E = 2mv^2 - Ze^2/r... and there WAS light!
E = mc    2 dB.
E = mc2 * 3d6 - nukes in AD&D
E = mc2 + 2 dB
E = mcý ñ 2 dB
E FUDD: A bugs bunny fan.
E Pluribus Email
E Pluribus Join Us - Satellite of Love Flag
E Pluribus Linux
E Pluribus Modem
E Pluribus UNIX.
E Pluribus Unum really means 'Get the hell off my Foot!'
E Pluribus Unum really means 'Get the hell off my Foot'
E \ . . . H . . . . F
E ae Jesu dominae, donna aes requiem...(THUNK)
E ae Jesu dominae, donna aes requiem...(THUNK)  E ae Jesu dominae, ..
E ae Jesu dominae, donna aes requiem...(THUNK) E ae Jesu dominae,..
E charis tou kuriou Iesou meta pantone.
E cola...Outbreak of the Pepsi Wars.
E is for Edible udies!
E is for Enterprise, the show's focal point
E is for Esoteric, an order maligned
E pericoloso sporgersi.  For Windows users only.
E sednes mi na Stojka ! :))
E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on!
E)gomaniacal I)ndiscrete B)arflies
E, a jel' znas da piratske kasete kvare uredjaje
E-9?!?  You sank my Bird of Prey! -- Worf
E-:-) User is a Ham radio operator
E-I-E-I Don't think so! - TV's Frank
E-Mail excuse:  No one finds my mine fields humorous.
E-Mail returned due to insufficient voltage.
E-Mail: The only thing that travels faster than gossip.
E-dollars in Cyberspace is what the Peso is in Mexico.
E-mail Hint:  Get a good spell checker.
E-mail from the edge.
E-mail...bathroom graffiti of the Net.
E-mail:  When it absolutly has to get lost at the speed of light.
E-mail: Burn a wire, not a tree.
E-mail: when it absolutely has to get lost at the speed of light
E-male...a CyberStagParty.
E-nthusiastically E-xchanging E-mail can E-xhaust all my E-nergy!
E. E. Cumming does it with ease.
E.E. Cumming does it with ease.
E.F.I.: Extra Fucking Insurance 
E.M.T.-<E>xtremely <M>asocistic <T>endencies
E.T. Fax home.
E.V.A. Rule #1 : ALWAYS wear a helmet & gloves!
E.V.A. Rule #2 : Never lock yourself outside...
E.V.A. Rule #3: Be very, very careful with sharp objects...
E.V.A. Rule #4: Always carry oxygen.
E.V.A. Rule #5: Check when the next meteor shower is due.
E.V.A. Rule #6: Never annoy the astronauts *inside* the spacecraft.
E.V.A. Rule #7: No 'Muzak' will be played during airlock operations.
E.V.A. Rule #8: Never stay outside while the spacecraft changes orbit.
E.V.A. Rule #9: When your time's up, don't dawdle....
E2EG          Ear to Ear Grin
E=...E=...??...ok, Einstein, YOU figure it out.
E=C^2 (Echosia = Chocolate^2, the m is just a fudge factor)
E=M.  The c^2 is just a fudge factor....
E=MC + 3d6
E=MC..    Nice job Albert, now show your work.
E=MC^2 -- Very Good Albert, Next Time Show The Working
E=MC^2. Nice job Albert, now show your work.
E=MC^5...nah...E=MC^4...nah...E=MC^3...ah the hec with it
E=Mc...nahhh...E=Mc...nahh...E=Mc...ah, the hell with it.
E=Mc^5...nahhh...E=Mc^4...nahh...E=Mc^3...ah, the hell with it.
E=mc  F=ma  You can't push a rope -- Laws of physics.
E=mc ? Very good, Albert, but next time, show your work.
E=mc*?  Very good, Albert.  Next time show your work.
E=mc^2 Very good, Albert. Next time show your working.
E=mc^2 means I'm 5.9 X 10^20 precious joules.
E=mc^2?  Very good, Albert, but next time, show your work.
EA: Enable Anything
EAC: Emulate Acoustic Coupler
EACH: A minor irritation that causes scratching.
EAF           Encounter At Farpoint
EAGLE: Two things having the same value.
EAL: Enable AC to Logic rack
EALITY.SYS corrupted: Reboot universe?  Y/N/Q
EAO: Enable AC to Operator
EARL GREY - Steep No More
EARRING: One of the five senses.
EARTH - Mostly Harmless
EARTH FIRST!  We will screw up the other planets later.
EARTH FIRST!!  We'll log the other planets later!
EARTH Inc.: Bankruptcy sale! Liquidating all assets. Contact managers.
EARTH is 98% full. Please delete anybody you can
EARTH...If You Love It, Leave It<-
EARTH...If You Love It, Leave It.
EAST COAST                                WEST COAST
EASY DOES IT -- avoid Windows.
EAT SHIT!  10,000,000 flies can't be wrong!
EATING OUT..Going to Burger King
EB: "Am I that charming and beautiful?" JS: "No, you're not."
EB: "Cashmere?" JS: "No, Gortex; it's new."
EB: "Fake, fake, fake, fake."
EB: "She's never made love to a man in her life!" CK: "I'm Kramer!"
EBB: Edit and Blank Buffer
EBB: Empty Bit Bucket
EBBPMIG: Engage Brain Before Putting Mouth In Gear
EBBPMIG: Engage Brian Before Putting Mouth In Gear
EBCDIC  Erase, Back up, Chew Disk, Ignite Card
EBCDIC:Erase Backup Chew Disk Ignite Cards
EBO: Emulate Brown-Out
EBR: Erase Before Reading
EBRS: Emit Burnt Resistor Smell
EC: Eat Card
ECF: Explode and Catch Fire
ECHO  'HelloHelloHello...'
ECHO ECho Echo echo ....
ECHO mail: lost in a time warp again.
ECHO mail: the Internet's answer to snail mail.
ECHO mail: when it absolutely must get there, some time.
ECHO mail: when you care enough to net the very best.
ECL: Early Care Lace
ECNALUBMA: (n) a vehicle to convey TMEs to 119 emergency calls.
ECO: Electrocute Computer Operator
ECONOMISTS do it at bliss point
ECONOMISTS do it cyclically
ECONOMISTS do it in an Edgeworth Box
ECONOMISTS do it on demand
ECONOMISTS do it with a dual
ECONOMISTS do it with an atomistic competitor
ECONOMISTS do it with interest
ECONOMY.USA corrupted. Delete CLINTON.DUH (Y/N)
ECP: Erase Card Punch
ED   - Eject Diskette  (Irish Assembler)
ED dates back to 1973 and CP/M (QDOS aka DOS 1.0 was hacked from).
ED: Eject Disk
ED: Execute Data
EDD: Eat Disk and Die
EDEN: Consuming, as in "I'm Eden dinner right now."
EDGAR ALLEN POE did it with the pit and the pendulum.
EDIT works well for quickies.
EDIT: Erase Data and Increment Time
EDLIN         : Easily Deleted, Lousy Incompetent Nuisance.
EDLIN - Easily Deleted, Lousy Incompetent Nuisance.
EDLIN doesn't have a bug...EDLIN _IS_ a bug.
EDLIN:  The computer world's version of mud-and-stylus writing.
EDLIN: on the cutting edge of software evolution.
EDLIN: proof that programmers have a sense of humor.
EDLINUTL.ZIP 7K Utility that make EDLIN seem like Wordperfect!
EDP: Emulate Debugged Program
EDR: Emit Deadly Radiation
EDR: Execute Destructive Read
EDS: Execute Data Segment
EE CUMMINGS does it with ease
EE CUMMINGS does it with ease.
EEEEK!  The dreaded "not-awake-yet high-ascii excuse!"
EEEEWWWW  DooNutt!   (Homer)
EEG: Electroencephalogram, EKG: Electrocardiogram, EGG: Breakfast food
EEK The Cat!!!
EEOIFNO: Execute Every Other Instruction From Now On
EEP: Erase Entire Program
EF: Emulate Fireworks
EFB: Emulate Five-volt Battery
EFB: Emulate Five-volt Battery mode
EFBI: Emulate Five-volt Battery Intermittently
EFD: Eject Floppy Disk
EFD: Emulate Frisbee using Disk pack
EFE: Emulate Fatal Error
EFT not found: (a)bort (r)etry (p)anic (d)rink heavily
EGA:  Extinct Graphics Adaptor.  A white elephant in 16 colors.
EGGHEAD- What Mrs. Dumpty gives Humpty when he's good.
EGGORY (eg' er ee) n. The part of the fridge that holds the eggs.
EGGORY: (n) The part of the fridge that holds the eggs.
EGO:  Easing God Out.  (Share July 91)
EGOTISTS do it better than anyone else.
EHC: Emulate Headless Chicken
EIA: Elvis Is Alive
EIAO: Execute In Any Order
EIB Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies -has air superiority!
EIB: Even Irritates Barney!
EIB: Excrement In Broadcasting.
EIB: The inoculation against collectivist liberalism.
EIEIO: Evaluate, Increment, Excrement, Invert, Output
EIO: Erase I/O page
EIO: Execute Invalid Op-code
EIO: Execute Invalid Opcode
EIOC: Execute Invalid Op-Code
EIV: Erase IPL Volume
EJD%V: EJect Disk \(em with initial velocity V
EJD: EJect Disk
EKSTREMISTA = onaj sa duzim ekstremitetom!
EL DUB CITY and RETCON 1 COMICS are tm and (c) 1995 Jim Murdoch.
EL GRECO - Holy Toledo! What a View!
ELBOW MAN - Tom's super hero
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS are shocked when they do it
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS are shocked when they do it.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS do it on an impulse
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS do it with faster rise time
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS do it with large capacities
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS do it with more frequency and less resistance
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS do it with more power and at higher frequency
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS do it with more power and at higher frequency.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS do it with super position
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS do it without shorts
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS do it without shorts.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS resonate until it hertz
ELECTRICIAN undo your shorts for you
ELECTRICIAN undo your shorts for you.
ELECTRICIAN(n): a switch doctor
ELECTRICIANS are qualified to remove your shorts
ELECTRICIANS are qualified to remove your shorts.
ELECTRICIANS check your shorts
ELECTRICIANS check your shorts.
ELECTRICIANS check your shorts.   
ELECTRICIANS do it 'till it Hz.
ELECTRICIANS do it in their shorts
ELECTRICIANS do it in their shorts.
ELECTRICIANS do it just to plug it in
ELECTRICIANS do it until it Hertz
ELECTRICIANS do it with 'no shorts'
ELECTRICIANS do it with a charge!
ELECTRICIANS do it with spark
ELECTROCHEMISTS have greater potential
ELECTROCHEMISTS have greater potential.
ELECTRONIC MAIL - The only kind delivered in less than a week
ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS do it in a solid-state.
ELEPHANT: a mouse built to government specs.
ELEPHANTS do it for peanuts.
ELEVATOR men do it up and down
ELG           Exceptionally Large Grin
ELITISTS only do it with the best.
ELIZABETH ROSS - Heavens, Betsy Too!
ELMYRA! - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
ELMYRA.DUF found (A)bort, (R)un like heck, (D)rop anvils on?
ELMYRA.DUF found in drive A: (A)bort, (R)un like heck, (D)rop anvils on?
ELOW SEX!  <with finger forepaly>
ELP: Enter Loop Permenantly
ELVES do it in fairy rings
ELVIS - I ain't nothin' but a Ground Hog
ELVIS HAD MY U.F.O. BABY!...On the next Oprah!
ELVIS sighted...on Quantum Leap.
EM: EMulate 407
EM: Evacuate Memory
EMACS: "Eight Megs And Constantly Swapping"
EMACS: Equine Mammals Are Considerably Smaller
EMACS: Excavating Mayan Architecture Comes Simpler
EMAIL Stamps (Tear at perforation):...email...email...email...email...email
EMAILERS do it between headers.
EMBALMERS do it with unnatural fluids.
EMBARASSMENT: Shooting the puck in your own net.
EMBARASSMENT: Spitting out the car window when it isn't open. Error 015:
EMBARASSMENT: Spitting out the car window when it isn't open..
EMBARRASSMENT: Shooting the puck in your own net.
EMBARRASSMENT: Spitting out the car window when it isn't open.
EMBRYO - A new acorn on the family tree.
EMERGENCY INFORMATION: How to breathe. 1. Inhale. 2. Exhale.
EMIF: Erase Most Important File
EMIGRATING : New Zealand's military strategy to conquer Australia.
EMILY POST - Mrs. Post Regrets She's Unable To Meet You
EMM: Emulate More Memory
EMPC: EMulate Pocket Calculator
EMPLOYERS do it to employees
EMS Motto:  You call....we haul....!!
EMS...Eat More Spam.
EMS:  Expanded Menstrual Syndrome.  A bloody bitch!
EMS:  happens just before PMS.
EMS:  it's not only a job, it's an ADDICTION.
EMS: Enhanced Money Scam
EMS: Enhanced Money Scam.
EMS: Extra Mental Strain
EMSE: Edit and Mark Something Else
EMSL            Evil Mad Scientist Laugh
EMSL: Entire Memory Shift Left
EMT's do it in ambulances
EMT's do it in ambulances.
EMT's keep it pumping.
EMT's....We love to play Doctor !!!!
EMT: Electrocute Maintenance Technician
EMW: Emulate Maytag Washer
EMail me sometime ...
EMail replies to nate.lipsen@execnet.com
EN  Oxymoron: Peace force
ENA: ENable Anything
END: Erase Neighbor's Data
ENDLESS LOOP: (noun) see "endless loop"
ENE: ENable Everything
ENEMA..Someone who is not your friend
ENERGIZE, said Picard, and a pink bunny appeared
ENERGIZR.BAT arced. Bunny arrested for shocking behaviour
ENF: Emit Noxious Fumes
ENG: ENable Gravity
ENGAGE! Fanzine, PO Box 281140, Memphis, TN 38168...subscribe!
ENGAGE! I always wanted to say that! - Richard Picardo
ENGAGE! PO Box 281140, Memphis, TN  38168  Trek,SciFi,&Fantasy!
ENGINE:  We're not clickin' on all cylinders here!
ENGINEERS are erectionist perfectionists
ENGINEERS are erectionist perfectionists.
ENGINEERS charge by the hour
ENGINEERS do it any way they can
ENGINEERS do it at calculated angles
ENGINEERS do it by calculation and design.
ENGINEERS do it in Mudd
ENGINEERS do it in practice
ENGINEERS do it in simple harmonic motion.
ENGINEERS do it precisely
ENGINEERS do it roughly
ENGINEERS do it roughly.
ENGINEERS do it to a first order approximation
ENGINEERS do it with a right-handed coordinate system.
ENGINEERS do it with less energy and greater efficiency
ENGINEERS do it with precision
ENGINEERS do it with precision.
ENGINEERS do it with precision.   
ENGINEERS simply neglect it
ENGINEERS simply neglect it.
ENGLISH MAJORS do it literally.
ENGLISH MAJORS do it with an accent
ENGLISH MAJORS do it with books.
ENGLISH MAJORS do it with style
ENIGMA - A point to ponder!
ENO: Emulate No-Op
ENOTOBACCO: Read on empty pipe.
ENOUGH, pro.  All there is in the world if you like it.
ENTOMOLOGISTS do it with insects
ENTREPRENEURS do it with creativity and originality
ENTYMOLOGISTS do it with bugs
ENVIRONMENTALIST do it until it is green.
ENVY, n.  Emulation adapted to the meanest capacity.
EO: Electrocute Operator
EOB: Execute Operator and Branch
EOD             End Of Discussion
EOF test tagline! |-)
EOG: Are you sure you want to quit this great game?
EOG: Don't leave yet -- There's a demon around that corner!
EOG: Go ahead and leave. See if I care.
EOG: I wouldn't leave if I were you. DOS is much worse.
EOG: Let's beat it -- This is turning into a bloodbath!
EOG: Please don't leave, there's more demons to toast.
EOG: Ya know, next time you come in here I'm gonna toast ya.
EOG: You're trying to say you like DOS better than me, right?
EOI: Explode On Interrupt
EOL             End Of Lecture
EOS: Erase Operating System
EOT - End of Tagline
EP: Execute Programmer
EPA code: confiscate, investigate, coverup
EPA: Every Permit Approved ...  Each Polluter Applauded
EPCOT: (Experimental Prototype Community Of Tommorow)
EPCOT: Employee Paychecks Come On Thursday.
EPCOT: Every Person Comes Out Tired.
EPCOT: Experimental Polyester Costumes Of Tomorrow.
EPCOT: Extremely Profitable Corporation Of Today.
EPD: Explode Peripheral Device
EPI: Execute Programmer Immediate
EPISIOTOMY---Cutting a wide birth.
EPITS: Execute Previous Instruction Then Skip
EPL: Emulate Phone Line
EPP: Eject Printer Paper
EPROM: the portion of ROM that contains the eep sound.
EPS: Electrostatic Print and Smear
EPS: Execute Program Sideways
EPSW: Execute Program Status Word
EPT: Erase Process Table
EPT: Erase Punched Tape
EQUESTRIANS do it in leather.
ER            Hello
ERASE C:\windows\unicom\*.*  =8-(#)
ERDA Law of Procurement: Never use lead when gold will do.
ERECTION..When Japanese vote for a new government
ERG           Escherian Recursive Grin
ERIC: Eject Random Integrated Circuit
ERM: Erase Reserved Memory
EROM: Erase Read-Only Memory
EROS: Erase Read-Only Storage
EROS: Erase Read-Only Storage [Everex int]
EROTIC: Small bug from Europe. [Y/n]
ERRER #0008: Improper spelling.
ERROL FLYNN - Foiled Again
ERROR # 56:  Nut loose on keyboard.
ERROR # 76 - Check nut on keyboard
ERROR #0000:  Call customer service for a laugh.
ERROR #0001:  Press all the keys at once to continue.
ERROR #0001:  Windows/NT loaded.  Hoo-boy, is your system in for it now.
ERROR #0001: COSMOS.CFG Corrupt. Reboot Universe (Y/N):
ERROR #0001: Windows/NT loaded. Hoo-boy, is your system in danger now.
ERROR #0002: ERRERS intead of ERRORS
ERROR #0005: Windows loading...come back tomorrow...
ERROR #0006: Bad or Missing SysOp. "Hey, everybody...FREE files here!"
ERROR #0008: REALITY.SYS <A>bort <R>etry <L>oad ANIMANIACS.SYS?
ERROR #0011: Fax Modem Not Responding, Check Hardware
ERROR #0014:  LPT1 not found.. use backup - PENCIL & PAPER
ERROR #0015: Unable to exit Windows. Try the door.
ERROR #0024:  File Handle Broke Off!
ERROR #0040:  This program will crash right before you win.
ERROR #0053: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ake like it's working
ERROR #0054: Computer needs propane refill.
ERROR #0054: This message was rejected by Kwisatz's Mail Reader.
ERROR #0056: Nut loose on keyboard (is it necessary to explain this?).
ERROR #0058:  Incompatible File Format
ERROR #0076:  Check nut on keyboard
ERROR #0087: Tagline out of characters.
ERROR #0099:  Dead mouse in hard drive.
ERROR #0140:  Nonexistent Error.  This cannot be happening
ERROR #0141:  Too many errors.
ERROR #0141: Too many errors.
ERROR #0143:  Unable to exit windows... try the door.
ERROR #0144: Bit bucket overflow.
ERROR #0216:  Tagline out of paper
ERROR #0326:  TAGLINES nearing empty. "GET... ME... MORE... TAGLINES!"
ERROR #0326: TAGLINES nearing empty. "GET... ME... MORE... TAGLINES!!"
ERROR #0345: at 2dh  <A>bort <R>etry <C>urse me out?
ERROR #0398:  The author moved to another state; you'll never find him.
ERROR #0399:  No help or documentation available whatsoever.
ERROR #0521:  KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated the MOUSE driver.
ERROR #0554:  Caught pirating software... LOADING TAPS.MOD!
ERROR #0666:  Computer posessed. "So it believes it's a MAC... So what!"
ERROR #0666: Computer possessed. "So it believes it's a MAC..So what!"
ERROR #06: Bad or missing Sysop - FREE files in all areas
ERROR #06A: BAD or MISSING SysOp .........Files FREE!!
ERROR #081F:  Error locating error codes - all errors lost
ERROR #1071:  Company tech support out to lunch.
ERROR #1072:  Sorry, we had lousy beta testers.
ERROR #1075:  This is what you get for buying a piece-of-crap clone...
ERROR #1076:  You may as well stop; you won't figure this program out.
ERROR #1077:  It might help if you turned the printer on, Doofus!
ERROR #1078:  Next time don't pay the programmer up front.
ERROR #1079:  Warranty just expired.
ERROR #1082 - Wall jack plugged into phone jack on modem.
ERROR #1234:  A)bort, R)etry, I)gnore, H)ey... like I'm sorry I asked!
ERROR #1303:  Power not on.
ERROR #1462:  Off topic.  Commit sepukku? (Y/y)
ERROR #14: LPT1 not found.. use backup - PENCIL & PAPER
ERROR #1511:  Brain Offline. "He runs, doesn't he?  Where's the error?"
ERROR #1965:  (your 80286 didn't exist when this program was produced).
ERROR #2027:  General Protection Fault.  Do Not Go To Next Message.
ERROR #2256:  (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (O)verthrow your computer's CPU
ERROR #2256:  (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (O)verthrow your computer's CPU?
ERROR #2256: (A)bort, (R)etry, (O)verthrow CPU?
ERROR #2705:  Programmer infected with a virus.
ERROR #2790:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)retend this situation never occurred...
ERROR #2790:  A)bort, R)etry, P)retend this situation never occured...
ERROR #2790:  A)bort, R)etry, P)retend this situation never occurred..
ERROR #3032:  Recursion error.  See ERROR #3032.
ERROR #3214:  Operator out of patience!
ERROR #326 = TAGLINES nearing empty. STEAL MORE
ERROR #3443: Thought not found:  Reformat Brain (Y/N)?
ERROR #34BB:  Thought not found:  Reformat Brain (Y/N)?
ERROR #4- Not enough RAM: 88,986,897,790 bytes avail. Windows Error#
ERROR #456: Computer not found..We've been robbed!!!
ERROR #4817:  CPU not found
ERROR #5716:  Unable to come up with a new tagline
ERROR #5716: Unable to come up with a new recipe
ERROR #5716: Unable to come up with a new tagline
ERROR #6060:  TagLines aren't funny.  Operator taken out back and shot
ERROR #6060: TagLines aren't funny.  Operator taken out back and shot.
ERROR #6060: TagLines not funny.  Operator taken out back and shot.
ERROR #6060: recipes not tasty. Operator taken out back and shot.
ERROR #6278:  AUDIT.COM(A)bort (R)etry (K)iss ASCII goodbye?
ERROR #6278:  AUDIT.COM... (A)bort (R)etry (K)iss ASCII goodbye?
ERROR #7979:  A)bort, F)ail, T)oss your computer system across street?
ERROR #8 REALITY.SYS... <A>bort <R>etry <L>oad ANIMANIACS.SYS?
ERROR #8643:  (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (L)eave (K)ick up a little fuss
ERROR #8643:  (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (L)eave (K)ick up a little fuss?
ERROR #8686: Your keyboard's not attached...Press any key to continue.
ERROR #8696: Dead rat in found in hard drive (where's tha\SLMR\TAGLINE
ERROR #8696: Dead rat in found in hard drive (where's that *&#@ cat?).
ERROR #9022:  (A)bort (R)etry (F)ake like it's working
ERROR #9909:  Horrible bug encountered.  God knows what has happened.
ERROR #A006:   Malicious error.  Windows found on drive.
ERROR #D3F2:  Replace user and press any key to continue
ERROR **  Unable to insert witty tagline.
ERROR - (A)bort (R)etry (F)ake like it's working
ERROR - Unable to insert witty tagline.  HUMOR.SYS corrupted.
ERROR 004  ERRONIOUS ERROR.  Nothing wrong.
ERROR 0076: Check nut on keyboard
ERROR 0143: Unable to exit Windows. Try the door.
ERROR 0301: Keyboard not found - Press F1 to continue.
ERROR 103: Dead mouse in hard drive.
ERROR 103: No keyboard.      <<Hit any key to continue>>
ERROR 167: Windows loaded ...System in Danger!
ERROR 167: Windows loaded..... system in imminent danger!
ERROR 1701 - Your disk is warped!
ERROR 1701 - Your hard drive croaked!!
ERROR 204: Try a Command in the Book This Time
ERROR 23AF: Sector not found; Search behind couch?
ERROR 301 Keyboard Not found: Press F1 to continue.
ERROR 301 Keyboard can't be found - Press F1 to continue.
ERROR 301: Keyboard not found.  Press F1 to resume.
ERROR 351C: Please remove cat from drive A:
ERROR 3F2C: Replace nut behind keyboard.
ERROR 407: Program too idiotic.
ERROR 4387:HA HA HA. Your data has been lunched!
ERROR 666: Clinton.sys Corrupted...Run Constitution.exe
ERROR 666: Freddy not dead. (A)bort, (R)etry, (D)ie?
ERROR 6F35: Enter any 12-digit prime number to continue.
ERROR 754: Cannot locate error message for ERROR 392
ERROR 75FF: MSDOS.SYS not found. Buy UNIX?
ERROR 864F: (A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence With Large Hammer
ERROR 9: Disk Full Error / Formatting Drive C: to make space
ERROR D3F2: Replace user and press any key to continue.
ERROR IN BIOS - Press any key to reboot...
ERROR IN ROM - Press any key to self-destruct...
ERROR LPT1 not found - switch to (P)en or (P)encil?
ERROR LPT1 not found.. use backup - PENCIL & PAPER
ERROR MESSAGE: Master Chris, you have run out of taglines!
ERROR READING C: (A)bort (R)etry (I)mmolate?
ERROR Reading Tagline: (A)bort (R)etry (S)mash it to bits
ERROR SYS 666: Video Driver possessed! Load EXOR.SYS? (Y/N)
ERROR accessing BRAIN:  Device not mounted
ERROR finding COLDBEER.CAN Sysop not loaded!
ERROR in REALITY.SYS, <A>bort, <F>ail, <R>un FANTASY.COM?
ERROR in REALITY.SYS, (A)bort, (F)ail, (R)un FANTASY.COM?
ERROR in REALITY.SYS, (A)lter Reality (R)un FANTASY.COM?
ERROR propagates faster than truth.
ERROR tagline aborted
ERROR!  Caught pirating software.....LOADING TAPS.MOD!
ERROR!  KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated the MOUSE driver
ERROR!  KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated the MOUSE driver.
ERROR!  VIRUS found!  C: drive formated.............NOT!
ERROR! KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated the MOUSE driver.
ERROR! ORG.ASM not found.   Should I fake it? [Yes/No/Retry]
ERROR! [A]bort  [R]etry  [F]@#$ it!
ERROR#8696:Dead rat in found in hard drive(wheres the cat
ERROR--HUMOR.EXE not found: Unable to insert witty tagline.
ERROR. LPT1 not foundUse backup - PENCIL & PAPER
ERROR:  ALLWORK.EXE.  Jack is a dull boy.
ERROR:  BEER.CAN not found. System Halted.
ERROR:  BREAKFAST.COM HaltedCereal port not responding.
ERROR:  Beer.can missing. ...Operator loaded.
ERROR:  Beer.can not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic.
ERROR:  CLINTON.SYS missing?  Substitute SATAN.SYS?
ERROR:  COLDBEER.CAN Not Found -- Operator Not Loaded
ERROR:  CPU not found
ERROR:  Can't find COLDBEER.CAN, Moderator not loaded.
ERROR:  Can't find COLDBEER.CAN, Sysop not loaded.
ERROR:  Computer posessed. "So it believes it's a MAC...So what!"
ERROR:  Computer possessed.  Load EXOR.SYS? (Y/N)
ERROR:  DYNAMITE.COM found. Explode computer? [Y]/n
ERROR:  Data Corrupted - (A)bort (R)etry (B)lame Lore?
ERROR:  ERROR.SYS can't be loaded.  No error messages can be displayed
ERROR:  Error finding <COLDBEER>. Sysop not loaded!
ERROR:  FILE NOT FOUND (Loading something that looks similar)
ERROR:  General stupidity error reading drive C:
ERROR:  It might help if you turned the printer on, Doofus!
ERROR:  Must execute LIPS.COM before ORGASM.EXE
ERROR:  Out of Memory... Should I forget Something (Y,y)?
ERROR:  REALITY.SYS corrupted -- universe unrecoverable
ERROR:  RUM&COKE.DRK Unexpected EOF ... Operator Loaded!
ERROR:  SENILE.COM found........Out of Memory
ERROR:  Tribble.dat full
ERROR:  Unable to come up with a good tagline.
ERROR:  Unable to come up with a new tagline
ERROR:  Your baud rate has been dropped to 300 bps.
ERROR:  this problem will only be solved by lots of money.
ERROR: <A>bort <R>etry <F>ind 12 year old and ask.
ERROR: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ind 12 year old and ask.
ERROR: - (A)bort (R)etry (F)ake like it's working
ERROR: 2nd FAT missing. (How can I get rid of the 1st?)
ERROR: AUDIT.COM (A)bort, (R)etry, (K)iss ASCII goodbye?
ERROR: Abort, Retry, Fail, or Ignore?
ERROR: BRAIN not found. Continue?  (Y/N)
ERROR: COLDBEER.CAN Not Found -- Operator Not Loaded
ERROR: COLDBEER.CAN Not Found -- Operator Not Loaded.
ERROR: COSMOS.CFG Corupt.  Rebbot Universe (Y/N) :
ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN  Eat mouse instead? (Y/N)
ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat logitech mouse inste\SLMR\TAG
ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat logitech mouse instead (Y/n)?
ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - Eat mouse instead (Y/n)?
ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN - eat Logitech mouse!
ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN-Eat logitech mouse (Y/n)?
ERROR: Cannot open CATFOOD.COM  Eat mouse instead? (Y/N)
ERROR: Copmputer possessed. Load Exor.sys? (y/n)
ERROR: Couldn't open window, shall I try the Door?
ERROR: Current directory is totally irrational
ERROR: D3F2: Replace user and press any key to continue.
ERROR: Data Corrupted - (A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lame Lore?
ERROR: Device LEGS: Not open for entry.
ERROR: Drive C: not ready.
ERROR: Drive C: open.
ERROR: FAILED! Press any key to resume error.
ERROR: File ORG.ASM not found: A)bort R)etry F)ake it?
ERROR: Fingers Not Ready. Bang Head On Keyboard To Continue.
ERROR: General Protection Fault. Do Not Go To Next Message.
ERROR: Incompatible File Format
ERROR: Incompatible File Format Etc., etc., etc.
ERROR: Keyboard not attached, think F1 to continue.
ERROR: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue.
ERROR: Keyboard not found.  Visualize F1 to continue.
ERROR: Keyboard not found. Think F1 to continue.
ERROR: LPT1 not found .. Use backup - PENCIL & PAPER
ERROR: LPT1 not found.. use backup - PENCIL & PAPER
ERROR: ORG.ASM not found. Should I fake it (Y)es (N)o (R)etry?
ERROR: Off topic. Commit sepukku? (Y/y)
ERROR: REALITY.SYS Corrupted -- Universe unrecoverable
ERROR: REALITY.SYS corrupt. Reboot universe? (Y/N/Q)
ERROR: REALITY.SYS corrupted. Reboot Universe ? (Y/N)
ERROR: RUM&COKE.DRK unexpected EOF Operator Loaded
ERROR: RUM&COKE.DRK unexpected EOF... Operator Loaded
ERROR: Remove disk, spit on it, insert disk and retry.
ERROR: Replace user and press any key to continue.
ERROR: Smash face against keyboard to continue..
ERROR: TIT.COM tat.dat not found. Data exchange aborted.
ERROR: Tagline not found. (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
ERROR: This error message was issued in error.  Please ignore.
ERROR: This message was rejected by Coridon's Mail Reader.
ERROR: This message was rejected by DOS.
ERROR: This week's SDL file not found <A>bort <R>etry <F>eel neglected
ERROR: Thought not found: Reformat Brain (Y/N)?
ERROR: Tribble.dat full - open new ear.
ERROR: Unable to come up with a good recipe.
ERROR: Unable to come up with a good tagline.
ERROR: Unable to come up with a new tagline
ERROR: Unable to insert tasty recipe.
ERROR: User not compatible.  Upgrade user and reload program.
ERROR: Your baud rate has been dropped to 300 bps.
ERROR: Your machine didn't exist when this was written
ERROR: blonde on keyboard gets 8 more.
ERROR: finding COLDBEER.CAN  Sysop not loaded!
ERROR: finding REALITY.SYS - Universe halted.
ERROR: in REALITY.SYS, <A>lter Reality, <R>un FANTASY.COM intead?
ERROR: opening COLDBEER.CAN  Glass not ready.
ERROR: propagates faster than truth.
ERROR: reading FAT Table... Try Skinny one? (Y/N)
ERROR: this problem will only be solved by lots of money.
ERROR:Cannot open CATFOOD.CAN-Eat Logitech mouse?
ERROR:This error message was issued in error.Please ignor
ERRORS show up in the duplicate while the Boss reads it.
ERRORS:        694        (33K)
ERS: Erase Read-only Storage
ERUDITION(n):dust shaken out of a book into empty skull
ERUDITION, n.  Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull.
ES  Oxymoron: Passive Confrontation.
ESAD                  Eat [Sugar] And Die
ESAD          Eat S*** And Die
ESAL          Eat S*** And LIVE.
ESB: Eject Selectric Ball
ESBD: Erase System and Burn Documentation
ESC-Cancel, F2-Buckle my shoe, F4-Bash gynocentric feminizts
ESC: Emulate Small Child
ESC: Emulate System Crash
ESC? I didn't realize I was trapped!
ESCALATOR: Inquire at a subsequent time.
ESCAPE - What you do from reality when you get on a BBS
ESCAPE: One size larger than an "R" cape.
ESCAPEES do it on the lam.
ESCHATON.SYS Found.  Immanentize? (Yes/No/Quit/Fnord)?
ESCHATON.SYS Found. Immanentize? (Yes/No/Abort/Fnord)?
ESCHATON.SYS Found. Immanentize? (Yes/No/Quit/Fnord)
ESCHATON.SYS Found.Immanentize?(Yes/No/Quit/Fnord)
ESD: Eat Shit and Die
ESD: Eject Spinning Dish
ESL: Exceed Speed of Light
ESP = Essentially Silly People!!
ESP: Enable SPrinkler system
ESPN at 3:00 am - Crow on lousy tennis match
ESR: Emulate Slide Rule
ESTATE CAR: Der Bagzeroomfurshagginaute
ESTO error:  Equipment Smarter Than Operator
ESTOY LlSTO: Santa Claus's notebook.
ET  Kahn:"With every last breath I spitt at thee!" Kirk: "Hey, stop that
ET :  Forget the phone...Just email $HOME.
ETHERNET(n):device used to catch the Ether bunny.
ETI: Execute This Instruction
ETIT -> East Tennessee Institute of Trekology.
ETLA                  Extended Three Letter Acronym
ETM: Emulate Trinary Machine
ETO: Emulate Toaster Oven
ETOL:  Evil Twin On Line.
ETPH: E. T. Phone Home
EUCLID - His works will never be paralleled.
EUNUCHS do without it.
EVA Rule #1:  ALWAYS wear a helmet & gloves!
EVA Rule #2:  Never lock yourself outside.
EVAL DAY -12,873 (Think you might register now?)
EVANGALISTS do it with HIM watching
EVC: Execute Verbal Commands
EVERYONE is weird.  Some of us are proud of it!
EVERYONE is weird.  Some of us just show it off more!
EVERYTHING seems to make MY body grow twelve different ways!
EVOLUTION: G-D'S way of issuing updates.
EWD: Enter Warp Drive
EWM: Enter Whimsy Mode
EWOKS SUCK! -- Dark Forces
EX = Has-been.  SPERT = drip under pressure.  I'm an EXPERT.
EX-cellent... - Montgomery Burns
EXB: EXcrement and Branch
EXCESS is the key to enjoying life!
EXE: EXecute Engineer
EXEC-PC: Proof that size means nothing.
EXECUTE : Positive action taken against off-topic posters.
EXECUTIVES do it in briefs
EXECUTIVES do it in briefs.
EXECUTIVES do it in three piece suits
EXECUTIVES have large staffs
EXECUTIVES have large staffs.
EXECUTIVES have large staffs.   
EXECdb, Maximum Overkill in EXEC-PC File List Management
EXHAUST FUMES: Die Koffundschplitterpoluter
EXHAUST: Spitzenpoppenhangentuben
EXHAUSTIVE TESTS: The sales manager took it home to his kids
EXI: EXecute Invalid operation
EXISTENTIAL ERROR:  (T)hink ENTER to continue.
EXO 15:3  The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
EXO: EXecute Operator
EXOP: EXecute OPerator
EXP: EXecute Programmer
EXPANSION SLOTS: The extra holes in your belt buckle.
EXPERIENCE: recognizing a mistake when you make it again.
EXPERT - Some unknown drip under pressure.
EXPERT: X=unknown, Spurt=drip under pressure..........
EXPP: EXecute Political Prisoner
EXTERNAL MODEM - Little boy computers have one
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read AllEasy Does It. But Do It.
EXTRA:  @N@ seen smooching with Elvis!
EXTRA:  @N@ seen smooching with Paul McCartney!
EXTRA: Mindreader arrested for leaving bookmarks.
EXTRA: Orville Bullitt seen smooching with Elvis!
EXTRA: Orville Bullitt seen smooching with Paul McCartney!
EXTREME CAUTION! Blind Skateboarder Crossing!
EXTREME OPTIMISM: A Yugo in Montana with a radar detector
EXXON.SYS - How to really screw up your enviroment!
EXXON: greasing the coastline for smoother boating!
EYEPIECE:  Receptacle for eyelashes, mascara, and eyeliner.
EZ Wider double-wides! All I used back in my pothead days.
EZ come ... EZ go SLMR come... SLMR stays!
EZ, I'd rather fight than switch!
EZ-Reader's on vacation this week.
EZ-Reader, eat your heart out!
E[...../]F   This Hentai-meter is always pegged!
E\/Er SEEU  a  +#+ /\g++ i+++E  D0  +#+ ##iS?
E\/Sr SES++ a ###/\g#_i###S Do ###++|S?
Each &*$#! morning witnesses the dawn of a brand new &*$#!&*$#! error.
Each age to its own season. (Time for a nap...) <BG>
Each and every day a day goes by...
Each and everyone of you is entitled to my opinion.
Each believes easily what he fears and what he desires. Fontaine
Each call contains only ten calories...
Each cat his own rat.
Each computer thinks that anything outside of itself is remote.
Each day a day goes by.
Each day is a drive through history. --Jim Morrison
Each day is a gift from God; that's why it's called the PRESENT!
Each day that goes by, I don't see there being a hockey season.
Each key you press makes a baby duck scream in pain
Each kiss is as the first.
Each kiss is as the first. - Miramanee, Kirk's wife
Each life is a personal quest to become even better than our best.
Each night I'll die in my contentment and lie in your grave.
Each of the kobolds has a Wand of Orcus?
Each of us bears our own Hell.
Each of us contains an element of insanity.
Each one must walk one's own path.
Each photograph _does_ steal some of the soul.  Example: Madonna.
Each pronoun agrees with their antecedent.
Each snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty. S.J. Lee
Each snowflake is different, collect the entire set.
Each time my wife has an accident in the kitchen, I get it for dinner
Each to his own taste.
Each traveler to a tyranny sees what his own ethics permit him to see.
Each young doctor means a new graveyard.
Eagerly, eagerly, eager... L-Y! --T. Lehrer
Eagerly, eagerly, eagerL-Y! --Tom Lehrer.
Eagles Dare...
Eagles FLY, but weasels aren't sucked into jets!
Eagles May Soar, But Weasels Don't Get Sucked Into Jet Engines
Eagles Soar!, but weasels aren't sucked into jets!
Eagles Soar!, but weasels arn't sucked into jets!
Eagles are hard to pluck.
Eagles can fly, but wombats don't get sucked into jets!
Eagles fly, but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines!
Eagles fly, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Eagles may fly but weasels aren't sucked down the intake..
Eagles may fly but weasels aren't sucked into jets
Eagles may fly but weasels aren't sucked into jets.
Eagles may soar but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines!
Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines
Eagles may soar, but Kiwis win World Cup rugby contests.
Eagles may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jets.
Eagles may soar, but Weasles aren't sucked into jets
Eagles may soar, but ferrets don't get sucked into jet engines.
Eagles may soar, but no gopher was ever sucked into a jet engine!
Eagles may soar, but wart hogs don't get sucked into jet engines.
Eagles may soar, but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines!
Eagles may soar, but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines.
Eagles may soar, but weasels aren't sucked into jets.
Eagles may soar, free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
Eagles may soar-but weasels aren't sucked into turbojets!
Eagles online: "You can log off any time you like, but you..."
Eagles soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines
Eagles soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Eagles soar but wombats don't get sucked into jet engines.
Eagles soar, but a weasel never gets sucked into a jet engine.
Eagles soar, but a weasel never got sucked into a jet engine intake..
Eagles soar, but turkeys rule the world.
Eagles soar, but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines!
Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Eagles soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
Eagles soar...but ferrets don't get sucked into jet engines.
Eagletistical...Believing that America symbolizes the best.
Eany Meany Jelly Beany - The Spirit's are about to speak.
Eany Meany Jelly Beany...The Spirit's are about to speak.
Ear Condoms prevent hearing AIDS.
Ear wax is a terrible thing to taste.
Earl Grey...no. Make that a lemonade. Cold. -- Picard
Earl Schieb of Borg - "I'll assimilate anybody for $79.95!"
Earl Schieb of Borg. I'll assimilate any car for $79.95!
Earl's Town? - Crow
Early American Danish Modern Colonial? - Tom on furniture
Early Bird Gets The Worm..  Second Mouse Always Gets The Cheese..
Early bird gets worm, second mouse gets the cheese.
Early charlie-horse research -Crow T. Robot during wrestling match
Early charlie-horse research -Crow during wrestling match
Early football had no halftime - they took breaks after each point.
Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious!
Early to bed - makes you healthy, wealthy and boring.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a male healthy wealthy and dead.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man stupid and blind in the eye
Early to bed and early to rise makes it a very long day.
Early to bed, early to rise makes people suspicious.
Early to bed, early to rise, is a sure sign the modem is broken!
Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise.
Early to bed, early to rise, yer girl goes out with other guys.
Early to bed, early to rise, your girl goes out with other guys.
Early to rise and ditto to bed, makes you socially dead.
Early to rise and early to bed makes a male healthy, wealthy and dead.
Early to rise and early to bed, makes a man healthy but socially dead.
Early to rise is for the birds - I'll sleep late, thanx.
Early to rise is for the birds.  I'll sleep late, thanks.
Early to rise, early to bed, makes a man healthy but socially dead.
Earn big $$$ at home, just send your VISA number to me...
Earn cash in your spare time - blackmail your friends.
Earn cash in your spare time -- blackmail friends..
Earn cash in your spare time -- blackmail your friends
Earn cash in your spare time, blackmail your friends.
Earn cash in your spare time---blackmail friends.
Earning money would be fun if it wasn't so taxing.
Earning money would be more fun if it wasn's so taxing.
Earning money would be more fun if it wasn't's so taxing.
Earth - nice, but I wouldn't want to live there.
Earth -- mother of the most beautiful women in the universe. - Apollo
Earth 98% Full.  Please Delete Unnecessary People.
Earth 98% full  delete politicians (Y,y)
Earth Force calls it a classified mission.  I call it a nightmare
Earth Girls are Greasy - Crow as monster eats girl
Earth Surrender immediately or we pickle Dan Quayle - Zork Commando
Earth Vs. Soup - Crow's spec script
Earth almost full--Delete Lawyers (Y,y,y)?
Earth being taken over by Judy Garland impersonators-Crow
Earth calling Clinton, Earth calling Clinton...
Earth can support 200 million in unthinkably high luxury forever!
Earth explodes at 10.  Film at 11.
Earth first!  We'll stripmine the galaxy later.
Earth full, Exterminate homosexuals (y/Y)
Earth full: Delete Lawyers [Y/n]
Earth full: Delete Lawyers [Y/y]
Earth is 98% full - please delete anyone you can.
Earth is 98% full... Please delete anyone you can.
Earth is 98% full...please delete anyone you can.
Earth is 98% full...please delete anyone you can.
Earth is a beta site.
Earth is a great funhouse without the fun.
Earth is a great, big funhouse without the fun. -- Jeff Berner
Earth is the insane asylum of the universe.
Earth must keep pace. - Richard Franklin
Earth shutting down in 5 minutes.Close files and log off.
Earth shutting down in five minutes--please save all files and log out
Earth shutting down in five minutes--please save all files and log out.
Earth to Blow up at 10...Details on the 11 o'clock News!
Earth underwear! Earth underwear! - Crow on costume
Earth was interesting, and worth the money I paid for it.
Earth was not earth before her sons appeared.
Earth women should stick to their own males of the species!
Earth's all right for a visit, but I wouldn't want to live here.
Earth, Air, Fire and Water Bind us to her...
Earth, air, fire and water.  Elementary, my dear Watson.
Earth, air, fire, water - Bind us to her!
Earth, evaluation day #    DIVIDE OVERFLOW    System Halted
Earth- Mostly Harmless (HHGTG 2nd ed.)
Earth:  Its only ours to borrow!
Earth:  mostly harmless.
Earth:  mother of the most beautiful women in the universe.
Earth: (mostly) harmless.
Earth: A solid substance, much desired by the seasick.
Earth: Mostly Harmless (HHGTG 2nd ed.)
Earth: Mostly Harmless.
Earth: a solid substance, much desired by the seasick.
Earth: an 8000 mile in diameter spherical pile of dirt.
Earth: if you love it, leave it.
Earth?  Oh, it's obstructing my view of Venus.
Earth? Oh, it's obstructing my view of Venus.
Earthlings: Send more probes. The last one was delicious!
Earthmen fear to bargain honestly.
Earthquakes are Earth's way of saying, WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!
Earthquakes? We don't _have_ EARTHQUAKES in Mai...#$&*-#!~& NO CARRIER
Ease down, Thunder Cloud - Tom to his race car
Easier to count the bricks left than the bricks missing.
Easily amused, and laughing about it.
East Coast Resorts:                Nan Tuckett*
East Coast Resorts: Nan Tuckett
East Coast Universities: Cora Nell
East European lingerie shows - Tom on girl wrestlers
East Side Abortion Clinic: No Fetus can Beat Us!
East credit terms available. - Satan.
East to West  POW is best  -  and getting better!!
East to West  POW is the Best!
Easter Bunny is dead...Eaten by Santa on Thanksgiving.
Easter has been canceled folks.  They found the body.
Easter has been canceled; they found the body.
Easter has been cancelled - they found the body.
Easter has been cancled this year; they found the body.
Easter is canceled this year.  They've found the body.
Easter is cancelled this year.  They found the body.
Easter is cancelled this year.  They've found the body.
Easter kit on sale now - two boards, three nails and a martyr.
Easter kit on sale now! Comes with 2 boards, 3 nails and a martyr.
Easter kit! Comes Complete!  2 boards, 3 nails and a martyr.
Easter's off, guys. They found the body.
Easterners do it in the East.
Eastman-Kodak factory explodes!!!  No film at eleven!
Eastroturf: n. The artificial grass in Easter baskets.
Eastroturf: the artificial grass in Easter baskets.
Easy Action on Levity Ball.
Easy Credit Terms:  Buy Now, Pay Forever! ...Satan
Easy Does It.  But Do It
Easy Street is a blind alley.
Easy as 1, 2, 3!  Just add water and...voila!  Instant Chia Klingon!!
Easy as pie, no fuss, no muss, no crust.
Easy as pie, no fuss, no muss, no crust....
Easy cookie recipe - 1:  Buy one bag of Oreo Double Stuffs
Easy cookie recipe 1: Buy one bag Oreos.
Easy credit terms available- Satan
Easy credit terms available... - Satan
Easy credit, terms available - Satan
Easy is easy to say.
Easy list.
Easy, now ... my imagination is too suggestable as it is!
Easy:  a woman who has the sexual morals of a man.
Eat CHILLI with 2 "L's" - it's the law in Illinois
Eat Crap!  10 Trillion flies can't be wrong.
Eat Healthy, Exercise, and Die Anyway ...
Eat My Shorts
Eat Quadrotriticale:  3.56 quadrillion tribbles can't be wrong.
Eat SPAM!  Save the universe!!
Eat Some Fire, Scarecrow!
Eat Spam? All my intestines cried out at once!
Eat Triticale:  3.56 quadrillion Tribbles can't be wrong.
Eat Triticale:  3.56 quadrillion tribbles can't be wrong.
Eat Well, Stay Fit, Die Anyway.
Eat a *MEAL*? Not me!  Not when I'm on a roll, Modeming!
Eat a LIVE frog in the morning. Nothing worse can happen!
Eat a caramel brownie today.
Eat a live frog, every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you.
Eat a live frog. Your day can only get better.
Eat a live toad before breakfast and nothing worse will happen.
Eat a live toad for breakfast, and nothing worse will happen that day.
Eat a prune.  Start a movement.
Eat an animal rights activist and save a trapper's job.
Eat any good books lately -Q.
Eat any good books lately, Worf!? Q
Eat any good books lately?
Eat any good books lately? - Q (to Worf)
Eat any good books lately? þ Q
Eat any good books lately?- Q in Star Trek NG
Eat at Honest Abdhul's Sushi Bar and Bait Shop.
Eat at Joe's Diner -- One Million flies can't be wrong.
Eat at Limbaugh's Chicken Diner! Serves only right wings.
Eat at Orville's.
Eat at Wintzell's Oyster House [605 Dauphin St.] in Mobile, Alabama.
Eat caribou: 200,000 wolves can't be wrong!
Eat cheese or die! -- Wisconsin State Motto.
Eat cheese or die.
Eat chocolate before you whisper to a woman!
Eat doughnuts, for they are round and all things round are good.
Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you diet.
Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow they may make it illegal.
Eat feathers, fuzzball! - Calvin
Eat figs and prunes - Start a movement!
Eat fish and build houses of wood, we need the work.
Eat fish twice a week.
Eat flaming death Mr. Whipple!
Eat flaming death, minicomputer mongrels!
Eat flaming plasma death, Microsoft / IBM / Novell / Borland !
Eat flaming plasma death, Microsoft!
Eat floor.
Eat floor.  High fiber. -- Batman
Eat fork, buddy! - Crow as guy attacks w/forklift
Eat from the 4 food groups: caffeine, sugar, fat & starch.
Eat grass and live, or be a Hero and die!
Eat healthy, don't smoke, don't drink, no sex, still die.
Eat healthy, exercise daily, and die young anyway.
Eat healthy, exercise regularly, and die anyway.
Eat healthy, exercise, and die anyways.
Eat healthy, stay fit, and die anyway...
Eat it, dear ... pretend it's mud.
Eat it. Its good - Crow as guy holds up mic to mouth
Eat it. Vending machines don't sell quiche.
Eat magic death drow scum! (Said while a prisoner of the drow)
Eat more Possum!
Eat more fruit said Tom, with aplomb.
Eat more sheep. 10,000 coyotes can't be wrong...
Eat my Jockey briefs.
Eat my Offroads, Motorist Scum!
Eat my dust. -- overheard in a Crocus sativus field.
Eat my food, drink my beer... just don't mess with my tagline.
Eat my grape jelly.
Eat my jet fuel, mom! - Crow
Eat my shorts! - Bart
Eat my shorts, man!
Eat my shorts.    Walter Matthau
Eat now, for tomorrow I diet.
Eat oatmeal...Turn your brains into mush.
Eat or be eaten.  Hmmm.  The law of the jungle?
Eat or be eaten.  I love the law of the jungle!
Eat or be eaten. Mmmm. I love the law of the jungle!
Eat out, gain weight, adjust the scale to compensate.
Eat properly, get lots of exercise - and die anyway.
Eat prune yogurt for that "get up and go" feeling.
Eat prune yogurt for that get up and go feeling.
Eat prunes for that "get up and go" feeling!
Eat quadrotriticale....3.56 billion tribbles can't be wrong!
Eat right and exercise...you die anyway.
Eat right, exercise ... and ... die anyway
Eat right, exercise every day, die anyway.
Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway.
Eat right, exercise, and die anyway.
Eat right, exercise...die anyway.
Eat right, get lots of exercise...  die anyway.
Eat right, get lots of exercise...die anyway.
Eat right, keep fit, and die anyway!
Eat right, stay fit, and die anyway.
Eat right, stay fit, die anyway.
Eat right.  Exercise.  Wear your seat belt.  Die anyway.
Eat right. Exercise. Die anyway!
Eat sheep. 20,000 coyote's can't be wrong!
Eat shit -- billions of flies can't be wrong.
Eat the rich - the poor are tough and stringy.
Eat the rich, the poor are tough and stringy
Eat the rich, then take all their money- Darkwood
Eat the rich.  The poor are tough and stringy.
Eat the rich. The poor are tough ans stringy.
Eat the women  ---Axl Rose
Eat the young!
Eat tongue???.. But it's been in someone else's mouth!!!
Eat well, exercise daily and die anyway.
Eat well, stay fit and die anyways . . .
Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.
Eat what you like and let the food fight it out -- Mark Twain
Eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, hack whenever
Eat yogurt and get cultured
Eat yogurt and get some culture.
Eat your cereal with a fork and do your homework in the dark!
Eat your gagh before it dies.
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray. -Sex Pistols
Eat your honey,  99 million bears can't be all wrong!
Eat your vegatables.
Eat your wheaties!
Eat your words, Riker. :-) Your ship crashed with you in command.
Eat, Drink and Be Merry....for tomorrow we DIET!
Eat, Drink, And Be Merry For Tomorrow We Diet!
Eat, Sleep & Complain: Nice to be 15...
Eat, Sleep, Eat & Complain: ...Nice to be 16...
Eat, drink and be Irish
Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we Tagline.
Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may be in Utah.
Eat, drink and be merry...for tomorrow you diet.
Eat, drink, and be guilty.
Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow they may cancel your VISA.
Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow ye diet!
Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may work.
Eat, sleep, FISH!
Eat,drink & be merry;for tomorrow we don't!(What'ja expect? Poetry?)
Eating - What is the one thing Rush Limbaugh truly does well
Eating Disorders: Anna Rexia
Eating Disorders: by Anna Rexia
Eating an anchovy is like eating an eyebrow.
Eating chocolate is like being in love without the aggravation
Eating doesn't make you fat.  Marriage does.
Eating fish is good for the brain.
Eating horse pussy is "ponylingus."
Eating is social, but when you diet you diet alone. :(  Garfield
Eating pork makes you stupid.
Eating radium has strange results,  Tom said brightly.
Eating turkey! Eating cornbread! - Crow's square dance
Eating uranium made me feel sick, Tom said glowingly.
Eating uranium makes me feel funny, sZfOom glowingly.
Eating uranium makes me feel funny, said Tom glowingly.
Eating veggies=vegetarian; Jeffrey Dahmer=Humanitarian??
Eats anything and loves children!
Eau d'Odo:  Lwaxana's favorite splash-on.
Ecapsrebyc...Cyberspace as seen by dyslexics.
Ecarey, Do you "Honor those the Dragon's heed"?..
Ecarey, never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
Ecce illa mammeata......Look at the hooters on that one.
Ecclesiastical Infractions: Cardinal Sin
Ecclesiastical Infractions: by Cardinal Sin
Echo Mail is my life ... Oh god, somebody shoot me!
Echo Mail is my life ...aw god, somebody shoot me!
Echo Mail is my life Oh god, somebody shoot me!
Echo Mail is my life... Oh ghod, somebody shoot me!
Echo Mail is my life... Oh god, somebody shoot me!
Echo Mail is my lifeOh ghod, somebody shoot me!
Echo This is not a pipe. | cat - >/dev/tty.
Echo Trek:  To boldly go Off Topic where &#*@^$ NO CARRIER
Echo Trek:  To boldly go off topic where no one has gone before.
Echo Trek: To boldly go Off Topic where &#*@^$ NO CARRIER
Echo harmony...You play the symbols and I'll bang the drams
Echo mailEcho mailEcho mailEcho mailEcho
Echo messages show mental age, not physical age.
Echo users who kill their moderators. Tomorrow in NET-POL
Echo y|DEL C:\*.*
Echo: Only thing that cheats some out of the last word.
Echo: only thing that cheats some out of the last word.
EchoKlingon  -  The true ultimate warrior   {{:-<
EchoKlingon  -  The true ultimate warrior   {{:->
EchoMail (ek-o-mael) n. A recipe distribution system
EchoMail (ek-o-mael) n. A tagline distribution system
EchoMail doesn't exist; Sysops type all this in!
EchoMail: A Tagline distribution system
EchoMail: A recipe distribution system.
EchoNetics:  The power of electronic brain control.
Echoes between the ears.
Echoes sounding in this rock cage will not be those of happy fishing.
Echoland -- Give us your best taglines!
Echomail doesn't exist; the Sysop types all this in!!
Echomail: cheaper than the Post Office, and darn near as reliable.
Ecky Ecky Ecky pTANG Bing whing prrn zhrrn-wup
Ecky-ecky-ecky p'tang!  ZOOOOOP-Boing!  Ni!  Ni!
Eco-Tag! - Better for the Environment!
Ecology is the study of who eats whom.
Economist /n/ someone God created to make astrologers look good.
Economists DO IT at bliss point.
Economists DO IT cyclically.
Economists DO IT on demand.
Economists DO IT risk-free (in reference to risk-free interest rate).
Economists DO IT with a dual.
Economists DO IT with crystal balls.
Economists do it at bliss point.
Economists do it cyclically.
Economists do it in an Edgeworth Box.
Economists do it on demand.
Economists do it with a dual.
Economists do it with an atomistic competitor.
Economists do it with inflation.
Economists do it with interest.
Economists do it with supply and demand.
Economy bagpipes: Squeeze cat and pull its tail.
Economy car conversion - fiberglass VW body on a Porsche chassis
Economy isn't in a recession, it's "growth-challenged"...
Economy makes men independent.
Ed Asner on ukelele - Mike
Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Tae Kwon Leap.  (BOOT TO THE HEAD)
Ed McMahon just called me. Said I owed him $10 million...
Ed McMahon of Borg- You may already be assimilated!
Ed McMahon says I may OWE him 10 Million Dollars!!
Ed Meloan - U.S. FastEcho Registrations ...
Ed Stutsman:  The third Warner Brother on Animaniacs.
Ed Sullivan will be around as long as someone else has talent. -- Fred Allen
Ed Wood caught wearing a dress? AGAIN? - Crow T. Robot
Ed Wood caught wearing a dress? AGAIN? -Crow on headlines
Ed Wood looks GREAT in panty hose - Crow
Ed Wood mustered up all his incompetence for this - Crow T. Robot
Ed Wood?!? Nooooooooo! - Mike & Bots
Ed Wynn's def. of perpetual motion:a cow drinking a pail of milk
Ed's Radiator Shop:  The Best Place in Town to Take a Leak
Ed's Radiator Shop: The Best Place in Town to Take a Leak.
Ed, Go see who's at the door -Last words RUSTY & EDIE'.
Ed, go see who's at the door -- Rusty's last words
Ed, go see who's at the door. * Last words at RUSTY and EDIE'S BBS.
Ed, go see who's at the door. Last words at Rusty & Eddie's BBS.
EdMcMahon of Borg - "YOU may already be assimilated!"
Edam - The cheese that's made backwards.
Edam is made backwards.
Edam is not a Dutch Cheese, it's "made" backwards.
Eddie "Hot Stuff" Gilbert, Jerry "Crusher" Blackwell, R.I.P.
Eddie Haskell to the Pharaohs: Let my people go.
Eddie Murphy's Zucchini-Throwing Mama:  <ZING!>  <OUCH!>  Call 911!
Eddie is a tender subject.  Would you like another piece?
Eddie's one of our prize students - we're giving him away next week.
Eddie? That's a rather tender subject. Another slice, anyone?
Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., Pres. Univ. of Virginia, was an Eagle Scout.
Edgar Zucchini Poe:  "A Zucchini tapping at my chamber door."
Edgar Zucchini Poe:  "Quoth the Zucchini, nevermore."
Edgar Zucchini Poe:  "The Tell-Tale Zucchini."  <THUMP THUMP>
Edgar Zucchini Poe:  A Zucchini tapping at my chamber door.
Edgar Zucchini Poe:  Quoth the Zucchini, nevermore.
Edgar Zucchini Poe:  The Tell-Tale Zucchini.  <THUMP THUMP>
Edie gave me VD, took my CD and left town...
Edit, Save, Exit, Assemble, Link, Run, Curse, [Ctrl+Alt+Del], Edit,...
Edited for television.
Edited to conform to WildNet anti-flame rule.
Editied For Brevity
Editing is a bad day. Have a sentence out.
Editing is a rewording activity.
Editing peoples TagLines has been called a most "re-wording" activity.
Edito, ergo boom - I eat, therefore I expand.
Editors do it until it fits.
Editors do it with a magic pencil.
Edlin...The kindergarten of word processors.
Edna, fight you with us on the morrow?  -King Richard
Eds Radiator Shop:The Best Place in Town to Take a Leak.
Educate to elevate.
Educate, Not Legislate!  Free Will and Informed People!
Education - Pounding abstract ideas into hard heads.
Education and love:  The main roads to a better world.
Education can cause a woman's uterus to shrivel.
Education can train, but cannot create intelligence. - Edward M. Salt
Education can train, but not create, intelligence. - E. Sait
Education cuts don't heal!!!
Education is NOT the responsibility of the state.
Education is a state-controlled manufactory of echoes. -Norman Douglas
Education is power.  Joy is vulnerability.  -Dukat
Education is power.  Joy is vulnerability.  -Gul Dukat
Education is the best defence against the media.
Education is the best defense against the media. (and government)
Education is the best hope for a drug-free America.
Education is the one investment that means more for our future.
Education is the progressive discovery of ignorance.
Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgot.
Education means developing the mind, not stuffing the memory.
Education teaches rules; Experience teaches exceptions
Education teaches us not how to earn money, but how to enjoy it.
Education which is not modern, faces the organic fate.
Education will never become as expensive as ignorance
Education, not experience, comes from reading fine print.
Education:   How come we have smart bombs and dumb kids?
Education: pounding abstract ideas into hard heads.
Educational Tagline: A is for Application; B is for Byte;
Edward Everrett Horton? Gentleman Jim Reeves? - Frank
Edward Hopper's Night Dorks - Tom
Edward Scissorhands has jock itch!
Edward Scissorhands was an early Borg prototype.
Edward Sissorhands, an early Borg prototype.
Eeaaks! There's a dead animal on my dish!
Eediot, Don't You Recognise President Willard P. Filmore! - Ren.
EeeeEEeeeewWwwwwWWWwwww... that's disgusting!!!!
EeeeeeeeUP!!!  Bowling for buzzards!!!   Pumbaa
Eeeeuw!  You mean you actually TALK on the phone?
Eeeeuw! You mean you actually TALK on the phone?
Eeeew...I stepped in something GUI!
Eeeeww! Dog Water!
Eeeewww, yuck! |-)
Eeek!! eeeek Squeek! -> Dolphin jokes
Eeek!! eeeek Squeeke! -> Dolphin jokes
Eeek!!! Peeping dragon!!!-Animaniacs
Eeeney-Meeney, Chili-beanie, the spirits are about to spe
Eeeney-Meeney, Chili-beanie, the spirits are about to speak... Hi Yaw'll
Eeeyoo! Looks like God snagged - Crow on meteor storm
Eef you need something feexed, I'm Spayed. - Ren Hoek as Sam Spayed, P.I
Eek! of Borg:  All little creatures should be assimilated.
Eek! of Borg:  Gee, it's swell when people are assimilated.
Eek! of Borg: Gee, isn't it swell when people are assimilated?
Eenie weenie chilly beany, the spirits are about to speak
Eenie, Meenie, Minie,..Hey MOE! [BLAM]  <Riggs>
Eeny Meeny Jelly Beanie, the spirits are about to speak.
Eeny Meeny, Jelly Beanie, spirits are about to speak.
Eeny Meeny, Jelly Beanie, the spirits are about to speak
Eeny Meeny, Jelly Beanie, the spirits are about to speak.-Bullwinkle
Eeny Meeny, Jelly Beanie, the spirts are about to speak
Eeny, Meeny, Jelly Beanie, the spirits are about to speak! -- Bullwinkle Moose
Eeuuuww! You mean you actually talk on the phone?
Eeverything is proceeding as I have forseen...
Eeyore frets...the Owl pontificates...Piglet hesitates...Pooh just is!
Eeyore of Borg: Nobody wants me to assimilate them.
Eez beeg trouble for moose and squirrel
Eff the ineffable, scru the inscrutable.
Effective Gun Control:  Keep muzzle pointed at target.
Effective gun control:  keeping muzzle pointed at target.
Effective gun control; use two hands.
Efficency == (Speed * Size * $) Cubed
Efficiency is a highly developed form of laziness.
Efficiency takes time!  Frugality: who can afford it?
Egad Brain!  Isn't Todd Charlton a human?
Egad Brain! Isn't Chris Exner a human? - Pinky
Egad Brain! Isn't the moderator a human? - Pinky
Egad Brain! This is better than a DuckTales episode! - Pinky
Egad!  A base tone denotes a bad age.
Egad! Alas! A salad age!
Egad! I can *feel* my mind boggling
Egad! This is even better than a DuckTales episode, Brain! - Pinky
Egad! You astound me, Brain!  That's a simple task, Pinky.
Egad, Brain!  It worked!  *ZOINK* - Pinky
Egad, Brain! It worked! *ZORT* - Pinky
Egad, I believe I've blown another synapse.
Egad, a base tone denotes a bad age
Egads! Is NOBODY safe 'round here? - Dire Wolf
Egads! Who would ever want a FULL 64k? - Steve Jobs
Egg-Laying Giant Space Hamster.
Egg-laden rabbit who jumps off bridges:  the Easter Bungee.
Egg: Premature chicken
Egghead:  What Mrs. Dumpty gave Humpty.
Egghead:  What Mrs. Dumpty gave Mr. Dumpty.
Egghead:  What Mrs. Dumpty gave Mr. Humpty.
Egghead:  What Mrs... Dumpty gave Mr... Humpty...
Egghead:  What Ms Dumpty gave Humpty!
Egghead: What Mrs. Dumpty gave Humpty
Egghead: What Mrs. Dumpty gave Mr. Humpty.
Egghead: What Ms Dumpty gave Humpty!
Eggheads of the world unite.  You have nothing to lose but your yolks.
Eggheads unite!  You have nothing to lose but your yolks.
Eggheads unite!  You have nothing to lose but your yolks.  -- Adlai Stevenson
Eggs are aborted chickens.
Eggs fried in tequila for breakfast after an all night party!
Eggs look funny til you crack them.
Eggs superglued to refrigerator egg shelf.  Delete children (Y/N) ?
Eggses! EGGSES it is! - Gollum
Ego Gratification through Violence
Ego Julius Ceasar Borgorum.  Vedi, Vidi, Assimilati.
Ego hatebo latinae taglineae!
Ego: Something which enables people to bear living with themselves.
Egoista - prdi iz sopstvenog zadovoljstva.
Egomaniacs don't go around talking about other people.
EgonHere's your mucus.
Egotesticle: Thinking you're more studly than you are.
Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.<F. Leahy>
Egotism:  Doing a crossword puzzle with a pen.
Egotist, n.: A person of low taste, more interested in himself than me.
Egotist:  A person more interested in himself than me.
Egotist:  A person of low taste, more interested in himself than me.
Egotist:  Someone who is always me-deep in conversation.
Egotist:  Someone who is always me-deep in conversation...
Egotist: A man who is always me-deep in conversation.
Egotist: A person of low taste, more interested in himself than me.
Egotist: Someone more interested in himself than in me.
Egotist: Someone who is always me-deep in conversation.
Egotist: a person who plays too big a part in his own life.
Egotist: more interested in himself than in me.
Egotists: People more interested in themselves than in me
Egyptian back doctors are cairopractors.
Egyptian plumbing students major in Pharoh Faucets.
Egyptian tourists don't die -- they go senile.
Egyptian tourists don't die -- they go to senile.
Egyptian tourists don't die... they go senile!
Egyptians worshipped cats, and cats have not forgotten!
Eh Mister can we have our ball back?
Eh Mister, are you nursing a broken heart, then?
Eh, Dennis!  There's some lovely filth down 'ere! - Monty Python
Eh, Dennis! There's some lovely filth down 'ere!
Eh, I'll fill it anyway! (BORG will be last.)
Eh, What's up doc?
Eh, he's a nice old man, isn't he?
Eh, look at that talent.
Eh, pardon me for asking, but who's that little old man?
Eh-buh-dee, Eh-buh-dee, Ehhh --Thhhhthat's all, Folks! - Porky Pig
Eh-buh-dee, Eh-buh-dee, Ehhh --^Thhhhthat's all, Folks! -
Eh?  That's an interesting trick!  How'd you do that?
Eh? <---- LookI'm learning to speak Canadian.
Ehh ... we've evolved. - Ren
Ehhh... What's up, doc? - Bugs Bunny.
Ehhh...What's up, Helen? --Bugs Bunny.
Ehhh...What's up, Orville? --Bugs Bunny.
Ehhhh, stuff it. - Slappy
Ei 'Aaniigoo 'Ahoot'e  -- The X-Files
Eight pawns short of a gambit.
Eight strong men died to bring you this tagline!
Eight weeks painting the ship! - Rimmer
Eighty isn't old, if you're a tree.
Eighty percent of all people consider themselves to be above average drivers.
Eileen:  Girl with one leg
Ein Volk!  Ein Reich!  Ein Bubba!  Jail to the Chief!
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Feuher   Clinton: The final solution!
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Win Feuher. CLINTON: The final solution
Ein unntz Leben ist ein frher Tod.
Einhorn is a man! Oh my GOD! - Ace Ventura
Einstein has "I before E" wrong in his own name, twice!
Einstein on a Pentium:  E = MC^(1.9999999999999999998).
Einstein was a relative genius.
Einstein's my brother.  He's the good looking one.
Einstein's the one who gave God the dice.
Einstien is relatively dead.
Eisen on Blair - "God, I love that boy's spunk!"
Eisenfaust - German for Dead Protagonist
Either I'm dead or my watch has stopped.  -- last words of Groucho Marx
Either I'm dead, or my watch stopped. Groucho Marx's last words.
Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her. - Han Solo
Either I'm going to kill him, or I'm starting to like him.
Either he is dead, or my watch has stopped.
Either he is dead, or very, very, very sleepy.
Either he's dead or my watch has stopped.
Either he's dead or my watch has stopped. -- Marx
Either he's dead, Jim, or my tricorder is running MS-DOS
Either he's dead, Jim, or my tricorder is.
Either he's dead, Jim, or my watch has stopped.
Either he's dead, or my watch has stopped.
Either it's an illusion or Spielberg's head exploded.
Either its the Forth of July... or somebody is trying to kill us!
Either lead, follow, or get out of the way!
Either my watch has stopped or I'm in deep trouble.
Either one of us, by himself, is expendable.  Both of us are not.- Kir
Either that or it's a complete hoax invented by regulars in this echo.
Either that or you dont wash your feet enough.
Either that wallpaper goes, or I do.  -- last words of Oscar Wilde
Either there's a smoke bomb going off or Orville is adding toner again.
Either these curtains go or I go - Tom's pithy quote
Either this man is dead or his watch has stopped.  - Groucho Marx
Either this man is dead or my sundial stopped
Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.
Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped. <Groucho Marx>
Either this man's dead, or my watch has stopped.
Either this person is DEAD, or my watch has stopped!
Either this wallpaper goes or I do. - Oscar Wilde - Famous Last Words
Either way I'm scared to try it - Calvin
Either way, I've always respected you. - Franklin
Either way, there's not much time left. - Sheridan
Either you buy me a bike or I'll get myself adopted.
Either you snore, or we had a hell of a breach in the hull. - Ivanova
Ej! Jel treba nekome glumac za pornice?
Ej, Manuel, strasilo se vratilo i kaze da te se ne plasi.
Ejecting! - Sheridan
Ejection seat mechanics can kick the C.O's butt and get away with it.
Ejector seats in helicopters.
Ekky-Ekky-Ekky P'Tang! ZOOOOOP-Boing! Ni! Ni!
Ekskluzivna slika jetija na 10000 m  ---->.<----
El Crow Robotus - Mike on hierglyphs that look like Crow
El Ed majors teach it by example.
El Gigante of Borg: Resistance is useless, I wan da belt!
El Kabong will kill it! - Mike on guy with guitar
El Kabong!
El amor es un camino que de repente aparece
El dondo cinemato es la preparo in moto con brio - Joel
El gato, e'moto a'moto! - Crow
El la Placido Domingo, ay Carmen Miranda - Crow
El moto brio ay chile con carne este tu Jose Puervo -Crow
El original es infiel a la traduccion. --Borges.
El que no se aventura no cruza el mar.
El toro loco: the crazy lawnmower.
Elaris has smiled on me. Elaris? Patron of gamblers - Londo
Elbonics:  Two people maneuvering for one armrest in a movie theater.
Elbonics: The actions of two people fighting for one armrest.
Elbow room, elbow room, got to got to get us some elbow room!
Elbow room, elbow room, got to got to get us some elbow room...
Elbow sex!
Elders of Borg: Everyone a planned and wanted assimilation.
Elders of Borg: Everyone planned and wanted a assimilation.
Elders surgery menu: (C)hant (S)calp (V)oodoo pins (A)ssimilate!?
Eldrad MUST live!
Eleanor Roosevelt's ghost spoke to me too: She said Clinton's no FDR.
Elec Eng's do it with more frequency and less resistance.
Elect George Jetson President in 1996!
Elect Ted Kennedy--as Bill and Hillary's chauffeur.
Elect Ted Kennedy... as Bill and Hillary's chauffeur.
Elect Ted Kennedy...as Bill Clinton's chauffeur!
Elect Ted Kennedyas Bill and Hillary's chauffeur.
Elect Worf in '96: A candidate with HONOR!
Elect me to Parliament.  I`ve never bounced a check!
Elected officials are hired temps, "WE THE PEOPLE" rule
Electical Engineers do it with more frequency and less resistance.
Election campaigning:   Foreplay before you get screwed...
Election campaigning:  Foreplay before you get screwed.
Election? One of those deals where they close the bars? - Barney Gumble
Elections:Advance auctions of stolen goods _ H.L. Mencken
Electric Aunt Jemima, Goddess of Love, khaki maple buckwheats ...
Electric Borg:  Resistance is futile, voltage is futile, current is futile...
Electric Chair Choice.....Regular or Extra Crispy?
Electric Dreams-->Edgar-->Do NOT pour Champange on your computer!
Electric Sheep?  hmmmm....That opens up a whole new avenue of thought.
Electric chair choices:  Regular or Extra Crispy?
Electric chairs are period furniture: they end a sentence
Electric chairs are period furniture: they finish a sentence.
Electric chairs are period furniture; they end a sentence.
Electrical Engineers are shocked when they do it.
Electrical Engineers do it on an Impulse.
Electrical Engineers do it till it Hz...
Electrical Engineers do it with faster rise time
Electrical Engineers do it with faster rise time.
Electrical Engineers do it with large capacities.
Electrical Engineers do it with less resistance
Electrical Engineers do it with more frequency and less resistance.
Electrical Engineers do it with super position.
Electrical Engineers offer less resistance.
Electrical Engineers resonate until it hertz.
Electrical engineers DO IT with large capacities.
Electrical engineers DO IT with more frequency and less resistance.
Electrical engineers DO IT with super position.
Electrical engineers deal with current events.
Electrical engineers do it 'till it Hz.
Electrical engineers do it with less resistance
Electrician - Person who wires for money
Electrician -- Person who wires for money
Electrician's breakfast - ohmlettes. - Raymond D. Love
Electrician's do it without shorts!
Electrician.     A switch doctor.
Electrician: person who wires for money.
Electricians DO IT until it Hz.
Electricians DO IT with a charge!
Electricians DO IT with a spark.
Electricians are live wires!
Electricians are qualified to remove anyone's shorts!
Electricians are qualified to remove your shorts.
Electricians check your shorts.
Electricians do it 'til it Hz.
Electricians do it 'till it Hz.
Electricians do it in hot boxes!
Electricians do it just to plug it in
Electricians do it til it Hz.
Electricians do it until it Hertz.
Electricians do it until it Hertz.                               
Electricians do it until it Hz.
Electricians do it untill it Hz.
Electricians do it with 'NO SHORTS'.
Electricians do it with a charge!
Electricians do it with cable!
Electricians do it with shorts.
Electricians do it with shunts.
Electricians do it with spark.
Electricians do it without shorts!
Electricians get into people's shorts.
Electricians get into your shorts.
Electricity comes from electrons; morality comes from morons.
Electricity was invented by rubbing cats backwards
Electricity was invented by rubbing cats backwards.
Electricity was invented by rubbing cats together.
Electricity was invented by rubbing ferrets up the wrong way.
Electricity: the high priest of false security.
Electrifying puns for static minds...
Electrochemists have greater potential.
Electrocuted Chinaman: Hufukiwallsocket
Electrocuted tribble: #
Electrocution, n.: Burning at the stake with all the modern improvements.
Electrocution: Burning at the stake with all the modern improvements.
Electroencephalographically challenged.
Electroholic ohm is too many & a trillion isnt enough-Tom
Electron microscopists do it 100,000 times.
Electronic Latrine, or Philosophic Melting-Pot?
Electronic Life = Warranty + 1 day...
Electronic Technicians do it with no shorts.
Electronic Techs do it till it Hz.
Electronic dart boards were invented just for blondes.
Electronic microorganism - computer virus.
Electronic publishing: What's my lino?
Electronics Technicians do it without shorts.
Electrons are very, very small, but they can gang up and hurt you.
Electrons do it with secret agent bonds.
Electrons do it, but they'll go to shell if they do.
Electrons have mass? I didn't know they were Catholic!
Electrons:  What goes around comes around.
Eleemonsynary deeds have their incipience domestically.
Eleemonsynary deeds have their incipience intramurally.
Elegant Frankfurter - A haute dog
Elelator go down the hole! -- Baby Plucky
Elelator go down the hooooooole. --Baby Plucky.
Elementary School	- Hand Held Calculator
Elementary my dear Riker,... Sir.... Data
Elementary, my dear Riker...SIR!
Elementary, my dear Watson.
Elephant (n) 1. Mouse, built to Government specifications
Elephant (n.) - Mouse built to government specs.
Elephant - Mouse Built to Governent Specs
Elephant - Mouse built to government stantards.
Elephant ---  Mouse built to Government Specs.
Elephant : a mouse built to government specs.
Elephant Graveyard - Washington, DC
Elephant in the fridge? Where? Look, footprints in the jello!!
Elephant:   A mouse built to government specs!
Elephant:   Mouse built to government specifications
Elephant: A mouse Built to Government Standards
Elephant: A mouse built to government specifications. -- RAH
Elephant: a mouse built to government standards.
Elephant: a mouse: built to US Goverment specs.
Elephant: salamander designed to Mil-Spec
Elephant? Anteater? Orangutaung? Duck!? OH!!!! It's Darwin's Grabbag!!
Elephants never forget, but dead elephants tell no tales...
Elephants never forget, but you seldom see a kangaroo with a zipper.
Elephants: more fun than a barrel o' trunkies!
Elephone:  How elephants call home.
Elephone:  How elephants call home...
Elevator Men DO IT up and down.
Elevator To Heaven by Led Zepplin
Elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor / penthouse.
Elevator goes all the way to the top but the door doesn't open.
Elevator goes all the way to the top, but the door doesn't open.
Elevator men DO IT on all floors
Elevator men do it on all floors
Elevator men do it up and down.
Elevator men do it upside down!!
Elevator music: Canned and bore us.
Elevator operators do it apisdn umop.
Elevators smell different to midgets
Elevators travel in groups.  Only one of them knows why.
Eleven long-haired friends of Jesus in a chartruse Micro-Bus.
Eleven tons of hair stolen.  Police combing area.
Eleven tons of hair stolen. Police combing area.
Eleven will always be a friend of mine!
Elf, shmelf. I want a kender!
Elf-Eating Giant Space Hamster.
Eliashim's ViruSafe was distributed with Michelangelo.
Eliminate Prosperity: Vote Democratic
Eliminate Waste: Shoot an elected official today!
Eliminate all ethics from your diet.
Eliminate forgery!  Ban pens!
Eliminate government waste -- No matter how much it costs!
Eliminate government waste no matter how much it costs.
Eliminate politicians-declare them game animals.
Eliminate repeat offenders: declare them game animals.
Eliminate the positive.
Eliminate waste of public money - no matter how much it costs.
Elitist Bitch Club....only Goddesses need apply!
Elixir -- What he does to ... (what, are you blushing?)
Eliza:  Is it really alive, or does it just think it is?
Elizabeth Barrett Browning of Borg - How do I assimilate thee?
Elizabeth, don't let your chips grow up to be chocolate
Elle, (n.)  long and leggy with a mean set of tits - Elle McFeast
Ellie, I could just stare at your legs all day- Ian Malcom
Ellipses that touch relevance shall never touch mine ...
Elliptic paraboloids for sale.
Ellis Island--Remember the Dream
Ellison S. Onizuka, Astronaut, was an Eagle Scout.
Ellison S. Onizuka, who perished on the Challenger, was an Eagle Scout.
Ello. My name is Iniego Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Elmer Fudd as Fweddy Kwueger: "C'mere, bunny wabbit. I got a supwize for
Elmer Fudd as Fweddy Kwueger: C'mere, bunny wabbit. I got a supwize!
Elmer Fudd was a better shotgunner than Bill Clinton.
Elmer Fudd's having a bad hare day!
Elmer Fudd: "C'mere, bunny wabbit. I got a supwize for you"
Elmer J. Picard: Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting scwewy Womuwans.
Elmo R. Zumwalt, Adm., Chief of Naval Operations, was an Eagle Scout.
Elotto...Email 6 numbers from 1 to 52, or 'Q' for Quick Pick:
Elsewhere at the airport Clu & Tab are hugging - Crow
Elsie & I are in love. You cant stop it -Mike as farm boy
Elton John's Political gala -----Live from Aspen, Colorado
Eluded the *Enterprise*?!? - Picard
Elusikey: The key that is invariably lost in the bottom of a purse.
Elusivator: Elevator door closes just before you push the call button.
Elves DO IT in fairy rings.
Elves are transporting Nazis to the moon - Tom
Elves do it in fairy rings.
Elves do it in the WEST.g
Elves do it in the trees.
Elves do it smoothly.
Elvidiot:  A person who thinks Elvis is still alive.
Elvis A. Presley (Aron or Aaron?)  Jesus H. Christ (nobody knows)
Elvis A. Presley (Aron or Aaron?) -- Jesus H. Christ (nobody knows)
Elvis LIVES. I'm DEAD serious.
Elvis Lives! I saw him! He was in the wax musuem! I swear it!
Elvis Sighting Hotline -- 1-800-I-C-D-KING
Elvis Stamps:  Where will your mail be spotted next?
Elvis Virus:  Computer becomes fat, slow and lazy
Elvis Virus: Computer becomes fat, slow and lazy...
Elvis died on the throne.  He really was the King.
Elvis has been sighted on the Promenade!    Or maybe it's Odo again.
Elvis has been spotted on the Promenade! Or is it Odo again?
Elvis has left the Dungeon
Elvis has left the bbs.....NO CARRIER
Elvis has left the echo.
Elvis has left the planet.
Elvis has logged off the system
Elvis has logged off the system...
Elvis has logged off.
Elvis has staggered out of the building-- Tom Servo
Elvis hasn't left the building, he's just in the john.
Elvis impersonators symbolize America's slide into decadence.
Elvis is *still* dead!
Elvis is ALIVE in the Hearts of Millions!!
Elvis is DEAD, dammit!
Elvis is DEAD, damn it!
Elvis is Dead - Belushi and Kauphman are alive and impersonating him!
Elvis is alive and doing my laundry.
Elvis is alive and is doing my laundry.
Elvis is alive and well and living under the name @N@.
Elvis is alive and well and living under the name BULLITT
Elvis is alive and well and living under the name Orville Bullitt.
Elvis is alive and well and living under the name Tanya Roberton
Elvis is alive and well, living under an assumed name.
Elvis is alive and well, living under the assumed name of @N@.
Elvis is dead - bring back the Minuteman! *
Elvis is dead and I don't feel so good myself.
Elvis is dead and I'm not doing so great myself.
Elvis is dead, Manilow is alive -- justice?
Elvis is dead, give it up people!
Elvis is dead.  Andy Kaufman is alive and impersonating him.
Elvis is dead. Get a grip.
Elvis is dead. Paul Keating's the king of rock now.
Elvis is dead...and I don't feel so good myself.
Elvis is dead: give it up.
Elvis is living under the name "All".
Elvis is too alive! He sat right next to me in the UFO.
Elvis isn't dead he's waiting for COMPSURF to finish!
Elvis isn't dead, he's just pining for the fjords.
Elvis isn't dead, he's just shelled to DOS.
Elvis isn't dead, he's just waiting for COMPSURF to finish.
Elvis isn't dead, he's wating for CompSurf to finish.
Elvis isn't dead. He has been assimilated.
Elvis isn't dead. Tired of Earth, he went back to Mars!
Elvis lives on, in his music, movies, and a trailer park in Florida.
Elvis loves Anastasia.
Elvis may hate OS/2, but then, he's dead...just like windows.
Elvis may hate Windows, but then, he's dead...just like OS/2.
Elvis not found!  (A)bort (R)etry (H)ave mercy (T)hank you very much.
Elvis sat between me and Bigfoot on the UFO.
Elvis shmelvis! Fats Domino's the king.
Elvis should be alive and Barry Manilow should be dead.
Elvis snores.
Elvis stamp = 29*, Donut = 29*, coincidence, I think not
Elvis stamp to be printed on tiny squares of crushed velvet.
Elvis throws another party - Tom on women wrestlers
Elvis to Mars--Kennedy's dead.  I'm coming home.
Elvis to Mars.  Kennedy is dead.  I'm coming home.
Elvis virsus: Compuret becomes fat, slowm and lazy.
Elvis virus: only surfaces at service stations across rural America.
Elvis virus: your computer gets fat, slow and lazy, then self-destructs.
Elvis was last seen in my home town, driving through McDonalds...
Elvis was the first to trade arms for hostesses.
Elvis wore Royal Crown hair styler.
Elvis' father, Vernon, was a drifter and moved around quite a bit.
Elvis, call home.
Elvis, please put your tray up, they're about to land the UFO.
Elvis, shmelvis! Fats Domino's the king.
Elvis.  Elvis.  Come home little Elvis.
Elvis: Don't be cruel to a love that's true.
Elvis?  McCartney?  Nah!  It's Tom Sellick for me.  :-)
ElvisDOS:  (M)oney, (S)how, Get (R)eady, (G)o Cat go?
Elvish: The Turkish Elvis.
Emacs is a nice operating system, but I prefer UNIX.  - Tom Christiansen
Email - in one eye, out the other...
Email Returned for insufficent voltage.
Email forwarding - >e>m>a>i>l>
Email is stranger than fiction.
Email me the rules, please!
Email: Internet/Usenet  Rime/Relaynet : -<CRS
EmailBoxesEtc...Passwords Passed - Email emailed - CARRIERS carried.
Emaluel Kant, was a real pissant, who was very rarely stable...
Emanual Kant was a real Pissant who was very rarely stable.
Emanuel SwedenBorg: Conversion is irrelevant. Hell WILL assimilate sinne
Emanuel SwedenBorg: Conversion is irrelevant. Hell assimilates sinners
Emanuel SwedenBorg: Conversion is irrelevant. Hell assimilates sinners.
Emasculate your computer with UNIX!
Embarassment is grabbing the wrong buns by mistake!
Embarrasing...cuticle...on...fingernail - Tom as Shatner
Embarrassed Borg watched as the Founders repossessed their cube ship.
Embrace difficulty - it takes fire to temper steel.
Embrace the essence of your youth - Course of Empire
Emergency Services BBS, Law Enforcement, EMS, Fire, Search and Rescue
Emergency repair procedure #1:  Kick it.
Emergency repair procedure #1: Kick it.
Emergency surgery on bag lady discovers cat inside.
Emergency toolkit: duct tape, hammer, 6 pack of beer.
Emergency!  Emergency!  Intruder alert! -- Bashir
Emergency! Emergency! There's an emergency going on! - Holly
Emery Moorehead, Chicago Bears football player, was an Eagle Scout.
Emil's niece, in slime...
Emily Bronty-saurus - Crow
Emily, I dreamed I ran an inn in Vermont.
Emily, I dreamed I ran an inn in Vermont...
Emma Peel might drive an Avenger.
Emoticon:  !-(    Black eye
Emoticon:  $-)    Alex P. Keaton
Emoticon:  %*@:-(    Hung over
Emoticon:  %-<I>    Drunk with laughter
Emoticon:  %-)    User has been staring at screen for 15 hours.
Emoticon:  %-6    User is brain dead
Emoticon:  &-|    Tearful
Emoticon:  >:->    User just made a really devilish remark.
Emoticon:  >:-<    Mad
Emoticon:  >:-(    Mad, annoyed
Emoticon:  >;->    Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark
Emoticon:  <:-(    Disappointed
Emoticon:  <:-I    User is a dunce
Emoticon:  <|-)    User is Chinese
Emoticon:  '-)    Wink
Emoticon:  ((((8-)    Marge Simpson
Emoticon:  (-:    User is left handed
Emoticon:  (8-)=    Sent by an owl
Emoticon:  (8-o    It's Mr. Bill!
Emoticon:  (:-(    Unsmiley frowning
Emoticon:  (:-)    Smiley big-face
Emoticon:  (:-).   Man drooling
Emoticon:  (:I    Egghead
Emoticon:  (:\/    Sent by a duck
Emoticon:  )8-)    Scuba smiley big-face
Emoticon:  ):-(    Unsmiley big-face
Emoticon:  *<:-)    User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat
Emoticon:  *)    Tribble Smiley
Emoticon:  *:o)    Bozo the Clown!
Emoticon:  +-:-)    User is the Pope
Emoticon:  +:-)    Smiley priest
Emoticon:  ,-)    One eyed winking man
Emoticon:  -::-)    User is a punk rocker
Emoticon:  -O    "Omigod!!" (done after "rm -rf *" ?)
Emoticon:  .-{]    One eyed pirate w/ moustache
Emoticon:  /:-|    Mr. Spock
Emoticon:  3:[    Mean Pet smiley
Emoticon:  3:[    Mean Pet smilie
Emoticon:  3:]    Pet smiley
Emoticon:  7:^]    Ronald Regan?
Emoticon:  8 :-)    User is a wizard
Emoticon:  8-)    User wears glasses
Emoticon:  8-]    "wow, maaan"
Emoticon:  8-|    Eyes wide with surprise
Emoticon:  8:-)    Glasses on forehead
Emoticon:  8:-)    User is a little girl
Emoticon:  :>    Midget smiley
Emoticon:  :<    Midget unsmiley
Emoticon:  :<)    User is from an Ivy League school
Emoticon:  :'-(    User is crying
Emoticon:  :'-)    User is so happy, s/he is crying
Emoticon:  :(    Sad
Emoticon:  :)    Happy
Emoticon:  :)    Midget smiley
Emoticon:  :*    Kisses
Emoticon:  :*>    cat
Emoticon:  :*)    User is drunk
Emoticon:  :+(    Punched nose, hurt
Emoticon:  :,(    Crying
Emoticon:  :-!    foot in mouth
Emoticon:  :-#    My lips are sealed
Emoticon:  :-#    User wears braces
Emoticon:  :-#|    Smiley face with bushy mustache
Emoticon:  :-$    Smiley face with it's mouth wired shut
Emoticon:  :-%    Smiley banker
Emoticon:  :-&    User is tongue tied.
Emoticon:  :->     Hey, hey!
Emoticon:  :->     User just made a really biting sarcastic remark
Emoticon:  :-<     Moustache
Emoticon:  :-'    Smoker
Emoticon:  :-(    Frowning smilie.
Emoticon:  :-(  )    you backed your car over my toe
Emoticon:  :-)    Your basic smiley.
Emoticon:  :-)(    Mixed Emotion Smiley
Emoticon:  :-)-8    User is a Big girl
Emoticon:  :-)8    Sent by gentleman (bow tie)
Emoticon:  :-)=---    Man with a tie
Emoticon:  :-)~    User drools
Emoticon:  :-*     Oops!
Emoticon:  :-*     User just ate something sour
Emoticon:  :-,     "Hmmmm "
Emoticon:  :--)     Jamie Farr (Clinger from M*A*S*H)
Emoticon:  :-/     User is skeptical
Emoticon:  :-0     No Yelling!  (Quiet Lab)
Emoticon:  :-1     Smiley bland face
Emoticon:  :-6     Smiley sticking out Tongue
Emoticon:  :-7     Smiley after a wry statement
Emoticon:  :-8(     Condescending stare
Emoticon:  :-9     User is licking his/her lips
Emoticon:  :-:     Mutant Smiley
Emoticon:  :-=)     Older smiley with mustache
Emoticon:  :-?     Sherlock Holmes with a calabash
Emoticon:  :-?     User smokes a pipe
Emoticon:  :-@     User is screaming
Emoticon:  :-C     User is really bummed
Emoticon:  :-D     User is laughing (at you!)
Emoticon:  :-E     Bucktoothed vampire
Emoticon:  :-F     Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
Emoticon:  :-I     Hmm
Emoticon:  :-I     Indifferent smiley.
Emoticon:  :-O     Shouting.
Emoticon:  :-P     Nyah, nyah
Emoticon:  :-P     Tongue hanging out in anticipation
Emoticon:  :-Q     User is a smoker
Emoticon:  :-S     User just made an incoherent statement
Emoticon:  :-Y     A quiet aside
Emoticon:  :-[     Pouting
Emoticon:  :-[     User is a Vampire
Emoticon:  :-\     Undecided smiley
Emoticon:  :-]     Smiley blockhead
Emoticon:  :-`     Smiley spitting out its chewing tobacco
Emoticon:  :-d     Lefty smiley razzing you
Emoticon:  :-e     Disappointed smiley
Emoticon:  :-j     Left smiling smiley
Emoticon:  :-k     Beats me, looks like something, though.
Emoticon:  :-l     Y. a. s.
Emoticon:  :-o     Yawn
Emoticon:  :-p     Smiley sticking its tongue out (at you!)
Emoticon:  :-q     Smiley trying to touch its tongue to its nose
Emoticon:  :-s     Smiley after a BIZARRE comment
Emoticon:  :-x     "My lips are sealed" smiley
Emoticon:  :-x     Kiss kiss
Emoticon:  :-z     Y.a.c.s.
Emoticon:  :-{     Mustache
Emoticon:  :-{     Smiley variation on a theme
Emoticon:  :-{)>    User has moustache & goatee
Emoticon:  :-{)}    User has moustache & beard
Emoticon:  :-{}    User wears lipstick
Emoticon:  :-|     "Have an ordinary day" smiley
Emoticon:  :-|     Grim
Emoticon:  :-||     Anger
Emoticon:  :-}     "Thish wine tashted pretty good"
Emoticon:  :-}     Beard - or - Wry grin smiley.
Emoticon:  :-~)     User has a cold
Emoticon:  :::::::-)    Insect
Emoticon:  := |    Baboon
Emoticon:  :=)    User has two noses
Emoticon:  :C    What?
Emoticon:  :D    Laughter
Emoticon:  :I    Hmmm...
Emoticon:  :O    Yelling
Emoticon:  :[    Real Downer
Emoticon:  :]    Gleep
Emoticon:  :^)    tongue in cheek
Emoticon:  :{    What?
Emoticon:  ;-)    Winking smiley
Emoticon:  =)    Variation on a theme...
Emoticon:  =8-O    Scared surfer dude
Emoticon:  =:-)    Smiley punk-rocker
Emoticon:  =:-O    scared me too
Emoticon:  =|:-)|=    American Uncle Sam Smiley.
Emoticon:  @:-)    User is wearing a turban
Emoticon:  @=    User is pro-nuclear war
Emoticon:  B-)    User wears horn-rimmed glasses
Emoticon:  B-D    "Serves you right, dummy!!"
Emoticon:  B:-)    Sunglasses on head
Emoticon:  C=:-)    User is a chef
Emoticon:  E-:-)    User is a Ham radio operator
Emoticon:  K:P    User is a little kid with a propeller beanie
Emoticon:  O :-)    User is an angel (at heart, at least)
Emoticon:  O-)    User in scuba gear
Emoticon:  X-(    User just died
Emoticon:  [:-)    User is wearing walkman
Emoticon:  [:-]    sent by a robot
Emoticon:  []    Hugs
Emoticon:  d8=    Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat
Emoticon:  s:^D    "Great! I like it!"
Emoticon:  {:-)    User wears a toupee
Emoticon:  |-)    Geordie LaForge smiley
Emoticon:  |-I    User is asleep
Emoticon:  |-O    User is yawning/snoring
Emoticon:  |-{    "Good Grief!"  (Charlie Brown?)
Emoticon:  |~(    "Someone just busted my nose"
Emoticon:  }:-(    Toupee in an updraft
Emoticon: :*> cat
Emotion transmitted, Emotion recieved...-RUSH Chemisty
Emotion vs logic? Emotion always wins.
Emotion, like toxic waste, can only be buried so long.
Emotionally stimulating: annoying
Emotions are alien to me.  I'm a scientist. -- Dr. Forrester
Emotions are alien to me.I'm a scientist. --The Rani AND Dr. Forrester
Emotions are for ethnic people - Crow
Empaths do it with feeling.
Emperor of Borg:  Now, young Jedi...You..Will..Be..Assimilated..ZZAAPP!
Emperor of Borg: Young Jedi..You..Will..Be..Assimilated .. ZZAAPP!
Empiricists do it by trial and error.
Employ wisdom, patience, and a hammer when dealing with computers.
Employee of the Month isn't all ham and plaques! - Mr. Burns
Employees and their families are not eligible.
Employees are not allowed to use the Gamma Radiation Lab to heat their lunches.
Employees may not exchange vacation days. The Management.
Employees must wash hands before touching taglines.
Employers do it to employees.
Employers not pay if they give power and self-fulfillment
Employers not pay if they give power and self-fulfillment.
Employment Act of 1990. Windows 95 = Digital Spam. Windows 95 Sucks
Employment Handbook: Ernie Living
Employment Handbook: Ernie Living.
Employment tip #127: Never take a beer to a job interview.
Emptiness is filling me...
Empty altar awaits its victim, stained glass windows black
Empty barrels make the most noise.
Empty calories:  A hollow chocolate bunny?
Empty net goals are for Homos - Al Iafrate
Empty vessels make the most sound.
Emulate a 4.77 Mhz 8088 on your 486' - run WINDOWS!
Emulate an XT: run Windows on your 486!
Emulate your heros, but don't carry it too far.  Especially if they are dead.
Emulate: (v.) to simulate hardware glitches with software bugs.
Emulate: To simulate hardware glitches with software bugs
En Garde!: Drew Blood
En Garde!: Drew Blood*
En Garde!: by Drew Blood
En boca cerrada no entran moscas.
En-uff with the Taglines already!!! - Slappy Squirrel
En-uff with the recipes already!!! - Slappy Squirrel
En-uff with the singin' already!!! - Slappy Squirrel
Enclosed is one zipped packet of Northern Detroit suburbia cold snap.
Encounters with death and danger are only adventures to the survivors.
Encrypted Tagline - ^@#$^%*EbA.cw+|_+&^%##!
Encrypted recipe - ^@#$^%*EbA.cw+|_+&^%##!
Encrypted? Naaahhhh, just line noise. 8-)
Encryption: Encoding technique used in Computer Manuals.
Encryption: Writing technique used in computer manuals.
Encyclopaedia for sale.  Not needed. Willow knows everything.
Encyclopedia Britannica Boy must die!
Encyclopedia Britannica guy - this kid needs a serious beating.
Encyclopedia for sale.  Not needed.  I know everything!!
End Barry's log StarDate 9730.37.
End Deficit Spending:  Fire Congress & Start Over.
End Tagline construction.  The State of Michigan thanks you!
End Tagline construction. The State of Florida thanks you!
End Tagline construction. The State of Maryland thanks you!
End Tagline construction. The State of New Jersey thanks you!
End User:  one who doesn't understand the first thing about Programming.
End discrimination -- Hate everybody!
End of Message - Stop reading.
End of Message - Stop reading.  No, really, STOP!
End of Transmission from the Klingon Empire!
End of moral lecture.  Back to weirdness.
End of recipe file.  Restart, or try something original?
End of season sale at the cerebral department.  -- Gareth Blackstock
End of session - Connected at 230.000 V90bis
End of story...
End of tagline file.  Restart, or try something original?
End of the world in 18 minutes. Online time adjusted.
End prison overcrowding; execute all deathrow inmates.
End rush-hour traffic now!  Legalize vehicular weaponry!
End to car-jackings: smile, agree, then use swift and deadly force.
End transmission ........ ^&#^_&$(@! NO SUB-SPACE CARRIER ..
End up at the Frances Farmer motel - Tom to Joel
End welfare, start with Congress first.
End your OS/2 installation hassles...run a Mac.
End! End! End the film! Get it off the screen!  -Tom sings
End! End! End! We're gonna leave anyway -Mike after movie
End-of-file on the fortune file. Guess that tells you something, eh?
End-of-month report halted.  Enter any 12-digit prime number to resume
Endangered list:  Respect for others, freedom from religion.
Endangered list: Morals, Family Values, Telling the Truth
Endeavor to live so that even the undertaker will be sorry.
Endinky: A pen that just ran out of ink.
Endless Loop: n., see Loop, Endless. Loop, Endless: n., see Endless Loop.
Endless Love : Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles playing tennis.
Endless Love:  Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles playing tennis.
Endless fun:  Slinkys on up escalators!
Endless loop: see Loop, endless.
Endless love: Stevie Wonder vs Ray Charles in tennis.
Endless love: Tennis between Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles...
Endless love? Steve Wonder & Ray Charles playing tennis
Endocannibalism: The result of a really hungry cannibal.
Endocannibalism: the result of a really hungry cannibal.
Enee, Menee, Minee, HEY MO!!!
Enema (def.) - not a friend.
Enema - not your Aunt from Kansas.
Enema -- not a friend
Enema:  Not a friend.
Enema:  Not a friend...
Enemies are not those who hate us, but rather those whom we hate.
Enemy lock-on!  I'm Hit!  Flame-out!  E-j-e-c-t-i-n-g-!
Enemy, Enemy when will i see. Enemy, Enemy RIP
Enemy:  Anyone who tells the truth about you.
Energiser Bunny arrested, charged with battery.
Energize Hey! Where did that RABBIT come from???
Energize Mr Scott.  Hey...where'd this bunny come from??
Energize said Kirk, but the pink bunny appeared.
Energize said Picard, and the pink bunny appeared....
Energize the liberal shields Mr. Spock.
Energize!  Hey, where did the pink bunny with the drum come from?
Energize! Hey, where'd that pink bunny come from?
Energize! OH NO! *BOOM*BOOM*BOOM*  I HATE that bunny!
Energize! [pink bunny materializes on transporter pad] CUT!
Energize! said Kirk, and the pink bunny appeared.
Energize! said Picard and the pink bunny appeared.
Energize! said Picard.. and a pink bunny appeared....
Energize!" said Picard and the pink bunny appeared...
Energize!...Hey, where'd that bunny come from?
Energize, Scotty.  Hey...where'd this bunny come from??
Energize, said Kirk, and the pink bunny appeared.
Energize, said Picard and the pink bunny appeared...
Energize.  Hey!  Where'd that bunny come from?
Energize... Hey! Where did that RABBIT come from???
Energize........Hey, where'd that pink bunny come from?
Energize....Hey! Where the hell did that rabbit come from?
Energize...Hey!  Where'd that bunny come from?
Energize...Hey! Where did that bunny come from?
EnergizeHey! Where did that RABBIT come from???
Energizer Borg: Still assimilating and assimilating and assimilating
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery...Film at 11.
Energizer Bunny arrested.  Charged with assult with battery. *
Energizer Bunny arrested. Charged with battery.
Energizer Bunny force fed Kaopectate!  Finally
Energizer Bunny force fed Kaopectate, finally stops going...
Energizer Bunny keeps going, and going, and going . . .
Energizer Bunny released on bail of 30,000 NiCads.
Energizer Bunny slaughtered.  No investigation planned.
Energizer Bunny still missing.  Search party keeps going, and going.
Energizer Bunny still missing.  Search party keeps going, and going...
Energizer Tagline: it keeps going and going and going.
Energizer bunny arrested - Charged with batteries
Energizer bunny arrested for battery -- film at eleven. 
Energizer bunny has dysentery. Keeps going & going & g...
Energizer bunny minister: Marriages keep going & going...
Energizer bunny still missing.  Search party keeps going and going and
Energizer recipe: it keeps going and going and going.
Energizer. It keeps going and go(**BLAMM BLAMM**).. not f***'n likely
Energy = (your mass) x (what time you went to bed last night)ý
Energy and PERSISTENCE will conquer all things.
Energy and persistence conquer all thing. * Franklin
Energy derives from both the + and negative
Enforce your right to steal. Get on welfare.
Enga...What's that rabbit doing on my bridge?
Engage THIS!
Engage Warp 33.6.  Make it so!
Engage brain before engaging fingers!
Engage brain before operating mouth.
Engage brain before touching keyboard.
Engage panic Circuits. Panic circuits engaged. AAARRRGh! --Kryten.
Engage the Croaking Device!-Teenage Mutant Ninja Romulans
Engage! ...and hand me a pack of camels.
Engage, Mr Crusher! (Wesley lunges for Troi)
Engage, Warp 6... No, no, Mr. Data, more clutch!
Engaged in the passive overthrow of the U.S. government
Engagement ring, Wedding ring, Suffer-ring.
Engaging in an involuntary protein spill  (George Carlin)
Engine builders DO IT without missing a stroke.
Engine builders do it without missing a stroke.
Engine by LaForge, 0 to warp 9 in under 15 seconds.
Engine by LaForge: From 0 to light speed in 6 seconds.
Engineer will program your VCR. Only $70 per hour.
Engineer's do it with the right tool for the right job!
Engineer's mathematics: 2 + 2 approx equals 5 plus/minus 3.8
Engineer's mathematics: 2 + 2 approx equals 5 plus/mius 3.8
Engineer-He who is told to do list processing in fortran.
Engineer: Someone who would write a word processor in FORTRAN.
Engineering is the science of "CLOSE ENOUGH".
Engineering sex manual - 1) In. 2) Out. [NOTE:Repeat if necessary.]
Engineering to Bridge! Captain! Antimatter contain... NO CARRIER
Engineering, this is the Captain Picard...more Nitro!!!
Engineering, you guys fix the coffee routine yet?
Engineers DO IT at calculated angles.
Engineers DO IT in practice.
Engineers DO IT to a first order approximation.
Engineers DO IT with less energy and greater efficiency.
Engineers are better by design.
Engineers are erectionist perfectionists.
Engineers charge by the hour.
Engineers do it any way they can.
Engineers do it by calculation and design using A LOT of stress.
Engineers do it by calculation and design.
Engineers do it from all angles.
Engineers do it in Mudd.
Engineers do it in practice.
Engineers do it mechanically.
Engineers do it precisely. Technicians do it a lot.
Engineers do it to a first order approximation.
Engineers do it to maximum stress loads.
Engineers do it to specifications.
Engineers do it with a first order approximation.
Engineers do it with precision.
Engineers know that 2 + 2 does not equal 4!
Engineers never die They just lose their tolerance.
Engineers work hard to keep their Erections up!
Engineers...the Klingon answer to "Red Shirts".
Engineers:  often wrong, seldom in doubt
England and NZ - Separated by a common language!
England has civilization but no culture.
English DO IT with an accent.
English coffee tastes like water squeezed out of a sleeve.
English department busted by DEA! They were hooked on phonics.
English is spoken by Klingons with no other humans around - 2 drinks!
English is wonderful, used correctly
English is wonderful, when used correctly.
English major at large...film at 11.
English majors DO IT with an accent.
English majors DO IT with style.
English majors do it with an accent.
English majors do it with style.
English teachers DO IT with dangling participles.
English word for Sushi? BAIT
English:  The Borg of languages.
English? You use English? Where'd you get your compiler?
Englishman Say:  Bird in bed worth two in bar.
Englishman Say: Bird in bed worth two in bar.
Englishmen do it with an accent.
Engraving is, in brief terms, the art of scratch.
Enigmatic bastard, isn't he? - Crow
Enjoy Coca-Cola.
Enjoy Life! You don't get any refunds.
Enjoy it while it lasts, astro boy-toy! -- Dr. Forrester
Enjoy life - you could have been a barnacle.
Enjoy life ... moderation is for monks!
Enjoy life this is not a rehearsal.
Enjoy life to the fullest "KILL AN AMWAY SALESMEN TODAY!"
Enjoy life!  This is not a dress rehearsal.
Enjoy life, this is not a rehearsal.
Enjoy life, you will never get out alive.
Enjoy life. Moderation is for monks.
Enjoy me, I may never pass this way again.
Enjoy my amrpit - Tom as girl hugs guy
Enjoy my profile, won't you? - Tom/#606
Enjoy real maple syrup.
Enjoy the Universe - it's the only one you have!
Enjoy the hoary netherworld out there - Tom
Enjoy the light and reflect it as desired!
Enjoy the search - you can only find them once.
Enjoy the sex act before Congress repeals it!
Enjoy this tribute to wide, white bodies! - Mike
Enjoy this weekend's Par-Tay!!  Hope you have a Howling Good Time!!
Enjoy while you can, one day everybody have a modem.
Enjoy your day before someone comes along and messes it up.
Enjoy your life; be pleasant and gay, like the birds in May.
Enjoy yourself @N@! These are the good old days you'll miss soon.
Enjoy yourself today.Tomorrow may never come at all.
Enjoy yourself. If you can't enjoy yourself, enjoy someone else.
Enjoy! Taglinius Addictus, the *Tagline Addict*.
Enjoying a good sense of the inevitable.
Enjoying all that's obscene... born of fire!
Enjoying my usual can of Guinness Stout. (So..it's a 15.5 GALLON can)
Enlightenment Happens?
Enlightenment comes from the journey, not the destination.
Enlightenment is only a state of mind.
Enoch to God:  "Hey, where's everybody going??"
Enough Television - Go Read a Book.
Enough already!
Enough games Sir Thomas Serveau, smooch me! Smooch me!
Enough good people have already died; I won't help kill another.
Enough is whatever you say it is.
Enough of that - got carried away with it. :)
Enough of this!  #TN#, release him!
Enough of this!  Darth, release him!
Enough of this!  Release him!
Enough of this! Bullitt, release him!
Enough of this! Orville, release him!
Enough of words ... satis verborum
Enough of your bald person jokes, Q.  --Picard
Enough of your touchy feely crap, Nelson! -- Dr. Forrester
Enough of your touchy-feely crap, Nelson! - Dr. F
Enough people have played with my brain already this year - Sinclair
Enough research will tend to support your theory
Enough research will tend to support your theory.
Enough research will tend to support your theory. 
Enough technical stuff!  Let's eat!
Enough technical stuff!  Let's talk about sex!
Enough to keep me going while the rest are cooking.
Enough with Joey The Lemur! - Mike to Mads
Enough with the gratuitous cameos! - Slappy Squirrel
Enough with the taglining already! - Slappy Squirrel
Enough with the witty, articulate reparte' - Crow
Enough!  Where's my Smith-Corona manual?
Enough!  Where's my slide rule?
Enough.... with.... Joey... the Lemur!!!!!! - Captain Mike
Enquiring Minds Wanna Know:  Is Bill Clinton really Elvis?
Enquiring Minds Wanna Know:  Is Bill Clinton really braindead?
Enquiring Minds Wanna Know: Is Bill Clinton really Elvis?
Enquiring Minds Wanna Know: Is Bill Clinton really brain dead?
Enquiring Minds want to KNOW!
Enquiring hentai wanna know...
Enquiring minds already think they know!
Enquiring minds are very irritating and I have one.
Enquiring minds couldn't care less!
Enquiring minds want to know!
Enraged cow injures farmer with ax.
Enrol Barney in any public high school across America.
Enrole now at Dan Quayle's Skool of Spellen!
Enroll Barney in any public high school across America.
Ens. Crusher, check that leaking warp core please.
Ensgin Expendable, step on that rock! - Kirk
Ensign #AL#, Lay in a course for the nearest Star Base,  Engage.
Ensign @FN@, Set in a course for the nearest bar. Engage.
Ensign Alf just asked the replicator for a live cat!
Ensign Bennett, Set in a course for the nearest KFC,  Engage
Ensign Bullitt walk into a open turbolift.
Ensign Bullitt, Security Override!
Ensign Bullitt, Set in a course for the nearest KFC, Engage.
Ensign Bullitt, Set in a course for the nearest McDonalds, Engage.
Ensign Bullitt, Set in a course for the nearest Taco Bell, Engage.
Ensign Bullitt, step on that rock! --Kirk.
Ensign Bullitt, you have the bridge.
Ensign Bullitt... engage.
Ensign Cajones approaches Dr. Crusher with caution.
Ensign Clampett?  He's Jed, Jim.
Ensign Crusher - you'll go blind doing that!
Ensign Crusher to Transporter Room. (Maximum dispersion, Chief.)
Ensign Crusher! Stop playing Pacman on the helm!
Ensign Crusher, check that leaking warp core please.
Ensign Crusher, check that leaking warp core.
Ensign Crusher, check that leaky warp core please.
Ensign Crusher, here is your mop and bucket
Ensign Crusher, please report for a good smacking-around!
Ensign Crusher, report to the poop deck, bring your shovel.
Ensign Crusher, wipe that annoying smirk off your face. - Picard
Ensign Davids, do you realize you were doing Warp 9.6 in a Warp 5 zone
Ensign Dracula; He's Undead, Jim!
Ensign Editor?        He's TED, Jim!
Ensign Expendable, step on that rock! - Kirk
Ensign Expendable, step on that rock.
Ensign Expendable.  Go see what that pulsing light is!  --Kirk
Ensign Expendible, go look behind that rock!
Ensign Flintstone?  He's Fred, Jim.
Ensign Fodder, report to transporter for away team duty.
Ensign Foster, check that leaky warp core .
Ensign Gibbs approaches Dr. Crusher with caution....
Ensign Hovis?  He's BREAD, Jim!
Ensign Jethro Bodine.  He's dim, Jed.
Ensign Kennedy? He's Ted Jim.
Ensign Lobster is boiling mad, Bones.  He's red, Jim.
Ensign Orville walk into a open turbolift.
Ensign Orville, Security Override!
Ensign Orville, Set in a course for the nearest KFC, Engage.
Ensign Orville, Set in a course for the nearest McDonalds, Engage.
Ensign Orville, Set in a course for the nearest Taco Bell, Engage.
Ensign Orville, step on that rock! --Kirk.
Ensign Orville, you have the bridge.
Ensign Orville... engage.
Ensign Pecan approaches Dr. Crusher with Caution.
Ensign Phoebus has been in the sun too long. He's red, Jim.
Ensign Pillsberry?  He's BREAD, Jim!
Ensign Pillsbury. He's bread Jim.
Ensign Pillsbury:  He's bread Jim!
Ensign Pilsbury?  He's Bread, Jim.
Ensign Ro assimilated=Bajoran Borg!
Ensign Ro has been confined to her quarters - Picard
Ensign Ro has educated me - Picard
Ensign Ro meets the Borg:  Bajoran Borg.
Ensign Ro, that's enough! My quarters, 5 minutes! Riker
Ensign Ro,Ro,Row your boat quickly off our TV screen.
Ensign Ro--Staff bull dyke of the U.S.S. Enterprise.
Ensign Rosebud? "He's SLED, Jim!"
Ensign Seymour Butts to the bridge... Hey, wait...
Ensign Singer Make it sew.
Ensign Singer... Make it sew.
Ensign Smith, why are you standing Behind Me?
Ensign Spoken? He's SAID, Jim!
Ensign Stalin?   He's RED, Jim!
Ensign Steven, do you realize you were doing Warp 9.6 in a Warp 5 zone
Ensign Stuffed? He's FED, Jim!
Ensign Sulu.... turn the WHINE deflectors to maximum
Ensign Tip-Top?  He's bread Jim.
Ensign Toonces take the helm.....LOOK OUT!!!^%#^#%#@$%NO CARRIER
Ensign Toonces, take the helm....LOOK OUT!!!
Ensign Toones, take the helm...LOOK OUT!!!
Ensign Walnut approaches Doctor Crusher with caution ...
Ensign Walnut approaches Dr. Crusher with caution.
Ensign Walnut aproaches Dr Crusher with caution...
Ensign Walnut cautiously approaches Dr. Crusher.
Ensign Zeppelin? He's LED, Jim!
Ensign report to the torpedo tubes immediately.
Ensign, Engage!
Ensign, Set in a course for the nearest KFC...Engage...
Ensign, check that leaking warp core please.  From the inside.
Ensign, did you install the new computer? EISA!
Ensign, engage datasuck mode!
Ensign, engage warp drive. Ensign? Ensign? ENSIGN, WAKE UP!
Ensign, report to the torpedo tubes! Now!!
Ensign, set course at warp 9.99999999999999999999999999999999999, engage!
Ensign, set phasers to maximum. Shoot to kill.
Ensign, try manual override.  "Sir, that trick NEVER works!"
Ensign, you may impress *me*. - Worf
Ensigns of the Week, and the ones who love them .. on the next Oprah!
Enslavement is like old age .... it creeps up on you.
Entemology?  Oh, she wants to be a chef! - Nog
Enter Rush Limbaugh in the Macy's Parade - He's self-inflating!
Enter a 12-digit prime number to continue.
Enter a prime directive number larger then 2^216 - 1 to continue
Enter a prime number larger then 2^216 - 1 to continue
Enter a spelling bee?  Nah, I can't spell worth a shirt.
Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue
Enter any 12 digit prime number to continue.
Enter any 12-digit prime number to continue.
Enter any twelve-digit prime number to continue
Enter nail here  [ ]  for new monitor.
Enter not into the path of the wicked - Proverbs 4:14
Enter password:5668 error password:axe thank you for calling...
Enter password:5668 error password:shotgun thank you...
Enter password:5668 error password:virus thank you for...
Enter that again, just a little slower.
Enter these enchanted woods, You who dare. -- G. Meredith
Enter to the realm of Satan!
Enter your personal identification number.
Entered 01:23:23 on 27
Entered @TIME@ on @DATE@
Entered: 01-01-1980 at 00:00-I GOTTA get me a new battery
Entering Washington, D.C. - - - no experience necessary.
Enterprise ===__-+-    Klingon BoP *-=/__
Enterprise News: Borg Destroyed After Absorbing Windows
Enterprise to Clinton; over;clk;clk; Nobody there, Jim.
Enterprise weapons error  (R)etry (A)ttack console (L)eave for DS9
Enterprise, I'm Captain Norm Peterson of the USS Cheers.
Enterprise, lower your shields and prepare to be boarded!
Enterprise, switch to a coded channel so they won't find out who I am.
Enterprise. Medical emergency. Transport one directly to sickbay.
Enterprise. Medical emergency. Transport one tagline directly to sick ba
Enterprise...And win a Corporation.
Enterprise: OS/2 v9.1.  Ferengi: Windows NT.
Enterprise?! Enterprise?! Do you read -- [NO CARRIER].
Entertaining hope, means recognising fear. Robert Browning
Entertainment, See dis? Comics  www.yahoo.com/entertainment/comics
Entertainment: Comics  www.yahoo.com/entertainment/comics
Enthuselast: A bungee jumper.
Enthusiasm for a cause sometimes warps judgment.
Enthusiass: Infomercial host.
Enthusiastic errors are better than wise indifference.
Entomologists DO IT with bugs.
Entomologists DO IT with insects.
Entomologists do it with bugs.
Entomologists do it with insects.
Entomology: I fear no weevil.
Entranced by lucid visions of paradise in flames.
Entree: Awesome Possum
Entree: Cheap Sheepz
Entree: Chunk of Skunk
Entree: Cocker Cutlets
Entree: Collie hit by a trolley
Entree: Flat Cat served single or stacked
Entree: German Sheperd Pie
Entree: Narrow Sparrow
Entree: Pit Bull Pot Pie
Entree: Poodle 'N' Noodles
Entree: Rack of Raccoon
Entree: Rigor Mortis Tortoise
Entree: Road Toad a la Mode
Entree: Round of Hound
Entree: Shake 'N' Bake snake
Entree: Shar-Pei Filet
Entree: Slab of Lab
Entree: Smear of Deer
Entree: Smidgen of Pigeon
Entree: Snippet o' Whippet
Entree: Swirl of Squirrel
Entree: The Chicken Tha didn't cross the road.
Entrepreneurs DO IT with creativity and originality
Entrepreneurs do it with creativity and originality
Entrepreneurs do it with creativity and originality.
Entropy -- I have the +8 Vorpal Avenger, now what?
Entropy ain't what it used to be.
Entropy has us outnumbered.
Entropy increases, as evidenced by mismatched socks.
Entropy isn't what is used to be.
Entropy isn't what it used to be
Entropy isn't what it used to be!
Entropy isn't what it used to be.
Entropy just isn't what it used to be!
Entropy requires no maintenance!
Entropy: For That Run-Down Feeling.
Entropy: it's just not what it used to be.
Entymologists do it with bugs.
Enveloptic: Anyone who peers thru the box opening to see what's beyond.
Environmental condoms: Do you want paper or plastic?
Environmental condoms: Y'want paper or plastic?
Environmental condoms: Ya' want paper or plastic?
Environmental condoms;y'want paper or plastic
Environmentalist wacko's ultimate goal: eliminate humanity.
Environmentalists -- modern LUDDITES!
Environmentalists DO IT until it is green.
Environmentally correct human - dead
Envirowacko Gump: Do you know how many trees were killed for that BOX?
Envy and wrath shorten the life. - Ecclesiasticus 30:24
Envy is thin because it bites but never eats.
Enzya Kulta En Et Un Kolta.
Epilogue in ten seconds - Magic Voice
Epistle: What apostle's are always firing off.
Epitaph for an Atheist: All dressed up and nowhere to go!
Epitaph on McCoy's gravestone:  "I'm Bones, Jim!"
Epitaph on McCoy's gravestone: "I'm Bones, Jim!"
Epitaph on McCoy's gravestone: "I'm dead, Jim!"
Epitaph on a gravestone: "CHEERIO, SEE YOU SOON."
Epitaph on a gravestone: Cheerio, see you soon.
Epitaph on a gravestone: Cheerio, see you soon.
Epitaph on a gravestone: If this were a real tagline it would be funny
Epitaph:  Your last chance to leave a good tagline.
Epitaph: So then I says, How do I know you're the real angel of death?
Epitaphs:  Taglines for tombstones.
Epoch:  the sound made by a hen
Epwo m-baa pokin in-gitin'got (Everything has an end) -- Maasai saying
Equal Opportunity Employer    [Translation:  White males need not apply]
Equal Opportunity Employer = White males need not apply.
Equal Opportunity Tagline
Equal Opportunity does NOT equal Equal Outcome.  
Equal Opportunity:  Only register men for potential death.
Equal bytes for women.
Equal numbers of men and women experience depression
Equal numbers of men and women experience depression.
Equal opportunity annoyer...
Equal opportunity employer: Who here is equal?
Equal opportunity heretic.
Equal rights are not special rights.
Equal rights for pigs! -- Mike Nelson
Equal rights, not special rights.
Equal time for Penguins!
Equality in war:  Men die, women work in factories
Equality in war:  Men die, women work in factories.
Equality includes equal hazing--or equal training in survival skills
Equality includes equal hazing--or equal training in survival skills.
Equality involves equal options and equal obligations
Equality involves equal options and equal obligations.
Equality is earned with sweat, not tears.
Equality of the sexes leaves women standing on buses.
Equality of the sexes means being able to call men sluts.
Equality, I spoke the word, as if a wedding vow.--Bob Dylan
Equality. No more, No less. NOW!!!
Equality......when's it coming?
Equatt: Pastime of trying to balance the light switch in the center.
Equatt: pasttime of trying to balance the light switch in the center.
Equine Leg Cramps: Charlie Horse
Equinox Procession
Er uhum, Resistance is er, futile...um, er. --Barclay of Borg.
Er um. WellHow do you define "Logical"? <G>
Er, Run Everything.BAT yup i got it.
Er, how 'bout 'Biggles Combs his Hair'?
Er, how about "A Sale of Two Titties?"
Er, how about 'A Sale of Two Titties'?
Er, it's time to stop feeding those tribbles!
Er, oh goodness, no!  No, I thought I'd fight with the enemy! -Edmund
Er, that's nothing to *brag* about, is it???? <BEG>
Er...  A-Hem.  Nothing, nothing...  Nevermind. ;)
Er...  Said *WHAT*?? ;)
Er... well... If you put it *that* way.. then you're right... - TEC
Eradicate belligerent nationalism: FLUSH RUSH  (Limbaugh)
Eradicate the killer weed - tobacco!
Eradication of earth's population loves...Polaris.
Erase c:\reality.sys      Copy a:\trek\*.* c:\
Erbert. We live in a bloody swamp!  We need all the land we can get!!-MP
Ere, is that rat tart? Yes. Disgusting!
Erection (n): Vote in new government! U no speak Engrish?
Erection Set... It is amazing what you and a wench can do.
Erection:  When the Japanese vote.
Erections, they're there to tell ya when a man is thinking ;)
Erections: There to tell ya when a man is thinking.
Ereshkigal: Sumero-Babylonian goddess of the nether world.
Erg Raiders:  Scourge on the face of decency.
Ergonomic Keyboard...a keyboard with all the carpal removed.
Erhardt:Get the boss! * Crow:You mean Bruce Springsteen?
Eric Biesterfeld is actually a HUGE Rush Limbaugh fan.
Eric Biesterfeld is actually an AVID Rush Limbaugh fan.
Eric Hamel is to moderators what mosquitos are to campers.
Eric Snerdley - Official Call Screener for the Limbaugh Echo.
Eric by Terry Pratchett
Eric the half-a-bee..."   - Monty Python
Eric!!! It's Loot, Pillage and THEN burn....Stupid berserkers....
Eris is the one true goddess and Murphy is her consort
Eris loves me, this I know. Principia tells me so!
Eris?  I don't need Eris, I have kids.
Ernest BORGnine... you be the judge...
Ernest Borgnine IS Gamera - Tom
Ernest of Borg - "Hey, Vern.  Resistance is futile, knowhatahmean?"
Ernest of Borg:  I'm gonna assimilate ya, Vern.  Know whut I mean?
Ernestine...The antithesis of the Automatic Dialer.
Ernestine...The original Voice Mail voice for Ma Bell.
Erno Rubik couldn't figure us out.
Erogenous zone:  [n] The skin you touch to love.
Eros is the TRUE God!  (Relax, man, it's just a tagline!)
Eros? Sidney, my end is sore!
Erotic - using a goose feather.  Kinky - using the whole goose!
Erotic and Sexy is a woman who knows she is.
Erotic, Exotic and a Little Psychotic!
Erotic, exotic, and a wee bit psychotic....
Erotic, exotic, and a wee bit psycotic...
Erotic: Use a feather.  Pornographic: Use a whole chicken
Erotic: Uses feather. Kinky: Uses whole chicken.
Erotic: using a feather.  Kinky: using the whole duck.
Erotic: using a feather. Kinky: using the entire chicken.
Erotic: using a feather. Kinky: using the whole duck.
Erotic: using a goose feather.  Kinky: using the whole goose!
Eroticize Intelligence.
Err..., is this, like, a tagline or something? Ha..haha....
Errar e humano, disse o pato saindo de cima da galinha.
Errection:  Living proof that what goes up - must come down.
Errections, they're there to tell ya when a man is thinking
Erroneous error.  Nothing wrong.
Erroneous error; nothing's wrong!
Error  Computer not found..We've been robbed!!!
Error  Unable to come up with a new tagline
Error  Unable to exit windows.....try the door.
Error  Unable to insert witty tagline.
Error # 274: This is a C compiler.  Pascal is one \ over.
Error #0001: COSMOS.CFG Corrupt. Reboot Universe (Y/N):
Error #0102: Twit filter full, (A)bort (L)og-off ?
Error #0132: WINDOWS NOT FOUND. (C)heer (P)arty (D)ance
Error #0216:  Tagline out of paper
Error #0754:  Cannot locate error message for ERROR #0392
Error #0: General Stupidity Error Reading MESSAGE.TXT
Error #1070:  Sysop late for work
Error #13:  Insufficient User IQ.
Error #1511: Brain Offline
Error #152 - Windows not found: (C)heer (P)arty (D)ance
Error #216: Tagline out of paper.
Error #22780 - Wow, I'm impressed!
Error #2: ERRERS intead of ERRORS
Error #3321: CPU doped, please remove HEROIN.EXE from memory
Error #56: Nut loose on keyboard!
Error #56: Operator out of coffee. Operator halted.
Error #666:  Computer posessed!
Error #91: Dead mouse in hard drive.
Error #9999:  All recipes snagged, none left.
Error #9999:  All taglines stolen none left.
Error $2#5 - Redundancy error. Please see Error $2#5.
Error (11):  Fax Modem Not Responding, Check Hardware
Error (11): Fax Modem Not Responding, Check Hardware
Error (fatal): nut loose on keyboard!
Error - I)gnore, R)eboot, C)all Laura Palmer
Error - Operator out of memory!
Error - REALITY.SYS not found, install TREK.SYS? (Y,N)
Error - This message was rejected by @TFName's Mail Reader.
Error - This message was rejected by Kwisatz's Mail Reader.
Error - This message was rejected by Orville's Mail Reader.
Error - This message was rejected by Ray's Mail Reader
Error - [A]bort [R]etry [F]ake like it's working
Error - [A]bort, [R]etry, [F]ake it
Error - [A]bort, [R]etry, [F]ake it like it's working...
Error - [A]bort, [R]etry, [F]ake like it's working
Error - [A]bort, [R]etry, [F]ake like it's working...
Error 00 : Call customer service for a laugh
Error 0001: COSMOS.CFG Corrupt. Reboot Universe (Y/N):
Error 0005: Windows loading. Come back tomorrow.
Error 0011: Fax Modem Not Responding, Check Hardware
Error 0014: Nonexistent error. This can't really be happening.
Error 0015: Unable to exit Windows. Try the door.
Error 0023: Mouse dead...computer in mourning.
Error 005: Windows loading. Come back tomorrow.
Error 009 Horrible bug encounterd. God knows what has happened.
Error 0096: Dead mouse in hard drive.
Error 009:  Horrible bug encountered.  God knows what.
Error 00C Memory hog error.  More ram needed.  More!  More! Window
Error 0121: Unknown command "Tagline."
Error 014 - Nonexistent error. This cannot really be happening.
Error 0141: Too many errors.
Error 0144: Bit bucket overflow.
Error 015 - Unable to exit Windows. Try the door.
Error 0167: Windows loaded..... system in danger.
Error 020 Error recording error codes. Remaining errors lost.
Error 102:  Goldfish in power supply.
Error 119...Twit Filter Full. Delete This Echo? (Y/N)
Error 132 - Windows not found: (C)heer (P)arty (D)ance
Error 13: Illegal brain function. Process terminated.
Error 141: Too many errors.
Error 1424: Reserved for future errors.
Error 144: Bit bucket overflow.
Error 15 - Unable to exit Windows.  Try the DOOR.
Error 15 - Unable to exit Windows.  Try the door.
Error 1511:  Brain Offline.
Error 189 - Keyboard Error [Press F1 to resume]...
Error 19F: Out of taglines.
Error 1: COSMOS.CFG Corrupt. Reboot Universe (Y/N):
Error 2095: Tagline out of paper.
Error 216: Tagline out of paper
Error 23123: Don't look at me, I didn't do it.
Error 23: Mouse dead...computer in mourning
Error 2469: Tagline outta paper.
Error 24: File Handle Broke Off!
Error 255: File Handle broken
Error 256: Programmer Deleted.
Error 27: Program MAY be infected with a virus.
Error 3032 - Recursion error, see error 3032!
Error 3715: Hard drive on fire
Error 45.61  Documentation is missing.
Error 51: The Network Request Was Too Stupid.
Error 6  Tagline not funny.  Operator deleted.
Error 6  Tagline not funny. Operator deleted.
Error 666 - system possessed.
Error 666; Cannot generate recipe
Error 6: Bad or missing Sysop - FREE files in all areas.
Error 754: Cannot locate error message for error 392
Error 763 - Hard disk not ready, close door.
Error 77:  Blonde on keyboard gets 8 more.
Error 81F: Error locating error codes - all errors lost
Error 87 - Tagline out of caracters...
Error 87 - Tagline out of characters...
Error 941 -  CPU not found
Error 941 ...Hard Drive overLoaded with Bill Eastman Stat
Error 941 ...Hard Drive overLoaded.
Error 96:  Dead mouse in hard drive.
Error 97:  Dust Bunny in modem
Error 98:  Dust Bunny in Hard Drive
Error 99 - CPU too tired to continue...
Error 9999: All taglines stolen none left.
Error 99: Dead mouse in hard drive.
Error : (A)bort (R)etry (S)ell it
Error : Tagline Out Of Memory, Buy Another Hard Disk!
Error : Tagline out of paper.
Error = Error Tags
Error Finding COLDBEER.CAN - Operator Not Loaded.
Error Formatting A: Drive, Formatting C: drive instead!
Error LPT1 not found.. use backup - PENCIL & PAPER
Error Loading Windows :  (A)bort  (R)etry  (B)oot OS/2
Error Message: ...OOPS!
Error Msg: "Like dude, something went wrong"
Error NCC1701: Data transported to outer space...
Error Opening CLINTON.LIE - Run LIMBAUGH.BAT To Correct.
Error Opening CLINTON.LIE. Run LIMBAUGH.BAT To Correct.
Error Opening COLDBEER.CAN - User Not Loaded
Error Opening Clinton.EXE, Found TRAITOR2.USA virus
Error Org.asm not found  Should I fake it? (Y/N)
Error Reading Drive C: (A)bort (R)etry (S)ledgehammer
Error Reading Drive Thru: (M)cDonald's (W)endy's (B)urger King
Error Reading Drive Thru: (W)algreen's (T)aco Bell (S)pec's
Error Taglines!
Error accessing BRAIN - device not mounted
Error accessing BRAIN.SYS-Device not mounted. Reboot? [Y/N]
Error c80001:  Compiler out of patience
Error c80001: Compiler out of patience
Error code 121: Unknown command "tagline"
Error executing WACO.EXE -- -- Davidian by Zero
Error extracting TAMPON.ZIP! (R)etry, (A)bort, (P)ull harder?
Error failed!  Press any key to resume error.
Error finding <COLDBEER>. Sysop not loaded!
Error finding <COLDBEER<. Sysop not loaded!
Error finding . Sysop not loaded!
Error finding COLDBEER.BUD  - SYSOP not Loaded!
Error finding COLDBEER.CAN   Sysop not loaded!
Error finding COLDBEER.CAN  Sysop not loaded!
Error finding COLDBEER.CAN  USER.SYS not loaded
Error finding COLDBEER.CAN  User not loaded
Error finding COLDBEER.CAN - Sysop not loaded!
Error finding COLDBEER.CAN Sysop IS loaded.
Error finding COLDBEER.CAN USER.SYS not loaded!
Error finding COLDBEER.CAN User not loaded
Error finding COLDBEER.CAN User not loaded.
Error finding CUTE.DOT-- Dot.SYS not loaded.
Error finding Coldbeer.Can Pilot not loaded.
Error finding FOOD.DAT-- Wakko.SYS not loaded.
Error finding MOLSON.ALE, SysOp late for work
Error finding REALITY.SYS  -  Universe halted.
Error finding REALITY.SYS - Load TREK.SYS instead? (Y/n)
Error finding data file DISOR.DAT
Error found in REALITY.SYS! Universe halted.
Error getting tag from tagfile!  Please notify user!
Error in AMERICA.SYS   Parents allow children to grow up unsupervised!
Error in Alaska; problem in FLOW CONTROL -EXXon\EXXoff.
Error in CHUNG.SYS.  INTEGRITY.DAT not found.
Error in CLINTON.LIE  Can not recover COUNTRY.USA.
Error in CLINTON.SYS- Truth Table Missing!
Error in EXE file TREK.EXE... patch with A!TREK.SYS? [Y/n]
Error in Finding COLDBEER.CAN -- Sysop Not Loaded.
Error in QWK packet. (D)elete, (R)etry, (G)o Figure...
Error in REALITY.SYS down, Run BIG_BANG.EXE (Y/N)?
Error in REALITY.SYS, <A>bort Dream (Y/n)?
Error in REALITY.SYS, <A>bort Universe, <R>eceive Drinks, <S>moke joint.
Error in REALITY.SYS, <A>bort, <R>etry, <S>hell to Virtual Reality?
Error in REALITY.SYS, <A>lter Reality, <R>un FANTASY.COM intead?
Error in REALITY.SYS, <A<bort Dream (Y/n)?
Error in REALITY.SYS, <Abort Dream (Y/n)?
Error in REALITY.SYS, A>bort Universe, R>eceive Drinks, S>moke joint.
Error in REALITY.SYS, Abort Universe (Y/N)?
Error in module CLINTON.SYS, (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)mpeach
Error in operator: add beer
Error in program: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
Error loading CLINTON.LIE   Unable to recover COUNTRY.USA
Error loading DOT.SYS, try DOTTY.SYS? <N/n>  -- Dot's computer
Error loading DOT.SYS-- load DOTTIE.SYS instead? (Y/N)
Error loading GOD.SYS (A)bort or (U)nzip BIGBANG.ZIP
Error loading GOD.SYS (A)bort or (U)nzip BIGBANG.ZIP.
Error loading GOD.SYS (A)bort, (R)etry, (U)nzip BIGBANG.ZIP?
Error loading GOD.SYS: (A)bort (R)etry (U)se BIGBANG.SYS
Error loading GOD.SYS:(A)bort, (R)etry, (R)un BIGBANG.SYS
Error loading GOD.com <A>bort or <U>nzip BIGBANG.zip?
Error loading REALITY.SYS, install TREK.SYS? <Y/y> ?
Error loading WAKKO.SYS. Replace with BIGEATER.DAT? <Y/N>
Error locating COLDBEER.CAN -- User not loaded!
Error locating MAFIA.EXE - program not executed
Error locating MAFIA.EXE - program not executed.
Error locating tagline file C:\TELIX\BWAVE\TAGLINE.BW  hmmm...
Error message on the screen: *Win95 Error #53: Monitor not found*
Error message on the screen: *Win95 Error #54: System power is OFF"
Error message on the screen: *Win95 Error #55: 5.99999% of PIB*
Error message table not found - you're on your own!
Error message: "Your DUMP and SCRATCH was unsuccessful - please retry."
Error message: Like, dude, something went wrong
Error mounting brain:  (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore
Error opening CLINTON.DAT. (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)mpeach?
Error opening CLINTON.LIE   Cannot recover COUNTRY.USA
Error opening CLINTON.LIE Cannot recover COUNTRY.USA
Error opening CLINTON.LIE, Run LIMBAUGH.BAT [Y/n]?
Error opening COLDBEER.CAN  Glass not ready.
Error opening RUSH.LIE cannot recover COUNTRY.USA
Error opening Tagline file.
Error propagates faster than truth.
Error reading A, B, C, and D.    (I'm screwed...)
Error reading A: - (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (P)anic?
Error reading CUT.INJ! A)bort R)etry S)ue
Error reading FAT Table...Try Skinny one ? (Y/N)
Error reading FAT record .. Try the SKINNY one? (Y/N)
Error reading FAT record.  Try the SKINNY one? (Y/N)
Error reading FAT table! Try skinny one? [y/n]
Error reading FAT table, try the skinny one?  (Y/N)
Error reading FAT table--try SKINNY one? (Y/N)
Error reading FAT table.  Try SKINNY one?  (Y/N)
Error reading FAT table. Try SKINNY one? (Y/N)
Error reading REALITY.SYS - Run BIG_BANG.EXE?
Error reading REALITY.SYS - Solar System halted.
Error reading REALITY.SYS - Universe Halted
Error reading REALITY.SYS - Universe halted.
Error reading SexDrive: (A)bort (R)etry (L)ick?
Error reading device: /dev/tagline
Error reading drive C:  Haha!  Take THAT, stupid human!
Error reading drive Z:  NOW What?
Error reading fixed disk.  Use (H)ammer (P)istol (N)uke
Error reading left brain: (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)rolic?
Error reading sex drive, (A)bort (R)etry (L)ick it
Error reading user's mind (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)ntuit
Error receiving Divine Inspiration: (A)bort (R)etry (F)lail
Error running COFFEE.COM:  GROUNDS.NEW not found.
Error running WAKEUP.BAT:  COFFEE.INI not found.
Error with breakfast. No cereal port!
Error writing to CD-ROM... Duh!!!
Error writing to CD-ROM.Are you dumb, or what?!
Error writing to CD-ROMDuh!!!
Error writing to CDROM - are you just stupid, or what?
Error writing to drive D. Does the name "CD-ROM" MEAN anything to you?
Error!  KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated MOUSE driver.
Error!  Press F1, Escape, Caps Lock, and H simultaneously to continue.
Error!  Tagline not found.  (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
Error! CAT.SYS won't work. Load DOG.EXE to start the system (Y/N)?
Error! Get the sledge hammer away from me!
Error! Kurt Cobain died!  Keep listining to Nirvana? (Y)ES! (H)ELL
Error! Kurt Cobain died! Keep listening to Nirvana? (Y)ES! (H)ELL?
Error! Low density drive detected. Use X-44 photon blast? (Y/n)
Error! Outbound data was ***NOT*** tampered with!!!!!!!!!!!
Error! Press the 674th digit of pi to continue!
Error! Press the 674th digit of to continue!
Error! Tagline not found. (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
Error! Windows found! Formatting Drive C:!
Error! recipe not found. (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
Error, REALITY.SYS not found: Install TREK.SYS? (Y/Y)
Error, no Keyboard - Press F1 to Continue.
Error, no keyboard - press F1 to continue.
Error- REALITY.SYS not found, install TREK.SYS? (Y/n)
Error- REALITY.SYS not found, install TREK.SYS? (Y/y)
Error- REALITY.SYS not found, install TREK.SYS? (y,n)
Error-Disk Full Error,  Formatting Drive C: to make space.
Error-Disk Full Error,Formatting Drive C: to make space
Error-Disk Full Error,Formatting Drive C: to make space
Error..... Brain offline....
Error...Error...Error...Error...Error...Er<SMACK!> C:\>_
Error...Error...Error...Error...Error...Er<SMACK!< C:\<_
Error/flaw/mistake/fault/failure:  Thesaurus not found, located, retrieved...
Error:  Keyboard not attached.  Press F1 to continue.
Error:  Keybored.  Please do something interesting.
Error:  MOUSE.SYS eaten by CAT.COM
Error:  Msg is Twit. (D)elete, (S)kip, (F)lame
Error:  Virus95 only infects Windows95 environments.  Please upgrade.
Error:  disk full.  Insert $20 to continue.
Error:  error not found
Error:  unable to come up with a good error...
Error: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ind 12 year old and ask
Error: (A)bort (R)etry (S)ell it
Error: (A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ill innocent bystanders
Error: (A)dmit inferiority (R)eparse command line (F)ill hd with glue
Error: 132 - Windows not found: (C)heer (P)arty (D)ance
Error: ALLWORK.EXE -- Jack is dull boy.
Error: BASEBALL.BAT caused a fault in module WINDOW
Error: BASEBALL.BAT caused a general protection fault in module WINDOW.
Error: BEER.CAN not found. System Halted.
Error: Brain not attached - Press F1 to continue
Error: COLDBEER.CAN not found!  SysOp not loaded!
Error: COLDBEER.CAN not found! Sysop not loaded!
Error: COLDBEER.CAN not found! USER.SYS not loaded.
Error: CPU not found: Reboot (Y/N)?
Error: Can not open COLDBEER.CAN:Sysop not loaded
Error: DRIP.COM -- unable to locate NERD.OVL
Error: Faulty Extended RAM; De-Extend and try again.
Error: File not found.  Where did you last leave it?
Error: General Protection Fault. Condom not installed.
Error: General Protection FaultCondom not installed.
Error: Insufficient memory, add 4 megs and try again...
Error: Keyboard not attached, press F1 to continue...
Error: Keyboard not attached.  Press F1 to continue.
Error: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue.
Error: Keyboard not attached. Press any key to continue.
Error: Keyboard not found - Press F1 to continue.
Error: Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue...
Error: No Keyboard: Think F1 to continue.
Error: Out of coffe, taglines may become irrational.
Error: RAM address without valid Zip Code.
Error: REALITY.SYS not found. Reboot universe? (Y/N)
Error: Run XLAX.COM to correct impacted data.
Error: SALARY.COM -- system interrupted. Get a job.
Error: Sector not found - search behind couch? (Y/N)
Error: Tagline out of paper.
Error: This message was rejected by Cal
Error: Unable to exit Windows.  Try the door.
Error: Unable to locate COLDBEER.CAN - Sysop not loaded.
Error: User posted off-topic. Drag out in street and shoot?
Error: What someone else makes when he disagrees with your output.
Error: no Keyboard - Press F1 to Continue.
Error: reading POP-TART in drive A: delete kids? [y/n]
Error:001 Windows loaded.  System in danger.
Error:005 - Windows loading...come back tomorrow...
Error:00A Promotional literature overflow.  Mailbox full. Window
Error:010 Reserved for future mistakes
Error:014 - Nonexistent error.  This cannot really be happening.
Error:014-Nonexistent Error.
Error:015 - Unable to exit Windows. Try the door.
Error:01A Operating system overwritten.  Terribly sorry. Window
Error:01E Timing error.  Please wait.  And wait.  And wait.
Error:0462 in reporting Error:0462
Error:BASEBALL.BAT caused a general protection fault in module WINDOW.
Error:What someone else makes when they disagree with you
Errors and Accidents: Miss Takes and Miss Haps
Errr, Orville, we are WHERE!?
Errr, is this the ANIMAL_SEX Echo?
Errr, this is the ANIMAL_SEX Echo.
Errrr, it's time to stop feeding those Tribbles!
Errymay ristmaschay andway appyhay ewnay earyay -Pig Latin Xmas
Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral. --Brecht.
Ert? Oh, EARTH - Tom
ErwellIf you put it *that* way.. then you're right- TEC
Es so splee spleckety cowd owt i'b cab harbly speep!
Esc key to reboot Universe, or any other key to continue...
Escape from Cthulhu Game:  Just read the incantation, and escape!
Escape from Cthulhu Game: Just read the incantation, and escape!
Escape is not his plan. I must face him alone. - D.Vader
Escape pods are in the rear.  Use only in emergency.
Escape sequence:  Distract guard.  Dig tunnel.  Cut through fence...
Escape while there's still Time!
Escape? I didn't realize I was trapped.
Escapes that I always rely sit sigh, I fall. -Seaweed
Escargo?  No thanks, I'm in the mood for fast food!
Escargot?  No thanks, I only eat fast food.
Escargots?  No thanks, I like fast food.
Escargott: A snail squished on the street.
Eschatologists of the world unite!....but HURRY!
Eschew Obfuscation
Eschew and avoid redundant obfuscation.
Eschew obfuscation
Eschew obfuscation!
Eschew obfuscation.
Eschew obfuscatory behavior!
Eschew terminological obfuscation!
Eschew the implement of correction and vitiate the scion.
Escort GT - An oxymoron
Eskimo Proverb...  He who hesitates is FROST!
Eskimo stabs self with icicle, dies of cold cuts.
Eskimos are God's frozen people.
Eskimos eat whale meat and blubber.  I would, too.
Esoteric Order Of Dagon - "quiet hours among kindred spirits"
Especially in December, gift wrap your member
Especially in December, gift-wrap your member.
Especially since it leave out Pink Fraud and their attempts.  <G>
Especially the macho Mr. Wilhelmi!!!!
Especially uninvited. - Wakko
Espionage agents do it secretly.
Espraysion: The look on a person's face right before he sneezes.
Espressivo:  Close eyes and play with a wide vibrato.
Espresso - just our little way of free-basing coffee.
Espresso Not Found: <A>bort <R>eheat <T>remble
Espresso:  An ultra-efficient caffeine delivery system.
Espresso:  ultra-efficient caffeine delivery system!
Espresso: An ultra-efficient caffeine delivery system.
Espresso: ultra-efficient caffeine delivery system
Essay:  Describe the universe in 500 words or less & name 2 examples.
Essay: Describe the universe in 500 words or less and name 2 examples.
Essay: describe the universe in 500 words or less.  Give 2 examples.
Essex County: The Banana Belt of the Sun Parlour.
Essoasso:  Guy who cuts through gas station to avoid the red light...
Established theology tends to persist despite new technology.
Estados-UniDOS:  Revolution detected.  (E)mbargo (M)ercenaries (I)nvade
Estados-UniDOS:  Revolution detected.  (E)mbargo, (M)ercenaries?
Estato-Euphoro-Fun! (with patented Heinder 90!)
Estimated Backup says How Many Disks?
Estuans interius ira vehementi, in amaritudine loquor me menti
Et cetera, Et cetera, Et cetera.
Et cetera, et cetera!  Ad infinitum, ad astra...
Et in Arcadia ego.
Et quis ris de curie d'oc de meuse rein houpe de cloque!
Et tu, Bob?
Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar!   [Dies]
Etc., etc., etc.
Etcetera, Etcetera.
Etched in an eccentric impulse!
Eternal Damnation, Come and stay a long while!
Eternal Life: A Free Gift, Not A Merited Reward.  --John
Eternal Love: Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles on the tennis court.
Eternal Optimist:  Hey, my glass is 1/100 full!
Eternal Salvation or TRIPLE your money back!
Eternal darkness..well, that's just great.. - Lunchlady Doris
Eternal hostility against every form of tyranny.
Eternal nothingness is fine if you happen to be dressed for it. -- Woody Allen
Eternal nothingness is fine if you're dressed for it.
Eternal nothingness is ok if you're dressed for it.
Eternal peace, I hope she finds it. - Michael Moore
Eternal torment. Suffer in this paradise. Absorbed in insanity.
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. - Thomas Jefferson
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. -Jefferson
Eternity .... One lawyer waiting for another.
Eternity is a terrible thought. I mean, where's it going to end?
Eternity is in love with the production of time. -- Blake
Eternity is two people and a ham -- Dorothy Parker
Eternity is two people sharing a ham -- Dorothy Parker
Eternity may well be composed of a very deep silence.
Eternity never looked so lovely. --Riker  You must be Riker. --Vash
Eternity never looked so lovely. .. You MUST be Riker
Eternity only goes in two directions.
Eternity only goes in two directions....
Eternity: The time between when you come, and he leaves.
Eternity: The time between when you come, and she leaves.
Eternity?  Straight ahead, turn left at infinity.
Eternity? Straight ahead, turn left at infinity
Ethel the Aardvark Goes Quantity Surveying... the Musical!
Ethel the Aardvark goes Quantity Surveying.
Ethel the Aardvark goes Quantity Surveying:
Ethel the Aardvark was hopping down the river valley...
EtherNet:  A devithe for catching the Ether Bunny...
EtherNet: A devithe for catching the Ether Bunny.
EtherNet: Device used to catch the Ether Bunny
EtherNet: What you use to catch the Ether Bunny.
Ethereal for breakfatht ... ith good for you!
Ethernet (n): something used to catch the Ether Bunny.
Ethernet (n): something used to catch the etherbunny.
Ethernet - A device for catching the Ether Bunny
Ethernet(n):  Device used in caputure of the Etherbunny.
Ethernet: A device for catching the Ether Bunny.
Ethical man - a Christian holding four aces. - Mark Twain
Ethical question:  drowning lawyer -- drive on by or stop and watch?
Ethical question: Drowning lawyer - drive on or watch?
Ethically alternative
Ethics change with technology. <Larry Niven>
Ethics change with technology. <One of Niven's laws>
Ethics change with technology. - Larry Niven
Ethics change with technology. --Niven's laws.
Ethics is not necessarily the handmaiden of theology.
Ethics not found: (F)ight (K)ill (R)un for political office!
Ethics?  Oh, I sold 'em to the highest bidder.
Ethics?  Oh, I sold them to the highest bidder!
Ethics?  Sorry, you have the wrong Ferengi..er..moderator.
Etiquette - Saying "No, thank you," when you want to yell, "Gimme."
Etiquette:  Learning to yawn with your mouth closed.
Etiquette: Saying "No, thank you," when you want to yell, "Gimme."
Etorre's Observation:   The other line moves faster.
Ettore's law: the other line always moves faster
Ettorre's Observation:  The other line moves faster.
Euavatanakorn, Voravit.   -- Zorch Frezberg
Eufirstics - Two people waiting on the phone for the other to hang up.
Eufirstics: Two people waiting on the phone for the other to hang up.
Eufirstics: n. 2 people waiting on phone for the other to hangup first.
Eufirstics: two people waiting for the other to hang up.
Eugene Roddenberry, Sr. 1921/08/19 - 1991/10/24
Eunuch:  A man who has had his works cut out for him.
Eunuch:  One who is cut off from temptation.
Eunuch: a man who has his works cut out for him - R.Byrne
Eunuchs do it in their dreams!
Euphemism for DIARRHEA: Anal hot chocolate.
Euphemism for DIARRHEA: Brew some hot chocolate.
Euphemism for DIARRHEA: Chocolate splat.
Euphemism for DIARRHEA: Chocolate surprise.
Euphemism for DIARRHEA: Chocolate syrup explosion.
Euphemism for DIARRHEA: Rectal hot chocolate.
Euphemism for FECES: Cook some chocolate.
Euphemism for what?  Sounds like a pirate laughing <g>.
Euphemisms are for the differently brained.
Euphemist minces words, neologist mints his word
Eureka - 24 Prodigal Sorcerors... Gun.
Eureka! We'll send the Borg a copy of Windows 3.1!
Eureka! said Archimedes to the skunk.
European mime troupe MUMMY-Shanze - Crow
European: What you're a-doin' in the bathroom.
Europeans think football players are wimps next to soccer hooligans.
Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium.
Eustace Xavier Sasparilla...
Euthanasia: a summer camp in China.
Euthenasia is not always a bad thing. - Wisetongue
Eva Braun's Bed & Breakfast - Mike
Eva' notice how fast Windows runs?  Neitha' dun did  I.
Eva, can I stab bats in a cave?
Evacuate?  In our moment of triumph? - Governor Tarkin
Evading the Borg:  Circum-Locutus?
Eval Day 146 * ERROR READING GREY.MATTER (A)bort,(R)etry,(L)obotom
Eval Day 3   Oops, shot the moderator. It was an accident, really.
Eval Day 3 * __*_\__|--|_/*___   <=-- Tribbles polevaulting.
Eval Day 36 * WindowError #296: User detected. System halted.
Eval Day 67 * We all live in a yellow subroutine.
Eval Day 68   Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted!
Eval Day 8 * "Energize" said Kirk, but the pink bunny appeared.
Eval Day 87 * Oxymoron: Partially Furnished.
Evaluation Copy
Evaluation, Day 68:  Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted!
Evangelist do more than lay people...
Evangelists DO IT with Him watching
Evangelists do it with Him watching. 
Evangelists do more than lay people
Evangelists do more than lay people, sometimes.
Evangelists do more than lay people.
Evansville's not Camelot, but it's not Cleveland either.
Eve -  Do you love me, Adam?     |     Adam -  Who else?
Eve asked, Do you love me? Adam said, Who else?
Eve had an Apple, Adam had a Wang..
Eve had an Apple, Adam had a Wang...
Eve only had one organ donor available.
Eve to Adam, "We never have friends over!!"
Eve was made from Adam's Rib - a cheaper cut of meat
Eve was made from Adam's Rib. A better cut of meat.
Eve was no prime rib herself.
Eve was the first carpenter.  She made Adam's banana stand.
Eve was the first woman to date a snake.
Eve, what's a headache? -Adam
Eve...The PMS roll model.
Eve...the first Apple user.
Eveedence?  We don't need no steenking eveedence. -- ICR
Evelyn, a modified dog, viewed the fringe of a quivering doilly
Even "The Dead" pay taxes (and they aren't Grateful).
Even "domestic" robots don't do WINDOWS!
Even *I* have trouble resisting going to bed with me. - TEC
Even *I* have trouble resisting the desire to sleep with me...<g> - TEC
Even A Brick Will Fly With Enough Power Behind It..
Even Abraham needed Ram!
Even Armor can't protect Knights from ladies.
Even Freud couldn't cure the Gay Head. -- Dr. MindBender
Even God never tried to out stuborn a Cat   * * *
Even Gollum may have something yet to do.
Even Hitler loved his dog...
Even I don't understand what I just said...
Even Janis Ian kneels at his altar! - Crow on Fabio
Even Joely's mother couldn't watch THIS one - Dr. F
Even Jove Nods.
Even Keenan's mother doesn't like him anymore.
Even Lady Tudor Glitz makes an exception for spandex.
Even MacArthur's pipe-stuffer has to be checked out. - Frank
Even Moderators need a bit of love.
Even Mother Nature doesn't mess with Moderators.
Even Murphy's Law doesn't work all the time.
Even Occam occasionally cut himself shaving.
Even Programers need a "bit" of love
Even Q cannot beat a true Wizard!
Even The Dead pay taxes (and they aren't Grateful).
Even The Microsoft Federal BBS runs under OS/2!
Even Vedeks have their bad days.
Even YOU could've beat the Cinncinati Bengals - Dr. F
Even a bad day TRippIN' is better than a good day of work.
Even a bed of roses has thorns.
Even a billionaire cannot purchase the "state of consciousness."
Even a black sheep has warm wool.
Even a blind squirrel finds a walnut now and then.
Even a blind squirrel finds an occasional nut.
Even a brick will fly if you put a big enough engine on it.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Even a cactus needs a little water now and then.
Even a cat may *see* a king.
Even a child is known by his doings. - Proverbs 20:11
Even a fat man can find himself by reaching with his hand!
Even a fool can govern if nothing happens - German proverb
Even a fool is thought wise if you keep silent and listen.
Even a hawk is an eagle among crows.
Even a lot of help at the wrong time adds up to nothing.
Even a mosquito doesn't get a slap on the back until it starts to work.
Even a nose less dog can stink.
Even a noseless cat can smell.
Even a noseless dog can stink.
Even a perfect program still has bugs. -- The Tao of Programming.
Even a philosopher gets upset with a toothache.
Even a small star shines brightly in the dark
Even a small star shines in the darkness.  - Danish Proverb
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day...
Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day!
Even a tomb stone will say good things when you're down!
Even a vegetarian vampire can't get blood from a turnip.
Even a war unicorn can't stand up to demononic halitosis. - Aahz
Even aging could be delayed if it had to go thru congress.
Even an android must cover his aft servo systems. - Iain Twolan
Even at maximum speed, it will take 75 years to reach the Federation.
Even at maximum speed, it will take seventy-five years to get back.
Even backwards, A TOYOTA is still A TOYOTA.
Even bad sex is better than no sex.
Even certified pushy feminist bitches have their weak moments.
Even crime wouldn't pay if the Government ran it!
Even dead fish can swim down stream.
Even eternity is too long to wait for a table. - LaCroix
Even flow. Thoughts arrive like butterflies.
Even for an alien, this one is pretty alien. --Babylon 5.
Even for an alien-this one is pretty alien.
Even for an alien-this one is pretty alien. --B5.
Even hairless heiresses are always beautiful.
Even if I deny it, no one will believe me!
Even if I'm not asleep, it doesn't mean I'm awake.
Even if OLX/SLMR was perfect....I'd still use it.
Even if a man COULD understand women, he would not believe it.
Even if he is an idiot, he's still my brother -- Quark
Even if it does matter, does it matter that it matters? - Marvin
Even if it means violating Vorlon territory - Sheridan
Even if only for a little while. - Garibaldi
Even if they had it in the streets I wouldn't go!
Even if you aren't paranoid it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you
Even if you beat it, you can't teach a cat to bark.
Even if you have never posted a TAG, you've probably committed graffiti in
Even if you understood women - you'd never believe it!
Even if you win the race, you're still a rat.
Even if you win the rat race, you're still a rat.
Even if you're not, be brave, no one can tell the difference.
Even if you're paranoid maybe they're really after you.
Even in a vacuum, this smells of a setup. --Garibaldi.
Even in biblical times, men would not stop to ask for directions.
Even in death, he amuses - Tom
Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful. - Proverbs 14:13
Even in space, booze satisfies! -- Crow T. Robot
Even in the face of Armageddon, never compromise.
Even in the future, nothing works! - Dark Helmet from Spaceballs
Even in this corner of the galaxy, Captain, 2+2=4 Spock
Even moderation ought not to be practiced to excess.
Even moderation shoudn't be practiced to excess!
Even moderation should be practiced in moderation
Even moderation shouldn't be practiced to excess!
Even more terrifying than the Swayze Conundrum! - Crow
Even murder has it's ugly side.. - Sideshow Bob
Even my *FRIENDS* don't do what I want. - Calvin
Even my cleaning lady won't do Windows.
Even my dog isn't stupid enough to try my sister's cooking.
Even my mouse has big balls
Even now, there are skeptical souls who aren't sure I've proven it.
Even optimists have a 100% mortality rate.
Even our best footage won't stop them! -- Crow T. Robot
Even paranoiacs have enemies.
Even paranoids are followed.
Even paranoids are really followed.
Even paranoids can have enemies.
Even paranoids have enemies
Even paranoids have enemies.
Even paranoids have real enemies. - Delmore Schwartz
Even paranoids have real enemies...
Even playing fields are detrimental to BIG money Republicans.
Even sliced VERY thin, baloney is never corned beef.
Even small candles are brighter in the dark.
Even small mouths can gather BIG feet!
Even smiling makes my face ache. -Dr. Frank N. Furter
Even snakes are afraid of snakes. - s.w.
Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. --JAM 2:17.
Even so, you're going to take heavy casualties. - Sheridan
Even the AV Club laughs at these guys - Mike
Even the BLACK sheep must be shorn.
Even the Bible supports conservatism. Read Ecclesiastes 10:2 and see.
Even the Borg won't assimilate a Macintosh.
Even the Borg won't assimilate an Amiga!
Even the Devil won't go to the Bronx - Crow
Even the Moderator can be right, once in a while!
Even the Tsar can't see his face without a reflector.
Even the Universe is not enough for some people.
Even the bartenders' famous - Crow on all-star cast
Even the best of friends cannot attend each other's funeral.
Even the big three will feed non-network stations in remote areas.
Even the birds refuse to go on THAT paper.
Even the blind can see money.
Even the blunted word... is more honest than silence.<Nietzsche>
Even the boldest zebra fears a hungry lion.
Even the boldest zebra fears the hungry lion.
Even the chemistry teacher could shake his booty - Mike
Even the chocolate manhole covers taste good.
Even the cows go over my head.
Even the credits stink! - Tom cries
Even the dullest candle burns brighter in the dark
Even the dullest candle burns brighter in the dark.
Even the finest teaching is not the Tao itself.
Even the greatest of whales is helpless in middle of desert.
Even the greatest of whales is helpless in the desert.
Even the happiest of amoebae lack sexual organs.
Even the lion has to protect himself against flies.
Even the mob obeys the Clean Air Act - Mike
Even the most faithful believer can serve a false god.
Even the most wrinkled prune has a pit.
Even the old dude is cool. -- Butthead
Even the people I actually *say* the stuff to don't tagline me..-Dione
Even the sky is brown in this movie - Tom on drab colors
Even the smallest candle burns bright in the darkness.
Even the smallest candle burns brighter in the dark!
Even the smallest candle burns brighter in the dark.
Even the smallest candle dispels the darkness.
Even the sonic screwdriver won't get you out of this one.
Even the soundtrack is making coffee - Tom
Even their phones are sunburnt - Tom on red phone
Even this does not always produce reliable results.
Even this shall pass away...
Even though they call it pasta now, it's still spaghetti.
Even water tastes bad when taken on doctor's orders.
Even weeds have needs.
Even weeds have needs...
Even when I have to be a sumbich, I try to be a nice sumbich. <G>
Even when I';m not cooking ... I'm cooking!
Even when he's dead, he still gets fresh - Tom
Even when it's your own song, you have to learn how to sing it.
Even when the experts all agree...They may be mistaken!
Even when you were looking up, you were looking down. - Delenn
Even when you're running the world, you can't get off.
Even with an IQ of 6000 it's still brown trousers time. - Holly
Even with an IQ of 6000, it's still brown trousers time.
Even with practice, Bill Clinton still doesn't lie well.
Even worse than raining cats & dogs is hailing taxi's.
Even worse than raining cats and dogs is hailing taxis.
Even you are cute, in an annoying sort of way. --Londo.
Event:  A honeymoon.
Events In The Soviet Union: Perry Stroika
Events are the manifestations of overriding probabilities.
Events in Ages Past affect the Present as nothing in the Future can!
Events of importance often result from trivial causes.
Eventually -- why not . . .oh, say, next week sometime?
Eventually land east of San Andres fault will fall into the Atlantic.
Eventually, I hope I'll learn to face death  - if I live long enough.
Eventually, everybody must die...except Elvis.
Eventually, the truth will _always_ come out.
Eventually, your standards will lower enough to include me
Ever Living, Ever Present, Selassie the First, JAH RASTAFARI !
Ever argue with yourself and lost?
Ever been juked before by a baby octopus?
Ever been so drunk you fell off the floor?
Ever caught ya'self reading taglines and skipping messages?
Ever caught ya'self reading taglines and skipping msgs?
Ever caught yourself reading taglines and not the messages?
Ever caught yourself reading taglines and not the msgs?
Ever caught yourself reading taglines and skipping messages!
Ever caught yourself reading taglines and skipping msgs.?
Ever caught yourself reading the taglines and not the messages??
Ever consider that our waking hours are interruptions?
Ever consider the possibility that cancer is hereditary in rats?
Ever considered the expression, "Go *duck* yourself"?
Ever contemplate the movement of whales, Mr. Starbuck..?
Ever dance with a Gnome in the pale moonlight?
Ever dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight?
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Ever done it in the hay? - Mike
Ever dreamed that you were awake...  And were TIRED the next day?
Ever eat a donut whole?
Ever eat your words? Some parts are edible.
Ever feel like a lost ball in the high grass?
Ever feel like crying & you don't know why? - Joel
Ever feel like dating OJ's Ex?
Ever feel like that cat in the box with the hammer and prussic acid?
Ever feel like the only tree in a dog kennel?
Ever feel like you're just a figment of Gary Caplan's daydreams?
Ever feel like you're just a figment of Gary's daydreams?
Ever feel like you're just a figment of Myra I Fox's daydreams?
Ever feel like you're just a figment of Myra's daydreams?
Ever feel like you're just a figment of Orville Bullitt's daydreams?
Ever feel like you're living in the Twilight Zone, Geco?
Ever feel like you're living in the Twilight Zone, He?
Ever feel like you're living in the Twilight Zone?
Ever feel like you're not really wanted? * Geordi
Ever find an ancestor HANGING from the family tree???
Ever find yourself posting messages just to show off your recipes?
Ever find yourself posting messages just to show off your taglines?
Ever find yourself reading recipes & skipping messages?
Ever find yourself reading taglines & skipping messages?
Ever find yourself reading taglines and skipping messages?
Ever fly one of these before? Nope. Me neither! <THUD>
Ever found a couch in a men's room?
Ever fresh the broad creation. A divine improvisation. <Emerson>
Ever get the feeling someone is watching you?
Ever get the feeling that the Sysop is watching your every move?
Ever get the feeling that the computer is pushing YOUR button?
Ever get the feeling your being picked on?....It's NOT a feeling.
Ever get the feeling your guardian angel is laughing?
Ever had a car accident?  Well, I met my wife at the service station
Ever had one of those days four days in a row?  Well, guess what?
Ever had one of those days when the best defense is to go back to bed?
Ever had to scratch your sister's name out of, "For a good time call"
Ever had withdrawal symptoms from not recieving mail?
Ever have one of those days when no one was worth assimilating?
Ever have one of those days, when everything goes right?  Film at 11
Ever have one of those millennia?
Ever hear "Fry Your Cats in Crisco?"
Ever hear of a city called - Deathly, Ill.
Ever hear of an armed robbery at a gun show?
Ever hear of the Marquis de Sade? (-;<
Ever hear of the word humility?   Clark Gable
Ever hear the song, "I wanna kiss her but she won't let me..."
Ever hear the story of the O'Shea Brothers (used in Little Giants)
Ever in Gentleness ... (which seems a bit contradictory! <G>)
Ever just seem to not be able to get around to procrastin
Ever just seem to not be able to get around to procrastinating?
Ever known a virus that discriminate?
Ever lob a live grenade into a basket of kittens?
Ever lob a live kitten into a basket of grenades?
Ever love someone so much it hurts?
Ever meet a Moderator who would admit the problem was his?
Ever meet a Sysop who would admit the problem was hers?
Ever meet a Sysop who would admit the problem was his?
Ever meet a Sysop who would admit the problem was his? <-Yes!
Ever met a sysop who admits the problem was his?
Ever notice Hillary never drinks water when Bill speaks.
Ever notice Peter O'Toole has a double phallic name?
Ever notice dead that baby gags really do?
Ever notice how Christians think freedom of religion is only for them?
Ever notice how Hillary never drinks water when Bill speaks?
Ever notice how Liberal sympathy doesn't cross the party line?
Ever notice how fast Windows 3.1 runs? Neither have I
Ever notice how fast Windows runs?   Neither did I...
Ever notice how fast Windows runs?  Me neither...
Ever notice how fast Windows runs?  Neither did I
Ever notice how fast Windows runs?  Neither did I.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Me neither!
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I ...
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither have I.
Ever notice how fast Windows/NT runs?  Really?... gosh, neither did I.
Ever notice how goatees look like the old ink-on-the-bong trick??
Ever notice how irons have a setting for *permanent* press?<s.w.>
Ever notice how liberal sympathy doesn't cross the party line!
Ever notice how liberals think free speech is only for them?
Ever notice how many Taglines originated from Robert Heinlein? (RAH)
Ever notice how many recipes originated from ---?
Ever notice how many taglines originated from RAH?
Ever notice how much chicken tastes like frog legs?
Ever notice how pale a vampire looks during the day?
Ever notice how poems written in pig-latin always rhyme?
Ever notice how quickly "pay later" comes when you "buy now"?
Ever notice how quickly pay later comes after buy now.
Ever notice sometimes logic comes up with the wrong answer!
Ever notice that Elmer Fudd spells his name cowwectly?
Ever notice that Legos aren't biodegradable ?
Ever notice that boss spelled backwards is double s-o-b?
Ever notice that foods with half the fat cost twice as much?
Ever notice that garbage weighs more than groceries?
Ever notice that handicapped people are smarter than normal people??
Ever notice that live is evil backwards?
Ever notice that the AT&T Logo looks like the Death Star?
Ever notice that the Orbs aren't orbs?
Ever notice that they never name a car after the 7th planet from the sun
Ever notice that when a toon drives, he never looks at the road?
Ever notice the AT&T symbol looks like the Death Star?
Ever notice the best recipes are someone elses?
Ever notice the best taglines are always someone elses?
Ever notice the best taglines are someone elses?
Ever notice there's no crime at a shooting range?
Ever notice we park in driveways and drive on parkways?
Ever notice when walking by a construction sight, men..... Cool huh.
Ever notice you can get a pizza faster than a cop?
Ever notice you cannot read lips on a Muppet?
Ever notice...garbage weighs more than groceries?
Ever penned your name in blood, let possession slowly swallow you?
Ever post messages just to show off your TAGLINES..?
Ever put a Slinky on an escalator?
Ever read 1000 Ways to Wok Your Dog?
Ever retired a human by mistake?
Ever say "No problem" when you wanted to say "NO!"?
Ever see a Manx cat try to chase it's own tail?
Ever see a Moderator who would admit the problem was his?
Ever see a couple of dogs do it human style?
Ever see a modem say YES CARRIER?  Thought not...
Ever see a tagline do[<ALT>227]... This?!
Ever see a vampire bite its lip?
Ever see two Rubber Chickens mate?
Ever seen a Dragon-God before?
Ever seen an antelope?  They get this teeny ladder, see...
Ever seen an antelope? They get this teeny ladder, see...
Ever seen how pale a vampire looks during the day?
Ever since I gave up hope, I feel much better.
Ever since I last moved, I've been in the same place.
Ever since I saw you in your family tree I've wanted to cut it down.
Ever since I was a young boy, I've raytraced silver balls
Ever since dad got murdered things've been great - Tom
Ever sleep with a redhead? Not a wink.
Ever speed ball? - Crow as old guy shoots up
Ever spend $30 to win a $2 stuffed animal?
Ever spent an evening with Iscariot?  How depressing..." -- Jesus
Ever start thinking Elmer Fudd had a point?
Ever stop to think and forget to start again?
Ever stop to think and then forget to start again?
Ever stop to think and then forget to start again? - S.W.
Ever stop to think and then forget to start again? -Steven Wright
Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
Ever stop to think, and then never start again?
Ever stop to think... and forget to start again?.
Ever think about switching to Decaff?
Ever think about the fact that thorn bushes have roses?
Ever think it might be the USER that needs debugging?
Ever thought about what the Axehandler really do with the fairies?
Ever thought of holding a seance?
Ever thought you where over-qualified for something?
Ever took a close look at Socrate's little glass-dragon?
Ever tried catching a boomerang at night? And survive?
Ever tried making love while standing up in a hammock?
Ever tried to listen to those door to door people Nude?..
Ever try Topsy Tail on a cat?
Ever try brushing a cat's teeth? Go ahead, I dare you.
Ever try to Scotch-gard a sponge?
Ever walk into a Denny's at 3 AM?  Looks like the bar in Star Wars!
Ever wanted to download a pizza?
Ever wanted to download pizza?
Ever wanted to go to a UNIX box and type PING PONG?
Ever wish you could log onto your ATM and download some $$$$ ?
Ever wish you had a copy of tomorrow's newspaper?
Ever wish your kids were appliances you could turn off?
Ever wonder how Mages learn Power Work Kill.
Ever wonder how deep the ocean would be if sponges didn't live in it?
Ever wonder how deep the ocean'd be if sponges didn't live in it?
Ever wonder how deep the sea would be if sponges didn't live in it?
Ever wonder how road kill gets picked up so fast?
Ever wonder if Jimi Hendrix's modem was a Purple Hay
Ever wonder if vegatarians eat animal crackers?
Ever wonder if vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Ever wonder what a Cured Ham had??
Ever wonder what a cheese puff would be without the cheese?
Ever wonder what happened to the beta testers for Preparation A to G?
Ever wonder what oop Fortrash would look like?
Ever wonder what the other 0.56% of Ivory soap is?
Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if is didnt zigzag??
Ever wonder what those sparkley dots are up there? - Pumba
Ever wonder where they got the name FINGERHUT?
Ever wonder who Michael Jackson thinks is weird?
Ever wonder who'd get the better deal, a Ferengi or a Puppeteer?
Ever wonder why "Oprah" spelled backwards is "Harpo"?
Ever wonder why DOS never says "EXCELLENT command or filename"?
Ever wonder why Hooked On Phonics advertises so much on Rush Limbaugh?
Ever wonder why Oprah is Harpo spelled backwards?
Ever wonder why Oprah spelled backwards is Harpo?
Ever wonder why Spam is never on the menu ?
Ever wonder why the Easter Bunny hides his eggs...
Ever wonder why there are Braille markings in a drive-thru ATM?
Ever wonder why they don't call it an Anti-Crime Bill ?
Ever wondered what the expiration date on a light sabre is?
Ever yawn so hard that Pooh said "Oh bother?"
EverReady bunny arrested, charged with battery!
Everbody is ignorant, only on different subjects.
Everbody repeat after me: "We are all individuals."
Everbody wants the wind to listen - Course of Empire
Eveready Bunny arrested, charged with battery.
Eveready Bunny arrested, then released, then recharged!
Eveready Bunny to go on trial for battery charges.
Eveready bunny arrested, charged with battery!
Everrie chrilld a stoned and drooling chrilld. Jocelyn Elders
Everthing put together falls apart.
Every 10 minutes, another plant or animal life form becomes extinct.
Every 12 seconds, someone proves Sarah WRONG!
Every 3 seconds a man is verbally abused by a feminist in Canada.
Every 3 seconds a man is verbally abused by a feminist in the US.
Every 4 seconds a woman gives birth. We gotta find her and STOP her!!!
Every American crusade ends up as a racket.
Every Book is a Referrence, every Mag a potpurri of names.
Every DESQ with a view!
Every Dog Has His Day, But The Nights Belong To Us Cats!
Every Dog has his Day, but the Nights belong to Cats!
Every Ensign in a red shirt: "Captain I think I've found some...ARGH!"
Every President should be a planned and wanted President.
Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud.
Every Spam is sacred, every Spam is great. -Monty Python
Every Spam is sacred.
Every Spam is sacred.  ;-)
Every Surgeon General a planned and wanted Surgeon General.
Every Tagline's Sacred. Every Tagline's Good.
Every Tagline's needed, in your neighborhood.
Every Titanic has it's iceberg..
Every Vulcan has a Captain Pike parameter.
Every Zombie nightmare I have I'm naked - Crow
Every abortion stops a beating heart....
Every absurdity has a champion do defend it.
Every absurdity has a champion to defend it.
Every absurdity has a champion who will defend it.
Every absurdity has a it's champion.
Every absurdity has it's champion.
Every act a ritual, every day a rite of passage...
Every act is a ritual, everyday a rite of passage.
Every action has an equal and opposite government program
Every action has an opposite and equal government program
Every adult was once a child free from predjudice. -Mother Teresa
Every age hath its book.
Every age is modern to those who are living in it.
Every anarchist is a baffled dictator.
Every artist is a cannibal, every poet a thief --U2
Every baby should be a wanted baby.
Every bicycle needs a fish.
Every breath leaves me one less to my last- Dream Theater
Every breath you take--every move you make...
Every bride has to learn it's not her wedding but her mother's.
Every bug you find is the last one.
Every burned book enlightens the world.
Every byte counts.
Every calling is great when greatly pursued.
Every child should be given the desire to burn.
Every child should be given the desire to learn.
Every cloud has a wet spot.
Every complex question has a simple answer...and it's wrong.
Every compromise is surrender and invites new demands.
Every creature has within him the wild, uncontrollable ur
Every creature has within him the wild, uncontrollable urge to punt.
Every crowd has a silver lining.
Every day I crucify myself.
Every day I do my best for one more day.
Every day I get better and better ...  at kidding myself.
Every day I hope and pray that this will end.
Every day I spend my time, drinking wine, feeling fine
Every day above ground is a Bonus!  So keep the Faith.
Every day above ground is a good day
Every day above ground, is a Bonus!  Keep the Faith . . .
Every day i hope and pray that this will end -- NIN
Every day is a new beginning; live it fully...
Every day is not Friday, there is also Tuesday.
Every day is starting to look like Monday
Every day is starting to look like Monday ...
Every day is the dawn of a new error.
Every day we're standing in a time capsule. - Rush Limbaugh
Every day we're standing in a time capsule. -- Limbaugh
Every day you're temporarily able-bodied until it's not temporary.
Every day, another piece of Gaia dies -- Lord Albrecht
Every day, in every way I get better and better.
Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.
Every day, more QWK users test positive for Blue Wave!
Every decent man should be ashamed of his government.
Every dog has his day, Fran.
Every dog has his day...but the nights belong to us cats!
Every dogma has its day.
Every dogma has its day; that is, until some karma runs over it...
Every dogma has its day; until some karma runs over it.
Every educated man is a bully in a discussion. --Beerbohm.
Every educated man is a bully in a discussion." -- Beerbo
Every educated person is a future enemy - Bormann (Nazi leader)
Every effort will be made to ship within 2 days.
Every exit is an entrance into something else.
Every exit is an entrance into something else.
Every exit is an entrance to somewhere else.
Every eye shall see Him...even they that pierced Him...
Every family tree has a little sap.
Every family tree has it's sap!
Every family tree has its sap!
Every family tree has some sap in it.
Every family tree has some sap.
Every fat person has a skinny one inside. He ate it!
Every feminist is an unplanned and unwanted feminist.
Every feminizt should be an unplanned and unwanted feminizt.
Every finger in the room is pointing at me.
Every fish needs a bicycle.
Every fool knows a dog need a home, a shelter from pigs on the wing.
Every fool will be meddling. - Proverbs 20:3
Every girl already has a boyfriend. -  Murphy's Law Of Dating.
Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharply dressed man
Every government is run by liars.
Every hard-boiled egg is yellow inside.
Every hero becomes a bore at last. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every home should have a Gay or two.
Every horse thinks his pack is heaviest
Every huge program has a small program trying to get out.
Every human being comes equipped with a brain at no extra cost.
Every human comes equipped with a brain at no extra cost.
Every human heart is human.  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Every idiot believes that they are Cassandra.
Every job is a self portrait of the person who did it.
Every journalist has a novel in him, which is an excellent place for it.
Every journey is best measured by those you've touched.
Every last one of you is a wimp, said Tom xerophytically.
Every law is an infraction of liberty.
Every line in her face is the line of least resistance.
Every little BYTE helps
Every little dream I dream about you.
Every little picofarad has a nanohenry all its own. -- Don Vonada
Every little thing counts in a crisis.
Every little thing she does is magic!
Every lively oak was once a nut that stood it's ground.
Every living thing wants to survive.
Every living thing wants to survive. Spock, stardate 4731.3.
Every loose nut eventually rolls out to California!
Every man desires to live long; but no man would be old.
Every man dies not every man really lives.
Every man has a price.
Every man has a sane spot somewhere.
Every man has his price.  Mine is $3.95.
Every man has within him the wild, uncontrollable urge to kick cats.
Every man is a volume, if you know how to read him.
Every man is an omnibus in which his ancestors ride.
Every man is as God made him, ay, and often worse. -- Miguel de Cervantes
Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do. -- Voltaire
Every man is the stem of his own bloom.
Every man is wrong until he cries, and then he is right, instantly.
Every man loves justice at another man's house.
Every man reaps what he sows, except the amateur gardener. - L. Long
Every man takes the limits of his vision for the limits of the world.
Every man thinks his own burden the heaviest.
Every man who's alive tonight will be hauling gold aboard
Every man's affairs, however little, are important to himself.
Every man's nightmare: Tonya Rodham Bobbit of Borg!
Every man's work is a portrait of himself.
Every man's work is always a portrait of himself.
Every mans dream: A bookshelf in the bathroom.
Every mighty oak was once a nut that stood it's ground!
Every mighty oak was once a nut that stood its ground.
Every minute of every hour, I love a Sunflower!
Every minute you are angry wastes 60 happy seconds.
Every minute you spend angry wastes 60 happy seconds.
Every minute, a paternity is ESTABLISHED in U.S. courts. 
Every moment dies a man. --Babbage.
Every month should be national breast appreciation month.
Every morning I'm out at dawn with the dwarfs and the tramps.
Every morning is the dawn of a new error.
Every morning is the dawn of a new error. - Geco
Every morning is the dawn of a new error...
Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours.....
Every mosquito bite in history was caused by a female.
Every mother is a working mother.
Every muscle tensed to fence the enemy within.
Every nanosecond in this continuum is a moment in history- Data
Every nanosecond is a moment in our history.  -Data
Every nanosecond is a moment in out history. - Data
Every nanosecond is a monent in our history. * Data
Every nation has the government it deserves.
Every new generation is a fresh invasion of barbarians.
Every newborn baby is a little savage.
Every night I Burn, Every night I fall again
Every night I tell myself I am the cosmos.
Every nine seconds in America, a feminist tells a lie.
Every nine seconds in America, a feminizt tells a lie.  
Every noble work is at first impossible.
Every nonzero finite dimensional inner product space has an orthonormal basis.
Every normal man must be tempted...to...begin slitting throats. -Mencken
Every novel should have a beginning, a muddle, and an end.
Every once in a while I feel that I am at two with the un
Every once in a while I feel that I am at two with the universe.
Every once in a while, stop and enjoy an ice cream cone.  -Einstein
Every once in a while, take the scenic route.
Every once in awhile I feel I am at 3 with the universe.
Every once in awhile, I do what I ought to do all the time.
Every one hates me because I'm paranoid.
Every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Rom 14:12)
Every ones flying around the sky, Supermans 'outta town.
Every party needs a pooper - Mike
Every person constructs their own bed of nails.
Every person gets to heaven in their own way.
Every person is the architect of their own fortune.
Every person you meet knows something you don't.  Learn!
Every physician has his favorite Amoeba
Every politician has a price, some hold bargain sales.
Every politician has a price. Clinton's is from K-Mart.
Every politician has a price. Clinton's is from Wal-Mart.
Every politician has a price. Some hold bargain sales.
Every politician has a price; some even hold bargain sales.
Every possibility exists somewhere as a Shadow of the real. <Corwin>
Every problem can be solved by ripping a hole in the fabric of reality
Every problem contains its own solution
Every problem is simple... if it's not mine.
Every program eventually becomes rococo, and then rubble. (Alan Perlis)
Every program in development at MIT expands until it can read mail.
Every program is a part of some other program, and rarely fits.
Every program is either trivial or it contains at least one bug.
Every programmer is a playwright and every computer is a bad actor.
Every purchase has its price.
Every quarrel begins in nothing and ends in a struggle for supremacy.
Every question defines its own answer, except, maybe, "Why a duck?"
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.
Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. (O. Wilde)
Every second someone besides you is getting laid
Every seduction is conversation.
Every seed is a longing.
Every series has to have a truly bad episode, and here it is. - B5
Every silver lining has a clone around it.
Every silver lining has a cloud around it.
Every silver lining has a cloud around it.
Every silver lining has a cloud.
Every silver lining has a liberal wanting to tax it.
Every snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty. - Lec
Every soldier lives with death, son. - Richard Franklin
Every solution breeds new problems.
Every sound ends in silence, but silence never dies.
Every sperm is Sacred!
Every sperm is Sacred! - Monty Python
Every step you take becomes a twist of fate.
Every step you take becomes a twist of fate.
Every story has 3 sides - yours, mine, and the truth.
Every survival kit should include a sense of humor!!
Every sweet has its sour; every evil has its good.
Every task takes twice as long as you think it will take.
Every thread needs a needle
Every three seconds a man is verbally abused by a feminizt in this country. 
Every time I close the door on Reality, it comes in through Windows.
Every time I close the door on reality it comes through the window.
Every time I do it at least proves that I can still do it
Every time I find the meaning of life, they change it on me.
Every time I find the meaning of life, they change it.
Every time I get curious, it costs me more money!
Every time I go on a diet, the first thing I lose is my temper.
Every time I have all the answers, someone changes the questions!
Every time I have all the answers, they change questions!
Every time I have answers, someone changes questions.
Every time I have answers, someone changes the questions.
Every time I have the answers, someone changes the question.
Every time I know the answers, they change the questions on me.
Every time I know the answers, they change the questions.
Every time I lose weight it finds me again.
Every time I lose weight, It finds me again!
Every time I lose weight, it finds me again!
Every time I make coffee I think of bat's milk. --The Chip Hunter
Every time I make ends meet, they move the ends.
Every time I make my mark, somebody paints the wall.
Every time I open my mouth my foot falls out.
Every time I pass your house, yo'momma runs out and barks at me!
Every time I pass your house, your mother runs out and barks at me!
Every time I plan to wash my car, it rains.....
Every time I put my foot down, my wife steps on it!
Every time I see Bill Gates, I wanna request a polka.
Every time I think I know where it is, someone moves it!
Every time I think I know where it is, they move it!
Every time I think I know where it's at, they move it.
Every time I think I know where they are, they move!
Every time I try to see things your way, I get a headache.
Every time I use ice cubes in hot water, I lose them.
Every time I'm around her I think I'm gonna hurl! -- Garth
Every time I've built charachter, I've regretted it.
Every time I've built character, I've regretted it. - Calvin
Every time Orville walks by a girl, she sighs with relief.
Every time You Go Away (You Take A Piece of Me with You) - J. Bobbitt
Every time You Go Away (You Take A Piece of Me with You) - John Bobbitt
Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little.
Every time a loaf of bread is baked, 150,000,000 yeasts are killed!
Every time a politician opens his mouth, it costs something.
Every time he lands he has to make a big production -Mike
Every time history repeats itself the price goes up.
Every time my ship comes in there's a dock stike.
Every time my ship comes in there's a dock strike.
Every time that you walk in the room.
Every time the family dog makes a mess, he suddenly becomes your dog.
Every time they mention Cthulhu, I buy more guns.
Every time they mention Cthulhu, I buy more weapons.
Every time they mention Cthulhu, I purchase more weapons.
Every time they mention those pinkos I see red. - Frank Burns
Every time you get a million dollars, something queers the deal.
Every time you get knocked down, you get up stronger.
Every time you go outside I hope it rains.
Every time you press a key a baby duck feels pain.
Every time you speak, your mind is on parade.
Every time you tell a lie your nose gets smaller.-Potter to Klinger
Every time you walk BY a girl, she sighs with relief!
Every time you walk by a man, he sighs with relief.
Every time your car passes a junkyard it gets homesick.
Every town we entered became a town we left.
Every tradition was once a heresy.
Every valuable idea offends someone because valuable ideals don't exist.
Every valuable idea offends someone.
Every valuable idea offends someone.
Every voice is the voice of Buddha, every form is the Buddha-form.
Every week should be AIDS Awareness Week.
Every why hath a wherefore.
Every woman is a rebel, and usually in wild revolt against herself.
Every woman needs 3 men... one for money, one for fun and one for sex.
Every woman should marry -- and no man. Disraeli
Every woman who writes is a survivor.<Olsen>
Every women needs 3 men: 1 for sex, 1 for money, and 1 for fun.
Every womyn needs 3 men: 1 for sex, 1 for money, and 1 for fun.
Every wonder why the Easter bunny hides it's eggs?
Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness. -- Beckett
Every writer was once an amateur; most still are
Everybody believed what the President said - Joel on 60s
Everybody believes in something-I believe I'll have another drink.
Everybody believes in something. I believe I'll have another Synthale.
Everybody comes to Joe's. - Joe Dawson
Everybody dance now! Here We Go Let's Rock n Roll! - C + C Music Factory
Everybody dies instantly.  It's the only way to die!
Everybody do the Michigan Rag!
Everybody donate a tagline!
Everybody down! The bread man is here! - Mike
Everybody else gets more than us. <Brett>
Everybody falls in love sometime....I'm in lust!
Everybody frolic! - Tom to slaves
Everybody got that?
Everybody has a right to pronounce foreign names as he chooses.
Everybody has an enemy. Even Maggie has that baby with the one eyebrow
Everybody has anatomy, but it looks better on a woman.
Everybody has to re-boot sometime.
Everybody hates a literalist - Calvin
Everybody hates me because I'm paranoid!
Everybody have fun tonight. Everybody wangchung tonight
Everybody higher than you in the FBI knows everything.
Everybody hurts sometimes. Everybody cries.
Everybody in favor of abortion has already been born.
Everybody in the whole cell block/Was dancin' to the Star Trek Rock!
Everybody in this town hides behind plain wrappers.  Diane Varsi
Everybody into th' bathroom!!
Everybody is a law abiding citizen until the gun goes off.
Everybody is entitled to my opinion.
Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.
Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. W.Rogers
Everybody is ignorant...only on different subjects.
Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
Everybody is somebody else's weirdo. -- Dykstra
Everybody is somebody else's weirdo. --Dykstra's Law.
Everybody is somebody else's weirdo..
Everybody leave in a slow leisurely manner -Mike on panic
Everybody lies about bad sex!! Robert A. Hienlein
Everybody lies about sex
Everybody lies about sex.  L. Long
Everybody lies about sex. - Lazarus Long
Everybody lies about sex...
Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.
Everybody lies; but it doesn't matter much since nobody listens.
Everybody lies; but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.
Everybody likes Windows!  Bill Gates said so.
Everybody likes a joker, but nobody loans him money.
Everybody listens if you mention the word *sex*!
Everybody lock and load.  This may get messy.
Everybody looks brave holding a machine gun.
Everybody loves a moose; some just don't know it.
Everybody loves some bawdy sometime.
Everybody loves some bawdy sometime...
Everybody must believe - I believe I'll have another beer
Everybody must believe - I believe I'll have another beer.
Everybody must get Stoned!
Everybody need asoft filter...
Everybody needs a career manager. LADY MACBETH
Everybody needs a hero.  I'm mine.
Everybody needs a little love sometime; stop hacking and fall in love!
Everybody on stage for the big bondage number! - Tom
Everybody ought to have a lesbian.
Everybody ought to have a little joy in their life!
Everybody quiet.  Bob's back!  Oops...hi Bob..
Everybody quiet.  Gary's back!  Oops...hi Gary...
Everybody quiet.  He's back!  Oops...hi..
Everybody quiet. Gary's back! Oops...hi Gary.
Everybody remember where we parked!  Kirk-STIV
Everybody remember where we parked.  -- Kirk
Everybody remember where we parked. -- Adm. Kirk, STIV
Everybody remember where we parked. -- Kirk
Everybody run!  The Homecoming Queen has got a gun!
Everybody runs with their breasts sticking out - Crow
Everybody say hello to Orville Bullitt!
Everybody say hello to Orville!
Everybody should believe in something. I believe I should have a drink.
Everybody should believe in something...I believe I'll have a drink.
Everybody should believe in something; believe I'll have a Scotch!
Everybody should believe something - I believe I'll have more coffee.
Everybody should believe something-I believe I'll have more chocolate.
Everybody should believe something-I believe I'll have more coffee.
Everybody should believe something: I believe I'll have another beer!
Everybody should believe something: I believe I'll have another beer!.
Everybody should believe something: I believe I'll have more coffee.
Everybody should believe:  I believe I'll have a drink.
Everybody should believe: I believe I'll have a drink.
Everybody stand back, he's got a MAGNET!
Everybody stand back...he's got a MAGNET!!
Everybody stroke the needle - Tom
Everybody talks about reality, but nobody does anything about it
Everybody thought to bring a light wrap - Mike
Everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around -- TMBG
Everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around.
Everybody wants the shrine to crumble - Course of Empire
Everybody wants to be a cat!
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die!
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
Everybody was cheering loud.
Everybody welcome President and Mr. Clinton!
Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person good night.
Everybody's Different, I am the same.  Neil Peart--Rush
Everybody's Special! That's what makes us Unique Individuals!
Everybody's a programmer, but who's WRITTEN anything?
Everybody's clinging to the floor until it drops - Course of Empire
Everybody's crazy, but I'm...duh...all right! -Red Ingle.
Everybody's cute, even me!  But in PURPLE, I am STUNNING! - Londo
Everybody's dead... Everybody's dead, Dave. - Holly
Everybody's death simplifies life for someone.
Everybody's goin' fishin', Fishin' USA...
Everybody's got a smoking jacket!  -Crow as building burns
Everybody's leaving when the architect calls - Course of Empire
Everybody's lost but me. - Indiana Jones
Everybody, everybody's dead, everybody's dead Dave. --Holly.
Everybody:  Erase the taglines that came with your reader
Everybodys talking saying you should wave on,,, blue wave that is...
Everyday Earthday
Everyday dreamers die to see what's on the other side --U2
Everyday more QWK users test positive for Blue Wave!
Everyday your standing, in a time capsule.-RUSH
Everyday, more QWK users test positive for Blue Wave!
Everyone BACKUP, he's got a magnet!  Data
Everyone Out for Volleyball in 10 Minutes!
Everyone agrees it was a total waste of money.
Everyone always gets what's coming to them...unless its been E-mailed.
Everyone appreciates compassion.<HH The Dalai Lama>
Everyone as they loveth, some people kiss cows.
Everyone avoids the deadly stethoscopes.
Everyone comes to Rick's.
Everyone complains of his memory & no one complains of his judgment.
Everyone complains of his memory, no one of his judgement.
Everyone complains of memory, no one of judgment.
Everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise.  -- Atwood
Everyone feel better now? - Methos
Everyone fighting for who is the most fav of the Alanas!! -DigiShake
Everyone go grab their Spanish dictionaries!
Everyone has a lifestyle - no matter who or what they are.
Everyone has a photographic memory - but some have no film !
Everyone has a photographic memory - some don't have film
Everyone has a photographic memory, but some don't have film!
Everyone has a photographic memory, some don't have film!
Everyone has a photographic memory, some don't have film.
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
Everyone has a photographic memory.  Some don't have film.
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
Everyone has a photographic memory;  most just don't develop it.
Everyone has a photographic memory; some don't have film.
Everyone has a right to my opinion.
Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that never works.
Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work.
Everyone has a scheme that won't work.
Everyone has his price.
Everyone has his reasons.
Everyone has muscles...they just look better on Klingons.
Everyone has opinions, but I think you're hallucinating. :)
Everyone has photographic memory, some don't have film!
Everyone has photographic memory...some just don't have film!
Everyone has the right to agree with me.
Everyone has the right to be ugly, but some abuse the privilege.
Everyone has the right to my opinion.
Everyone has their day and some days last longer than others.
Everyone has their little faults. Mine's in California.
Everyone has their own magic. --Jim Morrison
Everyone has to believe in something; I believe I'll have another beer
Everyone has to believe in something; I believe I'll have another beer.
Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid
Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid.
Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid. 
Everyone hates me because they think I'm paranoid.
Everyone hates you, so hate them back! -Moderator Rule #1
Everyone here who's Immortal, raise your hand-- Richie Ryan
Everyone in Springfield knows us and has forgiven us. - Lisa
Everyone in college always said Lorena was a cut above.
Everyone is a genius at least once a year.
Everyone is a genius at least once a year.
Everyone is a genius.  It's just that some people are too stupid to realize it.
Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anyone.
Everyone is an atheist after they die.
Everyone is entitled to an opinoin even if he cant spell.
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some people abuse the privilege
Everyone is entitled to my opinion without charge.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion, just ask me...
Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion. . .     FREE!.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion...             FREE!
Everyone is entitled to my own opinion
Everyone is entitled to my own opinion.
Everyone is equal until they make themselves not equal
Everyone is from somewhere - even if you've never been there.
Everyone is gay. - Kurt Cobain
Everyone is gifted, some just open the package later than others.
Everyone is gifted, some just open their packages sooner.
Everyone is gifted.  Some open the package sooner.
Everyone is gifted. Some just open their package sooner.
Everyone is gifted. Some just open their packages sooner!
Everyone is gifted. Some just open their packages sooner.
Everyone is gifted. Some open the package sooner.
Everyone is gifted. Some open the pkg sooner.
Everyone is gifted. but some open the package sooner.
Everyone is happy.  Save for the fish atlas people.
Everyone is in walking distance if you have the time..
Everyone is just a click away from CyberSpace.
Everyone is just buying time...Why isn't anyone selling time?
Everyone is of some use, if only to set a bad example!
Everyone is of some use.  Yours is to set a bad example!
Everyone is right from their viewpoint.  So trade places.
Everyone is weird ... Some of us are PROUD of it!!
Everyone is weird.  Some of us are just proud of it.
Everyone knows Isses don't have eyes! - Mr. Gone
Everyone knows Speck, Bundy, Dahmer; who remembers the victims
Everyone knows its windy - Tom sings on wind demon
Everyone knows my face, but who knows my toes?
Everyone knows them as the Terrible Tues. - Geek
Everyone knows you snagged my recipe!
Everyone knows you steal my taglines!
Everyone knows you stole my tagline!
Everyone lives by selling something. - R.L. Stevenson
Everyone lives by selling something. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Everyone loves a Slinky!
Everyone loves a moose. They just may not know it.
Everyone makes mistakes, if not we'd all be single!
Everyone makes mistakes, if not we'd be single!
Everyone meets their Waterloo at last.
Everyone move helter...and skelter.  Director Michael Curtiz
Everyone must buy their SYSOP, chocolate.
Everyone must row with the oars he has. Anon
Everyone needs a hand to hold onto.
Everyone needs a place in the sun, especially when it rains.
Everyone needs access to a good: car mechanic, doctor and a lawyer!
Everyone needs access to a good: car mechanic, doctor and lawyer!
Everyone needs access to good: car mechanics, doctor and a lawyer!
Everyone needs belief in something.  I believe I'll have another beer.
Everyone needs time to catch up with themselves.
Everyone quiet, Ms. Sleepwalker is about to speak...
Everyone remember where we parked. -- Kirk
Everyone says you're a virgin. Is it true?-I don't know. - Radar
Everyone should be married once and know true pain.
Everyone should drink lots of fluids - Holo Doc
Everyone should drink lots of fluids.
Everyone should have a chihuahua -- a small emergency back-up dog.
Everyone should know where his towel is.
Everyone should stop verbing nouns.
Everyone still looks uncomfortable.  Riker
Everyone talks about apathy, but no one does anything about it.
Everyone that appeals to me, can't help me.
Everyone wants 2 be noticed,but noone wants 2 be watched!
Everyone wants them, and few know how... he-he-he!
Everyone wants to be noticed, but no one wants to be watched.
Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die.
Everyone wants to live long, but no one wants to grow old.
Everyone was acting normal, so I tried to act nonchalant.
Everyone wears cleats in this film. -- Joel Robinson
Everyone went to the War and all I got was this lousy t-shirt...
Everyone who believes in psychokenesis raise my hand!
Everyone who believes in telekinesis, raise MY hand!
Everyone who favors abortion has already been born.
Everyone who favors abortion has already been born......
Everyone who is alive, please raise your hand. See, told ya, --Rimmer.
Everyone who's nEasterners do it in the East.
Everyone's a critic.  Garfield
Everyone's a critic. - Nicholas Ward
Everyone's dancing in a ring around the Sun...
Everyone's entitled to an opinion.  Here, take mine..
Everyone's expendable...and no one has a real friend
Everyone's gone to the movies.
Everyone's gone: (A)bort (R)etry (H)ide the murder weapon
Everyone's guilty of something.
Everyone's lost someone, right?  They don't give you medals for it.
Everyone's watching YOU now
Everyone's watching YOU now...
Everyones Toolbox Should Include Some Ingenuity!
Everyready bunny arrested, charged with battery.
Everything @FN@ ever needed to know, he learned from ME!
Everything Albert says is so obvious, said Tom altruistically.
Everything I -REALLY- needed to know I learned from Trek.
Everything I do is needlessly violent and enormously irresponsible.
Everything I ever needed to know I learned from comics!
Everything I ever needed to know, I learned from Bullwinkle.
Everything I ever needed to know, I learned from Myra.
Everything I ever needed to know, I learned from Orville.
Everything I have is HUGE!  Especially my imagination.....
Everything I have is HUGE! Especially my imagination.....
Everything I have is HUMUNGOUS! Especially my imagination
Everything I know I learned in gopher space!
Everything I know, I learned from coffee.
Everything I like is illegal, immoral or expensive!
Everything I need to know I got from watching Gilligan's Island.
Everything I need to know, I learned from my cat.
Everything I need to know, I learned through booze - Tom
Everything I needed to know I learned from Hukuto no Ken.
Everything I needed to know, I learned on Dungeon Level 1
Everything I never liked about you was kinda seeping in to me - NIN
Everything I said is true (except the parts that aren't)
Everything I said is true (except the parts that aren't).
Everything I say is true, and thats a lie
Everything I want is either illegal, immoral, or long distance.
Everything Jesus Christ said about homosexuality:  "   "
Everything She touches changes.  Everything She changes touches.
Everything You Know Is Wrong
Everything about this seems wrong. - Picard
Everything alive either grows or dies.
Everything always takes longer than you think.
Everything bows to success, even grammar.
Everything changes except change itself.
Everything comes to he who hustles while he waits. T. Edison
Everything comes to he who orders stew.
Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.
Everything comes to him who waits...In this case it has! Thank you.
Everything comes to those who hustle while they wait.
Everything comes to those who wait; except a loaned book.
Everything coming your way? You're in the wrong lane!
Everything coming your way? you're in the wrong lane!.
Everything costs more and takes longer.
Everything depends. Nothing is always. Everything is sometimes.
Everything done before the Naked Stars is remembered.
Everything dries out, nothing unburns.....
Everything free is usually worth exactly what it cost.
Everything furthers. I Ching
Everything gets easier with practice - except waking up early.
Everything goes on sale ... right after you buy it.
Everything goes wrong all at once.
Everything goes wrong at once.
Everything good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.
Everything happens for a reason.  The reason is the Gods need a laugh.
Everything has been figured out except how to live.
Everything here is right, but it could go wrong.
Everything hurts ... and what doesn't don't work.
Everything i never liked about you was kinda seeping in to me.
Everything in Texas is big compared to what???
Everything in excess!  Moderation is for monks!  -- Heinlein
Everything in excess!  Moderation is for monks.  L. Long
Everything in excess!  Moderation is for monks. - Lazarus Long
Everything in excess! Moderation is for monks! - Robert A. Heinlein
Everything in excess! Moderation is for monks! -- Heinlein
Everything in excess! Moderation is for monks.
Everything in life is transient. Including life....
Everything in moderation, including moderation.
Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are - Ehrlich
Everything in our favor was against us.
Everything in our favour was aginst us.
Everything in the universe is packaging, big toys or meat.
Everything in time is birth to some and death to others.
Everything is a conspiracy.
Everything is a joke to you - Joel to Tom
Everything is a lot like something else.
Everything is actually everything else, just recycled.
Everything is changing. People are taking the comedians Seriously.
Everything is funny as long as it happens to others
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else.
Everything is funny on Prozac.
Everything is just a thing
Everything is just chemistry!
Everything is more fun with a friend.
Everything is possible, but nothing of interest is easy.
Everything is possible; just not too probable.
Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen. - Emperor
Everything is relative, including this
Everything is so dangerous that nothing is really very frightening.
Everything is the opposite of what it really is, isn't it?
Everything is transitory, including the state of being transitory.
Everything is under control.  Situation normal. - Han Solo
Everything is unimportant in some way.
Everything is useful in the world and so is everyone.
Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it. - Syrus
Everything looks better in COLOR!
Everything must Change! Stagnation is Death! - Lao Tzu
Everything not forbidden is compulsory.
Everything put together falls apart sooner or later.
Everything put together falls apart.
Everything put together sooner or later falls apart.
Everything put together sooner or later falls apart. -P. Simon
Everything put together, falls apart, sooner or later.
Everything right is wrong again -- TMBG
Everything should be built top-down, except the first time.
Everything should be made as simple as necessary.
Everything should be made as simple as possible but not s
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Everything starts as somebody's daydream.
Everything starts as someones daydream!
Everything starts in somebody's head as a daydream.
Everything takes longer than you think it will.
Everything takes longer than you think.
Everything tastes better at a picnic...the ants, the sand, everything.
Everything that I am, I can blame on a woman.
Everything that can be invented has been invented. -Patent Office, 1899
Everything that deceives also enchants. --Plato
Everything that is not mandatory is forbidden.
Everything that's important has already been said!
Everything the light touches is our kingdom.  Mufasa
Everything under control.  End log. -- Odo
Everything under the sun is in tune - Pink Floyd
Everything usually goes wrong at once!
Everything was just sunny & perfect back then - Mike
Everything we do crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see.
Everything we put together falls apart sooner or later.
Everything will perish, save love and music. (Gaelic proverb)
Everything working great?  Time to buy the upgrade!
Everything works fine in your HQ but never works in the Col. HQ.
Everything would be different, if I just had a new color of lipstick.
Everything you know is wrong!
Everything you know is wrong, but you can be straightened out.
Everything you post comes out in taglines.
Everything you say and do is a reflection of the inner you.
Everything you try turns to chili - Tom
Everything you want done babe, I do it naturally...
Everything you wanted to know about Phobias, but were afraid to ask.
Everything you've heard about Los Angeles is TRUE.
Everything's a joke to you! -- Joel Robinson
Everything's a lie, and that's a fact.... - Meatloaf
Everything's always gas with you.
Everything's back to normal.  Damn.
Everything's backwards! - Rimmer
Everything's better with no clothes upon it!!!!
Everything's burnt here. - Even the milk. - Col. Potter
Everything's falling into place - on top of me.
Everything's falling into place... on top of me.
Everything's going good?  You must have overlooked something.
Everything's got a moral if only you can find it.
Everything's gotta have rules, rules, rules! - Calvin
Everything's groovy on the moon - Crow
Everything's nice and quiet.  Looks like everyone's going to bed - Lou
Everything's opposite to our universe! - Lister
Everytime I complain to mom I'm bored she tells me to clean my room.
Everytime I have all the answers, somebody changes the questions
Everytime I have all the answers, somebody changes the questions...
Everytime I lose weight, It finds me again!
Everytime I lose weight, it finds me again.
Everytime I make my mark somebody paints the wall.
Everytime I read this I get a pain in my, er, side.
Everytime I think I've caught up on messages -- BLORF!
Everytime I use a modem, I put my ideas on the line.
Everytime a StarFleet captain tugs his tunic, an angel gets his wings.
Everytime a loaf of bread is baked, approx. 150,000,000 yeast are killed
Everytime a mousetrap snaps, an angel is set on fire.
Everytime my grandparents sleep over, they snore through the night.
Everytime she hears a bug zapper, she faints - Tom
Everytime she sneezes I believe its love - Counting Crows
Everytime the family dog makes a mess, he suddenly becomes your dog.
Everyting should be built top-down, except the first time.
Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me. -- Sigmund Freud
Everywhere I look you're all I see.
Everywhere I look you're all i see -- NIN
Everywhere You Look...(at least around my office)
Everywhere is an LD call from here.
Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.
Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time. - S.W.
Everywhere is walking distance if you have time.
Everywhere is walking distance, if you have the time.
Everywhere is within walking distance - if you have the time.
Everywhere it's Christmas at the end of every year!!!
Everywhere there's lots of piggies living piggy lives...
Everywhere you look I'm standing in the spot light. Not Yet!
Everywhere's been where it is ever since it was first put there.
Evidence of evil Borg plot: MSDOS 6.0
Evidence refutes liberalism every time. - Rush Limbaugh
Evil DM's continue to play out their dragons just for fun.
Evil Grin #13  <<<<<GRIN>>>>>
Evil Grin #13  <<<<<GRIN<<<<<
Evil Grin #13  >>>>
Evil I did dwell;  lewd did I live
Evil Mentalist - I think, therefore you aren't
Evil always triumphs over good, because good is STUPID!
Evil always triumphs, because good is dumb.-Dark Helmet
Evil because I am dead and yet I live. --The Crow.
Evil can only triumph when good men sit and do nothing.
Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth
Evil dwells in moist places
Evil flourishs when good men do nothing.
Evil has TeethAnd It Hungers!
Evil has been dealt a serious blow, but will return.
Evil has been dealt a serious blow,but will be back
Evil is a hill.  We stand on ours, speak about others.
Evil is on the loose. -Arthur   Oh, Evil IS baaaad! -The Tick
Evil is the failure to act with truth, justice, and honor.
Evil is the root of all money.  Buy bonds!
Evil men write in marble; good men, in dust. Sir Th. More
Evil seeks to maintain power by suppressing the truth. -- Jack Butler
Evil shall see itself and it shall die! --Elm St. Children.
Evil stalks the night with us, your soul it shall be mine!
Evil succeeds when God's people do nothing
Evil to him who evil thinks of it.
Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.   - Einstein
Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
Evil will triumph because Good is stupid.
Evil won't kill us; apathy & lethargy will
Evil won't kill us; damn liberals & Democrats will!
Evil won't kill us; damn liberals in Congress will!
Evil won't kill us; liberalism will!
Evil!  Pure and simple from the eighth dimension!
Evil!  She's evil! -- Joel Robinson
Evil!  You are evil!  Evil! -- Gypsy
Evil! My words defy. Evil! Has no disguise.
Evil! Pure and simple from the eighth dimension!
Evil! Will take your soul. Evil! My wrath unfolds!
Evil', 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress', 'Starship Troopers' and (probably
Evil...wicked...mean...and nasty!!...
Evil? Hell, I've done more of it than most men...
Evita had better legs than Hitlery.  
Evolution - life's a niche, and then you die.
Evolution = Dumb things die!
Evolution doesn't take prisoners.
Evolution is GOD's way of issuing updates.
Evolution is God's way of issuing upgrades!
Evolution is God's way of issuing upgrades.
Evolution is RELIGIOUS because it can't be proven!
Evolution is vastly over-rated.
Evolution isn't God's method of issuing upgrades.
Evolution reverses when stupid people are encouraged to breed.
Evolution should have been rejected long ago, but religions die hard.
Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal.
Evolution--life's a niche, and then you die.
Evolution:  God's method of issuing upgrades.
Evolution:  Nature's way of issuing upgrades.
Evolution: Billions of years of God's Cobol code....
Evolution: G-d's automatic upgrade program.
Evolution: God's automatic upgrade program.
Evolution: God's way of issuing updates
Evolution: God's way of issuing updates.
Evolution: God's way of issuing upgrades.
Evolution: God's way of upgrading the hardware.
Evolution: Lawyer--->Ape--->Man--->No Lawyers.
Evolution: Life's a niche, and then you die
Evolution: Nature's Way of issueing Upgrades.
Evolution: from goo to you by way of the zoo
Evolution: from goo to you by way of the zoo.
Evolution: the unifying principle of Biology!
Evolution?  Who needs it? - Vogons
Evolved-again agnostic
Ewe hauling...Bovine shipments
Ewe's not fat, ewe's just fluffy!
Ewe's not fat, ewe's just fluffy.
Ewes not fat, ewes fluffy.
Ewing M. Kauffman, K.C. Royals baseball team owner, was an Eagle Scout.
Ewoks make better burgers.
Ewoks taste great...and they're less filling
Eww!  He's giving himself two weird heads! - Calvin
Ewww!  He's giving himself two weird heads!" * Calvin
Ewww! He's giving himself two weird heads!!
Ewww! What's this GUI stuff?!?
Ewwww - Rita
Ewwww! Now I have earth cooties! -- Yoda (Animaniacs)
Ewwww- Rita
Ewwww...you've been eating garlic! -- Dot
Ex -Lax: "Moses TOOK TWO TABLETS and WENT in the mountains." - Bible
Ex Wife For Sale: Take Over Payments
Ex cell ent! -Kirk possesed by Monty Burns.
Ex post fucto (Lost in the mail)
Ex! Cell! Lent! - William Shatner doing Montgomery Burns
Ex-Lax: "Moses TOOK TWO TABLETS and WENT in the mountains."- Bible
Ex-Lax: The chocolate candy that gives you that get up and go feeling.
Ex-Liberals are the ones who have seen the Right Light.
Ex-Presidential Retreat: Kenny Bunkport
Ex-Presidential Retreat: Kenny Bunkport*
Ex-Presidential Retreat: by Kenny Bunkport
Ex-Schizophrenic:  Where am I now that I need me?
Ex-husband for sale, take over payments!
Ex-lovers make great speedbumps.
Ex-wife for sale, take over payments!
Ex... cell... ent...! -Kirk possesed by Monty Burns.
Exact File Not Found.....how about something similar?
Exactly as I feared.  Exactly as I've been warning my collegues.-Dukat
Exactly how DO you polish sausage??
Exactly how much "whiz" is in Cheese-whiz?
Exactly how much radiation will I be exposed to?
Exactly what I was thinking!
Exactly what I'd EXPECT a Dupe of the Conspiracy to say!
Exactly what KIND of Water Music did you have in mind? - Handel
Exactly what KIND of Water Music did you have in mind? - \SLMR\
Exactly what color was the dragon?
Exactly what time of morning did technology pass me by?
Exactly what time were you born yesterday?
Exactly what was I talking about anyway???
Exactly what were we talking about anyway???
Exactness in little things is a wonderful source of cheerfulness.
Exactness is the Sublimity of fools. (Fontenelle)
Exactopaleoneurohypophobia:  The fear of long words
Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
Exam is a four-letter word for torture...
Examine the DOC's ??? Nope, just the Nurses ! <G>
Examine the contents, not the bottle.
Examples move the world more than doctrine. Henry Miller
Exams : education's laxative
Excellence can be attained if you care more than others think is wise.
Excellence can be attained if you risk more than others think is safe.
Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.
Excellent command or filename!
Excellent day for drinking heavily.  Spike office water cooler.
Excellent day for drinking heavily.  Spike the office water cooler.
Excellent day for drinking heavily.  Spike water cooler.
Excellent day for putting Slinkies on an escalator.
Excellent day to have a rotten day.
Excellent time become a missing person.
Excellent time to become a missing person.
Excellent! I-I mean too bad - Chekov
Excellent, keep up the high-fiber diet. - Mutant Raccoon
Excellent. I can't tell you how happy that makes me -- Gul Madred
Excellent...! -Kirk possesed by Monty Burns.
Excelsior Captain: How can you have a yellow alert in Spacedock?
Except for 75% of the women, everyone in the whole world
Except for 75% of the women, everyone in the whole world wants to have s
Except for 75% of the women, everyone in the world wants to have sex
Except no sheep imitations.
Exception Error #94: .SDL file not found <A>bort <R>etry <P>anic
Exception error #94:  SDL file not found <A>bort <R>etry <B>lubb
Exception error #94: SDL file not found <A>bort <R>etry <S>ob
Exception error #94: SDL file not found <A>bort <R>etry <S>uck thumb?
Exceptional times require exceptional women.
Exceptions always outnumber rules.
Exceptions rule, and destroy your battleplan.
Exceptions rule.
Excersise, eat right, and die anyway.
Excess Weinerage: When buns come in 8 pks and franks come in 12 pks.
Excess Weinerage: when buns come in 8 pks and franks come in 12 pks.
Excess is never enough.
Excessive login or logout messages are a sure sign of senility.
Excessive mouse activity detected.  Running C:\CAT.EXE
Excessive mouse activity detected.  Running CAT.EXE to fix.
Excessive taxation is destroying the American Dream!
Exchange your troubles for some love where ever you are.
Exchequer - but now only plays draughts.
Exchequer:  A retired supermarket employee.
Excited as a blind dog in a meathouse.
Excited, Spock opens a box full of pointed ear tips.
Excited, Spock opens a box full of pointy ear tips.
Excitement is Irrelevant - Locutus for Pontiac
Excitement is a Klingon with a tribble in his pants.
Excitement is irrelevant -- Locutus of Pontiac
Excitement is irrelevant.  -- Locutus for Pontiac
Excitement is irrelevant. - Locutus of Pontiac
Excitement is irrelevant. -- Locutus for Pontiac
Exclusive: We're the only ones who have the documentation.
Excommunicated:  On vacation without a computer & modem.
Excruciatingly delightful!
Excuse MS. President, but your husband's mouth is running again!
Excuse Me For Butting In, but what the heck is EMFBI?
Excuse Orville , she has been under the doctor.
Excuse me - it's time for my medication now. -Jym
Excuse me - it's time for my medication.
Excuse me @FN@, are those Bugle Boy Jeans you're wearing?
Excuse me @FN@, is that a rash or just PRICKly heat?
Excuse me Beavis, I have to go spank my monkey. huh huh huh
Excuse me I gotta go ... the pizza man is at the door.
Excuse me I have to become even more unappealing - Mike
Excuse me I left my Tag Line in my other Pants!
Excuse me MS. President, but your husband's mouth is running again!
Excuse me Mr. Criminal while I take this $%#! lock off my gun!
Excuse me Mr. Mallard, but do you give good duck?
Excuse me as I sidestep this Thread here...
Excuse me but, Your tagline is hanging out...
Excuse me for butting in -- I'm interrupt-driven.
Excuse me for butting in, I'm interrupt-driven.
Excuse me for butting in, but I'm Interrupt driven
Excuse me for butting in.  But, I'm interrupt-driven.
Excuse me for paging, but what does low level format mean? ...[NO CARR
Excuse me for showing off my ignorance.
Excuse me gentlemen, pet detective. - Ace Ventura
Excuse me if I sound bitter....I taste that way too
Excuse me if I sound bitter....I taste that way too
Excuse me miss, is this tagline taken?
Excuse me miss. Oh, excuse ME Mr. Coffee! - Tom
Excuse me while I Borg Out.
Excuse me while I ROTFL!
Excuse me while I bang my head against a wall
Excuse me while I bang my head against a wall.
Excuse me while I change into something more formidable.
Excuse me while I crouch down here 'ahint my asbestos shield...
Excuse me while I dance a little jig of despair
Excuse me while I go get my photographic memory developed.
Excuse me while I go reb*%&%*&^NO CARRIER
Excuse me while I have a strange interlude. -- Joel Robinson
Excuse me while I post off topic messages.
Excuse me while I sharpen my Gladius.
Excuse me while I sharpen my tongue
Excuse me while I sharpen my tongue.
Excuse me while I sidestep this Thread here...
Excuse me while I slip into something more formidable.
Excuse me while I whip this out!
Excuse me worker, I'll just be a nanosecond.
Excuse me! Any of you folks Catholic? - Father Mulcahy
Excuse me, Beavis. I have to go spank my monkey. -Butthead
Excuse me, Chief, my shoe is ringing.
Excuse me, I can't seem to find my dick. May I look in yo mama's mouth
Excuse me, I gotta go kill a Care Bear.
Excuse me, I gotta go...the pizza dude's at the door.
Excuse me, I gotta go...the pizza guy is at the door.
Excuse me, I have places to go and people to annoy.
Excuse me, I have to go and reboot.   @!%&*#@ NO CARRIER
Excuse me, I have to grab my flamethrower.
Excuse me, I have to recharge my flamethrower.
Excuse me, I seem to have misplaced the Universe...
Excuse me, I speak jive...
Excuse me, I would like to buy a fish licence, please.
Excuse me, I'm just weirded out at the moment.
Excuse me, I've got to change my garlic.
Excuse me, I've got to go take a dump.
Excuse me, Iceman, I have a date with Poverty.
Excuse me, Miss?...Miss?   Miss?!?!?   Sorry, I have a cold.
Excuse me, Mr. Moderator... Cal Webster's off topic.
Excuse me, Mr. Moderator... Greg Leask's off topic.
Excuse me, Mr. Moderator... He is off topic.
Excuse me, Mr. Moderator...@FN@'s off topic.
Excuse me, Mr. Moderator...Bert's off topic.
Excuse me, Mr. Moderator...Glen's off topic.
Excuse me, Mr. Moderator...Patrick's off topic.
Excuse me, Mr. ModeratorGreg Leask's off topic.
Excuse me, President Clinton, that's not MY pain you're feeling!
Excuse me, Why would God need a starship?
Excuse me, are you real?
Excuse me, but "UNDERTAXED?"
Excuse me, but I have to go beat my computer to death.
Excuse me, but I have to scream now.
Excuse me, but I'm a Mommy and my real life is calling me .....
Excuse me, but can I be you for a while?
Excuse me, but can anyone tell me what's going on here?
Excuse me, but could you please pass the puck?
Excuse me, but did I say that? Doesn't sound like me
Excuse me, but is this my 15 minutes?
Excuse me, but what does God need with a starship? -- Kirk
Excuse me, but what does God need with a tagline?
Excuse me, but what does low level format mean? ... NO CARRIER
Excuse me, but you dropped your Carrier!
Excuse me, but you have an incoming phone call   +++ATH NO CARRIER
Excuse me, but you seem to be standing on my neck.
Excuse me, but your reality check just bounced.
Excuse me, can you spare a recipe?
Excuse me, can you spare a tagline?
Excuse me, do you know the way to Kansas City?
Excuse me, do you know the way to Texas?
Excuse me, do you live around here often?
Excuse me, do you mind if I squish in here?  - Odo
Excuse me, is it true that you're a sexual tyrannosaurus?
Excuse me, is that a rash or just PRICKly heat?
Excuse me, is this a cheese shop?
Excuse me, is this a private fight or can anyone join in?
Excuse me, is this tagline taken?
Excuse me, it's time for my medication now.
Excuse me, its time for me to go.. Hendrix
Excuse me, maam, you seem to be rationally challenged...
Excuse me, miss; I thought that was a pull-down menu . . .
Excuse me, my shoe is ringing. -- Maxwell Smart
Excuse me, my underwear is buzzing me - Crow
Excuse me, sexless man/woman - Tom to Mr. B Natural
Excuse me, sir, are you dead? - Beavis
Excuse me, sir? Which way to the guy with two butts? huh huh huh
Excuse me, what does God need with a starship?
Excuse me, where is the real door out of this LIFE!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me, while I change into something more formidable.
Excuse me, while I change into something more formidable.
Excuse me, while I dance a little jig of despair.
Excuse me--your file is unzipped.
Excuse me.  Haven't we met somewhere before? <The Doctor>
Excuse me.  Haven't we met somewhere before? <The Doctor<
Excuse me.  I should like to buy a fish license please.
Excuse me.  I'm receiving a number of distress calls! -- Spock
Excuse me. But can anyone tell me what's going on here?
Excuse me. Do you wanna f**k or should I apologize?
Excuse me. I've got to see a man about a dog.
Excuse me. Reality calls. - Anne Lindsey
Excuse me...  Have you seen the fire extinguisher?
Excuse me...Just Waving at you!
Excuse me...Just Xpressing myself!
Excuse me...are those Bugle Boys you're wearing?
Excuse me...but does anyone have an original tagline they can lend me?
Excuse me...just what chicken and which road were you talking about?
Excuse me..could you explain what has transpired?
Excuse me;Do you want to f*** or should I apologize?
Excuse me?  Did you say Catch the car?  You're the brick...
Excuse me? Are those Bugle Boys you're taking off?
Excuse meare those Bugle Boys you're wearing?
Excuse meyou're on fire. -- Joel Robinson
Excuse my driving; I'm trying to reload!
Excuse my driving; I'm trying to reload.
Excuse my ignorance (as usual) but who is this Gary Caplan dude?
Excuse the spelling, I have been snorting to much code.
Excuse, but the dead don't tread water! - Mike
Excuse: Not tonight honey, I've got a headache.
Excuses, excuses....
Excuses: I'm too full.
Excuses: I'm too tired.
Excuses: I've got to get up early tomorrow.
Excuses: N: Not tonight, honey, I've got a headache.
Excuses: We couldn't find a babysitter.
Excuses: You mean you didn't bring any [insert favorite brand]?
ExecNet!  New York's Biggest Little BBS!
Execuglide: Propel around the office without getting up from the chair.
Execute all Death Row inmates.  It'll end overcrowding in prisons.
Execute program code from Write Only Memory!
Execute program code from Write Only Memory.
Execute program:  (G)un (K)nife (E)lectric Chair (H)ang (A)bort
Execute program: (G)un (K)nife (E)lectric Chair (H)ang (A)bort.
Executing BOZO.COM..DUH YUP OK  UH  1 no 4 no 3,000,000 bytes free.
Executing SENILE.COM ..... ERROR: Out of Memory.
Executive ability is prominent in your make-up.
Executives DO IT in three piece suits.
Executives do it in three piece suits.
Executives have large staffs.
Exercise ? I would rather be space walking !
Exercise before kinky sex - be fit to be tied!
Exercise before kinky sex - you should be fit to be tied
Exercise before kinky sex . . . be fit to be tied.
Exercise before sex. . . be fit to be tied.
Exercise daily, Eat wisely, Die anyway!
Exercise daily, eat wisely, don't smoke. Die anyway.
Exercise daily. Eat wisely. Die anyway. SMOKE & DIE SOONER!
Exercise is anything that makes you breath hard.
Exercise on Wheels: Cy Kling
Exercise on Wheels: by Cy Kling
Exercise that changes your life...walking down the aisle
Exercise your right to arm and keep bears!
Exercise your right to dream.
Exercise your tranquility. - Collective Soul
Exercise, Don't smoke, Die anyway!
Exercise, eat right, and die anyway.
Exercise, eat well, be smoke-free; die a miserable death anyway.
Exercise?  We are familiar with the theory. . .
Exercise? I would rather be space walking!
Exhaustion error:  DOS is too tired to boot.
Exhaustion error: DOS is too tired to boot.
Exhibitionist: a person who strips without any preliminary teasing.
Exhibitionists love Windows
Exhilarating, isn't it? Kruge to Kirk
Existance is not only temporary, its pointless. Calvin
Existence cannot be without them.
Existence is my life.
Existence is not only temporary, its pointless. - Calvin
Existential hard drive engaged:  think ENTER.
Existential vacuum?  Does it come with attachments?
Existentialism - What is **** anyway?
Existentialism elevates chronic anxiety to the metaphysical.
Existentialism is dead - and I can prove it!
Existentialist do it because  fish
Existentialist map: says YOU ARE HERE all over.
Existentialists do it alone.
Existentially speaking of course.
Exit 'Loons On The Tree'.
Exit left to Funway.
Exit time is inversely proportional to distance from door.
Exlax - Chocolate a-go-go
Exlax...formerly Los Angeles International Airport.
Exlax:  The chocolate candy that gives you that get up and go feeling!
Exotic Gypsy Caught in Fire: Rare Medium Well-done  <-| 1995 Gary Carter
Exotic Gypsy Caught in Fire: Rare Medium Well-done.
Exotic Irish Plants: Phil O'Dendron
Exotic Irish Plants: by Phil O'Dendron
Exotic Psychic caught in fire:  Rare Medium Well-Done
Exotic psychic caught in fire: Rare medium well-done.
Exotic, erotic and just a little psychotic!
Exotic, erotic and just a wee bit psychotic.
Exotic, erotic, and just a little psychotic...
Exotic: crazy with a pierced nose.
Exp Level don't count when yer dead.
Expand your horizons - move to a bigger planet.
Expand your mind.  Eat gifted children.
Expand your mind; send it to space.
Expand your vocabulary. Page a Sysop at 3:00 A.M.
Expandeloping: Blowing into the open edge of an envelope.
Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.
Expect no fairness where my vital interests are concerned.
Expect nothing; be prepared for anything.  -- Samurai saying
Expect some real data soon, by message, probably.
Expect the best of a man and he will become the best.
Expect the quest to break your heart at least once.
Expect the quest to break your heart at least once. <D Carradine>
Expect the unexpected.
Expect the worst, it's the least you can do.
Expect the worst. Merely bad will be an improvement.
Expect to win.
Expectations are the death of serenity.
Expelled Harriet Tubman High, 1974 - Tom on TV's Frank
Expenditures rise to meet income.
Expenditures tend to rise to surpass all income.
Expense Accounts, n.: Corporate food stamps.
Expensive imported beer is good for the sole.
Expensive imported beer is good for the soul.
Expensive silk ties attract spaghetti sauce.
Experiance is the comb life ves you after you're bald.
Experience comes from bad judgment. - Mark Twain.
Experience comes with bad judgement.
Experience enables you recognize a mistake when you make it again.
Experience is a comb that nature gives us when we are bal
Experience is a dear teacher, but a fool will learn at the hand of no other.
Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other.
Experience is a good teacher but her fees are high
Experience is a good teacher, but very expensive.
Experience is a school where a man learns what a big fool he's been.
Experience is directly proportional to equipment ruined.
Experience is directly proportional to mistakes made
Experience is directly proportional to mistakes.
Experience is directly proportional to ruined equipment.
Experience is directly proportional to ruined equipment? <<Hope Not!>>
Experience is directly proportional to the amount of equipment ruined.
Experience is finding mistakes you make again
Experience is knowing a lot of things All shouldn't do again.
Experience is knowing a lot of things you shouldn't do again.
Experience is knowledge ... everything else is information ...
Experience is nothing but a lot of mistakes, mishaps, missteps.
Experience is nothing but a lot of mistakes.
Experience is nothing but a lot of mistakes.....
Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing.
Experience is proportional to the amount of gear ruined
Experience is required in making anything except mistakes.
Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. -- Olivier
Experience is something you don't get, 'til you need it most
Experience is something you get after you need it.
Experience is something you get just after you need it.
Experience is the best teacher but the tuition is costly.
Experience is the comb life gives you after you're bald.
Experience is the comb life gives you after you've lost your hair.
Experience is the comb that Nature gives us when we are bald.
Experience is the name everyone gives their mistakes.
Experience is the name everyone gives to his mistakes.
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
Experience is the name given by men to their mistakes.
Experience is the only prophecy of wise men.
Experience is the thing you have left when everything else is gone.
Experience is usually the result of bad judgement.
Experience is what allows us to keep messing up without blushing.
Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.
Experience is what you get after you need it
Experience is what you get after you need it!
Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want!
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted.
Experience is what you get when you were expecting something else.
Experience is what you got when you didn't get what you wanted.
Experience isn't everything. First, You've got to survive
Experience teaches only the teachable. - Aldous Huxley
Experience teaches only the teachable. -- A. Huxley
Experience teaches us at the expense of our illusions.
Experience the Aliementary Canal in action! - Tom
Experience the cleansing power of blasphemy....
Experience the joy of giving and receiving - Masturbate!
Experience the unique cleansing power of blasphemy.
Experience to extremes.
Experience varies directly with equipment ruined.
Experience varies directly with the amount of equipment ruined.
Experience varies directly with the equipment ruined.
Experience, the name given by men to their mistakes.
Experience, the name given by men to their mistakes. - L. Long
Experience, the name given by men to their mistakes. - Lazar
Experience.n: What you get when you were expecting something else.
Experience:  What you get when you don't get what you want
Experience:  What you get when you don't get what you want.
Experience: Enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
Experience: Knowing a lot of things you shouldn't do again.
Experience: Recognizing a mistake when you do it again.
Experience: What you get just after you need it!
Experience: When you can read sentences typed in high ASCII!!
Experience: a name everyone gives to his mistakes.
Experience: what you get when you don't get what you want
Experiencing Synoptical Difficulties, Please Stand By.
Experiencing Tagline difficulties, please stand by.
Experiencing recipe difficulties, please stand by.
Experiencing synaptical difficulties, please stand by...
Experiencing tagline diddiculties. ... Please stand by.
Experiencing tagline difficulties ... Please stand by ...
Experiencing tagline difficulties, please stand by.
Experiencing temporary synaptical difficulties,  Please stand by...
Experiment #1: Four legged cats are hard to catch.
Experiment #5: Cats without legs are easier to bathe.
Experiment #6:  Three-legged cats will not walk in circles.
Experiment #7:  Two-legged cats are slower than Three-legged cats.
Experiment #8:  One-legged cats are easier to throw.
Experiment #9: Cats without legs never land on all fours.
Experimental Tagline. Please do not read.
Experimental Tagline:  Copy at your own risk.
Experimentation is the mother of confusion.
Experimenters R Us!
Experiments should be reproducable - they should all fail the same way
Experiments should be reproducable, they should all fail in the same w
Experiments should be reproducable.
Experiments should be reproducible - they should all fail in the same way.
Experiments should be reproducible.  They should all fail the same way.
Experiments show that dead puppies aren't much fun.
Experiments that failed too many times
Expert - Someone who knows less, but makes more money.
Expert - anyone from out of town.
Expert - knows tomorrow why today's prediction failed.
Expert = one who has made all the mistakes... and *remembers them* Food
Expert systems are built to embody the knowledge of human experts.  - Kulawiec
Expert(n): EX = Has been. sPERT = Drip under pressure.
Expert, n.: Someone who comes from out of town and shows slides.
Expert--anyone from out of town.
Expert--knows tomorrow why today's prediction failed.
Expert:  A person who's made all the mistakes which can be made.
Expert:  An unknown drip under pressure.
Expert:  Avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy.
Expert:  One who knows more and more about less and less.
Expert: "ex"=a has-been. "spert"=a drip under pressure.
Expert: An unknown drip under pressure.
Expert: Some unknown drip under pressure.
Expert: Someone from out of town. With a modem.
Expert: Someone who knows less, but makes more money.
Expert: Someone with a briefcase, more than 20km from home.
Expert: someone from out of town.
Expertise at Macintosh is not expertise at all.
Experts agree: EVERYTHING IS FINE ..
Experts are people called in at the last minute to share the blame.
Experts built the Titanic, amateurs built the Arc.
Experts built the Titanic, amateurs built the Ark!
Experts tell you what can't be done and why.  - Heinlein
Expiring minds want to know!
Explain "counter-clockwise" to someone with a digital watch.
Explain a slide rule to today's youth.
Explain counter clockwise to a person with a digital watch.
Explain counter clockwise to someone with a digital watch!!
Explain counter-clockwise to someone with a digital watch
Explain counter-clockwise to someone with a digital watch.
Explain the Bermuda Triangle?  Elvis needs boats!
Explain the Bermuda triangle?  Elvis needs boats!!
Explain what? We never said that! * TNG writers t-shirt
Explaining Death to kids makes threats more effective.
Explaining it Better: Clara Fie
Explaining it Better: by Clara Fie
Explaining science to a fundy is like spitting on a fish.
Explaining the Unknown by means of the Unobservable!
Explaining the Unkown by means of the Unobservable!.
Explanation of Bitch= Beautiful,Intelligent,Talented,Charming,Horny!
Expletive Deleted
Explode into pieces, you source code -- Asreil, programme
Exploding Piglet Falls Out Stupid Window...GIF   11
Exploding Piglet Falls Out Stupid Window...GIF at 11.
Exploding WP 51 Falls Out Of WindowsGIF at 11
Exploding Windows ... GOOD Exploding Drives ... NOT GOOD!!
Exploding Windows....GOOD Exploding Drives......NOT GOOD!
Exploding Windows....GOOD Exploding Drives......NOT GOOD!!
Exploding piglets!!!  My god, it's raining bacon!
Exploding piglets!!!  OH my, it's raining bacon!
Exploding piglets!!! By golly it's raining bacon.
Exploding piglets!!! My god, it's raining bacon.
Exploding windows, great.  Exploding drives, not so great.
Exploding windows..great..Exploding drives..not so great.
Exploding wizard falls from tower - .GIF at 11
Explore the galaxy, meet new alien races, blow them up!
Explore the galaxy, meet strange new alien races, blow them up!
Explorer: A hobo with experience.
Exploring The Dutch Frontier: Will Der Ness
Exploring The Dutch Frontier: by Will Der Ness
Exploring the Past to make a better Future.
Explosion Rocks Kitchen!  Cat Claims Innocence!
Explosion at Kodak - no film at 11.
Explosion at sperm bank!  Nurses overcome.
Explosion at sperm bank.  Nurses overcome.
Explosion at sperm bank.  Nurses overcome.
Explosive (And Messy) Giant Space Hamster.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal:  If you see me running, CATCH UP!
Explosive decompression sucks.
Explosive when wet
Explosives Made Easy - by Stan Wellback
Export part or all the tagline database to ASCII text file.
Export this message for future reference.
Exported VIA Messenger:
Expose yourself to a Photographer !
Expose' "Pillsbury Doughboy is really a Tart"  National Inquirer.
Express elevator to hellgoin' down! <Hudson>
Express email - e.xpress
Express individuality. Write a tagline!!                              ~
Express your elf!
Express yourself more forcefully. Get a gun!
Express yourself with Blue Wave, not with silver!
Express yourself with Blue Wave... it's the only way to go!
Express yourself with Blue Wave....It's one of the many ways to do it!
Express yourself with Blue Waveit's the only way to go!
Express yourself with Silver, don't be wet with Blue Wave!
Expresshole:  One who enters the Express line with more than 9 items.
Expressions that sound dirty, Frosting the Pastry.
Expressowe: New and faster ways to render credit cards into molten slag.
External ROM checksum incorrect.  ROM address=C000H.
External Storage - A wastebasket.
External Storage - Waste basket.
External Storage - Wastebasket.
External Storage:  A wastebasket.
External Storage:  A wastebasket...
Extinct is forever
Extinct owl species: When, Where, How, Why, What.
Extinct species will never be Born Again.
Extinction is the ultimate fate of all species.
Extinction: Nature's way of erasing mistakes.
Extortion is illegal.  The Government hates competition.
Extra Credit:  Define the universe and give three examples.
Extra Credit: Define the universe. Give 3 examples.
Extra credit. - Dot
Extra mayo is irrelevant... Our way, right away at Borger King now!
Extra pickles.  A warrior's condiment!  --Worf
Extra! Extra!.. Framer Bill dies in house.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Extraordinary hardware demands extraordinary care.
Extraordinary how potent cheap music is.
Extravagance:  The way other people spend money.
Extreme feminine beauty is always disturbing.
Extreme feminine beauty is always disturbing. - Spock
Extreme sorrow laughs; extreme joy weeps.
Extreme torture with only the promise of a hideous death for comfort!
Extremely warm huggings... flame throwers and the like...
Extremism in anything is. Just extremism.
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice!
Extremities where I can see them! - Odo
Extropian and Proud.
Extruded plastic dingus! - Tom
Extrusion,   Science,   Art, and   luck
Extrusion, « Science, « Art, and « luck
Exxon - greasing the coastline for smoother boating!
Exxon - greasing the coastline for smoother sailing.
Exxon Captain said, I wanted to impress Jodie Foster.
Exxon Suxx.
Eye Con: (n) Person able to make direct visual contact while lying.
Eye con: (v) Game two people play across a crowded room.
Eye contact makes me horny
Eye fink oll English teecherz ar stoopid jurx.
Eye h8 Bevis and Butt Head cuz dey cant spel...?
Eye haight thowz hoo kant spel.
Eye jest live a spill choker, donut ewe?
Eye of Newt, Toe of Frog, and a side of fries, Please.
Eye of Newt...Toe of Frog...Blood of Eisner...[CENSORED!] of Barney...
Eye of gnat, tail of cat, where's that dam bug at?
Eye of gnat, tail of cat, where's that damn bug at?
Eye of gnat, tail of cat, where's that damned bug at?
Eye of gnat, tail of cat, where's that darn bug at?
Eye of newt, Toe of frog, and a side order of fries please!
Eye of newt, toe of frog and a side order of fries please
Eye of newt, toe of frog, & a side of fries, please
Eye of newt, toe of frog, and a side of fries, please.
Eye of newt, toe of frog, and a side order of fries
Eye of newt, toe of frog, and a side order of fries.
Eye of newt, toe of frog, brain of Michael, and spleen of dog.
Eye of newt, toe of frog, brain of Nancy, and spleen of dog.
Eye of newt, toe of frog, brain of Orville, and spleen of dog.
Eye of newt, toe of frog, brain of Tracy, and spleen of dog.
Eye of newt, toe of frog, dash of vermouth
Eye of newt... Toe of frog... Blood of Wesley... Tongue of Barney...
Eye of newt... Toe of frog... Tongue of Barney...
Eye of newtToe of frogTongue of Barney
Eye of the tiger, Bart! --Bart Simpson.
Eye witnesses were on the scene in minutes.
Eyeing little girls with bad intent - Jethro Tull
Eyeing little girls with bad intent, heh.
Eyeing little girls with bad intent... <TULL<
Eyeing little girls with bad intent...Yup, that's Barney!
Eyes are the window to the soul . . .
Eyes forward, Fox! -Falco
Eyes like candy, it has eyes like candy
Eyes of sex ruins your lack.
Eyes open, mouth shut, safety off.
Eyes without life... these words are pleasing to me.
Eying little girls with bad intent...Yup, that's Barney!
Ez-reader on day off...the joys of June
Ezz beeg troble for moose and squirrel.
Ezz beeg trouble for Grant and kids... -Jurassic Borg
Ezz beeg trouble for moose and squirrel..
e doesn't have a hot body, he's anatomically gifted
e is quoted exactly as I recieved it...
e who dies with the most toys is dead.
e<**B010000012f4ced... Not NOW, stupid!
e-mail OJ.SIMPSON@LAJAIL.COM for lawyer referrals.
e-mail...bathroom graffiti on the Net.
e. Murphy's agnostic law: If anything can go wrong, i
e. e. cumming does it with ease.
e.bola...email with virus attached.
e.snail...E-mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service.
eHpl ! Imat arppdei sndi eht eED-C20
e^i*PI + 1 = 0 : says it all really.
eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside... (Twain)
eaten all up! I am Scooby of Borg. Reware roo re arrimirated, Raggy!
ebius . This is a moebius . This is a mo ...
ebius recipe. This is a moebius recipe. This is a mob
ebius tagline. This is a moebius tagline. This is a mo ..
ebius tagline. This is a moebius tagline. This is a mo ...
ebius tagline. This is a moebius tagline. This is a mob
echo "This is not a pipe." | cat - >/dev/tty
echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc
echo 3 to echo 7, @F ol' buddy, you read me?
edis gnorw eht morf siht ta gnikool era uoY
eenk ym no enilgaT a htiw amabalA morf emoc I
efficient solution
efined in the reader's SETUP menu (used as an alternate way to select
egagguL noIrrac hTiW yLf ylNo serutlUv
einy meiny meiny moe  .  .  .  DAMN, I shoulda picked the other one...
either, and DON'T wannabe], I'm making *YOU* the first person to
eject...eject...eject...flameout ! ...
electric chair:  A device where a switch in time saves crime.
electroshock:  The effect of a utility bill.
email-liame...email with return postage.
ember when the air was clean and sex was dirty?
emember, only left-handed people are in their right mind.
employees. Microsoft's beta testers:  the buying public!
enilgat oediv esreveR
enough about me.  What do YOU think about me? :)
eoT-caT-ciT...scixelsyd rof emaG.
er... uh... um, Resistance is er, futile...um, er. -- Barclay of Borg
erotic aneurysm         why it blew, of course
error 604: error loading error file
error no 21. Phonebill not paid, no Dialtone.
eruhum, Resistance is er, futile...um, er. -  Barclay of Borg
eu nao vou mandar tagline porque voces roubam tudo.
even a sharp sword can't cut the wet off water
even if I only did sleep 5 hours....
even in our own world, sometimes we are aliens.
even when i'm with you i'm so far away
ever heckled during a eulogy.
ever since I got my mind back I've been doing some thinking- Arthur
everyone i know all goes away in the end
everything I never liked about you is kind of seeping into me
everything is proceeding as I have forseen
everything's blue in this world the deepest shade of mushroom blue
everything's proceeding as we have forseen.
everythings still chipping away but it doesn't matter anymore
evird drah ym pukcab nac I won...esrever dnuof ev'I
ex-PC:  Once you've switched to DMing, you'll never go back.
except for the smell of ON-TOPIC posts ...
exiting pontification mode..
experience comes from bad judgement.    Mark Twain
experts. Running Windows?! Of course I'#%^# NO CARRIER
explain counter clockwise to one with a digital watch.
explain: the simplest way to serve eggs
explanation for the remaining 1/4. ;-}
extraneous text! ... You may find (as I have) that Ron Janorkar's Tag-X
e|ae.~}++o~   ua?o<P...Just kidding, your modem's OK.

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca