Colonel Sanders started mad cow disease for marketing reasons.
Colonel Tweety-Pie was asking about you.
Colonels don't know their brass from their elbows. - Col. Potter
Color is only a pigment of your imagination.
Color movies eventually fade to black and white.
Color slide viewing cures insomnia
Color them *S*W*I*P*E*D* ... Thanks, Myra!
Color this Cat Platinum!
Colorado - The centennial state.
Colorado - Where you can get a Rocky Mountain High.
Colorado Amendment 2 is Wrong!  Discrimination is Wrong!
Colorado?  What's that?
Colorful ancestors may be found hanging from the family tree.
Coloring the sunshine hours, they are the ladies of the canyon.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously -- Noam Chomsky
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously ...
Colors may, in time, fade.
Colors of the American flag:  [256, 0, 0], [256, 256, 256] and [0, 0, 256].
Colossus & his impeccable sense of timing - Mike
Colossus parts ferns with his bare hands - Crow
Colossus: Fearless vagrant! - Mike
Colours fade, temples crumble, empires fall, but wise words endure.
Colours of the School of Experience: Black and Blue.
Colt 45: The original point-and-click interface.
Colt Model P -- The original point-and-click interface.
Columbus HAD a fourth ship--it sailed over the edge.
Columbus Typing Method: Discover it and land on it.
Columbus _DID_ have a fourth ship. Too bad it sailed over the edge....
Columbus didn't discover America. He _invaded_ it.
Columbus had a fourth ship - it sailed over the edge.
Columbus only discovered the new world.  You can discover Animaniacs!
Columbus only discovered the new world.  You can discover Messenger!
Columbus only discovered the new world.  You can discover TmNice!
Columbus only discovered the new world. You can discover Animaniacs!
Columbus, I have sighted MODERATOR. Lets get out of here!
Columbus, Vespucci, And Me: Enzo DiUrth
Columbus, Vespucci, And Me: Enzo DiUrth*
Columbus: borrowed money, Got Lost, Lost ships, and is a Hero?
Columnists DO IT by the inch.
Com 'on ump...what kinda call is that?...
Com Earlobe - The Googooplex Names of Tom Servo!
Com'on Bill, toot that Sax!
Com'on folks, get a life! It's all just 1s & 0s!
Coma -- a punctuation mark
Coma:  A punctuation mark...
Comb your Darren Stevens haircut - Mike
Comb your hair!  You look dreadful!
Comb your hair...you look dreadful!
Combat the Wyrm Whereever it Dwells and Wherever It Breeds.
Combiloops:  The 2-3 unsuccessful attempts at opening a combination lock
Combiloops:  The unsuccessful attempts at opening a combination lock.
Combiloops: The 2-3 unsuccessful attempts at opening a combination Come
Combiloops: The 2-3 unsuccessful attempts at opening a combination lock.
Combiloops: the unsuccessful attempts at opening combination locks.
Combinatorialists do it a countable number of times, sadly.
Combinatorialists do it discreetly.
Combo Holiday...Mexican-German Independence Day...Cinco De Bismark.
Comcast won't carry Sci-Fi Channel?  Photon torpedoes locked.
Come 'n see the violence inherent in th' system!
Come In Out Of the Wheatfield, Grandma, You're Goin' Against the Grain
Come Let Us Sing to the Lord
Come Monday I'll be holding you tight
Come Monday, it'll be all right.
Come Mr. Crowley man, tally me Kabbalah....
Come ON, Beverly, it's been six years,... Just take him!
Come ON, Beverly, it's been six years,... Just tell him!
Come On Man!, I Can Take It! - Fly.
Come On Up To The Lab... And See What's On The Slab...
Come Watson the game is a foot......
Come along Darling
Come along with me Lucille in my merry Oldsmobile - Tom
Come along, my little booboochitos. -- Opus Penguin
Come along, the Mistress doesn't like to be kept waiting.
Come along.  The Master doesn't like to be kept waiting.  -Riff Raff
Come along. The Master doesn't like to be kept waiting.
Come and get some in @TN@'s kitchen....
Come and knock on my door. We've been waiting for you...3's Company
Come and sail on my golden sea.
Come and waste a knight with me... -SCA bumpersticker
Come any closer and you'll get the whole picture. - Col. Potter
Come back here! I'll bite your bloody knees off!
Come back kitty!  We've got skindiving lessons at 4!
Come back to New Jersey, we missed you the first time.
Come back to Oakland, we missed you the first time.
Come back when you get some pubes, @FN@.
Come back when you get some pubes, Orville.
Come back when you get some pubes, boys.
Come back when you get some skates, boys. huh huh huh
Come back ya pansie! I'll bite yer legs off!
Come back you fat bearded bi**h!
Come back, Nummy Muffin Coocol Butter! - TV's Frank sings
Come back, and I'll tell you about dog tags, & dog roses & dogma!
Come back, kitty!  We've got skydiving lessons at 4!!
Come back, ya PANSIE!  I'll bite yer legs off!!!.
Come beloved, I'm hungry and the city awaits. - Claudia
Come closer a little closer ulp! Go away!
Come closer and tell me about it.
Come closer, closer, closest....
Come closer... a little closer... ulp! Go away!
Come closer...a little closer... GOTCHA NOW!
Come closera little closerulp! Go away!
Come explore your dreams creation, enter this world of imagination.
Come follow me the Savior said. Then let us in his foot steps tread.
Come forth Lazarus! And he came fifth and lost the job.
Come get you kicks, with Borg 6 of 6.
Come get your kicks, on Route 66
Come here! Let's cuddle up and see if I can make it feel any better!!
Come here....I could HURT you!
Come hold my hand. You know this journey could be long.
Come home Oedipus, all is forgiven. Mum.
Come home with your shield or on it- A Spartan Mother. [Jw]
Come if you can't, but if you can, please stay home.
Come in  Number 51,  Your Time  Is Up
Come in @N@, my fancy-pansy nancy boy!
Come in Joeline, my little orbiting Dove Bar - Dr. F
Come in Orville, you fancy, pantsy, nancy-boy!
Come in Orville, you free floating sewage leak!
Come in for a faith lift.
Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar, you're gonna go far,
Come in out of the darkness, let my light show you the way.
Come in, Beverly, and I'll show you a real Picard maneuver.
Come in, Orville, and I'll show you a real Picard maneuver.
Come in, and I'll show you a real Picard maneuver.
Come into my house, eat my bananas & mock me? - Tom
Come join the Warner brothers and the Warner sister Dot.
Come listen to a prophet's voice and hear the word of God.
Come meet the Warner Brothers and the Warner Sister Dot..
Come near me, while I sing the ancient ways. (Yeats)
Come not between a Nazgul and his prey or I'll huff and I'll puff :-)
Come not between the dragon and his wrath.
Come now, Doctor, we're all consenting adults. - Picard.
Come now.  He couldn't hit a barn at this dista... >THUMP!<
Come off! I'm sane now! - Homer, scrubbing his INSANE stamp off
Come on @LN@, we're not out of this yet!
Come on Bob, don't be afraid to party!
Come on Doc, time to be a hero. - Kira
Come on Honey..it doesn't hurt I promise !!!
Come on Illuminati.
Come on John, stop lurking about.
Come on John...get with the program :)
Come on Spock pull my finger. - Kirk
Come on Taxi, we're not out of this yet.
Come on and wreck my car - TMBG
Come on baby light my fire....--The Doors
Come on baby light my fire....--The Doors.
Come on do the circulation; Starts w/ your heart what a great sensation!
Come on folks, get a life! It's all just 1s & 0s!
Come on give Clinton credit for what he has done - DeWitt Clinton!
Come on guys ! You can *never* have enough Hulk cards !
Come on guys, do I have a Bea O'Problem here? - Moe
Come on in!:  by Doris Open
Come on in!: Doris Open
Come on over baby--whole lotta shakin' goin' on...!
Come on over for BBQ said Pooh as he eyed Piglet hungrily.
Come on over here, baby, I want to do a thing with you.
Come on put your hands togeater,Come on take a chance on Rock N Roll.
Come on! Make with the kitten! - Crow, impatiently
Come on! Not now. I'm too drunk.
Come on, #TN#, we're not out of this yet!
Come on, @F, let's watch fairies at the lake ...
Come on, @FN@, we're not out of this yet!
Come on, Doc, time to be a hero. - Kira
Come on, Doc.  Time to be a hero. -- Peri Brown AND Kira Nerys
Come on, Henry, there's a bottle dying to meet you. - Trapper
Come on, Illuminati.
Come on, Nick! You're 800 years old. What's an egg? -Natalie Lambert
Come on, Orville, we're not out of this yet!
Come on, Patty, get it together...
Come on, Spock pull my finger! -- Captain Kirk
Come on, Spock! Pull my finger! - Kirk.
Come on, admit it.  Sometimes you think I'm all right. - Han Solo
Come on, baby needs a new pair of shoes!
Come on, baby needs a new pair of taglines!
Come on, be original. Say yes. Everybody else says no. <Riggs>
Come on, big guy On your feet -- Geordi
Come on, don't be afraid to party!
Come on, guys....let's get creative! :)
Come on, in a first level dungeon? It has to be a gas spore.
Come on, let's go check it out. - Simba
Come on, one night at the theater won't kill you. -Mary Todd Lincoln
Come on, smile! Lemme see your two front teeth. - Louis
Come on, you guys! I don't kiss and tell! - Radar
Come on, you pansy! -- The Black Knight
Come on, you rotten pile of Gummi Bears! --Al Calavicci.
Come on.  Let's keep a little optimism here. - Han Solo
Come on. Link. Come back to me. - Ramirez
Come on. We didn't eat for 2 days. I'm hungry -- Geordi
Come on... Lead me into temptation... I'm really BORED!
Come onLead me into temptationI'm really BORED!
Come one, come all! Sue MicroSoft Anonymously! Limited time only!
Come out Autobot.  We all must die sometime. - Galvatron
Come out from among them, and be ye separate 2 COR 6:17
Come out with your pants down!     -Beavis
Come out, come out wherever you are.
Come outta there for a spanking! -- Opus' Mom
Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
Come ride with the kelpie; I'll steal your soul to the deep.
Come see New Jersey. Then LEAVE!
Come then! My log does not judge!
Come to Butt-Head...." - Butt-Head, to attractive women
Come to Ch*ch.  What is missing?
Come to Daddy!-Freddy Krueger
Come to Florida, we'll shoo, er, show you a good time!
Come to L.A. & We'll treat you like a KING! .......LAPD
Come to L.A. We'll treat you like a King.
Come to Totem City for a big fire sale - Tom
Come to Uncle Mongol - Mike leers as villain grabs girl
Come to Zion, come to Zion, For your coming Lord is nigh.
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
Come to my bed and let's practice parallel parking
Come to sunny Florida.  (Kelvar vest optional.)
Come to the war, often? - Tom leers to girl
Come up and see me sometime, big boy.<Mae West>
Come up and see me sometime.
Come up to the lab, and see what's on the slab.
Come up to us and we will show you a thing. - 1 Samuel 14:12
Come visit the land that toons built - Mickey's Toontown at Disneyland
Come vit me to ze terminal, we'll make boo-tea-fuel line noise togezer
Come waste a Knight with me!
Come, Arthurthere is evil afoot..!
Come, Check out the StoryBoard Conference!
Come, Doctor! It's as easy as pie! --The Master, 5 Doctors.
Come, Fenric.  Play the game of traps. -- The Doctor.
Come, Pinky, we're wasting time travel! - Brain
Come, Watson, come!  The game is afoot. -- Sherlock Holmes
Come, be a man: drown thyself!  drown cats and blind puppies.
Come, come now, don't be shy!
Come, for all the world lies hushed and fallen--Jim Morrison
Come. --Kosh.
Come. See the monster. Don't you ever miss it - Mike
Comedians DO IT for laughs.
Comedians do it for laughs.
Comedians do it standing up.
Comedy has to be truth. -- Caesar
Comedy is Not Pretty! --Steve Martin.
Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious. -- Ustinov
Comedy is the art of making people laugh without making them puke.
Comedy is the art of making people laugh without puking.
Comedy of YATIS, William Shakespeare
Comedy's fun when you know the secret. -- Joel Robinson
Coment peut-on avoir confiance en des gens du Parle Ment.
Comes in Regular, Nonfatal, and now NEW Fatal!
Comes with all you see here. Batteries not included.
Comet ASCII: - -- ---===>>>>>>>>>>>>*
Comet ASCII: - -- ---===<<<<<<<<<<<<*
Comfortable chair. -- Worf
Comfortable truth isn't. -- Jack Butler
Comfortable truth, isn't.
Comic Central  www.mnsinc.com/hyworth/comics/index.html
Comic Strip complaints, Mary Worth is 'a real bringdown'.
Comic Truth #1: Super powers require the wearing of gaudy costumes.
Comic Truth #2:  Exposure to deadly radiation = Super powers.
Comic book:  (n) the only place where men in tights are macho...
Comic vision often leads to serious solutions.
Comics and Investment are oxymorons.
Comics and Investment is an oxymoron.
Comics:  Not just for kids anymore because they can't afford 'em!
Comics:  They're not just for fat aging hippies anymore!
Comics: Not just for kids anymore because they can't afford 'em!
Comin' at ya from Down Under in Melbourne, Australia ....
Comin' in fast, I'm right here above you!
Coming January 1995:Star Trek Voyager
Coming Out should be a voluntary act of affirmation.
Coming SOON!  The Tao of Fax's Fault!  -=It just IS!=-
Coming SOON! The Tao of Fax's Fault! -=It just IS!=-
Coming SOON!!...The Sequel, JESUS CHRIST RETURNS!!!!!!!!
Coming SOON: Arachnophobia starring Little Miss Muffitt.
Coming SOON: Spaceballs II, The Quest for More Money.
Coming Soon  Star Trek: The Geritol Generation
Coming Soon - ANCESTRAL MEMORIES, Win Genie Pgm, with Photo support!
Coming Soon - DOOM III:  What The Hell?
Coming Soon - DOOM ]I[:  What The Hell?
Coming Soon ... Star Trek: The Geritol Generation
Coming Soon To A TV Near You: The 1994-95 National Hockey League Season!
Coming Soon To An Arena Near You: The 1994-95 NHL Season!
Coming Soon on MTV: Death metal unplugged
Coming Soon on NBC: "Hulk Hogan's Heroes"
Coming Soon to a Store Near You -- Darkwing Duckhead Jeans.
Coming Soon to a Theater of War Near You: Desert Storm II!
Coming Soon!  "I Can't Get No (Active Co-sys')" by the Rolling Sysops
Coming Soon!  "I Can't Get No (Active Co-sys')" by the Rolling Tiggers
Coming Soon! Daleks Vs. Borg - EXTERMINATE! / ASSIMILATE!
Coming Soon! Mouse support for Turbo Edlin.
Coming Soon!!  Mouse Support for Edlin!
Coming Soon!!  Mouse Support for Edlin!!
Coming Soon.  Mouse Support for Turbo Edlin!
Coming Soon. Mouse Support for Turbo Edlin!
Coming Soon... Turbo Edlin!
Coming Soon:  "Indiana @LN@ and the Tagline of Doom!"
Coming Soon: "My Dinner With Andre the Giant"
Coming Soon: "Robosmurf Meets the Care Bears of the Living Dead"
Coming Soon: "The Silence of the Teenage Mutant Dancing Wolves"
Coming Soon: Al Bundy and his Deadly Ninja Dirty Socks of Death
Coming Soon: America's Funniest Home GRASP Videos
Coming Soon: Artificial Stupidity.
Coming Soon: C-KO and Akane's Gourmet Sushi Bar!
Coming Soon: DesqView for Nintendo ! Play 2 in 1 !
Coming Soon: Dvorak's Guide to Offline Readers
Coming Soon: Howard the Duck Soup.
Coming Soon: Invasion Of The System Snatchers II.
Coming Soon: Microsoft EDLIN for Windows.
Coming Soon: Mouse Support for Edlin!
Coming Soon: Mouse Support for Rush Limbaugh!
Coming Soon: Mouse Support for Turbo Edlin!
Coming Soon: Netware for the Nintendo!
Coming Soon: Smurf McNuggets!
Coming Soon: Star Trek: The Geritol Generation
Coming Soon: The World Wide Web Jack Chick Archive!
Coming Up: French chef Jacques Cousteau's blackened whale recipe.
Coming alone, departing alone, both are delusions. <Ikkyu>
Coming around 'e gonna take my heartbeat
Coming around. Once more.
Coming at ya with the force of 10 billion butterfly sneezes!
Coming at you with the force of ten billion kitty sneezes.
Coming for Christmas... The Chia-Borg... Offer void where irrelevant.
Coming from Dallas, Texas. Home of the Dallas Cowboys!!
Coming in 1995:Star Trek Voyager
Coming next from Bill Clinton: Tagline taxes!
Coming next: Tagline Taxes
Coming out of Los Angel-ees - Mike sings
Coming real soon - mouse support for Edlin !
Coming soon - "Black Men Can't Play Hockey"
Coming soon - Edlin for Windows. Can you wait?
Coming soon - VAPORWARE III - It's a real gas!!
Coming soon 2 a BBS near you:"Night Of The Living Thread"
Coming soon for Mortal Kombat -- The Barney Extension!
Coming soon from Dr Soong: Mouse support for Data!!
Coming soon from Dr. Soong:  Mouse support for Data!
Coming soon from IBM: PowerPCjr.
Coming soon from LLewellyn Publications Tarot of the Ferret People
Coming soon from Marvel: The Barneyonder!
Coming soon from Micro$oft -- Edlin for Windows.
Coming soon from Microsoft Foods: Animal Hackers
Coming soon from Microsoft:  Mouse support for EDLIN!
Coming soon from Microsoft: EDLIN for Windows
Coming soon from Microsoft: Mouse support for EDLIN!!!!
Coming soon from Paramount - Star Trek: Deep Space 90210
Coming soon on CD-ROM: Gary Caplan's tagline collection!
Coming soon on CD-ROM: Jack Butler's tagline collection!
Coming soon on CD-Rom; Gary Caplan's Tagline collection! <= Uh, uh
Coming soon on CD:  "The Anvil Chorus," written by Peter Hastings
Coming soon on Heck Ramsey - Joel
Coming soon to BBC1:  Doctor Who:  The Next Regeneration.
Coming soon to Scout stores - "101 Ways to Prepare Powdered Eggs"
Coming soon to Scout stores - "Fun Ways to Catch Tent Leaks"
Coming soon to Scout stores - "How to Drive Your Scoutmaster Crazy"
Coming soon to UPN: Star Fleet Janitor-THE SERIES!!
Coming soon to a Robocomm near you!
Coming soon to a bookstore near you - "DIURETICS" by L. Run Hubbard
Coming soon to a calendar near you, Monday!
Coming soon to a computer near you ...
Coming soon to a computer near you.
Coming soon to a theatre near you. ST: The Hunt For Spots Socks!
Coming soon to a universe near you!
Coming soon to an arena near you: Half of the 94-95 Hockey season!
Coming soon to cable TV...The Tagline Channel.
Coming soon to your FidoNetmail box...
Coming soon!  Turbo Edlin for Windows.
Coming soon! City Slickers 3: Beating a Dead Horse.
Coming soon! Rick Borganis in - Honey, I Assimilated the Kids!
Coming soon! Rick Borganis starring in: Honey, I Assimilated the Kids.
Coming soon! Turbo Edlin for Windows.
Coming soon!!!   Edlin for Windows!!!
Coming soon, Rick Borganis starring in "Honey, I Assimilated the Kids
Coming soon, a sequel to Lemmings: Windows Users!
Coming soon- DOOM III: What the HELL?
Coming soon... Improvised Empires!  Register it!
Coming soon...It's night of the living thread.....ahhh!!!
Coming soon:  The All Trek Network! All Trek, all the time!
Coming soon:  Windows for Nintendo!
Coming soon: "Billy Carter: The Sequel" starring Roger Clinton.
Coming soon: EDLIN for Windows 3.1 and OS/2
Coming soon: EDLIN for Windows.
Coming soon: Jane's Book Of V.32bis Modems.
Coming soon: Mouse support for Turbo-EDLIN under Windows!
Coming soon: Netware for Nintendo
Coming soon: Netware for the Nintendo!
Coming soon: New Taglines!
Coming soon: New recipes!
Coming soon: Star Trek VII - The Quest For More Money.
Coming soon: The All Trek Network!  All Trek, all the time!
Coming soon: The Daleks vs. the Borg--EXTERMINATE! ASSIMILATE!
Coming soon: The Last Temptation of Schwarzenegger!
Coming soon: Windows 95 for the Nintendo!
Coming soon: Windows for Nintendo
Coming soon: dBASE 4.2 for the Commodore 64.
Coming soon: the rest of the Ninja Turtles viruses! :-)
Coming soonZ]WIN for Windows.
Coming this Spring Barney meets Beavis and Butthead.
Coming to BBC: Doctor Who-The Next Regeneration
Coming to Las Vegas in 1996-Star Trek:The Experience!!!
Coming to a TV near you soon, "Days of Our Modems."
Coming to a TV network soon, Days of Our Modems.
Coming to a TV soon"Days of our Modems".
Coming to a TV soon, "Days of Our Modems"
Coming to a bookstore near you:  "Women Who Run With Sheep." 
Coming to a diocese near you:  Quentin Tarantino's "PULP JOHN PAUL II"
Coming to the Sci-Fi Channel. The Life of @fn@ @ln@!
Coming to the Sci-Fi Channel. The Life of He .
Coming to the Sci-Fi Channel. The Life of J.t. Smith.
Coming to the Sci-Fi Channel. The Life of Lis Garbeil.
Coming to the Sci-Fi Channel. The Life of Orville Bullitt!
Coming to the Sci-Fi Channel. The Life of Orville Orville!
Coming to this tagline soon, a NEW HAM call sign
Coming to you frm my home!
Coming to you in 1996: The 1995 CFL schedule!!!!!
Coming to you through borderline insanity.
Coming to you via the Blue Wave.
Coming too soon's okay if you can do it 15 times
Coming up next on Nick At Night - Tom
Coming up next: Beavis's acapello rendering of "Ave Maria
Coming up nextSPEED READ for Windows!
Coming up on Dead Plot Curve - Crow on chase scene
Coming up on MTV... Beavis and Buttafuoco!
Coming up with original taglines is not easy!
Coming up:  Tim Allen and the Mighty Morphin' Power Tools!
Comit for Dos LITE doesn't come with Z Modem!!!!!!
Comma, Comma, Comma, Comma,     Comma, Quotation Mark...
Comma, Comma, Comma, Comma, Comma, Quotation Mark
Comma, comma, comma, comma, comma Caligula! - Crow T. Robot sings
Commance operation Vacu-Suck!
Command Interpreter Bad or Missing...
Command Not Understood. . . Now erasing Hard Drive
Command interpreter missing.  Insert system disk in C:
Command.com not found, Promote LtCmdr.com?
Command.com not found, promote LtCmdr.com (Y/N)?
Command.com not found.  Please sit there and wait.
Command.com not found. Promote Lt. Commandr.com? (y/n?)
Commander @LN@, arm all phasers and photon torpedos!
Commander @LN@, you have the bridge.
Commander Bullitt, it is time.
Commander Bullitt, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans.
Commander Data offers up prayers of thanks to Asimov before dreaming.
Commander Data, Microwave Oven. Is there a connection?
Commander Fido to the bridge! Arf Arf!
Commander Ho k and Cadet Stimpy to the rescue.
Commander Keen * With a pogo stick he jumped into history!
Commander Keen: Flies a problem?  Try a pogo stick!
Commander Orville ready to service.. er at your service, sir.
Commander Orville, it is time.
Commander Orville, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans.
Commander Riker will now conduct a MANUAL docking. - Picard
Commander Riker, will you show Ensign Hyde the airlock? <g>
Commander, I have a new postion for you - Ro[naked]
Commander, I think I got to go to the bathroom - Ivanova
Commander, I've had enough of you! - Ro
Commander, Yes? I think, I've got to go to the bathroom! --Ivanova.
Commander, can this be another me? - Data
Commander, have you any idea where that's been? Picard
Commander, how could you even think such a thought? - Sheridan
Commander, is there something you want to tell me? - Sheridan
Commander, there's a problem. --Ivanova.
Commander, you and I have shared something we will treasure forever.
Commander, you'd better take a look at this. --Ivanova.
Commander. This is a private matter. - Sheridan
Commander? There's a problem
Commander? There's a problem...
Commandment: Thou shalt not be closed minded.
Commando "I'm trying out my Madonna Starter Slut Kit." - Ronald-Ann
Commence operation: Vac-u-suck!
Commence primary ignition
Comment convertir son 486 en 286: C:\>WIN
Comment vous sentez-vous aujourdn'hui?
Comment, Mr Spock ? - We're in big trouble, Captain.
Comment, Mr Spock ? - We're in deep doo-doo, Captain.
Comment, Mr Spock? - We're in big trouble, Captain.
Commentator:  An average potato.
Commentator:  An average potato...
Comments are welcome as long as they are sent by NETMAIL.
Commercial Jets have a blackbox, so do most blondes.
Commercial casket models, The Slim Reaper.
Commercial radio, commercial radio, commercial r
Commercial sign in 5, 4, 3, 2Commercial sign now.
Commercial taglines will die, freeware is TOO strong.
Commercial we'll _never_ see:  "Got Filk?"
Commercialism is destroying the economy!  Send $29.95 for more info.
Commie and Bore are or president & vice president
Commie scat - Crow
Comming 04 August 1995!   Blue Wave versions 2.20!  Get in Line!
Comming soon - Edlin for Windows - Can you wait?
Comming soon to a mail box near you!!
Commit acts of random holiness and senseless piety.
Commit random acts of kindness and senseless beauty.
Commit random acts of kindness, & senseless acts of beauty!
Commit random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
Commit random kindnesses and senseless acts of beauty.
Commit suicide. A hundred thousand lemmings can't be wrong.
Commit the oldest sins the newest kind of ways.
Commit thyself to the battle at hand...
Commitment to Quality.
Commitment to excellence.
Committee (n): Life form with 6 or more legs and no brain
Committee - a group that keeps minutes and wastes hours
Committee and sense of humour are antonyms.
Committee to decrease the Schwarzschild Radius.
Committee-- a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours.
Committee--a group which keeps minutes and waste hours.
Committee:  A life-form with 6 or more legs and no brain.
Committee:  The unwilling, selected from the unfit, to do the unnecessary.
Committee:  a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
Committee: 12 people doing the work of one.
Committee: A body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
Committee: A body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
Committee: A group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
Committee: A group which keeps minutes and waste hours.
Committee: A life form with 6 or more legs and no brain. -- RAH
Committee: A life form with six or more legs and no brain
Committee: a body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
Committee: the only lifeform with 8 mouths and no brain.
Committee:Life form with six or more legs and no brain
Committees keep minutes and lose hours.
Committees take minutes and lose hours...
Committing suicide in Alabama is redundant
Committing suicide in Kansas is redundant
Committing suicide in Newark is redundant.
Commodities traders do it in the pits.
Commodore 128:  It's 3--3--3 computers in one!
Commodore 128:  We do QWK _and_ ANSI, too!  [QWKRR 4.3, Desterm 2.01]
Commodore 128:  We run C-64 and CP/M programs, too!
Commodore 128:  World's FIRST multi-platform computer!
Commodore 128: The VW beetle of the information highway.
Commodore 64 -- 8-bits are PLENTY!
Commodore 64 -- Demand the best, newest technology there is!
Commodore 64 -- More than 13 MILLION sold!
Commodore 64 -- World's BEST selling computer model, _EVER_!
Commodore 64 = 64 bit processing
Commodore 64 Tribble: Load"*",8
Commodore 64:  ANSI?  NO PROBLEM!  [Novaterm 9.5]
Commodore 64:  It keeps going...and going...and going...
Commodore 64:  The father of all .MODs!
Commodore 64:  We do QWK, too!  [QWKie 3.1!]
Commodore Business Machines, Inc. died for our sins.
Commodore will never die!
Commodore...Serving yesterday's needs Tomorrow!
Commodore:  We do MORE with _8_ bits than most computers do with _32_!
Commodore: The people who put RUN & STOP on the same key.
Commodore: text toaster.  Amiga: Video Toaster.
Commodore: text toaster.  Amiga: Video Toaster..
Commodores are to computing what Barney is to entertainment.
Common BBS talk:  FUWOTD - Fed up with off-topic discussion.
Common BBS talk: FREQ; File Request - available to sysops
Common BBS talk: TTUL; Talk to U later (lazy version).
Common Law Marriage?  Is that anything like a shotgun wedding?
Common Sense Isn't So Common
Common malady: Diarrhea of mouth + constipation of brain
Common politics: Holding an office of trust for profit.
Common problems & known bugs
Common sense ain't so common
Common sense is an oxymoron.
Common sense is in spite of, not a result of education.
Common sense is in spite of, not as a result of education. -- Hugo
Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius.
Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius. -- Josh Billings
Common sense is instinct.  Enough of it is genius.
Common sense is neither common nor sensible. Discuss.
Common sense is neither. 
Common sense is not so common. - Voltaire
Common sense is seeing things as they are and doing what's right.
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
Common sense is the least common of all senses.
Common sense is the most uncommon.
Common sense is the uncommonest sense of all...
Common sense is very uncommon.
Common sense is what tells you that the world is flat.
Common sense is what tells you the world is flat.
Common sense isn't common.
Common sense isn't really all that common.
Common sense isn't.
Common sense isn't...
Common sense tells you that the Earth is flat.
Common sense, unfortunately, isn't!
Common sense? Me? You should know me better than THAT!
Common to all battered women: Don't know when to shut up!
Common, Use the Random Taglie feature, I did!
Common_malady = Diarrhea_of_mouth + constipation_of_brai
Commoner's Second Law of Ecology:   Nothing ever goes away.
Communicate with Digicom Scout Plus Modems
Communication is for wimps! Real men beat sense into each other!
Communication is for wimps, real men beat up on each other.
Communication is for wimps.  Real men beat sense into each other!
Communication is for wimps.  Real men beat sense into each other.
Communication is good for you.
Communication is the Problem to the answer... 10cc
Communication.. without it, everyone's a mushroom.
Communication: The Universal Solvent.
Communications Engineers do it 'til it Hertz.
Communications failure.(A)rgue (R)etaliate (F)orget it.
Communism and the Borg.  What's the difference?
Communism is like a mouth on a lollipop
Communism is like one big phone company.
Communism is like prohibition, it's a good idea but it won't work.
Communism is the opiate of the intellectuals.
Communism will work when love, not greed, inspires it.
Communism will work when love, not greed, inspires it...so dream on!!
Communism, n.: The opiate of the intellectuals.
Communism: You have two cows-Government takes both, gives you the milk
Communism: You have two cows. Government takes both, gives you milk.
Communism: You have two cows. Government takes both, gives you the milk.
Communist (n.):  A person winning an argument with a Conservative.
Communist -< A Socialist in a hurry..
Communist cos I'm left-handed. That's the hand I use, well never mind.
Communists are gone, now FBI is burning all the communes!
Communists are now more legal in NYC than Kiev!
Communists do it with lies.
Communists do it without class.
Community property is equal rights without equal responsibilities
Community property is equal rights without equal responsibilities.
Community service for my glug glug, vroom vroom, thump thump. - Krusty
Comp Scis have bigger hard disks.
Comp_Addict: Where Conversation & Taglines meet to *stuff* your HD!!
CompanionDos revision 9.0: (S)cream, (F)aint, (R)un away, (N)itro
CompanionDos: (S)cream, (F)aint, (R)un away
CompanionDos: revision 9.0: (S)cream, (F)aint, (R)un away, (N)itro
Company Policy : Either you work hard, or look good in tight jeans.
Company Policy:  Either you work hard, or look good in tight jeans.
Company coming? House a mess? Display old Get Well cards.
Company policy!! - Tom as security guard
Company slogan:  The Mandatory Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Company's coming, Tom guessed. -Rambo & Youngquist
Compaq:  If they can't spell, how can their systems be any good?
Compared to @N@, Bill Clinton appears honest.
Compared to @N@, Billy Carter was classy.
Compared to @N@, Rush Limbaugh appears liberal.
Compared to @N@, Ted Kennedy appears conservative.
Compared to Kira, Hillary's a cookie-baking housewimp.
Compared to Rice Krispies, oatmeal is brain dead!
Compared to a chineese fortune cookie, a tag line is __________?
Compared to a tag line, a fortune cookie is a ___________?
Compassion -- that's the one thing no machine ever had.
Compassion is no substitute for justice.
Compassion: That's the one thing no machine ever had.- McCoy:<A>
Compatible                   [Blows up a little later than Incompatible]
Compatible perhaps, comparable?  NEVER!!!!!
Compatible:  Gracefully accepts erroneous data from any source.
Compatible: Blows up a little later than Incompatible
Compatible: Blows up a little later than Incompatible
Compatible: Gracefully accepts erroneous data from any so
Compatible: Gracefully accepts erroneous data from any source.
Competence always contains the seeds of incompetence.
Competition makes great programs!
Competitive edges are all around you. Are you on one?
Competitive: a guy who finishes first and third in a circle jerk.
Compile within BOXER, jump automatically to error lines!
Compile, run, curse ... Recompile, rerun, recurse
Compile, run, curse.  Recompile, rerun, recurse.
Compiled by:
Compiler error 0001: Stupid mistake!
Compiler writers optimize it, but they never get around to DOING it.
Compiling ... Linking ... Dialing Copyright Lawyer.
Compiling BARNEY.CPP - CTRL-BREAK to abort.
Compiling Linking Dialing Copyright Lawyer.
Compiling...Linking...Dialing Copyright Lawyer...
Complacency Kills...
Complacent, arrogant, inept: Congress or Modern Trek?
Complacent, arrogant, inept: Government or Modern Trek?
Complain to one who can help you.
Complaining and asking for help are evolutionary shifts for men
Complaining and asking for help are evolutionary shifts for men.
Complaint Box []. Your input is essential to the wellbeing of the Echo!
Complaint is the largest tribute heaven recieves.
Complaints are shareware - they must be registered!
Complaints of NYC cops, Commissioner too quick to call in Batman.
Complaints of NYC cops, Winter uniforms "too dowdy".
Complaints?  Write them here - legibly -> [] <-
Complaints?  Write them here legibly []
Complaints?  Write them here legibly [] <-
Complaints? Dial 1-900-CRY-BABY. ($349/min)
Complaints? Write them here legibly [] <-
Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation. - St. Augustine
Complete strangers can know who my birthmother is, but I can't???
Completely uncontaminated by cheese.
Complex problems have easy to understand wrong answers.
Complex problems have simple easy to understand wrong answers.
Complex problems have simple, wrong answers.
Complex problems often have simple, easy to understand wrong answers.
Complex variables are fun until someone loses an i.
Complexity isn't the answer - it's the problem.
Complexity isn't the answer-it's the problem!
Complexity of a Mac user:- The number of buttons on the mouse
Compliment three people every day.
Compliments cost nothing, yet many pay dear for them.
Compliments of the Itty Bitty Machine Company.
Components that must not and cannot be assembled improperly will be.
Composed by exceptionally well organized line noise.
Composers DO IT with a quill and a staff.
Compost!  A rind is a terrible thing to waste!
Composting..because a rind is a terrible thing to waste.
Compound Meter:  A place to park your car that requires two dimes.
Comprehend -- sprout a brain cell.
Comprendo, flybait? - Aahz
Compress your data - take all the 1's out!
Compress your gum.  Chew PK Zip
Compressed DATA!!!  QWK..PKUNZIP him!!!! * Picard
Compromise: The fine art of making sure that nobody gets
Compromise: making sure that nobody gets what they really want.
CompuCrumb SPUDModem Detected; System hanging up now...
CompuFreud: Sometimes an Esc key is only an Esc key.
CompuSEX (n): the process by which software becomes hardware......
CompuServInformation Toll Road
CompuServe: A toll road on the information superhighway
Compulsive lying aside, I don't have a single fault.
Compulsives do it compulsively.
Compuserve: $12.80/hr, $307/dy, $2150/wk, $111,820/yr...
Computational Physicist and all around nice guy.
Computations which yield 0 are probably all for naught.
Compute Safe! Use McAfee!
Computer (com-pyoo-ter) n.-Incredibly fast idiot!
Computer (n.): A device designed to speed up and automate errors.
Computer - A device designed to speed and automate errors.
Computer - blondes and jazz seldom go together. - Riker
Computer - vehicles for the mind; they'll drive you crazy
Computer ... you and I need to have a little talk.
Computer 10, Housework 2.
Computer = Computer tags
Computer A B C's...Abort\Backup\Crash.
Computer Chat on Vision Cable Ch24 - Weds 7:35pm
Computer Engineers do it bit by bit.
Computer Evolution
Computer Excuse taglines: Forgot my password. ---
Computer Game Software Inside (Body Bags Not Included)
Computer Geek Modem Romance - On Oprah!!!
Computer Genealogy: working out where your computer came from.
Computer Guru to the Center for Advanced Cat Juggling.
Computer Guru... Baba Ram Dos.
Computer Hacker Wanted.   Must have own axe.
Computer Hacker Wanted. Must have own axe.
Computer Hacker:   Have axe.  Will travel.
Computer Lie #1 - You'll never need all that disk space.
Computer Lie #1:  You'll never use all that disk space.
Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space.
Computer Lies #7: WordStar? Nobody uses THAT anymore.
Computer Make Very Fast, Very Accurate Mistakes.
Computer Make Very Fast, Very Accurate Mistakes..
Computer Malfunction . . . Nut Loose In Operator's Chair!
Computer Malfunction...Nut Loose In Operator's Chair...
Computer Malfunction:  Nut Loose In Operator's Brain
Computer Marketing & Consults - Stay Clear!
Computer Marketing & Consults--Stay Clear!!
Computer Memories:  by  Meg Abight(7)
Computer Memories: Meg Abight
Computer Memories: Meg Abight(7)
Computer Operators DO IT with hard Disks.
Computer Programers.. Yup we have all the money and all the fun :)
Computer Rule #1: That missing screw is on the Motherboard..somewhere!
Computer Russian Roulette:  Windows 3.1
Computer SEX - where software becomes hardware.
Computer Salesperson's #1 Lie:  You'll never use all that disk space.
Computer Science -- solving today's problems tomorrow.
Computer Science is embarrassed by the computer.
Computer Science is merely the post-Turing decline in formal systems theory.
Computer Science is to Science as Accounting is to Counting
Computer Science:  solving today's problems tomorrow.
Computer Science: Solving today's problem tomorrow.
Computer Science: solving today's problems tomorrow.
Computer Science? Army Intelligence?
Computer Self Destruct in 2 mins...press any key to continue...
Computer Song...M-I-C-K-E-Y   A-M-I-G-A
Computer User Group - Nerd Heard
Computer actors will never be great; they only get bit parts!
Computer air conditioner in use! Please close Windows.
Computer analysis of the tape indicates that it really is Rob Lowe.
Computer and car salesmen differ in that the latter know when they are lying.
Computer artist dies:  .GIF at eleven!!
Computer burn out
Computer cats prefur IBMs, Macs don't work with a dead mouse.
Computer cleaning tool: at c:> type del c:\*.* [y], do same at d:>
Computer come on line: 'Hey Baby, #########'<--Crude, very crude ;-)
Computer dating sucks.  I'm switching back to women.
Computer dating:  I just met this lovely 486 with 36Meg RAM & a 2Gig HD!
Computer does what you tell it -vs- Woman often asks "why" or says "no"
Computer engineers DO IT with minimum delay.
Computer freak number 9,999
Computer furniture is uncomfortable and looks lousy around the house.
Computer game players just can't stop.
Computer games are turning our children into brainless walking zombies.
Computer geek question #4) Is your computer your best friend?
Computer geek test question #1) What's better, sex or computers?
Computer geek test question #2) Do you mock people who don't get WaReZ
Computer hacker wanted.  Bring your own axe.
Computer hacker wanted.  Must have own axe.
Computer hackers DO IT all night long.
Computer hackers do it all night long.
Computer hacking is a Federal offense punishable by fine/imprisonment!
Computer illiteracy?  You mean my computer's supposed to READ?
Computer illiterate and DAMN PROUD OF IT!
Computer junkies live for upgrades.
Computer lie #1:  You'll never use all that hard drive space.
Computer lie #1: You'll never use all that hard drive space.
Computer lie #1: You'll never use all that harddrive spac
Computer lie #1: You'll never use all that harddrive space.
Computer literacy?  You mean my computer's supposed to READ?
Computer literacy? You mean my computer's supposed to READ?
Computer malfunction; ther's a nut loose in the operator's chair.
Computer missing, notify SysOp!
Computer modelers simulate it first.
Computer models of computer conferences.
Computer myth: You'll never use all that disk space...
Computer myth: You'll never use all that memory...
Computer nerds just simulate it.
Computer not a virgin - no himem found
Computer not found (A)bort (R)etry (C)all the Cops
Computer not found! Please notify recipe!
Computer not found! Please notify tagline!
Computer not found.. (A)bort (R)etry (F)^&K IT!
Computer not found: (W)atch TV, (G)oto bed, (I)gnore?
Computer not responding to boot?  Try flattery instead.
Computer operators KNOW how to operate!
Computer operators do it from memory.
Computer operators do it upon mounted requests.
Computer operators do it with hard drives.
Computer operators get the most out of their software.
Computer operators peek before they poke.
Computer porno ring busted.  GIFs at eleven.
Computer posessed...load EXOR.SYS?
Computer posessed?  Try EXOR.SYS
Computer possessed.  Load EXOR.SYS?  (Y/N)
Computer possessed?  Add DEVICE=EXOR.SYS to your CONFIG.
Computer possessed?  Try EXOR.SYS!
Computer possessed?  Try EXOR.SYS!.
Computer possessed? Try DEVICE=C:\EXOR.SYS
Computer possessed? Try Exor.sys!
Computer possessed??    Use Device=Exor.sys
Computer programmers DO IT logically.
Computer programmers do it byte by byte
Computer programmers do it byte by byte.
Computer programmers do it interactively.
Computer programmers do it logically.
Computer programmers do it one byte at a time.
Computer programmers don't byte, they just nybble at bits.
Computer programmers don't byte, they nybble a bit.
Computer programmers know how to use their hardware.
Computer programmers never die, they compile
Computer programmers never die, they compile.
Computer programmers never die, they decompile.
Computer programmers never die, they just get lost in the processing.
Computer programmers never die. They just log off.
Computer programmers wanted - Some assembly required.
Computer programs never die, they just get lost in the processing.
Computer protected by a PIT BULL with AIDS!
Computer protected by attack gnomes.
Computer related taglines
Computer reports:  SNAFU - Situation Normal, All Fouled Up.
Computer scare of '94--subliminal recipes.
Computer scare of '94--subliminal taglines.
Computer scientists DO IT bit by bit.
Computer scientists do it bit by bit.
Computer scientists do it by bit.
Computer scientists do it on command.
Computer scientists simulate doing it.
Computer senility. Such a weird condition. <Lister>
Computer simulations have imaginary mass.
Computer song..."M-I-C-K-E-Y   A-P-P-L-E".
Computer song..."M-I-C-K-E-Y   M-S-D-O-S".
Computer spelled MOST ways is AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!
Computer tag...You're it...
Computer type? > C=64   Modem speed? > 300 baud  --NO CARRIER
Computer users can't see the light at the end of the Carpal Tunnel.
Computer users do it if the adapter will fit.
Computer users do it with occasional power surges.
Computer users do it, but it takes a good boot to get it going!
Computer users know all the keys!
Computer users suffer from TERMINAL ILLNESS!
Computer users take more strokes.
Computer virus: Electronic Microorganism.
Computer virus?  No, just a stuffed up node.
Computer widow seeks companion - non-programmer!
Computer widow:  Family goes broke watching Dad have fun.
Computer widow: Family goes broke watching Dad have fun.
Computer work...Putting your mouse to the grindstone.
Computer!  Level two. -- Worf
Computer! End Clinton administration holodeck program.
Computer! End program! *PARKING HARD DRIVE*&<# NO CARRIER
Computer! Run Troi/Whipped Cream on Holodeck #1
Computer! Some girlie mags and a box of tissues - Wesley
Computer! Tagline, Fidonet, funny.
Computer!! Override self-destruct sequ @#^ NO CARRIER
Computer's on 3 revolt, 1.. 2.. quick <reboot>!
Computer, End ST:TNG Cancellation program NOW !
Computer, Post group: RedNeck (I:\TAGLINES\GROUPS\REDNeck.txt)
Computer, Run HoloDeck Simulation "Picard 1 : Dr. Crusher in shower"
Computer, Search For: MAFIA
Computer, Search For: Rule
Computer, Search For: Strange
Computer, Search for: COFFEE
Computer, Send C:\BWAVE\GROUPS\SYSOp.txt
Computer, Stop Holodeck's Clinton Simulation Program!!!!!
Computer, Tea, Earl Bullitt, hot.
Computer, Tea, Earl Gray, Hot, in a Cup this time.
Computer, Tea, Earl Orville, hot.
Computer, a little box that goes zzzzzzt!
Computer, coffee, hot. In a cup this time! --Janeway
Computer, delete @FN@'s personnel file - along with @FN@, too.
Computer, delete Orville's personnel file - along with Orville, too.
Computer, delete Paris! - Doc Zimmerman
Computer, delete Scott's personnel file, along with Scott, too.
Computer, delete WESLEY.EXE - Entire Enterprise crew
Computer, end holodeck BBS program!
Computer, end message.
Computer, end program!                            vdc>#1U~* NO CARRIER
Computer, end program. - Barklay
Computer, end program. -- Barclay
Computer, end program. -sysop
Computer, end program. Computer.. NOW! - Worf
Computer, execute my original command. - Troi
Computer, how aboutBrahms? -- Geordi
Computer, increase temperature by five degrees. - Troi
Computer, load program 9 -- Execute
Computer, microwave decks 5 - 10 until piping hot.  BEEP!
Computer, microwave decks 5-10 until piping hot.  BEEP!
Computer, open this hatch or I'll take an axe to your memory banks.
Computer, open this hatch or I'll take an axe to your memory.
Computer, override self-des%*^$^%&%$#*&$#   NO CARRIER
Computer, remove platform! - Riker
Computer, run Barclay Program 9 with Crusher and Troi.
Computer, run Barclay Program 9 with Kira and Troi
Computer, run Debbie does Enterprise on Holodeck 4 :)
Computer, run Holodeck program "Shower-2A" with Beverly and Deanna.
Computer, run holodeck program:  "Debbie Does Enterprise".
Computer, run holoprogram "Shower 2A" with Beverly and Deanna.
Computer, run holoprogram 'Shower2A' with B'Elanna Torres.
Computer, run holosuite program "Swimming Pool 4B" with Constable Odo.
Computer, run holosuite program 'Shower2A' with Julian Bashir.
Computer, set "[Neelix = /dev/null]". -Tuvok
Computer, shut this bloody thing off! -- Mr. Scott
Computer, shut this bloody thing off! -- Scotty
Computer, some girlie mags and a box of tissues. -- Wesley
Computer, state the nature of the universe.
Computer, terminate and erase program "Barney and Friends".
Computer, this is me! Whadaya mean unrecognized operator?
Computer, turn off holographic email program and save.
Computer, you and I need to have a little talk!"  -- Chief O'Brien DS9
Computer, you and I need to have a little talk.
Computer,load program 9 -- Execute
Computer-using goalies use unpucking programs.
Computer. Initiate transport sequence delta on my mark. Mark. :)
Computer.. do you have any Grey Poupon? - Picard
Computer... Smoke... Uhh Ohh
Computer... you and I need to have a little talk.
Computer:  (n) see Aggravation Stimulation Device.
Computer:  A device designed to drive human beings crazy.
Computer:  Device designed to drive human beings insane.
Computer:  Tea, earl gray, hot.  In a cup this time!"
Computer: "Not found `Tea,_Earl_Grey,_Hot.'"
Computer: "Warning: explosive decompression in Wayne's brain."
Computer: A box on your desk into which you throw money!
Computer: A device designed to automate and speed up errors.
Computer: A device designed to speed and automate errors.
Computer: A hole in the air on your desk into which you pour money
Computer: A large wastebasket with sub-waste-baskets.
Computer: Device designed to drive human beings insane.
Computer: Everything Murphy wanted and more.
Computer: Finished with Fidonet program on HoliDeck B!
Computer: How do you feel? [*] Spock: I do not understand the question.
Computer: Run TROI in I AM DEATH INCARNATE mode.* Barclay
Computer: Something to throw Windows out of, when sane.
Computer: a device designed to drive human beings insane.
Computer: a device for generating mistakes at high speed.
Computer: a million morons working at the speed of light.
Computer: an accountant with a personality.
Computer?  FORWARD!    Good Girl!
ComputerSmokeUhh Ohh
Computers -vs- women:  Computers crash if they get too hot.
Computers -vs- women:  Computers crash when they get wet; women don't.
Computers -vs- women:  Computers don't mind being used by strangers.
Computers -vs- women:  Computers don't whine (unless they're broken).
Computers -vs- women:  Even geeks can get computers (likewise many have)
Computers -vs- women:  Women have a better sense of humor than computers
Computers -vs- women:  Women like to cuddle; computers can't.
Computers -vs- women:  You can have more than 2 computers without guilt.
Computers -vs- women: When computer starts having fits it can turned off
Computers -vs- women: When computers get old you can replace them easily
Computers ARE the future. Oh the future looks grim!
Computers All Wait at the Same Speed!
Computers Are Vehicles For The Mind They'll Drive You Crazy!
Computers DO IT in ASCII, except IBM's which use EBCDIC.
Computers ELIMINATE spare time!!
Computers Make Very Fast, Very Precise Mistakes...
Computers Rule 01001111 01001011
Computers Rule 01001111 01001011.
Computers Unite!  You have nothing to lose but your opera
Computers Unite!  You have nothing to lose but your operators!
Computers all wait at the same speed.
Computers also eliminate spare time
Computers also eliminate spare time.
Computers and Fandom - There's got to be cheaper hobbies!!
Computers and fandom...there *must* be cheaper hobbies!
Computers and women both hate men.
Computers and women have nothing to do with sex.
Computers and women outlive their usefulness in six months.
Computers are Bisexual.  They'll go down on anybody.
Computers are Great, But Frustrating.
Computers are NOT intelligent!  They only think they are.
Computers are OK except when you use them as bowling balls.
Computers are OUR business, our ONLY business
Computers are Saving Man??? Does not Compute
Computers are a more fun way to do the same work you'd have to do without them.
Computers are gre..............
Computers are irrelevant- Windows has been assimilated.
Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and
Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.
Computers are like sex, it's all based on I/O
Computers are like women. Both are into commands!
Computers are not intelligent.  They only think they are.
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
Computers are only human.
Computers are the #1 cause of divorces.  <================There!
Computers are too precise for human use.
Computers are tools, but AMIGAS are finely tuned instruments!
Computers are tools, but the Amiga is a fine instrument.
Computers are tools, but the Amiga is an instrument.
Computers are tools, not complete solutions!
Computers are unreliable, but humans are even more so
Computers are unreliable, but humans are even more unreliable.
Computers are unreliable, but humans are even more unreliable.  - Gilb
Computers are unreliable, but humans are more unreliable.
Computers are useless, they only give answers.
Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.  - Pablo Picasso
Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.  -- Pablo Picasso
Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers. -- Pablo Picasso
Computers are useless. All they can give you is answers. -P.Picasso
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. - Pablo Picasso
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.<P Picasso>
Computers are useless... they can only give answers.
Computers are useless; they can only give answers.
Computers aren't aware, they just think they are
Computers aren't intelligent. They only think they are.
Computers byte and run.
Computers can NEVER top human stupidity.
Computers can do that?! - Homer
Computers can never replace human stupidity.
Computers can really screw things up if programmed incorrectly!
Computers can't cook omelettes, even if asked
Computers delete spare time.
Computers do it in ASCII, except IBM's which use EBCDIC.
Computers do what you TELL them to do, not what you WANT them to do!
Computers don't drink: it's against their bar code.
Computers don't get mad... they get even! [FILE NOT FOUND]
Computers don't get mad...they get even! [FILE NOT FOUND]
Computers don't make mistakes, but foolish people do.
Computers don't mind being used by strangers.
Computers eliminate spare time!
Computers for the mentally wounded.
Computers get cheaper every year; women get more expensive.
Computers have no sense of humor.
Computers just make me seem smarter!
Computers love TVRO too! Feed yours SKYLINK!
Computers make as many mistakes in 2 seconds as 20 men working 20 years.
Computers make excellent and efficient servants. -- Spock
Computers make excellent and efficient servants...
Computers make very fast, accurate mistakes.
Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes
Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes, except Pentiums
Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.
Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakjes..
Computers must run on smoke; they stop when it leaks out.
Computers never crash, though they occasionally explode for no reason.
Computers operators do it from memory.
Computers run on faith, not electrons.
Computers run on smoke - it if leaks out, they stop running
Computers run on smoke.  If any leaks out they wont work.
Computers run on smoke.  If it leaks out it won't work
Computers run on smoke.  They stop when it leaks out.
Computers run on smoke. If it leaks out it won't work.
Computers run on smoke. They don't work when it leaks out.
Computers run on smoke. They stop when it leaks out.
Computers run on smoke...if it leaks out, they stop running.
Computers run on smoke.They don't work when it leaks out
Computers run on smoke.They don't work when it leaks out.
Computers should be like air conditioned building, don't open Windows.
Computers talk to each other worse than their designers do.
Computers the only way to deal with family files.
Computers were invented by Murphy.
Computers were invented for people with bad handwriting.
Computers will become self-aware entities if struck by lightning.
Computers will never replace human stupidity.
Computers won't tell other computers/people how stupid you are.
Computers' 3 R's...Reboot - Run- Reset \ Reboot - Run - Reset \ Reboot - Run
Computers, blondes and jazz seldom go together. - Riker
Computers, vehicles for the mind: They'll drive you crazy.
Computers...  are not designed, as we are, for ambiguity.  - Thomas
Computers... the best things since Teddy Bears.  cc
Computers.....the #1 cause of divorces......
Computers:  the financial black hole of the 90's
Computers: Efficient libraries, now where is that DIR.
Computeryou and I need to have a little talk.
Computing is a terminal condition.
Computing is a terminal disease.....
Computing is one of the terminal diseases.
Computing power increases as the square of the cost.
Computious Say Ain't Life A Byte.
Computor chips, potato chip what is the difference?
Comrades Rather, Brokaw and Jennings know the best for us
Comrades! We sail into history! --Marko Ramius, Captain, Red October
Comrades! We shail into hishtory! --Bad Connery Imitation
Con Farr: Vulcan sex at a gathering of Star Trek fans.
Con of the living dead.
Con: the opposite of pro.  Congress: the opposite of progress.
ConEd - made in the U.S.A
ConFluence95 - This year we go to Mars!
Conan O'Brien's eyes enlarged:  ..
Conan O'brien - Tom on geeky guy
Conan the Librarian .....
Conan the Librarian....."Yo book iz ovadue!"
Conan!  Watch out for  the quick sand! @$T$@]  NO WARRIOR
Conan! Watch out for that Cliff!  &#*%#$ NO WARRIOR
Conan! watch out for the quicksa******** NO WARRIOR
Conan, Weilder of Brainbiter
Conan, the Cereal: "An adventure in every box, by Crom!"
Conceit causes more conversation than wit. -- LaRouchefoucauld
Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works. --Shakespeare.
Conceit is God's gift to little men.
Conceit is a pain killer for stupidity.....
Conceit is the finest armour a man can wear.
Conceit may puff a man up but never prop him up.
Conceit:  Believing this tagline is about you.
Conceited self-interest doesn't impress me. George Carlin
ConcentraaAAAAAATE! Yoda.
Concentrate all fire on that shoe.
Concentrate on security.
Conceptual programmer:  One who writes code for the 80686.
Concern for others brings unexpected rewards.
Concerning Chinese tobacco:  Many men smoke, but Fu Manchu.
Conclusion - the place where you got tired of thinking
Conclusion:  Where somebody got tired of thinking.
Conclusion: The point when you get tired of thinking.
Conclusion: the place  where you got tired of thinking
Conclusion: the place where you got tired of thinking.
Conclusions Mr. Data?-It appears to be a tagline.
Concocted by GarRobMil@aol.com
Concrete engine
Concrete minds...stirred up..full of rocks...and permantly set!
Concrete...Play-Dough for Architects.
Concussion:  A prisoner's sofa pillow.
Condense soup not books.
Condense soup, not books!
Condensed Gone with the Wind: Departed with the Breeze.
Condescend:  What happens when a convict climbs out a window.
Condescending.   A greek parachutist.
Condiment man!  Get your condiments! -- Tom Servo
Condition Critical, I'm feeling Physical, Condition Critical.
Condition Critical, not really cynical, Condition Critical.
Condition Red ! Condition Red ! Just Kidding{Booom !!!}
Condition grounded but determined to try
Condogminium - A fancy doghouse.
Condom - an apartment complex.
Condom - external storage
Condom - external storage capability.
Condom - external storage.
Condom Firm Stretches Product Line - film at 11
Condom in every pocket = Chicken in every pot?? N O P E!
Condom machine graffiti:"This gum tastes funny!"
Condom poster child for 1994.
Condom:  Apartment complex.
Condominium: An apartment complex for small men.
Condominiums are not an effective birth control.
Condominiums are not effective birth control.
Condomise before you part the thighs.
Condoms and Kodak: Both capture your special moment.
Condoms are gene pool lifeguards
Condoms do not protect against AIDS. - LIMBAUGH; TWIOtB; p. 135
Condoms don't fit me. Thank God for garbage bags!
Condoms: a liberal's excuse for irresponsibility.
Condoning sloppy spelling is guache.
Conductors DO IT rhythmically.
Conductors DO IT with the orchestras.
Conductors do it rhythmically.
Conductors do it using their long baton.
Conductors do it with a stick.
Coney Island:  Where the surf is one third water and two thirds people
Confabulation is all in @FN@'s mind.
Confabulation is all in Orville's mind.
Confection is good for the soul.
Confectioners DO IT sweetly.
Confectioners do it sweetly.
Conference .AND. Subject changed ... lookie, Dan!!
Conference Co-Host:Traffic Cop on the Info Highway
Conference Host - Story
Conference Host Impersonators Conference Host
Conference Host, Running & Being
Conference Host: RIME Monty Python conference
Conference Jester: See Richard Hsiung...
Conference Liaison
Conference Management is like trying to herd cats.
Conference Moderating is like trying to herd cats.
Conference Rules:  NO ANSI/Music (gasp!).
Conference Rules: NO 99 line Messages.
Conference Rules: NO ANSI/Music (gasp!).
Conference Rules: NO Ascii < 32.
Conference Rules: NO BBS Ads.
Conference Rules: NO Bashing.
Conference Rules: NO CAPITAL LETTERS.
Conference Rules: NO Chit Chatting.
Conference Rules: NO Cute Graphics.
Conference Rules: NO Encrypted Taglines.
Conference Rules: NO Excessive Quoting.
Conference Rules: NO Fancy Signatures.
Conference Rules: NO Flaming.
Conference Rules: NO Foreign Languages.
Conference Rules: NO Indenting.
Conference Rules: NO Italics
Conference Rules: NO Justified Right Margin.
Conference Rules: NO Laughing.
Conference Rules: NO Name Calling.
Conference Rules: NO Offensive Jokes.
Conference Rules: NO One Liners.
Conference Rules: NO Phreaking or Phracking.
Conference Rules: NO Private Messages.
Conference Rules: NO Regular Taglines.
Conference Rules: NO Spelling Errors.
Conference Rules: NO Taglines Period!
Conference Rules: NO Talking.
Conference Rules: NO Time/Date stamping. July, 26
Conference Rules: NO Underlining.
Conference Rules: NO Variables. @SUBJECT@
Conference Rules: YES Neatness Counts.
Conference Rules: no small letters.
Conference call was invented for teenagers, less work pushing button.
Conference moderation subcontracted to Chtulhu Inc.
Conference moderation subcontracted to Cthulhu Inc.
Conference on Schizophrenia. I've half a mind to attend
Conference. ... No, not a *file*; the CONFERENCE! <BEG>):
Conference:  A meeting of the bored.
Conferences come and go, but recipes hang on forever!
Conferences come and go, but taglines hang on forever!
Conferences were damned near *dead*. All it took to get things movin'
Confess is good for the soul, but bad for your career.
Confess my sins to God?  Which one?
Confession is good 4 the soul, but bad 4 the reputation.
Confession is good for the soul, but bad for the career.
Confession is good for the soul, but bad for the reputation.
Confession is good for the soul, but bad for your career.
Confession not found!! (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)omfy Chair?
Confessions Of A Gold Digger: Emile Ticket
Confessions are often windows to the soul.-ML
Confide in Connie Chung:  she won't tell ANYone your secret.
Confidence is important; the computer can sense fear.
Confidence is telling someone how to use his Twit Filter.
Confidence is telling someone how to use the twit filter
Confidence is the feeling you had before you knew better
Confidence is the feeling you had before you knew better.
Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation
Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.
Confidence occurs when you are ignorant of the facts.
Confidence, the feeling you had before you knew the problem.
Confidence, the feeling you had before you new the problem.
Confidence:  Feeling you had before you knew better.
Confidence:  The feeling you had before you knew any better.
Confidence: Feeling You get Before You Fully Understand The Problem.
Confidence: The feeling you had before you understood the problem.
Confident manner IS important: Computers can sense this!
Confidential Tagline   Authorized Personnel Only
Confidential recipe   Authorized Personnel Only
Configuration is irrelevant. - Borg Sysop.
Configuration is irrelevant. --Borg Sysop.
Configure it if you configure it out.
Confine Ensign @tl@ to the brig.
Confirm me if I'm wrong!
Confirmation of the past is often the greatest surprise.
Confirmed Message Junkie, First Class
Confirmed Message Junkie, Third Class
Confirmed bachelor: One who's footloose and fantasy free.
Confiscate and bebother these dwarves!
Conform!  Conform!  Conform! -- Joel Robinson
Conform, Go Crazy or become a Programmer (hackerbelle)
Conform, Go Crazy or become a Programmer.
Conform, go crazy, become a lawyer
Conform, go crazy, or become a lawyer.
Conform, go crazy, or become a writer
Conform, go crazy, or become an artist
Conform, go crazy, or become an artist.
Conform, go crazy, or write lots of silly recipes!
Conform, go crazy, or write lots of silly taglines!
Conformity constipates creativity!
Conformity exists for those who get in the way...
Conformity obstructs progress.
Confound these ancestors.They've stolen our best ideas! - Ben Jonson
Confounded by puzzlement, I mull my twisted fate.
Confront reality -- Not drugs.
Confucianism - Confucius say, "**** Happens."
Confucianism = Confucius say, "Sh!t happens."
Confucianism Confuciuc say, "S*** happens
Confucianism:  Confucius say "Shit Happens"
Confucianism:  Confucius say, sh*t happens.
Confucianism: (def) Confucious say, "S**t happens."
Confucianism: (def) Confucius say, S**t happens.
Confucianism: Confucius say Shit Happens.
Confucianism: Confucius say, **** Happens.
Confucianism: Confucius say, sh*t happens.
Confucianism: Confucius say: shit happens
Confucious Say: "He who snorts Coke gets ice-cubes up his
Confucious Say: A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose.
Confucious Say: Baseball all wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk.
Confucious Say: Boilin water is very hot.
Confucious Say: Boiling water is very hot!
Confucious Say: Man Who Throw Grenade in TNT Factory Is Crispy Idiot
Confucious Say: Man who Farts in Church sits in own pew.
Confucious Say: Man who put foot in mouth get athlete's tounge.
Confucious Say: Man who stand on toilet is high on Pot.
Confucious Say: People who have gift for gab don't know h
Confucious Say: Rook before you reap!
Confucious not know what to say!
Confucious said: Those who quote me are fools.
Confucious say man with forked tounge not need chop sticks.
Confucious say nothing - Because he's dead!
Confucious say too damn much!
Confucious say woman lousy flier, have crack-up anyway!
Confucious say, man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Confucious say, woman with cold hands have fire under skirt.
Confucious say.."man who read woman like book, prefer braille!"
Confucious say...man who live in glass house shower in basement.
Confucious say:  "Do unto others what you think is funny."
Confucious say:  Man who live in glass house shower in basement.
Confucious say:  Man who put face in punchbowl get punch in nose.
Confucious say:  Man who put foot in mouth get athlete's tongue.
Confucious say:  Man who smoke pot choke on handle.
Confucious say:  he with no taglines is deprived
Confucious say: "People who quote me are fools!"
Confucious say: "Stop quoting me!"
Confucious say: 'Is stuffy inside tagline.'
Confucious say: Baseball all wrong.  Man with 4 balls cannot walk.
Confucious say: Baseball wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk.
Confucious say: Bird in hand make it hard to blow nose!
Confucious say: Do unto others what you think is funny.
Confucious say: Find old man in dark, not hard!
Confucious say: Girl who fly upside down have crack up.
Confucious say: He who dies with the most Taglines, wins.
Confucious say: He who puts face in punch bowl get punch in nose.
Confucious say: I didn't say that!
Confucious say: Is much better to be pissed off than pissed on !
Confucious say: Man should never straddle barbed wire fences.
Confucious say: Man who fart in church sits in his own pue.
Confucious say: Man who kisses girl behind, gets crack in face.
Confucious say: Man who meows ate pussy!
Confucious say: Man who pushes piano down mineshaft get A flat miner.
Confucious say: Man who sit on crack get point.
Confucious say: Man who smoke pot choke on handle.
Confucious say: Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Confucious say: Man with no legs bums around.
Confucious say: Many with hole in pocket feel cocky all day.
Confucious say: Put Rooster in Freezer Get A Stiff Cock.
Confucious say: Those who quote me are fools.
Confucious say: Woman who fly upside-down have crack up.
Confucious say: Woman who step in it often say it. 
Confucious say: keeping it in family sure sound incestuous.
Confucious say: when lady say maybe, she mean yes
Confucious say: when lady say no, she mean maybe
Confucious say: when lady say yes, she no lady
Confucious say:Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day
Confucious say:Woman who fly upside down, is all crack up
Confucious says man with no legs bums around.
Confucious...man who live in glass house shower in basement
Confucious: Australia Good Place to Put Chinese Restaraun
Confucious: Couple who make love in strawberry patch have ass in jam.
Confuciousism: Confucious say, Shit happens.
Confuciousman who live in glass house shower in baseme
Confuciuos say: Man who farts in church sits in own pew.
Confucius (with cold) say "Man who kwitisize moduwator get node bwoke.
Confucius Also say, Man who live in glass house W/No Basement, STINKS!
Confucius Say : Man who put face in punchbowl get punch in nose.
Confucius Say : Man with dick in peanut butter is fucking nuts.
Confucius Say, "Stop quoting me!"
Confucius Say, Stop quoting me!
Confucius Say:  Man Who Stand Behind Car Get Exhausted!
Confucius Say: "Is good to learn how to masturbate, may come in handy!"
Confucius Say: "Man with one chopstick go hungry."
Confucius Say: "Virgin with thimble on finger never feel prick."
Confucius Say: Australia  Good Place to Put Chinese Restuarant.
Confucius Say: Baseball all wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk.
Confucius Say: Better to close mouth and appear stupid th
Confucius Say: Boilin water is very hot.
Confucius Say: Boiling water is very hot!
Confucius Say: Man who Farts in Church sits in own pew.
Confucius Say: Many man smoke, but Fu Man Chu.
Confucius Say: People who have gift for gab don't know him
Confucius Say: People who have gift for gab don't know ho
Confucius Say: `A Watched Tandy Never Boots!'
Confucius Say; A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose.
Confucius Say; A man with his hands in pockets feels foolish,
Confucius Say; All blonde not blonde by cracky.
Confucius Say; Baby ill-conceived in automatic car shiftless bastard.
Confucius Say; Baseball is wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk!
Confucius Say; Better to sleep with chicken than to choke it.
Confucius Say; Boy who diddle little girl do diddly squat.
Confucius Say; Confucius say too fucking much!
Confucius Say; Find old man in dark, not hard!
Confucius Say; Girl Xaid in tomb may soon become mummy.
Confucius Say; Girl laid in tomb may soon become mummy.
Confucius Say; Girl who go to bachelor pad for snack get tit-bit.
Confucius Say; Girl who is wallflower at party is dandelion in bed.
Confucius Say; Girl who marry detective must kiss dick.
Confucius Say; Girl with little red bike peddle ass all over town!
Confucius Say; Hockey player on ice have big stick.
Confucius Say; House without toilet is uncanny.
Confucius Say; If you park, don't drink, accidents cause people.
Confucius Say; Is good to learn how to masturbate, may come in handy!
Confucius Say; It is Ok for shit to happen. Shit will decompose.
Confucius Say; Man have more hair on chest than woman.
Confucius Say; Man trapped in pantry have ass in jam.
Confucius Say; Man trapped in sewer eat shit and die.
Confucius Say; Man trapped in whore house get jerked around.
Confucius Say; Man who bounce woman on bed spring this spring have
Confucius Say; Man who buy drowned cat must pay for stinking wet pussy.
Confucius Say; Man who drive like hell bound to get there!
Confucius Say; Man who drop watch in toilet have shitty time.
Confucius Say; Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.
Confucius Say; Man who eat many prunes, sit on toilet many moons.
Confucius Say; Man who eat pussy do lip service.
Confucius Say; Man who fart in church sit in his own pew!
Confucius Say; Man who fight with wife all day, get no piece at night!
Confucius Say; Man who fuck pig eat ham.
Confucius Say; Man who fuck turkey eat stuffing.
Confucius Say; Man who fuck ugly dog get howled at.
Confucius Say; Man who get paid pick up chick.
Confucius Say; Man who go out with flat chested woman feel shallow.
Confucius Say; Man who go to McDonald's eat out stinky meat.
Confucius Say; Man who go to bed with diarrhea wake up in deep shit.
Confucius Say; Man who has woman on ground has piece on earth!
Confucius Say; Man who jump off cliff jump to conclusion!
Confucius Say; Man who lifts stones off woman get rocks off.
Confucius Say; Man who meows ate pussy!
Confucius Say; Man who paints on toilet door is a shit house painter.
Confucius Say; Man who pull out too fast leave rubber.
Confucius Say; Man who pull out too soon get hit in rear end.
Confucius Say; Man who put head on Rail Road track to listen for train.
Confucius Say; Man who runs behind car gets exhausted!
Confucius Say; Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails.
Confucius Say; Man who sit on tack get point!
Confucius Say; Man who smoke pot choke on handle.
Confucius Say; Man who stand on toilet is high on pot!
Confucius Say; Man who tell one to many light bulb jokes soon burn out!
Confucius Say; Man with athletic fingers make Broad Jump!
Confucius Say; Man with dick in peanut butter is fucking nuts.
Confucius Say; Man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs.
Confucius Say; Man with hand in pocket is having a ball.
Confucius Say; Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day!
Confucius Say; Man with no legs bums around.
Confucius Say; Many men smoke but Fu Manchu.
Confucius Say; Never raise hands to angry child, it leave groin exposed.
Confucius Say; Panties not best thing on earth, but next to it.
Confucius Say; Penis put in vacuum cleaner get sucked off.
Confucius Say; Pentecostal who pass out get laid in church.
Confucius Say; Priest with dick in snow like cold one before mass.
Confucius Say; Put rooster in freezer to get a stiff cock.
Confucius Say; Secretary becomes permanent fixture when screwed on desk.
Confucius Say; Show off always shown up in showdown.
Confucius Say; Those who quote me are fools.
Confucius Say; Virgin like balloon. One prick, all gone.
Confucius Say; When in doubt, whip it out.
Confucius Say; Wife for life is better than wife for strife.
Confucius Say; Woman is like jazz music, 3/4 jazz time and 1/4 rag time.
Confucius Say; Woman who eat banana get cream in mouth.
Confucius Say; Woman who fly plane upside down have hairy crack up!
Confucius Say; Woman who pounce on dead rooster go down on limp cock.
Confucius Say; Woman who turn back on lover get fucked over.
Confucius Say; Woman who wear G-string, high on crack!
Confucius Say; Work to become, not to acquire.
Confucius Say; but a man with holes in pockets feels nuts.
Confucius Say; but on the whole woman have more.
Confucius Says: A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose.
Confucius Says: Baby ill-conceived in automatic car shiftless bastard.
Confucius Says: Baseball wrong . . . man with four balls cannot walk!
Confucius Says: Find old man in dark, not hard!
Confucius Says: Girl laid in tomb may soon become mummy.
Confucius Says: Girl who go to bachelor pad for snack get tit-bit.
Confucius Says: Girl who is wallflower at party is dandelion in bed.
Confucius Says: Girl who marry detective must kiss dick.
Confucius Says: Girl with little red bike peddle ass all over town!
Confucius Says: House without toilet is uncanny.
Confucius Says: Is good to learn how to masturbate, may come in handy!
Confucius Says: It takes many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill
Confucius Says: Man trapped in pantry have ass in jam.
Confucius Says: Man who drive like hell bound to get there!
Confucius Says: Man who drop watch in toilet have shitty time.
Confucius Says: Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.
Confucius Says: Man who fart in church sit in his own pew!
Confucius Says: Man who fight with wife all day, get no piece at night!
Confucius Says: Man who go out with flat chested woman feel shallow.
Confucius Says: Man who has woman on ground has piece on earth!
Confucius Says: Man who meows ate pussy!
Confucius Says: Man who pull out too fast leave rubber.
Confucius Says: Man who scratch butt should not bite fingernails!
Confucius Says: Man who smoke pot choke on handle.
Confucius Says: Man who stand on toilet is high on pot!
Confucius Says: Man who tell one to many light bulb jokes soon burn out!
Confucius Says: Man with athletic fingers make Broad Jump!
Confucius Says: Man with hand in pocket is having a ball.
Confucius Says: Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day!
Confucius Says: Man with no legs bums around.
Confucius Says: Many men smoke but Fu Manchu.
Confucius Says: Ok for shit to happen . . . will decompose.
Confucius Says: Panties not best thing on earth, but next to it.
Confucius Says: Put rooster in freezer to get a stiff cock.
Confucius Says: Show off always shown up in showdown.
Confucius Says: Spot!
Confucius Says: Those who quote me are fools.
Confucius Says: Virgin like balloon . . . one prick, all gone.
Confucius Says: Wife for life is better than wife for strife.
Confucius Says: Woman who fly plane upside down have hairy crack up!
Confucius Says: Woman who pounce on dead rooster go down on limp cock.
Confucius Says: Woman who wear G-string, high on crack!
Confucius also say: Girl who fly upside down have crack up.
Confucius not know what to say!
Confucius say "Baseball is wrong - man with 4 balls CANNOT walk."
Confucius say "Never raise hands to children!" It leave groin exposed.
Confucius say - Lady who go camping must beware of evil intent.
Confucius say - Man who stand on toilet is high on Pot.
Confucius say - Secretary not permanent fixture, until screwed on desk
Confucius say - girl who sits on jockey's knee gets hot tip.
Confucius say : Elevator smell different to midget.
Confucius say : He who fart in church, sit in own pew.
Confucius say : Man who live in glass house, dress in basement.
Confucius say : Man who sucks nipples, make clean breast of things.
Confucius say Girl, who rides bicycle, peddles a** all over town.
Confucius say Girl, who rides bicycle, peddles all over town.
Confucius say Is more to running BBS than finding ON.
Confucius say Never raise hands to children! It leave groin exposed.
Confucius say There is more to running BBS than finding ON switch.
Confucius say baseball is wrong: Man with 4 balls CANNOT walk.
Confucius say he who stick head in fruit drink get punch in nose.
Confucius say man who go to bed with itchy butt wake up w
Confucius say man who sink into woman's arms soon have ar
Confucius say man who smoke pot choke on handle.
Confucius say man who stands on toilet is high on pot.
Confucius say man with forked tongue not need chop sticks.
Confucius say nothing - 'cause he's dead
Confucius say nothing - Because he's dead!
Confucius say nothing - he dead.
Confucius say too damn much!
Confucius say too darn much!
Confucius say too much.
Confucius say too much.  -- Recent Chinese proverb
Confucius say too much.  -- recent Chinese proverb
Confucius say wife for life is better than wife for strife.
Confucius say woman lousy flier, have crack-up anyway!
Confucius say woman who spend much time on bedspring have offspring.
Confucius say, "Baseball all wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk."
Confucius say, "Baseball is wrong: Man with 4 balls CANNOT walk."
Confucius say, "Don't judge book by cover, but by how thick it is "
Confucius say, "He who stick head in oven gets baked bean."
Confucius say, "If you want pretty nurse, you got to be patient"
Confucius say, "Janitor who clean by day clean bidet today." -JCF
Confucius say, "Look for helping hand on end of own arm."
Confucius say, -- "Man who abuse his computer get bad bytes!"
Confucius say, -- Man who abuse his computer get bad byte
Confucius say, A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose.
Confucius say, Baseball all wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk.
Confucius say, Baseball all wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk.
Confucius say, Baseball is wrong: Man with 4 balls CANNOT walk.
Confucius say, Chemist who fall in acid get absorbed in work.
Confucius say, Couple who make love in strawberries have ass in jam.
Confucius say, Couple who make love in strawberry patch have ass in jam.
Confucius say, Don't judge book by cover, but by how thick it is
Confucius say, Don't judge book by cover, but by how thick.
Confucius say, Find old man in dark, not hard!
Confucius say, Girl who fly upside down have crack up.
Confucius say, Girl who lay on ground have piece on earth
Confucius say, Girl who rides bicycle, peddles a$$ all over town.
Confucius say, Girl who rides bicycle, peddles a** all ov
Confucius say, Girl with back to fire warming whole of her body.
Confucius say, Half of a tagline is better than no tagli
Confucius say, He who chases car will get exhausted.
Confucius say, He who eats ice cream in car is a Sundae Driver.
Confucius say, He who pass gas in church must sit in own pew.
Confucius say, He who put head in punch bowl get punch in nose.
Confucius say, He who rides bicycle, peddles a$$ all over town.
Confucius say, He who stick head in open window gets pane in neck.
Confucius say, He who stick head in oven gets baked bean.
Confucius say, I didn't say that!
Confucius say, If you want pretty nurse, you got to be patient
Confucius say, Is stuffy inside fortune cookie.
Confucius say, Janitor who clean by day clean bidet today
Confucius say, Look for helping hand on end of own arm.
Confucius say, Man fly upside down have crack-up!
Confucius say, Man should never straddle barbed wire fences.
Confucius say, Man who abuse his computer get bad bytes!
Confucius say, Man who fart in church sit in own pew.
Confucius say, Man who live in glass house should dress in basement.
Confucius say, Man who meows ate pussy!
Confucius say, Man who pushes piano down mine shaft get A flat miner.
Confucius say, Man who put face in punch bowl get punch in nose.
Confucius say, Man who put foot in mouth ... get athlete's tongue.
Confucius say, Man who put foot in mouth....get athlete's
Confucius say, Man who stand on toilet is high on Pot.
Confucius say, Many man smoke, but Fu Man Chu.
Confucius say, Never raise hands to children!  It leave groin exposed.
Confucius say, Never raise hands to children! It leave gr
Confucius say, People having gift for gab don't know how to wrap it up
Confucius say, People who have gift for gab don't know ho
Confucius say, Place to look for helping hand is end of own arm.
Confucius say, Sh*t happens.
Confucius say, Shit happens.
Confucius say, When baby cry, give bust in face.
Confucius say, he who sink in woman's arms have arms in woman's sink.
Confucius say, he who sink in woman's arms soon have arms
Confucius say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!
Confucius say, wife for life is better than wife for strife.
Confucius say, woman with cold hands have fire under skirt.
Confucius say,"Man with Hand in Pocket Feel Cocky All Day!"
Confucius say... Girl with back to fire warming whole of her body.
Confucius say... man standing on bowl high on pot...
Confucius say..."All Syops are carpalists."
Confucius say..."Email never die...just go to Electron Heaven."
Confucius say..."Frog that croaks no longer croaks."
Confucius say..."Fuzzy logic == carpal poo-poo."
Confucius say..."Go forth and carpalate."
Confucius say..."Improve your math skills...think in floating point."
Confucius say..."Keep smut of the Net...carpal-not."
Confucius say..."Let ye without carpal create the first file."
Confucius say..."Man with vasectomy masquerades as falloweenie."
Confucius say..."Nirvana can only be achieved if you are in /dev/null."
Confucius say..."Online clothing is NetWear."
Confucius say..."Power users are those who can bench press 300 Mb."
Confucius say..."Seek time is a measurement in dog years."
Confucius say..."Simon seyz...Say WHAT !"
Confucius say..."Study of on-line usage called caparlnomics."
Confucius say..."User 'on-queue' logged-on from Britian."
Confucius say..."User in Carpal Tunnel of Love have no vision."
Confucius say..."User using braille can not use WYSIWYG."
Confucius say..."User who 'cut and paste' will 'put with haste.'
Confucius say..."User who 'hit any key' can not sing on key."
Confucius say..."User who ASCII stupid question get stupid ANSI."
Confucius say..."User who [Exit] Window have pane in ass."
Confucius say..."User who [Pause] not get [Refresh]."
Confucius say..."User who [Run] program loop-in-place."
Confucius say..."User who beat floppy get hard drive. "
Confucius say..."User who believe in cyberspace need reality check."
Confucius say..."User who does this not like DAT."
Confucius say..."User who double click mouse is rat fink."
Confucius say..."User who execute program kill computer."
Confucius say..."User who find icon see himself."
Confucius say..."User who follow Yellow Brick Road find $PATH."
Confucius say..."User who forget password no longer user."
Confucius say..."User who hacks drives cab for living."
Confucius say..."User who has [CapsLock] cannot open [Tab]."
Confucius say..."User who has motherboard have chip for son 
Confucius say..."User who has no RAM has no ewe."
Confucius say..."User who has no RAM out of memory."
Confucius say..."User who has sexual hang-up use Laptop."
Confucius say..."User who have Apple dump core."
Confucius say..."User who hit F10 key not win at BINGO."
Confucius say..."User who is Superuser act like Superman.
Confucius say..."User who justify text vindicate meaning."
Confucius say..."User who keep *.tmp files like pack rat."
Confucius say..."User who log-off have hangup."
Confucius say..."User who lose [CTRL] not [ESC] reality."
Confucius say..."User who order from computer menu starve to death."
Confucius say..."User who pass GOTO collect 200 Mb."
Confucius say..."User who pass bad reality check scam on-line service."
Confucius say..."User who pound keyboard have flat tabs."
Confucius say..."User who press [Shift] key have no $HOME."
Confucius say..."User who read Help Files need Help Files."
Confucius say..."User who read menu not know what to eat."
Confucius say..."User who set dip switch turn self on.
Confucius say..."User who spin like CD get dizzy."
Confucius say..."User who start process have children."
Confucius say..."User who think in background have unconscious thought."
Confucius say..."User who think in bytes have bit for brain."
Confucius say..."User who think with fuzzy logic have lint for brain."
Confucius say..."User who use [ScrollLock] very fast reader."
Confucius say..."User who use spell checker lose Bee."
Confucius say..."User who with big on-line bill have no money."
Confucius say..."User who write program go buggy."
Confucius say..."User with 20 Mb hard drive like piss ant."
Confucius say..."User with 300 baud not get ticket for speeding."
Confucius say..."User with Macintosh has all Apples in one basket."
Confucius say..."User with Parental Chat Controls no have fun."
Confucius say..."User with Pentium bad in math skills.
Confucius say..."User with ROM cannot WORM."
Confucius say..."User with [NumLock] have no math background."
Confucius say..."User with big hard drive have no use for Laptop."
Confucius say..."User with computer smarts have Carpal Knowledge."
Confucius say..."User with cyberbreath have digitosis.
Confucius say..."User with endless loop end up in /dev/null."
Confucius say..."User with loose vowels will carpal in his keyboard."
Confucius say..."User with no ASCII on wrong screen."
Confucius say..."User with no memory have bad chip set."
Confucius say..."User with no password is nameless."
Confucius say..."User with slow clock speed cannot tell time of day."
Confucius say..."User with tool bar doing computer carpentry."
Confucius say..."User with tunnel vision have carpal-colored eyes."
Confucius say..."We have met the enemy and he is Microsoft."
Confucius say....Ring on her finger = Ring in your nose
Confucius say...man who live in glass house shower in basement.
Confucius say..man who read woman like book, prefer braille!
Confucius say:  "A Watched Tandy Never Boots!"
Confucius say:  "A girl's best asset is her `lie' ability."
Confucius say:  "America Good Place to Put Chinese Restaurant."
Confucius say:  "Australia Good Place to Put Chinese Restaurant."
Confucius say:  "Baby conceived in automatic car shiftless bastard."
Confucius say:  "Bird in hand makes hard to blow nose."
Confucius say:  "Cat who walk on keyboard wind up in Chinese wok!"
Confucius say:  "Chemist who fall in acid get absorbed in work."
Confucius say:  "Do unto others what you think is funny."
Confucius say:  "Don't judge book by cover, but by how thick it is."
Confucius say:  "Don't quote me with stupid accent."
Confucius say:  "Girl who is wallflower at party is dandelion in bed."
Confucius say:  "Girl who marry detective must kiss dick."
Confucius say:  "He who chases car will get exhausted."
Confucius say:  "He who eats ice cream in car is a Sundae Driver."
Confucius say:  "He who let woman on top is fucking up."
Confucius say:  "He who pull out too fast leave rubber behind."
Confucius say:  "He who puts face in punch bowl... get punch in nose."
Confucius say:  "He who refuses to listen is lying."
Confucius say:  "He who stick head in oven gets baked bean."
Confucius say:  "He who sucks nipples make clean breast of things."
Confucius say:  "He with no taglines is deprived."
Confucius say:  "House without toilet is uncanny."
Confucius say:  "I didn't say that!"
Confucius say:  "If chain still swinging seat will be warm."
Confucius say:  "If rooted in confusion, nothing will be well governed."
Confucius say:  "If you turn an oriental around, he become disoriented."
Confucius say:  "If you want pretty nurse, you got to be patient
Confucius say:  "Is good to learn how to masturbate, may come in handy!"
Confucius say:  "Is more to running BBS than finding ON button."
Confucius say:  "Is stuffy inside fortune cookie."
Confucius say:  "Lady with chastity belt is not having a ball."
Confucius say:  "Look for helping hand on end of own arm."
Confucius say:  "Man in clean shirt no fix laser printers."
Confucius say:  "Man kicked in testicles, is left holding bag."
Confucius say:  "Man should never straddle barbed wire fence in mud."
Confucius say:  "Man should never straddle barbed wire fences."
Confucius say:  "Man that fights wife, get no piece at night."
Confucius say:  "Man trapped in pantry have butt in jam."
Confucius say:  "Man who abuse his computer get bad bytes!"
Confucius say:  "Man who drive like hell bound to get there!
Confucius say:  "Man who gets kicked in testicles left holding the bag."
Confucius say:  "Man who go to woman's apartment for snack get tit-bit."
Confucius say:  "Man who kisses girl's behind gets crack in face."
Confucius say:  "Man who lay girl on hill not on level."
Confucius say:  "Man who lays woman on ground get peace on earth."
Confucius say:  "Man who live in glass house should dress in basement."
Confucius say:  "Man who mess with steamroller flat out lose!
Confucius say:  "Man who pull out too fast leave rubber."
Confucius say:  "Man who pushes piano down mine shaft get A flat miner."
Confucius say:  "Man who put cream in tart, not always baker."
Confucius say:  "Man who put cream in tart, not really a baker."
Confucius say:  "Man who read woman like book, prefer braille edition."
Confucius say:  "Man who read woman like book, prefer braille!"
Confucius say:  "Man who sit on hot stove will rise again."
Confucius say:  "Man who sit on tack get point!"
Confucius say:  "Man who smoke pot choke on handle."
Confucius say:  "Man who step in it often say it."
Confucius say:  "Man who take lady on camping trip have one intent."
Confucius say:  "Man who walk middle of road get run over by bus."
Confucius say:  "Man with an unchecked parachute jump to conclusion."
Confucius say:  "Man with athletic finger make broad jump."
Confucius say:  "Man with forked tongue not need chop sticks."
Confucius say:  "Man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs."
Confucius say:  "Never trust woman who uses phrase eager beaver."
Confucius say:  "Nothing." Because he's dead!
Confucius say:  "People having gift for gab know not how to wrap it up."
Confucius say:  "People who make Confucius joke speak bad English."
Confucius say:  "Place to look for helping hand is end of of own arm."
Confucius say:  "Ring on her finger = Ring in your nose"
Confucius say:  "Rook before you reap!
Confucius say:  "Show off always shown up in showdown."
Confucius say:  "The essence of knowledge is, having it, to use it."
Confucius say:  "The hand that turneth the knob, opens the door."
Confucius say:  "Those who quote me are fools."
Confucius say:  "Wallflower at party is dandelion in bed."
Confucius say:  "Wife for life is better than wife for strife."
Confucius say:  "Wife not part of furniture, till screwed on bed."
Confucius say:  "Woman who put detergent on top shelf, Jump for Joy."
Confucius say:  "Woman who spend much time on bedspring have offspring."
Confucius say:  "Woman who spends much time on bedspring have offspring"
Confucius say:  "Woman who turn back on lover get screwed over."
Confucius say:  "Woman with cold hands have fire under skirt."
Confucius say:  "Women and elephants never forget an injury."
Confucius say:  "Women fake orgasm, Men fake foreplay."
Confucius say:  "Work to become, not to acquire."
Confucius say:  Baseball wrong.  Man with 4 balls cannot walk.
Confucius say:  Man trapped in sewer eat shit and die.
Confucius say:  Man who fart in church sit in own pew.
Confucius say:  Man who put face in punchbowl get punch in nose.
Confucius say:  Man who put foot in mouth get athlete's tongue.
Confucius say:  Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day.
Confucius say:  Many men smoke but Fu Man Chu.
Confucius say:  Nothing. The man is dead.
Confucius say:  Squirrel who runs up woman's leg not find nuts.
Confucius say: "Baseball all wrong... man with 4 balls cannot walk"
Confucius say: "Blonde who fly upside down have dark hairy crack up."
Confucius say: "BlondeWho fly upside down have dark hair
Confucius say: "He who chases car will get exhausted"
Confucius say: "He who eats ice cream in car is a Sundae Driver"
Confucius say: "Is more to running BBS than finding ON."
Confucius say: "Is much better to be pissed off than pissed on!"
Confucius say: "Is stuffy inside fortune cookie."
Confucius say: "Man who fart in church sit in own pew."
Confucius say: "Man who go to sleep thinking about sex pr
Confucius say: "Man who live in glass house should dress in basement."
Confucius say: "Man who put head in dryer bound to get so
Confucius say: "Man who sit on hot stove will rise again!
Confucius say: "Many man smoke, but Fat Man Chu."
Confucius say: "People who sit on pot too long get ring around "rosie.
Confucius say: "Place to look for helping hand is end of own arm."
Confucius say: (with cold) Man who kwitisize moduwator get node bwoke.
Confucius say: A Watched Tandy Never Boots!
Confucius say: A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose.
Confucius say: A girl's best asset is her 'lie'ability.
Confucius say: All blonde not blonde by cracky
Confucius say: All men eat, but Fu Manchu.
Confucius say: America Good Place to Put Chinese Restaurant.
Confucius say: America Good Place to Put Chinese Restuarant.
Confucius say: Australia Good Place to Put Chinese Restaurant.
Confucius say: Baby conceived in automatic car shiftless bastard.
Confucius say: Baby ill-conceived in automatic car shiftless bastard.
Confucius say: Baseball all wrong--man with four balls cannot walk.
Confucius say: Baseball all wrong.  Man with 4 balls cannot walk!
Confucius say: Baseball is wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk!
Confucius say: Baseball very funny game; man can walk on 4 balls.
Confucius say: Baseball wrong - man with four balls cannot walk.
Confucius say: Baseball wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk.
Confucius say: Baseball wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk.
Confucius say: Before becoming master fisherman, must be master baiter.
Confucius say: Better to sleep with chicken than to choke it.
Confucius say: Bird in hand make it hard to blow nose!
Confucius say: Bird in hand makes hard to blow nose
Confucius say: Blonde who fly upside down have crack up.
Confucius say: Blonde who fly upside down have dark hairy crack up.
Confucius say: BlondeWho fly upside down have crack up.
Confucius say: Boy fool with girl in wrong period caught red handed.
Confucius say: Boy fool with girl in wrong period get caught red handed.
Confucius say: Boy go to bed with sex problem wake up, solution in hand.
Confucius say: Boy who diddle little girl do diddly squat.
Confucius say: Boy who play with himself pulls boner.
Confucius say: Boy with hole in pocket, feel cocky all day.
Confucius say: Cat who walk on keyboard wind up in Chinese wok!
Confucius say: Chemist who fall in acid get absorbed in work.
Confucius say: Confucius say too damn much!
Confucius say: Couple who make love in berry patch have ass in jam.
Confucius say: Couple who make love in strawberries have ass in jam.
Confucius say: Couple who make love in strawberry patch have ass in jam.
Confucius say: Couple who screw in strawberry patch have ass in jam.
Confucius say: Crowded elevator smell different to midget.
Confucius say: Do unto others what you think is funny.
Confucius say: Don't judge book by cover, but by how thick it is.
Confucius say: Don't quote me with stupid accent.
Confucius say: Find old man in dark, not hard!
Confucius say: Fly who sit on toilet seat get pissed off.
Confucius say: Germany Good Place to Put Chinese Restaurant.
Confucius say: Girl at bachelor pad for snack get tidbit
Confucius say: Girl at bachelor pad for snack get titbit
Confucius say: Girl laid in tomb may soon become mummy.
Confucius say: Girl laid in tomb soon become mommy.
Confucius say: Girl laid in tomb soon become mummy.
Confucius say: Girl who douches with vinegar, walks around with sour
Confucius say: Girl who fly upside down have crack up.
Confucius say: Girl who go to bachelor pad for snack get tit-bit.
Confucius say: Girl who is wallflower at party is dandelion in bed.
Confucius say: Girl who lay on ground have piece on earth
Confucius say: Girl who marry detective must kiss dick.
Confucius say: Girl who rides bicycle peddles a** all over town.
Confucius say: Girl who sit on brother-in-law's knee, make hard for
Confucius say: Girl who sits on jockey's knee gets hot tip.
Confucius say: Girl who slides down banister nude gets splinters by crac
Confucius say: Girl with back to fire warming whole of her body.
Confucius say: Girl with little red bike peddle ass all over town!
Confucius say: Girl's best asset is her `lie' ability.
Confucius say: Girl, who rides bicycle, peddles a** all over town.
Confucius say: Go to bed with itchy butt, wake up with smelly finger.
Confucius say: He who chases car will get exhausted.
Confucius say: He who dies with the most Taglines, wins.
Confucius say: He who eat cookies in bed, will wake up feeling crumby.
Confucius say: He who eat cookies in bed, will wake up feeling crummy.
Confucius say: He who eats ice cream in car is a Sundae Driver
Confucius say: He who eats too many prunes, sits on toilet many moons.
Confucius say: He who fart in church sit in own pew.
Confucius say: He who fart in church sit on pew.
Confucius say: He who fishes in another man's well often catches crabs.
Confucius say: He who fishes in other man's well, often catches crabs.
Confucius say: He who let woman on top is fucking up.
Confucius say: He who outruns the cheetah is fucking fast on his feet!
Confucius say: He who pass gas in church must sit in own pew.
Confucius say: He who pull out too fast leave rubber behind.
Confucius say: He who put head in punch bowl get punch in nose
Confucius say: He who puts face in punch bowl get punch in nose.
Confucius say: He who refuses to listen is lying.
Confucius say: He who sitteth on an upturned tack shall surely rise.
Confucius say: He who sniffs Coke, drowns.
Confucius say: He who stand on toilet is high on pot
Confucius say: He who stands in corner with hands in pocket, feels nuts.
Confucius say: He who stands on toilet seat is high on pot;
Confucius say: He who stick head in open window gets pane in neck
Confucius say: He who stick head in oven gets baked bean
Confucius say: He who sucks nipples make clean breast of things.
Confucius say: He with no taglines is deprived
Confucius say: He you stand on toilet is high on pot!
Confucius say: Hockey player on ice have big stick
Confucius say: House without toilet is uncanny.
Confucius say: I didn't say that!
Confucius say: If chain still swinging seat will be warm - Confucius.
Confucius say: If chain still swinging seat will be warm.
Confucius say: If rooted in confusion, nothing will be well governed.
Confucius say: If you park, don't drink, accidents cause people
Confucius say: If you turn an oriental around, he become disoriented.
Confucius say: If you want pretty nurse, you got to be patient
Confucius say: Is good to learn how to masturbate, may come in handy!
Confucius say: Is more to running BBS than finding ON.
Confucius say: Is much better to be pissed off than pissed on !
Confucius say: Is stuffy inside fortune cookie.
Confucius say: It take square ass to shit a brick.
Confucius say: It takes a lot of balls to make a football team.
Confucius say: It's OK to meet girl in park, much better to park meat in
Confucius say: Janitor who clean by day clean bidet today.
Confucius say: Keeping it in family sure sound incestuous.
Confucius say: Kotex not best thing on earth, but next to best thing.
Confucius say: Lady who go camping must beware of evil intent.
Confucius say: Lady who live in glass house should dress in basement.
Confucius say: Lady who live in glass house, dress in basement!
Confucius say: Look for helping hand on end of own arm.
Confucius say: Man and mouse alike, both end up in pussy.
Confucius say: Man fly upside down have crack-up!
Confucius say: Man in clean shirt no fix laser printers.
Confucius say: Man kicked in testicles, is left holding bags.
Confucius say: Man like dog, if it can't be eaten or screwed, piss on
Confucius say: Man pees in wind, wind pees back.
Confucius say: Man piss in wind, wind piss back.
Confucius say: Man should learn to masturbate...come in handy!
Confucius say: Man should never straddle barbed wire fences.
Confucius say: Man that fights wife, get no piece at night.
Confucius say: Man trapped in pantry have butt in jam.
Confucius say: Man trapped in whore house get jerked around
Confucius say: Man who abuse his computer get bad bytes!
Confucius say: Man who argue with wife all day get no peace at night.
Confucius say: Man who buy drowned cat must pay for stinking wet pussy.
Confucius say: Man who chase cars get exhausted.
Confucius say: Man who drive like hell bound to get there!
Confucius say: Man who drop watch in toilet bound to have shitty time.
Confucius say: Man who drop watch in whisky is wasting time.
Confucius say: Man who eat jellybean fart in technicolor.
Confucius say: Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.
Confucius say: Man who eat many prunes, sit on toilet many moons.
Confucius say: Man who fart in church sit in his own pew!
Confucius say: Man who fart in church sit in own pew.
Confucius say: Man who fart in church, sits in own pew!
Confucius say: Man who farts in church sits in his own phew!
Confucius say: Man who fight with wife all day, get no piece at night!
Confucius say: Man who get hit by car, get that run down feeling.
Confucius say: Man who get paid pick up chick.
Confucius say: Man who gets kicked in testicles left holding the bag.
Confucius say: Man who go out with flat chested woman feel shallow.
Confucius say: Man who has woman on ground has piece on earth!
Confucius say: Man who have circumcision lose a bit of foresight.
Confucius say: Man who jump off cliff jump to conclusion!
Confucius say: Man who jump off cliff jumps to conclusion!
Confucius say: Man who jump through window screen, strain self.
Confucius say: Man who kisses girl's behind gets crack in face.
Confucius say: Man who lay girl on hill not on level.
Confucius say: Man who lay woman on ground have peace on earth.
Confucius say: Man who lay woman on hill not on level.
Confucius say: Man who lays on hill not on level.
Confucius say: Man who lays woman on ground get peace on earth.
Confucius say: Man who let woman on top is fucking up.
Confucius say: Man who lifts stones off woman get rocks off
Confucius say: Man who live in glass house W/No Basement, STINKS!
Confucius say: Man who live in glass house dress in basement.
Confucius say: Man who live in glass house should dress in basement.
Confucius say: Man who live in glass house should wash in the basement
Confucius say: Man who lose key to apartment not get new key.
Confucius say: Man who lose key to girl's apartment get no new-key!
Confucius say: Man who lose key to girlfriend's house get no new key.
Confucius say: Man who marries a girl with no bust, feel low down.
Confucius say: Man who masturbate only screwing himself
Confucius say: Man who meows ate pussy!
Confucius say: Man who mess with steamroller flat out lose!
Confucius say: Man who polish knob play pocket pool.
Confucius say: Man who pull out too fast leave rubber.
Confucius say: Man who pull out too soon get hit in rear end.
Confucius say: Man who pushes piano down mine shaft get A flat miner.
Confucius say: Man who put cock on stove have hot rod.
Confucius say: Man who put cream in tart, not always baker.
Confucius say: Man who put cream in tart, not really a baker.
Confucius say: Man who put face in punchbowl get punch in nose.
Confucius say: Man who put foot in mouth ... get athlete's tongue.
Confucius say: Man who put foot in mouth get athlete's tounge.
Confucius say: Man who put hand in pocket feels cocky all day
Confucius say: Man who put head in dryer bound to get sock in the mouth!
Confucius say: Man who put head in dryer get sock in the mouth!
Confucius say: Man who put head on railroad track get splitting headache
Confucius say: Man who run behind car get exhausted.
Confucius say: Man who runs behind car gets exhausted!
Confucius say: Man who scratch butt should not bite fingernails!
Confucius say: Man who screw girl on hillside not on level.
Confucius say: Man who sit on hot stove will rise again!
Confucius say: Man who sit on tack get point!
Confucius say: Man who stand on toilet is high on pot!
Confucius say: Man who stand on toilet, be high on pot.
Confucius say: Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.
Confucius say: Man who stands on toilet seat is high on pot.
Confucius say: Man who step in it often say it
Confucius say: Man who stick face in punchbowl get punch in nose.
Confucius say: Man who sucks nipples makes clean breast of things.
Confucius say: Man who take lady on camping trip have one intent.
Confucius say: Man who tell one to many light bulb jokes soon burn out!
Confucius say: Man who tell one too many light bulb jokes soon burn out!
Confucius say: Man who walk middle of road get run over by bus.
Confucius say: Man who walk through door sideways is going to Bangkok.
Confucius say: Man who who put cock on stove have hot rod.
Confucius say: Man with an unchecked parachute will jump to conclusion.
Confucius say: Man with athletic finger make broad jump.
Confucius say: Man with athletic fingers make Broad Jump!
Confucius say: Man with forked tongue not need chop sticks.
Confucius say: Man with four balls cannot walk!
Confucius say: Man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs.
Confucius say: Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.
Confucius say: Man with hand in pocket is having a ball.
Confucius say: Man with hole in both pockets not feel too cocky!
Confucius say: Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day long.
Confucius say: Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day!
Confucius say: Man with holes in pockets feels nuts.
Confucius say: Man with no legs bums around.
Confucius say: Man with one chopstick go hungry.
Confucius say: Many man smoke, but Fat Man Chu.
Confucius say: Many men smoke but Fu Man Chu
Confucius say: Many men smoke, but Fat Man Chu.
Confucius say: Many men smoke, but Fu Man Chu.
Confucius say: Many with hole in pocket feel cocky all day.
Confucius say: Mind's journey begins with a single Why?
Confucius say: Never raise hands to angry child, it leave groin exposed.
Confucius say: Never raise hands to children! It leave groin exposed.
Confucius say: Never trust woman who uses phrase "eager beaver"
Confucius say: Panties not best thing on earth, but next to it
Confucius say: Passionate kiss like spider web, lead to undoing of fly.
Confucius say: Pentocostal who pass out get laid in church
Confucius say: People having gift for gab know not how to wrap it up.
Confucius say: People who make Confucius joke speak bad English.
Confucius say: People who quote me are fools!
Confucius say: Place to look for helping hand is end of own arm.
Confucius say: Preserve wildlife - pickle a hedgehog!
Confucius say: Put Rooster in Freezer Get A Stiff Cock.
Confucius say: Put rooster in freezer to get a stiff cock
Confucius say: Quit quoting me, you blubbering twit!
Confucius say: Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Confucius say: Ring on her finger = Ring in your nose
Confucius say: Rook before you reap!
Confucius say: Rotten wood cannot be carved.
Confucius say: Secretary becomes permanent fixture when screwed on desk.
Confucius say: Secretary not permanent fixture, until screwed on desk.
Confucius say: Secretary not permanent, till screwed on desk.
Confucius say: Sh*t happens.
Confucius say: She who rides bike peddles ass all over town.
Confucius say: Shit happens.
Confucius say: Show off always shown up in showdown.
Confucius say: Squirrel who runs up woman's leg not find nuts.
Confucius say: Stop quoting me, you silly Americans!
Confucius say: Support bacteria; it's the only culture some people have!
Confucius say: Tagline deities should not truncate taglines.
Confucius say: The early worm has a death wish...
Confucius say: The essence of knowledge is, having it, to use it.
Confucius say: The hand that turneth the knob, opens the door.
Confucius say: Those who make love in strawberry patch have butt in jam.
Confucius say: Those who quote me are fools
Confucius say: Those who quote me are fools.
Confucius say: To prevent hangover stay drunk!
Confucius say: Too darn much!
Confucius say: Too much said already!
Confucius say: Virgin like balloon - one prick all gone.
Confucius say: Virgin with thimble on finger never feel prick.
Confucius say: Virginity like balloon, one prick, all gone.
Confucius say: Virginity like bubble; one prick all gone.
Confucius say: Wallflower at party is dandelion in bed.
Confucius say: Wash your face in the morning, neck at night.
Confucius say: Watched Tandy Never Boots!
Confucius say: When baby cry, give bust in face.
Confucius say: When in doubt, whip it out
Confucius say: Why did Confucius always speak in English?
Confucius say: Why do Chinese philosophers always try to Confucius?
Confucius say: Wife for life is better than wife for strife
Confucius say: Wife not part of furniture, till screwed on bed.
Confucius say: Woman cook carrots and peas in same pot not sanitary.
Confucius say: Woman is like jazz music, 3/4 jazz time and 1/4 rag time.
Confucius say: Woman run faster with skirt up, than Man with pants down.
Confucius say: Woman seek equality with man - no ambition.
Confucius say: Woman who cook carrots & peas in same pot not sanitary!
Confucius say: Woman who cook carrots and peas in same pot not sanitary!
Confucius say: Woman who douches with vinegar have sour puss.
Confucius say: Woman who eat banana get cream in mouth
Confucius say: Woman who flies upside down always has crack up.
Confucius say: Woman who fly plane upside down - have crackup!
Confucius say: Woman who fly plane upside down have hairy crack up!
Confucius say: Woman who fly upside down, is all crack up
Confucius say: Woman who have sex in cemetery fu*king-near dead.
Confucius say: Woman who pounce on dead rooster go down on limp cock.
Confucius say: Woman who put chicken and peas in soup, very unhygienic.
Confucius say: Woman who put detergent on top shelf, Jump for Joy.
Confucius say: Woman who ride bicycle in city pedal ass all over town.
Confucius say: Woman who shaves legs have no hair, by cracky.
Confucius say: Woman who sit on jockey's lap get hot tip.
Confucius say: Woman who sit on judge's lap get honorable discharge.
Confucius say: Woman who slide down bannister make monkey shine.
Confucius say: Woman who spend much time on bedspring have offspring.
Confucius say: Woman who spends much time on bedspring have offspring
Confucius say: Woman who turn back on lover get screwed over.
Confucius say: Woman who wear G-string, high on crack!
Confucius say: Woman with bleached blonde hair have black hair by cracky
Confucius say: Woman with cold hands have fire under skirt.
Confucius say: Women and elephants never forget an injury.
Confucius say: Women fake orgasm, Men fake foreplay.
Confucius say: Work to become, not to acquire
Confucius say: baseball all wrong, man with 4 balls cannot walk
Confucius say: best answer come from best question.
Confucius say: man who live in glass house should bathe in the basement.
Confucius say: man who live in glass house shower in basement.
Confucius say: man who read woman like book, prefer braille!
Confucius say: man who smoke pot choke on handle.
Confucius say: nothing - Because he's dead!
Confucius say: too damn much!
Confucius say: when lady say maybe, she mean yes
Confucius say: when lady say no, she mean maybe
Confucius say: when lady say yes, she no lady
Confucius say: woman lousy flier, have crack-up anyway!
Confucius say:Girl who rides bicycle, peddles ass all over town.
Confucius say:He who eats too many prunes, sits on toilet many moons.
Confucius say:He who fishes in another man's well often catches crab.
Confucius say:He who outruns the cheetah is fucking fast on his feet!
Confucius say:He who put head in punch bowl get punch in nose
Confucius say:He who stick head in open window gets pane in neck
Confucius say:He who stick head in oven gets baked bean
Confucius say:Man and mouse very alike - both end up in pussy.
Confucius say:Man who argue with wife all day get no peace at night.
Confucius say:Man who drop watch in toilet bound to have shitty time.
Confucius say:Man who screws near graveyard is fucking near dead.
Confucius say:Passionate kiss like spider web, lead to undoing of fly.
Confucius say:Virginity like a balloon - one prick, all gone.
Confucius say:Woman who fly upside down, is all crack up!
Confucius sayGirl with back to fire warming whole of her body.
Confucius sayThe early worm has a death wish...
Confucius sayman standing on bowl high on pot...
Confucius says that man with four balls cannot walk!
Confucius says: "Man and mouse alike, both end up in pussy."
Confucius says: "Man with flat chested woman have right to feel low."
Confucius says: "Penis put in vacuum cleaner get sucked off."
Confucius says: "Squirrel who runs up woman's leg not find nuts."
Confucius says: All blonde not blonde by cracky.
Confucius says: Better to sleep with chicken than to choke it.
Confucius says: Boy who diddle little girl do diddly squat.
Confucius says: Confucius say too damn much!
Confucius says: Girl who can't make apple pie can still make banana.
Confucius says: Hockey player on ice have big stick.
Confucius says: If you park, don't drink, accidents cause people.
Confucius says: It is Ok for shit to happen. Shit will decompose.
Confucius says: Man trapped in sewer eat shit and die.
Confucius says: Man trapped in whore house get jerked around.
Confucius says: Man who buy drowned cat must pay for stinking wet pussy.
Confucius says: Man who eat many prunes, sit on toilet many moons.
Confucius says: Man who eat pussy do lip service.
Confucius says: Man who fuck pig eat ham.
Confucius says: Man who fuck turkey eat stuffing.
Confucius says: Man who fuck ugly dog get howled at.
Confucius says: Man who get paid pick up chick.
Confucius says: Man who go to McDonald's eat out stinky meat.
Confucius says: Man who go to bed with diarrhea wake up in deep shit.
Confucius says: Man who jump off cliff jump to conclusion!
Confucius says: Man who lifts stones off woman get rocks off.
Confucius says: Man who paints on toilet door is a shithouse painter.
Confucius says: Man who pull out too soon get hit in rear end.
Confucius says: Man who runs behind car gets exhausted!
Confucius says: Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails.
Confucius says: Man who sink into woman's arms soon have arms in woman's
Confucius says: Man who sit on tack get point!
Confucius says: Man with dick in peanut butter is fucking nuts.
Confucius says: Man with hand in bush not necessarily trimming shrubs.
Confucius says: Man with no hair is bald.
Confucius says: Man with one chopstick go hungry.
Confucius says: Men who fart in church sit in own pew
Confucius says: Penis put in vacuum cleaner get sucked off.
Confucius says: Pentecostal who pass out get laid in church.
Confucius says: Preserve wildlife - pickle a hedgehog!
Confucius says: Priest with dick in snow like cold one before mass.
Confucius says: Tagline deities should not truncate taglines.
Confucius says: To prevent hangover stay drunk!
Confucius says: Virgin with thimble on finger never feel prick.
Confucius says: Virginity like bubble. One prick - all gone!
Confucius says: When in doubt, whip it out.
Confucius says: Woman who eat banana get cream in mouth.
Confucius says: Woman who turn back on lover get screwed over.
Confucius says: Work to become, not to acquire.
Confucius sucks jello pops.
Confucius was a blabbermouth.
Confucius...man who live in glass house shower in basement.
Confucius:  Man who lay woman on hill not on level.
Confucius: Australia Good Place to Put Chinese Restaurant.
Confucius: Before becoming master fisherman, must be master baiter.
Confucius: Man who fart in church, sits in own pew!
Confucius: Man who farts in church, sits on own pew.
Confuciuss say: Man who put foot in mouth get athlete's toe!
Confuciuss say: Man who put foot in mouth get athlete's tounge.
Confucuius say: Man who lay woman on ground have peace on earth.
Confuscious say: Baseball wrong - no man can walk with four balls.
Confuscious say: He who put head in punch bowl get punch in nose
Confuscious say: Man who sit on hot stove will rise again.
Confuscious say: Man with hole in pocket: feel cocky all day!
Confuscious say: baseball all wrong, man with 4 balls cannot walk
Confuscious say:He who put head in punch bowl get punch in nose
Confuscious say:He who stick head in open window gets pane in neck
Confuscious say:He who stick head in oven gets baked bean
Confusciuos say: Man who farts in church sits in own pew.
Confuscius say early worm has death wish.
Confuscius say full elevator smell different to midget.
Confuscius say... early worm has death wish.
Confuscius say: Baseball all wrong--man with four balls cannot walk.
Confuscius say: Dead fish in river go with the flow.
Confuscius say: Woman who fly plane upside down -- have crackup!
Confuscius sayearly worm has death wish.
Confuse People:  Quote from the wrong message!
Confuse People: Quote From The Wrong Message
Confuse a computer:  0101 0001 0110 0100 0100 1101 0102... 2???!?!?!?!
Confuse everyone  --  smile all day Monday!.
Confuse liberal folks -- tell them the whole truth !!!
Confuse people - quote from the wrong message.
Confuse people - start making sense
Confuse people ... Quote from the WRONG message!
Confuse people, quote from the wrong message.
Confuse people:  start making sense.
Confuse people: start making sense.
Confuse the world - Smile all day on Monday
Confuse the world -- smile all day Monday!
Confuse them all: Nuke the Gay Baby Whales for Jesus
Confuse your local coroner die happy.
Confused Now? -- Try EDLIN with Speed Reader.
Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me.
Confused enough about my stance on this subject yet?
Confused is a state of being, I like being in a confused state.
Confused, @N@ throws a Sonic Hedgehog by mistake.
Confused, Curious and a little short
Confused, John Kellner throws a Sonic Hedgehog by mistake.
Confused, Orville Bullitt throws a Sonic Hedgehog by mistake.
Confused, Scorpion throws a Sonic Hedgehog by mistake.
Confused, he throws a Sonic Hedgehog by mistake.
Confused, throw a Sonic Hedgehog by mistake.
Confused: A blonde between two brunettes.
Confused?  Call Counselor Troi 1-900-NCC-1701: $1.95/minute
Confused?  Call Counselor Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701
Confused?  Call Counselor Troi, 1-900-NCC-1701, $1.95/min
Confused?  Call Counselor Troi, 1-900-NCC-1701, $1.95/min.
Confused?  Call Deanna Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701.
Confused?  Call LCDR Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701
Confused?  Call LCDR Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701.  5 credits per minute.
Confused?  Call Lt. Cmdr. Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701
Confused?  Consult your OOP Guide.
Confused?  Counselor Troi.  1-900-NCC-1701.  $1.95/min.
Confused?  Try using EDLIN with your mail reader!
Confused?  You WILL be after the next episode of ... TMNICE!
Confused? Call Councellor Troi: 1-900-NCC-1701  $1.95/min
Confused? Call Councellor Troi: 1-900-NCC-1701 $1.95/min
Confused? Call Councellor Troi: 1-900-NCC-1701: $1.95/m
Confused? Call Counselor Troi 1-900-NCC-1701: $1.95/min
Confused? Call Counselor Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701. $1.95/m
Confused? Call Counselor Troi, 1-900-NCC-1701 ($1.95/min;5 minute min)
Confused? Call Counselor Troi, 1-900-NCC-1701 ext. D, $1.95/min.
Confused? Call Counselor Troi, 1-900-NCC-1701, $1.95/min.
Confused? Call Counselor Troy, 1-900-NCC-1701, $1.95/min.
Confused? Call LCDR Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701. 5 credits per minute.
Confused? Call Lt. Cmdr. Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701
Confused? Call Michelle, she will understand what you are saying.
Confused? Counselor Troi. 1-900-NCC-1701. $1.95/minuite.
Confused? I shouldn't wonder. - LaCroix
Confused? Need advice? Call Counselor Troi - 1-900-NCC-1701, $2.95/min
Confused? Try using edlin with your mail reader!
Confused? You WILL be after the next episode of TMNICE!
Confused? You won't be after this episode of Soap!
Confusion - When two or more nuclear reactors run into each other.
Confusion IS my natural state of mind, thank you.
Confusion can be solved by adding more confusion. Sometimes.
Confusion creates jobs.
Confusion is a Commie plot that leads to treasonous activity.
Confusion is always the most honest response.
Confusion is the only true road to understanding.
Confusion not only reigns, it pours.
Confusion not only reigns, it pours...
Confusion not only reigns, it's elected to high office.
Confusion say nothing. He's Dead!
Confusion say, "He who eats ice cream in car is a Sundae Driver"
Confusion will be my epitaph
Confusion will be my epitaph.
Confusion...........  What the FUCK ?
Confusion: Donald Duck speaking Klingonese.
Confusion: Looking up Enterprise componentry in the Dictionary
Confusious say : Elevator smell different to midget.
Confusious say: "Many men smoke, but Fat Man Chu."
Confusious say: Woman who fly upside down have crack up!
Confusious say: man with holes in pockets,feels cocky all day.
Confusius say : Elevator smell different to midget.
Confusius say: "Many men smoke, but Fat Man Chu."
Confussion will be my epitaph
Confusticate and bebother these dwarves!
Congenital (def.) - friendly
Congenital - friendly.
Congenital:  Friendly...
Congenital: Adjective synonymous to "friendly."
Congenital: Friendly
Congratulate me boys, I'm engaged.
Congratulate! I'll give 'em congratulate! - Shai-ster
Congratulations Clara & Rita on your wedding - Tom
Congratulations Clinton!  Inhale to the chief!
Congratulations Data, it's a girl - Troi
Congratulations Data, it's a girl.  Troy - The Offspring
Congratulations Data, it's a girl.  [Troi - The Offspring]
Congratulations Orville Bullitt!  You are now a Tagline!
Congratulations to Rush and "Code Name Jaguar".
Congratulations!  The pressure will stop soon.
Congratulations!  This is your 1000th stolen tagline!
Congratulations!  You are the one--millionth user to log
Congratulations!  You are the one-millionth user to log into our system.
Congratulations!  You have now used up another 250 hours
Congratulations!  You have now used up another 250 hours of CPU time.
Congratulations!  You may already be a wiener!
Congratulations! You get a cardboard cookie.
Congratulations! You're our TWIT list winner of the month
Congratulations! You're the winner of a surprise tax-audit!
Congratulations, Data, it's a girl! -- Troi
Congratulations, you just destroyed the Enterprise - Riker
Congratulations, you've just won 10 million dollars!
Congratulations. - Q to Picard
Congratulations. You just invented the staircase. -- Forrester
Congregate to more loving ways. - Collective Soul
Congregationalists do it in groups.
Congress  The problem trying to solve the problems.
Congress *isn't* 100% Democrat.  Blame Republicans too!
Congress - America's only Native Criminal Class
Congress - Don't just do something, stand there!!!!
Congress - Jurassic Park on the Potomac.
Congress - The problem trying to solve the problems
Congress - You earn it; we spend it.  Any questions?
Congress -- Don't just do something, stand there!!!!
Congress Rule #432453: It's only taxpayer money!
Congress Virus: overextends your Ram casche
Congress and crooks both want the population unarmed. Coincidence?
Congress controls spending, Democrats control congress, Get the picture?
Congress fighting inflation is like the Mafia fighting crime.
Congress finds more profit in supporting tobacco than you
Congress has things way out of perspective, and they want to cut aid!
Congress is elected to serve! Dems think they're anointed to rule!
Congress is full of crooks, theives and bandits.
Congress is like a cactus except the pricks are inside.
Congress is the only inherent criminal class in America. - Mark Twain
Congress isn't doing it's job. I still have a few dollars left!
Congress isn't doing it's job... I still have a few dollars left!
Congress isn't doing its job:  I still have some money!
Congress isn't doing its job; I still have money left.
Congress reminds us that not everything has a purpose.
Congress robs not at gunpoint, but at penpoint.
Congress works on the KISS principle - Keep it Stupid, Simpletons.
Congress' idea of "safe" sex: no reporters.
Congress' reality check just bounced, too!
Congress's going to dissolve us and vote in a new people.
Congress, The royal family of the U.S. (DeadBeat
Congress--just a few conservatives away from working!
Congress:  A life form with 1070 feet and no brain.
Congress:  Family values for all except the disabled!
Congress:  Just a few conservatives away from working!
Congress:  Prime example of Artificial Intelligence!
Congress:  You earn it. We overspend it. You owe us more. Any questions?
Congress:  You earn it; we spend it.  Any questions?
Congress:  living example of Artificial Intelligence
Congress: "They have what it takes to take what you got"
Congress: "We got what it takes to take what you got."
Congress: A life form with 1070 feet and no brain.
Congress: Don't just do something, stand there!!!!
Congress: It's not a job, it's a vacation.
Congress: Jurassic Park on the Potomac.
Congress: Just a few conservatives away from working!
Congress: Just a few liberals away from working!
Congress: Latin from: 'con' (a swindle) and 'digress' (off subject).
Congress: Many spending bills. White House: One spending Bill.
Congress: Prime example of Artificial Intelligence!
Congress: Proof that crime DOES pay!
Congress: The World Wrestling Federation of Politics!
Congress: We got what it takes to take what you got.
Congress: You earn it. We overspend it. You owe us more. Any questions
Congress: You earn it. We overspend it. You owe us more. Any questions?
Congress: You earn it. We spend it. You owe us more. Any questions?
Congress: You earn it; we spend it.  Any questions?
Congress: You earn it; we spend it; borrow the rest. Any questions?
Congress=535 spending bills   White House=1 spending BILL
Congresscritter's Whole Hog Sausage with 100 percent pure pork.
Congressional Anthem:  "Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money, MO!"
Congressional Ethics is an oxymoron.
Congressional National Bank. Ours bounce higher and farther!
Congressional National Bank. Sorry sir, your account is closed.
Congressional Supremacy = the liberal Democrats
Congressional Term Limits: 1 in office, 1 in jail!
Congressional elections 1994: Conservatism resurgence? Wait and see.
Congressional elections 1994: Defeat of Clinton ultra-liberalism?
Congressional elections 1994: Premature end of Clinton's reign?
Congressional elections 1994: Republican takeover? We'll wait and see.
Congressional marathon session    [they got bad Chinese food & the runs]
Congressman and former astronaut John Glenn was an Eagle Scout.
Congressman: Lies to reporters & then believes the media.
Congressmembers deserve 2 terms: 1 in office, 1 in jail!
Congressmen do it by delegation.
Congressmen do it in the House.
Coninseer of Chocolate!!!!
Conistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Conjecture: 1+1=1 (plus a small constant)
Conjugate Subjugate Lubricate Salivate Lactate Procreate!
Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Conlige suspectos semper habitos.
Conn, sonar. We have a torpedo contact approach... #$!%$@% NO CARRIER
Connect the dots!  La la la la!
Connect the dots! La la la la!
Connect:  9600 City / 14400 Highway - Your CPS may vary
Connected to MTV'S Kennedy*&^%$#@!NO CARRIER.
Connected? Press Alt-H to test your IQ.
Connecticut has 3 seasons:   winter, summer and road construction
Connecticut: Pickles must bounce, by law.
Connection Attempt #172 ..<ring>...CONNECT 300... <CLICK>
Connection termin...%$#@& - CARRIER, NOT
Connections! BBS - Christian Science Programming at it's
Connections! Says Darryl Basner eats Shiitaki Mushrooms!
Connections! Working for a Bruzzi Free Network!
Connie *was* expressing things as she saw them, from her point of view,
Connie Sharlow: "Is sex dirty?"    All: "Only if it's done right!"
Conquer your fear and you need fear no more. 8)
Conquer yourself rather than the world.
Conquest is easy.  Control is not. - Kirk
Conquest is easy. Control is not. - James Tiberius Kirk
Conquest is easy. Control is not. - Kirk
Conquest is easy.Control is not.
Conquistador Coffee brings new meaning to the word 'Vomit'.
Conrad's Conundrum:  Technologies don't transfer.
Conrail: as long as we don't have to pick it up or switch it.
Conrail: as long as we don't have to pick up, switch or deliver it.
Conscience - what hurts when everything else feels so good
Conscience - what hurts when everything else feels so good.
Conscience gets alot of credit that belongs to cold feet.
Conscience is God's presence in man. - Emanuel Swedenborg
Conscience is God's presence in man. --Swendenborg.
Conscience is a mother-in-law whose visit never ends. -- H. L. Mencken
Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody is looking -- H. L. Mencken
Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody is looking.
Conscience is the inner voice^that warns us somebody is l
Conscience is what hurts when everything else feels good.
Conscience is what hurts when everything else feels so good.
Conscience.      The thing that aches when everything else feels good.
Conscience:  The inner voice warning you that somebody is looking.
Conscience:  the inner voice warning somebody is looking.
Conscience:  the inner voice warning you that someone must be looking
Conscience: the inner voice which warns us that someone may be looking
Conscience: what hurts when everything else feels good.
Conscientious and careful: Scared -work evaluationese
Consciousness error. Wait for all brain activity to stop.
Consciousness is that annoying time between naps.
Consciousness:  visualize whirled peas
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
Consciousness: that annoying period between naps.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Consciousness: visualize whirled peas
Consensus : Used to tell how many prisoners you have.
Consensus is the negation of leadership. M. Thatcher
Consenting to sex is not a statement of intent to breed.
Consequences, schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich. - Daffy Duck.
Consequences, schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich. -- Daffy Duck
Conservatism is not dead, it just smells funny.
Conservatism is the worship of dead revolutions
Conservatism is the worship of dead revolutions.
Conservatism:  Bad ideas in search of a bunch of suckers.
Conservatism:  Civil rights, women's rights, gay rights -- all wrong!
Conservative                      (we don't use that word)
Conservative (n):  Liberal who has been mugged.
Conservative (n): Liberal who has been mugged.
Conservative Christian Heterosexual Prolife American. Any questions?
Conservative Cruise Lines.  Taking America For A Ride.
Conservative Definition of Compassion: I got mine, Jack.
Conservative Idea #3:  Facing the problem = Condoning immorality.
Conservative Minds never rest! Prepare to shift fire onto Liberal Media.
Conservative Nightmare: A Liberal Biblical Scholar.
Conservative Republican and very proud to be so!
Conservative Republican households - where hate is a family value.
Conservative Rule  #1: When in doubt, tell a lie.
Conservative Rule  #2: When caught lying, go into hysterics.
Conservative Rule  #3: When faced with facts, ignore them.
Conservative Rule  #4: Arguments are lost only to communists.
Conservative Rule  #5: Anyone who disagrees with you is a fascist.
Conservative Rule  #6: Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.
Conservative Rule  #7: Blame it on Carter and Clinton.
Conservative Rule  #8: Defend your morality by Old Testament passages.
Conservative Rule  #9: Can't refute the message?  Attack the messenger
Conservative Rule  #9: Can't refute the message?  Attack the messenger!
Conservative Rule #10: If all else fails, quit in a huff.
Conservative Rule #11: If quitting in a huff fails, see Rule #1.
Conservative closet-queens bother me a LOT more than openly gay folks.
Conservative disaster-Dan Quayle's library burned,both books destroyed
Conservative elephants, Nixon was innocent!
Conservative elephants, Nixon was innocent! (And Nixon's *alive*, too!)
Conservative faith:  any problem can be solved with enough punishment.
Conservative households - where hate is a family value.
Conservative idea #1:  Make it illegal and it will go away.
Conservative idea #1: Make it illegal and it will go away.
Conservative idea #2: Lengthening jail times will solve crime.
Conservative idea #3: Wouldn't ban bazookas, only criminals.
Conservative idea #4: Reduce taxes on rich = trickle down prosperity.
Conservative idea #5: De-regulating S&Ls won't cost taxpayers $$$$$.
Conservative idea #6 AIDS isn't a problem for society-at-large.
Conservative idea #6: AIDS isn't a problem for society-at-large.
Conservative idea #7: Breaking laws to support dictators is ok.
Conservative idea #8: Death Penalty reduces crime.
Conservative logic:  facing the problem = condoning immorality.
Conservative meaning.... It's a slip and slide...
Conservative men believe that women should be barefoot & pregnant.
Conservative nonsense detected. (D)elete (S)ave (L)augh
Conservative theory- Have the illiterate write to us for a free book
Conservative theory-Facts are stupid things -Reagan
Conservative theory-It's a terrible thing to waste one's mind-Quayle
Conservative theory: Have the illiterate write to us for a free book
Conservative theory:"Facts are stupid things" -Reagan
Conservative theory:"It's a terrible thing to waste one's mind" -Quayl
Conservative theory:"It's a terrible thing to waste one's mind"-Quayle
Conservative theory:"We are the greatest planet on earth." -Quayle.
Conservative's Rule #1: Rush is ALWAYS right!
Conservative's Rule #2: Anyone who disagrees is unAmerican.
Conservative's nightmare: running out of things to make illegal!
Conservative, n: Someone who was saying it before Rush Limbaugh.
Conservative, one who accomplishes. Liberal, one who aint got a clue!
Conservative:  One who admires long dead liberals.
Conservative:  One who admires radicals long dead.
Conservative:  One who's too cowardly to fight, too fat to run.
Conservative:  One who's too cowardly to fight, too fat to run...
Conservative: "Civil rights?  What are ya, some kind of commie?"
Conservative: "Deficit?  Cut school lunch funds!"
Conservative: A Liberal who has been mugged.
Conservative: A Liberal who's been mugged.
Conservative: A person unclear on any concept.
Conservative: A person with selfish motives.
Conservative: Deficit?  Cut school lunch funds!
Conservative: Liberal who has been mugged.
Conservative: One who admires radicals long dead.
Conservative: One who's too cowardly to fight, too fat to run.
Conservative: Proof that evolution is not an exact science.
Conservative: The mix of megalomania and stupidity.
Conservative: Too narrowminded to imagine another could have point.
Conservative: a liberal who was mugged by reality.
Conservative: if good enough for grandfather, it's good enough for me.
Conservative: one who accomplishes. Liberal: one who ain't got a clue!
Conservative: one who accomplishes. Liberal: one without a clue!
Conservative: one who admires the liberals of previous centuries.
Conservative: one who prefers two men holding guns over holding hands
Conservative: one who'd rather have 9% unemployment than 6% inflation.
Conservatives *and* Liberals are Stage I parties
Conservatives *and* Liberals are Stage I parties.
Conservatives - We do things RIGHT!
Conservatives -- We do things RIGHT!
Conservatives a problem? Try the Liberal fix. Throw money at us.
Conservatives are Right-Wing, Liberals are Wrong-Wing.
Conservatives are good with English, but poor at math.
Conservatives are line-bred from *way* back.
Conservatives aren't even as bright as an LED.
Conservatives care... for corporations!
Conservatives conserve ... What?
Conservatives destroy the Constitution and hide behind the flag.
Conservatives don't sell out, liberals refuse to buy it.
Conservatives forget that Gingrich is *also* a draft-dodger...
Conservatives interpret the Constitution in a "liberal" way.
Conservatives musn't rest! Shift fire onto Clinton's Lap-Dog Media.
Conservatives must be good at something.  But what?
Conservatives preach liberty, liberals practice it.
Conservatives rule. . .
Conservatives: Because we care.
Conservatives: Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.
Conservatives: Can't live with em... but they're easy to make fun of!
Conservatives: Expert at changing banks into land-holding businesses.
Conservatives: Good with English, but poor at math.
Conservatives: Great at selling our national forests and parkland.
Conservatives: Rob the elderly of their Medicare and Social Security.
Conservatives: They call progressive programs "liberal," and kill them
Conservatives: They call progressive programs "liberal," and kill them!
Conservatives: Worshipped by the mineral interests; cursed by the poor
Conservatives: Worshipped by the mineral interests; cursed by the poor.
Conservatives: bravely willing to lay down your life for their country.
Conservatives: hypocrisy is their most notable characteristic.
Conservativism: An exercise in futility.
Conservativism: The most gutless choice you can make.
Conserve Electricity - Support Lethal Injections
Conserve a hunter....HARVEST ONE TODAY!
Conserve air: breath less
Conserve electrons...Send short email messages.
Conserve energy - hold someone 'til you get warm.
Conserve energy whenever possible - Hint 13.
Conserve energy, don't think.
Conserve gravity!
Conserve the Constitution?  Heck no!  I'm a Conservative!
Conserve water - Ban salted peanuts.
Conserve water -- shower with a friend!
Conserve water...bathe with a friend!
Conserve your precious hatred for the game. - Apu
Conseve Power: turn Raiden off as you leave the room
Consider all the options and then guess . . .
Consider doubt as an invitation to think.
Consider ignorance as the cause rather than arragrance.
Consider it a warning, Quark -- Odo
Consider it considered!
Consider it one more step in learning the fine art of diplomacy
Consider that a divorce.
Consider that paper cup my letter of resignation - Tom
Consider the Malevolent Universe Theory:  it really IS out to get you!
Consider the facts, Orville Bullitt, not your emotions.
Consider the facts, Orville, not your emotions.
Consider this to be a preemptive, counter retaliatory strike.
Consider this, would your ancestors be proud of you?
Consider what might be fertilizing the greener grass across the fence.
Consider your reputation.  Try changing your name and mov
Consider your reputation.  Try changing your name and moving.
Consider yourself hugged.
Consider yourself moderated...
Consider yourself warned...
Consideration rules, if that's ok
Considered by many.
Consign their parts most private to a Rutland tree! -King
Consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds - Whitman
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Consistency:  The last refuge of the unimaginative.
Consistency: The last refuge of the unimaginative
Consolations, Consultations, Conflagrations.
Conspicuslat:  A maligned strip in a Venetian blind.
Conspiracies, love 'em or live 'em.
Conspiracy can never replace simple stupidity.
Conspiracy theories are all secret government plots to confuse us.
Conspiracy theory: Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
Conspiracy: the opiate of the asses
Conspiracy? There's no conspiracy. Go ahead. Ask anyone.....
Constable Odo is REAL power in your pail.
Constable clocked me at 104...
Constable...It's a nickname that I barely tolerate -- Odo
Constablethere's no hurry. -- Sisko
Constant change is here to stay.
Constant change is here to stay; It will never die.
Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them. -Seneca
Constant tinkering buggers things up
Constants aren't;  variables don't.
Constants aren't;  variables don't; moderators might;
Constipated Pakleds:  We look for things to make us go.
Constipated Pakleds:  We look for things, things to make us go...!
Constipated people don't give a crap.
Constipated people just don't give a crap!
Constipated? Try QWKDump for fast relief!
Constipation - By Sid Ondapott
Constipation is the thief of time.
Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth.
Constipation:  An important U.S. document.
Constitution of the United States: died November 17, 1993; R.I.P.
Construct a grammatically correct death sentence.
Construction workers DO IT higher.
Construction workers do it higher.
Construction workers have bigger erections!
Construction workers lay a better foundation.
Constructive criticism is so rare.
Consular Troi, please report to my ready room. Clothing optional.
Consular Troi, please report to my room. Clothing optional.
Consult a real expert - Call your mother!
Consult a real expert -- ask your mother.
Consult an expert. Ask your mom!
Consult an investment broker, was Tom's stock answer.
Consult the Book of Armaments!
Consult the Book of Armaments!' 'Armaments 3:9-21.
Consult the Book of Armaments, Chapter 2, Verses 9 to 21.
Consult the dictionery to avoid spelling mistakes.
Consult the manual?  Naaaaah, that's too easy.
Consult with a real expert - Call your mother!
Consultant:  Worker laid off, and hired back at twice the salary.
Consultant: Almost anyone with a briefcase and 50 miles from home.
Consultant: Person who makes good on salesman's promises!
Consultant: one who knows 1001 ways to make love, but knows no women.
Consultant: one who knows 101 ways to make love but can't get a date.
Consultants tell other how to do it.
Consultation is a medical term meaning "share the wealth."
Consumes hard drugs as vitamins.
Contact with Evil-Hearted Man ended at Tuesday June 1995.
Contact your American Honky Tonk Bar Association local..
Contact your American Honky Tonk Bar Association.
Contains a substantial amount of non-tobacco ingredients.
Contains less than 2% U.S. RDA for this echo
Contains no user-serviceable parts.
Contemplatives are not useful, they are only indispensible. E. Dimnet
Contempt is the weapon of the weak.     - Alice Miller
Contentiums - 586s owned by people who got replacement chips from Intel.
Contentment is not getting what you want but realizing what you have.
Contentment: enjoying the scenery along the detour
Contents may have settled during shipping.
Contents may have settled out of court.
Contents may settle during shipment.
Contents may settle during shipping.
Contents of this message may settle during shipping.
Contents:  One (1) Blonde.  Flatteries not included.
Contents: One (1) blonde.  Flatteries not included.
Contestants have been briefed on some questions before the show.
Context? But the context destroys my argument!
Continental Airlines + Air Lingus=1-800-CON-A-LINGUS
Continental Breakfast:   A roll in bed with honey.
Continental Breakfast: Roll in bed with honey.
Continental Life. Why do you ask?
Continental Sound really came through - Mike on credits
Continental people have sex lives - the English have hot-water bottles.
Continually trying to P!$$ off the Moderator? Watch out&*^%NO CARRIER
Continually trying to P!$$ off the Moderators? Watch out&*%NO CARRIER
Continually trying to tick off the Moderators? Watch out&*^%NO CARRIER
Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. (Col 4:2)
Continue the petty bickering... it intrigues me.
Continued for the sake of boring you to death...
Continued from previous message
Continued on next rock ...
Continued on next tagline...
Continued on the continuation on the contiguous message.
Continuing Education-living life yourself!
Continuity ERROR: (A)bort, (R)ewrite, (I)gnore?
Continuum Family Portrait-->  QqqQ QqQqq QqQ Qqqq Q Qq Q
Contortionists do it convolutely.
Contraceptives should be used at every conceivable opportunity.
Contraceptives should be used on all conceivable occasions  - Heinlein
Contraceptives should be used on all conceivable occasions RAH
Contraceptives should be used on all conceivable occasions.
Contraceptives:  Devices to be used on all conceivable occasions...
Contraceptives: Devices to be used on all conceivable occasions. (RAH)
Contraceptives: to be used on all conceivable occasions.
Contract between Red Skelton and Marcel Marceau: meeting of mimes.
Contract programmers DO IT for money.
Contradiction in terms:  The Best of Rush Limbaugh.
Contradiction in terms: The Best of Rush Limbaugh
Contradiction:  stubbornness versus stupidity.
Contradiction: Seen any GOOD T.V. shows?
Contrariwise, continued Tweedledee, if it was so, it might be ...
Contrary to popular belief, Cats are NOT domesticated animals.
Contrary to popular belief, a Cat is NOT a Domesticated Animal!
Contrary to popular belief, the CAT is NOT domesticated
Contrary to popular belief, the cat is not a domesticated animal
Contrary to popular opinion, God's last name isn't Damn
Contrary to public belief, the cat is not domesticated.
Contribute and Invest: (see Tax And Spend)
Contribute to the "Help Al Gore Buy a Clue" fund.
Contribute to the "Help Bill Clinton Buy a Clue" fund.
Contribute to the "Help Ross Perot Buy a Clue" fund.
Contribute to the Help He Buy-A-Clue Fund.
Contribute to the Help Orville Bullitt Buy a Clue fund.
Contribute to the Help Orville Buy a Clue fund.
Contribute to the Help you Buy a Clue fund.
Contributes to the population problem.
Contributions to the "Help Tom Upgrade acct" appreciated!
Control Character:  Maxwell Smart, Agent 86.
Control Data before it controls YOU!
Control Sense Alter
Control everything - own nothing
Control his mind?  I can't even get a leash on my own!
Control your attitude or it will control you.
Control your creepy self! - Tom to hysterical alien
Control yourself or you'll spurt.
Control yourself.  I'm online here.
Control, control.  You must learn control. - Yoda
Control-ALT-Delete thyself
Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.  - Kernigan
Controlling the playground: Respect through Fear.
Controversy is its own reward. - Dennis Snow
Convenient home delivery of Ann Margaret - Crow
Convenient to have a HOSTAGE IN so near the airport -Mike
Conventional wisdom, isn't.
Conventionality is not morality.  Self-righteousness is not religion.
Conversation enriches the understanding,
Conversation in the Inn is getting dull lately.
Conversation is an art in which man has all mankind for competitors.
Conversation is the slowest form of human communication.
Conversation: A vocal competition in which the one who is
Converse with any plankton lately?
Conversion is irrelevant. Hell WILL assimilate sinners.
Conversion is irrelevant. Hell assimilates sinners.
Convert message to toasty flame mail? [Y] [N]
Convert your 386 or 486 into a Game Boy, run Windows 3.0!
Convert your 386 or 486 into a Game Boyrun Microsoft Windows!
Convert your 386 or 486 into an XT... run Microsoft Windows!
Convert your 386/486 into a Game Boy.. run Windows 3.1!
Convert your 486 machine into an 8088 -- install Windows!
Convert your Pentium into a Game Boy, run Windows NT!
Convert your Pentium into a Game Boy--run Windows!
Converting a Pagan is dangerousfrogs can't preach.
Convice Barney to compete against Tonya Harding.
Convict... The result of choosing a poor lawyer
ConvictThe result of choosing a poor lawyer
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. - Nietzsche
Convictions are more dangerous enemies of youth than lies. Nietzsche
Convictions cause Convicts
Convince Barney that rattlesnakes make good pets.
Convince Barney to compete against Tonya Harding.
Convince Barney to run for President.
Convince Barney to use Ross Perot as his campaign manager.
Convinced it's not living if you stand outside the fire.
Convivial ... Friendly
CooCoo Kids Looking For CooCoo Kicks! -- TV's Frank
Coochie! Coochie! Coochie! - Crow as guy touches corpse
Cook It And They Will Come.
Cook a spiritualist.  It's rare that a medium is well done!
Cook, Cook!; Eat, Eat!; Diet, Diet!-- Never Ending Circle. . . .
Cook, and they will come....
Cook?  What do I look like?  Peg Bundy?
Cookbook on preparing our K9 friends. Woking the Dog!
Cooke's Law #3: Just because it works doesn't mean it's right.
Cookie DouC'mon baby light my fire.
Cookie Dough Is Better Than Men cuz; It comes chocolate flavored.
Cookie Dough Is Better Than Men, It comes chocolate flavored.
Cookie making is finger painting for adults.
Cookie pieces contain NO calories, breakage leaks calories.
Cookie! Cookie! Lend me your crumb! ...
Cookies With Condoms Fail Family-Taste Test - film at 11
Cookies by the Keebler Drow.
Cooking Bestseller: Vietnamese Cuisine Cooking by Good Doggy.
Cooking Echo friends are pan pals.
Cooking Instructions:  Preheat Microwave to 450 degrees
Cooking Rule:  if at first you don't succeed, order pizza.
Cooking Spaghetti:  by  Al Dente
Cooking Spaghetti: Al Dente
Cooking is the most ancient of arts--Adam was born hungry
Cooking laundry dishes vaccumming yesWindows NO WAY! Get a clue.
Cooking lesson #1, don't fry bacon in the nude!
Cooking with Peg Bundy. "Take a home-delivered meal"...
Cooks DO IT with oil, sugar and salt.
Cooks do it in the Kitchen.
Cooks do it with oil, sugar and salt.
Cooks run in my ex-wife's family... usually from the authorities!
Cooks? what we need are engineers
Cool DOS..."Like Dude, something went radically wrong!"
Cool Dude!
Cool Hand Luke of Borg: What we got here is *FAILURE* to assimilate.
Cool Hand of Borg:  What we have here is a failure to assimilate.
Cool cats usually aren't.
Cool people wear dark glasses - Calvin
Cool typo: I got a letter from Waldenbook's "Prefeared Readers Club"
Cool your coffee by holding it closer to your heart.
Cool! - Tom on rock music and 'Zombie' title credit
Cool! I figured out the Sysop's pass@3[&#%(}^ NO CARRIER
Cool! I figured out the Sysop's passwor$>@7& NO CARRIER
Cool, I can touch my toes with my nose now... -Vhujunka
Cool, we really get around  :-)
Cool. That's good for a new guy, you will get further into taglines.
Cool.. yeah... fire! fire!... yeah... cool... --BEAVIS.
Cool... I broke his brain. --Bart.
Cool... I broke his brain...
CoolI broke his brain. --Bart.
Coolant leak! Bridge we have a coolant leak!
Cooler than poodle doodoo in an ice-bucket.
Cooperate with those who have both know-how and bail money.
Cooperate with those who have know-how or bail money.
Cooperation is doing with a smile that which you have to do anyway.
Cooperation requires participation.  Competition teaches cooperation.
Cooperation:  Doing with a smile what you have to do anyway.
Coordinates?  I don't *care* what gets hit - FIRE!
Coors Commercials: Are they selling beer, or prostitutes?
Coors may be brewed in Colorado, but only God can make an Avacado!
Cooties! Ain't no Cooties on me!
Cop is my profession. Sysop is my hobby.
Cop: A long, sad story * Tom: I'll say
Cop: Assault? * Tom: No, A'Pepper
Cop: Ever been arrested? * Tom: Define arrested
Cop: Foul play suspected * Tom: No, duh?!?
Cop: G'nite captain * Tom: Night cap? Don't mind if I do!
Cop: He won't bite you * Crow: Might snap your neck
Cop: Her name is Molly * Crow: The Hoople
Cop: I'm beat * Mike: He's a beat cop!
Cop: Like a twig * Mike: Oh, nice image!
Cop: Mary Smiths and Jane Does * Crow: And Traci Lords
Cop: Members of the Academy * Tom: Whom I'd like to thank
Cop: The case is closed * Tom: Long live the case
Cop: The reward is $5000 * Crow: He's over there!!!
Cop:"..you say will be held against you." Drunk:"Heather Locklear!"
Cop:Harmless old coconut * Mike:As a coconut I'm offended
Copa-Q-Bana. Q opens a nightclub on a star base.
Copenhagenists don't do it unless somebody's looking...
Copenhagenists don't do it unless somebody's watching.
Copier repairmen do it with duplicity.
Copier???  I thought you said SHREDDER...
Copies of your message have been sent to my solicitor.
Copper nitrate- What policemen get paid for working in the evenings.
Copper wire came from two lawyers arguing over a penny!
Copper wire came from two lawyers arguing over a penny.
Copper wire was invented by lawyers arguing over a penny.
Copper wire was invented by two lawyers fighting over a penny.
Copper wire: Created by two lawyers arguing over a penny.
Cops DO IT at gun-point.
Cops DO IT undercover!
Cops DO IT with big guns!
Cops DO IT with cuffs.
Cops DO IT with night sticks.
Cops do it arrestingly.
Cops do it by the book.
Cops do it with cuffs.
Cops do it with electric rods.
Cops do it with nightsticks.
Cops don't beat people, night sticks beat people.
Cops have bigger guns.
Copulate, fornicate. Have no date? Masterbate!
Copulation - sex between two consenting police officers.
Copulation - sex between two consenting police.
Copulation:  (n) sex between two consenting police.
Copulation: (n) sex between two consenting police.
Copulation: Sex between two consenting police officers
Copulation: sex between 2 consenting police officers.
Copy a:\trek\*.* c:\reality.sys
Copy con David Rawsthorne > twitfile  Damn. I twitted myself AGAIN!
Copy editors DO IT with style.
Copy editors do it with style.
Copy from another: plagiarism. Copy from many: research.
Copy org.asm+waitand.c+donot.pas loony.bin
Copy protection:  Just say no ...
Copy protection:  just say no...
Copy, S*W*I*P*E, Assimilate  Do Not Emulate!: The *Tagline Court*
Copycat: n.  Any programmer at Microsoft.
Copyright (C) 1994 Tagline - All rights stolen.
Copyright (C) 1995, The Myra I Fox School of Tagline Research.
Copyright (C) 1996, Dean A. Basler Jr., All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C)1993 All rights reserved..
Copyright (C)1993 The Patrick A. Long School of Tagline Research.
Copyright (C)1994 The Myra I Fox School of Tagline Research.
Copyright (c) 1977, 1978 by Derek Tin  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1993  Florida Network Of Religious Deviants.
Copyright (c) 1993  Knights of Christianity United in Faith.
Copyright (c) 1994 Knights of Christianity United in Faith
Copyright (c) 1995 Gregory Armstrong.  All rights reserved.
Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton.
Copyright 1991  All rights wronged.  All wrongs reversed.
Copyright 1991 Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved.
Copyright 1994. All rights wronged.  All wrongs reversed.
Copyright 1994. Psychics, Inc. Predictions-R-Us.
Copyright 1994: Elmer Fudd - All wights weseweved.
Copyright 1995  All rights wronged.  All wrongs reversed.
Copyright 1995: Elmer Fudd - All wights weseweved.
Copyright my smiley, see if I care.  8<}}
Copyright the Intergalactic Thought Association
Copyright: Duplicate without errors.
Copyright?  Heck no, that's why I bought a spell checker!
Copyrighted tribble: (*)
Copyrighter's are on this Echo *WARNING* (I am not 1)!!
Copyrights are for greedy bastards only.
Copywight (c) 1991 Elmer Fudd.  All wights weserved.
Copywight (c) 1993 Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved.
Copywight (c) 1995 Elmer Fudd. All wights weswerved.
Copywight 1991 Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved
Copywight 1993 Elmer Fudd, all wights weserverd.
Copywight 1993 Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved.
Copywight 1994 (c) Elmer Fudd: All wights wesewved.
Copywight 1995 Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved. Hehehehe
Copywight 1995 Elmer Fudd. All wights weserved.
Copywight 1995 Elmer Fudd. All wights wesewved.
Corazon says:  If the Shoe Fits, Eat it.
Corbast pasulj volem sa rebarca suva, Stamena ga kuva...
Corbast pasulj volem, jer sam seljak golem
Corduroy Pillows:  Pillows that are making Headlines...
Corduroy Pillows: Pillows that are making Headlines.
Corduroy pillow cases are making Headlines.
Corduroy pillow cases; they're making headlines!
Corduroy pillows:  They're making headlines!
Core Memory:  A Marine's nostalgia.
Core Storage - A receptacle for the center section of apples.
Core Storage: A recepticle for the center section of apples.
Core breach is imminent...All hands aban#^$%@NO CARRIER
Core dumped.  Your fault.
Core error -- bus dumped.
Core meltdown - message aborted
CoreMAIL: The next generation of universal mail readers/doors/etc...
Corel Draw does it all? If not, there's always EDLIN!
Coridon Henshaw is to moderators what mosquitoes are to campers..
Coridon Henshaw saved this Conference from self-destruction.
Coridon is not a Borg Identification. You are now Third of Four.
Cork it, Larry. -- Dr. Forrester
Corkscrew:  The best thing with which to open a conversation.
Corkscrew:  The best thing with which to open a conversation...
Corn Flakes for breakfast?  That's disgusting, @FN@!
Corn Frakes .. The cereal served best in a Saucer
Corn Frakes: The choice of the next generation.
Corn Nuts! <*splat*> - 'Heathers'
Corn and grain; All that falls shall rise again
Corn flakes with gin-- Tom Servo
Corn in the field ain't money in the pocket.
Corn oil is from corn, whale oil is from whales, baby oil... Naaa...
Corn oil is made from corn. What's baby oil made from?
Corner's address...John@Doe.morg
Cornflakes, it's not just for breakfast anymore!
Cornun, slash da mutha's!  Gunduf, wip de fiyabawl!
Cornus vacadus - A corncob stripped clean of kernels.
Coroner, his last words were "I made a mistake. So shoot me."
Corporal punishment is boy punishment
Corporal punishment is boy punishment.
Corporal, get me the tape of Spaceballs, The Movie.
Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individ
Corporations don't care about people as much as money.
Corportrait - Employee photo I.D.
Corpral... get me the casette of Spaceballs: The Movie.
Corps         : A dead gentleman.
Corpse : A dead lady.
Corpus Delecti:  Rib Capitol of Texas.
Corpus Taglecti: One dead a >long< time. (same as rigor taggus)
Corpuscles make love in vein.
Correct answers for you are now complimentary! :)
Correct in Thought, Statement, or Action....TRUE!!
Correct me if I am wrong---------At your own risk!
Correct me if I'm wrong -- at your own risk.
Correct me if I'm wrong ... everybody else does.
Correct me if I'm wrong .... Everyone else does!
Correct me if I'm wrong everybody else does.
Correct me if I'm wrong, at your own risk!
Correct me if I'm wrong, everybody else does.
Correct me if I'm wrong;     At your own risk.
Correcting one's own mistakes is a life long job.
Correcting one's own mistakes is a life time job.
Correctness isn't politcal, it just is.
Corrupt REALITY.SYS: Reboot Universe (Y/n)?
Corrupt" is too harsh, I prefer the term "Ethically Challenged".
Corrupt, adj.: In politics, holding an office of trust or profit.
Corrupted CONGRESS.SYS repair not completed! Reboot 1996?
Corruption in brain....mark for deletion?
Corruption is everywhere!           M.A.N.T.I.S.
Corruption, the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty.
Corruption. The most infallible symptom of liberty.
Corruption:  The most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty.
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. -- Tacitus, Anals III 27
Corry's Law: Paper is strongest at the perforation.
Cortical Implant Driver not found: install keyboard? [Y/n]
Coshing her over the coefficient with a log until she was powerless...
Cosmetics:  A womans' means to keep a man from reading between lines...
Cosmetics:  Preventing men from reading between the lines.
Cosmetics:  Women's way of keeping men from reading between the lines.
Cosmetics: A womans' means to keep a man from reading between lines.
Cosmetics: Women's way of keeping men from reading between the lines.
Cosmetics: preventing men from reading between the lines
Cosmetics: preventing men from reading between the lines.
Cosmetologists give make-up exams
Cosmetology: Rosie Cheeks
Cosmetology: Rosie Cheeks*
Cosmic Soda-pop
Cosmic Strings: Nature's Other Divide by Zero Error.
Cosmic Thing.
Cosmic bakers took us out of the oven a little too early.
Cosmic irony: John's dead but Yoko's still alive.
Cosmogonists do it in cyclical big bangs.
Cost is no object.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Cost of living: Income plus 20%
Costrophobia: The fear of high prices.
Cottleston, Cottleston, Cottleston Pie
CottonBalls: Advanced stage of Beernuts disease.
Couch Fishing.
Couch potatoes do it during commercials.
Couch potatoes have brain tubers.
Cough...cough....hack....cough....... Good Sheeeeeeit !
Could Basil make thyme with Rosemary?
Could Earth be some other planet's HELL?
Could I borrow a cup of sugar and a few megs of RAM?
Could I have a drug overdose?
Could I have my leg back, please? - Col. Henry Blake
Could I interest you in some fine imported tikis?
Could I stop by sometime for a cup of ego? - Hawkeye to Winchester
Could I use the phone for just a sec? - Dr. F to Frank
Could a million Shakespeares write like a monkey?
Could a virgin be classified as a Notyeterosexual?
Could anybody love him, or is it just a crazy dream? -Pink Floyd
Could be an ever-opening flower.
Could be heresay, could be there say, could be just plain old SAY!!!
Could crop circles be the work of a cereal killer?
Could have even been king. But in my own way, I am king. - Ash
Could it be.......... S  A  T  A  N  ?
Could never say a bad word about ol'DINSY
Could not copy BILDT.LIE to JELTSIN.MSG.  MINK.SUB aborted...
Could not open TROUSER.ZIP. Go to PANTS.WET ? (Y/Y)
Could our mystery stiff enter & sign in please? - Crow
Could somebody get this noose off me? --Salmoneus
Could someone break the ice, please? -- Joel Robinson
Could someone in cyberspace think I'm special??
Could someone please teach Robert Plant how to sing?
Could the Borg Collective survive assimilating Rush Limbaugh?
Could the TMNT take the Power Rangers?
Could the calves of our legs eat the corn on our toes?
Could we have a rapper on checkout 2 please?
Could we have a sense of scale, here? -- Joel Robinson
Could we just get on with it please? -- TV's Frank
Could we just go please? -- Tom Servo
Could ya tell me stories?
Could ya would ya ain't ya gonna if I ask ya would ya wanna be my baby
Could you be convicted for being a Christian?
Could you check again? My name MUST be there.
Could you continue the petty bickering? -- Data
Could you continue to miss the point if I impaled you on it?
Could you continue your petty bickering?  I find it most intriguing.
Could you continue your petty bickering? - Data
Could you continue your petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
Could you continue your petty character assassination, Orville?
Could you do something about that? -Crow on Tom's singing
Could you find me some rocks to throw at them * Riker
Could you get my agent on the phone? -- Joel Robinson
Could you hand me that squirrel, I need some color in my life. - Geco
Could you hold off a vampire with a sunlamp?
Could you kill a vampire with a sunlamp?
Could you leave the dressing room door open?
Could you like shut up and give us some money? -Butthead
Could you miss the point if you were impaled on it?
Could you pass the DIP switches for these delicious memory CHIPS
Could you pee in the bell jar, please? - Tom
Could you please be a bit less specific?
Could you please deform yourself a little bit lower?
Could you please speak up?  I'm a little hard of herring.
Could you please take a breath mint? -- Joel Robinson
Could you please take the handcuffs off now? -- Mutant Raccoon
Could you run that one past again, slow? - Aahz
Could you scratch my back with your voice? - Mike
Could you see Worf doing the "Time Warp"???
Could you send, say, a swatch of those?
Could you show me some...SUNDRIES? - Tom leers to girl
Could you staple my ears back? - Tom
Could you state that as a question, please?
Could you tell me where the tennis courts are? -- Dax
Could you turn that thing down?I'm controlling a mind here! -Mr.Mental
Could you two continue this mutual admiration thing somewhere else?
Could! Could not! Could too! Could not! Could too!
Coulda sworn I hit something - Tom in his race car
Couldn't I be sedated for this?
Couldn't Moe and Larry make it? - Yakko Warner
Couldn't be more appropriate.
Couldn't be more far away from Finland than where you are....
Couldn't find a Life on sale, guess I'll keep doing this!
Couldn't find a clever tag line to steal, could I?
Couldn't have sid it better myself.
Couldn't help noticing your suitcase - Joel as gator
Couldn't hit the broadside of a barn from the inside, with a guided miss
Couldn't myself have better it said.
Couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery.  (Common in Australia.)
Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
Couldn't resist ...
Couldn't they get Rush Limbaugh? - Tom
Couldn't think his way out of a paper bag.
Couldn't we just let a few of them die? Please? Gradually? - Dione
Couldn't you hang me instead? - Duncan MacLeod
Couldn't you just crash a little bit? C'mon! - Tom
Counselar Troi, please report to my room. Clothing optional.
Counsellor Troi eats all the chocolate.
Counsellor, take off that uniform, and put that tight dress back on!
Counselor Troi eats all the chocolate.
Counselor Troi to LT Berman, meet me in Holodeck 2.
Counselor Troi to Lt. Bullitt, meet me in holodeck 2.
Counselor Troi to Lt. Mcmullin, meet me in holodeck 2.
Counselor Troi to Lt. Morgan, meet me in Holodeck 2.
Counselor Troi to Lt. Orville, meet me in holodeck 2.
Counselor Troi with a margarita on the beach at Tenagra.
Counselor Troi with a marguerita on the beach at Tenagra
Counselor Troi, please report to my ready room. Clothing optional.
Counselor Troi, please report to my room.  Clothing optional.
Counselor Troi, please report to my room. Clothing option
Counselor Troi, report to my quarters- clothing optional.
Counselor Vampyra to Lt. @FN@, report to Holodeck 2 immediately!
Counselor Vampyra to Lt. Orville, report to Holodeck 2 immediately!
Counselor's log StarDate 45623.6.  My mother is on board.
Counselor, hold very still-- Data
Count De La Pain - Crow to Mike
Count Dracula - your Bloody Mary is ready.
Count Dracula - your Bloody Mary is ready...
Count JUG-ula! WOW! - Crow on busty girl
Count Spatula's a food sucking vampire.
Count Spatula: a food sucking vampire.
Count Tribbula: ^*^
Count your blessings.
Count your chickens before they hatch & afterward to please your CPA.
Count your many blessings, It will surprise you what the Lord has done.
Counter-Intelligence is a game for thinkers.
Counter-intuitive orthogonal paradigms should be avoided.
Counterproductive: won't work -D.C.Dialect
Countertenor:  A singing waiter.
Countess Bullitt will get you!
Countess Orville will get you!
Countesses do it excellently.
Counting in binary is just like counting in decimal if yo
Counting in octal is just like counting in decimal if you
Counting is a stitch
Counting lambs, counting sheep, we will fall into sleep.
Counting the days till the next Twinkie
Country Eastern! - Crow on Japanese country singer
Country Music - the Special Olympics of music.
Country Music Where it's at.  Yo' Man!!
Country Music:  The Special Olympics of music.
Country Music: the 'Special Olympics' of sound.
Country Music: the Special Olympics of music
Country Music: the Special Olympics of the music industry.
Country hit: "I Put Her In My Root Directory, But She Partitioned."
Country is more than just a word in the Scout oath.
Country is to music as Etch-A-Sketch is to art.
Country is to music what Etch-A-Sketch is to art.
Country music causes severe trigger-finger itch.
Country music is just bad enough to keep the flies off'n a dog's butt.
Country music is the Special Olympics for heavy metal.
Country music is what I love.
Country music:  "Mah dog died, mah wife left..."
Country music:  "Mah wife leftMah dawg died"
Country music: "Mah dog died, mah wife left..."
Country music: "Mah wife left... Mah dawg died... "
Country music: Mah dog died, mah wife left.
Country music: Mah wife left... Mah dawg died... Mah truck broke...
Country music: Mah wife leftMah dawg died...
Country music: dog died, my woman took my truck, think I'll get drunk!
Country music:my dog died, woman took my truck, think I'll get drunk!
Country rap:  Red Sovine doing "Phantom 309"
Country services: We Also Walk Hogs.
Country song:  If Yew Wasn't Here, Yew'd Done Be Gone...Darlin'.
Country: The Special Olympics of music.
Country: The Special Olympics of the Music Industry.
County Morgue, you stab 'em, we slab 'em.
Coup de grace - French for lawnmower?
Coup de grace -- French for lawnmower?
Coup de grace -- French for mow the lawn.
Coupla other Myassis tags, since you're now "in the know":
Couple'a minutes on the thunder bucket here - Tom
Courage is doing what you are afraid to do.
Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  <anon.>
Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.
Courage is grace under pressure.<Ernest Hemingway>
Courage is looking at your adversaries with kindness
Courage is looking at your setbacks with serenity.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but control of fear.
Courage is resistance to & mastery of fear... not the absence of it.
Courage is resistance to fear or mastery of fear--not absence of fear.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
Courage is something you can't be afraid to have. - Frank Burns
Courage is the complement of fear.            - Heinlein
Courage is the quality it takes to look at yourself with candor
Courage is your greatest present need.
Courage of the heart is very rare. The stone has power when it's there
Courage of the heart is very rare. The stone has power when it's there.
Courage:  Two cannibals having oral sex.
Courage: fear extinguisher.
Courageous convictions will drag the dream into existence -Rush
Courier work?  Nice job.  Keeps you on the streets.
Courier: A perfect modem for an imperfect world.
Course he can talk.  He's a human being like, isn't he?
Court Reporters DO IT on a trial basis.
Court Reporters do it on a trial basis.
Court is in session, the Moderator presiding.
Court reporters do it on a trial bases.
Court rules that being a jerk is not a crime.
Court, n.: A place where they dispense with justice.
Courteous And Efficient Self-Service.
Courtesy and good manners are a real bargain - Free!
Courtesy distinguishes humans from animals.
Courtesy is Owed; Respect is Earned; Love is Given
Courtesy is contagious.
Courtesy is the lubricant of social interaction - RAH
Courtesy is the lubricant of social interaction. -- Heinlein
Courtesy of Binkley's anxiety closet.
Courtney Hole is with Pearl Hole, isn't he? - Mike
Courts are where Justice is dispensed with. (M.Twain)
Courts are where Justice is dispensed with. - Mark Twain
Courts are where justice is dispensed with.  -- Mark Twain
Courtship is to marriage as a very witty prologue is to a dull play.
Cousins marrying cousins makes for VERY tangled roots!
Cousins marrying cousins:  A non-branching family tree.
Cousins marrying cousins:  They ARE Rednecks!
Cousins marrying cousins:  VERY tangled roots!
Covek je jedna jebena stvar, narocito ako je zena...
Covek je kao vino - Bolji je kad odlezi
Covek koji je sam svoj advokat, ima budalu za klijenta.
Covek treba da zivi posteno, ako ne moze bolje.
Covenant Keepers Inc. (Tulsa OK) - An Alternative to divorce!
Cover Me, I'm goin' In.
Cover her face; mine eyes dazzle; she died young. /Lestat
Cover me, I'm going in...
Cover me.  I'm going to change from area now.
Cover me.  I'm going to change lanes.
Cover meI'm going to the stamp machine!
Cover my face as the animals die.
Cover your mouth when you sneeze! Tom scoffed.
Cover your shame! -- Joel Robinson
Cover your stump before you hump
Cover your stump before you hump.
Covered Walkways:  by  R. Kade(6)
Covered Walkways: R. Kade
Covered in hope and vaseline - NIN
Covered in hope and vaseline, ready to party!
Cow Miscarrys, now is Decaffinated!
Cow Tipping; Is that when you give your waiter a steak?
Cow disease is maddening !
Cow hearing his master's voice...
Cow pats: pioneer frisbees.
Cow pies wanted by the BATF, No Shit!
Cow tag: This tag line is udderly ridiculous. <g>
Cow tag: This tag line is udderly ridiculous. <g<
Cow with 2 legs missing = Lean Beef.
Cow's breath attracts mosquitoes and tsetse flies!
Cow: A machine that makes grass fit for people to eat.
Cow: A machine that makes grass palatable for humans
Cow: A machine that makes grass palatable for humans.
CowTipping Conference Moderator
Cowa Bunga, Dude....
Cowabunga    I'll take the Marshmallow pizza
Cowabunga  I'll take the Marshmallow pizza
Cowabunga, dude! --Bart Simpson.
Coward, n. One who in an emergency thinks with his legs.
Coward.          A man who thinks with his legs.
Coward:  One who in thinks with his legs.
Coward: One who in a perilous emergency thinks with his l
Coward: One who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs.
Coward: One who in thinks with his legs.
Cowards can never be moral.
Cowards take hostages, Klingons do not.--Worf
Cowboy Jim's Original Red Hot Gunpowder Chili!
Cowboy Mike's Original Red Hot Ricochet Barbecue Sauce!
Cowboy Neal was at the wheel of the bus to never-ever land
Cowboy Neal was at theWheel of the bus to never-ever lan
Cowboy scoring drive: Cruising downtown, looking for babes
CowboyDos 4.0 -- What the hell kinda command was THAT, pardner?
CowboyDos 4.1 -- <Y>up  <N>ope  <H>ead 'em up and <M>ove 'em out!
Cowboys DO IT on a horse.
Cowboys ain't easy to love.....
Cowboys do it in herds.
Cowboys do it in the Saddle!
Cowboys do it on a horse.
Cowboys do it with cowpokes.
Cowboys do it with spurs on.
Cowboys handle anything horny.
Cowboys stay in the saddle longer.
Cowgirls like to ride bareback.
Cows DO IT in leather.
Cows are made from mooving parts.
Cows are sacred in India, in the US we have the homeless
Cows are vegetarians, let us eat some beef.
Cows do it in leather.
Cows do it udderly.
Cows have lousy job security.
Cows in orbit - the herd shot round the world...
Cows in orbit: The herd shot around the world.
Cows may come & cows may go, but the bull in this place goes on FOREVER!
Cows may come and cows may go, but the bull goes on forever.
Cows may come, cows may go ... the BULL goes on forever!
Cows ride Space Shuttle - the herd shot round the world.
Cows wear bells because their horns don't work!
Coz we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little CRAZY :)
Cp/m - Program listing for "Look in the evening section."
Cpl. Paterson is a COWARD!
Cpu - C3po's mother.
CrabApple...A balky Macintosh computer.
Crack baby crack, show me you're real...
Crack hits the Old West - Tom
Crack kills!!  Pull up your pants Patrick Long!!!
Crack kills!! Pull up your pants Joel Caturia!!!
Crack kills!! Pull up your pants Orville Bullitt!!!
Crackdown: Lauren Order
Crackdown: Lauren Order*
Cracken's Rebel Field Guide - By West End Games
Cracken's Rebel Operatives - By West End Games
Crackity Jacks! - Stimpy.
Craig in beautiful Fresno, California
Craig oh Craig, wherefore art thou oh Craig?
Craig! Did you, or did you NOT order the Code Red?!?
Craig-O-Rama, The Craiginator, The Craig-Man, The Craigmeister.
Cram your mouth with T.J. Bearwitch cookies! Yum! - Crow
Crane operators have swinging balls.
Crane's Law:   There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
Cranial Input Error : Line Status Register 02
Cranial Input Error: Line Status Register 02
Cranial Rectalitis - the disease of being a butthead!
Cranial cavity filled with neutronic matter.  (Really dense.)
Cranio-rectally inverted.
Crankiness....for me it's just as natural as morning
Crannnnnnberry sauce...
Crap, I'm locked outta' my car - Mike
Crap:  What you'll find in a dyslexic fisherman's cooler.
Crape Diem. Just another shi??y day.
Crapola--isn't that the brown crayon in the Crayola box?
Crappie:  Not a sunfish found in a toilet.
Crapple...an Apple computer that craps out.
Crappy sight gags - Mike as wind demon blows
Crash (v) - Normal termination of a MicroSoft program...
Crash Course In Brain Surgery
Crash Detection is now in Active Phase.  Ple*^#*n=*#yu
Crash resistant tagline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Crash! P)anic, S)uicide, K)ill bystanders?
Crash, crash, crash, crash, goodbye......
Crashed? I wasn't even driving.
Crashing Bestseller: One Rung Too Many by Blonde Falls.
Crawfish, Cajuns and beer. Heaven!
Crawfish, Cajuns, gumbo and Barq's...Heaven on earth!
Crawl back in your bottle of booze & pickle yourself.-Radar to Hawk
Crawl right up on your knees - NIN
Crawl to begin. Triumph to complete. Renounce to leave.
Cray - PC with an attitude
Cray Users do it in parallel.
Cray XM/P: No doze for your Windoze...
Crayfish:  a lobster that couldn't SHELL to C:
Crayne's law: All computers wait at the same speed.
Crayola just came out with a new color.  Michael White.
Crayola presents a new color! TARDIS BLUE!!!
Crayons can take you more places than starships. * Guinan
Crayons can take you to more places than a starship.
Crazed maniacs have super-human strength.
Craziness has nothing to do with reality.
Crazy Horse didn't drink.
Crazy Monkey Love
Crazy Monkey Love...
Crazy Sparky's.  Our prices are so low we're INSANE!!!
Crazy as a loon; Crazy as all get out.
Crazy as all get out.
Crazy is a relative term in MY family.
Crazy is such a strong word,I prefer mentally over stimulated.
Crazy isn't so bad.  I could get used to this. -- Mary Campbell
Crazy way to travel.
Crazy, I'm going' Craaaz
Crazy: Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence.
Crazy=elevator#:DO:elevator#+1:UNTIL almost#=top#-1:LOOP.
Cream Grapefruits: Firm curvy outside; Pink & Wet inside!
Cream cheese!  W-r-o-n-g!  Oops!  *BANG*  Dead! - Don Schanke
Cream isn't all that floats to the top.
Cream rises to the top - so do dead fish.
Cream rises to the top! Then again, so do dead fish.
Cream rises to the top... so do dead fish.
Cream rises to the top......but then, so does scum...
Cream rises to the top......so do dead fish.
Cream rises to the top...so do dead fish.
Cream rises to the top...so does scum.
Cream rises to the top; but then, so does scum.
Cream rises to the topso do dead fish.
Create in me a clean heart, O God!
Create in me a pure heart, oh God, and grant a new spirit within me.
Create your own opportunity.  Blackmail a senior executiv
Create your own opportunity.  Blackmail a senior executive.
Create your own opportunity. Blackmail a senior exec
Create your own reality, or live in someone else's...
Create your own reality: Be a Conservative!
Create your own reality: Be a Liberal!
Create your own reality: Become a Liberal!
Created by Female Gynecologists who knew what they were doing.
Created with the No. 1 Rated HTML editor - "vi"
Creating Taglines is an artform stealing them is an obsession!
Creating a better future must begin with the ability to envision it.
Creating recipes is an artform... snaging all of them is an obsession!
Creation Scientists publish their research in the Enquirer.
Creation or Evolution. Who cares? Get back to the subject.
Creation science: Shoot an arrow, then paint a target around it.
Creation took *nine* days -- no other explanation accounts for cats.
Creation's deathless urge ever onward flows. -- Aether-Tongue
Creation: Soon to be only Official Canon conventions!
Creationism or Evolution? A lot like politics, ey?
Creationism--the belief that common sense is wrong.
Creationism:  Snatching fantasy from the jaws of reality
Creationism:  The "Maxwell Smart" of science.
Creationism:  cretinism augmented by an Alpha (a) and an Omega (o)
Creationism: Listening to reason with fingers in ears.
Creationism: Protozoa can't "pop into being," but a SUPREME BEING can
Creationism: Snatching fantasy from the jaws of reality.
Creationism: The Maxwell Smart of science.
Creationism: The belief that common sense is wrong.
Creationism: Where faith is considered "evidence."
Creationism: futile wishful thinking by blind fanatics.
Creationist "evidence"?  Stop me if you've heard THIS one
Creationist Concrete: Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it.
Creationist Guru: A carnival sideshow geekster with simonized hair.
Creationist nonsense is redundant.
Creationist's Law: You only loose arguments to liberal fascists.
Creationist, 'eh?  So, when do the book burnings start?
Creationist, 'eh? Are you going to misquote me now or later?
Creationist, 'eh? Back to strong-arming schools boards again?
Creationist, 'eh? Now we've got to find someone fluent in stupid.
Creationist, eh?  So, when do the book burnings start?
Creationist, eh? Are you going to misquote me now or later?
Creationist, eh? Back to strong-arming schools boards again?
Creationist, eh? Now we've got to find someone fluent in stupid.
Creationists are fossils in their own time.
Creationists prove that not everyone evolves.
Creationists:  Road kill on the Information Superhighway.
Creative Tagline: Fill in the blank ________________.
Creative balderdash can be interesting for its own sake...
Creative clutter is better than idle neatness..
Creative marketing:  15 doughnut shops next to 4 weight loss clinics...
Creative marketing: 15 doughnut shops next to 4 weight loss clinics.
Creative minds are seldom tidy.
Creative recipe: Fill in the blank ________________.
Creative suffering: A diet.
Creativity - Not referencing your sources.
Creativity demands curiosity in the search for knowledge.
Creativity is a Spark of Life!
Creativity is great but plagiarism is faster
Creativity is the recombination of the elements of life.
Creator of Quick FAQs!
Creature from the Gross Lagoon  - Tom on burn victim
Creature of the Night
Creatures of the Galaxy - By West End Games
Credibility deficient.
Credit card owner -- Member of the debt set
Credit card owner -- Member of the debt set
Credit cards are cool - Beavis.
Credit cards are what's responsible for the mourning after.
Credit managers always collect.
Credit:  A clever financial trick that enables one to spend what he hasn't got.
Credit: Andrew Jackson, A.S.C * Crow: Old Hickory, A.S.C.
Credit:Akira Kitazaki * Tom:Known as ZACK to his friends
Creditor: A man who has a longer memory than a debtor.
Creditor: a man who has a longer memory than a debtor.
Creditors have better memories than debtors.
Creditors have much better memories than debitors
Creditors have much better memories than debtors
Creditors have much better memories than debtors.
Credo, quia absurdum est.^[I believe, because it is absur
Creepy Girl! Be mine before Movie Sign! - Tom Servo sings
Cremation Place: You Bang 'Em, We Flame 'Em!
Cretinist: a Creationist minus her Alpha and Omega.
Crew member is called by 1st name - drink!
Crew member is called by 1st name during sexual tension - 2 drinks!
Crewman Green, step on that rock!
Crewman Green, step on that rock!  <BOOM>
Crewman Green, step on that rock!  <BOOM<
Crewman Redshirt, step on that rock! <BOOM>
Crewmember of The Southern Crescent,  1976 - 1979.
Crewmember, Southern Crescent, '76 - '79 (Eastern Division)
Crickets do it by chirping until the temperature's right.
Crickets do it by rubbing their legs together.
Crickets. I hear crickets. Big crickets - Tom
Crime Control: Fire a warning shot center mass.
Crime causes gun control laws, gun control causes crime.
Crime control! Not gun control.
Crime does not pay ... as well as politics. -- A. E. Newman
Crime does not pay as well as politics and sports.
Crime does not pay as well as politics.
Crime does not pay! (At least not as well as politics)
Crime does not pay, as well as politics.
Crime does not pay, at least not as well as politics.
Crime does not pay... as well as politics.
Crime does not pay...as well as politics.
Crime doesn't pay - unless you do it well.
Crime doesn't pay... Does that mean my job is a crime?
Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?
Crime doesn't pay....taxes.
Crime doesn't pay? Does that mean my job is a crime?
Crime frequently starts in the Mayors Office...
Crime frequently starts with liberal Democrats.
Crime has increased steadily with sales of MS-DOS.  Coincidence?
Crime is merely politics without the excuses.
Crime is only a left-handed form of human endeavor.
Crime must pay, or politicians wouldn't seek re-election.
Crime pays, primarily the legal profession.
Crime would not pay if the government ran it.
Crime wouldn't pay if it was operated by the government!
Crime wouldn't pay if the Government ran it!
Crime wouldn't pay if the Government ran it.
Crime wouldn't pay if the government ran it.
Crime wouldnt pay if it was operated by the government!
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs  I _LOVE_ Congress.
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs ... God, I love Congress!
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs ... God, I love Washington, D.C.
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs God, I love Congress
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs God, I love Washington, D.C
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs--God, I love Congress!
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs... God, I love Congress
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs... God, I love Congress.
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs... God, I love Parliament.
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs... God, I love Washington, D.C.
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs... God, I love Washington, DC
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs....God, I love Congress
Crime, Sex, Alcohol, DrugsGod, I love Washington, D.C
Crime, sex, and bouncing checks...God, I love Congress!
Crime, sex, bouncing checks ... Gads, I love Congress!
Crime, sex, bouncing checks, gads, I love Congress!
Crime, sex, bouncing checks, gods, I love Congress!
Crime: Law defines.  Police enforce.  Citizens prevent!
Crimes perpetrated by a multitude remain unavenged. - Lucan
Crimes sometimes shock us too much; vices almost always too little.
Crimes will be committed as long as criminals aren't.
Criminal Lawyer is a redundancy.
Criminal Lawyer is an oxymoron.
Criminal Lawyer, not an oxymoron
Criminal Lawyer--a redundancy
Criminal Lawyer: a redundant expression
Criminal Lawyer? ... REDUNDANT!
Criminal justice means innocent until proven insane.
Criminal lawyer is redundant redundant.
Criminal lawyer.  Isn't that redundant?
Criminal lawyer.  Isn't that redundant?
Criminal lawyer.....isn't that redundant?
Criminal lawyer? Isn't that redundant? Or just a double?
Criminal:  One who gets caught.
Criminal:  someone who gets caught.
Criminal: One who gets caught
Criminal: One who gets caught.
Criminal: The poor guy who gets caught.
Criminal: one who gets caught.
Criminals LOVE gun control - makes their job safer.
Criminals LOVE gun control -- makes their job easier.
Criminals LOVE gun control -- makes there job easier.
Criminals LOVE gun control, it makes their job much easier.
Criminals Who Got Away By Ida Donnit II
Criminals acquire guns illegally no matter how many laws there are!
Criminals acquire guns illegally regardless...
Criminals and liberals want an unarmed populace. Coincidence or not?
Criminals and tyrants want an unarmed populace.
Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot.
Criminals beget Criminals! Stop crime, cut their "You-know-whats" off!
Criminals can't repeat the crime if they're dead. Capital punishment!
Criminals love gun control -- It makes their job easier
Criminals love gun control.  It makes their job safer.
Criminals love gun control. It makes their job easier.
Criminals love gun control. It makes their job safer.
Criminals prefer unarmed victims. -- Common Sense and Common Fact
Criminies! Stupid Clones! I Really Miss My Mac -Tom Servo
Cringe with fear, violate the unbroken seal of Hell
Cripes, Saddam, I thought you said SHORT oil!
Cripes, we're trying to eat here! - Flies
Cripes. How many hutches do they need? - Mike
Crippleware. Windows NT: The network server that doesn't Windows
Crisis has been averted. Everything is super! - Sector 7G Voice
Crisis management works beautifully until an actual crisis occurs.
Crisis management works until an actual crisis occurs.
Crisis: The times that try men's souls.
Crisis: When a fortune cookie contradicts your horoscope.
Crispy Baby Toe Baskets Now On Sale - $1.99 Basket w/Coke. - BATF
Crispy outside, tender inside.
Critical Mass:  38 years of liberals in Congress.
Critical error. Place sacrifice at keyboard to continue.
Critical error: (S)hout, (S)mash, (B)uy a mac.
Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship.
Criticism strips the tree of both caterpillars and blossoms
Criticism strips the tree of both caterpillars and blossoms.
Criticism's strength lies in the weakness of the thing criticised.
Criticize feminism in law journals, risk label of anti-woman
Criticize feminism in law journals, risk label of anti-woman suits.
Criticize feminism in law journals, risk label of anti-woman.
Critics are little old ladies of both sexes.
Critics may do it constructively, usually not.
Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear.
Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepius; will you remember to pa
Critters eating books, leaving behind crittercisms.
Crno vino, crne oci, sve je crno, oko mene.....
Crnogorko, crnogorko, najlepsa djevojko! :>
Croatia is free, said Tom acerbically.
Crock pot in microwave = Cook in normal amount of time?
CrocoBorg Dundee: G'day mate! Assimilate another shrimp on the barbie!
Crocodile + Abalone = Crocabalone
Crocodile Dundee:  by  Ali Gator
Crocodile Dundee: Ali Gator
Croll's Query: If tin whistles are made of tin, what are foghorns made of?
Cronenberg's remake of "The Fly," rated "G" for "Gross-out."
Crooks love gun control. It gives them unarmed victims!
Croooooow <that's with one O>.
Crop Circles:  The work of a cereal killer?
Crop Circles: The work of a cereal killer?
Crosis of Borg - Smurf, hit on head with mallet, death is immediate.
Cross Count Dracula and Lee Iacoca and what do you get?  AUTOEXEC.BAT
Cross Lassie with cantalope; get meloncollie baby.
Cross Lassie with cantaloupe and get a meloncollie baby.
Cross Lassie with cantaloupe, get melon collie baby..
Cross Lassie with cantaloupe; get meloncollie baby.
Cross Lassie's pup with cantalope; get meloncollie baby.
Cross Lee Iacocca & Count Dracula: get autoexec.bat.
Cross a Bull Terrier and a Shih-Tzu and get ... Oh, forget it!
Cross a Bull terrier with a Shih Tsu and get a... Aw, just forget it!
Cross a Cow with a chicken and you get EggNog!
Cross a cheetah with a skunk & you get a stink you can't run away from
Cross a dentist with a boat and you'll get a tooth ferry.
Cross a dog with a chicken and you'll get pooched eggs.
Cross a lawyer with a blonde? There are things even a blonde won't do.
Cross a lawyer with a blonde? There's things even a blonde won't do.
Cross a tagline and a tribble?  You get a full HD...
Cross a vegetable with a lawyer and you get an artichoke with no heart
Cross an Aussie with a Satanist, get a Tasmanian Devil Worshipper
Cross an Indian with a cow and get a Geronimoo.
Cross an elephant with a dairy cow and get Peanut butter.
Cross ball points with coat hangers so they multiply.
Cross between Country music and Rap music--CRAP!
Cross between a Vulcan and a Tribble?  Fuzzy logic.
Cross between the Borg and Dr. McCoy - "He's irrelevant, Jim."
Cross country connections may be unreli...%$#@& - NO HARRIER
Cross country skiing is great if you live in a small country. - s.w.
Cross country skiing is great... if you live in a small country.
Cross my fingers for me! CRACK That's gonna hurt come winter! - Grampa
Cross my heart and hope to die,but the needle's already in my eye - NIN
Cross my heart and hope to die.  Ferrets choke me if I lie.
Cross over to Cats
Cross oyster with owl, get pearls of wisdom.
Cross posted from alt.slick.willie.tax.tax.tax.
Cross river *THEN* insult alligator.
Cross stitchers are x-rated
Cross this line, I dare you. Okay, cross THIS line. Er...
Cross your feet.  We only have three nails.
Cross your legs Robert! You can see the squirrel! - Crow
Cross your legs we only brought three nails.
Cross your legs!  We only have three nails.
Cross-Posted from ALT.RAP.SUX.YO.YO.YO.DADDY
Cross-Stitching forever, Housework whenever!!!
Cross-country skiing is great if you live in a small country.
Cross-country skiing is great in small countries.
Cross-eyed mosquitos and bow-legged ants...
Cross-posted from alt.fan.rush-Limbaugh.dork.dork.dork
Cross-posted from alt.fan.rush_limbaugh to alt.fan.Eugene_McCarthy.
Cross-posted from alt.female.popstar.stevie.nicks.lust.lust.lust
Cross-posted from alt.music.brian.eno.drone.drone.drone.drone
Cross-posted from alt.piss.moan.groan
Cross-posted from alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork
Cross-referencing your code is screaming "Jesus Christ!" as it crashes
Cross-word players do it crossly.
Cross-word players do it horizontally and vertically.
Crossbar (n.): a drinking establishment with an attitude
Crossbows don't kill people, Quarrels kill people.
Crosscountry runners do it in open fields.
Crossed Swords INC. - Twice as sharp as the other guys - Darkwood
Crossed Swords INC., Our weapons are twice as sharp - Darkwood
Crossing Lee Iacocca and a vampire: AUTOEXEC.BAT
Crossing Lee Iacocca with a vampire equals AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Crossing Lee Iacocca with a vampire would give AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Crossing Rivers - By Bridget Fast
Crossing every ocean, for the sake of locomotion...
Crossing the road is irrelevant.  The chicken will be assimilated.
Crossover/Mirror-Mirror Worf : "Ouch! I got a paper cut!"
Crossposted from alt.rushlimbaugh.dork.dork.dork
Crossposted from alt.sex.motss.pedo.pyro.necro.bestiality
Crossposted from alt.tanya.tag.tag.tag to alt.tonya.club.club.club
Crossposted to alt.ted.frank.troll.troll.troll
Crossroad ahead - better humor it.
Crossroads, a place where ghosts reside--Jim Morrison
Crotch Cops - Crow on odd camera angle
Crotch cam! I'm huge! - Crow
Crow - I take it the movie was not about him.-Earth vs. the Spider
Crow : Oh, Mittens.  Have you been eating gerbils again?
Crow T. Robot (whispering to Tom Servo): "Dickweed!"
Crow T. Robot: Crying Game? The chick had a d--! * Mike: HEY!!!!
Crow T. Robot: I wanna decide who lives and who dies!
Crow Teeee Robot - Mike
Crow called me a 'sweat beetle/dickweed' - Tom Servo
Crow! Where's your costume?! - Mike
Crow! Would you just find the secret button? - Mike
Crow! You gotta snap outta Shatner - Joel
Crow's teaching me to perserveer - Tom
Crow, I don't get you.    What's not to get?
Crow, I think you missed the point of the exercise. -- Mike
Crow, could you be a dear & get that? -Joel on movie sign
Crow, it's a key lock! - Tom
Crow, that's NOT Huggy Bear - Tom
Crow, thats NOT your mother - Mike
Crow, you are out there, man. -- Joel Robinson
Crow, you don't HAVE loins - Mike
Crow, you get the photo album - Gypsy during fire drill
Crow, you're so camp yo make me want to throw up! -- Joel
Crow:   Ah, you got, uh, D-cup or some, or, uh, DECAF!  DECAF!
Crow:  Hey!  Inter-species dating is not allowed!
Crow:  Hey, if she runs up there we can see up her skirt again!  Wooo!
Crow:  So am I.  I need a stronger waistband.
Crow:  Uh, boss, I checked myself in the shower this morning. I'm fine
Crow:  Uh, uh, save that for the adult children meeting, OK?
Crow:  Wow.  She's PMSing big-time.
Crow:  You guys talkin' about my butt?
Crow:  You're right.  I'm ashamed.  Spank me.
Crow: "Hey, hey!  Cross your legs, Robert--you can see the squirrel."
Crow: "Hey, look at the prow on *that* steamer!  Let's climb aboard!"
Crow: "I'm long."   JOEL: "You think he's long?  Try me.  Longest."
Crow: "If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down?"
Crow: "Is it all right if I pull over first?"
Crow: "Let's put crap in our hand and throw it at people!"
Crow: "Man, my corn is as high as an elephant's eye!"
Crow: "Not if you do it right ..."
Crow: "Oh look, they're making a kotex commercial."
Crow: "Oh, I'm a robot I can't say kotex!"
Crow: "Oh, great, kid, ya just fingered Kris Kringle!"
Crow: "Spankin' time!"
Crow: "Thanks, mom ... nice caboose ... What am I saying?"
Crow: "Tommy calls many men 'father!'"
Crow: "Uh, Bite me please."
Crow: (As Lugosi) Now I'll go to Victoria's Secret!
Crow: (Green Acres theme) The Chores! * Tom: The Hell?!?
Crow: (as Santa) I say, "Bite me."  Ho ho!  I'm kidding of course!
Crow: (hums) Duh...duh...(thinks) What does THAT mean?!?
Crow: (on odd girl) It's Exene! * Mike: No, it's Vanity!
Crow: (on rocket) Its a V2 * Tom: I coulda' had a V8!
Crow: (on the Polar Bear Club) Let's talk about shrinkage, shall we?
Crow: (space scene) I saw bubbles! * Tom: Who's bubbles?
Crow: A Title Sequence Named Desire * Tom: Stella!
Crow: A brain! * Joel: A home! * Tom: Da'nerve!
Crow: Ah, splendor in the leaves.  Tom Servo: Mm-hmm.
Crow: Ahh, Eyeball * Tom: It's JONDOR
Crow: All done washing and wiping!
Crow: Alone at last!  Oh you're the man for me!
Crow: And the first number is... * Mike: 65!
Crow: Beautiful * Mike: Dare I say fantastic?
Crow: Ben!  Put some pants on!
Crow: Bridge on River Kwai * Tom: Kwai did you say that?
Crow: Caca * Gypsy: Booby * Crow: Underpants * Tom: Dufus
Crow: Crying Game? The chick had a d... * Mike: HEY!!!!
Crow: Cuddling in the afterglow? * Tom: Check!
Crow: Ding-a-ling * Gypsy: Groove thing * Tom: Dickweed
Crow: Don't go in there!  There's no fan!  Oh....
Crow: Dung beetles!
Crow: Eddie Van Halen! * Mike: No it's Valerie Bertinelli
Crow: Fey acting! * Mike: Flamboyant prancing!
Crow: Gypsy? * Gypsy: Richard!
Crow: He's being stalked by Depeche Mode * Mike: Ugghh!
Crow: Hey we have to drink from that water!
Crow: Hey!  That's dirty!
Crow: Hooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!  That feels GO-O-O-OOD!
Crow: Hot patooty! * Tom: Hoi Palloi!
Crow: How come they all looked when he said "Dad?"
Crow: I get a weird feeling when I shimmy up this rope.
Crow: I saw APE Vigoda * Tom: Somethings FISHy about that
Crow: I wet 'em!
Crow: I'll bet this was made in Canada * Tom: Qui!
Crow: Impotence? * Tom: Oh yeh!
Crow: It doesn't take Fellini to figure this one out.
Crow: It's Fran Liebowitz! * Mike: Not writing
Crow: Japanese kids kinda gamey * Tom: Yeh, stringy
Crow: Jealous * Mike: I AM not! * Crow: Are too!
Crow: Joe Besser * Tom: Curly Joe Dorita
Crow: Kim's having my fantasy about her.   JOEL: Oh, woooow.
Crow: Let's see here... "GWM seeks leather man..."
Crow: Looks like APE nuts! * Tom: Sounds painful!
Crow: Looks like this movie comes equipped with airbags!
Crow: Mike! No! * Mike: I have to relieve the pressure
Crow: Mins! * Tom: Secs! * Crow: Mins! * Tom: Secs!
Crow: More dynamite! * Tom: Right, more dynamite
Crow: Mud butler! * Tom: Sob sister!
Crow: My neglege!
Crow: NOT THE TWIST & CREAM! * Tom: That's 'creme'
Crow: Nice tattoo * Tom: Herve Villaichese
Crow: Niner. Woozle. Steiner * Tom: Frankenheimer
Crow: No, I wasn't pretending I was a playmate!
Crow: No, not in front of us, please!
Crow: Oh no! Edith Prickley's nude! * Mike: Ugh!
Crow: Oh, I've heard about this kind of behavior.
Crow: Oh, neat, he invented the quiver!   TOM:  So did *she*!  Woooo!
Crow: Okay now -- whose breasts are bigger in this scene?
Crow: Ominous in here * Mike: A little TOO ominous
Crow: On the set of Old Gringo * Tom: No one'll find 'em
Crow: One of those rye chews? * Tom: Blue suede chews
Crow: Ooooohhh yeah!
Crow: Over here, boys, I got the poop on 'im.
Crow: Part of me still works * Tom: What part?
Crow: Premature ejaculation innuendo? * Tom: Yep!
Crow: Servo, drink this * Tom: Okay!
Crow: Servo, you don't have a mother * Tom: Noo! Waahaha!
Crow: Servo? * Tom: Roger!
Crow: Sheep Thrills?!  Joel: Well, to each his own.
Crow: Shelly Winters * Joel: She's playing the building
Crow: Shelly bought it * Tom: But WE paid for it!
Crow: So I sing you to sleep, after the lovin'.
Crow: Stupid boy! * Tom: In color!
Crow: Sunshine & laughter * Tom: Bunnies & kittens
Crow: Sven? * Tom: Ya, Ole?
Crow: Take a bullet?! * Mike: Yeh, from the assassin
Crow: Thank you, Feces!
Crow: That better be beer!
Crow: That's dirty!
Crow: That's his mom?
Crow: The intrigue thickens * Mike: I can't look away
Crow: The nuckles! * Tom: The back of the knees!
Crow: There came unto me, a thought * Tom: Ya?
Crow: They're going to need a Tucks pad the size of Tokyo.
Crow: Think of all the burritos they sell in this town!
Crow: This looks like Close Encounters of the Turd Kind.
Crow: This thing comes in real clear!
Crow: This week on Masterpiece Theater  * Tom: Huh!?
Crow: Tissue paper!  Tissue paper!
Crow: Too stupid to live * Tom: Too young to die
Crow: Try turning the knob  Tom: Looks like HE's the knob
Crow: Uh, honey, I'm ready again.
Crow: Uh, this time don't make so much noise when you read.
Crow: What a brilliant bon mote * Mike: Very witty
Crow: What was that waiters name? * Bots: Jean Luc!
Crow: What's a Wadsworth? * Joel: Oh, about $2.25
Crow: What's a pod bay? * Tom: About two pounds!
Crow: What's brown & sounds like a bell? * Tom:Robo drops
Crow: Which idiot? * Joel: There's so many
Crow: While you're out, get me a Dove bar!  And some smack!
Crow: Who told you that about Tom?
Crow: Will Rogers Institute * Mike: Roy Rogers Institute
Crow: Yes, it's prostitutes on ice!
Crow: You just can't keep that guy away from the farm animals.
Crow: You saw Jesus? * Tom: Yeh, real nice guy
Crow: You smell like rain * Mike: Why thank you!
Crow: You've got a nice flat... er, apartment.
Crow: [as Gila]:  Time to drain the lizard!
Crow: [as Godzilla]: That's not my tail.
Crow:(2 girls sleeping)Bookends * Joel:He's the librarian
Crow:Bert I.Goron  Joel:Bert I.GORDON!  Tom:Goron? Heheh!
Crow:Drinking a Slurpee too fast  Tom:Ice cream body hate
Crow:That new guy, the black Carson * Joel:Arsenio Hall?
Crow:What don't I know my butt from? A hole in the ground
Crow:You went to college? * Mike:Actually it was Vo-Tech
Crowd Control, by General Panic.
Crowd screaming, "More, more more!"
Crowds would be ok if it weren't for all the people.
Crowley: Every man and every woman is a star.
Crown Prince of the Crown Royal
Crows! My bretheren! - Crow
Crpld Tagln.  For the full version... PLEASE REGISTER!
Crpld Tagln.  For the full versionPLEAESE REGISTER!
Crucifixion: hanging out in the truest form.
Crucifixion?   For a first offense, yeah!
Crucifixion? Yeah. Ok take one cross each and line up to the left
Crucify - Tori Amos
Crucify the so called Lord, He soon shall fall to me
Crude and Boorish. - A great act. - Hawkeye
Crude and slow, Clansman. - Ramirez
Crude, Lewd & Unappealing...and that's just your dog!
Crude, Lewd and Unappealing...and that's just your dog!
Crude, immoral, vulgar and senseless <Tolstoy on Shakespeare>
Crude, immoral, vulgar, and senseless.
Crude, immoral, vulgar, senseless - but oh, what fun!
Cruel and unusual implies torture.
Cruelty is the vice most natural to a dull mind.
Cruickshank's Law #1: We have met the enemy; in fact, we elected him.
Cruickshank's Law #4: The only game that can't be rigged is peekaboo.
Cruickshank's Law #6: Never argue with the bouncer.
Cruisin' @ 899,942,400,000 furlongs / fortnight
Cruisin' the Net, 300 bps, wearin' a hat.
Cruising at 14,400 bps V42bis
Cruising at Warp 3
Cruising for chicks on the information superhighway...
Crunch. Crackle. Crunch - Tom as guy touches girls hair
Crunchy Frog: We Enforce Anarchy
Crunchy Granola, edible piano??
Crunchy, Raw, Unboned Real Dead Frog.
Crunchy, raw, unboned, real, dead frog!
Crush Rush.
Crush our competition, become a monopoly, and serve you better.
Crush, grate, chop, puree? Baby you got it all! - Tom
Crusher can't contain constant crisis child condition.
Crusher gets more shrill with each passing year. -Q to Picard
Crusher: Worf, have you seen Wesley?   Worf: No, I haven't! <BURRP!>
Crusher: Worf, have you seen Wesley?   Worf: No, I haven't.
Crusher: Worf, have you seen Wesley?   Worf: No, I haven't. <BURP!<
Crusher: Worf, you seen Wesley? Worf: I haven't. <BURP>
Crusher: Worf, you seen Wesley? Worf: No, I haven't. <BURP>
Crusing for chicks on the information superhighway...
Crusoe got everything done by Friday. Can you?
Crusty the Clown for President.
Cry  havoc, and let loose the cubes of Borg!
Cry "Assimilate," and let loose the cubes of Borg!
Cry "Bother" and let loose the four Poohs of the Apocalypse...
Cry "Dook, Dook", and let slip the four ferrets of war!
Cry "FUBS!" and let slip the worms of book!
Cry "RIBBIT!"  And let slip the frogs of war!
Cry "Santhemum!" and loose the Florists of War!
Cry "YATI!", and let slip the nitpickers of war!
Cry "havoc!" and let slip the dogs of e-mail.
Cry 'havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war.  J.C. 3.1.274
Cry *squeak* and let loose the ferrets of war!
Cry *squeek* and let loose the ferrets of war!
Cry Assimilate, and let loose the cubes of Borg!
Cry Bajora!, and let slip the Orbs of war!
Cry Bill Blass! and let slip the togs of yore..
Cry Bother and let loose the four Poohs of the Apocalypse...
Cry Bother and let slip the Poohs of war!
Cry Cheeble! and let loose the hamsters of war!
Cry Dreary! and let's quoth the raven, nevermore..
Cry ECHO! and let slip the dogs of mail.
Cry FUBS and let loose the Fidopuppies of War.  :^)
Cry Ha'Vok and let slip the Vulcans of war!
Cry Havoc! And let loose the dogs of war!
Cry Havoc! And let slip the taglines of war... W. Tagspeare
Cry Havoc!!! And Let Loose The Dogs Of War!
Cry MALOX! and let slip the chili dogs of war!
Cry Mr. Christian! and let slip the flogs of war..
Cry NOT!  Lest the chocolate melt.
Cry RIBBETT!!! And let slip the Frogs of War!
Cry Ribbit! and let slip the frogs of war!
Cry SQUEAK and let loose the four ferrets of the apocalypse.
Cry SQUEEK and let loose the four ferrets of the apocalypse
Cry SQUEEK and let loose the four ferrets of the apocalypse.
Cry Shhhh! and slip quietly out the Dragon's door..
Cry Soooo-Eeeee, and let slip the hogs of war..
Cry Tim-ber! and let slip the logs of war..
Cry Up Spirits! and let's sip the grogs of war..!
Cry Wolf:  by  Al Armist
Cry Wolf: Al Armist
Cry Wolf: Al Armist(6)
Cry baby cry...as I'm walking out the door.
Cry ham hock!, and let slip the hogs of war!
Cry ham hock, and let slip the hogs of war!
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of e-mail!
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! -- General Chang
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! --Shakespeare.
Cry havoc!  And let slip the cows of war!
Cry havoc!  And let slip the dogs of Genevieve Neyland!
Cry havoc! And let slip the cows of war!
Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!
Cry havoc! and let slip the dogs of email.
Cry havoc, and let loose the cubes of Borg!
Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!
Cry havok, and let slip the dogs of war!
Cry heard during Hockey Player sex: "PUCK ME, BABY, PUCK ME!!!!!"
Cry heard during hockey player's foreplay: "PUCK ME, BABY, PUCK ME!"
Cry on someone else's shoulder, I'm off-duty.  Troi
Cry wolf, and expect me to believe you.
Cry, "Bother!" and let loose the four Poohs of the Apocalypse.
Cry, "Bother" and loose the four Poohs of the Apocalypse!
Cry, "ECHO!" and let slip the dogs of E-mail.
Cry, "HAVOC!" and let slip the dogs of E-mail!
Cry, "Ribbit!" and let slip the frogs of war!
Cry, "Shhhh!" and slip quietly out the dragon's door
Cry, "Soooo-Eeeee!" and let slip the hogs of war!
Cry, Bother and let loose the four poohs of the Apocalypse.
Cry, Bother and loose the four Poohs of the Apocalypse!
Cry, Bother! and let loose the four Poohs of the Apocalypse.
Cry, Bother! and let slip the Poohs of war!
Cry, Shhhh! and slip quietly out the Dragon's door
Cry,"Bother!" and let loose the four Poohs of the Apocalypse.
Crying Game? The chick had a d- Crow T. Robot
Crying back to conciousness the coldness grips my skin -RUSH
Crying over spilled CONDENSED milk would be useful.
Crying:  strengthens immune system by cleansing impurities
Crying:  strengthens immune system by cleansing impurities.
Cryonics: many are culled, few are frozen!
Crypt disclaimer: Sorry Holmes, finger slipped!
Cryptographers DO IT secretly.
Cryptographers do it secretly.
Cryptoplate - License plates that can't be deciphered at a red light.
Cryptosporidia: The bug that made Milwaukee famous.
Crystal Gravy - Now you can SEE your meat.
Crystal balls aren't really very productive.
Crystal balls aren't very productive
Crystallographers do it with groups.
Cthulhu & Exon in '96 - why vote for the *lesser* evils?
Cthulhu '96!   Vote for The Old Party, and they'll *END ALL* problems!
Cthulhu '96! This time, why vote for the lesser of two evils?
Cthulhu '96! Vote for The Ancient Party, and they'll *END ALL* problems.
Cthulhu '96! Vote for The Elder Party, and they'll end ALL problems.
Cthulhu '96! Vote for The Old Party, and they'll *END ALL* problems!
Cthulhu '96! Vote for The Old Party, and they'll *END ALL* problems.
Cthulhu '96-This time, why vote for the lesser of two evils?
Cthulhu *loves* mankind . . . BROILED!
Cthulhu 93: A Thousand Points of Fright!
Cthulhu C'thuckth!
Cthulhu Calls - using 2 cans and a string.
Cthulhu Calls - using ClearTel.
Cthulhu Calls - using ITI.
Cthulhu Calls - using MCI.
Cthulhu Calls -- using ClearTel.
Cthulhu Calls -- using ITI.
Cthulhu Calls -- using MCI
Cthulhu Cthucklth!
Cthulhu Cthucklth, but doesn't Cthwallow.
Cthulhu Cthucks.
Cthulhu Express, when it absolutely has to be an eldritch horror.
Cthulhu Express: when it absolutely has 2 be an eldritch horror.
Cthulhu Express: when it absolutely has to be an eldritch horror.
Cthulhu Fhtagn!
Cthulhu For President. Why settle for the lesser evil?
Cthulhu Matata!
Cthulhu Said It, I believe It, And That Settles It.
Cthulhu Saves (he may get hungry later!)
Cthulhu Saves ... The bones, that is.
Cthulhu Saves The bones, that is.
Cthulhu Saves!  He might be hungry later, after all.
Cthulhu Saves! - Campus Crusade for Cthulhu.
Cthulhu Saves!... In case It's hungry later....
Cthulhu Saves.  He might get hungry later.
Cthulhu Saves. He might get hungry later.
Cthulhu Saves... in case he's hungry later!
Cthulhu Saves... the bones, that is.
Cthulhu Saves..... In case it's hungry later...
Cthulhu Saves....in case he gets hungry later.
Cthulhu Saves..In case it's hungry later...
Cthulhu Savesin case he gets hungry later.
Cthulhu Savesin case he's hungry later!
Cthulhu Savesthe bones, that is.
Cthulhu Tequila!  This Time The Worm Eats You!
Cthulhu Tequila...the Worm Eats You.
Cthulhu Wrangler: Marlon Perkins.
Cthulhu and Hastur and Nyarlathotep, Oh my!
Cthulhu and Nuitari and Bane, oh my!
Cthulhu attended the Olympics.  He likes fast food!
Cthulhu awakens in 24 hours.  Have a nice day.
Cthulhu awakens in 24 hours. Have a nice day.
Cthulhu c'thucks! _Our_ Moderator SAVED this Conference!
Cthulhu calls his shots.
Cthulhu calls, and orders a large pizza with anchovies.
Cthulhu calls, and orders a large pizza with anchovies...
Cthulhu calls, he calls collect.
Cthulhu calls............. COLLECT!
Cthulhu cthucks but does it cthallow?
Cthulhu cthucks!  But does he cthwallow?
Cthulhu does it R'lyeh-ably (reliably? ;).
Cthulhu does it R'lyeh-ably.
Cthulhu eh?  If he's so powerful why is he so ugly?
Cthulhu fhtagn -- more or less.
Cthulhu for PM: Vote for Elder Party and be last victim!
Cthulhu for President [tired of choosing the lesser of two evils?]
Cthulhu for President!  Why Settle for the Lesser Evil?
Cthulhu for President! Tired of voting for the LESSER of two evils.
Cthulhu for President! Why chose the lesser of two evils!
Cthulhu for President:  Why choose the lesser of two evils?
Cthulhu for President:  tired of choosing the lesser of two evils?
Cthulhu for President: Why choose the lesser evil?
Cthulhu for President: Why choose the lesser of two evils?
Cthulhu for President: Why not vote for the Ultimate Evil?
Cthulhu for President: tired of choosing the lesser of two evils?
Cthulhu fthagn! Cthulhu fthagn! Cthulhu fthagn! Oh wow, that really...
Cthulhu fthagn! Cthulhu fthagn! Cthulhu fthagn! Oh, wow, that really ...
Cthulhu fthagn! Cthulhu fthagn! Oh, wow, that really Cthucks!!
Cthulhu in '92 -- when you're tired of the lesser of three evils!
Cthulhu in '92. Why vote for a lesser evil?
Cthulhu in '92: Why settle for the _lesser_ evil?
Cthulhu in '96 - THE STARS ARE RIGHT!
Cthulhu in '96 - why settle for the LESSER evil?
Cthulhu in '96 -- when you're tired of "the lesser of two evils"!
Cthulhu in '96 -- when you're tired of the lesser of three evils!
Cthulhu in '96!  When you're tired of "The Lesser of Two Evils"!
Cthulhu in '96! Screw the environment.
Cthulhu in '96! When You're Tired of The Lesser of Two Evils!
Cthulhu in '96! When you're *tired* of voting for the lesser evil.
Cthulhu in '96! When you're tired of the lesser of three evils!
Cthulhu in '96! Why vote for the LESSER evil?
Cthulhu in '96, when you're *tired* of voting for the lesser evil.
Cthulhu in '96. Screw the environment.
Cthulhu in '96. Why vote for a lesser evil?
Cthulhu in '96. Why vote for the LESSER evil?
Cthulhu in '96: A Thousand Points of Fright!
Cthulhu in '96: Screw the environment.
Cthulhu in '96: THE STARS ARE RIGHT!
Cthulhu in '96: Vote for The Elder Party, and they'll end ALL problems.
Cthulhu in '96: Why settle for the LESSER evil?
Cthulhu in '96: why settle for the LESSER evil?
Cthulhu in 96: A Thousand Points of Fright!
Cthulhu in 96: Screw the environment.
Cthulhu in 96: THE STARS ARE RIGHT!
Cthulhu in 96: Vote for The Elder Party, and they'll end ALL problems.
Cthulhu in 96: Why settle for the LESSER evil?
Cthulhu is Horror from Beyond the Before...
Cthulhu is a H.P. Lovecraft Thing...
Cthulhu is a pawn of Barney!
Cthulhu is just an aka for "Moderator."
Cthulhu is no damned g *!%$#!@ NO CARRIER
Cthulhu is no*!%$#!@NO CARRIER
Cthulhu is...*!%$#!@NO CARRIER
Cthulhu isn't rea*!%$#!@NO CARRIER
Cthulhu isn't really his name, he has a speech impediment.
Cthulhu isn't really his name, he just has a speech impediment
Cthulhu isn't really his name, he just has a speech impediment.
Cthulhu joins Intel, becomes Myth co-processor.
Cthulhu loathes the little children....
Cthulhu loves me, this I know; Necronomicon tells me so!
Cthulhu loves me, this I know; Necronomicon told me so.
Cthulhu loves me, this I know; the Necronomicon told me so.
Cthulhu loves me. This I know. In my dreams he tells me so.
Cthulhu loves the little children of the world.
Cthulhu loves the little children, all the children of the world...
Cthulhu loves you - with ketchup.
Cthulhu loves you ... Deep fried in your own juices.
Cthulhu loves you ... On a Ritz cracker.
Cthulhu loves you ... With a tossed salad and white wine.
Cthulhu loves you ... With an apple in your mouth.
Cthulhu loves you ... With ketchup on a bun.
Cthulhu loves you Deep fried in your own juices
Cthulhu loves you On a Ritz cracker.
Cthulhu loves you With a tossed salad and white wine.
Cthulhu loves you With an apple in your mouth.
Cthulhu loves you With ketchup on a bun.
Cthulhu loves you for dinner!
Cthulhu loves you, deep fried in your own juices.
Cthulhu loves you, on a Ritz cracker with Swiss Cheese!
Cthulhu loves you, on a Ritz cracker.
Cthulhu loves you, on a bun, with ketchup.
Cthulhu loves you, on a sesame bun.
Cthulhu loves you, with a tossed salad and white wine.
Cthulhu loves you, with an apple in your mouth.
Cthulhu loves you, with ketchup on a bun.
Cthulhu loves you, with ketchup on a sesame bun.
Cthulhu loves you, with ketchup.
Cthulhu loves you--with an apple in your mouth.
Cthulhu loves you. Deep fried in your own juices.
Cthulhu loves you. On a Ritz cracker with Swiss Cheese!
Cthulhu loves you. On a sesame bun.
Cthulhu loves you. With a tossed salad and white wine.
Cthulhu loves you. With an apple in your mouth.
Cthulhu loves you. With fava beans and nice Chianti.
Cthulhu loves you. With ketchup on a bun.
Cthulhu loves you... with ketchup on a bun.
Cthulhu loves you....on a bun, with ketchup.
Cthulhu loves you...deep fried in your own juices.
Cthulhu loves you...on a Ritz cracker with Swiss Cheese!
Cthulhu loves you...on a Ritz cracker.
Cthulhu loves you...on a bun, with ketchup.
Cthulhu loves you...on a sesame bun.
Cthulhu loves you...with a fava beans and nice Chianti.
Cthulhu loves you...with a tossed salad and white wine.
Cthulhu loves you...with an apple in your mouth.
Cthulhu loves you...with ketchup on a bun.
Cthulhu loves you...with ketchup.
Cthulhu now co-moderates this conference...
Cthulhu of Borg:  *Truly* too terrible to even think about!
Cthulhu said it, I believe it, and that settles it!
Cthulhu saves . . . in case he's hungry later.
Cthulhu saves . . . passes to Hastur . . . the crowd goes mad!
Cthulhu saves our souls and redeems them for valuable coupons later.
Cthulhu saves sinners ... In case he's hungry later.
Cthulhu saves!  In case he's hungry later.
Cthulhu saves! He may get hungry later, after all.
Cthulhu saves! In case he's hungry later!
Cthulhu saves! In case he's hungry later.
Cthulhu saves! The bones, that is.
Cthulhu saves, passes to Hastur, the crowd goes mad!
Cthulhu saves--in case he's hungry later
Cthulhu saves.  He may get hungry later, after all.
Cthulhu saves. He may get hungry later, after all.
Cthulhu saves... in case He's hungry later.
Cthulhu saves... in case he gets hungry later.
Cthulhu saves... passes to Hastur... the crowd goes mad!
Cthulhu saves...for later.
Cthulhu saves...in case he's hungry later!
Cthulhu saves...passes to Hastur... the crowd goes mad!
Cthulhu saves...the bones, that is.
Cthulhu savespasses to Hasturthe crowd goes mad!
Cthulhu says "Practice safe sex.  Use a Necronomicondom"
Cthulhu sleeps at R'lyeh, but It vacations at Disney World.
Cthulhu sleeps at R'lyeh, but It vacations in Cascadia.
Cthulhu sleeps at R'lyeh, but vacations in Cascadia.
Cthulhu wgah'nagl fhtagn. Or so I've been told...
Cthulhu will awaken in 24 hours.  Have a nice day.
Cthulhu!  You've been SPOKEN to about biting the readers!
Cthulhu!  You've been told not to bite the readers!
Cthulhu! You've been SPOKEN to about biting the readers!
Cthulhu's Diner:  "I'd like some cthish and cthips."
Cthulhu's computer: the Necronomicompaq.
Cthulhu's just a fish out of water
Cthulhu's just a fish out of water.
Cthulhu, eh?  If he's so powerful why is he so ugly?
Cthulhu, the only god worse than Yahweh.
Cthulhu.  For When Only The Darkest Will Do...
Cthulhu/Azathoth in '96!  Could it get any worse?
Cthulhu/Crow '96!
Cthulhu/Ghatanothoa 94, Screw the environment.
Cthulhu/Ghatanothoa in 96!  Screw the environment!
Cthulhu/North in '96: Why settle for a LESSER evil?
Cthulhu/North in '96: Why settle for the LESSER evil?
Cthulhu/Quayle in '96: Why settle for a LESSER evil?
Cthulhu:  Living the life of R'lyeh.
Cthulhu: Classic American Gothic Horror from the 1920-30's.
Cthulhu: Classic American Gothic Horror from the 1920-30's...
Cthulhu: For when only the Darkedness would Do.
Cthulhu: Living the life of R'lyeh.
Cthulhu: Why vote for the lesser of two evils?
Cthulhu: You have a fiend in the underworld business.
Cthulhu: for when only the Darkedness would Do...
Cthulhu: for when only the Darkness would Do...
Cthulhu: it's the surreal thing.
Cthulhu? I goose it!
Cthulhuahua - Small yet terrifyingly hideous Great Old One <dj>
Cthulu '96-This time, why vote for the lesser of two evils?
Cthulu SAVES !!!  - in case he's hungry later.
Cthulu Saves... in case he's hungry later!
Cthulu cthucks, but does he cthwallow?
Cthulu loves youwith ketchup on a bun.
Cthulu with Dragon. Not all will work, mind you, but some will.
Cthulu:  Why vote for the lesser of two evils?
Cthulu? I goose it!
Ctivates Friday the 13th
Ctrl-Alt-Del : See problem solving -- A book on MS-DOS.
Ctrl-Alt-Del!  That usually does the job for me!
CtrlAltDel to read the next message
CtrlF to format drive C: or any key to format half of drive C: A cat
Cubbish - Candy wrapper refuse.
Cubic ball bearing
Cubs lose!  Cubs lose! Cubs lose!   Cubs lose! Cubs lose!
Cuckoos DO IT by proxy.
Cuckoos do it by proxy.
Cucumbers are Better: Cucumbers have fewer calories.
Cucumbers are Better: Cucumbers won't give you a hangover.
Cucumbers are Better: You can eat the whole cucumber, skin 'n' all.
Cucumbers are Better: You can open a cucumber using only your teeth.
Cucumbers are always ready!
Cucumbers can get away any weekend...
Cucumbers don't give a flying fork whether you're a virgin or not...
Cucumbers don't have to smoke afterwards
Cucumbers never go through mid-life crisis
Cucumbers never need a round of applause...
Cucumbers never want to take you home to mom.
Cucumbers stay hard for at least a week...
Cucumbers will never tell you a vasectomy will ruin it for them....
Cucumbers won't leave you for: other women, other men, other cucumbers
Cucumbers won't make you sleep on the wet spot.
Cud je zenska, smijesna rabota
Cuddle Bunnies have a great life!
Cuddling up with a furry feline by the fire is soooo....
Cue the famous has -been actress  - Crow on Ava Gardner
Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thainig thu.
Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum.
Cuj, ispravi kicmu, u glavu ga drkni, pokazi mu zube i ponosno crkni.
Cult: A religion without political power.
Cult: The church up the street from yours.
Cultists in Waco do it to death.
Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body.<Cicero>
Culture is roughly anything we do and the monkeys don't.
Culture is the conspiracy theory of intellectuals.  -bh
Culture is what separates us from the beasts.
Culture is what your butcher would have if he were a surgeon.
Culture owes its peaks to politically weak ages. - Nietzsche
Culture?  What culture?  It's an old boat! - Richie Ryan
Cum on feel the NOIZE!  --Twisted Sister
Cum on feel the noize, girls rock your boys! Well get wild wild wild!
Cum on up an' see me...get it while it's E Z..
Cummins' Law:  You only loose arguments to liberal fascists.
CunniLingus is NOT an Irish Airline.
Cunnilinguist - one who speaks four languages.
Cunnilingus is a person who can speak four languages.
Cunnilingus is a real tongue twister!
Cunnilingus on silk sheets...the lap, lap, lap of luxury
Cunning Linguists Inc. "We lick the language barrier."
Cunning and deceit will serve a man better than force. (Machiavelli)
Cunning linguists do it with words
Cunning:a characteristic of animals which is called discretion in men.
Cunt:  A root canal.
Cupid is ANAL! - Crow
Cupid's arrow kills Vulcans
Cuprum: moonshine
Curate:  How quickly paint dries.
Curb your god - it's the law.
Curbpie - A hubcap on the side of the road.
Curds are whey out.
Cure Hate..Stop Aids...Homophobia Kills
Cure for Dyslexia:  Read Hebrew and drive in England.
Cure for baldness: Put on your hat!
Cure for postal strikes: mail them their strike pay.
Cure for spurned lovers: broken heart surgery.
Cure for the Unemployment Problem: Get a Job!
Cure hiccups ... look at a Lesbian
Cured ham?  No thanks.  What if it has a relapse on my plate?
Cured ham?No thanks,what if it had a relapse on my plate?
Cures For Impotence - By Hugh G. Rection
Curioser and curioser!
Curiosity Didn't Kill The Cat, I Got Him With The Mower !!!
Curiosity and Cats - Why does everyone always put the two together?
Curiosity didn't kill the cat, I got 'im with the mower.
Curiosity didn't kill the cat, I got him with a 12 gauge
Curiosity didn't kill the cat, I got him with a 12 gauge.
Curiosity didn't kill the cat, I got him with the 12 gauge...
Curiosity didn't kill the cat, it was my hammer!
Curiosity didn't kill the cat--I got him with a 12 gauge.
Curiosity didn't kill the cat.  I got 'im with the mower!
Curiosity didn't kill the cat.  I got him with the mower.
Curiosity didn't kill the cat. I got 'im with the mower!
Curiosity didn't kill the cat. I got 'im with the mower!
Curiosity didn't kill the cat... my car did!!
Curiosity didn't kill the cat... my truck did!!
Curiosity didn't kill the cat...I got him with my 12 gauge!
Curiosity didn't kill the cat...got 'em with a 12 gauge!
Curiosity didn't kill the cat; I got him with a 12-gauge.
Curiosity didn't kill the cat; I got'm with the mower!
Curiosity filled the cat.
Curiosity formated the cat.
Curiosity formatted the cat.
Curiosity is the essence of the scientific mind - Calvin
Curiosity is unbecoming in a Kajira!
Curiosity killed @FN@, but for awhile I was a suspect.
Curiosity killed @N@, but for awhile I was a suspect.
Curiosity killed Orville, but for awhile I was a suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat (but for a while there, I was a suspect.)
Curiosity killed the cat - but satisfaction brought him back!
Curiosity killed the cat but for a while I was a suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat, Let's get the dog next...
Curiosity killed the cat, but at first we suspected you.
Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect. - s.w.
Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while there, I was a suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile @FN@ was a suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile Diana was a suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile Orville was a suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile Tammy was a suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction gave it life.
Curiosity killed the cat, but the dog is suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat, for a while I was a suspect.
Curiosity killed the cat.  Let's get a dog next time.
Curiosity killed the cat.  Let's get a dog next.
Curiosity killed the cat.  Let's get the dog next.
Curiosity killed the cat.  Where can I find Curiosity?
Curiosity killed the cat. Let's get a dog next time.
Curiosity killed the cat. Let's get a dog next.
Curiosity killed the cat. What the heck they got 9 lives.
Curiosity killed the cat. What the heck, they've got 9 lives.
Curiosity killed the cat. Where can I find Curiosity?
Curiosity killed the cat... passing interest only wounded it.
Curiosity killed the cat? What the heck they got 9 lives.
Curiosity killed the catpassing interest only wounded it.
Curiosity kills cats, it doesn't determine their sexual orientation
Curiosity kills more mice than cats.
Curiosity may have killed the cat but for a while I was a suspect.
Curiosity may kill the cat, but a 12 gauge is quicker!
Curiosity might have killed Schr*dinger's cat.
Curiosity might have killed Schrodinger's cat.
Curiosity not only killed the cat but threw it in the river with
Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will. - Stephens
Curiosity?  Nah, I got THAT cat with the lawnmower.
Curiosity?  Nah, I got that cat with a shotgun.
Curiosity?  No, I got that cat with the lawn mower.
Curiosity? Nah, I got THAT cat with the lawn mower.
Curious how naked death is less obscene than naked women.
Curious how naked women are more obscene than naked death.
Curious. Just how did you reach that conclusion? - Data
Curiouser and curiouser!
Curiousity could kill the cat, but a 12 gauge is quicker!
Curiousity didn't kill the cat, I got him with the mower!
Curiousity didn't kill the cat.. the mower did!
Curiousity killed the CAT, but Tinkerbell brought him back to life.
Curiousity killed the cat - but satisfaction brought him back!
Curiousity killed the cat and was tried for murder.
Curiousity killed the cat, Let's get the dog next....
Curiousity killed the cat.  Honesty buried it.
Curiousity killed the cat; let's get the dog next...
Curiousity killed the duck, or ferret or something..
Curiousity may kill the cat, but a .12 gauge is quicker.
Curiousity may kill the cat, but a 12 gauge is quicker!
Curium: Something for the common cold.
Curlers do it faster by sweeping late.
Curley's Law:  As long as they spell the name right.
Curly & Anti-Curly - Dr. F
Curly, Larry, Pat Buchanan and Moe.  Which one is the real stooge?
Curmudgeon Emeritus, School of Hard Knocks
Curmudgeon in Residence
Curmudgeon?  Of course not!  I'm Pure-bred Mudgeon...
Curmudgeons are cantankerous and churlish.
Curosity didn't kill the cat... I got 'um with the mower!
Curosity didn't kill the catI got 'um with the
Current Bald rate is 15 hairs Per Second
Current Protocol:  None Selected.
Current Protocol: None Selected
Current bogon-detector reading: [ ...../. ]
Current death rate? One per person, of course.
Currently holding auditions for Voyager taglines..
Curse God, and die. - Job 2:9
Curse your wife at evening...sleep alone at night.
Curse: May your grandchildren be born in _____________.<--(name city)
Curses!  Flamed Again  --me
Curses! Hayes-ed again!!
Cursing people is morally unsound and extremely bad for your karma.
Cursive writing does not mean what I think it does. --Bart Simpson.
Cursor (n): what you become when your computer crashes.
Cursor Blink Rate = REM.
Cursor's flashing but there's no response.
Cursor--An expert in four-letter works.
Cursor:  An expert in four-letter words.
Cursor:  An expert in four-letter words...
Cursor:  What you become when your system crashes.
Cursor:  You, when your hard drive crashes.
Cursor: An expert in the use of 4-letter words.
Cursors!  Foiled Again!
Cursors!  Foiled again!
Curve: the loveliest distance between two points. - Mae West
Curve: the loveliest distance between two points. M. West.
Curved line is the loveliest distance between two points.
Curzon's dead. I'm Jadzia Dax now.
Cussin - what genealogists do when they can't find one.
Custer was fitted for an Arrow shirt
Custer was fitted for an Arrow shirt.
Custer wore Arrow shirts!!!
Custer..with arms open.......HEY!!! OUCH!!! Knock off the arrows!!!
Custom is the law of fools.
Custom is the law of fools. - Vanburgh
Customer "I would like to try on that suit in the window"
Customer:  A primitive life form at the bottom of the food chain.
Customer: A primitive life form at the bottom of the food chain.
Customers will be served in order of their cuteness.
Customize taglines: Write a new one for each message!
Customs may not be as wise as laws but they are always more popular.
Cut down a tree with a herring? -- King Arthur
Cut down trees while you still can.
Cut here and pretend that you're responsible for this, ok???
Cut here for $5.00 rebate on your next tagline purchase.
Cut it out! - Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
Cut it out! - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Cut it out, you scamp! - Dr. F to Frank
Cut life support to Wesley Crusher's quarters.   -Picard
Cut life support to all decks with children - Picard
Cut life support to all quarters with children * Picard
Cut life support to all quarters with children - Picard
Cut me off will ya? Honey, pass me the Tank Gun!
Cut me young, cut me deep!
Cut me, Paste me, Treat me like a piece of Text.
Cut my pizza in six pieces please - I can't eat eight.
Cut my pizza in six slices, please.  I can't eat eight slices!
Cut my pizza in six slices, please. I can't eat eight.
Cut my pizza into six slices, please.  I can't eat eight.
Cut my pizza into six slices, please; I can't eat eight slices!
Cut myself in half, got all tangled in my jockstrap -Crow
Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath. --Nirvana.
Cut that out or I'll snap your garter belt. - Hawkeye to Klinger
Cut the Grass!: Moses Lawn
Cut the Grass!: Moses Lawn(b)
Cut the abusers....cut the abusers...! Leave the thread!
Cut the cards, varmint. <WHOCK!> OOH! That ain't whut ah meant!
Cut the cards, varmint. <WHOCK!< OOH! That ain't whut ah meant!
Cut the cat in two and each of you keep half. - King Skeeve
Cut the telephone line, the story's the same.
Cut the telephone line, the story's the same. -NGDB
Cut the wires...<SNIP>...but first remove the fuse. - Henry
Cut to fit; beat into place.
Cut you a new sound hole! - Joel
Cut your own firewood and it'll warm you twice.
Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice.
Cut! Cut! Tia, you're spose ta be in your underwear -Tom
Cut, Paste, Color, Delete...
Cute and definitely hugable....right!
Cute and definitely huggable.....right!
Cute and definitely huggable...YES, me!
Cute and definitely huggable...YES, you!
Cute and interesting are two different things.
Cute girl? Goshums Yakko, I dunno what you're talking about! - Baloney
Cute is as cute does...and if it does it cute...it's cute to do.......
Cute rots the intellect.
Cute rots the intellect. - Garfield
Cute sucker!! :-) ... Yes ... I do save *everything*!
Cute the way he tried to fly with his ears -- Slappy
Cute women are like public toilets, either engaged or full of shit.
Cute:  A budding beauty who never smiles until her braces come off.
Cuteness is ok, as long as something terrible happens to them.-jms
Cutters dictionary:Tongue Tied=Oral Bondage
Cutting Edge Computing ; All Rights Reserved.
Cutting remarks don't cut any ice.
Cutty Sark + Kool-Aid = Silly Cutty
Cuvaj se zemlje u kojoj snajperisti najbolje vide!
Cuvajte drvece - na njima su ziveli nasi preci!!!
Cuvam zensku decu od 13 do 28 godina. Sifra: "Manijak"
Cuz I ain't taking it no more...
Cuz I take corners on two-wheels.
Cuz I'm the Taxman, yeh - Tom sings
Cuz every heart's got a mind of its own.
Cuz the life we've been living gets harder every day.
Cuz we're two of a kind, working on a full house.
Cuz when the night falls, you make me forget.
Cuz you're a blond...yeah yeah yeah!
Cwcycdcxnwcwjxncwcwnvcnwncwcycdcxnwcwjxncwcwnvcnwncwd -Welsh recipe
Cy, don't hate yourself in the morning - sleep till noon.
Cyanide.  Fester... as if we'd run out. -- Morticia Addams
Cyber IQ...Idiot - 300 bps;  Genius - 28800 bps.
Cyber Linguist Extraordinaire
Cyber-Dog food:  Kibbles and Bytes, and Bytes and Bytes.
Cyber-Dog food:  Kibbles and Bytes, and Bytes and Bytes...
Cyber-Dog food: Kibbles and Bytes, Kibbles and Bytes
Cyber-Surfing on the Blue Wave !!!
CyberATM ... NO  CA$H...#$@&%#...NO CARRY !
CyberBaseball...001 020  301 = 7.
CyberBaud...14400 - 2400 - 9600.
CyberBlackJack...C:\ HitMe;
CyberBowling...|X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| |X| | / |
CyberBrats.../Devis and /Nullhead
CyberBrats...Bevis and Carpalhead.
CyberCaffeine...2x, 3x or Quad Speed.
CyberCallWaiting...Electrons in a state of flux.
CyberCash...$EMoney and $NanoBucks.
CyberChat..."Yes, I speak Carpalese"
CyberChess...Kt - QB3.  Checkmate, Game and MATCH.
CyberCicle...carpal on a stick.
CyberClaus...He comes through the modem, not down the chimney.
CyberClone...The other "u" in user.
CyberComeOn:  "Please Enter Your Password..."
CyberCop...a ModemMaid
CyberCypher...source code for hackers.
CyberDLO (Dead Letter Office) = /dev/null.
CyberDrugs...Cyan and magenta colored M&M's.
CyberDweeb...Redundant name for a programmer.
CyberEightBall...( 8 ) = ( 1000 )
CyberErection...Page Up.
CyberFanatic...A mouse potato.
CyberFax...[Send] (*.GIF else *.PIC)
CyberFlacidity...Page Down.
CyberFootball...7  14  10  3 = 34.
CyberFriendshipSign... : ) 
CyberFunk...modem failure.
CyberFunk...when your virtual reality is on the blink.
CyberGeriatric...A user on an XT using CP/M.
CyberHockey face-off...Carpal-one...carpal-two...carpal-three...
CyberHooters...Female users with slim bauds, big icons and tight ASCII.
CyberJockey...a SysOps
CyberMeal...A McByte, a side of floppy's and a large carpal to go.
CyberNarcissist...a hacker
CyberNoNo:  "Please Enter Your Credit Card Number..."
CyberNomics...the study of on-line activities.
CyberOccupant...junk email address.
CyberOptics...virtual reality
CyberOxymoron...carpal knowledge
CyberOxymoron...nerdy geek
CyberPlasm...life blood of the Net.
CyberPrayer...Up-loading to God.
CyberPutDown..."Invalid Password..." 
CyberScream: "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemail"
CyberSex...Carpal-in, Carpal-out. [Repeat].
CyberSmut = *PORN.GIF
CyberSpace Forever!
CyberSurf...Sine waves.
CyberTurnOff..."Access Denied..."
CyberVentriloquists...Users who can throw their voice  mail.
CyberYouBetYourLife..."Type-in the secret Password.  Collect 100 Mb"
Cyberantidisestablishmentarianism rules !
Cyberbudget - e.conomy
Cyberchondria...fear of CyberSpace
Cyberdine Systems, by which others will be judged.
Cyberesque...Bauds online.
Cyberettes...CheerLeaders of the Net.
Cybergramps - Poster child for birth control.
Cybermen were made by Borg-Warner.
Cybernaut...a Web surfer
Cybernetic Remotely Operated Women - Joel on what CROW is
Cyberphobia:  Fear of new computer technology.
Cyberpuck:  the dark future of hockey.
Cyberpuck: the dark future of ice hockey.
Cyberpunk (si'-ber-punk) n. - a computer with an attitude
Cyberpunk - computer with an attitude.
Cyberpunk: Better killing through technology.
Cyberpunk: Better killing thru technology.
Cyberpunk: Computer with an attitude.
Cyberpunk: computer with an attitude.
Cyberpunks rule - Darkwood
Cybersaurus...ENIAC, 1946 (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)
Cyberself - e.gomanic  
Cybersell: firm created by lawyers to generate off-topic advertisements.
Cybersmurf vs the Rabid Tribbles II in Super 3D
Cyberspace -- virtually the final frontier.
Cyberspace forever and ever and ever.
Cyberspace, Cyberdecks, Cyberware, Cyberpunks...
Cyberspace...it's just like any other small town.
Cyberspace? Virtually there already...
Cybertech Consultants - Powered by OS/2 2.1
Cybertech, Building the future on yesterdays charred bones...
Cyberteria...We have Pull Down Menus !
Cybertrinity: Alan Turing, William Gibson, & Bryce Lynch.
Cyclic Redundancy Check:  Two locks on the same bicycle.
Cyclic Redundancy Check:  Two locks on the same bicycle...
Cyclically challenged - having PMS
CyderSpace...the Net, for Apple users.
Cylons are Borg rejects.
Cylons are Darth Vader Rejects
Cymbals are round, metal CLANGS!
Cynic -- an optimist who has been mugged by reality!
Cynic is what an Idealist calls a Realist ...
Cynic, n.: One who looks through rose-colored glasses with a jaundiced eye.
Cynic:  Someone who smells the flowers and looks for the casket.
Cynic:  a man who tells you the truth about your own motives.
Cynic: Looks through rose-colored glasses with a jaundiced eye.
Cynic: One who looks through rose-colored glasses with a
Cynic: One who looks through rose-colored glasses with a jaundiced eye
Cynic: Someone who smells the flowers and looks for the casket.
Cynic: Through rose-colored glasses with a jaundiced eye.
Cynic: one who can't see anything good except in the mirror.
Cynic:Person who knows the price of everything & the value of nothing.
Cynic?  Moi?
Cynicism is intellectual dandyism.
Cynicism is safe, optimism takes real intelligence.
Cynicism is the only sane attitude in an insane world.
Cynicism means never having to say you're sorry.
Cynics are people who know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Cynics of the world, UNITE! (Like that'll do any good.)
Cynthia is mistakenly crowned King of Norway.
CyperSport...The Thrill Of Access...The Agony Of Disconnecting.
Cyranno Blues: Brief depression after finding late mail hasn't arrived
Czechoslovakia ahead a goal to nil - that's a win if it stays that way.
Czechoslovakian for 'Worship The Devil' - Tom
c'mon and kiss me in the car
c:\bwave.............OH NO NOT AGAIN c:\bwave NOT WINDOWS !!!!!!
cCan ya dig it?
calculates PI, the answer is 3! ... PENTIUM SLOGAN:  It's a
call her green and the winters cannot fade her
cally."Is there no end to this?," Tom asked finally.
can I use the 'puter now, dad? How much longer, dad? *ANOTHER* echo?..
can anyone get over Kirks death? Whos kirk?!
can be tied in the back.
can this world really be as sad as it seems
can you substitute spam for eggs in spam, spam, eggs and spam?
can't you believe?" -- Fox Mulder
capsize - same as hat size - see bulkhead.
car around the inside of a cheerio.
carpe diem:  Gripe of the day.
carry out my sentence for i get what i deserve
carry out my sentence, Well I get what I deserve.
carry out my sentence, Well i get what i deserve -- NIN
cartridge. We should go metric every inch of the way.
cast in this unlikely role, ill-equipped to act.
cat (n.) - Small, four legged, fur bearing extortionist.
cat - furry animal with tropism for where it's not wanted
cat HAIR all over the keyboard..
cat \kat\ n, Small, four legged, fur bearing extortionist.
cat \kat\ n, Small, four legged, fur bearing extortionist...    rwk
cat o' nine tails."
catalog (n.) - firewood for cats.
cats...ya gotta love em...cause you can't hate them!
caulking / saran wrap.
censored: Jesse Helms Tagline v1.00.
center for recycling.
cg2^&gqY10-=\\[yc'":cvbg**(95eAfgD  <--- encrypted Satanic Message
chafe:  Perfue with marked perfiftenfe.
char (*(*x())[])()
char *p="char *p=%c%s%c;main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}";main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}
check the whiskers, whats going on out there?
cheese:  Milk's leap toward immortality.
chef:  (n)  Any cook that swears in French.
chicken: The only thing you can eat before it's born & after it's dead.
children. Buy American!
chip:  Not spensive.
chirrup!"Picard to Enterprise"  +++ATH NO CARRIER
city life:  Millions of people being lonely together.
clap on <CLAP CLAP> clap off <CLAP> $|=&@ NO CARRIER
clap on (CLAP!CLAP!) clap off (CLAP!+av++*...NO CARRIER
click, click, Damn! Out of TagLines...
click...click......damn!..out of new DS9 taglines!
climb up real high now fall down real far
clinton's House of Lobotomy: Manipulating truth is our middle name!
clinton's Leather & Latex Emporium: All Femo-Nazis, and `its' we got!
clipclop clipclop *BANG* clipclop clipclop--Amish drive by shooting
clop clop clop bang bang clop clop clop - Amish driveby
closed eyes are not always sleeping.
clouds were my friends/i cannot answer why
cock teaser
cockrobin - that's the answer!  Ahh, but what's the question?
code code code code eat code code code sleep code code...
coffee coffee Coffee Coffee COFFEE COFFEE !!!
coffee:  The gasoline of life.
cogito ergo . . . get into a lot of arguments
cogito ergo . . . get into a lot of arguments!
collage:  French institute of higher education.
colours go waltzing in time
columbine:  Add up all the numbers in a column.
combusted! And the band before that exploded!" - Brain
comedian:  Does, in a second, what it takes hours for a chicken to do.
coming to you from the land of the sound barriers...
compass/flashlight/bloodhound (in a locked closet).
compiled, first screen came up, ship it!!!
computer chips, potato chips, what's the difference?
computer does what U ask it too;not what you want it to..
computer is still in the shop window.
computer magic: A
computer: an amazingly stupid device that does what you tell it at high speed
computer \km-'pyt-r\ n. 1) A tagline generator.
conference should not be crossposted.
configuration changed to reflect *additional* drive # D
confucius say: Man who screws near graveyard is fucking near dead.
confucius say: Man with atletic finger make broad jump.
confusion- n. Donald Duck speaking Klingonese.
confusion--n. Donald Duck speaking Klingonaase.
cooking ain't a HOBBY...its an obsession...
cooking tip:  Wrap leftover turkey in aluminum foil and throw it out.
copy *.txt > brain
copy *.txt < brain
copying a person's tagline is more flattering than sincerity.
copyleft is the right way to go.
corner..." Tanya
could it be...satan?...
counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor.. * Arthur
counts. ... Does Data have a Pentium Overdrive upgrade
cranium:  Place where large birds are kept.
cribbage:  A baby's bedroom.
criminal lawyers:  Sounds redundant, doesn't it?
crisis:  When your fortune cookie contradicts your horoscope.
critical mass:  Religious service for book & film reviewers.
criticizm is inversely proportionate to understanding...
crockery:  Artistic medium of the politician.
cross-posted from alt.gvt.screwup.keating.dork.dork.dork
cross-posted from alt.rap.sucks.yo.yo.yo.yo.
cross-posted from alt.rush-limbaugh.dork.dork.dork
crossposted from: alt.sex.adolesent.dwarve.transvestite.druids
crow@biteme.com - Crow T. Robot's Internet address
cucumbers  never suffers from performance anxiety...
cucumbers are easy to pickup...
cucumbers don't get AIDS.
cucumbers don't give a flying fu*k whether you're a virgin or not...
cucumbers don't have sexual hangups...
cucumbers don't play the guitar and try to find themselves...
cucumbers never have head-aches...
cucumbers never make stupid excuses about "working late at the office"
cucumbers never need batteries!
cucumbers will never compare you to a centerfold...
cucumbers won't ask "Am I the best?" "Did you come? How many times?"..
cucumbers won't ask "Was it good for you?"...
cucumbers won't tell anyone that you aren't a virgin anymore...
cui bono?....For whose advantage?   To what end?
cuique suum....To each his own.
curiouser and curiouser
curiouser and curiouser...
cursor address, n: "Hello, cursor!"
cuvaj malo nade za nas, nemoj, sreco, nemoj danas.
cyanide in the water? *&^% NO PERRIER
cyberpunk (SY-ber-punk): n.  A computer with an attitude.

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca