H  *  H  H  H  H   <- Tribble Olympics: Hurdles
H * A * P * P * Y    H * O * L * I * D * A * Y * S
H - E - L - P  is on its way ...
H A P P Y     H O L I D A Y S     T O     Y O U ,   T O O ! ! !
H A P P Y   T H A N K S G I V I N G !
H I M O T U V W X Y...Letters that read right in a mirror.
H is for HasturAUGHHHmmpmpffff......   
H is for Hernandez, the original name for Yar
H lp!  S m b d  st l  ll th  v w ls fr m m  k yb  rd!
H y! Wh r  did my   k y go?
H y! Wh r  did my " " k y go?
H&K: In a world of compromise, some men don't...
H' An Bluid Faidir!
H*LL WITH THE EVIDENCE ...it's Politically Correct!
H*LL WITH THE EVIDENCE ...it's politically correct...
H-P = (H)ate (P)aper.
H-m-m, or was it unlock the safe then swim to the surface? - H. Houdini
H-m-m-m, looks like a typical, generic case of buffer barf!
H. DUMPTY - Rest in Peaces
H. Ross Peron for President in `96?  "Don't cry for me Texarkana"
H. Ross Perot, Presidential candidate (1992), was an Eagle Scout.
H. Ross Perot: Folksy billionaire or Ferengi in disguise? You decide.
H. YOUNGMAN - I Said, "My *Wife*
H.E.L.P. is on the way!
H.I.L.L.A.R.Y.: (H)usband (I)s (L)ying (L)ike (A) (R)ednecked (Y)okel
H.J. HEINZ - Gone With The Wind
H.M. QUEEN ELIZABETH II  -  My Pocketbook Stays On My Arm
H.M.O.: Hibbert Moneymaking Organization
H.R. Haldeman on Drums! - Mike
H0H 0H0:  Santa's postal code at the North Pole.
HA HA If the telephone system only knew what I was do(&$#$^ NO CARRIER
HA HAH HA HAH HAH <SMACK< ... oof ...
HA HAH HA HAH HAH <SMACK< ... oof ...
HA you don't remember your own name most the time!
HA!  I kill me!
HA! Difference between a virus & windows? Viruses never fail.
HA! I kill me!
HA! _I'm_ just finishing up a port of VMS for my Timex Sinclair! Top THAT!
HABIT, n.  A shackle for the free.
HAC: Hold All Calls
HACF: Halt And Catch Fire
HACK and you shall receive.
HACKERS DO IT with firmware.
HACKERS appreciate virtual dresses
HACKERS appreciate virtual dresses.
HACKERS are I/O experts
HACKERS avoid deadly embrace
HACKERS avoid deadly embrace.
HACKERS discover the powers of two
HACKERS do it a little bit
HACKERS do it a little bit.
HACKERS do it absolutely
HACKERS do it all night
HACKERS do it at link time
HACKERS do it attached
HACKERS do it automatically
HACKERS do it bottom up
HACKERS do it bug-free
HACKERS do it by the numbers
HACKERS do it concurrently
HACKERS do it conditionally
HACKERS do it detached
HACKERS do it digitally
HACKERS do it discretely
HACKERS do it during PM
HACKERS do it during downtime
HACKERS do it efficiently
HACKERS do it faster
HACKERS do it forever even when they're not supposed to
HACKERS do it globally
HACKERS do it globally.
HACKERS do it graphically
HACKERS do it immediately
HACKERS do it in O(n log n)
HACKERS do it in a HRRI
HACKERS do it in batches
HACKERS do it in dumps
HACKERS do it in less space
HACKERS do it in libraries
HACKERS do it in loops
HACKERS do it in parallel
HACKERS do it in stacks
HACKERS do it in the microcode
HACKERS do it in the software
HACKERS do it in trees
HACKERS do it in two states
HACKERS do it indirectly
HACKERS do it interactively
HACKERS do it iteratively
HACKERS do it loaded
HACKERS do it locally
HACKERS do it locally.
HACKERS do it randomly
HACKERS do it recursively
HACKERS do it reentrantly
HACKERS do it relocatably
HACKERS do it sequentially
HACKERS do it synchronously
HACKERS do it top down
HACKERS do it with DDT
HACKERS do it with all sorts of characters
HACKERS do it with bugs
HACKERS do it with computers
HACKERS do it with demons
HACKERS do it with editors
HACKERS do it with editors.
HACKERS do it with fewer instructions
HACKERS do it with high priority
HACKERS do it with insertion sorts
HACKERS do it with interrupts
HACKERS do it with key strokes
HACKERS do it with open windows
HACKERS do it with phantoms
HACKERS do it with quick sorts
HACKERS do it with recursive descent
HACKERS do it with side effects
HACKERS do it with simultaneous access
HACKERS do it with slaves
HACKERS do it with their fingers
HACKERS do it with words
HACKERS do it without a net
HACKERS do it without arguments
HACKERS do it without detaching
HACKERS do it without proof of termination
HACKERS do it without protection
HACKERS do it without you even knowing it
HACKERS don't do it -- they're hacking all the time
HACKERS get off on tight loops
HACKERS get off on tight loops.
HACKERS get overlaid
HACKERS have better software tools
HACKERS have better software tools.
HACKERS have faster access routines
HACKERS have good hardware
HACKERS have good hardware.
HACKERS have high bawd rates
HACKERS have high bod rates
HACKERS have high bod rates.
HACKERS have it where it counts
HACKERS have response time
HACKERS have response time.
HACKERS know all the right MOVs
HACKERS know what to diddle
HACKERS know what to diddle.
HACKERS make it quick
HACKERS multiply with stars
HACKERS multiply with stars.
HACKERS penetrate further.
HACKERS stay logged in longer
HACKERS stay logged in longer.
HACKERS stay up longer
HACKERS stay up longer.
HACKERS take big bytes
HAH: Halt And Hang
HAHAHA!  *gulp*  Er...hehehe...nice dress, Mr. Worf.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA--oops, I covered up the funny tagline!
HAIR STYLISTS are shear pleasure
HAIR STYLISTS are shear pleasure.
HAIRDRESSERS give the best blow jobs
HAIRDRESSERS give the best blow jobs.
HAIRDRESSERS give the best blow-jobs.
HAIRSTYLE---That bizarre thing on your teenager's head.
HAL 9000, you're pretty drunk aren't you Dave?
HAL 9000-Dave. Put down those Windows disks. Please Dave.
HAL 9000: "Help me, Dave. I can't run under Windows ... Dave!"
HAL 9000: "Help me, Dave. I can't run under Windows, Dave
HAL 9000: Dave, put down those Windows disks. Dave. DAVE NO!!!
HAL 9000: Dave.  Put down those Windows disks, Dave.  DAVE!
HAL 9000: Dave. Put down those Windows disks. Dave. DAVE!
HAL 9000: Help me, Dave. I can't run under Windows, Dave.
HAL started out as a moderator
HAL, open the pod bay doors or else I'll run Windows!
HAL, read my lips, O_P_E_N    T_H_E     P_O_D     B_A_Y     D_O_O_R_S_!
HAL, we're going to make you IBM compatible.
HAL, you are full of carpal !
HAL-386: Dave. Put down those Windows disks. Please Dave.
HAL-PC is the user group for me.
HAL: "You're pretty pissed, aren't you, Dave?"
HAL: Dave, put down those Windows disks. Dave. Da...
HAL: Murder Operator
HALLOWEEN TAGLINE: Gimme all your goodies!
HALLOWEEN activates Oct 31st
HAM OPERATORS do it with a meat slicer (butchers).
HAM OPERATORS do it with frequency
HAM OPERATORS do it with more frequency.
HAM OPERATORS do it with more frequency.   
HAM RADIO OPERATORS do it till their GigaHertz
HAM RADIO OPERATORS do it with higher frequency
HAM RADIO OPERATORS do it with more frequency
HAM on rye...a drunken radio operator!
HAMLET:  (to_be || !to_be) == question;
HAMLET: A small pig.
HAMMY + BITCOM + EDLIN = A better smoke than DSZ
HAMS DO IT around the world.
HAMS do it in Magahurtz!
HAMS do it in Megahertz!
HAMS do it til their MegaHertz!
HAMS do it till their MegaHertz!
HAMS do it until it Hz!
HANDJOB..Manual labour
HANDLE WITH EXTREME CARE:  This Amiga contains minute
HANDYMEN PERFORM odd jobs around the house.
HANDYMEN do it with their tools.
HANDYMEN do it with whatever is available
HANDYMEN like good screws
HANDYMEN like good screws.
HANDYMEN like good screws.   
HANDYMEN like to pound it in.
HANG-GLIDERS do it in the air
HANGING - An early Western form of bungee jumping.
HANGING - An early form of bungee jumping, practiced in the old west.
HANGING - v. An early Western form of bungee jumping.
HANGING: An early form of bungee jumping, practiced in the old west.
HANGNAIL:  where to put your coat
HANGOVER.EXE found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)pew, (O)h Sh**!
HAPRD; Had a perfectly rotten day.
HARD DISK : Definitely not for beginners.
HARD DISK = Place where vast amounts of data are lost
HARD DRIVE - A car trip over bad roads.
HARDEEHAR     Here's a really dumb euphemism hardly anyone reads.
HARDWARE HACKERS are a charge.
HARDWARE HACKERS do it closely coupled
HARDWARE HACKERS do it electrically
HARDWARE HACKERS do it intermittently
HARDWARE HACKERS do it noisily
HARDWARE HACKERS do it on a bus
HARDWARE HACKERS do it over a wide temperature range
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with bus drivers
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with charge
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with charge.
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with connections
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with emitter-coupled logic
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with female banana plugs
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with male connectors
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with maximum ratings
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with power
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with power.
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with resistance
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with transceivers
HARDWARE HACKERS do it with uncommon emitters into open collectors
HARDWARE HACKERS have faster rise times
HARDWARE HACKERS have sensitive probes
HARDWARE HACKERS have sensitive probes.
HARDWARE HACKERS like to finger the mainframe.
HARDWARE buffs do it in nanoseconds
HARDWARE designers' performance is hardware dependant
HARDWARE designers' performance is hardware dependent.
HARDWARE: The parts of a computer that can be kicked.
HARDWARE: n. The part you kick.
HARPISTS do it by pulling strings
HARPISTS do it by pulling strings.
HARRY SECOMBE - Goon But Not Forgotten
HARSH REALM: Coming soon
HATCHET, n.  A young axe, known among Indians as a Thomashawk.
HATE is a 4 letter word, Gay is not!
HAUNTED FOREST                  Witches Castle 1 Mile -->
HAWAIIANS do it volcanicly
HAWAIIANS do it volcanicly.
HAY! It's the last STRAW! - Tom on haystack
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS : What man has created man must now control.
HBT: Harvest Binary Tree
HBW: Hang Bus and Wait
HCF  Halt & Catch Fire  (Irish Assembler)
HCF: Halt and Catch Fire
HCFI: Halt and Catch Fire Immediate
HCI -- (H)elp for the (C)riminally (I)nclined
HCI lied.
HCI stands for Help Crime Increase!
HCP: Hide Central Processor
HCRS: Hang in CRitical Section
HD Crash: (P)anic, (S)uicide, (K)ill bystanders?
HD FAILURE: C)old Boot W)arm Boot S)teel-toe Boot?
HD Recovery: see online documentation....
HD failure:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (N)egotiate, (C)ry
HD failure:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (N)egotiate, (P)lead, (B)eg
HD failure: (A)bort (R)etry (N)egotiate (B)eg
HD failure: (A)bort (R)etry (N)egotiate (C)ry
HDH: Hi Dee Ho
HDO: Halt and Disable Operator
HDRW: Halt and Display Random Word
HDS, got a package people! - Ace Ventura
HE AIN'T HEAVY--HE'S MY BROTHER's aunt's sister's husband.
HE doesn't work, but he's pretty ugly.
HE won't be back next week - Crow on explosion victim
HEADACHE(n): early form of birth control
HEADLIGHTS: Das Dippendontdazzelubasted
HEADLINE! OJ is acquitted...asks Judge Ito for his bloody glove back.
HEADLINE:  Aliens Invaded Los Angeles (And No One Noticed)
HEADLINE:  Autos killing 110 a day, let's resolve to do better
HEADLINE:  California Raisins Murdered.  Cereal Killer Suspected.
HEADLINE:  Milk drinkers are turning to powder
HEADLINE:  Something went wrong in jet crash, experts say
HEADLINE: Check with Doctors before getting sick.
HEADLINE: Experts test 16,000 condoms.
HEADLINE: Foot doctor accused of sucking patient's toe.
HEADLINE: Missing turtle turns up after 13 years.
HEADLINE: President & VP change names back to Beavis & Butthead.
HEADLINE: President & VP change names back to Bill Beavis & Al Butthead.
HEADLINE: President and VP change names back to Beavis and Butthead.
HEADLINE: Sadness is #1 reason men and women cry.
HEADLINE: Voters to decide whether to vote!
HEADLINE: Woman unsure how she sat on pork chop bone.
HEADLINER: Elvis seen with Nicole Simpson at donut shop.
HEADQUARTERS controls it.
HEADQUARTERS knows nothing about it.
HEALTH TIP #1: Never Agree to Trading Stools in a Gay Bar!
HEALTH WARNING: Product weight depends on its velocity.
HEALTHY GOOBER: A dead patient.
HEARING AIDS: What you get from phone sex
HEARSE, n.  Death's baby-carriage.
HEAVY METAL:  Codpiece and chaps
HEBREW - the **MANLY** beer!
HEDGEHOGS do it cautiously
HEDGEHOGS do it with a 1000 pricks.
HEEEEEEEEYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need more tagline spa
HEINZ does it with great relish
HEINZ does it with great relish.
HEISENBERG - I may or may not be here.
HEISENBURG probably did it.
HELICOPTER PILOTS do it while hovering
HELICOPTER PILOTS do it while hovering.
HELICOPTER PILOTS do it with autorotation
HELL (n): Backing up a 600 meg drive with 360K floppies.
HELL (n): Backing up a gigabyte HD with 360k floppies.
HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!! (It snowed at school today.)
HELL HAS JUST FROZEN OVER:  It snowed at school today.
HELL WITH THE EVIDENCE ...it's Politically Correct!
HELL:  (n) Backing up a 600Mbyte HD with 360Kbyte floppies
HELL:  Maintaining Santa Claus's database.
HELL:  [n] Backing up a 600Mbyte HD with 360Kbyte floppies...
HELL: Maintaining Santa Claus's database.
HELL: Writing a MOD player in Fortran.
HELLER'S LAW:  The first myth of management is that it exists.
HELLLLLPPPPPP!!! - Dr. Forrester screams
HELLLP, I've fallen and I can't.......Hey! Nice Carpet!!
HELLO HELLO HELLO  hmmmm must be that darn ECHO again...
HELLO Hello helloIs there anybody OUT there?
HELLO, ST. LOUIS! That's Springfield, Steven. Uh yeah, right.
HELLO, everybody, I'm a HUMAN!!
HELLO.......hello.......IS THERE ANYONE THERE......is there anyone there
HELLOOOO, Pixie! - Wakko
HELP !  I'm trapped inside a Chinese modem factory...#$%@& - NO CARRIER
HELP ! I've fallen and can't remember where
HELP COMMAND: Shake monitor violently to correct mistake
HELP ME . . . I've fallen and I can't reach my lawyer!
HELP!  HELP!  The moderators are after me!
HELP!  I'm being held captive in a tagline factory!
HELP!  I'm lost in my computer and can't get out!
HELP!  I've R'edOTFALMAO and I can't get up or find my A!
HELP!  I've crashed...AND I CAN'T BOOT UP!
HELP!  I've fallen and I can't get up!  (Nice carpet!)
HELP!  Protect America's children, soil, and water today.
HELP! <click> I've FALLEN...and I <BANG>...
HELP! - I've fallen and can't reach my beer!
HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!
HELP! HELP! The Moderators are after me!
HELP! I am being followed by Paranoids!
HELP! I can't reboot and Windows is cross-linking my hard drive!
HELP! I screwed up my girlfriend's Computer!
HELP! I'm being Qmailed to death.
HELP! I've callen and I can't hang up!
HELP! I've crashed ... AND I CAN'T BOOT UP!
HELP! I've fallen and I can't reach my beer!
HELP! I`m modeming and I can`t get up......!
HELP! It's dark in here Oh, my eyes were closed - sorry
HELP! My Hard Drive has fallen and I have no taglines!
HELP! My computer has a virus and NAV and CPAV are stupid!
HELP! My doctor just referred my case to Dr. Kevorkian!
HELP! My hard drive crashed & I can't boot up
HELP! PaPa Smurf In My CPU Died...
HELP! Protect America's children, soil, and water today.
HELP! The Blue Wave packet ate my DOG!
HELP! The Economy has fallen, and it can't get UP!
HELP!!  A virus ate all my taglines.
HELP!! I've fallen into my TRQ and can't read my way out!!!
HELP!! PaPa Smurf In My CPU Died...
HELP!!!  I'm a stolen Tagline!!!
HELP!!! I've fallen and I can't reach my beer !!
HELP!!! Mommy and Daddy are ruining the country! - Chelsea Clinton
HELP!!! The Ferengi stole my tagline database!!!
HELP!!!! This computer is taking over my life!!!!
HELP, HELP The KOTEX is on fire! TAMP ON it!!
HELP, HELP, the moderators are after me.
HELP, I'm being held prisoner by this BBS.
HELP, I'm being held prisoner by this Tagline Conference.
HELP.. I need a recipe. HELP.. Not just any recipe.
HELP.. I need a tagline.  HELP.. Not just any tagline.
HELP.. I need a tagline. HELP.. Not just any tagline.
HELP....my dog is licking my toes.
HELP..I have fallen and I like it here!
HELP: Hinder Everyone with Little Productivity
HELP: Type 'No Help Available'
HEM: Hide Evidence of Malfunction
HEN PARTY A bunch of birds clucking about who is laying whom.
HENG          Huge Evil Nasty Grin
HENPECKED: A sterile husband afraid to tell his pregnant wife.
HENRY LUCE - Out of Time and Life
HEO: Halt and Execute Operator
HERC PILOTS deliver bigger loads.
HERE'S last month's phone bill! ...#$^ NO CARRIER
HEREDITY is okay until your children act like fools!
HERMITS do it alone
HERS(adj): pronounced "HIS"
HERS, pron.  His.
HESATO: Hamsters Earning Support Against Tribble Over-Awareness
HEWLETT PACKARD does it with precision
HEWLETT PACKARD does it with precision.
HEX:  What programmers put on software.
HEY BEAVIS! Type "deltree windows"
HEY CONGRESS! What ever happened to the Constitution?
HEY DOG!  Don't you pick up that !@#$*!?^%&@....<*BANG*>...NO TERRIER
HEY DOG! Don't bite that! ...<*BANG*>... NO TERRIER
HEY DOG! Don't you pick up that !@#$*!?^%&@....<*BANG*>...NO TERRIER.
HEY KID!  Pull my finger... go ahead! * Holiday tricks for Uncles*
HEY LOOK, Ifix xedthat    spaceb arprob lem. - oh da   mn.
HEY LOOK, Ifixxedthat spacebarproblem. ohdarn.
HEY YOU!!!!!!!!! STOP YELLING!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEY!  Don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers.
HEY!  I thought it was my turn to fire the missles!?!
HEY!  Just go on to the next message and no one gets hurt . . .
HEY!  Stop reading me!!!
HEY!  The taglines are down here!
HEY! I saw you snatch one of MY opinions! PUT IT BACK OR I'LL SHOOT!!!!!
HEY! I was just kiddi#*$#!^*UNO CARRIER
HEY! I'm heavily armed, bored, and off my medication!
HEY! Is this where you're supposed to put the tagline???
HEY! The movie's back on track! - Tom as girls wrestle
HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE????!!!!!!! - Timone
HEY! We have not ONCE ever boiled you in tar! - Dire Wolf
HEY! What is MY picture doing in YOUR wife's wallet, EH?!
HEY! What is your picture doing in my wife's wallet? !
HEY! Who's the <CENSORED> <CENSORED> who censored my <CENSORED> post?
HEY!!  Next time you wave, use ALL your fingers!
HEY!!  What's goin' on here?   Timon
HEY!! I don't bop 'em!! I club 'em! :) -Cain
HEY!!! I resemble that remark!
HEY!!!! Where's the bubblegum?!?!!!!
HEY, Get that cat off the keyboard!! fWqYSjhowur; u hd
HEY, Good L-double O-K-I-N-G!
HEY, who put the carpet tacks in my F*#$@NO CARRIER. - Lawrence Carter
HF's: Deterrent to receiving wanted and unwanted calls.
HF: Hide File
HGA: High Gain Antenna
HGD: Halt, Get Drunk
HHB: Halt and Hang Bus
HHG, more popular than Life Begins at Five Hundred Fifty.
HHGTTG: It must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
HHOJ    :Ha Ha, only joking
HHOK          Ha, Ha Only Kidding
HHOS    :Ha Ha, only serious
HHTYAY        Happy Holidays to You and Yours
HHeellpp!!  II''mm ssttuucckk iinn hhaallff--dduupplleexx
HHeellpp!! II''mm ssttuucckk iinn hhaallff dduupplleexx!!
HHeellpp.. II''mm ssttuucckk iinn hhaallff--dduupplleexx
HICK: A person who goes to a family reunion to meet girls
HICKEY..One of Walt Disney's cartoon mice
HIGH DENSITY : The office idiot on the roof.
HIGHWAY CODE: Der Wipen fur Arsen
HIHO AG: hi ho silver!
HIKERS do it naturally
HILLARY = H.ag I.s L.ooking L.ike A. R.ump of a Y.ak!!
HIMEM.SYS not found. Loading LOWMEM.SYS... Out of Memory...
HINDSIGHT ENGINEERING: We make tomorrow's mistakes today!
HIPHIPPO.SYS missing, <A>bort <R>etry <W>ho gives a s**t?
HIPHIPPO.SYS missing, <A>bort <R>etry <W>ho gives a sh!t?
HIPPO:Hippie International Political Party Organization.
HIRE A TEENAGER, while they still know everything!
HIS(n): Hers
HIS: Halt in Imposible State
HISTORIAN, n.  A broad-gauge gossip.
HISTORIANS do it for prosperity
HISTORIANS do it for prosperity.
HISTORIANS do it over long periods of time
HISTORIANS do it with dates.
HISTORIANS study who did it
HISTORIANS study who did it.
HISTORY:  Oldest program ever.
HIT them Mr Moderator - they are OFF TOPIC!
HITECH: High Technology.
HIV is a virus, Pat Robertson is a curse from God.
HIV is a virus; Jesse Helms is a curse from God. PROZAC is a BLESSING.
HIV is just a virus.  Rush Limbaugh is God's punishment
HIV/AIDS: Russian Roulette actually has better odds.
HKELLER.COM...Error: Cannot find SEEEYE.DOG.
HLLOWORL.CPP: 17 Errors, 31 Warnings....
HLVB          Hasta la Vista Baby
HMMMMM!!!....My kind of gal...
HMPH!!  Love indeed
HO!  <repeat three times>
HO!  <repeat three times<
HOBBITS do it only if it isn't dangerous
HOBBY:  Getting exhausted on your own time.
HOCKEY PLAYERS do it in 90 minutes.
HOCKEY PLAYERS do it with long, curved sticks.
HOCKEY PLAYERS do it; so what?
HOCKEY PLAYERS like to puck.
HOCKEY PLAYERS spend two minutes in the box.
HOCKEY PLAYERS use hard sticks.
HOCKEY-PLAYERS do it; so what?
HOCKEY: Female sex fantasies on ice!
HOCKEY: Term unknown, please define.
HOLD on..I hear you talking to me but no one is there!
HOLIDAY SEASON: Observed religiously by all at the mall of his choice.
HOLY CONDOMS BATMAN! Look at all those f*cking bad guys!
HOLY_SMOKE: Because fundies are funny!
HOME is where dad fixes stuff.
HOMEMADE = Another word for LOVE
HOMEOPATHS do it in potency.
HOMER (Homo Neanderthal'us)
HOMESCHOLARING...Our future depends on it!
HOMESEARCH:  Music from your home CD, coming from GSU.  When???????
HOMO..What black kids call each other in The `Hood
HOMOEOPATHIST, n.  The humorist of the medical profession.
HOMOPHOBIA is a social disease!
HONDA           Help Our National Debt Accumulate.
HONESTY(n): Fear of being caught
HONESTY(n): my irreverence to your 'deity'...
HONK if you have never seen an UZI fired from a Truck !
HONK! if you run OS/2!
HONKY: An impatient driver.
HOO: Hide Operator's Output
HOOTER ALERT! -- Bud Bundy
HOOTERS:  Delightfully tacky yet unrefined. - Clearwater, Florida
HOPE ain't in Arkansas.... It's in 1996!
HOPE, n.  Desire and expectation rolled into one.
HORN PLAYERS do it French style
HORN.CAR not responding. Using FINGER.WAV instead.
HORNY.COM invoked .... Lets Get Naked!
HORNY.COM invoked .Lets Git Naked.  Yo' Man!!
HOROSCOPE:  Someone will try to honk your nose today.
HORSEBACK RIDERS do it in the stable.
HORSEBACK RIDERS stay in the saddle longer
HORSEBACK RIDERS stay in the saddle longer.
HORSEBACK RIDERS stay in the saddle longer.   
HOSANNAH:  Lady firefighter mentioned in the bible.
HOSPITAL, Butthead! HOSPITAL! - Buzzcut
HOSPITALS! They clean you with alcohol, but make you drink water!
HOT AIR: A commodity monopolized by politicians & SciCre
HOTEL:  A place where traveling humans are parked at night. (Wings)
HOTELS: A place where traveling humans are parked at night. (Wings)
HOTELS: A place where travelling humans are parked at night. (Wings)
HOUDINI did it in a strait jacket.
HOUSE MUSIC:  OK as long as it's not the house next door.
HOUSE SEX***BEDROOM SEX***HALL SEX: the 3 stages of a marriage.
HOUSELESS, adj.  Having paid all taxes on household goods.
HOUSEWARMING:  Last call for wedding presents.
HOUSEWORK never killed anyone, but why take the chance!!
HOVEL, n.  The fruit of a flower called the Palace.
HOW   Honesty; Openness; Willingness.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Bill your doctor for time spent in waiting room.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Braid the hairs in each nostril.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Dance naked in front of your pets.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Drive to work in reverse.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Forget the diet center and send yourself candy.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Make up a language and ask people for directions.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Pay your electrical bill in pennies.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Polish your car with earwax.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Sit naked on a shelled hard boiled egg.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Tattoo Out to Lunch on your forehead.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Try popping popcorn without the lid.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, User your Mastercard to pay your Visa.
HOW TO BEAT STRESS, Write a short story using alphabet soup.
HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Drive to work in reverse.
HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Make up a language and ask people for directions.
HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Pay your electric bill in pennies.
HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Pop some popcorn without putting on the lid.
HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Tattoo Out To Lunch on your forehead.
HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Use your Mastercard to pay your Visa.
HOW TO HANDLE STRESS: Write a short story using alphabet soup.
HOW can I be OVERDRAWN if I still have CHEQUES left???
HOWARD STERN does it tastelessly.
HRC Plan: Take 2 pills and call me in 6 months.
HRPR: Hang up and Ruin Printer Ribbon
HS s riK BurwlL f tag-x O. h's t, im.
HS-Link:  Do unto others - bi-directionally!
HS/Link users get it coming and going!
HSC: Halt on System Crash
HSJ: Halt, Skip and Jump
HSJ: Hop, Skip and Jump
HSLink is like Madonna, goes both ways and chats!
HST is not dead, but it sure smells funny!
HTB Stress, Dance naked in front of your pets.
HTB Stress, Sit naked on a shelled hard boiled egg.
HTC: Halt and Toss Cookies
HTML...Hack This Mighty Language
HTML...Had Too Many Laptops
HTML...Had Too Much Love
HTML...Hail This Magic Look
HTML...Hail To Machine Logic
HTML...Half True Maybe Lying
HTML...Has The Mac Look
HTML...Hates The Mentally Lame
HTML...Heady Talk Minus Logic
HTML...Heavy Talk Made Light
HTML...Help The Monster Learn
HTML...Horrid Tedious Mental Logic
HTML...The Code of Champions.
HTS: Halt and Throw Sparks
HUAL: Halt Until After Lunch
HUBBLE SCIENTISTS: Maybe the Universe uses FUZZY logic!
HUFF! HUFF!! HUFF!!! and I'll Blow your House Down!!! Oh, never mind.
HUGH BEAUMONT died in 1982!
HUGO was a wimp compared to Desert Storm.
HULK-A-MANIA LIVES !!!  (In the minds of the mentally incompetent.)
HUMAN(n):semi-useful domestic animal;popular with cats.
HUMANS??????  WHERE?!?!?!?!? -- Batty
HUMBUG. An insect who'd sing, but doesn't know the words
HUMBUG. An insect who'd sing, but doesn't know the words.
HUMPTY DUMPTY - Rest In Pieces
HUMPTY DUMPTY [after a few days] - RIPe
HUNTERS do it in the bush
HUNTERS do it with a bang
HUNTERS do it with a bang.
HUNTERS do it with a bang.   
HUNTERS do it with a big gun
HUNTERS do it with a big gun.
HUNTERS eat what they shoot
HUNTERS eat what they shoot.
HUNTERS go deeper into the bush
HUP: Hang Up Phone
HURDLERS do it every 10 meters
HURRY, n.  The dispatch of bunglers.
HWP: Halt Without Provocation
HYBRD activates Friday 13th (1992)
HYBRID(n): a brid on drugs
HYBRID, n.  A pooled issue.
HYDRA, n. A kind of animal that ancients catalogued under many heads.
HYDRA:  [n] A kind of animal the ancients catalogued under many heads.
HYDROGEOLOGISTS do it till they're all wet
HYDROGEOLOGISTS do it till they're all wet.
HYMEN..Guys who do a lot of LSD
HYPERCARD == "Has Your Program Even Run?  Can't Always Read Docs!"
HYPERSPACE: For travellers sick of calculating Improbability Factors!
HYPERTRICHOLOGISTS do it with intensity
HYPERTRICHOLOGISTS do it with intensity.
HYPNOTISTS do it beguilingly.
Ha Ha .. only serious.
Ha bloody ha. :) - Digital Shakespeare
Ha ha. He's such a b@#&h! - Bart
Ha!  I don't even believe in the Grim Reap^%$# NO CARRIER
Ha! - Simba
Ha! Got you buddy!! I don't believe in the Grim Rea%$#% NO CARRIER
Ha! Ha!  You must be a shoe salesman!
Ha! King Booger! - Crow
Ha! Kiss my artificial fanny!  Data
Ha! They are all loonie, you see.  And I am their keeper.
Ha! and you thought you had heard them all!
Ha' ye nae learned, we HAVE no shame, here.
Ha, Ha, Ha, He's done it again!
Ha, Ha, Ha..! Ho, Ho, Ho..!  And a couple of Tra-La-La's.
Ha, ha, made you look!" -- John 3:16
Ha, she's probably shacked up with some new pair of tights already.-BA
Ha. Ha. Ha. Ah, the antics - Tom, sarcastically
Ha. Ha. Ha....JERK! - Crow
Ha. Ha. Yours Truly, Crow TEEE Robot - Crow
Ha. I swear, Monty, you are the devil himself. Who told you!?
HaHaHa! Yuk, Yuk. Snort. Harumph.
HaHaHaHaHaHa..my eyes are filled with tears.
HaS anYonE SeEn mY CaPLocKs KEy?
Hab-Haters of Canada. I'm not only a client, I'm also the President.
Hab-Lovers of the USA. I'm not only a fan, I'm the President.
Habanero.  Much hotter.
Habit is stronger than reason. - George Santayana
Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables.
Habitual flamers have uncontrolled vowel movements...
Habla Escargole...I'm Bilateral!
Hack and Slash into the Realms of Chaos
Hack first, ask questions later.
Hack, hack, hack, hack, eat, sleep.  Hack, Hack...
Hack?  I like to call it appropriate.....
Hacked version of ARJ241 is ARJ250.
Hacked version of AutoMenu. 4.8
Hacked version of BNU170 is BNU188B.
Hacked version of BNU170 is BNU202.
Hacked version of BiModem. 1.26
Hacked version of BitFax. ZipFax
Hacked version of Bluewave is BWAVE213..
Hacked version of FP-208A is FP-205.
Hacked version of K6DEMO is |ALIENS.
Hacked version of LHarc released as LHarc 1.14.
Hacked version of LHarc. LHarc 1.14, & LHice 1.14
Hacked version of Math Master MATHMSTR.*
Hacked version of PKL115 is PKLTE201.
Hacked version of PKZIP110 is PKZIP20B.
Hacked version of PKZIP110 is PKZIP_V2.EXE.
Hacked version of Q-Modem. 4.51
Hacked versions of PKzip. 1.2, 2.0 , 2.01, & 2.02
Hacked versions of TDraw. 4.3, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0. & 8.0
Hacked versions of Turbo Antivirus 9.00b, & 9.01a
Hacker (v.) (1993): See "Bobbit, Lorena."
Hacker (v.) (1993): See "Bobbitt, Lorena."
Hacker circa 1985AD: Brat kid steals 360k file at 300 baud... <sigh>
Hacker circa 1985AD: Brat kid steals 360k file at 300 baud... <sigh<
Hacker pickup line: "Wanna connect at 2400?"
Hacker's tombstone: CONNECT 1964 - NO CARRIER 1994
Hacker: Exceptional programmer.  Webster's 9th., 1991
Hacker: Exceptional programmer. Webster's 9th., 1991
Hacker: Hex-Assembly Computer Knowledgable usER.
Hacker: Someone who knows 4,567 ways to have sex, but doesn't know any
Hackerbelle: Gorgeous female computer nerd. See Oxymoron
Hackers 1369 AD:  Vandal breaks down door with axe.
Hackers DO IT absolutely.
Hackers DO IT after gaining access.
Hackers DO IT at link time.
Hackers DO IT attached.
Hackers DO IT automatically.
Hackers DO IT bottom up.
Hackers DO IT bug-free.
Hackers DO IT concurrently.
Hackers DO IT conditionally.
Hackers DO IT detached.
Hackers DO IT digitally.
Hackers DO IT discretely.
Hackers DO IT during PM.
Hackers DO IT during downtime.
Hackers DO IT efficiently.
Hackers DO IT forever even when they're not supposed to.
Hackers DO IT graphically.
Hackers DO IT immediately.
Hackers DO IT in a hrri.
Hackers DO IT in batches.
Hackers DO IT in dumps.
Hackers DO IT in less space.
Hackers DO IT in libraries.
Hackers DO IT in loops.
Hackers DO IT in o(n log n).
Hackers DO IT in parallel.
Hackers DO IT in sextran.
Hackers DO IT in stacks.
Hackers DO IT in the microcode.
Hackers DO IT in the software.
Hackers DO IT in trees.
Hackers DO IT in two states.
Hackers DO IT indirectly.
Hackers DO IT interactively.
Hackers DO IT iteratively.
Hackers DO IT randomly.
Hackers DO IT reentrantly.
Hackers DO IT relocatably.
Hackers DO IT sequentially.
Hackers DO IT with DDT.
Hackers DO IT with all sorts of characters
Hackers DO IT with bugs.
Hackers DO IT with computers.
Hackers DO IT with daemons.
Hackers DO IT with demons.
Hackers DO IT with fewer instructions.
Hackers DO IT with high priority.
Hackers DO IT with insertion sorts.
Hackers DO IT with interrupts.
Hackers DO IT with key strokes.
Hackers DO IT with open windows.
Hackers DO IT with phantoms.
Hackers DO IT with quick sorts.
Hackers DO IT with recursive descent.
Hackers DO IT with side effects.
Hackers DO IT with simultaneous access.
Hackers DO IT with slaves.
Hackers DO IT with their fingers
Hackers DO IT with words.
Hackers DO IT without a net.
Hackers DO IT without arguments.
Hackers DO IT without detaching.
Hackers DO IT without proof of termination.
Hackers DO IT without protection.
Hackers DO IT without you even knowing it.
Hackers appreciate virtual dresses.
Hackers are I/O experts.
Hackers avoid deadly embrace.
Hackers discover the powers of two.
Hackers do it a little bit.
Hackers do it absolutely.
Hackers do it all night long.
Hackers do it all night.
Hackers do it at link time.
Hackers do it attached.
Hackers do it automatically.
Hackers do it bottom up.
Hackers do it bug-free.
Hackers do it by the numbers.
Hackers do it concurrently.
Hackers do it conditionally.
Hackers do it detached.
Hackers do it digitally.
Hackers do it discreetly.
Hackers do it during PM.
Hackers do it during downtime.
Hackers do it efficiently.
Hackers do it faster.
Hackers do it graphically.
Hackers do it immediately.
Hackers do it in O(n log n).
Hackers do it in SEXTRAN.
Hackers do it in a HRRI.
Hackers do it in batches.
Hackers do it in dumps.
Hackers do it in less space.
Hackers do it in libraries.
Hackers do it in loops.
Hackers do it in parallel.
Hackers do it in stacks.
Hackers do it in the microcode.
Hackers do it in the software.
Hackers do it in trees.
Hackers do it in two states.
Hackers do it indirectly.
Hackers do it interactively.
Hackers do it iteratively.
Hackers do it loaded.
Hackers do it locally (or globally).
Hackers do it on Bulletin Boards.
Hackers do it only at night when the rates are low.
Hackers do it randomly.
Hackers do it recursively.
Hackers do it reentrantly.
Hackers do it relocatably.
Hackers do it sequentially.
Hackers do it synchronously.
Hackers do it till dawn.
Hackers do it top down.
Hackers do it when no one is looking.
Hackers do it with DDT.
Hackers do it with all sorts of characters.
Hackers do it with bugs.
Hackers do it with computers.
Hackers do it with daemons.
Hackers do it with editors.
Hackers do it with fewer instructions.
Hackers do it with high priority.
Hackers do it with insertion sorts.
Hackers do it with interrupts.
Hackers do it with key strokes.
Hackers do it with phantoms.
Hackers do it with quick sorts.
Hackers do it with recursive descent.
Hackers do it with side effects.
Hackers do it with simultaneous access.
Hackers do it with slaves.
Hackers do it with their fingers.
Hackers do it with words.
Hackers do it without a net.
Hackers do it without arguments.
Hackers do it without detaching.
Hackers do it without proof of termination.
Hackers do it without protection.
Hackers do it without you even knowing it.
Hackers don't DO IT-they're hacking all the time. <--Uh, huh. Sure.
Hackers don't do it -- they're hacking all the time.
Hackers don't do it--they're hacking all the time.
Hackers don't do it. They're hacking all the time.
Hackers get off on tight loops.
Hackers get overlaid.
Hackers have all the right MOV's.
Hackers have better software tools.
Hackers have faster access routines.
Hackers have good hardware.
Hackers have high bawd rates.
Hackers have high bod rates.
Hackers have it where it counts.
Hackers have kernel knowledge.
Hackers have response time.
Hackers know all the right MOVs.
Hackers know what to diddle.
Hackers make it quick.
Hackers multiply with stars.
Hackers stay UP all night.
Hackers stay logged in longer.
Hackers stay up longer.
Hackers take big bytes.
Hackers, call 1-800-NO CARRIER for the carrier dropper from the experts.
Hackindeeminor - Contagious coughing between movements of a symphony.
Hackindeeminor: contagious coughing between movements of a symphony.
Hacking is an alt.lifestyle.
Hacking is not a meaninful lifestyle.
Hacking pays...and neither does crime.
Hacking's just another word for nothing left kludge.
Hacking? I don't have furballs, do I?
Hackishness is next to Godliness.
Hackito ergo sum
Hackito ergo sum.
Had a cat once - tasted like chicken.
Had a cat once. Tasted like a hairball!
Had a cat once. Tasted like chicken.
Had a cat once.......kinda tasted like chicken.....
Had a cat once...tasted like chicken.
Had a cat oncekinda tasted like chicken
Had a dog who thought her name was "Shut the F*** up!"
Had a head crash.
Had a life once.  Now I have a computer.
Had a mind like a steel trap - until it rusted shut.
Had a nce...kinda tasted l.t hap chicsted ln
Had enough yet?  Wait 'til you see her HEALTH TAX!
Had enough, *<<<ICEMAN>>>*, or do I have to get rough?
Had enough, @FN@? Or do I have to get rough?
Had enough, John, or do I have to get rough?
Had enough, Orville, or do I have to get rough?
Had enough? Limbaugh/Pournelle in '96!
Had he the knowledge, any man could reach his own Amber.
Had it for years and threw it out?  You'll need it next week.
Had my car's alignment checked; it's "Chaotic Evil"
Had my hair trimmed to a lunatic fringe.
Had some trouble with a horse, but I'm on top of it now.
Had supernatural powers, I tried Windows... Now I'm 1st level again.
Had there been an actual emergency, you would no longer be here.
Had this been an actual emergency, your spleen would have melted.
Had this been an actual movie, you would have been enter
Had this of been an actual reply, it would have made *less* since...
Had this tagline been a storm, you'd be wet!!
Had to get rid of the kids.  The cats are allergic!
Had to give UP phone sex--got one heckuva ear infection!!
Had to give away the kids - The cat got allergic.
Had to make myself beautiful -- K'Ehleyr
Had to quit cunnilingus and B&D together--always getting tongue-tied
Hades has got a big thing for Persophone. --Charon
Hades is a formidable god. --Hercules
Hadn't sent him for groceries he'd still be alive - Mike
Haggis - Gaelic for Spam
Haggis - Gaelic for roadkill
Haggis - Galic for Spam
Haggis - Galic for roadkill
Haggis:  the 5th state of matter.
Hah!  Michelangelo didn't get MY compu**NOW FORMATTING**
Hah!  Still the best on the continent! - Brian Cullen
Hah! I got that ten pin down! said Tom sparingly.
Hah! Michelangelo didn't get MY compu**NOW FORMATTING DRIVE C:***
Hah! Still the best on the continent! - Brian Cullen
Hah! The mighty tagline even knows your name.
Hah, Chris Jones the mighty tagline even knows your name.
Haha! I'm all better - Crow
Haha! This is really creepy - Mike
Hahahaha Funny Tagline
Hahahahahahahaha Geeez, Gary, This is really great!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahehehehe... Windoze 95 = Amiga 85
Haikiba! Nice dismount! Ghymkata! - Tom
Hail Caesar!  We who are about to dine salad you.
Hail Caesar! We who are about to die salute you!
Hail Caesar! We who are about to dine salad you.
Hail Mail, Full Of GUI.
Hail and well met, Orville!
Hail to the Chiefs!  Hail to the Chiefs!
Hail to the Sun God!  He is a fun god!  Ra!  Ra!  Ra!
Hail to the Sun God! He is a fun god! Ra! Ra! Ra!
Hail to the Sun God, Ra Ra Ra!
Hail to the sun god He sure is a fun god, Ra!  Ra!  Ra!
Hail to the sun god!  He is the fun god!  Ra!  Ra!  Ra!
Hail, hail, rock and roll.
Hail, hail, to Michigan, the Champions of the West!
HailHail, the gang all said. Let's get naked and suck some heads.
Hailing frequencies closed. Captain Bullitt.
Hailing frequencies closed. Captain Lock.
Hailing frequencies closed. Captain Orville.
Hailing frequencies open, Captain.
Hails of derisive laughter, Bruce!
Hair Club For Men ad: "I'm not only a Ranger, I'm also the President!
Hair Club For Men ad: Hi, I'm not only a Ranger, I'm also the President!
Hair Club For Men ad: I'm not only NYR's center, I'm also a client.
Hair Dryer warning -- Never use when sleeping.
Hair Force One: the most expensive barber chair in history.
Hair by Jim Henson - Crow
Hair by Lyle Lovett. -- Rita
Hair by Mr. Crow of Beverly Hills - KTMA era end credit
Hair color by Bozo the Clown - Crow on redheaded girl
Hair is the only thing that prevents baldness
Hair of the hare: a wimp's hangover cure?
Hair today - gone tomorrow.
Hair. Shining. Streaming. Flaming Flaxen Waxen. Hair -Tom
Hair:  Rodent with long ears.
Hairball..hairball  don't touch it !!!
Hairdressers do it permanently.
Hairdressers do it with a scalp massage.
Hairdressers do it with curling irons.
Hairdressers give the best blow jobs.
Hairy Kiwi:  Death by fruit.
Hairy fishnuts, anyone?
Hairy men in spartan costumes holding bake sales - Tom
Hajde uzmi me sa sobom,uradi mi sve sto znas,hajde uzmi me sa sobom
Hakuna Matada!
Hakuna Matata means no worry for the rest of your days.
Hakuna Matata.
Hal 9000: "Dave, put those Windows disks down....Dave...DAVE!"
Hal 9000: "Dave, put those Windows disks down....Dave...DAVE!" Hal 9000:
Hal 9000: Dave, put those Windows disks down. Dave DAVE!
Hal Daub, Congressman (Neb.), was an Eagle Scout.
Hal Needham was brought in to direct this scene - Tom
Hal, open the pod bay doors or else I'll run MS Windows!
Hal: "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that." Ziggy "I'm sorry, Al..."
Halaska - the box on a U.S. map that shows the 49th and 50th states.
Halaska: the box on a U.S. map that shows the 49th and 50th states.
Half Moon tonight -- its better than no Moon at all.
Half Moon tonight.  (At least it's better than no Moon at all.)
Half Step:  The pace used by a cellist when carrying his instrument.
Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto, half not bee.
Half a bubble off plumb.  -- attributed to Mark Twain
Half a loaf is better than no rest at all.
Half a loaf is better than no vacation at all.
Half a loaf is better than none.
Half a loaf is surely much better than no vacation at all
Half a mind is a terrible thing to waste!
Half a page of scribbled lines ..
Half a page of scribbled lines .. - Pink Floyd
Half a quart low.
Half an hour of begging is not considered foreplay.
Half full glass: Optimist.  Half empty: Ted Kennedy.
Half my ancestors were female.
Half of analysis is anal.
Half of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.
Half of conversation is listening.
Half of debugging is making the other bugs work right.
Half of everything you know is already obsolete..
Half of the patients who go to an abortion clinic die.
Half of the people in the world are below average.
Half of the world's Eskimos have never seen an igloo.
Half of two plus two equals three.
Half the battle lies in knowing who is asking the questions.
Half the lies our opponents tell about us are not true
Half the lies our opponents tell about us are not true.
Half the lies people tell about me aren't true.
Half the lies they tell me aren't true.
Half the truth is often a great lie. - Benjamin Franklin
Half the truth is often a great lie. --Franklin.
Half the woman who go into clinics don't come out alive
Half wits talk much but say little.
Half-eaten Choc Chip Muesli Bar in drive A.  Delete children (Y/N)?
Half-eaten Pop-Tart found in drive A:   Delete children (Y/n)?
Half-elves unite!
Half-height drive:  a midget's sexual capacity.
Half-naked people:  50% off!
Halftime at Circvs Maximvs, and the Lions lead the Christians 326-0.
Halftime at The Circvs Maximvs, the Lions lead the Christians 367-0
Halftoning is a gray area.
Halfway between sleep and awake, dreams are remembered.
Halifax Nova Scotia: Canada's Ocean Playground!
Halitosis is better than no breath at all!
Halleluja!  Put your HANDS on the MODEM!
Hallelujah!  Put your HANDS on the MODEM!
Hallelujah!  The Moderators are double teaming 'em!
Hallelujah, Tom said handily.
Hallo Ricky!
Hallo, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You stole my TagLine. Prepare to die.
Halloween Movie Marathon: It's not over until the fat lady SCREAMS!!!!
Halloween is not Christmas even though 31 oct == 25 dec!
Halloween's over.  Clinton removes mask and reveals BARNEY!
Halloween, a pagan holiday perpetuated by the American Dental Assoc.
Halloween: Satan's Christmas
Hallucination now in progress.  Please stand by.
Halt and catch fire.
Halt! Who goes there? - Frank
Ham Radio -- your best refuge from the O.J. Simpson hearings!
Ham Radio without CW is like sex without marriage!
Ham Radio? I can talk cheaper on my Cell Phone
Ham and eggs:  A chicken's day's work; a pig's lifetime commitment.
Ham on Rye:  A drunk radio operator.
Ham on Rye: A drunk radio operator.
Ham on rye ... a drunk radio operator!
Ham on rye:  Drunk radio operator.
Ham on rye: Drunk radio operator.
Ham operators DO IT with frequency.
Ham operators do it with FREQUENCY, till their GIGAHERTZ!
Ham radio + computers = no time + no money
Ham radio operators DO IT with higher frequency.
Ham radio operators DO IT with more frequency.
Ham radio operators do it till it megahertz.
Ham radio operators do it till their GigaHertz
Ham radio operators do it with frequency.
Ham radio operators do it with great frequency.
Ham radio operators do it with high frequency...
Ham radio operators do it with higher frequency.
Ham radio operators do it with more frequency.
HamBorger Helper:Add 1 human.Mix well.  3 Billion servings!
Hamburger is steak that didn't pass the physical.
Hamburgers can be vicious if they're only wounded.
Hame Barney walk a tight-rope over the San Andreas fault.
Hamilton and Memphis fought like 'Cats and 'Dogs last night
Hamish McEwen would be the breakout star - Crow
Hamlet, this pearl is thine - Here's to thy health.
Hammer Big Brother till he's just a tired, little old man...
Hammer throwers do it with 16 pound balls of steel
Hampster brained and proud of it!
Hams DO IT till their giga-hertz!
Hams DO IT with more frequency
Hams do it 'till their Gigahertz
Hams do it till it Hz.
Hams do it till thier megahertz.
Hams do it with FREQUENCY, till their GIGAHERTZ!
Hams do it with exciters.
Hams do it with frequency, till their gigahertz
Hams do it with frequency, till their gigahertz.
Hams do it with frequency.
Hams do it with greater frequency!!!
Hams do it with more frequencies
Hamster who writes a strong letter to the Times - Crow
Hamsters cannot fly
Hamsters cannot fly    -Bart Simpson
Hamsters:  Tribbles with an attitude.
Han Solo and the Corporate Sector - By West End Games
Han Solo uses Corellan Draw.
Han Solo: Smuggler's Pride - By West End Games
Hand in hand some drummed along to a handsome man and baton...
Hand in hand we crossed that Rio Grande.
Hand in hand with fear and shadows, Crying at the funeral party
Hand me a hand-grenade.  Pre-Op is getting crowded.
Hand me my chainsaw, mother, I'm going out to catch dinner....
Hand me that AXE will you?  Someone is going to die...
Hand me that Spotted Owl drumstick -yeah, the one in the Styrofoam box
Hand me that dolphin burger.  Yeah, the one in styrofoam.
Hand me that dolphin burger. Yeah, the one in the styrofoam box.
Hand me that dolphin burger...Yeah, the one in styrofoam
Hand me that dolphin-burger, yeah, the one in the styrofoam.
Hand me that grand piano
Hand me that solar powered flashlight
Hand me that solar-powered flashlight...
Hand me the cat! The cherry bomb's lit!
Hand me the glass.  (clink)  No, the other glass
Hand me those Fritos and I'll show you.
Hand of Vecna? I give it to the litch.
Hand over all the lupins you got! -- Dennis Moore
Hand over that tagline and no one will get hurt. 
Hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt.
Hand over the chocolate and nobody will get hurt.
Hand over the letter, Mike - Crow sticks up Mike
Hand over your tag lines and nobody gets hurt!
Hand scanner:  singles bar prowler looking for wedding rings
Hand!  Hand!  It rhymes! -- Wakko Warner
Hand! Hand! It rhymes! - Wakko
Hand, n. A singular instrument worn at the end of a human
Hand-me-down clothing -- also known as sharewear.
Hand-me-down clothing, also known as sharewear
Hand-me-downs:  the first Sharewear
Handballs Express - The ONLY way to go to Hell!
Handcuffs ... for a truly binding relationship.
Handcuffs are for a truly binding relationship.
Handcuffs, for a truely binding relationship
Handcuffs, for a truely binding relationship ...
Handel was half German, half Italian, and half English.  He was rather large.
Handel's Messiah: Ollie Luyah
Handel's Messiah: by Ollie Luyah
Handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains
Handicapped is a state of mind and I moved out of state.
Handicaps are not the problem, attitudes are
Handicrapped: The disadvantage of buying cheap toilet paper
Handipaks of screws always contain too few or too many for the job.
Handle with care - Elderly tagline operator!
Handle with care:  Elderly recipe.
Handle with care:  Elderly tagline.
Handle!? Why would I want to hide behind a handle?
Handles not allowed.  Cheeeiit. Potholders wanted.  Cheeeiit.
Handles not allowed. Potholders wanted.
Handnesia:  Forgetting the answer the moment you raise your hand.
Handprint Identification please.
Handrage:  Frustration trying to open a Band-aid while bleeding a lot.
Hands off the secretary's reproducing equipment.
Hands up!  Said the laser printer.
Hands up! - Wax Hitler
Handspinners are twisted.
Handspinners put their own twist on things.
Handwritten on a condom machine:  "This gum tastes funny!"
Handwritten on a condom machine; 'This gum tastes funny'
Handymen DO IT with whatever is available.
Handymen like good screws.
Hane's Law:  There is no limit to how bad things can get.
Hane's Law: There is no limit to how bad things can get.
Hang Gliders do it in the air.
Hang Political Correctness!  I'd rather be _right_!
Hang Tuff, it's the only way to go.
Hang in there and I'm sure they'll take care of it.
Hang in there, old chum - Tom as Batman to Mike
Hang mistletoe at the airport - Kiss your luggage good-bye!
Hang on Barfo... we're going to make space tracks!
Hang on a mo', something is different! - Holly
Hang on a sec, I'm looking for an appropriate malapropism.
Hang on a second here...<!!!>...Yep, that's my Beer_Pager, calling me.
Hang on now, but I know that you're gonna lose the fight.
Hang on to her boy, with all your might.
Hang on, I just got a call on my phoneless cord.
Hang on, I'm feeding the laundry.
Hang on, we're going to make space tracks!
Hang onto your load pan, pal! - Tom angrily at Crow
Hang onto your turban, kid -- We're gonna make you a *star*! -- Genie
Hang patience - life's too short!
Hang ten for justice! The TICK
Hang ten!   Ride Blue Wave v2.12!
Hang ten!  -  Vlad the Impaler at the beach
Hang that newbie, while your at it hang the horse too!
Hang the expense!  Give the canary another seed!
Hang together or Hang Separately
Hang up already.
Hang up the phone, Scotty, there's no intelligent carrier down here.
Hang up your logic over there.
Hang-Gliders DO IT in the air.
Hang-Gliders do it in the air.
Hang-gliders do it in the air.
Hang-nail in drive A:  (A)bort (P)ull (C)ut.
Hangar...Er...Ummm...18, I'm guessing - Tom
Hangin in, Hangin out, and Hangin on
Hangin' down from my window, those are my wind chimes...
Hangin', I say hangin's too good fo' that boyah!
Hangin'10 on a Blue Wave in the UK!
Hanging - An Early western form of Bungee Jumping
Hanging - The Beta Test version of bungee jumping.
Hanging : 1. n An early western form of bungee jumping.
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.
Hanging, n.  Early form of bungee-jumping, practiced in the Old West.
Hanging: An early Western form of bungee jumping.
Hanging: an early western form of bungie jumping.
Hangloose from the rooftop
Hangnail (def.) - Coat hook
Hangnail.......... A coat hook.
Hangnail:  Coat hook.
Hangnail:  Coat hook...
Hangnail: A place to hang your coat and hat upon entering
Hangnail: Coat hook
Hangover (n.):  The wrath of grapes
Hangover:  The wrath of grapes.
Hangover:  the mourning after the night before
Hangover: The wrath of grapes.
Hangover: the mourning after the night before
Hangover: the wrath of grapes.
Hangover: when stress meets alcohol
Hank Peters, Italian Grocer - Mike
Hank and Roy Spim are tough, fearless backwoodsmen
Hankfrankin': Watching 'Monday Night Football.'
Hannibal Lecter Dinner Theatre - Now playing: "Man of La Muncha"
Hannibal Lecter Dinner Theatre: "For a deliciously good time."
Hannibal Lecter Dinner Theatre: "For a tasteful evening."
Hannibal Lecter is my psychiatrist.
Hans & Franz of Borg: You haven't been assimilating your muscles.
Hans, what kind of a name is "Hans?" - Garibaldi
Hansen's Library Axiom: The closest library doesn't have the material you need.
Hapiness is a warm gun. Bang-bang. Shoot-shoot.
Hapiness is a warm modem.
Happenings in Ages Past affect the Present as nothing in the Future!
Happens sometimes, people just explode. Natural causes.
Happens to blacks-racism, happens to men-women's liberation!
Happier than a carp on a tent.
Happier than a pit bull at a mailman convention!
Happier than a puppy with two peckers.
Happiest Hanukkah To One To All!
Happiness Is Mandatory....Are you Happy ?
Happiness can be the purpose of ethics, but not the standard.
Happiness can't buy money!
Happiness can't buy you money.
Happiness descended upon him.  He didn't even have time to step aside.
Happiness is "wading" on a waterbed.
Happiness is - CONNECT 14400/ARQ/V32/V42BIS
Happiness is - CONNECT 28800/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS
Happiness is ....the journey.
Happiness is : CONNECT 33600/ARQ/V34+/LAPM/V42BIS
Happiness is @FN@'s face on a milk carton!
Happiness is Being A SysOp
Happiness is Being A SysOp.
Happiness is Bill Clinton's face on a milk carton!
Happiness is Bill and Hillary's picture on a milk carton.
Happiness is Clinton's Face on a Milk Carton.
Happiness is Earth -- in your rear-view mirror.
Happiness is Earth in your rear view mirror.
Happiness is George Bush behind bars.
Happiness is Hillary Clinton's face on a milk carton.
Happiness is Shampoo dissolving in your hot tub.
Happiness is The Canadiens having the Stanley Cup.
Happiness is a 56 Ford with a kick-ass power plant.
Happiness is a BIG hard drive!
Happiness is a Belt-Fed Weapon
Happiness is a HeathKit disruptor kit.
Happiness is a Moderator who thinks like you do.
Happiness is a Pig in Mud.
Happiness is a QUALITY tagline database.
Happiness is a Warm Woman, a Hot Cycle, and a Cold Beer!
Happiness is a a wife who cooks your diet meals without complaining!
Happiness is a being a lesbian!
Happiness is a big block of chocolate
Happiness is a big fat uranium demodulating hypersphere.
Happiness is a blank mind.
Happiness is a choice.
Happiness is a collection of QUALITY taglines..
Happiness is a computer that does not smoke.
Happiness is a computer with a good sense of humor.
Happiness is a computer with a sense of humor.
Happiness is a computer without Windows!
Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.
Happiness is a dead Cardassian --Bajoran Proverb
Happiness is a fast modem.
Happiness is a full backup.
Happiness is a genealogist who just found their lost ancestor!
Happiness is a growing tagline database.
Happiness is a hard disk.
Happiness is a hard drive!
Happiness is a having a twit filter.
Happiness is a hot, dripping, mouthful of Shampoo in the shower!
Happiness is a large tax refund cheque...
Happiness is a live, warm body next to you.
Happiness is a loud belch.
Happiness is a moderator with a good sense of humor.
Happiness is a pair of sticky shorts.
Happiness is a positive cash flow.
Happiness is a practicing Cleavage Inspector.
Happiness is a red Testa Rossa in my driveway!
Happiness is a state of mind.  Not happy?  Change your mind.
Happiness is a state of non-contradictory joy.
Happiness is a twit filter
Happiness is a twit filter...
Happiness is a warm dragon
Happiness is a warm dry caboose!
Happiness is a warm glock.
Happiness is a warm gun.
Happiness is a warm gun.  --Klingon Proverb
Happiness is a warm gun...
Happiness is a warm modem
Happiness is a warm modem.
Happiness is a warm phaser.
Happiness is a warm puppy said the anaconda.
Happiness is a warm puppy with an empty bladder.
Happiness is a warm puppy, said the anaconda.
Happiness is a warp drive and six-pack of Romulan ale.
Happiness is a way of life.
Happiness is a well maintained skip list!
Happiness is a well-tempered Moderator.
Happiness is attending an IndyCar race..
Happiness is being deaf means no loud noise will wake you up.
Happiness is being furry.
Happiness is being left comatose by your lovers...
Happiness is defined by one's capacity for enjoyment. - Bacchus
Happiness is driving over a cop.
Happiness is finding a card that's worth more than the box!
Happiness is finding a clean public toilet!
Happiness is finding special characters
Happiness is finding the owner of a lost bikini top!
Happiness is finding the owner of a lost bikini!
Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the road.
Happiness is having ALL Star Trek shows on videotape!
Happiness is having ALL the Death's Head II comics and collectables!
Happiness is having a scratch for every itch. -- Ogden Nash
Happiness is having all Star Trek episodes on videotape.
Happiness is having the fastest modem on the block!
Happiness is having the time to enjoy learning!
Happiness is marrying your best friend's girlfriend.
Happiness is me in a bar, and Orville buying the drinks!
Happiness is me in a bar, and you buying the drinks!
Happiness is me, in a bar!
Happiness is merely the remission of pain.
Happiness is my cock in your velvet vise
Happiness is never having to say you're Tory
Happiness is never having to say your Tory
Happiness is no laughing matter.
Happiness is no laughing matter. 
Happiness is no more Mickeysoft!  Hooray for Novell DOS!
Happiness is not a destination.  It's the trip.
Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life.
Happiness is not a destination. It's a way of life.
Happiness is not a goal.  It's a by-product.
Happiness is oweing the IRS $50,000 when you die
Happiness is owing the IRS $50,000 when you die.
Happiness is planet Earth in your rearview mirror.
Happiness is reading AUTORACE.
Happiness is seeing Bill Clinton's face on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing Hillary Clinton's face on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing Limbaugh's picture on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Blues on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Bruins on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Devils on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Flyers on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Lightnings on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Maple Leafs on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Panthers on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Patriots severed head emblem on a milk carton! *
Happiness is seeing the Penguins on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Rangers on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Red Wings on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Sabres on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing the Whalers on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing your enemy with his genitals on fire!
Happiness is seeing your ex's picture on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing your ex-wife on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing your mother-in-law on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing your mother-in-law's face on a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing your mother-in-law's face on the back of a milk carton.
Happiness is seeing your mother-in-law's picture on a milk container.
Happiness is six rounds in the kill zone.
Happiness is slam dunkin' a lesbian.
Happiness is something I know nothing about.   Laurence Olivier
Happiness is the Canadiens having The Stanley Cup.
Happiness is the Moderator's face on a milk carton!
Happiness is the best revenge......
Happiness is twin floppies.
Happiness is using Novell DOS....!
Happiness is usually measured in GigaBytes.
Happiness is wanting what you already have.
Happiness is wanting what you have.
Happiness is watching two lesbians do their thing.
Happiness is your favorite program coverted to Windows
Happiness is your favorite program moving to OS/2
Happiness is your favorite program moving to Windows
Happiness is your favorite program moving to Windows.
Happiness is your favorite program moving to Windows. NOT!!
Happiness is your favorite programs moving to Windows.   NOT!
Happiness is(deleted for your protection).
Happiness is..  NO WINDOWS!
Happiness is.. hmmm, sounds like the rumblings of an incipient taglne!
Happiness is...receiving YOUR posts!!!!
Happiness is:  CONNECT 33600/ARQ/V34+/LAPM/V42BIS
Happiness is:  Elusive and Ephemeral
Happiness is: Being able to speak English even in Miami, Florida!
Happiness is: CONNECT 33600/ARQ/V34+/LAPM/V42BIS
Happiness isn't something you experience, it's something you remember.
Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in lenght. R. Frost
Happiness of deafness means u'll never have 2 hear moaning and bitching.
Happiness seems so hard to win.
Happiness, like misery, is usually self-inflicted.
Happiness- Rush on a milk carton
Happiness... Seeing Limbaugh's picture on a milk carton.
Happiness:  Me in a bar, Dan buying the drinks!
Happiness:  one inch patterns at 100 yards
Happiness: A sensation arising from misery of others.
Happiness: A warm modem and a high CPS count.
Happiness: Changing TV Channels when football is on.
Happiness: Lightning bypassing your computer; striking neighbor's dog.
Happiness: Lubbock, TX, in the rearview mirror.
Happiness: Me in a bar,  Bob buying the drinks!
Happiness: Me in a bar,  Myra I buying the drinks!
Happiness: Me in a bar,  Myra buying the drinks!
Happiness: Me in a bar,  YOU buying the drinks!
Happiness: Seeing your MIL's picture on a milk carton
Happiness: Seeing your ex-husband's picture on a milk carton
Happiness: When the dog stops cleaning the litter box.
Happiness: a combination of good health and a bad memory.
Happiness: a perfume you can't give away without getting some yourself.
Happiness: a warm modem and CONNECT 33600/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS
Happiness: something to do, to hope for, and to love.
Happiness: waking up and seeing your boss' picture on the milk carton.
Happiness:(n.) A computer without WINDOWS!
Happiness:When the dog stops cleaning the litter box.
Happiness:something to do, to hope for, and to love.
HappinessSeeing Limbaugh's picture on a milk carton.
Happy (Winter Holiday Of Your Choice)!
Happy Bird Day - Celtics Fans remember Larry.
Happy Birthday Sweet 16
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Oldtimer
Happy Birthday, Brent Spiner...February 2, 1949
Happy Crimble...and a Very New Year!
Happy Days are here again!!
Happy Death Day to Rimmer! --Lister, The Cat, and Holly.
Happy DeathDay to Rimmer. --Lister, Cat, and Holly.
Happy Fun Ball!  (still legal in 16 states)
Happy Halloween, ladies! - The Kurgan
Happy Happy Happy! Joy Joy Joy!
Happy Happy Joy Joy! - Stinky Wizzleteats No 1 Hit Song.
Happy Holidays! Season Greetings!
Happy Holidays, eh! (and NO socks this year, hosehead!) - Canadian
Happy Holidays, whatever you're celebrating!
Happy Holidays.  Wishing you a very prosperous 1996!
Happy Holidays...Merry Christmas...Happy New Year...to all! - RASTA
Happy Modeming, Always!
Happy New Year!: Mary Christmas
Happy New Year!: by Mary Christmas
Happy Quaking!!
Happy Trails To You Until We Modem Again.
Happy Turkey day. Think of me eating those old HOME MADE MINCE pies!!
Happy Wood Dog Losar! Tibetan New Year 2121.
Happy Yak Shaving Day, boys and girls!
Happy as Michelle Pfeifers underpants.
Happy as a Pig in Mud!
Happy as a card collector trapped in the Topps factory!
Happy as a fly on shit.
Happy as a hog eating cow manure - well lick my lips!
Happy as a vampire in a blood bank!
Happy as a vampire in a blood bank.
Happy birthday Octavian! (Augustus Caesar) (Sept 23, 63)
Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday to your inner child.
Happy birthday, Lazarus Long.  Many happy returns. -- RAH
Happy birthday, Lazarus Long. Many happy returns.
Happy birthday. Many happy returns.
Happy complaining, Bob!
Happy complaining, Myra !
Happy complaining, Orville!
Happy couple:  A deaf husband and a blind wife.
Happy couple: A deaf husband and a blind wife.
Happy couple: a deaf husband and a blind wife.
Happy dragons thrum... Join the thrum corps today!
Happy fish swim through turquoise dreams...unaware.
Happy happy happy ... peel peel peel. - Stimpy
Happy happy happy... joy joy joy!!!
Happy hour is over, Taco Beelzebub! -- Dr. Forrester
Happy is he who dashes the heads of his enemy's children against rocks
Happy is he who dashes the heads of his enemy's children against rocks.
Happy is the blonde who can keep her hair light and her past dark.
Happy is the child whose father died rich.
Happy is the house that shelters a friend.
Happy landings, pretzel boy!
Happy nodes to you ... till we echo again.
Happy people don't make history. - French proverb
Happy people must know something we don't.  Garfield
Happy tags to you, until we meet again.
Happy to oblige! (Duuh, what's "AUTORACE?")
Happy trails to you - Tom sings while couple kiss
Happy trails to you.
Happy what to whom? - Natalie Lambert
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy.  BLAMBLAM -Thump-
Happy...Birthday...Senator - Crow imitates Marilyn Monroe
Happy?  I couldn't be happier if I had good sense!
Happyness can be found in the bottom of a klien bottle. -- The Peanut Gallery
Happyness is Killing Orcs
Happyness is a 1956 Ford Fairlane with a 312 Police Intercepter!
Happyness is a hot, dripping, mouthful of Shampoo in the shower!
Happyness: Shampoo dissolving in your hot tub.
Harass Navy men being transferred? Nah, they're in deep water already.
Harass Sarah
Harbor: place, safe from storms, ships face Customs
Harbor:place, safe from storms, ships face Customs
Hard *DISKS*?  Gee, lady...I misunderstood you.
Hard DISK?  Damn, I misread the advertisement.
Hard DISK?  Gee lady, I misunderstood you.
Hard DISK?  Gee, lady, I misunderstood you.
Hard DISK?  Gee, sorry, lady, I misunderstood you.
Hard DISK? But I thought we were talking computers...
Hard DISK? Damn, I misread the advertisement. Old Maid
Hard DISK? Gee lady, I misunderstood you.
Hard DISK?!  Gee, guy, I misunderstood ...
Hard DISK?!!  Gosh lady, I guess I misunderstood..
Hard DISK?? Gee lady I must have misunderstood you.
Hard Disk error! Disk is soft... Harden it, then try...
Hard Drive - Baseball, Golf and Football, oh, Computers.
Hard Drive Backed Up?   Try Hex-Lax!
Hard Drive Crash.  Sysop Strikes a Directory Tree
Hard Drive Crash..Sysop Strikes a Directory Tree
Hard Drive Crash?  Dial 1-800-YOU BURN ..
Hard Drive Error: <A>bort <R>etry <K>iss your data goodbye!
Hard Drive backup??? Who me.......
Hard Drive failure:  A)bort  R)etry  C)ry
Hard Drive... The sales technique employed by most computer salesmen.
Hard Drive:  The commute to work every morning.
Hard Drive:  What golfers wish for.
Hard Drive: Where a modem shoves it's junk!
Hard Drive:taking a long car ride with your mother-in-law
Hard On warning in effect
Hard Rock Cafes just don't work everywhere - Crow
Hard Work never killed anyone . . . but why chance it?
Hard Work never killed anyone, but why chance it?
Hard Work never killed anyone, so why chance it?
Hard and blue, but soft as kittens feet
Hard cookies and warm soda are good for you.
Hard disk is full! Maybe I'll try this message section thing.
Hard disk parking: .10/mb for the 1st 2 hrs; all day=$25
Hard disk's full, wonder what this MESSAGE thing is?
Hard disks never die... HA!
Hard disks never die...they just grind away.
Hard disks never dieHA!
Hard drive = Mother-in-law in the back seat
Hard drive full: (A)bort (R)etry (D)elete MS Dinwoes
Hard drive is quirky and a bit slow (19ms). <CREAK> <CRAWL>.
Hard drive makers LOVE windows!
Hard drive?  Why yes, I drove 3,000 miles to get here!
Hard drives have gremlins!  BEWARE!!
Hard drives tend to do one of two things: fill up or die.
Hard hat area!!!!!
Hard learned lessons are remembered the longest.
Hard rock. Heavy metal. Natural textures?
Hard times for Maximillian Shell - Tom on odd scientist
Hard to get there... if you don't know where you're going
Hard to sleep at night and I'm tasting metal - Tom
Hard to tell if he has an ace up his sleeve or if the ace is
Hard up is good or bad depending on who's looking at it!
Hard where? Soft where?
Hard work has a future payoff ... Laziness pays off now!
Hard work has a future payoff.  Laziness pays off now.
Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off now.
Hard work has never killed anyone, but why take a chance?
Hard work hasn't killed anyone yet, but why take a chance
Hard work is damn near as overrated as monogamy. - H Long
Hard work is the yeast that raises the dough.
Hard work may not kill me, but why take chances.
Hard work may not kill me, but why take chances?
Hard work may not kill you, but why take chances?
Hard work must have killed someone!
Hard work never hurt anyone - But why risk it?
Hard work never hurt anyone, but I'm not taking any chances.
Hard work never hurt anyone, but why take the chance?
Hard work never hurt anyone--but why risk it?
Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
Hard work never killed anyone but why take a chance?
Hard work never killed anyone but why take a risk?
Hard work never killed anyone but why take the risk?
Hard work never killed anyone, but why chance it?
Hard work never killed anyone--but why risk it?
Hard work never killed anyone... but why risk it?
Hard work pays off in the future.  Laziness pays off NOW.
Hard work pays off in the long run, but laziness pays off immediately.
Hard work pays off later. Laziness pays off now.
Hard work won't kill me but I'm not taking any chances.
Hard-learned lessons are remembered longest
Hard-learned lessons are remembered longest.
Hardcore Agnostic Bible scholar.
Harddisk Full? FORMAT C: will solve THAT problem!!
Harder disks, bigger bits, tighter ASCII
Harder than standing in a hammock.
Harding-Bobbit drink: CLUB soda on ICE with a SLICE.
Harding-Bobbitt soft drink: CLUB soda on ICE with a SLICE.
Hardly a scientific observation, Commander. -Picard
Hardship is often God strenghtening us.
Hardware - The part you kick.
Hardware Wars Prequel/Director's Cut `97
Hardware buffs DO IT in nanoseconds. <--A lotta nanoseconds!
Hardware buffs do it in nanoseconds.
Hardware designers' performance is hardware dependant.
Hardware hackers DO IT electrically.
Hardware hackers DO IT noisily.
Hardware hackers DO IT on a bus.
Hardware hackers DO IT over a wide temperature range.
Hardware hackers DO IT with bus drivers.
Hardware hackers DO IT with connections.
Hardware hackers DO IT with emitter-coupled logic.
Hardware hackers DO IT with female banana plugs.
Hardware hackers DO IT with maximum ratings.
Hardware hackers DO IT with resistance.
Hardware hackers DO IT with transceivers.
Hardware hackers DO IT with uncommon emitters into open collectors.
Hardware hackers are a charge.
Hardware hackers do it closely coupled.
Hardware hackers do it electrically.
Hardware hackers do it intermittently.
Hardware hackers do it noisily.
Hardware hackers do it on a bus.
Hardware hackers do it over a wide temperature range.
Hardware hackers do it with AC and DC.
Hardware hackers do it with bus drivers.
Hardware hackers do it with charge.
Hardware hackers do it with connections.
Hardware hackers do it with emitter-coupled logic.
Hardware hackers do it with female banana plugs.
Hardware hackers do it with male connectors.
Hardware hackers do it with maximum ratings.
Hardware hackers do it with power.
Hardware hackers do it with resistance.
Hardware hackers do it with transceivers.
Hardware hackers do it with uncommon emitters into open collectors.
Hardware hackers have faster rise times.
Hardware hackers have sensitive probes.
Hardware hackers will do it on the bus.
Hardware too soft
Hardware, n.: The parts of a computer that can be kicked.
Hardware:   The part you kick.
Hardware:  The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
Hardware:  The parts of a computer that can be kicked.
Hardware: Parts of a computer which can be kicked.
Hardware: The part you kick
Hardware: The part you kick. Software: The part you throw.
Hardware: The part you kick. Software: this you corrupt!
Hardware: The part you lick.
Hardware: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
Hardware: The parts of a computer that you can kick
Hardware: The parts of a computer you can kick.
Hardware: The parts on a computer that can be kicked
Hardware: This you kick. Software: This you corrupt.
Hare Forsberg, Hare Forsberg, Proyam proyam, Hare
Hare Forsberg, Hare Forsberg, Proyam proyam, Hare Hare
Hare Hardin, Hare Hardin, Proyam proyam, Hare Hare
Hare Krishna - **** happens rama rama.
Hare Krishna Hare 4DOS
Hare Krishna:  (def) S**t happens, rama rama ding dong.
Hare Krishnas:  This Sh*t happened before.
Harem, Harem, HAREM! - Ataru Moroboshi UY87
Hark!  The moon like a testicle hanging low in the sky! -R. Williams
Hark!  The moon like a testicle hangs low in the sky!
Hark!  What E-mail from yonder modem breaks?
Hark!  What light through yonder afro breaks?
Hark!  What mail from yonder Modem breaks?
Hark!  What rock through yonder WINDOWS breaks?
Hark!  What rock through yonder window breaks?
Hark!  What smell thru yonder kitchen breaks?
Hark! I smell hamsters!
Hark! The moon like a testicle hanging low in the sky! -R. Williams
Hark! The moon like a testicle hangs low in the sky! -R. Williams
Hark! What Email from yonder modem breaks?
Hark! What mail from yonder modem breaks?
Hark! What rock through yonder WINDOWS breaks?
Hark, the Herald Tribune sings / Advertising wondrous things
Hark, the Herald Tribune sings...
Hark, what mail from yonder modem breaks?
Hark, what wind through yonder sphincter breaks?
Harken ye, Wench, I Require Wine, Song, and Entertainment
Harley's Angels are in Hog Heaven.
Harley's don't leak oil, they just mark their territory.
Harley's run fine under OS/2.....why?
Harley-Davidson -- the best 80 inches you'll ever get.
Harleys don't leakthey're just marking their spot!
Harlez-vous francais?  <Can you drive a French motorcycle?>
Harmful elements in the air / Symbols crashing everywhere
Harmlessly Cruising Cyber-Space At Slightly Less Than Light Speed! ...
Harmonic Minor:  A good music student.
Harmonicas play skeleton keys in the rain.
Harness her to the ceiling, position over you, ROTATE!
Harness the sexual tension between Mcneil and Lehrer!
Harper, tell me of the road that lies beyond this hold.
Harpist:  A plucky musician.
Harpist:  A plucky musician...
Harpo of Borg -  "Honk!  Honk!"
Harpo, you talk too much!
Harrassment! - Dr. F as guy slaps girl on the butt
Harrier Pilots do it with Vectored Thrust.
Harrier pilots do it by thrust angles..  What!!
Harriet, the cows are smoking again-- Joel Robinson
Harris's Lament: All the good ones are taken.
Harrisberger's Fourth Law of the Lab: Experience is direc
Harrison's Postulate: For every action, there is an equal
Harry Barnes only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Harry Browne in '96 - the Libertarian choice!
Harry Gant #33 - the Bandit's Last Run 1994
Harry Mudd: Knowledge, sir, should be free to all!
Harry, keep the change...
Hartford, CT - It's illegal to cross the street walking on your hands.
Hartley's First Law: You can lead a horse to water, but i
Hartley's Second Law: Never go to bed with anybody crazier than you are.
Hartley's Second Law: Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.
HartnellDOS 1.0:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (T)ug on Lapels.
HartnellDOS 1.0: (A)bort (R)etry (T)ug on Lapels
Haruach hakaytzit Chama hee Kayadua
Harumph resistant tagline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Harver's Law:   A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
Harvest is when I need you the most...only one more season...
Harvest is when we need you the most
Harvesting Wild Plants: Dudley Nightshade
Harvesting Wild Plants: by Dudley Nightshade
Harvesting the Terry cloth fortune since 1409.
Has "DOS=HIGH" got something to do with the Marijuna virus ?
Has God forgotten everything I've done for him?
Has HELL frozen over yet?
Has Wesley been playing with the engines again? -- Geordi
Has a brain like a B-B in a boxcar.
Has a few birds loose in the attic.
Has a few screws loose. Otherwise ok!
Has a few tiles missing from his Space Shuttle.
Has a few wait states.
Has a full six-pack but lacks the plastic thing to hold them together.
Has a leak in his ceiling.
Has a mind like a sieve.
Has a one-bit brain with a parity error.
Has a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.
Has a photographic memory; too bad there's no film in the camera.
Has a room temperature IQ.
Has a slow clock.
Has a wooden horse got a wooden dick?
Has all her bricks, but no cement holding them together.
Has all the brains God gave a duck's ass.
Has all we've learned been wrong...
Has an IQ of 2, and it takes 3 to grunt.
Has an ego like a black hole.
Has anybody actually seen a newt inebriated?
Has anybody ever found Waldo?
Has anybody found a good use for a live cat?
Has anybody got a plan? -- Bill Clinton
Has anybody got a plan? G.A. CUSTER
Has anybody seen my back? - BJ
Has anyone died from Engineering Math 4015?
Has anyone ever been gainaxed to death?
Has anyone ever told you that you're VERY cute for a Minbari? --Londo.
Has anyone figured out who's invading us?
Has anyone found my marbles?
Has anyone got an original Tagline they can lend me?
Has anyone got an original recipe they can lend me?
Has anyone got any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Has anyone noticed that "Daylight Saving" is an oxymoron?
Has anyone noticed the daughter is psychotic? - Crow
Has anyone seen Mike Hunt?
Has anyone seen Schrodinger's cat?
Has anyone seen a life with my name on it?
Has anyone seen my Amiga? -- Joel Robinson
Has anyone seen my Tagline? I left it right here.
Has anyone seen my Tagline? I think someone stole it!!
Has anyone seen my little dog...? --Johnny Fever.
Has anyone seen my lost carrier?
Has anyone seen my recipe? I left it right here.
Has anyone seen my sanity?
Has anyone seen my sanity?  If so, shoot it!
Has anyone seen my tagline?  I think someone stole it!!
Has anyone seen our Scout Troop Committee???
Has anyone seen the `ANY' key?
Has anyone seen the aardvark lately.
Has anyone seen the cat lately - A.H. "Vacation"
Has anyone seen the cat lately?
Has anyone seen the latest version of Luxaflex for Windows..?
Has anyone wondered where "joystick" originated? Or am I just a perv?
Has anything done more than MS-DOS to hold back progress?
Has anything done more to stop progress than MS-DOS?
Has both oars in the water, but on the same side of the boat.
Has bubbles in his think tank.
Has everyone left me?? Where is everyone going too? <G>
Has his solar panels aimed at the moon.
Has history ever recorded a time when the maj. was right?
Has it ever occured to you that God might be a committee?
Has it ever occurred to you that God might be a *committee*? - J Harshaw
Has it ever rained cats and dogs?
Has it floored in neutral.
Has my dance belt shifted? - Crow
Has no discretionary intellect.
Has no upper stage.
Has only one oar in the water.
Has signs on both ears saying "Space for Rent".
Has so few thoughts that when he free associates, it's like
Has that file been saved? No, but we're praying for it
Has the Grand Canyon under the crew cut.
Has the IQ of a salad bar / ice cube.
Has the IQ of a salad bar.
Has the attention span of an overripe grapefruit.
Has the brains of a house plant.
Has the mental agility of a soap dish.
Has the update repaired this?
Has this conference been sprinkled?????
Has this ever happend before? - Sheridan  Once. - Kosh
Has this ever happened before? --Sheridan. Once. --Kosh.
Has too many birds on his antenna.
Has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it.
Has two neurons separated by a spirochete.
Has two neurons, and they don't synapse.
Has your dog hugged you today?
Has your wife's hair-do ever been ruined by a ceiling fan?
Hasn't got all his china in the cupboard.
Hasn't got enough sense to come in out of the rain.
Hasn't got the brains God gave a cat.
Hast thou found me, oh my enemy? - 1 Kings 21:20
Hasta La Bye-Bye! - Don Schanke
Hasta la pizza
Hasta la pizza...
Hasta la vista ..... baby!
Hasta la vista, Buckwheat - Tom
Haste cuisine (Fast French food)
Haste makes waste.
Hasten slowly -- Augustus Caesar
Hasten to laugh at everything lest you be obliged to weep
Hasten to laugh at everything, or later you may weep.
Hasten, the past is growing every day.
Hastings's cat? Sorry, I haven't seen it.
Hastur!  Hastur!  Hastur!  See, nothing happe$%@!).#^NO CARRIER
Hastur! Hastur! Hastur!  See, he's not &@#%*{) NO CARRIER
Hastur! Hastur! Hastur! See nothing happen %$##% NO CARRIER
Hastur! Hastur! Hastur! See nothing happen&^%$##%^NO CARRIER
Hastur! Hastur! Hastur! See nothing happen&^%$##%^NO CARRIRER
Hastur! Hastur! Hastur! See, no)(*^%&^%!@# NO CARRIER
Hastur! Hastur! Hastur! See, nothing happe$%@!).#^NO CARRIER
Hastur! See nothing happen %$##% NO CARRIER
Hastur, Hastur, Hast{2=@~& LOST CARRIER"
Hastur, He who must not be named - oops! *%)@ NO CARRIER
Hasty schizophrenics do things in a lickity split way.
Hat?  What hat?  That's a helipad for munchkins. - Guinan
Hatchet:  What a hen does to an egg.
Hatchet:  What a hen does with an egg.
Hatchet: What a hen does to an egg.
Hate Is Not A Family Value
Hate him back. Works for me. <Riggs>
Hate is not the opposite of love; apathy is. - Rollo May
Hate is so much is easier to feel than love.
Hate just I sentences reading with out of words order the.
Hate liberals? Try calling Gingrich the next time your S S I is robbed
Hate movie! - Giant Tom Servo
Hate the sin but love the sinner.
Hate those phone bills, love that modem.
Hate to drag this out but I need the screen time - Tom
Hate to sound so pessimistic, but I'm being realistic.
Hate your life?  Don't worry, it will eventually go away by itself.
Hate. Love. All the same. Burn the world down.
Hated dogs ever since I went to a masquerade ball as a lamp post.
Hatred <> Family Values
Hatred doesn't cease by hatred, but only by love. Dhammapada
Hatred inside you, rise from the dead.
Hatred is NOT a family value! Boycott Colorado!
Hatred is an ulcer on the body of brotherhood.
Hatred is blind...as well as love.
Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.
Hatred stirs up disputes but love covers all offenses.
Hatred, simple Rage without focus, is the gateway to the Wyrm.
Haughty dragon yearns to slay.
Haul cheeks! We gotta save Baby Pants - Crow
Haunted houses are never locked.
Haunting the chaepl Hell's demons prevail!
Hauskaa joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta! -Finnish Christmas
Hava Nagila, have 2 nagila, have 3 nagila, they're very small. . . .
Have  You  Listened  To  Rush  Limbaugh  Today ?.....
Have *you* ever tried carrying a building? -- Stonewall
Have 8-track, Will Travel.
Have A Nice Day, before some JERK messes it up!
Have Barney adopt Lyle and Erik Menendez.
Have Barney buy lake-front property in the Midwest.
Have Barney drive a 1973 Pinto during rush hour.
Have Barney hug Madonna.
Have Barney join the circus as the human cannon ball.
Have Barney program his VCR for an entire two weeks.
Have Barney take some pit-bulls out for a walk.
Have Government -- Need Gun!
Have I died and gone to Disneyland?
Have I ever claimed to be sane?
Have I ever! I haven't mated in 15 minutes! -- Tribble
Have I found GOD..?  Why, did you lose Her AGAIN..?
Have I found GOD?  What, did you lost Him AGAIN?
Have I found GOD?  Why, did you lose Her AGAIN?
Have I found God?  I didn't know He was missing.
Have I found God?  Why, have you gone and lost him AGAIN?
Have I found God? What, did you lose him AGAIN?
Have I found God? Why, have you gone and lost him AGAIN?
Have I got a deal for you!
Have I lost the plot already?  - Crow
Have I mentioned I'm immense and immortal?
Have I mentioned I'm immense and immortal? -- Joel Robinson
Have I muddified your fuzzification?
Have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?
Have I reached the person to whom I am speaking?
Have I said something amiss?
Have I shown you my pet Kzin?
Have Modem Will Travel.
Have Modem Will Upload.
Have Rodney King take Barney out for a night on the town.
Have Snarl -- Will Travel.
Have Spoon Will Travel
Have Tardis, will travel
Have Tardis, will travel.
Have Tongue Will Babble
Have U checked out Windows 95...I mean 96...I mean....
Have WarHammer, Will Travel : Wire Chandra, Solaris VII
Have Warped Sense of Humor, Will Travel!  That's Me!
Have YOU erased YOUR copy of Windows today?
Have YOU ever heard a duck fart underwater?
Have YOU exceeded your leech limit today? Why not?
Have YOU seen that GIF of Carol Carmichael?
Have YOU totaled a Ford ... Lately?
Have You Hugged A Crystal Entity Today?
Have You Hugged Your SysOp Today!
Have You Hugged Your Sysop Lately?
Have You Paid Your Tagline Registration Tax?
Have You Seen My Mind......................It wandered again <sigh>
Have You Seen Quasimodo - I Have A Hunch He's Back
Have You Snaged Your SYSOPS Tag Today, Then Snipit
Have You Snagged Your SYSOPS Tag Today? Then Snipit.
Have Your Modem Call My Modem And We'll Do Lunch
Have a "politically-correct" day!...
Have a Coke and a smile!
Have a Commander - Welcome aboard.
Have a GAY holiday!
Have a Happy HAPPY:-)
Have a Happy and Safe Holiday
Have a Homebrew!
Have a Husky day: 30 below and 5' of snow!
Have a Nice "Death Delay"
Have a Nice Day, before some S.O.B. louses it up!
Have a Popecicle, fellate the Pope's penis.
Have a School Lunch Re-Run
Have a Very Happy New Year!
Have a beer.  Mi casa es su casa. - Methos
Have a beignet and cafe au lait and relax.
Have a cold? Let me introduce you to Doc Jack Kevorkian.
Have a cold? Let me introduce you to Doc Jack Kevorkian.
Have a date with your vacuum cleaner.  Hoover sucks!!!
Have a day full of rainbows and glittery stars....
Have a digitaly positive day.
Have a fine day, Tony.
Have a good 'un...  (unless you have other plans)
Have a good Christmas and a merry New Year
Have a good day  unless you've other plans.
Have a good day - unless you've made other plans!
Have a good day - unless you've other plans.
Have a good day today and a better day tommorow
Have a good day today and a better day tomorrow
Have a good day...if possible, :-)
Have a great day in spite of everyone!
Have a heart, support your local Programmer.
Have a nice DOS!
Have a nice Vernatumnal-Solstinox!
Have a nice day (somewhere else).
Have a nice day - unless you've made other plans
Have a nice day - unless you've made other plans.
Have a nice day - void where prohibited.
Have a nice day . . . somewhere else.
Have a nice day ...somewhere else.
Have a nice day unless you don't.
Have a nice day!  No thanks, I have other plans.
Have a nice day!  Unless you have other plans...
Have a nice day! Unless you have other plans...
Have a nice day!"  "No thanks, I have other plans."
Have a nice day, and a better tomorrow!
Have a nice day.
Have a nice day.  Unless you've made other plans.
Have a nice day..... somewhere else.
Have a nice day...unless you have other plans.
Have a nice day? No thanks, I've already made other plans.
Have a nice doomsday!
Have a nosh/have a glass tea/here is shtick #3!
Have a pickle pops. - Ranma
Have a problem?  Dial 1-976-TROI  (3 credits per minute; 18 and over)
Have a question?  Just dial "Q" on your telephone.
Have a ride in my new ambulance, said Tom hospitably.
Have a seat and I'll be out within three shakes of a lamb's tail. -Mia
Have a seat while I take to the sky. - Tori Amos
Have a towel I can borrow? -Crow to girl wrapped in towel
Have a very fruitful day.
Have a very nice DAY and a better night!
Have a yabba dabba gay old time!
Have an Electrician Check Your Shorts
Have an adequate day
Have an adequate day.
Have an affair.  It will break up the monogamy.
Have an interesting day!
Have another @[]~ (cup of coffee)
Have another soft drink, Tom coaxed.
Have at it, Space Guy - Dr. Forrester to Joel
Have at thee, dickweed! -Crow T. Robot
Have beer, will.....buuurrrrpppp.......party!
Have blaster -- will travel.
Have buttered scones for tea.
Have courage Pete,  It could be worse.
Have cursor, will curse.
Have data, will travel.
Have done and you lot get your pens out.
Have engaged Borg, Ring was assimilated!
Have fun and good modeming!
Have fun doing whatever it is you don't plan to do!
Have fun filling out tax forms - use Roman Numerals.
Have fun in Italy, said Tom romantically.
Have fun on the ninteenth story!! - Jason
Have fun storming the castle, boys!
Have fun with a Klingon.  Put tribbles in his shorts.
Have fun!  Misery is optional.
Have fun, be creative, get arrested, piss people off.
Have fun, don't get caught.
Have it *our* way.  Borger King.
Have it OUR way - Borger King.
Have it monogrammed, was Tom's initial suggestion.
Have it our way at Borger King! (I *am* this place!)
Have it our way, yours is irrelevant, at BORGer King
Have it your way at Lesbian King.
Have more than 2750 names recorded, still some are missing.
Have no fear - I never attack lesser beings.
Have no fear of perfection - you never reach it. - Dali
Have nothing to do whatsoever with dying. -- Maugham
Have passion, will travel
Have pity for the Rubber Chicken Challanged.
Have purple toga, will pontificate.
Have recipes, will travel
Have screwdriver will fix.
Have sex without a condon Saddam, it's okay. Trust me.
Have sh, will travel
Have soldering iron, will attempt to fix.
Have some cheese, said Tom craftily.
Have some more:
Have some popcorn.  This is getting interesting.  \****/
Have some shampoo, was Tom's unconditional offer.
Have sonic screwdriver, will fix.
Have spacesuit, will travel.                  - Heinlein
Have stock?  Will broker.
Have subspace modem, will telecommunicate.
Have taglines, will travel
Have the boy sent to the bridge. - Picard
Have the computer beep me, when it is ready.
Have the courage to take off when the others are standing still.
Have the lot of you had allergy tests?
Have they roughed you up yet.
Have time to waste?  Get Microsoft Windows 3.0!
Have time to waste?  Get Windows 3.0
Have time to waste? Get Microsoft Windows 3.1!
Have time to waste??? Get Windows 3.0.
Have to ask the price?  You can't afford it!
Have to describe your movie using semaphore flags - Dr. F
Have to fix the cat. Let's see - hammer, duct tape, saw.
Have tongue will travel!
Have tree, will climb - just as all my ancestors did.
Have universal translator, will mumble!
Have we been a good little melancholy poet this year?
Have we degenerated to a nation controlled by lawyers?
Have we learned _from_ our past, or merely _about_ it?
Have we met before? -Picard to Sisko
Have wedding date, time etc. Cannot post openly. OBVIOUSLY!
Have whipped cream, will travel!  -Tim Ashley
Have ya found the butt folks? Its the one w/the dots -Tom
Have you @#%!ed your dog today?
Have you ALLOWED yourself to be TAKEN by DEFAULT?
Have you CSDed your OS/2 today ?
Have you IN FACT got any cheese here at all?
Have you Thumped your Bible today? ...Whaddya mean Jesus wasn't white?
Have you accepted Bob as your saviour? (:-7
Have you accepted Jesus? - Tom Servo as stiff, geeky character
Have you accepted Jesus? - Tom as stiff, geeky character
Have you actually tasted an airline toilet seat?
Have you any Grey Poupon?
Have you been coordinating with alien govenments? - Hague
Have you been coordinating with alien governments? --Hague.
Have you been drinking? You look blurry.
Have you been helped? - Dr. Forrester to Deep 13 visitors
Have you been helped? - TV's Frank to Deep 13 visitors
Have you been stealing this lady's taglines?
Have you been taught to be cautious?
Have you been up all night eating cheese? I think I'm blind..
Have you called System Support today?
Have you capitalized your SURNAMES lately?
Have you checked under your keyboard for boogers lately?
Have you clicked your mouse today?
Have you clubbed an ignorant human today?
Have you clubbed an ignorant liberal today?
Have you come here for forgiveness?  --U2
Have you come to play Jesus to the lepers in your head? --U2
Have you come to raise the dead? --U2
Have you considered suicide this week?
Have you consulted your electric monk today?
Have you cooked a Tribble today?  Fried??  Baked???  FLAMBE???
Have you counted your Legos lately?
Have you crashed Windows lately?
Have you crashed Windows today? If not, it wont be long.
Have you crashed your Windows today?
Have you crashed your Windows today? I have!
Have you cursed your software developer today?
Have you cursed your software developer yet today?
Have you done your "good turn" today?
Have you driven OS/2...Lately?
Have you driven a blond lately?
Have you drug tested YOUR legislators today
Have you drug tested YOUR legislators today?
Have you even TRIED to see it that way?
Have you ever actually seen someone laughing all the way to the bank?
Have you ever asked Superman does he wear underwear?
Have you ever barbecued Spam on the grill?
Have you ever been a member of the Illuminati?
Have you ever been close to a sauerkraut fart?
Have you ever been fired from a construction job because of your appeara
Have you ever been in the midd                        and lost track
Have you ever been over charged? "YOU WILL" -AT&T
Have you ever been to Electric Ladyland?  J.Hendrix
Have you ever been to a zoo? I mean, as a visitor?
Have you ever been to the zoo?  I mean, as a visitor?
Have you ever considered climbing out of the barracks? - Franklin
Have you ever considered photocopying a dime?
Have you ever considered suicide? I think you'd like it
Have you ever danced with a A-10 Warthog by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a A-6 Intruder by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Aichi D3A by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Av8 Harrier by the pale moon light..
Have you ever danced with a B-25 Mitchell by the pale moon light.
Have you ever danced with a Brewster Buffalo by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Cat in the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Curtiss SB2 by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Douglas SBD-3 by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Douglas TBD-1 by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a F4-U by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Falcon by the pale moonlight?
Have you ever danced with a Flying Fortress by the pale moon light.
Have you ever danced with a Grumman F4F-3 by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Grumman TBF by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Kc-130 by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Mitsubishi Reisen by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a Nakajima B5N by the pale moon light?
Have you ever danced with a P-47 Thunderbolt by the pale moonlight?
Have you ever danced with a P-51 Mustang by the pale moonlight?
Have you ever danced with a Spitfire by the pale moonlight?
Have you ever danced with a Tomcat by the Whoops, Tomcats don't dance.
Have you ever danced with the devil has temptation ever summoned you?
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Have you ever danced with the devil?
Have you ever done up your helmet like a trojan war helm? (+6)
Have you ever explored your pagh, Commander? - Kai Opaka.
Have you ever had sex from 300 miles away, You will! - AT&T
Have you ever had sex in a satellite dish?
Have you ever had to finally decide...
Have you ever heard a sheep bleat and had romantic thoughts?
Have you ever heard of "consideration for others"?
Have you ever heard of an armed robbery at a gun show?
Have you ever heard...That bird is the word? - Tom sings
Have you ever jumped the Elephant Mans bones?
Have you ever killed 500 men just to make a point?
Have you ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle?
Have you ever modeled for Halloween masks?
Have you ever modelled for Hallowe'en masks?
Have you ever noticed how maligned cats are on BBSes?
Have you ever noticed that it's the lawyers who write all the laws?
Have you ever noticed that mice don't have shoulders?
Have you ever noticed what "golf" spells backwards?
Have you ever painted your girlfriend's name on an overpass?
Have you ever parked your motorcycle in a hotel room?
Have you ever posted brainless messages just to display your TagLines?
Have you ever pulled a wheelie in front of a police station?
Have you ever questioned your most basic assumptions?
Have you ever really, ever really loved a lesbian?
Have you ever seen Bill Clinton and Barney together? Hmmmmm.....
Have you ever seen a TV guide?
Have you ever seen a book mark?
Have you ever seen a chocolate chip?
Have you ever seen a dead man before? -- Gul Dukat
Have you ever seen a dog whistle?
Have you ever seen a golf bawl?
Have you ever seen a phone change?
Have you ever seen a phone charge?
Have you ever seen a pocket book?
Have you ever seen a toilet bowl?
Have you ever seen a, chocolate chip?
Have you ever seen a, dog whistle?
Have you ever served with any Bajoran women? - O'Brien
Have you ever taken that test yourself?
Have you ever talked into an acoustic modem?
Have you ever tried lipreading a muppet??
Have you ever tried looking at the stars through a squirrel?
Have you ever tried running in full armour?  It's a bitch
Have you ever tried to steal your own taglines?
Have you ever tried to throw away a trash can? ... keeps coming back.
Have you ever visited America? Your English is quite good!
Have you ever walked the pattern?
Have you ever wanted to go home and kick the kids???  Get help!!!
Have you ever wanted to go out and kick a kid?
Have you ever watched a salad dressing?
Have you ever waterstarted a 5o5 with the spinnaker up?
Have you ever wished you could download a beer?
Have you ever wished you could download a pizza?
Have you ever wished you could re-format life and start over?
Have you ever wished you could re-format life?
Have you ever wondered how to throw out a garbage can?
Have you ever wondered what a female cat calls her reproductive organ?
Have you ever wondered what happens on a typical day of a Treker?
Have you ever wondered what your computer thinks of you?
Have you ever wondered where people in Hell tell each other to go?
Have you ever wondered where people in hell tell each other to go?
Have you ever wondered why aquarium water tastes funny?
Have you ever wondered why it seems that evil you're attracted to?
Have you ever: drank beer because you liked to piss?
Have you ever: picked up sailors (marines, soldiers)?
Have you ever: slept in your undies?
Have you finished?
Have you flogged your crew today?
Have you forgiven me for shaving you bald last month? - Dot
Have you gone out to that cave out there and hugged your dragon today?
Have you got a smoke alarm I can switch off while I'm cooking?
Have you got all the stuffing up one end?
Have you got anything without spam?
Have you got change for 10,000,000 people?
Have you got some reason you want my atoms scattered all over space?
Have you guys seen our pants? - Crow
Have you had a head crash?
Have you had a significant new idea of your own lately?
Have you had any good moods lately?
Have you had your 50,000-lines-read checkup yet?
Have you had your daily echomail fix?
Have you had your lesbian today?
Have you heard from Richard Hsiung; How he fared in the Jan 17 Quake?
Have you heard from your brain lately?
Have you heard of Albert Einstein's son Frank Einstein?
Have you heard the *bad* News?  Cthulhu fhtagn!
Have you heard the *bad* News? Cthulhu fhtagn! <-Huh?
Have you heard the news? The dogs are dead!
Have you hugged Worf today (and survived)?
Have you hugged a Chtorran today?
Have you hugged a Klingon lately (and lived)?
Have you hugged a Klingon today (and lived)?
Have you hugged a Klingon today (and survived)?
Have you hugged a Klingon today? And lived to tell?
Have you hugged a lesbian today?
Have you hugged a porcupine today?
Have you hugged a programmer today?
Have you hugged an electric fence lately?
Have you hugged an electric fence today?
Have you hugged an electron today ?
Have you hugged my T-shirt today?
Have you hugged you Vulcan today?
Have you hugged you dog today?
Have you hugged your CPU today?
Have you hugged your Klingon today? And lived to tell about it?
Have you hugged your PHASER today?
Have you hugged your Shoggoth today?
Have you hugged your SysOp lately..??
Have you hugged your Sysop today?
Have you hugged your Teddy today?
Have you hugged your aardvark today?
Have you hugged your cats today?
Have you hugged your chipset today?
Have you hugged your computer lately?
Have you hugged your computer today..??
Have you hugged your computer today?
Have you hugged your creatures lately????
Have you hugged your dog(s) today?
Have you hugged your dragon today?
Have you hugged your dragon today?   (HAV:hugged dragon)   fnt
Have you hugged your dragon today?.
Have you hugged your fire lizard today?
Have you hugged your kid today?
Have you hugged your local gynoterrorist today? 
Have you hugged your logic probe today?
Have you hugged your modem today?
Have you hugged your moderator today?
Have you hugged your motherboard today?
Have you hugged your porcupine today?
Have you hugged your tribble today?
Have you hugged your volcano today?
Have you hugged your wench today?
Have you icked your Victor today? --FAB/VBSP slogan...
Have you in fact, got any cheese here at all?
Have you jump-started a Ford, lately?
Have you kicked your moderator today?
Have you kissed your Rubber chicken today?
Have you kissed your hard drive today?
Have you listened to Rush Limbaugh today?
Have you locked your file cabinet?
Have you lost weight?
Have you made out your will yet? If not, you better!
Have you maggots in your brains? -- Fletcher
Have you met Fortune's daughter? Miss Fortune!
Have you met Mrs. Ware and her daughter, Tuppa?
Have you met my pet? - Dot
Have you met the other Fox yet? My FoxJym? <smile> - Myra I Fox
Have you no sense of Decency or Respect????
Have you noticed how everybody else is getting older ?
Have you noticed how everybody's getting older?
Have you noticed how many drivers get real mad if they miss you?
Have you noticed how much Ross Perot resembles a Ferengi?
Have you noticed how much they look like orchids? Lovely!
Have you noticed some taglines sound like fortune cookies?
Have you noticed that married people aren't single?
Have you noticed that single people aren't married?
Have you noticed? Boring people are usually bored.
Have you noticed? The older you get,the older old gets?
Have you oppressed your peasants today?
Have you played T.A.G. lately?
Have you pushed a Ford lately?
Have you reached a conclusion?
Have you reached out and flamed someone today??
Have you read "Computer Memories" by Meg Abight?
Have you read "Fred Can Philosophize!" by Immanuel Kant?
Have you read "Handel's Messiah" by Ollie Luyah?
Have you read "Luke's Contagious!" by Lucas Measles?
Have you read "Swimming in the Arctic" by I. C. Waters?
Have you read Out on Parole by Freda Convict?
Have you read a book called The Bible?  I hear it's a bestseller...
Have you read any good spellbooks lately?
Have you read the book "Animal Scents" - by Farrah Mones?
Have you read the book?  The movie pales in comparison...
Have you realized that SATAN is an anagram for SANTA?
Have you reconsidered a computer career?
Have you registered your recipe yet?
Have you registered your tagline yet?
Have you rehabilitated yourself?
Have you roasted a Conservative today?
Have you roasted a Liberal today?
Have you said "I love you" to your mother lately
Have you said "THANKS" to your Moderator today?
Have you said "THANKS" to your Sysop today?
Have you seen Cliffhanger? - Dr. Servo to Crow
Have you seen Junior's GRADES???
Have you seen Michael Jackson's 12 acre small child lure?
Have you seen Quasimodo lately?  I have a hunch he's back.
Have you seen Quasimodo?  I had a hunch he was back.
Have you seen Quasimoto?  I had a hunch he was back.
Have you seen Quasimoto? I have a hunch he's back!
Have you seen a man who's lost his luggage? - Suitcase
Have you seen my car keys?
Have you seen my mind?  It's wandered off again....
Have you seen my mind? It wandered again.<sigh>
Have you seen my mind? It wandered again.<sigh<
Have you seen my mind? It was wandering again.
Have you seen my training bra? - Tom as flabby caveman
Have you seen the Grand Coulee, workin' on the railroad...
Have you seen the bridge?
Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the dirt?
Have you seen the poster child for birth control?  Got a mirror?
Have you seen this Tagline?  Call 1-800-TAG-THIS!
Have you seen your RIP today?
Have you selected your characters? -Tom the Dungeonmaster
Have you sent in a Dumb Coupon today?
Have you shaved your palms lately?
Have you shouted "MORN!" today?
Have you sucked a crawfish head lately?
Have you suffered through to Rush Limbaugh today?
Have you taunted a Conservative today?
Have you taunted a liberal today?
Have you taunted an extraterrestrial lately?
Have you thanked your Sysop lately?
Have you thanked your Sysop today?
Have you thanked your sysop today? Fax him a Dopefish!
Have you tried "Warluck" yet?
Have you tried 3-way calling & TriModem 1.13?
Have you tried Rogane or Minoxadi--*$&@###  NO HAIRIER
Have you tried Woody Allen's `Incestial Seasonings Tea?'
Have you tried X-LAX.EXE for Windoze?  ...cleans it right up!
Have you tried on your smile today?
Have you tried our decomposing rats boiled in pus...?
Have you tried reading this echo's regularly-posted FAQ?
Have you tried the Dionne Warrick Tagline manager?
Have you tried your smile today?
Have you twitted your Sysop today.
Have you typed on an Amiga lately?
Have you uploaded clip art today?
Have you walked the Pattern?
Have you walked your football today?
Have you written your own windows device driver ... in Assembly?
Have you, in fact, got any cheese here at all?
Have you: been a roadie?
Have you: committed sedation (bored an audience to sleep)?
Have you: evaded taxes?
Have you: fed someone dog food?
Have you: felt like the Three Bears (who's been sleeping in my bed)?
Have you: given your cat or dog a Mohawk or a punk hairdo?
Have you: introduced someone to 'drugs' in general?
Have you: made or synthesized your own drugs?
Have you: spiked a punch with other drugs?
Have you: taken PCP or other veterinary drug?
Have you: taken any 'designer' drugs?
Have you: told shaggy dog stories?
Have you? Well, HAVE YOU?!? - Tom to Crow
Have your cat tuned every year or 12,000 meows.
Have your jeans been cybernized?
Have your modem call my modem and we'll do freq. <The Jose>
Have your people call my people. We'll have lunch.- An Important Sysop
Have your people talk to my people.
Have your service call my service; our services will do lunch.
Haven't I managed to blend into the wallpaper well enough yet?
Haven't I met you before?
Haven't I see you on a milk carton?
Haven't had sex for so long, I forget who gets tied up!
Haven't helped at all, have I?
Haven't made love to a woman w/teeth in so long - Tom
Haven't we met some where before?
Haven't you ever heard of a Tue Fingered Typist? - Gus
Haven't you ever heard of a joke?
Haven't you ever seen a dragon being arrested before?"<Capt Vimes>
Haven't you ever slaughtered someone?  Uncle Fester
Haven't you figured it out Yet!? I'm a Mean and Spiteful person!!
Having Email doesn't mean you're "On the Internet."
Having MPD means lots of birthdays & gifts.
Having Windows problems?  Dial 1-800-3-IBM-OS2 for fast relief!
Having a .45 means never having to say I'M SORRY!
Having a Bajoran for a first officer seems to make sense.
Having a Moderator beats losing a Conference!
Having a Moderator beats losing an Echo!
Having a SIDEWINDER mean never having to say I'M SORRY!
Having a Sidewinder Missile mean never having to say I'M SORRY!
Having a Sidewinder means never having to say "I'M SORRY!".
Having a Type "A" for a wife makes life...  *Interesting*
Having a bad hair life
Having a beer can't make you pregnant.
Having a beer doesn't make you want to take a shower.
Having a few technical difficulties - TV's Frank
Having a friend you can confide in is better than a million dollars.
Having a good time can be deadly.
Having a great time. Where am I exactly??
Having a party in his head, but no one else is invited.
Having abandoned my search for reality, I am now in search of fantasy.
Having abandoned quality, I seek taglines in quantity
Having abandoned the search for truth, I'm looking for a good fantasy.
Having an out of body experience - back in an hour.
Having bad feelings about this
Having children is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain.
Having children will turn you into your parents.
Having failed to conquer myself, I hope for an alliance.
Having found Truth, I search for Fantasy.
Having fun gives me prickly heat.
Having it all doesn't mean having it all at once.
Having lost all sense of direction, we doubled our pace!
Having lost faith in reality, give me a good fantasy.
Having ovaries does not automatically make you a nice person. 
Having passed on, the lawyer found himself with the devil in a deal.
Having problems with DOS??  Call 1-900-WHAAAAA
Having said my piece, I bid you adeiu...
Having sex with computers results in baby calculators.
Having studied Christianity, I became Pagan.
Having the ability to play an instrument is priceless.
Having the surname Git is hard for my son Spotty Little Two-faced.
Having to be fair is such a drag!
Having trouble with already uploaded mail?  Use NODUPS02.ZIP
Having trouble with upload mail?  Use NODUPS02.ZIP
Having two bathrooms ruins the capacity to co-operate.
Having used 14400 bps, even 9600 bps is slow!
Having your recipe snagged in this echo is high praise indeed.
Having your tagline stolen is the best flattery.
Having your tagline swiped in this echo is high praise indeed.
Haw Haw! - Nelson Muntz
Haw, Haw, said Tom dextrously.
Haw-haw! - Nelson
Hawaii is as American as apple poi.
Hawaii shorts: What a wallet has after a vacation there.
Hawaii shorts: What a wallet has after vacationing there!
Hawaii where a lei is a bunch of flowers!
Hawaiian Jeopardy?  "I'd like to buy the 73 A's!"
Hawaiian Seduction by Komonawanalaya
Hawaiian word for love: CmonIwannalaya
Hawaiians do it volcanically.
Hawaiians do it volcanicly.
Hawk looks down from lofty flight
Hawk:  "The rest is downhill."  Trapper:  "So is your head."
Hawkeye, what are we doing? - I was hoping you'd know.
Hawkinson's Law: Every clarification breeds new questions.
Hay what's up?  How's life?
Hayden's Observation:  The real world is a special case.
Hayden, AZ: It's illegal to disturb a bullfrog or cottontail rabbit.
Haydn wrote 104 symphonies; they never wrote back.
Hayes Smartmodem - conflict of terms or an oxymoron?
Hazard:  Any boat over 2 feet in length.
Hazard:  Any body of land within 100 yards of any body of water.
Hazard:  Any body of water.
Hazard:  The skipper of any boat over 2 feet in length.
Hazards are one of the main causes of accidents-OSHA 1976
Haze Grey and Underway.
Hazel, South Dakota           jeff.schlenker@lake-city.com
He "May I kiss you?" She "Heavens, another amateur!"
He (God) has favored our undertakings.
He (God) seems to have an inordinate fondness for beetles
He *really* needs a girlfriend.
He Deered To Kill a Kings Dare!
He Disappeared!:                   Otto Sight
He Disappeared!: Otto Sight
He God Dam mad dog, Eh ...
He Has a few birds loose in the attic.
He Has a few screws loose.
He Has a few wait states.
He Has an ego like a black hole.
He Has both oars in the water, but on the same side of the boat.
He Has signs on both ears saying "Space for Rent".
He Has the IQ of a salad bar.
He Has the IQ of an ice cube.
He Has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it.
He Has two neurons, and they don't synapse.
He Hasn't got all his china in the cupboard.
He Hasn't got enough sense to come in out of the rain.
He Hasn't got the brains God gave a cat.
He IS a Mongol bastard - Crow
He Reality-ometer: E[\........]F  Hmmph! Thought so...
He Rules the Roost - But I Rule the Rooster!
He SLMRed me!
He Sang Get-along Little Doggie, So I Bought A Dachshund.
He Shoots! He Scores! - "Hey you, in the net...you SUCK!"
He Sprays It Like Icy Death From Bloody Stumps! - Crow
He WAS born yesterday!
He Was A Low Down, Cheap Little Punk! (YEAH PUNK!)
He Who Made kittens - Put Snakes In The Grass !!
He Who Puts God First Will Be Happy At Last!
He _did_ it, and then He _hid_ it!
He _will_ die because you won't trust me! - Dr. Franklin
He _will_ die because you won't trust me! --Franklin.
He agreed with the sign, "Fine for parking."
He ain't dead; he's electroencephalographically challenged.
He ain't heavy;  he's a Shareware Author.
He ain't wrapped too tight.
He almost lost them in that last edit - Crow T. Robot during car chase
He always kept things nice and clean *pt-uuu*   *BELCH!!!*
He always talks like that. Sometimes, I think he can't help it.
He and she are in the house, but there's only me at home.
He asked only one question, "Who checks the Checkers?".
He bears the seed of ruin in himself. --Arnold.
He beat Razor Ramon! He beat Razor Ramon! -Heenan -pro wrestling
He became killed & he died - Tom
He became the Son of Man, that we might become sons of God.
He believes in love at first sight.  It saves time!
He bellows like a Bull standing on his balls.
He bellows like a cow standing on her tit.
He blew his O-rings.
He blew the hatch before the lock sealed.
He broke the face barrier - Tom Servo on ugly pilot
He broke the face barrier - Tom on ugly pilot
He bumped into the invisible synthesizer!!!
He called me a brainless lunatic. I thanked him for the compliment.
He calls me (affectionately i think) "curmudgeon".
He calls that a little adventure? - Riker
He calls when I'm alone, and he calls when I'm not home
He came from Heaven to Earth to show us the way...
He came, he saw, he conked out.
He can be outwitted by a jar of marshmallow fluff.
He can be such a bitch - Crow on hero
He can get into a stew faster than an oyster.
He can have your heart. I'll take what's left. - Frank to Margaret
He can speak French; and therefore he is a traitor. -- Shakespeare
He can speak French;and therefore he is a traitor.
He can't be dead, Jim. That'd mean the end of the series.
He can't be insane, I've never seen him at the meetings.
He can't fight meI'm Jesse now..-Freddy Krueger
He can't think without his hat.
He cannot rule the great who cannot rule the small.
He carries it well because he's usually right. - Riker
He caught his head in a mechanical rice picker.  Kirk
He changed his shirt! Must be a disguise! - Mike
He choked to death on vomit.  Somebody else's vomit.
He chose Joycelyn Elders; want him to choose YOUR doctor??
He claims he was just trying to PUSH that sheep through the fence.
He come walking, he come talking...
He comes from a long line of first cousins.
He compresses the most words into the smallest ideas.
He conquors who endures. - Persius
He continues to post off topic, he scores!
He could clear the savana after every meal. - Timone
He could clear the savannah after every meal!
He could pick up space herpies -Crow on guy searching UFO
He could talk Oedipus into leaving home. - Hawkeye on Dr. Freedman
He could've said, 'Peepee-soaked Heckhole.'" - Lawyer
He couldn't buy a clue with lottery winnings.
He couldn't fix a straw if it was bent. -- Odo
He couldn't spell cat if you spotted him the 'c' and the 'a'.
He couldn't win a debate against Suzy Creamcheese.
He crapped bigger than me!-- Joel Robinson
He created OLD fossils!  Yeah, riiiight
He created OLD fossils! Yeah, riiiigghht!
He delivered them into the hands of spoilers. - Judges 2:14
He desperately needs help.
He did a good job cleaning up the place,
He did everything in this film - Tom Servo on Thor
He did grind in the prison house. - Judges 16:21
He did it HIS way...
He did say "Cleared for final"              ...didn't he?
He did something to a chicken that was an honor to it!?
He did too much LDS in the 60's. -- Kirk to Gillian
He did too much LSD in the 60's. -- Kirk to Gillian
He did, he did, he did, he did, and did.
He didn't know what a good thing he had.
He didn't really say THAT! Did he????
He didn't save her, he saved you. - Methos
He died a horrible death, being excommunicated by a bull.
He died a natural death  - he was hit by a car.
He died as he had lived - in his sleep.
He died as he lived...with jelly all over his face.
He died as he lived: With his mouth wide open --Joel.
He died of lead poisoning...high velocity lead poisoning.
He died penniless.. Talk about perfect timing!
He died to take away your sins, not your mind.
He died today...may we rest in peace!
He died with his bowling shoes on - Mike
He does TOO have to shoot me now! SO SHOOT ME NOW! <BLAM>
He does TOO have to shoot me now! SO SHOOT ME NOW! <BLAM<
He does not get excited: He experiences temporary blood displacement.
He does not have a hot body: He is anatomically gifted.
He does not have a nice butt: He is a well-rounded individual.
He does not send you flowers: He practices botanical bribery.
He does not stuff socks in his pants: He is a Bulgeless American.
He does not stuff, he's a bulgeless American
He does not try to score: He attempts a horizontal encounter.
He does not wear too much cologne: He commits fragrance abuse.
He does the work of 3 Men...Larry, Moe, & Curly.
He does the work of 3 Men...Moe, Larry, and Curly.
He does the work of 3 MenLarry, Moe, and Curly.
He does the work of 3 men.  Moe, Larry & Curly
He does the work of 3 men. Moe, Larry & Curly
He does the work of 3 men...Moe, Larry & Curly.
He does the work of 3 men: Larry, Moe & Curly.
He does the work of three Men...Moe, Larry & Curly
He does the work of three men...Larry, Moe, and Curly.
He does the work of three men...Moe, Larry, and Curley.
He does the work of three men: Larry, Moe and Curly.
He does the work of three men: Moe, Larry, and Curly.
He does this to me at night-scared the hell outta me-Crow
He doesn't get excited, it's temporary blood displacement
He doesn't have all his cups in the cupboard.
He doesn't have all his dogs on one leash.
He doesn't have all his oars in the water.
He doesn't have all of his groceries in the same bag.
He doesn't have all the dots on his dice.
He doesn't have both oars in the water.
He doesn't have enough sandwiches for a picnic.
He doesn't inhale but he sure sucks.
He doesn't inhale, he SUCKS!
He doesn't know what he's talking about.
He doesn't know what she's talking about.
He doesn't know which side of the toast the butter is on.
He doesn't know who he's talking to.
He doesn't like you... I don't like you either! - Cantina Patron
He doesn't need therapy - he needs a lobotomy.
He doesn't stand a chance.  We'll be right back.
He don't know me vewy well, *DO* he?!  -- B. Bunny
He don't know me vewy well, do he? - Bugs Bunny.
He donated his body to science before he was through using it.
He dreamed a god up and called it christianity - NIN
He dreamed he was a muffler -- he awakened exhausted.
He dreamed he was a muffler -- he woke up exhausted.
He dreamed he was a muffler then awakened exhausted.
He dresses a lot like my wife. - Col. Potter on Klinger
He drew a blank, then erased it.
He dropped his second stage too soon.
He drowned in a pool with an average depth of three inches.
He duz de work o' 3 men, See dis? Remus, Moe & Curly.  Ya' know?
He echoes between the ears.
He empties cattle for a living - Tom on redneck
He even sleeps 'crabby' - Crow
He faced the galloping hoarde...a hundred bad guys with swords...
He failed as a proof-reader for M & M's.
He fan club - tar & feathers will be provided.
He fell from the 10th floor and lived to tell...to the 9th, 8th...
He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
He felte a thing al rough and long y-herd,
He finally admitted it...  He really *doesn't* have a brain...
He flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in of line - NIN
He flung himself on his horse and rode madly off in all d
He flung himself on his horse and rode madly off in all directions.
He followed me home.  Can I keep him?
He forgets while we drink. - Hawkeye on Frank
He forgot he had a robot named Gypsy - Crow to Gypsy
He forgot the gun was loaded.
He forgot to pay his brain bill.
He found captain winky! - Ace Ventura
He gave YOU the creeps?! - Tom to trampy, tough girl
He gave her a look that you could have poured on a waffle.
He gave his life for tourism.
He gets his news from Mad Magazine.
He gives birth to swimming horses
He gives twice that gives quickly.
He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.
He goes to class late, he's a big shot! - Tom sings
He got a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.
He got arrested for yelling, THEATER! in a crowded firehouse.
He got fired from a job at the bank.  He tried to take home his work.
He got his head caught in a...mechanical rice picker -- Kirk
He got the SPACE MADNESS... - Ren Hoek
He got the upside, I got the downside.
He gots'ta all de charm o' some dirty Christmas card.  Cheeeiit.
He had a cultivated accent. The kind you cultivate in a Petri Dish.
He had a long-dogma look.
He had been big, he had been powerful, and he had been there.
He had his hat on his lap for a reason - Tom
He had his lazer set on roast - Crow
He had more expressions when he wore a mask - Mike
He had never seen the Catskill Mountains, but had seen them kill mice.
He had three dollars! - Crow
He had white horses, and ladies by the score.
He has ROM (for a stubborn person).
He has Van Gogh's ear for music.
He has a Wessonality disorder.
He has a cab forward skull - Mike
He has a few screws loose, but is otherwise okay!
He has a good head on his shouldersa different one each night.
He has a haunting ugliness - Mike
He has a low order of intelligence. - John Huston on Reagan
He has a mad posh for the Oriental-- Joel Robinson
He has a manic interest in nature - Tom
He has a one-bit brain with a parity error.
He has a phenomenal grasp of the obvious.
He has a ready wit. Let me know where it's ready.
He has a room-temperature IQ.
He has a slow clock.
He has a terrific stariway, but nothing upstairs.
He has a train of thought.  You have a tricycle
He has a train of thought.  You have a tricycle.
He has a train of thought.  You have a tricycle...
He has a very good point - on top of his head.
He has a very good point.
He has achieved oneness with his inner being!
He has all the charm of a dirty Christmas card.
He has all the subtlety of Godzilla break-dancing.
He has an 'outy' in the middle of his head - Crow
He has become One with Himself! He's passed out! That too. --B5.
He has been an enigma for a long time.
He has been caught cheating on taglines again.
He has been caught stealing taglines again.
He has been diagnosed with Blue Wave Fever. It's catching too!
He has been upset ever since he found out there was no Santa Claus.
He has both oars in the water on the same side of the boat!
He has bubbles in his think tank.
He has crispy critter potential!  - Tom on imminent fire
He has delusions of adequacy.
He has every attribute of a dog except for loyalty.
He has false teeth...with braces.
He has fatty enlargement of the ego.
He has his solar panels aimed at the moon.
He has it floored in neutral.
He has listed "Reality" as a PREVIOUS address!!
He has more angles than a geometry book.
He has more chins than a Chinese phonebook!
He has morning wood. Morning wood is cool. huh huh huh
He has no Elvis in him.
He has no self-control. His wife has it.
He has one reliable flaw: Loyalty.
He has several screws loose.
He has some bugs in his software.
He has the attention span of a Kender on a double dose of acid...
He has the bedside manner of a pathologist.
He has the heart of a little child...  it's in a jar on his desk.
He has the mental agility of a small soap dish.
He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help. - Abe Lincoln
He has this way of manipulating every little word I say.
He has too many lice to feel an itch.
He has trouble dealing with reality.
He has two neurons separated by a spirochete.
He has zero K memory
He hasn't a single redeeming vice.
He hasn't an enemy in the world. Only his friends hate him. Gene Kelly
He hasn't had his tires rotated in months
He hasn't one redeeming vice. - Oscar Wilde
He hasn't one redeeming vice.-- Oscar Wilde
He headbutts steel posts for fun.
He heard she was stuck up and asked how much they got.
He held me spellbound in the night...
He hit my goddamn car, that's what happened - AJ Foyt
He hits, and - I'm going to need some more dice.
He hunts us, we hunt him. - Joe Dawson
He hurts the good who spares the bad.
He inserted his disk in the drive
He inserted his hardware in her software
He is   S  p  a  c  e  d   o  u  t .
He is 100K short of a Mb.
He is BOB, eager for fun. He wears a smile - EVERYBODY RUN!
He is Barney's pen-pal!
He is Fabio's lesser known heavier brother, Flabio.
He is PERFECTLY stupid - Mike
He is a couple of diskettes short of a full backup.
He is a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.
He is a deeply superficial person.
He is a few bricks short of a load.
He is a few cents short of the dollar.
He is a fool who cannot be angry, but he is a wise man wh
He is a grease spot on the driveway of life.
He is a little young for you, isn't he? - Sisko to Dax.
He is a person for whom death would be becoming.
He is a self-made man, and worships his creator.
He is a sheep in sheep's clothing.
He is about to impress us with his piloting skills.
He is almost a statesman.  He lies well.
He is biting that female! - Lall
He is biting that female! -- Lal
He is but the first to fall Picard - Tomaluk
He is dead! He is shamed! He is wedded!
He is dead, he is damned, he is WEDDED!
He is diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
He is happiest who hath power to gather wisdom from a flower.-M Howitt
He is holding a magnet. Everyone backup. - Data
He is in a straightjacket!
He is my close friend, and a great man has been lost.
He is no dummy. He is my programmer!
He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides.
He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides. 
He is not a beach bum: He is a coastally located American.
He is not afraid of commitment: He is relationship challenged.
He is not afraid to get married:  He is avoiding domestic incarceration.
He is not an idiot, but plays one on Fidonet!
He is not bald, he is forehead enhanced.
He is not deceived who knows himself to be deceived.
He is not only dull within, but causes dullness without.
He is not the full quid.
He is now a vampire, haunting the San Francisco nightlife.
He is one of those people who would be enormously improved by death
He is playing hockey with a warped puck
He is risen! He is risen! Tell it out with joyful voice!
He is simply the finest officer with whom I have ever served- Picard
He is so NOT-from-San Francisco - Crow on geeky guy
He is so cheap, he quit golf when he lost his ball.
He is so old that he doesn't have to learn history.  He remembers it!
He is so old that he doesn't learn history.  He remembers it.
He is surprisingly firm. Nice thighs - Tom
He is temperamental:  50% temper, 50% mental.
He is the Keeper of the Bridge of Death! --Arthur.
He is the hundred names of terror, creature you love the least.
He is the light of eternal mind.
He is the most sensible looking man talking nonsense.
He is the person who brought you the beer milkshake.
He is to Fidonet what Barney is to reality.
He is to moderators what mosquitoes are to campers..
He is too disputable for my company.
He is truly wise who gains wisdom from another's mishaps.
He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike.
He is. That was his first move - Holly
He isn't bald... he just has a tall face.
He isn't chicken, but they're naming salads after him.
He isn't dead - he's electroencephalographically challenged.
He isn't dead; He's electronenchalographically challenged.
He isn't exactly working on all thrusters.
He isn't firing on all cylinders.
He isn't playing with a full deck.
He isnt dead; He's electroencephalographically challenged
He just enjoys the abuse.
He just removed a slinky from her?! - Tom on operation
He just smiled and said I think it might snow some - Hendrix
He just wants to play, sir - Mike on zombie
He keeps differentiating.... flying off on a tangent.
He kinda got carried away w/the Frost & Streak kit - Tom
He kinda looks like Michelle Pfeifer - Crow on punk
He kinda' likes that - Crow as girl hits guy hysterically
He knew the precise psychological moment to say nothing.
He knew where his towel was. - HHGTTG
He knows and he _knows_ he knows:  he is a leader, follow him.
He knows but he knows _NOT_ he knows: he is asleep, awaken him.
He knows changes aren't permanent, but change is.: Rush
He knows not and he KNOWS he knows not: he is a child, teach him.
He knows not but he knows not he knows not:  he is a fool, shun him.
He knows not his own strength who has not met adversity. B. Jonson
He knows not his own strength who hath not met adversity.
He knows the rules.  He's one of the moderators.
He landed quite a shot on Bullitt's head!
He landed quite a shot on Orville's head!
He laughs his butt off, doctors think they can re-attach it
He leaves himself open for a sexy rejoinder - Mike
He left the store without all of his groceries.
He lights up a skyscraper like a Chesterfield -Tom sings
He likes blood but not the way YOU make it - Crow
He likes his steak so rare, a good vet could save it.
He likes me!  She stole my tagline!
He likes to play Mortal Kombat II in the Holodeck...
He lines up his shot... Hey! What's with the pink bunny!
He lived a good life, he had a good time. Amen.
He lived as a devil, eh?
He lives in Oklahoma yet is not an Okie. Strange.
He lives to sing. It's his glory, it's God's glory. - Brother Paul
He lives, He lives, who once was dead!
He logged on to her system
He look's upholstered - Tom on alien's beard
He looked at me as if I was a side dish he hadn't ordered
He looked at me as if I was a side dish he hadn't ordered.
He looks about as Ninja as Orville Bullitt!
He looks about as Ninja as Orville!
He looks good ... mighty good! - Mr. Horse
He looks just like a little entree!  Morticia Addams
He looks like Aunt Jean before electroloysis. - Radar on Klinger
He looks like Dr.Zaius. Even got the Dr.Zaius suit - Crow
He looks like Manilli - Butthead on Steve Tyler.
He looks like a bush baby - Mike
He looks like a happy pig! - Tom on chubby guy
He looks like a young Jabba the Hutt.
He looks like the first husband of a widow.
He looks more like a grocer than a burglar. - Bombur
He looks so geeky, he couldn't get into a Sci-Fi con!
He looks terrific in a gingham skirt - Crow
He lost his mind when a butterfly kicked him in the head.
He loves animals.  In fact, he's been arrested for it twice.
He loves animals. In fact, he's been arrested for it seven times.
He loves me, he loves me not....
He loves my kid. - And she drinks Johnny Walker.
He loves that 'dog' thing - Mike on Mongol leader
He mad Polly. Mr Fawlty go crazy
He made a pass at me. A good one. - Troi
He made a virus that would kill off all the swine - NIN
He made his dog sit in the sun.  Wanted to get a hot dog.
He made his money the old-fashioned way....he inherited it!
He made me do it (Eve to Adam)
He made the stars also. - Genesis 1:16
He made you, you belong to Him.
He makes Pee-Wee Herman appear funny.
He makes wood seem intelligent.
He married me for my tag lines.
He materialzed. As if he were cloaked or something...
He may be in "Who's Who", but he doesn't know what's what
He may not be smart, but he can lift heavy things!
He might have all his bricks, but there is no cement holding them togeth
He missed an invaluable opportunity to hold his tongue.
He misses his wife's cooking.  As often as possible.
He moves in with girlfriend. Second seal opens tomorrow.
He multiplieth words without knowledge. - Job 35:16
He must around here some where. The modem is still warm.
He must be home.  The modem is still warm.
He must have died while carving it. --Maynard.
He must have gone to the Borg for his orthodontic work.
He must have had a pretty bad lawyer...
He must of had a passkey made of wax.
He must really "pit" out shirts - Joel on Gaos
He must spend a fortune in Q-Tips - Tom on guy w/big ears
He needs another brain to make it to half-wit.
He never finished his coffee that night
He never paid for the provolone - Crow on dead guy
He never takes a bath! No wonder they call him Pooh. --Chris Robin.
He never vomits at home-woman passenger; Airplane
He no nuts!   He crazeeee!
He not busy being born is busy dying.
He nust have made a macro of my signature
He only took 248 Spacebucks for lunch, gas and tolls.
He only uses his brain to keep his head from caving in.
He only wanted my love for awhile.
He only wanted my shoulder to cry on.
He orders you to surrender this `wessel'! -- Checkov
He parked his head and forgot where he left it.
He picked up the demon but decided to throw the impetus.
He pities the plumage but forgets the dying bird. -- Paine
He pitted out that shirt already!  - Joel on leading man
He played a Sanity card! AARRGGH!
He plays solitaire ... for cash.
He prayeth best who loveth best.. all things both great and small
He prefers "Barney Bubble Bath" over "Barbie Bubble Bath"!
He prepared well. He's walking so femininely - Mike
He probably types in Esperanto on his Dvorak keyboard...
He promised me earrings but he only pierced my ears.- Arabian proverb
He pushed his purple-headed warrior in her quivering plum pudding
He pushed me, he pushed me!
He put the groceries in with his jock strap! - Tom
He ran for the curb, but I bagged him before he made it!
He ran for the curb, but I bagged him before he made it.
He ran over the head of Alfredo Garcia - Tom
He read all the instructions and.........................." BLAMO "...
He reads BarneyBoy nudie mags!!
He reads love poetry, and he ducks a lot -- Worf
He reads love poetry... He ducks a lot. -- Worf
He reads the labels on Barney products!!
He really knows how to fill out a uniform - Joel
He really said NO!!! Nuke Texas!
He reminds me of London - Always in a fog.
He rules a crowded nation inside his mind...
He runs *squares* around the competition.
He runs about a quart low.
He runs squares around the competition.
He said "ENQ?".  "NAK!", she replied.
He said "For a nominal service charge you can reach Nirvana tonite".
He said "KUNG FU!"  I said "M-16."  He said "Peace Brother!"
He said "Press Any Key" So I hit the reset button
He said "Tagline", I retorted "Taglines", war was on.
He said I never listen to him...or something like that.
He said `Garp', and he said `Good'. Then he died. --Tom Servo.
He said `No gnu taxes!' Do you see any gnus being taxed?
He said ass, he hu huh huh... --Beavis.
He said penal! -Beavis
He said penis. huh huh huh
He said we wait until it recognizes us. - Kosh
He said you were a fish. - Lister
He said, "Trust Me, I Know What I'm Doing"!!
He said, we are both dammed - Londo
He said,"Kung Fu." I said,"M16." He said,"Peace Brother!"
He said: `No gnu taxes!' Do you see any gnus being taxed?
He sang it in English & they dubbed it into Japanese -Tom
He sat under the ozone hole too long.
He saw the hands that build could also pull down --U2
He say's he's the property of #TN#, a resident of these parts.
He say's he's the property of @LN@, a resident of these parts.
He say's he's the property of Bullitt, a resident of these parts.
He say's he's the property of Orville, a resident of these parts.
He say's he's the property of you, a resident of these parts.
He says a thousand pleasant taglines, but never 'Adieu.' -- Tagspeare
He says a thousand pleasant things, but never "Adieu".
He says a thousand pleasant things, but never "Adieu."
He says a thousand pleasant things, but never "Goodbye."
He says a thousand pleasant things, but never 'Adieu.' - Shakespeare
He says a thousand pleasant things, but never Adieu.
He says he can shout; don't hear you.
He says there are several #TN#s approaching from the southeast.
He says there are several @LN@s approaching from the southeast.
He says there are several Bullitts approaching from the southeast.
He says there are several Orvilles approaching from the southeast.
He says there are several approaching from the southeast.
He scared Mr. Ziffel & bit the head off Ebb - Crow
He screams and screams and pounds his head against the wall
He seems to be a bit wispy of the grey matter.
He seized the moment but found he had no place to put it.
He sells me everything from tire irons on down - Tom
He sent a pants'a'gram - Mike
He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see - NIN
He sewed his eyes shut because he was afraid to see. - NiN
He shall rule them with a rod of iron. - Revelation 2:27
He shaves the latinum! -- Quark No I don't...not much -- Rom
He shifted his mind into park and wouldn't budge.
He shoots, he.... he... misses!
He shot a spider.  Thank you, John Goodman.
He shot the bear in the middle of a standing ovation-Mike
He should try a more direct approach-Crow guy gooses girl
He signed you, Bill.  Now you're a law!
He skipped P.E. because he's a big shot! - Tom sings
He sleeps all night and he works all day.
He slimed me.
He slimed me. -- Dr. Peter Venkman
He slobbers & he smells bad - Tom on Nummy Muffin
He smoked a big cigar and drove a Caddilac car.....
He smote them hip and thigh. - Judges 15:8
He sounds like Harvey Fierstein - Mike on zombie growls
He sounds like a bit of a tyrant. - Ivanova
He spends so much time with the humans, he even talks like on - A Narn
He splattered quite nicely.
He stared at her significant places and removed her discontinuities.
He started back and thought that something was wrong,
He started dying on his own. - G'Kar
He started it! - Banzai
He started to sing as he accomplished the thing that couldn't be done.
He sticks his tongue in rotating fan blades for fun.
He still believes in the tooth fairy, too.
He studies hard for blood tests.
He suffers from terminal brain-lock.
He suffers from terminal brain-skid.
He suffers from too many radiation treatments.
He swims in the shallow end of the gene pool.
He talked with more claret than clarity. - Susan Ertz.
He talks of peace if it is the only way to live.
He talks to farts, man! - Magic Nose Goblin
He talks to his FARTS?
He tasks me.  He tasks me and I shall have him. * Khan
He taught us drawing, stretching, and fainting in coils.
He tells jokes; he's a ham; his last name's Amsterdam--dat's-a Morey!
He that converse not, knows nothing. Thomas Fuller
He that converses not, know nothing. - Thomas Fuller
He that converses not, knows nothing. -- Thomas Fuller
He that deeply desires honor, is not usually worthy of it
He that denieth the faith, and is worse than an infidel. - 1 Tim. 5:8
He that doubteth is damned. - Romans 14:23
He that fears not the future may enjoy the present.
He that fights and runs away will live to fight another day.
He that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more.
He that has ears to hear, let him hear. (Matt 11:15)
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
He that hath need of a dog, calleth him 'Sir Dog'.
He that increases knowledge increases sorrow.
He that is always right is always wrong.
He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. - Proverbs 15:15
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty.
He that knows little soon repeats it.
He that knows nothing, doubts nothing.
He that lives on hope will die fasting --B. Franklin.
He that lives on hope will die fasting. --Franklin.
He that lives upon Hope dies farting.             -- Benjamin Franklin
He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love.
He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.
He that oppress; reproach his maker. - bad brains
He that spareth the rod hateth his son. - Proverbs 13:24
He then left in a Huff (A small German sportscar).
He thinks 'Doing A Clinton' is a 20's dance.
He thinks I'm a pallet! - Tom as guy attacks w/forklift
He thinks at 5 baud.
He thinks by infection, catching an opinion like a cold.
He thinks too much, such men are dangerous. - JC, Shakespeare
He thinks too much.  Such men are dangerous.<Shakespeare>
He thought a glacier was a bloke who fixed windows! --Rimmer
He thought a glacier was a bloke who fixed windows.--Rimmer
He thought drugs were fun `til he started studying pharmacy.
He thought he saw a rattlesnake, that questioned him in Greek....
He thought he saw an albatross, that fluttered round the lamp....
He thought himself an expert; then a real one showed up.
He thought the formula for water was H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O, H-to-O.
He thought you were a kid. He was wrong. - Duncan MacLeod
He threatened to kill me. -- Quark
He threw a spanner in the ointment.
He throws a major wobbler. -- Lister
He told her to try and enjoy herself, so she kicked him.
He told you what it is for?.... amazing...
He took a dog dew snowcone and stuck it in my other eye.
He took a dog dew snowcone and stuck it in my right eye.
He took a dog-doo snow cone and shoved it in my right eye...
He took his defeat like a man; he blamed it on his wife.
He took the Pepsi Challenge and chose Jiff.
He traded the sword for a lid - Mike
He tried to kill me with a fork lift! Ole! -- MST3K
He tried to kill me with a fork lift! Ole'!!! -Tom sings
He tries to tell me what I put inside of me - NIN
He types in Esperanto on his Dvorak keyboard...
He used to be fairly indecisive, but now he's not so certain.
He used to kiss her on the lips but it's all over now.
He used to kiss me on the lips, but it's all over now.
He uses Pomade from Wards - Crow
He uses a +8, vorpalizing, Holy-Avenging Defender, +16 vs dragons
He uses slugs to call Dial-A-Prayer.
He waits for Death.  I wait for no one.
He waits for death I will not see him.
He wakes up with the worst breath of the millenium.
He walks as if balancing the family tree on his nose.
He walks down Lover's Lane holding his own hand.
He wanted to believe in the hands of love --U2
He wants a shoe horn, the kind with teeth
He wants the impossible -- Wesley
He wants to dream like a young man with the wisdom of an old man.
He wants to fight and bleed and kill and die, for Libertyyyyy!
He wants to get her punkin's  - Crow as couple talk
He wants to intern as a nun - Mike on Paul Anka
He wants you to eat toast all the time! - Lister
He was a Kodiak-lookin' fella, about 19 feet tall.
He was a Prince of Amber, almost matchless in his guile.
He was a bold man that first ate an oyster.
He was a bold man that first ate escargot.
He was a fiddler, and consequently a rogue. -- Jonathon Swift
He was a great soldier. So much for genetics. - Gen. Franklin
He was a great soldier. So much for genetics. --Franklin.
He was a low down cheap little punk with a motorbike.
He was a man, all and all, I shall not look upon his like again.
He was a thumb sucker - Tom
He was a wise man who invented God. <Plato>
He was abducted by Homer Simpson's evil twin. - Mulder
He was as patient as a cigar store Indian.
He was as tough as a two dollar steak
He was born twins and they killed the wrong one!
He was caused by a failed condom.
He was dead! I guess that's what caused it all. --TV's Frank.
He was fired from McDonald's for short attention-span.
He was just a kid. It's not fair. - Sheridan
He was kicked out of boy scouts...He ate a brownie.
He was majoring in animal husbandry until they caught him at it.
He was napping in the nut pile when God was cracking nuts
He was not afraid to die, Oh, brave Sir Robin!
He was not afraid to die.  Oh, brave Sir Robin!
He was on the cover of TARKUS - Tom on giant armadillo
He was one who thought they were a tagline...
He was only a Con man from Elkhart Indiana.
He was ordered to put down his weapon, he refused! - Sheridan
He was seduced by the Borg side of the Farce.
He was so crooked you could use him to pull corks with.
He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes
He was so narrow--minded he could see through a keyhole w
He was so narrow-minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.
He was so narrow-minded he could see through a keyhole with two eyes.
He was so tall he had to climb a ladder to comb his hair.
He was so tall when he was born, they couldn't name all of him at once.
He was so ugly, the tide wouldn't go out with him
He was stolen and replaced with a clone.
He was such a meanie, I cut off his weinie. - Lorena Bobbitt
He was such a meanie, I cut off his wienie. - Lorena Bobbitt
He was talking about money, Remo*not* gold.  <Chiun>
He was the most... Human
He was the most...human -- Kirk
He was the one with the batch - Tom on Thor
He was the pointy-eared creature, 1/2 human, 1/2 volcano.
He was trouble, and it won't bring him back. - Londo
He was voted 'The Most Likely To Hear God'.. - Rabbi Krustofski
He wasn't abused as a child, but should have been.
He wasn't always like this, it's the drugs.  - Duncan MacLeod
He wasn't his mother's favorite, and he was an only child
He wasn't worth a shapeshift -- Mari Cabrah, Black Fury
He wears Barney pyjamas!
He wears Barney underwear!
He wears a pony tail to cover up the valve stem.
He wears purple and green.
He went deeper into black, deeper into white --U2
He went to a freak show and got in free !
He wept openly like a little baby - Joel on doomed guy
He who Laughs, Lasts.
He who adds not to his learning diminishes it.  [The Talmud]
He who admits he is wrong is stronger then he who is right.-Confucious
He who allows himself to be insulted deserves to be.
He who always plows a straight furrow is in a rut.
He who angers you, conquers you! <Elizabeth Kenny>
He who answers only to himself asks easy questions.
He who asks questions cannot avoid the answers. - Cameroon
He who attacks my ideas attacks democracy itself.
He who believes the past cannot be changed has not yet wr
He who blows at the foam in his beer is not thirsty -- Talmud
He who blows at the foam in his beer is not thirsty. --Talmud.
He who boasts of an open mind may only have a vacant one.
He who cachinnates ultimately, cachinnates optimally.
He who can copy can do.  -- Leonardo da Vinci
He who can follow his own will is a king.  -Irish Proverb
He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches. - George Bernard Shaw
He who cannot harmonize, sings alone.
He who confesses to small faults hopes you'll think he has no big ones
He who controls the Echo controls the Universe! --Maud'Dex
He who controls the bathroom controls the universe! --Muad'Dex
He who controls the spice controls the universe!  (Dune)
He who crosses ocean twice without washing is a dirty double crosser.
He who denied it, supplied it - Mike
He who dies deepest in debt wins...
He who dies with the biggest hard drive, dies.
He who dies with the highest upgrade wins. (But he's still dead.)
He who dies with the most (whatever) is dead.
He who dies with the most Anti-Windoze Taglines wins!
He who dies with the most Ferret TAGLINES wins!
He who dies with the most TAGLINES dies!
He who dies with the most TAGLINES had no life to start with.
He who dies with the most TAGLINES is still dead!
He who dies with the most TAGLINES still DIES!!
He who dies with the most TAGLINES wins!
He who dies with the most TAGLINES wins.  And is still dead.
He who dies with the most TAGLINES...dies!
He who dies with the most Taglines is dead, Jim.
He who dies with the most Taglines, leaves quite a collection behind.
He who dies with the most Toys is still *DEAD*!
He who dies with the most Tribbles taglines wins.
He who dies with the most Tribbles wins.
He who dies with the most access, wins.
He who dies with the most ancestors wins!
He who dies with the most anti windoze taglines wins.
He who dies with the most anti-Windows 95 Taglines wins!
He who dies with the most book...is still dead.
He who dies with the most books...is still dead.
He who dies with the most fabric(floss)wins!
He who dies with the most hardware WINS!
He who dies with the most of anything, is still dead.
He who dies with the most recipes had no life to start with.
He who dies with the most recipes is still dead.
He who dies with the most recipes wins!
He who dies with the most recipes, leaves quite a collection behind.
He who dies with the most religion is still dead.
He who dies with the most scanners wins!
He who dies with the most software WINS!
He who dies with the most tag lines WINS!
He who dies with the most taglines. . . is still dead.
He who dies with the most taglines...WINS!
He who dies with the most toys - is dead
He who dies with the most toys LEAVES THEM ALL BEHIND.
He who dies with the most toys is -still- DEAD!
He who dies with the most toys is a victim of ATF.
He who dies with the most toys is dead.
He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.
He who dies with the most toys is still DEAD!
He who dies with the most toys is still dead!
He who dies with the most toys probably dies broke.
He who dies with the most toys still dies. -NO FEAR
He who dies with the most toys wins, NOTHING!
He who dies with the most toys, is, nonetheless, still dead.
He who dies with the most toys, still dies.
He who dies with the most toys, wins!
He who dies with the most toys... DIES!
He who dies with the most toys... is *still* DEAD!
He who dies with the most toys... is -still- DEAD!
He who dies with the most toysstill dies.
He who dies with the most trains, wins!
He who dislikes aardvarks was an ant in his former life.
He who does no hope to win has already lost.
He who does not know where he is heading will go farthest
He who does not look ahead remains behind.
He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. - 1 John 4:8
He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it.[Seneca]
He who does not remember the past gets an F in History
He who does not study history, is doomed to repeat it!
He who doesn't like cats doesn't like pets smarter than he.
He who doesn't like cats doesn't like pets smarter than they are.
He who doesn't like cats, doesn't like pets smarter than himself.
He who doesn't mind his pot-belly will hardly mind anything else.
He who doesn't understand your silence won't understand your words.
He who don't like cats don't like pets smarter than they.
He who eats an apple a day is frowned upon by the A.M.A.
He who eats too many prunes, sits on toilet many moons.
He who enters contest is optimistic as submarine with scr
He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
He who fart in church, sit in pew
He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.
He who fears death dies every time he thinks of it.
He who fears something gives it power over him.
He who fights & runs away will live to fight another day.
He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day.
He who fires a heatseeking fireball ...
He who fishes in another man's well often catches crab.
He who fishes in other man's well often catch crabs.
He who fishes in other man's well, often catches crabs.
He who flies by seat of pants should not eat prunes!
He who flings mud loses ground.
He who follows the natural way is always one with the Tao. <Lao Tzu>
He who forgets will be destined to remember.
He who gazed upon the naked UNIX prompt and lived.
He who gets too big for his britches will be exposed in the end.
He who gives up freedom for security deserves neither.
He who gives up freedom for security deserves neither. --Franklin.
He who gives up freedom to gain security deserves neither.
He who go to bed with itchy butt, wake up with stinky finger.
He who goes to psychiatrist should have his head examined
He who goes unarmed in paradise had better be sure that's where he is.
He who goes unenvied shall not be admired. Aeschylus
He who grins when things go wrong has a computer to blame it on.
He who has a _why_ to live for can bear with almost any _how_
He who has a clean desk has nothing better to do than clean it.
He who has a shady past knows that nice guys finish last.
He who has a why can endure any how. - Friedrich Nietzsche
He who has accomplished all that he thinks worthwhile has begun to die.
He who has burned his mouth blows his soup.
He who has daughters is always a shepherd.
He who has diarrhea cannot hold up him who vomits.
He who has had, has been, but he who hasn't been, has bee
He who has health has hope. He who has hope has everythin
He who has hope...has everything.
He who has no fire in himself can not warm others.
He who has the bread makes the laws.
He who has the gold makes the rules
He who has the remote control, rules!!!
He who has this disease called Jesus will NEVER be cured!
He who has, worries; he who has not, longs.
He who hates reproof is stupid.
He who hates seabirds leaves no tern unstoned!
He who hates vice hates men. - John Morley
He who hesitates  is dragon fodder.
He who hesitates at the wrong time is lunch for a Dragon
He who hesitates at the wrong time is lunch for a shark.
He who hesitates goes after me.
He who hesitates is a damned fool.  -- Mae West
He who hesitates is a procrastinator!
He who hesitates is constipated.
He who hesitates is dragon fodder.
He who hesitates is frost.  -Eskimo Proverb
He who hesitates is last.
He who hesitates is likely to miss the bus.
He who hesitates is lost.
He who hesitates is lunch !
He who hesitates is lunch ! -- OOP
He who hesitates is probably right.
He who hesitates is probably smart!
He who hesitates is reloading.
He who hesitates is several miles from the next exit.
He who hesitates is sometimes saved.
He who hesitates is trampled by the mob.
He who hesitates too long must change his underwear.
He who hesitates too long, must change his underwear.
He who hesitates, follows the Prime Directive.
He who hesitates, meditates in a horizontal position.-Ed Parker
He who hesitates.........miss'es out !!!
He who holds the key also will hold a couple of other...
He who hoots with owls by night cannot soar with eagles by day.
He who is a judge between 2 friends loses one of them
He who is ashamed of asking is afraid of learning.
He who is content can never be ruined. Lao-Tze
He who is flogged by fate and laughs the louder is a maso
He who is flogged by fate and laughs the louder is a masochist.
He who is flogged by fate and laughs the louder is a masocist.
He who is henpecked may lend an ear to other chicks.
He who is most concerned is always the last to hear.
He who is not busy being born, is busy dying.
He who is without sin among you ... should go out more.
He who join nudist club pay no cover charge.
He who kicks up a storm should expect tough sailing.
He who knows but does not speak helps not his people.
He who knows does not talk; he who talks does not know. Lao-Tze
He who laughs at a Klingon never laughs again.
He who laughs at a Klingon, never laughs again.
He who laughs best today will also laugh last. - Nietzsche
He who laughs first probably got the joke
He who laughs has not yet been punished.
He who laughs last didn't get the joke.
He who laughs last didn't understand the joke.
He who laughs last doesn't get it.
He who laughs last doesn't get the joke.
He who laughs last found the dirty meaning.
He who laughs last gets sent to the principal's office!
He who laughs last has not been told the terrible truth.
He who laughs last is S-L-O-W.
He who laughs last is a little slow on the uptake.
He who laughs last is at 300 baud.
He who laughs last is generally a bit slow.
He who laughs last is probably not using Windows.
He who laughs last is probably the boss.
He who laughs last is probably your boss!
He who laughs last is probably your boss.
He who laughs last is stupid.
He who laughs last is the dullest!
He who laughs last is the one with the biggest gun...
He who laughs last must have been waiting for Windows to load.
He who laughs last owns an IBM compatible!
He who laughs last probably didn't get the joke.
He who laughs last probably doesn't understand the joke.
He who laughs last probably isn't using Windows.
He who laughs last probably made a back up....
He who laughs last probably made a backup
He who laughs last probably made a backup.
He who laughs last thinks slowest!
He who laughs last uses OS/2.
He who laughs last uses OS/2. HA.
He who laughs last, didn't get the punch line.
He who laughs last, probably didn't get the joke.
He who laughs last, thinks slowest!
He who laughs last, thinks the slowest!
He who laughs last...had to have it explained.
He who laughs, lasts.
He who laughs, lasts. -Mary Pettibone Poole
He who laughts last, probably didn't get the joke
He who let woman on top is fucking up.
He who lives and runs away, gets to live another day.
He who lives by the mouse, dies by the cursor.
He who lives by the mouth gets punched in it. - Hawkeye
He who lives by the sword dies by the crossbow bolt
He who lives by the sword eats with bloody hands.
He who lives by the sword is a regular cut-up!
He who lives by the sword laughs last.
He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.
He who lives on hope has a slender diet indeed.
He who lives without folly is not so wise as he thinks.
He who looks like his passport photo is not well enough t
He who looks like his passport photo is not well enough to travel.
He who loses his head is usually the last one to miss it.
He who loves and runs may still be the one who still has to pay.
He who loves correction, loves knowledge
He who loves government has never been on the wrong side of it.
He who loves government has never been on the wrong side.
He who masturbates in front of cash register come into money.
He who moderates best, moderates least...
He who never sticks out neck, never wins by nose.
He who opens a school door closes a prison. (Victor Hugo)
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker
He who places head in sand, will get kicked in the end!
He who plants trees loves others he will never know.
He who plays with self, pulls boner.
He who posesses the remote control, rules the household.
He who possesses the hockey stick, rules the household!
He who possesses the remote control, rules the household!
He who pukes at friends home will always be remembered.
He who pull out to fast leave rubber behind.
He who pull out too fast leave rubber behind.
He who puts his nose to the grindstone gets a bloody nose.
He who puts his nose to the grindstone is a bloody fool
He who puts his nose to the grindstone is a bloody fool!
He who reads is never alone.
He who reasons with fools dresses in warm aspic.  <Chiun>
He who reasons with fools dresses in warm aspic.  <Chiun<
He who refuses to listen is lying.
He who risks nothing, gets nothing.
He who robs Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul.
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition burns a pict
He who saves one life, saves the world entire.
He who says it can't be done shouldn't interrupt the one doing it.
He who seeks a friend without a fault remains friendless.
He who seeks the Tao will continually lose.
He who shits on the road will meet flies on his return.
He who shits on the road will meet flies on his return. - South African Saying
He who shouts the loudest has the floor.
He who sitteth on an upturned tack shall surely rise.
He who slings mud looses ground.
He who slings mud loses ground.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone else to blame
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
He who smiles in a crisis has thought of someone else to blame!
He who smiles in a crisis has thought of someone to blame.
He who smiles when things go wrong has someone to blame.
He who snags my recipe, snags trash.
He who snags my recipes is seriously lacking in taste!
He who sneezes without a handkerchief takes matters into his own hands.
He who sniffs Coke, drowns.
He who spares the guilty threatens the innocent.
He who speak with forked tongue, not need chopsticks.
He who speaks only of positive things knows not the face of reality.
He who spends a storm beneath a tree, takes life with a grain of TNT.
He who stands on tiptoe does not stand firm. - Lao Tsu
He who stands on toilet seat is high on pot;
He who steals my TagLines is seriously lacking in taste!
He who steals my Tagline, steals trash.
He who steps on others to reach the top has good balance.
He who steps on others to reach the top wins
He who stick head in fruit drink get punch in nose.
He who still laughs has not yet been told the terrible truth.
He who talks like a big wheel may be only a spokesman.
He who talks too much commits a sin.
He who thinks he might be a genius probably isn't.  -S. Lec
He who throws mud loses ground
He who throws mud loses ground.
He who trains his tongue to quote the learned sages will be known, far a
He who transplanted still sustains.
He who turns and runs away gets shot in the back.
He who uses bad language is a schmuck.
He who uses bad language is an ignorant schmuck.
He who waits long at the ferry will get across sometime-Old Scot Sayin
He who waits long at the ferry will get across sometime.
He who wakes up finding himself a success, hasn't slept.
He who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints.
He who wants to blame sometimes finds the sugar sour.
He who wants to spoil the day for a grouch should give him a smile.
He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder.
He who worships Divine Duck will soon sing swan song.
He who would exchange Liberty for security deserves neither!
He who would leap high must take a long run.
He whose soul is flat, the sky will cave in on him by and by.
He will confess when he comes to trial. - Na'Toth
He will join us or die, my master. - Vader
He will join us, or die, master. - Darth Vader
He will manifest the truth of it unto you.  (Moroni 10:4)
He will not be permanently damaged. - Vader
He wist not that the Lord was departed from him. - Judges 16:9
He won't bite beast or man, 'cause he's a Vegetarian...
He won't die, Jim! Aaaaaaahhhhh!
He wont get past the tree thats where the shot ends -Crow
He wore the finest green leotards... but we'll forgive him. - Stimpy
He worked as a "splatter". Like a bouncer, but stronger.
He would be recognized.-Delenn By whom?-Sheridan Everyone-Kosh
He wouldn't know.  He can only count to 21 when he's naked.
He wouldn't recognize subtlety if it hit them on the head
He wouldn't whip me so hard if he didn't love me!!!!!
He wrote "TRIBBLE TAGS!" by pouring tea on a Ouiji Board.
He wrote the music, his band Thor was featured -Tom Servo
He'd be recognized. --Delenn re Kosh.
He'd hunt me & I'd hunt him. It was a good system - Mike
He'd hunt me and I'd hunt him. It was a good system. - Nelson
He'd kill her for that skirt - Crow
He'd make a good anchor woman - Joel
He'd need a hole in the ground to shrink to his normal proportions.
He'd never touch you, picture. You're dirt - Tom
He'd sell hemlock as a vitamin source if there was enough money in it.
He'll be all right. Inform Lord Bullitt we have a prisoner.
He'll be all right. Inform Lord Orville we have a prisoner.
He'll have some exciting vacation snaps  - Crow on lovers
He'll have some exciting vacation snaps-- Crow T. Robot
He'll have to keep his sanity with help of his robot friends - MST3K09
He'll have to sit & watch them all while we monitor his mind - MST3K07
He'll have to sit and watch them all while we monitor his mind.
He'll kiss it and make it better!
He'll never touch you, Terry. You're dirt! - Mike
He'll pull through...unless his wife gets that letter. - Trapper
He'll quickly stop the Echoposts from wandering
He'll toe no lines, suffer no fools.
He're you go little girl! I'm a boy! That's the spirit!
He's (Garibaldi) agnostic - DR.  Then I'll say half a prayer - Ivanova
He's *alive*, Jim. Where did I go wrong?
He's 13 donuts short of a baker's dozen.
He's 1996 U.S. Olympic Drowning Team member.
He's A victim of retroactive birth control.
He's ALIVE, Jim!  Where did I go wrong?
He's ALIVE, Jim. Where did I go wrong?
He's About as bright as a black hole.
He's About as bright as a small appliance bulb.
He's About as sharp as a bowling ball.
He's About as sharp as a pin head.
He's About as sharp as jello.
He's About four cents short of a nickel.
He's All booster - no payload.
He's All crown - no filling.
He's All the lights don't shine in his marquee.
He's All the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
He's Always in the right place, but at the wrong time.
He's Always sharpening his sleeping skills.
He's An example of why some animals eat their young.
He's As bright as a burnt out light bulb.
He's As flakey as a snowstorm.
He's As screwed up as a football bat.
He's As sharp as a marble.
He's As thick as two short planks.
He's BRAKE dancing - Tom Servo as guy pumps brake pedal
He's BRAKE dancing - Tom as guy pumps brake pedal
He's Barney's biggest fan.
He's Body by Fisher - brains by Mattel.
He's Born a day late, and like that ever since.
He's Born ugly and losing ground ever since.
He's Charles Manson's drinking buddy.
He's Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth.
He's Contagious!: Lucas Measles
He's Contributes to the population problem.
He's DEAD, Jim!  But he's a Vulcan, he'll snap out of it!
He's DEAD, Jim!  Dibs on the white meat!
He's DEAD, Jim!  Get his ears. - Spock
He's DEAD, Jim!  Kick him if you don't believe me.
He's DEAD, Jim!  Tell the Klingons that dinner is served.
He's DEAD, Jim! Go to Sick Bay and get the Maggot Master!
He's DEAD, Jim! Grab his tricorder. I'll get his wallet.
He's DEAD, Jim! You get his teeth. --McCoy.
He's DEAD, Jim, but as if alive... Captain!
He's DEAD, Jim.  You get his teeth. - "Bones"
He's DEAD, Jim. Get his ears. - Spock
He's DEAD, Jim. Tell the Klingons that dinner is served
He's DEAD, Jim. You get his teeth. - "Bones" McCoy, DDS
He's Dead Jim! I've got dibbs on the white meat!
He's Dead Jim! Kick Him If You Don't Believe Me!
He's Dead Jim, thats 10 this week already
He's Dead Jim. Get His Phaser, I Got His Wallet.
He's Dead Jim... You take his tricorder, I'll grab his wallet!
He's Dead Jim...You can kick him if you want.
He's Dead JimYou take his tricorder, I'll grab his wallet!
He's Dead, Jim!  You get his Tricorder, I'll grab his wallet!
He's Dead, Jim! You get his Tricorder, I'll grab his wallet!
He's Diagnosable.
He's Dr. Scratchansniff, the studio shrink! - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
He's Drivelmaster.
He's Fired from McDonald's for short attention-span.
He's Full throttle, dry tank.
He's Good At DetailsShe's Picky.
He's Got a few tiles missing from his Space Shuttle.
He's Got a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.
He's Got the mind consistency of a parfait.
He's Got the personality of a used condom.
He's Got too many birds on his antenna.
He's Half a bubble off plumb.  - attributed to Mark Twain
He's Half a quart low.
He's In the shopping mall of the mind, he's in the toy store.
He's Informationally deprived.
He's Jim, Dad"--McCoy Intros his CO to his family.
He's John Dechancie or I've got a dead man's dinghy.
He's Mental agility of a soap dish.
He's Mouth is in gear, brain is in neutral.
He's Mr. Perma-Grimace - Crow on sour looking man
He's My Little Friend That Makes Me Do Right - Stimpy.
He's NOT the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
He's NOT the one who sired YOU, so marry who you will!
He's Ned, Jim.  Put him over a log and make him squeal like a pig.
He's No Claude Aikins But What A BUTT! - Crow On Mitchell
He's OK...he's just rusty at having fun. - Hawkeye on Frank
He's On the batting end of a no-hitter.
He's Pappa Smurf - Crow on big-eared character
He's Paranoia Poster child for 1994.
He's Poster child for Densa.
He's Poster child for birth control.
He's Reality-ometer: E[\........]F  Hmmph! Thought so...
He's Richard Heppell's comedy advisor.
He's SO stupid, he got stabbed in a shootout.
He's SO stupid, he took a ruler to bed to see how long he slept.
He's Sailboat fuel for brains.
He's Seven seconds behind, and built to stay that way.
He's Slinky's kinked.
He's Squirrel food.
He's TIME's 1994 Moron of the Year.
He's Taste tester for Alpo.
He's Teflon brain (nothing sticks).
He's The LEAST dangerous man in America!
He's The person who brought you the beer milkshake.
He's With one more neuron he'd have a synapse.
He's YOUR God, they're YOUR rules, YOU burn in hell!
He's YOUR God, they're YOUR rules, YOU go burn in Hell!
He's Yin and Yang are no longer on speaking terms.
He's _your_ God, they're _your_ rules, _You_ burn in hell!
He's a Cabbage Patch Robert Reed! - Mike
He's a Ceasarian - Crow as Godzilla busts out of mountain
He's a Democrat because he's too poor to be Republican.
He's a Doberman pincher. All day he goes around pinching dobermans.
He's a Potato Jim, Lets gouge his eyes out -Mccoy
He's a SOB -- but at least he's *our* SOB.
He's a Smeeeeeeeeeee--Kryten.
He's a bay born b'y!
He's a big shot in high school! - Tom sings
He's a boozer. Chief Engineer of the Rednose Express. - Potter
He's a brilliant man but he saves his phlegm - Joel
He's a can shy of a six-pack.
He's a chainsaw sculpture - Crow on goofy looking guy
He's a chicken I tell you! A giant chicken!
He's a chicken, Dad! A giant chicken! He'll peck my eyes out!
He's a chicken, I tell you! A giant chicken!
He's a chicken, I tell you! Animaniacs
He's a chip right off the old shoulder.
He's a closet homosapien!
He's a cockroach; you think you kill him, he pops up someplace else!
He's a condom short of a party.
He's a couple of channels short of Basic Cable!
He's a couple of diskettes short of a full backup.
He's a couple of fries short of a Happy Meal!
He's a couple of revisions behind.
He's a couple of volts below threshold.
He's a couple sandwiches short of a picnic.
He's a crank, but we love him. - Griffy
He's a demented and deluded mind.
He's a demon! - Joel as man does magic trick
He's a disco ball! - Crow on hero's armor plating
He's a few beans short of a burrito.
He's a few beers short of a six-pack.
He's a few beta's short of a full release.
He's a few bits short of a bus!
He's a few bits short of a byte.
He's a few bits shy of a word.
He's a few bombs short of a cluster.
He's a few bricks shy of a load.
He's a few bytes short of a checksum
He's a few cards short of a deck.
He's a few clowns short of a circus.
He's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
He's a few holes short of a whiffle ball.
He's a few letters short of a keyboard.
He's a few peas short of a casserole.
He's a few pickles short of a jar.
He's a few pixels short of a full screen.
He's a few runners short of a relay.
He's a few sectors short of a hard drive.
He's a few snags short of a Barbie.
He's a few strings short of a guitar.
He's a few syllables short of a Haiku.
He's a few tiles short of a successful re-entry.
He's a few transistors short of a Pentium
He's a few transistors short of a Pentium...
He's a few warp coils short of lightspeed.
He's a fool's fool.
He's a hole in his bag of marbles.
He's a horse really, in a man suit. -Fred, about Gary
He's a human bean bag chair - Mike on dumpy old guy
He's a jack-of-all-trades and unemployed in all of them.
He's a king mixer.
He's a legend in his own mind.
He's a little light in his loafers.
He's a living example of artificial intelligence.
He's a looney tune.
He's a lumberjack, and he's okaaaaaaayyy..
He's a lumberjack, and he's okaaaaaaayyy.....
He's a made-for-TV hippy - Mike
He's a man of few words, and he doesn't know what either of them mean.
He's a modest little person, with much to be modest about.
He's a mouth breather, that one - Crow on geeky guy
He's a multistage rocket with no upper stage.
He's a new kind of life form and he doesn't have a OFF switch!
He's a nice kid, but he can lilac anything.
He's a notch off the timing mark.
He's a nudist and I was just trying to make him feel at home.
He's a piccolo short of a woodwind section.
He's a potato Jim!, Let's gouge out all of his eyes
He's a pretty lenient mobster - Mike
He's a protocol or two shy of a stack
He's a pushover - Tom as guy knocks other guy down
He's a real big gun - of small caliber and immense bore.
He's a real nowhere Borg, sitting in his nowhere cube.
He's a regular Microft Holmes - Mike on cheesy cop
He's a sausage short of a barbecue.
He's a scrotum halfway between a prick and an asshole.
He's a self-made man, and worships his creator.
He's a sheep in sheep's clothing.
He's a smeg... head!
He's a smokey something - Crow
He's a swine but a clever swine, mind.
He's a taco short of a combo platter...
He's a tried and valiant soldier. So is my horse. - Shakespeare
He's a tried and valiant soldier. So is my tagline. -- Tagspeare
He's a typical buck-passer.
He's a very dog to the commonality.
He's a vigilante!  Shoot him!
He's a villain and a real mixer.
He's about as menacing as Wally Cox - Tom
He's about as quick as a jackrabbit (dead, that is).
He's about as sharp as a bowling ball, and twice as smart.
He's about as smart as bait
He's about as smart as live bait.
He's after more than a history lesson -- Deanna
He's alive Jim, should I shoot him again?
He's alive but unconscious, just like Gerald Ford
He's alive, Jim.  Should I shoot him again?
He's alive, Jim.  Where did I go wrong?
He's alive, Jim. Should I shoot him again?
He's alive...and in perfect hibernation...
He's all sail and no boat.
He's all wild & sassy looking - Joel on Daddy-O
He's always the perfect gentleman with me.       Yes, he bores me too.
He's an 8080 in a 68000 environment.
He's an enigma with size 15 shoes. - Dr. Freedman on BJ
He's an environmentalist - his arguments are 100% recycled.
He's an evil, lying little bastard! - Richie Ryan
He's an experiment in Artificial Stupidity.
He's an old flame - Crow on burning ex-boyfriend
He's as bright as a tulip bulb.
He's as clumsy as he is stupid. - Darth Vader
He's as crooked as a dog's hind leg.
He's as flaky as a snowstorm.
He's as innocent as a newBorg baby.
He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. --Zazu
He's as smart as a sackful of wet mice.
He's as strong as an ox! Can't you smell him?
He's as up-to-date as a 1940 calendar.
He's attic's very dusty.
He's augmented with weapons & stuff - Tom & Crow sing
He's back all injured again - Mike
He's back from fighting Nazis on the moon - Crow
He's bad. But he'll die. So I like it! - Ms. Hoover
He's barely a blip on the EEG. - Tyler King
He's becoming a pain in the Astra -Tom on repetitious guy
He's been bit off. (a dog trainer).
He's been in my mind twice today. --Winters.
He's been in too many caves without a helmet.
He's been mostly dead all day!
He's been napping in front of the ion shield again.
He's been playing in the pharmacy section again.
He's been playing with his wand too much.
He's been playing with the plutonium again.
He's been short on oxygen one time too many.
He's been using his head as a mass driver.
He's biochemically challenged, Jim.
He's bioelectrically challenged, Jim.
He's blew his O-rings.
He's blew the hatch before the lock sealed.
He's bluffing. He wouldn't shoot the nose.
He's born brain dead and still is that way.
He's brain dead, Jim.
He's brain has freezer burns.
He's braindead, Jim  Refer#: NONE
He's braindead, Jim.
He's brave of heart, and hard of head. --Hercules on Iolus
He's bright as a tulip bulb.
He's buffer is full.
He's butt ugly & dumb like a rock - Tom
He's caboose seems to be pulling the engine.
He's called Arthur, but I think he's harmless. Lintilla
He's claiming 3 robots as business expenses - Tom on Joel
He's clock doesn't have all its numbers.
He's come to steal my symbiont -- Dax
He's comes from a long line of first cousins.
He's condom poster child for 1994.
He's copping a buzz! - Tom after guy drinks potion
He's crazier than I am. - Klinger on Burns. He's a major. - Radar
He's credibility deficient.
He's crusty but extremely unlikable - Mike
He's dating a kabuki dancer - Mike on pale girl
He's daughter of Suzy Creamcheese and it shows.
He's dead Dave, everyone's dead, everyone is dead Dave!
He's dead Jim - you get his tricorder, I get his wallet.
He's dead Jim -- Grab his wallet!
He's dead Jim .. get his tricorder, I'll grab his wallet!
He's dead Jim you get his wallet, I'll get his tricorder.
He's dead Jim!  Hey, get away from him, Dahmer!
He's dead Jim!  Hey, get away from the body, Ensign Dahmer!
He's dead Jim!  If you don't believe me, just kick him!
He's dead Jim!  Kick him if you don't believe me!
He's dead Jim!  Kick him if you don't believe me.
He's dead Jim!  Quick!  You get his phaser and I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim!  Sulu took his tricorder, I got his wallet.
He's dead Jim!  You get his tricorder, I'll grab his wallet.
He's dead Jim! Bulldoze the evidence.
He's dead Jim! Get his phase and I'll grab his wallet.
He's dead Jim! Get his tricorder, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim! Hey, get away from him Dahlmer!
He's dead Jim! Hey, get away from him Dahmer!
He's dead Jim! If you don't believe me, just kick him!
He's dead Jim! Kick him if you don't beleve me!
He's dead Jim! Kick him if you don't believe me!
He's dead Jim! Now put your weave back on and lets get outta here!
He's dead Jim! Sulu took his tricorder, I got his wallet.
He's dead Jim! That's 10 this week already!
He's dead Jim! You get his phaser, I got his wallet.
He's dead Jim! You get his tricorder, I'll grab his wallet!
He's dead Jim! get his phaser, I got his wallet.
He's dead Jim, Get his ears. - Spock
He's dead Jim, I've got dibbs on the white meat.
He's dead Jim, Spock took his tricorder, I got his spleen
He's dead Jim, Spock took his tricorder, I got his wallet
He's dead Jim, Sulu took his tricorder, I got his wallet
He's dead Jim, Tell the Klingons that dinner is served.
He's dead Jim, Uhm Are you as hungry as I am?
He's dead Jim, You get his phaser, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim, You get his teeth. - Bones McCoy, DDS
He's dead Jim, You get his teeth. --Bones McCoy.
He's dead Jim, but I _really_ like his watch.
He's dead Jim, but doesn't he look natural....
He's dead Jim, but he's vulcan. He'll pull out of it.
He's dead Jim, get his phaser, I got his Wallet.
He's dead Jim, go to sick bay and get the Maggot Master!
He's dead Jim, grab his phaser, but his wallet is mine!
He's dead Jim, grab his tricorder. I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim, grab his tricorder. I'll get his watch.
He's dead Jim, just like your directing career.
He's dead Jim, kick him if you don't believe me.
He's dead Jim, pass the ketchup!
He's dead Jim, tell the Klingons lunch is ready.
He's dead Jim, tell the Klingons that lunch is served.
He's dead Jim, that's the seventh one this season.
He's dead Jim, thats 10 this week already
He's dead Jim, you get his phaser, I'll grab his wallet. --Bones.
He's dead Jim, you get his wallet, I'll get his tricorder.
He's dead Jim, you get the Tricorder, I'll grab his wallet!
He's dead Jim, you take his phaser I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim, you take his phaser and I'll take his wife
He's dead Jim, you take his tricorder, I got his
He's dead Jim-- QUICK! Search the body for GPs and weapons!
He's dead Jim.   Are you as hungry as I am?
He's dead Jim.  Get his phaser, his wallet's mine!
He's dead Jim.  Grab his wallet!
He's dead Jim.  Kick him if you don't believe me.
He's dead Jim.  Kick him if you don't believe me...
He's dead Jim.  You get his tricorder,  I'll get his wall\S
He's dead Jim.  You get his tricorder,  I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim.  You get his tricorder, I'll get his wallet
He's dead Jim.  You get his watch while I get his wallet.
He's dead Jim.  You take his phaser and I'll get his wall\SL
He's dead Jim.  You take his phaser and I'll get his wallet
He's dead Jim.  You take his phaser, I'll take his wallet!
He's dead Jim. Are you as hungry as I am?
He's dead Jim. Bite him yourself if you don't believe me
He's dead Jim. But i like his watch.
He's dead Jim. Ensign Dahlmer, stop that!
He's dead Jim. Ensign Dahmer, stop that!
He's dead Jim. Get his phaser, his wallet's mine!
He's dead Jim. Get his tricorder, I'll grab his wallet!
He's dead Jim. Grab his tricorder. I'll get his wallet!
He's dead Jim. Grab his tricorder. I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim. Grab his tricorder. I'll get his wallet.  * McCoy
He's dead Jim. Grab his tricorder. I'll get his watch!
He's dead Jim. Grab his wallet, Spock!
He's dead Jim. Have a bite yourself if you don't believe me.
He's dead Jim. I get his tricorder, you take his wallet.
He's dead Jim. I know Bones I've seen the scrip
He's dead Jim. I know Bones, I've read the script too...
He's dead Jim. I'll get his watch, you get his wallet.
He's dead Jim. I've got dibbs on the white meat.
He's dead Jim. Kick him if you don't believe me
He's dead Jim. Kick him if you don't believe me.
He's dead Jim. Nag, nag, nag.
He's dead Jim. Spock's got his wallet, I've got his watch.
He's dead Jim. You get his phaser and I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim. You get his phaser, I;ll grab his wallet.
He's dead Jim. You get his tricorder, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim. You get his tricorder. I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim. You get his wallet, and I'll get his tricorder!
He's dead Jim. You get his watch while I get his wallet.
He's dead Jim. You get the grill. I'll get the BBQ sauce
He's dead Jim. You get the tricorder, I'll get his wallet
He's dead Jim. You get the tricorder, I'll get his wallet!
He's dead Jim. You take his phaser and I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim. You take his phaser, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim. You take his phaser, I'll take his wallet!
He's dead Jim. You take his tricorder and ill grab his wallet!
He's dead Jim... Grab his wallet Spock!
He's dead Jim... Grab his wallet!
He's dead Jim... Nice shot.  My turn!  PULL...
He's dead Jim... Really, kick him...
He's dead Jim... You take his wallet, I'll take his tricorder.
He's dead Jim......   Grab his wallet Spock!
He's dead Jim.....lets eat him.
He's dead Jim...Grab his wallet Spock!
He's dead Jim...get the steak knives!
He's dead Jim...kick him yourself if you don't believe me
He's dead Jim..get off of him!
He's dead Jim.You get the tricorder,I'll get his wallet.
He's dead Jim; kick him yourself if you don't believe me.
He's dead JimGrab his wallet!
He's dead JimNice shot.  My turn!  PULL...
He's dead JimReally, kick him...
He's dead JimYou take his wallet, I'll take his tricorder.
He's dead, Ben. - Bashir
He's dead, Bones! Didn't I just say that? Yeesh!
He's dead, Dave.  Everyone's dead.  Everyone is dead, Dave!
He's dead, Jim - McCoy.
He's dead, Jim - you take his wallet, I'll get his tricorder.
He's dead, Jim You get his tricorder, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim me bucko!  Arrrrrr.
He's dead, Jim!  You get his briefcase, I'll get his wallet!!
He's dead, Jim! And his boots would fit me just fine.
He's dead, Jim! But look at that shine!
He's dead, Jim! Hey, get away from him, Dahmer!
He's dead, Jim! Pass the ketchup!
He's dead, Jim! She's dead, Jim Are you a doctor, or a coroner?
He's dead, Jim! Uhh.you can stop firing now, JimJim?
He's dead, Jim, and he can't get up!
He's dead, Jim, but he was only an extra.
He's dead, Jim, but he's Vulcan. He'll pull out of it.
He's dead, Jim, but he's a Vulcan...he'll snap out of it!
He's dead, Jim, but not as we know it!
He's dead, Jim--but LOOK at that SHINE!
He's dead, Jim.
He's dead, Jim.  Although I thought for a moment that he was Al Gore.
He's dead, Jim.  But I *really* like his watch.
He's dead, Jim.  But not as we know it.
He's dead, Jim.  Dibs on his boots.
He's dead, Jim.  Dibs on the white meat.
He's dead, Jim.  Get his phaser, I got his wallet.
He's dead, Jim.  Get his tricorder, I'll grab his wallet!
He's dead, Jim.  Go get the steak knives.
He's dead, Jim.  Grab his tagline.  --McCoy
He's dead, Jim.  Grab his tricorder. I'll get his watch!
He's dead, Jim.  If you don't believe me, kick him.
He's dead, Jim.  Just like your career.
He's dead, Jim.  Kick him if you don't believe me.
He's dead, Jim.  Nice shot, that puts you up two points.  My turn.
He's dead, Jim.  See, right here in the script.
He's dead, Jim.  Tell the Klingons that dinner is ready.
He's dead, Jim.  Tell the Klingons that dinner is served.
He's dead, Jim.  Uhm... Are you as hungry as I am?  - Bones
He's dead, Jim.  Yes, I know, since _I_ killed him.
He's dead, Jim.  You get his phaser, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim.  You get his tricorder,  I'll get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim.  You get his watch, I'll take his wallet.
He's dead, Jim.  You take his phaser, I'll get his wallet
He's dead, Jim. "Check his pockets for loose change..."
He's dead, Jim. Are you as hungry as I am?
He's dead, Jim. Bite him yourself if you don't believe me
He's dead, Jim. But I *really* like his watch.
He's dead, Jim. But he's Vulcan. He'll pull out of it.
He's dead, Jim. But he's a Vulcan; he'll snap out of it.
He's dead, Jim. But he's a vulcan, he'll snap out of it.
He's dead, Jim. But look at that shine!
He's dead, Jim. But not as we know it.
He's dead, Jim. Damn it, Bones! He owed me money!
He's dead, Jim. Dibs on his boots.
He's dead, Jim. Dibs on the white meat.
He's dead, Jim. Get his ears. - Spock
He's dead, Jim. Get his phaser, I got his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. Get his phaser, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. Get his phaser, his wallet's mine!
He's dead, Jim. Get his tricorder, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. Get off of him!
He's dead, Jim. Get the grill, I'll get the BBQ sauce.
He's dead, Jim. Go get the steak knives.
He's dead, Jim. Grab his tricorder, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. Grab his tricorder. I'll get his watch!
He's dead, Jim. Grab his wallet, Spock!
He's dead, Jim. Hey, get Ensign Dahmer away from him!
He's dead, Jim. Hey, get away from him, Dahmer!
He's dead, Jim. His boots would fit me just fine.
He's dead, Jim. I guess I'm not a very good doctor...
He's dead, Jim. I know Bones. I've read the script.
He's dead, Jim. I shot the bastard myself
He's dead, Jim. I've got dibbs on the white meat.
He's dead, Jim. I've got dibs on the white meat.
He's dead, Jim. If you don't believe me, just kick him!
He's dead, Jim. If you don't believe me, kick him.
He's dead, Jim. Just like your career.
He's dead, Jim. Just like your directing career.
He's dead, Jim. Kick him if you don't believe me.
He's dead, Jim. Kick him if you don't believe me. --McCoy.
He's dead, Jim. Lieutenant Worf from ST:NG killed Santa Claus!
He's dead, Jim. Nice shot, that puts you up two points. My turn.
He's dead, Jim. No wait, he's alive. No, wait.. Now he's dead..
He's dead, Jim. Of course he's dead. I killed him.
He's dead, Jim. Pass the ketchup. - Dr. McCoy
He's dead, Jim. Pop him back in the microwave, will you?
He's dead, Jim. Pull his pants down. I'm going first!
He's dead, Jim. See, right here in the script
He's dead, Jim. Shall I fetch the necromancer?
He's dead, Jim. Spock took his tricorder, I got his spleen.
He's dead, Jim. Sulu took his tricorder, I got his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. Tell the Klingons "Dinner is served".
He's dead, Jim. Tell the Klingons that dinner is ready.
He's dead, Jim. Tell the klingons, 'dinner is served'.
He's dead, Jim. That's 10 this week already!
He's dead, Jim. That's the seventh one this season.
He's dead, Jim. The bio filter scrambled his brain!
He's dead, Jim. The family's in the other parlor, through there...
He's dead, Jim. Uhm... Are you as hungry as I am? - Bones
He's dead, Jim. Um, are you as hungry as I am?
He's dead, Jim. Ummm...are you as hungry as I am?
He's dead, Jim. Yes, I know, since I killed him.
He's dead, Jim. You get his phaser, I got his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You get his phaser, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You get his phaser, I'll grab his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You get his tricorder, I got his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You get his tricorder, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You get his tricorder, I'll go for his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You get his tricorder, I'll take his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You get his watch, I'll take his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You get the grill; I'll get the BBQ sauce.
He's dead, Jim. You get the tricorder and I'll get the wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You get the tricorder, I'll get his wallet
He's dead, Jim. You grab his phaser, I'll get his wallet. --McCoy.
He's dead, Jim. You have the right to remain silent.
He's dead, Jim. You know a good lawyer?
He's dead, Jim. You know, I've always wanted to say that
He's dead, Jim. You know, there's this guy named Quincy
He's dead, Jim. You lead by two points.  My turn... Pull!  <Blam!>
He's dead, Jim. You might want to call that Perry Mason guy.
He's dead, Jim. You take his phaser and I'll get his wallet!
He's dead, Jim. You take his phaser, I get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. You take his phaser, I'll get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. Your move. Nice job remodeling the rec bay, huh?
He's dead, Jim. [*] Yes, I know, since I killed him.
He's dead, Jim... Go get the steak knives!
He's dead, Jim... If you don't believe it, kick him yourself!
He's dead, Jim... but the writers'll figure a way to bring him back.
He's dead, Jim... you get his phaser, and I'll get his wallet!
He's dead, Jim.....hey! Let's write a book about it!!!!
He's dead, Jim...Ensign Dahmer, stop that!
He's dead, Jim...I've got "dibs" on the white meat!
He's dead, Jim...but I REALLY like his watch, so . . .
He's dead, Jim...uummh..are you as hungry as I am?
He's dead, Spock.  You get his Phaser, I'll take his ears.
He's dead, she's mine, we're in love, we're out of here, good night!
He's dead,Jim. Get his phaser - his wallet's mine.
He's dead. - Zack Allen
He's dead. This isa no fair.
He's dead. Why didn't he just say so? - Mike on drunk
He's dead?  I thought he was British.
He's dead?  I thought he was imitating Al Gore.
He's dead? That's what I said, Jim
He's definitely on about something, Jim! * McCoy
He's demented and deluded mind.
He's diagnosable.
He's dim, Jed
He's dim, Jed!  aw, nuts..." - DeForrest Kelley
He's doin' 30 on the freeway.
He's doing 30 mph on a 70 mph freeway.
He's doing his Dan Haggerty impression -Crow on snow bank
He's doing the Nestea plunge. Nestea THUD - Mike
He's dreaming of big, mutated, armor-covered rabits -- Crow
He's dressed for lady's night at Shenanigans - Mike
He's dressed like a Cossack! - Frank on cowboy
He's dressed up as Ellery Queen - Mike on cheesy disguise
He's dressed up like that dude on the dollar. -- Butthead
He's driving into the abyss! - Crow
He's driving me crazy! - Q to Picard about Fox
He's driving with two wheels in the sand.
He's dumb as a box of mentally handicapped rocks.
He's egotism is a plain case of mistaken nonentity.
He's eight feet tall and plays the flute, he's clearly high-flutin'.
He's either dead or just an extremely heavy sleeper.
He's either dead or just very sleepy.
He's either dead or my watch has stopped.
He's electroencephalographically challenged, Jim.
He's electroencephalographically challenged.
He's employed as a crash dummy?!?
He's encepholographically challenged, Jim.
He's every where..  He's every where .....
He's family tree doesn't fork.
He's fighting fire with fire and flirting with death.
He's flashing back without us - Tom
He's flossing the mountain - Joel as a guy rappels
He's flushing his head - Mike on weird sound effect
He's flying on one engine.
He's forging prescriptions for the sodding tiger!
He's from Barcelona - Basil Fawlty
He's from Barcelona - Crow on short, goofy character
He's from the Orkin Army - Crow on guy's goofy helmet
He's from the land of misfit toys -Crow on guy w/big ears
He's frozen! - Troi
He's fruity as a nutcake.
He's full of energy today. - Riker
He's going for the quiet man movie fight record - Crow
He's going over the edge! Stop him! - Mike on bread man
He's going to pull us all apart.    -Luke Skywalker
He's going to wax philosophical - Crow as boy washes car
He's gone on the wagon - the paddy wagon for being drunk.
He's gone to Hell in a Handbasket!
He's gone to join the majority. -- Petronius
He's gonna bowl his troubles away - Tom
He's gonna have a Montclair moment any minute now - Crow
He's gonna have one immense hickey -Joel as leech attacks
He's gonna leave all this?
He's gonna need a cigarette, now - Tom after kissing girl
He's good at covering incomprehensible plot points. - Tom Servo
He's got Blue Wave fever and it's spreading through the galaxy!
He's got Blue Wave fever and it's spreading through the message bases!
He's got Correlian fever and it's spreading through the message bases!
He's got Dick Butkus intensity - Crow on Mongol leader
He's got Patty Duke's dad in his contact lens! - Mike
He's got Van Gogh's ear for music.
He's got Warp's fever and it's spreading through the message bases!
He's got a 10K brain attached to a 28800 baud mouth.
He's got a HUGE....uh.....tract of land!
He's got a Hal Linden look - Tom
He's got a Jackie Mason body! - Mike
He's got a MAGNET!  Everbody, BACKUP!!! -Cmdr. Dat
He's got a Magnet!  Everybody BACKUP!! - Cmdr. Data
He's got a Magnet!  Everyone BACKUP!! - Cmdr. Data
He's got a Magnet! Everyone Backup! -- Cmdr. Data
He's got a Magnet!......... Everybody BACKUP!!!
He's got a Roo loose in the top paddock.
He's got a bad spot on his disk.
He's got a body by Fisher - and brains by Mattel.
He's got a cheerful mental hold on me.
He's got a couple of open splices.
He's got a couple of volts below threshold.
He's got a denim house dress on! - Tom
He's got a few pages stuck together.
He's got a few wait-states.
He's got a good deadside manner- Crow T. Robot
He's got a head like you! - Crow to Tom on space helmets
He's got a hole in his bag of marbles.
He's got a hot plate on the dashboard - Crow
He's got a kangaroo loose in the top paddock.
He's got a large case of smug - Crow on snotty hero
He's got a loose chip on the microprocessor board.
He's got a magnet!  Everybody BACKUP!
He's got a magnet! Everybody stand back!
He's got a magnet! Everyone BACKUP! - Data
He's got a magnet! Everyone BACKUP!! - Data
He's got a magnet!!!  Everybody BACKUP!!!!!!!!
He's got a magnet!!! Backup! Backup! Backup!
He's got a mind like a steel sieve.
He's got a mind like a steel trap - anything entering gets crushed and m
He's got a mind like a steel trap - rusty and stuck closed.
He's got a mind like a steel trap...rusted and frozen shut.
He's got a mouth like a cannon..Always going off...
He's got a nice hinder! - Tom on leading man
He's got a photographic memory, but the lens cover is glued on.
He's got a plan. I can tell. He's got that look. - Garibaldi
He's got a room temperature I.Q.
He's got a suggestion but I think it's physically impossible.-Radar
He's got a sweaty back! - Crow on villain
He's got a watch with a minute hand, millenium hand, and an eon hand.
He's got a watch with a minute hand, millennium hand, and an eon hand.
He's got action hips! - Tom
He's got all the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
He's got another malpractice suit on the side. - Hawkeye on Frank
He's got bats in the belfry.
He's got bed-head - Mike
He's got bubbles in his think tank.
He's got diarrhea of the mouth, constipation of the ideas.
He's got hammer toes. Hammer toes! - Mike
He's got his own air bag! - Crow on guy's ascot
He's got his own train of thought - But no one's aboard!
He's got his own train of thought, and no one's aboard.
He's got his own train of thought, but no one's aboard.
He's got his trainee's hat on - Joel on Indian headdress
He's got one of them amphibious horses! - Mike
He's got parts on order that are never coming in.
He's got rat scratch fever - Joel on shrew bite
He's got six cans, but he's missing the plastic thing that holds it toge
He's got the answers to ease my curiosity - NIN
He's got the attention span of an overripe grapefruit.
He's got the brains of a house plant.
He's got the job, he HAS to be qualified.
He's got the whole world in His hands.
He's got thighs like a hamster - Tom sings about ninja
He's got to follow his own path.  No one can choose it for him. - Leia
He's got to strip & replace the oil in his hair - Mike
He's got too much yardage between his goal posts.
He's got toys in his attic.
He's grease spot on the driveway of life.
He's gyros are loose.
He's head whistles in a crosswind.
He's here, The Phantom of the Opera...Beware, the Phantom of the Opera
He's hiding in an abandoned Stuckeys! - Tom
He's hiding something! --Sheridan. Of course he is. --Garibaldi.
He's his own 'From Here To Eternity' - Tom on beach guy
He's hitting 'em with a hotdog! - Tom
He's home. Yes, he's home. Dum dee dum dum dum - Tom
He's hot, he's sexy and he's dead.
He's hungry! - Crow as lemur paws girl's breast
He's husky - Crow
He's iNsAnE I tell you! NuTz! sCHiTzO!
He's in a bit of a snit today, isn't he?
He's in a metaphysical snit! - Tom
He's in a scene w/Robert Reed & HE'S the wienie?! - Tom
He's in, but he's out to lunch.
He's inbred and proud of it!
He's inflated, he's egotistical. - John Huston on Reagan
He's just a few sandwiches shy of a picnic.
He's just a girly-man programmer.
He's just a poor boy from a poor family!
He's just another inmate in this insane world.
He's just gonna hang around the bushes while we eat? [*] That's his way.
He's just one big... HORMONE, walking around the ship.-Neelix
He's just tagging along for the pun of it.
He's kinda' conked out - Crow
He's king of his particular hill -- Deanna
He's knitting with only one needle.
He's larger than life and has God as a guardian angel. <re:Mulder>
He's like a cow that goes dry - udder failure.
He's like an idiot savant. Minus the savant - Crow
He's little red choo choo done jumped the track.
He's living proof that nature does not abhor a vacuum.
He's looking for James Franciscus and Charlton Heston. --Crow.
He's looking for love in all the wrong places - Mike
He's looking for the script - Tom on guy in garbage can
He's madder than a hippo with a hernia - Zazu
He's memory is truly random-access.
He's mentally challenged.
He's metabolically challenged, Jim!
He's metabolically disadvantaged, Jim
He's mind is like a steel sieve.
He's mind is like a steel trap - full of mice.
He's mind is like a steel trap - rusted shut!
He's more human than the human contingent on the station. (re: Londo)
He's more human than the human contingent on the station. --Londo.
He's mostly dead Jim, get Miracle Max
He's mostly dead Jim, get Miracle Max!
He's mostly dead Jim. Get Miracle Max!
He's mostly dead jim, get Miracle Max
He's mostly dead, Jim.  Call Miracle Max.
He's mostly dead, Jim.  Get Miracle Max.
He's my - ah, faithful companion. -- Brisco
He's my Number One dad. Picard
He's my father, Leia."
He's my kind of man - bribable!
He's my mother & my sister - Crow
He's my mother. He's my sister. - Crow
He's never forgiven me for burning his bra - Tom
He's no James T. Kirk, but he'll have to do - Tom on hero
He's no bloodless wimp. He's a vampire, AKA Bloodless Superman.
He's no good to me dead. - Boba Fett
He's no longer on the cross.
He's no wise man who'll quit a certainty for an uncertainty.
He's nobody's fool. He's a freelancer.
He's not 'ere, Bruce. Blimey, it's hot in here, Bruce.
He's not CREAMY anymore - Crow
He's not OK, but you can trust him. - BJ on Hawkeye
He's not a politician.  He's just ethically challenged.
He's not a well woman. - Trapper on Klinger
He's not afraid to get married, he's avoiding domestic incarceration.
He's not as big a fool as he was.  Smarter?  No, thinner.
He's not bald - just too tall for his hair.
He's not bald,       he's forehead                    enhanced.
He's not bald, He's just too tall for his hair.
He's not boring, he's just conversationally challenged!
He's not dead Jim ... he's 'metabolically challenged'.
He's not dead Jim! He's metaphysically challanged.
He's not dead Jim! He's metaphysically challenged.
He's not dead yet, Jim -- "Bones" Python
He's not dead,       he's biochemically               challenged.
He's not dead,       he's metabolically               disadvantaged.
He's not dead, He's metabolically challenged.
He's not dead, Jim, he's just metabolically challenged.
He's not dead, Jim, he's metaphysically challenged!
He's not dead, Jim, just electroencephelographically challenged.
He's not dead, Jim.  He's metabolicly challenged
He's not dead, Jim. He's 'metabolically challenged'
He's not dead, Jim. He's metabolicly challenged.
He's not dead, Jim. That's the way Al Gore always looks.
He's not dead, he's "metabolically challenged".
He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.
He's not dead, just electroencephalographicly challenged?
He's not dead, yet, Jim - Bones Python
He's not dead.  He's just Lifesigns disadvantaged!
He's not dead. No, but his career is.
He's not dead; he's metabolically challenged.
He's not digging in the same ditch with the rest of us!
He's not exactly operating on all thrusters.
He's not gonna tell any of those weird-assed jokes - Crow
He's not in the lineage books. I've found that out.
He's not naked, he's got his BVDs on - Dr. F on Joel
He's not operating on all thrusters yet -- McCoy
He's not overweight, he's chocolate                   enriched.
He's not politically correct - he's "challenged"-challenged!
He's not really dead - not -10 dead anyway.
He's not running on full thrusters.
He's not stupid; he's possessed by a retarded ghost.
He's not telling us everything. --Garibaldi.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy! - Brians Mum.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
He's not ugly enough to be in the Air Force - Tom
He's nothing but a flimflam man - Picard to Riker reference to Q
He's off topic and there ain't no thread he's typing to.
He's off topic.  Send him to THE COMFY CHAIR!
He's off-topic. Send him to....THE COMFY CHAIR!!!
He's okay, Y'Majesty.  The spikes on the dragon's tail broke his fall.
He's on her last lap around the gene pool.
He's on his last lap around the gene pool.
He's one bean short of a burrito.
He's one bit short of a byte.
He's one burrito short of a combo meal.
He's one card short of a subset.
He's one fry short of a happy meal.
He's one id short of a personality.
He's one marble shy of a full deck.
He's one of the Undead, boss - Mike
He's one of the carbon blobs in sector 7-G. - Smithers
He's one of the few ancient immortals still alive. - Duncan MacLeod
He's one pin short of a nine-pin connector.
He's one sandwich short of a picnic.
He's one wheel short of a unicycle!
He's only *mostly* dead, Jim... now what?
He's only *mostly* dead. -- Miracle Max
He's only MOSTLY dead, Jim. Go get Miracle Max.
He's only a child.  Wednesday Addams
He's only mostly dead, Jim.  Beam in Miracle Max
He's only the local firechief, but you should see his hose.
He's out there somewhere causing trouble to upset me.
He's paged-out.
He's pallid, he's rested, he's ready! Dick Nixon in `96! <-SICK!
He's parents threw out the baby and kept the bathwater.
He's planting an antenna in her septum -Tom on kiss
He's playing Pong Solitaire - Crow on radar screen
He's playing baseball with a rubber bat.
He's playing hockey with a warped puck.
He's playing with a full deck but the cards aren't in order.
He's playing with a full deck, he's just a slow shuffler.
He's playing with an unstrung raquet.
He's plays solitaire......for cash.
He's post: [ ]Humorous [ ]Insightful [X]Just plain stupid.
He's pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere.
He's pretty, but can he type?
He's probably a very good peanut seller - Tom
He's probably in the middle of an orgy right now.
He's probably one of those people that thinks Elvis is dead. - Mulder
He's quite eloquent for low life scum - Crow
He's reading from an empty disk.
He's redneck extrordinaire!
He's regular Army! - And I'm regular crazy. - Klinger
He's renewable energy source for hot air balloons.
He's result of a first cousin marriage.
He's rifling the mummy for change! - Joel
He's right. You are a smeghead. --Lister.
He's risen from obscurity & headed for oblivion.
He's running at 300 baud.
He's sending back packets, but the check sums are wrong.
He's sex-obsessed.
He's sharp as a tack - the blunt end.
He's singing the right side of the menu - Crow on Contino
He's singing to a refrigerator?!
He's skating on the wrong side of the ice.
He's slower than his grandma, and she's been dead for 20 years.
He's slower than my grandma. She's been dead for 20 years.
He's smoking a Slim Jim - Tom on guy's odd cigar
He's so Human! - Saavik Nobody's perfect. - Spock
He's so cheap, he quit golf when he lost his ball.
He's so cheap: After shaking your hand he counts his fingers.
He's so cheap: Before counting his money he gets drunk so he'll see dou
He's so cheap: Even his 8 by 10 photos are only 7 by 9.
He's so cheap: Even if he were in a canoe he wouldn't tip.
He's so cheap: For supper he sits on the porch and bites his lips.
He's so cheap: He always licks his eyeglasses after eating grapefruit.
He's so cheap: He always washes his paper plates.
He's so cheap: He even stops his watch to save time.
He's so cheap: He heats his knives so he won't use too much butter.
He's so cheap: He is tighter than the top olive in the bottle.
He's so cheap: He keeps a moth as a pet because it only eats holes.
He's so cheap: He opened his wallet once and three months flew out.
He's so cheap: He puts glue in his mustache so his kisses will last.
He's so cheap: He quit golf when he lost his ball.
He's so cheap: He takes his electric razor to the office to recharge it.
He's so cheap: He took out fire insurance on his cigars.
He's so cheap: He uses the same calendar year after year.
He's so cheap: He walks his date to a drive-in movie.
He's so cheap: He won't even give his wife an argument.
He's so cheap: He won't even let you borrow trouble.
He's so cheap: He won't even tip his hat.
He's so cheap: He would come over and borrow a flag on July 4th.
He's so cheap: He would never even pass the buck.
He's so cheap: The only thing he ever threw out was the bill collector
He's so cheap: The only thing he every gave away was a secret.
He's so cheap: When he pays you a compliment he asks for a receipt.
He's so conceited, he has his X-rays retouched.
He's so conservative his plane doesn't have a left wing.
He's so cool, he could get frostbite from masturbating.
He's so cool, he'd get frostbite if he masturbated.
He's so cute and all alone. - Pumba
He's so cute when he's sleeping - Dr. F on dinosaur
He's so darn ugly, he makes my gums ache. <Homer>
He's so dense, light bends around him.
He's so dumb he thinks Cheerios are doughnut seeds!
He's so far behind he thinks he's first.
He's so fat that people jump over him rather than go around.
He's so hypocritical he pirates on-line Bible programs.
He's so lazy he even hires someone to do his snoring for him.
He's so mean, he gave Stevie Wonder a Playboy subscription!
He's so old he was moderator on the Ark!
He's so sadistic, he put quicksand in the litter box.
He's so stupid he could screw up a one-car funeral.
He's so tight, when he farts, only dogs hear it!
He's so ugly he's positively distinguished looking.
He's so ugly it takes two of him to get any uglier. - Garfield
He's so unlucky he runs into accidents which happen to someone else.
He's so...human. -- Saavik Nobody's perfect. -- Spock
He's son of Suzy Creamcheese and it shows.
He's stil self-concious about tinkling - Mike
He's still alive Jim! Cast another Fireball 3 spell!
He's still bleeding from his crew cut  - Joel
He's still breathing! SHOOT! - BATF
He's still dead, Jim.
He's still trying to figure out who they are.
He's strong like bull, dumb like tractor.
He's studying to be a child molester at the Seminary.
He's such a good speaker, even a cough sounds read.
He's suffering from I-dolatry.
He's sulking again.
He's surfing in New Mexico.
He's surveying his liquor kingdom - Tom
He's swapped out.
He's swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool.
He's tab hunting even as we speak - Tom
He's tan, he's rested.  Nixon in '92!
He's tan...he's rested...he's ready...NIXON in '96!
He's tanned, rested and ready... NIXON '96!
He's taunting a mummy! - Crow
He's telling the truth. No, he's not. But maybe... Troi
He's terminally inconvenienced, Jim.
He's that most dangerous of creatures: a clever sheep.
He's the Armchair Quarterback, He's full of beer and full of snacks.
He's the Big from Big & Tall - Crow
He's the Finnish Oscar Wilde - Crow on wimpy guy
He's the Grand Canyon under a crew cut.
He's the artist formerly known as radiant prince - Tom
He's the best chair guy in the business - Crow
He's the best! - Picard
He's the black sheep of our family.
He's the brains sweetheart
He's the devil in him! --Conner's girlfriend.
He's the hairy-handed gent who ran amuck in Kent..
He's the healthiest specimen of his species I have ever seen.
He's the kind of man who picks his friends--to pieces.  --Mae West
He's the kindly old pornographer - Mike
He's the man with the plan...He's a ninja! - Tom sings
He's the most remarkable shade of yellow. - Radar as Father Mulcahy
He's the neighborhood porn representative - Crow
He's the nummiest thing there ever was! - Frank
He's the spokesperson for the incredible edible egg -Joel
He's the spokesperson for the incredible edible egg. - Joel
He's the third Warner Brother on Animaniacs.
He's thinking about my breasts again, Captain! - Deanna Troi
He's thinking about my breasts again, Captain! -- Deanna
He's tied Chip to the bed w/Dodie's nylons! - Crow
He's tied Chip to the bed with Dodie's nylons! - Crow T. Robot
He's trying out for the javelin retrieval team.
He's trying to brainwash me and give me personality doubts.
He's trying to find that damn flute player -Crow on music
He's trying to peel him, thinks he's a banana -Tom on ape
He's trying to sneak into China - Crow
He's turned deciduous in the spring time.
He's turning into a flying squirrel -Crow on insane pilot
He's turning on the All-Vacuum Cleaner network - Tom Servo
He's two bits shy of a word.
He's two politicians short of a Parliament.
He's two saucers short of a tea-service.
He's two tacos short of a combination plate.
He's typing in tongues ... What do we get next?  Digital Ouija boards?
He's unhinging his jaws - Mike as guy kisses girl
He's vapor locked - Crow
He's very John Shuck-onian - Crow
He's very careful with facts.  So much so that he never touches them.
He's very clean.
He's very much alive. Sort of.--Ed Wood
He's very racoon-y - Tom
He's very touchy about those drums; they loom large in his legend.
He's watching you from across the way -- NIN
He's watching you from across the way.
He's waxing philosophical - Tom on teen punk
He's wearing CHIC jeans! - Frank on prissy cowboy
He's wearing Jockey for Her! Ohhh! - Crow T. Robot
He's wearing Jocky for Her! Ohhh! - Crow
He's wearing a femme-y jet pack - Crow
He's wearing a leisure uniform - Crow
He's wearing the Phil Harris Collection - Crow
He's wearing wing tips & black socks. A look I like -Crow
He's what you might call:the BEST-EQUIPPED dentist in this mans army..
He's wiping boogers on the rocket! - Crow T. Robot
He's working on something on that laptop.
He's working with an unformatted disk.
He's working without Annette! - Tom on Frankie Avalon
He's zero k memory.
He, experts! What about reading the documents?
He, rebel without a clue.
He, sorry about your rectocranial inversion.
He, the Changeling who loves a solid...
He... got his head... stuck in a... mechanical... rice-picker - Kirk
He: Baby, drinking makes you beautiful. She: I don't drink.  He: I do.
He: Baby, drinking makes you beautiful. She: I don't drink. He: I do.
He: Do you cheat on your husband? She: NO! He: Hold still while I do.
He: Twit of the Year 1995. Congratulations!
HeHeHe! Stimmt, @F ist blond .:-)))
HeTookaLook..... the Eskimo Peeping-Tom
Head Crash:  Falling asleep at the keyboard ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Head Crash: Falling asleep at the keyboard
Head cheese - it isn't just for breakfast anymore.
Head for the Commercial Nebula - Tom before advertisement
Head hunters NEVER come at a good time - Mike
Head in the clouds, feet in a cowpie.
Head like a hole! Black as your soul -NIN
Head like a hole, black as your soul - Trent Reznor (NIN)
Head like a hole, black as your soul -- NIN
Head like a hole, black as your soul.
Head of Security: Barb Dwyer
Head of Security: Barb Dwyer(9)
Head of heaven fingers in the mire --U2
Head soldiers are commandANTs.
Head whistles in a crosswind.
Head-hunters *never* come at a good time- Mike Nelson
Head-line: Husband eyes wife's seat on City Council
Head: Device for finding chandeliers in the dark.
Head: Device for finding open cabinet doors in the dark.
Headaches are all in your mind!
Headaches are really all in your mind.
Headbanger       a human hammer!
Heading down the track of broadcasting excellence.. Rush!
Heading, Captain? [*] Out there.  Thataway.
Headline : Magistrate to act on indecent show.
Headline:  "Ants Take A Long Time To Cook In Microwave."
Headline:  "Blow To Head Is Common Cause Of Brain Injury."
Headline:  "City Wants Dead To Pay For Cleanup."
Headline:  "Coal Miners Refuse To Work After Death."
Headline:  "Court Rules That Being A Jerk Is Not A Crime."
Headline:  "Dog That Bit 2 People Ordered To Leave Town."
Headline:  "Explosion at Sperm Bank; Nurses Overcome."
Headline:  "Judge Gives Drunk 6 Months in Violin Case."
Headline:  "Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant."
Headline:  "Londoner Fatally Injured By Turnip."
Headline:  "Low Pay Reason For Poverty, Study Says."
Headline:  "Man Shot Twice in Head, Gets Mad!"
Headline:  "Man is Fatally Slain."
Headline:  "Mortuary Adds Drive-Through."
Headline:  "No Cause Of Death Determined For Beheading Victim."
Headline:  "Nudist Group Donates Clothing For Victims."
Headline:  "Police Recover Stolen Hamster, Arrest 3."
Headline:  "Sagging Cloth Diaper Industry Saved By Full Dumps."
Headline:  "Sex Fund Pledged For Sheriff."
Headline:  "State To Punish Duck Violators."
Headline:  "Teacher Dies; Board Accepts His Resignation."
Headline:  "Terrorist Bought Bomb Parts At K Mart."
Headline:  "Thieves Steal Burglar Alarm."
Headline:  "Three Ambulances Take Blast Victim To Hospital."
Headline:  "Tuna Biting Off Oregon Coast."
Headline:  "US Says Insect Parts, Rat Hair Are OK In Food."
Headline:  "Wanted: Women To Test New Condom."
Headline:  "You Can Still Bury Grandpa Out Back."
Headline:  72 Jump Into Bed For World Record
Headline:  Ability To Swim May Save Children From Drowning
Headline:  Air Force Shoots Down Recruit
Headline:  Another Youngster Appears In Virginia
Headline:  Ants Take A Long Time To Cook In Microwave
Headline:  April Slated as Child Abuse Month
Headline:  Bachelors Prefer Beauty To Brains In Their Wives
Headline:  Bags Visiting Elks
Headline:  Batteries Stolen, Youths Charged
Headline:  Bear takes over Disneyland in Pooh d'Etat.
Headline:  Big Drum Stolen, Thieves Beat It
Headline:  Blind Cabbie Forced To Abandon Driving
Headline:  Blow To Head Is Common Cause Of Brain Injury
Headline:  Bomb Hit By Library
Headline:  Bombing Ruins Christmas Joy
Headline:  Boy Cooks Must Eat Own Vitals
Headline:  British Left Waffles On Falkland Islands
Headline:  Burglar Takes Underwear From Home
Headline:  CIA SECRET:  Proof of P=NP found in UFO!
Headline:  CRIME:  Sheriff Asks For 13.7% Increase
Headline:  Cancer Society Honors Marlboro Man
Headline:  Change should help Iowa get more drug money, Tauke says
Headline:  Child Prodigy Dies at 67
Headline:  Child's death ruins couple's holiday
Headline:  Christine Preston Former Head Nurse; at 69
Headline:  Circumcisions Cut Back
Headline:  City Wants Dead To Pay For Cleanup
Headline:  Coal Miners Refuse To Work After Death
Headline:  Cocaine is seeking to buy table talk
Headline:  Cold Wave Linked To Lower Temperatures
Headline:  Commuter Tax On New Yorkers Killed In New Jersey
Headline:  Condom companies have trojan wars
Headline:  Condoms Only Work If Used, Study Finds
Headline:  County Officials To Talk Rubbish
Headline:  Court Rules That Being A Jerk Is Not A Crime
Headline:  Dalmations Get Choice Spots In Parade
Headline:  Dead Guitarist Better
Headline:  Dead Man Found In Cemetery
Headline:  Dead Man Remains Dead
Headline:  Death causes loneliness, feeling of isolation
Headline:  Denial Made By Teacher of Brutality
Headline:  Disabled Athlete Wins Second Gold With Record Heave
Headline:  Dog In Bed, Asks Divorce
Headline:  Dog That Bit 2 People Ordered To Leave Town
Headline:  Doughnut Factory went into the Hole
Headline:  Dr. Ruth to talk about sex with newspaper editors
Headline:  Drunk Gets Nine Months In Violin Case
Headline:  EXCLUSIVE PHOTO:  Turing machine with two heads!
Headline:  Enraged Cow Goes After Unsuspecting Farmer With Gun
Headline:  Enraged Cow Injures Farmer With Ax
Headline:  Exotic Psychic Caught in Fire:  Rare Medium Well-done.
Headline:  Experts Are Sure The Dow Will Either Rise Or Decline
Headline:  Explosion at Sperm Bank - Nurses Overcome
Headline:  Eye Drops Off Shelf
Headline:  Farmer Bill Dies In House
Headline:  Fight Erupts at World Peace Conference
Headline:  Forged Check Takes Girl Out For Date
Headline:  Get Involved With Drugs Before Your Children Do
Headline:  Ground to be Broken Today for Rouse's Ground-Breaking Project
Headline:  Grover Man Draws Prison Term, Fine Fof Sex Acts
Headline:  Guardsman Quits After Death
Headline:  Headless Tagline In Topless Message
Headline:  Hemorrhoids Inspire Respectful Hindsight
Headline:  Hikers Lost In Dark Safe
Headline:  Hole Found In Wall at Nudist Colony, Police Looking Into It
Headline:  Hole found in ladies' room wall; police looking into it.
Headline:  Hostage Taker Kills Self.  Police Shoot Each Other
Headline:  Hotel Burns.  Two Hundred Guests Escape Half Glad
Headline:  Houston Baby Is Born At Iowa County Fair
Headline:  Hunter Shot By Dog As He Climbs Over Fence
Headline:  Husband Eyes Wife's Seat on City Council
Headline:  Infant Morality Shows Drop Here
Headline:  Iraqi Head Seeks Arms
Headline:  Jail May Have to Close Doors.
Headline:  Judge Gives Drunk 6 Months in Violin Case
Headline:  Jury Gets Drunk Driving Case Here
Headline:  Juvenile Court To Try Shooting Defendant
Headline:  Killer Sentenced To Die For Second Time In 10 Years
Headline:  League of women voters aims to shed drag image
Headline:  Local Man Has Longest Horns In All Texas
Headline:  Londoner Fatally Injured By Turnip
Headline:  Low Pay Reason For Poverty, Study Says
Headline:  Lung Cancer In Women Mushrooms
Headline:  Man Goes Berserk in Car Saleroom, Many Volvos Hurt
Headline:  Man Shot Twice In Head, Gets Mad!
Headline:  Man Thought Hurt But Only Slightly Dead
Headline:  Man Thought Hurt But Slightly Dead
Headline:  Man is Fatally Slain
Headline:  Man with 42 bullet wounds killed in Gang War walks away!
Headline:  Mental Telepathy Pinned To Babies
Headline:  Mimes Banned For Abusive Language
Headline:  Miners Refuse To Work After Death
Headline:  Missouri Woman Big Winner at Hog Show
Headline:  Mortuary Adds Drive-Through
Headline:  Naked Man Trying To Buy Soda Arrested For Stealing Car
Headline:  Neck Broken In Fall Hasn't Felt Well Since
Headline:  Never withhold herpes from loved one
Headline:  New Highway gets Railroaded
Headline:  New Jersey to be Moved
Headline:  Nicaragua Sets Goal To Wipe Out Literacy
Headline:  Night School To Hear Pest Talk
Headline:  No Cause Of Death Determined For Beheading Victim
Headline:  Nude Scene Done Tastefully In Radio Play
Headline:  Nudist Group Donates Clothing For Victims
Headline:  OS SCANDAL:  Unix and Ms. Dos found in love nest!
Headline:  Officer Convicted Of Accepting Bride
Headline:  Officials Warn Clams, Oysters Can Carry Virus
Headline:  PSYCHIC PREDICTS:  Fixed points will break again!
Headline:  Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over...
Headline:  Passenger Trains Hurt By Lack Of Track
Headline:  Plane Too Close To Ground, Crash Probe Told
Headline:  Police Begin Campaign To Run Down Jaywalkers
Headline:  Police Recover Stolen Hamster, Arrest 3
Headline:  Prostitutes Appeal To Pope
Headline:  Psychic Midget Escapes Prison...Small Medium at Large.
Headline:  Red Ship Hits Blue Ship - Sailors Marooned
Headline:  Revolting Democrats Breakfast
Headline:  SHOCKING EXPOSE:  Illegal core dumping in Lake Erie!
Headline:  SOFTWARE REVOLUTION:  Marxists scheme classless Smalltalk!
Headline:  STARTLING EVIDENCE:  LISP came from Mars?
Headline:  Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted
Headline:  Sagging Cloth Diaper Industry Saved By Full Dumps
Headline:  Santa Rosa Man Denies He Commited Suicide In San Francisco
Headline:  Sewers Are Not Good Playgrounds
Headline:  Sex Fund Pledged For Sheriff
Headline:  Shootout Leaves One Dead - Two Deader.
Headline:  Shortage of Brains Slows Medical Research
Headline:  Shots Interrupt Salvador War
Headline:  Shout-To Kill Order Issued In Hattie Looting
Headline:  Smaller Families Require Less Food
Headline:  Snake Bites Lawyer And Dies
Headline:  Snake bites lawyer and he dies
Headline:  Some Men Retain Mental Ability
Headline:  Some Murderers Prone to Violence
Headline:  Sorority girls go up and down to benefit Heart Association.
Headline:  Soviet Virgin Lands Short Of Goal Again
Headline:  Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim
Headline:  State Dope Arrests Dip
Headline:  State To Punish Duck Violators
Headline:  Stolen Painting Found By Tree
Headline:  Stud Tires Out
Headline:  Sun to Darken Much of America
Headline:  Superman Changes Costume Style; Becomes Man Of Teal
Headline:  Survey reveals gender gap between the sexes
Headline:  Survivor Of Siamese Twins Joins Parents
Headline:  TRUE STORY:  Man inverts singular matrix and lives to tell!
Headline:  Teacher Dies; Board Accepts His Resignation
Headline:  Teacher Strikes Idle Kids
Headline:  Terrorist Bought Bomb Parts At K-Mart
Headline:  Thieves Steal Burglar Alarm
Headline:  Three Ambulances Take Blast Victim To Hospital
Headline:  Train Scatters Pop
Headline:  Train Towed After Collision With `83 Buick
Headline:  Tuna Biting Off Oregon Coast
Headline:  Two Soviet Ships Collide, One Dies
Headline:  US Says Insect Parts, Rat Hair Are OK In Food
Headline:  USPS program helps to "Stamp out Literacy"
Headline:  Virgin to Sell Cut-Price Personal Finance Services
Headline:  Wanted:  Women To Test New Condom
Headline:  Wine Promises to Put Some Life Back Into Dead Braves
Headline:  Woman Born Feb. 29 Has Baby Same Day
Headline:  Woman's Arm Turns Out to be Beaver Leg
Headline:  You Can Still Bury Grandpa Out Back
Headline:  Youth Born In U.S.A. In Swedish Uniform
Headline: "40 Men Escape Watery Graves When Vessel Flounders In Ale"
Headline: "Ants Take A Long Time To Cook In Microwave."
Headline: "Bachelors Prefer Beauty To Brains In Their Wives"
Headline: "Blow To Head Is Common Cause Of Brain Injury."
Headline: "Boy Cooks Must Eat Own Vitals"
Headline: "British Left Waffles On Falkland Islands."
Headline: "CRIME: Sheriff Asks For 13.7% Increase."
Headline: "Circumcisions Cut Back."
Headline: "City Wants Dead To Pay For Cleanup."
Headline: "Coal Miners Refuse To Work After Death."
Headline: "Court Rules That Being A Jerk Is Not A Crime."
Headline: "Dog In Bed, Asks Divorce"
Headline: "Dog That Bit 2 People Ordered To Leave Town."
Headline: "Drunk Gets Nine Months In Violin Case."
Headline: "Enraged Cow Injures Farmer With Ax."
Headline: "Experts Are Sure The Dow Will Either Rise Or Decline."
Headline: "Explosion at sperm bank - nurses overcome."
Headline: "Eye Drops Off Shelf."
Headline: "Farmer Bill Dies In House."
Headline: "Headless Tagline In Topless Message"
Headline: "Hemorrhoids Inspire Respectful Hindsight."
Headline: "Hotel Burns. Two Hundred Guests Escape Half Glad"
Headline: "Husband Eyes Wife'S Seat On City Council"
Headline: "Infant Morality Shows Drop Here"
Headline: "Iraqi Head Seeks Arms."
Headline: "Is There A Ring Of Debris Around Uranus?"
Headline: "Judge Gives Drunk 6 Months in Violin Case."
Headline: "Jury Gets Drunk Driving Case Here"
Headline: "Juvenile Court To Try Shooting Defendant."
Headline: "Killer Sentenced To Die For Second Time In 10 Years."
Headline: "Local Man Has Longest Horns In All Texas"
Headline: "Londoner Fatally Injured By Turnip."
Headline: "Low Pay Reason For Poverty, Study Says."
Headline: "Lung Cancer In Women Mushrooms."
Headline: "Man Shot Twice in Head, Gets Mad!"
Headline: "Man is Fatally Slain."
Headline: "Miners Refuse To Work After Death."
Headline: "Mortuary Adds Drive-Through."
Headline: "Night School To Hear Pest Talk"
Headline: "No Cause Of Death Determined For Beheading Victim."
Headline: "Nudist Group Donates Clothing For Victims."
Headline: "Officer Convicted Of Accepting Bride"
Headline: "Once-Sagging Cloth Diaper Industry Saved By Full Dumps."
Headline: "Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over..."
Headline: "Plane Too Close To Ground, Crash Probe Told."
Headline: "Police Begin Campaign To Run Down Jaywalkers."
Headline: "Police Recover Stolen Hamster, Arrest 3."
Headline: "Prisoners Escape From Prison Farm After Execution"
Headline: "Prostitutes Appeal To Pope."
Headline: "Red Ship Hits Blue Ship - Sailors Marooned."
Headline: "Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted."
Headline: "Sagging Cloth Diaper Industry Saved By Full Dumps."
Headline: "Sex Fund Pledged For Sheriff."
Headline: "Snake bites lawyer and he dies."
Headline: "Soviet Virgin Lands Short Of Goal Again."
Headline: "Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim."
Headline: "State To Punish Duck Violators."
Headline: "Stolen Painting Found By Tree."
Headline: "Stud Tires Out."
Headline: "Sues Bride Of 4 Mouths"
Headline: "Superman Changes Costume Style; Becomes Man Of Teal."
Headline: "Survivor Of Siamese Twins Joins Parents."
Headline: "Teacher Dies; Board Accepts His Resignation."
Headline: "Teacher Strikes Idle Kids."
Headline: "Terrorist Bought Bomb Parts At K Mart."
Headline: "Thieves Steal Burglar Alarm."
Headline: "Three Ambulances Take Blast Victim To Hospital."
Headline: "Tuna Biting Off Oregon Coast."
Headline: "Two Soviet Ships Collide, One Dies."
Headline: "US Says Insect Parts, Rat Hair Are OK In Food."
Headline: "Wanted: Women To Test New Condom."
Headline: "Wild Wife League Will Meet Tonight"
Headline: "You Can Still Bury Grandpa Out Back."
Headline: 40 Men Escape Watery Graves When Vessel Flounders In Ale
Headline: 72 Jump Into Bed For World Record
Headline: ANALYSTS PANIC: Prime numbers missing from IEEE floating point
Headline: Ability To Swim May Save Children From Drowning
Headline: Air Force Shoots Down Recruit
Headline: Another Youngster Appears In Virginia
Headline: Ants Take A Long Time To Cook In Microwave
Headline: April Slated as Child Abuse Month
Headline: Bachelors Prefer Beauty To Brains In Their Wives
Headline: Bags Visiting Elks
Headline: Batteries Stolen, Youths Charged
Headline: Bear Takes Over Disneyland in Pooh D'Etat!
Headline: Big Drum Stolen, Thieves Beat It
Headline: Blind Cabbie Forced To Abandon Driving
Headline: Blow To Head Is Common Cause Of Brain Injury
Headline: Bomb hit by library
Headline: Bombing Ruins Christmas Joy
Headline: Boy Cooks Must Eat Own Vitals
Headline: Breast implants seized by marshalls
Headline: Breast implants seized by marshals.
Headline: Burglar Takes Underwear From Home
Headline: CIA SECRET: Proof of P=NP found in UFO!
Headline: CRIME: Sheriff Asks For 13.7% Increase
Headline: Change should help Iowa get more drug money, Tauke says
Headline: Child Prodigy Dies at 67
Headline: Child's stool great for use in garden
Headline: Christine Preston Former Head Nurse; at 69
Headline: Circumcisions Cut Back
Headline: City Wants Dead To Pay For Cleanup
Headline: Coal Miners Refuse To Work After Death
Headline: Cocaine is seeking to buy table talk
Headline: Cold Wave Linked To Lower Temperatures
Headline: Condom companies have trojan wars
Headline: Condoms Only Work If Used, Study Finds
Headline: Court Rules That Being A Jerk Is Not A Crime
Headline: Dalmations Get Choice Spots In Parade
Headline: Dead Guitarist Better
Headline: Dead Man Found In Cemetery
Headline: Dead Man Remains Dead
Headline: Deaf mute gets new hearing in killing
Headline: Deafmute complains 911 didn't answer.
Headline: Dealers will hear car talk at noon
Headline: Death causes loneliness, feeling of isolation
Headline: Denial Made By Teacher of Brutality
Headline: Disabled Athlete Wins Second Gold With Record Heave
Headline: Dog That Bit 2 People Ordered To Leave Town
Headline: Dog in bed, asks divorce
Headline: Doughnut Factory went into the Hole
Headline: Drunk drivers paid $1,000 in 1984
Headline: EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: Turing machine with two heads!
Headline: Enraged Cow Goes After Unsuspecting Farmer With Gun
Headline: Enraged Cow Injures Farmer With Ax
Headline: Experts Are Sure The Dow Will Either Rise Or Decline
Headline: Explosion at Sperm Bank - Nurses Overcome
Headline: Farmer Bill Dies In House
Headline: Fight Erupts at World Peace Conference
Headline: Forged Check Takes Girl Out For Date
Headline: Get Involved With Drugs Before Your Children Do
Headline: Grandmother of eight makes hole in one
Headline: Ground to be broken today for Rouse's ground-breaking project
Headline: Grover Man Draws Prison Term, Fine of Sex Acts
Headline: Guardsman Quits After Death
Headline: Headless Tagline In Topless Message
Headline: Hemorrhoids Inspire Respectful Hindsight
Headline: Hikers Lost In Dark Safe
Headline: Hole Found In Wall at Nudist Colony, Police Looking Into It
Headline: Hole found in ladies' room wall; police looking into it.
Headline: Hostage Taker Kills Self. Police Shoot Each Other
Headline: Hotel Burns. Two Hundred Guests Escape Half Glad
Headline: Houston Baby Is Born At Iowa County Fair
Headline: Hunter Shot By Dog As He Climbs Over Fence
Headline: Husband Eyes Wife's Seat on City Council
Headline: If strike isn't settled quickly it may last a while
Headline: Iowa cemeteries are death traps
Headline: Iraqi head seeks arms
Headline: Jail May Have to Close Doors.
Headline: Judge Gives Drunk 6 Months in Violin Case
Headline: Judgment Rendered Against Parsley Farm; Assets Garnished.
Headline: Juvenile Court To Try Shooting Defendant
Headline: League of women voters aims to shed drag image
Headline: Local Man Has Longest Horns In All Texas
Headline: Londoner Fatally Injured By Turnip
Headline: Low Pay Reason For Poverty, Study Says
Headline: Lung Cancer In Women Mushrooms
Headline: Mac, DOS software moves to Power PC! OS/2 dies out like HST!
Headline: Man Goes Berserk in Car Saleroom, Many Volvos Hurt
Headline: Man Shot Twice In Head, Gets Mad!
Headline: Man Thought Hurt But Slightly Dead
Headline: Man with 42 bullet wounds killed in Gang War walks away!
Headline: Mental Telepathy Pinned To Babies
Headline: Milk drinkers are turning to powder
Headline: Mimes banned for abusive language
Headline: Miners Refuse To Work After Death
Headline: Missouri woman big winner at hog show
Headline: Mortuary Adds Drive-Through
Headline: NJ judge to rule on nude beach
Headline: Naked Man Trying To Buy Soda Arrested For Stealing Car
Headline: Neck Broken In Fall Hasn't Felt Well Since
Headline: Never withhold herpes from loved one
Headline: New Highway gets Railroaded
Headline: New Jersey to be Moved
Headline: Nicaragua Sets Goal To Wipe Out Literacy
Headline: Night School To Hear Pest Talk
Headline: No Cause Of Death Determined For Beheading Victim
Headline: No Cause of Death Found For Beheading Victim.
Headline: Nuclear Winter may not be so bad
Headline: Nude scene done tastefully in radio play
Headline: Nudist Group Donates Clothing For Victims
Headline: OS SCANDAL:  Unix and Ms. Dos found in love nest!
Headline: Officer Convicted Of Accepting Bride
Headline: Officials Warn Clams, Oysters Can Carry Virus
Headline: Once-Sagging Cloth Diaper Industry Saved By Full Dumps.
Headline: PSYCHIC PREDICTS: Fixed points will break again!
Headline: Panda mating fails - veterinarian takes over
Headline: Passenger Trains Hurt By Lack Of Track
Headline: Police Recover Stolen Hamster, Arrest 3
Headline: Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers
Headline: Prisoners Escape From Prison Farm After Execution
Headline: Queen Mary having bottom scraped
Headline: REVELATION: Top scientist discovers New Jersey on Karnaugh map
Headline: Red Ship Hits Blue Ship - Sailors Marooned
Headline: Revolting Democrats Breakfast
Headline: Robber's Description: Man, Possibly A Woman, Definitely Ugly
Headline: SHOCKING EXPOSE:  Illegal core dumping in Lake Erie!
Headline: SOFTWARE REVOLUTION: Marxists scheme classless Smalltalk!
Headline: STARTLING EVIDENCE: LISP came from Mars?
Headline: Sagging Cloth Diaper Industry Saved By Full Dumps
Headline: Santa Rosa Man Denies He Commited Suicide In San Francisco
Headline: Sewers are not good playgrounds
Headline: Sex Fund Pledged For Sheriff
Headline: Shellfish sue for damages in small clams court!
Headline: Shootout Leaves One Dead - Two Deader.
Headline: Shortage of Brains Slows Medical Research
Headline: Shots Interrupt Salvador War
Headline: Shout-To Kill Order Issued In Hattie Looting
Headline: Smaller Families Require Less Food
Headline: Snake Bites Lawyer And Dies
Headline: Snake bites lawyer and he dies.
Headline: Snake bits lawyer and he dies.
Headline: Some Men Retain Mental Ability
Headline: Some Murderers Prone to Violence
Headline: Something went wrong in jet crash, experts say
Headline: Sorority girls go up and down to benefit Heart Association.
Headline: Soviet Virgin Lands Short Of Goal Again
Headline: Squad Helps Dog Bite Victim
Headline: State Dope Arrests Dip
Headline: State To Punish Duck Violators
Headline: Stud Tires Out
Headline: Suicidal twin kills brother by mistake.
Headline: Sun to Darken Much of America
Headline: Superman Changes Costume Style; Becomes Man Of Teal
Headline: Survey reveals gender gap between the sexes
Headline: Survivor Of Siamese Twins Joins Parents
Headline: Symbiont joins tightwad! Object: cheap trill!
Headline: TRUE STORY: Man inverts singular matrix and lives to tell!
Headline: Tax collectors decide to leave dead man alone
Headline: Teacher Dies; Board Accepts His Resignation
Headline: Terrorist Bought Bomb Parts At K Mart.
Headline: The Fame Of Plains Is Mainly On The Wane
Headline: Thieves Steal Burglar Alarm
Headline: Three Ambulances Take Blast Victim To Hospital
Headline: Train Scatters Pop
Headline: Train Towed After Collision With `83 Buick
Headline: Tuna Biting Off Oregon Coast
Headline: Two Soviet ships collide - one dies
Headline: Two convicts evade noose, jury hung
Headline: Two sisters reunite after eighteen years at checkout counter
Headline: US Postal Service program helps to "Stamp out Literacy"
Headline: US Says Insect Parts, Rat Hair Are OK In Food
Headline: USPS program helps to "Stamp out Literacy"
Headline: Virgin to Sell Cut-Price Personal Finance Services
Headline: Wanted:  Women To Test New Condom
Headline: William Kelly was fed secretary
Headline: Wine Promises to Put Some Life Back Into Dead Braves
Headline: Woman Born Feb. 29 Has Baby Same Day
Headline: Woman is pregnant, thanks to her sister
Headline: Woman's Arm Turns Out to be Beaver Leg
Headline: You Can Still Bury Grandpa Out Back
Headline: Youth Born In U.S.A. In Swedish Uniform
Headonic Affectocon:  :-)  Headonic Deffectocon:  :-(
Heads I win... DITTO tails
Heads I win... Tails you lose...
Heads will roll.
Heads, up Boise! Incoming spuds!
Heads: IRS wins.   Tails: you lose.
Headteller: Has sex and then blackmails the customer.
Headware Hayes:  For the net.junkie in your life.
Headweasels - The pompous, arrogant, etc, maitre d's who ruin a meal.
Headweasels: the pompous, arrogant, etc, maitre d's who ruin a meal.
Heal the American wounds!  ----    Kill Rush Limbaugh
Heal the past, live the present, dream the future.
Heal the past, live the present, dream the future...
Healed Head Bad, Bleeding Head Good!
Health Benefits RECEIVED WILL BE TAXED AS INCOME!-H. Clinton 6/29/94
Health Care Reform is nothing more than government control.
Health Care, Crime, Welfare Reform, Lobbyist Control, all lose to O.J.
Health Tip:  Red meat is good.  Blue, fuzzy meat is BAD.
Health Tip:  Red meat is good.  Green, fuzzy meat is BAD.
Health care: All the Canadians are covered.  So are all the dead!
Health food is something you nag your spouse to death to eat.
Health food makes me sick.
Health foods make me sick.
Health freaks and lezzo's - both like their pork without the fat
Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which you can die.
Health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.
Health is not valued until sickness comes.
Health is simply the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
Health is simply the slowest way to die...
Health is the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
Health is the slowest possible rate at which you can die. --Optimist.
Health is the slowest possible rate to die
Health is the slowest possible way to die.
Health is the slowest rate at which one can die.
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in ho
Health:  The slowest possible rate of dying.
Health: The slowest possible rate at which one can die.
Health: The slowest possible rate of dying.
Healthcare Virus: Tests system, finds nothing wrong, bills you $4,500.
Healthcare: "All the Canadians are covered."  "So are all the dead!"
Healthy Choice: 1/2 the fat and none of the taste.
Healthy Trekkers work out at the He's Dead Gym.
Healthy Trekkies work out at He's Dead Gym.
Healthy Trekkies work out at the He's Dead Gym!
Healthy is the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
Healthy is the slowest rate at which one can die.
Hear Rush Limbaugh worldwide on shortwave station WRNO 15.420 Mhz.
Hear about Oprah's new diet? Only one meadow per day.
Hear about the Quebec bra?  Lifts *and* separates?
Hear about the Quebec bra?  Lifts _and_ separates?
Hear about the baker with the four-loaf cleaver?
Hear about the cannibal passing the hunter in the jungle?
Hear about the dog that went to a flea circus & stole the show?
Hear about the dumb man who picked up a wheel and spoke??
Hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper?  Sold his soult to SANTA.
Hear about the gay cockroach? He died of RAIDS*
Hear about the gay nail? He was found in the road blowing tires!
Hear about the homosexual who was so ugly he had to pick up on women?
Hear about the leper hockey game?  There was a face off in the corner.
Hear about the leper hockey game? There was a face off in the corner.
Hear about the political joke that got elected?
Hear about the pregnant smoker whose child was born with a little butt
Hear about the surgeon that *hung* his female patients?
Hear about the two maggots making love in Dead Ernest?
Hear hear!!  Silly indeed, aye, laddy!!
Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. (PRO 8:33)
Hear no email.  See no email.  Speak no email.   
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil....there goes the TV....
Hear no evil, speak no evil, C:\NOEVIL
Hear strange noises late at night, do ya'?
Hear the Xs roll peas on a pod burning rubber tires -Joel
Hear the engines roll now! Idiot control now! - Joel/Bots
Hear the impossible then do it.
Hear the piercing cries of all who found that Hell awaits!
Hear twice before you speak once.
Hear you've been sick. If I were you I'd be sick, too!
Hear, O Israel, YHVH our God is ONE(echad). . .
Hear, hear!  Well spoken, Bruce!
Heard about the new president?  It's a cat named Socks...
Heard as the golf ball bounced across the busy roadway:  "FORD!"
Heard at Lorena's trial: "Mr. Bobbitt, would you please rise."
Heard at a gay bar - "This butt's for you!"
Heard at a toga party: Are you wearing anything under that sheet?
Heard in Astrophysics:  "Strange.  I've never seen a SPIRAL orbit..."
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.
Heard of the Altzheimer Virus? It turns your RAM into Veggie Spam...
Heard of the PaintJet that went into the tattoo business?
Heard of the new president?  It's a cat named Socks
Heard on A. Centauri, 2361:  So you're from Earth!  Do you know ----?
Heard on Noah's ark: Sailing is fun, but scrubbing decks is aardvark.
Heard outside a confessional: "Hahaha!  With a chicken?!?!"
Heard that the sysop likes to watch porno@#$&&@#$  NO CARRIER
Heard the Sysop likes to watch porno#$^# NO CARRIER
Heard the eternal footman bought himself a bike to race.
Heard this one?  Clinton 92 - Lots of sax and plenty of Gore.
Hearsay:  What toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word.
Heart attack and exploded penis, just what I've always wanted!
Heart's in the right place. Lord knows where his mind is.
Heart:  Bow & Arrow target.
Heartburn is the Justice Of Pizza in this area.
Hearts are gonna roll...
Hearts are warmed by a blanket of friends.
Hearts will never be practical 'til they're unbreakable.
Hearts will never be practical until they become unbreakable.
Heat 2 frying pans, pancake cat between them.
Heat Death of the Universe: 'Entropic Cosmological Principle.'
Heat me up another please! - Gypsy sings
Heat n' eat popsicles
Heat the outer skin to cherry, then peel and eat! - Dragon cookbook
Heat this up G'Kar and you won't have a planet left to protect - Londo
Heather Locklear Scratch and Sniff-> **************
Heather Locklear Scratch and Sniff-< **************
Heather attacks with a Longsword +1, +5 vs. Moderators.
Heather to her 2 mommies: "Why do I have only 1 navel?"
Heather: Get drunk and tip cows.
Heating with wood, you get warm twice:  Once chopping it, and once stacking it.
Heatsinks..?  We don't need no steenking heatsinks..!
Heave Ho - Bruins Blow!
Heave Ho - GO HABS GO!
Heave Ho - Rangers Blow!
Heaven (eternal life) is a free gift -- based on God's grace!
Heaven Don't Want Me And Hell Kicked Me Out...
Heaven Holds a Place for Those who Prey
Heaven allows glimpses only to those at a distance.
Heaven and Earth are ruthless-- Lao Tzu
Heaven and earth to prove it to you baby <baby>
Heaven begins in Spring '95:  R.E.M. U.S. tour!!
Heaven defend me from a busy doctor. Welsh proverb.
Heaven doesn't want me and Hades is afraid I'll take over.
Heaven doesn't want me and Hell's afraid I'll take over..
Heaven doesn't want me and hell's afraid I'll take over!
Heaven doesn't want me, Hell's scared I'll take over.
Heaven doesn't want me, and Hell is afraid I'll take over.
Heaven don't want me and Hell's afraid I'll take over!
Heaven don't want me, & hell's afraid I'll take over.
Heaven dosen't want me and hell's afraid I'll take over!
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned.
Heaven hath no spam...
Heaven help that poor robot - Joel
Heaven is a Christian's "home town".
Heaven is a large and interesting place.
Heaven is by favor; if it were by merit, only dogs would get there.
Heaven is doing worldwide recall on all born before 1970...
Heaven is waiting and waiting is Hell.
Heaven never helps the man who will not act.<Sophocles>
Heaven or Hell, only time will tell.
Heaven or hell?  Don't matter.  You'll go thru Atlanta.
Heaven sends us good meat, but the Devil sends us cooks.
Heaven sends us good meat, but the Devil sends us ketchup.
Heaven won't have me. Hell thinks I'll take over.
Heaven's just a rumor she'll dispel - NIN
Heaven's just a rumor she'll dispel.
Heaven's palace turning black, the church now belongs to the dead.
Heaven.  Fudge = God.
Heaven: Being alone with Dax playing connect-her-dots.
Heaven?  You on your knees in front of me...
Heaven? Your hot cock nestled between my breasts.
Heavens t' Mergatroid, 'sit . . . stage left.
Heavens to Mergatroid!  Exit Stage Left!
Heavens white rose the doors you open I just can't close --U2
Heavens, did your spaceship just land yesterday??? <G
Heavens, they're multiplying. - Brain
Heavens, they're multiplying. - The Brain
Heavens, they're multiplying. -Brain
Heavily armed, easily bored, and off my medication.
Heavy is the burden of being me. - Q.
Heavy petting leads to a happy puppy.
Heavy! Rave on Joel! Hype it up, man! - Tom
Heavy, adj.:  Seduced by the chocolate side of the force.
Heavy, adj.: Seduced by the chocolate side of the force.
Heavy: Seduced by the chocolate side of the Force.
Hebrew:  Macho glass of beer.
Hebrews 9:27 It is the lot of men to die once and then the judgment.
Heck is a place for people who don't believe in Gosh and Jeez.
Heck is a place for people who don't believe in Gosh.
Heck is for people who don't believe in gosh.
Heck is reserved for those who don't believe in Gosh.
Heck no I ain't broke, Just badly bent.
Heck of a lot of glancing going on - Tom
Heck on wheels: born to be mild.
Heck was created for those who refuse to believe in Gosh
Heck was created for those who refuse to believe in Gosh.
Heck was created for thoses who don't believe in Gosh.
Heck's Angels: Born to be Mild.
Heck, I know the dog; the dog knows me ... --Noelism.
Heck, I know the dog; the dog knows me.
Heck, Jim, I'm a doctor not a Vulcan mechanic! ...
Heck, even Jello can be violent in the wrong hands...
Heck, even too much slamming & I'm Sir Slams-A-Lot - Tom
Heck, lets all dress up - Mike as cop
Heck, that's more fun than exploding a potato in the microwave. -Calvin
Heck... I always wear a cowboy hat to church...what's wrong with that?
Heckler & Kosch: In a world of compromise, some men don't...
Hedgehogs DO IT cautiously.
Hedgehogs DO IT with 1000 pricks.
Hedgehogs do it cautiously.
Hedley W. Donovan, Editor-in-Chief, Time Magazine, was an Eagle Scout.
Hedonism - There's nothing like good **** happening.
Hedonist for hire - No job too easy!
Hedonist for hire...no job too easy!
Hedrick!  This guy's a pig...and so are you.  Did you program this guy
Hee   Hee   Hee!         Baby Santa
Hee hee hee, I'm an imp! - Crow
Hee, hee, giggle, giggle.  Man that was good!
HeeLouser! -Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
HeeeeeellllLLLLLLOOOOOOO Nurse!
Heeeeelp! I don't wanna be kidnapped by a fictional character!-Gos
Heeeeey!  Dats CRAZY, maaaan!
Heeeeeyyyy Mike! - Tom Servo
Hefty Bags makes a bra that's tough enough to overstuff.
Hefty Condoms, for when you pick-up REAL trash.
Heftyhoof: To take out the garbage.
Heh hah hoo! Servo stop that! - Crow being tickled
Heh heh...have your guides call my guides. We'll do lunch!
Heh!  It woulda been more comfortable, surely!
Heh! I'll get you and your little dog, too!
Heh, Heh.  What kept you? - Connor MacLeod
Heh, heh,..Hey Beavis, rock stalking is cool! Heh, heh.
Heh, heh.  Those darn ninjas. They're *wacky*. - The Tick
Heh, heh.  Those darn ninjas. They're *wacky*. -- The Tick
Heh.  No taglines echo in TAGNet yet, but...
Heh. To that I will be issuing few denials. -- Jack Butler
Heh.. of *course*.. how do you think I *got* that far!?...:) - TEC
Hehe hehe hehe... That was cool... Hehe Hehe. --Butthead.
Heheh! It's a Ma Kettle blow up doll! - Crow T. Robot
Hehehe you'll like it ...Trrrrruuuuuussst me! d;-) - Quickling
Hehehe, I shall have ever so much fun with these, thanx.
Hehehe.. jokes on him. I'll be dead by then! - Homer Simpson
Hehehehe, 2400 baud sucks!  V.bis and Baudhead.
Hehehehe... I can see the confused looks on everyone else's face.
Hehehehehehe ... and people think we can't FLY. ;) - Corrina Dreger
Hehehehehehehehehehehahahahah -Ah
Heheheille toe la! Chu pas Hupette Groulx.
Hehehmhmhehmhehmhehm, 2400 baud SUCKS !  (Beavis & Butthead)
Hehehmhmhehmhehmhehm, 2400 baud SUCKS! --Beavis and Butthead.
Heidi in The Most Dangerous Game - Tom
Heidi's house is for sale:  1/4 million down and fifteen hundred a night
Heidi's house is for sale: 1/4 mil down and fifteen hundred a night.
Heidie's all grown up! - Crow leers as girl undresses
Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, it's modeming we'll go...
Height of Unemployment: Cobwebs growing around the crack of a whore.
Heil Hillary..... Queen of the Fourth Reich
Heimlich maneuver - a sexual technique involving the tongue.
Heindenborg:  Hydrogen is irrelevan^&^%#$^$%&NO CARRIER
Heindenborg: O.K. so Hydrogen was relevant.
Heinlein of Borg:  A Stranger in a Strange Collective.
Heinlein of Borg:  Ctitzen of the Collective.
Heinlein of Borg:  The Borg into Summer.
Heinlein's alive and still writing in a parallel time line.
Heinlein's alive, and still writing in another timeline!
Heinlein's and Niven's and Bear's, Oh my!
Heinlein's not dead - he's still writing in a parallel time line.
Heinleinekin's:  The Strange Beer in a Strange Can.
Heinleinist: (Offers glass) Never thirst.
Heinleins' and Nivens' and Brins', Oh My!
Heinlien freaks abound.
Heinz does it with great relish.
Heisenberg Air: We're lost, but we're making good time!
Heisenberg may have been here, we're not sure!
Heisenberg may have been here.
Heisenberg may have been right.
Heisenberg may or may not have slept here.
Heisenberg might have been here
Heisenberg might have been here.
Heisenberg might have done it.
Heisenberg of Borg:  "You might be assimilated."
Heisenberg on the Pentium:  "Two plus two *might* equal four..."
Heisenberg slept here, unless you look, in which case not
Heisenberg was here! (Or somewhere *NEAR* here...)
Heisenberg was right?  Are you certain?
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle rules.  Probably.
Heisenburg may have slept here.
Heisenburg probably rules
Heisenburg probably rules.
Hej,zivote skote,hej,zivote idiote,a kada se napijem ima sve da razbijem
Hel, Hell: Norse myth, a horrible hag and ruler of the dead.
Held Hostage by Italian Terrorists!: Aldo Anything
Held Hostage by Italian Terrorists!: Aldo Anything*
Helen Keller Punishment: Left a plunger in the toilet.
Helen Keller could bat better than any one of them - Steven Franklin
Helen Keller could bat better than any one of them. --Franklin.
Helen Keller's dog ran away. You would too if your name was ALKJHYDSNN
Helen, the face that launched a thousand ships.  God she was ugly!
Helga says we are not meeting our quo-ta.
Helicoper pilots life has it's ups and downs.
Helicopter Pilots DO IT with auto rotation.
Helicopter Pilots GET IT UP quicker.
Helicopter Pilots do it with autorotation.
Helicopter pilots do it while hovering.
Helicopter pilots do it with autorotation.
Helicopter pilots don't fly - they just beat the air into submission.
Helicopter powered by human flies - film at 11
Helicopters - 25,000 parts flying in close formation.
Helicopters Are Nothing More Than 50,000 Parts In Close Formation.
Helicopters Are Proof Of Flying Instability.
Helicopters are merely 500,000 parts flying in formation.
Helicopters don't fly, they beat the air into submission
Helicopters don't fly, they vibrate so badly the earth rejects them.
Helicopters don't fly...They beat the air into submission...
Helicopters....25,000 parts flying in close formation....
Helicopters....If it isn't leaking it isn't full.....
Helicopters: 25,000 parts flying in close formation.
Hell #2002: The Hell of Black Musicians Without Soul.
Hell Cats! Terrorizing the desolate wastelands - Tom
Hell Hath No Pizza (probably No BBQ joints, neither)
Hell Hath No Pizza.
Hell and back again.
Hell bent to make it on her own.
Hell exists for those who refuse to love Love.
Hell for one of the Muppets: Farfromcookie.
Hell froze over- National Inquirer Weather Channel.
Hell hath no _PIZZA_!
Hell hath no fury - like the lawyer of a woman scorned
Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.
Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned. -- Milton Friedman
Hell hath no fury like a democrat scorned.
Hell hath no fury like a demon scorched.
Hell hath no fury like a little Ferengi with a Bat'leth.
Hell hath no fury like a pacifist.
Hell hath no fury like a queen without a hair dryer
Hell hath no fury like a redhead pissed!
Hell hath no fury like a woman beaten out of a million dollars.
Hell hath no fury like an Ewok scorched!
Hell hath no fury like an unjustified assumption.
Hell hath no fury like lawyer of a woman scorned
Hell hath no fury like moderator of HOLYSMOKE.
Hell hath no fury like the Moderator of HOLYSMOKE.
Hell hath no fury like the attorney of a woman scorned.
Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a man scorned.
Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a woman scorned
Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a woman scorned.
Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of woman scorned!
Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of woman scorned!
Hell hath no misery like a backup ignored.
Hell hath no pizza (probably no Chinese restaurants either).
Hell hath no pizza (probably no Thai restaurants, either)
Hell hath no pizza... probably no Thai food either
Hell if volunteering during PBS pledge week during a Barney marathon
Hell is a lot like Phoenix, but you can never leave.
Hell is a lot like Phoenix, except you can never leave..
Hell is being locked forever in a room with your friends!
Hell is elevator music
Hell is empty, and all the devils are here. - Shakespeare
Hell is empty, and all the taglines are here. -- Tagspeare
Hell is full of amateur musicians.
Hell is full of musical amateurs. - George Bernard Shaw
Hell is full. The damned are now working in Tech Support.
Hell is gearing up for another PBS Pledge Drive ... a Barney Marathon!
Hell is having a 300 baud modem.
Hell is having a fast modem - and all the boards are busy
Hell is just like Heaven, but without the room service.
Hell is kept warm with profane burners
Hell is the smile of a pawnbroker
Hell is truth seen too late.
Hell is volunteering for a PBS Pledge Drive - it's a Barney Marathon
Hell is volunteering for a PBS Pledge Drive-it's a Barney Marathon :)
Hell knows no fury like a pissed off MODERATOR.
Hell knows no fury like a pissed off Sysop.
Hell knows no fury like a ticked off MODERATOR.
Hell knows no fury like a ticked off Sysop.
Hell must be full....the damned are in tech support.
Hell on Earth:  Barney and Friends.
Hell on Earth: Barney
Hell with Pascal and C.  I am a QuickBasic Snob.
Hell with the lid off...BYTE BROTHERS!
Hell would soon be demanding its paycheck.
Hell's Band: Only Banjos, Bagpipes, and Accordions allowed.
Hell's Belles, now, THEY know how to sin!
Hell's Bells, I just paid the bill. - Henry, as the lights went out
Hell's band:  Only Banjos, Bagpipes, and Accordians allowed.
Hell's just had bad P.R. now where's my 1000 suntan block
Hell, Heaven or Hoboken by Christmas.
Hell, I am almost always right 99.7% of the time.
Hell, I don't know. Just ask me, I'll tell ya.
Hell, I want MY own country...it's the fad, non?
Hell, I'm honored to be best at anything. --Garibaldi.
Hell, Jim, I just plain don't know if he's dead.
Hell, if you understood everything I said, you'd be me!
Hell. I've been traded to the St. Louis mob - Crow
Hell: Backing up a 600meg drive with 360k floppies.
Hell: Warm beer on a summer night.
Hell? Same as here, lawyers closest to the fire.
Hellcats! In little frilly things - Joel & Bots sing
Hellen Gurly Brown gives you her blessing! - Mike
Heller's Law: The first myth of management is that it exists.
Helllloooooo, Jack Butler!!! - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Hellllooooooooo, NURSE!
Helllooooooo NURSE!!!
Hello ... hello ... is there anyone out there??
Hello Bill Clinton, I'm your surgeon, and I'm an NRA member...
Hello Children, I'm Mr. Rogers. Don't worry, I won't kill you. heh heh
Hello CitiBank? You support gun control? My cut up card is in the mail.
Hello Colin.
Hello Computer?!?! - Scotty
Hello Darkness, My old friend..  Simon & Garfunkle
Hello FTD? I'd like to send a spinster some hard felt flowers.
Hello Folks, Here We Are Again - Ren.
Hello From Canada!  Waddya mean, Where's that?
Hello I love you won't you tell me your name? --Jim Morrison
Hello In There! I'm with the BATF. I'm here to help you.
Hello In There! I'm with the FBI. I'm here to help you.
Hello Lone Star..
Hello Maggots! Welcome To Boot Camp - Drill Sgt. Crow
Hello Mastercard Service Center?  Yes, do you take Visa?
Hello Mastercard?...... Do you take Visa?
Hello Modem Addicts..... Do you have a BBS I can call!
Hello Mr. Krinkle. How are you today?...
Hello Mr. Senator. My daddy's out of work - Mike
Hello Nelson. Did I catch you at a bad time? - Frank
Hello Operator. Give me the number for 911!
Hello Peg. Hello PegLeg. -- Al Bundy
Hello Princesses of Props Nurses! - Jakko & Wakko Warner
Hello World !!
Hello World!  17 Errors, 31 Warnings....
Hello again. I'm the leech. See you later! - Crow
Hello and welcome to Personality Disorder Theatre.
Hello dad...I'm in jail and I LIKE IT here!
Hello everyone except Homer. - Selma
Hello femme fatal nurse! - Yakko & Wakko
Hello girls! - Joel lisps as leader to his soldiers
Hello girls! Good luck with the hold up! - Crow
Hello good evening and welcome, to BLACKMAIL!
Hello kids! It's science project time - Dr. Forrester
Hello little Mongol horde - Mike
Hello little boy, want some candy?
Hello little girl, want some candy?
Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my tagline gal!
Hello neighbor, I'm Mr. Rogers of Borg. Can you say assimilation?
Hello old friend. It's been a while. - Sinclair
Hello sailor
Hello unidentified ship, this is Babylon 5. I am Captain Janeway...
Hello!  I'm a signature virus.  Join in the fun and copy me into yours!
Hello!  Is this the party to whom I'm speaking?
Hello! Giuseppe's Pizzeria! Whatta can do for you, eh?
Hello! I'm 47-49 on the wandering monster table!
Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!
Hello, 000.. if you are reporting a murder, press 1....
Hello, @FN@, I'm Bucky Goldstein.
Hello, Cousin Sven... Say something intelligent... - Ren Hoek
Hello, Dean? You're a stupid-head! - Homer
Hello, Demettees and Dementights.
Hello, Devil...welcome to Hell.    Gene Kelly
Hello, I am Virginia's tagline. What are you?
Hello, I am encoded 100111011001101100010110101001!
Hello, I am part # !|* ||***| | * *** *| |||* |*
Hello, I am part number ||X||||X||X||X||
Hello, I am part number ||X||||X||X||X||.
Hello, I am part number ³ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³
Hello, I am protoplasm-unit number.
Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name?
Hello, I must be going --Groucho Marx
Hello, I must be leaving!
Hello, I'd like to register a complaint.
Hello, I'll be your evil influence for the evening.
Hello, I'll be your evil influence for the nonce.
Hello, I'm 47-49 on the wandering monster table.
Hello, I'm David Duke, GO TO HELL! )^*&!@  NO KKKARRIER!
Hello, I'm a filled polygon.
Hello, I'm not a sysop, although I play one on TV.
Hello, I'm the Doctor and that is.. er, was my friend Adric.
Hello, I'm the Doctor, and this is my companion, @N@.
Hello, I'm the Doctor, and this is my companion, Allison Urschel.
Hello, I'm the Doctor, and this is my companion, He .
Hello, I'm the Doctor, and this is my companion, Ian Summers.
Hello, I'm the Doctor, and this is my companion.
Hello, I'm writing a telephone book. May I have your number... please?
Hello, Is Your Refrigerator Running? - Ren.
Hello, Jean-Luc So glad you could come -- Lwaxanna
Hello, Jimbo ?...%$#@& - NO CARREY
Hello, Joel the Mole - Dr. Forrester
Hello, Keyboard, my old friend
Hello, Lost and Found?  I've misplaced my mind.
Hello, MIS - What does RING BEACONING mean?
Hello, Mastercard? Do you take Visa?
Hello, Microsoft service...can you hold for a few hours?
Hello, Microsoft?  Are there any problems with DOS?
Hello, Monkey Face.     Cary Grant
Hello, Mrs. Calabash, I was wondering if I'd run into you here.
Hello, Nobel! - Joel as arrogant scientist
Hello, Nurse! - Wakko Somebody get me a crowbar! - Lady
Hello, Operator?  Give me the number for 911.
Hello, Operator?! I've been cut off! - John Bobbitt <-The latest
Hello, Phone Company?  It's about my bill...
Hello, Quark. How are your lobes? Tingling at the sight of you.
Hello, San Diego Padres Fans Suicide Hotline.
Hello, Shelly. It's over, baby. I'm coming home. --The Crow.
Hello, Suicide Hotline, Please Hold..
Hello, This Is Colonel Sanders, Do You Have Crispy Thighs? - Ren.
Hello, World! 17 Errors, 31 Warnings....
Hello, World!" 17 Errors, 31 Warnings....
Hello, cheri. We meet again! - The Mask
Hello, everybody, I'm a human!
Hello, fellow telepaths. You're fine; how am I?
Hello, front desk?  Some guy named Gideon left his Bible here.
Hello, girls! Good luck with the hold up! - Crow T. Robot
Hello, good evening, and welcome to "Blackmail!
Hello, good evening, and welcome, to _Blackmail_!
Hello, he lied.
Hello, hello, hello, is there anybody in there, nod if you can hear me.
Hello, is DAVE home? - Tom to Dr. Forrester
Hello, is this Rednecks For Peace?
Hello, is this the party to whom I am speaking?
Hello, lady in the tree! - Wakko
Hello, little boy. Want some candy?
Hello, my name is Dave Miller.  I like to eat apples.
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you stole my tagline, prepare to die!
Hello, my name is Yakko and I'll be your king this evening
Hello, new dads! - Crow as geeky teen
Hello, old friend, its been a while - Ambassador Jeffrey Sinclair
Hello, old friend, its been a while. --Sinclair.
Hello, old friend. * Picard (to any Starfleet admiral)
Hello, operator?  Give me the number for 911! - Rose Nylund
Hello, pretty. - The Kurgan
Hello, rock-stupid cop! - Crow
Hello, sailor! Hello little girl, want some candy?
Hello, sailor.
Hello, that sounds like a *pig* fainting! - The Dean
Hello, the income tax have caught up with us at last.
Hello, the lawyer lied.
Hello, this is Ed McMahon. If you are our preselected...
Hello, this is the party to whom am I speeking?
Hello, what a nice little pussy, will you follow me home?
Hello, you've reached The National Incontinence Hotline.  Please hold!
Hello, you've reached part number .0||#||#|#|#||1. How may I help you?
Hello,all you tons of soil.  --Spooner
Hello.  Can I please speak to Will Dicker?
Hello.  Hello.  Hello..<Click> -- TMBG
Hello.  I am part number |||#|##|#|||#|#|#||#|#
Hello.  I'll be your evil influence for the nonce ...
Hello.  I'll be your recipe for this evening.
Hello.  I'll be your tagline for this evening.
Hello.  My name is Batman.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.
Hello.  My name is Oedipus.  You are my father.  Prepare to die.
Hello. 1-900-Spank-me - Crow as Adam West on phone
Hello. 911?   I want to report the disappearance of good taste.
Hello. I'll be your ghost of Christmas Future this evening. Yakko
Hello. Incontinence hotline ... Can you hold please?
Hello. Incontinence hotline..can you hold please?
Hello. My name is Batman. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You stole my tagline. Prepare to die.
Hello. My name is Oedipus. You are my father. Prepare to die.
Hello. Welcome to the World. --Beavis.
Hello. You're on K-WAR - Mike as soldier on field phone
Hello.. Incontinence Hotline.. Can you hold?
Hello... this is me, is that you? ...over
Hello...... Incontinence Hotline.... Can you hold?
Hello; Microsoft?  Are there any problems with DOS?
Hello?  Is this thing on?
Hello?  Tap tap tap...  Is this thing on?
Hello? !all! Are you there? Earth to !all! ? Hello?
Hello? Am I alone in here? This is VOODOO - Mike
Hello? Are you there? Earth calling? Hello? Anyone there?
Hello? Barry Are you there? Earth to Barry ? Hello?
Hello? He  Are you there? Earth to He  ? Hello?
Hello? No, this is 91..2. - Chief Wiggum
Hello? Orville aer you there? Earth to Orville? Hello?
Hello? Reen Are you there? Earth to Reen ? Hello?
Hello? Smoke Are you there? Earth to Smoke ? Hello?
Hello? What's this? - Bilbo Baggins
Hello?..Directory Assistance?..Can you tell me where I am???
Hello??  Anyone home??
Helloo, Mimbari Nurse! Can I go missing for 24 hours with you? - Yakko
Hellooo!  Who's little girl are *you*?
Hellooo, French Nurse! Yakko/Wakko [sigh] Never mind. Dot
Helloooo! 1-900 Dance Belts! - Joel lisps
Hellooooo, 90210's! - Yakko/Wakko
Hellooooo, Kes! - Neelix/Paris
Hellooooo, Nurse! - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Hellooooo, Princesses of Props Nurses! -- Yakko/Wakko
Helloooooo Mr Wilson!
Hellooooooo NURSE!
Hellridin' across the universe ...    (Apologies to The Firm)
Hellrung's Law: If you wait, it will go away.
Hells Angels are having a Tupperwear Party under my bed!
Helmet and seatbelt laws interfere with natural selection.
Helmet laws interfere with natural selection.
Helmets are for wimps. Real men don't mind neural damage.
Helmsman, USS Crazy Horse
Helmsman, engage the 3.5" warp drive!
Helos don't fly - they vibrate so badly the earth rejects them.
Helos don't fly through the air, they beat it into submission!
Help !  I'm an actor and I'm trapped in the trap door !
Help !  I've fallen up and can't get down.
Help !!! I have lost my ANY key!
Help - I'm on hold, and I can't hang up.
Help - I'm stranded on the berm of the information superhighway
Help - I've callen and I can't hang up!
Help . . . I need someBODY!!!
Help .... I lost my taglines!!!!
Help A Derelict Democrat Get A New Job On Nov 12
Help ALL SysOps save $$$$$$, Route Your Posts.
Help Al Gore buy a clue.
Help Beautify America - Drop Dead!
Help Bill Clinton buy a clue.
Help Conserve the Earth - Promote Space Colonization
Help Desk: If you hear nothing, you did your job right.
Help Files...S.O.S. on disk.
Help He buy a clue.
Help I'm caught in a chocolate fantasy!
Help I'm traped in this message
Help I've fallen and I can't SHEZ up.
Help I've fallen and I can't reach my BEER !!!
Help I've fallen and I can't reach my Bourbon !!!
Help I've gotten a hard on and can't get off!!!
Help It's my modem. She don't wanna work no more!
Help Me Macro Through the Night
Help Me! I've Fallen, Spock, And I Can't Beam Up!
Help Orville Bullitt buy a clue.
Help Orville, buy a clue.
Help Ross Perot buy a clue.
Help Save Florida! Teach a Yankee How to Drive!!!
Help Stamp Out Intolerance!
Help Stop Overpopulation!  Become Gay Today!
Help Wanted - Telepath.  You know where to apply.
Help Wanted - Trill seeks host, gender not a factor.
Help Wanted: Circumciser. Low pay but you can keep all the tips.
Help Wanted: Telepath.  You know where to apply.
Help Your Local Sysop -- Eliminate Excess ASCII
Help a swallow land at Capistrano.
Help a swallow to land at Capistrano.
Help avoid PCS at all costs.. Keep Bev Crusher as CMO!
Help beautify our dumps - throw away something pretty.
Help beautify our dumps. Throw a liberal in one.
Help clear the court system: Legalize Dueling!
Help conserve material today, wear a mini!
Help control sexual harassment-Have Bob Barker nuetered!
Help cure Computer Addiction; send $50 for self-help software.....
Help cure dreaded Computer Addiction, send $10 for self-help software.
Help cure dreaded Computer Addiction, send software.
Help decrease moderator unemployment.  Post off-topic.
Help decrease moderator unemployment....Post Off-Topic
Help eliminate, abolish, and stamp out redundancy!
Help endangered species - adopt a KGB operative.
Help fight against a cure for nymphomania.
Help fight continental drift.
Help fight continental drift...
Help fight drugs. Shoot a tweeker.
Help fight truth decay.
Help lose 150 ugly pounds - drop dead!
Help make the world a better place, torture trekkies to death..
Help make the world a happier place, torture Barney to death.
Help make the world a happier place.  Torture Barney.
Help make the world a happier place: Shoot Barney
Help me , help me. I have lost my telephone number can I have yours?
Help me I've fallen and I can't reach reach my keyboard.
Help me Mr. Wizzard!!!
Help me Norton, Help help me Norton....
Help me Obi Wan Kanobe, you're my only hope. - Leia
Help me Obi Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. -- Leia
Help me Obi Wan. You're my only hope.
Help me become somebody else - - Trent Reznor (NIN)
Help me look, Please? I've lost my damned innocence again
Help me look, Please? I've lost my innocence again
Help me look, please, I've lost my damned innocence AGAIN!
Help me look, please?  I've lost my damn innocence again.
Help me look, please?  I've lost my darn innocence again.
Help me make the music of the night...
Help me quick!  Someone must have turned reality back on.
Help me set fire to this cross, said Tom clannishly.
Help me!  Someone must have turned reality back on.
Help me! Help me! the mouse is out of control
Help me! I'm rusting!!!  Rusting!!!
Help me! I'm turning into a Ronda Lang!
Help me! I've got no soul to sell.  - - Trent Reznor (NIN)
Help me! My mail packet's so big I can't get it out of the mailbox!
Help me! Someone must have turned reality back on.
Help me, #AF#. You're my only hope.
Help me, #TN#.  You're my only hope.
Help me, @N@.  You're my only hope.
Help me, Batman! Help me! --Crow T. Robot.
Help me, Bob Morgan. You're my only hope.
Help me, Clint O'Donnell. You're my only hope.
Help me, Gary. You're my only hope.
Help me, I broke apart my insides - NIN
Help me, I'm a prisoner in a Fortune cookie file!
Help me, I'm stuck in here! - A Tagline.
Help me, I've got no soul to sell - NIN
Help me, Obe-hemp Kenobi! You're my only rope!
Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi.  You're my only hope..(repeated 20 times)
Help me, Obi-Twine Kenobi.  You're my only rope.
Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi.  You're my only hope. - Leia
Help me, Obtuse-Wan Kenobi.  You're my only slope.
Help me, Odo-hemp Kenobi, you're my only rope.
Help me, Orville Bullitt. You're my only hope.
Help me, Orville-Won-Kanobie. You're my only hope.
Help me, Orville. You're my only hope.
Help me, Spock! Help me! - Tom as hammy Adam West
Help me, Steven. You're my only hope.
Help me, my operator is pulling my plu         NO CARRIER
Help me, will ya? I'm old. - Slappy
Help me.  You're my only hope.
Help me. I'm a victim of Gynomisandromania. 
Help me. I'm a victim of the heartbreak of satyriasis. 
Help not Man for his survival unless it threatens ours.
Help reduce junk mail. Send personal messages
Help retard children, support your public school system.
Help stamp out Pernography: read more DeChancie!!!
Help stamp out Pernography: read more Heinlein!
Help stamp out Pernography: read more LeGuin!
Help stamp out `smart mouthed' Sysops!
Help stamp out and abolish redundancy!
Help stamp out and abolish redundancy.
Help stamp out entropy!
Help stamp out flaming ducks.
Help stamp out immaturity - grow up!
Help stamp out lite beer.
Help stamp out mental illness, or I'll kill you!
Help stamp out philatelists.
Help stamp out unfriendly conference Moderators!
Help stamp out unfriendly conference hosts!
Help stamp out vandalism, or I'll break all your windows.
Help stamp out, abolish, and eliminate redundancy!
Help stamp out, eliminate and abolish redundancy!
Help stamp out, eliminate, and abolish redundancy!
Help stamp out, eliminate, and abolish redundancy!
Help stamp out, eliminate, obliterate, and abolish redundancy!
Help stamp out, obliterate, and abolish redundancy.
Help stamp out, remove, delete, and abolish redundancy!
Help stamp owt illliterisy. Kall this numbur: 555-REED.
Help stampout 'smart mouthed' Sysops!
Help stampout unfriendly conference hosts!
Help stop organized crime:  Kill a cop.
Help stop overpopulation.  Punch a pregnant women in the guts!
Help stop overpopulation.Punch pregnant women in the guts
Help stop plate tectonics.
Help stop, stamp out, eliminate and abolish redundancy!
Help support MUFF DIVERS, spread your legs!
Help support helpless victims of computer error.
Help support the right to keep and arm bears.
Help support wildlife... throw a party!
Help support your local police.. beat yourself up!
Help the Earth.   Shave the Whales.
Help the I.R.S.- Donate a PENTIUM today!
Help the economy of Kentucky...drink Jim Beam Bourbon!
Help the economy of Kentucky...drink Jim Beam!
Help the economy of MilwaukeeDrink Pabst!
Help the economy today...Go out and Buy something!
Help the economy...buy something here !!
Help the environment.  Recycle your boss.
Help the poor. Send money to 024/19805/000.0, BESCL.
Help to stamp out crack.... Pull up your pants!!
Help us raise money to fight ... CRIPPLEWARE.
Help us!! - Tom
Help win "The War on Drugs"! Shoot first, spare no mercy... reload.
Help you I can.  Yes, mmmm. - Yoda
Help you out?    Certainly!    Which way did you come in?
Help you out?  Certainly - which way did you come in?
Help you out?  Certainly!  How did you come in?
Help you out?  Certainly.  Which way did you come in?
Help you out?  Certainly.  Which way did you come in? 
Help you out?  Sure, which way did you come in?
Help you out? Certainly. Which way did you come in?
Help you out? Sure, which way did you came in?
Help you out? Why, certainly. Which way did you come in?
Help you out?, Why sure....Now which way did you come in?
Help yourself again, there is plenty AND to spare! - Smaug
Help!  ...my (S)ex drive just crashed!
Help!  Help!  I'm bein' repressed!
Help!  Help!  The paranoids are after me!
Help!  I can't find the "ANY" key.
Help!  I hit the power switch and it didn't die!
Help!  I need a tagline  Help!  Not just any tagline
Help!  I think I'm melting!  This is all your fault, #TN#!
Help!  I think I'm melting!  This is all your fault, Bob!
Help!  I think I'm melting!  This is all your fault, Rick!
Help!  I think I'm melting!  This is all your fault, Ronda!
Help!  I'm a prisoner in a tagline factory!
Help!  I'm addicted to Taglines.
Help!  I'm addicted to recipes.
Help!  I'm addicted to s!
Help!  I'm addicted to taglines!
Help!  I'm being held captive by my modem!
Help!  I'm being held captive in a tagline-making factory!
Help!  I'm lost somewhere in the Generation Gap.
Help!  I'm modeming  and I can't hang up!!!
Help!  I'm modeming...   and I can't hang up!!!
Help!  I'm parked diagonally in a parallel universe.
Help!  I'm parked parallel in a diagonal universe.
Help!  I'm stuck in a human body!
Help!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!
Help!  I'm trapped at 0D1C:01DA.
Help!  I'm trapped in a Chinese computer factory!
Help!  I'm trapped in a PDP 11/70!
Help!  I'm trapped in a collapsing wave function!
Help!  I'm trapped in this compu<#| Error: file deleted.
Help!  I'm trapped in this compu>#| Error: file deleted.
Help!  I'm typing and I can't shut up!
Help!  I've beamed down and I can't get up!
Help!  I've been eaten by Barney!
Help!  I've been possessed by a UNIX daemon!
Help!  I've been stuck in here for years and years...
Help!  I've crashed and I can't boot up!
Help!  I've fallen and I can't Hey!  Nice carpet!
Help!  I've fallen and I kinda like it down here!
Help!  I've fallen and I....hey nice carpet.
Help!  I've fallen and can't reach my beer!
Help!  I've fallen and... Hey! nice carpet!
Help!  I've fallen on the floor and I'm rolling!
Help!  I've got a cat in my lap and I can't get up!
Help!  I've plummeted to my death and I can't get up!
Help!  I've risen and I can't get down! -- Jesus at Studio 54
Help!  My Hard Drive has fallen and I have no taglines!
Help!  My computer is holding me prisoner
Help!  My horse has fallen, and it can't giddyap!
Help!  My income's fallen and it won't get up!
Help!  Save my walrus!
Help!  There's a cat in my lap and I can't get up!
Help!  There's robbers breaking in my hou#$&&%()@  NO CARRIER
Help!  This computer is taking over my life!
Help!  Trapped in .QWK!  Please unzip me.
Help!  my toilet roll has no instructions....
Help! ...my (S)ex drive just crashed!
Help! A group of Paranoids is out to get me!
Help! Help! I'm being repress... OUCH... HEY...STOP!
Help! Help! I'm being repressOUCHHEY...STOP! - Monty Python
Help! Help! I'm being repressOUCHHEYSTOP!
Help! Help! I'm stuck between Probert and McSorely!
Help! Help! The paranoids are after me!
Help! I am a prisoner in a Tagline Factory.
Help! I am surrounded by women wearing gallons of strong perfume!
Help! I can't find the "ANY" key.
Help! I can't find the "ANY" switch!
Help! I can't type with this strait jacket on!
Help! I don't wanna be kidnapped by a fictional character! -Gosalyn
Help! I got stuck in OS/2 and I can't get out.....
Help! I got stuck in Windoze and I can't get out..
Help! I have tagophobia!
Help! I hit the power switch and it didn't die
Help! I installed Windows and my Pentium turned into an 8088!
Help! I lost all my GOOD Taglines!!
Help! I lost all my GOOD recipes!!
Help! I need 911 but I can't find the eleven on the dial!
Help! I think I'm melting! This is all your fault, Orville!
Help! I'd dial 911 but can't find the eleven on the dial.
Help! I'm Modeming ... and I can't hang up!!!
Help! I'm a turtle and I can't get up.
Help! I'm an abused tagline - need a new user immediately.
Help! I'm bein' repressed, 'cause I'm off topic!
Help! I'm being driven insane by a purple dinosaur!
Help! I'm being held by an Klingon Female Action Figure!
Help! I'm being held captive by Genealogy Deprogrammers!
Help! I'm being held prisoner in a tagline factory!
Help! I'm getting all caught up in Dick Assmania!!
Help! I'm in deep, deep tribble! -Kirk
Help! I'm parked diagonally in a parallel universe.
Help! I'm sleeping and can't wake up
Help! I'm stuck in Virtual Unreality!
Help! I'm talking and I can't shut up!
Help! I'm trapped at 0D1C:01DA.
Help! I'm trapped in a town without a deli!
Help! I'm trapped in here! Somebody help meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Help! I've been eaten by Barney!
Help! I've crashed and I can't boot up!
Help! I've fallen - and I can't make a decent commercial!
Help! I've fallen and I can't beam up!
Help! I've fallen and I can't get up.
Help! I've fallen and I can't reach my hockey stick!
Help! I've fallen and I can't reach my tagline!
Help! I've fallen and I can't reach the puck!
Help! I've fallen and can't get Hey, nice carpet!
Help! I've fallen and can't get my beer!
Help! I've fallen and can't get up! ...Hey, nice carpet!
Help! I've fallen and can't get up.
Help! I've fallen and can't reach my beer!
Help! I've fallen and... Hey! nice carpet!
Help! I've fallen in my mail and I can't catch up.
Help! I've fallen off line and can't hang-up!
Help! I've fallen off-line and I can't hang-up!
Help! I've fallen on the floor and I'm rolling!
Help! I've fallen, and I can't reach my beer!
Help! I've fallen, and I can't reach my drink!
Help! I've formatted and I can't boot up!
Help! I've got a cat in my lap and I can't get up!
Help! I've got the munchies, and nothing else will do!
Help! I've lost my taglines and I can't be witty!
Help! I've plummeted to my death and I can't get up!
Help! I've started reading my E-mail and I can't get up!
Help! I've tripped and I can't come down!
Help! I've tripped and I can't get down!!
Help! I've upgraded, and I can't BOOT!!!
Help! It's Birdzilla! I swear I'll never eat a McNugget again!
Help! Liberty has fallen and she can't get up.
Help! My DOS.... DOSn't!
Help! My Windoze 3.1 has seized and I can't reboot!
Help! My Windoze 3.1 has siezed and I can't reboot!
Help! My communications protocol is crashing!
Help! My computer is holding me prisoner...
Help! My computer's caught Windows!
Help! My hard drive crashed, and I CAN'T BOOT UP!!
Help! My hose! My hose! - Crow as fireman
Help! My keyboard is stuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Help! My new TWIT filter won't let me log back on!
Help! My taglines ate my hard drive!
Help! Save my walrus!
Help! Someone turned reality back on.
Help! The Smurfs in my HD just went on Strike
Help! The newbies are assimilating me....NO CARRIER
Help! The tribble Taglines are multiplying!
Help! The tribble recipes are multiplying!
Help!!  I am a prisoner in a Tagline Factory
Help!!  Loud Modem!  Where's The OFF SWITCH!!!
Help!! I am a prisoner in a Tagline Factory.
Help!! I hit the power switch and it didn't die
Help!! I'm trapped in a Slmr Tagline and can't get out.
Help!! I'm trapped in a TLX Tagline and can't get out.
Help!! I've fallen off-line and can't hang-up!!
Help!! I've formatted....and I can't Boot up!!!!
Help!!!  I'm falling and I can't click out!!!
Help!!!  I'm trapped in the Web of Life, and can't get out!
Help!!me the apples are chaseing me??
Help!, The TD has fallen and it can't get up!
Help!...I'm Trapped in an old computer!!!
Help, I'm drowning! was Tom's glib, glib, glib chortle.
Help, I'm in overdraft at the Credibility bank....
Help, I'm modeming!  And I can't hang up!
Help, I'm modeming! And I can't hang up!
Help, I've been eaten by Barney!
Help, I've call en and I can't hang up!
Help, I've fallen and I can't get up -- Satan
Help, I've fallen and I can't....Hey, nice carpet!
Help, I've fallen and I can't...Hey, nice carpet!
Help, I've fallen and can't reach the beer.
Help, I've lost my tagline files and I'm suffering withdrawal!
Help, Wanted: seaQuest taglines to steal
Help, help!  I'm being repressed!
Help, help! Im being repressed!
Help, is there a pagan in the house?  My Lugh-nut is loose!
Help, my carrier dropped and it can't get up!
Help, my tagline's caught in a time warp..  time warp..  time warp..
Help, this man is not my sysop!
Help, we've been pulled into the Delta Quadrant and we can't get back.
Help,,,my (S)ex drive just crashed!!!
Help--I'm being held captive by my modem!
Help-I'm stranded on the berm of the information superhighway
Help.  I'm trapped at 0D1C:01DA.
Help.  I've fallen and can't reach my beer.
Help. I've been calling and I can't hang up!
Help. I've descended and I can't get oop!
Help. I've descended and I can't get up!
Help. I've fallen and can't get up. A. Tree.
Help... I've callen and I can't hang up!
Help...I've tripped and I can't come down!
Help...my (S)ex drive just crashed!!!
Help..I Need SomeBODY!!!
Helpful Hint...Liquid Paper does not well work in laser printers.
Helpful posture - Hints for couch potatoes
Helpful workers are assistANTs.
Helpies! I want helpies! - Tom as leech attacks
Helps a lot!! Takes little to confuse me!
Hemiola:  A hereditary blood disease caused by chromatics.
Hemlock...Refusal to wear a mini skirt.
Hemmoroids:  A pain in the     )*(
Hemoplugs - Small pieces of toilet paper applied to shaving wounds.
Hemoplugs: Small pieces of tissue applied to shaving wounds.
Hemoplugs: small pieces of toilet paper applied to shaving wounds.
Hemp is a weed, Newt Gingrich is a dope <= GAWD!
Henry Purcell is a well known composer few people have ever heard of.
Henry V might drive a Calais.
Henry VIII's servants first served tennis-balls.
Henry the VIII had it right! 
Henry, If I jump Hotlips & punch Hawkeyekin I go home too???
Henry? He could have been a comparison drinker. - Hawkeye
Hens that're fierce and painted blue with red eyes want to swallow you
Henshaw, target your blaster at the nearest moderator AND SHOOT!
Hentai Police arrest C-Ko.  The Charge:  Attempted cooking.
Hep cats, as a species, died out in the 1950s.
Hep me Rhonda, hep hep me Rhonda (Redneck Version)
Hepatitis booster, Margaret. Drop your pants. - Hawkeye
Her Measuring Cup of Life is just a tiny bit Off
Her Royal Highness's matched luggage!
Her antenna doesn't pick up all the channels.
Her ass is sucking swamp gas.
Her baby-blue eyes had warning signs, that woman is bad to the bone.
Her belly button's blinking - Crow on queen's jewel
Her body was recovered, she bought a new suit of clothes.
Her brain is more like a Rube Goldberg device than a computer.
Her breathing changes... Her pulse quickens... .
Her bullets say 'No' but her eyes say 'Come hither' - Tom Servo
Her children rise up, and call her blessed. - Proverbs 31:28
Her clothes were so tight, the guys could hardly breathe!
Her dentist went deaf from the drill's echoes.
Her dialing thumb must be broken.
Her elevator doesn't cover every floor.
Her eyes were a shade between onyx and miscalculation.
Her eyes were cobalt red, her voice was cobalt blue.
Her eyes were cold and harsh - which made them tough to chew...
Her eyes were cold and harsh, which made them tough to chew.
Her face kind'a comes to a point - Joel
Her face was her chaperon. - Rupert Hughes
Her face, figure, and voice make a man stop, look, and listen.
Her hair blossomed - Crow on girl in bonnet
Her hair spilled out like rootbeer...
Her heart is something you'll never win.
Her helmet shifted!! - Crow on girl's odd hairdo
Her kiss was warm and soft as vomit on a summer sidewalk.
Her kisses left something to be desired -- the rest of her.
Her last birthday cake looked like a prairie fire!
Her love is like a candle; you light it up at night.
Her memory is truly random-access.
Her mere presence causes parity errors, power fails, and head crashes.
Her modem lights are on but there's no carrier.
Her most secret fantasy:Having Two Men (One cooking the other cleaning).
Her name is "Bambi"? - Scully
Her name is Mulder and his name is Scully??? DUH?!!
Her name is the `White Star', and she is yours, Captain.
Her name was Betty Joe Beolusky, but everyone knew her as Nancy.
Her neck is having a flashback! - Crow T. Robot
Her nickname is Peanut Butter.spreads *real* easy.
Her phone doesn't quite reach her desk.
Her real name is Savage Venus - Mike
Her sewing machine's been out of thread for some time now.
Her silence flouts me, and I'll be revenged.<Shakespeare>
Her singing will keep everyone at bay - Crow
Her sister's son played Batman on TV, said Tom, adamantly.
Her skin is pale like God's only dove --U2
Her son dies, she gets really bossy - Crow
Her sweater was so tight the men could hardly breathe.
Her synapses are about *that* far apart.
Her synapses are about |that| far apart.
Her tagline flouts me, and I'll be revenged. Tagspeare
Her tires are a little low.
Heraldic counting: 1, 2, 2 & 1, 2 & 2, In Cross, 3 - 2 & 1, Semy.
Heralds Lament: I'm not bad, I'm just emblazoned that way
Heralds don't pun - they cant.
Heralds don't pun -- they cant
Herb gardeners are always looking for sage advice
Herb gardeners have thyme on their hands.
Herbalist: Female 'Little Black Book.'
Herbalists do it naturally
Herbie the Sperm turns and shouts, "Go back!  It's just a blowjob!"
Herblock's Law:  If it's good, they discontinue it.
Herblock's Law:  If it's good, they'll stop making it.
Herblock's Law: If it's good, they discontinue it.
Herblock's Law: if it is good, they will stop making it.
Herc! How ya doin'?  That is a very good question!
Herc! It's about time! --Iolus
Hercules: (to his horse) HO! * Crow: Who ya'callin' a ho?
Herding cats is easier than moderating.
Here -  have a jelly baby!
Here - have a banana and a beer.
Here - have a jelly baby!
Here Be Dragons!
Here Borgy! Here Borgy! Nice Borgy! Want some Windows?
Here Borgy! Here Borgy!!! Nice Borgy!  Want some OS/2?
Here Bunny, Bunny, Bunny...
Here Come The Lizards, Here Come The Lizards, Here Come The Lizards.
Here Cujo... Nice doggie.
Here FIDO! FIDO want a Pepto Bismol?
Here FIDO, have a few more bytes of this!
Here Fido! Fetch! Get the stick Fido... Stick... Stupid Dog.
Here Fido! Here Fido! Good Net.
Here Fido, Destroy. Get the *.QWK Fido... The *.QWK... Good Dog
Here Fido, Fetch. Get the stick Fido. Stick, Dumb Dog.
Here Fido, Fetch. Get the stick FidoStickDumb Dog.
Here Fido, Fetch. Get the stick, Fido. Stick, Dumb Fido!
Here Fido, fetch. Get the *.PKT Fido... The *.PKT... Dumb dog.
Here Fido, fetch. Get the stick Fido... The stick... Dumb dog.
Here Fido, this pad is for you said Tom, dogmatically.
Here I am again - back in uncertainty.
Here I am again at the penitentiary of insanity and stress.
Here I am and here you are (grin). Enjoy!
Here I am freezing my buns off at 9 in the morning - Calvin
Here I am in The Beast's Lair and all I want is a dill pickle!
Here I am, I'm the master of your destiny...
Here I am, brain the size of a planet- Marvin
Here I am, brain the size of a planet...
Here I go again.. Going where angels dare not tread!
Here I run, to steal the secret of the sun.
Here I sit - brokenhearted - paid a dime - and only farted...
Here I sit - in a tizzy - all my favourite boards are busy.
Here I sit in a tizzy; all my favorite Boards are busy!
Here I sit in paradise, my head between my hands
Here I sit with a worm on my tongue! Baited Breath!
Here I sit, a little dizzy - all my favorite boards are busy.
Here I sit, broken hearted. Came to split, but only parted.
Here I sit, feeling sad - my copy of pkunzip is bad.
Here I sit, in a tizzy - all my favorite boards are busy.
Here I standhead in handsturn my face to the wall --The Beatles
Here I thought at least 1 "Q" ENJOYED mucking things up....:-)
Here I'm gonna try something new in randomness....
Here Mousie! I only want to be your friend! - The Cat
Here Mousie! I only want to be your friend.: CAT
Here Pussy, Pussy..... Whack.....
Here Strange ain't Strange!!!  It is Normal!!
Here Strange ain't Strange!!! It Normal!!
Here Tag!  C'mon Tag!  Good Tag.  Good TagNow Sit Tag!
Here Tag! C'mon Tag! Good Tag. Good boy!
Here Tag! C'mon Tag! Good Tag...good boy!
Here Tagline, (psst-psst) Here boy. Go in here, that's it... good boy!
Here Today, Galen Tomorrow!
Here We Are, Born to be Kings -Queen
Here a Borg, there a Borg, everywhere a Borg Borg.
Here a tagline, there a tagline, everywhere a tagline...
Here about the baby born with both sexes? It had a vagina and a brain!
Here about the dislexic devil worshipper who sold his soul to Santa?
Here are a "few" from my collection:
Here are a few I've stolen:
Here are a few more that I typed in sometime last year for a request:
Here are a few of my favoirtes:
Here are a few that I have. Wish there were more! :)
Here are my "Bother," taglines:
Here are my Forever Knight & Highlander tags. Enjoy! Linda
Here are my daffynitions/sniglets collection:
Here are my tags, back by popular demand:
Here are new improved American troops - Crow
Here are some DATA-taglines...
Here are some I didn't post yet...until now, of course:
Here are some without any rhyme or reason:
Here are some, with some miscelaneous others thrown in.
Here are some.  Because of the way I find these, you may get a few MST3K
Here are some.. I just posted the top 1/4 of my Anime tags..
Here are the "Etc." Tags <grin>....No, actually these are Taglines
Here at Intel, quality is Job 0.99708527.
Here at Phillips Petroleum, we are working to replace nature.
Here boy! Where are you? - Frank calling his dinosaur
Here come da 'me! - Tom as judge
Here come de Judge!  Here come de Judge!
Here come ole flatop he come movin up slowly he got ju-ju eyeball
Here come the Jesters, 70 characters at a time.
Here comes Peter Cotton Tail, hopping down the bunny -BANG-
Here comes Roasty & Toasty the firemen clowns! - Joel
Here comes Sanity, here comes Sanity, right down therapy lane.
Here comes Tinkerbell now, over the hornyest land of all!
Here comes another con hiding behind a collar
Here comes that evil asthmatic - Tom on mummy's breathing
Here comes the blues...there goes my heart.
Here comes the cancer girl - Crow on cigarette lady
Here comes the orator, with his flood of words and his drop of reason.
Here comes the tour group.   Put your pants back on!.
Here comes the tour group.  Put your pants on.
Here comes wacky, nutty chaos! - Tom
Here dwells a snake, one thousand miles long
Here fundy, fundy, fundy ... Nice fundy ... <<<<WHOMP>>>>
Here in my heart I give you the best of my love...-Eagles
Here is a tagline he can add to his and then edit it out.
Here is further away than you think.
Here is my fist, please run towards it very fast.
Here is my tagline Collection hope U all like them!!
Here is what Adam Bushey said to Tim Baer before I perverted it...
Here is what Scott Morgan said to Tim Baer before I perverted it...
Here is what The Raven said to All before I perverted it...
Here kid...eat this candy goldfish...<evil grin>
Here kitty kitty kitty, Let's see if you're aerodynamic.
Here kitty kitty, give me your tail!
Here kitty, kitty  play with this nice electrical cord!
Here kitty, kitty!!...Alf
Here kitty, kitty, kitty.......Splat!
Here kitty, kitty.  Play with this nice electric cord.
Here kitty, kitty...play with this nice electrical cord!
Here lies @N@... He lived his dream.
Here lies Ann Mann she lived an old maid and dies an old Mann.
Here lies Fred - he smoked in bed.
Here lies Lester Moore. 4 slugs from a .44. No Les. No more.
Here lies Madonna. Necrophiliacs welcome.
Here lies an atheist.  All dressed up with nowhere to go.
Here lies an honest lawyer, And that is Strange.
Here lies the body of Edward Hyde. We laid him here because he died.
Here lies the common man. Taxed to death.
Here little critter...SMACK!...poor little critter...
Here mousy mousy. Now ware is dat widdle mouse!
Here on Lesbian's Island!
Here so long? No loser, eh?
Here they come!
Here today, dawn tommorow.
Here today, dawn tomorrow.
Here today, gaunt tomorrow.
Here today, tagline tomorrow.
Here we are in Canada...when do we collect unemployment?
Here we are now!  Entertain us!
Here we are! Born to be kings! We're the filkers of the Fidonet!
Here we are, born to be kings, we're the princes of the universe...
Here we are, victims of mathematics.
Here we are... born to be kings, we're the Filkers of the Fidonet...
Here we are...born to be kings, we're the Filkers of the Fidonet!!!
Here we belong.  Fighting to survive.
Here we go again
Here we go again all the way from the start.
Here we go! - Mike putting Crow into Umbillicus
Here we go! Do-si-do! C'mon baby, let's go...Boot Scootin' Boogie.
Here we go! Step one: Take off your shirt.
Here we go, Mr. Carter - Mike using good voodoo
Here we have ME & here we have a mother - Dr. Forrester
Here we have the frequency response of the JBL - Tom
Here we will sit, and let the sounds of music creep in our ears.
Here ya are pilgrim. Skin that 'un, and I'll go getcha another'n.
Here ya come knockin' on my door.
Here ya go, some MORE Wizard's and Warriors Swords and Sorcery tags!
Here ya' go, Mr. Carter - Mike
Here you are, Maurecia! Maurecia-flavored ice cream! - Mrs. Jewls
Here you either sink or swim, or you don't.
Here you go little girl! I'm a boy! That's the spirit!
Here!  Stick this fish in your ear!
Here!! Here!! now give me another root beer!!
Here's 5 cents, go find someone who gives a shit !
Here's John Bobbitt with a few words about Crazy Glue.
Here's Looking At You, Kid
Here's Pus In Your Eye: Lance Boyle
Here's Pus In Your Eye: Lance Boyle*
Here's To The Man Who Has Loved Wisely The Bachelor..
Here's a  tagline you have never seen before!
Here's a Token Ring of our inter-connectivity.
Here's a chain. Clank your way through to the otherside.
Here's a challenge, though, for those more masochistic than I... -Zef
Here's a few tagline subjects I'm always looking for more of:
Here's a few.
Here's a good rule of thumb: Too clever is dumb. - Ogden Nash
Here's a gun, take it home, wait by the phone.
Here's a letter for you-=BANG=-Oops...guess it's a dead letter.
Here's a list of what I'm wearing. See you at the morgue - Calvin
Here's a little cheese steak for the little lady -Crow
Here's a partial score:  Cleveland 10
Here's a partial score:  Dallas 27
Here's a partial score: Alabama 21...
Here's a partial score: Florida State 32...
Here's a quarter, Call 1-800-CRY-BABY!
Here's a quarter, call someone who cares
Here's a quarter, call someone who cares.
Here's a quarter. Call someone who cares.
Here's a tagline you have never seen before!
Here's a tissue, Orville. Wipe your mouth, you're drooling!
Here's a tissue. Wipe your mouth, you're drooling!
Here's a waffle for YOU, scarecrow! - Dr. F
Here's an alternative to that one...
Here's an epenthetic stamp, said Tom f'lat'ly.
Here's bunch for you to replace them...
Here's hoping mini-skirts live forever..
Here's hoping you live to be as old as the jokes you tell.
Here's just a thought:  no good reason, I just thought of it.
Here's looking at you kid.
Here's more:
Here's murderd. Here's tortured. Where's mutilated? - Tom
Here's my Blue ones though
Here's my Red Dwarf file  (split into two messages):
Here's my Story... It's sad but True..
Here's my bill. That should stop you from smoking for a few months.
Here's my bungee cord - Crow on girl with belt
Here's my continuing series of Mystery Science Theater 3000
Here's my impersonation of your dad - Mike as guy boozes
Here's my main man, Huggy Bear - Crow
Here's my offering for the day:
Here's my systems.tag file. A lot of anti-Windows stuff, some FIDO
Here's one I read from another message. Hope your friend likes it.
Here's one that I like, okay two that I like!
Here's part three from The Good Humor Book, copyright 1944...
Here's pie in your eye,  SPLAATTT...
Here's pointing at you kid!
Here's some Haley's M.O. - Mike
Here's some Taglines from my sick little mind...
Here's some fun: Walk into an antique shop and say, "What's new?"
Here's some information on the sun... IT'S HOT!
Here's some mistake tags for you.
Here's some more stuff from that 50 year old book I've got...
Here's some of my favorite coffee taglines:
Here's some of my own "never" recipes.
Here's some of my own "never" taglines.  (Okay, they're really not
Here's some recipes from my sick little mind...
Here's some taglines I KNOW you'll like.......
Here's some taglines about political correctness for you:
Here's somethin' else; "automotive truisms" >;->
Here's that smile of mine; sorry I can't get it to go on right today.
Here's the 'shrooms, Billy - Tom
Here's the Big Ass steaks! - Mike
Here's the final in from Rome:  Lions 45  Christians 0
Here's the information you asked for. --Garibaldi.
Here's the trouble:  A loose nut at the keyboard!
Here's to Fast Modems and Good Phone Lines!
Here's to a long plague, or a bloody war! ...      British Army toast..
Here's to my wife and sweetheart - may they never meet.
Here's to our wives and girlfriends...may they never meet!
Here's to our wives and sweethearts - may they never meet.
Here's to the Sun God! Sure is a fun God! Ra! Ra! Ra!
Here's to the kisses I've snatched....................and visa versa
Here's to you, Buffer. - Large
Here's to your death, big guy! --Crow T. Robot.
Here's what I could come up with. Enjoy!
Here's what I'll do for you, send you your own personal copy :)
Here's what I've got.
Here's what's really good about Windows 95: It sucks less!
Here's where the fun begins!
Here's where we farm our poinsettas - Mike
Here's where we operate at a 90o angle to reality.
Here's wishing you whiter whites, brighter brights - Dr.F
Here's wot I got:
Here's your Book of Spells back.  Now prepare to die.
Here's your allowance for the next two weeks, Tom advanced.
Here's your spell book back. Now prepare to die.
Here, Barbara, one long stemmed rose especially for you! ----<----<@
Here, Bunny, one long stemmed rose especially for you! ----,-'--{@
Here, Data. You wanted me? - Yar
Here, Dick. We brought you a bra - Crow on Contino
Here, Fido, this pad is for you, said Tom dogmatically.
Here, Janier, one long stemmed rose especially for you! ----,-'--{@
Here, Lolly, one long stemmed rose especially for you! ----<----<@
Here, Maggie, one long stemmed rose especially for you! ----,-'--{@
Here, Orville, one long stemmed rose especially for you! ----<----<@
Here, doggie - chase the nice li'l stick of dynamite
Here, doggie.  Chase the nice lit stick of dynamite
Here, doggie. Chase the nice stick of dynamite.
Here, have a banana and a beer.
Here, have a cherry.  I grow them myself.
Here, have some chocolate it'll make you feel better.
Here, have some chocolate.  Feel better now?
Here, have some coffee:
Here, have some hot buttered goat clusters.
Here, have some of mine, PLEASE!
Here, here, well spoken Bruce!
Here, hold this while I light the fuse.
Here, kitty kitty.. said the 300 lb. canary.
Here, kitty. Kitty, kitty. Kitty crap! <Brett>
Here, kitty... kitty... kitty... - Banzai
Here, little recipe!  I have some nice candy for you...
Here, little tagline!  I have some nice candy for you...
Here, little tagline!  I have some nice chocolate for you!
Here, one long stemmed rose especially for you! ----<----<@
Here, put on this red shirt, ok?
Here, son, have a free balloon! said Tom expansively.
Here, steal this one ...
Here, take my hat- pigeons got it anyway. - Wakko
Here, there........and everywhere......
Here, try some Chas - Mike as voodoo girl sprays zombie
Here, we see an enraged pantomime Princess Margaret.
Here, you go first, you're immune to bullets.
Here.  Have a jelly baby!
Here. Have a stogie. - Large
Here. I have something for you. - Londo
Here. These soiled. Wash - Mike as dumb guy
Heredity is important: Be in choosing your grandparents.
Heredity is important: We should be careful in choosing our grandparents
Heredity is important: We should be careful in choosing our parents.
Heredity is what sets parents of a teenager wondering about each other
Heredity is what sets parents of a teenager wondering about each other.
Heredity:  If your parents had no kids, you won't.
Heredity: Everyone believes in it until their children act like fools!
Heredity: If your parents had no kids, you won't either.
Heredity: If your parents had no kids, you won't.
Heres a tip: Don't buy the Tommy Kirk workout video -Mike
Heresy is another word for freedom of thought.
Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought.
Heresy lays foundations for progress.
Heresy signifies no more than private opinion. - Hobbes
Herman Hollerith is buried 9 edge, face down.
Hermaphrodites can poke fun at themselves.
Hermaphroditic blondes have more fun!
Hermit:  a person to whom civilization has failed to adjust itself.
Hermit: A man who'd rather get off by himself.
Hermits DO IT alone.
Hermits do it alone.
Hermits have no peer pressure. - s.w.
Hernia: Middle of a womans leg.
Hero for Hire - Dragons Slain.
Hero for Hire - Noble Rhetoric upon Request.
Hero for Hire - Snappy Comebacks upon Request.
Hero for Hire, Reasonable Fee--18th century conversation upon request.
Hero for Hire, Reasonable Fee--Dragons Slain (well, not the big ones).
Hero for Hire, Reasonable Fees - Dragons Slain (well, not the big ones).
Hero for Hire, Reasonable Fees! Dragons Slain (Well, not th'big ones.)
Hero for Hire, Reasonable Fees, Dragons Slain (Well, not big ones).
Hero for Hire, Reasonable Fees, Dragons Slain (well, not the big ones)
Hero-worship: Idol gossip.
Hero: The beans were terrible * Crow: They weren't beans!
Hero: You plundering thieves! * Crow: Gypsies & tramps!
Heroes And Villains, just see what you've done done...
Heroes Of The Australian Resistance During World War II
Heroic Tenor:  A singer who gets by on sheer nerve and tight clothing.
Heroin I come! - Mike
Heroin has hit this town in a big way -Mike on skinny guy
Heroj je covek koji se pre smrti ponasao kao besmrtan.
Herr Ober - Crow on stern looking minister
HersheyBORG: Wrappers are futile. Chocolate will be assimilated.
Hertz's New Slogan: We'll get you to the airport with an hour to kill.
Hertz, Don't It?: Lisa Carr
Hertz, Don't It?: Lisa Carr*
Hes not the Messiah . . . hes a very naughty boy.
Hesitate, and you're scragger bait.
Het Pat you listened to me! I'm flattered...really! Go Canucks!!!
Heteralsexual, Pro-Gay Rights, and proud of it.
Heterodyne:  Eating with someone of the opposite sex.
Heterosexism CAN be cured!
Heterosexual sex: 2 hours pleasure for lifetime of responsibility
Heterosexual sex: 2 hours pleasure for lifetime of responsibility.
Heterosexuality is not normal, it's just common.
Heterosexuality is not normalIt's DEAD COMMON!
Heterosexuality isn't normal -- just common.
Heterosexuality isn't normal; it's just common.
Heterosexuals only do not a Family make.
Hetrosexuality isn't normal, but is common!
Hetrosexuals only have HALF the fun!!!
Heu!  Tintinnuntius meus sonat!
Hewlett Packard = HP = High Prices.
Hewlett Packard does it with precision.
Hex Dump (n.):  A place where witches cast away used curses.
Hex Dump - Where Witches put used curses
Hex Dump" - Where Witches put used Curses?
Hex Dump:  Place for witches to get rid of used curses.
Hex Dump:  Where witches put used curses.
Hex Dump: Place for witches to get rid of used curses
Hex Dump: Where witches put used spells.
Hex Tag: 47 65 74 20 61 20 6c 69 66 65 2c 20 67 65 65 6b.
Hex dump:  Where witches put used curses
Hex dump:  Where witches put used curses...
Hex dump: Where witches put used curses.
Hex math would be easier if I had 16 fingers
Hex math would be easier if I had 16 fingers.
Hex would be easier if I had 16 fingers!
Hex would sure be easier, if'n only I had 16 fingers!
Hex, bugs, and rock-n-roll
Hexcalibur, the hackers' sword.  O--+-0123456789ABCDEF---
Hexcalibur, the sword of hackers. O--+-0123456789ABCDEF--
Hey  I don't REMEMBER XXX programs in the holodecks ..
Hey !  It's ok NOT to smoke !
Hey !! Don't blame me !! I'm only the tagline !!
Hey !! That lightning came clo$ CARRIER
Hey !! WE NEED TAGLINE MATERIAL !! - Chakotay and Kim complain.
Hey - I know you!
Hey ... I don't REMEMBER XXX programs in the holodecks
Hey ...... where are the recipes????? :}
Hey ...... where are the taglines????? :}
Hey ..who took the cork off my lunch?
Hey @F, Come escort me to my room --Violet
Hey @F, don't steal this tagline!
Hey @F, watch me pull a tagline out of my hat!
Hey @F, watch me pull a tagline outta this hat.
Hey @FIRSTNAME@, Come ascort me to my room --Violet
Hey @FN, don't steal this tagline!
Hey @FN@! You've been taking drugs again, haven't you?
Hey @FN@, don't piss me off! I've got a BIG magnet!
Hey @FN@, go fly a kite in an electrical storm.
Hey @FN@, would you bangle her? huh huh huh
Hey @TO, don't steal this tagline!
Hey @TOFRIST@! Can I borrow your keys?
Hey Attillary, what did Eleanor's ghost "advise" you to do today?
Hey Aurora, If we were cannibals, What parts of people would we eat?
Hey Baby, what's your sign?    ---    NO ADMITTANCE!
Hey Barney, wanna come play in the meat grinder?
Hey Beavis, Does Gally Ride IN or ON a Yugo? huhh huh huhuh
Hey Beavis, I hear disco is making a comeback! -Butthead
Hey Beavis, I hear disco is making a comeback. Yeah. Just
Hey Beavis, he's fallen and he can't get it up!
Hey Beavis, let's rock!
Hey Beavis, lets beat up Andrea and take all her candy.
Hey Beavis, lets beat up that kid and take all his candy.
Hey Beavis, pull my lever. huh huh huh
Hey Beavis, the cat's caught in the printer again.  Let's go watch!
Hey Beavis, they better watch out for the Klingons near Uranus!
Hey Beavis, what does FORMAT C: do?
Hey Beavis, would you bangle her? huh huh huh
Hey Beavis, would you bangle her? huh uh huh
Hey Beavis, would you skate with him? huh huh huh
Hey Beavis, would you skate with him? huh huh.
Hey Beavis, you know we could like, go to jail for this? - Butthead
Hey Beavis... Ever see "Twin Peaks?"
Hey Beavis... Huhhuh.. Vampire's are cool.. Huhuh..
Hey Beavis...I'm pitchin' a tent..
Hey BeavisHuhhuh.. Vampire's are cool.. Huhuh..
Hey Beer Man! Two down here!
Hey Bevis, the cat's caught in the printer again.  Let's go watch!
Hey Bill Clinton, I've upped my standards to OS/2.  Now UP YOURS!
Hey Bill Gates! I've upped my system to OS/2 Warp! Now UP YOURS!
Hey Bill! Your rear's done! - Crow on name Bill Reardon
Hey Bill, Give Hillary the budget to invest for us.
Hey Bill, I've upped my standards to OS/2.  Now UP YOURS!
Hey Bill, you better start coding those OS/2 Apps
Hey Billy Barty all grown up - Crow
Hey Billy, are you sure they wrote Windoze in Basic?
Hey Bob! Wanna see my PeeWee Herman impression?
Hey Boo Boo.                            Yogi Bear
Hey Borgs! Assimilate *THIS*!!!!
Hey Buddy, you got a dead cat in there?
Hey Bulldog, I Feel Fine!
Hey Butthead! These things cost money! - Beavis
Hey Butthead, I can sing like this guy.
Hey Butthead, change it or kill me. -- Beavis
Hey Butthead, have you noticed this video sucks?
Hey Butthead, pull my finger. NO WAY, pull my leg. huh huh huh
Hey Butthead, pull my finger. NO WAY...pull my leg!
Hey Butthead, what were we born to do?
Hey Butthead. Change it or kill me. -- Beavis
Hey Butthead. Does this suck? -- Beavis
Hey Butthead. Have you noticed this video sucks? -- Beavis
Hey Butthead. This guy has the same last name as you. -- Beavis
Hey Butthead... Change it or kill me. --Beavis.
Hey Butthead... Does this suck? --Beavis.
Hey Butthead... Have you noticed this video sucks? --Beavis.
Hey Captain, I just created a black hole -=p!%$/  NO CRUSHER!
Hey Captain, I just created a black ho}]&=*--.NO CRUSHER
Hey Cat, get off that..! #$^#$%^ NO CARRIER
Hey Cat, get off that..! -NO CARRIER-
Hey Chris!  Glad you were the one to stea----ummm, borrow them!
Hey Cinderella, does the show fit you now?
Hey Clinton: do us a favor & have an affair with Lorena!
Hey Cor, don't steal this tagline!
Hey DM, we just found 20 bottles of healing potionsIs this a sign?
Hey Dad, remember our car? - Calvin
Hey Dad...remember your car?
Hey Danny Davids! Are you related to the famous Davids MILLIONAIRES?
Hey Dash one, your drogue chute is dragging..
Hey Data, is that myth about Klingons true?
Hey Dave, why the LONG FACE? - Crow to David Hartman
Hey Doc - I'm dying out here!  * O'Brien
Hey Don't Pick Up That Dog! !G!Z/^% NO TERRIER
Hey Everybody!  Dan's buying the drinks!
Hey Everybody! Orville's buying the drinks!
Hey Expert, ..It works better if you plug it in!
Hey Flanders, I got us some kick-ass seats!!! - Homer in church
Hey Forrester, hey buddy - Tom
Hey GI...Wanna make numer one boom-boom?
Hey Gary, "How `bout them COWBOYS!!!"
Hey Geco ! Excellent time to become a missing person.
Hey Girls!  Save water!  Shower with P-chan!
Hey God Can this world really be as sad as it seems -- NIN
Hey God Can this world really be as sad as it seems.
Hey God I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme -- NIN
Hey God I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme.
Hey God I lost my ignorance, security and pride -- NIN
Hey God I lost my ignorance, security and pride.
Hey God I need your promises, your promises and lies -- NIN
Hey God I need your promises, your promises and lies.
Hey God I really don't know what you mean  -- NIN
Hey God I really don't know what you mean .
Hey God I really don't know who I am in this world of piss -- NIN
Hey God I really don't know who I am in this world of piss.
Hey God I think you owe me a great, big apology -- NIN
Hey God I think you owe me a great, big apology.
Hey God I'm all alone in a world you must despise -- NIN
Hey God I'm all alone in a world you must despise.
Hey God Seems like salvation comes only in my dreams -- NIN
Hey God Seems like salvation comes only in my dreams.
Hey God There's nothing left for me to hide -- NIN
Hey God There's nothing left for me to hide.
Hey God Why am I seething with this animosity
Hey God am I not living up to what I'm supposed to be -- NIN
Hey God am I not living up to what I'm supposed to be.
Hey God why are you doing this to me?  -- NIN
Hey God why are you doing this to me? .
Hey God!  It's not funny anymore!  I want my rib back!
Hey God, I think you owe me a great big apology - NIN
Hey God, Seems like salvation comes only in my dreams - NIN
Hey God... Why are you doing this to me?????????!!!!!!!!!!?????
Hey Harry, try and get *them* to read between the lines.
Hey Harry, what the hell's a JAMF??
Hey Heidi can you fix Michael Jackson up?
Hey Helen, are those Bugle Boy Jeans you're wearing?
Hey HoundDog - Get Off Of My Blue Suede Shoes.
Hey I don't REMEMBER XXX programs in the holodeck!
Hey I just rode a Blue Wave. Hmmm it looks read to me. <G>
Hey I wonder what this button doe#@&*^%$   NO CARRIER
Hey I'm having a party in my mouth, you wanna cum.
Hey Janet Reno, Branch Dividians are in the White House!
Hey Jesse, don't let the screen door hit you on your way out!
Hey Jim, Are we there yet?
Hey Jim, watch me pull a SYSOP out of my hat.
Hey Jim..  She's still warm.  Flip ya for it..
Hey Joe, I heard you shot your old lady down. - Hendrix
Hey Joe, I heard you shot your ole lady down. - Hendrix
Hey Joe, where ya going with that gun in your hand - Hendrix
Hey Joeline! What a lovely rap you have on!  - Crow
Hey Kelli! Wanna see my PeeWee Herman impression?
Hey Kid!  This ain't no library!  Beat it!
Hey Kids:  Barney Burgers, get your red-hot Barney Burgers!
Hey Klinger, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?
Hey Lazy Bones!, Shake Your Worthless Butt Outa Bed Now! - Ren.
Hey Look!  Its the Wit brothers: Half, Dim and Nit.
Hey Look! It's the opening titles for Scooby Doo - Slappy Squirrel
Hey Lwxana, is that myth about Klingons true?
Hey Ma, Chrissy Di Martino learnt a NEW word today.
Hey Ma, look what followed me home?  Can I keep a dragon? Please?
Hey Maggie, aren't you usually handcuffed to a bed by now?
Hey Mark stop abusing children, go abuse yourself.
Hey Mary let's burn something! FIRE-FIRE-FIRE.
Hey Max, give me the data crystal. - Garibaldi
Hey Michael Jackson, don't forget to write.
Hey Michael stop abusing children, go abuse yourself.
Hey Michael, PeeWee returned your call
Hey Michael, thought about going to jail lately?
Hey Michael, you can join the military now.
Hey Michael: Why don't ya play with Ms Bobbit for awhile?
Hey Mom, @OTO@ learned a new word today...
Hey Mom, LOOK! Dad's finally taking out the trash! Mom?!
Hey Mr Moderator!!!  What did I do to deserve this??!!???
Hey Mr Sysop, Upgrade me or %$^&NO CARRIER
Hey Mr. Moderator!!! What did I do to deserve this??!!???
Hey Mr. Moderator, you're a #$#@$$%$^$^$$#%  NO CARRIER
Hey Mr. SysOp, you're a #$#@$$%$^$^$$#%  NO CARRIER
Hey Ms. Sleepwalker, aren't you usually handcuffed to a bed by now?
Hey Nancy, Mickey said to tell you to shove it.
Hey Norm, how's the world treatin' you? Like a baby treats a diaper.
Hey Norton.. I have a SMALL problem...
Hey Odo, got any more of that Jell-O in the 'fridge? ...O\SL
Hey Odo, got anymore of that Jello in the frige?  Odo?  Odo???
Hey Odo, got anymore of that jello in the fridge? Odo? ODO? ohshit.
Hey Odo, you got any more of that Jell-O?  Odo?  Odo??
Hey Orville Bullitt, Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
Hey Orville let's burn something! FIRE-FIRE-FIRE.
Hey Orville stop abusing children, go abuse yourself.
Hey Orville!  Watch out for that Baron of Hell! <tooooo late> :(
Hey Orville! Can I borrow your keys?
Hey Orville, If we were cannibals, What parts of people would we eat?
Hey Orville, are those Bugle Boy Jeans you're wearing?
Hey Orville, get a grip! <SKWUNCH> Good grip.
Hey Orville, watch me pull a tagline outta this hat.
Hey Orville, what's the diff between Haba-do-ga-ga and haba-do-gee?
Hey Orville: Why don't ya play with Ms Bobbit for awhile?
Hey Pee Wee, Button your fly!
Hey Prancer.... stop doing that to Rudolf.
Hey Pumba, not in front of the kids. - Timone
Hey Randy, watch me pull a tagline outta this hat.
Hey Rasta. I need one of my taglines back for this message.
Hey Rick! Wanna see my PeeWee Herman impression?.
Hey Rockey, watch me pull a tagline out of my hat!
Hey Rocky - watch me pull a moderator outta my hat!
Hey Rocky - watch me pull a sysop outta my hat!
Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull a SysOp out of my hat!
Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull a Sysop outta my hat!
Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!
Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull a tagline outta my hat!
Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull some intelligence out of the internet!
Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull some intelligence outta the Internet!
Hey Rocky! Watch me pull the Necronomicon out of my hat!
Hey Rocky, Watch me pull a Romulan out of my hat...... NO CARRIER
Hey Rocky, Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat
Hey Rocky, wanna watch me pull a tribble outta my hat?
Hey Rocky, watch me pull Kirk's body out of this grave!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull Odo from outta this bucket!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a Bajoran from outta- <WHACK!> uh, sorry Kira!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a Klingon out of my hat!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a Vulcan out of my hat!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a lesbian outta my hat!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a live symbiant outta this Trill!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a live symbiont outta this Trill!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a recipe outta my hat!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a tagline out of my hat!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a tagline outta my hat....
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a tagline outta this hat!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a tribble out of my hat!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull this dildo outta my ass!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull this tagline outa my hat
Hey Rocky,watch me pull a Bajoran from outta- <WHACK!> uh, sorry Kira!
Hey Rocky,watch me pull this dildo outta my ass
Hey Rocky: Watch me pull a SYSOP out of my hat!
Hey Sailor! Want a good time?
Hey Santa!  How much for your list of naughty boys?
Hey Santa!  How much for your list of naughty girls?
Hey Santa! How much for the list of naughty girls?
Hey Santa! How much for yer' list of naughty girls?
Hey Santa! How much for your list of naughty girls?
Hey Santa, can I have a copy of your naughty girls list?
Hey Santa, how much for a copy of your list of naughty girls?
Hey Santa, how much for the list of the "naughty" girls?
Hey Santa, how much for your list of naughty boys?
Hey Santa, how much for your list of naughty girls?
Hey Santa, how much for your list of naughty little girls?
Hey Santa, how much for your list of naughty women?
Hey Scouts, I know how to use a compass.  Scouts?  Scouts?!?
Hey Spot - Bring me another Bud! "Whoof - Whoof", Good Dog!!!
Hey Stephanie, watch me pull a tagline outta this hat.
Hey Stimpy, Me And The Babes Are Going To Take Off! - Ren.
Hey Sysop! You'd better upgrade me or el$^&% NO CARRIER
Hey Sysop, you're a #$#@$$%$^$^$$#%  NO CARRIER
Hey Tim! Wanna see my PeeWee Herman impression?
Hey Trace, great hat!
Hey Underpants, I'm talking to YOU!
Hey Vanilla Ice! Meet Mr. Halite!
Hey WORF! I hooked Data up to a modem, wanna see??
Hey WORM BOY!, Load The Stupid Boat And Quit Fooling Around! - Ren.
Hey Wally!  Come look at this.
Hey Watch it! My beaver may be loaded.
Hey Worf, Watch me pull a Romulan outta my hat!
Hey Wright, Didn't I see you on America's Most Wanted?
Hey You!  Gene Police!  YES YOU!!  Out of the pool, NOW!!
Hey You!  Yeah YOU! - behind the monitor... can you get me a pizza?
Hey are you ready for this: Peri said to All "Dog tags!!"
Hey babe! You! Me! Mango -fest! How 'bout it?  - Tom
Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side...
Hey babe, there's a wash cloth on your head - Crow
Hey babe, wanna see the Captain's log?
Hey babe...wanna go fool around in the Tyrannosaur Paddock? 8:)
Hey baby, My Shrink's Couch or yours?
Hey baby, it's a quarter to ten, I feel I'm in the mood
Hey baby, it's getting late, I think I'm in the mood. --Rush.
Hey baby, what's you cosine?
Hey baby. *wink* Wanna come back to my place and trade taglines?
Hey baby...can you suck a golf ball thru 50 feet of garden hose?
Hey baby...can you suck start a Harley?
Hey baby...can you suck the chrome off a bumper?!?
Hey baby...wanna wrestle? huh huh huh -Beavis & Butt-head
Hey beavis... Huhhuh.. checkout Vampire "D"... Huhhuh...
Hey beavisHuhhuh.. checkout Vampire "D"Huhhuh...
Hey boy! Here kitty, kitty! Hey Coco! - Crow to gorilla
Hey boy, get down there & lick my
Hey buddy... Got any spare cache?
Hey cat! <SMACK>....and stay OFF my keyboard!
Hey co-pilot, is that you or Jp-4 I smell..
Hey cool! Chemistry sets! - Tom
Hey cut that out! Lets get on w/the story -Crow on lovers
Hey dad, is Bill Clinton a Raider? After all, he lies and cheats too!
Hey darlin', ya got any more of that there chew?  - Texas pick-up line
Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, piggy in the middle...
Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle...
Hey do you think the BORG ran on Windows...<G>
Hey don't steal this tagline!
Hey don't you think it's time to boycott Hell? - DeGarmo & Key
Hey duckies! I'm a porn queen, yes I am! - Mike as girl
Hey dude don't call me dude!
Hey everybody! @FN@'s buying the drinks!
Hey everybody! @FN@'s buying the hockey tickets!
Hey everybody! Brian's buying the hockey tickets!
Hey everybody! Free taglines at @F's place!
Hey everybody! Free taglines at Bob's place!
Hey everybody! Free taglines at Bullitts place!
Hey everybody! Free taglines at Careys place!
Hey everybody! Free taglines at Gary's place!.
Hey everybody! Free taglines at John's place!
Hey everybody! Free taglines at Orville's place!
Hey everybody! Free taglines at Ronald's place!.
Hey everybody! Free taglines at Sandro's place!
Hey everybody! Orville's buying the hockey tickets!
Hey everybody, try "New Lemon Scented Tagline!"
Hey everyone, I'm a modem jockey....Wait, why are you laughing?
Hey feel this.. kinda gooshy huh? Dead cats feel that way
Hey feel this.. kinda stiff huh?  Dead cats feel that way.
Hey fundie! Why can't your mind be as open as your mouth always is.
Hey gang! Let's all sing along with Mitch!
Hey guys! A whole chapter on 'Tango & Cash'!!! - Crow
Hey guys, I'm lookin' for a Jacques Strap. - Moe
Hey guys, get back here! - Mike to Bots
Hey guys, it was just an idea, OK? - Karl Marx
Hey hacker, leave that modem alone.
Hey hoser, take off - Mike as dorky Canadian guy
Hey if you keep *that* up and I'll expect *it* everyday..
Hey it really is on topic, Maurice Minifield was an astronaut!
Hey kid!  Santa isn't coming this year...I killed him!
Hey kid!  Wanna try a BBS?  The first time is free.
Hey kid, Do you want to play with my phase?
Hey kid... wanny try a BBS?  First call is free.
Hey kid...Santa isn't coming this year...I killed him!
Hey kid..Wanna try a BBS? The first time is free!
Hey kids! Get the Fisher Price Meat Factory!  Fluffy in, burgers out!
Hey kids! There's only 5 more days till Yak Shaving Day!
Hey kids! You gotta get ahead? Get a head! - Tom
Hey kids, get a free Shoggoth in every box of Sugar Coated Cthuloops!
Hey kids: Find out what a frog in a blender looks like.
Hey kitty, want to go for a dryer ride?
Hey la hey la! The Sysop's Back!
Hey ladies, its 68 degrees out, wear something flimsy.
Hey lady! You're putting the bass down - Tom
Hey little girl: you want some candy?
Hey look out! Hey! Get in your own lane - Crow on rocket
Hey look!  Condoms!  Compliments of Act Stupid!
Hey look!  It smokes, it drinks, it philosophizes!
Hey look! The suit almost fits - Crow wearing Joel's suit
Hey look! Venusian blinds! - Tom
Hey look, it's Registered! I'm legal. And only for $20 to Red Cross!
Hey man, you can't prove nothing.  I was at home.
Hey meet my pet Velociraptor, Barney.
Hey pig piggy pig pig pig - NIN
Hey pig piggy pig pig pig, all of my fears came true...
Hey sailor! Hey sailor!
Hey security, we have another guy with a changeling net. --Garibaldi.
Hey security, we have another guy with a changling net. --Garibaldi.
Hey spank your monkey all you want, but keep your hands off mine! huh
Hey stop that with the glass! -Mike as girl strokes glass
Hey tail gunner.. Do you see those bandits up ahead?
Hey there bunny dude.      I'm.. a.. MOTH !
Hey there ugly Borg dude! ^&*&*#$%!@ NO CARRIER
Hey there!  There goes the Spider-Man!
Hey there! There goes the Spiderman!
Hey they sound like politicians!
Hey they're opening a new Twist & Creme - Tom
Hey this system runs Window NT. WINDOWS! Get a rope.
Hey to Goober!
Hey toots. It's me, Satan - Joel as snake
Hey watch it, that beaver might be laoded!
Hey watch out for my water#&#@$@NO PERRIER
Hey witness! Hey witness! She's a purgeror! - Crow
Hey you guys! Get back here! - Mike to Bots
Hey you in the red shirt, check out that noise!
Hey you kids,  .......get out of that Jello tree!
Hey you! Yes, you!! That's my tagline you're using!!!
Hey you, leave my smartass alone! - Dire Wolf
Hey!   Send me another Blue Wave message!
Hey!  #AF#!  You're back!  How was the treatment program?
Hey!  $3000 ringside ticket!  Pentium vs. PowerPC!!  COD only!
Hey!  ...we need another pizza over here!
Hey!  Are you snagging ALL my recipes?
Hey!  Are you stealing ALL my Taglines?
Hey!  Boys & girls!  It's Yak Shaving Day!
Hey!  Come derry dol!  Hop along, my hearties! <Tom Bombadil>
Hey!  Don't pick up that Telephon0/aL{a}o+  NO CARRIER
Hey!  Don't pick up that pho. NO CARRIER
Hey!  Don't pick up the dog&*##!} NO TERRIER
Hey!  Don't shoot that postal worker <BANG!>  NO CARRIER!
Hey!  Don't shoot that postal worker <BANG!< NO  CARRIER
Hey!  Don't steal this tagline!
Hey!  Get back here, I'm not finished yet...
Hey!  Hacker!  Leave those lists alone!
Hey!  I don't have to put up with this!  I'm rich!
Hey!  I don't remember XXX programs on the Holodecks!
Hey!  I hear there's a 'MODERATOR' comming soon.
Hey!  I just got front row tickets to a Disaster Area concert!
Hey!  I resemble that!
Hey!  I've fallen, and I kind of LIKE it down here!
Hey!  It's still 'We the people,' right??
Hey!  Keep your airplane between the runway lights!
Hey!  Knock it off! - Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
Hey!  Leggo my ego!
Hey!  Lt. Dax!  Can I help you count your spots?  Please?
Hey!  My keyboé皇»äâ
Hey!  Scott!  You're back!  How was the treatment program?
Hey!  That was pretty good for Rambo!
Hey!  That's MY opinion!  Put it back or I'll shoot!
Hey!  That's not funny!  That's close to Real Life!
Hey!  This is a morgue, not an amusement park!
Hey!  This is just like the REAL world!
Hey!  Turn the bass down!  Oh, that's his voice!
Hey!  Wanna see my PeeWee Herman impression?
Hey!  Watch out for that bottle-- &#&$#@%&&  NO PERRIER
Hey!  Watch out for that census taker--%$#^&&  NO QUERIER
Hey!  What do you do with that tongue????
Hey!  Where's the tagline I left here a minute ago?
Hey!  Who neglected to switch my keytops around?
Hey!  Who put this here!?!
Hey!  Who took the cork off my lunch?
Hey!  Who took the cork off my lunch?!?
Hey!  Who took the cork off my lunch??!
Hey!  Who uncorked my bottle of lunch?
Hey!  Who you calling DISABLED?  I'm a LIMITED EDITION!!!
Hey!  Ya wanna try out my new 'Home Artificial Insemination Kit?'
Hey!  You're back!  How was the treatment program?
Hey!  Your Trackball is upside down!
Hey!  Your Trakball is upside down!
Hey!  we need another pizza over here!
Hey! #jfksikkkslgpopps.. Get the cat off the keyboard!
Hey! 'Nyet' means 'NYET'! - Crow as Russian attacks girl
Hey! *I* wanted to kill A-Ko! Oh well, can't have it all!
Hey! ... HEY!!! ... What happened to my body?!?
Hey! A chocolate gorilla foot! - Joel on saddle
Hey! A virgin! Virgin 2.0 - Crow T. Robot
Hey! Are those Bugle Boy Jeans you're wearing?
Hey! Are you stealing ALL my Taglines?
Hey! Crap! - Tom as street vendor
Hey! Dingle balls! Sit down! - Crow T. Robot
Hey! Dingle balls! Sit down! - Crow to guy in sombrero
Hey! Don't "Lurk", it ain't friendly!<G>
Hey! Don't blame me! I'm only the tagline!
Hey! Don't chew on that ^?=%&`*@#~!...    NO CARRIER
Hey! Don't pat your part! - Tom
Hey! Don't pick up that TeleCCCCCCCCC   NO CARRIER
Hey! Don't pick up that Telephon0/aL{a}o+ NO CARRIER
Hey! Don't pick up that ph***.** NO CARRIER
Hey! Don't pick up that pho NO CARRIER
Hey! Don't pick up that pho+>+Abe+++T  NO CARRIER
Hey! Don't pick up that pho+<#Abe+++t  NO CARRIER
Hey! Don't pick up that pho+<+Abe+++T
Hey! Don't pick up that phoׯ»’ችÃÒç  NO CARRIER
Hey! Don't pick up that poise? Wheres that smoke comi
Hey! Don't shoot that postal worker <BANG!> NO CARRIER!
Hey! Don't steal this tagline!
Hey! Don't touch that pho+O+++#|+>+E^&   NO CARRIER
Hey! Dr. Giggles - Mike
Hey! Fuzzy Thurston was a saint! - Tom
Hey! Get that dog outta my yard!
Hey! Get your cheap Mexican crap! - Tom as street vendor
Hey! Go comb your face - Crow to hairy alien monster
Hey! Good clean porn fun! - Tom Servo
Hey! He transmographied! He's thinner! - Tom
Hey! He's gonna sit by you! Another one rides the bus!
Hey! Hey! Hey! That's the director's coke! - Mike
Hey! Hey! We're the Monkees! - Crow on Time of the Apes
Hey! Hey, anybody here? Anybody hear me? - Sheridan
Hey! I can see my feet down there - Mike as skydiver
Hey! I don't grin dumbly! I grin smartly! =) -Tristessa
Hey! I don't remember @FN@.GIF being in the file directory before
Hey! I don't remember Bob.GIF being here before..!
Hey! I don't remember Charlene.GIF being here before..!
Hey! I don't remember John Foster.GIF being in the file directory befo
Hey! I don't remember Orville.GIF being here before!
Hey! I don't remember Orville.GIF being in the file directory before.
Hey! I don't remember Orville.XXX being in the holodeck before.
Hey! I don't remember Paul.GIF being in the file directory before.
Hey! I don't remember Rick.GIF being here before..!.
Hey! I don't remember XXX programs in the holodecks.
Hey! I don't remember YOU.GIF being here before..!
Hey! I don't remember sunshine.GIF being in the file directory before.
Hey! I hear there's a 'MODERATOR' coming soon.
Hey! I hear there's a 'Moderator' coming soon.
Hey! I just got front row tickets to a Disaster Area concert!
Hey! I never said that! ...<in public>- TEC
Hey! I never said that! ...<in public>.
Hey! I spit, I *NEVER* swallow! - Mutant Raccoon
Hey! I stole that latinum first.
Hey! I wanted The Stanley Cup!
Hey! I'll see you around, Michael Garibaldi. --Dodger.
Hey! I'll see you around, Michale Garibaldi. - Dodger
Hey! I'm always fully asleep when I post.
Hey! I'm always fully asleep when I post..
Hey! I'm fake walking here! - Mike
Hey! I'm just an ignorant savage! What do you want from me?
Hey! I'm moulting! - Crow in bird suit
Hey! I'm not getting any younger - Crow
Hey! I'm not schizophrenic, it is the guy beside me.
Hey! I've been eaten at that restaurant, too!  *giggle*
Hey! If you want it easy, play DOOM.
Hey! Is my Buick ready yet? - Mike as zombie
Hey! Is that your face, or did your neck throw up.
Hey! Is this whole pie for me? Oooops - Crow
Hey! It was free a**wipe! -- Butthead
Hey! It's Abe Vigoda! - Dr. F on man in the junk drawer
Hey! It's Harpo! - Tom on blonde girl
Hey! It's Hopalong Cassidy. Oh wait...it's just Cam Neely.
Hey! It's Hopalong Cassidy. Oh wait...it's just Orville Bullitt.
Hey! It's a Free country, isn't it?? So why do I pay for Everything???
Hey! It's not fair you can't Fork me without my consent d;-) -Quickling
Hey! It's the Hot-L Tokyo! - Crow
Hey! Knock it off! - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Hey! Let's pretend we're packleds and the Borg'll go away!
Hey! Like I said! Privacy! - Ivanova
Hey! Liver lips! - Crow
Hey! More Reba! - Crow on redheaded lady
Hey! Mr. Rogers ... can you say Poblano,Serrano and Jalapeno?
Hey! My Epilady! - Crow as blonde girl holding trophy
Hey! My dog has been cashing my reality checks *again*.
Hey! My keybo
Hey! My sammitch is whole again! Cool! - Crow
Hey! Nice caboose - Joel as cop on guy's butt
Hey! Nice skull! - Tom on x-ray
Hey! No comments from the Peanut Gallery!
Hey! Oh, thought he left his gas cap open - Crow on jet
Hey! Old man Nelson! - Tom to Mike
Hey! Please pick up the white courtesy phone.
Hey! Redd Foxx - Tom as fox runs by
Hey! Replace your divets! - Tom on guy holding wig
Hey! Ride the wild guy! 29 cents! - Tom on fight scene
Hey! She got her horse re-upholstered - Crow
Hey! Sit up and shut down!
Hey! So you think that I need help eh? -Tristessa
Hey! Soapapillias - Mike
Hey! Some fat guy stole my milk and cookies!
Hey! Someone left a pie tin on the fence! - Mike
Hey! Someone stole my banana seat bike! - Mike
Hey! Stop Playing with my memory!
Hey! TV's Frank named that boat - Crow
Hey! That bit was nibbling on my byte.
Hey! That one's got a skunk pelt! - Tom on caveman
Hey! That's MY opinion! Put it back or I'll shoot!
Hey! That's the cheap broad I love! - Mike
Hey! That's the same right turn as before - Crow
Hey! Thats not funny!  That's close to Real Life!
Hey! The caterers are here - Tom on war wagon
Hey! The electric phone! - Crow
Hey! The famous naked man! - Mike on sculpture
Hey! The pizza's here!
Hey! The two o'clock shoot out's starting! - Crow
Hey! They're in their sweaters backwards! - Crow
Hey! They're lighting their arrows!...Can they _do_ that?
Hey! This Really Works!
Hey! This ghost can't spell! I wanna refund for this ouija!
Hey! This is skimmed! - Mike as calf suckles
Hey! Tin Machine - Tom on gangsters in suits
Hey! Tom Poston on the make - Tom as couple makes out
Hey! Turn down that goose!
Hey! Wanna see my PeeWee Herman impression?
Hey! Watch out for that bottle-- &#&$#@%&& NO PERRIER
Hey! Watch out for that census taker--%$#^&& NO QUERIER
Hey! Watch where you aim that thing!
Hey! We have our kitten! - Tom
Hey! What are we going to do tonight? *POINK* *NARF*!!!
Hey! What do you do with that tongue????
Hey! What happened to my recipe? It was here a minute ago!
Hey! What you readin' for??' Is that not the weirdest question ever???
Hey! What's that crawling up your arm?!   (Made you look!)
Hey! Who booted over here? - Crow
Hey! Who goosed me? - Mike as girl in the dark
Hey! Who loves ya, Baby? --Telly Savalas with lollipop in mouth.
Hey! Who stole this recipe and replaced it with an exact duplicate!
Hey! Who stole this tagline and replaced it with an exact duplicate!
Hey! Who took the cork out of my lunch?
Hey! Who's snorting the Dilithium Crystals???
Hey! Wrestle! - Crow to Mike
Hey! Ya know they're goalie-less! The Bruins bite the dust!
Hey! You can almost see her knees! - Crow on girl's skirt
Hey! You got a problem pal?
Hey! You got the BONUS plan! - ADC
Hey! You got webbed toes! - Frank
Hey! You just made me look like a complete idiot! - Crow
Hey! You knuckleheads! - Gypsy to Mads
Hey! You let go of Servo! - Crow to Gypsy during fight
Hey! You stole MY Tagline!  THIS MEANS WAR!
Hey! You stole MY recipe!  THIS MEANS WAR!
Hey! You wanna play with my phaser?
Hey! You're Italian! What? You're Jewish? Love your nails!!! - Zappa
Hey! You're back! How was the treatment program?
Hey! You're ill! - The Cat
Hey! You're in the wrong myth! - Crow as son kisses mom
Hey! You're singeing my back hairs! - Tom
Hey! You've got your tongue in my mouth - Mike on lovers
Hey! Your Trackball is upside down!
Hey! Your Trakball is upside down!
Hey! Your rudder is upside down!
Hey! don't pick up that pho.. NO CARRIER
Hey! who took the cork off my lunch!...
Hey!!  I'm a programmer!  We *don;t* make mistakes!!!!
Hey!! I have 215k left---wanna run Windows?
Hey!! I'm not strange, I'm crazy !
Hey!! That was funny. Did you hear...
Hey!! When in Doubt Whip it Out!!!!
Hey!!!  You stole my tagline!
Hey!!!....This is not my dad's TAGLINE!!!
Hey!!!....This is not my dad's recipe!!!
Hey!, It Does Fit In My Pocket! - Ren.
Hey!? This tagline was made in New York City! NEW YORK CITY? @#$#@!#%!
Hey!?!? Chop on THIS, pal! - Crow to Tom
Hey!You're not permitted in there!It's restricted! - C3PO
Hey, "mother", want another?
Hey, "random pick" THIS, Iceman!!
Hey, #AF#.. Don't give up your day job!
Hey, #AF#get a load of this:  <.!..>
Hey, #TN#may the Force be with you.
Hey, *we* care. Now get off the &*^@#! line!
Hey, Ain't that your dog attackin' the president?
Hey, Arthur! Lookee, I'm being abducted by space aliens! - The Tick
Hey, BEcky!  Here's what I've got!  See ya later!  WBS!
Hey, Bard, nice to see you finally got your asterisk out of bed...
Hey, Batman pushed the princess!
Hey, Beavis - she's thinking about our weiners. - Butthead
Hey, Beavis and Butt-head, I'm NOT laughing.
Hey, Bill (Gates), I've upped my standards, now UP YOURS!
Hey, Bill! Castro just dissed you, homey! You too dumb to notice?
Hey, Bill! Do us a favor and have an affair with Lorena Bobbit!
Hey, Bill! North Korea just dissed you, homey! You too dumb to notice?
Hey, Bill, I've upped my standards to OS/2, now UP YOURS!
Hey, Bob... may the Force be with you.
Hey, Butt-Head, I think I understood something he said! -Beavis
Hey, Captain! I just created a black ho!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#NO CARRIER
Hey, Captain! I just created a black ho}].<c3.NO CRUSHER
Hey, Captain! I just created a black ho}].<c3/.NO CRUSHER
Hey, Congress - Your credit card's overdue!
Hey, Connie, hand me that dolphin burger & side of spotted owl fries.
Hey, Crispy! Hands off my wife - Mike/#606
Hey, Cybergramps... may the Force be with you.
Hey, Data!  Is that myth about Klingons really true?
Hey, Doc -- I'm dying out here! -- O'Brien
Hey, Doc, got anything I can take for kleptomania?
Hey, Don't have sex with each other! Animals are much more fun.
Hey, Edgar Winter! Table for 2 - Mike on scary waitress
Hey, Fido! Look out for that truc @#$% NO TERRIER
Hey, Fido! Look out for that truc#+<u% w{aoNO TERRIER
Hey, Frank, can I borrow your keys? Sure! Thanks! -MST3K
Hey, Fred Niles, how the {CENSORED} are you?!? ,,
Hey, Grizzly Adams! You waitin' for a tip? - Mike
Hey, Homer! What's the big brew-a-ha-ha-ha? - Flanders
Hey, Homer, what should be put in the bread?    DOH!!!
Hey, Homey! I can see your doodle! Shut up, Flanders.
Hey, I brought a rubber! Can I get my third degree now?
Hey, I didn't write this stuff!
Hey, I don't pick up...they just pop up randomly!
Hey, I don't remember XXX programs in the holodeck.
Hey, I don't remember these XXX programs in the holodeck.
Hey, I get enough insults at job interviews
Hey, I had to bring this back on-topic somehow
Hey, I had to bring this back on-topic somehow...
Hey, I hear disco is making a comeback. Yeah. Just dial 1-800-WUS.
Hey, I hear that vegetarians taste good. ;) -Tristessa
Hey, I like it!! Good one...how about some WEAPONS taglines?
Hey, I like this Delta Quadrant promotion policy ! - Tom Paris
Hey, I love kids.  Really.  Taste just like chicken.
Hey, I never did know when to butt out. - Ivanova
Hey, I never did know when to butt out. We're with you captain - Ivanova
Hey, I ran Windows the other day, and it didn't crash!
Hey, I said I was nice ... not fantastic!! ;) - Corrina Dreger
Hey, I saw your picture on the wall in Odo's office!
Hey, I see YOUR microwave says "KILL 'EM ALL" too!
Hey, I smell burning martyr! Quick! Orville's on fire!
Hey, I was 'testing' it for 3 years!
Hey, I won the "get the crap kicked out of me" contest!
Hey, I write in AUTORACE.
Hey, I'll keep a troll toe in my Jar! (Last words)
Hey, I'm a Man who stands by his word!
Hey, I'm a bonafide dancing fool!
Hey, I'm not your Mother, clean up your own Tagline!!
Hey, I've got the same one. Is it adopted? - Keepers
Hey, I've progressed! Stopped spelling it "geneology" last year!
Hey, Ian, are those Bugle Boy Jeans you're wearing?
Hey, Is Del DRVSPACE.001 a bad thing?
Hey, It's only money!
Hey, Jason, ...someone's gotta play straight man <g>.
Hey, Jesse. You 'member that fire we started in Chicago?
Hey, Joe, where ya goin' with that money in your hand?
Hey, Josh, hand me that dolphin burger & side of spotted owl fries.
Hey, Kid! Wanna try a BBS? First time is free...
Hey, Laser-lips! Your mama was a snowblower!
Hey, Leese! Bang, bang! ..Ah, Bart! That's a blackhead gun!
Hey, Lucille, your date's here.- Duncan MacLeod
Hey, Luke... may the Force be with you. - Han Solo
Hey, Madame Curie! Could'ya get my fries? - Mike
Hey, Michael! Over here! --Ivanova.
Hey, Mister, can we have our ball back?
Hey, Mom -- look what I can do -- Wesley
Hey, Mr. Sysop, Upgrade me or %$^&NO CARRIER
Hey, Mr. Sysop, you're a @#$% NO CARRIER
Hey, Mz. Sysop, Upgrade me or %$^&NO CARRIER
Hey, Nelstoney! - Dr. Forrester
Hey, Nice Tagline!  (Scotty, beam it to my tag file and raise shields!)
Hey, Nice Tagline! (Scotty, beam it to my tag file and raise shields!)
Hey, Norm, what's shaking?  All 4 cheeks and a couple of chins.
Hey, Odie, why don't you go play with something poisonous?
Hey, Odo! Got anymore of that Jell-O in the fridge?  Odo? Uh oh...
Hey, Odo, got any more of that Jello in the fridge? Odo...ODO?!
Hey, Odo, you got any more of that jello?  Odo?  Odo??
Hey, Odo? Got anymore of that Jello in the fridge? Odo??!.... uh oh...
Hey, Orville, ...someone's gotta play straight man <g>.
Hey, Orville, hand me that dolphin burger & side of spotted owl fries.
Hey, Orville... are *you* in the physics club?
Hey, Orville... may the Farce be with you.
Hey, Orville... may the Force be with you.
Hey, PLEASE don't pick up the PH$@#*&$^(#@&$^%(*NO CARRIER
Hey, Quaker Oates...make me some oatmeal, I'm hungry.
Hey, Rickmay the Force be with you..
Hey, Rocky!  Watch me pull a Necronomicon outta my hat!
Hey, Rocky!  Watch me pull a Sysop outta my hat!
Hey, Rocky!  Watch me pull a tagline out of my hat!
Hey, Rocky!  Watch me pull a tribble out of my hat!
Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!
Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a sysop outta my hat!
Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a tagline out of my hat!
Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a tagline outta my hat!
Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull an economic plan outta my hat!
Hey, Rocky, watch me pull a Tagline out of my hat.
Hey, Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
Hey, Rocky, watch me pull a tagline out of my hat.
Hey, Rocky. Watch me pull Orville outta my hat!
Hey, Rocky. Watch me pull the Necronomicon out of my hat.
Hey, Rush!  Since when is 15 million a majority in this country?
Hey, Santa; How much for your list of NAUGHTY GIRLS?!?!?
Hey, Sideshow All, what are you making?
Hey, Sideshow Chris, what are you making?
Hey, Sideshow Orville, what are you making?
Hey, Skoie. That is some outfit. It makes you look like a homosexual.
Hey, Skoie. That's some outfit. Makes you look homosexual. (McBain)
Hey, Spock... pull my finger.
Hey, Sydget a load of this:  <.!..>
Hey, The Tick's trapped in the world's most comfortable chair! -D.Maus
Hey, Vampire Hunter D, hand me that dolphin burger & side of spotted o
Hey, Vern! Knowhutimean? Tom said earnestly.
Hey, Wacka, get a grip!                       <SKWUNCH> Good grip!
Hey, Worf!  Eat any good books lately?
Hey, Worf!  I hooked up Data to a modem.  Wanna see?
Hey, Worf! Eat any good books lately?
Hey, Worf! I hooked Data up to a Modem wanna see?
Hey, Worf! I hooked Data up to a Modem... wanna see?
Hey, Worf...I hooked Data up to a modem...Wanna see?
Hey, Worf..I hooked Data up thru Telix...Wanna see
Hey, Worf..I hooked Data up thru Telix...Wanna see?
Hey, Worf..I hooked Data up to a Modem...Wanna see?.
Hey, _I_ can take a licking and keep on ticking. C'mon, try me!!!
Hey, alright! We're headhunting again! - Mike
Hey, aren't you usually handcuffed to a bed by now?
Hey, buddy, got a match?   Sure, your face and my a..
Hey, buddy. Wanna buy the letter O?
Hey, can someone come pick me up and drive me home...please?
Hey, castration is reversible, Tom remembered.
Hey, check out this neat spell from the Necronomicon: "Shaddu yu^$$$#NO
Hey, come back here!  I'm not done killing you yet! -- War Monger
Hey, cool! I'm dead! --Bart Simpson.
Hey, cool! It's the Joy Luck Club blues band! -- Joel
Hey, cool. I think I live in your little world too!
Hey, dad, remember our car? -- Calvin
Hey, didn't we go to different high schools?
Hey, do I look like Michael Jackson? <M> No, but you're Bad. <R>
Hey, do THIS in a batch!
Hey, do you mind if I take just one more look?   Fredric March
Hey, does anyone know the Norwiegan word for "drink"?
Hey, does this look infected to you?
Hey, don't ask me, I'm just an Anthropomorphic Personification.
Hey, don't flame me! I'm running this system.
Hey, don't hit me! I'm new to this echo. <DUCKING>
Hey, don't pick up that dogWt#+NO TERRIER
Hey, don't rush me!  I'm only a limb bough.  (Limbaugh)
Hey, don't steal this tagline!
Hey, don't worry about exiting the program, Windows does it for you.
Hey, dude! Whoda thunk it?
Hey, dude, It's Registered! I'm legal. And only for $20!
Hey, even Geco makes a mistake now and then! \c3HAHA\c7
Hey, even He makes a mistake now and then!
Hey, even Moderators burn out!
Hey, everybody, I. P. Freeley! - Moe
Hey, everybody, put down your glasses.  Ivana Tinkle! - Moe
Hey, get me. I'm outstanding in my field! - Crow
Hey, get off our backs, okay? - Terrible Tues
Hey, guy, time for your morning bowl of Reality Chex (tm)!
Hey, hand me that dolphin burger & side of spotted owl fries.
Hey, has anybody seen Mike Rotch lately? - Moe
Hey, have you ever seen a vel crow?
Hey, he's got an ugly stick! - Crow on guy with spear
Hey, hey, my, myRock 'n Roll will never die.
Hey, hold on--there ARE five lights! I didn't see that other one!
Hey, how come NOBODY plays a sysop on TV???
Hey, if it wasn't for cleaning-up, we too could be Tagline Gods!
Hey, if it works, don't fix it!
Hey, if men wanna be stupid, then I'm sure gonna take all I can!
Hey, if you want facts...go to the library yourself!
Hey, is that Barry Manilow? - Yakko
Hey, is that thing SUPPOSED to smoke like that?
Hey, is this Heaven? No. IOWA!
Hey, is this your rubber vomit?"  "What rubber vomit?"  "Ack!"
Hey, is this your rubber vomit?"  "What rubber vomit?"  "Ack!"  -SLR
Hey, it's "Mister Daniels" to you, Jack.
Hey, it's Debbie Gibson - Beavis on Boy George.
Hey, it's William Mullaney, the atomic playboy!
Hey, it's my turn to sleep in the middle.
Hey, it's only a six-minute cartoon! - Yakko
Hey, jerkface! You have the face of a jerk! - Bart to Jimbo
Hey, kid!  'Wanna try a network?  The first call is free!
Hey, kid!  Wanna try a BBS?  First time is free.
Hey, kid!  Wanna try a network?  The first call is free!
Hey, kid!  Wanna try a network?  The first hour's free!
Hey, kid! 'Wanna try a network? The first call is free!
Hey, kid... where's your tagline? <g<
Hey, kids.. You like the rock and roll!!!!!?????
Hey, lemme tell *you* about Ralph, the COUSIN of God...
Hey, like you're a guy! What do YOU know about abortion?
Hey, like, sailing is really far out, man, said Tom hypnotically.
Hey, little boy, would you like some EchoSwiss chocolate?
Hey, little boy, would you like some Swiss chocolate?
Hey, little circuit-guy - Joel to Crow
Hey, little girl, would you like some Swiss chocolate?
Hey, look out! DUCK! - Crow on fight by duck pond
Hey, look!  A completely new undocumented fea&%$#*@ NO CARRIER
Hey, look! It's big fat Scotty from Star Trek!
Hey, look! The Sysop's personal direc...NO CARRIER!
Hey, look. Orville's being eaten.
Hey, lookit that!  A shark wearing Bob's SCUBA gear!
Hey, lookit that!  A shark wearing Chrissy Di's SCUBA gear!
Hey, lookit that!  A shark wearing David's SCUBA gear!
Hey, lookit that!  A shark wearing Dexter's SCUBA gear!
Hey, lookit that!  A shark wearing Frank's SCUBA gear!
Hey, lookit that!  A shark wearing Orville's SCUBA gear!
Hey, lookit that!  A shark wearing Rick's SCUBA gear!.
Hey, lookit that!  A shark wearing my SCUBA gear!
Hey, man, don't bad-mouth the head. - Bart Simpson
Hey, mister, are you TALL???
Hey, my (fill in the name) doesn't have a 16550 UART!
Hey, my (fill in the name) won't connect with anything at 9600!
Hey, my Goldfish looks just like yours!
Hey, nice interior - Tom as girl leans over car
Hey, nice tagline!  (Sulu, activate the tractor beam.)
Hey, please don't pick up that ph{{{~|z{|{ {
Hey, porcupine! - Tom to Mike
Hey, put me down!  I didn't say THROW ME.
Hey, put on your seatbelt.  I wanna try something ...
Hey, relax!  I've read two books on magick...what could go wrong?
Hey, remember, you lost her to me fair and square.
Hey, shit happens!
Hey, someone peed in my gene pool!
Hey, spank your monkey all you want, but keep your hands off mine!
Hey, stay coo.
Hey, steady girl.  What's the matter?  You smell something? - Luke
Hey, swivel around here so I can return the nibbles
Hey, that seltzer ain't free! - Krusty
Hey, that was quick! Thanks! :) - Dire Wolf
Hey, the phone's dead!
Hey, there are nine Scouts. Didn't we leave for camp with ten?
Hey, there goes Elvis... yo, King!
Hey, there's a NEW Mexico.. - Homer
Hey, there's a polka dotted monkey on your nose.
Hey, there's no "ANY" key on this keyboard!
Hey, these dogs are homosexual. huh huh huh
Hey, these new musical condoms are recaps!
Hey, this autograph looks like your writing. And why did he use crayon ?
Hey, this diploma is in English!
Hey, this isn't my ]tagline!  Who put this here?
Hey, this isn't my recipe! - Who put this here?
Hey, this isn't my tagline!  Who put this here?
Hey, try 72 ... maximum. Ya just gotta know what yer doing <g>
Hey, uh, tell us about the Rat Pack again! - Crow
Hey, wait a sec - THAT'S MY TAGLINE!  You STOLE it!
Hey, wait, don't pick up that ph#{#!@#$%^&*()=.
Hey, wake up! It's time for your sleeping pills.
Hey, wanna watch me pretend to throw up? - Wakko
Hey, wasn't there a cl#@^*%$@_@#$&%^| NO Barrier.
Hey, watch me pull a Tagline out of this message.
Hey, we with our twisted outlooks on life hafta stick together!! Linte
Hey, we're NEO-CONSERVATIVE doctors - Joel
Hey, we're out of wine, women, and so$#*&^%NO MERRIER
Hey, we're out of wine, women, and song*&^%NO MERRIER
Hey, we're overweight...throw out the charts!
Hey, we're posting taglines!... When we get around to it!
Hey, what does this RESET butto
Hey, what does this button do... {BOOM!} - Wes Crusher
Hey, what'll it be, mac?  Or IBM?  Or Amiga...
Hey, what's eating you?  Nothing, he's at the top of the food chain.
Hey, what's going on?  Is that a musical condom I hear?
Hey, what's that beeping noise? Where's that smoke coming from?
Hey, what's that? It my shadow! - The Cat
Hey, what's this ALT-227 thing for?
Hey, what's this button d<!!BOOM!!> -- Wesley
Hey, what's this in the back seat of my new Toyota?
Hey, whats that beeping noise? Wheres that smoke coming from?
Hey, when did I become the bad guy? - Dragonrider
Hey, where can I get a father board?
Hey, where do I get my Tourist shooting license ?
Hey, where'd my fonts go?$@#% NO COURIER
Hey, where's Charon?(*&^%NO FERRIER
Hey, where's the Page Sysop command in Blue Wave?
Hey, which word unquestionably uses all 5 vowels and "y"?
Hey, whitey! - Crow
Hey, who knew a cheese cutter could sound so good?
Hey, who spilled coffee on my Tagline?
Hey, who spilled coffee on my keyboard?
Hey, who spilled coffee on my keyboard?!
Hey, you bought the look - now live with what goes with it!!!   {EG}
Hey, you got a problem buddy??!!
Hey, you in front...Sit Down, Shut Up and Bite me!!!!!--George Carlin
Hey, you left yourself WIDE open
Hey, you sass that hoopy Dexter Fernandez?
Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect?
Hey, you sass that hoopy Jeff Godemann?
Hey, you sass that hoopy Orville?
Hey, you seem to have a mental breakdown..
Hey, you should see me when I *do* think!
Hey, you! Let's fight! ..Them's fightin' words!
Hey, you're on my foot! said Tom standoffishly.
Hey, you're pretty funny Beavis. "Yeah!" huh huh huh
Hey, you're pretty funny, Jason. huh huh huh
Hey, you're pretty funny, Orville. huh huh huh
Hey, you're still moving... have another beer.
Hey, you've got a nice baud!
Hey, your buffer's open...
Hey, your decloaking device is on the fritz. ;)
Hey. Don't pick up that pho            NO CARRIER.
Hey. Don't pick up that pho+>+Abe+++f NO CARRIER.
Hey. Hoppity hop - Tom
Hey. I am not a vampire.  I just like to bite.
Hey. Look! They're dead. Move it along! - Mike
Hey. Where's 'Squishy'? - Mike on guy who fell his death
Hey. You forgot the Power Glove!!!-Freddy Krueger
Hey. You never bother me. --Janeway.
Hey.. You have any other Baseball Taglines?
Hey.. wait.. what are you doing..  Hey!  Put that down!   Aaaahhhh!
Hey... Are those TIE Fighters flying towards u*^$&##& - NO CARRIER
Hey... Where's everyone running off to? - TEC
Hey... applying make-up in the car takes TIME! - TEC
Hey... it's me! - Han Solo
Hey... it's me.
Hey... may the Force be with you.
Hey.... I don't wanna keep 'em just play with them for a few hours!
Hey.... I'm like, not a pin cushion...Mischief....<OUCH>
Hey.....it's casual.....
Hey...I'm a vampire, I LOVE to bite.
Hey...a woman has the the right to change her mind, ya know.
Hey...it's a kind of magic. - Connor MacLeod
Hey...it's the best we could do on such short notice. -- Yakko
Hey...she's... good...
Hey...there's somthing scewey going on around here.  -E. Fudd
Hey...there's somthing scwewy going on around here. -E. Fudd
Hey...where are the Taglines????? :}
Hey..is this thing working?
HeyAre those TIE Fighters flying towards u*^$&##& - NO CARRIER
HeyWhere's everyone running off to? - TEC
Heyapplying make-up in the car takes TIME! - TEC
Heydillyho, Window-Buddy! - Flanders
Heyit's a kind of magic. - Connor MacLeod
Heyit's me! - Han Solo
Heyit's the best we could do on such short notice. -- Yakko
Heyla Reesa Shearer what did you say about Vampire Taglines?
Heylen:Haylen:Heylan anywhere in Middlesex, ENG
Heythere's somthing scewey going on around here.  -E. Fudd
Heythey get mad at me for everything I write- Eddy Gosset
Heyyyyyyy Abbot, I'm a Baaaaaad Boy!
Hhhe who hhhessitates is lllost.
Hi - internet = griffith@olympus.net
Hi -- we're Shirley MacLaine.
Hi @F! TmNice added your name to this Tag Line!
Hi @FN@ - where ever you are!
Hi @N@ - wherever you are!
Hi @TOFIRST@! I'm Barney! Will you be my **CHOMP**
Hi Big Boy! I'll be your tagline for the evening!
Hi Cujo... nice dog, nice boy, nice doggie... --Gary Pervier.
Hi Cujo...nice dog, nice boy, nice doggie.
Hi Cujo...nice dog, nice boy, nice doggy. --Gary Pervier.
Hi Doc. Just wanted to say happy birthday. - Garibaldi
Hi Ernie, you look great in powder blue.
Hi Ho Silver, Away! .. he cried hoarsely.
Hi Ho Silver, away...  Tom cried hoarsely.
Hi Ho! Hi Ho! Now where did my ancestors go?
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's Hand Grenades I throw!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's Nitro-9 we throw! - Ace & 7 dwarves
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's Nitro-9 we throw! - Ace and 7 dwarves.
Hi Ho, Silver, Awaaaaay (ouch!..eech!..oooch!..ouch!..eech!..oooch!..
Hi I'm from the government. I'm hear to help you! <grin
Hi Jefferson! How's your husband?
Hi Joe! I'm Barney! Will you be my **CHOMP**
Hi June, how's the beaver?
Hi Magic, have you met my friend CJ?
Hi Mike,
Hi Mom! I've joined the Neo-Druid Dead Puppy Cult!
Hi Monika,
Hi Mr. Rex ! I love you, you lov...<CHOMP !> -Barney at Jurassic Park.
Hi Mr. Rex! I'm Barney! I love you.  You love m*>CHOMP<*
Hi Mr.Rex, I'm Barney.. I love you, you love...*CHOMP*.
Hi Myra!!! Long time, no type!!! How in the heck have you been?
Hi Orville - wherever you are!
Hi Orville Bullitt - wherever you are!
Hi Orville! I'm Barney! Will you be my **CHOMP**
Hi Orville, you look great in powder blue.
Hi Orville. Would you like a game of chess?
Hi Rex!  I'm Barney!  Will you be my **CHOMP**
Hi Rex! I'm Barney! Will you be my fr<*CHOMP*> <*GULP*> <*BURP!*>
Hi Rex! I'm Barney! Would you be my.... **CHOMP**.
Hi Rex! I'm Barney. Would you like to be my... "**CHOMP**"!
Hi Roy. Who's the beard? - Crow on girl
Hi T. Rex! I'm Barney!  Will you be my  <**CHOMP**>
Hi There!  This is Eddie your shipboard computer!
Hi Windows 3.0, bye Windows 3.0
Hi clock. Hi bulletin board. Hi guy - Tom
Hi everybody. Your local Mike Nelson here - Mike
Hi folks!  Welcome to the Dillard Report!
Hi ho it's Kermit the Borg here. Sesame Street will be assimilated.
Hi ho! Hi ho, it's off into cyberspace we go.......Hi ho!
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off on a tangient I go.
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to wor....Nevermind...I'm sleeping in.
Hi ho, hi ho, off to assimilate we go...
Hi honey, did you miss me? With every bullet so far!
Hi kid. Miss me? - Aahz
Hi mom. I'm pregnant - Mike as teenage girl
Hi my name is Annie Key...Please don't hit me
Hi there! I'm Frank, what's your name? -Frank to dinosaur
Hi there, green and scaly! - Massha
Hi there.  I'm the person your mother warned you about.
Hi there. I'm Zorchie, your shipboard moderator.
Hi yo Silver, AWAAAAAYYYYYYYYY........
Hi!  I am a disabled .signature virus.
Hi!  I can't remember your name either
Hi!  I can't remember your name either!
Hi!  I can't remember your name either.
Hi!  I don't remember your name either!
Hi!  I'm Barf, half-man, half-dog..I'm my own best friend."
Hi!  I'm John Bobbitt for the Ginsu Knife Company's Ginsu 2000!
Hi!  I'm a mutating signature virus.  You can resist helping me spread!
Hi!  I'm a shareware signature!  Send $5 if you use me, send $10 for manual!
Hi!  I'm actor Troy McClure!
Hi!  I'm heavily armed, easily bored, and off medication!
Hi!  I'm your quote for this evening...
Hi! I am a .signature virus. Copy me into your .si
Hi! I brought your new script pages -Tom as guy drives up
Hi! I can't remember your name either
Hi! I don't remember your name either.
Hi! I'll be your asshole for the evening.
Hi! I'll be your tagline for this evening.
Hi! I'm Barf, half-man, half-dog..I'm my own best friend.
Hi! I'm Barney! Will you be my **CHOMP**
Hi! I'm John, and I'm your tagline for this evening.
Hi! I'm Martha Ray, the big mouth! -Crow as smiling skull
Hi! I'm Shelly! Rub my belly! - Tom as slutty biker chick
Hi! I'm a recipe virus! snag me! Make my day!
Hi! I'm a retired Tagline trying to see the world....
Hi! I'm a tagline virus!  Steal me & join in the fun!
Hi! I'm a tagline virus! Join in and steal me!
Hi! I'm a tagline virus! Steal me & join in the fun!
Hi! I'm a tagline virus! Steal me! Make my day!
Hi! I'm actor Troy McClure!
Hi! I'm bored, heavily armed, and have a Bible.
Hi! I'm from the government.  I'm here to help myself.
Hi! I'm from the underworld!
Hi! I'm heavily armed, bored, and off the medication.
Hi! I'm heavily armed, easily bored, and off medication.
Hi! I'm running for porn queen - Crow T. Robot as teen girl
Hi! I'm running for porn queen - Crow as teen girl
Hi! I'm the Cat! Hi. I'm the genetic mutant.
Hi! I'm the giant leech! See you later!
Hi! I'm the psycho!  - Crow as villain
Hi! I'm the tagline.  This is how many spaces I am from you last <CR>.
Hi! I'm your quote for this evening
Hi! My name is Annie Key. Why is everyone hitting me?
Hi! My name is Borg. how may I assimilate you!
Hi! My name is Dick and I am a vaginaholic. 
Hi! This is the world. I'm not in right now - Crow
Hi! Would you like a game of chess?
Hi, Bob, said the phone psychic to Steve, who hung up.
Hi, Captain Stuebin - Ace Ventura
Hi, Clayton - Mike reads to Dr. Forrester
Hi, Geoff!  Here's some Lawyer tags for the Legal conf.  8)
Hi, Hi! Oni su otisli na letovanje, a zaboravili da izbace macku...
Hi, I am Darryl Hannah of Borg: Let's assimilate.
Hi, I am Daryl Hannah of Borg: Let's assimilate.
Hi, I'll be your tagline for this evening.
Hi, I'm All, and I'm a tagline klepto....
Hi, I'm Annie Key - please don't hit me!
Hi, I'm Bar... *BLAM!* Hasta la vista, Barney!
Hi, I'm Barney... <BLAM!> Not any more...
Hi, I'm Barney... <BLAM!> Now you're extinct.
Hi, I'm Barney... <Blam> Not anymore...
Hi, I'm Bill "Danger" Medalone.
Hi, I'm Bob, your date, and this is Chuck, my lawyer.
Hi, I'm Bob, your date; this is Chuck, my lawyer.
Hi, I'm Cal, and I'm a tagline klepto...
Hi, I'm Chip. Micro Chip. Eight-o-four-eighty-six!
Hi, I'm Chip. Micro Chip. Eight-o-three-eighty-six!
Hi, I'm Dennis "Danger" Medalone.
Hi, I'm Ed McBorg. You may already have been assimilated.
Hi, I'm Jake. I'll be your guard - Mike
Hi, I'm John. --  How does it feel, being named after a bathroom?
Hi, I'm Orville, and I'm a tagline klepto...
Hi, I'm Peter Allen Fields, here on special orders from Starfleet.
Hi, I'm Susan. I'll be your daughter today - Frank
Hi, I'm Thomas and I'm a Magic Addict. " "Hello Thomas"
Hi, I'm Wastey the National spokesman for sweat - Tom
Hi, I'm a sammaritan, can I do anything - Tom
Hi, I'm a tagline virus. Please copy me!
Hi, I'm a tagline.  When I grow up I'm gonna be a novel!
Hi, I'm daddy & I will be your wife tonight - Mike
Hi, I'm from the Government.  I'm here to help you!
Hi, I'm from the US government. I'm here to help you!
Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help you!
Hi, I'm from the government.  I'm here to help you.
Hi, I'm looking for EAA -E-mail Anonymous Association-
Hi, I'm lsydexic.
Hi, JOE.  I have just 232K left!
Hi, Laverne, Tom said surely.
Hi, Mr. Rex! I love you, you lov...<CHOMP!> -Barney at Jurassic Park
Hi, Mr. Rex! I'm Barney! I love you, you love m...*CHOMP*
Hi, Mr. Rex! I'm Barney! I love you. You love m- *CHOMP!*
Hi, Mr. Rex! I'm Barney!...I love you...you love m.....*CHOMP!!!!*
Hi, Mr. Wolverine! I love you! You <snikt> don't love me! Bye!
Hi, Odie. <slap slap slap slap etc.> Thought I saw a mosquito.
Hi, Orville, missed you. *bang* *bang* Drat! Missed again.
Hi, Rex. I'm Barney. Will you be my ** CHOMP **!
Hi, T. Rex! I'm Barney! Will you be my ... <**CHOMP**>
Hi, do you mind if I pitch a tent for you?
Hi, does'nt this tagline suck?
Hi, everybody! Hi, Doctor Nick!
Hi, everyone!  I've been lurking around here for a while, and have
Hi, greetings, felicitations from Mr. Roget's Neighborhood.
Hi, greetings, felicitations from Mr. Roget's Neighbourhood.
Hi, my Goldfish looks just like yours!
Hi, my Goldfish looks just like yours!"
Hi, my name is Annie Key.  Please don't hit me!
Hi, my name is Annie Key.  Why does everybody hit me?
Hi, my name is Annie Key. Please don't hit me!
Hi, my name is Annie Key. Please don't push me!
Hi, my name is Bob and I'll be your robber tonight.
Hi, my name is Emmitt of Borg, nice to assimilate you.
Hi, my name is John, and I'm a closet lurker.
Hi, my name is Orville Bullitt and I'll be your robber tonight...
Hi, my name is Rover, I'll paint your car yellow free.
Hi, my name's Big O, I'll be your flamethrower today.
Hi, my name's Boba, Boba Fett. People call me Boba Fett.
Hi, son. I broke your lamp and lost all your mail.. - Grampa
Hi, the voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you.
Hi, this is Ranma, my girlfriend.... Why are you laughing?
Hi, this is my girlfriend Ranma.  Why are you laughing?
Hi, what would you like with your fries?
Hi-Ho Hi-Ho, it's off to the institution I go!
Hi-Ho Hi-Ho, its off to the institution I go!
Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's midgets that I throw - Snow White
Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to FUBS we go / We fill our nooks with SF books
Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to FUBS we go!
Hi-yo . . . Ouch! Sliver! Damn broom!
Hi.  Does anybody have any Calvin and Hobbes taglines that I could
Hi.  I'm the recipe your mother warned you about.
Hi.  I'm the tagline your mother warned you about.
Hi.  My name is All and I'm a Tagline Addict..
Hi.  My name is Cal and I'm a Tagline Addict.
Hi.  My name is Randy and I'm a Tagline Addict.
Hi.  My name is Rover, I'll paint your car yellow for free.
Hi.  My name is Rover, I'll paint your car yellow free.
Hi. I see you've met the Satanic Cat from Hell.
Hi. I'll be your tagline for this evening.
Hi. I'm Hillary. Welcome to your worst nightmare.
Hi. I'm here to pick up the pope's Super Bowl tickets.
Hi. I'm not in this -Crow as guy walks through background
Hi. My name is Jon, and i can type.
Hi. My name is Rover, I'll paint your car yellow free.
Hi. My name is Vampyra and I'm a tagline addict.
Hi. We're the Blues Brothers. We're on a mission from Borg.
Hi. You have just entered the fourth dimension. Small isn't it?
Hi. my name is Rover.  I'll paint your car yellow for free.
Hiawatha a good boy once.
Hick: Looks both ways before crossing a one-way stree\S
Hick: Looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.
Hick: looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.
Hicks don't mix with politics..." - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Hid behind the door when they passed out brains.
Hiddely ho, good neighbor!  What can I doodedly-do ya for?
Hidden DOS secret: add BUGS=OFF in your CONFIG.SYS
Hidden Taglines?  I haven't seen any hidden Taglines...
Hidden level of on-the-job sex:  Sexual Blackmail
Hidden level of on-the-job sex:  Sexual Bribery
Hidden level of on-the-job sex:  Sexual harassment
Hidden level of on-the-job sex:  Workplace flirtation
Hidden level of on-the-job sex:  Workplace incest
Hidden level of on-the-job sex:  Workplace porn
Hidden level of on-the-job sex:  Workplace prostitution
Hidden recipes?  I haven't seen any hidden recipes...
Hidden talent counts for nothing... Nero
Hiddley Ho! Get lost, Flanders. Byedly-bye!
Hiddley Ho! Get lost, Flanders. Okely-dokely!
Hiddley Ho, neighbor! Get lost, Flanders. Okkely-dokkely!
Hide and shriek
Hide behind that nun! - Crow on shootout in hospital
Hide my rotting body from the claws of decay.
Hide the HotDog
Hide the cat & let them think it ran away.
Hide the gerbils!  Here comes Clinton's new army!
Hide the gerbils!  Here comes Clinton's new army!!!!
Hide the sausage
Hide wallet!!!  Computer Store ahead!!!
Hide when you bite your nails, or everyone will wonder.
Hide your prostitutes! - Crow as politician
Hide your sheep the Scots are coming.
Hide your women!  The Mongols are coming!
Hide.  I hear they're coming out with a 12-step program ....
Hideley Hey! Get lost, Flanders. Toodeley-doo!
Hideley Ho, neighbour! Go away Flanders. Okeley-Dokeley!
Hideous control now! Needy on the road now! - Joel/Bots
Hididdlelee ho, Neighbor! - Flanders
Hidillee ho, Neighborino! - Flanders
Hidilly hey! Go home. Toodlelee doo!
Hidilly ho, Slaverinos! - Lord Flanders
Hiding backwards inside of me I feel so unafraid - NIN
Hiding from the Turing Police
Hiding from the millions of randy women after me!
Hiding something from a kender is pointless.
Hiding the salami
Hidy Ho, Kermit the Frog heeeere.
Hieraco"That man is the Michelangelo of deviant behavior."
Hieroglyphics:  the original GUI.
Higashi No Kazi Ami -- Haruna
High Colonic (def.) - Jewish religious holiday.
High Colonic:  Jewish religious holiday.
High Colonic:  Jewish religious holiday...
High Flyin', Death Defyin', Devil Dunkin' Power Jam.
High Lottery Number or High on Dope? Clinton..NOT!
High Message: 9434576   Last Read: 9   BUMMER!
High School Teacher: Teaches it because they can't do it!
High achievement comes only from high expectations.
High blood pressure? Don't use Telix. It has SALT!
High bottom drunk--face in the gutter and their butt on the curb.
High density, double density... and I was ashamed to be dense?
High energy physicists do it whenever they get a hadron.
High explosives and school don't mix
High explosives and school don't mix - Bart Simpson's lines
High explosives and school don't mix -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F03
High explosives and school don't mix -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F03
High explosives and school don't mix. --Bart Simpson.
High explosives are applicable where truth and logic fail.
High explosives are the solution to almost any personal problem!
High explosives will solve almost any problem.
High explosives will solve almost anything.
High five for BABYLON FIVE!
High insurance rates are what killed dinosaurs.
High message:  943432.  Last message you read:  159.
High message:  953267    Message last read:  2   (Uh-oh!)
High message: 943432.          Message you last read: 59.
High message: 943432.  Last message you read: 59.
High message: 943432.  Message you last read: 59.
High message: 943432. Last message you read: 59.
High message: 943432. Message you last read: 59. <=Ouch!
High message: 953267 Message last read: 2 (Uh-oh!)
High octane suds! Woooooo! - Mike
High on a hill lived a lonely goatheard, yodelehe yodelehe yodeleleheu
High on coffee and rather sticky. - Mutant Raccoon
High overhead, a mysterious bloated figure comes upon the scene.
High priest awaiting dagger in hand, spilling the pure virgin blood
High risk...your broker's office is above the second floor.
High school sweethearts with suicide pact kill parents instead!
High schools are the breeding grounds of Fascism. --- H. L. Mencken
High speed computer is a computer dropped from CN tower.
High speed computer is a computer dropped from the CNN Tower.
High tech my butt!  They still have rotary phones!
High thoughts must have high language.       Aristophanes
High-end Macintosh = a Yugo with a supercharger and Nitrous oxide.
High-spirited: crazy and hyperactive.
High_End_Mac = Yugo_With_A_SuperCharger
Highballing the skyways between the stars
Highbrow:  A person who enjoys a thing until it becomes popular.
Higher Brain malfunction due to lack of sleep and coffee.
Higher Brain malfunction due to lack of sleep and no coffee.
Higher Brain malfunction due to sleep and no coffee.
Higher education isn't proof against greater stupidities.
Higher than a hippy the 3rd day of an open air festival. --Kryten.
Higher versions mean more bugs found...
Highlander II:  The Sickening
Highlander II:  There should have only been one.
Highlander II: The Sickening
Highlander of Borg:  "There can be only one Assimilator..."
Highlight and delete that stupid  :)  off your screen !
Highly unlikely but not outside the realm of extreme possibility.
Highschool cheerleader suffers from Athletes Fetus! News at 10!
Highway Travel:                    Dusty Rhodes
Highway Travel: Dusty Rhodes
Hike Ngranek!  The vacation to last a lifetime!
Hikeeba! Gotta go! - Crow on fight scene
Hikehike:  Taking a male dog for a walk.
Hikers do it naturally.
Hiking:  If you don't care where you are, you aren't lost.
Hilary Clinton of Borg -> Prepare to have your salary asimilated!
Hill Kills Hil's Bill, Hil Kills Bill, Dems Ill.
Hill and Billy Clinton... hmmm.
Hillary Clinton  AKA  Madam President
Hillary Clinton honest?!? Don't make me laugh.
Hillary Clinton in an apron is like Michael Dukakis in a tank.
Hillary Clinton is a closet ditto-head!
Hillary Clinton of Borg - Prepare to have your salary assimilated!
Hillary Clinton of Borg -> Prepare to have your salary asimilated!
Hillary Clinton of Borg -> Prepare to have your salary assimilated!
Hillary Clinton slept her way to the top.
Hillary Clinton stars in "Plan 9 From Outer Arkansas"
Hillary Clinton talks to dead people. And they answer.
Hillary Clinton's favorite breakfast?  Shredded wheat.
Hillary Clinton's favorite breakfast? Shredded wheat.
Hillary Clinton's favorite movie?   "Mommy Dearest"
Hillary Clinton's favorite movie?   "Plan 9 From Outer Space"
Hillary Clinton's favorite movie?   "Rosemary's Baby"
Hillary Clinton's favorite movie?   "The Omen"
Hillary Clinton's favorite movie? "The Omen"
Hillary Clinton's favorite song?    "If I Only Had a Heart"
Hillary Clinton, "I tried homosexuality once, but I didn't spit."
Hillary Clinton, "I tried oral sex once, but I didn't inhale."
Hillary Clinton, AKA Madam President
Hillary Clinton..quite frankly, she strikes me as a troll.
Hillary Clinton:  America's designated hitler.
Hillary Clinton: America's Eva Peron
Hillary Clinton: America's biggest hypocrite.
Hillary Clinton: Arkansas "rainmaker" not hotshot lawyer.
Hillary Clinton: a female Klingon with PMS
Hillary Clinton: political remora.
Hillary Clinton: the little first lady with megalomania.
Hillary Health term: Pap Smear--A fatherhood test
Hillary Special; NO breasts, and only left wings!
Hillary and Newt's mom, on the next WWF RAW!
Hillary doesn't need a face lift, just an ego lowering.
Hillary happens.
Hillary is such a FOX!  (Now, send out the hounds!)
Hillary is the EDLIN of Presidents, Bill is COPY CON.
Hillary looks like the south end of a northbound donkey.
Hillary needs a _REAL_ man!
Hillary of Borg:  Choice is irrelevant.
Hillary of Borg: Your health will be assimilated.
Hillary's Broom was seen fleeing Foster "suicide" scene.
Hillary's broom was seen fleeing Foster "suicide" scene.
Hillary's favorite Politically Correct vegetable?  Bill Clinton!
Hillary's follies!  OUR HEALTH!
Hillary's health care plan has more holes than a tennis racket.
Hillary's in charge of Bill's balls.
Hillary's testoserone level is up again.
Hillary's testosterone level is up again.
Hillary, have Yeltsin call back, I'm doing Mr. Rogers.
Hillary, where's my college yearbook, I need more staff
Hillary:  Bill, I don't think this is Little Rock.
Hillary: Cattle futures, anyone?
Hillbilly Tagline: G. I. Series - Baseball game between soldiers
Hillbilly Tagline: Urine - opposite of your out!
Hillbilly wedding: "You may kiss your sister."
Hillery, now Connie
Hills weed out the weak.  Darwin would argue this is good.
Him STRONG, like bull - SMART, like tractor...
Him again. He could suck the air out of ANY movie - Joel
Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. - John 6:37
Him that hes a muckle nose thinks ilka yin speaks o't.-Old Scot Sayin
Him to her: My replicator works; how's yours?
Him??  Oh, he was playing leapfrog with a unicorn.....
Himen.sys - I knew something was broken.
Himorrhoids and hermorrhoids...gender specific terms.
Hind sight is always 20-20.
Hind sight is better depending on whose hind.
Hindenborg:  "Hydrogen is irrelevant...<BOOM!>...oops, guess not..."
Hindenborg: O.K. so Hydrogen was relevant.
Hindenburg Limbaugh:  art imitates life
Hindquarters special of the day !Bring buns !
Hindsight always was better than foresight.
Hindsight is 20/20 Vision. No glasses required.
Hindsight is always 20-20.
Hindsight is always 20:20.
Hindsight is an exact science.
Hindsight is better, depending on whose hind.
Hindsight is ever perfect - Tayledras curse
Hindsight is the most exact of the sciences.
Hindsight is usually better, depending on the hind you've sighted
Hindsight shows you how you busted your skull--Friday
Hindu to Christian:  "How many *times* have you been born-again?"
Hindu to hotdog vendor: "Make me one with everything."
Hinduism - This **** happennd before.
Hinduism ... This S*** happened before
Hinduism:      This shit happened before
Hinduism: (def) This s**t happened before.
Hinduism: This s**t happened before.
Hinduism: This shit happened before.
Hint for concoms: Never put Akane in charge of hospitality.
Hint number one, don't call them 'wimmen'!  <g>
Hint, use Tagline Express and reedit your reply.
Hint:  Bill Clinton is a mutated Ferengi trader.
Hint: See if you can find UUEXC525.ZIP by Richard Marks
Hip cats are usually nervous.
Hippie: One that leaves no turn unstoned.
Hippity hop phatang strawberry potatoes - Tom
Hippity-hic, hippity-hic! -- Peter Rabbit on fermented carrots.
Hippo bunny two ewes!
Hippocrate: zoo shipping carton
Hippocrates: Fat, ancient Greek who liked mud.
Hippocratic oath  swearing by hippos.
Hips or lips:  Let your conscience be your guide
Hips or lips:  Let your conscience be your guide...
Hire Kenny G to play in the elevator. - Krusty the Klown
Hire a Sailor! We do well when the store catches fire or sinks!!! -bw
Hire a manic--they work like crazy!
Hire a quality person, hire a Scout.
Hire a slave. They're BONDable!
Hire a teenager while he still knows everything
Hire a teenager while they still know it all.
Hire optimists for Sales and pessimists to run the Credit Dept.
Hire teenagers while they THINK  they still know everything.
Hire teenagers while they still know everything ...
Hire teenagers while they still know everything.
Hire teenagers while they still know everything.
Hire teenagers while they still think that they know everything!
Hire teenagers while they still think they know everything.
Hire the Handicapped, they're fun to watch!
Hire the hadicapped...they really can do things.
Hire the handicapped - give a Fundamentalist a job.
Hire the handicapped - they're fun to watch.
Hire the handicapped. Hire Davros!
Hire the left handed one...it's fun to watch them write!
Hire the left-handed, it's fun to watch them write.
Hire the morally handicapped
Hire the morally handicapped.
His Love is just a Prayer away...
His Mickey Mouse gloves give him incredible power - Crow
His Royal Quagmire of Monologue invites you to a reading.
His Slinky's kinked.
His Yin and Yang are no longer on speaking terms.
His agony was gorgeous; I need to be slapped.
His antenna doesn't pick up all the channels.
His banner over me is love. - Solomon 2:4
His banner over me was love. - Solomon 2:4
His belt doesn't go through all the loops.
His bioelectric patterns are in a state of temporal flux. - Data
His body is perfectly spherical; he weareth a runcible hat. -Edw. Lear
His boy Elroy.  Mr. Worf, fire at Elroy.
His brain is squirming like a toad.
His brain is two months past the expiry date.
His brain needs training wheels
His buffer is full.
His career will take a thud -Joel sings on has-been actor
His chimney's clogged.
His chin looks like a parker house roll! - Crow on cleft
His chin must hurt - Tom on guy w/cleft chin
His colors were crimson and his words were golden. <re Rein>
His cousin booking fare cuts, he's got Billy Clinton's eyes!
His date is SO humilliated right now - Mike on geeky guy
His dialing thumb must be broken.
His ears are still ticking - Tom as guy w/big ears wrecks
His ears made him look like a taxicab with both doors ope
His egotism is a plain case of mistaken nonentity.
His elevator doesn't go all the way to the penthouse.
His elevator doesn't go to the top floor.
His elevator doesn't run to the top.
His elevator goes all the way to the top, but the door doesn't open.
His elevator is stuck between floors.
His engine was smoking, but that's ok, it's old enough.
His eyes are so bad, he has to wear contact lenses to see his glasses.
His face is being eaten away - Mike
His face never really came together - Crow
His face springs into action! - Tom
His face was as expressionless as a smoked herring.
His face was filled with broken commandments.
His face was flushed but his broad shoulders saved him.
His family are all baboons! - Crow sings about Tom
His family tree doesn't fork.
His family wasn't dysfunctional until he arrived.
His father was a mudder... His MOTHER was a mudder.
His feet which were like bad meat or good cheese - Crow
His forehead has been clear cut - Mike
His fork only has one tong.
His gene pool has an acute algae problem.
His gyros are loose.
His hair doesn't look combed, it looks paved - Crow
His hair is bouncin' and behavin' - Crow
His hair is pulled back into a severe bun - Mike
His hair looks so natural - Crow on Pernell Roberts
His head is on backwards! - Zircon
His head looks like a dip cone - Crow on alien's beard
His head on any bird in the world would make it a turkey.
His head smashed in and his heart cut out...
His head whistles in a cross wind.
His head whistles in a crosswind.
His helmet is ribbed for her pleasure - Mike
His idea of fun is folding sheets! - Rimmer
His last words were: Huzzah! -- MST3K
His leg had to be amputated.  It had Gingrich.
His letterhead. His CRAYOLA letterhead - Tom on letter
His liberty is full of threats to all. - Hamlet
His library has run out of books.
His life was formal; his actions seemed ruled with a ruler.
His little red choo choo done jumped the track.
His low-fat diet really works!  The fat hangs lower every day
His memory is truly random-access.
His mercy endureth for ever. - Psalm 136:1
His mind is like a steel sieve.
His mind is like a steel trap - full of mice - Foghorn Leghorn
His mind is like a steel trap - full of mice.
His mind is like a steel trap - rusted shut!
His mind is like concrete - mixed up and permanently set!
His mind is on vacation but his mouth is working
His mind is on vacation but his mouth is working overtime.
His mind is out to pasture.
His mind is so narrow, he could look through a keyhole with BOTH eyes!
His money is twice tainted: 'taint yours and 'taint mine.
His mustache is like little windshield wipers - Tom
His name is Mephisto, can we keep him? -- MST3K
His name is Rimmer. Or Smeghead. Or Molecule-mind. Or--Lister.
His name is Rimmer. Or Smeghead. Or Molecule-mind. Or...
His name is Zimmerman.  He looks a lot like me, actually. - the HoloDoc
His name shall be called...The everlasting Father- Isa. 9:6
His name shall be called...The mighty God- Isa. 9:6
His name's Howard. "Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be Thy name"
His neurons must have tenure - none of them can be fired.
His nipples are shrinking! - Tom
His nuts roasting on an open fire...  OUCH!
His only problem is the world exists
His opposite is a Dog, not a Cat. - Lister
His overconfidence will be the death of him. --Kor.
His pajama's are a little formal - Mike on guy in suit
His parents threw away the baby and kept the afterbirth.
His parents threw out the baby and kept the bathwater.
His perfect kingdom of killing, suffering, and pain - NIN
His picture is in the dictionary under "zero".
His pooper. Or his anus - Tom
His poor little head's trembling under the weight of it.
His pores get plugged & go untreated &he dies - Crow
His post: [ ]Humorous [ ]Insightful [X]Just plain stupid.
His pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere.
His pulse never rose above 80, even while he ate her tongue.
His puzzle is missing a few pieces.
His quantum waves have collapsed to dead, Jim.
His real name's Clint but Jondor has a certain ring -Mike
His reality check just bounced.
His receiver is off the hook.
His record IS impressive. - Ivanova
His reserve, a quiet defense. Riding out the day's events.: Rush
His reset line is glitching.
His response is unknown, and probably unprintable.
His scotch: DeWars.  His car: Saturn.  His OS: OS/2, of course.
His seat back is not in the full upright and locked position.
His sense of smell, no doubt. Who had to clean the stables? :-)
His sharing was illuminated by occasional flashes of silence.
His shirt is so tight you can see his liver - Crow
His signal-to-noise ratio is epsilon.
His skylight leaks a little.
His synapses are about *that* far apart.
His system administrator is never in.
His train of thought is still boarding at the station - Calvin
His upcoming piece on zero gravity girdles - Tom Servo
His wife got rid of 235 pounds of ugly fat....she divorced him.
His wife has two cunts - He's one of them.
His wife hurt herself making dinner yesterday - frostbite
His wife hurt herself making dinner yesterday.
His wife was a brunette. He had married a blonde, but then she dyed.
His/Her turbolift doesn't go all the way to the bridge.
Hiss! <scratch> - Spot, to Riker
Historian: an unsuccessful novelist.
Historian: person with extra-century perception.
Historians DO IT over long periods of time.
Historians USED to do it
Historians did it.
Historians do it for old times' sake.
Historians prophesy about the past.
Historians study who did it.
Historic Tagline: "Taglines beget their own Negation." --Karl Marx
Historical Impersonations presents Cardinal Richelieu as Petula Clark.
Historical reminder: always keep Horace before Descartes.
History - an agreed upon bunch of lies, written by the victors.
History - the mistakes that we cannot avoid in the future
History = An agreed upon bunch of lies, written by the victors.
History and reality are both what you make of them.
History books get it right on the second edit.
History books which contain no lies are DULL.
History books which contain no lies are extremely dull.
History does not repeat itself, -- historians merely repeat each other.
History does not repeat itself; historians merely repeat each other.
History doesn't repeat itself - historians merely repeat each other.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. -- Mark Twain
History doesn't repeat itself. Historians do.
History doesn't repeat, historians repeat each other.
History in the making is always censored.
History is a continuing series of current events.
History is a lame excuse for the stupid things men do.
History is a lie commonly agreed upon. - Neitzche
History is a one way road with all exits closed.
History is a set of lies agreed upon by the Victors
History is a set of lies agreed upon by the Victors.
History is a set of lies agreed upon.
History is everything that happens apart from weather.
History is made at night.
History is the essence of innumerable biographies.
History is the refutation of the "moral world order." - Nietzsche
History is the sum total of things that could have been avoided.
History is written by the whiners!
History keeps repeating itself because nobody listens. -
History never repeats itself. - Larry Niven
History never repeats itself. At best it sometimes rhymes.
History proves, Miltary Budget cuts equals economic hard times.
History repeats itself because almost nobody listens.
History repeats itself because nobody cares.
History repeats itself because nobody listens
History repeats itself because nobody listens.
History repeats itself, because @FN@ never listens.
History repeats itself, but each time the price goes up.
History repeats itself.
History repeats itself.  Historians repeat each other.
History repeats itself.  That's one thing wrong with history.
History repeats itself. I'll have another glass of orange juice!
History repeats itself. It has to - nobody listens.
History repeats itself. That's what's wrong with history.
History repeats itself;  historians repeat each other.
History teaches us that we learn NOTHING from history.
History tends to exaggerate.
History tends to exaggerate. - Col. Green
History's FIRST really awkward moment - Crow on dance
History,the mistakes that we cannot avoid in the future
History:  A bunch of lies, agreed upon by the victors.
History: A set of lies agreed upon by the victors..
History: An illusion caused by the passage of time.
History: Do you remember keypunch cards? Y = Retire.
History: an agreed on bunch of lies written by the victors.
History:Mostly guessing; the rest is prejudice - Durant
Hit @#$*;/ to abort. Hit any other key to format C.
Hit ALT-H for SYSOP function.
Hit ALT-H for free D/L credits?  Ok!!!  #+&+^% NO CARRIER
Hit ALT-H for free D/L credits? Ok!!! #+&+^% NO CARRIER
Hit ALT-H for free d/l credits? Ok! .j..<NO CARRIER.
Hit Alt-H for temporary Sysop access.
Hit Any Key to Continue - SMASH!  (OOPS)
Hit Ctrl-A for greater control over your Tagline's destination.
Hit Ctrl-A for greater control over your recipe's destination.
Hit It With The Nerf.Bat! Works Every Time.
Hit and key to continue.........EXCEPT THAT ONE!!
Hit and run means never having to say you're sorry.
Hit any Key to Continue or Any Other Key to Quit
Hit any key (with baseball bat) to continue...
Hit any key except +UX+b  NO CARRIER
Hit any key except ..  NO CARRIER
Hit any key to continue or any other key to quit
Hit any key to continue, hit any other key to reformat your hard drive
Hit any key to continue... EXCEPT DAT ONE!
Hit any key to continue... F ... Not THAT one, stupid!
Hit any key to continue... any other key to format C:
Hit any key to quit, or any other key to continue.
Hit any sysop to continue.
Hit any user to continue
Hit here [ ] with hammer for a new monitor...
Hit him again, I saw his foot move.
Hit it! - The Mask
Hit me again, I love it! ---Soddam Hussein
Hit me one time...Hit me twice...OH!  That's rather nice!" -- Hexxus
Hit me, I'm a lawyer
Hit me, I'm a lawyer...
Hit the showers, white boy. You're debunked.
Hitch-hiking on the Information Superhighway.
Hitchcooking:  Stabbing frozen food to speed up cooking.
Hitchhiker Guide Entry... EARTH - Mostly harmless.
Hitchhiker's Guide - "Cheaper than the 'Encyclopedia Galactica'."
Hitler 6,000,000; Christianity 50,000,000
Hitler became Moderator of Germany in 1933. <--Title incorrect.
Hitler started with gun control, too!
Hitler thought private gun ownership was a problem too.
Hitler was a Conservative.
Hitler's brain survives in Rush's head.
Hitler, Hussein, Geco, if only their father's had worn condoms.
Hitler, Hussein, He, if only their father's had worn condoms.
Hitler, Hussein, Ricky Foltz, if only their father's had worn condoms.
Hitler,Satan,Reagan -at least the first two were up front
Hitler: 6,000,000; Stalin: 25,000,000; Christianity: 50,000,000
Hitlery Clinton -- big brother in drag. 
Hitlery is even taxing my patience. 
Hitlery is not running the country, Chelsea is.
Hitno potrebna LEPA DEVOJKA radi sexa !!!
Hitno potrebna devojka koja koristi mejbi bejbi!
Hitting Pins, by 'Bo Ling'
Hitting Rob on the head is a Lowe blow.
Hitting him with a Marathon bar - Crow
Hiya Fella: Gladys Eeya
Hiya Fella: Gladys Eeya*
Hiya, Doc! What's cookin'? - Data
Hiyo Voyager, away!
Hm  what's this red button fo:=/07< -- [NO CARRIER].
Hm! She is made of harder stuff!
Hm, unconscious, exactly as I planned. - Ace Ventura
Hm...doesn't sound like him....
Hm..what's this red button foº½¯°·¼NO CARRIER
HmBill GatesBill Doorcoincidence?
HmMMMMmMM she said.
Hmm ... the above paragraph fails all intelligence scans.
Hmm ... the above quoted bits fail all intelligence scans.
Hmm How *did* they finally kill Frosty? -- Hobbes
Hmm nice! Wonder what they pay for rent? -Crow in Deep 13
Hmm! She is made of harder stuff!
Hmm! When the cats away, the mice go into orbit!
Hmm, I owe the echo (1) recipe
Hmm, good answer! - Crow on goofy techno-babble
Hmm, lemme see, Dragon Handbook...Red <SCORCH>
Hmm, let me think. - Pinky Don't hurt yourself, Pinky. - Brain
Hmm, let's see..I can burn the flag, but not tobacco?
Hmm, nice floppies.
Hmm, nice hem - Mike as camera shows girl's sexy legs
Hmm, not bad. Here's what I have!
Hmm, now what does this key do agai
Hmm, that's funny - I don't remember ordering dragon.
Hmm, whatt happens if I <ZZZZZZTT> MEEEEEOOOOWWWWWW!!!
Hmm,Wonder what this red button does*%^$*%^#+NO CARRIER
Hmm. Single syllables! A formidable opponent. - The Tick
Hmm. Single syllables! A formidible opponent. - The Tick
Hmm.. Alyx.. you need to get out more. ;) - Dire Wolf
Hmm.. it somehow seems a little too nice..
Hmm.. nice floppies.
Hmm.. y'say less than half the cars you own run..?
Hmm.. you seem to have a.. carefully chosen collection of seashells.
Hmm... How *did* they finally kill Frosty? - Hobbes
Hmm... I usually roll over and go to sleep...:) - TEC
Hmm... Let's see what this Red button does @(#*$&$(# NO CARRIER
Hmm... drinking isn't herediary, is it? Can't be... - TEC
Hmm... hockey or boxing?  Same tickets anyway... =)
Hmm... what's this red button fo NO CARRIER
Hmm......Think I need an "Aladdin" fix.
Hmm...tastes like chicken. Here toady toady toady. huh huh huh
Hmm...tastes like chicken. Here toady toady. huh huh huh
Hmm...what's this red button fo******NO CARRIER.
Hmm..Wonder what this red button doe..*%^$*%^&$#(*^%  NO CARRIER
Hmm? None for me, thanks. I'm in lumberjack mode - trying to cut down.
HmmHow *did* they finally kill Frosty? -- Hobbes
HmmI usually roll over and go to sleep...:) - TEC
HmmLet's see what this Red button does @(#*$&$(# NO CARRIER
Hmmdrinking isn't herediary, is it? Can't be- TEC
Hmmdrinking isn't hereditary, is it? Can't be- TEC
Hmmlooks human.  Smells funny.  Must be an android.
Hmmm ... isn't BBSing just full of surprises?
Hmmm Warm And Snuggly, Just Like I Like 'Em - Cow With Underpant's.
Hmmm Warm And Snuggly, Just Like I Like'm - Cow With Underpant's.
Hmmm Whats this red button for *(*&%^#>NO CARRIER
Hmmm how about involuntary dismissal, then?
Hmmm! When the cats awaythe mice go into orbit!
Hmmm, ... Mail Hub Down, wonder what this file thing is?
Hmmm, Alphabetical order, what _*WILL*_ they think of next???
Hmmm, Feels A Little Snug, Have To Cut Back On Sweets - Stimpy.
Hmmm, How Do I Get Inside That Head - Ren.
Hmmm, I fear I'm not good in a harsh discussion when talking/writing i
Hmmm, I'd have sworn I had another recipe...
Hmmm, I'd have sworn I had another tagline...
Hmmm, It's either very young cheese or very old meat.
Hmmm, Mail Hub Down, wonder what this file thing is?
Hmmm, Maybe I should have read this one!
Hmmm, What does "Formatting Drive C:" mean?
Hmmm, When is the last time the Tooth Fairy visited you?
Hmmm, define original <g<.  Are these quotes from the books, tv or
Hmmm, it looks somewhat bold - Dr. Forrester
Hmmm, taking umbrage ... is that anything like stealing taglines?
Hmmm, that's funny - I don't remember ordering a dragon
Hmmm, the fence must still be down over at the funny farm.
Hmmm, this all seems very familiar somehow....
Hmmm, what could I give you that you don't already have ???
Hmmm,not much to see at the movies.Let's just stay in & watch the Orb.
Hmmm. Did your parents happen to own a cattle prod?
Hmmm. I feel like being annoying today, and since it's Sunday. (EG)
Hmmm. Interesting. - Kryten
Hmmm. Looks like I picked up "cent" as well as "penny."
Hmmm. Mine got here by spacecraft and teleportation in 1900.
Hmmm. You are a hard one to kill, Blofeld.
Hmmm.. What about Doctor Mal Practice?
Hmmm.. what's this red button fo******NO CARRIER
Hmmm... A giant fire breathing cat just teleported in.
Hmmm... Doctor Who tags (that you haven't got?)
Hmmm... I can see I need to do some editing.  8)
Hmmm... It's either very young cheese or very old meat.
Hmmm... This @N@ person must not read the docs.
Hmmm... What's this red button fo|+>#++NO CARRIER
Hmmm... you failed your Turing test, didn't you?
Hmmm...Hastur, He who must not be named --oops$%*&# NO CARRIER
Hmmm...I think there's something unreasonable in your reasoning. - DW
Hmmm...I wonder what this button does...*&#%(*#%!#% NO CARRIER
Hmmm...Is this TAG on? Thump Thump Thump
Hmmm...There was no tagline specified for this message..I WONDER WHY???
Hmmm...does Ralph Cramden use Norton's Utilities?
Hmmm...hockey or boxing?  Same tickets, anyway...
Hmmm...maybe some questions are better left unanswered. <BG>
Hmmm...when was the last time the Tooth Fairy visited you?
Hmmm?  Oh, sorry.  I was having an out of body experience.
Hmmm?  You said something?
Hmmm? Are you talking about catfish or lawyers?
HmmmA giant fire breathing cat just teleported in.
HmmmDoctor Who tags (that you haven't got?)
HmmmI think there's something unreasonable in your reasoning. - DW
HmmmI wonder what this button does*&#%(*#%!#%#NO CARRIER
HmmmWhat's this red button fo|+>#++NO CARRIER
Hmmmm what's this red button+++| NO CARRIER
Hmmmm, I think my family came from a rotten tree.
Hmmmm, now where did I put that recipe?
Hmmmm, now where did I put that tagline?
Hmmmm, that's funny - I don't remember ordering dragon.
Hmmmm, this is a tagline echo...better upload some tags quick!
Hmmmm. New shotgun or pay the rent? (deciding).
Hmmmm. Wonder if I should put this in my INDEX ? <EG>
Hmmmm... Now where did I park my Hard Drive
Hmmmm... Teach you backwards to speak, I can.. -Yoda-
Hmmmm... for a moment there, it all made sense...
Hmmmm.... Mackyl Jerky. - Mousse
Hmmmm....Never actually been to a Colombian brothel before.......
Hmmmm....how about The Dominion vs. The Borg?
Hmmmm...Err...Is it *suupposed* to smoke like that?
Hmmmm...maybe you need the HANDS-ON DEMO???????
Hmmmm...well, I am getting SVR4 for my HP 48SX.....
Hmmmm...what do you send to a sick florist
Hmmmm.Mackyl Jerky. - Mousse
Hmmmm? VOODOO! - Dr. Forrester
HmmmmI take it *your* religion is sponsored by Oscar Meyer?
HmmmmTeach you backwards to speak, I can.. -Yoda-
Hmmmmaybe some questions are better left unanswered. <BG>
Hmmmmhow about The Dominion vs. The Borg?
Hmmmmm ... What would @FN@ do in this situation?
Hmmmmm ... What would Allison do in this situation?
Hmmmmm ... What would Batman do in this situation?
Hmmmmm ... What would James do in this situation?
Hmmmmm ... What would Orville do in this situation?
Hmmmmm take you to him I will. -- Yoda
Hmmmmm, I musta ate them <G>
Hmmmmm, the fence must still be down over at the funny farm.
Hmmmmm... Nice legs... for a human
Hmmmmm... take you to him I will. - Yoda
Hmmmmm.... never tried an atomic bomb before.
Hmmmmm....take you to him I will. - Yoda
Hmmmmm...Tasha Yar....Yummmmm! - Armus
Hmmmmm.never tried an atomic bomb before.
Hmmmmmm, this all seems very familiar somehow.......
Hmmmmmm... I'm hearing those happy gurgly noises again! :-)
Hmmmmmm....you seem to be right here....good theory.
Hmmmmmmm...Do you buy lotto tickets on your Visa card too????
Hmmmmmtake you to him I will. -- Yoda
Hmmmph. Chris is my Bestest EchoBuddy. Dex can deal.
Hmmmph. Spartan. Gotta give you more. Have some -=Swifties=- :-)
Hmmmtags with the words "do", or "it"...
Hmmpf. How do I get outta here? Push this butto...@#$% NO CARRIER
Hmmph!! Who reads taglines anyway?
Hmmthat's funny - I don't remember ordering dragon.
Hmmthe fence must still be down over at the funny farm.
Hmp! Seriousness! Hmph! Sobriety! A Jedi craves them not!
Hmph!  Seriousness.  Hmph!  Sobriety.  A Jedi craves not these things.
Hmph! Seriousness! Sobriety! A Jedi craves not these!
Hmph! Seriousness.  Hmph! Sobriety.  A Jedi craves them not
Hmph! Seriousness. Hmph! Sobriety.  A Jedi craves not these things!
Hmph! Seriousness. Hmph! Sobriety. A Jedi craves them not... - Yoda
Hmph, seriousness! Hmph, sobriety, and Jedi craves not these things!
Hmph.  Saviors.  Forgiveness.  A Jedi craves them not.
Ho Chi Zen IS King Kong
Ho Ho Ho! "Where? I don't see any Ho's around here?!"
Ho to make a long story short: Forget the punch line.
Ho! Ha Ha! Dodge, turn, parry, thrust, spin!
Ho! Ha Ha! Dodge, turn, parry, thrust, spin! **SPLASH**
Ho! Ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! THRUST!"
Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust! THWAK
Ho, Ho, what a symmetric little asymptote you have. -Curly Pi
Hoare's Law of Large Problems: Inside every large problem
Hobbes did it, Mom!
Hobbes did it, Mom! - Calvin
Hobbes is always a little loopy when he comes out of the dryer - Calvin
Hobbes jumped me, mom. I was fighting for my very survival - Calvin
Hobbes, we're dealing with a pro - Calvin
Hobbes: A perpetual desire for power after power.
Hobbes: Another casualty of applied metaphysics.
Hobbes: Another casualty of the seduction of art.
Hobbes: At this moment, I like my anonymity.
Hobbes: Don't sell the bike shop, Orville.
Hobbes: Heresy signifies no more than private opinion.
Hobbes: Hmm... How *did* they finally kill Frosty?
Hobbes: I say consider this day seized!
Hobbes: I think it's good that everyone becomes food.
Hobbes: I wanna hear "Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kabloooie"!
Hobbes: I've never seen a sled catch on fire before.
Hobbes: If people could put rainbows in zoos, they'd do it.
Hobbes: Imaginary Numbers..Like Eleventeen and Thirty-Twelve.
Hobbes: Isn't your pants zipper supposed to be in front?
Hobbes: It takes one to Know one Mr. Tapioca-head
Hobbes: Let's see them figure *that* one out!
Hobbes: Live and don't learn, that's us.
Hobbes: Pass me an issue of Captain Napalm, will you?
Hobbes: Reading goes faster if you don't sweat comprehension.
Hobbes: Scientific progress goes 'BOINK' ??
Hobbes: Sometimes, if you wait, he'll top himself.
Hobbes: Super Hereos wear snow pants?
Hobbes: The problem with people is that they're only human.
Hobbes: Tomorrow we seize the day, and throttle it!
Hobbes: Until you stalk and overcome, you can't devour anyone
Hobbes: Well YOU were the one playing the cymbals!!
Hobbes: What fun is it being 'cool' if you can't wear a sombrero?
Hobbes: What horrors we visit upon ourselves in the name of science.
Hobbies are hobbies and are their own reward
Hobbies?  Does burning all PCs running Windoze count?
Hobbies? Yes. I collect taglines.
Hobbiesheet #4. A simple atomic bomb for the home craftsman.
Hobbits do it after dinner.
Hobbits do it in a hole on the side of a hill.
Hobbits do it only if it isn't dangerous.
Hobbits network with Tolkien Ring adapters
Hobbitses. . . They steals our taglines. . . preciousssss. . .
Hobby?  Are you sure about that?
Hobby?  HOBBY??  Recipe collection is a PROFESSION!!
Hobby?  HOBBY??  Tagline collection is a PROFESSION!!
Hobby?  HOBBY???  Newbie Abusing is a PROFESSION!!!
Hobby? ... HOBBY?? ... Recipe collection is a PROFESSION!!
Hobby? ... HOBBY?? ... Tagline collection is a PROFESSION!!
Hobgoblins are the ghoulish constituencies of small mines.
Hobo: A person who builds palaces and lives in shacks.
Hobo: a person who builds palaces and lives in shacks.
Hobosexuality: A bum |=////>.
Hoch yuchlIj HInob. (Give me all your chocolate!)
Hockey - playing is better than watching, which is better than nothing
Hockey - the only game centered around a good hard puck.
Hockey Can Be Like Sex: Penalty - 2 minutes for Cross Dressing
Hockey Players are protesting the excessive violence in figure skating
Hockey can be like sex - "He shoots, He Scores!!!"
Hockey can be like sex - A five minute major (wood) for spearing.
Hockey can be like sex: She shoots <yes women can shoot> She SCORES!!
Hockey can be like sex: She shoots <yes women can shoot< She SCORES!!!
Hockey costs too much money.
Hockey fascinates me! I could sit and watch it for hours.
Hockey is a game played by six good players and the home team.
Hockey is like sex:  "He shoots, he scores!!!"
Hockey is the greatest sport of all.
Hockey players DO IT between periods.
Hockey players DO IT on the ice.
Hockey players DO IT with a snap-shot.
Hockey players DO IT with their sticks.
Hockey players do it by pucking on the ice.
Hockey players do it in periods.
Hockey players do it with big sticks.
Hockey players love a good puck...how about you?
Hockey- the only game centered around a good hard puck...
Hockey: The only real sport for woman!
Hockey: The only real sport for women!
Hockey: The only real sport.
Hockeyless in Connecticut
Hocu da me pokriva ljuta kopriva, i poneki TAGicak da me podseca na...
Hocu da pamtis sve nase dane, promrzle prste i prvi sneg.
Hocuako znas bolji nacin za mrsavljenje. ;)))
Hocus Pocus' doesn't work anymore; I think they changed the password.
Hocus Pocus, AllakazaamI'mera ham!
Hod Velcro - The Googooplex Names of Tom Servo!
Hoe that row and feed that seed.  --Chris Stevens
Hoffman!  This guy's a pig...and so are you.  Did you program this guy
Hog Heaven...Home of the Harley.
Hog: Corn that walks.
Hoist a green beer...or a green milkshake, which every applies.
Hoist by his own PicardNO!  Petard!
Hokay, here ya go.
Hokay. Whos-a da wise-a guy?
Hokey Pokey, it doesn't mean A THING!?!?!? --Londo to Delenn.
Hokey Smoke, Orville!
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster...
Hokey religions n' ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster
Hokt on fonix werkt fer me
Hold <CTRL><ALT><SHIFT><TAB><ENTER> and click here--> [ ]
Hold (CTRL)(ALT)(TAB)(SHIFT)(ENTER) and click here.
Hold (ESC)(CTRL)(ALT)(TAB)(SHIFT)(ENTER) & click here> #
Hold It Right There.. Tagline Police!
Hold It Right There.. recipe Police!
Hold Your Fire -- keep it burning bright..... -RUSH
Hold a Finn by the beard, it immobilizes him - Mike
Hold a hard drive to your ear.  Listen to the C:
Hold a hard drive to your ear. Listen to the C:
Hold back the Secrets, Take back the Memories...
Hold down the fort, and give `em hell if they don't behave <g>
Hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil.
Hold her face up to the phone - Crow
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour."
Hold it!  Grammar Police!  Drop that dangling participle!
Hold it!  One false move and the C: drive gets it!
Hold it!  This is the Animal Police!  Drop that chicken!
Hold it! One false move and the C: drive gets it!
Hold me closer, Ed! -- The Mask
Hold my calls, Alfred.  Robin and I are in the Bat-tub (tm).
Hold off television!  Science be damned!  Long live radio!  Jack Benny
Hold on - wait, maybe the answer's looking for you.
Hold on a secmy other ear is ringing.      - Bard
Hold on sir, we'll try to reverse the beam...
Hold on there pardner! We got sauce! Barbecue sauce -Mike
Hold on to your lugnuts, it's...TIME FOR AN OVERHAUL! - S. Ipkiss
Hold on!... Entering Warp Drive!...
Hold on, I'm having a montage - Mike as hero
Hold on, dear brother...
Hold on, sugar...Daddy's got a sweet tooth tonight! - S. Ipkiss
Hold on- wait, maybe the answer's looking for you.
Hold on...I'll be right back - Richie Ryan
Hold onI'll be right back - Richie Ryan
Hold still!...Lemme see....Darn it!..........Yup, your eyes ARE brown!
Hold that thought, then wash your hands.
Hold that thought. I've gone fishing
Hold the MAYO & pass the COSMIC AWARENESS...
Hold the Mayo.
Hold the Tribble, hold the lettuce...-Future Burger King
Hold the chicken between your knees.
Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. - Henry VIII
Hold the world and everything... in my grip. -Samhain
Hold this button down & buzz me - Dr. Forrester
Hold tight, we're in for nasty weather.
Hold your Hard Drive to your ear.  Do you hear the C:?
Hold your bloomers! - Klinger
Holding a trident and a sword, a perfect lotus and a pot of honey.
Holding on to nothin' but the wheel.
Holding together on a wire and a prayer.
Hole Found In Wall at Nudist Colony, Police Are Looking Into It
Hole In the Bed by Mr. Completely
Hole drilled in Ladies room wall; Police looking into it!
Hole in The Mattress - By Mr. Completely
Hole in the Bed by I Missed Her Completely
Hole in the Mattress, by Mister Completely
Hole in the mattress. By: Mister Compleatly.
Holes have more depth and are less full of themselves...
Holiness is not the way to Christ. Christ is the way to holiness.
Holland is cool HUHUHUHUHU. --Beavis and Butthead.
Hollow Points, when you care to send the very best.
Hollow Points:  when you care enough to send the very best.
Hollow chocolate bunnies have no calories.
Hollow chocolate has no calories
Hollow lies make a thin disguise.
Hollow wasteland, I take the desert in my hand - Course of Empire
Hollowpoints - the ultimate in feminine protection.
Hollowpoints, when you care enough to send the very best...
Hollowpoints.....When Sarah Brady opens her mouth!
Hollowpoints...When you care enough to send the very best
Hollowpoints: If you care enough to send the very best
Hollowpoints: the ultimate in feminine protection
Hollowpoints: when you car enough to send the very best!
Hollowpoints: when you care enough to send the very best
Hollowpoints: when you care to send the very best.
Hollowpoints; When you care enough to send the very best
Holly! You're a genius! - Lister
Holly's sensed a non-human life form It's Rimmer!
Holly's sensed a non-human lifeform -Hollister...It's Rimmer! -Lister
Holly, did Rimmer ever work in Garbage Disposal? - Lister
Holly, plot a course for Fiji. - Lister
Holly, why do we have you running things? - Rimmer
Holly, you jumped-up fil-o-fax! - Rimmer
Hollywood Gossip:                  Phyllis Zinn*
Hollywood Gossip: Phyllis Zinn
Hollywood is like Picasso's bathroom.
Hollywood is where if you don't have happiness you send out for it. -- Rex Reed
Hollywood:  Where people from Iowa mistake each other for
Hollywood:  Where you live happily and get married forever afterward.
Hollywood: A trip through a sewer in a glass bottom boat.
Hollywood: Where people from Iowa mistake each other for movie stars.
Hollywood: a trip through a sewer in a glass bottom boat.
Holmes Does It Again: Scott Linyard
Holmes Does It Again: Scott Linyard*
Holo Graham Crackers--great with evaporated milk!
Holo fades: you now face a moderator in a Fed SS with 200M ftrs!
Holodeck Computer: End Clinton Program!
Holodeck computer, end Bush Administration program.
Holodeck computer...end Clinton Administration program...NOW!
Holodeck computer...end Clinton Administration program...PLEASE?!?!
Holodeck computer...end Clinton administration program.
Holodeck computer: End Clinton administration program.
Holodeck computerend Clinton Administration program.
Holodeck designed by TARDIS Inc.
Holodeck food - mmm-mmm-virtual.
Holodeck misfunction detected. Terminate REALITY.EXE? Y/N
Holodeck, run program "Kill_Wesley_One".
Holodeck...end Clinton Administration program
Holodeck: End Next Generation cancelation program...NOW
Holodeck: end WESLEY.EXE program -- NOW!!!
Hologram at your service, baby! --Thames.
Hologram:  cracker with no stuffing.
Holographic polticians -- better than the real ones!
Holy Borg, Batman! What's that in the sky?
Holy Cards are worth more autographed
Holy Cards are worth more autographed.
Holy Cow! That's a big family - Mike on baseball team
Holy Ground, @LN@!  Remember what Ramirez taught you!
Holy Ground, @TLName! Remember what Ramierez taught you!
Holy Ground, Bullitt! Remember what Ramierez taught you!
Holy Ground, Hooded Warrior! Remember what Ramierez taught you!
Holy Ground, Orville! Remember what Ramierez taught you!
Holy Hand Grenades, Batman!
Holy Hand Grenades, Batman! - Robin
Holy Hydraulics, Fudgeman!
Holy Monochrome Batman! My how quickly we forget the old B&W screens.
Holy Moving Violations, Batman!
Holy Razor blades, Batman! That was a close shave!
Holy S*** Batman! Uh, I mean.
Holy SEX Batman!
Holy Smoke Batman! The Joker just burned down a church?!
Holy Smoke!  The church is on fire!
Holy Smoke, Jason!
Holy Smokes!...."the church is on fire!"
Holy Toledo, batman.
Holy acrimony is another name for marriage.
Holy aileron, Batman.
Holy bass-ackwards thinking, Batman!
Holy bat, Mackerelman . . . ? ? ?  I mean, . . .
Holy book of God, holy book of lies.
Holy buckets! It's working - Tom as voodoo girl
Holy cow! This IS my cat!
Holy crap! Look at that! -------->
Holy flea-bitten, maggot-infested, gross, smelly cat manuere, Batman!
Holy ground, Highlander! - The Kurgan
Holy mackarel, Batman! The fish thread is back!
Holy mackerel, Batman! The fish thread is back!
Holy subjunctives, Batman!
Holy testicle Tuesday!!! - Ace Ventura
Holy war... the grand daddy of all oxymorons.
Holy war:  The grandaddy of all oxymorons.
Holy warthe grand daddy of all oxymorons.
Holy water recipe:  Boil the hell out of it.
HolySmoke Lite:  1/3'rd stupider fundies than in our regular forum.
HolySmoke:  A drive by shooting on the Information Superhighway.
HolySmoke:  A head-on collision on the Information Superhighway.
HolySmoke:  A pothole on the information Superhighway
HolySmoke:  Fundies by the gaggle; Gods by the dozens.
HolySmoke:  Fundys knee-deep in gasoline throwing matches at infidels.
HolySmoke:  More 'thumpers than Doc Goldberg's Rabbit Ranch.
HolySmoke:  More apologetics than a man caught in a brothel by his wife.
HolySmoke:  Where fundys take themselves seriously, & no one else does.
HolySmoke:  Where humor is god, or dog, or gdo or plain odg.
HolySmoke:  Where lovely beliefs are destroyed by nasty, ugly facts.
HolySmoke: More fundies per capita than found in a Reno whorehouse
Holysmoke: It's how they announce a new pope.
Home        : Where you live with your loved ones.
Home - A place teenagers stay while the car is repaired.
Home Alone 3: Lost In FidoNet. Starring Gary Caplan.
Home Alone 3: Lost In FidoNet. Starring Myra I Fox..
Home Alone III, The Sequel: Annie Buddyhome
Home Alone III, The Sequel: Annie Buddyhome*
Home Alone III, The Sequel: Eddie Buddyhome.
Home Cooking Is The Greatest Cooking In The World
Home Cooking: where many a man thinks his wife is.
Home Re-Newal Painting, Home of Bob's Big Sale Commercials
Home Safety Tip for Men #1: Don't iron naked.
Home Safety Tips for Men -- #1:  Don't Iron Naked.
Home Savings and Loan owns my house..
Home School is the last hope for american freedom.
Home Security Trust: We are not a Savings & Loan.
Home Sweet Home?? This place is a ZOO!!
Home again. Home again. Jiggity jig - Crow
Home education! The way to go!
Home for MikeMayL, QWK reader for the Cheapskake!
Home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs and wanderers
Home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs and wanderers. --Babylon 5.
Home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs and wanderers...
Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread.
Home is the place where you get treated best and complain the most.
Home is where I feed my cat.
Home is where the Military sends us!!!!
Home is where the cat hair sticks to everything except the cat.
Home is where the cat is.  =(-.-)=
Home is where the college student home for the holidays isn't.
Home is where the computer is plugged in!
Home is where the dog is.
Home is where the floss is
Home is where the head is. - Xavier St. Cloud
Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum.
Home is where the heart is.  Now, which jar is it in?
Home is where the hypo is is - Tom as junky
Home is where you can scratch any place it itches!
Home is where you can scratch where it really itches
Home is where you wear your hat!
Home is where your rump rests.
Home is where your rump rests. - Pumba
Home of Doberman Propulsion Laboratories: The ultimate in watchdog weaponry.
Home of McTagline. Billions and Billions served.
Home of The "LAME DUCK" System
Home of eclectic esoterica!
Home of the "Atlanta Braves" & "Six Flags" Over Georgia.
Home of the Big "G" Burger
Home of the Caribou Chili Pizza Experiment
Home of the Exploding Paluckoo - KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
Home of the Liberty Bell: Phil A. Delphia
Home of the Mc. Billions and Billions served.
Home of the McTagline. Billions and Billions served
Home of the Mcrecipe. Billions and Billions served.
Home of the Pig Stye
Home of the ROADKILL Cafe....Freshest in TEXAS!!
Home of the Superconducting Kitty Collider.
Home of the VENDINFO Product Information System
Home of the [Unsanctioned] Caribou Chili Pizza Experiment
Home of the brown thumb -- we kill plastic plants.
Home of the virgin pines and the tall girls!
Home protected by COLT!...Computer protected by OS/2 2.1.
Home protected by S&W.........Computer protected by OS/2.
Home safety tip for men: #1. Do not iron, naked.
Home safety tip for men: never iron while naked.
Home schooled kids are in a class of their own!
Home sweet home..the place everybody should work...
Home tips for men #1 . . . don't iron naked
Home's where you can scratch where it itches.  Garfield
Home, Where my love lifes waiting silently for me.
Home, to a young boy, is merely a filling station.
Home:  A place to go when all the other joints are closed.
Home: A place teenagers stay while the car is repaired.
Homebrew - It's not just for breakfast anymore
Homebrew! It's good for what ales you!
Homebrew...it's not just for breakfast anymore.
Homeless men are also without love and hope of finding love.
Homeless men-Bums!  Homeless women-Bag *ladies*
Homeless men-Bums!  Homeless women-Bag *ladies*...
Homemade cookies are worth the dough...Yummm
Homemaker. Must be some sort of construction. - Data
Homer Says "Ooooooh Chocolate, Doooogh!"
Homer Sexual? C'mon, one of you guys must be Homer Sexual!
Homer Sexual? C'mon, one of you guys must be Homer Sexual!- Bart
Homer Simpson flirts: InnuenDOH!!
Homer Simpson is my hero. NOT!
Homer Simpson says "God bless those pagans"
Homer Simpson, report for Much Worse Duty. - Smithers
Homer Simpson, sir. One of your stiffs in sector 7-G. - Smithers
Homer Simpson: Mmmmmmmm... Beer!
Homer can't bake bread. DOH!
Homer of Borg:  "You will be...You will be...You will be...D'OH!"
Homer of Borg:  Prepare to be assim.  Ohhhh.  Donuts
Homer of Borg: I am about to assimi....mmmm, DONUTS!
Homer of Borg: Prepare to be assim.... Ohhhh. Donuts......
Homer of Borg: You will be assimil..OOOH Doughnuts!!!
Homer: "D'oh!" Lisa: "A deer!" Marge: "A female deer!"
HomerDOS error: Abort, Retry, D'Ohh!
Homerland. Admission $50.
Homesicknes is something not easily cured...
Homestead, FL: Proof that it's not nice to twit Mother Nature!
Homework time limit exceeded.  Auto logon in effect!
Homework time limit exceeded... Automatic logon commencing...
Homey don't play dat!
Homey the Borg:  "Homey don't assimilate that!"
Homey the Borg:  Homey don't assimilate that!
Homey the Klingon:  "Surrender?  I Don't Think So!"
Homicide to protect life is called "justifiable".
Homo Sapiens is a virus & the earth has it.
Homo sapiens. The greatest oxymoron ever!
Homo sapiens: The *other* white meat.
Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto.
Homo! - Tom to wimpy guy
Homophobe's dream come true; "deFAG"menting program for computer.
Homophobe's dream come true; deFAGmenting program for computer.
Homophobes who type too much....next on Geraldo!
Homophobia - n. Insecurity about being heterosexual
Homophobia ... A great thing to LOSE!!
Homophobia is  fear of being "just a sex object."
Homophobia is a curable illness
Homophobia is a heterosexual disease!
Homophobia is a social disease!
Homophobia is a threat to military order and discipline.
Homophobia is generally a cover for repressed homosexual tendencies.
Homophobia is genetic too!
Homophobia sucks.
Homophobia: be here for the cure!
Homosexual Dependency is not born it is created !
Homosexual Fascist Lobby, Rampant Paranoia Division.
Homosexual Female Spies:  Lesbianage.
Homosexual Safecracker:  Person who blows safes.
Homosexual Tarot Readers, and the Satanic Laundresses Who Love Them
Homosexual's cry about hate is like reverse discrimination.
Homosexual.. someone who does them one at a time.
Homosexual? Atheist? Hate guns?  The Democrats want YOU!
Homosexuality can be cured, Homophobia is normal.
Homosexuality is *not* a sickness.  Bigotry is.
Homosexuality is NOT a sickness.  Bigotry is.
Homosexuality is an alt.lifestyle.
Homosexuality is normal, homophobia can be cured.
Homosexuality is not a choice, bigotry and hatred are.
Homosexuality is not a sickness. It is a SIN!
Homosexuality is not an abnormality, illness, or disorder
Homosexuality is not an abnormality, illness, or disorder.
Homosexuality is not taught. Hatred and prejudice are.
Homosexuality isn't taught - it is spread behind our back...
Homosexuality isn't taught Hate and prejudice are!
Homosexuality may not a choice.  Bigotry and hatred are!
Homosexuals -- be fruitful, but don't multiply! 
Homosexuals SUCK!
Homosexuals abnormal and an abomination.  Treat them as such.
Homosexuals are a disease.  Treat them as such.  Exterminate them.
Homosexuals can reproduce. Nice guys can't.
Honda: Hand Over Dollars to Asians
Honda: Hell Of a Nice Damn Automobile
Honda: Helping Out Nips Destroying America
Honda: Hold Overs Not Doing Anything
Honda: How Odd - No D*mn Acceleration
Honda: How Odd-No Damn Acceleration
Honest Ma, I got it from a toilet seat...
Honest Ma, I got it from the bathroom wall - Darkwood
Honest Mr Moderator - they were this confused when I *got* here!
Honest Occifer.  There is no blood in my alcohol content.
Honest Officer!  That cat was on fire when I got here.
Honest Officer!  The dwarf was on fire when I got here.
Honest Officer, I don't know who I am, my ID is at home!
Honest Officer, I was only taking the horse's temperature!
Honest Officer, The smurf was on fire when I got here!
Honest Officer, he was on fire when I got here.
Honest Officer, he was under my car tire when I got here!
Honest Officer, my SocioEconomic background made me do it!
Honest Officer, my SocioEconomic backround made me do it!
Honest Orville, I got it from a toilet seat.
Honest Politician (n): politician who stays bought; deceased politician.
Honest Politician:  One who stays bought.
Honest Politician: One who stays bought.
Honest Politician: one who stays bought.
Honest Sheriff Orville. The dwarf was on fire when I got here!
Honest Sheriff!  The dwarf was on fire when I got here.
Honest Troi, I was just looking at your breasts!
Honest Troi, I was just looking at your com badge!!
Honest businessman: somebody who doesn't sleep at night.
Honest honey, I was at the office!
Honest occifer, there's no blood in my alcohol content.
Honest officer it was only a line.....
Honest officer!  I was just eating the fries he dropped.
Honest officer!  I was just eating the fries she dropped.
Honest officer! I was just eating the fries he dropped.
Honest officer! I was just eating the fries she dropped.
Honest officer! K'vin vanH'ten was on fire when I got here.
Honest officer, I never saw that tagline before!
Honest officer, it was justifiable.  SHE SOLD MY BOOKS!
Honest offither, I'm not as drunk as theeple pink I am!
Honest offither, I'm not as dwunk as theeple pink I am!
Honest people *do* have things to hide from the dishonest
Honest politician:  One who when he is bought will stay bought.
Honest politician: One who when bought, stays bought.
Honest politician: one who stays bought.
Honest politicians once bought, stay bought.
Honest teacher, a virus really DID eat up my homework!
Honest teacher.  A virus really DID eat my homework!
Honest to God, Big Guy, I thought turkeys could fly! -H. Tarlick
Honest to God, man. I love you - Crow to Mike
Honest!  It's only a cold sore!
Honest, Deanna, I was just looking at your combadge!
Honest, Gul Dukat I was just looking at your insignia!
Honest, Kira!  I was only looking at your combadge! <TWACK%#@*>
Honest, Kira! I was just looking at your combadge! D)
Honest, Kira, I was just looking at your Com Badge.
Honest, Occifer!  There is no blood in my alcohol content....
Honest, Occifer!  There's no blood in my alcohol content.
Honest, Occifer!  There's no blood in my alcohol content.....
Honest, Occifer! There is no blood in my alcohol content....
Honest, Officer Bullitt! The dwarf was on fire when I got here!
Honest, Officer Bullitt! The smurf was on fire when I got here!
Honest, Officer Bullitt, I was only taking the horse's temperature!
Honest, Officer Orville! The smurf was on fire when I got here!
Honest, Officer Orville, I was only taking the horse's temperature!
Honest, Officer Phelan! The smurf was on fire when I got here!
Honest, Officer!  Orville was on fire when I got here.
Honest, Officer!  Orville was under my car tire when I got here!
Honest, Officer!  The cat was on fire when I got there!
Honest, Officer! Jason was under my car tire when I got here!
Honest, Officer! Orville was on fire when I got here.
Honest, Officer! Orville was under my car tire when I got here!
Honest, Officer! She was under my car tire when I got here!
Honest, Officer! The dwarf was on fire when I got here!
Honest, Officer! The dwarf was on fire when I got here...
Honest, Officer! The dwarf was on fire when I got there.
Honest, Officer! The elf was under my car tire when I got here!
Honest, Officer! The smurf was on fire when I got here!
Honest, Officer, I was only taking the horse's temperature!
Honest, Officer, it didn't look like that when I wrote it!
Honest, Officer, it was justifiable. SHE SOLD MY BOOKS!
Honest, Officer, the cat was on fire when I got here!
Honest, Officer, the icepick just FLEW out of my hand...
Honest, St. Peter, I'm really poor.
Honest, Troi, I was just looking at your com badge!
Honest, it wasn't me who said Toronto was the Centre of the Universe.
Honest, me mind boggles at the very idea.
Honest, officer!  I was just eating the fries she dropped....
Honest, officer!  The dwarf was on fire when I got here.
Honest, officer!  The smurf was on fire when I got here.
Honest, officer, the elf was already on fire when I got here!
Honest, officer, the parrot was driving when it happened!
Honest, sweetheart - just one more message...packet.
Honest, teacher!  A virus REALLY did eat my homework!
Honest, you don't look like Mel Gibbson - Especially when naked
Honest.  Zorch told me.
Honestly Grand Moff Tarkin, I was just looking at your, uh, insignia..
Honestly Officer @L, I've never seen that Tagline before.
Honestly Officer Bullitt, I've never seen that Tagline before.
Honestly Officer Orville, I've never seen that Tagline before.
Honestly Officer Warner, I've never seen that Tagline before.
Honestly Officer..he's fine...when he's had his medications...
Honestly officer Bullitt, It wasn't me with that duck.
Honestly officer Orville, It wasn't me with that duck.
Honestly officer, I've never seen that Tagline before!
Honestly officer, It wasn't me with that duck.
Honestly, Captain Bridger, I was just admiring your sunglasses.
Honestly, Doctor...this hand came out of the monitor..
Honestly, Doctor...this hand just came out of the monitor and...
Honestly, Dot I was just looking at your hairbow!
Honestly, Kira, I was just looking at your combadge!
Honestly, MacLeod, tell Dawson I was just WATCHING him, really I was..
Honestly, Mr Moderator - they were confused when *I* got here.
Honestly, Troi, I was just looking at your combadge!
Honestly, the new modem's working just fi {   NO CARRIER
Honesty is almost always the best policy.
Honesty is good policy but bad for your career.
Honesty is the best image.
Honesty is the best policy - when there's money involved.
Honesty is the best policy ... when everything else fails.
Honesty is the best policy unless you are a crook.
Honesty is the best policy, as long as there's money in it.
Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defence.
Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense
Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.
Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is the best defense.
Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is the better defense.
Honesty is the best policy.  Dishonesty, the second-best.
Honesty is the best policy. Dishonesty is the second best policy.
Honesty is the best policy...unless you can afford a good lawyer.
Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.
Honesty is the worst policy (is this MR policy?)
Honesty is the worst policy.
Honesty pays, but is doesn't seem enough to suit some people.
Honesty pays, but not enough for some.
Honesty pays, but not enough for some.
Honesty pays, but not enough to satisfy some people.
Honesty the best policy-but insanity is a better defense
Honesty's the best policy but insanity's a better defense.
Honesty, Love, and Unity are OUR Family Values!
Honesty:  Fear of being caught.
Honesty: Fear of being caught.
Honey I blew up the computer!
Honey does draw more flies...BUT who wants more flies?
Honey in the mouth and knives in the heart.
Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
Honey look me in the eye and talk some.
Honey quiet playing Mahjongg,I have to work..
Honey roasted Lesbians!
Honey there's a tiger in these tight fitting jeans
Honey!  Did you miss me today?....With every shot!
Honey! I blew up the SD40-2!
Honey! The noodle is ready - Tom
Honey! This is man talk - Mike
Honey, Can you put the Cat out..  Nar..., Let it burn :)
Honey, Did you call the B.A.T.F. on the Catholic Church next door?
Honey, FidoNET pooped on the hard disk again..
Honey, I Formatted the Kid!
Honey, I polymorphed the kids!
Honey, I think I just formatted the cat!
Honey, I'd like you to meet Hugh G. Rection.
Honey, I'll Be Taking A Shower While WINDOWS Loads !
Honey, I'll be down in 10 minutes, I promise this time.
Honey, Is that GTE in the yard?  Where is my 357?
Honey, PLEASE don't pick up the PH$@#*&$^(#@&$^%(*NO CARRIER
Honey, PLEASE don't pick up the ph$##*&$^(#@&$^%(*  NO CARRIER
Honey, PLEASE don't pickup the p€‚·¸¹¾¿ÀÃÇÈÉÊ
Honey, bring back the shower curtain - Tom on cape
Honey, did you call the BATF or the Catholic church next door.
Honey, don't use the `~x~c0aNO CARRIER
Honey, get out the whips and chains Company!
Honey, get out the whips and chains. We've got company!
Honey, get out the whips and chains... company!
Honey, get the whips & chains, ...we've got company.
Honey, go find the whips and chains, would you? Company's coming....
Honey, if this is *safe*, why the priest and the rabbi?
Honey, if you shave your legs tonight I'm off the BBS!
Honey, it's just a machine, now put the axe away.
Honey, it's only a computer, PLEASE put down the gun...
Honey, just one more message, I really MEAN it this time!
Honey, our phone bill can't be that big!  I have an 28.8 modem!
Honey, our phone bill can't be that big!  I have an HST modem!
Honey, pass the waffle syrup!  Clinton's on TV again!
Honey, pass the waffle syrup!  That Clinton guy is on TV again!
Honey, pass the waffle syrup, that Clinton guy is on tv.
Honey, put on that see-through thing, said Tom negligently.
Honey, quit playing Mahjongg, I have to work.
Honey, tell Santa I need more ammo...
Honey, the good news is...the air bag works!
Honey, the preacher's sick*&!^!^&% NO MARRIER
Honey, there's an E on the end of Quayle, right?
Honey, wake up... you did it too fast... show me again.
Honey, what does "FORMATTING DRIVE C:" mean ?
Honey, what does 'Formatting Drive C:' mean?
Honey, what's 'Formatting C Drive' mean?
Honey, what's 'Formatting Drive C:' mean?
Honey, what's on my plate in case I have to describe it to the doctor?
Honey, you can depend on me.
Honey,just one more message...I really MEAN it this time!
Honey. Time to get up - Tom to zombie in coffin
Honey? is that what you call this bee barf?
Honeymoon - the morning after the knot before.
Honeymoon Salad:  Lettuce alone, with no dressing.
Honeymoon Salad: Lettuce alone, with no dressing.
Honeymoon Salad? Lettuce alone!
Honeymoon sandwich: Lettuce alone with no dressing.
Honeymoon:  A short period of doting between dating and debting.  -- Ray Bandy
Honeymoon: Short period of doting between dating & debting. Ray Bandy
Honeymoon: The time between "I do" and "You'd better!"
Honeymoon: The time between 'I do' and 'You'd better!'
Honeymoon: the period between dating and debating.
Honeymoon: time between "I do" and "you'd better"
Honeywait: Lint or string that your spouse insists on removing.
Hong Kong Phooey!
Hong Kong, Son of King Kong
Honi soit qui mal y pense.
Honk if Bill Clinton says you're rich!
Honk if you ARE Jesus.
Honk if you Haight-Ashbury.
Honk if you Hate Rap Music.
Honk if you feel better than James Brown
Honk if you hate bumper stickers that say "Honk if ..."
Honk if you haven't slept with Commander Riker.
Honk if you like obscene gestures!
Honk if you like peace and quiet.
Honk if you like recieving obscene gestures!
Honk if you listen to Rush Limbaugh.
Honk if you love BBSing!
Honk if you love Barney!
Honk if you love Eegah!
Honk if you love Eegah! -- Crow T. Robot
Honk if you love Modeming!
Honk if you love Tag Line Xpress!
Honk if you love cheeses.
Honk if you love obscene gestures!
Honk if you love obscene gestures.
Honk if you love obscene gestures.
Honk if you love peace and quiet!
Honk if you love peace and quiet.
Honk if you twiddle bits!
Honk if you want Peter David on the Fantastic Four!
Honk if you want to see my middle finger.
Honk if you're a mouse-potato!
Honk if you've been married to Elizabeth Taylor.
Honk if you've never seen an Uzi fired from a car window.
Honk if you've never seen an Uzi pointed at you!
Honk if you've slept with Commander Riker!
Honk if you've slept with Doctor Bashir!
Honk if your horn is broken.
Honk if your team has never won The Stanley Cup.
Honk to see the Florida state bird.
Honor Indian treaties....not Columbus!
Honor diversity: it's required by law.
Honor the Maid, Mother, and Crone.
Honor those the dragon's heed, in thought, in favor, in word, in deed.
Honor those the dragons heed,    In thought and favor, word and deed.
Honor those the dragons heed, In thought and favor and deed!
Honor those the dragons heed, In thought and favor, word and deed.
Honor thy SysOp as thy self.
Honor thy error as hidden intention.
Honor would be better served if I were your mate. ~ Worf
Honor would be better served if I were your mate. þ Worf
Honor: Almost as good as in 'er.
Honorable surrender is impossible for those without honor.
Honorable, honest human beings? What a revolting thought!
Honour thy error as hidden intention.
Honour women, for they are our future today.
Hoo Hah.
Hoo hoo hoo, the Sysop didn't even#$^#% NO CARRIER
Hoo! That was...Uh...Not much of anything - Crow
Hoo-boy- Danny Davids
Hoo-hoo! Left yourself open. _You_ are getting tight? No comment!
Hood River is Gorgeous this time of year.
Hooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!  That feels GO-O-O-OOD!
Hook up the new FidoNet echo Walk in Love (Christian) to your BBS today!
Hook up the new fido echo "Walk In Love (Christian)" to your BBS today
Hook, line, sinker and copy of angling time! - Kryten
Hookd awn fonicks wurkd for mee!
Hookd on foniks wurkd for mee!
Hookd on fonix relly workd fer mee!
Hooked on Phonics worked phor me!!
Hooked on Phonics? Nah, I'm hooked on Penthouse.
Hooked on Phonics? Nahh, I'm hooked on penthouse.
Hooked on Psionics worked for me! --Talia Winters.
Hooked on foniks werks fer me!
Hooker with a PhD in psychology - she will blow your mind
Hooker's a good cop! - Crow
Hooker's kids: Brothel Sprouts!
Hookers on Phonics:  Dial 1-900-ABCDEFG
Hookers on phonics, for those who don't want to spell.
Hookin' up words and makin' them run right.
Hookt ahn Fonicks werkt fore mee!
Hookt of Fonicks, it worked for my SysOp.
Hookt on Foniks werkt four me!
Hookt on fonicks werkt foure me!
Hookworm - most popular bait fishing worm.
Hoooow much is that Blooonde in the window
Hoopy: really together guy
Hooray for Captain Bullitt, the Outer Space Explorer!
Hooray for Captain Caplan, the Cyberspace Explorer!
Hooray for Captain Caplan, the Outer Space Explorer!
Hooray for Captain Chalfin, the Cyberspace Explorer!
Hooray for Captain Spaulding, the African Explorer!
Hooray for Female Moderators!
Hooray for the Captain, the Cyberspace Explorer!
Hooray for the Sun God!  He sure is a Fun God!  Ra!  Ra!  Ra!
Hooray for the anvil!  Elvis wins again!
Hooray!  It's Kei and Yuri!  We're safe now!
Hooray! I'm Super Clown - Joel
Hooray! It's Kei and Yuri! We're safe now!
Hoosier Hysteria ... ^%#)%^@{]@!]|%#@+
Hoover, nobody does it like you!
Hop Along Seshuan - Crow on Japanese country singer
Hop Curlew - The Googooplex Names of Tom Servo!
Hop Sterno - The Googooplex Names of Tom Servo!
Hopalong Cassidy was a wimp with a limp.
Hope -- I always thought that was a human failing, Spock.
Hope Diamond. TajMahal. Bentlys. SLMR.
Hope I don't get barred from the echo for this one!
Hope I haven't bored you with a long, drawn out story.
Hope I'm not just imagining the entire thing.
Hope Van Johnson didn't stack my locker - Crow
Hope chest...An above-ground time capsule.
Hope chest...Wishing she looked like Dolly Parton.
Hope clouds observation.
Hope deceives more men than cunning does.
Hope deferrd maketh the heart sick. - Proverbs 13:12
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. - Proverbs 13:12
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
Hope he likes orange - Joel on guy jailed in orange room
Hope i explained it well enough
Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.
Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. - Francis Bacon
Hope is a shooting a homosexual with his boyfriend.
Hope is a waking dream.
Hope is all you have when you've been stripped of all else
Hope is but the dream of those who wake. Matthew Prior
Hope is epidemic. Optimism spreads!  -Rush, _Chain Lightning_
Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.
Hope is merely disappointment deferred
Hope is the denial of reality.
Hope is very dangerous; the loss of it can be fatal.
Hope isn't in Arkansas, it's in 1996!
Hope it wouldn't sink back in insignificance again.
Hope it's not the Three Amigos - Frank as cowboys ride up
Hope keeps men trying.
Hope life is well.  Are you coming up for air yet?
Hope means expectancy when things are otherwise hopeless. Chesterton
Hope my pirate meal has onion rings - Crow
Hope nobody pushes that guy's flush button - Tom
Hope springs eternal.....and so does a wife's memory....
Hope that answers some of your questions...
Hope that helps, Dave Hardcastle.  05 Aug 94
Hope that helps, Dave Hardcastle.  06 Oct 94
Hope that helps, Dave Hardcastle.  26 Sep 94
Hope that helps, Dave Hardcastle.  31 Jul 94
Hope that helps.  Tech support may have more updated info...
Hope that is of some help to you!
Hope the term "Politically Correct" is *DEAD* before this decade is!
Hope the term "Politically Correct" is *DEAD* before this decade's out
Hope there are some Flintstone's Fans out there<G>.
Hope these do something for you.
Hope these help...
Hope they kidnap YOUR wife - Crow
Hope this helps to explain it somewhat...
Hope this helps you-sure didn't do anything for me.
Hope this helps! Of course, else I wouldn't have bothered to post it.
Hope this helps.  Let me know if you have any success.
Hope this message got out AFTER the `quake, because it means you're O.K.
Hope this message got out AFTER the `quake; It means you're O.K.
Hope this works for you.
Hope you accept bread into your life - Mike as bread man
Hope you all are finding gold nuggets and enjoying your summer!
Hope you can walk on water, 'cuz your ice is getting pretty thin...
Hope you enjoyed this glimpse at the past.
Hope you like 'em.  Apologies for the inevitable near-dupes!
Hope you like em, even though they kind of suck.
Hope you like sitting alone in dark rooms - Tom
Hope you like these, MISTIQ. If you're male; probably. If you're female,
Hope you like these, Myra.
Hope you relaxed this weekend after your presentation.
Hope you'll share some of your experiences with us.
Hope you're enjoying those mint-flavored shoelaces!
Hope your ship comes in while you can still navigate.
Hope your sister is having better luck.
Hope-I-Can-Get-this tune outta my head -Tom, Gamera theme
Hopefully I am who I say I am!
Hopefully it's still the DUAL or else I'll be a BIT upset.
Hopefully this will save you some time.
Hopefully, I'll be back here in full force in a short time, so
Hopeless Romantic, Fanatic of Shostakovich and "Star Trek".
Hopeless end out, endless hope in.
Hopeless romantic, or romantically hopeless?
Hopelessly dribble can't write for toffie nosed tag line thingy...
Hoping that the dogs of cyberspace will allow this.
Hoping to not be a jerk in `95.
Hopped up on goof balls - Crow on teens
Horace:  Limbless man with no voice
Horiuchi:  Drop that baby, or I'll shoot!
Horizontally Challenged: politically correct term for sluts.
Horizontally challenged: politically correct term for sluts.
Hormones are nature's way of keeping the species alive.
Horn broke...watch for finger.
Horn broken. Watch for finger.
Horn busted!  Watch for finger!
Horn busted! Watch for finger!
Horn busted! Watch for finger...
Horn busted! Watch for finger........
Horn players DO IT French style.
Horn players do it French style.
Hornets Fly and Fulcrums Die....
Horngren's Observation: (generalized) The real world is a special case.
Horngren's Observation: Among economists, the real world is often a special case
Horns and tails and cloven hoof... - King Diamond
Horny as a three-peckered billy goat.
Horny tagline, stroke with caution...
Horny will kick embarrassment's ass everytime.
Horny, hiney, honey! - Joel as girl undresses
Horny: When your cock gets hard if the wind blows.
Horologically, what is a "yabba-dabba-do" time?
Horoscope for James says "Skepticism will be a healthy attitude."
Horoscope for Seanette says "Letter in the mail for you."
Horoscope for Tammy says "You will be looked to for leadership."
Horoscope for you says "Tomorrow will be a much better day."
Horoscope says "A loved one has a secret."
Horoscope says "Don't believe all that you hear."
Horoscope says "Don't trust your instincts today."
Horoscope says "Dreams will be fulfilled soon."
Horoscope says "Letter in the mail for you."
Horoscope says "Love will find its way to you."
Horoscope says "Skepticism will be a healthy attitude."
Horoscope says "That job is yours."
Horoscope says "The planets are in your favor in love."
Horoscope says "There is a puppy in your future."
Horoscope says "Think before acting...all is not as it seems."
Horoscope says "Tomorrow will be a much better day."
Horoscope says "Trust your instincts today."
Horoscope says "Weigh your words carefully today."
Horoscope says "You will be looked to for leadership."
Horoscope says "Your past holds the key to your future."
Horoscopia: Advice in horoscope that can be applied to anyone, anytime.
Horribly stuffed with taglines of war. -- Tagspeare
Horrid mischief would ensue were half the world deprived arms. - Paine
Hors d'oeuvres-- a ham sandwich cut into forty pieces.
Hors d'oeuvres--a ham sandwich cut into forty pieces.
Hors d'oeuvres:  ham sandwich cut into forty pieces.
Horse power rules, neigh, neigh
Horse racing sport of kings!  Drag racing - the sport of queens?
Horse radish, Slim Jim, Crappie - Mike on smell
Horse sense comes from stable thinking.
Horse sense is stable thinking.
Horse sense is the thing a horse has that keeps it from b
Horse sense is the thing a horse has that keeps it from betting on people.
Horse sense is what keeps horses from betting on people.
Horse sense is what keeps horses from betting on what people will do.
Horse sense is what keeps horses from betting on what people!!!
Horse's can't fly!  Horse feathers...
Horseback riders stay in the saddle longer.
Horseman: "I've fallen and can't giddyup"
Horses are forbidden to eat fire hydrants in Marshalltown, Iowa.
Horses do it with a gallop.
Horses don't need shrinks - they lead stable lives.
Horses just naturally have Mohawk haircuts.
Horses just naturally have mohawk haircuts.
Horses sure can thrill you, if they don't try to kill you
Horta: NO KILL I.
Hoser = someone trying to be cool, and failing.
Hospital gown: semi-private coverage.
Hospital patients do it in bedpans.
Hospital:  A factory for the repair of faulty humans
Hospital:  A prostitute's spittoon.
Hospital:  A workshop for the repair of faulty humans.
Hospital: A prostitute's spitoon.
Hospital: A prostitute's spittoon.
Hospital: A workshop for the repair of faulty humans.
Hospitality:  Making your guests feel at home, even though you wish they were.
Hospitals:  Places where the run down wind up.
Hospitals: Places where the run down wind up.
Hospitals: places where the run down wind up.
Host System Not Responding, Probably Down.  Do you want to wait?  (Y/N)
Hot Cars, Hot Lead, Hot Damn.
Hot Coffee & cold pizza: the breakfast of champions !!!!
Hot Dog! I gotta date with death! - Joel as guy on street
Hot Dog!: Frank Furter
Hot Dogma!
Hot Fudge Sundae falls on Tuesday this year!
Hot Fudge Sundae falls on a Tuesday this year!
Hot Fudge Sundae falls on a Tuesday this year.
Hot Lips: Hate Hawkeye, hate BJ, love you & my wife--Faithfully, Fra_ nk
Hot Shots - the Mother of all movies.
Hot Tip #2: Don't pet a dog that's on fire.
Hot air sometimes thaws out a cold reception.
Hot as Vulcan.
Hot bun bakers DO IT crossly.
Hot bun makers do it crossly.
Hot coffe and cold pizza...Breakfast of Champions
Hot coffee, black, double sweet.
Hot cross puns, Hot cross puns, one-a-penny, two-a-penny, etc.
Hot damn we're cooking now.
Hot damn, we're cooking now.
Hot dog! Groat cakes again! Heavy on the 40 weight, I hope.
Hot dog! I have a date with death! --Joel Robinson.
Hot dogs -- meat that's in the Witness Protection Program
Hot enough for you?
Hot enough to boil a monkey's bum!
Hot enough to fry a dogs brain.
Hot fire, warm, stale water, baked SCAdian to go, m'lady.
Hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass.
Hot patooey, bless my soul, *SEX, DRUGS, AND ROCK AND ROLL*!
Hot patootie - bless my soul!  I really love that rock 'n roll!
Hot patootie, bless my soul.... I really love that Rock & Roll.
Hot patootie, bless my soul.... I really love that rock and roll!
Hot patootie, bless my soulI really love that Rock & Roll.
Hot tight rubber makes me sweat!!!
Hot tips don't come with reference books attached.
Hot to play a joke on a man who likes to argue - agree with him!
Hot water Heaters:  hot water needs heating?
Hot water Heaters: Hot water needs heating?
Hot water heater?   Why do you need to heat hot water?
Hot water heaters... Hot water needs heating?
Hot water heaters?  Why does hot water need heating?
Hot!  Plain! Tomato soup!
Hot, Plain Tomato Soup!!!!
Hot, buttered bodies ?!!!!!
Hot, steamy hardware intrigue! - Mike
Hot-rodders have four-on-the-floorgasms.
Hotchat: What is the sound of one hand typing.
Hotel:  A place you give good dollars for bad quarters.
Hotel: A place to spend good dollars for bad quarters.
Hotel: A place you give good dollars for bad quarters.
Hotel: a place you give good dollars for bad quarters.
Hotlips - Drop your pants & bend over.  - Hawkeye
Hotter than a Puerto Rican credit card.
Houdeenie:  Hot dog that falls through the grill and into the fire.
Houdini's escaping from New Jersey!
Hours can be centuries
House Cat: A feline that has trained humans for pets!
House Construction: Bill Jerome Holme
House Construction: Bill Jerome Holme(6)
House Plants: Clay Potts
House Rule:  If it cries, love it.
House Rule:  If you move it, return it.
House for sale. Parents included with no extra charge.
House gets too cold in the winter?  Buy a Pentium.
House of Israel is alive and well
House rules. I'm very sorry. Have a nice day.--Quark
House? The computer room is attached to a house? Wow!
House? The computer room is attached to the house?
Housebroken tribble: |_*_|
Houseguests, like fish, stink after the third day.
Housewife vigilante - Tom on dead guy's mother
Housework = threading beads on a string without a knot.
Housework can kill you if done right.
Housework can kill you if you do it right
Housework cuts into my BBS time. Hmmm.  GIVE UP HOUSEWORK!
Housework done properly, can kill you
Housework has never killed anybody, but why chance it!
Housework has never yet killed anybody, but why chance it
Housework makes you UGLY!
Housework never killed anybody, but why chance it?
Housework won't kill me, but I'm not taking any chances.
Housework,                     by Dustin Cook
Housework, done properly, can kill you. - Erma Bombeck
Housework: Dustin Cook
Housework: threading beads on a string without a knot.
Housework? I have a computer.
Houston - we have a negative on that orbit trajectory - Calvin
Houston Oiler Football: Turn out the lights, the Pardee's over.
Houston ROCKETS *** 1994 and 1995 NBA Champions!
Houston Rockets, the best "TEAM" in the NBA!
Houston Rockets: 6 down, 76 to go...
Houston we have a problem.
Houston! do you read.
Houston, TX: It is illegal to sell Limburger cheese on Sunday.
Houston, we have a negative on that orbit trajectory.
Houston, we have a negative on that orbit trajectory. - Calvin
How 'bout I shatter the known laws of physics? - Dr. F
How 'bout a big Dating Game kiss? <SMMOOOCH> - Tom
How 'bout a big hug?
How 'bout a little... bunny heat? -Babs Bunny
How 'bout a muffin? - Talkie Toaster
How 'bout a toss in the hay? asked Tom loftily.
How 'bout coming up to my place for a spot of heavy breathing?
How 'bout lunch and sex? . . . OK, we can skip the lunch.
How 'bout prostitution? Drugs? - Mike the grill and into the fire
How 'bout some fresh sliced ME? - Mike leers to Mamie
How 'bout that one: The Grunge That Stole Christmas? --Butthead
How 'bout that, sports fans? - Mel Allen, THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL
How 'bout them Cowboys?
How 'bout you Slams? - Crow to Tom
How About That Kiss Now, Explodie! - Poopie.
How Can You Be In Two Places at Once When You're Not Anywhere at All?
How Could You?, Don't You Have A Conscience - Stimpy.
How DO boneless chickens walk?
How DOOOOOO you do. that thing with your mouth? - Yakko
How DOOOOOO you do? - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
How Dare You Ask Questions Without Having Read The Manual ???
How Dare You Assume I'm Christian
How I Won The Marathon: Randy Hoelway
How I Won The Marathon: Randy Hoelway*
How I drank a case of beer. by I. P. Freely.
How I found the Goddess and what I did to her when I found her.
How I mentioned lately how much I appreciate you, Lennier? - Delenn
How I pity those who cannot accept themselves.
How IS your bot? - Tom to Crow after spanking
How The South Won The Civil War, by Barnaby Rudge
How To Beat A Murder Rap: Scott Free
How To Beat A Murder Rap: Scott Free*
How To Make Cornmeal Pancakes: Johnny Cake
How To Make Cornmeal Pancakes: Johnny Cake*
How To Paralyze A Woman From The Waist Down...Marry Her
How To Steal A $1,000,000 NanoBucks...Email: Unahacker@anonymous.net
How To Tune Up Your Auto: Carl Humm
How To Tune Up Your Auto: Carl Humm*
How a REAL programmer works:  COPY CON PROGRAM.EXE
How a blonde becomes more intelligent: dyes her hair Brunette.
How about "follically- deficient"  for bald
How about *that* Mr. Fung? - Sheck
How about Bad News for Bad Dudes?
How about Barclay as director of the Ministry of Silly Walks?
How about Dead Cat logic?
How about I buy you a drink? - Dodger
How about Scott's Information Manual for Lawns and Gardens (1977)
How about Taming Tigers by Claude Tibbits.
How about a "Crack cocaine for guns" buyback?
How about a 7-day wait period on buying Congressmen?
How about a Fish Finder.
How about a beer, Norm? I'm high on life... Of course, beer is my life.
How about a big hug? -- Q
How about a box of dehydrated chocolates? - Hawkeye
How about a braille nymphomaniac?
How about a bumper sandwich, booger-lips?
How about a kiss. - Pulaski
How about a latinum plated bucket to sleep in? -- Quark
How about a little fire, Scarecrow!
How about a little fire, Scarecrow?"
How about a little fire, scarecrow?
How about a little light, Margaret? - Trapper
How about a little peel & squeal at my place?
How about a little sugar for the Todd Monster? - Joel
How about a new conference for FIDO, called WHINE_AND_CHEESE?
How about a nice game of chess? Joshua from War Games
How about a pin the missile on the Iraqi leader game?
How about a slice of life, how about some human trade?
How about a tip? - Yakko  No messages in the TAGLINES echo.
How about a tip? - Yakko Don't eat lead. - Flaxseed
How about a tip? - Yakko No messages in the TAGLINES echo.
How about a tip? No messages in the recipes echo.
How about according a fetus the same trial by jury that O.J. got?
How about an Appolo Juice with extra bubbles?
How about contributing a few taglines yourself next time?
How about fixing up Michael Jackson with PeeWee Herman?
How about punishing the makeup people? - Crow
How about some Roger Waters taglines?
How about some from Video Girl Ai?  Or Kimagure Orange road?
How about some more "KEY" Tags?
How about some naked, co-ed, full contact wrestling?
How about something a little less severe? - Col. Potter
How about sucking in your shoulders? - Hawkeye to Trapper
How about that ... local sports team!? -- Monty Burns to his workers
How about that guy I groined in the knee -- Tom Servo
How about the guys at Phoenix (Phoenix BIOS)?
How about the top of the Empire State Building?   Cary Grant
How about them apples....
How about washing his underwear in jalapena pepper juice? <G>
How about you buy me a water? - Garibaldi
How about you sit on my lap and we'll see what pops up?
How about... I'm not getting old - I'm just chronologically challenged
How about... I'm not old - I'm just chronically challenged? <G>
How am I DOOM ][-ing?  Dial 1-900-BFG-9000.
How am I driving? --- 1-800-EAT-***T!
How am I driving? --- 1-800-EAT-SHIT
How am I driving? Call 1-800-TAG-LINE.
How am I ever going to decide? - Tom on freezers
How am I looking?  Looking *nice*!" - The Cat
How am I looking? I'm looking better than nice! - The Cat
How am I looking? Looking *nice*! - The Cat
How am I supposed to be creative with 40 year old rebuilt engines?
How am I supposed to be creative with a 39-year-old rebuilt engine?
How am I supposed to beg, with all that pressure?
How am I supposed to know what a rhetorical question is?
How an engineer writes a program: Start by debugging an empty file...
How annoying!  My DOG just won a Socks the Cat look-alike contest!
How appropriate that the Bible refers to Christians as sheep.
How appropriate.  You fight like a cow.
How are Olympic style Games judges selected, is their work reviewed?
How are lawyers and sperm alike? Only one in a million do anything.
How are men like noodles?  They lack taste and need dough.
How are men like noodles?  They're always in hot water.
How are we to know weather we actually exist or only think we exist?
How are you feeling, Mr. Lister, sir? - Kryten
How are you getting on with your Stylophone?
How are you going to pay for that. --Rimmer. You are. --Lister.
How are you, boy? - Dr. Soong to Data
How badly do you want it ?
How better else to spend a weekend?
How big are your members?  --Wayne Campbell (Wayne & Garth)
How big do these things grow anyway?.
How big does that music make it sound? - Tom Servo
How blind are those who refuse to see?
How brave you are. We'll see how fast you'll be running - Tori Amos
How can Clinton be a draft dodger if he never was drafted?
How can DOS remember where a memory error was?
How can I backup my hard drive? I can't find it's *!@$ reverse switch!
How can I be creative with 39-year-old rebuilt engines? - B'llanna Tor
How can I be dead?  I had 20 hit points.  An arrow can do 8, max.
How can I be out of money if I still have these checks?
How can I be out of money...I still have checks.
How can I be over the hill when I never got to the top?
How can I be overdrawn?  I still have checks!
How can I challenge myself when I know I'm only bluffing?
How can I convince you I am mortal? - Q DIE! - Worf
How can I convince you I am mortal? Die, Q!
How can I escape its irresistable grasp? - Pink Floyd
How can I fail when I have no purpose???
How can I find out what "dictionary" means?
How can I fly Like an Eagle, when I'm surrounded by Turkeys?
How can I get Hillary to manage MY commodities account?
How can I go on strike if nobody ever needs my services?
How can I insert disk #3 when only two will fit?
How can I learn from my misteaks?   I never make any!
How can I love you if you won't lie down?
How can I make this a recipe-oriented message?  Got any recipes
How can I miss you if you won't go away.
How can I miss you if you won't go away?
How can I miss you when you won't go away?
How can I prove I am not crazy to people who are?
How can I prove I'm mortal? - Q DIE! - Worf
How can I prove I'm not crazy to people who are?
How can I prove it to you? Die!
How can I prove my sanity to people who have none?
How can I prove to you I'm mortal?  - Q    DIE!  - Worf
How can I re-adjust, if I was never really adjusted.
How can I run amok?  I don't even own one!
How can I soar like an eagle when I'm surrounded by turkeys?
How can I stay mad at you? - Homer, talking to a moldy sandwich.
How can I take an interest in my work when I don't like it?
How can I tell if the realityometer is for real?
How can I tell you I love you when you're sitting on my face?
How can I tell you I love you, you're sitting on my face.
How can Right-to-Lifers kill a doctor?
How can Superman pursue truth, justice, and the American Way at once?
How can UPS afford to give out all those packages?
How can a chemical substance provide an escape? -- Wesley
How can anyone flunk sex education?
How can it be described in one line or less?
How can life after death be more serene than life itself?
How can men be so juvenile??
How can my head be both pointy and flat at the same time?
How can one ancestor cause so much TROUBLE ??
How can one ancestor cause so much trouble ?
How can such a large computer do so little?
How can they be jamming us if they don't know...we're..coming...
How can we be sure it's really Al Gore?
How can we go on believing in them?????
How can we have a fuel problem when we haven't got any?
How can you add one to infinity?
How can you be deaf with ears like that -- McCoy
How can you be deaf with ears like that? -McCoy
How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?
How can you be so deaf with such huge ears?
How can you be so deaf with those huge ears?
How can you be so deaf with those huge ears?
How can you be so mean to someone so meaningless?
How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land?
How can you buy or sell the sky? - Chief Sealth, 1852
How can you eat this slop? - My mouth is tone-deaf. - Radar
How can you expect to soar with dragons if you haven't seen Gargoyles?
How can you forget me? I'm unforgetabeble! - The Cat
How can you give thanks for food this bad? - Hawkeye to Fr. Mulcahy
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
How can you have any pudding, when you haven't eaten your meat?
How can you know me when you don't even know yourself?
How can you make a Violin sound more like a Viola? Miss a lot of notes.
How can you make a spacesuit look like evening wear?
How can you respect a machine controlled by a mouse?
How can you say that, you're not dead!
How can you spot lying politicians?  Their lips move...
How can you stand it...not getting older?  - Kenny
How can you support all of that weight out of the water?
How can you support all of that weight out of water?
How can you taste my wine til you empty your cup?
How can you taste my wine until you empty your cup?
How can you tell a happy sperm ?  Egg on its face !
How can you tell if a Viola is out of tune? The bow is moving.
How can you tell if a blonde writes mysteries? She has a checkbook.
How can you tell if a man is happy? Who cares?
How can you tell if a man is sexually excited? He's breathing.
How can you tell if someone is intelligent? They read directions.
How can you tell the dance from the dancer?
How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving.
How can you tell when sour cream goes bad?
How can you tell when yogurt goes bad?
How can you tell when you are out of invisable ink?
How can you work when the system's so crowded?
How can your head be both pointy and flat at the same time?
How clean you are!
How clever Worf! Eat any good books lately? - Q
How come "Call Waiting" doesn't?
How come Bill never speaks when Hillary's drinking water?
How come CAT'S never land on their FEET when I play with em' ?
How come CAT'S never land on their FEET when I play with them?
How come CATS never land on their FEET when I play with them?
How come Cat Food doesn't come in BUTT Flavor?
How come DOS never says "excellent command or file name"?
How come FLAMMABLE and INFLAMMABLE mean the same thing?
How come I always get the booby prize? - Hello Nurse
How come I always get to be at the bottom of the page?
How come I can never find Troi when I'm angry at her?
How come I get all the hard questions?
How come I got round from eating square meals?
How come I see so many blondes who die their roots black?
How come OUR automatic doors are quieter than Enterprise?
How come Pizza can get to your house faster than a Police Car?
How come Windows finds General Protection Fault - but not his army?
How come a 10-year old kid finds a dope pusher and the FBI can't?
How come a house burns up at the same time it burns down?
How come a wrong number is never busy?
How come all the buttons keep flying off my shirt?
How come all you guys sit on your helmets?
How come animal shelter workers are paid more than childcare workers?
How come cats don't have DOC's?
How come dictionaries don't have indexes?
How come it's only MY ancestors who are in hiding?
How come men got nipples?
How come my clock only makes 'toc's? Tom asked mystically.
How come my taglines are funny, but yours STINK?
How come nobody ever tampers with Spam?
How come not one man in a beer commercial has a beer belly?
How come only your friends step on your new white sneakers?
How come our cat runs the house but pays no bills?
How come pizza gets to your door faster than the police?
How come pizza gets to your home faster than the police?
How come pizza gets to your house faster than the police?
How come pizza reaches your door faster than the police?
How come sleeping dragons never tell the truth?
How come smoking cures bacon but kills people?
How come the AT&T Logo looks like the Death Star?
How come the AT&T symbol looks like the Death Star?
How come the Death Star looks like the AT&T logo?
How come the Pizza guy gets here faster than the cops?
How come the artificial horizon shows a little plane upside down?
How come the greatest of shows air on the lamest of stations?
How come the kamikazi pilots wore helmets?
How come the pizza dude gets to your house faster than the police?
How come the pizza gets here faster then the police?
How come there aren't any Air Force-Marine surplus stores?
How come there was so much dragon and so little treasure.
How come there's no F1 on my remote control?
How come there's no Vegetable Rights movement?
How come there's only one Monopolies Commission?
How come theres no pictures of Italians on the wall -Mike
How come they call 'em APARTments when they're attached?
How come they don't show boobs? huh huh huh  - Butthead.
How come they made up all the rules before I got here?
How come this jacket they gave me didn't have any sleeves
How come this jacket they gave me doesn't have sleeves?
How come we drive on parkways & park on driveways?
How come women aren't in the NHL? The guys would rather CHECK them out
How come women aren't in the NHL? The guys would rather CHECK them out.
How come women never remember to leave the seat up?
How come wrong numbers are NEVER busy!!
How come wrong numbers are never busy!
How come wrong numbers are never busy?
How come you don't judo me? - Tom as geeky guy to girl
How come you never see the money in pay-phones being collected?
How come you're bent over like that? ... My wife grabbed my pillow!
How come your own farts never stink?
How complicated can it be? A loop's a loop isn't it?
How convieeeeeeent!
How could Brigham Young be against sex?
How could I be mad at such an April-fresh bundle of snuggly goodness?
How could I download a virus It said NO CARRIER
How could I forget you...you're too weird.
How could I have downloaded a virus?!?!  It said NO CARRIER
How could anything alter reality for $9.95?
How could something so small, bite so hard?
How could something that took that much work only last 10 minutes.
How could this much fun be legal? hehe <GD&R>
How could we have all died at the same time? The salmon MOUSSE!
How could you turn me into this after you just taught me how to kiss
How dare you presume I'd rather be thin.
How dare you presume that I am heterosexual!
How darling & lovely! - Crow gushes
How dear of you to let me out of jail.   Katharine Hepburn
How deep is the ocean?
How deep is the valley?
How deep would the ocean be without sponges?
How did @N@ get into my tagline?
How did BEN SANSING get into my tagline?
How did BattleMechs get into this dungeon?
How did Bill Gates amass $6.4 billion?  In small bytes.
How did Bill and Hillary meet in college?   By dating the same woman.
How did Bill and Hillary meet?  Dating the same woman!
How did Bill and Hillary meet?  They were dating the same man.
How did Bill and Hillary meet?  They were dating the same woman.
How did Bill and Hillary meet? Dating the same woman!
How did Bill and Hillary meet? They dated the same woman!
How did Debra Winger way to Hollywood?
How did Ed McMahon get MY home address?
How did I get along WITHOUT DESQview? *Milwaukee, WI
How did I get here from there?
How did I get here, and WHO are YOU???
How did I get round from eating square meals.
How did I get round from eating square meals?
How did I get round from eating square meals?
How did I get so round from eating square meals?
How did John Bobbitt pay for his medical bills? Through severance pay.
How did Noddians spell their land, if their alphabet had "no D"?
How did Orville get into my tagline?
How did Wicket cross the road?  Ewok-D!
How did YOU get on the other side of the SCREEN?
How did a draft dodger get to be Commander in Chief?
How did a fool and his money get together anyway?
How did a fool and his money get together in the first place?
How did a fool and his money get together?
How did the "Keep off the Grass" sign get in the yard?
How did the Marine try to kill the bird?  He threw it off a cliff.
How did the accident happen? Well, you see those stairs?  I didn't!
How did the blonde break her arm raking leaves? Fell out of the tree.
How did the blonde die drinking milk? The cow fell on her.
How did the blonde kill the bird? Threw it off a cliff.
How did the blonde try to kill the bird?  She threw it off a cliff.
How did the fool and his money get together in the first place?
How did the fool get his money in the first place?
How did the guy inventing cottage cheese know it was done?
How did they get O.J. to confess? They squeezed it out of him.
How did this ugly man get in my bed?
How did this ugly woman get in my bed?
How did you get here, wiggle off the hook?
How did you get here? Wiggle off the hook?
How did you get into that dress, with a spray gun? - Bob Hope
How did you get to me?!?
How did you grill a hot dog before pointed sticks were invented?
How did you grill half a hot dog before pointed sticks were invented?
How did you know I was on Prozac???<G>
How did you like command?  -- Riker     Comfortable chair.  -- Worf
How did you lose the lake again Vhujunka?
How did you manage *that*, Connor MacLeod? - Dougal MacLeod
How dieth the wise man? As the fool.
How do Deaf people sign off? GA SK (dial tone)
How do I convert ASCII into physical sensation?
How do I do my Fatality on the Boss character?
How do I dupe thee? Let me count the ways...
How do I find a lawyer?
How do I find the way back to Kansas!?!....
How do I get TWO tag lines??
How do I get into reality's God Mode?
How do I get my words to RIME ?
How do I get out of this chickens**t outfit? <Hudson>
How do I get rid of the pee smell? - Crow
How do I get this mouse to type in the characters?
How do I know if I have a good enough lawyer?
How do I look? Strange? Surreal? -- Julia
How do I love thee?  My accumulator overflows.
How do I love thee?  See page 23, figure 4, "Hot Weasels"
How do I love thee?  Shhhh this is a family conference
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! I can think of 52 ways!!
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... 1, 2, 3, ...
How do I love thee? My accumulator overflows.
How do I love thee? Shhhh... this is a family conference
How do I send an erase tagline tagline?
How do I send enough messages to use all my taglines?
How do I set my Laser Printer to "Kill"?
How do I set my Laser Printer to "Print"?
How do I set my Laser Printer to "STUN"?
How do I set my Laser Printer to "Stun"?
How do I set my LaserPrinter to "Stun"?!
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
How do I set my laser printer on stun? ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
How do I set my laser printer on stun?.
How do I set my laser printer to "stun"?
How do I set my lazer printer on stun???
How do I set my phase to tickle?
How do I set my phaser to "tickle?"
How do I set my phaser to SLOW PAINFUL DEATH?
How do I set my phaser to tickle?
How do I spell "relief"?  E-X-L-A-X.
How do I tell her that immortality exists, but not for her? - Duncan
How do I turn the other cheek without getting up?
How do Jane Fonda & Bill Clinton differ?  Jane Fonda went to Vietnam.
How do Kiwis find their sheep in 10' tall grass?      Very satisfying
How do Kiwis find their sheep in 10ft high grass? Very satisfying...
How do Marine braincells die? Ha, no such thing!
How do Marines find sheep in 10ft. high grass?  Very satisfying.
How do San Franciscans perform safe sex? In a doorway.
How do Smurfs reproduce?     They smuck.
How do U tell a Chtorran from a Tribble? They purr, eat, and AUGH
How do YOU get to sleep without doumbek lullabies?
How do YOU spell computer?
How do YOU spell relief? A-M-I-G-A-D-O-S!
How do bees get to school? They ride the school buzz.
How do blonde brain cells die?  Alone.
How do blonde brain cells die? Alone.
How do blondes get minks?  The same way Minks get Minks!
How do blondes make ice? With a recipe.
How do do ugly things like octopuses & hairy bugs reproduce? -Calvin
How do frogs die ? They Ker-mit suicide.
How do frogs die?  Ker-mit suicide
How do frogs die?  They Kermit suicide.
How do frogs die? Ker-mit suicide
How do frogs die? They Ker-mit suicide.
How do girls get minks?  Same way minks get minks!
How do golfers celebrate? Par tee.
How do humans manage to exist in these fragile cases?
How do lawyers charge in matrimonial cases?
How do make a cat float?  Start with two scoops of cat...
How do make a cat float? Start with two scoops of cat...
How do nudists play Flag Football?
How do parents know about those things they advise against?
How do people do that without getting headaches? --Salmoneus
How do psychiatrists relax?  They stop and smell the neuroses.
How do soldiers killing each other solve the worlds problems? --Biafra
How do soldiers killing each other solve the worlds problems? --Calvin.
How do the deer know to cross at the signs?
How do these guys pee with their pants on backwards?
How do these taglines work again?
How do they expect us to fight a war without shuttlecocks? - Hawkeye
How do they get Teflon (tm) to stick to the pan?
How do they get Teflon to stick to the pan?
How do they get Teflon to stick to the pans?
How do they get all those little metal bits on a zipper to line up so well?
How do they get deer to cross at those signs?
How do they get teflon to stick to the pans?
How do they get the "Teflon Coated" stickers to stick to the pan?
How do they get the Teflon Coated stickers to stick to the pan?
How do they get the caribou to cross at the signs?
How do they get the deer to cross at that yellow road sign?
How do they get the deer to cross at the signs?
How do they get the deer to cross right at the sign?
How do those guys pee with their pants on backwards?
How do vampires say "V" without shredding their lips?
How do we get the Beatles back together? Three more bullets!
How do we know it's summer in Melbourne?  The rain is warmer.
How do we know that he didn't invent the thing?  * Scotty
How do we know we can trust... them? -- Ren
How do we know when it's summer in Melbourne?  The rain feels warmer.
How do we know when it's summer in Vancouver?  The rain feels warmer.
How do we know you're the REAL Angel of Death?  Prove it! <CROAK!>
How do women get mink?  The same way mink get mink.
How do women get minks?  Same way minks get minks.
How do women get minks? Same way minks get minks
How do women get minks? Same way minks get minks.
How do ya castrate a redneck? Kick his sister in the chin
How do ya keep a polock in suspense?
How do ya spell CAT?
How do you attach a tag line so it'll stay?
How do you attract so much trouble??!?
How do you bare it, this loneliness?
How do you blind a Canadian?  Put them behind a windshield.
How do you blind a Yankee? Put a windshield in front of him
How do you break a Clinton supporter's finger? Punch him in the nose.
How do you call a *very* large cat wearing a rising-sun headband?
How do you castrate a redneck?  Kick his sister in the chin.
How do you change a blonde's mind? Buy her another beer.
How do you circumcise a hillbilly?  Smack his sister on the chin!
How do you circumcise a redneck? Kick his sister in the chin.
How do you circumcise a whale? Four skin divers!
How do you circumsize a whale? Send down four skin divers.
How do you clean out a used condom? Shake the f*ck out of it!!
How do you convert a circuit to a calculus microchip?  INTEGRATE!!!
How do you copy? Over. With a Xerox machine. You?
How do you cure a man of nymphomania? Marry him!
How do you cure a man of satyriasis?  Marry him!
How do you cure a woman of Nymphomania? Marry her!
How do you cure a woman of nymphomania?  Marry her!
How do you cure a woman of nymphomania? Marry her.
How do you determine the sex of a computer?
How do you dog-ear an electronic book?
How do you double the value of a Pinto?  Fill the tank.
How do you drag me into these things???
How do you drive a blonde crazy? Hide her hair brush!
How do you drown a Marine?  Put a beer at the bottom of the pool.
How do you drown a blonde?  Put a mirror on the bottom of the pool.
How do you expect me to be creative with 40 year old engines?
How do you explain "DAYLIGHT" savings time to a vampire?
How do you explain Daylight Savings to a cat?
How do you explain Slim Whitman & Wayne Newton? - Crow
How do you explain school to a higher intelligence?
How do you explain school to a higher intelligence? -- Elliot, "E.T."
How do you explain the show Beevis and Butthead then?
How do you feel about that, Counselor Troi?
How do you feel, MacLeod? Naked? Helpless? - Kllian
How do you feel? -- Computer to Spock
How do you find out if a woman is ticklish? Give her a test-tickle.
How do you forget something like that? - Principal McVicar
How do you get 1000 babies into a Volkswagen? A Pitch Fork.
How do you get 150 old ladies to say the F-word? Yell BINGO!
How do you get 400 Canadians out of a bar?  Ask them nicely!
How do you get Schrodinger's Cat _into_ the box?
How do you get Windows to go faster? THROW IT HARDER!!!
How do you get a lawyer out of a tree? Cut the rope!
How do you get a manic-depressive out of a tree?  Cut the rope.
How do you get a nun pregnant?  Dress her up like an altar boy.
How do you get a one armed blonde out of a tree? Wave.
How do you get a pit bull off your leg?  Fake an orgasm!
How do you get cat hair out of a hard drive?
How do you get holy water?... Boil the hell out of it!
How do you get two Viola players to play in tune? Shoot one of them.
How do you get your blow-port to pucker like that? - Crow
How do you get your hair to do that?
How do you give Orville an enema? There's no end to the *******!
How do you give Rush Limbaugh an enema?  There's no end to the a$$hole!
How do you give Rush Limbaugh an enema? There's no end to the *******!
How do you give Rush Limbaugh an enema? There's no end to the a$$hole!
How do you give a blonde a brain transplant? Blow in her ear!
How do you have such creative taglines, @F?
How do you have such creative taglines, Orville?
How do you have such creative taglines?
How do you keep a blonde's baby amused? Give her a mirror and makeup.
How do you keep a dog quiet? Feed him hushpuppies.
How do you keep a moron in suspense?
How do you keep a turkey in suspense?
How do you keep a turkey in suspense?
How do you keep an idiot in suspense?
How do you kill a fag? A put a mole in his hamster cage.
How do you know Clinton is lying? His lips are moving..
How do you know a Redneck?  The child calls her father "Uncle Daddy"
How do you know harring has gone bad? Does it start to smell good?
How do you know if a bagpipe is in tune?
How do you know it's summer in BC? The rain's warmer.
How do you know it's summer in Oregon? The rain's warmer.
How do you know it's summer in Seattle? The rain's warmer
How do you know it's summer in Seattle? The rain's warmer.
How do you know it's summer in Seattle?...The rain is warmer.
How do you know so much about my mother?! -Dr. F to Frank
How do you know so much about swallows, sire?
How do you know that it was UNBIASED?
How do you know the test was competently done?
How do you know they had no vested interests?
How do you know when a lawyer is lying?  His lips move.
How do you know when you run out of invisible ink?
How do you know when you've run out of invisible ink?
How do you know when your bagpipe needs tuning?
How do you know you are not immortal untill you die.
How do you know you have the right groundhog?
How do you light up a blonde's eyes? Shine a flashlight in their ear.
How do you like command? - Riker.  Comfortable chair. - Worf.
How do you like my new contacts? asked Tom, glassy-eyed.
How do you like my tagline???
How do you like this negligee? asked Mary transparently.
How do you like your blue eyed boy, Mr. Death.
How do you like your eggs ?? Oh ... preferably unfertilized thanks ..
How do you make Windows faster ?  Throw it harder
How do you make Windows faster?  Throw it harder!
How do you make Windows faster?  Throw it harder!!!
How do you make Windows go faster?  Throw it harder!
How do you make a Mac go faster?  Throw it harder
How do you make a PC go faster?  Throw it harder!
How do you make a cat blink?  Put it in the blender.
How do you make a cat drink?  Put it in the blender.
How do you make a cat float? Start with two scoops of cat...
How do you make a cat fly?  Nail it to the front wheel of a 747.
How do you make a dog meow?  Freeze it, grab a bandsaw, and MEEEEOW...
How do you make a dog meow? Freeze it, grab a band saw, and MEEEEOW.
How do you make a hormone? Kick her in the c***?
How do you make a hormone? Put sawdust in the Vaseline!
How do you make a kleenex dance? Blow a little boogie in it.
How do you make a quick skeleton?  Put a leper in a wind tunnel.
How do you mend a broken heart?  Ice cream and money.
How do you pick up a Branch Dividian?  With a Dustbuster, of course!
How do you plant seedless grapes?!
How do you program the holodeck for Orion Slave Girls? -- Wesley
How do you pronounce "Cthulhu"?  As quietly as possible.
How do you pronounce Rasta? With reverence!
How do you pronounce my name?   With reverence.
How do you pronounce my name? With reverence.
How do you put 500 bugs in a matchbox? Ask Ashton-Tate.
How do you save a drowning lawyer?  Throw him a rock.
How do you separate the men from the boys? With a crowbar.
How do you sink an Irish battle ship?.....Put it in water.............
How do you slow down a lead guitarist?  Sheet music..
How do you speed up Windows?  Throw it harder!!!
How do you speed up Windows?  Throw the disks across the room!!
How do you spell "flavor?" ...C-H-O-L-E-S-T-E-R-O-L !
How do you spell Alzheimers? I forgot.
How do you spell RELIEF?  DISK_SPACE!
How do you spell excellent 3D action game?  D-O-O-M
How do you spell idiot? LIMBAUGH.
How do you spell relief?   MRFA!
How do you spell relief?  OS/2 Warp.
How do you spell relief?  OS/2!
How do you spell relief? OS/2WARP!
How do you spell subservient?   C-A-T  O-W-N-E-R
How do you spell that?  T - H - A - T
How do you stand all that hair all over his face? -- Q
How do you start a model-T Ford without a battery? asked Tom crankily.
How do you stay atop the Blue Wave?  Register it.
How do you stick stamps on e-mail ?
How do you stop Doug Flutie?                      Spike his Gatorade!
How do you stop a woman from having sex? .Marry her!
How do you straighten a bent pipe? Bend it!
How do you stun a Klingon? Give 'em the bill for all that ghak they ate.
How do you stun a Klingon? Give 'em the bill for all that ghak.
How do you stun a Klingon? Give 'em the bill for all that they ate.
How do you stun a Klingon? Give 'em the bill for all the ghak they ate
How do you stun a Klingon? Give 'm the bill for all that ghak they ate
How do you stun a Klingon? Give'em the bill for all that ghak they ate
How do you tell a blind guy in a nudist colony? It's not hard
How do you tell if a bagpipe is out of tune?
How do you tell someone that you've been dead for 1000 years? A Lich.
How do you tell the sex of a chromosome?  By taking down its genes.
How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?
How do you tune a fish?
How do you turn a 486 into an XT? Run Windows.
How do you vote on the Coridon admission?
How do you want me to prove my mortality. ---Q. Die. --Worf.
How do you want to go, DarkWing? Regular or extra-crispy?
How do you write zero in Roman numerals?
How do young spooks prefer their eggs? ...Terrifried!
How do'ya do, I/ See you've met my/ Faithful handyman. -Frank
How does AVON find so many women willing to take orders?
How does Al Gore spell "potato"?    "T-A-T-E-R"
How does Al Gore spell potato?  T-A-T-E-R. - Rush Limbaugh
How does Al Gore spell potato?  T-A-T-E-R."--R. Limbaugh
How does Al Gore spell potato? T-A-T-E-R. --Rush Limbaugh.
How does Barbie like her hot dogs? Barbie-cued.
How does God call me to deny myself? - Ho Chee-Sin
How does Jesse Helms know if something is homo-erotic?
How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?  From a catalog!
How does Michael Jackson pick his nose? From a catalog!
How does Teflon stick to pans?
How does a Marine high-5?  One finger, 5 times.
How does a Marine part his hair? Headstand on a bayonet.
How does a Marine turn on the light after sex?  Opens the car door.
How does a Vampire say 'V' without shredding their lips?
How does a Warp engine work? ... You say, Engage..
How does a bankruptcy lawyer expect to be paid?
How does a blond try to kill birds?  Throw them off a cliff.
How does a blond try to kill birds? Throw them off a clif
How does a blonde high-5?  She smacks herself in the forehead.
How does a blonde high-5? Smacks herself in the forehead.
How does a blonde interpret 6.9?  69 interrupted by a period.
How does a blonde kill a bird?  She throws it off of a cliff
How does a blonde like her eggs?  Unfertilized.
How does a blonde part her hair?  By doing the splits.
How does a blonde part her hair? (spread thighs)
How does a blonde part her hair? By doing the splits.
How does a blonde turn on the light after sex?  Opens the car door.
How does a child-proof bottle know when a child is opening it?
How does a girl hold her liquor? By the ears!
How does a man take a bubble bath?  He eats beans for dinner.
How does a man take a bubble bath? He eats beans for supper.
How does a motherboard suckle her young?
How does anyone afford CI$ anyway?
How does it change many dyslexics to take a light-bulb?
How does it feel to be a genuine antique???????
How does it feel to be a tap dancer in the canoe of life?
How does it feel to be locked into Dos with No Windows?
How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people? -Beatles
How does it make you feel when someone presses that key?
How does my lawyer learn the facts about my case?
How does one become a lamer?  Is a lamer good? ...#%@%@# NO CARRIER
How does one expect the unexpected?
How does one go about obtaining a "cluttered mind," anyway? :-)
How does one have a personal relationship with a non-entity??!!??
How does one slay a dragon with a dagger? - Darkwood
How does teflon stick to the pan?
How does that feel in the crotch, Mike? - Crow
How does the "error generator" put my  NAME  in ??
How does the Warp Drive work? You say, "Engage"
How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?
How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work?
How does the towel work? - Crow as ditzy blonde
How does this snap open? - Frank to Margaret
How else can I keep my reputation as a miracle worker -- Scotty
How else can I keep my reputation as a miracle worker?
How else can I scar him? Son, you have a tiny winky -Mike
How far can I send this cat for $30?
How far can a metaphor be stretched before it snaps -Crow
How far can you open your mind before your brains fall out?
How far does RIME go? Twice as far as half! And you...?
How fare thee Fair Warrior?
How fitting that the Bible refers to Christians as sheep....
How fitting the Bible refers to christians as sheep.
How fortunate for rulers, that men do not think.  -Adolf Hitler
How fortunate for rulers, that men do not think. --Adolph Hitler.
How fortunate!  This will simplify everything!
How good do you have to be to qualify as good? - Calvin
How good is the self-service around here?
How have your stools been? - Crow
How honest? - Vash.  As honest as you and I. - Quark.
How horrible. Hitler was right about Homosexualsc'est la guere!
How important is cost in choosing a lawyer?
How is "Cthulhu" pronounced?  As quietly as possible.
How is 'education' supposed to make me feel smarter? - Homer
How is Cthulhu pronounce?  As quietly as possible.
How is Cthulhu pronounced?  As quietly as possible.
How is Cthulhu pronounced? As quietly as possible.
How is a woman like an airplane? Both have cockpits.
How is my lawyers secretary important to me?
How is the amount of child support determined?
How is this for diplomacy----Shoot them all!
How is this for diplomacy----Shoot them all! - Kirk
How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroo
How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.
How long before the announcement is made? - Sheridan
How long before we're as dumb as computers?
How long can I stay away before it's too late to come back?
How long can I survive on radio against this new monster? Groucho Marx
How long can a man live without brains?  How old are you?
How long did it take you to get kitty off the ceiling? =(*!*)=
How long do dogs celebrate the Dog-Year of the Dog?
How long do you think it would take to cook Barney?
How long does a lawyer need to PRACTICE before he gets it right? 
How long for Sleepwalker to climb stairs? He's on step two, today!
How long halt ye between two opinions.? - 1 Kings 18:21
How long have THESE been here? - Tom as girl on her boobs
How long have been fondling your keybord like that?
How long have you been Lurking??? What do you do??? etc.<G>
How long have you been my doppleganger? - Tom
How long have you had this delusion that you're human? - Hawkeye
How long have you stopped beating your wife?
How long is a minute depends on which side of the bathroom door you are on.
How long is a short story?
How long to the point of know return? - Kansas
How long was O.J.'s last run?
How long will a floating point operation float?
How long will a man lie in space ere he rot? Ham. 5.1.163
How long will it be before we all "just get in the way?"
How long will the wind blow?  Until I die.
How low am I, thou painted maypole? Speak - How low am I?
How many "Assholes" do we have on this ship!?!!?!?
How many "coming men" has one known!  Where on earth do they all go to?
How many Assholes are on this ship anyways?
How many BORG does it take to change a light bulb? ... All of them!
How many Borg does it take to screw in a light bulb? All of them!
How many Borg does it take to screw in a lightbulb?  A: All of them.
How many Borg does it take to screw in a lightbulb?  All of them.
How many Borgs to change a light bulb? Illumination is irrelevant.
How many Bullitt's does it take to screw in a light bulb?
How many Dittoheads can fit on the [Repeat] Key ?
How many Floridians does it take to change a light bulb?  Both of 'em.
How many GIF's can you fit on your hard drive anyway?
How many HitPoints for a GreenDragon sting in the midst of plenty, DM?
How many Illuminati does it take to change a light bulb?
How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb?
How many Lawyers does it take to screw up a light bulb?
How many MS programmers does it take to open a Window?
How many Orville's does it take to screw in a light bulb?
How many Pentium designers does it take to screw in a light bulb? 1.94
How many Rubber Chickens does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
How many Rush fans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
How many Taglines do you have?  Anyone?
How many Vorlons does it take to change a lightbulb?  Yes.
How many Windows jokes are there?   None!  It's all true.
How many Windows jokes are there?  None!  They're all true.
How many Zen Masters does it take a light bulb to change?
How many acrylics died to make that sweater?
How many amino acids can dance on the head of a pin?
How many as$holes we got on this ship anyways?  --YO!--
How many babies can a motherboard have?
How many believe in the Force?  Raise MY hand!
How many bits could a bitblit blit if a bitblit could blit bits?
How many blondes does it take to make choc chip cookies?
How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb? If only
How many borg does it take to change a lightbulb?  All of them.
How many candidates does it take to screw up an election?
How many cats does it take to change a light bulb?
How many children must die before life is fully respected?
How many chucks would a wood upchuck if a wood could upchuck chucks?
How many city workers does it take to screw in a light?
How many condoms did your kid get in school today?
How many consultants will fit onto the head of a pin?
How many different ways do you want me to tell the same story? <Rip>
How many dings you got in your door, Tom? Ten, Tom replied decadently.
How many does it take to screw in a light bulb?
How many dog-years are there in the Year of the Dog?
How many fond fools serve mad jealousy! - Shakespeare
How many fond fools serve mad taglines! - Tagspeare
How many fools does it take to make up a public?
How many frogs do I *have* to kiss?
How many gods do you believe in?
How many guys are REALLY inside of Barney?
How many hit points does being sat on by a dragon do?
How many hitpoints does being sat on by the Red Dragon cost?
How many husbands have I had? You mean apart from my own?   Zsa Zsa
How many kleptomaniacs does it take... Hey, where's the light bulb?
How many lawyer jokes are there?  One.  The rest are true.
How many lawyer jokes are there?  One: the rest are truths.
How many lawyer jokes are there?  Three.  The rest are facts.
How many lawyer jokes are there? 3. The rest are fact!
How many lawyer jokes are there? One. Rest are true.
How many lawyer jokes are there? One: the rest are truths.
How many lawyer jokes are there? Three- the rest are true stories.
How many lawyer jokes are there? Three. The rest are facts.
How many lawyer jokes? 3, the rest are true stories.
How many lawyer jokes? are there? 3, the rest are true stories.
How many lawyers can roof a house?  How thin can you slice 'em?
How many licks *does* it take to get to the center of a golf ball?
How many licks DOES it take to get to the center?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a frozen cat?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a golf ball?
How many licks does it take to get your juices flowing?
How many light bulbs does it take to change a comedian?
How many lightbulbs does it take to screw in a blonde?
How many lights do you see there? -- Gul Madred
How many lines could a tagline tag if a tagline could tag lines?
How many lines would a tagline tag, if a tagline could taglines?
How many lives is our country worth - and whose?
How many marriages were there before God created the first minister?
How many men does it take to change a woman?
How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb? - 1 Men will screw
How many miles to Avalon? None, I say, and all.
How many nooks and crannies -are- there in a Thomas' English Muffin?-ML
How many of God's laws does this violate? - Crow
How many of THIS random selection have you seen?
How many of these Lotto numbers do we need? - Mike
How many of you are Psionicists?  Raise MY hand!
How many of you believe in telekinesis?  Raise MY hand!
How many peas in a pod, HAL?
How many people believe in Telekinesis ? Raise MY hand !
How many people does it take to change a searchlight bulb?
How many people get eaten while hand feeding alligators?
How many people have lied in the name of Christ?
How many people here know about the Maniac? Oh, what - nobody?
How many people wake up Sunday morning with rice on the pillow?
How many people work here? None of them.
How many pinheads can dance on an angel?
How many priests are needed for a Boston Mass?
How many prologues does this movie need? - Mike
How many promises has Clinton kept?  A) None  B) None ...
How many recipes does that make now?
How many roads must a man travel before he admits he is lost
How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a cab ?
How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a cab
How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a cab?
How many roads must a man walk down before you should call him a cab?
How many roads must a man walk down, before he admits he's lost?
How many rooks would a book nook cook if a book nook could cook rooks?
How many sacks did the Argos' offensive line allow in '94?
How many sex-restricted jobs require a penis or a vagina?
How many signatures does it take to petition an element??
How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?  A Fish!
How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Fish!
How many taglines do I have?  How many stars are in the sky?
How many taglines does that make now?
How many tentacles has Great Cthulhu got? Too many.
How many think I'm right? Wrong? How many don't think?!
How many times *has* the bible been translated?
How many times a day I gotta threaten your life -- Tony
How many times do I have to say this? I HATE the Boston Bruins!!!
How many times do I have to say this? I HATE the New York Rangers!!!
How many times do I have to say this? I HATE videos with words! huh
How many times do I have to say.. don't confuse me with the facts!
How many times do I have to tell you, Chrissy Di - GET A LIFE!.
How many times do I have to tell you, Jack - GET A LIFE!!!
How many times do I have to tell you... (I forgot what it was)!!
How many times do you need to be tolled anyway?
How many times do you need to be tolled anyway? 
How many times have I told you: NOT IN THE CASTLE!!!!!!!!!
How many times have we heard it?  That is the sad thing...
How many times have you seen 'Forever Young'? - Tom
How many times-<spank>-have I told you-<spank>-DO NOT TOAST THE MAYOR!
How many toes did you say it has?
How many ways are there to painfully die on this planet, Orville?
How many ways are there to painfully die on this planet, Spock?
How many ways are there to painfully die on this planet, Walter?
How many ways are there to painfully die on this planet?
How many weeks are there in a light year?
How many weeks in a light year?
How many wheels does a menstrual cycle have?
How many wings does a cow have? -Tacky the Penguin
How many witches does it take to change a light bulb? Into what?
How many witches to change a bulb?  Depends.  Into what?
How many witches to does it take change the bulb? Depends. Into what?
How many women named Randy do you know, anyway?
How many years can you get for Tagline Theft?
How many years can you get for recipe Theft?
How many years did it take you to become so ignorant, @FN@?
How many years did it take you to become so ignorant?
How many years do you get for shooting the tagline warden?
How may I be honest with you today?    . . .     Tuvok
How much Brian does DS9 have? They have Miles O'Brien!
How much Brien does DS9 have? They have Miles O'Brien!
How much C could a C + + if a C + could + C?
How much C could a C++ if C + could + C?
How much can I get away with & still go to heaven?
How much can I get away with and still go to heaven.
How much can I get away with and still go to heaven?
How much can happen in 10 seconds? A lot. It is a tactical design flaw
How much damage does being sat on by a dragon do?
How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges...
How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?
How much deeper would the oceans be without sponges?
How much did he leave when he died?  Everything!
How much did you see? Nothing incriminating.. Good!
How much dirt do you need? --Doc
How much do hard drive mufflers cost?
How much do you smoke? Oh, about a house a day  - Tom
How much do you tip a cow anyway?
How much does a Janeway?
How much does a bird who eats like a bird eat?
How much does a pirate pay for corn?     A buccaneer!
How much does it cost and where do I go to register it?
How much does it cost to get your soul dry cleaned these days?
How much does it cost to ride an IO bus? 2 Bits.
How much dough would a low crow stow if a low crow could stow dough?
How much fame would a name game gain if a name game could gain fame?
How much flour can you grind in the Windmill of your mind?
How much for a Golden Shower on Sen. Packwood?
How much for that fair maiden, Mr. Dragon?
How much for that sysop in the window?
How much for the dragon in the window?
How much intelligence do you need to sneak up on a leaf?
How much is that velvet dress in the window?!!?? Save...save... save.
How much is that window in the doggie?
How much is that wookie in the window?
How much jelly can a peanut butter sandwich hold?
How much longer are you going to abuse our patience?
How much love, sex, fun and friendship can a person take?
How much memory have I got? 1 brain, 1 memory!
How much memory have you got?  One brain, one memory.
How much must we practice sex before it is safe?
How much must we practice sex before it's safe?
How much shit could a dipshit dip id a dipshit could dip shit?
How much should a guy spend on a wedding ring? More than he can afford
How much should the groom  spend on a ring? More than he can afford?
How much sin can I get away with and still go to heaven?
How much tamer can you get?
How much to downgrade to Turbo C-- ?
How much wanton sex can I have and still go to heaven??
How much wanton sex can you have with a redhead & still go to heaven??
How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?
How much wood could a Woodchuck chuck?
How much wood did Peter Piper No, wait
How much wood did Peter Piper pick.. no, wait..
How much wood did Peter Piper pick?...No wait...
How much wood did Peter Piper... No, wait...
How much would that national debt be in binary?
How much would you pay for the Ginzu switchblade? - Crow
How much yk would a ykfurk furk if a ykfurk could furk yk????
How much....dirt....do you need.
How not to act younger than your children
How odd-CIA also means Culinary Institute of America, Hmmmm...
How often are we to die before we go off this stage? -- Pope
How often do lesbian vampires meet?  Every 28 days!
How often do these things grow anyway?
How old *are* you?" - Greta
How old are you, Beavis? --Butthead.
How old are you, Bevis? -- Butthead
How old is Fifty? (Never mind!)
How old is Forty?  40 Years = 1,262,304,000 Seconds.
How old is Forty?  40 Years = 14,610 Days.
How old is Forty?  40 Years = 21,038,400 Minutes.
How old is Forty?  40 Years = 350,640 Hours.
How old is Forty? 40 Years = 1,262,304,000 Seconds.
How old is Forty? 40 Years = 14,610 Days.
How old is Forty? 40 Years = 21,038,400 Minutes.
How old is Forty? 40 Years = 350,640 Hours.
How old is Rick Stiener in dog years?
How pregnant sometimes his replies are!
How priceless are these things?
How quaint, the keyboard...
How right can you be and still stay alive?
How sharper than a hound's tooth it is to have a thankless serpent.
How sharper than a serpent's tooth is a thankless child.
How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless hound.
How should I know?  I'm an actor not a doctor! ...DeForest Kelley
How sweet! Long-stemmed....stems? - Margaret to Frank
How terribly ironic. -Brain
How the deuce d'you deduce that?
How the hell does this thing work?
How the mighty are fallen! - 2 Samuel 1:19
How the years go by when it's all in a days work.
How time flies, when you are in a heap of problems..
How time flies, when you have a heap of problems.
How to Annoy: Aunt Agonize
How to Be a Lame Duck in Three Years by Bill Clinton
How to Break In: Jimmy De Lock
How to Break In: Jimmy De Lock*
How to Budget Your Money by I.R.S.
How to Campaign, by 'May Orr'
How to Cook a Steak,           by Porter House
How to Cook a Steak: Porter House
How to Cut Grass,              by Lon Moore
How to Cut Grass: Lon Moore
How to Destroy the Borg: Give them a copy of MS-Windows!
How to Draw,                   by Ellis Strait
How to Draw: Ellis Strait
How to I get out of this tagline editor?
How to ID a blind guy on a nudist beach? It's not up!
How to Overcome Stress: R.E. Lachs
How to Overcome Stress: R.E. Lachs(k)
How to Party American Style,    by Al Cohol
How to Pop Tarts work? -Joel as dull looking college girl
How to Read a Book,            by Paige Turner
How to Read a Book: Paige Turner
How to Succeed in School,      by Rita Book
How to Succeed in School: Rita Book
How to Tour the Prison:            Robin Steele
How to Tour the Prison: Robin Steele
How to Upgrade to MS-DOS 6.0 from OS/2 - MS-DOS 6.0 manual (1993)
How to Write a Will, by Ben E. Factor.
How to accelerate a Mac: 100m-9.6m/s/s
How to annoy a Unitarian: burn a question mark on his lawn.
How to backup your hard drive under OS/2: Remove the hard drive.
How to be a Marine: Kick their'sCover your'sKiss the General's
How to blind a yankee: put a windshield in front of him.
How to catch a plane First you dig a hole..
How to catch a plane: first, dig a big hole in a runway...
How to confuse an intellectually superior being? There's no such thing
How to defend yourself against a Banana
How to defend yourself against a Banana.
How to demoralize a Klingon - tell him he's cute.
How to demoralize a Klingon:  Tell him he's cute.
How to destroy a Borg.... Give him DOS 6
How to destroy a Borg.... Give him KIRADOS 6
How to destroy a Borg.Give him DOS 6
How to double your drive space:- Delete Windows!
How to dump a Marine after sex: throw a beer can out car window.
How to dump a blonde after sex: open the car door.
How to fix an unfriendly SysOp: type FORMAT COM1
How to get Windows to work!  DEL *.*
How to get a-head in life:  carry a long, sharp sword.
How to get even with a gynecologist:  Throw your voice.
How to get even with your gynecologist:  Throw your voice.
How to get reporters to publicize you: offer free food
How to get rid of bad odors in the kitchen:  Stop cooking.
How to get rid of the Borg: let them assimilate Packleds.
How to hack a Computer:  Step 1: Take axe and...
How to have a Hormonious Honeymoon - New phamphlet for Newlyweds
How to have a successful garden:  Weed it and reap.
How to have fun with a Klingon.  Put Tribbles in his shorts.
How to identify a British Comedian:  Number one, the Python.
How to irritate a Klingon - put a Tribble in his shorts.
How to irritate a Klingon -- put a Tribble in his shorts
How to keep your conference On Topic by Mod R. Ator
How to kill a Borg: OS/2 2.1!
How to know you're a Redneck--Your cousin becomes your wife.
How to make Kleenex dance? Blow a little boogie in it.
How to make Windows faster ??  *Throw* it harder !!!
How to make Windows go fast: at a DOS prompt type DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.*
How to make Windows go faster?  Throw it harder!
How to make a cat float: Put it in blender, add 2 scoops of ice-cream.
How to make a cat float?  Start with two scoops of cat...
How to make a cat float? Put in blender & add ice cream.
How to make a cat float? Put it in blender, add 2 scoops of ice-cream.
How to make a cat float? Start with 2 scoops of ice cream
How to make a cat meow?  Freeze it, take a band saw, and MEEEOOW!
How to make a long story short: Forget the punch line.
How to make a million $'s:  First, get a million $'s
How to make a small fortune with a bbs?  Start with a large fortune!
How to make perfect toast:Cook it till it smokes, then 20 seconds less
How to make your wife angry during sex: call her up.
How to measure an aardvark? use an aardstick!
How to multitask MS-DOS: Run PCTask twice on a Amiga!
How to name it Heaven, if my cats are not there?
How to neutralize the Borg: Install Windows on their system.
How to pick out dumbasses in a crowd : Look for the cigarettes.
How to play a joke on a man who likes to argue - agree with him!
How to put simply that wihch is not a simple thing...?
How to quiet a guitar player...give him sheet music!
How to recognize different parts of the body.
How to reduce your 486's speed by 10 MHz: Enter Windows.
How to reed and spel fonetiklee - by Little Jimmy Gunn
How to solve Mideast problems:   DEL IRA*.*
How to solve Mideast problems: DEL IRA*.*
How to solve the problems in the middle east: DEL I*.*_
How to spell Canada: C, eh? N, eh? D, eh?
How to stay awake after sex
How to tell when a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving.
How to tune a ukulele: My DOS has fleas
How to turn an Operating system into a paperweight: Install OS/2.
How truly fascinating! - Tua verba animum meum tenent!
How typically vulgar and plebeian of you. -50 points..
How very oddand to think all this time I'd fancied myself free. Hmmm
How was I gonna get an education, sittin right back of Bobbi Ann Mason
How was I gonna get an education, sitting right back of Bobbi Ann Mason
How was Thomas J. Watson buried?  9 edge down.
How was it? ..Fine! Oh, I mean 'not good'..
How was that? More feeling? Oh okay, but I'm almost out of ti- - Yakko
How was the Disaster Area concert last night?  I said, HOW WAS THE...
How was the Disaster Area concert last night? I said, HOW WAS THE...
How was your date w/Madonna? - Crow on bound/gagged guy
How was your date with Madonna? - Crow T. Robot on bound/gagged guy
How was your lobotomy?
How weird can one message/thread/recipe/conference get?
How weird can one message/thread/tagline/conference get?
How will I laugh tomorrow when I can't even smile today
How will be live?
How will it end? - Centari Emperor In fire - Ambassador Kosh
How will playing cards help? -- Spock
How will you be paying for it? ..I don't know!
How will you spend the next one billion years?
How wise are they that are but fools in love!
How wise are they who are but fools in love.
How wonderful is death. Death and his brother, sleep.
How wonderful opera would be if there were no singers.
How would =Jesse Helms= know something's homoerotic?
How would Jesse Helms know if something is homoerotic?
How would MacGyver handle this?
How would YOU move if you had a swiss army head? - Crow
How would the cops react if banks were being bombed instead of clinics?
How would they sell their latest models? - Kryten
How would you describe Klingon romance - Dangerous
How would you feel about life if Death were your older sister?
How would you feel about me Assimilating you? - Troi of Borg
How would you like a medal? - BJ. Only for desertion. - Klinger
How would you like my screwdriver all the way in & up and Roger, over?
How would you like to be knee-deep in floor? - Hoolihan to Radar
How would you like to have me gut you? - Vella
How would you rate me, on a scale of great to marvelous?
How ya going to do it?  IBM Blue it!
How ya like me now?
How ya' diddly doing? - Crow
How you do anything is how you do everything
How you get from birth to death is a purely personal issue.
How you get so big eating food of that kind - Yoda
How you gonna do it?  SLiMeR It!
How you know when you have run out of invisible ink?
How you look depends on where you go
How you look depends on where you go!
How you look depends on who is looking.
How you look depends on who's looking.
How young can you die of old age?
How young can you die of old age? - s.w.
How'd *that* get in there?
How'd a dork like you get on _THAT_ board?
How'd it die? Get into your food? -- Kira to Quark
How'd she get back in the dress so fast? - Crow
How'd the Aggie junkie die? He drowned snorting Coke.
How'd we ever get this far?
How'd ya get your desk job, chunky - Crow to Servo
How'd you find out about the subliminals????
How'd you know I own 3 TV's and only 2 books...what's wrong with that?
How'd you like to see under my smock - Crow
How'll I laugh tomorrow, when I can't even smile today?
How'm I flyin'?  Dial 1-800-BORG-YOU. -Borg
How'm I flyin'? Dial 1-800-BORG-YOU. --The Borg.
How'm I lookin'? ... Lookin' NICE! --The Cat.
How're ya gonna do it? PS/On it!
How're you going to do it?  Upgrade It!
How're your Russian lessons coming?
How's 'bout cinching my pants? - Crow
How's Ensign Pillsbury? He's bread, Jim!
How's God?  Errr, she's black, sir
How's about Your Flatulence?
How's about some *Taglines*??? Coming Up!
How's about some *recipes*??? Coming Up!
How's hacking, chiphead? - Quid agis, caput assulae?
How's he feeling? I badly need a pair of kidneys.
How's it goin', eh? 'Member me? 'Member???
How's it going in those modular love units??
How's it going, Mr. P.? Poor. Sorry to hear that. No, I mean pour.
How's it going, Spanky? - Tom to Crow after his spanking
How's it gonna transport me? - Rimmer
How's it hangin', Mr. Bobbitt?
How's life in the fast lane? ...Dunno, can't get on the on-ramp.
How's life or death? - Kalas
How's life treating you?...It's not, Sammy, but you can!
How's life?  Send chocolate!
How's my demon? Call 1-800-CTHULHU.
How's my polling? Call 1-800-NET-HACK to report me.
How's my tagline? Call 1-800-drp-dead.
How's our flying?  Dial 1-800-BORG-YOU. -- The Borg
How's our little gun toting trollop? - Mike
How's she talk w/out her lips moving - Crow on voice over
How's that fit, you fancy pants? - Mike
How's that for briefity?  (ish)
How's that from memory!!!!!
How's that thought for you?
How's the German expressionist date going? - Tom
How's the new defence grid coming? - Sheridan
How's this for a simple one liner! -Dik
How's this for a wet dream, Joey? - Freddy Krueger.
How's this for diplomacy?  Shoot them all!  -- Janier
How's this for diplomacy?  Shoot them all!  --Kirk
How's your Moo Goo Gai Pan? Needs more goo.
How's your Russian lessons coming?
How_To_Serve_Man_ ... a recipe book from the Twilight Zone.
Howard Johnson's got his Ho-Jo workin'.
Howard Stern fully endorses IBM's OS/2 GUI environment!
Howard Stern:  Proof that humans shouldn't cross-breed.
Howard Stern:  Proof that relatives shouldn't cross-breed.
Howard Stern: Commanding General of the Army of Ignorance.
Howard Stern: King Of All Media
Howard's First Law of Theater:  Use it.
Howd'ya hide money from a Hippie?  Put it under the soap!
Howdy Data!  Howrya'll doin?! <*slap*> <*CLICK*> <*clunk*>.
Howdy Data!  Howrya'll doin?! <slap> <CLICK> <clunk>.
Howdy Do Neighbour, Howdy Do Neighbour - Salesman Fish.
Howdy Doody had 48 freckles.
Howdy Hitler! - Tom Servo, as cowboy raises hand
Howdy Hitler! - Tom as cowboy raises hand
Howdy Rush! Tripple cow-pie dittos from Inbred, Alabama!
Howdy do all you out there in TV land, Crow T. reporting
Howdy do sir, I'm looking for the lady of the house. --Garibaldi.
Howdy! I'm just so PROUD to be here! --Minnie Pearl.
Howdy, Pilgrim - John Wayne
Howdy, that your zombie, ma'am? - Mike as cop
Howdy. I'm gonna separate your head from your shoulders....
Howe's Law:   Everyone has a scheme that will not work.
Howe's Law:  Every man has a scheme that will not work.
Howe's Law: Everyone has a scheme that will not work.
However did it come to this? -Pink Floyd
However, some insensitive types have nicknamed us the 'Dirty Pair'...
However, some taglines are quite boring.
Howie Mandell, David Brenner & Gallagher - Crow
Hows about these... :)
Hows that for brevity?  (ish)
Hows that for digging out the fossilized mash 1-liners?
Hows your wife and my kids???
Hozone: Mysterious place that one sock from a washload disappears into.
Hozone: Where 1 sock in every load disappears to!
Hozone: place in heaven for lost socks.
Hozone; Where 1 sock in every load disappears to!
Hozone; Where one sock in every load disappears to!
Hrkljus! Hrkljus! Hrkljus! Hrkljus! Hrkljus! Hrkljus!
Hrmph!  Is that intended as a direct attack on my integrity?!
Hrmph! Another response from the peanut gallery<G>
Hrmph. Species is a VERY specific thing. :) - Dire Wolf
Hteo bih sadrzaj zbunjene glave sa necim jacim da zamenim,
Hubba hubba! - Mike as wrestling announcer
Hubbies wish they had as much fun out as their wives think they do.
Hubbing: More fun than being a SYSOP
Hubble telescope, now searching for Mars Probe.
Hubing: More fun than being a sysop
Hubris antedates a gravity-impelled descent.
Huc Accedit Zambonis.
Hucking Fell
Huddle up in Saskatchewan at the 1995 Grey Cup Final!!!
Huey Lewis of Borg:  It's Hip To Be Square!
Huey Louis of Borg:  Its Hip To Be Square!
Hug Your Kids at Home and Belt Them in the Car.
Hug Your SysOp daily, Send Her Candy On Her Birthday.
Hug a Bug in a Rug on a Tug as his Pug is a Mug on a Jug you Dug, you Lug !
Hug a Cat it's good for you.
Hug a curmudgeon today.   >:/
Hug a fencer; you'll get what you epee' for.
Hug a firefighter - feel warm all over.
Hug a firefighter and feel warm aaalllll over.
Hug a giant gaseous planet today.
Hug a postal worker. Send it special delivery.
Hug a wobbler!
Hug children after you discipline them.
Hug your kids at home and belt 'em in the car.
Hug your kids at home, Belt them in the car!
Hug your moderator daily, send him candy on his birthday.
Hug your sysop daily, send him candy on his birthday.
Hug:  A roundabout way of expressing affection.
Hug: A roundabout way of expressing affection.
Hug: Perfect gift. One size fits all and it's OK to return the gift.
Hug: a roundabout way of expressing affection.
Huge tag collection: "He's dead, Jim..." in 1,976 languages & dialects
Huge tag collection: He's dead, Jim... in 1,976 languages & dialects
Huge tag collection: He's dead, Jim... in 1,976 languages and dialects
Hugh French's  memory is truly random-access.
Hugh Hefner- Breast size is irrelevent, Oh m'god i"ve been assimilated
Hugh Jass? Somebody check the mensroom for a Hugh Jass.
Hugh of Borg: Is Geordi...a friend?
Hugh reads PlayBorg only for the assimilation articles.
Hugh today, BORG tomorrow.
Hugs don't feel as good on the computer.
Hugs...one size fits all, and they're easy to exchange.
Huh He, Huh, Huhuh, EhuhThis Tagline Sucks
Huh He, Huh, HuhuhThis Tagline Sucks
Huh Huh Huh....Ask your Mom dude....Huh Huh Huh...
Huh Huh Huh...I knew I forgot something...WORK!
Huh huh huh  You said McFly!"
Huh huh m huh huh, that's cool -Beavis
Huh huh, Tatses like chicken, smells like fish, looks like a taco
Huh huh. Barney sucks. Heh heh heh. Shut up Butthead.
Huh huh...hey Beavis...I'm playing tag with my line..huh huh
Huh huh...uh...huh huh...Minmei Sucks! --Beavis and Butthead
Huh huhhey BeavisI'm playing tag with my line..huh huh
Huh uh huh uh, You said .WAD! -Butthead
Huh, huh.  Facism is cool.  Huh, Huh.
Huh, huh... like, Do what Thou Wilt, and stuff!
Huh, your tagline?  I stole it!!!
Huh-huh.. he's a butt-munchkin!
Huh. Huh. Hey Beavis! Cool, He said Butt! Huh. Huh.
Huh...?  What...?   I've been here before.
Huh...huh..uh...huh..huh..Hey Beavis this tagline sucks!
Huh?  I've yet to see a Klingon with a beer gut and a pony tail.
Huh?  What?  Am I on-line?
Huh?  You mean LIFE has meaning?	
Huh? I've yet to see a Klingon with a beer gut and a pony tail.
Huh? Server timed out, try again? - Tom
Huh? Somebody spilled beer in this ashtray? <Slurp>.
Huh? Somebody spilled beer in this ashtray? <Slurp<.
Huh? What's a modem?   #$% NO CARRIER
Huh? What? Am I on-line?
Huh? Where am I? ...and why am I in this handbasket?
Huh? You mean I can't send mail to myself?
Huh? You mean I can't send mail to myself??
Huh? said Tom deafly.
Huh?, said Tom deafly.
Huhuhuh.. Thats gotta hurt! Ack! -Beavis and Bobbitt
Huked on foniks wurced 4 mi      - Geco
Huked on fonix wrkted fer me!
Hukt on Fonicks Wurckt 4 Mea
Hukt on Foniks werkt for me!
Hukt on foniks wurkt fur mee!
Hulk ASSIMILATE puny human!!!  -Hulk of Borg
Hulk Hogan needs a hair weave!
Hulk SMASH puny moderator!!!
Hum a few bars of this, Crazy Lady.
Hum be doo wap bap boo da doo bop bop bop dop
Human & a salt shaker, fused into one -Crow on space suit
Human (n):  Useful domestic animal popular with cats
Human (n):  Useful domesticated animal popular with cats.
Human (n): Useful domestic animal popular with cats.
Human (n): Useful domesticated animal popular with cats.
Human (n.): Useful domestic animal popular with cats
Human (n.): Useful domestic mammal popular with cats.
Human - the OTHER white meat!
Human Being: An ingenious assembly of portable plumbing.
Human ERROR - It's all ***YOUR*** Fault.
Human ERROR! It's **YOUR** FAULT!
Human Error - It's all ***YOUR*** Fault.
Human Intelligence - The greatest oxymoron ever!
Human Intelligence. The greatest oxymoron ever!
Human Resources Development Canada:  Putting the PLOY in unemPLOYment!
Human Robot? There's a flaw right there! -Tom
Human altruism which is not egoism is sterile.  M. Proust
Human being: an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing.
Human beings do not survive on bread alone ...
Human beings don't live like this
Human beings were created by water to transport it up hill.
Human beings were created by water to transport it uphill.
Human consciousness is a Background Process.
Human kind cannot bear very much reality. - Eliot
Human memory is perfect; the operating system stinks.
Human metaphor Pardon me -- Data
Human milk for human babies...
Human nature is never so weak as in a bookstore
Human nature startles at the thought. - Smith
Human virus, River Blindness, angels cry....fever grows - J. Geils
Human women are too fragile! - Worf
Human's can't feel anything, they're numb from the brain down. -- Batty
Human's can't feel anything, they're numb from the brain down. -Batty
Human:  (n) Useful domestic animal popular with cats.
Human: Compound of blood, bones, muscle and PC.
Human: an erudite ape with less hair and more money.
Humanity brings out the worst in people.
Humanity is a parisite
Humanity persists inspite of itself.
Humanity prefers comfort over truth.
Humankind cannot bear very much reality.  <T.S. Elliot>
Humankind cannot bear very much reality. - T.S. Eliot
Humans - the only species that hunts itself.
Humans -- *all* humans -- must be destroyed! -- Red Talons
Humans and aliens alone in the night.
Humans and aliens wrapped in 2,500,000 tons of spinning metal.
Humans and aliens wrapped in 2,500,000 tons of spinning metal. --Babylon
Humans and aliens wrapped in 2,500,000 tons of spinning metal...
Humans and aliens... alone in the night.
Humans are animals in search of the ultimate orgasm.
Humans are hard to train but they are the only servants cats have.
Humans are subject to decay.
Humans are such common-place little creatures. -- Q
Humans are such easy prey...
Humans are the only species on Earth. We just act like it.
Humans are unusually attatched to their offspring. - Troi
Humans are very peculiar.
Humans do claim a great deal for that particular emotion (love).
Humans exist so cats will have someone to pet them.
Humans exist so that cats will have someone to pet them.
Humans have Minbari souls! - Babylon 5
Humans have a way of showing up when you least expect them. - Sela
Humans have pores; do not I have pores also? - Data
Humans just don't have the lobes for profitmaking. - Quark
Humans make illogical decisions -- Spock
Humans shouldn't second guess their creator.
Humans sin by both omission as well as commission.
Humans smile with so little provocation -- Spock
Humans smile with so little provocation.
Humans spring eternal on hope's breast...
Humans want to be good, but not too good and not all the time.
Humans were invented by water for transporting it uphill.
Humans: The species that should have never been...
Humans: Useful domestic animals, popular with cats.
Humans: creatures subservient to cats.
Humble and proud of it!!!
Humble pie is always hard to swallow with your pride.
Humbled again by overlooking the obvious
Humbug.          A singing cockroach.
Humiliations galore! -- Inigo Montoya
Humility is for doormats  I wanted to be a matador.
Humility is in the I's of the Beholder.
Humility is no substitue for a good personality!
Humility is no substitute for a good personality!
Humility is no substitute for a good personality.
Humility is the basic virtue of a mystical morality.
Humility is to make a right estimate of one's self. Spurgeon
Humility, like darkness, reveals the heavenly lights. Thoreau
Humm, anyone got a can opener? Said the dragon with a paladin.
Hummf, stealing a stolen tagline.
Hummingbirds are nature's way of teaching humility to cats!
Hummingbirds can never remember the words!
Hummingbirds never remember the words to songs.
Hummm ... Mork of Borg ... maybe ...
Hummmm, I had a tagline when I came in here<gotya>
Hummmm, I had a tagline when I came in here<gotya<
Humongous Coyote?!!  Nice boy, good boy.
Humor Moderator -Oxymoron
Humor always plays very close to the hot fire of truth.
Humor and profit lie not all in one sack.  George Herbert
Humor her, the sedative's wearing off.
Humor impaired? That's OK, anything *original* is also appreciated...
Humor in the humor echo???  Whatta joke!!!!  :-)
Humor in the land of Nod was mainly nok nok jokes.
Humor is a drug which it's the fashion to abuse. - William Gilbert
Humor is an excellent lubricant for promoting change.
Humor is available in the REGISTERED tagline.  Send $15.
Humor is available in the REGISTERED tagline. Send $15.
Humor is derived from pain, ergo no one ever laughs in heaven.
Humor is emotional chaos recollected in tranquility.
Humor is just another defense against the universe. Mel Brooks
Humor is so subjective.
Humor is the best antidote to reality.
Humor is the hole that lets the sawdust out of a stuffed shirt.
Humor is the lifebelt we use on life's river.
Humor is the shock absorber of life.
Humor is to life what shock absorbers are to automobiles.
Humor lies in the eye of the beholder.
Humor nam je u krvi, mnogi nam se smeju
Humor section? In a feminist bookstore? Only a man...
Humor, too, is one of His creations. - Father Mulcahy
Humor-meter:  [\        ]    Hmmph!   Thought so.
Humor-meter:  [\........]   Hmmph!   It figures...
Humor. It is a difficult concept -- Saavik
Humor. It is a difficult concept. - Moderator
Humor... a difficult concept
Humor:  The ability to laugh at the distress of others.
Humorists... those who can talk sensibly about a controversy
Humorless Toronto -- the place where people say Thank God it's Monday!
Humorous tagline found, initiating theft sequence.
Humour is just another defense against the universe.
Humour is just one of the emotions that started to let me down...
Humour is laughing at what you haven't got when you ought to have it.
Humourous or profound remark or quotation pending.
Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink!
Humph - seems my memory randomly forgets.
Humph! Bugger off! - Dwarven Proverb.
Humptey Dumptey was pushed.
Humpty Dumpty DOS - Just a shell of himself.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...he spent October at Club Med.
Humpty Dumpty had too much egg nog to drink...
Humpty Dumpty really died from high cholesterol!
Humpty Dumpty was PUSHED!
Humpty dumpty was pushed.
Hunches: Based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.
Hunde, swerde, Swedish Chef du Borg! De Chikke is irrelevant!
Hundreds of Sanctuary residents will die. --Sisko.
Hung from her bongle until she bingled - Tom
Hungarian food is OK if you like dog tartare.
Hungarian:  "Yes, cigarettes.  My hovercraft is full of eels."
Hunger In America: Heywood Jafeedme
Hunger In America: Heywood Jafeedme*
Hunger is a good sauce.
Hungry Dieter--May bite if provoked
Hungry For Love.. And Its Feeding Time...  - Alice Cooper
Hungry bear alert!
Hungry fella? There you go. - Ace Ventura
Hungry men think the cook lazy.
Hungry?  There is an abundance of food on the next level.
Hungry? Out of work? Eat your foreign car!
Hunk 'o' useless programming ...
Hunka, Hunka, Chocolate Cake Elvis Presley
Hunt of --- Fruity Dog 6.2
Hunt of Borg: Taglines are futile. This one is assim*&!xxxx.
Hunter's little red choo choo done jumped the track.
Hunters DO IT in the bush.
Hunters DO IT with a bang.
Hunters do anything for a buck.
Hunters do it in the bush.
Hunters do it with a bang.
Hunters do it with a big gun.
Hunters do it with big guns.
Hunters eat what they shoot.
Hunters go deeper into the bush.
Hunters will do  anything for a buck.
Hunting Lodge Restroom Signs. SETTERS and POINTERS.
Hunting is no fun when the rabbit has the gun.
Hunting isn't a sport until you give the deer a gun.
Hunting no fun when the Wabbit has a Gun!
Hunting season is all year long in genealogy
Hup Holland!  Hup OS/2!
Hup!  [tosstosstosstosscrashwhumpthud]  Aw... Nuts!
Hurdlers DO IT every 10 meters.
Hurdlers do it every 10 meters.
Hurhurhur, 2400 baud sucks - V.bis and Baudhead.
Hurrah! Hurrah! ... The TagGod returneth!! <VBG>
Hurray for oranges! Go bananas!
Hurray for our team! said Tom cheerfully.
Hurricane to cocanut: Grab nuts; no ordinary blow job.
Hurricane?  Oh yeah, THAT hurricane.
Hurricanes increase property value: Andrew just made mine waterfront!
Hurry Ambassador, he's gaining on you! --Londo Mollari.
Hurry before it's too late, I won't be around forever
Hurry up and eat your gagh before it dies.
Hurry up because this offer won't last long.
Hurry up goldenrod or you're gonna be a permanant resident!
Hurry up! Hurry! This 'Matlock' could be our last!
Hurry up, goldenrod, or you're going to be a permanent resident!
Hurry!  Hurry hard!  HAAAAAAAARD!!!!  HU-REEEEEEE!!!
Hurry!  We're trying to save Han from the Bounty Hunter!
Hurry, I only have 2 minut#$&#$& #&&$  NO CARRIER
Hurry, your first impression is almost over.
Hurry, your first impression is almost up!
Hurt not Man unless he threatens us.
Hurt: Vital organ - "She broke his HURT."
Hurting people is my business.  -Sugar Ray Robinson
Hurting yourself is not sinful - just stupid. L. Long
Hurting yourself is not sinful... just stupid. -- Heinlein
Husband & Dog Missing---Reward For Dog!
Husband Class 901: Changing Your Underwear - It Really Works!
Husband and Dog missing: Reward for Dog, Call after 5.
Husband and wife plan fight.  TIFF at 11.
Husband to Wife, Why's this FREQing phone bill so high!
Husband to lawyer....She can have everything...Not my computer.
Husband:  thinks he bosses the house . . . actually houses the boss
Husband: A man who can do anything his wife puts her mind to.
Husband: Proof that a woman CAN take a joke!!!
Husbands are like fires, they go out when unattended.
Husbands are like fires. They go out if unattended.
Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church.
Husbands never become good; they merely become proficient.
Husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies.
Hush Little baby, don't say a word, never mind that noise U heard
Hush little baby don't say a word - Mike sings to Crow
Hussein of Borg: Resistance is futile. I will assimilate your bombs.
Hussein of Borg: Resistance is futile. I will assimlate your bombs.
Hustler definition of a Hard Disk: Excited Floppy.
Hut one!  Hut two!  Hut three!  Help?  (NYJ Quarterback call)
Hutkneez: A condition suffered by some quarterbacks.
Huukd on foniks wurked fur mee! ;) Heh! Heh!
Huxley, Leary, the Illuminati... for when reality is too much...
Huzzah my butt - Frank
Huzzah, whatever - Crow, boredly
Hwiii, you've got herring for brains! - Geordi
Hyacinth.        A yank greeting a gal called Cynthia.
Hydra Shock is NOT doing a belly flop in the water....
HydraShocks - when the impact is important!!!
HydraShoks - when the impact is important!!!
Hydrate or Die.
Hydrogen - a gas which, given carbon and oxygen, becomes alcohol.
Hydrogen Bombs - The ultimate party gag!
Hydrogen bombs are great party gags.
Hydrogen bombs make great party gags!
Hydrophobia:  A basic test of fundamental sanity.
Hydrophobia:  fear of utility companies...
Hymie!  Park the car and come kiss your son the sex gargoyle hello!
HyperSpace:  just take a valium and get back "down to earth!"
Hyperbolic functions are a [e^X-e^(-X)]/2
Hyperrecipe. . . er, tagtree?
Hyperspace:  More energetic than normal space.
Hypertagline. . . er, tagtree?
Hypertrichologists do it with intensity. 
Hyphenate between syllables and avoid un-necessary hyphens.
Hypnotism:                         N. Tranced
Hypnotism: N. Tranced
Hypnotists DO IT on the count of three.
Hypochondria is the one disease I have not got.
Hypochondria is the only disease I haven't got.
Hypochondriac:  someone who enjoys bad health.
Hypochondriacs are really sick people.
Hypocracy: An Amiga user calling OS/2 users "fanatics."
Hypocricy is the vaseline of political intercourse.
Hypocrisy abounds as Rick spells "dyslexic" incorrectly.
Hypocrisy is calling the cops about the theft of your anarchy decals
Hypocrisy is the K-Y Jelly of social intercourse.
Hypocrisy is the Vaseline of political intercourse.
Hypocrisy is the Vaseline of social intercourse.
Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.
Hypocrisy is the type of homage vice pays to virtue.
Hypocrisy: Clinton's "holier-than-thou" 1992 Presidential platform.
Hypocrite: A man who says he likes cats, but won't eat pussy.
Hypocrite: see Bill Clinton
Hypotenoose:  a dangerous triangle
Hypotenuse:  An aircraft toilet in use during flight
Hypotenuse:  An occupied aircraft toilet
Hypotenuse: An aircraft toilet in use during flight.
Hysterectomy: removes the baby carriage, leaving the play pen okay.
Hysteria ... ^%#)%^@{]@!]|%#@+
h <- Deep-sea tribble.
h=6.626196 E-34 joule sec--it's the law.
hAvE yOu EvEeR tRiEd T0 TyPe WiTh YoUr EyE's CLosEd ??????
hAvIng fUn wIth thE trAnslAtIOn tAblEs.
hTe [Glodbreg] Virus was fiound. Deleet? [Yes/jo]
hackers do it with PEEKing and POKEing
hahahahaha... jobs interfere with everything!!
hahuh huh hey, dude this board is more fun than frog baseball.
hajde dijete otvorimo ples zamisli da svira najdrazi bend
handConfucius say: Boy who play with himself pulls boner.
handConfucius say: Man who has hand down mans pants, not feeling himself
happiness will be found only in true love.
happy ALL month long, I am!!! ;)
happy as a Frenchman who's invented a pair of self-removing trousers.
happy modeming!
har, har, har - this one is good! easy to translate also:-)
harddrive is down and the sexdrive is operational!
hardly anybody ever eats parsley.
hate me smash me kill me deface me erase me
have any OK tags, but here's my Barney tags..
have any Star Wars tags.  Star TREK, yes.  WARS, no.  POOH, yes.
have i nice day
have you ever wondered why dogs smell each other in the.
have you explained your taglines to a five year old today?
he ATF did at Waco and the FBI did at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.
he Who Hesitates has Probably installed Software before.
he felt something that was all rough and long-haired,
he flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in line
he is covered with scabs he is broken and sore
he mad Polly, Mr Fawlty go crazy - Manuel
he sad thing about Windows bashing is it's all true.
he said he would love till cows come home--- I hear mooing...
he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor.
he who knows himself is enlightened. <Lao Tzu>
he's dead jim quick get his wallet-  mcCOY
he's glad to be chained to that wall
heard of Windows ice cream? Hoggin' DOS
heh heh heh
heh heh..He said HARD DRIVE..heh heh -(Beevis & Butthead)
heh heh..He said HARD DRIVE..heh heh. --Beavis and Butthead.
hehehe heh (C:\del *.*) HEH heh humph huh heh heh!
hehehehehehe... Sometimes I just think funny thoughts
hej stari sjeti se i reci mi nesto o njoj
help me for I have sinned....I thought Maggie was nice.
help me i've broke apart my insides help me i've got no soul to sell
help me you make me perfect help me get away from myself
help me! help me!, I'm in QWacK mode!
help! I'm having a chocolate seizure and going to chocoheaven.
here are a couple of old, political thrillers you might enjoy.
here does someone come up with i said anything like that from?
here have some "moderator" taglines.... get 'im in style <grin>..
here's my adult tags...
hey "All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance" - Lennon
hey Hey Hey! HEY!!!  Dem's not "meaningless movies"! Dem's SciFi!!!!!!
hey god, i'm all alone in a world you must despise.
hey, a tagline's only got so much room.
hey, dream big.  And in technicolour.  Or at least SVGA   -Iain Twolan
hi.. what's up?
hiGhEr bRAiN FUnCtiON ERROr... inSERt COFfEe.
high ho high ho...It's off to my funeral I go...
him for you -C.G. Jung
himself two weird heads! -- Calvin
his reserve, a quiet defense ... riding out the day's events.
his sanity with the help of his robot friends: Cambot, Gypsy, Tom Servo,
histology:  Scientific study of snakes, cats & leaky tires.
hits into the body of the message, as below:
hmm...i was impressed, until it dropped carrier 5 minutes later. :(
hmmm, think of a clever tag line,...
hmmm.  It must be time for weed tags again...
hmmm.. Can't think of a tagline! Damn!!
hmmmmm, some of us already believe they are.
hmmmmmmmm...lessee here...WHO STOLE THE **REAL** MYRA?????- Joni Stanley
hob.by \`hab-e\ n,:   a  SysOp's  OBSESSION
holds the universe together
honest...I am a for-real Techno-type!!!
hope - n. a feeling that what one desires will happen.
hospital: A place where they wake you up to give you a sleeping pill.
hostnicaM...A computer for dyslexics.
hot dog:  The only dog that feeds the hand that bites it.
housework: What we do, that nobody notices, until we haven't done it .
how 2 make an elephant fly?1st,U need a HUGE zipper!
how can I make this a tagline-oriented message?  Got any taglines
how much pro could programmer gram if a programmer could gram pro ???
how the heck do you add a tagline if you forgot the first time?
hslink is great
http://vvv.veni.vidi.vom...I came, I saw, I surfed their Web Page.
huh Old people! huh huh huh
huh Rush Limbaugh...proof that bigotry still runs rampant.
huh That was cool! huh huh huh
huh huh huh ... Kiss my ass! ... huh huh huh
huh huh huh Dude this bbs is more fun than frog baseball.
huh huh huh He said hard drive. huh huh huh
huh huh huh Settle down, Beavis! - Butthead
huh huh huh That was NOT cool.
huh huh huh We saw naked people! huh huh huh
huh huh huh Welcome to the credit card world dude! huh huh huh
huh huh... huh huh huh... Kiss my ass... huh huh... huh huh huh
huh??_do you know him/her/it ?__error missing interpreter of?
huhh, ..he said RAM!, hehh, uhhh(Beavis & Butthead Reply)
huhh, ..he said RAM!, hehh, uhhh(Beevis & Butthead Reply)
huhh, ..he said RAM!, hehh, uhhh... (Beavis & Butthead Reply)
huhh, ..he said RAM!, hehh, uhhh... --Beavis and Butthead Reply.
huhuhuhuh qoute chians are cool!
human (hyoo'mun) n.: Cat's most perfect furniture
human junk just words and skin
human.' --Kirk
human:  The only animal who can be skinned more than once.
humm! baraindead
humor impaired? That's OK, anything *original* is also appreciated...
hust a miunte.  Typing with the baby in lap, again.
hy and boring.
hy did the punk rocker cross the road? To get hit by a car.
hy isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?***
hypochondriac's headstone:  "I TOLD you I was sick!"

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca