D & C - Where Washington is
D & C : Where Washington is.
D I S C O N N E C T E D ! ! ! ! ! !
D I T T O ... Gee, Rushian is easy!
D is for Dagon, for whom minions die
D is for Deanna Troi, the shrink brunette
D j  Chew:  I've tasted this before.
D j  Clue: the feeling you've solved this mystery before.
D j  Moo:  The feeling that there's been a cow there before.
D j  Q: A very, very odd feeling that this ST/TNG episode is a re-run.
D&C -- where Washington is
D&C:  Where Washington is...
D&D Advise : He who brings the DM food stays alive the longest.
D&D Anyone?
D&D Famous Last Words: "Dragon? What Dragon?"
D&D Question - "How many hit points does being sat on by a dragon do?"
D&D Quote:  "Great.  Just what we need.  A manic bard who can't sing."
D&D Quote: "Beware of magicians, they manifest anger in strange ways."
D&D Quote: "Of course I'm a wizard, son. I've got a tall pointy hat!"
D&D Rule: +5 Platemail only comes in two sizes, too large & too small.
D&D Treasure:  +3 Dwarven Thrower - magical hammer that hurls dwarves.
D&D players do it for the experience points.
D&D:  Democrats & Dragons, Everyone Should Play.
D&Der of Borg:  "Roll *this* 6-sider for initiative!"
D&Ders of Borg paint dice pips on the sides of their ships.
D&Ders pay for handbooks with Sex, Next on Hard Copy!
D'oh! He needs to work on his phone movements - Mike
D'oh! I just got a big hunk of pork - Tom
D'oh! She's always a step ahead - Crow
D'oh! That burrito's repeating on me! - Crow
D'oh, Frank! - Dr. Forrester
D'ya think it's legal to park here? - Pinky
D'ya wonder: if ain't ain't a word, what is it?
D'ya wonder: just how BAD is "OR ELSE!"?
D'ya wonder: why they always OPEN that dark door in the horror flicks?
D'you suppose bigotry's a genetic predisposition?
D'you take my point? - Vlad the Impaler.
D'you.... d'you want to come back to my place?
D) At an early age, some one should have told you--Ivanova.
D*A*R*E:  Donut Abuse & Rotundity Elimination
D*A*R*E:  Drugs Are Really Expensive
D*A*R*E:  To Keep Cops Off Donuts
D*A*R*E:  To Keep The CIA Off Drugs
D*c*f!?!?Now listen,there's no need to resort 2 profanity
D*c*f?!? Now listen, there's no need to resort to profanity!
D*j* Borg:  The feeling that you have read that Borg tagline before.
D*j* brew: We have all had this beer before.
D-Cell: where day put de prisoner.
D-MINUS:  A pretty good grade.
D-chan! Go Wei-o! - From the film Vampire Hunter'D'
D-d-Doctor? You were expecting someone else?--The 6th Doctor
D-d-Doctor? You were expecting someone else?--The SIXTH Doctor
D-d-Doctor? You were expecting someone else?--The SIXTH Dr.
D-d-d-d-da's all. Stop reading already.
D-d-don't touch that! - Tom on kid in shower
D.A.D.: Dads Against Diapers. It's not just a job, it's a DOODY.
D.A.M.  Mothers Against Dyslexia
D.A.M. - Mothers Against Dyslexia
D.A.M.M - Drunks Against Mad Mothers
D.A.M.M. - Dyslexic And Misandrist Moms .  
D.A.M.N.        Naked Mothers Against Dyslexia
D.A.M.N.  Nude Mothers against Dyslexia
D.A.M.N. - Naked Mothers Against Dyslexia
D.A.M.N. Naked Mothers Against Dyslexia.
D.A.M.N.: Naked Men Against Dyslexia
D.A.M.N.: Naked Mothers Against Dyslexia
D.A.M.N.: Nude Mothers against Dyslexia
D.A.M.N:   Naked Men Against Dyslexia
D.A.R.E to keep cops off doughnuts
D.A.R.E to keeps cops off doughnuts.
D.A.R.E.--- Dieting Alcoholics Rarely Eat.
D.A.R.E.--- Drugs Are Really Expensive!
D.A.R.E.: Deranged And Reckless Entity, or Q for short!
D.C.'s Geriatric Park: Home of Arkansaurus Taxanspendus!
D.C.: Drugs and Crime. And that's just congress.
D.I.: "What were you in civilian life?"    Recruit: "HAPPY, SIR!"
D.I.D. D.I.D. NOT. D.I.D. D.I.D. NOT. <--I've got a bad feeling about this...
D.I.L.D.O. - Deep Inter-Labial Device for Orgasm.
D.O.C.'s Law #20: There is more to life than increasing its speed.
D.O.C.'s Law #31: Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
D.O.C.'s Law #42: If it walks out of your refrigerator, let it go.
D.O.C.'s Law #58: Life has a lot of undocumented features.
D.O.C.'s Law #60: Try as you may, you can't make it "damnfoolproof."
D.R.A.G.O.N.: Dangerous Reptile, Ask Good Ol' Noah!
D: Detonate
D:-)  visor smile
DA RULZ<tm>: Ignore at your own risk.
DA: Develop Amnesia
DAB: Delete All Bugs
DAC: Divide And Conquer
DAD IOU: on a Trans Am.
DAD'S HINT #001: Smile!
DAD: Destroy A-Disk
DADDY, what does "FORMATTING C:" .... mean?
DAG           Duhand Grinning
DAISY CHAIN..A type of jewelry
DAM (Mothers against dyslexia)
DAM: Mothers Against Dyslexia.
DAMM - Drunks Against Mad Mothers
DAMMIT JIM! BBS -=- Because you're a doctor, not a modem expert!
DAMMIT!  The dog ate my REP packet!
DAMMIT, Jim...I've run out of things to say after that...
DAMN good coffee, and HOT!
DAMN, I hate having to use the QWacK mode!  How about a LORA door?
DAMN, I'm good!
DAMN, we're good.
DAMSEL.EXE linked with DISTRESS.DAT; rescue? (Y/n)
DAN AYKROYD - NOW I'm  a GHOST,buster!
DAN HELIAS the once and future King who shall return. Excelssior.
DAN QUAYLE doe it.
DAN QUAYLE does it in the dark
DAN QUAYLE does it in the dark.
DAN QUAYLE would do it, if he could find anybody to do it with.
DANA CARVEY - Live from New York, Not
DANCERS do it in leaps and bounds
DANCERS do it in leaps and bounds.
DANCERS do it to music
DANCERS do it with grace
DANCERS do it with pumps.
DANCERS do it with their high heels on
DANGER DANGER  Computer store ahead...hide wallet.
DANGER DANGER - Computer store ahead... hide credit cards
DANGER DANGER Computer store ahead...hide wallet.
DANGER this message contains information that may be fattening.
DANGER!  Computer Store Ahead, Hide Wallet.
DANGER!  Computer store ahead!  Hide wallet!!!
DANGER!  DANGER!  Computer store ahead...hide wallet.
DANGER!  Do not read this conference while drinking coffee
DANGER!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
DANGER! @FN@'s at the keyboard again!
DANGER! Computer store ahead, hide wallet!
DANGER! DANGER! Book Store Ahead, Hide Wallet.
DANGER! DANGER! Computer Book Store Ahead, Hide Wallet.
DANGER! DANGER! Computer Store Ahead, Hide Wallet!!
DANGER! DANGER! Computer Store Ahead, Hide Wallet.
DANGER! DANGER! Computer store ahead! Hide wallet!! DANGER! DANGER!
DANGER! DANGER! Computer store ahead...hide wallet.
DANGER! DANGER! Gun Store Ahead, Hide Wallet!!
DANGER! Human at keyboard!
DANGER! Human at keyboard! 
DANGER! You are at the keyboard again!
DANGER!!!! Computer Store Ahead, HIDE WALLET!!!!
DANGER. Human at keyboard.
DANGER: Fishing Freak -- Do not expose to water!
DANTE - What Am I Doing in This Infernal Place?
DAO: Divide And Overflow
DAP: De-select Active Peripheral
DARE -Keep cops off donuts!(Donut Abuse & Rotundity Elimination)
DARE to be Kaotic.
DARE to keep kids off drugs!  Get them involved in Amateur Radio!
DARE to keep the CIA off drugs.
DARE: Drugs Are Really Excellent
DARE: Drugs Are Really Expensive
DARK HORSES do it come-from-behind
DARK PHOENIX: Witness the Birth of A God!
DAT is good !
DATA "Worf...put spot down and use a towel like everyone else!!"
DATA COMPRESSION: Squashing an android.
DATA COMPRESSION: What You Get When You Squish An Android
DATA COMPRESSION: When You Squish An Android!
DATA ERROR:  (A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence With Large Hammer
DATA ERROR: (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nflunce with hammer...
DATA ERROR:(A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence With Large Hammer
DATA PROCESSORS do it in batches
DATA is truly intelligent... he has a cat!
DATA locks himself out of a room - Data Entry Error?
DATA not updated.  Give him today's paper.
DATA! What are you doing to that cat!?!-Troi
DATA!!!  What was that?!?! - Picard
DATABASE (n.): more information than you'll ever need.
DATACOMMUNTICATION: If God had a hobby, this would be the one!
DATACRIME II activates Oct 13 - Dec 31
DATACRIME IIB activates Oct 13 - Dec 31
DATACRIME activates Oct 13 - Dec 31
DATACRIME-B activates Oct 13-Dec 31
DATALOCK activates after Aug 1990
DATSUN: Detroit's Angry Towards Sneaky Unscrupulous Nips
DAUF: Delete All Useless Files
DAUGHTER.COM not working, MALL.EXE open. Auto Encrypting $$$.BAT.
DAVID LETTERMAN - Eleventh Reason for Watching Arsenio
DAY10 activates the 10th of any month
DAZE: The opposite of nights.
DB PEOPLE do it with persistence
DB people DO IT with persistence.
DB: Drop Bits
DBA           Doing Business As
DBL: Desegregate Bus Lines
DBLSPACE....from the wonderful people who brought us EDLIN
DBN           Doing Business, NOT
DBR: DeBase Register
DBS.... just another cable company in the sky.
DBTP: Drop Back Ten and Punt
DBZ: Divide By Zero
DBasers DO IT in fields.
DBasers do it in fields.
DC Comics Page  www.dccomics.com
DC National CT - you have been cleared to crash into the whitehouse
DC> 2) He's/She's Dead JIM!!
DC: Degauss Core
DC: Divide and Conquer
DCAD: Dump Core And Die
DCBP: Detonate Chair on Bad Password
DCD: Drop Cards Double
DCE seeks DTE for mutual exchange of data.
DCGC: Dump Confusing Garbage to Console
DCI: Disk Crash Immediate
DCLXVI  - Ille numerus bestia
DCLXVI  - Roman numeral of the beast
DCLXVI - Roman numeral of the beast
DCLXVI - numeral of the beast
DCON: Disable CONsle
DCR: Double-precision CRash
DCT: Drop Cards Triple
DCVP: Destroy another Computer Via Phone-link
DCWPDGD: Drink Coffee, Write Program, Debug, Get Drunk
DD = Daffy Definitions
DD>Anyone have a good list of NO CARRIER tags?  Here are some:
DD: Destroy Disk
DD: Drop Disk
DDC: Dally During Calculations
DDOA: Drop Dead On Answer
DDS: Delaminate Disk Surface
DDT : An advanced state of alcoholism.
DDT: Debug Program
DDWB: Deposit Directly in Waste Basket
DEAD BOY - Joel's super hero
DEAD END STREET renamed to NO OUTLET,it is not as morbid?
DEAD OF WINTER Network!  Snow jobs for Jesus!
DEAD OF WINTER Network! Snow jobs for Jeezeus!
DEAD RINGER: A disconnected telephone.
DEADBEATS do it without paying for it.
DEADHEADS do it with Jerry
DEATH MASTERS. Gruesome Doo' Game.  Cheeeiit. Freq DEATH 1:2613/251
DEATH MASTERS. Gruesome Door Game. Freq DEATH 1:2613/251
DEATH TO THE ... uh,  who are we fighting now,  anyway?
DEATH TO THE uh,  who are we fighting now,  anyway?
DEATH...Failure To Fulfill Ones Potential For Wellness!
DEATH: A punishment to some, to some a gift, and to many a favor.
DEB: Disk Eject Both
DEBATE: What you use to catch de fish.
DEBATERS do it in their briefs.
DEBATORS do it in their briefs
DEBUG - Takes bugs off the windshield with minimum fuss.
DEBUG WIN.COM, E 100 B8 00 4C CD 21, W, Q
DEBUG:  raid used to spray keyboards.
DEC 12, 1899: George F. Grant patented golf tee.
DEC 25 = OCT 31 (00011001)
DEC has it now! Unfortunately, it's on back order.
DEC the halls with boughs of folly.
DEC($000B)th Commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's tagline.
DEC-Alpha:  64 bits, and pure SPEED!
DEC.25th "Cat-A-Claus" is coming---Meow! Meow! Meow!--jkb
DEC: Decompile Executable Code
DECAFFEINATED:  A cow after an abortion.
DECALFINATED:  Cow Who Just Had An Abortion.
DECEIT: What one sits in.
DECIMATE: To take ten spouses.
DEEJAYS can turn your dial.
DEEP THROAT..Something to do with carburators
DEEP-SEA DIVERS do it under extreme pressure
DEER HUNTERS will do anything for a buck
DEER HUNTERS will do anything for a buck.
DEFAME(v):to lie or tell truth about another.
DEFAME, v.t.  To lie about another.  To tell the truth about another.
DEFENCELESS, adj.  Unable to attack.
DEFENSIVE?!?  No, I most certainly am NOT!
DEFICIENCY ANALYSIS: Pointing the finger
DEFICIT: Staggering loss
DEFINE Guts --> Putting the name "SYSOP" in your twit fil
DEFINE: De ting you get fo' breakin' de law.
DEFINE: De ting you get for breaking de law.
DEFINE: De ting you get for speeding
DEFINE: Ethernet: A device for catching the Ether Bunny.
DEFINE: What jew git fower brekkin de law...
DEFINE: What you could get for breaking de law.
DEFINITION #287:  TSR := Trash System Randomly
DEFINITION #287:  TSR=Trash System Randomly
DEFINITION OF PARANOID: Two people upset with each other!
DEFINITION: Address - Type of attire worn by some female programmers.
DEFINITION: Backup - Opposite of forward.
DEFINITION: Buffer - A programmer who works in the nude.
DEFINITION: CAT scan: Searching for kitty.
DEFINITION: Cp/m - Program listing for 'Look in the eveni
DEFINITION: Cpu - C3po's mother.
DEFINITION: Disk Drive - A motor for a frisbee.
DEFINITION: External Storage - A wastebasket.
DEFINITION: FORTRAN- Formless Translations.
DEFINITION: IBM - Computer company: "Itty-Bitty Machines"
DEFINITION: IBM - Corporate motto: "I've been moved."
DEFINITION: Input - Food, beverages, painkillers, stimula
DEFINITION: Macro - The last half of an expression of sur
DEFINITION: Math Chip- A piece of a broken abacus.
DEFINITION: Newdos - Acronym for 'Not Exactly What The De
DEFINITION: Password- The nonsense word taped to the CRT.
DEI: Disk Eject Immediate
DEJAFU - The feeling that things have been this FU'ed before.
DEL *.*     100% file compression!
DEL *.*     Does WHAT?
DEL *.*  <--- How DARE you delete my Tribbles!
DEL *.*  (How DARE you delete my Tribbles?)
DEL *.*  --  100% file compression!
DEL *.*  Are you sure (y/n) y... NO!  NO!!!
DEL *.* - 100% file compression.
DEL *.* :  The most common way to delete one file out of a directory.
DEL *.* does WHAT?
DEL *.*" = 100% COMPRESSION..
DEL .     Does WHAT?
DEL . Does WHAT?
DEL them all, let DOS sort 'em out!
DELAYED: Forgotten
DELEGATE UPWARDS: Pass the buck back
DELEGATE: Pass the buck
DELETE them ALL !! Let DOS sort them out !
DELETE vs WINDOWS. A real Knock Out!
DELICATE(n): kitty who likes kosher
DELIVERY MEN do it at the rear entrance
DELTA           Don't Even Leave The Airport
DELTA           Don't Even Let Them Arrive.
DELTA           Don't Expect Loved-one To Arrive
DELTA Don't Expect Loved-one To Arrive
DELTA: Delay Everyone's Luggage Through Atlanta
DELTA: Don't Expect Loved Ones To Arrive
DELTA:.....Don't Even Let Them Arrive.
DEM: Disk Eject Memory
DEMO? No! Thank's... I'm a christian man!
DEMOCRAT: Let's tax this sh*t happening.
DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES do it and make you pay for it later
DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES do it and make you pay for it later.
DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES do it until they can't remember
DEMOCRATS do it to rich people.
DEMOLITIONS EXPERTS do it till they explode.
DEMONSTRATERS do it on the street
DENIAL:  (D)on't (E)ven k(N)ow (I) (A)m (L)ying.
DENIAL:  What Cleopatra was queen of.
DENIAL: I not am Exdyslic !
DENIAL: [D]on't [E]ven k[N]ow [I] [A]m [L]ying
DENNISTON'S LAW - Virtue is its own punishment.
DENTAL HYGENISTS do it till it hurts
DENTAL HYGENISTS do it till it hurts.
DENTAL HYGIENISTS do it till it hurts.
DENTAL HYGIENISTS do it till it hurts.   
DENTISTS do it in your mouth
DENTISTS do it in your mouth.
DENTISTS do it in your mouth.   
DENTISTS do it orally
DENTISTS do it prophylactically
DENTISTS do it prophylactically.
DENTISTS do it with drills and on chairs
DENTISTS do it with filling
DEPROGRAMMERS do it wid de computers.
DEPROGRAMMERS do it with sects
DERCOVER ANGEL: 1st rule of marriage: If you're right, apologize fast.
DESCARTE: I thought; I was.
DESPAIR: What's in de Trunk.
DESQview - No hourglass required!
DESQview 386:  Windex.
DESQview does Windoze.
DESQview versus Windows is a no-Win situation.
DESQview vs. Windows is a no-Win situation.
DESQview/386 - the only way to multitask a DOS box.
DESQview/X. . .everything WINDOWS/NT will never be.
DESQview:  A better Windows.
DESQview:  Windex for Windows
DESQview: Better windows
DESQview: Faster than a Cray (running Windows)
DESQview: No hourglass needed!
DESQview: The Faster Multitasker
DESQview: Windex for Windows
DESTINY: A tyrant's authority for crime - a fool's excuse for failure.
DESTRUCT-O-MACEK...Fun for the whole family!!
DESTRUCTIVE TESTS: The sales manager's kids broke it
DETECTIVES do it under cover
DETECTIVES do it under cover.
DETECTIVES do it under cover.   
DETOUR! Tagline under construction.
DETOUR...Tagline under repair...
DETOUR...recipe under repair...
DEVICE=CATNIP.SYS <- Driver for Cats who compute..
DEVICE=CATNIP.SYS <- Driver for Cats who compute...
DEVICE=EXXON will screw up your environment!
DEVICE=EXXON.SYS may mess up your environment
DEVICE=c:\spot\run car=fast dog=dead.
DEVICEHIGH:  Your device driver on drugs
DEVICEHIGH:  Your device driver on drugs.
DEVICEHIGH: Ask for urine drop? (Y/N)
DFA: Disable FAns
DFG$%^G^%Y&^&RTY^@#$%&(UYU*$*YJRTYN*678  ===>PGPBLUE~~~
DGO: Decrement the Grades of Others
DGT: Dispense Gin and Tonic
DH>> Anyone have any bills/tax taglines?
DHTPL: Disk Head Three Point Landing
DI*CL*IM*R: I, *T*e T*gl*ne A*di*t*, d*d *** cr*ate a** TRI*BLE T*gl*ne*
DI*CL*IM*R: I, T*e T*gli*e ad*ict, d*d NOT cre*t* an* T*IB*LE T*gl*ne*
DIA: Develop Ineffective Address
DIAGHRAM(n): a manhole cover
DIAMOND:  Just A Lump Of Coal That Made Good Under Pressure.
DIAPHRAGM..Geometry diagram
DICE CLAY - <bleep>.<bleep>.<bleep>.
DICE: Delete Invalid Customer Engineer
DICTIONARY:  Hacker (v.) (1993): See "Bobbitt, Lorena."
DID-JA-NO: The IRS takes payments?  Just ask them...
DIDN'T INHALE? Can't Bill Clinton do ANYTHING right?
DIDN'T INHALE? Can't he do ANYTHING right?
DIDnet for Quality Disability Information -- DRAGnet
DIE: DIsable Everything
DIET TIPS: If no one sees you eat it, it has no calories.
DIET is just DIE with a T on the end.
DIET(n):period of starvation preceding record weight gain
DIET: Die with a T on the end. Garfield.
DIET: Something to take the starch out of you.
DIETICIANS eat better
DIETICIANS eat better.
DIETING(n):a way to make the ends justify the jeans.
DIETING: The penalty for exceeding the feed limit.
DIETITIANS eat better.
DIF: DIsable Fuses
DIFF: a program to show you where you added bugs this time !
DIFF: a program to show you where you added bugs this time!
DIG: DIsable Gravity
DIGITAL HACKERS do it off and on
DIGITAL NOTEPAD: A notebook that needs batteries.
DIGITAL had what? When?
DIH: Disable Interrupts and Hang
DIIK                  D*mned If I know
DIIK            Damned If I Know
DIIL: Disable Interrupts and enter Infinite Loop
DILATE:  To live too long.
DILATE: To live longer.
DILDO..Large, flightless, extinct bird
DILDO: Deep Inter-Labial Device for Orgasm.
DILLIGAFF       Do I Look Like I Give A Flying Figment?
DIME - A dollar with all the taxes taken out.
DIN DIP: a European jerk.
DINE(n): eat
DING!      Thank you, that's it.
DING! Humorous Taglines found, initiating theft sequence.
DING! Thank you, thats it.
DINNER NOT EDIBLE (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza
DINNER NOT FOUND (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza
DINNER.BAT not found.  (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)izza?
DINNER.DAT not found:  <A>bort <R>etry <P>izza Hut?
DIODE:  What happens when people don't die young!
DIODE:  what happens to people that don't die young.
DIODE:  what happens to people who don't die young.
DIODE: What happens to people who don't die young.
DIODE: what happens to people that don't die young.
DIP switch:a programmer who writes for the Mac & Windows.
DIPLOMACY: Making a point without sticking anyone with it
DIPLOMACY: Saying, nice doggie, while you're looking around for a rock
DIPLOMACY: The art of letting somebody have your way.
DIPLOMACY: The art of letting someone have it your way.
DIPLOMACY: art of saying nice doggy till you find a rock
DIR = (D)oes (I)BM (R)eally matter
DIR STARDOTSTAR         Hey!  I tried it and it STILL doesn't work!
DIR STARDOTSTAR  "Damn, It doesn't work!"
DIRECT MAILERS do it in the sack.
DIRECT MAILERS do it in the sack.   
DIRECT MAILERS get it in the sack
DIRECT MAILERS get it in the sack.
DIRECT SALES ONLY    [Trans:  Factory had big argument with distributor]
DIRECTIONS: For External Use Only...no inside jobs!
DIRFO: Do It Right For Once
DISC JOCKEYS do it with frequency.
DISCLAIMER - This is a non-disclaimer, disclaimer.
DISCLAIMER:  I really should not read mail before I have my coffee.
DISCLAIMER: I really should not read mail before I have my coffee
DISCLAIMER: I really shouldn't read mail before I have my coffee!
DISCLAIMER: I really shouldn't respond to my mail before I have my beer.
DISCLAIMER: I, *The Tagline Addict*, did NOT create any TRIBBLE Tagline.
DISCLAIMER: KIBO made me do it!
DISCLAIMER: My fingers are epileptic.
DISCLAIMER: These opinions are MINE, MINE, MINE!
DISCOVER (TM) gives you cash back
DISCOVER (TM) gives you cash back.
DISHONEST: A person who farts and then blames the dog.
DISK = Place where small amounts of data are lost
DISK CRASH:  (A)bort (R)etry (K)ill innocent bystanders?
DISK ERROR in your favor - collect two hundred sectors...
DISK ERROR:  Please remove pizza from A:
DISK ERROR: Please remove pizza from  A:
DISK FULL:  Formating Drive C: to make space...
DISMISSED: Starfleet expression for "GET OUT!"- Janeway
DISPATCHERS do it with frequency
DISTANCE is your best friend. , Founder IKKA
DISTANCE is your best friend. -- Ed Parker, Founder IKKA
DIShoNeSTY IS tHe seConD-BeSt polIcY. - GEorge CaRlin @
DITCH DIGGERS do it in a damp hole
DITYID          Did I Tell You I'm Distressed?
DITYID. Last night my wife told me I had a headache!All computers WAIT
DIVERS do it better under pressure.
DIVERS do it deeper
DIVERS do it deeper.
DIVERS do it for a score
DIVERS do it in rubber suits.
DIVERS do it underwater
DIVERS do it underwater.
DIVERS do it with a twist
DIVIDE AND CONQUER!  Piece-by-piece, slowly and surreptitiously.
DIVORCE = echo y | erase \wife\*.*
DIVORCE = system("echo y | erase \wife\*.*" );
DIVORCE = system("echo y | erase \wife\*.*);
DIVORCE = system("echo y| erase \wife\*.*" );
DIVORCE = system("net logout \\wife");     :-)
DIVORCE = system(echo y | erase \__MINE\*.*)
DIVORCE =system("echo y| erase \wife\*.*" );
DIVORCE =system(echo y| erase \husband\*.* );
DIVORCE =system(echo y| erase \wife\*.* )
DIVORCE LAWYER'S DOOR - "Satisfaction guaranteed or your honey back"
DIVORCE is Nature's way of redistributing the wealth!
DIVORCE:  Post-graduate in School of Love.
DIVORCE:  The best way to get rid of your mother-in-law.
DIVORCE: The best way to get rid of your mother-in-law.
DIVORCE=system(echo y | erase \wife\*.*);
DJ's do it by request.
DJs DO IT on the air.
DJs do it at 33rpm.
DJs do it on request
DJs do it on request.
DJs do it on the air
DJs do it on the air.
DK%WMM: DisK unit \(em Washing Machine Mode
DK: Destroy Klingons
DKP: Disavow Knowledge of Programmer
DLG             Devilish Little Grin
DLN: Don't Look Now
DLP: Drain Literal Pool
DLTBGYD!        Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down
DM - "Roll lower than 3 on 4d6 to escape"  PC - "Okay HEY!"
DM ADVICE: "He who buys the pizza, lives."
DM ADVICE: Every tavern scene should end in chaos.
DM ADVICE: He who buys the pizza, lives!
DM ADVICE: Never let a monster die without doing some damage first.
DM ADVICE: Never reward a player who serves you Kool-Aid and crackers.
DM ADVICE: The rule book you want is at the bottom of the stack.
DM ADVICE: The rules shouldn't.
DM ADVICE: To maintain game balance, all wizards must die young.
DM Advice:  "Never kill a character without first humiliating him."
DM Advice:  "The only wands are those with 1 charge and sticks"
DM Advice:  All dice rolls are whatever you want them to be.
DM Advice:  Cast Detect Magic on a TSR module and it'll explode.
DM Advice:  Conan cannot safely be translated to AD&D stats.
DM Advice:  Dead monsters are *always* naked and penniless.
DM Advice:  Dungeons are more fun when filled with undead cockroaches.
DM Advice:  Every tavern scene should end in a brawl.
DM Advice:  He who buys the pizza, lives.
DM Advice:  If they split up, giggle insanely.
DM Advice:  It exists only if the DM allows it to exist.
DM Advice:  Keep the peace by using +3 Dice of Throwing on players.
DM Advice:  Kill as many as possible, then torture the survivors.
DM Advice:  Lead figures do not taste very good.
DM Advice:  Magic items should be as rare as Drow romance novels.
DM Advice:  Maps on the table have a tendency to attract soda.
DM Advice:  Never grab a miniature after picking your nose.
DM Advice:  Never kill a character without first humiliating him.
DM Advice:  Never let a monster die without doing some damage.
DM Advice:  Never let the PCs get your bag of Doritos.
DM Advice:  Never reward a player who serves you Kool-Aid and crackers.
DM Advice:  The only wands are those with 1 charge and sticks.
DM Advice:  The rule book you want is at the bottom of the stack.
DM Advice:  The rulebook you want is at the bottom of the stack.
DM Advice:  The rules shouldn't.
DM Advice:  To maintain game balance, all wizards must die young.
DM Advice:  Used character sheets make good tinder.
DM Advice:  You'll never find dice that are thrown in anger.
DM Advice: All dice rolls are whatever you want them to be.
DM Advice: Dead monsters are *always* naked and penniless.
DM Advice: Every tavern scene should end in a brawl.
DM Advice: He who buys the pizza, lives.
DM Advice: If they split up, giggle insanely.
DM Advice: Magic items should be as rare as Drow romance novels.
DM Advice: Maps on the table have a tendency to attract soda.
DM Advice: Never kill a character without first humiliating him.
DM Advice: Never let a monster die without doing some damage.
DM Advice: Used character sheets make good tinder.
DM Error : Stomach Empty and 10 Players with money....
DM Rule 4744: NEVER allow a PC to die quickly...that spoils the fun.
DM Rule: If more than 10% of PCs live, the module wasn't tough enough.
DM ili $ sve jedno je. Nisam gadljiv!
DM's ADVICE:  The rule book you want is at the bottom of the stack.
DM's ADVICE: The rule book you want is at the bottom of the stack.
DM's Advice #1: On a good/bad scale. That would be a bad thing.
DM's Advice:  Conan cannot safely be translated to AD&D stats.
DM's Advice:  Dungeons are more fun when filled with undead cockroaches.
DM's Advice:  He who buys the pizza, lives.
DM's Advice:  Keep the peace by using +3 Dice of Throwing on players.
DM's Advice:  Never let a monster die without doing some damage.
DM's Advice: Conan cannot safely be translated to AD&D stats.
DM's Advice: Dungeons are more fun when filled with undead cockroaches
DM's Advice: Dungeons are more fun when filled with undead cockroaches.
DM's Advice: He who buys the pizza, lives.
DM's Advice: Keep the peace by using +3 Dice of Throwing on players.
DM's Advice: Kill as many as possible, then torture the survivors.
DM's Advice: Never let a monster die without doing some damage.
DM's Lie Alot. Players just Cheat.
DM's don't lie, they just arrange the facts to suit them.
DM's golden rule "Always kill off the smart players first"
DM's lie a lot.  Players just cheat
DM's lie.:  AD&D Players Golden Rule
DM's love a hero.  DM's also love a good joke.  ...Think about it.
DM's love a hero; DM's also love a good joke.  Think about it.
DM, we just found 20 bottles of potion of healing is this a sign?
DM:  "Do you touch the glowing altar?"  PC:  "Heck no, I lick it!"
DM:  "It doesn't want to have sex."
DM:  "You want to resurrect a *TREE*?"
DM: "And the mage draws her two handed sword." PC: "We're in trouble."
DM: "Behind the door is a red dragon."  PC: "I close the door!"
DM: "He who buys the pizza, lives."
DM: "No, your fighter doesn't gain any bonuses from drinking coffee."
DM: "You call a plasma grenade a WARNING?!?"
DM: "You hear 'what...heck?...off...jammer...idiot!'"
DM: "You want to resurrect a *TREE*?!?"
DM: ALL the money?  THIEF: Yup.  DM: <EG> K, it falls on ya <SPLAT!>
DM: And the mage draws her two handed sword. PC: We're in trouble.
DM: Behind the door is a red dragon. PC: I close the door!
DM: It doesn't want to have sex.
DM: You want to resurrect a *TREE*?
DM: roll a saving throw.  PC: or what?  DM: You Die!   PC: Aw Nuts!!!
DM:"Roll lower then 3 on 4d6 and escape." PC:"Okay..hey."
DM; "It hits and... Oh, hold on...I need more dice..."
DMK: Destroy Memory-protection Key
DMNS: Do what i Mean, Not what i Say
DMP: Destroy Memory Protect key
DMPE: Decide to Major in Phys. Ed.
DMPK: Destroy Memory Protect Key
DMX: Why would anyone listen to radio again?
DMZ: Divide Memory by Zero
DMing means never having to say, "I'm sorry"
DMs Motto: Never kill a character without first humiliating him.
DMs don't kill, TSR's prices do.
DMs don't lie, they just arrange the facts to suit them.
DMs lie alot.  Players just cheat.
DMs love a hero.  They also love a good joke.  Think about it.
DMs love a hero; DM's also love a good joke.  Think about it.
DMs: Never kill a character without first humiliating him.
DNA Is God's Programming Language Of Choice !
DNA is your ROM for life.
DNA--designer genes.
DNC: Do Not Collect $200
DND: Destroy Neighbor's Data
DNPG: Do Not Pass Go
DNPM            Darn Near P***ed Myself
DNTSMKE: Don't smoke.
DO : PRINT "Waiter, There's a bug in my..." : LOOP
DO I need a modem for each phone line?
DO IT -- It's easier to get forgiveness than permission
DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE... Like in "I am an Idiot" conference.
DO IT in concrete, it stays harder longer.
DO IT today...tomorrow it will be illegal! <--Huh?
DO IT today...tomorrow it will be illegal!<-WHAT??
DO IT todaytomorrow it will be illegal! <--Huh?
DO IT tomorrow.  You've made enough mistakes for one day.
DO IT--It's easier to get forgiveness than permission
DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MIND - It really needs to be rebuilt.
DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MIND - the fault is with reality
DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MIND - the fault is with reality.
DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MIND - the fault is with reality. - The management
DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MIND -- the problem is with reality!
DO NOT DISTURB... already disturbed.
DO NOT DISTURB...I'm already extremely disturbed.
DO NOT PANIC!  But I think you just formatted C: drive  %-(  cc
DO NOT TAILGATE Tagline, makes frequent stops.
DO NOT look in laser with remaining eye!
DO NOT soak me up with honey please!
DO or do NOT.  There is no TRY.  --Yoda
DO {nothing} WHILE (HearFromMe==0)
DO: Deadstart Operator
DO: Divide and Overflow
DO: Divide and Overflow [IBM PC]
DOA -- Dependability Obviously Absent?
DOC *this*,
DOC's? Oh, you mean the stuff you wipe up coffee with?
DOC's?? Oh, you mean the stuff you wipe up coffee with?
DOC's???    Oh, the stuff you wipe spilt coffee up with...
DOC's???    Oh, you mean the stuff you wipe spilt coffee up with...
DOC's???  Oh, the stuff you wipe coffee up with..
DOC's???  Oh, you mean the stuff you wipe up coffee with?
DOC's??? Oh, the stuff you wipe coffee up with..
DOC's??? Oh, you mean the stuff you wipe up coffee with?
DOC's??? Sure I use 'em...to wipe up coffee spills.
DOC: Drive Operator Crazy
DOCS:  The only reason some people own printers.
DOCS???  You mean I *actually* have to RTFM?  S#1T!
DOCTORS do it in the OR
DOCTORS do it with injection
DOCTORS do it with injection.
DOCTORS do it with patience
DOCTORS do it with patients.
DOCTORS do it with patients.   
DOCTORS do it with pills
DOCTORS prescribe it.
DOCTORS take two aspirin and do it in the morning
DOCTORS take two aspirin and do it in the morning.
DOCs... you mean this software came with DOCs?
DOCs? them things you use to wipe up coffee spills...
DOCs???  Oh, you mean the stuff you wipe up coffee with?
DOCs?them things you use to wipe up coffee spills
DODGE           Dead Or Dying Gerbil Engine
DODGE           Dirty Old Disgusting Greasy Engine
DODGE           Drips Oil, Drips Grease Everywhere
DODGE- Don't drive one further than you can push it back!
DOG.COM missing. Shall I whisle (Y/N)?
DOG.COM missing. Shall I whistle (Y/N)?
DOG:  A pillow that must occasionally be taken for a walk.
DOG: A pillow that must occasionally be taken for a walk.
DOG: Yes, master! CAT: Put in writing & I'll get back to you.
DOG: Yes, master! CAT: Put it in writing & I'll get back to you
DOGHOUSE(n): a mutt hut
DOGMA: A pup's female parent.
DOGMA: A pup's mom.
DOGMATIC: Man's best mechanical friend.
DOGS crawl under GATES, SOFTWARE crawls under WINDOWS 95.
DOLLAR:  The jack of all trades.
DOM             Dirty Old Man
DOM-Dirty Old Man
DOMINATRIX..A type of food processor
DOMINOES does it in 30 minutes or less.
DOMINOS does it in 30 minutes or less
DON'T HELP..I have fallen and I like it here!
DON'T LOOK!!!!!!!!!   ...Too late.
DON'T LOOK, Bob!!!!!!!!!   ...Too late.
DON'T LOOK, Orville Bullitt!!!!!!!!! ...Too late.
DON'T PANIC   (ERROR: Large friendly font not found)
DON'T PANIC --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-Douglas Adams
DON'T PROCRASTINATE ! ...........Do it NEXT week !
DON'T SHOOT!  We may both be on the same side!
DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL!  It's time for REN & STIMPY!!!!!
DON'T USE reverse psychology! It DOESN'T WORK!
DON'T WORRY... that dog won't bite.
DON'T WORRY... we can get beer there.
DON'T YOU WISH: Just once, Silk had said, "I stole it from Polgara."
DON'T YOU WISH: You'd seen Orville wiped out in a dice game?
DON'T do it with a BANKER; most of them are tellers
DON'T eat yellow snow! Sell it to your brother as a snow-cone!
DON'T read a cook book!  Just WING that sucker!
DON'T read any further!!  Severe Violence follows after this line. DOS
DON'T read the manual!    Just WING that sucker!
DON'T read the manual! Just WING that sucker!
DON'T try to out-flame *THIS* dragon...
DONALD - Cold Duck
DONALD TRUMP - Welcome to Towering Trump Tombstones.
DONERS do it for life
DONERS do it for life {e}
DONERS do it for life.
DOOM - Destroy Opponant Over Modem
DOOM - Destroy Opponent Over Modem
DOOM - Forget Disney World I'm going to Hell!
DOOM - Travel to exotic lands, meet interesting imps, and kill them.
DOOM - Travel to exotic lands, meet interesting imps, kil
DOOM : Death Only On Mondays.
DOOM : Not just a spectators sport.
DOOM = (D)estroy (O)pponents (O)ver (M)odem
DOOM COOPERATIVE MODE:  Press F12 and hunt your partner <evil grin>
DOOM COOPERATIVE MODE: Press F12 and hunt your partner. <evil grin>
DOOM Cooperative Mode: Press F12 & hunt your partner.
DOOM DEATHMATCH MODE:  Reach out and KILL someone!
DOOM DEATHMATCH MODE: Reach out and KILL someone!
DOOM II: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!!!
DOOM II: Now might be a good time to save.
DOOM II: Where the Safest place is behind a Plasma Rifle.
DOOM NIGHTMARE MODE: Where NOTHING stays dead for long.
DOOM Tip:  Look out!  There's a demon behind you!
DOOM ][ - Destroy Opponents Over Modem
DOOM ][ - Forget Disney World I'm going to Hell!
DOOM ][ - Travel to exotic lands, meet interesting imps, and kill them.
DOOM ][ - the ultimate encounter with virtual death!
DOOM ][ COOPERATIVE MODE:  Press F12 and hunt your partner.
DOOM ][ D We Must get together for a Death matc... @#$^!:"{..SPLAT!
DOOM ][ DEATHMATCH MODE:  Reach out and KILL someone!
DOOM ][ Do unto others as they DOOM ][ unto you.
DOOM ][ Tip:  Look out!  There's a demon behind you!
DOOM ][ We Must get together for a Death matc @#$^!:"{..SPLAT!
DOOM ][ is NOT an Apogee Game (It's from id)
DOOM ][ unto others as they DOOM ][ unto you.
DOOM ][:  "It's a chain saw.  I always carry one for emergencies."
DOOM ][:  "NIGHTMARE" MODE - Where NOTHING stays dead for long.
DOOM ][:  2368 Enemies in 27 Levels * Nothing to Sneeze at!
DOOM ][:  Don't trust anything that moves - kill it instead.
DOOM ][:  He who laughs last probably has the most ammo.
DOOM ][:  If you hit every time, the target's too near.
DOOM ][:  If your enemy is in range, so are you.
DOOM ][:  Killing Alien Monsters was never so much fun.
DOOM ][:  Map of Hell included.  It's good to know where you're going.
DOOM ][:  May your shotgun never be empty.
DOOM ][:  Not just a spectators sport.
DOOM ][:  Not recommended for children of any age.
DOOM ][:  Now might be a good time to save.
DOOM ][:  See you in hell.
DOOM ][:  When in doubt, Use the BFG-9000!
DOOM ][:  Where going to HELL is actually fun.
DOOM ][:  Where the Safest place is behind a Plasma Rifle.
DOOM ][:  Where the sanest place... is behind a trigger.
DOOM ][: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!!!
DOOM ][: If it moves, shoot it.  Keep shooting it until it quits moving
DOOM is NOT an Apogee Game (It's from id Software.)
DOOM is NOT an Apogee Game (It's from id)
DOOM is not just a game it's a religion.
DOOM loves you. DOOM is your friend. DOOM is good for you.
DOOM on a Network is just killer....
DOOM problem No.1 : Your coffee has frozen.
DOOM problem No.10 : DOWH !!! IS THAT THE TIME.
DOOM problem No.3 : Your've started to side step into rooms.
DOOM problem No.4 : Life is like a box of Chocolates.
DOOM problem No.5 : You've fallen down and you can't get back.
DOOM problem No.6 : You fingers start to shake.
DOOM problem No.7 : You fire a Rocket into Dark rooms.
DOOM problem No.8 : Reality is only a DOOM clone.
DOOM problem No.9 : You have to miss the Simpsons.
DOOM rule: incoming fire has right of way.
DOOM unto others as they DOOM unto you.
DOOM via Modem:  Reach out and KILL someone!
DOOM--the ultimate in gaming excitement!
DOOM:  "It's a chain saw.  I always carry one for emergencies."
DOOM:  "NIGHTMARE" MODE - Where NOTHING stays dead for long.
DOOM:  2368 Enemies in 27 Levels * Nothing to Sneeze at!
DOOM:  All clear except for that Cyberdemon!
DOOM:  Ammo!  Ammo!  I NEED more ammo here now damn it!
DOOM:  He who laughs last probably has the most ammo.
DOOM:  If you hit every time, the target's too near.
DOOM:  If your enemy is in range, so are you.
DOOM:  Is my modem supposed to smoke like that?
DOOM:  Just because I have this launcher doesn't mean I d
DOOM:  Killing Alien Monsters was never so much fun
DOOM:  Map of Hell included.  It's good to know where you're going.
DOOM:  May your shotgun never be empty.
DOOM:  Not just a spectators sport.
DOOM:  Not recommended for children of any age
DOOM:  Now might be a good time to save.
DOOM:  See you in hell.
DOOM:  Welcome to Hell.  Here's your shotgun.
DOOM:  When in doubt, Use the BFG-9000!
DOOM:  Where going to HELL is actually fun
DOOM:  Where the Safest place is behind a Plasma Rifle
DOOM:  Where the sanest place is behind a trigger.
DOOM:  Who lives by the sword gets shot by who doesn't.
DOOM: "It's a chain saw.  I always carry one for emergencies."
DOOM: "NIGHTMARE" MODE - Where NOTHING stays dead for long.
DOOM: (D)og-Slow (O)ver-Exaggerated (O)ver-Anticipated (M)oney Waster
DOOM: 2368 Enemies in 27 Levels * Nothing to Sneeze at!
DOOM: Ammo! Ammo! I NEED more ammo here now damn it!
DOOM: Episode 2 Mission 8 WARNING! Hideous CyberDemon Lord!
DOOM: Episode 3 Mission 8 WARNING! Loathsome SpiderDemon!
DOOM: He who laughs last probably has the most ammo.
DOOM: If it moves shoot it, if doesn't shoot it until doe
DOOM: If you hit every time, the target's too near.
DOOM: If your enemy is in range, so are you.
DOOM: Killing Alien Monsters was never so much fun
DOOM: Map of Hell included.  It's good to know where you're going.
DOOM: May your shotgun never be empty.
DOOM: Not just a spectators sport.
DOOM: Not recommended for children of any age
DOOM: Not recommended for children of any age.
DOOM: Now might be a good time to save.
DOOM: Rated PC-13; Profound Carnage!
DOOM: See you in hell.
DOOM: The *ONLY* place where I *like* to get "Blue Balls" ;>
DOOM: When in doubt, Use the BFG-9000!
DOOM: Where going to HELL is actually fun
DOOM: Where the Safest place is behind a Plasma Rifle
DOOM: Where the sanest place... is behind a trigger.
DOOM: Who lives by the sword gets shot by who doesn't.
DOOM: Your only safe if you use IDKFA
DOOMed are the Keen Wolf QUAKErs!
DOOR GAME:  Similar to a door prize, though less rewarding.
DOOR:(n.) Something out of which you throw Windows.
DOOR:(n.) Something you throw Windows out of.
DOORK - person who always pushes on a door marked "pull" or vice versa
DORIAN GRAY - Once The Picture Of Health
DOS "1984" version...DOS.DOS
DOS + Windows + ATM < OS/2 2.0
DOS + Windows + Norton Utilities + Dashboard < OS/2 Warp
DOS - Dumb Operating System
DOS 5.0  Yesterday's operating system, today!
DOS 5.0 is like Sonny Bono:  it can kiss SHARE goodbye.
DOS 6 More mouseware from Mickysoft.
DOS 6.0  Yesterday's operating system, today!
DOS 6.0 - A $49 confirmation that you need REAL utilities
DOS 6.0 - Everything you already have and less!
DOS 6.0 and Windows 3.1 - A turtle and its shell.
DOS 6.0 proves we need a better operating system!
DOS 6.0... And I thought Windows was a Virus. <BG>
DOS 6.0: A $49 confirmation that you need REAL utilities.
DOS 6.0: A $49 confirmation that you need Stacker 4.0
DOS 6.0: Bill Gate's latest Virus
DOS 6.0: Bug City !
DOS 6.0: Confirmation that you need DOS 5 back.
DOS 6.0: Yesterday's operating system, today!
DOS 6.2...from the people who brought you EDLIN!
DOS 6.22 Step Up (From Nintendo?)
DOS 6.2: Yesterday's operating system, today!
DOS 6.66: The Anti-DOS.
DOS 6.x - A $49 confirmation that you need REAL utilities.
DOS 6.x and Windows 3.1 - A turtle and its shell.
DOS 6;  Windows 3.1;  brain 1.0 beta
DOS 7.0 vs OS/2 2.1! Wait. DOS 7.1 vs OS/2 2.1! Wait. DOS 7.2 vs...
DOS = 386/25 Mhz + Windose !!!
DOS = Beetle. OS/2 = Acura NSX. Windows = Pinto *Kablaamo
DOS = DOS Tags
DOS = Doesen't Opperate Swiftly
DOS = Doesn't Operate Swiftly
DOS = HIGH???  I knew it was on something . . .
DOS = HIGH??? I knew it was on something . . .
DOS = house of straw, Windows = house of twigs, OS/2 = house of bricks.
DOS AMA version...DOS.DOC
DOS Accountant version...DOS.MBA
DOS Afganistan version 1...AGA.DOS
DOS Afganistan version 2...DOS.ISTAN
DOS African American version...RAP.DOS
DOS African version 2...ZULU.DOS
DOS African version 3...ZOMBIE.DOS
DOS African version...BLACK.DOS
DOS Alaskan version...DOS.MUSH
DOS American Indian version...LITTLE.BIG.DOS
DOS Arabain version 1...OBI.DOS
DOS Arabian version 2...HAJ.DOS
DOS Arco version...DOS.AM/PM
DOS Asian version...SINO.DOS
DOS Australian version...DOS.MATE
DOS BOOT [Dahs' boot] (n):  A German war movie.
DOS Baker's version...DOZ.DOS
DOS Beginer's version...DOS.SOS
DOS British version 1...HRH.DOS
DOS British version 2...SIR.DOS
DOS British version 3...DOS.BBC
DOS British version 4...BLOKE.DOS
DOS British version 5...TWIT. DOS
DOS CEO version...BOSS.DOS
DOS CIA version...DOS.007
DOS Canine version 1...DOS.K-9
DOS Canine version 2...DOS.DOG
DOS Chezk version...DOS.CHEK
DOS Chinese version 2...RED.DOS
DOS Chinese version 2...YING.DOS.YANG
DOS College version 1...DOS.BS
DOS College version 2...BMOC.DOS
DOS College version 3...COED.DOS
DOS Disco version...DOS.A.GO.GO
DOS Discount version 1...DOS.4.LESS
DOS Discount version 2...DOS.O.RAMA
DOS Discount version 3...NEW&IMPROVED.DOS
DOS Discount version 4...HOUSE.OF.DOS
DOS Doctorate version...DOS.PHD
DOS Dutch version...DOS.KLM
DOS Dyslexic version...SOD.DOS
DOS ERROR: Please remove cat from drive A:
DOS ERROR: Please remove cat from drive A:...
DOS Error #163:  Bug.BAT not found.  Windows.EXE halted.
DOS Error #666: Computer Possessed!
DOS Error - Can't drive to that write.
DOS Error - Please remove cat from drive A:
DOS Error: Please remove Windows from drive C:...
DOS Error: Please romove cat from drive A:...
DOS Fast food version 1...DOS.ON.A.STICK
DOS Fast food version 2...DOS.IN.A.BOX
DOS Fast food version 3...DOS.2.GO
DOS Fast food version 4...Mc.DOS
DOS Fast version 1...DOS.MPH
DOS Fast version 2...MACH.DOS
DOS Female version 1...MISS.DOS
DOS Female version 2...MRS.DOS
DOS Feminist version 1...MS.DOS
DOS Feminist version 2...DOS.NOW
DOS Feminist version 3...DOS.ERA
DOS Financial version...$DOS.00
DOS Florist version...DOS.FTD
DOS Fraternity version...DOS.ZOO
DOS French version 1...LE.DOS
DOS French version 2...DOS.OUI
DOS Gang version...DOS.N.HOOD
DOS Genius version...DOS.IQ
DOS German version 1...DER.DOS
DOS German version 2...HERR.DOS
DOS German version 3...VON.DOS
DOS German version 4...DOS.ACH
DOS Government version...FED.DOS
DOS Hawaiian version...ALOHA.DOS
DOS Hippie version 1...DOS.WOW!
DOS Hippie version 2...DOS.LSD
DOS Hippie version 3...DIG.DOS
DOS Idiot's version 1...DOS.4.DUMMIES
DOS Idiot's version 2...EZ.DOS
DOS Idiot's version 3...DUM.DOS
DOS Idiot's version 4...DOS.HELP
DOS Idiot's version 5...DODO.DOS
DOS Internet version...alt.DOS
DOS Irish version...ERIN.GO.DOS
DOS Italian version 1...IL.DOS
DOS Italian version 2...LA.DOS.A.VITA
DOS Italian version 3...DOS.CAIO
DOS Japanese version 1...YEN.4.DOS
DOS Japanese version 2...JAL.DOS
DOS Jurrasic version 1...DINO.DOS.SAURAS
DOS Jurrasic version 2...YABBA.DABBA.DOS
DOS Kiddie version 1...DOS.R.US
DOS Kiddie version 2...DOS.ABC
DOS Kiddie version 3...DOS.123
DOS Korean version...DOS.ROK
DOS LISP version...DOS.TH
DOS LIVES...Windows depends on it!
DOS Latin version...ET.TU.DOS
DOS Legal version...DOS.ABA
DOS Little female version...DOS.ETTE
DOS Macintosh version 1...NO.DOS
DOS Macintosh version 2...DOS.NOT
DOS Macintosh version 3...DEL*.DOS.
DOS Macintosh version 4...DOS.INTOSH
DOS Male version...MR.DOS
DOS Medical version...DR.DOS
DOS Mexican version 1...DOS.XX
DOS Mexican version 2...GRINGO.DOS
DOS Mexican version 3...DOS.TACO
DOS Mexican version 3...SENOR.DOS
DOS Mexican version 3...SI.DOS
DOS Microsoft version...DOS.ERR
DOS Military version 1...MOS.AWOL
DOS Military version 2...DOS.GI
DOS Morse Code version...DOT.DOS.DIT
DOS NASA version...DOS.AOK
DOS Neanderthal version...DOS.BC
DOS New Zealand version...KIWI.DOS
DOS PEROT: You boot it, it decides if it wants to run.
DOS PROGRAMMERS can do it in a box (OS/2 1.3).
DOS Party version 1...DOS.RSVP
DOS Party version 2...DOS.BYOB
DOS Party version 3...DOS.DIP
DOS Perot:  you boot, it decides whether it wants to run.
DOS Perot: You boot it, it then decides if it will run.
DOS Perot: you boot it and it then decides whether it'll run.
DOS Perot: you boot it, it then decides if it will run or not!
DOS Polish version...DOS.SKY
DOS Private version...DOS.QED
DOS Public version...DOS.PBS
DOS Quick version 1...DOS.ASAP
DOS Quick version 2... PDQ.DOS
DOS Radio version...DOS.AM/FM
DOS Rebate version...DOS.SASE
DOS Rolling stone version...MOSS.DOS
DOS Russain version 1...DOS.CHOV
DOS Russian version 2...NYET.DOS
DOS Russian version 3...IVAN.DOS
DOS Russian version 4...OLGA.DOS
DOS Russian version 5...COMRADE.DOS
DOS Scandanavian version 1...SAS.DOS
DOS Scandanavian version 1...SVEN.DOS
DOS SciFi version 1...WOOKIE.DOS
DOS SciFi version 2...DOS.R2D2
DOS Scientific version...DOS.e.log10
DOS Secretarial verson...DOS.TYPO
DOS Slow version...SNAIL.DOS
DOS Snob version 1...DOS.VIP
DOS Snob version 2...DOS.NIMBY
DOS Southern version...DOS.Y'ALL
DOS Spanish version...LOS.DOS
DOS Stock version 1...DOW.DOS
DOS Stock version 2...SEC.DOS
DOS Stutter version...D-D-D-DOS
DOS TIP:  Wait for OS/2
DOS Teen version 1...DOS!COWABUNGA!
DOS Teen version 2...RAD.DOS
DOS Teen version 3...DOS.DUDE
DOS Television version...DOS.UHF
DOS Tic-tac-toe version...DOS.XXX
DOS Tip #213-Add DEVICE=C:\EXXON.SYS to ruin your envir
DOS Tip #213-Add DEVICE=C:\EXXON.SYS to ruin your environment.
DOS Tip : Don't use DOS.
DOS Typical user version...%#$@!.DOS
DOS US version...YANK.DOS
DOS USERS do it with cryptic, old-fashioned commands.
DOS Universal version...*.DOS.*
DOS Unix version...RM*.DOS.
DOS Vatican version...DOS.AMEN
DOS Version 6.22...or DOS Opus 6.22, for music lovers.
DOS Video version...DOS.MTV
DOS Vietamese version 1...NGYUN.DOS
DOS Vietamese version 2...HO.CHI.DOS
DOS ViruScan initiated -- Windows found: Delete?  (Y/y)
DOS World Wide Web version...DOS.WWW
DOS Yiddish version...OY!DOS
DOS Yippes version...DOS.BMW
DOS call to load WINDOWS: Soooo-eee_pig_pig_pig_pig!
DOS can help get you out of a mess - DELTREE C:\WINDOWS
DOS can support 666k of RAM. (Could it be Satan?)
DOS dos  n., Span.  OS/2
DOS error 324: eof on tagline file
DOS family: Female: MS-DOS Doc.: DR-DOS Engineer: PC-DOS
DOS for dummies? Isn't that what Windows is?
DOS gets in your eyes!
DOS has trashed all your files. Have a nice day.
DOS is Venerable. Windows is Vulnerable. OS/2 is Viable, Valuable,....
DOS is just a bootstap loader for Windows 3.1
DOS is just an operating system that loads Windows 3.1!
DOS is just an operating system that runs Windows 3.0
DOS is just an operating system that runs Windows 3.1
DOS is just an operating system that tries to run WINDows 3.x.
DOS is like a dreamA very bad one!
DOS is the wound.  Windows is the scab.
DOS is to OS/2 as a bicycle is to a Mack Truck
DOS is todays CP/M - Windows is tomorrows CP/M!
DOS is your PC.  Windows is your PC on drugs.  Any Questions?
DOS is your PC.  Windows is your PC on drugs.  Questions?
DOS is your PC. Windows is your PC on drugs. Any Questions?
DOS isn't done until something will run.
DOS means never having to live hand to mouse.
DOS means never having to live hand-to-mouse
DOS means never having to live hand-to-mouse.
DOS memory management--a contradiction in terms
DOS never says "EXCELLENT command or filename"
DOS never says "H(ave the baby), G(ive up), P(ay attention), S(ucceed)
DOS never says "RAD command or filename"...
DOS never says AWESOME command or filename...
DOS never says, "EXCELLENT command or file name"
DOS never says: "Excellent command or filename." Why?
DOS of Borg: Prepare...oops, out of memory!
DOS problems? Put SET BUGS=OFF in your CONFIG.SYS
DOS tells a computer what to do with itself!
DOS to DOS, disk to disk, file to file.
DOS users do it as soon as prompted.
DOS utilities? Naah, we got Ontario Hydro!
DOS utilities? Naah, we got Ottawa Gas and Electric!
DOS what I said, weren't you listening?
DOS' Edit.com is free! Now we know we *truly* get what we pay for!
DOS+Windows...The turtle and its shell...
DOS, Windows, and OS/2: The Three Kludges
DOS, this is WINDOWS95, I'm taking over the harddisk!
DOS- Dumb Obsolete System.
DOS- Venerable.  Windows- Vulnerable.  OS/2- Viable, Valuable,etc.
DOS-O-MANIA : Reboot is not kicking your computer again
DOS-O-MANIA : Root is not the book Alex Haley wrote.
DOS. Basic plug and pray technology.  - Bruce Roberts
DOS...Windows...OS/2. An elephant is a mouse using OS/2 ...
DOS:  Delivery on Sunday
DOS:  Disk Obliterating System
DOS:  Doesn't Operate Steadily.  A vast chasm where programs are lost.
DOS:  Never Having to live Hand-to-Mouse.
DOS:  Tells a computer what to do with itself!
DOS: Dead on Site.
DOS: Tells a computer what to do with itself!
DOS: The thrill of VGA, the agony of DELETE.
DOS: Venerable   Windows: Vulnerable   OS/2: Viable
DOS=Dumb Operating System
DOS=HIGH    Hmm, I knew it was on something...
DOS=HIGH... Yah I just KNEW it must be on somthing!!!
DOS=HIGH....I wonder what drug it's using
DOS=HIGH?  I knew it was on something
DOS=HIGH?  I knew it was on something.
DOS=HIGH?  Well, I guess that explains everything!
DOS=HIGH? Hmmm... I knew it was on something.
DOS=HIGH? I knew it was on something
DOS=HIGH? I knew it was on something...
DOS=HIGH? I knew it was up to something...
DOS=HIGHYah I just KNEW it must be on something!!!
DOS=High, like we didn't already know that.
DOS=Your PC. Windows=Your PC on drugs. Any Questions?
DOSHIGH = I knew it was on something.
DOSSHELL-Where you go for gas when DOSCHEVRON is closed.
DOSSHELL... Where you go when DOSESSO is closed.
DOSSHELL?  Of course DOS is hell.  -SLR
DOSSHELL? Of course DOS is hell.
DOT.DAT not found, using DOTTY.DAT....#$&!*! NO CARRIER
DOT.EXE found, computer now incredibly cute.
DOT.EXE loaded, computer will dress up in five seconds.
DOT.EXE loaded. Attempting to act cute
DOTTIE called (A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ill caller?
DOTTY called (A)bort (R)etry (K)ill caller?
DOUBLE DENSITY : The permanent state of mind of the office idiot.
DOUBLE WHITE LINES: Overtaken und Krunchen.
DOUCHE..The Italian word for twelve
DOUGLAS MacARTHUR - I Shall Not Return
DOV: Divide and OVerflow
DOWN AND OUT: A very ugly gay guy...he has to go out with girls.
DOWNLOAD:  Ingesting files; feeding your computer.
DOWNTIME -- Coffee breaks, lunch, or Friday mentality in the office.
DOWNTIME--Coffee breaks, lunch, or Friday mentality in the office.
DP>> (No I do not carry Fidonet on my system.)
DP>> Now I have been a sysop for ohhhabout 15-20 years. Longer
DP>> than Fidonet has been up (I remember when it was first introed)
DP: Destroy Peripherals
DPC: Decrement Program Counter
DPC: Double Precision Crash
DPCS: Decrement Program Counter Secretly
DPG: Double Precision Guess
DPK: Destroy storage Protect Key
DPMI: Declare Programmer Mentally Incompetent
DPN: Double Precision No-op
DPR: Destroy PRogram
DPS: Disable Power Supply
DR-DOS Windows Compressor: XDEL \WINDOWS\*.* /R /S /N /D
DR-DOS, the much better DOS than DOS.
DR. DOOR-KNOB - Crow's super hero
DR. LEONARD MCCOY - I'm dead, Jim.
DR. SEUSS - Theodore I Was
DR: Detach Root
DRACULA - Down For The Count
DRAF: DRAw Flowchart
DRAGON.OD not found. Write a new book? Y/n [_]?
DRAGON: a lizard with indigestion.
DRAGONS, a lizard with indigestion.
DRAM: Decrement RAM
DRAMA STUDENTS do it for applause.
DRAMA STUDENTS do it with an audience
DRAMS and Bill Clinton - Chips and Dip
DRAT! Busy again!
DRBA: Deposit Round-off in my Bank Account
DRD: DRop Dead
DREAM: If it's worth doing, it's worth doing
DREAM: Just testing my brain!! zzzzzzzzzz
DREAMWARE:  THEY send YOU $25 if you use it longer than 30 days...
DRI: Disable Random Interrupt
DRINK CANADA DRY!  Maybe you can't, but it IS fun trying!
DRINK CANADA DRY! Maybe you can't, but it is fun trying.
DRIP - Don't Return Incumbent Politicians!
DRIVERS do it with their cars
DROM: Destroy ROM
DROOLING: how teething babies wash their chins.
DROPPED FROM UTS is just VM's way of saying Booga, Boo
DROPPED FROM UTS is just VM's way of saying UTS is out to lunch
DRT: Disconnect Random Terminal
DRUG DEALERS avoid big busts.
DRUGGISTS fill  it.
DRUGGISTS fill  it.   
DRUGGISTS fill your prescription
DRUGGISTS fill your prescription.
DRUIDS do it in the bushes
DRUIDS do it naturally.
DRUIDS do it with animals
DRUIDS leave no trace
DRUMMERS always have hard sticks
DRUMMERS always have hard sticks.
DRUMMERS beat it
DRUMMERS beat it.
DRUMMERS beat it.   
DRUMMERS do it in 4/4 time
DRUMMERS do it in 4/4 time.
DRUMMERS do it longer
DRUMMERS do it louder
DRUMMERS do it louder.
DRUMMERS do it with a better beat
DRUMMERS do it with a better beat.
DRUMMERS do it with both hands and feet
DRUMMERS do it with great rhythm
DRUMMERS do it with great rhythm.
DRUMMERS do it with rhythm
DRUMMERS do it with their wrists
DRUMMERS do it with their wrists.
DRUMMERS have faster hands
DRUMMERS have faster hands.
DRUMMERS pound it
DRUMMERS pound it.
DRUNKS do it all over their shoes.
DRY DOC:  An abstemious physician.
DRY ICE(n):a carbon dioxymoron
DRYWALLERS are better bangers
DRYWALLERS are better bangers.
DRYWALLERS are better bangers.   
DS9 - To Boldly Sit Where Noone Has Sat Before...
DS9 -- last dilithium stop for the next 4 galaxies.
DS9 Doctor:  Turn me on!
DS9 Sniglet #1--obrienate (v.): To curse at a computer.
DS9 Sniglet: imsorryodo (excl)-What you say after you step in a bucket
DS9 is Trek; it's not a spinoff, it's just more Trek.
DS9 meets Moonbase Alpha:  Odo and Maya - love at first ooze.
DS9 meets Moonbase Alpha: Odo + Maya = Love at first ooze.
DS9 meets Moonbase Alpha: Odo and Maya - love at first ooze.
DS9's Runabout Policy--Crash all you want; we'll make more!
DS9:  To boldly stay put where no one has stayed put before.
DS9: Last dilithium stop for the next 4 galaxies!
DS9: To boldly stay where no-one has stayed before...
DS9: To bore old worlds, to seek out no life, just sit there..
DS9: We'll leave the wormhole on for ya.
DS9: Weekend at Bariel's...
DS: Deadlock System
DSD: Dismount System Disk
DSI: Do Something Interesting
DSN is Trek; it's not a spinoff, it's just more Trek.
DSN:  Last dilithium stop for the next 4 galaxies!
DSN: Last dilithum stop for the next 4 galaxies!!
DSO: Disable System Operator
DSO: Do Something or Other
DSP: Degrade System Performance
DSR: Detonate Status Register
DSS.."The Wonder Dish"..I wonder how I got talked into buying this?
DST: Deadlock System Tables
DSTD: Do Something Totally Different
DSUIT: Do Something Utterly, Indescribably Terrible
DSZ Super8k Xmodem-The good,the bad &the ugly
DSZ ha ha ho ho -oh -me -oh -my
DSZ ha slow - haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaah!
DSZ port 13 speed 300 ha ha he he rz -ZZZZzzzzzz...
DSZ port 2 speed 300 ha ha tee hee rz -ZZZZzzz..
DSZ speed 300 ha ha ha tee hee hee rz -ZZZZZZZZ
DSZ.DOC: Great tech-weeny ramblings, good rolling paper.
DT%FFP: DecTape \(em unload and Flappa FlaP
DT%SHO: DecTape \(em Spin Hubs Opposite
DTB: Destructively Test Bit
DTC: Destroy This Command
DTE: Decrement Telephone Extension
DTF: Dump Tape to Floor
DTFS: Dump Tape to Floor and Shred
DTI: Do The Impossible
DTITS; Don't take it too serious.
DTJ-BBS:  The only BBS program endorsed by the author's mother.
DTK  - Dump to keyboard (Irish Assembler)
DTRT                  Do The Right Thing
DTRT: Do The Right Thing
DTVFL: Destroy Third Variable From Left
DU-DU-DU-Tat's all folks!
DU: Dump User
DUCK (noun): National Bird of Iraq
DUCT TAPE has a Dark Side, a Light Side, & binds the universe together
DUD: Do Until Dead
DUET:  To accomplish or acheive.
DUH.. Can I help it if I'm so taglineable??
DUL: Delete Utility Library
DUMB BLONDE(n): a peroxymoron?
DUMB BLONDE: your basic peroxymoron.
DUMB:  Buying water that spells NAIVE backwards.
DUMB: "We need safer guns and safer bullets."- Jocelyn Elders, 12-8-93
DUMB: Buying water that spells NAIVE backwards.
DUMB:"We need safer guns and safer bullets."- Sur. Gen. Elders,12-8-93
DUMBSYSOP ERROR - (R)estart Brain, (A)bort, (B)lush<<<
DUMBWAITER: one who asks if the kids would care to order dessert.
DUNGEON MASTERS do it any way they feel like
DUNGEON MASTERS do it anywhere they damn well please
DUNGEON MASTERS do it behind a screen
DUNGEON MASTERS do it in ways contrary to the laws of physics
DUNGEON MASTERS do it to you real good
DUNGEON MASTERS do it whether you like it or not
DUNGEON MASTERS do it with dice
DUNGEON MASTERS have better encounters
DUOE            Dried-Up Old Eunuch
DURACELL.BAT - ARCed.   SysOp is shocked!
DUST:  A protective covering for furniture.
DUTY: for a Honda 'Civic Duty'.
DUTY: for an Audi, 'Audi Duty'.
DUWL; Doubled up with laughter.
DV has a KB mouse: BigFatHairy Deal!
DV-DT: on a Honda Civic Si.
DW> <fwump> "Message for you, sir!" <thud> -- Concorde
DW: Destroy World
DWARF: I wanted a BUD LIGHT! Stupid Humans..
DWI should be changed to Driving with Intent to MURDER!
DWIM ; Do What I Mean
DWIM: Do What I Mean
DWIMC                 Do What I Mean Correctly
DWIT: Do What I'm Thinking
DWIW: Do What I Want
DYDG         "Die, Yuppie, Die!" Grin
DYHA the Newfie girl who thought a 17" Viking was a sexy Scandinavian?
DYHA the Newfie who wanted to a dart's team goalie?
DYHA the Newfie who wanted to the dart team goalie?
DYHA the Newfie who was so lazy he married a pregnant woman?
DYHA the Newfie who went ice fishing and caught a 40 lb ice?
DYHA= Did Ya Hear About....
DYNAMIC LINKING ERROR: Your mistake is now everywhere.
DYNAMITE.COM found. Explode computer? (Y/N)
DYNAMITE.COM found. Explode computer? (Y/y)
D`[1;35mirty deeds `[0;34m- DONE DIRT CHEAP!`[0m
Da Bearssss!
Da bog postoji, na crkvama ne bi bilo gromobrana.
Da da da da da da da da KAAA-POOOWWWW!!!
Da da da dum.                            -Beethoven
Da da da dum.                           Ludwig Van Beethoven
Da da da dum. -Beethoven
Da je Hamlet manje gresio-knjiga bi bila tanja.
Da je raj bio tako blazen, Adam ne bi zagrizao jabuku.
Da li se Zakon o verbalnom deliktu primenjuje i za Tag?
Da li ti mislis ono sto ja mislim da ti mislis ?
Da mi je se jednom otrezniti, kako bih se slatko napio!
Da mi je zenski mozak na mesec dana pa da se odmorim ko covek
Da nisam smotan, gde bi mi bio kraj ?
Da pobijem govna i gotova stvar!!
Da sam normalan, poludeo bih!
Da sam zensko bio bih kurva...
Da se ja pitam ja bih ovuda proterao autobus...
Da skola sto valja, svi bi je pred kucu gradili...
Da su babi stator i rotor bila bi elektromotor
Da su kravi krila, cudna bi to letilica bila...
Da usne moje osete tvoje u senci naseg kestena
Da znam ko je zajebao stvar,odsekao bih mu i drugu nogu
Da's tegen de krokodillen, Bert.
Da, o onome koji je otisao na more.
Daaaaaaavvvvveeeeee....2001's Hal, using Windows 3.1
Dabble in Scrabble
Dabbling in a bit of ironic foreshadowing, are we? - Binkley
Dabo .. Gold .. You .. OWE .. MEEEEEE! -- Quark
Dabogda imao Avogardov broj dece
Dabogda te milicija crtala kredom po autoputu.
Dabogda te silovao vagon kukuruza zrno po zrno
Dabogda ti crko bojler!!!
Dabogda ti kuca bila na CNN-u...
Dabogda ti mama pevala na Palmi
Dabogda ti se nagomilalo gradivo :)
Dabogda u sledecem zivotu budem carinik!
Dachshund kennel ad: Get a long little doggie.
Dachshund:  Half a dog high by a dog and a half long.
Dachshund: Half a dog high by a dog and a half long.
Dachshund: half a dog high and a dog-and-a-half long.
Dachshunds are really small crocodiles with fur.
Dachshunds! They plump when you cook 'em!
Dachsund: half a dog high by a dog and a half long!
Dad had to pull him out with the come-along - Tom gossips
Dad heads for the caning exhibits - Tom
Dad only hit me once ... with the Buick.
Dad was dumb when I was 16, at 35 he's a lot smarter.
Dad would whoop us every night til a quarter after twelve
Dad!  Come to the bathroom! Look what I just Downloaded!
Dad!  Dad!  Where do you keep your guns? - Calvin
Dad! I told you NOT on the rug - Tom
Dad! Mr. Fixit broke your beer!
Dad! You killed the Zombie Flanders! - Bart Simpson
Dad's a UNIX; mother board.
Dad's mental! - Frank on loud old man
Dad's new girlfriend's name is Smirnoff - Mike
Dad, I don't wanna be around when the beans kick in -Mike
Dad, I need a note for school tomorrow...preferably a $10 bill.
Dad, I said it was a matter of honor, remember?   James Dean
Dad, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Rush. - Chelsea
Dad, I'm dating a negro - Tom
Dad, do you suppose Santa has a modem?
Dad, don't deny the world the sight of your fat can.
Dad, have you seen Blip? I can't find him anywhere!
Dad, meet my new boyfriend, Rush. --Chelsea Clinton.
Dad, there's a dead fish upon the landing!
Dad, what does "Formating Drive C" mean?
Dad, what does peanut butter grow on? -- Zachary Butler
Dad, what makes wind? --Calvin. Trees sneezing. --Dad.
Dad, you killed the Zombie Flanders! He was a zombie?
Dad, your polls took a big dive this week - Calvin
Dada baba.                              A child learning to speak
Daddy O's soon gonna be DEADy-O - Crow on chase scene
Daddy are We There Yet?:  by  Miles Away
Daddy are We There Yet?: Miles Away
Daddy gets free chocolate at work. I see it on his face.
Daddy needs his love medicine - Joel as couple kisses
Daddy says I'm the best French kisser he ever had.
Daddy what d'ya leave behind for me?
Daddy why are you swearing? Have you f**ked up again?
Daddy!  Let me push a-!@# NO CARRIER
Daddy! Let me push a(*$#!@# NO CARRIER
Daddy! Let me push a-!@# NO CARRIER
Daddy! What does UNREGISTERED mean?
Daddy! why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy?
Daddy, What does 'format drive C' mean?
Daddy, are we there yet?
Daddy, h27-10-94 (18:24)             Number: 207
Daddy, have you been eating my boyfriends?
Daddy, how come my magnet won't pick up your disks..?
Daddy, if President Clinton can lie, why can't I?
Daddy, it said Format C:? and I pushed Y for yes. Is that OK?
Daddy, please bring me a rat from the race today?
Daddy, tell me the story about when there were 2400 baud modems.
Daddy, watch your little black sheep runnin'! - Tori Amos
Daddy, what does "78% of C: formatted" mean?
Daddy, what does "FORMATING C:\" mean?
Daddy, what does "FORMATTING DRIVE C:" mean?
Daddy, what does "Formating Drive C:" mean?
Daddy, what does "Formatting Drive C" mean?
Daddy, what does "Read Error in FAT" mean?
Daddy, what does "now formatting drive C:" mean?
Daddy, what does 'Formatting Drive C' mean?
Daddy, what does 'Now formating drive C:' mean?
Daddy, what does 'read error in FAT' mean?"
Daddy, what does FORMATING DRIVE C: mean?
Daddy, what does FORMATTING C: mean?
Daddy, what does FORMATTING DRIVE C mean?
Daddy, what does FORMATTING DRIVE C: mean?
Daddy, what does Formatting 90% mean?
Daddy, what does RESET mea
Daddy, what does format C: mean? NO, JEFFERY!
Daddy, what does this little red but&+^ao*NO CARRIER
Daddy, what does this little red butt&**** NO CARRIER
Daddy, what does this mean?  NO! JOHNNY, DON'T CLIC---
Daddy, what is this big red butto(*^&^ NO CARRIER
Daddy, what's that weird-looking man doing over there?
Daddy, what's the switch on the back of the mod <click> NO CARRIER
Daddy, what's this shinny thing I pulled from the printer.
Daddy, when I grow up I want to be a politician.
Daddy, why are you swearing? Have you screwed up again?
Daddy, why can't this magnet pick up this floppy?
Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up the floppy?
Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy
Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy disk?
Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy?
Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up your diskettes?
Daddy, why doesn't this magnet stick to these diskettes?
Daddy, why isn't my magnet picking up this floppy disk?
Daddy, why won't magnets pick up floppy disks?
Daddy, why won't my magnet pick up your floppy?
Daddy, why won't this magnet pick up this floppy?
Daddy, why won't this magnet pick up your magnetic disks
Daddy, you DID have a backup, didn't you?
Daddy, your mouse is drinking my milk - look!  AARRGGHH!
Daddy, your mouse is drinking my milk look! AARRGGHH!!
Daddy-O? Must be Harry O's father - Crow
Daddy.  What does Formatting Drive C: mean?
Daddy. what does formatting the C drive mean?
Daddy?  What's this little button for? !@# NO CARRIER
Daddy?  What's this little red button for?
Daddy?  Why doesn't this magnet stick to these diskettes?
Daddy? What does "Formatting Non-Removable Disk" Mean?
Daddy? What does "Formatting Non-Removable Drive" mean?
Daddy? What does this little red but - -)&@%)*%# NO CARRIER
Daddy? What's Vietnam? - Crow to Joel
Daddy? Why doesn't this magnet stick to these diskettes?
Dadillydoodilly. - Maggie Flanders
Dads count their age by counting their ties.
Dady.  What does Seek Error Track 0 Not Found mean?
Daemons found in system; (A)bort, (R)etry, (L)BRP
Daemons in system:  (A)bort (R)etry (L)BRP
Daffy Duck of Borg: We will assimilate your Egos!
Daffy Duck of Borg:"You're too despicable to assimilate"
Daffy of Borg -- What do you mean =we= will?
Daffynition #105:  Cartoons - music played in an automobile.
Daffynitions #46 - Fog:  The air apparent.
Dafination of Seafood Diet -- Eat all that you see! Then Diet!
Daftly going where no sane person would dare go, on a unicycle yet!
Dafynition #287:  TSR - Trash System Randomly
Dafynition #287:  TSR=Trash System Randomly
Dag Hammerschold? Donna Fargo? Crispin Glover? - Frank
Dag nab it Orville, weuns is ahavin sum fun hear now!
Dag nabbit!  He's discovered us!
Dagobah, where it bubbles all the time like a giant carbonated soda...
Dahlmer on cooking : Beans and Frank; Apairaguts
Dahlmer on cooking : Bob's B-B-Q Ribs; Chuck's Roast
Dahlmer on cooking : Elbow Macaroni; Brownknees
Dahlmer on cooking : Finger Sandwiches; Baked Alaskan
Dahlmer on cooking : Leg O'Sam; Eyescream
Dahlmer on cooking : Moo Goo Guy-In-A-Pan; Biscuits and Gary
Dahlmer on cooking : Penis Butter Sandwich; Johnson-Bill Brats
Dahlmer on cooking : Peteloaf; Rice-a-Ronnie
Dahlmer on cooking : Pork Lo Men; Handburger
Dahlmer on cooking : Sauerkraut & His Sausage; Ham and Ben Soup
Dahlmer on cooking : Scrambled Legs; Heartichokes
Dahlmer on cooking : Shish-K-Bob; Fruit Compote
Dahlmer on cooking : Spaghetti and Pete's Balls; Irish Stew
Dahlmer on cooking : Terry-Aki; Sloppy Joe's
Dahlmer on cooking : Tex and Mex Chili; Manwich
Dahlmer on cooking : Tom, Turkey, and Dressing; Yankee Pot Roast
Dahlmer to Peewee: Quit playing with the food.
Dahlmer: He doesn't like sex unless it's on a plate!
Dahlmer: He doesn't like sex unless its on a plate!
Dahmer for Slim Fast: Two shakes, and a sensible teen for dinner.
Dahmer meals: Bob's B-B-Q Ribs; Chuck's Roast
Dahmer meals: Elbow Macaroni; Brownknees
Dahmer meals: Finger Sandwiches; Baked Alaskan
Dahmer meals: Pork Lo Men; Handburger
Dahmer meals: Shish-K-Bob; Fruit Compote
Dahmer on cooking : Finger Sandwiches; Baked Alaskan
Dahmer on cooking : Scrambled Legs; Heartichokes
Dahmer on cooking: BABY Back Ribs.
Dahmer re-arrested on way to Waco carrying BBQ sauce...
Dahmer sing's, My bologna has first name,
Dahmer sings, "My Bologna Has a First Name."
Dahmer throws up on himself so that he is surrounded by warm friends!
Dahmer to PeeWee: Quit playing with the food.
Dahmer uses teflon pans so guests don't stick around after dinner.
Dahmer wills body parts to L'Ecole Cordon Bleu...Film at 11:00
Dahmer wills body parts to Swanson...Film at 11:00
Dahmer's body cremated...350 deg, 4 hours, basted every 1/2 hour....
Dahmer's last words, "Hey, let me have that broom."
Dahmer's theme song: 'My bologna has a first name, it's O S C A R...'
Dahmer: He doesn't like sex unless it's on a plate!
Dahmers Cookbook: A Farewell to Arms.
Dahmers Cookbook: How to cook with Heard and Soul.
Dahmers Cookbook: How to get a head in refrigeration.
Dahmers Cookbook: Shortcuts to becoming a Head Chef.
DaiMon Perot of the Ferengi Party: United We Steal
DaiMon Tog is extremely relaxed right now -- Deanna
Dail USR's (800) support line.  They'd like to hear from you.
Dail-A-Prayer for Atheists: No answer!
Daily Retention by Peter Knight.
Daily affirmations - Tom on sunset
Dain Bramage?  No thanks.  I already have some.
Dain Bramaged.
Dain bramaged.
Dairy Queen:  Milkman in high heels.
Dairy farmers make their living off udders.
Daisies of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer true.
Daj mi bacac plamena i ja sam srecan covek
Daj mi kuku, da ti skratim ruku!
Daj se Ines, mame ti !
Dajes da te vole glumci, reziseri, novinari, ljudi neznani i znani,
Dal Cosby laughs his butt off, doctors think they can re-attach it
Dalai Lama: No. I will never abandon the principle of nonviolence.
Dalek Borg: Seek, locate, as-si-mi-late.
Dalek Cheerleaders:  2-4-6-8, who shall we exterminate?
DalekDOS 1.5: (E)xterminate (I)mprison Doctor (T)alk to Davros
DalekDOS 6.3: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ail (E)xterminate!
DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)xterminate
DalekDos:  (S)eek, (L)ocate, (E)xterminate?
DalekDos:  Human user detected. Press any key to exterminate!
DalekDos: (E)xterminate (E)xterminate! (E)xterminate!!!
DalekDos: (S)eek   (L)ocate   (E)xterminate
DalekDos: Seeks out and locates inferior data, then exterminates it.
Daleko je zemlja Danska, a trulez se i ovde oseca
Daleks of God
Dali's computer had a surreal port.
Dali-Cola.  It's surreal thing.
Dallas Cowboy Fanatic's Companion for DOS or OS2 is at clover.cleaf.com
Dallas Cowboy Fanatic's Companion for DOS/OS2/Windows: clover.cleaf.com!
Dallas Cowboy Fanatic's Companion: New! V1.1 includes Super Bowl XXX!
Dallas Cowboys!  Super Bowl XXVII Champs!  YES!!!
Dallas Cowboys:  The world's most feared football team.
Dallas Driving #1: Think of everyone as a idiot.
Dallas Driving #2: Everything is under construction.
Dallas Driving #4: Don't attempt to find order in road system
Dallas Driving #5: If you get there, play your numbers.
Dallas Stars in '94 -- Houston in '95!
Dallas!!  You weren't in Texas, you were in New York Lite!!!!
Dallas, 7:00 AM, July 5, 1998.  Only Subgenii will be taken aboard.
Dallas, Texas, USA, Sol 3, Sector 4, Quadrant 2, Milky Way.
Dalton Trumbull is a good screen writer. - Crow T. Robot
Dam it Jim! How many times have I told you?! *NOT* the green women!
Dam und blazt! Ze Germancodepage iz svitchedin agen
Dam und blazt! Ze Germancodepage iz svitchedin agen ...
Damage control is easy.  Reading Klingon -- that's hard. - Scotty
Dame if you will, and dame if you don't.
Damit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!
Damit jim, I'm a doctor not a tagline.
Damm it, Jim!  I'm a doctor - not a very good actor!
Dammit Beavis! Pull your pants up! --Butthead
Dammit Bones .. I'm a captain, not a doctor!
Dammit Bones, I'm a captain, not a doctor!
Dammit Bones, spare me the lecture and give me the shot!"
Dammit Bones...I'm a captain not a doctor!
Dammit Commander! I'm a doctor, not a savate expert! --Bashir
Dammit Data, I'm a Doctor, not a biofunctions main tech!
Dammit JANEWAY!  Im a HOLOGRAM not a doctor!
Dammit Jim - I'm a programmer, not a doctor!
Dammit Jim I'm not a doctor, I'm a doc... oh, oh yeah!
Dammit Jim!  I'm a Doctor, Not a Brick-layer!
Dammit Jim!  I'm a doctor, not a physician!
Dammit Jim!  I'm a doctor, not a recipe writer!
Dammit Jim!  I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer!
Dammit Jim!  I've run out of things to say after that line!
Dammit Jim! -- I'm a SysOp, not a bricklayer!
Dammit Jim! How many times have I told you, not the GREEN women!
Dammit Jim! I'm a Doctor, Not a... (Job of Choice)
Dammit Jim! I'm a SysOp not a... Ok, I'll get right on it!
Dammit Jim! I'm a doctor not a tagline writer!
Dammit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Computer Programmer!
Dammit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a physician!
Dammit Jim! I'm not a proctologist! Now, get your a** out of my face!
Dammit Jim, I am a Doctor, not a Cocktail waitress!
Dammit Jim, I'm a Computer Scientist, Not a Math Geek!
Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor!...he's willing pay HOW much???
Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a (job of choice)
Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a ...he's willing pay HOW much?
Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a Bricklayer! --Devil in the Dark
Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a Pentium! (Thank God.)
Dammit Jim, I'm a SysOp, not a "user."
Dammit Jim, I'm a TV Character, not a tagline!
Dammit Jim, I'm a butcher not a tagline technican.
Dammit Jim, I'm a corpse, not a doctor!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not Cthulhu!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a ... Windows NT Beta Tester
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a ...(job of choice)!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a Windows NT Beta Tester
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a doctor!  Hey, wait a minute...
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a doctor! Wait a minute...
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a porn star!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor! Not a tagline generator!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not Aunt Jemima!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Computer Programmer!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Computer Repairman!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Detective!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Moderator!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Navigator!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Sysop!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Telephone Repairman!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a beta tester!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a cocktail waitress
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a drinks waiter!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a record play <click> play <click> play <c
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline generator!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer.
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not an NT beta tester!
Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor...he's willing to pay HOW MUCH?
Dammit Jim, I'm a floor wax, not a dessert topping!
Dammit Jim, I'm a meteorologist, not a forecaster!
Dammit Jim, I'm a programmer, not a doctor!
Dammit Jim, I'm a teacher, not a zookeeper! - Lt. Jewls
Dammit Jim, I'm an Alzheimer's patient, not a...uh...uh....
Dammit Jim, I'm dissociated, not... hm, I forgot.
Dammit Jim, I'm not a doctor, I'm ... oh, yeah.
Dammit Jim, I've run out of things to say after that!
Dammit Jim, he's dead and if you don't believe me, kick him.
Dammit Jim, she's dead!  Get off her! - McCoy
Dammit Jim, she's dead! Now get off her!
Dammit Jim--I'm a doctor, not an NT beta tester!
Dammit John, I'm a user, not the sysop!
Dammit Leela, I'm a Time Lord, not a Trekker!
Dammit Leela, I'm a Time Lord, not a Trekkie!
Dammit Spock, I'm a Tagline doctor, not a patient.
Dammit Wesley! Get your feet off the ops console!!
Dammit Wesley, get your feet off the console!
Dammit no!  Don't pick on the pho^$ L%*#!**
Dammit no!  Don't pick up the pho^$ L% #!   NO CARRIER
Dammit no!  Don't pick up the pho^$ L%#!@&
Dammit no! Don't pick up the pho^$ L%a#!X+ NO CARRIER
Dammit where'd I leave that tagline?
Dammit!   I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer!
Dammit! I hate having irreversible brain damage!
Dammit, Beavis, pull your pants up!
Dammit, Bones!  I'm a captain, not a doctor!
Dammit, Bones!  I'm a starship captain, not a doctor!
Dammit, Bones! I _need_ that book! "It's being read, Jim."
Dammit, Doctor, I'm a Bone, not a Gym, er.......
Dammit, I didn't ask for an opinion. O'Brien
Dammit, I'm a Jim, not a doctor! Wait..... How does that go again?
Dammit, I'm a doctor... he's willing to pay HOW MUCH????
Dammit, I'm a macro, not a tagline!!!
Dammit, I'm a user, not the sysop!
Dammit, Jim!  I'm a doctor, not a genealogist.
Dammit, Jim!  I'm a doctor, not a physician!  -- McCoy
Dammit, Jim!  I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer!
Dammit, Jim!  I'm a doctor, not a tagline!
Dammit, Jim!  I'm a meteorologist, not a forecaster!
Dammit, Jim!  I'm an actor, not an heirloom!
Dammit, Jim!  I'm not a doctor, I'm ... oh, yeah.
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Computer Programmer
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Computer Programmer!
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Computer Repairman
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Computer Repairman!
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Detective!
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Navigator!
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Telephone Repairman
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Telephone Repairman!
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a genealogist.
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a physician! -- McCoy
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not your love slave.
Dammit, Jim! I'm a macro not a tagline!
Dammit, Jim! I'm a macro not a tagline!"
Dammit, Jim! I'm a meteorologist,not a forecaster!
Dammit, Jim!!!...I've run out of things to say after that...
Dammit, Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a  He's willing to pay HOW MUCH?
Dammit, Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a ...he's willing pay HOW much?
Dammit, Jim, I'm a corpse, not a doctor! - Bones, "In Living Color".
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor  he's willing to pay HOW MUCH?!?!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor - not a tagline generator!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not THE Doctor!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a ...(job of choice)!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Sysop!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a conference moderator!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a doc...Oh, oh yeah.
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a doctor! Hey, wait a minute . . .
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer!!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a very good actor!!!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, notoh, yeah.
Dammit, Jim, I'm a floor wax, not a dessert topping!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a free man, not a number!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a protocol droid, not a tagline writer..!
Dammit, Jim, I'm a tagline - not a doctor.
Dammit, Jim, I'm an Alzheimer's patient, not a...uh...umm..
Dammit, Jim.  I'm not a *graduate* doctor ...
Dammit, Jim....I'm a fender, not a dessert topping!
Dammit, Jim....I'm a floor wax, not a dessert topping!
Dammit, Shatner!  I'm a doctor, not a very good actor!
Dammit, Tuvok, the Prime Directive doesn't apply; they have COFFEE!
Dammit, What's the problem? (BIG KICK) - O'Brien DS9
Dammit, forgot to insert a clever tagline.
Dammit, get off her, she's dead.
Dammit, it won't come off! Homer while wiping his INSANE stamp off.
Dammit, sometimes... I did stay inside the lines...
Dammit, what's the problem?! <BAM!> - O'Brien.
Dammit, where'd I leave that recipe?
Dammit, where'd I leave that tagline?
Damn - I picked up more shotgun shells and can't use my CHAIN GUN!
Damn - where'd I leave that tagline?
Damn I love spell chequers!
Damn I'm good
Damn It Jim!!  I'm a Doctor not a Tagline writer!!!!!
Damn Jim, I'm a computer not a doctor.
Damn John Whorfin and the horse he rode in on!
Damn Klingon language camp is full - Tom
Damn The Line Noise, Full Speed Ahead!
Damn aliens!! Get yer ship off'n my wheat field!!!
Damn all wizards, anyways!
Damn colonels! You can't trust any of 'em! - Col. Potter
Damn computers, takin' away everyone's job!
Damn door .CFG files.  And I thought SysOping was a hobby!
Damn door .CFG files. And I thought SysOping was a hobby
Damn fine coffee, and HOT!
Damn it Bill, I'm an actor, not a doctor!
Damn it Bones, I'm a captain not a doctor!
Damn it Bones, I'm the captain, not a doctor!
Damn it Captain, I am an android, not a calculator - Data
Damn it Janet, I love you!
Damn it Jim - your a television personality not an actor!
Damn it Jim!  I'm a doctor not a beta tester!
Damn it Jim!  I'm an Alzheimers patient, not a uh uh uh...
Damn it Jim!  It's an Apple, not a computer!
Damn it Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Gallifreyan!
Damn it Jim! It's one of All's taglines!
Damn it Jim! It's one of Bob's taglines!.
Damn it Jim! It's one of Corrina's taglines!.
Damn it Jim! It's one of Dave's taglines!
Damn it Jim! It's one of Gary's taglines!
Damn it Jim! It's one of Keith's taglines!.
Damn it Jim! It's one of Orville's taglines!
Damn it Jim! It's one of Ronald's taglines!.
Damn it Jim! It's one of Sandro's taglines!
Damn it Jim! It's one of Zackary's taglines!.
Damn it Jim! It's one of his taglines!
Damn it Jim, I'm a SYSOP, not a Doctor!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not Cthulhu!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a ... Windows NT Beta Tester.
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a doctor!  Hey, wait a minute . . .
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a magician...
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Sysop!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Tribble!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Windows betatester!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a computer language!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a computer programmer!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a computer!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a moderator!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not an offline reader!
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor...he's willing to pay HOW MUCH?
Damn it Jim, I'm a programmer, not a decorator!
Damn it Jim, I'm am Alzheimer's Patient, not a...uh..umm
Damn it Jim, I'm an Alzheimer's patient, not a...uh...uh....
Damn it Jim, I'm an Alzheimer's patient, not a...uh...umm
Damn it Jim, I'm an Alzheimers patient, not a uh...uh...
Damn it Jim, I've run out of things to say after that line.
Damn it Jim, it's an Apple, not a computer!
Damn it Jim, she's dead! Get off her! --McCoy.
Damn it Jim, she's dead! Now get off her!
Damn it Larry, I'm a doctor! Not a tagline generator!
Damn it Orville, I'm a doctor! Not a tagline generator!
Damn it Orville, you're thinking again.
Damn it no! Don't pick up the pho^$ L%a#!X+ NO CARRIER
Damn it you're thinking again.
Damn it!  I wanna be _their_ aliens.
Damn it!  What's the problem? *KICK* -- O'Brien
Damn it! I didn't ask for an opinion -- O'Brien
Damn it! If you were still a man...  -Sisko
Damn it! Now they're burning the Constitution! Put it OUT!
Damn it! What's the problem? **KICK!** -- O'Brien
Damn it, @F! I'm a *Tagline Addict*, not a Tagline.
Damn it, @F! I'm a doctor, not a tagline.
Damn it, Benny!  I'm a Time Lord, not an athlete!
Damn it, Dal! I'm a doctor, not a tagline.
Damn it, Did I ask for an opinion...?
Damn it, Igor, I said "Brains!" Get that locomotive outta' here!
Damn it, Jim!  I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer.
Damn it, Jim!  I'm a doppleganger, not a doctor!
Damn it, Jim!  I'm a roleplayer, not a Satanist!
Damn it, Jim!  It's a Macintosh, not a computer!
Damn it, Jim!  She's a lesbian!
Damn it, Jim! I'm a DOCTOR, not a conference host!!
Damn it, Jim! She's a lesbian!
Damn it, Jim, I'm a Doctor, Not an actor!
Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a conference moderator!
Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline. -Dr. McCoy
Damn it, Jim, get off her, she's dead.
Damn it, Jim, he's dead, not just off duty.
Damn it, Jim, he's dead, not just reciting his mantra.
Damn it, Orville! I'm a *Tagline Addict*, not a Tagline.
Damn it, Orville! I'm a doctor, not a tagline.
Damn it, get off her, she's dead.
Damn it, what do you want from me? - Sheridan to Kosh
Damn liberals - Mike on Mongol envoy
Damn the Borg! Full speed ahead!
Damn the Prime Directive!  Set phasers to Tagline Theft!
Damn the Prime Directive, give the Borgs Windows 3.1.
Damn the baud rate, full speed ahead.
Damn the documentation -- Full speed ahead!!
Damn the documentation!  Full speed ahead!!
Damn the documentation. Full speed ahead!
Damn the macros, full speed ahead.
Damn the netmail, full speed ahead!!
Damn this hobby is expensive!
Damn touchscreen, Anyone see my braille tagline?!!!!
Damn you all to my place - Crow as Devil
Damn you, Jack Abbott! Damn you to hell! Victor Neuman
Damn you, Servoooooo! - Crow
Damn your "Once more for old times sake."
Damn!  HERE'S last month's phone bi %@&^(!$# NO CARRIER
Damn! I backed up my hard driveover the cat!
Damn! I couldn't think up a tag!
Damn! I only have a 40 column displa
Damn! I'm out of taglines!
Damn! Look at the time! My boyfriend's gonna kill me!
Damn! My family tree was just wood-chipped.
Damn! No nachos tonight - the sour cream's gone fresh.
Damn! Out of antimatter. I told Geordi $50 wasn't enough,
Damn! Outta Antimatter. I told Geordi $50 wasn't enough
Damn! Outta Antimatter. I told Scottie $50 wasn't enough,
Damn! Outta antimatter. I told Scotty $50 wasn't enough,
Damn! Those are torpedoes -- full speed astern.
Damn!!  Fu*ked by the flying fickle finger of fate!
Damn, I HATE it when Quickling flashes me.. ;)  -Dire Wolf
Damn, I dropped the toothpaste, she said, crestfallen
Damn, I love spell chekers!
Damn, I'm starting to sound like you.
Damn, after all the work I've done to get rid of that reputation!
Damn, always knew I should have been a doctor. - Sheridan
Damn, another mutation!
Damn, but I'm good!
Damn, it's cold here...
Damn, the CRAY is so SLOW (running Windoze)!
Damn, this cell phone sex is expensive! - The Romantic
Damn, this hobby is expensive!
Damn, this is fun!
Damn, we're smooth! - Beavis
Damn, where did I leave my AK47. I had it at McDonalds....
Damn, where's my frigging memory when I need it? - Mutant Raccoon
Damn--I don't have any taglines on Raptor =(
Damn-I picked up more shotgun shells and can't use my CHA
Damn. --Ivanova.
Damn....if I wanted a book I would have gone to the library!!!
Damnable tagline...able to corrupt a saint. -- Tagspeare
Damnation: A beaver colony.
Damned .GIF got noseprints all over my monitor.
Damned Nazi Grasshoppers! - Mike as soldier
Damned Secret Super Jerk - Crow as souveneir girl
Damned fool...  I _knew_ he was gonna say that.
Damned if I do, Damned if I don't. So damn it, I will!
Damned if I do.  Damned if I don't.  Damn it, I will!
Damned if I do. Damned if I don't. So damn it, I will!
Damned in the crib and just got bigger
Damned sub-plots keep washing ashore - Tom
Damned tire changers! - Crow
Damnit Beavis! Pull your pants up! -Butthead
Damnit Bones, I'm a captain, not a doctor!
Damnit Jim! He's dead and if you don't believe me, kick him.
Damnit Jim! I'm a Sysop, not a User.
Damnit Jim! I'm a Sysop, not aOk, I'll get right on it!
Damnit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Gallifreyan!
Damnit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Sysop.
Damnit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Tag-X Beta Tester!
Damnit Jim! She's dead! Get off her! - McCoy
Damnit Jim, I'm a DOCTOR, not a text editor!
Damnit Jim, I'm a Paramedic not Mr. Goodwrench!
Damnit Jim, I'm a corpse, not a doctor.
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor not a Tagline...
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor not a porn star!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor!...he's willing pay HOW much???
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not Aunt Jemima!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a barber. -- Duck Trek
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a beta tester!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a computer programmer!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a computer!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a detective!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a doc... oh, I'll get right on it.
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a ham on rye!!!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a navigator!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a physician!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline writer.
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a telephone repairman!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not an NT beta tester!
Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not your blow up suzie doll!
Damnit Jim, I'm a floor wax, not a dessert topping!
Damnit Jim, I'm a meteorologist, not a forecaster!
Damnit Jim, I'm a programmer, not a doctor!
Damnit Jim, I'm an Alzheimer's patient, not a...uh...uh....
Damnit Rudolph, I saif the *Schmidt* house!!!
Damnit security guard this in not your personal war -Mike
Damnit where'd I leave that recipe?
Damnit where'd I leave that tagline?
Damnit! I didn't ask for an opinion -- O'Brien
Damnit! What's the problem? **KICK!** -- O'Brien
Damnit, I did not ask for an opinion!  - O'Brien to DS9 Computer
Damnit, Janeway! I'm a holographic suppliment, not a doctor!
Damnit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a Sysop!
Damnit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not your love slave.
Damnit, Jim, I'm a doctor...he's willing to pay HOW MUCH?
Damnit, Jim, I'm a doctor...he's willing to pay HOW MUCH????
Damnit, Jim, I'm an Alzheimer's patient, not a...uh...uh....
Damnit, Jim. I'm a doctor, not a tagline.
Damnit, it won't come off! Homer while wiping his INSANE stamp off
Damnit,I did not ask for an opinion!   -  O'Brian to DSN Computer
Damnit,I did not ask for an opinion!-O'Brian to DS9's Computer
Damnit,I did not ask for an opinion!-O'Brian to DSN Computer
Damnosa quid non imminuit dies? --Horace.
Damogran, secret home of the Heart of Gold - HHGTTG
Damphousse checks Messier, Muller SCORES!!!  -   YES! SUCKERS!
Dan Quale's library burned!  Both books destroyed!
Dan Quale: the only candidate who could persuade me to vote for Clinton
Dan Quayle - the EDLIN of Vice-Presidents.
Dan Quayle -- The Kelly Bundy of politics.
Dan Quayle ... just a heartbeat away!
Dan Quayle ... the EDLIN of Vice Presidents
Dan Quayle Library Burned, Both Books Lost!
Dan Quayle Library burned.  Both books lost!
Dan Quayle Virus: Sumthing's rong, ewe just can't figyour out
Dan Quayle asks: "Are Cheerios are bagel or donut seeds?"
Dan Quayle does it in the dark.
Dan Quayle does it with a potatoe [sic].
Dan Quayle fer Presidante in 1996!
Dan Quayle for Starship Yamato Engineer
Dan Quayle for USS Yamato Chief Engineer
Dan Quayle has all the charisma of a speed bump.
Dan Quayle library burned!  Both books destroyed!
Dan Quayle of Borg - "We are Borg, that's B-O-R-G-E."
Dan Quayle scares me as much as the next guy - Tom
Dan Quayle thinks that Cheerios are donut seeds.
Dan Quayle's Parents to be indicted for raising Dope!
Dan Quayle's bullshit is fertilizing a nation.
Dan Quayle's library burned...  both books destroyed.
Dan Quayle's library burned.....both books destroyed.
Dan Quayle, the 'Windows' of politics.
Dan Quayle:  Rush Limbaugh's straight man.
Dan Quayle:  The Rosetta Stone of contemporary American comedy.
Dan Quayle:  the EDLIN of vice-presidents.
Dan Quayle: "If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure."
Dan Quayle: If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure.
Dan Quayle: Rush Limbaugh's straight man.
Dan Quayle: The EDLIN of Vice Presidents.
Dan Quayle: a PROUD user of MicroSofte Windowse !!!
Dan Quayle: the EDLIN of Vice-Presidents.
Dan Rather is a First Class Jerk!
Dan nestaje, noc nastaje i bojim se
Dan, are you reading Naked Lunch again?
Dana Andrews said prunes gave him the runes
Dana Scully of Borg: You don't REALLY believe in assimilation do you?
Dana: "Say something sweet..."   Data: "Marshmallo !"
Danas je prvi dan ostatka tvog zivota - treba da castis
Dance With the 1 That Brung You
Dance in lane, said the sign frugally.
Dance in your shadow? I feel the pain
Dance is choreographed, acting is rehearsed, wrestling is fake!
Dance like a butterfly.  Sting like a cat.
Dance the buttock jig
Dance whereever you may be.
Dance with me! Please, someone dance with me!
Dance with the one that brought you and you can't go wrong.
Dancers DO IT on the floor.
Dancers DO IT with grace.
Dancers do it in leaps and bounds.
Dancers do it to music
Dancers do it to music.
Dancers do it with grace.
Dancers do it with rhythm.
Dancers do it with their high heels on.
Dances With Borgs - Starring Locutus
Dances With Tribbles.... stomp SQUEEK ..stomp SQUEEK
Dances With Tribbles: "Stomp  SQUEAK  Stomp  SQUEAK"
Dances With Wolves - the theme of our senior prom.
Dances With Wolves - was the theme for our Senior Prom
Dances With...Something. I'm not sure - Tom
Dances with Tribbles: STOMP Squeak STOMP Squeak STOMP Squeak!
Dances with Tribbles: Stomp...SQUEAK   Stomp...SQUEAK
Dances with Wolves, Sleeps with Beavers.
Dances with Wolves, but sleeps with Chickens
Dancing - a vertical simulation of horizontal intentions.
Dancing eyes, hypnotized...
Dancing for the slow release, first the boy then the beast.
Dancing in the ruins tonight...
Dancing in your underwear to Simple Minds - MST3K Catalog
Dancing is a waste of time.    Cyd Charisse
Dancing with Wolves, Sleeping with beavers
Dancing with a grass widow brings on hay fever.
Dancing with danger right until dawn
Dancing with her sure reminds me of moving the piano.
Dancing with wolves ... sleeping with beavers.
Dancing:  A perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.
Dancing:  A perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire...
Dancing:  Vertical manifestation of a horizontal desire.
Dancing: A perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire
Dancing: A vertical expression of a horizontal desire.
Dancing: A vertical manifestation of a horizontal desire.
Dandelion: A large friendly cat.
Dandruff: Chips off the old block.
Dane Quayle Aboarde
Danes DO IT with little mermaids
Dang ankle-biters!
Dang it, I left my good Taglines in my other reader!
Dang it, I left my good recipes in my other reader!
Dang me, Dang me, oughta get a rope and tie you up!
Dang!  Man, I have a BIG mess to clean up!!!
Dang! Get my shotgun mama! The aliens are after the chickens again!
Dang! My drive ate the Origin Line...
Dang, I hate being derivative. - Mutant Raccoon
Dang... I was gonna put a really clever tagline here...
DangI was gonna put a really clever tagline here...
Danger - Drunk Mage with a wand of fireballs - Darkwood
Danger Computer store ahead....hide wallet.
Danger Setting:  "Death Incarnate!"
Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger!
Danger Will Robinson...that can make your palms grow hair
Danger in 7G nutrilized. Have a nice day. - Sector 7G Voice
Danger the drug that takes you higher --U2
Danger was the price of memory and risk the cost of opportunity...
Danger!  **Attention Span Exceeded!**
Danger!  Danger!  Book Store Ahead!  Hide Wallet!
Danger!  Human at keyboard!
Danger! Anime Zone ahead! Wallet in Jeapordy!
Danger! Clown puddles! - Tom
Danger! Dad working.
Danger! Danger! Obscure 1960's reference! Danger!
Danger! Danger, Crow T. Robot - Tom
Danger! Human at keyboard!
Danger! Keep back at least 100M! Unexploded Pinto!
Danger! Keep clear at least 100M! Unexploded Terrorist!
Danger! Sysop may contain more caffiene than law allows!
Danger!!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger!:  by  Luke Out
Danger!: Luke Out
Danger!Danger!Computer store ahead...Hide wallet
Danger, @N@!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, @fN@!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, All!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Bob Morgan, Danger!
Danger, Bob!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Brandon Wolgast!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Brian Babin!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, DON SPIEGEL!  Dumb taglines!  Danger!
Danger, David Bolack!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Heriberto Rivera!  Dumb taglines!  Danger!
Danger, Ian Singer!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, JOHN PULLIAM!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Jonathan Choo!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Mike Copeland!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Moon!  You're having suffering from excessive happiness.
Danger, Orville Bullitt!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Orville!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Peter Loeffler!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Rand!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Sam Thomson!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, TAXI!  Off-topic messages!  Danger!
Danger, Will Robinson... that can make your palms grow hair...
Danger.  Serious confusion has arisen.
Danger. Serious confusion has arisen.
Danger:  to have wet dreams under an electric blanket.
Danger: Explosive gas in rear.
Danger: Klingon headbangers present on dance floor!
Dangerfield of Borg: I tell ya, I get no respect, I told them resistance
Dangerous Dare:  Playing a drum solo on a Klingon's head.
Dangerous Dares: Playing a drum solo on a Klingon's forehead
Dangerous Exercise:  Jumping to Conclusions
Dangerous Job #1: Klingon Gynecologist
Dangerous Job #2: Ferengi Auditor
Dangerous Job #2: Ferringe Auditor
Dangerous Job #9: Romulan Politician
Dangerous Job #?:  Impulse Engine Exhaust Inspector
Dangerous Job #?:  Klingon Dentist
Dangerous Job #?:  Klingon Proctologist
Dangerous Job #?:  Live Target at a Klingon Phaser Range
Dangerous Job #?:  Red Shirt Security Officer
Dangerous Things : Tigers, Lions, Bears, Any Microsoft .0 release!
Dangerous combination: Gas and suppositories.
Dangerous exercise:  jumping to conclusions.
Dangerous exercise: Jumping to conclusions.
Dangerous exercise: jumping to conclusions
Dangerous to Self and Others
Dangerous to your starfleet, #TN#, not to this battle station!
Dangerous to your starfleet, Bullitt, not to this battle station!
Dangerous to your starfleet, Orville, not to this battle station!
Dangerous: Klingon romance.
Dangle spit! - Joel
Daniel Boone might drive a Pathfinder.
Daniel's World Tour - 95'
Danke schoen, Pilgrim, danke schoen... - John Wayne Newton
Danny Bonaduce on any given morning - Crow on zombie
Danny DP The Bridge Between Tagline Addicts
Danny Davids - TIME's 1995 Moron of the Year.
Danny Davids - a couple of volts below threshold.
Danny Della Paolera? A lamer?!? You've got to be kidding!
Danny Della, you're playing the wrong message!
Danny's three dot's short of a tagline!
Danny, I have said that this discussion of Rush is deadthere is *no*
Darby's Dictum: If you have to 'take it or leave it'--leave it!
Dare to be naive. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
Dare to dream - no one can take that away from you.
Dare to dream, Frank - Dr. Forrester, sarcastically
Dare to dream, Frank. - Dr. Forrester
Dare to dream--Nobody can take that away from you.
Dark Ages: knight time.
Dark Movie: A QM production - Tom on lousy lighting
Dark Shadows is a Dan Curtis Production...
Dark enough for you, Harry? - Tom Paris
Dark enough for you?
Dark horses DO IT come-from-behind.
Dark horses do it come-from-behind.
Dark is faster than light, otherwise you would see it
Dark is faster than light, otherwise you would see it.
Dark is never night when dreams make up the light.
Darkness is both friend and enemy. -- Drow Proverb
Darkness must flow down the river of night's dreaming. -Riff Raff
Darkness reigns at the foot of the lighthouse.
Darling, if you smell something burning, it's my heart           (urp)
Darling, poor fool, don't you know I'm in love with you? Bette Davis
Darling?  Put the hammer down, honey.  We can ta%)*&%$#NO CARRIER
Darling? Put the hammer down, please! NO! Not the compu%@#$%NO CARRIER
Darling? Put the hammer down, please! No, not ther%$$%@ No Carrier
Darlington Stripe on the Drivers Side?  Bad Day Huh?
Darmok and Groucho, at the opera.
Darmok and Jalad, at Tanagra.
Darmok and Jelad at Burger King
Darmok and Jelad at McDonald's.
Darmok and Jelad at Tenagra
Darmok and Jelad, at Denny's.
Darmok and Jhilad at Tanagra
Darmok and Jilad at McDonalds
Darmok and Jilad at the Sears White Sale.
Darmok and Jilad, at Denny's.
Darmok and Tenagra, at Burger King!
Darmok and Troi, their thighs slapping.
Darmok and Windows, when computers slowed dramatically.
Darn Trekkers -- We outta space 'em all.
Darn clumsy mummy - Tom
Darn door .CFG files. And I thought SysOping was a hobby
Darn it Spock! I know the risk! We've got to make room for Dear Abby!
Darn it she's dead Jim!  Now get off her!
Darn it!  I'm the wizened wonder, not the Windows wizard!
Darn it! I hate getting run over by trains! - The Tick
Darn it, Louis! What did you go and wake me up for? - Sharie
Darn it, it's Rape, Loot, Pillage, THEN Burn!
Darn left my clean underwear at the room in the inn - Darkwood
Darn the Prime Directive, give the Borgs Windows 3.1.
Darn the cholesterol, full fat ahead!
Darn those flandibulators !!!!!
Darn where did the rest of the quote go <>
Darn wizards anyways!
Darn wouldn't you know it, All my best taglines are one character too
Darn wouldn't you know it, All of my best taglines are one word too lo
Darn!  I hate it when I lose a buttonhole...
Darn!  That's the end.
Darn! All the good ones are married, otherwise involved, or dead.
Darn! Out of tribble tags!
Darn! STILL out of Tribble tags!
Darn! STILL out of tribble tags!
Darn! That's the end.
Darn! Those palm trees are blocking my view of the Gulf!
Darn, Darn!  I mis-spoke myself...
Darn, I thought sysoping was a hobby.
Darn, I'm at the end of my recipe list!
Darn, I'm at the end of my tagline list!
Darn, No good Taglines To Steal!
Darn, No good recipes To snag!
Darn, my CPU is always craming my CMOS with RAMs
Darn, no good taglines To steal!
Darn, out of tribble tags!
Darn, still out of tribble tags!
Darn, where was the +5 Vorpal sword of dragon slaying
Darn.  I thought Sysoping was a hobby.
Darn.  I thought being a sysop was a hobby.
Darn.  I thought sysoping was a hobby
Darn. I thought of a GREAT recipe, but now I can't remember it.
Darn. I thought sysoping was a hobby.
Darn...I thought being a moderator was a *hobby*.
DarnI thought being a moderator was a *hobby*.
Darned Tag Lines, can't ever find them when you want them!
Darned Unitarians burned a question mark on my lawn!
Darnit Jim I'm a BBSer not a Tagwriter.
Darnit Jim, I'm a doctor not a Windows Beta Tester
Darnit Jim, I'm a doctor not a Windows NT Beta Tester
Darnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a barber. -- Duck Trek
Darnit, Barney won't fit in the microwave!
Darovat cu ti plavog goluba. Imaj milosti kada zakuca na tvoja vrata.
Darryl Basner should shut up, don't you think?
Dart players get right to the point.
Darth Moderator:  "LEEAVE THAAT TO MEE."
Darth Moderator: LEEAVE THAAT TO MEE.
Darth Tribble in tie fighter: <-*->
Darth Vadar sleeps with a Teddywookie.
Darth Vadar!  Only you would be so bold.
Darth Vadar! Only you would be so bold.
Darth Vader Lives; he recently told me so!
Darth Vader sleeps with a Teddy Wookie!
Darth Vader sleeps with a Teddywookie.
Darth Vader sleeps with a teddy-Wookiee!
Darth Vader sleeps with a teddywookie!
Darth Vader sleeps with a teddywookie.
Darth Vader! Only you would be so bold.
Darth Vader. Only you could be so bold! -- Leia
Darth, your wife on line 3. You don't know the power of the darkside.
Darvokian pound cake.  I made it myself. - Worf
Darwin - the greatest theory ever told.
Darwin was wrong . . . An Idiot can survive.
Darwin was wrong.  Any idiot can survive.
Darwin was wrong.  Man's still an ape.    Gene Kelly
Darwin's Law -- If you're Stupid, you Die!
Darwin's Law: Nature will tell you a direct lie if she can.
Darya(Diahhrea):Wow! Thy're smaller than I thought.
Das Bier schmeckt gut, aber bitte nicht auf Deutsch singen.
Das machine is nicht fur gerfingerpoken und mittingrabben
Das machine ist nicht fur gerfingerpoken und mittingrabben!
Dastardly dirty deeds done....Dirt Cheap....
Dasvidania, Gospodin.
Dat is not duh @#$%*! way to do it, Tom discussed.
Dat's CRA-ZEE, man! - Ren Hoek
Data - My only living relative.  No longer living.
Data Buss: Another name for a Fudge-Factor bookmobile.
Data Communications: Gossip.
Data Compression:  What you get when you squish an android.
Data Compression: What one gets after squishing an android
Data Corrupted: [A]bort/[R]etry/[Blame Lore
Data File Corrupt: (A)rgue (R)ip out hair (I)mplode (F)ling disk?
Data File: One who likes Commander Data.
Data I thought you were dead -Picard "No, I rebooted" -Data
Data Migration Facility" - a cable.
Data Not Found: <A>bort  <R>etry  <B>lame Lore ?
Data Not Found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ail
Data Processors do it in batches.
Data THREW UP? Yes-something about an overflow error?
Data and Ensign Bullitt went to explore the Dysan sphere...
Data and Ensign Orville went to explore the Dysan sphere...
Data and Tasha, when the bulkheads shook.
Data as Holmes: Correct; it is not excrement. Why do you ask?
Data becomes vilently ill with a computer virus.
Data becomes violently ill with a computer virus.
Data bytes (or maybe he just nibbles....)
Data convinced the Pepsi machine that Coke is better.
Data convinces the Coke machine that Pepsi is better!
Data convinces the Coke machine that Pepsi is better.
Data convinces the Pepsi machine that Coke is better!
Data delves deeply discerning distant discoveries dilligently.
Data does it in serial --Tasha Yar
Data enjoys a lot of confusion, Jean-Luc. - Deanna
Data enjoys a smoke after interfacing with the Computer.
Data error on drive C (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
Data error reading drive C:. (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ledgehammer?
Data has to have an "old earth saying" explained - 2 drinks!
Data in Oz:  "If I only had a pulmonary apparatus . . ."
Data is "fully functional".  Can he get a woman pregnant?
Data is cut off in middle of a list of synonyms - 2 drinks!
Data is cut off in middle of a sentence - drink!
Data is emotional because of a computer virus. ~ The Borg
Data is my favorite character. He's the most . . . human.
Data is second hand merchandise. - Riker
Data is truly intelligent... he has a cat!
Data leaving...  I need a "happy" chip in my brain.
Data men do it with a huge dynamic RAM.
Data not current?  Give him today's paper!
Data not found; make it up as I go along? (Y/N)
Data singing: "I left my head, in San Francisco!"
Data takes over after installing ego chip.
Data threw up?  <nod> Something about a data overflow error
Data to Picard:  "No, Captain, I do NOT run WINDOWS..."
Data to Picard: "Captain, I do NOT run windows!"
Data to Picard: "No I do NOT run Windows '95!"
Data to Picard: "No, Captain, I do NOT run WINDOWS..."
Data to Picard: I DON'T do Windows.
Data to Picard: No I do NOT run Windows!
Data to Picard: No, Captain, I do NOT run Windows.
Data to Picard: No, I do NOT run Windows!
Data uses Energizers his mouth keeps going, and going, and going...
Data uses Energizers! His mouth keeps going...and going..
Data wakes up with Kickstart 4.0
Data!  Data!  I must have Data!....Sherlock Picard?????
Data!  What was that? -- Picard
Data! I thought you were dead!  No sir, I rebooted. --Data
Data! I thought you were dead! No, Sir. I rebooted.
Data's arm Tattoo 3:^:3:3[3:]3:]33
Data's daughter, Lal, develops a heavy crush on RoboCop.
Data's favorite philosopher:  Immanuel Kannot.
Data's favorite philosopher: Immanuel Kannot.
Data's inner workings and Borgy bits -OEO-.
Data's inner workings and Borgy bits.
Data's next emotion: irrational fear of Lt. P. K. Zipp
Data's song: "I Left My Head In San Francisco"
Data, Ahh, I think that Spot needs a litter box. - Troi
Data, I thought you were dead!       No, sir, I rebooted.
Data, I thought you were dead! "No, sir--I merely rebooted."
Data, I thought you were dead! No, Sir. I was rebooting!
Data, I thought you were dead!?  "No I just rebooted."
Data, I thought you were dead. "No sir, just hung."
Data, I thought you were dead? "No I just rebooted"
Data, I want to have a look in here. - Picard
Data, I'd like to see you take him down a peg -- Geordi
Data, I'm going to dip you in chocolate said Troi, licking her lips.
Data, Let him go - Picard
Data, Worf, Your With Me. - Riker
Data, are you all right? "I'm fine, sir." OOOPS!
Data, data everywhere, and not a byte to eat!
Data, data everywhere, and not a byte to eat.
Data, doesn't that thing ever go down!?! -- Yar
Data, give me a reading.  It appears to be a tagline.
Data, have you ever considered training Spot? -- Geordi
Data, he was joking.  You know that?  Data? -- Riker
Data, sometimes a cake is just a cake. - Troi
Data, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Deanna Troi
Data, that was very  human -- LaForge
Data, what do you mean, `I've reformatted Spot?'
Data, what is it with the hair, anyway?
Data, what the hell is it? - Picard
Data, you ARE fully functional, aren't you?
Data, you are fully functional, aren't you? - Yar
Data, you're circling the room like a buzzard. - Picard
Data, you're the only real man on the ship. - Beverly
Data, you're walking so, so...android like! - Picard
Data, your head is not an artifact - Riker
Data- "It IS the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Captain!"
Data- It IS the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Captain!
Data/Spock 'October-93  the Logical Choice!
Data/Spock in '96 - the Logical Choice!
Data:  "Five bucks... same as in Spacedock!  I GET IT! HAHAHAHAHAAH!"
Data:  "Pardon me, but that's *my* hard drive."
Data: "Accessing", "Intriguing", or has innards shown - drink!
Data: "But sir...The computer CAN'T run Windows!"
Data: "Fully... functional."  Tasha: "Data, you're just what I need."
Data: "My hair does not grow you lunkhead."
Data: "Take my Worf, please."
Data: "The enemy ship has a weakness. It is running Tandy hardware."
Data: "Worf, have you seen my cat?"  Worf: <BURP!>
Data: "YES!!!!!"
Data: Not enough memory, Sir; someone loaded WINDOWS 95.
Data: Sir, I have ruled.  Please sit down.
Data: my dream 'droid.
Data:"My hair does not grow you lunkhead."
Datababble said this to Twixster...
Database (n.) more information than you'll ever need.
Database administrators do it with their relations
Databases corrupt; R:BASE databases corrupt absolutely!
Databases corrupt; R:BASE databases corrupt absolutly!
Dataman is a tender subject.  Would you like another piece?
Dataman you have been accused of Mass Mental Cruelty. How do you plead?
Dataman, why does Heidi Fleiss have you nine times in her book?
Date Catholic girls, they never confess ...
Date a woman who could bench press me - Crow
Date homeless women....you can just drop them off!
Date rape:  a crime, misunderstanding, OR buyer's remorse
Date rape:  a crime, misunderstanding, OR buyer's remorse.
Date: 03-01-94 (22:29)             Number: 118
Date: 08-02-95 (22:01) Number: 300
Date? Date? Blasted TARDIS is on the fritz again!
Dateline NY ... "Enraged Cow Goes After Unsuspecting Farmer With Gun."
Datinformation is better than Disinformation.
Dating is like Geometry: If you've got the curves, I've g
Dating is like Geometry: If you've got the curves, I've got the angles.
Dating is optional, not a requirement of the Fl Singles!
Dating:  women have option to pursue, men have the expectation.
Datsun: Detroit's Angry Towards Sneaky Unscrupulous Nips
Daugherty's Law: Temporary things tend to become permanent.
Daughter obsesses with the flowers - Crow
Daughter of Suzy Creamcheese and it shows.
Daughter of a demon lover, Empress of the hidden face -RUSH
Daughter, Come in the house, Them's fighter pilots! -Dr. Strangelove
Daughters are special people.
Dave Barry for President!
Dave Barry's home away from home.
Dave Bowman at the Kremlin: "My God, it's full of Czars!"
Dave Hardcastle running up the phone bill!!
Dave Hardcastle visiting Britains best BBS on 07 Aug 94
Dave Hardcastle visiting Britains best BBS.
Dave Hardcastle visiting Scotlands best BBS.
Dave Harper has been caught stealing taglines again.
Dave Lister: Homo Sapien - Barely Human
Dave, my mind is going,  I'm afraid.
Dave, put down those Windows disks.  Dave...DAVE!
Dave, put those Windows disks downDaveDAVE!
Dave.  Put down those Windows disks, Dave.  DAVE!  - HAL9000
Dave.  Put down those Windows disks, Dave.  DAVE!  - HAL9000 Dave.
Dave. Are you familiar with reality? - Crow
Dave. Put down those Windows disks. Dave. DAVE!
Dave. Stop. Stop, Dave. I'm afraid.
Dave? What are you doing, Dave? I feel my mind going...
Davey Crocket, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland
Davey I need to know where your dental records are - Crow
Davey had the IQ of a box turtle - Crow
David Brenner, Andy Rooney, David Brenner & a ferret -Tom
David Coperfield with one P?
David D. of Borg: My way is the right way, all others are irreverent!
David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade, X-Phile Illuminati
David Duke - A Nazi in Conservative Clothing!
David Duke:  A crazy quilt is more apropos than a sheet.
David Duke: A crazy quilt is more apropos than a sheet.
David Duke: He climbs into bed and he's in uniform.
David Duke: Same old sheet.
David Duke: Sheet for brains.
David Gersic only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
David Harper must be home. The modem is still warm.
David Hartman is a neck with face & eyes - Tom
David Hartman is an ugly, ugly man - Crow
David Hartman thought it was 'mushy' - Crow
David Hartman, your guaranteed TV-movie seal - Mike
David Hewitt...valedictorian of Bradley Central HS '93-'94!
David Hume could out-consume Schopenhaur and Schegal ...
David Hume could out-consume Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel.
David Koreschs' favorite song: C'mon baby lite my fire!
David Koresh arrested at Sea World, trying to release the 7 seals.
David Koresh just quit smoking!
David Koresh lost his job; he got fired!
David Koresh meets Jeffrey Dahmer - Brunch Davidian
David Koresh's last words : "I said a Bud Light!"
David Koresh's last words: "No, I said a *Bud* Light!"
David Lee Roth thinks we're much too loud.
David Letterman is Satan, my hair dryer told me so...
David Letterman is my hero.
David Lynch only ASPIRES to make something this crazy! - Joel
David Lynch: Normalcy is a straight-away path to boredom.
David Proper is to moderators what mosquitoes are to campers..
David Proper joins the echo.  Moderator has a link cut party.
David Rice: member of the moral minority (i.e. atheist).
David Scherer, for all your insurance needs - Mike
David Skaggs, Congressman (Col.), was an Eagle Scout.
David Vincent was right!
David ask only one question, "Who checks the Checkers?".
David must have hidden the Cthulhu escape plans in the escape pod.
David! You're killing me!
David: The new poster child for birth control pills
Davidian candy:  Full of nuts and won't come out of the wrapper.
Davidians and Wendy's burgers are both flame-broiled by Dave.
DavisonDOS 5.0:  (S)mile, (B)e charming, (T)hrow cricket ball.
DavisonDOS 5.0: (S)mile (B)e charming (T)hrow cricket ball
Davno davno bilo je naseg leta secam se da l' secas se ?
Davorike dajke, davorike dajke, davorike daj, daj, daj.
DavrosDOS 1.0: (D)rool (P)ush red button with arthritic hand de(F)rost
Dawn breaks...time to go to bed.
Dawn came too soon, Tom mourned. -Rambo & Youngquist
Dawn crept across the lawn, searching for her car keys.
Dawn crept silently across the yard, searching for her slave.
Dawn crept silently across the yard... searching for her car keys.
Dawn take you all - and be STONE to you! - Gandalf
Dawn, n.: The time when men of reason go to bed.
Dawn, nature's gentle hint that it's time for bed.
Dawn:  The time when men of reason go to bed.
Dawn:  The time when people of reason go to bed.
Dawn:  The time when people of reason go to bed. :-)
Dawn: The time when Vampires go to sleep.
Dawn: The time when men of reason go to bed.
Dawn: The time when people of reason go to bed.
Dawn: The time when people with modems go to bed. -Janier
Dawn: the reason why her lover GOES to bed!
Dawn: the time when men of reason go to bed
Dawn: time of day that modemers go to bed.
Dawson's First Law: You don't have enough outlets.
Dax & Odo in '96.  Leadership that adapts!
Dax (noun):  Having or to have a large tapeworm.
Dax - just another slug with a pretty face.
Dax - n., having or to have a large tapeworm.
Dax Burger Deluxe: Has been five other burgers before.
Dax Burger:      (Really a Hot Dog living inside a burger.)
Dax Burger: Really a Hot Dog living inside a burger.
Dax D just another slug with a pretty face. . .
Dax and Odo '96 - Leadership that can adapt.
Dax and Odo - leaders who can _really_ change.
Dax just needs a good hug. (CLUNK). Oh, that was a tree!
Dax to Bashir: "Quit hitting on me or I'll SLUG you!"
Dax went through the wormhole and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!
Dax, I just put another shrimp on the barbie. Dax? Dax??
Dax, did you tell him about that slug inside of you?
Dax, when Jadzia gets frisky - Jadzia? JADZIA?...NO CARRIER.
Dax, when Jadzia gets frisky: Jadzia? JADZIA? NO CARRIER
Dax-Burger Deluxe:     (Has been five other burgers before.)
Dax/Odo '96.  Leadership that adapts!
Dax/Odo '96:  Leaders who can *really* change!
Dax/Odo in '96 - Leadership that can adapt!
Dax:  Mace won't hurt me.   Julian:  It's not mace, it's Raid.
Dax: No Julian, you CAN'T see if the spots go all the way down.
Dax: No Julian, you CANNOT see if the spots go all the way down.
Dax: just another slug with a pretty face.
Dax: just another slug with a pretty face....
Dax:No Julian,you CAN'T see if the spots go all the way down
DaxDOS v6.22:  (A)bort  (R)etry  (B)lather About Previous Hosts
DaxDOS v6.22:  (A)bort  (R)etry  (I)gnore Julian
Daxburger Deluxe:  Has been in five other burger buns before.
Daxburger:  A hot dog inside a burger bun.
Day 1. Missed call. Partied all night - Crow as Palance
Day 10. Missed call. I THINK I KILLED A MAN? - Tom
Day 12,342 of EVALUATION Copy ... Gotcha!!!
Day 21 of waiting for my USR Sportster V.34 chip...
Day 3. Missed call. Wandered into shot -Mike as Palance
Day 5. Missed call. Finally got script -Tom as Palance
Day 8. Missed call. Can't keep anything down - Crow
Day 9. Missed call. Voice scares little Italian kid -Mike
Day 942 and Rush still hasn't got any.
Day after - "I freed WHO? - Abe Lincoln.
Day after day love turns grey like the skin on a dying man.
Day after day, love turns grey- Pink Floyd
Day after life-sucking day - Tom on farm routine
Day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.
Day and night cannot dwell together. --Chief Seattle
Day destroys the night.  Night divides the day.
Day of inquiry.  You will be subpoenaed.
Day, Enlighten; By Night, Endarken.
Day, night.  Drink enough caff and it's all the same.
Day-O. Daaaaaayyyy-Oh.                  Harry Belafonte
Day-by-day a day goes by.
Daydreaming: Wishcraft.
Dayle's Angel:  Joni....with halo held up by horns!  (Quoting Dayle)
Daylight come and me wanna go home... -=-
Days are gone-New life's begun-On they'll runMachines.
Days full of fun; days full of youth; 6 parts Gin to 1 part Vermouth.
Days like these let you savor a bad mood. - Calvin
Days spent at ST conventions don't count against your life span.
Daytime TV:  Punishment for workers who stay home when they're not really sick.
Daytona Beach. 'I've fallen and can't reach my beer!'
Dazed and confused - again!
Dazzling around thy skirts like a Serpent of precious stones.
Ddolittle@frappy.brewich.com - E-mail me for the Star Wars RPG list!
De Debil made me do it!
De Devil made me do it.
De Fasta' Windows Mail Reada'
De Saade Tagline:  Place on hairy parts [__:::__] and YANK!!!
De Solushun fo' Multilingual Messages
De agony of delete . . . !
De do do do, de da da da.               The Police
De los sos ojos tan fuertemientre lorando.
De m' reci imal' dje maraka kupit?
De trouble wid common sense be it's no longa' common.
De-bate [n], What lures de fish.
De-bug your life !
De-hydrated water
DeCartes gets mean:  Flameo ergo cum.
DeChancie could write a line somewhere about "threasting Brusts"
DeJohn = John DeChancie
Dead Atheist:  All dressed up with no place to go.
Dead Atheist: All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Dead Atheist: All dressed up with no place to go.
Dead Athiest: All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Dead Chihuahuas still look like large rats...
Dead Deer in Road:  Food for weeks.
Dead Fido! Aw, poor Fido. Someone ressurrect this beast!
Dead Finks Don't Talk   -ENO
Dead Kennedys-Give Me Convenience OR Give Me Death.
Dead Letter Office.
Dead Men Tell No Tales.
Dead Poet Society...
Dead Ringers: A movie NOT to watch the night before your OB-GYN appt.
Dead atheist: All dressed up and no place to go.
Dead birds don't fall out of nests.
Dead blonde in a closet? Winner of '95 Hide & Seek Award
Dead blonde in a closet? Winner of 1987 Hide and Seek Award.
Dead blonde in a closet? Winner of 1995 Hide & Seek Award
Dead chemist doctor Barium when he can't Curium. He should Helium.
Dead chemists Barium when they can't Curium. They should Helium.
Dead chemists doctors Barium when they can't Curium. They should Helium.
Dead chemists-doctor barium when they can't Curium. They should Helium
Dead criminals can't be repeat offenders. Support the Death Penalty
Dead criminals can't become repeat offenders. Support the Death Penalty!
Dead criminals just cannot re offend - worth a thought?
Dead doctors Barium when they can't Curium. They should Helium.
Dead embryos. They're not just for breakfast anymore.
Dead finks don't walk that well; bad sense of direction.
Dead fish don't blow bubbles
Dead fish go with the flow
Dead from Detroit, it's Saturday Night!
Dead is dead, parts is parts, dead guys is parts.
Dead is incorrect.  Use "metabolically challenged".
Dead lawyers make the best fertilizer.
Dead men don't need pencils. Or any thing else for that matter.
Dead men don't whine.
Dead men tell no lies.
Dead mouse in hard drive.
Dead musicians decompose
Dead or Alive, Big or Small, Clinton tax them all!
Dead or Alive, Big or Small, Governmets tax them all!!!!
Dead or Alive, Big or Small, Liberals tax them all!
Dead or Alive, Big or Small, Liberals want to tax them all!
Dead or alive you are coming with me. --Robocop.
Dead or alive, your comming with me.
Dead or alive.  Vash  Preferably dead.  Q
Dead people NEVER borrow ANYTHING!
Dead people are actually NON-electroencephalographically challenged.
Dead people are cool
Dead people are metabolically challenged.
Dead people make excellent listeners, and they keep secrets!
Dead people may be blue, but they're cool.
Dead people? We prefer to call them recently interred citizens
Dead puppys aren't much fun.
Dead rats were always trying to sneak into Mrs. Jewl's class.
Dead ringer: A broken telephone.
Dead skunk in the middle of the road, stinking up the highway.
Dead skunk in the middle of the road...dead skunk..whoops Bodle got it!
Dead, Dead, Dead, "Wait, I'm not quite dead yet" (*WHACK*), Dead...
Dead, huh?  Well, that's one less thing. * Beverly
Dead, huh?  Well, that's one less thing. þ Beverly
Dead, stiff, carked it, doin' the dirt dance.
Dead, stiff, corked it, doin' the dirt dance.
Dead?  Depressed?....Then why not come along to the FRESH START CLUB
Dead?  What a shame... and on such a beautiful day!
Dead? But I've been only gone for 2 minutes! --Kryten.
Dead? But i've been only gone for two minutes! - Kryten
Dead? I prefer the term terminally inconvenienced.
Dead? No. Electroencephelographically challenged, maybe!
Dead?...What a shame!...and on such a beautiful day, too.
Dead?...What a shame!...and on such a beautiful day, too...
Deadheads DO IT with Jerry.
Deadheads do it with Jerry.
Deadheads never die. They just trip away...
Deadite: I'll swallow your soul! Ash: Come get some
Deadite: Who the hell are you? Ash: Name's Ash. Housewares.
Deadline? What's a deadline? --Liefeld.
Deadlines amuse me
Deadlines amuse me.
Deadly Ninja Dirty Socks of Death
Deadly Semen Backup by Hugh G. Rection.
Deadly embrace:  making love to King Kong.
Deadly ninja throwing button.
Deadpan Humor Alert.
Deadware was coined by ME in November 1993
Deadwood. Nineteenth Century Earth. The Ancient West.
Deaf exp # 1: "Are you deaf?"
Deaf exp # 2: "If you're deaf, how do you know what I'm saying?"
Deaf exp # 3: Watching the hearing person making wierd & crazy gestures
Deaf exp # 4: Ssspeeeeaaakiiiingggg .... veeerrrry .... slooooowwwllllyy
Deaf exp # 5: "You're deaf??"
Deaf exp # 6: "Can you hear me at all?"
Deaf exp # 7: "I'm deaf" (written on a kleenex box to a traffic cop)
Deaf exp # 8: "Why is s/he making those funny gestures??"
Deaf exp # 9: "What's a relay service??"
Deaf exp #10: "Do you know what I'm saying or do I need to go slower?"
Deaf exp #11: "Why do I need to use relay when I can call you direct??"
Deaf exp #13: (to interpreter) "Doe s/he understand what I'm saying?"
Deaf exp #14: (shouting) "ARE YOU DEAF?!? CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!?"
Deaf exp #15: People shouting loud so they think you can hear them.
Deaf exp #16: "Does s/he speak the language of the dead??"
Deaf exp #17: "I asked you this question 5 times... Are you deaf?"
Deaf exp #18: "The doctor doesn't need a sign language interpreter..."
Deaf exp #19: "It says here on the note that you're deaf. Are you deaf?"
Deaf exp #1: "You're deaf??"
Deaf exp #20: "Why does that light flash when I push the doorbell?"
Deaf exp #21: "What's a Telecommunciation Device for the Deaf (TDD)?"
Deaf exp #22: "How do (deaf people/you) talk on the phone?"
Deaf exp #23: "Why does the dialogue box show up every time they speak?"
Deaf exp #24: "Why are deaf people called deaf and dumb? Are they dumb?"
Deaf exp #25: "So why are you deaf?"
Deaf exp #26: "What does it mean to be deaf?"
Deaf exp #27: "I thought deaf people can't talk."
Deaf exp #28: "If you can lipread, why do you need an interpreter?"
Deaf exp #29: "Why are deaf people included in ADA? U're not disabled!"
Deaf exp #2: "If you're deaf, how do you know what I'm saying?"
Deaf exp #30: "Does this mean you can't hear me at all?"
Deaf exp #31: "We're not required on getting you an interpreter!"
Deaf exp #32: "How can you be deaf if you can talk?"
Deaf exp #33: "Do you know that you talk funny?"
Deaf exp #34: lipreading a very fast talker!
Deaf exp #35: "Deaf people can speak?!?"
Deaf exp #36: "You don't need closed caption. Lipread them on the TV!"
Deaf exp #37: Trying to lipread a man with a beard or moustache
Deaf exp #38: "Every time I call you, I get a funny noise on the phone."
Deaf exp #39: "I'm know that you're deaf, but can you interpret for me?"
Deaf exp #40: "What's it like to be deaf?"
Deaf exp #41: "Y is ASL a language when deaf people can read and write?"
Deaf exp #42: "Y r those two people having a private talk in the class?"
Deaf exp #43: "What's a hearing-ear dog? Is it a security watchdog?"
Deaf exp #44: "I thought working dogs was only for blind people!"
Deaf exp #45: "Does ur hearing-ear dog guide U around like blind people?
Deaf exp #5: Trying to lipread a man with a beard or moustache.
Deaf exp #6: "Can you hear me at all?"
Deaf exp #7: "I'm deaf" (written on a kleenex box to a traffic cop)
Deaf exp #8: "Why is he making those funny gestures??"
Deaf exp #9: "What's a relay service??"
Deaf people always have a silent mind.
Deaf people are just Deaf, not DUMB!
Deaf people have a silent mind
Deaf, dumb, and a Marine.
Deaf, dumb, and blonde.
Deaf? Call 1-800-HEARING for free information.
Deal with it, Musky Breath - Dr. F to Joel
Deal with it, joyless prole! - Dr. F to Joel
Deal with it, joyless prole! -- Dr. Forrester
Deal with other's faults as gently as with your own
Deal. "Fax me a $10 bill, I'll fax you the I/O card."
Deal. Daddy needs a new garter belt. - Klinger at poker game
Dealing With Mistakes - by E. Ray Sur
Dean Basler: registered user of Blue Wave since 1993.
Dean Misenhimer......Mission Viejo, CA.......TTFN.....
Dean: A minus sign in the table means a DECLINE. -12%
Deanna I would say you have a nice cat, but some might get mad.
Deanna Troi a must see for non-Trekkers.
Deanna Troi tries to read my mind and sees Taglines.
Deanna Troi, Good Friends, and Country Music!
Deanna Troi...I cannot help but love you!
Deanna Troi...need I say more...
Deanna Troi:  Goddess of THE ENTERPRISE!
Deanna Troi: 24th Century Yenta!
Deanna Troi: Goddess of THE ENTERPRISE!
Deanna Troi: Interplanetary Yenta.
Deanna Troy's bra size: 1701-D
Deanna please marry me...
Deanna tries to read Picard's mind and sees Pontiac.
Deanna tries to read my mind and sees Taglines
Deanna tries to read my mind and sees YATI's
Deanna tries to read my mind and sees recipes.
Deanna tries to read my mind and sees taglines.
Deanna, Beverly and Kira, Menage a Troi?
Deanna, I have been experiencing these dreams ... Data
Deanna, I have something BETTER than chocolate. --Riker.
Deanna, I've got a new holodeck program. -- Barclay
Deanna, do you like toexperiment? -- Beverly
Deanna, leave DATA's floppy disk alone....
Deanna, tell me - do you like to...experiment? - Beverly
DeannaI've got a new holodeck program-- Barclay
Deanys' realityometer: e[\....]f Hmmmmm. Thought so..
Dear Abby: What diet is best for my FAT file?
Dear Aunt Em - I hate you, I hate Kansas, I've got the damn dog!
Dear Aunt Em: Hate Kansas. Hate you. Took dog. --Dorothy.
Dear Aunt Em: Hate you, hate Kansas, took dog. - Dorothy
Dear Aunt Nefertiti thanks for the SOCKS? -Crow on scroll
Dear Auntie Em:  Hate you, hate Kansas, took the dog. - Dorothy
Dear Auntie Em: Hate you, hate Kansas. Took the dog.
Dear Captain Picard:  Hate you, hate StarFleet, took Data. - Tasha Yar
Dear Captain Picard: Hate StarFleet, took Data : Tasha.
Dear Carol: I'm dead. Enjoy! - Crow on note from dead dad
Dear Diary. Call me Ishmael - Tom
Dear FAT, don't eat so many BYTES
Dear God! Who is Merritt Stone?!?! - Frank screams
Dear God...Protect Me From Your Followers......
Dear God...Protect Me From Your so-called "followers"......
Dear Gypsy how are you? I am fine -Gypsy w/Frank's letter
Dear IBM:  Hate you, hate OS/2, took your money and ran. - Bill Gates
Dear Jean Luc - hate the UFP, hate you, taking Vash. - Q
Dear Jean-Luc - hate the UFP, hate you, taking Vash.  Signed, Q.
Dear Jean-Luc - hate you, hate the UFP, taking Vash  -- Q
Dear Jean-Luc.  Hate you, hate the Federation, took Vash.  -- Q
Dear Jean-Luc: Hate you, hate Starfleet, took Vash. - Q.
Dear Jean-Luc: Hate you, hate the Federation, took Lwaxanna. -Q
Dear Jean-Luc: Hate you, hate the Federation, took Vash. -Q
Dear Jean-Luc: Hate you. Hate UFP. Took Vash.--Q
Dear Jesus, please protect us from your followers. Amen.
Dear John Hinkley:  Bill Clinton is dating Jody Foster.
Dear John Hinkley: Bill Clinton is dating Jodie Foster. - R. Reagan
Dear John Hinkley: Bill Clinton is dating Jody Foster.
Dear John Hinkley: Rush Limbaugh is dating Jodie Foster.
Dear John Hinkley; Bill Clinton is dating Jodie Foster.
Dear John Hinkley; Bill Clinton is dating Jody Foster." -- R. Reagan
Dear King Melchior: Thank you for the lovely frankincensce
Dear Landlord. The Roachs here are entirely too cocky!!!!
Dear Limbaugh:  Can't we all just get along?
Dear Lord, the gods have been good to me... - Homer
Dear Lorena Bobbitt, Got any leftovers? - Jeffrey Dahlmer
Dear Lorena Bobbitt, Got any leftovers? - Jeffrey Dahmer
Dear Lorena Bobbitt, send it to me: /s/ Jeffrey Dahlmer.
Dear Lorena Bobbitt: Send it to me. Thanks, Jeffrey Dahmer.
Dear Lorena, Got any left-overs? - Jeffrey Dahlmer
Dear Mr. West - Crow writes to Adam West
Dear O.J. - Can I babysit the kids while you're in jail?
Dear Orville, before landing OPEN your landing gear, will you?
Dear Penthouse Forum: I am an avg. stuffed animal - Tom
Dear Picard: Hate you, hate StarFleet, took Cardassian.--Sito
Dear Santa all I want is your list of nasty girls.
Dear Santa, all I want for christmas, is your list of naughty girls.
Dear Santa, all I want is your list of naughty girls.
Dear Santa. Been Good. Want *FAST* Modem!
Dear Santa:  All I want is a copy of your list of naughty girls.
Dear Santa:  Please send me your list of naughty girls.
Dear Santa: All I want is a copy of your list of naughty girls.
Dear Santa:A twelve pack,remote control,and sex once a week.
Dear Satan, Give me Drugs - William Bennett
Dear Starfleet, Hate you, hate Alpha Quadrant, took Voyager - Janeway
Dear Starfleet, hate you, hate the Federation, taking Voyager. Janeway
Dear Starfleet. Hate you. Hate Alpha Quadrant. Took Voyager. - Janeway
Dear Starfleet: Hate you, Hate Alpha Quadrant, Took Voyager!
Dear Stephen, Tired of Midworld, hate Blaine, want off...WRITE FASTER!
Dear Xavier: Hate you, hate X-Men, took the dragon. Kitty
Dear Ziggy: Hate you. Hate the Project. Took Al (sort of).-Sam Beckett
Dear diary: grope, feel, grab, kiss, molest...   - Bob Packwood
Dear me... What are those things coming out of her nose?
Dear, do you know where my helmet and bullet proof vest are?
Dear, it's eating the porcelin!
Dear, why is there cat hair all over the Pirahhna's tank?
Dear, you've lost your birth control pills, said Tom pregnantly.
Dear, yu've lost you birth control pills, said Tom pregnantly.
Dear...get me some coffee." - S. Kyle
Death  - a negative patient -care outcome.
Death  - abnormal life condition.
Death  - the ultimate equalizer.
Death  : Life's way of telling you you've been fired.
Death  : Natures way of saying, "Gotcha!"
Death & his dog - "Fetch...heel...play dead" <thump> "Spot? Spot?"
Death & taxes are both certain, but death isn't annual.
Death & taxes?  Now it's "shipping & handling."
Death & taxes?  Now it's "shipping and handling".
Death & taxes? Now it's `shipping & handling'.
Death - It's our number one killer!
Death - Life's way of saying, "You can let go of your ankles now."
Death - Life's way of saying, "You can let go of your ankles."
Death - Nature's way of dropping carrier.
Death - a negative patient-care outcome.
Death - abnormal life condition.
Death - nature's way of saying "Slow down"
Death - next right.
Death - the ultimate equalizer.
Death ... by chocolate.
Death : Life's way of telling you you've been fired.
Death : Natures way of saying, Gotcha!
Death Benefits = oxymoron.
Death Benifits = oxymoron
Death Ends Fun - film at 11
Death MAY ease tension, researchers report.
Death Penalty means never having to say "You Again?"
Death Star -- Intel Pentium Inside
Death Star Technical Companion - By West End Games
Death Star approaching.  Estimated time to firing range, 15 minutes.
Death Star approaching. Time to firing range, fifteen minutes...
Death Star detected.  (A)bort, (R)etry, (U)se the Force?
Death Warmed over = a corpse with coffee?
Death _may_ ease tension, researchers report.
Death alone reveals how small are men's poor bodies. -- Juvenal
Death and comic books----AKA oil and water.
Death and depravation stalk our land like two great..stalking things.
Death and deprivation stalk our land like... two giant stalking things
Death and destruction!  I hunger for annihilation! -- Mars
Death and his dog- Fetch...heel...play dead <thump> Spot? Spot?
Death and power are close cousins. I don't like your relatives.
Death and taxes are both certain, but death isn't an annual event.
Death and taxes are both certain, but death isn't annual.
Death and taxes are both certain...but death isn't annual.
Death and taxes are certain, but death doesn't keep getting worse.
Death and taxes are inevitable, but death is not a repeater.
Death and taxes are inevitable; at least death doesn't get worse every year.
Death and taxes go hand in hand.  Taxes are murder and murder is taxing.
Death and taxes may both be certain, but at least death isn't annual.
Death and taxes you can be certain of eventually!!
Death and taxes?  Now it's `shipping & handling.'
Death and taxes? At least death doesn't get worse when Congress meets.
Death and taxes? Now it's shipping and handling.
Death and the dice level all distinctions.
Death awaits you all with big and nasty pointy teeth. - Tim
Death awaits you all with nasty big pointy teeth!
Death awaits you all, with big nasty sharp pointed teeth!
Death awaits you with long ears and nasty sharp teeth!
Death bed thought: "I wish I had spent more time learning edlin and DOS."
Death before DOS!
Death before Disco
Death before Disembodiment!
Death before Political Correctness!!!
Death before acquisition!
Death before acquistion!
Death before deceleration.
Death before dishonor and either before soap operas.
Death before dishonor, but neither before breakfast.<Brilliant>
Death before dishonor, but neither before breakfast.-Ashleigh Brilliant
Death before dishonor, but neither before noon.
Death before dishonor, neither before breakfast.
Death before dishonour, but neither before breakfast.-Ashleigh Brilliant
Death before punning!...Or at least a really bad hang-over.--Discinque
Death by Intelligence!
Death by chocolate.
Death by drowning.
Death by strangulation (not hanging).
Death by tagline!
Death by..uh Saw off his tweeter! --Butthead 'n Lorena Bobbitt...
Death by..uh Saw off his tweeter!- Butthead 'n Lorena Bobbit...
Death by..uhhh... Saw off his tweeter!- Butthead 'n Lorena Bobbit...
Death called while you were out, so I gave him your pager number
Death called while you were out, so I gave him your pager number.
Death called. You were out. I gave him your pager number.
Death can really ruin your day.
Death can't stop true love. Only delay it awhile. -- Westley
Death cannot stop True Love. All it can do is delay it a bit.
Death could make me change my mind about a lot of things.
Death cures cancer.
Death does not come without a cause.  <Irish>
Death does not necessarily relieve you of financial responsibility
Death don't have no mercy in this land!
Death gets better each time Congress meets!
Death greets me warm, now i will just say goodbye
Death has been proven to be 97% fatal to laboratory rats.
Death has been proven to be 99 per cent fatal in laborato
Death has been proven to be 99 per cent fatal in laboratory rats.
Death has been proven to be 99% fatal in laboratory rats.
Death has been proven to be 99% fatal to laboratory rats.
Death has come, the House of God has FAILED!
Death has made you a little din, Jean Luc.
Death has no quotes!
Death has proven to be 99.9% fatal to all lab rats.
Death has proven to be fatal in 99.9% of laboratory rats.
Death has the key to open the miser chest. <African (Ashanti)>
Death has the key to open the miser chest. --African Ashanti.
Death has the key to open the miser chest. --Ashanti.
Death in the stone age....Jurassic Cark.
Death is 99 per cent fatal to laboratory rats.
Death is God's way of dropping Carrier on you.
Death is God's way of dropping carrier.
Death is God's way of telling you not to be such a wise guy.
Death is God's way of telling you not to be such a wise-ass.
Death is God's way of telling you that you're fired.
Death is God's way of telling you to slow down.
Death is God's way of telling you you've been fired.
Death is Murphy's way of dropping Carrier on your life. AARRGGHH!
Death is Nature's way of dropping carrier.
Death is Nature's way of recycling human beings.
Death is Nature's way of saying "F*ck off!"
Death is Nature's way of saying "It's to late to slow down."
Death is Nature's way of saying "It's too late to slow down."
Death is Nature's way of saying "You're dead!"
Death is Nature's way of saying "You're fired!"
Death is Nature's way of saying 'slow down'.
Death is Nature's way of saying F*ck off!
Death is Nature's way of saying It's too late to slow down.
Death is Nature's way of saying Time Out!
Death is Nature's way of saying You're fired!
Death is a good disguise. --Jim Morrison
Death is a good thing to some people.
Death is a health-care issue. - Hillary Clinton
Death is a health-care issue. -- Hillary Rodham Clinton [9-28-93]
Death is a like a holiday with a group of Germans.
Death is a non-maskable interrupt.
Death is a nonmaskable interrupt.
Death is all in the mind. Once you're dead you forget all about it.
Death is an art, flesh and Earth never part;
Death is an unfortunate side effect of attacking a cop!
Death is as light as a feather, duty is as heavy as a mountain. <Aeil>
Death is as light as a feather, duty is as heavy as a mountain. - Rand
Death is better; a milder fate than tyranny. --Aeschylus.
Death is but a sample of Pete May's jokes -- Christian Timms
Death is but giving over a game that must be lost. -- Beaumont
Death is certain, life isn't.
Death is hereditary
Death is irrelevant when your best friend is a 50th level cleric.
Death is irrelevant, resistance is futile, YOU MUST COMPLY.
Death is irrelevant. --Locutus of Borg.
Death is just God's way of dropping DTR.
Death is just God's way of dropping carrier.
Death is just Gods way of dropping carrier.
Death is just a distant rumor to the young.
Death is just a state of mind...
Death is just around the next door.
Death is just nature's way of dropping carrier.
Death is just nature's way of killing you.
Death is just nature's way of saying  $%^& NO CARRIER!
Death is just nature's way of saying "Howdy!"
Death is just nature's way of saying $%^& NO CARRIER!
Death is just one of the steps on the journey.
Death is just the Cosmic "NO CARRIER"
Death is just the Universe dropping your carrier.
Death is life is way of telling you you've just been fired.
Death is life's answer to the question "Why?"'
Death is life's answer to the question 'Why?'
Death is life's way of saying "Your Fired"
Death is life's way of saying you can let go of your ankles now!
Death is life's way of saying you're fired.
Death is life's way of telling you that you've been fired.
Death is life's way of telling you you're fired.
Death is life's way of telling you you've been fired!
Death is life's way of telling you you've been fired.
Death is life's way of telling you you've been fired.
Death is life's way of telling you you've been fired.  -- R. Geis
Death is lifes way of telling you that you are fired.
Death is light as a feather; duty is heavier than a mountain.
Death is like everything else, its all in the timing!
Death is merely a chance to roll a new character.
Death is mother nature's warning to slow down.
Death is nature's way for telling you you've slowed down.
Death is nature's way of enforcing retirement.
Death is nature's way of preventing over-population
Death is nature's way of saying "Howdy". <unknown>
Death is nature's way of saying "Howdy."
Death is nature's way of saying "Slow Down"
Death is nature's way of saying Howdy.
Death is nature's way of saying `Howdy'.
Death is nature's way of saying it's to late to play GEEK
Death is nature's way of saying it's to late to slow down
Death is nature's way of saying you're dead!
Death is nature's way of saying, 'Slow down.'
Death is nature's way of tellin you to SLOW DOWN!
Death is nature's way of telling you to SLOW DOWN!
Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down.
Death is natures way of saying its to late to slow down
Death is natures way of tapering down your E-mail!
Death is no excuse - Nixon in `96!
Death is not the end; there remains the litigation - AB
Death is not the end; there remains the litigation.
Death is not the end; there remins the litigation.
Death is not the worst of things, and life is not the best.
Death is only one of the many changes we must go through.
Death is part of this life not the next.
Death is proven 99.9% fatal in experiments with laboratory rats.
Death is proven 99.9% fatal in laboratory testing
Death is proven 99.9% fatal to all laboratory rats.
Death is proven to be 100% fatal to all Stupid people.
Death is proven to be 99.9% fatal to all laboratory rats.
Death is proven to be fatal to 99.9% of all laboratory rats.
Death is simply nature's way of telling you that you are dead.
Death is simply nature's way of telling you to slow down.
Death is still the #1 killer in America today.
Death is still working like a mole and digs my grave.
Death is the Nature's way of telling you...SLOW DOWN!
Death is the best part of life. That's why they save it for last.
Death is the consequence of being alive.
Death is the cure of all diseases. -- Browne
Death is the end of one illusion and the beginning of another.
Death is the great equalizer.
Death is the greatest kick of all.  That's why they save it for last.
Death is the greatest kick of all. That's why they stave it for last.
Death is the one experience that we cannot put in perspective afterwards.
Death is the only fad diet that works!
Death is the only unbreakable rule. -- The Sybil
Death is the supreme festival on the road to freedom.
Death is the supreme festival on the road to freedom. D. Bonhoeffer
Death is the ultimate adventure ...
Death is what we must all come to if we live long enough. D. Garrick
Death is when God drops carrier on you.
Death is when God drops the carrier on your life.
Death isn't the greatest agony, only the final one.
Death isn't the handicap it used to be in the olden days. --Lister.
Death isn't the handicap it used to be. - Lister
Death may be the greatest of all human blessings. --Socrates.
Death may ease tension - film at 11.
Death may not be the greatest agony, but it is the last.
Death means nothing!  There is no end!  I will be reborn!
Death means that it's Check Out time.
Death never comes too late.  <Irish>
Death never takes the wise man by surprise. -- Fontaine
Death not only takes a holiday, he gets comp time.
Death of Reaganomics = Rebirth of the American Dream
Death only gives one curtin call.
Death opens unknown doors.  It is most grand to die.
Death row is entirely too small and empty.
Death seems to be a more salable commodity than life.
Death should be cherished like fine wine and enjoy its aroma.
Death should be cherished like fine wine, and to enjoy its aroma.
Death sucks! -- Jim Dial
Death sucks. --MST3K.
Death takes its toll. Please have exact change ready.
Death takes its toll. Please have exact change.
Death takes no bribes.
Death to CC!
Death to Kai Winn and her ilk!
Death to Naggons.
Death to Political Correctness- Long live Reality!
Death to all SysOps..AAACK!!!...W$%&x NO CARRIER
Death to all fanatics!
Death to all moderaAAACK*#(%^#% NO CARRIER
Death to all moderators..AAACK!!!...W$%&x NO CARRIER
Death to fleas that prey upon the lifeblood of my cats!
Death to the fascist insects who suck the blood of the people!
Death to the... uh... Who the hell are we fighting, anyway?
Death to theuhWho the hell are we fighting, anyway?
Death to you all!  Die!  Die! ...oh, sorry, isn't this online games?
Death to you all! Die! Die!...oh, isn't this online games?
Death wh - uuuurrgghhhh ...
Death will be a great relief.  No more job interviews.
Death will be a great relief. No more interviews.
Death will be a great relief. No more job interviews.
Death will come, but not for you. --Walter, the Man In Black.
Death will not release you!!
Death with dignity, huh? --Tom Servo.
Death's a bitch and then you're reincarnated
Death's a bitch, then you reincarnate!
Death's a bitch. Then you're reincarnated.
Death's the most fun.  That's why they save it for last.
Death, Destruction, Maim, and Mutilation!
Death, Life, and Infinite are the only constants.
Death, Taxes, Borland upgrade notices.
Death, be not proud.
Death, destruction, and catastrophe loom, Have A Nice Day!
Death, doom and destruction loom ... Oops wet pants..<-Crazy beserker!:)
Death, doom and destruction loom on the horizon.  Have a nice day.
Death, doom and destruction loom oops wet pants..
Death, doom and destruction loom... oops pic messages!  Danger!
Death, doom and destruction loom...so have a nice day.
Death, doom and destruction loomoops - wet pants...
Death, doom and destruction loomso Have a Nice Day.
Death, doom, and destruction loom... so have a nice day!
Death, in itself, is nothing. -- Dryden
Death, only, renders hope futile. -- Vad Varro
Death, pain, fire, death, pain, fire, no, no, no - Lady Ladira
Death, taxes ... and betas
Death, taxes, and SD40-2s all inescapable!
Death, when unnecessary, is a tragic thing.
Death, when unnecessary, is a tragic thing. -- Flint
Death. Death. Death.
Death... by chocolate.
Death......God's Tagline.
Death...God's tagline
Death:  Abnormal life condition.
Death:  God's tagline
Death:  I could live without it.
Death:  It's not just for breakfast anymore
Death:  Just Say No.
Death:  Life's way of saying your dead!
Death:  Life's way of telling you you've been fired.
Death:  Natures was of telling you to slow down.
Death:  The one talent that everyone shares!
Death:  The unfortunate side effect of attacking a Dragon.
Death:  The unfortunate side effect of attacking a cop.
Death:  To stop sinning suddenly.
Death:  To stop sinning suddenly.  -- Ellen Hubbard
Death:  it's an extremely inconvient disability.
Death: Abnormal DANGER DANGER Computer store ahead...hide wallet.
Death: Abnormal life condition.
Death: Failure to fulfill one's wellness potential.
Death: God's tagline.
Death: Input past end of file error.
Death: Just Say No.
Death: Life's way of saying - "HEY!  Your not alive anymore!"
Death: Life's way of saying you've been fired.
Death: Life's way of saying your dead!
Death: Life's way of telling you you've been fired.
Death: Nature's way of saying the FDA was right.
Death: Natures was of telling you to slow down.
Death: Natures way of saying, "Gotcha!"
Death: The one talent that everyone shares!
Death: The unfortunate side effect of attacking a Dragon.
Death: The unfortunate side effect of attacking a cop.
Death: To stop sinning suddenly. - Devil's Dictionary
Death: it's an extremely inconvenient disability.
Death: it's an extremely inconvient disability.
Death: it's not just for breakfast anymore
Death: the final change of address.
Death: the ultimate diet
Death: think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush.
Death: to stop sinning suddenly.
Death?  It's like being on holiday with a group of Germans.
Death?  Life?  I never did understand Zen.
Death? It's like being on holiday with a group of Germans.
Death? Life? I never did understand Zen.
DeathGod's Tagline
Deathby chocolate.
Deathmask! They played at my parents anniversary - Mike
Deathmask, featuring Olivia Newton John - Mike
Deathtounge LIVES!
Deathtounge lives just to SPITE Tipper.
Deathwalker. DEATHWALKER!
Deb is private stock, man! - Frank to Dr. Forrester
Debate Conf's=Mud Wrestling for the Pedantic
Debate Conferences:  Mud wrestling for the pedantic.
Debate conference, like the Army...lots of privates.
Debate is the death of conversation.
Debate politics with a fern.  If you lose, refuse to water it.
Debate, rebate, probate - what's the diff??
Debate:  What lures de fish.
Debate:  What you use to hook defish.
Debate: it lures de fish.
Debate? What debate? WE AREN'T having any! We're talking Taglines!
Debaters do it orally!
Debbie Does Dallas: the rest of Texas heaves a sigh of relief
Debbie Does The Borg!!!!  YIPE!!!!
Deborah Kerr & Burt Lancaster - Tom as guys fight in surf
Debrief:  Wife listening while you talk in your sleep.
Debrief:  Wife listening while you talk in your sleep.
Debt Cola, it's the REAL thing...
Debt is one way of proving that it's possible to have less than nothing.
Debug - De ting killed wid de pressure spray
Debug: (verb) placing shoe leather firmly upon an insect.
Debugger:  A tool that substitutes afterthought for forethought.
Debugger: A tool that substitutes afterthought for forethought.
Debugger: a tool that substitutes afterthought for forethought.
Debugging Aids: Insecticides
Debugging UNIX is not an option.
Debugging utility:  Bang forehead here --> |x|
Debugging--Removing bugs, Programming--Putting them in.
Debugging: removing bugs from software.  Programming: putting them in.
Debugging: the act of introducing new errors
Dec.25th. "Cat-a-Claus" is coming--Ho Ho Ho!!!
Decadence is its own reward.
Decadence with a redhead is its own reward!
Decadent Capitalist and proud of it!
Decaf:  Use it to sober up after drinking non-alcoholic beer!
Decaf:  Used to sober up after drinking non-alcoholic beer.
Decaff: Use it to sober up after drinking non-alcoholic beer
Decaff: Use it to sober up after drinking non-alcoholic beer!
Decaff? No, it's dangerous to dilute my caffeine stream.
Decaffeinated coffee is for wimps!
Decaffeinated coffee is like kissing your sibling.
Decaffeinated coffee is like kissing your sister.
Decaffeinated coffee table; You can't even see a difference.
Decaffeinated coffee?  But ... why?
Decaffeinated coffee?  Just Say No!
Decaffeinated coffee?  Kinda like kissing your sister.
Decaffeinated coffee?  What is the point?
Decaffeinated coffee?  What's the point of THAT!?
Decaffeinated coffee?  Why bother?!?
Decaffeinated coffee? But...why?
Decaffeinated coffee? Just Say No.
Decaffeinated coffee? Kinda like kissing your sister.
Decaffeinated coffee? What the heck's the POINT!?
Decaffeinated coffee? What the hell's the POINT?
Decaffeinated coffee? What's the POINT!?
Decaffeinated coffee? What's the point of THAT!?
DecaffeinatedZfOee?  But...why?
Decaffienated coffee? But...why?
Decaffienated coffee? Just Say No.
Decaffienated coffee? Kinda like kissing your sister.
Decaffienated coffee? What's the point of THAT!?
Decaffinated coffee.  What the hell's the POINT??
Decaffinated coffee?  What the hell's the POINT!?
Decaffinated coffee?  What's the point of THAT!?
Decalfinated:  Cow who just had an abortion...
Decapitate your Christmas turkeys. A mind is a terrible thing to baste
Decay, inherent in all component things. Buddha-last wrds
Deceased and yet my mind remains.
December 31, 1995: Newspapers call an end to Calvin-ball
December songs I no longer sing. - Collective Soul
Deception is the footrest of Politics.
Decibel: A southern girl one better than a nine.
Decided to keep mum about OS/2. Shall we keep it that way?
Decided to keep mum about Windoze. Shall we keep it that way?
Decidedly UN-bold - Dr. Forrester
Decision '92 : Four more beers! Four more beers!
Decision-making factor, absent from brain!
Decisions terminate panic
Decisions terminate panic.
Decisions, Listen to Rush Limbaugh or read my E-mail?
Deck 36:  Sporting goods, Engineering, Ladies lingerie...
Deck 36: Engineering, Sporting goods, Ladies lingerie.
Deck 36: Sporting Goods, Engineering, Ladies lingerie
Deck 36: Sporting goods, Engineering, Ladies langerie.
Deck 36: Sporting goods, Engineering, Ladies lingere'
Deck 36: Sporting goods, Engineering, Ladies' lingerie; going UP!
Deck the halls with poison ivy, Ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha!
Deck the halls, I'm young again, I'm you again.
Decker: Captain, as your exec, it is my duty to point out alternatives.
Decker: V'ger expects and answer. [*] Kirk: I don't know the question.
Deckers do it with jacks...
Declarative programmers do it productively.
Declare "Open Season" on Constitution Deconstructionists.
Decomposed lambs make terrible house pets.
Deconstruct your myths and I'll deconstruct mine.
Decorating your Mousehole: Minnie Blinds
Decorators do it tastefully.
DecptiBorg, unite! What?!
Decrease moderator unemployment:  Post off-topic messages
Decrease moderator unemployment: post off-topic.
Decriminalize freedom.
Dedicated Individual Committed to Knowledge
Dedicated Word Processor: A secretary who stays after five.
Dedicated to better living through computers.
Dedicated to the termination of programs with a large axe.
Dee Dee Myers. Not a nickname. Her parents actually named her Dee Dee.
Dee dee dee telegraph! Dee dee dee someone coming in -Tom
DeeJay vu...Playing the same record over and over and over and over and
Deeeee-licious! - Wakko
Deep Space 9 --> (-|-) @ <-- Wormhole
Deep Space 9's Mission: To boldly stay where no one has stayed before!
Deep Space 9, Babylon 5
Deep Space 9:  To boldy stay in the same place as long as possible!
Deep Space 9: To boldly stay where no one has stayed before.
Deep Space 9: To boldy stay where no station has stayed before...
Deep Space 9: outpost to the final frontier or last stop to nowhere?
Deep Space 9: the continuing story of Sisko and his Kid.
Deep Space Nine --->    (-|-)    @ <--Wormhole
Deep Space Nine looks like a Klingon steering wheel.
Deep Space Nine looks like a steering wheel.
Deep Space Nine...to boldly stay where no one has stayed before!
Deep Space Nine:  I'll leave the light on for you.
Deep Space Nine:  Looks like a Klingon steering wheel
Deep Space Nine:  The Third Coming of Star Trek!
Deep Space Nine:  To boldly stay where no one has stayed before.
Deep Space Nine:  Where no one has gone before, then turn left.
Deep Space Nine:  You've seen the rest; now see the best!
Deep Space Nine: ...To boldly stay where none have stayed before...
Deep Space Nine: Looks like a Klingon Steering Wheel.
Deep Space Nine: The Third Coming of Star Trek!
Deep Space Nine: The continuing story of Sisko and his kid
Deep Space Nine: To boldly stay where no one has stayed before.
Deep Space Nine: Where no one has gone before, then turn left.
Deep Space Nine; we'll leave the light on.
Deep Thought was a Pentium; where else is 6 * 9 equal to 42?
Deep Thoughts, by @N@.
Deep Throat:  Something to do with carburetors.
Deep Throat: That is not an option, Mr. Mulder.
Deep cutaways, no pickguard and a couple of humbuckers..
Deep down I'm pretty superficial. - Ava Gardner
Deep down I'm really shallow.
Deep down, @FN@'s a jerk. :)
Deep down, everyone's a Ferengi.
Deep down, we're all basically shallow.
Deep in the Heart of Dixie.
Deep in the heart of New Jersey.
Deep in your Heart, You know you Like Windows!
Deep inside the armor of a warrior is a child.
Deep red are the sunsets in mystical places.
Deep space is my dwelling place; The stars my destination.
Deep-sea divers do it under extreme pressure.
Deer hunters will do anything for a buck.
Deer in the Headlights again?
Def One thought he was a wit - but he was only half right
Def'n: Soldier; someone who sleeps in the mud and likes it.
Def: 667: Satan's neighbor.
Def: ACLU: American Criminal's Liberties Union
Def: Abortion: Loves Labor Lost
Def: Academy: A modern school where football is taught.
Def: Accordion: A bagpipe with pleats.
Def: Accuracy: The vice of being right.
Def: Acetone: What you do in exercise class.
Def: Acoustic - What you play pool with.
Def: Acronyms: Tools for the profusion of confusion (TFTPOC)
Def: Adam's Rib: The original bone of contention.
Def: Address: Type of attire worn by some female programmers.
Def: Admiration: Polite recognition of self-reflection.
Def: Adult: One old enough to know better.
Def: Advertisement: The most truthful part of a newspaper.
Def: Advertising: Telling lies to attract shoplifters.
Def: Advice (noun): The smallest current coin.
Def: Advisor - The guy who told you how to screw up
Def: After-math [n]: The period following algebra.
Def: Aibohphobia n: The fear of palindromes
Def: Alcoholic: A person who drinks more than his physician.
Def: Algebra: What the Little Mermaid wears
Def: Algol: The husband of Polygol, their missing daughter is Polygon.
Def: Alien: A Being Who Travels Great Distances To Molest Cattle.
Def: Altair: A place where computers are sacrificed.
Def: Ambivalence: Mother in law drives my Caddy over cliff
Def: American politics: The walruses herding the oysters.
Def: Amiga: Yesterday's technology, tomorrow.
Def: Angling: The name given to fishing by non-fishermen.
Def: Anoid: Paying MORE for Surge-Protectors than Computer!!
Def: Antonym: The opposite of the word you're searching for.
Def: Arising - Conflict between a man and his mattress.
Def: Army food: The spoils of war.
Def: Arnoldism: Can you open this jar of olives for me.
Def: Array: A blast from a CRT.
Def: Artery: The study of fine paintings.
Def: Artificial Intelligence: The other guy's opinion.
Def: Asphalt: Rectal trouble.
Def: Astrakhan: The covert art of observing beauty in motion.
Def: Astronomy: The anatomy and physiology of our universe.
Def: Autobiography: Unrivalled telling truth about others.
Def: BASIC: Beginner's All-purpose Sloppy Instruction Code.
Def: BBS: A method to triple your phone bill.
Def: BITCH: Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented & Horny
Def: Baby Sitters: Girls you hire to watch your TV.
Def: Bachelor: A guy who has cheated a woman out of a divorce.
Def: Bachelor: One who is footloose & fiance free!
Def: Bachelor: Plays the field until the field comes in.
Def: Backup: Opposite of forward.
Def: Bacteria: Rear entrance to a cafeteria.
Def: Bacteria: The only culture some people have.
Def: Bankrupture: A Fiscal Hernia.
Def: Baptism: A kind of damp bar mitzvah.
Def: Barfingnewgen: German Car Sickness.
Def: Barium. What you do if CPR fails.
Def: Barium: What you do with dead chemists.
Def: Barney - What happens when you feed a smurf after midnight.
Def: Barometer: Indicates what kind of weather we are having.
Def: Baroque: When you are out of Monet.
Def: Bathroom scale: Something you stand on and swear at.
Def: Beheading: The ultimate loss of face
Def: Belfry: The directory for .BAT files!
Def: Benign: What you are after you be eight.
Def: Bigamist: An Italian fog.
Def: Bigamist: One who makes the same mistake twice.
Def: Bigamy: One wife too many.      Monogamy: The same idea.
Def: Bigamy: Too many wives.         Alimony: Same thing.
Def: Bill Clinton: Elmer Fudd without the grip on reality
Def: Biography: One of the terrors of death.
Def: Bit: The increment by which programmers slowly go mad.
Def: Bluewave - 40,000 Smurphs in a stadium amusing themselves.
Def: Bore - A person who talks when you wish him to listen.
Def: Boy: A noise with dirt on it.
Def: Brain - the apparatus with which we think that we think.
Def: Branch: A stick used for beating.
Def: Breast fed - A female FBI agent
Def: Bride: Woman with fine prospect of happiness behind her.
Def: Budget: A method for going broke methodically.
Def: Buffer - Programmer who works in the nude.
Def: Buffer: A programmer who works in the nude.
Def: Buffer: Programmer who works in the nude.
Def: Bulldozer: One who sleeps through a political speech.
Def: Bureaucracy: That place always in need of a laxative.
Def: Bureaucrat (n): A person who cuts red tape sideways.
Def: COBOL: Confused Oriental Bean-cOunting Language.
Def: Camel: A quarter horse designed by a committee.
Def: Cancer - The cure for smoking.
Def: Cartoon - A device used by papers to say what an editor dare not.
Def: Castrate: The hotel rate for actors.
Def: Cat (kat') (n): Dog with an attitude problem.
Def: Catastrophe - Award given to the cat with the cutest buns
Def: Catastrophe: 38 Years of Liberal Democrats in Congress.
Def: Catastrophe: Award given to the cat with the cutest buns
Def: Celibacy: The ultimate safe sex.
Def: Cemetery (n): A marble orchard you can take for granite.
Def: Cesarean Section: A historic district in Rome.
Def: Chastity - The most unnatural of sexual perversions.
Def: Children: The most common sexually transmitted disease.
Def: Chip:  One California hi-way patrolman.
Def: Chirpes: n, A canarial disease, no tweetment.
Def: Circular Def: see Definition, Circular.
Def: Clinton: Why the White House should have a twit filter.
Def: Coding: An addictive drug.
Def: Colic: A sheepdog that is part collie.
Def: Collector: Person few care to see but ask to call again.
Def: College: Guarantee the quality of the product or return.
Def: Command:  A suggestion made to a computer.
Def: Committee: A group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
Def: Computer: A device designed to drive human beings insane.
Def: Computer: A device designed to speed and automate errors.
Def: Computer: A million morons working at the speed of light.
Def: Conclusion - the place where you got tired of thinking
Def: Confusion, n: Donald Duck speaking Klingonese.
Def: Congenital: Adjective synonymous to friendly.
Def: Congress: Just a few conservatives away from working!
Def: Congress: Prime example of Artificial Intelligence!
Def: Conscience: The inner voice warning somebody is looking.
Def: Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
Def: Conservative (n): Liberal who has been mugged.
Def: Contraceptives: To be used on all conceivable occasions.
Def: Core Storage: A receptacle for the center section of apples.
Def: Cosmetics: Preventing men from reading between the lines
Def: Coward: One who in thinks with his legs.
Def: Cp/m: Program listing for 'Look in the evening section'.
Def: Cpu: C3po's mother.
Def: Crash:  Normal termination.
Def: Crime Control: Fire a warning shot into his HEART!
Def: Criminal: The poor guy who gets caught.
Def: Crucifixion: Hanging out in the truest form.
Def: Cryonics: many are culled, few are frozen!
Def: Cult {n}: A religion without political power.
Def: Cynic: Through rose-colored glasses with a jaundiced eye.
Def: D.A.M.N. - Nude Mothers against Dyslexia
Def: DESQview: Better windows
Def: DESQview: Faster than a Cray (running Windows)
Def: DESQview: Windex for Windows
Def: Dachshund: Half a dog high by a dog and a half long.
Def: Dancing: A vertical manifestation of a horizontal desire.
Def: Dawn: The time when people of reason go to bed
Def: Death: The longest sleep from which you will ever awaken
Def: Death: Unfortunate side effect of attacking a cop!
Def: Death: to stop sinning suddenly.
Def: Define: De ting you get for breaking de law.
Def: Deja Brew: We have all been Beer before.
Def: Democrat: Let's tax this sh*t happening.
Def: Dentist: He lives from hand to mouth.
Def: Desk - A very large wastebasket with drawers.
Def: Despair - An extra tire in de trunk.
Def: Detour: The roughest distance between two points.
Def: Dew - Air that looks wet.
Def: Dianetics : The Science of Selling Books
Def: Dictator : a potato with a penis.
Def: Dilate. To live too long
Def: Dilate: To live longer.
Def: Dilate: To live too long
Def: Dime: A dollar with all the taxes taken out.
Def: Diode: What happens to people who don't die young.
Def: Dip: Inventor of a famous switch.
Def: Diplomacy - The Vaseline of political intercourse
Def: Diplomacy: Lying in state.
Def: Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggy" until you find a gun...
Def: Diplomacy: The Vaseline of political intercourse
Def: Diplomacy: The art of letting someone else get your way.
Def: Diplomacy: The delicate weapon of the civilized warrior.
Def: Diplomacy: The patriotic lying for one's country.
Def: Disassembler: An unattended five year old child.
Def: Disk Drive: A motor for a frisbee.
Def: DisneyLand: A people trap operated by a mouse.
Def: Documentation = admission of Failure?
Def: Dog: The only popular tail-bearer.
Def: Dogmatism: Puppyism come to its full growth.
Def: Duplex: Having two apartments.
Def: Dyslexia: it can warn without striking!
Def: Echo: Only thing that cheats some out of the last word.
Def: Egotist: more interested in himself than in me.
Def: Elephant: A mouse Built to Government Standards.
Def: Elephant: A mouse built to government specifications.
Def: Endocannibalism: The result of a really hungry cannibal.
Def: Ethernet: A device for catching the Ether Bunny.
Def: Evolution: God's way of issuing updates
Def: Evolution: Scientists making monkeys of themselves...
Def: Experience: what you get when you don't get what you want
Def: Expert: Anyone from out of town.
Def: Expert: Some unknown drip under pressure.
Def: Expert: Someone from out of town. With a modem.
Def: Expert: Someone who knows less, but makes more money.
Def: Explorer: A hobo with experience.
Def: External Storage: A wastebasket.
Def: FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real.
Def: FORTRAN: Formless Translations.
Def: FROG, (n): An amphibian with edible legs.
Def: Fahrvegnookie (n): Sex in a Volkswagen.
Def: Fame: Chiefly a matter of dying at the right moment.
Def: Fanaticism: Redoubling effort when your aim is forgotten.
Def: Farfignewton - A long way 'till the next cookie
Def: Farfignewton: German for ergonomic cookie.
Def: Farfrompoopin: German word for constipation
Def: Feminism: It's because of men that sh*t happens.
Def: Fetish - The other guys good luck piece.
Def: Fibonacci Numbers: The mathematical explanation of life.
Def: Fiction: It can't hold a scandal to biography.
Def: Fiddle - Friction of a horse's tail on a cat's entrails.
Def: Filet Mignon - An opera by Puccini.
Def: Firmware: Hardware that is starting to melt.
Def: Fishing rod: a hook at one end, a fool at the other.
Def: Fixed Word Length: Four-letter words used by programmers in a state
Def: Flattery: Cologne water, to smell but not swallow.
Def: Floating Control: A characteristic exhibited when you have to go to
Def: Floating Control: When you have to go but can't leave the computer
Def: Floppy Joe: Home Computer addict
Def: Florist: A petal pusher.
Def: Forth: One of the top five computer languages.
Def: Fraud(n): A telephone number starting with "1-900"
Def: Friend: Anyone who has the same enemies you have.
Def: Friends - People who dislike the same people we do
Def: Fundamentalism: Fund=(give cash)+ amentalism (without brains)
Def: G.I. Series: A military baseball game.
Def: GORBACHEX: Popular Russian Breakfast cereal
Def: GUI: A set of pretty pictures to amuse the illiterate
Def: Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something.
Def: Genealogy - It's all relative in the end anyway.
Def: Genealogy: Looking for bones in the closet.
Def: Genealogy: Tracing descent from someone who didn't.
Def: Genealogy: Tracing us back to the same brother & sister.
Def: Genetics: Why you look like your father, or should.
Def: Genius: One who can do anything except earn a living.
Def: GiGo: Garbage in garbage out.
Def: Golfer: A person who hits and lies.
Def: Gore-tex: byproduct of the Texas chain saw massacre.
Def: Grippe: A suitcase for carrying flu medicines.
Def: Gross: Living in the basement of an outhouse!
Def: Ground Beef: A Cow With No Legs
Def: Guru: One who knows more jargon than you.
Def: Guts:  putting the name "SYSOP" in your twit filter
Def: Hacker: Hex-Assembly Computer Knowledgable usER.
Def: Hanging: An early Western form of bungee jumping.
Def: Hangnail: A place to hang your coat and hat upon entering
Def: Hangover: The mourning after the night before
Def: Hangover: The wrath of grapes.
Def: Happiness: A combination of good health and a bad memory.
Def: Happiness: A sensation arising from misery of others.
Def: Hardware: The part you kick.
Def: Hardware: n. The part you kick.
Def: Hell (n): Backing up a 600meg drive with 360k floppies.
Def: Heredity: If your parents had no kids, you won't.
Def: Hero-worship: Idol gossip.
Def: Hex Dump - Where Witches put used curses
Def: Hex Dump: Place for witches to get rid of used curses.
Def: Hex Dump: Where Witches put used curses
Def: Hick: A person who goes to a family reunion to meet girls
Def: Hick: Looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.
Def: Hobo: A person who builds palaces and lives in shacks.
Def: Hollywood: A trip through a sewer in a glass bottom boat.
Def: Home - A place teenagers stay while the car is repaired.
Def: Honesty: Fear of being caught.
Def: Honeymoon: The time between 'I do' and 'You'd better!'
Def: Hospital: A workshop for the repair of faulty humans.
Def: Hospitals: Places where the run down wind up.
Def: Hotel: A place you give good dollars for bad quarters.
Def: Hozone: Where 1 sock in every load disappears to!
Def: Hug: A roundabout way of expressing affection.
Def: Human Being: An ingenious assembly of portable plumbing.
Def: IBM: Computer company: Itty-Bitty Machines Corporation.
Def: IBM: Computers for those too tense to relax!
Def: IBM: Corporate motto: I've been moved.
Def: IBM: Inertia Breeds Mediocrity
Def: IC: Understanding as in 'Oh, IC'.
Def: Idiotacracy: The form of government used in the U.S.
Def: Imagination - Inspiration for a resourceful Mind.
Def: Impiety: Your irreverence toward my deity.
Def: Initialize: Carving your initials on a floppy disk.
Def: Innuendo: Italian for 'suppository'.
Def: Innuendo: Italian for where you hang your curtains.
Def: Input: Food, beverages, painkillers, stimulants, etc.
Def: Intense - Where campers hang out.
Def: Irony: Giving father a billfold for Christmas.
Def: Irony: God gave the tortoise a drag factor of .03
Def: Irregularity: Someone who comes to work late.
Def: Iterate: A healthy illiterate.
Def: Joystick: A peripheral intended for use only by consenting adults.
Def: Jury: A group chosen to decide who has the best lawyer.
Def: Jury: Twelve people too dumb to get out of jury duty.
Def: Justice: A decision in your favor.
Def: Keyboard: Device used to enter errors into the computer.
Def: Kibitzer: A person with an interferiority complex.
Def: Kin: An affliction of the blood.
Def: Kleptomaniac: A rich thief.
Def: LSD: Virtual reality without the expensive hardware!
Def: La Quinta: Spanish for "Next to Denny's"
Def: Language: A system of organizing and defining syntax errors.
Def: Language: System of organizing/defining syntax errors.
Def: Laundry: A place where clothes are mangled.
Def: Lawyers: The best argument against gun control.
Def: Lawyers: The larval form of a politician.
Def: Lesbianage: Gay female spys
Def: Liar: A lawyer with a roving commission.
Def: Liar: One who tells an unpleasant truth.
Def: Liberal (n): Anyone who disagrees with you.
Def: Life: What happens while you're making other plans.
Def: Life: You peel layer after layer, you find nothing in it.
Def: Lisp - To call a spade a thpade
Def: Living: The best demonstration of victory over mortality.
Def: Lorena Bobbitt: She's got his whole gland in her
Def: Loser: Guy who plays Monopoly and is mugged on Boardwalk.
Def: Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math
Def: Luxury: Costs $7.69 to make and $20.00 to market.
Def: M.A.D.D.: Modems Against Display Drivers.
Def: Macintosh: Computing as designed by Rube Goldberg.
Def: Macro: The last half of an expression of surprise: Holy Macro.
Def: Mainframe: The biggest PC peripheral available.
Def: Martyr: A pile of wood set on fire with a man on top.
Def: Masochist: Windows SDK programmer with a smile!
Def: Master Baiter: The ultimate in handheld fishing gear.
Def: Math Chip: A piece of a broken abacus.
Def: Medical staff - a Doctors cane
Def: Megabyte: A nine course dinner.
Def: Megahertz: When something is really painful.
Def: Memory Map: A sheet of paper showing location of computer store.
Def: Menu: List of dishes which the restaurant has run out of.
Def: Mhz: Acronym for 'Megahurtz', meaning 'a million pains'.
Def: Microfiche: Sardines.
Def: Misfortune - The kind of fortune that you never miss.
Def: Misteaching: Telling one's grandmother how to suck eggs.
Def: Modem: A great deterrent to phone solicitors
Def: Modem: Deterrent to receiving wanted and unwanted calls.
Def: Modem: Monumentally Overpriced Data Eating Machine.
Def: Monologue: A conversation between realtor and prospect.
Def: Morbid - a higher offer
Def: Mosquito: Designed by God to make flies seem better.
Def: Multi-tasking: reading in the bathroom.
Def: Multitask: Choke on gum and trip simultaniously!
Def: Multitasking: Screwing up several things at once!
Def: NAVY: Never Again Volunteer Yourself
Def: Nanosecond: Mork's stunt man.
Def: Navigator: Spouse on a trip in the car, with road map in her lap.
Def: Nitrates - cheaper than day rates
Def: Node - was aware of
Def: Nunnery: Where nuns are hatched.
Def: Obesity: A surplus gone to waist.
Def: Obscenity: Whatever gives the judge an erection.
Def: Once {adv}:  Enough.
Def: Opportunist: Someone finding himself in hot water, decides to
Def: Optimist: A Yugo owner with a trailer hitch!
Def: Optimist: Someone who doesn't know all the facts yet.
Def: Optimist: Stands behind 6 teens at a phone booth.
Def: Orator: A two minute idea, a two hour vocabulary.
Def: Organic: Church music.
Def: Ostrich: He runs so fast he leaves his behind behind.
Def: Outpatient - a person who fainted
Def: Pants: Trousers' country cousins.
Def: Pap smear - a fatherhood test
Def: Paranoia: Believing this tagline is about you.
Def: Paranoia: Not just an attittude but a way of life.
Def: Password: The nonsense word taped to the CRT.
Def: Patience: A surfer sitting in Walden Pond.
Def: Pedestrian: The most approachable chap in the world.
Def: Pelvis - a cousin of Elvis
Def: Pentagon tagline: Developed at only 2 million over budget
Def: Persist: The greatest effort's not enough.
Def: Pest: A friend in need.
Def: Poker: It's darkest just before you've drawn.
Def: Politically Correct - Human with spine removed.
Def: Politics: Passing the buck or passing the doe.
Def: Politics: Poly(many) + tics(blood sucking parasites)
Def: Politics: The glad hand and the marble heart.
Def: Politics: The most promising of all careers.
Def: Politics: When one makes a decision that involves others.
Def: Polygon: A missing parrot.
Def: Poor Man: One who has nothing but money.
Def: Positive: Being mistaken at the top of one's voice.
Def: Postoperative - a letter carrier
Def: Postscript: The only thing of interest in some letters.
Def: Praise: What you receive when you are no longer alive.
Def: Preconception: A lock on the door of wisdom
Def: Prediction: You are reading messages right now.
Def: Profanity: A Language Computer Users Know
Def: Profanity: The language all programmers know.
Def: Programming: Like building a castle with toothpicks
Def: Programming: The art of debugging a blank sheet of paper.
Def: Prostitute: Someone who sleeps using the Buddy System.
Def: Prostitute: receiver of swollen goods.
Def: Protein: Supportive of young people.
Def: Psychoceramics: The study of crackpots.
Def: Pumpkin (v.): What people in Kentucky do.
Def: Purranoia - The fear your cat is up to something.
Def: Radical: Anyone whose opinion differs from ours.
Def: Reality: Crutch for people who can't read science fiction.
Def: Reality: Only a concept and the home of the brave.
Def: Recovery room - a place to do upholstery
Def: Rectum - dang near killed him
Def: Recursion, (n):  see recursion.
Def: Redneck: (n); a person whose family tree doesn't fork.
Def: Redundancy: An air bag in a politician's car.
Def: Religion: Myth-information.
Def: Reputation: What others are not thinking about you.
Def: Resort: A place where the tired grow more tired.
Def: Restaurant: An eating place that does not sell drugs.
Def: Retirement: When you get a certificate of depreciation.
Def: Ricochet, (n): Irish bouncer
Def: Rotisserie: A Ferris wheel for chickens.
Def: SAST: (S)ysops (A)gainst (S)tupid (T)aglines
Def: STICK \'stik\ (n). 1: A boomerang that doesn't work
Def: SYSOP: The guy that is laughing at your typing.
Def: Sandwich: An faulty attempt to make both ends meat.
Def: Scalpel - What Indians used to do.
Def: School: Building with four walls and tomorrow inside.
Def: Sculptor: A poor unfortunate who makes faces and busts.
Def: Seattle: Indian word meaning 52 degrees and raining.
Def: Secretion: Something someone is hiding from you.
Def: Seizure - a Roman emperor
Def: Semiconductor:  A part-time orchestra leader.
Def: Shin: A device for finding furniture in the dark.
Def: Shin: Device for finding furniture in the dark.
Def: Shortcut: Taking a quicker route to stand in a bank line
Def: Shotgun wedding - a case of wife or death.
Def: Skill: A long, long, long, long streak of blind luck.
Def: Sleep - An inadequate substitute for caffeine.
Def: Slut: Someone who gets more sex than you do.
Def: Spongecake: Dessert made of borrowed ingredients.
Def: Subway: A place so crowded even all men can't get seats.
Def: Supercomputer - What it sounded like before you bought it.
Def: SysGod - Lord of the Files
Def: TAGLINES (tag'linz) - bumper stickers for EMail.
Def: TSR=Trash System Randomly
Def: Tablet - a small table
Def: Tabloid: A newspaper with a permanent crime wave.
Def: TacTics: Candy For dyslexics.
Def: Tact: Describing others as they see themselves.
Def: Tact: Recalling a lady's birthday but forgetting her age.
Def: Tact: a mutual agreement to be full of s**t!
Def: Tact: knowing how far to go too far.
Def: Tact: making a point without making an enemy.
Def: Tandy: You can buy better, but you can't pay more.
Def: Teaching: Appearing to have known your subject forever.
Def: Teenager: Having tunnel vision and selective hearing.
Def: Teenagers: Your punishment for enjoying sex
Def: Terminal illness - getting sick at the airport
Def: Terror: A Female Klingon with PMS!
Def: Theater: Holding a mirror up to a keyhole.
Def: Thesaurus: Ancient reptile with an excellent vocabulary
Def: Time: an illusion perpetrated by the makers of space.
Def: Tips: Wages we pay other people's hired help.
Def: Toddler: An indoor tornado
Def: Togetherness: The ability to agree on which TV channel to watch.
Def: Tomato paste: what you use to fix broken tomatoes.
Def: Tourist Season - When it's OK to shoot them.
Def: Transvestite: A man who wants to eat, drink and be Mary.
Def: Trust: Two cannibals having oral sex.
Def: Tumor - more than one
Def: Tumor: A request for an extra pair.
Def: Tumor: More than one
Def: Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in.
Def: Urinalysis: The study of Pissed Off People.
Def: Urine - opposite of you're out
Def: Urine: Baseball term: Opposite of Your out.
Def: Urine: opposite of you're out
Def: VaporHelp: Verb; {call MicroSoft Tech Support}
Def: Varicose - nearby
Def: Varicose veins: Veins that are very close together.
Def: Varicose: Nearby
Def: Vasectomy: A snip in time saves nine.
Def: Vein - conceited
Def: Velveeta: The cheese that cannot die!
Def: Virtual: Not knowing where your next byte is coming from.
Def: Volkswagon: A transistorized Mercedes Benz
Def: Vulgarity: The conduct of others.
Def: Waiter: Unemployed actor
Def: Wart-hog [n]: The result of crossing a pig with a frog.
Def: Wedding rings: The world's smallest handcuffs.
Def: Wedding: A funeral where you smell your own flowers.
Def: Wench: A device used for loosening nuts.
Def: Windows 3.1 - An 80486 to XT Conversion Kit.
Def: Windows 3.1 - Just another pane in the glass.
Def: Windows 3.1 - The best $89 solitare game you can buy.
Def: Windows 3.1: An 80486 to XT Conversion Kit.
Def: Windows 3.1: Just another pane in the glass.
Def: Windows 3.1: The best $89 solitare game you can buy.
Def: Wire Puller: (n), A seasoned 1004 programmer
Def: Women: (W)eird (O)bnoxious (M)ale (E)nticing (N)ymphs
Def: Yawn: The only time some men get to open their mouths.
Def: Year: A period of 365 failures and disappointments.
Def: Yes-men: Fellows who hang around the man nobody noes.
Default %JH3 Taglines
Default %JH3 recipes
Default origin line
Defeat even explained well stinks.
Defeat is worse than death because you have to live with defeat.
Defeat is worse than death since you have to live with it
Defeat isn't bad.  Accepting defeat is.
Defeat may test you.  It need not stop you.
Defeat may test you. It need not stop you.
Defeat never comes to any man, unless he admits it.
Defeat of a Lion Tamer by Claud Bottom.
Defeat of a Lion Tamer by Claude Bottom
Defeat organized crime, abolish the federal government!
Defeat organized crime, abolish the unconstitutional Federal government!
Defeat organized crime, abolish the unconstitutional government!
Defeat the fear of death, and welcome the death of fear.
Defective hard drive / boot sector.
Defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.
Defend our constitution, so that it can defend YOU!!!
Defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and elected.
Defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign & elected!
Defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and elected!
Defend the Constitution, so it can defend you.
Defend the right to keep and arm bears!
Defend your 2nd amendment rights; shoot a congressman.
Defendant: Yes, but I get very poor reception!
Defenders of Fur City rules
Defenders only... prosecutors will be violated.
Defenders only...prosecutors will be violated.
Deficit now=290b, and after 500 bil of deficit reduction = 340b.
Deficit reduction? Spend <= Revenue
Deficits - A Tax on our Children's Future!!!
Defination - FF  1. Frigate. 2. What happens to sailors on payday.
Define "Sanity"?..Don't ask me I'm a Woman!!!
Define (n.)  De ting you get for breaking de law.
Define Disaster:  Life without mail.
Define Disaster:Life without mail.
Define FIDONET - Dogs howling at each other around 4 AM.
Define Life - A fatal,sexually transmitted disease
Define Life:  Mail.
Define Life: Mail.
Define N.P.C. = person of limited destiny
Define Oxymoron? The government is here to help you.
Define Useless = Emitter Resistor in a Cathode Follower
Define normal.
Define normal. --Tom Servo.
Define sysop = God Reality = Null
Define the Universe; give three examples; be brief.
Define the universe and give three examples.
Define the universe. Give three examples.
Define:  De thing you get for breaking de law.
Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people.-Benchley
Defining and analyzing humour, pastime of the humourless
Definite integral of 1/x evaluated from 1 to cabin:  Log Cabin.
Definitely Taglineable.
Definitely a Rebel Deep Diving lure for early spring-Crow
Definitely an "E" ticket.
Definitely recipeable.
Definitely the type of woman James Bond always sought out...
Definitely! But, for a second opinion, ask my boyfriend.
Definition - Bachelor:  A man who Mrs. nothing.
Definition - Congress:  Living the easy life on someone else's money.
Definition - Naval Tradition: Hardest way to do something wrong!
Definition - Paperweight:  The only way to keep bills down.
Definition of ABSOLUTE terror:  Troi with PMS and an attitude!
Definition of Absolute Terror.   Major Kira with PMS.
Definition of Cute: Ugly but inbteresting.
Definition of Cute: Ugly but interesting.
Definition of Fun: 2 Ducks, 1 Funnel, and a Nympho with Stamina!
Definition of Ghost-- Undead roomer!
Definition of Heaven, "A relation in every BDM office."
Definition of Jerk:  See @N@.
Definition of LOVE: That used part in the end of your condom.
Definition of Rape: Assault with a friendly weapon.
Definition of SHEAR TERROR: Ensign Ro with PMS!!<G>
Definition of TRUST: Oral Sex with a BISMOLLIAN
Definition of Terror:  A female Klingon with PMS.
Definition of Terror: A Female Klingon with PMS!
Definition of Terror: A female Klingon with PMS.
Definition of Terror: Ensign Ro with PMS.
Definition of Terror: Klingon Woman with PMS!!!
Definition of Trust:  Two cannibals having oral sex
Definition of Trust: Two cannibals having oral sex.
Definition of Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in.
Definition of a LIBERAL:  Society's version of a Computer Virus...
Definition of a LIBERAL: Societies version of a Computer Virus...
Definition of a SysGod : Lord of the Files
Definition of a loser... a honey bee with hay fever!!
Definition of a pickle:  A cucumber soured by a jarring experience.
Definition of a pickle:  The Weed's newest plaything
Definition of a prostitute: receiver of swollen goods.
Definition of a racist:  a white male gun owner.
Definition of a squirrel's home - "A Nutcracker's Suite."
Definition of an 11.  A 10 that swallows.
Definition of an optimist: A Viola player with a beeper.
Definition of heaven? - alone with Dax playing connect-her-dots.
Definition of juggling:  Schizophrenic playing catch.
Definition of megahertz: great pain.
Definition of pain- Giving a Klingon a noogie.
Definition of sheer terror : Delenn AND Ivanova with PMS...
Definition of sheer terror : Ensign Ro with PMS...
Definition of sheer terror : Major Kira with PMS...
Definition of sheer terror:  Ensign Ro with PMS...
Definition of sheer terror:  Lursa and B'etor with PMS!
Definition of sheer terror: Ensign Ro with PMS.
Definition of sheer terror: Major Kira with PMS.
Definition of terror: A female Democrat with PMS
Definition of terror: Major Kira with PMS.
Definition, Fantasy Football: Dallas Cowboys
Definition...tough love:  Choke chains.
Definition:  Cartoons - music played in an automobile?
Definition: Politically Correct - Pithed American.
Definition: Redundancy - an airbag in a politician's car.
Definition: Scouting - fun for all!
Definition: pumpkin (v.): What people in Kansas do.
Definition: pumpkin (v.): What people in Kentucky do.
Definition: pumpkin (v.): What people in Tasmania do.
Definitions:  Multi-tasking  -- reading in the bathroom.
Definitions: "Multi-tasking" -- reading in the bathroom
Definitiontough love: Choke chains.
Deflector shields just came on, Captain.
Defrustration for the 90's -- throwing Windows out!
Deftly, DaFtLy, Orville Strikes again!
Defunct Nations:  by  Sophie Etunion
Defunct Nations: Sophie Etunion
Defunct Nations: Sophie Etunion*
Defuse it and run like hell. - Henry. But with dignity. - Hawk
Degeneration and evolution are not the same thing.
Degeneration and evolution are not the same.
Deghmey? Deghmey DIghajnISbe' maH jay'! - Klingon Probverb
Deguerian perfect lawyer for Koresh.  Both think they're GOD.
Dehydrated Spam - Just add animal guts.
Dehydrated tagline!  Just add water!
Dehydrated? There's always Snapple!
Deja 42: Haven't I seen this tagline explanation before?
Deja BOO... Scared to death in a past life...
Deja BOOScared to death in a past life...
Deja Blue: The feeling we're going to see Blue Poupon tags.
Deja Blue: the feeling we're going to see Blue Wave tags.
Deja Boo! (Son of Casper?)
Deja Boo: The feeling that you're really sorry you're there.
Deja Boo: The feeling you've been scared to death in a past life.
Deja BooBoo: An odd feeling you've stolen "that picnic basket" before.
Deja BooBoo: The feeling you've stolen this picnic basket before.
Deja Booboo:  The feeling you've screwed this up before.
Deja Borg-A feeling that you saw that flying cube before.
Deja Borg:  The feeling that you have read that Borg tagline before.
Deja Borg: A feeling you've read that Borg tagline before
Deja Borg: The feeling that you have read that Borg tagline before.
Deja Brew - The feeling that you've had this beer before.
Deja Brew: An odd <burp!> feeling that you've had "that Lager" before.
Deja Brew: The feeling that you've had this coffee before.
Deja Brew: the feeling that you've had this beer before.
Deja Chew: I've tasted this before.
Deja Chew: The feeling you've tasted this before.
Deja Choo Choo -- (LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD, vol. 2?)
Deja Choo Choo: An odd feeling you've read "that children's book" once.
Deja Clue: An odd feeling you've seen that Perry Mason Mystery before.
Deja Clue: the feeling you've solved this mystery before.
Deja Coo: happens only after washing your car
Deja Coo: the feeling that pigeon did you dirty before.
Deja Coo: the feeling that this pigeon did you dirty before.
Deja Coup:The feeling we've taken this government before
Deja DOS...Oh no !  Not another upgrade !
Deja Dew:  The feeling that you've drunk this soda pop before.
Deja Dew: The Feeling that you've drunk that soda before.
Deja Dieu: the feeling you've left before
Deja Doo Dah - Seeing that stupid parade every year in November.
Deja Dude:   The feeling you've been surfing before.
Deja Dude:  The feeling you've been to California before.
Deja Dude: That feeling you've served those "bodacious pizzas" before.
Deja Dude: That odd feeling you've surfed that particular wave before.
Deja Dude: The feeling that your parents shipped you "out west" again.
Deja Dude: The feeling you've been surfing before.
Deja Dude: The feeling you've been to California before.
Deja Due: The feeling you've paid that library fine before.
Deja Fem: The 50 feminist gag tags you get back if you insult one.
Deja Flu: A feeling you are sick and tired about being sick and tired.
Deja Flu: The feeling you've caught this bug before.
Deja Foo:  Repeated netmail you get if you explain a tagline.
Deja Foo:  The feeling that there's been a programmer there before.
Deja Foo: The feeling that there's been a programmer there before.
Deja Foo: repeated netmail you get if you explain a tagline.
Deja Fu:  The feeling that things have been this FU'ed before.
Deja GUI:  Feeling you've been waiting for Windoze..and waiting...and
Deja Glue: PostIt Notes
Deja Gnu: An odd feeling you've sung that Flanders & Swan song before.
Deja Gnu: The feeling you have been to this zoo before.
Deja Gnu: The feeling you've seen this wildebeest before.
Deja Grue:  Dammit, lost the lantern AGAIN!
Deja Grue: Lost the darn lantern again.
Deja Men: the need to act like a caveman, over and over.
Deja Moo - the feeling you've heard this bull before
Deja Moo. What's your beef?  I've heard it before.
Deja Moo: An odd feeling of knowing you've heard "that bull.." before.
Deja Moo: Burping the baby.
Deja Moo: I've heard this bull before.
Deja Moo: The feeling that there's been a cow there before.
Deja Moo: Thinking you've already milked the same cow before.
Deja Moo: What's your beef?  I've heard it before.
Deja Moo: burping the baby
Deja Moo: knowing we've all heard this bull before.
Deja Moo: the feeling you've heard this bull before
Deja Moo:The feeling that you have heard this bull before.
Deja Mooo.... knowing you've heard this bull before...
Deja New: a used clothing store
Deja News...History.
Deja Nientendu: the feeling that you've played this game before.
Deja Nue: The feeling that this is the first time you've been here.
Deja Nue: The feeling that this is the first time you've been there.
Deja Ooooo: The feeling that you've stepped into this before.
Deja Ooooo: The odd feeling that you've crossed this pasture before.
Deja Ooooo: You know you stepped into this before.
Deja Ooooooo: The odd feeling that you've crossed this pasture before.
Deja P-U! -- ("Momma, that skunk's back again!"??)
Deja Pew:  The feeling that you have heard this sermon before.
Deja Pew:  The feeling that you've smelled that skunk before.
Deja Pew: The feeling that you've changed this diaper before.
Deja Pew: The feeling that you've sat on that bench before.
Deja Pew: The feeling that you've smelled that person before.
Deja Pew: The feeling that you've smelled that skunk before.
Deja Phew! It still stinks the second time around!
Deja Phewww: The feeling you have smelled that skunk before.
Deja Poo: I've seen this sh!t before.
Deja Poo: The feeling that you've heard this crap before!
Deja Poo: Why new fathers know when to leave.
Deja Pooh: A feeling you've read this Pooh tagline before
Deja Pooh: The Feeling that you've read this pooh Tagline before.
Deja Pooh: The Feeling that you've this pooh Tagline before.
Deja Poop:This S**t looks familiar
Deja Q:  a feeling that you've watched a Q episode before.
Deja Q: A very, very odd feeling that this ST/TNG episode is a re-run.
Deja ROO...Tromped to death by a Red Boomer in a past life.
Deja Roux:  The feeling that we have cooked this gumbo before.
Deja Roux: The feeling you've eaten this gravy before.
Deja Rue: The feeling that you're sorry you're there.
Deja Screw: The feeling that you've hired an attorney.
Deja Screw: income tax audit
Deja Smoo: The feeling that L'il Abner will return to the comics.
Deja Stew: leftovers
Deja Sue:  What I'll do if this doesn't stop!
Deja Sue: nagging feeling that you've had this woman before.
Deja Suite: Feeling you've been sued for this before.
Deja Tue: The feeling that this is the second time you've been there.
Deja View: I've seen this movie before.
Deja View: The feeling that you've seen this before.
Deja Voodo: Have I sacrificed this chicken before?
Deja Voodoo, One of these days I'll pin it down
Deja Voodoo: "Have I sacrificed this chicken before?"
Deja Voodoo: We have sacrificed this chicken before.
Deja Vow: the feeling you've been married before
Deja Vu tagline, Deja Vu tagline, Deja Vu tagline, Deja Vu tagline,
Deja Vu, all over again.
Deja Who, When you nearly remember your name.
Deja Who: (Look, Mama, it's the TARDIS again!)
Deja Who: The feeling that someone has been there before.
Deja Who: The feeling that you have seen this climactic ending before.
Deja Who: The feeling that you've seen the TARDIS before.
Deja Who: When you nearly remember your name.
Deja Zoo: the feeling you've been on X(A/N)TH before
Deja Zoo: the feeling you've seen Furnet before
Deja blue: the feeling you've had too many blueberries.
Deja boo: nagging feeling you've seen this bad horror movie before.
Deja brew: We have all been beer before.
Deja brew: nagging feeling that you've had this beer before.
Deja chew: nagging feeling that you've eaten this food before.
Deja clue: The feeling you've solved this mystery before.
Deja coup 'd etat ... Oh no !  Not another revloution !
Deja doo-doo...In that deep stuff again !
Deja due...Oh no !  Not another deadline ! 
Deja flu:  You've had this disease before.
Deja flu: being sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Deja flu: the feeling you've eaten too many burritos before.
Deja fu: nagging feeling you've seen this bad karate movie before.
Deja modem, when you know you've**^&%$#@*NO CARRIER
Deja moo -- The feeling you've heard all this bull before.
Deja moo:  The feeling you've heard this bull before.
Deja moo:  knowing you've heard this bull before.
Deja moo: I've seen that cow before
Deja moo: knowing you've heard this bull before.
Deja moo: knowing you've herd all this bull before.
Deja moo: nagging feeling you've milked this cow before.
Deja p.u. - There's that smell again !
Deja pew: nagging feeling you've sat in this church before.
Deja phew! -- ("Momma, that skunk's back again!"??)
Deja phew!: (Momma, that skunk's back again!)
Deja poo - The same 'ol crap !
Deja spew:  Pr.xxvi.11?
Deja stew:  The feeling you've eaten this leftover before.
Deja stew: The feeling you've eaten this leftover before.
Deja voodoo...Curses !  Foiled again !
Deja vu all over again.
Deja vu: thinking that you've read the reply to this reply before...
Deja who?...Come again ?
Deja woo: nagging feeling that you've dated this woman before.
Deja-Poo: The feeling you've heard this crap before!
Deja-intendto: feeling you were going to do this before
DejaPhewww: The feeling you have smelled that skunk before.
Deja_Vu = Deja Vu Taglines
Dejadieu: The feeling you've left before.
Deju Glue: PostIt Notes
Del *.* < - - How *DARE* you delete my Tribbles!
Del *.* <-- How *DARE* you delete my Tribbles!
Del *.* Are you sure (Y/N) y.. NO! NO! OH SHIT!!!!
Del Mar Race Results?...%$#@& - NOT TOTED
Del c:\reality.sys
Del dicho al hecho hay gran trecho.
Delay is not denial. Habakkuk 2:2-3
Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
Delegate authority; Shift the blame; Appropriate the credit.
Delenda est Barney.
Delenn is a member of the Gray council
Delenn is a member of the Gray council.
Delete $HOME to become homeless.
Delete 'em all and let Norton Utilities sort 'em out.
Delete 'em all and let Norton sort 'em out!
Delete Windows?  What fool INSTALLED it?
Delete file (Y)es (N)o (M)aybe? _
Delete them all and let Norton sort them out.
Deleted file CLINTON.SYS... USA program restarted.
Deleted? DELETED? HOW {oops, hyperventilating here!} <BG>
Deli menu: Tuba on whole wheat - NOT dolphin friendly, only bass notes.
Deliberation: The act of examining one's bread to determi
Delicate (n):  feline addicted to luncheon meats.
Delicate:  A dainty kitten who likes kosher.
Delicate:  A dainty kitten who likes kosher...
Delicate:  A dainty kitty who likes kosher.
Delicate: A cat that likes Kosher food.
Delicate: A dainty kitten who likes kosher.
Delicious! Tastes just like chicken!
Delightful; delicious; *S*W*I*P*E*D*; Thanks, Gary!
Delightfully devious - Dr. Forrester on Mike's plan
Deliver a pizza?  Who ever heard of a liver pizza?
Deliver a pizza? Whoever heard of a liver pizza?
Deliver pizza?  Who ever heard of a pizza with a liver?
Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow.
Deliverance is at hand!  And the Centipede patiently smiles.
Delivered by Electronic Sled dogs. Woof!
Delivered by Electronic Sled-Dogs.....Woof!
Delivered from EchoChaosia on 9787.69 just for you!
Delivery men DO IT at the rear entrance.
Delivery men do it at the rear entrance.
Della! Phone Lt. Tragg! Mr. Mason's been kidnapped! Tom said perilously.
Delta - Hijackers are afraid to fly us.
Delta - we love to crash and it shows!
Delta Airlines: "Even terrorists are afraid to fly with us!"
Delta is the only airline with a frequent-survivor plan.
Delta testing where no one has Delta tested before!
Delta: Delta: Terrorists are afraid to fly with us.
DeltaOmegaSigma...the DOS fraternity
Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.
Delusions are often functional.  L. Long
Delusions are often functional. - Lazarus Long
Delusions are often functional. -- Heinlein
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones
Demand a 14.4 BAUD psychomodem and a telepathic protocol.
Demand a 64Kbps psychomodem and a telepathic protocol.
Demand a 9600 BAUD psychomodem and a telepathic protocol.
Demand that *BOTH* sexes have freedom to balance homeplace and workplace
Demand that BOTH sexes have freedom to balance homeplace and workplace
Demand the establishment of the government in its rightful home at Disneyland.
Demand the impossible!
Demo software...a carpal sample.
Demo version is corrupted. Try new software: republ 94.0.
DemoDOS: (A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lame Reagan-Bush?
Democracy - where the voters choose who gets the blame.
Democracy can withstand anything - except Democrats.
Democracy can withstand anything but democrats.
Democracy can withstand anything but democrats. -Jubal Harshaw
Democracy can withstand anything but liberals.
Democracy can withstand anything but militant democrats.
Democracy cannot protect fools from themselves...
Democracy gives every man the right to be his own oppressor.
Democracy hell! I'm a monarchist!
Democracy is *not* a spectator sport!
Democracy is 4 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.
Democracy is NOT a spectator sport!
Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the
Democracy is finding proximate solutions to insoluble problems.
Democracy is good.  I say this because other systems are worse.
Democracy is mob rule, but with income taxes.
Democracy is the art of running the circus from the monkey cage.
Democracy is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses.  -- H. L. Mencken
Democracy is three wolves and a lamb discussing what's for lunch.
Democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for lunch.
Democracy is voting for the candidate you dislike the least.
Democracy is where you can say what you think even if you don't think.
Democracy sucks!  Why should I have to do what everybody else wants?
Democracy works in spite of Clinton or Congress.
Democracy works in spite of Congress
Democracy works only when the governed take active roles.
Democracy's GREAT! Even George Bush can chunder!
Democracy, the worst government except for all the others
Democracy, where we all get what the majority deserves.
Democracy:  3 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what's for lunch!
Democracy:  4 wolves and a lamb deciding on a lunch menu.
Democracy:  The worship of jackals by jackasses. -- Mencken
Democracy: 3 wolves & a sheep voting on dinner
Democracy: 3 wolves & a sheep voting on what's for lunch.
Democracy: 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for lunch.
Democracy: 4 wolves and a lamb deciding on a lunch menu."
Democracy: Four wolves and a lamb voting on lunch.
Democracy: Three wolves and a sheep voting on dinner
Democracy: Three wolves and a sheep voting on supper.
Democracy: Two foxes and a hen voting on dinner.
Democracy: Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
Democracy? Why should I do what everybody else wants?
Democrat Motto: I had some morals, but I gave them away.
Democrat: A Republican arrested for a crime of which s/he is innocent.
Democrat: A Republican who used to have a job.
Democrat: Let's tax this sh*t happening.
Democrat: Taxes water, glass, drinker, and table.
Democrat: too poor to be a capitalist, too rich to be a Communist.
Democrat: too poor to be a capitalist, too rich to be a communist.
Democrates are the opiate of the poor.
Democratic Motto: I had some morals; sold them for money.
Democratic National Convention, America voted Clinton?  No, I cannot!
Democratic National Convention, Clinton contortion; evade maniac.
Democratic National Convention, Clinton nomination: Accord at eve.
Democratic National Convention, Clinton nomination; vacate credo.
Democratic National Convention, Clinton vocation: Erotica and men.
Democratic National Convention, Clinton: "Act on American devotion".
Democratic National Convention, Clinton: Condemnation to avarice.
Democratic National Convention, Covet arcane Clinton admonition.
Democratic National Convention, Item: Advance Clinton coronation.
Democratic National Convention, Viet Nam, Tornado, Cocaine, Clinton.
Democratic Party: 3 wolves and a sheep voting on dinner.
Democratic Prez + Democratic House + Democratic Senate = higher taxes
Democratic definition of democracy...Big Government Handouts.
Democratic part seems intent on reducing men to second-class citizens
Democratic part seems intent on reducing men to second-class citizens.
Democratic party cannot live with the female vote.
Democratic presidential candidates DO IT & make you pay for it later.
Democratic presidential candidates DO IT until they can't remember.
Democratic rule: "Confusion creates jobs."
Democrats Call for Amnesty, Reduced Sentences Likely.
Democrats Out The Door in '94
Democrats and Republicans -- Partners in crime.
Democrats and Republicans -- Partners in grime.
Democrats and Republicans -- Partners in slime.
Democrats and Republicans are just a front for the Illuminati.
Democrats are the opiate of the poor.
Democrats cut red tape....LENGTHWISE
Democrats have betrayed America....
Democrats have controlled Congress for TOO long,vote 'em out in  96!
Democrats have controlled Congress for TOO long,vote 'em out!
Democrats have what it takes to take all you have.
Democrats in Congress:  "Oh no, not another calling frenzy."
Democrats love the poor - they have made so many of them.
Democrats love the poor -- they've made so many of them..
Democrats must love the poor - they've made so many of them.
Democrats place mediocrity on a level with excellence.
Democrats think every day is April 15 - Ronald Reagan
Democrats:  Bad ideas in search of a big budget.
Democrats:  Steal your money and give it to other people.
Democrats: Favorite party of any Communists still left. Viva Fidel!
Democrats: For abortion, against the death penalty.
Democrats: For free trade as long as Liberals control it.
Democrats: Get rid of business AND the American Family.
Democrats: Get rid of business, let the government do it.
Democrats: In favor of one world GOVERNMENT.
Democrats: Let the government provide insurance and workers.
Democrats: Let's call the truth a lie and a lie the truth.
Democrats: Let's ruin the best health care in the world.
Democrats: Party of non-producers, free-riders, the welfare society.
Democrats: Redistribute YOUR money to Deadbeats!
Democrats: Tax the producers, give to the non-producers.
Democrats: The Liberal Hypocrite Party.
Democrats: The home of Liberal Women
Democrats: Tolerate everything, get rid of convictions and values.
Democrats: We'll take ALL the money from your pockets.
Democrats: We've got what it takes to take what you got
Democrats: We've got what it takes to take what you got.
Democrats: YES to pay without work, YES to socialized medicine.
Democrats: bad ideas in search of a big budget.
Democrazies: If you disagree, we'll put you on trial.
Demokratija, od dve reci, demos-narod i kratiti
Demon Bird from Hell Stamps NOW ON SALE on Ruby Tuesday!
Demon Spawn Graphix (C) 1995 by McFly
Demon Spawn Graphix (C) 1995 by The Beast
Demon be GONE!  HEY!  What happened to my tagline files?
Demon yuppie soul-brokers from Hell !!!
Demonic farmer of the underworld! - Tom on Barugon
Demons are a ghoul's best friends
Demons can be robbed, said Tom improbably.
Demons named Skippy, no matter how powerful, are not intimidating.
Demonstrate that you believe in Christ today or tomorrow, and be HAPPY!
Demonstraters do it on the street.
Demonstrative adjectives are adjectives describing monsters.
Demonstrators do it on the street.
Demtel trying to sell hearing aids on radio.
Denebian slime devil - a tribble built to Klingon specs
Denenberg's Law: You can't escape death, taxes, or life insurance.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
Denial ain't just a river in Eygpt. - AA jargon.
Denial is not a river in Egypt
Denial is not a sign of alcoholism.  Alcoholism is a sign of denial.
Denial of the existance of God IS a religious practice!
Denial:     I didn't f??king do it.
Denial:  A river in Egypt.
Denial:  A river in Egypt...
Denial: A river in Egypt.
Denial: Not just a river in Egypt
Deniro of Borg: Are you assimi..ARE YOU ASSIMILATING ME?
Denise was a woman who thought she was a Tagline
Dennis Krats and Edna Stark sinned.
Dennis M. Hertel, Congressman (Mich.), was an Eagle Scout.
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore is not in this bit.
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore, dum dum dum de dum...
Dennis the Menace of Borg:  Hellooo, Mr. Wilson.  Resistance is futile,
Dennis!  There's some lovely filth down 'ere!
Dennis! There's some lovely filth down 'ere!
Dennis, I *JUST* posted 660 @ VARIABLES to Larry Olson, in this Net! The
Dennis, there's some lovely filth down here...
Denok batera - PRESOAK KALERA!!!
Denounce Domestic Terrorism.  Stop Making Excuses.
Dense: What your car gets no matter how carefull you are.
Dense: What your car gets, no matter how careful you are.
Density ratio of fruitcake to mahogany:  1:1
Density:  How To Measure IQs Of Blondes
Dental Hygiene Rule #3: Keep your nose out of other people's business.
Dental hygenists do it till it hurts.
Dentist : he lives from hand to mouth.
Dentist of Borg: Assimilation will only hurt for a moment
Dentist's famous last words: "You won't feel a thing..."
Dentist:  A vampire's worst enemy.
Dentist: He lives from hand to mouth.
Dentist: Someone who looks down in the mouth.
Dentists DO IT orally.
Dentists DO IT with drills and on chairs.
Dentists are happiest when they're down in the mouth.
Dentists are happy only when they are down in the mouth.
Dentists do it in chairs.
Dentists do it in your mouth.
Dentists do it orally.
Dentists do it painlessly (HA!).
Dentists do it with drills.
Dentists do it with filling.
Denuone Latine loquebar?
Denver:  alt.5280.ft.city.usa.earth.
Denver: it's illegal to lend your vacuum cleaner to your neighbor.
Deny Everything -- The X-Files
Deny everything. --X-Files.
Deny guns and deny the right to self-defense!
Deny thy father and forget thy recipe.
Deny thy father and forget thy tagline. --Tagspeare
Deny thy future and forget thy tagline.
Denying the truth is almost as silly as disliking it. -- Jack Butler
Deodorant: the lazy man's shower.
Deodorants and Pentiums - When being close is all that counts.
Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. (PSA 37:27)
Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. -  Psalm 6:8
Depart in pieces.... i.e., Split.
Department meeting in 3 minutes
Department of Redundancy Department
Department of Redundancy Department, may I help you?
Department of Redundancy Department.
Department of the Interior, in charge of everything outdoors..
Depeche Mode is French for We're Wussies.  -Butthead
Dependency is not born it is created - Rush Limbaugh.
Depending on the kindness of strangers.
Deperate But Not Serious
Deportation is to take place within twelve hours.
Depress key to test. <click...> Release key to detonate.
Depress? Confused? Call Lt Cmdr Troi at 1-800-NCC-1701
Depressed people tend to accept only negative feedback.
Depression Alert! There's a Monday coming!
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
Depression: a blonde with F in SEX on her driver's license.
Deprive a mirror of its silver and even the Czar won't see his face.
Deprive everyone of Hope, but only on Tuesdays.
Deprogrammers DO IT with sects.
Deprogrammers do it with sects.
Dept. of the Interior, in charge of everything outdoors...
Depth:  Height turned upside down.
Deputy Dogma.
Deputy Rule #2: A bed is a SAC resource, don't waste it.
Der hey, ya little- Tom
Der-Hua Liu
Der-getta-furta-ratta-arra!! - Homer
Derange: A place where de cowboys ride.
Derek, live from Indiana where snow is measured in yards, not feet
Derk was the night as pich or as the cole,
Dermatologist: One who makes rash statements.
Dermatologists do it superficially.
Dermatologists give rash judgments.
Dermatologists make rash judgments.
Derogatory term of the 90's: "What a Clinton!"
DesCartes gets mean:  Flameo ergo cum.
DesCartes of Borg:  Assimilato ergo cum.
DesCartes of Borg:  Borgus sumus.  Resistansus futilo est.
Desanka zatrudnela!
Descartes of Borg - "I assimilate, therefore I am."
Descartes of Borg: We assimilate. Therefore, we are.
Descartes would say Rush doesn't exist, if Descartes existed for Rush.
Descend in order to meet more decent monsters.
Descent people shouldn't live here.
Describe Jennie as Babe = Extra Forest Fight
Describe Jennie as Foxy = Extra Gem
Describe your childhood for me, Mr. T. Robot - Dr. Servo
Describe your relationship w/your mother - Dr. Servo
Descriptions of Heaven - By Pearly Gates
Desecrate, decimate, rah. rah. rah.
Desert Crossing:  by I. Rhoda Camel
Desert Crossing: I. Rhoda Camel
Desert Storm/Desert Poisoning: God I love this country!
Desert Storm: Protecting American Interests.
Desert Twister cards suck.
Design a safe nuclear power plant and win $500!
Design before coding, and all will flow smoothly
Design flaws travel in groups.
Design flaws travel in herds.
Design simplicity: It was developed on a shoe-string budget.
Design:  The activity of preparing for a design review.
Design: The activity of preparing for a design review.
Designated driver: DEVICE=SOBER.DRV /+18 /-BEER.
Designing tombstones at night. The graveyard shift.
Desirable? Of *course* 100 Pentia are desirable, but *never* enough...
Desire to appear clever often prevents our becoming so.
Desire: The thing that is so often nipped in the budget.
Desk - A very large wastebasket with drawers.
Desk: A large wastebasket with drawers and a phone
Desk: A trash can with drawers.
Desk: A very large wastebasket with drawers.
Desmond the Demon Bird - Joel on monster
Despair - An extra tire in de trunk.
Despair exaggerates not only our misery but also our weaknesses.
Despair is the price one pays for setting an impossible aim.
Despair is vinegar from the wine of hope. Austin O'Malley
Despair lames most people but it wakes others fully up.
Despair was the bumper crop - Crow
Despair:  an extra tire in da trunk
Despair: an extra tire in de trunk.
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Desperate Odo, why don't you come to your senses?
Desperate Odo, your heart's being torn asunder.
Desperate diseases require desperate remedies
Desperate for an intelligent audience he turned at last to himself.
Desperate times call for amazing cover stories
Desperate times call for cheap shots.
Desperate times call for desperate measures ...
Desperation is a fellow shaving before stepping on the scales.
Desperation is a highly emotional state of mind.
Desperation is a highly emotional state of mind.  Kirk
Desperation is a tender trap, it gets you every time --U2
Desperation is the love-child of frustration.
Despise not prophesyings. - 1 Thessalonians 5:20
Despite The Cost Of Living It Remains Popular
Despite all this, life goes on - Mike
Despite its high cost, living remains popular!
Despite my car having Windows, I'd rather fly with OS/2.
Despite my car having Windows, it's still not mouse driven.
Despite my car having windows, it still isn't mouse driven!
Despite my wild ways, deep down inside I'm just sweet and innocent.
Despite of the _high_ cost of living, it remains popular!
Despite of the cost of living, it remains popular!
Despite of the cost of living, it remains popular.
Despite the cost of living, it remains popular
Despite the cost of living, it still remains popular!
Despite the high cost of living it still remains popular
Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular
Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.
Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.
Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular. Go figure.
Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular..
Despite what Babylon 5 fans say, Straczynski has not been canonized.
Despite your best efforts, you've been of great help.
Despotism comes from political extremes. -- Aristotle
DesqView vs. Windows is a no WIN solution.
DesqView's Upgrade Policy is good.... NOT!
Desqview is fast and easy, but OS/2 is FUN!
Desqview vs. Windows is a no-Win situation.
Desqview!?!  I can't even see the floor!!
Desqview: Windex!
Desqview?  I can't even see the floor!
Desseratation - A waiter's litany of what's on the dessert cart.
Dessert? I'll take a piece of cherry ã.
Dessert? I'll take a piece of cherry.
Desserts stressed.
Destination Moon by Robert A. Heinlein
Destination: The Alzheimer's Constellation. Warp 6.
Destined to be trapped in TV Movies - Tom on actor
Destiny falls to ruin.
Destiny is made known silently.<Agnes DeMille>
Destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.
Destiny shapes our ends, but our middles are of our own chewing!
Destiny! Take this land, take this land by the death of all
Destiny's not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice.
Destiny, Death, Dream, Despair, Destruction, and Dalmation?
Destiny, Death, Dream, Despair, Destruction, andDalmatian?
Destiny, Death, Dream, Despair, Destruction, andDalmation?
Destiny, n: A tyrant's excuse for crime.
Destroy the Borg -- Give 'em WINDOWS !
Destroy the Borg?  Let's give them Windows!
Destroy the Borg? Give 'em Microsoft Windows; that'll do it!
Destroy the Borg? Give 'em Windows 3.1; that'll do it!
Destroy the Borg? Give them Cavis Alpha IV!
Destroy the Borg? Give them Windows 3.1 -that will do it.
Destroy the Borg? Give them Windows NT. That will do it!
Destroy the Borg? Let's give them Windows 3.1.
Destroy the Borg? Let's give them Windows!
Destroy the source of irritation.
Destroyed... by the Empire!
Destruction is a creative urge - Bakunin
Destruction of the church, we'll burn the cross!
Desufnoc Yrev Si Enilgat Siht
Detach the saucer, Data.  Don't spill the tea!
Detailed instructions are the death of initiative.
Details 20 minutes from now on Action Central News, kids.
Details!  Details!  Details!
Details, dammit!  I want filthy, disgusting details!
Details, details-- Jack Butler
Details, halibut breath. -- Rimmer
Detartrated (a contrived chemical name).
Detectives do it under cover.
Deterrence, not disarmament.  Arms ARE deterrents.
Deterrency: Ruined currency found in pants pockets after laundering.
Detonate the nuclear family!
Detour , Muddy tagline ahead
Detour sign seen in Kyushi, Japan: "Stop: drive sideways."
Detour: The roughest distance between two points.
Detour: the roughest distance between two points.
Detroit degas - A car up on blocks in a yard.
Detroit is Cleveland without the glitter.
Detroit, MI: It is illegal to fall asleep in your bathtub.
Detroit, Michigan - It is illegal to fall asleep in your bathtub.
Detruncus - Diving into a wave then looking around for your trunks.
Deus Servomachina - The Innumerable Names Of Tom Servo!
Deus, Deus meus es.
Device $ not found:  A)bort, R)efinance, D)eclare bankruptcy.
Device CTHULHU detected:  Run like Hell? (Y/n)
Device NIL: is full. (R)etry (C)ancel (G)uru ?
Device WIFE not detected:  Answer E-Mail? (Y/N)
Device, thermo-nuclear, Mk. 53Y Mod 2, 9 megaton.  Official use only.
Devices = Leave Us to Our Own
Devices=Leave Us to Our Own
Devil Bunnies! I snort the nose, Lucifer! Banana!
Devils speak of the ways in which she'll manifest - NIN
Devo of Borg:  We are not men....We are Borg.
Devo to the rescue - Crow on emergency crew
Devojcice su kao senf vole kobaje.
Devojkama ne trebaju karte, one imaju mesecnu.
Devojke su kao lubenice - najsladje su u sredini !
Devolution:  Lawyer --> politician --> crook.
Devon, CT, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.
Devoted to the study of cat bathing as a martial art
Devoted to the study of cat bathing as a martial art.
Devoted to the study of cat grooming as a martial art
Devoted to the study of dog bathing as a martial art.
Devoting your spare time to neglecting duties again I see.
Dew - Air that looks wet.
Dew is the tears which the stars weep.
Dew knot trussed spell checquers to fined awl mist steaks
Dew knot trussed spell checquers two fined awl mistakes
Dew knot trussed yore spell checquer two fined awl heirs!
Dew knot trussed yore spell checquer two fined awl mistakes.
Dew knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl errors.
Dew knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl mist aches.
Dew knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl mistakes.
Dew: Air that looks wet.
Dewey, Cheatam, and Howe -- Auditors
Dewey, Cheatam, and Howe -- Auditors.
Dewey, Cheatham & Howe - Attorneys at Law
Dewey, Cheatham and Howe - Attorneys At Law.
Dewey, Cheatham and Howe - Attorneys at Law
Dewey, Cheatum & Howe -- Attorneys at Law
Dewey, Screwem, & Howe, Barristers and Solicitors.
Dex (n) - Moderator Who Moonlights as Super Hero
Dex has left the building! Dex has left the building!
Dey don't look like Presbyterians to me.
DiJon Vu: An odd<!> feeling that you've sampled "that mustard" before.
DiJon Vu: The feeling that you've tasted this mustard before.
DiSimoni's Rule of Cognition:  "Believing is seeing."
Diabetic?  Don't watch Barney!
Diabetics are naturally sweet people!
Diabetics are sweet.
Diagnostic COMPLETE. Too many anomalies found. Reboot ship? [Y/n]
Diagnostic:  One who doesn't believe in PC's
Diagnostics are the programs that run when nothing else will.
Diagonal parking prohibited in parallel universes.
Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe
Diagonally parked in a head-on universe.
Diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Diagonally parked in a parallel universe...
Diahhorea is hereditary. It runs in your genes.
Dial , make a cop come.
Dial 000, and make a cop come.
Dial 000, make a cop come.
Dial 000: make a fireman come!
Dial 9-1-1.....make a fireman come.
Dial 911 if you forgot your password.
Dial 911, make a cop come.
Dial 911: Make A Paramedic Come!
Dial M for Mundane - Crow
Dial a Joke - Call 1-800 REQ-UEST
Dial now or dial later, but your GOING to call back.
Dial randomly.  You'll get our number eventually.
Dial-a-Guru: 1-900-INSIGHT.
Dialing long distance wears me out
Dials. Buttons. Switches - Tom on car's dashboard
Dialysis?  My God!  What is this, the dark ages? - McCoy
Diamond (n.): A lump of coal that made good under pressure.
Diamond cutters do it harder.
Diamond jubilee: The last installment paid on the engagement ring.
Diamond light, Odo, doth gild no maid!
Diamond: a lump of coal that made good under pressure.
Diamonds (and Ferrengi blood feuds) are forever..
Diamonds - A girls best friend.. V.B.- Mans only Friend
Diamonds are chunks of coal that stuck to their job.
Diamonds, but for patience, would be coal.
Diamonds, except for patience, would be coal.
Diamonds: the ultimate hardware.
Diana Hastings'S cat? Sorry, I haven't seen it.
Diana is busier than a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes.
Dianara and the kids, they don't know they're dead. --Hercules
Diane Merriman:  In need of a ROM upgrade.
Diane's Yin and Yang are no longer on speaking terms.
Diane, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocoalte bunnies.
Diane, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies.
Diane.. I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
Dianetics: The Science of Selling Books
Dianne's Law: If a motel advertises itself as "modern," it isn't.
Diaper Service: Rock-A-Dry Baby.
Diapers & Politicians must be changed, usually for the same reason!
Diapers are like presents, you never know what's in them.
Diapers need changing as often as politicians need to be changed!
Diapers: 10-12 pounds is *not* an indication of how much they can hold
Diaphragm:  A drawing in geometry.
Diaphram: A drawing in geometry.
Diareaha cha cha chaa, Dirareaha cha cha cha....-Beavis & Butthead
Diarrhea -- journal of daily events
Diarrhea CHA-CHA-CHA! Diarhhea CHA-CHA-CHA!
Diarrhea is hereditary -- it runs in your jeans.
Diarrhea is hereditary- it runs in your genes.
Diarrhea is hereditary.    It runs in your jeans.
Diarrhea is hereditary. It runs in your genes.
Diarrhea is hereditary; it runs in your genes.
Diarrhea is hereditary; it runs in your jeans.
Diarrhea of the mouth; constipation of the ideas.
Diarrhea:  Journal of daily events.
Diarrhoea is hereditary - it runs in your jeans...
Diary in the glove compartment: Autobiography
Dibs on spaying it! - Crow
Dice Lice: Live in dice pips & produce impossible rolls in DM's favor.
Dice-Crafters: New dice in about an hour - Crow
Dick + Erection - Protection = Infection
Dick Contino's World Of Posture - Mike
Dick Van Dyke probably had Mary Tyler Moore-gasms.
Dick and Jane: Out dammed spot, out!
Dick drank, Dick drove, Dick died. Don't be a Dick.
Dick drank.  Dick drove.  Dick died.  Don't be a Dick.
Dick's books: Too insane to be real, too real to be sane.
Dick, Jane, and Spot Wander into The 'Hood'.
Dickhead: something to lick forward to!
Dickson's Law #1: A defective pay phone will find your last dime.
Dickson's Law #2: The bigger the terminal, the worse the P/A system.
Dickson's Law: A defective pay phone will find your last dime.
Dickweed, stand up & take a bow - Mike
Dickweed...Dog...Dumbshi...Ummm - Joel as God
Dicot: Beggarweed, Betony, Bindweed, Black Medic, Brass Buttons
Dicot: Buckhorn, Bur Clover, Buttonweed, Carpetweed, Centella
Dicot: Chicory, Common Chickweed, Mouse-ear Chickweed, Cinquefoil
Dicot: Clover, Cudweed (Rabbit Tobacco), Horseweed (Daisy Fleabane)
Dicot: Curly Dock, Dandelion, Coast Dandelion, Dichondra, Dollarweed
Dicot: English Daisy, Filaree, Ground Ivy, Yellow Hawkweed, Heal-All
Dicot: Henbit, Knotweed, Lambsquarters, Lespedeza, Lippia (Matchweed)
Dicot: Mallow, Oxalis, Pepperweed, Pigweed. Pineapple-Weed, Plantain
Dicot: Purslane, Florida Pusley (Mex. Clover), Ragweed, Sheep Sorrel
Dicot: Shepherd's Purse, Soliva Sessilis, Sow Thistle, Spotted Spurge
Dicot: Thyme-Leaf Speedwell, Thistle (Canada), Wild Carrot
Dicot: Wild Carrot, Yellow Rocket
Dictator - a potato with a penis.
Dictators say "I'm Sorry" via suicide....
Dictionary: The only place where you'll find success before work.
Dictionary: Where the future precedes the past.
Dictynna, Blessed Lawgiving Mother.
Did   __I__   do that?
Did "Q" invent James Bond's weapons?
Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
Did Adam and Eve have navels? - Milo Bloom
Did Aladdin really find a GEnie in a lamp?
Did Bill Clinton *really* invent the pooper scooper?
Did Bill know he was marrying the future president??
Did CHKDSK on my brain: 4,677,444 bad clusters.
Did Christ hunt people on deserted islands? - Tom
Did Clinton give Gennifer Flowers an inaugural ball?
Did DOS, did DV, did Win. Never done nothin' like OS/2!
Did Debra Winger way to Hollywood?
Did Fred Flintstone ever own a razor?
Did God doze off before he created the land of Nod?
Did God make you an asshole, or did you evolve?
Did God satisfy Mary?
Did Goldie Hawn really say "sock it to me" for a living?
Did He *really* invent the pooper scooper?
Did Henry <or Gerald> have Fordgasms?
Did Humpty Dumpty have major medical insurance?
Did I appear in your vision?
Did I ask too much? More than alot? --U2
Did I die or is it hot in here?
Did I do anything wrong today,or has the world always been like this?
Did I ever tell you that story? <Londo<
Did I ever tell you that story? - Londo
Did I forget to mention the red dragon?
Did I get it right? * McCoy
Did I have a brooding intensity or anything? - Mike
Did I have a good time last night?
Did I hear an echo in here?
Did I hear somebody say they wanted Powdered Toast?
Did I hear things, or can that little dog speak? He says he can't.
Did I interrupt you in the middle of someone? - Hawkeye to Freedman
Did I just say that?
Did I just step on someone's toes again?
Did I just step on someones toes again?
Did I make my point yet???
Did I make myself clear? Good, now tell me what I said.
Did I marry a man or a peripheral?
Did I mention I want you to KILL ME-E-E-E?!! - Tom
Did I mention I'm good with kids?  Good, 'cause I'm not.
Did I mention Rock Climbing, Guys? - TV's Frank
Did I miss something?   When did we get to Disneyland?
Did I miss something? - Dodger
Did I miss the point? -Data
Did I misunderstand?  Where did you say they were from?????
Did I read a different driving manual than everyone else?
Did I say "Pascal"?  I meant...
Did I say 2?  I lied.
Did I say HELL? I meant HECK
Did I say anything about *pink* dragons?!
Did I say enough to make my point clear?
Did I say something wrong? - Data
Did I say that? - Potter. You were about to, sir. - Radar
Did I say your money OR life?  I meant to say AND!
Did I say your money OR life?  I meant to say AND!  - Janier
Did I say your money OR life? I meant to say AND
Did I say your money OR your life?  I meant to say AND!
Did I say your money OR your life? I meant to say AND!
Did I understand you were asking to be USED?!?
Did I write this drivel?
Did I.Q.s drop sharply when I wasn't looking?
Did IQ's just drop sharply while I was away? <Ripley>
Did IQs just drop sharply while I wasn't looking?
Did Intel do the special effects for the movie "Total Recall"?
Did Its laser vision scan the fall of silent snow?
Did J. Dahmer ever meet Jimmy Hoffa?
Did Jack Handey really come up with ALL those Deep Thoughts?
Did Max Sterling ever stop to think that an alien wife can't cook?
Did Max Sterling stop to think that an alien wife couldn't cook?
Did Mount St. Helens make Seattle Wash.?
Did Mr. Bell expect this??
Did Norse gods have Thorgasms?
Did Orville *really* invent the pooper scooper?
Did Orville Bullitt *really* invent the pooper scooper?
Did Poe have Nevermoregasms?
Did QBasic originate in the Q continuum???
Did Qfront Originate In The Q Continuum?
Did Qmodem originate in the Q continium?
Did Qmodem originate in the Q continuum?
Did Ross Perot *really* invent the pooper scooper?
Did Schroedinger's cat have 18 half-lives?
Did Sharon Stone Michael on sex?
Did Shelley Hack her way to stardom?
Did Svend Robinson attend Queen's University?
Did Tarzan love Cheetah or Jane? - Pictures at 11.
Did You Know:  That We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About?
Did You Know: Lassie is a male?
Did You Know: We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About?
Did a demon banishment........and the tv disappeared!
Did a patient ever die in surgery from the slip of a gun?
Did an endangered species splat on your helmet today?
Did ancient astronauts wear Lee press on nails? - Tom
Did ancient toastmasters make this film? - Mike
Did anybody around here lose a tongue?
Did anyone bring matches or a lighter?
Did anyone in the 50s ever think about running? - Mike
Did anyone see my lost carrier?
Did apes evolve from Creationists?
Did everyone forget how to drive? - Don Schanke
Did everyone get that?
Did everyone hear that??!!!!!! Myra??? Didya get that one??!! - Joni
Did everyone make a potty? - Crow
Did he also see a guy in a bat costume and a long cape?- Duncan MacLeod
Did he go on another wild shooting spree? - Crow
Did he really get lost in his own museum? -- Henry Jones
Did he say *homework*!?! -- Grand Nagus Zek
Did he say yes? Please tell me he said yes! - Tom
Did i leave my iron on?
Did it his way.
Did its laser vision scan the fall of silent snow?
Did knights have swordgasms?
Did like hell settle it. --Manuel O'Kelly Davis
Did my ancestors inbreed?  My genes seem tight!
Did my watch stop, or am I in the Twilight Zone?
Did my wife and friends give me a *{surprise}* 40th birthday party!
Did navel oranges have umbilical cords?
Did old Hank really DO IT this way
Did she buy that dress at the ice capades? - Crow
Did she call my name? I think it's gonna rainwhen I die.
Did she say time pair a ducks? Quick! Call Ted Nugent!
Did she seem like the sincere type? - Richie Ryan
Did somebody fire a phaser in here
Did somebody fire a phaser in here?
Did somebody pee in your gene pool?
Did somebody say "WonderBra"?
Did somebody say "mattress" to Mr. Lambert?
Did somebody say 'Mattress' to Mr. Lambert?
Did someone call you "schnorrer"? (Hooray Hooray Hooray!)
Did someone leave the water running? - Captain E.J. Smith, Titanic.
Did someone mention FIDO?  Did I hear FIDO barking?
Did someone remember to close the airlo*WWWWWOOOOOSSSSHHHHH*
Did someone say CHOCOLATE???
Did someone say `nekkid'?
Did someone say fish?  I haven't been fed all day. -- Catwoman
Did someone say panties?!?
Did someone say sex?
Did someone say they wanted toast?  * Talkie Toaster
Did someone say.....CHOCOLATE?!
Did superman check the coin return slot in phone booths?
Did that handwriting on the wall have any good phone numbers?
Did that happen?
Did that robot say Zaphod Beblebrox? - Ford Prefect
Did that robot say Zaphod Beeblebrox? - Ford Prefect
Did the Corinthians ever write back?
Did the Easter Bunny have it's rabies shots? - Elmer
Did the Maharishi give this to you as your personal mantra?
Did the Mars probe run a windows based program?
Did the Mongols have hordegasms?
Did the actors do their own skydiving? - Mike
Did the ant fall off the toilet seat because he was pissed off?
Did the devil really create the world when God wasn't looking?
Did the earth move, or are you in California?
Did the earth move?
Did the film just bog down or is it me? - Crow
Did the table do something to offend you, Word? - Troi
Did the table do something to offend you, Worf? - Deanna.
Did the table do something to offend you, Worf? - Troi
Did the table do something wrong? - Troi
Did the voice over guy go to the bathroom? - Joel
Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? - Pink Floyd
Did they get you to trade your heros for ghosts?
Did they give her hash on the way over? - Mike
Did this guy work on Green Acres? - Crow on redneck
Did we accidently switch to a different movie? - Crow
Did we just do something horribly wrong? - Crow
Did we just go thru a flashback or a flash-forward - Crow
Did we order this dinner to go? - Banzai
Did we somehow manage to get the Borg drunk?
Did ya ever get the Babel fish? Huh? Huh?
Did ya hear hockey's starting tomorrow night? "NO!" Neither did I!
Did ya hear? They took the word gullible out of the dictionary!
Did ya know that Blue Wave fever is contagious?
Did ya like the way I used Lego for buildings there? -Tom
Did ya put the cat out? I didn't know it was burning.
Did ya try Comic Book College? - Tom on missing Frank
Did ya try all the Baskin/Robbins -Mike on missing Frank
Did ya try all the emergency rooms -Crow on missing Frank
Did ye say "scotch", Cap'n?  Warp 10 comin' right up!
Did you *really* invent the pooper scooper?
Did you C that, Mr Spock, no wonder it doesn't work..
Did you FDISK?  Is there a primary DOS partition?  Is it active?
Did you REALLY think I was serious?
Did you SEE what GOD just DID to US??!!
Did you _HONESTLY_ have to quote a 75-line message for a 2-line reply?
Did you accidentally format your brain this morning?
Did you back up today? Did you signal?
Did you buy a scanner to get all the taglines off books?
Did you call me a turkey, Pilgrim. - J. Wayne.
Did you check the...?  No, I didn't think so.
Did you come up with that yourself or from an Etch A Sketch?
Did you enjoy the girl?  So did I.
Did you enjoy the snow, Garfield? Quite. I'm ready for summer now.
Did you escape from Legend of the Red Dragon? <G>
Did you ever consider what Tabasco could to to potions?
Did you ever dance naked with a redhead in the pale moonlight??
Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Did you ever hide in a snowbank? Your brain freezes!
Did you ever notice how fundies like to argue with taglines?
Did you ever notice race car spelled backwards is racecar?
Did you ever see a college kid burn his parents' credit card?
Did you ever stop to think, and forget to restart?
Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again? Pooh queried.
Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again? asked Pooh.
Did you ever stop to think, and then forget to restart?
Did you ever stop to think... and forget to start again?
Did you ever try to climb a tree when you were in love?
Did you ever try to lipread a muppet?
Did you ever wish your OLMR would talk to you?  You will!
Did you ever wonder Why Data's eyes were Yellow??
Did you ever wonder what happened to B4?  I did.   Jinxo
Did you ever wonder why the race car mechanics do it by ear?
Did you ever wonder...what a rhetorical question is good for?
Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
Did you expect a new tagline every time ?
Did you expect mere proof to alter my opinion?
Did you expect mere proof to sway my opinion
Did you expect mere proof to sway my opinion?
Did you expect mere proof to sway my opinion?
Did you fall out of the tree and hit every branch on the way down?
Did you forget to drain the swamp?
Did you forget to floss the cat?
Did you forget to set your alarm clock? - Riker
Did you format your brain this morning by accident?
Did you get a guarantee with that brain?
Did you get a haircut, or did you lose to a lawn mower?
Did you get my memo about the squid-tossing contest?
Did you get the Deputy Dawg collectors glass? - Tom
Did you go to school stupid?...came out that way too, huh?
Did you have to trash the street, Force? -- Stonewall
Did you hear PEPSI hired Ms Bobbitt? She's running the SLICE division.
Did you hear a rubber hand crawling through the woods? - Crow
Did you hear about Quasimodo?  I had a hunch he was back.
Did you hear about the BBS that....
Did you hear about the Gay Mailman looking for a malebox?
Did you hear about the Irish parachute? Opens on impact.
Did you hear about the SysOp who died?  She had a terminal illness!
Did you hear about the SysOp?... Well, he  NO CARRIER
Did you hear about the Sysop who died? - Had a terminal illness!
Did you hear about the Sysop who died? - She had a terminal illness!
Did you hear about the blind man who picked up a hammer and saw?
Did you hear about the blind prostitute? You have to hand it to her.
Did you hear about the blonde car pool? They all meet at work.
Did you hear about the burglar who was lurking for a job?
Did you hear about the cannibal that passed his friend in the woods?
Did you hear about the cannibal who ordered everybody on his pizza?
Did you hear about the cannibal who passed his brother in the jungle?
Did you hear about the feminist bookstore?  There is no humor section.
Did you hear about the fire at the circus? It was intense
Did you hear about the latest Pepsi scare?
Did you hear about the new Australian porno film?   Sheep Throat
Did you hear about the new deli that opened in India??
Did you hear about the plastic surgeon who hung himself!
Did you hear that John Bobbitt got reorganized?
Did you hear the Enterprise is married? They engaged the Borg!
Did you hear the one about the monk, the rabbi, and the Ferengi?
Did you hear the one about the nuns and the joy-riders?
Did you hear the peacock story?  No.  Its a beautiful tale.
Did you hear?  Jerry picked a 5 pound booger and his head collapsed!
Did you here the one about "CLICK" NO CARRIER
Did you here the one about +++ATH NO CARRIER
Did you install the Write Only Memory?
Did you just call me a wussie? -- Mike Nelson
Did you just have a stroke? - Don Schanke
Did you just whinney? - Crow to girl
Did you know 'gullible' IS in the dictionary?
Did you know ... That no-one ever reads these things?
Did you know 90% of all pig skins in Oz are used to hold pigs together
Did you know Canada has a South, too?
Did you know General Custer wore an Arrow Shirt.
Did you know Income Tax is VOLUNTARY? Ask me!
Did you know YOGA will be required at the TOGA Party??
Did you know all lost luggage ends up in Atlanta?
Did you know gullible is not in the dictionary?
Did you know it gives him a backache if he autographs books ;)
Did you know it's bad luck to write a check in red ink?
Did you know that 90% of constipated people don't give a sh*t?
Did you know that BBS stood for Beavis and ButtheadS ?
Did you know that Blue Wave fever is contagious?
Did you know that SATAN is an anagram for SANTA?
Did you know that Spiro Agnew is an anagram of "Grow a Penis"
Did you know that a gathering of ferrets are called a "business"?
Did you know that a gathering of ferrets are called a Business?
Did you know that cheerios are really donut seeds?
Did you know that clones never use mirrors?
Did you know that clones never use mirrors? -- Ambrose Bierce
Did you know that gullible isn't in the dictionary?
Did you know that in Canada they do not sell Moosehead beer?
Did you know that in Canada they do not sell Mooshead beer
Did you know that most people's lives are ruled by telephone numbers?
Did you know that no one ever reads these things?
Did you know that no-one ever reads these things?
Did you know that pubic hare was brer rabbits brother ?
Did you know that rats can't vomit?
Did you know that windows runs faster with taglines?
Did you know that work is a four letter word?
Did you know that you live in a war zone?
Did you know there are only 44 sounds in the English Language?  44!
Did you know there's only 44 sounds in English, but only 26 letters?
Did you know they left gullible out of the dictionary?
Did you know you have P.P. on your smock? -- Yakko Warner
Did you know you have peepee on your smock? - Yakko Warner
Did you know you posted this *in* the TAGLINE echo?
Did you know your computer will die without recipes?
Did you know your robot can hum like Pink Floyd?
Did you know, there's a Thing in your milk? - Wakko
Did you know... That no-one ever reads these things?
Did you like killing? - Borg Yes. - Data
Did you look at the docs?  No, but I fondled the nurses!
Did you lose your happy thoughts? - Stephen King's DARK HALF
Did you miss me?  I GUESS NOT! - S. Ipkiss
Did you miss us? - Dot
Did you not hear me, Deaf One? -- Chiun
Did you peel the potatoes and put out the cat?
Did you put a label on that backup tape?
Did you read *anything* I wrote??
Did you read it in one of your books? -- Harley Stone
Did you read your mail today?
Did you really expect mere proof to sway my opinion?
Did you really expect mere proof to sway my opinion? HA!
Did you really expect mere truth to sway my opinion?
Did you really think that we could share all of eternity? - Janette
Did you really understand that message ¨
Did you really understand that message?
Did you receive a proper socialist education?
Did you remember to make a map?
Did you remember to pay the gravity bill?
Did you remember to shut off the HoloDoc before you left?
Did you run out of small children to butcher yet, Janier?
Did you save all the parts?
Did you say "MNP" means "Modem Needs Pizza"?
Did you say MNP means -  Modem Needs Petting!
Did you say MNP means Modem Needs Pizza?
Did you say MNP means Modemer Needs Pizza?
Did you say SHAREWARE!!  #$%^@ NO CARRIER
Did you say SHAREWARE!!  +++ATH0...NO CARRIER
Did you say a PACK of Tarasques?!?
Did you say something.
Did you say that MNP means Modem Needs Pizza?
Did you say you were *bored* again Christian????
Did you say you were COMING? Or CUMMING?
Did you see 'im repressing me?  You saw it, didn't you?
Did you see 'im repressing me? You saw it, didn't you?
Did you see something during transport? -- Geordi
Did you see the frightened ones? - Floyd
Did you sleep well?  'No, I made a few mistakes.
Did you swallow a radio announcer? - Hawkeye to Radar
Did you swallow your face, Frank? - Hawkeye
Did you take a good look at his soul? - Duncan MacLeod
Did you take a shower? There seems to be one missing.
Did you take his temperature? No, why, is it missing?
Did you take your lunch or walk to work?
Did you take your pill<s> this morning? - TEC
Did you tell Luke?  Is that who you could tell?! - Han Solo
Did you think GORAD was John Norman's Gor Air Defense system? <ah>
Did you think I wouldn't recognize this compromise.
Did you think i wouldn't recognize this compromise -- NIN
Did you think these were just for decoration? - Lando
Did you understand the music, Yoko, or was it all in vain?
Did you walk the dog? Yeah, he buried me a few times.
Did you walk to work, or bring your lunch?
Did you write home today?
Did you write the words, or the lyrics?
Did your God create time, or did time create your God?
Did your dog *really* eat your homework?
Did your mother feed you airline food when you were little??
Did your mother have any children who weren't stillborn?
Did your mother start you off on acid as an adolescent?
Did your parents have any children that lived?
Did your parents have any children that loved?
Did your parents lose a bet with God?
Didja ever stop to think.. and forget to start again?
Didja ever stop to think... and forget to start again?
Didja ever stop to think... and never start again.
Didja ever wonder: If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil?
Didja ever wonder: if corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil...?
Didja get the liscense Number of the Klingon Broad who ran over me?
Didja hafta nail the driver first?I don't even have a Learner's Permit
Didja hear about the magician who turned into a bar?
Didja hear about the new Madonna stamp? It licks itself
Didja hear the one about...
Didja' ever stop to think, and forget to restart? 
Didn't I See Your Picture On a Milk Carton?
Didn't I buy a '51 Packard from you in Cairo???
Didn't I buy a 1951 Packard from you last March in Cairo?
Didn't I flirt with you last week on Deck 11? - Riker
Didn't I just see your picture at the post office?
Didn't I just see your picture in the post office?
Didn't I make you feel like you were the only man?
Didn't I meet you in some other hallucination?
Didn't I meet you in some other hallucination??
Didn't I meet you once in a hangover?
Didn't I mention we're with the FBI?
Didn't I see this on a David Copperfield special? - Yakko
Didn't I see you on "America's Most Wanted"?
Didn't I see you on America's Most Wanted??
Didn't I sleep with you last week on Deck 11? - Riker
Didn't I tell you, baby? I'm Zaphod Beeblebrox!
Didn't dey warn ya' about Ferengi at de damn Academy?
Didn't know anyone was still using 3.3 DOS.
Didn't know morals had been classified.
Didn't see it, didn't do it, don't have the t-shirt.
Didn't see it, don't have the T-shirt. --M. Hahn
Didn't stick, must not be done - Tom as guy throws pasta
Didn't the license plate say "FRESH" *before* the cab came near?
Didn't the sysop say he was installing a new modem*&^%$#@#!NO CARRIER.
Didn't these people know about birth control?
Didn't they warn you about Ferengi at the Academy?
Didn't think I'd make it, but I'd bet I might.
Didn't vote? Then don't bitch about the results.
Didn't we pass a castle back down the road a few miles?
Didn't we see him on Mork and Mindy? - Animaniacs
Didn't you clowns forget something out there? - Shai-ster
Didn't you hear? You get equal rights, not special perks!
Didn't you just feel like smacking the little runt? - Annie Lindsey
Didn't you know comics were bad for ya?-Freddy Krueger
Didn't you see the 25mph sign? No officer, I was driving too fast.
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? - Zazu
Didn't your mother teach you any manners -- O'Brien
Didnt know intl. smuggling involved so much lifting -Mike
Didya ever notice how kiddie pools have a yellowish tint in the water?
Didya ever notice that most debates start from a MERE tagline?
Die Entropie des Welts strebt einem Maximum zu.
Die Hand die Verlezt <X-Files? B5?>
Die Hard 3: This time he takes Star Tours for REAL!
Die Hard Forever
Die Hard With Wolves
Die Hard:  Huh Huh, He Said "Hard"
Die Hard:  With A Snowball's Chance In Hell.
Die Hard:  With Bad Actors.
Die Hard:  With David Letterman
Die Hard:  With Honor.
Die Hard:  With Some Fava Beans and a Nice Chiante.
Die Hard:  With Tons of Explosives.
Die Hard:  With a BFG-9000
Die Hard:  With a Headache.
Die Hard:  With a Lot of Really Bad Guys.
Die Hard:  With a Shit-Load of Car Chases.
Die Hard:  With a Vagrant.
Die Hard:  With a Valiant, But in the End, Useless Effort.
Die Hard:  With a Vengeance.
Die Hard:  With a Virus
Die Hard:  With medium fries, large coke, and no ketchup
Die Hard:  With the Same Old Formula.
Die Hard:  WithLikeGuns and Stuff...
Die Hard:  Without Any Clothes On.
Die Hard:  Without That Guy From "Family Matters"
Die Hard:  Without a Chance.
Die Hard:  Without a Clue.
Die Hard:  Without a Prayer.
Die Hard: Forever
Die Hard: Generations
Die Hard: With A Cop..  On the Edge
Die Hard: With A Snowball's Chance In Hell
Die Hard: With Bacon, Hash Browns, and Toast
Die Hard: With Bad Actors
Die Hard: With Chiggers
Die Hard: With Children
Die Hard: With Chocolate Frosting
Die Hard: With David Letterman
Die Hard: With Elvis, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness Monster On a UFO
Die Hard: With Honor
Die Hard: With Like Guns and Stuff
Die Hard: With Luck
Die Hard: With Meatballs
Die Hard: With Onion Rings and a Large Orange Drink
Die Hard: With Rednecks
Die Hard: With Siskel and Ebert, Sucking Their Famous Thumbs
Die Hard: With Some Fava Beans and a Nice Chiante  <thhhpppthhhpppt>
Die Hard: With Some Fava Beans and a Nice Chiante.
Die Hard: With Something Completely Different
Die Hard: With The Enemy
Die Hard: With Tons of Explosives
Die Hard: With Whip Cream and Sugar On Top
Die Hard: With Windows 3.1  <In Super Slow-Mo>
Die Hard: With Wolves.
Die Hard: With Yakko, Wakko, and Dot!
Die Hard: With a BFG-9000
Die Hard: With a Beer.
Die Hard: With a Big Butt.
Die Hard: With a Bullseye on His Back
Die Hard: With a Dung-Load of Car Chases.
Die Hard: With a Headache.
Die Hard: With a Lot of Really Bad Guys
Die Hard: With a New Title
Die Hard: With a New and Improved Fragrance
Die Hard: With a Sh*t-Load of Car Chases
Die Hard: With a Shit-Load of Car Chases.
Die Hard: With a Speech Impediment
Die Hard: With a Squirt Gun
Die Hard: With a Vagrant
Die Hard: With a Valiant, But in the End, Useless Effort
Die Hard: With a Vengeance.
Die Hard: With a Virus
Die Hard: With an Empty Stomach
Die Hard: With the Bases Loaded and Nobody Out
Die Hard: With the Same Old Formula
Die Hard: With... Like... Guns and Stuff...
Die Hard: WithLikeGuns and Stuff...
Die Hard: Within Limits
Die Hard: Within Reason
Die Hard: Without Any Clothes On
Die Hard: Without Remorse
Die Hard: Without That Guy From "Family Matters"
Die Hard: Without a Care in the World
Die Hard: Without a Chance
Die Hard: Without a Clue
Die Hard: Without a Prayer
Die HardWith Children
Die Jesu Domine, Domine Es Requium. (WHACK!). Repeat as necessary.
Die Jesu Domine, Domine Es Requium...(WHACK!)
Die Jesu domine, Dona eis requiem. <bang>
Die Jesu domine, Dona eis requiem. Die Jesu domine, Dona eis requiem.-MP
Die Kartoffelsalat ist schlecht"(3.9)
Die Politik is die Lehre von Moglichen. --Bismarck.
Die Politik is keine exakte Wissenschaft. --Bismarck.
Die Politik ist die Lehre von Moglichen. --Bismarck.
Die Soon and Decay - A Vulcan Curse
Die Yuppie Scum.
Die and burn in hell forever. Plus one day. --H. Harrison.
Die before you die.  There is no chance after. -- C. S. Lewis
Die for oil, sucker! --Biafra.
Die smiling, life is too important to take seriously.
Die to save charges. -- Burton
Die well -- Kurn
Die well. - Worf's brother Kern
Die well. --Kern.
Die with honor, O'Brien. -- Tosk
Die with others. --Klingon.
Die without honor!
Die you HOOMAN scum!
Die you gruesome son of a bitch! --Blindside.
Die! Death! I'll have a coke - Crow as depressed teen
Die! Die! Die!      Sorry....
Die, Allied schweinhund!
Die, Earth scum!
Die, despicable capitalist scum!
Die, die, die my darling! -- Misfits
Die, die, die, DIE! Oh, it's YOU! How lovely to see you!
Die, my dear doctor?  That's the last thing I shall do.
Die, v.: To stop sinning suddenly. -- Elbert Hubbard
Die, yuppie scum..!
Die, yuppie, die..
Die...Get Buried...Come back to life...No Problemo! Cor 15:3-4.
Die: To stop sinning suddenly.
Dien Bien Phu falls, Rock Around the Clock.
Dies irae.  Dies illa.
Diet Coke all over the monitor. It's not pretty.
Diet Coke with at _least_ a three foot spread pattern!
Diet Jolt Cola? Is nothing sacred?!
Diet Pepsi, Crystal Pepsi, Rock Pepsi, Horse Pepsi.
Diet Pepsi, and Crystal Pepsi, Anyone else see a trend?
Diet Pepsi: Each can now individually inspected by Ray Charles.
Diet Pepsi: Vaccinate Your Thirst.
Diet Pepsi: a flu shot in Every can
Diet is nothing but die with a T on the end.
Diet: A period of starvation followed by rapid weight gain.
Diet? It's easier to put-it-off than to take-it-off!
Diet? Just eschew what you would chew!
Dieter's prayer: Lord, please help those who keep helping themselves.
Dieters are people who are thick and tired of it.
Dieticians eat better.
Dieting Made Easy - By Ann O'Rexic
Dieting is like a show business. Weight always returns for an encore.
Dieting is slowing down to make a curve.
Dieting:  The art of letting the hips fall where they may.
Dieting: A way to make the ends justify the jeans.
Dieting: The art of letting the hips fall where they may.
Dietitian:      Shit happens if you eat regularly.
Diets are a weigh of life.
Diets are for people who are thick and tired of it.
Diets are for those who are thick and tired of it.
Diets are like Jon's socks. They stink.  Garfield
Diff between Genius and Stupidity: Genius has its limits.
Differance between `Illegal' and `Unlawful' - Illegal is a sick bird!
Difference 'tween a cockroach an' a lawyer? Oh IS there one?
Difference Between A Diva & A Pit Bull?  Jewelry.
Difference Between a Dog and a Fox = About 6 Beers...
Difference between Clinton & JFK? JFK screwed MM; Clinton screwed us.
Difference between Delta Burke and Delta Airlines: 15 Lbs
Difference between Hilary and liquid helium?  About 1 degree C.
Difference between Hillary Clinton & snake oil salesman? Not much.
Difference between IRS and IRA? Only one ADMITS it's a terrorist group
Difference between IRS and IRA? Only one ADMITS it's a terrorist group.
Difference between Jane Fonda and Clinton? She WENT to Nam.
Difference between MS-DOS 6.0 and a virus?  It fools antivirus programs!
Difference between MS-DOS 6.0 and a virus?  MS-DOS 6.0 is legal!
Difference between Men and Savings Bonds....Bonds mature.
Difference between Windows & a virus?  A virus is free
Difference between Windows & a virus?  Virus is free
Difference between Windows & a virus? The virus is free
Difference between Windows & a virus? Virus is free
Difference between Windows and a Virus? A Virus works.
Difference between Windows and a virus - the virus works!
Difference between Windows and a virus? A virus is free.
Difference between Windoze & a virus?  Viruses are done by pros.
Difference between a "vase" and a "vahz" - about 50 dollars!
Difference between a beaver and an A320: 8000 trees/hour.
Difference between a dog and a fox: About 5 drinks!
Difference between a dog and a fox?  About 6 beers...
Difference between a dog and a fox? About 6 beers...
Difference between a hero and a coward is one step sidewa
Difference between a hero and a coward is one step sideways.
Difference between a house and a home--a family.
Difference between a lawyer & a rooster: a rooster clucks defiance...
Difference between a lawyer and a skunk? You tell me!
Difference between a man & E.T....E.T. phoned home.
Difference between a pig and a dog... 2 or 3 drinks.
Difference between a virus & MS-Win3? Viruses never fail.
Difference between a virus & Windows 95?  Viruses never fail.
Difference between a virus & windows? Viruses never fail.
Difference between a virus and Windows:  A virus never fails
Difference between a virus and windows?  Viruses never fail.
Difference between a virus and windows?  Viruses rarely fail.
Difference between an oral & anal thermometer, the taste!
Difference between blondes & the Titanic? Everyone on ship didn't go dow
Difference between blondes and garbage? Garbage goes out once a week.
Difference between blondes and hookers? Blondes cost less per score.
Difference between bonds and men... bonds mature.
Difference between brown-nosing and butt-kissing: Depth perception.
Difference between doing it and not is doing it!"
Difference between genius & stupidity-no limit to stupidity.
Difference between genius & stupidity: Genius has limits
Difference between genius and stupidity: stupidity has no limits.
Difference between genius and stupidity?  Genius has no limitations.
Difference between light and hard?  You can sleep with a light on!
Difference between like & love? A spit or a swallow!!
Difference between like, love, and kinky? Spit, Swallow, Gargle!
Difference between men & boys is the price of their toys
Difference between men and boys is the price of their toys.
Difference between tax avoiding and evasion is 10 Years.
Difference between work & wife.  After 10 years work still sucks.
Difference of religion breeds more quarrels than difference of politics.
Different "generation" ENTIRELY, there!
Different all twisty a of in maze are you, passages little.
Different drummer?  Heck, I've got my own _band_!
Different methods have different results...
Different pokes for different blokes.
Different strokes for different folks. - Xavier St. Cloud
Different? Me? Surely Not!
Differentiums - new non-X86 based chip HP and Intel working on.
Differently clued
Difficult jobs I do immediately, impossible jobs are sub-contracted.
Difficult? I wish it had been impossible!
Difficulty at the Beginning works supreme success.  - I Ching
Difficulty at the Beginning works supreme success/I Ching
Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts.
Difficulty lies not in new ideas, but giving up the old ones.
Dig a little harder Joel, I can't feel the pain yet - Tom
Dig deeeep ... send beau coup bucks ... get thanked!
Dig me, but don't bury me.
Dig up something, you got to dig up something else
Digging myself an exponentially increasing hole.
Digging under my nails, between my toes - Dr. Forrester
Digimenmonic - Vanity phone numbers like 1-800-BARGAIN.
Digimenmonic: vanity phone numbers like 1-800-BARGAIN.
Digital Lawrence Welk. A One ann-a Zero.
Digital Lawrence Welk: A One ann-a Zero .....
Digital Lawrence Welk: A one and-a zero, and a-one and a-zero...
Digital Stereo: Full off, Full on!
Digital Watch owners: Your days are numbered.
Digital circuits are made from analog parts.
Digital communications, it makes my digit hurt.
Digital hackers do it off and on.
Digitally Challenged...a non-computer user.
Digitize Ted Turner and turn him into Black & White
Digitize Ted Turner and turn him into Black and White.
Dignify your FH progress: travel RR.  [Reciprocal Research]
Dignity and an empty sack is worth a sack. - 109th Rule
Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack. - Quark
Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack. - Rivals
Dignity and empty sack is worth the empty sack -- ROA #109
Dignity in a sack is worth the sack.
Dignity under fire
Dignity, hell! I got 3 bucks on this! - Col. Potter
Dignity: One thing that can't be preserved in alcohol.
Digression is education.
Digression is the better part of valor.
Dijon Vu: The feeling that you've seen this mustard before!
Dijon Vu: The feeling you've tasted this mustard before
Dijon Vue...the feeling you've tasted this mustard before.
Dijon vu...the feeling you've tasted this mustard before
Dijon vu: the feeling that you've tasted that mustard before!
Dijon vu: the feeling you've tasted that mustard before.
Dijon vu: the feeling you've tasted this mustard before.
Dilate (def.) - to live long
Dilate - To live too long
Dilate To live longer.
Dilate:  To live long.
Dilate:  To live long...
Dilate: To live long.
Dilate: What happens when you live too long.
Dildo:  Variety of sweet pickle.
Dildo: Variety of sweet pickle.
Dilithium crystals = Folgers crystals
Dilithium crystals? I thought you said Folger's crystals!
Dilithium is down 15%, but the Dow Jones is up by 23%
Dilithium? or Folgers? You Make The Call!
Dilution is not the solution to polution
Dime de lo que blasonas, y te dire de lo quwe careces.
Dime:  A dollar after taxes.
Dime:  a dollar with all the taxes taken out.
Dime: A dollar with all the taxes taken out.
Dime: Dollar after taxes.
Dime: a dollar after taxes.
Dime: a dollar bill with all the taxes taken out.
Dime: a dollar with all the taxes taken out
Dime: a dollar with all the taxes taken out.
Din't mean to?! You put your sword right thru his head!
Dindon dined, said he, on the fat back of a fat turkey.
Diner's Dilemma:  A clean tie attracts the soup of the day.
Ding ding ding! We have a winner! - Crow
Ding dong, Next Gen is dead!
Ding dong, the Dick is dead! Which old Dick? The Tricky Dick!
Ding dong, the Lich is dead. Of COURSE it's DEAD!
Ding dong, the Lich is dead. That's UNdead, dear.
Dink! - Tom as girl to nun
Dinking causes smoking.
Dinner - Turkey $2.35; Chicken $2.25; Children $1.50! "Janier's Diner"
Dinner Not Ready. (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza.
Dinner Not Ready...(A)bort (R)etry (P)izza
Dinner Special - Turkey $2.35; Chicken or Beef $2.25; Children $2.00
Dinner Special, Turkey $2.35; Chicken or Beef $2.25; Children $2.00.
Dinner Table - The thing that pulls out from under the computer.
Dinner burned, (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)izza
Dinner is done when the smoke alarm sounds.
Dinner is over, announced the cannibal houseboy masterfully.
Dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off
Dinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off.
Dinner isn't white enough, honey - Mike
Dinner not Found: (A)bort (B)ackup (C)hinese
Dinner not found- <A>bort <R>etry <C>all for Pizza!
Dinner not found:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza *
Dinner not prepared:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza Hut?
Dinner not ready. (A)bort,(R)etry, (K)ennelration
Dinner not ready: <A>bort <R>etry <P>izza Hut?
Dinner to bug. - O'Brien to Kira.
Dinner will be late, the replicators are down!
Dinner will be ready when the smoke detector goes off !
Dinner will be served at the sound of the smoke alarm.
Dinner's gonna be late.  Come 'ere boy!  Gramma Addams
Dinner's ready.   The smoke detector went off.
Dinner. --Delenn. Dinner? --Sheridan. Dinner! --Delenn.
Dinner: Dead animals and some stuff dug out of the dirt.
Dinner: Dead animals and some stuff out of the ground.
Dinner? - Mike surfaces in hot tub with a speared fish
Dino-netics : The Science of Selling Books - by L. Mother Hubbard
Dino-netics: The Science of Selling Books.
Dinomation makes some pretty big birds!
Dinon dina, dit on, du dos dodu d'un dodu dindon.
Dinosaur + Trill = Tyrannosaurus Dax
Dinosaur Shaft? - Joel on dino movie's disco soundtrack
Dinosaur condoms.
Dinosaurs are extinct - Barney should be, too!
Dinosaurs became extinct 'cause their mommies didn't make them wash.
Dinosaurs did not use Blue Wave.  Now they're extinct.  Coincidence?
Dinosaurs do it extinctively.
Dinosaurs never die, they just do reunion tours.
Dinosaurs were never extinct. Have a look at the government...
Dinosaurs were never extinct... look at Congress!
Dinosaurs, Barney, Flintstones:Please put the time back to 20 century!
Dinosaurs, Barney, Flintstones:Please put the time back to the 90's!
Dinosaurs:  Mainframes replaced by Minis and Micros.
Diogenes is still searching.
Diogenes struck the father when the son swore.
Diogenes, put out your lantern! The light is keeping me awake!
Dios tarda pero no olvida.
Dip - Inventor of a famous switch.
Dip Switch Settings:  O)n  O)ff.
Dip it chocolate and I'll eat anything!
Dip it chocolate and they'll eat anything!
Dip it in chocolate and it'll be fine.
Dip it in chocolate, it'll be fine.
Dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians
Dip me in chocolate and throw me to the nymphos!
Dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians
Dip your wick
Dip:  Inventor Of A Famous Switch.
Diplomacy - The Vaseline of political intercourse
Diplomacy - Thinking twice before saying nothing.
Diplomacy - saying "nice doggy" while looking for a rock.
Diplomacy : Saying Nice Doggie until you can find a large rock.
Diplomacy gets you out of what tact would have prevented.
Diplomacy gets your out of what tact would have prevented
Diplomacy is a delicate weapon of a civilized warrior. -- Hun, A.T.
Diplomacy is letting them have it your way.
Diplomacy is saying "Nice Doggy" until you find a stick
Diplomacy is saying "nice doggie" until you find a rock.
Diplomacy is saying "nice doggy" until you find a rock.
Diplomacy is saying 'Nice Doggy' until you find a rock.
Diplomacy is saying NICE doggie until you find a big enough rock.
Diplomacy is saying NICE doggy until you find a big enough rock.
Diplomacy is saying nice doggie until you find a Glock!
Diplomacy is saying nice doggy until you find a rock.
Diplomacy is saying, Nice doggie until you find a rock.
Diplomacy is the ability to let someone else have your way.
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way.
Diplomacy is the art of letting somebody have your way.
Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.
Diplomacy is the art of letting someone have your way.
Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie!" till you find a rock.
Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock.
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice Doggy' until you find a rock
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggy' until you can find a rock.
Diplomacy is the art of saying NICE DOGGIE until you can get a rock.
Diplomacy is the art of saying Nice doggie until you find a rock.
Diplomacy is the art of saying Nice doggie! till you can find a rock.
Diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggie until you can find a bat.
Diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggy until you can find a rock.
Diplomacy is the delicate weapon of the civilized warrior.-Hun, A.T.
Diplomacy is to do and say the nastiest thing in the nicest way.
Diplomacy should be a job left to diplomats.
Diplomacy's the art of letting someone else have your way
Diplomacy--the art of letting someone have your way.
Diplomacy:  First listen to sermon, THEN eat missionary.
Diplomacy:  Saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock
Diplomacy:  Saying "go to hell" such that they look forward to the trip.
Diplomacy:  Saying "nice doggy" until you find a rock.
Diplomacy:  Saying "nice doggy" until you find a rock...
Diplomacy:  The Vaseline of political intercourse.
Diplomacy:  The art of letting other people have your way.
Diplomacy:  The art of letting somebody have your way.
Diplomacy:  The art of shafting someone and having them enjoy it.
Diplomacy:  The patriotic lying for one's country.
Diplomacy:  To do and say the nastiest things in the nicest way.
Diplomacy: Lying in state.
Diplomacy: Saying "Nice Doggy" til you find a gun
Diplomacy: Saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock
Diplomacy: Saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock
Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggie" until you are prepared to invade.
Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggie" until you have a LOCK ON.
Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggie" until you've acquired the target.
Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggy" until you find a gun...
Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggy" until you find a rock.
Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggy"... until you find a rock.
Diplomacy: Saying 'nice doggie'. Until you find a rock.
Diplomacy: Saying Nice doggie until you can find.
Diplomacy: Saying Nice doggie until you find a gun.
Diplomacy: Saying nice doggie until you can find a rock.
Diplomacy: Saying nice doggy until you find a gun.
Diplomacy: Saying nice doggy until you find a rock.
Diplomacy: Saying, "Nice doggy," until you can find a rock.
Diplomacy: The art of letting someone else get your way.
Diplomacy: The art of saying nice doggie until you find a rock!
Diplomacy: The patriotic art of lying for one's country
Diplomacy: The patriotic art of lying for one's country.
Diplomacy: The patriotic lying for one's country.
Diplomacy: Thinking twice before saying nothing.
Diplomacy: art of saying Nice Doggie till you get a rock.
Diplomacy: lying in state.
Diplomacy: saying "Nice doggie!" until you find a rock ...
Diplomacy: saying "Nice-Doggy" until you can find a rock.
Diplomacy: saying "nice doggy" until you can find a stick.
Diplomacy: the KY Jelly of political intercourse.
Diplomacy: the Vaseline of political intercourse.
Diplomacy: the art of letting someone else have your way.
Diplomacy: the art of saying `Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
Diplomacy: the delicate weapon of the civilized warrior.
Diplomacy: the patriotic lying for one's country.
Diplomat:  A fellow who has to watch his appease and accuse.
Diplomat:  What *not* to call Knuckles Lomat.
Diplomat: Someone who never insults anyone accidently.
Diplomatic immunity. <Rudd> [BLAM] It's just been revoked. <M>
Diplomatic problems can be solved with intense violence.
Dipping in white chocolate will make almost anything edible.
Dipping it in chocolate will make almost anything edible.
Dipping it in white chocolate will make almost anything edible.
Dipthong: Something an idiot wears on their feet.
Dire Wolves ARE sweet and innocent!
Dire Wolves are NOT corrupt!
Dire Wolves are NOT cute!
Dire Wolves are NOT furry!
Dire Wolves are NOT fuzzy!
Dire, you're always a source of inspiration and encouragement! - Jal
Direct action produces direct reaction.
Direct all flames to ->NULL
Direct contact with Silly Putty should be limited to approx. 5 mins.
Direct from the Ferengi Benevolent Association.
Direct from the Ministry of Silly Walks
Direct from the Ministry of Silly Walks.
Direct from the Ministry of Willie Wanka
Direct from the Ministry of Willie Wonka.
Direct mailers get it in the sack.
DirectNet,Not The Worlds Biggest Net,Just The Best.94:94/0 | 94:100/20
Directing power forcibly, the fire of Hell is cast
Directions:   <<< Clinton Healthcare      Proper Healthcare >>>
Directions:  <<< Clinton Healthcare   Proper Healthcare <<<
Director of "The Bobbitt Story": "Action! Cut! Cut!"
Director: The one who always faces the music.
Dirk Squarejaw - Joel on Hugh O'Brien character
Dirk learns a new appreciation for smut - Crow
Dirk was also, he denied, a clairaudient.
Dirt (n): Instant mud, just add water.
Dirt is not dirt, but only matter in the wrong place. Lord Palmerston
Dirty Boy & Service Master are calling - Tom on Mads
Dirty Gump- so, tell me punk, Do you feel like a box of chocolates?
Dirty Harry as a trill: "Go ahead Punk! Make OUR day!"
Dirty Harry of Borg:  "Go ahead...Resist us...Make our day."
Dirty Harry of Borg:  "Go aheadresist us."
Dirty Larry & Crazy Murray - Tom
Dirty Lil'...Now where did that Dragon go?...Elf
Dirty Old Man:  Sexually focused chronologically gifted individual.
Dirty Pair vs. the Borg:  "Fault is irrelevant."
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Dirty deeds done dirt-cheap.
Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap...
Dirty little secrets, dirty little lies. -- Rat Fink, Bone Gnawer
Dirty look: I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to argue any more.
Dirty old man? The Ropers get more action - Crow
Dirty old modules love to get overlaid!
Dirty pool, old man.  I like it.  Gomez Addams
Dirty tags and they're done dirt cheap.
Dis Is My Tagline. Go Get Yo' Own.  Right On!
Dis Tag Stole From Da Godfather's own Stash.
Dis Tag Stole From Da Gotfather's on Stash
Dis here is GROSS! Dat means youse gotta come up wit' another 143!
Dis message wuz posted automatically wid PostMasta'
Dis recipe wuz stole frum de souf of Dixeee.
Dis side up
Dis tagline be umop apisdn
Dis tagline stolen by Silly Little Mail Reada'!
Dis tagline wuz stole frum de souf of Dixeee.
Disabled Access...modem unplugged.
Disabled still means able.
Disagree?  See Guido and Nunzio in complaints.
Disagree?  See Guido in complaints.
Disagreeable, with a little effort you can be impossible.
Disappearing Tagline! (Just hit "Enter". Try it now!)
Disappearing recipe! (Just hit Enter. Try it now!)
Disappointed that Abba weren't on the soundtrack -Mike
Disarm rapists.
Disarm?  Sorry, I'm an American.
Disassembler: An unattended five year old child.
Disassembler: An unsupervised two year old child.
Disastastack - Any precariously balance pyramid of goods in a store.
Disastastack: any precariously balance pyramid of goods in a store.
Disaster is a bus load of lawyers going over a cliff with empty seats.
Disaster often rests closely to success.
Disatisfied with BBS performance?  Hit <CTRL><ALT><DEL> to improve it.
Disband the FBI! Abolish the ATF and th . % % ^ &@*+NO CARRIER
Disband the FBI! Abolish the ATF and th×Æç¡‘õNO CARRIER
Disband the FBI! Abolish the Clipper Ch#;-}>@NO CARRIER
Disbarium: The best way to get rid of a lawyer.
Disbelief should be suspended - not hung by the neck until d
Disbelief? You'll have to hang it by the neck until dead!
Disbelieved in reincarnation in my last life, too.
Disc Jockey: Ray Rock * Mike: Used to be Ray M.O.R.
Disc Jockies do it with frequency!
Disc claimer:  "Hey, that's MY floppy!"
Disc space  The final frontier.
Disc space -- the final frontier!
Disc space, the final frontier!
Disc write error, please drop dead.
Discipline is organization, chain of command & logistics.  <Sun Tzu>
Discipline is organization, chain of command and logistics.
Discipline your little no-necked monsters -Dr. F on Bots
Disclaimer:  Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.
Disclaimer:  I do know what you're talking about. I'm just joking.
Disclaimer:  Ignore me and you can't go far wrong.
Disclaimer:  Written by a highly caffeinated mammal.
Disclaimer: All of my recipes are snagged.
Disclaimer: All of my taglines are stolen from @TO!
Disclaimer: All of my taglines are stolen from Brian Watts!
Disclaimer: All of my taglines are stolen from Carey Sundberg!
Disclaimer: All of my taglines are stolen from Craig Smith!
Disclaimer: All of my taglines are stolen from John Foster!
Disclaimer: All of my taglines are stolen from Orville Bullitt!
Disclaimer: All of my taglines are stolen from Orville!
Disclaimer: All of my taglines are stolen.
Disclaimer: All opinions are not really opinions.
Disclaimer: I disclaim, therefore I am.
Disclaimer: I know everything.. But I lie a lot.
Disclaimer: I speak for myself.
Disclaimer: Me, responsible?? I can't evan spel!
Disclaimer: Nope, never saw her before in my life.
Disclaimer: Ok, I don't claim her
Disclaimer: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but flames are just ignored
Disclaimer: These are my opinions, my employer has his own.
Disclaimer: Written by a highly caffeinated mammal.
Disclaimer: You're not dealing with AT&T
Disclaimer? I don't even KNOW HER!
Disclose classified information only when a NEED TO KNOW
Disclose classified information only when a NEED TO KNOW exists.
Disco forever!  Ha!  Just kidding!
Disco is to music what Etch-A-Scetch is to art.
Disco is to music what Etch-A-Sketch is to art.
Disco is to music what Etch-a-Sketch is to Art!
Disco is to music what Etch-a-Sketch is to art!
Disco is to music what traffic court is to justice.
Disco's back & hotter than ever - Mike in monotone
Disco? I'd rather be dead! --Sam Beckett.
Disconnect Reason is Loss of Carrier
Discontent is something that follows ambition like a shadow.
Discord:  Not to be confused with Datcord.
Discordian Programming: Emperor Norton Utilities
Discordian:    Shit happens because God is a crazy woman.
Discount Christians: We save any soul for $29.95!
Discount Postage Stamps, Call 1-900-IM-ROSTY
Discount Taglines, coming up on the Home Shopping at Compuserve.
Discount recipes, coming up on the Home Shopping at Compuserve.
Discover all unpredictable errors before they occur.
Discover off-line readers.
Discover proper respect for authority!  Twit your Sysop.
Discoveries are mabe by not following instructions.
Discoveries are made by not following instructions ...
Discoveries are made by not following instructions.
Discoveries are often made by not following instructions.
Discovering the bondage properties of cling wrap.....
Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.<Bacon>
Discretion is the better part of survival.
Discretion weaves a tangled web.
Discriminating Cats use "Cat-Marts"--they're the "Cats-Meow!"--jkb
Discrimination FOR women begets discrimination AGAINST women
Discrimination FOR women begets discrimination AGAINST women.
Discrimination begets discrimination begets discrimination
Discrimination begets discrimination begets discrimination.
Discrimination:  Synonym for Affirmative Action.
Discussion is an exchange of intelligence.
Disease can be cured;  fate is incurable.
Disease can be cured; fate is incurable.
Disease is the retribution of an outraged nature.
Disembowel him! No, I don't like that 'bowel' in there.. - SS Bob
Disembowel him! No, I don't like that 'bowel' in there.. - Sideshow Bob
Disengaged... We turn the page...
Disengaging soapbox mode.  You may now resume normal operations.
Disgruntled farmer rhubarb - Tom
Disguise your voice Shut up, Beavis...
Disgusting!... - Frank. I certainly hope so. - Hawkeye.
Disheartened by the breakup of the family?? You haven't met *my* family.
Dishnostic - Thoroughly cleaning each dish before using dishwasher.
Dishonest Person - One who farts & blames the dog!
Dishonest Person - One who farts and blames the dog.
Dishonest Person -- One who farts & blames the dog!
Dishonest Person...One who farts and blames the dog.
Dishonest people believe in words rather than reality.
Dishonesty, cowardice, and duplicity are never impulsive.
Dishonor will not trouble me, once I am dead.
Dishwashers do it in hot water.
Disillusionment is what little heroes are made of.  Gene Kelly
Disinformation is not as good as datinformation
Disinformation is not as good as datinformation.
Disjointed:  Hard to follow; just generally screwed.
Disk Crash... A typical computer response to any critical deadline.
Disk Crash:  (A)bort (R)etry (K)ill innocent bystandards
Disk Crash: Abort, Retry, Kill innocent bystanders?
Disk Crash:Abort,Retry,Kill innocent bystandards
Disk Doctor reports:  Chaotic Evil found in drive C:
Disk Drive - A motor for a frisbee.
Disk Error - Press ANY Boot To ReLace
Disk Error on C: - (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)estruct
Disk Failure: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ake like it's working
Disk Failure: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack the friggin thing!
Disk Failure: (C)old boot; (W)arm boot; (S)teel-toed boot
Disk Full - Press F1 to belch
Disk Full Error.  Enter 'DELETE *.*' to recover.
Disk Full Error. Enter 'DELETE *.*' to recover.
Disk Full!! (D)elete to make room, (C)ompress file, (A)bandon.
Disk Full: Delete Windows?  (Y)es  (H)ell yes
Disk Jockeys do it in record numbers,
Disk Jockies do it with frequency.
Disk Mangler strikes again!
Disk Space the final frontier..
Disk Space... the Final Frontier.
Disk crashes!  I hate when that happens...
Disk crisis, please clean up!
Disk error in THIER favor.  Pay $200.
Disk error: (A)bort (R)etry (N)egotiate release of disk?
Disk full!  Can't eat another byte!
Disk in Drive A: is Ritz. Delete kids? (Y/N)
Disk write error, please drop dead.
Disk write error, please drop dead...
Disk(ette) Error: (A)bort (R)etry (B)ash with hammer.
Diskette Organizer?... What's that?
Diskette:  Female companion for a disk.
Disks travel in packs.
Dislexia can de cureb.
Dislexic Christian sell soul to Santa - News at 11:00...
Dislexic hothead cut off his spite to face his nose!
Dislexic serial killers who wanna adopt: on the next Beavis.
Dislexics of the world, UNTIE!
Disliking the truth does not make it any less true. -- Jack Butler
Disliking the truth doesn't make it less true. -- Jack Butler
Dismembered (v):  see John Bobbitt.
Dismembered (v.) (1993): See "Bobbitt, John."
Dismissed!  That's a Starfleet expression for "Get Out"!
Dismissed.  I got no more use for you.
Dismissed... That's a Starfleet expression for GET OUT!  - Janeway
Dismount! - Crow after couple kiss passionately
Disney Land:  A people trap operated by a mouse.
Disney World - a people trap operated by a mouse.
Disney World:  A people trap operated by a mouse
Disney girls and fantasy world...
Disney has some good animation but I'd rather rub Minmei than Aladdin.
Disney has some good animation but I'd rather rub Minmei than Alladin.
Disney has some good animation, but I'd rather rub Kei than Aladdin.
Disney land:  A people trap operated by a mouse.
Disney pass holder Rule #1:  Rub everyone else's nose in it.--Daurbeck
Disney's Law:  Children under 12 must be accompanied by money.
Disney's Law: Kids over 4 must be accompanied by money.
DisneyLand:  People trap operated by a Mouse...
DisneyLand: a people trap operated by a mouse.
Disneyland -- A people trap operated by a mouse!
Disneyland: A people trap operated by a mouse!
Disneyworld:  A people trap operated by a mouse.
Dispatch a subspace message:  "We have engaged the Borg."
Dispatchers do it with frequency.
Dispatchers like to tell people where to go.
Dispensing useless advice on TV: today on Oprah.
Display YOUR Tagline collection, today!
Displomacy is the art of letting somebody have your way.
Disposables: Hitler called them Jews, Liberals call `em a fetus.
Disposition: Physical attitude opposed to dat position.
Disprove YOURSELF. I'll still BE here.
Disproving evolution does not prove creation.
Disraeli's Law #2: In politics, nothing is contemptible.
Disregard anything I said about last night.
Disregard this Tagline.
Disregard this recipe.
Dissss-Mount! - Tom on girl wrestlers
Distance is a long range filter- Rush
Distance is irrelevant : Pythagoras of Borg.
Distance lends enchantment to the view..T.Campbell
Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Yeah, right!
Distict sound of a AK47 home protection small firearm bolt sliding back
Distinctive, adj.: A different color or shape than our competitors.
Distress, n.: A disease incurred by exposure to the prosperity of a friend.
Distress: opposite of dat dress.
Distressed damsels don't dig dragons!
Distressed damsiles don't dig dragons!
Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.
Distrust your first impressions; they are invariably too favorable.
Ditat Deus. (God enriches.)
Ditch diggers DO IT in the dirt.
Ditch diggers do it in a damp hole.
Ditch the coffin.  We have what we need. -- Joel Robinson
Ditka vs. Beer: Ditka drinks the beer, they both score, tie game.
Ditto means never having to think for yourself
Ditto-heads do it conservatively.
Ditto: Official Flame strike target of the Tagline echo.
Ditto: Official Flame strike target of the recipe echo.
Dittohead on board.
Dittohead, n. ;  See :  Limbaugh, Rush
Dittohead:  "head"
Dittoheads are right!
Dittoheads drool!
Dittoheads for a Kinder, Gentler World!
Dittoheads rule!
Dittoheads: Please practice birth control.
Dittoheads?  Think for themselves?  Hah hah hah hah!
Ditzy Girl: I don't know* Tom: Anything
Dive safe tonight -- go down on a diver!
Divers DO IT better under pressure!
Divers DO IT deeper.
Divers DO IT in three positions.
Divers DO IT with a buddy.
Divers always do it with buddies. (buddy system)
Divers always use rubbers.
Divers bring flashlights to see better down there.
Divers can stay down there for a long time.
Divers do it deeper.
Divers do it deeply.
Divers do it for a score.
Divers do it in an hour.
Divers do it under pressure.
Divers do it underwater.
Divers do it with a twist
Divers do it with masks on.
Divers explore crevices.
Divers go deep.
Divers go down all the time.
Divers go down for hidden treasures.
Divers have a license to do it.
Divers like groping in the dark.
Divers like to take pictures down there.
Divers train to do it.
Diversity is God's way of amusing herself.
Diversity is God's way of amusing himself.
Diversity is a part of the natuaral order of things.
Diversity is the mother of continued employment.
Diversity of opinion is the essance of freedom. - Devlin
Diversity: Just another disguise for Discrimination.
Divert all power to the tagline...
Divide Overflow is the Black Hole of computing.
Divide Overflow, I failed grade 2 math!
Divide and Conquer, that's this one's motto.
Divide by zero error-radar service terminated.
Divine Right:  n  (see definition for "Moderator")
Divine resources are never exhausted.
Diving into the message, I heard Scot talk about Ace Ventura Tags?...
Diving through a big blue wave!
Division Considered Harmful
Division is like a box of chocolates - Pentium Gump.
Divorce (n) - The past tense of marriage.
Divorce - Transition from a duet to a duel.
Divorce Barbie: Comes with ALL of Ken's clothes.
Divorce Isn't the Answer. Shoot the Bitch.
Divorce is a game played by lawyers.
Divorce is not an effective deterrent to marriage.
Divorce is not the beginning of the end. Tis the end of the beginning.
Divorce isn't the answer. Shoot the b*tch.
Divorce isn't the answer. Shoot the bastard!
Divorce isn't the answer. Turn him into a Bobbitt!
Divorce, n. The past tense of marriage.
Divorce:  When compatibility turns into combatibility.
Divorce: System("deltree /y \wife");
Divorce: System("echo y | erase \wife\*.*" );
Divorce: The screwing you get for the screwing you got.
Divorce: When a lovers' spat becomes permanent.
Divorced Barbie doll -- she comes with all of Ken's accessories.
Divorced Barbie: Comes with ALL of Ken's clothes.
Divorcee:  a woman who gets richer by decrees.
Divorcee: a woman who gets richer by decrees.
Divorcees keep tabs on each other. Hatred is a very strong tie.
Divorces are made in heaven.
Dizzy Gillespy-esque - Tom on wind demon
Dizzy in the head, and I'm feeling bad. The things you say got me mad.
Dizzy squash little blue thing!  Dizzy do good!
Dj 42: Haven't I seen this tagline explanation before?
Dj Blue: the feeling we're going to see Blue Poupon tags.
Dj Boo! (Son of Casper?)
Dj Boo: Scared to death in a past life.
Dj Boo: The feeling that you're really sorry you're there.
Dj BooBoo: An odd feeling you've stolen "that picnic basket" before.
Dj BooBoo: The feeling you've stolen this picnic basket before.
Dj Booboo: The feeling you've screwed this up before.
Dj Borg: The feeling that you have read that Borg tagline before.
Dj Brew: An odd <burp!> feeling that you've had "that Lager" before.
Dj Brew: the feeling that you've had this beer before.
Dj Chew: I've tasted this before.
Dj Choo Choo: (LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD, vol. 2?)
Dj ChooChoo: An odd feeling you've read "that children's book" before.
Dj ChooChoo: An odd feeling you've read "that children's book" once.
Dj Clue: An odd feeling you've seen that Perry Mason Mystery before.
Dj Clue: the feeling you've solved this mystery before.
Dj Coo: happens only after washing your car
Dj Coo: the feeling that pigeon did you dirty before.
Dj Dude: That feeling you've served those "bodacious pizzas" before.
Dj Dude: That odd feeling you've surfed that particular wave before.
Dj Dude: The feeling that your parents shipped you "out west" again.
Dj Dude: The feeling you've been surfing before.
Dj Dude: The feeling you've been to California before.
Dj Due: The feeling you've paid that library fine before.
Dj Fem, the 50 feminist gag tags you get back if you insult one.
Dj Flu: A feeling you are sick and tired about being sick and tired.
Dj Flu: Being sick and tired of being sick and tired..
Dj Foo: The feeling that there's been a programmer there before.
Dj Foo: repeated netmail you get if you explain a tagline.
Dj Fu: The feeling that things have been this FU'ed before.
Dj GUI: Feeling you've been waiting for Windoze..and waiting...and
Dj Gnu: An odd feeling you've sung that Flanders & Swan song before.
Dj Gnu: The feeling you have been to this zoo before.
Dj Gnu: The feeling you've seen this wildebeest before.
Dj Grue: Lost the darn lantern again.
Dj Men: the need to act like a caveman, over and over.....
Dj Moo. What's your beef?  I've heard it before.
Dj Moo: An odd feeling of knowing you've heard "that bull.." before.
Dj Moo: I've heard this bull before.
Dj Moo: burping the baby
Dj Moo: the feeling that there's been a cow there before.
Dj New: a used clothing store
Dj Nientendu: the feeling that you've played this game before.
Dj Nue: The feeling that this is the first time you've been there.
Dj Ooooo- You know you stept into this before.
Dj Ooooooo: The odd feeling that you've crossed this pasture before.
Dj Phew! It still stinks the second time around!
Dj Phewww: The feeling you have smelled that skunk before.
Dj Poo: I've seen this sh!t before.
Dj Poo: Why new fathers know when to leave.
Dj Q: A very, very odd feeling that this ST/TNG episode is a re-run.
Dj Q: the feeling that this ST:TNG episode is a repeat.
Dj Rue: The feeling that you're sorry you're there.
Dj Screw: The feeling that you've hired an attorney.
Dj Screw: income tax audit
Dj Smoo: The feeling that L'il Abner will return to the comics.
Dj Stew: leftovers
Dj Suite -Feeling you've been sued for this before.
Dj Tue: The feeling that this is the second time you've been there.
Dj View: I've seen this before.
Dj Voodoo, One of these days I'll pin it down
Dj Vow: the feeling you've been married before
Dj Vu tagline, Dj vu tagline, Dj vu tagline
Dj Vu, all over again.
Dj Who, When you nearly remember your name.
Dj Who: The feeling that someone has been there before.
Dj Zoo: the feeling you've been on X(A/N)TH before
Dj Zoo: the feeling you've seen Furnet before
Dj moo: knowing you've heard that bull before.
Dj phew! -- ("Momma, that skunk's back again!"??)
Dj sue:  What I'll do if this doesn't stop!
DjFU: The feeling that things have been this FU'ed before.
Djavo je deka !
Djdieu: the feeling you've left before
Djes' to prit'sno?!?
Djole je moj drug , jel` tako Djole? ..Djole?
Dn wth vwls !
Dn' d i; Bd sW me;  c' v t; Th sh a lS!
Do "GAY 90's" have anything to do with Clinton's Army?
Do *NOT* look into laser with remaining eyeball.
Do *not* go into a new echo and ask "What do ya'll do here?"
Do *you* know what Otto Titzling invented?
Do *you* know what Otto Titzlinger invented?
Do 4X4's call themselves hams?
Do A Technicolor Yawn
Do Alabama babies have a southern drool?
Do Alpha Bits constitute Cereal communication?
Do Alpha Bits constitute Cereal communications?
Do Americans have orgazams?
Do Amoebas carry cellular phones?
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep --R.K.D.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep -R.K.D.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?  Ask Data.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Ask Data.
Do Androids Pet Electric Cats?
Do Be Wah.                              Peter Frampton
Do Borg Dream of Electric Sheep? ah, irrelevant.
Do Canadians have popsicles for dicks?
Do Chernobyl scientists have melt-the-core-gasms?
Do Cheshire cats drink evaporated milk?
Do Clinton's new sailors have a guy in every port?
Do Da, ARCidy Day . . .
Do Dire Wolves make good bed warmers?
Do Discordian clowns throw Chao-Pies?
Do Dyslexic Agnostics Ponder the Existence of Dog?
Do Files get embarassed when they are unzipped?
Do Garbage Bins Signify Beckett's End Game Or Sesame Street ?
Do Gay termites eat wood peckers?
Do Girl Scouts taste like cookies?
Do Good's deeds live on?  No, Evil's deeds do, O God!
Do Guinan's hat's have warp capability?
Do HD's sneeze when they catch a virus?
Do Hafnium plus Holmium make one point five?
Do Hindu dentists help you transcend dental medication?
Do I BELIEVE in the Bible?  Hell, man - I've SEEN one!
Do I BELIEVE in the Bible? Heck, I've actually SEEN one!
Do I BELIEVE in the Bible? Hell, I've actually SEEN one!
Do I BELIEVE in the Bible? Hey, man, I've SEEN one!!
Do I BELIEVE in the Bible?!  HELL man, I've SEEN one!!!
Do I BELIEVE in the Bible?!  HELL, man, I've SEEN one!!!
Do I LOOK like I know what I'am doing?
Do I REALLY have to explain this one?
Do I always shrug my shoulders? I have no idea.
Do I always shrug my shoulders? I have no idea...
Do I believe in the Bible?  Heck, I've actually SEEN one!
Do I believe in the Bible?  Hell yes!!!  I've SEEN one!
Do I believe in the Bible?  Hell, I've SEEN one!
Do I believe in the Bible?  I've SEEN one!!!
Do I believe in the Bible?  Well, I've seen one before.
Do I believe in the Bible? Hell man, I've SEEN one!
Do I believe in the Bible? Hell yes, I've SEEN one!
Do I believe in the Bible? It is my guide book.
Do I believe in the Bible? Shoot, man, I've SEEN one!
Do I believe in the Bible? Sure, I've even SEEN one!!!
Do I believe in the Bible? Yes I've seen one.
Do I consider this to be Official Flirting now, Orville?
Do I dare disturb the universe?
Do I detect a note of panic in your messages?
Do I detect a note of panic in your voice? - Quark
Do I detect a whole new interface metaphor?
Do I drink this or stick my fingers in it?
Do I even WANT ancestors?  Some I found I wish I could lose.
Do I even WANT ancestors? Some I found I wish I could lose.
Do I even WANT ancestors? Some I wish I could lose.
Do I even WANT ancestors? Some found I wish I could lose.
Do I even WANT ancestors? Some that I've found I wish I could lose!
Do I have a head shaped like an amusing ice cube? - Kryten
Do I have a lifestyle yet?
Do I have any gray poop on WHAT?
Do I have pets?  Do Playboy Bunnies count?
Do I have pets? Do Playboy Bunnies count?
Do I have potted plants? Not since I've been sober.
Do I have the basics down right?
Do I have this configured righ NO CARRIER
Do I have this thing configured righ==8=='O'+EeeEK
Do I have this thing configured righ÷÷é÷÷øêøÔäK
Do I have to do EVERYTHING in this echo?  Here's your weed names.
Do I have to eat a peach?
Do I have to pee whenever I see a sign:   WET FLOOR ?
Do I have to pee whenever I see the sign, "WET FLOOR?"
Do I have to raise me voice!
Do I have to read everything to him? Geesh.
Do I have to remind you that you have the right to remain silent?
Do I have to spell it out for you?! --Londo. Oh! --Sheridan and Ivanova.
Do I have to stop and pee every time I see the sign: " WET FLOOR " ?
Do I have to tell the story of a thousand rainy days?
Do I hear the rattle of chains?
Do I hit "F" and "8" at the same time?
Do I hit [Enter] now?
Do I know how to copy disks?  Where's the Xerox machine?
Do I know what I'm saying? Whatever it is I don't mean it.-Hawkeye
Do I know you?  Q  O'Brien, from the Enterprise.  O'Brien
Do I like my coffee black?  Are there other colours?
Do I look like I would use taglines?
Do I look like I'd use Taglines?
Do I look like I'd use recipes?
Do I look like I'm joking? -- The Joker
Do I look like someone who cares about what God thinks? - Pinhead
Do I make a fluffy light omelet or what? --Beakman.
Do I mind if you smoke?  No.  Do you mind if I FART?
Do I need a Genealogical Search Warrant to see records?
Do I need a Genealogical Search Warrant to see the records?
Do I need a Genealogy Search Warrant to see records?
Do I need a boat shuttle to weave my way through the Internet?
Do I need a color monitor for my three-button mouse?
Do I need an EPA permit for my solar BBQ?
Do I need to be awake for this one?
Do I pay for two lawyers?
Do I please you? Do you find me pleasing? - Crow
Do I ramble on I dont think I ramble on do I ramble on I dont think...
Do I really have to know what I'm talking about to post here?
Do I see a vacuum there or am I going blind  Hendrix
Do I seem sane from where I stand - Course of Empire
Do I smell barbeque? - Don Schanke
Do I smoke after sex?  Don't know, I never looked.
Do I smoke after sex?  Dunno, I never looked.
Do I smoke after sex?  I never looked.
Do I smoke after sex?  I've never looked.
Do I smoke after sex? Dunno, I never looked.
Do I smoke after sex? I never looked.
Do I smoke after sex? Sure...so do the neighbors!
Do I understand what I'm trying to say here?
Do I use XXXMODEM to download the real sexy stuff?
Do I wake up bitchy in the morning?  Naw, I just let her sleep...
Do Infants have as much fun in Infancy as Adults in Adultry?
Do It Yourself: Tyrone Shoelaces
Do It Yourself: Tyrone Shoelaces.
Do Jake's classmates call him The Sisko Kid?
Do Jewish dyslexics write from left to right?
Do Jews in Australia celebrate Passunder?
Do Junior Sample and Grandpa Jones have Hee-Hawgasms?
Do Klingons have Worfgasms?
Do Lumberjacks have sawgasms?
Do MILs drink goat milk?  They're always butting in.
Do McDonald's counter clerks have pimples?
Do Me Wrong or Do Me Right ... Just Do Me!
Do Moderators post Off Topic in other areas..?
Do Mon Calamari sleep with their eyes open?
Do NOT go in there.. Whooo! - Ace Ventura
Do NOT look into laser with remaining eye..
Do NOT look into laser with remaining eyeball
Do NOT look into laser with remaining eyeball!
Do NOT look into laser with remaining eyeball.
Do NOT quote Origin lines, please!
Do NOT trust ANY Government that insists on disarming its Citizens.
Do NOT try this stunt on your PC!
Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, read this tagline!
Do Norse gods have Thorgasms?
Do Not Adjust Your Mind - The fault is with reality.
Do Not Adjust Your Set - Normal service will be resumed shortly.
Do Not Attempt to Traverse a Chasm in Two Leaps
Do Not Attempt to Traverse a Chasm in Two Leaps.
Do Not Attempt to Traverse a Chasm in Two Leaps...
Do Not Calle Up What Thee Cannot Put Downe' - Don Rickles
Do Not Disturb -- Already Disturbed!
Do Not Disturb me!  I'm disturbed enough already.
Do Not Feed Dog Food To Your Sister
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect 200 Dollars
Do Not Remove This Tag (Under Penalty of Law)
Do Not Suffer Thy People to Tend Thy Sickness.
Do Not try this yourself - it could get ugly..
Do Not, I Repeat, Do _NOT_, Put A Fuse In Silly Putty.
Do Nudists magazines print annual swimsuit issues?
Do Only Cool Cats Sit In The Sun?
Do Pasta and Antipasto cancel each other out?
Do Programmers eat ASCII crackers?
Do Quarter Horses have only a single leg?
Do Quarter Horses have only one leg?
Do Quarter Horses have only one leg????
Do ROFLS have ridges?
Do ROFLs have ridges?
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do.                Musical scale
Do Rednecks have a rash?
Do Rock & Roll sheep listen to Ewe2?
Do Sexy Electrons have Current Affairs?
Do Swedish tennis players have bjornborgasms?
Do THESE explain anything? - Crow on Mamie's bust
Do TV Evangelists do more than Lay people?
Do TV Fundies do more than Lay people?
Do Televangelists do more than lay people?
Do That To Me One More Time!
Do Tipper and Al have time for Gore-gasms?
Do Tolkein's monsters have orcasms?
Do Type 15 shuttlepods always go off half-cochraned???
Do Unitarians commit drive-by philosophies?
Do What Thou Wilt shall be pretty much most of the Law.
Do Windows users get pestered by Double Glazing Salesman ?
Do YOU believe in magic?
Do YOU have redeeming social value?
Do YOU know what Otto Titzling invented?
Do YOU know what rhymes with "orange"?
Do YOU put beans in your nose? - Crow
Do YOU trust a government that won't obey it's OWN laws?
Do YOU wash in your spit?
Do You Have Anything To Say, Before I Kill You! - Big Butt.
Do You Know Where Your Grandmother Is?
Do You Want To Pick My Nose Now Poopie!, Ok Eplodie. - Poopie.
Do You Want To Pick My Nose Now Poopie!, Ok Explodie. - Poopie.
Do Zen congressmen pass transcendental legislation?
Do a Good Turn Daily - Scout Slogan
Do a friend a good turn...leave him alone.
Do a good deed  Flame a Moderator!!!
Do a good deed --- send a tagline to a friend.
Do a good deed ... Flame a Moderator!!!
Do a good deed Blow up a smurf!!!
Do a good deed Flame a Moderator!!!
Do a good deed. Blow up a smurf!!!
Do a good deed...flame a moderator!
Do a good job and all they want is MORE, MORE, MORE!
Do a little more than you think you can.
Do agnostics engage in idol speculation?
Do agnostics go to the Great Perhaps when they die
Do agnostics really say, 'Oh, bother' when their planes go down?
Do airplanes fly when nobody's around...just for the fun of it?
Do all things without murmurings and disputings: (Phi 2:14)
Do all to the glory of God.
Do androids dream of electric sheep?
Do angry lions have roargasms?
Do any of you notice a weird smell - Tom
Do anything rather than give yourself to reverie.
Do anything that is not listed above with the kids.
Do army generals have wargasms?
Do artificial plants need artificial water?
Do as you are ordered, and live. -- Drow Proverb
Do as you will yet harm none
Do asexual organisms have sporegasms?
Do assembly programmers ever have an ORG.ASM?
Do assimilated tribbles become the B*rg???
Do atheists get fewer holidays?
Do athiests get fewer holidays?
Do bards have troubadorgasms?
Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee.   Miss Frances from Romper Room
Do be do be do - Sinatra
Do be do be do da day                   Stevie Wonder
Do be do be do.                         Frank Sinatra
Do be do be do. -- F. Sinatra
Do beer lovers have Coorgasms?
Do beggars have poorgasms?
Do bikers really think all these roads would be here without cars?
Do bl Sp ce is a v ry saf  me hod of driv  compr s ion
Do bl Sp ce is a v ry saf  me hod of driv  compr s on !  !
Do blind nymphomaniacs wear braille shirts?
Do blind people feel better because they don't look so good?
Do blondes prefer gentlemen?
Do blondes realize their having more fun?
Do bright green jackets & purple socks suit your taste?
Do brown cows give chocolate milk?
Do bugs scream right before they hit the windshield?
Do bullfighters have matadorgasms?
Do camels make good pets?
Do candy bars have Skorgasms?
Do catfish eat micefish?
Do cats eyes really cross when you swing `im by the tail?
Do cats eyes really cross when you swing a cat by the tail?
Do cats have dimples?
Do cats use telescopes? - Mike as dumb girl
Do cellular phones cause reckless dialing?
Do chickens have lips?
Do children who curse in ASL get their hands washed out with soap?
Do commerical pilots need a chauffeur's license?
Do computer witches cast hexadecimals?
Do computer witches have hex appeal?
Do computer witches run spell checkers?
Do computers have keyboardgasms?
Do computers on cruise ships run Microsoft Portholes?
Do computers tell each other NAK NAK jokes?
Do cows yearn for udder delights?
Do crosseyed dyslexics read normally?
Do cyberpunks use recipes?
Do cyberpunks use taglines?
Do deaf children who curse get their hands washed out with soap?
Do decompression utilities get the bends?
Do device drivers need a chauffeur's license?
Do diamonds have flawgasms ?
Do directions to your house include, "Turn off the paved road?"
Do discordians have fnorgasms?  Can other people tell?
Do dogs have four elbows, or are their knees backwards?
Do dogs mistake you for a friend (or a fire hydrant)?
Do dragons have hoardgasms?
Do drinks have pouredgasms?
Do ducks really sit? If so, why? -RAH
Do ducks sit? If so, why?
Do dyslexic Christians believe in Dog ?
Do dyslexic geese fly North for the winter?
Do dyslexic geese fly north for the winter?
Do dyslexics have bad luck on Friday the 31st?
Do dyslexics sell their souls to Santa?
Do dyslexics wonder if there really is a doG?
Do environmentalists protect old-growth politicians?
Do erasers have boardgasms?
Do evangelists do more than lay people?
Do expect me to talk? No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die!
Do expect me to talk?No, Mr. Bond,I expect you to die!
Do fat dogs fart? Do chickens have lips?
Do female politicians put makeup on both faces?
Do female politicians put makeup on twice?
Do female reindeer blow a few bucks when they go shopping? 
Do feminist melt if you pour water on them?
Do feminzts melt if you pour water on them?  
Do files get embarassed being unZIPped ?
Do files get embarrased when they are unzipped?
Do files get embarrased when you unZIP them?
Do files get embarrassed being unZIPped?
Do files get embarrassed by being unZIPped?
Do files get embarrassed when they are unzipped?
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
Do files get embarrassed when you unZIP them?
Do files get embarresed being unZIPped?
Do fish fart ?
Do fish get thirsty?
Do fish have roegasms?
Do fish wonder where all the toes go after Labor Day?
Do fish wonder whereall the toes go after Labor Day?
Do fools, think foolish things.
Do friendly feminist female immortals have PMS?
Do fuzzy black holes have any hair? -- Larry Niven
Do galactic kittens play with cosmic strings?
Do gay bars REALLY need two bathrooms?
Do gay lumberjacks come out of the woods ?  :-)
Do golfers have foregasms?
Do good to them that hate you - Matthew 5:44
Do groceries have storegasms?
Do guillotine operators get severance pay? ... Did Lorena Bobbitt?
Do guitarists have chordgasms?
Do health nuts die of nothing?
Do hogs have boargasms?
Do hors d'ouevres have hors d'asms?
Do horses play peopleshoes?
Do human beings really act like this?
Do ice-blocks have refrigeratorgasms ?
Do immortals get sick? - Richie Ryan
Do impotents have boredgasms?
Do infants enjoy infancy like adults enjoy adultry?
Do infants have as much fun in infancy as adults do in adultery?
Do invisible cats drink evaporated milk?
Do invisible cats use the invisible litter box?
Do it for me, Ripley.
Do it in chain mail
Do it now - there might be a law against it tomorrow!
Do it now!  There might be a law against it tomorrow.
Do it now! There might be a law against it tomorrow.
Do it once, do it right, and m_a_y_b_e she'll let you do it again.
Do it only with the B.E.S.T.
Do it only with the best.
Do it three ways with OS/2!
Do it till your MEGAHERTZ!!!!!
Do it to make your mother happy.
Do it to me one more time
Do it today before the liberals tax it tomorrow!
Do it today, tomorrow it will be bad for your health or illegal.
Do it today.  It may be illegal tomorrow.
Do it today.....tomorrow it may be illegal.........
Do it today...tomorrow it will be illegal!
Do it tomorrow. You've made enough mistakes for today.
Do it well or not at all.
Do it whenever, regularity is for bowels
Do it with style
Do it yourself Tagline: _________________________________
Do it yourself Tagline: ______________________________________
Do it yourself evolutionist kit: fake fossil, 1 big bang, tons of hope
Do it yourself. We need it screwed up good.
Do it!  You might as well - I've stolen yours.
Do keyboard players have Korg-asms?
Do kojeg grada idem,kome saljem pisma,bez adrese,bez marke,bez rijeci
Do left handed Amazons have a right masectomy?
Do less and accomplish more.
Do livestock make better lovers? - Joel & Bots sing
Do lovely things, not dream them, all day long. - Kingsley
Do married people live longer, or does it just seem that way?
Do married women make the best wives..?
Do married women make the best wives?
Do messages from queers have faglines?
Do mimes listen to blank tapes?
Do miners have ore-gasms?
Do minister do more than lay people?
Do ministers do more than lay people?
Do misbehaving witches get sent to the broom closet?
Do misbehaving witches get sent to the broom closet?  ...
Do misbehaving witches get sent to their broom closet?
Do misogynists go to misoge parlors?
Do moderators ever post OFF-topic in MODERATOR?
Do molecular biologists wear designer genes?
Do molecular biologists wear designer genes?
Do monkeys know that they are monkeys? - Mrs. Jewls
Do more than is expected.
Do multiorgasmic women have plethoragasms?
Do musicians carry condoms so they can practice safe sax?
Do my bOObs show too much through this dress? Troi
Do my bidding or taste my loving wrath ...
Do my words reflect a heart filled with faith? - Spickelmier
Do net.personalities have kiborgasms?
Do nine men interpret? Nine men, I nod.
Do not Drink and drive!
Do not EVER attempt to leap a chasm in two jumps.
Do not adjust your mind -- the fault is with reality
Do not adjust your mind, the fault is with reality.
Do not adjust your mind, the trouble is with reality.
Do not adjust your mind, there is a fault in reality
Do not adjust your mind, there is a fault in reality.
Do not adjust your mind.  The fault is with reality.
Do not adjust your mind. The fault is in reality. - Bill Wright
Do not adjust your mind. The fault lies with reality.
Do not adjust your mind: the fault is with reality
Do not adjust your mind: the fault is with reality.
Do not adjust your set.  We are in control.
Do not allow recipe to go past this arrow ------------->
Do not allow tagline to go past this arrow ------------->
Do not allow tagline to go past this arrow -------------<
Do not anger a Bard, for you are silly and would make a funny song.
Do not anger a dragon; For you are crunchy and go well with Brie.
Do not anger cats, for they are subtle and will pee on your computer.
Do not anger cats, for they are subtle and will piss on your computer
Do not anger dragons, for they're subtle and will sh*t on your computer.
Do not answer fools according to their folly - Proverbs 26:4
Do not answer fools according to their folly-Pv.26:4
Do not answer fools according to their folly...-Pv.26:4
Do not applaud until you have heard the music.
Do not approach me unannounced! -- Worf
Do not argue with a woman's idea of logic.
Do not ask for what you will wish you had not got
Do not attempt to jump a chasm in two leaps.
Do not attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance.  --
Do not back up, severe hard drive damage.
Do not be concerned counselor, I believe your aim is improving   ~ Data
Do not be distracted by that which is within you. -- Gentle Mountain
Do not be fooled by her looks. - Worf
Do not be led astray onto the path of virtue.
Do not be over wicked...why die before your time? --Ecclesiastes 7:17.
Do not be simply good - be good for something!
Do not be too amusing, Orville.
Do not believe all that you see is as it appears.
Do not believe anything I haven't said
Do not believe anything I haven't said.
Do not believe everything you hear or anything you say.
Do not believe in miracles    rely on them.
Do not believe in miracles - rely on them.
Do not believe in miracles -- rely on them.
Do not believe in miracles.  Rely on them.
Do not believe that all that you see is as it appears.
Do not bend, fold, spindle, tear, or mutilate this tagline.
Do not bother to reply.  You have been twitted.
Do not bring your evil here! - Crow
Do not buy stuff you cannot afford unless you really want to.
Do not copy this tagline, it is alarmed.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. Aesop
Do not covet thy neighbor's man-servant-Mike as announcer.
Do not cry over skim milk.
Do not curse the darkness, check your warranty.
Do not cuss, holler, pee or throw up in public places.
Do not cut along this line ------------------------------
Do not disturb - already quite disturbed.
Do not disturb -- I'm disturbed enough already.
Do not disturb .Already disturbed!
Do not disturb feminists.  They are already disturbed.
Do not disturb feminizts.  They are already disturbed.
Do not disturb subject.  Subject in question is already disturbed...
Do not disturb!  Had enough trouble getting turbed in the first place.
Do not disturb, I'm already quite disturbed thanks.
Do not disturb--I'm disturbed enough already!!!!
Do not disturb.  Already disturbed enough.
Do not disturb.  Already disturbed.
Do not disturb.  I am already quite disturbed, thank you.
Do not disturb.  I'm already quite disturbed, thank you.
Do not disturb.  We're disturbed enough as it is.
Do not disturb.  alReaDy dIstURbEd. - Lore of Borg.
Do not disturb. (I am already quite disturbed, thank you.)
Do not disturb. Already disturbed!
Do not disturb. Already quite disturbed.
Do not disturb. I had a hard time getting turbed in the first place
Do not disturb. I'm already quite disturbed
Do not disturb. I'm disturbed enough already....
Do not disturb. alReaDy dIstURbEd. --Lore of Borg.
Do not disturb.. I'm disturbed enough already..
Do not drink coffee in early A.M.  It will keep you awake until noon.
Do not drink coffee in early a.m.  It will keep you awake until noon.
Do not drink coffee in the morning or it will keep you aw
Do not drink coffee in the morning or it will keep you awake until noon.
Do not drink soup; it puts a lake in your stomach.
Do not drop??? Ooopps!
Do not dryclean.....machine wash warm.....tumble dry
Do not eat anything you do not know what it is.
Do not eat.
Do not equate money with success...equate it with power.
Do not ever roll dice with a guy called "Bones".
Do not expose this tagline to direct sunlight
Do not expose this tagline to direct sunlight.
Do not fear death so much but rather the inadequate life.
Do not feed Silly Putty raw meat!
Do not fold, spindle or mutilate in any way.
Do not fold, spindle or mutilate this floppy.
Do not follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they sought.
Do not follow where the path may lead, instead leave your own trail.
Do not force us to walk where we do not choose to walk - Elric
Do not fumble with a woman's logic!
Do not fumble with a woman's logic.
Do not get drunk around strangers. - Forrest Gump
Do not get in a shoving match with fate - it will knee you in the groin
Do not get into the plane unless you are convinced it will fly.
Do not go gentle into that good night. -Dylan Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night...
Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy.  L. Long
Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy. - Lazarus Long
Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy. -- RAH
Do not hide in a foxhole with someone braver than you.
Do not hurt or kill any life unless absolutely necessary.
Do not induce vomiting!  This movie will do it for you!
Do not induce vomiting.
Do not install prior to installation.
Do not insult a Healer, for... *GASP* *CHOKE*!
Do not judge a book by its movie.
Do not just believe in miracles - rely on them!
Do not kiss an elephant on the lips today.
Do not learn the tricks of the trade--learn the trade.
Do not look at me in that tone of voice.
Do not look in laser with remaining eye.
Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Do not make any lines longer than this------------------------------->|
Do not make excuses unless you have to.  -- Forrest Gump
Do not make taglines longer than this: ----------------=============>|
Do not meddle in the affairs of Rancors, for thou art crunchy.
Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are quick to anger!
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy!
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy.
Do not meddle in the affairs of troff, for it is subtle and quick to anger.
Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for..*POOF!*  ribbet! ribbet!..
Do not merely believe in miracles, rely on them.
Do not merely believe in miracles, rely on them.
Do not microwave Silly Putty.
Do not mistake "composure" for "ease" -- Tuvok
Do not mistake "composure" with "ease"... Tuvok
Do not mistake composure for ease -- Tuvok
Do not mistake necessary evils for good
Do not mock Silly Putty.
Do not move the markers on the borders of the fields. * Amenemope
Do not panic!  It's only a Sonic Attack!
Do not park in a space that says "Reserved for Sheriff's Deputies".
Do not pass GOTO, do not collect 200 K.
Do not pay any attention to this.
Do not play games with the Hand; they do not play games.
Do not proceed to the next screen until told to do so.
Do not project your neuroses and hates upon God.
Do not provoke me.
Do not puncture or incinerate.
Do not put statements in the negative form.
Do not query me, and I shall not prevaricate.
Do not read backwards   / / / / / / / / /   Severe eye damage!
Do not read beyond this line.
Do not read this fortune under penalty of law.  Violators will be prosecuted.
Do not read this line under penalty of law. Violators will be punished
Do not read this tagline
Do not regret growing old; many are denied the privilege.
Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many. --Anon.
Do not remove a fly from a friend's forehead with a chopstick.
Do not remove this Tagline, under penalty of law.
Do not remove this recipe, under penalty of law.
Do not remove this tag under penalty of death.
Do not remove this tag under penalty of law.
Do not remove this tagline under pain of death 8-(
Do not remove this tagline under penalty of law!
Do not remove this tagline under penalty of the law
Do not remove this tagline under penalty of the law.
Do not remove under penalty of law.
Do not repeat yourself, and please do not be redundant..
Do not resist growing old....many are denied the privilege.
Do not respond to this tagline!
Do not say male... Say chromosomally-advantaged.
Do not sleep in a eucalyptus tree tonight.
Do not squander time, for that is what life is made of. --Franklin.
Do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of.
Do not stamp.
Do not steal this tagline, it is alarmed.
Do not steal this tagline. It is a test of the Intl. Tagline System.
Do not store at temperatures above 120 degrees.
Do not suck your thumb - or anybody else's for that matter.
Do not suffer a Wyrmling to live -- Wisetongue, Get of Fenris
Do not take life to seriously; you will never get out if it alive.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out if it alive.
Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out if it alive.
Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out of
Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Tagline.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Tagline. {G-r-r-r}
Do not taunt Laboosh Yuks.
Do not taunt Wacky-Fun-Ball.
Do not taunt the Happy Fun Ball.
Do not taunt this tagline...
Do not tease or feed the straight people!
Do not tell big lies.  Small ones can be just as effectiv
Do not tell proverbs in winter; if you do, the toads will visit you.
Do not the spirits who dwell in the ether envy man his pain?
Do not throw butts in the urinal: For they are subtle & swift to anger.
Do not thwart an enemy returning homewards.
Do not try to cut your own hair.
Do not underestimate the power of the Dark Side
Do not underestimate the power of the Force.
Do not understand. Just do. -- Raging Eagle
Do not urinate on the drumsticks of power.
Do not use if safety seal is broken.
Do not use near fire or flame
Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment.
Do not use while train is in state of Florida
Do not wait for an echo when you drop a rose petal
Do not wait for the translation!  Answer me now! -- Chang
Do not wear T-shirts which advertise somebody else's products.
Do not weep. War is kind.
Do not worry I am not going to kiss you.
Do not write in this space!  For office use only!
Do not.................hesitate.
Do novice witches use "Spelle" checkers?
Do novice witches use "spell" checkers?
Do nuns really have any bad habits?
Do ogres have ograsms?
Do or Do not. There is no try.-Yoda
Do or do not. At least that's what he always says. -- Kyp Durron
Do or do not...There is no try
Do our stars twinkle in angst?
Do overweight OS/2 users go to lose weight at a HPFS farm?
Do overweight OS/2 users shed excess pounds at an "HPFS farm"?
Do overweight Windoze users go to lose weight at a HPFS farm?
Do pagans engage in idol speculation?
Do penguins dream?
Do people in France use American ticklers?
Do people who believe in mental telepathy invest in AT&T?
Do people who snore get snorgasms?
Do physicists get hadrons?
Do pilots dream of flying sheep?
Do policemen have lawgasms ?
Do poofs use a twat filter?
Do prostitutes have whoregasms?
Do public speakers have oratorgasms ?
Do quantum kittens play with cosmic strings?
Do quarter horses only have one leg?
Do race car drivers have four-on-the-floorgasms?
Do radio atheists say "Send in your money & be saved?"
Do radioactive cats have 18 half lives?
Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.
Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
Do radioactive cats have eighteen half-lives?
Do radioactive cats have eighteen half-lives?
Do random acts of kindness and beauty.
Do right, fear no man. Do wrong, fear all women.
Do right, fear no man. Do wrong, fear no woman.
Do right, fear no woman. Do wrong, fear a woman.
Do right.  This will gratify some and astonish the rest.
Do rocks have inorgasms?
Do sailors have off-shoregasms?
Do sailors have portgasms?
Do schizophrenics have to think twice?
Do scullers have oargasms?
Do sheep on the Internet use ewe-ewe-cp?
Do shopping trolleys wheels wobble?
Do sixties rock fans have Doorgasms?
Do small blue hackers call CompuSmurf?
Do smoked Salmon have warnings from the Sturgeon General?
Do smoked Salmon have warnings from the Surgen General?
Do smoked salmon have warnings from the surgeon general?
Do something big today: lift a boulder.
Do something stupid again today.....
Do something unusual today, accomplish work on the computer.
Do something unusual today.  Accomplish work on the computer.
Do something unusual today.  Pay a bill.
Do something unusual today. Buy me some hockey tickets!
Do something unusual today. Pay a bill!
Do something unusual today. Pay my phone bill!
Do something unusual today. Pay my phone bill.
Do something. Either lead, follow, or get out of the way!
Do sorority girls need beta testers?  Leave E-Mail.
Do sound techs have eargasms?
Do special effects technicians have polymorphgasms?
Do steam rollers really roll steam?
Do still life on your computer -- run WinDOZE.
Do storytellers have loregasms?
Do students of Zen Buddhism do Om-work?
Do students of Zen Buddhism do Oooooooooooom-work?
Do surrealists hire non-sequituries to do their typing?
Do taglines have to be funny?
Do televangelists do more than lay people?
Do tell me more!- Te precor mihi plus enarrare!
Do test tube babies have navels...hmmmmmmmmm..???
Do that to me one more time!
Do that voodoo that you do - Mike sings
Do the Bartman!
Do the Borg have Borgasms?
Do the French post on Phideauxnet?
Do the French say something has a certain "I don't know what"?
Do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around.
Do the Japanese vote for politicians? Tom said erectly.
Do the Metriket Supplicants have giant moving Sllorgasms?
Do the Osmonds have teeth?
Do the Warp Factor Waltz.
Do the circulation; Starts w/ your heart, what a great sensation!"
Do the clowns always cry - Joel sings
Do the horizontal mambo
Do the joke. Get the laugh. Move on.
Do the lawyers ever do informal discovery?
Do the left click...do the right click..just click click click away!!!
Do the letters FO mean anything to you?
Do the police have lawgasms?
Do the right thing Mr. President, resign!
Do the right thing Mr. President...resign!
Do the right thing, regardless of what others think.
Do the undecided have gasms orgasms?
Do the voices in my head bother you too?
Do the voices in my head bother you?
Do the words "How are you feeling?" make you want to kill someone?
Do the words 'act of war' mean anything to you?
Do the words Oxygen Deprivation mean anything to ya -Dr.E
Do the world a favor, burn a feminizt at the stake today. 
Do the world a favor, pull your lips over your head and swallow!
Do the world a favour, pull your lips over your head and swallow!
Do these melons look ripe to you?
Do these white hairs mean I'm turning blonde?? {Not exact\SLMR\TAG
Do these white hairs mean I'm turning blonde?? {Not exactly!!} :-)
Do theseWhite hairs mean I'm turning blonde?
Do they Hokey Pokey and shake it all about?!
Do they call her Tipper because she overpays in the Ladies' Room?
Do they mean by religious right that we're religious and right?
Do they sell air bags for computer crashes?
Do they wanna be alone? - Crow as man touches other man
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the signs?
Do this, either saving to tag2.txt, or adding
Do those who watch over you know about this??
Do undertakers have morgueasms?
Do unions picket God for working a six day week?
Do unto moderators as they have done unto you!
Do unto others JUST BEFORE they do unto you!
Do unto others as they would do unto you ..... but do it first!
Do unto others as you truly feel like doing unto others. Saves time.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, New Testament
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Do unto others before they do it to you!
Do unto others before they do the opposite unto you.
Do unto others before they do unto you
Do unto others before they do unto you!
Do unto others before they do unto you.
Do unto others before they undo you.
Do unto others then fly away quickly.
Do unto others, then split!
Do unto others.  Then run!
Do unto them before they do it to you.
Do vampires fear death?
Do vampires get AIDS?
Do vegetarian flyers eat animal crackers?
Do vegetarians eat animal biscuits?
Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Do vegetarians eat animal crakers?
Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do
Do wah ditty ditty dum ditty do
Do we *have* a Plan B?
Do we ALL need our own campfires? - Mike
Do we _have_ a "Plan B?"
Do we charge him with assaulting a cellular phone?
Do we get frequent flier miles for watching this? - Mike
Do we have a conspiracy base?
Do we have any priors? - Mike
Do we have clearance, Clarence?
Do we have to save the universe AGAIN?!
Do we have to save the universe AGAIN?!?!
Do we have to see this? -- Joel Robinson
Do we know that life has a cause?
Do we need lawyers if we mediate?
Do we really care where Carmen SanDiego is?
Do we really want Sex and Gore in the White House?
Do we use contest rules, or send for the ambulance?
Do well and you will have no need for ancestors.
Do well, hear of it never. Do ill, hear of it forever.
Do well, you hear it never. Do ill, hear it forever.
Do what Mr. President?
Do what comes naturally now, @FN@.  Flame me.
Do what comes naturally now, @FN@.  Get some ice cream.
Do what comes naturally now, @FN@.  Tell me to shut up.
Do what comes naturally now, @FN@.  Throw a tantrum.
Do what comes naturally now, Nicole.  Go get the whipped cream!
Do what comes naturally now, Nicole. Throw a tantrum.
Do what comes naturally now, Orville. Flame me.
Do what comes naturally now, Orville. Get a bowl of ice cream.
Do what comes naturally now, Orville. Tell me to shut up.
Do what comes naturally now, Orville. Throw a tantrum.
Do what comes naturally now.  Seethe and fume and throw a tantrum.
Do what comes naturally now.  Throw a tantrum.
Do what comes naturally now. Seethe and fume and throw a tantrum.
Do what comes naturally now. Throw a tantrum.
Do what comes naturally.  Go get the whipped cream!
Do what i would like to do automatically.
Do what is right; the day-dawn is breaking. Hailing a future of freedom.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. (A.C.)
Do what thou wilt, blah, blah, blah
Do what thy wilt.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - T. Roosevelt
Do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do !!!
Do what you know is right.  But try not to get caught!
Do what you want to the girl, but leave me alone!
Do what you want with the girl, but let me go!
Do what you will with the $#@! TagLine, just don't bother me about it!
Do what you will with this , just don't bother me about it!
Do what you will with this Tagline, just don't bother me about it!
Do what you will with this recipe, just don't bother me about it!
Do what you will with this tagline, just don't bother me \SLMR\TAG
Do what you will with this tagline, just don't bother me about it!
Do what you will with this tagline, just don't bother me about it! ebius
Do what you will with this tagline, just don't bother me.
Do what you will, but don't hate me.
Do what's easy - with luck it may also be what's right.
Do witches run spell checkers?
Do witches use Spell-checkers?
Do witches use spell-checkers?
Do witches with computers use "spell" checkers?
Do women have 2 holes so close together in case you miss?
Do wrong & you get fired; do right & you get taxed!
Do ya really believe her when she says size don't matter?
Do ya really believe her when she says size don't matter?
Do ya really think I'm crazy enough?
Do ya think the horse is a good 2 miler ? Yeah, 2 mile of sausages.
Do ya think the horse is a good 2 miler? Yeah, 2 miles of sausage.
Do you (or anyone else) have any Bad Day: taglines?
Do you C my point?
Do you REALLY believe Clinton will reduce government spending?
Do you REALLY have the "love of the truth" (2 Thes. 2:10) as I do?
Do you REALLY think I'm a human?
Do you accept...THESE!?! - Tom as guy with gun
Do you always answer a question with a question? Why not?
Do you always begin conversations this way-The man in BLK
Do you always fly at women at warp speed, Mr. Armstrong?
Do you always fly at women at warp speed, Mr. Phillips?
Do you always fly at women at warp speed, Mr. Rumsey?
Do you always fly at women at warp speed, Mr. Swick?
Do you always fly at women at warp speed?
Do you always hit the nail right on the thumb?
Do you always hit the nail right on the thumb?
Do you always hit the nail right on the thumb?.
Do you answer your mail in taglines?
Do you argue with yourself, and LOSE?
Do you believe aliens will take you prisoner one day?
Do you believe half the crap Limbaugh spews?
Do you believe in telekinesis? Raise MY hand....
Do you believe in the hereafter?  Then you know what I'm here after.
Do you call your boss "Dude?"
Do you care enough to be apathetic?
Do you care to surrender now, Captain? - Riker
Do you come here often?
Do you come here often? And if so, why??
Do you connect battery hens with chickenwire?
Do you consider a six pack of beer and a bug zapper quality entertainmen
Do you consider your license plate personalized because your uncle made
Do you count the letters in all your sentences?
Do you daydream about your inability to fantasize?
Do you enjoy sex? That MY business! Oh,a professional,eh?
Do you even know WHAT your children are?
Do you ever feel like you're living in the Twilight Zone??
Do you ever find yourself using good Taglines in conversations?
Do you ever find yourself using good recipes in conversations?
Do you ever get leave? - Of my senses. - Hawkeye
Do you ever get the feeling that the computer is pushing YOUR button?
Do you ever get the feeling that the computer is pushing YOUR buttons?
Do you ever just stop and wonder?
Do you ever think about the end of the world as we know it ? - Calvin
Do you ever use lard in bed?
Do you ever wonder where felt come from? - Crow
Do you expect me to believe that Shanthas actually exist?
Do you expect me to talk? No, Mr. Bond. . . I expect you to die!
Do you expect me to talk? No, Mr. Jet Jaguar I expect you to die!
Do you expect mere proof to sway my opinion?
Do you feel Lucky, punk???
Do you feel pretty crappy? - Crow writes to Adam West
Do you feel your head is full of thunder... - TSoM
Do you feel your head is full of thunder?
Do you find it amusing that we'll be talking about testicles? huh huh
Do you find me pleasing? Do I please you? - Crow T. Robot
Do you find us beautiful, magical? - Louis
Do you find yourself quoting taglines in mixed company?
Do you get a complete family history when you enter Heaven?
Do you get hearing aids from phone sex?
Do you get repossessed if you don`t pay your exorcist?
Do you get tennis elbow from checkers? - Hawkeye
Do you guys know we just passed thru a BLACK HOLE in space?
Do you guys know, we just passed through a BLACK HOLE?!
Do you happen to consider "Outdoor Life" deep reading..?
Do you happen to dress the kids up to go to K-Mart..?
Do you happen to have 6 fingers on your left hand?
Do you happen to know offhand what their policy is on returns?
Do you hate Star Trek ?   Dail 1-800-IMA-LOSER
Do you hate multiple choice questions?  (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe (d) ...
Do you hate to be cut off in traffic?  John Bobbitt does.
Do you hate to be cut off in traffic? John Bobbitt does.
Do you have "Ethel the Aardvark Goes Quantity Surveying?"
Do you have ...  The item?
Do you have Bernoulli sauce in this restaurant?
Do you have a 'right' to 'shoot up drugs?'
Do you have a *problem* with me being paranoid?
Do you have a Circle of Protection: Comprehension?
Do you have a Hefty Bag as the passenger window of your car?
Do you have a cat? - Captain Hollister
Do you have a dirty mind? Well you need mental floss
Do you have a dumpster I could root through? -Calvin on bouquets
Do you have a dumpster out back I could root through ? - Calvin
Do you have a license for that face?
Do you have a license for that mouse driver?
Do you have a nipple..uh, CIGARETTE?! - Tom to busty girl
Do you have a pulse or are you a junkyard of meat and wire?
Do you have a rag for a gas cap?
Do you have a rat?... No, a Ferret....It's an awfully BIG rat!
Do you have a reference I don't know about?
Do you have another face you can wear? - Mike
Do you have any Grey Poupon? - Uh, grey poop on what?
Do you have any dinkleberry jam ?
Do you have any extra underpants? - Crow to trampy girl
Do you have any idea why we're here? - Sheridan
Do you have any maps that aren't arial views?
Do you have any more quotes of me?-J.B.Knowitall
Do you have anything for beginners? - Dot
Do you have anything similar there - I guess it varies by state?
Do you have anything to put underneath coasters?
Do you have cancer insurance to cover NON-MEDICAL costs?
Do you have it on Channel A? - Dr. Forrester
Do you have lysdexia?
Do you have nude pictures of your wife?   Want to buy some?
Do you have nude pictures of your wife?...Wanna buy some?
Do you have some goodies to add to this list?
Do you have such a thing?
Do you have to go to school to learn how to act this badly?
Do you have too much time on your hands....
Do you have too much time on your hands....buy a modem!
Do you have yourgasms?
Do you hear it, Kalas?  The fat lady is singing. - Duncan MacLeod
Do you hear that, Princess? Those are the screeching eels!
Do you keep *.BAT files in C:\BELFRY?
Do you keep your *.BAT files in C:\BELFRY?
Do you know JESUS!, If not, Try HIM now!
Do you know JESUS? If so, tell him he owes me $2
Do you know JESUS? If so, tell him he owes me A LOT of money!
Do you know Jennie Garth, @FIRST@
Do you know Jesus?  Ask him why he never returned my calls!
Do you know any Klingon opera? - Worf
Do you know anything about an immortal named @TO?
Do you know anything about an immortal named Orville Bullitt?
Do you know anything about an immortal named Quinten Barnes?
Do you know by heart the ASCII code for a musical note?
Do you know how Al Gorr spells potato??? T-A-T-E-R   -Rush Limbaugh
Do you know how close you came to losing your head? - Duncan MacLeod
Do you know how close you came to losing your head? -- MacLeod
Do you know how few vampires have the ability for immortality?-Armand
Do you know how hard it is to sleep in a rusty pail?--Odo
Do you know how many poor animals had to die to make that coat?
Do you know how many pressure doors they'll have to burn through?
Do you know how much you're missing?
Do you know how to keep a BBS user in suspense?
Do you know how to keep a BBSer in suspense?
Do you know how to keep a Modemer in suspense?
Do you know how to save a drowning lawyer?    No.    Good!!!
Do you know how to save a drowning lawyer? - No. - Great!
Do you know how to say 69 in Chinese? Toocanchew!
Do you know how to spell Enterprise?  E-N-T -- Classroom Computer
Do you know how to spell `Enterprise?' -- Enterprise Computer
Do you know that Blue Wave fever is contagious?
Do you know that God invented safe sex...... It's called Marriage
Do you know the WHOLE story??  Does not look like it.
Do you know the secret heterosexual handshake?
Do you know the way to San Jose?
Do you know there's 44 sounds in English, but only 26 letters?
Do you know there's only 44 sounds in English, but only 26 letters?
Do you know what Heavy Metal means? -Bink A large tuba section?
Do you know what I like about Tuesday? It's not Monday!  Garfield
Do you know what P.M.S. REALLY stands for?  Punish the Male Species!
Do you know what a virgin dreams of?   Didn't think so.
Do you know what a virgin dreams of?  I thought not!
Do you know what a virgin dreams of? Didn't think so.
Do you know what an Otto Logoff is?
Do you know what floccinaucinihilipilification means?
Do you know what hell is like, MacLeod? - Kinkaid
Do you know what it is like when telepaths make love? - Talia Winters
Do you know what it means to be loved by death? - Santiago
Do you know what it's like alone, really alone?
Do you know what my old maiden aunt who lived here used to tell me?
Do you know what the last Xon said just before he died? Ahhhh
Do you know what the last Zahn said just before he died? Aack! - Londo
Do you know what the last Zahn said just before he died? Ack!
Do you know what time it is?
Do you know what'd look good on you?  Me.
Do you know where YOUR great grandparents are?
Do you know where he is? - Picard
Do you know where your ancestors were and what they did?
Do you know where your back-up is?
Do you know where your computer is right now?
Do you know where your tag lines are tonight?
Do you know who I am? - Dream Ivanova
Do you know who Nicole Schwab is?
Do you know who Orville Bullitt is?
Do you know who Orville is?
Do you know who used your SSAN to check on you today?
Do you know who used your SSN to check on you today?
Do you know who you're talking to? - King Roderick the Fifth
Do you like casual sex or should I dress up?
Do you like me for may Brains or my Baud?
Do you like me for my Brains or my Baud?
Do you like me for my brain or my baud?
Do you like me for my brain, or my BAUD?
Do you like me for my brain, or my baud?
Do you like moody girls?                          Depends on the mood.
Do you like the music? Tom intoned.
Do you like worms?
Do you like your Chili with or without crushed Oreos? -- Riggs
Do you live here?-Kristen Nobody *lives* here...-Little Girl
Do you love me for my brain or my baud?
Do you love me for my money, or my long-term investments?
Do you mean OS/2 / 2 > WINDOWS?
Do you mean an African swallow or a European swallow?
Do you mean the African swallow or the North American swallow?
Do you mind if I hold the phaser? - Lt. Valeris
Do you mind if I invoke privacy?
Do you mind if we have it opened?
Do you mind if we join you? -- Troi     Yes. -- Ro
Do you mind?  I'm eating cereal!  - Picard
Do you mind? I'm eating my cereal! - Picard
Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?
Do you need a silencer if you shoot a mime?
Do you need me? Fine. Computer, end EMH program.-HoloDoc
Do you need to get an estimate from the barber or the dentist?
Do you now or did you ever know the way to San Jose?
Do you owe the taxidermist more than your annual income?
Do you own more than three shirts with cut off sleeves?
Do you own, an electric dog-polisher?
Do you plan to run?  "Like blazes, the first chance I get!"
Do you plan to run?Like blazes the first chance I get!
Do you play your organ at the pictures?
Do you prefer "doggie style" so you can both watch Hulk Hogan at the sam
Do you prefer Gin and Platonic or Scotch and Sofa?
Do you prominently display a gift you bought at Graceland?
Do you realize that I have never stolen a tagline from u?
Do you realize you were doing Warp 8 in a Warp 5 zone?
Do you really have to ask? :) <deep soul kiss...with tongue>
Do you really need another GIF?
Do you really need your home directory to do any work?
Do you really want the answer?  The ULTIMATE answer? - Deep Thought
Do you recall what Barnum said about suckers? - Dana Scully
Do you recall what P.T. Barnum said about suckers? --Scully.
Do you recognize this pan as the one your wife used?
Do you remember all the guys that gave us rock and roll?
Do you remember the first time we met? -- Guinan
Do you remember what happened to the big runestone?
Do you remember when Howdy Doodie wasn't a rerun?
Do you remember when Laugh-In wasn't a rerun?
Do you see anything good coming out of this war?-Me. Alive.-Hawk
Do you see the Pillsbury Dough Boy as a roll model??
Do you see the glass as half full or half empty?
Do you sell any dead animals? huh huh huh
Do you sleep on your stomach--or can I?
Do you sleep on your stomach?  If not, can I?
Do you smell gas? Nah, let's weld something!  - Crow
Do you smell pinacoladas? - Natalie Lambert
Do you smell something?! DUUUUCK!!! Low-flying dragons ahead!
Do you smoke after sex?  Gee, I never looked.
Do you smoke after sex? I don't know, never checked.
Do you smoke after sex? I dunno, I never looked.
Do you smoke after sex? I dunno, never checked...
Do you smoke after sex???  Try K-Y Jelly..
Do you snag recipes too?
Do you steal taglines too?
Do you still think I am trouble? -- Vash
Do you store your motorcycle in your living room?
Do you suffer from incontinence ?  Use Selleys No More Leaks
Do you suppose God believes in solipsism?
Do you suppose John Bobbit's evidence will stand up in court?
Do you suppose John Bobbitt's evidence stood up in court?
Do you suppose any of us will ever speak English again? - Hawkeye
Do you suppose cows say Hey, don't have a Joe!?
Do you suppose incest is the reason we have fundamentalists?
Do you suppose there really IS intelligent life in FL Singles?
Do you suppose we've died and gone to the Army? - Trapper
Do you swear to uphold (psst Mrs Clinton put your arm down).
Do you swear to uphold (psst, Hillary, put your arm down)
Do you swear to uphold (psst...Mrs, Clinton, put your arm down)....
Do you swear to uphold...<*psssst* Mrs. Clinton put your hand down.>..
Do you swear to uphold...<*psst* Mrs. Clinton put your arm down.>...
Do you take anything off for cash? - buyer.    All except my earrings.
Do you take anything off for cash? Everything except my earrings
Do you think @FN@ is a few fries short of a "Happy Meal"?
Do you think Archie Bunker is Rush Limbaugh's brother?
Do you think Beavis and Butt-head are funny?
Do you think God lets you plea bargain?        - Calvin
Do you think I would do such a thing - Londo / In a minute - Garibaldi
Do you think I would try and escape? - Riker
Do you think Lorena Bobbitt will spend time in a penile institution?
Do you think Powdered Toast man and Talkie Toaster get along?
Do you think Scottish food resembles Klingon food?
Do you think The Grinch is cool?
Do you think Volvo is part of a woman's anatomy?
Do you think a redhead will spontaneously combust for just  *ANYBODY*?
Do you think binary? 0 or 1?
Do you think binary? Yes or no?
Do you think he knows what he's talking about?
Do you think it's enough to get us there?
Do you think reverse phsychology works with the gods?
Do you think reverse psychology works with the gods?
Do you think sheep know when you're pulling the wool over their eyes?
Do you think someone was BORGED when they made these up?
Do you think that leading questions should be banned?
Do you think that revolutions are made with rose-water?
Do you think there's a heaven where some screams have gone?
Do you think there's such a thing as fate? - Tessa Noelle
Do you think they'll have that on the tour? -Ian Malcolm
Do you think this would be a good time to get religious?
Do you think turtles use people wax?
Do you think you can hold off a vampire with a sunlamp?
Do you trim those nosehairs yourself, or do you let 'm pluck 'm?
Do you trust a government that doesn't obey its own laws?
Do you trust your ROM to make decisions?
Do you turn 'on' the light, or do you turn 'off' the dark?
Do you turn colors?
Do you understand Newton's Laws of Gravity ? Yes or No.
Do you use Brainwashing Detergent?
Do you use MCI? So do I. List me as a friend...
Do you view your next family reunion as a chance to meet girls?
Do you wanna come back to my place?
Do you want a Yes/No prompt?  [Y/N]
Do you want a punch up your frogged tunic?
Do you want graphics? NO, and quit asking me!
Do you want it done right or by Friday?
Do you want me for my brain or my baud?!
Do you want me to beg, Delenn? - G'Kar
Do you want seats in the "snow ball" or "non snow ball" section?
Do you want this to become violent? -- Wesley
Do you want to be a power in this world; Then be yourself.
Do you want to come back to my place?
Do you want to fight, or do you want to surf?
Do you want to go back? -- Chekov   No! -- McCoy
Do you want to go back? -- Chekov Absolutely not! -- McCoy
Do you want to make people's heads explode?  Sure!  We all do!
Do you want to see something swell?
Do you want to speak to the man in charge or the woman who knows it all.
Do you want to talk about the dramatic unities again?
Do you want to visit hell? Dig a *very* deep hole.
Do you watch M*A*S*H?   Yeah! Alda time!
Do you wear a white coat with long sleeves and straps?
Do you wear suspenders in addition to a belt?
Do you what you know is right, but try not to get caught.
Do you wonder where your cat goes during the day? Investment seminars.
Do you work hard at being a dork or were you born one?
Do you write under your own name?
Do you, in fact, have any cheese at all in this establishment?
Do you, in fact, have any cheese at all?
Do you?! Better say yes, damnit!! - Mike
Do your civic duty and burn a UN flag.
Do your duty in all things.  You cannot do more.
Do your fingernails taste good?
Do your good deed for the day, Bribe a sysop. ;)
Do your knees buckle, but not your belt?.
Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?
Do your nipples get hard when I move my tongue like this?
Do your part to save the environment: Conserve .sig bandwidth.
Do your squirrels know where you are tonight?
Do your worst, you puss - Tom
Do yourself a favour. GeoWorks, Windoze doesn't!
Do zombies ever try to analyze their nightmares? - Tom
Do, or do not.  There is no `try'. YODA-Empire Strikes Back
Do-It-Yourself Borg kit. Some Assimilation required.
Do-It-Yourself Easter Kit:  2 Boards, 3 Nails, and a Martyr!
Do?  They are, they don't do.
DoE: Died of Exposure.
Doan need no spel chekker.  I'm a riter.
Doba proslo i buduce, prica ista, sve sto sija i ne mora da zablista
Dobar glas se nadaleko cuje, ali pendrek bolje odjekuje
Dobar i lud su braca
Dobar ovaj ARJ- bolje Zipuje
Dobio sam vodku u kolenu
Dobra vila mi je ispunila dve zelje.Treci put nisam mogao
Dobre devojke su dobre, al' nevaljale su jos bolje
Dobro jutro. Ovo iznad vas je bombarder.
Doc King. USN. Semper Fi!
Doc Zimmerman prescribes chicken soup.
Doc Zimmerman's favorite film: The Incredible Shrinking Man.
Doc files-We dont need no stinkin'.doc files
Doc says, Urine good condition.
Doc! Bashir! Savior of the Aliens! bumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbumbum
Doc! all I ever think of is sex. RX buy a computer
Doc! all I ever think of is sex. Watch Limbaugh for a while.
Doc's???  Oh, you mean the stuff we wipe up coffee with?
Doc, I KNOW it's bad for me. Can I wait until I just need glasses?
Doc, I dream about rich nimphos, don't you?
Doc, I think it's time for you to take advantage of my shop. - Garak.
Doc, I'm hearing music that isn't there.  -- Geordi La Forge
Doc, all I ever think of is sex. - Watch Limbaugh for awhile.
Doc, note I dissent.  A fast never prevents a fatness, I diet on cod.
Dock:  Harbor landing-place that goes "squeak" or "thud" when hit.
Dockers Names - The Cat - "Iz Meoww'll fella down der"
Docking Starships involves Berth control - M.Scott
Docking Starships involves berth control.
Docking here with us is fine.-JD  Long as you don't moan and whine!-MO
Docking starships involves berth control -- Scotty
Docs - that's what you wipe up the coffee spills with, right?
Docs!?  Actually, I prefer nurses.
Docs, oh yeah, that's what you use to wipe up coffee spills.
Docs....I don't need no stinkin' docs!
Docs?  DOCS??? Sure I got 'em ... there on my feet, silly!
Docs?  Docs!?  I don't need no stinking docs!
Docs?  Last time I went, I got nasty tasting medicine.
Docs?  Why would I want to look at the Docs. Nurses are better.
Docs? I don't need no stinkeeng Docs!
Docs? Last time I went, I got nasty medicine!
Docs? Last time I went, I got nasty tasting medicine.
Docs? What docs? I don't remember seeing any docs!
Docs? Why look at Docs? Nurses are better!
Docs? Why look at the Docs. Nurses are better :)
Docs? Why would I want to look at Docs. Nurses are better ;-)
Docs? Why would I want to look at the Docs. Nurses are Better :)
Docs? Why would I want to look at the Docs. Nurses are better :)
Doctor Bashir - The thin blue line of frontier medicine...
Doctor Bashir? He's MED, Jim!
Doctor Beverly, on the nude beach, at Tenagra!!
Doctor Crusher, please report to my quarters, clothing optional.
Doctor McCoy's Medical Handbook, Page 86: Always try a good left hook.
Doctor Radium says: "I must create a deadly virus!"
Doctor Who does it in time.
Doctor Who for president
Doctor Who went 26 years non-stop. Star Trek only lasted 10. Who wins!
Doctor gave me a pill, and I grew a new kidney!
Doctor referral service:  Doctors' $patient$ lottery.
Doctor who?  It's the Doctor!
Doctor! I said prick his boil! Picard
Doctor! You shall DIE for this!
Doctor's advice: No fats, no booze, no sex. NOT!
Doctor, Come quick!!!  The Sysop needs a Straitjacket!
Doctor, I think I've caught the TMG! Is it dangerous?
Doctor, I think it's time for you to take advantage of my shop. --Garak.
Doctor, are you sure this thing is working properly?
Doctor, do you _ever_ wash that outfit?
Doctor, my brain hurts!
Doctor, please... not in my own ready room. Picard
Doctor, what are you and the Captain doing? - Data
Doctor, why do you have to remove my womb? asked Mary hysterically.
Doctor, you are a sensualist. [*] You bet your pointy ears I am.
Doctor.com not found.  (A)bort (R)etry (D)ie in agony?
Doctor:  The only man who enjoys poor health.
Doctor: No, Barbara... Your hairdryer won't work in my TARDIS.
Doctor: No, Sara Jane.. You can't wear platform boots in 2742 A.D.
Doctor: The only man who enjoys poor health.
Doctor: These are tranquilizerstake two before reading my bill.
Doctor:Rabbits, mice, monkies * Mike: Humpy backed camels
Doctorate Program	- Main Frame Computer
Doctors DO IT in the O.R.
Doctors DO IT on call.
Doctors DO IT with patience.
Doctors DO IT with patients.
Doctors DO IT with pills.
Doctors do it in the OR.
Doctors do it patiently.
Doctors do it wearing rubber gloves.
Doctors do it with a stethoscope.
Doctors do it with cold instruments.
Doctors do it with patience.
Doctors do it with pills.
Doctors do it with stethoscopes.
Doctors do it with their patients.
Doctors practice medicine...that's why we're all sick
Doctors should stop coming out with new disorders.  We have enough now.
Doctors take two aspirin & do it in the morning.
Doctors take two aspirins and do it in the morning.
Doctors wear gloves so they don't leave fingerprints!
Doctrine is nothing but the skin of truth, set up and stuffed. Beecher
Doctrine is the skin of truth set up and stuffed.
Doctrine is the skin of truth set up and stuffed. -- Jack Butler
Document code?  Why do you think they call it "code?"
Documentation - The worst part of genealogy.
Documentation - The worst part of programming (and Genealogy).
Documentation - The worst part of programming.
Documentation - The worst part of shareware.
Documentation -- the worst part of programming!
Documentation = admission of Failure?
Documentation is for people who can't read.
Documentation is like sex:  When it's good, it's fantastic, when it's bad...
Documentation is like sex: When it's good, it's fantastic
Documentation is the castor oil of programming.
Documentation is the castor oil of programming...
Documentation the *best* part of prigramming.  It compiles.  :)
Documentation....The hardest part of genealogy.
Documentation...The stuff you wipe up coffee with.
Documentation..The WORST part of Geneology
Documentation.The hardest part of genealogy.
Documentation:  The last resort.
Documentation: Admission of failure?
Documentation: The worst part of programming.
Documentation: the worst part of programming.
Dodge           Dead On Donner Going East.
Dodge           Dead Or Dying Garbage Emitter
Dodge           Drips Oil, Drops Grease, Everywhere
Dodge RAM...Auto memory module.
Dodge Viper taste, old Yugo budget.
Dodge:  Dead On Delivery, Guarantee Expired.
Dodge:  Dead Or Dying Garbage Emitter.
Dodge: Dead Or Dying Garbage Emitter
Dodge: Dead Or Dying Gerbil Engine
Dodge: Dem Old Dudes Go Everywhere
Dodge: Drips Oil, Drops Grease, Everywhere
Dodger Good Buddy, Over and Out.
Dodjoh, videh, jebah, odoh.
Dodo birds are smarter than he is.
Doe Ray Me Far Sew La Tea Doe.          The Sound of Music
Does "'til death do us part" mean I can shoot him/her?
Does "AC/DC Unplugged" qualify as an oxymoron?
Does "Bad FAT" mean disk has a high cholesterol level?
Does "Bad FAT" mean disk has high cholesterol?
Does "Bad FAT" mean my disk has high cholesterol?
Does "Bad FAT" mean the disk has high cholesterol?
Does "Bad FAT" mean this disk has high cholesterol?
Does "Gay 90s" have anything to do with Clinton's Army?
Does "MicroSoft" mean "small and limp"?
Does "MicroSoft" translate to "small and squishy"?
Does "PIRATE" software come with a treasure map?
Does "PIRATE" software come with a treasure map?
Does "Thou Shalt Not Steal" apply to taglines?
Does "anal retentive" have a hyphen?
Does 'Bad FAT' mean disk has high cholesterol???
Does 'needle in a haystack' mean anything to you? <Murtagh>
Does 1701-D's computer have enough RAM to run Windows?
Does 48 equal two 24's?...
Does Al have Goregasms?
Does Anybody ElseFeel The Way I Do?   -Pink Floyd "VERA"
Does BC stand for bull crap, or bill clinton, or both?
Does Bad FAT mean this disk has high cholesterol?
Does Barney have dinosaur-gasms?
Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?
Does Batman know you're wearing his cape so badly? - Animaniacs
Does Batman know you're wearing his cape? So badly? - Yakko to Dracula
Does Bill Clinton really feel our pain or does he enjoy inflicting it?
Does Bill Clinton think Elvis is alive?
Does C++ have polymorphgasms?
Does Charles Yates wear a civil suit?
Does Chicken Kiev glow in the dark?
Does Clinton call Gore, "Number One"?
Does Commander Data have an over byte?
Does Cthulhu ever say excuse me?
Does Dances with Wolves sleep with beavers?
Does Darth Vader sleeps with a 'Teddywookie'?
Does Data have a Pentium Overdrive upgrade socket?
Does Data's evil twin have Loregasms?!
Does Data's software run Windows apps?
Does Dolly Parton have trouble seeing her navel?
Does Dolly Parton sleep on her back?
Does Donald Duck eat turkey for Thanksgiving?
Does E.T. mean anything to you?
Does FAKE fur come from stuffed animal toys?
Does Freddie Kruger have Goregasms?
Does GOD grade on the curve?
Does Geordi LaForge undress women with his visor?
Does Geordi hide his keys above his visor?
Does Geordie LaForge undress women with his visor?
Does God answer prayer? Yes  Look at the results of the election.
Does God have a navel. -Florida State University
Does God have reality backed up on tape?
Does Guinan serve non-Enterprise personnel?
Does Hawaii have Interstate highways?
Does Janet Reno care if children smoke?
Does Jim Morrison have Doorgasms?
Does Jimmy Swaggart read Repenthouse?
Does John DeLancie get his lines from Q-Cards?
Does Jurassic Park have an ADULT area for you!
Does Kathryn Walker own dogs?
Does LIFO-suction work on a FAT table?
Does Locutus subscribe to the PlayBorg Channel?
Does Locutus watch the PlayBorg Channel?
Does Locutus watch the the PlayBorg Channel?
Does Lorena Bobbit have a license for every KNIFE she owns?!
Does Macy's write up Gimbel's low prices?
Does Maggie Simpson play with PlayDoh!?
Does Merv Hughes have a tongue?
Does Michael Jackson have a blow up child?
Does Michael Jackson have blue eyes yet?
Does MicroSoft describe their brains; or another anatomical feature?
Does MicroSoft translate to small and squishy?
Does Microsoft mean "small and limp"?
Does Mommy know what you do with that modem she got you?
Does Moses have a snake up his sleeve?
Does Mrs. Bobbitt make house calls?
Does NCC-1701's computer have enough RAM to run Windows?
Does NCC-1701-D's computer have enough RAM to run Windows?
Does O.J. get his gloves and socks back now?
Does OS/2 mean "Half on Operating System"?
Does Oprah have oprasms?
Does Pavlov ring a bell?
Does Pi make sense to you?
Does Quasimoto ring a bell?
Does RAID come in House Guest strength?
Does Raggedy-Ann have cloth tits?
Does Raid kill my computer bugs dead?
Does Ralph Cramden use Norton's Utilities?
Does Ralph Kramden use Norton's Utilities?
Does Ranma have Serena's locket? Uh oh...
Does Rome still rule the world? - Nefertiri
Does Santa Celery fill Christmas stalkings?
Does Schroedinger's Cat drink Half-and-Half?
Does Spock use pointed Q-Tips?
Does Spot have a positronic litter box?
Does Stephen King qualify as a terrorist?
Does Steven Spielberg have dinosaurgasms?
Does Stevie Wonder what Brooke Shields? <G>
Does Superman check the coin return slot in phone booths?
Does Superman use X-Ray vision to undress women?
Does Tasha have a Data entry problem?
Does Tech support mean ANYTHING?
Does The Little Mermaid wear an algebra?
Does Thou Shalt Not Steal apply to Taglines?
Does Thou Shalt Not snag apply to recipes?
Does Time pass? Yes, it does. How else can you explain Visa bills?
Does UU and or U/2 =Unitarian?
Does Unitarian/Universalist= Unitarian?
Does Vanna come with the Home Game?
Does Venus have an Earth probe?
Does Windows '95 come with it's own HDD?
Does Windows 3 ever need to be cleaned ?
Does Windows 3.1 come with a Hard Drive?
Does Windows 95 ever need to be cleaned?
Does Windows NT come with a hard drive?
Does Windows NT stand for Not Today.
Does Windows NT stand for Windows NinTendo? or Not Today? or Nice Try?
Does _anyone_ ever read the manuals?
Does a 3 save?
Does a Buddist nudist practice yoga bare?
Does a Cheshire cat drink evaporated milk?
Does a Kzin dare to follow where a Puppeteer leads?
Does a Kzin fear to follow where a Puppeteer leads?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
Does a chocolate fireman use a carbohydrant?
Does a computer Witch cast hexidecimals?
Does a gay termite eat woodpeckers?
Does a genealogist regard a step backwards as progress?
Does a kaleidoscope look normal on acid?
Does a kitchen witch use a Ginsu athame?
Does a lager brewed for Easter need a lot of hops?
Does a lurker peep in Microsoft Windows?
Does a man in love have a heart-on?
Does a man who marries girl with no bust has right to feel low down?
Does a medical book have an appendix?
Does a nuclear family glow in the dark?
Does a one-legged duck swim in circles?
Does a patriot order American in a Chinese restaurant?
Does a prostitute have whoregasms?
Does a psychic really need a telephone?
Does a radioactive cat have 18 half-lives?
Does a sysop have to call himself to read his mail?
Does a witch prefer a broom because Nature abhors a vacuum?
Does a witch use a hex dump for used curses?
Does aerobics...  in his head.
Does airport luggage take forever to arrive?
Does an invisible person cast a shadow?
Does an orange have appeal?
Does any lizard ever remember being Shirley Maclaine?
Does any of this make any sense?
Does anybody ELSE have an opinion? - Mrs. Gorf
Does anybody actually read Taglines
Does anybody actually read recipes
Does anybody have a ";" Reminder key?
Does anybody here remember Vera Linn?
Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
Does anybody know if there's a summer camp for PARENTS?
Does anybody know what's going on?
Does anybody still remember Venture Capital?
Does anyone REALLY read these stupid recipes?
Does anyone REALLY read these stupid taglines?
Does anyone carry the cow-tipping conference?
Does anyone have MORE Animaniacs taglines? Here are mine:
Does anyone have a Lord of the Pit I could have for recreational use?
Does anyone have a phone directory for this area?
Does anyone have any Taglines regarding cats?
Does anyone have any anti-Republican Taglines?
Does anyone have any others that would be interesting?
Does anyone have any pro-Gay Taglines?
Does anyone have any questions? Any answers? Anyone care for a mint?
Does anyone have any recipes regarding cats?
Does anyone have any spare cache?
Does anyone know the multiplication tables?! - Panicky Teacher
Does anyone know the plot yet? -Joel, 15 mins. into movie
Does anyone know the recipe for Barney Roadkill?
Does anyone know the speed of dark?
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Does anyone know what's going on?
Does anyone know when Windows 286 is available?
Does anyone know where I can get a '487?
Does anyone know where I can get a '587?
Does anyone know who put the Tribbles in the quadrotriticale?
Does anyone out there have a match?
Does anyone out there need an out of work supernova? - DarkWing Duck
Does anyone really NEED to drink 32 ounces of ANY fluid?
Does anyone recognize this line?
Does anyone remember Homestead, FL??
Does anyone remember where I parked my hard disk?
Does anyone remember where we anchored the Arkham?
Does anyoneanyone have any raisins? -- Michael Dorn
Does banging on a cast iron pan make Heavy Metal music?
Does being "Hungarian" make one hungry?
Does beta testing require masochistic tendencies?
Does bouncing count?
Does drool bother you? - Mike as geeky guy
Does electrons flow? or walk?
Does every little gherkin dream of a house with a white pickle fence.
Does everyone in a comic store have to be a comedian?
Does everything the hard way, like making love standing up
Does expedition start with an 'X'? - Crow on R'ship X/M
Does fishing result in net profits?
Does fuzzy logic tickle?
Does having sex with priests make you closer to God?
Does he always brag this much? He's just getting started.
Does history record any case in which the majority is right?
Does history record any case in which the majority was right? -L. Long
Does history record any case where a majority was right?
Does homo milk come from gay cows?
Does homogenized milk come from gay cows?
Does ice fishing have any redeeming social value
Does immortality come with a life time guarantee?
Does instant milk come from powdered cows?
Does it Fly?
Does it REALLY matter either way?
Does it come with wafers?
Does it cost a lot more to call from Canada to the U.S. than from within
Does it involve me? Rom  Not really. Quark  I like it. Rom
Does it matter what we name the dog? It only comes if you yell FOOD!
Does it necessitate an earthquake in the 'frig to make a milk shake?
Does it really matter if he said he is Batman
Does it really matter which cola I drink?
Does it really matter?
Does it take an entomologist to recognize a computer bug?
Does killing time damage eternity?
Does killing time harm eternity?
Does killing time leave bad sectors in eternity?
Does life bother you? Never mind, just ignore it.
Does life seem worthwhile to you? HERE'S HOW TO ORDER! Send $20 to...
Does life suck or is it just me?
Does lipo-suction work on a FAT table?
Does lumber have boardgasms?
Does music make you think?  It makes Stevie Wonder.
Does my family suffer from Insanity.?  - No, we enjoy it..!!
Does my lawyer handle the appeal if I want one?
Does my professor have Boregasms?
Does no one here understand your incredible good fortune? - Q.
Does nose-mucus have an odour to it?
Does not send you flowers, he practice botanical bribery
Does not take long,
Does not your scrotum need kicking? - Beavis
Does obesity mean horizontally challenged?
Does okra have okrasms?
Does our economy move like a cancer now?
Does paranoia annoy ya?  It gotta me a lobotomy!
Does paranoia annoy you? I'm gonna get me a lobotomy!
Does pirate software come with a treasure map?
Does she ALWAYS make that noise when she walks? - Crow
Does she live?  Or does she die? -Picard to Q
Does she, or doesn't she?:  O-+?
Does steel wool come from metal sheep?
Does talking to your computer mean you're crazy ?
Does that guy in K2 die or what? How did that other dude die?
Does that hammer the plot home for you? -- Slappy
Does that help at all?
Does that make you a Pervert? No, that makes me a PervECT!
Does that mean Rush Limbaugh is the Head Dittohead?
Does that mean you won't be turning the water into wine?
Does the Cheshire Cat drink evaporated milk?
Does the E's Computer have enough RAM to run Windows?
Does the Enterprise Computer run Windows?
Does the Enterprise computer run 4DOS?
Does the Enterprise have Fahrvergnugen?
Does the Enterprise printer use a Queue Continuum?
Does the Enterprise use DOS v 2356.0?
Does the Enterprise use MS-DOS v2356.1?
Does the Enterprise's computer have enough RAM to run Windows?
Does the Kingdom of Heaven extradite?
Does the Little Mermaid wear an "algebra" ?
Does the NVRAM have a finite writeability?
Does the Pope shit in the woods?  Is a bear catholic?
Does the Postmaster General need a stamp of approval?
Does the RU-486 come with a hard drive and SVGA?
Does the Red Cross pay for the Blue Cross?
Does the Redman Chewing Tobacco company send you a Christmas Card?
Does the Slug toss and turn too when the host sleeps?
Does the Swedish Chef have bork-bork-borkasms?
Does the Windows Control Panel hold the tummy in?
Does the day bring the sun, or the sun bring the day?
Does the early worm deserve the bird?
Does the green Bajoran Orb contain Kryptonite?
Does the hunchback of Notre Dame use a wok for an ironing board?
Does the lady of your life swallow... the fibs you tell her?
Does the lawyer ever sell out his client for a bigger fee?
Does the mothership send you messages through your fillings?
Does the name "Alexander Graham" ring a bell?
Does the name "Pavlov" ring a bell with you?
Does the name "Pavlov" ring a bell?
Does the name "Quasimoto" ring a bell?
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell? No, but it makes me spit...
Does the noise in my head bother you?
Does the phrase "Snowball's chance in Hell" ring a bell?
Does the phrase `No way in hell' ring a bell? - Ivanova
Does the race of assimilating aliens have Borgasms?
Does the sound of the keyboard give you a headache too? <G>
Does the term 'Rational Anarchist' ring a bell?
Does the term `obsessive-compulsive' ring a bell? - Garibaldi
Does the water ripple when a duck farts?
Does the wind bend the mountain, or the mountain the wind?
Does the word "DUH!" mean anything to you?
Does the word incomprehensible mean anything to you?
Does this answer your question? -- Joel Robinson
Does this bird belong to you?
Does this bug you?  Does this bug you?  Does this bug you?
Does this bug you? Does this bug you?! - Tom as wrestler
Does this clip need any setup? - Crow
Does this get UHF? No I don't believe in flying saucers.
Does this guy have a job -Crow on chess playing space guy
Does this have something to do with an X-File? - Dana Scully
Does this have something to do with an X-File? --Scully.
Does this kid have a job interview?! - Crow
Does this make any sense? - Garibaldi
Does this make me an organ recipient? (Lorena)
Does this mean I'm getting a big raise? - Garibaldi
Does this mean Radar has to take a bath? - Hawkeye
Does this mean that Beavis'll hafta shave his butt? --Butt-Head.
Does this mean that I'm not on the CIA payroll anymore?
Does this mean that men often dream about me?
Does this mean we can kill stuff? - Tom
Does this mean you want to get to the bottom of things?
Does this ring a bell? I will send more information, if it does.
Does this seem weird to anybody else?
Does this signature remind you of Agatha Christie?
Does this tagline look familiar to you?
Does this tagline look familiar?
Does this tie clash with my bandolier?
Does war decide who is right? No, only who will be left.
Does war decide who's right?  Only who's left.
Does water sink or float?
Does whisky count as beer? --Homer Simpson.
Does whisky count as beer? --Homer.
Does wrestling a Klingon targ ring any bells? - Riker
Does wrestling with a Klingon targ ring a bell? -Riker
Does you face hurt?  Well, it's killing me!
Does your 'unit' ever get windburned? Chapped? - Tom
Does your BBS Software give all it should? Nexus - Coming in 1995!
Does your BBS take collect calls?
Does your MOM know you're reading this filth?
Does your Mom know you're playing on her computer?
Does your OS still have a 640k limit? OS/2 Warp doesnt!
Does your back go out more than you do?.
Does your cat come when called...or is it a real cat?
Does your cat fly by herself?        No, I fling her.
Does your cat fly by herself?  No, I fling her.
Does your cat like to play "hide-and-go-puke"?  Of course!
Does your cat like to play Hide-and-Go-Puke?...
Does your chewing gum lose it's flavor on the bed post over night?
Does your dad walk you to school because you are both in the same grade?
Does your dog bite? GRRRRRRRR!
Does your dog gag when he watches you eat?
Does your family drop from heat exaustion when you talk?
Does your family turn on air conditioners when you talk..
Does your hand smoke a cigarette afterwards too?
Does your immense vocabulary include 'thank you'? - BJ to Winchester
Does your list of most admired people include Jack Daniels?
Does your mom know you're reading this filth?
Does your mother know you use Taglines.
Does your mother know you're reading this?
Does your rebuilt modem speak in tongues
Does your religion have the approval of the BATF?
Does your tagline loose it's flavour on the bedpost overnight?
Does your trash can fill up when you're on vacation?
Does your truck have curtains and your house doesn't?
Does your wife have a bigger beer belly than you and you find it attract
Does yours have one of these?
Doesn't "Microsoft" mean "small and limp?"
Doesn't ANYONE play for the LOVE of the GAME anymore???
Doesn't TAKE all kinds. . .there just ARE all kinds
Doesn't anybody do anything for plain old revenge anymore? - Badaxe
Doesn't anyone here ever terminate a program?  -Doc Zimmerman
Doesn't anyone know how to turn off the program when they leave?
Doesn't araid X dry, sound like a bug spray?....
Doesn't everyone have to get the cat's permission to use the computer?
Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected become the
Doesn't have all his cornflakes in one box.
Doesn't have all his dogs on one leash / cups in the cupboard /
Doesn't have all the dots on his dice / pens in her plotter.
Doesn't have all the pens in her plotter.
Doesn't have both oars in the water.
Doesn't have the sense God gave an animal cracker.
Doesn't have two neurons to rub together.
Doesn't just know nothing; doesn't even suspect much.
Doesn't know much, but leads the league in nostril hair.  -- Billing
Doesn't know whether his earholes are punched or bored.
Doesn't know which side the toast is buttered on.
Doesn't look like his mother....could be his sister....
Doesn't look, feel, or smell like an egg. Damn bird.
Doesn't matter if it's gold--long as it's silver.
Doesn't matter to me, but my point was that unless you are the moderator
Doesn't medicine come in any other flavors than "Yuck?"
Doesn't need Q to tell her when a gas cloud is a lifeform.
Doesn't need an android to provide estimates.
Doesn't quite sample at the Nyquist rate.
Doesn't she have ANYTHING better to do?
Doesn't snatch some lot t' amuse some suckas.
Doesn't take a lot to amuse some people.
Doesn't that girl ever shut up? Homer, on Maggie
Doesn't turn me on, Keepers. :) Any better ideas? - Gryphon
Dog - 6, Trespassers - 0.
Dog ... What's a dog?  [The Cat]
Dog Catcher: Wealthy drunk at a singles bar.
Dog Gaskets: Black stuff that collects around an elderly dog's mouth.
Dog Gaskets: The black stuff that collects around an elderly dog's butt.
Dog Gaskets: The black stuff that collects around an elderly dog's mouth
Dog Kennel:  Barking Lot.
Dog Sees God         Damn, it's backwards
Dog Training  by Willie Bite
Dog Water!, Bottled In The Swiss Alps - Dog Water.
Dog What's a dog?  [The Cat]
Dog chasing its tail: trying to make both ends meet.
Dog eared books are better than never read books. 
Dog eat Dog! Ain't it the truth!
Dog fasted 3 days last time he brought home pork chops.
Dog for Sale:  Eats anything and is especially fond of children.
Dog for Sale:  Eats anything.  Especially fond of children.
Dog for Sale: Eats anything and is especially fond of children.
Dog for sale - eats anything - loves children.
Dog for sale:  eats anything and is fond of children.
Dog for sale: Eats anything - Is fond of children!
Dog for sale: Eats anything, fond of children.
Dog for sale: eats anything and is fond of children
Dog for sale: eats anything and is fond of children.
Dog gone it Jim, I'm a Doctor, Not a Magician!
Dog have fur coats because they look silly in raincoats.
Dog is man's best friend. And you are your best friend.
Dog looses teeth after attacking new statue of Postmaster General.
Dog lovers have a new leash on life!
Dog sled: Polar coaster.
Dog sleds are slower but you can't eat a bike in an emergency!
Dog suspended from obedience school:  His kid ate his homework!
Dog suspended from obedience school:  kid ate his homework!
Dog suspended from obedience school: kid ate his homework!
Dog! Don't bite that! ZZZZZT! No Terrier.
Dog's favorite game - "*NOW* guess where I did it!"
Dog's favourite game - "Now guess where I did it.
Dog's philosophy of life: If you can't eat it or screw it, piss on it.
Dog, Cat, and Man. Kill them all. Dead, Dead, and Dead.
Dog, What's a dog?
Dog-gone-it Jim, I'm a Doctor, Not a Magician!
Dog. Dog with its head split in half. --Rorschach.
Dog:  one of the few creatures which will lick the hand that beats it.
Dog: The only popular tail-bearer.
Dog? What's a dog? - The Cat
Doggone it, I'm cute! <SMASH> Cute but DANGEROUS - Dot
Doggone know-it-all Companions!
Doghouse:  A mutt hut.
Dogma is man's best friend.
Dogma vs Dogma
Dogma will always drive magic away. --The Conch Shell.
Dogma: a bitch!
Dogma? I prefer Catma, they cost less to feed.
Dogmas breed litters of stigmas.
Dogmas: a religious holiday for canines.
Dogmatic: A kind of revolver carried by police dogs.
Dogmatism is puppyism come to full growth.
Dogmatism:  Puppyism come to full growth.
Dogmatism:  Puppyism come to its full growth.
Dogmatism: Dog stuck to a fire hydrant.
Dogmatism: Full grown puppyism..
Dogmatism: Puppyism come into its full growth.
Dogmatism: Puppyism come to full growth.
Dogmatism: Puppyism come to its full growth.
Dogmatism: puppyism come to its full growth.
Dognut - The giant nut on the side of a fire hydrant.
Dogpile on the wabbit!
Dogs 6 Trespassers 0
Dogs DO talk to each other...just not when we're around.
Dogs and cats would live together in harmony
Dogs and mothers will love you no matter what.
Dogs are always loyal. They don't know any better.
Dogs are always loyal. They've never learned better.
Dogs are cat exercise machines.
Dogs are friends who like you right back.
Dogs are kids. Cats are roommates.
Dogs are more loyal than men. Then again, my cats are more loyal.
Dogs are not just roommates, they are family.
Dogs are the only things that love you more than they love themselves.
Dogs barking - Can't fly without umbrella.
Dogs can't sense fear, but they can smell wet pants.
Dogs come when called --- Cats take a message and get back to you!
Dogs come when called, cats have answering machines.
Dogs come when called, cats take a message.
Dogs come when called.  Cats have answering machines.
Dogs come when called.  Cats take a message and get back to you.
Dogs come when called.  I need more DIRECT stimulation.
Dogs come when called. Cats have answering machines.
Dogs come when called. Cats let their secretaries answer.
Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you.
Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back with you.
Dogs come when called. I need more DIRECT stimulation.
Dogs come when called....Cats have answering machine
Dogs come when called; Cats have answering machines.
Dogs come when called; cats have an answering machine.
Dogs come when called; cats have voice mail.
Dogs come when called; cats leave you on hold
Dogs come when called; cats take a message and get back with you.
Dogs come when they're called. Cats have answering machines.
Dogs come when you call them.....cats have answering machines.
Dogs come when you call, Cats use answering machines!
Dogs come when you call, cats have answeering machines.
Dogs come when you call, cats have answering machines
Dogs come when you call, cats take a message and get back to you.
Dogs come when you call.  Cats have answering machines !
Dogs come when you call.  Cats invented answering machines.
Dogs come when you call. Cats have answering machines.
Dogs come when you call. Cats suck
Dogs come when you call;  cats have answering machines
Dogs come when you come them.....cats have answering machines.
Dogs crawl under Gates, software crawls under Windoze.
Dogs crawl under Gates, software under Windows.
Dogs crawl under fences, Software crawls under Windows 95.
Dogs crawl under fences, Software crawls under Windows.
Dogs crawl under fences, software under Windows.
Dogs crawl under fences. Programs crawl under Windows 3.1.
Dogs crawl under fences. Software crawls under Windows.
Dogs crawl under gates, software crawls under Gates, too.
Dogs crawl under gates, software crawls under Gates...
Dogs crawl under gates, software crawls under Windows!
Dogs crawl under gates, software under Windows.
Dogs crawl under gates.  Software crawls under Windows.
Dogs crawl under gates. Software crawls under Windows.
Dogs crawl under gates; software crawls under Gates, too.
Dogs crawl under gates; software under Windows.
Dogs give us friendship, Cats bring us joy,
Dogs go fig. - Rita
Dogs have fur coats because they look silly in raincoats.
Dogs howling at each other around 4 AM...The K9 version of FIDOnet!
Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.
Dogs look up to us, Cats look down on us, and Pigs treat us as equals.
Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Dogs look up to us; cats look down; pigs treat us as equals.
Dogs look up, Cats look down on us, Pigs call us equal.
Dogs make GREAT scratching posts.  Get one for your cat today!
Dogs make great welcome home committees.
Dogs may be more loyal than men, but then again, my cat is more legal.
Dogs smarter than cats? Ever see eight cats pulling a sled?
Dogs thing they're human, but cats think they're gods.
Dogs think they're human, but cats remember Bast.
Dogs think they're human, but cats think they're gods.
Dogs think they're human, cats know they are deities...
Dogs think they're human.  Cats know they are.
Dogs think they're human.  Cats wouldn't stoop that low.
Dogs think they're human. Cats know they are.
Dogs think they're human: Cats know they're Gods.
Dogs told me to do it - Tom
Dogs wag their tail with their whole heart.
Dogs water dish = Drool Fuel
Dogs who eat cats agree: It's Tabbies two to one!
Dogs will come when called, cats have answering machines.
Dogs will morn your death : Cats will eat your corpse!
Dogs,  Cats,  Criminals... Oh heck,  Criminals too!
Dogs... go fig. - Rita
Dogs: The only animal capable of unconditional love.
Dogs:mourn your death! Cats: will eat you...pragmatists.
Dogsgo fig. - Rita
Doh, BART! Get that cat out of my beer!
Doilywhiff - The smell in your grandmother's home.
Doin' it the hard way: Like making love while standing up in a hammock?
Doin' the Butt! - Mike sings as Anka
Doin' the recipe STRIP !
Doin' time in San Clinton!
Doing Hard Time on the Third Stone From the Sun
Doing Windows in C is a pane in the glass.
Doing a thing well is often a waste of time.
Doing away with God (is) to cease to be a man
Doing away with God (is) to cease to be a man; and become superman.
Doing gardening in the Family tree.
Doing it makes you chubby & stupid, like Tom! - Crow
Doing it the hard way is always easier.
Doing my bit for the environment...I'm even recycling old messages!
Doing my part to annoy the religious right.
Doing my part to annoy the socialist liberals....
Doing my part to encourage chaos in the universe
Doing my part to pi$$ off the Religious Reich!
Doing my part to piss off the Religious Reich!
Doing my part to piss off the religious right!
Doing my part to preserve order in the universe
Doing my part to screw up order in the universe.
Doing nothing is the hardest work of all. No breaks, no days off.
Doing nothing is tiresome because you can't stop to rest!
Doing nothing is tiring because you can't take a break.
Doing nothing is tiring because you can't take a rest..
Doing nothing makes me tired 'cause I can't take a break!
Doing nothing makes you tired 'cause you can't take a bre
Doing strange things in the name of art
Doing things the hard way ... making love while standing in a hammock.
Doing time in San Clinton - up for parole in 1996
Doing time in San Clinton - up for parole in 1996.
Doing what we can opens the door for God to do much more.
Doing what you like is freedom; liking what you do is happiness.
Doing! Doing! Doing! - Crow as guy shakes his head
Doityourself tagline: if happy,hit":-)";if sad,hit ":-("
Dok se saberem ja se oduzmem
Dok stojim za sankom delimicno pijan, mrzeci pomalo i sebe i druge,
Dok-tor - oowoo oowoo
Dolazi zima, kupujte vatreno oruzje
Dolazim za pet minuta, nemoj da bezis, ne budi dete
Dolby of Borg:  They blinded me with irrevelance.
Dolby of Borg: They blinded me with irrelevance.
Dolby of Borg: They blinded me with irrevelance.
Dolby stereo?  In your dreams, pal!
Dolby stereo? In your dreams, pally! - Tom Servo
Dole makes statement, says more lies ahead.
Dollar sign: An S that's been double crossed.
Dollar: the jack of all trades.
Dollars cannot buy yesterday.
Dollidiapers - Blankets in a U-Haul.
Dolly Parton bra:  ---(     )--(     )---
Dolly Parton started in a jug band, that's why she's got great jugs.
Dolly Parton to Mrs. Folger: "Yes, they are mountain grown."
Dolly Parton's Biggest Hits
Dolly Parton's mail must be parcel.  It sure aint `flat'!
Dolores capitis non fero. Eos do.
Dolphin-free tuna small print:contains baby seals instead
Dolphins are smart, because Flipper uses PCBoard!
Dolphins do it on porpoise.
Dolphins, hell!  Who put the Little Mermaid in my tuna?
Dom-Dick-Van-Vito-Patton-Corleone? - Crow on Van Patten
Domestic violence:  good old Traditional Family Values
Dominance is superiority and superiority is mine.
Dominate the perverted subadigm!
Domination is an inescapable tendency. - Machiavelli
Dominion Tank Police, they put the word "terror" in interogation...
Domino's delivers pizza by fax - with no change in taste
Domino's driver nightmare - "Hey can we come ! " - Kes _AND_  Neelix.
Domo Arigato-Mister Caplan
Domo Arigato-Mister Roboto Himetsu Wu Suri Ti-Kilroy
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto. -Styx
Don Adams, Evesdropper - Tom
Don Alt is the Chairman of the Blue Wave Suggestion Committee of one.
Don Alt only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Don Alt: A charter member of the Blue Wave Support Echo Impunity Club.
Don Have a Happy and Safe Holiday
Don I heard chickened out. - Shane Amendolea..
Don Pardo, tell @FN@ what he's won.
Don Pardo, tell Courtney what she's won.
Don Pardo, tell Hans what he's won.
Don Pardo, tell Nicole what the prizes are.
Don Pardo, tell Orville Bullitt what he's won.
Don Pardo, tell Orville Bullitt what she's won.
Don Pardo, tell Orville what he's won.
Don Pardo, tell Orville what she's won.
Don Parker is not a Borg identification, you are now 1 of 1.
Don READ the documents...He just didn't UNDERSTAND them!!! |-)
Don Says: I thought Pentiums were fast 'til I tried raytracing..
Don Servo - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Don rally two muck awn yore spelt chequer.
Don wanna work, wanna bang keyboard all day!
Don wanna work, wanna bang keyboard!
Don we now, our lesbian apparel, fa-la-la . . . 
Don'cha just LOVE it when they give ya a straight-line?
Don'cha just hate younger sibs sometimes?! - Yakko
Don's Axiom: When all else fails, read the instructions.
Don's an odd name.  Mind if we call you Bruce?
Don't  adjust Your Mind, the Fault is in the Reality!
Don't "Dad" me, boy, I'm your father. - Ted Bullpit, Kingswood Country
Don't "push."  "Re-engineer" it instead. :-)
Don't "yield" to temptation.  Go and hunt it down...
Don't 'but Aahz' me! - Aahz
Don't *EVER* annoy a dragon
Don't *ever* tease a dragon about its mother.
Don't . . . touch . . . anything. . . . Ever! -- Quark (to Rom)
Don't .GIF a Dang about my bad .REP-utation!
Don't .gif a Damn about my bad .rep-utation!
Don't Ask Me. I'm Making This Up As I go!
Don't Ask, Just do it!
Don't Believe The Hype...It's A Sequel
Don't Believe The HypeIt's A Sequel
Don't Blame Me!  I voted for George Bush !
Don't Blame Me! I Voted With The Majority!
Don't Blame Rush Limbaugh - he never got around to voting!
Don't Californicate the Net !
Don't Call 911, Call .357-.357 MAGNUM!
Don't Choke 'em;  Smoke 'em!
Don't Confuse Stupidity with Ignorance.
Don't Cut Me Short - Bobbitt boxer shorts inscription.
Don't DO IT with a banker.  Most of them are tellers.
Don't Dally with my Llama!
Don't Do Anything Rash: Jacques Itch
Don't Do Anything Rash: Jacques Itch*
Don't Drink and Type!
Don't EVER tease a dragon about its mother.
Don't Eggo my Lego!
Don't Email this man back...      arrange to have him killed
Don't Erase it!  I MIGHT need it ---- someday!
Don't Honk, I can only do Warp 2!
Don't I know you from somewhere? - Mirror child
Don't I know you?
Don't I know you? I have a pornographic memory.
Don't Laugh, It's Stolen.
Don't Let Deanna Drive.
Don't Let it Wilt Shall be the Rule of the Slaw  Boojum
Don't Let's Start, I've got a weak heart -- TMBG
Don't Look Back.  Something might be gaining on you.
Don't Mess With Me!!! It's Monday And I Am On A Diet !!!!
Don't Mess With Me!!! It's Monday And I'm out of smokes!!
Don't Mind Me, I'm Just Trying To Piss-Off The SysOp.
Don't Panic -- I'll do it for you.
Don't Panic.
Don't Panic.  Just push the Reset button.
Don't Panic. Just push the Reset button.
Don't Read Book...How I Made $100 In Real Estate"
Don't Rush me to the Newt Society.
Don't Shoot! I'm only the piano player!
Don't Smoke in bed, Don't Sleep in an Ashtray!
Don't Steal This Tag It's Allready Stolen.
Don't Steal. The government hates competition
Don't Steal; The government hates competition
Don't Support Shareware, just their Authors!
Don't Sweat The Petty Things, Pet The Sweaty Things...
Don't Take Life Seriously, It Is Not Permanent.
Don't Take Life So Serious!! It's Temporary!
Don't Think!!!!! SCHEME !!!!!
Don't Touch That Phone...I'm On The Mode^%$#(*@(* NO CARRIER
Don't Touch The Phone. I'm On The Mod^%$#(@( NO CARRIER.
Don't Touch The Phone. I'm On The Mode^%$#(@( NO CARRIER.
Don't Tread On Me:  by  Amanda B. Reckonwith
Don't Tread On Me: Amanda B. Reckonwith
Don't Trip Over That Dropped Carrier.
Don't Trust Anybody Over 30
Don't Underestimate The Power of MA BELL!
Don't Vote. It only encourages them!
Don't Wake The Baby - by Elsie Cries.
Don't Wimp Out!
Don't Wiz On An Electric Fence!.
Don't Worry Cindy, Gravity'll Catch You"
Don't Worry Son, You Still Have Your Wits - Doctor.
Don't abandon hope: your Tom Mix decoder ring arrives tomorrow.
Don't abbrev.
Don't abort me! Press <Alt-A> to adopt me instead!
Don't abuse marijuana... smoke it gently and carefully.
Don't accept jokes from Canadians. -David Letterman
Don't accept that what's happening is just a case of other's suffering
Don't add the nutmeg.-Brain  Don't?? -Pinky  **BOOM**
Don't allow reflection and anxiety to kill a good impulse
Don't anger a guy with 2 hooks for hands.
Don't answer the phone, even if it's me calling!
Don't anthropomorphize computers.  They don't like it...
Don't anthropomorphize computers.  They hate that.
Don't anthropomorphize things -- they don't like it...
Don't anybody move I just lost my mind!
Don't anybody move.... I just lost my mind!
Don't anybody move..I've just lost my mind!
Don't apologize for winning. - Potter to Radar
Don't apologize, if you're female - you're automatically wrong.
Don't apologize, if you're male; that automatically makes you right.
Don't apologize, you're female; that automatically makes you right.
Don't apologize, you're male...that automatically makes you wrong.
Don't apologize, you're male; that automatically makes you right.
Don't apologize. It's been the high point of my day. Don't do it again
Don't applaud just send money.
Don't applaud just send taglines.
Don't applaud until you have heard the music.
Don't argue w/fools, people may not know the difference
Don't argue with Dragons, for you are crunchy and go well with brie.
Don't argue with a Moderator, Man, SysOp, Cat or Mule.  You'll lose.
Don't argue with a Moderator, Woman, SysOp, or Cat.  You'll lose.
Don't argue with a moderator, woman or cat. You'll lose.
Don't argue with he who buys ink by the gallon.
Don't argue with he who uploades REPs by the megabyte.
Don't argue with people stupider than you.  You can never win that way.
Don't argue with your wife - dicker.
Don't ask *me* -- you're the brains! <Jamie to the Doctor>
Don't ask ME what it is - just eat it!
Don't ask a fool directions!
Don't ask for reasons whyJust DO it!!!
Don't ask how I know, but play dough tastes really gross.
Don't ask me - I just work here.
Don't ask me - I'm just improvising
Don't ask me - I'm making this up as I go along!
Don't ask me - I'm making this up as I go along.
Don't ask me - I'm making this up as I go!
Don't ask me -- I was hired for my looks.
Don't ask me I'm just visiting this planet
Don't ask me any questions. I just might tell you the truth.
Don't ask me to suck out the venom - Crow on shrew bite
Don't ask me what the score is.  I'm not even sure what t
Don't ask me what the score is.  I'm not even sure what the game is.
Don't ask me where the keys are. You had them last.
Don't ask me who made the world - it was here when I got came.
Don't ask me why, baby I work so hard just to hide my emotions...
Don't ask me!  I'm just an anthropomorphic personification.
Don't ask me! I was hired for my good looks!
Don't ask me! I'm watching the hockey game!
Don't ask me! I've got 2 balls but neither of them are crystal!
Don't ask me, I have intermittent memory loss
Don't ask me, I just work here.
Don't ask me, I only work here.
Don't ask me, I was hired for my looks.
Don't ask me, I'm just a Poltergeist with bad INT rolls...
Don't ask me, I'm just a neophyte.
Don't ask me, I'm just an Anthropomorphic Personification!
Don't ask me, I'm just improvising
Don't ask me, I'm making this up as I go!
Don't ask me, I'm making this up as I go.
Don't ask me, I'm only visiting this planet. - L. Norman.
Don't ask me--I was hired for my looks.
Don't ask me--I'm making this up as I go along.
Don't ask me--I'm making this up as I go!
Don't ask me-my memory is draining vegetables in the kitchen
Don't ask me.  I only work here.
Don't ask me.  It's not MY tagline.
Don't ask me.  The cat is in charge around here.
Don't ask me.  The cats are in charge around here.
Don't ask me.  The cats' in charge around here.
Don't ask me. I've only got 2 balls and neither of them are crystal.
Don't ask me. It's not MY tagline.
Don't ask me. The cat is in charge around here.
Don't ask me... my brains echoing voicemail.
Don't ask me: I was hired for my looks.
Don't ask me; I was hired for my looks.
Don't ask why, ask why not?
Don't ask why, just do it.
Don't ask. - The Cat
Don't assume I cook.
Don't assume I'm straight.
Don't assume it was malice when stupidity will explain it just as well.
Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain
Don't assume malice for what stupidity can explain.
Don't assume malice when confusion will explain it.
Don't attempt to adjust the dials, we are in control of your monitor.
Don't attempt to eat with an ulcer... I never eat ulcers anyhow.
Don't ban guns. Ban postal workers.
Don't bash the Clintons - they do a good job of it themselves.
Don't bauder my modem right now. It's BUSY!
Don't be OS/SCREWED, Use Windows...
Don't be STINGY with your love! - George Liquor
Don't be a Richard Cranium...also known as Dickhead.
Don't be a baby.  I know what I'm doing.  Wednesday
Don't be a baby. I know what I'm doing. --Wednesday.
Don't be a fool - padlock your tool. - John Bobbitt
Don't be a fool, vulcanise your tool.
Don't be a fool, vulcanize your tool
Don't be a fool; Vulcanize your tool.
Don't be a loner, cover your boner
Don't be a loner, cover your boner.
Don't be a pain in the neck.  Someone may get a lower opinion of you.
Don't be a schmuck BE A SCHMUCK!
Don't be a schmuck... BE A SCHMUCK!
Don't be a sexist -- chicks just hate that.
Don't be a sexist pig.  Broads hate that.
Don't be a sexist, broads hate that.
Don't be a sexist. There are broads around here  8-)
Don't be a sexist. There are broads around here ...
Don't be a snob. Never lie when truth is more profitable.
Don't be a sucka, no one lives in the ghetto by choice - ICE-T
Don't be a wimp...FIGHT for peace...better yet, KILL for peace.
Don't be a wimp...Fight .bak.
Don't be afraid of dying; be afraid of never living.
Don't be afraid of flying.  Be afraid of crashing.
Don't be afraid to give up the ship:  it's fully insured.
Don't be afraid to go out on a limb.  That's where the fruit is.
Don't be afraid to say "I made a mistake!"
Don't be afraid to say "I need help!"
Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know."
Don't be afraid to say, "I made a mistake."
Don't be afraid to say, "I need help." -LLIB
Don't be afraid to say, "I'm sorry".
Don't be afreud of the dark.
Don't be alarmed BULLITT ... Be very, very frightened.
Don't be alarmed, @FN@. Be VERY, very frightened.
Don't be alarmed, Arthur Dent ... Be very, very frightened.
Don't be alarmed, Willow, be very very frightened.
Don't be alarmed.  There's a bustle in your hedgerow
Don't be alarmed....It's only a clock.
Don't be an Atheist... there aren't enough holidays.
Don't be arrogant, ask me. I know everything!
Don't be ashamed of poverty unless you got it dishonestly
Don't be beguiled from the simplicity in Christ --1 Cor 1
Don't be callous.
Don't be caught DEAD without Jesus.
Don't be caught dead sitting on your seat belt.
Don't be cheeky, I'll bind him to me with promises.
Don't be conspicuous, it draws fire.
Don't be corrupt & steal. The gov'mnt hates competition
Don't be corrupt & steal. The government hates competition.
Don't be depressed -- even maggots serve a purpose
Don't be discouraged...nobody's perfikt.
Don't be fazed by new fashions in anything.
Don't be fooled -- computers are magic, not science!
Don't be fooled by imitation taglines: Buy American!
Don't be fooled by the signs and don't read between the lines.
Don't be held back by yesterday's DOS!  Try today's OS/2!
Don't be hesitant.  Digital electronics can smell fear.
Don't be homophobic.  Fags hate it.
Don't be humble ... you're not that great. -- Golda Meir
Don't be humble.  You 're not that great.
Don't be humble.  You're not that great.
Don't be mad about growing old, some aren't that lucky.
Don't be no Ant-Man.  An Ant-Man has very low horizons.
Don't be off Topic EVER!  Put the Moderator in your twit list.  :)
Don't be overly suspicious where it's not warranted.
Don't be perfect, I was once, it's BORING!
Don't be pessimistic.  It wouldn't work anyway.
Don't be proud, be grateful.
Don't be ridiculous, I'm the same old Dax More or less...
Don't be sexist - broads hate it!
Don't be sexist - chicks hate that.
Don't be sexist ... the sheilas really hate it!
Don't be sexist.  Broads hate that.
Don't be sexist.  Broads hate that.
Don't be sexist.  Chicks hate it.
Don't be sexist.  Chicks hate that.
Don't be sexist.  Chicks really hate that!
Don't be sexist. Broads don't like that.
Don't be sexist. Broads hate that
Don't be sexist. Chicks hate it.
Don't be sexist. Chicks hate that.
Don't be sexist. Pigs hate that.
Don't be sexist... Chicks hate it.
Don't be sexist...Broads hate it!
Don't be silly, cover your willy.
Don't be silly, it's all "make believe" anyway...
Don't be silly, protect your willy.
Don't be so happy to see me. -- Quark
Don't be so horny, honey!  I have Blue Wave offline mail to read!
Don't be so open minded that your brain falls out.
Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out.
Don't be so open minded that your brains leak out.
Don't be so open minded your brains fall out
Don't be so open-minded.  Your brains will fall out!
Don't be so oppressive!  - Fitzcairn
Don't be so petty about petty little things.
Don't be so serious, life's not permanent.
Don't be stingy with the hootch, old man - Crow
Don't be stupid. Stay in school.
Don't be such an anal retentive literalist. -K. Stuckas
Don't be suckered-in by the comments, debug only the code!
Don't be suckered-in by the instructions!
Don't be superstitious, it's bad luck  :-)
Don't be superstitious. It's bad luck.
Don't be talkin' 'bout love, don't you know that superstition's dead.
Don't be talkin' 'bout love, don't you know that's superstitious?
Don't be the only one on your block who is not using Messenger.
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed.
Don't be unkind to machines - they usually mean well.
Don't believe anything until it's been officially denied.
Don't believe anything you hear or anything you say.
Don't believe anything you read, especially recipes
Don't believe anything you read, especially taglines
Don't believe anything you read, especially tags
Don't believe anything you read; verify EVERYTHING!
Don't believe everything I say.
Don't believe everything you hear or anything you say.
Don't believe everything you say.
Don't believe everything you're told.
Don't believe him!  He knows -exactly- what he's doing.
Don't believe in Destiny...rotten luck always wins out.
Don't believe in astrology. We Scorpios aren't taken in by such things.
Don't believe in evolution? You've got a point...you disprove it by exception.
Don't believe in miracles rely on them.
Don't believe in miracles, expect them.
Don't believe in superstition - it brings bad luck.
Don't believe the hype...there'll be a sequel.
Don't belive anyone who tells you stories about Borg-birds and Borg-bees
Don't bet on it, Picard
Don't bill me Bill Clinton!
Don't bite my finger; Look where I'm pointing!
Don't bite the hand that feeds your Ego.
Don't bite your fingernails, you can go blind.
Don't bite your nails, especially if you're a carpenter.
Don't blame @N@ who voted for Alfred E. Newman!
Don't blame @N@ who voted for Pat Paulsen!
Don't blame @N@ who voted for Pogo!
Don't blame Clinton... he voted for Bush.
Don't blame Congress.  If I had $600 Billion I'd be irresponsible to.
Don't blame Congress.  If I had billions, I'd be irresponsible, too!
Don't blame Congress. If I had $600 Billion I'd be irresponsible too!
Don't blame Congress. With $600 Billion frugality leaves.
Don't blame He, who voted for Alfred E. Newman!
Don't blame He, who voted for Pat Paulsen!
Don't blame He, who voted for Pogo!
Don't blame ME!  I Voted for Bill And Opus!
Don't blame Me, who voted for Alfred E. Newman!
Don't blame Me, who voted for Pat Paulsen!
Don't blame Me, who voted for Pogo!
Don't blame Nicole who voted for Alfred E. Newman!
Don't blame Orville Bullitt who voted for Alfred E. Newman!
Don't blame Orville Bullitt who voted for Pat Paulsen!
Don't blame Orville Bullitt who voted for Pogo!
Don't blame Orville Bullitt, who voted for Alfred E. Newman!
Don't blame Orville Bullitt, who voted for Pat Paulsen!
Don't blame Orville Bullitt, who voted for Pogo!
Don't blame Orville who voted for Alfred E. Newman!
Don't blame Orville who voted for Pogo!
Don't blame Rush Limbaugh.  His opinions are 70 percent the same as mine
Don't blame Rush Limbaugh...I was always like this!
Don't blame Rush, I was always like this!
Don't blame me - I didn't vote for EITHER Clinton.
Don't blame me - I voted "None of the above".
Don't blame me - I voted Klingon!
Don't blame me -- I voted Klingon.
Don't blame me -- I voted for myself!
Don't blame me I didn't vote for Clinton.
Don't blame me I didn't vote for Hillary
Don't blame me for gravity - I voted for Velcro!
Don't blame me!  I don't write 'em, I just steal 'em!
Don't blame me!  I voted for @FN@ and his evil twin Skippy!
Don't blame me! -- I voted for Bill & Opus!
Don't blame me! Clinton _LOST_ in Texas.
Don't blame me! I didn't vote for EITHER Clinton.
Don't blame me! I didn't vote for the President's husband.
Don't blame me! I just test the thing!
Don't blame me! I just wrote the thing!
Don't blame me! I voted for @FN@ and his evil twin Skippy!
Don't blame me! I voted for @N@!
Don't blame me! I voted for Abraham Lincoln.
Don't blame me! I voted for Alfred E. Newman!
Don't blame me! I voted for BILL + OPUS!
Don't blame me! I voted for BUSH!
Don't blame me! I voted for Eisenhower.
Don't blame me! I voted for Gord and his evil twin Skippy!
Don't blame me! I voted for Gowron!
Don't blame me! I voted for IKE.
Don't blame me! I voted for Orville and his evil twin Skippy!
Don't blame me! I voted for Orville!
Don't blame me! I voted for Pat Paulsen!
Don't blame me! I voted for Pogo!
Don't blame me! I voted for Ren & Stimpy.
Don't blame me! I voted for Ross Perot!
Don't blame me! I voted for Thomas Jefferson.
Don't blame me! I voted for Vedek Bariel!
Don't blame me! I voted with the majority!
Don't blame me! I'm part of the 60% that DIDN'T vote for Bubba!
Don't blame me, I didn't vote for either Elvis stamp.
Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him OR her.
Don't blame me, I listen and watch Rush Limbaugh!
Don't blame me, I voted for Alister Crowley.
Don't blame me, I voted for BUSH
Don't blame me, I voted for Bareil!
Don't blame me, I voted for Bill and Opus.
Don't blame me, I voted for Cthulhu.
Don't blame me, I voted for Gowron!
Don't blame me, I voted for K'mpec.
Don't blame me, I voted for Orville Bullitt.
Don't blame me, I voted for Perot.
Don't blame me, I voted for Ross!
Don't blame me, I voted for Vedek Bareil!
Don't blame me, I voted for the fat Elvis.
Don't blame me, I was sick election day.
Don't blame me, I wrote in the SysOp's name.
Don't blame me, I'm having a blonde moment!!
Don't blame me, I've had too much Mountain Dew today.
Don't blame me, Max told me to do it!
Don't blame me, blame my computer!
Don't blame me, it was there when I got here!
Don't blame me, it's San Andrea's fault
Don't blame me--I voted for Vedek Bareil!
Don't blame me.  I voted for Bill and Opus
Don't blame me. *I* didn't do it!
Don't blame me. I voted for Bill and Opus!
Don't blame me. I voted for The Nationals and Optus!
Don't blame me... I didn't do it!
Don't blame me... I don't know what I'm doing.
Don't blame me... I voted for O'Brien!
Don't blame me... I voted for Picard!
Don't blame me... I voted for Quark!
Don't blame me... that tagline was  STOLEN !!
Don't blame me...I didn't do it!
Don't blame me...I voted for Bush/Quayle!
Don't blame me...I voted for myself.
Don't blame me; I don't write them, I just steal them!
Don't blame meI didn't do it!
Don't blame the cat. What would you do if someone sat on you?
Don't bogart my log, dude -Butthead
Don't bogart that joint, my friend, pas it over to meeeeeee...'
Don't bother God. He's got his own problems. Everything he makes dies.
Don't bother attacking me.  I have more hit points than Godzilla.
Don't bother banning me. I won't be back.
Don't bother looking for this tagline.  It isn't here.
Don't bother looking....it will turn up when you least expect it!
Don't bother me now! I'm rounding off infinity!
Don't bother me now, I'm digging up my "Roots"!!
Don't bother me unless your name is Cindy Crawford
Don't bother me with facts, give me GOSSIP!
Don't bother me, I'm having a Maalox moment...
Don't bother me, I'm having a bad heir day!
Don't bother me, I'm playing existential pool.
Don't bother me, Worf is about to kill something!
Don't bother me. I've got my three miracle minimum.
Don't bother pressing that key, there is no ESC.
Don't bother pressing that key, there is no Esc.
Don't bother pressing that key. There is NO Escape.
Don't bother pressing that key...there is no ESC.
Don't bother procrastinating until tomorrow.
Don't bother pushing that key, there is no escape.
Don't bother pushing that key. There is no Esc.
Don't bother striking any key.
Don't bother to call the police. I'm here already. <Riggs>
Don't bother to reply. You have been twitted.
Don't bother with a CAT scan, your brain wouldn't even fill one pixel.
Don't bother with hailing frequencies, send them a nice greeting card.
Don't bother with the shrimp baby, daddy's comin' home with the crabs!
Don't bother.  You won't find it there.
Don't bow - grovel. It's more asthetically pleasing to me.
Don't break my heart, my achy-breakyeaargh!#$%#$%#$%... NO CARRIER
Don't breath this stuff - you'll see pink elephants! <Riggs>
Don't breathe on me.
Don't burn our liberties to protect our symbols.
Don't burn your bridges behind you.
Don't bury corpses in the snow. - Chinese proberb
Don't bury corpses in the snow. Chinese Proverb
Don't buy furs, it takes trees to make protest signs.
Don't buy the lie!  Gun control is PEOPLE control.
Don't by an XT. Just use a Mac
Don't byte off more than you can Queue!
Don't byte off more than you can chew.
Don't byte off more than you can multiplex.
Don't byte the hand that feeds the Ego.
Don't call during Star Trek. Only warning.
Don't call him sir, he's got enough delusions of power as it is.
Don't call me 'barkeep!'  I'm not a 'barkeep!' - Quark
Don't call me 'tiny' -- Sulu
Don't call me Shorty!  - Sulu(STIII:TSFS)
Don't call me Tiny. - Sulu
Don't call me `sir'! I work for a living! - Wisetongue
Don't call me a girl. I am a woman.
Don't call me a lady again or I'll hit you with my pocketbook!
Don't call me a mindless philosopher you overweight glob of grease!
Don't call me irrational; you know that makes me crazy!
Don't call the cops, I'm not mental or anything.
Don't call the cops.  We're not mental or anything.
Don't cane me sir, I was led astray.
Don't care & don't have to - we're the Phone Company!
Don't care how it gets done just do it - Darkwood
Don't care where you're gonna live you ain't commin home
Don't care, don't have to, we're the Phone Co.!
Don't carpalate on the Net !
Don't carry grudges - they can weigh you down.
Don't chain your dog with sausages.
Don't change horses in midstream.
Don't change the reason, just change the excuses! -- Joe Cointment
Don't chase butterflies... dig for gold.
Don't come here with that posh talk, you nasty stuck-up twit!
Don't come out of the closet, clean it!
Don't comment or patch bad code; rewrite it.
Don't compare floating point numbers solely for equality.
Don't complain about farmers with your mouth full.
Don't compromise yourself.  You are all you've got.<J. Joplin>
Don't compute and drive; the life you save may be your own.
Don't confuse Anatomy with Pornography.
Don't confuse Growing Up with Blending In!
Don't confuse an open mind with one that's vacant.
Don't confuse comfort with happiness!
Don't confuse me - I confuse myself just fine, thank you.
Don't confuse me with facts - my mind's made up!
Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up!
Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up!
Don't confuse me with facts, my mind's already made u\S
Don't confuse me with facts, my mind's already made up!
Don't confuse me with facts, my mind's made up already!
Don't confuse me with facts. Make it sound good.
Don't confuse me with facts; my mind is made up.
Don't confuse me with the fax.
Don't confuse open-minded with empty-minded.
Don't confuse rank and position.
Don't confuse the issue with the facts!
Don't confuse who you are with what you do to survive.
Don't contemplate...carpalate !
Don't cook tonight -- starve a rat today!
Don't count the days, make everyone count.
Don't count the days, make the days count.
Don't count your boobies until they are hatched.
Don't count your checks before they're cashed.
Don't count your chickens before they cross the road.
Don't count your chickens, eat them.
Don't count your marbles if you can't find them. It's too hard.
Don't count your weasles before they pop! - The Tick
Don't crap in your hand...Crap in your Poopy Suit - Tom
Don't crawl through Windows, walk through OS/2!
Don't cross the bridge till you come to it.
Don't crush that dwarf -- hand me the pliers.
Don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers.
Don't crush that dwarf. Pass me the pliers.
Don't cry for me Argentum!
Don't cry on my shoulder; I'm off-duty. Troi
Don't cut off my finger until you see where I'm pointing!
Don't cut off your Node to spite your Interface.
Don't delete something you might want later. :)  Benner
Don't diddle code to make it faster; find a better algorithm.
Don't die or you'll never see `Star Wars'! --Sam Beckett.
Don't diet, download a virus to remove the FAT.
Don't dismiss a good idea simply because you don't like the source.
Don't dispute death unless you've lived through it  -Spock
Don't dispute death unless you've lived through it.
Don't dispute death until you've lived through it - Spock.
Don't dispute death until youve lived through it.
Don't distract me with the facts, I've already decided.
Don't disturb me - I'm disturbed enough already.
Don't disturb the Sysop!  He's already disturbed enough.
Don't do THIS during the speech - Crow
Don't do any drugs your President would not do!
Don't do anything foolish!  Or, if foolish, at least not without me.
Don't do anything genetically questionable!
Don't do anything stupid.  Place the comma where you find appropriate.
Don't do as I do; Just do what the hell I tell you!
Don't do it - no - don't stop! OHHHhhhhhhhh!
Don't do it Gary! You'll never see your HD again!
Don't do it if you can't keep it up!
Don't do it if you can't keep it up.
Don't do it the way I did it ... do it the way I meant it.
Don't do it with a banker.  Most of them are tellers.
Don't do it! They'll kick your Astra - Tom
Don't do that! -- TV's Frank
Don't do that! Oh God! Just kidding - Mike
Don't do today what you can put off until tomorrow!
Don't do what I SAY, do what I mean!
Don't document the program; program the document.
Don't double cross the man who died on the cross.
Don't draw fire, it irritates the people around you.
Don't draw fire. It irritates everyone around you.
Don't draw gunfire, it irritates the people around you!
Don't dream and drive! - Freddy Krueger
Don't dream it, be it.
Don't dream it, do it.
Don't dream it.  Be it.  -- Frank N. Furter
Don't dream it....BE it, on the @Holodeck!
Don't drink and DEL *.*
Don't drink and drive - Smoke dope and fly home.
Don't drink and drive - you might hit a bump and spill it.
Don't drink and drive, you may spill your drink.
Don't drink and drive, you might spill it.
Don't drink and drive.  You'll spill your drink.
Don't drink and drive. You might hit a bump and spill your drink.
Don't drink and drive. You might spill your drink.
Don't drink and park - accidents cause people.
Don't drink and park, accidents cause people
Don't drink and write recipes
Don't drink and write taglines
Don't drink coffee in the morning or it will keep you awake until noon
Don't drink coffee, it keeps you up until noon.
Don't drink drive - it tastes terrible.
Don't drink the water - fish have sex in it!
Don't drink the water!  Fish had sex in it.
Don't drink the water, the fish have had sex in it!
Don't drink the water.  The fish have sex in it!
Don't drink the water...fish f**k in it.
Don't drink this water.  Fish have sex in it!
Don't drink water fish use it as a TOILET!
Don't drink water, fish breed in it.
Don't drink water, fish screw in it.
Don't drink water. Fish make love in it.
Don't drink.  You might shoot at tax collectors and miss.
Don't drink. You might shoot at tax collectors and miss.
Don't drive me crazy -- it's within walking distance.
Don't drive too close or I'll flick a booger on you.
Don't drive yourself crazy - let me do it for you!
Don't drive yourself crazy...let me do it for you...
Don't drop a pebble in THIS pond...the echo never stops!
Don't drop that last bottle of mineral watX9(u  NO CARRIER
Don't drop that last bottle of mineral watX9(u  NO PERRIER
Don't drop that vase! Tom said shatteringly.
Don't eat any of the little pink things and you'll be fine.
Don't eat anything that's bigger than your head.
Don't eat meadow muffins.
Don't eat spam.
Don't eat the schnitzel! They're using Schnauzer!
Don't eat the yellow snow!
Don't eat the yellow snow.
Don't eat the yellow snow. - Frank Zappa
Don't eat with you mouth full.
Don't eat yellow snow no matter how good it looks
Don't eat yellow snow!
Don't edit my tantrums, Clark!  -Lois Lane
Don't enlist, join the Rubber Chicken Brigade.
Don't even THINK about asking if POV 3.0 is out yet!
Don't even TRY to THINK without proper tools.
Don't even TRY to THINK without proper tools.
Don't even bother bringing up reality here..
Don't even pretend to be interested in this Tagline
Don't even pretend to be interested in this recipe.
Don't even pretend to be interested in this tagline.
Don't even think of putting a Tagline here.
Don't even think of putting a recipe here.
Don't even think of putting a tagline here.
Don't even try on that sheer black teddy - Mike leers
Don't ever confuse an open mind with one that's vacant.
Don't ever have sex with someone in your office.  Wait until you get ho
Don't ever open the drive door when the disk is s
Don't ever open the drive door when the disk is s)  p)  i)  n)  n)  i)  n) g).
Don't ever pick a fight with somebody that's really ugly-lookin'.
Don't ever pick a fight with somebody that's really ugly. -- F. Gump
Don't ever repeat your P-word.
Don't ever stand up to be counted or someone will take your seat.
Don't ever tell a Changeling to go jump in the lake...
Don't everyone thank me at once.
Don't expect a postcard. -- Brisco
Don't expect life to be fair.
Don't expect me to agree with EVERYTHING I say.
Don't expect me to believe all that static.
Don't expect others to listen to your advice and ignore your example.
Don't expect rationality, or "sweet reason", here.
Don't expect too much; I only look smart...
Don't eye them till you see the fire in their eyes.
Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk. Shaq
Don't fall under the spell of her eyes, boy.
Don't fear the ReeFER!
Don't fear the dark, fear what HUNTS in the dark!  MY CAT!
Don't feed the bats tonight.
Don't feed the hand that bites you.
Don't feel picked on.  I ignore Smudge too..
Don't feel so close to God today?  Guess who moved.
Don't fight a bear in his own cave.
Don't fight ugly people, they have nothing to lose.
Don't find faults, discovery remedies.
Don't fix the mistake--fix the blame. -Barbarow's Motto
Don't flaunt your success, but don't apologize for it either.
Don't follow in my footsteps. I think I stepped in something.
Don't follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they sought.
Don't follow leaders Watch the parkin' meters. >Bob Dylan
Don't follow the footsteps, follow what they sought..
Don't follow the path in the forest; Make your own, let others follow
Don't follow this message too closely!
Don't fool around with the knobs, I'm perfectly adjusted.
Don't fool around with the knobs.  I'm perfectly adjusted.
Don't force it - get a bigger hammer.
Don't force it -- get a larger hammer.
Don't force it!  Get a bigger hammer.
Don't force it! Get a bigger hammer.
Don't force it! Use a bigger hammer.
Don't force it, get a larger hammer!
Don't force it, get a larger hammer.
Don't force it, use a bigger hammer
Don't force it, use a bigger hammer.
Don't force it.  Get a bigger hammer.
Don't force it; get a bigger hammer.
Don't force it; get a larger hammer.
Don't forget even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat...
Don't forget that Healthline is Now carrying the FL SINGLES ECHO!!!
Don't forget that NewAge rhymes with sewage.
Don't forget the Quid Pro Quo !!!!!
Don't forget the good yets.
Don't forget the rubber/eraser though...<g> - TEC
Don't forget this is your first day at school. - Hawkeye to BJ
Don't forget to cache in you E-Money !
Don't forget to close your eyes when reading a scary book
Don't forget to limp - Crow
Don't forget to remember to remind me to.....uh....uuuuh....
Don't forget to rotate your karma wheel.
Don't forget to vot. - J. Danforth Danny-Boy Quayle
Don't forget to vote! <*grin*>
Don't forget to write! - Rimmer #2
Don't forget where we parked the lesbian.
Don't forget your wife's nameThat will mess up the love.
Don't forget: Abscess makes the heart grow fonder.- Groucho Marx
Don't fret...we STILL have Rush Limbaugh.
Don't fry bacon in the nude!
Don't gamble with security.
Don't generalize -- the rest of my family is perfectly sane!
Don't get a job. Hang out at @FN@'s.
Don't get a job. Hang out at Orville's.
Don't get between the dog and the fire plug.
Don't get caught with your pants down when the lights come on.
Don't get even -- get odd!
Don't get hooked on drugs, get hooked on fishing.
Don't get hot and flustered. Use a bit of mustard. - Frank
Don't get insulted -- but is it your job to spread ignorance?
Don't get it sandy. We can eat the chocolate.
Don't get mad -- get even.
Don't get mad, get even.
Don't get mad.  Get even!
Don't get me wrong...but I'm right!!!
Don't get saucy with me, Bearnaise.
Don't get smart with me, punk. - Rupert
Don't get stuck in a MUD. (Multi-User Domain)
Don't get stuck in a closet - You'll wear yourself out.
Don't get stuck in a closet - wear yourself out.
Don't get stuck in a closet -- wear yourself out.
Don't get stuck in a closet; wear yourself out.
Don't get wet surfing Cyberspace
Don't get your floppy caught in your ZIPper!
Don't give *me* that "kinkier than thou" look.
Don't give *me* that kinkier-than-thou attitude.
Don't give away the home world. --Babylon 5.
Don't give away the home world. --Londo.
Don't give away the homeworld. - Babylon 5
Don't give blondes coffee breaks, it takes too long to retrain them.
Don't give him air, he's anaerobic!
Don't give it another thought. You haven't any to spare.
Don't give me a CLINTON answer, Tell me the truth!
Don't give me a Clinton answer...tell me the truth!
Don't give me that "kinkier than thou" look!
Don't give me that "kinkier-than-thou" attitude!
Don't give me that "kinkier-than-thou" look!
Don't give me that kinkier-than-thou attitude
Don't give me that kinkier-than-thou look!
Don't give me that, you snotty-faced evil pan of droppings!
Don't give me this Star Trek crap, it's too early in the morning!
Don't give me your steak-reared milkboys, milkboys.
Don't give people on death row last rites. --Leary.
Don't give up the ship! Buy a PC instead!
Don't give up the ship! Give up the captain.
Don't give up the ship! Give up the captain..
Don't give up your sapience without a fight.
Don't go away mad )-:   Just go away!
Don't go away mad....        Just GO AWAY!!
Don't go changin' to try and please me.<Billy Joel>
Don't go down there -- there's purple worms down there.
Don't go if your plane has a large bandaid on the wing.
Don't go in there! There's no fan! Oh-- Crow
Don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden;
Don't go near the water.  Don't you think it's sad?
Don't go on the loopy train with Treble!  You might get in trouble!
Don't go surfing in South Dakota for a while.
Don't go to sleep. It will find you. --Amis.
Don't go tramping yourself up like that! - Tom
Don't go until the (&*&%# light's green, Tom's passenger said rudely.
Don't grumble that roses have thorns....be thankful thorns have roses.
Don't guess - check your security regulations.
Don't hang a punster, he should be drawn and quoted!
Don't happy, be worry!
Don't hassle the dead, boy!  They have eerie powers..
Don't hate me because Heidi loves me.
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Don't hate me because I'm good looking, hate me because you're not!
Don't hate me, I'm just a recipe.
Don't hate me, I'm just a tagline.
Don't hate yourself in the morning - DO IT all day
Don't hate yourself in the morning - sleep til noon!
Don't hate yourself in the morning - sleep till noon
Don't hate yourself in the morning - sleep till noon!
Don't hate yourself in the morning - sleep till noon.
Don't hate yourself in the morning - sleep till one PM.
Don't hate yourself in the morning - sleep until noon.
Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep 'till noon.
Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon.
Don't hate yourself in the morning --- sleep until noon!
Don't hate yourself in the morning, sleep till noon
Don't hate yourself in the morning--DO IT all day.
Don't hate yourself in the morning--sleep till noon.
Don't hate yourself in the morning--sleep until noon
Don't have a cow!  -  "Why not? Mary had a little lamb!"
Don't have a cow, man! Try a moose instead!
Don't have any children.  It makes divorce so much more complicated.
Don't have more to do with dwarves than you can help.
Don't have to be Fellini to figure that out - Crow
Don't have to be smart to be a sysop, but it helps
Don't have to have money to be a sysop, but it helps
Don't hey sir me, you little fishbowl of feet -Dr.Erhardt
Don't hide in a foxhole with someone braver than you.
Don't hide your contempt of the contemptible!
Don't hit Me,  I promise to get back on Topic,  Mr Moderator !!!!!
Don't hit a man when he's down -- kick him; it's easier.
Don't hit a man when he's down unless you're darn sure he won't get up.
Don't hit a man with glasses, hit him with your fist.
Don't hit me Moderator I'll go back On Topic I swear!
Don't hit me Mr. Moderator I'll stay on topic next time.
Don't hit me Mr. Moderator, I'll go back on topic.
Don't hit me Mr. Moderator. Half the message is on topic.
Don't hit me Mr. Moderator... I'll get back on topic... I swear!
Don't hit me until you're ready to make a commitment
Don't hit me with the board again, mister - Tom to Mike
Don't hit me!!  I'm in the Twilight Zone!!!
Don't hit me, Mr. Moderator I'll go back on topic I swear!
Don't hit me, Mr. Moderator, I'll go back on topic.  I sw
Don't hit me, Mr. Moderator,I'll go back on topic.I swear!
Don't hit me, Mr. Moderator... I'll go back on topic... I promise!
Don't hit me, Mr. Moderator... I'll go back on topic... I swear!
Don't hit me, Mrs. Moderator... I'll go back on topic... I swear!
Don't hit me, Ms. Moderator... I'll go back on topic, I swear!
Don't hit me, Ms. ModeratorI'll go back off topicHonest!!
Don't hit me, Ms. ModeratorI'll go back on topic, I swear!
Don't hit me, Nolan... I'll go back on topic... I swear!
Don't hit me. Whatever you do don't hit me.
Don't hit on someone...Double-click them off line !
Don't hit that butt#^%@!<CLICK> NO CARRIER
Don't hit the keys so hard, it hurts.
Don't humans just drive you crazy?
Don't humans just drive you nuts?
Don't hurry or anything.  I can worry out here all day. -Skeeve
Don't hurt him; they don't mean to be evil. - Vina
Don't insist on running someone else's life!
Don't insult the alligator till after you cross the river.
Don't itch for what you don't intend to scratch.
Don't jerk chains unless you know where they're connected
Don't judge a Tagline by it's message.
Don't judge a book by it's movie.
Don't judge a book by its cover!
Don't judge a book by its cover! -- Frank N. Furter
Don't judge a book by its mini-series.
Don't judge a book by its movie
Don't judge a book by its movie.
Don't judge a man only by the caliber of his gun.
Don't judge a message by it's tagline.
Don't judge a person by their taglines
Don't judge a recipe by it's message.
Don't judge me by my relatives, I didn't choose them!
Don't judge me by my relatives, I didn't chose them!
Don't judge people by their relatives.
Don't judge the parade by a few clowns.
Don't jump on a man unless he's down.
Don't just believe in miracles, rely on them.
Don't just bleed there, do something!
Don't just do something !!! Stand there !!!
Don't just do something, stand there! 
Don't just do something, stand there!!!! - MST 3000
Don't just do something, stand there.
Don't just do something. SIT there!
Don't just eat that hamburger, eat the *hell* out of it! -- Bob
Don't just lurk there -- say something!
Don't just lurk there throw out another Tagline
Don't just lurk there throw out another recipe
Don't just lurk there, say something.
Don't just read - write!
Don't just read the Tagline; read the MESSAGE!
Don't just say something.  Sit there!
Don't just sit there, DO something....Explode...Yeah yeah. Cool!
Don't just sit there.  Do something.
Don't just stand there KNEEL!
Don't just stand there, scratch my back!
Don't just stand there--rub my back!
Don't just stand there.  God's a busy man. - Kirk
Don't just stand there. KNEEL @FN@!
Don't just stand there. KNEEL Orville Bullitt!
Don't just stand there. KNEEL Orville!
Don't just stand there...KNEEL!
Don't just stand there...KNEEL!!
Don't keep all your ranking officers in one shuttlecraft.
Don't keep doing things that can't work.
Don't keep saying 'I do'! You're the best man.
Don't keep us in suspenders! - Col. Potter
Don't keep us in suspense.  Empt...err..Inquiring minds want to know.
Don't keep your mind so open that your brains fall out.
Don't kick it if you haven't tried it.
Don't kick my butt, my achy breaky butt.
Don't kick this again, I'm trying to sleep down here!!! -Odo
Don't kid yourself.  Little is relevant, and nothing lasts forever.
Don't kill the whale.
Don't kill us & take our souls - Crow
Don't kill us! Don't hurt us with nassty cruel steel!
Don't kiss an elephant on the lips today.
Don't kiss ass, Kick it!
Don't knock President Fillmore he kept us out of VietNam.
Don't knock President Fillmore.  He kept us out of Vietnam.
Don't knock President Fillmore; he kept us out of VietNam
Don't knock President Fillmore; he kept us out of Vietnam!
Don't knock President Fillmore; he kept us out of Vietnam.
Don't knock masterbation - it's sex with someone you love.
Don't knock masturbation---it's sex with someone I love.  -- Woody Allen
Don't knock masturbation; It's sex with someone you love.
Don't knock on Death's Door. Just ring and run. He hates that.
Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that
Don't know if I'm up or down - Hendrix
Don't know if we can prevail upon her.-Hawk.Oh, sit down.-Margaret
Don't know much about cats, I have a dog.
Don't know what I want but I know how to get it. -Sex Pistols
Don't know what I'm after, but the pressure's driving me insane...
Don't know what to think, I'll tell you...Rush Limbaugh.
Don't know what you DRANK Before Calling But, you're Crazy!
Don't know what you DRANK Before Calling But, your Crazy
Don't know what you DRANK before calling. But, you're crazy.
Don't know, I just collect them! Here's some more...
Don't know, don't remember, don't care?!  <g>
Don't laugh - it's got warp capability!
Don't laugh at death, he gets pissed.
Don't laugh at me...DON'T *LAUGH* AT ME!!!    (Charlie X)
Don't laugh at the coffee.  Some day you, too, may be old and weak.
Don't laugh for three days. - Hawkeye
Don't laugh!  I DO weigh over 100 pounds!
Don't laugh! This tagline is paid for!
Don't laugh, they made me in a hurry - Crow as Guiron
Don't laugh. It could happen.
Don't leave home without a portable computer!
Don't leave home without it!  -- John Bobbitt
Don't leave home without it, says John Bobbitt.
Don't leave home without it. - John Bobbitt
Don't leave yet -- There's a demon around that corner!
Don't lend people money, it gives them amnesia.
Don't lend people money.  It causes amnesia.
Don't lend people money.  It causes amnesia.
Don't lend people money... it gives them amnesia.
Don't let 'em think that yer for real or you will lose your appeal
Don't let Deja Vu happen again!!
Don't let Hillary pick your doctor or your pocket.
Don't let Kirk show you what he calls "The Captain's Log"
Don't let THEM immanentize the Eschaton.
Don't let a fool kiss you or a kiss fool you.
Don't let a man make lasagna. He'd screw up a sacred thing.
Don't let anyone ever see you tipsy.
Don't let it end like this -- Gorkon
Don't let it fool you, it's written in BASIC.
Don't let it get around. - Quark
Don't let it wilt shall be the rule of the slaw.
Don't let me get too deep.
Don't let me get too deep.|
Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.
Don't let reality screw up yor dreams!
Don't let reality screw up your dreams!
Don't let school interfere with your education
Don't let school interfere with your education.
Don't let school stand in the way of your education.
Don't let schooling get in the way of your education.
Don't let stress kill you off - let someone help!
Don't let the Moderator have the last word.
Don't let the Tute Screw YOU!
Don't let the abundance of God's gifts cause you to forget the giver.
Don't let the academics hear you say that...<g> - Springheel Jack
Don't let the bastards grind you down --U2
Don't let the blue smoke out!
Don't let the bugs byte!
Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
Don't let the green grass fool ya. Don't let the moon get to ya.
Don't let the little head do the thinking for the big one.
Don't let the newbies get you down.
Don't let the paperwork and the desk win the fight.
Don't let the sun catch you crying.
Don't let this man [Hawkeye] corrupt you. - Frank to BJ
Don't let weeds grow around your dreams.
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
Don't let you mind wander-It's to little to be out alone!!
Don't let your boss catch you doing this!
Don't let your boss catch you doing this.
Don't let your brains go to your head.
Don't let your chips grow up to be chocolate Willie Nelson
Don't let your dragon get drunk and fly - Darkwood
Don't let your fears get in the way of your dreams. - NO FEAR
Don't let your meat loaf. 
Don't let your mind wander -- it's too little to be let out alone.
Don't let your mind wander, it's too little to let out.
Don't let your mind wander.  It's too little to be let out alone.
Don't let your mind wander. It's too little to be let out alone.
Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash!
Don't let your possessions possess you.
Don't let your stereotype have the last word.
Don't let yourself get mad - It's more fun to get even!
Don't lick nothin' that sticks to your tongue.
Don't light a match!
Don't like breathing smoke? Can you hold your breath for 7 minutes?
Don't like cats.  Can't stand cats.  Used to like Chinese food.
Don't like combat rations?  Like to try a paluckoo?
Don't like how I drive?  STAY OFF THE SIDEWALK!
Don't like my Taglines?  Call 1-800-CRY-BABY!
Don't like my Taglines? Call 1-800-CRY-BABY!
Don't like my attitude?  Dial 1-800-EAT-DIRT
Don't like my flying? Call 1-800-IRRELEVANT -- Borg
Don't like my flying? Call 1-800-IRRELEVANT. --Borg.
Don't like my recipes?  Call 1-800-CRY-BABY!
Don't like my remarks?  Note mistletoe on my shirt-tail!  ;-}
Don't like my tagline?  Dial 1-800-EAT-SHI
Don't like our driving? Call 1-800-IRRELEVANT. --The Borg.
Don't like the Moderator, huh! You want the job?
Don't like the way I'm driving call 1-800-BiteMe
Don't like them. Don't Trust Them. Let them Die! --Kirk.
Don't like these taglines?  Steal your own.
Don't like these tags?  Steal your own.
Don't like these tags?  snag your own.
Don't like these tags?? Steal your own.....
Don't like what you're seeing? Press "ENTER/RETURN" for relief.
Don't listen to that thin beak over there - Tom to Gypsy
Don't listen to their foolishness - listen to mine!
Don't litter - have your pets spay or neutered.
Don't litter - have your pets spayed or neutered.
Don't lock the barn after it is stolen
Don't log on until you can see the laser toner in their eyes.
Don't look Ethyl...  It was too late.
Don't look a GIF horse in the modem.
Don't look a gift dragon in the mouth.
Don't look at me - watch the keyboard!
Don't look at me in that tone of voice!
Don't look at me in that tone of voice.
Don't look at me like I know what to do! - Dr. J. Parrish, V
Don't look at me that way.....I'm smarter than I sound.
Don't look at me with those puppy-dog eyes!
Don't look at me!  I'm A Generic Tagline
Don't look at me!  I'm A Generic recipe
Don't look at me. He's your brother. - Yakko
Don't look at me. I only fool around with girls. - Trapper
Don't look at me...I didn't do it.
Don't look at me; *I* didn't make up this assignment! * Al Calavicci
Don't look at my butt! - Tom dressed as Kathy Ireland
Don't look at my porn! - Mike
Don't look back! The lemmings are catching up!
Don't look back, the lemmings are gaining on you.
Don't look back, they may be gaining on us.
Don't look back, they might be gaining on you.
Don't look back--I think the lemmings are gaining on us!
Don't look behind - you don't want to know what's there.
Don't look behind you, they're catching up with you, SHOOT THE PUCK!
Don't look behind you, they're catching up with you, SKATE FASTER!
Don't look behind you, they're catching up with you. RUN FASTER!
Don't look behind you, they're watching.
Don't look conspicious, it draws fire
Don't look conspicuous - it draws fire.  'Murphy
Don't look conspicuous, it draws fire.
Don't look conspicuous. It draws enemy fire.
Don't look in my eyes, 'cause you've never seen them so black.
Don't look in my eyes, 'cause you've never seen them so black. - Qyr
Don't look like you're keeping your distance..I dunno..fly casual
Don't look now Byron Desnoyers, but this message is over...
Don't look now Cal, but this message is over...
Don't look now He , but this message is over...
Don't look now but that corpse is moving!
Don't look now but those aren't your hands typing!
Don't look now but your fly's open!!
Don't look now, but I think there's more than just *us*   <g>.
Don't look now, but the SYSOP is naked!
Don't look now, but the man in the moon is laughing at yo
Don't look now, but the man in the moon is laughing at you.
Don't look now, but there is a multi--legged creature on
Don't look now, but there's a --I TOLD YOU NOT TO LOOK!!!
Don't look now, but this message is over...
Don't look now, but your file is unzipped.
Don't look now, it's movie sign!!! - Joel
Don't look so frightened this is just a passing phase..
Don't look up my pant leg - Crow
Don't look up, the sky is falling. - Tori Amos
Don't look, the shadows breathe.
Don't lose heart, someone may want to cut it out!
Don't lose your head...
Don't lose your temper. No one else wants it!
Don't love me cuz I'm wonderful... love me cuz I'm Irish!
Don't love things and use people, love people and use things.
Don't make 'em like they used to, thank God
Don't make a mistake, muzzle your snake.
Don't make a mountain out of Anita Hill.
Don't make any false moves, old shoe - Mike
Don't make any promises you can't remember
Don't make excuses, make good.
Don't make me ask...MANGO JUICE! - Crow
Don't make me break out the clown mask and the high-powered rifle.
Don't make me disobey a direct order. -- Dax
Don't make me flick the lights on and off! - Principal Skinner
Don't make me kick your ass again, %UN! -Butthead
Don't make me mad or I'll use my deadly ninja throwing stool.
Don't make me mad or I'll use my deadly ninja throwing tagline.
Don't make me use theese! - Ren Hoek holding toothbrush
Don't make me use uppercase...
Don't make the mistake these people made, don't die!
Don't make the same mistake twice.
Don't make your personal name too lo
Don't make, `~-._.-~`~-._.-~`~-._.-~`~-._.-~`~-._.-~`~-._
Don't march to the drums.  Stroll to the lute!
Don't marry a girl whose father calls her Princess.
Don't marry a girl whose father calls her princess.
Don't marry for money. You can borrow it cheaper!
Don't marry for money...You can get a loan a lot cheaper.
Don't marry for money; you can borrow it cheaper.
Don't marry for money; you can borrow it cheaper.
Don't matter how you get there if you don't know where you're going.
Don't mean nothing till you sign it on the dotted line
Don't meddle in the affairs of Wizards...
Don't meddle in the affairs of Wizards...NOT!
Don't meddle in the affairs of a High Sorceress ...
Don't meddle with wizards...<poof!>...ribbit, ribbit.
Don't mess up my story with the facts!!!
Don't mess with Mother Nature or She'll mess with you.
Don't mess with Mrs. Murphy!
Don't mess with Ms. Murphy!
Don't mess with Murphy.
Don't mess with me - I've got Kung-fu and other oriental diseases!
Don't mess with me, I am in a bad mood! - Rita
Don't mess with me.  You know how I get.
Don't mess with me. My boyfriend's a hockey player!
Don't mess with me. You KNOW how I get!
Don't mess with me. You know how I get....
Don't mess with our Attack Sheba!!!
Don't mess with the dead, OJ. They have eerie powers-Homer Simpson
Don't mess with the dead, boy, they have eerie powers. --Homer Simpson
Don't mess with the dead, boy, they have eerie powers. --Homer.
Don't mess with the knobs.  I'm perfectly adjusted.
Don't messages like that have to be signed, "The Moderator"?
Don't mince words, @FN@ ... what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Alan  what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, All what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Bill ... what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Bob ... what do you *REALLY* think!
Don't mince words, Bones ... what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Frank what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Gary ... what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, He   what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Iceman, what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Ken ... what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Kingsley what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Kirk what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Larry what do you *REALLY* think!.
Don't mince words, Marshall what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Orville ... what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Rick ... what do you *REALLY* think!
Don't mince words, Russell what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Scott ... what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mince words, Steven ... what do you *REALLY* think!.
Don't mince words, what do you *REALLY* think?
Don't mind Ensign Ro .... It's just a phase she is going through!
Don't mind Ensign Ro...it's just a phase she's going through!
Don't mind by crazy smile - H. Rollins
Don't mind dying, just don't want to be there when it happens.
Don't mind him.  He's from Barcelona.
Don't mind me - I'm just touring through this echo.
Don't mind me - I'm only passing through.
Don't mind me, I'm just here talking to Mrs Roosevelt. - Hillary
Don't mind me, I'm just licking my toes clean.
Don't mind me, I'm just passing through.
Don't mind me, I'm just picking my nits.
Don't mind me, I've just lost my mind.
Don't mind me, boys, just scrubbing my undies. - Homer
Don't mind me.  My dog's letting me use the computer!
Don't mind me. I'm simply suffering from terminal sanity.
Don't mind me... I'm just trying to piss-off the Sysop.
Don't mind me... My dog's letting me use the computer!
Don't mind me; I'm a few clowns short of a circus.
Don't mind me; I'm the designated drunk.
Don't mind meI just lurk here.
Don't mind memy dog's letting me use the computer!
Don't mind the smell, he's only been dead a few days...
Don't mind the smell, she's only been dead a few days ...
Don't miss "General Gardners' Hospital" with Zuke and Laura...
Don't miss out on the greatest thing since powdered toast!
Don't mock the afflicted, Pauly.
Don't monkey with my daggit.
Don't mop under the psycho!  - Crow
Don't move that rock.... Orville lives under there!
Don't move, stand perfectly still. Trust me!
Don't move. Gimme the letter! Drop it! -Crow
Don't need a new religion, haven't used up the old one.
Don't need future shock--present shock is enough.
Don't need future shock--present shock is enuff.
Don't need to be born again - Did it right the 1st time.
Don't need to psycho-analyze, or have a stiff drink.
Don't nibble at my nipple buds - Mike
Don't open Windows! My mouse gets a cold if you do.
Don't open Windows! My mouse sneeze if you do.
Don't open Windows. You'll let the bugs in.
Don't open Windows. You'll let the bugs out.
Don't open credit card bills on the weekend!
Don't open the WINDOWS, you'll let the BUGS in!
Don't open the Windows! You let Mr. Gates in!
Don't open the box, no news is good news  :-)
Don't open the darkroom door, It lets all the dark out.
Don't open the darkroom door; it lets all the dark out.
Don't open the darkroom door; it lets all the dark out.
Don't open your Windows or the bugs will come in.
Don't open your eyes, Bob, you won't like what you see!
Don't open your eyes, you won't like what you see - NIN
Don't outlive your money!
Don't overestimate the decency of the human race.
Don't overlook life's small joys while searching for the big ones.
Don't overtax yourself.  That's Bill Clinton's job.
Don't overtax yourself; that's the Government's job.
Don't overtax yourself; that's the Government's job.
Don't overuse exclamation marks!!!
Don't overuse exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!
Don't overuse exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't panic!!! It's supposed to do that I hope
Don't panic!!! It's supposed to do that... I hope
Don't panic!!! It's supposed to do that... I think.
Don't panic!!! It's supposed to do that...I hope!
Don't panic, I'll do it for you.
Don't panic, it's *supposed* to do that...I think...
Don't panic, we're going to escape! - Lister
Don't panic.  Don't panic.  Don't panic. ... ALL RIGHT, NOW PANIC!
Don't panic. Don't panic... ALL RIGHT, NOW PANIC!
Don't panic.. it's only a virus
Don't panic...you have your towel, right?
Don't patronize me, Joel. -- Gypsy
Don't patronize me, Orville.
Don't pay the ransom, honey, I've escaped.
Don't pee in my pod, HAL !
Don't peel the green M&M's because they aren't ripe yet.
Don't permit yourself to get between a dog and a lamp-post.
Don't pet Kitty, she's still not dry!
Don't pet a dog that's on fire
Don't pick it, it'll NEVER heal.
Don't pick on me.  I've just had a week with 5 Mondays in a row!
Don't pick on me.  I've just had a week with 5 Mondays.
Don't pick up after your children.  That's their job.
Don't pick up that pho#&$& !&#$&&  NO CARRIER
Don't pick up that phon#!}}{)      NO CARRIER
Don't pick up that phon9  NO CARRIER
Don't pick up that phons9"o  NO CARRIER
Don't pick up that phonš9“œ  NO CARRIER
Don't pick up the PH#%$&**>@@*&^=NO CARRIER
Don't pick up the ph_)(@#$**^!_@ NO CARRIER
Don't piss me off! I've got a BIG magnet!
Don't piss off a dragon.  Unless you WANT 3rd degree burns.
Don't piss off a dragon.  Your windshield would never stand it!
Don't piss off dragons.  Unless of course, you WANT 3rd degree burns.
Don't play "stupid" with me - I'm better at it.
Don't play "stupid" with me . . .  I'm better at it!
Don't play "stupid" with me . . . I'm better at it!
Don't play "stupid" with me....I'm better at it.
Don't play "stupid" with me...I'm better at it! <- Most blondes
Don't play "stupid" with me...I'm better at it, I'm blonde.
Don't play "stupid" with meI'm better at it!
Don't play DUMB with me! I'm better at it.
Don't play hard to get, just get hard to play.
Don't play hide-n-seek with Odo...he cheats!
Don't play school-girl with me! - Crow as tough cop
Don't play stupid with me - I'm better at it
Don't play stupid with me Brendan, I'm better at it!
Don't play stupid with me Chris, I'm better at it!
Don't play stupid with me Orville, I'm better at it!
Don't play stupid with me! I'm better at it!
Don't play stupid with me! I'm better at it.
Don't play stupid with me, I'm better at it!
Don't play stupid with me....I'm better at that also.
Don't play stupid with me...I'm better at it! <- Most blondes
Don't play stupid with me...I'm better at it.
Don't play with matches. Lighters work much better.
Don't play with my ears unless you're serious...Quark
Don't play with my ears...unless you're serious about it -- Quark
Don't play with my earsunless you're serious. - Quark
Don't play with my knobs - I'm perfectly adjusted.
Don't play with my mask! - Blowski (Animaniacs)
Don't play with my tagline.
Don't play with your booty -Crow on raiders with treasure
Don't play with your food, especially after you've already eaten it.
Don't plunder the lumber! (Earth First)
Don't point THAT thing this way it might be loaded
Don't point at me, get your own damn BBS.
Don't point that ALT-Y at me, I'm not the Boss!
Don't point that thing at me!
Don't poison my sound waves. - Rimmer
Don't poke sticks at the monkeys.  -- Forrest Gump
Don't pollute--bicycle commute!
Don't postpone joy.
Don't praise the bread until it is baked.
Don't pray for me; just go away.
Don't press any key to continue.
Don't press the keys so damned hard!
Don't presume I'm straight.
Don't push it, you fool! That's the History Eraser button!
Don't put all your Andretti's in one race.
Don't put all your EXE's in one backup!
Don't put all your ranking officers in one shuttlecraft.
Don't put boogers in your rice, it's not Healthy!!
Don't put off 'til tomorrow what you can avoid altogether
Don't put off till tomorrow what can be enjoyed today.
Don't put words in my mouth; you risk getting your hand bitten off.
Don't put your sauce on my bag! - Mutant Raccoon
Don't put your tongue on it - Crow on freezer shelf
Don't question authority -- it doesn't know, either.
Don't question authority, he doesn't know either.
Don't question authority, it doesn't know either!
Don't question authority, it doesn't know either.
Don't question authority.. It hasn't got a clue!!!!!
Don't question authority; it doesn't know either.
Don't quit five minutes before the miracle happens.
Don't quit until you find someone to blame.
Don't quote me on that.
Don't raise your Caps Lock at me!
Don't re-elect them!  Jail their asses!!!
Don't read everything you believe.
Don't read health books - you may die of a misprint.
Don't read insulting taglines, you IMBECILE!
Don't read this line under penalty of law. Violators will be prosecuted.
Don't read this tagline!  What a waste of time!  It's not even funny!
Don't really need dem little farts to remind me!
Don't recall us We'll recall you.
Don't recall us...we'll recall you....
Don't register, don't vote, don't bitch.
Don't regress, Have success, use Xpress to excess, <<<James>>>
Don't regret growing older... it's a privilege denied to many.
Don't regret your past or fear the future, but live for God today.
Don't regulate banks.  Help BCCI and Charlie Keating.
Don't regulate me because I MIGHT break the law.
Don't relax until you spot your escape route--Friday
Don't reply to inappropriate messages left by SysOp.
Don't reply to inappropriate messages left by the Sysop.
Don't reply to inappropriate messages, left by SysOp.
Don't reply to inappropriate messages, let SysOp do it.
Don't reply to inappropriate messages, let the Sysop DO IT.
Don't resent being old, some are denied the privilege.
Don't rest on your laurels, said Tom hardily.
Don't rest on your laurels. It may be poison ivy.
Don't rip out my heart, my achy breakyeeaargh! - Billy Ray Cyrus
Don't rock the boat if you can't swim!
Don't rock the jukebox.
Don't rot away, Rene! - Tom sings to corpse
Don't rot away, Renee!  - Tom Servo
Don't run away!  Being old is not a curse.  It just happens.  Sigh.
Don't run from Cthulhu.  You'll only die tired.
Don't rush me - I'm dawdling as fast as I can!
Don't rush me, I'm dawdling as fast as I can
Don't rush me.  I get paid by the hour.
Don't sass me, son - Mike
Don't say "Look" when you mean "Please Listen."
Don't say 'probing', sir - Crow
Don't say 'underthings'! - Mike
Don't say anything and you won't be called on to repeat it.
Don't say during sex:  A little rug burn ever hurt anyone!
Don't say during sex:  Are those real or am I just behind the times?
Don't say during sex:  Are you sure I don't know you from somewhere?
Don't say during sex:  Bet you didn't know I work for "The Enquirer".
Don't say during sex:  But I just brushed my teeth
Don't say during sex:  But everybody looks funny naked!
Don't say during sex:  But my cat always sleeps on that pillow..
Don't say during sex:  But whipped cream makes me break out.
Don't say during sex:  Can you please pass me the remote control?
Don't say during sex:  Did I mention my transsexual operation?
Don't say during sex:  Did I mention the video camera?
Don't say during sex:  Did I remember to take my pill?
Don't say during sex:  Did I tell you my Aunt Martha died in this bed?
Don't say during sex:  Did you come yet, dear?
Don't say during sex:  Did you know the ceiling needs painting?
Don't say during sex:  Do you accept Visa?
Don't say during sex:  Do you get any premium movie channels?
Don't say during sex:  Do you know the definition of statutory rape?
Don't say during sex:  Do you smell something burning?
Don't say during sex:  Does this count as a date?
Don't say during sex:  Does your husband own a sawed-off shotgun?
Don't say during sex:  Don't mind meI always file my nails in bed.
Don't say during sex:  Don't worry, my dog's friendly for a Doberman.
Don't say during sex:  Got any penicillin?
Don't say during sex:  Have you ever considered liposuction?
Don't say during sex:  Have you seen "Fatal Attraction"?
Don't say during sex:  Hey, when is it going to be my friend's turn?
Don't say during sex:  Hic!  I need another beer for this please.
Don't say during sex:  Hope you're as good looking when I'm sober
Don't say during sex:  How long do you plan to be "almost there"?
Don't say during sex:  Hurry up! This room rents by the Hour!
Don't say during sex:  I have a confession to make
Don't say during sex:  I think biting is romantic- don't you?
Don't say during sex:  I think you have it on backwards.
Don't say during sex:  I thought you had the keys to the handcuffs!
Don't say during sex:  I want a baby!
Don't say during sex:  I wish we got the Playboy channel
Don't say during sex:  I've slept with more women than Wilt Chamberlain!
Don't say during sex:  If you quit smoking you'll have more endurance
Don't say during sex:  Is that a Medic-Alert Pendant?
Don't say during sex:  Is that a hanging sculpture?
Don't say during sex:  Is that blood on the headboard?
Don't say during sex:  Is this a sin too?
Don't say during sex:  Keep it down, my mother is a light sleeper
Don't say during sex:  Long kisses clog my sinuses
Don't say during sex:  Maybe we should call Dr. Ruth
Don't say during sex:  My old girlfriend used to do it a LOT longer!
Don't say during sex:  No, reallyI do this part better myself!
Don't say during sex:  Now I know why he/she dumped you
Don't say during sex:  On second thought, let's turn off the lights.
Don't say during sex:  Oprah Winfrey had a show about men like you!
Don't say during sex:  Perhaps you're just out of practice.
Don't say during sex:  Petroleum jelly or no petroleum jelly, I said NO!
Don't say during sex:  Smile, you're on Candid Camera!
Don't say during sex:  So much for mouth-to-mouth.
Don't say during sex:  So much for the fulfillment of sexual fantasies!
Don't say during sex:  So that's why they call you MR. Flash!
Don't say during sex:  Sorry but I don't do toes!
Don't say during sex:  Sweetheart, did you lock the back door?
Don't say during sex:  That leak better be from the waterbed!
Don't say during sex:  They're not cracker crumbs, it's just a rash.
Don't say during sex:  This would be more fun with a few more people
Don't say during sex:  Try breathing through your nose.
Don't say during sex:  Try not to smear my make-up, will ya!
Don't say during sex:  Were you by any chance repressed as a child?
Don't say during sex:  What are you planning to make for breakfast?
Don't say during sex:  What tampon?
Don't say during sex:  When is this supposed to feel good?
Don't say during sex:  When would you like to meet my parents?
Don't say during sex:  You could at least ACT like you're enjoying it!
Don't say during sex:  You look younger than you feel.
Don't say during sex:  You mean you're NOT my blind date?
Don't say during sex:  You sweat more than a galloping stallion!
Don't say during sex:  You woke me up for that?
Don't say during sex:  You'll still vote for me, won't you?
Don't say during sex:  You're almost as good as my ex!
Don't say during sex:  You're good enough to do this for a living!
Don't say male, say chromosomally-advantaged.
Don't say no until you've heard the whole story!
Don't say to a cop, "10 to 1 says your name is Officer Bubba."
Don't say to a cop, "Drunk? I've only beered 2 hads."
Don't say to a cop, "How 'bout I get outta my car and whip yer butt."
Don't say to a cop, "I wasn't going near as say as you fast I was."
Don't say to a cop, "What's happnin', Bozo?"
Don't say to a cop, 10 to 1 says your name is Officer Bubba.
Don't say to a cop, Drunk? I've only beered 2 hads.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
Don't say yes until I finish talking. -- Darryl F. Zanuck
Don't scream! My boyfriend is sleeping.
Don't scream! My girlfriend is sleeping.
Don't sell the bike shop, Orville. - Hobbes
Don't sell yourself short, your wisdom is worth 2 cents.
Don't sell yourself tall, either.
Don't send Limbaugh to Bosnia, They have enough problems.
Don't send Limbaugh to Bosnia.  They have enough problems.
Don't send flowers or candy - send a good Tagline!
Don't send flowers or candy - send a good recipe!
Don't send lira, God don't want small potatoes
Don't set fire to the one I love...
Don't shake hands with Philip Roth.
Don't shake me, don't wake me, just take me!
Don't share your telephone line with a woman!
Don't shoot me!  I'm an endangered species!
Don't shoot me, Mr. Moderator. I'll go back on topic. I swear!
Don't shoot the bartender -- he's half-shot now!
Don't shoot the moderator! My dog just got meaner when he had his shot
Don't shoot! I live here all year round!
Don't shoot! I'm not Barney!
Don't shoot! I'm only the Casio player!
Don't shoot! I'm only the Casio player! 
Don't shoot! I'm only the Casio player.
Don't shoot, You'll hit the dead guy! --Crow.
Don't sit and wait for opportunity; get up and make it.
Don't sit on that chainsaw! #$%@&*NO DERRIERE
Don't sit under the family tree with anyone else but me!!!
Don't slap him, he might follow you home!!!
Don't slap the Mr. Moderator - I thought this WAS on topic!
Don't slap yourself too hard, or say "Duuh" too loud. <g>
Don't smile! No!! - Crow on guy with big lips
Don't smoke dope, fry your hair!
Don't smoke in bed - the sleeping bag you burn may be your wife.
Don't smoke in bed.  The ashes that fall to the floor may be your own.
Don't smoke in my air or I'll spit in your drink.
Don't snag my recipe....leggo....OUCH...give that back!
Don't speak about Time, until you have spoken to him.
Don't speak correct English. No one will understand you.
Don't speak ill of your enemy: plot it. - Syrus
Don't speak now, and forever hold your peace.
Don't spill any water. We don't want to make Korea messy.-Hawkeye
Don't spit on my blue suede shoes.
Don't spoil their party by bringing up reality.
Don't spoon feed the newbies!
Don't squat with spurs on!
Don't squat with your spurs on!
Don't stand between a dog and his fire hydrant.
Don't stand between the dog and the fire hydrant
Don't stand so close to me! - Crow as geeky teacher
Don't start an interstellar war, it has no helpful uses.
Don't start comparing yourself to me. It'll just make you crazy.
Don't start the evolution without me.
Don't start vast projects with half vast ideas!
Don't start with me He .  You know how I get.
Don't start with me Tony Trujillo.  You know how I get.
Don't start with me, David Emerling.  You know how I get...
Don't start with me.  You know how I get.
Don't stay in bed unless you make money in bed.
Don't steal 'em if you don't understand 'em.
Don't steal - The Government HATES competition!!
Don't steal - the government hates competition.
Don't steal - the government hates competition..
Don't steal -- politicians hate competition.
Don't steal money, steal taglines.
Don't steal my Tagline, it's already stolen!
Don't steal my tagline....leggo....OUCH...give that back!
Don't steal the Government doesn't want competition.
Don't steal this tagline, it's stolen already!
Don't steal!  The government hates the competition.
Don't steal! The government hates competition.
Don't steal! The government needs work too.
Don't steal, big business doesn't like the competition
Don't steal, it makes competition for government!
Don't steal, the government doesn't like the competition
Don't steal.  Politicians hate the competition.
Don't steal.  The government doesn't like competition.
Don't steal.  The government hates competition
Don't steal.  The government hates competition.
Don't steal. Politicians hate competition.
Don't steal. The government doesn't like competition
Don't steal.....Politici(14:04)             Number: 70
Don't steal.....Politicians hate competition.
Don't steal...politicians hate competition!
Don't steal...the Internal Revenue Service hates competition!
Don't steal...the government hates competition!
Don't step in the GUI
Don't step in the guano - Crow
Don't step on that pretty little toe -Crow's square dance
Don't step out of line or you'll find it hurts.
Don't stick yourself in wormholes, ya don't know where they've been.
Don't stop at one bug.
Don't stop posting, a good laugh breaks up my day nicely
Don't stop that fiddling around
Don't stop thinkin' about tomorrowetc etc
Don't stop to stomp ants when the elephants are stampeding.
Don't store garlic near other victuals.  L. Long
Don't store garlic near other victuals. - Lazarus Long
Don't surround yourself with yourself.
Don't suspect your friends -- turn them in! -- "Brazil"
Don't swear at it - it's only a computer.
Don't sweat it - it's only ones and zeros.
Don't sweat it -- it's only ones and zeros.
Don't sweat it, it's only ones and zeros.
Don't sweat it.  It's only ones and zeroes.
Don't sweat petty things, just pet the sweaty things.
Don't sweat the petty parts, pet the sweaty parts!
Don't sweat the petty things (or pet the sweaty things.)
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things...
Don't sweat the petty things or pet the sweaty things.
Don't sweat the petty things, just pet the sweaty things.
Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things.
Don't tailgate, you might wake me
Don't take 11 items in the 10 items Express Check-Out Lane.
Don't take Taglines seriously ... it's bad for your health.
Don't take a chance: Practice safe hex.
Don't take another step! This chicken is loaded!  Garfield
Don't take any &@#% from anyone.  -Billy Joel
Don't take any wooden Trills.  We've already got Dax.
Don't take care, take Jesus (1 Peter 5:7)!
Don't take everything I say for good fish. -Norwegian saying.
Don't take it away from me, I need someone to hold on to -- NIN
Don't take it away from me, I need something to hold on to --NIN
Don't take it away from me, I need something to hold on to.
Don't take it so personal, like!
Don't take kids grocery shopping on empty stomachs.
Don't take life serious -- you'll never get out alive!
Don't take life seriously - won't get out alive!
Don't take life seriously, because you'll never get out of it alive!
Don't take life seriously, you won't get out alive anyway
Don't take life seriously.  It is not permanent anyway.
Don't take life seriously.  It's not permanent.
Don't take life seriously... it isn't permanent.
Don't take life seriously...it isn't permanent.
Don't take life seriously; You won't get out alive anywa
Don't take life seriously; You won't get out alive anyway.
Don't take life so serious, son, it ain't nohow permanent. -- Walt Kelly
Don't take life so serious... It's not permanent!
Don't take life so serious...it ain't nohow permanent" -- Walt Kelly
Don't take life so seriously, it's not like it's permanent!
Don't take life so seriously, its not permanent!!
Don't take life so seriously.  It won't last.
Don't take life so seriously. It isn't permanent!
Don't take life so seriously...it's not permanent.
Don't take life too seriously -- you'll never get out alive anyway...
Don't take life too seriously -- you'll never get out of it alive.
Don't take life too seriously ... it's not permanent.
Don't take life too seriously, it's not permanent.
Don't take life too seriously, you might die unhappy!
Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive.
Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out of it alive!
Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive.
Don't take life too seriously--you won't get out alive.
Don't take life too seriously.  After all, it's not permanent.
Don't take life too seriously.  It's not permanent.
Don't take life too seriously.  It's only temporarily.
Don't take life too seriously.  You won't get out alive, anyway.
Don't take life too seriously. It's not permanent.
Don't take life too seriously. You aren't getting out of it alive!
Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive.
Don't take life too seriously...it's not permanent.
Don't take life too seriously; You wont get out alive.
Don't take life too seriously; it's not permanent.
Don't take life too seriously; you will never get out if it alive...
Don't take life too seriously; you'll never get out of it alive.
Don't take me literally.
Don't take no chemist to understand the equation AK47!
Don't take reality *personally*!
Don't take recipes seriously...it's bad for your health.
Don't take your life seriously. It isn't permanent.
Don't take your organs to Heaven... Heaven knows we need them here.
Don't take your sorrows ahead of time.
Don't talk *.bak.
Don't talk .bak.
Don't talk about yourself.
Don't talk like that! I'm your old man!
Don't talk to me in the morning until I've had my coffee.
Don't talk to me until I've had my second cup of coffee
Don't talk to me until I've had my second pot of coffee
Don't talk to me while I'm interrupting you.
Don't talk to me while I'm interrupting.
Don't talk to me, talk to God! He even listens to Liberals!
Don't talk to me; I'm bad. - Hawkeye
Don't talk to the driver while he's drinking. - Hawkeye
Don't talk too much. Donating (blood) can make you dizzy. - Mulcahy
Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.
Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.<Laurence Coughlin>
Don't taunt the alligator until you're across the river.
Don't tear my heart, my achy-breakyeaargh!!^$%~NO CARRIER
Don't tease the Moderator:  He's Nuclear Capable!
Don't tease the Sysop. He's nuclear capable.
Don't tease the moderator. He's nuclear capable. - Rod
Don't tease the moderator... he's nuclear capable.
Don't tease the moderator...she's nuclear capable.
Don't tease the moderatorshe's nuclear capable.
Don't tell Mom the Baby Sitter is HOT! - Tom leers
Don't tell _me_ what kind of day to have...
Don't tell a woman she's pretty, tell her there's no one like her.
Don't tell any big lies today.  Small ones can be effective
Don't tell any big lies today.  Small ones can be just as effective.
Don't tell her she's adopted. - Yakko
Don't tell him about the bats; he'll see them soon in his bellfrey.
Don't tell him your name, Alfred. OOPS!
Don't tell him. He might crack. - Slappy
Don't tell me Hercules is in this, too!
Don't tell me about my afterlife, I want to be surprised
Don't tell me about no damn problems.....fix it yourself
Don't tell me any big lies today. Small ones can be just as effective.
Don't tell me how hard you work.  Tell me how much you ge
Don't tell me how the clock works, just what time it is.
Don't tell me no stories, I don't wanna hear no lies.
Don't tell me they don't use money in the 23rd century. [*] We don't. Dr
Don't tell me to go to Hell! I've been there. Hell, Michigan.
Don't tell me what it is until I've eaten it.
Don't tell me what kind of day to have!!
Don't tell me what kind of day to have.
Don't tell me what to do, I'll love you forever if I want to.
Don't tell me what you dream'd last night for I've been reading Freud.
Don't tempt me - Garibaldi
Don't tempt me! - Amanda
Don't tempt me, Hugo! -- Dr Shrinker
Don't tempt me. --Garibaldi.
Don't thank me for insulting you.  It was my pleasure...
Don't thank me for insulting you. It was my pleasure.
Don't thank me for insulting you. It was my pleasure...
Don't thank me! Thank the moon's gravitational pull! - McGyver
Don't that beat all-- Joel Robinson
Don't the Powers That Be understand, that this is what we want?
Don't these nit pickers just piss you off..?
Don't think about beer-Don't think about beer-Don't think about beer.
Don't think at all. Just use your instinct. <Mae>
Don't think fingerprints are actually labeled - Tom
Don't think of it as dying, think of it as NO MORE TAXES!
Don't think of them as pedestrians, think of them as semi-mobile speed bumps.
Don't think that I'm stringing you along, but...
Don't think too far beyond your next meal.
Don't think too hard, @FN@. I know you don't have much to work with.
Don't think women are explosive? Try dropping one!
Don't think you're having all the fun,you know me,I hate everyone - NIN
Don't think! Scheme! -- Sela
Don't think, it wrinkles the forehead
Don't think.  Don't worry.  Everything's just fine.  Just fine.
Don't throw away your $.02 words....I collect them!
Don't throw kisses unless the girl is a good catch.
Don't throw vegetables,   just send cash!!!!!!!
Don't tick off a dragon. Your windshield would never stand it!
Don't tick off dragons. Unless of course, you WANT 3rd degree burns.
Don't tickle me. I'm thin & it wouldn't be fair - Mike
Don't tongue my hair! - Tom as girl
Don't torture yourself, Gomez... that's my job. -- Morticia
Don't torture yourself, Orville. That's *my* job.
Don't torture yourself...that's my job.
Don't torture yourself...that's my job. -Janier
Don't touch it! It's the history eraser button you fool!
Don't touch me - I'm implosive!
Don't touch me there! No not there! No please not tha
Don't touch me! I don't know where I've been!
Don't touch me! I've got a lawyer & I'm not afraid to use it.
Don't touch me! Orville hugged me and I haven't showered yet!
Don't touch me! You bent my arm! - Crow
Don't touch me, I'm very old and valuable.
Don't touch me. I've got a lawyer and I'm not afraid to use him!
Don't touch me...I've got a lawyer and I'm not afraid to use him!
Don't touch my bags, if you please, Mr. Customs Man!
Don't touch my craft room-it'll confuse me & screw up my world!
Don't touch my ears... unless you're serious about it.  Quark
Don't touch my mess-it'll confuse me & screw up my world!
Don't touch that PLAN&%$@*&!#%@, No Harrier!
Don't touch that button, Komrade !...$@%#$& - NYET KARRIER !
Don't touch that dial!   We'll be back before you know it.
Don't touch that keyboard, we'll be right back.
Don't touch that keyboard.  We'll be right back.
Don't touch that pho$%^& NO CARRIER
Don't touch that!  It's the History Eraser Button, fool!
Don't touch that!  Mr.Tesla says it's dangerous!
Don't touch the ph$#^^&%$@@#NO CARRIER
Don't touch the phone! I'm on the mod^%$#(@( NO CARRIER.
Don't touch with 10' poll: a fat woman's Twinkie.
Don't touch with 10' poll: anything fuzzy and green in a locker room.
Don't touch with 10' poll: someone who has a longer poll.
Don't touch with 10' poll: your spit after it becomes spit.
Don't trivialize a coincidence.
Don't trust Lorena Bobbitt, *especially* with a *loaded* penis!
Don't trust Lorena Bobbitt, *especially* with a penis!
Don't trust a government that doesn't trust you with guns.
Don't trust a government that doesn't trust your drugs.
Don't trust a government that doesn't trust your guns!
Don't trust a government that doesn't trust your guns.
Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than you -- ROA #47
Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own. - 47th Rule
Don't trust a man with a better suit than your own. -ROA#47
Don't trust a presidential candidate over 35
Don't trust an Info-Babe...
Don't trust an abortion activist over 40
Don't trust an anti-abortion activist with a Penis.
Don't trust an idea unless it survives the hangover.
Don't trust any program with a 1-1-80 date.
Don't trust anyone over six! -Ronald-Ann True. They're all nuts.
Don't trust anything that moves - kill it instead.
Don't trust doctors, they once said you were sane.
Don't trust doctors. They said you were sane once.
Don't trust reality.  After all, it is only a collective hunch.
Don't trust the future - it loves to spring surprises.
Don't trust the government farther than you can throw it!
Don't trust the government that wouldn't trust you.
Don't trust the information unless the source is quoted!
Don't trust them. Don't trust them. Let them die! -- Kirk
Don't trust your eyes, Mr. Paris. We only traveled 100 kilometers.
Don't try cheering me up, I like being miserable.
Don't try this at home without adult supervision, kids!
Don't try this at home, kids, we're trained professionals.
Don't try this at home, we're PROFESSIONAL idiots!
Don't try this at home....we are PROFESSIONAL idiots.
Don't try to confuse me with the facts!
Don't try to engage my enthusiasm--I haven't got one
Don't try to feed your car a pickle.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's way, Lord @FN@.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord #TN#.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Bullitt.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Janorkar.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Orville.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Young.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord.
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. -- Heinlein
Don't try to kiss a girl after eating a durian.
Don't try to out-weird me
Don't try to outrun nobody if you're wearin' sandals.
Don't try to pull the wool over my eyes, Tom said sheepishly.
Don't try to saw sawdust.
Don't try to scare an armed man.  Success will get you a tombstone.
Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes time and annoys the pig.
Don't try to understand 'em, just rope and throw and brand 'em!
Don't tug on Superman's cape.
Don't turn on the light while the wolfram's at your door.
Don't turn your PC into a toad; it just goes reboot, reboot, reboot...
Don't turn your back on me! - Mufasa
Don't turn your lights on when I die.
Don't type anything here you wouldn't want your kids to read.
Don't type at me in that tone of voice!
Don't underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of mag tapes
Don't underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes
Don't underestimate the power of inflation.
Don't underestimate the power of love.
Don't undertake vast projects with half-vast ideas.
Don't undertip the waiter because the food is bad; he didn't cook it.
Don't use Double Space -- Just delete Windows?
Don't use God for a conversation stopper. J. Habgood
Don't use a big word when a diminutive one will do.
Don't use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice.
Don't use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice.
Don't use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice. 
Don't use a big word where a diminutive word will suffice.
Don't use a long word if a diminutive one will do.
Don't use blood for invocations, you'll get hemogobblins.
Don't use blood for invocations, you'll get hemogoblins..
Don't use blood for invocations--you'll get hemogoblins.
Don't use both feet to test the depth of a river.
Don't use commas, which aren't necessary.
Don't use commas, which, aren't necessary.
Don't use force; use a bigger hammer.
Don't use no double negatives, not never.
Don't use no double negatives.
Don't use offensive tags. It may upset the jerk reading this.
Don't use our trashcan, it's only for apples!
Don't use sexist language. Broads don't like it!
Don't use the EXIT - Mike as girl runs by out door
Don't use your wheelchair as a crutch - Mike
Don't vacation at Lake Flaccid!
Don't vex me, Pinky, or I shall turn on you. -Brain
Don't vote - it only encourages them.
Don't vote for politicians-it only encourages them!
Don't vote, it only encourages them.
Don't vote--it only encourages them!
Don't vote.  It only encourages them.
Don't vote. It incourages them!
Don't wag your finger at me, Pink Boy! - Crow
Don't wait for people to be friendly, Show em how.
Don't wait for people to be friendly, Show'em how.
Don't wait for someone to be friendly to you, be friendly first.
Don't wait for the shrimp boats, I'll be comin' home with the crabs!
Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.
Don't wait to legalize DRUGS go the short way KILL YOURSELF with a gun!
Don't wait too long! The Taglines are going fast! <LOL!>
Don't wait too long.. or I'll be gone..
Don't wait until you die to be brought to church!
Don't wait! Procrastinate now!
Don't wake up grouchey... I let "HER" sleep.
Don't walk through any screen doors, you might strain yourself!
Don't walk through the screen door, you might strain yourself.
Don't wanna work - wanna bang on keyboard.
Don't want sex?  Point and laugh, it'll go away
Don't want to Wilt shall be a hole in the Law.
Don't want to he the Furry sitting on the OJ jury....
Don't want to hurt no kangaroos -- Randy Newman
Don't waste a lie if the truth will work
Don't waste beer, there are sober people in India.
Don't waste the whole day - laugh at LEAST once!
Don't waste time learning the "tricks of the trade."  Learn the trade.
Don't waste time responding to your critics!
Don't waste water.  Pee on a friend.
Don't waste your pity.   Robert Ryan
Don't waste your time arguing about allocating blame; there's pleanty.
Don't we even get a few practice semesters ? - Calvin
Don't we even get a few practise semesters?  -Calvin
Don't wear earmuffs in a bed of rattlesnakes
Don't wear earmuffs in a land of rattlesnakes.
Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
Don't wear seatbelts -- we need more organ donors!
Don't wet your Tribble and NEVER feed it after midnight
Don't whine and pine...get online...you'll be fine.
Don't whine the stains'll come out some day. -- Bone Gnawers
Don't whiz on the electric fence.
Don't wish peace on *me*! -Chang-sha
Don't work _too_ hard...Clinton will tax the overtime.
Don't work too hard - Clinton will tax all the overtime.
Don't worry 'bout what you don't know.
Don't worry - *I* still like you!
Don't worry - Cthulhu LIKES your sense of humor.
Don't worry - I don't consider that to be a capital offense.
Don't worry - be stoopid.
Don't worry -- Cthulhu LIKES your sense of humor.
Don't worry -- the next message will be better.
Don't worry Be :-)
Don't worry Dear, I have your Spam, I love it!
Don't worry O.J. Michael is taking care of the kids.
Don't worry about God. Mary is pregnant again.
Don't worry about aging.  Only worry when you stop aging.
Don't worry about hair turning gray, wait until it turns loose!
Don't worry about it, I don't take myself seriously either.
Don't worry about it, no one takes He seriously.
Don't worry about it, no one takes Orville Bullitt seriously.
Don't worry about it, no one takes Orville seriously.
Don't worry about life, you won't get out of it alive.
Don't worry about life. Hari Seldon planned it that way.
Don't worry about life. Harry Seldon planned it that way.
Don't worry about life; you're not going to survive it, anyway.
Don't worry about temptation--as you grow older, it starts avoiding you.
Don't worry about the bug bears; I'll talk us out of this.
Don't worry about the dog, he doesn't bite.
Don't worry about the line noise.  It's just koalas fornicating.
Don't worry about the war.  It's all over but the shooting.
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, it's
Don't worry about what others think of you, they seldom do.
Don't worry about your health, it will go away.
Don't worry fellas Eternity can't last forever! Eek. --The Cat.
Don't worry if you're a kleptomaniac, you can always take
Don't worry if you're a kleptomaniac, you can take something for it.
Don't worry if you're a kleptomaniac.
Don't worry man, the answer is 42. But the question ????
Don't worry the next message will be better!
Don't worry the next message will be better!
Don't worry what people think of you; they seldom do.
Don't worry!  You just sit there, the men in white coats will be here.
Don't worry! His 'area' will protect him! - Tom
Don't worry, Cthulhu LIKES your sense of humor.
Don't worry, I can get closer.
Don't worry, I can kick all your butts.
Don't worry, I don't understand what I just said either!
Don't worry, I have permission.
Don't worry, I know a guy who will tow us.
Don't worry, I know first aid.
Don't worry, I know how to kill the smell.
Don't worry, I know those gals.
Don't worry, I only smite the meanie heads of the world.
Don't worry, I really know the lake.
Don't worry, I'll do the talking.
Don't worry, I'll make the sandwiches.
Don't worry, I'll pay the fine.
Don't worry, I'll put you in the best spot.
Don't worry, I'll stay sober.
Don't worry, I'll throw you a stick.
Don't worry, I'm an expert at this.
Don't worry, I'm fluent in weirdo
Don't worry, I'm fluent in weirdo.
Don't worry, I'm fluent in weirdo...
Don't worry, I'm fluent in wierdo
Don't worry, I'm fluent in wierdo.
Don't worry, I'm go-ng t# b`ckup tfF-;.kl'''
Don't worry, I'm going to backup todam|!&%#~%
Don't worry, I'm gong t bckup td!&%#~%
Don't worry, I'm go‹ng t“ bƒckup t•d†æ­!­
Don't worry, Inspector Bullitt; just a swamp cult, no big deal.
Don't worry, Inspector Orville; just a swamp cult, no big deal.
Don't worry, Mrs. Gingrich.  The truth is always a defense.
Don't worry, O.J. Michael is taking care of the kids.
Don't worry, all the fishermen drink here.
Don't worry, be happ...aw, who gives a damn.
Don't worry, be happ...aw, who gives a darn.
Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, if everything worked right you'd be out of a job.
Don't worry, it doesn't look bad.
Don't worry, it only looks expensive.
Don't worry, it'll be fun.
Don't worry, it's OK -- I'm sterile.
Don't worry, it's all part of the program. - The Mice
Don't worry, it's deep enough if you stay left.
Don't worry, it's just a short easy hike.
Don't worry, it's just a three hour tour.
Don't worry, it's real shallow here.
Don't worry, my wife won't mind.
Don't worry, nobody will notice.
Don't worry, nothing will happen till the music stops.
Don't worry, send money!
Don't worry, she'll hold together.  Hear me baby?  Hold together.
Don't worry, she'll hold together. Hear me baby? Hold together.
Don't worry, someone will find us.
Don't worry, that dog won't bite.
Don't worry, that's just Twopaw and Dire Wolf eating a deer :>. -Zef
Don't worry, the 60s will be over soon - Crow to bikers
Don't worry, the answer's at the back of the book.
Don't worry, the boat's a terrific buy.
Don't worry, the bugs aren't bad this year.
Don't worry, the fish are hitting like crazy!
Don't worry, the fish aren't spoiled.
Don't worry, the fog will lift.
Don't worry, the ground ahead is solid.
Don't worry, the ice is safe.
Don't worry, the locals think I'm terrific.
Don't worry, the owner lives out of state.
Don't worry, the skunk is bluffing.
Don't worry, the storm will miss us.
Don't worry, the warden never comes here.
Don't worry, the water is safe to drink.
Don't worry, the water will smooth as glass.
Don't worry, the worms are fresh.
Don't worry, there won't be a soul there.
Don't worry, they have plenty of boats there.
Don't worry, this thing can't be stuck.
Don't worry, this tooth extraction wont hurt...........ME
Don't worry, this won't hurt.
Don't worry, those mushrooms are okay.
Don't worry, we can get bait there.
Don't worry, we can get beer there.
Don't worry, we have plenty of light left.
Don't worry, we won't get lost.
Don't worry, we'll be back by noon.
Don't worry, you can stay with me.
Don't worry, you'll like my buddies.
Don't worry, you're allowed ten bass.
Don't worry, your wife won't know.
Don't worry--Cthulhu LIKES your sense of humor
Don't worry--I know my glamour is the sort that terrifies weaklings
Don't worry--be nasty.
Don't worry--be silly!
Don't worry.  I backed it up to the RAM disk yesterday.
Don't worry.  I practice safe science. -- Beakman
Don't worry.  Nothing ever happens at first level.
Don't worry.  We're on a mission from God.
Don't worry. Be happy.
Don't worry. I'll always be there when I need you.
Don't worry. I'm going to backup todu!!&%@#$(*&Y-
Don't worry. I'm not going to kiss you.
Don't worry. It'll be over soon, Joel - Tom
Don't worry. We're on a mission from God.
Don't worry... there's no relationship.
Don't worry:  The answer's at the back of the book.
Don't wrestle in the mud with a pig, the pig enjoys it...
Don't write a run-on sentence you got to punctuate it.
Don't write in a book Unless it is your cheque book! 
Don't write less. Take better compression software...
Don't write run-on sentences they are hard to read.
Don't write run-on sentences they are too hard to read.
Don't ya hate it when ya can't get a quote to fit into a tagline??? I ha
Don't ya hate it when you stab someone, and your knife gets stuck?
Don't ya hate it when your stabbin' someone, and your knife gets stuck
Don't ya hate it when your stabbing someone, and your knife gets stuck
Don't ya just hate,it when there's not enough room to fin
Don't ya think I know me own ship? <thunk> - Scotty ST V
Don't yell at me! I'm not your mother.
Don't yell at me, @N@, I'm not your mother.
Don't yell at me, Bob, I'm not your mother.
Don't yell at me, Brenda, I'm not your mother.
Don't yell at me, Orville Bullitt, I'm not your mother.
Don't yell at me, Orville, I'm not your mother.
Don't yell at me...I'm NOT your mother!
Don't you DARE cheer me up. I'm enjoying my depression.
Don't you EVER step on my line again! - Tom to Crow
Don't you blow your last resistor on a sister that'll mystify you!
Don't you dare forget your history...Ted Nugent, Rockin' NRA BofD Mem.
Don't you dare join me, Orville Bullitt. You don't like jumping on beds.
Don't you dare join me, Orville. You don't like jumping on beds.
Don't you dare jump on the mo-NO CARRIER
Don't you dare skid on my rainbow paper!
Don't you dare touch that "ignore" button!
Don't you display your weapons? -- Trelane
Don't you ever interrupt me! -- Dr. Forrester
Don't you ever say "$#%@@##" to me again!
Don't you feel MACHO being able to use EDLIN?
Don't you feel that your salami is on the chopping block?
Don't you find it extremly infuriating when your new tagline doesn't f
Don't you get it, Picard?  The trial never ends - Q
Don't you get it? The name of this movie is `DEATHflight'!
Don't you got a football game to go to?
Don't you hate boring recipes?
Don't you hate boring taglines?
Don't you hate it (when people forget to close the brackets.
Don't you hate it when foreigners ask you to explain Clinton?
Don't you hate it when life doesn't follow the manuals?
Don't you hate it when that happens?
Don't you hate it when the moderators forget this is a hobby?
Don't you hate it when you break your +4 holy avenger?
Don't you hate it when you forget a good Tagline?
Don't you hate it when you forget a good recipe?
Don't you hate it when you're typing along and all of a sudden run o
Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?
Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze? - Calvin
Don't you hate to hear your Dentist say "Oops?"
Don't you hate when that happens? 
Don't you hate when that happens??
Don't you hate when the moderators forget this is a hobby?
Don't you have ANYTHING better to do?
Don't you have a terribly empty feeling - in your skull?
Don't you have any homework to do??
Don't you have anything better to read than taglines?
Don't you have anything without Spam in it?
Don't you have something better to do?
Don't you just HATE explaining your taglines?
Don't you just LOVE these little machines??
Don't you just hate days off?
Don't you just hate it when that happens?....
Don't you just hate it when the moderators forget this is a hobby?
Don't you just hate it when they verbify nouns?
Don't you just hate it when your taglines are one character too lon
Don't you just hate when they verbify nouns?
Don't you just love my fur coat? *&^%%$#@!* NO FURRIER
Don't you know he's unstable? Look at that collar!  - Crow
Don't you know it's bad luck to be superstitious?
Don't you know that TV rots your mind? - Ren Hoek
Don't you know that it's a fool who plays it cool. -Beatles
Don't you know the Queen's English?  No, is she?
Don't you know where *your* towel is?
Don't you know where YOUR towel is?
Don't you know where you are? Lost in America, Lost in America, lost!
Don't you like my company? * Geordi
Don't you love it when someone steals YOUR tagline !!
Don't you mean fee-fi-fo-fum? - Yakko
Don't you need somebody to love,
Don't you point that <gryn> at me! It might be loaded!
Don't you really think you'd be better off leaving the country?
Don't you recognize your own stomping ground? - Q
Don't you remember me? - Rimmer
Don't you see what this means? Yes. We're going to die.
Don't you see, he said. We are made from our dreams.
Don't you see? That's why we get along so well. - Vash
Don't you sleep with your males? -- Haneek
Don't you smell something burning?
Don't you sometimes wish that there was a solution to everything?
Don't you sometimes wish trucks could reproduce?
Don't you think it's about time you tried me?
Don't you think that's her decision to make?
Don't you think you're a little over reacting? (Adam to God)
Don't you try to come through my door.
Don't you understand, the regeneration is failing. - 5th Doctor
Don't you want more than my sex?
Don't you want somebody to love,
Don't you want to be a Block too?
Don't you wish this was a real dirty limerick instead?
Don't you wish you could DL a HOT pizza?
Don't you wish you could FRE'q a Pizza and a 6-pack?
Don't you wish you could FREQ a Hot Pizza and a Six pack?
Don't you wish you could be me.
Don't you wish you could download a HOT pizza?
Don't you wish you could download a pizza?
Don't!  The Moderator will find out, then you'll get it!
Don't! Stop! Don't! Stop! Don't! Stop! Don't Stop! Don't Stop! Don't!
Don't! Stop!...Don't! Stop!...oooo Don't Stop! Don't Stop! Don't Stop!
Don't. You're too young to experience that much pain. --Ivanova.
Don't....... I've got lips all over my monitor.....(O8*
Don't...start with me! --Hercules
Don't...touch...anything. EVER! - Quark to Rom
Don't...you're too young to experience that much pain - Susan Ivanova
Don't...you're too young to experience that much pain." - Ivanova
Don't...you're too young to experience that much pain." - Susan Ivanova
Don, if you're getting this - this is Frequently Asked Question!
Don, you fail to grasp Ti Kwon Leep.  (BOOT TO THE HEAD)
Donald Duck programs in QuackBASIC!
Donald J. Pease, Congressman (Oh.), was an Eagle Scout.
Donald Trump used Windows - look where it got him!
Donald Westbrook MIA 3-13-68 / You are not forgotten.
Donate Blood...Plan Rugby !
Donate here for the 'Help Rebuild Tom's Brain' Fund.
Donate money. Support my fight against materialism
Donate to the McFly needs money foundation
Donate your body to science. Even medical students could use a chuckle
Donated her body to science...  before she was done using it.
Donations to the Clinton Contributions Fund accepted here.
Doncha know? There's a HUGE line of gays, ready to sign up, now!
Done! Pencil me on your 'dance card'.. - TEC
Donna, please.  Not in front of the Klingons.
Dont ask how I know, but play-dough tastes really gross!
Dont be misled by kakorrhaphiophobia into osphresiolagnia
Dont forget the best CAPTIAN I know! "PICARD"
Dont hide in a foxhole with someone braver than you
Dont hide your head in the sand unless you have feathers on your butt
Dont hit me Mr Moderator I'll go back on topic I swear!
Dont leave your girl-friend alone with your modem !
Dont recall us ... we'll recall you
Dont stand for sexual harassment - Lay down.
Dont steal!  The IRS hates competition!
Dont take life seriously; You wont get out alive anyway
Dont you just hate small replies?
Dont'ja just love $#(*^&(^ine noise?
Dont't ask me, I'm making this up as I go...
Donut makers DO IT in the hole.
Donut? - Richie Ryan
Donuts can do anything. - Homer Simpson..
Donuts do it with cream or jelly.
Donuts. Is there anything they can't do? - Homer
Donuts: The staple food of police departments everywhere.
Doo Wah Diddy.                          Manfred Mann
Doobie oobie walla, doobie abba nabba.  Good morning Starshine (Hair)
Doodles Weaver as Eraserhead - Crow
Doodles! Doodles! Doodles! - Mike, Tom & Crow chant
Doodly, doodly, doodly - Mike/Bots hum movie music
Doogie Howser is the Kwizatz Haderach!
Doogie Howser, Detective - Crow on young cop
Doom "Nightmare" Mode:  Where *nothing* stays dead for long
Doom - the ultimate encounter with virtual death!
Doom = Doom Taglines
Doom Deathmatch Mode: Reach out an kill someone!
Doom Deathmatch: Reach out and KILL someone!
Doom Deatmatch Mode:  Reach out an kill someone.
Doom II: Coming soon to blast Apogge's Blake Stone away.
Doom Isn't a game - It's a way of life!
Doom Modem Play.....Hehehhee..I hope noone needs to call me....:>
Doom doomed Blake Stone
Doom is to Shareware Games as Full House is to Fine Theater.
Doom is to Shareware Games as Full House is to Fine Theatre.
Doom is to Shareware Games as Macs are to Computers
Doom is to shareware as Catholics are to humans
Doom problem No.11 : Splat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doom problem No.2 : Your clock seems to be fast.
Doom(n)(V)(ADV)(PN): Adictive killing machine...
Doom, from the makers of Pong.
Doom...what else is there?
Doom:  Don't trust anything that moves - kill it instead.
Doom:  Fun and games until you hit that room full of CacoDemons.
Doom:  If it moves, shoot it.  Keep shooting it until it quits moving.
Doom:  Rated PC-13; Profound Carnage!
Doom: @TO@'s best game since Call of Cthulhu.
Doom: David Rawsthorne's best game since Call of Cthulhu.
Doom: Don't trust anything that moves - kill it instead.
Doom: If it moves, shoot it If it doesn't move, shoot it 'till it does
Doom: If it moves, shoot it. Keep shooting it until it quits moving.
Doom: When the winds of Limbo Roar <---- Don't ask
Doom? I'll get to it when I've mastered Pong!
Doomed world April fool hell as Starfleet says "Die & stop ya moanin!"
Dooming means you never have to say your sorry.
Doomsday:  Groomsday.
Door Author Quote #13:  Users are SOOOOO stupid!
Door Locked, Use Windows.
Door Writer Quote #92:  Sir, you do know what a sysop is, don't you?
Door issues
Door:  Something a cat wants to be on the other side of.
Door:  Something a cat wants to be on the other side of...
Door:  something a cat wants to be on the other side of.
Door: Something a cat wants to be in the other side of.
Door: something a cat wants to be on the other side of.
Doorjammies: Part of clothing hanging out the bottom of a car door.
Doors open and close, the smash of glass--Jim Morrison
Dope Ring (n): Twelve blonds standing in a circle.
Dope Ring: A Bunch of Blondes in a Circle.
Dope on a rope - Crow on mountain climber
Dope? Nope!
Dopefish are cool.  They're like cows.
Dopplegangers! Dopple-coppers - Crow on lookalike cops
Dorian Gray's by Oscar, said Tom wildly.
Doris Gump - Mike on dumb girl
Doris, FOR THE BIRDS, is leading Carol astray :-)
Dorito Chips are made of silicon.
Dork! - Crow to Mike's new robot
Dorothy! ... click the mouse, not your heals !!!
Dorothy, if you're going to Oz again, I'm going with you, Em barked.
Dorothy, we're not in Kansas. Toto! you can speak!
Dorothy- Hate OZ, took shoes, find your own way home  - Toto
Dorothy: "Odo, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore
Dorothy:Oz sucks,went back to Kansas.Took Ruby Shoes.Good luck.TOTO
Dos Error #012 - Human error, Human error...
Dos Perot: You boot it and it decides if it will run
Dos-e-do, byte your partner... throw em thru the Windows... Prominade
Dos: Venerable.  Windows: Vulnerable.  OS/2: Viable.
Dos=High. I knew I was on something.
Dose anyone half a spill cheker??
Dose who live by de sword git shot by dose who duzn't.
Dost thou love life? -- Franklin
Dot = Animaniacs: Quotes by Dot Warner
Dot of Borg: Being cute is irrelevant!
Dot of Borg: Calling me Dotty is futile.
Dot walked up to the TV with a bottle of Miller Lite.
Dot, I appoint you Minister of Girly Things I Don't Understand. -Yakko
Dotage: so called from the "dot" the walking stick makes.
Doth Job fear God for naught? - Job 1:9
Doth not Brutus bootless heel?
Doth the ursinoid excrete in the sylvan glades?
Double 0 Double entendre! - Tom
Double Bucky, you're the one...
Double C? I thought it was the Double Cranch - Crow
Double Jock Lock sounds like pure Americana - Tom
Double Standard:  Why guys get lucky and girls get a reputation.
Double Star by Robert A. Heinlein
Double Your HardDrive... DELTREE \WINDOWS /Y.
Double bag it, Son - Mike
Double brains are needed to deal with those who have none. B. Gracian
Double the recipe?  But my oven won't go up to 700 F!
Double the size of your HD: DELETE WINDOWS.
Double the speed of your computer: Deltree C:\windows.
Double the value of your Ford.  Fill up the gas tank.
Double the value of your Yugo - fill up the gas tank.
Double value meal - just as good coming back up!
Double you hard drive space : DELETE WINDOWS!
Double your HD space, Delete windows!
Double your HD space, double your computer speed: DELETE WINDOWS!
Double your HD speed.  Type deltree /Y C:\WIN
Double your Hard Drive Space ... Delete Windows.
Double your Hard Drive Space:  DELETE WINDOWS!
Double your chances for a date! Become Bisexual!
Double your clock speed - Plug into 220 volts
Double your computer speed -- plug it into 220 volts.
Double your dipoles. Double your flux.
Double your disk space....  Delete Windows
Double your disk space:  delete Windows & its apps.
Double your drive space - delete Windows!
Double your drive space! Delete Windows and DoubleSpace!
Double your drive space! Delete Windows and Stacker!
Double your drive space! Delete Windows!
Double your hard disk space:  DELETE WINDOWS!
Double your hard drive in 10 seconds  **DELETE WINDOWS**
Double your hard drive space in 10 seconds  **DELETE WINDOWS**
Double your hard drive space with DOS6: Just type DELTREE C:\WINDOWS <
Double your hard drive space!  DELETE WINDOWS!
Double your hard drive space! DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.*
Double your hard drive space, delete Windows.
Double your hard drive!  DELETE WINDOWS!!!!!!
Double your hard drive's space--delete Windows!
Double your harddisk:  Del C:\WINDOWS\*.*
Double your hardrive in -10- seconds  *DELETE WINDOWS*
Double your pleasure, Double your fun.  Xerox your pay-cheques.
Double your pleasure, Double your fun.  Xerox your paychecks
Double your pleasure.  Double your fun.  Xerox your paychecks.
Double your time with two watches.
Double, double, toil and trouble, only $1.50 this week at Bud's
Double-O-Limbaugh... License to annoy.
Double-check the redundancy generator, will you?
Double-click and you shall receive.
Double-click on this line to kill Barney!
DoubleSpace * Compressed itself out of DOS 6.21
DoubleSpace anomaly!  (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)all Stac's legal department
DoubleSpace has trashed your files, have a nice day.
DoubleSpace is like TETRIS, but not as much fun.
DoubleSpace is to data what fire was to the Hindenburg !
DoubleSpace: Bungee jumping for computer nerds!
Doublespace C: - DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.*
Doublespace your documents, NOT your hard drive!  <-Ian R. Justman
Doublespace?  It's been working great for me so$^&#!)@$%&
Doubt anything but yourself.
Doubt grows with knowledge
Doubt grows with knowledge.
Doubt is not the opposite of faith, it is an element of faith.
Doubt is the begining of wisdom.
Doubt is the beginning of wisdom
Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom.
Doubt is the origin of truth.  Know thyself. - Socrates
Doubt is the origin of truth. -- Socrates
Doubt is the origin of truth. Know thyself. - Socrates
Doubt is the root of education, not faith.
Doubtful Existentialist: "Is it me, or is it just me?"
Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith, keeping it awake and moving.
Douche is the French word for "twelve".
Douche:  Italian word for "12."
Doug and Dinsdale Pirahna want you!
Doug:  Limbless man beside a hole in the ground
Doughnut: The giant nut on the side of a fire hydrant.
Doughy guys! Duh-duh-doughy guys! - Mike/Bots sing
Dover, NC, it's illegal to keep pigs outside your kitchen window.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain <Mat Cauthon>
Dowdounce - Someone who knows nothing about the stock market.
Dowdunce:  Someone who knows nothing about the stock market.
Down South Whistling Dixie
Down With Sierra (& Homework, & Skool, & High Game Prices)
Down and out in Beverly Hillbillies Cop, 90210
Down by the river in the full moonlight We'll be falling in love
Down by the river on a Friday night.
Down deep in his logic co-processors, the Doc's just a romantic.
Down in dry county they're swimming in the sand
Down the Flagpole - By Dick Burns
Down the Flagpole - By Peter Burns
Down the trail of shame he goes - Tom
Down through the centuries we come-- Ramirez
Down to the C in chips
Down to you, Madmen - Gypsy to the Mads
Down with TLAs! (three letter acronyms)
Down with TLAs! (three letter acronyms.)
Down with catagorical imperatives!!!!
Down with categeorical imperatives!
Down with categorical imperative!
Down with categorical imperatives!
Down with categorical imperatives.
Down with helium balloons!  Gravity for all!
Down with ignurance!
Down with the IRS! Up with Dick Armey's Flat Tax!
Down with zippers!
Down, Spot! Tom commanded in Dalmatian.
Down, down, down, down gravity...
Down, down, down-d-d-download...
Down, down, down-d-d-download... la,la,la...
Down: System is error-free & immune from users.
Downgrade your system for only $150!   Install Windows!
Downgrade your system for only 89 dollars!   Install Windows!
Downhill skiing in Iowa.
Download QWK packet? (Y)es, (N)o, (G)iggle?
Download a file, get some coffee,thats Multi-tasking!!
Download the Ultimate Calculator (UCALC24.ZIP) from a BBS near you!
Download the Ultimate Calculator (ucalc24.zip) from garbo.uwasa.fi
Download your mail regularly; keep in contact with your buds.
Download, upload, download... Is this a computer or a freight elevator?
Downpour!:  by Wayne Dwops
Downpour!: Wayne Dwops
Downstairs maids do it downstairs.
Downstairs, in the historic Old Grid Building.
Downtown? - Ivanova It seemed like a good name. - Sheridan
Dpression is depressing.  Happy Happy Joy Joy
Dr Crusher! Medical emergency! Lust attack!
Dr Dos, can I introduce you to Ms Windows?
Dr Dos, may I introduce you to Ms Windows?
Dr George Collins, Isle of Sark.  voice: +44 1481 832650
Dr Jack Kevorkian for White House physician
Dr real fueour
Dr slapping him on butt, turns him over slaps face..It's twins
Dr. Arkham is a registered trademark of Muppet Labs, Inc.
Dr. Bashir:  "I don't do sex change operations, Dax!"
Dr. Beckett stepped into the QUANTUM LEAP accelerator and vanished
Dr. Bullitt stepped into the QUANTUM LEAP accelerator and vanished.
Dr. Butts stepped into the QUANTUM LEAP accelerator and vanished..
Dr. Chew  (dentist)
Dr. Clayton "Stonewall" Forrester - Dr. F
Dr. Clayton Forrester is right! Right! RIGHT! - Dr. F
Dr. Clayton Forrester. Television's Frank - Mike
Dr. Coffin & Dr. Nails (associates)
Dr. Crusher can cure cancer, but not male pattern baldness.
Dr. Crusher can't solve a medical mystery - drink!
Dr. Crusher!  Medical emergency!  Lust attack!
Dr. Crusher!  You'refreckled! -- Picard
Dr. Crusher! Med emergency! Lust attack!  Picard[naked]
Dr. Crusher! Medical emergency! Lust attack!
Dr. Crusher:  Worf, you seen Wesley?  Worf:  No I haven't.  <BURP>
Dr. Crusher: Have you seen Wes?     Worf: No, I haven't. <BURRP!>
Dr. Denton, report to surgery! Dr. Denton  - Crow
Dr. Dos, May I introduce you to Ms. Windows?
Dr. F: I got TV's Frank * Frank: He's got me!
Dr. F: More Garth! More Reba! * Frank: Wynnona!
Dr. F: Oooh, I don't know * Frank: They say it's BOLD!
Dr. F: Somebody left us an agony booth * Frank: Me first!
Dr. F: Where did it GO?! * Frank: He's a sorceror!
Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank were hatching an evil scheme - MST3K02
Dr. Forrester has sent us a truly great movie! - Crow
Dr. Forrester, help! - Mike
Dr. Forrester, they say. Clay? What's next? - Dr. F
Dr. Forrester: Frank!? * Frank: Yes'm?
Dr. Forrester: Rock Climbing! * Frank: Rock Climbing!
Dr. Frank L. Stein (what if his middle name was Norman?)
Dr. Freddie will be with you in a moment...
Dr. Gibbs stepped into the Quantum Leap accellerator, and vanished
Dr. Grin  (dentist)
Dr. Harry Katz (should've been a vet with a name like that)
Dr. Hill stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator & vanished!
Dr. Hymen (obstetrics/gyno)
Dr. Jacobs is a decent human being. --Franklin.
Dr. Kevorkian & Woody Allen: they both like Youth-in Asia
Dr. Kevorkian expects full payment before your visit.
Dr. Kevorkian for white house physician!
Dr. Kevorkian will see you now!
Dr. Kevorkians newest tools of Death : Cigarettes
Dr. Kovorkian/abortion - the difference is the age of the victim.
Dr. Leonard McCoy at the crucifixion. "He's dead, Jim."
Dr. Livingston I. Presume   (Dr. Presume's full name)
Dr. McCoy diagnosing Jethro Bodine:  "He's dim, Jed!"
Dr. McCoy, I hate your #$#@!% human guts. Discussion?
Dr. McCoy, I hate your #*@%ing human guts.  Discussion?
Dr. McCoy, I hate your #@!% human guts. -- Spock
Dr. McCoy, I hate your #@!% human guts. Discussion?
Dr. McCoy, would you do me the great honor of eating my shorts? -- Spock
Dr. McCoy. Will you do the very great honor of eating my shorts?
Dr. Orville stepped into the QUANTUM LEAP accelerator and vanished.
Dr. Pavlov!  Your dogs just ate the Avon lady!
Dr. Pavlov! your dogs just ate that girl from Avon!!!
Dr. Pepper has a grudge against Pespi and access to medical supplies!
Dr. Pepper isn't just for adults anymore.
Dr. Piglet, Dr. Winston, practice your art! -- Zoot
Dr. Procter sez: If ya got shingles, put 'em on the roof!
Dr. Proctor Sez:  Beer...it's not just for breakfast..
Dr. Quinn, Frontier Proctologist - Mike
Dr. Ruth is a closet dominatrix.
Dr. Scott!  Janet!  Brad!  Rocky!  YO ADRIAN!
Dr. Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky! Bullwinkle!
Dr. Seuss be blized. He's blized,  I said.  Cheeeiit.
Dr. Seuss is dead.  "He's dead," I said.
Dr. Seuss is dead. He's dead I said.
Dr. Seuss to the drawing room  - Crow
Dr. Seuss was no chef but he sure knew his spam.
Dr. Slaughter (surgeon)
Dr. Smile (dentist)
Dr. Smith meets Troi:  "Oh, the pain! The pain!"
Dr. Smith stepped into the QUANTUM LEAP accelerator and vanished.
Dr. Soong did not intend me to be used this way - Data
Dr. Soong did not intend me to be used this way. þ Data
Dr. Teeth (dentist)
Dr. Time... have mercy on me.
Dr. Turkowski stepped into the QUANTUM LEAP accelerator and vanished.
Dr. Who wouldn't be caught dead with a Intel Tardis.
Dr.Clayton Forrester & his loveable sidekick ResusciAnnie
Dr.E: Give me five, Clay! * Dr.F: Take a lap, Lar!
Dr.E:Pizza * Dr.F:Pasta * Dr.E:Pizza * Dr.F:Pizza & Pasta
Dr.E:You said he's wearing his BVDs*Dr.F:Not THOSE cheeks
Dr.F: Evil of Fun Manchu * Frank: Evil of Fun Man YOU!
Dr.F: Open the pod bay door, Lar * Dr. E: I can't do that
Dr.F: We're gonna party like its 1999 * Larry: SPACE 1999
Draagonmen must fly when threads are in the sky.
Dracula couldn't find a quick snack around here. - Col. Potter
Dracula is a pain in the neck.
Dracula to bartender, I said "Blood Light!"
Dracula's last words: NO!!  I meant a steak!
Draft Beer Not People.
Draft Hillary!
Draft Rush Limbaugh for president in 96!
Draft Rush Limbaugh for president in 96! NOT!
Draft dodger as commander-in-chief -- Only in America!
Draft dodger as commander-in-chief...only in America!
Drafted!: Abel Boddeed
Drafted!: Abel Boddeed*
Drag & Drop:  How a caveman took a wife.
Drag and click?  No, drop and point?  Damn this mouse business !
Drag me!  Drop me!  Treat me like an object!!!
Drag me! Drop Me! make ME FEEL LIKE AN OBJECT! (OS/2-SOM)
Drag me, Drop me, Treat me like an Object
Drag me, drop me, make me feel like an icon.
Drag me, drop me, make me feel like an object!
Drag me, drop me, treat me like an object.
Drag the Joneses down to your level.  It's cheaper.
Drag the Joneses down to your level. It's cheaper.
DragNet...HomePage for transvestites.
Dragging behind you the silent reproach of a million tear-stained eyes
Dragon Highlords do it however they want.
Dragon Horde?!?  I thought you said Dragon Hoard!!!
Dragon Lady -Dance with the lady, fight with the dragon
Dragon Obedience School Dropout   (DRA:dropout)   fnt  moo
Dragon Obedience School Dropout.
Dragon Poker...here Five Scales of a Kind beat a Full Palace any day!
Dragon Standup Comic:  "Laugh--*NOW*!!!"
Dragon belly: Fuel tank for a POWERFUL sex machine
Dragon droppings, coal What's the difference?
Dragon etiquette is incredibly complicated;if you make a mistake the
Dragon head! Alright! - Tom
Dragon poker?  But the dragon always wins!
Dragon riders are weyr'd!
Dragon riders do it in flight.
Dragon riders make good first impressions.
Dragon riders work for scale. Dragons are paid by the word.
Dragon slayer wanted, no experience expected.
Dragon slayers wanted.  No experience expected.
Dragon slaying is a whole knight's work.
Dragon stranded in shallow water furnishes amusement for the shrimps.
Dragon to knight: "Leaving so soon?  It's almost lunchtime!"
Dragon trainer? They're kidding us, right? - Tom Servo
Dragon w/ Can opener- A paladin's worst knightmare
Dragon's Blood, the drink of heroes - Darkwood
Dragon, a lizard with indigestion.
Dragon: A (sometimes!) friendly toaster.
Dragon: Creature uncomfort.
Dragon?  What dragon?  You said we were looking for a worm.
DragonRiders do it in Between
Dragonfandom is full of Weyrdoes.
Dragonman avoid excess; Greed will cause the Weyr Distress!
Dragonman, avoid excess; greed will bring the Weyr distress.
Dragonmen must fly when threads are in the sky.
Dragonriders are weyr'd!
Dragonriders do it in Between.
Dragonriders do it in between   (DRA:dragonriders)   fnt  pun
Dragonriders do it with whoever's closest.
Dragonriders make good first impressions.
Dragonriders make great first impressions
Dragonriders make great first impressions.
Dragonriders of PERV!  I don't want to hear this one
Dragonriders of Perv?  I WANT to hear this one...
Dragonriders work for scale... Dragons are paid by the word.
Dragonriders, please don't flame this Thread!
Dragons - the ORIGINAL flying toasters!
Dragons : freindly Toasters
Dragons : friendly Toasters
Dragons DEVOUR virgins, dear.  My only concern is for your safety.
Dragons again?  I activate my +6 St. George S.A.M.'s
Dragons again?  I activate my +6 St. George Surface-to-Air Missiles.
Dragons again?  I activate my +6 Surface-to-Air Missile battery.
Dragons again?  I activate my +6 Surface-to-Air Missiles.
Dragons again?  I activate my +6 Surface-to-Air Missles
Dragons again?  I activate my +6 Surface-to-Air Missles.
Dragons again? I activate my +6 St. George Surface-to-Air Missiles.
Dragons again? I activate my +6 Surface-to-Air Missile battery.
Dragons again? I activate my +6 Surface-to-Air Missiles.
Dragons also like lady fingers.  >P-)
Dragons and Drakes and Wurms, oh my!!
Dragons and Penguins and Cats ... Oh My.
Dragons and their riders do it at the same time.
Dragons and wizards and trees, oh my!
Dragons are Cat excersise machines!
Dragons are Cat exercise machines!
Dragons are Weyr'd
Dragons are cuddly flamethrowers.
Dragons are little more than overly cute, highly cuddly flamethrowers.
Dragons are soooooooooo stupid!
Dragons are soooooooooo stupid!!
Dragons aren't dead, they're hiding in story books.
Dragons aren't extinct (they've learned how to hide in fantasy books).
Dragons aren't extinct, they've just learned to hide in books.
Dragons aren't extinct, they've just learned to hide real well.
Dragons aren't extinct, they've learned to hide in trees.
Dragons aren't extinct; they just learned to hide in books.
Dragons aren't the only species - they just act like it.
Dragons do it between.
Dragons do it in *between*.
Dragons do it inbetween !
Dragons do it on the fly.
Dragons do it once a Knight
Dragons do it whenever they want.
Dragons do it with fire!
Dragons fly because they *think* they can -- Anne McCaffery.
Dragons in orgasm...the first natural fireworks display.
Dragons is *soooooo* stupid. --Yosemite Sam.
Dragons is sooooo stupid!
Dragons is soooooooooo stupid! - Sir Sam of Yosemite
Dragons like nibblemeats.  Little black ducks are nibblemeats, right?
Dragons like nibblemeats. Elves named Toby /are/ nibblemeats Right?
Dragons like nibblemeats... 150 pounds of nibblemeats...
Dragons like you, you're crunchy and good with ketchup.
Dragons love you  dipped in chocolate.
Dragons love you, you're crunchy and good with ketchup.
Dragons love you... flame-broiled!
Dragons love you;  you are crunchy & good with ketchup.
Dragons love youDipped in chocolate!
Dragons make good Pets. Just get lots of newspapers for youngsters
Dragons make great first impressions.
Dragons make great pets.  Just put down LOTS of newspaper.
Dragons make wonderful pets.  Just put down lots of newspaper.
Dragons never sleep
Dragons rescued, Virgins slain.
Dragons rescued, Virns slain.
Dragons rescued.  Virgins slain.
Dragons work for scale.
Dragons, THE ORIGINAL flying toaster!
Dragons...the horniest creatures on the face of the planet!!!
Dragons:  Cuddly Flamethrowers.
Dragons:  Freindly Toasters.
Dragons:  Friendly Toasters.
Dragons:  the ORIGINAL flying toasters!
Dragons: Cuddly Flamethrowers
Dragons: Friendly Toasters
Dragons: Nature's Flamethrowers.
Dragons: Sometimes friendly toasters!
Dragons: The ORIGINAL Flying toasters
Dragonslayer II: The Uncalled For - Crow
Dragonslayer needed.  Immediate position available.
Dragonslayer needed.  No experience expected.
Dragonslayer needed. Immediate position available.
Dragonslayer needed. No experience expected.
Dragracing: Two cats tied together by their tails!
Drain Bamage, INK - a new way of messing minds.. Email for info.
Drain bamage?  No thanks, I already have some.
Drained 3 levels, no treasure, Monster got away, Typical day.
Drama :-(Comedy :-)Surpise :-oSuspense 8-|
Drama in her opinion is knowing how to fill a sweater.
Drama is life with the dull bits cut out.
Drama students DO IT with an audience.
Dramatize:  What well dressed RAM chips wear.
Drank a quart of witch hazel - Mike after hazing himself
Drat Saddam, mad dastard!
Drat! I'm out of taglines!
Drat! There goes my beeper!
Drat,it's that meddling Captain Decency and his Decency Squad! -Terror
Draw Partner! <BANG> <BANG> OOPS! Orville, are you hurt?
Draw Partner! <BANG< <BANG< OOPS! @FN@, are you hurt?
Draw from your fine command of language and say nothing.
Draw no dray a yard onward.
Draw pupil's lip upward.
Draw putrid dirt upward.
Draw the lace and black curtains and shut out the whole truth.
Draw the line dividing laugh and scream. -- TMBG
Draw this Peanut, become a senator.
Draw your salary before spending it.
Drawer:  A mess with a knob or handle at the end.
Drawing on my command of the language, I said nothing.
Drawing on my fine command of English, I said nothing.
Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing
Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.
Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing. * Benchley
Drawing on my fine command of the language:  Up Yours!
Drawn like moths we drift into the city.: Rush
Dread has come upon you all! The goblins are upon you! - Gandalf
Dreaded Words: Taking off a condom and saying "Oops!"
Dreaded words : hard di?k failure
Dreadful.  Truly dreadful.  But you love it, don't you?
Dream Job #1:  Massage therapist for Penthouse model agencies.
Dream Job #1:  Physical therapist for Penthouse model agencies
Dream Job #6: Ambassador to FANTASY ISLAND!
Dream back the bison, sing back the swan.
Dream come true:  Beta testing at a brothel.
Dream come true:  Beta testing for a brewery.
Dream for awhile of things that make you smile...
Dream it at home, be it in the theaters.
Dream it, you can become it.
Dream of a pure planet.
Dream program ended. #$^ NO CARRIER
Dream until your dreams come true.
Dream when you're asleep.  Roleplay when you're awake.
Dream when your asleep.  Roleplay when your awake.
Dream, but don't quit your day job.
Dream, but don't quite your day job.  --  Forrest Gump
Dream-Quest?  Man, I thought that was just a bad acid trip...
Dream...when you're feelin' blue...Dream...that's the thing to do.
Dreamed of potato chips - awoke and all my 3.5s were gone
Dreamers DO IT perfectly.
Dreamers learn to steer by the stars. - Rush
Dreaming is good. May your sweet dream come true.  Merry
Dreaming men are haunted men. -Benet
Dreaming of driving flat out through Eau Rouge...>
Dreaming permits us to go insane every night.
Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination.
Dreams are Free.
Dreams are answers to questions we haven't yet figured out how to ask.
Dreams are composed from our successes and calamities.
Dreams are free, but you get soaked on the connect time.
Dreams are incoherent ideas occasioned by partial or imperfect sleep.
Dreams are sometimes catching, desire goes to my head. - Rush
Dreams are the mind's way of going insane nightly.
Dreams are true while they last.
Dreams can't come true if you oversleep!
Dreams do not vanish, so long as people do not abandon them.
Dreams don't show what truth it unfolds until the sleeper wakens.
Dreams move if you wait too long.
Dreams move on if you wait too long.
Dreams of war, dreams of liars, dreams of dragon's fire.
Dreams possess nightmarish figures, burning can't escape the embers
Dreams tell you nothing; You see them for yourself.
Drei ... fuenf, said Tom fearlessly. -Edward J O'Brien
Dress Rehearsal: What women do before deciding what to wear.
Dress to Oppress - El Presidente
Dress up this rotten carcass just to make it look alive - NIN
Dressing as a nun can be habit-forming. - BJ to Klinger
Drifting farther every day.
Drill a hole right here for secret treasure! --> X.
Drilling for oil is boring *
Drilling for oil is boring.
Drilling for oil is just a hole boring business.
Drilling holes in his head isn't the answer -- McCoy
Drink 'til she's cute; stop before you get married.
Drink 'till she's cute
Drink Beer, Think Beer.
Drink Canada Dry!  Maybe you can't, but it's fun trying!
Drink Canada Dry!  Or keep `em working nights, at least!
Drink Canada Dry!  You might not succeed, but it *is* fun trying.
Drink Canada Dry?  This is going to take a while.  -SLR
Drink Canada Dry?  This is going to take awhile...
Drink Grapefriut juice because OJ kills
Drink Night Train, go to the basketball game - Mike sings
Drink Passover Coke! Made with SUGAR, not corn syrup!
Drink Ripple.  Kool-Aid  with a kick!
Drink Scotch whiskey all night long
Drink a lo-cal drink with a chocolate bar, they cancel each other out.
Drink and drive responsibly. Don't spill your beer.
Drink doctor, eat Sister, cook Mr. Bertenshaw, nurse me!
Drink doctor, eat sister, cook Mr. Bertenshaw, nurse me!
Drink it like a man!
Drink me! - Odo
Drink my wine, come in and dig my herbs - Hendrix
Drink til he's cute.  Stop before you get married.
Drink til she gets cute, stop before you get married
Drink till he's cute.  Stop before you marry him.
Drink till she's cute.  Stop before you get married.
Drink till she's cute.  Stop before you marry her.
Drink till she's cute. Stop before you end up married.
Drink till she's cute. Stop before you get married.
Drink till yer blind, then take a shot in the dark.
Drink until I wet myself - Crow
Drink until she's cute.  Stop before you get married.
Drink wet cement - get well and truly stoned.
Drink wet cement, and get completely stoned.
Drink wet cement, get really truly stoned
Drink wet cement: Get Stoned.
Drink your coffee!  There are children in India sleeping!
Drink your coffee!  There are people in Africa sleeping.
Drink your coffee!  There are poor people in India sleeping!
Drink your coffee!  There are poor people in India sleeping.
Drink your coffee! There are people in India sleeping!
Drink your coffee! There are people in India sleeping.
Drink your coffee! There are poor people in India sleeping!
Drink your coffee.  There are sleeping people in India.
Drink your tea, there are people in India sleeping!
Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why.
Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why...
Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where...
Drink: don't drive. Fireworks: keep save.
Drink? Diet Coke, shaken not stirred.
Drink? Diet Pepsi, shaken not stirred.
Drinkin' Beer in the hot sun, I fought the law and I won. --J. Biafra.
Drinking Kills Brain cells, But just the weak one...
Drinking alone is bad, so I always order two beers.
Drinking and Driving: A Killer Idea....
Drinking can enhance your social skills *BUUURRRPP*  - Barney
Drinking doesn't cause hangovers....waking up does!
Drinking dwarfs win every contest
Drinking from a bottle of milk and feeling something solid go down.
Drinking hallucination's over - Tom
Drinking is not my best subject. - Father Mulcahy
Drinking kills brain cells, but just the weak ones
Drinking kills brain cells, but only the weak ones.
Drinking potions of booze may land you in jail if you are under 21.
Drinking problem?  Two hands, but only one mouth.
Drinking problem? I drink, I get drunk, I fall down.  No problem.
Drinking problem? I drink, get drunk, fall down. No prob. ... Floggings
Drinking problem? I drink, get drunk, fall down. No problem.
Drinking those moments when the darkness would hit me--Riff
Drinking those moments when the darkness would hit me... --Riff
Drinking to the health of others ruins your own.
Drinking: An act which does not drown your sorrows, only irrigates them.
Dripping cows go Yugoslav calf cutting & leiderhosen-Crow
Dripping sacasm can leave a nasty stain.
Drive A not responding, format C instead (Y/y)?
Drive A:  not responding... Formatting C:  instead...
Drive A: Not Responding... Formatting Drive C: Instead!
Drive A: format failed, formatting C: instead.
Drive A: format failure, formatting C: instead...
Drive A: missing or not ready. Formatting C: instead.
Drive A: not formatting...formatting drive C: instead.
Drive A: not responding ... formating C: instead
Drive A: not responding. Format C: instead? (Y/N)
Drive A: not responding.. .Formating C: instead
Drive A: not responding... formatting C: instead...
Drive A: not responding...Formatting C: instead
Drive C: Error, (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (K)ick (S)cream
Drive C: invalid - (A)bort, (R)etry, (H)a ha I'm a floppy-only PC.
Drive C: not found, (B)eer, (K)ick, (P)rofane language, (C)ry ?
Drive C:\ formatting Press any key to continue...
Drive Dumb Blond crazy; give her bag of M&Ms, say alphabe
Drive E not ready: (R)etry (G)o to Impulse (C)all Geordi
Drive E: not responding.. - Formatting Drive C: instead
Drive Failed:  (A)bort    (P)roLife   (U)ndecided
Drive Not Ready: (R)etry (G)o to impulse (C)all Geordi
Drive Offensively! - American AutoDuel Association
Drive a liberal ballistic: Ask them a simple question
Drive behind the widow's limo and keep honking your horn.
Drive by shooting or routine mail delivery?
Drive carefully! Motorists can be recalled by their maker.
Drive carefully, death is so permanent
Drive carefully, death is so permanent.
Drive carefully, why die in perfect health!
Drive carefully.  Death is so permanent.
Drive carefully.  The kids expect you home.
Drive defensively -- buy a tank.
Drive defensively, buy a tank.
Drive defensively, buy yourself a tank.
Drive defensively.   Buy a tank!
Drive defensively.  Buy a tank.
Drive defensively.  Buy yourself a tank.
Drive fast and live long
Drive nail here ( ) to need a new monitor
Drive nail here -> <- for a new monitor.
Drive nail here [ ] for new monitor!
Drive nail here [ ] for new monitor.
Drive no faster than your guardian angel can fly!
Drive no faster than your guardian angel can fly.
Drive not ready (R)etry (G)o to Impulse (C)all Geordi
Drive not ready E:  (R)etry (G)o to Impulse (C)all Geordi
Drive not ready E: (R)etry (G)o to Impulse (C)all Geordi
Drive not ready:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (G)o to Impulse, (C)all Geordi?
Drive not ready:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)crew it!
Drive not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (G)o to Impulse (C)all Geordi
Drive not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (S)crew it!
Drive not ready: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (U)nformated?
Drive not ready: (A)bort, (R)etry, (G)o to Impulse, (C)all Geordi
Drive not ready: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)crew it!
Drive not ready: (R)etry (G)o to Impulse (C)all Engineering
Drive not ready: A)lign coils, G)o to impulse, C)all Geordie.
Drive not ready: Abort, Retry, Fail, Wait?
Drive not ready:<R>etry, <G>o to Impulse <C>all Engineering
Drive on Parkway.Park on Driveway. America!
Drive right, so more people will be left!!!
Drive safely, the paper work you save may be mine.
Drive slower than your guardian angel can fly.
Drive that armored vehicle over here, said Tom cantankerously.
Drive the Porcelain Bus
Drive the way you wish your children would.
Drive to work in reverse.
Drive-by-shootings:  Tom Foolery of the '90's ?
Driven by an unknown force to change history for the better.
Driven by the thrill of learning and the pursuit of knowledge
Driver, do you have any Bud Light in your limo?
Drivers do it with their cars.
Drives used below the equator spin backwards, don't cha know.
Drives used below the equator spin backwards, don't ya know.
Driving Lesson One: Shiny side up; rubber side down
Driving Miss Lovejoy - Tom
Driving straight into the horizon of commercial TV - Tom
Driving while drunk is almost as dangerous as walking while sober.
Driving with my baby, to get her in the mood.
Driving with two wheels in the sand.
Drizzle, drazzle Dripple drone,...time for this one to go home.
Drool? As in to lust after? - Data
Droolettes - Yummy sounds dinners make when the dessert cart comes.
Droolettes: Yummy sounds diners make when the dessert cart comes.
Droolettes: Yummy sounds diners make when the dessert.
Droolettes: Yummy sounds dinners make when the dessert cart comes.
Droopy of Borg - "You know what? You're about to be assimilated."
Drop Barney off in South Central L.A.
Drop Dead. I don't do requests.
Drop Those Dang Blasted Fish! - Albert.
Drop Your DOS, We Have your Windows Surrounded...
Drop a Conference? You've GOT to be kidding!!
Drop a car on a cat and it will blink.
Drop a conference??? Are you kidding or what?
Drop a controversial recipe and run like Hell!
Drop a controversial tagline and run like Hell!
Drop acid, not bombs.
Drop by *anytime* you're feeling homesick. - Sisko
Drop carrier Immediately - but try not to break it.
Drop carrier immediately - but try not to break it.
Drop dead! --- Motto, Human Surplus League.
Drop dead, Rimmer! Already have done. Encore!
Drop in any mailbox.
Drop me a line...anytime!
Drop that cross once more and You're out of the parade.
Drop that pickle.
Drop the Cheese!Drop the Cheese!Get off of my Provolone!
Drop the gun, Tom said disarmingly.
Drop the gun, Tom said with a disarming smile.
Drop the gun, Tom said with disarmingly.
Drop the guy with the devil ears.     - NBC, June, 1965
Drop the guy with the devil ears. - NBC exec, June 1965
Drop the guy with the devil ears. - NBC, June, 1965.
Drop the guy with the pointy ears -- NBC, 1965
Drop the mouse, and step back from the keyboard with your hands up....
Drop the vase and it will become a Ming of the past.
Drop those counters, Doppleganger! You're no Triskelion!
Drop those eggs and the yolk will be on me, Tom exclaimed. -Gary Caplan
Drop your carrier - we have you surr#^%$NO CARRIER
Drop your carrier . . . we have you surrounded!
Drop your carrier ... we have you surrounded!
Drop your carrier or the sysop gets it!
Drop your carrier we have you surrounded!
Drop your carrier!  We have you surrounded!
Drop your carrier! We have you surrounded!
Drop your carrier! We have you surrounded.
Drop your carrier, Orville. . . we have you surrounded!
Drop your carrier...We have you surrounded!
Drop your carrier...we have your modem surrounded!
Drop your conspiracy theory -- we have you surrounded!
Drop your gun! said Tom disarmingly.
Drop your panties, Sir Dexter--I cannot wait until lunchtime!!
Drop your panties, Sir Kyle, I cannot wait until lunchtime!!
Drop your payload to the sound of Ferrante & Teicher-Crow
Drop your weapon.  You have 20 seconds to comply. -- Arsenal
Drop your weapons or the tagline gets it.
Dropped from my peeling lips like lousy fruit.
Dropped his second stage too soon.
Drops of water create the Lady's daughter
Drops of water, the mother giving birth.
Dropt from my peeling lips like lousy fruit;
Droughts are because God didn't pay his water bill.
Drove me back to drinking in this bar.
Drow (n); Elf with a killer tan.
Drow Elves do it in the dark.
Drow do it in the Dark.
Drow: Because No One else wanted Slaad As Neighbors.
Drow: Because no one else wanted the Mind-Flayers as neighbors.
Drowning In The Sea Of Love.
Drowning your sorrows? - Taking them out for a swim. - Margaret
Drowsy sword
Drug WarsAmerica's latest Vietnam...
Drug and dope free join me in my fight against dopes!!..and Gecos!!!
Drug and dope free join me in my fight against drugs!!..and Gecos!!!
Drug money at work!
Drug test testing pisses me off!
Drug tests are simply a crutch for Substandard management.
Druggists fill your prescription.
Drugs Kill! If thrown hard enough.
Drugs and alcohol make as much sense as religion and politics.
Drugs are a bet with your mind. --Jim Morrison
Drugs are controlled poisons. Is taking poison REALLY better?
Drugs are for people who don't take urine tests.
Drugs are for people who have no imagination!
Drugs are my Life!
Drugs cause temporary insanity in people who DON'T use them.
Drugs don't kill people.  People kill people.
Drugs don't make you forget! I've been doing 'em for... umm... oh.
Drugs may be the road to nowhere, but at least they're scenic.
Drugs may be the road to nowhere, but at least they're the scenic route!
Drugs may be the road to nowhere, but at least they're the scenic route.
Drugs! Money! Power! Corruption! God, I love Congress!
Drugs, AIDS, abortion:  Don't liberals just kill you?
Drugs, Sex, Violence: God! How I love Washington Week in Review
Drugs, crime, sex and money. God I love Congress
Drugs, crime, sex, corruption ... ain't Congress Great?!
Drugs, crime, sex, money.  God, I love Congress.
Drugs, crime, sex, money...Congress is great, ain't it?
Drugs, crime, sex, moneyGod, I love Congress.
Drugs, sex, rock and roll. Isn't congress great?
Drugs, their not just for breakfast anymore!
Drugs: a pain and simple way to die!
Drugs?  Don't need 'em.  I'm way bizarre already.
Drugs? Nope. Raising teens is as far from reality as I want to get.
Druidic Arts...is that anything like abstract paintings?
Druids DO IT with animals.
Druids Do It In Oak Groves.
Druids and Bards and .... Shamans?! Oh My!
Druids do it in the Oak groves!
Druids do it in the bushes.
Druids do it in the woods
Druids do it with animals.
Druids leave no trace.
Druids...the world's *original* tree-huggers!
Drummed to Death - By Dee Bugit
Drummer, beat and piper, blow.  Harper, strike and soldier, go.
Drummer: A person who likes to hang around with musicians
Drummers DO IT longer.
Drummers DO IT with both hands and feet.
Drummers DO IT with rhythm.
Drummers Rule #1: Hit Anything To Continue...
Drummers beat it.
Drummers do it differently.
Drummers do it in 4/4 time.
Drummers do it longer.
Drummers do it to the beat.
Drummers do it to the beat..
Drummers do it with a beat.
Drummers do it with both hands and feet.
Drummers do it with rhythm.
Drums solo Tagline: tumtumtatatatatumtumtumtatatatatatatumtumtissss
Drums, guitars, and death! They finally got it right. huh huh huh
Drunk Borg:  "Resitance is floor-tile.  Wan be sim'lated?
Drunk Borg:  "Rsilience in floor tile.  Wan'be similated?"
Drunk Borg: "Resilience in floor tile. Wan'be similated?"
Drunk Borg: "Resilience in floor tile. Wan'be simulated?"
Drunk Borg: "Resilience is floor tile. Wan'be sim'lated?"
Drunk Borg: "Rsilience in floor tile! Wan'be similated?"
Drunk Borg: "Rsilience in floor tile. Wan'be similated?"
Drunk Borg: Resilience in floor tile. Wan'be sim'lated?
Drunk Borg: Resilience is floor tile. Wan'be sim'lated?
Drunk Borg: Rsilence floor tile. Wan'be similated? {hic}.
Drunk Borg: Rsilience in floor tile. Wan'be similated?
Drunk driving on the Information Superhighway!
Drunk guy of Borg: "Relistance is floor tile >hic< wan'be sim'lated?"
Drunk is feeling sophisticated when you can't say it.
Drunk on love?  No!  Drunk on gin!!!
Drunk tribble: _
Drunk? That's a rumor started by people I've fallen over.-Hawkeye
Drunkard Borg: Resultance is floor tile.
Drunkard of Borg -  "Resultance is floor tile."
Drunken Borg:  "Resilience in floor tile.  Wan'be similated?"
Drunken Dragons take Joy flight...On the next Geraldo!
Drunkenness now legal excuse for poor taglines!
Druthemuggin' - Choosing the right mug for your morning coffee.
Druze Tito mi ti se kunemo da sa tvoga puta ne skrenemo.
Druze Tito, ljubicice bijela, tebe voli omladina cijela!
Druzz - Lint caught on the clothes dryer filter.
Dry Cleaners DO IT the French way.
Dry Ice:  Carbon Dioxymoron.
Dry Ice: A Carbon DiOxymoron -- [ouch! :-)]
Dry Ice: A Carbon Dioxymoron
Dry Ice: A Carbon Dioxymoron.
Dry as a funeral drum! - Pink Floyd
Dry dock:  A thirsty physician.
Dry martini, Captain?-There should be dust on the olive. - Hawkeye
Dry mud wrestling - Crow as two girls fight
Dry spell:  Witchcraft during a drought
Dry your tears with this clue I planted - Mike
Dryads and Elves do it in the trees.
Drywallers are better bangers.  
Drzite se za drzace
Dual Quads:  A woman who wears 44-DD bra!
Dual Quads:  Beautiful woman who wears 44-DD bra!
Dual airbags:  Bill and Hillary's car.
Dual airbags: Bill and Hillary
Dual overhead Sinead O'Connors! -- Joel Robinson
Dubious metrics: 1 centipede/second       = 1 velocipede
Dubious metrics: 1/2 Soviet press agency  = 1 demitasse
Dubious metrics: 10 cards                 = 1 decacard
Dubious metrics: 10 decor                 = 1 hector
Dubious metrics: 10 dence                 = 1 decadence
Dubious metrics: 10 millipedes            = 1 centipede
Dubious metrics: 10 monologues            = 1 decalogue
Dubious metrics: 10 monologues            = 5 dialogues
Dubious metrics: 10 monologues = 1 decalogue
Dubious metrics: 10 monologues = 5 dialogues
Dubious metrics: 10 rations               = 1 decoration
Dubious metrics: 10**-1 mates             = 1 decimate
Dubious metrics: 10**-12 boos             = 1 picoboo
Dubious metrics: 10**-12 boulevards       = 1 pico-boulevard
Dubious metrics: 10**-12 dillies          = 1 picodilly
Dubious metrics: 10**-15 bismol           = 1 fepto bismol
Dubious metrics: 10**-15 fatales          = 1 femtofatale
Dubious metrics: 10**-18 boys             = 1 atto boy
Dubious metrics: 10**-2 mentals           = 1 centimental
Dubious metrics: 10**-3 ink machines      = 1 millink machine
Dubious metrics: 10**-3 on                = 1 million
Dubious metrics: 10**-5 dollars           = 1 Millicent
Dubious metrics: 10**-6 fish              = 1 microfiche
Dubious metrics: 10**-6 scopes            = 1 microscope
Dubious metrics: 10**-9 Nanettes          = 1 nanoNanette
Dubious metrics: 10**-9 goats             = 1 nanogoat
Dubious metrics: 10**12 bulls             = 1 terabull
Dubious metrics: 10**12 microphones       = 1 megaphone
Dubious metrics: 10**12 pins              = 1 terrapin
Dubious metrics: 10**15 coats             = 1 petacoat
Dubious metrics: 10**18 minations         = 1 examination
Dubious metrics: 10**21 piccolos          = 1 gigolo
Dubious metrics: 10**6 bicycles           = 2 megacycles
Dubious metrics: 10**9 antics             = 1 gigantic
Dubious metrics: 10**9 lows               = 1 gigalow
Dubious metrics: 10**9 micrometers        = 1 kilometer
Dubious metrics: 10**9 micrometers        = 200 pentameters
Dubious metrics: 10**9 questions          = 1 gigawhat
Dubious metrics: 1000 Kowalskis           = 1 Kilokowalski
Dubious metrics: 10^ -1 mates = 1 decimate
Dubious metrics: 10^ -12 boos = 1 picoboo
Dubious metrics: 10^ -12 boulevards = 1 pico-boulevard
Dubious metrics: 10^ -12 dillies = 1 picodilly
Dubious metrics: 10^ -15 bismol = 1 fepto bismol
Dubious metrics: 10^ -15 fatales = 1 femtofatale
Dubious metrics: 10^ -18 boys = 1 atto boy
Dubious metrics: 10^ -18 knees = 1 attorney
Dubious metrics: 10^ -2 mentals = 1 centimental
Dubious metrics: 10^ -3 ink machines = 1 millink machine
Dubious metrics: 10^ -3 on = 1 million
Dubious metrics: 10^ -5 dollars = 1 Millicent
Dubious metrics: 10^ -6 fish = 1 microfiche
Dubious metrics: 10^ -6 scopes = 1 microscope
Dubious metrics: 10^ -9 Nanettes = 1 nanoNanette
Dubious metrics: 10^ -9 goats = 1 nanogoat
Dubious metrics: 10^12 bulls = 1 terabull
Dubious metrics: 10^12 dactyls            = 1 teradactyl
Dubious metrics: 10^12 microphones = 1 megaphone
Dubious metrics: 10^12 pins = 1 terrapin
Dubious metrics: 10^15 coats = 1 petacoat
Dubious metrics: 10^15 philes             = 1 petaphile
Dubious metrics: 10^18 minations = 1 examination
Dubious metrics: 10^18 stentials          = 1 exastential
Dubious metrics: 10^21 piccolos = 1 gigolo
Dubious metrics: 10^3 Kowalskis = 1 Kilokowalski
Dubious metrics: 10^6 bicycles = 2 megacycles
Dubious metrics: 10^9 antics = 1 gigantic
Dubious metrics: 10^9 lows = 1 gigalow
Dubious metrics: 10^9 micrometers = 1 kilometer
Dubious metrics: 10^9 micrometers = 200 pentameters
Dubious metrics: 10^9 questions = 1 gigawhat
Dubious metrics: 2 bulls                  = 1 Pair a bull
Dubious metrics: 2 homosexuals            = 1 bisexual
Dubious metrics: 2*10**3 millinaries      = 1 binary
Dubious metrics: 2*10**3 millinaries      = 4 seminaries
Dubious metrics: 2*10**3 mockingbirds     = 2 kilo mockingbird
Dubious metrics: 2*10^3 millinaries = 1 binary
Dubious metrics: 2*10^3 millinaries = 4 seminaries
Dubious metrics: 2*10^3 mockingbirds = 2 kilo mockingbird
Dubious metrics: 3 1/3 tridents           = 1 decadent
Dubious metrics: 5 holocausts             = 1 Pentecost
Dubious metrics: billions and billions    = 1 Sagan
Duchamp: Nevesta svucena do gola od svojih momaka, bas!
Ducharme's Precept: Opportunity always knocks at the least opportune moment.
Duck Billed Platypus:  Proof God has a sense of humor
Duck Dodgers in the twenty-fourth and a half century!
Duck Tape can fix anything...
Duck boy! Quack! Quack! Quack! - Crow
Duck season!  Wabbit season!  Wabbit season!  Duck season, FIRE!
Duck that lost his job: a fired quacker.
Duck to Pharmacist: Gimme a Chapstick and put it on my bill.
Duck! I'm about to have fun!
Duck! It's a drive-by moofing!
Duck! Its the Plaid Dragon!
Duck: National bird of Iraq
Duck: chicken on snow shoes.
Ducking Quickly behind MarkMail Door...
Ducking and running, pursued by tomotoes at Warp 10.
Duct tape for President!  It can fix anything!
Duct tape is like The Force - it holds the universe together.
Duct tape is like The Force-it holds the universe together
Duct tape is like The Force-it holds the universe.
Duct tape is like The Force:  it holds the universe together!
Duct tape is like the force.  It has a light side, and a dark side, and
Duct tape is like the force.  It has a light side, and a dark side.
Duct tape, not The Force, holds the universe together.
Dude, I actually fit them all into one message (145 lines)
Dude, if you don't know, I'm not gonna tell you! -Butthead
Dude, you should start wearing a cup! - Butthead
Dude...we have the power supreme! - Butthead
Dudley Moore is a phallic thimble.
Due knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl miss steaks.
Due to Budget Constraints light at end of tunnel is off!
Due to Clinton's tax, clouds will now be lined with zinc.
Due to Clinton's tax, the light at the end of the tunnel is cancelled.
Due to Clinton's taxes, supply your own tagline.
Due to Gordon's intense mind fog, all thoughts are grounded.
Due to Texas law, innocent folks are executed regularly.
Due to Tom's intense mind fog, all thoughts are grounded.
Due to a lack of trained trumpeteers, the end of the world has been
Due to a mixup in Urology, orange juice will not be served this morning.
Due to a mixup in urology, no apple juce will be served.
Due to a mixup in urology, no apple juice will be served.
Due to a request from a user, I have deleted the TAGLINE.
Due to a request from a user, I have deleted the recipe.
Due to bad association, Reno, NV is changing its name to Dogpoop, NV.
Due to bad association, Reno, NV is changing its name to Dogpoop.
Due to budget cuts, all clouds will be lined with zinc.
Due to budget cuts, all clouds will now be lined with zinc!!!
Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel is now off.
Due to budget cuts, you will have to supply your own tagline.
Due to circumstances beyond our control this tagline has limited lengt
Due to cutbacks, all clouds will now be lined with zinc.
Due to inflation, all clouds will now be lined with zinc.
Due to intense mind fog all thoughts have been grounded
Due to it's tendency to incite, the Constitution has been classified.
Due to lack of disk space, this fortune database has been discontinued.
Due to lack of interest today has been cancelled.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow has been canceled.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is cancelled.
Due to lack of interest, tomorrow will be cancelled.
Due to mixup in Urology, Orange Juice will not be served. - Bunny
Due to the Vanity of your numbers.
Due to the economy, all clouds are now lined with lead. ---
Duel of wits?  I never attack anyone who is unarmed!
Dueling Bedsprings
Dueling tribbles: *-  -*
Duff Beer 4 me, Duff Beer 4 U, I'll have a Duff & 1 4 U 2.
Duff Beer for me, Duff Beer for you.
Duffer's Law: Never carry more clubs than you can afford to break.
Dug je put do vjecnosti i mi ga prelazimo cutke i u miru
Duh, phumnk hmmm, oiy? huH?  This tagline is in idiot.
Duh, uh WAGNUTS?! - Crow as hick
Duh, who put the lights out?
Duh-duh-duh-Doughy Guys! Buttery...Doughy Guys! - Tom
Duh.  It's been a long, weird, day.....
Duh. . . I didn't know FORMAT C: did that!?
Duh...He is smart! He can make it go! - The Pakled.
Duh...flooooooooooowwwwerrrrrrrs...- Buster Bunny
Duh: Discovering you're not getting better, just older.
Duh? Duh?! Duh? - Mike & Bots as characters look puzzled
Duhh I-I gotcha! - Ralph Duhh  NOT!! - Yakko
Duhhh, OK coach! - Tom to Joel
Duke Gabrial's house motto:  "Breakfast before dishonour!"
Duke Nukem 3D * An addiction that's legal and lotsa fun!
Duke Nukem 3D * First one to the table gets to break!
Duke Nukem 3D kicks ass.  Literally.
Duke Nukem 3D: Why don't YOU try saving the world sometime?
Duke of Borg: "I'll be assimilatin' ya now, pilgrim. Eh-heh."
Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Borg, Borg, Borg, Duke of Borg....
Dulce bellum inexpertis.
Dull Razor: Nick Shaving
Dull, Duller, Dole.
Dullest Subject #1:  Somebody else's diet. <Larry Niven>
Dullest Subject #2:  How to make money for a worthy cause. <Niven>
Dullest Subject #2: How to make money for a worthy cause. --Larry Niven.
Dullest Subject #2: How to make money for a worthy cause. --Niven.
Dullest Subject #3:  Special Interest Liberation. <Larry Niven>
Dum De Do.
Dum dee dee dum dee dee dum dee dee vegetable garden!.. -- Bundy
Dum spiro spero -- As long as I breathe I hope
Dum vivimus, vivamus.
Dum-diddly-day. Make `em fit this way :-)
Dum-diddly-dum. Trim the left side some.
Dumb And Dumber...vi and edlin.
Dumb Approach # 1: "Hey! Just shut up about the First Amendment, okay?"
Dumb Blonde or beer bottle: both are empty from neck up.
Dumb Jock:  A redundant expression.
Dumb Questions are better than smart mistakes!
Dumb Sysop Quote:  I never put a door up that I have to register
Dumb Taglines
Dumb as asphalt / a stump / a sack of hammers.
Dumb blond jokes are one liners so men can understand them.
Dumb blonde jokes - short so brunettes can remember them
Dumb blonde jokes - so short brunettes can remember them
Dumb blonde jokes are 1 liners so that men can understand them.
Dumb blonde jokes are short so brunettes can remember the
Dumb luck beats sound planning every time.  Trust me.
Dumb men are wise until opening their mouths.
Dumb message. But, great tagline!
Dumb old sissy britches! - Tom
Dumb programmers use FORTRAN PROGRAM.FOR
Dumb question: "So how do you *DO* Hamlet?" - Larry King [8-12-93]
Dumb questions are easier to handle than dumb mistakes!
Dumb terminal, eh?  Well, kiss my parallel port!
Dumb terminals real are.
Dumb v2.0:  The upgrade from stupid.
Dumb v2.0:  Upgrade from Stupid v1.0
Dumb v2.0:  Upgrade from stupid.
Dumb: Entering a mind meld with a Vulcan on LSD.
Dumb: When you go to a mind reader and she charges you half price.
Dumb: when you go to a mind reader and she charges you half price.
Dumb?  She thinks KY jelly is a dessert from Kentucky.
Dumber than Advertised.
Dumber than a chicken / box of hair/rocks.
Dumber than advertised. -- Yakko Warner
Dumdeedumdee doodley doo..
Dummy encountered, run chkbrain /f before proceeding....
Dump Clinton, turn the trickle back on.
Duncan Hinder - Dr. F to Frank
Duncan MacLeod knows everybody. - Kalas
Dunebogey - Golf course sand trap.
Dunedin. It's all RIGHT HERE!
Dungeon Elevator: "1st floor; Goblins, Skeletons, Green Slimes."
Dungeon Mastering is 1% preparation, 1% insanity, and 98% FREE TIME!!
Dungeon Masters do it any way they feel like.
Dungeon Masters do it anywhere they damn well please.
Dungeon Masters do it behind a screen.
Dungeon Masters do it in ways contrary to the laws of physics.
Dungeon Masters do it to you REAL GOOD.
Dungeon Masters do it whether you like it or not.
Dungeon Masters do it with dice.
Dungeon Masters have better encounters.
Dungeon Rule #1: Don't go first.
Dungeon Rule #4: If the thief says "Oops!", RUN!
Dungeon masters DO IT anywhere they damn well please.
Dungeon masters DO IT in ways contrary to the laws of physics.
Dungeon masters DO IT whether you like it or not.
Dungeon? Nah. It's just a hell of a maze...
Dungeon? No, it's an Underground Defense Installation!
Dungeoneers do it deeper and deeper - Darkwood
Dungeonmasters do it with complete control
Dunnada duna daaa dunadaaa --Plush (instrumental version)
Dunno @F, you just seem to have lost something.
Dunno Orville, you just seem to have lost something.
Dunno what I'm do'n but it's fun push'n all da buttons.
Dunno where the cow is, but you came to the right place for bull.
Dupe dupe dupe dupe of Earl dupe dupe dupe of Earl dupe dupe
Dupe, dupe, dupe, Dupe of Earl, dupe, dupe . . .
Dupecheck? Oh, Alexander Dupecheck, head of Czech. during 1968.<g>
Duple Meter:  May take any even number of coins.
Duplex - Having two apartments.
Duplicat taglines are felonious.
Duplicate .REP file?  It's an encore upload!
Duplicate FAT found.  Run LIPOSUCT.ION? (Y/n)
Duplicate File: Delete, Don't Delete, Don't Care (D/D/D)?
Duplicate file name or file not found - Not sure which
Duplicate file name or file not found.  Unsure which.
Duplicate filename or file not found...Not sure which....
Duplicate message?  Blame the Fidonet white hole!
Duplicate or blank Taglines         0
Duplicate taglines are checked, warily.
Duplicate taglines are created as a duplicate recreation.
Duplicate taglines are duplicated, nearly.
Duplicate taglines are duplicated, without remiss.
Duplicate taglines are duplicated, yearly.
Duplicate taglines are missed, barely.
Duplicate taglines are removed, wearily.
Duplicate taglines should be removed, even if you don't please.
Duplicate taglines should be removed, if you please.
Duplicate taglines should be removed, please.
Duplicate taglines: transmogrified text.
Duplicators do it exactly the same way every time.
Duracell is irrelevant. We assimilate longer than others.
Durians - The King of Fruits
Durians, real fruits for real people.
During "saxophone" call can be very annoying.
During her off hours, Tasha Yar maintained a Data Entry position.
During inverted flight, wheels go up when selected down.
During rush hour, you should "filibuster" capacity.
During sex I fantasize I'm Ironing.
During sex I fantasize I'm someone else -- Richard Lewis
During sex I fantasize I'm someone else.
During sex, I fantasize that I'm someone else.
During sex, you don't need to fantasize that I'm a redhead, I AM one!!!
During the in-flight movie, ask to share headphones with someone...
Durkin, you're sick! -- Harley Stone
Durum Patentia Frango...Patience overcomes difficulties. Muir's motto.
Dusa je organ za unutrasnje poslove
Dusk time, the shadows fall into the timeless time of all.
Dust Bunnies Orville! Oh my God, dust bunnies!
Dust Bunnies are the poor man's tribble
Dust balls: The cheap man's Tribble.
Dust balls: the poor man's tribble.
Dust bunnies disprove the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Dust bunnies threaten thousand points of light -G. Bush
Dust for sale: Dirt cheap
Dust his pasty swing choir butt - Tom on Dr. Forrester
Dust is a protective covering sent from God.
Dust off those rusty strings just one more time..
Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return. - Genesis 3:19
Dust to dust If it wasn't for Women your Thing would Rust
Dust-balls - The cheap man's tribble.
Dust-balls - This century's Tribbles.
Dust-balls: The cheap man's Tribble
Dust-bunnies:  the cheap man's tribble
Dust:  Protective covering for furniture.
Dust: Protective coating for furniture
Dust: Protective covering for furniture.
Dustballs:  The cheap man's tribble.
Dutch Apple...an Apple computer sold in Holland.
Duty call. Garibaldi History calls. --Lennier.
Duty is what one expects from others. Wilde
Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully.
Duz dis git UHF? No  I duzn't reckon in flyin' saucers.
Duz eny wan hav a gud spel chackar?
Duzn't reckon everythin' ya' say.  Ya' know?
Dve zene i guska - Vasar.
Dvojica, jedan protiv drugoga, i jedna devojka...
Dwarf fortune teller escapes jail: small medium at large!
Dwarven Thrower +3 - A magical hammer that hurls dwarves.
Dwarven language runed my life...
Dwarves do it in deep, dark places.
Dwarves do it in deep, dark, dry places.
Dwarves do it underground.
Dweeb...Digital Wizard Electronically Enhanced Butthead
Dweeb...a WebSurfer not on the same Home Page as the rest of us.
Dworkin:looks like Goering, sounds like Goebbels.
Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy. - Josey Wales
Dyin' ain't much of a living, boy.
Dying USUALLY isn't a good career move.  Of course, it was for Elvis...
Dying Vhujunka noises...
Dying an old maid is not as bad as living as one.
Dying bravely doesn't make you any less dead.
Dying bravely doesn't make you any less dead.  -SLR
Dying can be done as easily lying down.
Dying is a very dull, dreary affair. My advice to you is to have nothing
Dying is easy.  Comedy is hard. -- Gwenn
Dying's easy; it's living that's hard!!
Dyke spies: Lesbianage!
Dykstra's Law: Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
Dynamic Linking Error:  Your mistake is now in every file.
Dynamic Linking Error: Your mistake is now in every file.
Dynamic Memory Error...(C)rash, (C)rash, or (C)rash
Dynamic linking ERROR. The mistake is now in every file.
Dynamic linking error.  Your mistake is now in every file
Dynamic linking error:  Your mistake is now everywhere.
Dynamic linking error: Your mistake has now spread out to everywhere!
Dynamic linking error: Your mistake is now everywhere.
Dyslexeic Bard: Master-of-all-trades, jack-of-none.
Dyslexia - it can warn without striking!
Dyslexia can warn without striking!
Dyslexia for Cure found!
Dyslexia isn't funny, 5 out of 2 people have it.
Dyslexia rules KO.
Dyslexia strikes the scoreboard industry - Crow
Dyslexia warns without striking.
Dyslexia....it can warn without striking!
Dyslexia: Scroll-Lock of the brain.
Dyslexia: it can warn without striking!
Dyslexia? What's lisdexia?
Dyslexic Agnostics Society Discussion Topic: Is Dog Dead?
Dyslexic Agnostics wonder if there really is a doG
Dyslexic Atheist's believe 'There is no Dog'
Dyslexic Atheistest don't believe in dog.
Dyslexic Atheists don't believe in Dog
Dyslexic Athiests don't believe in DOG!
Dyslexic Christian Sells Soul To Santa - News At Ten
Dyslexic Christian Sells Soul to Santa--Film at Eleven!
Dyslexic Christian sells his soul to Santa...Film at 11.
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa   ...News at 11
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa - details at 11
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa - film at 11.
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa!    Film at 11:00.
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa! News at 10!
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa.  ... News at 11
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa.  Film at eleven.
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa... News at 11!
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa... News at 11.
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa...Film at 11:00
Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa...News at 11
Dyslexic Greeting Card Co.: Wishing You the Bery Vest.
Dyslexic Particle Physicists do it with hadrons.
Dyslexic Satanist sells soul to Santa.. Film at 11.
Dyslexic State Trooper spends all night handing out IUD's
Dyslexic Sysop.  Indigenous to ainrofilaC.
Dyslexic T-Shirt: Just say ON.
Dyslexic agnostic insomniacs lie awake and wonder if there is a Dog
Dyslexic agnostic: I wonder if there is a dog.
Dyslexic agnostics don't know if there's a dog or not.
Dyslexic agnostics wonder if there is a dog.
Dyslexic agnostics wonder if there really is a Dog.
Dyslexic agnostics wonder if there's really a dog.
Dyslexic am not I.
Dyslexic atheists don't believe in a Dog.
Dyslexic atheists lay awake wondering if there is a dog.
Dyslexic atheists: There is a Dog.
Dyslexic christian sells his soul to SantaNews at 11.
Dyslexic christian sells soul to Santa. Film at 11! ...
Dyslexic cultists sell their souls to Santa...
Dyslexic demon worshipper sells soul to Santa: film at 11
Dyslexic devil worshippers sell their souls to Santa.
Dyslexic food...maps.
Dyslexic hothead cut off his spite to face his nose!
Dyslexic insomniac agnostics lie awake wondering if there is a dog.
Dyslexic man sells soul to Santa.  News at 11
Dyslexic motto: wine me, dine me, 96 me!
Dyslexic of Borg: Sisantrece is flieut, royu arce illw miliasadate
Dyslexic pondering religion.Is there really a Dog?
Dyslexic sells soul to Santa.  Film at 11
Dyslexic witches could be fun to watch as they try to take a bath...
Dyslexic witches would be dangerous in a chemistry lab ...
Dyslexic with ESP....Does that mean Seeing things in reverse.
Dyslexic's Repeat key...Ottid
Dyslexic, Jim, a doctor I'm a, not dammit!
Dyslexic?  No bout a doubt it!
Dyslexics Rule - KO ?
Dyslexics against drugs: just say ON.
Dyslexics are persona au gratin.
Dyslexics have more fnu
Dyslexics have more fnu.
Dyslexics have more ufn!
Dyslexics of the World: Untie!
Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!
Dyslexics of the world untie!
Dyslexics of the world, UNTIE!
Dyslexics of the world, unite...
Dyslexics of the world, untie!
Dyslexics of the world...UNTIE
Dyslexics untie!
Dyslexics! Untie! Cqonreq the Rwodl.
Dyspepsia - someone who hates Pepsi.
Dysprosium and scandium and cerium and cesium.
Dzelat je bio uz zrtvu kad joj je bilo najteze!!!
Dzur stalks and blends with night.
d :-o   hats off to your great idea
d8=   Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat.
d:-)    baseball player
d:-)    for messages dealing with baseball.
d:-)   baseball player       d:-i   baseball player spitting
d:^i    baseball player spitting sunflower seed.
d;naveornv. Oops, Sorry, fell asleep on the keyboard.
dB-)    baseball cap and shades
dB-) d:^i d:-) q#H) & 5 :-)K :-)K :-)K :-)K :-)K moderators on bench.
dBASE XXVII - We *FINALLY* got it Right!
dBASE users do it in record numbers in the fields.
da bi ti poslije svega rekla, nema srece frajeru za nas
da li me prepoznajes o cemu razmisljas
da li znas ovu pjesmu sto poziva na ples, hajde dijete pokreni se
da su samo zelje puste dovoljne snu, moj bi pogled sigurno osvojio nju
daisies!" "Is thisDeath?" -- The Doctor
dance toward me, please,/as if you were a star...
dancing to the insane piping of flutes...
dancing:  A vertical manifestation of an horizontal desire.
dancing:  A vertical manifestation of horizontal desire.
darn, I haven't adopted a good tagline in weeks.
dated drug humor tagline deleted
day's Witticism: I'm so bad that I vacation in Flint, Michigan.
day++;  dollar++;
day++; dollar--; Sigh();
dead than "ditto-head"!
dead; he's electroencephalographically challenged!
debrief the pilots? YESSIR! Right away sir!
debugging: removing bugs   programming: putting them in.
debunk:  Where de cowboy sleeps, usually in debunk house.
decaffienated coffee table; You can't even see a difference.
declaring themselves wise, they became fools!
dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
def. Smoker : 1n.DUMBASS
defeated:  Chopped off at the ankles.
define flame_retardant  I know you are, but what am I?
deja booboo: the feeling you've screwed this up before
del *.*  Are you sure (y/n) y...NO! NO!!!!!!!
del Banquo.*  del damnspot.*
del clinton.*; del rodham.*; del *.tax (if only it were so simple..)
deliver:  What too much alcohol affects.
demands devotion attrocities done in his name
democracy:  3 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for lunch.
dense:  What your car gets, no matter how careful you are.
deny thy father and forget thy tagline.
destabilize:  To take the horse out for a trot.
destined to be the most important OS."  Bill Gates
dethrone:  Place where people do their best thinking.
diamonds:  Chunks of coal that stuck to their job.
dicot weeds: Beggarweed, Betony, Bindweed, Black Medic, Brass Buttons
dicot weeds: Buckhorn, Bur Clover, Buttonweed, Carpetweed, Centella
dicot weeds: Chicory, Common Chickweed, Mouse-ear Chickweed, Cinquefoil
dicot weeds: Curly Dock, Dandelion, Coast Dandelion, Dichondra
dicot weeds: English Daisy, Filaree, Ground Ivy, Yellow Hawkweed
dicot weeds: Henbit, Knotweed, Lambsquarters, Lespedeza, Matchweed
dicot weeds: Mallow, Oxalis, Pepperweed, Pigweed. Pineapple-Weed
dicot weeds: Purslane, Florida Pusley (Mexican Clover), Ragweed, Sheep
dicot weeds: Shepherd's Purse, Soliva Sessilis, Sow Thistle
dicot weeds: Thyme-Leaf Speedwell, Thistle (Canada), Wild Carrot
dicot weeds: Wild Carrot, Yellow Rocket
dictionaries:  If you've read one, you've read them all.
dictionary:  The only place where work comes after success.
did I ever tell you about my friend "ME-Lay" Marston??
did I open a can of worms here? :-)
diet is die with a "t" added....Garfield the cat
dieting:  A way to make the ends justify the jeans.
difference. ... Caffeine makes the world go round.
digging up old fossils
dim iz cigarete nosi moje sne, gledam tvoje oci hladne daleke
ding (dang) dang (woo!) ding and a ding dong...
dinner:  Dead animals and some stuff out of the ground.
diploma:  Di man who fixes di pipes.
diplomacy is letting someone else have YOUR way...
dipping your wick
directory. AFAIK, there are no plans for a Windows version of
disconcertingly."Let me out of this embassy," said Tom disconsolately.
discovering incredible smells
discussing hidden Rebel bases
dish. Alponium: The smell of a freshly-opened can of dog food.
disk space will be assimilated.
dismantled:  The New York Yankees after 1968.
distill the life that's inside of me ...  - Cobain
disturbing the Force
diversity is the mother of continued employment.
do covered in hope and vaseline, still cannot fix this broken machine
do it now!  It may be illegal tomorrow!
do not remove this tagline under penalty of law
do people with pointy heads have sharp minds?
do the Bardman...do the Bardman    ...
do us all a big favorwrite a clever, original tagline...
do you remember cherry blossoms in the market square?
do you want money; do you want sex; or do you want all that success?
do { eat; sleep; } while (alive).
do { inhale; exhale; } while (alive).
do {nothing} while (HearFromMe==0)
dobra moja, idi s milim bogom ne znam sta cu sam sa samim sobom.
doci ce i mojih pet minuta, slavit cemo tada cijelu noc
dodirnut cu joj usne lagano, odlazimo zajedno u noc
dodo:  A double negative with a head cold.
doesn't matter which half is which!  <knowing wink<
dog house:  A mutt hut.
doghouse:  A mutt hut.
dogs and cats living together, real wrath of God type stuff.
dogs crawl under (Bill) Gates, software crawls under Windows...
doing that *too* often.  Anyways, I'll leave you with a host of
dok u zidove gledamo cutke, saznajem, njeno ime je nesreca.
dolazim ti kao fantom slobode, i zato pokazi sve sto znas
dolittle@frappy.brewich.com - E-mail me for the Star Wars RPG list!
don't bill me, Bill Gates!
don't call me a looser... call me a rebel. (John Miles)
don't eat for say, 2 or 3 weeks, Get stoned & go to the supermarket
don't eat the daisies
don't know what you're talking about,but it sounds damn SAUCY! -George
don't litter have your pets spay or neutered
don't mess with taxes
don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
don't question authority, it doesn't know either.
don't read the tagline until you've finished your message!...
don't reply to inappropriate messages, leave SysOp do it.
don't stop believing - hold onto that feeling
don't want anyone to know I'm here."
don't worry she'll hold together (hear me baby...hold together)...
done? -- Kirkburies cars!nned me
doomed to believe what she read, whether it was true or not -- P. Dean
double crosser."
doubling our efforts
dovoljno je da me vidi, da mi kaze miki kako si, i vec se osjecam bolje,
down to the direction of the negative up vector...
down, its only ones and zeroes!
doze in this Conferenceepitome oft.tasking...5C:\WIN95>del *.*   <-- The
dragons.  Most are adoptees, many are written by me.   =)
drawn like moths we drift into the city...
dreaded words:  hard disk failure
dream on, on to the heart of the sunrise..
dreamers learn to steer by the stars...
dreams don't need to have motion to keep their spark alive.
drowning in his own hypocrisy
duboko u tebi, mozda sam ostavio trag svjetla
duck season, wabbit season, duck season, wabbit season..
duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, GOOSE! duck, duck, <run like hell>
dum de do di da la le do .... ok the fat lady has sung.
dva puta se ne salju, tenkovi na radnike, tenkovi na nas
dy(3x^4 + 2x-5)/dx = 12x^3 + 2

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca