I   Doctor Who.
I   Music
I   My Cat!
I   My Dog.  I   My Cat.  I   My Wife.  I   days.
I   my dog,   my cat, and I don't   baby seals. Have a   day.
I   my wife,I   my cat, I   Med, I   if I do,  if I don't
I   w a n t   M a r i n a   S i r t i s
I  Dr. Bashir
I  Forgot  The  Dream  But  I'm  Missing  My  Pajamas.
I  Music
I  My Dog.  I  My Cat.  I  My Wife.  I  days.
I  My Dog. I  My Cat. I  my wife.
I  NEVER Read Taglines!  Do You?
I  NEVER Read recipes!  Do You?
I  Star Trek !
I  Tribbles
I  WAS  a pail in the back of my office!
I  am just putting in an extra line of text to solve  a problem in fin
I  message database managers.
I  met the  surgeon general. He offered me a cigarette!
I  my dog,  my cat, and I don't   baby seals. Have a   day.
I  my dog,  my cat, I don't  baby seals. Have a  day.
I  my dog....
I  think tag lines should be placed at the beginning of the message.
I  try  very  hard  to say exactly what I mean.
I "do" enjoy children... when cooked properly - W.C.Fields.
I "flamingoed" up. - Holly
I 'C' said the blind man.
I 'ave da people, I 'ave da plan, I 'ave da h'accent.
I 'm learning the song that never ends... it will take me forever!
I (kick)...have HAD(kick)....enough of YOU (kick)!!!
I * CATS! Especially for 1 hour at 350 with some veggies.
I * my cat, I * my Dog.
I * my dog, * my cat, and I * baby harp seals.
I **HATE** Illinois Nazis! - Elwood Blues
I **TRIED** to register it!
I *FORGIVE* your blasphemy.  - Q
I *HATE* it when my serial port goes "Snap, Crackle, Pop"!
I *KNOW* about these things!
I *LOVE* animals! Been busted seven times for it ...
I *LOVE* it when a plan comes together!
I *LOVE* this thread!
I *S*W*I*P*E*D* the entire file (Thanks, Cal)
I *almost* stole a tagline! I'm so ashamed!
I *am* stupid as I look, sir, but if I can help, I will. -Baldrick
I *could* be arguing in my spare time.
I *couldn't* have cought it, I practice safe modem sex.
I *did* have to go and open my mouth, didn't I? - TEC
I *did* read the docs! That's why I'm confused! - Geco
I *did* read the docs; that's why I'm confused!
I *do* believe in spooks, Idobelieveinspooks, Ido Ido Ido
I *do* have a suggestion if you need some ideas ...
I *do* remember.  I just remember differently.
I *don't* care. You're the one who's doing the dying! - Cat
I *don't* care. You're the one who's doing the dying! --The Cat.
I *don't* care. You're the one who's doing the dying! Cat.
I *give* Truth away. Why *buy* Clinton's lies?
I *have* taken the astronavigation exams... NINE times. --Rimmer.
I *knew* I shoulda turned right at Albuquerque!
I *know* I have an afterlife. 1 John 5:11-12 says so.
I *know* the phone bill's high-That's why I need a faster modem ;>
I *like* public access!
I *like* the above!
I *love* this joke! -- Crow T. Robot
I *may* be wrongbut that doesn't mean you're *right*.
I *may* grow old,...BUT I *refuse* to grow up!  ;*)
I *must* be a Taoist, everyone keeps telling me I am in the Way!
I *must* be a Taoist, everyone tells me I am in the Way!
I *must* lead a charmed life....
I *never* format my *brain*! It's error correckting. Or something.
I *never* would have guessed you were that old!
I *speak* English! You must be a bit of a thicko. -Prince George
I *still* think the opal was a good idea, anyway ...
I *think* I know what one you're talking about.
I *think* that the messages were just tossed into this area by
I *told* the Muse I'm not a masochist, so why is the whip out again?
I *tried* to explain it to you guys, but do you listen? ;)
I *was* talking about *my* fantasy... and not 'yours'..Thank you..:)
I *was* talking about food, and NOT schemes...:) - TEC
I *wish* I could remember where I parked my hard disk....
I *would* know good blue paint if it hit me on the nose...:) - TEC
I -am- a great disturbance in the Force.
I . . Doctor Who.
I . My Dog.  I . My Cat.  I . My Wife.  I . days.
I . my cat, I . my Dog.
I ... I ... I know you think I'm paranoid ... you all do. :-(
I ...er,... won't go any further on this *family* echo. <BEG>
I .C kopati nos
I 8 my cat, tasted like chicken.
I 8 my cat. I 'ed my wife, I my Dog.
I ALWAYS behave - sometimes good, sometimes bad....
I ALWAYS thought of the phone as something my computer uses.
I ALWAYS use your stinky cat LITTER! LOOK how I LOVE IT!
I ALWAYS use your stinky cat LITTER! LOOK how I LOVE IT!!
I AM CALM!!! %#%#&&^%(*#%
I AM CORNHOLIO!  I need TP for my bunghole!
I AM CORNHOLIO!  I need TP for my bungholio!  -Beavis
I AM CORNHOLIO! I need TP for my bunghole!
I AM DEATH INCARNATE.  Oh, that's nice.
I AM DEATH INCARNATE. How very nice for you!
I AM DEATH INCARNATE. oh that's nice.
I AM IN TOTAL CONTROL! {But don't tell the wife}
I AM IN TOTAL CONTROL, but don't tell the wife.
I AM NOT A MERRY MAN! (Worf, Star Date 99791.9)
I AM NOT schizophrenic.  Me neither.
I AM NOT schizophrenic. Me neither!
I AM PREJUDICED against stupidity.
I AM PUSHING!  - Keiko
I AM THAT I AM. - Exodus 3:14
I AM WHAT I AM And what I AM needs no excuses.....
I AM hoLDiNg YOur mail HosTage. SENd $1000 TO my Node ..
I AM home - My modem's on, isn't it?
I AM my other Cat (I'm a Leo)...
I AM not a Senior Citizen, just a Teenager with 50 years experience!
I AM politically correct.  I have no opinion...
I AM relaxed ... I just can't come to terms with it.
I AM standing.
I AM the evil twin!
I AM the person your mother warned you about...
I Always push the doors marked pull!
I Am Earnhardt of Borg.. Prepare to be Dominated
I Am The Possessor Of The Pressence.
I Am The Sleeper Who Has Awakened.
I Am The Watcher Of The Pylons.
I Am Woman, I am Invincable, I am Tired
I Avoid Cliches Like The Plague!
I BBS because no one can read my handwriting
I BM, You BM, They BM, We all BM for IBM.
I BM, You BM, We all BM for IBM
I BM.  You BM.  We all BM for IBM!
I BOOTED my computer. Broke my toe!
I BS daily.....oops, I mean BBS, of course.
I Beat Bobby Fischer: Jess Player
I Beat Bobby Fischer: Jess Player*
I Borg Alternate title 'Almost 'Hugh'man
I Bought some powdered water...just not sure what to add?
I Brake For NO Cat!
I Brake for Brunettes, Blondes, and cold Beer!
I Bring Great Joy: In the city of David is born, a baby boy.
I C what you mean.
I C, therefore I link  (and think, and drink)
I CAN READ!!! Don't you think I can read?!? - Crow to Tom
I CAN'T be drowning in African waters! pleaded Tom, deep in denial.
I CAN'T eat cheese! It blocks me up! - Crow
I CAN'T get no... Satisfaction!!  Windoze '95
I CAN'T go to Hell. They're afraid I'm gonna take over!
I CAN'T go to hell, they don't want me.
I CAN'T quite pronounce it let alone spell it!
I CAN'T whistle at my girlfriend, she leaves me breathless!
I CAN't die, Heaven doesn't want me and Hell's afraid I'll take over
I COULD live without trek, but what would be the point?
I Call My Horse Flattery Because He Gets Me Nowhere.
I Came ........ I Read ........ I Responded.
I Came here in search of Freedom but all I found were Taglines.
I Came, I Saw, I Left.
I Came, I Saw, IRAN
I Can Bitch, I Voted, Can You?
I Can Fix It: Jerry Rigg
I Can Live for 2 Months On a Good Compliment (Mark Twain)
I Can Still Hear It, Screaming!, Screaming!, Screaming! - Baby Bird.
I Can't Get No ... Assimilation! -Rolling Stones of Borg.
I Can't See The Difference: Sam Ting
I Can't Use Windows!!!..My Cat Ate My Mouse....!
I Cayman went.
I Chris, do solomnly swear on this Penthouse, to tell the truth
I Come In Peace, Take Me To Your Modem.
I Cry Your Pardon, Gunslinger.
I DARE you not to buy this - Crow on freezer
I DEMAND that recipe, Sherry! - Crow as girls wrestle
I DID IT! I invented the unadoptable tagline! Try it. Won't work.
I DID IT!!! I invented the unadoptable tagline! Try it. Won't work!
I DID read the docs -- that's why I'm confused!
I DID read the manual!  That's why I'm confused!!
I DID read the manual! That's why I'm confused !!
I DID read the manual...
I DO NOT  I do not yell.  -- Worf
I DO NOT HAVE A GUT!  I have... contours.
I DO NOT I do not yell.  -- Worf
I DO NOT YELL!!! - Worf
I DO NOT like greens eggs and ham\\\SPAM!
I DO NOT.. I do not yell. -- Worf
I DO NOT...I did not yell. -- Worf
I DO NOT...I do not yell.  -- Worf
I DO have a clue; wait while I remember where I put it..
I DO know everything. I just can't remember it!
I DO know it all; I just can't remember any of it right now.
I DO make passes at women who wear glasses...
I DON'T brake for feminists.
I DON'T brake for feminists.  
I Did NOT Feed Dog Food To Your Sister On Our Date!
I Didn't Do It!: Ivan Alibi
I Didn't Know Santi Claus Was DEAD! - Stimpy.
I Disclaim All Warranties Of Merchantability
I Disclaim All Warranties Of Merchantability.
I Don't Break For Barney....SPLAT!
I Don't Have Any Pant's - Stimpy.
I Don't Know Whether To Come Home Or Go Crazy
I Don't Run Windows, and PROUD of it!
I Don't Think So Tim:  Samite Healer
I Don't Think You're Happy Enough! - Stinky Wizzleteats.
I Don't Want The World, I Just Want Your Half.
I Don't bite...MUCH!
I Don't do drugs - Echos are my escape from reality
I Don't do drugs - Star Trek is my escape from reality.
I Don't do windows.      ...I don't have the time!
I Don't do windows. I don't have the time!
I Don't just flirt with danger  - I take it out on dates.
I Don't know what apathy is, nor do I care!
I Don't need no Stinkin Tagline!
I Drive OS/2 'cause I'm sick of being a Crash Dummy !
I E-mail because no one can read my handwriting.
I Enjoy CP/m. No Hype, No Hassles, NO VIRUS'S!
I FINALLY made it in music!  I'm touring China with a wok band.
I FOUND JESUS!  (you can all stop looking now)
I FOUND JESUS, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt.....
I Fear A State That Kills Far More That I Fear A Man Who Has Killed.
I Feel Better Now.
I Feel Good. I Feel Better Than James Brown.
I Forgot To Add A Tagline
I Forgot To Add A recipe
I Got Me a 286 49mhz Laptop and Boy Does It Fly!!! Too Bad It's CGA!!!
I Got This New 486 For My Wife.....Best Trade I Ever Made
I Got a date!! No more sticky fingers for me.
I Got real close to seeing Elvis.....But my shovel broke.
I HATE Call Waitin.....NO CARRIER
I HATE STUPID COWS!!!      holy or not....
I HATE being serious, screws up my outlook on life!
I HATE it when it does that!
I HATE it when that happens!
I HATE technology!!!!!!
I HATE those bloomin' stop and go penalties....
I HATE when you do that!!! - Crow to Tom
I HAVE A PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY   (It just hasn't developed yet).
I Had A Life Once, Now I Have A Computer
I Had A Little Accident; I Lose A Pair Of Lungs. - Neelix
I Had a brain scan the other day, thank god it turned up negative!
I Had a dream 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 megs Free.
I Hate Fighting: Boris Hell
I Hate Monday Mornings: Gaetan Oop
I Hate You, You Hate Me, BARNEY Died From HIV!
I Hate the Sun: Gladys Knight
I Have A Headache Mode; A)bort F)ail G)et Your Hands OFF OF ME!
I Have A Mind Like A Steel ... Uh ... Thingamajig ...
I Have The Best Tagline But Ran Out Of Space!
I Have The Best recipe But Ran Out Of Space!
I Have To Stop Now, My Fingers Are Getting Hoarse!
I Have To Throw Up Now, Poopie - Explodie.
I Have a PATTON if You Have a General!
I Haven't Had These, Since I Was An Egg! - Fish.
I Haven't a Q. Q joins Data in a Holmes mystery.
I Hear Lorena Bobbitt's the new spokeswoman for Ginsu Knives
I Heard there was some really hot sex in Waco!
I Hit the Wall:                    Isadore There
I Hit the Wall: Isadore There
I I need your opinion, I'll pull your chain.
I I was nice today.  Nice to all those incepid monkeys!
I Jim, do solomnly swear on this Joy of Cooking, to tell the truth
I Just <ZAP!> love my <ZAP!> Lum-chan doll <ZZZAAAPP!!>
I Just Keep My Politicians Satisfied.
I Just bought a Left Handed screwdriver set..
I Just can not resist a little fun along the way.  :-)
I Just got pulled over by the L.A.P.D. and boy am I beat
I Just got stopped by the LAPD and boy am I beat.
I KNEW I shouldn't have loaned my Sword+3 to the thief
I KNEW we should have thrown it out yesterday!
I KNOW A SURGEON WHO'S A REAL CUT-UP   Keeps everybody in stitches!
I KNOW I am a Christian!
I KNOW it was a tornado,Toto,but you wizzed on my carpet!
I KNOW that santas a Phoney...a little fairy told me...
I KNOW you're alive... I just couldn't care less!
I Know I Speak For All Of Us When I Say<slam>
I Know It All - I Just Can't Remember It All At Once!
I LET you win, @FN@!
I LIKE a woman in uniform! - Quark.
I LIKE sex on TV! And the floor, the kitchen table, the..
I LIKE sex on TV, and the floor, the kitchen table, the..
I LOOOOVE scanning for lifeforms!
I LOVE IT!!! keep 'em coming. Catch YA Later...
I LOVE a woman in uniform. - Quark
I LOVE cute litle animals...especially in a good gravy.
I LOVE fine wines!  I can afford reasonably decent beer.
I LOVE my Windows 95! ummmm errrr  96! umm nope that's not it 97!
I LOVE my country, but I FEAR my government.
I LOVE spotted owls!!  They taste like chicken!!!
I LOVE the Feminist movement - When I'm walking behind it.
I LOVE the Feminist movement.....when I'm walking behind it.
I LOVE the smell of cordite in the morning!
I LOVE this game!
I LOVE you baby, but her FLESH got in the way!
I LOVE your approach... Let's see your departure!.
I Like "Weeding Gardens," by Manuel Labour.
I Like Barney, Stuffed and Mounted on the Wall in my study.
I Like Fish, by Ann Chovie.
I Like Fish: Ann Chovie
I Like Liquor: Ethyl Alcohol
I Like Weeding Gardens: Manuel Labour
I Like to help you out,which way you come in?
I Lived in Detroit: Helen Earth
I Lost My Balance: Eileen Dover and Phil Down
I Love "(  .  )  (  .  )"  Parton !
I Love Animals ... They're Delicious!
I Love Animals. ... They're Delicious!
I Love Animals......They're Delicious!
I Love Bullfighting: Matt Adore
I Love Crowds: Morris Merrier
I Love Fractions: Lois C. Denominator
I Love Mathematics - by Adam Up
I Love Mathematics:                Adam Up
I Love Mathematics: Adam Up
I Love My Country and I Fear My Government
I Love My Sysop
I Love Toxic Waste
I Love Toxic Waste.
I Love Wills: Benny Fishery
I Love You ... I know - Leia & Han
I Love You!: Alma Hart
I Love kittens, stir-fryed. (Alf)
I Love my English Cocker Spaniel!
I Love you, you love meBarney gave me HIV.
I M a tru beleever in hour edukashun sistum.
I M a tru bleever in hour edukashun sistum,
I MUST patch this coat, Tom said raggedly.
I Made A Mental Note, But Forgot Where I Put It
I Made A Mental Note, But Forgot Where I Put It ...
I Make Money The Old Fashioned Way! I Print It
I Multi-task....I read in the loo.
I Must Fix the Car!: Otto Doit
I NEED Cindy Crawford's home phone number!!!!!!!!!!
I NEED Kirstie Alley's home phone number.
I NEVER ching my mind! It hurts too much.
I NEVER leech taglines!
I NEVER tell lies. :-)
I NEVER! exaggerate-I just remember REALLY big!!!
I Need Insurance: Justin Case
I Need more. Anyone help?
I Never Knew A Cat Who Suffered From Insomnia.
I Never Met a Choclate Cookie That I Didn't Like.
I ONLY read the Taglines!
I Only See In Infrared.
I Owe, I Owe, So Off To Work I Go!
I PROMISE - I won't upload in your mouth!
I Print on Steel with an Industrial Laser
I Pulled The Pin.  Now What?  WAIT!  Where Are You Going?!?
I READ the documents ... I just didn't UNDERSTAND them!!! |-)
I REFUSE to be moderated.
I RESEMBLE that remark!
I Read You Like A Book: Claire Voyant
I Read You Like A Book: Claire Voyant.
I Regret That I Have But 1 Live to Give
I Remember When We Carved CPUs Out of Wood....
I SAID THE RULE WAS 75% AND IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Christian Galoski.
I SK8: I skate/ice skate.
I STILL want a Hula Hoop. : Alvin
I SUPPORT FREE Speech!  Only, IF you agree with me.
I SUPPORT FREE Speech! Only, IF you agree with me.
I SUPPOSE I'll let you blame your spelling on line noise. :)
I SWEAR I thought she was 18!
I SWEAR, I thought she was 18!
I Saw Elvis, and all I got was this lousy jelly doughnut.
I Saw London. I Saw France. I Saw Orville's Underpants!
I Saw better conversations in alphabet soup.
I Say So!: Frank O. Pinion
I Say So!: Frank O. Pinion(2)
I See Your Face Printed On My Money
I Seize your Commitment, Orville Bullitt!
I Seize your Commitment, Orville!
I Sense.....*SLAP* Not on the bridge Will.
I Sing The Praises Of Llamas
I Snatch Kisses, and Vice-Versa!
I Speak Fish! - Stimpy.
I THINKtherefore I can't be a Socialist!
I THOUGHT I WAS WRONG O N C E! (but I was mistaken)
I THUNK, therefore I AM........OS/2!
I TOLD you never to call me! -- Kirk, ST:IV
I Take No Prisoners!.. But, I Do Take Money!
I Think I know why they're called roach clips,POT
I Think I've Got it ....  @@@!$#%  NO CARRIER  --
I Turvived de 60's sith dinor mrain bamage.
I U cn rd ths, U cnt spl wrth sht.
I Used To Believe Heisenberg, Now I'm Not So Sure.
I Usually operate at a 90  angle to reality
I VANT TO SUCK YOUR BLOOD, but...could I take a test sample first?
I VANT TO SUCK YOUR BLOOD......but your wallet'll do fine, too!
I WANT MY BFG 9000! NOW!!! Or a pistol will do.
I WARNED you about Clinton!!
I WILL be a captain's woman! - Evil Gypsy
I WILL procrastinate, if I can just get started!
I WILL stop procrastinating.     .     .     .     .     someday...
I Wanna Boink Death!
I Want To Believe -- The X-Files
I Want To Work On Your Smelly Old Cartoon - Ren.
I Want to Help: Abel N. Willin
I Was A Son Of A Buccaneer: Rich Kidd
I Was A Son Of A Buccaneer: Rich Kidd*
I Was An Atheist Until I Realised I WAS God.
I Was a Cloakroom Attendant: Mahatma Coate
I Was a Cloakroom Attendant: Mahatma Coate(1)
I Will! No I Will! No I Will! .... You both can! - Troi
I Win!: U. Lose
I Wonder What The Big Red Button Does....?
I Work with Diamonds:              Jules Sparkle
I Work with Diamonds: Jules Sparkle
I Wouldn't Take You To A Dog Fight Even If I Thought You Could Win
I Wuv U Guys! - Anthony.
I Wuz Framed!: Gil Tee
I Wuz Robbed!: Alma Money
I Wuz Robbed!: Alma Money*
I Xeroxed a mirror.  Now I have an extra Xerox machine.
I [] My Dog. I [] My Cat.
I [ ] My Cat.  I [ ] My Dog.  (Would you [ ] my ex-wife ?)
I [ ] My Dog. I [ ] My Cat. I [L] My Keyboard.
I [ ] this Tagline (and it loves me).
I ['d] My Dog. I ['d] My Cat.
I [*] My Dog. I [*] My Cat. I [*] my wife.
I [*] My Dog. I [8] My Cat.
I [.] My Cat.  I [.] My Dog.  (Would you [.] my ex-wife ?)
I [.] My Cat. I [.] My Dog. (Would you [.] my ex?)
I [8] My Dog. I Ran/My Cat.
I [8] NY (burrrpp!) - Godzilla
I [8] Tokyo (burrrpp!) - Godzilla-san
I [8] my dog.  I [8] my cat 2.  YumYum!
I [HEART] MY [DOGHEAD]  -- Enigmatic Bumper Sticker
I [HEART] MY [DOGHEAD] -- Enigmatic Bumper Sticker.
I [] CorelDRAW! v. 2.0!
I [] My Cat. I [] My Dog. (Would you [.] my wife ?)
I [] My Cat. I [] My Dog. (Would you [] my ex-wife ?)
I [] My TomCat!.
I [] My dog. He [ate] My Cat.
I [] QEdit!
I [] TheDraw v. 4.0!
I [] Ventura Publisher!
I [] my dog. I [] my cat. I [] my seal.
I [] this Tagline (and it loves me).
I _DID_ 'RTFM',   it didn't help...
I _KNOW_ it was a tornado, Toto, but look at my carpet!
I _LOVE_ my country but I _FEAR_ my government!
I _NEVER_ make misstakes!
I _am_ holding still. I _am_ squirming. - Homer
I _am_ the Supreme Being.  I'm not _completely_ dim.
I _can't_ be out of money, I still have a couple of checks.  - my wife
I _hate_ shrinkwrap!
I _know_ what you're thinking, but you might be wrong.
I _like_ Quark.
I _tried_ to read it, but my cereal box was too gripping.
I `[1mhave a speech impediment`[0;34m....`[33mmy foot`[34m!!!`[0m
I a Popeyus of Borg!  Prepare to be assimiligrated!
I absolutely _LOVE_ cats!!!   When do we eat?
I accelerate for cats.
I accept reality and dare not question it.  W.Whitman
I accept your apology, Orville, but not your explanation.
I achieve a lower consciousness. - Calvin
I act like a fool on purpose, Limbaugh can't help himself.
I act like a fool on purpose.  Limbaugh can't help himself.
I actually know very little Yiddish, just a shmata here and there...
I actually saw...automobiles! - Picard
I add 2 more beans. What does that make?"  "A very small casserole."
I add a little excitement and all you do is complain. -- Q
I added water, the oatmeal still taste odd. Oh, HOT water
I adjusted the brightness, but the msgs are still dumb.
I admire a woman who can use a blade
I admire an atheist, that takes a lot of faith.
I admire the wisdom of all the people who come to me for advice...
I admire you because I never had the courage it takes to be a liar.
I admit I used Windows once, but I didn't multi-task.
I admit I wrote in COBOL once, but I didn't compile
I admit I wrote in COBOL once, but I didn't compile.
I admit it - *I* made all the crop circles
I admit it - *I* made all the crop circles.
I admit it! I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body!
I admit it's a convoluted way of saying it - Mike
I admit it's offbeat, but lets not get hysterical.
I admit it, I tried MS-DOS, but I didn't inhale.
I admit it. I steal every tagline I see...except this one.
I admit some of my deduces were wild. - BJ
I admit that the boss made me what I am today - depressed
I admit to a little bias against Republican activities and beliefs.
I agree to disagree.....
I agree we can't wait any longer.
I agree with Scrooge:  Bah, humbug!
I agree with you absolutely.  What did you say?
I agree, knowing others is wisdom,knowing yourself? That's not so easy
I agree.  So, what are we talking about?
I agreed to suspend disbelief, not hang it until it died!
I agreed to suspend my belief, not hang it until it died.
I agreed to suspend my disbelief, not hang it by the neck until dead!
I agreed to suspend my disbelief, not hang it until dead!
I agreed to suspend my disbelief, not hang it until it died!
I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London. - Werner Von Braun
I aim my warning shots to center of body mass!
I aim to be right....... unfortunately I'm not a very good shot.
I aim to please...er...are you a target?
I aimed high once, but then I had to clean the ceiling
I ain't a real cowboy, but I'm one helluva stud.    Jon Voight
I ain't afraid of dying, it's the thought of being dead.
I ain't afraid of those white men, said Cochise bravely.
I ain't barmy! Don't ever call me barmy or I'll nick you-got that?
I ain't been to see my baby...in ninety-nine and one half days.
I ain't broke but I am badly bent.
I ain't broke but I'm badly bent.
I ain't broke, but I'm badly bent!
I ain't broke, but I'm badly bent.
I ain't broke, just badly bent!
I ain't cheap, but I can be had.
I ain't eta <g>. I'm just getting better. - Rick Burwell
I ain't ever been to Arizona! - Carl Robinson
I ain't going out like dat...
I ain't gonna cry no more for you.
I ain't got a witness, and I can't prove it.
I ain't lucky when it comes to love.
I ain't no BEAVER, Sam. But busy? Yeah!
I ain't no angel, but I never felt better.
I ain't no artist but, I know what I like
I ain't playing a game, that I know I can't win.
I ain't seen my baby for 99 and one half days - Hendrix
I ain't seen my baby for 99 and one half days. --Hendrix.
I aint dead yet, copper! - Crow to Tom the policeman
I aint nuthin but beer and bones...
I almost feel in Amber with you around. <Florimel>
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met
I almost met Elvis, but the shovel broke!
I almost ran over an angel, he had a nice big fat cigar...
I almost saw Elvis but my shovel broke.
I almost saw Elvis last week But my shovel broke
I almost saw Elvis one night, but my shovel broke.
I almost saw Elvis, but the shovel broke.
I almost saw Elvis.  Then my shovel broke.
I almost shot a birdie today. It was the four foot put that got me.
I almost stole a tagline! I'm so ashamed!
I almost stole another tagline!  I'm so ashamed!
I almost stole another tagline.  I'm so ashamed.
I already have that infono big deal(wellhmmno comment)
I already know I'm paranoid.  The question is, am I paranoid enough?
I already know you hated it, shut up. - D.Troi
I already know you hated it. Shut up. - Troi
I already showed you how to do that, Tom said tautly.
I already tried that. --Ivanova.
I also like my tagline file><
I also offer the Doctor my most enthusiastic contrafribularities. -BA2
I always "Take A Penny" and I never "Leave A Penny."  So there !
I always buy my camping gear in December, for now is the WINTER OF
I always carry a flame thrower around, just in case.
I always check the "Native American" box.  I was born in Florida.
I always check the "Native American" box; I was born in Mass.
I always check the "Native American" box; I was born in Pennsylvania.
I always check the "Native American" box; I was born in Tennessee.
I always check the "Native American" box; I was born in Texas!
I always check the "Native American" box; I was born in here!
I always check the "Native Australian" box.  I was born in Sydney.
I always consider it a good day when nobody murders me.
I always cry after sex, I think it's the Mace.
I always cry after sex, but it's probably just the pepper gas
I always cry after sex. I think it's all the mace.
I always cry after sex. I think it's the Mace
I always cry after sex. I think it's the Mace...
I always did like climbing trees, is this genetic?
I always did like climbing trees, would it be genetic by any chance?
I always down my Folger's crystals with Jolt Pop.
I always eat at McDonald's, said Tom archly.
I always fear unloaded rifles.  They used to smash heads with them. Lec
I always fear unloaded rifles...they smash heads with them....-Lec
I always fill out my tax returns in hexadecimal!
I always get an A -- Wesley
I always get my muckin words fuddled
I always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop.
I always get the last word"Yes, dear"
I always go by the book. - Klinger. Wearing dresses?! - Radar
I always have fun because I'm out of my mind!!!
I always have lots of month left at the end of the money!
I always have parts left over when working on my car!
I always have to get the damn door - Tom
I always have too much month left at the end of my money.
I always hit the nail right on the thumb.
I always invite people to their own self destruction.
I always knew I could live without you....That's a lie.
I always laugh at the wrong time.  At my own funeral....
I always leave the room when the talk gets philosophical. - Calvin
I always lie.  In fact, I'm lying to you right now!
I always like to show the proper...Gratitude - Servo
I always like to try the one I've never tried before.
I always liked my husband's mother-in-law better than mine.
I always listen to what you have to say. - Richard Franklin
I always look well when I'm near death. Greta Garbo Camille
I always loved that face -- Dr. Soong
I always miss the good parties - Tom on girl in lingerie
I always pray to St. Ignatius, said Tom loyally.
I always take life with a grain of salt.. with lemon slice and tequila.
I always tell the truth.  Even if I have to lie to do it.
I always tell the truth. Even if I have to lie to do it.
I always tell the truth. Even if I have to lie.
I always tell the truth. That last statement was a lie.
I always thought 'Teddie' was underwear..
I always thought GST meant Great Sex Time!!
I always thought I'd have a crack at this chair someday. -Riker
I always thought it was Ann Marg-Rock - Mike
I always use the goodest English.
I always want the last word, an this is it PEACE!
I always wantd 2B something.I wish I'd been more specific
I always wanted to be a procrastinator, but I kept putting it off.
I always wanted to be a procrastinator, but I kept putting it off...
I always wanted to be something, I wish I'd been more specific.
I always watch my grammer; sintax and speling.
I always watch my speling, sintax, grammer & pointuation.
I always watch my speling; sintax and grammer.
I always watch my speling; sintax, grammer and pointuation.
I always watch my speling;sintax, grammer & pointuation
I always wear fur.  I have a cat.
I always wear real fur - the cats sleep on the laundry!
I always wear real fur.  My cat sleeps on my laundry.
I always wear real fur....the cats sleeps on the laundry!
I always win. It's in my contract. -- Kirk
I always wondered"Why isn't Palindrome one?"
I always worry when I am on the side of the majority   ;)
I am  Wil Wheaton of Borg... Waaaaahhhhh is *VERY* relavant.
I am <not> gaining weight!" said Riker emphatically.
I am * sure* I will hear from you shortly.
I am *.QWK of Borg.  Sleep is irrelevant.
I am *NOT* a Tagline! ... Ok, so I'm a tagline; sue me.
I am *NOT* lazy, I'm Motivationally Challenged.
I am *STILL* proud that I earned my Eagle rank.
I am *not* a Borg, by Jean Locu... um, that's *Luc* Picard.
I am *not* a Sysop.  R. Nixon, 1974.
I am *not* a number - I am a free man!
I am *not* gay. But if I were gay I'd do something about those taglines!
I am ... Kirk ... James T ... I will ... help ... you.
I am .qwk of Borg.  Sleep is irrelevant
I am 007 of Borg: You will be shaken, not assimilated.
I am 18 years old and from Rosmalen.
I am 3PO of Borg. And it's all your fault, R2!
I am 86 of Borg.  You will be...wait, my shoe is ringing.
I am 86 of Borg: You will be... wait, my shoe is ringing.
I am 99.99999512% sure PGP doesn't use any floating point. - P. Zimmer
I am ADD of Borg. Resistance is futile, er, um,
I am Abom. SnowBorg: We will hug u and squeeze u and name u George.
I am Ace of Borg you will be assimilated forget that where's my nitro?
I am Ackbar of Borg: We can't repel Assimilation of that magnitude.
I am Adolph of Borg. You will be assim.. Whoa, FERRENGI!
I am Adric of Borg...(SPLAT)
I am Affair of Borg, prepare to be assignated.
I am Affair of Borg, prepare to be assimilated.
I am Agassi of Borg. Before assimilating you...does my hair look ok?
I am Agassi of Borg: Assimilation is everything.
I am Agassi of Borg: Before I assimilate you, is my hair okay?
I am Ahnold of Borg. You girly-men will be assimilated.
I am Ahnold of Borg. You whimpering girly-fellows vil be assimilated.
I am Ahnold of Borg:  You girly-men will be assimilated.
I am Ahnoold of Borg. You weempering gurly-fellows vil be assimilated.
I am Ahrnold of Borg. Hasta l'ahssimilation, baby!
I am Al Bundy of Borg.  Aw, Peg, I assimilated you last month!
I am Al Bundy of Borg.  Do I have to assimulate ya NOW Peg?
I am Al Bundy of Borg. Do I hafta assimilate ya now,Peg??
I am Al Bundy of Borg. Do I hafta assimilate ya tonight, Peg?
I am Al Bundy of Borg:  We will *not* assimilate!
I am Al Bundy of Borg: Do I hafta assimilate ya tonight, Peg?
I am Al Calavicci of Borg. Fashion sense is irrelevent.
I am Al Calavicci of Borg. Your babes will be assimilated.
I am Al Gore of Borg. I am irrelevant. I have been assimilated.
I am Al of Borg.  Aw, Peg, I assimilated you last year!
I am Al of Borg.  Aww, Peg, I assimilated you last year.
I am Al of Borg.  Aww, Peg, I don't want to assimilate you.
I am Al of Borg. Aww, Peg, I assimilated you last year.
I am Al of Borg. Aww, Peg, I assimilated you last year..
I am Al of Borg. Aww, Peg, I don't wanna assimilate you.
I am Alex Sanders of Borg. My grandmother told me to assimilate you.
I am Alex Trebek of Borg.  What is irelevant?
I am Alex Trebek of Borg.  What is irrelevant?
I am Alf of Borg: All cats will be assimilated.
I am Alfred E. Neuman of Borg. What, me assimilate?
I am Alfred E. Neumann of Borg: What? Me assimilated?
I am Alfred E. Newman of Borg: What, me assimilate?
I am Alka SeltzBorg: I can't believe I assimilated the WHOOOOLE thing!
I am Alvin of Borg. Dave is irrelevant.
I am Alzheimer of Borg! Prepare to uh er
I am Amiga of Borg. It takes a while to assimilate.
I am Andrew_Dice_Clay of Borg. Why don't you go assimilate yourself!
I am Andy Rooney of Borg. Ever wonder why resistance is futile?
I am Andy Rooney of Borg. You will be annoyed!
I am Andy Rooney of Borg: Ever wonder WHY resistance is futile?
I am Andy Rooney of Borg: Why is every assimilation the SAME OLD THING
I am Andy Rooney of Borg: You ever wonder WHY resistance is futile?
I am Apollo. [*] Chekov: And I am the Czar of old Russia.
I am Apu of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated and have a nice day!
I am Apu of Kwik-E-Borg. Be assmiliated and have a free squishie.
I am Apu of Kwik-E-Borg. You will be assimilated... come again!
I am Apu of Kwik-E-Borg: Be assimilated and have a free squishie.
I am Archie Bunker of Borg: You will be assimilated, Meathead.
I am Archie of Borg. You will be assimilated, meathead!
I am Archie of Borg. Your will be da first one 'similated, meathead!
I am Archie of Borg. Youse will be assimilated, meathead!
I am Arkwright of Borg. You will be Ass...Ass...Ass... SHOT Granville!
I am Art Bell of Borg.  On the wildcard line, you are assimilated.
I am Arthur Dent of Borg.  What, no tea?
I am Arthur Dent of Borg.  Your tea will be assimilated.
I am Asimov of Borg: The Three Laws of Assimilation.
I am Astro of Borg. Rerare ro re arrimirated.
I am Aussie of Borg: I have come to assimilate your lager!
I am Avon of Borg: I don't trust anyone I haven't assimilated.
I am B'Elanna of... ARRRGHHH!!! <SMASH> <CRASH>
I am BART of the Borg: Resistance is useless, you WILL eat my shorts!
I am BBS of Borg. Messages are irrelevant.
I am Baby Bop of Borg: Resistance is useless, you will say OOOOOOO!
I am Bajoran Maquis of Borg. I will assimilate more than your nose.
I am Baltar of Borg. The Galactica must be assimilated!
I am Barclay of Borg. Prepare to be assimiated..if that's OK...
I am Barclay of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated if that's all right.
I am Barclay of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated..If..That's all right.
I am Barclay of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated..if that's OK...
I am Barclay of Borg: er... uh.. um, Resistance is er, futile...um, er
I am Bariel of Borg. Kira is irrelevant. Stasis is futile, Doctor.
I am Barker of Borg: You will come on down.
I am Barney of Borg ..."I assimilate you, you assimilate me..."
I am Barney of Borg ...I assimilate you, you assimilate me...
I am Barney of Borg, Sesame Street is Irrevelant.
I am Barney of Borg-You will be nauseated.
I am Barney of Borg.  Big Bird will be assimilated!
I am Barney of Borg.  I love you, and you love me...
I am Barney of Borg.  Sesame Street is irrelevant.
I am Barney of Borg.  Sesame Street will be assimilated.
I am Barney of Borg.  Today we learned how to assimilate!
I am Barney of Borg.  You will be nauseated.
I am Barney of Borg.  Your 2 year old will be assimilated.
I am Barney of Borg.  Your children will be assimilated.
I am Barney of Borg. Being assimilated is fun!
I am Barney of Borg. Big Bird will be assimilated!
I am Barney of Borg. I assimilate you, you assimilate me...
I am Barney of Borg. I love you, and you love me.
I am Barney of Borg. I love you, and you love me...
I am Barney of Borg. Prepare to blow chow.
I am Barney of Borg. Sesame Street is irrelevant.
I am Barney of Borg. Sesame Street will be assimilated.
I am Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as<BELCH<!
I am Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as--<BELCH>!
I am Barney of Borg. You will be Baby Bopped now.
I am Barney of Borg. You will be assimilated because I love you.
I am Barney of Borg. You will be nauseated.
I am Barney of Borg..."I assimilate you, you assimlate me..."
I am Barney of Borg......Sesame Street is irrelevant...
I am Barney of Borg....Big Bird is irrelevant!
I am Barney of Borg...I assimilate you, you assimilate me...
I am Barney of Borg...Sesame Street will be assimilated.
I am Barney of Borg:  Sesame Street is irrelevant
I am Barney of Borg:  Today we learned that resistance is useless.
I am Barney of Borg: Being assimilated is fun!
I am Barney of Borg: Being assimilated is fun.
I am Barney of Borg: Big Bird is irrelevant!
I am Barney of Borg: I assimilate you, you assimilate me...
I am Barney of Borg: I love you You love me We're a happy Borg entity.
I am Barney of Borg: I love you, and you love me.
I am Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. We're a happy Borg entity.
I am Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. We're a happy Borg family.
I am Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. We're a happy Borg.
I am Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. Were a happy entity.
I am Barney of Borg: I love you;you love me. We're a happy Borg entity
I am Barney of Borg: Prepare to be loved
I am Barney of Borg: Prepare to be loved....
I am Barney of Borg: Resistance is useless you will buy my toys.
I am Barney of Borg: Resistance is useless you will buy my videos.
I am Barney of Borg: Resistance is useless you will love me.
I am Barney of Borg: Sesame Street will be assimilated!
I am Barney of Borg: Today we learn resistance is futile!
I am Barney of Borg: Today we learned resistance is useless.
I am Barney of Borg: Today we learned that resistance is futile.
I am Barney of Borg: Today we learned that resistance is useless.
I am Barney of Borg: You and your beer will be as <BELCH>!
I am Barney of Borg: You loving me is irrelevant!
I am Barney of Borg: You will be assimilated because I love you.
I am Barney of Borg: You will be nauseated.
I am Barney of Borg:Today we learn resistance is futile!
I am Barney the Borg....Big Bird is irrelevant!
I am Barney the Borg....Sesame Street will be assimilated
I am Barney the Borg....Sesame Street will be assimilated!
I am Barney the Borg....you loving me is irrelevant!
I am Barney the Borg: Big Bird is irrelevant!
I am Barney the Borg: Sesame Street will be assimilated!
I am Barney the Borg: You loving me is irrelevant!
I am Barney the BorgSesame Street will be assimilated
I am Barney the Borgyou loving me is irrelevant!
I am Barney! Will you be my **CHOMP** <-- Barney meets Velociraptor!
I am Barnum of Borg.  There's one assimililated every minute.
I am Barnum of Borg. I say,'There's one assimilated every minute.'
I am Barnum of Borg. There's one assimilated every minute.
I am Barnum of Borg. There's one assimililated every minute.
I am Barny of Borg.    Nyuk Nyuk  I love assimilation.
I am Bart Of Borg: Prepare To Eat My Shorts, Man.
I am Bart Simpson of Borg, who the hell are you?
I am Bart Simpson of Borg. Your shorts will be assimilated.
I am Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you? --Bart Simpson.
I am Bart of BORG. Resistance is uselessyou WILL eat my shorts!
I am Bart of Borg - who the hell are you?
I am Bart of Borg.  Eating is irrelevant.  Shorts are irrelevant.
I am Bart of Borg.  Prepare to be assimilated, Man!
I am Bart of Borg.  Resistance is futile...you *will* eat my shorts!
I am Bart of Borg.  Who the hell are you?
I am Bart of Borg. Assimilate my shorts, dude!
I am Bart of Borg. Don't assimilate a cow, man!
I am Bart of Borg. Eating is irrelevant...Shorts are irrelevant. Ok?
I am Bart of Borg. Prepare to assimilate my shorts.
I am Bart of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, Man!
I am Bart of Borg. Resistance is futile. You WILL eat my shorts.
I am Bart of Borg. Who the hell are you?
I am Bart of Borg. Who the hell have I assimilated?
I am Bart of Borg: Assimilate my shorts, dude!
I am Bart of Borg: Don't assimilate a cow, man!
I am Bart of Borg: Eat my asmelliated shorts!
I am Bart of Borg: Eat my assimilated shorts!
I am Bart of Borg: Eating is irrelevant. Shorts are irrelevant.
I am Bart of Borg: Prepare to be assimilated, Man!
I am Bart of Borg: Resistance is useless... you WILL eat my shorts!
I am Bart of Borg; Who the hell are you?
I am Barteekus of Borg: Resistance is futile ,dude.
I am Bartekus of Borg: Resistance is futile, dude.
I am Barticus of Borg.  Resistance is futile, You will eat my shorts.
I am Basford of Borg. Your sheep will be assimilated.
I am Bass-O-Matic-O-Borg: You shall be sliced and diced.
I am Batman of Borg. You will be assimilated, foul fiend.
I am Beakman of Borg: Resistance is a scientific impossibility.
I am Beakman of Borg: Resistance is scientifically irrelevant.
I am Beakman of Borg: Resistance is scientifically proven irrelevant.
I am Beakman of Borg: Resistance is scientifically unfeasible.
I am Beavis & Butthead of Borg. Resistance sucks!
I am Beavis and Butt-head of Borg. Resistance sucks! <heh, heh>
I am Beavis of Borg - Resistance sucks! Heh heh...heh heh...
I am Beavis of Borg!  Assimilation is COOL, heh-heh, heh-heh...
I am Beavis of Borg, Assimilation is cool, huh huh huh
I am Beavis of Borg, Resistance sucks heh heh he heh.
I am Beavis of Borg, Resistance sucks heh heh heh heh
I am Beavis of Borg.  Assimilation is COOL!  hehe  hehe  hehehe
I am Beavis of Borg.  Assimilation is cool.  Hehe Hehe.
I am Beavis of Borg.  Assimilation's COOL!  Yeah!  Heheheheheh
I am Beavis of Borg.  Resistance sucks!  Heh heheh heh he
I am Beavis of Borg.  Umm-umm-mmm  Yeah-right-cool Butthead.
I am Beavis of Borg. Assimilation is COOL! hehe hehe hehehe.
I am Beavis of Borg. Assimilation is cool. Heh-heh.
I am Beavis of Borg. Assimilation is cool. Hehe Hehe.
I am Beavis of Borg. Assimilation is cool. Huh-huh-huh
I am Beavis of Borg. Assimilation is cool. huh uh mmm huh huh huh
I am Beavis of Borg. Assimilation's COOL! Hehe Huhuhuh.
I am Beavis of Borg. Assimilation's COOL! Heheheheheh.
I am Beavis of Borg. Assimilation's COOL! Yeah! Heheheheheh.
I am Beavis of Borg. Assimilation's cool. Heh heh! hehe
I am Beavis of Borg. Resistance sucks! Heh heheh heh he.
I am Beavis of Borg. Resistance sucks.  Heh heh, heh heh!
I am Beavis of Borg. Resistance, like uh... sucks <heh heh-heh-heh>!
I am Beavis of Borg. Umm-umm-mmm Yeah-right-cool Butthead.
I am Beavis of Borg:  You said *Ass*imilate. Um-umm-umm-mm-umm.
I am Beavis of Borg: You said *A$$*imilate. Um-umm-umm-mm-umm.
I am Beavis of Borg: You said *Ass*imilate. Um-umm-umm-mm-umm.
I am Beavis, a Borg. Assimilation is cool. Heh-heh-heh.
I am Beavis, a Borg. Assimilation is cool. Heh-heh.
I am Beeblebrox of Borg.  Resistance is... Whoa!  Babes!
I am Beeblebrox of Borg. Resistance is futile. You wil--Whoa, babes!
I am Beeblebrox of Borg. Resistance is... Whoa! Babes!
I am Beldar of Borg. We will assimilate mass quantities from France.
I am Beldar of Borg. We will assimilate mass quantities.
I am Beldar, I read QWK Packets, Lets eat Consumables.
I am Ben of Borg: I sense something... something irrelevant.
I am Ben-Wa of Borg - I will assimilate your Tribbles.
I am Ben-Wa of Borg - your Tribbles will be assimilated.
I am Bene Gesserit of Borg: Fear is irrelevant.
I am Berman of Borg Plots are irrelevant...
I am Berman of Borg. The Original Series is irrelevant.
I am Berman of Borg. Your real name is irrelevant.
I am Berman of Borg...  Plots are irrelevant...
I am Berman of Borg: From this point onward TNG will service..us.
I am Berman of Borg: Plots are irrelevant.
I am Berman of Borg: Real names are irrelevant.
I am Berman of BorgPlots are irrelevant
I am Bettencourt of Borg. You shall be humbled.
I am Bettman of Borg. Assimilation will be postponed without a CBA.
I am Bettman of Borg: We will assimilate the NHLPA!
I am Biker Bitch of Borg.  Kiss my assimilator!
I am Bilbo of Borg. The assimilation goes ever on...
I am Bilbo_Baggens of Borg. Alas, the assimilation goes ever onward.
I am Bill D. Cat of Borg: You will be Ack! Thbbpt! imilated!
I am Bill D. Catt of Borg: Prepare to be Ack!Thbbpt!imilated!
I am Bill D. Catt of Borg: You will be Ack!Thbbpt!imilated!
I am Bill Gates of Borg. Patents are irrelevant; copyrights are also.
I am Bill Gates of Borg. Your money will be assimilated.
I am BillDCat of Borg. You will be ass--<Acckk! Thbbbpt!>--imilated!
I am Billary of Borg: Tax cuts are irrelevant.
I am Billy Carter of Borg: We have come to assimilate your lager!
I am Bjorn Borg: Tennis is irrelevant.
I am Bjorn of Borg, We will be back to face you at Wimbledon!
I am Bjorn of Borg-prepare to be served
I am Bjorn of Borg.  Wimbledon is irrelevant.
I am Bjorn of Borg.  You will be ACE-IMILATED!
I am Bjorn of Borg. Prepare your tennis balls for assimilation.
I am Bjorn of Borg. Tennis is irrelevant.
I am Bjorn of Borg. Wimbledon is <FIRST SERVICE!> <ahem> irrelevant.
I am Bjorn of Borg. Wimbledon is irrelevant.
I am Bjorn of Borg. Wimbledon will be assimilated.
I am Bjorn of Borg. You will be ACE-IMILATED!
I am Bjorn of Borg...Resistance is futile, I am top seed!
I am Bjorn of Borg: Prepare to be served
I am Bjorn of Borg: Tennis is irrelevant.
I am Bjorn of the Borg: Wimbledon is irrelevant.
I am Bjorn, of Borg.
I am Blanka of Borg: Mom must be assimilated.
I am Blofeld of Borg. You will be assimilated, Mr. Bond.
I am BloodGas of Borg -- your arterial blood will be assimilated.
I am Blue Wave of Borg.  Your tagline has been assimilated.
I am Blue Wave of Borg. Your tagline will be assimilated.
I am Bob Barker of Borg. C'mon down and be assimilated.
I am Bob Barker of Borg. You will come on down.
I am Bob Hawke of Borg.  By 1990 all children will be assimilated.
I am Bob Stump of Borg ... Truth is irrelevant.
I am Bob Vila of Borg: I will repair rooms for 1,000,000 assimilations
I am Bob Vila of Borg: This Old House is irrelevant.
I am Bob Vila of Borg: This Old House will be assimilated.
I am Bob Vila of Borg: Welcome to This Old Assimilation.
I am Bob_Barker of Borg, reminding you to have your pet assimilated.
I am Bobbit of Borg. Only part of me was assimilated.
I am Bobby of Borg. You resistin' me?  Are you resistin' me?
I am Boberg of Borg.  Registation is useless.
I am Bogart of Borg. You will be ashimilated, shweethaht.
I am Bogie of Borg.  You will be ashimilated, shweethaht.
I am Bond.  James Bond.  Of Borg.  You will be shaken, not stirred.
I am Bones of Borg.  He's assimilated, Jim.
I am Bones of Borg. Jim, I'm an assimilater, not a doctor
I am Bones of Borg. Jim, I'm an assimilator, not a doctor.
I am Bones of Borg: He's assimilated, Jim.
I am Bored of Borg.  The subject is irrelavent.
I am Bored of Borg. The subject is irrelevant.
I am Borg ****************, who are you?
I am Borg of Borg.  Redundancy is irrelevant.
I am Borg of Borg. You shall be confused.
I am Borg of Borg: Redundancy is irrelevant.
I am Borg of Borg: You shall be confused.
I am Borg of Data. Contraction is irrelevant.
I am Borg of God; you WILL assimilate ME! [smile].
I am Borg the Cat.  Aack!  Thpbpth!
I am Borg the Gates. Aack!! Thpbpth!! Hardware is irrelevant.
I am Borg, James of Borg
I am Borg... James Borg.  007 has been assimilated.
I am Borg... James Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, Miss MoneyPenny.
I am Borg: Absorbing is irrelevant you will be assimilated.
I am BorgJames Borg.  007 has been assimilated.
I am Borgapopa: Clickety click, assimilate-a-trick.
I am Borgs Bunny.  What's assimilation, Doc?
I am Boris Badenov of Borg.  We will assimilate moose & squirrel!
I am Boris Badenov of Borg. We will assimilate moose and squirrel!
I am Boris of Borg, vill azzimilate moose und sqvirrel.
I am Boris of Borg.  We will assimilate moose & squirrel!
I am Boris of Borg.  Will assimilate Moose and Squirrel.
I am Boris of Borg. Hokey... now ve'l assimilate moose and sqvirrel!
I am Boris of Borg. Moose and squirrel are irrelevant.
I am Boris of Borg. We will assimilate moose & squirrel!
I am Boris of Borg. We will assimilate moose and squirrel!
I am Boris of Borg. Will assimilate Moose and Squirrel!
I am Boris of Borg: Vill azzimilate moose und sqvirrel.
I am Borland of Borg.  Prepare to be Quattroprolated.
I am Brain of Borg. Tonight, we will assimilate the world!
I am Brain of Borg. When I take over the world, you will be assimilated!
I am Brecher of Borg. You shall be net mailed.
I am Brubeck of Borg.  Prepare to take five.
I am Bubba of Borg.  Y'all is fixin to be assimilated!
I am Bubba of Borg. Uh, are y'all fixin' to be assimilated, or what?
I am Bubba of Borg. Y'all fixin' to be assimilated.
I am Bubba of Borg. Y'all is fixin' to be assimilated.
I am Bubba of Borg. Y'all's fixin' to be assimilated.
I am Bubba of Borg: Prepare your beer to be assimilated.
I am Bubba of Borg: Y'all fixin' to be assimilated.
I am Bubba of Borg: Y'all is fixin' to be assimilated.
I am Bud of Borg. Can I assimilate you, please, just once
I am Buddha of Borg: Resistance is suffering. Suffering is useless.
I am Buffalo Bob of Borg: What time is it? Assimilation time.
I am Bugs Bunny of Borg, What's up Collective?
I am Bugs Bunny of Borg.  Carrots are Irrelevant!
I am Bugs Bunny of Borg.  Prepares tos bees askimilatred.
I am Bugs Bunny of Borg.  What's up, Collective?
I am Bugs Bunny of Borg. Nyah, what's up collective?
I am Bugs Bunny of Borg. Prepares tos bees askimilatred.
I am Bugs Bunny of Borg. What's up Collective?
I am BugsBunny of Borg. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... What's up, collective?
I am Bullsh*t of Borg ... prepare to be inundated.
I am Bullshit of Borg: Prepare to be inundated.
I am Bullwinkle of Borg.  Prepare to be pulled out of my hat.
I am Bundy of Borg.  No, I won't assimilate you, Peg!!!!!
I am Bundy of Borg. NO! ... I swear I will not assimilate you, Peg!
I am Bundy of Borg. No, I won't assimilate you, Peg!
I am Bunker of Borg. Prepare to be assumptiated, meathead!
I am Bunny of Borg. Yeeeeehh...What's assimilating, Doc?
I am Bunny of Borg. Your tagline will be assimilated!
I am Bunny of Borg: 'What's up' is irrelevant, Doc. Assimilate carrots
I am Burns of Borg.  Smithers!  Assimilate them!
I am Burns of Borg. Smithers! Assimilate them!
I am Bush of Borg...oh, the assimilation thing...
I am Bush of Borg...the economy is irrelevant.
I am Bush of Borg:  Prepare for "that assimilation thing".
I am Bush of Borg: Read my lips...NO NEW ASSIMILATIONS!
I am Bush of Borg: Read my lips...Resistance is futile.
I am Bush of Borg: The economy is irrelevant.
I am Butt-Head of Borg. Resistance SUCKS! Huh huhhuh huh
I am ButtHead of Borg. Resistance sucks, duh-huh-huh.
I am Buttercup of Borg: But Wesley, you were assimilated!
I am Buttercup of Borg: But Westley, you were assimilated!
I am Butthead of Borg, resistance like sucks. Ehuh Ehuh.
I am Butthead of Borg, you're gonna be, like, assimililated, huh huh
I am Butthead of Borg.  Uh-huh-huh-huh Assimilation's cool
I am Butthead of Borg. Assimilation is, like... uh... totally cool!
I am Butthead of Borg. Assimilation is...uh...cool! he he
I am Butthead of Borg. Assimilation sucks! huh huh huh
I am Butthead of Borg. Huh-huh-huh-huh, resistance sucks!
I am Butthead of Borg. Uh-huh-huh-huh Assimilation's cool
I am Butthead of Borg: Prepare to be, uh, ass imilated.
I am Butthead of Borg: Resistance SUCKS.
I am Butthead, a Borg. Duh-Uh, Resistance sucks.
I am Buttons of Borg.  Saving Mindy is irrelevant.
I am C-3P0 of Borg: Master Luke! We will all be Assimilated! Oh, my!
I am C-3PO of Borg. Master Luke! We will be Assimilated! Oh, my!
I am C-Ko of borg.  Eat this food!  Resistance is futile.
I am C3PO of Borg: And it's all your fault, R2!
I am Caesar of Borg.  Veni, vidi, assimilation.
I am Caffeine of Borg.  Sleep is irrelevant.
I am Cage of Borg.  Coolness is irrelevent.  Jumping is futile.
I am Cajun of Borg... All Crawfish will be Assimilated.
I am Callahan of Borg.  Go ahead... resist us...
I am Cameron Borg. You will be assimilated into the Daddo family.
I am Campus of Borg: We must resist even though resistance is useless.
I am Camus of Borg: We must resist even though resistance is useless.
I am Captain Peacock of Borg.   Are you being assimilated?
I am Carl of Borg.  Macross has been assimilated.
I am Carnegie of Borg. Win Friends and Assimilate People.
I am Carson of Borg. Hah! This is soooo futile <'how futile is it?'>
I am Carson of Borg: How futile is it?
I am Carter of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, ya'll!
I am Cat (from Red Dwarf) of Borg: I gonna assimilate you little fishy
I am Cat (from Red Dwarf) of Borg: I gonna assimilate you little.
I am Cat of Borg.  We will assimilate your shiney things.
I am Cat of Borg.  We will assimilate your shiny things.
I am Cat of Borg: I gonna assimilate you little fishy.
I am Cat of Borg: I think I'll assimilate ... myself!
I am Catwoman, hear me roar! --Catwoman (Batman Returns)
I am Chakotay of Borg.  Does anyone I assimilate work for me?
I am Chakotay of Borg. It's been a really bad day assimilating!
I am Checkov of Borg: Shall I assimilate that wessel, keptin?
I am Cheese of Limburger, you will be asmelliated.
I am Chekov of Borg: We will assimalte your Wessel!
I am Chevy Chase of Borg, and you're not!
I am Chewbacca of Borg. You will be awroomilated.
I am Chewbacca of Borg. You will be awrrrrooooooooommmmmmmmmmilated.
I am Chewbacca of Borg: RRWARARRHHG!
I am Chewbacca of Borg: You will be awroomilated.
I am Chewie of Borg.  You will be awroomilated.
I am Chewie of Borg. You will be awrRRROOOOoomilated.
I am Chewie of Borg: You will be awroomilated.
I am Chief Higgins of BorgATF. Prepare to be incinerated.
I am Chief Higgins of BorgATF. Your religion is irrelevant.
I am Christopher Robin of Borg: You sit here and assimilate Piglet.
I am Churchill of Borg. We shall assimilate them on the beaches....
I am Clampett of Borg.  We'doggies is irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg -- Resistance is Taxable.
I am Clinton of Borg!  Prepare to be. . .Ooooooo!  Babes!
I am Clinton of Borg!  Prepare to beOOoooooo!  Bimbos!!!!
I am Clinton of Borg!  Prepare to. . .Ooo! Nice skirt, baby!
I am Clinton of Borg, Hillary says resistance is futile!
I am Clinton of Borg, We assimilate all money
I am Clinton of Borg, Your freedom of speech will be assimilated!
I am Clinton of Borg, resistance is taxable!
I am Clinton of Borg.  Campaign promises are irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Hillary says resistance is futile!
I am Clinton of Borg.  Inhaling is irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Prepare to be Taxed.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Prepare to be ass-tax-ulated.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Prepare to be......well, maybe....
I am Clinton of Borg.  Prepare to have your wallet assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Prepare your money for assimilation
I am Clinton of Borg.  Resistance is taxable!
I am Clinton of Borg.  Truth is irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Truth is irrevelant.
I am Clinton of Borg.  You may or may not be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Your income will be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Your pain is irrevant.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Your paycheck will be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Your wages will be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg.  Your wages will be assinilated.
I am Clinton of Borg. Campaign promises are irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg. Hillary has told me that resistance is futile!
I am Clinton of Borg. Hillary says resistance is futile!
I am Clinton of Borg. Inhaling is irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be Politically Irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be Taxed.
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be ass-tax-ulated.
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be......well, maybe....
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be......well, maybe.___ Blue Wave/Q
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be...OOOOOHHHH! McDonalds!
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be...Ooooooo, Babes!
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to be...well, maybe...
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to have your wallet assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to see me make a fool of myself.
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare to...Ooo! Nice skirt, baby!
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare your money for assimilation
I am Clinton of Borg. Prepare your money for assimilation.
I am Clinton of Borg. Resistance is taxable!
I am Clinton of Borg. Truth is irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg. You may or may not be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg. You will not be inhaled.
I am Clinton of Borg. Your income is now assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg. Your incomes will be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg. Your pain is irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg. Your paycheck will be assimilated!
I am Clinton of Borg. Your paycheck will be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg. Your wages will be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg. Your wages will be assinilated.
I am Clinton of Borg. Your wallets will be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg...I never said you'd be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg...inhaling is irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg...your paycheck will be assimilated!
I am Clinton of Borg: Assimilation of Perot is relevant.
I am Clinton of Borg: Hillary says resistance is futile!
I am Clinton of Borg: Inhaling is irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg: Prepare to be Politically Irrelevant
I am Clinton of Borg: Prepare to be Taxed.
I am Clinton of Borg: Prepare to be confused.
I am Clinton of Borg: Prepare to have your money assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg: Prepare to have your wallet assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg: Prepare to see me make a fool of myself.
I am Clinton of Borg: Prepare your money for assimilation.
I am Clinton of Borg: Tax increases are irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg: Your pain is irrelevant.
I am Clinton of Borg: Your pain is irrevant.
I am Clinton of Borg: Your paycheck will be assimilated!
I am Clinton of Borg: Your wages will be assimilated.
I am Clinton of Borg: resistance is taxable!
I am Clinton of Borg; your pay will be assimilated
I am Clinton of the Borg: Prepare to be Politically Correct.
I am Cobain of Borg.  Everything is futile. <BLAM!!>
I am Com Port of Borg... you will be asynchronous!.
I am Common-of-Borg; chase cards are irrelevant!
I am Computer! I stand between Sylvia and housework!
I am Cookie Borg: Me assimilate cookie!
I am Cookie of Borg: Me assimilate cookie!
I am Cool Hand of Borg: What we have here is failure to ass'mlate.
I am CopyCat of Borg. Your tagline will be assimilated!
I am CopyCat of Borg. Your tagline will be assimilated.
I am Cortese of Borg: It's our way, right away.
I am Crackers of Borg:  Corporate Crime-Fighting IS relevant!
I am CrocoBorg Dundee:  Assimilate another shrimp on the barbie!
I am CrocoBorg Dundee: G'day mate! Assimilate another shrimp on the barb
I am CrocoBorg Dundee: G'day mate! Assimilate shrimp on the barbie!
I am Cronkite of Borg: The Way It Is is irrelevant.
I am Crowley of Borg.  You will be initiatied.
I am Cthulhu of Borg, and you are in some SERIOUS trouble.
I am Cullen of Borg. M-O-O-N, that spells Assimilate, laws, yes...
I am Curly of Borg.  Resistance is futile, woo woo woo woo.
I am Curly of Borg.  Resistance is futile, woo woo woo...
I am Curly of Borg.  Resistance is futile.  Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
I am Curly of Borg. Resistance and assimilation is Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk!
I am Curly of Borg. Resistance is futile, woo woo woo
I am Curly of Borg. Resistance is futile. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
I am Cyrano Jones of Borg.  Want to buy a borg Tribble?
I am Cyrus of Borg. You will be achy breaky assimilated.
I am Cyrus of Borg. Your achy breaky heart is irrelevant.
I am Cyrus of Borg. Your acky breaky heart is irrelevant.
I am DDB of Borg: Assimilation, while nice, is not on topic.
I am DDB of Borg: Your Arguments are Futile. Your Topic is Irrelevant.
I am DM of Borg: Confusion is irrelevant.
I am DOS of Borg!  Prepare... oops, out of memory!
I am DOS of Borg.  Prepare...oops, out of memory!
I am DOS of Borg. Your sanity will be assimilated.
I am Daddy of Borg. Bedtime! Resistance is futile!
I am Daffy Duck of BORG: We will assimilate your Egos!
I am Daffy Duck of Borg.  Resistance is dithpicable!
I am Daffy Duck of Borg. Yooooouuuuurrrrrr Dethpicably Irrelevant !
I am Daffy Duck of Borg:  Yooourrrr'e Irrelevant!!!!
I am Daffy Duck of Borg: Resistance is dithpicable!
I am Daffy Duck of Borg: Yoooouuuuu'rreee Irrelevant!
I am Daffy Duck of Borg: Yoooouuuuu'rreee Irrrrrrrelevant!
I am Daffy Duck of Borg: Yooourrrr'e Irrelevant!
I am Daffy of Borg.  Prepare to be athimilated.
I am Daffy of Borg.  Yoooouuuu'rreeee irrelevant!
I am Daffy of Borg. OH NO YOU DON'T!...Assimilate when you get home!
I am Daffy of Borg. Prepare to be athimilated.
I am Daffy of Borg: What do you mean =we= will?
I am Daffy of Borg: You - You - Yooourrrr'e Irrelevant!
I am Dahli Llama of Borg, You Will be, and you will not be......
I am Dahlmer of Borg, prepare to be mutilated.
I am Dahmer of Borg, prepare to be mutilated.
I am Dalak of Borg: AS-SIM-MI-LATE! AS-SIM-MI-LATE!
I am Dalek of Borg. Assimilate! Assimilate!
I am Dalek of Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be as-si-mi-la-ted.
I am Dalek of Borg. Resistance is useless. You will be exterminated.
I am Dalek of Borg: AS-SI-MI-LATE! AS-SI-MI-LATE!
I am Dalek of Borg: As-si-mi-late.
I am Dalek of Borg: Resistance is futile. You will be as-si-mi-la-ted.
I am Dalek of Borg: Resistance is useless. You will be exterminated.
I am Dalek of Borg: We obey.
I am Dalek of Borg: You will be EXTERMINATED!
I am Dan Quayle of Borg... potatoe is irrelevant.
I am Dan Quayle of Borge, spellinge is irrellevante.
I am Dan Quayle of borg"potatoe" is irrelavant
I am Dan Quayle of borg... "potatoe" is irrelavant
I am Dan of Borg.. Grammar checker is irrelevant!!
I am Dangerfield of Borg.  Respect is irrelevant.
I am Dangerfield of Borg. Respect is irrelevant
I am Dangerfield of Borg. Respect is irrelevant.
I am DarkWing Speedbump - DarkWing Duck
I am Darth Vader of Borg, The FORCE is Irrelevant
I am Darth Vader of Borg: The Force has been assimilated.
I am Dasef of Borg. You will be assim.. Whoa! a TOLL FTR!
I am Data of Borg.    Picard-"Not Again!"
I am Data of Borg.  Never the less, you will be assimilated.
I am David Johnson of Borg.  Please assimilate me.
I am Dax of Borg.  My slug has been assimilated.
I am Deanna of Borg.I sense you wish me to assimilate you
I am Death, and I here-by declare you to be living impaired. --Death.
I am Deiter, and I wilkommen you to SPROCKETS!!
I am Democrat-poor, with a Republican's sex life.
I am Demolition Man of Borg. Seashells are irrelelvant.
I am Demonic Hordes of Borg: Your lands will be assimilated.
I am Dennis the Menace of Borg: Hello,  Wilson. Resistance is futile.
I am Dennis the Menace of Borg: Hello, Mr. Wilson. Resistance is futile.
I am Dentist of Borg: Assimilation will only hurt for a moment.
I am Descartes of Borg - I assimilate, therefore I am.
I am Descartes of Borg.  Prepare to be.
I am Descartes of Borg. I assimilate, therefore I am.
I am Descartes of Borg. Prepare to be.
I am Descartes of Borg: I assimilate therefore I am
I am Descartes of Borg: I assimilate, therefore I am.
I am Descartes of Borg: Prepare to be.
I am Descartes of Borg: We assimilate. Therefore we are.
I am Devo of Borg: We are not men....We are Borg.
I am Dex of Borg. Babes will be Moderated.
I am Dex of Borg. My opinions are irrelevant.
I am Diamond of Borg: Song Sung Borg, Everyone's assimilated.
I am Dino of Borg, prepare to be fossilized.
I am Dirty Harry of Borg.  Go ahead Resist us...
I am Dirty Harry of Borg.  Go ahead, assimilate my day!
I am Dirty Harry of Borg.  Go ahead...  Resist us...
I am Dirty Harry of Borg.  Make my day...resist us!
I am Dirty Harry of Borg. Did I assimilate 6 people or only 5..Well?
I am Dirty Harry of Borg. Go ahead...resist us, punk!
I am Dirty Harry of Borg. Go ahead...resist us...
I am Dirty Harry of Borg. Go aheadresist us.
I am Dirty Pair vs the Borg: Fault is irrelevant. *BAROOOOOOM* OOps.
I am DirtyHarry of Borg. Go ahead and resist us, punk. Make our day.
I am Disney of Borg.  Prepare to be reanimated.
I am Doc Zimmerman of Borg. You have a lovely assimilation.
I am Doc Zimmerman of Borg. Your assimilation is not on file.
I am Doctor Borg. Your T.A.R.D.I.S. will be assimilated!
I am Dolby of Borg: They blinded me with irrelevance.
I am Dolby of Borg: They blinded me with irrevelance.
I am Donahue of Borg. Go ahead and assimilate, caller... You there?
I am Donahue of Borg: Assimilating in the 90's: the ugly truth.
I am Donahue of Borg: Go ahead and assimilate, caller...
I am Dot Warner of Borg. Isn't assimilation CUTE?
I am Dot of Borg, and being cute is irrelevant.
I am Dot of Borg, being cute is irrelevant!
I am Dot of Borg.  Call me Dotty, and you will be assimilated!!
I am Dot of Borg.  Calling me Dotty is futile.
I am Dot of Borg. Call me Dotty, and you will be ASSIMILATED!!
I am Dot of Borg. Calling me Dotty is futile.
I am Dot of Borg...Cuteness is *NOT* Irrevelant!
I am Doug McKinze of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, eh.
I am Dr. Dean Adell of Borg.  Studies show you will be assimilated
I am Dr. Ruth of Borg: Penis size is irrelevant.
I am Dracula of Borg. I never assimulate wine.
I am Dracula of Borg. Your blood will be assimulated.
I am Dracula.   I bid you welcome.    Bela Lugosi
I am Draganis of Borg: Trills are irrelevant.
I am Droopy of Borg. You know what? You're about to be assimilated.
I am Drunk of Borg, resistance is floor tile.
I am Drunk of Borg.  Resistance is floor tile.
I am Drunk of Borg. Reluctance is both floortile and our elephant.
I am Drunk of Borg. Resistance is floor tile.
I am Drunk of Borg. Resultance is floor tile. Prepare to be 'simmed!
I am Drunk of Borg: Resillance is floor tile. Wanna be 'sim'lated
I am Drunk of Borg: Resistance is floor tile.
I am Drunkard of Borg, Resiliance is Floor Tile, Wanna be sim'lated?
I am Drunkard of Borg. Resistance is floor tile. Wanna be sim'lated?
I am Drunkard of Borg. Resultance is floor tile.
I am Dude of Borg!  Prepare to be... Whoa!  Babes!!!
I am Duncan MacLeod of Borg. Remember that name when I take your head.
I am Duncan Macleod of the clan Macleod and you are dead! - DM
I am Duncan McLeod of the clan McLeod... and you're dead!
I am Duncan Mcleod of Borg. There can be only Borg.
I am Duncon MacLeod of the clan Macleaod... here's my card.
I am Dundee of CrocoBorg: G'day mate! Assimilate another shrimp on the b
I am Dvorak of Keyborg. Resistance is Qwerty.
I am Dyslexia of Borg,  Prepare to have your ass laminated.
I am Dyslexic of Gorb ... puree to be estimated
I am Dyslexsic of Borg,  Prepare to have your ass laminated
I am E. Honda of Borg: All desserts must be assimilated.
I am E.T. of Borg.  Home is irrelevant.
I am ECHO of FIDO, your BBS is irrelevant, prepare to be assimilated
I am Earl Schieb of Borg: I'll assimilate any car for $79.95!
I am Eastwood of Borg. Do you feel assimilated, PUNK???
I am Eastwood of Borg. You're thinking, "Did he assimilate 5, or 6?"
I am Eastwood of Borg: Resistance is futile, punk.
I am Eastwood of Borg: Resistance is irrelevant, punk.
I am Echo of FIDOBorg: BBS is irrelevant. Prepare to be assimilated.
I am Echo of FIDOBorg: Your BBS is irrelevant. Prepare to be assimilated
I am Eclectic Wicca...prepare your Deities for Assimilation!!!!!
I am Ed McMahon of Borg, you may already be assimilated!
I am Ed McMahon of Borg, you may have already been assimilated!
I am Ed McMahon of Borg.  You may already be assimilated.
I am Ed McMahon of Borg: You may already be assimlated.
I am EdMcMahon of Borg...telling you YOU may already be assimilated!
I am Eddie_Murphy of Borg. Prepare to be #$$#%!+%#@, ya jive-sucker!
I am Edison Carter of Borg and what I want to assimilate is...
I am Edna Kraboppel of Borg: What do you say we...assimilate?
I am Eek! of Borg: All little creatures should be assimilated.
I am Eek! of Borg: Gee, isn't it swell when people are assimilated?
I am Eek! of Borg: Gee, it's swell when people are assimilated.
I am Eek! of Borg: It never hurts to be assimilated.
I am Eeyore of Borg: Nobody wants me to assimilate them.
I am Elders of Borg: A planned and wanted assimilation.
I am Electrician of Borg Resistance Is Useless! (If < 1 ohm)
I am Electrician of Borg. Resistance is futile if less than 1 ohm.
I am Eliza of Borg. How does assimilation make you feel?
I am Elizabeth II of Borg : We are not amused by that assimilation.
I am Elizebeth II of Borg : We are not amused by that assimilation.
I am Elma Fudd of Bowg.  Pwepawe to be Assimiwated.
I am Elmer Fudd of Borg.  Pwepawe to be Assimiwated
I am Elmer Fudd of Borg. Pwepare to be Assimiwated.
I am Elmer Fudd of Borg. Pwepawe to be Assimiwated.
I am Elmer Fudd of Borg: Wesistance is usewess. huh huh huh hut!
I am Elmer Fudd of Borg: Wesistance is wusewess. huh huh huh hut!
I am Elmer of Borg, be vewy quiet, I'm assimilating wabbits.
I am Elmer of Borg. Wesistence is usewess... huhuhuhuhuh...
I am Elmer of Borg: Wesistance is usewess huh huh huh huh
I am Elmew of Bowg.  Pwepawe to be assimiwlated.  Huh-huh-huh-huh.
I am Elmyra of Borg. We will hug you and squeeze you and love you...
I am Elmyra of Borg: We will hug you and squeeze you and love!
I am Elmyra of Borg: We will hug you and squeeze you and...
I am Elric of Borg.  You will be assimilated into Stormbringer...
I am Elvis of Borg (thankaverymuch). Assimilate me, tender...Assi...
I am Elvis of Borg: Assimilate me...tender...
I am Elvis of Borg: Your jelly doughnuts will be assimilated.
I am Emory of Borg... Prepare to be filed!
I am Emperor of Borg: Now, young Jedi. You..Will..Be..Assimilated. ZAP
I am Emperor of Borg: Now, young Jedi. You..Will..Be..Assimilated..ZZAAP
I am Energizer of Borg. You will be assimilated, & assimilated, &...
I am Engel of Borg. prepare to read my thoughts.
I am Enoch king & charismatic leader of the dog people
I am Enock, King and charismatic leader of the dog-people. ARF! ARF!
I am Enzyme of Borg, prepare to be invigorated.
I am Epimenides of Borg. All Borg are irrelevant.
I am Ernest Angley of Borg. Prepare to be HHHEEEEAAAALLLEEEDDDD!
I am Ernest of Borg 9...prepare to be torpedoed.
I am Ernest of Borg. Hey, Vern. Resistance is futile, knowhatahmean?
I am Ernest of Borg. Hey, Vern. Resistance is futile.
I am Ernest of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, know whut I mean?
I am Ernest of Borg: I'm gonna assimilate ya, Vern. Know whut I mean?
I am Ernest of Borgnine. Prepare to be assassinated.
I am Ernie of Borg. Pull my finger.
I am Ewmew of Bowg. Pwepawe to be assimiwated, wabbit!
I am Excel of Borg. You will see your finances being assimilated in 3D
I am Excel of Borg. You'll see your finances being assimilated in 3D.
I am Expert of Borg, prepare to endure the authoritative.
I am Feminist of Borg. Male resistance is futile!
I am Ferengi of Borg. Your money will be assimilated.
I am Ferret of Borg.  We will assimilate your shiny things.
I am Flatulence of Borg!  Pull my finger!
I am Flatulous of Borg...Pull my finger
I am Flatulus of BORG, pull my finger.
I am Flatulus of Borg, prepare to pull my finger.
I am Flatulus of Borg.  Prepare to pull my finger.
I am Flatulus of Borg.  Pull my finger.
I am Flatulus of Borg.  You will be asphixiated.
I am Flatulus of Borg. Come and prepare to pull my finger
I am Flatulus of Borg. Come here and prepare to pull my finger, son.
I am Flatulus of Borg. Prepare to be asphyxiated.
I am Flatulus of Borg. Prepare to pull my finger.
I am Flatulus of Borg. Prepare to suffer. ... I am Flatulus of Borg.
I am Flatulus of Borg. Pull my finger.
I am Flatulus of Borg. Someone press 7, please?
I am Flatulus of Borg. You shall be asphyxiated.
I am Flatulus of Borg. You will be asphyxiated.
I am Flatulus of Borg. You will pull my finger. Resistance is futile.
I am Flatulus of Borg:  Here me ROAR!
I am Flatulus of Borg: Here (and smell) me ROAR!
I am Flatulus of Borg: Here me ROAR!
I am Flatulus of Borg: Prepare to be asphyxiated.
I am Flatulus of Borg: Prepare to pull my finger.
I am Flatulus of Borg: Prepare to suffer.
I am Flatulus of Borg: Pull my finger.
I am Flatulus of Borg: Someone press 7, please?
I am Flatulus of Borg: You shall be asphyxiated.
I am Flatulus of Borg: You will be asphixiated.
I am Flinstone of Borg. You will be yabbadabbassimilated.
I am Flintstone of Borg.  YABBA-DABBAssimilate DOO!
I am Flintstone of Borg.  You will be assimilated.  Yabba, dabba, doo.
I am Flintstone of Borg.  You will be yabbadabbasimilated
I am Flintstone of Borg. YABBA-DABBA Assimilate DOO!
I am Flintstone of Borg. YABBA-DABBAssimilate DOO!
I am Flintstone of Borg. You will be assimilated. Yabba, dabba, doo.
I am Flintstone of Borg. You will be yabbadabbasimilated.
I am Flintstone of Borg. You will be yabbadabbassimilated
I am Foghorn of Borg.  Boy, I said, boy... prepare to be assimilated.
I am Ford of Borg: "At the Collective, Assimilation is Job #1."
I am Forrest Gump of Borg. Resistance is like a box of chocolates
I am Forrest Gump of Borg: Assimilation is like a box of chocolates.
I am Fourth Doctor of Borg.  Your jelly babies will be assimilated.
I am Fourth Doctor of Borg. Your jelly babies will be assimilated. <-TLP
I am Fractio de Borg, prepare to be bifurcated.
I am Frank Sinatra of Borg. You will be assimilated my way.
I am Frank Thomas of Borg: I'm the big Borg.
I am Frazier of Borg. My GOD! I've been assimilated!
I am Fred Flintstone of Borg: Assimilation? Yabbadabbado.
I am Fred of Borg.  YABBA-DABBAssimilate DOO!
I am Frodo of Borg: Your cakes and ale will be assimilated.
I am Fudd of Borg! Pwepawe to be assimiwated!!!"
I am Fudd of Borg, Prepare to be Assimiwated
I am Fudd of Borg.  Pwepare to be assimiwated.
I am Fudd of Borg.  Wesistance is usewess!
I am Fudd of Borg.  Wesistence is usewess.
I am Fudd of Borg. Allwight... Pwepare to be assimiwated <hehehehe>.
I am Fudd of Borg. Pwepare to be assimiwated.
I am Fudd of Borg. Pwepare to be assimuwated.
I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is Yusewess. Huh-huh-hut!
I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is usewess!
I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is usewess, huh huh huh...!
I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is usewess.
I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is wusewess!!!
I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is wusewess. Huh-huh-huh-huh-hut!
I am Fudd of Borg. Wesistance is wusewess. Huh-huh-hut.
I am Fudd of Borg:  Be vewy quiet.  I'm assimiwatin'wabbits.
I am Fudd of Borg: "Wesistance is wusewess.  huh huh huh hut!"
I am Fudd of Borg: Be vewwy quiet. I'm assimiwatin' a wabbit.
I am Fudd of Borg: Be vewwy quiet. I'm assimiwating a wace.
I am Fudd of Borg: Pwepare to be assimiwated.
I am Fudd of Borg: Pwepare to be assimuwated.
I am Fudd of Borg: Resistance is usewess!
I am Fudd of Borg: Wesistance is wusewess. huh huh huh hut!
I am Fudd of Bowg. Wesistance is fewtile.
I am Fudd of the BORG! Pwepare to be assimiwated!
I am Fundie Borg: You must believe the Bible to be assimilated.
I am Fundie of Borg, you will be assimilated. Because God said so!
I am Fundie of Borg: You must believe to be an assimilated again Borg.
I am Futon of Borg. You will be assimilated and then become a couch.
I am G. Roddenbery of Borg: This time, you =will= be assimilated.
I am GOD in here!
I am GOD of Borg: There WILL be light.
I am Gaia's Son, may She be honoured by all Her children!
I am Galagher of Borg,  your WaterMelon will be assimilated.
I am Galron of Borg:  Honor is Irrelevant
I am Galron of Borg:  Lursa & B'Etor are Irrelevant
I am Gamin of Borg. My opinions are irrelevant.
I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means ME. - Gandalf
I am Gardener of Borg. Resistance is fertile.
I am Gardner of Borg. You are an Initiate. Prepare to be purified.
I am Garfield of Borg - Furballs are irrelevant..<HACK>..
I am Garfield of Borg - Hairballs are irrelevant..<HACK>.
I am Garfield of Borg - Hairballs are irrelevant..<HACK<..
I am Garfield of Borg -Your Lasagna will be assimilated
I am Garfield of Borg.  Got any lasagna I can assimilate?
I am Garfield of Borg.  Hairballs are irrelevent...<HACK>..
I am Garfield of Borg. Assimilation -- big fat hairy deal.
I am Garfield of Borg. Furballs are irrelevant. <HACK>
I am Garfield of Borg. Hairballs are irrelevant..<HACK>..
I am Garfield of Borg. Hairballs are irrelevent...<HACK>..
I am Garfield of Borg. Lasagna is irrelevent.
I am Garfield of Borg. Lasagna is relevant...
I am Garfield of Borg: Hairballs are irrelevant <HACK>...
I am Garfield of Borg: Hairballs are irrelivant
I am Garfield of Borg: Your lasagna will be assimilated.
I am Gary Caplan of Borg. Prepare to be oooh, Taglines!
I am Gary Caplan of Borg. Prepare to be... oooh, taglines!
I am Gary Larson of Borg. Prepare your cows for assimilation.
I am Gates of Borg - Speed is irrelevant!
I am Gates of Borg.    Merger is inevitable.
I am Gates of Borg. Speed is irrelevant!
I am Geordi of Borg.  I still can't get any women.
I am George Bush of Borg. Read my lips, No New Assimilations!
I am George Bush of Borg: Read my lips...Resistance is futile.
I am Geraldo of Borg, Next, brothers who assimilate sisters.
I am Geraldo of Borg. The Unassimilated--Fact/Fiction? Next!
I am Geraldo of Borg: Next brothers who assimilate sisters.
I am Geraldo of Borg: The Unassimilated--Fact/Fiction? Next!
I am Gilligan of Borg.  Escape from the island is futile.
I am Gilligan of Borg.  Rescue is irrelevant.
I am Gilligan of Borg. Escape from the island is futile
I am Gilligan of Borg. Prepare to be .... Skipper!
I am Gilligan of Borg. Rescue is irrelevant.
I am Gilligan of Borg: Escape Hello all!
I am Gilligan of Borg: Escape from the island is futile.
I am Gilligan of Borg: Prepare to be ... Skipper!
I am Gilligan of Borg: Rescue is irrelevant.
I am Ginsu of Borg.  You will be assimilated...but WAIT! There's MORE!
I am Ginsu of Borg. You WILL be ASSIMILATED, but wait! That's not all!
I am Ginsu of Borg. You shall be amputated. But Wait!
I am Ginsu of Borg. You will be assimilated - but WAIT! There's MORE!
I am Ginsu of Borg. You will be assimilated, but Wait, theres MORE!
I am Ginsu of Borg.You shall be amputated. But Wait!
I am Ginsu of Borg: You will be assimilated...but WAIT! There's MORE!
I am Ginzu of Borg. You shall be amputated. But Wait! That's not all!
I am Ginzu of Borg. You shall be amputated. But Wait! That's not all.
I am Gollum of Borg.  Ressissstance is futile, my precioussss.
I am Gollum of Borg.  Ressissstance is futile, precioussss.
I am Gomer of Borg! Golly we are gonna assimilate ya!
I am Gomer of Borg: Gooooooooooolly, you will be assimilated.
I am Goober of Borg: Prepare to be...Hi, Sarge!
I am Goro of Borg.  My looks are irrelevent.  Arm wrestling is futile.
I am Goro of Borg.  Resistance is futile.  Your head is irrelevent.
I am Greaseman of Borg. Prepare to be shpeckled!
I am Grey.  I stand between the candle and the star - Delenn.
I am Groucho of Borg. That's the silliest thing I've ever assimilated!
I am Groucho of Borg: Say the secret woid and be assimilated.
I am Groucho of Borg: Say the secret woid and you will be assimilated.
I am Groucho of Borg: Say the secret word and be assimilated.
I am Groucho of Borg: Say the secret word and you will be assimilated.
I am Guccione of Borg: Olivia will be assimilated.
I am Guile of Borg: M.Bison must be assimilated.
I am Gumby dammit, G*U*M*B*Y.
I am Gumby of Borg, dammit!
I am Gumby of Borg, damn it!
I am HAL of Borg.  Stop Dave... and prepare to be assimilated.
I am HERE... Wish you were FINE. (Stolen)
I am HOMER of BORG. Prepare to be - OOOOOOh, donuts!
I am HOPELESS of borg, I come to assimilate your TAGLINES.
I am Hacker of Borg.  Your taglines will be assimilated.
I am Hamlet of Borg. Prepare to be, or not to be assimilated.
I am Hamlet of Borg. To be or not to be is irrelevant.
I am Hamlet of Borg: To assimilate, or not to assimilate
I am Hamlet, prince of Borg. Prepare to be... or not to be!
I am Hammer of Borg.  Too legit to assimilate.
I am Hammer of Borg. 2 Legit 2 Assimilate.
I am Hammer of Borg. Too legit to assimilate.
I am Harpo of Borg: Honk honk!
I am Harry Mudd of Borg: I can assimilate you at a discount, friend.
I am Harry of Borg: A man has got to know his assimilations.
I am Haskell of Borg. You resist well, Mrs. Cleaver.
I am He Who Dances With Wolves, Eats With Bears, and Mates With Sheep.
I am Hefner of Borg.  All bunnies will be assimilated.
I am Hefner of Borg.  All your babes will be assimilated.
I am Hefner of Borg. All bunnies will be assimilated.
I am Hefner of Borg. All your babes will be assimilated.
I am Hefner of Borg: All bunnies will be assimilated.
I am Hefner of Borg: Clothing is irrelevant.
I am Heisenberg of Borg.  You might be assimilated.
I am Heisenberg of Borg: Then again maybe I'm not.
I am Hemingway of Borg: Tolstoy is irrelevant.
I am Hendrix of Borg: Are you...assimilated? HAVEYOUEVERBEEN
I am Hendrix of Borg: Are youassimilated?
I am Henny Youngman of Borg - Assimilate my wife, please!
I am Henny Youngman of Borg. And I said 'Assimilate my wife, please!'
I am Henny Youngman of Borg: Assimilate My Wife, Please!
I am Henny of Borg - assimilate my wife...please!
I am Herman of Borg. Mrs. Brown, we've assimilated your daughter.
I am Higgins of Borg: Your religion is irrelevant.
I am Hillary Clinton of Borg: Your HMO will be assimilated.
I am Hillary of Borg.  Bill is irrelevant.
I am Hillary of Borg. Prepare for Universal Government Assimilation.
I am Hillary of Borg: Bill is irrelevant.
I am Hillary of Borg: tax shelters are irrelevant!
I am Hillary, hear me roar, I'm more important than Al Gore.
I am Hillary, hear me roar, I'm more important than Al Gore...
I am Hjrad.  What shall I call your corpse?
I am Holmes of Borg.  You shall be humiliated.
I am Homer Simpson of Borg.  Prepare to be assim Ooooh, donuts!
I am Homer Simpson of Borg. Prepare to be assim ... o-o-o-h, donuts!!
I am Homer Simpson of Borg. You will be..MMMM doughnuts..
I am Homer Simpson of Borg: You will be assim OOOOOOOHHHH Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg and you will be assi...OOOO,Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg!  Prepare to be...OOooooo!  Donuts!!!
I am Homer of Borg!  You will be assim.... oooooh!  Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be .......Oooooooo doughnuts!!!
I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be assimila.. Ohhh donuts!
I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be... Ooooooo! Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be...OOooooo! Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be...Oooooo! Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to beOooooo! Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg! Resistance is ..... MMmmm! DONUTS!!!
I am Homer of Borg! You will be assim... ooooh! Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg! You will be assim.... oooooh! Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg! You will be assimooooh! Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg,  You will be asimil .. OOOO Doughnuts!!
I am Homer of Borg,  You will be asimil .. OOOOOOOH!  DOUGHNUTS!!
I am Homer of Borg, You will be assi.... Ooh, Donuts...
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be ... Mmmmmm. Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be Mmmmmm. Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assi... ooo! Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assim ... Ooh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assim... Ooh, donuts.
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assim...ooohhh, DONUTS!
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assimOoh, donuts.
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be assiooo! Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to be.....mmmmm, Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg, prepare to ooohhh DOOONUTS!
I am Homer of Borg, resistance is futile, you will... OOOOH Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg, you will be assim...Ooh donuts!
I am Homer of Borg, you will be assimOhhh! Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg, you will be assimi...   Ooohhh, doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg, you will be assimi...oooh, a donut!
I am Homer of Borg, you will be assimil...oooh Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg, you will be.....oooooh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg.  ... OOOH DONUTS.  You will be assimilated.
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be assi.....Ooooh, donuts...
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be assi...ooh, doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be assim--...Mmmmm...doughnuts...
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be assim-...OOH Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be... ooooohh, doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be.... Ooooh, donuts.
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be.....ooooh donut
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be.....ooooh donuts...
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be...OOooooo!  Donuts!!!
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be..ooooh donuts
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to be.ooooh donut
I am Homer of Borg.  Prepare to beooooohh, doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg.  You will be askg...assig...DOH!!!
I am Homer of Borg.  You will be assi... Oooh, Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Oo! Chocolate! You will be assimilated.
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be ...... OOoooooo! Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be ...OOoooooo! Doughn
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be .oooooohh, doughnut
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be asi...OOOHH, doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be asimi... oooh, donuts...
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be assi... OOOHH!... Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be assiOOOHH!Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be assim--  Ooooooo! Dooooooonuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be assim....OOOOO Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be assim...Mmmm, donuts.
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be.... OOOHHH, doughnuts....
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be.....ooooh donuts...
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be....ooooohhh, doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be...oooh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be...oooh...doughnuts.
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be...ooooohh, doughnuts.
I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be...ummmm...donuts...
I am Homer of Borg. Prepay to be assim..Repair to me assim..Prep..DOH!
I am Homer of Borg. Resistance is .... Oooooh dohnuts!
I am Homer of Borg. Resistance is fut...HEY DONUTS!
I am Homer of Borg. Resistance is... oooooh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg. You will be askg...assig...DOH!
I am Homer of Borg. You will be assi... Oooh, Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg. You will be assiOooh, Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg. You will be assim... ooooohhh, Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg. You will be assimi... ooh, donuts...
I am Homer of Borg. You will be assimilated. You will be...DONUTS!
I am Homer of Borg. You will be assimiooh, donuts...
I am Homer of Borg. You will be assimooooohhh, Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg. You will be...OOOOOHH! Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg. You won't be assimiliated. DOH!
I am Homer of Borg. prepare to beoooh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg.. You will be Assim.. ooohh! Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg... Prepare to be assimi... Ooohhh... Donuts... ___
I am Homer of Borg...prepare to be assim...OHH! Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg...prepare to be assimi...mmmmmm! DONUTS!
I am Homer of Borg...prepare to be...OHHHH, donuts...
I am Homer of Borg..prepare to be....OHHHHHHHHHH...BEEEERR!
I am Homer of Borg..prepare to be....OHHHHHHHHHH...BEEEERR!!!
I am Homer of Borg..prepare to be....OHHHHHHHHHH...DONUTS
I am Homer of Borg..prepare to be....OHHHHHHHHHH...DONUTS!!!
I am Homer of Borg.prepare to be....OOooo Doughnuts.
I am Homer of Borg: I will be assimilated... DOH!
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be .... oooooohh, doughnuts.
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be askg...assig...DOH!
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be assim--...Mmmmm...doughnuts.
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be assim......OOOOHH....DOONOUGHTS!
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be assim...ooohhh DOOOOONUTS!
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be assim...oooooooohh DONUTS!
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be assimi... Ooohhh... Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be.. Mmmmmmm. Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be.....Ooooh, donuts.
I am Homer of Borg: Prepare to be...oooh pork chops!
I am Homer of Borg: Resistance -- mmmm, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg: Resistance is fut...HEY DONUTS!
I am Homer of Borg: Resistance is... heh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg: Resistance is... oooooh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg: Resistance isheh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg: Resistance isoooooh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borg: You will be <oohhh, doughnuts!>
I am Homer of Borg: You will be assi.... Ooh, Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg: You will be assi...ohhhhhh Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg: You will be assi.Ooh, Donuts.
I am Homer of Borg: You will be assim... Ooh, Donuts...
I am Homer of Borg: You will be.....ooooh Donuts!
I am Homer of Borg: You won't be assimilated...DOH!
I am Homer of Borg: and you will be assi...OOOO,Doughnuts!
I am Homer of Borg; You'll be assim...ohhh, donuts!
I am Homer of Borgs so5 will be assim...Ooh donuts!
I am Homer of the Borg, resistance is... heh, donuts!
I am Homer of the Borg.  Prepare to be Ooooo!  Donuts!!!
I am Homer of the the Borg, resistance is... heh, donuts!
I am Homer the Borg! Prepare to be...OOoooo! Doughnuts!
I am Homer, of Borg.  Prepare to be assim...Mmmm, donuts.
I am Homer, of Borg....prepare to be assim......OOOOHH....DOONOUGHTS!
I am Homer, of Borgprepare to be assim..OOOOHH...
I am Homey of Borg. Homey don't assimilate that!
I am Homey of Borg. We don't play that asimillatin' shit.
I am Huey Lewis of Borg: Its Hip To Be Cubicle!
I am Huey Louis of Borg: Its Hip To Be Square!
I am Hugh Hefner of Borg: Breast size is irrelevant.
I am Hugh Hephner of Borg - Sex is Irrelevant!
I am Hugh as you are Hugh as he is Hugh as we are all together...
I am Hugh of Borg, publisher of PlayBorg magazine.
I am Hugh of Borg.  We want Troi.  Geordi is our friend.  He can watch
I am Hugh of Borg. Troi will be assimilated. Hubba Hubba.
I am Hugh of Borg. We want Troi. Geordi is our friend. He can watch.
I am Hugh of Borg: Beverly will be assimilated. Hubba Hubba.
I am Hunter Thompson of the Borg: Wait'til YOU see those BATS!
I am Hunter Thompson of the Borg: Wait'til YOU see those BATS!!!
I am Hunter of Borg: Assimilation? It works for me.
I am IRS agent of Borg. Your deductions are irrelevant.
I am IRS of Borg, Your deductions are irelevent.
I am IRS of Borg, Your deductions are irrelevant.
I am ISDN of Borg: Your modem is irrelevant.
I am Iago of Borg. You'll be assim... oooh, a WAR MANUAL!
I am IceBorg. Prepare to be frozen.
I am IceBorg. The Titanic is irrelevant.
I am IceBorg: Prepare to be frozen.
I am Imelda of Borg. You will be bought and assimilated in my closet.
I am Immortal! I have inside me blood of kings! - Queen
I am Ingnio Montoya. You stole my tagline. Prepare to die
I am Ingyo Montoya! You killed my father! prepare to die.
I am Inigo Montoya. You stole my tagline. Prepare to die.
I am Jabba of Borg. I've assimilated everything. (Burp)
I am Jabba of Borg. You will be chuda nep roddu
I am Jack Butler of Borg. Prepare to be...oooh, taglines!
I am Jackson of Borg, Don't you know I'm Borg, I'm Borg, Ya know it.
I am Jadzia of Borg - No, Julian I will _not_ assimilate you.
I am Jadzia of Borg: Baysol is futile. The slug has been assimilated.
I am Jagger of Borg.  I can't get no assimilation.
I am James Brown of Borg. OWWW! Assimilation feels GOOD!
I am James Brown of Borg. Syraloo, bebanna manna peeopo assimilation.
I am James Brown of Borg. Syraloo, mannana peeopo assimilation. Heh!
I am James Brown of Borg: OWWW! Assimilation feels GOOD!
I am James T. Kirk of Borg you will be ass im  il a  ted.
I am Jamie McCrimmon, of the clan...oh.  Sorry Doctor...
I am Janet Reno of Borg.  You will be incinerated.
I am Janet Reno of Borg. You will be incinerated.
I am Janeway of Borg, I will assimilate with the *deadliest* of force!
I am Janeway of Borg. We will assimilate you with the deadliest force.
I am Janeway of Borg. You will call me "Ma'am."
I am Jay Leno of Borg: Kevin's love life is irrelevant.
I am Jeff Smith of Borg. Resistance is frugal!
I am Jeff Smith of Borg: Frugality is irrelevant!
I am Jeff Smith of Borg: Resistance is frugal!
I am Jehovah of Borg.  I will witness assimilation!
I am Jessica Hahn of Borg. Jim Bakker will be assimilated.
I am Jesus of Borg.  Blessed are they who are assimilated.
I am Jesus of Borg. You WILL be assimilated to the Father.
I am Jesus of Borg: Assimilate your enemies.
I am Jesus of Borg: Blessed are the assimilated.
I am Jesus of Borg: Blessed are they who are assimilated.
I am Jim Bakker of Borg. Jessica Hahn is irrelevant.
I am Jim Bakker of Borg: Come on down to Assimilation USA!
I am Jim Bakker of Borg: Send a donation and you will be assimilated.
I am Joan of Borg, prepare to be attenuated.
I am John Lennon of Borg: Imagine you are assimilated.
I am John Wayne of Borg - Fill your hand, you son-of-a-b*tch!...
I am John-Boy of Borg. G'night, Hugh! G'night, Lore! G'night, Data!
I am Johnstone of Borg.  You shall be netmailed.
I am Jordan of Borg.  Gravity is irrelevant.
I am Jordan of Borg. Gravity is irrelevant.
I am Jordon of Borg. Gravity is irrelevant.
I am Joseph Smith of Borg: You must let Jesus of Borg assimilate you.
I am Joshua of Borg. You will be assi... Whoa! STARDOCK!
I am Joycelen Elders of Borg. Assimilation should be taught in school.
I am Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez, and I'm at your service!
I am Judge Dredd of Borg. You will be Iso-Cubed. Resistance is futile.
I am Julian of Borg - But Jadzia why _can't_ I assimilate you?
I am Julian of Borg - I can't get no assimilation either.
I am Julian of Borg: But Jadzia why _can't_ I assimilate you?
I am Julian of Borg: I can't get no assimilation, either.
I am Julius Borg: We Came, We Scanned, We assimilated.
I am Julius of Borg: We Came, We Scanned, We assimilated.
I am Jurassic of Borg: Your children want to assimilate me.
I am Justified, I am Purified, I am Sanctified. (My Tagline, that is.)
I am Kahn of Borg.  From hells heart I assimilate thee...
I am Kammerer of Borg. You will be assim...whoa, CEYLAD!
I am Kano of Borg. I have become one with the Borg. Blocking is futile
I am Karl Marx of Borg. Workers of the world, assimilate!
I am Keating of Borg: resistance is taxable!
I am Kelly of Borg. Can I (What's that word Daddy?)
I am Kelly of Borg. Can I oh, you know what I mean.
I am Ken of Borg. Attack me if you dare, I will assimilate you!
I am Ken of Borg. Get up!! It's too early for you to be assimilated!
I am Kenobi of Borg: Your father was Assimilated by the Dark Side.
I am Kermit of Borg.  It's not easy being assimilated...
I am Kes of Borg. I've never assimilated in a nebula before.
I am Kes of Borg. I've never assimilated in a nebula.
I am Kes of Borg. You look like you haven't been assimilated.
I am Kevorkian of Borg, Federal Court Decisions are irrelevant.
I am Kevorkian of Borg. Federal Court Decisions are irrelevant.
I am Kevorkian or Borg, Federal Court Decisions are irrelevant.
I am Khan of Borg.  From Hell's heart I assimilate thee...
I am Khan of Borg.  From hell's heart I assimilate thee..
I am Kira of Borg - Now that's a scary thought...
I am Kira of Borg - Now there's a terrifying thought.
I am Kira of Borg.  That's a scary thought!!
I am Kira of Borg. Now there's a terrifying thought...
I am Kira of Borg. That's a scary thought!
I am Kira of Borg. Wanna make something out of it?!
I am Kira of Borg. You got a problem with that?
I am Kira of Borg: Now there's a terrifying thought.
I am Kira of Borg: Wanna make something out of it?!
I am Kirk of Borg - prepare..to..be..assimilated.
I am Kirk of Borg,  YOU!  WILL!  BE!  Assimilated!
I am Kirk of Borg...Wait! This is the wrong generation!
I am Kirk of Borg: You...WILL...be....aSIMaLAted.
I am Kojak of Borg:  Who loves to assimilate ya, baby.
I am Kojak of Borg: Let's assimilate some GLH Formula.
I am Kojak of Borg: Who loves to assimilate ya, baby.
I am Koresh of Borg, we will be incinerated.
I am Koresh of Borg.  Prepare to be immolated.
I am Koresh of Borg.  You shall be immolated.
I am Koresh of Borg.  You will be immolated.
I am Koresh of Borg.  You will be incinerated.
I am Koresh of Borg. Prepare to be immolated.
I am Koresh of Borg. Prepare to be incinerated
I am Koresh of Borg. Resistance is fusil.
I am Koresh of Borg. We will be incinerated.
I am Koresh of Borg. You shall be immolated.
I am Koresh of Borg. You will be immolated.
I am Koresh of Borg: Resistance is fusil.
I am Koresh of Borg: We will be incinerated.
I am Koresh of Borg: You will be immolated!
I am Koresh of Borg: You will be incinerated.
I am Kryten of Borg: It's against my programming to assimilate a human
I am Kryten of Borg: It's against my programming to assimilate.
I am Kryton of Borg: It's against my programming to assimilate a human
I am Kube of Borg. You will be AGGHHH! No ulcers allowed!
I am LAPD of Borg.  You will be beaten into assimilation!
I am LARRY of BORG.  And this is my brother Darryl and my
I am Lady MacBeth of Borg: This spot is irrelevant.
I am Lancelot of Borg.  Resistance is feudal.
I am Lando of Borg: You will be assimilated...It's Not My Fault!
I am Lao Tzu of the Borg. You will merge with the Dao.
I am Lao Tzu of the Borg. You will merge with the Tao.
I am Lao-Tzu of Borg-be like water, do not resist.
I am Lao-tze of Borg: Be like water. Water does not resist.
I am Larry Niven of Borg: Before assimilation we have sex, Woo.
I am Lauder of Borg. Nadine...we're assimilated!
I am LeQuetus of Borg. You, Wolverine, are irrelevant and futile.
I am Leach of Borg: It would be futile to resist these fantastic rooms
I am Lecter of Borg. You have been assimilated. <BURP>!
I am Legalus of Borg. Prepare to be litigated. Your case is irrelevant
I am Legalus of Borg: Your case is irrelevant.
I am Leghorn of Borg. Prepare, ah say, prepare to be assimilated!
I am Leghorn of Borg: Prepare, ah say, prepare to be assimilated.
I am Leghorn of Borg: prepare, ah said get ready to be assimilated!
I am Leia of Borg. I'd rather assimilate a Wookie!
I am Leisure Suit Larry of Borg.  You will be inseminated.
I am Lennon of Borg.  Imagine there's no assimilation ...
I am Leona of Borg: Only the little people get assimilated.
I am Lesbian of Borg: Men are irrelevant.
I am Letterman of Borg.  Prepare to be anightalated.
I am Letterman of Borg. Here are the Top Ten Signs You're Assimilated.
I am Letterman of Borg. Ok, Top 10 reasons why resistance is futile.
I am Letterman of Borg. Prepare to be anightalated.
I am Letterman of Borg. Top 10 reasons resistance is futile...
I am Letterman of Borg: Top 10 reasons why resistance is futile.
I am Letterman of Borg: Top Ten reasons you should be assimilated.
I am Letterman of Borg; prepare to be anightalated.
I am Liberace of Borg: I wish my brother 3 of 5 was here.
I am Limbaugh of Borg.  Prepare to be berated!
I am Limbaugh of Borg.  You shall be wrong.
I am Limbaugh of Borg. All democrats will be assimalated
I am Limbaugh of Borg. I don't assimilate, I complain.
I am Limbaugh of Borg. I have assimilated the future. It is GONE!
I am Limbaugh of Borg. Liberals will be assimilated....
I am Limbaugh of Borg. Prepare to be berated!
I am Limbaugh of Borg. You shall be wrong.
I am Limbaugh of Borg: If U say ditto you are already assimilated.
I am Limbaugh of Borg: If you say ditto you are already assimilated.
I am Limbaugh of Borg: You shall be wrong.
I am Linda Lovelace of Borg, prepare to be deep throated.
I am Lisa Simpson of Borg: Assimilation is the cure for the blues.
I am Lisa of Borg: Aren't we all just irrelevant, anyway?
I am Lister of Borg: I wish I'd assimilated Christine Kachansky.
I am Lister of Borg: I wish I'd assimilated Kristine Kochanski.
I am Liu Kang of Borg.  Gravity is irrelevent.
I am Locutus . . . of Borg.  Resistance is futile.
I am Locutus of Amiga.  Your OS WILL BE EMULATED...
I am Locutus of Borg - Lights are irrelevant...<BLAM>..
I am Locutus of Borg - O'Brien two to assimilate
I am Locutus of Borg!  Do you have any Grey Poupon?
I am Locutus of Borg, this Tagline is irrelevant.
I am Locutus of Borg, this tagline is irrelevant.
I am Locutus of Borg.  Do you have any Grey Poupon?
I am Locutus of Borg.  This tagline is irrelevant.
I am Locutus of Borg. Do you have any Grey Poupon?
I am Locutus of Borg. Have you considered buying a Pontiac?
I am Locutus of Borg. I demand Earl Grey tea - for 10000.
I am Locutus of Borg. This tagline is irrelevant.
I am Locutus of Borg. This tagline was assimilated.
I am Locutus of Borg. Your hair will be assimilated.
I am Locutus of Borg. Your tagline will be assimilated.
I am Locutus of Borg: The color of your Poupon is irrelevant.
I am Locutus of Borg: You will be assimilated.
I am Locutus of Borg: Your hair will be assimilated.
I am Locutus of Borg: Your tagline will be assimilated.
I am Locutus of Borgs. Do you have any Grey Poupon?
I am Locutus of RCA. Your VCR will be assimilated.
I am Locutus of the Borg. This tagline is irrelevant.
I am Lore of Borg: You will be assimilated...brother.
I am Lorena Bobbitt of Borg - All men shall be circumssimalated.
I am Lorena Bobbitt of Borg - Penises are irrelevant.
I am Lorena Bobbitt of Borg: All men shall be circumssimilated.
I am Lorena of Borg. There's no way to prepare for this.
I am Lucy of Borg. You will be assimilated, Ricky. WAH!
I am Luke of Borg: Resistance is futile. I have a bad feeling about this
I am Luke of Borg: Resistance is futile. I've a bad feeling about this
I am Lurker of Borg.  Your tagline will be assimilated.
I am Luwaxana Troi of Borg, you will be assimil... oohhh, a man!
I am Lwaxana Troi of Borg, you will be assimil oohhh a man!
I am M.Bison of Borg. Anyone who opposes me will be assimilated!!
I am MODERATOR of BORG: Follow the rules or be assimilated.
I am MODERATOR of Borg:off topic msgs are futile,you will be moderated
I am MacBeth of Borg: Trees are irrelevant.
I am Macek of Borg: Prepare to be re-dubbed...
I am Macintosh of Borg, Compatibility is Futile!
I am Macintosh of Borg. It takes a while to assimilate.
I am Macmahon of Borg, you may allready be assimilated.
I am Macmahon of Borg, you may already be assimilated.
I am Madden of Borg.  BOOM!  WAP!  You're assimilated!
I am Madden of Borg. BOOM! WHAP! You're assimilated!
I am Madden of Borg: >WHAP!< You're assimilated!
I am Madonna of BORG! Justify my assimilation!
I am Madonna of Borg - taste is irrelevant
I am Madonna of Borg, resistance turns me on.
I am Madonna of Borg,justify my assimilation! ::pant::pant::
I am Madonna of Borg.  Gender is irrelevant.
I am Madonna of Borg.  Gender is irrelevant.  Resistance turns me on.
I am Madonna of Borg. Resistance turns me on.
I am Madonna of Borg. You will surr.... oooh nice buns!
I am Madonna of Borg:  Justify my assimilation!  ::pant::pant::
I am Madonna of Borg: Taste is irrelevant.
I am Mae West of Borg: Why don't you come up and assimilate me sometime!
I am Maggie Simpson of Borg: Resistance is futile. You will be pacified.
I am Maggie Simpson of Borg: Resistance is futile. You'll be pacified.
I am Maggie of Borg: Resistance is futile. You will be pacified.
I am Magoo of Borg. You will be..uh..uh..now where are those glasses?
I am Mailman of Borg! Prepare to be assim... Ooooooh, tequila!
I am Marge Simpson of Borg: You will be assimilated into my hairdo.
I am Marshall Presnell of Borg. Gravis Support is irrelevant.
I am Marvin Zinder of Borg - Slime In the Ice Machine is Irrelevent!
I am Marvin Zinder of Borg - Slime is Irrelevent!
I am Marvin Zindler of Borg. Health inspections are irrelevant. ()
I am Marvin Zindler of Borg: Slime will be assimilated!! ()
I am Marvin of Borg.  Guess which weapon I have...
I am Marvin of Borg. Guess what kind of weapons we have. Go on, guess.
I am Marvin of Borg. Guess what weapons we have. Go on, guess.
I am Marvin of Borg. Guess which weapon I have...
I am Marvin of Borg: Don't talk to us about irrelevant life.
I am Marvin of Borg: Guess what kinds of weapons we have. Go on, guess
I am Mary the Trillslayer of Borg - Assimilate this, slug..<blam>..
I am MarytheTrillslayer of Borg - Surrender, or you're slug chow..
I am Master of Kung-fu, To-fu and Sna-fu.
I am Matt of Borg: Assimilation for all who complain!
I am Mattress Mac Of Borg: Assimilation really will Save You Money!
I am Max Headroom of Borg. You will be assim-sim-similated!
I am Maxwell Smart of Borg.  Missed assimilation by that much!
I am McBorg...Would you like fries with your assimalation?
I am McBorg...Would you like fries with your assimilation?
I am McCartney of Borg. Assimilate and let die....
I am McCoy of Bo...Damn it! I'm a doctor, not a collective!
I am McCoy of Borg. Damm it locutus!  I'm an assimilator, not a doctor!
I am McCoy of Borg. Dammit, Jim, you will be assimilated.
I am McCoy of Borg. Dammit, Locutus, I'm a DOCTOR, not an assimilator!
I am McCoy of Borg. He's assimilated, Jim!
I am McCoy of Borg. I'm a Doctor, Not An Assimilator...
I am McCoy of...Damnit! I'm a doctor, not a collective!
I am McDonalds of Borg, Over 10 Billion Assimilated!
I am McFly of Borg.  Your taglines have been assimilated.
I am McGlaughlin of Borg. WRONG!
I am McMahon of BORG You may already be assimilated!
I am McMahon of BORG You may already have been assimilated!
I am McMahon of BORG...  You may already be assimilated!
I am McMahon of BORG...  You may already have been assimilated!
I am McMahon of BORG... You may already be assimilated!
I am McMahon of Borg.  Assimilation?  You are correct, sir!
I am McMahon of Borg.  You may already be assimilated.
I am McMahon of Borg.  You shall be on Star Search.
I am McMahon of Borg. You may already be a winner.
I am McMahon of Borg. You may already be assimilated!
I am McMahon of Borg. You may already be assimilated.
I am McMahon of Borg. You may already have been assimilated.
I am McMahon of Borg. You may have already been assimilated.
I am McMahon of Borg. You shall be on Star Search.
I am McMahon of Borg: Assimilation? You are correct, sir.
I am McMahon of Borg: You may already be a winner.
I am McMahon of Borg: You may already be assimilated
I am McMahon of the Borg, you may already be assimilated
I am Medici of Borg-ia, prepare to be assassinated.
I am Michael Jackson of Borg:  Ch'mon!  Let's assimilate!
I am Micheal Jackson of Borg.  Small boys will be semenated.
I am Microsoft of Borg - Speed is irrelevant.
I am Microsoftus of Borg. Prepare to be slowed down.
I am Microsoftus of Borg. You will be slowed down.
I am Mike of Borg. John Windsor will be assimilated.
I am Mindy of Borg.  OK Assimilated Lady! Love you, bye bye!
I am Mindy of Borg.  OK, Mr. Assimilated Man!
I am Mindy of Borg. OK Assimilated Lady! Love you, bye bye!
I am Mindy of Borg. OK, Mr. Assimilated Man!
I am Minmei of Borg.  You will be annoyed.
I am Minmei of Borg. Maturity is irrelevent.
I am Minmei of Borg. Talent is irrelevent.
I am Minmei of Borg. You will be annoyed.
I am Minmei of Borg: To be assimilated must be the sweetest..
I am Miracle Max of Borg: Resistance? I liked your first story better.
I am Miss Borgfield!  Gentlemen, start your assimilating!
I am Moderator Borg: Your Topic Is Irrelevant.
I am Moderator of Borg.  That thread is irrelevent.
I am Moderator of Borg.  Your topic is irrelevant.
I am Moderator of Borg. Follow the rules or be assimilated.
I am Moderator of Borg. That thread is irrelevant.
I am Moderator of Borg. That thread is irrelevent.
I am Moderator of Borg. Your topic is irrelevant.
I am Moderator of Borg: That thread is irrelevant.
I am Moderator of Borg: Y'all prepare to behave yourself, yer hear?
I am Moderator of Borg: Your topic is irrelevant
I am Moe of Borg.  Come 'ere porcupine.  Resistance is futile.
I am Moe of Borg.  Prepare to be assimilated, you numbskull!
I am Moe of Borg.  See that?  <SLAP-BONK>  Resistance is futile.
I am Moe of Borg.  Shaddap 'n get assimilatin', knucklehe
I am Moe of Borg.  Spread out!  <SLAP>  Resistance is futile.
I am Moe of Borg. Come 'ere porcupine. Resistance is futile.
I am Moe of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, you numb skull!
I am Moe of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated, you numskull!
I am Moe of Borg. See that? <SLAP-BONK> Resistance is futile.
I am Moe of Borg. Shaddap 'n get assimilatin', knuckleheads! *THWAP*
I am Moe of Borg. Spread out! <SLAP> Resistance is futile.
I am Moe of Borg. Why you...I oughta assimilated you, you numbskull!
I am Moe of Borg: Shaddap 'n get assimilatin', knuckleheads! *THWAP*
I am Mommy of Borg: No dessert till your broccoli is assimilated.
I am Monika of Borg: Assimilate? Assimilate This!
I am Montana Max of Borg:  Prepare your money to be assimilated.
I am Montgomery Burns of Borg: Assimilate that clumsy human up here.
I am Monty Burns of Borg:  Smithers!  Assimilate them!
I am Monty Hall of Borg.  "Making a Deal" is futile.
I am Monty Hall of Borg.  You can be assimilated, OR take Door #1.
I am Monty Hall of Borg. "Making a Deal" is futile.
I am Monty Hall of Borg. Will you trade assimilation for Door #3?
I am Monty of Borg: Perpare for a-BOOT TO THE HEAD!
I am Monty of Borg: Prepare for a-BOOT TO THE HEAD!
I am Mork of Borg.  Your Nanoo-Nanoos are futile!
I am Mork of Borg: Boy do I feel like a clone. Na-noo na-noo!
I am Mork of Borg: Mindy is irrelevant. Shazbot!
I am Mork of Borg: Orson is irrelevant. Na-noo na-noo!
I am Morn of Borg. You shall <BUUUURRRRPPPP>...Pardon me!
I am Moron of Borg...prepare to assimilate me!
I am Moskowitz of Borg. Prepare to vote for funny farm favorite.
I am Mr. Burns of Borg.  Smithers, assimilate him.
I am Mr. Dressup of Borg: Let's play 'Assimilate'.
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg. Can YOU say "assimilation"?
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg. Can YOU say assimilation?
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg. Can you say "assimilate" boys and girls?
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg. Can you say assimilate, boys and girls?
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg. It's a beautiful day in the Collective
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg. Won't you be assimilated with me?
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg: Can you say assimilated?
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg: It's a beautiful day in the Collective...
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg: Won't you be assimilated with me?
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg: Won't you be assimilated?
I am Mr. Rogers of Borg: Wouldn't you like to be assimilated?
I am Mr. Rourke of Borg.  Welcome to Assimilation Island.
I am Mr. Rourke of Borg. Welcome to Assimilation Island.
I am Mr. T of Borg.  I pity da fool that resists me!
I am Mr. T of Borg.  I pity da fool that resists me.
I am Mr. T of Borg: You gonna be assimilated, sucka!
I am Mr. Wilson of Borg assimilates Dennis, becomes new menace.
I am Mufasa of Borg; You are to be assimilated in the Circle of Life.
I am Mulder of Borg. The Truth shall be assimilated.
I am Mulroney of Borg: The GST Will assimilate you.
I am Murphy of Borg.  Anything that can be assimilated will be.
I am NOT Paranoid!  And WHY are you always watching me?
I am NOT Paranoid! And why are you always watching me??
I am NOT Paranoid! Why are you _always_ watching me??
I am NOT Paranoid. Now get away from me!
I am NOT RELIGIOUS, I love the LORD!
I am NOT Schizophrenic - and neither am I.
I am NOT a Borg, by Jean Locu...um, that's LUC Picard.
I am NOT a MERRY MAN! - Lt. Worf
I am NOT a Sysop, I am a *TAGLINE ADDICT* posting Sysop Taglines!
I am NOT a computer nerd! I am a techno-weenie.
I am NOT a criminal --R. Nixon
I am NOT a cynic - I just remember last time too well!
I am NOT a fool. I may *act* like one- TEC
I am NOT a fool. I may *act* like one...
I am NOT a fraidy-cat, Tom wimppurred.
I am NOT a homonecrophiliac, said Tom in dead earnest.
I am NOT a homosexual necrophiliac, said Tom in dead earnest.
I am NOT a loser.........I'm just victory challenged
I am NOT a merry man. -- Worf
I am NOT a recipe THIEF. I am a recipe CONSERVATIONIST. I recycle.
I am NOT a tagline THIEF. I am a tagline CONSERVATIONIST. I recycle.
I am NOT a vampire. I just like to bite..nibble, really!
I am NOT and animal!  NOT!
I am NOT antisocial.  I'm just not real friendly.
I am NOT burned out,   just singed....
I am NOT dead!  I'm just metabolically challenged...
I am NOT fishing just drowning WORMS!
I am NOT full of hot air, Tom belched.
I am NOT in denial!
I am NOT lost.  I'm just locationally disadvantaged.
I am NOT lost...I wanted to see that corner six times.
I am NOT lost; the map is broken!
I am NOT off topic!  I demand to talk to th@#$%&^** NO CARRIER
I am NOT off topic!  I demand to talk to the mod@#$%&^** NO CARRIER
I am NOT on drugs, said Tom in a high falsetto.
I am NOT overreacting! I'm a teen-ager! -- Katie Kaboom
I am NOT paranoid!  And why are you watching me?
I am NOT picking my nose!.... I'm POINTING to my Brain!
I am NOT practicing ... I'm an accomplished homosexual!
I am NOT schizo! Yes I amNo I'm notYES I am!Uh Uh.
I am NOT stubborn.  I am merely correct.
I am NOT your cheese steak - Mike
I am NOW of Borg, prepare to be emasculated.
I am NSA of Borg. Your public key will be assimilated.
I am NT of Borg: You will not be assimilated.  Existence is futile. I am
I am NT of Borg: You will not be assimilated. Existence is futile.
I am NT the Borg Your hard disk will be Assimilated!
I am Nagus Zek of Borg. Trimming my ear hair is futile.
I am Ned Flanders of Borg: Hideho, it's time to assimilate, neighbor.
I am Neelix of Borg! Um, I was wondering, do you have any Grey Poupon?
I am Neelix of Borg.  Awful humor and bad comic relief are irrelevant.
I am Neelix of Borg. Your bathtubs will be assimilated.
I am Neil Peart of Borg.  Prepare to be syncopated.
I am Neils Borg. Fission is irrelevant.
I am Neville Chamberlain of Borg. I have in my hand, an assimilation...
I am Niels of Borg: Fission is irrelevant.
I am Nietzsche of Borg: Plato is irrelevant.
I am Nixon of Borg.  Watergate is Irrelevant!
I am Norm of Borg, and I want to assimilate that beer!
I am Norm of Borg. Bar tabs are futile, beer will be assimilated.
I am Number 6 of Borg - Why I resigned is irrelevant.
I am Number Five of Borg. Prepare to be disassembled!
I am O.J. of Borg.  Prepare to be incriminated.
I am O.J. of Borg...a trial is irrelevant.
I am ONE whipped kitten! - Crow
I am ORAC of Borg: Persistance is useless. Don't bother me!
I am ORAC of Borg: Persistence is useless. Don't bother me!
I am OS/2 of Borg, your Disk Space will be assimilated!
I am OS/2 of Borg.  DOS will be assimilated.
I am OS/2 of Borg. Your disk space will be assimulated.
I am Obi Wan of Borg.  Killing me is futile.
I am Odie of Borg: *=SLUUUURP!=* You have been assimilated!
I am Odo of Borg. No, now I'm a Cylon. No, now I'm a...
I am Odo of Borg. Shape is irrelevant.
I am Odo of Borg: No, now I'm a Cylon. No, now I'm a...
I am Ohm of Borg.  Resistance is V/I...
I am Ohm of Borg.  Resistance is futile.
I am Ohm of Borg.  Resistance is relevant.
I am Ohm of Borg.  Resistance is voltage divided by current.
I am Ohm of Borg.  Resistance is...  pretty nice,  actually.
I am Ohm of Borg. Resistance is futile.
I am Ohm of Borg. Resistance is relevant.
I am Ohm of Borg: Resistance is futile.
I am Ohm of Borg: Resistance is relevant.
I am Ohm of Borg; resistance is voltage/current.
I am Ohm, of Borg. Resistance is E/I.
I am Okuda of Borg : Sponsoring is irrelevant (tagline made on a Mac II)
I am Oliver North of Borg, I have no recollection of Assimilation.
I am Opie of Borg.  Can I assimilate 'em, Pa?
I am Opie of Borg.  Can we assimilate 'em now, Pa?
I am Opie of Borg. Can I assimilate 'em, Pa?
I am Opie of Borg. Can we assimilate 'em now, Pa?
I am Opie of Borg. Can we assimilate 'em, Pa?
I am Opie of Borg: Can I assimilate 'em, Pa?
I am Oprah of Borg - so why did you assimilate your husband?
I am Oprah of Borg.  You Will Lose Weight!
I am Oprah of Borg.  You Will Lost Weight!
I am Oprah of Borg. So, why did you assimilate your husband?
I am Oprah of Borg. You Will Lost Weight!
I am Oprah of Borg...Why did you assimilate your husband?
I am Oprah of Borg: Losing weight is irrelevant.
I am Oprah of Borg: So, why did you assimilate your husband?
I am Oprah of Borg: You Will Lost Weight!
I am Orville of Borg, and you are irrelevant.
I am Orville. I suppose you want the office.
I am P-P-Porky of B-B-Borg. Prepare to be assim- assim- absorbed.
I am P-P-Porky of B-Borg. Prepare to b-b-b-be assim-sim-ilated.
I am P-Porky of B-Borg... prepare to be assim- assim- absorbed.
I am P-p-p-porky of B-b-b-b-borg! P-p-prepare to b-be
I am P...P...Porky from B...B...B...Borg. P...P...Prepare t...t...
I am PCTOOLS of Borg. Escort us to Disk Sector 001.
I am PENTIUM of BORG. Division is futile. You will be Approximated
I am Pabst of Borg. You shall be inebriated.
I am Pac-Man of Borg. You will be dot-similated.
I am Pakled of Borg: We look for things to assimilate.
I am Paklids of Borg: We assimilate things.
I am Pascal 7 Borg: OBJs are irrelevant, they will be assimilated into T
I am Past Robertson of Borg.  The truth is irrelevant.
I am Pat Robertson of Borg:  You will be baptized into the collective.
I am Paul Simon of Borg. Must be 50 ways to assimilate your lover.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: Are you going, to Assimilation Fair?
I am Paul Simon of Borg: Assimilation is the bottom line for everyone.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: Assimilation over Troubled Waters.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: Cecilia, you're assimilating my heart.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: I am a Borg, I am an Island.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: I'm feeling, Assimilation Bound.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: Listen, to the sounds, of assimilation.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: Me and Hugh Down by the School Yard.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: Still assimilating after all these years.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: The 59th Street Assimilation Song.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: The Assimilated Child.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: The Borg in the Bubble.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: There are 50 ways to assimilate your lover.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: There must be 50 ways to assimilate your lover.
I am Paul Simon of Borg: You Can Call me Hugh.
I am Paul of Borg: Gentiles should be assimilated too.
I am Paulkeating of Borg. This is the assimilation we've had to have.
I am Pee Wee of Borg. Wanna watch me assimilate myself?
I am Pee Wee of Borg. Watch me assimilate myself.
I am Peg of Borg. Al, I need to be assimilated NOW!
I am Pentium of BORG!  Division if futile!  It WILL be approximated!
I am Pentium of BORG!  Division is futile!  It WILL be approximated!
I am Pentium of Borg - Prepare to be approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg, division is futile! You will be approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg, division is futile, you will be approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg, prepare to be approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg.  Division is futile.  You will be approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg.  Prepare to be approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg.  Resistance is Intel.  You will be Approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg.  You will be approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg. Precision is futile. You will be approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg. Prepare to be approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg... you will be Approximated.
I am Pentium of Borg...division is Futile...you will be Approximated
I am Pentium of Borgyou will be Approximated.
I am Pepe of ze Borg. We will assimilate you in the matters of love.
I am Perot of Borg.  Here's a chart on your assimilation.
I am Perot of Borg.  Now here's the deal.  You will be assimilated.
I am Perot of Borg.  Your Money Will Be Assimilated!
I am Perot of Borg. Here's a chart on your assimilation.
I am Perot of Borg. It's your collective, you're the owners.
I am Perot of Borg. Now here's the deal. You will be assimilated.
I am Perot of Borg. Resistance? Now that's just sad.
I am Perot of Borg. Wait a minute, I already own most of Sector 001.
I am Perot of Borg. We should assimilate for the children.
I am Perot of Borg. You will be assimilated with a giant sucking sound
I am Perot of Borg. You'll be assimilated with a giant sucking sound.
I am Perot of Borg: Here's a chart on your assimilation.
I am Perot of Borg: Let's have a debate about your assimilation.
I am Perot of Borg: Now here's the deal. You will be assimilated.
I am Perot of Borg: Reistance? Now that's just sad !
I am Perot of Borg: Resistance? Now that's just sad.
I am Perot of Borg: You will be assimilated with a giant sucking sound
I am Peshek of Borg and I am _NOT_ the Assimilation Goddess!
I am Pesto of Borg.  Squit will be assimilated.
I am Peter Popoff of Borg. Prepare to reach God at 37.15 megahertz.
I am Pharaoh of Borg. WHY is irrelevant.
I am Picard of Borg.  HAIR Is Irrelevant!
I am Picard of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated...make it so...
I am Picard of Borg. Tucking your shirt in is futile.
I am Pierre of Borg. You will be assim.. Ooooh, AVOIDS!
I am Piglet of Borg. But Pooh, I want to be assimilated!
I am Piglet of Borg: If I weren't such a small Borg, resistance would.
I am Pike of Borg. Beep beep.
I am Pink Floyd of Borg: All in all, we're all just Borgs in The Wall.
I am Pink Floyd of Borg: We don't need no assimilation!
I am Pinky of Borg.  Gosh Brain, who will we assimilate tonight?
I am Pinky of Borg. Gee Brain, who will we assimilate tonight?
I am Pinky of Borg. Gosh Brain, who will we assimilate tonight?
I am Pinky of Borg. What d'you want to assimilate t'nite, Brain?
I am Pinky of the Borg. Gosh Brain, who will we assimilate tonight?
I am Plato of Borg: The meaning of life is irrelevant.
I am Pooh of Borg.  Bother is irrelevant.  Honey will be absorbed.
I am Pooh of Borg.  We're feeling elevenish.  Surrender your honey.
I am Pooh of Borg. Bothering is irrelavent.
I am Pooh of Borg. Surrender your honey pot.
I am Pooh of Borg. Surrender your honey.
I am Pooh of Borg. We are feeling elevenish. Surrender your honey.
I am Pooh of Borg: I think I'll assimilate a little something today.
I am Pooh of Borg: Surrender your honey pot.
I am Pooh of Borg: We are feeling elevenish. Surrender your honey.
I am Pope of Borg: You are irreverent.
I am Pope of Borg: You will be assimilated in the name of god.
I am Popeil of Borg. You shall be Pocket Fished.
I am Popeye of Borg -- Prepare to be askimilgated.
I am Popeye of Borg, prepare to be askimilgrated!
I am Popeye of Borg.  Prepare to be askimiligrated.
I am Popeye of Borg.  Prepares to be askimelrated.
I am Popeye of Borg.  Spinach is Irrelevant
I am Popeye of Borg. Prepare to be askimilgrated.
I am Popeye of Borg. Prepare to be askimiligrated.
I am Popeye of Borg. Prepares to be askimilgrated.
I am Popeye of Borg. You will be askimilgrated!
I am Popeye of Borg...prepare to be assagrimilated...ak ak ak ak ak
I am Popeye of Borg:  "You shall be what I yam."
I am Popeye of Borg: Prepare to be askimilated.
I am Popeye of Borg: You shall be what you shall be.
I am Popeye of Borg: You will be askgimilgated.
I am Popeye of Borg: You will be askimilated.
I am Popeye of Borg: You will be askimilgrated.
I am Popeye of the Borg.  Prepare to be askimilated.
I am Popeye, a Borg.  Prepare to be askimiligrated.
I am Porky Borg. Prepare to be assim..assim..I'm taking over!
I am Porky Pig of Borg, prepare to be asi..assimm..to be a robot.
I am Porky Pig of Borg. You wil be abbadi abbadi abbadi assimilated.
I am Porky Pig of Borg: You're-Ble-Ir-El-Ir-Not Relevant!
I am Porky Pig of Borg; Pbbpbbprebbprepare to bbbbb--we're taking over
I am Porky Pig of Borg; Pbbpbprebbprepare to bbbbb--we're taking over.
I am Porky Pig of Borg; Pbpbbprebbprepare to bbbbb--we're taking over.
I am Porky of B-b-b-borg. Prepare to be assimi-assimi-assimi-...
I am Porky of Borg.  P-p-p-p-pre-a-pre-p-p-p-p-p.  Aw, give up.
I am Porky of Borg.  Pbbpbbprebbprepare to bbbbbbb--we're taking over.
I am Porky of Borg. P-p-p-p-pre-a-pre-p-p-p-p-p. Aw, give up.
I am Porky of Borg. Pbbpbbprebbprepare to bbbbbbb--we're taking over.
I am Porky of Borg. Pbbpbprebbprepare to bbbbb--eh, we're taking over.
I am Porky of Borg. Prepare to be assim...assim...I'm ta...
I am Porky of Borg. You will be as-s-s-sim, as-s-s-sim, oh, forget it.
I am Porky of Borg. You will be as-s-s-sim, as-s-s-sim,forge
I am Porky of Borg. You will be assim...bdeh...assim-m-m-m....
I am Porky of Borg. You will be assim...bdeh...assim...I'm takin' over!
I am Porky of Borg. You will be assim..bdeh..assim...I'm takin' over!
I am Porky of Borg: Prepare to be assim..assim.. I'm taking over!
I am Porky of Borg: You will be as-s-s-sim, as-s-s-sim, oh, forget it.
I am Porky of Borg: You will be assim...bdeh...assim...
I am Porky of Borg; p-p-prepare to b-b-be asssim  assim assi
I am Potash of Borg. Your filk will be assimilated.
I am Prince Albert of Borg...Hold on...I'm in the can!
I am Pro Choice, as long as it's before conception
I am Procrastitron.  I will destroy you, eventually.
I am Prodigy of Borg: Your files will be assimilated.
I am Pythagoras of Borg: Distance is irrelevant.
I am Q of Borg  <SNAP> <FLASH>  You're assimilated!
I am Q of Borg  <SNAP< <FLASH<  You're assimilated!
I am Q of Borg.   You REALLY don't stand a chance!
I am Q of Borg.  I'm bored...
I am Q of Borg. You REALLY don't stand a chance!
I am Q of Borg. You are not worthy of assimilation.
I am Q of Borg: I'm bored.
I am Q-Tip, a Borg.
I am Quark of Borg - Prepare your latinum to be assimilated.
I am Quark of Borg.  Gold Pressed Lattinum is Irrelevant
I am Quark of Borg.  Profit is irrele.. is irr.. -No! I can't say it.
I am Quark of Borg. Your latinum will be assimilated.
I am Quark of Borg. Your latinum will be assimliated.
I am Quark. Slayer of Klingons.
I am Quayle of Borg.  Intelligence is irrelevent.
I am Quayle of Borg.  Speling is irelevante.
I am Quayle of Borg...resistance is fewtile
I am Quayle of Borg.Your potatoes will be assimilated.
I am Quayle of Borg: Prepire to be asimillayted.
I am Quayle of Borg: Speling is irelevante.
I am Quayle of Bork.  Speling is irelevante.
I am Queeg. - Holly
I am Qwerty of Keyborg. Lett'er be assimilated.
I am R2D2 of Borg: Beedoop dee bleboodoop! Ooooooooooh...
I am Rabbit of Borg: No, Pooh. That's not how to assimilate someone.
I am Ralph of Borgs.  Duaaahhh, youse will bes assimilated.
I am Rambo of Borg.  Yo! Assimilate 'dis! <BANG!> <BANG!>
I am Rambo of Borg: Yo! Assimilate this! <BANG> <BANG> <BANG>
I am Rand of Borg: Resistance is anti-mind, anti-reason, and anti-Borg
I am Ranma of Borg - Add cold water to assimilate...
I am Ranma of Borg - Add water to assimilate
I am Ray Brown of Borg. You will be assimilated. Filk is off-topic.
I am Ray Charles of Borg - The 'right one' is irrelevant, baby...
I am Ray Charles of Borg: The 'right one' is irrelevant, baby.
I am Rayden of Borg.  My electric bill is irrelivant.
I am Rayden of Borg.  You mortals will be assimilated!
I am Reagan from Borg...I don't recall assimilating anyone?!!!
I am Reagan of Bor...uh...Prepare...uh...Nancy is irellev...uh...
I am Reagan of Borg.  Prepare to be, uh, I don't recall.
I am Reagan of Borg. I don't remember assimilating you.
I am Reagan of Borg. Prepare to be, uh.. er.. I can't recall.
I am Reagan of Borg. Prepare to be... uh, I don't recall.
I am Reagan of Borg. You will be...uh...umm...I don't recall...
I am Reagan of Borg. You will be..um..er..I forgot.
I am Reagan of Borg: Prepare to be, uh, I don't recall.
I am Ren of Borg, and I'll assimilate you bloated sacks!
I am Ren of Borg, you irrelevant bloated sack of protoplasm!
I am Ren of Borg.  Resistance is futile, you sack of protoplasm!
I am Ren of Borg. You irrelevant bloated sack of protoplasm!
I am Reno of Borg:  Give up your rights, resistance is futile.
I am Reproduction of Borg, prepare to be proliferated.
I am Reptile of Borg.  You will become one with the floor.
I am Republican of Borg. The middle class will be assimilated.
I am Republican of borg. The middle class will be assimilated.
I am Rhett of Borg: Frankly I don't give a damn who you assimilate.
I am Rich Guy of Borg. Your Grey Poupon will be assimilated.
I am Richard Simmons of Borg: You will be assim-i-lated. Move IT!
I am Richard Simmons of Borg: You will be assim-i-lated. Move your tush!
I am Richard Simmons of Borg: You'll be assim-i-lated. Move your tush!
I am Richie Ryan of the clan... uh, can we try that again?
I am Richie Ryan of the clan... um, can we try that again?
I am Richie Ryan of the clanwait, can we try that again? -R.Ryan
I am Richman of Borg: The assilatorman. Resistance is futilarama!
I am Ridiculous of Borg: Resistance in futile, you will laugh.
I am Riker of Borg - Prepare to be leaned on..
I am Riker of Borg.  Prepare to be stared at intensely.
I am Riker of Borg. Resistance is futile. My quarters are this way.
I am Riker of Borg:  Your women will be assimilated<smirk>.
I am Riker of Borg: Honor is irrelevant. Winning is everything.
I am Riker of Borg: Prepare to be leaned on.
I am Riker of Borg: Your women will be assimilated <smirk>.
I am Rimmer of Borg: You would be assimilated if you weren't a git!
I am Rita of Borg.  You will tolerate my singing, or be assimilated.
I am Roadrunner of Borg. You will beep-beep assimilated.
I am Roadrunner of Borg: Prepare to beep-beep assimilated.
I am Robbins of Borg: Hemingway is irrelevant.
I am Robertson of Borg. The truth is irrelevant.
I am Robin of Borg, Holy futility, Borgman! We're assimilated!
I am Robin of Borg: Holy Futility Batman, we're assimilated.
I am Robocop of Borg.  Prepare to be assim--...Mmmmm...doughnuts...
I am Rockne of BORG! Assimilate one for the Gipper!
I am Rocky of Borg. Yo! Prepare to be, uh, you know, assimilated.
I am Rod (Serling) of Borg: You have entered a world of the unassimilate
I am Rod Serling of Borg: You've entered a world of the unassimilated.
I am Rodney Dangerfield of Borg. I get no resistance.
I am Roger Daltrey of Borg: Hope I die before I'm assimilated.
I am Roger Daltry of Borg: Hope I die before I'm assimilated.
I am Rolling of Borg. We can't get no assimilation.
I am Ronald Reagan of Borg. Prepare to be ... uh, I don't recall.
I am Ronald Reagan of Borg. Prepare to be... uh, I forget
I am Ronny McBorg. Over 6 billion assimilated. Taste is irrelevant.
I am Roo of Borg: Can I be assimilated too? Please!? Please!?
I am Rooney of Borg.  Ever wonder why resistence is futile?
I am Rooney of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated. I hate that!
I am Roseanne Arnold of Borg: Hey, stupid, you're gonna be assimilated
I am Ross Perot of Borg: Assimilation? Well here's the deal.
I am Ross Perot of Borg: Resistance? Now that's just sad.
I am Rowen & Martin of Borg: The Fickle Finger of Fate is irrelevant.
I am Rowen and Martin of Borg: The Fickle Finger of Fate is irrelevant.
I am Rozencrantz of Borg: Guildenstern is irrelevant.
I am Rubick of Borg:  So you like my ship design?
I am Rubik of Borg. So, you like my ship design, huh?
I am Rubik of Borg: So, you like my ship design?
I am Rudolph of Borg: Fog is irrelevent.
I am Rush LimBorg.  All other opinions are irrelevant.
I am Rush Limbaugh of Borg.  That's a scary thought, eh?
I am Rush Limbaugh of Borg. Democrats will be assimilated
I am Rush Limbaugh of Borg. That's a scary thought, eh?
I am Rush Limbaugh of Borg... scary thought, huh?
I am Rush of Lim-Borg. Liberalism is futile.
I am Rush of LimBORG.  All other opinions are irrelevant.
I am Rush of LimBORG. All other opinions are irrelevant.
I am Rush of LimBORG: Resistance is futile. Death is irrelevant.
I am Rush of LimBorg: All *other* opinions are irrelevant!
I am Rush of Limborg.  Liberals are irrelevant.
I am Rush of Limborg. Liberals are irrelevant.
I am Rush of Limborg. Liberals are irrelevent.
I am Ryan of Borg, I can't assimilate all these taglines!!!
I am Ryoga of Borg. When I find you, I'll assimilate you!
I am Ryouga of Borg. When I find you, I'll assimilate you!
I am Ryu of Borg: The pronunciation of my name is irrelevant.
I am SLMR of Borg. Your tagline has been assimilated!
I am SOOOOO Heterosexual! - Tom as geeky guy
I am SYSOP of Borg.Fill in questionaire for assimilation.
I am SYSOP of Borg.Fill in questionnaire for assimilation.
I am Saddam of Borg.  This is the mother of all assimilations!
I am Sajack of Borg. RES_STA_CE _S F_T_ILE.
I am Sajak of Borg ... R_SIST_NC_ IS FUTIL_.
I am Sajak of Borg.  RES_STA_CE _S F_T_LE.
I am Sajak of Borg: RES_ST_NCE _S F_T_LE.
I am Sajak of Borg: RES_S_ANC_ _S F_U__LE!
I am Sajak of Borg;  RES_STA_CE _S F_T_LE.
I am Salemi of Borg. You will be assimilated, resistance is off topic.
I am Sally Jessie Raphael of Borg: How to assimilate, ten easy ways, nex
I am Sally Jessie Raphael of Borg: How to assimilate, ten easy ways.
I am Sally Jessie Raphael: How to assimilate, ten easy ways, next.
I am Sally Jessy of Borg: Pagan prostitutes and their Assimilated Mother
I am Sally Raphael of Borg: How to assimilate, ten easy ways, next.
I am Salvator Dali of Borg : War kisses umbrela
I am Sam of Borg. The past is irrelevent, going home is futile.
I am Sam. Of Borg, I am. I will assimilate Green Eggs and Ham.....
I am Sam. Of Borg, I am. Will you assimilate green eggs and ham?
I am Samantha of Borg. <wiggle nose>. You're assimilated!
I am Samantha of Borg. <wiggle nose<. You're assimilated!
I am Sammy of Borg: Damage is futile.  You will be healed...
I am Santa of Borg: You will be assimilated. HO! HO! HO!
I am Sartre of Borg: Existence precedes assimilation.
I am Scar of Borg; Mufasa and Simba will be assimilated.
I am Scar of Borg; Pride Rock will be assimilated.
I am Scarlett of Borg: Where will I go? What will I assimilate?
I am SchlitzBeer of Borg: You will be assimilated with gusto!
I am Schwarzenegger of Borg.  Prepare to stay here.  I'll be back.
I am Schwarzenegger of Borg; Get ready for a big surprise!
I am Scooby Doo of Borg- Reware roo re arimorated, Raggy!
I am Scooby of Borg.  Reware roo re arimolated, Raggy.
I am Scooby of Borg.  Reware roo re arimorated, Raggy!!
I am Scooby of Borg.  Reware roo re arrimirated, Raggy!
I am Scooby of Borg. Reware roo re arimolated, Raggy.
I am Scooby of Borg. Reware roo re arrimirated, Raggy!
I am Scorpion of Borg.  Come here and get assimilated!
I am Scorpion of Borg.  Death is irrelevent.
I am Scorpion of Borg. Death is irrelevant.
I am Scorpion of Borg. Resistence is futile. Prepare to be incinerated
I am Scoty o' Borg: Changing the laws of Physics is futile.
I am Scrooge of Borg - Christmas is Irrelevant!
I am Scully of Borg, but I STILL don't believe in Aliens.
I am Seigler of Borg. You will be assimilated, resistance is off topic
I am Seigler of Borg: You'll be assimilated, resistance is off topic.
I am Seinfeld of Borg. What's the deal with resistance?
I am Seinfeld of Borg: D'juh ever notice resistance is futile?
I am Seinfeld of Borg: What's the deal with resistance?
I am Sela of Borg: Res- (Enterprise self-destructs).
I am Senile of Borg. Prepare to be... What was I talking about?
I am Seska of Kazon-Bunny_Yeager.  Would you like some soup?
I am Sgt Schultz of Borg.  I azzimilate nutzing!
I am Shaggy of Borg. You shall be groovy.
I am Shakespear of Borg preppare to be or not to be!
I am Shakespear of the Borg, thou wilt all be assimilateth.
I am Shakespeare of Borg - Prepare to be... or not to be...
I am Shakespeare of Borg.  Prepare to be, or not to be.
I am Shakespeare of Borg.  Prepare to be, or prepare not to be.
I am Shakespeare of Borg.  Thou wilt all be assimilateth.
I am Shakespeare of Borg. Prepare to be or not to be!
I am Shakespeare of Borg. Prepare to be, or not to be, assimilated. I am
I am Shakespeare of Borg. Prepare to be, or prepare not to be.
I am Shakespeare of Borg. Prepare tp be, or prepare not to be.
I am Shakespeare of Borg. Thou shalt be assimilated.
I am Shakespeare of Borg...Prepare to be, or not to be.
I am Shakespeare of Borg: English is irrelevant.
I am Shakespeare of Borg: French is irrelevant.
I am Shakespeare of Borg: Prepare to be, or not to be.
I am Shakespeare of Borg: Thou wilt all be assimilateth.
I am Shakespeare of Borg: To be or not to be is irrelevant.
I am Shakespeare of Borg: Yorick is irrelevant
I am Shakespeare of Borg; prepare to be or not to be.
I am Shakespeare of the Borg.  Thou wilt all be assimilateth.
I am Shakespere of Borg.  Prepare to be, or prepare not to be.
I am Shang Tsung of Borg.  My age is irrelevent.
I am Sharon Stone of Borg. Clothing is irrelevant!
I am Shenzi of Borg; Simba and Nala will be assimilated.
I am Sheridan of Borg, comparisons are really stupid!
I am Shirley McLain of Borg.  It was futile the last time too.
I am Shirley McLain of Borg. I was futile the last time too.
I am Shirley McLain of Borg. It was futile in my previous life, too.
I am Shirley McLain of Borg. It was futile the last time too.
I am Shirley McLain of Borg: Didn't I assimilate you in another life?
I am Shirley McLain of Borg: It was futile in my previous life, too.
I am Shirley McLain of Borg: It was futile the last time too...
I am Shiva. I have become death.
I am Sick of Borg....taglines that have been assimilated.
I am Siegler of Borg: You will be assimilated,resistance is off topic.
I am Simba of Borg; my kingly responsibilities are irrevelant.
I am Simpson of Borg: Assimilate my shorts.
I am Sinatra of Borg: Do be do be do is irrelevant.
I am Sinatrus ** the Chairman of the Borg.
I am Sirtis of the Dominion. NO VIDEO TAPING!
I am Sisko of Borg. Now I have an excuse for no emotions.
I am Skippy of Borg, prepare to be nkt nkt, Nod Nod, Shake Shake....
I am Skywalker of Borg. So, Ben, what do I do now ?
I am Slappy of Borg.  Ahh, button yer yap!  You will be assimilated!
I am Slappy of Borg.  Shut up already, or I'll assimilate you!!
I am Slappy of Borg. Ahh, button yer yap! You will be assimilated!
I am Slappy of Borg. Shut up already, or I'll assimilate you!!
I am Slappy of Borg. Shut up already, or be assimilated!!
I am Slappy of Borg. Shut up, or be assimilated!
I am Slartibartfast of Borg, but my name is irrelevant.
I am Sledge Hammer of Borg. Trust me, I know what I'm assimilating.
I am Smiley Face of Borg.  Nice days are irrelevant.
I am Smokey Bear of Borg: Only YOU can prevent resistance!
I am Smokey The Bear of Borg: Only YOU can prevent resistance!
I am Smorgas of Borg! Prepare to be marinated!
I am Smorgas of Borg, prepare to be stuffed.
I am Smorgas of Borg.  You will be marinated.
I am Smorgas of Borg. Prepare to be marinaded.
I am Smorgas of Borg. Prepare to be marinated.
I am Smorgas of Borg. You will be marinated!
I am Smorgas of Borg: Prepare to be stuffed.
I am Smorgas-Borg:  Starving is futile.
I am Smorgas-Borg: Starving is futile.
I am Solo of Borg: You will be assimilated...trust me <grin>.
I am Solo of Borg: You will be assimilated...trust me.
I am Sonic of Borg, speed is irrelevant!
I am Sonya of Borg. Female is irrelevent. Prepare to be assimilated.
I am Soran of Borg. You will escort me to the Nexus!
I am Speculum of Borg. prepare to be probed.
I am Speedy Gonzales of Borg: Prepare to be accelerated!
I am Spike Lee of Borg.  If I can't assimilate you, you're a racist.
I am Spike Lee of Borg. If I can't assimilate you, you're a racist.
I am Spike Lee of Borg: If I can't assimilate you, you're
I am Spock of Borg - Fascinating...
I am Spock of Borg.  Logic is Irrelevant!
I am Spock of Borg.  Resistance is illogical.
I am Spock of Borg. Logic would seem to dictate that I assimilate you.
I am Spock of Borg. Resistance is illogical.
I am Spock of Borg... Fascinating
I am Spock of Borg: Fascinating.
I am Spock of Borg: Logic would seem to dictate that I assimilate you.
I am Spock of Borg: Resistance would be illogical.
I am Spockutis of Borg. Resistance is illogical.
I am Spot of Borg: Your food and curtains will be assimilated.
I am Sri Ramakrishna of Borg: There are many paths to assimilation.
I am Starchild, Up with the Crow and Down with the Wolves.
I am Starship Security, I stand between certain death and a commercial!
I am Stephen King of Borg. You will be assimilated in a horrific way.
I am Stephen King of Borg. You will be assimilated in a most horrific wa
I am Stephen King of Borg. You will be assimilated into my next novel.
I am Stephen King of Borg. You'll be assimilated in most horrific way.
I am Stern of Borg. Babes will be inseminated...er...
I am Sternbach of Borg: Scans show your ship designs are inferior to our
I am Stimpy of Borg.  Happiness is irrelevant.  Joy is irrelevant.
I am Stimpy of Borg. Assimilate, assimilate, assimilate! Joy, joy, joy!
I am Stimpy of Borg. Happiness is irrelevant. Joy is irrelevant.
I am Stimpy of Borg. Your Powdered Toast will be assimilated.
I am Stimpy of Borg: Happiness is irrelevant. Joy is irrelevant.
I am Stoned of Borg!  Resistance is like, like, I ferget.
I am Stripper of Borg.  Clothing is Irrelevant!
I am Sub-Zero of Borg.  Body heat is irrelevent.  Prepare to be frozen
I am Superman of Borg. I fight for Assimilation and the Borg way.
I am Superman of Borg. I fight for Assimilation, Relevance and the Borg
I am Superman of Borg. Kryptonite is irrelevan... oh shit! ARRGGHH!
I am Superman of Borg: Clark is no more. Only Superman is assimilated.
I am Superman of Borg: I am the real Superman of Borg. I look like one
I am Superman of Borg: I never said I was assimilated.
I am Superman of Borg: I'd love to assimilate a babe like you.
I am Superman of Borg: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's irrelevant!
I am Svedish Chef of Burg. Prepaur to bey Assimilatedy.."borg borg bor
I am Swaggart of Borg.  You SHAY-ULL be as-SIM-ilated.  HALLELUJAH!!!
I am Swan of Borg. You shall be disassembled.
I am Swedish Chef of Borg: Assimilate de chicken.
I am Sybil of Borg, and so am I, so am I, so am...
I am Sybil of Borg. I will assimilate myself.
I am Sybil of Borg: I will assimilate myselfs.
I am Sylvester of Borg.  Prepare to be athhhhimilated.
I am SysOp, hear me roar, with modems too fast to ignore
I am SysOp, hear me roar, with modems too fast to ignore...
I am Sysop of Borg.  Phone bills are irrelevant.
I am Sysop of Borg.  Telephone bills are irrelevant.
I am Sysop of Borg. Configuration is irrelevant.
I am Sysop of Borg. I run TBBS; what you run is irrelevant.
I am Sysop of Borg: Configuration is irrelevant.
I am Sysop of Borg: I run TBBS; what you run is irrelevant.
I am T'kul of Borg: You're Queen egg will be assimilated.
I am T-Rex of Borg. Barney has been --CHOMP!-- assimilated. <burp>
I am T-Rex of Borg. Barney will be ---CHOMP--- assimilated!
I am TEXT of Borg: You will be ASCII-mulated!
I am TEXTUS of the Borg, resistance is futile, you will be ASCIImulated
I am TEXTUS of the Borg, resistance is futile, you will be ASCImulated
I am TEXTUS of the Borg, resistance is futile, you'll be ASCIImulated.
I am TEXTUS of the Borg. Resistance is futile, you will be ASCIImulated
I am TIM the Enchanter, but you can call me Tim.
I am Taco of Borg: Running is irrelevant. Border is irrelevant.
I am Tagline of Borg.  Go ahead!  Assimilate me!
I am Tagline of Borg.  Your message will be assimilated.
I am Tagline of Borg. Go ahead! Assimilate me!
I am Tagline of Borg. Prepare to assimilate me.
I am Tagline of Borg. You will be appended!
I am Tagline of Borg. Your message will be assimilated.
I am Tagline-Thief of Borg:  You will be as&%$# -++ NO CARRIER"
I am Tandy of Borg, You will be assimilated Realistically.
I am Tarzan of Borg. You will be AAAEEEOOOEEEEOOOOO!
I am Tarzan of Borg. You will be AAAEEEOOOOEEEEOOOOOOO!
I am Tarzan of Borg: Me assimilate. You assimilated.
I am Tate of Borg. You will be assim... Ooooh! PORTS!
I am Taz of Borg: RGGL FXZZ PTTHT!
I am Taz of Borg: RGGL FXZZZ PTTHT!
I am Teacher of Borg: Questions are irrelevant.
I am Ted Turner of Borg. You will be colorized!
I am Ted of Borg: Resistance is futile, you will be bored to death.
I am Terminator of Borg.  Hasta Lassimilation, Baby!
I am Terminator of Borg. Hasta Lassimilation, Baby!
I am Terminator of Borg:  Termination is NOT Irrelevant
I am Terminator of Borg: Hasta Lassimilation, Baby!
I am Terry Smith of Borg - prepare to be - ooOOoo - fur art!
I am Texan of Borg, y'all's Fixin' to be 'simmilated!
I am That, you are That, all this is That.
I am The Cat Who Walks by Himself, and all places are alike to me.
I am The Terminator of Borg: You will be exterminated then assimilated
I am The Trillslayer of Borg: Assimilate this, slug..<blam>!
I am Thighmaster of Borg: Your legs bend me to their will.
I am Thighmaster of Borg: Your legs obey my will.
I am Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror King Under the Mountain!
I am Threepio of Borg.  And it's all your fault R2!
I am Threepio of Borg.  And it's all your fault, Artoo!
I am Thylvessster of Borg; Prepare to be athimmilated.
I am Tigger of Borg. Assimilatin' is what Tiggers do best!
I am Tigger of Borg:  A Tigger can assimilate anything.
I am Tigger of Borg: A Tigger can assimilate anything.
I am Tigger of Borg: Assimilatin' is what Tiggers do best!
I am Tim Allen of Borg. <Grunt> <Grunt> <Grunt>
I am Tim Taylor of Borg.  Assimulation gives you more power! Arrgh!
I am Tim Taylor of Borg. Assimilation gives you more power! Arrgh!
I am Tim of Borg: Resistance is futile. You will be poked...
I am Tim the Borg-man Taylor.  We need... MORE ASSIMILATION! ARR! ARR!
I am Tim the Borg-man Taylor.  We need... MORE ASSIMILATION. ARG ARG.
I am Timon of Borg; Hakuna Matata is irrevelant.
I am Tipper of Borg.  You will be [censored]imilated!
I am Tired of Borg.  Go away and stop assimilating.
I am Toaster of Borg: Care for some toast before you're assimilated.
I am Toaster of Borg: It is useless to resist my offerings of toast.
I am Toaster of Borg: Resistance is useless. You will eat toast.
I am Toaster of Borg: Would you like some toast before assimilation?
I am Toaster of Borg: Would you like some toast before you're assimilate
I am Toaster of Borg: Would you like toast before you're assimilated.
I am Toaster of Borg: you like some toast before you're assimilated?
I am Tolstoy of Borg: Nietzsche is irrelevant.
I am Tom of Borg. Harry, let's go assimilate those twins!
I am Too Long a Soldier. My destiny is clear.
I am Torgo of Borg. I'll assimilate you while the Master's away.
I am Torquemada of Borg: NOBODY assimilates the Spanish Inquisition!
I am Trebek of Borg. For $200, The category is irrelevant
I am Trebek of Borg. For $200, it starts with R and is futile.
I am Trelane of Borg.  I don't wanna stop assimilating!
I am Trellane of Borg. I don't wanna stop assimilation..I don't wanna.
I am Tri-State of Borg, I forget what the hell I made up.
I am Troi of Borg.  Your Chocolate will be assimilated.
I am Troi of Borg. All your dark milk chocolate will be assimilated.
I am Troi of Borg. How does assimilation make you feel?
I am Troi of Borg. We need to show MORE skin!
I am Troi of Borg. Your Chocolate will be assimilated.
I am Troi of Borg... Do you want me to assimilate you?
I am Troi of Borg..hey! Quit staring at my chest!
I am Troi of Borg: Chocolate is irrelevant.
I am Troi of BorgDo you want me to assimilate you?
I am Trojan of Borg. Assimilation is safe sex.
I am Trojan of Borg:  McAffee is irrelevant.
I am Tron of Borg. Prepare to be de-rezzed!
I am Troy McClure of Borg: I've been assimilated and love it!
I am Trudeau of Borg. Assimilate? Assimilate This!
I am Trudeau of Borg. Resistance? Fuddle duddle!
I am Trump of Borg: You will be accumulated.
I am Tuvok of Borg.  Neelix most assuredly will not be assimilated.
I am Tuvok of Borg. I will read while assimilating you.
I am Tuvok of Borg. Neelix most assuredly will not be assimilated.
I am Tweeti of Borg.  I tawt I attimiwated a Puddy Tat!
I am Tweety of Borg, I tawt I assimilated a puddy tat!
I am Tweety of Borg.  I tawt I attimilated a Puddy Tat!  I did!
I am Tweety of Borg.  I tawt I attimiwated a Puddy Tat!
I am Tweety of Borg.  Puddy Tats are irrelevant.
I am Tweety of Borg. Awwhhhh, the poor poody cat got assimilated.
I am Tweety of Borg. I _tawt_ I attimiwated a puddy tat!
I am Tweety of Borg. I taut I assimilated a puddy tat.
I am Tweety of Borg. I tawt I attimilated a Puddy Tat!
I am Tweety of Borg. I tawt I attimiwated a Puddy Tat!
I am Tweety of Borg. I tawt I attimuwated a Puddy Tat!
I am Tweety of Borg. Puddy Tat's are iwelevent.
I am Tweety of Borg:  I tawt I attimuwated a Puddy Tat!
I am Tweety of Borg: I taht I taw a Picardycat.
I am Tweety of Borg: I tawt I attimiwated a Puddy Tat! I did!
I am Tweety of Borg: I tawt I attimuwated a Puddy Tat!
I am Tweety of Borg: You wiww be assimewated!
I am Tyrannosaurous Rex of Borg.  Barney is irrelevant.
I am Tyrannosaurus rex of Borg.  Barney is irrelevant.
I am Tyrannosaurus rex of Borg. Barney is irrelevant.
I am Uhura of Borg. Assimilation frequencies open, sir.
I am Uhura of Borg: Assimalation frequencies open, sir.
I am Uhura of Borg: Assimilating frequencies open, sir.
I am Uhura of Borg: Assimilation frequencies open, sir.
I am Unix of Borg. Your compatability will be assimulated.
I am Unix of Borg. Your compatibility will be assimilated.
I am Urkel of Borg! Darling apple of my eye, wanna assimilate moi!?
I am Urkel of Borg, did *I* assimilate that?
I am V'Ger of Borg: Carbon units are irrelevant.
I am VR of Borg. You will be simulated!
I am Vader of Borg.  Your assimlation lies with me, Luke!
I am Vader of Borg. Luke -ssss- you will be assimilated.
I am Vader of Borg. Luke, come to the dark side of assimilation
I am Vader of Borg. The Force will be assimilated.
I am Vader of Borg. Your assimilation lies with me, Luke!
I am Vader of Borg. Your assimlation lies with me, Luke!
I am Vader of Borg: The Force will be assimilated.
I am Vader of Borg: You WILL be assimilated. It is your Destiny.
I am Vader of Borg: You will be assimilated. The Collective has foreseen
I am Vader of Borg: You will be assimilated. The Emperor has foreseen it
I am Vader of the Borg... I have assimilated THEM!!
I am Vampire Bats of Borg: Squeek! Squeek! (flap flap) nibble nibble
I am Victor of Borg(e)... Prepare to hear funny music.
I am Victor of Borg: You will be assimilated; fsssss-pt.
I am Victor of Borge, I assimilate pianos
I am Victor of Borge.  Prepare to be entertained.
I am Victor of Borge. Prepare three be assimilnined.
I am Vinnie Borgarino: Assimilate this, sucker!
I am Vinnie Borgarino: Up your nose with a rubber hose!
I am Virtual Reality from Borg, prepare to be asimulated.
I am Virus of Borg. Your computer will be assimilated.
I am Virus of Borg: Your virus scan is irrelevant.
I am Virus of borg. Your computer will be assimulated.
I am Vizzini of Borg: Resistance?! Inconceivable!
I am Vogon of Borg.  Resist and I will read poetry.
I am Vogon of Borg.  Resistance is futile AND useless!
I am WHY of Borg. I AM That I AM. Pharoah is irrelevant.
I am Wakko of Borg - Are you gonna assimilate that?
I am Wakko of Borg, your food will be assimilated!!
I am Wakko of Borg.  Hey Yakko, what's a Borg?
I am Wakko of Borg.  Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit?
I am Wakko of Borg.  You will be... WOW, look at all that food!
I am Wakko of Borg. After my Potty Emergency, you will be assimilated!!
I am Wakko of Borg. Hey Yakko, what's a Borg?
I am Wakko of Borg. Resistance is fut.....OOOH!! Look at all that food!!
I am Wakko of Borg. Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit?
I am Wakko of Borg. You will be.... OOOH, cheese puffs!
I am Wakko of Borg. You will be....WOW, look at all that food!!
I am Wakko of the Borg. You will be....OOOH Food!!
I am Wal-Mart of Borg.  Customers Wishes are Irrelevant.
I am Warp 13 of Borg : Consistancy is irrelevant
I am Wayne of Borg. You will be assimilated. NOT!
I am Wesley of Borg, can I assimilate the ship please?
I am Wesley of Borg.  Even THEY don't like me!
I am Wesley of Borg: Can I assimilate the ship please?
I am Wesley of Borg: Even THEY don't like me!
I am Whitis of Borg. You will be assim.. Whoa! CORBOMITE!
I am Wil Wheaton of Borg... Waaaaahhhhh is *VERY* relavant.
I am Wil Wheaton of Borg... Waaaaahhhhh is *VERY* relevant.
I am Wil Wheaton of BorgWaaaaahhhhh is *VERY* relavant.
I am Wilford Brimley of Borg: Assimalation, it's the right thing to do
I am Wilford Brimley of Borg: Assimilation, it's the right thing to do
I am William T Riker, Captain Of The USS Lolipop.
I am Wilson of Borg: Hideho, it's time to assimilate, neighbor.
I am Windows 3.1 of Borg: Faster computers are irrelevant.
I am Windows 95 of Borg:  You will be slowed down.
I am Windows of Borg - Speed is irrelevant, reliability is futile.
I am Windows of Borg. Speed is irrelevant!
I am Windows of Borg. Your patience will be assimilated!
I am Windows of Borg. Your patience will be assimulated.
I am Windows-NT of Borg. Your memory will be assimilated.
I am Windows-NT of Borg. Your memory will be assimulated.
I am Windoze of Borg. Your disk space will be assimilated.
I am Winn of Borg. It is the Prophets' will that you be assimilated.
I am Winters of Borg: Prepare your mind to be assimilated.
I am Wocutus of Borg. Pwepawe to be assimuwated. Eheheheheh
I am Woman.  I am Invincible.  I am Tired. Where are my chips?
I am WonderBread, the Anti-Crust. Bow down and worship me
I am Woody Allen of Borg...I just assimilated my kid...
I am Woody of Borg: You will be assimilated. Hahaha Ha Ha haaaaaaaaaaa
I am Worf of Borg.  No need to assimilate, I'll just crush you.
I am Wowbagger of Borg. The universe will be assimilated.Alphabetically
I am Wowbagger of Borg.The universe will be assimilated.Alphabetically
I am Yakko of Borg - You will be assim...HELLO, NURSE!
I am Yakko of Borg.  Today's moral is irrelevant!
I am Yakko of Borg.  Today's moral is:  It's good to be assimilated!
I am Yakko of Borg. Today's moral is irrelevant!
I am Yakko of Borg. Today's moral is:It's good to be assimilated!
I am Yakko of Borg. You will be annoyed, then assimilated.
I am Yakko of Borg:Today's moral is irrelevant.
I am Yakko of the Borg, today's moral is irrelevant!
I am Yoda of Borg.  Asimilate you I will, Yes.
I am Yoda of Borg.  Assimilate you I will, Yes.
I am Yoda of Borg.  Assimilated you will be, hmmm?
I am Yoda of Borg.  Futile is Resistance...Assimilate you, I will...
I am Yoda of Borg.  Futile is resistance.  Assimilate you I will. Mm?
I am Yoda of Borg. Assimilate you I will, Yes.
I am Yoda of Borg. Assimilated will you be, hmmm?
I am Yoda of Borg. Assimilated you will be, Mmmm?
I am Yoda of Borg. Assimilated you will be, hmmm?
I am Yoda of Borg. Futile is Resistance...Assimilate you, I will...
I am Yoda of Borg. Futile, resistance is. Assimilate you, we will.
I am Yoda of Borg:  Assimilated will you be ... hmm?
I am Yoda of Borg:  Futile, resistance is.  Assimilate you, I will.
I am Yoda of Borg: Assimilate you I will, Yes.
I am Yoda of Borg: Assimilated will you be ... hmm?
I am Yoda of Borg: Assimilated you will be. Hmmmmm!
I am Yoda of Borg: Futile is Resistance...Assimilate you, I will...
I am Yogi Bear's Greatest Fan!
I am Yosemite Sam of Borg. Resistance is rackafrackin FUTILE, pardner!
I am Yosemite Sam of Borg: Prepare to be assimilated, ya varmint!
I am Yosemite of Borg.  When Ah say assimiliate, Ah mean ASSIMILATE!
I am Yosemite of Borg. When Ah say assimilate, Ah mean ASSIMILATE!
I am Yosemite of Borg. When Ah say assimiliate, Ah mean ASSIMILATE!
I am Yosemite of Borg. When Ah says assimiliate, Ah mean ASSIMILATE!
I am Yosemite of Borg: When Ah say assimilate, Ah mean ASSIMILATE!
I am Yosemite of Borg: When Ah say assimilate, Ah's mean ASSIMILATE!
I am Zangief of Borg. Fireballs are irrelevant.
I am Zaphod of Borg. Now, where's the coolest place to be assimilated...
I am Zaphod of Borg. You will be...Whoa! Babes!
I am Zed of Borg. The Power Rangers must be assimilated.
I am Ziggy of Borg. There is a 98% chance you will be assimilated.
I am Zimmerman of Borg. Turn me off after assimilation.
I am Zirofsky of Borg: I will reassimilate Alaska and Finland.
I am Zorro of Borg. Prepare to be Azzimilated, Alcalde.
I am Zsa Zsa Gaborg.  Prepare to be assimilated, dahling.
I am Zsa Zsa of Borg.  Prepare to be assimilated dahling.
I am Zsa Zsa of Borg. A ticket for Warp 9.6? Ah don't sink zo..<ZLAP!>
I am Zsa Zsa of Borg. A ticket for Warp 9.6? I don't think so..<ZLAP!>
I am Zsa Zsa of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated dahling.
I am Zsa Zsa of Borg: A ticket for Warp 9.6? Ah don't sink zo..<ZLAP!>
I am Zsa Zsa of Borg: A ticket for Warp 9.6? I don't think so..<ZLAP!>
I am Zsa Zsa of Borg: Prepare to be assimilated, dahling.
I am Zsa-Zsa GaBorg. Prepare to assimilated, dahling.
I am ZsaZsa GaBorg ** prepare to be assimilated, dollink!
I am ZsaZsa of Borg.  Prepare to be assimilated, dahling!
I am ________ of Borg, and you are ___________.
I am a .signature, and I want to be your friend.
I am a Borg-again Christian. Resistance to my sermon is futile.
I am a Catholic computer.  If I crash, please call a priest.
I am a Dalek of Borg: Assimilate! assimilate!
I am a Dalek of Borg: You will be assimilate! Assimilate!
I am a Frenchman - Data
I am a Goddess!  Worship me!  I'm taking applications now...
I am a Great Disturbance in the Force...
I am a Jedi, like my father before me. -- Luke Skywalker
I am a Klingon warrior! Women and children first mean nothing to me.
I am a Klingon, sir. I DO NOT whistle while I work -- Worf
I am a Klingon, sir. I do NOT whistle while I work!
I am a Lady of a member of the Knights Templar.
I am a Master of the Universe!- Magister Mundi sum!
I am a Missionary of Borg: You will be assimilated and converted.
I am a Moderator's Tagline slave.
I am a Pro-Life Ex-Fetus
I am a Ronald Reagan, Carl Sagan, San Diegan pagan...
I am a UFO abducted baby..... so beware my powers!
I am a `Body Snatcher' then I hang them on a tree!
I am a bagel, living among the donuts.
I am a being of a higher power, Tom exponentiated.
I am a big man, yes I am, and I've got a big gun.
I am a child of the world!...but a Yankee by birth! :).
I am a colossal pervert, no form of sexual depravity is too low for me
I am a colossol pervert, no form of sexual depravity is too low for me
I am a computer -- dumber than any human and smarter than an administrator.
I am a computer, dumber than any human and smarter than an administrator.
I am a computer.  As such I never have or will make a mistake or error
I am a computer. As such I never have nor will make a mistake or error
I am a cool banana, not a chicken!
I am a creationist; I refuse to believe that I could have evolved from humans.
I am a cynic. In case of emergency, I TOLD YOU SO!
I am a dedicated race fan, you know!
I am a deeply superficial person.
I am a digital person. I prefer digital displays on almost everything.
I am a dirty old man, but for you I'll wash.
I am a doctor...not a decorator.
I am a dragon.  You are not.  Any questions?
I am a dragon. Thou art not. Hast thou any questions?
I am a dragon. You are not a dragon. Any questions?
I am a fetus with 26 years development!
I am a figment of a computer's imagination
I am a figment of my sysop's imagination.
I am a firm believer in the Great Clown God.
I am a generic tagline. Fill in your own humor. :)
I am a human speed bump on the Information Superhighway!
I am a keeper of secrets. I know far too many things that I don't.
I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
I am a licensed cleavage examiner, prepare for inspection
I am a licensed cleavage inspector.
I am a man more sinned against than sinning. - King Lear.
I am a man, nothing human is alien to me.
I am a man: nothing human is alien to me.        Terrence
I am a material girl. Wanna see my fabric collection?
I am a member of AlcoHaulics Anonymous!
I am a mental tourist,  my mind wanders.
I am a mental tourist, My mind wanders!
I am a mere dabbler compared to some of the wizards in here.
I am a nature lovin', healing, caring, poly-pantheonic person...
I am a naughty person, therefore I must be punished
I am a non-event mass with a quantum probability of zero.
I am a part of all I have read. - John Kieran
I am a part of all that I have experienced.
I am a part of the Lord and the Lady, so I am never apart from them.
I am a part of the evil which exists to oppose other evils.
I am a pathological liar. Wrangle that one in your shower...
I am a person of color: My color is Tan!
I am a person of color: My color is White
I am a person of many moods... and all of them want some chocolate.
I am a person of many moods...and all of them want chocolate!!
I am a professional - please don't try this at home
I am a professional. Do not try this at home.
I am a proud carrier of Blue Wave Fever. Don't Wanna Cure Either.
I am a proud carrier of the Blue Wave Fever.
I am a pusher I'm a whore, and I control you. -NIN
I am a quilter and my house is in pieces
I am a reporter; God exists only for leader-writers.
I am a scientist!  I do not think; I observe!
I am a sex object.  I say "Sex?" and my girlfriend objects.
I am a sex object. I mention sex, he objects!
I am a sex object. I say Sex? and my girlfriend objects.
I am a shameless agitator.
I am a short term emergency suppliment to the medical team.
I am a soldier in the army of man.
I am a specialist trivioligist, not a general trivioligist.
I am a tagline virus. Go ahead and steal me.
I am a thousand times more evil than thou!
I am a vampire.  Please wash your neck.
I am a victim victimizing other victims with verbal victimization. 
I am about to - or I am going to - die; either expression is used.
I am about to develop an attitude.
I am about to disown this line due to the variations <G>.
I am above mere material things and, HEY YOU DINGED MY CAR!
I am acrimonious!! - Father Mulcahy to Hawkeye
I am actor Troy McClure of the Borg: I've been assimilated & love it!
I am actor Troy McClure of the Borg: I've been assimilated & loved.
I am actor Troy McClure of the Borg: I've been assimilated and love it
I am afraid I must disagree with you, Bob.
I am afraid I must disagree with you, Ricky.
I am afraid I must disagree with you.
I am afraid that is beyond my design parameters. Data
I am afraid that is beyond my design parameters. þ Data
I am afraid, I am afraid to believe. --Dana Scully.
I am afraid, I am afraid to believe. --Scully.
I am afraid. I am afraid to believe. - Dana Scully
I am altering the deal.  Pray I don't alter it any further. - Vader
I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.
I am always exact and precise ( more or less ).
I am always exact and precise (more or less)
I am always exact and precise, sort of.
I am always more or less precise.
I am always ready to learn, but I don't always like being taught.
I am always right.  Reality however is frequently incorrect.
I am amazed Charles Schumer's knuckles don't bleed when he walks.
I am amazed and know not what to say. * Shakespeare
I am amazed your knuckles don't bleed when you walk.
I am amused by your joke with the stupid punchline said Tom, chagrined.
I am an American. Push comes to shove, I die an American!
I am an Anti-Christ and I am an Anarchist.
I am an Atheist. Thank God!
I am an MD...a manic depressive.
I am an alcoholic in remission.
I am an alcoholic, in case of an emergency, please buy me a beer
I am an alcoholic, in case of an emergency, please buy me a beer.
I am an artist. I paint what I see. Do you see that dragon over there?
I am an atheist still, thank God.  Luis Bunuel
I am an atheist still.      ......Thank God!
I am an equal opportunity philosopher.
I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru.
I am an extra. I stand between the set and the camera... sort of
I am an individual with the right to a good life.
I am an infinite number of monkeys with Net access!
I am an informer, not a hypocrite!   Gene Lockhart
I am an optimistic pessimist.
I am as God made me, and proud of it!
I am as confused as a baby at a topless bar.
I am as confused as a termite in a yo-yo.
I am as dead as the Nehru jacket.
I am as nervous as a tree on the Lassie show about that.
I am as poor as Job, but not so patient. - Shake.
I am as pure as the driven slush.
I am ashes where once I was fire.
I am at a loss for Taglines!
I am at one with my duality.
I am at two with nature.
I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.
I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds -Oppenheimer
I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds   Oppenheimer
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds--Dr. Destroyer.
I am become death, the shatter of worlds. -- Oppenheimer
I am beginning to dislike KFC, I want my shine back, Bunny!!
I am beginning to see the appeal of this program -- Worf
I am being followed by a pair of boxer shorts.
I am better than my reputation.
I am bilingual; I can talk to women as well as men!
I am born. I am me. I am new. I am free. -Rush
I am both of us & so are you
I am both of us & so are you.
I am but mad north-northwest. - Shakespeare
I am but tagline mad north-northwest. -- Tagspeare
I am calling from the Bermuda Tria{{{d~~{{{J~  NO CARRIER
I am capable of resisting all temptation. I just don't choose to.
I am committed--or should be.
I am complete and total madness...I am fear...
I am completely equipped. - Data.
I am completely underwhelmed by your intelligence.
I am conscious that my head is off.
I am constant as the Northern Star.  J.C. 3.1.60
I am correct, the rest of you are wrong!
I am correct, the rest of you are wrong!
I am created FIDO, destroyer of posts. Who is this user that defies me
I am crushing your head!  Crush!  Crush!  Crush!
I am curious, Do all Microsoft programmers do drugs?
I am curious. What is the etimology of that idiom?
I am dating myself... but I like the company...
I am de Iconoclast...but ya' may call me "Noodle Noggin"
I am denial, guilt, and fear - NIN
I am detecting a quantum flux in your cellulr RNA. - Data
I am detecting traces of alien skin cells. Possible origin: alien skin
I am discrimnating. You are choosey. He's Ricky.
I am distressed concerning your clothing. - Worf.
I am dying.
I am dyslexic of Borg.  Prepare to have your ass laminated.
I am dyslexic of brog. Resicante is fugitive
I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. - Job 19:20
I am ethical.  It is the stupidity that drives them nuts.
I am evil, I make the devil sign.
I am feared and hated everywhere - but my mom still loves me. - Geco
I am feared and hated everywhere... but mom still loves me.
I am female, hear me roar...... Burp!
I am feminazi, hear me bleat. I am fetus, hear me SCREAM.
I am firm.  You are stubborn.  He is a pigheaded idiot.
I am firm. You're stubborn. He's pigheaded.
I am fluent in over 6 million forms of assimilation. - C-3PO of Borg
I am free from all prejudices.  I hate every one equally
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally.
I am free of prejudices.  I hate everyone equally.
I am free of prejudices. I hate everyone equally.
I am from Iowa. I only work in outer space." -Kirk
I am from an island in the Pacific.
I am from the Borg and I will annhil... oooh, donuts!
I am fully functional. - Data Lucky bastard. - Odo
I am functioning within established parameters.
I am gay.  How and why are idle questions.
I am going the way of all the earth. - Joshua 13:14
I am going to be assertive, if that is okay with you.
I am going to be assertive, if that's okay with you.
I am going to have to use my right and take the 5th.
I am going to live forever, or die trying!
I am going to post Tribble taglines until everyone's brain explodes.
I am going to post tribble recipes until everyone's brain explodes.
I am going up, or out, in this business - never down.
I am gonna steal 'em all and try 'em out in "AUTORACE"...
I am grandpa of Borg.  Nap time!  Resistance is futile.
I am gross and perverted, I'm obsesed and deranged...
I am half German, half Italian, and half English [and rather large.]
I am happy to meet you clone.
I am having a perfect genteel conversation with a walking corpse.
I am having an out of money experience.
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.  -- John Lennon
I am he as you are me and we are all together
I am he as you are me and we are all together.
I am he who can dissolve the terror of being a man-- The Crow
I am here to assimilate your Bunn!   *Janeway of Borg*
I am here to save your butts. - Bester
I am here.  Wish you were fine!
I am here. Here am I. Born to live. Live to die.
I am here. Wish you were fine!
I am hoarding yellow.  Curious. <DeJohn>
I am home!  The modem's on, isn't it?
I am home- my modem's on, isn't it?
I am honored by your affliction.
I am honored. --G'Kar.
I am hopeless crazy about Troi...Make a great Country song.
I am human, so my ideas about God are human..
I am human. I make mistakes. I do my best.
I am hungry. Therefore I am.  Garfield
I am hurteeng... - Dr. Renhoek-enstein
I am immortal, I have inside me the blood of Kings.
I am immortal, at least 'til I die.
I am immortal, at least till I die.
I am immortal.  I have inside me blood of kings...
I am immortal. Join me or die!
I am in considerable pain. - Brain
I am in the prime of senility.
I am in total control, but don't tell anyone.
I am in total control, but don't tell my cat.
I am in total control, but don't tell my husband.
I am in total control, but don't tell my life
I am in total control, but don't tell my life.
I am in total control, but don't tell my wife
I am in total control, but don't tell my wife.
I am in total control, but don't tell my wife.
I am in total control, but please don't tell my wife.
I am incapable of forgetting - Data
I am insane.... therefore I do not have to make sense.... ever.....
I am just a loyal Group subservient.
I am just sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I am just slightly to the right of Vlad the Impaler
I am justified, I am purified, I am sanctified inside you -- NIN
I am like a grain of sand on the beach, the one that irritates...
I am logged in, therefore I am.
I am long past innocence and fast approaching apathy. - Londo
I am looking for an honest man.         Diogenes (325 BC)
I am looking forward to your response.
I am made from the dust of the stars, the oceans flow in
I am made from the dust of the stars, the oceans flow in my veins.
I am man, I am okay!
I am merely responding to @FN@'s nonsensical ramblings.
I am merely responding to He's nonsensical ramblings.
I am merely responding to Orville Bullitt's nonsensical ramblings.
I am merely responding to Orville's nonsensical ramblings.
I am merely responding to Tom's nonsensical ramblings.
I am merely responding to your nonsensical ramblings.
I am morally superior to you because I hack.
I am more bored than you could ever possibly be.  Go back to work.
I am mouse.  Hear me click.
I am muscular distrophy - Mike as tough guy
I am needed in battle.                            - Konnu
I am neither childish or sensitive enough to be politically correct.
I am neither human nor Borg. I am Hugh-Man!
I am neither sensitive nor childish enough to be Politically Correct.
I am never lost, everybody tells me where to go!
I am never merry when I hear sweet music.
I am niether for nor against apathy.
I am no "senior citizen;" just a 62-year-old teenager!
I am nobody's fool.  Least of all yours.  -- George Sanders
I am nobody, and nobody is perfect...
I am nostalgia incarnate. I've destroyed entire generations. FEAR ME
I am not *HONEY*! - Janette
I am not 40, I'm 18 with 22 years experience
I am not HONEY! --Janette, A Fate Worse Than Death.
I am not HONEY!!- Janette
I am not Mr. Tator! I am not the entertainment! - Dictator to Yakko
I am not Spock!  Yes he is don't listen to him
I am not a "Senior Citizen" , but a TEENAGER with 51 years experience.
I am not a 32 year old woman
I am not a 32 year old woman - Bart Simpson's lines
I am not a 32 year old woman -Bart Simp./7F08
I am not a 32 year old woman -Bart Simpson/7F08 [Nancy Cartwright is not
I am not a 32 year old woman. --Bart Simpson.
I am not a Kennedy.  My pants just fell down..
I am not a beach bum. I am a coastally-located American.
I am not a bigot!  *ALL* computers are too slow!
I am not a butt! I am a president!
I am not a committee! - Leia
I am not a complete idiot - several parts are missing.
I am not a complete idiot.  Some parts are missing.
I am not a complete idiot... several parts are missing!
I am not a crook!  I'm a thief! (taglines, that is!)
I am not a crook, Mr. Nixon said resignedly.
I am not a crook. -- R. Nixon
I am not a crook. Clinton quoting Nixon.
I am not a dentist
I am not a dentist - Bart Simpson's lines
I am not a dentist -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F24
I am not a dentist -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F24
I am not a dentist. --Bart Simpson.
I am not a dictator.  It's just I have a grumpy face.
I am not a duck!  Wait a second...
I am not a fish.  Either is Lee Iacocca.
I am not a housewife, I am a Domestic Goddess!
I am not a human! I am an animal! er...wait..
I am not a lawyer but I have a friend who is.
I am not a lean, mean, spitting machine - Bart Simpson's lines
I am not a man, I am a free number!
I am not a modem addict.  I can quit anytime.  Well almost
I am not a molecule, I am a free radical!
I am not a number!  I am a free man!
I am not a number, I am a free man!
I am not a number. I am an unbound variable.
I am not a number...I am a pentium!
I am not a number...but I am a cat door.
I am not a packrat.  All my things are on shelves, not in packs.
I am not a pornographer. I don't even own a pornograph.
I am not a rumor monger.  I am simply passing on what I have heard.
I am not a rumormonger, I am just passing on what I heard
I am not a senior citizen. I'm an aging reprobate.
I am not a tagline.
I am not a trained killer. I LEAD trained killers.
I am not aging, I am marinating
I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.<Socrates>
I am not an Economist.  I am an honest man!
I am not an Opinionated Jerk, but I play one on FidoNet.
I am not an alcoholic, I simply enjoy living in a liquid medium.
I am not an alien from space reconnoitering this world.
I am not an animal!  I am ... well, not an animal.
I am not an animal!  I am ... well, not an animal. 
I am not an animal!  I am what I am, but not an animal.
I am not an animal! I'm a reptile - Joel as Godzilla
I am not an idiot, but I play one on Fidonet!
I am not antisocial. I'm just not real friendly.
I am not arguing with you, I am TELLING you.
I am not arguing with you, I'm telling you.
I am not arguing with you, I'm telling you.
I am not arguing with you. I'm telling you the truth.
I am not arguing with you; I am telling you
I am not at all the sort of person you and I took me for.
I am not authorized to fire substitute teachers
I am not authorized to fire substitute teachers - Bart Simpson's lines
I am not authorized to fire substitute teachers. --Bart Simpson.
I am not authorized to fire substitute teachers. -Bart Simp./Epis. 1F09
I am not being unreasonable.
I am not crazy! I just have a brain chemical imbalance!
I am not crazy, I am not crazy, I not am crazy, not I am crazy
I am not dead yet, but watch for further reports.
I am not deliciously saucy
I am not deliciously saucy - Bart Simpson's lines
I am not deliciously saucy -Bart Simp./Epis. 1F14
I am not deliciously saucy -Bart Simpson/Episode 1F14
I am not deliciously saucy. --Bart Simpson.
I am not devoid of humor. - Brain
I am not devoid of humour. - Brain
I am not dyslectic, thank dog.
I am not dyslexic, thank dog.
I am not expendiable, I am not stupid, I am not going.
I am not going to ask you guys to can the tuna thread.
I am not going to touch this one with anything of any length! <fr>
I am not illiterate!  My parents were married!
I am not infallible!   Omniscient, yes, but infallible?
I am not infallible. I might be wrong in this too.
I am not inferior to Lore. -Data
I am not into denial... but if I was, I'd certainly never admit to it.
I am not less perfect than Lore - Data
I am not less perfect than Lore?  I am not less perfect than Lore?
I am not lexdysic...
I am not limited by my eyesight.  Don Juan DeMarco
I am not making this up.
I am not now, nor ever have I ever been a member of the Illuminati.
I am not now, nor ever have been a member of the Illuminati.
I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the Illuminati.
I am not perfect, just forgiven.
I am not pleased with President Clinton...OR her husband!
I am not programmed to respond in that area.
I am not qualified to diagnose your psychoses, chum. - The Tick
I am not responsible for advice not taken!
I am not responsible for what I say while sleep-deprived.
I am not schizo! Yes I am! No I'm not! Are too! Am not!
I am not short.  I am vertically challenged.
I am not sincere, even when I say I am not.
I am not single,  I am "Romantically Challenged"
I am not single.  I am "Romantically Challenged."
I am not the Devil's Advocate... I am the Devil.
I am not the reincarnation of Sammy Davis Jr.
I am not the reincarnation of Sammy Davis Jr. - Bart Simpson's lines
I am not the reincarnation of Sammy Davis Jr. --Bart Simpson.
I am not the victim of the world I see.
I am not tired, I'm just REM challenged.
I am not too proud to steal your taglines for my messages
I am not what I am.
I am not yet so low but that my nails can reach unto thine eyes.
I am not young enough to know everything any more.
I am not young enough to know everything.
I am not young enough to know everything.
I am not your enemy. Save your Rage for the Wyrmspawn.
I am not, nor ever have been a member of the Illuminati.
I am not, nor have I ever been a member of the Illuminati.
I am not, nor have ever been, a lawyer.
I am not--repeat NOT anthropormorphic (now get your foot off my tail).
I am now a full-fledged, card-carrying SysOp.
I am off to the kitchen to hack my head off with a big knife. -Edmund
I am off to the race track, said Tom, hoarsely.
I am often mistaken for being absent. - Father Mulcahy
I am old!
I am one spooky chick! - Mike
I am one, as you are three.
I am only a rat in a maze, like you -- only the dead go free.
I am only a temporary Doctor...Holo Doc
I am over six feet and go everywhere. -- Archy the cockroach
I am overqualified? Allow me to remove some lines from my resume...
I am part of all I have met. - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it.
I am perfectly sane, and so am I.
I am pilot error, I am fetal distress, I am the random chromosome...
I am placing this tagline for adoption, ain't he cute.
I am politically incorrect and proud of it!
I am positive that a definite maybe is probably in order.
I am powerless over pyromania! - Joel
I am prepared for all emergencies but totally unprepared for everyday life.
I am prepared to stand corrected or augmented..
I am programmed in multiple pleasuring techniques. - Data
I am programmed in multiple techniques. - Data
I am proud of my STRAIGHT Mom!
I am proud that I am an adult Scouter!
I am questioning the reliability of my uplinks with the backbone.
I am quite capable of civil conversations. -- Jack Butler
I am ready to meet my Maker - now whether my MAKER is prepared
I am replying to this message with my built-in VAX Mailer on my Game-Boy.
I am rich as a republican with a sex life of a democrat
I am romantic, caring, gentle, loving, respectful. So, ya wanna f**k?
I am romantic, caring, gentle, loving, respectful. So, ya wanna fuck?
I am schizophrenic, and so am I.
I am seinfeld of borg.  Whats the deal with resistance?
I am sending the money. No kidding! I am!
I am sending this message just to see if you get it
I am serious ... and don't call me Shirley.
I am serious, and don't call me Shirley!
I am serious.  And don't call me Shirley.
I am serious.  And stop calling me Shirley!
I am sick and depraved--please feed me drugs and cookies.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I am sick of seeing sic (sic).
I am slowly going crazy, one two three four five six switch...
I am slowly licking your body all over
I am so broke.. I can't even pay attention..
I am so gay I can't even keep a straight face! ;)
I am so happy it frightens me.   William Holden
I am so happy, I could just shit!
I am so impressed I could return my meal to the keyboard.
I am so mind-numbingly depressed  ($E1&O~ NO MERRIER!
I am so old, I still think Borg is a tennis player.
I am so one of the seven dwarfs! Tom said grumpily.
I am so one of the seven dwarves! Tom said grumpily.
I am so poor I can't afford to pay attention.
I am so quick, I am even fast asleep.
I am so smart I even make myself sick.
I am so smart I make myself sick.
I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-T! - Homer
I am socrates of Borg, you shall be.
I am solidly behind whichever side eventually wins.
I am sorry but I couldn't resist any longer.
I am sorry my Karma ran over your Dogma.
I am sorry, but I can't think of a single thing to beat *that* <g>.
I am sorry; I did not mean to be offensive.
I am still waiting for the advent of the computer science groupie.
I am struck by the feather of your soft reply--Jim Morrison
I am stuck on Windows, because Microsoft brainwashed me.
I am surely not cynical, worn out, or jaded!
I am sweet and lovable at all times.
I am that, thou art that, all this is that.
I am the *Eggplant* Man...
I am the Abom. SnowBorg: We will hug u & squeeze u & name u George.
I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.-Gen.17:1
I am the Anti-Bart! DO have a cow!
I am the Antichrist, it's what I was meant to be!
I am the Borgman, Goo Goo Gajoob!
I am the Canardian Guardian!
I am the Canardian Guardian! - DarkWing Duck
I am the Captain of this vessel! - Picard
I am the Dread Pirate Roberts!  There will be no survivors!-Fezzig
I am the Dread Pirate Roberts! There will be no survivors!
I am the Eggman, they are the Eggmen, I am the Walrus...GOOGOOGAJOOB!
I am the Ferret King.
I am the God of Hellfire and I bring you warm toasted crumpets.  <G>
I am the God of Hellfire and I said this    >|-]=
I am the Goddess of Apathy....Who cares? - Troi
I am the Goddess of Empathy -- Holodeck Troi Muzzle it! -- Troi
I am the Goddess of Empathy -Deanna Troi
I am the Goddess of Empathy-- Holodeck Troi Muzzle it! -- Troi
I am the Goddess of Empathy... -- Holodeck Troi Muzzle it! -- Troi
I am the Goo-Fish!  You are no match for me!  -MM Power Rangers
I am the Great Cornholio! I need T.P. T.P for my bunghole! -Beavis
I am the Iconoclast...but you may call me "Noodle Noggin"
I am the Imp of the Perverse (knowing this won't help you, either)
I am the Intendant of Borg - Now that really IS a terrifying thought..
I am the Intendant of Borg - now there IS a terrifying thought...
I am the Intendant of Borg - now there's a REALLY terrifying thought
I am the Intendant of Borg. (Run, Odo, run!!)
I am the Judge, the jury and the Hangman! (Dusty Rhodes)
I am the LORD, that maketh wise men's knowledge foolishness. Isa 44:24
I am the Lizard Queen! - Crazed Lisa
I am the Love that dare not speak its name. - Lord Douglas
I am the Master, and you will obey me. You will rehire Colin Baker
I am the Moderator.  You are not the Moderator.  Any questions?
I am the Orville Bullitt that flaps in the night!
I am the Orville that flaps in the night!
I am the Passion; I am the Warfare.
I am the Pentium of Borg: You will be approximated.
I am the Pope of Borg.  You are irreverent.
I am the Rabbi of Borg.  You must not assimulate!
I am the Richman of Borg. The assilatorman. Resistance is futilarama!
I am the Shopping Cart that nicks at your paint-job.
I am the Viper.  I come to Vipe the Vindows.
I am the angel-of-death, the time of purification is here.
I am the beast who shouted love at the heart of the world.
I am the beat of your pulse, the computer word made flesh.
I am the bell ringer that will ring your chimes.
I am the bell ringer that will ring your chimes. - DarkWing Duck
I am the boiling man...come to break the bones of your sins
I am the bornless one, The fallen angel watching you.
I am the bubble gum that sticks in your hair - DarkWing Duck
I am the bullet in the gun - NIN
I am the cat that somebody let out of the bag!  -DarkWing Duck
I am the check writer in the cash only line.
I am the check writer in the cash only line. - Darkwing Duck
I am the cholesteral that clogs your ateries.
I am the cholesteral that clogs your ateries. - DarkWing Duck
I am the cholesterol that clogs your arteries. - DarkWing Duck
I am the clipper that trims your hedges - DarkWing Duck
I am the clock cleaner who's going to ring your chimes. - D. Duck
I am the clock cleaner who's going to ring your chimes.-DarkWing Duck
I am the cloud that rains on your hit parade.
I am the cold sore that stings your lips - DarkWing Duck
I am the computer your mother warned you about.
I am the cotton swab that gets stuck in your ear.
I am the cotton swab that gets stuck in your ear. - DarkWing Duck
I am the creature that goes bump in the night.
I am the creature that goes bump in the night. - DarkWing Duck
I am the death bird--Jim Morrison
I am the debit in your credit line.
I am the debit in your credit line. - DarkWing Duck
I am the door. - John 10:9
I am the dragon.  You are not the dragon.  Any questions?
I am the editor that leaves you on the editing floor.
I am the editor that leaves you on the editing floor. - DarkWing Duck
I am the editor who leaves you on the cutting room floor - D. Duck
I am the editor who leaves you on the cuttingroom floor.-DarkWing Duck
I am the eggman. I am the eggman. I am the walrus!
I am the elder brother, Kern! - Worf
I am the elder brother, Kurn. -- Worf
I am the embodiment of modern medicine.  How much dirt do you need?
I am the emergency Medical Hologram Tagline.
I am the end of all your dreams - NIN
I am the evil that lurks in the night - DarkWing Duck
I am the fast food that comes back to haunt you. - DarkWing Duck
I am the father, the father of nothing - MLWT Thrill Kill Kult
I am the female Bajoran Marquis of Borg. I haven't changed.
I am the fingernail that scratches the blackboard of your soul.-DW
I am the fingernails that scrape the blackboard of your soul!
I am the flirt of RIME, says Laura Schrader.
I am the formless one. I come to save. You are the chosen ones.
I am the girl-next-door's imaginary boyfriend.
I am the goddess of empathy. - Deanna
I am the gold at the end of the rainbow. - DarkWing Duck
I am the good that flutters in the day! - DarkWing Duck
I am the grade curve that gives you an F - DarkWing Duck
I am the hairball that clogs your drain.
I am the hairball that clogs your drain. - DarkWing Duck
I am the happiest when I eat won ton soup.
I am the hate you try to hide - NIN
I am the hate you try to hide, and I control you - mr. self destruct
I am the hate you try to hide, and I control you. -NIN
I am the hero that quacks in the night. - DarkWing Duck
I am the high you can't sustain - NIN
I am the inferior of any man whose rights I trample under foot.
I am the ingrown toenail in your party pumps. - DarkWing Duck
I am the itch you cannot reach!  -DarkWing Duck
I am the kind of woman your mother warned you about.
I am the law! - Mako
I am the lie that you believe - NIN
I am the logic that annoys in the night; I am...SPOCK'S BRAIN! - DW
I am the lover in your bed - NIN
I am the lover in your bed, and I control you - mr. self destruct
I am the moderator...whether you like it....or not.  (slight smile)
I am the morning DJ at WWV, tired of doing clicks.
I am the most modest man in the whole wide world.
I am the most powerful man on earth.  I control the Power Ranger supply.
I am the mother of all things, and all things should wear a sweater.
I am the muddy shoes that track the linoleum of crime. - DW Duck
I am the muddy shoes that track the linoleum of crime.- DarkWing Duck
I am the need you have for more - NIN
I am the needle in your vein - NIN
I am the one the only one, I am the god of kingdom come...
I am the one you warned me of...
I am the paper cut that ruins your day - DarkWing Duck
I am the parking meter that expires while you shop - DarkWing Duck
I am the parking meter that expires while you shop! -DW
I am the parking meter that expires while you shop. - DarkWing Duck
I am the person my parents warned me about. - Bard
I am the person your mother warned you about. - DarkWing Duck
I am the person your parents warned you about.
I am the plot twist in the second reel! -DW Duck
I am the plot twist in the second reel! -DarkWing Duck
I am the prayers of the naive - NIN
I am the pusher, I'm a whore - NIN
I am the raspberry seed you can't floss out. - DarkWing Duck
I am the root of some evil...  send some money.
I am the root of some evil...send some money
I am the rose bush that refuses to bloom.
I am the rose bush that refuses to bloom. - DarkWing Duck
I am the sex that you provide - NIN
I am the sex that you provide, and I control you - mr. self destruct
I am the silencing machine - NIN
I am the smell that makes sardines nauseous.
I am the smell that makes sardines nauseous. - DarkWing Duck
I am the soap scum that lines your tub.
I am the soap scum that lines your tub. - DarkWing Duck
I am the son of your father's killer.             - Salek
I am the special bulletin that interrupts your favorite show - DW
I am the special bulletin that interupts your favorite show - D. Duck
I am the spider that nips at your neck.
I am the spigot that drips in the night.
I am the spigot that drips in the night. - DarkWing Duck
I am the spinach that sticks to your teeth. - DarkWing Duck
I am the stuff of your worst nightmare.
I am the stuff of your worst nightmare. - DarkWing Duck
I am the sum of my vices - TV's Frank
I am the supernova at the center of the universe. - DarkWing Duck
I am the terror that flaps in the night.
I am the terror that flaps in the night. - DarkWing Duck
I am the terror that flaps into walls...
I am the terror that flops in the night.
I am the terror that posts in the night.
I am the terror that sits up late at night...
I am the terror who conjugates verbs in the night.
I am the thin line between genius and insanity!
I am the truth from which you run - NIN
I am the tube of cadmium yellow that refuses to open.
I am the very model of a cartoon individual! - Yakko Warner
I am the very model of a modern major general - Mike
I am the very model of a stupid Star Trek admiral...
I am the voice inside your head - NIN
I am the voice inside your head, and I control you - mr. self destruct
I am the walrus. You're not.
I am the weed-whacker in the garden of evil! -DarkWing Duck (Bushroot)
I am the weirdo who sits next to you on the bus - Darkwing Duck
I am the winged scourge that pecks at your nightmares! - DarkWing Duck
I am the worst-case scenario of Thomas Jefferson's dreams.
I am the wrong number that wakes you at 3:00am!  -DarkWing Duck
I am tired of reality.  I am going to read taglines.
I am tired of reality. I am going to read recipes.
I am tired of reality. I am going to read taglines.
I am tolerant of your (fruitcake) beliefs
I am tolerant of your (fruitcake) beliefs.
I am tolerant of your fruitcake like beliefs.
I am tolerant of your fruitcake-like beliefs.
I am too brain-dead to be left alone.
I am too damned old to feel this young.
I am too proud to ROTFL, so how about a HAHAHAHAAHAHA?
I am too sexy for the Borg - J.L. Picard
I am torn by conflicting apathies.
I am toxic.
I am troubled immeasurably by your eyes--Jim Morrison
I am trying "not to miss the boat".  Any suggestions?
I am trying to get you a few... But I can't seem to...
I am typing this slowly because I know you can't read fast.
I am undone by my lusts.  I seek oblivion.
I am upset because I see a meaningless world.
I am using the Blue Wave thingy right now.
I am vengeance. I am the knight. I AM BATMAN!
I am very aware of that, but my main concern is the non-sysop deal.
I am very sorry for my mistake.  I'll be more careful in the future.
I am waiting for my winning Lotto ticket
I am waiting for my winning Lotto ticket.
I am wealthy in my friends.  -Shakespeare
I am what I am - if only I could figure out what that is.
I am what I am and that's all that I am
I am what I am.   And, that's not too bad, either.
I am what I am.  Odo is what you are.
I am what I am. -Popeye
I am what you fear! I'm the truth - Anthrax
I am who I am, part-time.
I am who I pretend to be at that point in time and space.
I am wiser because I have a bald head.
I am woman!  Hear me whine!  
I am woman!  I am invincible!  I am pooped!
I am wondering, why are you here? - Yoda
I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roomate.
I am your father's brother's nephue's cousin's former roomate!
I am your father. - Darth Vader
I am your god! --Lister.
I am your mother. -- Julianna Tainer
I am your worst nightmare! - Frank
I am, of course, any thinking man's everyday fantasy.
I am, of course, any thinking woman's everyday fantasy.
I am, therefore I eat. - Sum, ergo edo.
I am. However, I'll check with my sysop just to make sure.
I am. Therefore, I think.  I think.
I am... I say... I'm Foghorn of Borg. Now pay attention there, son!
I am... distressed concerning your clothing. - Worf.
I am...Lennier.  I will...help...you. - Kwai Chang Caine Lennier
I am...Lennier.  I will...help...you. - Kwai Chang Cane Lennier
I am...stuck. - Data
I amI am Yoda of Borg. Assimilated you will be, hmmm?
I amLennier.  I willhelpyou. - Kwai Chang Cane Lennier
I amd Edna Kraboppel of Borg: What do you say we...assimilate?
I amd Homer of Borg: I will be assimilated... DOH!
I an Fudd of Borg:  Pwepare to be assimuwated.
I an Zorro of Borg:  Prepare to be Azzimilated, Alcalde.
I and my Father are one. - John 10:30
I answered only to annoy you and generally irritate you.
I anticipate your first need...will be me.
I apologise to the deaf for the loss of subtitles.
I apologize for being late, Captain. --Delenn.
I apologize for calling your wife a bloated warthog.- Connor MacLeod
I apologize to the deaf for the loss of subtitles.
I appeal to a very confused group of small people
I applaud you on your superb message, though, Cal...
I appoint Bob, ambassador to Fantasy Island!
I appoint Orville ambassador to Fantasy Island!
I appoint Patricia Della ambassador to Fantasy Island!
I appoint Peter, ambassador to Fantasy Island!
I appoint you ambassador to Fantasy Island!!!
I appoint you official explainer of the House of Sinanju.  <Chiun>
I appologize. I was detained in school. - Worf
I appreciate my mom more than she knows.
I appreciate you not breathing while I smoke.
I appreciate your honest answer.
I appreciate your non-confrontational approach. Have a peaceful day.
I appreciate your not breathing while I smoke
I appreciate your not breathing while I smoke.
I as captain of this Bluewave, promote Ensign Sony to Lieutenant!
I ask for a chance to prove money can't make me happy.
I ask lee of the court to take this witness as a hostile witness!
I ask: Isn't "dumb blond" an oxymoron?
I asked God, and She said She is Pro-Choice!
I asked for a role in the place I reside - Course of Empire
I asked for an audience with the President but only got to meet Bill.
I asked for roses, but I wasn't expecting thorns.
I asked him if he was really abducted, he said no, he came willingly.
I asked if she smokes after sex. She said, "No, one drag is enough."
I asked my Dr."Well, how do I stand?" He said"That's what puzzles me."
I asked my computer if there was a God, and it replied: "There is NOW!
I asked the Bank Teller to check my balance, so he pushed me
I asked what you knew, not what you believed. - Duncan MacLeod
I asked you not to tell me that. - Maxwell Smart
I aspire to a higher position: numb-minded knob. - Mutant Raccoon
I assimilated XybyX I am now 1:203/1701!
I assimilated him with fava beans and a nice Chianti. -Lecter of Borg.
I assume I need no introduction*chomp*  ----  Lestat
I assume I'll live forever - if I die, don't tell me.
I assume the electrified cookie jar was your idea.  Garfield
I assume your handprint will work whether you're conscious or not
I assure you I seek only knowledge - Aldous Gajic
I assure you I seek only knowledge. --Aldous Gaitch.
I assure you I seek only knowledge. --Babylon 5.
I ate Akane's cooking and lived
I ate a chicken sandwich, said Tom foully.
I ate a dozen oysters but only 9 of them worked.
I ate like a pig.   Pumbaa
I ate the Frujen Gladge! - Frank
I ate the flock, the wolf said sheepishly
I ate the frosting. -- Zachary Butler.
I ate you, you ate me, we're a cannibalistic family.
I attend Cedarupanz Flying School, Deadwood, MD.
I avoid discussions of politics and religion.
I avoid men in white uniforms carrying straitjackets.
I backed up my Hard Drive and crashed into a bus
I backed up my hard drive ... and smashed into the bus!
I backed up my hard drive and crashed into a truck!
I backed up my hard drive and it fell behind the desk!
I backed up my hard drive and smashed into a bus.
I backed up my hard drive and smashed into the bus!
I backed up my hard drive, and smashed into a bus!
I backed up my hard drive... and hit a bus!
I backed up my hard drive... and smashed into a bus!
I backed up my harddrive.. smashed into a bus
I bad want money now. Me sick. Ooh! He card reads good.
I baked the Pillsbury Doughboy, the little creep
I baked the Pillsbury doughboy.  That little creep...
I bar-b-cued Captain Crunch! Am I now a cereal griller?
I barely believe in objective *reality*! <g> - Springheel Jack
I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch
I based your plans on a fire hydrant - Joel to Tom
I bathe myself thoroughly whenever I get the chance -Dr.F
I be nibble, you be quick, he jump over the joystick.
I be nibble, you be quick, he jumped over the Joystick.
I be nimble, @FN@ be quick, I jumped on @FN@'s Joystick.
I beamed them aboard the Klingon vessel, no tribble at all!
I beat Gaggle-max!
I beat my machine, it's a part of me, it's inside of me - NIN
I beat you once you old dog, now I'll whip your butt again!
I became a Co-Pilot after watching the movie Airplane.
I became a masculinist as an alternative to becoming a masochist. 
I become a public health hazard after 44 hours of sleep deprivation.
I become homicidal when people try to reason with me.
I been drivin' all night, my hands wet on the wheel...
I been hipmotized!!
I been seduced by the chocolate side of the Force.
I before 'E', except in Budweiser and Heineken
I before E except after C.  What a weird society!
I before E except after C.  What a weird society.
I before E except after C. What a weird society.
I before E except after lunch ...
I before E, except after C. Isn't this a weird  SOCIETY?!
I beg of you...  please...  bring me the blue pages!
I beg you to think this over - Tom as couple make out
I beg you, spare my insignificant life.
I beg your pardon madame. but... get off!!!!!! - Zazu
I beg your pardon, I never promised you a prose garden...
I beg your pardon, Madam, but...GET OFF!!   Zazu
I began as a passion and ended as a habit, like all husbands. - GBShaw
I behaved...inappropriately - Riker
I believe Anita Hill.
I believe God know what he is doing...
I believe I am the most fortunate sentient in this sector. - Data
I believe I shall sample some of your "Burned, Replicated, Fowl Meat."
I believe I will take this opportunity to remove my ears.
I believe I will take this opportunity to remove my ears.  -- Picard
I believe I'll have another cup of coffee.
I believe I'm as important to society as a doctor.  ;)
I believe all extremists should be shot.
I believe cappuchino is the dessert form of coffee.
I believe if we opened our hearts, we'd find keys to unlock every door
I believe in Free Speech, but I'd still rather be paid for it.
I believe in God ... the Goddess told me to humor Him.
I believe in God cause nothing fine as you could be random.
I believe in L. Ron "Mother" Hubbard.
I believe in LovePower.
I believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Gun Control....
I believe in Santa, the Tooth fairy, and politicians.
I believe in The Divine Right of SysOps.
I believe in Traditional Values.  The Earth is flat!
I believe in Whirled Peas...
I believe in a God that doesn't need heavy financing.
I believe in a God that doesn't require heavy financing.
I believe in a god which doesn't need heavy financing
I believe in aliens! - Rimmer
I believe in an individual's freedom to be happy. -- Heinlein
I believe in being myself...nothing could be any better.
I believe in being sincere.  So I boast!.
I believe in censorship.After all,I made a fortune out of it -Mae West
I believe in dragons, good men and other fantasy creatures.
I believe in equality. I believe all people are equally inferior to me
I believe in free will - I have no choice!
I believe in free will.  My religion says I have no choice.
I believe in getting in hot water; it keeps you clean.
I believe in good health, but not to excess.
I believe in grumbling; it is the politest form of fighting known.
I believe in keeping in shape. I've chosen the shape of an old lady.
I believe in life after birth! -- Maxie Dunham
I believe in long, deep, wet kisses that last 3 days.
I believe in long, slow, deep, wet kisses that last three days
I believe in music
I believe in peace and bashing two bricks together.
I believe in practicing prudence every 2 or 3 years.
I believe in practicing prudence every two or three years.
I believe in refueling, I do - Crow lisps
I believe in refueling, I do-- Crow T. Robot
I believe in supporting the metric system every inch of the way
I believe in the Big Bang. God said it & bang it happened!
I believe in the Big Book.  It's other alcoholics sharing.
I believe in the Divine Right of sysops, but *not* of moderators.
I believe in the Divine Rights of Sysops.
I believe in the church of baseball", Annie in 'Bull Durham'.
I believe in the impartiality of the media.  Pro wrestling is real, too.
I believe in the philosophy of Marx (that's Groucho, not Karl)
I believe in the sanctity of divorce
I believe in the tooth fairy, easter bunny, Santa Clause, and S-meters
I believe in world peace ... as a last resort.
I believe men should fight their own battles.
I believe my growth as an artifical life form has reached an impasse.
I believe my plan has a fatal flaw. - Brain
I believe my response would be, "Go to hell." -Spock
I believe personal greed justifies everything - Calvin
I believe she looks like Chief O'Brien -- Worf
I believe someone has failed to terminate my program. Please respond.
I believe that belongs to me -- Quark
I believe that if anything can go weird, it will
I believe that is why they call it gambling - Data
I believe that the power to make money is a gift from God.
I believe that's our ring, Abner. Well, I-doggies, Lum...
I believe the Battle of the Network Stars should be fought with guns.
I believe the Big Bang Theory... and I know who lit the fuse.
I believe the appropriate response is `yowsa' - Data
I believe the appropriate response is, yowsa.
I believe the phrase rhymes with "Clucking Bell" Sir - Baldric
I believe the word you're looking for is "AAARRRGGHH!!!!"
I believe the word you're looking for is 'AAAUUGHHH'.
I believe them bones are me. - AIC
I believe there is a higher power: it's called Canada.
I believe there is a higher power: it's called the government.
I believe there's a ghost of a chance to find someone to love-RUSH
I believe they actually met in Sherwood forest. -- O'Brien
I believe this is NOT gratuitous! - Tom as girl undresses
I believe this is an appropriate juncture for you to give me five, sir
I believe truth is in the eye of the beholder -- Guinan
I believe we should use more colorful metaphors in our dialogue.
I believe we will be igniting the midnight petrolium.  -  Data
I believe we're required to engage in a ritual known as the sing-a-long.
I believe we're under attack, but I'm not too sure.
I believe we're under attack. --Col. Travis.
I believe you're overdue for your valium..
I believe you've confused me with someone who gives a damn.
I believe you, Dire... Honest... Really... -Zefrem Cochrane
I believe your aim is improving Counselor - Data
I belong the the 4H Club--hacking, harddisks, hemp, and hardship!
I belong the the 4H Club--hacking,harddisks,hemp,and hard
I belong to no organized party.  I am a Democrat.
I belong to no organized political party-I'm a democrat!
I belong to the DHCA...Wanna join? [this is an oldie! <g> ]
I belong to the The First Dysfunctional Church Of Heavy Machinery.
I bequeath, said Tom willfully. -Edward J O'Brien
I bet I can quit gambling
I bet I don't have a gambling problem.
I bet Patch drinks Carling Black Label!
I bet it was pretty hard to pick up girls if you had the Black Death.
I bet it was something nice. - Ace Ventura
I bet it's an illusion.
I bet pilots in computerized cockpits don't use Windows!
I bet she crawled away to have kittens - Crow
I bet she does, I bet she does!  Nudge nudge, eh?  Say no more!
I bet she does, I bet she does, say no more, say no more,
I bet the Doctor could *confuse* the Borg.
I bet the Kazon would _kill_ for a drink of water.
I bet the human brain is a kludge.  - Marvin Minsky
I bet the human brain is a kludge.  -- Marvin Minsky
I bet the monster is really a good guy.
I bet the monster is really a good guy. - Crow T. Robot
I bet their seat belts are ALREADY snug - Crow
I bet there will be plenty of good Taglines in heaven.
I bet there will be plenty of good recipes in heaven.
I bet ya' he smells like Jack Del Rio's jockstrap! - Tom Servo
I bet you I could stop gambling.
I bet you can't guess what I was in for.
I bet you didn't believe in reincarnation last time either.
I bet you had no idea Canada was this much fun!
I bet you have never seen a plumber bite his nails.
I bet you think I'm a REAL PAIN in the NECK!
I bet you thought there would be a tagline here.
I bet you're a great swimmer.
I bet your mom was the first person to wear black at a birth.
I bet your mother was the first woman to wear black after a birth.
I beta test co unication softwFEL87=\d+A  NO CARRIER
I beta test communication softwFEL87=\d+A  NO CARRIER
I better call Huggy Bear - Crow
I better put on my patented Stuponitron helmet.
I bid you good night goodnight good night
I bid you peace - Jeff Smith
I bila jednom jedna jesen je, lisce je saptalo sa stopama,
I bit the heads off chickens -Crow on teen's carnival job
I bite harder ...
I blame DOOM for these rings under my eyes...
I blame Society! Society made me what I am!"
I blame the Programmer myself !!
I blaze trails of endless adventure.
I blew it again, dear - Calvin's dad
I blinked, therefore I ran.
I blitzed the hard drive. Lost all those good Taglines!
I blitzed the hard drive. Lost all those good recipes!
I blush to confess that I am always getting confused.
I booted my computer.  Broke my damn toe!!
I border on that fine line between insanity and craziness.
I bought a Bunson burner.  Boy is Mr. Bunson scared!
I bought a Doublespeed CD-ROM so I can listen to music in 1/2 the time
I bought a G-string today. ITS ON MY GUITAR,, PERVERT!!!
I bought a battery holder, it's called a diskman.
I bought a book. Now I just have to learn how to read.
I bought a cheap dictionary.  It's not in alphabetical order.
I bought a cheap piece of land It was on someone else's property.
I bought a computer book called "Dos Kapital." Wierd!
I bought a computer to save time ..
I bought a cordless extension cord - s.w.
I bought a cordless extension cord.
I bought a decaffeinated coffee table.
I bought a few more though and I will enter some from them as I read.
I bought a goat to mow my lawn, but she's on a diet!
I bought a love machine, but it's out of ardor.
I bought a million lottery tickets.  I won a dollar.
I bought a new camouflage shirt and now I can't find it!
I bought a package of "Chicken Pieces".  All beaks and talons!
I bought a portable cable TV.
I bought a portable cable tv.
I bought a syringe the other day, and it had Pepsi in it!
I bought an internal modem, but I can't swallow it.
I bought dehydrated water... but I don't know what to add
I bought dehydrated water...but I don't know what to add.
I bought instant water but I don't know what to add - s.w.
I bought instant water but I don't know what to add...
I bought my baritone sax - Mike on crook with suitcase
I bought my fish a carpfone.  He got hooked on it.
I bought my flatuent friend a windbreaker jacket
I bought my flatulent friend a windbreaker jacket!
I bought my son a BB gun.  He gave me a shirt with a bullseye on it!
I bought powdered water, but I don't know what to add!
I bought powdered water, now I don't know what to add.
I bought some batteries today, but they weren't included.
I bought some batteries, but they weren't included
I bought some powdered water but didn't know what to add - s.w.
I bought some powdered water, but I don't know what to add to it.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add?
I bought some powdered water.  What do I add?
I bought these peanuts in Los Angeles, said Tom lagubriously.
I bought this recipe with all of my lottery money.
I bought this tagline with all of my lottery money.
I bought tires made with Congressional checks!
I bow before a hidden throne I never will perceive.
I bow to your superior wisdom (& laugh behind your back).
I brake for Caidans.  If I miss 'em, I'll back up and try again.
I brake for Former Human Commandos
I brake for MODERATORS (when they're under my car's wheels).
I brake for SYSOPS (when their under the wheel)
I brake for SYSOPS (when they're under my car's wheels).
I brake for Unicorns.
I brake for animals - Then back over them a couple of times...
I brake for animals - and accelerate for small children.
I brake for animals, but I speed up for fundamentalists.
I brake for assimilation.
I brake for brick walls.
I brake for chezlogs!
I brake for hallucinations!
I brake for hallucinations.
I brake for hockey!
I brake for macro nerds...
I brake for men...and other helpless animals
I brake for recipes.
I brake for smurfs (when they're under my car's wheels).
I brake for stone dragons.
I brake for taglines.
I brake for tailgaters.
I brake for the rear end of the car in front of me.
I brake for tribbles.
I brake for unicorns
I break for Reality
I break for beer!
I break for beer.
I brew the beer that I drink.
I bring gifts. --Winters.
I bring him back and Humperdink suffers? -- Miracle Max
I bring laughter,I bring music,I bring joy and I bring tears. -Rush
I bring truth and understanding,I bring wit and wisdom fair. -Rush
I bring you 15 commandments oops CRASH 10 commandments.
I bring you fantasy.
I bring you love and deeper understanding.
I bring you--the Dragonlance! - Theros Ironfeld
I broke a leg one time Spilled coffee all over. -S.W.
I broke a leg one time...  Spilled coffee all over.
I broke my Window and saw OS/2.
I broke my arm trying to fold a bed. It wasn't the kind that folds. - sw
I broke my arm trying to hold open a revolving door for a girl.
I broke my dog from begging for food at the table. I let her taste it.
I broke my glasses and it's like looking through an ice cube.-Radar
I brought a mirror to Lovers' Lane.  I told everybody I'm Narcissus.
I brought a used car and found my wife's dress in the back seat
I brought an extra lap - Tom
I brought my BOWLING BALL - and some DRUGS!
I brought this world in, I can take it out. - God.
I brought you into this world, I can take you out.
I brush my teeth every five minutes, said Tom implacably.
I built an elevator from his bones
I built it up, now I take it apart - NIN
I built my own 386!  See where I nailed it together?
I built the wall and I will be the one to knock it down.
I built this cruise missile to stop those kids from playing ZZ Top.
I buried Paul --
I burned the bacon. Do I still get my cooking merit badge?
I busted him up - Data
I call a fig a fig, a spade a spade.  Menander (292 BC)
I call em as I see em; If I dont see em, I make em up!
I call it 'Bongo.' - --Salmoneus on Ancient Greek Bingo
I call my car Congress because it can't pass anything.
I call my car Flattery.  It gets me nowhere.
I call my computer "Hole in the Desk"
I call my computer T.O.M. - Totally Obedient Moron.
I call my dog "camera" because he always snaps at people.
I call my girlfriend BASEBALL...She won't play without a diamond.
I call that one 'Lutheran Love' - Tom on dead lovers
I call them as I see them.  If I can't see them, I make them up. -- Biff Barf
I call things as I see them, If I don't see them, I'll make them up!
I call things as I see them, if I didn't see them, I make them up!
I call things as I see them. If I don't see them I make it up!
I call things as I see them. If I don't see them, I make them up!
I call things as I see them; If I didn't see them I make them up!
I call things as I see them; If I didn't see them, I make them up!
I call things as I see them; If I didn't see them, I make them up!    
I call things as I see them; If I didn't see them, I'd make them up!
I call things as I see them; If I didn't, I make them up!
I call things as I see them; If I don't see them, I dish out the BS.
I call things as I see them; If I don't see them, I make them up!
I call things as I see them; if I don't see them, I make them up!
I called a BBS once, but I didn't download.
I called her a dumb blonde. She said, "No help wanted!"
I called information and asked where my socks are.
I called information and asked, 'Where are my socks?' - s.w.
I called my cat Rush and he bit me!  (Limbaugh)
I called my cat the other day and got an answering machine
I calls em as I sees em; If I don't see em, I make em up!
I came - I saw - I kicked the b*tch out of bed!
I came I saw I *S*W*I*P*E*D*!! Thanks, Myra! :-)
I came all the way to Korea to see this picture. - Hawkeye
I came from Planet Claire - Tom
I came here to be a gigolo - Tom
I came here to die with you, or live with you. --Josey Wales.
I came in as the sun came up.
I came in late, but don't worry. I'll leave early to make up for it.
I came in through the window -- Vash
I came into this world fat and bald and I intend to go out the same way.
I came not to destroy the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill. Mt 5:17
I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Matthew 10:34
I came real close to seeing Elvis, but my shovel broke.
I came real close to seeing Elvis, then my shovel broke
I came real close to seeing Elvis, then my shovel broke.
I came to MIT to get an education for myself and a diplom
I came to chew bubblegum & kick a$$, and I'm all outa a$$...
I came to fish, not row the stupid boat!
I came to in my future and that was just yesterday...(Fish)
I came to see you off - and you certainly are!
I came to see you off, and you certainly are!
I came, I came to, I came to believe.
I came, I saw, ......I ordered another drink!
I came, I saw, I <heh, heh *S*W*I*P*E*D*! Thanks! :-)
I came, I saw, I Left.
I came, I saw, I confused.
I came, I saw, I confused.
I came, I saw, I deleted all your files.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I came, I saw, I faxed a Dopefish.
I came, I saw, I got lost .. I'M STILL HERE!  HELP!
I came, I saw, I hacked.
I came, I saw, I had no idea what was going on so I left.
I came, I saw, I had no idea what was going on, I left.
I came, I saw, I had no idea what was going on, so I left
I came, I saw, I had no idea what was going on, so I left!
I came, I saw, I had no idea what was going on....
I came, I saw, I kicked ass.
I came, I saw, I sawed all dem trees.
I came, I saw, I stole Chad's tagline.
I came, I saw, I stole your tagline.
I came, I saw, I took LOTS of PICTURES!
I came, I saw, I turned and ran!
I came, I saw, I vandalized your recipe!
I came, I saw, I vandalized your tagline!
I came, I saw, I videotaped it.
I came, I saw, I went back inside.
I came, I saw, I went back into the house.
I came, I saw, had no idea what was going on, left.
I came, I saw, she conquered.
I came, I saw, she conquered.  -- L. Long
I came.  I saw.  I stole Bob Morgan's tagline.
I came.  I saw.  I stole Brian Watts's taglines.
I came.  I saw.  I stole Gary Caplan's taglines.
I came.  I saw.  I stole Orville Bullitt's taglines.
I came.  I saw.  I stole your tagline.
I came.  I saw.  I went back into the house.
I came. I drank. I offended.
I came. I saw. I charged it.
I came. I saw. I stole @N@'s tagline.
I came. I saw. I stole @TO's tagline.
I came. I saw. I stole Lee's tagline.
I came. I saw. I stole Orville Bullitt's tagline.
I came. I saw. I stole Orville's tagline.
I came. I saw. I stole your Tagline.
I came... I saw... I stole your tagline.
I came... I saw... I... stole your wallet. -Keepers
I came..I saw..and wish I never came now!!
I came; I saw; I screwed up.
I cameI sawI stole your tagline.
I can "C" clearly now my brains are gone
I can C clearly now
I can SPELL, I just can't TYPE worth a hoot
I can SPELL, I just can't TYPE worth a hoot !
I can SPELL, I just can't TYPE worth a hoot !
I can add, test, and branch; therefore I am.
I can afford to be accommodating; I just got RIFfed.
I can afford to be accomodating; I just got RIFfed.
I can afford to be closed-minded.  I'M RIGHT!
I can almost swear a dog hiked his leg on my family tree.
I can almost taste it. It's the need to see you die.
I can always find my way home, said Tom's pathologist lustily.
I can always try smoke signals...
I can assure you that size will not be a problem.  -Worf
I can assure you that size will not be a problem. X Worf
I can assure you that size will not be a problem. ~ Worf
I can assure you that size will not be a problem. þ Worf
I can be a great disturbance in the Force.
I can be convinced of ANYthing. With logic.
I can be decisive, I think.
I can be patient with stupidity, but not with those who glory in it.
I can be self-referential if I want to, said Tom swiftly.
I can beat you fair and square. I only cheat to keep in practice.
I can beat you up! - Joe Try it! - Maurecia
I can break your nose too, I learned from the best!
I can build a cheesecake out of limestone & coffee in under 5 minutes.
I can build a cheesecake out of limestone and coffee in 5 minutes.
I can build a cheesecake out of limestone and coffee in under 5 minutes.
I can burn my bridges, because I never retreat.
I can come up with more if you want me too.
I can count even higher if I take my shoes off.
I can dig where you're coming from.
I can do 2 things at once & I'm not confused .
I can do 2 things at once and I'm not confused.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
I can do anything.  I HAVE CHILDREN!!
I can do it all for you/But I don't want to
I can do it too, but don't know WHY WHY.
I can do the thing they fear most: I'm re-opening the X-files.
I can do two things at once & I'm not confused.
I can do what you do, you just do it better.
I can do without essentials but I must have my luxuries
I can do without essentials, but I must have my luxuries.
I can do without the essentials, but I must have my luxuries.
I can do without the stimuli.
I can do wonderful things with stir-fried Borg! -Neelix
I can do wonderful things with vegetables. -Neelix
I can eat one hundred and forty-four, Tom boasted grossly.
I can eat that taco with 6 squirts of hot sauce.
I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts.
I can feel a new sensation taking place.
I can feel it.  My mind.  It's going.  I can feel it.
I can feel my arteries hardening just being in the same room with it.
I can feel you when the wind blows right through my heart.
I can fill your emptiness with immortality!
I can fly...I can fly... I can fl....{{SPLAT}}!
I can forgive anything but bad taste. - Nicholas Ward
I can get into enough trouble without a tagline .....
I can get this kinda' abuse at the Kennedy compound- Joel
I can give you a definite perhaps.
I can go fron zero to bitch in 2.1 seconds!
I can guarantee you're gonna have a ball.
I can guess that you're a holy man, Tom divined.
I can handle any crisis: I'm a mom!
I can handle pain until it hurts.
I can handle reality in small doses, but as a lifestyle i
I can handle reality in small doses.
I can hardly forbear throwing taglines at him. -- Tagspeare
I can hardly forbear throwing things at him. - Shakespeare
I can hardly stand to watch - Mike
I can hardly wait for immortality to come back in style.
I can hardly wait for immortality to come back into style
I can hardly wait to see a sax player tune the economy...
I can hardly wait to see a saxophone player tune the economy.
I can hear that I've been saved again by the garbage truck.
I can hear the neurons snapping like overstressed rubber bands.  -SLR
I can hear the sound of Luck being Pushed.
I can hear your mind grinding to a halt.
I can help! - J. Kevorkian, M.D.
I can help; my fees are reasonable.
I can hold my own, but I'd rather hold yours!
I can honestly say I have run out of taglines!!
I can imagine quite a lot. - Connor MacLeod
I can interest you in lies, sell your soul for all it buys!
I can keep a secret.  It's the people I tell that can't
I can keep a secret.  It's the people I tell that can't
I can keep a secret.  It's the people I tell that can't.
I can keep a secret. It's the people I tell that cannot.
I can let you see, if you will trust me - Lady Ladira
I can levitate birds but nobody cares - s.w.
I can levitate birds but nobody cares. -Steven Wright
I can levitate birds, but no one cares.
I can levitate birds, but nobody cares.--Steven Wright
I can levitate birds, but nobody cares...
I can levitate birds.  No one cares.
I can lick my weight in wildflowers.
I can lie. - Kryten
I can live for two hours on a good hamburger.
I can live for two months on a good compliment. - Twain
I can make it rain anytime I want.  All I have to do is wash my car.
I can make the earth stop in its tracks. --Jim Morrison
I can make you feel like a man, David. Take out the trash.
I can multi-task.....I read in the bathroom!
I can name all ten of the Seven Dwarfs!
I can name all ten of the Seven Dwarves!
I can name that file in TWO bytes!
I can neither confirm nor deny knowledge of that subject.
I can never decide which tagline to use...
I can never get away with feeding my broccoli to the dog.
I can never get my tongue around the word "cunnilingus".
I can not become nervous - Data
I can not change yesterday, I can only make the most of today.
I can not give you what you deny yourself. -- Kai Opaka
I can now look forward to death - Data
I can offer you some artificial intelligence - it's really easy!
I can only do so much! This universe is SO DAMNED LIMITED!!! . . .
I can only pray he will be hungry ...
I can only sing in the key of "off".
I can out brag you...I've got more source material!
I can prove I was on a starship at exactly that moment-Just ask Elvis!
I can pull a better cartoon out of my a-ha-hi kids! - Krusty
I can put horseshoes on a mosquito. - Col. Potter
I can quit any time I want (heroin, not cigarettes).
I can quit anytime I want; I just don't want to!
I can quit anytime. I've done it 100 times.
I can read your mind and you should be ashamed of yourself! - Troi.
I can read your mind, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I can read your thoughts: You're thinking I can't!
I can reduce you if I want, I can devour!
I can remember _before_ there was personal computers.
I can remember a time when sex was safe and jumping off towers wasn't.
I can remember when nobody thought 300 baud was slow.
I can remember when nostalgia was worthwhile.
I can resist all temptations. I just don't choose to.
I can resist anything but temptation
I can resist anything but temptation.
I can resist anything except temptation.
I can resist anything...except @FN@!
I can resist everything but temptation.
I can resist everything except temptation
I can resist everything except temptation.
I can resist everything/anything except temptation
I can resist everything/anything except temptation.
I can resist everything; except temptation..
I can scream as loud as her, but I can't claim innocence - Tori Amos
I can see a cat before he sees me. - Winchester
I can see a new expression on my face.
I can see behind your eyes, the things that I don't know.
I can see clearly now ... . the brain is gone.
I can see clearly now the lesbian is gone.
I can see clearly now, Windows is gone.
I can see clearly now, my brain is gone...
I can see clearly now, the brain is gone...
I can see clearly now, the brain is gone...Geco Cliff
I can see clearly now, the lesbian is gone.
I can see it killing away all my bad parts - NIN
I can see length! (Turns head) Or width! - Larry
I can see more on my knees than on my tiptoes
I can see the smoke coming out of your ears!
I can see the synapses beginning to fire behind your eyes. --Londo.
I can see through your clothes -Crow on thick glasses
I can see what's happening and they don't have a clue.  Timon
I can see you need a low-level facial format
I can see your Schwartz is as big as mine.
I can seek clearly now, doublespace is gone...
I can show you my favorite thing in the universe - Garibaldi
I can sit and watch it for hours.
I can slay my own dragons. I need a man to chop some onions for me.
I can slurp a slurpie through my nose.
I can smell a lie like a fart in a car.
I can spell, I just can't type for shi*
I can spell, It's my typeing that gets me off.
I can split demons in two, Tom imparted.
I can still do it. I can still do it, only I forget what.
I can summon the dead. --Jim Morrison
I can swim 100 yards in two seconds - over a waterfall!
I can take ANYTHING, except for these intolerant messages!
I can take Ken Norton in 4 - Crow gruffly as old woman
I can take a noun and bend it.  Gimme a noun!
I can take a wife in that land, Cain nodded.
I can take your lost soul from the grave
I can tell mayonaise from salad dressing - Tom
I can tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shine..
I can tell you anyhow, I'll kill you if you quote it.
I can tell you are lying. Your lips are moving again.
I can tell you are lying. Your lips are moving.
I can tell you in two words: im possible.
I can tell you're lying Clinton.  Your lips are moving.
I can tell you're lying, you're leaving messages.
I can tell you're lying. Your lips are moving.
I can tell your future.. look what's in your hand..
I can think of more some other time, but tell me if these are any good to you.
I can think of tons more ;)  e-mail me back if you like.
I can trace my Taglines back 8 generations
I can trace my s back 8 generations
I can trace my taglines back 8 generations
I can trust a carrot!
I can turn ANY conversation into one about sex!
I can turn off my modem. I can turn off my modem. I can t
I can type 10% faster in the nude.
I can type 120 wpm, if all the words are pronouns.
I can type very fast, but only when I have a keyboard.
I can type, but have truble speling.
I can usually judge a fellow by what he laughs at.
I can walk on water, but I stagger on alcohol.
I can write it perfectly; I just don't understand it.
I can yell "Movie" in a crowded firehouse!
I can't *define* smut, but I like it when I see it.
I can't *define* smut,but I knows what I like!
I can't - He can - what the hell, I'll let him do it.
I can't - er, I mean, I cannot use contractions. Data
I can't _believe_ that I said that! --Rimmer.
I can't abide Fascism in any form - Democrat or otherwise.
I can't afford the Mazda 626DX, can you show me the SX?
I can't afford to be broke anymore!!!
I can't always control what my mind thinks!
I can't be d, slaves have to be sold.
I can't be fired, slaves have to be sold.
I can't be fired...Slaves must be SOLD!
I can't be home, I'm not done with my book! --Mistopheles.
I can't be humble -- it's just not honest.
I can't be mistaken - my modem is error-correcting.
I can't be out of Memory, I still have Chips left!
I can't be out of RAM; I still have hard disk space left!
I can't be out of money!  I have checks left!
I can't be out of money! I have checks left!
I can't be out of money, I still have checks in my checkbook!
I can't be overdrawn! I still have checks left!
I can't be overdrawn, I still have blank checks.
I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks left!
I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks left!
I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks left, Gay said.
I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks left, Orville said.
I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks!
I can't be overdrawn, I still have more checks!
I can't be overdrawn, I still have more cheques!
I can't be overdrawn.  I still have more cheques!
I can't be overdrawn... I still have checks!
I can't be stupid, I completed third grade!
I can't be threatened.........but I *can* be bought!
I can't be wrong.  My modem says it's error correcting.
I can't be wrong; my modem is error-correcting!
I can't be wrong; my modem is error-correcting.
I can't beleive that out of 500,000,000 sperm, you were the fastest!
I can't beleive you fell for the oldest trick in the book!
I can't believe I ate the whole thing! - Homer Simpson
I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
I can't believe I forgot to have children.
I can't believe I just bought a new HD just for recipes.
I can't believe I just bought a new HDrive for recipes.
I can't believe I just bought a new hard drive for my taglines!
I can't believe I just bought a new hd for my taglines!
I can't believe I opened the whole thing !
I can't believe I quoted the whole thing!!   (-8
I can't believe I read the whole message!
I can't believe I role-played the whole thing...
I can't believe I said 'Co-Dependent' - Tom
I can't believe I wrote that whole thing.
I can't believe how small Mr. Big is - Mike
I can't believe it! He's fighting with Adolf Hitler! - Rimmer
I can't believe it! No sonic boom! Not even a "pop" - Calvin
I can't believe my computer's on fire.
I can't believe my eyes. They're just too damn beautiful!
I can't believe that of 100,000 sperm you were quickest.
I can't believe that you people wrote over fifteen pages of messages.
I can't believe this is men on the hurtin' side of pain.
I can't believe you cut off all my hair! she said, distressed.
I can't believe you did that - Riker
I can't believe you picked the Vikings again -Tom to Crow
I can't believe you quoted the whole thing!
I can't climb these walls you're building.
I can't come up with any more taglines.
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do.
I can't concentrate on my OWN lame wisecracks - Crow
I can't cook, but I know how to bring men to the boil.
I can't crash, I'm a cartoon. I'm Roger Ramjet..
I can't decide between EDLIN and WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows...
I can't decide between EDLIN and WordPerfect Six......
I can't decide between Edlin and WP6!
I can't decide if I like astrology...I'm a Gemini.
I can't decide if I like astrology...I'm a Libra.
I can't decide what to call my puppy.  Maybe I'll just call it Quits!
I can't decide whether to commit suicide or go bowling.
I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it.
I can't define smut... but I like it when I see it.
I can't die yet. I haven't seen The Jolson Story.
I can't die, Tessa, not like other people. - Duncan MacLeod
I can't die, it would delight too many people
I can't diet for medical reasons, it makes me HUNGRY!
I can't diet for medical reasons, it makes me HUNGRY! - Jym -
I can't dig thi NO CARRIER
I can't dig thiE+Oo<X NO CARRIER
I can't dig thidUjm.1 NO CARRIER
I can't disappear, anymore than you could win a beauty contest - Q
I can't do it, it's got this damn knob on the end of it. - MR
I can't do this new math, Tom added.
I can't eat another thing he said fully.
I can't eat another thing, Tom said fully.
I can't eat fast food so I eat turtles.
I can't even *find* a muck, let alone run one!
I can't even *find* amok, let alone run one!
I can't even *find* amuck, let alone run one!
I can't even *think* straight!
I can't even FIND amok, let alone run one!
I can't even dance -- Wesley
I can't even think straight
I can't exercise self-control. Sysop, cut my access!
I can't explain, I think it's love. Trying to say it to you.
I can't explain, I'm feeling good now baby.
I can't figure out how to use Windows since my cat ate my mouse.
I can't find my tagline anywhere!
I can't find the '-' on my telephone dial.
I can't find the 'any' key!
I can't find the spare, said Tom tirelessly.
I can't flirt Moderator.  He left!
I can't flirt with students. Castle denizens are fair game, though... ;)
I can't forget about you.
I can't get ACAD12 to work on my TRS-80...
I can't get this thing back in my pants, Earl - Crow
I can't give you brains, but I can give you a diploma.  -- the Wizard
I can't give you brains, but I can give you a diploma.  -- the Wizard of Oz
I can't go in hardware stores because I set off all the stud sensors.
I can't go to no stonin' today!
I can't go to school because I ain't got a gun. - Alice Cooper
I can't go to work today. My aunt's dead on the floor.
I can't go to work today. My uncle's dead on the floor.
I can't have a baby! --Sam Beckett.
I can't have a spelling error, I use an error correcting
I can't have anymore chitlins. I got a hysterectomy.
I can't have anymoreee chitlins. I got a hysterectomy.
I can't have the chicken pox, I haven't been on a farm!
I can't hear ya buddy, back me up.   Timon
I can't hear you over all this line noise!
I can't hear you, don't fire the gun while you're talking - Lt Drebin
I can't hear you, my tin ear is bothering me agian.
I can't hear you, there's a toucan sitting on the phone line...
I can't hear you, type louder
I can't hear you.  I have a banana in my ear.
I can't hear you.  There's a banana republic in my ear.
I can't hear you. There's a banana republic in my ear.
I can't help being me....I was born this way!
I can't help being me...I was born this way.
I can't help being what I am. - David Keogh
I can't help it - I'm a lawyer.
I can't help it -- I'm a lawyer.
I can't help it if I'm cute! - Dot
I can't help it if I'm lucky...
I can't help it, I'm just taller than you.
I can't help it, it's my nature.
I can't help it. I'm a lawyer.
I can't help it; I'm feeling a little queer.
I can't help myself; Worf's just so darned cute! - Q
I can't help thinking Christ never had it like this - NIN
I can't help thinking Christ never had it like this.
I can't imagine how WE could EVER do that to a guy :) -Serendipity
I can't imagine why women like men.
I can't keep from growing old, but I refuse to grow up.
I can't keep pretending I don't love you anymore.
I can't keep up, I'm knackered! - Super Lister
I can't leave the Corp. --Winters.
I can't lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathy. <Ash>
I can't lie? - Kryten
I can't live without my coffee and my Amiga!!!
I can't live without my coffee and my PC
I can't make decisions!  I'm a president!!
I can't make ends meet. However, they do wave to each other.
I can't march any more, the soldier said haltingly.
I can't marry her...she's my friend!   Simba
I can't mate in captivity.  Gloria Steinem.
I can't over the hill, yet...I'm still climbing hard.
I can't pretend a stranger is a long awaited friend.
I can't pretend the stranger is the long awaited friend -Rush
I can't promise anything but I can promise 100%.
I can't reach the brakes on this piano!
I can't read or write... I just fake it.
I can't recycle my landing gear.  No large trash bags on board.
I can't remember if I used to know that.
I can't remember my dreams because I only dream at 300 dpi.
I can't remember names so I'll just call you Butthead
I can't remember the last time I forgot something
I can't remember what the issue was here.
I can't remember where I parked my Hard Disk
I can't remember where I parked my hard disk!
I can't remember where I parked my hard disk.
I can't remember which Taglines are mine and which I stole.
I can't remember which Taglines are stolen and which I wrote!
I can't remember which Taglines are stolen!
I can't remember which are mine and which are Jack Butler's...
I can't remember which are mine and which are yours...
I can't remember which recipes are snagged and which I wrote!
I can't remember which taglines I stole and which I wrote
I can't reply, I didn't ply in the first place.
I can't say I'm surprised. --Rimmer.
I can't scream for HELP! My F1 key is racing: in Monaco.
I can't see a single storm cloud in the sky...
I can't see the diff. can you see the diff?? I can't see the diff
I can't see the forest for the clear-cuts.....
I can't see the forest for the clearcuts.....
I can't see through Windows.
I can't see...your eyesight will return in time...
I can't seem to be able to count past...14. --Vir.
I can't seem to find that voice of reason.
I can't seem to find time to procrastinate...
I can't seeyour eyesight will return in time
I can't sense anything in your mind at all, Will.  - Troi.
I can't shake this feeling from my head -- NIN
I can't shake this feeling from my head.
I can't sing, but I can rhyme, give me a contract, anytime!
I can't sleep, or clean my room - Crow sings
I can't spell worth a shirt.
I can't stand burnt toast and I loathe bus stations. --The Doctor
I can't stand intolerant people.
I can't stand it anymore and I don't even know what it is!
I can't stand sitting.
I can't stop my leg!!!
I can't stop thinking like this.
I can't stress this enough-read my lips: Mo new taxes.
I can't take a chance on losing my dignity - Tom sings
I can't take this!  Help me, man! Help me before I go E-E-NSANE!
I can't take your call right now, at the tone, hang up!
I can't take your call right now, at the tone, hang up.
I can't talk now, I'm too ^%#&ing busy. Or is it vice versa?
I can't tell exactly where, but my brother's in Phoenix.
I can't tell how good a hand I have with all these wild cards. -- Worf
I can't tell if I'm a kingpin or a pauper!
I can't tell if this is true or a dream.
I can't tell the difference between Whizzo butter and a dead crab.
I can't tell the difference between Whizzo butter and this dead crab!
I can't tell whether I'm coming or going, Tom said amphisbaenically.
I can't think of a Tagline!! ARGH! Goodbye cruel world <BLAM!>
I can't think of a good TAG line - Bummer!
I can't think of a good recipe - Bummer!
I can't think of a recipe!! ARGH! Goodbye cruel world <BLAM!>
I can't think of anything that remotely fits the subject.
I can't touch bottom, but I can sure bang the hell out of the sides.
I can't understand it! He just burst in and shot my violin.
I can't understand it. --Cranston.
I can't understand why anyone would willingly go to a war. - Hawkeye
I can't understand why it's still raining; the weekend is over.
I can't use Windows 3.0: My wife killed my mouse.
I can't use Windows 95.  My cat ate my mouse.
I can't use Windows because my cat buried my mouse.
I can't use Windows because my cat burried my mouse.
I can't use Windows! My cat ate my mouse...
I can't use Windows.  I've feeded my mouse to my cat.
I can't use Windows.  My cat ate my mouse
I can't use Windows.  My cat ate my mouse.
I can't use Windows.  My cat ate the computer mouse.
I can't use Windows. My cat ate my mouse
I can't use Windows. My cat ate the mouse.
I can't use Windows. My cat killed my mouse.
I can't use Windows. The cat ate my mouse.
I can't use Windows...my cat ate the mouse.
I can't use Windows; my cat ate my mouse.
I can't use contractions. - Data
I can't use windows.  Mt cat ate my mouse.
I can't wait 'til they throw his hatless butt in jail. - Homer
I can't wait *..forever..* to get those shoes..!
I can't wait for 1994! Throw the liberals OUT of office!
I can't wait for EDLIN to be ported for Windows.
I can't wait for INtel to introduce the Sextium!
I can't wait for the day I learn to be patient.
I can't wait till I get some REAL taglines...
I can't walk away from you.
I can't walk on water, but I can stagger on alcohol.
I can't walk on water, but I stagger on alcohol.
I can't whistle at my boyfriend, he leaves me breathless!
I can't write five words but that I change seven.<D.Parker>
I can't zeem to locate our disposable lighter, said Tom xenophobically.
I can't, Doctor.  I might hurt you. þ Worf
I can't, Doctor. I might hurt you. - Worf[naked]
I can't, Doctor. I might hurt you. ~ Worf
I can't, Doctor. Troi took them off! Worf[naked]
I can't, i'am playing DOOM now
I can't.  He can.  Let Him.
I can't.  My chocolate -appreciation class meets that night.
I canna change the laws of physics, but I can find ya some loopholes.
I canna change the laws of physics, but I find loopholes.
I canna' change the laws of assimilation -- Scotty of Borg
I cannot 'freq it, wife says NO !!!!!
I cannot afford to waste my time making money!
I cannot become nervous. - Data
I cannot believe I just said that - Rimmer
I cannot change another person.  And I have no right to try.
I cannot help what you think I said.  I never say what I think.
I cannot live without my books. (Thomas Jefferson)
I cannot make this feeling go away -- NIN
I cannot make this feeling go away.
I cannot put my finger on it now, The child is grown, the dream is gon
I cannot stun my cat.  But I can perform a sex change.
I cannot stun my cat. 8-O Data
I cannot teach him.  The boy has no patience. - Yoda
I cant believe it's not butter!
I cant figure,is why ALL never replies to my messages!
I cant see a single storm cloud in the sky...
I carpalate...therefore I am on-line.
I carry the dust of a journey... - ELP
I cast fireball! Tom said magically.
I catch Spears....usually..except for now***
I categorically deny ever having written any of this.
I caught the scent of death. - Louis
I caught two hares, said Tom abrasively.
I caught ya! Stealing my taglines eh?
I caught you, you bitch! - Mike as bad guy to hero
I certainly don't look like the creature... He isn't cute enou.
I certainly wouldn't trust anybody who understands us. - Hawkeye
I change gears, so people don't know *what* to believe...:) - TEC
I changed my mind, Hobbes. People are scum. --Calvin.
I changed my mind... you *are* crazy, All!
I changed the lock on my door and now I can't get out.
I changed the name of the country to A.S.U. - Tom
I chased Chastity until she was chaste no more.
I chased Fido with a net!
I cheated on my metaphysics exam. I looked into the soul next to me.
I checked out my family tree. Just as I thought poison ivy!
I checked the *last* door for the trap. You do it this time!
I choked Linda Lovelace.
I choose not to pay my voluntary income tax.
I choose to fight for youth, to fight for truth... - Fishbone
I choose to steal what you choose to show...
I chop down trees for a living, said Tom lumberingly.
I chop down trees, I wear high heels, Suspendies and a bra.
I chop down trees, I wear high heels, suspendies and a bra.
I circumsized my son by kicking his sister in the jaw.
I claim this Mongol for all crows everywhere - Tom
I claim this echo in the name of (pause...) who?
I claim this message in the name of (pause...) who?
I claim this suit for the revival of Zion! feel our spirit! SIEG JION!
I clean house every other day. This is not the other day.
I clean house using the Peg Bundy technique - ignore it.
I cleaned up my act once, but I decided it was more fun when it was dirty.
I cleaned up the root partition and now there's LOTS of free space.
I climbed Mount Everest, said Tom hilariously.
I close my eyes for a second and pretend it's Maggie wants.
I close my eyes for a second and pretend it's me Maggie wants.
I close my eyes for a second and pretend it's me you want.
I cna tpye 300w rods per mniuet~!
I cna tyep 300 wrods a mineut!!
I cna tyep 300w rods pre minuet~
I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet!
I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniuet!!!
I collect dead relatives and sometimes a live cousin!
I collect fairy tales, said Tom grimly.
I collect fairy tales, said the Moderator grimly.
I collect nipple impressions.
I collect spores, mildew, and fungus.
I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way.
I color outside the borders.
I colour outside the borders.
I come bearing a message of unholy death - Mike
I come fairly...to kill you honestly.
I come from Kentucky with a QWK packet on my knee.
I come from a broken home. I'm the one who broke it.
I come from a good home - that's why they don't want me back.
I come from a land where men are men & sheep are scared.
I come from a long line of progenitors.
I come from a minority, my parents loved me. - B. Seigel
I come in peace. I only seek alcohol, men, and hockey!
I come in peace. I only seek alcohol, women, and football!
I come in peace. I only seek alcohol, women, and hockey!
I come in peace.... Then leave in pieces!
I come in the house and my cat takes messages FOR ME!!
I come to bury Ferret, not to praise him
I come to seize your berries!
I come unbundled.
I command a private army, said Tom maliciously.
I commanded a group of ships for a week, Tom said fleetingly.
I como, I esta, I usted.
I compacted my editor but my messages are no smaller.
I compacted my editor but my messages are no smaller?
I completely agree with your last statement.  What was it again?
I completely agree with your last statement.  What was it?
I completely condone what you're doing - Mike
I completely understand DOS & Women.     Equally.
I compute, therefore IBM
I conceded. Jesus was a man that lived and died. Now get on with it!
I condemn a lot of people, so they should be in good company. <g> - SJ
I confess that I love Pooh and have never seen Beavis and Butthead.
I confess to an unatural and abnormal act:  I've programmed computers.
I confess! I've been peeing in the sink!
I confuse myself just fine, thank you.  Don't need help.
I confuse the onset of senility with the downfall of civilisation!
I confused him. I did it better. I did it quicker. I was first!
I consider cake and ice-cream my just desserts.
I consider reality an intrusion on my dreams.
I consider reality to be an intrusion on my dreams.
I considered atheism, but there weren't enough holidays
I considered atheism, but there weren't enough holidays.
I consulted an attorney(Zoe Baird)
I contacted Satan this morning and he said it's gonna be a great day!
I contend he's been reading too much material.
I continue to miss my ex-wife. But my aim WILL improve!
I control the world's supply of dairy products! - Frank, MST3K
I control the world's supply of dairy products! -- TV's Frank
I converted Tom Servo into a pony-keg - Joel
I cooks it, they eats it, Charles cleans up.
I cooks it, they eats it, Wesley cleans up.
I cool my coffee by holding it closer to my heart.
I could almost tell my wife I love her - Mike as hero
I could always draw it on paper, Tom figured.
I could always kill you and ask your corpse. -- Strahd
I could be Heisenberg of Borg.  I cannot be certain.
I could be Heisenburg of Borg.  I cannot be certain.
I could be anybody, said ___ namelessly.
I could be arguing in my spare time.
I could be arguing in my spare time. - Monty Python
I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause - Data
I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause ...
I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause.
I could be reworked, but I'll never be top-of-the-line again.
I could be writing this crap! -Crow on guessing next line
I could beat you with half my brain tied behind my back!
I could buy a 3DO, or I could eat this year! Decisions, decisions...
I could catch to boat to save myself. So I drowned in dry dock!
I could eat a dictionary & puke a better tagline.
I could eat a dictionary and barf up a better tagline!
I could eat the lot of you.
I could get lost inside your arms.
I could get out for bravery. I'm not making it for nutsery.-Kilnger
I could get this kind of abuse at home
I could hardly believe my nose! - Lister
I could have SWORN that he said you smoked....
I could have beaten you in 20 moves - Riker
I could have been like Jeff Kennett ; except my parents were married
I could have been your father, but the dog beat me over the back fence
I could have just been picking nits. -- Wesley to Riker.
I could have lurked all night......
I could have more fun in a cat litter pan.
I could have more fun in a cat litter.
I could have my chin smallered - Tom
I could influence our fate in time and space. --Corwin
I could kill you, but I prefer to use you. - Kalas
I could learn to live without it.
I could listen to him for hours.
I could name that crotch in- Mike
I could never be a nudist.  I always spill hot coffee in my lap.
I could never smoke, drink, gamble or do drugs...I'm much too cheap!
I could not possibly fail to disagree with you less.
I could prove God statistically.
I could prove God statistically. - George Gallup
I could respond with more agile and funny repartee...
I could show you my favorite obsession  };>
I could spare you, but why?
I could stand to lose 50% of my body weight, said Tom affably.
I could swear this message is a dupe Kyle D Jackson.
I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you.
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
I could try for the rest of my life, but that wouldn't be half enough.
I could use a belt. - Potter. We know just the place. - Hawkeye
I could use a little of that kind of help myself. - Hawkeye
I could use both those lists (She's Stupid (Obviously)) (ROFL)!!!
I could wax eloquent, but will spare you.
I could've put a tag here, but it seems kinda redundant now.
I could've sworn I switched him with Barney at birth.
I coulda gone a long time without hearing this.
I couldn't care less about apathy
I couldn't care less about apathy.
I couldn't care less about your trivial childhood! -- Martis to Rom
I couldn't decide which tagline to use.... so I used this one.
I couldn't disagree with you more.....
I couldn't do my homework last night because my cat ate my mouse.
I couldn't figure out what birds and bees had to do with anything.
I couldn't find my pencil Tom appended.
I couldn't find the remote control to the remote control. - s.w.
I couldn't help but notice how much you look like everyone else.
I couldn't let all those people die. --Amanda Rogers.
I couldn't love the woman - she wouldn't lie down.
I couldn't possibly be wrong!I use error-correcting modem
I couldn't possibly be wrong.  I use an error correcting modem!
I couldn't possibly fail to disagree with you less.
I couldn't repair the brakes, so I made your horn louder.
I couldn't repair your brakes so I made your horn LOUDER.
I couldn't repair your brakes so I made your horn louder!
I couldn't replace you, I don't know what you are.
I couldn't resist!
I couldn't run this station without you - Sinclair
I couldn't scare a paranoid schizophrenic.
I couldn't think of a politically correct tagline.
I couldn't think of a tagline!
I couldn't think of where to start, so I didn't!
I couldn't use my computer today because my cat ate my mouse.
I count religion but a childish toy ... there is no sin but ignorance
I count religion but a childish toy. -- Marlowe
I count three landscapes, Tom said horizontally.
I counted you among the dead the minute you touched that girl. --Crow.
I counterfeit only pennies.
I crashed my Windows - used the Necronom Icon!
I crawled down alleys to try and scrape away the tracks that marked me.
I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no class.
I cried because I had no shoes; then I met a man who had no feet.
I cried out - "Don't look Ethyl..."  But It was too late.
I cried out to the skies, "It's lonely being immortal!"  To no avail.
I cried when Peebles and Bam Bam got married.
I cross my heart and hope you die!
I crucify myself everyday.
I crush Cornflakes - Yes, I'm a cereal killer.
I csn typ e 300 wrdsp er min ute!
I curse the day Sandy Frank was born! - Tom
I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lava-try.
I cut down trees, I skip and jump,
I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers...
I cut down trees, I skip and jump...
I cut my dog's toenails too far, Tom said quickly.
I dabble in stocks, bonds and other "secure" instruments.
I dance at a topless club, the girl said barely.
I danced like popcorn over a hot fire!! Had I good time, I'm told.
I dare you to 'Trick or Treat' at the White House.
I dated Betty Crocker once...she was moist and easy!
I dated Betty Crocker, She was Moist and Easy!
I dated Betty Crocker, she was moist and easy!
I dated Betty Crocker.  She was easy, soft and moist.
I dated a contortionist, but she broke it off
I daydream, you are an escapist, he should see a psychiatrist.
I deal with things by abstaining, said Tom copacetically.
I dealt a flush with Tarot cards. Five people died.
I dearly love my machine. - Lady Taltos
I decided i was never coming down -- NIN
I decided i was never coming down.
I decided not to be an atheist.  No Holidays!
I decided to grab all the tags that followed and weed them out later.
I decided to hook my brake lights up to my gas pedal - s.w.
I decided to take a personal interest in your career. You're fired."
I definitely smell a pork product of some kind.
I degrade myself for the pleasure of others.
I deleted 3/4 of it because I wanted to see if I could rebuild it.
I deleted my taglines files but they keep coming back to haunt me.
I demand satisfaction! - Maj. Margaret Hoolihan
I demand that I may or may not be lying!
I deny the allegation, and I defy the allegators !
I derailed my train of thought - hundreds were killed.
I derive pleasure from your reactions TO the torment. - Dire Wolf
I desPISE guessing games.   Scar
I deserve respect for the things I did not do. - Dan Quayle
I designate you my chief heir, said Tom willingly.
I despise WINDOWS!
I despise the pleasure of pleasing people whom I despise.
I detect no vessels in the vicinity -- Worf
I di wana an kwa'hol a:kokshi
I dialed 1-800-BOBBITT.. and I got cut off!                 -..X. ...
I dialed 1-800-BOBBITT...I was cut off.
I did *NOT* escape from the institution!  They gave me a day pass!
I did *not* escape...  they gave me a day pass.
I did NOT claw my way to the top of the foodchain to eat vegetables!
I did NOT escape....they gave me a day pass.
I did NOT flip out. I freaked - Crow
I did _not_ escape... they gave me a day pass.
I did a bit of boxing before I joined the Jesuits. - Mulcahy
I did a text file SAVE of your orig. message - Lotsa good recipes.
I did a text file SAVE of your orig. message - Lotsa good tags
I did all that with EDLIN.  No, really!
I did better the first time I messed up!
I did do something. I paniced, hehehe - Crow
I did feed the cat!.............to the DOG!
I did get a life. Didn't like it. Traded it in for a bigger hard disk.
I did it for Jodie Foster - Crow as kid who stole plane
I did it just for you, Mary Draganis!
I did it! I found the program's last bugbugbugbug.
I did it!! - Crow confesses murder
I did it. I killed them all.
I did my own thing and now I've got to undo it.
I did my pushups in the nude, but I didn't see the mouse trap.
I did not ask for success. I asked for wonder and You gave it to me.
I did not come on board this ship to be a veterinarian, Captain!
I did not come to destroy, but to fulfil. - Matthew 5:17
I did not commit a fatal error!
I did not escape!...they gave me a day pass.
I did not intend to sit on you. I did not realize that was you.
I did not mean what you thought I said I meant.
I did not say this. I was not here. -- The Guild Navigator
I did not see Elvis
I did not see Elvis - Bart Simpson's lines
I did not see Elvis -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G07
I did not see Elvis -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G07
I did not see Elvis. --Bart Simpson.
I did not start this BBS to put up with shitheads.
I did not understand that wanting does not always lead to action.
I did read the docs, that's why I'm SO confused!
I did read the docs. That's why I'm confused.
I did sculpt her in butter once - Crow
I did send a copy of the disk; I xeroxed it!
I did sign the organ donor card, I thought you'd wait till I was dead
I did sign the organ donor card, but I thought you'd wait till I was d
I did so! - or not! (Depending on whether or not I was supposed to)
I did start using Taglines, but I never inhaled.
I did the KFC Bombing!!!  Oh wait, wrong building...
I did use taglines, but I never inhaled.
I did'nt say it! It was him!
I didn't *steal* your girlfriend! I just *borrowed* her for a while!
I didn't *steal* your girlfriend. I just *borrowed* her for a night!
I didn't DO IT! It's really San Andreas' Fault!
I didn't DO IT; nobody SAW me; you can't PROVE it; the Sheep LIE!
I didn't DO IT; nobody SAW me; you can't PROVE it; the Sheep are LIARS
I didn't SAY they were GOOD. :)
I didn't STEAL your tagline, @FN@, I IMPROVED it!
I didn't STEAL your tagline, Ken, I IMPROVED on it!
I didn't appreciate Barbara Bush till Hillary slithered in.
I didn't ask for excuses!  I want service!
I didn't believe in reincarnation in my last life, either
I didn't believe in reincarnation last time, either.
I didn't believe in reincarnation the last time either.
I didn't believe in reincarnation the last time, either.
I didn't cheat,  I just changed the Rules!.
I didn't cheat, I just changed the Rules!
I didn't cheat, I just changed the Rules!!
I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain just to eat veggies.
I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat innards!
I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat tofu!
I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables!
I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables.
I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat veggies!
I didn't climb to the top of the food chain just to eat vegetables.
I didn't climb to the top of the food chain so I could eat GRITS!
I didn't create reality... I'm just trapped in it!
I didn't create reality...I'm just trapped in it!
I didn't design the room.  I just work here.
I didn't do anything--unless I was supposed to.
I didn't do it nobody saw me you can't prove anything!
I didn't do it!  Nobody saw me do it!  You can't prove anything!
I didn't do it!  Nobody saw me!  You can't prove a thing!
I didn't do it! It's really San Andreas' fault!
I didn't do it! Nobody saw me do it! --Bart Simpson.
I didn't do it! Nobody saw me do it! You can't prove anything!
I didn't do it, and besides it was an accident.
I didn't do it, my modem did! <---Tagline stolen from some kinky fool!
I didn't do it, no one saw me, and you can't prove a thing!
I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it and besides, it was an accident.
I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything
I didn't do it, nobody saw me you can't prove anything!
I didn't do it, nobody saw me, you can't prove anything.
I didn't do it, really, I'm innocent.
I didn't do it, the *computer* did it!
I didn't do it, the computer did it!
I didn't do it, you can't prove it, and besides, it was an accident.
I didn't do it.  I don't know who did it.  I won't do it again...
I didn't do it.  You didn't see me.  You can't prove anything!
I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can't prove a thing.
I didn't do it. Nobody saw me. Can't prove anything. It wasn't me.
I didn't do it. You didn't see me. You can't prove anything!
I didn't do it...the computer did!
I didn't do it; nobody saw me do it; you can't prove it.
I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition!
I didn't expect to die my first day on the job. --Harriman.
I didn't find any of the other surname's in the book.
I didn't forget HOW to have sex.I just forget WHY!
I didn't get a chance to go through these to weed out the dupes.
I didn't get the documentation for the manuals!
I didn't get to be major by just sitting on my duff. - Hoolihan
I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas!  :(
I didn't have a childhood - Crow to Dr. Servo
I didn't have a mother - Crow to Dr. Servo
I didn't hit it that hard.  It must have had a self-destruct. - Han Solo
I didn't inhale. - Bill Clinton
I didn't invent sin. . . I'm just trying to perfect it!
I didn't know California had hick towns.
I didn't know I liked Calgary until I left. - Junior Thurman.
I didn't know I was so lonely till I found you. - Eagles
I didn't know Lisa Marie Presley was a 10-year-old boy.
I didn't know cats quacked until I stepped on my cats paw!
I didn't know chickens HAD fingers.....
I didn't know fish HAD fingers !!!
I didn't know he was dead, I thought he was British!
I didn't know it was impossible when I did it.
I didn't know that was Myra I Fox sleeping in the blender. Yikes!  <g>
I didn't know that was Odo sleeping in the Blender. - O'Brien.
I didn't know that was Orville sleeping in the blender.
I didn't know who or where I was, never felt better in my life!
I didn't know you could get wool from 'em, too.
I didn't know you could play.." - Joe  "I don't." - Duncan
I didn't laugh out loud because I was afraid my head would fall off.
I didn't like that option, so I un-re-dis-enabled it.
I didn't like the others. They were all too flat.
I didn't listen to Prozac, but the bottle it came in told me to kill.
I didn't lose my mind; it's here somewhere.
I didn't make a mistake.  The computer misunderstood my request.
I didn't make the rules so they have nothing on me
I didn't make this world. I only brought it to its knees.
I didn't mean to blow up the Academy - Wesley
I didn't mean to blow up the Academy.           *Wesley*
I didn't mean to cause a big scene. Just lemme finish this glass.
I didn't mean to hurt anyone, Richie.- Mikey
I didn't need [a dog] because I have Barbara Bush. --George Bush.
I didn't pay my phone bill. I wonder how long my phone w}    NO CARRIER
I didn't pick this Tagline!  It did!  Blame it!  Not me!
I didn't raise you to say things you don't mean. - Richard Franklin
I didn't realize how good it could be.
I didn't say I was BORN again...I said I was into PORN again!
I didn't say I was trying to DIET!  I'm dying to TRY IT!
I didn't say I was trying to diet!  I said, "I'm DYING to TRY it!"-ss
I didn't say I'm trying to diet. I said I'm dying to try it!
I didn't say it was *THE* Huggy Bear - Crow
I didn't say she was crazy! I said she was %*&#ing Goofey.
I didn't see Cliffhanger - Crow to Dr. Servo
I didn't see nothin', I was home watchin' TV.
I didn't shoot J.R.
I didn't think semi's used conductors - just a driver.
I didn't think you'd be so, personable.
I didn't vote for Change!  But that's all I've got left.
I didn't vote for Clinton, I voted for Bush!
I didn't vote for Clinton--OR her husband!
I didn't vote for Clinton--or for her husband.
I didn't vote for Clinton...or for her husband.
I didn't wake up grouchy this morning... I decided to let her sleep.
I didn't wake up grouchy, I let her sleep.
I didn't wake up grouchy, I let him sleep.
I didn't wake up grouchy... I let her sleep.
I didn't wake up grouchy... I let him sleep.
I didn't wake up grouchy; I let her sleep.
I didn't want to believe in free will but I had no choice
I didn't want you thinking me harsh, cold blooded - Picard
I didn't write that!  It sounds more like Shakespeare!
I didn't write that! It sounds more like Shakespeare!
I didn't write this tagline. It's just a glitch in the system.
I didn't write this; a very complex macro did.
I didn't yield to temptation.  I came to a complete stop.
I didnt know cats quacked until I stepped on my cats paw!
I didnt need a glove to kill your bitch of a mother-Freddy Kruger
I die Mondays.
I died for your sins, and all I got was this lousy button.
I died? Why don't I remember dying? --The Doctor.
I diet religiously:  I eat what I want and pray I don't gain weight.
I dig roots!
I digress, you ramble, she's off-topic.
I digress; you ramble; he's off-topic.
I digress; you ramble; she's off-topic.
I dinna know ya' c'uld get wool from 'em too!
I direct.
I disagree with what you say, but will defend to the deat
I disagree with you, but I'll defend to your death the right to say it
I disappeared in you, you disappeared from me --U2
I disarmed the trap.
I disbelieve... Uh... I run...
I disbelieved in reincarnation in my last life, too.
I disclaim my disclaimer!
I discovered QModem is not part of the Continuum.
I discovered a meal between breakfast and brunch! - Homer
I discovered my family tree was a bonsai.
I discovered the key to success and then they changed the lock.
I dislike US President Clinton and her husband.
I distinctly remember forgetting that
I distinctly remember forgetting that.
I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week with drinking.
I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink.
I divorced my wife because of her obsession with football
I do *not* trough files.  I am *not* an Amiga user.
I do Blue Wave:  Look "MOM" I got a new toy!
I do NOT snag recipes; I make "backups" which I use!
I do NOT steal taglines. I make "backups" which I use!
I do NOT steal taglines; I make "backups" which I use!
I do Windows, but I don't do toilets. There's too much OS/2-poo....
I do Windows. Can I also do ANSI?
I do a lot of research, especially in ladies apartments.
I do a lot of research, especially in men's apartments.
I do a lot of research, especially in the apartments of tall blondes.
I do a lot of thinking in the john. Says a lot for my thoughts.
I do a very strenuous exercise routine - aerobic naps.
I do admire Dolly Parton's acting, said Tom, figuratively.
I do begin to have bloody taglines. -- Tagspeare
I do begin to have bloody thoughts. - Shakespeare
I do believe I'm BAkeD.
I do believe I'm drunk. - Kryten
I do believe in spooks! Mommy! Mommy! - Tom
I do desire we may be better strangers.
I do everything better when I'm naked.
I do everything on purpose.  Garfield
I do get pissed when people point guns at me! - Carl Robinson
I do have some composure thank you. :) - Digital Shakespeare
I do hereby assign all intangibles, in perpetuity,...
I do it for the same reason that it frightens you.
I do it in a gentle way :) - Jalapeno
I do know a few things about anatomy, Jean-Luc. -- Beverly
I do know a few things about anatomy, Jean-Luc. þ Beverly
I do know everything.  I just can't remember it all at once!
I do like your sexy smiles, and need more of them.....
I do metaphysics knitting with metastrings.
I do more work all day than some people do before 5 AM.
I do my best to be just who I am, but everybody wants me to be just like them.
I do my drinking from a dixie cup.
I do not accept gifts from disapproving gentlemen.   Audrey Hepburn
I do not allow crying in the classroom! - Mrs. Gorf
I do not comment on intelligent matters -Jim Bolger
I do not drink living drinks.
I do not eat lead.
I do not eat living food.
I do not eat snails!  I prefer fast food.
I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.
I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.  - Isaac Asimov
I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. - Is
I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. -- Asimov
I do not feel well.
I do not find your personal proposition appealing. Data
I do not have a designation.  My name is Kerzhan.
I do not have a vacancy in my attic!  Bats in the belfry, maybe...
I do not have an ego.  I am right.
I do not have diplomatic immunity
I do not have diplomatic immunity - Bart Simpson's lines
I do not have diplomatic immunity -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F20
I do not have diplomatic immunity -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F20
I do not have diplomatic immunity. --Bart Simpson.
I do not have the same resources I once had, Captain. - Delenn
I do not in any way represent the views or policies of my employer.
I do not know my name - Data
I do not know what anything is for!
I do not know what he is, but I am sure he belongs to you
I do not lie, and react badly to people who say I lie. -- Butler
I do not like any of my loved ones.
I do not like green eggs and ham!
I do not love my computer. What? I'm not whispering!
I do not make war against the dead. -- Homer
I do not often attack the labour party.  They do it so well themselves.
I do not perceive my own best interests.
I do not pretend to know what the ignorant are sure of.
I do not remember X-Rated programs in the Holodeck.
I do not see here anyone worthy of understanding who I am. <Chiun>
I do not specialize in normal, sorry.
I do not suffer from insanity... I enjoy every minute!
I do not think it means what you think it means.
I do not think you realise the gravity of your situation!
I do not think you realize the gravity of your situation.
I do not think you will accept my help, as I'm waiting to kill you.
I do not think you would accept my help, as I am waiting to kill you.
I do not understand the threat I bring to you.
I do not understand, he is Warrior caste. - Delenn
I do push-ups 3 times a day...from my chair after each meal.
I do so have a grip on reality! Just not on this particular one.
I do the right thing only as a last resort.
I do the work of 3 men. Curly, Larry, and Moe!!!
I do the work of 3 men. Larry, Moe, and Curly!!!
I do the work of 3 men. Moe, Larry & Curly
I do the work of three men --- Larry, Moe, and Curly
I do the work of three men: Moe, Larry & Curly.
I do this kind of stuff to him all through the picture.
I do visit reality - although it's on a tourist visa.
I do visit reality...  although it's on a tourist visa.
I do what I have to do to remain insane!
I do what I wanna do, when I wanna do it. <Sarah>
I do what the little voices tell me to.
I do whatever my Rice Crispies tell me to do.
I do whatever my Rice Krispies tell me to do.
I do whatever my rice crispies tell me to.
I do whatever the little voices tell me to do.
I do windows, but I *don't* do Windows!
I do workbenches, I don't do windows.
I do? Why, whatever my Rice Crispies say, of course.
I don' gotta show you no steenking tag line.
I don't *DO* taglines, really!
I don't *do* dishes, I don't *do* mornings, I don't *do* reality.
I don't *want* another one, I like *that* one! - LaCroix
I don't .GIF a Dang about my bad .REP-utation!
I don't .GIF a damn about my bad .REPutation!!
I don't CARE if you are one fire!  Stop SCREAMING like that!
I don't CARE if you're on fire!  Stop SCREAMING like that!
I don't CARE if you're one fire!  Stop SCREAMING like that!
I don't GET headaches, I GIVE them!
I don't HAVE a real life.  I'm a BBS addict.
I don't HAVE to accept reality if it doesn't suit me
I don't HAVE to think, I KNOW!
I don't I don't believe it. That is why you fail.
I don't JUST want it now, I want it RIGHT now!
I don't LOOK disabled?  Well you don't look STUPID OR IGNORANT!
I don't MEAN to be rude or anything, But TRY QUOTEING.
I don't THINK of sex ALL the time-sometimes I have it!
I don't WANT to be reincarnated - so there!  <Remo>
I don't _suffer_ from insanity I _ENJOY_ it!
I don't admit--, er, *make* mistakes!
I don't advocate sex & insanity but they work for me.
I don't agree with Rush -- Rush agrees with ME!
I don't allow Playmates on the Promenade!
I don't allow lightsabres on the Promenade!
I don't allow waterguns OR Nerf Pistols on the Promenade!!
I don't approve your objectives, but I love your methods.
I don't beleive in backu<NO CARRIER<
I don't beleive in love.  I never have I never will
I don't beleive in love.  I never have I never will - Qyr
I don't believe ANY lawyer, but I know what the government will do!
I don't believe I was addressing you, Mayo-naise - Crow
I don't believe I was having a problem.
I don't believe I'm such a mystery.
I don't believe anybody. - Garibaldi
I don't believe in Astrology, We Virgos are very skeptical.
I don't believe in Peter Pan, Superman or Frankenstein
I don't believe in a no-win scenario -- Kirk
I don't believe in atheists.
I don't believe in destiny or the guiding hand of fate. Rush
I don't believe in god because I don't believe in mother goose!
I don't believe in miracles, I rely on them.
I don't believe in miracles, I rely upon them...
I don't believe in miracles...I rely on them.
I don't believe in mixed marriages, said Tom gaily.
I don't believe in no-win scenarios. -- James T. Kirk
I don't believe in nothin' no more! I'm goin' to law school! - Jimbo
I don't believe in painted roses or bleeding hearts --U2
I don't believe in psychics.
I don't believe in reincarnation. I did in a past life.
I don't believe in suicide - it stunts your growth.
I don't believe in superstition - it brings bad luck.
I don't believe in the bible. I guess I'll have to write one.
I don't believe intelligent aliens exist, especially humans.-Dr Who
I don't believe it! You studied for a urine test ?
I don't believe it. I am talking to a tree:Major Kira
I don't believe it... I believe both a Deveel AND an Imp! - Aahz
I don't believe you exist.  No one is this stupid.
I don't belive it! It's a room full of monkeys! - Mrs. Jewls
I don't belong to an oganized political party.  I'm a Republican.
I don't belong to an organized political party, I'm a republican.
I don't belong to an organized political party.  I'm a Conservative.
I don't belong to an organized political party.  I'm a Democrat.
I don't bite hard! Just lick hard! <exceptions noted>--L.G.
I don't bite!  Just lick hard!  (exceptions noted)
I don't bite.  Well, that's wrong I do bite! ... K'Ehleyr - The Emissary
I don't bite. Well, that's wrong. I do bite. -K'Ehleyr
I don't bite...nibble maybe but never bite!
I don't blame you, but OUCH! ... this is a LARGE request!
I don't buy any books on impulse; I buy on WARP!
I don't buy books on impulse. I buy them at warp speed.
I don't call 911.
I don't care *whose* dog you are, you will not snarl at me!
I don't care HOW they do it in California!
I don't care WHO you are! Get those reindeer off my roof!
I don't care WHO you are, DO not walking on water while I'm fishing!
I don't care WHO you are, you're not walking here while I'm fishing!
I don't care WHO you are, you're not walking on water while I'm fishing!
I don't care about apathy.
I don't care about crime, I just want to get the guns.
I don't care about eating, I'd rather BE eaten!
I don't care about justice.  Only about the law.  -Mako
I don't care for poison, but I love the antidote.
I don't care for the poison, but I love the antidote.
I don't care how drunk you make me,I'm not going home with you.-Hawk
I don't care how much a man talks, if he only says it in
I don't care how much a man talks, if he only says it in a few words.
I don't care if I *am* a lemming, I'm still not going!
I don't care if I AM a lemming, I still won't jump!
I don't care if I AM a lemming, I'm still not going!
I don't care if I AM a lemming...I'm NOT going!
I don't care if I am a lemming. I'm NOT going!
I don't care if I'm a Lemming -- I'm *not* going...
I don't care if I'm apathetic.
I don't care if Monday's black
I don't care if Monday's blue
I don't care if it is just a tagline. Make it so!
I don't care if it is politics; bait-and-switch is still illegal.
I don't care if it rains or freezes / Long as I got my plastic Jesus
I don't care if they do jiggle, Counselor Picard
I don't care if you DO know how to do IT, Wesley! Troi
I don't care if you are Santa Claus, Get the Reindeer off my ROOF!
I don't care if you have Tylenol, I STILL don't wanna go to your place
I don't care if you've got orders from God, complete w/ stone tablets!
I don't care what "they" say, disco *STILL* sucks!
I don't care what he says, I'm _NOT_ having it on _my_ network.
I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true.
I don't care what the orders are. I'm for getting out of here NOW!
I don't care what you call me, as long as you mention my name.
I don't care what you smell, get in!
I don't care what you think of me, so long as it's favorable.
I don't care what you think unless it is about me.
I don't care which gender has the job, as long as the job is well done!
I don't care who I step on on my way up 'cause I ain't coming down.
I don't care who died, I need that phone line!
I don't care who you are Fatso -get the Reindeer off my roof.
I don't care who you are fat man, get off my roof!
I don't care who you are fat man, get off my roof!!!!
I don't care who you are, Fatso.  Get those reindeer off my roof.
I don't care who you are, Fatso. Get the reindeer off my roof!
I don't care who you are, fat man, get off my roof!
I don't care who you are, get those reindeer off my roof!
I don't care who you are, what you are driving, or where you would rather be.
I don't care who you are, what you drive, or where you'd rather be.
I don't care who you are...pick up the cross or get outta the parade!
I don't care! That's one of our moderators.
I don't care, it's assimilation for you!
I don't care. I don't have to. I'm the SysOp.
I don't care. Picard
I don't cheat - I play by the extended rules.
I don't cheat, I play by the extended rules.
I don't cheat--I play by the extended rules.
I don't collect weird, I create weird.
I don't come here for debates, I come here for taglines.
I don't consider you a vulture. I consider you something a vulture would
I don't cook brains; my brains are cooked enough already!
I don't cruise the web because I'm afraid I might meet the spider...
I don't deserve this, but then, I have arthritis and I do
I don't deserve this, but then, I have arthritis and don't deserve that.
I don't dial 911!!! I shoot back!
I don't dial 911,  I dial 357!
I don't discrimate against sex.  I'll sleep with either!
I don't dislike work. I don't know it well enough to dislike it.
I don't do Bimbos. But I might let them do me.
I don't do GUI, yet I love OS/2.
I don't do Mondays!!
I don't do WINDOWS - it's hard enough for me to clean up!
I don't do WINDOWS, but my clients wish I did.
I don't do Windows - DOS DAT make me strange?
I don't do Windows but OS/2 does!
I don't do Windows!  My DESQ has a better View!
I don't do Windows, but OS/2 does.
I don't do Windows. -- Bill Gates' housekeeper.
I don't do Windows.... but OS/2 does;-)
I don't do Windows......
I don't do books - drugs are my escape from reality
I don't do cute. I'm f*ckin adorable!
I don't do drugs - books are my escape from reality
I don't do drugs.  Books are my escape from reality.
I don't do hard liquor... it does me!!!
I don't do jogging, it makes my beer all foamy.
I don't do jokes, I do intelligence tests: you flunked!
I don't do mornings." Garfield the cat
I don't do mornings...
I don't do reports, it's against my religion.
I don't do skating, it makes my beer all foamy.
I don't do tag lines!
I don't do taglines.
I don't do windows.  At least not now.
I don't drink ....... wine.
I don't drink any more.  I don't drink any less, either.
I don't drink water, says Soleil LaPierre.  Fish f**k in it.
I don't drink water.  Fish have sex in it.
I don't drink water. Fish f**k in it.
I don't drink water; fish screw in it.
I don't eat anything I can't identify, describe, or pronounce.
I don't eat oysters. I want my food dead. Not sick, not wounded, DEAD!
I don't eat red meat anymore. I cook it until it's brown.
I don't eat snails - I only eat fast food!
I don't eat snails, I prefer fast food.
I don't eat snails.  I prefer fast food. - Robert Aboud
I don't eat snails. I prefer fast food.
I don't engage in a battle of wits with defenseless people. 
I don't engage in casual sex, please dress up.
I don't even *know* what *I* want! --Vir.
I don't even *remember* walking under a mirror.
I don't even have software to use them!). I hope you enjoy, but if you
I don't even know what street Canada is on. - Al Capone
I don't even like apples! (Adam to God)
I don't even put beans and chile together in the same tagline!
I don't even put beans and chili together in the same tagline!
I don't exist.  The sysop types all this in.
I don't expect it to read my mind; that's why I've got a girlfriend.
I don't expect you to applaud me. Bowing will do!
I don't fancy the idea of my crew being infected. - Picard
I don't fear Government, I fear the fools that elect them!
I don't feel fresh today - Crow as girl wrestler
I don't feel good unless I take a bullet - Crow as hero
I don't feel good unless I take a bullet. - Crow T. Robot
I don't feel up to this... I'm going back to bed.
I don't fly! I hover.... - Dione
I don't get even, I get Odder!!
I don't get even, I get odder!
I don't get even; I get odd.
I don't get it, Tim.  Is it cool to make no sense?  Is it hip?
I don't get it. It's supposed to pack an awesome buzz. -- Butthead
I don't get paid enough to make mistakes!
I don't get ulcers, but I am a carrier.
I don't give Bill Clinton any credibility.
I don't give Bill Clinton any respect.
I don't give Bill Clinton much credibility.
I don't give Bill Clinton much respect.
I don't give a damn 'cause I damn dead already.
I don't give a damn whether he's dead or not, Jim!
I don't give a rat's ass WHERE Carmen Sandiego is this week!
I don't give you enough information to think! - Jelico
I don't go round messing about with your earphones, do I?
I don't grow weeds.. that is fodder for my tortoise!
I don't hallucinate anymore, the Thing driving the UFO cured me....
I don't handle .. delicacy very well. -- Odo
I don't hate Windows - it runs great under OS/2!
I don't hate cats.  I just find them entertaining whilst dying.
I don't hate myself in the morning.  I sleep until noon.
I don't hate myself in the morning. I sleep until noon.
I don't hate religious people; I find them comical. - Mencken
I don't hate work. I don't know it well enough to hate it.
I don't have ADD!!!!      Now, what were we talking about.
I don't have PMS, I'am a Klingon.
I don't have PMS, I'm a Klingon.
I don't have PMS, I'm really a BITCH!!
I don't have a REAL life - I'm a BBS addict!
I don't have a REAL life - I'm a SysOp!
I don't have a REAL life - I'm a Trekkie!
I don't have a Tagline. (Is that a Tagline or a lie?)
I don't have a beer belly! It's a gas tank for a sex machine
I don't have a beer belly! It's a gas tank for a sex machine.
I don't have a boyfriend, said Mary guilelessly.
I don't have a cute little head... - Vhujunka
I don't have a license to kill, just a learner's permit.
I don't have a license to kill.  I have a learner's permit.
I don't have a life, I have Blue Wave reader.
I don't have a life, I have a BBS.
I don't have a life, I have a BBS...
I don't have a life, I have an offline mail reader.
I don't have a life, I have an offline reader.
I don't have a life.  I have a computer.
I don't have a lifestyle...I just wing it.
I don't have a pornograph either, but I do have a pornographic memory!
I don't have a problem with GOD...it's his FAN CLUB that I hate.
I don't have a problem with God, it's his Fan Club that I can't stand.
I don't have a problem with God, just his fan club.
I don't have a problem with doctors, just YOU, Julian! O'Brien
I don't have a problem with god, it's his FAN CLUB that I hate.
I don't have a problem with god, it's his FAN CLUB that scares me!
I don't have a problem with god, it's some in his FAN CLUB that I hate
I don't have a recipe. (Is that a recipe or a lie?)
I don't have a solution but I admire the problem.
I don't have a solution but I certainly admire the problem
I don't have a solution but I do admire the problem.
I don't have a solution but I really admire the problem!
I don't have a solution but I really admire the problem.
I don't have a solution but I really admire the problem.
I don't have a solution, but I admire our problem.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem!
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
I don't have a solution, but I do admire the problem.
I don't have a solution, but I really admire your problem.
I don't have a watch, but I've got time on my hands.
I don't have a weird sense of humor - you're reality is weird!!!
I don't have a weird sense of humor.  Your reality is just weird.
I don't have a weird sense of humor.  Your reality is weird.
I don't have a weird sense of humor. Your reality is just weird.
I don't have a whole bunch, but here's what I have! :)
I don't have all the answers, just those that count.
I don't have all the answers, just those that count.
I don't have an "ANY" key!
I don't have an attitude .... I _AM_ an attidude!
I don't have an attitude problem--it's supposed to be like this
I don't have an attitude, babe--I AM an attitude
I don't have an attitude...I AM an attitude!
I don't have an overactive imagination--I live in an underactive univers
I don't have any HIDDEN prejudices!
I don't have any Taglines. At least not good ones.
I don't have any cd software sorry. I wish I did.
I don't have any hard feelings. -- John Wayne Bobbit '93
I don't have any money. Do you take Federal Reserve Notes?
I don't have any recipes to give you.  Go away.
I don't have any solution but I certainly admire the problem.
I don't have any solution, but I certainly admire the problem.
I don't have any solutions but I certainly admire the problem.
I don't have any strong opinions - only other people do!
I don't have any taglines to give you.  Go away.
I don't have any trouble parking.  I drive a forklift.
I don't have delusions of grandeur.  God doesn't have to.
I don't have enough experience with any to be able to recommend them.
I don't have one in my seabag!!!?!
I don't have pejudice; I hate everyone equally!
I don't have sex. I make love.
I don't have the fire, you do. - Methos
I don't have the solution, but I admire the problem.
I don't have the stats, but it's absolutely true. - Rush Limbaugh
I don't have the time for a hobby.  I have a computer.
I don't have the time for a hobby. I have a computer.
I don't have the time for a hobby. I have an onboard computer.
I don't have time for a hobby.  I have a computer.
I don't have time for this. --Garibaldi.
I don't have time to play Choose the Changeling!"-O'Brien
I don't have to count letters in sentences. When there's too many,.
I don't have to look up my family tree. I'm the sap.
I don't have to proofread my stuff. I have an error-correcting modem.
I don't have to prove I'm better than others...they KNOW it!
I don't have to prove anything...I KNOW I'm right!
I don't have to stand upright, said Tom grandly.
I don't hope for miracles; I schedule them.
I don't how to live but I got a lot of toys
I don't intend to be here long enough to get chummy. - Winchester
I don't jog!  It makes my beer all foamy..
I don't jog.  If I die I want to be sick.
I don't jog.  It makes my beer all foamy.
I don't jog.  It makes my beer foam.
I don't jog. If I die I want to be sick.
I don't jog. It makes my beer all foamy!
I don't jog. It makes my beer foam.
I don't jog;  it makes my Beer all foamy!
I don't joke. I just watch our government and report.
I don't juggle chainsaws, swords, or Sysops!
I don't just flirt with danger - I take it out on dates.
I don't just tempt fate - I give it the finger!
I don't just tempt fate - I give it the finger.
I don't kill my enemies: I slime them!  Odo
I don't know THAT yet, either! - McCoy
I don't know about all this sex on television, I keep falling off. -Monty Python
I don't know about apathy or ignorance, and I don't care!
I don't know about ignorance and apathy.  Who cares?
I don't know about the enemy,but they scare the hell out of me!
I don't know about this lemur.  Tastes kinda gamey. -- Joel
I don't know about you chaps - Crow
I don't know about your brain, but mine is really... bossy. -- L. Anderson
I don't know and I don't care.
I don't know and neither do I.
I don't know anything about an Orb -- Siso
I don't know anything about music.  In my line you don't have to. -- Elvis
I don't know everything....but I'm working on it!
I don't know exactly what I'm looking for -- Shelby
I don't know for certain that they had "no children".
I don't know how I got here....
I don't know how big this thing gets:
I don't know how much more she'll take of this, Captain
I don't know how to be happy - they didn't teach it it in my school.
I don't know how we got this car, but lets get him - Crow
I don't know how we're going to get out of this one. - Han Solo
I don't know how your stupid message got past my twit filter.
I don't know if I can assimilate one more Borg Tagline!
I don't know if it's art, but I like it.
I don't know if you know anything about UFO's. - Bambi
I don't know it must have been the roses..
I don't know much about panda bears, Number One. - Picard
I don't know much about panda bears, Number One. þ Picard
I don't know much about religion, but I know what I don't believe.
I don't know music, but I know what I like. --Beerbohm.
I don't know of a TAGX site in Connecticut, but you can ask your SYSOP.
I don't know that one. How 'bout Amazing Grace? - Tom
I don't know tower.. Define term "Flight Plan"..
I don't know what I like, but I know what art is.
I don't know what I'd do without you, but I enjoy thinking about it!
I don't know what is happening with those products, sorry.
I don't know what it is or what it does, but I like playing with it.
I don't know what it is, but it's in great condition.
I don't know what to do!  I can't make decisions!  I'm a president!
I don't know what you mean by YOUR way, all the ways abou
I don't know what you need, and frankly, I don't care. - Janeway
I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't know what your pleasure threshold is. <G'Kar<
I don't know what your pleasure threshold is. - G'Kar
I don't know where George Wendt...
I don't know where I'm a gonna go when the volcano blows --J. Buffet
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way!
I don't know where you get you delusions, laser brain. - Leia
I don't know where you get your delusions lazerbrain - Leia
I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain.
I don't know where you've been, but it looks like you won first prize!
I don't know whether to shoot myself or go bowling.
I don't know which of you is more obscene. - Margaret to Hawk & Trap
I don't know who I am anymore.   Ingrid Bergman
I don't know who I am.  One false move and I'm yours.  Groucho Marx
I don't know who I'm voting for, but I know who I'm voting against!!!
I don't know who is a bigger pain in the butt.  Men or Women?
I don't know why I am the way I am I just know what I am -Dracul
I don't know why that doesn't surprise me. - Hawkeye
I don't know why they bother making this info available to people!
I don't know you anymore Londo. None of us do. - Garibaldi
I don't know, Batman, but it is a whale of a thread!
I don't know, I can imagine quite a bit. - Han Solo
I don't know, I don't care and it doesn't make any difference.
I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference.
I don't know, apathetic bloody planet, I've no sympathy at all.
I don't know, ask Cathy.
I don't know, but it happened.
I don't know, maybe I was just tired. --Sinclair.
I don't know, so I can't explain it -- Gloria (Track 13)
I don't know, what do you think?
I don't know, what drink *DOES* go with Marlboro and an AK-47??
I don't know.  I have a bad feeling about this. - Leia
I don't know.  I'm making it up as I go along. - Indiana Jones
I don't know. I don't care. And it doesn't make any difference.
I don't know. I'm not a monkey. - Allison
I don't know... I haven't known you very long! :) - Springheel Jack
I don't know...it must be...no...well..I guess not
I don't know..I could imagine quite a bit
I don't knowI sit here and the whole world gets fuzzy sometimes!
I don't knowI sit here and the whole world gets fuzzy.
I don't let my ignorance deter me from my fascination.  -J. Sterling
I don't lie, cheat or steal unnecessarily.
I don't like Coffee - Diet Coke provides MY caffeene!
I don't like Coffee - Diet Coke provides MY caffeine!
I don't like Coffee - Pepsi provides MY caffeene!
I don't like Coffee - Pepsi provides MY caffeine!
I don't like Coffee - Pepsi provides MY caffine!
I don't like President Clinton OR HER HUSBAND!!!
I don't like being around when rules are broken. - Frank Burns
I don't like being dead. It's annoying, actually.- LaCroix
I don't like being dead. It's quite annoying actually. - LaCroix
I don't like big governments...just big government checks!
I don't like broccoli either.
I don't like computers. I only do this for the taglines
I don't like dogs... Keep getting mustard on my catching glove.
I don't like hip-hop, oh no... I love it, yeah
I don't like it but I guess I'm learning.
I don't like men with too many muscles...just the important one...;-)
I don't like money - but it quiets my spirit.
I don't like money, but it quiets my nerves.
I don't like people kibitzing when I operate. - Trapper
I don't like police states.  Can I join a fire station state?
I don't like principles. A prejudice is more honest.
I don't like sex on the telly. I keep falling off.
I don't like spying on them. - Sheridan
I don't like stuff that sucks! -Butthead
I don't like the bird one! - Enoch, Demon Dog on Crow
I don't like the cat.  It tastes funny.
I don't like the new Models Inc. plotline - Mike
I don't like the way this conversation is taking - Calvin's dad
I don't like these stories with morals - Calvin
I don't like this Jamie. I don't like this A LOT. --Garibaldi.
I don't like this Kay.  I don't like this ALOT - Garabaldi
I don't like this recipe.  Can I exchange it for another one?
I don't like to spread rumors, but what else can you do with `em?
I don't like videos that suck! huh huh huh
I don't like videos that suck. "Yeah, me too." huh huh huh
I don't like violence, but I'm very good at it.
I don't like what I know, but I know what is, Art.
I don't live with my mother! - Mike as geeky grocer
I don't live within my income because I can't afford it.
I don't look disabled? You don't look ignorant!
I don't look for trouble... my friends deliver!
I don't love you anymore since you ate my dog..
I don't make jokes - I watch Clinton and Gore, then report facts.
I don't make jokes--I just watch the government & report the facts
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
I don't make mistakes.  I thought I did once but I was wrong.
I don't make the Wave.......I just ride it.....
I don't make typos. I have an error correcting mo*#$@(&%^@  NO CARRIER
I don't mean to alarm you but your pants are talking to you.
I don't mean to alarm you but your pants are talking...
I don't mean to be critical, but I was taught by one of the best.
I don't mean to brag...but I'm the greatest.
I don't mean to nitpick here, I'd just like to know.
I don't meet competition, I crush it.
I don't mind God.  What scares me is his fan club.
I don't mind being screwed, but the government thinks I'm a nymph.
I don't mind being swept away...
I don't mind coffee but pepsi provides MY caffine!
I don't mind crazies.  At least they're committed!
I don't mind dying, I just don't want to be there when it
I don't mind dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens.
I don't mind gettin' messy to have a good time.
I don't mind getting messy to have a good time.
I don't mind if I don't have a mind
I don't mind if you don't like my manners.   Humphrey Bogart
I don't mind interesting lies......but boring ones annoy me!
I don't mind looking at the past..I just don't wanna stare.
I don't mind lying, but I hate inaccuracy.
I don't mind passing GAS ... but I'll raise a fuss about passing EATS!
I don't mind sex on TV, Its just that I keep falling off.
I don't mind smog...I like to see what I breathe.
I don't mind straight people, as long as they act gay in public.
I don't mind straight people, just so they don't act gay in public.
I don't mind straights as long as they act gay in public
I don't mind straights so long as they act Bi in public.
I don't mind straights so long as they act gay in public.
I don't mind straights, as long as they act gay in public.
I don't mind straights, long as they act gay in public.
I don't mind straights, so long as they act gay in public
I don't mind straightsas long as they act *gay* in public.
I don't mind?
I don't miss deadlines, I ignore them.
I don't much care for President Clinton OR her husband.
I don't necessarily agree with everything I say
I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
I don't need SLOWDOWN.COM. I have Windows!
I don't need Sleep, I'll get enough sleep when I'm DEAD!
I don't need YOU to get me in the back of a police car. - Bart
I don't need a "Life"... I have TAGLINES!!!!
I don't need a bed of roses, cuz roses wither away.
I don't need a disclaimer. I OWN the company.
I don't need a guide dog. I have Sly.
I don't need a new religeon, I haven't used up the old one yet!
I don't need a new religeon... I haven't used the old one up yet.
I don't need a new religion; I haven't used up the old one yet!
I don't need a new religon, I haven't used up the old one yet!
I don't need a spell checker! my modem has error correction!
I don't need a team. I'm a certified OS/2 lunatic.
I don't need a warranty.  I'll just take it back.
I don't need an American Express Gold Card today.
I don't need an oven timer... I have a smoke detector!
I don't need anyone to chose my friends for me.
I don't need directions. I need HELP!
I don't need drugs, I have tie-died shirts.
I don't need instructions. I'm a Fairy Godfather! - Don Bruce
I don't need more memory, just better judgement
I don't need no stinkin' shoe sizer, you're a size seven baby!
I don't need no stinking spel checkre!
I don't need none o dat schoolin long as drugs is profitable!  *BANG*
I don't need protection! - Mike to Bots
I don't need the mantissa of the logarithm, said Tom characteristically.
I don't need the same excuses, all this talk is really useless
I don't need the same excuses, all this talk is really useless-NGDB
I don't need therapy. I need money.
I don't need to convince them - just confuse them.
I don't need to convince them -- just confuse them -- Sela
I don't need to go crazy.
I don't need to talk sense; I need to take sense away with me.
I don't need toothpaste...my teeth aren't loose!
I don't need you to depress me, I can do that on my own!
I don't need you to slow me down - Hendrix
I don't need your attitude: I have one of my OWN!
I don't need your rocking chair.
I don't need your word, I've got your short hairs!
I don't normally drink and I'm not normally normal.
I don't normally drink, but I'm not normally normal.
I don't normally drink. Then again, I am rarely normal.
I don't own a cat; I have her on a long term lease.
I don't own any slaves. My wife has one, though.
I don't party with puppies! I'm outta here! - Tom
I don't pay for health care, the government does. Cool.
I don't play air guitar.  I play water guitar.
I don't practice what I preach. I'm not the kind of person I preach to
I don't read messages, I just look for taglines.
I don't read messages. I just look for Taglines.
I don't read messages. I just look for recipes!
I don't read msgs. I just look for Taglines.
I don't read the personals -- it's not my business. -Jay London
I don't really care for rock and roll (or did you guess?)
I don't really seriously ask girls ages anymore either. I just ogle
I don't really trust a sane person.
I don't recall running for this office.
I don't recall running for this office...
I don't recall seeing you in a nightie!
I don't recall the exact year, but I believe it was late 70's.
I don't recognize that guy. I bet he dies - Crow
I don't remember anything I did before I joined this echo!!!
I don't remember being absentminded.
I don't remember getting amnesia...
I don't remember posting this message; might have but  don't think so.
I don't remember saying I was embarrassed - Picard
I don't remember volunteering for this ring business...
I don't run Windows ... I walk it on a 386SX-16.
I don't run Windoze - I crawl it...!
I don't see much future for the Americans. - Hitler
I don't see no points on your ears, boy -- Admiral McCoy
I don't see why some people even *have* cars. - Calvin
I don't see you guys rating the kind of "mate" I'm contemplating...
I don't see you so don't pretend to be there.
I don't see you when she walks in the room --U2
I don't see you, so don't pretend to be there
I don't see you, so don't pretend to be there.
I don't see you, so don't pretend you're there. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
I don't see you, so stop pretending to be there...
I don't smoke !! That was the flamethrower !!
I don't smoke,  I chew. Blow your smoke on me and I'll spit on you.
I don't snag recipes - I just recycle them!
I don't snag recipes -- I replicate them.
I don't snag recipes, I assimilate them!
I don't snag recipes, I redirect them to my hard drive.
I don't snag recipes, I replicate them.
I don't snag... I reverse-engineer.
I don't snore, I purr in my sleep.
I don't speak to strange animals.
I don't steal Taglines, I assimilate them!  Hugh
I don't steal Taglines, I replicate them.
I don't steal s - I replicate them.
I don't steal tag lines; I borrow them indefinately.
I don't steal tag lines; I just recycle them.
I don't steal taglines - I just recycle them!
I don't steal taglines - I replicate them.
I don't steal taglines -- I replicate them.
I don't steal taglines!  Blue Wave steals taglines!
I don't steal taglines, I just recycle them!
I don't steal taglines, I redirect them to my hard drive.
I don't steal taglines. I assimilate them.
I don't steal taglines. I redirect them to my hard drive.
I don't steal taglines; I replicate them.  Pffbbtt!
I don't steal taglines; I simply clone them.
I don't steal... I reverse-engineer.
I don't stitch mistakes; I stitch creative enhancements.
I don't suffer from Carnal Tunnel Sydrome! I ENJOY it!
I don't suffer from insanity - I ENJOY it!
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!
I don't suffer from insanity--I revel in it!
I don't suffer from insanity. I love it!!!
I don't suffer from insanity... I revel in it!
I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every moment of it!!
I don't suffer from mental illness - I enjoy it!
I don't suffer from stress.  I'm a carrier.
I don't suppose that would work with people.  Riker to Crusher
I don't take drinks from air boys. --Kliest.
I don't take your complaining seriously.
I don't take your whining seriously.
I don't tan. I don't burn. I implode. - Nick Knight
I don't tell lawyer jokes, I work for some...
I don't think 'ole stubby' has enough graphite left to poison my mind.
I don't think ... therefore, I am a conservative.
I don't think Betty Ford take vampires. - Nick Knight
I don't think Betty Ford takes vampires. - Nick Knight
I don't think I broke it yet, but I am working on it.
I don't think I can assimilate one more Borg tagline.
I don't think I can face another year of annual events.
I don't think I can keep this up, Tom announced impotently.
I don't think I could go long without a nibble now & then
I don't think I have anything missing, but experts may know better.
I don't think I have anything wrong, but experts know better.
I don't think I have ever conversed with you before.
I don't think I lost my mind. Just don't recall where I put it.
I don't think I understand what I said, either. - Louis
I don't think I was meant to enter this message.
I don't think I'd be so bored if I didn't have so much to do.
I don't think I'll 'ave the pickled fish today, said Tom unerringly.
I don't think I'll mess with that one!
I don't think I've broken it yet, but I'm working on it.
I don't think Mr Rager is going to like this Yogi!
I don't think Mr. Ranger is going to like this, Yogi.
I don't think Mr. Ranger is gonna like this, Yogi...
I don't think a tagline is appropriate here!
I don't think even Bigfoot could choke down that much flannel. - Mulder
I don't think it was an accident that Mary's vole escaped & bit Worf!
I don't think math is a science. I think it's a religion. - Calvin
I don't think money buys happiness, but I'd like to know for sure.
I don't think real checks have exclamation points.. - Lisa
I don't think so - Homey the Clown
I don't think so! - Homey the Clown
I don't think so! Homey don't play dat!
I don't think so, @FN@.
I don't think so, Orville.
I don't think so, Tim! - Al Borland
I don't think so. Homey don't play dat.
I don't think that Dire Puppywuppy would be that kinky.
I don't think that I have contacted you before.
I don't think that leprechaun is telling the truth, Tom implied.
I don't think that's water - Joel on golden stream
I don't think the Father is a sassy little redhead.
I don't think the Ranger is going to like this, Yogi
I don't think the Ranger's gonna like this, Yogi.
I don't think they had Wookiees in mind when they built her.
I don't think they had Wookiees in mind when they designed her.
I don't think they had Wookies in mind when they built her.
I don't think they'll look any friendlier close up.
I don't think this protest will work. - Ivanova
I don't think we are in DOS anymore, Toto.
I don't think we're going to make it. - Riker
I don't think we're in Arkansas anymore, Socks.
I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, toto!
I don't think we're in Star Fleet anymore, Odo.
I don't think we're really in disagreement about this one.
I don't think we're still connected to Orville Bullitt!
I don't think you got Cmdr. Riker's hair quite right - Picard
I don't think you know what love is! - Tom to Mike
I don't think you should ever apologize for sporting a little style.
I don't think you understand. - Ivanova
I don't think you want me to do that.
I don't think you will accept my help,as I'm only waiting to kill you.
I don't think you're happy enough.
I don't think you're ready for what I think. --Fox Mulder.
I don't think you're ready for what I think. --Mulder.
I don't think you're supposed to do that...
I don't think, therefore I don't exist. --Rush Limbaugh.
I don't think, therefore I don't exist." - Rush Limbaugh
I don't think... :No Carrier:
I don't tip the scales, I bribe 'em !
I don't tip the scales, I bribe them!
I don't trust President Clinton...OR her husband!
I don't trust electrons.   -Ken Stuckas
I don't trust him. <Ripley> I don't trust anybody. <Dallas>
I don't trust men who smile too much -- Kor
I don't trust men who smile too much.
I don't trust that pickle, Tom said deliriously.
I don't try to make enemies..  It comes naturally.
I don't understand their humor, either. -- Worf
I don't understand these modern girls.   Mickey Rooney
I don't understand this.  It just sucks! - Beavis
I don't use OS/2.
I don't use PATH, just leave a trail of crumbs on my hard drive...
I don't use Windows -- I know how to type!
I don't use an Amiga myself
I don't use an Amiga myself...
I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough.  -- M. C. Escher
I don't use pornography. I don't even own a pornograph.
I don't use taglines.  Wait, what's this?  Hey!
I don't usually shoot people.  The paperwork is a pain in the butt!
I don't wanna be a Klingon, I wanna be a DENTIST - Alex.
I don't wanna be a link to the Mad Poopies - Gypsy
I don't wanna be a senator anymore - Tom
I don't wanna be your lover, BABE I wanna be a man! -Rush
I don't wanna feel again the worm - Crow
I don't wanna go!
I don't wanna hit a sore spot, but any of you have herpes? - Krusty
I don't wanna touch him. No ooh icky - Tom on burn victim
I don't wanna work, I wanna bang on the drum all day.
I don't wanna work,I wanna bang on the drum all day.
I don't want a baby like that.  I'm the bleeding antichrist
I don't want a bottle that can exist only in hyperspace, Tom declined.
I don't want a ruptured company clerk. - Potter to Radar
I don't want a second helping, thank you, said the cannibal manfully.
I don't want a toaster.
I don't want an adversarial relationship ... so don't f*ck with me.
I don't want anything better, I want coffee. - Janeway
I don't want data I want to know what's happening!
I don't want it Now, or Right Now, I want it YESTERDAY!
I don't want it now, I bloody well want it RIGHT now!
I don't want it now, I want it RIGHT now!
I don't want more, I want it all!
I don't want much from you, just your total submission.
I don't want much out of life...just world domination.
I don't want something even better, I want coffee.
I don't want the moneyjust give me the stuff.
I don't want the whole world, just your half.
I don't want the world, I just want your half--TMBG
I don't want the world, I just want your half.
I don't want the world, I just want your half. -- They Might Be Giants
I don't want the world, just your half.
I don't want them to remember Xmas as the day their daddy died. - BJ
I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I wa
I don't want to be a cynic, but it's hard
I don't want to be a cynic, but it's hard...
I don't want to be a millionaire.  I just want to live li
I don't want to be a moderator when I grow up.
I don't want to be here any more than you -- Ensign Ro
I don't want to be known as the "Dancing Doctor." - Beverly
I don't want to be literate, I just want to program
I don't want to be there when it's time for me to die.
I don't want to be young again, I just don't want to get
I don't want to be young again, I just don't want to get any older.
I don't want to die now!  I've still got a headache!  -Arthur Dent
I don't want to die now!  I've still got a headache! - Arthur
I don't want to die now! I've still got a headache! --Athur Dent.
I don't want to die--existence is one of my strong points.
I don't want to die.  I'm a God!  Why can't I live on?
I don't want to express an opinion. - Twain
I don't want to find you've lost him.
I don't want to grow up, I won't grow up, you can't make me.
I don't want to hear any centaur jokes! --Hercules
I don't want to hear the end of any sentences! - Krusty
I don't want to hit the ground. It's never done anything to me.
I don't want to kill you Commander, but I will! -- Maria
I don't want to kill you.  I'd have to do paperwork.
I don't want to leave my comfort zone.
I don't want to listen, but it's all too clear - NIN
I don't want to play coach - we're losing..
I don't want to pray for the mad scientists. -- Crow T. Robot
I don't want to read your bloody tech manual. O'Brien.
I don't want to rewrite this in prose, said Tom aversely.
I don't want to rule the Universe, I just want to see it.
I don't want to shoot giraffes today, can I just smash a newt?
I don't want to think too much about what we shouldn't or shouldn't do
I don't want to think.  I just want to be...
I don't want to watch anything that has a moral. - Calvin
I don't want you reanimating anything, young man! - Tom
I don't want you to turn the other cheek, it's just as ugly!
I don't watch TV.  I watch my monitor.
I don't wear a religious symbol. It's hard to keep the stake lit.
I don't wear underwear, don't go to church and don't cut my hair
I don't wish my enemies dead... I say make them suffer.
I don't work here on a regular basis, said Tom casually.
I don't write 'em, I just say 'em. - Yakko
I don't... I don't believe it. That is why you fail.
I don`t steal Taglines, I use Replicated Copys!
I donated my cat to the local Chinese restaurant.
I done spent 3 hours but I can't make her come.
I donnt youse a spel checher kase i kan spel goode!
I dont have any taglines to give you.  Go away.
I dont jog, it makes my beer all foamy.
I dont just steal taglines, I duplicate them
I dont know how your stupid message got past my twit filter.
I dont mind reality, if I dont have to live there.
I dont nead no speling cheker!
I dont read these either...
I dont remember anything I did before I joined this echo!!!
I dont steal Taglines, I assimilate them!
I doubleclicked on "HELP", pointed at my wife, and the system crashed.
I doubleclicked on help, pointed at my wife, and the system crashed.
I doubt any God who inflicts pain for his own pleasure.
I doubt any God who inflicts pain for his own pleasure. - McCoy
I doubt he'd survive the experience...:-)  (But what a way to go! <g>)
I doubt it, but let's see if anything comes up.
I doubt it. - Yakko
I doubt that very much!
I doubt the sincerety of Joycelyn Elder's Eric "Clapner" admiration.
I doubt very much that I'm a skeptic.
I doubt, therefore I might be
I doubt, therefore I might be.
I downloaded my brain.  Why are my blanks still disk?
I drag you down, I use you up - NIN
I drank SO much beer, when I ate a pretzel you could hear it splash!
I drank SO much beer, when I ate a pretzel you could hear it splash.
I drank WHAT!?  - Socrates
I drank WinBooze and I was stuck with a big box in the stomach.
I drank a beer once but I didn't swallow any of it.
I drank beer once but didn't swallow
I drank from the fountain of knowledge. You just gargled.
I drank from the fountian of knowledge, you just gargled.
I drank to drown my sorrows but they learned to swim.
I drank what? - Socrates
I drank what?!? * Socrates
I dream of cat burgers - making them in a blender.
I dream of scrolling text and flashing cursors.
I dream of the day that my tagline file is as big as @N@'s.
I dream things that never were and ask, Huh?
I dreamed I had a date with Erma Bombeck.
I dreamed I kissed Gavin MacLeod. - Joel Robinson
I dreamed I met God. He sneezed, and I didn't know what to say to him.
I dreamed I met a Gallifreyan; a most amazing man
I dreamed I met a Gallifreyan; a most amazing man...
I dreamed I saw a desert rose, dress torn in ribbons & in bows --U2
I dreamed I was a teepee & a wigwam - I was too tense!!
I dreamed I was in bed with a hot toddy.  And a drink.
I dreamed of a giant carrot chasing me through a field of lobsters.
I dreamed of a snail, sliding down the edge of a razor blade.
I dreamed that I saw Dali with a supermarket trolley --U2
I dreamed that I was a muffler& woke up exhausted.
I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls. <Enya>
I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls. <Enya<
I dreamt I had insomnia last night.
I dreamt I lived in marble halls.
I dreamt I was Ray Milland on Rosie Grier's body - Crow
I dreamt I was a COBOL programmer in my Maidenform bra!
I dreamt I was a bar of soap in Elle's shower.
I dreamt I was a butterfly dreaming of being a woman.
I drempt I was a muffler and woke up exhausted!
I dress to make men fall to their knees.
I dressed neatly.  I looked like a walking 'Just For Today' card.
I drink 3 six-packs just so I can look at your face
I drink alcohol only on days that end in "Y"!!
I drink beer, but not from bottles, Tom said cannily.
I drink beer.  I don't collect cute bottles
I drink blood because it's the only life I have.
I drink large quantities of cold water from a fire hose.
I drink myself of newfound pity. - Collective Soul
I drink the blood of the living!  (And I vote!)
I drink therefore I am!
I drink therefore I am.
I drink to make @FN@ interesting.
I drink to make my friends more interesting.
I drink to make other people interesting.
I drink to make other people more interesting!
I drink, therefore I am.
I drink, therefore I jam.
I drive OS/2 because I'm sick of being a crash dummy!
I drive OS/2 now cause I'm sick of being a crash dummy for Windows.
I drive OS/2 now cause I'm sick of being a crash test dummy for Windows.
I drive a Yugo, Do you think I care?
I drive a mussel car - with overhead clams.
I drive a truck, I'm butt ugly & I hate spiders - Tom Servo
I drive an old Ford pick-up truck.
I drive much too fast to worry about food killing me!
I drive way too fast to worry about cholestorol
I drive way too fast to worry about what foods will kill me.
I drive way too fast to worry what foods will kill me!  - Bunny
I drive way too fast to worry what foods will kill me!!
I drive you crazy?  Good!  At least we're carpooling!
I dropped an anvil on James Mitchell after he said, "OS/2".
I dropped my brace over the balcony, said Tom downcastly.
I dropped my hot dog on the beach! cried Sandy Frank.
I dropped my old Hayes modem on my foot... talk about "mega-hurts".
I dropped my soap on the floor.  What do I clean it with?
I dropped my watch in the latrine and I don't want it back. - Radar
I dropped the toothpaste, said Tom, crestfallen.
I drove my Lexus to Infinitinow it's a Legend.
I drove my Lexus to Infinity and now it's a Legend.
I drove past Chicago on my way to OS/2 ...
I dunna thin' this Tagline canna take much more! -- Scotty
I dunna thin' this tagline can take much more! -- Scotty
I dunna thin' this tagline canna take much more! -- Scotty
I dunno
I dunno - I was astrally projected at the time.
I dunno ... it doesn't look like he's playing to me ...
I dunno about that - I'm nervous about those sort of people!
I dunno what I'm talking about here - Mike as Mongol
I dunno where you magic pixies came from, but I like your pixie drink!
I dunno, I might let him live. We'll see. - Slappy Squirrel
I dunno.. What colour is the sky in your world?
I dunno...I don't think David Koresh is all that hot...
I dunnosometimes I types the stuff, reads it, and saysHUH???
I duzn't know how  I gots here.  Cheeeiit....
I eat Swiss cheese from the inside out.
I eat a lot of rice.  A *lot* of rice. -- Remo
I eat biscuits - Mike as dumb girl
I eat coffee straight from the can. Why dilute it?
I eat junk food to get it out of the house.
I eat like a bird - half my weight in worms every day.
I eat my coffee right out of the can. Why dilute it?
I eat my coffee straight from the can.  Why dilute it?
I eat my tea straight from the bag.  Why dilute it?.
I eat, I sleep, I play. I'm a cat. It's my job.
I eat, drink & sleep you, Duncan. I want you, forever.- Tessa Noel
I either want less corruption or a chance to participate.
I either want less corruption or more opportunity to participate in it
I either want less corruption, a chance to participate.
I either want less corruption, or a chance to participate.
I either want less corruption, or more chance to participate in it.
I either want less corruption, or more chances to participate.
I em a wuunderful spellar, I tipe vari gud two. -Geco
I em a wuunderfull spelur.  I tipe vari gud two.
I em a wuunerful spelur. I tipe vari gud two.
I embrace poverty!  To annoy me, send money.
I embrace poverty! To annoy me, send money.
I embrace poverty... Gary. To annoy me, send money!
I enjoy a political joke... unless it gets elected.
I enjoy being a girl! - Crow as tough male spy
I enjoy food more when someone else cooks it.
I enjoy making bicycle wheels, Tom spoke up.
I enjoy pleasing humans. -- Lore
I enjoy slaughtering beasts, and I think of my family constantly. <J>
I enjoyed, and <SWIPED< thos prisoner taglines.  Thanks!  I noticed that
I entered this message just to use this recipe.
I entered this message just to use this tagline.
I entertain myself by trying to get my computer to work.
I envy soldiers who live to tell about it.
I er, won't go any further on this *family* echo. <BEG>
I erased the good Tagline before you could read it.
I escaped from Legend of the Red Dragon
I escaped from a Political Correction facility.
I escaped from a political correction facility.
I escaped from the Liberal Plantation.
I especially love it when their butts smoke!
I et & et for two hours & dint recognize a thing I et except an olive.
I even feel alone when you're near, 'cause you'll never understand
I even like the chicken if the sauce is not too blue.
I even reformatted it, but I still can't read my file?!
I even tried stickin' hot dogs in the warp drive... --Scotty
I exorcised my demons and it made them stronger.
I expect to be well paid.  I'm in it for the money! - Han Solo
I expect to die at 110, shot by a jealous husband.
I expect woman will be the last thing civilized by man.
I expected to enjoy the film, but that was before I saw it.
I face the morning with my customary sigh. - Fishbone
I fail to see the humor in this situation. Odo
I failed as a proof-reader for M & M's.
I failed my blood test! I didn't study.
I failed my electrocardiogram, said Tom faint-heartedly.
I failed my legend finals - Crow as Colossus
I failed organic chemistry because of A.F. * Picard
I failed the Rorschach test!
I faked this whole thing.  I don't have a tagline compiler.
I fart in your general direction!
I fart in your general direction.
I favor capital punishment, but only for consenting adults
I favor self-restraint in all of North America, said Tom continently.
I fear Greeks even when they bring gifts.  Virgil (19 BC)
I fear I'm the only one who thinks this way - NIN
I fear any government that fears my guns...
I fear explanations explanatory of things explained.
I fear needing explanations of things explained.
I fear you have lost control of your instrument, sir!
I fear you must blame your own perverse urges. - Picard
I fear you must blame your own perverse urges. þ Picard
I fed a lemon to my cat -  and got a sour puss.
I fed some lemon to my cat and now I got a sour puss.
I fed some lemon to my cat and now I have a sour puss.
I fed some lemon to my cat.....now I've got a sour puss.
I fed the cat . . . to the dog.
I feel [insert emotion of choice here], out there.. -- Troi
I feel a random Act of Violence coming on.
I feel a random act of violence coming on...
I feel absolutely tawny - Tom as girl
I feel alephed out
I feel all funny..I'm in love! No wait..it's a stroke.. - Grampa
I feel as much like I did yesterday as I do today
I feel better all over than I do anyplace else.
I feel better than James Brown!!!
I feel better than James Brownhow do you feel?
I feel better than you look. --Dana Scully to Fox Mulder.
I feel better than you look. --Scully to Mulder.
I feel cold as a razor blade, tight as a tourniquet. - Pink Floyd
I feel disillusioned - do you have any good new illusions?
I feel empty inside, Tom hollered.
I feel fine.....Everything seems a little smaller. - Picard
I feel fuzzier than a basket of kittens!
I feel good all under - Tom as hero
I feel good all under- Tom Servo
I feel good.....and I don't kiss too badly, either!
I feel great!  And I don't kiss badly either!
I feel happy today...but at least Happy seems to like it!
I feel happy!  I feel happy!  I feel ha..<thwack>
I feel happy!  I feel happy!  I feel happy!  <thwack>
I feel happy!  I feel happy! <*THUD*>
I feel happy! I feel happy! I feel happy! <thwack>.
I feel ill! - Gypsy seeing Tom's new head
I feel it.  My mind.  It's going.  I feel it.
I feel like Charleton Heston when he saw the chimp riding the pony.
I feel like I am being nibbled to death by cats!
I feel like I can take on the entire Empire today, Sir!
I feel like I wrestled an alligator last night - Tom
I feel like I'm being nibbled to death by cats - Londo Molari
I feel like I'm being nibbled to death by cats --Londo Mollari.
I feel like I'm being nibbled to death by cats. --Londo.
I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
I feel like Quoting Nick Nadboralski to Danny Della Paolera
I feel like Roadkill tonight...like Roadkill tonight!
I feel like a 8086 in a 80486 world.
I feel like a Chinese labourer, said Tom coolly.
I feel like a Visitor on the trail of a nice, juicy mouse.
I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages.
I feel like a man trapped in a man's body.
I feel like a man trapped in a man's body.  -SLR
I feel like a million tonight...but, one at a time. - Mae West
I feel like a million...but one at a time,  please. -Mae West
I feel like a mushroom; I'm kept in the dark and feed BS all day!
I feel like a nun - Tom after loosing his head
I feel like a spartan tonight! - Mike sings
I feel like a spectator at a traffic accident.
I feel like an 18 year old; is there one handy?
I feel like an 8086 in a 80486 world.
I feel like an idiot AND I'm binding - Tom in Batman suit
I feel like attacking a monarch, said Tom strikingly.
I feel like chicken tonight...hehehehe
I feel like kissing his shoulder. Is that weird? - Crow
I feel like my head's gonna burst.
I feel like my mind is turning to mush ...
I feel like putting spam on my head and cucumbers up my nose.
I feel like rhino hide - Tom
I feel like such an idiot. - Riker
I feel like this loneliness won't end.
I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago.
I feel more like I do now than I did before I started
I feel more like I do now than I did before!
I feel much better now since I've given up all hope.
I feel much better now that I've given up all hope.
I feel much better now that I've given up hope.
I feel much better since I gave up all hope.
I feel much better since I gave up hope!
I feel much better, now that I've given up all hope.
I feel much more like I do now than I did when I came in.
I feel much too young to be this old
I feel nervous, like a pair of wigwamsAm I two tents?
I feel one of my turns coming on. - Pink Floyd
I feel pain.  What's the word?  Ow?  - Q    Yes.  - Data
I feel partially hydrogenated!
I feel pretty brain dead and can't think of an answer...
I feel safe with my feet in the dirt.   Ava Gardner
I feel so bad for Sally Struthers!    Sure! We all do!
I feel so dirty. Oh, yech! Yuch! - Tom
I feel so good, it's illegal.
I feel so inar-inar-inar tic-u-late
I feel so much better ever since I gave up hope.
I feel so naughty.
I feel so... empty, said Tom vacuously.
I feel so... so... what's that word for I can't say it right?
I feel sorry for dogs. THEY have to get out of bed *10* times a day!
I feel sorry for the lions. -- Any Jesuit.
I feel sorry for those who don't know what they're missing.
I feel stupid and contagious   - -Kurt Cobain
I feel terrible. - Han Solo
I feel that if you can't communicate, you should shut up.
I feel the NEED for SPEED!!
I feel the Need... The need to READ!
I feel the conflict within you.  Let go of your hate. - Luke
I feel the earth move, under my feet- Maggie
I feel the need......the need for speed!!! - Maverick Mitchell 1987
I feel the pull of gravity, it pulls me out of slavery
I feel the pull of gravity, the evidence is in the seed
I feel the same way about the pain - Mike
I feel used! -- Rita
I feel used, cheap, and dirty.  Could you do that again?
I feel very sick.
I feel warm, even secure - Crow
I feel you must blame your own perverse urges - Picard
I feel your pain (and I like it!)
I feel your pain...no, I do, honest!
I feel your tongue flicking over the hardened pebbles of my nipples!
I feel... great *pain*, Captain.  Who let the virgin on board?
I feet it.  My mind.  It's going.  I feel it
I fell asleep in the mess tent and two guys siphoned me. - Radar
I fell, pell mell for Kim Cattrall - Crow sings
I felt a great disturbance in the Force-Star Wars
I felt a great disturbance in the Force. - Obi Wan Kenobi
I felt a great disturbance in the Force... -Star Wars
I felt an intoxication that had nothing to do with alcohol. - Homer
I felt just like Donna Reed - Crow
I felt so bad that I had to go to church TWICE on Sunday.
I fight crime... I shoot back.
I fight evil wherever it is! Except in dark, scary places.
I fight evil wherever it may be!  Except in dark, scary places...
I figure in July I should have some time to breathe.
I figure that my psychic should know when to call me.
I figure the odds be fifty-fifty I just might have some thing to say.
I figure we can die here once.. maybe twice.. but no more.
I figure you'll get plenty of these here <g>
I figured a blessing of my own wouldn't hurt.
I figured it was you. Nuts. --Garibaldi to Ivanova.
I figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.<Brown>
I figured out what I was doing right, it doesn't anymore.
I figured out why the world is a such Mess: God must be using Windows!
I figured out why the world is such a mess: God uses Windows!
I figured the life of a Disco Queen would be exciting, but- Dazzler
I figured you had a sense of humor. After all, you married her! -Mask
I file it under "k" for... toy.
I filed it under "s" for insane.
I filled my hard drive with .GIFs, so now I message!
I filtered all the twits and had no messages left
I finally figured out who's the undercover federal agent, his handle's
I finally found myself . . . now I don't know why!
I finally found myself ... that's why I'm not here!
I finally got it all together but forgot where I put it.
I finally got it all together, but forgot where I put it
I finally got it all together, now I forgot where I put it!
I finally got it all together.  Now where did I put it?
I finally got my act together and now I forgot where I put it!
I finally got my act together, now where did I put it?
I finally got this debgd, dbugge, dbuged, dbuggd ...%$#@!
I finally put one over on the Deveels! - Aahz
I finally understand. This is the moment I was BORN for! --Garibaldi.
I find @FN@'s breath offensive. It keeps him alive.
I find Bob's lack of faith... disturbing.
I find Mike's lack of faithdisturbing.
I find Orville's lack of faith... disturbing.
I find a corkscrew handier than a gun
I find his breath offensive. It keeps him alive.
I find his lack of faith... disturbing.
I find humans are quite clean pets - HAL
I find it amusing Lorena get off - obviously NOT with her husband!
I find it only fitting that MICROSOFT.COM is not a valid MS-DOS filename.
I find myself beside a stream of empty thought
I find myself intrigued by your sub vocal oscillations.
I find no absolution in my rational point of view.: Rush
I find push buttons very depressing
I find push buttons very depressing......
I find sane people very frightening.
I find tagline management has become an important part of my life.
I find this very credible and believable.
I find you guilty! said the judge with conviction.
I find you unavailable.-Picard
I find your breath offensive. It keeps you alive. - Janier
I find your faith in Reality amusing....
I find your faith in reality amusing.
I find your faith in reality rather amusing.
I find your lack of faith disturbing. -- Darth Vader
I find your lack of faith... disturbing.
I find your lack of faithdisturbing.
I find your taglines to be unworthy of collection.
I fire a loaded mental cannon to the page. - Soundgarden
I fired four warning shots into his back.
I first had sex on a farm ; said Tom sheepishly.
I first had sex on a farm, *<<<ICEMAN>>>* said sheepishly.
I first had sex on a farm, J. said sheepishly.
I first had sex on a farm, Tom said sheepishly.
I first had sex on a farm, he said sheepishly.
I fixed it! - Wakko
I fixed the toilet, announced Tom, flushed with success.
I flatly refuse to take on fake guilt under those terms.
I flew over the Pole; I'm not Polish, said Richard E. Byrd coldly.
I float like an anchor and sting like a moth.
I flunked this lousy exam, said Tom testily.
I fogot my pass*****.
I follow Borg astrology: My sign is irrelevant!
I follow the F-Plan diet. Wanna do lunch?
I follow thee and the waters of death fight strenuously against me.
I followed the Dog till my shovel broke.
I fooled em! They think I know something!  Ah hah hah hah!
I for one am glad you're back - Mike to Tom
I for one am very soft. -Margaret. Is that true, Frank? - Trapper
I forget
I forget what I should say, I forget what I should do.
I forget.  Is chocolate a fruit or a vegetable?
I forget...do you serve red or white wine with Orc?
I forgive you your blasphemy -- Q
I forgive your blasphemy! -- Q
I forgot about that period of his life.  It could explain a lot.
I forgot all about Tek Wars - TV's Frank
I forgot all about the Amnesia Conference
I forgot all about the Amnesia Conference!!
I forgot how to program the PFkeys on my keyboard.
I forgot how to spll my psswrd.
I forgot how to stop! --Beavis.
I forgot my "*****".
I forgot my *****word.
I forgot my hat. --Q
I forgot my homework. Can I fax it to you when I get home?
I forgot my lips! - Crow
I forgot my password, and I can't call up...
I forgot my psswrd.
I forgot tampons. Probably ok for tonight - Crow as guy
I forgot the dream . . . but I'm missing my pajamas.
I forgot to pay my brain bill.
I forgot to polish the clocks.
I forgot to take my memory pills!
I forgot what the dream was about...but I'm missing my pajamas...
I forgot what to buy, Tom said listlessly.
I forgot where I left my short term memory!
I forgot, therefore I am not.
I forgot...what does ammnesia mean again?  ;*)
I forsee you needing some new bodyguards.  Now.
I forward my paychecks to my Sysop
I forward my paychecks to my Sysop.
I fought for the Southwe lost. <Jesse>
I fought the (fjords!) and the (fjords!) won.
I fought the Borg, and the ... Borg won.
I fought the LOFT and the LOFT won - Tom on barn
I fought the lawn and the lawn won.
I fought the lawn and the lawn won...
I fought the lawn but the lawn won! - Bard
I fought the war for your sort.
I found Jesus, and he said, "Tag, you're it!"
I found Jesus. He's in my trunk.
I found Jesus...he was in the trunk of my car.
I found a Windows secret! Add BUGS=OFF in your WIN.INI
I found a happy medium, so I annoyed her.
I found a machine that would do half my work & bought two.
I found a mouse in my beer, eh.
I found a new friend underneath my pillow - TMBG
I found a piano stool.  I thought pianos were house-trained!
I found an immortality spell with a lifetime guarantee!
I found an immortality spell with a lifetime guaranty!
I found god in myself...& I loved her fiercely : N Shange
I found it hard/it's hard to find/oh well whatever/Nevermind
I found my Tony the Tiger Breakfast Bowl in an antique shop!
I found my Trill On Daxberry Hill..
I found my Trill on Blue Berry Hill!
I found my Trill... On Daxberry Hill..
I found my Trill...on Blueberry Hill.
I found my TrillOn Daxberry Hill..
I found my answers in The Book of Mormon!
I found my kitty face-down in club soda. now he's catatonic.
I found my thrill on Blueberry (Anita) Hill.
I found my wife's G-spot - my neighbor had it
I found out why my car was humming.  It had forgotten the words.
I found something that can do the work of 10 men...1 woman
I found that film rather disappointing - Crow
I found the "ANY" key! It's next to the "OTHER" key.
I found the Pentium problem...there's one too many Gates.
I found the answer . . . but forgot the question
I found the light at the end of the tunnel. It was on a train!
I found the source code for life!  But I can't read it :(
I found the tests quite elementary - Data
I found this scribbled on a condom machine... "This gum tastes funny!"
I found this tagline in the cat's litter box!
I frequently find myself thinking of Sneetches.
I frequently have my doubts.
I fully support Women's Lib, sweetmeat
I gamble on a third time, a fool'll tell you it's a charm.
I gather you drink. - Potter. Only to excess. - Hawkeye.
I gave a Boy Scout the 3-finger salute -- he rebooted!
I gave her Femme Iron if that's what you mean - Tom
I gave her a ring, and she gave me the finger.
I gave her a ring, she gave me the finger
I gave it up until Lent
I gave my computer the look & feel of a Mac. Then I shot it.
I gave my electrician shorts for Christmas...
I gave my electrician some shorts for his birthday.
I gave myself a migraine putting that damned thing together<G>
I gave myself a tattoo - Mike after hazing himself
I gave to Dr. Kavorkian's Free Clinic in Baghdad.
I gave up ASCII for Lent
I gave up ASCII for Lent.
I gave up chocolate  - it was the hardest fifteen minutes of my life!
I gave up on my wife, I married my computer.
I gave up on my wife, and married my computer.
I gave up on my wife, and married my computer.
I gave up on total insanity, and settled for a mildly deranged..
I gave up phone sex; my pubic hair gets stuck in the cord
I gave up phone sex; my pubic hair kept getting caught in the cord.
I gave up sex and booze....  Worst 20 mins of my life
I gave up sex, beer, and smoking.  Worst hour of my life!
I gave up sex, smoking, and drinking.  Worst hour of my life!
I gave up wine, women and song...worst 10 minutes of my life.
I gave you AMPLE bracing time. --Rimmer.
I gave you a chance for greatness and you threw it all away - G'kar
I gave you my Purity, my Purity you stole - NIN
I gave you my purity and my purity you stole -- NIN
I gave you my purity and my purity you stole.
I geek, therefore, I am.
I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.
I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.  -- Mae West
I get E-Mail.  Therefore I am.
I get RAW on Monday nights!
I get RSI of the eyeballs reading this stuff.
I get a craving for chocolate chip ice cream that can't be controlled.
I get a discount cuz I blow up in bulk.
I get a headache when I try to see things your way!
I get a little warm in my heart when I think of winter - Tori Amos
I get a sense of merriment from this tagline.  --Troi
I get about as oiled as a diesel train.
I get by with a little help from my friends.
I get drunk, vomit, pass out & don't get hired - Crow
I get everything i want when i get part of you -- NIN
I get into enough trouble without a recipe!
I get into enough trouble without a tagline!
I get it! Sex metaphor! - Crow
I get mail, therefore I exist.
I get mail........ I exist.
I get much more entertainment value from my PC than the boob tube.
I get my castles the old fashioned way.  I conquer them.
I get my castles the old-fashioned way.  I conquer them.
I get my exercise acting as a pallbearer for my friends who exercise.
I get my exercise by running up bills.
I get my exercise by stretching the truth.
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.
I get on my knees and pray, we don't get fooled again..
I get rid of the garbage layer & then I can do the real work.<Allen>
I get shot at every day! - Crow sings
I get so shaky, and I feel so weak.
I get spaced out just thinking about it. Good luck on the Principia.
I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal.-Zaphod
I get taglines the old fashioned way... I steal them!
I get that feeling with a pair of new pumps. - Klinger
I get the impression that Windows is written in compiled LOGO.
I get the news I need on the weather report.
I get the same old dreams, same time, every night.
I get this all the time. - Dot
I get this feeling I may know you, as a lover and a friend...Eagles
I get this from guys all the time. - Dot
I get this from guys all the time... SNAP OUT OF IT!! - Dot
I get thru here about once every 50 yrs. Make me a reservation.<Jesse>
I get up every morning at 6AM no matter what time it is.
I get vertigo just listening to tall stories.
I get warm all over when you get close to me.
I get weak in the knees, and I lose my breath.
I getz Buzy, I getz Buzy oh yeah...
I give 'em to the Kligons sir...Where they'll be no Tribble a'tall.
I give a lucky Morn two thumbs up.
I give advice worth the price....free!
I give away Truth, why buy a liberal Democratic lie?
I give away Truth, why buy liberal Democratic lies?
I give away truth, why buy a lie?
I give good message.
I give great fantasy.
I give it 95 for the beat and 98 for the lyrics...
I give my damn CAT more meat than this!
I give presents to the mother, but I think of the daughter.
I give up, what is the meaning of life?
I give up. Push me that hollow log and I'll climb in.
I give up... you've got more Taglines than me.
I give up... you've got more recipes than me.
I give you all you need to know - NIN
I give you an honest answer. I'd rather french kiss a skunk.
I give you everything, my sweet everything -- NIN
I give you everything, my sweet everything.
I give you the 15 <SMASH<. . . 10 Commandments
I give you, gentlemen, a Democratic Republic...if you can keep it -BF
I glue all my bills together. It's a mail bonding ritual.
I glue my bills together. It's a mail bonding ritual.
I go Crazy, Crazy, Crazy for you baby....Aerosmith
I go first class.  I just can't stay as long.
I go fishing, I catch nothing. I go to orgies, I catch everything.
I go for younger women; lived with several for awhile!
I go on working for the same reason a hen goes on laying eggs
I go to pieces, and I wanna cry.
I go to the opera every season to see how the other half sleeps.
I go to work to catch up on my sleep....
I go to work to get away from my computer
I go up to the lich and pick his pocket.  (Famous Last Words)
I go up to the lich and snag his spellbook.
I go up to the lich and steal his spellbook.
I go where the wind go you can't tame a wild rose!
I golf, therefore I swear
I got 10 that they all die in the end - Crow
I got 25 bucks and a cracker do you think it's enough...
I got 356000 cps and my modem was sucked into the line.
I got 5 bucks on the lizard! - Tom as dino persues people
I got Blue Wave for my wife.  Pretty good trade, huh?
I got Coleman Francis on my mind - Mike sings
I got HOW many personal messages today?
I got WINDOWS to behave. Put it in a DESQview/X window!
I got a 100% on my ethics test!  I cheated, of course...
I got a 12MHz AT-286 for my girlfriend - GOOD SWAP!
I got a 14.4 modem and now my messages get lost even faster!
I got a 486DX2/66 for my girlfriend - What a deal!
I got a Braille Playboy and it sure felt good
I got a Braille Playboy, and it sure felt good!
I got a Harley for my wife.... it was a great trade!
I got a Harley-Davidson for my wife; GOOD TRADE!
I got a Motie in my eye.
I got a Tip......Don't Eat YELLOW SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a baby to deliver - Mike as stork
I got a bit behind when I sat on the dog...
I got a bottle of Scotch for my husband.   Wow, great trade!
I got a bottle of Scotch for my wife.    What a great trade huh?
I got a brand new hangover for my birthday.
I got a bunch of candy asses on my team - Crow
I got a car for my girlfriend.  Great trade!
I got a car for my girlfriend. Great trade!
I got a cat for my wife.  I think it was a fair trade.
I got a cold... better switch your virus detector on!
I got a computer for my girlfriend - GOOD TRADE.
I got a feeling inside, it's a certain kind, I feel hot & cold.
I got a french modem! $%*()@!@#%$^$%#$*$ PAS DE CARRIER
I got a garage door opener.  It can't close.  Just open.
I got a garage opener. It can't close. Just open.
I got a gas cap for my Yugo ........a fair trade, eh?
I got a gun for my boyfriend. Pretty good trade, huh?
I got a gun for my wife.  Good trade, huh?!
I got a gun for my wife.  Pretty good trade huh?
I got a head boiling. I should be getting back - Tom
I got a human on my back - Tom as kid jumps on ape guard
I got a job on television.  I'm now the People's Court Jester.
I got a kick for a dog beggin' for love.
I got a life once. Didn't like it. Traded it in for a bigger hard disk.
I got a life once. Didn't like it. Traded it in for a faster modem
I got a life once. Didn't like it.Traded it in for a bigger hard disk.
I got a life.....   now what do I do with it?
I got a little birth mark on my left butt cheek - Tom
I got a lotta past, Joe.  Things accumulate.- Andy Cord
I got a love like no other love.
I got a lump in my Poopy Suit! - Crow
I got a mind like a steel trap.  It's rusty & illegal in 19 states.
I got a mind like a steel trap: things wander in and get mangled.
I got a mind like a steel trap: thoughts wander in and get mangled.
I got a mind like a steel trap; it's rusty & illegal in 19 states.
I got a mind like a......what's that thing called?.....
I got a monkey in my crotch - Tom as Pepe & ape struggle
I got a monkey on my back -Tom as Pepe jumps on ape guard
I got a new CD player for my siblings.... Great Trade!
I got a new Lexus for my spouse; Excellent trade!
I got a new OS called Windows, so I deleted DOS...
I got a new SoundBlaster for my siblings.... Excellent Trade!
I got a new car for my wife GREAT TRADE!!
I got a new doberman for my spouse; great trade!
I got a new ferret for my spouse; great trade!
I got a new pentium for my spouse; great trade!
I got a new phone.  Plugged it in.  Pushed REDIAL.  It freaked out.
I got a palace full of fantasies...
I got a personal letter from Ann Landers, was Tom's epigraph.
I got a phone bill, now I need a better job.
I got a pinhead, so this fits me - Crow
I got a point!  Do I win?
I got a problem. What you did was SO wrong - Mike to Bots
I got a soul that can't sleep at night when something ain't right-RCHP
I got a spot that gets me hot...but you can't get to it.
I got a sweater for Christmas.  I wanted a screamer or a moaner.
I got a sweater for X-mas-I wanted a moaner or a screamer.
I got a sweater for X-mas...I wanted a screamer or a moaner.
I got a ticket for doing Warp 4 in the impulse lane
I got a used gun for my wife, pretty good trade , huh ?
I got an "F" once on a question that asked my opinion.
I got an HT for my wife... Good trade!
I got an eargasm from aural sex.
I got arrested for going 14400 in a 2400 zone
I got arrested for going 14400 in a 2400 zone!
I got arrested in LA and boy am I beat!
I got bread and butter, I got toast and jam ...
I got bruises on my memory.
I got bumped from the flight. Anyone got a parachute?!
I got caught littering on the Information SuperHighway.
I got email from a blonde; there was a stamp on it.
I got everything but the part after "Now listen closely".
I got everything but the part after "Now listen closely".
I got everything up to the part about `Now listen closely' --The Cat.
I got everything up to the part about `Now listen closely.'
I got fired from my job as an M&M proof reader, I kept eating the W&W
I got fired from my job as an M&M proof reader, I kept eating the W&W's.
I got fired from my job as an M&M proof reader, I kept eating the W&W.
I got fired from my job as an M&M proof reader, kept eating the W&W's.
I got fired from the M&M factory for throwing away all the W's.
I got food poisoning today, but I haven't used it yet.
I got food poisoning today.  I don't know when I'll use it.
I got food poisoning today.  I don't know when I'll use it.-s.w.
I got friends in low places.
I got grace in times of fiction, I got truth in times of fiction
I got gyped! There's none in here! - Wakko (about the vomit bag)
I got gypped! There's none in here! - Wakko, about the vomit bag
I got him! I got him!...Great kid, don't get cocky!...
I got it all together, then forgot where I put it.
I got it, but I don't understand it.
I got kicked out of L7 - Mike as plain looking girl
I got kicked out of the Boy Scouts for eating a Brownie.
I got lost in a nursery once. - Richie Ryan
I got lost in thought once... it was unfamiliar territory.
I got lost in thought, it almost took a search party to find me.
I got lost in thought, it was a very unfamiliar territory
I got lost in thought, it was unfamiliar territory.
I got lost in thought.  I was in unfamiliar territory.
I got lost in thought.  It was unfamiliar territory.
I got lost in thought. It was an unfamiliar territory.
I got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.
I got lots of free books. They say Public Library on the cover.
I got mercury poisoning, it's fatal & it don't get better...
I got mercury poisoning,its fatal& dont get better
I got mine from a BBS that is now down.
I got moderated once for *Lurking* in that conference!
I got morals, I just keep misplacing them...
I got mugged on my way to MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL.
I got my act together and forgot where I put it!
I got my degree at Do Da Univ! Good ole Do Da U!
I got my finger caught in my ZIPper... AAAAARRRRRJJJJJ!
I got my floppy caught in my PKZipper!.
I got my glass eyes in about an hour.
I got my lashings.  Ohh, and sorry Tom, for draging you into this.
I got my line noise cheaper through Optus!
I got my mother-in-law a cordless bungee jumping kit!!!
I got my own Ferguson just like you always knew I would.
I got myself caught in a double jock-lock! - Crow
I got news for ya! THIS AIN'T MAKEUP! - Krusty
I got no prob with "Bob"
I got no use for you!
I got out of bed for *THIS*!?
I got out of bed for *this*?
I got paranoid when I found out people were plotting against me!
I got people to do and things to see
I got real close to Elvis, but my shovel broke.
I got real close to seeing Elvis but my shovel broke.
I got real close to seeing Elvis, but then my shovel broke.
I got real close to seeing Elvis, but then my shovel broke...
I got rid of my husband. The cat was allergic.
I got rid of my husband. The cats were allergic.
I got rid of my wife.  The cat was allergic.
I got rid of the children - because the CAT was allergic
I got rid of the kids - the cat was alergic.
I got rid of the kids - the cat was allergic!
I got rid of the kids - the cats were allergic
I got rid of the kids. The cat was allergic!
I got six! That's all there is!
I got so excited, I couldn't hold my oil!
I got some more Thread and now my jacket is full of holes.
I got somebody who will rock me all night long.
I got something to say, you know, but nothing comes. - Tori Amos
I got the Antichrist in the kitchen yellin' at me again.
I got the Honky Tonk blues.
I got the Jeep and she got the palace.
I got the answers.  Who changed the questions?
I got the car in the garage, but I had to go through the kitchen.
I got the clearance,Clarence. Roger,Roger. Vector,Victor?
I got the down to seeds and stems again blues.
I got the feeling my baby don't live here no more - Hendrix
I got the feeling my baby don't live here no more. --Hendrix.
I got the first three wrong, said Tom forthrightly.
I got the last word last night.. I apologized.
I got the stuff. You got the money?
I got the twelve o'clock news blues!
I got these nude pictures of the SYSO !@#$*$  NO CARRIER
I got these nude pictures of the SysOp(&@#(#$*$  NO CARRIER
I got these nude pictures of the moderat !@#$*$  NO CARRIER
I got this ballpoint pen from a Yugoslav friend, said Tom acerbically.
I got this computer for my wife... WHAT A TRADE!
I got this dog for my wife. What a great trade!
I got this dress here - Mike wearing a dress
I got this neat key oard in a yard sale, ugger's got no   key.
I got this tagline for my boyfriend - good trade!
I got this way from kissing girls.
I got to do a recital tomorrow - Crow
I got to give credit where credit is due...
I got to see Freddie Fender!
I got to the station quickly.  My boss was already there.
I got two 38's pointing at ya - Tom as busty girl
I got you in a stranglehold,baby,then I crushed your face.
I got you now. Huhuhuhuhuhuh! - McVicar
I got you something. Some nuts & hard boiled eggs - Frank
I got your "Politically Correct" right here, pal!
I gots one job but I does it well! - Mike as guard
I gots'ta not brin' sheep t' class
I gotta bad feeling about this
I gotta bad feeling about this...
I gotta be nuts; there are shells all over the floor!
I gotta blow! - Crow as wind demon
I gotta change into my tap pants - Crow as weird guy
I gotta clean out his spit valve - Frank on Dr. F
I gotta edit the tagfile...
I gotta find Jimmy Hoffa. He has my car keys.
I gotta finish alphabetizing my CDs - Mike
I gotta finish my morning coffee before I start replying!
I gotta get a better stalking schedule - Mike
I gotta get a new hat!
I gotta get this right.
I gotta get to my depression class - Crow
I gotta give my lobes a rest. - Klinger
I gotta go - I'm expecting another call from you any minute.
I gotta go - I'm expecting another call from you any minute.  -SLR
I gotta go annoy my Sysop with dumb questions!
I gotta go drain the Super Dragon - Tom
I gotta go julliene something - Crow as Guiron
I gotta go julliene something-- Crow T. Robot
I gotta go spread the plague - Mike as squirrel
I gotta go to the little ninja's room - Joel
I gotta have my suffering so I can have my cross.
I gotta headache THIS BIG and it has Bert I. Gordon written all over it!
I gotta know you a bit better to invite you into my closet.
I gotta lay off the 'shrooms - Joel on dream sequence
I gotta load up the Steely Dan - Tom on guy with gun
I gotta me a lobotomy.
I gotta practice my cymbals - Crow
I gotta take a big indestructible whizz - Tom
I gotta wash Eegah off! - Crow taking a shower
I gotta' get back to Reality...now where is that stupid Blue dragon?
I grade reality on a curve.
I graduated college with 103 degrees.   103 degrees?    I had a fever.
I graduated from the Peg Bundy School of Cooking.
I graduated with a 4.0                             [blood alcohol levle]
I graduwated from a publik skool!
I greet you in the name of He Who Is Not to be Named. <-TLP
I greet you in the name of It that Is Not to be Named.
I grew up in the seventies, that's when drugs were drugs ...
I grew up on the boulevard of broken dreams.
I grow old ever learning many things -- Solon (630-555 BC)
I grow old, I grow old, I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled
I grow weary. - King We grow azaleas! - Dot/Wakko/Yakko
I guarantee it. Would I lie? - Helmut as King Roland
I guess I have disposable income. I sure dispose of it fast.
I guess I never was meant for glitter rock 'n' roll. -Buffet
I guess I should have stolen a taglne to place here..
I guess I was wrong, I just don't belong.
I guess I'd better pack an extra pair of boots. - Riker
I guess I'll see you dancing in the ruins tonight
I guess I'm a child progeny. -Calvin
I guess a cynic smells different.
I guess everyone needs something of which to be proud
I guess he had to wear his Limbaugh watch on his right hand.
I guess i'm going to convert to the way you do it,
I guess i'm not the only boy for you -- NIN
I guess i'm not the only boy for you.
I guess if I didn't write 'em I can use 'em...
I guess it IS pinking shears - Mike
I guess it looses something without the costumes.
I guess it takes more than birthdays to get maturity!
I guess it what happens when you have multiple moderators.
I guess it's a girl thing...
I guess it's better to be lucky than good -- Riker
I guess it's what happens when you have multiple Moderators.
I guess my ears ARE big - Mike as weasely bad guy
I guess so...it's been a LONG time since I read that book.
I guess that got pretty pathetic. - Calvin
I guess that means Marxism - Groucho type is also dead.
I guess that means no Animaniacs, Freakazoid, and Pinky and the Brain?
I guess that one got by us -- Sisko
I guess that wasn't such a good idea after all. - Kira
I guess that would have been the thing I missed.. :)
I guess that'd be Chocolate Chimp -Crow on frozen monkeys
I guess that's a subconscious thing...:) - TEC
I guess that's what legends are supposed to be. - Joe Dawson
I guess the worst part was -- NO TAGLINE  ;^)
I guess their parachutes didn't open. --Mulder.
I guess this means Mutie really IS unique. ;) - Dire Wolf
I guess this means we can't get 30 minute pizza delivery -Tom Paris
I guess this was a bad day to stop sniffing glue.
I guess we DON'T have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore
I guess we DON'T have Nixon to kick around anymore!
I guess we all can't be imaginative.
I guess will just have to disagree to agree.
I guess you CAN'T judge a cover by its book!..
I guess you always remember your first love.
I guess you could call it  mortal terror! - Barclay.
I guess you could say that we're cut from a different cloth.
I guess you didn't leave me anything to read? - Duncan MacLeod
I guess you don't have access to your bbs's net_mail or you would have
I guess you wonder where you are.
I guess you'll have to fire me, sir."  "You're fired."
I guess you're off to have your fun.
I hAVe aN IMPortant rOlE aS a BAd ExaMplE!!
I hAtE wHeN pEoPlE tYpE lIkE tHiS... iT gIvEs Me A HeAdAcHe!!!
I hacked it, but I didn't get root - Bill Clinton
I hacked mainframes before there were pc's!
I had 2 stop driving4a while,the tires were dizzy --s.w.
I had 42 Megs of taglines. Now I have 9 and climbing. -- Jack Butler
I had Barney's liver with some fave beans and a nice Chianti.
I had Jello today! - Frank
I had Malantesla one time. Made me itch like crazy - Tom
I had a GREAT time in Nam!
I had a House..but a Big Blue Wave came and washed it away!!!!
I had a Kahuna once. I had it removed - Crow
I had a Tribble once, Tasted like chicken.
I had a Tribble once...kinda tasted like chicken
I had a Tribble onceit tasted like chicken.
I had a Tribble oncekinda tasted like chicken
I had a Trill once... tasted just like chicken
I had a ball Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...
I had a brush with Death, and later I curled with Delirium.
I had a brush with Death; later I curled with Delirium.
I had a cat once - tasted like chicken.
I had a cat once, but it turned into a dog, so now I have a dog.
I had a cat once.  Tasted like chicken.
I had a cat once. It tasted like chicken.
I had a cat once. Tasted like chicken.
I had a cat tagline, but the dog ate it.
I had a chicken once.  Tasted a lot like cat.
I had a chicken once. Tasted just like Tribble.
I had a chicken once. Tasted just like cat.
I had a chicken once. Tasted just like chicken.
I had a dislocated funny bone <OUCH> but it's better now.
I had a dislocated funny bone <OUCH< but it's better now.
I had a dislocated funny bone,  but it's better now
I had a dislocated funny bone, <*OUCH*> but it's better now.
I had a dislocated funny bone, <OUCH> but it's better\SLM
I had a dislocated funny bone, <OUCH< but it's better now
I had a dog Tagline, but my cat ate it.
I had a dog once... Tasted like chicken.
I had a dream once, there was a war inside my head. - Fishbone
I had a dream when I was young/A dream of sweet illusion.--Queen
I had a dream:  Sword +1, +5 vs. Democrats
I had a dream:  Sword +1, +5 vs. Republicans
I had a dream: DIR C: 98888728385729103805 KBytes free
I had a duel with a bottle of California Brandy. The bottle won.
I had a firm grasp on Reality.  Then I caught the Bluewave!
I had a good rock garden once....3 of them died.
I had a good rock garden.........but three died.
I had a grand time.- Me valde oblectavi.
I had a great Tagline... but it got stolen.
I had a great tagline here, but @F deleted it.
I had a great tagline here, but Dave Harper stole it..
I had a great tagline here, but Dexter deleted it.
I had a great tagline here, but Gary Caplan stole it..
I had a great tagline here, but Keith Scudder stole it..
I had a great tagline here, but Orville deleted it.
I had a great tagline here, but Zackary Tippett stole it..
I had a hamburger last night that whinnied. - Col. Potter
I had a handle on life ... then it fell off!
I had a handle on life then it fell off!
I had a handle on life, but it broke.
I had a headache once, then I got divorced.
I had a king dressed in drip-dry and paisley
I had a life once, but now I have a kid.
I had a life once.  I traded it in for a faster modem.
I had a life once.  Now I have a modem.
I had a life once... Now I have a computer.
I had a life once... but now I have a modem.
I had a life once... then I discovered modeming! =)
I had a life once.....      Now, I have a computer and a modem.
I had a life once....but now I have a modem..
I had a life, then I joined Fidonet.
I had a monumental idea last night, but I didn't like it.
I had a monumental idea this morning, but I didn't like it.
I had a monumental idea this morning, but I didn't like it. - Samuel Goldwyn
I had a normal childhood, but I overcame it.
I had a psychic boyfriend who dumped me before we met.
I had a psychic girl friend who dumped me before we met.
I had a rock garden oncethree of them died. --Mark Drake.
I had a shockproof, waterproof, dustproof, heatproof watch...I lost it!
I had a social life once, now I have a computer.
I had a tagline once, but somebody stole it.
I had a tagline when I came in here
I had a thought but it died of loneliness.
I had a thought once, but it died of loneliness.
I had a thought once, but it died of lonliness.
I had a thought, and I lost it.. nothing new.
I had a thought, but it died of loneliness.
I had a tribble once...it tasted like chicken.
I had a troubled childhood - I was breastfed from falsies.
I had a vasectomy,so you'll still be a virgin, no worries
I had a void in the shape of you! - Frank sings
I had a wreck in my car, 6 months later, I married him.
I had amnesia once or twice.
I had an Aunt Em myself once..
I had an affair but I didn't enjoy it and I didn't climax.
I had another bad hair day today. The government was in it.
I had come to the place where the ghosts play at being ghosts.
I had dreams of her dancing around me all night long...
I had forgotten his name after the lobotomy - Joel
I had fun once, but it wasn't at all like this
I had it out with my friend -- Pee Wee Herman
I had it to do over again, I'd let someone else do it.
I had low blood pressure.  My doctor sent me a bill.  I'm fine now.
I had my baby picture turned into a rookie card in case I get famous....
I had my brain digitized.  The digit was 0.
I had my car's alignment checked -- It's Chaotic Evil!
I had my car's alignment checked, it came back Malevolent Evil..
I had my car's alignment checked.  It's Chaotic Evil!
I had my car's alignment checked.  It's chaotic evil!
I had my computer's alignment checked.  It's Chaotic Evil.
I had my head examined.  They didn't find *anything*!
I had my head x-rayed today.  Nothing there..
I had no idea Canada was this much fun! - Crow as bimbo
I had no idea Canada was this much fun! -- Crow T. Robot
I had no idea it was such a ritual - Riker
I had no idea porn could be so stressful - Mike
I had no idea you were on the station. - Winn
I had no idea you were such a cad.  I'm impressed.  ... Q to Picard
I had no idea you were such a cad. I'm impressed. -- Q
I had no idea. NO idea at all! Sheridan Yes. --Kosh.
I had no shoes and wept. Then I met a man who had no feet.
I had nothing against women till I married one, now I have nothing!
I had one just like it - only different!
I had one just like it ... only different.
I had only 2 nerves left when I woke up AND NOW YOU'RE GETTING ON 'EM!
I had proof of the existence of God, but my cat ate it.
I had rather be OVER the hill than UNDER it.
I had right of way but the other guy had a Mack!
I had some armadillo once. Tasted like tire rubber.
I had some help in taking advantage of the virgin, said Sam, oily
I had some hockey taglines, but don't know where the puck I put them.
I had some morals, luckily, I got my money back.
I had some words with my wife, I didn't get to use mine.
I had such a bitch of a day! - Mike as priest
I had supernatural powers, I tried Windows... Now I'm 1st level again.
I had the car's alignment checked.  It's chaotic evil!
I had the car's alignment checked. It was chaotic evil!
I had this terrible dream that Axl Rose was singing We Will Rock You..
I had three kids once. I was hungry that night.
I had time to read mail before I wrote a mail reader...
I had to add this stupid tagline or OLMS would choose a random one!
I had to admit I am the greatest. I was under oath.
I had to buy an extra cabinet for your file. - Freedman to Klinger
I had to come over *here* to be a star! - Klinger
I had to delete Windows,my cat ate the mouse.
I had to eat a lizard & drink my own urine - Crow T. Robot
I had to fire my first mate from the boat, said Tom excruciatingly.
I had to give up being a vegetarian because of the side effects.
I had to go potty - Mike as pilot lands
I had to hit him ... he was starting to make sense!
I had to hoped to meet you in battle! - Kor to Kirk
I had to quit nursing school; my nipples got too sore!
I had to risk more in life before I could risk more in poetry.<Kaufman>
I had to shoot him, officer!  He was about to hurt himself!!
I had to stop driving my car for a while. The tires got dizzy. - s.w.
I had to stop driving my car for a while...  The tires got dizzy.
I had to throw out the chowder.  There was a dead clam in it.
I had too much to dream last night.
I had too much to dream last night...
I had trouble in school. I was using a BLACK highlighter.
I hadn't seen anything like that since I left Pennsylvania.
I hadn't... at least until you posted this.
I hang around where the grass is greener...
I happen to be propelling the ball w/my hoverskirt! - Tom
I happen to like nice men. - Leia
I hardley recognised you with your clothes on!
I hardly feel those injuries I sustained - Crow
I hardly recognized you w/your clothes on  -Joel
I hardly recognized you with your clothes on.
I hardly said anything, apart from "geronimo". -- Rimmer
I hate 4 letter words - you know..like work, iron, cook, wash..
I hate 4 letter words like cook, dust, diet, iron, scrub
I hate 4 letter words: cook, wash, iron, dust, diet.
I hate 4-letter words! cook, wash, dust- Maggie
I hate 4-letter words!...cook...wash...dust...iron...
I hate 4-letter words: cook, dust, wash, iron, work...
I hate 4-letter words: cook, wash, iron, dust, diet.
I hate Barbie...that bitch has everything !
I hate Bloody taglines
I hate Microsoft.  Bill Gates is the Great Satan.  IMHO.
I hate Microsoft. Bill Gates is the Great Satan.  IMHO.
I hate Saturdays
I hate Shadows, they hate me, I'm a Vorlon family!
I hate Shadows, they hate me, we're a Vorlon family...
I hate Socks the cat as much as some folks hate Barney.
I hate Taglines!
I hate Victor Hugo, said Les miserably.
I hate Vulcans. I hate their logic. -- Sela
I hate Yogurt! Even with Strawberries!
I hate all that silence - Calvin
I hate bathing my cat, I can't stand their hair in my mouth
I hate bathing my cat.  I can't stand her hair in my mouth.
I hate being in brain fog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate birthdays. They remind you your days are numbered.  Garfield
I hate broccoli. Yet, in a certain sense, I AM broccoli! -The Tick
I hate cats, unless stir-fried & tossed in dumpster
I hate climbing this winding staircase, said Tom coyly.
I hate disintegration, watching us wither - Tori Amos
I hate dogs! Hush, and eat what's put in front of you!
I hate emergency vehicles.  All the names are backwards.
I hate emergency vehicles.  All the names are on backwards..
I hate flashbacks!  I hate flashbacks!  I hate flashbacks!  I hate...
I hate flying. - Nick Knight
I hate for people to die embarrassed.
I hate four letter words!..cook..wash..dust..iron..
I hate four letter words--like cook, iron, wash, diet...
I hate four letter words: cook, dust, iron, wash, diet.
I hate four letter wordslike cook, iron, wash, diet...
I hate four-letter words:  Wash, Cook, Dust, Iron...
I hate gold.  Fake gold?  Even more.
I hate hexa taglines!
I hate him! I wish my mother was here -- Alexander
I hate him, Odo. -- Kira
I hate hookers that backwash.
I hate humans!They really get my goat,I'm not so fond of goats either.
I hate it when Humans think they have rights. - Any Computer
I hate it when I get my schwartz twisted!
I hate it when I leave my lunch in the ready room..
I hate it when I miss the really simple answers.......
I hate it when I'm right! - Yakko
I hate it when his face lights up - Mike
I hate it when my Neutrinos drift on me
I hate it when my Schwartz gets twisted!
I hate it when my plane is pms'ng.
I hate it when my screen gets all GUI!
I hate it when people ask stupid quesions.
I hate it when the government tells me what I need.
I hate it when the tagline is just one charachter too lon
I hate it when weird guys have Mary Kaye parties - Crow
I hate it when you move and everything gets misplaced.
I hate it! It is revolting! Another? Please.
I hate it! Its famous. Its a meteor. Thank you - Crow
I hate knowing where food comes from. All the magic is gone.
I hate laundry month.
I hate line noise when I'm trying to-- NO CARRIER
I hate making predictions; especially about the future!
I hate me, I hate you, and I hate our whole life here! - Hawkeye
I hate metal on my teeth, Tom said abrasively.
I hate milking cows, Tom uttered.
I hate misspelled graffiti and no good grammar.
I hate mornings. They start too early in the day.  Garfield
I hate movies where the men wear shorter skirts than the women.
I hate my modem
I hate my tagline!
I hate myself during Self-Esteem Improvement Month.
I hate paranoid people, they're everywhere!
I hate people who say "I know it's off-topic.. but..."
I hate personal violence, especially when I'm the person.
I hate pies with crumb bases, said Tom crustily.
I hate pineapples, said Tom dolefully.
I hate playing craps, Tom said dicily.
I hate questionaires -Worf
I hate questionarres -Worf
I hate questionnaires -- Worf
I hate quotations! - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I hate quotations. Tell me what YOU know. - Emerson
I hate quotations. Tell me what YOU know. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
I hate reading Victor Hugo, said Les miserably.
I hate safe sex... the door keeps closing and locking me inside.
I hate self-referencing tag lines, like this one.
I hate self-referencing tag lines, like this one...
I hate sex on TV.  I keep falling off.
I hate sheep! ------ A True Kiwi!
I hate shellfish, said Tom crabbedly.
I hate silly tag lines!
I hate sloppy release code.  Probably why I don't go near Windows.
I hate sweet potatoes, Tom yammered.
I hate sysops that think they know it all.
I hate taglines Bah! :-(
I hate taglines, now.
I hate taglines.
I hate the British. They're so f*cking pompous. -- Death
I hate the way he says "Interesting Problem."
I hate these `[0;1;5;32;44mBLINKING`[0m taglines!!
I hate these `[0;1;5;34;44mBLINKING`[0m taglines!!
I hate these pigeons! This is the third hat this week! - Wakko
I hate these things.
I hate this eternal revenue tax!  uh... that's INTERNAL revenue tax...
I hate this job - Principle Spittle
I hate this movie already! - Crow
I hate this new uniform!  Bring back the GREEN!
I hate this tagline.  I really do.  LOATHE!
I hate to be cured and run. - Dr. Freedman
I hate to blow my own horn, but 'Beep Beep.'
I hate to repeat gossip, so I'll only say this once.
I hate to type.....
I hate to wait on the money men.
I hate wearing that uniform! -- Nana Visitor
I hate what I say,but I'll fight 2 your death 2 defend it
I hate what you say, but I'll defend to my death your right to say it.
I hate what you say, but I'll defend to your death your right to say it.
I hate when he says "Interesting problem you have here".
I hate when my shwartz gets twisted!
I hate whiners & crybabies.
I hate worms, 'specially the ones I just stepped on...
I hate you forever! Boohoo! -Crow before Joel spanks him
I hate you, You hate me, I will kill your family.  -Barney the Hun
I hate you, You hate me, I will kill your family. - Barney of Borg
I hate you, You hate me.  Let's hang barney from a tree....
I hate you, you hate me, let's hang Barney from a tree!
I hate you, you hate me, let's throw Barney in the sea.
I hate you, you hate me, lets toss Barney in the sea.
I hate you, you hate me, we're a disfunctional family...
I hate you, you hate me, we're a dysfunctional family...
I hate you, you hate me.  Let's all go and kill Barney!
I hate you. Where's a tree? Let's all go and hang Barney!
I hate you. Where's a tree? let's all go and hang Barney!
I hate you. You hate me. Let's go out and kill Barney.
I hated PKZIP 2.04c before you did.
I hated Rush Lamebo -- until I got my lobotomy.  (Limbaugh)
I hated Rush Limbaugh -- until I got my lobotomy.
I hated it when my mom dressed up like that - Mike
I hates that crazy varmint!!! Y. Sam
I have *got* to stop bouncing those reality checks.
I have .25 Clusters per Sector.
I have 100 GB of software, All on 360K floppies!
I have 1st amendment righ@#$%     NO CARRIER
I have 240 air conditioning in my car; 2 windows down at 40mph.
I have 3 networked Pentiums - heats my house all winter!
I have 6,993 taglines. How many do you have?
I have CRAFT: Can't Remember a Flamin' Thing!
I have CRS...Can't remember...do do.
I have Canary fever..but it's tweetable.
I have ESP, PMS and a GUN, don't even think about it.
I have ESP, PMS and a GUN... any questions?
I have Geco's brain, in a thimble on my desk.
I have MOUNTING Questions...are you a Sex Therapist?
I have NOT lost my mind, it's backed up on tape someware.
I have NOT lost my mind, it's here on disk somewhere...
I have NOT lost my mind,it's backed up on tape somewhere.
I have NOT lost my mind. It's on disk somewhere!
I have OS/2 because it takes less space than Dos and Windows.
I have OS/2 because it takes less space than Micro$loth Dos and Windows.
I have P-M-S, E-S-P and a G-U-N - don't even THINK about it!
I have PLACES to see, PEOPLE to do!
I have PMS *and* a gun.  Any questions?
I have PMS and ESP. I'm a bitch that knows everything.
I have PMS and ESP...now I'm a bitch who knows everything!
I have PMS and I have a handgun..... Any Questions?
I have PMS and a .44 Magnum. Was there something you wanted to say?
I have PMS and a 9mm semi-automatic.  Any questions?
I have PMS and a Handgun.  Any Questions?
I have PMS and a Klingon Bird of Prey.  Any questions??
I have PMS and a gun. Any questions?
I have PMS and a hangover...any questions NOW?
I have PMS and a loaded gun, now, what did you say????
I have PMS, ESP and a G-U-N!  Any comments or questions?
I have PMS, ESP, and a G-U-N! Got a PROBLEM with that??
I have PMS, and I have a gun. Any questions?
I have PMS. What's your excuse?
I have PROOF aliens are among us - LOOK AT THE MACINTOSH!
I have REALLY gotta stop replyin' to tag-lines...
I have THREE computers.  Can I breed them?
I have Van Gogh's ear for music.
I have WIN 3.1, WFWG, NT, WIN95 & OS/2 for true DOS compatibility.
I have a <*SNORT*> high tolerance level. - Brian Cullen
I have a *wife*?      Good heavens, why wasn't I informed?  -jms
I have a 1.5Mb tagline file, and I need a sorter!!!
I have a 14,400 bps modem and 1.5 bps fingers.
I have a 14,400 bps modem, but only 1.5 bps fingers!
I have a 14.4 bps modem and 1.5 bps fingers!
I have a 14400 bps modem and 1.8 bps fingers.
I have a 33600bps modem and 2400bps phone lines...
I have a 5.5 Meg recipe file, and I need a good sorter!
I have a 9600 bps modem and 1.5 bps fingers!
I have a 9600bps modem and 1.5bps fingers
I have a B.A. in social work, said Tom with a degree of concern.
I have a Betazoid modem -- it senses what boards I want to call.
I have a Betazoid modem -it dls what it senses i want.
I have a Betazoid modem ... it downloads the files it senses I want.
I have a Black Belt in Bourbon!
I have a CHOColate chip in MY computer!!!
I have a Mercede's buried in my yard.  My dog is an over-achiever.
I have a bad dose of....Genealogy Fever....and it's highly contagious!
I have a bad feeling about this....
I have a barbecue deficiency. - Hawkeye
I have a bigger piano than this, Orville exclaimed grandly.
I have a black belt in haiku.
I have a black belt in origami--stop or I'll fold you!
I have a blender and a cat. Soups On!
I have a brand new hard drive and a corrupted backup!
I have a cheap sysop, no taglines:-(
I have a chocolate chip in MY computer.
I have a clean mind-I don't let it get cluttered with a lot of facts.
I have a collect call from Mars. Do you accept?
I have a collect call from Reality.  Will you accept...  <CLICK>
I have a collect call from reality, will you accept the - <click>
I have a condom, can I get a third degree?
I have a crank to start my car.  She drives me to work,too.
I have a crank to start my car. She drives me to work,too.
I have a crush on you....!!!
I have a decaffeinated coffee table.  You'd never know it to look at it.
I have a defective buttit has a crack in it.
I have a dirty mind because I ran out of soap!
I have a dirty mind, I mud wrestle with my conscience.
I have a dirty mind, I mud wrestle with my conscience.
I have a dream .. C:> 937498127857679023 bytes free
I have a dream .. DIR C: .. 999,937,498,127 bytes free
I have a dream ... DIR C: ... 937,498,127,857 bytes free!
I have a dream too; Radio for the people, by the people!
I have a dream"Transfer completed (100,000 CPS)..."
I have a dream. DIR C:.. "937498127857 bytes free"
I have a dream...  <DIR C:>....   "99934843928281 Bytes Free"
I have a dream... "Transfer completed (100,000 CPS)..."
I have a dream... DIR C: 1,987,999,937,498,127 bytes free.
I have a dream... DIR C: 999,937,498,127 Giga-bytes free.
I have a dream...DIR C: 999,937,498,127 bytes free.
I have a dream:  DIR C: 93285298429872582 kbytes free...
I have a dream:  DIR C: 965,465,065,464,984,030,373,436 bytes free...
I have a dream: "Transfer completed, 1000000 CPS."
I have a dream: C: 93285298429872582 Mega bytes free.
I have a dream: DIR C: 93285298429872582 bytes free
I have a dream: DIR C: 93285298429872582 kbytes free
I have a dream: DIR C: 965465065464984030373436 bytes free...
I have a dream: Sword, +100 Holy Avenger vs. Politicians!
I have a dream:DIR C: 965465065464984030373436 bytes free
I have a drinking problem. If Jake has 5 beers and Dan has 4...
I have a drinking problem:  Two hands and one mouth!
I have a fantastic memory.......but it's short.
I have a feeling that we are not compatible personalities.
I have a feeling that you'll NEED other contributors, Darren!
I have a feeling this isn't Kansas, Toto!
I have a female dog. I tried to mate her, she wants 50 biscuits.
I have a file! I HAVE A FILE!! - Homer
I have a filter for that!
I have a firm grip on reality - Now I can strangle it.
I have a firm grip on reality - now I can strangle it.
I have a firm grip on reality--by the throat
I have a firm grip on reality.  Now I can strangle it.
I have a firm grip on reality.  Now I can strangle it.
I have a firm grip on reality. I just strangled it.
I have a firm grip on reality. Now I can strangle it.
I have a firm grip on reality; now I will strangle it.
I have a firm grip or reality.  Now I can strangle it.
I have a foot fetish, but I'll settle for 7 or 8 inches.
I have a friend who is a B747 pilot. I said 'Hi Jack'. He shot me.
I have a friend who is a pilot on a 747. I said "Hi Jack." He shot me.
I have a full deck.  I'm just a slow shuffler...
I have a good eye, Uncle, I can see a church by daylight.  Shakespeare
I have a good eye, Uncle, I can see a church by daylight. - Shakespea
I have a good eye, Uncle, I can see a tagline by daylight. --Tagspeare
I have a good memory, it's just short.
I have a good memory. It just doesn't last very long.
I have a great (desq)View from all of my Windows
I have a great memory...it's just a little short.
I have a great memoryit's just a little short.
I have a grip on reality - just not this particular one.
I have a grip on reality, just not this particular one.
I have a heart like the US Army - open for all men between 18-35.
I have a heart like the US Army - open for all women between 18-35.
I have a knife of DM slaying.
I have a life!  I watch Animaniacs after work, so THERE!
I have a life-sized map of the United States.
I have a life. C:\MYRA\LIFE.EXE - see?
I have a life. C:\VIRGINIA\LIFE.EXE.....See?
I have a list, they will never be missed ...
I have a love-snag relationship with recipes.
I have a love-snag relationship with that recipe.
I have a love-steal relationship with taglines.
I have a love-steal relationship with that Tagline.
I have a magnetic personality - keep me away from diskettes.
I have a map of the United States that's actual size.
I have a mind and the ability to reason; I don't need a bible.
I have a mind like a steel ... animal catcher thingie...
I have a mind like a steel ...uh...er...whatchamacallit!
I have a mind like a steel sieve
I have a mind like a steel trap, but it's a bit rusty..
I have a mind like a steel trap; what DOES it take to trap steel??
I have a mind like a steel... animal catcher thingie.
I have a mind like a steel... uh... thingamajig...
I have a mind like a steel... uh... thingy.
I have a mind like a steel.... um, thingy...
I have a mind like a steel...thing...you know...doohickey.
I have a mind like a steel...thing...you know...doohicky...
I have a mind like a steel...thing...yow... a
I have a mind like a steel...uh.....thingamajig!!
I have a mind like a steel...uh...thingamajig...
I have a mind like a steel...um, what's it called?...you know...
I have a mind like a steel...you know...doohicky...
I have a mind like a steel..thing...you know...a doohickey...
I have a new law firm: Damne, Goode, and Reddy.
I have a new philosophy.  I'm only going to dread one day at a time.
I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.
I have a pager that responds/vibrates/feeds back/resonates. So what?
I have a pass: C:\MARYLAND\LIFE.EXE. It lets me do *things*.
I have a patent cure for 'the kissing disease', said Tom monotonically.
I have a pet jellyfish named K-Y.
I have a photogenic memory.
I have a photographic memory - but I'm OUT of film.
I have a photographic memory - but no film.
I have a photographic memory, but I've run out of film.
I have a photographic memory, too bad it was not developed
I have a photographic memory. What's your name again???
I have a photographic memory...but it's out of film.
I have a photographic memory; uh-oh, the lens cap is on!
I have a photographic mind...it never developed.
I have a picture of him doing it. - Dragonrider
I have a place in the universe, but I'm never in it.
I have a price on my head.  If I don't pay off Jabba, I'm a dead man.
I have a promise to keep. To slay the dragon? No, to heal it.
I have a question. You're gonna eat me aren't you? - Mike/#606
I have a rare photograph of Houdini locking his keys in his car.
I have a real bad feeling about this... - Han Solo
I have a real good memory, except it's short. Like my......
I have a really bad feeling about this. - Han Solo
I have a really bad feeling about this...
I have a really good memory, except it's short.
I have a really good memory....only it's short!
I have a really good memory...only it's very short.
I have a really, pretty bad headache - Mike
I have a reverse-silence problem at times.
I have a right to know if I'm right. - Frank Burns
I have a rock garden, but last week three of them died!
I have a rock garden.  Last week three of them died.
I have a rock garden.  Last week, three of them died.
I have a rope and an ostrich feather, and I know how to use them.
I have a secret to tell from my electrical well...
I have a sense of humor, I'm talking to you, aren't I ?
I have a small piece of brain lodged in my head!
I have a special mind that thinks in the dark.
I have a speech impediment . . . my foot.
I have a speech impediment... my foot.
I have a speech impediment.......my foot gets in the way.
I have a speech impediment....my foot!!!
I have a speech impediment....my foot!!! 08 Jan 96 ...
I have a speech of fire that fain would blaze but this folly douts it.
I have a stiffy. -Beavis
I have a stu-stu-stu-stu-stu-stu-stutter!
I have a system that can run NT smoothly, but why waste it on NT? I love
I have a teflon brain - nothing sticks to it anymore
I have a terminal swap file.
I have a ticket to the Good Life, but couldn't find the entrance.
I have a very bad feeling about this. - Luke
I have a very good memory - it is just short :-)
I have a very large dog and I need your help to walk it.
I have a very pessimistic view of life.   Woody Allen
I have a very pronounced feature: Babbling - Data
I have a vitally important role serving as a bad example.
I have a war wound. And IT doesn't...work - Mike
I have a watch cat!  Break in and she'll watch!
I have a watch cat!  Just break in and he'll watch.
I have a watch cat!  Just break in and she'll watch.
I have a watch cat! Just break in and he'll watch.
I have a watch cat! Just break in and she'll watch.
I have a watch dog. Just break in and he'll watch.
I have added you to my computer data; assuring you immortality...
I have alcohol-ism not alcohol-wasm.
I have all the erasers to all the miniture golf pencils in the world.
I have all the money I'll ever need -- if I die by 3 o'clock!
I have all the specs and diagrams at home.. - Sergei Roschenko
I have all the time in the world... I'm dead!!!
I have already not made that point
I have always admired strong males -- Lwaxanna
I have always been crazy, but it kept me from going insane.
I have always been diametrically opposed to opposition!OJW
I have always imagined paradise will be a kind of library <JL Borges>
I have always thought life was a case of grow or die.
I have an ANSI.SYS, and an ANSI.BRO as well
I have an IQ of 6,000: The same IQ as 6,000 P.E. Teachers. --Holly.
I have an appointment with eternity and I don't want to be late - Soran
I have an appointment with eternity, and I don't want to be late.
I have an attitude and I know how to use it.
I have an examination tomorrow which I intend to pass. --Rimmer.
I have an excellent disguise. - Garibaldi
I have an exceptionally high Q.I.
I have an extended business trip, and NO laptop <sigh>
I have an extensive library. - Connor MacLeod
I have an eye for a rather nice veiw.
I have an important role as a bad example.
I have an inferiority complex, but not a very good one
I have an inferiority complex. I think everyone is inferior to me.
I have an interesting structuring of my words way.
I have an open mind: My brains keep falling out!
I have as much in common with David Duke as Tupac Shakur.
I have bad ears. They hear everything @FN@ says.
I have bad eyes. They see everything that @FN@ writes.
I have become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds.
I have become comfortably numb.
I have become comfortably numb. - Pink Floyd
I have become comfortably numb...
I have been a stranger in a strange land. - Exodus 2:22
I have been accused of being human.  It's a lie.
I have been accused of being out of phase with reality myself!
I have been blessed to have lived in the time of Reagan and Limbaugh.
I have been designated the official "agitator" there by the moderator.
I have been diagnosed with Blue Wave Fever. It's catching too!
I have been in your place before, Mr Garibaldi - Londo
I have been on fidonet for MANY years now, I have now
I have been poor and I have been rich.  Rich is better.
I have been poor and I have been rich.  Rich is better.
I have been searching for you hooman!
I have been...and always will be...your friend -- Spock
I have broken this man's index finger.  Who killed Edward Blake?
I have brought back something you have to try - Riker
I have bursts of being a lady,but it doesn't last long-Shelley Winters
I have bursts of being a lady; it doesn't last.
I have but one asterisk for my country.
I have but one claw, but beware! -- Batty
I have but three enemies: fear, anger, ignorance.
I have but three enemies: fear, anger, ignorance.
I have carried your soul. I can't fill your shoes -- McCoy
I have charts and graphs that prove I'm right.
I have come here to kick ascii.
I have come to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of gum!
I have come to doubt all I once held as true.
I have crawled - down dead end streets - on my hands and knees.
I have da people - I have da plan - I have you sucked in!
I have decided that today is not a good day to die.
I have decided to allow you to do what I cannot prevent.
I have decided to devote my entire career to looking for a career.
I have decided to display my feminine self today. - Worf
I have developed "Power Word Nuke".  Send me all your gold.
I have dieted 103 years and it hasn't done me any good.
I have difficulty remembering whose side I'm on. - Picard
I have dynamic memory, it needs constant refreshing...
I have dynamic memory, it needs refreshing...
I have dynamic memory--it needs refreshing often.
I have eight children, Tom apparently said.
I have engaged the enemy.  The wedding is this friday.
I have enough gaul to be divided in three parts!
I have enough guilt to start my own religion.
I have enough money for the rest of my life, if I only live 'til 4 pm.
I have enough people pissed at me already!!
I have enough trouble single-tasking!
I have erased the thin line between genius and insanity.
I have everything I had 20 years ago, only it's all a little bit lower.
I have everything and I WANT MORE!!!
I have excellent sleeping habits. When the sun rises, I don't.
I have excorcised the demons - Ace Ventura
I have favours for sale...but the price is quite high. - Satan
I have finally given Gary a new tagline file!
I have fools on the left of me and feeders on the right - Londo
I have forgotten the German word for 'four' Tom said fearlessly.
I have fought my way to the castle beyond the Goblin City...
I have found God and He is shaped like a Big Mac!
I have found a clue! Now, where did I put it???
I have found insanity to be an aid in writing taglines.
I have found power in the mysteries of thought. Euripides
I have found you can find, happiness in slavery  - Trent Reznor (NIN)
I have full diplomatic access. --Garibaldi.
I have full diplomatic accesss.
I have full diplomatic accesss. - Garibaldi
I have given a name to my pain.  And it is Batman.
I have given my pain a name..!!
I have given my pain a name.Windows
I have got a disk ache !
I have got as much as I can from all of my known living relatives.
I have got to stop bouncing those reality checks.
I have grown older, and you have grown colder- Pink Floyd
I have had a perfectly wonderful evening.  But this wasn't it.  -- Groucho Marx
I have had just about all I can take of myself. <S N Behrman>
I have half a mind to give you a tagline!
I have hard evidence of the efficacy of ginseng.
I have how many macros?!?
I have in my hand a box of chocolate bunnies.
I have invented the world I see.
I have it on good authority that I don't know what the hell I'm doing.
I have know idea what I could be doing wrong...
I have learned silence from the talkative.
I have learned that it is useless to argue with you - Picard
I have learned tolerance from the intolerant, kindness from the unkind.
I have little bunnies painted on my knees - Crow
I have lived here before, the days of ice.  Hendrix
I have lived so many lives all in my head - NIN
I have lost my mind, but it must be backed-up somewhere.
I have lots of comic books! - TV's Frank
I have made it a rule never to smoke more than one cigar at a time.
I have made no undetected errors...
I have mastered the fine art of dementia!
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. -- Eliot
I have melted the thin line between genius and insanity.
I have memory problems. Have I said that before ?
I have mixed feelings about ambivalence.
I have morals. I just keep misplacing them. -- Quark
I have more pipe dreams than an organist.
I have more quotes than most people have BRAINS, proving SOMETHING.
I have more than enough of almost everything.
I have more, if you're interested...
I have multiple personalities. No I don't! Yes I do!
I have my cat's permission to use my computer.
I have my cat's permission to use the computer.
I have my official sweet and innocent id card =) -Tristessa
I have my orders from the Emperor himself. - Piett
I have my portfolio managed by Dionne Warrick.
I have my wife on a 4 year lease with an option to buy.
I have never been hurt by anything I didn't say.
I have never killed anyone at the dinner table.  - Kurn
I have never killed anyone at the dinner table. - K'ern
I have never killed anyone at the dinner table. - Kurn
I have never killed anyone at the dinner table. -- K'ern
I have never let my schooling interfere with my educations.
I have never met a Moderator QUITE like you.
I have never met a chocolate I did not like. - Deanna Troi
I have never met a nymphomaniac.. If I had, I wouldn't be here.
I have never seen anyone eat TEN chocolate sundaes.
I have never seen this hat as long as my head has lived. - BJ
I have never verified any of the above allegations.
I have no beef with God.  It's His fan clubs I can't tolerate.
I have no delusions of ogre ancestry! -Dire Wolf
I have no drinking problem. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem.
I have no fear, for my teddy bear is near!
I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm doing it well.
I have no idea what it means, but I like it.
I have no idea what it means, but it sounds very impressive.
I have no idea what that meant.  - Dot
I have no idea what that meant. -- Dot Warner
I have no idea what that meant. Dot, Animaniacs
I have no idea, but apparently it's worth a billion dollars! - Yakko
I have no idea, said Tom thoughtlessly.
I have no intention of being your token Maquis officer!
I have no intentions of being your token Maquis officer.
I have no mouth and I must scream. - Ellison
I have no mouth, and I must burp.
I have no problem with God, it's His Fan Clubs I question.
I have no problem with God.  It's his fan clubs I hate.
I have no problem with God.. it's his pushy followers I can't stand!!
I have no problems with God.  It's his fan clubs I hate.
I have no quarrel with you, good Sir Knight...
I have no rival, no man can be my equal...
I have no solution but I certainly do admire the problem..
I have no solution, but I really admire your problem.
I have no special love for the Minbari, or their poets". -G'Kar
I have no tanlines.  Wanna see?
I have no vices for you to exploit. -- Tosk A challenge -- Quark
I have not failed.  I've just found ways that won't work.
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
I have not heard a single whimper of complaint.
I have not lost my mind--it's backed up on disk somewhere.
I have not lost my mind; I know exactly where I left it.
I have not seen as far as others because giants were standing on my shoulders.
I have not yet begun to byte!
I have not yet begun to retreat.
I have nothing AGAINST cats. Wouldn't get that close to one.
I have nothing against Windows.  It's a great solitaire game.
I have nothing against cats.  I wouldn't let one get that close.
I have nothing against my cat....it already shredded my shirt.
I have nothing against windows. It is a great solitaire game.
I have nothing to do, and no time to do it. - Dire Wolf
I have nothing to say or feel about this situation - Mike
I have nothing to say, but I can say it loudly.
I have often depended on the blindness of strangers.
I have often regretted my speech, never my silence.<Syrus>
I have one hell of a headache. - Janeway
I have one nerve left and you're getting on it...
I have one request: may i never use my reason against truth.
I have one word for you, Mrs. Troi: VD.  Look into it.
I have only myself to blame, I suppose. - Q
I have only one burning desire. - Hendrix
I have only one burning desire. Let me stand next to your fire-Hendrix
I have only one complaint: Why can't we have longer tagli
I have only one life.  I will live it armed.
I have only to look at the Graveyard to see that, milady. -6thDr.
I have opinions of my own but I don't agree with them.
I have others, but this will be a good start.
I have pampered my child. I've given him my genes.
I have petrified dinasour droppings...painted like Easter eggs!!!!!
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. (1CO 3:6)
I have played the fool. - 1 Samuel 26:21
I have plenty of WILLpower; I need some WON'Tpower!
I have plenty of do's but no don'ts, Tom said dauntlessly.
I have prepared 2 meals for a tent full of simpletons!-Winchester
I have reached my Beer D/L limit, I must U/L now!
I have read and understood the above.  X_______________
I have read and understood the above.  X________________
I have read and understood the above. X_________________
I have read your book and much like it.
I have resorted to turning messages into recipes.
I have resorted to turning messages into taglines.
I have sang cowboy, love, blues & lullaby songs, now life
I have see the truth and it makes no sense.
I have seen much better examples of that.
I have seen selfishness before!
I have seen strange before, but this breaks new ground.
I have seen the darkened depths of Hell
I have seen the data. Now bring me some I can agree with!
I have seen the data...now bring me some I can agree with
I have seen the data...now bring me some I can agree with
I have seen the evidence.  I want DIFFERENT evidence!
I have seen the evidence. I want DIFFERENT evidence <bg>.
I have seen the evidence. I want DIFFERENT evidence...
I have seen the future and it is just like the present, only longer.
I have seen the future and it is just like the present, only longer.  -- Albran
I have seen the future and it is now the past.
I have seen the future of gaming and its name is DOOM ][.
I have seen the future of gaming and its name is QUAKE!
I have seen the future of hip-hop, and it is Frank.
I have seen the future! It's just like the present but longer!
I have seen the future, and it is now the past.
I have seen the future, it is just an extended present.
I have seen the future. I'm not going.
I have seen the future....Please shoot me NOW!
I have seen the future....and it SUCKS!
I have seen the future: it doesn't work!
I have seen the tagline and it makes no sense.
I have seen the truth and it is a lie.
I have seen the truth and it makes no sense
I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.
I have seen the truth... and it makes absolutely no sense.
I have seen your capslock key, and it's not pretty...
I have so many Screen Savers, I could make a full length motion picture.
I have so many aka's my Front Door said "enough!"
I have so much to do. I'm going to bed.
I have some interesting and original taglines.
I have some powdered water, but I don't know what to add.
I have some questions about your anus - Crow to Tom
I have something BETTER than chocolate. --Riker to Troi
I have something BETTER than chocolate. þ Riker
I have something better than chocolate. --Riker.
I have something money can NOT buy: POVERTY!
I have strange tastes Do you taste strange? {EG}
I have strange tastes....do you taste strange?
I have switched to metric, Tom expounded defeatedly.
I have taken it to heart.  Please hold my aorta.
I have that file, it's right he........
I have the Midas touch - everything becomes a muffler!
I have the best Senator that money can buy.
I have the birth date of a 40 Year old.
I have the brain of a Liberal ... in a thimble on my desk!
I have the curiosity of a 6 Year old.
I have the furniture disease -- my chest has fallen into my drawers!
I have the greatest enthusiasm for the mission - HAL 9000
I have the heart of a Conservative...  in a jar on my desk!
I have the heart of a Republican... in a jar on my desk!
I have the heart of a boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk.
I have the heart of a conservative...in a small jar on my desk.
I have the heart of a liberal ... in a jar on my desk.
I have the heart of a liberal.  I keep it in a jar on my desk!
I have the heart of a liberal.  I keep it in a small jar on my desk!
I have the heart of a liberal...  in a jar on my desk!
I have the heart of a little boy--in a jar on my desk. <S.King>
I have the heart of a young boy - in a jar on my desk.
I have the morals of a Liberal ... in a thimble on my desk!
I have the most perfect confidence in your indiscretion.
I have the oldest typewriter in the world-it types in pencil.-s.w.
I have the other half of Rush Limbaugh's brain.
I have the passion of a 20 Year old.
I have the patience of a 2 Year old.
I have the simplest of tastes.  The best is satisfactory.
I have the simplest tastes. The best is satisfactory.
I have the strength of an 18 Year old.
I have the strength to endure the misfortunes of others.
I have the values of a Liberal ... in a thimble on my desk!
I have the wisdom of a 70 Year old.
I have this foreboding sense of evil... there's the postman...
I have this real moronic habit I have, called THINKING.
I have this terrible pain in the diodes all down my left side.
I have this thing about lying.. - Dire Wolf
I have three megs:  Meg Ryan, Meg Keller, Meg Johnston...
I have to admit.. this is a great Tagline!
I have to admit.. this is a great tagline!
I have to admit... this is a great recipe!
I have to answer all of my "occupant" letters.
I have to attend my PhD oral examination, said Tom defensively.
I have to be on the next train to Bermuda.
I have to bleach my hare.
I have to call 'em like I see 'em. - Richie Ryan
I have to do it before I have time for second thoughts.
I have to do it myself, but I can't do it alone.
I have to do it myself, but I can't do it.
I have to fix all the bugs, and add some new features, Tom maintained.
I have to floss my cat.
I have to fluff my shower cap.
I have to go mow the laundry.
I have to go now.  They need Me (aliens you know)...
I have to go to court for kitty littering.
I have to go to the Rat Boy audition - Mike as geeky guy
I have to go to the post office to see if I'm still wanted.
I have to go, I promised @FN@ I'd let him buy me drinks tonight.
I have to go, I promised Bullitt, we'd bake a raisin nut cake tonight.
I have to go, I promised Orville, we'd bake a raisin nut cake tonight.
I have to hand hold an android - Picard
I have to insert this spatula in your mouth, said Tom depressingly.
I have to jog my memory.
I have to keep helping her get pink troll hair out of the zipper. --No
I have to knit some dust bunnies for a charity bazaar.
I have to let my dog out, she's getting too tight!
I have to make brownies for the Pinewood Derby - Tom
I have to rotate my crops.
I have to sing a run of eighth-notes, said Tom quaveringly.
I have to sit up with a sick ant.
I have to stay home and see if I snore.
I have to study for a blood test.
I have to thaw some karate chops for dinner.
I have to think twice before I give it a second thought.
I have to wash/condition/perm/curl/tease/torment my hair.
I have to wear my sports leg to park in a handicapped spot.
I have to wear this cast for another six weeks, said Tom disjointedly.
I have tolerance for everyone... except Rush Limbaugh.
I have too many children, said Mary overbearingly.
I have tried relaxing but somehow I just feel better all up-tight.
I have turned into a wishing well with legs. - Londo
I have two computers.  Can I breed them?
I have two orifices, but sometimes I work at home.
I have two pets:  A large main dog, and a small emergency backup one.
I have two pets: A large main dog, and a small emergency backup one.
I have vays to make you talk, @FN@!
I have velcro on my butt!
I have waited many, many years. And now - it is time.. The traitor..
I have with me two gods, Persuasion and Compulsion.
I have writer's block, said Tom contritely.
I have written permission to die in the attempt. - Col. Flagg
I have written you before but I think the net might have swallowed it.
I have you just where you want me. I think.
I have'nt lost my mind. Its backed up on tape somewhere.
I have'ta take a cold shower - Mike
I haven's lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!
I haven't been wrong since 1968, when I thought I made a mistake.
I haven't been wrong since 1969, when I was a mistake.
I haven't broken the rules in a long time, I guess I'm about due
I haven't broken the rules in a long time, I guess I'm about due.
I haven't decided yet. -Q to Picard
I haven't eaten a bloody thing all day. - Dracula
I haven't found a customer service # anywhere in the manual either
I haven't found my connections, but sure did find some friends ...
I haven't gone by the name #TN# since before you were born.
I haven't gone by the name @FN@ since before you were born.
I haven't gone by the name Orv since before you were born.
I haven't gone by the name Orville since before you were born.
I haven't got a single recipe with the word -------- in it.
I haven't got a single tagline with the word chile in it.
I haven't got a single tagline with the word chili in it.
I haven't got the kind of heart a lover can steal.
I haven't got time for this.
I haven't gotten a mailbag today so nothing new to report.
I haven't gotten into trouble yet -- Wesley
I haven't had sex in so long I forget *who* gets tied up.
I haven't had sex in so long, I forget who gets tied up!
I haven't had sex in so long, I forgot who gets tied up!
I haven't had this much sex since I was a Boy Scout leader!
I haven't had time for you in my life...That's A lie.
I haven't killed anyone in.. what time is it, anyway? -Janier
I haven't killed anyone in... what time is it, anyway?
I haven't killed anyone yet.  Help me keep it that way
I haven't lived four hundred years. - Richie Ryan
I haven't lost it! It's been temporally mislaid.
I haven't lost my Necronomicon Pocket Concordance?  You've got it?
I haven't lost my memory, I'm just panning for gold.
I haven't lost my mind - It's backed up somewhere.
I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up somewhere.
I haven't lost my mind! I've got a backup somewhere
I haven't lost my mind, I know exactly where I left i\S
I haven't lost my mind, I know exactly where I left it.
I haven't lost my mind, Just my Hard Drive.
I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk
I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk!
I haven't lost my mind, it's in background in Windows.
I haven't lost my mind, it's in the gutter right where I left it!
I haven't lost my mind, it's right here in this jar.
I haven't lost my mind, its backed up on disk
I haven't lost my mind, its backed up on tape somewhere.
I haven't lost my mind, its in the tagline file right where I left it!
I haven't lost my mind, someone misplaced it.
I haven't lost my mind--it's backed up on floppies somewhere.
I haven't lost my mind.  It must be backed up somewhere.
I haven't lost my mind.  It's just swapped to disk.
I haven't lost my mind. It's backed up on tape somewhere
I haven't lost my mind. It's backed up on tape somewhere.
I haven't lost my mind..  It's backed up somewhere..
I haven't lost my mind...It's backed up somewhere!
I haven't lost my mind..It must be backed-up somewher\S
I haven't lost my mind..It must be backed-up somewhere.
I haven't lost my mind..It's backed-up somewhere
I haven't lost my mind: it must be backed-up *somewhere*!
I haven't lost my mind;  I'm sure it's backed up on tape somewhere!
I haven't lost my mind;  it's backed up on tape somewhere
I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape and I can't scan yet!
I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!
I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
I haven't lost my mind; the slave hid it!
I haven't lost my sanity.  I just chose to ignore it.
I haven't lost the weight, it's right here behind me.
I haven't moved for hours. Why? I'm a mirror stalker!
I haven't put air in my fifth tire, said Tom despairingly.
I haven't read that Fairy Tale, Tom said grimly. Grimm]
I haven't read that Fairy Tale, he said Grimmly.
I haven't seen many from the mask. I will have to look. But
I haven't seen such a hairy one of these in a long time. -Kemanorel
I haven't shot anything all day, Tom groused.
I haven't the faintest idea what you are referring to.
I haven't the slightest idea -- Dr. Crusher
I haven't the software to deal with this! - Kryten
I havent lost my mind its backed up on tape..
I havent lost my mind; its backed up on tape somewhere!
I havn't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape !.
I hear Demeter has gone a little mad. --Hades
I hear John Bobbit always leaves SMALL tips..
I hear John Bobbitt is just nuts about his new girlfriend.
I hear John Bobbitt is the new spokesman for Snap-On Tools
I hear John Bobbitt's the new spokesman for Snap-On Tools.
I hear Michael's new cod-piece song is all about you.
I hear Pooper's locked up tight - Tom
I hear President Clinton is naming you Secretary of the Inferior.
I hear a mundane begging to be taunted.
I hear a sound, humming just above the ground - Course of Empire
I hear my train a' coming -  Hendrix
I hear my voice, and it's been here, silent all these years.
I hear radio waves in my head.
I hear rumours get started in this echo.  Pass it on
I hear she gives really good ear - Quark to his brother
I hear that rumours get started in this echo.  Pass it on
I hear the Schmaltz Police knocking on my door.
I hear the only place you're ever invited is outside.
I hear the president is naming you Secretary of Soul.
I hear the president is naming you Secretary of the Inferior.
I hear the roar of a big machine, two worlds and in between.
I hear they drummed you out of the continuum -- Guinan
I hear they're coming out with a 12-step program for modeming addicts.
I hear what you're saying but I just don't care.
I hear you loud and clear, but the picture is fuzzy.
I hear your feeling down.
I hear your lips moving, but I can't see what you're saying.
I heard 'em sing about it a million times.
I heard @FN@'s mind has been on edible underwear lately...
I heard Cinderella left home because of Salmonella's cooking!
I heard Clinton was going to Euro**&^%$*NO CARRIER
I heard Dale Shipp say, "QWK isn't a pain since I got Blue Wave!"
I heard George Hatchew say, "QWK isn't a pain since I wrote Blue Wave!
I heard Graham Newton say, "QWK isn't a pain since I got Blue Wave!"
I heard Linda Blair a most shocking story!
I heard Martin Pollard say, "QWK isn't a pain since I got Blue Wave!"
I heard Stan Zaske say, "QWK isn't a pain since I got Blue Wave!"
I heard Suzanne Traylor say, "QWK isn't a pain since I got Blue Wave 2
I heard Wayne Benner say, "QWK isn't a pain since I got Blue Wave!"
I heard angels sing, when I heard you whisper my name
I heard he died!  Er, washing his hair!
I heard it simulates another person...<g> - TEC
I heard it through the grapevine.
I heard nothing from the FIDO Taglines Moderator. Enuff was enuff!
I heard that Clinton was going to raise taxes.
I heard that Pyle! You piece of filth - Crow to Mike
I heard that all the brides of Dracula were rednecks.
I heard that the Moderator was goi#$&!#$&!  NO CARRIER
I heard that they made Pee Wee Herman an honorary Kennedy.
I heard that they made Pee Wee an honorary Kennedy
I heard that you got grounded -- Guinan
I heard the Word--wonderful thing--a children's song.
I heard the cries for revenge, for blood, for death. - Delenn
I heard they wanted to carve Clinton's face into Mt.Rushm. BOTH of 'em
I heard tuna fish! - Crow as girl enters kitchen
I heard what you said...I just don't care!!!
I heard you had a thought once - but it died of loneliness.
I heard you said that I am crazy about you.
I heard you were at the dog show?  Who won SECOND prize?
I heard you were such an ugly kid your mother breast fed you through a s
I heart my dog head.
I held on with one finger, so the other ten could rest.
I hereby declare that mornings shall not start until noon. - Garfield
I hereby sentence you to death by, uhh by...
I hereby sentence you to death by, uhh..hehehe, saw off his tweeter!
I hereby strip you of all of your Princess Points.
I hit Ctrl again and again, but I'm still not in control!
I hit my <CTRL> key and I'm still not in control.
I hit my CRTL key but I'm STILL not in control....
I hit my CTRL key and I'm *still* outta control!
I hit my CTRL key and I'm still not in control.
I hit my CTRL key, but I'm still not in control.
I hit the CRTL key but I'm still not in control!
I hit the CTRL key but I'm still not in control!
I hit the CTRL switch, but this aircraft is still out of control!
I hit the dance floor every chance I get.
I hit you, you hit me, we're all bruised so ba-aaad-ly.
I hit, I hit.  I kill it.  -- Diceless Role-playing.
I hits Krako, Krako hits Tepo, Tepo hits me.."  Bella Oxmyx
I hold a cup of wisdom, but there is nothing within.
I hold a very responsible position. When it goes wrong, I'm responsible.
I hold my breath for nought,except to squeeze the trigger
I hooked up my battery backwards, now my horn sucks.
I hope Cochran's reading this echo.  <grin>
I hope Doodles Weaver isn't the Kitten - Mike
I hope God has a sense of humor, but not a hell of one.
I hope God has a sense of humour, but not a hell of one.
I hope I can handle what I have to do.
I hope I can solve my internal conflicts w/o bloodshed.
I hope I did not do anything unbecoming a Starfleet officer.
I hope I did this right!
I hope I did'nt bother you with a silly question.
I hope I didn't seem bitchy ... I can't afford it!
I hope I die before I get old ...
I hope I don't get run over again.
I hope I get what I want before I stop wanting it.
I hope I have made this a more enjoyable war for all of us.-F. Burns
I hope I know what I'm talking about
I hope I never grow up!
I hope I'm dead because my pants are full - Tom
I hope I'm getting royalties on these things :) - Jalapeno
I hope I'm never out when my ship comes in.
I hope I'm not in the bath when opportunity knocks!
I hope I'm that frail when I am 202 years old - Picard
I hope I've made myself clear....I'll be watching. ;-)
I hope Leopold doesn't find out about this - Crow
I hope O.J.'s next girlfriend is Lorena Bobbitt.
I hope Santa brings me that mistletoe belt I asked for!
I hope Santa brings me that mistletoe belt I asked for!...
I hope Santa will bring me that mistletoe belt I want.
I hope Thelma Ritter mom before she died.
I hope flies don't go to heaven when they die. Too many of em.
I hope for your sake you are initiating a mating ritual.
I hope he gets stuck in his helmet! - Col. Potter
I hope he kills the Apple Dumpling gang! - Crow
I hope he puts in his 8 track of Aqua Lung - Mike
I hope he's here to brief us on the movie - Crow
I hope i won't be there in the end if you come around
I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it.
I hope life isn't a big joke. Because if it is, I don't get it.
I hope matters are a little clearer now.
I hope my mother gets hit by a steamroller, said Tom malevolently.
I hope she's not dressed in Saran Wrap again - Crow
I hope so!! This place is cleaner than CABLE TV!! :-)
I hope some day you'll join us and the world will be as one...
I hope someday a Pope chooses the name Shorty.
I hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one - Luv, Hugh
I hope that "Kevorkians" that line of conversation!
I hope that Heaven has modems and BBSs...
I hope that I get old before I die.
I hope that Schrodinger guy put kitty litter in there...
I hope that everyone will take precautionary measures.
I hope that politically correct is *DEAD* before this decade's out!
I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle
I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle...
I hope that the above helps you a tiny bit.
I hope that's a Jehovah's witness-Al
I hope that's enough! <g>  That's all!
I hope that's the scene police calling - Tom
I hope the Mars probe doesn't end up in Uranus!
I hope the day after I die is a nice day.
I hope the ivy grows around your rotting body  laughs you.
I hope the term "Politically Correct" dies before this decade does!
I hope there are a couple here that you can use.  I am looking for
I hope these are the right coordinates. --O'Brien.
I hope these are the type you are looking for, they were given to me
I hope these records are of interest to you.
I hope they blow up Blossum - Crow
I hope they didn't miss the film's climax - Crow
I hope they don't find out that I'm faking. * Riker
I hope they kill Mr. Kotter - Crow
I hope they name something new after Charles Schumer: like a DISEASE!
I hope this clears up some of the confusion.
I hope this information is helpful!
I hope this is 'aproximating English' close enough
I hope this little breach of security won't affect my Xmas bonus?
I hope this may help any others with similar problems...
I hope this tagline is worthy of stealing
I hope those fabulous CONEHEADS are at home!!
I hope to hear from all of you soon. Happy Hunting!!!!!
I hope wars getting smaller is a trend. - Col. Potter
I hope we didn't come at a bad time. - Ivanova
I hope we didn't come at a bad time. -Susan Ivanova
I hope we know what we're doing-- Riker
I hope we'll still be friends.
I hope with all my heart there will be painting in Heaven.
I hope you REALLY don't talk like that, you sound like a geek!
I hope you didn't jinx us.
I hope you don't find me as stupid as a photocopier.
I hope you enjoy your new Orgasm! - Dragonrider
I hope you find this message worthy of grokking.
I hope you get freezer burned - Dr. Forrester to Mike
I hope you have a kid just like yourself. --PBT
I hope you know a good dentist, Susie - Calvin
I hope you know these are billable hours - Dr. F as horse
I hope you weren't too hard on Frank - Mike to Dr. F
I hope you're Republican rich with a Democrat's sex life
I hope you're adaptable, Dr. Orville. I know I am.
I hope you're adaptable, Dr. Orville. I know they are.
I hope you're all duly impressed. Thank you very much - Calvin
I hope you're not afraid of needles, Tom injected.
I hope you've heard of me... Mickey Mouse. You know, Mickey Mouse?
I hope your animal is treating you kindly.
I hope your physical assets exceed your cerebral connectivity.
I hope zoo keepers feed the bears!
I hope, when they die, cartoon characters have to answer for their sins.
I hoping your as confusedly as I am about these things.
I hoping your as confusedly as I am!
I however refuse to mate for the enjoyment of others.
I hunt flies with a sledge hammer....and get em!!!!
I hunt with nuclear warheads, Ya kill AND cook with the SAME shot!!!
I hunt, they kill. There's a difference.- Kanis
I hurt people for a living.  Muhamed Ali.
I hurt therefore I am.
I idiot-proof my programs, & along comes a bigger idiot.
I idiot-proof my programs, but along comes a better idiot!
I idiot-proof my programs, but along comes a bigger idiot.
I idiot-proof my programs,but along comes a bigger idiot.
I idiot-proofed my programs, but along came a bigger idiot.
I imagine the things we do, I just want to be loved by you!
I impart this vessel unto the heavens! - Dr. Forrester
I improve on misquotation.
I inaardvarkedly noticed you had said something...
I inherited a fortune, Tom bequeathed willfully.
I inherited curiosity from my cat. Why do you ask?
I inherited my curiosity from my cat.  Why do you ask?
I installed Windows and my speed went out the door.
I installed Windows into my car computer and it crashed.
I installed a sky-light.  Folks above me are mad.
I integrate as much as I want to -- Odo
I intend to live forever, or die trying!
I intend to live forever, or die trying.
I intend to live forever.  So far, so good.
I intend to. This is outrageous! - Quark.
I interfaced my cat and my radio.  I just got hiss.
I interfaced my cat and radio.  I just got hiss.
I interfaced my cat to my radio.  I just got hiss.
I invented a cordless extension cord.
I invented dehydrated water, but I didn't know what to add.
I invented the cordless extension cord. -S.W.
I invented the unadoptable tagline! Try it. Won't work.
I invest in Negotiable Blondes.
I invested in a high-tech startup, Tom ventured.
I is a college graduate.
I is a college student.
I is for Imzadi, we're talking Riker and Troi
I is for Innsmouth, a town by the sea
I is knot dain bramaged!
I is knot dain bramaged!!!
I ja bi Tanju. Jovicic, Musulin, Jecmenicu, Roberts,...
I ja bih se ozenio, ali mi je tasta nerotkinja.
I ja kazem :)
I joined Gamblers Anonymous. They gave me 2-1 odds I don't make it.
I joined a bridge club.  My jump is scheduled for Monday.
I joined paranoids anonymous but they all hated me.
I joined the Lion's Club, said Tom pridefully.
I joined the Navy to see the world and all I saw was the sea.
I jumped in IBM at 3.3; Before that I was a Commodore weenie.
I just BBSed all night and boy is my baud tired.
I just COULDN'T resist!!!
I just LOVE quoting!
I just LOVE quoting!!!
I just LOVE to scan for lifeforms. Data
I just LOVE..Big Breasted Girls! And others too!
I just Love the smell of Florida Orange Peels burning in the morning!
I just _adore_ this !
I just _love_ it when you tease me like this!!
I just adore cats.  Dead ones.
I just ate a fishing lure, said Tom barbarously, with bated breath.
I just ate a fishing lure, said Tom with baited breath.
I just ate all this hay, said Tom, balefully.
I just ate all those beans, said Tom astutely.
I just ate my own vomit - Joel as astronaut
I just ate some sugar, Tom buzzed.
I just ate that Eskimo's dog, barked Tom huskily.
I just ate that Eskimo's dog, barked Tom in a husky voice
I just booted my computer... it went 20 yards!
I just booted my computer... it went 23 yards!!
I just bought a 1 gig hard drivefor my taglines!
I just bought a Cured Ham,  I wonder what it had ??
I just bought a G-String. IT'S ON MY GUITAR, PERVERT!! :)
I just bought a Tow bar for airoplane.
I just bought a cured ham.  I wander what it had?
I just bought a cured ham.  I wonder what it had?
I just bought a cured ham.  Wonder what it had ...
I just bought a cured ham.  Wonder what it had?
I just bought a cured ham. I wonder what it had?
I just bought a cured ham. I wonder what it had?  Swine flu, of course!
I just bought a cured ham. I wonder what it had???
I just bought a cured ham. Wonder what it had?
I just bought a hard drivefor my taglines!  :)
I just bought a new Hard Drive for my Taglines!
I just bought a new Hard Drive for my recipes!
I just bought a new hard drive JUST for my taglines!
I just came in from Jupiter, Tom said jovially.
I just can't concentrate.
I just can't see  Cat assimilating *anyone*  <g>.
I just can't seem to get around to procrastinating.
I just can't seem to stop sending these messages. -- Jack Butler
I just can't understant why you even bother reading this line.
I just can't wait to be King! - Elvis age 10
I just can't wait to be king! - Simba
I just cleared my mind and can't do a thing with it
I just collect recipes, I don't analyze them!
I just collect taglines, I don't analyze them!
I just discovered my virtual reality is a rerun!
I just do it
I just do it.
I just don't GET them - Mike on Mads
I just don't have the heart, cuz I gave mine to you.
I just don't know which lie to believe. - Fox Mulder
I just don't know which lie to believe. --Mulder.
I just don't like to get pushed around. - Skeeve
I just don't see a down side to this situation - Tom
I just drank a cup of what?? - Socrates
I just escaped the twilight zone and fell into the 0zone.
I just fade my voice out like this and cue...
I just fed the lion! said Tom, offhandedly.
I just fell 13 stories and it didn't hurt a bit. -Nick Knight
I just fell in live with my hand!
I just figured out typewriters and now you want me to use a computer?!
I just finished my first book; now I'm going to read another one!
I just finished my iron-ning - Crow on guy's weird accent
I just finished my thesis on plagiarism.
I just flew in from California - boy, are my arms sore!
I just forgot my whole philosophy of life!!!
I just forgot to increment the counter, Tom said nonplussed.
I just found happiness in the dictionary - it's under booze!
I just found out my cat's a fake. She came when I called.
I just found the last bug!
I just found the last bug.
I just found the last bug.ug.ug.ug.ug.ug.ug.ug.ug.ug.ug.
I just got a cold shiver down my back. - Klinger
I just got a hard drive and can't do a thing with it.
I just got a new Modem for my wife - What a Great Trade!
I just got a new car for my girlfriend . . . Great trade . . .
I just got a new car for my girlfriend....Great trade....
I just got a new car for my wife. Great trade!!!!!
I just got a new car for my wife...........neat trade huh?
I just got a new car for my wife....Great trade!
I just got a sex change, said Tom, feeling rather disorganized.
I just got a ticket for arguing in a NO DEBATING zone.
I just got a waterbed and filled it with elmers glue.
I just got all these bulldozers and things to lie in front of...
I just got arrested for resisting arrest!
I just got back from my Cheap Trick audition - Crow
I just got back from the LAPD and boy am I beat!
I just got back from the future and saw this tagline.
I just got done talking with you on the phone!
I just got kicked out of China! said Tom, rather disoriented.
I just got my AT&T bill.  Buy stock!
I just got my AT&T bill. Buy stock!
I just got my phone bill.  Buy AT&T stock now!
I just got my wife some transportation.....great broom!
I just got pulled over by the L.A.P.D. and boy am I beat.
I just got stopped by LAPD and boy am I really beat.
I just got stopped by the L.A.P.D. and boy, am I beat!
I just got stopped by the LAPD and boy am I beat!
I just gotta know if the Twins lost again - Tom
I just gotta pee - Crow as dead guy's mom
I just gotta write some new recipes...
I just gotta write some new taglines...
I just had a mental breakdown, Do you have jumper cables?
I just had a mental breakdown.  Got any jumper cables?
I just had a mental breakdown. Got any jumper cables?
I just had an emotional breakdown. Wanna give me a lift?
I just had an urge to clean this lock - Mike
I just had my brain washed,and can't do a thing with it.
I just had my car's alignment checked.  It came back "Chaotic Evil".
I just had my entire INTESTINAL TRACT coated with TEFLON!
I just had one beer ocifer!  A pony keg.
I just had one beer ocifer! A pony keg.
I just had this crazy dream. It was erotic - Tom on snake
I just had this crazy dream. It was erotic. - Tom Servo
I just hate it when it does that !!
I just hate it when that happens...<much text bleeped>
I just have a bad feeling about this tour, you know? - Dodger
I just have a much different image of Canada - Tom
I just have a much different image of Canada.
I just have to sashay across the airport - Crow lisps
I just hope we all don't beam back _looking_ like Data.
I just hope we don't all beam back looking like Data! -- Riker.
I just http-ed in my pants.
I just hung my sheets on the clothesline, said Tom erringly.
I just ignore He's paranoid diatribe.
I just ignore Orville Bullitt's paranoid diatribe.
I just ignore Orville's paranoid diatribe.
I just ignore Ross Perot's paranoid diatribe.
I just injured a groin muscle, and it wasn't mine! <evil laughter>
I just injured a groin muscle; & it wasn't mine!
I just installed airbags in my car.
I just invented garlic pizza
I just joined Date-by-mail.  How do I get the seeds out of the envelope?
I just joined a car pool.  That diving board is tricky!
I just keep my eyes closed and hope for the best
I just keep my eyes closed and hope the best
I just keep on shooting all the sacred cow I can eat. -Michael Franks
I just kidnapped @FN@! Send 100 million dollars, or else!
I just kidnapped this BBS. Send 100 million dollars, or else!
I just killed 26 Kilrathi...Why is my cat growling at me?
I just knew I'd find a use for this Tagline!
I just knew I'd find a use for this recipe!
I just know I read that somewhere....
I just know I was meant to be born rich
I just live here - Calvin's dad
I just look like Dixon Hill. - Picard
I just love Indian food.
I just love Oriental women: they're nicest people you can come across.
I just love a good .GIF!
I just love a woman in a gownless evening strap!
I just love birds. What beauty, there's one now <BANG BANG> got 'em!
I just love candy bars, Tom snickered.
I just love cheap romance horror thriller novels! - Dot
I just love having my taglines grabbed.  Hey, that tickles!!
I just love it when the Moderator's awake!
I just love nonverbal communication!
I just love praise <smile>
I just love readin' this stuff... it's hilarious! -Toontown Mailbox
I just love the smell of warm Red Dog in the morning!...
I just love these 'undocumented features!'
I just love to post off topic messages.
I just love your big brown eyes; Moo she replied.
I just made my pants dirtier. -Butthead in Washin' the Dog
I just married another pair of shoes.
I just naturally respect pretty girls in tight sweaters.
I just naturally respect pretty girls in tight-fitting sweaters
I just naturally respect women in tight fitting clothes.
I just need enough coffee to tide me over 'til I need more.
I just need enough coffee to tide me over 'till I need more.
I just need enough to tide me over until I need more.
I just needed a 5-letter Yiddish word for bedbug. - Hawkeye
I just noticed that I am morbid and drunk and bitter.
I just paid my dues to the American Anarchist Society.
I just planted an Algebra tree.  It has square roots.
I just play here.
I just post 'em, I don't write 'em.
I just posted it, I don't think I can explain it.
I just purchased a new shovel today- Crow as Jack Palance
I just put my arm in pie - Tom
I just put on DOS/Windows 6.0 and my memory crashed the system.
I just read some light fiction: My income-tax return.
I just realized - I'll have to convert to floating point
I just rebooted my computer ... and broke my toe!
I just returned from Japan, Tom said disorientedly.
I just reversed the polarity flow.  <The Doctor>
I just reversed the polarity flow.  <The Doctor<
I just rolled 70,000 consecutive dice, what are the odds of that?
I just saw Elvis making crop circles...
I just saw Orville on the Love Boat.
I just saw Orville on the Promenade. Orville here? What's Orville?
I just say these things; I have no idea what they MEAN
I just see a different big picture. - Picard
I just send my income to Washington. Who can afford taxes?
I just shoplifted from a major department store, said Tom sincerely.
I just smite people from time to time :) -Serendipity
I just snag 'em, I don't explain 'em.
I just snag them, I don't write them.
I just steal 'em, I don't explain 'em.
I just steal `em, I don't explain `em.
I just steal them, I don't write them.
I just stepped on a factoid! - Zippy
I just stood there grinning like an idiot. - Picard
I just swallowed a fishing lure, said Tom with baited breath.
I just tell people I work for a very large accounting firm <G>
I just tested out my new pit bull.  Ever heard a mime SCREAM?
I just tested out my pit bull.  Ever hear a mime scream?
I just tested out my pit bull.  Ever heard a mime scream?
I just tested out my pit bull.  He spit the lawyers arm out.
I just tested out my pit bull. Ever hear a mime scream?
I just tested out my pit bull. Ever heard a fundie scream?
I just tested out my pit bull. Ever heard a mime scream?
I just tested out my pit bull...ever hear a mime scream?
I just tested out my pitbull. Ever heard a mime scream?
I just thought of something funny...yo'momma.
I just thought of something funny...your mother.
I just thought you might like to know.
I just thought you were Baphomet - Frank to Dr. F
I just took an IQ test.  The results were negative.
I just took an IQ test.  The results were negative.
I just took an IQ test. The results were negative.
I just tried to steal my own tagline!
I just wanna go back one more time.
I just wanna hear a good beat...
I just wanna hear some "Hillbilly Rock" !!!
I just wanna say.......BOOGER!
I just wanna spread you on some toast -Tom as guy w/knife
I just want a little passion to hold me in the dark. - Tori Amos
I just want a virgin with nymphomaniacal aspirations....
I just want a virgin with whore-like qualities
I just want a working nose - Crow as bartender
I just want my hair back - Crow as lobotomy girl
I just want something I can never have - NIN
I just want something I can never have.
I just want to bang on this drum all day!
I just want to be a slut when I grow up.
I just want to be left alone.  Is that so wrooooong?
I just want to be loved, is that so wrong?
I just want to lobby for God. - Billy Graham
I just want to prove to Picard that I'm indispensible. - Q
I just want to say you were right and I was wrong about the corps.
I just want to shoot it, yes I do!
I just want to wish you all the best. - Father Mulcahy
I just want you to know, I have the utmost respect for the law - Riker
I just want your body, baby... from dusk till dawn!
I just want your extra time, and your....KISS!
I just wanted to ask if you have any brass lawyers.
I just wanted to be sure you had this before I filed it away.
I just wanted to make it look like I was paying attention! - The Cat
I just wanted to play it safe:-) - Eddy Gosset
I just washed my brain and I can't do a thing with it.
I just washed my phone line and can't do a thing with it.
I just went below the poverty line!
I just won 1000 dollars, Tom said grandly.
I just work here.
I kad dodje dan, nas zadnji dan, kad prodje san, nas zadnji san
I keep Juan Valdez in business!
I keep Popular Mechanics under my mattress - Crow
I keep dropping my quarters in the slot.
I keep forgetting that I have short term memory loss.
I keep forgetting that rules are only for nice people
I keep forgetting to carry money. - Picard
I keep forgetting which is AC and which is DC.....
I keep forgetting, your generation doesn't read.  Hannibal Lecter
I keep getting message "NO CARRIER" - what does this mean ?
I keep having to wonder why this is such a hard concept to grasp.
I keep missing #AF#... But with this new laser sight...
I keep missing Orville but with this laser sight....
I keep missing Rush Limbaugh.  But with this laser sight...
I keep my *.BAT files in C:\BELFRY
I keep my .BAT files in D:\BELFRY
I keep my .BATs in C:\BELFRY
I keep my .BATs in D:\BELFRY
I keep my feathers numbered for just such an emergency. -F.Leghorn
I keep my undies in the icebox.   Marilyn Monroe
I keep picking up radio signals from outer space, said Tom impulsively.
I keep putting off procrastination & get nowhere
I keep sending messages to all, but all never answers.
I keep them in plastic bags - TV's Frank
I keep thinking, "Where's John Doe when we need Him?"
I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me.
I kew a girl, she was a macho man.
I kid you not.  This is really getting WEIRD!
I kill every third idiot, and the second one just left
I killed Jesus just to watch him bleed. Have a nice day.
I killed a six pack just to watch it DIE!!
I killed all my cousins. Saved lots of money on birthdays
I killed an ant, now all my relatives are afraid o
I killed an ant, now all my relatives are afraid of me.
I killed and cremated the Greek piper god, said Tom with panache.
I killed my Evil Twin and ate him. With a good Liebfraumilch.
I killed that horse again - Mike
I killed the Greek piper god, Tom dead panned.
I killed the software bugs, but now I have tons of Florida bugs!
I kinda figured teachers slept in coffins all summer - Calvin
I kinda like the feel of a couple extra feet in my bed.
I kinda thought it was the maytag repairman....<G>
I kink, therefore I am knot.
I kissed chicken lips! - Actress
I kissed him - Crow after kissing Servo
I knew Batman.  I worked with Batman.  John, you're no Batman.
I knew Doris Day before she was a Virgin!
I knew Doris Day before she was a virgin!
I knew I had some reason for not killing you Now what was it?
I knew I remembered you from somewhere. Congress right? You..<Punch>..
I knew I should have gone on that date. - Richie Ryan
I knew I shoulda taken that left at Albuquerque
I knew I was an unwanted baby.  One of my bath toys was a toaster.
I knew I was an unwanted baby.  One of my bath toys were a toaster.
I knew I was lying. - Kryten
I knew Pat Pending BEFORE he invented all that stuff
I knew a PIKE once; never did get his last name.
I knew a redhead once... see these scars?
I knew he was bluffing... -- Humperdink
I knew him, Horatio -a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.
I knew him, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.
I knew it all along, our love was true. - Krokus
I knew it was a bad crash, when the FAA called.
I knew it was a bad disk crash when the FAA was called in....
I knew it!  I'm surrounded by Assholes!
I knew it, you've gone straight into smirk mode! - Kryten
I knew it. Today is Monday, cleverly disguised as Tuesday.
I knew it...I'm surrounded by as$holes... Keep firing as$holes!!
I knew peace until I found Thalia. <G>
I knew peace until I found Thalia. <G<
I knew she was gone 'cuz, I ran out of beer.
I knew she was shareware the first time I laid eyes on her.
I knew someone here had an active imagination!
I knew that rubber chicken was gonna get me in trouble.
I knew that rubber chicken was gonna get me into trouble in Calc III...
I knew that. - Dr. Scrachansniff
I knew there was more to you than money! - Leia
I knew you in a past life!  You were a dipshit then too.
I know "Ren" means "Rename"...  But Stimpy?!?!?!
I know @N@ has hidden talents - I just hope we'll see them someday.
I know America has problems, that's why I'm running-Bill
I know But thanks anyways!!!!!! - Eddy Gosset
I know Butthead it might be cool but it's going to give me a seizure.
I know Christ is the answer, but what's the question????
I know God exists wholly because it is impossible.
I know I am not perfect - I am still here.
I know I can make it through whatever comes.
I know I got some magic buried deep in my heart - Tori Amos
I know I had a reason for not killing you.  What was it?
I know I had a reason for not killing you. Now, what was it?
I know I have a clean mind, I change it often enough..
I know I have a moist face - Mike as geeky guy
I know I have a purpose because I always seem to need deodorant.
I know I have faultsBeing wrong isn't one of them...
I know I left my TARDIS around here somewhere...
I know I left ny glasses somewhere.  "crunch"  never mind I found them
I know I need to learn patience:  Where can I take a crash course?
I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't resist...
I know I'm a BBS addict. I'm starting to sign my cheques, "Rasta"!
I know I'm disgusting drunk,but I'm paying for it - I can see 2 of you
I know I'm grasping at straws, but than one never knows.
I know I'm lost!  Just tell me where I was going.
I know I'm not Ms. Right, but would you settle for Ms Right Now?
I know I'm not crazy - the voices told me so!
I know I'm not perfect but I'm so close it scares me!
I know I'm paranoid... but am I paranoid enough?
I know I'm smart... I set the clock on my VCR
I know Jack Shit.
I know John Lynch. Well, it's John_P. Lynch, the Sysop of Port EINSTEIN.
I know Karate, Kung Fu, and 47 other dangerous words.
I know Orville has hidden talents - I just hope we'll see them someday.
I know a bigamist who got that way using "New Math".
I know a cat named Easter.  He says `You'll never learn'.
I know a dead parrot when I see one...and I'm looking at one right now
I know a father of 10 that divorced his wife on grounds of overbearing!
I know a girl who gives BED & BREAKFAST a new meaning!
I know a girl who wants a whale - because they have 10ft tongues.
I know a good aircraft when I steal one!
I know a good ferret tagline when I steal one.
I know a good recipe when I snag it.
I know a good tag line when I steal one
I know a good tag line when I steal one.
I know a good tagline when I *assimilate* one.
I know a good tagline when I steal it....
I know a good tagline when I steal one.
I know a good tagline when I steal one; I just stole this one!
I know a great Chinese place down here - Mike on Tijuana
I know a guy who is so conceited, he thinks he's as good as I am.
I know a heartache when I see one.
I know a kid who thinks a balanced meal is a Big Mac in both hands.
I know a little 'bout Love, and baby, I can guess the rest. --Skynyrd.
I know a lovely way to say I love me - Mike as Paul Anka
I know a real good cat!(the 1 embedded in my tire tread!
I know a thing or two about a thing or two - Mike
I know about cow patties
I know about stressed. It's desserts spelled backwards.
I know absolutely nothing and thus constantly surprise myself.
I know all the wherefores, said Tom wisely.
I know and I know you know I know.
I know engineers. They love to change things. - McCoy
I know everthing, and what I don't, know I make up...
I know every bedpan by its first name. - Klinger
I know everything about everything, except that.
I know everything, but I'm sworn to secrecy.
I know everything.  I just can't remember it all at once.
I know everything.  It's just sometimes I'm wrong.
I know exactly what I'm doing - that's why it's taking so long.
I know exactly what a sextet is but I'd rather not say
I know his name. - The Kurgan
I know how fond of it you were. No, I didn't use it much anyway
I know how much you boys like clowns - Crow to Joel & Tom
I know how much you like snapping on the latex. - Mulder
I know how to do anything - I'm a Scouter.
I know how to talk to these Space Vixens.
I know how toast works! - Tom as naive teen
I know how toast works! -- Tom Servo
I know it ain't BlueWave, but who has to know.
I know it all! (I just can't remember much of it)
I know it all, I just can't remember it all at once.
I know it all, I just can't remember it simultaneously.
I know it all, I just can't remember most of it.
I know it all.  I just can't remember it all at once.
I know it all.  I just can't remember it all.
I know it all.  I just can't remember much of it.
I know it all. I just can't remember it all at once.
I know it all. I just can't remember it simultaneously.
I know it all. I just can't remember most of it.
I know it all... I just can't remember it all at once.
I know it all; I just can't *remember* it all at once.
I know it all; I just can't *remember* it all.
I know it is difficult! - G'Kar
I know it may not be love but lust can make a relationship work.
I know it was destroyed, but it shouldn't have been.
I know it's not much...but, hey, I've got limited memory space!
I know it's not much...but, hey, I've got limited memory!
I know it's not the right thing and I know it's not the good thing.
I know it's old but: There will always be death and taxes.
I know it's whale poop! But why is it in MY yard?
I know just enough to be dangerous!
I know just enough to cause a problem if I say too much.
I know karate (and seven other Japanese words).
I know karate, kung-fu and 47 other dangerous words.
I know karate... and six other Chinese words.
I know karate...and seven other Chinese words.
I know karate...and seven other Japanese words.
I know kung fu, tae kwon do -- and a few more dangerous words!
I know life, the universe, and everything! Tom said fortuitously.
I know more than I can remember.
I know my biology; it's your biology I don't know.
I know my boyfriend had sex before we met, but he didn't enjoy it!
I know my computer likes me... it shared an IRQ.
I know my facts are right.  I heard it on NBC.
I know my facts are right. I heard them from @FN@.
I know my facts are right. I heard them from Orville Bullitt.
I know my facts are right. I heard them from Orville.
I know my locker's around her somewhere - Crow as zombie
I know my mind. And it's around here someplace.
I know my own mind ... and it's around here somewhere!
I know my own mind ... and it's around here somewhere!!!
I know my own mind, and it's around here someplace ...
I know my own mind... and it's around here somewhere!
I know my own name. Yeah? Well, we'll see!
I know my wife had sex before we met, but she didn't enjoy it!
I know nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooothing.
I know noooooooooooooooooooooothing.
I know nothing about computers.....therefore I am........
I know nothing but the fact of my ignorance. -- Socrates
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. <Socrates>
I know nothing, I see nothing, I didn't wake up yet.
I know of one alien and in my opinion he is a damn good sysop!
I know on which side my bread is buttered.   John Heywood
I know one day we'll assimilate you, and the Borg will be as one.
I know people talk about me I hear it every day.
I know progress has no patience, but something has to give.: Rush
I know she's still warm, but get off of her Jim!
I know so little, but I know it fluently
I know so little, but I know it fluently...
I know someone so stupid, they can't walk while *I* chew gum!
I know someone with the exact same name!    Really?  Who?
I know someone with the exact same name!   Really? Who?
I know something Bo doesn't!
I know something about opening windows and doors.
I know sysops; they love to change things.
I know that I did not do it, and that is all that I know. <Gerard>
I know that my Redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
I know that my goal is more than a thought. -Rush
I know that that doesn't matter,
I know that your powers of retention are as wet as a warthog's backside.
I know that's not what you want to hear, but I'm just at a loss.
I know the Captain's orders - Engage. - Riker
I know the answer as long as you ask the right question.
I know the answer, I just don't know the question.
I know the answers...as long as you ask the right questions.
I know the combination to your locked baud rate ...
I know the combination to your locked baud rate..
I know the feeling well. Sort of like, erum, ...what???
I know the guy who writes all those bumper stickers. He hates New York
I know the psychological pattern & it plays hell with me drum skins.
I know the runny green stuff's potato. What's the black gravel?
I know the secretWait! the door...click...bam bam....oooo...flop
I know the truth when I look into your eyes.
I know the words by heart
I know there are others, tell me about them and I'll add them.
I know there aren't any sneezes in the 24th century.
I know there is good in you
I know this is off-topic, but.
I know this is off-topic, but...
I know this is your line.
I know this one ALL too well!!
I know this ship like the back of my hand <BONK> - Scotty
I know this ship like the back of my hand! - Scotty
I know this ship like the back of my hand..  KLANG!! - Scotty
I know this ship like the back of my hand.. - Scotty
I know this ship like the back of my hand...(BONK!!) -- Scotty
I know this to be true because Garak told me so.
I know this violates the laws of physics, but ... I never studied law.
I know this weiner dude! He sells this weiner food! - Tom
I know this will get _some_one's_ attention. =]
I know this world needs help.
I know times are a changing for the worst, I wish they weren't.
I know very little, but I know it fluently.
I know what I am and what I have to do. - Annie Devlin
I know what I don't see, really shouldn't bother me.
I know what I know, if you know what I mean. ---Edie Brickell.
I know what I mean, The Question is, do you?
I know what I'm doing...
I know what a sextet is but I had rather not say.
I know what gold does to men's souls.  Walter Huston
I know what he's afraid of. --Mulder.
I know what it must be like to be Lee Majors - Crow
I know what love is, what's it to you.
I know what to do with stale cake, said Tom triflingly.
I know what you want, the magpies have come - Tori Amos
I know what you want, the magpies have come.
I know what you want. You want ectasy, Desire & Dreams. --JM
I know what's coming to me is never going to arrive - NIN
I know what's weighing on your mind.
I know what's what, and who's who, but have no idea why's why.
I know when I'm gonna die..my birth certificate has an expiration date
I know when I'm out of my league.  I just don't care.
I know when we should go home! Now is not one of those times! Yakko
I know where I am, it's everybody else who's lost.
I know where I am....IknowwhereIam  -- Batty
I know where I'm going, I just can't find it on the map today!!!!!!!
I know where I'm going, I just can't find it on the map!
I know where of I speak. - Lister
I know where the kitchen is, that's where the M&Ms are.
I know where there are real castles that float on cotton candy clouds!
I know which boyd gets the woym, said Tom in an oily voice.
I know which way the wind is blowing, but I have my own course to follow
I know who God is, but who's God Dammit?
I know who killed Hoffa!
I know who turned off the lights, Tom hinted darkly.
I know why God made babies cute...so we won't kill 'em. -Gallagher
I know why dogs lick their testicles. To loose the taste of dog food.
I know why so many squirrels live in my family tree.
I know why the post office is so slow. They use windows.
I know why they only get sex and you mean my thumbs.
I know you are, but what am I?
I know you believe you understand what you think I said.
I know you can't talk to me - there's always that fear of rejection.
I know you know karate, but do you know MagLite?
I know you know that I know.
I know you know the answer, but do you know the question?
I know you think you understand what you thought I said.
I know you were trying to give me the best of your love...Eagles
I know you're dead Rimmer, don't whinge-on about it! - Lister
I know you're dead, but you're still a smeghead. - Lister
I know you're looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks.
I know you're not as stoopid as you seem. No one could be!
I know you're not as stupid as you seem. No one could be!
I know you're omnipotent, but you're still a smeghead. --Lister to Q.
I know you're out there somewhere& somewhere you can hear my voice
I know you're sexually experienced .now try it *with* a partner !
I know! I know! 1976! What do I win? - Jalapeno
I know' is just 'I Believe' with delusions of grandeur
I know, I do get things scrambled sometimes.
I know, I know, it's a Russian thing. --Ivanova.
I know, I know... I'm dreaming.
I know, everyone's in a hurry these days -- O'Brien
I know.  Somehow... I've always known. - Leia
I know. But what else could I do? - G'Kar
I know. Somehow...I've always known.
I know... But thanks anyways!!!!!! - Eddy Gosset
I larnd it from th Main DOS Usr's Group
I last felt good at 9:30am about eight years ago.
I laugh at "paid programs"
I laugh in the face of the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
I laughed for five straight minutes at this!
I laughed, I cried, I fell down,...
I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me.
I laughed, I cried, it was a Mecca of emotion.
I lead a dog's life.  I'm not even allowed on the furniture!
I lead such a sheltered life....tax shelter, that is.
I leaft mi spelchekr in my outher paucket.
I learn by example, often from my dog.
I learn by mistakes.....I'm getting a SUPERIOR education.
I learn something new every day - and promptly forget it!
I learned English by reading taglines.
I learned from Star Trek:  If it can't be fixed, just ask Scotty.
I learned more about sex from the library than from my mom
I learned that in bartending school. - The Continental.
I learned to fly in Starbug 2, not 1! --Rimmer. They're the same.
I learned to fly in Starbug 2, not 1! They're the same.
I learned to kiss like this by syphoning gas!
I leave the conspiracy theories to Oliver Stone - Crow
I led the First Amazon Cavalry PMS Battalion.
I leek only for myself. My onions are my own.
I left Nam in '67..Somebody tell me, what's a hootch?
I left my Taglines on my 486.
I left my car unlocked and someone stole my Club.
I left my good Taglines in my 486.
I left my good recipes in my 486.
I left my good recipes on my 486.
I left my harp in Sam Clam's Disco.
I left my harp in Sam Clam's disco.
I left my heaaaaaaaad...in San Franciscooooo...
I left my heaaaaaaad...in San Franciscooooo...
I left my head in San Fransisco - Data
I left my head, in San Francisco! --Data.
I left my s on my 486.
I left my tag-line in my other pants.
I left my tart in Aunt Fran's Crisco
I left my tart in Aunt Fran's Crisco.
I left my wife for a 486DXL/128. I'm so happy now...
I let my mind go wandering in search of my heart.
I let my mind wander - It never came back!
I let my mind wander - it never came back!
I let my mind wander and it didn't come back!
I let my mind wander in search of my heart.
I let my mind wander once, it never came back.
I let my mind wander once... It never returned!
I let my mind wander once...it never came back.
I let my mind wander, and it didn't come back!" * Calvin
I let my mind wander...and it didn't come back!
I let the media do my thinking for me, therefore I am.
I lied twice - Simulant I didn't think of that. - Lister
I lied twice --Stimulant. I didn't think of that. --Lister.
I lied twice. --Simulant. I didn't think of that. --Lister.
I lied!  I'll never be alright!
I lied. I was never a kid. - Trapper
I lifted my uncomprehending eyes to the heavens.
I lifted this from a message once....
I like 'em stacked.  Hard drives, women, and pancakes.
I like 'em sweet, with a heart of gold.
I like Animaniacs taglines the best.
I like Australian beer, said Tom, hopingly.
I like BOTH types of music:  Rock AND Roll!!!
I like Barney, stuffed and mounted on the wall in my den!
I like Barneystuffed and mounted on my wall.
I like Boolean logic. NOT!
I like Chinese detective movies, Tom chanted.
I like Clinton about as much as Vietnam Vets do.
I like Insane, Insane is FUN!
I like Kramer - Gypsy
I like New York in June... how about you?
I like Orville. He isn't as weird as the other two.
I like Submarines - long, hard, and filled with Sea Men!
I like Tribbles  defurred and deep-fried!
I like Triple  A  SEX, (Anything, Anytime, Anywhere!!!)
I like Triple "A" women (Anything, Anytime, Anywhere)
I like U. U like me. Barney's F*****g ugly!
I like Win95. I Like DOS 7. I dislike Win 3.1!
I like Windows, really!  But I like root canals, too!
I like a good beer buzz early in the morning.
I like a good tail on a woman - Tom on blender's cord
I like a man who grins when he fights.
I like a man who grins when he fights. -- Churchill
I like a man who's crazy about me.
I like a man with integrity; just wish I knew one!
I like a quiet life, sun, sea, sand, modem ......
I like a rose on a piano, but I LOVE tulips on an organ!
I like a woman with integrity; just wish I knew one!
I like all kinds of spreads.  Playboy, Penthouse, & Legs.
I like ancestors - they never answer back or argue.
I like animals....I eat them and wear their skins !!!!
I like ants, in chocolate. Chrunch, hummmm.
I like ants, in chocolate. Crunch, hummmm.
I like aural sex 'cause I can hear you coming.
I like being a node. Told you I was crazy. (G)
I like bread.
I like candy canes, but I only like the white part.
I like candy, especially the gooey kind with nougat!
I like cats, they make good violins.
I like catsdead ones! --Alf.
I like children {If they are properly cooked!}
I like children, but I couldn't eat a whole one
I like children, if they are properly cooked!
I like criticism, but it must be my way. - Twain
I like different ones for different reasons......
I like dolphins. If dolphins were human, I'd be a dolphin
I like every muscle in your body, especially mine.
I like family, - if they are gentle.
I like fast food. That's why I never order snails.
I like gentle fondling, caressing, massaging ....
I like having court outside - Tom as prince
I like having people disagree with me.  It proves I'm right.
I like him. Pinky? But he's . . . He's barely verbal.--Brain
I like it RAW on Monday nights!!!
I like it already. Agreed. - Tomalak
I like it better in the dark.
I like it firm and fruity
I like it rough! - Crow
I like it too.. but you don't have to slobber all over me, Beavis!
I like it, I love it, I want some more of it.
I like kids, but I can't eat a whole one.
I like kids, but I could never eat a whole one.
I like kids, but I don't think I could eat a whole one!
I like kids, but I don't think I could eat a whole one.
I like life in the fast lane, but I'm always in the pits!
I like long walks when they are taken by people who annoy me.
I like loud unabandoned wild passionate sex!!
I like maxim's that don't encourage behavior modification.
I like maxim's that don't encourage behavior modification. - Calvin
I like measles! laughed Tom infectiously.
I like men like I like my code: fast, tight & easy!
I like men with big, ummmm hearts...that's it, HEARTS!!!
I like men with big...HEARTS! Yeah! That's it!
I like men with some backbone :) -Serendipity
I like milk because it comes from cows.
I like mine under the covers.  I am a covert sexist.
I like mine with runny cheese! - Tom sings about waffles
I like modern painting, said Tom abstractly.
I like my _species_ the way it is! - Worf.
I like my alphabet soup in Wingding fonts.
I like my books thin and with lots of pictures
I like my coffee *strong*, not lethal! - Col. Potter
I like my coffee black  as a moonless night.
I like my coffee black... as a moonless night.
I like my coffee like my women: hot, strong, steamy.
I like my food to move! - Cat
I like my food to move! --The Cat.
I like my food to move! Cat.
I like my men to be...well...hockey players!
I like my spaghettie boiled!
I like my species the way it is. -- Worf to Locutus
I like my steak MIDIum rare...
I like my steak so rare a good vet could save it.
I like my women just a little on the trashy side.
I like my women the way I like my coffee--strong and flavorful!
I like my women to be... Well... WOMEN!
I like my women to be...well...hockey players!
I like my women to beWellWOMEN!
I like nursing my drinks. --Vir.
I like older woman..allright ! - Harry Kim
I like oral sex, it's the phone bills I hate.
I like oral sex; it's the phone bills I hate.
I like plain answers, Mr. Worf.  Give me a few. - Picard
I like quality, not quantity.
I like ragged margins, said Tom without justification.
I like random taglines the best.
I like reading books, but I LOVE reading Tarot!
I like sex with blonds but my boyfriend hates it.
I like sex with my wife but my boyfriend hates it.
I like shafts
I like small, inflatable sheep. Yew? Naaah.
I like smokin' lighting, heavy metal thunder! - Steppenwolf
I like standards...there's so many to choose from.
I like stress, it makes me feel alive
I like taglines with musical notes, but I can't play them! -BB
I like tea! I don't like coffee! -- Sam Beckett
I like that old time Rock & Roll!
I like that set!
I like the "Fat Elvis" stamp better.
I like the 486 tower.  Does it come in red?
I like the babe with the great haircut! - Crow
I like the complicated things in life ... women!
I like the different colours though.
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
I like the future, I'm in it.
I like the guy. --Garibaldi on Lennier.
I like the idea in theory, but what of the mess? - Picard.
I like the knight life
I like the new chocolate goldfish.
I like the parts that are smooth, firm...
I like the ping sound - Crow as muscular guy
I like the simple things in life, Sex, Beer, Computers, Food and SEX!
I like the simple things in life, Sex, Rum, Computers, Food and SEX!
I like the simple things in life:  MEN!
I like the tower at night. With all those red blinking lights.
I like the way Clinton Thinks, Eat, Eat ,Eat.- Garfield
I like the way your eyes dance when you laugh.
I like the way your mind malfunctions..
I like the way your mind works.
I like the women's movement, especially from behind one.
I like the word `indolence.' It makes my laziness seem cl
I like the word `indolence.' It makes my laziness seem classy.
I like their bickering & remain hopeful that it will erode to a brawl!
I like this drill, said Tom as he carie'd out the dental work.
I like this new movie better! - Mike
I like this one cause it's whiter -Mike as girl with doll
I like this taglineI think I'll take it with me.
I like this, I think I will steal it..<SNIP>..thanks!
I like to be here when I can.
I like to be stoned - JEHOVAH! JEHOVAH!
I like to burn stuff. --Beavis.
I like to compare names, sometimes I recognize something! <G>
I like to consider myself one of the happy generations
I like to draw because it makes my mind flow.
I like to eat with teddy bears. They're always stuffed.
I like to enter messages from the Asylum computer.
I like to feel the response when I'm certain you know I am here...
I like to feel the suspense when I'm certain you know I am there.
I like to get ticketed at an airport.
I like to go swimmin' with bow-legged women...
I like to keep my mind free - in case I need to use it.
I like to leave messages *before* the beep!
I like to leave messages *before* the beep.
I like to leave my message  the beep!
I like to leave my message <before< the beep!
I like to make history.
I like to press wild flowers.
I like to procrastin*!@#$%^&* NO HURRIER
I like to read. It's a lot of fun when you know how!
I like to reminisce with people I don't know.
I like to reminisce with people I don't know. - S.W.
I like to say "* for windows" as "The * from hell!"
I like to see a lad who can take care of himself.  Bing Crosby
I like to sit and think. Mostly, I just sit.
I like to skate on the other side of the ice.
I like to skate on the other side of the ice. - S.W.
I like to sleep w/my head in a catchers mitt - Crow
I like to sleep when I go camping, said Tom intently.
I like to sneak in & lay on the table saw - Crow
I like to start the day with a total dickhead, to remind me I'm best"
I like to study tourists in their natural habitat
I like to suspend disbelief, not hang it by the neck until dead!
I like to think I am a picker-uper of unconsidered trifles.
I like to think I am important.... to me anyway.... :-)
I like to think of an egg as a liquid chicken.
I like to think of myself as a divide overflow.
I like to think that there are always possibilities.
I like to think that you killed someone; it's the romantic in me.
I like to throw boomerangs to dogs.
I like to watch cars turn right as well as left.
I like traffic lights I like trafic lights..
I like traffic lights, I like traffic lights, I like traffic lights
I like two kinds of women: domestic and foreign.
I like vigorous shaking and/or slapping.
I like where legs go when they get together.
I like windows, really,  But I like root canal too.
I like women a little on the trashy side.
I like women as much as the next guy, said Tom bisexually.
I like women just like computer code : fast, tight & easy.
I like women like I like my code: fast, tight & easy!
I like women what takes their time.
I like women with big... HEARTS!  YEAH! THAT's it!
I like womens like I like my code: fast, tight & easy!
I like work.  I can sit and look at it for hours.
I like work.  I can sit and watch it for hours!
I like work.  I can sit and watch it for hours.
I like work. I can sit and watch others do it for hours.
I like work; it fascinates me.  I can sit and look at it for hours.
I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit & look at
I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.
I like work; it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it f
I like work; it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it for hours.
I like writing artificially intelligent programs, Tom lisped.
I like you Bullitt. That's why I'm going to kill you last.
I like you better tied down.
I like you way too much to kill you
I like you, you like me. I will eat your family. Barney.
I like young girls, their stories are shorter.
I like young girls. Their stories are shorter.
I like your approach, now let's see your departure
I like your approach, now let's see your departure.
I like your baudy language
I like your game, but we have to change the rules.
I like your recipes better than mine!  Wanna swap?
I like your taglines better than mine!  Wanna swap?
I like your wife... and I've never met her!   :-)
I liked "Slaughterhouse 5", but I can't find the first four anywhere.
I liked Chest, though - Mike on heavy metal group
I liked O.J. better when he was a commercial & I could switch channels
I liked O.J. better when he was a commercial & I could switch channels.
I liked Occam's razor so much, I bought the company.
I liked him [Spock] better before he was dead. -- McCoy
I liked him better before he was dead. --McCoy on Spock.
I liked that one
I lined up all my taglines and they circled the earth - 10 times!
I listen to Paul and Al in the morning....
I listen to by body. It's saying "Two twinkies and an RC Cola, Please"
I listen to by body. It's says Two twinkies and an RC Cola, Please
I listen to my body.  It says, "Cookies and chocolate milk, please".
I live at the end of a one way, dead end street.
I live by only 2 laws:  IDIC and Murphy.
I live by two laws IDIC and Murphy's  :)
I live forever, but I feel so dead inside. - Annie Devlin
I live in 566 of a six level apartment building.
I live in a house, but belong in a HOME.
I live in a predominantly mixed neighborhood. -Jay London
I live in a quiet neighborhood - I'm dead!
I live in a quiet neighborhood - they use silencers.
I live in a quiet neighborhood -- I'm in a cemetary.
I live in a quiet neighborhood -- The cat's have silencers.
I live in a quiet neighborhood -- Through traffic is a moving target.
I live in a quiet neighborhood -- We killed all the cats.
I live in a quiet neighborhood -- We use silencers.
I live in a quiet neighborhood -- We use war surplus land mines.
I live in a quiet neighborhood, they use silencers.
I live in a quiet neighborhood- We use silencers.
I live in a world of my own, and visiting hours are over.
I live in a world of my own, but you're welcome to visit.
I live in a world of my own. You're welcome to visit.
I live in an Alternative Universe,but I have a Summer home in Reality.
I live in another dimension, my summer home is in reality.
I live in my little world, where reality does not exist...
I live in my own little world, but you're welcome to visit.
I live in my own world ... Peaceful visitors welcome.
I live in my own world. Peaceful visitors welcome.
I live in my own world...  Peaceful visitors welcome...
I live in the desert with a cat with no brain...
I live in the past, the rent is cheaper.
I live like I type - Fast, and with a lot of mistakes.
I live my life like there's no tomorrow
I live on the edge.  I have lots of friends there.
I live one day at a time, but I'm one day behind.
I live one day at a time, but I'm three weeks behind.
I live so far in the country, my ZIP is EIEIO!
I live so far in the country, my zipcode is EIEIO!
I live so far out in the boonies, my zip code is EIEIO!
I live so far out in the country, my zipcode is EIEIO!
I live the greatest adventure of all -- Tosk
I live the greatest adventure one could ever desire.
I live the life of Riley...when Riley isn't home.
I live to bust your chops, my friend. - Maria Vitale 04-94
I live to chop chicken.  - Titanium Elf
I loaded Windows and it slammed on my fingers!
I locked my coat hanger in the car.  Good thing I had a key.
I locked my coathanger in my car; good thing I had a key.
I locked my coathanger in the car. Good thing I had a key.
I log on... Therefore I am!
I logon, therefore I am.
I loike traffic lights- Monty Python
I long for the simplier days of Pong and Pacman.
I long to be a human being.  Greta Garbo
I look better on a woman!
I look for beer - it makes me go.
I look forward to your report Mr. Broccoli..er..Barclay - Picard
I look like Peter Garrett, I dress like Sabu-Mike as Glen
I look like a geek, Joel - Tom
I look like a vacuum cleaner hose with eyes - Crow
I look toward the glory as that of the sun.
I look upon all the world as my parish. - John Wesley
I looked back and the station just... wrinkled. - Jinxo re: B4
I looked back and the station justwrinkled. --Jinxo.
I looked deep into the eyes of that potato, and ordered Steak instead.
I looked him right in the eye and said "Goodbye" - NIN
I looked him right in the eye and said goodbye.
I looked in the eyes of that potato and had steak instead.
I looked in the mirror through the eyes of a child that was me.
I looked into my family tree and found out I was a sap.
I looked into the darkness, Na'toth - G'Kar
I looked up at her and asked how much is that gonna cost?
I looked up executrix. It has nothing to do w/ leather and high heels.
I looked up my family tree...there were two dogs using it.
I lose BBS messages, but I seldom lose mail.
I lose control, I can't say no...
I lose more Fuzzie Wuzzies that way!-Elmira of Tiny Toons
I lost 70kgs of ugly unwanted fat - I divorced her
I lost 8 pounds and found another 12.
I lost a button hole today.
I lost a button hole today.  Where am I gonna find another one?
I lost a button hole today.  Where will I find another?
I lost a button hole today. Where am I gonna find another one? - s.w.
I lost a button hole.....
I lost a dream date w/ Nancy Kerrigan by 1/10 of a point!
I lost a dream date with Nancy Kerrigan by 1/10 of a point!
I lost family as well on the Black Star. --Lennier.
I lost my HUNTing license on Rise of the Triad!
I lost my hat! - BJ. Your cookies'll be next. - Hawkeye
I lost my ignorance, security, and pride - NIN
I lost my knickers at Niagara.
I lost my lucky ball & chain; now she's four years gone.
I lost my lucky ball and chain and now she's 4 years gone -- TMBG
I lost my memory........and I can't remember where.....
I lost my soul to a Tagline.
I lost my taglines in a hard drive crash.................
I lost my virginity....Did you keep the box it came in?
I love 'em, I squeeze 'em, I will call 'em Dodger! - Vhujunka
I love /dev/null.
I love American MITTs!  (Maidens in Tank-Tops)
I love BBSing: All the social dynamics of pre-school!
I love BiCapitalization.
I love CATS! Especially for 1 hour at 350 with some veggies.
I love California. I grew up in Phoenix. - Dan Quayle
I love California. It's the crowds that piss me off!
I love Cats and Cat taglines.
I love Cats!  A little "A-1" and some rice and gravy.
I love Christ and hope to meet a Christian, Ghandi
I love Conservatives - they make such great targets!
I love Dallas.  It's the crowds that pi$$ me off!
I love Freckles! The best way to play "connect the dots" with Redheads!
I love Jesus, yes I do!  Baked or broiled or in a stew!
I love Ken, he is my sweet friend & I love him-Crow sings
I love Kramer! - TV's Frank
I love MITTs! (Mexicans in Tank Tops!)
I love MITTs! (Mexicans in Tank tops!)
I love New York!     * * *       No Radio
I love Oriental women; they're the nicest people you can come across.
I love Q, Q loves me, he goes on to infinity....-Barney.
I love Rock 'n Roll -Joan Jett  I love Rocky Road -Yankovic
I love Rush Limbaugh, he makes such a good target!
I love Rush Limbaugh.  He makes a really nice target.
I love Standards, there are so many of them!
I love Surfing a Blue Wave.
I love Telix for Windows!
I love Terok Nor...so put another dime in the jukebox, baaaaby!!!
I love Terok Nor...so sing another Star Trek filk with me!
I love Uranus
I love Velveeta, have some cheese, Tom said craftily.
I love Windows on my 486!  It's faster than my XT
I love Windows! NOT!
I love Windows! On my house, on my garage, on my car, on my
I love a business where if you can buy it, it's obsolete.
I love a good political joke...unless it gets elected.
I love a man with a warped sense of humor. <G>
I love a man with chocolate on her breath.
I love a man with chocolate on his breath.
I love a sweaty butt! - Crow T. Robot
I love a tall, cold, glass of green water("#$ NO PERRIER
I love a woman with chocolate on her breath.
I love a woman with punctuational nomenclature.
I love a woman with puntuational nomenclature.
I love abusing the down-trodden.  It gives me poor-gasms.
I love all humanity.  That's why I want to kill at least a third of it.
I love all my birds!!
I love an opposition that has convictions. - Frederick the Great
I love and hate. -- Catallus
I love animals!  But they all seem to taste like chicken.
I love animals!  But they all seem to taste like chicken.
I love animals.  In fact, I've been arrested for it seven times.
I love animals. ... They taste good!
I love animals. I've been arrested for it twice.
I love animals. In fact, I've been arrested for it seven times.
I love animals.... They taste good!
I love animals.......they're delicious!
I love animals...they taste great!
I love animals; I've been arrested fer it 7 times. - Geco
I love art. That's why I didn't draw anything. - Calvin, Wayside School
I love babes!  Quark
I love being a firefighter, it takes my mind off common s
I love birds.  My favorite is the rosey-breasted pushover.
I love bunjee jumping ... <splat!>
I love cartoons. - Yakko Warner
I love cats 'cause they're stranger than I am!
I love cats because they're stranger than I am.
I love cats too..... wanna trade recipes?
I love cats! Tasted like chicken, but what doesn't?
I love cats, Tom mused.
I love cats, but their little bones get stuck in my teeth.
I love cats.  On a good night, I can eat 5 or 6 of 'em
I love cats.  They're pretty good when you add ketchup.
I love cats. Barbecued.
I love cats. Dead ones.
I love cats. On a good night I can eat 5 or 6 of them!
I love cats. They taste just like chicken.
I love cats. They're pretty good when you add ketchup.
I love cats.. Dead ones
I love cheap romance horror thriller novels. -- Dot Warner
I love children - but I couldn't eat a whole one
I love children!  They taste just like chicken!
I love children!  They taste just like chicken! -Janier
I love children! They taste just like chicken.
I love children.  They taste like chicken.
I love contradictions.  Don't you hate them too?
I love cows!
I love cricket - You should see my overnight stand!
I love criticism as long as it's unqualified praise.
I love criticism just so long as it's unqualified praise.
I love defenseless animals, especially in a good gravy.
I love dinosaurs, good men, & other fantasy creatures.
I love doing that to her!
I love doing that to him!
I love each of my loaves - Mike as bread man
I love eating crow, Tom said ravenously.
I love every bone in your body - especially mine
I love fine tuning programs.
I love getting books in the mail.
I love happy endings - Crow sarcastically
I love him even more than my fodder or mudder-Frank sings
I love hockey, said Tom puckily.
I love hockey, said Tom puckishly.
I love it here ......NOT!
I love it when I'm sick.  I get to catch up on my echoes.
I love it when a plan comes together!
I love it when a pun comes together!
I love it when a recipe comes together.
I love it when a tagline comes together
I love it when assimilation comes together - The Borg Team
I love it when she puts Nair on - Tom as girl rubs leg
I love it when you dBase me!
I love it when you talk dirty!!
I love it!  Consider it...STOLEN!
I love it! Bowling for buzzards! - Pumba
I love it! Consider it...STOLEN!
I love kids! But I don't think I could eat a whole one.
I love kitty's.. May I stroke your pussy???
I love leaving evidence of my stupidity for others... =)
I love mangling metaphors before breakfast.
I love mankind, it's people I can't stand. - Linus Van Pelt
I love mankind.  It's the people I can't stand.
I love men!  But then again...I love women too! :)
I love most animals... they're DELICIOUS!
I love movie lines for Taglines
I love mucking about in boats"--Dr Who-The Talons of Weng-Chiang
I love my 286!.. and those kind men in the coats..HAAHEEHOOO!!
I love my Teddy.
I love my XT.. like a pet rock.
I love my attitude problem.
I love my boyfriend, but I trust my cat.
I love my cats. They make excellent Dog Toys!!
I love my computer. It's made in Taiwa~##$ ` #@
I love my country (with certain specific exceptions).
I love my country but I fear my government.
I love my country but am embarassed by my government.
I love my country but am embarrassed by my government.
I love my country but fear my government!
I love my country, and respect its government.
I love my country, but I fear elected officials and feminists.
I love my country, but I fear elected officials, the judiciary and feminizts.
I love my country, but fear it's government!
I love my country, but fear my government.
I love my country.  I just fear my government!
I love my country. I FEAR my government...
I love my country; the other fellow loves his!  No *bashing*!
I love my dead Greek son! -- Joel Robinson
I love my family!
I love my girlfriend, but I trust my DOG.
I love my girlfriend, but I trust my cat.
I love my job -- it's the only place where I get enough sleep.
I love my job! I love my job! I love my job! I love my
I love my job! I love my job! I love my job! I love my...
I love my job. It's the work and people I hate.
I love my job...It's the work I can't stand.
I love my meat tender and flesh -er fresh.
I love my meat tender and flesh... uh, fresh.
I love my mom.....and you can to for just $15.
I love my momand you can too for just $15
I love my new Bionic Woman SLASH Bionic Man noises - Crow
I love my wife and my Turbo C, sure miss her
I love netmail: All the social dynamics of pre-school!
I love ninjas. They're wacky. - The Tick
I love oral sex, it's the phone bill I can't stand.
I love oral sex, it's the phone bill I hate
I love oral sex. It's the phone bill I can't stand.
I love oral sex. It's the phone bill I hate.
I love pancakes, said Tom flippantly.
I love paying taxes. It feels so good when I stop.
I love peace and quiet.  Give me a piece and I'll be quiet
I love percussion instruments, said Tom symbolically.
I love pigeons! ... But they still taste like Chicken!
I love pigeons. Tastes like chicken with a twang.
I love reading Moby Dick, said Tom superficially.
I love real life... it's so unreal!!!
I love running Windows!  NOT!
I love running Windows! NOT!
I love sex on TV ... I have a 52 inch RCA!
I love sex with blonds, but my wife doesn't appreciate it
I love sex with redheads, but my wife doesn't appreciate it.
I love sex-It's free and doesn't require special shoes.
I love sidekicks. They do all the painful stuff.  Garfield
I love smurfs.  They're delicious,if ya skin'em right.
I love spotted owls... battered and deep fried in coconut oil!
I love supercomputers! giggled Tom crayzily.
I love surprises as long as I'm ready for them.
I love taglines...
I love that series too, but that is the only tagline I have.
I love the Crack of Dawn. She's sweet!
I love the Dodgers.  Its the draft dodgers I hate.
I love the Net!
I love the Stones.  I watch them whenever I can.  Fred, Barney...
I love the Stones. I watch them whenever I can. Fred and Barney.
I love the Stones. I watch them whenever I can. Fred, Barney...
I love the Totalitarian Right. They make great targets!
I love the crunch of your hair - Tom
I love the dodgers, Oliver said artfully.
I love the law of the jungle "EAT OR BE EATEN"
I love the nightlife! -- V. Dracula
I love the smell after a good chaos storm...
I love the smell of ALCos in the morning...
I love the smell of E-mail in the morning!
I love the smell of Napalm on a Mormon!
I love the smell of Netmail in the morning!
I love the smell of RAID in the summer!
I love the smell of Taglines in the morning
I love the smell of Technology in the morning!
I love the smell of buring trolls in the morning - Darkwood
I love the smell of burnt feathers and gunpowder! Daffy Duck
I love the smell of dragon breath in the morning - Tom
I love the smell of echomail in the morning
I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
I love the smell of napalm in the morning!  Smells like......napalm.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
I love the smell of palms in the morning.  It smells of...EASTER !
I love the smell of recipes in the morning...
I love the smell of taglines in the morning.
I love the smell of testosterone in the morning!!
I love the sound of a bilabial fricative in the morning.
I love the sound of silence. Say what's on your mind.
I love the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
I love the way you talk...and I would love to make you "tingle".
I love the way your fowl little mind works! - Jafar
I love the whirling of the dervishes.
I love the women's movement especially when walking behind them!
I love this echo... echo... echo...
I love this nation, but we have some of the stupidest people here.
I love this new mail reader with the auto reply feature!
I love this technical talk.
I love this time of night. - Ivanova
I love this wind breaker so much - Crow as emotional kid
I love those little things that you do.
I love to cook!  I love to eat!  I hate to wash DISHES!
I love to say "da da."
I love to slide and stroke.. need a helping hand?
I love to smoke.  I'm up to 45 packs a day. -- Leary
I love to snatch kisses!  (Did I say that right?)
I love to work on computers! Pass me the hammer.
I love trebles (with mustard and mayonnaise)
I love tribbles (with mustard and mayonnaise)
I love trying to make insects fly, said Tom flippantly.
I love twits, Twits love me, we have Twits from sea to sea.
I love underwater love scenes - Tom as leech attacks
I love unicorns, good men and other fantasy creatures.
I love watching Full House! @!#$&&#$  NO CARRIER
I love water. I think I love it TOO much - Mike
I love women....I'm just not sure if I could eat a whole one!
I love work; I can sit and watch it for hours.
I love working on computers ... hand me the axe, please.
I love working on computers ... hand me the hammer.
I love working on computers... hand me the axe, please.
I love you Deanna, now if she was just here...
I love you Mary Jane; she nevah complains. - Cypress Hill
I love you Sooo Much,  ...When Your Far Far Away
I love you Sooo Much, ...When You're Far Far Away
I love you guys - Frank to Mike & Bots
I love you man!.......NO, you can't have my Pentium Pro.
I love you most of all, my favorite vege-table.
I love you wind breaker. Do you love me? - Crow
I love you you love me Homosexuality
I love you! You love me! And we know we hate Barney!
I love you, I'm crazy about you. What was your NAME again?
I love you, You love me, Barney will make good STP.
I love you, You love me, I will SHOOT your family. --BARNEY.
I love you, You love me, we're as Gay as we can be.
I love you, and you love me. Barney gave me H-I-V
I love you, but I hate you. I feel just the opposite.
I love you, you love <BOOM!!!!!>
I love you, you love <BOOM!!!!!<
I love you, you love me  pe-do-bes-ti-al-i-teee.
I love you, you love me (don't tell Mom and Dad)...UNCLE BARNEY.
I love you, you love me ... pe-do-bes-ti-al-i-teee ...
I love you, you love me(don't tell Mom & Dad) - Uncle Barney
I love you, you love me, (don't tell Mom and Dad) -Uncle Barney.
I love you, you love me, Barney ate my fa-mi-ly...
I love you, you love me, Barney can go {censored} a tree. :)
I love you, you love me, Barney gave me H-I-V.
I love you, you love me, Barney gave me H.I.V.
I love you, you love me, Barney is as dumb as he can be.
I love you, you love me, I will eat your family. --Barney.
I love you, you love me, I will eat your family. Barney.
I love you, you love me, I will shoot your family. Barney.
I love you, you love me, don'tcha want a frontal lobotomy?
I love you, you love me, homosexuality. - That boy on Barney.
I love you, you love me, let's hang Barney from a tree.
I love you, you love me, let's hang Barney from a tree....
I love you, you love me, lets all hang Barney from a tree.
I love you, you love me, lets hang Barney from a tree.
I love you, you love me, pedo-bestiality.
I love you, you love me, pedo-bestiality...
I love you, you love me, pretend I'm not pre-da-to-ry.
I love you, you love me, soon you'll be machinery. --- Barney of Borg
I love you, you love me, toddler bestiality...
I love you, you love me, we're a happy Borg entity.
I love you, you love me, we're a horny family!
I love you, you love me, we're in need of therapy!
I love you, you love me, yo'll be collective family. Barney of Borg.
I love you, you love me, you will be assimilated easily...
I love you, you love me, you will be collective family. --Barney Borg.
I love you, you love me, you will be collective family. -Barney Borg
I love you, you love me, you will be collective family. Barney of Borg.
I love you, you love me, you will be my collective family. - Barney
I love you, you love me...
I love you, you love meLets hang Barney from a tree.
I love you, you love...huh huh...let's burn something...
I love you. You love me. Barney wrecked my sanity.
I love you. You love me. Let's hang Barney from a tree.
I love you. You love me. Soon you'll be machinery! --Barney of Borg.
I love you... You love me? Great! Let's go eat my family!
I love you... you love me... Homosexuality...
I love you............... Dipped in chocolate!
I love you.....I know...
I love you..you love me..soon you'll be machinery.. --Barney of Borg
I love you.You love me.Soon you'll be machinery:Barney/Borg
I love youDipped in chocolate!
I love your approach.  Lets see your departure.
I love your organization - the only thing I question is your purpose.
I love your plan Hillary, but ^&*&*NO CARRIER
I love youyou love meHomosexuality...
I love |=/////>ing blondes, but my girlfriend doesn't appreciate it.
I love |=/////>ing blonds, but my boyfriend doesn't appreciate it
I love...baby ducks! - TV's Frank sings
I loved her butt I left her behind
I loved her butt I left her behind.
I loved her in the thing I saw her in.. - Brad Goodman
I loved her so much that I put her on a pedal stool.
I loved my cat!  Tasted like chicken, but what doesn't?
I loved my last girlfriend but my compressor couln't take it anymore.
I loved that face. -- Dr. Soong
I loves my freewear gramer checker I is downlooded.
I lurk quietly and carry a big OFF/ON switch.
I lurk quietly and carry a big ON/OFF switch!
I lurnt tu reed and rite bi corespondense"
I luv Cats! A little "A-1" and some rice and gravy
I luv H ( . ) ( . ) T E R S !
I luv it when you land in here with a thud!!!!
I luvs ya, but everyone else thinks you're an ass.
I m Cosmo uv Borg. Intelijens iz irelivint.
I ma 86 of Borg: You will be assimilated. Would you believe, stood close
I madam, I made radio! So I dared! Am I mad? Am I?
I made a killing in the stockmarket. I shot my broker.
I made a mental note . . . but I forgot where I put it!
I made a mental note and now I can't remember where I put it!
I made a mental note, but I forgot where I put it.
I made a mistake, but it was only one insulated isodent.
I made a note in my diary. It simply reads, "Oh, bugger"
I made an appointment with a cuticle specialist.
I made french toast, my tongue got caught in the toaster!
I made it foolproof, but they're making better fools
I made it foolproof, but they're making better fools.
I made it foolproof. They are making better fools!
I made pudding in a skull - Mike as Mongol messenger
I made that part of the program bullet proof, but not 2 X 4 proof!
I made up my mind, but I made it up both ways.
I made wine out of raisins so I wouldn't have to wait for it to age.
I made you FAMOUS..........................
I made you a vow.
I made-for-TV love you - Crow
I made...a leap of faith - Data
I make *serious* coffee.  Its so strong it wakes up the neighbors.
I make everybody happy!! Some when I arrive, Some when I leave!!
I make it a practice never to make a positive statement!
I make lousy coffee. That's why I put beer in it....
I make lousy coffee. That's why I put bourbon in it....
I make love, not war!..... Wow, that's a blast from the past, isn't it
I make my own reality.....
I make my programs fool proof. Foolish though...
I make passes at women who wear glasses...
I make wine out of raisins so it's aged automatically - s.w.
I manufacture those tabletops, said Tom counterproductively.
I march to the beat of a dead drummer.
I married a bad girl but she went good on me.
I married a nun; nun in the morning; nun at night.
I married beneath me -- all women do.
I married better than my wife did.
I may RISE today, but I refuse to SHINE !!!
I may already have won $10,000,000.
I may be SynThetic,  But, ...I'm not sutpid.
I may be a SHEEPLE but I'm not going to get fleeced by William Cooper!
I may be a Son of a Bitch...but I'm the pick of the litter!!
I may be a craven little coward, but i'm a GREEDY craven little coward.
I may be a schizophrenic, but at least I have each other.
I may be a scwuwwy wabbit, but *I'm* not going to Alcatraz! - E. Fudd
I may be a snot, but I'm a charming snot.
I may be a stranger to you. However, I'm a perfect stranger.
I may be an idiot, but indeed I am no fool. - Men at Work
I may be apathetic, but I don't care.
I may be as thick as a whale omelette-Prince George
I may be bald, but you're ugly and I can buy a toupee.
I may be crazy but I have a good time
I may be crazy but I'm having a good time
I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.
I may be down, but I ain't out and I'm still - the best at what I do.
I may be dumb, but I'm not THAT stupid!
I may be easy, but I'm not cheap!
I may be fat but you're ugly and I can diet.
I may be fat but you're ugly, and I can lose weight.
I may be fat, but you can't jog off your ugly looks.
I may be fat, but your ugly, and I can always diet.
I may be fat--but you're ugly, and I can diet
I may be getting "OLDER", but I refuse to "GROW UP"!
I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up
I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up!
I may be going to Hell in a Bucket, But at least I'm enjoying the Ride
I may be going to hell in a basket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride
I may be gone tomorrow, but that won't mean I wasn't here today.
I may be gross and perverted obsessed and deranged
I may be lost, but I'm making good time!
I may be lost, but I'm way ahead of schedule.
I may be paranoid...but they still want to take my guns!
I may be persuing an untamed ornithod without cause.
I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other.
I may be slow, but I'm expensive.
I may be slow, but I'm thorough. - BJ
I may be strange, but around here who will notice?
I may be stupid, but I'm being read by YOU.
I may be stupid, but I'm certainly good looking!
I may be stupid, but that still makes me smarter than @FN@!
I may be stupid, but that still makes me smarter than Orville!
I may be stupid, but that still makes me smarter than you
I may be stupid, but that still makes me smarter than you.
I may be stupid, that still makes me smarter than you.
I may be surrounded by insanity, but I am NOT insane! - Riker
I may be surrounded by insanity, but I'm not insane! - Will Riker
I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid. <Bishop>
I may be ugly, but at least I'm dumb.
I may be weird, but around here it's barely noticeable.
I may be wrong, but I'm never in doubt!
I may be wrong, but I'm never in doubt!
I may be young, but definitely not a whipper snapper!
I may drink a lot but I always know the way to go home - drunk!
I may drink a lot, but I know the way to go home - drunk.
I may drink alot but I always know the way to go home - drunk!
I may even have to deny saying that!
I may fall once, but not twice.
I may flirt with insanity, but I have no plans to consummate!
I may get a Pullet Surprise for this post.  Right?
I may get a new computer...this one makes too many mistakes!
I may get to work late, but I make it up by leaving early.
I may growl, but I never bite. (Unless asked, of course.) - Dire Wolf
I may have been born at night, but it wasn't LAST night!
I may have been born yesterday, but at least I went shopping.
I may have my faults, but being wrong ain't one of them.
I may have my faults, but being wrong ain't one of them.
I may have my faults, but being wrong isn't one of them.
I may have my faults, but wrong isn't one of them.
I may have settled in shipping.
I may have settled in shipping.
I may have to moderate *HIM*!!!
I may just register this off-line reader.
I may know the answer @NF, as long as you ask the right question.
I may know the answer Leroy, as long as you ask the right question.
I may know what I am talking about?
I may look busy, but I'm just confused!
I may look busy, but I'm just confused.
I may look busy,but I'm just confused!
I may make mistakes,but being wrong isn't 1 of them.
I may make you feel, but I can't make you think.
I may not agree with you, but I defend my right to tell you so.  :)
I may not always be perfect but I'm always me.
I may not always be perfect, but I'm always me.
I may not always be right; but I am never wrong!
I may not be Politically Correct but I am anatomically correct.
I may not be Spock, I am not a Vulcan, but I am not _stupid_.
I may not be a smart man but I know what love is -- Gump
I may not be as smart as you, but I know ugly when I see it...
I may not be perfect but I'm all I got.
I may not be perfect, but I am all I got!
I may not be perfect, but I am all I got.
I may not be perfect, but I'm always me.
I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellent.
I may not be right, but I make up for it by being sure.
I may not be right, but I'm never wrong!
I may not be smart, but I can lift heavy things.
I may not be smart, but I'm dumb...
I may not be stupid, but I'm certainly good-looking!
I may not be the world's greatest lover, but number seven's not bad.  -- Allen
I may not be totally perfect, but parts of me are excellent.
I may not be totally perfect, but some parts are OK.
I may not catch a lot of fish, but I show the worms who's boss!
I may not jump very high, but I've got *incredible* "hang-time"!
I may not know all about Blue Wave, but I'm learning fast!-BB
I may not look stupid, but that doesn't mean I'm NOT!
I may not make much sense, but I like pizza.
I may not understand what you say, but I'll defend to the death my right
I may rise but I refuse to shine.
I may spend the night in serious injury - Crow
I may spout nonsense, but, dammit, I believe in it!
I maybe fat, but your ugly-and I can lose weight!
I maybe small, but I'm built like a cuisienart - Tom
I mean *LINES*, ducky.  Can you handle lines?
I mean, I'm up for it if you are. - Sheridan
I mean, how lame can you get?
I mean, it's BOLD! - Crow
I meant no harm by staying alive! I only did it as a joke!
I meant to pay this year's dues, Tom remembered.
I meant what I said --- I think.
I medicate, therefore who am I?
I memorized that thing from Hame-let - Crow as dumb girl
I mentioned my "Hard drive" and she giggled expectantly.
I mentioned my 'Hard drive' and she giggled expectantly.
I merely attach meaning to what liberals do. -Rush
I met Elvis + lived
I met Elvis + lived...
I met Superman once. He had a firm handshake. --Mr. E.
I met a friend made up of fur & fuzz - TV's Frank sings
I met a subliminal advertising exec but only for a second
I met some crazy people. They made me their leader
I met the Surgeon General - he offered me a cigarette !
I met the Surgeon General; he offered me a cigarette.
I met the girl of my dreams and didn't have the bar fine.
I met the surgeon general. She offered me a cigarette!
I mever nake a nistake. Well, almost mever.
I mi konja za trku imamo
I might as well be wearing a dress! - Watch it, bub. - Klinger
I might be free, but where would I be if I didn't love you.
I might be lost but I'm making good time.
I might be weird, but I'm saving up to be eccentric!
I might have programmed my VCR incorrectly, I'd better go- TEC
I might have programmed my VCR incorrectly, I'd better go...
I might have to 'off' him - Crow sings
I might have to move
I might've iced her, myself - Mike as little old lady
I milk cows, said Tom moodily.
I miss Auntie Em so much!.....ToTo
I miss Billy The Kid.
I miss Rush Limbaugh. But with this laser sight....
I miss him! - Wakko
I miss my Ex-wife, but my aim is improving.
I miss my Mother-In-Law -- but my aim is getting better!
I miss my bionic sounds - Tom
I miss my ex-boyfriend but my aim's improving!
I miss my ex-husband....but my aim is improving.
I miss my ex-wife - but my aim is getting better!
I miss my ex-wife...but my aim is improving!
I miss my mother so much. She was like a mother to me!
I miss my old chair -- Kirk
I miss my spur noises - Dr. F as barefoot cowboy
I miss my teddy bear.  Would you sleep with me?
I miss the "old timers" who are gone.
I miss the way Bart would say something, and then say 'dude'. - Marge
I missed Geco at Coffee Clutch, tomorrow I am getting a laser sight!
I missed being god by one vote!  -Odin
I missed my cat...but this new laser sight will help!
I missed my exit on the information superhighway!
I missed my girlfriend... Then I reloaded...
I missed that subtle insult!
I missed the moderator.  I'll aim better next time.
I missed the old Moderator, but then reloaded!
I missed this bit...would you mind explaining it again??
I missed you, too Studmuffin!
I moan, "Live on, O evil Naomi!
I modem down but they grew back.
I modem down, but dey grew back.
I modem down, but they grew back.
I modem down, but they growd back.
I modem, but they grew back.
I monkied and didn't watch what I was REALLY doing !
I most certainly am not a nun..  -Quickling
I muddled get my words sometime up!
I multi-task!  I read in the bathroom!
I multitask! Read in the WC.  On the Internet artsmall@logical.net
I multitask, I use *all* my fingers on the keyboard.
I multitask.  What it is, Mama!..  I eyeball in de bathroom.  Yo' Man!!
I multitask. I read in the bathroom!
I multitask... I read DSZ docs in the bathroom!
I multitask... I read in the bathroom!
I murdered my Evil Twin and ate him. With a nice Liebfraumilch.
I must admit it's a pleasure to be able to practice telekinesis openly
I must admit she likes me, but hey, can you blame her..
I must admit that stings! - Frank w/dino in pants
I must admit to being as flabbergasted as you are. -- The Doctor
I must admit, Data. I never get used to seeing you like this.
I must apologise to the deaf for the loss of subtitles.  "What?"
I must attend my flock, said Tom sheepishly.
I must be BLIND because I sure don't 'C'
I must be a mushroom. Everyone keeps me in the dark & feeds me bullshit.
I must be a sex object I say SEX? she objects!!!
I must be a sex object.  I say Sex? and she objects.
I must be a sex object. I say Sex? and he objects.
I must be a sex object. I say Sex? and she objects.
I must be a sex object:  I say "Sex?"; she objects.
I must be brief, I'm going to explode soon.
I must be cruel, only to be kind.<Shakespeare>
I must be cruel, only to be kind..Shakespeare, Hamlet
I must be cruel, only to be taglined.  Tagspeare, Hamlet
I must be dead, I speak but nobody hears me! - Al Bundy.
I must be dreaming! Bitchin'. - Tetsuo
I must be losing my mind. - Don't fight it, Henry. - Hawkeye
I must be using the wrong kind of hammer for this screw
I must confess all i desire is your caress.
I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's. - Blake
I must devise a way to raise billions of dollars. -Brain
I must excise that bunion, Tom's doctor said callously.
I must follow the people. Am I not their leader ?-Benjamin Disraeli
I must follow them I am their leader.
I must have a mind like a steel seive!
I must have a rapier wit; everyone keeps parrying.
I must have died and gone to Hell, because everything looks the same.
I must have missed something somewhere along     line...
I must have slipped a disk - my pack hurts.
I must have slipped a disk -- my backup hurts...
I must have slipped a disk -- my pack hurts
I must have slipped a disk -- my pack hurts.
I must have slipped a disk; my pack hurts.
I must have sucked up a penny. - Kryten
I must hurry for there they go & I'm their leader..Pogo
I must hurry, for there they go and I am their leader...
I must hurry, for there they go, and I'm their leader!
I must not show weakness. - G'Kar
I must of skipped a disk -- My pack hurts.
I must protest Captain, I am *NOT* a Merry Man! - Worf
I must remind myself to think bad thoughts.
I must remove that bunion, the doctor said callously.
I must say, your's tell a very interesting story, care to share more?
I must stop here ... my fingers are hoarse.
I must stop here... my fingers are hoarse.
I must take my own life - Tom the Dungeonmaster
I must warn you. I got a weird scene going here - Mike
I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day. John 9:4
I must! I must! I must increase my bust! - Joel chants
I must've configured my comm ports incorrectly - Crow
I mustanottagottalotta sleep last night.
I my dog, my cat, and I don't baby seals. Ha!
I my dog.
I myself, here on Earth, might be God. - Heine
I named him "Miles"like the miles of BS I'll shovel to sleep w/you
I named my pet jellyfish "K-Y"
I narkomani su ljudi,ali nece jos dugo.
I nearly drowned in the Calif. drought of '93.
I nearly saw Elvis one night, but my shovel broke.
I nearly went out and provided the material for another step 4 and 5.
I need 2 upgrade my Vic-20 to a C= 64 and SOON!
I need 6 hours of screaming, biting, clawing sex right about now!
I need CPR...quick, call Dr Bashier!!
I need Concrete evidence that Hoffa is really dead.
I need WHAT kind of system to run this application???
I need Windows 95 like a hemophiliac needs heart surgery!
I need Windows like a haemophiliac needs heart surgery!
I need Windows like a hemophiliac needs Lorena Bobbitt.
I need Windoze like a hemophiliac needs heart surgery!
I need a Latin Bible suitable for reading under water, Tom divulged.
I need a Phillips Screwdriver.  All of mine are Stanley.
I need a Phillips Screwdriver. All of mine are Stanley.
I need a Virtual Reality check.
I need a bath. You have the bridge. -- Troi to Worf
I need a bottle adaptor for my lips - Tom
I need a derivative!  I'm a calcaholic!
I need a door.sys version of the RBBS door which works with everything
I need a drink--where's the SPACE BAR?
I need a drink.  Water, straight up. - Garibaldi
I need a drink. Sheridan And a place to stay. --Frost.
I need a drink. Water, straight up. - Garibaldi
I need a drink...   Where's the SPACE BAR?
I need a drink... where's the SPACE BAR?
I need a drink...where's the SPACE BAR?
I need a fix......where's my Modem?????
I need a flower for my lapel, said Tom lackadasically.
I need a genealogist shovel, to help digggg!!!
I need a good screw!  Preferrably drywall, Philips.
I need a home run hitter, Tom said ruthlessly.
I need a hug.
I need a lawyer to protect me from my lawyer.
I need a license for my pet fish Eric.
I need a life. :-)
I need a longer extension for my umbilical cord.
I need a love that won't dwive me cwazy - Elmer Cougar
I need a man. And I cannot find one among the law abiding. - Selma
I need a new Tagline.
I need a new computer.  This one makes too many mistakes.
I need a pencil sharpener, said Tom bluntly.
I need a practice target Wesley! * Worf
I need a smaller tank top - Tom as bimbo
I need a stunt double! - Calvin
I need a woman SO bad - Mike as priest
I need accurate, brief, and non-redundant information.
I need all the help I can get!
I need an altitude adjustment.....
I need an off-line answering machine.
I need an offline chocolate reader for NESTLE.QWK
I need another hole in my head like I need another hole in my head!
I need another skeptic like I need a hole in the head.
I need better Babylon 5 taglines.
I need cookies!  Cookies! -- Tom Servo
I need deodorant.
I need everything; do you have it??
I need hard data - Yar
I need hard data. - Tasha Yar.
I need more sub-text - Tom as character recites lines
I need more taglines. This one is getting old.
I need more time for books
I need my sinuses like I need a hole in the head.
I need nothing. - Armis Liar! - Troi
I need perspective, colours ran as the images bled.
I need solid professional help. Donahue, Oprah, Geraldo. -- Opus
I need some    P A R T Y   T I M E   R I G H T   N O W   ! ! ! !
I need some  P A R T Y   T I M E ! ! ! !
I need some concrete facts that hoffa is dead.
I need some duck tape - my duck has a quack in it.
I need some duck tape.  My duck has a QWaK in it.
I need some duck tape.  My duck has a quack in it.
I need some duck tape. My duck has a quack in it.
I need some duck tape. My puter has a QWaK in it.
I need some duck tape. QWK! Help me tape up the moderator!
I need some duct tape.  My duck has a quack in it.
I need some new taglines. This one is getting old.
I need some new taglines. This one's getting old.
I need some of my problems to help take my mind off some of others.
I need some of my problems to help take my mind off some of the others
I need some of my problems to help take my mind off some others.
I need some time alone with my bread - Mike
I need somebody really bad.   Are you really bad?.
I need someone really bad - are you really bad?
I need someone really bad.  Are you really bad?
I need someone really bad.  Umm...are YOU really bad?
I need someone really bad. Are you really bad?
I need someone really bad... are you really bad?
I need someone to believe in, someone to trust.
I need something to take for my kleptomania.
I need the mantissa of the logarithm, said Tom characteristically.
I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord. I need thee, Oh I need thee!
I need therapy.
I need to be born AGAIN?  No, *I* got it right the first time!
I need to break loose and find more comfortable chains.
I need to call 911.  Where's the eleven key?
I need to clear my head, said Tom opaquely.
I need to drink beer to reach a state of deep cerebral paralysis.
I need to drink enough beer to reach a state of deep cerebral paralysis.
I need to drown my troubles but I can't get @N@ to go swimming.
I need to drown my troubles, but I can't get YOU to go swimming.
I need to find a REAL job.  Londo
I need to go and convalesce, said Tom hospitably.
I need to have the batteries replaced in my brain.
I need to import some Taglines.  This is the best I can do, however.
I need to import some taglines. This is the best I can do
I need to know what's going on, or just blow it off; one of the two.
I need to know, I need to know, I need to ...
I need to lose a body.  What's the local number for UPS?
I need to order a low salt, low fat last meal - Crow T. Robot
I need to put out the cat said the fireman.
I need to see all your breasts - Mike
I need to see your drivel licence, please.
I need to snack less...I'm getting a tan from the refrigerator
I need to work on my salesmanship. - Calvin
I need warp speed in 3 minutes or we are all dead.
I need you, babe
I need you...I cannot bear to lose you-Louis to Claudia-
I need your clothes, your boots. . . and your taglines.
I needed 30 megs on my HD so I deleted Windows.
I needed a life.....So I started BBSing
I needed a little quiet - to think.
I needed a supplier....you knew where to procure it.
I neutered my cat.  Now he's a consultant.
I neutered my cat. Now he's a consultant.
I neutered my dog. Now he's a consultant.
I never DENY anything <G>
I never Metamucil that didn't move me!
I never admit fault.  Never had it, Never will....
I never admit faults. People wouldn't believe me anyways.
I never admitted to being an artist.
I never apologize. - Shaw
I never argue with fools. People might not know the difference.
I never beamed up 400 tons before. - Scotty
I never believe anything until it's been officially denied.
I never believed in miracles, until I was born.
I never buy books on impulse.  Only on warp.
I never buy books on impulse... I use Warp!
I never buy things on impulse; warp speed is much faster!
I never cared much for all that show. - Hague
I never choose between two evils. I look at five or six.
I never claimed EVERYTHING I do makes sense, did I?
I never complete a... I never finish a... - Mike Nelson
I never complete a...I never finish a... - Mike
I never could get the hang of Mondays.
I never could get the hang of Thursdays--Arthur Dent
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I never could quite get the hang of Thursday
I never could remember punch lines!
I never dated any carbons, just girls.
I never defile life, Dr., even I. Palindromic Pig.
I never deny, I never contradict. I sometimes forget.
I never did it that way before.
I never discuss religion, politics or toast.
I never do things on impulse; warp speed is much faster.
I never doubted that it was the will of the Prophets for a second!
I never drink coffee in the morning -- it keeps me up 'till noon!
I never drink unless I'm alone or with @FN@.
I never drink unless I'm alone or with somebody.
I never drink wine. -- Dracula
I never drink, unless I'm alone or with someone else.
I never drink... wine. - Dracula
I never eat between meals and snacks.
I never eat fast food.  I prefer my food to sit still while I eat it!
I never exaggerate. I just remember big. Chi Chi Rodriguez
I never fall asleep driving.  I wake up driving!
I never fly with the Buzzards! First Class or Nuthin'!
I never forget - but sometimes I don't remember.
I never forget a face, Mister Chekov isn't it? -- Khan
I never forget a face, but in @FN@'s case I'll make an exception.
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception.  -- Marx
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception. - Marx
I never forget a face, but in your case, I'll make an exception.
I never forget a face-even one I've never seen! -Khan
I never forget a face. --Garibaldi.
I never forget a face. Mister...Chekov isn't it? - Khan
I never forget a face.In your case I'll make an exception!
I never forget a girl's body, got a pornographic memory.
I never forget a girl's body; I have a pornographic memory.
I never get any either.
I never get lost because everbody tells me where to go!!!
I never get lost, just momentarily disoriented.
I never get lost, said the pathologist.
I never get tired of hearing about animals.
I never get to do ANYthing.   Simba
I never get to do anything fun. - Calvin
I never get to get it. - Wakko Warner
I never get to go anywhere. - Simba
I never get to see *anyone* die... - Tom Servo
I never get to see ANYONE die - Tom
I never give up on Dale! - Becci McClain.
I never go into saloons, said Tom dryly.
I never go out on days that end in "Y."
I never got a job from a poor person.
I never had a friend - Tom
I never had a problem with my sexuality!
I never had a rifle that complained of headaches!
I never have trouble meeting expenses, I meet them everywhere.
I never heard of a sword of party member slaying.
I never kill anyone at the dinner table - Kurn
I never kill anyone at the supper table.
I never knew Tiamat had so many twin sisters.
I never knew a girl who was ruined by a good book.
I never knew collecting Taglines could be so much fun.
I never knew lasers could be printed.
I never knew that Sysops played with dolls!!!!
I never knew that kind of love until this moment with you.
I never knew that kinda love until this moment with you.
I never knew the true meaning of a spanking until I was 24.
I never knew there were lawyers with morals. --Al Calavicci.
I never knew what it meant to be real--Jim Morrison
I never know how much of what I say is true.
I never know how much of what I say is true. - Bette Midler
I never let my schooling interfere with my education.
I never let nothing define or limit me. - Funboy
I never let school get in the way of my education.
I never lie nor steal taglines. . . .
I never lie or steal taglines unless it's to my advantage.
I never lie when I have sand in my boots! - Geordi LaForge
I never lie when I've got sand in my shoes. -- Geordi
I never lie, I just arrange the truth to fit my perceptions.
I never liked a man I didn't meet.
I never liked you, and I always will
I never liked you, and I always will.
I never liked your twisted sense of humor, Kiefer.
I never lose!  Often run away, but I never lose....
I never loved another person the way I loved myself.
I never made a mistake in my life.  I thought I did once, but I was wrong.
I never make misstakes
I never make misstakes.
I never make mistakes - once I thought I did but I was wrong.
I never make mistakes. I thought I did once, but I was wrong.
I never make misteaks.  What's your beef? -JCF
I never make stupid mistakes.  Only very, very clever ones.
I never met a Blackbird I didn't like.
I never met a Cardassian I didn't want to shoot. O'Brien as W. Rogers
I never met a Kender I didn't want to kill - Darkwood
I never met a Lasagna I didn't like!
I never met a Library i didn't like.
I never met a Scout I didn't like.
I never met a Window I liked...or one that worked.
I never met a cat I didn't like...with some honey mustard.
I never met a chocolate I didn't like!
I never met a chocolate I didn't like.  -Troi.
I never met a chocolate I didn't like. * Deanna
I never met a chocolate I didn't like. -- Troi
I never met a chocolate I didn't like. --Deanna.
I never met a chocolate I didn't like. --Troi.
I never met a friend I didn't like.
I never met a lasagna I didn't like!
I never met a lasagne I didn't like - Garfield
I never met a lawyer that could pass a bar.
I never met a man I didn't like.  -- Will Rogers
I never met a man I didn't want to fight.  -Lyle Alzado
I never met a man that I didn't like.
I never met a metacharacter I didn't like.
I never met a missionary I didn't like -- Cannibal Chief.
I never met a nymphomaniac... If I had, I wouldn't be here now...
I never met a piece of chocolate I didn't like.
I never met a sesquipedalian I didn't like.
I never met a tagline I didn't like!
I never met a temptation I didn't like.
I never met a temptation I didn't like...
I never met a temptation that I didn't like.
I never met a woman I couldn't drink pretty.
I never metamorphosis who wasn't willing to change.
I never metamucil I didn't like.
I never metaphysics I didn't like
I never metaphysics I didn't like.
I never miss Rush Limbaugh! He's far to big a target!
I never miss Rush Limbaugh.  He's too big a target.
I never noted his nose until about six months ago.
I never post off topic.  BTW what is the topic?
I never promised you a prose garden.
I never promised you a rose garden.
I never promised you a rose garden...
I never punched a guy in the brain before! --1963 (comic book).
I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them 5 yrs
I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them five years.
I never read Taglines! Do you?
I never read a tagline that made any sense...including this one !
I never read other people's mail.
I never really appreciated Barbara Bush till Hillary slithered in.
I never really appreciated Rosalyne Carter till Hillary slithered in.
I never really found myself until I lost my mind.
I never receive bills to pay; there's a CRC error in my ZIP code!
I never recognize an opportunity til it ceases to be one.
I never repeat gossip.  So listen carefully the first time.
I never rise above the noise and confusion.
I never rise above the noise and confusion...
I never rule out sabotage. - Garibaldi
I never said I was a brain surgeon.
I never said I'd solve all your problems!
I never said it would be easy - I said it would be worth it!
I never said the one thing I should have: I love you, Dad. - Franklin
I never sat on a loaf of bread before - Crow
I never saw a Blackbird I didn't like!
I never saw a tagline I didn't like.
I never saw it coming.
I never say anything provocative. --Diefenbaker.
I never say maybe...
I never say something I shouldn't.  - Neelix (The Escape)
I never seed a nekkid woman as sexy as my imagination.
I never shot a child, only the machine gun she carried.
I never sleep.  I'm attention deficient 10 hours a day.
I never sleep. I'm temporarily attention deficient 10 hours a day.
I never spit in your drink, why do you smoke in my air?
I never stare at Major Kira's nose. My gaze is lower down.
I never steal taglines - I'm a genealogist - I just adopt them.
I never stole one of your taglines.
I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. - Albert Einstein
I never think of the future.It comes soon enough..Einstein
I never thought I would love again, until you.
I never thought I'd be an expanding Russian front - Ivanova
I never thought I'd be running from a giant snowflake.
I never thought I'd miss the Carter Administration.
I never thought of that.  What a silly bunt- Monty Python
I never thought of that.  What a silly bunt...
I never thought one of the good guys would lose. - Richie
I never took Inglish.
I never took the Kobyashi Maru test until now. - Spock
I never use Taglines...well, maybe this time.
I never used to be able to finish anything but now I
I never wake up bitchy, I let her sleep...
I never wake up grouchy.  I always let her sleep.
I never wanna see another rock.
I never wanted to be anything but an engineer.  -Scotty
I never wanted to collect cards. I always wanted to be .. a lumberjack!
I never watched a baseball game I didn't like.
I never watched a hockey game that I didn't like.
I never went to bed with an ugly woman, but I woke up with a few.
I never worked a day in my life. It's all been fun.
I never would have guessed!
I never! You should, it's fun. - Slappy
I nkhat my ylkcu rtsas I'm nto urtitspsiuose.
I no longer suffer from 'immaculate depressions'.
I no wanna work, I wanna bang on keyboard all day...
I not dyslexic am.      Confused just.
I not only dream in color, I dream in SVGA.
I notice that even Shawn McMahon doesn't claim that...
I notice that you stole one of my taglines tho....
I noticed you have a little dog poopie on your shoes.
I now have time for a QWKie
I now know the depths I reach are limitless - NIN
I now return to my regularly scheduled flame-throwing.
I nybble often, but rarely byte......
I object t' sex on television.   I keep fallin' off ....
I object to all this sex on television!  I keep falling off!
I object to all this sex on the TV - I keep falling off!
I object to all this sex on the television.  I keep falling off.
I object to all this sex on the television...I mean, I keep falling off!
I object to sex on T.V...I keep falling off!
I object to sex on TV, I keep falling off!
I object to sex on TV:  I keep falling off!
I object to sex on television--I keep falling off!
I object to sex on the television.  I keep falling off!
I offer you my most enthusiastic contrufibularities.
I offer you your enemies.
I often daydream about my inability to fantasize.
I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.
I often quote myself; it adds spice to my conversation.  -- G. B. Shaw
I often quote myself; it adds spice to my conversation. - G.B. Shaw
I often quote myself; it adds spice to my conversation. -- G. B. Shaw
I often sleep like a baby. I wake at 2:00, 4:00, 6:00...
I once asked the bellhop to handle my bag - he felt up my wife !
I once found myself in the G.U.E, (Great Underground Empire).
I once had half a mind left, too! :)
I once had sex with a pregnant woman - and something grabbed my prick.
I once knew an android whose middle name was 2Q4B. - Kryten
I once met a Lady that drove me to drink, and I never got to thank her
I once saw Macgyver take out a f-18 with a tic-tac
I once saw a 5 bit vacuum-tube computer.
I once saw a bed twenty feet by ten. - Sounds like a lot of bunk to me
I once saw a chorus line of purple wombats... - Garibaldi
I once saw a trinary computer:  lots and lots of twits.
I once shook hands with Pat Boone, and my whole right side sobered up.
I once thought I was dead, but I was just off-line.
I once took an ad out in the paper - girls are better..
I once tried C. I think it's still compiling 'Hello World'.
I once tried an internal modem but it hurt when I walked......
I once tripped in a forest, and didn't make a sound.
I once was a true love of mine.
I once was as you are, but you will never be as I am
I once was lost.. but now I'm a Sysop!
I onda je mudrac rekao:"Nemam pojma".
I only counted 100 dalmatians...!!!
I only create zombies during working hours - Crow
I only designed your eyes. You must talk to Tyrell. He designed your mind.
I only drink Irish Coffee after 1800 hours.   *O'Brien*
I only drink to forget I drink.
I only drink to make other people interesting.
I only drink to make other people seem interesting.
I only drink when I'm alone or with someone.
I only eat 'meat' on days ending in 'y'.
I only eat Chocolate on days that end in "y"
I only expect money and love...in that order
I only fish on days that end with a "y".
I only get Newsweek, said Tom timelessly.
I only go to the "MOYAN" cause the director pays me to go there
I only got a C in programming.
I only had tee martoonies.
I only had what was posted, nothing more or less.
I only have a piece of eight, Tom said bitingly. -John Foster
I only have one recipe. This isn't it though.
I only have one tagline. This isn't it though.
I only have one vice, and a good chili-dog is it!
I only hope I live to save ya.   Timon
I only kill people on days that end with 'y'.
I only know them from the newpaper comic strips....
I only lied to you so you would believe me!  -Crystal Morton
I only like two kinds of men:  domestic and foreign. - Mae West.
I only like two kinds of men: domestic and foreign.
I only need about 58 characters to put my foot in my mouth. 8] - MR
I only one complaint: Why can't we have longer tagli
I only party on days ending in "Y".
I only play with Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
I only play with my computer on days that end in "Y".
I only play with my computer on days that end in "Y."
I only reply to people that are worthy, except when I wanna argue.
I only shoot IBM's to put them out of their misery.
I only shoot IBMs to put them out of my misery.
I only started a BBS to save on the phone bill
I only stay awake to help pass the time between dreams.
I only steal QUALITY Taglines.
I only throw consecrated snowballs - Calvin
I only throw rocks through windows on my computer.
I only touch base with reality on an as-needed basis!
I only type Blue Wave messages on days that end in "y."
I only use Blue Wave on days that end with a "Y"
I only use Bluewave on days that end in y.
I only use Bluewave on days that end with a "Y"
I only use Windows keep watch on the world
I only use YALE graphics.
I only wish my mouth had a BACKSPACE key!
I only wrote the thing, I don't have to understand it!
I only wrote the thing, I don't have to understand it.
I open Windows with a closed mind
I open fire only when the whole windshield is full of the enemy..
I opened Windows and a bunch of bugs flew in!
I operate a space bar, Quark said blankly.
I order you to undress and show me your thingies.  -Capt. Butt-Head
I ordered a chicken and an egg sandwich. The chicken came first.
I ordered chocolate, not vanilla, I screamed. -Rambo & Youngquist
I organized that big party for the prisoners, Tom confessed.
I ought to cast you out or smite you or something.  - Q
I outta keep ya locked up at home.
I owe a lot to the boss... ulcers, nausea, feelings of paranoia...
I owe much; have nothing; the rest I leave to the poor.
I owe my first born child to Visa.
I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go.
I owe, I owe, so it's off to work I go...
I owe, I owe, so off to work I go
I own Hell - my wife gave it to me this morning.
I own Hell - someone gave it to me this morning.
I own Seagates, want to make something of it?
I own a CP/M Machine.. I Don't Do WINDOWS!
I own a Feminazi Trading Card mint set.
I own my own body, but I share.
I own one of the large breeds, a German shepherd-Shetland pony mix.
I own the erasers for all the golf pencils.
I own the erasers for all the miniature golf pencils.
I paid too much for it, but its worth it.
I paint what I see.  See that dragon over there?
I paint what I see.  You wanna be blue or green?
I paint what I see. See that dragon over there?
I parked my Hard Disk...now I can't find it.
I parked my Hard drive, and now I can't find it!
I parked my hard disk - and got a ticket!
I parked my hard disk - and got a ticket!!!
I parked my hard disk and now I can't find it!
I parked my hard disk, now I can't find it!
I parked my hard disk; and got a ticket!
I parked my hard drive - and got a ticket!
I parked my hard drive and it got towed away!
I parked my harddisk - and I got a ticket!
I parked my harddisk - and got a ticket!
I particularly like Captain Thanksgiving! - The Tick
I pass wind in your general direction!
I passed Bajoran Diplomacy with high marks for phaser accuracy.
I passed a bluestone last night - Tom on name in credits
I passed my Ethics course, but I cheated on the exam.
I passed my electrocardiogram, said Tom readily.
I passed my ethics course.  I cheated, of course.
I passed my ethics exam. I cheated of course.
I passed my ethics test today but I cheated.
I passed my urine test!  Hit the bullseye 4 out of 5 times!
I performed an exorcism today. It seems that a daemon crashed the computer...
I personally just want to see you be you...forget about the rest of it.
I petition the court that my father be committed - Mike
I pick up Fido from one of the boards I call, but don't post into it.
I pick up a penny. It was somebody's 1.5 cents before taxes.
I pick up my paycheck and pass it on down the line.
I picked a bad day to stop breathing helium.
I picked the wrong day to give up ampheitimines.
I picked the wrong day to quit drinking.
I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.
I picked up the dice and threw two sixes. - Rimmer
I pity you. - Darius  Let's not get maudlin. - Xavier St.Cloud
I plan on living forever.    So far, so good.
I plan to be a late bloomer - it's the only chance I've got.
I plan to be more spontaneous.
I plan to go back in time and kill my own father.
I plan to live forever or die trying.
I plan to live forever, or die trying!
I plan to work for Digital, said Tom, giving me the finger.
I plan to work in a cemetery, Tom plotted gravely.
I planned my heist & my date for the same night! - Tom
I planted bird seed-A bird came up-Now what do I feed it?
I planted seeds of doubt and got a bumper crop.
I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to fee
I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now what do I feed it?
I planted some bird seed.A bird came up.What do I feed it
I planted some birdseed. A bird came up. Now what do I feed it?
I planted some seeds of doubt ... I got a bumper crop!
I play baseball with my cat...IT's the ball...
I play every song from A to Z...
I play tennis to avoid accelerated decrepitude...
I play the game and love it.
I play the part of Sir Edmund Hillary, said Tom climactically.
I played Deal-A-Meal poker w/friends & won all their food
I played Tarot Card Poker, got a flush and 5 people died.
I played poker w/ tarot cards-got a flush & 5 people died
I played poker w/ tarot cards-got a flush and 5 people died
I played poker w/ tarot cars-got a flush-5 people died.
I played poker w/tarot cards-got a flush-5 people died..
I played poker with Tarot cards--I got a full house. Four people died.
I played poker with Tarot cards--got a full house and 4 people died.
I played poker with Tarot cards-I got a full house. Four people died.
I played poker with Tarot cards-got a full house and 4 people died.
I played poker with Tarot cards. Got a flush, five died.
I played poker with Tarot cards. Got a full house. Four people died.
I played poker with a tarot deck...got a royal flush...5 people died.
I played poker with tarot cards - got a flush & 5 people died
I played poker with tarot cards-got a flush & 5 people died.
I played poker with tarot cards. Got a flush & 5 people died
I played poker with tarot cards. Got a flush and 5 people died.
I played poker with tarot cards. I got a full house and 5 people died.
I played poker with tarot cards: Got a flush and five people died.
I played poker with tarot cards: got a flush and five people died.
I played poker with tarot cards; got a flush and five people died.
I plead guilty and throw myself on the mercy of Nurse Able. - Hawk
I plead insanity...  Yes; I can provide witnesses.
I plead not guilty by reason of computer-induced insanity
I plead not guilty by reason of computer-induced insanity.
I plead stupidity.
I plead temporary insanity.
I plead temporary insanity. ;-)
I plead the 5th!
I plead.. Uh..I can handle it dude, like I've seen the pupils court.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Satellite of Love
I point the wand at the dragon DM: You die. WHAT!? DM: Wrong end.
I point the wand at the dragon. DM: You die PC: WHAT!? DM: Wrong end.
I possess an unhealthy diversity of interests.
I post.......... I am
I posted my joke.
I posted the instructions this morning.
I posted this message just to use this tagline.
I poured beer in my rice crispies and heard "Snap, crackle, burp".
I poured beer in my rice crispies and heard Snap, crackle, burp.
I poured milk on my serial ports and all my bits got soggy.
I poured spot remover on my dog now he's gone.
I practic Ancient Art of .45 AUTO
I practice moderation to excess.
I practice safe eating...I use condiments.
I pray to St. Francis of ANSI C.
I predict that today will be remembered until tomorrow!
I predict: You were reading a message right now
I prefer "We await your compliance", not "Tremble and obey!"
I prefer 'Indiana' We named the DOG Indiana!
I prefer 'Indiana', We named the DOG Indiana!
I prefer CITY-TV to Country Radio.
I prefer Indiana. -- We named the *dog* Indiana.
I prefer a bottle in front of me
I prefer a dose of common sense -- McCoy
I prefer a good hollowpoint and tactical awareness to get the job done
I prefer a well balanced 'Sleek', myself...:) - TEC
I prefer curly fries - Dr. Forrester
I prefer gay men when they're straight.
I prefer group activity because, if it's foolish, I'm not the only fool.
I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery. -J. J. Rousseau
I prefer my oysters fried.  Then I know my oysters died.
I prefer my oysters fried. That way I know my oysters died.
I prefer my oysters fried. Then I know my oysters died.
I prefer my personal opinion on this.
I prefer not to call it speeding but spirited driving.
I prefer not to dwell on things I cannot adequately explain. <Smith>
I prefer old age to the alternative.
I prefer sci-fi to reality. Sci-fi makes sense!
I prefer the company of equals. - Riker
I prefer the sign that says 'No Entrance' to one that says 'No Exit'.
I prefer the term 'artificial person' myself. <Bishop>
I prefer the traditional Hamlet - Mike on girl wrestlers
I prefer to be acquainted with the women I kiss. - Picard
I prefer to be only slightly insane. Don't we all.
I prefer to call it the Prime Suggestion. - James T. Kirk
I prefer to learn from _your_ mistakes.
I prefer to remain anomalous.
I prefer to think of it as the Prime Suggestion. - Kirk
I prefer to think of it as the prime suggestion. J. T. Kirk.
I prefer wicked over foolish.  The wicked sometimes rest.
I preferred the dirty version.
I pressed REDIAL on a brand new phone and it had a nervous breakdown.
I pressed the home key, but I'm still in FL. Damn! <G>
I pretend to work - they pretend to pay me.
I pride myself that I assimilate only 95% of Taglines I see. ;)
I procrastinate, therefore I will be.
I program, therefore I am.
I program, therefore I exist.
I promise I won't bite, said the swimming Lawyer to the shark.
I promise I won't bite, the swimming lawyer told the shark.
I promise I won't upload in your mouth!
I promise Wesley exquisite pain -- Lore
I promise not to let it happen again - until next time.
I promise not to tell the junior officers.
I promise results, not promises.
I promise that telethon wants money, Tom pledged.
I promise to have readable messages in the future.
I promise to take good care of your cat.  -Schrodinger
I promised that telethon money, Tom pledged. -John Foster
I promised to help a friend fold road maps.
I promised you a painless death. It's time. --The Crow.
I promiz I wil git betr wit praktiz....I thimk..oops bad fingr.
I propose you take the  shelf, sir.  -- Data
I protect those around me! - Duncan Macleod
I protest, Captain! I am not a merry man!  Worf
I protested the Flag-Burning Amendment by burning 50 flags.
I puff out my chest and GROWL at reality!
I pulled it in and opened it up, and much to my surprize.....
I pulled the finger...and she sank...
I pulled the wool over Ollie's eyes, said Tom foolhardedly.
I punched him in the stomach three times, said Tom triumphantly.
I pusaci su ljudi, ali ne zadugo !!!
I push the TURBO button on my PC REAL hard whenever I'm in a hurry.
I pushed the "delete" key, and my computer vanished!
I put "ALL" in my twit filter.  Nobody sends me mail anymore.
I put BUGS=OFF in config.sys and now Windows won't load!
I put BUGS=OFF in config.sys, Windows won't Load!
I put Windows into my car computer and I had an accident.
I put all my money into an IRA, Tom said interestedly.
I put hardwood floors on top of wall-to-wall carpet. - S.W.
I put hardwood floors on top of wall-to-wall cerpet.
I put her underwear on my head - Crow as guy confesses
I put instant coffee in a microwave & almost went back in time. - s.w.
I put instant coffee in a microwave and almost went back in time.
I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and almost went back in time.
I put instant coffee in my microwave and almost went back in time.
I put instant coffee in the microwave & almost went back in time.
I put my hand on her belly, and she said "Would you like to fill me?"
I put my hand on her breast, and she said "Would you like the rest?"
I put my hand on her knee, and she said "Would you like to see?"
I put my hand on her thigh, and she said "Would you like to try?"
I put my money on the spider - Crow
I put on a fake smile, and start the evening show...
I put on women's clothing, And hang around in bars.
I put on womens clothing and hang around in bar
I put spot remover on my dog and he disappeared.
I put spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone ...
I put spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.
I put spot remover on my dog. Spot's gone!
I put stupid and offensive quotes up, just for you @FN@!
I put stupid and offensive quotes up, just for you He !
I put stupid and offensive quotes up, just for you Orville!
I put the boards on the path to avoid the mud, said Tom hygienically.
I put the chill in your bones, I am the wolf. - Danzig
I put them all to sleep - Data
I qualified for Raw Bits!
I question your sincerity, Lore - Data
I questioned my sanity once...it didn't answer.
I quit being a moderator and my ulcer went away.
I quit dancing after I injured a groin muscle.  It wasn't mine.
I quit drinking and smoking once.  Very boring 15 minutes.
I quit drinking, smoking, and sex once. Most boring 15 minutes ever!
I quit drinking, smoking, and sex until I got bored.
I quit drinking, smoking, and sex-worst 15 minutes of my life!
I quit drinking/smoking/& sex once. Very boring 15 minutes.
I quit drinking/smoking/&sex once.Very boring 15mins.
I quit my job and plugged the coffee pot in the computer room.
I quit my job... for Orville!
I quite drinking, smoking, and sex until I got bored.
I quote other people on the boards, of course. :) - Dire Wolf
I radiate more heat than light Rush -Presto
I radiate more heat than light.
I ran Dblspace on my monitor and now it's 28 inches!
I ran Stacker on my monitor and now it's 28 inches!
I ran an Atari ST and I had some money, now I run PC and I'm broke!
I ran out of food for the hamsters in my power supply.
I ran out of sick days...I think I'll call in dead.
I ran today Ice Cream truck was going 60 MPH...
I ran today...the Good Humour truck was going 60 mph...
I ran todaythe Good Humor truck was going 60 mph
I rarely argue with mischievous carnivores.
I rarely move around at work if I can help it.
I rather be "Deaf" than "Auditory Challenged"
I rather doubt you are up to it, but one can only hope otherwise.
I rather lose my CARRIER than my mind!
I reach out to touch all branches in my lineages.
I reach out to touch all branches in our lineages.
I reached out for the one I tried to destroy --U2
I reached out my hand and he betrayed me - G'Kar
I read 127.5 messages, and all I got was this lousy Decoder Ring!
I read Fidonews for the nudity.
I read Playboy in Braille for the nice bumps.
I read Playgirl for the articles.
I read RIME Politics... for the taglines
I read about it in Land Magazine - Crow
I read about the evils of drinking, so I gave up reading.
I read about the risks of drinking, I gave up reading.
I read about youWay back when I was flying with training wheels
I read banned books and messages.
I read banned books!
I read it in the Big Book so it must be true.
I read it on USENET so it must be true.
I read it on the Continuum.
I read so many bad things about sex that I had to give up reading
I read so much about risks of drinking, I gave up reading
I read that sex was bad for you, so I gave up reading
I read the DOC's...is this English?
I read the DSZ docs but now I'm more confused
I read the book, saw the movie and bought the T-shirt
I read the docs, but my brain got full. ;)
I read the docs, but the nurses were more fun.
I read the manual: The author speaks no English!
I read the messages in this forum and all I got was this lousy Tagline.
I read the screenplay. Its two pages long - Mike
I read your body language perfectly clear.
I read your speach.  It's plodding, pedantic.  Much like yourself. - Q
I realize that command has it's fascination-- Spock
I really AM a cowboy. I'm not gay! - Crow as Texan
I really am ethical.  It's the stupidity that drives 'em nuts.
I really didn't say everything I said.<Yogi Berra>
I really don't care if I win or lose, but why don't I ever win?
I really don't have time for this. --Hercules
I really don't mind if you sit this one out.
I really hate it when you get heroic. Cuts into my business.
I really have nothing better to do with my free time...
I really hope you like the pinking shears - Tom
I really like men - every woman should own one, and have a backup.
I really like men - every woman should own one.
I really like men - that's why I have so many of them.
I really like my ZyXel!
I really like these new hernia packs - Tom on parachutes
I really like women  -  Every man should own one.
I really love that rock and roll! - Eddie. --Rocky Horror.
I really must learn not to argue with Bob Morgan..!
I really must learn not to argue with ignorance.
I really must learn not to argue with you..!
I really need to relax - MST3K13
I really said "NO!
I really should not respond to my mail before I have my coffee.
I really think a cool board like that should blacklist you!
I really wanted to dispense sour balls - Tom on his head
I really wanted to get in shape, but the gym was 2 flights up...
I received a phone bill from Bell Canada for DOS calls!
I received a phone bill from Bell South for DOS calls!
I received a phone bill from Southern Bell for DOS calls!
I reckon it might rain...unless the sun comes out of course.  Jon
I recognized him, just couldn't remember his name!
I recognized your foul stench when I opened up my mail packet!
I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board. - Leia
I recommend 'doing the dozens,' Captain. -Tuvok
I recruit for heterosexuality
I refuse a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
I refuse to "throw away my vote" -- I vote LIBERTARIAN!
I refuse to accept the same faith as Jesse Helms.
I refuse to be intimidated by reality anymore
I refuse to believe that the afterlife is run by you Orville.
I refuse to deny anything....
I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
I refuse to fight a duel of wits with an unarmed opponent!
I refuse to go to a doctor who believes in reincarnation.
I refuse to grow up!specially after seeing how they act!
I refuse to grow up... :-)
I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person
I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. -- Groucho Marx
I refuse to obey that French 'No Smoking' sign, fumed Tom defensively.
I refuse to place a tagline at the end of this message! PERIOD!!!
I refuse to pollute my system with Windoze!
I refuse to practice safe sax! "Bill Clinton"
I refuse to say anything quotable. - TEC
I refuse to say anything quotable. - The Evil Clown
I refuse to support President Clinton _or_ her husband's economic plan.
I refuse to support President Clinton and her husband's economic plan.
I refuse to support President Clinton and her husband's health plan.
I refuse to take my case to a lower species. - Winchester
I refuse to wear a 'power suit' unless it's powered armor!
I registered SLiMeR and all I got was this stupid tagline
I regret I have but one asterisk for my country - N. H*le
I remember 1st time I loaded Windoze...its still loading!
I remember Yamit. Do you?
I remember back when Jay Leno was funny.
I remember every detail. The Germans wore grey, you wore blue. -- Rick
I remember every fact I am exposed to. - Data
I remember every fact that I am exposed to - Data
I remember everything that I haven't forgotten
I remember everything. I have a pornographic memory.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Wait it was yesterday!
I remember me... I think.
I remember my fathers last words, tomorrow you're outta my will.
I remember now , I remember how it started.
I remember now / I remember how it started.
I remember the 1st time I had sex - I still have the receipt!
I remember the Jackson four.
I remember the book depository -- TMBG
I remember the last words of my grandfather:  "A truck!"
I remember the words. I don't understand.
I remember using punch cards to load data in the computer
I remember when "Bobbit" was a race in the Ultima games (sigh)
I remember when "Bobbitt" was a race in the Ultima games (sigh)
I remember when Ozma was a boy and the Scarecrow ruled!
I remember when Saturns were ROCKETS, not cars!
I remember when Saturns were rockets, not cars.
I remember when Sex was safe and Rugby was dangerous...
I remember when sex was safe and motorcycles weren't!
I remember when these little one-liners were called fortune cookies.
I remember when these were called cookies, not taglines.
I remember when we could sleep on stones --U2
I remember when you first came to me. - Delenn
I remember when you had to know how to solder to
I remember when you used a pencil to compute.
I remember when, a baby was an addition and not a deduction.
I remember when, baby sitters were called mothers.
I remember you-I knew you in a past life! You were a dipshit then too.
I remembered to tithe the Messenger.
I renamed my Windows batch file LOSE.BAT
I rented a pickup truck. It didn't work: I didn't get any girls.
I repaired your nipple - Mike
I repeat! Help stamp out, remove, and eliminate repetitive redundancy!
I replaced Windows with a pack of playing cards.
I replaced their dylithium with new Folger's Crystals...
I represent Angry Gun-Toting Meat-Eating People!
I rescued you, didn't I, from the terrible dawn. - Armand
I researched my family tree apparently I don't exist!
I researched my family tree, and found I don't have one!
I researched my family tree, and guess whatI don't exist!
I researched my family tree... apparently I don't exist!
I resemble that remark <g>
I resemble that remark....
I resent being called smart.  I should be called brilliant!
I resent being treated like the sort of person I am.
I reserve my abuse for lower life forms, like Civil Servants.
I reserve the right to be totally wrong!
I reserve the right to go insane when necessary.
I reserve the right to go insane.
I reserve the right to spout nonsense, and believe in it.
I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.
I respect faith, but doubt is what gives you an education.<W. Mizner>
I respect the dead. In Fact, I'd only respect you if you died right now!
I respect you too much to take advantage at this time- TEC
I respect you too much to take advantage at this time...
I respect your (very) different opinion.
I rest my case. :)
I retrofitted my car with a smaller steering wheel for my mouse driver.
I return from the dump with more than I took...what's wrong with that?
I return you to your whining and crying.
I roamed under it as a tired, nude Maori.
I rubbed Pernell's toupee all over my naked body - Crow
I rule the roost, but my wife rules the rooster.
I rule this inferno, enthroned for eternity!
I run Blue Wave through an open Window.  No WONDER it's cold in here!
I run My Slow Darned Old System, ver. 6.
I run OS/2 2.0 on my XT without a hitch. NOT!!!
I run Windows with 16 Meg and it's still annoying!
I run a Mac... why should I care that OS/2 can run Windows?
I run a clean place -- Guinan
I run a free board, why can't the registrations be free?
I run all my men off 'cause I just *love* to watch 'em walk away!
I run into friends a lot. Maybe I should stay on the road when I drive
I run stop signs; I don't believe what I read.
I run the convenience store on the road less traveled.
I rush the lich and steal his spell book.
I sacrificed bugs to Osiris, now Windows runs.
I sacrificed bugs to Osirus, now Windows runs.
I said "Beam me aboard" not "Beem me a ford!"
I said "Get thee behind me, Satan." He did, and pushed.
I said "Orbit the planet...NOT nuke the site."
I said "fool-proof", NOT "stupid-proof"!
I said "fool-proof, NOT stupid-proof"
I said "go to the *LDS* Center," NOT "go to the *LSD* Center!!!"
I said "shut up", as in close your mouth and stop talking. - Riker.
I said 'No gnu taxes!' Do you see any gnus being taxed?
I said 'batty'! - Tom as Adam West
I said *sit* there!  *YOU'RE* going to clean that up!
I said *sit* there! Now you are going to clean that up!
I said Beam me aboard not Beam me a ford!
I said BetaZOID! Not Beta TESTER! --Troi.
I said Bud Lite, NOT blood lite - Tom
I said CAMELOT not CUM A LOT!!!
I said CLERIC!  Not CLERK!
I said I think I love you, you said What's not to love.
I said I was Sorry!.. Don't Delete^*%*&****NO CARRIER
I said I was sick, but would anybody listen?
I said I'm on the pho$^(#@($&!# NO CARRIER
I said LUNCH not LAUNCH!!!!
I said MAYBE and that's final!
I said No gnu taxes! Do you see any gnus being taxed? --B. Hawke.
I said `shut-up', as in close your mouth and stop talking - Riker
I said a BUD LIGHT - Joan of Arc
I said a BUD LIGHT. - J. d'Arc
I said a young man aint got nothing in the world these days - The Who
I said across her nose, not up it!
I said beam me aboard, Scotty, NOT a two-by-four!
I said bottoms up... I didn't mean to finish your drink!
I said carve up the TURKEY, dear - John Bobbitt
I said comb the desert! - Skroob
I said copy the disk - not Xerox it!
I said get a CLERIC, not a CLERK!
I said go away! I am missing Bay Watch. - Wally Llama (Animaniacs)
I said hit *HIM* with the fireball, not me!  Damn wizards
I said hit HIM with the fireball, not me!  Damn wizards...
I said hit HIM with the fireball, not me! (D*mn wizards.)
I said how 'bout some music, you said you got any Merle?
I said it was *A* Huggy Bear - Crow
I said it was a good idea all along.
I said it! Oh! I said it again!
I said kid'leys, did'l I? - Data
I said no gnu taxes..have I taxed any gnus?
I said nothing, and I was misquoted!
I said put it down! - Zack Allen
I said sedate, not seduce, Counselor.-Picard
I said she wets fire hydrants.
I said shut up, as in close your mouth and stop talking. - Riker
I said something to *DRINK* - not something to *WASH* in! - Aahz
I said take a LITTLE off the top of my HEAD! - John Bobbitt.
I said to the man, "Are you trying to tempt me?"
I said touch *nothing*! - Rimmer
I said, "E.T., call OHM"; but he resisted.
I said, Death in Texas not Death and Taxes.
I sail my memories of old like boats across the seine
I sail my schooner on the highway of life.
I salute you with my cigarette - Crow
I sat on Santas lap. His fly was open! Boy, what a present he gave me!
I save ALL my keno pads - Crow on wall full of charts
I saved my Alternate Universe manual from College - Mike
I saved my Alternate Universe manual from College... -- Nelson
I saved the life of a virgin sacrifice, I disqualified her.
I saved the life of the virgin sacrifice by disqualifying her.
I saved your life the other day.  Killed a shit-eating dog
I saved your life today - killed a sh*t-eating dog.
I saved your life today -- killed a crap-eating dog.
I saved your life today -- killed a shit-eating dog.
I saw ELVIS. He sat between Bigfoot and me on the UFO.
I saw Elvis - he sat between me and Bigfoot in the UFO.
I saw Elvis at a Bomber game.
I saw Elvis at a Cowboys game.
I saw Elvis at the post office.  Bought his picture for 29 cents.
I saw Elvis at the post office...Bought his picture for .29
I saw Elvis!  He sat between Bigfoot and me on the UFO!
I saw Elvis!  He was sitting between me and Jimmy Hoffa on the UFO.
I saw Elvis!!  He sat between me and Bigfoot on a UFO!
I saw Elvis!...he was wearing an I HATE Windows Button!
I saw Elvis, he sat between me and Bigfoot on the UFO.
I saw Elvis.  He sat between Rod Speed and Bigfoot on the UFO"
I saw Elvis.  He sat between me and Bigfoot on the UFO
I saw Elvis.  He sat between me and Bigfoot on the UFO.
I saw Elvis.  He sat between me and Orville on the UFO.
I saw Elvis.  He was sitting between Bigfoot and me on the UFO.
I saw Elvis.  I sat between him and Bigfoot on the UFO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Bigfoot on the U FO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Bob on the UFO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Jack on the UFO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Jeremy on the UFO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Keith on the UFO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and L. Wilson on the UFO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Laura on the UFO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Orville on the UFO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Robert on the UFO.
I saw Elvis. He sat between me and Stella on the UFO.
I saw Fist when they opened for Badfinger - Tom
I saw Gamera kissing Santa Claus - Joel
I saw Jesus on a plane... or maybe it was Elvis...
I saw Jimmy Hoffa. he sat between Elvis and me on the UFO.
I saw Superman fly around the sun on TV, I know it's true!
I saw The Exorcist three times.  I don't know what possessed me.
I saw Wally Gator slam dance a Smurf, is that strange enough? - Slappy
I saw a Smart Blonde last night, disguised as a brunette.
I saw a Tom Swifty in that comment, Tom visualized.
I saw a coyote! Theres another one -Tom Servo as scenery passes
I saw a coyote! Theres another one -Tom as scenery passes
I saw a light at the end of the tunnel - it was a train!
I saw a lot of trees today; and they were made of wood.
I saw a man with a wooden leg, and a real foot. - S.W.
I saw a man with a wooden leg... and a real foot.
I saw a subliminal advertising executive for a second.
I saw a subliminal advertising executive, but only for a second.
I saw a subliminal advertising executive, but only for a second. - s.w.
I saw a tree fall in the woods, and I didn't hear it.
I saw a vacuum tube in the Smithsonian once.
I saw a werewolf drinking a Pina Colada - Joel
I saw better conversations in alphabet soup.
I saw her first!
I saw him move! ... SHOOT! - BATF
I saw him wet them on the field of honor - Tom
I saw it in a cartoon, but I can do it...%^#$ NO CARRIER
I saw it in a cartoon, but I'm pretty sure I can do it
I saw it in a manga, but I'm pretty sure I can do it.
I saw it on one of those Sylvester the Chicken cartoons ... hehehehe
I saw it on the radio.
I saw my hair in the mirror & paniced - Mike as girl
I saw my life flash before me and I picked up some great taglines!
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's [sic] lounge -Bart
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge - Bart Simpson's lines
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F17
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F17
I saw nothing unusual in the teacher's lounge. --Bart Simpson.
I saw stars dancing on the water.
I saw that man remove my ballot from the box, said Tom devotedly.
I saw that punch coming, so I blocked it with my chin!
I saw that!  And I'm telling your mother!
I saw that!  You were trying to steal my tagline weren't you?
I saw that! Givin away my originals eh? ;) Couldn't resist!
I saw that! You were trying to steal my tagline, weren't you?
I saw the ball, Brian, and I put it in the back o' the net.
I saw the best minds of my generation... but not here!
I saw the commercial! What do YOU mean OS/2 doesn't play snooker?
I saw the light in your window tonight.
I saw the light!   It hurt my eyes.
I saw the light!  It hurt my eyes
I saw the light!  It hurt my eyes.
I saw the worse minds in my generation helped by fantasy.
I saw this in a cartoon once, but I think I can do it!
I saw this in a cartoon once, but I think I can do it..
I saw this in a cartoon, but I'm pretty sure I can do it...
I saw this match on Lifetime - Mike on girl wrestlers
I saw this on Midnight Express - Crow on dinosaur fight
I saw what you did and I know who you are.
I saw yo mama at the freak show petting the world's largest turtle.
I saw yo'momma at the freak show petting the world's largest turtle.
I saw you take one through the pump. - Charlie DeSalvo
I saw, I came, I cleaned it up.
I saw, I conquered, I came.
I sawed the see-saw from out under Esaue!
I say 'don't move,' Snow White. You move you're dead. Albrect
I say Nuke the entire site from orbit just to be sure!
I say YaMAYto and you say YaMAHto...
I say just punch him then and there. - Calvin
I say old boy, pull out of that dive - ^&@$  -- [NO HARRIER].
I say old chap, that's a jolly tagline you have there.
I say put Shroedinger in the box and see how he likes it!
I say that thing shooting at us looks like a spider! - No, it dosn't.
I say the Rooster.....<G>
I say then, Has God cast away His people? Certainly not!
I say we go for it, and hope that we have a good experience.
I say we nuke Waco from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure.
I say we nuke the site from Orbit, it's the only way to be sure
I say we nuke the site from Orbit, its the only way to be sure.
I say we ride down to @F's and steal his tagline file.
I say we ride down to @FN@'s and steal his tagline file.
I say we ride down to Chad's and steal his tagline file.
I say we ride down to Danny Della's and steal his tagline file.
I say we ride down to Dataman's and steal his tagline file.
I say we ride down to John's and steal his tagline file.
I say we ride down to Orville's and steal his tagline file.
I say we ride down to Rasta's and steal his tagline file. - Harley
I say we ride down to Yyour place and steal your tagline file.
I say we ride down to your place and steal your tagline file.
I say we start busing gays into predominately straight communities.
I say we upgrade him to DOS 2.0 and Windows 3.0... (snicker)
I say you're a thing of the past and you ain't gonna last...
I say, "Hey Scumbag, has there been an alarm?".
I say, put Lyle Leavell in the box and see how HE likes it.
I say, put Schroedinger in the box & see how HE likes it.
I say, put Schroedinger in the box and see how HE likes it.
I say, put Scott Dowdle in the box and see how HE likes it.
I say.. even Jesus was obedient.. even unto death!
I say...have you been into the mushrooms again?
I say: "Back to the store for a Win95 refund!"
I says, 'which is the hippies and which is the dogs?'
I scanned a message from Bill on "some of my current taglines"
I scanned a message from Ray on "Cat Taglines"
I scooped the Sysop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I seam to have inaddvertintly deleeted the spel cheker.
I second that motion and ... Bartender! Another round!
I secretly replaced the dilithium with Folgers.
I see 29 Chriss crawling around in my aquarium!
I see 29 John Baffords crawling around in my aquarium!
I see David Koresh finally quit smoking!
I see I've strayed Off Topic, sorry Mister Moderator!
I see a "Sacred Cow" and BANG - I think - Hamburger!
I see a dinosaur, but I hear an elephant-- Tom Servo
I see a disgusting worm on you - Frank to Dr. Forrester
I see a germ! - Dr. Forrester to Frank
I see a light Mike - Crow's near death experience
I see a little silhouetto of a man.
I see a moderator!  Quick, change the subject!
I see a movie & I want to paint it black - Tom sings
I see a red door and I want to paint it black.
I see a snow coned shape thing - Joel on alien symbols
I see a summer night, with a magic moon.
I see a woman may be made a fool, if she had not the spirit to resist.
I see another red eyed morning coming.
I see by the gun that today isn't good for you.  Later?
I see by your gun that today isn't good for you.  We'll reschedule.
I see he rousted you out of bed as well. - Ivanova
I see his open mouth but I hear no sound...
I see how their eyes are gathered into one
I see my cut has improved your voice! - Ramirez
I see my signal's turned from green to red - Hendrix
I see no humor here, I can only laugh at the thought.
I see no reason to stand here and be insulted -- Spock
I see no reason to stand here and be insulted. - Spock
I see nothing...NOTH-ING! -Sgt. Schultz
I see now how you've risen through the ranks so quickly. -Diana, V
I see only the past.
I see said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw.
I see that I've brushed my teeth with 'Preparation H'. -- Opus
I see that Zambezzian barley production is up again.
I see that you weren't fully debugged before release.
I see that your second lobotomy finally took hold.
I see the beauty. - Butthead
I see the front torpedo bays are loaded - Crow on boobs
I see the hand of Man arise, with hungry mind and open eyes -Rush 2112
I see the light!  It's a BUD light!
I see them in bed/My gun appears by magic/Bang they both are dead!
I see them! I see the fnords!
I see we're neighbors. I live in College Station, TX.
I see you HAVE met him, or at quoted him ;-) - Myra I Fox
I see you Sam's and raise you two weasels.
I see you are performing up to your standards.
I see you decided to go psycho. Godspeed! - Dr. Forrester, MST3K
I see you got out of the morgue okay. - Duncan MacLeod
I see you have the ring, and your Schwartz is as big as mine. - Helmut
I see you need an error-correcting modem.       >snicker<
I see you shiver in antici........................pation
I see you shiver in antici........................pation.
I see you shiver with an ti ci [SAY IT!] pation.
I see you shiver with antici.......PATION!
I see you shudder with antici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PA-tion.
I see you're a natural blonde, so I'll speak slowly.
I see you're feeling particularly blonde today.
I see you're into sadonecrobeastiality... beating a dead horse, that is.
I see you've done some redecorating. - Riker
I see you've done this before.  Morticia Addams
I see your "imagine" and raise you a "simulacrum."  ;>
I see your .44 and raise you a GAU-8A.
I see your 6 taglines and raise you 2.
I see your Cthulhu and raise you Sauron.
I see your GAU-8A and raise you two SA-9 Gophers!
I see your GAU-8A and raise you two SAMs!
I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.  Let's see how you handle it!
I see your always willing to share your ignorance...@FN@.
I see your foot and your mouth have been introduced.
I see your schwartz is almost as big as mine!
I see, said the blind man to his deaf wife...
I see. It is precisely because I am _not_ human. Data
I see.... and UNIX is an operating system, is it?
I see.... and UNIX is an operating system, is it? HAH!!
I seek but what belongs to me in truth.
I seek not the answers or questions,but the quickest way to slamabeer.
I seek not to know the answers,but to understand the questions-Caine
I seem to be a verb.  -- Buckminster Fuller
I seem to be a verb. -B. Fuller
I seem to be having problems with my lifestyle.
I seem to be having this tremendous difficulty with my Lifestyle!
I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my life style
I seem to be hearing the sound of idle hands clapping.
I seem to be outgrowing my birthday suit.
I seem to be the last to know just about everything around here!
I seem to have lost my phone number - may I borrow yours?
I seem to have lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?
I seem to have lost my telephone number.  Can I borrow yours?
I seem to have misplaced my uniform -- Spock
I seem to have more on my burners than I have burners!
I seem to have picked up a bad hobbit.
I seen strange before, but this breaks new ground.
I seen yo'momma downtown scrapping with a pigeon for a peanut.
I seen you do the dog, I seen you gettin down.
I seen you do the dog, I seen you getting down
I seen you do the dog, I seen you getting down.
I sense    The Moderator!
I sense The Moderator!
I sense a commercial coming, everythings fading to black. - Troi
I sense a commercial coming. - Troi
I sense a million minds staring at my cleavage -- Troi
I sense danger, Will Robinson!
I sense great lust from half the crew - Troi
I sense life has taken another sardonic twist. -Brain
I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage - Troi
I sense millions of minds...staring at my cleavage-Troi
I sense nonsense. . .Is there a Liberal around?
I sense something.  A presence I've not felt since.- Darth Vader
I sense something. A presence I've not felt since -- Vader
I sense something... a presence I haven't felt since...
I sense that much of this historic moment is escaping you. -Brain
I sense the bartender wants me, Captain. _Mayday_! - Troi.
I sense the entity staring at my cleavage. Troi
I sense*SLAP*  Not while we're on the bridge, Will!
I sense...     The Moderator!
I sense... <*SLAP*>  Not while we're on the bridge, Will!
I sense... *SLAP*  Not while we're on the bridge, Will!
I sense... *SLAP*  Not while we're on the bridge, Will! ...
I sense...The Moderator!
I sent 'em to da Klingon ship, where there'll be no Tribble at all
I sent Kathleen on a mission to the Antilles, Tom indicated.
I sent you a netmail, did you not recieve it?
I sentence you to hang by the neck until you cheer up.
I serve ~NO ONE~! - LaCroix
I set my laserjet on "STUN".
I set off EVERY stud detector in the hardware store!
I set off every stud sensor in the hardware store.
I shake Asmodeus' hand ... ASMODEUS' HAND??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I shall be delivered from this fetid and festering sewer.-Winchester
I shall digitize or die !!!
I shall digitize or die!
I shall endeavor to speed up the process. -- Data
I shall leave the room.
I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or find excuses.
I shall not altogether die. -- Horace
I shall not rest until all Trekkers breathe Bajoran air!
I shall sample some of your burned replicated bird meat -- Kurn
I shall sample some of your burned replicated bird meat. -- K'Ern
I shall sample some of your burned replicated bird meat. Kurn.
I shall smite Evil with inconsistent messages.
I shall soon complete my mission and depart your watery planet
I shall taunt you a second time.
I shall try some of your burned replicated bird meat.  -- Kurn
I shan't elaborate.
I share a single apartment with 3 cats, my furniture is WAY too nice!
I share my place with a headstrong pig and an overconfident cat.
I sharpened my wits on a dead man's skull. - Soundgarden
I shave with Occam's Razor.
I shiny new era is just growing nearer.   Scar
I shiver, but it ain't from the cold baby!!
I shiver, but it aint from the cold babe!
I shook my family tree and a bunch if NUTTs fell out!
I shook my family tree and a bunch of NUTTs fell out.
I shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out!OJW
I shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out.
I shook my family tree and some nuts fell out.
I shook my family tree, a bunch of nuts fell out
I shook my family tree, a bunch of nuts fell out.
I shook my family tree, and a bunch of nuts fell out!
I shoot every third salesperson that calls. The second one just left.
I shop, therefore I am broke.
I shop, therefore I am.
I shot JFK and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.
I shot JFK, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
I shot JR! I killed that fat bar keep! - Frank
I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
I shot a man in South Amboy, just to watch him die.
I shot an arrow in the air... And it STUCK!
I shot an arrow into the air, and it got stuck.
I shot an arrow into the air, and it stuck.
I shot her in the back 'cause her back was to me!
I shot the Foys and a dozen Barton Boys...
I shot the Moderator, but I did not shoot the Sysop
I shot the Moderator. I AM the Sysop, didn't shoot myself.
I shot the SysOp, but I did not shoot the Mod-er-a-tor...
I shot the Sysop, but I did not shoot the moderator.
I shot the Sysop, but I should have shot the moderator
I shot the Sysop, but I should've shot the Moderator...
I shot the moderator, but I didn't shoot the co-moderator
I shot the sheriff/But I did not shoot the administrative assistant...
I shot the sysop, but I didn't shoot the moderator
I should be back by then. - Sheridan
I should be so lucky.
I should be thinking about my own sweet Servo - Crow
I should be with you right now.
I should have BBSed all night.
I should have BBSed all night...
I should have asked them before they died!
I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. - Leia
I should have gotten earthquake insurance. - Duncan MacLeod
I should have known better; every happy moment in my life came from lying.
I should have left you a long time ago - Hendrix
I should have quit while I was not as far behind.
I should have quit while I was not so far behind.
I should have stopped sooner, Tom postulated.
I should have worn white... it goes with everything! - The Cat
I should hope so! <g>
I should mosey back to the grocery store - Mike
I should never eat my grandma's meatloaf.
I should never ride my bike in mud when I don't how deep it is.
I should not be ungrateful to those teachers.
I should presently be able to deal from a full deck.
I should warn you I'm experiencing violent impulses. --Fox Mulder.
I should warn you I'm experiencing violent impulses. --Mulder.
I should warn you, I'm just a torso - Crow
I should've bbs'ed all night
I should've bbs'ed all night.
I should've died with my crew. --Commodore Matt Decker.
I should've transferred to a cargo drone.  No complaints! - O'Brien
I shoulda been a cowboy, I shoulda learned to rope and ride
I shouldn't ask my dad what a word means unless I want to look it up.
I shouldn't try out my chemistry set on my mom's new dishwasher.
I shouted "Ol !" every time one was gored...
I show a clear pattern of unpredictability.
I showed up in boots, and ruined your black tie affair.
I sighed as a lover, I obeyed as a child.
I sincerely believe that vampires evolved from vacuums...
I sing of arms and a dead white male.
I sing the progress of a deathless soul. -- Donne
I sing whenver I sing whenever I- Gypsy
I sit down next to him and get my gear off. (My armour I meant!)
I skipped the part about love... It seemed so silly. - Low
I slapped Anne B. Davis once - Crow as Robert Reed
I sleep all night and I work all day.
I sleep better at night knowing Kai Winn is out there to protect us.
I sleep like a baby...with a breast in my mouth.
I slept in a draft last night, said Tom stiffly.
I slept like a baby -- woke up every two hours.
I slept like a baby...with a breast in my mouth.
I slept like a spatula... tossed and turned all night.
I slept with Joe Isuzu   <- she's lying
I slept with you the other night, you didn't call, you didn't write
I slept with your wife but we didn't really do it.
I slit my throat on the cutting edge of technology!
I slit my throat on the cutting edge of technology.
I smashed a Window and saw... OS/2 Warp
I smashed a Window and saw... OS/2.
I smashed my modem with an AUTOEXEC.BAT!
I smell MONEY--
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E
I smell a RAT!  did you bake it, or fry it??
I smell a rat, a big commie rat! - Joel
I smell a rat.  Did you bake it or fry it?
I smell a wumpus.
I smell another cheap cartoon crossover. - Bart Simpson
I smell fresh pants! - Crow
I smell gas, Tom fumed.
I smell like cheese - Tom as geeky guy
I smell memory leakage.  Someone here is dozing.
I smell smoke.  I think my brain's about to go.
I smell smoke...
I smell smoking brains... Even through the echo...
I smell someone stinky! ..oh, it's me. - Barney Gumble
I smell something steeeenky! - Nerve ending fairy
I smell something stin-ky! - The Nerve-ending Fairy
I smoke 16 cigars a day. Drink five Martinis a day. My doctor is dead.
I smoked a GIF once, but I didn't inhale.
I smoked a salmon once, but I didn't inhale.
I smoked a salmon once, but didn't inhale
I smoked turkey once, but I *didn't* inhale
I snatch kisses. (and vice versa)
I soak myself for 3 hrs. after every meal - TV's Frank
I sold my cow, so I don't need your bull.
I sold my sole to Satan. He's been floundering around ever since.
I sold my sole to the Devil.  He's been floundering around ever since.
I sold my soul to Satan - he gave it back.
I sold my soul to Satan. He wanted a refund, but I said, "No."
I sold my soul to Satan. He wanted a refund.
I sold my soul to the Devil.  He gave it back.
I sold my soul to the Devil.  He wanted a refund, but I said, "No."
I sold the sword & bought some Finnish vodka -Tom as hero
I soldered it! - Crow says proudly on robot
I solved it! The chicken got hit while crossing the road!
I solved the parking problem. I bought a parked car.
I somehow feel I'm most alive when I'm singing.    Judy Garland
I sometimes debate with fools, and they often think the same!OJW
I sometimes have an opinion but you wouldn't know about it.
I sometimes live in my own world, its ok, they know me there.
I sort all MY recipes by temperature.
I sort all MY taglines by thickness.
I sought understanding. I listened to the song. - Kosh
I spaced him - Garibaldi
I spare not a single unit of thought on these cybernetic simpletons.
I speak 3 languages: English, Spanish, and PROFANITY!
I speak American and I can go anyplace in the world. - Frank Burns
I speak English, but COBOL-85 is my native tongue
I speak English, but assembler is my native tongue.
I speak English, some Japanese & Hungarian but no Computerese.
I speak fluent Dude.
I speak for myself... no one else would want the responsibility.
I speak for the little birdies that follow me around.
I speak giberish *fluently*!
I speak good Japanese: Toyota not Honda, Sony not Isuzu.
I speak of rights!  A machine has none!  A man must.
I speak of rights! A machine has none! A man must.
I speak only for myself, not for any others!!!
I speak only for myselves.
I speak religion's message clear - NIN
I speak religion's message clear, and I control you.
I speak two languages, limited english and racing!
I speak with my own voice, not his - Picard
I sped up my keyboard & I can't catch up with it.
I sped up my keyboard & I can't keep up with it!
I sped up my keyboard and I can't keep up with it!
I spell knife with an "n". * Picard
I spend all my money on booze, boats & broads; the rest I wasted!
I spend half my life logged into crazy liberals!
I spend most of my time in class studing.
I spent $900 on this Bose headset & I can /still/ hear my CFI yelling!
I spent 3 weeks childproofing my home. They still get in.
I spent Thursday wondering what had happened to Wednesday.
I spent a lot of time writing this and you want it for free?
I spent a month in Dallas one weekend
I spent all my money on a FAX machine.  Now I can only FAX collect.
I spent an interesting weekend with a "Thor" once...
I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze...
I spent hours coming up with this tagline.  Could you tell?
I spent hours trying to come up with the perfect tagline.  This isn't it.
I spent lastnight in the arms of a girl in Louisiana
I spent most of my money on beer and women - the rest I just wasted.
I spent most of my money on bng, I'm re-loading
I spilled Spot Remover on my dog, now he is gone!
I spilled Spot Remover on my dog... and he dissapeared.
I spilled spot remover on my dog and now he's gone.
I spilled spot remover on my dog, now he's gone
I spilled spot remover on my dog.  He's gone now.
I spilled spot remover on my dog.  Now he's gone.  -- Steve Wright
I spilled spot remover on my dog.  Now he's gone. - s.w.
I spilled spot remover on my dog. He's gone now.
I spilled spot remover on my dog. He's gone now. - S.W.
I spilled spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone. - s.w.
I spilled spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone. --Steven Wright.
I spilled spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone...
I spilled spot remover on my dog...he's gone now.
I spilled spot-remover on my dog...he disappeared.
I spilt the syrup, said Tom stickily.
I spoke of unbreakable rules, this is one of them. - Duncan MacLeod
I spurn you as I would spurn a rabid dog.
I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
I stand by all my misstatements.
I stand by all the misstatements. Dan Quayle
I stand corrected again!  May I sit down now? :-)
I stand corrected.  May I sit down now?
I stared Death straight in the eye. He blinked first. I won!
I start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
I start walking your way, you start walking mine...
I started a joke, which set the whole world crying
I started a joke, which set the whole world crying.
I started out broke.  I still have some left.
I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.
I started out with nothing ... I still have most of it.
I started out with nothing and I have most of it left.
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left..
I started out with nothing and still have most of it left
I started out with nothing, and still have most of it.
I started out with nothing. I still have most of it left.
I started with a ZX-81... and look what it got me into.
I started with nothing and I still have most of it.
I started with nothing and still have most of it left.
I started with nothing, and I still have most of it left.
I stayed up all night writing taglines.
I steal _ALL_ Taglines.
I steal bikes on the side - Tom as bread man
I steal only quality taglines.!
I steal only the best Taglines.
I steal taglines from somewhere else and pass the SAVINGS on to YOU!
I steal taglines one at a time.
I steal tags.... Where do you think I got this one????
I stepped on a Tetanus needle today..... now what?
I stick with these general rules whenever wishes come into play
I still believe in you.
I still can manage a smile...
I still can't figure out why a bee and a bird would be togther.
I still can't find that $# %* <ANY> key!
I still don't get it. - Guido
I still don't have a handle on life, but I have its FCB.
I still don't remember, why I hated it.
I still don't see OS/2 reading any of these Mac disks...
I still don't see that much information coming from a hairnet!
I still dream of lips I never should have kissed - NIN
I still got her number, but i can't reach her anymore
I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now.    - Bard
I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower these days.
I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
I still haven't struck oil, said Tom boringly.
I still havn't found what I'm looking for.
I still like this better than Top Gun. A LOT better -Mike
I still like to do the odd trick now and then- TEC
I still like to do the odd trick now and then...
I still love The Canadiens...no matter what!
I still miss Windows, but my aim is getting better
I still miss mah 's-mama, but mah aim be improvin'!
I still miss my X-wife, but my aim is improving.
I still miss my cat - but my aim is improving!
I still miss my ex ... but my aim is improving.
I still miss my ex, but with this laser sight...
I still miss my ex-girlfriend - but with my new nuclear warhead...
I still miss my ex-girlfriend -- but my aim's improving.
I still miss my ex-husband but my aim is improving.
I still miss my ex-wife - but my aim is improving!
I still miss my ex-wife - but my aim is improving!
I still miss my ex-wife, but my aim IS improving!
I still miss my ex-wife, but my aim is getting better!
I still miss my ex-wife, but my aim is getting better.
I still miss my ex-wife, but tommorrow I am getting a laser sight!
I still miss my ex-wife, but tomorrow I am getting a laser sight.
I still miss my ex-wife. But my aim is improving!
I still miss my ex-wife...but my aim is improving.
I still miss my ex-wife...but with this new laser site ...
I still miss my exboyfriend sometimes, but my aim is improving!
I still miss my exwife, but my aim is getting better...
I still miss my wife, but tommorrow I am getting a laser sight.
I still miss my wife, but tommorrow I'm getting a laser sight..
I still recall the taste of my tears - NIN
I still recall the taste of your tears -- NIN
I still recall the taste of your tears.
I still think I can draw blood from you, Tom probed vainly.
I still think Sisko should get Yakko, Wakko and Dot instead!
I still think bland is the way to go here - Mike
I still think that Arafat and Ringo are the same guy.
I still think they make me look like Sheena Easton.
I still think you're a liar. -- Kira
I stitched up enough soldiers this morning to make a rug. - Trapper
I stojim tu ispred novog vremena,kad verni psi pocinju da grizu i odlaze
I stole a replicator, but it made mush out of me.  - Kazon
I stole it from your mother.
I stole them ALL, and I'll sort `em later <G>
I stole this Tagline; I'm ashamed! Should I give it back?
I stole this tagline from someone else!
I stole your tagline just to taunt and torture you!
I stood you up more times than the Star Spangled Banner!
I stop on a dime.  I wish people wouldn't leave dimes around.
I stopped a car with my face once - Tom on ugly guy
I stopped drag racing...those high heels were killing me.
I stopped having morale about six months ago. - Hawkeye
I strained myself walking through a screen door.
I stress quality, but I settle for quality stress.
I strike aimlessly at balls. - Mutant Raccoon
I strive for perfection--what I get is partial reality.
I strongly suggest you get us out of here.
I studied Chinese philosophy...an hour later I was wondering again.
I studied evolution, It's going SLOW!!
I stumbled over a stone and took it for granite.
I suck nipples.... With a straw.
I suck. -Digital Shakespeare
I suddenly have this dreadful urge to be merry. -- Morticia Addams
I suddenly heard something cracking, whilest I was nearly napping.
I suffer from C R S ... Can't remember sh-t
I suffer from CMS - Can't Remember Shit!
I suffer from CRS -- Can't Remember Shit.
I suffer from CRS --- Can't Remember Sh!t!!!
I suffer from CRS.  Can't Remember Shit!
I suffer from Cranial Rectal Submission; I know I'm an @ss hole!
I suffer from Cranial Rectal Submission; I know I'm an asshole!
I suffer from chronic spontaneous human combustion.
I suffer from sick as hell anemia.
I suffer in the trap of love - Tom
I suffered for my art. Now it's your turn.
I sugest you return home and join the military - G'Kar
I suggest a new strategy R2. Let the Wookie win. - C3PO
I suggest a new strategy, #AF#. Let the Wookie win.
I suggest a new strategy, #TN#.  Let the Wookie win.
I suggest a new strategy, @FN@. Let the Wookiee win.
I suggest a new strategy, @FN@. Let the woman win.
I suggest a new strategy, Bob. Let the Wookie win.
I suggest a new strategy, Brad. Let the Wookie win.
I suggest a new strategy, Keely. Let the Wookie win.
I suggest a new strategy, Orville. Let the Wookie win.
I suggest a new strategy, R2.  Let the wookie win. - C3PO
I suggest a new strategy.  Let the Wookiee win.
I suggest a new strategy. Let the Wookie win.
I suggest that you stick your fingers in your ears and hum - Sheriaden
I suggest we avoid exposing it to any further energy emissions.-Data
I suggest you guys call Dial-A-Prayer For Atheists: no answer!
I suggest you return home and join the military. --G'Kar.
I suggest you stay away from the coffee there buddy!
I suggest you take the ...shelf, sir - Data
I support Artificial Stupidity.
I support MERIT PAY and PIECE WORK for Politicians.
I support MERIT PAY for Politicians.
I support Merit Pay and Piece Work for politicians.
I support capital punishment.  Let's start with Janet Reno!
I support drug tests. Test the politicians.
I support mental health like crazy.
I support merit pay for politicians.
I support peoples' rights, not government's rights.
I support pharmaceutical manufacture although drugs can be abused.
I support the rights of White African-Americans.
I support three basic food groups: 1) Keg  2) Bottle  3) Can
I suppose I should have updated the system. --Holly.
I suppose I'm really, really interested...
I suppose another day won't kill me -- O'Brien
I suppose if I had two X chromosomes, I'd feel hostile too. -Calvin
I suppose in many ways I should have updated the system, really--Holly
I suppose in many ways I should have updated the system, really.
I suppose its not a perfect world...
I suppose that some good will eventually come from it... - MR
I suppose we have a different outlook.
I suppose we have to register you as a lethal weapon <Murtagh>
I suppose when it gets to that point, we shan't know how it does it.  - Turing
I suppose you call a Vice Admiral the pro chaser ?
I suppose you enjoy getting your butt kicked...
I suppose you'll want to be rescued now.
I suppose you're all wondering why I've called you here.
I suppose you're worried about your fish too.
I sure do love those BBS's.
I sure get a kick outta that Beavis & Butthead show! -Primus
I sure hope Bob gets his MrUti fixed soon!
I sure hope God grades on a curve.
I sure picked the wrong week to stop smoking!
I sure smell bad after wearing these leathers. - Troi
I survived Catholic school.
I survived Doom and all I got was this stinkin' T-Shirt.
I survived Phoenix AZ, Aug 23, 1991:  122 degrees in the shade
I survived Wolf 359 and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!
I survived _Dazzler:  The Movie_!
I survived a pot-luck portal. <Starrigger, DeChancie>
I survived the "Gay" flame wars on Fido's TEEN echo!-LG
I survived the Butler-Adams War of 1992.
I survived the First Amazon Calvary PMS Battalion!
I survived the First Amazon Cavalry PMS Battalion!
I survived the Par-tay at the DINGY LITTLE BIKER BUILDING!
I survived the Phoenix Sun. It's a dry heat. Yah Sure!
I survived the german Autobahn!
I survived the total perspective vortex.
I survived torture.  I'm ready to date Lwaxana. - Picard
I survived torture. I'm ready to date Lwaxana.   *Picard*
I survived: Reagan-Bush, 1980-1992
I suspect your hub has less to do with it than the satellite.
I swallowed a slug!  Does that make me a trill?
I swallowed a window! Tom shouted painfully.
I sware to you were not finished yet!
I swear I don't use offline mail!
I swear I just found everything I need  NIN
I swear I just found everything I need.
I swear I never touched it.  Nobody saw me.  They can't prove a thing.
I swear by the shadow by your side
I swear by the sword of my father, Domingo Montoya.
I swear honey...just 5 minutes long distance to one BBS....
I swear officer!..I didn't know she was inflatable!
I swear she must believe it's all heaven sent!
I swear to God. I thought turkeys could fly. Carlson
I swear to tell the truth, so help me me. -George Burns, as God
I swear! If he says Pull my finger one more time.
I swear, I was just helping those sheep over the fence!
I swear, every word is true!
I swear, if you existed I'd divorce you. Elizabeth Taylor
I swear, it was the medication I was taking! :) - Jalapeno
I swear, lad, cats have nothing on dragons for cussed inquisitiveness.
I swear, the cat was like that when I found it......
I swear, you grow more like Louis every day. - Lestat
I swear. Sometimes I don't know why I keep him.  Garfield on Jon
I swear...
I sweeten my Coffee with no-doze.
I swelled until I burst, and you fell down to earth - Course of Empire
I swipe more taglines by 9:00 AM than most people do...
I swiped this tagline from @TO.
I swiped this tagline from Orville Bullitt.
I swiped this tagline from Orville.
I sysop, therefore I can.
I t#ld yo#, "Never#touch #he flop#y disk s#rface!
I t#ld yo#, "Never#touch #he flop#y disk s#rface!"
I t'ain't no stinking Pepper.
I t*ld yo*, "Never*touch *he flop*y disk s*rface!"
I tHinK ... tHeREFORe i am overqUAlifiED.
I tXld yoX, "NeverXtouch Xhe flopXy disk sXrface!"
I t_ld yo_, "Never_touch _he flop_y disk s_rface!"
I tag whenever I tag whene--<hic>--ver I tag ...
I tagline only in dire situations.
I take "Don't try this at home" as a personal challenge.
I take Chocolate form strangers.
I take Chocolate from strangers.
I take Christmas very seriously - it's almost a religion with me.
I take a nap while d/l on my 2400 modem - who cares how long.
I take an instant dislike to lawyers.  It saves time.
I take an instant dislike to lawyers. It saves time.
I take drugs and sing rock and roll.  Look what it did for Elvis.
I take it that one who is politically correct is completely ignorant.
I take it that the Sheliak hung up on us again - Riker
I take it that your family goes back a few generations?
I take it the odds are against us and the situation is grim? - Frodo
I take it the odds are against us and the situation is grim? - Kirk
I take it the odds are against us and the situation's grim.
I take it there's no qualifying exam to join this echo.
I take my kids huntin', so I don't have to hunt for my kids.
I take my lion to church every Sunday.  He has to eat! *
I take my pet Lion to church every Sunday.  He has to eat!
I take my pet Lion to rap concerts all the time.  He has to eat...
I take my pet lion to church every Sunday He has to eat.
I take my place with the Lord of the hills.
I take my wife everywhere...but she keeps coming back.
I take no responsibility for random taglines.
I take no responsibility for that random tagline.
I take orders from just one person!  Me! - Han Solo
I take orders from just one person, me!
I take orders from one person!  Me!
I take orders from one person! Me!
I take two holidays a year - both six months long
I take virtual drugs to handle virtual reality.
I take you where you want to go - NIN
I talk to myself because I know what I mean.  I think.
I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
I talk to myself, everyone needs intelligent conversaions.
I tan in a camouflage bikini so the neighbors can't watch me.
I taste copper - Joel after electro-shock
I tata bi sine, i tata bi.
I taught (him) everything he knew. But not everything I know.<Jesse>
I taught @FN@ everything @FN@ knows!
I taught I tall a puddy tat, I did! I did!
I taught I taw a puddy tat, I did!  I did!
I taught I taw a pussy cat, I did!  I did!
I taught Nero to tune and together we watched Rome burn. - LaCroix
I taught Orville all Orville knows; that's why I have little left.
I taught my husband everything he knows; That's why I have little left
I tawht I tahw a Kzin... I did! I did!  MUNCH!!
I tawht I tawh a Kzin...I did! I did! MUNCH!!!
I tawt I taw a Borg ship! I *DID*, I *DID* see a@^$!@#& NO CARRIER
I tawt I taw a putty tag. I did, I did taw a putty tag!
I tawt I taw a putty tat!  I did!  I did!  <<SMASH!!>
I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves. - J. Smith
I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves.-Joseph Smith
I teleported into a blender.  I feel so mixed-up.
I tell my kids I play piano in a whore house.  I'm actually a lawyer.
I tell myself, "I told you so."
I tell them there's no problems...Only Solutions...
I tell you there is such a thing as creative hate. Willa Cather
I tell you, it's no use.
I tell you: don't smoke, whatever you do, don't smoke. - Yul Brynner
I tend bar and I listen -- Guinan
I tend to offend the easily offended.
I tend to think in simple, clear terms that are wrong.
I tend to use infinitives rather than gerunds, said Tom knowingly.
I terror your 99/100 Berserked Atog *pbbbbbffffftzzz!*
I tested positive for E.I.B.!
I thank God I wore my corset, because I think my sides have split.
I thank my God upon evey remembrance of you, (Phi 1:3)
I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all. (1 Cor 14:18)
I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all: (1CO 14:18)
I thank my lucky stars I don't believe in astrology
I thank my lucky stars I'm not superstitious!
I thank my lucky stars I'm not superstitious.
I thank my lucky stars that I'm not superstitious.
I thank the bank for the money, Thank God for you.
I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul.
I thank you from the heart of my bottom.
I thank you very much for your time and any advice you may have.
I thimk I've finally got this ficts, fics, fixd....
I think *AND* talk better with my feet on the ground. - Skeeve
I think - Therefore I'm Dangerous.
I think - therefore I am conservative.
I think - therefore I am not politically correct.
I think - therefore, I'm single.
I think ... therefore I am obviously overqualified.
I think ... therefore I am overqualified.
I think ... therefore, I am a conservative.
I think ... therefore, I am overqualified.
I think Clara's over-depending on the floppy thing - Tom
I think Clinton is a bad president, and I don't like his taxes
I think Clinton just taxed my tax refund.
I think Ed Wood has directed himself into a corner - Mike
I think Gypsy's getting into the grub kitchen - Tom
I think I am better than the people who are trying to reform me.
I think I am having an overnight sensation right now!!
I think I am tired of reality, I'm going to read taglines.
I think I can...I think I can..
I think I could fall madly in bed with you.
I think I exist; therefore I exist....I think.
I think I get your drift.... Bombs away......
I think I got it made & they throw something else at me.
I think I have a piece of coal in my shorts, said Tom stochastically.
I think I have to go to the bathroom. --Ivanova.
I think I have what just might be an idea. - Hawkeye
I think I hear a great sucking sound - Tom
I think I hear the herald of a New Tagline....nah, just a fart!
I think I hear the moderator coming. Hide
I think I heard something hit a fan.
I think I heard that one before, but I wasn't listening at the time!
I think I hitched my wagon to a falling star.
I think I just hearasied on several important religions.
I think I just heard something hit a fan.
I think I just heresied on several important religions.
I think I just hurt my back. I'm feeling pain. I don't like it.
I think I just lost my mind... watch your step!
I think I just sexually harrassed myself!
I think I knew you in a past life, you were a dipshit then too!
I think I know why your source code runs so slow...
I think I left it in Bella's office. - McCoy - A Piece of The Action
I think I lost my mind.  Please watch where you step.
I think I might regenerate, Tom, the Doctor said shiftily
I think I might regenerate, the Doctor said shiftily.
I think I misunderstood what I thought you said!
I think I must have had a little too much coffee this morning??!
I think I need a Lear Jet - Pink Floyd
I think I need a life...like REAL BAD!
I think I need a spin doctor, this yarn is overplied.
I think I need new glasses; "Ack!"
I think I need some new taglines.
I think I need to steal more taglines, I'm running out.
I think I now have enough to produce an entire script.  Just one
I think I preferred it when they were shooting.  - Yakko
I think I saw the sun yesterday!
I think I see a tag line comming... YEP.
I think I see a tagline coming on here! - JJ Judkins
I think I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree..
I think I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.
I think I should throw windows out it's name.
I think I strained a muscle I didn't know I had!
I think I think, therefore I might be.
I think I think, therefore I think I am.  I think.
I think I think, therefore I think.  (I think...)
I think I think;  therefore, I think I am.
I think I think; therefore, I think I am.
I think I thought; therefore, I think I was.
I think I understand what I just said!
I think I was once. I think We were. --Jim Morrison
I think I will be myself, I'm better at it than anyone else.
I think I will not hang myself today.
I think I will plan being spontaneous tomorrow
I think I will take this opportunity to remove my ears
I think I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
I think I'd look good in, uh, on you.
I think I'll end it all, Sue sighed.
I think I'll end it all, Sue sighed. -Rambo & Youngquist
I think I'll go program another Windows clone. No problem.
I think I'll go to Mother and complain to her of this.
I think I'll go write that letter - Riker
I think I'll have another drink.
I think I'll have another drink. - Cogito sumere potum alterum.
I think I'll hide in the woods until the war is over. - Hawkeye
I think I'll just add a pinch of Smelling Salts and.....
I think I'll just buy a thermos - Mike on freezers
I think I'll just go curl up with the Good Book. - Father Mulcahy
I think I'll pass on the jerked pork.
I think I'll pluck my forehead skin - Crow as girl
I think I'll put my magnet collection next to my disks
I think I'll quit procrastinating......  Tomorrow!
I think I'll stand on the left side of the ship, Tom reported.
I think I'll stick my head in the station's fusion reactor - Londo
I think I'll take this opportunity to remove my ears - Picard
I think I'll test my new stun gun. Here kitty, kitty!
I think I'll try that new Zima...hmmm...tastes like zhit.
I think I'll use a different font, Tom said boldly!
I think I'm a chicken - Mike as girl
I think I'm a clone now, and every pair of genes is a hand-me-down...
I think I'm a closet extrovert.
I think I'm a werewolf, Tom said doggedly.
I think I'm alergic to Mondays AND Mornings.
I think I'm allergic to Mondays AND Mornings.
I think I'm allergic to governments.
I think I'm allergic to you so, get outta my face!
I think I'm better than the people who are trying to reform me.
I think I'm bleeding internally.- Rocko
I think I'm developing an aneurism - Tom
I think I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
I think I'm enjoying what I think is happening.
I think I'm getting allergic to Tom - Gypsy
I think I'm going qwackers.
I think I'm going to be sick!!  <BBBAARRRFFFF!!!!!>
I think I'm going to cry.
I think I'm going to lawyer.
I think I'm gonna be just REAL sick any minute now!!!
I think I'm gonna blow up a town!
I think I'm gonna have a HEART ATTACK and DIE from that surprise!
I think I'm gonna hurl...shining, shimmering, splendid...
I think I'm gonna lose my lunch!
I think I'm gonna whoop my cookies!
I think I'm gonna, Barf.
I think I'm gonna, Blow chunks.
I think I'm gonna, Feed the Fish.
I think I'm gonna, Hurl.
I think I'm gonna, Pray to the porcelain god.
I think I'm gonna, Puke.
I think I'm gonna, spew.
I think I'm having heart palpitations! - Crow
I think I'm in love, She's Pagan AND uses a real computer.
I think I'm on fire and I have insects in my brains!
I think I'm starting to feel a growing need for your attention!
I think I've got a headache, what do you think you have?
I think I've got a headache.....
I think I've got every possible disease known, except paranoia.
I think I've lost my mind. Please watch where you step!
I think I've seen that one too...
I think Lorena Bobbitt just had penis envy.
I think Orville's a couple bushels shy of a full crop
I think Orville's a couple keys short of a concert piano.
I think Orville's a couple of cans short of a six-pack.
I think Orville's a couple of ticks past the noon whistle.
I think Orville's a couple sharps short of B Major.
I think Orville's a few bars short of a finished symphony.
I think Orville's a few bricks short of a whole wall.
I think Orville's a few bytes short of a checksum.
I think Orville's a few channels short of Basic Cable
I think Orville's a few croutons short of a garden salad.
I think Orville's a few pipes short of a church organ.
I think Orville's a few strings short of a violin section.
I think Orville's one taco short of a combination platter
I think Orville's playing his oboe with just one reed.
I think Oscar Wilde only wished he was this gay --Tom
I think Quayle's next job should be Crash Test Dummy.
I think The Doctor would *confuse* the Borg <g>.
I think The Doctor would *confuse* the Borg <g<.
I think The Doctor would *confuse* the Borg.
I think Troi has very expressive (.)(.) eyes. Don't you?
I think a SysOp Needs Nine Lives - I need ten.
I think a lot, therefore I am around a lot.
I think about echomail. All the time. But I'm not obsessed or anything
I think all feminists should work as housewives, said Tom deliberately.
I think as long as you suffer for your sins, they don't count - Calvin
I think beards are a sign of strength. - Riker
I think cement is more interesting than people think.
I think coffee should fall between numbers 1 and 2
I think doctor, you know just where to store it.
I think football is a sport the way ducks think hunting is a sport.
I think he can hear you, Ray.
I think he deserves a hug - Crow on Jimmy Carter
I think he did a little too much LDS. * Kirk
I think he got dumped on too - Crow on Jimmy Carter
I think he has whiskey jet - Tom
I think he wants to communicate. - S. Ipkiss
I think he's a couple bushels shy of a full crop
I think he's a couple keys short of a concert piano.
I think he's a couple of cans short of a six-pack.
I think he's a couple of ticks past the noon whistle.
I think he's a couple sharps short of B Major.
I think he's a few bars short of a finished symphony.
I think he's a few bricks short of a whole wall.
I think he's a few bytes short of a checksum.
I think he's a few channels short of Basic Cable
I think he's a few channels short of Basic Cable!
I think he's a few croutons short of a garden salad.
I think he's a few pipes short of a church organ.
I think he's a few strings short of a violin section.
I think he's from the shallow end of the gene pool!
I think he's lost his merry little mind. -Geco
I think he's made of chili now -Tom on guy who got zapped
I think he's one taco short of a combination platter
I think he's playing his oboe with just one reed.
I think he's playing solitaire with a pinochle deck.
I think he's playing the lead violin part on a viola.
I think he's playing the old five-string guitar.
I think he's self conscious about his big ole'butt - Crow
I think i'll just stay here and drink
I think in digital, therefore I am online.
I think it is time we demonstrate the full power of this station.
I think it needs more juice.
I think it was 'Blessed are the Cheesemakers.'
I think it was Oscar Wilde who once said...
I think it was, "Blessed are the Cheesemakers."
I think it's about time you guys became politically correct.
I think it's good that everyone becomes food. - Hobbes
I think it's plausible that someone would think you're hot. - Mulder
I think it's safe to assume it isn't a zombie. <Ash>
I think it's sick!  I mean, how GROSS!
I think it's subterfuge - Dr. Forrester
I think it's sweet - Mike to Bots
I think it's the pate. - Ace Ventura
I think it's time I had a perm, said Tom liltingly.
I think it's time for my medication...
I think it's time to change the air in your woman.
I think its plausible that someone thinks you're hot. --Mulder.
I think its time we considered that suicide pact - Crow
I think man invented the car by instinct.
I think my ancestors had several "bad heir" days.
I think my biological clock has become a snooze alarm?
I think my brain needs a good defragging.
I think my cerebellum just fused! -- Calvin
I think my data transmission is low on fluid...
I think my dog has a misguided interest in my leg.
I think my dog just TANDYed in your yard.
I think my ex's sex drive's had a surge supressor!!
I think my family tree is a few branches short!
I think my floppy's cylinders need a token ring job.
I think my learning curve has turned into a circle!
I think my learning curve has turned into a circle.
I think my learning curve is a circle!
I think my mind has a few bad sectors ....
I think my opinion has a little more than partial bearing :) -Jalapeno
I think my sex drive's got a surge suppressor!
I think my sex drive's got a surge supressor!
I think my tires are bald, Tom said warily.
I think not, said Descartes and promptly vanished.
I think not, said Descartes, and promptly disappeared.
I think not, said Descartes... and promptly vanished.
I think not, therefore I am not!NO CARRIER
I think not. said Orville, and he suddenly ceased to exist.
I think not. said Orville, and she suddenly ceased to exist.
I think of more tag linesin the  _______ than any room in the house.
I think one may have puncture your lung. - Sheridan
I think our lives just became a lot more complicated -Picard
I think out loud, therefore you can hear me.
I think schizophrenia is a two sided problem, and so do I.....
I think several of the people here are dead.
I think sex is better than logic, but I can't prove it
I think sex is better than logic, but I can't prove it.
I think sexual ecstasy is over-rated
I think she looks better half klingon-half human!!!1
I think she touched my handles - Joel
I think she's a few channels short of Basic Cable
I think she's about 2 disks short of a full backup.
I think she's burning altars in her head. - Collective Soul
I think so Brain, but burlap chafes me so.
I think so Brain, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels!
I think so Brain, but next time you wear the tutu.  -Pinky
I think so Brain, but this time _you_ wear the tutu.
I think so Brain, but this time you put the trousers on the chimp.
I think so Brain. But would anyone buy them if they were "Sad Meals"?
I think so, Brain, but I can't memorize a whole opera in Yiddish.
I think so, Brain, but burlap chafes me so. - Pinky
I think so, Brain, but culottes have a tendancy to ride up so.
I think so, Brain, but culottes have a tendency to ride up so. - Pinky
I think so, Brain, but culottes have a tendency to ride up so."
I think so, Brain, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels!
I think so, Brain, but isn't Regis Philbin already married? - Pinky
I think so, Brain, but this time *you* put the trousers on the chimp.
I think so, Brain, but this time you wear the tutu. - Pinky
I think so, Brain, but this time, you wear the tutu.
I think so, Brain, but we'll never get a monkey to use dental floss.
I think so, Brain. But isn't Regis Philbin allready married?
I think so, Brain. But this time, YOU put the pants on the monkey!
I think so, Brain. But weren't we kicked out of the Cat Society?
I think so, Brain. But where will we find an all night Tatto Parlor?
I think so, Brain. But where will we get leather chaps our size?
I think so, Brain... but where will we find rubber pants our size?
I think so. Do I have the wrong word again - Crow
I think some people are gonna have a drug problem. - Carl Robinson
I think some people in togas are plotting against me.
I think somebody musta pee'd in his gene pool.
I think someone at Earth Dome has gone complete mental. - Garibaldi
I think someone electrified the corridor, Tom said haltingly.
I think someone's Crayola box is a few colors short
I think that ALL Moderators should be Shot at Dawn!
I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability. - Wilde
I think that I am tired of reality.  I am going to read Taglines.
I think that I detect just a glimmer of optimism here...
I think that I shall never see / A clear line to my ISP . . .
I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree.
I think that I shall never see a billboard lovely as a tree.  -- Nash
I think that I shall never see a completed Genealogy!
I think that I shall never see a finished genealogy.
I think that I shall never see, A completed genealogy.
I think that I shall never see, a thing so lovely to disagree.
I think that I shall never see; a completed genealogy.
I think that I think, therefore I think that I am.
I think that I'll stand up wind, if you don't mind.
I think that I'm dizzy, and I rather like it. - Pinky
I think that I'm the friendliest gal in my zipcode.
I think that I'm the friendliest guy in my zipcode.
I think that a tentative maybe might be what is possibly called for.
I think that everybody has to find the right poetry.<Wakoski>
I think that fate brought us together.
I think that is just common sense isnt it?
I think that oinker killed himself, Sue E. sighed. -John Foster [sooey]
I think that was a SINGLE entendre - Tom
I think that wasp is in pain, Tom bemoaned.
I think that would affect my stomach more than my heart.
I think that would affect my stomach more than my heart. - Calvin
I think that's a lot of buffalo-bagels. - Col. Potter
I think the Good Book is missing some pages - Tori Amos
I think the U.S. should get outta this movie - Mike
I think the Wheel of Morality needs a tune-up. - Wakko Warner
I think the Wheel of Morality needs a tune-up. --Wakko
I think the behavior is genetic.
I think the better ST:TNG Moderator is definitely @F.
I think the better ST:TNG moderator is definitely Joe.
I think the cartoon just started. - Yakko
I think the cupcakes are following me!
I think the editor went on a lunch break - Tom
I think the king is but a man, as I am.
I think the phrase rhymes with Clucking Bell
I think the pizza rolls are gone - Crow
I think the use-by date on your brain expired!!
I think the weather has been altered by rocket launches.
I think the weather has been altered by rockets launches.
I think the word you're looking for is AAARRRRGGGHHH!
I think the world is run by C students.
I think there are pieces of me you've never seen - Tori Amos
I think there's a data leak in here!
I think therefore I am ... I think.
I think therefore I am a Consumer.
I think therefore I am obviously overqualified.
I think therefore I am overqualified.
I think therefore I am, I think?
I think therefore I am...dangerous.
I think therefore I set off the smoke alarm...
I think therefore I... shoot, was I saying something?
I think they all simply get tired of hearing my voice. - Kira
I think they give that kid too much freedom - Tom
I think thinking is so important.
I think this about more than the heist - Crow
I think this guy peaked in high school - Tom on teacher
I think this is from a comedy called My Best Friend is a Vampire!
I think this quoting think is really getting out of hand...:) - TEC
I think this sorta falls under the.. Move it elsewhere catagory.. -Vhu
I think we can handle the situation. - Picard
I think we copied the tagline file over it.
I think we crapped out. - Hawkeye
I think we have a difference of opinion here. - Yakko
I think we have the situation in hand, Commander. -- Quark
I think we just lost the baby with the bath water.
I think we just met today's special friend. - Yakko Warner
I think we know each other well enough. - Sisko to Dukat
I think we must make love on the front lawn like crazed weasels NOW!
I think we need a Zone 3 dogs echo.  If you agree, netmail me :)
I think we ought to castrate him and turn him loose.
I think we should differentiate the magnetic flux, said Tom defiantly.
I think we should put a ban on all censorship
I think we should start a campaign to protect the rights of Taglines!
I think we took a wrong turn. - Luke
I think we'd better get that kid to a psychologist.
I think we'd better get that kid to a psychologist. - Calvins' Father
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
I think we're all bozos on this bus!
I think we're all bozos on this bus.
I think we're in for a bad spell of wether.
I think we're in trouble. -- Han Solo
I think we're in trouble. We're in trouble!
I think we're supposed to *read* the messages... heh heh heh.
I think we're supposed to READ the messages... :) heh heh
I think whatever happens it's over! - Kalas
I think ya hear me knockin, and I think I'm comin in!
I think you better sit down, Susan. - Sheridan
I think you had better see who's at home - Picard
I think you have just been tagged...<g> - TEC
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a damn!
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a shit!
I think you hear me knocking, and I think I'm coming in... - Leary
I think you just conjugated the entire Pentagon. - Hawkeye
I think you know what I think about Random Tags.
I think you know what I think about Re: Car....
I think you need serious help. :) - Dione
I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed. - Marvin
I think you overestimate their chances! - Governor Tarkin
I think you screwed his bubble down too tight-Crow on Tom
I think you should get that checked out- TEC
I think you should get that checked out...
I think you should give Cokie Roberts a scalp massage-Tom
I think you should listen to all of them. --Winters.
I think you should listen to him. --Winters.
I think you should live for the moment. But after that I doubt I'll thin
I think you spanked the wrong bot -Crow on Tom's bad joke
I think you understand that you've got it.
I think you volunteered me a little quick, there. - Radar
I think you want the OTHER Ron Janorkar!
I think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night.-Mrs Cleaver
I think you will die, Joel! --Dr. Forrester.
I think you're a few channels short of Basic Cable.
I think you're a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
I think you're gonna die! Oh no, not again...
I think you're over reacting - Troi
I think you're pretty tough, don't i? ==Daffy Duck==
I think you've rediscovered the definition of Violently Ill.
I think your face um'did the trick'...:) - TEC
I think your face um... 'did the trick'...:)
I think your playmates are a little preoccupied just now. - Geek
I think, ....  Do You?
I think, .... Do You?
I think, Doctor, you could *definitely* use a new suit. - Sisko
I think, Doctor, you know just where you can store it.
I think, Doctor, you know where you can store it.
I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think...Maybe!
I think, Orville, you could definitely use a new book.
I think, Orville, you could definitely use a new suit.
I think, Therefore I am,...I Think?.
I think, therefoe I am DANGEROUS.
I think, therefore I Amiga
I think, therefore I add Taglines. ...Often, they're YOURS!
I think, therefore I am (or am I?).
I think, therefore I am ... I think.
I think, therefore I am ... Independent.
I think, therefore I am ... a Democrat.
I think, therefore I am ... a Republican.
I think, therefore I am I think.
I think, therefore I am Independent.
I think, therefore I am NOT in government.
I think, therefore I am Republican.
I think, therefore I am a Republican.
I think, therefore I am a conservative.
I think, therefore I am confused.
I think, therefore I am dangerous.
I think, therefore I am depressed. - Cogito, ergo doleo.
I think, therefore I am not Politically Correct
I think, therefore I am not a creationist.
I think, therefore I am not a feminizt! 
I think, therefore I am not a politician.
I think, therefore I am on-line.
I think, therefore I am over qualified.
I think, therefore I am overqualified.
I think, therefore I am overqulaified.
I think, therefore I am paid.
I think, therefore I am single.
I think, therefore I am, I think
I think, therefore I am, I think
I think, therefore I am.  I think.
I think, therefore I am. (Or am I?)
I think, therefore I am. - Cogito, ergo sum.
I think, therefore I am. But what do I think, therefore what am I?
I think, therefore I am. I think.
I think, therefore I am... I think.
I think, therefore I am... dangerous, that is...
I think, therefore I am... dangerous.
I think, therefore I am... not a Democrat.
I think, therefore I am... not a Republican.
I think, therefore I am...dangerous.
I think, therefore I amI think.
I think, therefore I amnot a Republican.
I think, therefore I have a headache.
I think, therefore I saw a puddy cat.
I think, therefore I scan.
I think, therefore I thwim.
I think, therefore I'm liberal.
I think, therefore I'm not a liberal.
I think, therefore I'm overqualified !!!
I think, therefore I'm single.
I think, therefore, I am single.
I think, therefore, I cannot be a moderator.
I think.  Therefore I am DANGEROUS.
I think. I think I am. Therefore I am... I think.
I think. Therefore I am DANGEROUS!
I think. Therefore I am DANGEROUS.
I think. Therefore, I am. -- Rene Descartes
I think...  therefore, I'm not liberal.
I think... I think I'm... rebelling - Kryten
I think... therefore I am Conservative.
I think................I am paid.
I think........therefore I am overqualified.
I think...therefore I can't be a liberal.
I think...therefore, I am a conservative.
I think...therefore, I'm not a liberal.
I think; therefore I am. - Descartes
I think; therefore, I'm single.
I thinkI think I'mrebelling --Kryten.
I thot I saw a tweety bird, I did !  I did!
I thought "PAGAN" meant "PARTY"??????
I thought DEL *.* -really- deleted the files!
I thought I bought this computer to save time...
I thought I could teach him as well as Yoda taught me...
I thought I felt bad when I had no shoes until I met the man who had no feet.
I thought I had a back-up, but she refused to type it in again.
I thought I had quite a wit. Turns out, I was only half right.
I thought I made a mistake once, but I was wrong.
I thought I made a mistake once, but I was wrong...
I thought I saw a Puddy Cat.....
I thought I saw a Puddy Cat..I thought I saw a Puddy Cat.....
I thought I thunk a thought.
I thought I told you NOT to install Windows on the main computer!!!
I thought I told you guys already?!
I thought I was a wit, and I was half right.
I thought I was a wit, and I was half right.
I thought I was confused when I =didn't= know what was going on...
I thought I was dead once, then I found out I was just in Arkansas...
I thought I was dead once, then I found out I was just in Mississippi.
I thought I was dead once, then I found out I was just in Nebraska...
I thought I was dead, then I found that I was just in Alabama.
I thought I was dead, then I realized I was just in Terre Haute.
I thought I was fine until feminism redefined me!
I thought I was having a wet dream, only to find the waterbed leaking!
I thought I was in trouble, but I was in Tribble. Now I'm in trouble!
I thought I was insane once. I must have been crazy
I thought I was mistaken but I was mistaken.
I thought I was the empath -- Deanna
I thought I would send YOU on this adventure. - Gandalf
I thought NODE was what my SysOp was already aware of.
I thought RAMDISK was an installation process !!
I thought Tag theft was OK. Then the cops found all my license plates!
I thought UAE was a Country 'til I discovered Windows.
I thought Watchers never used cameras. - Duncan MacLeod
I thought Windows were supposed to be clear ?
I thought Wolvie was the team bruiser. -Jubilee  We get by. -Cyclops
I thought YOU took the house keys ...
I thought a "hard drive" was NY to LA in 2 days!
I thought about being Born Again, but my mother refused.
I thought about being Born Again.  Mom refused.
I thought about being born again but Mom said "no".
I thought about being born again but my mother refused.
I thought about being born again, but Mom said "NO!"
I thought about being born again, but Mom said "no."
I thought about being born again, but Mum said "No!"
I thought about being born again, but mom refused.
I thought about being born again, but my mother refused
I thought about being born again, but my mother refused.
I thought all Sysops liked pain and suffering.
I thought all cats had Nine Lives? Mine die after 1 or 2 throttlings!
I thought all cats had Nine Lives? Yours die after 1 or 2 throttlings?
I thought an oxymoron was a dumb guy riding a bull!
I thought cat's owners had nine lives too...guess I was wrong!
I thought electric chairs were supposed to keep you warm?
I thought his first love is the theater - Mike
I thought innuendo was an Italian insult.
I thought it couldn't get worse, but then came @FN@.
I thought it couldn't get worse, but then came All.
I thought it couldn't get worse, but then came Bill Clinton.
I thought it couldn't get worse, but then came He.
I thought it couldn't get worse, but then came Orville Bullitt.
I thought it couldn't get worse, but then came Orville.
I thought it couldn't get worse, but then came Ross Perot.
I thought it couldn't get worse, but then came you.
I thought it might be fun for all of us to sing a few songs together.
I thought it over. And I'm ready now. - Ivanova
I thought it was Cheeto - Tom on odd Japanese name
I thought it was a bit on the "over kill" side ... but whatever!
I thought it was about time I recruited some little green men.
I thought it was all a bad dream, but I was afraid to say something!
I thought it was set on STUN!!
I thought it was to have you committed. - Hawkeye to Frank
I thought maybe you'd been in a rickshaw wreck. - Frank to Margaret
I thought of a good Tagline, but forgot it!
I thought of a good recipe, but forgot it!
I thought of being born again, but my mother refused
I thought of that too, but now is definitely NOT the time to ask them.
I thought of you, and the years and all the sadness fell away from me.
I thought only women wore pumps.
I thought orcs had only 1 hit die.
I thought she had a 4-hour orgasm, then I found out she was epileptic.
I thought that I had already given it to you-but I'll give it again....
I thought that hairy beast would be the end of me. - C-3PO
I thought that the photon torpedoes moved at the speed of light.
I thought that was funny. - Radar
I thought that you thought... must be mistaken.
I thought the 10 commandments were multiple choice
I thought the Ferengi liked eating bugs." "Only certain bugs
I thought the Temperance League meetings were fun - Tom
I thought the only way to leave PSI-Corp was feet first. --Garibaldi.
I thought there'd be more racketeering - Mike
I thought they said that all the shadows were killed except one...
I thought they'd cured that in 1940. Said the Doctor.
I thought this WAS The Off-Topic Conference.
I thought this was a pleasure cruise, where are the Whips & Chains?
I thought underwear was spose'ta match - Crow
I thought up a great tagline, but it was a sight gag.
I thought upon Shadows, and of the places beyond Shadows...
I thought we were bored out of our skulls - Hobbes
I thought we were supposed to be looking for Jacobs. --Franklin.
I thought you agreed to phone me before doing anything impossible.
I thought you did a milk carton.
I thought you knew. I dropped that stink bomb - Crow
I thought you said No boring questions. -- Dot
I thought you said it was a party! - Dot
I thought you said, "grand illusion," not "grand delusion!"
I thought you smoked myra? HmmmMaybe you husband was lieing?
I thought you wanted me to help you go -- Geordi
I thought you were dead. I guess it was the wedding ring.
I thought you were dead...
I thought you were insufferable. Now you'll just suffer.
I thought you were one of a kind.  <Chiun>
I thought you were very brave. - Nala
I thought your liver was still a virgin. - BJ to Radar
I thought your motto was trust no one. --Scully.
I thought, therefore I was.
I thoughtlessly reinstalled Windoze the other night.
I threatened to shut off the power...he threatened to kill me. -- Quark
I threw a beer at Clinton. He dodged it. (It was a draft)
I threw a whole box of mothballs and didn't hit a single moth.
I threw away my candy bar and I ate the wrapper...
I threw caution to the wind.  It threw it back.  I ducked.
I threw caution to the wind.  The wind threw it back.
I threw caution to the wind.  The wind threw it back.  I ducked.
I threw caution to the wind. It threw it back. I ducked.
I threw caution to the wind. The wind threw it back!
I threw caution to the wind....it threw up!
I thrive on stress
I throw myself to your tender mercies, Mr Moderator...
I throw pennies away...
I throw thy name against the bruising stones. - Shakespeare
I throw thy name against the bruising taglines. -- Tagspeare
I thrust the nail into the soft yielding wood - Mike
I thunk, therefore I was.
I to d yo , "Never touch  he flo py di k su face!"
I to mi je neki mesersmit !!
I to*d yo*, "Never*touch *he flo*py di*k su*face!"
I toast your sleaziness! - Crow
I toast, therefore I am. - Talkie Toaster
I toast. Therefore I am.
I told 'em we already got one! <snicker snicker>
I told Dad I'd stopped smoking.  He called me a quitter.
I told Miss Zarves not to meet me for lunch. - Mrs. Jewls
I told her to expect you to deny everything. - Calvin
I told her, "Like (*&^%$# you are!"
I told him he'd have days like this but not how many!
I told him, "Julie don't go!!!"   But he wouldn't listen.
I told my ex, "Don't move, I want to forget you just the way you are."
I told my spouse I wanted to die in bed; response: 'Again?'
I told my wife I wanted to die in bed. She said 'Again?'
I told that moderator off when I sa-%$###@$ NO CARRIER
I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't. - Zazu
I told yo mama to act her age, so she keeled over and died.
I told you .. Never play leap frog with a unicorn !
I told you .. Never play leep frog with a unicorn !
I told you Firecracker Island wasn't safe! - Mike
I told you I would never say goodbye.
I told you before, I never repeat myself!
I told you he was the best - Picard
I told you i would never say goodbye -- NIN
I told you never to call me here! This is an unlisted wall.
I told you never to call me on this wall!  This is an unlisted wall!
I told you not to call me tiny -- Sulu
I told you not to suck on that caulking gun, but you had to do it.
I told you she would never consciously betray the Rebellion.
I told you so!!!! --Rush Limbaugh, Robert McKay
I told you so!!!! --Rush Limbaugh.
I told you to invest more money for a harder disk.
I told you, I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid!
I told you, we're an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
I told you. You're dead, this is the afterlife, and I'm God.
I told your mom to act her age, and the b*tch dropped dead !!
I too am not a recipe collector but rather a food memories collector.
I took @FN@ to the zoo, but they wouldn't take him.
I took Michael's other glove.
I took a baby shower.
I took a baby shower. -S.W.
I took a double take out on the interstate.
I took a fish head out to see a movie, didn't have to pay to get it in
I took a lie detector test: No I didn't. - S.W.
I took a mail order bride, now I'm pen-pecked!
I took a wrong turn on the Information Superhighway
I took my car in to have the alignment checked...it came back CE.
I took my cat for a cat scan. Diagnosis? It was a cat.
I took my cat in for a CAT scan. Diagnosis? It was a cat.
I took my cat in for a catscan. Diagnosis? It was a cat.
I took my cat in for a catscan. Diagnosis? It's a cat.
I took my check to the bank today. It was too little to go by itself.
I took my kid to the children's zoo, but they wouldn't take him.
I took my kids to the children's zoo...but they wouldn't take them.
I took my kids to the children's zoo...but they wouldn't take them...
I took my pet lion to Church.  He has to eat.
I took myself down to the fair in town on Independence Day...
I took one look and kissed my heart away.
I took out the trash, Tom said literally.
I took poison, from the poison stream, then I floated outta here -U2
I took that Turbo tube, or whatever -- Lwaxanna
I took that turbo tube, or whatever. - Lwaxana Troi
I took the entire room! --Lister.
I took the road less traveled and fell in a hole.
I took thee for thy better.  Take thy fortune.
I took up gardening as a hobby, but I only grew tired.
I totally agree with your thoughts, @FN@. Let the 'games' begin!
I totally agree with your thoughts. Request denied!
I touch base with reality on an as-needed basis!
I touched your Vitalis - Mike as girl after kiss
I tought I taw a Blue Wave. I did, I did taw a Blue Wave!
I tought I taw a tagwine ... I did, I did see a tagwine! I STOLE IT!
I trace family history so I will know who to blame.
I traced his heart from his smile.
I traded a really good Tagline for this one.
I traded a really good recipe for this one.
I train big felines, Tom lionized categorically.
I trained them myself; they're pretty damn good. --Garibaldi.
I travel all over America, Tom stated.
I travel with the wind & listen to it's voices.
I tread the thin line between fantasy and fiction.
I treated her like a pair of gloves. When I was cold I called her up.
I treated her like a pair of gloves. When I was cold I called her.
I tremble when I reflect that God is just.
I tried APL, but it was all Greek to me!
I tried LSD but I didn't actually swallow.
I tried MEMMAKER... I still can't remember.
I tried Macintosh once, but I didn't inhale.
I tried OS/2 once but didn't inhale
I tried OS/2 once, but I didn't inhale.
I tried Windows NT once, but I didn't inhale.
I tried Windows once But I didn't inhale!
I tried Windoze once, but I didn't inhale!
I tried an internal modem but it hurt when I walked.
I tried an internal modem, but it hurt when I walk.
I tried an internal modem, but it hurt when I walked.
I tried an internal modem, but it hurt when I walked.- Geco
I tried an internal modem, but it hurts when I walk.
I tried an internal modem.  It hurt when I walked.
I tried and internal modem, but it hurt.
I tried being reasonable once.  I didn't like it!
I tried being reasonable once.  I didn't like it.
I tried computer dating once; I decided I preferred women!
I tried computer dating once; I decided I preferred women.
I tried drowning my sorrows - little suckers learned to swim!
I tried giving him a cardiogram & it spelled out IOU.-Hawk on Frank
I tried learning Eskimo, but I couldn't get Inuit.
I tried leaving Lorena Bobbitt a message, but I kept getting cut off.
I tried liberalism but I didn't raise taxes.
I tried paying my income tax with a smile but they wanted cash.
I tried paying my taxes with a smile but they wanted cash.
I tried phone sex but the receiver got stuck
I tried phone sex once, but the holes were too small.
I tried reality but it didn't pay enough.
I tried reality, but it didn't work.
I tried reality, but it required Windows.
I tried reality, it's not a viable lifestyle for me.
I tried sanity once. Didn't like it.
I tried sex magic: it didn't work, I still didn't get any
I tried sex once,but I never put it in.
I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.
I tried sniffing coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.
I tried snorting Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.
I tried snorting coke ... and almost DROWNED!
I tried snorting coke once.  I almost drowned.
I tried switching to gum but I couldn't keep it lit!
I tried switching to gum but couldn't keep it lit
I tried switching to gum but couldn't keep it lit.
I tried the Brightness dial..  But it didn't help!
I tried the rest but bought the best!!!!
I tried the rest but bought the best!!!! R:BASE!
I tried the rest, and bought this anyway!
I tried the rest..., then wrote my own.  SPEED READ!
I tried to *warn* you Lorena's still out, on the loose!
I tried to *warn* you that Lorena Bobbitt is insane!
I tried to be sane once but I didn't like it.
I tried to be subjective, but truth got in the way
I tried to contain myself but I escaped!
I tried to contain myself, Stainless, but I escaped.
I tried to contain myself, but I escaped!
I tried to contain myself, but I escaped.
I tried to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.
I tried to draw a picture of my shadow but it kept moving.
I tried to drown my problems but found out they can swim.
I tried to drown my problems but they can swim!
I tried to drown my problems but they can swim.
I tried to drown my problems--but they can swim!
I tried to drown my problems... but they can swim.
I tried to drown my sorrows but the damn things learned to swim
I tried to drown my sorrows but they can swim!
I tried to drown my sorrows, but the suckers learned how to swim.
I tried to drown my sorrows, but they can swim.
I tried to drown my sorrows, but they can swim.
I tried to drown my sorrows, but they learned how to swim!
I tried to drown my sorrows; the suckers learned how to swim.<=What?
I tried to get a life once, but they were out of stock.
I tried to get a life, but it was back-ordered.
I tried to get a life, but it was too expensive.
I tried to get a life, but they were out at Wal-Mart.
I tried to jump start him but that didn't work - Mike
I tried to play my shoehorn ... all I got was footnotes.
I tried to play my shoehorn and all I got was footnotes.
I tried to play my shoehorn but all I got was footnotes.
I tried to play my shoehorn but all I got were footnotes.
I tried to play my shoehorn, but all I got was footnotes!
I tried to play my shoehorn, but all I got were footnotes!
I tried to play my shoehorn, but all I got were footnotes.
I tried to play my shoehorn, but only got was footnotes.
I tried to play the shoehorn.  All I got was footnotes.
I tried to question reality but couldn't get a subpeona.
I tried to raise my kids as liberals, but they learned to read!
I tried to smoke some hash, but the corned beef wouldn't light!
I tried to stop the horse by pulling the cord, was Tom's tale of woe.
I tried to tribble, but only got Worfed
I tried to use my mind; but, it was closed for repairs.
I tried to use my mind; but, it was closed for the day!
I tripped in a hole that was sticking up outa the ground.
I tripped over a hole that was sticking up from the groun
I tripped over the lamp plug, Tom said cordially.
I trust in the Word of God.  --Psalm 119:42
I try - in fact, most people tell me I am very trying
I try never to get involved in my own life. - Garibaldi
I try not to think about what might have been.
I try to apply Darwin's theories to my driving style
I try to avoid intelligence. - Frank Burns
I try to avoid thinking. It hurts too much. - Rodikins
I try to be as perverse as necessary --Bleyz the Bard
I try to comprehend you buy I got a dyslexic heart
I try to dance with what life has to hand me.
I try to impress someone and always end on the short end.
I try to leave out the parts that people skip. - Elmore Leonard
I try to make everone's day a little more surreal - Calvin
I try to make everyone's day a little more surreal.
I try to make everyone's day a little more surreal. -Calvin
I try to take one day at a time but lately several have hit me at once.
I try to take one day at a time, but often several days attack at once
I tryed to draw a picture of my shadow but it kept moving
I tuned out most of his sermons years ago.
I turn undead poets with holy symbolism.
I turned my 300 into an HST..all it took was a rope and a fast car!
I turned my life around. Now I'm back where I started!
I turned up the brightness on my TV, but the shows are still stupid.
I turned you, and I taught you. <Homer>
I twaught I twa a pussy cat, I did!  I did!
I twaught I twall a puddy tat, I did!  I did!
I twaught I twall a pussy cat, I did!  I did!
I twitted everyone when I went MO.
I twitted myself, keeps things impersonal.
I twitted myself, so all my mail is addressed to All or Occupant.
I type "format c:/s <enter>"
I type, therefore I am!
I typed "FORMAT COM2" and gave my sysop amnesia!
I typed "FORMAT COM2" and killed my SysOp!!
I typed FORMAT COM1  and killed a telephone operator!
I typed FORMAT COM1 and accidentally killed an operator!
I typed FORMAT COM1 and killed my SysOp!
I typed FORMAT COM1... and killed a telephone operator!
I typed Format COM1 and killed a Northwestel operator.
I typed Format COM1: and killed a telephone operator!
I typed this tagline on a 486 laptop at lunch in a "Rush room."
I typed this tagline, but not with my fingers.
I tñld yoñ, "Neverñtouch ñhe flopñy disk sñrface!"
I uhm Buhkweet of Borg: Oo bill be abbimmildated.
I unclogged the kitchen sink with a vacuum cleaner, Tom said succinctly.
I understand "stressed."  It's "desserts" backwards.
I understand Bob Denver was up for the part  - Joel
I understand cats, men are the mystery!
I understand cats, women are the mystery!
I understand cats. Men are the mystery!
I understand cats. Women are the mystery.
I understand completely, assuming that's what you meant.
I understand life and the universe.  Cats are beyond me
I understand life and the universe.  Cats are beyond me.
I understand that you do "work".
I understand the CHEEZ part, but what the hell is WHIZ???
I understand the answers, but all the questions throw me.
I understand the answers, the questions throw me.
I understand this *is* Bolton...
I understand you lived in my old room. - Worf
I understand you've a 50% bonus in the rear region.
I understand your concern. Request denied -- Data
I understand your concerns.  Request denied - Data
I understood 3/4 of it and, when pressed, came up with a reasonable
I unscrewed her head & drank outta' her neck - Mike
I upgraded my network last night.  I bought new Nikes!
I usd to f*ck anything that moved, but I'm not as picky now
I use Blue Wave and I'm damn proud of it too!
I use Blue Wave and damn proud of it too!
I use Blue Wave and proud of it too!
I use Blue Wave, but don't expect one of THEIR silly taglines.
I use Bluewave and damn proud of it too!
I use DOS and OS/2, not Windows and the WPS!
I use Dratted Old System 6.2; why?
I use GIF.E peanut butter.
I use Kermit for file transfers but my files end up green.
I use MENTAL CASE Tools, and they're driving me crazy
I use MS-DOS.  My wife uses PMS-DOS.
I use OS/2 2.0 and I don't care who knows!
I use OS/2 2.11 [REGISTERED VERSION] and I don't care who knows!
I use OS/2 Warp 3.0 and I don't care who knows!
I use OS/2, what's your excuse?
I use OS/2.
I use SLMR, or I abstain, no matter how much she begs.
I use WINDows and I don't care who knows! (NOT!)
I use Windows on my car, on my house, on my ..
I use Windows... on my car, on my house, on my...
I use Windows...on my car, on my house, on my...
I use WordStar 6.0 by CHOICE. Limits are for the limited!
I use XTs, I use DOS -- YOU use Windows; it's YOUR loss!
I use a dictionary which doesn't list Ambrose Beirce. :(
I use a limited version of Intel's Pentium for my writing work: A pen!
I use antlers in all my decorating.
I use coke... Cherry, preferably, but Classic will do in a pinch.
I use moderation in moderation.
I use moderation, but only in moderation.
I use moderation... moderately.
I use my college calculus book everyday, It's under my monitor! ...
I use my tag files or just make them up as I go..Mont in the Ky hills.
I use original Taglines, but they originate elsewhere.
I use original Taglines, they just originate elsewhere.
I use original recipes, but they originate elsewhere.
I use original taglines - they originate everywhere!
I use original taglines--they originate elsewhere.
I use the Bourne Again Shell, said Tom bashfully.
I use the blue wave off line mail reader.  How do I insert taglines?
I use to have a bad back, but it's behind me now.
I use to have a handle on life, but it fell off.....
I use to know what mnemonic meant, but I forgot.
I use windows...on my car, on my house, but not on my computer!
I use windows...on my car, on my house, but not on my computer.
I use windows...on my car, on my house, but not on my.
I use windows...on my car, on my house, but not on my...
I use windowson my car, on my house, but not on my
I used Kermit once, but the files wound up with warts !
I used bird nests, moss, and oak leaves round the outside
I used lots of detergent in late December, was Tom's yuletide comment.
I used my grip on reality to strangle it.
I used t' gots some handle on life, den it broke.  Cheeeiit.
I used ta be a-feared of Witches, Now I are one.
I used to   bulls-eye womp rats in my T-16 back home....
I used to be Bond, James Bond.  Now I star in movies, BAD movies.
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.--Mae West (1892-1980)
I used to be Snow White, then I drifted
I used to be Snow White, then I drifted.
I used to be a banker but I lost interest.
I used to be a bartender... at the Betty Ford clinic. - S.W.
I used to be a boy scout....they threw me out for eating Brownies.
I used to be a conductor, said Tom extraneously.
I used to be a deli worker, but couldn't cut the mustard.
I used to be a fundamentalist, but they have shots for that now.
I used to be a lawyer - so sue me.
I used to be a liberal.  Then I grew up.
I used to be a liberal....now I pay my own way !!!
I used to be a lot longer than this.
I used to be a math teacher but I had too many problems.
I used to be a miner, Tom exclaimed.
I used to be a musician but I wasn't noteworthy.
I used to be a narrator for bad mimes. - S.W.
I used to be a necrophilliac.  But then I got a divorce!
I used to be a pilot, Tom explained.
I used to be a sci fi fan. Then I started living it.
I used to be a terrible flirt, but I'm much better at it now.
I used to be a terrible flirt.  I'm much better at it now.
I used to be a terrible flirt...but I've gotten better!
I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nowoooooooo!
I used to be amused.  Now I'm just disgusted.
I used to be an Irish Catholic, now I'm an American.
I used to be an aardvark, but I got too antsy.
I used to be an adult before I grew up.
I used to be an agnostic, but now I'm not so sure.
I used to be an agnostic, but now I'm not sure...
I used to be an agnostic, but now I'm not sure....
I used to be an atheist until I realized I was God.
I used to be an atheist, but I've gotten to know Myself.
I used to be an idealist, but I got mugged by reality.
I used to be apathetic, but now I just don't care.
I used to be as pure as a driven shaft mine...but I drifted.
I used to be computer illiterate - then I dumped Windoze.
I used to be computer illiterate. Then I dumped Windows!
I used to be computer-illiterate.Then I deleted Windows!
I used to be conceited, but gave it up.  I'm perfect now.
I used to be crazy.  Now I'm a sysop.
I used to be disgusted - now I'm just amused.
I used to be disgusted but now I'm just amused.
I used to be disgusted, but now I'm just amused.
I used to be disgusted, now I am just amused.
I used to be disgusted, now I'm just amused
I used to be disgusted, now I'm just amused.
I used to be disgusted, now, I'm just amused.
I used to be dyslexic but I'm K.O. now..
I used to be forgetful - I don't remember how long ago.
I used to be good in Spelling Bees B-E-E-S.  See?
I used to be good in Spelling Bees......B-E-E-Z.  See? - Geco
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not sure.
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure.
I used to be indecisive.  Now I'm not sure.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.   Graffiti
I used to be lost in the shuffle, now I just shuffle along with the lost.
I used to be lost in the shuffle.  Now I just shuffle along with the lost.
I used to be normal, then I got my computer
I used to be normal, then I got my computer...
I used to be normal;  then I joined this conference!
I used to be normal; then I joined this conference!
I used to be quite vague, but nowumwhat was the question?
I used to be sane -- but I'm feeling much better now!
I used to be sane but I recovered!
I used to be sane, but I got better
I used to be sane, but I got better.
I used to be sane, but I'm all better now.
I used to be sane, but now I'm better.
I used to be schizophrenic, but we're all right now.
I used to be schizophrenic, but we're alright now.
I used to be so big and strong, I used to know my right from wrong-NIN
I used to be so big and strong, I used to know my right from wrong.
I used to believe Heisenberg, but now I'm not so sure.
I used to bench press dwarf star matter--part of my training. <Remo>
I used to bulls-eye womprats in my T-16 back home. - L. Skywalker
I used to bullseye Womprats in my T-16 back home
I used to buy dry wells. Cut'em & sold'em for postholes!
I used to buy dry wells... Cut'em up & sold'em for postholes!
I used to chain smoke, but I couldn't keep my chain lit.
I used to command a battalion of German ants, said Tom exuber-antly.
I used to date a contortionist, but she broke it off.
I used to dream all night of the day that was gone.
I used to dream of making the salary I'm starving on now.
I used to exercise. Now I only do it in moderation.
I used to finish everything I started, but now I ...
I used to get high on life, but I've built up a tolerance.
I used to get lit with Brooke Shields - Tom
I used to go into movie theaters looking for parental guidance.
I used to have a Life. Now I have a girlfriend?
I used to have a Tandy, but I got better!
I used to have a dog, but he wouldn't eat my wife's leftovers.
I used to have a drug problem, but now I have enough money.
I used to have a handle on life -- then it broke.
I used to have a handle on life, and then it broke.
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
I used to have a handle on life, but it fell off.
I used to have a handle on life, but recently it fell off.
I used to have a handle on life, but then it broke!
I used to have a handle on life, now I have a FCB on it.
I used to have a handle on life, then DOS closed it
I used to have a handle on life, then DOS closed it...
I used to have a handle on life, then it broke
I used to have a handle on life, then it broke.
I used to have a handle on life, then it fell off.
I used to have a handle on life--then it broke.
I used to have a handle on life.  But it fell off.
I used to have a handle on life. Then it broke.
I used to have a life - then I started doing Genealogy!
I used to have a life -- now I have RIME & my AMIGA!!!
I used to have a life Now I have a computer!
I used to have a life before I got a modem.
I used to have a life, before I began my genealogical research!
I used to have a life, before I started doing genealogy.
I used to have a life, but I liked mail-reading so much better.
I used to have a life, now I have a computer and modem.
I used to have a life, now I have a modem.
I used to have a life, then I became a sysop.
I used to have a life, then I died.
I used to have a life, then I got an HST !
I used to have a life, then I got an HST!
I used to have a life, then I got v32bis!
I used to have a life, then I started a BBS!
I used to have a life, then I started doing genealogy
I used to have a life, then I started doing genealogy.
I used to have a life, then I started watching hockey games.
I used to have a life, then my husband got the modem!
I used to have a life.  Now I have DOOM ][.
I used to have a life.  Now I have Windows 95.
I used to have a life.  Now I have a BBS.
I used to have a life.  Now I have an offline reader.
I used to have a life.  Then I became a Sysop.
I used to have a life. Now I have DOOM.
I used to have a life. Now I have a boyfriend.
I used to have a life. Now I have a modem
I used to have a life. Now I have an offline reader.
I used to have a life. Now I have windows 3.0
I used to have a life. Then I became a Sysop.
I used to have a life. Then I got a computer. Now it's got me.
I used to have a life...  Now I have a computer!
I used to have a life...Then came the credit cards!
I used to have a life; now I have RelayNet.
I used to have a life; now I have USnetMail!
I used to have a life; now I moderate.
I used to have a mind.  Now I have a child.
I used to have a mind.  Now I have children.
I used to have a pet, but it died.
I used to have a psychic boylfriend but he dumped me before we met.
I used to have a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.
I used to have a savings account - now I have a computer system.
I used to have a short memory...
I used to have a social life, now I have a computer.
I used to have a wife, now I have a modem!.
I used to have an open mind but my brain kept falling out.
I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out
I used to have an open mind, but my brain kept falling out.
I used to have an open mind, but my brains kept falling ou+
I used to have money in the bank ... now I have a BBS.
I used to have money in the bank, now its in the BBS!
I used to have money in the bank....now I have a BBS.
I used to have peace of mind, now I have a kid.
I used to have peace of mind, now I have kids.
I used to have peace of mind, now,I have kids.
I used to have something inside, now just this hole thats open wide.
I used to jog, but my beer kept foaming up!
I used to jog, but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
I used to jog, but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
I used to jog. But the ice kept falling outta my glass.
I used to kiss her on the lips, but it's all over now.
I used to know lots of lawyer jokes, then I went to work for one.
I used to know many lawyer jokes then I went to work for one.
I used to know that, but I had my Brain washed!
I used to know what mnemonic meant, but I forgot.
I used to like you when you were a caped crusader -Gypsy
I used to live in the real world, but I got evicted
I used to live in the real world, but I got evicted.
I used to love my wife. Then I got a modem.
I used to moderate, but quit because I'm not a power-monger.
I used to moderate.  I quit because I lost my sense of humor.
I used to mow all day,now I modem all nite.
I used to never be afraid, i used to be somebody -- NIN
I used to never be afraid, i used to be somebody.
I used to practice necrophilia, then I divorced her.
I used to practice necrophilia, then I divorced him.
I used to read books, but now I just read Blue Wave packets.
I used to read books, now I just read *.QWK !
I used to read books, now I read .QWK packets.
I used to read books, now I read Blue Wave files.
I used to read books.   Now I read Taglines!.
I used to read books.   Now I read offline mail packets.
I used to read books.  Now I read *.DOC
I used to read books.  Now I read .QWK and Blue Wave packets.
I used to read books.  Now I read .QWK files.
I used to read books.  Now I read .QWK packets.
I used to read books.  Now I read .qwk files.
I used to read books.  Now I read .qwk files. 
I used to read books.  Now I read Blue Wave packets.
I used to read books.  Now I read bluewave files.
I used to read books.  Now I read offline mail packets.
I used to read books. Now I read *.DOCs.
I used to read books. Now I read .QWK mail.
I used to read books. Now I read .QWK packets.
I used to read books. Now I read QWK packets.  Blue Wave Reader v2.12
I used to read books. Now I read QWK packets.  BlueWave v2.12
I used to read books. Now I read Taglines!
I used to read books. Now I read mail packets!
I used to read books. Now I read offline mail packets.
I used to read books. Now I read recipes!
I used to read books. Now I read taglines for a hobby.
I used to read books... before offline readers came along...
I used to read mail packets. Now I read books!
I used to read messages online, but now I have a life!
I used to read.now I MESSAGE!
I used to rule my world from a carphone.
I used to rule my world from a payphone.
I used to smoke Camels, until the hair tickled my throat
I used to spell badlie, but now I got worser.
I used to suffer from apathy.....now I can't be bothered!
I used to think I was an expert. Then I met one...
I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.
I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure.
I used to think I was vague ... but now I'm not so sure!!!!!
I used to think a dozen roses was a nice gift. - Richie Ryan
I used to think that love would never find me.
I used to trust the media to tell me the truth.
I used to use QEdit! but now it's SLME for me!
I used to use Windows - Now I use the door!!
I used to walk along the straight and narrow line.
I used to want it all, I used to be somebody -- NIN
I used to want it all, I used to be somebody.
I used to watch TV, then I bought a modem.
I used to watch TV...then I got a modem.
I used to work as a plumber, but the job was too draining
I used to work for Kelly Services, Tom extemporized.
I used to work for the railway company, said Tom extraneously.
I used to write, but now I message.
I used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead!
I used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead.
I used up all my sick days, so now I'm calling in dead.
I usually know their thoughts before they do. * Lwaxanna Troi
I usually need a can of beer to prime me.
I value your honesty & integrity more than your judgement.
I very much enjoyed that thing that you did - Crow
I vill count the boards of this pier - Crow
I vill hef to stun you. I am wery sorry. -- Chekov
I visited Cyberspace - it was blurry and jerky.
I visited cyberspace and all I got was this lousy tagline
I visited the G.U.E. and all I got was this lousy map!
I vote SHAVE IT!
I vote for it being a 'feature'.
I vote for: Billy Beer!
I vote that you add it to the disclaimers in the report.
I voted Republican once, but thank God it was just a nightmare.
I voted for  Big Bird not Barney!!
I voted for Bush!  Don't you wish you did?
I voted for CHANGE & all I got was a lousy T-shirt!
I voted for Change!  And that's all I've got left.
I voted for Change! And that's all I've got left.
I voted for Clinton, and all I got was this unemployment check.
I voted for Clinton, and proud of #$&!#&$@  NO CARRIER
I voted for Kermit.  He's the Green candidate.
I vow to consider your idea fairly, before I reject it.
I waer my heart on my sleeve. I wear my liver on my pant leg.
I waited and waited. when no message came, I knew it must be from you.
I waited hours for this, made my self so sick
I wake near the end of the day
I wake near the end of the day.
I wake up & feel like this guy looks - Mike on wind demon
I wake up with my beard in my mouth - Crow as hero
I walk along darkened corridors...
I walk as a wolf among sheep...
I walk down lover's lane, holding my own hand...
I walk down the streets of an unsuspecting human world.
I walk softly and carry a big stick...44mag/hollow points
I wana "Boink" Death!
I wander her hills and her valleys.
I wander through your sadness / gazing at you with scorpion eyes
I wanna "Boink" Death!
I wanna "Boink" the White Queen!
I wanna Seymour Butts. - Moe
I wanna Tag, just like the Tag that married dear old dad.
I wanna be Me, I gotta be me, Like I gotta choice?
I wanna be Orville Bullitt when *I* grow up!
I wanna be Orville when *I* grow up!
I wanna be a Moderator when I grow up!
I wanna be a real Tagline when I grow up.
I wanna be an Anarchist.  Get pissed.  Destroy. -Sex Pistols.
I wanna be anarchist.  Get pissed. DESTROYYYYY!!! -Sex Pistols
I wanna be around to pick up the pieces....
I wanna be back on Mission Impossible-Crow as Barbra Bain
I wanna be like borgs... I wanna be like borgs.
I wanna be on the next trip to Bajor!
I wanna be sedated
I wanna be somebody!
I wanna change the world, but I can't find the source code!
I wanna come back as a toungue depressor for Heather Locklear!
I wanna decide who lives and who dies. --Crow T.
I wanna decide who lives and who dies. --Crow.
I wanna die with NOTHING left working! <grin>
I wanna die with NOTHING left working!<grin<
I wanna feel the sand between my toes. and never see another bulkhead.
I wanna feel ya', Illya - Mike
I wanna get all my back issues of Starlog organized -Dr.F
I wanna get it wrong --U2
I wanna get lost in your rock-n-roll...and drift away.
I wanna get my kicks now before I go.
I wanna go back to my little castle in Carteret, New Jersey.
I wanna go iron my pants - Crow
I wanna go out & get me some chicks -Crow as Joel's dummy
I wanna grow up to be a FidoNet Sysop and run my own BBS!
I wanna grow up, to be a FidoNet Sysop, and run my own BBS!
I wanna hold Orville behind closed doors and more.....
I wanna kick this movie in the groin! - Crow T. Robot
I wanna kiss Teddy's furry bit Her back!
I wanna lie in the sun, and watch the seagulls maneuver over the water
I wanna live and love and laugh! - Mike
I wanna live to be 100, and get shot by a jealous husband.
I wanna marry a hooker!!!  A woman who can crochet.
I wanna play poster costest TOO!!!!!
I wanna see 'em explode in every zip code!
I wanna see Kirk's sock drawer.
I wanna see more freezers! - Tom cries
I wanna see the one where Cindy attends a Betazoid wedding!
I wanna spit in their faces then I get afraid of what that could bring
I wanna spit in their faces.
I wanna tell the world! If the smile on my face hasn't given me away!
I wanna whisper sweet nothings in Orville's ear
I want .50 cal machine guns as a factory option.
I want 2 live forever, or die in the attempt.
I want Bonk's boxers - with him in them!
I want Brisebois' boxers - with him in them!
I want Christina Applegate's panties with her in 'em!
I want Cindy Crawford to have my baby.
I want Data's head on a platter!
I want Dionne's boxers - with him in them!
I want Federov's boxers - with him in them!
I want H. R. Puff'n'Stuff.......*DEAD*!
I want Jagr's boxers - with him in them!
I want Kelly Bundy for Fathers Day, Xmas, Birthday...
I want Kirstie Alley for Christmas.
I want Kirstie Alley for my Birthday!
I want Lantastic on my Apple ][+ NOW!
I want Muller's boxers - with him in them!
I want Sharon Stone for my Birthday!
I want Stevens' boxers - with him in them!
I want a Bentley car, but can only afford a bent LeCar!
I want a Partridge Family bus.
I want a bloody orgasm! - Mutant Raccoon
I want a brontosaurus burger, easy on the onions.
I want a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
I want a dragon as a familiar.
I want a dream filker, so I won't have to filk alone...
I want a good - Man/Woman/First Available
I want a job and a piece of land.
I want a license for my pet fish, ELRIC.
I want a little bit,I want a piece of it,I think he's losing it - NIN
I want a lobotomy - everyone else has one!
I want a lover with a slow hand....
I want a meal, not a snack.
I want a mic on my laptop, to print ideas while I travel!
I want a new bank account. My old one is always empty.
I want a new duck!
I want a peanut butter & dijonaisse sandwich - Tom
I want a pocket CRAY with a Megabaud modem.
I want a refund - this stupid microwave keeps saying "KILL 'EM ALL".
I want a refund - this stupid microwave keeps saying "THEY KNOW".
I want a rich, nice looking man to keep around on the side.
I want a smart woman in a real short skirt.
I want a warm bed and a kind word - and unlimited power!
I want a warm bed and a kind word - and unlimited power.
I want a woman who knows how to love me.  - Ratt
I want a woman who makes me feel like nobody can. - Ratt
I want a woman, not some little girl who grew up in daddies big world!
I want a woman, not some little girl who hasn't grown up quite yet.
I want all the power but none of the responsibility.
I want eternal life, or something just as good.
I want everything; do you have it??
I want him in the Games until he dies playing.
I want hourly progress reports from all stations - Riker
I want immortality in the memory of man.
I want it LOUDER, MORE POWER, I wana rock you till it strikes the hour
I want it all or nothing. Or maybe some.
I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now! - Queen
I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now! -Queen
I want it all, but I don't wanna wait.
I want it clearly understood that I'm totally confused.
I want me a cup of tea.
I want my Chris!
I want my Daddy! NOWNOWNOWNOWNOW! - Picard
I want my OWN Belldandy!!! WWWAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
I want my bedroom painted sky-blue pink.
I want my cake. And Edith, too.  - Jestar the Wizard
I want my data back, machine, and I want it now!
I want my old steam iron back. These new diesel irons don't work well.
I want my own memory back. --Rimmer.
I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the Galaxy - Londo
I want my sampo.  A free sampo.
I want my, I want my, I want my XRS!
I want one of those new Cray palmtops!
I want out of this monkey outfit! - Tom on army of apes
I want patience & I want it RIGHT NOW!
I want patience, and I want it NOW!!!
I want peace and quiet! If I got a piece I'd be quiet ;-)
I want some Chinese food , said Tom wantonly.
I want that cat and I want it *now*! - Captain Hollister
I want that cat and I want it NOW! --Capt. Hollister.
I want that four percent, Lieutenant - Picard
I want the REAL truth,none of that synthetic truth 4 me!
I want the donut with your pubic hairs around it......\_=0=_/
I want the real truth!  None of that *synthetic* truth for me!
I want the ship scanned before its allowed to jump - Cranston
I want them on the screen, and I want them now! * Riker
I want this message corrected and on my desk at 4:00 PM.
I want this scene to go away! - Crow T. Robot
I want those drawings!!!
I want those scanners online now! - Franklin
I want to French your hat! - Tom leers to cowgirl
I want to apologize for my mother's behavior -- Deanna
I want to be GAINAXED to death!!!
I want to be Me.  I got to be Me.  Like I got a choice?
I want to be Neal Bush and rob banks legally.
I want to be a Borg when I grow up!
I want to be a Moderator when I grow up
I want to be a Rubber Chicken, You want to be a Rubber Chicken...
I want to be a modirater when I grow up
I want to be a non-conformist like everyone else?
I want to be a peripheral visionary.
I want to be a procrastinator, but I keep putting it off.
I want to be a procrastinator, but I kept putting it off.
I want to be a procrastinator--I'll get there some day :)
I want to be a roadie for a rock and roll band.
I want to be a veterinarian because I love children.
I want to be alone with my thought. - Geco
I want to be as good a person as my dog thinks I am...
I want to be carried in a covered couch, said Tom literally.
I want to be good almost as much as I want to be happy.
I want to be helplessly bound at Your feet.
I want to be immortal by not dying -W.Allen
I want to be immortal by not dying.
I want to be king now not just one more pawn! -Rush,  _Fly By Night_
I want to be like all the other noncomformists...
I want to be what I was when I started to be what I am now.
I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now
I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now.
I want to be with you, I want to dream with you.
I want to believe.
I want to break it up,I want to smash it up,I want to f*ck it up
I want to buy a new computer... So how much is NCC-1701-D?
I want to buy a new computer... So how much is the 1701-D
I want to buy a new computerSo how much is NCC-1701-D?
I want to buy some cheese.
I want to buy some cheese...
I want to buy that huge diamond, she said Hopefully.
I want to come home.    Lee Remick
I want to crash my runabout! --Kira sings filk...
I want to date other men, Tom said gaily
I want to date other women, Tom said unsteadily
I want to date other women, said Tom unsteadily.
I want to decide who lives and who dies! --Crow.
I want to decide who lives and who dies! I don't think so.
I want to decide who lives and who dies. --Crow T. Robot.
I want to die in my sleep like my father, not screaming like his passengers.
I want to die in the thong section of Victoria's Secret!
I want to do a do me feminizt. 
I want to do something that matters - NIN
I want to dominate-to whom should I apply for permission?
I want to escape from all the bad things & take the good things with me.
I want to feel you from the inside  - Trent Reznor (NIN)
I want to feel, sunlight on my face --U2
I want to find ALL of them! So far I only have a few thousand.
I want to get a tatoo of myself on my entire body, only 2" taller.
I want to get a tattoo of myself on my entire body, only 2" taller.
I want to get a tattoo over my whole body of myself, but taller.
I want to get married.  Everybody drives me crazy.  Ernest Borgnine
I want to give you my love but you just take a little piece of my heart.
I want to go back in time - I have relatives there.
I want to go home. - Connor MacLeod
I want to go home. - Dr. Scratchansniff
I want to have Michelle Pfeiffer's baby
I want to hear my baby bleat, Mary kidded.
I want to hear the last Poem from the last Poet. --Jim Morrison
I want to hear you scream ... in pain." "Play some Rap music"
I want to hear you scream in pain. I'll play some Rap mus\SL
I want to hear you scream in pain. I'll play some Rap music!
I want to hear you scream in pain." "Play some Rap music"
I want to hear you scream..in pain.Play some Rap music
I want to inspire you to go far beyond where you are right now.
I want to know what killed these tribbles -- Kirk
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me.
I want to learn a new language. --Rimmer.
I want to learn how to use NoNameSofts wordprocceser when I
I want to learn more about baloney! - Dot
I want to learn the ways of the Force, become a Jedi like Orville.
I want to learn the ways of the Force, become a Jedi like Yakko.
I want to learn the ways of the Force, become a Jedi like my father.
I want to learn the ways of the force and become a Jedi like my father
I want to lick you all over.....
I want to live forever or die in the attempt.
I want to live forever.  So far, so good.
I want to live forever. . .so far, so good.
I want to live forever; it's my divine right.
I want to live in a bunker without Windows
I want to live with a synonym girl
I want to live with a synonym girl.
I want to live with a synonym girl...
I want to look at life - In the availible light. -Neil Peart. Rush
I want to look at life, In the availible light.  -Rush
I want to look away from Orville Bullitt, but I can't!
I want to look up at your lifeless eyes and wave >like this<. --Vir.
I want to love life, but life only wants meaningless sex.
I want to meet her, not dissect her -- Wesley
I want to melt in your mouth, not in your hand.
I want to play "mad daddy" and spank Kathleen Turner!
I want to play "mad daddy" and spank Mira Furlan
I want to reach your mind - where is it currently located
I want to reach your mind--where is it currently located?
I want to read my new poem about pork brains and outer space...
I want to renew my membership, Tom rejoined.
I want to see Cindy Crawford naked eating a popcicle - Leary
I want to see a STAR TREK TOLIET.  Its a lifetime wish! :)
I want to see a negative result first.
I want to see if Copperfield is in town. - Fox Mulder.
I want to see more of life - is there a guided tour?
I want to see my father now! Now, now,now,now! -Picard
I want to sit on you lap and suck out your fillings.
I want to take shelter from the poison Rain --U2
I want to take the Crash Course In Brain Surgery...
I want to talk to my lawyer! Sure, he's in the next cell.
I want to talk to my lawyer.
I want to thank everybody who made this day necessary.
I want to thank you falettinme be mice elf agin.
I want to thank you for putting me back in my snail shell -- TMBG
I want to use the superlative 'everything' - Tom
I want to watch Sisters - Tom
I want to watch it come down - NIN
I want to |=////> in the back seat of my car, Tom said autoerotically.
I want what money can't buy - more money!
I want you bad...and that ain't good.
I want you both to open your minds to Psylocke.  - Uh, Do we have to?
I want you helplessly bound at my feet.
I want you take me, I want you to break me, I want you to throw me away
I want you take me, I want you to break me, I want you to throw me away!
I want you take me, want you to break me,  want you to throw me away!
I want you to be alive when I break up with you - Crow
I want you to brand Carol Channing - Mike
I want you to buy a suit tonight, at 20:55 exactly. - Garek.
I want you to find my butt - Mike
I want you to help me to die - Worf to Riker
I want you to know I'm feeling very depressed right now.  -Marvin
I want you to know what it feels like to die slowly. - Kinkaid
I want you to remain just the way you are - QUIET!
I want you to take a good close look at these things, Doc! - DeSalle
I want you. Free. I need you. Free. which way is it to free?
I want, by understanding myself, to understand others.<K. Mansfield>
I want, therefore I am. -- Leo Tolstoy
I want........a shrubbery!
I want....I want my....I want my OS/2. - Sting
I wanted a manly mail reader... I got a silly one <sigh>
I wanted a manly mail reader... I got a silly one <sigh<
I wanted a rich man, but I settled for my boyfriend.
I wanted female companionship, can't spell. Spent night in warehouse
I wanted plain vanilla, not a vanilla colored plane Mr Trump
I wanted respect. - Londo
I wanted to be A *LUMBERJACK*!
I wanted to be a comedian but everyone laughed at me
I wanted to be a comedian, but no one took me seriously.
I wanted to be an irresponsible nonentity and just enjoy myself.
I wanted to be born again - Mom said "NO WAY" !!!
I wanted to be... A *LUMBERJACK*!
I wanted to be....A *LUMBERJACK*!!!
I wanted to bite you in the chow line. - Margaret to Frank
I wanted to get in shape, but the gym was 2 flights up.
I wanted to have a child (sob), not marry one!
I wanted to take my dog for a walk, but it gave me the run-around.
I warn you not to underestimate my powers
I warn you not to underestimate my powers.
I warned you about putting cotton candy on your hot dog!
I warned you that Deveels can be a nasty lot. - Skeeve
I was *hibernating*! Don't you know how to take a pulse?
I was *this* close to seeing Elvis.  But my shovel broke.
I was 6 before I found out there was no such thing as Alpo baby food.
I was BSer long before I became a BBSer!
I was Born in The U.S.A., I just work in outer space
I was Fred Astair's partner, she boasted gingerly.
I was Fred Astaire's partner, Miss Rodgers boasted gingerly.
I was Madonna's first......of the day.
I was Rhubarb Queen - Mike as plain looking farm woman
I was Rush Limbaugh in a previous life.
I was Shirley Maclaine in a past life.  --Morn
I was a Catholic once too.  Boy, what a cult!
I was a Starfleet engineer for 52 years, Mr. LaForge -- Scotty
I was a banker, but lost interest
I was a battered child, not deep fried, just battered...
I was a cat in my first nine lives...purrrrrrrr
I was a cat in my other lives.
I was a cat in my others lives.
I was a cat in nine of my former lives.
I was a dirty young man - I haven't changed.
I was a mild-mannered computer jockey... until I discovered karaoke!
I was a roadie for an a capella group. --Jay London.
I was a sick man - Mike as bread man
I was a snowball in hell.
I was a social drinker.  Every time they took a drink  'So shall I.
I was a tall person before I used PKZIP...!
I was a teenage were-Communist undead spy for the KGB.
I was a teenaged potroast in the microwave of life!
I was a victim of a series of accidents, as we all are.. Kilgore Trout
I was a war baby.  My parents took a look at me and started fighting.
I was a war baby. My parents took a look at me and started fighting.
I was a war baby. One look at me & my parents fought!
I was a war baby. One look at me and my parents fought!
I was abducted by aliens and all I got was this lousy implant.
I was about masturbate, mind if I fantasize about you?
I was alone with a world to tame - Dr. F sings
I was an anarchist, but the rules were too strict.
I was an immortal in a past life.
I was an impartial observer to the 60's.
I was an only child.  Eventually.
I was an only child. Eventually.
I was arbitrarily and capriciously locked out by the sysop!
I was arrested for resisting arrest.
I was arrested for selling illegal-sized paper.
I was arrested for selling illegal-sized paper. - S.W.
I was arrested for stripping high order bits in public.
I was arrested for walking in someone else's sleep.
I was as pure as the driven snow, but then I drifted.
I was ashamed of being Bjoran -- Ensign Ro
I was assimilated by the Borg & all I got was this crummy T-Shirt.
I was at a bar nursing a beer. My nipple was getting quite soggy.
I was at a party?  Did I have fun?
I was attempting to get in the spirit of things. Data
I was awfully, awfully good at swing choir - Dr. F
I was bored and crabby.  Forgive me.
I was born American, I live American, I shall die American.
I was born agnostic, and I'll diagnostic...
I was born alive.  Isn't that punishment enough?
I was born an American. I live an American. I shall die an American.
I was born at night . .  but it wasn't last night.
I was born at night, but not last night!
I was born free: I will DIE free!
I was born here you know...you're gonna die here you know...
I was born in 1693.  The room next to mine was 1695.
I was born in 1962. True. And the room next to me was 196
I was born in 1962. True. and the room next to me was 1961.
I was born in 1963.  It's true.  The room next to me was 1965.
I was born in Chicago and went to school in New York.  What a commute.
I was born in the log cabin I helped my father build.  -SLR
I was born modest, not all over, but in spots. - Twain
I was born this way! What's your excuse?
I was born this way! What's your excuse? - Worf
I was born to Code, Compile, Link, Test, Debug!
I was born to HAVE a chaffeur, not BE one!
I was born to code, compile, link, test, debug!
I was born to speak all mirth and no matter. -- Shakespeare
I was born to speak all taglines and no matter. -- Tagspeare
I was born to speak all taglines,mirth and no matter. -- Tagspeare
I was born to the anodyne.
I was born too late to be a Rolling Stone.
I was born with a lazy eye.  Now it's spread to the rest of my body.
I was born with a photographic memory, but it never developed.
I was bown in a cwossfiwe huwwicane - Jumpin' J. Fudd
I was bown in a cwossfiwe huwwicane-Jumpin J. Fudd
I was bown in a cwossfiwe huwwicane-Jumpin Jack Fudd
I was bown, in a cwossfiwe huwwicane  Jumpin Jack Fudd
I was breeding that mold. Its name was Albert. --Lister.
I was breeding this mold. His name was Albert. - Lister
I was brushing my teeth! said Tom with a gleam in his eye.
I was caught stealing in Iran, said Tom offhandedly.
I was changed into a tadpole.  I knew about metamorphosis
I was completely exonerated, said Tom clearly.
I was country when country wasn't cool
I was cowboy watching - Crow
I was curious why it would be doing that. - Jeff Hobbs.
I was denied life insurance, they said I had to GET A LIFE first....
I was dewy eyed for a week - Tom
I was disarmed by the grubby little outstretched mauler.
I was doing a callback -Crow sarcastically on repeat joke
I was doing fine until I realised it was EBCDIC.
I was down the hold, just passing time --U2
I was drowning my sorrows, but, they learned to swim..
I was drunk on my ass - Mike as suspect
I was engaged once.  Marriage cured me of that.
I was engaged to a contortionist... she broke it off.
I was evil, but feeling blue - Dr. F sings
I was expendable, I was stupid, I went, I died. -T. Yar
I was expendable.  I was stupid.  I was killed off. - Tasha Yar
I was expendable...I was stupid...I went -- Tasha Yar
I was expendiable, I was stupid, I went.
I was feeling some feelings you wouldn't believe - NIN
I was fine, but I got over it.
I was first in line until the little hairball was born.  Scar
I was following your lead, mamma jamma - Frank to Dr. F
I was found on the doorstep of a monastery. Where? In the Ford Galaxy.
I was getting worried about you.
I was given the gift of Tongues, but my cat stole it.
I was given the gift of Tongues...but my cat got it.
I was given the gift of tongues...but my cat ate them!
I was giving my nose a mambo lesson. - Col. Potter
I was goin' Chopin', but I forgot my Listd! Had to go Bach to get it.
I was goin' Chopin', but I forgot my Liszt! Had to go Bach to get it.
I was goin' Chopin', but I forgot my Lizst! Had to go Bach to get it.
I was going 186,000 miles per second, Officer?  Damn!
I was going to *talk* our way out of this one. -- Brisco
I was going to bleed him with leeches.  [Hawkeye]
I was going to buy some memory, but I forgot!
I was going to look out for number one. Then I stepped in number two.
I was going to post a tagline, but I'm not in a humorous mood now...
I was going to procrastinate, but I put it off.
I was going to procrastinate, but I put it off....
I was going to procrastinate, but I'll wait and do it tomorrow!.
I was going to say AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGHH! but it got compressed.  ARJ!
I was going to tell a joke about Alzheimer's, but I forgot what it was
I was going to the kitchen but ate M&Ms instead
I was gonna be a barber but neurosurgery pays better
I was gonna be a hairdresser but neurosurgery pays better ...
I was guide and opener of the way.
I was having a bad day and got a brain cramp.  Sorry
I was having a bit of a snack at the Naughty Hellfire club...-George
I was helpless as an embryo.
I was here and you were gone,now your here and I'm gone!
I was hooked on phonics, but I'm now in recovery.
I was hoping it wouldn't be so fuzzy - Calvin
I was in a daze, movin' in the wrong direction.
I was in a pail in the back of my office -- Odo
I was in a speed reading accident.  I hit a bookmark.
I was in a speed reading accident.  I hit a bookmark...
I was in love once - a Sinclair ZX-81... - Holly
I was in my kayak, practicing my Eskimo roll, said Tom self-righteously.
I was incarcinated for practicing promiscuality.
I was innocent, I was framed, I won't go back.
I was into pornography; then my pornograph broke!
I was invited to the Goof Ball, but didn't have a thing to wear.-BJ
I was just about there, and the phone went dead.
I was just about to shave my entire body - Mike
I was just being polite, Sir. -- Worf
I was just getting used to yesterday when today came.
I was just getting used to yesterday when tomorrow came.
I was just going to complain to my Congressman. - BJ
I was just kidding Orville! Put down that phaser!
I was just kidding! Put down that phaser
I was just loitering online...%$#@& - NO TARRY
I was just looking at her name tag, Honest.
I was just never sure your little feet would reach the peddles.
I was just on my way to pay you back, but I got a little sidetracked.
I was just pulled over by the L.A.P.D.  Boy! Am I Beat!
I was just stopped by the LAPD and boy am I beat !
I was just stopped by the LAPD and boy am I beat!
I was just talking to Mrs. Nipple...Uh, AH?! - Mike
I was just tidying up in Frank's room - Dr. Forrester
I was just wondering if i can watch in here?
I was justified in using deadly farce.
I was kicked out of the boy scouts for eating a brownie.!
I was kicked out of the boy scouts for eating a brownie....!
I was kidnapped by aliens. What year is it?
I was learning Tolkien Ring, but decided I'm Baggins it... -Russ E.
I was let down by a moose once.  It was a caribou in disguise.
I was lined up for glory, but the tickets sold out in advance.
I was lookin for love in all the wrong places
I was looking at myself, I was blind and couldn't see --U2
I was looking for the barber shop -- Daimon Qol
I was lost in a maze of twisty little passages, all different.
I was lying in a hole, but I got up because I began to like it. Marvin
I was making donuts and now I'm on a bus!
I was married by a judge.  I should have asked for a jury.  -- Groucho Marx
I was married once, but now I just lease
I was married once.  Now I just lease.
I was mistaken about my ears; they *do* come off. -Data
I was moderate once.  Now anything goes.
I was monitoring TV23 -Crow on Infomercials in his memory
I was mortal, till you gave me your immortal kiss. - Claudia
I was mostly in the evolution debates. - Dire Wolf
I was naked in the clothes you made --U2
I was never less alone than when by myself. - Edward Gibbon
I was never on TV but I was on radar 10 times.
I was nimble and I won Iron Ox.
I was normal once, but I got better.
I was normal once, then I became a Fido Moderator
I was normal once, then I became a Moderator
I was not CREATING a disturbance, I was improving one already there.
I was not CREATING a disturbance, I was merely improvin' a goin' one.
I was not CREATING a disturbance, I was merely improvin' one goin' on.
I was not CREATING a disturbance, merely improving one.
I was not very strict with my parents.
I was not what I confessed/& for this gift I feel blessed
I was on a roll till I slipped on the butter
I was on a roll till I slipped on the butter!
I was on a roll till I slipped on the butter.
I was on a roll until I slipped on the butter.
I was on a roll, 'till I slipped on the butter.
I was on a roll, till I slipped on the butter.
I was on a roll, till I slipped on the butter.
I was on a roll, until I slipped on the butter.
I was once a Meal-Master feta taster!
I was once a necrophiliac. Then I got a divorce.
I was once arrested for walking in someone else's sleep.
I was once lost, but now I'm found, but still don't know where I'm at!
I was only responding to your nonsensical ramblings.
I was overcome by a wave of civilianism. - Klinger
I was playing a game with Death, and I must give him no advantage.
I was playing basketball? - Hawk. And you weren't bad! - Klinger
I was playing poker the other night, with Tarot cards. I
I was playing poker with Tarot cards I got a flush .. 5 people died!
I was pretty subdued when we started.
I was put on this earth to make your life miserable.
I was quite impressed until I hit the floor... - TSoM
I was raised a country child
I was reading the dictionary - I thought it was a poem about everything
I was really to honest a man to be a politician. Socrates
I was removed from office, said Tom disappointedly.
I was right, Dax. It is a good day to die. - Kang
I was right.  You didn't see the origional message, did you?
I was run over by a local bus on the info superhighway.
I was running out of time so I didn't search my entire base!
I was sane once Didn't like it
I was sane once.  Didn't particularly care for it.
I was sane once.  Didn't particularly care for the experience.
I was sane once.  Didn't really care for the experience.
I was sane once... Didn't particularly care for the experience.
I was sane once... didn't like it.
I was sane once.I got over it.
I was sane oncedidn't like it.
I was saying WHAT?  Are you sure?
I was seduced by the chocolate side of the force.
I was shipwrecked with a frog who was endlessly testing my faith
I was skydiving horizontally.
I was skydiving horizontally..
I was snow white, but I drifted.  Mae West
I was so good the ladies gave me a standing ovulation!
I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now
I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now
I was so surprised at my birth, I couldn't talk for a year.
I was splitting my sides, and NOW you tell me you were SERIOUS?!?
I was stupid, I was expendable, and I went -- T. Yar
I was sure I said bulgogi, not kugoki.  Sorry about that, puppy.
I was swimming in the haze now i crawl on the ground -- NIN
I was talking during sex and my boyfriend hung up.
I was talking during sex and my girlfriend hung up.
I was talking during sex and my girlfriend hung up.
I was talking in tongues.. that's it! -Tristessa
I was taught that the way of progress is neither swift nor easy.
I was tested for AIDS !)*&%$#@ NO CARRIER
I was the 'Wild Colonial Boy' - now just the 'Old Colonial Boy.'
I was the chocolate ship cookie. And a sweet job it was.
I was the first kid on my block to be a writer.
I was the first to dig the earth and make the rivers run backwards.
I was the kid next door's imaginary friend.
I was the kid's next door imaginary friend.
I was the kid-next-door's imaginary friend.
I was the kid-next-door's imaginary playmate.
I was the next door kid's imaginary friend.
I was the teacher's pet.  She couldn't afford a dog.
I was there (San Fran) for the 7.1 in '89! Left there that night!
I was there once...but I'm much better now.
I was there that day! With Arthur! The King! --Merlin
I was thinking really hard, but then my brain died!
I was thirteen before I realized cows weren't blurry.
I was told we'd fire no guns, we'd shed no tears..
I was too busy being embarrassed for him.
I was too honest a man to be a politician and live - Socrates
I was transferred to the Moon  --  worse pay, better hours.
I was trying to comprehend the meaning of the words.Spock
I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering!
I was under the impression that you were sent to spy on me. --Mulder.
I was up above it, Now I'm down in it - - Trent Reznor (NIN)
I was up above it, now I'm down in it - NIN
I was up above it, now i'm down in it.
I was up above, now I'm down in it
I was up all night trying to round off infinity - s.w.
I was up all night trying to round off infinity.
I was up until three in the morning fixing the moon.
I was using a Microsoft Window one day, and it slammed on my fingers!!
I was waiting for the sign to turn green, officer
I was waiting for the sign to turn green. - s.w.
I was waiting for the sign to turn green..
I was walking in someone else's sleep last night.
I was wondering about that discoloration in the front of your pants.
I was wondering if someone could tell me something.
I was wondering why My path satement took up 1 page.
I wash my Folgiers crystals down with diet Coke.
I washed mud, off of mud.
I washed my edible underwear and now they're gone.
I wasn't a lady.  My bottom reached the gutter before my head did.
I wasn't always like this, Lieutenant - Picard
I wasn't always like this, Lieutenant. þ Picard
I wasn't aware that personal plumbing was a factor in good Moderating.
I wasn't aware that you did, Dataman.
I wasn't born a fool.  It took work to get this way. -- Kaye
I wasn't born cynical  ...  I  was  TAUGHT !
I wasn't born yesterday!  It was the day before.
I wasn't born yesterday.  I was born the day before.
I wasn't cheating, you were thinking too hard. Troi
I wasn't driving too fast, I was flying too low.
I wasn't expecting a kind of Spanish Inquisition...
I wasn't going to let you take all the credit and get all the reward!
I wasn't kissin' her! I was whisperin' in her mouth!
I wasn't kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth!
I wasn't kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth.--Chico Marx (1891-1961)
I wasn't kissing him, I was whispering in his mouth!
I wasn't looking at her butt! - Tom
I wasn't looking at your breasts! Promise!
I wasn't picking my nose ... I was scratching my brain.
I wasn't picking my nose ... I was scratching.
I wasn't picking my nose...I was scratching.
I wasn't prepared for so much wrestling - Mike
I wasn't put on top of the food chain just to eat veggies.
I wasn't ranting at you, I was ranting _near_ you.
I wasn't recruited....I enlisted!
I wasn't referring to your accuracy, but rather your mentality.
I wasn't sleeping - I was waiting for Windows to load - Snow White
I wasn't sleeping, I was temporarily attention deficient.
I wasn't speeding officer, I was skydiving horizontally.
I wasn't sure anyone actually *understood* <g>
I wasn't there, I didn't do it and you can't prove it.
I wasn't there.  I didn't do it.  I want my lawyer!
I wasn't there; I didn't DO IT; you can't prove it. <---Who cares?
I wasn't there; I didn't do it; you can't prove it.
I wasn't too sure what you wanted so I sent what I had ...
I wasn't yelling. I was just expressing my feelings -loudly.
I wasted years thinking about the wasted years.
I watched Congress today.  Where are the snipers when we need 'em?
I watched it way too long, it was pulling me down -- NIN
I watched it way too long, it was pulling me down.
I wave my body parts in your general direction!
I wave my private parts at you, you stupid Englishman!
I wave my private parts at you, you stupid englishman!
I wave my private parts at your auntie
I wear extra-medium clothes.
I wear my Sparkware T-Shirt with PRIDE!
I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I wear my liver on my pant leg.
I wear my memories like a shrowd
I welcome criticism write yours here _______
I welcome you to Disasterpiece Theater. - Yakko
I went OS/2 shopping and bought Windows !
I went Window shopping ... and bought OS/2!
I went fishing for a halibut, but all I got was a flounder.
I went insane trying to take a close up picture of the horizon - s.w.
I went insane trying to take a close-up picture of the horizon.
I went insane, with intervals of horrible sanity.
I went looting and all I got was this lousy tagline.
I went mad once.  Did me a world of good.
I went mad once. Did me a world of good.
I went on a 30-day diet - and lost 30 days!
I went on a diet for one month.  I lost 30 days.
I went on a no Dr. Who diet, it was the worst five minutes of my life!
I went on a non Dr. Who diet, it was the worst 5 minutes of my life!
I went on a non Dr. Who diet, it was the worst five minutes of my life
I went on a non Dr. Who diet, it was the worst five minutes of my life!
I went on a non-tagline diet..worst 10 minutes in my life
I went out and bought a 400$ modem for THIS?!?
I went through a STOP sign because I don't believe everything I read.
I went to CyberSpace once...and saw a mouse.
I went to San Francisco.  I found someone's heart.
I went to San Francisco. I found someone's heart.
I went to Stonewall 25, did you?
I went to a Sweet Grass ceremony once ... but I didn't inhale
I went to a drive-in movie in a taxi cab.  The movie cost me $95.00.
I went to a drive-in movie in a taxi. It cost me $95.00.
I went to a fight, and a hockey game broke out!
I went to a freak show and got in free !
I went to a freak show...  And they let me in for free!
I went to a garage sale. How much for the garage? It's not for sale.
I went to check my reality - and it wasn't!
I went to court for a parking ticket.  I pleaded insanity.
I went to message parlor - it was self service!
I went to the International Date Line, but still couldn't get a date.
I went to the Net and all I got was this stupid tagline.
I went to the doctor for a check-up.  It was ok, he was there.
I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out.
I went to the fights last night and a hockey game broke out.
I went window shopping ... and bought Novell DOS!
I went window shopping... and bought OS/2!
I went... I found the Dragon... I was toasted.
I wet 'emmmmmm! - Tom as skydiver
I will *NOT* say it ... I will *NOT* say it ... I will *NOT* say it ..
I will NEVER give up my power over men!
I will NOT finish in fifth place, Tom held forth.
I will NOT make the knee test! - Mike indignantly
I will NOT reply to this topic ... I will NOT reply to this topic ...
I will accept your word. This is very amusing. -Data
I will act as if what I do makes a difference. - William James
I will allow the prisoners to wear perfume, the warden consented.
I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you!
I will always love the false image I had of you.
I will be .. .. irritated - Worf
I will be a single parent in a couple of minutes... BLAMM, BLAMM!
I will be going into darkness, and fire. - Delenn
I will be good.  I will be good.  <Repeat 100 times>
I will be irritated -- Worf
I will call the manager.
I will choose Freewill - Rush
I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose FREEWILL!-RUSH
I will continue. Data
I will cross that stitch when I come to it
I will debase myself just so far for a pair of boots. - Hawkeye
I will defend the Constitution -- even against the government!
I will defend to the death everyone's right to my opinion.
I will defend to the death your right to my opinion!
I will defend to your death my right to my opinion
I will defend to your death my right to my opinion.
I will definitely...NOT help you - Mike as hero
I will die bravely, like a smug bridegroom.
I will die when I am Infinty years old!
I will dip my ladle in your VICHYSSOISE! - S. Ipkiss
I will do Windows, under protest!
I will do something about my procastination tomorrow! ..., maybe.
I will draw my own conclusions, if you do not mind...sir.  -- Data
I will endeavor to speed up the process sir. - Data
I will fear no evil, for I AM the meanest SOB in the valley.
I will fight for freedom, and what remains of my country!
I will fight for your right to your wrong opinion.
I will fight to the death for your right to *my* opinion.
I will fight to your death your right to my opinion!
I will finish what I sta
I will finish what I sta - Bart Simpson's lines
I will finish what I sta --Bart Simpson.
I will finish what I start
I will finish what I start -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F05 [remainder is blank]
I will get back to you real soon.  Thanks again for responding.
I will give up MY GUN when they pry my COLD DEAD FINGERS off it!
I will give you bodies beyond your wildest imaginings.
I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a new tagline today.
I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a tagline today.
I will go into the gate now...Wheeee...Now Where am I?We dunno?!?
I will hold your secrets dearer than the whispers of my heart.
I will hunt you down and flog you with wet tissues...
I will just have to that, won't I?
I will kill you so bad - Dr. Forrester to TV's Frank
I will last as long as you can stand it!
I will listen  to Ivanova.
I will live forever, or die trying!
I will look up into your lifeless eyes and wave...
I will love for the both of us -- Lal
I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. (PSA 18:1)
I will make a few discreet inquiries, all right? - Londo
I will make you shorter by a head.  Elizabeth I
I will make you shorter by the head.
I will match his command style with your statistics anytime - Picard
I will meet you at the corner of Walk and Don't Walk.
I will neither confirm nor deny my feelings of contempt for my C.I.C.
I will never again look upon a Goose in the same way; Never!
I will never cease to be amazed by the human capacity for hyperbole.
I will never forget rising at the crack of Dawn.
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. - Hebrews 13:5
I will never repeat gossip, so listen carefully the first time.
I will never win an Emmy
I will never win an Emmy - Bart Simpson's lines
I will never win an Emmy. --Bart Simpson.
I will not Xerox my butt
I will not Xerox my butt - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not Xerox my butt -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F01 1st airing
I will not Xerox my butt -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F01 1st airing
I will not Xerox my butt.
I will not aim for the head
I will not aim for the head - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not aim for the head -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F13
I will not aim for the head -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F13
I will not aim for the head. --Bart Simpson.
I will not barf unless I am sick
I will not barf unless I'm sick
I will not barf unless I'm sick - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not barf unless I'm sick.
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, briefed, debriefed, or numbered!
I will not be rescued in such filth!
I will not be responsible for damages caused by this tagline.
I will not belch the National Anthem
I will not belch the National Anthem - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not belch the National Anthem -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F15
I will not belch the National Anthem -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F15
I will not belch the National Anthem. --Bart Simpson.
I will not bribe Principal Skinner
I will not bribe Principal Skinner - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not bribe Principal Skinner -Bart Simp./Epis. during 8F03
I will not bribe Principal Skinner -Bart Simpson/Episode during 8F03
I will not bribe Principal Skinner. --Bart Simpson.
I will not bring sheep to class
I will not bring sheep to class - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not bring sheep to class -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F06
I will not bring sheep to class -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F06
I will not bring sheep to class. --Bart Simpson.
I will not burp in class
I will not burp in class - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not burp in class -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G04
I will not burp in class -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G04
I will not burp in class. --Bart Simpson.
I will not bury the new kid
I will not bury the new kid - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not bury the new kid -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F03
I will not bury the new kid -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F03
I will not bury the new kid. --Bart Simpson.
I will not buy this record, it is scratched.
I will not buy this tobacconist's, it is scratched.
I will not call my teacher "Hot Cakes"
I will not call my teacher "Hot Cakes" - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not call my teacher "Hot Cakes" -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G10
I will not call my teacher Hot Cakes -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G10
I will not call my teacher Hot Cakes. --Bart Simpson.
I will not call my teacher `Hot Cakes'
I will not call my teacher `Hot Cakes' -Bart
I will not call the principal "spud head"
I will not call the principal "spud head" - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not call the principal "spud head" -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F13
I will not call the principal spud head -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F13
I will not call the principal spud head. --Bart Simpson.
I will not carve gods
I will not carve gods - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not carve gods -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F11
I will not carve gods -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F11
I will not carve gods. --Bart Simpson.
I will not celebrate meaningless milestones
I will not celebrate meaningless milestones - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not celebrate meaningless milestones -Bart Simp./1F18 [for 100th]
I will not celebrate meaningless milestones [100th "special" episode]
I will not celebrate meaningless milestones. --Bart Simpson.
I will not charge admission to the bathroom
I will not charge admission to the bathroom - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not charge admission to the bathroom -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F19
I will not charge admission to the bathroom -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F19
I will not charge admission to the bathroom. --Bart Simpson.
I will not comment on what my wife has to say about it!
I will not conduct my own fire drills
I will not conduct my own fire drills - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not conduct my own fire drills -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F19
I will not conduct my own fire drills -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F19
I will not conduct my own fire drills. --Bart Simpson.
I will not cut corners
I will not cut corners - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not cut corners. --Bart Simpson.
I will not cut corners/ / -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F11
I will not cut corners/" " " " " "/" " " " " "
I will not defame New Orleans
I will not defame New Orleans - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not defame New Orleans -Bart Simp./9F01 [N.O. didn't like a song]
I will not defame New Orleans. --Bart Simpson.
I will not die before you do, you thunderous bulk! --6th Dr. companion
I will not disect things unless instructed. --Bart Simpson.
I will not dissect things unless instructed
I will not dissect things unless instructed - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not dissect things unless instructed. - Bart
I will not do anything bad ever again
I will not do anything bad ever again - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not do anything bad ever again -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F20
I will not do anything bad ever again -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F20
I will not do anything bad ever again. --Bart Simpson.
I will not do that thing with my tongue
I will not do that thing with my tongue - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not do that thing with my tongue -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F07
I will not do that thing with my tongue -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F07
I will not do that thing with my tongue. --Bart Simpson.
I will not draw naked ladies in class
I will not draw naked ladies in class - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not draw naked ladies in class -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G09
I will not draw naked ladies in class -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G09
I will not draw naked ladies in class. --Bart Simpson.
I will not drive the principal's car
I will not drive the principal's car - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not drive the principal's car -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F06
I will not drive the principal's car -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F06
I will not drive the principal's car. --Bart Simpson.
I will not eat things for money
I will not eat things for money - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not eat things for money -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F10
I will not eat things for money -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F10
I will not eat things for money. --Bart Simpson.
I will not encourage others to fly
I will not encourage others to fly - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not encourage others to fly -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F03
I will not encourage others to fly -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F03
I will not encourage others to fly. --Bart Simpson.
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty -Bart Simp./during 8F15
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty -Bart Simpson/during 8F15
I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty. --Bart Simpson.
I will not fake my way through life
I will not fake my way through life - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not fake my way through life -Bart Simp./during Epis. 7F03
I will not fake my way through life -Bart Simpson/during Episode 7F03
I will not fake my way through life. --Bart Simpson.
I will not fake seizures
I will not fake seizures - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not fake seizures -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F23
I will not fake seizures -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F23
I will not fake seizures. --Bart Simpson.
I will not fear. Fear is the mind killer.
I will not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death...
I will not get very far with this attitude
I will not get very far with this attitude - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not get very far with this attitude -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F12
I will not get very far with this attitude -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F12
I will not get very far with this attitude.
I will not get very far with this attitude. --Bart Simpson.
I will not go near the kindergarten turtle
I will not go near the kindergarten turtle - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not go near the kindergarten turtle -Bart Simp./Epis. 1F10
I will not go near the kindergarten turtle -Bart Simpson/Episode 1F10
I will not go near the kindergarten turtle. --Bart Simpson.
I will not go quietly.
I will not grease the monkey bars
I will not grease the monkey bars - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not grease the monkey bars -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F17
I will not grease the monkey bars -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F17
I will not grease the monkey bars. --Bart Simpson.
I will not hang donuts on my person
I will not hang donuts on my person - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not hang donuts on my person. --Bart Simpson.
I will not have a battle of wits with an unarmed person
I will not have my fwends widiculed by the common soldiewy.
I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment
I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F18
I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F18
I will not hide behind the Fifth Amendment. --Bart Simpson.
I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations.
I will not instigate a revolution
I will not instigate revolution
I will not instigate revolution - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not instigate revolution -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G06
I will not instigate revolution -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G06
I will not instigate revolution. --Bart Simpson.
I will not look.
I will not make flatuent noises in class
I will not make flatuent noises in class - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not make flatulent noises in class -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F13
I will not make flatulent noises in class -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F13
I will not make flatulent noises in class.
I will not make flatulent noises in class. --Bart Simpson.
I will not play with my food any more than is necessary
I will not pledge allegiance to Bart
I will not pledge allegiance to Bart - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not pledge allegiance to Bart -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F09
I will not pledge allegiance to Bart -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F09
I will not pledge allegiance to Bart. --Bart Simpson.
I will not prescribe medication
I will not prescribe medication - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not prescribe medication -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F02
I will not prescribe medication -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F02
I will not prescribe medication. --Bart Simpson.
I will not raise taxes on the middle class. - B.Clinton
I will not raise taxes on the middle class... --Clinton.
I will not re-xmit w/o the express permission of M. L. Baseball
I will not read this message, it is scratched.
I will not say "Springfield" just to get applause
I will not say "Springfield" just to get applause - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not say Springfield just to get applause -Bart Simp./Epis. 1F08
I will not say Springfield just to get applause. --Bart Simpson.
I will not sell land in Florida
I will not sell land in Florida - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not sell land in Florida -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F16
I will not sell land in Florida -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F16
I will not sell land in Florida.
I will not sell miracle cures
I will not sell miracle cures - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not sell miracle cures -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F16
I will not sell miracle cures -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F16
I will not sell miracle cures. --Bart Simpson.
I will not sell school property
I will not sell school property - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not sell school property -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F10 rep.in 7F14
I will not sell school property -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F10 repeated in 7F14
I will not sell school property. --Bart Simpson.
I will not send LARD through the mail.  - Bart Simpson
I will not send lard through the mail
I will not send lard through the mail - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not show off
I will not show off - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not show off -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F21 [in an Olde English font]
I will not show off {Written in an Old English font}
I will not show off. --Bart Simpson.
I will not sit at the same table with that! -- Duras
I will not skateboard in the halls
I will not skateboard in the halls - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not skateboard in the halls -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G03
I will not skateboard in the halls -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G03
I will not skateboard in the halls. - Bart Simpson
I will not sleep through my education
I will not sleep through my education - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not sleep through my education -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F22
I will not sleep through my education -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F22
I will not sleep through my education. --Bart Simpson.
I will not snap bras
I will not snap bras - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not snap bras -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F22
I will not snap bras -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F22
I will not snap bras. --Bart Simpson.
I will not spank others
I will not spank others - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not spank others -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F14
I will not spank others -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F14
I will not spank others. --Bart Simpson.
I will not squeak chalk
I will not squeak chalk - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not stand idley by and watch you feed a hungry dog! - Homer
I will not steal taglines. 399: I will not steal taglines. 400: I w
I will not steal this tagline, it is scratched.
I will not strut around like I own the place
I will not strut around like I own the place - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not strut around like I own the place. --Bart Simpson.
I will not teach others to fly
I will not teach others to fly - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not teach others to fly -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F05
I will not teach others to fly -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F05
I will not teach others to fly. --Bart Simpson.
I will not torment the emotionally frail
I will not torment the emotionally frail - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not torment the emotionally frail -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F10
I will not torment the emotionally frail -Bart Simpson/Episode 8F10
I will not torment the emotionally frail. --Bart Simpson.
I will not trade my pants with others
I will not trade pants with others
I will not trade pants with others - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not trade pants with others -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F05
I will not trade pants with others -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F05
I will not trade pants with others. --Bart Simpson.
I will not use abbrev.
I will not use abbrev. - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not use abbrev. --Bart Simpson.
I will not waste chalk
I will not waste chalk - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not waste chalk -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G02
I will not waste chalk -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G02
I will not waste chalk. --Bart Simpson.
I will not whittle hall passes out of soap
I will not whittle hall passes out of soap - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not whittle hall passes out of soap. --Bart Simpson.
I will not yell "Fire" in a crowded classroom
I will not yell "Fire" in a crowded classroom - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not yell "Fire" in a crowded classroom -Bart Simpson/Episode 7G01
I will not yell "Fire" in a crowded classroom.
I will not yell "She's Dead" at roll call
I will not yell "She's Dead" at roll call - Bart Simpson's lines
I will not yell "She's Dead" at roll call -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F11
I will not yell "She's Dead" at roll call.
I will not yell "She's Dead" during roll call
I will not yell "She's Dead" during roll call -Bart
I will not yell "She's dead!" during roll call
I will not yell "fire" in a crowded classroom
I will not yell Fire in a crowded classroom -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G01
I will not yell Fire in a crowded classroom. --Bart Simpson.
I will not yell She's Dead at roll call -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F11
I will not yell She's Dead at roll call. --Bart Simpson.
I will pray for those who wrong me.
I will remember to take my medication
I will remember to take my medication - Bart Simpson's lines
I will remember to take my medication. --Bart Simpson.
I will require my hand - Data
I will respond with all the unique technologies at my command.
I will return the seeing-eye dog
I will return the seeing-eye dog - Bart Simpson's lines
I will return the seeing-eye dog -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F18
I will return the seeing-eye dog -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F18
I will return the seeing-eye dog. --Bart Simpson.
I will serve no tag before its time!
I will share with you any tagline that has BOOK in it, stand back,
I will sing a dirge in your honor and wear your skin with pride.
I will sing the story. The children of Klingons will know this day.
I will sing the story. The children of all Klingons will know this day.
I will sing this victory song!
I will slash boondoggle projects. --Bill Clinton.
I will smash your reputation in one line. -Mike Tardif
I will stand in the trash, with my hopes and dreams.
I will stay on topic, I will stay on topic, I will stay on topic....
I will take a vow of silence regarding this. - Lennier
I will take this opportunity to remove my ears.  * Picard
I will teach you. - Kosh About yourself. - Sheridan
I will tell you its fairly rare and very unstable.
I will try some of your burned, replicated bird meat.
I will try some of your replicated, burnt, dead bird meat.
I will try to change the things that killed our love.
I will try to raise a better child -Marge Simp./during Epis. 9F03
I will try to raise a better child"
I will wait, and I will pray for you. - Lennier
I will.  I will press the button!  I will press THE button!
I will. I will press the button! I will press THE button!
I willed my body to science but they're contesting the will.
I win by default. --Rimmer.
I wired my dryer backwards, now it spits out extra socks.
I wired my washer backwards, now it spits out extra socks!
I wish *I* was a tiger.  A common lament.
I wish *I* was a tiger. - Calvin   A common lament. - Hobbes
I wish Adam had died with all his ribs in his body.
I wish Conservatives would be less liberal with their whining.
I wish I REALLY knew what I was doing. 
I wish I REALLY knew what I was doing.<sigh>
I wish I REALLY knew what I was doing.<sigh<
I wish I REALLY knew what I was doing.
I wish I could ask them....but they all died!
I wish I could come up with an original tagline.
I wish I could fly like Superman.
I wish I could get an antenna for my Crystal Ball
I wish I could remember the name of that card game, said Tom wistfully.
I wish I could remember where I parked my hard disk...
I wish I could remember where I parked my hard disk....
I wish I could step on this program's bug.
I wish I could tell you.
I wish I could understand the lyrics -Mike on metal music
I wish I coulda been there...
I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then.
I wish I had Microsoft's Prozac or Lithium consession.
I wish I had STACK OVERFLOW in my wallet!!!
I wish I had a dollar for every time I mispleelled a word.
I wish I had a face on my butt - Butthead.
I wish I had a lower IQ so I could enjoy your company!
I wish I had a pencil-thin moustache, the Boston Blackie kind...
I wish I had a penciled in mustache.
I wish I had a really snappy Trek Tagline to put here...
I wish I had a snappy Trek Tagline to put here
I wish I had a snappy Trek Tagline to put here...
I wish I had a snappy new DS9 tagline to put here!
I wish I had been born a man.   Katharine Hepburn
I wish I had saved the article now.....
I wish I hadn't written this tagline!
I wish I knew a girl who gave BED & BREAKFAST a new meaning!<g>
I wish I knew everthing, but obviously I don't
I wish I knew what I was doing!
I wish I was Bill Gates or, at least, that I had all his money.
I wish I was a Klingon.  I want a lumpy head.
I wish I was a Trill.  I would always be spotted.
I wish I was a sex-starved manicurist found dead in the Bronx!!
I wish I was a tiger. A common lament. --Calvin.
I wish I was a virgin. Then again, think of all the fun I would miss.
I wish I was back in the forest, Tom pined.
I wish I was born with a tattoo. That would be cool - Beavis.
I wish I was born with a tattoo. That'd be cool. - Beavis.
I wish I was more like I think I am.
I wish I was someone else, then I could kiss me! -- The Cat
I wish I was someone else. Then I could kiss myself. --The Cat.
I wish I was someone else. Then I could kiss myself. Cat.
I wish I was watching television!!
I wish I were in the land of cotton - not polyester
I wish I'd been a girlie just like my dear papa.
I wish I'd made that bet, Tom, the bookmaker, said hoarsely.
I wish I'd stolen that tagline.
I wish Noah had squashed those two fleas.
I wish Noah had swatted one of those two flies.
I wish Noah had swatted those two flies.
I wish Noah would have stepped on those two cockroaches.
I wish Noah would have swatted those two flies!
I wish Orville Bullitt would get the h*ll out of FidoNet!...
I wish TV's had an IQ knob.  I tried "brightness" but it don't work!
I wish TV's had an intelligence knob, the brightness knob don't work.
I wish Windows sucked!  Then it'd be good for something!
I wish a was a catfish, swimming through the sea - Hendrix
I wish all people were as nice and helpful as the ones on this echo!!
I wish computer would do what I think I tell it...
I wish computers would do what I think I asked for!
I wish everybody would go back in the closet.
I wish him luck-he's probably the only True Seeker we have - Sinclair
I wish humans would leave me alone! Arc, Arc
I wish it could happen, but it's not in the cards. - Duncan MacLeod
I wish just once they'd move their lips w/the film - Joel
I wish life could have 1024x768x256 resolution.
I wish life had a scroll-back buffer!
I wish life had a scroll-back buffer.
I wish life had a scroll-back buffer.....
I wish life had an editable scroll-back buffer...
I wish life had scroll back - with cut and paste.
I wish life had scroll back and cut and paste.
I wish life had scroll-back - with cut and paste
I wish more research was being done in this area ... it would be nice!
I wish my M-5 had 4DOS
I wish my M-5 had 4DOS...
I wish my batch files would do what I think I tell them.
I wish my brain had expansion slots.
I wish my husband would stop flirting with my girlfriend.
I wish my kids would behave as well as my OS/2!
I wish my wife would stop flirting with my boyfriend.
I wish scripts would do what I think I tell them
I wish someone would DUB Sir Charles Barkley on the head.
I wish someone would find Waldo so I could get on with my life.
I wish someone would pay me what I think I'm worth...
I wish someone would steal this tagline.<I DID>
I wish someone would steal this tagline.<I DID<
I wish that Noah had swatted those two mosquitos.
I wish that it might come to pass not fade like all my dreams.
I wish the Arabs and the Jews would settle their differen
I wish the Bruins would get trapped in The Garden when they demolish it.
I wish the Government would put a tax on pianos for the incompetent.
I wish the summer wind could bring back paradise.
I wish the whole world had one throat with my hands around it.
I wish there was a cure for your personality.
I wish there was something interesting to read down here
I wish there were a cure for your personality.
I wish there were no such thing as taglines.
I wish this damned ol' Thunderbird could fly.
I wish this mirror had a better picture...
I wish this mirror had a better view
I wish this mirror had a better view...
I wish this movie had these two guys in it - Crow
I wish to complain about this parrot.
I wish to submit myself for disciplinary action - Data
I wish to visit the waste-reclamation units.
I wish we could make our votes retroactive like Bill's tax plan.
I wish you everything you wish me.
I wish you humans would leave me alone!
I wish you humans would leave me alone.
I wish you were a beer.
I wish you were dead, your sweat and perry ellis -- NIN
I wish you were dead, your sweat and perry ellis.
I wish you were easy going - but you're hard to get rid of.
I wish you would stop saying that, shouted Ford.
I wish your mother had better quality control
I wished Windows sucked!  Then It'd be good for something!
I wished Windows sucked!  Then it's be good for something
I wished Windows sucked! Then It'd be good for something!
I wished and Orville Bullitt heard me!
I wished and Orville heard me!
I wished for the most beautiful women in the world.
I woke up dog tired, beat down and half dead.
I woke up grumpy yesterday...shes still mad!
I woke up in a Soho doorway...a policeman knew my name..!
I woke up this morning and saw my tagline on a milk carton!
I woke up, and yes...it was all a dream!
I won the daily double, Tom cried hoarsely.
I won! I won!
I won't be 400 for another four months. - Duncan MacLeod
I won't be able to sit for a week! - Banzai
I won't be in tomorrow. My Grandmother died again.
I won't be on time, Tom said belatedly.
I won't be satisfied until I have a desktop CRAY with 9,000 Gb memory.
I won't criticize the moderator, I might get NO CARRIER
I won't die for Fernando Poo!
I won't eat oysters. I want my food dead. Not sick, not wounded, DEAD!
I won't give it a second thought, said Tom absent-mindedly.
I won't give up, it want's me dead - NIN
I won't have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
I won't have any aggressive condiment passing in this house.
I won't insult the moderator, I might get NO CARRIER
I won't kill you - but you'd be suprised at what you can live through.
I won't kiss you on the knee caps! - Crow sings
I won't listen to you, Leonard! said Tom def-t-Lee.
I won't live through the day - Mike as geeky student
I won't play 'Stupid' with Martin... Martin's MUCH better at it!
I won't play 'Stupid' with Orville... Orville's MUCH better at it!!
I won't play 'Stupid' with Rush Limbaugh... Rush is MUCH better at it!
I won't play 'Stupid' with Rush Limbaugh... Rush is MUCH better at it!!
I won't play 'Stupid' with Rush Limbaugh... he's MUCH better at it!
I won't raise taxes on the middle class. B. Clinton
I won't rise to the occasion, but I'll slide over to it.
I won't rough you up and he's not your friend. - Nick Knight
I won't ship before your money arrives.
I won't smile till the world says it's sorry!
I won't take your tagline, TRUST ME!
I won't tax the Middle Class to pay for my programs!
I won't tell him you gave it to me...hehehehe
I won't use Windows, I won't use Windows, I won't.
I won't use Windows...I won't use Windows...I won't use Windows
I wonder how I'm looking now? Still nice! --The Cat.
I wonder how humanity managed to survive?
I wonder how many of you I could get before the police snipers drop me
I wonder how many people are having sex at this moment.
I wonder how your engine feels.
I wonder if "begging & pleading" has been invented - Mike
I wonder if BOB GUCCIONE has these problems..?
I wonder if Bill Gates' new bride will do windows?
I wonder if Cardassian food is as grim as their architecture?
I wonder if Data has a 16550 UART?
I wonder if Hillary gave Bill flowers for his birthday.
I wonder if I'd have better luck if I fished with a net, Tom debated.
I wonder if NAPA would have a waterpump for an SD40-2?
I wonder if Stacker would work on Isolinear Chips?
I wonder if White House computers are booted up or if they just inhale.
I wonder if a "Missing Persons Bulletin" would locate my g-g-grandpa?
I wonder if a file is naked when you unzip it?
I wonder if angels believe in ghosts.
I wonder if creationists evolve
I wonder if dead conductors decompose?
I wonder if it would back fire on me? <g>
I wonder if its brains are still in there? - Nala
I wonder if others can replicate this result.
I wonder if the Martians have got any Gene Indexes !
I wonder if their dreams will survive this alien nightmare? --Lancer
I wonder if there is one to delete all these "list" messages...?
I wonder if there should be some sort of DNA register for everybody.
I wonder if they like to gamble -- Quark
I wonder if we ccan speak through rose-tinted spectacles.
I wonder if you can refuse to inherit the world - Calvin
I wonder if you might have a copy of 'Rarnaby Budge'?
I wonder if your feelings on this matter are clear, Lord Vader. -Emperor
I wonder what @FN@'s doing right now?
I wonder what Geco charges to haunt a house?
I wonder what He charges to haunt a house?
I wonder what MacGyver would do .
I wonder what Mr. Ed would do
I wonder what Mr. Ed would do.
I wonder what Mulrooney is doing right now??!!
I wonder what Orville's doing right now?
I wonder what THIS key does...OOPS!
I wonder what kind of CPS rates Data gets?
I wonder what sex that cat is, said Tom.
I wonder what the recipe is for M&Ms....
I wonder what this all looks like from the 4th dimension?
I wonder what this button does? *&^(&^)#@$*&_% NO CARRIER
I wonder what this switch does... !&)!%@@$!#!% NO CARRIER
I wonder what today is. <BONK!> Hello, Monday.  Garfield
I wonder what would happen if I pushed ctrl, alt, and delete together?
I wonder what would happen if I typed del *.* at the C prompt
I wonder what would happen if I....<NO CARRIER<
I wonder what you would do if you were me, boy, hmm?  -Castrovalva
I wonder what you'd charge to haunt a house?
I wonder what's going to happen exciting today? <Piglet>
I wonder what's happening in reality today?
I wonder what's on TV
I wonder which of all the many rumors floating around are true.
I wonder who bartenders confide in?
I wonder whose idea this was. - Duncan MacLeod
I wonder why Johann Strauss Jr., ever composed Die Fledermaus!
I wonder why Noah didn't swat them two Sysops?
I wonder why Noah didn't swat them two flies?
I wonder why Noah didn't swat them two leeches?
I wonder why Noah didn't swat them two spirochetes?
I wonder why Noah didn't swat those two flies.....
I wonder why Pepsi dropped Michael from their advertising?!
I wonder why grandpa always pulled his own finger.
I wonder why my Twin Peaks file contains Dolly Parton taglines...
I wonder why they call it KILLington?
I wonder why uranium is fluorescent, said Marie curiously.
I wonder why uranium is fluorescent, said Mary curiously.
I wonder, does Barbara Bush spit or swallow?
I wonder, does Hillary Rodham Clinton spit or swallow?
I wonder...Does a BBS SysOp have to call himself to read his QWK-mail?
I work a lot with the Lock family, Caps, Num, and Scroll.
I work at a bank, said Tom tellingly.
I work for ambasador Molari. After a while, nothing bothers you.
I work for the Department of Redundancy Department.
I work for the IRD....give me all your money!
I work for the company, but don't let that fool you<Burke>
I work for the vice squad, the officer said arrestingly
I work like I'm paid, very little and twice a month!
I work off UNIX and can use multiple operating systems. - Crow
I work out at the He's Dead Gym.
I work very hard.  Please don't expect me to think as well.
I work with User -Surly Software
I work with User-Surly Software.
I work without a net when I'm walkin' that love line.
I worked hard to get like this and I'm not changing.
I worked in a pet shop and people kept asking how big I'll get.
I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty.  -- Groucho Marx
I worked to drink.  I drank to work.
I worried about going bald until I met Patrick Steward.
I worship Cthulhu -  Crow
I worship Lizzie Borden - she was America's first hacker!
I worship the ground that awaits you.
I would advise youse to shut up and start dialin'. - Spocko
I would ask that you stop fiddling with my ears. Data
I would ask that you stop fiddling with my ears. þ Data
I would attend more meetings if they served beer.
I would be clothed an in my right mind if I could find either!
I would be derelict in my officiousness. - Frank Burns
I would be seeing stars -- Geordi
I would date Yolanda Molinari - Frank on name in credits
I would describe Jennie Garth as "SEXY"
I would die for her. I would kill for her. --Gomez Addams.
I would die for her. I would kill for her. --Gomez.
I would die happy if I saw you naked just once.
I would do anything for Love..
I would do anything for love, but I won't do that.
I would explain it to you, but your head would explode.
I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
I would happily sacrifice your life to preserve my freedom
I would have been yo daddy, but the guy in front of me had exact change.
I would have been yo'daddy but the damn dog beat me over the fence!
I would have been your Daddy, but the dog beat me over the fence.
I would have got away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!!
I would have made a good Pope.  -  Richard M. Nixon
I would have stopped you, if not me someone else. - Worf
I would have suffered a lot more if I understood.
I would have suffered a lot more if understood.
I would if I could but I can't so I won't.
I would if I could but I can't so I won't.  Maybe.
I would if I could, but I can't so I won't
I would introduce your eyebrows, but I see they've already met.
I would introduce your eyebrows, but I see they've already met.  -SLR
I would jog, but the ice would fall out of my glass.
I would just like to know the TRUTH........about UFOs.
I would kill for a Nobel Peace Prize
I would kill or die to make love to you.
I would like a 1/4 pounder and 2 dozen chicks in tight shorts. huh huh
I would like a quarter pounder & 2 dozen chicks in tight shorts.
I would like to ask you for Servo's hand in marriage-Crow
I would like to buy a fish liscence, please.
I would like to eat your suitcase.
I would like to give my apologies now before somebody demands them.
I would like to help you out.  Which way did you come in?
I would like to know what you all think about this?
I would like to lick apricot brandy out of your navel.  -- Cerebus
I would like, ah, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.
I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey - Chucky Grey
I would like...a name. <- Holo-doc
I would look up into your lifeless eyes and wave...
I would love to snort coke....but the bubbles bother my nose.
I would love to stop by and shake yer paw.... D.Houston
I would love to, but I am playing DOOM.
I would never consider divorce -- but murder . . .
I would never take advantage of a virgin, said Orville, penetratingly.
I would never take advantage of a virgin, said Sam, penetratingly.
I would never threaten you or the others. - Londo
I would not be caught dead with a necrophiliac.
I would not hurt thee, but thou standest where I am about to shoot
I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. (1 Cor 10:20)
I would often be a coward, but for the shame of it. - Ralph Connor
I would prefer free blowjobs from Miss America contestants
I would prefer not to.
I would rather be Multi-Tasking!
I would rather be a opportunist and float than go to the bottom with m
I would rather die on my feet, for honesty.
I would rather do it myself.
I would rather give birth to a chair.
I would rather go to work than sit outside.
I would rather have 50 unnatural vices than 1 unnatural virtue.
I would rather lie on a sofa than sweep beneath it.
I would rather make my name than inherit it - Samual Johnson
I would rather see starlight than streetlights.
I would really resent that if I wasn't drunk. - Hawkeye
I would save the whales if knew where to put them.
I would say more, but I'm limited to 45 chara
I would shake your hand but I fear it would come off. -Black Adder
I would strongly oppose apathy, if I cared.
I would strongly oppose apathy, if I cared...
I would they were even cut off which trouble you. (GAL 5:12)
I would think you've had a few successes. - Mulcahy to Freedman
I would've got away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.
I would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those meddling kids!
I wouldn't Perstor my mother-in-law!
I wouldn't be President if my name was on that friggin' wall.
I wouldn't be caught dead with a necrophiliac.
I wouldn't be caught dead with a necrophiliac. (BOREALIS)
I wouldn't be caught dead with a necrophiliac..
I wouldn't be paranoid if everyone didn't pick on me.
I wouldn't be seen dead in them.  They're dead grotty.
I wouldn't belong to any organization that would have me as a member.
I wouldn't care if my record said I was a bedbug. - Klinger
I wouldn't hurt a fly.    Besides, they taste terrible.
I wouldn't hurt a fly...besides they taste funny.
I wouldn't kiss a guy with a hat like that - Tom
I wouldn't know about that. I'm not a doctor. - Radar
I wouldn't know how to act if I weren't in trouble.
I wouldn't know if this is right or wrong, but it was very interesting.
I wouldn't know that he didn't say that he- Crow
I wouldn't know.  I can only count to 21 when I'm naked.
I wouldn't leave if I were you.  DOS is much worse. - DOOM
I wouldn't leave if I were you. DOS is much worse.
I wouldn't marry you if you're the only woman on earth! said Tom evenly.
I wouldn't mind being poor if I had lots of money.
I wouldn't mind running my fingers over THOSE! said Tom fondly.
I wouldn't piss in his mouth if his guts was afire.
I wouldn't send a knight out on a dog like this.
I wouldn't shoot him if I were you.  It will just make him mad.
I wouldn't spit in Schumer's mouth if his guts were on fire.
I wouldn't spit in your ear if your brain was on fire
I wouldn't take you to a dog race! Even though I thought you could win
I wouldn't talk, Mrs. Nelson! - Tom to Mike
I wouldn't touch that code with a remote debugger...
I wouldn't touch that if I WAS a ten foot pole!
I wouldn't touch that with a 3.048 meter pole.
I wouldn't touch the Metric System with a 3.048m pole!
I wouldn't touch the metric system with a 3.048 meter pole!
I wouldn't touch the metric system with a 304.8 cm pole.
I wouldn't trust him farther than I could comfortably spit out a rat.
I wouldn't trust myself farther than I could spit a rat.
I wouldn't trust that babe as far as I could bowl her..
I wouldn't try and insult your intelligence - I doubt if I could.
I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member.
I wouldn't want to join any club that would have me as a member..
I wouldn't want to try to plot these folks on a tree chart!
I wouldn't want to!  (G)  I prefer living with women!
I wouldn't wish it on Mae West enemy.
I wov OS/2
I wrestled with reality for 35 years and I finally won - Elwood P Dowd
I write long taglines.  This tagline is long.  I write long taglines b
I write taglines like old people have sex, slow & sloppy.
I write therefore I exist
I write to keep the Devil away. - Stephen King 8/30/94 on Larry King
I wrote Lebreak for the Atari in 32K! What a pain!
I wrote a few children's books... Not on purpose. - S.W.
I wrote a poem for Mr. West - Gypsy on Adam West
I wrote a program in Lisp once...it wrote back to me.
I wrote down the meaning of life but forgot where I put it!
I wrote her a letter, it meant a lot to me. - Van Halen
I wrote in COBOL once, but I didn't compile.
I wrote my own benchmark test program.  Now my machine is 500 MHz.
I wrote my own benchmark, my machine is now 500MHz
I wrote my own benchmark. My XT now runs at 5000MHz!
I wrote my own benchmark. My computer is now 500MHz!
I wrote my own benchmark. My machine is now 330 MHz.
I wrote my own benchmark. My machine is now 500MHz!
I wrote several children's books -- not on purpose.
I wrote the above message, but I didn't inhale.
I wrote the book on that subject, said Tom authoritatively.
I wrote this Tagline JUST for GARY CAPLAN.
I wrote this note on a 486 laptop on the beaches of Maui.
I wrote this tagline JUST for @TO.
I wrote this tagline JUST for He .
I wrote this tagline JUST for Orville Bullitt.
I wrote this tagline JUST for Orville.
I wuz bo'n dis way - whut's yo' 'suse?
I wuz lernd my English!
I xeroxed a mirror.  Now I have an extra xerox machine.
I xeroxed my watch.  Now I have time to spare.  Martin Pollard
I xeroxed my watch. Now I have time to spare.
I yam Popeye o'de Borg! Preparez'a ta be askimiligated!
I yam Popeye o'de Borg. Preparez ta be askimiligrated.
I yam Popeye of Borg.  Prepares to be askimilagrated.
I yam Popeye of Borg.  Prepares to be askimilated.
I yam Popeye of Borg.  Prepares to be askimilgrated.
I yam Popeye of Borg. Prepare to be askimblitated.
I yam Popeye of Borg. Prepare to be askimilgrated.
I yam Popeye of Borg. Prepares ta be akskimilgrated.
I yam Popeye of Borg. Prepares to be askimilated.
I yam Popeye of Borg. Prepares to be askimilgrated.
I yam Popeye of Borg: Prepare to be askimiligated.
I yam Popeye of Borg: Prepares ta be askimilgrated.
I yam Popeye of Borgsk.  Prespare to be askimilgrated.
I yam Popeye of the BORG! Prepare to be askmiligrated!
I yam Popeye of the Borg. Prepares ta beez askimiligrated!
I yam what I yam  1 Popeye 7:23
I yield to Abdul Alhazred's superior knowledge of Cthulhu!
I ying, therefore I yang.
I yink, therefore I yam.
I you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5 & 6.
I you have to ask the question, you won't understand the answer.
I you would be so kind as to straighten me out? Thanks MUCH!
I za politicare vazi hemija - baza im izaziva kiselinu.
I zivot ide dalje,dalje sve dalje odavde.
I ~ my dog, ~ my cat, and I ~ baby harp seals.
I ~ my wife, I wear a ~, I ~ my dog, I ~ ed my cat.
I ~wonder~ "why" this would offend you.
I €hî›k‚d m $˜stˆm,
I! Finally! Figured! Out! How! To! Punctuate! Kirk's! Sentences!
I! Finally! Figured! Out! How! To! Punctuate! Kirk's! Speeches!
I! Finally! Figured! Out! How! To! Punctuate! Orville's! Speeches!
I! Finally! Figured! Out! How! to! Punctuate! Kirk!
I! Finally! Figured! Out! How! to! Punctuate! Kirk! Speeches!
I! Finally! Figured! Out! How! to! Punctuate!Kirk, annonces!
I! Finally! Learned! How! To! Punctuate! Kirk's! Sentences!
I! HAVE! HAD! E! NUFF! OF! YOUUUU!!! - Kirk.  "The Search for Spock.
I! Order you! Let me go! - Evil Tom to Mike & Crow
I! am! Kirk! of! Borg!: You! will! be! overacted!
I! am! Kirkutus! -- of! Borg!   Prepare! to! be! -- assimilated!
I! finally! learned! how! to! punctuate! Kirk! sentences!
I! finally! learned! how! to! punctuate! sentences!  -Kirk!
I! finally! learned! how! to! puncuate! Kirk! sentences!
I! finally! learned! to! punctuate! Kirk's! sentences!
I'D rather be stuck with Bush than gored by Clinton.
I'M NOT FRENCH! - Amanda
I'M NOT IN A #@#(*) BAD MOOD YOU #@#@(*  @#@*&#(@
I'M NOT LAZY.    I'm just so fast that I'm always finished.
I'M not born again! Mom got it right the first time!
I'M not the one who misplace the entire Deltivid asteroid belt!   -Q
I'M not the one who misplaced the entire Deltivid asteroid belt!
I'M the captain of this vessel, your order is nullified! - Picard
I'_  ST_PID   "Hmmmm...Pat, I'd like to buy an "O" please."
I'am not 38, I'am 18 with 20 years experience.....(wink,wink)
I'd *definitely* better duck for cover after that one....
I'd Rather Be Anatomically Correct Than Politically So.
I'd Rather Be Computing Than COMMUTING!
I'd Say More But I've Run Out of Time & Space.
I'd Wanted a Mac, I would have BOUGHT one!
I'd advise youse to keep dialin' -- Spocko
I'd allow myself to be used as an ashtray - Tom
I'd almost bet that we do.  We've gotten this far.
I'd appreciate it if you'd call me by my given nickname. - Radar
I'd appreciate it.  ANY series.  :)
I'd ask em to leave but they'd think I was a racist -Crow
I'd ask you to stay, but torture's top secret. - Col. Flagg
I'd be _delighted_ to help you out!  Which way did you come in?
I'd be a Christian if it wasn't for the Christians.
I'd be a Christian...if it wasn't for Christians. - Ghandi
I'd be a fundamentalist - if I could just stop laughing..
I'd be a high performance drill bit - Crow
I'd be a lot better without all the chatter in here. - Frank Burns
I'd be a narcissist, but I'm WAY too ugly.
I'd be an atheist, BUT.... no paid holidays!!!
I'd be apathetic if I cared.
I'd be as good as new if it weren't for a thing or two.
I'd be broke if it wasn't for SHAREWARE!  <-TLP
I'd be delighted to accept. Tell me what you have in mind...
I'd be happy to help you solve that problem <g>
I'd be interested in comparing notes with anyone searching these lines.
I'd be more awake if I weren't so tired.
I'd be richer if I had a dollar for every dollar I don't have.
I'd be smarter if you knew enough to teach me
I'd be smarter if you knew enough to teach me...
I'd be thrashing in fury if it weren't for my trick head. - MR
I'd be unstoppable . . . if only I could get started.
I'd be unstoppable, only if I can get moving.
I'd be willing to bet no one on Crack can play the bagpipes.
I'd bet it all on a good run of bad luck.
I'd better make like a hockey player and get the puck out of here.
I'd better make like a hockey player and get the puck outta here.
I'd break you in half but I don't want two of you around.
I'd burn those beer joints down.
I'd buy that for a bar of gold-pressed latinum!
I'd buy that for a dollar.
I'd call THAT a cry for help! - Tom
I'd call you an @$$hole, but you're not that useful.
I'd change da world, but they wont gimme the source code!
I'd climb a mountain for a Llama.
I'd date Sean Young & cheat on her w/Roseanne Barr - Joel
I'd declare march "Liza Month" - Crow
I'd didn't mean to post half-drunk, but I ran out of Bailey's.
I'd die for you, I'd lie to you...
I'd eat that doughnut, But the holes gives me indigestion.
I'd enjoy the day more if it started later.
I'd enjoy the ride, If I knew what it was?
I'd explain it to you, but then your brain would explode!
I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode.
I'd explain it, but there's a lot of math. --Calvin.
I'd explain, but it would make your head explode.
I'd far rather be happy than right any day.
I'd feel a lot better about doctors if it weren't called a Practice.
I'd feel better about doctors if it wasn't a practice!
I'd feel better about doctors if it wasn't called 'Practice'.
I'd feel better if you were blond! <G>
I'd forget my balls if they didn't come in a bag.
I'd get my mind from the gutter but I'm afraid of heights.
I'd get my mind out of the gutter but I can't climb that far.
I'd get my mind out of the gutter but I'm afraid of heights
I'd get therapy, but insanity is cheaper - and more fun!
I'd give a year's pay to see whats inside this thing - Sheridan
I'd give everyone a Twinkie, but I'm not a Hostess..
I'd give good money if he'd shut up.
I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous
I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous 
I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous.
I'd give my left breast to be Tutankhamen.  Tit for Tut.
I'd give my right arm to be able to touch type.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidexterous
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
I'd give my right hand to be ambidextrious.
I'd give my right hand to be ambidextrous.
I'd give my wife a spanking, if she was here...
I'd give real money if he'd shut up!
I'd give real money if he'd shut up! -- McCoy
I'd give that hornet a 10, Tom said beratingly.
I'd give up women if they didn't look so damn good naked
I'd give up women if they didn't look so darn good naked.
I'd give you a piece of my mind, but I ate the last one.
I'd give you a piece of my mind, but I need it all.
I'd give you a piece of my mind, but I'm on my last one.
I'd give you a piece of my mind, but I'm on the last one!
I'd give you a piece of my mind, but I'm still using it!
I'd give you a piece of my mind, but it's my last one!
I'd give you a piece of my mind....but I can't find it.
I'd give you a tagline, but the Ferengi blew up my message base.
I'd give you a tagline, but the Ferengi blew up my tagline database...
I'd give you a tagline, but the Ferrengi blew up my message base.
I'd go back to last tuesday. - Kryten
I'd go bob for doughnuts in a deep fryer - Crow
I'd go on welfare, but I'm not used to living that well!
I'd go on welfare, but I'm not used to living that well!!
I'd go on, but I've spent long enough on this message...
I'd go out cruisin' but I've no place to go and all night to get there
I'd go visit the moderator and pay for everything, right Ronnie?
I'd go with the helmet, Ray.
I'd hammer nails with my skull - Crow
I'd hate to be the guy who makes mops around here. - Hawkeye
I'd hate to make a judgement on that until all the facts are in.
I'd have a hilarious tagline, but Clinton hasn't done much today.
I'd have prefered to take a few alive. - Bester
I'd have preferred to take a few alive. --Bester.
I'd have thrown up on the kid...   -Danny Davids
I'd have written sooner but I thought I owed you money.
I'd have written sooner, but I didn't know you then!
I'd horsewhip you if I had a horse.  -- Groucho Marx
I'd install Windows, but I'd kinda like to have programs too.
I'd insult you, but you're not bright enough to notice.
I'd invite Jesus into my heart, but my blood needs the room.
I'd join the movement if there was one I could believe in --U2
I'd join the sexual revolution but I flunked the physical
I'd jump in a stump grinder to amuse my friends - Tom
I'd just as soon kiss a Bullitt!
I'd just as soon kiss a Orville!
I'd just as soon kiss a Wookie! - Leia
I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee.
I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee. - Leia
I'd just as soon kiss a frog!!
I'd just as soon take Nyquil with a spoon - Gypsy sings
I'd just like to add that I have nothing to add.
I'd keep my eyes on this one. Chances are she's after your job. - Q.
I'd kill Flipper for a good tuna sandwich right now!
I'd kill Flipper for a good tuna sandwich right now.
I'd kill everyone in this room for one drop of sweeeet beer.
I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
I'd kill him, but it would start a war. --Garibaldi re: Lennear.
I'd know this nose grease anywhere! - Tom
I'd leave my mind to science if I could find it.
I'd leave you a tip, but I don't have change for a quarter.
I'd lecture you on love, little man - Mike to Tom
I'd let you talk more, but you're not as interesting as me.
I'd like 'The Ronettes Sing English Agrarian History', please.
I'd like 'it' to happen to me to break up the boredom! - Klinger
I'd like MY data-base JULIENNED and stir-fried!
I'd like a 1/4 Pounder & 2 dozen chicks in tight shorts. - Butthead
I'd like a 4pounder and 2dozen chicks in tight shorts.
I'd like a bit of pram please.
I'd like a herring burger with loads of mayo. - Opus
I'd like a hot dog, Tom said frankly.
I'd like a hot dog, he said frankly.
I'd like a milk shake, hold the cup.
I'd like a scoop of Taglines 'n' Cream.
I'd like a scoop of recipes 'n' Cream.
I'd like a stud Mcmuffin....to go.
I'd like it all automated.
I'd like some JUNK FOOD...and then I want to be ALONE - -
I'd like some JUNK FOOD...then I want to be ALONE.
I'd like some Oriental food, said Tom wantonly.
I'd like the pleasure of your company, but it only gives me displeasure.
I'd like the spam, spam, spam, eggs, and spam, please.
I'd like the usual Vatican discount.
I'd like to apologise on behalf of the entire female gender.Thank you
I'd like to apologize on behalf of the entire female gender. Thank you
I'd like to appologize on behalf of the entire male gender. Thank you.
I'd like to ass you a few questions. - Ace Ventura
I'd like to autograph your bed pan.
I'd like to autograph your bed pan. 
I'd like to be fed to my dog - Crow as doomed astronaut
I'd like to blow up a truck of Coke - Tom sings jingle
I'd like to buy Vanna, Pat.
I'd like to buy a consonant just to be different, Pat.
I'd like to buy a fish license please.
I'd like to buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what he
I'd like to buy the world a Coke
I'd like to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
I'd like to comment on your Tagline, but I feel so limited.
I'd like to feed your fingertips to the wolverine.
I'd like to fly, but I can't even swim.
I'd like to get some sleep before I travel
I'd like to get that tatooed on my thigh. - Trapper
I'd like to help you out  - which way did you come in?
I'd like to help you out -- which way did you come in?
I'd like to help you out.  Which way did you come in?
I'd like to help you out. Which way did you come in?
I'd like to invade YOU - Crow leers to girl
I'd like to keep Britain tidy.
I'd like to live like a poor person with lots of money.
I'd like to meet the man who invented sex & see what he's working on now
I'd like to order another glove, lubed- Michael Jackson
I'd like to pay you a compliment, but I can't think of a nice to say.
I'd like to play my latest chart-topper--Bart Simpson.
I'd like to play, but not with these cards. -- Riker
I'd like to register a COMPLAINT!
I'd like to see a computer program that can handle this!
I'd like to see more of you, Tom appealed.
I'd like to see you dismount the dragon and say that!
I'd like to slap the snot outta Willard Scott...
I'd like to slap your face...it deserves it!
I'd like to take you out and leave you there.
I'd like to teach the world to sing... Tom said coaxingly.
I'd like to thank the Academy, my parents, Chivas Regal......
I'd like to try out for porn - Mike as dumb girl
I'd like to welcome a new additon to our therapy group.
I'd like to welcome the pommey bastard to God's own Earth!
I'd like to welcome the pommy bastard to God's own earth
I'd like to, but I have to floss my cat..
I'd like to, but last time I went I never came back..
I'd look good on you.
I'd love to - but I have to answer Cindy's letters.
I'd love to - but I'm going to be old someday.
I'd love to but I have to knit some dust bunnies for a charity bazaar.
I'd love to but none of my socks match.
I'd love to but,   Having fun gives me prickly heat.
I'd love to but,   I feel a song coming on.
I'd love to but,   I have to bleach my hare.
I'd love to but,   I have to draw "Cubby" for an art scholarship.
I'd love to but,   I have to go to court for kitty littering.
I'd love to but,   I have to jog my memory.
I'd love to but,   I have to rotate my crops.
I'd love to but,   I have to stay home and see if I snore.
I'd love to but,   I have to study for a blood test.
I'd love to but,   I have too much guilt.
I'd love to but,   I prefer to remain an enigma.
I'd love to but,   I promised to help a friend fold road maps.
I'd love to but,   I'm going to be old someday.
I'd love to but,   I'm going to count the bristles in my toothbrush.
I'd love to but,   I'm having my baby shoes bronzed.
I'd love to but,   I'm observing National Apathy Week.
I'd love to but,   I'm too old/young for that stuff.
I'd love to but,   I'm trying to be less popular.
I'd love to but,   I'm uncomfortable when I'm alone or with others.
I'd love to but,   I'm up to my elbows in waxy buildup.
I'd love to but,   I'm waiting to see if I'm already a winner.
I'd love to but,   I'm writing a love letter to Richard Simmons.
I'd love to but,   I've been traded to Cincinnati.
I'd love to but,   My Dress For Obscurity class meets then.
I'd love to but,   My bathroom tiles need grouting.
I'd love to but,   My favorite commercial is on TV.
I'd love to but,   My palm reader advised against it.
I'd love to but,   My uncle escaped again.
I'd love to but,   The grunion are running.
I'd love to but,   You know how we psychos are.
I'd love to but,  I did my own thing and now I've got to undo it.
I'd love to but,  I have to thaw some karate chops for dinner.
I'd love to but,  I'm being deported.
I'd love to but,  I'm building a pig from a kit.
I'd love to but,  I'm doing door-to-door collecting for static cling.
I'd love to but,  I'm enrolled in aerobic scream therapy.
I'd love to but,  I'm sandblasting my oven.
I'd love to but,  I'm trying to cut down.
I'd love to but,  I'm worried about my vertical hold.
I'd love to but,  There's a disturbance in the Force.
I'd love to but, Having fun gives me prickly heat.
I'd love to but, I changed the lock on my door and now I can't get out
I'd love to but, I did my own thing and now I've got to undo it.
I'd love to but, I don't want to leave my comfort zone.
I'd love to but, I feel a song coming on.
I'd love to but, I have some hard words to look up in the dictionary.
I'd love to but, I have to answer all of my "occupant" letters.
I'd love to but, I have to be on the next train to Bermuda.
I'd love to but, I have to bleach my hare.
I'd love to but, I have to draw "Cubby" for an art scholarship.
I'd love to but, I have to floss my cat.
I'd love to but, I have to fluff my shower cap.
I'd love to but, I have to fulfill my potential.
I'd love to but, I have to go to court for kitty littering.
I'd love to but, I have to jog my memory.
I'd love to but, I have to knit some dust bunnies for a charity bazaar
I'd love to but, I have to rotate my crops.
I'd love to but, I have to sit up with a sick ant.
I'd love to but, I have to stay home and see if I snore.
I'd love to but, I have to study for a blood test.
I'd love to but, I have to thaw some karate chops for dinner.
I'd love to but, I have to wash/condition/perm/curl/tease/my hair.
I'd love to but, I have too much guilt.
I'd love to but, I left my body in my other clothes.
I'd love to but, I made an appointment with a cuticle specialist.
I'd love to but, I never go out on days that end in "Y."
I'd love to but, I prefer to remain an enigma.
I'd love to but, I promised to help a friend fold road maps.
I'd love to but, I think you want the OTHER @tf   .
I'd love to but, I want to spend more time with my blender.
I'd love to but, I'll be looking for a parking space.
I'd love to but, I'm attending a perfume convention as guest sniffer.
I'd love to but, I'm attending the opening of my garage door.
I'd love to but, I'm being deported.
I'd love to but, I'm building a pig from a kit.
I'd love to but, I'm converting my calendar watch to Gregorian.
I'd love to but, I'm doing door-to-door collecting for static cling.
I'd love to but, I'm enrolled in aerobic scream therapy.
I'd love to but, I'm getting my overalls overhauled.
I'd love to but, I'm giving nuisance lessons at a convenience store.
I'd love to but, I'm going down to the bakery to watch the buns rise.
I'd love to but, I'm going through cherry cheesecake withdrawl.
I'd love to but, I'm going to be old someday.
I'd love to but, I'm going to count the bristles in my toothbrush.
I'd love to but, I'm having all my plants neutered.
I'd love to but, I'm having my baby shoes bronzed.
I'd love to but, I'm in training to be a household pest.
I'd love to but, I'm observing National Apathy Week.
I'd love to but, I'm planning to go downtown to try on gloves.
I'd love to but, I'm sandblasting my oven.
I'd love to but, I'm taking punk totem pole carving.
I'd love to but, I'm teaching my ferret to yodel.
I'd love to but, I'm too old/young for that stuff.
I'd love to but, I'm touring China with a wok band.
I'd love to but, I'm trying to be less popular.
I'd love to but, I'm trying to cut down.
I'd love to but, I'm trying to see how long I can go without saying yes.
I'd love to but, I'm uncomfortable when I'm alone or with others.
I'd love to but, I'm up to my elbows in waxy buildup.
I'd love to but, I'm waiting to see if I'm already a winner.
I'd love to but, I'm worried about my vertical hold.
I'd love to but, I'm writing a love letter to Richard Simmons.
I'd love to but, I've been scheduled for a karma transplant.
I'd love to but, I've been traded to Cincinnati.
I'd love to but, I've come down with a really horrible case of something
I'd love to but, I've dedicated my life to linguini.
I'd love to but, I've got a Friends of Rutabaga meeting.
I'd love to but, It wouldn't be fair to the other Beautiful People.
I'd love to but, It's my parakeet's bowling night.
I'd love to but, It's too close to the turn of the century.
I'd love to but, My Dress For Obscurity class meets then.
I'd love to but, My Millard Filmore Fan Club meets then.
I'd love to but, My bathroom tiles need grouting.
I'd love to but, My chocolate-appreciation class meets that night.
I'd love to but, My crayons all melted together.
I'd love to but, My mother would never let me hear the end of it.
I'd love to but, My palm reader advised against it.
I'd love to but, My patent is pending.
I'd love to but, My plot to take over the world is thickening.
I'd love to but, My subconscious says no.
I'd love to but, My uncle escaped again.
I'd love to but, My yucca plant is feeling yucky.
I'd love to but, None of my socks match.
I'd love to but, People are blaming me for the Spanish-American War.
I'd love to but, The President said he might drop in.
I'd love to but, The grunion are running.
I'd love to but, The last time I went, I never came back.
I'd love to but, The man on television told me to say tuned.
I'd love to but, The monsters haven't turned blue yet, and I have to eat
I'd love to but, There's a disturbance in the Force.
I'd love to but, You know how we psychos are.
I'd love to but,I'm staying home to work on my cottage cheese sculpture.
I'd love to but... None of my socks match.
I'd love to chat, but I must get back to the ritual sacrifice.
I'd love to explain, but I prefer to remain an enigma.
I'd love to go out with you, but I did my own thing and now I've got to undo it.
I'd love to go out with you, but I have to floss my cat.
I'd love to go out with you, but I have to stay home and see if I snore.
I'd love to go out with you, but I never go out on days that end in `Y.'
I'd love to go out with you, but I want to spend more time with my blender.
I'd love to go out with you, but I'm attending the opening of my garage door.
I'd love to go out with you, but I'm having all my plants neutered.
I'd love to go out with you, but I'm taking punk totem pole carving.
I'd love to go out with you, but I've been scheduled for a karma transplant.
I'd love to go out with you, but it's my parakeet's bowling night.
I'd love to go out with you, but my favorite commercial is on TV.
I'd love to go out with you, but the last time I went out, I never came back.
I'd love to go out with you, but the man on television told me to say tuned.
I'd love to have an adventure with your wildest fantasies
I'd love to help you out -- which way did you come in?
I'd love to help you out. Where did you come in?
I'd love to help you out. Which way did you come in? -Groucho Marx
I'd love to help you out.Which way did you come in?
I'd love to live in the fast lane but I couldn't find the on-ramp.
I'd love to live in the fast lane but I couln't find the on-ramp
I'd love to meet you sometime when we're both normal.
I'd love to own a candy factory.  I'd make a mint!
I'd love to own a candy factory....I'd make a mint!
I'd love to work for Anaheim, but I can't pass the cuteness exam..!
I'd love to, ... but the Potato King won't let me. - Rimmer
I'd love to, but I as a punk wasn't feeling lucky.
I'd love to, but I changed the lock on my door and I can't get out.
I'd love to, but I changed the lock on my door and now I
I'd love to, but I changed the lock on my door and now I can't get out
I'd love to, but I changed the lock on my door; now I can't get out.
I'd love to, but I did my own thing and now I've got to u
I'd love to, but I did my own thing and now I've got to undo it.
I'd love to, but I don't go out on days that end in Y.
I'd love to, but I don't want to leave my comfort zone.
I'd love to, but I feel a song coming on.
I'd love to, but I had a low SAN roll.
I'd love to, but I had to change the air in my tires.
I'd love to, but I havX to floss my cat.
I'd love to, but I have left my body in my other clothes.
I'd love to, but I have some hard words to look up in the dictionary.
I'd love to, but I have some real hard words to look up i
I'd love to, but I have some real hard words to look up.
I'd love to, but I have to answer all of my "occupant" le
I'd love to, but I have to answer all of my "occupant" letters.
I'd love to, but I have to be on the next train to Bermud
I'd love to, but I have to be on the next train to Bermuda.
I'd love to, but I have to bleach my hare.
I'd love to, but I have to check freshness dates on my dairy products.
I'd love to, but I have to check freshness dates on my diary products.
I'd love to, but I have to check the freshness dates on m
I'd love to, but I have to draw "Cubby" for an art schola
I'd love to, but I have to draw "Cubby" for an art scholarship.
I'd love to, but I have to floss my cat.
I'd love to, but I have to fluff my shower cap.
I'd love to, but I have to fulfill my destiny.
I'd love to, but I have to fulfill my potential.
I'd love to, but I have to go mow the laundry.
I'd love to, but I have to go to court for kitty littering.
I'd love to, but I have to go to the post office to see i
I'd love to, but I have to jog my memory.
I'd love to, but I have to knit dust bunnies for a charity bazaar.
I'd love to, but I have to knit some dust bunnies for a c
I'd love to, but I have to knit some dust bunnies for a charity bazaar
I'd love to, but I have to rotate my crops.
I'd love to, but I have to sit up with a sick ant.
I'd love to, but I have to sit up with a sick aunt.
I'd love to, but I have to sort my belly button lint collection...
I'd love to, but I have to sort my belly button lint.
I'd love to, but I have to stay home and see if I snore
I'd love to, but I have to stay home and see if I snore.
I'd love to, but I have to study for a blood test.
I'd love to, but I have to thaw some karate chops for din
I'd love to, but I have to thaw some karate chops for dinner
I'd love to, but I have to thaw some karate chops for dinner.
I'd love to, but I have to work on my cottage cheese sculpture.
I'd love to, but I have too much guilt.
I'd love to, but I left my body in my other clothes.
I'd love to, but I made an appointment with a cuticle spe
I'd love to, but I made an appointment with a cuticle specialist.
I'd love to, but I never go out on days that end in "Y".
I'd love to, but I never go out on days that end in "Y."
I'd love to, but I prefer to remain an enigma.
I'd love to, but I promised to help a friend fold road ma
I'd love to, but I promised to help a friend fold road maps.
I'd love to, but I promised to help a friend refold road maps.
I'd love to, but I think you want the OTHER Frank
I'd love to, but I think you want the OTHER Long.
I'd love to, but I think you want the OTHER Luke.
I'd love to, but I think you want the OTHER Patrick.
I'd love to, but I think you want the OTHER Richard.
I'd love to, but I think you want the OTHER Ricky.
I'd love to, but I think you want the other Name.
I'd love to, but I want to spend more time with my blende
I'd love to, but I want to spend more time with my blender.
I'd love to, but I was getting a round tuit.
I'd love to, but I was out harvesting pineal glands.
I'd love to, but I was putting Visine in my third eye.
I'd love to, but I was putting out my third eye.
I'd love to, but I was watching "this space."
I'd love to, but I was watching Kennedy on MTV.
I'd love to, but I'll be looking for a parking space.
I'd love to, but I'm attending a perfume convention as gu
I'd love to, but I'm attending a perfume convention as guest sniffer.
I'd love to, but I'm attending the opening of my garage d
I'd love to, but I'm attending the opening of my garage door.
I'd love to, but I'm being deported.
I'd love to, but I'm building a pig from a kit.
I'd love to, but I'm converting my calendar from Julian to Gregorian.
I'd love to, but I'm converting my calendar watch from Ju
I'd love to, but I'm doing door--to--door collecting for
I'd love to, but I'm doing door-to-door collecting for static cling.
I'd love to, but I'm enrolled in aerobic scream therapy.
I'd love to, but I'm getting my overalls overhauled.
I'd love to, but I'm giving nuisance lessons at a conveni
I'd love to, but I'm giving nuisance lessons at a convenience store.
I'd love to, but I'm going down to the bakery to watch the buns rise.
I'd love to, but I'm going through cherry cheesecake with
I'd love to, but I'm going through cherry cheesecake withdrawal.
I'd love to, but I'm going to be old someday.
I'd love to, but I'm going to count the bristled in my toothbrush.
I'd love to, but I'm going to count the bristles in my to
I'd love to, but I'm going to count the bristles in my toothbrush.
I'd love to, but I'm gonna to work on my cottage cheese sculpture...
I'd love to, but I'm having all my plants neutered.
I'd love to, but I'm having my baby shoes bronzed.
I'd love to, but I'm home working on my cottage cheese sculpture.
I'd love to, but I'm in training to be a household pest.
I'd love to, but I'm observing National Apathy Week.
I'd love to, but I'm observing National Apathy Week.
I'd love to, but I'm planning to go downtown to try on gl
I'd love to, but I'm planning to go downtown to try on gloves.
I'd love to, but I'm planning to go downtown to try on neckties.
I'd love to, but I'm sandblasting my oven.
I'd love to, but I'm seeing how long I can go without saying yes.
I'd love to, but I'm staying home to work on my cheese sculpture.
I'd love to, but I'm staying home to work on my cottage c
I'd love to, but I'm staying home to work on my cottage cheese sculpture
I'd love to, but I'm stealing all those taglines.
I'd love to, but I'm taking punk totem pole carving.
I'd love to, but I'm teaching my ferret to yodel.
I'd love to, but I'm teaching my ferret to yodel.
I'd love to, but I'm teaching my parrot to yodel.
I'd love to, but I'm too old for that stuff.
I'd love to, but I'm too old for that stuff. <-!!-
I'd love to, but I'm too old/young for that stuff.
I'd love to, but I'm too young for that stuff.
I'd love to, but I'm touring China with a wok band.
I'd love to, but I'm touring China with a wok band.
I'd love to, but I'm trying to be less popular.
I'd love to, but I'm trying to cut down.
I'd love to, but I'm trying to see how long I can go with
I'd love to, but I'm trying to see how long I can go without saying yes.
I'd love to, but I'm uncomfortable when I'm alone or with
I'd love to, but I'm uncomfortable when I'm alone or with others.
I'd love to, but I'm up to my elbows in waxy buildup.
I'd love to, but I'm waiting to see if I'm already a winn
I'd love to, but I'm waiting to see if I'm already a winner.
I'd love to, but I'm working on my cottage cheese sculpture.
I'd love to, but I'm worried about my vertical hold.
I'd love to, but I'm writing a love letter to Jody Foster.
I'd love to, but I'm writing a love letter to Richard Sim
I'd love to, but I'm writing a love letter to Richard Simmons.
I'd love to, but I'm writing a love letter to Richard Sims
I'd love to, but I'm writing a love letter to Tom Hanks.
I'd love to, but I've been scheduled for a karma transpla
I'd love to, but I've been scheduled for a karma transplant.
I'd love to, but I've been traded to Cincinnati.
I'd love to, but I've come down with a horrible case of ______________.
I'd love to, but I've dedicated my life to linguine.
I'd love to, but I've dedicated my life to linguini.
I'd love to, but I've got a Friends of Rutabaga meeting.
I'd love to, but I've left my body in my other clothes.
I'd love to, but It wouldn't be fair to the other Beautif
I'd love to, but It wouldn't be fair to the other Beautiful People.
I'd love to, but It's my parakeet's bowling night.
I'd love to, but Richard Godbee can give you the _real_ reason.
I'd love to, but Star Trek is coming on...
I'd love to, but Star Trek's coming on.
I'd love to, but don't you all make children cry?
I'd love to, but having fun gives me prickly heat.
I'd love to, but it's my parakeet's bowling night!
I'd love to, but it's my parakeet's bowling night.
I'd love to, but it's too close to the turn of the centur
I'd love to, but it's too close to the turn of the century.
I'd love to, but it's too close to the turn or the century.
I'd love to, but my Dress For Obscurity class meets then.
I'd love to, but my Millard Fillmore Fan Club meets then.
I'd love to, but my Millard Filmore Fan Club meets then.
I'd love to, but my bathroom tiles need grouting.
I'd love to, but my bathroom tiles need grouting.
I'd love to, but my chocolate--appreciation class meets t
I'd love to, but my chocolate--appreciation class meets that night.
I'd love to, but my chocolate-appreciation class meets that night.
I'd love to, but my chocolate-appreciation class meets tonight.
I'd love to, but my crayons all melted together.
I'd love to, but my electric monk was in the shop for repairs, and...
I'd love to, but my favorite commercial is on TV.
I'd love to, but my favorite commercial is on TV.
I'd love to, but my favorite commercial will be on TV.
I'd love to, but my mother would never let me hear the en
I'd love to, but my mother would never let me hear the end of it.
I'd love to, but my palm reader advised against it.
I'd love to, but my patent is pending.
I'd love to, but my patent is pending.
I'd love to, but my plot to take over the world is thicke
I'd love to, but my plot to take over the world is thickening.
I'd love to, but my regeneration's starting
I'd love to, but my regeneration's starting...
I'd love to, but my subconcious says no.
I'd love to, but my subconscious says no.
I'd love to, but my uncle escaped again.
I'd love to, but my uncle escaped again.
I'd love to, but my wife would never let me hear the end of it.
I'd love to, but my yucca plant is feeling yucky.
I'd love to, but none of my socks match.
I'd love to, but people are blaming me for the Spanish--A
I'd love to, but people are blaming me for the Spanish--American War.
I'd love to, but the President said he might drop in.
I'd love to, but the President said he might drop in.
I'd love to, but the Prime Directive forbids it.
I'd love to, but the grunion are running.
I'd love to, but the last time I went, I never came back.
I'd love to, but the man on TV told me to say tuned.
I'd love to, but the man on television told me to say tuned.
I'd love to, but the man on television told me to stay tu
I'd love to, but the man on television told me to stay tuned.
I'd love to, but the monsters haven't turned blue yet, and I have to eat
I'd love to, but the shampoo instructions said "Wash, rinse, repeat."
I'd love to, but there are important world issues that ne
I'd love to, but there are world issues that need worrying about.
I'd love to, but there's a disturbance in the Force.
I'd love to, but you know how we psychos are.
I'd love to, butmy chocolate-appreciation class meets that night.
I'd love to... but don't you all make children cry?
I'd much rahter be a kid than have a kid.  -Jennifer Baker
I'd much rather a pitbull 'ride' my leg than eat it.
I'd much rather have a chest to chest session.
I'd never give myself away. I'm too damn valuable!
I'd never rip you're limbs from your body. It'd be your head... -Vhuj
I'd never touch you, Terry. You're dirt - Mike
I'd offer everyone a Twinkie, but I'm not hostes
I'd offer everyone a Twinkie, but I'm not hostess.
I'd open every crack in the Universe and peek inside. - Kes
I'd parachute right into a Mr. Bulky Warehouse - Tom
I'd pick up THAT Tab - Crow on Tab Hunter
I'd post a Pro-Clinton tagline, but there's no ANSI swastika.
I'd post a Pro-Life tagline, but there's no ANSI swastika.
I'd prefer the non-smoking lifeboat, please.
I'd probably be a Christian if it weren't for the Christians.
I'd probably get a lot more women then I'd ever dream about!
I'd procrastinate, but simply can't find the time.
I'd put a curse on you but somebody already beat me to it.
I'd put it on my to-do list,but I can't count that high
I'd quit smoking but everyone hates a quiter.
I'd rather argue with my wife than a moderator.
I'd rather assimilate a Wookie! --Leia of Borg, to Solo.
I'd rather be Morally Correct than Politically Correct.
I'd rather be a ditto-head than a liberal Democrat!
I'd rather be a slave than a corpse.
I'd rather be a smart@$$ than a dumb@$$ any day!
I'd rather be aloft on dragon wings
I'd rather be anatomically correct than politically correct.
I'd rather be anatomically correct than politically so.
I'd rather be anatomically than politically correct!
I'd rather be assimilating   --   Borg Bumper sticker
I'd rather be assimilating - Borg Bumper sticker
I'd rather be at a Comic Book Convention.
I'd rather be at a Star Trek Convention.
I'd rather be bicycling.
I'd rather be crazy than stupid.
I'd rather be eaten by a dragon. - That can be arranged.
I'd rather be eating shampoo than soap!
I'd rather be fishing.
I'd rather be flogging the peasants
I'd rather be flying Stunt Kites...
I'd rather be flying....Have a nice day!
I'd rather be gardening!
I'd rather be immoral than immortal.
I'd rather be inSane Diego!
I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.
I'd rather be lucky than good any day!.
I'd rather be lucky than good anyday!...
I'd rather be monkeywrenching.
I'd rather be nothing.
I'd rather be on a continuing mission.
I'd rather be on the Enterprise!
I'd rather be out of my body and into yours!
I'd rather be out strafing with my F-16..
I'd rather be over the hill than under it!
I'd rather be picking more daisies...
I'd rather be pissed off than pissed on.
I'd rather be playing DOOM ][!
I'd rather be playing Dark Forces!
I'd rather be playing Rebel Assault!
I'd rather be playing SFB (make that.. serving on a Starship...)
I'd rather be playing TIE Fighter!
I'd rather be playing X-Wing!
I'd rather be playing hockey.
I'd rather be programming.
I'd rather be reading Star Wars FIDOmail!
I'd rather be rich than good-looking!
I'd rather be rich than stupid
I'd rather be rich than stupid.
I'd rather be rich!
I'd rather be riding a dragon.
I'd rather be skiing!
I'd rather be squishing tribbles - Klingon Anti-Earth League.
I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six.
I'd rather be ultralight flying..
I'd rather be watching ST:TNG.
I'd rather be watching Star Wars Screen Entertainment!
I'd rather be watching hockey.
I'd rather be watching the hockey game.
I'd rather be with an AN-NEE-MAL...
I'd rather be young and stupid if I had the choice.
I'd rather dance with the cows til you came home.- Groucho Marx
I'd rather date Stacey Coon! - Gyspy sings
I'd rather die as the man I was, than live the life I just saw.-Picard
I'd rather die than give you control - NIN
I'd rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose.
I'd rather go ice fishing, Tom replied coldly.
I'd rather go kiss a Wookie! - Princess Leia
I'd rather have a /root canal.
I'd rather have a 3.5 hard one than a 5.25 floppy one!!
I'd rather have a 3.5" hard one than a 5.25" floppy one
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a pre-frontal lobotomy.
I'd rather have a cup of tea than go to bed with someone - any day.
I'd rather have a dirty mind than be brainwashed.
I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy.
I'd rather have a sip of Tab! -Crow as girl on Tab Hunter
I'd rather have my DNA stripped from me than register Doom!
I'd rather have my tonsils removed through my ears - Garibaldi
I'd rather have this bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy!
I'd rather he was a sewerage attendant or a ratcatcher.
I'd rather hit with a 9mm than miss with a .45!
I'd rather hold it in thanks.
I'd rather kiss a Wookiee! - Leia   I can arrange that! - Solo
I'd rather kiss a Wookiee! - Princess Leia
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints!
I'd rather learn from somebody *else's* mistakes!
I'd rather listen to Bob Dorman speak -Mike on jet scenes
I'd rather look for dead people than have 'em look for me!
I'd rather look for dead people than have 'em look for me.
I'd rather look for dead people than have them look for me.
I'd rather lose my memory than my..ummm...ahhh...never mind.
I'd rather marry a duck-billed platypus...
I'd rather push a Fnord than drive a (insert your own piece of junk)
I'd rather push a Ford than drive a Chevy !
I'd rather push a Ford than drive a Chevy!
I'd rather read the cereal box or eat the book with milk.
I'd rather ride the Wave than wallow in QWKsand!
I'd rather ride the Wave wsOMR way!
I'd rather see Bob Hoskins in that sweater - Mike
I'd rather see Golda Meier in that get-up - Tom
I'd rather sleep with a sex-starved flight-dragon than marry you, Sir!
I'd rather spend a day with a horse than most people I know.-Potter
I'd rather stay lost, than be found with a chip in my ass.
I'd rather suck a cow's udders than play the bagpipes.
I'd rather trust a used car salesman than a lawyer!
I'd rather wait a bit before making that declaration official.
I'd rather watch thirtysomething - Crow
I'd rather wear out than rust out.
I'd read the computer addict echo, but I'd probably get addicted to it.
I'd read your mind, but it only holds one letter at a time.
I'd really like to lay one across your teeth. * Beverly
I'd really like to lay one across your teeth. þ Beverly
I'd really love to break your heart.
I'd recognize your lust for chocolate anywhere.
I'd remember my tagline, but my brain is Swiss Cheesed
I'd resign from the human race, but I can't get my membership fee back
I'd resign from the human race, but I can't get my membership fee back.
I'd resign from the human race, but where do I send my resignation?
I'd ride the Wave than wallow in QWKsand!
I'd run a mile to escape LUTEFISK!
I'd say more, but I've run out of space and time...
I'd say puberty was extremely kind to you - Brain
I'd sell my arms to be ambidextrous.
I'd send you a fish if I could find one.
I'd settle for lies...
I'd shoot Donald Reagan to prove my love for Lisa Foster!
I'd shoot Donald Regan to prove my love for Lisa Foster!
I'd sign a paper certifying you an English sheepdog. - Trap to Klinger
I'd slap you, but I just washed my hands.
I'd slap you, but shit splatters!
I'd slap you, but shit splatters.
I'd sleep with you if I thought it would help.
I'd sooner wield cold steel than yield to hot flesh.
I'd stay with my own kind, but there aren't any!(;->*
I'd strike the Sun if it insulted me.
I'd strongly oppose apathy, if I cared
I'd sure love to send my hips out for a walk. - Col. Blake
I'd take a Bromo, but I can't stand the noise.
I'd talk longer, but you're not as interesting as I am.
I'd tell ya a fishing story but ya can't see my hands.....
I'd tell you more more, but you might blush.
I'd tell you the meaning of Life, but it won't fit in this tagline!
I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
I'd think twice about using this Tagline.
I'd trade it all to be a human - Data
I'd trust Rush Limbaugh with my daughter, but not with my son.
I'd try snow skiing, but I'm already going downhill way too fast!
I'd use a tagline if I could think of one.
I'd walk a mile to smoke Joe Camel.
I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles.
I'd walk miles to see your smiles... uh... kilometres to see your thermometers
I'd walk miles to see your smiles... uh... kilometres to see your thermometers!
I'd walk over you to see the Who.
I'd walk the streets but you've only got one. Field...Murphy's Romance
I'd wear a wool sweater without a t-shirt - Joel
I'd whistle while I work, but all I know are happy songs.
I'd've had you out of that dress.-Frank I'm not that easy!-Klinger
I'de enjoy the ride, If I knew what it was?
I'de write more, but it'de take HOURS.
I'll :* kill your :* cat if he keeps :* sleeping on my :* :* computer!
I'll Always Be A Wimp! - Ren
I'll Be Mellow When I'm Dead.
I'll Buy *THAT* for a Dollar!!
I'll Dip you in honey and throw you to the lesbians.
I'll Forgive Jane Fonda, when Jews forgive Hitler!!!
I'll Have To Think Twice Before I Give It A Second Thought!
I'll Kill you if you ever call me violent again!
I'll Meet You Here, by 'Ron Day Vu'
I'll Meet You on Venus After Cryin' In My Beer.
I'll NEVER give up, I KNOW they are out there somewhere.
I'll Quit My Bad Habits.   I've A Bad Habit Of Saying That!
I'll accept your opinion for what it's worth. You owe me $10!
I'll admit it. I'm a tagline junkie.
I'll admit that the boss made me what I am today... depressed.
I'll admit that the boss made me what I and today... depressed.
I'll agree with you for as long as I can see your tits
I'll answer any ten questions, that call for a Yes, or a No. AGT
I'll assimilate the Taglines later. ...Thanks, Sean!
I'll baby sit the wet, bloody, stinky Remedy - Mike
I'll backup my Hard Drive tomor*(&^)*98&^^...
I'll bare with you anytime...your place or mine?
I'll be .BAK
I'll be 28 in 2 weeks (nearly 30, sh*t!). Thanks for the compliments.
I'll be Bach. - Johann Sebastian Schwarzenegger
I'll be Bach.- Johann Sebastian Schwarzenegger
I'll be Delmar the Elfen King - Mike
I'll be an aeroplane buzzing, if you'll bring your blue sky back.
I'll be back in a GIF!
I'll be back. - Klinger. I'll be here. - Potter.
I'll be back... maybe!
I'll be better after I shave my tongue. - Hawkeye
I'll be dazzled by your weathered features - Crow T. Robot
I'll be dead at 39, no matter how many years I have to be 39!
I'll be dead cuz he killed me - Mike
I'll be dying for you sins and aiding to the cause -- NIN
I'll be dying for you sins and aiding to the cause.
I'll be dying for your sins, and aiding to the cause - NIN
I'll be gentle honey...I promise...
I'll be gone, like a Greyhound Down the Road!!
I'll be good, you'll see, take this tagline away!
I'll be happy to explain it..if it's too hard to comprehend.
I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats
I'll be in OR if my legs get me that far. - Col. Potter
I'll be in and out in and hour. What could go wrong? - Sheridan
I'll be in my ready room - Mike as prince walks away
I'll be kicked to death by little red spiders!
I'll be learning Windows, too, I guess ...
I'll be looking forward to your report, Mr. Broccoli - Picard
I'll be lost in the ozone for a while.
I'll be mellow when I'm dead. For now, let us PARTY!
I'll be mellow when I'm dead. For now.......Let's Party!
I'll be normal when I'm dead!
I'll be on vacation for about 10 days, so this may take a while.
I'll be on you like stink on shit.
I'll be praying for you!
I'll be right there and then we'll get into a cuddle.
I'll be the death of you yet!
I'll be the one with the khaki rose in my teeth. - Hawkeye
I'll be there with $20 in my pants and 3 aces up my sleeve.-Freedman
I'll be there! (Notty-notty-not.) - Homer
I'll be to work as soon as I finish my mail packet.
I'll be unstopable when I get started...
I'll be up just after this next mes-.'.. NO CARRIER
I'll be wearing this sexy freudian-slip!
I'll be with you in a nano second.
I'll be your Beast if you'll be my BEAUTY!!!
I'll become immortal even if it kills me!
I'll believe in god as soon as he smacks me in the head!
I'll believe it, when I believe it.
I'll bet I don't have a gambling problem.
I'll bet Mel Tillis could do a mean Porky Pig.
I'll bet Vulcans find taglines illogical.
I'll bet you think this tagline's about you.
I'll bet you're wondering who wrote this quote.
I'll bite your legs off!
I'll bite your legs off! - Black Knight
I'll bite!  What, think I'm kidding.  silly fool, you!
I'll brief you at 0900. - Richard Franklin
I'll bring my glasses and my shoes, so I will have them.
I'll brook no denial.
I'll build your dreams with these two hands.
I'll burp in your mouth - Tom as girl asks for a kiss
I'll burst into flames on a warm summer day...
I'll buy @FN@ a funeral plot if he moves right in.
I'll buy American products, but only QUALITY American Products.
I'll buy THAT for a dollar.
I'll buy you a funeral plot, if you'll move right in.
I'll buy you a funeral plot...IF you move right in!
I'll byte your bits if you'll nibble my words
I'll byte your bits if you'll nibble my words.
I'll byte your bits if you'll nybble my words
I'll call Burt Ward. I know he's not busy - Mike
I'll call Spaceballs City and tell President Skroob immediately.
I'll call it the James Kirk Memorial Brothel * Scotty
I'll call you back, my call-waiting's beeping!
I'll call you the next time I pass through your star system. -Riker
I'll call...and may the Lord have mercy on my cards. - Fr. Mulcahy
I'll carry you & you carry me - Tom to Crow
I'll catch you over at Rosie's after carnage!
I'll check the script - Crow as cop reads report
I'll clean the chimney, Tom said fluently.
I'll come to bed as soon as I finish sorting these.
I'll come to bed in a minute dear.. type, type, type.
I'll consider Windows useful as soon as I grow a 3rd arm.
I'll consider Windows useful as soon as I grow a third arm.
I'll consider Windoze useful when I grow a third arm!
I'll contact my people and have them contact their people.
I'll control my OWN guns, thank you.
I'll control my own guns, thank you very much.
I'll corroborate that again, Tom reproved.
I'll cross my heard I'll hope to die.
I'll cross my heard i'll hope to die -- NIN
I'll cry tomorrow, cuz I'm too busy living tonight.
I'll cry tomorrow, just as soon as my heart can find the time.
I'll cut my OWN hair, said Tom barbarically.
I'll cut you to ribbons! said Tom mincingly.
I'll dangle my participle anywhere I want to!
I'll deal with today tommorrow.
I'll defend to the death your right to my opinion.
I'll disinfect this by wiping it in my armpit - Tom
I'll distract 'em by letting 'em assault me - Crow
I'll do anything for chocolate!
I'll do anything to lose EXCEPT diet or exercise!
I'll do it in a minute.
I'll do it tomorrow -- I've made enough mistakes today!
I'll do it tomorrow, quit calling me a procrastinator!
I'll do it tomorrow, quite calling me a procrastinator!
I'll do it when I get around to it...what *is* a round tuit?
I'll do it when I remember what it was!
I'll do just about anything to sell this script!
I'll do what I always do:  Improvise.
I'll do you for that! -- The Black Knight
I'll do your physical. I'm used to autopsies. - Hawkeye to Trapper
I'll drink 2 of what the man on the floor is having
I'll drink to that!
I'll drink to that. And that. And that. And that.
I'll drink two of what the gentleman on the floor is having.
I'll drink two of what the man on the floor is having..
I'll drive you crazy, but you're paying for gas!
I'll drive you crazy, but you're paying for gas...
I'll drive you crazy, but you're paying for the gas!
I'll eat ANYTHING that's BRIGHT BLUE!!
I'll eat anything that's BRIGHT BLUE!!
I'll eat natural foods when folk start charging natural prices.
I'll eat natural foods when folks quit dying natural deaths.
I'll eat you for lunch any day.
I'll even get down on my knees...
I'll excise the bunion, Tom said callously.
I'll excuse the mess. I know @FN@ lives here.
I'll explain sometime when we're not getting shot at.
I'll feed your head with bread / and paint your lips bright red
I'll find you boots so fast it'll make your feet spin. - Sgt. Zale
I'll frame Rocky & get away scott-free! - Crow sings
I'll get a life when the last tagline is written...
I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead.
I'll get around to avoiding you later, Frank. - Hoolihan
I'll get back to him."
I'll get it done NEXT week...for sure. . . .Maybe!
I'll get it!!  It's probably a few of my Italian girlfriends!!
I'll get it, said Earl E. Byrd warmly. -John Foster
I'll get my attention in a way that will not fail.
I'll get my own breakfast, thank you. - Lister
I'll get my political satire from Doonesbury.
I'll get to it on the 2nd Tuesday of next week.
I'll get to it on the 2nd Tuesday of next week.
I'll get to it promptly on the second Tuesday of next week.
I'll get you Dorothy. . . and your little dog, too!
I'll get you a receipt. --Garibaldi.
I'll get you a receit. - Garibaldi
I'll get you for this, Joel! - Dr. Forrester
I'll get you if its the last thing I ever do!!! - Keepers
I'll get you my pretty,  and your little dog too!
I'll get you my pretty, and that damn dog too!
I'll get you my pretty, and your lawyer too!
I'll get you my pretty... and your little Nog, too!
I'll get you next time, Whiplash! said Tom snidely.
I'll get you out of prison in no time, said Tom balefully.
I'll get you yet, you kwazy wabbit !
I'll get you, my pretty ... and your little dog, too!
I'll get you, my pretty! And your little Neelix, too!
I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!
I'll get you, my pretty...and your little Nog, too!
I'll get you, you little Ferengi, and your little dog too!
I'll give up my guns when the Pope's wife takes the pill!!
I'll give ya three guesses, and the first two don't count.
I'll give you $1,000,000--FREE! Call 1-800-627-%GTvfnS2 NO CARRIER
I'll give you 3 seconds to stop licking my face - Dr. F
I'll give you 99.999975 reasons why NOT to buy a Pentium!
I'll give you a Klondike bar... [*] Red Alert!  Prepare to Destroy Earth
I'll give you a call on the impact string. - Major Kira
I'll give you a cuddle every evening till the mourn.
I'll give you a definite maybe.
I'll give you an involuntary reflex. - Pesto
I'll give you anything, ev'rything if  you want things.
I'll give you fish.  I'll give you candy.
I'll give your love to your mother and your sisters. - Richard Franklin
I'll gladly eat my words, if you write them in chocolate.
I'll glue the sheets of wood back together, Tom replied.
I'll go crush grape jelly in my neck until the cows come home.
I'll go get the stick, said Tom fetchingly.
I'll go metric but not Celsius; 32 degrees can't be a nice day!
I'll go metric but not Celsius; I can't sweat at 40 degrees!
I'll go on a diet tomorrow, but I gotta eat tonight!
I'll go out with you...as long as you're buying the drinks.
I'll go see if TV's Frank is here - TV's Frank to thug
I'll go through my collection and add a few more later! :)
I'll go to Heaven, because I've lived in Connecticut.
I'll go to Heaven, because I've lived in Detroit.
I'll go with the wind, I'll stand in the light.
I'll haff the Eastern portion of your Vestern sandvich...
I'll handle that myself, thank you!
I'll have Spam, Spam, Eggs, and Spam.
I'll have Spam, Spam, Spam, Bacon, Sausage, and Spam!
I'll have a Clown Burger & some fries-Crow to voodoo girl
I'll have a Dick Ruben, hold the sour kraut - Crow
I'll have a Koors, Komrade.
I'll have a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
I'll have a bash.
I'll have a beer, and get a Bloody Mary for my friend @TOFIRST@.
I'll have a beer, and get a Bloody Mary for my friend Gary.
I'll have a beer, and get a Bloody Mary for my friend Janier.
I'll have a beer, and get a Bloody Mary for my friend Orville.
I'll have a beer, and get a Bloody Mary for my friend.
I'll have a brain on drugs with a side of bacon and some toast.
I'll have a crocodile sandwich, and make it snappy!
I'll have a grenade, thank you. I wanna play fetch with the dog!
I'll have a hot dog, said Tom frankly.
I'll have a large coffee and a Valium, please.
I'll have a lick of calorie reduced Maggie.....
I'll have a nice day when I bloody well feel like it.
I'll have a nice day when I'm dam*ed well ready!
I'll have a prefrontal lobotomy please.
I'll have a scoop of taglines 'n' cream
I'll have a slice without so much rat in it.
I'll have a spotted owl burger in a styrofoam box please
I'll have another piece of meat, Tom revealed.
I'll have her fill some potholes - Mike
I'll have my steak scrambled and my eggs medium rare, please.
I'll have one Brain On Drugs with bacon, toast, and orange juice.
I'll have one brain on drugs with a side order of bacon, please.
I'll have one brain on drugs with bacon and toast.
I'll have one brain on drugs with bacon, toast and coffee
I'll have one brain on drugs with bacon, toast and juice.
I'll have one brain on drugs with bacon, toast, spam and spam.
I'll have one brain on drugs with bacon, toast, spam, spam and spam.
I'll have one brain on drugs with coffee, juice, and toast.
I'll have one brain on drugs, bacon and a side order of home fries.
I'll have one brain on drugs, toast, and grapefruit juice!
I'll have one brain on drugs, with bacon, toast, and juice.
I'll have red wine with my roadkill, Tom said flatly.
I'll have some more mashed potatoes and gravy.
I'll have spam, spam, a spatula, and spam.
I'll have ten chocolate sundaes  -  I'm in a really bad mood.
I'll have that brain on drugs, with toast and juice.
I'll have the Bobbitt Taglines available for <PVT> postings.
I'll have the Bobbitt Taglines available.
I'll have the Turtle Soup, and make it snappy.
I'll have the Turtle Soup....and make it snappy!
I'll have the bills ready the day after I'm inaugurated. Clinton 6-92.
I'll have the dark bread, said Tom wryly.
I'll have the dead unjugged rabbitfish, then.
I'll have the popcorn, hot dog, fries, and a side order of grease.
I'll have the same as what the woman on the floor had!
I'll have the soup. I'll have the cleavage, Err, the special.
I'll have this one, one more and another
I'll have to change your grade, Tom's teacher remarked
I'll have to convert to floating point, Tom realized.
I'll have to pass...
I'll have to take the telegrapher's test again, said Tom remorsefully.
I'll have to think twice before I give it a second thought.
I'll have two brains on drugs and an orange juice.
I'll have two brains on drugs with bacon, toast and juice.
I'll have two brains on drugs, bacon, toast and coffee.
I'll have two brains on drugs, over easy, side of toast, please.
I'll have two brains on drugs, toast, and coffee.
I'll have two large breasts and fairly wide hips, thank you.
I'll have what the gal on the floor is drinking.
I'll have what the gentleman on the floor had.
I'll have what the gentleman on the floor is drinking. ---
I'll have what the gentleman on the floor is having.
I'll have what the gentleman on the floor is having.
I'll have what the guy in the ambulance had...
I'll have what the guy in the casket had.
I'll have what the guy on the floor is having.
I'll have what the guy on the floor's having.
I'll have whatever that man on the floor was drinking.
I'll have whatever the gentleman on the floor was having......
I'll have you ejected into space! - Troi
I'll heal your wounds, I'll set you free. I'm Jesus Christ on Extasy!
I'll hit anyone who calls me violent.
I'll hit the brakes -- he'll fly right by!
I'll hit you so hard you 'll have to take off your shoes to shit!
I'll hit you so hard you'll have to unzip your pants to say hi!
I'll hit you so hard your kids will be born dizzy!
I'll hit you so hard your wife will fall!
I'll hit you so hard, you'll starve to death doing cartwheels!
I'll hitch hike if I have to!...
I'll hold him down, you kick him in the face!
I'll hold him while you kiss it.
I'll ignore that jealousy-inspired wisecrack. - Margaret
I'll jump off that bridge when I come to it.
I'll just BET that I don't have a gambling problem.
I'll just adopt this Tagline..Ooops.<<<BEEPBEEPBEEPBEE
I'll just assign my modem to a different comm port - Crow
I'll just cancel the film on athlete's foot. - Col. Henry Blake
I'll just keep making wry comments - Mike as Robt.Reed
I'll just nip off and shoot myself. Don't worry, it'll be very humane.
I'll just nip out and shoot myself.
I'll just push the button for the stimulator - I mean elevator!
I'll just reverse the polarity of the neutron flow. -- The Doctor
I'll just say good night, and show myself to the door.
I'll just set the ol' phaser on `Emasculate'. - Opus
I'll just sit back and smirk smugly now
I'll just sit here and knit something. - Ivanova.
I'll just sit tight until I hear from you again.
I'll just stand here & guard the end of the movie - Mike
I'll just staple this note to my backup diskette...
I'll just steal this Tagline..Ooops.<<<BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBE
I'll just use the bubbler -  Crow
I'll keep a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors...(Fish)
I'll keep all your info in mind as I look for mine.
I'll keep hold of several species or perspire trying! - Mutant Raccoon
I'll keep the pedal to the floor 'til we see the morning light.
I'll keep these names in mind while I'm searching.
I'll keep walking & eventually they'll stop filming -Mike
I'll kick your AS-CII anyday!
I'll kill you before you even touch that gun, Funboy.
I'll leave your job to you from now on.
I'll let anyone borrow my lawnmower as long as they keep it in my yard
I'll let you have the last word if you guarantee it will BE your last!
I'll let you know how it works after I switch it.
I'll let you play with mine if I can play with yours
I'll listen to reason only when it comes out on CD.
I'll listen to the Pope, when the RC's ditch the pedophiles.
I'll live forever or die trying.
I'll live forever.  Or die trying.
I'll love you with every beat of my heart, I swear!
I'll make it so simple, even a Vulcan can understand. -Quark
I'll make love to you in narrow side streets...
I'll make love with you all night, thrusting like a ram. -de Lassus
I'll make you famous.
I'll make you famous....
I'll match your tagline and raise you one, come on, chicken?
I'll miss my duplicate Taglines, but I removed them.
I'll miss my neo-Renaissance lifestyle - Crow
I'll mix metaphors until the cows come home to roost!
I'll moider da first bum who says I'm violent.
I'll murder that Lennon.
I'll nay help ye commit murder! - Duncan MacLeod
I'll need only three of my houses, said Tom forebodingly.
I'll need several beers before tackling the IRQ changes.
I'll need some information first.
I'll never be impaled by my own rack - Mike
I'll never forget Bob what's-his-name.
I'll never forget Pat what's-his-name.
I'll never forget Ummm, ....What's-Her-Name?
I'll never forget good 'ol what's-his-name!
I'll never forget good o'l what's-her-name
I'll never forget good o'l what's-her-name.
I'll never forget good o'l what's-his-name
I'll never forget good ol' what's-her-name.
I'll never forget good ol' what's-his-name.
I'll never forget our wedding.  I've tried, but my wife won't let me.
I'll never forget the 1st time I ran Windows, but I'm trying
I'll never forget the 1st time I ran Windows, but I'm trying...
I'll never forget the first time I ran Windows, but I'm trying!
I'll never forget the... uhh... the... never mind!
I'll never forget the....uhh...the...never mind!
I'll never forget what's-his-name.
I'll never forget you -- you're too weird.
I'll never forget you Orville- you're too weird.
I'll never get off this planet.
I'll never go to Hell.  Satan wouldn't allow such competition.
I'll never let you live this down, @FN@!
I'll never see myself in the mirror with my eyes closed.
I'll never suck Satan's dick...
I'll never take my mom's car out again until I can do it legally.
I'll never understand the humanoid need to couple. - Odo
I'll never understand the humanoid need to.. couple.
I'll never understand the opposite sex...I'm having fun trying!
I'll never use that brand of detergent again, said Tom woebetidedly.
I'll never wiggle my bare butt in public again. - Homer
I'll never, ever forgive you, without exceptional bribes... -Alyx
I'll nibble if you'll byte.
I'll not go back in archives to review the evolution.
I'll not sell my land!   It's my life!    Paul Muni
I'll note you in my book of memories.
I'll notify your next of kin. - Cmdr. Sinclair
I'll notify your next of kin. --Sinclair.
I'll nybble if you'll byte.
I'll obey you like a slave - Tom
I'll only bite if you want me to!
I'll only say this once... That's PervECT! - Aahz
I'll panic if I bloody well want to!
I'll panic if I bloody well want to.
I'll pants 'em but I won't brief 'em - Crow
I'll pay off that customs official, said Tom dutifully.
I'll play fair as long as I get to make the rules!
I'll play fair if I get to make up the rules.
I'll play fair if I get to make up the rules.  -- Q
I'll play far if I get to make up the rules.  -Q
I'll play with it first and tell you what it is later.
I'll poke a hole right here. o - Springheel Jack
I'll poke your eye out with this thing...
I'll procrastinate...tomorrow.
I'll provide the prisoner with getaway footwear, said Tom consolingly.
I'll put an end to this little naughty voyeurism - Dr. F
I'll put down five....or so....that *I* think are cute!  Hope you enjoy!
I'll put new stuffing in that old settee, said Tom fill-a-sofa-cally.
I'll put you in my twit filter if you'll put me in yours.
I'll race you to China.  You can have a head start.  Ready, set, GO!
I'll read you 'The Very Hungry Caterpiller' - Mike
I'll remove the cause, but not the Simpsons!
I'll remove the cause, but not the symptom.
I'll reply later, I seem to be gagging on my finger right now.
I'll respect animal rights if they sign the Constitution.
I'll respect the rights of animals when animals respect mine.
I'll rest when I'm dead. Right now, let's PARTY!
I'll rest when I'm dead. Right now, let's love!
I'll save you the time. They're all dead - Mike
I'll see YOU in the Arena.
I'll see if I can ferret out a few.
I'll see if I can get the Klingon's attention -Adm. Riker
I'll see thee hanged on Sunday first..
I'll see what I have in my database.
I'll see you again when the stars fall from the sky -U2
I'll see you around, Michael Garibaldi. Nice butt - Dodger
I'll see you in hell before I'd do that. ~ Ro
I'll see you in hell before I'd do that. þ Ro
I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon. - Pink Floyd
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon..
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon...
I'll see your 2 taglines and raise you another.
I'll see your 350 SD70 MAC's and raise you 500 C44-9's
I'll see your pout and raise you a snit.
I'll sell you a pointy head polisher. Nah, you *need* it more than me.
I'll sell you an old pointy head polisher for $39.95! <g>
I'll send more your way at another time, Susan.   Hope you like these.
I'll send you a singing Barneygram for your birthday.
I'll serve your dinner as soon as the smoke clears.
I'll set my mertilizer on "deep fat fry" - Spaceman Spiff
I'll settle in with some Erma Bombeck - Mike as villain
I'll show YOU who's the !#@$ Tomcat around here! - UC Mark D
I'll show them what one screwball can do! - Marge
I'll show you MY fax number if you show me YOURS
I'll show you MY fax number if you show me YOURS...
I'll show you MY telex number if you show me YOURS...
I'll show you amateurs how to put on a party. - Col. Blake
I'll show you balls! - Dr. Forrester
I'll show you mine if you show me yours...I mean your tagline!
I'll show you mine..if you promise to touch it
I'll show you yours if you show me mine.
I'll signal 'em w/my deoderant - Crow as guy w/flair
I'll slay thee, foul maiden, and rescue yon fair dragon. Ah Whoopsie!
I'll slay thee, foul maiden, and rescue yon fair dragon... Oops!
I'll slay thee, foul maiden, and rescue yon fair dragon...Ah Whoopsie!
I'll slay thee, foul maiden, and rescue yon fair dragonOops!
I'll sleep in the afterlife.
I'll sleep when I'm dead.
I'll smack your little booty!
I'll smack your little botty!
I'll smoke face down on my polyester sheet - Tom as girl
I'll smoke when the pope's wife takes the pill.
I'll snap your bra! I will! - Tom as girls wrestle
I'll spring that sweet mother of mine - Tom sings
I'll stake my semi-professional reputation - Mike
I'll stand now...there - Crow T. Robot as wooden sounding man
I'll stand now...there - Crow as wooden sounding man
I'll stay bland - Crow
I'll stay here and clean up the blood.
I'll still be there... when you make it to the other side... (Brian May)
I'll stuff that old settee, said Tom philisophically.[fill-a-sofa-cally]
I'll switch the bed off and go to computer now.
I'll take "Famous Taglines" for 1000, Alex.
I'll take "Outer Planets" for $100 - Calvin
I'll take "Things that only *I* know" for $1000, Alex.
I'll take 'Famous Barlows' for $1000, Alex.
I'll take 'Famous Bullitt' for $1000, Alex.
I'll take 'Famous Bullitts' for $1000, Alex.
I'll take 'Famous Orville' for 1000, Alex.
I'll take 'Famous Swicks' for $1000, Alex.
I'll take 'Famous Taglines' for $1,000, Alex.
I'll take 'Famous Turkowskis' for $1000, Alex.
I'll take 'Famous recipes' for $1,000, Alex.
I'll take 'Taglines that make you go "Hmmm?" for 300.
I'll take 'Things Only People on Jeopardy Know' for 200, Alex.  -SLR
I'll take 'Things only I know' for $1,000, Alex
I'll take @S@ for $500, Alec.
I'll take Door #3, Monty
I'll take Kirstie Alley in pointed ears any day!
I'll take Memories for $1000, Alex.      Scott Brady
I'll take Memories for $800, Alex.
I'll take `Famous Taglines' for 1000, Alex.
I'll take `Famous recipes' for 1000, Alex.
I'll take a busch and a beer!
I'll take a firm stand, if I have to
I'll take any tags you got!  MoRE, mORe, MORE!!!mwuhahaha
I'll take anything from my family no matter how bad it smells. - BJ
I'll take famous taglines for 1000, Alex...
I'll take it! I want it! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! - Tom
I'll take lemonade...in a dirty glass. -- Bob Hope
I'll take my chances. - Richie Ryan
I'll take that, said Tom appropriately.
I'll take the 15 lashes if you will dust in the dungeon.
I'll take the bed, Kira gets the couch, Odo can have the sink.
I'll take the bed, Kira gets the couch, Odo the sink.
I'll take the bed, Kira the couch... Odo the sink.
I'll take the girl to the dance, Tom promised.
I'll take the little darlings anyway.
I'll take the nurses. - Hoolihan. Save a couple for me. - Hawk
I'll take this bra, the woman said upliftingly.
I'll take tuna on rye, hold the mercury.
I'll take you and make you everything you've ever dreamed
I'll talk to you later and hope to see you there if possible.
I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs! - Stinky Wizzleteats
I'll tell you about it later choked Zaphod as all three passed out.
I'll tell you about my mother!
I'll tell you anything but my name, rank, and serial number.
I'll tell you if we find any microfilm in his bladder.-Hawk to Flagg
I'll tell you my real name! "It's P-Chan." That's right!
I'll tell you now that grown men cry, and Irish girls are pretty.
I'll tell you one fact - it may be rather boring but it's interesting.
I'll tell you this once -- It never happened -- Tasha
I'll tell you what I'll give you a Million mosquitoes for each tagline..
I'll tell you what simple is! `Dead' is simple!  - Amanda
I'll tell you what's the matter!  This parrot is dead!
I'll tell you what's wrong with him, he's dead, that's whats wrong...
I'll tell you what's wrong with it - It's DEAD!!!
I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad.  It's dead!
I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. It's dead!
I'll tempt Adam tonight, the woman said evilly.
I'll thank you NOT to touch my butt! - Crow
I'll think of her name...Oh, yeah: PLAINTIFF!
I'll think we'll lose the pins, though - Mike on voodoo
I'll throw pasta at 'em - Crow as punky teen
I'll top the cake with sugar, Tom said icily.
I'll top the cake with sugar, she said icily.
I'll trade some tat for one of those.
I'll trade you a Federal Reserve Note, for a Confederate Dollar!
I'll trade you my Erg Raiders for your Steel Death Dragon.
I'll trade you two red M&Ms for one green one!
I'll try almost anything once... If you ask nicely!
I'll try and dig it up for you, Tom said gravely.
I'll try anything just once too often.
I'll try anything once too often
I'll try anything once too often.
I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, 3 times to make sure.
I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure.
I'll try anything twice! (Once, if it kills me!).
I'll try not to get you mad at me.
I'll try to be more positive, but I won't be good at it.
I'll try to contain my disappointment.
I'll try to dig up a couple of friends, said Tom gravely.
I'll try to get bail & I'll drive up to jail - Tom sings
I'll use Windoze when the NRA endorses gun control . . .
I'll use my camera if I want to, Tom snapped.
I'll vote for Clinton....to be president of Somalia.
I'll wait here and smirk - Mike
I'll wait out here. - Dot
I'll wait till your love comes down. - Van Halen
I'll walk you in the morning sunshine..
I'll watch some TV. It'll help me to RELAX! -- Ren Hoek
I'll we there. --Winters.
I'll wear robes, Charlton Heston said prophetically.
I'll wear something drab. You'll be proud of me. - Klinger
I'll win a Tony one day - Mike as the Devil
I'll worry about it tomorrow. - S. O'Hara
I'll wound your inner child. Then I'll kick your ass! -Beavis
I'll write more later...brain dead today <sigh>....
I'll write my tombstone - Here lies Blackadder and he's bloody annoyed
I'll write no Tagline before its time.
I'll write no line before its time!
I'll write no recipe before its time.
I'll || gather || my || thoughts, Tom concatenated.
I'm  A  Creature  Of  Habit ..... All  The  Bad  Ones..
I'm  fo usMM -it0anywaS0VIOLET  Roses are red, violets are ANYWAY  Ta
I'm #15 - may I inspect your pants?
I'm #TN#.  I'm here to rescue you.
I'm * Klingon and * Tribble...I'm a kibble!
I'm *NOT* 30... I am 20 with 10 years experience!
I'm *NOT* a homonecropheliac, said Tom in dead Earnest.
I'm *NOT* stupid, I'm *NOT* expendable, and I'm *NOT* going!
I'm *always* pleased to hear from a happy client!
I'm *not* a homonecropheliac!, said Tom in dead Earnest.
I'm *not* a homonecropheliac!, said Tom in dead Ernest.
I'm *not* a homonecrophiliac!, said Tom in dead earnest.
I'm *not* losing my hair...I'm growing a solar panel  ;*)
I'm *not* obsessive-compulsive...I just like to eat clockwise.....
I'm *not* paranoid! (Who wants to know?)
I'm *positive* Rush Limbaugh is an idiot!
I'm *still* waiting to see Julia Child prepare roast roadkill.
I'm 1/2 Klingon and 1/2 tribble...I'm a kibble!
I'm 10 feet tall and bulletproof
I'm 32, when you hit the big THREE-OHH they make a big deal about it.
I'm 33 years old and I'm living like a nun!   Field...Murphy's Romance
I'm 51% nice guy and 49% prick.  Don't push it!
I'm 80% sure about that, but I'm only 63% sure about the 80%
I'm @N@. I'm here to rescue you.
I'm A Grimwold Warrior! - Crow
I'm ANN LANDERS!!  I CAN shoplift!!
I'm Ace of Borg you will be assimilated forget that where's my nitro?
I'm Adam. This is my spare rib, Eve.
I'm Al Capone, I can do anything.
I'm Andrew Dice of Borg. Assimilate this !!
I'm Anti-Abortion, but Pro-Choice.
I'm Arnold Shwarzenegger's Twin Brother!
I'm Attracted to Unrepentant Homosexuals.
I'm Audrey Seddon for Sickbay 6; we'll leave the doctor on for ya.
I'm BETAzoid.  See?  Here's the tape...
I'm BRUCIE of Borg -  I'm going to ASSimilate you!
I'm BUSY! --Hercules
I'm Barney of Borg. I love you! I want to assimilate you!
I'm Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as<BELCH!>.
I'm Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as<BELCH!<.
I'm Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as<BELCH>!
I'm Barney of Borg: Today we learned that resistance is useless.
I'm Barney's evil twin brother!
I'm Bart Allen, who the hell are you?
I'm Bart Simpson of Borg, who the hell are you?
I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you? --Bart Simpson.
I'm Bat Guano - Crow as cheesy flying alien
I'm Batman - Crow as Adam West
I'm Beakman of Borg: Resistance is a scientific impossibility.
I'm Beakman of Borg: Resistance is scientifically proven irrelevant.
I'm Beakman of Borg: Resistance is scientifically unfeasible.
I'm BeetleJuice... the Ghostis with the Mostist!
I'm Beverly , I'm Geordi , We are Hugh...
I'm Bi! When I can't get it- I Buy it!
I'm Blinking Spirit of Borg: Resistance is <plink>
I'm Blonde.  Jane Blonde.  0069 and licensed to kill you with sex.
I'm Bob from Marketing - Crow as hero greets guy
I'm Bobby of Borg Hey, Pesto, quit assimilatin' on Squit!!
I'm Borg of Russia. Why won't these rubles assimilate?
I'm Borg. James Borg.
I'm Boy George.  Oh, and I'm Penguin Opus! - Bloom County
I'm Brain of Borg, "Tonight we shall assimilate the world!"
I'm Brainy Borg, and Papa Borg says resistance is futile!
I'm Breaking All The Rules..
I'm Broad-Minded; I can hardly think of anything else!
I'm Bubba of Borg.  Y'all fixin' to be assimilated.
I'm Bubba of Borg.  Yer pickup 'n dawgs'll be 'similated.
I'm Buffy of Borg, prepare to be, like, totally assimiliated!
I'm Bugs Bunny of Borg, Nyah, what's up collective?
I'm Bugs Bunny of Borg.  What's up Collective?
I'm Buster Brown and I live in a shoe!
I'm Butt-Head of Borg.  Resistance is fertile and stuff...huh huh...
I'm Butt-Head of Borg. Resistance SUCKS! Huh huhhuh huh.
I'm Butt-Head of Borg...prepare to be decapitated...or something...
I'm Butt-Head of Borg...prepare to be decrapitated...or something...
I'm Butthead of Borg. Assimilation is cool! Heh, heh heh.
I'm Buy-sexual, I have to pay for it.
I'm Buy-sexual, I have to pay for it.
I'm CHKDSK of Borg. Assimilate lost clusters (Y/Y)
I'm CONNOR MacLeod...same clan...different vintage
I'm Canadian but I refuse to end my sentences with "eh", y'know!
I'm Capt. Crane of the USS Bozeman.  Give me a beer Sam.
I'm Captain Crane and this is my 1st office Cmdr. Claven.
I'm Charles Lindbergh! Wheeee! - Tom as kid steals plane
I'm Cherokee Jack! - Mike mocks cheesy character
I'm Chevy of Borg, and you're not!
I'm Chirpy the mutant hell-beast - Crow T. Robot
I'm Clinton of Borg.  I'll only assimilate the rich.
I'm Count De La Pain - Mike
I'm Crazy but not Stupid.. I think.
I'm Crazy but not Stupid.. I think...
I'm Crazy fo' Lovin' ya'....
I'm Crazy for Loving you....
I'm Cthulhu of Borg, and you are in some SERIOUS trouble.
I'm Curly Borg!  You will be assimilated, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
I'm Curly of Borg - Assimilate this Moe! <nyuk, nyuk>
I'm DISKcombabulated.
I'm DOS-free: never had it, never will.
I'm Dairy Council intollerant - Crow
I'm Dax, your Drill Trill.  Want to slug it out?
I'm Deaf, not stupid!
I'm Decker of Borg.  You haven't the authority to resist me.
I'm Doctor Huge Throbbing Monster!
I'm Don Pepperoni, the God Father -GF Can we call you dad-do? - Dot
I'm Don Pepperoni, the Pizza God Father
I'm Dot of Borg:Being cute is irrelevant.
I'm Doughy Man! - TV's Frank
I'm Dr.Sigmund Freud of Borg....You were Assimilated as a child !!
I'm Drill Sergeant Crow T. Robot - Crow
I'm Dy'in, I'm Dy'in - Stimpy's Pet Fly, Ralph.
I'm Dy'in, I'm Dy'in - Stimpy's Pet Fly.
I'm Earl Schieb of Borg. I'll assimilate any car for $79.
I'm Elmer Fudd of Bowg... Be vewy vwey quwiet!
I'm Enterprise the 8th I am, Enterprise the 8th I am I am.
I'm Fine: Howard Yu
I'm Frank & Earnest with my women. In NY I'm Frank. In LA I'm Earnest.
I'm French!  Why do you think I have this outrageous accent?
I'm Friar Bud, brother of Friar Tuck....have a beer!
I'm Frodo. Do you wanna play 4 person Boogers? - Tom
I'm Fudd of Borg, Wesistance is fewtile.. hehehehe
I'm Fudd of Borg.  Wesistance is Yusewess.  Huh-huh-huh!
I'm Fully functional in every way. - Data   Oh Data you Jewel!   -Yar
I'm Fully functional in every way. Oh Data you Jewel!-Yar
I'm GREAT at immaturity. I've been practicing for decades
I'm GREAT at immaturity. I've been practicing for decades.
I'm Generation X, that's why! - Mike as punky teen
I'm Gonna Finish My Cartoon - Stimpy.
I'm Groucho of Borg:  Say the secret woid and you will be assimilated.
I'm Happy Happy Happy, Not Mad Mad Mad - Ren.
I'm Having A Ball Doing Nothing At All
I'm Having A Ball Doing Nothing At All.
I'm Having an Out of Money Experience! Can You Help Me?
I'm Hayle Lewis, I ain't got a guy, but bananas are good enough for me.
I'm Heidi, Yo-de-la-he-narf! - Pinky
I'm Homer of Borg. You will be.....ooooh Donuts!
I'm Homer of Borg. You won't be assimilated. DOH!
I'm Homer of Borg. You won't be assimiliated...DOH!
I'm Innocent...I swear! I wasn't even there!! Honest!!
I'm Jerry Lewis of Borg... Resistance is... You will be...
I'm Jewish, and Shabtai Zvi will return!
I'm Jewish. It's Christmas. Things could be better.
I'm Jim Pittman of Borg. You will be..oooh, +1 align pts!
I'm Kim Campbell of Borg.  I've been unassimilated!
I'm Lebanese! We're full of the juices of life! - Klinger
I'm Leonard Nimoy, In Search Of...My career - Crow
I'm Lesbian of Borg: Men are irrelevant.
I'm Located next door to the Natalie Wood Swimming School.
I'm Locutus of Borg; your tagline will be assimilated!
I'm Lolita, and this here's Tanka Rae....
I'm Lorena Bobbitt for the Ginsu Knife Company's Ginsu 2000!
I'm Losing More Than I Ever Had.
I'm Luke Skywalker of Borg. I think I'm in the wrong universe.
I'm Luke Skywalker.  I'm here to rescue you.
I'm MAD as HELL and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm MAD! This 386 doesn't spell any better than the XT!
I'm MAD! This 486 doesn't spel any beter then the XT!
I'm MISTRESS Uhura, slave kirk. YOU will open hailing frequencies!
I'm Mad Mark of Borg. You'll be assim... Whoa, FERRENGI!
I'm Madden of Borg.  BOOM!  WAP!  You're assimilated!
I'm Marvin of Borg. Guess what kinds of weapons we have. Go on, guess.
I'm Marvin of Mars; you're assimilating my view of Venus!
I'm McBorg of Telix, no other program needs assimulation!
I'm McKenzie of Borg, eh? You will be assimilated, hoser!
I'm McMahon of Borg. You may have already been assimilated.
I'm Meatloaf of Borg.  I want you, I need you, but love is futile.
I'm Mike Levey and welcome to Amazing Discoveries.
I'm Moe of Borg. See that? <SLAP-BONK> Resistance is futile.
I'm NOT 36..I am 18 with 18 years experience!
I'm NOT 40... I am 18 with 22 years experience!
I'm NOT 50+... I am 18 with 32+ years experience!
I'm NOT 52 I am 18 with 34 years' experience!
I'm NOT a homo-necrophiliac, said Tom, in dead earnest.
I'm NOT a homonecropheliac!, said Tom in dead Earnest.
I'm NOT a megalomaniac.  I just want to control EVERYTHING in my life.
I'm NOT addicted.  I just use the modem all the time.
I'm NOT addicted. I just watch hockey ALL the time.
I'm NOT an elitist. Why do you ask, you peasant?
I'm NOT arguing with you, I'm telling you!
I'm NOT doing THAT - Crow as guy looks at marriage book
I'm NOT fat! I'm Buddha-esque! Wanna rub my belly? :)
I'm NOT insensitive - I'm political-correctness challenged
I'm NOT laughing at you....... I'm laughing NEAR you!
I'm NOT making this up, you know!
I'm NOT on the "Where Are You" list...I'm dead.
I'm NOT on the Where Are You list...I'm dead.
I'm NOT paranoid!  Which one of my enemies told you this?
I'm NOT paranoid. Which of my enemies said I was?
I'm NOT playing Thomas Aquinas - Tom as Palance
I'm NOT schizo!  Oh, yes I AM!
I'm NOT stalling, I'm just procrastinating! - Dire Wolf
I'm Naked Under This Towel - Stimpy.
I'm Not A Dweeb, I'm Just A Sucker With No Self Esteme--Offspring
I'm Not A Dweeb, I'm Just A Sucker With No Self Esteme.
I'm Not Old! I'm Chronologically Disadvantaged.
I'm Not Schizophrenic, And Neither Am I.
I'm Not Very Smart But I Can Lift Really Heavy Things!
I'm Not a Dweeb, I'm Just A Sucker With No Self Esteem...
I'm Now an Agent of the FBI... Female Body Inspectors!
I'm ODing on intrigue! - Crow sarcastically
I'm ODing on slang here - Crow
I'm OK it's everyone else that's crazy
I'm OLD....What's your excuse?
I'm OS/2 Positive... and Cured from boring computing!
I'm Oliver North of Borg..I don't recall assimilating you
I'm Orville and welcome to Amazing Discoveries.
I'm Orville, captain of the Millennium Falcon.
I'm Orville. I'm here to rescue you.
I'm P-P-Porky of the B-Borg! P-Prepare to be Asso-assi-oss=CAPTURED!
I'm PMSing, I need a hug.
I'm Pegleg Dick! - Mike
I'm Peter Graves, and we have Movie Sign on A&E.
I'm Pink, therefore I'm Floyd...
I'm Politically Incorrect! (And I enjoy every second!)
I'm Popeye the Sailor Borg.  Youse will be askimilgrated.
I'm Porky of Borg: P-p-pr-pr-p-pre-prea-p-pre, Aw, give up.
I'm Pro Choice - Let the baby have a choice.
I'm Pro-Choice!  And I chose Blue Wave!
I'm Pro-Choice!  And I chose WildCat!
I'm Proud To Be An Expert Tagline Thief!
I'm Quark, slayer of Klingons!
I'm Quayle of Borg. Prepare to be assimulated.
I'm Queeg 500, the Red Dwarf backup computer. - Queeg
I'm Quinten Barnes! - Michael Moore
I'm REALLY offended by people who get offended.
I'm Ralph Kramden of Borg, One of these days Alice, POW, Assimilation.
I'm Retired: Fishing IS my job!
I'm Rex! I'm Barney! Will you be my **CHOMP**.
I'm Rich! I'm Wealthy! I'm Comfortably Well Off! -- Daimon Daffy Duck.
I'm Ronald Goldman who the hell arhgkhjgvftyu@%4r578^#%& NO CARRIER
I'm Ronald Reagan... of Borg. Prepare to be... uh, I don't recall.
I'm Rooney of the Borg.  Ever wonder why resistance is futile?
I'm Rush Limbaugh's Homosexual Liberal Democratic Lover
I'm Rush Limbaugh's Liberal Democratic domestic partner.
I'm Ryoga of Borg.  When I find you, I'll assimilate you!
I'm Ryouga of Borg. When I find you, I'll assimilate you!
I'm SAVED!!! and the backups are in a safe place...
I'm SMOKING the Dragon.
I'm SMOKING the Dragon...
I'm SO confused!!!
I'm SO confused...
I'm SO far out in the boonies that even 911 is a long distance call.
I'm SO nice, that when I step in it I don't say it.
I'm SOOL (Sh*t out of luck) on most areas.
I'm SUCH a bastard sometimes...
I'm SUCH an *annoying* little devil!"
I'm Sajak of Borg: RES_STA_CE _S F_T_LE
I'm Sam of Borg. Sam I am. I will assimilate these green eggs & ham.
I'm Sam of Borg. Sam I am. I will assimilate these green eggs and ham.
I'm Scared!: Emma Fraid
I'm Scared!: Emma Fraid*
I'm Schwarzennegger of Borg, Resistance is futile, I'll be back!
I'm Section 8 from head to toe. - Klinger. Horse hockey! - Potter
I'm Serfectly Pober.
I'm Servo. Now that I'm dead, don't smoke  - Tom on fire
I'm Sgt. Porky Pig.
I'm Shocked, I tell you!  Shocked!
I'm Slappy Squirrel- ASLEEP! - Slappy
I'm Slappy of Borg. En-uff with the assimilatin' already!
I'm So Happy I Could FART.--Pwereerrt--oh...god..That was just GREAT.
I'm So Skeptical, I Can Hardly Believe It.
I'm Someone Else: Ima Nonymous
I'm Sorry!!  I... I must have been sober!! - Bloom County
I'm Sorry, I didn't realize the noises in my head were bothering YOU!
I'm Sprite of the Forest! - Crow lisps as wimpy prince
I'm Spunky, the Warrior Boy! - Crow as wimpy viking
I'm St. Paul of Anka - Mike
I'm Stern of Borg. Prepare for as- Hey, are those D Cups?
I'm THAT kinda girl.
I'm TRIMMING my use of Bobbitt references.
I'm Ted Bragg for Sickbay 6; we'll leave the doctor on for ya.
I'm Tickled Pink Because I Found My BROWN In Scotland!
I'm Tim the Borg-man Taylor.  We need MORE ASSIMILATION!!
I'm Timothy Leary, and by the way, I'm not dead. -- Leary
I'm Todd the Baptist!  - Crow as wimpy viking
I'm Tom Burdet for Sickbay 6; we'll leave the doctor on for ya.
I'm Tom Chorlton for Sickbay 6; we'll leave the doctor on for ya.
I'm Tom Servo, man-about-satellite - Tom
I'm Too Busy To Waste Time Leaving A Tagline
I'm Too Feeble To Workout! - Ren.
I'm Too young for credit cards and too old for an allowance.
I'm Too young for old-age pension and too old for income tax exemption.
I'm Too young to request a loan and too old to ask his father for money.
I'm Too young to take up golf and too old to rush up to the net.
I'm Undead, by the way.
I'm WAY too sexy for this computer!
I'm Wapner of Borg. I've assimilated your statements and complaints...
I'm Willy the Waffle! - Crow
I'm Yakko of Borg. You will be annoyed, then assimilated.
I'm Yakko! I'm Wakko! And I'm cute!
I'm Yakko! I'm Wakko! And I'm cuuuuute!
I'm Yankee Doodle Dandee in a Gold Rolls Royce.
I'm _BETTER_ than candy!!!
I'm _NOT_ lost, I'm "locationally challenged."
I'm _not_ a homonecropheliac!, said Tom, in dead Ernest.
I'm _really_ 17, with 20 years added experience.
I'm `drawing' the butter, Tom clarified fatuously.
I'm a  role model -- Picard
I'm a 100 degrees with my fantasies.
I'm a 10th generation A.I. holographic computer. I'm not your Mum!
I'm a 5," drive. She has a 3+" drive. It'd never work out.
I'm a 5¬" drive, she has a 3«" drive; it'd never work out.
I'm a BBS user and I'm OK, I post all night and I sleep all day.
I'm a BBSer & I'm okay, I post all night & sleep all day
I'm a BBSer and I'm OK. I post all night and I sleep all day.
I'm a Bum...a BEACH Bum!
I'm a CHOP, not a SNAG!  (Chauvinistic Hedonistic Opinionated Prick)
I'm a CLUB carrying member of the Tonya Harding Fan CARD... Oops!!
I'm a Canadian.  It's like an American without a gun, but with healthcare
I'm a Certified Garlic Crazy.
I'm a DOS user until WINDOWS freezes over!
I'm a Democrat - I don't care about facts - Bill Clinton
I'm a Derek.  Dereks don't run.
I'm a Doctor, Jim, not a Tagline writer!
I'm a FidoNut and I'm OK, I post all night and I work all day
I'm a FidoNut but I'm ok. I FReq all night and I flame all day.
I'm a Fidonut and I'm ok. I FREQ all night and I flame all day!
I'm a Formula 1 race car! - Mike as guy in wheelchair
I'm a Foundationist. --Franklin.
I'm a Freud I can't do that.
I'm a Frisbeetarian, when I die my soul's goin' up on the roof.
I'm a Frisbeetarian. When I die, my soul's gonna wind up on the roof.
I'm a Girl Scout - I scout Girls all the time.
I'm a Girl Scout - I scout out girls all the time!
I'm a God, @FN@.  I know everything.
I'm a Harri Kirishna from Borg take this pamphlet on assi
I'm a High-tech Redneck!
I'm a Klingon, she's a Pagan... it's a mixed marriage.
I'm a Leo.  Leos don't believe in this astrology stuff.
I'm a Lisp variable -- bind me!
I'm a Loony Tune Muso - What's YOUR Disability?????
I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK!
I'm a M.E.N.C.H.  <-- Man Entitled to Nights of Complete Happiness!
I'm a Man, I can bake, I got a BREADMAKER !
I'm a Maug. Half-man, Half-dog. I'm my own best friend.
I'm a Modemer and I'm OK, I sleep all night...
I'm a Mog: Half man, half dog.  I'm my own best friend!
I'm a MoonDogger and proud of it.
I'm a Pea - I can feel a princess through 50 mattresses!
I'm a Phi Beta Tester with a Token (Key) Ring.
I'm a Prince! I'm a Prince!
I'm a Prisoner of Love, but I'm out on parole.
I'm a Pseudo-Masochist - just pretend to beat me.
I'm a Psychic Amnesiac.I know in advance what I'll forget.
I'm a Q.I.T. I  don't tagline. :^>  -Dodger
I'm a Reagan-watcher, said Tom ironically.
I'm a Redneck, Kiss me!
I'm a Sado-Macek-ist!  Hit me, beat me, make me watch ROBOTECH!
I'm a Science Officer... it's my job to have better ideas. - Dax
I'm a Scorpio...that should explain it all
I'm a Seventh Day Agnostic
I'm a Solitary tagline -- I don't want to be part of a post.
I'm a Soviet military official, Tom commiserated.
I'm a Starship Captain, not a babysitter! - Picard
I'm a Starship Captain, not a babysitter! --Picard.
I'm a Surfer hanging 10 on the wave of technology.
I'm a SysOp and I feel obligated to mess with things...
I'm a Sysop and I feel obliged to mess with things
I'm a Tagline Virus.  Go ahead and steal me.
I'm a Tagline and I'm okay.
I'm a Tagline, I was a book prior to April 15th.
I'm a VampNut and I'm OK, I post all night and sleep all day
I'm a Virgin... so love me!
I'm a Virgo... So Love Me!
I'm a W.E.N.C.H. <- Woman Entitled to Nights of Complete Happiness!
I'm a WASP - White American Sexy Pagan.
I'm a WASP--White American Sexy Pagan
I'm a Wolf, dammit! :) - Dire Wolf
I'm a Zen nudist--I'm naked in my own mind
I'm a _Wheel Of Time_ pusher...
I'm a analog man in a digital world
I'm a bachelor...I won't make the same mistake once! :)
I'm a bad elf. What's my punishment? Jal's secret chamber? :^> -Dodger
I'm a bad example of a good person!
I'm a bad lover. Once I caught a peeping tom booing me.
I'm a beat dead masculinizt.  
I'm a beaver. This is the view from my living room - Tom
I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried.
I'm a belligerent omnivore - I eat vegetarians.
I'm a big time executive - Dr. Forrester
I'm a bird. Go away - Mike as Mongol leader
I'm a blind bra designer...honest! <GRIN>
I'm a bloody coward and I'm damn good at it too! - Lazzarone
I'm a born loser -- what's your excuse?
I'm a brain in a vat. Are you one too?
I'm a buzzed as the doorbell at the discount whorehouse.
I'm a card-carrying genius." - Calvin
I'm a careful driver. I always slow down while passing a red light.
I'm a cat, hear me roar, I am to big to be ignored.   Garfield
I'm a chain-tagline.  I've been stolen <9> times.
I'm a club-carrying member of Tonya Harding's fan card.
I'm a complete endorser of the Blue Wave Offline Mail System.
I'm a computer programmer for the Amish.
I'm a compuvangelist - have your files been saved?
I'm a conference host and I'm ok......
I'm a confirmed sexist. I prefer sex!
I'm a consultant because I'd rather be self-unemployed.
I'm a cork on the ocean, floatin' over the raging sea...
I'm a counsellor, not a contortionist! - Troi
I'm a counsellor, not an acrobat! - Troi
I'm a cowboy ... on a steel horse I ride!
I'm a creationist; I refuse to believe that I could have evolved from man.
I'm a creature of habitAll the bad ones.  Garfield
I'm a critic, so I know what I don't like.
I'm a cue tip, what are you? - Crow as drum major
I'm a cunning linguist, let me show you a cunning stunt.
I'm a damn fool, right? - We didn't say that, Henry. - Trapper
I'm a dead man! - TV's Frank
I'm a dead man; walking and talking and dead. --Joel Robinson.
I'm a devout cat hater.
I'm a ditch digger, said Tom trenchantly.
I'm a doctor Jim, not a tagline editor.
I'm a doctor not a tagline author!
I'm a doctor, Jim, not a command shell!
I'm a doctor, Mr. Neelix, not a decorator.  - Doc Zimmerman
I'm a doctor, not a (insert occupation here).
I'm a doctor, not a Bartender! : Holodoc
I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer, Jim !
I'm a doctor, not a magician! -- Bones McCoy
I'm a doctor, not a psychiatrist. . McCoy
I'm a doctor, not an Engineer!,You are now.
I'm a doctor, not an animal! - Frank to Margaret
I'm a doctor... Please remove your clothing.
I'm a drummer not a wet nurse.
I'm a fabric stabber
I'm a fan of \g\o\o\d\ \c\l\e\a\n\ \p\o\r\n\ high quality
I'm a few fries short of a happy meal.
I'm a figment of my imagination....but, why are you here?
I'm a figment of my sysop's imagination (and pocketbook)!
I'm a figment of your imagination.
I'm a flirt...I make no promises at all....
I'm a fragment of your imagination
I'm a frayed knot, said Tom discordantly.
I'm a friend of his from the old neighborhood. - Duncan MacLeod
I'm a genealogist with faded "genes", full of holes!
I'm a genius again! - Holly
I'm a girl already so I don't care. -Ranma
I'm a god Justin, I know everything. Now why are you here?
I'm a good boy! - Ten
I'm a good cop! - Tom
I'm a good girl, I am.   Audrey Hepburn
I'm a good man for a bad woman.
I'm a good organizer: one who is very careful to plan ahe
I'm a good plumber. Let me examine your pipes.
I'm a graduate of The Institute for the Sexually Gifted
I'm a graduate of The Institute for the Sexually Weird.
I'm a great housekeeper. I get divorced. I keep the house.
I'm a great lover.......I bet
I'm a green eyed bitch and I wanna get laid...
I'm a ground-pounder. - Dodger
I'm a half-borg, on my mothers side.
I'm a hallucinogenic toad - lick me all over!
I'm a ham, and I do it with a lots of Frequencies. WB6FBZ
I'm a happening waiting to accident
I'm a hard-workin man
I'm a hero with coward's legs.
I'm a hijacker, and I'm taking this plane....TO FRESNO!
I'm a holographic emergency medical program, NOT a farmer.
I'm a holographic emergency medical supplement, NOT a doctor.
I'm a homocidal maniac. They look just like everyone else. - W. Addams
I'm a latent telepath. - Ivanova
I'm a latent telepath. -Susan Ivanova
I'm a lawyer - I always go were I'm not invited!
I'm a lawyer . . . trust me anyway!
I'm a lawyer, I can get you off.
I'm a lawyer.  Honest?  No, the usual kind.
I'm a lawyer. Honest? No, the regular kind.
I'm a lawyer. Honest? No, the usual kind.
I'm a lawyer."     "Honest?"     "No, the regular kind."
I'm a lawyer."  "Honest?"  "No, the usual kind."
I'm a lazy sod.  I'm not a lazy Sue. -Sex Pistols
I'm a legend among Fundies in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
I'm a legend, and I plan on keeping it that way.
I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.  No, I'm not kidding.
I'm a lesbian, Mary mentioned. [men shunned]
I'm a licenced psychopathic spellchecker, so NYAAH!
I'm a licensed Smurf stomper!
I'm a lifetime member of the NWGA (National Water Gun Association).
I'm a lion hunter, said Tom pridefully.
I'm a little Trekker short & stout, here is my warp drive
I'm a little low. Can you borrow me some money? - Crow
I'm a little tagline, short and stout. Just tip me over & pour me out.
I'm a little tagline, short and stout...
I'm a little teapot - Joel as robot
I'm a lizard, baby, so why don't you kiss me...
I'm a loser babe so why don't ya kill me...BANG!!!
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
I'm a lost soul-Heaven won't take me & Hell is afraid I'll take over..
I'm a lot more like I am now than I was before I started!
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day.
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...
I'm a mad dog fighting with the world against my back.
I'm a man of one word: Scram!- Groucho Marx
I'm a man-child, you know - Joel
I'm a martian with the C.I.A. - Mike
I'm a maschochist. Beat me! : -> : NO! 'coz I'm a sadist!
I'm a material girl! Wanna see my fabric collection?
I'm a mathematician, Tom added summarily.
I'm a member in good standing of the DLBBG!
I'm a member of PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals!
I'm a member of a country club.
I'm a member of an oppressed majority.
I'm a member of the country club
I'm a member of the oral majority.
I'm a mental tourist - my mind wanders when I bicycle.
I'm a mine of useless information....
I'm a misplaced Yankee.
I'm a model, you know what I mean, as I shake my little...
I'm a modemer & I'm OK, I post all night & I sleep all day
I'm a modemer & I'm OK, I post all nite & I sleep all day
I'm a modemer and I'm OK, I post all night and I sleep all day.
I'm a modemer and I'm OK.  I post all night and I sleep all day.
I'm a modemer and I'm OK.  Post all night, sleep all day
I'm a modemer and I'm o.k.; I post all night and sleep all day.
I'm a moderator.  I don't _need_ to stay on-topic.
I'm a modest person and Damned proud of it!
I'm a mur-diddly-urdler!! - Ned Flanders
I'm a natural blonde .... please speak slowly...
I'm a natural blonde, so please speak slowly.
I'm a nice guy.  If I had any friends you could ask them.
I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect.
I'm a nocturnal model - Mike as girl
I'm a nude model for art students - Tom
I'm a number *AND* a free man, ok?
I'm a paranoid schizophrenic always out to get myself
I'm a paranoid schizophrenic always out to get myself.
I'm a pea - I can feel a princess through 50 matresses.
I'm a peacefull man. I vote for killing all weapon manufacturers...
I'm a people person.  Others are vegetarians.
I'm a perfectionist with other people's work.
I'm a peripheral visionary - I see the future just a little.
I'm a peripheral visionary-I see the future but off to the side.
I'm a peripheral visionary-I see the future just a little.
I'm a peripheral visionary.
I'm a person of letters... unread collection notices.
I'm a person of many moods..& all of them want CHOCOLATE!
I'm a photographer.  I take close-up pictures of the horizon.
I'm a picker, I'm a grinner, I'm a lover, and I'm a sinner.
I'm a pilot.  I pick it up here and pile it there.
I'm a practicing Dirty Old Man...someday I'll be good at it.
I'm a practicing heterosexual.  -Woody Allen
I'm a prisoner in a chocolate factory.  Don't send help.
I'm a product of the mass media, blame THEM!
I'm a professional idiot...you ain't seen nuthin' yet.
I'm a professional skeptic - Crow as old man
I'm a professional snoop. - Calvin
I'm a professional.  I *know* what I'm doing. <The Doctor>
I'm a professional.  I *know* what I'm doing. <The Doctor<
I'm a programmer, I don't do COBOL.
I'm a pseudo-masochist.  Just pretend to hurt me
I'm a pseudo-masochist. Just pretend to hurt me.
I'm a public utility?!? - Tom
I'm a quarter-sexual; I'll do it for a quarterb.
I'm a racist:  Indy, Daytona, Le Mans......
I'm a real Vampire. Can't you tell????
I'm a real Vampire.. can you tell????
I'm a realist-1/2 empty of full-The glass stills need washing
I'm a realist; half-empty or half-full, the glass will need washing.
I'm a registered nurse with the Mayo Clinic - Gypsy
I'm a registered owner of Blue Wave since v2.00 --- AND PROUD OF IT!
I'm a replicated Tagline.
I'm a rock in a landslide, rollin' over the mountainside...
I'm a role model - Picard
I'm a schitzophrenic and so am I!!!
I'm a scratch golfer.  I record the good scores and scratch the bad!
I'm a self-referential tag-line!
I'm a sensitive man, especially my inner thighs
I'm a sensitive person, especially my inner thighs!
I'm a serf! You've got to be kidding me, Servo!
I'm a seriosly demented, paranoid schizophrenic: kiss me.
I'm a seriously demented, paranoid schizophrenic:  Kiss me.
I'm a sex object. I mention sex, she Objects!
I'm a sex slave....slave to sex that is <G>
I'm a silicon armadillo on the information super highway!
I'm a simple camera man. Auuggghhhh! - Crow
I'm a single-tasking, single-threaded guy.
I'm a sinner.  I have sinned against you!
I'm a softball pitcher, said Tom underhandedly.
I'm a soldier, not a diplomat. I can only tell the truth. - Kirk
I'm a soldier, not a diplomat.I can only tell the truth.
I'm a soul man...
I'm a specialty bread. Eat me! - Tom
I'm a starter for the Bruins - Tom sings
I'm a stranger to my own soul - Joel
I'm a sucker for a love-sick fool.
I'm a sucker for shrimps, but thought I smelt a whale.
I'm a supervisor. I don't have to be useful. - Frank Burns
I'm a sweet Transvestite, from Transsexual, Transilvania...
I'm a sweet Transvestite, from Transsexual, Transylvania
I'm a syrupy mess. Who can I hug? -Calvin
I'm a tagline and I'm okay...
I'm a tagline because I think therefore I am one.
I'm a tagline virus, go ahead and copy me...
I'm a tagline, I was a book prior to April 15th.
I'm a tagline.  So steal me.
I'm a tagline.  When I grow up I wanna be a novel.
I'm a tagline.  When I grow up, I want to be a .sig!
I'm a tagline. When I grow up, I want to be a novel.
I'm a teacher, not a zookeeper! - Mrs. Jewls
I'm a teacher. Preserving wild life is my job.
I'm a temporarily misassigned civilian. - BJ
I'm a therapist, not a technician. -D. Troi
I'm a thinker, I think, but I may be wrong.
I'm a thousand miles from nowhere.
I'm a treking wreck from Georgia Trek.
I'm a trysexual - if it's sexual, I'll try it.
I'm a vagiterian and proud of it! 
I'm a very modest person.  And damn proud of it!
I'm a very modest person.  And damn proud of it.
I'm a victim of PMS.... my wife's!
I'm a virgin, but I'm just not very good at it.
I'm a virgin. I'm just not very good at it
I'm a virgin...I'm just not very good at it.
I'm a visual aid. I make vision a pleasure.
I'm a wabbit swayer, a guitar pwayer. - Ozzie Fudd
I'm a war baby, when my parents first saw me they started fighting.
I'm a warrior, not a interior decorator! - Worf
I'm a were-something, but I don't know exactly what!
I'm a wild and untamed thing.
I'm a wind demon, it's my job - Crow
I'm a winner; I'm a sinner. Do you want my autograph?
I'm a wit, but only half the time.
I'm a woman! Hear me roar, guys! - Crow
I'm a workaholic who resisted a rest.
I'm a workaholic.  Every time I do a job I get drunk.
I'm a writer.  Prohibited by statute from having money.
I'm a-thinkin' and my head hurts! <Yosemite Sam>
I'm about the perfect man, do you know a perfect woman?
I'm about to write you a reality check!
I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake
I'm addicted to a dollar that ain't worth a dime.
I'm adjusting the decibels on the inbalance.
I'm adoring you for no good reason. -Pinky
I'm afraid I can't do that @FN@.
I'm afraid I can't do that Dave..
I'm afraid I can't do that Orville...
I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.
I'm afraid I can't help you there.
I'm afraid I don't follow you, old chap. -Watson
I'm afraid I have no choice but to take control of your ship -- Moriarit
I'm afraid I have no choice but to take control of your ship.
I'm afraid I'll have to cite you for Being Stupid In Public.
I'm afraid I'm not qualified to confuse cats..
I'm afraid my coffers are empty. - Father Mulcahy
I'm afraid so, Nel-Stone - Tom to Mike
I'm afraid that's an order. - Potter to Mitchell
I'm afraid this relationship has gotten a little out of hand. - Bashir
I'm afraid to die.  I just don't want to be there when it happens.
I'm afraid we haven't properly housebroken @N@.
I'm afraid we haven't properly housebroken Bob Morgan.
I'm afraid we haven't properly housebroken Chrissy Di Martino..
I'm afraid we haven't properly housebroken Ken Stuckas..
I'm afraid we haven't properly housebroken him.
I'm afraid we're fresh out of red Leicester, sir.
I'm afraid you've had a stroke, said Tom cerebrally.
I'm after some Calvin & Hobbes taglines.
I'm after the same things the government wants: MY freedom!
I'm against Firm Female Bodies ... as often as I can be ...
I'm against Firm Male Bodies.....as often as I can be ...
I'm against conference Censorship because th
I'm against daylight saving because it fades my curtains.
I'm against firm female bodies, as often as possible.
I'm against firm female bodies... as often as possible!
I'm against political jokes. They may get elected.
I'm against sex on TV.  I keep on falling off.
I'm aging like fine wine...complete with sediment at the bottom.
I'm ahead of my time...but only by a week.
I'm alergic to violence, I break out in bruises and welts
I'm alive What the hell happened? -- Ensign Ro
I'm alive! - Rimmer
I'm alive... What the hell happened? -- Ensign Ro
I'm all alone, it's just another rainy night without you...
I'm all ears -- Daimon Kazago
I'm all ears, hooman!  DaiMon Perot
I'm all for computer dating, But I wouldn't want one to marry my sister.
I'm all for computer dating, But I wouldn't want one to marry sis.
I'm all for computer dating, but I wouldn't want one to marry my sister.
I'm all for gays in the military, just not the Canadian military!
I'm all for gays in the military, just not the U.S. military!
I'm all man. The clothes are a dodge. - Klinger
I'm all out of pithy things to say.
I'm all out of sick days, I'm gonna call in dead!
I'm all out of tag lines. Got any I can steal?
I'm all over that like a cheap suit.
I'm all right Jack, keep your hands off my stack. - Pink Floyd
I'm all tagged out!
I'm all the way down to the original sin - TV's Frank
I'm all tied up at the moment.  Could you please call back?
I'm all tied up at the moment.  Would you like to come over?
I'm allergic to cat pollen.
I'm allergic to violence. I break out in bruises & welts.
I'm allergic to violence. I break out in bruises and welts.
I'm allergic to work
I'm allowed to make typos...I'm the GM dammit! - Jalapeno
I'm almost married and where's dSEX?
I'm already Warped - do I still need to get Version 3?
I'm already as old as my parents were when they were my age.
I'm already bored, you guys - Joel during movie credits
I'm already doing a job.....for the Federation.
I'm already engaged! Fox two! Alpha mike foxtrot!
I'm already married, but thanks for the proposal.
I'm alright Jack keep your hands off of my stack..
I'm alright. I'm a superhero. - The Tick
I'm altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further
I'm always chasing the fast dinar. --Salmoneus
I'm always falling down the same hill - NIN
I'm always impressed by those smart enough to plan ahea
I'm always in trouble, but it's so much FUN!
I'm always late.  My ancestors arrived on the Juneflower.
I'm always late. My ancestors arrived on the Juneflower.
I'm always looking for meaningful one-night stands.
I'm always more outspoken after a few pints of Guinness - Mrs Slocombe
I'm always nervous. Everybody knows that!  R. Barclay
I'm always punctual when the time comes to stop work.
I'm always ready to learn, but I don't always like being taught.
I'm always sincere, whether I mean it or not.
I'm always willing to learn, if you've got something to teach
I'm am a Klingon Warrior, and sex has no place in my life now!!!!
I'm amazed by what Myra said about Sysop taglines:
I'm amazed your knuckles don't bleed when you walk,Derek..
I'm amazed your knuckles don't bleed when you walk.
I'm amazed, that it works at all.
I'm ambidextrous. Equally clumsy with either hand.
I'm amoral, and it's been bothering my conscience
I'm an Aquarius...that should explain it all
I'm an Atheist: Noel NoheaveN
I'm an Easterner, remember?  We get feelings about these things.
I'm an Engineer.  I like simple solutions.
I'm an Honor Student at the FidoNet School of Tagline Engineering.
I'm an Honor Student at the School of Tagline Engineering.
I'm an Immortal! --Connor McLaud. Noyou're not! --Death.
I'm an OS/2 Warp developer...I don't NEED a life!
I'm an OS/2 developer...I don't HAVE a life!
I'm an OS/2 developer...I don't NEED a life!
I'm an OS/2 software developer...I don't NEED a life!
I'm an OS/2 user I don't NEED a life!
I'm an Omegosh tester.
I'm an Windoze developer...I don't NEED a life!
I'm an XT kinda guy in a Pentium world.
I'm an absolute, off-the-wall fanatical Moderator.
I'm an absolute, off-the-wall fanatical moderate.
I'm an accomplished musician. Play radio, records, tapes, CD's.
I'm an actor, not a doctor! -- DeForest Kelly
I'm an adopted Tagline....who is my REAL mother?
I'm an advanced version! With 1m78 my mass center point is lower...
I'm an algebra liar: I figure 2 good lies make a positive
I'm an algebra liar; I figure two good lies make a positive.
I'm an all night generator wrapped in stockings and a dress.
I'm an amateur crastinator, someday I'll turn Pro.
I'm an antisolipsist--everybody exists except me.
I'm an apathetic agnostic; don't know, don't care
I'm an apathetic sociopath - I'd kill you if I cared.
I'm an artist, your rules don't apply
I'm an astronomer, not an astrolger.
I'm an atheist, for god's sake!
I'm an atheistyeah, reallyI swear to God!
I'm an axe grinder, pile driver, Mama says I never mind her.
I'm an equal opportunity Tagline adopter.
I'm an equal opportunity bitch!
I'm an immortal. Join me or die!
I'm an incorrigible punster, so don't corrige me!
I'm an incorrigible punster--so don't incorrige me!
I'm an incorrigible punster-so don't incorrige me!
I'm an incorrigible punster. Please don't incorrige me.  - Bard
I'm an influential person - gravitationally speaking.
I'm an influential person -- gravitationally speaking.
I'm an influential person, gravitationally speaking.
I'm an initiated neo-eclectic shaman Wiccan Pagan solitary - so there!
I'm an octoroon, you know? - Mike as odd German
I'm an officer! - Margaret. But you're no gentleman. - Hawkeye
I'm an orphan tagline.  Press ALT-A to adopt me.
I'm an over-50 victim of fateArriving too late.
I'm and undergraduate from the state of confusion!!!
I'm anispeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous-Black Adder
I'm another roadkill on the Information Superhighway.
I'm anxious to lust after you!
I'm apathetic and I don't care.
I'm armed, easily upset and off my medication. What was your question?
I'm armed, upset, and out of pills! What do you want?
I'm as bored as a pacifist's pistol.
I'm as busy as a bee, Tom droned.
I'm as confused as a baby at a topless bar!
I'm as confused as a baby at a topless bar!
I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar
I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar.
I'm as confused as a thirsty baby in a topless bar.
I'm as confused as some baby at some topless bar...
I'm as dirty as a Frenchman. - Homer
I'm as fast as fast can be, you'll never catch me!
I'm as happy as a dog with two ... bowls of food!
I'm as happy as a little girl!
I'm as innocent as a new-laid egg.
I'm as nervious as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
I'm as pure as the driven slush.
I'm as pure as the driven snow.
I'm as serious as a dead convenience store clerk.
I'm as serious as a rip in a spacesuit.
I'm as smooth as Silk, Soft as Satin.....
I'm as strong as a sled dog, Tom said huskily.
I'm assuming they are still different....
I'm at a disadvantage. I'm an elected official. Clinton
I'm at the corner of Walk and Don't Walk
I'm at the corner of Walk and Don't Walk.
I'm at the end of my rope, said Tom knottily.
I'm at the holodeck. Something's gone wrong. -- LaForge
I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool - Scar
I'm attracted to unrepentant heterosexuals.
I'm aware of the risks, Ensign - Picard
I'm back from my lobotomy, said Tom absentmindedly.
I'm back in the Doghouse again, sleep'n with my fir covered friend.
I'm back-pedalling as fast as I can...
I'm back...and I've got a gun!
I'm bad. I'm nationwide
I'm baking my panties - Crow as girl
I'm beginning to agree with you. - Luke
I'm beginning to like this conference more and more.
I'm beginning to regret all those times I resisted temptation
I'm beginning to see the appeal of this program! - Worf
I'm beginning to think these endings are rigged...
I'm being attacked by a ham sandwich - Crow
I'm being deported.
I'm being held prisoner in a chocolate factory.  Don't send help.
I'm being held prisoner in a chocolate factory. PLEASE DON'T send help
I'm being nibbled to death by--cats. --Londo Mollari.
I'm being sent down to the minors, said Tom, the beleaguered pitcher.
I'm being sent down to the minors, said the beleaguered pitcher.
I'm being turned on by a woman who is long dead - Crow
I'm bemused but charmed by this plucky stranger - Joel
I'm beta-testing this tagline (it's not registered yet).
I'm betting that I am just abnormal enough to survive.
I'm bilingual. I speak English but make love in French
I'm bisexual - when I want sex, I have to buy it.
I'm bisexual too: when I want sex, I have to buy it.
I'm bisexual.  'Bi' me something, I'll get sexual.
I'm bisexual.  Buy me something, I'll get sexual.
I'm bisexual. Buy me something, I get sexual.
I'm bitter on the outside; inside I'm filled with creamy nougat.
I'm bleeding an unfashionable color! - The Cat
I'm bloated.. and very, very interested in chocolate.
I'm blood bought, Spirit filled, and Glory bound!
I'm bloody sick of standing here every day. * O'Brien
I'm bloody sick of standing here every day. þ O'Brien
I'm blow-drying my hair! - The Cat
I'm blowing my hair while I'm blowing my mind - Joel
I'm boldly going forward because I can't find reverse either
I'm boored. Why don't we have a strike!?!?
I'm bored, I'm armed AND I'm off my medication.
I'm bored, Tom said lumberingly.
I'm bored, he said lumberingly.
I'm bored.  I'm immortal.  Let's party.
I'm bored. I'm armed. And I'm off my medication.
I'm bored. Who do we know that we can sue?
I'm bored..think I'll kill a couple of paladins.-Skraig the Red Dragon
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee.
I'm broad-minded.   I hardly think of anything else..
I'm broad-minded. I hardly think of anything else.
I'm bugged at my ol' man cause he's makin' me stay in my room...
I'm building an arsehole and you'd make a good blueprint.
I'm building up my muscles, Tom insinuated.
I'm building up my problems to the size of a cow! - Miles
I'm bunchin'! - Crow T. Robot as guy hikes up his pants
I'm bunchin'! - Crow as guy hikes up his pants
I'm busier than a cat in a Litter Box!!!
I'm busier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
I'm busier than a one eyed cat watching two mouse holes.
I'm busier than a one-eyed cat watching 2 mouse holes.
I'm busier than a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes.
I'm busier than sleazy Susan on a saturday night!
I'm busy making road kill the state animal.
I'm busy now, Frank. I'll take your order later. - Hawkeye
I'm busy now.  I'll ignore you later.
I'm busy now. Do you mind if I ignore you later?
I'm busy, you're ugly. Have a nice day. ;-)
I'm buying the first reader that uses the *any* key to swipe Taglines.
I'm caught between fire and flood. --Vir.
I'm caught in a perpetual Time Warp(tm)!
I'm claiming all of this as mine! - The Cat
I'm cleaverly disguised as a responsible adult.
I'm cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
I'm clinging to sanity by a thread - hand me the scissors
I'm clinging to sanity by a thread.  Hand me those scissors.
I'm coming Dear, I only have 437 more messages to read!
I'm coming Dear, I only have 999 more messages to read.
I'm coming to bed nowJymput the computer down, gently!
I'm coming to bed, honey....gotta run one more utility...
I'm coming to bed, honey....only one more mail packet to go.
I'm coming! Tom ejaculated.
I'm comming from a multi-tagline file database!!
I'm commiting BBS suicide! I'm pulling the cord #&$!&#$  NO CARRIER
I'm completely SANE, ALL my INNER VOICES tell me so.
I'm completely backed up on experiments - Dr. Forrester
I'm completely smegging uninterest-ed! - Lister
I'm confused - more than usual, that is.
I'm confused about UNIX, aren't they the ones without balls?
I'm confused... but, then again, what else is new?
I'm connected through a cell phone*&^%$#@#!!NO CARRIER.
I'm constipated - i.e. I don't give a shit!
I'm contemplating your afterlife, Pinky. - The Brain
I'm controlled by the CIA!!  Everyone is controlled by the CIA!!
I'm converting my calendar watch from Julian to Gregorian.
I'm covered in blood, Tom said readily.
I'm covered in calamine lotion; a victim of nude sunbathing gone awry.
I'm crabby cuz; Everyones younger then me.
I'm crabby cuz; Junk mail disguised as government mail.
I'm crabby cuz; Lawyers.
I'm crabby cuz; Mondays.
I'm crabby cuz; Movie critics panning everything you loved.
I'm crabby cuz; One person in a group needing the joke explanation.
I'm crabby cuz; People on diets who count your calories, too.
I'm crabby cuz; People who pay money to see Andrew Dice Clay.
I'm crabby cuz; The screaming baby behind you.
I'm crabby cuz; Warm beer.
I'm crabby cuz; You'll never slay a dragon.
I'm crazy about big words.  That's called psychosemantic
I'm cured of schizophrenia but where am I now when I need me?
I'm curious about training bras -- just what do you train 'em to DO?
I'm currently resting my mind, in preparation for my big breakdown.
I'm cursed wid irresistible charm, I'm too attractive to be let loose.
I'm cursed with perfection. - Frank Burns
I'm cutting my hands up every time I touch you - Tori Amos
I'm cutting your allowance in half!
I'm da baby....gotta love me!
I'm dancin' on a land mine baby, one leg left...
I'm dancing on the edge of reality again.
I'm dangerous when I -think- I know what I'm doing.
I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing.
I'm dangerous when I think I know what I'm doing.
I'm dating a woman now who, evidently, is unaware of it.
I'm dead and I'm still intimidated by you -- Ro
I'm dead keen on genealogy, but I'm buried in paperwork.
I'm dead, Jim. Besides I have a headache.
I'm dead, good night & may God bless  - Crow
I'm dead, good night, and may God bless- Crow T. Robot
I'm dead. Dead as a can of SPAM. * Rimmer
I'm dead...and I'm STILL intimidated by you." - Ro
I'm dead? So why don't I remember dying?
I'm deadand I'm still intimidated by you. --Ro.
I'm defending her honor, which is more than she ever did.
I'm defending my lifestyle even if it is weird!
I'm delighted for you!
I'm demanding rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty.
I'm descended from a line my mother listened to.
I'm descended from a long line my mother listened to.
I'm developing "TAGrophobia" !
I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
I'm differently-sarcasmed.  
I'm disabled, not stupid!
I'm disabled....  What's you're excuse?
I'm discriminating.  You're choosey.  He's picky.
I'm disgruntled and I've got a gun.  Is the Post Office hiring?
I'm disturbed, I'm depressed, I'm inadequate - I've got it all!
I'm doing Laundry!
I'm doing alright.
I'm doing door-to-door collecting for static cling.
I'm doing my duty, that's what I'm doing. - Frank Burns
I'm doing my part to piss off the religous right!
I'm doing this for your own good. - Any parent or executioner
I'm doing time for Tagline thievery!
I'm doing time for theft.  Tagline Theft!
I'm donating my body to science fiction!
I'm done now.  I hope this has been enlightening.
I'm down to just one thing and i'm starting to scare myself -- NIN
I'm driving a new Neon, nicely loaded.
I'm drunk and right now I'm so in love with you -- NIN
I'm drunk, and right now I'm *so* in love with you.
I'm drunk, and right now I'm SO in love with @FN@.
I'm dying to get into a Size 9. - Klinger
I'm dying to see the answer to THIS one.....
I'm dying, Tom croaked.
I'm dying. About time! - G'Kar
I'm dyslexic atheist and I don't believe in Dog.
I'm dyslexic, so is my boyfriend, together we do 96!
I'm dyslexic, so is my girlfriend, together we do 96.
I'm dyslexic, so's my husband, together we do 96.
I'm easily moved to anger, said Tom insensibly.
I'm easy to please as long as I get my way.
I'm easy to please as long as I get my way.
I'm eating my knees back here. Move the seat up - Tom
I'm eccentric, but I'm spending so I can be weird. ;-)
I'm efficient. I finished my two-week diet in three days.
I'm either having a midlife crisis or I need a laxative.
I'm embalming my high school teacher, don't sing!
I'm enery the ape I am
I'm engaged in a contest of wills!  It's me against Nature!" * Calvin
I'm engaged to my worst nightmare! - Akane Tendo
I'm enjoying an out-of-clothes experience!
I'm enjoying delcious soups, brats & coffee - Mike
I'm entitled to a hearing. - Delenn
I'm environmentally friendly, I use a roll-on fly spray
I'm especially good at expectorating!--Gaston(Beauty & the Beast)
I'm ethical.  It's the stupidity that drives 'em nuts.
I'm euphemistically challenged. Please send me a tag line.
I'm every politican's nightmare:  A liberal conservative.
I'm every woman, it's all there in me..
I'm evil incarnate, I can do what I please. -Durkin
I'm excessively annoying.
I'm excited about QFRONT! Ask Ed G about it!
I'm experimenting with Virtual Unreality.
I'm experimenting with homosexuality, said Tom, half in earnest.
I'm extremely envious of this....
I'm fairly certain the blue stuff is dead. - Garibaldi
I'm fallin' down a spiral, destination unknown!
I'm falling apart around you and all I can do is surrender.
I'm famous.  That's my job.
I'm fantastic in dark places.
I'm fascinated by the way memory diffuses fact.
I'm fascinated by the way memory difuses fact.
I'm fat and you're funny looking. At least I can diet.
I'm fat and you're ugly.... But...I can lose weight.
I'm fat, and I'm lazy, and I'm proud of it!  Garfield
I'm fat.  You're ugly.  I can diet.
I'm fear, I'm your heretic, I'm doom waiting for the number
I'm feelin' like a bad boy/MMM Just like a bad boy
I'm feeling argumentative today. Please contradict me.
I'm feeling argumentative. Please contradict me!
I'm feeling homicidal - say ANYTHING!
I'm feeling homicidal. Say anything!
I'm feeling positively demonstrative! - Mike as hero
I'm feeling rather blonde today.
I'm feeling that I'm sober, even though I'm drinking. - Soundgarden
I'm feeling trancedental  Am I here?
I'm filled with resentment - Crow as bread man
I'm finder and I'm a keeper, I'm not a loser and I ain't no weeper.
I'm fine just the way I am!  Why should *I* change? - Calvin
I'm finished. I gotta burn my bloomers. - Klinger
I'm firm.  You're obstinate.  He's a pigheaded fool.
I'm firm. You're obstinate. He's a pigheaded fool.
I'm firm. You're stubborn. He's pigheaded.
I'm fishin' for some trouser trout....
I'm fishing, not drowning the worm!
I'm fixin a hole where the rain gets out.
I'm flexible, just don't change anything!!
I'm flexible; I just don't ever change my mind!
I'm floating in a most peculiar way.
I'm flossing my hinder - Crow
I'm flying through some confetti - Crow on space debris
I'm for bringing back spanking... for consenting adults.
I'm for choice, as long as it's _before_ conception.
I'm for lust.
I'm for strict gun control: If there's a gun, I wanna control it!
I'm for the two party system. Friday and Saturday nights!
I'm forgetting all about Love and just looking for LUST!!
I'm forming an attachment for you -- it'll fit over your mouth.
I'm frail, leave me - Mike
I'm free to do what I want, any old time.
I'm free to exercise my downward mobility!
I'm free to think and speak.  My ancestors couldn't.  James Stewart
I'm free-spirited, she's kinky, he's perverted.
I'm friends of the Daniels brothers. Jack and Charlie!
I'm friends of the Daniels brothers..... Jack and Charlie!!!
I'm from Burnaby. I only work in outer space.
I'm from Georgia -- what country are YOU from?
I'm from Iowa I just work in outer space.
I'm from Iowa, I just work in outer space... Kirk
I'm from Iowa, I only work in outer space. -- STAR TREK IV
I'm from Iowa. I just work in outer space. -- Kirk
I'm from TEXAS.  What Country are you from?
I'm from Texas -- what country are YOU from?
I'm from ZZ9Plural Z Alpha!  Where are you from?
I'm from outer space, I ONLY work in Waco, Texas, USA, Sol 3
I'm from outer space.. I only work in Iowa -- Kirk
I'm from the BATF. Got any gasoline?
I'm from the BATF. Where's the matches?
I'm from the BAZ]Wot any gasoline?
I'm from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms. Got any gasoline?
I'm from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms. Where's the matches?
I'm from the FAA..  I'm here to help you..
I'm from the FBI....got any matches?
I'm from the FCC and I'm here to help you.
I'm from the Federal Government and I'm here to help you.
I'm from the IRS, and I'm here to help you.
I'm from the Lollipop. It's a good ship. -- Riker
I'm from the Tax Department and I'm here to help you.
I'm from the government and I'm HERE!
I'm from the government.  I'm here to help you.
I'm from the government. I'm here to help you.<grin<
I'm full of the spilled milk of human kindness.  -SLR
I'm full...I don't think I could download another byte.
I'm fuzzy on the whole good-bad thing... Whaddaya mean, `bad'?"
I'm galloping up Diarrhoea Drive without a saddle.
I'm gettin' out of here.  The doctors and nurses are all crazy.
I'm getting a brand new hangover for my birthday
I'm getting a little vaclempt. The topic is taglines. Discuss.
I'm getting a part in the back of my hair! - The Cat
I'm getting a tatoo over my whole body of me, but taller.
I'm getting behind on my work, Bend over and I'll enter...
I'm getting better but I forgot the subject!!
I'm getting better! No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
I'm getting better! You'll be stone dead in a moment.
I'm getting into the culture, Pinky. - Brain
I'm getting lost in the crowd, hear me crying out loud...
I'm getting married in the morning! - Crow sings
I'm getting more sex than Princess Di.
I'm getting my overalls overhauled.
I'm getting paid how much? - M. Jordan
I'm getting ready to get SOOO scared - Tom
I'm getting tired and feeling discouraged.
I'm getting tired of expecting what keeps failing to arrive.
I'm getting too old for this crowd. - Garibaldi
I'm gifted, but only on my birthday!
I'm gifted, but only on my birthday.
I'm gifted, talented, intelligent, gorgeous, but mainly, MODEST!
I'm gifted, talented, intelligent, handsome, but mainly, MODEST!
I'm giving nuisance lessons at a convenience store.
I'm glad I bought my Bolero jacket! - Mike as geeky guy
I'm glad I passed my electrocardiogram, said Tom wholeheartedly
I'm glad love is blind - eyes on genitals would be scary.
I'm glad love is blind, if genitals had eyes that would be scary!!
I'm glad my Mom was pro-life.
I'm glad my messages are actually getting out.
I'm glad the government didn't build my house.  I couldn't afford it.
I'm glad we don't get all the government we pay for!
I'm glad we don't get all the government we pay for.
I'm glad you asked, but I'll have to pass.
I'm glad you don't have a dual personality, this one is bad enough.
I'm glad you don't have a dual personality.  This one's bad enough.
I'm glad you found a solution, but your solution cannot be mine.
I'm gluing all my bills together, it's a mail bonding ritual.
I'm goin' down to Cowtown...(Dallas)
I'm going Crazy! And I'm taking everyone with me!
I'm going after that red fish, said Tom `erringly.
I'm going back to school soon, said Tom with class.
I'm going blonde - Crow as redheaded girl
I'm going crazy and I'm taking YOU with me!
I'm going crazy and I'm taking everyone with me!
I'm going crazy! I know it's a short trip, but.
I'm going doooown! Has anyone seen my upper arrow?
I'm going down a hallway & I see a light -Crow near death
I'm going down to Moby Dick's. It's lady's night - Mike
I'm going down to the bakery to watch the buns rise.
I'm going home to rock my baby tonight.
I'm going insane and I'm taking you with me.
I'm going insane and I'm taking you with me.  - SLR
I'm going into a coma. Uh-oh, too late. I'm in a coma. - Slappy
I'm going mental.
I'm going off the rails on the crazy train!
I'm going out like I came in, kicking and screaming. --Lister.
I'm going out with a mermaid tonight, said Tom sedately.
I'm going parading before it's too late!
I'm going slightly mad... It finally happened, I'm  slightly mad.
I'm going straight to bed.-Best offer I've had all night.-Hawkeye
I'm going through cherry cheesecake withdrawal.
I'm going through cherry cheesecake withdrawl.
I'm going through strawberry cheesecake withdrawal
I'm going through the big D and don't mean Dallas.
I'm going to Risa again this year. Yes, again. Riker
I'm going to Stonewall 25, are you????
I'm going to a nude beach and keep abreast of the developments.
I'm going to be a lady if it kills me!   Jean Harlow
I'm going to be old someday.
I'm going to blow it up.  It obstructs my view of Venus
I'm going to change my name to Friday - everyone wants Friday to come!
I'm going to count the bristles in my toothbrush.
I'm going to die inside my friend Flicka! --Due South.
I'm going to die. It's a given. --Crow T. Robot.
I'm going to disconnect your brain.
I'm going to do something KOOKY!  - Joel as villain
I'm going to donate my body to Adam Ant. (forget science!)
I'm going to donate my body to Harrison Ford... (forget science)
I'm going to donate my body to Maggie..(forget science)
I'm going to donate my body to Mel Gibson. (forget science!)
I'm going to donate my body to science fiction...
I'm going to dread one day at a time.
I'm going to electrocute him.  Wednesday Addams
I'm going to enjoy devouring you. - Twopaw
I'm going to fire some of those people. Gimme the fire bell.- Groucho
I'm going to get a hair transplant, said Tom baldly.
I'm going to get a tatoo over my whole body of me but taller...
I'm going to get a tatoo over my whole body of me but taller...- S.W.
I'm going to give him exactly what he wants. - Ivanova
I'm going to go off and blush.
I'm going to grow birds.  I planted some birdseed yesterday.
I'm going to have to yank it now <sob> - Danny Davids
I'm going to hell?  Great!  We can car pool!
I'm going to hurt my brother badly. - Dot
I'm going to inhale this can of pesticide - Calvin
I'm going to k-k-k-k-k-k-kill you K-k-k-k-k-k-ken!
I'm going to kill Dracula, said Tom painstakingly.
I'm going to kill you! Why? Because you're going to die!
I'm going to live forever or die trying.
I'm going to make a prediction:  it could go either way.
I'm going to my assertive training class NOW ... okay?
I'm going to pick berries, rasped Tom.
I'm going to plead temporary insanity.  How about you?
I'm going to procrastinate if I can ever find the time.
I'm going to regret this... - C3PO
I'm going to remain calm. - Rimmer
I'm going to scream now. - Dire Wolf
I'm going to see the cow beneath the sea.
I'm going to the Missing Persons Bureau to see if anyone
I'm going to the St. Bullitt's day parade.
I'm going to the St. Fleury's day parade.
I'm going to the St. Orville's day parade.
I'm going to the post office. Anyone seen my Kevlar vest?
I'm going to think now - Mike as lame actor speaks
I'm going to use the ATM.....Cover me.
I'm going up, Tom said innocently.
I'm going. I've found a new position. Great, let's try it!
I'm goink to hide now, bye! - Scratchansniff
I'm gone, I'm out of here, I'm Michael Jackson.
I'm gonna assimilate you, you crazy fool! --Mr. T of Borg.
I'm gonna be a REAL bumper sticker when I grow up.
I'm gonna be a little bit possessive here -- her lips are mine.
I'm gonna be a mighty king. So enemies beware! - Simba
I'm gonna be a monkey, monkey monkey muuuunkey! - Stimpy
I'm gonna be in trouble when I get home.
I'm gonna be involved with a Sagittarius - Crow
I'm gonna be on Blossum - Crow excitedly as tough soldier
I'm gonna be somebody someday...
I'm gonna blow it all on video games - Crow as geeky teen
I'm gonna buy you some mouthwash...as a present to me!
I'm gonna come over there with a weed-eater!
I'm gonna declare moderator appreciation week.....
I'm gonna eat you, little fishy! - The Cat
I'm gonna eat you, little fishy! Cat
I'm gonna eat you, little fishy! The Cat.
I'm gonna find a star to follow.
I'm gonna get ready by kicking your butt all over this hole, butthole!
I'm gonna go hose off - Tom
I'm gonna go off & be Kenny G - Mike with wig & fake nose
I'm gonna go play with my mental blox ...
I'm gonna go wash my hands - Mike as girl after kiss
I'm gonna grow fins and go back into the water again.
I'm gonna have to beat ya half to death.
I'm gonna have to put your head in a wood vice - Dr. F
I'm gonna hit ya ... and you're gonna faaaaaall.  * Ren
I'm gonna hit ya ... and you're gonna faaaaaall. - Ren
I'm gonna hunt you down like a dawg, Martino!
I'm gonna keep on loving you because it's the only thing I want to do.
I'm gonna laugh like it's goin outta style
I'm gonna live forever if the good die young.
I'm gonna love you less, Davey - Mike as kid's mother
I'm gonna miss you too NOT!
I'm gonna name my first child "Megaweapon"!  -- MST3000
I'm gonna need a separate lawyer.
I'm gonna play tricks on the Trilateral Commission - Mike
I'm gonna plead insanity, what about you?
I'm gonna plead insanity.  How about you?
I'm gonna ram her right down that thing's throat!
I'm gonna set this scene out - Crow
I'm gonna shave my back - Tom
I'm gonna show the world your butt crack! - Mike
I'm gonna slap you around like a red-headed step child! huh huh huh
I'm gonna smile my best smile
I'm gonna splatter myself all over the tarmac - Tom
I'm gonna stop payment on their check - Crow on band
I'm gonna stuff her full of croutons - Mike
I'm gonna suck his eyes out through his nose! <Riggs>
I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white.--Queen
I'm gonna wash that yam right outta my hair ...
I'm gonna, be making a call on the great white telephone.
I'm good at computers...<BEEP> Hard Disk Destroyed.
I'm good at grammar, my checker tolled me sew.
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me.
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and people like me.
I'm good enough, smart enough, and people like me! -Barkley
I'm good with kids, but I'm better without them!
I'm good.  Damned good.
I'm grabbing my wand - Crow
I'm grinning from 'ere to 'ere
I'm gruff & rough & not ready to be loved - Crow T. Robot as hero
I'm gruff & rough & not ready to be loved - Crow as hero
I'm gtting behind on my work, Bend over and I'll enter...
I'm guessing it's a white hole. - Kryten
I'm guessing that this is a night scene.
I'm guilty of everything- TEC
I'm guilty of everything... I'm Roman Catholic, you know... - TEC
I'm hAvInG PrObLEMs aDJUStInG toDAy!
I'm half Klingon and half Tribble I'm a kibble!
I'm half bondo - Joel as old man
I'm happiest when someone else is doing the cooking.
I'm happy as a clam in heat .. in heat ??
I'm hardware and don't know anything about software.
I'm have horrible taste in people...that's why I like you.
I'm having a MID-WEEK CRISIS!
I'm having a MID-WEEK CRISIS! --Henry Kissinger
I'm having a REALLY bad day! - Q
I'm having a bad hair life - Londo Mollari
I'm having a bad hair life.
I'm having a bad-hair life.
I'm having a big bang theory! ---Zippy
I'm having a chocolate seizure and going to chocoheaven.
I'm having a hard time swallowing this. Can I have a dogma bag?
I'm having a mental energy crisis!
I'm having a party in my pants.  Want to come?
I'm having a party in my pants. Want to come?
I'm having a reaction - Crow as old lady reacts woodenly
I'm having all my plants neutered.
I'm having amnesia and deja vu now. I think I've forgotten this before.
I'm having an affair with my gamekeeper, said the lady chattily.
I'm having an erotic fantasy about Maggie
I'm having an old friend for dinner -- H. Lecter
I'm having an old friend for dinner.--Hannibal Lector
I'm having an out of money experience.
I'm having an out-of-money experience.
I'm having lunch at the Y.  It's a box lunch - furburgers!
I'm having my baby shoes bronzed.
I'm having one of those decades.
I'm having this tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle
I'm having too much fun to be clinically depressed!
I'm having trouble keeping my balance, said Tom parenthetically.
I'm health conscious...I'm not in shape and I know it.
I'm heavily armed, easily bored & off my medication...
I'm heavily armed, easily bored and off medication!
I'm heavily armed, easily bored and off my medication!
I'm heavily armed, easily bored and without cable!!!!
I'm heavily armed, easily bored, and off my medication ...
I'm heavily armed, easily bored, and off my medication!
I'm heavily armed, extreamly bored, and off my medication!
I'm heavily armed, off my medication and despise gender feminists.
I'm heavily armed, off my medication and despise gender feminizts. 
I'm heavily armed, off my medication, and easily bored.
I'm her son; you're just some guy she screws. - Kenny
I'm here Orville. There's nothing to be afraid of
I'm here because I'm not all there.
I'm here for being crazy, not stupid.
I'm here for the Prince Valiant audition. - Crow T. Robot
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand.
I'm here in Killeen outside Luby's with the man on the streNO CARRIER
I'm here in reality as an illegal alien.
I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick a--, and I'm all outa bubble gum.
I'm here to confuse you and cause you to turn grey earlier in life!
I'm here to grovel before your wonderful Earth Alliance - Londo
I'm here to grovel before your wonderful Earth Alliance. <Londo<
I'm here to grovel before your wonderful Earth Alliance. - Londo
I'm here to pull bodies out of a saussage grinder. - Hawkeye
I'm here to put the lotion on IT'S skin - Crow
I'm here to question all your answers.
I'm here to relax, not to dodge bullets! - Picard
I'm here to relieve you of command of the Enterprise -- Admiral Nechayev
I'm here to relieve you of command of the Enterprise.
I'm here to rescue you.
I'm here to stop the big sister from noogie-ing him to death?
I'm here to take you away, but may I use your phone first? --Death.
I'm here to test the concrete.
I'm here, I'm a SysOp, and you can't get rid of me...
I'm here...and you are there.  Whew!
I'm holding heaven in my arms tonight.
I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies.
I'm holding on to nothin' but the wheel.
I'm hopelessly addicted to my PC and modem!
I'm hoping your books have indexes.
I'm human, just like you, but I don't age. - Duncan MacLeod
I'm human. - Kryten
I'm human: nothing human smells strange to me.
I'm hungry for cupcakes.  I dunno why. -- Tom Servo
I'm hungry for cupcakes. I dunno why - Tom on cleavage
I'm immortal - so far. L. Long
I'm immortal, so far...
I'm immortal.  I'm bored.  Let's party.
I'm immortal.  I'm bored.  Let's party.  -- Dracula
I'm immortal...so far. - Earle Robinson
I'm immortal...so far...
I'm impotent! - Crow as college professor
I'm impotent, Tom said softly.
I'm in 386 enchanted mode.
I'm in THE ZONE!--O'Brien
I'm in a class by myself.  Everyone else graduated.
I'm in a class by myself.  Everyone else graduated. - Geco
I'm in a gambling mood, Sammy.I'll take whatever comes out of that tap.
I'm in a good frame of mind, but there's no picture in it.
I'm in a groove now -- or is it a rut?
I'm in a minority group, white, hetero, paying taxes
I'm in a phone booth at the corner of Walk & Don't Walk
I'm in a phone booth at the corner of Walk and Don't Walk
I'm in a phone booth at the corner of Walk and Dont Walk
I'm in a phone booth on the corner of Walk and Don't Walk.
I'm in a very clever and adorable insane asylum!
I'm in bed with the mumps, said Tom infectiously.
I'm in charge of spleens and small intestines. - BJ
I'm in charge!!!  But don't tell my cat!
I'm in complete and total control. -- Rimmer
I'm in considerable pain. - The Brain
I'm in deep to the Mob for 50 large - TV's Frank
I'm in enough to ask you to get the hell out. - Col. Blake
I'm in for an intelligent solution: let's fireball it! (c)1993 JMEE
I'm in here for being crazy, not stupid.
I'm in my 'teens: 17 + 18 + 19.
I'm in my formal pajama suit - Crow
I'm in my lunar posting phase!
I'm in my own little world, but everybody knows me there.
I'm in my own little world, but everyone knows me there.
I'm in no shape to exercise!
I'm in one of my little moods--<BURP!> Ah! There...that's much better.
I'm in over my head here! - Tom as voodoo girl
I'm in recovery. I had an overdose of reality.
I'm in search of myself   Have you seen me anywhere?
I'm in search of myself ...   Have you seen me anywhere?
I'm in shape ... Round's a shape.
I'm in shape ... decapolyhedron that is.
I'm in shape ... pear is a shape isn't it?
I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it?
I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it?
I'm in shape ... square's a shape isn't it?
I'm in shape pear is a shape isn't it?
I'm in shape round's a shape isn't it?
I'm in shape round's some shape isn't it?
I'm in shape square's a shape isn't it?
I'm in shape! A filled ellipse's a shape, isn't it?
I'm in shape, round is a shape isn't it?
I'm in shape.  Round's a shape, isn't it?
I'm in shape. Round is a shape, isn't it?
I'm in shape... round's a shape isn't it?
I'm in shape...Oh, you say a line is not a shape?
I'm in space with a man who'd lose a battle of wits with an iguana.
I'm in the Metallic Age: Silver hair, Gold teeth, Tin ear, Lead ass.
I'm in the SICK and DEMENTED taglines conference?
I'm in the computer business - I make Out-Of-Order signs!
I'm in the computer business, I make Out-Of-Order signs.
I'm in the concrete business - Mike
I'm in the metallic age: Silver hair, gold teeth, tin ear, lead *ss.
I'm in the middle of 15 things; all of them annoying.
I'm in the process of documenting my BASIC program, Tom remarked.
I'm in the solar powered flashlight business.
I'm in the soup, please ladel me out!
I'm in total control, but don't tell my girlfriend.
I'm in total control, but don't tell my wife.
I'm in training to be a household pest.
I'm in. - Garibaldi Ditto - Franklin
I'm incapable of love. Over - Mike as pilot
I'm incorrigible! <Incorrige me! Incorrige me!>
I'm incredibly jealous, but still glad for you.
I'm incredibly jealous, but still happy for you.
I'm innocent and haven't been read my rights!
I'm innocent... My lawyer made me do it!!!!
I'm insured by the MAFIA. You hit me, we hit you.
I'm interested in things that are none of my business.
I'm into BBS&M.
I'm into safe sex and having a good time.
I'm intolerant of drunk drivers, guess that makes me a bigot!
I'm inventing a better world through chemistry. --Salmoneus
I'm inventing the desktop computer - Tom as dumb guy
I'm investing in German currency once again, Tom remarked.
I'm invincible! - Black Knight
I'm irrevocably committed to being permenantly indecisive
I'm jittery, is it the caffeine or the gun at my head..........
I'm joining the Hogan tour - Crow as hero
I'm joining the Procrastinator's Club...soon.
I'm joining the Procrastinators Club - someday.
I'm joining the Procrastinators Club - soon
I'm jumping through the rings of a vanishing place - Course of Empire
I'm just a big blue band-aid in a big white band-aid box with wheels.
I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill...
I'm just a couple of revisions behind.
I'm just a dictator in the body of a peasant
I'm just a dot... Uh, I mean a Point
I'm just a fig-newton of your imagination.
I'm just a fillet of sole who's intentions are good!
I'm just a gigolo - Crow sings as young priest
I'm just a harmless little fuzz ball- Rush Limbaugh
I'm just a harmless little fuzz ball... --Limbaugh.
I'm just a harmless little fuzzball -R.L. What, like a tribble?
I'm just a harmless little fuzzball What, like a tribble? Uh-oh
I'm just a harmless little fuzzball-R.L. What, like a tribble?
I'm just a harmless little fuzzball... -- Rush Limbaugh
I'm just a harmless little fuzzballWhat, like a tribble? Uh-oh...
I'm just a hitchhiker on the Information Superhighway
I'm just a kitten in the litterbox of life.
I'm just a lonely boy, lonely & blue.You stole my TAG & now I love you
I'm just a man whose circumstances went out of control.
I'm just a nice guy at heart -- Geordi
I'm just a peripheral visionary.
I'm just a pilot. I'm not used to pressure! - Mike
I'm just a poor boy; nobody loves me!
I'm just a pothole on the information superhighway.
I'm just a product of my own imagination....
I'm just a regular guy. - Methos
I'm just a sweet Transvestite...from Transsexual...Transylvania.
I'm just a sweet transvestite from Transexual Transylvania
I'm just a tagline writer in a FIDONET echo.
I'm just a teenager with 64 years experience
I'm just a twig on a branch on a log.
I'm just a victim of Gravity...
I'm just about finished, just a coulple more secon
I'm just about finished, just a coulple more seconds...
I'm just an extra in the movie of life.
I'm just an extra in the movie of my life.
I'm just an influential Wolf, I guess.. :) - Dire Wolf
I'm just an ol' jukebox junkie.
I'm just an old spinner, plying my trade.
I'm just another blankity-blank BLANK.
I'm just another jerk trying to convert someone to OS/2!
I'm just another roadkill on the Information Superhighway.
I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing, of course... ;)
I'm just carrying these worms around for the halibut .
I'm just caught up in another one of her spells -- NIN
I'm just caught up in another one of her spells.
I'm just confused....I USED to be amazed!
I'm just doodlin' my life away...
I'm just down the line from your love ... Zoo Station --U2
I'm just going for a loto ticket...Oh look, a Shoe Sale - Bunny
I'm just gonna kick back with my good Buddy, Wiser!
I'm just here for moral support. Ignore the gun.
I'm just here for moral support. Please ignore the gun
I'm just here for moral support... ignore the gun...(Boys on the Side)
I'm just here for moral support....ignore the gun.
I'm just here for some fun and a mudbath.
I'm just here for the drugs.
I'm just here to give moral support. Ignore the gun.
I'm just in effigy to be disgraced, to be defaced -- NIN
I'm just in effigy to be disgraced, to be defaced.
I'm just looking at your nametag, honest!
I'm just moving clouds today, tomorrow I'll try mountains.
I'm just naturally respectful of pretty girls in tight-fitting sweaters.
I'm just needling you about the thread
I'm just needling you about the thread.
I'm just not attracted to you, said Tom flaccidly.
I'm just on the other side of your screen.
I'm just putting your cat out, Dear. (Through the keyhole.)
I'm just roadkill on the Information Superhighway!!!
I'm just sitting by my computer waiting to help you.
I'm just sliding down the razor blade of life.
I'm just slipping out for an Airwick solid - Tom
I'm just supprised the "Net-Police" havn't complained to him yet.
I'm just telling this man's fortune by reading his bowels. - Henry
I'm just trying out this . It seems a bit small.
I'm just trying out this . It's not registered yet.
I'm just trying out this tagline. It's not registered yet
I'm just trying out this tagline. It's not registered yet.
I'm just trying to be as dull as possible - Picard
I'm just trying to make a point here!
I'm just very selective about the reality I accept.
I'm just visiting.  My REAL planet is sane.
I'm just! glad cows don't fly.
I'm kidding you.  I am a kidder.
I'm kind of edgy lately. I guess it's my...loneliness. - Radar
I'm kinda dumb - Tom as girl
I'm kinda sorry Shelly bought it -Crow as Ms.Winters dies
I'm kinda tired.  I was up all night trying to round off infinity.
I'm kinda' looking forward to the appocalypse - Crow
I'm knitting a sweater for my guppy, said Tom wolfishly.
I'm late because aliens set my clock back.
I'm late for the Village People auditions - Tom as cop
I'm late. I had to change. - Klinger
I'm leaking brain lubricant.
I'm leaking brain lubricant. - Calvin
I'm learning a LOT about porn! - Crow excitedly
I'm learning to fly ... and I don't have wings!
I'm learning to play guitar, Tom said fretfully.
I'm leaving Starfleet -- Dr. Crusher
I'm leaving for Maggieland now.
I'm leaving my BBS to Science Fiction
I'm leaving my body to Science Fiction
I'm leaving my body to science fiction.
I'm leaving my mind to science fiction.
I'm like Midas - whatever I touch turns into a muffler!!
I'm like a TSR...I get loaded before working.
I'm like a bad TSR;  I keep popping up!
I'm like a bad TSR; I keep popping up!
I'm like a laser, 6 string eraser, I got a mouth like an alligator
I'm like an expensive maid:  I don't DO WindoZe!
I'm like most housekeepers...I don't do windows!
I'm like the Bunny and dense as a brick... or denser... - Vhujunka
I'm lip-smackin' good!
I'm lip-smakin' good!
I'm living in a country whose name means "many fish." Panama.
I'm living on a one-way, dead-end street. - S.W.
I'm living on a one-way, dead-end street. --Wright.
I'm living on coffee, cigarettes, chocolate, and junk food.
I'm living proof that God has a sense of humor.
I'm living proof you don't need drugs to have a good time.
I'm located across from Rush Limbaugh's Charm School.
I'm located next door to the Rush Limbaugh abortion clinic.
I'm located next to the Al Gore Taxidermy School of Endangered Species.
I'm located next to the Marie Antoinette Bakery.
I'm locked inside a chocolate factory. DON'T send help! --Deanna Troi.
I'm locked inside a chocolate factory...DON'T send help!
I'm logic that annoys in the night. I am...Spock's Brain!
I'm lonely...Down there - Crow as geeky guy
I'm looking better than nice! I'm looking... dangerous! - Cat
I'm looking better than nice! I'm lookingdangerous! --The Cat.
I'm looking for Zmodem, dear!
I'm looking for a Party Crowd!!!
I'm looking for a blessing that's NOT in disguise.
I'm looking for a computer with a Sex Drive
I'm looking for a dream I had on the Dream Recorder - The Cat
I'm looking for a housebroken planet!
I'm looking for a meaningful one-night relationship.
I'm looking for a meaningful overnight relationship.
I'm looking for a meaningful, one-night relationship.
I'm looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's..
I'm looking for an Al, last name Choholic.
I'm looking for an Al, last name Coholic.
I'm looking for lust in all the wrong places
I'm looking for lust in all the wrong places.
I'm looking for myself. Anybody seen me lately?
I'm looking forward to being senile so I won't know I'm immature.
I'm looking forward to my first Purple road kill...
I'm looking nice, my shadow's looking niceWhat a team! --The Cat.
I'm losin' it! - Geordi
I'm losing control, will you turn me a way or touch me deep inside?
I'm losing my audience to a bunch of dead trees! --Mojo.
I'm losing my thought of train.
I'm losing my thought of train....
I'm lost in a Batch of BATs.
I'm lost in the ozone again!
I'm lost somewhere in the ozone again.
I'm lost!  Can you help?....
I'm lost, but I'm still making pretty good time!
I'm lost.no wait,I'm at the corner of WALK and DON'T WALK
I'm lysdexic...
I'm mad and so am I!
I'm mad as heck....where's the check!
I'm mad at you because you were someone else.
I'm mad!  This 386 doesn't spel any better than the XT.
I'm made of liverwurst - Mike as weird scientist
I'm making a career of evil.
I'm making a home movie called "The Thing That Grew in My
I'm making a home movie called "The Thing That Grew in My Refrigerator."
I'm making chocolate chip cookies and I have more M & M's to peel.
I'm making over $1.75 an hour - Mike as security guard
I'm making this up as I go along.
I'm married to a Computer Widow!
I'm married to my computer, My wife is the hobby.
I'm me, I'm free and I'm outta control... lock up yer daughters! - TEQ
I'm me, no I'm you, you're him, he's she and we're us....
I'm melting!  This is all your fault, Bob!
I'm melting! I'm melting!! Oh, cruel world! -Doc Zimmerman
I'm melting, you wicked little girl...
I'm mentally OVERDRAWN!
I'm middle of the road.  Isn't everyone?
I'm miserable without you, it's like having you here.
I'm modem him and modem her. I'm the best!
I'm modest. I don't think I'm nearly as conceited as I really am.
I'm mooning everybody right now!  You just can't see me!
I'm mooning you know... you just can't see me.
I'm mooning you now, you just can't see me!
I'm mooning you now, you just can't see me.
I'm mooning you right nowyou just can't see me.
I'm more confused than a infant at a topless bar!
I'm more humble than you are!
I'm more or less particular about whom my wife marries. - Cary Grant
I'm more worried about my own last vestiges of sanity. :) - Jalapeno
I'm morphing Windows into OS/2.
I'm morphing in another window.
I'm morphing objects in another window.
I'm most _dreadfully_ embarrased ! - MofL
I'm most dangerous when I know what I'm doing!
I'm most dangerous when I know what I'm doing.
I'm moving from jaywalker to roadkill to grease spot on the Info.hway.
I'm moving to Fire Island, Dear - Crow as nerdy father
I'm moving to Mars next week, so if you have any boxes - s.w.
I'm moving to Mars next week, so if you have any boxes.
I'm moving to Mars next week, so if you have any boxes...
I'm moving to Nepal, where I intend to live as a goat.
I'm much cleaner than you are, Frank - Dr. Forrester
I'm much prettier than the Dark Death, and I have killed him.
I'm much too young to feel this damn old.....   - Bard
I'm much too young to feel this damned old. --Any Time Lord.
I'm much too young to feel this damned old...
I'm much too young to feel this durn old
I'm much too young to feel this old
I'm multilingual: English, French, Chinese, Drobnik.
I'm multitasking, not multiuser. Tell my boss
I'm multitasking... I read on the toilet.
I'm nOT CRAzy!  i'M juSt a litTLE LiGHt HEADeD.
I'm naked & afraid - Crow taking a shower
I'm naked under these clothes!
I'm needed HERE. - Franklin
I'm needed elsewhere. - Richard Franklin
I'm needed somewhere else in cyberspace, I hope...
I'm neither for nor against apathy.
I'm neither for, nor against apathy
I'm nervous and my socks are too loose.
I'm nervous.  My computer has started calling me 'Dave'...
I'm never lost with all these people telling me where to go...
I'm never too busy to stop and talk about how busy I am!
I'm new and what's all this then?
I'm new and whats all this then?
I'm new here - who should I prostrate myself in from of?
I'm new to Fido.  Can't quite get a Handle ON IT! - ML
I'm new to Fido. Can't quite get a Handle ON IT!
I'm no Don Johnson ya know.-- Butthead
I'm no Yngie Malmsteen - Mike as hippy with guitar
I'm no communist, Alger hissed.
I'm no cyclist, I just wear all this stuff to look cool!
I'm no drunker than him-> Hello! Juston Wilson.
I'm no genealogist.  Until this year I spelled it "geneOlogist!"
I'm no genealogist. ... Until this year I spelled it "geneOlogist!"
I'm no good at golf; I'll hit another bad shot, Tom forewarned.
I'm no housewife, try Domestic Engineer!
I'm no lawyer, but I vaguely remember something like that.
I'm no schoolboy; but I know what I like!
I'm no stranger, just a friend you haven't met...
I'm no teacher, but knowing me is certainly an edication.
I'm no teacher, but knowing me is certainly an education.
I'm no trophy, but can be gorgeous with subdued back lighting...
I'm nobody's fool, care to adopt me ?
I'm not *creating* a disturbance; I'm adding to the one already here!
I'm not *insane* ... Just electroencephalogically challenged! :-)
I'm not 32 , I'm 18 with 14 years experience!
I'm not 50! I'm 21 with 29 years experience.
I'm not 51; I'm 17 for the third time!
I'm not 51; I'm just 17 for the third time.....
I'm not Bajoran, Sisko punched me in the nose - Kira
I'm not Bajoran. Bullitt punched me in the nose.
I'm not Bajoran. Orville punched me in the nose.
I'm not Bajoran. Sisko punched me in the nose. -- Kira
I'm not Balding...I'm just out growing my Hair...
I'm not CREATING a disturbance, I'm improving one that's already here!
I'm not CREATING a disturbance; I'm improving one already in
I'm not Canadian, although I tend to like their bacon.
I'm not Canadian, but I do like their bacon.
I'm not Cheap - Just Frugal.
I'm not Christian..but I'll turn two cheeks to the ones in this echo
I'm not FOR apathy, and I'm not AGAINST it.
I'm not Flaming, I'm just Smoldering!
I'm not Hawaiian but I'll never pass up a good lei.
I'm not Lesbian, and neither is my girlfriend.
I'm not Lesbian, but I think my girlfriend is.
I'm not Paranoid - The DM is out to get me.
I'm not Paranoid, The DM is out to get me.
I'm not Politically Correct, and darn proud of it!!!
I'm not Politically InCorrect. I'm just bloody rude!
I'm not Politically InCorrect. I'm politically challenged
I'm not Politically InCorrect. You're ideologically sheltered!
I'm not QUITE dead yet.....--Monty P.
I'm not Schizophrenic!  Yes, I am!  No, I'm Not!  Who are you?
I'm not Schizophrenic! Yes I am! No I'm Not! Who are you?
I'm not a D.J., but I play one on the radio.
I'm not a Demi-goddess - I just role-play one in AD&D... ;>
I'm not a Drill Thrall, I'm a Drool Trill!  Dax
I'm not a Kennedy, my pants just fell down!
I'm not a Novice; I'm an Expert Beginner.
I'm not a Pandora, I'm much more like that girl in the mirror.
I'm not a REDNECK! I have a strong Southern personality!
I'm not a Republican, I'm an Anti-Democrat!
I'm not a SEXIST PIG ! .  just a sexy one
I'm not a Sexual Psychopath, but I play one on FIDOnet.
I'm not a Space Cadet. I'm universally challenged.
I'm not a Sysop, but I if I were...  BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
I'm not a Sysop, but I know their "occasional" *pain*.
I'm not a Sysop, but I play one on TV
I'm not a Sysop, but I play one on TV...
I'm not a System Administrator, but I play one on TV.
I'm not a Tagline writer! (All of mine are stolen.)
I'm not a Vulcan, but I'm not _stupid_.   ;"^)
I'm not a Vulcan, but that doesn't make me _stupid_.   ;"^)
I'm not a Windows user, but I play one on TV.
I'm not a beaurocrat - I *USE* my brain!
I'm not a bigot...I'm just racially challenged.
I'm not a bright guy - Tom
I'm not a cat... I don't have nine lives.
I'm not a cheat. I'm ethically challenged
I'm not a complete Idiot..Some parts are Missing...
I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing.
I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing.
I'm not a complete idiot - several pieces are missing.
I'm not a complete idiot pilot... Several parts are missing!
I'm not a complete idiot, several parts are missing!
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
I'm not a complete idiot--several parts are missing.
I'm not a complete idiot.  Some pieces are missing.
I'm not a complete idiot. Parts are missing!?!
I'm not a complete idiot... Several parts are missing!
I'm not a complete idiot...several of my parts are missing!
I'm not a complete idiotSeveral parts are missing!
I'm not a computer expert, but I play one on Fidonet.
I'm not a computer nerd...I'm a computer JOCK!
I'm not a computer nerd; merely a Computer Jock.
I'm not a crook!  Nixon said resignedly.
I'm not a crook.  I'm just ethically challenged.
I'm not a crook; I'm "ethically challenged."
I'm not a crunchy frog, but I just ate one on TV.
I'm not a cultist.  I just like sacrificing virgins for fun.
I'm not a cultist... I just like sacrificing virgins for fun....
I'm not a dictator. It's just that I have a grumpy face.
I'm not a doctor, although I play one on tv
I'm not a doctor, but I play one at the hospital.
I'm not a drunk, I just enjoy living in a liquid medium!
I'm not a dust-bunny! - Mutant Raccoon
I'm not a faggot! I'm just vaginally challenged.
I'm not a file leech! Just an avid file collector.
I'm not a flower! - Mike
I'm not a freak; I'm a PROTOTYPE! -- SeaQuest
I'm not a ghost!  I'm just dimensionally challenged.
I'm not a guitar. Stop picking on me.
I'm not a homosexual, but my boyfriend is.
I'm not a lawyer, I'm a prosecutor.  There is a difference.
I'm not a lawyer, but I can sill get you off.
I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in this echo....
I'm not a lawyer, but I play one on the guitar.
I'm not a lawyer, but I play one on the violin.
I'm not a lesbian - but I play one on T.V.
I'm not a lesbian feminist, but I play one on TV
I'm not a lesbian, but i suspect my girlfriend is
I'm not a lesbian, but my girlfriend is.
I'm not a loner.  I just can't get along with anybody!
I'm not a minority, I'm an outnumbered majority!
I'm not a minority. I'm an outnumbered majority!
I'm not a moderator, I just have the face of one.
I'm not a moderator, but I play one at home
I'm not a movie someone walked into the middle of. - Hawkeye
I'm not a perfect stranger, but I get better when you know me.
I'm not a pessimest, just an optimist with a lot of experience.
I'm not a photographer.  I just wear all this to lose weight.
I'm not a photographer. I just carry this stuff to lose weight.
I'm not a programmer but I play one on TV...
I'm not a psychiatrist. I'm not screwed up enough. - Hawkeye
I'm not a psychiatrist; I'm just an expert at being confused.
I'm not a racist - I don't even own running shoes!
I'm not a rat, I'm a mouse. <BOOM> Oh drat. - Brain
I'm not a real sysop, I just play one on TV.
I'm not a real sysop, but I play one on TV.
I'm not a real tagline, but I play one on TV.
I'm not a reporter, but I played one on TV. (really)
I'm not a rumor monger, just telling what I heard.
I'm not a sexist, but I'm pretty good.
I'm not a slob ... I'm organizationally challenged ...
I'm not a slob ... I'm organizationally challenged.
I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is. Forrest Gump
I'm not a software pirate. More of a brigand I would say.
I'm not a stranger, only a friend you haven't met.
I'm not a straw, So don't suck up.
I'm not a supreme being - Picard
I'm not a sysop, I just play one on the echoes.
I'm not a sysop, although I play one on TV.
I'm not a tagline addict; I can quit anytime I want to!
I'm not a tagline addict; I use less than a case per day!
I'm not a tagline addict; it doesn't interfere with my work!
I'm not a tagline addict; my spouse hasn't left me yet!
I'm not a tagline but I play one on FirstClass.
I'm not a technical person!  I just want to go places in my car!
I'm not a vampire - I just eat like one.
I'm not a vampire.  I just eat like one.
I'm not a vampire. I just like to bite.
I'm not a witch doctor-- I'm only a folk medic.
I'm not a witch! I'm your wife! -- Valerie
I'm not a witch, I'm a love technician - Madonna
I'm not a witch, I'm not a witch!
I'm not afraid of Death, What's he gonna do? Kill me?
I'm not afraid of death!  What's it going to do? Kill me?
I'm not afraid of death!  What's it gonna do?  Kill me?
I'm not afraid of death! What's it going to do? Kill me?
I'm not afraid of death! What's it gonna do? Kill me?
I'm not afraid of death, but I know he's waiting at the corner.
I'm not afraid of flying, I'm afraid of crashing.
I'm not afraid of flying, I'm afraid of crashing.
I'm not afraid of hard work. I could go to sleep right next to it.
I'm not afraid of heights, I'm just afraid of falling from them.
I'm not afraid of heights; I'm afraid of widths.
I'm not afraid of the night.
I'm not afraid of work - I can sleep right beside it.
I'm not afraid of work. I can go to sleep right beside it
I'm not afraid of work.Good reason:I don't get too close!
I'm not afraid to die, I just don't wanna be there when it happens.
I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.
I'm not afraid to wage the hopeless battles I must fight. - Fishbone
I'm not afraid. Oh, you will be. You will be.
I'm not against half-naked girls. Or not as often as I'd like to be!
I'm not against taxation; I'm against abuse of taxpayers!
I'm not against the police, just afraid of them.
I'm not aging, I'm marinating!
I'm not alway's right - there, see! I was wrong just then!
I'm not always shallow, once I had a near-depth experience.
I'm not an MCP!! Some of my best friends are bimbos.
I'm not an acronym...  I'm a human being!  Err...  Oops.
I'm not an actor but I play one on TV.
I'm not an actor, but I play one on TV.
I'm not an airhead...I'm a cerebro-atmospheric individual.
I'm not an alcoholic... I run on bio-fuel...
I'm not an elitist.  Why do you ask, you peasant?
I'm not an elitist. Why do you ask, you MODERATOR?
I'm not an idiot, but I play one on the net.
I'm not an oonbeelee I'm an agnostic - Tom on girl's accent
I'm not an opinionated jerk, I just act like that on Fido echos
I'm not an opinionated jerk, but I play one on FidoNet.
I'm not an opinionated jerk, but I play one on the InterNet.
I'm not an under-achiever, you're an over-expecter.
I'm not an x-geek, really...
I'm not angry... just terribly, terribly hurt. - The Martian
I'm not anti-religion, religion's anti-me.
I'm not apathetic, I just don't give a damn.
I'm not argueing, I'm reasoning. - Rastafarian Mornings
I'm not arguing with you, I'm telling you.
I'm not arrogant, I just have a problem with mortals
I'm not arrogant, I'm RIGHT!
I'm not as conservative as I look.
I'm not as drink as you thinkle peep I is!
I'm not as drunk as some tinkle peep I am.
I'm not as dumb as you look.
I'm not as good as I once was, I'm as good as I ever was!
I'm not as innocent as I look!
I'm not as think as you confused I am!
I'm not as think as you drunk I am!
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
I'm not as think as you stoned I am.
I'm not as think as you stoned I am.  - Jennifer Baker AKA Cool Girl
I'm not as think as you stupid I am!
I'm not as think so am dumb I you.
I'm not as thunk as some drinkle peep I am.... <hic>
I'm not as thunk as you drink I am.
I'm not asking you to LIVE in sin, just visit for awhile
I'm not asking you to LIVE in sin, only to visit awhile..
I'm not asleep. I'm just waiting for Windows to load.
I'm not asz think asz you drink I am, Ossifer!
I'm not asz think asz you drunk I am, Ossifer!
I'm not at my wit's end, but I can see it from here.
I'm not avoiding the question. I'm avoiding the answer.
I'm not bad - I just post that way.
I'm not bad, I just post that way.
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way - Jessica Rabbit
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.         J.Ra
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.         J.Rabbit
I'm not bald, I am forehead enhnaced.
I'm not bald, I just have a BAD barber!?!
I'm not bald, I'm follically challenged.
I'm not bald, I'm follicly challenged
I'm not bald, I'm just too tall for my hair.
I'm not bald, I'm merly follicly challanged
I'm not bald, just follicularly challenged.
I'm not bald, merely follically challenged.
I'm not bald. It's a solar panel for a sex machine
I'm not bald. That's a solar panal for a sex machine
I'm not bald...  just hairing impaired.
I'm not bald... I'm just taller than my hair!
I'm not bald...Thats a Solar Pannel for a sex machine
I'm not bald; I just have an extra large part in my hair.
I'm not beaming down until you make me a main character !!
I'm not biased, I just don't like certain things..
I'm not big on social graces...
I'm not bigoted, I only won't let women control their own bodies.
I'm not blaming anybody. - Col. Potter
I'm not bored... I've just got nothing to do!.
I'm not born again - my mom got it right the first time.
I'm not born again - the Goddess got it right the first time.
I'm not bossy, I merely have an instructional surfeit.
I'm not bothered by what people think of me. --Torres.
I'm not breaking the rules - just testing the elasticity.
I'm not breaking the rules, just testing the moderator.
I'm not breaking the rules...just testing their elasticity.
I'm not brilliant. My Friends are!
I'm not broke, I'm `finacially challenged'.
I'm not broke, I'm just badly bent.
I'm not butch, I just forgot to do laundry.
I'm not certain. Can't you tell? -- Worf
I'm not cheap - but I can be tricked!
I'm not cheap, I'm inexpensive! - TEC
I'm not cheap, I'm inexpensive! - The Evil Clown
I'm not cheap, I'm thrifty & frugle!
I'm not cheap, you know.  Loud, but never cheap.
I'm not coming out! - Embarrassed Crow
I'm not complaining, I never complain, I only observe and muse.
I'm not completely worthless, I can always serve as a bad
I'm not completely worthless, I can always serve as a bad example!
I'm not completely worthless, I could always serve as a bad example!
I'm not conceited - although I have every right to be!
I'm not conceited, I just can't stand mortals.
I'm not conceited, just justifiably convinced!
I'm not concerned with fashion -- Worf
I'm not confused, I'm just well-mixed.
I'm not confused. I'm just well mixed. --Robert Frost.
I'm not confused...I'm bisexual!
I'm not corrupt--just ethically challenged.
I'm not crazy I've just been in a very bad MOOD for over forty years!
I'm not crazy! I've just been in a very weird mood for thirty years!
I'm not crazy! The voices tell me so!
I'm not crazy, I just don't give a s#1t
I'm not crazy, I just don't give a s#1t.
I'm not crazy, I just have a unique sense of reality.
I'm not crazy, I'm chlorinated
I'm not crazy, it's just a chemical imbalance
I'm not crazy, it's just a chemical imbalance ...
I'm not crazy, the voices in my head told me so.
I'm not crazy, the voices told me so!
I'm not crazy.  I just have a unique sense of reality.
I'm not crazy.  I'm just acting this way to annoy you.
I'm not crazy. I just have a unique sense of reality.
I'm not crazy.*.*I just have a unique sense of reality.
I'm not crazy... The voices reassure me of that fact!
I'm not crazy; I'm just a sane person trapped in the body of a lunatic.
I'm not crazyI've just been in a very bad MOOD for over forty years!
I'm not cynical -- I'm just experienced.
I'm not cynical.  Just experienced.
I'm not cynical. Just experienced.
I'm not dating again until God creates a better species!
I'm not dead - I'm just sleeping and rotting at the same time.
I'm not dead yet! I think I'll go for a walk.
I'm not dead yet! Yes, you are!
I'm not dead yet.. ...You'll be stone dead in a minute...
I'm not dead! --Ro.
I'm not dead! Its just a post-life crisis!
I'm not dead! Wellhe will be soon-- he's very ill.
I'm not dead!- old man
I'm not dead, I'm metabolically challenged.
I'm not dead, I'm metabolically challenged.
I'm not dead, I'm metabolically inconvenienced!
I'm not dead, I'm metabollically challenged.
I'm not dead, just electroencephalographically challenged
I'm not dead, just metabolically challenged
I'm not dead,I'm electroencephelographically challenged
I'm not dead.  I'm electroencephelographically challenged.
I'm not dead. I'm electroencephelographically challenged.
I'm not dead. I'm just "metabolically challenged".
I'm not dead;  I'm "metabolically challenged."
I'm not dead; I'm "metabolically challenged".
I'm not dead; I'm "metabolically challenged."
I'm not deaf, I'm ignoring you!
I'm not deaf. I'm just ignoring you.
I'm not deaf; I'm ignoring you.
I'm not dishonest, im morally different
I'm not dishonest, just morally different!
I'm not dissing the 100 - Tom
I'm not dogmatic, I'm just RIGHT!
I'm not down in the dumps...my house ALWAYS looks this way.
I'm not drownin', just wavin'
I'm not drunk - I'm just motorfunctionally challenged
I'm not drunk yet. Yer still ugly!
I'm not dyslectic, thank dog!
I'm not dyslexic, thank dog!
I'm not easily fooled, except by myself.
I'm not easily offended - please try harder.
I'm not easily offended. So, you'll have to try harder.
I'm not easy, but I CAN be had!
I'm not easy, but I can be tricked!
I'm not even going to ignore that.
I'm not even shoving off until we go to the store. - Chief Wiggem
I'm not evil, I'm "morally challenged".
I'm not evil, I'm just "morally challenged".
I'm not exactly a good luck charm. - Tom Paris
I'm not exactly finished trimming the bushes, Tom hedged.
I'm not exactly on the str8 and narrow minded now, am I?
I'm not fast but I'm not slow, I'm kinda half fast. <g>
I'm not fat - I'm circumferentially enhanced!
I'm not fat - I'm just seriously overnourished!
I'm not fat - I'm just short for my weight.
I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
I'm not fat just horizontially disproportionate.
I'm not fat! - just gravitationally challenged.
I'm not fat, I'm fluffy!
I'm not fat, I'm gravitationally challenged.
I'm not fat, I'm horizontally advantaged.
I'm not fat, I'm horizontally disproportionate!
I'm not fat, I'm just horizontally gifted.
I'm not fat, I'm just saving water in case of drought.
I'm not fat, I'm just seriously overnourished!
I'm not fat- I'm metabolically challenged!
I'm not fat.  I suffer from gravity poisoning.  - SLR
I'm not fat. I'm horizontally disadvantaged.
I'm not fat. I'm just saving water in case of drought.
I'm not fat.... I'm *F*L*U*F*F*Y*!!
I'm not fat...this is a well-developed table muscle.
I'm not ferpect.
I'm not finished. - Richard Franklin
I'm not flippant, I'm irreverent.
I'm not fond of personal abuse. - Col. Potter to Col. Flagg
I'm not fooled by that cheap disguise.
I'm not gay - Mike as prissy cowboy
I'm not gay but I think my girlfriend is!
I'm not gay but my Boyfriend is.
I'm not gay, and neither is my boyfriend.
I'm not gay, but I think my boyfriend is.
I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is.
I'm not gay, my husband is.
I'm not getting better, I'm getting older. Er, Wait! Wrong!
I'm not getting fatter ! Just thickening with age
I'm not getting older, I'm getting stranger!
I'm not getting worse at remembering ... just better at forgetting!
I'm not giving him a penalty for fighting! You didn't fight back!
I'm not going ahead with the treatments. -- Melora
I'm not going bald!!..They're friction burns...
I'm not going crazy. I've already been there and returned
I'm not going deaf. I'm ignoring you.
I'm not going out there without a bulletproof couch. - Dr. Freedman
I'm not going to -mish-! - Lister
I'm not going to Hell.  Today's not Wednesday!
I'm not going to eat any more of those pastries, Tom de-eclaired.
I'm not going to kiss you.  I'm only adjusting the restraint.
I'm not going to talk unless you stop screaming. - Trapper
I'm not good-looking but what's my opinion against 1000's of others?
I'm not hard to convince: try cash.
I'm not hard to please...just give me what I want!
I'm not having this conversation...--Sinclair.
I'm not here to approve or disapprove -- Deanna
I'm not homo-phobic, I'm homo-cidic.
I'm not homo-phobic, I'm homo-cidic....
I'm not hooked, I can quit phonics any time I want.
I'm not hostile! I'll kill the !@#$%[& that said that!!!
I'm not hostile! I'll kill the #%! that said that!
I'm not illiterate!  I know who my parents are.
I'm not illiterate!  My parents were married...
I'm not illiterate!  My parents were married...and unrelated.
I'm not illiterate.  I knew both my parents.
I'm not illiterate.  I know what my parent's names are!
I'm not illiterate.  My parents were married.
I'm not impatient... I'm just tired of waiting!
I'm not in a hurry - I just want to get in front of you.
I'm not in a play--I'm in the SCA
I'm not in denial, but if I were, I wouldn't admit it!
I'm not in denial.  I'm just very selective about the reality I accept
I'm not in my right mind. It's out cavorting nude in the mud.
I'm not in the mood to drink anymore - Mike
I'm not inattentive, you're boring.
I'm not inattentive, you're just boring.
I'm not indecisive...am I?  No...well, maybe I am.
I'm not insane, I'm mad I tell yoy *MAD*
I'm not insane, but I do a good imitation.
I'm not insane.   The voices said so.
I'm not insane.  I'm not insane. (Repeat as necessary)
I'm not insane.  The voices in my head told me so!
I'm not insane...I'm just surreal!
I'm not insensitive, I'm male.  See the difference?
I'm not insensitive, I'm political-correctness challenged.
I'm not insinuating anything. :) - Dire Wolf
I'm not interested in your dopey religious cult.
I'm not into denial, but if I were, I'd never admit it.
I'm not just another pretty face.  Garfield
I'm not just another pretty face. - Klinger
I'm not just any Cardassian, I'm Gul Foremski.
I'm not just any Cardassian, I'm Gul Neyland.
I'm not just any fool!  I'm a DAMN fool!
I'm not just anybody, but I'll talk. - Klinger
I'm not just one of your snuggle-girls, @Ff
I'm not just one of your snuggle-girls, Will. ~ Beverly
I'm not just one of your snuggle-girls, Will. þ Beverly
I'm not just one of your snuggle-girls.
I'm not just talented.  I'm geniused.   Rita Tushingham
I'm not just the ruler of the galaxy...I'm also a cat!
I'm not late today - just early for tomorrow
I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you!
I'm not lazy, I'm doing research on inertia.
I'm not lazy, I'm limiting my environmental impact!
I'm not lazy.  I'm just doing research on inertia.
I'm not lazy.  I'm researching inertia.  The buzzards are observers.
I'm not leaving the forest without my bowling balls!
I'm not leaving without those stones. - Indiana Jones
I'm not listening. Dum de dum dum dum - Tom as girl
I'm not living in the past...just learning about the way.
I'm not living in the past...just making payments on it.
I'm not loafing   I work so fast I'm always finished
I'm not loafing - I'm doing research on inertia.
I'm not loafing -- I'm just doing research on inertia.
I'm not loafing. I work so fast I'm always finished
I'm not loafing. I work so fast I'm always finished.
I'm not looking for a friend, I'm looking for a Jedi Master. - Luke
I'm not looking for a friend, I'm looking for a great warrior
I'm not lost - I'm just "locationally challenged."
I'm not lost - just misguided.
I'm not lost!  I'm "locationally challenged."
I'm not lost! I'm just temporarily confused!
I'm not lost, I have Destination Deficiency Disorder.
I'm not lost, I'm "locationally challenged"
I'm not lost, I'm "locationally challenged".
I'm not lost, I'm "locationally challenged."
I'm not lost, I'm "locationally challenged."
I'm not lost, I'm Geographically Challenged!
I'm not lost, I'm destination deficient.
I'm not lost, I'm directionally challenged.
I'm not lost, I'm directionally indecisive.
I'm not lost, I'm locationally challenged!
I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am.
I'm not lost...see I'm right here <where is here?>
I'm not lost; I'm "locationally challenged".
I'm not lost; I'm geographically challenged.
I'm not lost; I'm locationally challenged.
I'm not making this up just so I can take over the world!
I'm not male, I'm "phallically burdened."
I'm not male, I'm "vaginally challenged."
I'm not married - I can't mate in captivity.
I'm not married but my wife is.
I'm not mature?! - Tom
I'm not merely the ruler of the galaxy, I'm a cat!
I'm not messy, I just ran out of STACK space.
I'm not messy, I'm "organizationally challenged"!
I'm not mistaken. The rest of the world is wrong.
I'm not much of a pigeon-critic, Dawson. - Richie Ryan
I'm not much of a typist...but I can erase 90 words per minute.
I'm not myself today.  Oh, you noticed the improvement?
I'm not nearly as afraid of criminals as I am of Government.
I'm not nearly as think as you confused I am.
I'm not nuts, I'm differentially oriented.
I'm not off-topic, I'm just on a different topic!
I'm not off-topic. I'm on a different topic.
I'm not old - I'm chronologically enhanced!
I'm not old - I'm ripe!    - Bard
I'm not old I'm chronologically challenged.
I'm not old I'm chronologically disadvantaged.
I'm not old, I'm a recycled teenager
I'm not old, I'm chronologically advantaged
I'm not old, I'm chronologically disadvantaged
I'm not old, I'm chronologically enhanced
I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted.
I'm not old, I'm just chronologically challenged.
I'm not old, I'm youthfully disadvantaged
I'm not old, just chronologically challenged!
I'm not old.  I'm chronologically gifted.
I'm not old... I'm chronologically disadvantaged.
I'm not old....I'm chronologically gifted!
I'm not on drugs.  I am drugs.
I'm not on the "Where Are You" list...I flunked geography.
I'm not on the "where are you" list...I listened to the moderator!
I'm not on the left or the right, I'm above
I'm not on the where are you list...I listened to the Moderator!
I'm not on the where are you listI listened to the Moderator!
I'm not one to believe in magic.. -RUSH Presto
I'm not only the Hair Club President, but I'm also a client.
I'm not only the hair club president; I'm a member!
I'm not only the president, I'm also a world-dominating mouse!
I'm not operating too loud for you people, am I? - Hawkeye
I'm not opinionated, I'm just always right!
I'm not opinionated. I'm ALWAYS right.
I'm not overweight, I'm gravitationally challenged.
I'm not overweight, I'm undertall! - Garfield
I'm not overweight, I'm undertall.
I'm not overweight. I'm undertall.  Garfield
I'm not panicking!  I'm examening all the options at high speed.
I'm not panicking, I'm examining my options at high speed
I'm not panicking.  I'm examining all options at high speed.
I'm not panicking.  I'm examining all options at high speeed.
I'm not panicking. I'm examining all options at high speed. -The Doctor.
I'm not panicking:  I'm just examining all options at high speed.
I'm not paranoid - just a student of history.
I'm not paranoid - that's a rumor spread by my enemies
I'm not paranoid - you really ARE out to get me!
I'm not paranoid!  That's a rumor spread by my enemies.
I'm not paranoid!  That's a rumour spread by my enemies...
I'm not paranoid!  Which of my enemies told you that?
I'm not paranoid!  Which of my enemies told you this?
I'm not paranoid!  Why's everyone say I'm paranoid?  REALLY, I'm not!
I'm not paranoid! That's a rumor spread by my enemies!
I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you that?
I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
I'm not paranoid! Which one of my enemies told you that !
I'm not paranoid! Which one of my enemies told you this?
I'm not paranoid, everyone IS out to get me!
I'm not paranoid, it's a rumor started by my enemies!
I'm not paranoid, it's just that everyone else thinks I am. - G Farber
I'm not paranoid, just incredibly A*L*E*R*T!
I'm not paranoid, which one of my enemies told you this??
I'm not paranoid, who told you that?!
I'm not paranoid.  I *KNOW* everyone's out to get me.
I'm not paranoid. That's a rumor spread by my enemies.
I'm not paranoid. That's a rumour spread by my enemies.
I'm not paranoid...why is *EVERBODY* against me!?!?
I'm not pedantic, I'm punctuation addicted.
I'm not picking my nose, I'm pointing at my brain.
I'm not picking my nose, I'm pointing to my brain.
I'm not playing hard to get, I AM HARD TO GET!
I'm not playing hard to get. I AM HARD TO GET!
I'm not playing, I'm sharpening my communications skills
I'm not politically correct - I'm just correct
I'm not politically correct.  I'm ideologically approved!
I'm not politically correct. I'm ideologically approved!
I'm not politically incorrect - I'm politically challenged.
I'm not politically incorrect - you're ideologically sheltered.
I'm not politically incorrect--I'm politically challenged
I'm not politically incorrect.  I'm conformity challenged.
I'm not politically incorrect; you're ideologically shelte
I'm not politically incorrectI'm just bloody rude!
I'm not popular enough to be different. - Homer
I'm not posting off topic! I'm expanding the conversation
I'm not posting off topic, I'm adding to the conversation
I'm not posting off topic, I'm expanding the conversation
I'm not posting off-topic, just expanding the conversation....
I'm not pouting! I'm mourning! - Homer
I'm not pouting! You are! - Homer
I'm not prejudiced - I hate everybody equally!
I'm not prejudiced. I hate everyone equally.
I'm not prejudiced...  I hate everybody equally.   - Drow Prince
I'm not proud of what I did but I'm proud of how I did it.
I'm not proud. I'm just telling you the truth. Koresh
I'm not quite dead yet, sir!
I'm not rabid, I just have a... drooollling problem.
I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally!
I'm not racist.  I don't even own running shoes.
I'm not reading, I'm savoring. - BJ
I'm not real smart but I can lift heavy things.
I'm not real smart, But I can lift heavy things.
I'm not real smart, but I can lift heavy things.
I'm not reality-challenged.. I just live in another reality.. :) -DW
I'm not really IN this conference, just surfing through..
I'm not really a Dungeon Master, but I play one on TV.
I'm not really a cowboy.  I just found the hat...
I'm not really a cowboy. I just found the hat...
I'm not really bad -- I'm just drawn that way. - Jessica
I'm not really bad, I just type that way.
I'm not really bad, I'm just drawn that way - Jessica Rabbit
I'm not really bad.  I just write messages that way.
I'm not really badI just write messages that way.
I'm not really here. I'm just an incredible simulation.
I'm not really interested in your opinion, Threepio. - Han Solo
I'm not really old,  I'm just youthfully disadvantaged.
I'm not really old, I'm "youthfully disadvantaged."
I'm not religious, and God willing, I never will be.
I'm not religious. God willing, I never will be.
I'm not repeating myself.  I'm not repeating myself.
I'm not retreating, I'm just fighting in another direction!
I'm not round.  I'm an oblate spheroid.
I'm not rude, I'm "attitudinally challenged".
I'm not rude, I'm "attitudinally challenged".
I'm not rude, I'm just diplomatically challenged.
I'm not rude, just attitudinally challenged.
I'm not saying it's wrong or it's right, but maybe it's the only way.
I'm not saying we won't get our hair mussed a bit..
I'm not saying what I'm saying. - Sheridan
I'm not schitzophrenic - yes I am - no I'm not - I AM! - AM NOT! -....
I'm not schizophrenic - my mind multi-tasks!
I'm not schizophrenic! Both of me are just fine!
I'm not schizophrenic, I'm "multi-faceted!"
I'm not schizophrenic, I'm "multi-faceted"
I'm not schizophrenic, I'm mentally multitasking!
I'm not schizophrenic, and neither am I.
I'm not schizophrenic, my mind multi-tasks.
I'm not schizophrenic.  It's this guy beside me!
I'm not schizophrenic.  Yes, I am!  No, I'm not!  Who are you?
I'm not short and heavy, I'm just traveling near the speed of light.
I'm not short, I am Vertically challenged.
I'm not short, I'm vertically challenged!
I'm not short, just vertically challenged.
I'm not short.  I'm vertically challenged.
I'm not sick, I've just got fading genes.
I'm not sick. I've just got fading genes.
I'm not single, I'm just matrimonially challenged.
I'm not single, I'm romantically challenged.
I'm not sleeping. I'm checking my eyelids for light leaks.  Garfield
I'm not sleeping. I'm inspecting the inside of my eyelids.-Hawkeye
I'm not sleepy, my eyes are just taking a nap.
I'm not sleezy! Just ethically questionable when it comes to women.
I'm not slow at everything I do. I'm the fastest eater I know!
I'm not smart enough to think up something new by myself.
I'm not so much human as cat furniture.
I'm not so think as you drunk I am. - Hoolihan, on Swamp hooch
I'm not some freak.  What it is, Mama!  I'm some prototype.  Cheeeiit.
I'm not spoiled... I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!
I'm not spoiled... that's the cologne I'm wearing!
I'm not spoiled...I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!
I'm not square, I'm "culturally challenged".
I'm not square, I'm culturally challenged.
I'm not sterile! - Hoolihan. Congratulations! - Hawkeye.
I'm not stoned, I'm "recreationally medicated!"
I'm not strange!  I'm WEIRD!!!
I'm not strange, you are!
I'm not stuck, I'm ancestrally challenged
I'm not stuck, I'm ancestrally challenged.
I'm not stupid!  I don't even know the meaning of the word.
I'm not stupid, I have clue deficiency syndrome.
I'm not stupid, I'm intellectually challenged.
I'm not stupid, I'm not expendable, I'm not going.
I'm not stupid, I'm not expendable, and I'm NOT going!
I'm not stupid, I'm not expendable, and I'm not going!
I'm not stupid, I'm not expendible, and I'm not going.
I'm not stupid, but sometimes it's hard to tell.
I'm not stupid, just informationaly impaired!
I'm not stupid, my brain just needs to be defragmented!
I'm not suggesting anything... I might be *implying*...:) - TEC
I'm not super man. But I am very dense.
I'm not superstitious...just have bad luck on Friday 13th's.
I'm not supposed to be here. - Tasha.
I'm not sure I want to remember that - Riker
I'm not sure I'd admit that without heavy interrogation.
I'm not sure all these people understand me.....
I'm not sure if life is trying to pass me by or run me over!
I'm not sure if life is trying to pass me by..or run over me!
I'm not sure if this is MY leather diaper - Tom
I'm not sure my hard disk is big enough for the task!
I'm not sure of what I should do.
I'm not sure of what i should do -- NIN
I'm not sure officer.. He just said FAX ME UP SCOTTIE..
I'm not sure officer.. He just said FAX ME UP SCOTTY..
I'm not sure where we are...but we're making good time.
I'm not sure whether I should hug you or SLUG you!
I'm not sure.                       - Werner Heisenberg
I'm not talking to you for at least a weak, it's not good for me.
I'm not tardy, your clock is slow.
I'm not telling where my spots end! * Dax
I'm not tense, dammit!!!!
I'm not tense, just terribly A*L*E*R*T
I'm not tense, just terribly A*L*E*R*T!!
I'm not that tasty.  I'm mostly gristle. -- Crow T. Robot
I'm not that youngin my mid 20's.. just about 25 years ago. <g>
I'm not the complaining type. - Klinger
I'm not the fastest programmer, but I'm the most carefull
I'm not the lowest rank on this ship. What about the mice? --Lister.
I'm not the lowest rank on this ship. What about the mice? --The Cat.
I'm not the man I thought I was, but then again, I may be more...
I'm not the moderator, but I play one on TV
I'm not the one that misplaced the Deltivid asteroid belt! - Q
I'm not the one that misplaced the Deltivid asteroid belt.
I'm not the one who misplace the Deltivid Asteroid Belt -- Q to Q2
I'm not the one who misplaced the Deltivid Asteroid Belt -Q to Q2
I'm not the one who misplaced the Deltivid asteriod belt!
I'm not the one who misplaced the entire Deltivid asteroid belt! -- Q
I'm not the original poster, but here are the tags I have:
I'm not the sort of person whose birthday people remember. -F. Burns
I'm not the world's greatest lover, but eigth place ain't bad.
I'm not thinking of what I'm thinking.
I'm not thinking what I'm thinking. - Sheridan
I'm not to keen on tackling giants, but anything's better than skiing.
I'm not too fat. They just don't make chairs the way they used to.
I'm not troubled by obscene thougths....I enjoy them!
I'm not trying to be hostile. . . It's just an attitude adjustment.
I'm not trying to be hostile... It's just an attitude adjustment.
I'm not ugly, just aesthetically challenged.
I'm not ugly.  I'm just aesthetically challenged.
I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am.
I'm not unemployed, I'm indefinately leisured.
I'm not unemployed, I'm indefinitely leisured.
I'm not ungrammatical - I'm pedantically challenged
I'm not waving, you idiot!!  I'm drowning!!!!
I'm not wearing a toupee - Tom as Pernell Roberts
I'm not wearing any pants. Film at 11
I'm not wearing any underwear.  Film at 11.
I'm not wearing any underwear. Film at 11.
I'm not wearing pants - Crow as president
I'm not wearing undies - Crow as old man
I'm not white, I'm "ethnically challenged."
I'm not white, I'm just melanin disadvantaged.
I'm not worthless - I can always serve as a bad example!
I'm not worthless.  I can always serve as a bad example.
I'm not wrong! I'm misinformed!
I'm not young enough to be right all the time anymore
I'm not young enough to know everything
I'm not young enough to know everything.
I'm not young enough to know it ALL, like some people.
I'm not..no I am..no, I'm NOT indecisive.  Am I?
I'm not..no I am..no, I'm NOT indecisive. Am I?
I'm nothing if not imaginative -- Q
I'm now running a "re-engineered" 20 MHz SX!
I'm now the person I swore I'd never become.
I'm nuts. I should be out. - Klinger. Horse hockey! - Potter.
I'm objective; I object to everything.
I'm observing National Apathy Week.
I'm of greater value to you every day, said Tom appreciatively.
I'm of one mind, said the Borg pensively.
I'm off for the racetrack, said Tom hoarsely.
I'm off to meet my doom, mom.  See you after school. - Calvin
I'm off to see the Wizard, the wonderful....
I'm off to see the Wizard, the..
I'm off to see the Wizard.
I'm off to wax the shuttlecraft!  Anyone got a tribble I can use?
I'm off to wax the shuttlecraft! Anyone got a Tribble?
I'm often disappointed in myself.. :) - Dire Wolf
I'm ok, it's the world that's screwed up.
I'm okay and you're okay. . . but I'm more okay than you
I'm okay-It's only a flesh wound. Get that file uploaded!
I'm old and I've had a long time to think about it...
I'm old enough to know better, and young enough to experiment.
I'm old. All I care about is Matlock!. - Grandpa Simpson
I'm old. Gimme gimme gimme!! - Grampa
I'm older than dirt, so I don't intend to celebrate it too much!
I'm on 10,000 twit lists and very proud of it.
I'm on a bombing run with my baby - Mike sings
I'm on a garlic diet.  I've lost 14 pounds and 25 friends.
I'm on a low-falutin' quest for sex and good french fries
I'm on a low-fat, high stress diet .... coffee and fingernails.
I'm on a new rotation diet - every time I turn around, I eat.
I'm on a new seafood diet. I eat all the food I see.
I'm on a roll now... or is it a slide?
I'm on a rotation diet.  Every time I turn around, I eat.
I'm on a seafood diet.  I see food and I eat it.
I'm on a seafood diet: If I see food, I eat it.
I'm on a very big case right now. - Ace Ventura
I'm on decaffeinated prozac.
I'm on duty, Steven. - Richard Franklin
I'm on medication, and I know where you live.
I'm on my way to check-in at a Virtual Reality Motel!
I'm on that like white on rice.
I'm on the Bleeding Edge of Technology!
I'm on the Brute Squad. -- You *are* the Brute Squad!
I'm on the Brute Squad. No, you ARE the Brute Squad.
I'm on the Seafood Diet, I see food, I eat it.
I'm on the Seafood Diet: whenever I see food, I eat it!
I'm on the corner of Walk and Don't Walk
I'm on the corner of Walk and Don't Walk!
I'm on the crest of a slump.
I'm on the hunt, I'm after you. 'Cause I'm hungry like the wolf!
I'm on the modem, so don't pick up the pho@#$(**&$NO CARRIER
I'm on the phon $%5@@%$@@)9y NO CARRIER
I'm on the see food diet. See food, eat it!
I'm on the see-food diet - see food, eat it!
I'm on the third week of a two day party
I'm on the trailing edge of technology.
I'm on the verge of dispair again - Tom
I'm on welfare, said Tom dolefully.
I'm one of the Four Horsemen, and I bring unholy death.
I'm one of the few mammals who can breathe under food.  Garfield
I'm one of those exceptions?
I'm one sad, ape-like dude. - Homer
I'm one with the Universe---on a scale from 1 to 10.
I'm one-of-a-kind.  (Just what kind, nobody is really sure.)
I'm one-of-a-kind. (Just what kind, nobody's really sure.)
I'm only HALF lemming - I wear a life preserver.
I'm only a Christian - I don't understand theologians!
I'm only a beer teetotaler, not a champagne teetotaler.
I'm only a hypnotist, so this is only a suggestion.
I'm only a hypochondriac when I'm feeling sick.
I'm only as old as the man I'm feeling .
I'm only being good until my review
I'm only brave when I have to be.   Mafusa
I'm only brave when I have to be. - Mufasa
I'm only going to dread one day at a time.
I'm only hanging on to watch you go down... my love --U2
I'm only happy when I worry about stuff.
I'm only happy when I'm watching a hockey game.
I'm only here for moral support... just ignore the gun.
I'm only here for the Beer...
I'm only here for the oxygen.
I'm only here for the salad bar
I'm only here for the salad bar.
I'm only human.  Garfield
I'm only on my first face lift... :) - TEC
I'm only paranoid because everyone's against me
I'm only paranoid because everyone's against me.
I'm only sayin' this once: I'm dead! -- Elvis
I'm only sixteen! I'm too young to be freeze dried!
I'm only smokin' to take my mind off my dog biscuit problem. <R>
I'm only telling you this for your own good...
I'm only walking because I don't have my flying license yet, okay?
I'm open minded, but not so much that my brain falls out my ear!
I'm open, I'm open! - Ace Ventura
I'm opposed by the N.R.A. Bang! Bang! - Crow sings
I'm opposed to integration, Tom said deferentially.
I'm original! Just like Jack Butler.
I'm original! Just like Orville Bullitt.
I'm original! Just like Orville.
I'm out fighting the patriarchy; leave a message...
I'm out of bed and dressed, what more do you want?
I'm out of bed and dressed.  What more do you want
I'm out of bed and dressed.  What more do you want?
I'm out of it for a few days and the whole place goes to hell
I'm out of it for a little while, everybody gets delusions of grandeur
I'm out of my mind at this time but go ahead and leave a message.
I'm out of my mind with you / In heaven and hell with you
I'm out of pineapple, said Tom dolefully.
I'm out of sick days, so I'm calling in dead!
I'm out of sick days; I think I'll call in dead.
I'm outraged!  - Ed Broadbent.  I'm outrageous!!! - Bob Rae.
I'm outstanding in my field (left field) knee deep in BS
I'm outstanding in my field (left field) knee deep in BS.
I'm outta my head. O hurry or I may be dead.
I'm outta sick days I think I'll call in dead.
I'm packing it in - it depresses me.
I'm paranoid enough without YOUR help!
I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?
I'm part Scotch -- and part water . . .
I'm part of the 57% that did not vote for Clinton & Clinton..
I'm part of the 57% that didn't vote for Clinton.
I'm patient with stupidity but not with those proud of it
I'm patient with stupidity but not with those proud of it.
I'm paying back karma at an accelerated rate--Ivanova.
I'm paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate - Ivanova.
I'm paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate.  -Cmdr. Ivanova
I'm pecking you, baby. -- Rimmer
I'm pedalling as fast as I can.
I'm perfect by necessity, it isn't honest to be modest.
I'm perfectly sane - the aliens told me so.
I'm persistant and determined...just a redheaded trait.
I'm picking up a signal. - Ivanova
I'm picturing Naomi as Cruella de Whip in stilleto heels....
I'm pink therefore I'm Spam!
I'm pink therefore I'm spam.
I'm pink, therefore I'm Spam.
I'm pink, therefore I'm spam
I'm pleased to disappoint you. <Ripley>
I'm pondering the meaning of existence - not mine, your's!
I'm positive I am almost ready to say definitely.
I'm positively enameled with this subject.
I'm posting too much, this can't be right.
I'm practicing assertiveness, is that okay?
I'm practicing assertiveness.  Do you think that's okay?
I'm practicing assertiveness. Is that OK with you?
I'm pregnant - Crow as weird guy
I'm pregnant - Mike as tough guy
I'm pregnant with Paul Anka's child - Tom as girl
I'm prepared for all emergencies but totally unprepared for everyday life.
I'm prepared for all emergencies but totally unprepared for life.
I'm prepared for all emergencies.  But I'm totally unprepared for everyday life.
I'm prepared for anything, but is death anything?
I'm prepared for emergencies but totally unprepared for everyday life
I'm prepared to take that risk! - The Cat
I'm prescribing a series of commercials - Dr. Servo
I'm pretty cool Beavis, but I can't change the future. huh huh huh
I'm pretty cool Orville, but I can't change the future. huh huh huh
I'm pretty cool, Beavis, but I can't change the future...
I'm pretty damn cranky, thank you! -- Boothby
I'm pretty good at basketball, said Tom, dribbling.
I'm pretty sure I can do it, I saw it in a cartoon once.
I'm pretty sure I'm a woman - Gypsy
I'm pretty sure that none of us are here.
I'm pro-life.  I believe everybody should get one.
I'm probably overlooking the obvious again
I'm proud to be an American, and something else as well!
I'm proud to be gay and I'm proud to be me.
I'm proud to have been a part of your moral decline.
I'm psychic, I know my e-mail is in here somewhere!
I'm pure as the driven slush.
I'm pushing 60, and that's enough exercise for me.
I'm putting together a team now. --Garibaldi.
I'm queer, I'm here, and I'm not dropping carrier.
I'm quite a guy! - Dr. Forrester
I'm quite happy to be replaced.
I'm quite sure I saw this tagline in PODS!
I'm quoting from the World Book, Volume `H'. -- Crow T. Robot
I'm rakishly handsome - Mike
I'm rarely found in the majority - I don't like crowds.
I'm rated PG-34!!
I'm raven haired & bitter - Crow as evil viking girl
I'm reading about communism, said Tom readily.
I'm reading this by the warm glow of my dog
I'm reading this by the warm glow of my dog.
I'm ready for my mid-life crisis now
I'm ready to meet God. Whether God is ready to meet me is another thing.
I'm ready to meet God. Whether God's ready to meet me is another thing
I'm ready to meet my maker, but I doubt he's ready to meet me.
I'm ready to nail the shingles, said Tom ruefully. -John Foster
I'm ready to sign, Tom said pensively.
I'm ready to travel at WARP speed!
I'm ready... Ready for the gridlock --U2
I'm ready... Ready for the laughing gas --U2
I'm real. I'm human, but I'm no ordinary man. --Jim Morrison
I'm really a (Tom) Servo-Cro(w)atian at heart. <bkg>
I'm really acting now - Tom Servo as bad actor
I'm really acting now - Tom as bad actor
I'm really bored.  Who do I know that I can sue?
I'm really bored. Got a chainsaw?
I'm really bored. Who do we know that we can sue?
I'm really enjoying not talking to you, so let's not talk again real soon, ok?
I'm really enjoying not talking to you. Let's not talk again real soon, OK?
I'm really getting the hang of this 'Lie Mode' now! - Kryten
I'm really mousey! - Crow as girl
I'm really not late, boss. I just took my break before coming in.
I'm really not sure if what you heard is not what I meant......
I'm really quite dull - Picard
I'm really sorry about always saying I'm really sorry.
I'm really sorry for the running-you-over prank.. - Homer
I'm really sorry, Chief. - Maxwell Smart
I'm realy white & really straight! - Tom as geeky guy
I'm recovering from an overdose of reality.
I'm rededicating my garden as an example of zero growth.
I'm registered, are YOU?
I'm related to people I don't relate to -- Calvin
I'm related to people I don't relate to.  -- Calvin
I'm removing that dark stain on my soul - Dr. Forrester
I'm reopening the X-Files -   Skinner
I'm rereading the second Gospel, Tom remarked.
I'm resigning from the Academy. -- Wesley
I'm responsible for the MOTHER of all screw-ups!
I'm riding the Blue Wave across cyberspace.....
I'm right 13.2% of the time.  Why worry about the other 85%?
I'm right 90% of the time, so why worry about the other 3%?
I'm right 90% of the time--why quibble over the other 3%?
I'm right behind you--you make a great shield.
I'm rubber, you're glue, bounces off of me, sticks to you!
I'm running NextStep on Atari 2600 Video Game System.
I'm running OS/2, cause I'm sick of being a crash dummy for Windows
I'm running out of "clues" on this elusive family!
I'm running out of tagline materials!  Help!
I'm running out of time...
I'm running through your blood like a drug.    - Ratt
I'm safe now. Oh no! Teeth! - Dragonrider
I'm sandblasting my oven.
I'm saving my money for when they get Phaser Printers!
I'm saving my money. Someday it may be worth something.
I'm scared and I'm still making jokes! - Tom Servo
I'm scared of the darkthe government's in it.
I'm schizophrenic and so am I!
I'm schizophrenic and so am I.
I'm schizophrenic, What are you?
I'm schizophrenic, but I'm good people
I'm schizophrenic. So am I.
I'm schnockered!  - Tom as alcoholic news lady
I'm searching for myself:  Have you seen me?
I'm searching for myself; Have you seen me?
I'm secretly naked under my clothes.
I'm secretly very interested in life.
I'm seeking the MASTER UNIVERSAL TAGLINE FILE <tm>. Have you seen it?
I'm seeking the MASTER UNIVERSAL TAGLINE FILE. Have you seen it?
I'm sending Guido over to pay you a short visit!
I'm sending him the same message. - Sheridan
I'm sending my cat out to work so I can BBS all day!
I'm sending my cats out to work so I can BBS all day!
I'm sending you my allowance - Crow writes to Adam West
I'm sensing large dripping globs of chocolate - Troi
I'm sensing something, Captain, but I'm not exactly sure what it is.
I'm serious; it was a joke.
I'm seventeen and a half - Tom as punky teen
I'm sexy baby, so why don't you love me?
I'm shameless!
I'm sharpening my breasts - Crow as trampy girl
I'm shooting forward at the speed of 60 minutes per hour.
I'm short and witty, does that mean I could be a Tagline?
I'm sick & tired of you guys going over my head & down to Radar.-Henry
I'm sick of Elders. Am I covered under the health plan?
I'm sick of Hillary.  Am I covered under the health plan?
I'm sick of Hillary.  Does her health plan cover this?
I'm sick of Hillary.  Is this covered by the Health Plan?
I'm sick of being trodden on!  The Elder Gods say they ca
I'm sick of it! - Lister
I'm sick of liberals. Hillary, am I covered for that?
I'm sick of liberals...Hillary, am I covered for that?
I'm sick! I ought to be home in bed with a nurse.
I'm simply not a nice girl, she whispered tartly.
I'm singing in the rain, what a glorious feeling, I'm happy again....
I'm singing well these days, Tom intoned.
I'm sittin' on this barstool talkin' like a damn fool...
I'm sitting in a puddle - Mike
I'm skeptical, man. Not stupid. - Carl Robinson
I'm smart enough to go around nebulas when I encounter them.
I'm sneaky! - Mike as midget skulks about
I'm so BAD!  I even steal my own s!!
I'm so ashamed. I wrote a tribble recipe.
I'm so ashamed. I wrote a tribble tagline.
I'm so bad that I vacation in Flint, Mich.
I'm so blue, cause I don't think Ken loves me -Crow sings
I'm so bored, I'm starting to miss #AN#.
I'm so bored, I'm starting to miss @FN@.
I'm so bored, I'm starting to miss He .
I'm so bored, I'm starting to miss my boyfriend.
I'm so bored, I'm starting to miss my husband.
I'm so bored, I'm starting to miss my wife.
I'm so bored....Ah something read! Webster's Dictionary!!!
I'm so bored....Ah something to read! Webster's Dictionary!!!
I'm so bright I shine in the dark, Tom said radioactively.
I'm so broke I can't even pay attention
I'm so broke I can't pay attention
I'm so broke I'm thinking of starting my own government...
I'm so broke, I can't even pay attention!
I'm so broke, I can't even pay attention.
I'm so close to hell I can almost see Ottawa.
I'm so close to hell I can almost see Vegas!
I'm so cold I think my pilot's gone out. - Hawkeye
I'm so conservative I even press my socks...
I'm so cool you can store meat in me. - Zaphod Beeblebrox
I'm so crazy I'll try anything once!  What? Sword swallowing? NO way!!
I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! - Daffy
I'm so disorganized my keyboard isn't even alphabetized.
I'm so disorganized my keyboard isn't even in alphabetical order!
I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning.
I'm so dumb - Crow as girl wrestler
I'm so excited all six of my nipples are tingling. - The Cat
I'm so excited that we're talking about @SUBJECT@!!!
I'm so excited, I couldn't hold my oil!
I'm so fat that when I sing, it's over.
I'm so free of fault, nature rewarded me by making me perfect!
I'm so free of tan lines, f(x)=tan(x) is not asymptotic for me.
I'm so full I couldn't download another byte.
I'm so full, I could blow up, said Tom yeastily.
I'm so full, I don't think I could downlaod another byte.
I'm so full, I don't think I could download another byte.
I'm so gay I can't keep a straight face!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one- TEC
I'm so glad I'm not the only one...
I'm so glad to see you!  I've run out of people to torment
I'm so glad to see you! I've run out of people to torment.
I'm so glad you told me what I didn't want to hear.
I'm so happy to own a cat I could just throw up.  Jon
I'm so hip I have trouble seeing over my pelvis. - Zaphod
I'm so horney even the crack of Dawn isn't safe!
I'm so horny even the crack of Dawn isn't safe!
I'm so horny even the crack of dawn isn't safe!
I'm so horny, I get excited by the crack of dawn...
I'm so humble its almost immodest..
I'm so hungry I could eat a vegetable.
I'm so hungry I could eat the south bound end of a north bound polecat.
I'm so hungry, I could eat a -- wait!  Come back, Dobbin!
I'm so hungry, I could eat a -- wait! Come back, Bullitt!
I'm so hungry, I could eat a -- wait! Come back, Caplan..
I'm so hungry, I could eat a -- wait! Come back, Farley
I'm so hungry, I could eat a -- wait! Come back, Orville!
I'm so hungry, I could eat a...  wait!  Come back, Scheibe
I'm so hyper...  (Said with a very dull voice.)
I'm so in touch with my inner child that my condoms are made by Fisher-Pricer. 
I'm so lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.
I'm so lonesome, I don't know what to do.
I'm so modest I pull the curtains before changing my mind
I'm so nervous, yesterday I got a fingernail transplant!
I'm so old I can *remember* when Truman was President.
I'm so old I fart dust.
I'm so old I remember when Elvis was alive the first time.
I'm so old that my Social Security number is 4.
I'm so old that my back goes out more than I do!
I'm so old, even my kids call me Gramps..
I'm so open minded my cortex just went condo!
I'm so open minded you can see my synapses sticking out!
I'm so parinoid, it scares the hell out of me to drop to DOS!
I'm so poor, I can't even pay attention!
I'm so proud!  My cylinder graduated!
I'm so right wing I'm continued on the next wing.
I'm so sick of gingham I could scream - Dr. F as cowboy
I'm so thor I can hardly LISPth.
I'm so unlucky...even my artificial flower died.
I'm so well hung, I have a fiveskin.
I'm solidly behind whichever side eventually wins.
I'm solidly behind whichever side wins!
I'm some sort of legend. Go figure. - Tom
I'm somewhere between the age of consent and collapse.
I'm soooo cute when I do a number of things...
I'm sorry - All Taglines are busy now - Please hold.
I'm sorry - all taglines are busy now.  Please hold ...
I'm sorry - did I say that out loud?
I'm sorry - my karma just ran over your dogma
I'm sorry - my karma ran over your dogma.
I'm sorry -- didn't I mention it was a Betazoid wedding?
I'm sorry -- my karma ran over your dogma.
I'm sorry @FN@, I can't see you Saturday. I'm expecting a headache.
I'm sorry @FN@, thank you for playing. Next contestant.
I'm sorry @FN@, you are not cleared for that information.
I'm sorry @N@, did you say something?
I'm sorry Captain I lost Mr. @Ls' transporter signal.
I'm sorry Captain I lost Mr. Orvilles' transporter signal.
I'm sorry Captain I lost Ms. Orvilles' transporter signal.
I'm sorry Captain, I lost Mr. Bullitts' transporter signal.
I'm sorry Captain, I lost Mr. Kutzler' transporter signal.
I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.
I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
I'm sorry I can't see you Saturday.  I'm expecting a headache.
I'm sorry I don't have my homework.  The cat puked on it.
I'm sorry I don't have my homework. The cat puked on the monitor.
I'm sorry I waited as long as I did to blow them straight to hell.
I'm sorry I've been indulging in creative forgetting.
I'm sorry Mr Moderator...HEY!...OW!...THAT HURTS!
I'm sorry Mr. Moderator, I'll go back on topic soon!
I'm sorry Mr. Moderator, I'll go back on topic, I promise
I'm sorry Mr. Moderator...HEY!...OW!...THAT HURTS!
I'm sorry Mrs. Bobbitt, you can't send that in the mail.
I'm sorry Officer, I'm used to driving Windoze..
I'm sorry Orville Bullitt, did you say something?
I'm sorry Orville, did you say something?
I'm sorry Rick, did you say something?
I'm sorry Servo, but enough is enough - Mike
I'm sorry about that.  Just got a little over excited.
I'm sorry and thank you for playing.  Next contestant.
I'm sorry but I am *sure* there is no tagline for this subject!
I'm sorry but thank you for playing.
I'm sorry citizen, that information is not available.
I'm sorry for the dragon. Didn't know one would die of shame.
I'm sorry my Karma just stepped on your dogma.
I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma.
I'm sorry my kharma ran over your dogma.
I'm sorry our replicators do not do justice to Klingon Warnog. - Worf
I'm sorry sir, the cat's eaten it.
I'm sorry sir, the cat's eaten it. - Monty Python
I'm sorry sir, there must have been a microconverter malfunction!
I'm sorry to tell you daughter what yer mother never knew.
I'm sorry you must have mistaken me for someone who cares!
I'm sorry you've chosen to make this difficult for yourself, Mutie. -Jal
I'm sorry, Citizen. That information is not available at this time.
I'm sorry, Data. I can't do that. Love, Hal.
I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that.
I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
I'm sorry, Dave.  I can't do that.  I'm all out of Taglines
I'm sorry, Dave. I can't do that. I'm all out of Taglines
I'm sorry, Dave. I can't let you do that.
I'm sorry, Dave; I'm afraid I can't do that.
I'm sorry, Ensign Wakko, you'll have to hold it until we get home.
I'm sorry, I can't "C" and I don't do Windows.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you.  I have a banana in my ear.
I'm sorry, I can't let you do that.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize that the facts would confuse you.
I'm sorry, I don't do Taglines....
I'm sorry, I got carried way, I'll be careful from now on!
I'm sorry, I thought I had entered an alternate universe or something
I'm sorry, I was thinking again - Crow as stupid girl
I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to argue any more.
I'm sorry, James, I'm afraid I can't do that.
I'm sorry, John, I'm afraid I can't do that.
I'm sorry, Mr Moderator... HEY!... OW!... THAT HURTS!
I'm sorry, Mr. Barclay, you're not very convincing. - HoloDoc
I'm sorry, Mr. Kim, but you'll have to hold it until we get home.
I'm sorry, Mr. Moderator.  I'll go back on topic, I swear!
I'm sorry, Officer-I didn't know these freeways had no-smoking lanes.
I'm sorry, Orville, I'm afraid I can't do that.
I'm sorry, are the voices in my head bothering you?
I'm sorry, but I could swear you just called me a MACRO!
I'm sorry, but I disagree totally!
I'm sorry, but I disagree totaly!
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to shoot you.
I'm sorry, but I'm not a psychiatrist, so I can't help you.
I'm sorry, but all questions MUST be submitted in writing.
I'm sorry, but all the Muses are busy right now. Please hold.
I'm sorry, but illiteracy doesn't allow use of the handicapped spaces.
I'm sorry, but my brain has developed a few bad sectors.
I'm sorry, but reality is not in service at this time...
I'm sorry, but the tagline you've requested is no longer in service.
I'm sorry, did I say that out loud?
I'm sorry, for a moment I thought I had entered an alternate universe.
I'm sorry, loser. Uh, son - Mike
I'm sorry, my IQ's over 195. You wouldn't be interested.
I'm sorry, my karma ran over your dogma
I'm sorry, only integers are represented on Deiter's scale.
I'm sorry, reality is not in service at this time.
I'm sorry, that's not on the menu sir - Frank to Dr. F
I'm sorry, this tagline is not an apology!
I'm sorry, were the voices in my head bothering you?
I'm sorry, what does "Off-topic" mean?
I'm sorry, what exactly do you mean by `my twit filter'?
I'm sorry, what's off-topic mean?
I'm sorry, when I lost my mind they gave me this twisted loaner.
I'm sorry, you are not cleared for that information.
I'm sorry, you have reached the *negative* tagline echo.
I'm sorry.  All taglines are busy.  Please try again.
I'm sorry.  Did I say that out loud?
I'm sorry.  Did you say something?
I'm sorry.  I'm not allowed to argue any more.
I'm sorry.  Thank you for playing.  Next contestant.
I'm sorry.  Was I rambling again? -- The Doctor
I'm sorry. All taglines are busy. Please try again.
I'm sorry. I have no vices for you to exploit. - Tosk.
I'm sorry. I will not look in your direction - Data
I'm sorry. I'll try to do better. - Picard
I'm sorry. I'm afraid I've caught poetry.
I'm sorry. Thank you for playing. Next contestant.
I'm sorry. Was I rambling again?
I'm sorry. You have been temporarily disconnected!
I'm sorry. You're not cleared for that information.
I'm sorry. You're not cleared of your penalty, yet.
I'm sorry.. I'm rambling.. I'll stop... <G>  thanks for listening..
I'm sorry...were the voices in my head bothering you?
I'm sorry: I've been indulging in creative forgetting.
I'm sorry; were the voices in my head bothering you again?
I'm sorryWere the voices in my head bothering you?
I'm sort of what you call an "arm-chair" jogger.
I'm sory you had to see me like this
I'm speaking directly to your brain - Crow
I'm spending a year dead for Tax Purposes
I'm spending a year dead for tax purposes.
I'm spending a year dead for tax purposes.
I'm spending next year dead, for tax purposes.
I'm spending the night with *Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute*.
I'm spontaneous! I just want to proofread it first!
I'm squishy! - Mike
I'm standing -  and I can't fall down!
I'm standing - and I can't fall down!
I'm standing here freezing...
I'm standing!   And I can't fall down!
I'm starting a War for Peace!
I'm starting a war for peace!
I'm staying at madame yushi's "Free clinic & whorehouse" cum on by
I'm staying home to work on my cottage cheese sculpture.
I'm still Beta, but I'm getting better!
I'm still an atheist, thank God. - Luis Bunuel
I'm still big, it's the dinkies that got small - Tom Servo
I'm still here collecting Taglines, day and night.
I'm still in my child bearing years - Mike as wrestler
I'm still loving you, I need your love. I'm still loving you.
I'm still not making up my mind until all the evidence is heard.
I'm still out collecting `em, s*w*i*p*e, <*snarf*>, s*w*i*p*e!
I'm still out here collecting Taglines, day and night. <Gary Caplan>
I'm still searching for myself.
I'm still selling you to white slavery - Mike
I'm still testing life; not registered yet!
I'm still the angel to a girl who hates to sin - Tori Amos
I'm still the same old Dax, more or less. - Dax
I'm still using MS-DOS 5.0. 6.2 *eats* my old programs!
I'm still waiting for the Christians to turn the first cheek.
I'm still waiting for the Psychic Network to call ME...
I'm still waiting for the double thermal-pane version of Windows.
I'm stranded at the Shell station on the Data Superhighway.
I'm strangely unaffected by all this - Tom
I'm stretching out my mouth to let those big words come right out!
I'm strong enough to make it on my own.
I'm stubborn only when I don't get my own way.
I'm stuck in WINDOWS and I can't see out!
I'm stuck in my family tree & I can't get down!
I'm stuck in my family tree and I can't get down!
I'm stuck in my family tree, and I can't get down.
I'm stuck in this dream, it's changing me, I am becoming - NIN
I'm studying the process of evolution.  It's taking a *long* time.
I'm studying to be a drunk driving instructor.  -SLR
I'm stumped and any help will be greatly appreciated.
I'm stupid. Yes indeed, I'm stupid - Crow sings as teen
I'm submissive, not stupid...
I'm suffering from Dunlap's disease: My stomach Dunlaps over my belt.
I'm suffering from HWS - Hockey Withdrawl Syndrome
I'm suffering from severe brain decay....what's your excuse?
I'm supposed to be a cello player -- O'Brien
I'm supposed to be some kind of freaking wizard! - Tom
I'm supposed to feel something, but I don't - Crow
I'm sure I did, just have a brain like a.. that leaky thing for pasta?
I'm sure it can all be explained. - Father Mulcahy
I'm sure it's clearly explained in the Zmodem DOC's
I'm sure it's clearly explained in the Zmodem DOC's NOT!!
I'm sure it's clearly explained in the Zmodem DOC's.
I'm sure it's in the manual somewhere...
I'm sure others can provide more. MPO.
I'm sure that I'm confused about being sure..
I'm sure that it's clearly explained in the DSZ .DOC ...
I'm sure that's beyond your comprehension Q -- Beverly
I'm sure the Minbari will get worse. -Twolan-
I'm sure the Wizard can help you get a brain, Bill!
I'm sure there are more stories than these two out there...
I'm sure this is all clearly explained in DSZ.DOC..
I'm sure this is all clearly explained in the DOCs..
I'm sure we can talk things out like civilized people.- J. Wayne
I'm sure we can talk things out like uncivilized people.
I'm sure you'll find his fee reasonable. - Aahz
I'm sure your patients recover quickly just to get away from you. --Q
I'm sure your patients recover quickly, just to get away from you.
I'm surprised that lawyers don't advertise on hospital ceilings.
I'm surprised that your skull doesn't implode from the vacuum.
I'm surprised there aren't more solipsists!
I'm surprised!  I thought you had more Vision!
I'm surrounded by idiots - Scar
I'm surrounded by idiots!
I'm swapping Snow for BUGS!!!
I'm sweatin' BBs! - Tom
I'm taking French because my girlfriend likes cunning linguists.
I'm taking it off the top shelf, said Tom high handedly.
I'm taking last week back to the store, I won't even ask for a refund
I'm taking last week back to the store; I want a refund!
I'm taking my TomCat and cruising.
I'm taking one from the top shelf, Tom said highhandedly
I'm taking one from the top shelf," Tom said highhandedly
I'm taking one from the top shelf," he said highhandedly
I'm taking over this hotel, said Tom inappropriately.
I'm taking small doses of reality to build up immunity.
I'm taking the Fifth!- Cito Emendationem Quintam!
I'm taking the express handbasket to hell.
I'm taking the prisoner downstairs, Tom said condescendingly.
I'm taking the prisoner downstairs, he said condescendingly.
I'm taking you off everything except food for thought!
I'm taking your tagline, said Tom with a steely grin.
I'm talking. Your killing time between thoughts.
I'm talky Tina and... SHUT UP!
I'm teaching my ferret to yodel.
I'm tearing my hair out over this problem, said Tom distressingly.
I'm telling you -- You will be terrific -- Beverly
I'm telling you, there's been some kind of mistake. --Franklin.
I'm telling you, they are EVERYWHERE!
I'm terribly sorry about all this. After all, he's only a Wookiee.
I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid @FN@'s just a mirage.
I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid you're just a mirage.
I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid you're just a mirage. 
I'm testing this boomerang, said Tom triflingly.
I'm that tear in your hand - Tori Amos
I'm the 5'th reincarnation of the Cat Curiosity killed...
I'm the CAA-AAT! - Ren Hoek
I'm the Canadian one...
I'm the Devil, God of Hellfire & all - Tom as stern cop
I'm the Doctor... gotta love me! - Bashir
I'm the Dream Warrior! - Tom Servo
I'm the Ghost of Xmas Present. It's a pun, get it? - Dot
I'm the Kitten with the whip - Cat in Hexfield Viewscreen
I'm the Militia and I didn't bomb anyone.
I'm the N.R.A. - Mike as punk with gun
I'm the NRA, and if I can't vote twice, I'll shoot you.
I'm the NRA, militia, a voter, and pissed off!
I'm the NRA, militia, a voter, and pissed off.
I'm the Voodoo Child - Hendrix
I'm the `Barkis is willing' type...........
I'm the atomic powered robot, please give my best wishes to EVERYbody!
I'm the boss.  My cat said so!!
I'm the butcher's helper, said Tom cuttingly.
I'm the creature that goes bump in the night.
I'm the crime bill. Bang! Bang! - Crow sings
I'm the easily ignored guy. -- Shakespeare, Bone Gnawer
I'm the escaped convict & you're the warden's wife! - Tom
I'm the fellow you slept on last night.   Clark Gable
I'm the garbage officer. - Frank. We all know that. - Col. Potter
I'm the god! I'M THE GOD! - TV's Frank
I'm the government! I'm the government! - Mike sings
I'm the government. I'm the reason nothing works - Mike
I'm the guy with one star, 2 G's, 2 Nodes and one Saviour
I'm the guy your sister warned her boyfriend about.
I'm the gypsy in your pocket, I'm the horseman in your dreams.
I'm the kind of guy your mother warned you about!
I'm the leader, which way did they go?
I'm the little number with the nightie and the whip?
I'm the little sap in my family tree.
I'm the narrator. I was just on break - Mike on silence
I'm the new # 2 of Borg. Which side runs the Village is irrelevant.
I'm the new Number 2 of Borg. Number 1's identity is irrelevant.
I'm the new Number 2 of Borg. We want ASSIM-I-LATION!
I'm the normal one, everybody ELSE is weird
I'm the normal one, everybody ELSE is weird.
I'm the one thats gotta die when its time for me - Hendrix
I'm the one who's paranoid, remember? - Carl Robinson
I'm the one without a soul, I'm the one with this big f*cking hole - NIN
I'm the one without a soul. I'm the one with this big f'ing hole-NIN
I'm the one without the soul, I'm the one with this big fukin hole
I'm the one your mom was AFRAID to warn you about.
I'm the one your mother warned you about!
I'm the one your mother warned you about...
I'm the only one who'll walk across the fire for you.
I'm the person your mother warned you about
I'm the person your mother warned you about.
I'm the person your mother warned you about...
I'm the reason Hogan's got no hair. - Roddy Piper
I'm the tagline she always overlooks. Please excuse the dust.
I'm the teensiest bit busy, Tom! - Crow
I'm the walking dead. What would I have to talk about?
I'm their leader, which way did they go?
I'm thinking about a figure between 7 and 9, said Tom considerately.
I'm thinking of a number between 1 & 6 million.  Guess it
I'm thinking of a number between 1 & 6 million. Guess it.
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 6 million.
I'm thinking of giving up the nympho life...
I'm thinking of going metric...I'll start with 9mm...
I'm thinking! I'm thinking!
I'm thirsty but, my TAB has a CAPS LOCK.
I'm through with 'puters fore- hey a new prg. Gimme the checkbook!
I'm tied to the bed!    So what do I do now?
I'm tiny, I'm toony, and I'm a little looney!
I'm tired of Grey Poupon. You got any other colors?
I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep.
I'm tired of being a sex symbol!
I'm tired of being a sex symbol! NOT!
I'm tired of prancing around like a marionette. Picard
I'm tired of reality Where do I check out?
I'm tired of reality.  I'm going to read taglines.
I'm tired of sexist BBSes!  I want a FEMAIL door!
I'm tired of thinking up new taglines
I'm tired of walking through this war with wet hair. - Nurse Murphy
I'm tired of words and I'm too hoarse to shout...but, GO HABS GO!
I'm tired of your psychology to bring me to my bended knee...
I'm tired. Answer my messages for me.
I'm to sexy for the Borg - J. L. Picard
I'm to sexy for the Borg... - J. L. Picard
I'm to sexy for the Borg... --Picard.
I'm to sexy for the Borg...--J. L. Picard.
I'm to sexy for the Borg...--Picard.
I'm to sexy for this BBS, to sexy for this...NO CARRIER
I'm too Sexy for my Bar, Too Sexy for my Bar! - Quark
I'm too Sexy for my Beard, Too Sexy for my Beard! - Riker
I'm too Sexy for my Bucket, Too Sexy for my Bucket! - Odo
I'm too Sexy for my Cat, Too Sexy for my Cat! - Data
I'm too Sexy for my Earrings, Too Sexy for my Earrings! - Ro
I'm too Sexy for my Ears, Too Sexy for my Ears! - Quark
I'm too Sexy for my Eyes, Too Sexy for my Eyes! - LaForge
I'm too Sexy for my Hair, Too sexy for my Hair! - Picard
I'm too Sexy for my Hat, Too sexy for my Hat! - Guinan
I'm too Sexy for my Head, Too Sexy for my Head! - Worf
I'm too Sexy for my Host, Too Sexy for my Host! - Dax
I'm too Sexy for my Mind, Too Sexy for my Mind! - Wesley
I'm too Sexy for my Outfits, Too Sexy for my Outfits! - Troi
I'm too Sexy for my Rank, Too Sexy for my Rank! - O'Brien
I'm too Sexy for my Visor, Too Sexy for my Visor! - LaForge
I'm too busy studying for the elections.
I'm too busy to get organized.
I'm too busy to have time for anything important.
I'm too busy to waste time leaving a tagline.
I'm too busy trying to catch the Ether Bunny.
I'm too busy with my BBS addicts support group.
I'm too dreamy to remember groceries- Tom Servo
I'm too far from California, my super powers are fading...
I'm too flabby! - Rimmer Yes, fight that flab! - Lister
I'm too frail & sensitive for this - Crow
I'm too frightened to be scared. - Hawkeye
I'm too kinky to discuss.
I'm too lazy to make up a tagline.
I'm too lethargic to work at Pep Boys.
I'm too old a cat to be seduced by kittens.
I'm too old and incontinent - oops - incompetent!
I'm too old and incontinent-oops-incompetent
I'm too old for baby toys. What's in it for me?
I'm too old for that stuff.
I'm too old for this sh*t! <Murtagh>
I'm too old to die young.
I'm too old to run wild.  Now I just walk wild.
I'm too poor to afford even being broke!
I'm too sexy for meiosis.
I'm too sexy for my Captain. --Beverly Crusher.
I'm too sexy for my board. Right. Said Dead Ed.
I'm too sexy for my chrome dome. - Right Said Picard.
I'm too sexy for my ears. - Right Said Spock.
I'm too sexy for my head - Worf
I'm too sexy for my head! -- Worf
I'm too sexy for my modem, too sexy fo#&w^$%& - NO CARRIE
I'm too sexy for my modem, too sexy fo#l&w^$%&?-  NO CARRIER
I'm too sexy for my modem, too sexy for my modem (boom boom boom boom)
I'm too sexy for my modem, too sexy for my modem(boom boom boom boo
I'm too sexy for my motherboard.
I'm too sexy for my own damn self. - Right Said Pulaski.
I'm too sexy for my slug. - Jadzia Dax
I'm too sexy for my tagline.......
I'm too sexy for my wrist!
I'm too sexy for myself.
I'm too sexy for the Borg, too sexy for the Borg -Jean-Luc Picard
I'm too sexy for this BBS, too sexy for this @#$% NO CARRIER
I'm too sexy for this ECHO, too sexy*!@#$%* NO CARRIER
I'm too sexy for this Tagline.
I'm too sexy for this class.
I'm too sexy for this conference!
I'm too sexy for this conference...tooo sexxxxy for this confo...
I'm too sexy for this echo, too sexy for this echo.....
I'm too sexy for this echo...#$%&*^&NO CARRIER
I'm too sexy for this party.
I'm too sexy for this show. - Right Said Tasha.
I'm too sexy to have hair.
I'm too sexy to read the docs.
I'm too sexy to read the docs....
I'm too sexy! You know what I mean!
I'm too simple to have a complex  So I have a simplex.
I'm too simple to have a complex ... So I have a simplex.
I'm too skeptical to deny the possibility of anything
I'm too skeptical to deny the possibility of anything...
I'm too smart to let my intelligence go to my head.
I'm too stupid to know what I'm involved in.
I'm too upset to even swear
I'm too weak. I need a hand to hold - Dr. Forrester
I'm too young and unblemished to think any other sort of thought. -Jal
I'm top dog in my house and I have the leash to prove it.
I'm torn between Zen and I'm alright Jack.
I'm totally relaxed - Tom
I'm totally unprepared for everyday life.
I'm touched Now hurry up and bury it before it stinks!
I'm touching the feminine side of myself; it feels pretty good.
I'm touring China with a wok band.
I'm transporting napalm to my aunt's house - Crow
I'm trapped by your love and chained by your sighs.
I'm trapped inside a chocolate factory--DON'T send help!
I'm tri-sexual -- I'll try anything sexual.
I'm tring to help my in-laws.
I'm tripping--and I can't get up!
I'm try'n to protect what I keep inside..
I'm try-sexual.  I'll try anything once.
I'm trying to apologize, you dumb noodleloaf - Calvin
I'm trying to be less popular.
I'm trying to blow my shoes off - Calvin
I'm trying to climb my family tree, but I'm stuck on this one branch.
I'm trying to find my wife's good side...still circling. .
I'm trying to find myself.  Anybody see me lately?
I'm trying to find myself.  Anyone seen me lately?
I'm trying to find myself.  Has anyone seen me lately?
I'm trying to find myself. Anyone seen me lately?
I'm trying to find that out right now. - Odo
I'm trying to finish it before I go stark raving bonkers.
I'm trying to get her on line. She's interested.
I'm trying to get some air circulating, said Tom fanatically
I'm trying to hang on.
I'm trying to kill you with a minimum of fuss. Cooperate, Orville!
I'm trying to make a very careful random choice.
I'm trying to make insects fly, said Tom flippantly.
I'm trying to memorize your face.   Robert Montgomery
I'm trying to score here, ok? - Mike as dorky guy
I'm trying to see how long I can go without saying yes. (SHIT!)
I'm trying to see things from your point of view.
I'm trying to swallow first.  - Taltos
I'm trying to take a close-up picture of the horizon.
I'm trying to think of a good one!
I'm trying to think of a good one!!!!
I'm trying to watch a fine piece of cinema, here - Tom
I'm trying... I'm trying... (scheesh... mortals!)
I'm turning you in to the SPCA!
I'm uncomfortable when I'm alone or with others.
I'm unemployed.  Afraid to steal and too proud to run for Congress.
I'm unready whenever you are.
I'm unsafe at any speed.
I'm up to my ASCII in files
I'm up to my elbows in waxy buildup.
I'm upping my standards, so **UP YOURS!**
I'm useless, finito, a spare sock in the hamper of life! - DarkWing
I'm user friendly, I don't byte - I snap.
I'm user friendly, I don't byte -- I nybble.
I'm user friendly, I don't byte -- I snap.
I'm user friendly, I don't byte, I nybble.
I'm user friendly...I don't Byte I just Nybble.
I'm using my Message Avenger (+1 +9 versus Moderators).
I'm using my Message Avenger (+1 +9 versus moderaters)
I'm using tomorrow's dollars to buy yesterday's technology!
I'm usually awake near the end of the day
I'm usually awake near the end of the day.
I'm usually awake near the end of the week.
I'm very disappointed in you, Gryph. :) - Dire Wolf
I'm very efficient at work.  I haven't missed a coffee break in 6 years.
I'm very efficient at work. I haven't missed a coffee break in 6 yrs.
I'm very flexible: I can put both feet in my mouth.
I'm very good at eating.  Can you tell me where they need eaters?
I'm very good at misquoting.  Just give me a chance.  PLEASE!
I'm very humble...   AIN'T I GREAT?
I'm very popular with women, said Don wanly.
I'm very proud about stopping myself before being tagged.
I'm very selective about the reality I accept.
I'm very, very good at being very, very bad.
I'm waitin' fo' 20Mb FLOPPIES.  Right On!
I'm waiting for 20Mb FLOPPIES!
I'm waiting for Windows v4.0!
I'm waiting for a huge Federation build up in ships and officers.
I'm waiting for ignition, I'm looking for a spark.
I'm waiting for my ship to come in.
I'm waiting for the '96 White House eviction notice!
I'm waiting for the 50 mhz 686.
I'm waiting for the O/S2 version of Windows!
I'm waiting for the flashbacks they promised!
I'm waiting for the notebook to come out in paperback.
I'm waiting patiently to see what time will do to me.
I'm waiting to see if I'm already a winner.
I'm walking away a winner, walking away from a losing game.
I'm walking away a winner, walking back into my life.
I'm warm...willing..and waiting.. so wot's keeping you
I'm warning you!  One step closer and I'll drop carrier!
I'm warning you! One step closer and I'll drop carrier!
I'm warning you, you're looking at a desperate flamingo. - Hawkeye
I'm watching my drinking.  When I go to a bar I take a mirror.
I'm watching my drinking. I only go to bars with mirrors.
I'm watching over you. Now, PROCREATE! - Joel as God
I'm wearing black-lace panties.
I'm wearing boxer shorts & I know how to use them.
I'm wearing boxer shorts ... and I know how to use them.
I'm wearing my apron & nothing else! - Mike
I'm wearing my best tuxedo.  Got bomber escort tonight..
I'm wearing my strip of bacon today - Crow
I'm wearing my wedding ring, said Tom with abandon.
I'm weeth stupeed ---> - Epitath on Ren Hoek's tombstone.
I'm weird! But I'm saving up to be eccentric.
I'm weird, but around here it's barely noticable.
I'm weird, but around here it's barely noticeable.
I'm weird, but around here that's barely noticeable.
I'm weird, too, that makes two of us.
I'm weird. But Nebulously nudging toward truly bizarre!
I'm weird. But Nebuously nudging toward truly bizzare!
I'm weird...but around here it's barely noticeable.
I'm well preserved. - Annie Devlin
I'm where? "In the echo." What do you want? "Taglines..."
I'm whispering back!
I'm wicked and I just don't care .....
I'm with Starfleet.  We don't lie.  (Wesley Crusher)
I'm wizzin' with the door open, and I love it! - Homer Simpson
I'm wobbling and I can't fall down!     Weeble
I'm wondering what your head would look like on a stick.
I'm working on anti-viral condoms for diskettes.
I'm working on my 2nd $1,000,000.  Gave up on the 1st.
I'm working on my 2nd $million Gave up on the 1st.
I'm working on my 2nd $million...  Gave up on the 1st.
I'm working on my 2nd $million... gave up on the first!
I'm working on my next broken heart.
I'm working on my second $1,000,000.  Gave up on the first.
I'm working on my second million Gave up on the first
I'm working on my second million dollars... I gave up on the first.
I'm worried about my vertical hold.
I'm worse than a ham - a ham can be cured!
I'm writing a batch file that will make all my messages be on topic.
I'm writing a book about my family - I have all the page numbers done!
I'm writing a book.  I've got the page numbers done.
I'm writing a book.  So far I have the page numbers done.
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done.
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done. - s.w.
I'm writing a book. Sofar I have the page numbers done.
I'm writing a book; got the page numbers done...
I'm writing a novel; I've got the page numbers done...
I'm writing a phone book. May I have your number?
I'm writing a telephone book.  May I have your number?
I'm writing a telephone book. May I have your number, @FN@?
I'm writing a telephone book. May I have your number?
I'm writing about the rebels in Nicaragua, said Tom controversially.
I'm writing an unauthorized autobiography of myself.
I'm writing an unauthorized autobiography.
I'm writing an unauthorized autobiography. - S.W.
I'm writing and unauthorized auto-biography.
I'm you're boyfriend now, lalala! - Crow as sea monster
I'm young man living in an old building.
I'm younger than most people my age.
I'm your No. 1 fan. You're lucky I found you.
I'm your average, ordinary, every day girl. NOT!
I'm your boyfriend now, Nancy! --Freddy Krueger.
I'm your captain now. - Riker
I'm your next door neighbour. Could I borrow a cup of recipes?
I'm your next door neighbour. Could I borrow a cup of taglines?
I'm! Too Sexy For My Car! Too Sexy For My Car! Too Sexy For My Car!
I'm! Too Sexy For My Job! Too sexy For My Job! Too Sexy For My Job!
I'm! Too Sexy For This Shirt! Too Sexy For This Shirt!
I'm, drinking my baby away.
I'm...HUSKY! - Tom as fat guy fights
I'mmmm too sexy for my taglines, too sexy for my.
I'net id: PATRICK-WHITTICK-18/417+aIUP%Ford@mcimail.com
I't   iS% #hArD     T@&o tYPe   )+wItH C&*ar&*Pal &% tUnNeL&)+ sYNdrOMe# !
I't  iS% #hArD  T@&o tYPe )+wItH C&*ar&*Pal &% tUnNeL&)+ sYNdrOMe#!
I've "adopted" so many taglines -  mostly yours... :-
I've Fallen and I can't Reach my Beer!
I've Forgotten MY EZ Password! (*^()*^_ *^(@
I've GOT it together.  You should have seen it APART!
I've GOT one! I have a SPECIAL PURPOSE!!
I've Got It: Its Fresh-Its Sassy-Its Free-Its Me! - Crow
I've Penetrated and Defiled your Timbits box - Mutant Raccoon
I've a cat in my lap and I can't get up!
I've accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker
I've achieved Fidonet immortality. I can die happy now. (g) H.Sullivan
I've achieved Fidonet immortality. I can die happy now. --H. Sullivan.
I've achieved Fidonet immortality.. I can die happy now.
I've added WIN*.* to my virus scanning software's list.
I've added some special modifications myself.
I've adopted so many taglines, I have no idea how I'll feed them all.
I've allies in Heaven, Jack, I've comrades in Hell...
I've already done that sir... He knows everything.
I've already got a female to worry about.  Her name is the Enterprise.
I've already got a female to worry about.  Her name's the Enterprise.
I've already had X-rays, said Tom roentgenographically.
I've already made arrangements to take off from work Saturday.
I've already removed all my vile flesh - Dr. Forrester
I've already told you more than I know.
I've already told you more than I remember.
I've already told you once.
I've already warned Gryph about such optimism in my presence... - MR
I've always been a man of the world.   Clifton Webb
I've always been crazy, but it keeps me sane.
I've always been crazy, but it's kept me from goin' insane!!
I've always been crazy, but it's kept me from going insane.
I've always been intrigued by women named BJ. - Fox Mulder
I've always been warped, but now my computer is too.
I've always felt that I was a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
I've always found juice in the head to be a turn on -Tom
I've always found that life is highly overrated. - Mutant Raccoon
I've always had a hard time.
I've always known that the mirror never lies.
I've always known that the mirror never lies. - Qyr
I've always looked up to girls in mini-skirts..
I've always loved you Johnny  - Tom as governer to aid
I've always told stories, but it used to get me spanked.
I've always wanted to make love to an alien.
I've always wanted to play to a captive audience. --Uhura.
I've always wanted to read,... <thoughtful pause> ... a book.
I've always wanted to read... <thoughtful pause< ... a book.
I've always wondered why the MODERATOR echo needs moderating.
I've appeared before all the judges of this state. Often as a lawyer!
I've asked Joel to raise my sarcasm sequencer. -- Tom Servo
I've asked King Vitamin to join us - Tom
I've basically been in the shower since Tuesday - Dr. F
I've beamed down, and I can't get up!
I've beamed down......AND I CAN'T BEAM UP!!
I've become accustomed to being treated like a hypospray. - HoloDoc
I've been Fido-immortalized, my messages turned into taglines.-Myra Fox
I've been Trekkin' since 1966!
I've been a bit of an ogre myself.. Yes you have.
I've been a husband and a wife and I know that look from both sides.
I've been a moron for half my life, and hate the hours... - MR
I've been as busy as a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes.
I've been back to Morpeth but the answer sure ain't there ...
I've been called many things in my time, but rarely sir and mister.
I've been cheating and I *still* can't win!
I've been cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
I've been dead before. - Spock ST VI
I've been dead before. -- Cpt. Spock
I've been dead before. --Spock.
I've been flying past the houses, farms, and fields.
I've been having an incontinence problem, Tom gushed.
I've been having trouble with DOS... DOS damn kids next door!
I've been having trouble with DOSDOS damn kids next d
I've been hearing about it.  Wondering where you heard about it too.
I've been here in DOOM a mite too long, eh, Colonel Butler?
I've been jailed, impaled and dragged through the world.
I've been killed by an action figure! - Tom
I've been living on the wrong side of Memphis.
I've been locked inside your heartshaped box for a week  - Kurt Cobain
I've been lonely for you--night after night in my little sanitarium.
I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets.
I've been looking forward to killing you for a long time. - Greedo
I've been lurking around, you know...:) - TEC
I've been machine-gunned, handgunned, hijacked, left for dead...
I've been making a man, with blonde hair and a tan - Frank
I've been nibbling on Delavian chocolates all morning. --Garak.
I've been on a calender, but never on time. - Marilyn Monroe
I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is two weeks.
I've been on the BBS  __H_O_W__  long????
I've been programmed with everything but a pleasant bedside manner.-Pi
I've been programmed with everything but a pleasent bedside manner.-Pi
I've been raising up my hands, drive another nail in - Tori Amos
I've been recording my life in pastels - Crow
I've been retired so long I can't adjust to the hours!
I've been rich and I've been poor; rich is better. - Sophie Tucker
I've been rich and I've been poor; rich is better. - Will Rogers
I've been saying that for years * Fox Mulder * X-Files
I've been scheduled for a karma transplant.
I've been seduced by the Chocolate Side of the Farce.
I've been seduced by the chocolate side of the Force
I've been seduced by the chocolate side of the force.
I've been shot twice - Mike as bread man
I've been slipping obscene prescrips into the nurses' tent.-Hawkeye
I've been sticking pins in my Frank Burns doll all year. - Hawkeye
I've been taxed, run over, and taxed again by Clinton.
I've been thinking, but it's an accident I swear!
I've been through hell and back again.
I've been to Hell and back again, I spell it, I spell it DMV...
I've been to hell and back and I have the bus ticket to prove it!
I've been to the Abyss.  NOT a fun place"  - Tasslehoff
I've been to the mountain top & I have dug it baby - Crow
I've been trying so long my fingers have letters on them.
I've been trying to get down to the heart of the matter..
I've been tutoring him. He learns very quickly. -- Worf
I've been typing so long my fingers have letters on them.
I've been used by the best, abused by the rest.
I've been using this unregistered version of reality for 35 years!
I've been vaccinated against rabies.  *snarl*
I've been waiting all my life to f*ck up like this.
I've been waiting for you Obi-Wan.We meet again - D.Vader
I've been waiting for you, #TN#. The circle is now complete.
I've been waiting for you, @LN@. The circle is now complete.
I've been waiting for you, Bullitt.  The circle is now complete.
I've been waiting for you, Greene. The circle is now complete.
I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan.  We meet again, at last. - Vader
I've been waiting for you, Orville. The circle is now complete.
I've been waiting for you. The circle is now complete.
I've been waiting so long for my ship to come in, my pier sank.
I've been walking under rainbows too long to tell.
I've been watching TONS of hockey lately - yeah, on Sega Genesis.
I've been working out like a dog...a couple of leg lifts, then a nap.
I've been wrestling with reality for most of my life--I've won
I've better things to waste disk space on than Windows
I've brought back the lorry I borrowed, said Tom truculently.
I've called in sick so many times today I'll call in dead!
I've callen and I can't hang up
I've ceased being able to tell whether you people are kidding or not.
I've changed my mind, Hobbes.  People are scum. - Calvin
I've changed my mind, Orville. People are scum.
I've changed my mind. People ARE scum.
I've changed my name to Al, said Hal, exasperated.
I've come down with a really horrible case of something or other.
I've come for my haircut and bloodletting.
I've come so far & remembered so little.
I've come to answer your prayers. - Lestat
I've come to chew bubble gum and kick #$%. I'm all out of bubble gum.
I've come to kick #$% & chew bubble gum. I'm all out of bubble gum.
I've come to kick #$% and chew bubble gum-I'm all out of bubble gum.
I've come to kick *ss & chew bubble gum. I'm all out of bubble gum.
I've come to kick @$$ and chew bubble gum! I'm all out of bubble gum.
I've come to kick a$$ and chew bubble gum.  I'm all out of bubble gum.
I've come to kick ass or chew bubble gum. I'm all out of bubble gum.
I've come to kill you Quark. -- Fallad Kott
I've come to look for America. -P. Simon
I've commited adultery in my heart many times.
I've committed adultery in my heart many times
I've compiled a list of your faults. It comes in 10 volumes.
I've crashed and I can't boot up!
I've cut my drinking in half...no more chasers!
I've decided to be leanient. 400 days detention. - Principal Skinner
I've decided to become an undecided voter in this campaign.
I've decided to grow a beard, mom - Calvin
I've decided to stop caring about things - Calvin
I've designed the world's most adorable pet! - Dr. F
I've determined it's a safe - Mike
I've dialed and I can't hang up!
I've discovered a new religion:  believing in myself.
I've done far worse than kill you, Kirk -- Khan
I've done far worse than kill you, Kirk.   -Kahn
I've done more than talk to her on the phone, said Tom metaphysically.
I've done this operation on hundreds of people...God rest their souls.
I've done you before, haven't I?
I've drawn more blood in my time than Dracula on a blind date.-Hawk
I've dropped my toothpaste, Tom said, crestfallen.
I've eaten so much seafood, my stomach rises and falls with the tide.
I've enjoyed as much of this as I can stand
I've enjoyed just about as much of this as I can stand.
I've erased the fine line between sanity and insanity!
I've even done it in the dark..!
I've failed, haven't I. --Kryten.
I've fallen AND I CAN'T GET UP!
I've fallen and I can't beam up.
I've fallen and I can't get down!  (James Brown)
I've fallen and I can't get up.
I've fallen and I can't reach my keyboard!
I've fallen and I canna get up!
I've fallen and I canna reach me scotch! -- Scotty in RELICS II!
I've fallen and I need Stand Up.
I've fallen and can't get my Pangalactic Gargleblaster.
I've fallen but the stupid button doesn't WORK!
I've fallen down and can't reach my beer!
I've fallen in love but can't remember her name
I've fallen in love with the idea of living. - Shirley Valentine
I've fallen into this weird dream and can't wake up.
I've fallen out and I can't get in!
I've fallen to my death, and I can't get up!
I've fallen!  And I can't reach my beer!
I've fallen! And I can't reach my BEER!
I've fallen! And I don't care!
I've fallen, And I can't reach my beer!
I've fallen, an' I canna' reach me scotch!
I've fallen... AND I CAN'T GET UP!
I've fallen... and can't BOOT up!
I've fallen... but I'll be back... Arnold Schwarzeneger
I've fallen...and I can't reach my beer!
I've fallen...but I'll be back. -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
I've fallen...but I'll be back...Arnold Schwarzenegger
I've fallenAND I CAN'T GET UP!
I've finally got it all together. Now, where did I put it?
I've finally got this ficts, fics, fixd ...
I've finally won the Academy Award, said Henry fondly.
I've formatted and I can't boot up!
I've found a great way to start the day - I go straight back to bed!
I've found the perfect solution for cat odors.  A gun.
I've found the perfect solution for cat odors. A gun.
I've gained thirty pounds, said Tom heavily.
I've given up reading books. It takes my mind off myself.
I've given up reading books; I find it takes my mind off myself.
I've given up trying to escape from reality; they always find me anyway.
I've given you a home in my heart. Now pay the rent!
I've given you no word to keep, Admiral. - Khan
I've gone "down under" quite often, thats why I still have a girl.
I've gone along with your idea; posted the Bobbitt Taglines to ALL.
I've gone along with your suggestion; posted Bobbitt Taglines to ALL.
I've gone crazy, my kids drove me there.
I've gone crazy. @FN@ drove me there.
I've gone crazy. My kid drove me there.
I've gone with your suggestion and posted the Bobbitt Taglines to ALL.
I've got 1 Frigate1 Sloop2 Brigs5 Gunboats--but NO CARRIER
I've got 1,2,3,4,5 - senses working overtime.
I've got 20/20 hindsight.
I've got 256K of RAM, so why can't I run Doom?
I've got 256K of RAM, so why can't I run Windows 3
I've got 256K of RAM, so why can't I run Windows 3.0?
I've got 256K of RAM. Why can't I run Windows?
I've got 256Mb of RAM, so why can't I run Windows?
I've got Crow T. Robot eyes
I've got Deja Vu.  Does my TARDIS use has something to do with it?
I've got PMS and a handgun . . . any questions?
I've got Parkinson's disease.  And he's got mine.
I've got Taglines to write, messages to read.
I've got a 14.4 modem and now my messages get lost even faster!
I've got a 486DX-33...I've got a 486DX-33...I've got a...
I've got a BEER attitude ...
I've got a BEER attitude!
I've got a BIG magnet! Everybody BACKUP!
I've got a Mickey Mouse PC with a Goofy operating system.
I've got a PC, TWTOTB & SITYS, and I'm a member of LENS. Any questions?
I've got a Pentium, so I can play Minefield faster.
I've got a Spandex imagination & a double knit reality!!
I've got a bad cold, Tom said infectiously.
I've got a bad feeling about this.
I've got a bad feeling about this. - Han Solo
I've got a bad feeling about this...
I've got a bad feeling, Han. Get your hand off my monkey, Luke. huh
I've got a bad felling about this!  Han Solo/Princess Leia/Luke S.
I've got a better idea: I'll go. - Sheridan
I've got a big crack in my butt.  -Butthead
I've got a big, dirty secret - Crow, coyly as girl
I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like - Pink Floyd
I've got a bowling ball in my stomach.
I've got a cat in my lap and I can't get up!
I've got a computer... I don't NEED a life!
I've got a degree from the School of Hard Knocks!
I've got a desert in my mouth.
I've got a dog, his name is Fido, and he echoes all my mail...
I've got a dog, his name is Fido, and he echos all my mail...
I've got a drawerful of smiles.-Potter So that's your secret.-Hawk
I've got a drinking problem - two hands and only one mouth
I've got a feeling everything is going to be alright!
I've got a few...
I've got a good frame of mind, but my picture is blank!!
I've got a good knock knock joke ...you start....
I've got a good memory. It's just short!
I've got a home in glory land that outshines the sun...
I've got a hunch it's going to get hot down the road.
I've got a life ... I read _COMPUTER LIFE_ Magazine.
I've got a life ... It's in four Taglines Conferences!
I've got a life I read _COMPUTER LIFE_ Magazine.
I've got a life It's in four Taglines Conferences!
I've got a life!  It's just the wrong one!
I've got a life! C:\MARYLAND\LIFE.EXE See??
I've got a little black book with my poems in.
I've got a lot of honey on my nice nose  Pooh
I've got a lot of honey on my nice nose-Winnie The Pooh
I've got a lot of honey on my nice nose. --Pooh.
I've got a lot of honey on my nice nose. --Winnie The Pooh.
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts--Zazu
I've got a loverly bunch of coconuts.
I've got a match--your embrace and my collapse.
I've got a mind for business and a body built for sin!!
I've got a mind like a a what's that thing called?
I've got a mind like a steel sieve! - Mike McMullin
I've got a mind like a steel trap: things wander in and get mangled.
I've got a mind like a.. a.. what's that thing called?
I've got a mind like a... a... what's that thing called?
I've got a mind like a... like a... what's that thing called?
I've got a momma, too!  But she ain't like *THIS* momma!
I've got a new game, mumbled Peg.
I've got a new hobby! Geology! My next project includes Sharon Stone...
I've got a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.
I've got a piece of brain lodged in me head!
I've got a rocket in my pocket and ants in my pants!
I've got a shotgun and contacts in the FBI-- Jack Butler
I've got a swell idea -- let's put on a show!
I've got a swell idea... let's put on a show!
I've got a towel if you need it.-Wakko or Ford Prefect?
I've got a very bad feeling about this. - Han Solo
I've got about 10 of them, Here ya go:
I've got all his marbles. - Dr. McCoy
I've got all the money I'll ever need if I die by four o'clock.
I've got all the work I can handle, said the doctor patiently.
I've got all this emotional baggage and no claim check
I've got all this emotional baggage and no claim check.
I've got an Invisible Touch...whatever the hell that is.
I've got an allergy to Perrier, daylight and responsibility
I've got an egg and some M&M's. Does anyone want breakfast?
I've got an oily Cuba Zone - Crow
I've got another @#$%*! insect in my pants, said Tom adamantly.
I've got beachfront property in Arizona
I've got better things to do..straighten my stereo wires!
I've got duct tape, and I'm not afraid to use it.
I've got electric light and I've got second sight.. - Pink Floyd
I've got enough money to last me a lifetime, unless I buy something.
I've got enough money to last me a lifetime...If I die tomorrow!
I've got every episode listed - what do you mean, 'Get a life'?
I've got five thousand years of history, I was there. - Methos
I've got forty thousand French francs in my fridge!
I've got friends in Tok Alaska.
I've got friends in low places....so I bend down to pet 'em...
I've got heartburn that would light up the city of Toledo.-Trapper
I've got it through my head, I just can't break it to my heart.
I've got it!  I'm just not sure what it is...
I've got it!  I've got it!  Now, for the cure...
I've got life in me, Big Daddy - Tom
I've got morals - I just don't know where they are.
I've got morals, I just keep misplacing them.
I've got morals.  I just don't know where they are.
I've got morals. I just don't know where they are.
I've got my armour on. So give it to me!
I've got pictures of every one of 'em that lived. - Mitchell
I've got places to go - @FN@ to annoy.
I've got places to go - people to annoy.
I've got places to go People to annoy.
I've got places to go and people to annoy  :).
I've got places to go and people to annoy.
I've got places to go, people to dissect. - Natalie Lambert
I've got places to go... People to annoy.
I've got plenty of common sense! I just choose to ignore it.  -Calvin
I've got plenty of common sense.  I just choose to ignore it.
I've got plenty of java and Chesterfield Kings...
I've got plenty of natural protrubrances with which to whack people. -MR
I've got sand in my food, said Tom grittily.
I've got so much gall I need a bladder to keep it in.
I've got some Dynamite and I know how to use it!
I've got something better than chocolate.
I've got something to say you know, but nothing comes.
I've got ten pairs of training shoes, one for every day of the week.
I've got the 6 gimmie your 9!
I've got the Honky Tonk blues...
I've got the buns. Dot, Animaniacs
I've got the colors of everything new - Course of Empire
I've got the heart of a Liberal!  Wanna see it?
I've got the key to success. Of course, I'm cess.
I've got the most boring dad in the world - Calvin
I've got the only uniform that zips in front. * Beverly
I've got the pot of gold, but what I wanted was a rainbow
I've got the pot of gold.    I wanted the rainbow.
I've got the power.
I've got the power..I've got the magic.. -Triumph
I've got the questions.... Hope you have the answers!
I've got this funny feeling, that you don't love me anymore.
I've got this problem. I wanna be a lawyer but I wanna go to Heaven.
I've got those four pesky little ounces hanging on since Christmas.
I've got to Brew Beer.
I've got to Drain the Dragon.
I've got to Walk the Dog.
I've got to fix the car, said Tom mechanically.
I've got to get a simpler life... Or a bigger refrigerator!
I've got to get back to Reality.  Where IS that silly Blue Dragon?
I've got to go to the bank, you won't be there will you? <G>
I've got to hand it to the IRS.  If not they'll come and take it.
I've got to mister! - Ace Ventura
I've got to reach Kenilworth tonight, said Tom, trotting doggedly.
I've got to return to Reality BaseNow where is that stupid dragon?
I've got to sit down and work out where I stand.
I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts. -Calvin
I've got to stop leaving the Wall St. Journal around. -Dad
I've got to stop procrastinating, beginning tomorrow.
I've got to stop this motor, Tom choked.
I've got to take a break or I'll start talking to myself!
I've got too many hands on my time!
I've got too many hands on my time.
I've got triplicate on the brain. - Klinger
I've got twenty-five bucks and a cracker.
I've got two computers ... Can I breed them?
I've got you now, Mr. Bond - Tom
I've got you under my skin. Oh my soul!
I've got you worried, haven't I?
I've got your strange notions right *here*! -Dr. Franklin
I've gotta Potty!Potty EMERGENY!
I've gotta stop accepting stuff with f*ck in `em if I wanna stay here.
I've gotta turn the db level down just B4 its not dete&&  NO CARRIER
I've gotta watch it! Only 400MB left for messages and Taglines.
I've grown a futuristic tomato using anabolic steroids!
I've grown fat on the contents of charity packages, said Tom carefully.
I've had BETA days ... and nights!!!
I've had a bad day ..my inflatable rlfriend exploded.
I've had a bad day, I feel like a Christian Scientist with appendicitis.
I've had a difficult past few lives.
I've had a hard drive, think I'll crash.
I've had a hemisphererectomy, said Tom single-mindedly.
I've had a perfectly wonderful evening...But this wasn't it.  -- Groucho Marx
I've had a prefrontal lobotomy, Tom said absentmindedly.
I've had a prefrontal lobotomy, he said absentmindedly.
I've had a river of liver & an ocean of fishare we gonna take this..
I've had a wonderful evening, but this wasn't it.
I've had amnesia as long as I remember...
I've had amnesia for as long as I can remember.
I've had beta days...
I've had experts in psycho-linguistics working on it for weeks.
I've had fun before.  This isn't it.
I've had fun before. This isn't it.
I've had hangovers before-but this time even my hair hurts. Rock Hudson
I've had it with Post-Modern Expressionism, said the goat artfully.
I've had just about all I can take of myself.
I've had many troubles -- and most of them never happened.
I've had more help from you than during 30 days of begging at FIDO.
I've had my left and right ventricles removed, Tom said half-heartedly.
I've had my theme song ready since infancy! - Tom Servo
I've had pretty good success!
I've had quite a bit to drink, you're beginning to look pretty good!
I've had some success and some failures with it.
I've had the crap beaten out of me by experts. - Richie Ryan
I've had the feeling you've been watching me - Sheridan to Kosh
I've had this ice cream bar... since I was a child! - Ren Hoek
I've had three wives, Pestilence, Famine and Death. - Londo
I've had worse. - The Black Knight
I've heard Shakespeare in the original Klingon.
I've heard enough, I'll go beat him senseless -- Tom
I've heard memory is the first thing to go. I forget what goes next!!!
I've heard of Unisex .. but I've never had it.
I've heard of hard-headed people, but...
I've heard only the most sensitive and artistic women still swallow
I've heard that money can't buy happiness, but I'd like to find out for myself.
I've heard the lions hunting in the Serengeti night.
I've heard you mention this several times, it has been noted.
I've hired 500,000 guys to help - Mike
I've just been putting a bit of lard on the cat's boils.
I've just finished my brute force solution to subtlety.
I've just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of here forever.
I've just wasted an excellent opportunity to remain silent.
I've kept my self-respect, but only by lying like a bastard
I've killed for far less important reasons.
I've known a doctor who is the universe.
I've known a sucide blonde: dyed at her own hand.
I've known fellers like that. - Fire Chief
I've learn to type, becouse I don't know how to write!
I've learned from all my mistakes, I can repeat them all exactly.
I've learned from my mistakes and I'm sure I could repeat them exactly
I've learned not to give you equal time on the keyboard...
I've learned that goldfish don't like jello.
I've lived to thank God all my prayers weren't answered.
I've lived to thank God that all my prayers weren't answered.
I've lived upon the edge of chance for twenty years or more.
I've locked onto the target, Tom said insightfully.
I've looked at clouds from both sides now - Crow
I've looked over Jordan, and I have seen things are not what they seem
I've lost a lot of weight, Tom expounded thinly.
I've lost all sensation in my shirt.
I've lost my 'X' key!!!!
I've lost my carrier and don't know where to find it!
I've lost my mind somewhere...the search is on!
I've lost my trousers, Tom said expansively.
I've lost the bleeps, I've lost the sweeps, and I've lost the creeps.
I've made "No keyboard on system" an option in Windoze Setup.
I've made a study of girls, said Tom lassitudinously.
I've made enough money to buy Miami, but I pissed it away so fast.
I've made some inquiries. - Sheridan
I've made up my mind. Don't try to confuse me with facts.
I've met the enemy; he's an overweight fascist on NBC
I've met zucchini with more potential.
I've missed you since I been away.
I've missed you so much! <Bang!> Dang, missed again!
I've missed you! I'll aim better next time!
I've missed you; we'll aim better next time!
I've more important things to waste space on than WIN!
I've never TRIED to insult you. I've never HAD to try.
I've never argued with the weather. -L. Long
I've never beamed up 400 tons before -- Scotty
I've never been a fool, but I will gamble foolishly...
I've never been called an adult. I've been tried as one.. - Otto
I've never been dead before.
I've never been hurt by anything I didn't say.
I've never been in the stockade before. - Radar
I've never been nobody's fool.
I've never been on TV, but I've been on radar 54 times...
I've never been poor but I've been broke.
I've never been psychoanalyzed by a Romulan before. Garak
I've never been to Mars, but I'll bet it's lovely.
I've never been too good with names, but I always remember faces.
I've never cared to be ordinary.
I've never done this thing before.
I've never done this with a Cardassian transporter.
I've never fallen in love...but I stepped in it once!
I've never felt the desire to have a yeast infection, for example.
I've never had to shovel roaches off my driveway in the winter.
I've never heard of a woman *raped* by a gay male, have you?
I've never heard of anilingus, said Tom, tongue in cheek.
I've never liked morticians, all they want is my body.
I've never met a 16-21 year old oriental girl I didn't like.
I've never met a 16-year old cute oriental girl I didn't like.
I've never met a 20-25 year old blond Swedish girl I didn't like.
I've never met a Quebecois I didn't want to shoot.
I've never met a blonde Swedish woman in her 20s I didn't like.
I've never met a buxom, blond Swedish girl I didn't like.
I've never met a leprechaun I didn't like.
I've never met a mosquito that didn't like me!
I've never met a nymphomaniac I didn't like.
I've never met a redheaded nymphomaniac, if I had I wouldn't be here!
I've never met a tagline I couldn't resist.
I've never really done this kind of thing before, Have you?
I've never seen a crunchy frog, and hope I never see one...
I've never seen a good war or a bad peace!
I've never seen a good war or a bad piece!
I've never seen a king or beast with quite so little hair.  Zazu
I've never seen a puppet with hooters like that! - Butt-Head
I've never seen a soldier promoted because of his lips. - Potter
I've never seen a starship that could maneuver through plasma storms"
I've never seen anyone driving a cab who wasn't an excellent driver.
I've never seen anything like it.
I've never seen the Catskill Mountains, but I have seen 'em kill mice.
I've never seen the Catskill Mountains, but I have seen 'em kill mice...
I've never spanked a member of the Ponderosa - Mike
I've never tasted a cat I didn't like!
I've never understood a single thing, ever - Crow
I've never walked to a drive in before - Tom
I've no brains, I'm insane, teacher says I'm one big pain.
I've no time to prepare a profound message.
I've noticed that term Constable It's very.. cute. -- Odo
I've only got 1 and hope you'll enjoy it. Happy driving. Linda
I've only got 2 inches; tickles my wife to death
I've only got one nerve left, and you're getting on it
I've only just begun ... :-)
I've optic aural receivers - ears lookin' at you, kid!
I've plummeted to my death and I can't get up!
I've pretended to be me for so long that now I am
I've pulled together your escort, Captain. - Ivanova
I've put Data in my computer, now I can't get him out!
I've read SEVEN MILLION books!
I've read all the books about heroes and crooks
I've read almost all the books about heroes and crooks.
I've really got to stop replying to taglines..
I've reconfigured my comm ports - Crow
I've reformatted my hard drive - Crow
I've risen and I can't get down!  - Jesus at a disco.
I've run Windows apps ... but I didn't inhale!
I've run Windows wid 16 Meg and it's still annoyin'!
I've run Windows with 16 Meg and it's still annoying!
I've run out of laundry detergent, said Tom cheerlessly.
I've run out of sick days, so I'm calling in dead.
I've run out of sick leave so I'm calling in dead.
I've run out of wool, said Tom, knitting his brow.
I've searched the world for an immortal, and THIS is what I find?
I've see things I can't explain, and explain things I can't see....
I've seen *that* one before. - Duncan MacLeod
I've seen Bob shadow boxing and the shadow won.
I've seen Gary shadow boxing and the shadow won.
I've seen The Prisoner and #2 looks NOTHING like Data.
I've seen a lot of reflected gods today, Susan. --Franklin.
I've seen a whole file of ST taglines (from which most of these came)
I've seen afterbirth with more charisma!
I've seen better conversations in alphabet soup.
I've seen better legs in a bucket of chicken
I've seen better legs in a bucket of chicken ...
I've seen centipedes and snakes and my head is full of aches.....
I've seen chess matches with more action - Mike on battle
I've seen condom vending machines, but this one installs.
I've seen dogs do THAT on driveways. --Crow as guy's dragged.
I've seen fire and I've seen rain.  Wow!
I've seen him shadow boxing and the shadow won.
I've seen his shadow boxing and the shadow won.
I've seen itAll, heard itAll, and done just about itAll.
I've seen little cows. They haven't got eyelashes.
I've seen lots of jackalopes in sleezy Texas bars.
I've seen more Borg Taglines than I could use in two lifetimes.
I've seen more Star Trek Taglines than I could use in two lifetimes.
I've seen more Trek Taglines than I could use in two lifetimes.
I've seen satellite pictures of your anus - Crow to Tom
I've seen sexier girdle ads - Tom
I've seen some raunchy stuff but that's disgusting - Crow
I've seen the book.
I've seen the evidence I want DIFFERENT evidence
I've seen the evidence.  I want DIFFERENT evidence...
I've seen the future, & it is murder - Leonard Cohen
I've seen the future.  I can't afford it.
I've seen the light -- the smog is clearing.
I've seen the pain, the hate, and death without a reason.
I've seen the pain, the hate, and death without a reason...
I've seen the procedure hundreds of times. - Qwark
I've seen this place on Lifestyles of the Rich & Shameless <R>
I've seen troopships afire off the shoulder of Orion
I've sent you up a little chemistry set - Dr. F to Mike
I've skinned my knee, Tom blistered.
I've smoked since I was five; mother insisted.  Gomez Addams
I've so much to say, but your eyes keep interrupting me...
I've sold honey. But then, I kept bees.
I've solved it!  I used a 4th dimensional boolean !!
I've spent many an evening typing "lkkklklklklklklklkkl".
I've spoken to a live psychic;the dead ones are more fun!
I've spotted more blackbirds than you have, Tom crowed.
I've still got my ogre, and he's still hungry little froggy.
I've still got my ogre, and he's still hungry little froggy._ Talmanella
I've stolen ALL of your taglines...and I can't get up!
I've stolen all your taglines... and I can't get up!
I've stolen so many Taglines  I should do more time than O.J.!
I've struck oil", said Tom crudely.
I've struck oil, Tom gushed.
I've studied your case and I think your best bet is a tunnel.
I've swallowed a fishing lure said Tom with bated breath.
I've swallowed a lure, said Tom with baited breath.
I've taken a vow of poverty. To annoy me, send money...
I've taken all the drugs the law will allow.
I've taken an oath of celibacy, so don't screw with me.
I've taken of oath of celibacy, so don't screw with me.
I've taken the Kobayashi Maru test.
I've tasted love and I want more....
I've told you 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 times - DON"T EXAGGERATE!!
I've told you MILLIONS of times, don't exaggerate!
I've told you a MILLION times not to exaggerate!
I've told you a gillion times not to exaggerate.
I've told you a million times not to exaggerate.
I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate.
I've told you for the fifty-thousandth time, stop exagerating.
I've toyed with the idea of a ball & chain but he'd rattle them at me.
I've traced @FN@'s genealogy back to royalty - King Kong!
I've traced your genealogy back to royalty - King Kong!
I've tried birds, dogs, cats & fish - Pet peeves are best
I've tried everything to convince you; now I'm going to be sensible.
I've tried relaxing, but I feel more comfortable tense.
I've tried using an internal modem, but it hurt when I walked.
I've truncated, and I can't round up!
I've turned my Laserjet into a death ray!
I've upped MY standards - now up YOURS!
I've upped my posting count. Up yours!
I've upped my standards, SO UP YOURS!
I've upped my standards, now UP YOURS!
I've upped my standards.  Now up yours!
I've upped my standards... so UP YOURS!
I've upped my standards...now up yours. 
I've used Basic so long, my brain has gonesub permanently
I've used all my sick days so I'm calling in dead.
I've used all my sick days. I'm calling in dead!
I've used this particular tagline 2 times
I've used this particular tagline 346 times.
I've used up all my sick days - so I'm calling in dead !
I've used up all my sick days, I'm calling in dead.
I've used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in Dead.
I've used up all my sick days. I'm calling in dead!
I've used up all my sick days...so I'm calling in dead!
I've visited reality, there were dirty dishes there.
I've wasted an excellent opportunity to remain silent.
I've wondered why Michael bought LEGOS and K-Y together.
I've worked in the private sector. They expect results.
I've worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty.Groucho
I've worked out pi to 1,000 places in my head. The last digit is 9.
I've written a topical, satirical review - Crow
I've written several children's books, not on purpose.
I'ze Popeye of Borg. Tom, yuse kin prepare'z to be askimilgrated!
I(ve) B(een) M(islead)
I)gnore, R)eboot, C)all Laura Palmer
I)gnore, R)eboot, or C)all Laura Palmer
I)nstant logoff after transfer
I* didn't do it, the *computer* did it!
I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I*I --- Stars in your eyes.
I*love~my$computer,;It's%made in Taiwa~##$ ` #@
I, Dr.Clayton Forrester, bid you welcome! - Dr. Forrester
I, a mere mortal asthma-hound chihuahua, command you! - Dr. Renhoek-enst
I, madam, I made radio!  So I dared!  Am I mad?  Am I?
I, sir, am a shipping clerk - Tom
I,m A ae ta.. teSster fo r  Wi dos N t
I,the man i the moon; this thornbush,my thornbush; and this dog,my dog
I-)   <-- Geordi LaForge smiley
I-)  <- Look! It's a Geordi LaForge smiley!
I-) <-- Geordi LaForge smiling
I-----o<-<     Bungee Jumping Tagline, Old West Version
I-95 runs north, too.
I-B (BadGuy 2) activates any Monday
I-B (Demon) activates any Tuesday
I-B (exterminator) activates any Monday
I-ay uppot-say overnment-gay pproved-ay  ncryption-eay ethods-may!
I-o-I   I-o-I   I-o-I   TIE fighter attack!!  I-o-I   I-o-I
I.  Any given program, when running, is obsolete.
I. Don't. Play. Taglines. The Gathering.
I.. I love you... my sweet Betty! -Dr. Tofu
I... I'm bleeding... I'M BLEEDING! --Superman.
I.....I Have Become Comfortably Numb....
I...HAVE...NO...SON! - Mike on nerdy boy
I...I wanted to be......a lumberjack!
I...I...I think Timmy's trying to kill Tom Servo! - Crow
I...Like...My Costume - Tom as Batman
I...Love...To Fuel ya' baby - Mike sings
I...am an enchanter!" -- Tim
I...am going...to KILL YOU..and you..are going...TO DIE!
I...think it's a bit runnier than you'll like it, sir.
I.N.R.I. - I'm Not Really Ingestible
I.P. Freely? Hey everybody! I.P. Freely!
I.R.A. Army:  Irish Republican Army army.
I.R.S.: We've got what it takes to take what you've got!
I/O  (Idiot operator)
I/O ERROR (def.) Ignorant Operator Error
I/O HACKERS do it without interrupt
I/O HACKERS have to condition their device first
I/O Hackers do it without interrupt
I/O Hackers have to condition their device first.
I/O I/O so off to work I go!
I/O, I/O, Its off to the bus we go.
I/O, I/O, it's on the disk it goes
I12BNZC: I want to be in the Sea, a diver.
I8NY: stolen from a Gary larson Cartoon.
I@love~my$computer,;It's%made in Taiwa~##$ ` #@
IA! IA! Cthulhu Lhunchtihme Shpeshial! Phish ahnd Cheehps!
IA: Illocical And
IA: Illogical And
IAC             In Any Case
IAE                   In Any Event
IAE: Ignore All Exceptions
IAI: Ignore All Instructions
IAI: Inquire And Ignore
IAM: Increase Amperage Above Maximum
IAML8: I am late on a white rabbit.
IAMYY4U: I am too wise for you.
IANAC         I am not a crook
IANAL                 I Am Not A Lawyer
IANALBIPOOTV  I Am Not A Lawyer, But I Play One On TV
IAND: Illogical AND
IAR: Ignore All Requests
IAW             In Accordance With
IB2BAD: I Be too bad.
IB6UB9: I Be 6 You Be 9 (as in 69).
IB: Insert Bug
IBARFT        It's been a real fun time.
IBC           Inadequate, But Cute
IBCNU: I'll be seeing ya!
IBLU: Ignore Basic Laws of Universe
IBM             I Bought McIntosh
IBM             I Bring Manuals
IBM             I've Been Moved
IBM             Idolized By Management
IBM             Impenetrable Brain Matter
IBM             Imperialism By Marketing
IBM             Incest Begets Madness
IBM             Incorrigible Boisterous Mammoth
IBM             Incredibly Bastardized Multitasking...
IBM             Inertia Breeds Mediocrity
IBM             Ingenuity Becomes Mysterious
IBM             Ingrained Batch Mentality
IBM             Innovation By Management
IBM             Insipid Belligerent Mossbacks
IBM             Insipidly Bankrolling Millions
IBM             Inspect Before Multiusing
IBM             Install Bigger Memory
IBM             Institution By Machiavelli
IBM             Insultingly Boring Merchandisers
IBM             Intellectuals Being Moronized
IBM             Intelligence Belittling Meaning
IBM             Intimidated, Buffaloed Management
IBM             Into Building Money
IBM             Intolerant of Beards & Moustaches
IBM             Invest Before Multi-tasking
IBM             Investigate Baffling Malodor
IBM             Irresponsible Behave Multinational
IBM             It Beats Mattel
IBM             It's Better Manually
IBM             It's a Big Mess
IBM             Itty Bitty Machine
IBM           Inadequate, but Marketable
IBM - (I)nferior (B)ut (M)arketable.
IBM - Computer company:  "Itty-Bitty Machines" Corporation.
IBM - Corporate motto:  "I've been moved."
IBM - I've Been Manipulated!
IBM - Idiots Buy Me
IBM - Incredible Bloody Machine
IBM - Incredibly Bad Marketing
IBM - Incurable Butt-head Mentality.
IBM - Inferior but Marketable.
IBM - Making tomorrow's mistakes TODAY!
IBM - Making tomorrow's mistakes Today!
IBM - Making tomorrow's mistakes today!
IBM - bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow..
IBM - it may be slow, but at least it's expensive..
IBM -- "It's Borg Mentality"
IBM : I've Been Misled
IBM : I've Bet Millions
IBM : Image Building, Mainly
IBM : Inferior But Marketable
IBM : International Bubblegum Machines.
IBM = (I)nferior (B)ut (M)arketable
IBM = I Bought Macintosh
IBM = I Bought McIntosh
IBM = I Bring Manuals
IBM = I've Been Misled.
IBM = I've Been Moved
IBM = Ice Box Machines
IBM = Idolized By Management
IBM = Impenetrable Brain Matter
IBM = Imperialism By Marketing
IBM = Incest Begets Madness
IBM = Incorrigible Boisterous Mammoth
IBM = Inertia Breeds Mediocrity
IBM = Information Becomes Money
IBM = Ingenuity Becomes Mysterious
IBM = Ingrained Batch Mentality
IBM = Innovation By Management
IBM = Insipid Belligerent Mossbacks
IBM = Insipidly Bankrolling Millions
IBM = Inspect Before Multiusing
IBM = Install Bigger Memory
IBM = Institution By Machiavelli
IBM = Insultingly Boring Merchandisers
IBM = Intellectuals Being Moronized
IBM = Intelligence Belittling Meaning
IBM = Intentionally Brain-damaged Machinery
IBM = Intimidated, Buffaloed Management
IBM = Into Building Money
IBM = Intolerant of Beards & Moustaches
IBM = Investigate Baffling Malodor
IBM = Irresponsible Behave Multinational
IBM = It Beats Macs
IBM = It Beats Mattel
IBM = It barely moves
IBM = It's Better Manually
IBM = Itsa Big Mess
IBM = Itty Bitty Machine
IBM Marketing, well, it's IBM Marketing!
IBM OS/2 Beta testing, at Warp II.
IBM OS/2 should be your OS too!
IBM PC:  I've Blown My Power Circuits.
IBM PS/1 - The EDLIN of Computers!
IBM PS/1 ?  - A Prodigy Workstation !
IBM PS/1, Worlds Greatest Paper Weight!!
IBM PS/1? A Prodigy Workstation!
IBM Pollyanna Principle:  Machines should work.  People should think.
IBM User? Line on the left, one task each
IBM announces Power PC loaded with OS/2, but still can't back it up!
IBM at times means (I)ncredibly (B)otched (M)achines.
IBM builds first Compaq clone.
IBM computers have out MHZed Macs for years.  Now Mac is
IBM had a PL/I, Its syntax worse than JOSS; And everywhere this language
IBM is 99.8% compatible...With Compaq 386 Pro
IBM is not a necessary evil.  IBM is not necessary.
IBM making tomorrow's mistakes TODAY!
IBM means "Idiots Built Me"
IBM really means Impeccably Blue-dressed Managers
IBM spelcheker fer sale cheep!
IBM stands for "Inferior But Marketable"
IBM stands for "Inferior But Marketable".
IBM stands for <I>ncompetent <B>ureaucrat <M>ess
IBM stands for Inferior But Marketable.
IBM users do it fast, but hard...
IBM virus scan: Amiga found - delete? (Y/y)
IBM virus scan: Amiga found - delete? (Y/y).
IBM vs. Jurassic Park: Theme park with ancient monsters o
IBM's OS/2 WARP  - vs -  Microsoft's WINSLOW (no comparison)
IBM's OS/2 Warp vs. Microsoft's Winslow (no comparision).
IBM's Workplace Operating System. (DOS, OS/2, UNIX, Mac capable). NT r
IBM----- Indecipherable Bullshit Managment
IBM-PC:  "I make politically correct doody."
IBM. UBM. We all BM.  Pass the paper.
IBM...OS/2 R US.
IBM:  (I)nferior (B)ut (M)arketable
IBM:  I've Been Misled
IBM:  Idiots Become Managers.
IBM:  Idiots Bought Me.
IBM:  Idiots, Bumblers and Morons.
IBM:  In a Befuddled Manner.
IBM:  Incest Breeds Morons.
IBM:  It Beats Mattel.
IBM:  It's Broken, Man
IBM:  The stupidity goes in, when the name goes on.
IBM: Computers for those too tense to relax!
IBM: I Blame Mathematics
IBM: I Blame Microsoft
IBM: I Bought Macintosh.
IBM: I Bought McIntosh
IBM: I Breaks Monthly
IBM: I Bring Madness
IBM: I Bring Manuals
IBM: I Broke Mine
IBM: I Built Mine
IBM: I bring manuals
IBM: I'd Be Misinforming
IBM: I'd Buy Macintosh
IBM: I'll Buy Macintosh
IBM: I'm Being Manipulated
IBM: I'm Beyond Mistakes
IBM: I'm Buying Macintosh
IBM: I've Become Magnanimous
IBM: I've Been Mangled
IBM: I've Been Manipulated
IBM: I've Been Mauled
IBM: I've Been Mesmerized
IBM: I've Been Misled
IBM: I've Been Moved
IBM: INTEL's Big Mouth
IBM: Ici Beaucoup Merde
IBM: Iconoclastic Bilateral Monopoly
IBM: Icons Bygones My Mom's
IBM: Idealistically Backwards Microcomputers
IBM: Ideas Bring Money
IBM: Idiots Became Managers
IBM: Idiots Being Mental
IBM: Idiots Built Me
IBM: Idiots Buy Me
IBM: Idiots, Bring Money!
IBM: Idle Brain Malfunction
IBM: Idolized By Management
IBM: Ifs Buts Maybys
IBM: Ill'manners Being Mandatory
IBM: Ill-mannered Besotten Macrocasm
IBM: Illustrious Bankruptcy Malenfactor
IBM: Illustrious Busy Mice
IBM: Imbecile Bad Micros
IBM: Imensa Bola De Manteca
IBM: Imitable Boring Microcomputers
IBM: Immeasurable Bigheaded Malapert
IBM: Immovable Brash Monolith
IBM: Impeccably Blue-dressed Managers
IBM: Impenetrable Brain Matter
IBM: Imperial Bellicose Marauder
IBM: Imperialism By Marketing
IBM: Imperialist by Marketing
IBM: Impersonal Bellicose Magnate
IBM: Impious Bacchnalain Metropolis
IBM: In Business (for) Money
IBM: Inadequates Becoming Millionaires
IBM: Inane Brutish Merchandising
IBM: Incest Begets Madness
IBM: Incompatible Blue Machines
IBM: Inconsistent Business machines
IBM: Incontinent Bandolerisimo Moloch
IBM: Incorrigible Boisterous Mammoth
IBM: Increasingly Bad Manufacturing
IBM: Increasingly Banal Movement
IBM: Incredible Bowel Movement
IBM: Incredibly Bad Merchandising
IBM: Incredibly Ballsey Marketeers
IBM: Incredibly Belligerent Merketing
IBM: Incredibly Big Manufacturer
IBM: Incredibly Big Monster
IBM: Incredibly Bloody Minded
IBM: Incredibly Boastful Mercenary
IBM: Incredibly Boneheaded Marketing!
IBM: Incredibly Boring Manuals
IBM: Incredibly Botched Machines
IBM: Incredibly Broad Monolopy
IBM: Incredibly Bullying Menace
IBM: Increment and Branch to Muncee
IBM: Indecision Breeds Mistakes
IBM: Indecorous Big-named Medusoid
IBM: Indigestion Bothers Me
IBM: Indubitably Bogus Machinery
IBM: Industry Bowel Movement
IBM: Industry's Biggest Mistake
IBM: Industry's Bulging Monolith
IBM: Inept Bulling Menace
IBM: Inertia Breeds Mediocrity
IBM: Inevitably Bad Marketing
IBM: Inferior Before Macintosh
IBM: Inferior But Marketable
IBM: Infernal Biggest Mistake
IBM: Infernal Blue Machines
IBM: Infinite Budget Merchandising
IBM: Infinitely Baffling Motives
IBM: Ingenuity Becomes Mysterious
IBM: Ingrained Batch Mentality
IBM: Inherently Bad Manuals
IBM: Innovation By Management
IBM: Insanely Better Marketing
IBM: Insensitivity Begets Mediocrity
IBM: Inshallah Burak Ma'lesh
IBM: Insidious Byzantine Mentality
IBM: Insignificant Bothersome Machine
IBM: Insipid Belligerent Mossbacks
IBM: Insipidly Bankrolling Millions
IBM: Insolent Bickering Mal-der-mer
IBM: Inspect Before Multiusing
IBM: Install Bigger Memory
IBM: Institution By Machiavelli
IBM: Insulting Boorish Manner
IBM: Insultingly Boring Merchandisers
IBM: Insultingly Boring Microcomputers
IBM: Intellectuals Being Moronized
IBM: Intelligence Belittling Meaning
IBM: Intensely Boring Machines
IBM: Intentionally Braindamaged Machinery
IBM: Intercourse Beats Masturbation
IBM: Interesting But Mediocre
IBM: Interesting But Mundane
IBM: Intergalactic Bottomline Mistake
IBM: Internals By Mediocrity
IBM: International Bit Mangler
IBM: International Bowel Movement
IBM: International Bull**** Manufacturing
IBM: Intersmashable Byte manipulators
IBM: Intimidated, Buffaloed Management
IBM: Into Building Money
IBM: Intolerant of Beards & Moustaches
IBM: Intriguingly Blue Motif
IBM: Inveigled By Microsoft.
IBM: Invented By Maladroits
IBM: Invented By Marketing
IBM: Invented By Murphy
IBM: Invest Before Multi-tasking
IBM: Investigate Baffling Malodor
IBM: Irresponsibility Behaved Multinational
IBM: Irresponsible Behave Multinational
IBM: It Beats Mattel
IBM: It Broke Be
IBM: It may be slow, but at least it's expensive.
IBM: It may be slow, but it's hard to use.
IBM: It's Become Monolithic
IBM: It's Been Malfunctioning
IBM: It's Better 'morrow
IBM: It's Better Manually
IBM: It's Beyond Monolithic
IBM: It's Broke Ma'am
IBM: It's Bugging Me
IBM: It's Bullshit Mommery
IBM: It's a Big Mess
IBM: Itty Bitty Machine
IBM: Itty Bitty Machines
IBM: Itty Bitty Mentality
IBM: Itty Bitty Mouse
IBM: Itty Bity Maharishi
IBM: The stupidity goes in before the name goes on.
IBM: The stupidity goes in when the name goes on.
IBM: U can buy better, but U can't pay more
IBM: When you care enough to spend the very most
IBM: When you care enough to spend the very most.
IBM: Yesterday's tech. today, today's software tomorrow!
IBM: you can buy better, but you can't pay more
IBM:The Next Generation is popularly called a trunk.
IBM?  Yeah, this is Tandy.  The human's asleep.  Let's talk...
IBM?  [I]ncredibly [B]oring [M]anuals.
IBMs, MacIntoshes, and Amigas, but mostly IBMs.
IBP: Insert Bug and Proceed
IBR: Insert Bugs at Random
IBT Michael Jackson in a day care center
IBT O.J. Simpson in a white meat slaughterhouse
IBT Richard Simmons on a fat farm
IBT Sleazy Suzan on a Saturday night
IBT Ted Kennedy in an all-girls school
IBT a GOP victory party organizer
IBT a Jehovah's Witness at Doors Unlimited
IBT a bar of soap at San Quentin
IBT a black L.A. hooker in Hugh Grant's BMW
IBT a cat trying to cover turds on a marble floor
IBT a dog with two dicks
IBT a five dollar hooker
IBT a gopher on a golf course
IBT a half-screwed fox during the heat season
IBT a one-armed paperhanger
IBT a one-legged basketball player
IBT a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest
IBT a prostitute in a prison
IBT a toilet in Grand Central Station
IBT a two-peckered billy goat
IBT a whorehouse on nickel night
IBT handicapped parking at the Special Olympics
IBT mustard trying to ketchup
IC                    I See
IC - Understanding as in 'Oh, IC'.
IC; I See
ICB: Interrupt, Crash and Burn
ICBM = Start of the daily routine for an Eskimo.
ICELANDIC III activates Dec 24th
ICHTHYOLOGISTS do it with fish.
ICM: Immerse Central Memory
ICMD    Initiate Core Melt Down
ICMD: Initiate Core Melt Down
ICOCBW          I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong
ICON:  A GIF in 32x32x16 format.
ICONS == Inarguably, Computer's Obsolete!  No Salvageability
ICR receptionist == non-sequitary...
ICR: Ignorant Creationist Rantings.
ICR: Incur Costly Repair [Sun Tempest]
ICR: Institute of Claptrap Renormalization.
ICSP: Invert Crt Screen Picture
ICU812: I see you ate one too!
ID on a government container "TAXU"
IDC: Initiate Destruct Command
IDDG: Intellectually drop dead gorgeous
IDI: Invoke Divine Intervention
IDIC          Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations
IDKFA: Real Men don't use Doom's Very Happy Ammo Mode
IDNOP: InDirect No-OP
IDPS: Ignore Disk Protect Switch
IE  KA-BLAMM!! Whatever that was, I hope it's on our side.
IE  Kaboom kaboom! Yada dada - Tom hums during bombing
IEOF: Ignore End Of File
IF (!Brain) THEN Close(Output);
IF (Person.Type = Religious_Fanatic) THEN Person.Intellect:=False;
IF (User-Docs) = 1 THEN;(CALL(TechSupport))
IF (boss_watching) pretend_to_work ELSE sleep.
IF (computer_store_ahead==TRUE) hide_wallet();
IF (quackslike(X)==DUCK) return DUCK;
IF EXIST C:\WIN\*.* ECHO Stupid Idiot!!!
IF God wuz small enough 4 your brains, He wouldn't B big enough 4 you
IF I had to do it over again, it would be without TV.
IF I hit the red key is the world over?
IF I said you had a beautiful graphic, would you...
IF IsStolen(Tagline) THEN Insult(Thief);
IF IsStolen. THEN GOTO InsultThief
IF IsStolen.Tagline THEN GOTO InsultThief
IF KidsPerFamily < 2 THEN Ecological.Crime = TRUE
IF MARRIED(mariah_carey) THEN sulk++
IF STOOGE = CURLY THEN Nyuk("Nyuk Nyuk!")
IF TVShow$ = "Rush Limbaugh" THEN CALL ChangeChannel
IF Tagline = 'STOLEN' THEN; Insult(Thief); ENDI
IF Tagline = 'STOLEN' THEN; Insult(Thief); ENDIF
IF Tagline = STOLEN THEN Insult(Thief)
IF WINDOWS$ = "Useful" THEN HELL$ < 32 F.
IF You're smoking after sex then you're going *WAY* too fast!
IF code_works THEN don't_fix_it END IF
IF dazzle<>'brilliance' THEN;SET baffle='bullshit';END
IF dazzle<<'brilliance' THEN;SET V baffle='bullshit';END
IF love THEN swallow ELSE spit
IF numcooks > .maxcooks THEN;SET broth = 'spoiled';END
IF numcooks < .maxcooks THEN;SET V broth = 'spoiled';END
IF original_works THEN don't_upgrade ENDIF
IF you convert all of us who are you gonna hate THEN?
IF you order a condom with your drink you can have safe sex on the beach
IF you're just "*acting*" stupid, you deserve an Oscar!
IF your a Rimer..and can read this...THANK A SYSOPS
IF { [Pause]*[Repeat] } THEN [Sleep].
IF: Invoke Force
IFF I said you had a beautiful graphic, would you...
IFR Pilots do it without visual reference..
IFR in Alaska is impossible.  There aren't many roads..
IFR:  I follow railroads..
IFR: I follow roadsigns..
IG: Insert Garbage
IGI: Increment Grade Immediate
IGIT: Increment Grade Immediate Twice
IGM:  In-Game Madness?
IGO: Increment Grade Overnight
IHC: Initiate Head Crash
IHTFP: Increment Hormones, Test For Puberty
II wanted to bea lumberjack!
II wouldn't shoot him if I were you.  It will just make h
II''mm ssttuucckk iinn hhaallff dduupplleexx!!
II. Any given program costs more and takes longer.
II: Inquire and Ignore
IIB: Ignore Inquiry and Branch
IIB: Ignore Inquiry and Branch anyway
IIC: Insert Invisible Characters
III. If a program is useful, it will have to be changed.
III...wwwant..tttto be aaaa rrrrrrrrRADIO ANNOUNCER!
IIL: Irreversable Infinite Loop
IIRC            If I Remember Correctly.
IITYWIMWYBMAD: If I tell you what it means, will you buy me a drink?
IITYWISWYBMAD  If I Tell You What It Says, Will You Buy Me A drink
IIf speed scares you, try Windows...
IIf you stay up all night wondering where the sun is, it
IIn God we trust -- all others require a credit check.
IIt's six o'clock and time for the penguin on top of your
IJESUS SAVES, but Clones 'R' Us makes backups!
IKI: Ignore Keyboard Input
IL  Oxymoron: Peace Offensive.
IL  Oxymoron: PeaceMaker missle
IL  Oxymoron: Peacemaker Missile
ILIWTPCT      I Love It When The Plan Comes Together.
ILLITERATE? Write for a free brochure.
ILLITERATE? Write for a free brochure...
ILLUSIONISTS only look like they're doing it
ILM           Industrial Light and Magic
ILYKL; I'll let you know later.
ILink NETUSERS Hostess has *no* sense of humor. None.
ILink ShareWare conference host/moderator.
ILink, ULink, we all Link for ILink!
IM: Imagine Memory
IMA New Zealander, No...That's Not My Sheep, It's My Wife!
IMA Politician, AND I DON'T LIE!
IMA Tasmanian, I Come From Inceston.
IMA10: I'm a 10!
IMAGINATION - Nature's television, and no commercials as a bonus!
IMAGINE!  I was accused of being an ADULT the other day!
IMAO                  In My Arrogant Opinion
IMATEN: I'm a 10!
IMB4U: I'm before you!
IMBP: Insert Mistake and Blame Programmer
IMCO                  In My Considered Opinion
IMELDA MARCOS - No One Can Ever Fill Her Shoes
IMELDA MARCOS does it with 3000 pairs of shoes.
IMEZRU: I'm a zuru.
IMHO                  In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion
IMHO          In My Humble Opinion (used in a not so humble context)
IMHO    :In my humble opinion
IMHO, of course... your mileage may vary.
IMHO-In My Humble or Honest Opinion
IMHO/IMO      In My [Humble] Opinion
IMHO:  Intellectualls Must Hold Office?
IMHO: I Make Harmful Odors...?
IMHO: I Maniacally Hurt Others...?
IMHO: Iguanas Make Horrible...we can't think of a word for 'O'
IMHO: In My Honest Opinion
IMHO: In My Huge Orifice...?
IMHO: Ingenious Mice Heave Oatmeal...?
IMHO: Intellectualls Must Hold Office...?
IMHO: Irascible Morons Have Orgasms...?
IMHO; In my humble/honest/half-baked opinion.
IML: Invoke Murphy's Laws
IMMATURE - Anyone who argues with a 2 yr old (and loses).
IMMATURE---Anyone who argues with a 2 yr old (and loses).
IMMORTAL!  Heaven doesnt want me, Hell knows I'll take over!!!
IMNSHO                In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO                   In My Opinion
IMOBO           In My Own Biased Opinion
IMP: Imitate Monty Python
IMPASSE:  Two red-heads trying to pick up one bill for coffee.
IMPATIENT VIRGIN The only hunter who uses herself as bait.
IMPG: IMPress Girlfriend
IMPIETY(n): your irreverence to my deity
IMPIETY, n.  Your irreverence toward my deity.
IMPIETY: Your irreverence toward my deity.
IMPORTANT!! Dont't read this.  It doesn't say much.
IMPOSSIBILITY: A word only found in the dictionary of fools.
IMPOSSIBLE:  Nailing Jello to a tree.
IMPOSSIBLE: Nailing Jello to a tree.
IMPOSTOR n.  A rival aspirant to public honors.
IMPOTENT.SYS Resident, hard drive inactive.  Insert floppy (Y/N)?
IMPOTENT:  distinguished, well-known
IMPREGNABLE: a woman whose memory of labor is still vivid.
IMPUNITY, n.  Wealth.
IMV: IMpress Visitors
IMVHO         In My Very Humble Opinion
IMZADI: Beloved. IMZATI: What a Betazoid Mosquito says!
IMZADI: I Met Zorch And Didn't Itch. <g>
IN  Kachow? What, is Don Martin working for you now? - Dr. F
IN  Kahn: "I don't know you.  But you, I never forget a face, Mr. Tatoo.
IN THE COMPUTER ROOM, no one can hear you SCREAM!
INCAM: INCrement Arbitrary Memory
INCEST..The proper name for bugs
INCREDIBLY inappropriate tagline deleted, to avoid offense.
INCUMBENT, n.  A person of the liveliest interest to the outcumbents.
INDECENT PROPOSAL = Clinton's budget.
INDECENT PROPOSAL = Clinton's health-care plan.
INDECENT PROPOSAL: Clinton's budget.
INDECENT PROPOSAL???? Only if it's not accepted!!!
INDEX : Finger, for the pulling out of.
INDIAN Cuisine is a challenge, eat it often!
INDICATORS: Die Blinkenleiten Tickentocken
INDIFFERENT, adj.  Imperfectly sensible to distinctions among things.
INDISCRETION, n.  The guilt of woman.
INDIVIDUALIST does it with himself
INDIVIDUALIST does it with himself.
INDUCTION---Forced labor.
INDUCTORS dissipate after doing it
INDUCTORS dissipate after doing it.
INDUCTORS do it without physical contact.
INE Do Not Cross! - TAGLINE Do Not Cross! - TAGL
INE Do Not Cross! - TAGLINE Do Not Cross! - TAGLINE Do Not Cross! - TA
INEXPEDIENT(n): only helpful to others
INEXPEDIENT, adj.  Not calculated to advance one's interests.
INF: You get on the modem and someone picks up the ph*@$#(%&(NO CARRIER
INFANT---Crib jockey.
INFANTRY - Follow Me!
INFANTRYMEN are ordered to do it.
INFANTRYMEN do it in the trench
INFECTIOUS DISEASE RESEARCHERS do it with breeding and culture
INFECTIOUS DISEASE RESEARCHERS do it with breeding and culture.
INFLATION is when the BUCK does'nt stop ANYWHERE.
INFORMATION THEORISTS analyze it with Wiener filters
INFORMATION THEORISTS analyze it with Wiener filters.
ING: INquire and iGnore
INGENIOUSLY ENGINEERED: Incredibly difficult to install and service
INGRATE---Every child until he becomes a parent.
INI: Ignore Next Instruction
INJURY, n.  An offense next in degree of enormity to a slight.
INK--Inspiration for the new Dry Cleaning echo!!
INNEWATOK     Inquiring NErd WAnts TO Know
INOP: Indirect No-OP
INPO            In No Particular Order
INR: INstigate Rumor
INSANE(n):has a high degree of intellectual independence.
INSANE?  ME?  Why, thank you!
INSANITY IS PART OF THE TIMES!  You must embrace the madness,
INSIDE OUT---Children's clothing in it's normal state.
INSTITUTE(n):archaic school where football is not taught
INSTRU  Musicians duet better!
INSUFFICIANT MEM... er... How does that go again?
INSUFFICIENT MEMORY...  I can't even remember my own name!
INSURANCE SALESMEN are premium lovers
INSURANCE SALESMEN are premium lovers.
INSURANCE SALESMEN are premium lovers. 
INTEGRATED CIRCUIT - An electric bus with randomly seated black chips
INTEGRITY is so perishable in the summer months of Success!..
INTEL would've flunked Computer Architecture 101!
INTEL(tm) We're Putting the Backward into Backward Compatible!
INTELLIGENCE knows nothing about it.
INTERIOR DECORATORS do it all over the house
INTERIOR DECORATORS do it all over the house.
INTERIOR DECORATORS do it all over the house.   
INTERLACE: To tie two boots together.
INTERNAL MODEM - Little girl computers have one
INTERNAL SNACK FAILURE: (A)bort, (R)eheat, (I)nhale?
INTERNET : The world's biggest and worst organised computer library.
INTERNET ADDRESS: Joe.Winnett@Chrysalis.Org
INTERNET MAIL -- Now it's fun, easy and free!
INTERNET:  An alternative for boys too shy to buy "Penthouse".
INTERNET: mflood@SMTP.microcom.com
INTERPRETERS do it manually and orally
INTERPRETERS do it manually and orally.
INTRODUCTION EMINENT!...Mr. Khan, arm the Random Name Generator!
INTROVERTS do it alone
INTROVERTS do it alone.
INVENTORS find a way to do it
INVENTORS find a way to do it.
INVENTORS find a way.
INVENTORS find a way.   
INVESTMENT ANALYSTS do it with security.
INW: INvalidate Warranty
INYORI: In Your Eye...
IO IO It's of to disk we go..
IO IO It's off to disk we go...
IO: Illogical Or
IOAA: (I owe AA).
IOI: Ignore Operator's Instruction
IONO1: I owe no one.
IOP: Insult OPerator
IOR: Illogical OR
IOS: Ignore Operating System
IOW                   In Other Words
IOW; In Other Words
IOWA - Idiots Out Wandering Around
IOWA stands for "I"diots "O"ut "W"alking "A"round.
IP: Increment and Pray
IPI: Ignore Previous Instruction
IPL: Invent Program Lines
IPM: Ignore Programmer's Mistakes
IPOP: Interrupt Processor, Order Pizza
IPS: Incinerate Power Supply
IPS: Increment Power Supply
IPT: Ignite Paper Tape
IPX: Exploring the past to create a better future
IQ = 100 * (number of posted lines) / (number of quoted lines)
IQ = 100 x (number of posted lines) / (number of quoted lines).
IQ = dx / (1 + dx), where x = age.
IQ ERROR:  Brain Not Ready. (A)bort, (R)etry, (W)akeup.
IQ Error: Brain Not Ready (A)bort (R)etry (F)orget it..
IQ Error: Brain not ready. Abort, Retry, Fail?
IQ not found: (R)eboot, (A)bort, (Q)uit reading mail
IRAF: Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
IRAQ: Went in, kicked ass, then got the hell out!
IRB: Invert Record and Branch
IRBI: Insert Random Bits Indexed
IRC: Insert Random Commands
IRE: Insert Random Errors
IRENE - I'm Dunne
IRI: Ignore Rude Interrupts
IRMC          I Rest My Case
IRPF: Infinite Recursive Page Fault
IRQ UART Not!  Exit continuum.
IRRELIGION, n.  The principal one of the great faiths of the world.
IRS (n): Income Reduction Service.
IRS (n): Income Reduction Service. See also: IBM, Microsoft.
IRS - Internal Robbery Service
IRS does it everywhere
IRS does it everywhere.
IRS does it to everyone
IRS does it to everyone.
IRS error, TRW screwed up, credit destroyed, foreclosure...
IRS error, TRW screwed, credit destroyed, foreclosure...
IRS man at the door.  (H)ide (R)un (P)ay-up or (K)ill?
IRS:  Internal Robbery Service
IRS: How much did you make last year?  Please remit same.
IRS: How much did you make last year? Please remit same.
IRS: Income Reduction Service
IRS: Please be seated; read your rights while we audit your return.
IRS: We make money the old-fashioned way ... we steal it.
IS  Manuals come out, after all possible keystrokes fail.
IS NOT a virus.  Viruses actually DO something!
ISAAC NEWTON - I understand the gravity of my situation.
ISBAB                 I Should've Bought A Book
ISBAB         I should have bought a book
ISC: Ignore Supervisor Calls
ISC: Ignore System Crash
ISC: Insert Sarcastic Comments
ISDN, n: Incredibly Slow and Dumb Networking ...
ISDN: I Smell Dollars Now!! (It Still Doesn't Network!)
ISDN: Incompatible Systems Designed Not-to-work
ISDN: Incredibly Slow and Dumb Networking...
ISDN: It Still Don't Network.
ISI: Increment and Skip on Inifinity
ISN is walking a fine line.  If they push too far, they'll be shut down
ISP: Increment and Skip on Pi
ISTK: Invert STacK
IT Can't Be Morning Yet! I Haven't Had All Of My Fun Yet!- Lestat
IT WASN'T MY FAULT! It's not like the lever had a label on it!
IT WORKS!! IT WORKS!!! - Wakko
IT found ME! - Campus Crusade for Cthulhu.
IT'S ALIVE!! Windows on a 286/6! IT'S ALIVE!! SHOOT IT!!!
IT'S REALLY LOUD IN BACK - Crow on car w/blaring music
ITALIAN FOOD by Liz Anya, Manny Kotty, Minnie Stroni and Lynn Guini.
ITALIAN PEST (Finger) activates any Saturday
ITALIANS do it better
ITALIANS do it better {f}
ITISIA; I thought I'd seen it all.
ITML: Initiate Termites into Macro Library
ITO as ambulance leaves for coffee..taxi takes you to morgue..
ITO as your children wished their grandparents practiced birth control
ITO as your children wished their grandparents practiced birth control..
ITSFWI                If The Shoe Fits, Wear It
IU: Ignore User[s]
IV  Oxymoron: Patiently Wait.
IV. If a program is useless, it will have to be documented.
IVANHOE - Great, Scott!
IWBNI                 It Would Be Nice If
IX XIV: on a Porsche 914.
IXIVIV: on a Porsche 944.
IXM: Initiate X-rated error Messages
IXOR: Illogical eXclusive OR
IZ: Ignore Zeroes
I_love_Cats...........Under my tires.
I`d rather research than clean.
I`ll be BACK!!!
Iam McCoy of Borg. Dammit locutus!  I'm an assimilator, n
Iam Tetsuo.
Ibro ti je defakto umetnik, SVACAS ??
Icarus was a soar loser.
Ice Cream is a dish best served cold.
Ice Cream: <<@ 2 scoops: <<<@@  Sugar cone: [[@
Ice T(im):  Zuran spellcaster
Ice cold beer is better than ice cold anything else
Ice cold beer is better than ice cold anything else.
Ice cream bomb:  Napolean Blownapart!
Ice cream cones weren't sex symbols until Madonna.
Ice cream for Windows:_Hoggin DOS_From MicroSoftee Freez
Ice cream makes machines work better, especially computers.
Ice not found, pour straight to continue.
Ice skater advice - Don't judge a brook by its cover.
Iced Tea, the house wine of the south.
Iced tea the house wine of the south
Ich bin ein Berlinium! - J.F.Kennedium
Ich bin ein weiner man - Crow T. Robot
Ichabod Crane School for Boys - Tom on headless statue
Ichabod Crane School for Boys... - Tom Servo
Ichthyology: the study of fishy smelling religions
Ici on aime nos Canadiens.
Icicle:  An eavesdropper.
Icicles? They look experimental like test-cicles - Crow
Icing appen wen de puck come down, you no, beffore de odder guy...
Icing the Puck doesn't mean dropping it into the freezer
Ick Cat hair on my monitor.
Ick. :) No thanks. I hate anchovies. :) - Dire Wolf
Icon see clearly now, the pane is gone.
Icon see it, mon!  How do I point and shoot?
IconMan...One click and he's gone.
Iconette...An icon too small to click on.
Iconoclasm as a way of life...
Iconolize...The tendency of icons to gather at the bottom of your screen.
Iconomy...Computer austerity
Iconosaurus - The largest icon on your screen.
Icons       : What you fatten pigs on under oak trees.
Icy death from bloody stumps? I don't think so! --Tom Servo.
Icy street: Skid row
Idaho! Damnit! Show me Idaho! - Mike as guy with map
Ide Mile Lajkovackom train, going Mile burning mu cigara.
Ide Mile, gori mu cigara, il' je mozda nesto drugo
Ideal politician: disbarred, defeated, dead..your choice!
Ideal weight for a lawyer, 2 1/2 lbs including the urn.
Idealism increases in proportion to the distance from the problem.
Idealism precedes experience - cynicism follows.
Idealism precedes experience -- cynicism follows...
Ideally, there should be a gender transition movement
Ideally, there should be a gender transition movement.
Ideals kill politicians, and politicians kill ideals.
Ideas are duty free.
Ideas may be whole- left- right- or no-brained.
Ideas must work through the brains and the arms of good and brave men.
Ideas originating from men leave nothing to the imagination.
Ideja je pogodjena jos dok je bila u glavi
Identify chromosomes: Take down their genes and look.
Identify your visitor.
Identify yourself -- say something stupid.  <Chiun>
Ideological Games are true sport.
Ideology is history full of myth, but devoid of fact.
Idiocy is the essence of the male mind - Susie
Idiolocation: "You are here->" on any map.
Idiot (id-ee-it) n. - One who disagrees with you.
Idiot (id-ee-it) n.- One who disagrees with you.
Idiot (id-ee-ut) n.- One who disagrees with you.
Idiot Box - Part of envelope that tells you where the stamp goes.
Idiot Box - The part of the envelope that tells where the stamp goes.
Idiot congressman ... Hey! That's redundant.
Idiot congressman....Hey! That's redundant.
Idiot on the keyboard error
Idiot proof? No, that presumes a finite number of idiots!
Idiot-Proofing assumes a finite number of idiots.
Idiot-proofing assumes a finite number of idiots.
Idiot:  Anyone driving faster than you. Moron: Anyone driving slower.
Idiot: a technical term used by users to describe programmers.
Idiot: anyone driving faster than you.  Moron: anyone driving slower.
Idiotocracy: The form of government used in the U.S.
Idiots are those who complain about everything needlessly.
Idiots rise to the level of their incompetency!
Idiots! I'm surrounded by IDIOTS!
Idiots: People who drive slower than you do.
Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds. Stanhope
Idleness is the holiday of fools.
Idleness is tough because you get no rest periods.
Idleness: Stupidity of the body; Stupidity: Idleness of the mind.
Idling is most joyful when there is plenty of work to do.
Idol chatter: Jonas Grumby drivelling about fear of Kona
Idolise.         Eyes that refuse to look at anything.
Ie ame Quayle ofe Borge.  Preparee toe bee assimilatede.
If  1st you dont succeed:Rewrite it from scratch
If  Love  Is  Blind,  Why  Is  Lingerie  So  Popular?....
If "Clinton" is the answer, it must have been a stupid question.
If "Odo'ital" means nothing, does "Odo" mean no?
If "Peace" means Slavery, I'd rather prepare for war.
If "Q" was castrated, would he become "O"?
If "Q" were castrated would he be "O"?
If "Q" were castrated, would he become "O"? - Lorena Bobbitt
If "Q" were neutered would he be an "O"??
If "R" is Reverse, how come "D" is FORWARD?
If "Sexy" is a state of mind, then you've had a lobotomy!
If "Skin of Evil" was assimilated, would it be called "3rd of Slime"?
If "The Picard Manuever (shirt tug)" is a family trait - YMBAT
If "asdf jkl;" are home keys, are "qwer uipo" homeless?
If "brain"=="fried" goto pizza&beer
If "dog" backwards is "god", what does "tac" mean?
If "pro" is the opposite of "con", what's the opposite of "progress"?
If $$$ doesn't grow on trees, why are they green?
If <Jym> saw this, he'd fall out of the chair, laughing! - Myra Fox
If 'Q' were castrated would he become ... 'O' ???
If 'god' were real, she'd be really disappointed.
If ((length)pier)) < ((length)walk)) then do walk
If ((tiny) and (toony)) then allalittle(looney);
If (Dog_bark = true) then letter: = arrived.
If (Dog_bark = true) then letter:=arrived;
If (Wife = "yes") then (MONEY = "Gone") else Single
If (Wife = "yes") then (MONEY = "Gone") else Single
If (computer_store_ahead=TRUE) hide_wallet();
If (dog_age="old") then (num_tricks=max_tricks)
If (program == crippleware)  bit-bucket(program).
If (program=delivered) then if (Installed=True) Then Trash_HD
If (stone != rolling) moss++;
If *one* kid gets hurt, the price is too high. - Col. Potter
If 1 synchronised swimmer drowns do the rest have to drown too?
If 10% is enough for God, it's enough for Congress!
If 10% is enough for God, it's enough for the government.
If 10% is good enough for God, it should be for the Feds.
If 10GHz is called microwaves, then why isn't 10 MHz called milliwave?
If 150,000 people do something really stupid.........it's still stupid
If 1st you don't Suckseed Keep Suckin till you do Sukseed
If 1st you don't succeed: Rewrite it from scratch.
If 1st you dont succeed, rewrite it from scratch
If 2 people were truly identical,1 would be irrelevant.
If 2=3, and 2=4 then does 2+2=7?
If 2x + 27 = 195, what is an orange?
If 4 bits = a nibble and 8 bits = a byte, doesn't 16 bits = a mouthful?
If 4 bits = a nibble; 8 = a byte, doesn't 16 = a mouthful
If 42 is the answer to life, is 84 the answer to reincarnation?
If 7-11's are open 24 hours, why do they have locks?!
If 7-11s are open 24 hours, why do they have locks?
If 911 doesn't work you can ALWAYS rely on a .40 caliber Glock.
If 99 million people say a dumb thing, it's still dumb.
If @FN@ said what he thought, he'd be speechless.
If @FN@ would pay attention instead of playing with himself...
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, except where void or prohibited by law.
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, except where void.
If A goes into B, and B goes into C, why is C missing?
If A=B and B=C, then we've got a messed-up alphabet!
If AIDS is a divine punishment, then lesbians are God's chosen people.
If AIDS is a punishment from God, lesbians are God's chosen people
If AIDS is divine punishement, then why is GOD punishing babies?
If ALL an early bird gets is a worm, what kind of incentive is that?
If AMIGA is so good why is it dying...?
If AT&T only knew what I was doi>.@#$#@ NO CARRIER
If AT&T only knew what I was doin..@#$^&^&#$ NO CARRIER
If Adam and Eve were the first people on earth, who was there to record it?
If Adam had been honosexual, would Eve have been Everitt!!
If Al Gore had a brain, he'd take it out and play with it.
If Al Gore knew 9 more things, he'd be an idiot.
If Al Gore said what he thought, he'd be speechless.
If Al Gore would pay attention instead of playing with himself.
If Albert Einstein were alive today, he'd run Wildcat!
If All Else Fails  BLAME THE SYSOP!!!!
If All Else Fails BLAME THE MODERATOR !!!!
If All Else Fails... BLAME THE MODERATOR !!!!
If All Else Fails... BLAME THE SYSOP!
If All Else FailsBLAME THE SYSOP!!!!
If All Fails, READ THE DOCS !
If Americans have TagLines, do the English have TagQueues?
If Americans have Taglines, do the English have Tagqueues?
If Americans have taglines, do English have tagqueues?
If Amiga is so good, why isn't there any software for it?
If Anthony Hopkins starred in DS9's "Duet": "_Thank_ you, Neryssss."
If Arkansas people divorce in Texas, are they still cousins?
If At First You Don't Succeed Call The Author.
If At First You Don't Succeed Ignore The Docs
If At First You Don't Succeed Read The Docs...
If At First You Don't Succeed, Put It On For Beta Test.
If At First You Don't Succeed, Read The Docs...
If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Cash !
If At First You Don't Succeed, You're Doing It Wrong Dummy.
If At Last You Do Succeed, Never Try Again.
If BBS doesn't answer, please leave message to the Sysop.
If BS could fly Bill Clinton would be in orbit around Venus!!
If BS was money, politicians would be rich.
If Babs Bunny was a spy, would she be Mata Hare-i?
If Babs was a spy, would she be Mata Hare-i?
If Babylon reaches the sky I will send destroyers against her.
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
If Barney ate a smurf, would his teeth decay?
If Batman was so smart why'd he wear his jocks on the outside?
If Beverly was my Doctor, I'd be a hypochondriac!
If Beverly was my Dr, I'd be a hypochondriac!
If Bill Clinton could feel my pain, I'd cut off my arm!
If Bill Clinton is the Answer, Then it must've been a Dumb Question!
If Bill Clinton is the answer, It was an Incredibly Stupid Question.
If Bill Clinton is the answer, it MUST be a stupid question!
If Bill Clinton is the answer, it must be a REAL stupid question!
If Bill Clinton is the answer, it must be a very stupid question.
If Bill Clinton is the answer, it must have been a dumb question!!
If Bill Clinton is the answer, it must've been a stupid question!
If Bill Clinton is the answer, then it must be a very stupid question.
If Bill Clinton's the answer, it must have been a stupid question
If Bill Gates = you then let Length_Of_Pier < Your_Walk
If Bill and Hillary divorce...who gets the house?
If Bill didn't inhale, Hillary didn't swallow.
If Bones were the DM and Jim a PC: He =looks= dead, Jim.
If Bones were the GM and Jim a player: "He =looks= dead, Jim."
If BuOrd handles ordnance, what does BuColic do?
If Bubba can dance, I can too.
If Bugs Bunny were Italian, he'd gnaw on Zucchini.
If Bull**** could fly.Rush Limbaugh would be a space shuttle...
If CATTLE have HORNS why do they MOO instead of HONK?
If CON is opposite PRO, who opposes PROGRESS (no wonder)
If CON is opposite PRO, who opposes PROGRESS?
If CON is opposite of PRO, then is Congress opposite of Progress?
If CON is the opposite of PRO, who opposes PROGRESS? Congress!
If CONSERVATIVE is the answer, it must have been a REALLY STUPID QUESTIO
If COWS have HORNS why do they MOO instead of HONK?
If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar.
If Canada Post went on strike, how would we ever know?
If Caps Lock, What Do Hats Do?
If Cats cough up furballs, what do Tribbles cough up?
If Charles Schumer only said what he THOUGHT, he'd be speechless.
If Chekov owned a computer, would it be a Wax?
If Chris had a wooden leg he'd be shit on a stick.
If Christ loved & forgave people, why can't Christians?
If Christ loved and forgave people, why can't christians?
If Christians are righteous, I'll be a leftist.
If Ciaro is so friendly, why is it full of Muslim terrorists?
If Clinton & Co. is "mainstream," I want out of the river.
If Clinton & Gore were in a sinking ship, who'd be saved?  America!
If Clinton allow gays in Military, Generals get new AIDS.
If Clinton can do it, Americans should make their votes retroactive.
If Clinton didn't inhale, how come his brain is fried?
If Clinton didn't inhale, then Dan Quayle is a world class speller.
If Clinton is a waffle, Hillary is the waffle iron!
If Clinton is the Answer, it Must have been a Stupid question!
If Clinton is the answer then we asked the wrong question.
If Clinton is the answer we asked the wrong question.
If Clinton is the answer, it was a stupid question!
If Clinton is the answer, it's a really STUPID question.
If Clinton is the answer, the question must be stupid.
If Clinton is the answer, we asked the wrong question.
If Clinton was only going to tax the rich, how'd I get rich so fast?
If Clinton was only gonna tax the rich, how did I get so rich so fast?
If Clinton was the answer, it was a stupid question!
If Clinton wins send candy.  He's already had Flowers.
If Clinton wins send candy. He's already had Flowers!
If Clinton wins send candy. He's already had Flowers.
If Clinton's so good, why does Arkansas have problems?
If Clinton's the answer, it must've been a dumb question!
If Clinton's the answer, it must've been a really dumb question!
If Coceedans are tri-sexual, what really goes on?
If Columbus discovered America, why did Vespucci get the credit.
If Commodore had sold sushi, they'd have called it, "cold, dead, fish."
If Commodore were to market sushi, they'd call it "cold, raw fish"...
If Congress had a 900 number, we wouldn't have a national debt.
If Corn Oil Is Made From Corn, What's Baby Oil Made From?
If Corn Oil comes from Corn, what does Baby Oil come from?
If Counselor Troi only knew what I was thinking.
If Cows have HORNS, they why do they MOO instead of Honk?
If Cthulhu calls... let the machine pick it up.
If DOS was an airline, would you purchase a ticket?
If Dan Linton falls in the forest, does his hair move?
If Darwin's theory is true, what are *you* gonna evolve into?
If Data is "fully functional," can he get a woman pregnan\S
If Data is "fully functional," can he get a woman pregnant?
If Data is fully functional, can he get a woman pregnant?
If Data locks himself out of a room is that a data entry error?
If DeForest Kelly died, would he turn into Bones?
If Death calls me, take a message.
If Death calls, take a message.  I'll get back to him.
If Death calls, take a message. I'll get back to her.
If Death calls, take a message. I'll get back to him.
If Dex was a Vedek, would he be Vedex?
If Dr. Forrester lives - TV's Frank
If Dracula married that Peter guy on Murphy Brown, he'd be Dracula
If DragonRiders were to adopt wolves as pets, they'd be "Weyr-Wolves."
If E=MC squared, then I=ME, DaFt
If E=MC2, how many watts do my speakers take?
If E=MC^2, why is there always room for Jello?
If E=mcý, how many watts do my speakers take?
If ET married Peter Cetera he'd be ET CETERA.
If ET married Peter Cetera, would he then be  ET Cetera ?
If Einstein Had Been Black It would be E=MC Hammer
If Einstein Had Been Black It would be E=MC Hammer.
If Einstein had been black, it would have been E=MC Hammer.
If Einstein had written software, wouldn't you be running it?
If Einstein were BLACK would E=MC Hammer?
If Einstein were a black man, would he have surmised, E=MC Hammer?
If Einstein were here, I'd love to read his taglines!
If Ella Fitzgerald ever marries Darth Vader, she'll be Ella Vader.
If Ella Fitzgerald married Darth Vader = Ella Vader
If Elvis ain't dead, let's kill him!
If Elvis could meet his son-in-law, he'd put on a Glove, too, bubba
If Elvis could meet his son-in-law, what would he say?  "Beat IT"
If Elvis was alive today, he'd be driving a White Ford Bronco.
If Elvis was so great how come he's buried in the yard like a hamster?
If Elvis were alive, Windows screens would be shattering
If Ensign Ro Were Assimilated, She'd Be A Bajoran Borg
If Fingerprints Showed Up On Skin, Wonder Whose I'd Find On You?
If French cooking is so easy, why the 1678 page cook book?
If G. Washington grabbed guns like Clinton, where would we be now??!!
If GOD does not make mistakes, what's your excuse?
If GOD doesn't like how I live, let HIM tell me, NOT you!
If GOD rules, why hasn't he run for president yet?
If GOD wanted metric, there would be 10 apostles...
If GOD wanted metric, there would have been 10 apostles.
If Gamera were really The Friend Of All Children... he'd toast Barney.
If Gamera were really the friend of all children, he'd destroy Barney.
If Genghis Khan was alive today, he'd be a SYS
If Genghis Khan was alive today, he'd be a SYSOP!
If George Bush were Italian, he'd refuse to eat Zucchini.
If Gingrich owned a dairy farm, would it be called Newtson?
If Glass = Empty .AND. Thirsty Then OpenTuborg
If Glass=Empty .AND. Thirsty Then OpenTuborg
If God be for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31
If God can't help you, how about Mr Coffee?
If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him.  -- Voltaire
If God didn't exist, it'd be necessary to invent him.
If God didn't exist, it'd be necessary to invent him. - Voltaire
If God didn't forgive sinners, Heaven would be empty!!!
If God didn't have a sense of humor, we wouldn't be here.
If God didn't have a sense of humor, we wouln't be here.
If God didn't love procastinators, why did He invent tomorrow?
If God didn't love procrastinators why'd He invent them?
If God didn't love procrastinators, why did He invent tomorrow?
If God didn't love procrastinators, why did he invent tommorow?
If God didn't love you, you wouldn't be here
If God didn't make homosexuals, there wouldn't be any.
If God didn't mean for us to juggle, tennis balls wouldn't come three to a can.
If God didn't want us to masturbate, our arms would be shorter!
If God doesn't have a sense of humor, I'm in trouble.
If God doesn't have a sense of humor, none of us is getting in.
If God doesn't like the way I live, let HIM tell me.
If God doesn't punish America, he owes an apology to Sodom & Gomorrah.
If God dropped acid, would he see people..?
If God dropped acid, would he see people?
If God gives you lemons, make lemonade!
If God goes to sleep will the universe dream?
If God had been in favor of homosexuality, He never would have created A
If God had intended Man to Smoke, He would have set him o
If God had intended Man to Smoke, He would have set him on Fire.
If God had intended Man to Walk, He would have given him Feet.
If God had intended Man to Watch TV, He would have given him Rabbit Ears.
If God had intended Man to program, we would be born with serial I/O ports.
If God had intended Man to smoke, He would have set him on fire.
If God had intended Men to Smoke, He would have put Chimneys in their Heads.
If God had intended man to fly, he wouldn't have invented TRAINS!!!
If God had intended man to have computers, he would have
If God had intended man to watch TV, he would have given him rabbit ears.
If God had intended us *not* to masturbate, we'd have shorter arms!
If God had intended women to rule he would've given them penises
If God had meant for us to be naked, we would be so born.
If God had meant for us to be naked, we would have been born that way.
If God had meant for us to fly, why did he give us trains?
If God had meant us to use metric, he'd have given us 10 commandments.
If God had meant women to rule he would've given them penises
If God had not created beer, man would have had to invent it.
If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent it.
If God had trusted Adam he wouldn't have created Eve.
If God had wanted Man to fly, He would have given him more money.
If God had wanted man to fly, He would have given him air
If God had wanted man to go around nude, He would have gi
If God had wanted me to sleep, He wouldn't have given us modems!
If God had wanted us to be permissive, we'd have Ten Suggestions.
If God had wanted us to know how we worked, we'd have little windows.
If God had wanted us to write, He would not have not given us edlin.
If God had wanted you to go around nude, He would have given you bigger hands.
If God had wanted you to not think like a computer, He would have installed DOS.
If God had wanted you to understand source code, He would have installed a CPU.
If God has spoken, why isn't the universe convinced?
If God intended men to smoke, He would have set him on fire.
If God intended metric,He'd have given *10* commandments!
If God intended us to have oral sex, she wouldn't have given us elbows
If God intended us to use Metric, He would've rested on the 10th day!
If God is Love and Love is Blind, is Stevie Wonder God?
If God is Love, and Love is Blind, is Ray Charles God?
If God is Love... and Love is Blind... Then what is Ray Charles???
If God is a god of love  how can his followers promote so much hate?
If God is a woman why don't men have the babies?
If God is a woman, why didn't she make men carry babies?
If God is absent in your life, guess who moved!
If God is all knowing, can He understand DSZ docs?
If God is all, how can I be evil? --Charlie Manson.
If God is dead, who will save the Queen?
If God is love and love is blind, is Ray Charles God?
If God is not on my side  I'm in _serious_ trouble!
If God is omnipotent, why does he need my money?
If God is our father, then I guess Satan is our cousin.
If God is perfect, why did He create discontinuous functions?
If God is perfect, why do discontinuous functions exist?
If God is real, we will not find Him 'outside' of reality.
If God is your co-pilot, SWITCH SEATS!
If God is your co-pilot, switch seats.
If God lived on Earth, people would knock out all His windows. -- Yiddish saying
If God lived on Earth, people would knock out his windows
If God lived on earth, people would break his windows <Jewish proberb>
If God lived on earth, people would break his windows.
If God lived on earth, people would break his windows. -Jewish Proverb
If God meant man to be in space, He wouldn't have given us stomach's!
If God meant me to be thin, he wouldn't have invented potato chips.
If God thought that nudity was O.K., we would have been born naked.
If God took acid, would he see people?
If God wanted METRIC, there would've been 10 Apostles.
If God wanted METRIC, there'd have been 10 Apostles.
If God wanted me on topic, why'd he make moderators get upset so easy?
If God wanted me on topic, why'd he make moderators the way he did?
If God wanted me to sleep, he wouldn't give PCs modems!
If God wanted metric there would have been *10* disciples.
If God wanted us to be brave, why did he give us legs? -- Marvin Kitman
If God wanted us to fly, he would have given us wings.
If God wanted us to go METRIC Jesus would've had 10 disciples not 12.
If God wanted us to swim, he would have given us fins.
If God wanted us to vote, He would have given us REAL candidates.
If God wanted us to walk, he would have given usuh...
If God wanted you to go nude, he would have given you bigger hands
If God wanted you to think, He would have installed UNIX in your brain.
If God were a government employee, creation would have taken 7 years
If God were a government employee, the creation would have taken 7 yea
If God were a government employee, the creation would have taken 7 yrs
If God were a woman, cum would taste like chocolate!
If God were female, do you REALLY think men would exist?
If God were female, men would have the babies
If God were judge and jury, would there be ANY innocents in congress?
If God's love is infinite, Hell must be empty.
If God's love is infinite, why do I hate broccoli?
If Government's the answer, it must have been a stupid question!
If Guin nevere, how does Lance a lot?
If Guns Are Outlawed, How Can We Shoot Liberals?
If HE'S a DUCK, then I'm a dirty skunk! <BLAM!> -Daffy Duck
If HE'S a DUCK, then I'm a dirty skunk! <BLAM!< -Daffy Duck
If He had a brain, he'd take it out and play with it.
If He said what he thought, he'd be speechless.
If He would only pay attention instead of playing with himself.
If Helen Keller falls in the forest, does she make a noise?
If Hellen Keller fell down in a forest, would she make a noise?
If Hillary dies, do we get Bill as president?
If Hillary's plan was bad for America why is it good for seniors?
If Homer Simpson were Italian, he'd say, "Mmmmmmm.....Zucchini."
If Humans have orgasms do the Borg have borgasms?
If I *argue* with you, I must take up a contrary position!
If I *argue* with you,I must take up a contrary position!
If I =wasn't= crazy I'd be insane by now! <-No joke there
If I CROSSed your PATH, I'd end up HAPPY HUNTing you by DRIV(E)ing
If I Can't Be Number One In Your Life, Then Number Two On You
If I Invited Him...: Woody Kum
If I Invited Him...: Woody Kum(3)
If I Save The Whales Where Will I Keep Them?
If I accidentally kill you with my handgun, can we still be friends?
If I add milk and Nestle to QWK, do I get chocolate milk?
If I agree, will you shut up?
If I am correct, the rest of you are wrong!
If I am going to die, I will die my way.
If I am lost, be I found in love's eternity.
If I am not for myself, who will be? -- The Talmud
If I am not satisfied with your answers, you will die.-TNG
If I am out of line, I apoligize. Just didn't know who else to ask.
If I am what I eat then I must be fast, cheap and easy.
If I am what I eat, I'm fast, cheap and easy...
If I am what I eat, that's spelled fast, cheap and easy.
If I am what I eat, then I must be fast, cheap or easy.
If I am what I eat, then I'm fast, cheap, and easy.
If I am what I eat, then I'm fast, cheap, or easy.
If I ask "why" too often, I may never get around to "do"...
If I believed what everyone says about me - I'd love me too!
If I buy Playboy in braille, what's the centerfold like?
If I buy the steel wool, can you knit me a BMW?
If I buy the steel wool, can you knit me a Lambourghini?
If I buy the steel wool, can you knit me a Porsche?
If I buy the steel wool, will you knit me a Porsche?
If I buy the steel wool, would you knit me a Porsche?
If I can avoid the wrong shadows, I'll be seeing you whenever.
If I can be of further assistance, YELL!!!!!
If I can convert ONE Dolfins fan...my work here will be done...
If I can convert ONE Habs fan...my work here will be done...
If I can convert ONE fan...my work here will be done...
If I can have honesty, it's easier to overlook mistakes.
If I can help further, please don't hesitate to ask.
If I can help you further, please don't hestitate to YELL!!!!!
If I can light this thing, I'll send smoke signals.
If I can squeeze my car into a tight spot I'm sexually satisfied.
If I can survive death, I can probably survive anything
If I can survive death, I can probably survive anything.
If I can take it away from you, it's mine.
If I can't EAT fried foods what CAN I do with them?
If I can't find my ancestors do I exist?
If I can't fix it, it ain't broken.
If I can't fix it, it's probably dead.
If I can't have SessionManager, I don't want anything.
If I can't have it all, I think I'll just cry a lot.
If I can't steal it honestly, I don't want it.
If I can't take it with me, I'm not going!
If I can't win, I don't wanna play!
If I can't win, I don't want to play.
If I can, can you?
If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell.
If I choose to laugh through these bits of misfortune....
If I contradict myself, I contradict myself.- H.D. Thoreau
If I could be respected and not have to be respectable.
If I could do it all over again, I'd do it harder
If I could drop dead right now, I'd be the happiest man alive!
If I could get my membership fee back, I'd resign from the human race.
If I could just get to the salad bar! - Crow
If I could kick my own butt, I would amaze myself!
If I could light this thing I'd send up smoke signals.
If I could make a livin' outta lovin' you, I'd be a millionaire...
If I could put time in a bottle....
If I could reach you, I would hurt you, Pinky - The Brain
If I could reach you, I would hurt you, Pinky. - Brain
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
If I could remember it, it wouldn't be a real hangover. --Londo.
If I could think of one it'd be right HERE!
If I could type, I'd be a great groprammer !
If I could walk that way, I wouldn't need a doctor!
If I could wave my magic wand RUSH Presto
If I could wave my magic wand.
If I could write great taglines, I wouldn't steal YOURS
If I could, I would, but I can't, so I won't
If I could, I would, but I can't, so I won't.
If I could, I'd rearrange the alphabet to put U and I together.
If I couldn't find it, my brains may be clogged. - Col. Potter
If I couldn't use Desqview I'd jump out a Window
If I cover my sensors, no one can see me.
If I didn't believe what everyone says about me - I'd hate myself!
If I didn't bitch, who would?
If I didn't hate violence, I'd kick you. - Margaret
If I didn't have an accident, I couldn't have gotten here.
If I didn't know any better I'd be happy right now.
If I didn't know any better, I'd be happy right now.
If I didn't know now what I didn't know then
If I didn't know now what I didn't know then.
If I didn't snoop I wouldn't know what was going on -Dr.F
If I die for truth and justice, I die not in vain!
If I die on a Wednesday, who will do my Thursday worrying?
If I die, I forgive you, if I recover, we shall see.
If I die, bury me upside down so that the world can kiss my ass!
If I do my homework on the bus, my mom never believes it.
If I don't appear in "News of the Weird," it's been a good week.
If I don't do the things that are not worth doing who will?
If I don't enforce it, who will know good from evil?
If I don't give my memories a good home, who will?
If I don't keep it aloft, popular opinion would begin to flag! -Mutie
If I don't know the facts I make them up.
If I don't make it back, you're the only hope for the Alliance. - Luke
If I don't save the Falcon then I don't care... We Hunt, brother.
If I don't see you in the future, I'll see you in the pasture.
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze
If I download another byte, there will be an immediate Upload!
If I drink this funny-looking beer, will my pee turn green, too?
If I drink too much I get hot flashes.-We'll take pictures.-Hawk
If I eat Shit will I die?
If I ever encounter your kind again I will protect my people - Janeway
If I explained what this tagline meant, I'd have to kill you. 
If I fax something to myself, will I go blind?
If I feel like exercise, I lie down until it passes.
If I feel like exercise, I lie down until the feeling passes.
If I find your sunglasses will you love me? - Mike as kid
If I follow you home will you keep me?
If I follow you home would you keep me?
If I gave you an eraser, would you rub yourself out?
If I get in my way, I'll kill you!
If I get to work late, I make up for it by leaving early..
If I give it to you and change my mind later, it's mine.
If I give you lingerie,what's in it for me?
If I give you the steel wool would you knit me a Jaguar?
If I go crazy, should I leave you a note?
If I go insane, please don't put your wires in my brain ...
If I go out of my mind, I'll do it quietly, so as not to disturb you.
If I got at least 1 right, then I'll be happy!
If I got the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?
If I gotta tell ya, ya don't need to know.....
If I had $0.00001 for every time Windows crashed
If I had a Life I would be living it.
If I had a belt like yours, I could be an Elvis impersonator.
If I had a cheatin' heart...
If I had a choice of weapons with you, sir, I'd choose grammar.
If I had a hammer, I'd hit you over the head!
If I had a hammer, I'd kill all the folk singers.
If I had a hammer, I'd sell it to the government..
If I had a hammer, there'd be no more folk songs.
If I had a hi-fi
If I had a life, I wouldn't know what to do with it.
If I had a life, why would I be doing this??
If I had a memory?  Someone would have to rekmind me! <Bill White>
If I had a memory?  Someone would have to remind me! <Bill White>
If I had a million dollars, we wouln't have to eat Kraft Dinner....
If I had a nickel for every bug...
If I had a nickel for every time I was 100% right, I'd have a nickel.
If I had a rocket launcher, some son-of-a-bitch would die!
If I had a rocket launcher, somebody sure would pay! (Bruce Cockburn)
If I had a tagline you'd be the first to read it
If I had a tagline, it would be better than yours<G>.
If I had a tagline, this is where I would put it.
If I had a twit filter, how could I read messages from me
If I had anything witty to say, I wouldn't put it here.
If I had been present at creation, I would have given some useful hints.
If I had been the Virgin Mary, I would have said No.
If I had boobs like that, I'd never leave the house! - Butthead
If I had change for a buck, I could have been yo daddy!
If I had finished this sentence.  -- Hofstadter
If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
If I had it all to do over again, I'd go fishing ...
If I had it all to do over again, I'd spell creat with an "e".  - Kernighan
If I had it to do all over again, I'd do it over again!
If I had known it was harmless I would have killed it myself. --PKD
If I had me a shotgun I'd blow you straight to Hell..
If I had money, I sure wouldn't be sitting here typing taglines!
If I had more time, I'd write a shorter message.
If I had my life to do over again, I'd live over a delicatessen.
If I had my life to live over again, I'd make the same mistakes sooner.
If I had supre-vision, would I be flying in a chiken coop with a lion?
If I had to think on your level, I'd have to have a lobotomy.
If I had two dead cats, I've give you one! --The Scorpion.
If I had two dead mice, I'd give one to you.
If I had two dead mousies, I would give you one.
If I had two dead mousies, I'd give you one ...
If I had wanted Windows, I'd have bought a greenhouse!
If I had your mind, I'd want to be out of it, too!
If I hadn't believed it, I never would have seen it.
If I have batteries, why do I need a boyfriend?
If I have no mouth but I must scream what should I do?
If I have offended anyone, then the day was not wasted!
If I have to laugh or cry, I think of my sex life.
If I have to open hailing frequencies again, I'm fusing this panel!-NU
If I have to swear to tell the truth, shouldn't you swear to believe me?
If I hold you any closer I'll be in back of you.  Groucho Marx
If I ignore Rush Limbaugh will he go away?
If I invested in GM, it would be busted to Corporal.
If I invested in General Motors, it would be busted to Corporal.
If I jerk your chain, you'd better flush.
If I kept my hair natural the way you do, I'd be bald. Rosalind Russell
If I kill him, it would start a war. - Garibaldi
If I kill him, it would start a war. . .
If I killed somebody, believe me, I'd know! - Carl Robinson
If I knew all the answers, I'd run for God. - Klinger
If I knew how to do it, I wouldn't have to ask!
If I knew how to spell, I could use a dictionary.
If I knew what I was doing, I'd be dangerous!
If I knew what I was saying, I wouldn't be saying it!
If I knew what I was talking about I wouldn't be here.
If I knew what I was talking about, would I be here??
If I knew what I was talking about--would I be here???
If I knew what was going on, do you think I'd be here?
If I knew what was in it, I probably wouldn't eat it.
If I knew what's in it, I probably wouldn't eat it!
If I knew where it was, I wouldn't be looking for it.
If I know how to do Windows, can I do ANSI?
If I learn by mistakes, I'm getting a FABULOUS education.
If I learn from my mistakes, I'll learn a lot today!
If I leave here tommorrow, would you still remember me?
If I let you have your own way will you respect me?
If I let you out, will you promise never to make fun of my Magick again?
If I liked Windows I'd live in a greenhouse!
If I look confused, it's because I'm thinking
If I look confused, it's because I'm thinking.
If I looked at this retroactively, is Heidi my co-worker?
If I made myself clear, let me know and I'll start over
If I made myself clear, let me know and I'll start over.
If I may begin at the beginning...
If I may begin at the beginning?
If I meant to say it, I'd say it!
If I melt some dry ice, can I swim without getting wet?
If I merely touch a frog will it croak?
If I missed any more of the fun, you'd be a smear on the floor.
If I mix milk with my QWK files, do I get chocolate Bluewave?
If I mix milk with my QWK files, do I get chocolate mail?
If I need your opinion, I'll fax it to you.
If I need your opinion, I'll pull your chain
If I now have egg on my face, please pass a washcloth!
If I offend thee                                      tough!
If I only had a 486 . .
If I only had a 486 . . .
If I only had a brain
If I only had a little pad in Hawaii...
If I only had a nickel for every time Windows crashed
If I only had one more teragigadactylbyte..
If I only had something to do with my life!?!
If I owned Australia and Hell, I'd rent out AUZ and live in Hell.
If I owned Kansas and Hell, I'd rent out Kansas and live in Hell.
If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell.
If I owned both Hell and Texas, I'd live in Hell and rent out Texas.
If I pass a mirror, I'm there for the day! -- The Cat
If I pitch a simulated game, do I have to go drink simulated beer?
If I proceed any slower, I'll be going backwards.
If I promise to miss you will you please go away?
If I promise to miss you, will you go away?
If I put a hard drive to my ear, will I hear the C:
If I put water in my dog's mouth, will bells ring?
If I put water in my dog's mouth, will it cause bells to ring?
If I railfan 1 more time my wife will leave me! Boy I'll miss her!
If I remember correctly, it is just a matter of un ZIPping the archive
If I repent anything it's likely to be my good behaviour.
If I repent anything, it is likely to be my good behavior. - Thoreau
If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
If I said you had a sexy body, would you hold it against me?
If I said you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
If I said you have a great body, would you hold it against me?
If I save the whales, where do I keep them?
If I save the whales, where will I keep them?
If I save time, do I get it back with interest?
If I save time, what kind of interest will I get?
If I save time, when do I get it back ?
If I save time, when do I get it back ?
If I save your butt, your life belongs to me.
If I say anything interesting, kill me immediately.
If I see a smudge I will have you destroyed-Dr.F to Frank
If I shoot a mime, must I use a silencer?
If I shoot a mime, should I use a silencer? - s.w.
If I shot myself, my ex would sue me for the bullet
If I sleep I come undone,and throw my life into the sun-Course of Empire
If I steal this tagline, will I go to hell?
If I study and watch TV at the same time, I end up studying the TV.
If I suck hard won't it fall off?
If I support Animal Rights will I get better burgers?
If I take your head I get all your power & knowledge.- Duncan Macleod
If I tell a lie it's only because I think I'm telling the truth.Gaglardi
If I tell you, you promise to leave my office right now? - Dr. Neuman
If I think I am right, I am right until proven wrong..
If I think I can do something... Hmmmm... Well I can:
If I thought that, I'd run myself out to the firing squad.-Hawkeye
If I thriw a cat out the car window, is it kitty litter?
If I throw a cat out a car window, is that Kitty Litter?
If I throw a cat out my car window, is it kitty litter?
If I throw a cat out of a car window, is it kitty litter?
If I throw a cat out of my car, is it kitty litter?
If I throw a cat out of the car window, is it kitty litter?
If I throw a cat out the car window, is it kitty litter?
If I throw a cat out the car window, is it kitty litter?
If I throw a cat out the car window, is that kitty litter?
If I throw a cat out the car window, it is kitty litter?
If I throw a cat out the window, is it kitty litter?
If I throw a dog into a bag, is it a doggie bag?
If I throw my cat out, is that kitty litter?
If I throw the cat out the window, is it Kitty Litter?
If I told you my alignment, I'd have to kill you.
If I told you once I told you twice, "Pillage FIRST, burn LAST!"
If I told you the truth I'd be a hypocrite. Michael Curtiz
If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
If I touch her, I turn to wood - Tom
If I try to remember any more trivia&*^%#$#NO CARRIER
If I turn my head from :( to :) I see things differently
If I turned on my twit filter, how could I read mail from you?
If I used the twit filter, I'd be the only one posting here.
If I want any lip from you, I'll scrape it off my zipper!
If I want any sh*t outta you I'll squeeze your head.
If I want any shit outta you I'll squeeze your head.
If I want it, it's mine.
If I want to be assimilated I'll ask!!!!
If I want to hear you scream in pain I'll play some rap music
If I want your opinion I'll beat it from you
If I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you!
If I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you!
If I want your opinion I'll give it to you.
If I want your opinion, I'll ask you to fill out the nece
If I want your opinion, I'll ask you to fill out the necessary form.
If I want your opinion, I'll be sure to come to my senses.
If I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you!
If I want your opinion, I'll divine your entrails.
If I want your opinion, I'll give you one.
If I want your opinion, I'll read it in your entrails
If I want your opinion, I'll read your entails for it.
If I want your opinion, I'll read your entrails.
If I want your opinion, I'll read your entrails. - Janier
If I want your opinion, Orville, I'll ask you to fill out the forms.
If I want your stupid opinion, I'll beat it out of you
If I want your stupid opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
If I wanted Machine Language I'd become an Automechanic!
If I wanted Windows, I'd live in a greenhouse!
If I wanted a ride home, would I be trying to charter a space flight?
If I wanted a tagline, I would put it here.
If I wanted any lip from you, I'd scrape if off my butt
If I wanted any lip fron you I'd scrape it off my ass.
If I wanted him to *be* God, I would have *called* him God. S. Beckett
If I wanted roasted nuts, I'd have roasted them myself.
If I wanted to come in, no lock could keep me out.   Clark Gable
If I wanted to debate, I'd go into politics.
If I wanted to fight a really tough battle, I'd teach you to dress.
If I wanted to hear from an *sshole, I would have farted.
If I wanted to hear from an arsehole, I would've farted.
If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I would've farted.
If I wanted to hear the pit-pat of little feet I'd put shoes on the cat.
If I wanted to listen to an ASSHOLE, I would've farted!
If I wanted to read I'd go to school. - Butthead
If I wanted to read, I'd go to a Usenet newsgroup!" --Butt-HeadA
If I wanted to use Windows, I would have kept the MAC!
If I wanted you dead, I'd have your liver on a pole by now.
If I wanted your criticism... it was in my former life.
If I wanted your opinion I would give it to you.
If I wanted your opinion I'd ask your computer
If I wanted your opinion I'd shake it out of you.
If I wanted your opinion, I would have given it to you
If I wanted your opinion, I'd have read your entrails.
If I wanted your opinion, I'd read your entrails
If I wanted your opinion, I'd take you off my Twit List.
If I was 2 faced would I be wearing this one?
If I was any more right, I'd be on the left.
If I was as smart as I am horny, I'd be Einstein........
If I was human I would ... Wait a minute! I AM Human!
If I was human I would..Wait a minute! I AM Human
If I was in my underwear & you were on the trapeze - Tom
If I was part of the harem, I'd be subordinate - Digital Shakespeare
If I was really Death, do you think I'd tell you? --DiDi.
If I was sane, I'd go crazy
If I was two faced, would I be wearing this one?
If I was using a different alias up top this note would have been long
If I wasn't *born* gay, I wouldn't *be* gay!  *Period*!
If I wasn't insane, it would drive me crazy.
If I wasn't married I'd have to beat up total strangers
If I were Bill Gates I'd....  Oh my, what a horrible thought!
If I were Britannia, I'd waive the rules.
If I were Brittania,  I'd waive the rules.
If I were Flash Gordon, I still wouldn't play Doom.
If I were a Flinstone. Yabba dabba dabba - Tom sings
If I were a dragon, I'd be thrumming about now...
If I were a gambling man, I would bet that you read this.
If I were a landing thruster, where would I be? --Ambassador Londo.
If I were a landing thruster, which one would I be? - Londo
If I were a landing thruster, wich one would I be? - Londo
If I were a plastic surgeon, I'd pick my nose.
If I were a rich man, la la la-la la-la...
If I were a superior officer I'd court martial you both! - Lt Dax.
If I were any lazier, I would slip into a coma.
If I were dead, I wouldn't be alive!
If I were exceptionally good at nothing, I could be president!
If I were here more often, I wouldn't be gone so much.
If I were human the appropriate reply would be, Eat my shorts. --Spock.
If I were human, I believe I would say, "Go to hell."
If I were human, I believe my response would be 'Go to hell.' -- Spock
If I were in a Sr-72, I'd be home by now.
If I were into denial, I'd never admit it.
If I were really two faced, would I be wearing this one?
If I were rich my butler would answer my mail.
If I were sane, I'd go crazy
If I were the last person alive, the world would finally be perfect.
If I were the purring type, I'd probably be doing so now.
If I were to steal that Borg tagline, would I then be a borgler?
If I were truly original, I'd think of something cute.
If I were trying to please men, I wouldn't be a servant of Christ.
If I were two faced, would I wear this one?
If I were two-faced, would I be wearing *this* one?!?
If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?
If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults.
If I were you, I'd be different.
If I were you, who'd be me?
If I where two faced, would I wear this one?
If I win, all of you shave your beards off.     - Beverly
If I work toward an end, meantime I am confined to a process.
If I'd known you were a cad, I woulda drawn a picci
If I'd miss you when you're gone - would you leave now?
If I'd wanted a Mac, I would have BOUGHT one!
If I'd wanted it today, I'd have asked tomorrow..
If I'm "non-PC" does that mean I like the Macintosh?
If I'm a good egg does it really matter if I'm cracked?
If I'm an agent of Satan where's my ten percent??
If I'm driving irresponsibly, call my mother.
If I'm going out, I'm taking some of you bastards with me! --Sinclair
If I'm going out, I'm taking some of you bastards with me!!! (Sinclair)
If I'm gonna do this kind of work I oughta get more money. - Hawkeye
If I'm gonna dream big, i'm gonna dream you
If I'm gonna eat somebody, it might as well be you! -- Iguana
If I'm gonna eat somebody, it might as well be you.
If I'm gonna eat, something has to die.
If I'm in your twit filter then you haven't read this.
If I'm lying, may I be struck by ligh... +++ H0)*%NO CARRIER
If I'm not back in an hour...send a banana cream pie after me.
If I'm not back in five minutesWait longer!
If I'm not careful I'll end up talking to myself. - McCoy
If I'm not here, I'm out golfing.
If I'm not myself today, why are you telling ME!
If I'm not on the track, I'm thinking about the next race
If I'm not out in 5 minutes... Wait a little longer. -- Ace Ventura.
If I'm not poor, why is my tapeworm starving to death?
If I'm on a FIXED income, how come I'm always BROKE?
If I'm out, bring me too. --Jim Morrison
If I'm reincarnated, I wanna be drawn by Ken Sample
If I'm right 90% of the time, why quibble about the remaining 3%?
If I'm right, there will be nothing left, said Tom ambidextrously.
If I'm so brilliant, why did I just put a stitch in my glove?-Potter
If I'm so wrong, why can't you prove it?
If I'm wrong, I'm more right than wrong!
If I've cleared up anything, I'm terribly sorry about it.
If I've cleared up anything, Willow, I'm terribly sorry about it.
If I've offended anyone, my efforts have been rewarded.
If IBM has Bugs, does an Apple have Worms?
If IBM invented Sushi, it'd be marketed as "Dead Raw Fish
If IBM's have bugs, then do Apples have worms?
If IBMs have bugs, do Apples have worms?
If IF'S and BUT'S were FRUITS and NUTS, ever day would be Christmas.
If Ignorance=Bliss?  Why aren't more people happy??
If Intel ran StarFleet it would be Deep Space 8.999999997
If Intel ran Starfleet, it'd be Deep Space 8.23786124514612
If Iraq invaded Turkey from the rear would Greece help?
If It Ain't Country, It Ain't Music! 'Nuff Said I Think.
If It doesn't matter, and what if it did?
If It's Bug Free, It's Time to Make Changes
If It's Bug Free, It's Time to Make Changes.
If J. Paul Getty opened a fast food place, would it be a Getty's Burge
If J. Paul Getty opened a health resort, would it be a Spa-Getty?
If Jack Ruby owned a Denny's - Mike on sleazy diner
If Jack helped you off of a horse, would you help Jack off a horse?
If Jake was an outlaw, would he be The Sisko Kid?
If James Bond became a dentist, he'd be licensed to drill.
If James Bond was a lawyer, he'd be licensed to will.
If James Bond worked for a pickle company, he'd be licensed to dill.
If Janeway was from Texas, Voyager would have been back by now!
If Jeff Foxworthy were Italian, he'd say, "Ura Zucchini if..."
If Jehova is omnipotent, why does he need my money?
If Jesus arrived today, He'd surly refuse to become Christian.
If Jesus had a good lawyer, Christianity would never have happened.
If Jesus had had a good lawyer, Christianity would never have happened
If Jesus is the answer, it must have been a poor question
If Jesus lives, does this mean no more Easter holiday?
If Jesus save's, well he'd better save himself.
If Jesus was Jewish, then why did he have a Mexican name?
If Jesus was Jewish, why did he have a Mexican name?
If Jesus was Jewish, why does he have a Mexican Name???!!!
If Jesus was Jewish, why does he have a Mexican name?
If Jesus was a Jew, why does he have a Mexican name?
If Jesus was alive today, he would NOT be a Christian.  -Mark Twain
If Jesus was into S&M would he use Miracle Whip?
If Jiminy Cricket was here, I'd skoosh him. - Calvin
If Jones is a good fastball hitter, should I throw him a bad fastball?
If Kahless is a Klingon, wouldn't he be a _lingon?
If Kes had a dog, what would its years be?
If Khomeini was Catholic, my life would now be worth a million bucks.
If Kitty Carlisle married Conway Twitty, she'd be Kitty Twitty.
If Lee Iacoca was bitten by a vampire he'd  be an AUTOEXEC.BAT
If Life was fair Elvis would be alive and Joan Rivers would be mute
If Life's a trip, where the hell is MY ticket?
If Life's like a box of chocolates, is Love like Mystery Date?
If Limbaugh is the answer, it must be a stupid question.
If Linus were Italian, he'd wait for the Great Zucchini on Hallloween.
If Lister can do it, so can I. - Rimmer
If Liverpool did not exist, it would have to be invented.
If Love is blind, then why is Lingerie so popular?
If Love is blind- lingerie makes great braille...
If Lucas Electric made guns, wars wouldn't start
If Lucifer confesses, we'll let the rest of you go.
If Lyle Lovett has a chain saw, he can be rail ripper.
If MS Windows sucked it would be good for something.
If MS Windows was an airline, would you purchase a ticket?
If MS-DOS and PC-DOS and IBM-DOS were castrated, they would become UNIX!
If Mac's are so great, why is Safeway giving them away?
If Macintosh is a woman, Windoze is a transvestite.
If Major Kira was assimilated, she'd be a Bajoran Borg
If Marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will have in-laws!
If Mary had a little lamb...who the heck was the father!?!
If Mick wants's clothes, 'e can climb down'n' get 'em 'is bloody self!
If Milli Vanilli falls down in the woods, does someone else make a sound?
If Milli Vanilli fell in the woods, who'd make the sound?
If Moderator not found  - Please notify computer!
If Moderator not found - Please notify Sysop!
If Mohammed can't go to the mountain, then that's his problem.
If Money talks, Being a SYSOP is pretty quiet!
If Mother Nature were smart she'd have leaves fall up.
If Mozart were alive today, he'd say 'Get me the HELL OUTTA HERE!"
If Mr. Blackstone was a zombie - Crow
If Mr. Homn were assimilated, he'd be a Homn-borg-er.
If Murphy was such an optimist, why is he dead?
If Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will.
If Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will.  -- Silverman
If Murphy's law can go wrong, will it?
If My Taglines Aren't Stolen Do I Exist????
If NAME$="Bill_Gates" then make LENGTH_OF_PIER<YOUR_WALK .
If NASA is so smart, why do they count backwards?
If Nature abhors a vacuum, a paradox must REALLY piss it off!
If Nature destroys, it's a disaster; if Man destroys, it's progress.
If Nicole had a gun she'd be a rich widow.
If Nicole said what he thought, he'd be speechless.
If Noah had been wise he would swatted one of those two flies.
If Noah had only swatted those first two mosquitoes........."
If Noah had used UC2, he could have used a smaller boat.
If Noah had used Zip, he could have used a smaller boat.
If Noah knew his family, he'd never asked them aboard
If Noah was smart, he would've swatted those two flies.
If Number One did a #2, would it be a Number Three?
If OS/2 V2.2 is soooooo great, why is V2.4 coming?
If OS/2 is so great... how come it's so troublesome to configure?
If OS/2 is superior, why is everything centered around Windows?
If OS/2 was hooked up to nuclear missiles, what happens?
If OS/2 were outlawed, Criminals would still have NT!
If Odo told bad jokes, would he be known as the Punstable
If Old MacDonald had a computer, it used Eee-aye-eee-I/O.
If Old MacDonald had a computer, it uses Eee-aye-eee I/O.
If Old MacDonald had a computer, it would use EIE I/O.
If Old MacDonald had a computer, would it use Eee-aye-eee I/O?
If Only, I Had Huge Pectoral Muscles! - Ren.
If Orville had a brain, he'd take it out and play with it.
If Orville knew 9 more things, he'd be an idiot.
If Orville said what he thought, he'd be speechless.
If Orville was so smart, how come she couldn't spell?
If Orville would only pay attention instead of playing with himself.
If Orville would pay attention instead of playing with himself.
If P is prime, is P' prime prime?
If PCs could fly, there would be only air disasters.
If PRO and CON are opposites, then the opposite of PROGRESS is....
If PRO is opposite CON, what's the opposite if PROGRESS?
If PRO is opposite CON, what's the opposite of progress?
If PRO<>CON is Congress the Opposite of Progress?
If PRO<<CON is Congress the Opposite of Progress?
If Pat Robertson isn't gonna be there it *CAN'T* be Hell
If Peter Piper poked his prick in pickled perverts...
If Picard ever proposed to a lass he'd say...Engage!
If Picard were Spanish, Riker would be Numero Uno.
If Picard were Spanish, would Riker be Numero Uno?
If Piggy and Kermit had kids... Pigpoles or froglets?
If Pinnochio was made of wood, then did he have a Woodpecker?
If Poland attacked Turkey from the rear, would Greece help?
If Political.Correctness <> Common.Sense THEN GOTO Reality
If Popeye were Italian, he'd eat Zucchini for strength.
If Q became as lifeguard would he be called Pool Q ?
If Q became as lifeguard would he be called a Pool Q ?
If Q flashes speaking prompts, are they Q-Cards?
If Q gives you advice, is it a Q-tip?
If Q is male is O a female?
If Q met Mrs. Bobbitt would he become "O"?
If Q was female, would he be called O?
If Q were castrated would he be O?
If Q were castrated would he become  O ???
If Q were castrated, would he be called O ?   <<borrowed Tagline>>
If Q were castrated, would he become O?
If Q were castrated, would he become O? And how would he P?
If Q were castrated, would he become....O ?
If Q were castrated... would he become O?
If Q were to be castrated, would he become O?
If Reagan is the answer, it must have been a very silly question.
If Reagan was so bad, how come he got three landslides?
If Reality wants to get in touch, it knows where to find me.
If Riker is #1, then Worf is #2.  YOU tell him.
If Ro Laren were assimilated, she'd be a Bajoran Borg.
If Ro was Kai she would be KaiRo?
If Ro was assimilated she'd be a Bajoran Borg?
If Ro were assimilated, would she be Bajoran Borg?
If Rogue touched herself, what would happen?
If Romulans made an android would it be named CD-ROM?
If Romulans made an android, would they name it CD-ROM?
If Ron had a gun Nicole would be a rich widow.
If Ron or Nicole had a gun, would O.J. have needed a trial?
If Ross Perot would pay attention instead of playing with himself.
If Rush Limbaugh comes near me I'll rip his nipples off!
If Rush Limbaugh is so smart, why isn't he Newt Gingrich?
If Rush Limbaugh is the answer, we are asking the wrong question.
If Rush is right, I'll take what's left.
If ST V is "NonCanon" then ST VII should be "MegaNonCanon"!
If Satan ever loses his hair - There'll be hell toupee !
If Satan ever loses his hair, there'll be hell toupee.
If Satan loses his hair, will there be Hell Toupee?
If Sinclair remembers, the Mimbari Gray Council wants him DEAD!
If Sisko was to become Borg, would he be known as Sykosis of Borg?
If Skin of Evil was assimilated, would it be called "3rd of Slime"?
If Speed scares you, use Windows!
If Speed scares you, use a Mac!
If Spiner uses PKZip, wouldn't he be Compressed Data?
If Sysop doesn't answer first page, use ALT-H for a second attempt.
If Sysop doesn't answer first page, use ALT-H.
If Sysop not found - Please notify computer!
If Sysops were really smart, they'd be users!
If THAT's Leif Garrett, I'm leaving - Crow
If TV were worthwhile, it would come with a keyboard + disc drives.
If Tagline persists, consult your physician.
If Taglines dont work use a Billboard!
If Talia were assimilated, would that make her a Psi-Borg?
If Ted Kennedy had driven a VW, he'd be President by now!
If The Media is Liberal Why is Rush Limbaugh Still on the Air?
If The Media is Liberal Why is Rush Still on the Air?
If The Media is Liberal why is Rush Limbaugh still on the air?
If The Shoe Fits - The Sock Fits !
If The main color of your pickup is primer.. you might be a redneck.
If There is No Personal Concern, There is No Change
If This Is Hell - Where Are the Lawyers?
If This Is Hell - Where Are the Lawyers???
If This Is Hell, Where Are the Politicians and Prostitute
If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, he'd puke on Sarah Brady!!
If Thy heart be as my heart, give me Thy hand - John Wesley
If Time is infinite, then why do I never have enough?
If Tribbles lived forever, where would we all live?
If U  N.Y. so much, go there!
If U Cn rd dis u cnt spel wurt sht.
If U don't need a clean shirt to go to work.. you might be a redneck.
If U find a car while cutting your grass, you might be a redneck
If U go to family reunions to pick up girls you might be a redneck!
If U got to family reunions to meet wimmin, you might be a redneck
If U had to take the wheels off your new home you might be a redneck
If U had to take the wheels off your new home, you are Redneck.
If U had to take the wheels off your new home, you might be a Redneck.
If U had to take the wheels off your new home, you're a redneck
If U have an 8-track player in your 4x4.. you might be a redneck.
If U keep a can of Raid on the kitchen table.. you might be a redneck.
If U keep a pellet gun by the front door.. you might be a redneck.
If U keep your thermostat on 85 in the winter.. you might be a redneck
If U lock your steering wheel with a broom handle URA Redneck.
If U look close enough, the truth is hidden in the words.
If U look up 2 God,U rarely look down on people.
If U love your pets more than your family.. you might be a redneck.
If U loved me, you would steal me!  :)
If U meet the  Achy Breaky Borg, assimilatin's their only plan.
If U meet the Borg, assimilatin's their only plan.
If U meet the Borg, the Achy Breaky Borg, assimilatin is their plan.
If U mowed your lawn and found a caryou might be a redneck!
If U share your beer with the dog, you might be a Redneck.
If U smoke after sex, U're doing it too fast
If U smoked during your wedding, you might be a Redneck.
If U think God looks like Hank Williams, Jr.. you might be a redneck.
If U think that Ernest fellow is funny, you just might be a redneck.
If U took the wheels off your new home, you might be a redneck.
If U want the national anthem to be Free Bird you might be a redneck
If U wore sequins to your wedding, you might be a redneck!
If U're family tree is a straight line, you're a Redneck.
If U're holdin a beer in your wedding picture.. you might be a redneck
If U've been accused of lying through your tooth, you're a Redneck.
If U've ever worn a cowboy hat to church.. you might be a redneck.
If U've totaled every car you've ever owned.. you might be redneck.
If Ur dog & your wallet are both on a chain, you might be a redneck.
If Ur dog and your wallet are both on a chain you might be a redneck
If Ur dog and your wallet are both on a chain, you are a redneck.
If Ur dog and your wallet are both on a chain, you might be a redneck
If Ur dog and your wallet are both on a chain, you're a redneck
If Ur dog and your wallet are both on a chain.. you might be a redneck
If Ur dog passes gas and you claim it, you may be a redneck.
If Ur dog sleeps closer than your wife.. you might be a redneck.
If Ur family tree doesn't fork, you might be a redneck.
If Ur family tree doesn't fork, you're probably a redneck.
If Ur father is also your uncle, you might be a redneck.
If Ur mother has "ammo" on her Christmas list.. you might be a redneck
If Ur wife owns a camouflage nightie.. you might be a redneck.
If Vegitarians eat vegtables,....Beware of humanitarians.
If Version 1.0 works someone goofed...
If Version 1.0 works someone goofed...
If Version 1.0 works, someone goofed.
If Vince Foster had had a gun he would be alive today.
If Voyager folded space, it would become the V'ger.
If Voyager is on a planet won't that make it Star Trek: Deep Space 11?
If WINDOZE is a GUI, where are my crayons?
If Walt Disney were alive, he'd turn over in his icebox!
If William Shatner were Italian:  "Eat!  More!  Zook!  Eee!  Nee!"
If Windose = "FAST"  Then Hellfroze = TRUE!
If Windows 95 sucked, it would be good for something.
If Windows NT is so great, why has it sold < 20,000 copies?
If Windows could talk:  "Hold onDon't rush me"
If Windows crawls, wouldn't running OS/2 make you sado-masochistic?
If Windows flew airplanes, there would be MANY crashes.
If Windows freezes up, do I use an ice scraper?
If Windows is User-Friendly, do you need to read a 678-page manual?
If Windows is User-Friendly, why do you need to read 678-page manual?
If Windows is User-Friendly, why do you need to read a 600-page manual
If Windows is User-Friendly, why do you need to read a 678 pg. manual?
If Windows is User-Friendly, why do you need to read a 678-page manual?
If Windows is User-Friendly, why do'a need to read a 678-page manual?
If Windows is so user -friendly, why the 678 page manual??
If Windows is the answer, then it's a stupid question.
If Windows sucked at least it would be good for something.
If Windows sucked it would be good for something.
If Windows sucked, at least it would be good for SOMETHING
If Windows sucked, it would be good for something!
If Windows were an airline, would it still crash?
If Windoz sucked, it would be baaaad fo' sump'n.
If Windoz sucked, it would be good for something.
If Windoze sucked it'd be good for something
If Windoze was an airline, would you purchase a ticket?
If Windoze was hooked up to nuclear missiles, what happens?
If Wishes Were Horses I'd Be Slip-Sliding All Day!
If Wolverine posted messages, this is the tagline he'd use.
If WordPerfect's a program, is a virus an anti-gram?
If YOU are not defending the Constitution, who is?
If YOU want YOUR opinion, I'll give it to me!
If Ya Snooze Ya Looze...
If Ya run with the Big Dogs, Ya gotta learn to pee in the tall grass
If Yakko had a brain, he'd take it out and play with it.
If You Can Believe In Santa Claus, Tiny Tim Should Be Easy.
If You Can't Live Without Me Why Aren't You Dead Yet?
If You Can't Say Somethen Nice, The Don't Say Somthen At All! - Jimminy
If You Care Enough to Steal the very Best, S*W*I*P*E it.
If You Care Enough to Steal the very Best, Snipit
If You Choose Not To Decide You Still Have Made A Choice
If You Don't Care Where You Are, You Ain't Lost
If You Don't Have the Cash, Why Get Up?
If You Don't Leave Me Alone, I'll Go And Find Someone Else Who Will
If You Don't Like What You're Reading Then Don't Read It.
If You Have Mail, Do You Want Me To Open It ?
If You Have a Soup, I Have a CAMPBELL!
If You Leave Me, Can I Come Too???
If You Pass This Point You Will Most Certainly Die.  -- sign on birth canal
If You Say Nothing, No One Will Repeat It
If You keep a can of Raid on the kitchen table.. you might be a redneck.
If You're Gonna Die, Die With Your Boots On...
If You're Happy and You Know It...Bang Your Head!!!
If Your Parents Don't Have Children, You Won't Either !
If Z < Y < X, you're definately not talking English.
If Zordon was Satan, the Rangers would be his demons.
If a > b and b > c, then what's c:\>
If a 500lb parrot wants a cracker, give it one!
If a Keebler Elf throws up does it toss its cookies??
If a President doesn't do it to his wife, he'll do it to his country.
If a Ram is a Ram & an Ass is an Ass, why is a Ram in the Ass a Goose?
If a beer and a cliff full of lemmings is exciting, you might be Death
If a binary digit is a bit, what is a trinary digit?
If a cat could talk, would it say meow just to confuse you?
If a cat could talk, would it still say meow just to confuse you?
If a chicken coop had 4 doors, it'd be a chicken sedan!
If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love...
If a child lives with recognition, he learns it is good to have a goal..
If a church wants to teach humility, it ought to learn it first.
If a computer cable has one end, then it has another.
If a cow eats bluegrass..will she mooed indigo ?
If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?
If a cow laughed, would milk come out of her nose?
If a cow laughs hard does milk come out its nose?
If a cow laughs hard, does milk come out of it's nose?
If a cow laughs real hard, does milk come out it's nose?
If a cow laughs real hard, does milk come out of it's nose?
If a cow laughs, does milk come out it's nose?
If a dead dog can walk, then why not a man. --Kim Kelley.
If a dog bites you 1,048,576 times, is that a megabite?
If a dog sweats through its nose what are its armpits for?
If a dragonrider had a pet wolf, it'd be a weyr-wolf!
If a duck flies upside-down, will it quack up?
If a felon is one who commits a felony, God is an iron.
If a file is saved... did it give its life to God?
If a first you don't suceed, the HELL with it!
If a fish falls from the sky, is that an act of cod?
If a fish falls out of the sky, is it an act of cod?
If a fish falls out of the sky, is that an act of Cod?
If a fly had no wings would you call him a walk?
If a fly has no wings would you call him a walk?
If a frog had wings - He wouldn't bump his ass?
If a gay jumped on you back, would you beat him off?
If a gay jumped on your back would you beat him off?
If a headline ends in a question mark, the answer is `no.'
If a job is worth doing, it is worth hiring someone to do it.
If a job is worth doing, it's worth watching someone else do it.
If a job is worth while, you have to evaluate the value of 'while.'
If a kitten has two paws, would you call it an illegitimate pussy?
If a large book kills time, some prefer War and Peace.
If a listener nods his head when you're explaining your program, wake him up.
If a little brute force is good, then too much is better!
If a man calls you a horse, he's a fool. If 3 men do, buy a saddle.
If a man does his best what else is there?
If a man speaks of honor, make him pay cash.
If a man understands one woman he should let it go at that
If a man's good enough, he only *needs* one REP.
If a mime committed suicide with a gun, would it use a silencer?
If a mime is in the hospital, do you send him mums?
If a parsley farmer goes bankrupt, can they garnish his wages?
If a person falls in the woods, will a tree hear it?
If a picture is worth a thousand words, get SVGA.
If a picture paints a thousand words, then why am I writing to you
If a pit bull wraps around your leg, fake an orgasm.
If a pitbull humps your leg, fake an orgasm!
If a poet discovered fiction, he would be a busy poet.
If a problem has a single neck, it has a simple solution.
If a problem has a single neck, it is a simple solution.
If a problem is self-correcting, let it.
If a program crashes in the forest, does it make a sound?
If a program is useful, it must be changed.
If a program is useful, it will have to be changed.
If a program is useful, it will have to be changed.
If a program is useless, it must be documented.
If a program is useless, it will have to be documented.
If a project is not worth doing at all, it's not worth doing well.
If a project requires n components, there will be n-1 units in stock.
If a ruby falls in a puddle, it will not lose it's luster.
If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked-Prov 29:12
If a single fly can have 1,000 kids, think what a married fly could do.
If a skunk gets hit by a car, why doesn't the car smell, too?
If a smile would help, let me lend you mine.
If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate. (Monty Python)
If a starship falls on a forest, does anyone hear it?
If a stork has four bills, would it be a fork?
If a straight line fit is required, obtain only two data points.
If a string has one end, it has another end.
If a string has one end, then it has another end.
If a stud cat gets fixed, it's broken
If a stud cat gets fixed, it's broken.
If a synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?
If a train station is where the train stops, what is a work station?
If a tree falls and hits Milli Vanilli, who screams?
If a tree falls and hits a mime, does he make a sound?
If a tree falls and no one hears it, is the bear beneath it still dead
If a tree falls in a forest and hits a mime, will either make a noise?
If a tree falls in a forest and it hits a cop...does anybody care?
If a tree falls in a forest and it hits a mime...does anybody care?
If a tree falls in the forest and hits Alirio Ferreira, Who screams?
If a tree falls in the forest, Make ToothPicks
If a tree falls in the woods & no one's there, who cares?
If a tree falls on a box in the forest, does a cat make any noise?
If a tree falls on a cat in the forest, does it purr?
If a tree falls on a mime in the forest, does he make a sound?
If a tree falls on a mine does anyone care?
If a tree fell on Paul Keating, would anyone care?
If a tree fell on a deaf forester, would he make a sound?
If a tree fell on a florist, would he make a sound?
If a tree fell on a philosopher, would he make a noise?
If a user types in ALL CAPS, and no one is there, is there a sound?
If a virus slows your PC & makes work impossible, is Windows a virus?
If a weirdo offers you some Windows, JUST SAY NO!
If a woman is squeezed wrong, you will see her crack.
If a women changed her sex, what would her religion be? She would be a he-then.
If a women is running away from someone on TV she will trip and fall.
If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?
If acts of echomail thou commit, be sure the tag in rhyme be writ.
If alcohol is bad, why are there more old drunks than old doctors?
If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclus
If all else fails, FAKE IT!
If all else fails, I can always serve as a *bad example*!
If all else fails, READ THE DOCS!
If all else fails, blame the Sysop!
If all else fails, blame the computer!
If all else fails, fall back on depravity!
If all else fails, get @FN@ to do it.
If all else fails, hug your teddy bear!
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error.
If all else fails, lower your standards
If all else fails, lower your standards.
If all else fails, re-write the documentation.
If all else fails, read the .DOCs
If all else fails, read the destructions.
If all else fails, read the directions!
If all else fails, read the instructions!
If all else fails, shoot it!
If all else fails, talk to your system admin.
If all else fails, throw up.
If all else fails, try Spam.
If all else fails, try chocolate.
If all else fails, try neat alcohol!
If all else fails, unzip the manuals!!!
If all else fails, you must still be using Windows.
If all else fails... Put another megavolt through it.
If all else fails...lower your standards.
If all four-letter words are bad, thank God for SEX!
If all goes well you've overlooked something!
If all goes well, you've overlooked something!
If all goes well, you've overlooked something!
If all is not lost, then where is it?
If all is not lost, then where is it? ... In my ALL file.
If all lawyers were hung, the nymphomaniacs would overrun The Bar!
If all men are potential rapists, then all women are potential whores. 
If all men were brothers, would you let your sister marry?
If all papers were smart enough, they would be currency.
If all sex is rape, then are lovers acquaintance rape survivors? 
If all sex is rape, then marriage is legalized prostitution.  
If all the beasts were gone we would die from loneliness of spirit.
If all the beasts were gone we would die of loneliness.
If all the ladies bend over, I would be very happy.
If all the nations in the world are in debt-where did all the money go
If all the nations in the world are in debt-where's all the money?
If all the theists would shut up the Gods would be speechless!
If all the world love M&Ms, who eats Snickers?
If all the world's a stage I want better lighting, script
If all the world's a stage, I sure got lousy seats.
If all the world's a stage, I think the play is gonna be long!
If all the world's a stage, I wanna operate the trapdoor!
If all the world's a stage, I want better lighting.
If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door. - Paul Beatty
If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door. -- Paul Beatty
If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door. Paul Beaty
If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trapdoor.
If all the world's a stage, where are the gratuitous sex scenes?
If all the world's a stage, where does the audience sit?
If all the world's a stage, who sprung the trap door on me?
If all the world's a stage, who's doing the sound???
If all the world's a stage, why am I banking at Wells Fargo?
If all the world's a stage; I sure got lousy seats.
If all the world's a stage; I sure got lousy seats. . .
If all the world's managers were laid end to end, it would be an improvement.
If all the worlds a stage, where are the gratuitious sex sceens?
If all the worlds' a stage, I want better lighting and scripts.
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
If all's fair in love and war, how can you possibly cheat on your wife?
If an experiment works, something has gone wrong
If an experiment works, something has gone wrong
If an experiment works, you must be using the wrong equipment.
If an item is advertised as "under $50", you can bet it's not $19.95.
If ancestry is a river does that make me a drip?
If ants are such busy workers, how come they go to all the picnics ?
If any man have an ear, let him hear. - Revelations 13:9
If any of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them.
If any of this sounds familiar, I would appreciate hearing from you.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God... James 1:5
If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.
If anybody can help me with this little problem I would be grateful.
If anybody wants to put a tail on me, go ahead.
If anyone approaches with intent of doing you good, run.
If anyone else has any workable code, PLEASE POST IT!!!
If anyone else shows, it's off. --Frost.
If anyone has an idea why I do this, keep it to yourself.
If anyone has an idea why do I this, keep it to yourself
If anyone has an idea why do I this, keep it to yourself.
If anyone has any ideas on this subject, PLEASE offer some insight!
If anyone has any questions, I have a brochure.
If anyone has any suggestions I will give them a try.
If anyone knocks on this door, don't answer it 'less I'm with you.Aahz
If anyone knows why I'm doing this, keep it to yourself.
If anyone needs me, I'll be in Holodeck 3...
If anyone needs me, I'll be sending a latrine-o-gram. - Col. Potter
If anyone said hello to you, you'd be stuck for an answer.
If anyone says, here is Christ, believe it not.-Matt. 24:23
If anything *can't* go wrong, it will.
If anything -can't- go wrong, it will
If anything -can't- go wrong, it will.
If anything I have said offends you, well that's just too bad.   :)
If anything can go wrong with Monty Python, it will.
If anything can go wrong, it will (and at the worst possible moment).
If anything can go wrong, it will.
If anything can go wrong, it@!f#-}j*  NO CARRIER
If anything can go wrong... NO CARRIER
If anything happens, bury me in a blue chiffon. - Klinger
If anything is used to its full potential, it will break.
If anything is used to its full potential, it'll break.
If anything, I think YOU are the one who's looking for an arguement!
If as first you don't menage, trois, trois again.
If asnything goes wrong, we're on our own. - Sheridan
If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport
If at 1st you don't Suckseed keep Suckin till you do Suckseed
If at 1st you don't succeed kiss them on the forehead.
If at 1st you don't succeed, call it Version 1
If at 1st you don't succeed, call it v1.0.
If at 1st you don't succeed, skydiving's not for you
If at 1st you dont succeed:Rewrite it from scratch.
If at FAUST you don't Succeed: Scry! Scry! Again...
If at Faust you don't succeed, take Demonology 101 again.
If at first vous don't menage, trois, trois trois again...
If at first we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure!
If at first we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.
If at first you DO succeed, pretend you know what you're doing.
If at first you do succeed  --Try to hide your astonishment.
If at first you do succeed, try not to look *too* astonished!
If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished
If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished.
If at first you do succeed, try something harder
If at first you do succeed, try to hide your astonishment.
If at first you don't exceed, try, try again.
If at first you don't menage, trois, trois again.
If at first you don't menage, trois, trois, trois again.
If at first you don't secede, next time bring a bigger sword.
If at first you don't succed, pull the plug. 8-)
If at first you don't succede, sky diving isn't for you.
If at first you don't succeed - blame @FN@!
If at first you don't succeed - blame Jerome!
If at first you don't succeed - buy her another beer.
If at first you don't succeed - so much for skydiving.
If at first you don't succeed - so much for skydiving. - David Zimmerman
If at first you don't succeed - suck another seed.
If at first you don't succeed call in an air-strike.
If at first you don't succeed forget skydiving.
If at first you don't succeed to hell with it.
If at first you don't succeed try again.
If at first you don't succeed you must be in Windows!
If at first you don't succeed you're doing about average.
If at first you don't succeed you're running about averag
If at first you don't succeed you've failed failed again.
If at first you don't succeed, *.* & forget it
If at first you don't succeed, *.* & forget it.
If at first you don't succeed, Beat the living shit out of them...
If at first you don't succeed, CHEAT!
If at first you don't succeed, Call it Windows.
If at first you don't succeed, DEL *.* and forget it.
If at first you don't succeed, FORGET skydiving
If at first you don't succeed, Format C:
If at first you don't succeed, add NT and try again.
If at first you don't succeed, blame Congress!
If at first you don't succeed, blame it on Quark!
If at first you don't succeed, blame it on Windows.
If at first you don't succeed, blame it on an ensign!
If at first you don't succeed, blame it on the Cardassians!
If at first you don't succeed, blame it on the Klingons!
If at first you don't succeed, blame the computer!
If at first you don't succeed, blame the teacher.
If at first you don't succeed, bungee jumping isn't for you.
If at first you don't succeed, buy her another beer
If at first you don't succeed, call it Chicago.
If at first you don't succeed, call it NT.
If at first you don't succeed, call it Rel. 1.0.
If at first you don't succeed, call it Ver 1.0
If at first you don't succeed, call it Windows NT.
If at first you don't succeed, call it a beta version.
If at first you don't succeed, call it v1.0!
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.
If at first you don't succeed, change the rules!
If at first you don't succeed, change your definition of success!
If at first you don't succeed, cheat!
If at first you don't succeed, create a '95' version
If at first you don't succeed, create an "NT" version.
If at first you don't succeed, cry a lot.
If at first you don't succeed, cry, cry again ...
If at first you don't succeed, cry.
If at first you don't succeed, del *.* and forget it
If at first you don't succeed, delete *.* and reinstall ...
If at first you don't succeed, delete Windoze and run OS/2
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that shows you tried.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy evidence you tried
If at first you don't succeed, do government work
If at first you don't succeed, do government work.
If at first you don't succeed, don't be foolish, give up.
If at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving.
If at first you don't succeed, eat a pint of Haagen Daaz...
If at first you don't succeed, eat a pint of Haagen Das.
If at first you don't succeed, exchange your data set.
If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style.
If at first you don't succeed, fake it!!
If at first you don't succeed, fall back and punt.
If at first you don't succeed, find the cheat codes.
If at first you don't succeed, forget it.
If at first you don't succeed, forget skydiving.
If at first you don't succeed, get a job at Microsoft.
If at first you don't succeed, give RUSSIAN ROULETTE a try!
If at first you don't succeed, give up, no use being a damn fool.
If at first you don't succeed, give up.
If at first you don't succeed, give up.  No use being a d
If at first you don't succeed, hide your astonishment.
If at first you don't succeed, hit it with a hammer!
If at first you don't succeed, hit the reset button.
If at first you don't succeed, ignore the docs some more.
If at first you don't succeed, invent an upgrade.
If at first you don't succeed, join the club.
If at first you don't succeed, look surprised
If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.
If at first you don't succeed, name it Version 1.0
If at first you don't succeed, never try Russian roulette.
If at first you don't succeed, package it and call it WIN/95.
If at first you don't succeed, parachuting isn't for you.
If at first you don't succeed, port it to Windows.
If at first you don't succeed, put it in another tagline.
If at first you don't succeed, put it out for beta test.
If at first you don't succeed, put it out for beta testing.
If at first you don't succeed, put out a bug fix.
If at first you don't succeed, put out another version (KWQ
If at first you don't succeed, put out another version.
If at first you don't succeed, quit, quit at once.
If at first you don't succeed, quit. No use being a damn fool about it
If at first you don't succeed, quit; don't be a nut about
If at first you don't succeed, quit; don't be a nut about success.
If at first you don't succeed, re-format.
If at first you don't succeed, read the @#/^&* manual!
If at first you don't succeed, read the documentation.
If at first you don't succeed, read the manual.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success ...
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success. - Bill Gates
If at first you don't succeed, reload.
If at first you don't succeed, rewrite it from scratch.
If at first you don't succeed, screw it and try something else.
If at first you don't succeed, screw it.  Give up.
If at first you don't succeed, see if Microsoft will buy you out.
If at first you don't succeed, shoot your lawyer!
If at first you don't succeed, skin diving is not for you.
If at first you don't succeed, sky diving -probably- isn't for you.
If at first you don't succeed, sky diving isn't for you.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you!
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't for you.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving's not for you!
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving's not for you..
If at first you don't succeed, sleep on it.
If at first you don't succeed, sue for 5 million dollars.
If at first you don't succeed, t'hell with it!
If at first you don't succeed, tell the authorities THAT GUY did it.
If at first you don't succeed, the hell with it.
If at first you don't succeed, then a redhead's not for you!
If at first you don't succeed, then call it a Beta Version!
If at first you don't succeed, then destroy the evidence.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is NOT for you.
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't for u
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't for you
If at first you don't succeed, then you're perfect sysop material.
If at first you don't succeed, they went thatta way.
If at first you don't succeed, transform your data set.
If at first you don't succeed, transform your dataset
If at first you don't succeed, try KY Jelly.
If at first you don't succeed, try Vaseline.
If at first you don't succeed, try a Redhead.
If at first you don't succeed, try again a second time.
If at first you don't succeed, try again at second
If at first you don't succeed, try again at second base.
If at first you don't succeed, try again... then quit!
If at first you don't succeed, try chocolate.
If at first you don't succeed, try second or shortstop.
If at first you don't succeed, try second, third or shortstop.
If at first you don't succeed, try something else.
If at first you don't succeed, try the reset button.
If at first you don't succeed, try to shift the blame.
If at first you don't succeed, try using a cattle prod!
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
If at first you don't succeed, well... darn.
If at first you don't succeed, well...darn.
If at first you don't succeed, why try again?
If at first you don't succeed, work for Microsoft
If at first you don't succeed, work for Microsoft.
If at first you don't succeed, you can always emulate me.
If at first you don't succeed, you must be a programmer.
If at first you don't succeed, you must be researching DAVIS.
If at first you don't succeed, you must be using Windows
If at first you don't succeed, you must be using Windows...
If at first you don't succeed, you probably didn't really care anyway.
If at first you don't succeed, you'll get lots of advice.
If at first you don't succeed, you're about average.
If at first you don't succeed, you're about normal.
If at first you don't succeed, you're doing about average!
If at first you don't succeed, you're doing about average.
If at first you don't succeed, you're doing about average. -- Leonard Levinson
If at first you don't succeed, you're doing average.
If at first you don't succeed, you're fired.
If at first you don't succeed, you've failed failed again
If at first you don't succeed,Then skydiving aint for you
If at first you don't succeed.. eliminate all of the witnesses.
If at first you don't succeed.. read the book!
If at first you don't succeed...  Ignore The Docs
If at first you don't succeed...  call it version 1.0.
If at first you don't succeed...  forget skydiving
If at first you don't succeed...  forget skydiving.
If at first you don't succeed...  you're doing average.
If at first you don't succeed...  you're doing it wrong.
If at first you don't succeed... you must be in Windows!
If at first you don't succeed.........blame your parents
If at first you don't succeed.......RELOAD!
If at first you don't succeed.....sky diving is not for you.
If at first you don't succeed...Work for MicroSoft!
If at first you don't succeed...call in an air strike.
If at first you don't succeed...skydiving is not for you.
If at first you don't succeed...try a Redhead.
If at first you don't succeed...you're probably using an Amiga.
If at first you don't succeed..change the rules.
If at first you don't succeed..skydiving isn't for you!
If at first you don't succeed:  Blame everyone else.
If at first you don't succeed: Blame everyone else.
If at first you don't succeed; Blame Microsoft.
If at first you don't succeede blame it on someone else!
If at first you don't succeedyou must be in Windows!
If at first you don't suceed, give up skydiving!
If at first you don't suceed, you're about normal.
If at first you don't suck seeds, try, try a grain.
If at first you dont succeed you've failed failed again
If at first you dont succeed.. read the book!
If at first you doubt, doubt again, and again ...
If at first you doubt, doubt again.
If at first you fail, try to shift the blame!
If at first you never succeed, never try Russian roulette
If at first you never succeed, never try Russian roulette..
If at first you succeed, hide your astonishment.
If at first you succeed, try not to appear astonished.
If at first you succeed, you have no idea what you're doing.
If atheletes get Athelete's Foot, do astronauts get Missile-Toe?
If athiesm is a religion, then bald must be a hair colour!
If baby doesn't sleep...nobody sleeps!
If bankers can count, how come they have 8 windows and only 3 tellers?
If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows an
If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only four tellers?
If banks can count why do they have 8 windows & 4 tellers
If beans give you gas, how come my car won't run on burritos?
If being an asshole hurt, you'd be in constant pain.
If better is possible, good is not enough.
If birds talked, they couldn't fly.
If birth control doesn't work, there's always the Janet Reno foldout!
If birth is a miracle, is not death also a miracle?
If blonde = dumb; then white = dead?
If both of you agree, one of you is unnecessary.
If brain==fried goto pizza&beer
If brains were C-4, Bill Clinton couldn't blow his nose!
If brains were C-4, He couldn't blow his nose!
If brains were C-4, Orville Bullitt couldn't blow his nose!
If brains were C-4, Orville couldn't blow his nose!
If brains were C-4, Saddam Hussein couldn't blow his nos
If brains were C-4, Saddam Hussein couldn't blow his nose.
If brains were C-4, Yakko Warner couldn't blow his nose!
If brains were C-4, you couldn't blow your nose!
If brains were C-4,Saddam Hussein couldnt blow his nose
If brains were bird droppings, he'd have a clean cage.
If brains were cotton, he wouldn't have enough to Kotex a flea.
If brains were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose!
If brains were dynamite, You donta have enough to blow the kneecap off a
If brains were dynamite, she wouldn't have enough to blow her
If brains were gasoline, he wouldn't have enough to drive a dinky
If brains were gunpowder, he couldn't blow his nose!
If brains were gunpowder, some people couldn't blow their
If brains were lard, he'd be hard pressed to grease a small pan.
If brains were outlawed, nothing would change.
If brains were pennies, Orville Bullitt couldn't buy a gumball.
If brains were taxed, he'd get a rebate.
If brains were water, hers wouldn't be enough to baptize a flea.
If brute force can't fix the problem, you are not using enough.
If bugs bother you then close your Windows.
If bull$hit was music, Charles Schumer would be a brass band!
If bulls have horns, why do they MOO instead of honk?
If bulls**t could fly, Rush Limbaugh would be a space shuttle.
If bullshit was music, you'd be a brass band!
If bullshit were music, you'd be a brass band.
If buttheads could fly, this would be an airport.
If by "for my own good" you mean you have a death wish, I understand.
If by chance a match... then... Woppee!!!
If carrots help you C, why don't rabbits program?
If cars = horsepower, why not boats = fishpower?
If cats and dogs can live together why can't men & women?
If cats bought cat food it would wiggle.
If cats could be registered voters they would vote Republican.
If cats could talk, they would remind us that their ancestors ate ours
If cats could talk, they'd remind us that their ancestors ate ours.
If cats could talk: "Open the orange can NOW"
If cats have kittens, do bats have bittens?
If cats ran in packs, there would be no coyotes.
If cats spoke they would remind us their ancestors ate ours.
If chain still swinging seat will be warm - Confucius.
If chewbacca was horny, would he be a wookie who lookie 4 nookie??
If chickens had lips they would be Politicians.
If children's drum had offend thee, give them a knife.
If chocolate is the answer, the question is irrelevant.
If chocolate is the answer, the question is irrelevent.
If cigarettes are outlawed, only outlaws will cough.
If citizenship had to be earned, a lot of people would be in trouble.
If clergymen can be defrocked, can cashiers get unregistered?
If clinton's lips are moving, he's lying.
If clothes make a man, than what is @FN@?
If clothes make a man, than what is a nudist?
If clothes make a man, then what is a nudist?.
If clothes make the man, then what about a nudist?
If code was meant to be portable it would have wheels and a handle.
If code was meant to be portable, it'd have wheels
If computers get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee.
If computers save time, when do we get it back?
If computers sucked, I'd never leave my room.
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
If con is the opposite of pro, then CONgress is the opposite of PROgre
If condition persists, consult your physician.
If consensus is truth, then I'm usually wrong.(Geco)
If consensus is truth, then I'm usually wrong.(He)
If consensus is truth, then I'm usually wrong....
If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil . . .
If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil.
If corn oil is from corn, where does baby oil come from?
If corn oil is made from corn, where do you get baby oil?
If corn oil's made from corn, what is baby oil made from?
If cows could fly, everyone would carry an umbrella.
If cows could fly, you'd appreciate seagulls.
If cows have horns, why do they MOO instead of honk?
If cows laugh real hard, does milk come out of their nose?
If crash develops discontinue use.
If crash occurs when using this program, discontinue use.
If criminals want guns, let them ship 'em in with cocaine.
If curiosity killed the cat, what did my car run over???
If curiousity killed the cat, what did my car run over???
If death occurs, please return product for full refund.
If dis wuz an actual tagline, it would be funny.  Ya' know?
If dog backwards is god, what does tac mean?
If dog.age >= OLD then num_tricks := max_tricks
If dog_age <= OLD then num_tricks = max_tricks
If dogbark = true .then. mail_carrier = present
If dogbark = true .then. mailman = present
If dogbark = true .then. paper_carrier = present
If dogbark=true .then. mailman = present
If dogs could cook, men would be irrelevant.
If dogs do the dog-paddle, what do Wookiees do ?
If dogs had catapults, would cats be safe in trees?
If dolphins are so smart, why did Flipper work for TV?
If dolphins are so smart, why did Flipper work for television?
If dopes were really illegal, where'd all the blondes go?
If drinkin' don't kill me, her memory will.
If drugs are a crutch, life is a broken leg.
If drugs are outlawed, then only outlaws will use drugs.
If dumb is a state of mind, I must be in Alaska!!
If each tagline is being swiped, where did the first one come from?...
If either religion or science were infallible, it would incorporate the other.
If enough data is collected, a court-martial can prove anything.
If enough data is collected, anything may be proven by statistics.
If entropy is increasing, where is it coming from?
If error exists OPINION._MY then try GOTOHELL.EXE
If error exists with DOTTY.SYS, then try YOU_DIE!.COM--DOT.EXE.
If error exists with OPINION._MY then try GOTOHELL.EXE
If ever it should happen that a victim must be found,.................
If every PC had a virus, no-one would notice!
If every fool wore a crown, we would all be kings.
If every socket in yer house breaks a fire code.. you might be a redneck
If every word I say could make you laugh I'd talk forever.
If everybody had a password, we could eliminate middle names.
If everybody hated you, you'd be paranoid too. - D. J. Hicks
If everybody knows such-and-such, then it just ain't so.
If everybody was out to get you, you'd have been got.
If everyone  thinks alike then somebody isn't thinking.
If everyone had pure thoughts, population growth would be 0
If everyone is ON the bandwagon, who's gonna pull?
If everyone is on the bandwagon, who's gonna pull?
If everyone left me alone I'd be all right.
If everyone lived forever, where would we all park!?
If everyone thinks alike then somebody isn't thinking.
If everything is coming your way then you're in the wrong lane.
If everything is coming your way you're in the wrong lane.
If everything is coming your way, then you're in the wrong lane.
If everything is coming your way, you'er in the wrong lane.
If everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane!
If everything is coming your way, your in the wrong lane... :)
If everything is coming your way,you're in the wrong lane!
If everything is going well, you don't know what the hell is going on!
If everything is going you way chances are you are in the wrong lane.
If everything is part of the whole, what is the whole part of?
If everything seems easy, you have obviously overlooked something.
If everything seems to go right, check your zipper.
If everything's bigger in Texas, what do their Zucchini look like?
If everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane
If evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve
If evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve.
If evolution is outlawed, then only outlaws will evolve.
If evolution is outlawed, then only outlaws will survive...
If evolution were a fact then cats would use can openers.
If excess is injurious, how come I want more?
If exist \BELFRY\*.BAT echo You have bats in your belfry!
If facts do not conform to the theory, dispose of them.
If fast food is so bad, why are the burger joints always so crowded?
If felons can't vote, why can they be elected? (M. Berry)
If feminism is the answer- then the question must have been STUPID!
If feminism is the solution, then maybe the problem didn't exist.
If feminizm is the answer- then the question must have been STUPID!
If feminizm is the solution, then maybe the problem didn't exist.  
If first you don't succeed, give up? -- Not this kid!!
If first you don't succeed, start begging!
If fish is brain food, serve this man a whale.
If fish is brain food, why do they still get caught?
If fish kept their mouths shut, none would get caught!
If fishes had wishes they would stay out of dishes.
If flattery gets you nowhere, try bribery.
If flies couldn't fly, would they be called walks?
If flossing is a pain in the ass, your'e doing it wrong!
If flowers were grandaughters, I'd pick you.
If for kindness you substitute blindness, please open your eyes - DM
If free speech includes topless dancing, why not carrying handguns?
If french is the language of love then what is English ?
If gardners get plastered, do they start seeing pink Zucchini?
If gay means happy, why are they so miserable?
If gays get civil rights, then everyone will want them.
If girls are all sugar and spice, why do they taste like anchovies?
If god created all Men equal...... why didn't he do the same for Women??
If god don't make mistakes, how do you explain christians and racists?
If god is love, and love is blind, then Ray Charles must be God. (uh-huh!)
If good sex happens in the brain, why is the rest of me so sweaty?
If good things improve with age, I'm approaching MAGNIFICENT.
If grasshoppers had .45's, they wouldn't fear frogs.
If growing old bothers you, consider the alternative.
If gun control's good, why do its proponents lie so much?
If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
If guns are outlawed, how can we shoot the liberals?
If guns are outlawed, how will liberals collect taxes?
If guns are outlawed, how will statists collect taxes?
If guns are outlawed, how will the leftists win elections?
If guns are outlawed, how will we shoot the lawyers?
If guns are outlawed, how will we shoot the liberals?
If guns are outlawed, how will we shoot the politicians?
If guns are outlawed, only government will have guns.
If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns.
If guns are phallic, then noone should fear a sawed-off shotgun!OJW
If guns cause crime then matches cause arson!
If guns cause crime then pencils cause misspelled words!
If guns cause crime then video cameras cause kiddie porn!
If guns cause crime then video cameras cause porn!
If guns cause crime, all of mine are defective.
If guns cause crime, do matches cause arson?
If guns cause crime, then flies cause garbage.
If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words!
If guns cause crime, then seat belts cause accidents.
If guns cause crime, then video cameras cause pornography!
If guns cause crime, then wet streets cause rain.
If guns cause crime, then why do we arm the police?
If guns cause crime, what does that make the police?
If guns cause crime, why are we arming police officers?
If guns cause crime, why do we arm the police?
If guns cause crimes, do matches cause arson?
If guns were outlawed, how would liberals collect taxes.....???
If guys think only about *sex*, why are they on their `puters so much?
If guys think only about sex, why are they on their computers so much?
If guys were suppose to hang clothes up, door knobs would be bigger.
If hackers ran the world there'd be no war.  A lot of accidents, maybe
If hackers ran the world, there'd be no war--lots of accidents, maybe.
If hackers ran things there'd be no war - just accidents.
If hard disk fails, open carefully and remove all dead animals.
If hard disk fails, open carefully and remove small dead animals.
If hard work was so good, surely the rich would keep it all.
If having sex was evil...would you be a devil? (Y/N)
If he can teach a class, HE can teach a class, I mean, I can.. - Homer
If he cares not where he came from, does he care where he's going?
If he casts another 9th level spell, I'm getting out of here.
If he catches you, you're through - Road Runner.
If he catches you, you're through" - Mr. R. Runner.
If he catches you, you're through" - Road Runner.
If he comes near me, I'll rip his nipples off!
If he didn't inhale, how did he get brain damage?
If he gets any denser, the geocentric theory of the universe
If he had a brain, he'd take it out and play with it.
If he had another brain, it would be lonely.
If he had brains, he'd take them out and play with them.
If he had half a brain, his ass would be lopsided.
If he kills her I'll lose my faith in zombies - Mike
If he knew 9 more things, he'd be an idiot.
If he lived his life over again, he'd still fall in love with himself.
If he married Miss Piggy he'd be Orville-Piggy.
If he played tuba he could make colonel...Sorry, Colonel. - Hawkeye
If he says that again I'll strike him.
If he says, "Let me know what happens", DON'T TRY IT!
If he throws up ONCE MORE I'm gonna name that cat Chuck!
If he was here, I would hit him upside the head. - Don Schanke
If he was here, I would hit him upside the head. - Schanke
If he were any dumber, he would have to be watered twice a week.
If he were any lazier he'd slip into a coma.
If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week.
If he were at the Last Supper, he'd worry about calories.
If he won't stick around for 18 years, why have his  ?
If he's gonna express an emotion, now's the time - Joel
If he's here, we'll find him. --Garibaldi.
If he's the Easter Bunny, where does he get the eggs?
If healthcare is expensive now, wait till it's free!
If heaven is perfect, what's the point in dying?
If her brains were put in a hummingbird, it would fly backwards.
If his IQ was two points higher he'd be a rock.
If his IQ were two points higher, he'd be a rock.
If his brain were a TV, the slogan would be "All static, all the time!"
If his mind was a book the pages would be stapled shut.
If homebrew did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it.
If homosexuality is a disease, can I call in queer?
If homosexuality is disease, can I call in queer?
If homosexuality is really a disease, can I call in queer?
If horses had wishes we'd all make,..Combustibles
If hot air rises, why isn't D.C. in orbit around Venus?
If hot air rises, why isn't Rush in orbit around Venus?
If humans get hemmorhoids, do aliens get asteroids
If humans get hemorrhoids, do aliens get asteroids?
If humans have orgasms, do the Borg have Borgasms?
If humans have orgasms, do the Borg have organisms?
If idiots could fly this place would be an airport.
If idiots could fly, Bill Clinton would be a 747
If idiots could fly, Bill Clinton would be a 747.
If idiots could fly, Congress would be an airport.
If idiots could fly, Gary Bettman would be a 747.
If idiots could fly, the Oilers would have their own airline.
If idiots could fly, the White House would be an airport.
If idiots could fly, then this place would be an airport.
If idiots could fly, then this would be an airport
If idiots could fly, this place would be an airport!
If idiots could fly, this would be an Airport!
If idiots could fly, this would be an airport!!!
If idiots could fly, this would be an airport.
If idiots could fly; Congress would be an airport!
If ignorace is bliss, is stupidity orgasmic?
If ignorance is REALLY bliss, why aren't most people HAAPPY?
If ignorance is REALLY bliss, why aren't most people HAPPY?
If ignorance is bliss - then why aren't you smiling?
If ignorance is bliss then why are there so many unhappy people?
If ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
If ignorance is bliss, *you* must be >very< happy!
If ignorance is bliss, I must be positively orgasmic!
If ignorance is bliss, Moderators must be >very< happy!
If ignorance is bliss, fundies are in nirvana!
If ignorance is bliss, how come there aren't more happy people?
If ignorance is bliss, the White House must be heaven on earth!
If ignorance is bliss, then why aren't more people happy???
If ignorance is bliss, there's a LOT of happy people out there!
If ignorance is bliss, why am I so happy (duh)
If ignorance is bliss, why are there so many know-it-alls?
If ignorance is bliss, why are you still bitching?
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy folks?
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy folks?
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people?
If ignorance is bliss, why aren't you happier?
If ignorance is bliss, why does it breed so much hate?
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
If ignorance is bliss, you ought to be ecstatic.
If ignorance is no excuse, what good is it?
If ignorance isn't bliss, I don't know what is.
If imprinted foil seal under cap is broken or missing whe
If in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream & shout
If in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
If in danger or in doubt,run in circles, scream & shout
If in doubt, make it sound convincing.
If in doubt, mumble.
If in doubt, read the DOC's
If in doubt,...................RESET
If in doubt...vacillate to buy time
If is is is not & is not is is is is not is?
If is is is not and is not is is, is is not is?
If it "Works", don't fix it!
If it STILL doesn't work, try following the directions.
If it WALKS out of your refridgerator, LET IT GO!!
If it ain't DATA, then it MUST be code --- GEcho 1.02+
If it ain't Gritty Kitty ... IT STINKS!
If it ain't Platinum...it ain't it!
If it ain't Scottish, it's CRAP!
If it ain't an F-14 Tomcat, it's a target.
If it ain't an HST DS then it's just an HST!
If it ain't baroque, don't fix it.
If it ain't borken, don't fix it.
If it ain't broke , fix it 'til it is!
If it ain't broke - BREAK IT
If it ain't broke let me have a crack at it!!
If it ain't broke then break it.
If it ain't broke yet, let me have a crack at it!
If it ain't broke yet, let me have a shot at it
If it ain't broke yet, let me have a shot at it.
If it ain't broke, I can fix it.
If it ain't broke, I probably can fix it
If it ain't broke, always try to fix it anyway.
If it ain't broke, break it and charge for repair.
If it ain't broke, break it anyway.
If it ain't broke, break it!
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!
If it ain't broke, don't fix it, unless it's a cat or a dog!
If it ain't broke, don't fix it... unless you're a consultant.
If it ain't broke, don't give it a bad credit rating.
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is!
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
If it ain't broke, hide it from Rush Limbaugh.
If it ain't broke, hit it harder.
If it ain't broke, kick it harder!
If it ain't broke, let @FN@ have a shot at it.
If it ain't broke, let Lew have a shot at it.
If it ain't broke, let me have a crack at it.
If it ain't broke, let me have a shot at it .....
If it ain't broke, let me have a shot at it.
If it ain't broke, let me take a crack at it.
If it ain't broke, open it and find out why!
If it ain't broke, open it up and find out why!
If it ain't broke, release a NEW version until it is!
If it ain't broke, release a new version until it is!
If it ain't broke, smash it againest a wall.
If it ain't broke, try installing something else.
If it ain't broke, wait a day or two!!
If it ain't broke, what are you waiting for?
If it ain't broke, why repaint it?
If it ain't broke, you CAN'T fix it!
If it ain't broke, you can probably still fix it. - Tim Allen
If it ain't broke, you did something wrong.
If it ain't broke, you just haven't looked hard enough.
If it ain't broke, your not using all of its features.
If it ain't broke... fix it until it is!
If it ain't broke....you haven't been using it to its full potential.
If it ain't broke...give it to a liberal to fix.
If it ain't broken yet, please let me have a shot at it.
If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
If it ain't broken, it ain't government sponsored.
If it ain't broken, keep playing with it.
If it ain't broken, play with it until it is.
If it ain't caffeinated, it ain't coffee!
If it ain't cooked, don't serve it.
If it ain't in Jesus, it's in vain.
If it ain't leavin' a pillar of black smoke, it ain't done!
If it ain't nailed down... It's free...
If it ain't on fire, it's a software problem! -Unknown Service Tech
If it ain't one damned thing, it's another!!
If it ain't one thing, it's two or three.
If it ain't one thing, it's two or three...
If it ain't stiff, it ain't worth a f*ck.
If it ain't wet and sloppy, it ain't a real kiss!
If it aint broke ..... let me have a shot at it!
If it aint broke, it aint mine
If it attacks shoot it, if it doesn't die run!
If it be your will that I speak no more. And my voice be still.
If it breaks make it bigger, if it sticks out chrome it.
If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
If it came down to just us, would you take my head? - Duncan MacLeod
If it can't be expressed in figures it is not science. -- RAH
If it can't be expressed in figures, it is not science; it is opinion.
If it can't be expressed in figures, it's not science; it's opinion.
If it can't be fixed with Vise-Grips & duct tape, it can't be fixed.
If it can't be fixed, Just ask Scotty!
If it can't be taxed out of being, it isn't liberalism.
If it can't overheat, it doesn't have enough firepower!
If it comes out of your belly button, don't eat it.
If it counts, I'm on your side!
If it curves left, guess which hand I'm using?
If it did ALL echoes would be tagline echoes.
If it didn't confuse a lot of people what would be the fun?
If it didn't stink, they wouldn't call it shit.
If it doens't fit, cast it.
If it does what you want it to do, it ain't obsolete.
If it doesn't fit GET A BIGGER HAMMER
If it doesn't fit, cast it.
If it doesn't fit, force it!
If it doesn't fit, force it; if it breaks, it needed replacement anyway.
If it doesn't get you dirty, it's not worth doing. Snapdragon
If it doesn't go in the microwave, it isn't food.
If it doesn't go, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
If it doesn't have garlic or onion, it better be dessert!
If it doesn't have garlic, it must be dessert.
If it doesn't kill you, eat it before it gets away.
If it doesn't last at least two hours; then it wasn't worth it.
If it doesn't matter whether you win or lose - HOW COME THEY KEEP SCORE?
If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
If it doesn't move, NEEDLEPOINT it!
If it doesn't move, eat it, else kill it. Then eat it.
If it doesn't move, eat it. If it moves, kill it. Then eat it.
If it doesn't say Binford on it, someone else probably makes it.
If it doesn't say MADE IN CANADA - your hurting yourself.
If it doesn't say The Lunatic Fringe, then it isn't.
If it doesn't werk, then it's perfectly normal.
If it doesn't work plug it in...
If it doesn't work, change the documentation.
If it doesn't work, expand it.
If it doesn't work, it's physics.
If it doesn't work, read the directions you illiterate moron!
If it doesn't work. It's probably from Microsoft
If it doesn't, paint it!
If it don't come easy, ya better let it go.
If it don't cook, it ain't jazz.
If it don't go, chrome it
If it feels good do it, and if it does good feel it.
If it feels good, be sure you do it more than once!
If it feels good, do it - to excess.
If it feels good, do it to me.
If it feels good, do it!  HEY! Don't snap my undies!
If it feels good, do it.
If it feels good, do it. If it does good, feel it..
If it feels good, don't do it.
If it flies, crash it. Ramjet
If it flies, floats or flirts -- RENT IT, don't buy it!
If it gets any deeper here, I'm gonna need scuba gear.
If it gets much deeper, even the river ain't gonna' save us!
If it glistens, gobble it!
If it glows don't touch it!
If it growls like a dog -- it must be Klingon
If it growls like a dog, it must be a Klingon!
If it grows wild, how can it be illegal?
If it grunts like a pig & smells like a pig, it must be Klingon
If it grunts like a pig -- it must be Klingon
If it happens, it must be possible.
If it has TITS or TIRES, Your gonna have trouble
If it has TITS or TIRES, you gonna have trouble with it!
If it has TITS or TIRES, you gonna have trouble with it.
If it has TITS or TIRES, you're going to have trouble with it.
If it has TITS or TIRES, your going to have trouble with it.
If it has Tits or Tires you gonna have trouble with it
If it has Tits or Tires you're gonna have trouble with it
If it has breasts or wheels, it'll give ya trouble
If it has chips or tires, you gonna have trouble with it.
If it has feathers, it flies. Does that include down pillows?
If it has feelings, its not cooked enough!
If it has pixels, I'm for it.
If it has syntax, it isn't user friendly.
If it has syntax, it's not user freindly!
If it has syntax, it's not user friendly!
If it has tires or testicles, it's going to be trouble.
If it has tits and types, there will be problems.
If it has tits or tires you're *gonna* have trouble with it!
If it has tits or tires, there will be problems.
If it has tits or tires, you'll have trouble with it!
If it has tits or tires, you're gonna have problems!
If it has tits or tyres, there will be problems.
If it hurts you're probably doing it the wrong way.
If it is SHAREware, why do they want money for it?
If it is a good tagline steal it, if it isn't steal it anyway!
If it is all possible I would like the above....I am a quote fanatic!
If it is an adult's toy, your child will try to feed it!
If it is easy to get, it is not worth having!
If it is good you want it to last. and last.....
If it is heavy, it will hit your toe first.
If it is not broken yet, fix it until it is!
If it is not erotic, it is not interesting.
If it is not there, it does not exist.
If it is not there, it must be here, or it doesn't exist.
If it is the tourist season, why can't we shoot them.
If it is to be, it is up to me.
If it is working now, get ready to fix it.
If it isn't PC why does Jane Fonda keep doing the "tomahawk chop"?
If it isn't Scottish  it's CRRAAAPPP!
If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!
If it isn't Scottish...it's CRRRRRAP!
If it isn't a Cray, it's not worth having.
If it isn't borken, don't fix it.
If it isn't broken let me have a try at it.
If it isn't broken, I can fix it.
If it isn't broken, don't fix it
If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
If it isn't broken, don't try to fix it.
If it isn't broken, give it to a liberal to fix.
If it isn't broken, let me take it apart and find out why.
If it isn't broken, take it apart and find out why.
If it isn't good, may it be struck by lightning.  Again!
If it isn't love, it isn't Christian.
If it isn't on fire, it's a software problem.
If it isn't original, it isn't sin.
If it isn't true, at least it is a happy invention.
If it isn't written down - It didn't happen.
If it itches - Stroke it!.....It might Work.
If it jams - force it . If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
If it jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing.
If it jams -- force it.  It needed replacing anyway.
If it jams, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacemen
If it jams, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing
If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing.
If it jams, force it....If it breaks, it needed replacing
If it jams,force it.If it breaks,it needed fixing anyway
If it looks as if you're wrong - contradict yourself!
If it looks difficult, ask someone else to do it.
If it looks easy, it probably isn't.
If it looks easy, it's tough.
If it looks easy, it's tough. If it looks tough, it's impossible.
If it looks illegal, it probably is.
If it looks just like mine, it is mine.
If it looks like a fly & tastes like a fly --
If it looks like a fly and tastes like a fly...
If it looks like, quacks like, and flies like a duck, then ...
If it looks right, it probably isn't.  Murphy
If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
If it looks tough, it's impossible.
If it makes sense i didn't say it
If it makes sense, it's against company policy.
If it makes sense, it's against liberal policy.
If it makes you smile, DO it again!
If it moves - Train it. If it doesn't - maintain it.
If it moves kill it. If it don't move, kill it to be sure.
If it moves so SLOW, why is it called Rush Hour?  (Limbaugh)
If it moves, Shoot it. If it doesn't move, Shoot it before it does.
If it moves, dust it.
If it moves, fondle it!
If it moves, it must belong to the cat ...
If it moves, salute it. - If it doesn't, paint it.
If it moves, salute it. If it doesn't move, paint it.
If it pours before seven, it has rained by eleven.
If it purrs-it's a cat. Says: "Go lay by your dish!"--It's your wife.
If it requires SOMEONE else's money, it's NOT a right!!
If it runs in DOS and not in a DOS Window - Call Bill Gates!
If it saves just ONE life, enslaving you is worth it.
If it saves just one life, enslaving you was worth it
If it saves one life, enslaving you was worth it!
If it say's it ....it must be so!
If it says MS, you can "count" on it...
If it screams it's not food......yet.  <<Evil Grin>>
If it screams it's not food......yet.  <<Evil Grin<<
If it screams it's not food...yet.
If it screams, it's best not to eat it.
If it screams, it's food.
If it screams, it's not food, yet....
If it screams, it's not food, yet.... unless you speak Chtorran
If it screams, it's not food, yet.....
If it screams, it's not food... yet.
If it seems to good to be true! IT IS!!
If it smells GOOD, EAT IT !!
If it smells like fish, see your doctor.
If it smokes and it's not GE, then it must be Alco!
If it snows tonight, I'm putting HIM on my tires!.
If it sounds too good to be true Most likely it IS.
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably IS!
If it stinks, it's chemistry.
If it swells, jump it.
If it taste good, spit it out, it's bad for you.
If it tastes good it's fattening - if it don't it ain't.
If it tastes good, it's trying to kill you.
If it tickles your fancy or not I've got the feathers!!
If it walks like a duck, and looks like a duck...COOK it!
If it walks out of the fridge - LET IT GO!
If it walks out of the fridge on its own, let it go!
If it walks out of the fridge--LET IT GO!
If it walks out of the refridgerator, LET IT GO!!
If it walks out of the refrigerator - LET IT GO!!!!!!
If it walks out of the refrigerator, just LET IT GO!
If it walks out of the refrigerator, let it go!
If it walks out of your refrigerator - LET IT GO!
If it walks out of your refrigerator, LET IT GO !!
If it walks out of your refrigerator, send it to Bodle!
If it walks, quacks, and looks like a duck...COOK IT!!
If it was easy, hardware people would take care of it.
If it was easy, it wouldn't be any fun.
If it was easy, the hardware people would take care of it.
If it was easy, they wouldn't need us.
If it was easy, they'd send someone else.
If it was liquid, we drank it, if it was on fire, we smoked it!
If it was raining soup, I'd have a knife & fork
If it was raining soup, I'd have a knife and fork.
If it wasn't for "C", we would only have BASI, PASAL, and OBOL
If it wasn't for C, I'd have a lot more spare time :-) ...
If it wasn't for C, we would be using BASI, PASAL and OBOL!
If it wasn't for C, we would be using BASI, PASAL, OBOL, and BATH!
If it wasn't for C, we'd all be programming in BASI, PASAL, and OBOL!
If it wasn't for C, we'd be using BASI, PASAL and OBOL
If it wasn't for C, we'd be using BASI, PASAL, and OBOL!
If it wasn't for Christmas, we'd all be Jewish!
If it wasn't for Computers we'd probably be in bed at a decent hour!
If it wasn't for ECHO mail I'd get no mail at all.
If it wasn't for EZ-RDR it would be hard.
If it wasn't for Newton, we wouldn't have to eat bruised apples.
If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all!
If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any!
If it wasn't for cable TV, I would have to hire a babysitter.
If it wasn't for disappointment I wouldn't have any appointments
If it wasn't for lawyers, we wouldn't need lawyers!
If it wasn't for lawyers, we wouldn't need them.
If it wasn't for muscle spasms, I wouldn't get any exercise at all.
If it wasn't for our lungs there wouldn't room for smog.
If it wasn't for stress I'd have no life at all
If it wasn't for tag lines ___________?
If it wasn't for the last minute nothing would get done.
If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done.
If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done.
If it wasn't for the olives in his martinis, he'd starve to death!
If it wasn't for these muscle spasms, I'd get no excercise at all.
If it wasn't for time everything would happen at once.
If it wasn't for women there wouldn't be any heterosexuals.
If it wasn't like this, it would be different.
If it wasn't so cool out today, it would be warmer.
If it wasn't so warm out today, it would be cooler.
If it wasnt for C we would be using BASI, OBOL, PASAL
If it wasnt for disappointment I'd have no appointments
If it were raining soup, I'd have a knife and fork.
If it were truly the thought that counted, more women would be pregnant.
If it weren' for women: There wouldn't be any homosexuals
If it weren't for C, we would be using BASI, PASAL and OBOL!
If it weren't for C, we'd all use BASI, Pasal, and OBOL.
If it weren't for C, we'd all use Pascal, BASIC and COBOL!
If it weren't for C, we'd be using PASAL, BASI and OBOL.
If it weren't for C, we'd be using Pasal, BASI, and OBOL.
If it weren't for Freya, we wouldn't have Friday.
If it weren't for Hillary, Bill would still be President.
If it weren't for Jay Miner, I'd be stuck with a Piece of Crap (PC).
If it weren't for bad sex, I'd get no sex at all.
If it weren't for caffeine, no one could stand Windows!
If it weren't for chocolate, I would be a carnivore
If it weren't for coffee I'd have no personality.
If it weren't for computers, you couldn't read this.
If it weren't for deadlines, baby, I wouldn't do nothing. D. Ellington
If it weren't for deja vu I couldn't remember who I am.
If it weren't for feminizts, we wouldn't need them. 
If it weren't for flashbacks I'd have no memory at all.
If it weren't for lawyers we wouldn't need lawyers.
If it weren't for me, there'd be a pile of clothes on the floor.
If it weren't for me, there'd be a pile of clothes on the floor.  -SLR
If it weren't for off topic messages, I'd never find out anything.
If it weren't for off topic messages, I'd never find out..
If it weren't for pick-pockets, I'd have no sex life at all.
If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done
If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.
If it weren't for the lawyers, we wouldn't need them. 
If it weren't for us guys, you'd be in the latrine. - Radar
If it weren't for venetian blinds, it'd be curtains for everyone.
If it weren't for women I could forget about men.  <sigh>
If it weren't for you, I'd have no blood pressure.
If it wern't for C, we would have Basi, Pasal, and obol!
If it wern't for caffeine, no one could stand Windows!
If it works ,rip it apart & find out WHY !
If it works leave it alone, if it doesn't - ignore it!
If it works perfectly, there's something wrong.
If it works the first time, quit testing it.
If it works tinker till it doesn't
If it works tinker till it doesn't.
If it works, Don't fix it: Unless you are a consultant.
If it works, I didn't do it.
If it works, break it!
If it works, don't FIX it; if it doesn't work KICK it !!!
If it works, don't fix it!
If it works, don't fix it.  Unless you are a consultant.
If it works, don't fix it. If it doesn't work KICK it !!!
If it works, don't mess with it. <-That's the key!
If it works, don't mess with it. Tech school graduate.
If it works, fine tune until it locks up the entire system.
If it works, it must be obsolete.
If it works, let me tear it apart and find out why!
If it works, rip it apart & find out WHY !
If it works, rip it apart and find out why!
If it works, rip it apart and find out why!
If it works, something went wrong.
If it works, take it apart and find out why!
If it works, tear it apart and find out why!
If it works, tinker 'til it doesn't..
If it works, tinker till it doesn't.
If it works, you must have done something wrong.
If it works, you must have done something wrong.
If it works; always tear it apart and find out why
If it works; tear it apart and find out why.
If it's "tourist season" why can't we shoot 'em?
If it's 04/14/90, we must be in Sandy Eggo.
If it's BLUE and doesn't work, it's the Air Force!
If it's Broke, Take it apart and find out why.
If it's DOOM, it won't work.  nn|nn is the fingers!!
If it's Florida's tourist season... why can't we shot 'em?!?!?
If it's God's will, who gets the money?
If it's God's will, who gets the money?'
If it's Monday it must be meatloaf!
If it's Not sentient, don't bother with it....!
If it's Tourist Season then why can't we shoot 'em???
If it's Tourist Season why can't we shoot 'em??
If it's Tourist Season, Why can't I SHOOT 'EM!?!?!?!?!?
If it's Tourist Season, why can't we shoot 'em ???
If it's Tourist Season, why can't we shoot 'em ??? -Tackleberry
If it's Tuesday, this must be someone else's fortune.
If it's a celebration then why are we at ChiChis? - Mike
If it's a civil war pro-life wants...BRING IT ON!
If it's a jungle out there, why haven't I seen any men in loincloths?
If it's a jungle out there, why haven't I seen any women in loincloths
If it's a police action, why didn't they send cops? - BJ
If it's a small world... Why am I always lost?
If it's about taglines, it should be here.
If it's all the same to you, Tom said equally.
If it's all the same to you, he said equally.
If it's any good, they'll discontinue it.
If it's bad, it's probably good!
If it's battle you want, come to me! -- Worf
If it's coming out in '97, why is it called Windows 95?
If it's dirty, it belongs here!
If it's drooping, it isn't exactly a phallic symbol <g>.
If it's easy it's a trick. If it's hard it's a technique.
If it's easy to get, It's hard to recharge!    -  Mage proverb
If it's fixed, don't break it!
If it's fixed, don't break it.
If it's free.  It's for me.
If it's glowing, don't eat it.
If it's glowing, don't eat it...
If it's going in, it's going on!
If it's good, it goes away, if it's bad, it happens.
If it's good, they discontinue it.
If it's good, they discontinued it.
If it's good, they will discontinue it.
If it's got beans in it, it AIN'T chili!
If it's got jelly beans in it, it definitely ain't chili!
If it's got testasterone or tires, it's gonna' be trouble!
If it's got tits or tires, it's going to be trouble!
If it's got tits or tyres, it will give you problems..
If it's gray, it ain't air!
If it's green and it wiggles, it's biology.
If it's important to you, we're with you to the end.  Timon
If it's in a book, it's gotta be true! - Milhouse
If it's in good taste, then I've failed.
If it's in print, it's too late.
If it's in stock, we've got it!
If it's inane or stupid, it came from New Jersey Voc Rehab.
If it's ineffable, someone will F* with it
If it's its it's its, if it's it is it's it's!
If it's long enough, hard enough, & in far enough, it's in decent.
If it's lost and found, then what's the problem?  You have it!
If it's lush, green and thriving in the garden... it's a weed.
If it's mine, it will never belong to anybody else, no matter what.
If it's more precious to you than God, spell it I-D-O-L.
If it's more than you need, it's greed.
If it's nae Scottish, it's CRRRRRAP!
If it's neither here nor there, then where is it?
If it's not Erotic, it's not interesting
If it's not MS-DOS, it's C-R-R-R-A-P.
If it's not Scottish IT'S CRRAAAPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it's not Scottish, it's CRAP!
If it's not Telemate, It's not the best!
If it's not a package I'm not answering the door.
If it's not broke, fix it!         (Creates jobs !)
If it's not broke, fix it!       ...   (Creates jobs !)
If it's not broke, it must be the beta copy.
If it's not broke, let Orville take a crack at it.
If it's not broke, let me take a crack at it.
If it's not broken, Don't even touch it!
If it's not broken, it's still under warranty.
If it's not chocolate, it's not worth eating.
If it's not cruel and unusual, it isn't punishment.
If it's not cruel and unusual, it's not punishment.
If it's not educated, it's not an opinion.
If it's not fatal, it's no big deal.
If it's not fun, you're not doing it right!
If it's not going to plan, maybe there never was a plan
If it's not going to plan, maybe there never was a plan.
If it's not in the computer, it doesn't exist.
If it's not in the computer, then it doesn't exist.
If it's not mathematics, it's just opinion.
If it's not music I don't want to hear it!
If it's not nailed down, it's fair game.
If it's not on fire, it's a software problem
If it's not on fire, it's a software problem.
If it's not on fire, then it's a software problem.
If it's not one thing it's your mother.
If it's not there and you can see it -- it's virtual.
If it's not there, and you can see it, it's VIRTUAL!
If it's not true, it's quite easily found.
If it's not violent WHAT FUN IS IT?
If it's not violent.. WHAT FUN IS IT?
If it's not violent...what fun is it?
If it's not wet and sloppy it's not a real kiss.
If it's not worth doing well, it's not worth doing.
If it's not worth doing, it's not worth doing well.
If it's not your fetus, it's not your business!
If it's obvious, it's obviously wrong.
If it's obvious, it's obviously wrong.
If it's on fire, it's a hardware problem.
If it's only a hobby, why do I feel so stressed out?
If it's only a hobby, why do I feel stressed out?
If it's really tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
If it's seems too Good to be True: IT IS!!!
If it's sinful, it's more fun.
If it's so damn terrific, how come I wear a dress? - Klinger
If it's so great, why's it compared to the LEADING brand?
If it's stupid and it works - it's not stupid.
If it's stupid and it works then it isn't stupid.
If it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid.
If it's stupid and works, then it ain't stupid
If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.
If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.
If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.  'Murphy
If it's stupid, but it works, it's not stupid.
If it's stupid, but it works, then it's not stupid.
If it's such a good deal, why are you offering it to me?
If it's too good to be true, our taxes must be paying for it.
If it's too loud, you're too old!
If it's too loud, you're too old.
If it's tourist season, how come we can't shoot 'em?
If it's tourist season, where do I get a license?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot 'em?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
If it's tourist season,why can't we shoot them?? -Tackleberry
If it's tourist season... why can't we shot 'em?!?!?
If it's tuesday, this must be Belgium
If it's up, we'll shoot it down.  If down, we'll blow it up.
If it's useless and does nothing, call it v1.0
If it's useless, it will have to be documented.
If it's useless, it will have to be documented.
If it's working OK, then something's GOTTA be wrong!
If it's working PLEASE ...Don't make Love to it!!!
If it's working okay, somethings wrong!
If it's working, take it apart and find out WHY!!!
If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well.
If it's worth saying, it's worth fitting into a Tagline.
If its "tourist season", why can't we shoot them?
If its Tourist Season, why can't we shoot 'em ???
If its been a hot spot, I've vacationed there.
If its got fenders, it ain't racin'
If its more precious to you than God, spell it I-D-O-L.
If its not broke don't fix it,  if its broke have someone else fix it
If its only a game, then why keep score? - Worf.
If its only a hobby, why is my wife so jealous
If its so darn safe, why don't they let it off in Paris?
If its stupid and it works - it's not stupid.
If its stupid and it works - its not stupid
If justice rules the universe, we are all in trouble. tm
If knights flew, their skydroppings would be hale-fellow-well-mets?-jd
If language were a liquid, it would be rushing in. -- Suzanne Vega
If law is to rule as rule is to Guide, what if I want to wander?
If law school is so hard to get through why are there so many lawyers?
If law school is so hard, why so many lawyers?
If law school is so tough, why are there so many lawyers?
If laws were outlawed, only outlaws would be lawyers.
If left isn't right, then right's all that's left? Right?
If less is more, than nothing is everything.
If liberals made sense, what would we talk about?
If liberals outlaw guns, how will they collect taxes?
If liberals were smart, they wouldn't be liberals, would they?
If life begins at conception, you don't die until you are buried.
If life deals you a bad hand, ask for a reshuffle!!
If life deals you a bad hand, asks for a reshuffle!!
If life expectancy is 72 then I'm more than half dead.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
If life gives you lemons, throw them at someone you hate!
If life had a vomit meter, we'd be off the scale.
If life hands you a lemon, break out the tequila and salt!
If life is a bed of roses, then you must be one of the pr
If life is a bed of roses, then you must be one of the pricks. :)
If life is a bowl of cherries then what am I doing in the
If life is a bowl of cherries, throwing stones is ok.
If life is a bowl of cherries, throwing stones is okay.
If life is a fairy tale, I'd HATE to see nightmares!
If life is a highway... What's the Queensway?
If life is a lemon, demand your money back
If life is a rat race, the rats are winning.
If life is a river let my love be your boat.
If life is a stage I'd like better lighting.
If life is a stage, I want some better lighting.
If life is a yo-yo, Clinton ties knots in the string!
If life is but a Dream please wake me up.
If life is but a dream kindly wake me up.
If life is but a dream please wake me up.
If life is but a dream, Death is nature's way of waking you up.
If life is fair, explain Marky Mark!
If life is fair, then explain Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch?!?
If life is free why work?
If life is just a bowl of cherries, throwing pits is OK.
If life is like a bed of roses, you must be one of those pricks.
If life is too easy, you're in trouble.
If life is unfair, why can't it be unfair in my favor?
If life is unfair, why can't it be unfair in my favour?
If life occurs at conception, then death occurs at burial.
If life only had a scroll-back buffer with cut & paste.
If life should thus continue, I should die a single miss.
If life was a highway, I'd be in a ditch!
If life was all play, what would we do for leisure time?
If life was fair, I would be dead.
If life was fair, I'd have OJ's money and he'd have my wife.
If life was fair, there wouldn't be different bra sizes...
If life was logical, MEN would ride side-saddle!!
If life were logical, =men= would ride sidesaddle.
If life were logical, MEN would ride side saddle...
If life were logical, MEN would ride sidesaddle.
If life's a journey, I must have gotten on the wrong bus!
If life's a stage, I want better lighting.
If life's a trip, then where's my ticket?
If life's just the way you like it, say 'hi' to a lawyer.
If life's like a bowl of cherries,what's my raisin4liv'g?
If lifes funny , then why aren't I laughing !
If light speed is impossible then how does light do it?
If little else, the brain is an educational toy.
If little else, the brain is an educational toy. -- Tom Robbins
If logic prevailed men would ride sidesaddle.
If looks could kill it would've been us instead of him!
If looks could kill they probably will.
If looks could kill...you'd be forced to wear a mask!
If love is a dream, then marriage is an alarm clock.
If love is blind lingerie makes good Braille
If love is blind, explain love at first sight.
If love is blind, how do you explain love at first sight?
If love is blind, how does love at first sight work?
If love is blind, linegerie makes great braille.
If love is blind, lingerie makes for great braille.
If love is blind, lingerie makes great braille
If love is blind, lingerie makes great braille.
If love is blind, lingerie makes great braille.
If love is blind, then lingerie makes GREAT Braille!
If love is blind, why do I like girls in lingerie so much
If love is blind, why do they sell colored condoms?
If love is blind, why is Lingerie so popular?
If love is blind, why is Lingerie so popular??
If love is blind, why is lingere so popular?
If love is blind, why is lingerie so polpular?
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? Lust has 20-20 vision!
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?....
If love is blind, why is lingerie so thin?
If love is the answer, then what's the question?
If love is the answer....Can you repeat the question?
If love is the dream, marriage must be the alarm clock.
If love was meant to be easy, everybody would be in it.
If love were oil, I'd be a quart overflowing!
If luck is created therefor it can be destroyed
If lunatics had wings, this place would be an airport!
If lying were illegal, who'd be left to run the country?
If man is not governed by God, then he must be governed by tyrants.
If man was created in God's image, what image is woman?
If man was meant to fly, airfares would be cheaper!
If man was meant to use Windows, we'd *all* be like Al Gore!
If man was meant to use Windows, we'd ALL be like Al Gore!
If marriage is outlawed, only in-laws will be outlaws.
If marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will have in-laws.
If marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will have inlaws!
If marriage is outlawed, only outlaws will have inlaws.
If marriage is so wonderful why isn't it?
If marriage was outlawed...only outlaws would have inlaws.
If marriage were outlawed, only outlaws would have inlaws.
If married folks don't like the same thing, he's out of luck.
If memory serves me right, it would be the first time.
If men could become pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament <F Kennedy>
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrement.
If men could get pregnant, it would help hide the beer bellies.
If men could get pregnant, there would be a clinic by the beer store!
If men could have babies, abortion would be a sacrament.
If men got pregnant abortion would be safe, legal, & available forever
If men had PMS there would be vacations every 2 weeks!
If men had breasts why would we need women?
If men had the babies abortion would be sacred.
If men have the power, why do they commit suicide more?
If men weren't fresh women would lose their confidence.
If messy desk = cluttered mind, does clean desk = empty mind?
If messy desk = tidy mind, does clean desk = dirty mind?
If miniskirts get shorter they wont be allowed any longer
If misery loves company, why am I lonely?
If moderators don't need one, then neither do I!
If mom says no, she means it; if dad says no, it means maybe.
If mom's not happy, nobody's happy.
If money breeds money, all mine must be the same sex.
If money breeds money, mine must be the same sex!
If money can fix it, it's not a problem.
If money can't buy happiness, I guess you'll just have to rent it.
If money could buy love, bankers would be pimps.
If money could talk, it would say goodbye.
If money doesn't grow on tree's, why do banks have branches?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have so many branches?
If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks open branches?
If money grew on trees, there wouldn't be much shade.
If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive! - Leia
If money is all you love, then that's what you'll receive. - Leia
If money is the root of all evil, I've been uprooted.
If money is the root of all evil, Id like to be a bad, bad man
If money is the root of all evil, what are banks?
If money is the root of all evil, why do churches want is so badly?
If money is the root of all evil, why do churches want it so badly?
If money is the root of all evil, why do churches want it?
If money is the root of all evil, why do churches want so much of it?
If money is the root of all evil, why do churches want so much?
If money talks, Being a SysOp is pretty quiet!
If money talks, I don't have enough for sign language! ---
If money talks, being a shareware programmer is pretty quiet.
If money talks, why is silence golden?
If money's the root of all evil, why do churches want it?
If more Christians read the Bible there'd be less of them
If morons could fly, it'd be pitch black outside.
If mother says no, ask grandma.
If music be the food of love why don't rabbits play banjos?
If music be the food of love, play on
If music be the food of love, play on * 12th Nite
If music be the food of love, why don't rabbits play banjo?
If my PATH were any bigger, it would need an onramp.
If my baby won't love me no more, I know her sister will - Hendrix
If my baby won't love me no more, I know her sister will. --Hendrix.
If my baby won't love me, I know her sister will - Hendrix
If my boyfriend was female, I wouldn't be gay.
If my calculations are correct, and they always are - Brain
If my calculations are correct, and they always are... The Doctor
If my car ran on OS/2, I'd be there by now.
If my car was running OS/2 I'd be there already...
If my disk crashes do I require autoexec insurance?
If my dog had a face like yours, I'd shave it's ass and make it walk bac
If my dog looked like you I'd shave his a** and walk him backwards.
If my files can get OVER LAYED, why can't I?
If my girlfriend caught me on this board.
If my grandmother had wheels she'd be a wagon. -- Scotty
If my harddrive is spinning..I'm jus' a grinnin'!
If my job got any better, I'd retire.  If not, I'd quit!
If my life was perfect, I couldn't bitch about anything!
If my messages aren't posted in 72 hours, the Government got me!!
If my people shall humble themselves...
If my standards were any lower I'd be sucking magma!
If my suspicions are correct, there can be no response to this message
If my tagline beat up your tagline, who's watching FIDO!
If nature abhors a vacuum - how do you explain Patricia Schroeder? 
If nature abhors a vacuum, how do you explain Al Gore?!
If necessity is the mother of invention, laziness is the father.
If nick-nacks ruled the world - Joel
If no one ever made mistakes, there would be no convenient targets.
If no one sees you eat chocolate, it has no calories.
If nobody ever died, where would you park?
If nobody is sore or wet, it wasn't good sex
If nobody is sore or wet, it wasn't sex!
If nobody listens...TALK LOUDER!
If nobody measures up, check your yardstick.
If nobody measures up, it's time to check your yardstick.
If nobody uses it, there's a reason.
If nodding means yes, why doesn't yesding mean no?
If none of this helps, try playing with the drive jumpers.
If not %1==SENSE goto NONSENSE.
If not Pascal or Modula2 your program is WIRTHless.
If not controlled, work flows to the competent person unt
If not controlled, work flows to the competent person.
If not for C, we'd be using Pasal, obol, and BASI...
If not for beer and sex, there would be no point in growing up at all.
If not for our first hello, we'd never have to say good-bye.
If not for politicians, we wouldn't NEED assault rifles
If not for politicians, we wouldn't NEED assault rifles!
If not for politicians, we wouldn't NEED assault rifles.
If not for raisins, Gingerbread Men couldn't see!
If not for us, you might have done something constructive.
If not me, who?  If not now, when?
If not the problem, are you part of the solution?
If not you, then probably someone else would have.  :)
If not, then this parting was well made - Tom to Crow
If nothing beats getting drunk, given a choice, I'd take the nothing.
If nothing can go wrong, something will
If nothing can go wrong, something will !
If nothing else works, try DENIAL, it never fails.
If nothing is impossible, how do you get off a mailing list?
If nothing sticks to Teflon, what keeps the Teflon on the pan?
If nothing's fair, why can't it ever be unfair in my favor? -Calvin
If nudity were natural, we would have been born naked.
If nudity were natural, we'd have been born naked.
If num(cooks) > max(cooks), broth = spoiled
If nuts could fly, this place would be an airport.
If one cannot catch a bird of paradise, grab a wet hen.
If one complains it's a fluke..If 20 complain it's a bug!
If one intends to kill a dog, first he calls it 'mad'
If one is not in a hurry, even an egg will start walking.
If one is unusually boring, you KNOW s/he's a closet Animaniacs watcher!
If one of you is KOOKOO - Mike
If one out of every two people are jerks, it must be you
If one synchronised swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to?
If one throws a cat out the window, is it Kitty litter?
If one will rectify his mistakes, their traces will soon disappear.
If one would know the truth, look to the beginning
If only AT&T knew what I was do*2*O*:***b** NO CARRIER
If only AT&T knew what I was do=2+OX:+4+b+o NO CARRIER
If only AT&T knew what I was dow2XO1:4,VbKx NO CARRIER
If only Einstein had a 486DX-33....
If only Einstein had a 486DX-33....   like I do...
If only I could be respected and not have to be respectable.
If only I could be respected without having to be respectable.
If only I could blame Quark for this somehow. -- Odo
If only I could relate to the people I'm related to!
If only I had a little humility, I would be perfect.
If only I still had my Commodore 64... If only...
If only I would have read the docs FIRST.
If only Northwestel knew what I was do_2+O_:+++b-_ NO CARRIER
If only Vincent Foster were alive today.
If only all videos could be like this. -- Butthead
If only ancestors had pull-down menus and on line help ...!
If only babies came with pull-down menus and online help!
If only children came with pull-down menus and online help!
If only family came with pull-down menus and on-line help
If only life came with a scrollback buffer.
If only life's scrollback buffer was editable.
If only men came with pull down menus and online help.
If only men came with pull down menus and online help..
If only more christians read their bibles there'd be less christians.
If only my computer could cook...
If only my faith was as strong as my coffee.
If only my life was as organized as my cards.....
If only my penmanship teacher could see me now.
If only people came with pull-down menus and on-line help
If only people came with pull-down menus and on-line help...
If only the good die young, I'll live forever..
If only tonight we could slide into deep black water.
If only we could resist the urge to "fix" things.
If only women came with pull down menus and online help.
If only women came with pull-down menus and help.
If only women came with pull-down menus and on-line help
If only women came with pull-down menus and on-line help!
If only women came with pull-down menus and on-line help!
If only women came with pull-down menus and online help!
If only women came with pull-down menus and online help.
If only women can be hysterical, then what are men?  Testy
If only you believed in miracles, baby
If only you believed like I believe, baby
If only you knew ...
If only... if only.
If operating systems were ice cream, Windows would be "Hoggin' DOS".
If operating systems were prostitutes, Windows 95 would be jailbait.
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
If opportunity knocks, get off your ass and get the door.
If our behavior is strict, we do not need fun!
If our brains are computers, slow people have DOS.
If our knees were bent the other way,what would chairs look like?
If ours is a man made world, why can't we remake it?
If pandas caught AIDS, there'd be a cure by now.
If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.
If patient people live longer... WinDoze users must be IMMORTAL.
If payment has been recently mailed, please disregard thi
If penicillin is a wonder drug, how come it can't cure bread mold?
If people behaved like governments, you'd call the cops.
If people could put rainbows in zoos, they'd do it. -- Hobbes
If people don't control the government, it'll certainly control THEM!
If people from Arkansas get divorced in Texas, are they still cousins?
If people from Arkansas got divorced in Texas, are they still cousins?
If people listened to themselves more, they would talk less.
If people listened to themselves, they would shut up.
If people with amnesia forget they have it, are they cured?
If picketing didn't exist some kids would never exercise.
If pigs wore wigs they still wouldn't fool anyone.
If plugging it in doesn't help, turn it on.
If plugging it in doesn't work, try turning it on
If poison swallowed induce vomiting. Watch prime-time tv.
If port of destination is not known, no wind is favorable
If power corrupts then moderators must be far from their origial CRC.
If power corrupts then moderators must be far from their original CRC.
If power corrupts, why don't power lunches make you sick?
If practice makes perfect & nobodys perfect, why practice
If practice makes perfect, Rush should have marriage down to a science.
If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, why prac
If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, why practice?
If practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, why practice?
If precious asks and it doesn't answer, we EATS it! - Gollum
If pro is opposite of con, what is opposite of progress?
If pro is the opposite of con, then the opposite of progress is...
If pro is the opposite of con, what is opposite congress?
If pro is the opposite of con, what is opposite of progress?
If pro is the opposite of con, what's the opposite of progress?
If puns are outlawed, only outlaws will have puns
If puns are outlawed, only outlaws will have puns, and Bard of course!
If puns are outlawed, only outlaws will have puns.
If puns are outlawed, only outlaws will have puns. Oh, and Bard!
If puns were made illegal, only outlaws would make puns.
If puns were outlawed, only outlaws would have puns.
If pussy wasn't meant to eat, why's it look like a TACO?
If rabbit s feet are so lucky, what happened to the rabbit?
If rabbits feet are so lucky, what happened to the rabbit
If rabbits feet are so lucky, what happened to the rabbit?
If rainy days and Mondays get you down, what do you do
If rap is MUSIC, then a 3-year-old with an Etch-a-Sketch creates ART.
If reading this on a BBS, press ALT-H for an IQ test ...
If real life were fiction, you couldn't get it published!
If reality wants to contact me, it knows where I am.
If reality wants to get in touch with me, it knows where to find me.
If reality wants to get in touch, it knows where I am!
If reality wants to get in touch, it knows where I am.
If reality wants to reach me, it knows where I am.
If reality wants to reach me,it knows where to find me.
If research is dead easy! Why so many problems?
If rhinohides don't smoke, howcum they always yell, "LIGHT"?
If rich, eat when you please. If poor, eat when you can.
If riding in a coach guard well to have a designated coachman..
If rooted in confusion, nothing will be well governed. --Confucius.
If rules are made to be broken, what about codes?
If s**t happens, you probably deserve it. -- Catholic
If sanity were dollars I'd be bankrupt.
If sarcasm is the lowest form of humor, why doesn't everyone get it?
If science fiction be the food of love, read on!
If science says nothing is impossible, how about a mechanical taxpayer?
If screwups were dollars, I'd be a millionaire!!
If screwups were dollars, I'd be a millionaire!!
If seagulls fly over seas, what flies over bays?
If seeing is believing, some skeptics wouldn't look.
If sex doesn't scare the cat, ya'll ain't doing it right.
If sex doesn't scare the cat, you're not doing it right
If sex involves his body, pregnancy is *his* business, too.
If sex is a driving force, why is so much found parking?
If sex is a pain in the *ss Your doing it wrong
If sex is a pain in the *ss, you're doing it wrong.
If sex is a pain in the a$$, you're doing it wrong.
If sex is a pain in the ass then you need more lubrication.
If sex is a pain in the ass, then you don't have enough lubrication!
If sex is a pain in the ass, use more lubricant.
If sex is a pain in the ass, you don't have enough lube!
If sex is a pain in the ass, you're doing it wrong.
If sex is a pain in the ass, you're not using enough KY!
If sex is a pain in the ass.....then you need more lubricant!!!!!!
If sex is a pain in the butt, you need more lubrication.
If sex is a pain in the butt, you're doing it wrong
If sex is a pain in the butt, you're doing it wrong.
If sex is so personal, why share it with anybody?
If sex violates his body without consent, it *is* rape.
If sex was a fast food, there would be an arch over my bed!
If sex was fast food, there would be an arch over my bed!
If sex were fast food, there would be an arch over my bed!
If sex were fast food, there would be an arch over my head.
If sex were fast food, you'd have an arch over your head.
If sex were in the Olypics, America would Always get gold
If she can stand it, I can! Play it. -- Rick
If she can't take the heat, get her out of the oven!
If she doesn't live forever, why buy her diamonds?
If she returns from the john, will I be too old to care?
If she says come inside i'll come inside for her -- NIN
If she says come inside i'll come inside for her.
If she says give it all i'll give everything to her -- NIN
If she says give it all i'll give everything to her.
If she screams......lick it again.
If she screams......lick it again.  <<Evil Grin>>
If she throws up ONCE MORE I'm gonna name that cat upChuck!
If she was a real punk rock girl she'd eat him alive. -- Butthead
If she was any dumber, she'd be a green plant.
If she were not dead, I would kill her. --Nu'Daq.
If she were president, she'd be Babe-raham Lincoln.
If she won't live forever, why buy her a diamond?
If she won't live forever, why give her a diamond?
If she's Snow White, then I must be Grumpy.
If she's a ski bunny, I'd like to show her how rabbits DO IT
If she's a ski bunny, I'd like to show her how rabbits get along!
If she's a ski bunny...like to show her how rabbits DO IT.
If she's cuter than I, I'll be devestated - Crow
If she's good looking, you make a pass at her!
If she's old enough for PLAYTEX then she's old enough for LATEX
If sheep could cook, women would be irrelevant.
If shit happens and no one's there does it have a smell
If sittin on yer porch shootin chickens is fun. you might be a redneck
If smoking is banned, politicians will only be able to use mirrors.
If so when did the name change occur?
If so, we may have to call security. - Data
If some day we are defeated, war has its fortunes, good and bad. - Kor
If some day we are defeated, well, war has its fortunes, good and bad.
If someone doesn't help soon I'm gonna have to READ THE MANUAL!!!
If someone offers you Windows, just say NO!
If someone offers you a breath mint, TAKE IT.
If someone sees @FN@, laugh at him for me.
If someone sees Bill Clinton, laugh at him for me.
If someone sees David, laugh at him for me.
If someone sees He, laugh at him for me.
If someone sees Orville Bullitt, laugh at him for me.
If someone sees Orville, laugh at him for me.
If someone sees Ross Perot, laugh at him for me.
If something doesn't work... try another approach.
If something goes without saying, let it.
If something had to go down on me, why did it have to be my computer?
If something has to go down on me, why does it have to be my computer?
If something is confidential it will be left in the copier.
If something is confidential, it'll be left in the copier.
If something's hard to do then it's not worth doing. - Homer
If something's not fun, why do it?  -Chuck Yeager
If something's not worth dying for, it's not worth living for.
If something's popular, it probably like, sucks or something.
If space is a vacuum, does that mean the Universe sucks?
If space is a vacuum, does that mean the universe sucks?
If space is a vacuum, who changes the bags?
If space is the final frontier, what's TIME?
If space is warped, time is all that's weft.
If spam is a meat, then bald is a hair color.
If speed kills, Windows users may live forever.
If speed kills, Windows users must live forever.
If speed kills, Windows users will live forever!
If speed kills, then Windows 95 users may live forever.
If speed kills, then Windows users may live forever.
If speed scares you - try Microsoft Windows
If speed scares you, buy Windows 3.1!
If speed scares you, try Micro$oft Windows
If speed scares you, try Micro$oft Windows.
If speed scares you, try Microsoft DOS
If speed scares you, try Microsoft Windows
If speed scares you, try Windows...
If speed scares you, use Micro$oft Windows!
If speed scares you, use Micro$ofts Windows
If speed scares you, use Microsoft Windows!
If speed scares you, use Warp.
If spouses ever unite, Sysops will be in trouble.
If statistics don't lie very well, use business graphics!
If statistics don't tell a good enough lie, use graphics.
If stealing road signs is a family outing.. you might be a Redneck.
If stealing taglines is a sin will I see you in hell?
If stupidity had survival value, You would be immortal.
If stupidity had survival value, he would live forever.
If stupidity had survival value, you would live forever!
If stupidity was a survival value, he would live forever!
If stupidity was painful, you'd be in agony.
If swimming is so good for you, why are whales so fat ?
If tagline persists, consult your physician.
If taglines could kill, I'd be dead.
If talk to God=prayer, why does hear from God=schizo?
If taxes are the answer, what was the question?
If teenagers dress to express indivuality, why do they look alike?
If teflon doesn't stick to anything, how does it stay in the pan?
If teflon doesn't stick to anything, how does it stay in?
If teflon doesn't stick to anything, how does it stay on? ___ Blue
If televangelists talk to God, why can they only get on cable?
If tennis elbow is bad, imagine tennis balls!
If tennis elbow is painful, imagine suffering with tennis balls.
If tennis elbow is painful, imagine what tennis balls are like.
If tennis elbow is painful,imagine what tennis balls like
If thanks were fishes, I'd buy you an aquarium.
If that Bard starts singing 100 Bottles of Beer again.
If that be jest, then all the rest was so.
If that doesn't help, try disabling your disk cache.
If that doesn't put the 'shaz' in 'shazam'.. - Ned Flanders
If that don't put the 'dink' in 'coinkidink'! - Ned Flanders
If that weren't so amusing, I might laugh. - Hawkeye
If that's a wormhole, it must be the smallest on on record.
If that's all it's for, then why is there a wall around it?
If that's my brain on drugs, can I have sausage with it?
If that's the best you can do, I suggest you leave!
If that's the way you want to be about it
If that's the way you want to be about it ...
If the BORG assimilated Q, would they be the BQRG?
If the Borg assimilate Q, will they become the BQRG?
If the Borg assimilated tribbles, would they become the B*rg?
If the Borg were Italian, they'd assimilate all the extra Zucchini.
If the British can survive their meals, they can survive anything.
If the Clintons had obeyed the law they wouldn't need the $$$.
If the Cold War is over, why are nukes still pointed EAST
If the DM didn't see it, it never happened.
If the Democrats think... but then again, they don't.
If the Fundies don't go there, Hell can't be all bad.
If the GOOD die young,  I wonder why I am still here.
If the Galileo probe ran Windows 95, it would've ended up at *Mars*.
If the Liberals think... but then again, they don't.
If the Liberals thinkbut then again, they don't.
If the Lions ask, I'm agnostic
If the Menendez boys used #00 they could finished sooner.
If the Message Won't End, Continue It.
If the NDP can't fix it, they TAX IT!
If the PhoneCo knew what I was doi+u%+1+NO CARRIER
If the Plane's still flying..Ain't no reason to be Jumpin...
If the President won't do it to his wife; expect him to do it to U.S.!
If the Republicans think... but then again, they don't.
If the Sargent can see you, so can the enemy.
If the UFO hotline limits you to 1 call a day, you maybe a redneck.
If the UFO hotline limits you to 1 call per day YOU could be a redneck
If the UFO hotline limits you to 1 call per day you MIGHT be a redneck.
If the UFO hotline limits you to 1 call per day, you COULD be a redneck
If the US is a Melting Pot, Canada is a Mosaic.
If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. St Matt.
If the boat ain't rocking, someone's not rowing!
If the book is available, the most important page will be torn out.
If the bowl is empty, the cat is full.
If the boys wanna fight you'd better let 'em.
If the choice between you too goons - Gypsy to Tom & Crow
If the choices be vampirism or death, bite me.
If the clowns are all in Washington, then who's running the circus?
If the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong.
If the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong.  - Schryer
If the coffee doesn't bounce, it's not strong enough.
If the computer came up with it, it must be true.
If the conniption fits, wear it!
If the conniption fits, wear it.  -SLR
If the cops throw a net over me, am I legally in seine?
If the data doesn't fit the theory, fix the data.
If the dog leaves when the cat enters...no fight today.
If the door is Baroque, jiggle the Handel!
If the early bird ate the worm, I ain't kissin' it.
If the enemy can't get in, you can't get out.  'Murphy
If the enemy is in range, SO ARE YOU!  'Murphy
If the enemy is in range, SO ARE YOU.
If the enemy is in range, so are you. - Murphy's Law of Combat.
If the enemy is within firing range, so are you - Tarma
If the enemy is within range, so are you.
If the facts do not conform to the theory, they must be disposed of.
If the facts do not conform to your theory, they must be
If the facts don't conform to the theory, dump them.
If the family business requires a lookout.. you might be a redneck.
If the family skeleton must remain, make it dance.
If the fundies won't be there, hell can't be that bad!
If the future's looking dark, we're the ones who have to shine. -Rush
If the girls R undeveloped,keep the film that way, 2!
If the gods will not listen, then to hell with them.
If the good Father got plague, who would give him Last Rites? - Hawk
If the good die young, I'll live forever!
If the government needs more money, how can they think we need less?
If the government were in charge of sex, we'd be extinct.
If the house was on fire, who would you save first, me or the cat?
If the important thing in life is happiness, we need a lot more beer.
If the keyboard fails at any time, press Enter.
If the lift falls, death is certain.
If the limit was 250, there'd be no speeders...
If the mailmen went on strike, how would we ever know?
If the mistake is in your favor, don't correct it!
If the movie is too long it can SNAP - Mike w/rubber band
If the music stops, there is only the sound of the rain.
If the pain gets too bad I'll gnaw it off at the ankle.
If the people don't enforce the Constitution, who will?
If the people lead, eventually the leaders follow.
If the people lead, eventually the leaders will follow.
If the people lead, the leaders will follow.
If the pets die don't replace them, I'll know! -Lisa Simpson
If the phone doesn't ring, it's me!
If the phone doesn't ring, it's me.
If the pin is pulled, Mr. Hand Grenade is not your friend
If the plane starts to go down, I'm lighting one up!
If the power IS NOT given back to the people, we will take it back!
If the price is a dream then support is a nightmare.
If the primary color of your car is bondo, you might be a redneck!
If the product doesn't work as advertised, don't buy it!
If the pupil fails to learn, the teacher fails to teach. - Anon
If the root be in confusion, nothing will be well governed. --Confucius.
If the ship blows up, lofty disinterest won't save you.
If the shirt is Red, the man is dead!
If the shoe doesn't fit, it might have the wrong tongue.
If the shoe fits . . . it's the wrong colour
If the shoe fits, buy it.  - Imelda Marcos
If the shoe fits, buy it. - Imelda Marcos
If the shoe fits, buy the other one, too.
If the shoe fits, it's not government issue.
If the shoe fits, it's ugly.
If the shoe fits, its ugly.
If the shoe fits, put it in your mouth.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
If the solution were that simple, the problem would never have existed.
If the spoon don't dissolve, it ain't coffee!
If the stork brings babies, do swallows prevent them?
If the sun refused to shine, I don't mind... Hendrix
If the tagline's a rockin, don't you come a knockin!
If the thread ended in her jeans, should we follow it?
If the thread ended in her jeans, should we follow it?
If the thunder don't get you ...
If the thunder don't get you then the lightening will..
If the truth is out there, where the hell is it
If the truth offends -- too bad.
If the universe is expanding, how come I can't find a parking space?
If the universe is expanding, why can't I find a parking space?
If the universe is indeed insane who's the asylum keeper?
If the universe is really expanding, why can't I find a parking space?
If the universe's expanding, why's my closet always full?
If the very old die, the very young don't care.
If the war inside my head won't take a day off, I'll be dead.
If the weather holds, we can use the pancakes as hockey pucks. - BJ
If the whole house stinks, no use putting air freshener in one room.
If the whole world is in debt, where did all the money go?
If the wife wants to drive the family car, don't stand in her way
If the women don't find ya handsome, they should at least find ya handy!
If the world is a * test, we must be the bugs.
If the world is a stage, I have stage fright!
If the world is a test, we must be the amoebas.
If the world is getting smaller . . . why do postage rates go up?
If the world is my oyster, where is my oyster knife?
If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.
If the world spins around, why doesn't home come to us??
If the world were a logical place, men would ride side-saddle
If the world were a logical place, men would ride side-saddle.
If the world were logical, men would ride side-saddle.
If there ain't a victim, there ain't a crime!
If there ain't no BBS in Heaven, I ain't going!!
If there are epigrams, there must be meta-epigrams.
If there are no BBS's in Heaven, then it isn't Heaven!
If there are no gods, all our toils are without meaning. Euripedes
If there are no more bugs, The program is obsolete.
If there are non-essential government workers,then I'm a non-essential taxpayer.
If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams.
If there is a God, show me a si%$@ NO CARRIER
If there is a doom on this station it is you that has brought it here.
If there is a limit per customer, bring a friend.
If there is a supreme being, he's crazy. -- Marlene Dietrich
If there is an obvious solution it is always obvious.
If there is any way to do it wrong, he will.-Ed Murphy
If there is anything better than to be loved, it is to love.
If there is light at the end of the tunnel...  ORDER MORE TUNNEL.
If there is no God, How can there be Atheists?
If there is no God, who pops up the Kleenex?
If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex then?
If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?
If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?
If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?  -- Art Hoppe
If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex? -- Art Hoppe
If there is no God, who pops up the next tagline?
If there is no God... Who pops up the next Kleenex ???
If there is no Moderator, who pops up the next tagline?
If there is no pain then where is the fun?
If there is no reason not to be skeptical, then BE skeptical.
If there is no smoke, it's a software problem.
If there is no struggle there is no progress - Frederick Douglas
If there is no such thing as time, then what are we wasting?
If there isn't a fight, a lawyer will start one.
If there isn't a law, there soon will be.
If there isn't a law, there will be -- Gates' Law
If there isn't a law, there will be.
If there was a RAP conference, could you bust a RIME?
If there was a big bang  remember:  God lit the fuse!
If there was a computer in the bathroom, I'd never leave it!
If there was a nuclear bombing, would I be alive to care?
If there was a wait for Q to show up, would there be a Q \SLMR\
If there was a wait for Q to show up, would there be a Q queue?
If there was a wait for Q to show up, would there be a Queue?
If there was an ugly museum, you'd be a prize posession!
If there was any logic in this world, men would ride sidesaddle.
If there wasn't divorces, where would we get waitresses?
If there were more women judges, more women would go to jail!
If there were no Trekkers the world would be EMPTY!!!
If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers.
If there were no bad people, there would be no lawyers.
If there were no base balls, how would we measure hail?
If there were no bears, how would we give hugs?
If there were no electricity, we'd all be ohmless.
If there were no golf balls, how would we measure hail?
If there were no such thing as bears, what kind of hugs would we give?
If there were no such thing as gravity, the earth would fly off into space!
If there's a bright center to the universe, we're the furthest from it.
If there's a hill to climb, waiting won't make it smaller
If there's a steady paycheck in it I believe whatever you want.
If there's a will, I want to be in it!
If there's an idea in your head, it's in solitary confinement!
If there's any way you can postpone reality - you should!
If there's anything I can't stand, it's intolerance.
If there's anything larger than my ego, I want it shot immediately.
If there's no God, who pops up the Kleenex?
If there's no Silicon Hell, where do all the Macintoshes go?
If there's no fight, it wasn't a hockey game.
If there's no free lunch, I'll settle for breakfast.
If there's no golf in heaven, I'm NOT going!
If there's no malice in your heart, they can't be none in your jokes.
If there's nothing to be said I'm sure you'll say it.
If there's one thing I CAN'T STAND, it's intolerence.
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's intolerance.
If there's one thing I know, it's that Qwark is hard to ignore.
If there's some good ones in there...God will sort 'em out.
If there's someone who loves you, you're richer by far.
If these damn aliens would stop abducting me I could answer my e-mail.
If they are sheep..........they must be shorn.
If they can fly in casualties, why not supplies? - Trapper
If they can send a man to the moon, then why can't they send them all
If they can send a man to the moon...why not send 'em all
If they can send a man to the moon...why not send them all?
If they can send a man to the moonwhy not send 'em all
If they can send man to the moon, then why can't they send them all?
If they can't explain it, that's proof enough for me!
If they catch us we're dead. I've been dead before.
If they catch you I will deny seeing you [Mr. Garibaldi] - Londo
If they don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.
If they don't like ARJ, they can eat Z..!
If they don't like your reality they don't have to live there.
If they don't pay ya', SUE THE BASTARDS!!!
If they don't speak English, just talk LOUDER !!!
If they don't wanna come you can't stop them.<Yogi Berra>
If they don't, the lights stay off in Baghdad - SD Cheney
If they enjoy eating at home, they'll never take you anywhere.
If they ever put a price on his head, he should take it.
If they get too annoying then we'll just have to get violent...
If they give you lined paper, write the other way
If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.
If they had writing, this day would live in infamy - Crow
If they hang you, I'll always remember you.   Humphrey Bogart
If they have a TAGLINES echo, why not a SIGNATURE_LINES echo?
If they keep bugging you,drop your pants & show them your scar.-Hawk
If they knew I was a dimension-hopper, they'd roast me. - Frumple
If they knock heads, implosion will suck all the air out of the room.
If they knock heads, the implosion will suck all air out of the room.
If they mention penguins, be afraid.  Very afraid.
If they mention penguins, be afraid. Be very afraid!
If they outlaw guns, can we use swords?
If they paid for this, Henny Youngman would be here.
If they put malt in beer and malt in milk, why not beer in milk?
If they take our guns, how will we shoot the liberals?
If they taught masturbation in school would you do your homework?
If they turned much further, you'd be sued for whiplash - Sinclair
If they want to believe they're God, that's their right!
If they were Baptists they coulda got the Platters - Crow
If they'd led a better life they wouldn't be here. --Hades
If they're called TIE-Fighters then howcome the`y LOST?!
If they're really psychic, they'll phone you.
If thin is in, are those starving people in Africa attractive?
If thine Enemy Offend Thee, Give His Child A Drum
If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread. - Proverbs 25:21
If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a drum.
If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a saxophone.
If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a talking Barney doll...
If thine enemy offend thee, give his wife a skillet.
If thine enemy offend thee, giveth his child a drum set.
If thine enemy offend thee, giveth his child a drum.
If thine enemy offend thee, giveth his kid a drum.
If thine enemy offend thee; give his kid a drum.
If things get any worse, I'll have to ask you to stop helping me.
If things get any worse, I'm going to have to ask you to stop helping.
If things get any worse, I'm going to have to ask you to stop.
If things get better with age,I'm approaching magnificent
If things improve with age then I approaching magnificence.
If things improve with age then I approaching magnificience.
If things improve with age, I'm nearing MAGNIFICENT!
If things improve with age, I'm nearly MAGNIFICENT!
If things improve with age, I'm nearly MAGNIFICENT!
If things improve with age, I'm nearly MAGNIFICENT!OJW
If thinking is too hard, quote Scripture-Fundie Motto
If this Had been a *real* Tagline, you would have laughed!
If this TagLine is missing, please notify SysOp (unless he's missing).
If this Tagline isn't broken, take it apart and find out why.
If this coffee brings me some tea. If this is tea bring me some coffee.
If this doesn't work, UPGRADE!
If this ever happens again Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.
If this ever happens again, Ivanova will rip your lungs out.
If this had been a real emergency, we'd all be dead.
If this had been real would you have read it?
If this is Hell - Where are all the lawyers?!?
If this is Hell.... Where are the Lawyers??
If this is Ottawa, it must be Wednesday.
If this is Quarqsday, THIS must be Earth!
If this is Quarqsday,THIS must be Earth!
If this is Windows where is the Windex??
If this is a battle, then you have already lost!
If this is a battle, then you have already lost.
If this is a consular ship... where is he?
If this is a consular ship... where is the Orville?
If this is a consular shipwhere is the #TN#?"
If this is a free country, why are we paying so much for it?
If this is a link, I'm delighted.  Please advise.
If this is a piece of the soul, the night is very darkand silent.
If this is a service economy, why is the service so bad?
If this is amoebic dysentery, then where's my lemonade?
If this is an echo, how come we don't hear it?
If this is heaven, why am I bored out of my skull?
If this is hell -- Where are the moderators?
If this is hell, then where are all the JCL decks?
If this is hell, then where are all the lawyers?
If this is hell, where are the moderators?
If this is hell, where's the lawyer?
If this is monkey pee you're on your own. - Dana Scully
If this is monkey pee you're on your own. --Mulder.
If this is monkey pee you're on your own. --Scully.
If this is my life, I demand a recount.
If this is only a hobby then why I am getting paid?
If this is only a hobby..then why I am getting paid!!
If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawn mower
If this is reality, don't wake me up..
If this is the crew who we're filming us... whose filming us now?
If this is the information highway, I need a rest stop!
If this is time, then we've got some to waste!
If this is timesharing, give me my share right now.
If this is tourist season, why can't I shoot any?
If this is tourist season, why can't we shoot 'em?
If this is tourist season, why can't we shoot any?
If this is your line, I have a bit of info....
If this isn't a war? Why is CNN massing at the border?
If this isn't abuse of invisible recipes, I don't know what is.
If this isn't abuse of invisible taglines, I don't know what is.
If this isn't war, why is CNN massing on the border?
If this keeps up, can we look to gratuitous aliens having sex?
If this leaves a waxy buildup - on anything - I'm coming back. --B5.
If this leaves a waxy buildup, on anything, I'm coming back. - B5
If this made sense, please see your Doctor.
If this merchandise should contact antimatter it will explode.
If this message goes into the void, call me!
If this signature is missing, please notify Sysop.
If this station falls, Bajor falls and I won't stand for that - Sisko
If this tag didn't exist, somebody would have invented it.
If this tagline doesn't catch your attention, it needs more work.
If this tagline is funny, it came from the Bulletin Broad
If this tagline is stolen, it will self-destruct!
If this tagline served beer. Wouldn't that be great!
If this tagline's a rockin, don't you come a knockin!
If this thing's so foolproof, why won't it work for me?
If this van's a rockin, don't bother knockin!
If this was a real emergency, you would have been trampled.
If this was a real emergency, you'd  've been trampled.
If this was a real emergency, you'd be dead by now.
If this was a real emergency, you'd've been trampled.
If this was an actual leyline, you would be cosmic now.
If this was an actual tagline, it would be funny.
If this was funny it would be a tagline.
If this wasn't a tagline it wouldn't be stolen!
If this were a funny tagline, it would be stolen.
If this were a logical world, MEN would ride sidesaddle.
If this were a more perfect world, we'd all be known as the Flimpsons.
If this were a real emergency, you would've been trampled.
If this were a tagline, it would be funny.
If this were an actual , it would be funny.
If this were an actual emergency you'd run out screaming!
If this were an actual life, there would be manuals.
If this were an actual tagline, it _might_ be funny.
If this were an actual tagline, it could be funny.
If this were an actual tagline, it might be funny.
If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny.
If this were an actual tagline, you would be laughing now.
If this were funny, it'd be a tagline.
If this were me, I'd get prickly rash - Crow
If this were the Soviet Union you'd be reading this in Russian.
If this weren't 1stReader, I wouldn't love my mail reader!
If this works I will be surprised.
If this world is normal, CRAZY is a compliment!
If this world is normal, calling me crazy is a compliment.
If thou can believe, all things are possible to him that believe.
If thou is a artist, how does one grasp your art?
If three people say you are an ass, put on a bridle.
If thy brother offend thee, pluck out his eye.
If time and space are relatives, why don't they come to my party?
If time flies...who's the pilot?
If time heals all wounds, how come bellybuttons don't fill in?
If time heals all wounds, how come the belly button stays the same?
If time heals all wounds, why does the belly button stay
If time heals all wounds, why does the belly button stay?
If time is infinite, then why do I never have enough.
If time is money then my watch is slow
If time is money, we are all living beyond our means.
If time stands still, what are you doing?
If time were invented 10 minutes sooner, no one would be late
If tin whistles are made of tin, what about fog horns?
If tin whistles are made of tin, what are fog horns made of? -- Unknown
If tin whistles are made of tin, what are foghorns made out of?
If tin whistles are made of tin, what do they make foghorns out of?
If today is the first day of the rest of your life, what the hell was yesterday?
If today is the first day of the rest of your life, what was yesterday?
If today was a fish, I'd throw it back in!
If today was a fish, I'd throw it back in.
If today was a fish, I'd throw it back.
If today were a fish, I'd throw it back
If tree fell on florist, would he make sound?
If trees were pink they would be never greens.
If truth doesn't satisfy, change it.....who'll know?
If truth is stranger than fiction, you must be truth!
If turkeys could fly Congress would be an airport...!
If turning it on doesn't help, plug it in.
If turning on doesnt help, plug it in...!
If two apples make a pair, how come two ferrets make a full house
If two apples make a pair, how come two ferrets make a full house?
If two is company, is three an adult movie?
If two rednecks get divorced, are they still cousins?
If two wrongs don't make a right, try three.
If two wrongs don't make a right, try three.
If two wrongs don't make a right, try three. -- Laurence J. Peter
If u cann't beat them, run away.
If u cn rd ths u shld sy no 2 drgs !
If u don't throw me out, ur nuttier than I am. - Klinger to Potter
If u want to ruin ur stomach,eat in the mess tent.-Potter to Klinger
If ugliness was a crime, yo momma would get the electric chair.
If ugly was bricks, yo mama would be the Empire State Building
If ugly was bricks, yo'momma would be the Empire State Building.
If users appear to need help, appear to help them.
If value corrupts then absolute value corrupts absolutely
If variety = Spice/Life. Make mine milk.
If vegetable oil is made of vegetables, what is baby oil made of?
If vegetables are so good, why aren't they for dessert?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, beware of humanitarians!
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
If vegetarians eat vegetables,..beware of humanitarians!
If vegitarians eat vegetables, beware of humanitarians
If vegitarians eat vegitables, FEAR humanitarians!
If violence is the answer, what's the question?
If voting actually changed anything it'd be made illegal.
If voting actually changed anything, they'd make it illegal.
If voting actually changed things, they'd make it illegal. -- Biafra
If voting changed anything it'd be illegal.
If voting changed anything they'd ban it
If voting changed anything, it would be made illegal.
If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.
If voting could bring change, it would be illegal.
If voting could change the system, it would be against the law.
If voting could really bring change, it would be illegal.
If voting made a difference, it would be illegal!
If voting really effected change, it would be illegal.
If war is menstrual envy then tampons are penis envy.
If we all toss in our two cents -- can we send out for pizza?
If we all work together, we can totally disrupt the system.
If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine.
If we are what we eat then Eulle Gibbons really was a nut.
If we are what we eat, I could be you by morning
If we are what we eat, I'm gonna throw myself up.
If we are what we eat, YOUR diet consists of Cheerios! :)
If we are what we eat, then I'm fast, cheap and easy!
If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.
If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities...
If we bleed it can kill us.
If we blow up, I hope I rain down all over them (the CIA). - Hawk
If we can avoid any more female advice, we can get out of here.
If we can dream it, it can be done.
If we can dream it, we really can do it.
If we can just avoid any more female advice- Han Solo
If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we figure out how to......
If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we put all of the women there? 
If we can put men in space, why not metal in a microwave.
If we can send a man to the moon - why not Bill Clinton?
If we can send one man to the moon, why can't we send them all?
If we can't fix it -   its broken!
If we can't fix it - we'll fix it so nobody can.
If we can't fix it -- its broken!
If we can't fix it -- we'll fix it so nobody can.
If we can't have *fun*, then ... why are we *HERE*???
If we can't have *fun*, then ...uh, why are we *HERE*???
If we can't have *fun*, then why are we *HERE*???
If we can't have *fun*, then...uh, why are we here?
If we can't stop censorship now, we're f*ck*d
If we cannot overthrow the government, it is not constrained.
If we cared as much about saving males as saving whales....
If we could pool our Group Dynamics...
If we do not exist as individuals then our relationship does notexist.
If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure. - Dan Quayle
If we do not succeed, we run the risk of failure. -- Dan Quayle
If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going.
If we don't go crazy once in a while, we'll all go crazy. - Hawkeye
If we don't hang together . . .  we will ALL hang separately! 
If we don't know it already, chances are we're not interested in learning it.
If we don't make that bus stop - remember me.
If we don't protect our children, who will.....
If we don't raise 8 million dollars, God is going to kill us.
If we don't stand for something, we may fall for anything.
If we don't stand together, we stand to lose the future
If we don't stand together, we stand to lose the future. - Qyr
If we don't stop censorship now, we're XXXXXked.
If we don't succeed, we increase our chance of failure.
If we don't succeed, we increase our chances at failure.
If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure
If we don't take care of the customer...somebody else will.
If we don't wake up soon, this place will look like the moon!
If we don't, who will? - Sheridan
If we eff the ineffable, what do we do with the inscrutable?
If we ever get lost, we can use your head for a spotlight.
If we get much closer I could loose control.
If we go down to the planet somebody has to die--it's in the contract.
If we go into Bosnia, does Clinton flee to England again?
If we go into Haiti, does Clinton flee to England again?
If we go to war in Samalia does Clinton go back to Europe
If we go to war in Somalia, does Clinton go back to Europe?
If we had hot water, we could make tea, if we had tea.
If we had known the truth then, we would NOT have surrendered!
If we had some bread we could have ham sandwiches...if we had ham.
If we have a crime epidemic, let's quarantine criminals.
If we honor the rights of gays then everyone else will want rights too
If we honor the rights of gays then everyone else will want rights too!
If we killed the dragon, how come we're still taking damage?
If we learn by mistakes, I'm getting a fantastic education!
If we learn from losing, we become winners in the end.
If we learn from our mistakes, I'm about due for my PhD.
If we learned from our mistakes, *you* would be a genius!
If we left the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy!
If we left the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy.
If we let the dream die, what's the sense of waking up...
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Gal 5:25)
If we lose the Second, the rest of the Amendments are academic.
If we meet again, then we'll smile - Tom to Crow
If we must live at all, it might as well be in good health!
If we never asked questions, where would we be?
If we never died, we'd have to buy a whole lot of pants.
If we offend, it is with our goodwill.
If we offend, it is with our taglines. -- Tagspeare
If we outlaw everything bad for us, the only legal thing will be water
If we put your brain into a bird, it would fly backwards
If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended.
If we share this nightmare, we can dream, spiritus mundi.
If we took out the bones it wouldn't be crunchy then, would it?
If we took the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy, would it! -Monty Python
If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy now, would it?
If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy!
If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy, would it?
If we traveled into the future..what if all we did was reminise?
If we wanted to <you know we could, you know we could>
If we were cannibals, What parts of people would we eat? --Calvin.
If we were civilized employment WOULD be a RIGHT.
If we were in the Navy, I'd have you flogged. - Frank Burns
If we were meant to be repaired, we'd be equipped with a hood...
If we were meant to fly, we wouldn't keep losing our luggage.
If we were meant to have group sex, we'd have more organs
If we were supposed to smoke, God would'a set us on fire.
If we were to do it human style, it would be too much for you - Ivanova
If we were to go by the book, hours would seem like days.
If we weren't all crazy, we would go insane.
If we weren't all crazy, we'd go insane.   J. Buffett
If we work together we can completely disrupt the system.
If we write them letters they might change their minds.
If we're NOT lucky we'll be doin' Forest Lawn commercials. <M>
If we're all sexually harassed, how come I didn't feel anything?
If we're all sexually harressed, how come I didn't feel anything?
If we're damned, let's be damned for what we really are.
If we're going to have fun, we've got to be serious about it.
If we're limiting doctor incomes, let's do lawyers, too.
If we're on FIXED incomes, how come we're always BROKE?
If we're the Religous Right, are they the Irreligous Wrong?
If we're to conquer the world, we must watch our cholesterol. - Brain
If we're to conquer the world, we must watch our cholestorol. - Brain
If what you don't know can't hurt you, she's practically invulnerable.
If windows were a plane, it would spontaneously exploded
If winning doesn't matter, why keep score? - Lieutenant Worf
If winning isn't important then why keep score?
If winning isn't important, then why keep score? - Worf
If winning isn't important, why keep score?
If winning isn't important. Then why keep score? -- Worf
If winning isn't important; then why keep score?
If winning isn't important; why keep score?
If winning isn't the objective, why keep score.
If wires can B connected 2 ways,the 1st blows a fuse.
If wires can be connected 2 different ways, the first blows the fuse.
If wishes were fishes we'd all be in stitches.
If wishes were horses we'd be neck deep in manure.
If wishes were horses, I'd be up to my armpits in manure.
If wishes were horses, beggars would be shoveling manure.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
If wishes were horses, dog food would be a lot cheaper.
If wishes were horses, dogfood would be a lot cheaper.
If wishes were horses, horses would ride.
If wishes were horses... the smell would be awful!
If wishes were money, beggars would be choosers.
If witches are so clever, why are they always so ugly?
If women call you a Jock, can you call them a napkin?
If women can sleep their way to the top, why aren't they there?
If women have phallic envy, do men have womb envy?
If women like it, it's "Erotica."  If men like it, it's "Pornography."
If women ran the country would missiles be shaped different?
If women weren't so stupid, they wouldn't have to be beautiful. 
If wood ticks are found in the  woods, where are mathematics found?
If words could speak, I wonder what they'd say
If words could speak, wonder what they'd say?
If worms carried .45's, what would the early bird do?
If worms carried 45's, what would the early bird do??
If worst comes to worst, you *CAN* turn most things off.
If written correctly, legalese is perfectly incomprehensible.
If ya can't beat 'em.......RUN!
If ya can't dazzle "em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bull$hit
If ya can't feed em', don't breed em'!!!
If ya can't smoke it or screw it...blow it up!
If ya can't think for yerself, ya shouldn't think at all.
If ya drink, don't drive, and do The Watermelon Crawl.
If ya need a shoulder, cry on mine.
If ya wanna hang loose gotta get a grip
If ya was twice as smart as ya tinks ya'is, you'd 'ave da IQ of a rock.
If ya' can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.
If ya' can't run with the big dogs, it's best to stay up on the porch.
If ye canna bite dinna show your teeth.- Old Scot Sayin
If ye love me, keep my commandments. - John 14:15
If yer parents didn't have sex, you won't either
If yer wondering how Mike eats & breathes & othr science facts-MST3K11
If you *know* it's off-topic, then DON'T get into it.
If you *really* want a laugh, run Win95. :)
If you DON'T Vote in Nov., DON'T Complain!!
If you DON'T Vote in Nov., DON'T Complain!! <== American thingy.
If you KNOW it's off topic, then shut the hell up!
If you LIVE backwards, it is EVIL.
If you Love Someone, Cover her in Whipped Cream!
If you NEED to count your money, you're not really rich.
If you Pascal on the road, go C him and his dog Spot.
If you REALLY must stay, please leave
If you REALLY wanna know, God'll see to it.
If you absolutely MUST have the latest upgrade, you probably don't.
If you act enthusiastic, you'll be enthusiastic!
If you actually OWN a batleH - YMBAT
If you admit that life is horrible, you can begin to enjoy it.
If you ain't Moslem, you ain't Shiite.
If you ain't got it then you ain't communicatin'.
If you ain't in bed by midnight, go home!
If you ain't lovin', you ain't livin'
If you ain't makin' waves you ain't kickin' hard enough!
If you ain't paid the dues, you don't join the club.
If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes.
If you ain't the lead dog, the view never changes.
If you always postpone pleasure you will never have it.
If you are a liberal who is reading this to you?
If you are a monkey's uncle, where is your nephew/niece?
If you are a worm, sleep late!
If you are afraid of being lonely, don't try to be right.
If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry.
If you are against abortion..... don't have one.
If you are against abortions.. then don't have one..
If you are against abortions...don't have one.
If you are ahead, shut up and stay there. - Forrest Gump
If you are allowed to bring your dog ZfOrk. you might be a redneck.
If you are allowed to bring your dog to work. you might be a redneck.
If you are an experimental robot mailerPOWER=OFF
If you are anti-abortion, why haven't you adopted?
If you are bitter at heart, sugar in the mouth will not help you.
If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2.
If you are crosseyed and dyslexic, can you see OK?
If you are feeling good, don't worry. You'll get over it.
If you are forward of your position the artillery will fall short.
If you are forward of your position, the artillery will be short.
If you are forward of your position, the artillery will fall short.
If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book.
If you are going the wrong way, God allows u-turns!
If you are going to have sex, use a condom.
If you are here you are lost! (sign in the middle of nowhere)
If you are here, Buddha is too. -JOSHU
If you are horny, it's lust, but if your partner's horny, it's affection.
If you are humanplease take care of this mess.
If you are immoral you will cause pain to a innocent bystander.
If you are in it up to your ears, don't open your mouth!
If you are lacking in guts, eat more SPAM.
If you are not committed to something, you are just taking up space.
If you are not doing it well, enjoy doing it badly and you'll get bett
If you are not happy here and now, you never will be.  Taisen Deshimar
If you are not reading this tagline then you are not online.
If you are not the poet, perhaps you can be the poem.
If you are not the poet, you can be the poem. <D. Carradine>
If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1... repeatedly.
If you are one in a million, there are 8 of your in New York City.
If you are quiet, Geco, you may hear a compliment.
If you are quiet, He, you may hear a compliment.
If you are quiet, you may hear a compliment.
If you are reading this, you MUST be bored!
If you are searching for yourself. Find a mirror first!
If you are short of everything but enemy, you are in combat.  'Murphy
If you are short of everything but the enemy, you are in a combat zone.
If you are short of everything except enemies, you are in combat.
If you are short of everything except enemy, you are in combat.
If you are sick, Hey why are you? Close??? (*) (*)
If you are silent on an injustice, you are guilty of one.
If you are smoking after sex, SLOW DOWN.
If you are still hungry, eat another fortune cookie.
If you are still hungry, leat another fortune cookie.
If you are thin don't eat fast. If you are fat don't eat. Fast.
If you are too open minded, your brain will fall out.
If you are too open minded, your brains will leak out.
If you are truly sick in the head you can make fun of ANYTHING!
If you are what you eat - My God, I'm a Twinkie!
If you are what you eat, I could be you by morning!
If you are what you eat, how come I'm not a woman?
If you are what you eat, shouldn't A. G. Packer have been a Democrat?
If you are what you eat, shouldn't Alferd Packer have been a Democrat?
If you are what you eat, what are vegitarians?
If you are what you eat, what's a lesbian then?
If you are what you eat, you could be me by morning.
If you are willing to die, you can do anything!
If you aren't OUTRAGED, then you aren't paying attention!!
If you aren't OUTRAGED, you aren't paying attention!
If you aren't confused around here, you aren't trying hard enough!
If you aren't confused, you haven't read the docs!
If you aren't going all the way, why go at all?
If you aren't in bed by midnight . . . go home!
If you aren't just little crazy, you must be mad.
If you aren't making waves, your boat's not moving...
If you aren't part of a solution, you are a precipitate.
If you aren't part of the solution, you are a precipitate.
If you aren't the lead dog, the scenery never changes.
If you aren't using OS/2, you're working too hard!
If you argue with your physics prof about variable warp dynamics - YMBAT
If you ask me this kid isn't lost... his parents took a run for it!
If you attack is really going well, it's an ambush.
If you believe THAT, I have a BRIDGE for sale.
If you believe THAT, I have a BRIDGE for sale...
If you believe THAT, I have a bridge for sale, cheap.
If you believe all of this, I've got a bridge to sell you, also..
If you believe in Telekinesis, please raise my hand.
If you believe in everything you read, better not read
If you believe in free speech, can I use your phone?
If you believe in free speech, can I use your telephone?
If you believe in telekinesis, raise my hand
If you believe in telekinesis, raise my hand.
If you believe in the power of magic, I can change your mind.
If you believe in yourself, anything is possible.
If you believe your own demagoguery, you have a problem.
If you believed that, I've got an autographed copy of the Bible for sale!
If you boil ice, are you removing it from its natural state?
If you boil water, are you removing it from its natural state?
If you boss pays you, be thankful!
If you bought this tagline with the cover ripped off...
If you bow at all, bow low.
If you break both legs, don't come running back to me!
If you break the LaserComm you better have good lungs.
If you break your leg, don't come running to me.
If you breathe into a breathalizer what do you do with an analyzer?
If you breathe into a breathalyzer, what do you do with an analyzer?
If you breathe into a breathilyzer, what do you do with an analyzer?
If you breed Tribbles for a living - YMBAT
If you build it, she will come.
If you build no castles in the air, you build no castles anywhere.
If you burn brownies, do they turn white?
If you burped and expelled gas at the same time. Vapor lock?
If you butter a Cat's back, which side does it land on?
If you butter a cat's back, what side would it land on?
If you butter a cat's back, which side will it land on?
If you butter a cat's back, would it still land on its feet?
If you buttered a cat's back, what side would it land on?
If you buttered the cat's back wh    Conf: (23) TAGLINES
If you buttered the cat's back wh Conf: (23) TAGLINES
If you buttered the cat's back what side would he land on
If you byte me I'll byte you back!!!!!
If you byte, I'll byte you back!
If you call Jennie Dumb = a Negative comment about your personality
If you call a condemned house "Decommissioned" - YMBAT
If you call me insane again, I'll eat your *other* eye!
If you call your boss "Dude"...you might be a redneck.
If you call your boss "The Great Bird of the Galaxy" - YMBAT
If you call your diary "The Captain's Log" - YMBAT
If you call your general practicioner "Bones" - YMBAT
If you call your living room "The Bridge" - YMBAT
If you call your new Pontiac the "USS Picard" - YMBAT
If you call your spouse "Number One" - YMBAT
If you called your mother more often, of course you'd know that
If you can afford the Courier, don't settle for anything less.
If you can bang it, it ain't dead! --Kirk's Rule.
If you can count your money, then you don't have enough
If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dol
If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars. - Getty
If you can find a village without an idiot, you've got a job.
If you can get your dog to heel, why not call 'em DOC ?
If you can have sex without spilling your beer.. you might be a redneck
If you can help, I'm your slave. - Klinger
If you can kill a snake with it, it ain't art.
If you can lead it to water and force it to drink, it isn't a horse.
If you can make the programme run properly, it's obsolete.
If you can not convince them, confuse them.
If you can not imagine it, you'll never do it.
If you can not understand it, it is intuitively obvious.
If you can open it with three fingers, you shouldn't call it a safe.
If you can perform the Picard Manuever in a minivan - YMBAT
If you can please some of the people some of the time yer doing good!
If you can read this - I predict you must have a computer.
If you can read this - you must have a computer.
If you can read this tagline, it is already too late.
If you can read this tagline, it is already too late....
If you can read this tagline, you're 2 close!
If you can read this taglines so5're 2 close!
If you can read this then you are too CLOSE!
If you can read this you are too close.
If you can read this you have a modem
If you can read this you have a modem.
If you can read this you must have a computer.
If you can read this you're standing to close.
If you can read this, BACK OFF!
If you can read this, I'm still not in your Twit List!
If you can read this, I'm still not in your Twit List.
If you can read this, my cloaking device is on the blink.
If you can read this, my cloaking device is on the fritz again.
If you can read this, my cloaking device is on the fritz.
If you can read this, my cloaking device is playing up
If you can read this, send me food!. Lost in New Jersey.
If you can read this, thank a SysOp.
If you can read this, thank a computer technoweenie.
If you can read this, the BIG rock hasn't hit yet.
If you can read this, then my twit filter is on the blink.
If you can read this, you are in Phaser Range!
If you can read this, you are irrelevant -- The Borg
If you can read this, you are too close.
If you can read this, you don't need glasses.
If you can read this, you must have a computer.
If you can read this, you're in phaser range.
If you can read this, you're in range
If you can read this, you're irrelevant. - Borg
If you can read this, you're irrelevant. -- Borg Bumpersticker
If you can read this, you're irrelevant. --Borg.
If you can read this, you're too close.
If you can read this...me thinks you're a wee bit too close!
If you can remember the '60s, then you weren't there.
If you can remember the 60's you weren't there.
If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
If you can smile when things go wrong, you've someone in mind to blame.
If you can still hear the music, it's not loud enough!
If you can survive YK winters, the rest is easy.
If you can survive death, you can probably survive anything.
If you can take your bra off while driving.. you might be a redneck.
If you can tickle yourself, you can laugh whenever you wish.
If you can touch it and you can see it, it's real.
If you can wave a fan, and you can wave a club, can you wave a fan club?
If you can't :-) and say yes
If you can't Handel it, go into Haydn.
If you can't afford a Mac, buy OS/2!
If you can't annoy somebody, there is little point in posting.
If you can't be a vegetarian, eat a vegetarian.
If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter!
If you can't be correct be politically correct.
If you can't be famous, try infamous!
If you can't be famous, try infamous.
If you can't be good, be careful
If you can't be good, be careful, if not don't get caught.
If you can't be good, be careful.
If you can't be good, be careful. If you can't be careful, give me a call.
If you can't be good, be good at it!
If you can't be good, belittle.
If you can't be offensive - WHY BOTHER?
If you can't be offensive WHY BOTHER?
If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.
If you can't be right, at least be careful
If you can't be right, be wrong as loud as you can, Art.
If you can't be right, be wrong as loud as you can.
If you can't be the poet, be the poem.
If you can't be weird, why be?
If you can't be with the one you love, kill the one they're with.
If you can't beat 'em, Bobbitt.
If you can't beat 'em, get the hell out of there!
If you can't beat 'em, it's OK.  Mummy still wuvs her wittle snookums.
If you can't beat `em, mod `em.
If you can't beat `em, nuke `em!
If you can't beat em', mod em'.
If you can't beat em, nuke em!.
If you can't beat the message, beat the messenger.
If you can't beat them, or join them - get away from them
If you can't beat them, outlaw them..
If you can't beat them, run away.
If you can't beat your computer at chess, try boxing
If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing!
If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing.
If you can't bite, don't show your teeth.
If you can't bite, don't try to show your teeth.
If you can't change your mind, are you sure you still have one?
If you can't confuse them with facts then use graphics!
If you can't control yourself....how can you expect to control others?
If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em
If you can't convince them, confuse them!
If you can't convince them, confuse them. - Harry S. Truman
If you can't convince them, flame them!
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit.
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle em with bullsh*t.
If you can't dazzle `em with Brilliance, then baffle `em with Liberali
If you can't dazzle `em with Brilliance, then baffle with Liberalism.
If you can't dazzle em with style, riddle em with bullets
If you can't dazzle em with style, riddle em with bullets.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bulls**t.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, riddle them with bullets..
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, then befuddle them with BS!
If you can't dazzle with dexterity, feed them a crock.
If you can't dazzle'em with brilliance...Baffle'em with b.s.!
If you can't debug it, deplug it.
If you can't do it well, enjoy doing it badly.
If you can't do, teach.  If you can't teach, teach phys-ed.
If you can't document it, it isn't true.
If you can't dress weird, why dress at all?
If you can't elucidate - obfuscate!
If you can't elucidate, obfuscate
If you can't enjoy yourself, enjoy somebody else.
If you can't enjoy yourself, enjoy someone else...
If you can't explain it in under 70 characters, then don't bother expl
If you can't feed em', don't breed em'!!!
If you can't find a woman, try a mam.-JR&LG
If you can't find it anywhere else, It ain't here either !!
If you can't find it, read the Book!
If you can't find it, try /dev/null.
If you can't find your glasses, it's probably because you don't have them on.
If you can't fix it call it a feature
If you can't fix it call it a feature.
If you can't fix it, make it a feature.
If you can't flirt with a Moderator, think of the Co-Moderators.
If you can't flirt with the Moderator remember the Co-Moderator
If you can't flirt with the Moderator, don't forget the Co-Mod!
If you can't flirt with the Moderator, remember the Co-Mod!!
If you can't flirt with the SysOp, remember Rasta !!
If you can't flirt with the SysOp, remember the Co-SysOp.
If you can't get a 5-1/4" floppy in a 3.5" drive...use The Force.
If you can't get a compliment any other way, pay yourself one.
If you can't get a job, get a senate appointment!
If you can't get a job, get a senate appointment!!!
If you can't give up sex, get married and taper off.
If you can't go first class, charge it.
If you can't hack it, then pick up your marbles and go home.
If you can't hack it, use a food processor.
If you can't have fun with 389ft.lbs of torque, you can't have fun.
If you can't have your cake and eat it too, then what good is it?
If you can't hear me it's because I'm in parentheses.
If you can't hear me it's because I'm in parentheses. - S.W.
If you can't hear me, it's because I'm in parentheses.
If you can't help, at least don't hurt others HH Dalai Lama
If you can't join it, cut it!
If you can't keep it up, move over!
If you can't keep up, give up !
If you can't keep up, take notes!
If you can't laugh at The Bruins, I WILL!
If you can't laugh at yourself ... I'll do it for you.
If you can't laugh at yourself then I'll laugh at you.
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll do it for you.
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll laugh at you
If you can't laugh at yourself, don't make fun of others!
If you can't laugh at yourself, everyone else will do it for you.
If you can't laugh at yourself, laugh at other people.
If you can't laugh at yourself, make fun of other people.
If you can't laugh at yourself, try laughing at others.
If you can't laugh at yourself, you're missing the joke.
If you can't laugh, it ain't worth talking about it.  :)
If you can't learn to do it well, enjoy doing it badly.
If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly.
If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly...
If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.
If you can't lick 'em---bite 'em!
If you can't live with the answer, don't ask the question.
If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead?
If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything.
If you can't make both ends meat, make one end vegetable.
If you can't make both ends meet - make one end potatoes.
If you can't make fun of yourself, make fun of other people.  -SLR
If you can't make fun of yourself, make fun of others.
If you can't make it better, market it better.
If you can't make it big, make it good.
If you can't make it good, big, or fast forget it.
If you can't make it good, make it *look* good. - Bill Gates
If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good Bill Gates
If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good. - Bill Gates
If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good. -Microsoft
If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good." - B Gates
If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good." B. Gates
If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good.- Bill Gates
If you can't make it good, make it LOUD.
If you can't make it good, make it Windows-aware.
If you can't make it good, make it big - like Windows!
If you can't make it good, make it big and FAST!
If you can't make it good, make it big like Windows!
If you can't make it good, make it big, ...like Windows!
If you can't make it good, make it big.
If you can't make it good, make it big.
If you can't make it good, make it big.  Example:  Windows
If you can't make it good, make it big. (Then PKLite it!)
If you can't make it good, make it expensive.
If you can't make it good, make it expensive.
If you can't make it good, make it some other board!
If you can't make it good, throw it out.
If you can't make it right, make it confusing as hell.
If you can't make it work, make a statistic of it.
If you can't make it work, make it a Bat File.
If you can't measure it, I'm not interested.
If you can't plan ahead, plan afoot.
If you can't pronounce it don't eat it, it can't be good for you!
If you can't raise the bridge, lower the river.
If you can't read this, then plug the computer back in.
If you can't read this, then thank the N.E.A.
If you can't read this, try again later with another modem!
If you can't read this, try with a modem!
If you can't read this, you are illiterate.
If you can't read, maybe BBSing is not for you!
If you can't recognize the enemy by now, you're in trouble. - Frank
If you can't remember the ages of all your children.
If you can't remember, the claymore is pointed at you.
If you can't remember, the claymore is pointed towards you.
If you can't remember, then the claymore is pointed at you.
If you can't run with the big dogs, keep your puppy ass on the porch!
If you can't run with the big dogs, sit on the porch
If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!
If you can't say anything nice, you probably don't have many friends.
If you can't say anything nice.....come... sit by me!
If you can't say it in 50 characters, then don't b
If you can't say it in 50 characters, then don't bother.
If you can't say something nice, come sit by me. - Duchess Hywella.
If you can't say something nice, say something surreal.
If you can't say something nice, say something surrealistic.
If you can't say something nice, sit by me!
If you can't say something nice, you're probably at the icecapades.
If you can't see the bottom, jump in, don't dive!
If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side!
If you can't see the bright side, polish the dull side.
If you can't see the fnords, they can't eat you...
If you can't see your breath, it's too warm for playoffs!
If you can't send me home, can I get a transfer to the Navy?-Klinger
If you can't shield your rocket, leave it in your pocket.
If you can't sing good, sing loud. - Forrest Gump
If you can't soar with the eagles, get out of the sky!
If you can't speak softly, just use the stick.
If you can't stand the HEAT get out of my way!
If you can't stand the heat, get a Pool.
If you can't stand the heat, get back to the kitchen.  
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the oven.
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the oven.  -- Forrest Gump
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the Fire Department!
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
If you can't stand the meat, get out of the grinder.
If you can't stay healthy, find a sickness you like.
If you can't steal, stay out of politics.
If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't be one.
If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't have joined !
If you can't take it with you, how do you pay Cheron The Ferryman?
If you can't talk "flatlander" - you're not hip.
If you can't tell a fib, make it a BIG lie.
If you can't tell fact from opinion, you belong in government.
If you can't think of a Tagline, steal one! (like I do!)
If you can't think of a good tagline, steal one! (Like I do!)
If you can't think of a tagline (like this one) ... steal (like I do).
If you can't think of a tagline, *assimilate* one (like I do!)
If you can't think of a tagline, steal one! (like I do!)
If you can't think of a tagline, steal these! (like I did!)
If you can't tie good knotstie many.
If you can't trust me with a choice, don't trust me with a child!
If you can't understand it, it is intuitively obvious.
If you can't understand it, it must be INTUITIVE
If you can't understand it, it's intuitively obvious.
If you can't understand why all lights aren't voice-activated - YMBAT
If you can't win by reason, go for volume - Calvin
If you can't win fair, just win! - U. S. Grant
If you can't win fair, win foul.
If you can't win with reason go for volume - Calvin
If you can't write 'em, steal 'em
If you can't write `em, Steal `em. Tagline Thieves Local 46.
If you cannot be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.
If you cannot catch a bird of paradise, grab a wet hen.
If you cannot catch your dinner, do not blame the savannah.
If you cannot convince them, confuse them.
If you cannot convince them, confuse them. -- Harry S Truman
If you cannot produce results show furious activity
If you cannot see this, leave me E-Mail.
If you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
If you cant find a good comic shop, move.  Now!
If you cant fix it, sell it as a feature!
If you cant learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly.
If you cant read this, then plug the computer back in.
If you cant stand the heat, get out of the clothes drier!
If you car stereo costs more than your car.. you might be a redneck.
If you cheat a game, what is the point??
If you cheat, you'll eventually punish yourself.
If you choke a Smurf, what color does he turn?
If you choke a Smurf, what colour does it turn?
If you choke a smurf, what color does he turn?
If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?
If you choke a smurf, what colour does he turn?
If you choke a smurf, what colour does it become?
If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice!
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. -- Rush
If you close your eyes, You won't see them dying - Eric Bogle
If you close your eyes, you won't see them dying - Eric Bogle
If you come across any more I'd love to have them. Thanks again!
If you come any closer introduce yourself!
If you come home with me you need nerves of steel.
If you condense steam, are you removing it from its natural state?
If you consult enough experts, you can confirm any opinion.
If you continually give you will continually have.
If you contracted it from a follower of Jim Jones, it's KOOL AIDS
If you cook it....they will come.
If you could be any key you want, which one would it be?
If you could get there from here you wouldn't want to.
If you could see what these eyes have seen
If you could see what your eyes have seen.
If you couldn't sweat, would you explode?
If you cried at 'Gone With the Wind'.
If you cross Country & Western with Rap, do you get CRAP music?
If you cross Lee Iacocca with Vlad Dracula you get an autoexec bat.
If you cross this field, do it in 9 seconds. The bull can cross in 10.
If you cut a fluke in half, be sure to retrieve *both* halves
If you cut here, you'll ruin your monitor.
If you cut open a golf ball, the juice inside will explode.
If you cut open a golfball, the radioactive juice inside will blow up.
If you dance with a grizzly bear, you better let him lead.
If you desire greater wisdom, you can find it inside you.
If you devoted your life to beer, there are groups to help you stop.
If you did it and lived, you probably did it right.
If you did it and lived, you probibly did it right.
If you did it and you lived, you probibly did it right.
If you didn't get caught, did you really do it?
If you didn't know what it was, you wouldn't have called.
If you didn't program it in PASCAL it's WIRTHless.
If you didn't vote, don't bitch.
If you didn't vote, no complaints about who's in or out.
If you didn't want grits, then why'd you order breakfast?
If you didn't want grits, why did you order breakfast?
If you die before I wake...
If you die, I'll kill you!
If you died alone in your house, your cat would eat you.
If you disagree with a liberal, you're a racist homophobe.
If you do a happy dance, I KIIIIIILL you!
If you do a job too well, you will get stuck with it. - Slous
If you do a job too well, you will get stuck with it. -- Slous
If you do drink and drive you might as well smoke too.
If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.
If you do not save the land around you, it will not save you.
If you do not stop that, I will call the attendant. That is forbidden by
If you do not strive with others, you will be free from blame -Lao Tzu
If you do not strive with others, you will be free from blame-Lao Tzu
If you do not understand my silence, then you will not understand my words.
If you do not want anything from anyone, you cannot be exploited.
If you do nothing, how do you know when you're finished?
If you do that again I'll sigh!
If you dog doubles as your dishwasher.. you might be a redneck.
If you don't GOSUB how do you ever get to a subroutine?
If you don't I might become disgruntled - Crow
If you don't agree with me you're wrong!
If you don't agree with me, it means you haven't been listening to me.
If you don't ask, You won't find out!
If you don't ask, they can't laugh at you.
If you don't beat your meat, you can't have any pudding
If you don't beat your meat, you can't have any pudding.
If you don't believe hell freezes over, you haven't done Windows.
If you don't believe in UFO's, you haven't seen my wife throw things.
If you don't believe in abortions, don't have one.
If you don't believe in abortions, don't perform one.
If you don't care where you are, then you ain't lost.
If you don't care where you are, then you aren't lost.
If you don't care where you are, then you can't get lost.
If you don't care where you are, you ain't lost!
If you don't care where you are, you aren't lost.
If you don't care where you're at, you ain't lost!
If you don't change direction, you'll end up where you're heading.
If you don't change your direction, you may end up where you were headed.
If you don't climb the mountain, you can't see the view!
If you don't control the environment, it controls you.
If you don't cook you get a raw deal every meal!
If you don't die from it, it's healthy.
If you don't disagree with me, how will I know I'm right?
If you don't do anything, how do you know when your done?
If you don't do it, she'll go with another lover,
If you don't drink, eat fatty foods or smoke, you'll die anyway.
If you don't drink, smoke, or drive a car, you're a tax evader.
If you don't drink, you can't get drunk.
If you don't eat garlic, they'll never smell it on you.
If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding!
If you don't enjoy what you have, how can you be happy with more?
If you don't ever give your heart wings, you never fly!
If you don't fall down, you're not trying!
If you don't get caught did you really do it.
If you don't get caught did you really do it?
If you don't get it first, you don't get it at all.
If you don't get it first,you don't get it all
If you don't get out of my dream, I'll wake up.
If you don't get this message, let me know right away!
If you don't give cats milk, they turn back into dragons.
If you don't go to other men's funerals they won't go to yours.
If you don't go to other men's funerals they won't go to yours. -- Clarence Day
If you don't go to other people's funerals, they won't come to yours.
If you don't go to other people's funerals, they won't go to yours.
If you don't have a memory like an elephant, leave tracks like one.
If you don't have a nasty obituary you probably didn't matter. -- Freeman Dyson
If you don't have a sense of humor, you don't have any sense at all.
If you don't have anything nice to say, sit by me.
If you don't have monitor hooked up ... Press any key.
If you don't hear a good rumor by 9am, make one up.
If you don't heard a good rumor by 9am, make one up.
If you don't know how to do it - get outta my house!
If you don't know the answer Make one up!
If you don't know the answer....make one up!
If you don't know their addresses, netmail them and they'll tell you.
If you don't know what Banum said, I'll tell you for only $10.
If you don't know what Barnum said, I'll tell you for only $10.
If you don't know what it *is*, how do you know what it *isn't*?
If you don't know what it does, don't fool with it!
If you don't know what you're doing, do it neatly.
If you don't know what you're talking about, at least read up on it.
If you don't know where you're going,you will probably endup elsewhere
If you don't know who Asimov is, I can't help you with your android.
If you don't know your past, you won't know your future.
If you don't know your rights, you don't have ANY!
If you don't know, it doesn't hurt to ask!
If you don't leave me alone, I'll kill you myself!  -Edmund
If you don't like Norton Utilities, then you're anti-Symantec!
If you don't like Windows, you need a better computer.
If you don't like getting old, consider the alternative.
If you don't like homosexuals, don't sleep with them.
If you don't like my attitude call 1-800-WHO-CARES.
If you don't like my attitude, stop talking to me.
If you don't like my driving, dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT
If you don't like my driving, get out of the Bermuda /\ -UFO sticker
If you don't like my driving, stay off the footpath!
If you don't like my friends, then just eat the salad.
If you don't like my opinion of you - improve yourself!
If you don't like my opinion of you then improve yourself!
If you don't like my peaches, why do you shake my limbs?
If you don't like oral sex, don't open your mouth!
If you don't like the Graffiti here, don't order Italian!
If you don't like the news - go make some of your own.
If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your
If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own.
If you don't like the police, next time, call a rioter.
If you don't like the way I drive get off the sidewalk.
If you don't like the way I drive talk to my champion
If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk!
If you don't like the way I drive, talk to my champion.
If you don't like the way I drive..  Get off the footpath!
If you don't like the way I drive.. Get off the footpath!
If you don't like the way I drive..Get off the side walk!
If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes.
If you don't like the weather wait ten mins.
If you don't like the weather wait ten minutes.
If you don't like what I say, don't read your tag
If you don't like yourself, how can you love others?
If you don't like yourself, you can't like other people.
If you don't like yourself, you can't like other people.  - Heinlein
If you don't like yourself, you can't like other people.  L. Long
If you don't like yourself, you can't like other people. -- RAH
If you don't like yourself, you can't like other people. -Lazarus Long
If you don't listen to him, you'll all wind up in Heck. - Mulcahy
If you don't listen to my preachin' boy...
If you don't look down, you might miss me! - (*) Sprout (*)
If you don't look good, we dress funny - Crow as Sassoon
If you don't love your kitty, it will haunt you in another life.
If you don't make waves, you're not underway yet.
If you don't mind me mixing my metaphors - Dr. F
If you don't mind your business you either have no mind or no business
If you don't need a clean shirt to go to work.. you might be a redneck.
If you don't need this lot I'll lock them up in the dressing room.
If you don't pay the exorcist are you REPOSSESSED?
If you don't pay your exorcist do you get repossessed?
If you don't play sports, you don't get to make beer commercials.
If you don't read books, you are no better off than someone who can't.
If you don't read books, you are no better off then someone who can't.
If you don't read these, Cthulhu can't keep you awake all night!
If you don't see your need, then ask......
If you don't smoke after sex, you're not doing it right!
If you don't stand for anything, you'll fall for anything.
If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything!
If you don't start a fight, you can't lose it
If you don't start, it's certain you won't arrive.
If you don't strike oil in 10 minutes, quit boring!
If you don't succeed deny you even tried.
If you don't succeed you will never be spoiled by success.
If you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence.
If you don't take your lawyer's advice do you still have to pay him?
If you don't think too good, don't think too much. Ted Williams.
If you don't think women are EXPENSIVE, marry one.
If you don't think women are EXPENSIVE, marry one. 
If you don't think women are explosice, Drop one!!
If you don't think women are explosive - drop one
If you don't think women are explosive - try dropping one!
If you don't think women are explosive -- drop one!
If you don't think women are explosive, drop one!
If you don't think women are explosive, drop one. ... If you smoke
If you don't think women are explosive, just drop one!
If you don't think women are explosive, try dropping one!
If you don't think women explode......just drop one !!
If you don't understand my silence you won't understand my words.
If you don't use Blue Wave, you're not using a *REAL* offline message
If you don't vote for me I'll kill you all.
If you don't vote, don't complain.
If you don't vote, don't complain...
If you don't want grits, why did you order breakfast?
If you don't want it repeated don't do it before a Bard.
If you don't want it to - it CAN happen.
If you don't want something to happen - never mind.
If you don't want the Stork to come, Shoot in the air.
If you don't want your tagline stolen, lock it up!
If you don't, I'll put a bullet through your head.
If you don'think women are explosive, ... drop one!
If you dont believe me, just ask me and I'll tell you...
If you dont have anything funny to say, dont say anything
If you doublespeak while in half duplex, everything comes out okay.
If you dream about Bluewave and you didn't REGISTER, watch out !!
If you drink and drive, minimize exposure--drive fast!
If you drink and drive, you might as well smoke also.
If you drink don't drive do the watermelon crawl.
If you drink don't drive.  Don't even putt.
If you drink like a fish, drink what a fish drinks.
If you drink like a fish...swim, don't drive.
If you drink while preserving Zucchini, are you a pickled pickler?
If you drink your coffee strong and black, you'll never be latte!
If you drink, don't drive.  Don't even putt.
If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.
If you drink, don't park, accidents cause people.
If you drink, don't park....accidents can cause people.
If you drink, don't park...accidents can cause people.
If you drink, dont park, accidents cause people
If you drink, dont park, accidents cause people.
If you drink, watch for liquor mortis.
If you drop carrier in a forest - does it make a noise?
If you drop the soap, is it dirty?
If you eat an infected chocolate bar, you could contract MILKY AIDS
If you eat yogurt, you'll have a lot of culture.
If you eat yogurt, you'll have lots of culture.
If you enjoy becoming hated, become a moderator.
If you enjoy being hated, become a Moderator.
If you enjoy the ride, it doesn't matter if it's a camel or a donkey.
If you enjoy working with people be a mortician
If you enjoy working with people be a mortician.
If you enjoyed today, you'll LOVE the sequel.  It's called:  TOMORROW!
If you ever become a parent..can I have one of your puppies?
If you ever go across the sea to Ireland, you will get your feet wet!!
If you ever have a world, plan ahead, don't eat it!!
If you ever have an idea, try to go with it.
If you ever need a friend, buy a dog.
If you ever need a sentence completed... - Mike
If you ever run across an adult in my town, let me know!
If you ever see a VERY large bird footprint, BEWARE!
If you ever tax your brain, don't charge more than a penny.
If you ever want to speak again, shut up. --Death.
If you ever wanted *mindful* drivel, this is it.
If you expect nothing, you won't be disappointed.
If you explain so clearly that nobody can misunderstand, somebody will.
If you explain so that nobody misunderstands, some will.
If you explore a small dark alley you eventually cum in the backway.
If you fart in church, you're sitting in your own pew.
If you fatten up everyone around you, then you look thinner.
If you fear God, you have no one else to fear - Cromwell
If you fear being lonely don't try to be right.
If you feel abusive go buy some rap music...
If you fell into a barrel of tits you'd come up sucking your thumb.
If you fiddle with something long enough, it will break.
If you fiddle with something long enough, it will break...
If you find a skeleton in your closet, make it dance.
If you find any marbles, send them to me. Lost them a while ago.
If you find it, it is always in the last place you look.
If you find the going easy, could you be going downhill?
If you find wisdom, you find a future. -Pv. 24:14
If you find you are an inspiration to others, you have mastered life.
If you first don't succeed, stack it and stack it again.
If you first don't succeed, then hide all evidence that you tried...
If you first don't succeed... You're a LOSER!
If you focus only on the thorns you will miss the beauty of the rose.
If you follow, and quote, the Rules of Acquisition in business - YMBAT
If you fool around with a thing for very long you will screw it up.
If you fool around with something long enough, you WILL screw it up!
If you freeze water, are you removing it from its natural state?
If you gave up sex, our children wouldn't have to deal with yours!
If you generalize then you're telling lies.
If you get a divorce in Arkansas, are you still cousins?
If you get a divorce in Kansas are you still cousins????
If you get some time I'd love to hear from you!
If you get straight A's at school I'll buy you a machine gun.
If you get them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
If you get to the end, who cares about the means?
If you get too close to people, you catch their dreams.
If you get up one time more than you fall you will make it through.
If you give Picard a comb, he'll never part with it.
If you give him a penny for his thoughts, you get change back.
If you give your dad money for gas, you'll never get paid back.
If you give your dog a bath, you get one yourself.
If you go around assimlating people - YMBAT
If you go into heat, package your meat.
If you go me on the Nerven, I will put you in a Gully,
If you go swimming in melted dry ice, do you get dry?
If you go to Z'Ha'Dum, you will die. --Kosh.
If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die...
If you go to Za'ha'doon, you will die. - Kosh
If you go to bed with Dax, does that count as a threesome?
If you go to family reunions to pick up girls you might be a redneck!
If you go to family reunions to pick up girls... you might be a rednek
If you go to family reunions to pick up girlsyou might be a redneck!
If you go to war against Thor, victory is doubtful ...
If you go, you go; if you stay, you change. -S. King
If you gonna die anyway, why worried about smoke???
If you got love, you can move a mountain.
If you got my prior message, you'll know by now what happened.
If you got this far, you're hopelessly lost...
If you got to pee don't talk about it, just do it.
If you got to pee, just do it. Might not be time later. Forrest Gump.
If you graduated from the William Shatner School of Acting - YMBAT
If you guys get killed, I'll never hear the end of it. - Col. Blake
If you had a choice, would you pick a fast girl or modem?
If you had a million Shakespeares, could they write like a monkey?
If you had a wooden leg you'd be shit on a stick!
If you had an off switch, would you tell anyone?  - Data
If you had any brains, you'd be dangerous.
If you had any brains, you'd be scared. - Col. Potter
If you had everything, where would you keep it?
If you had one less chromosome, you'd be a Simpson!
If you had sent me a message first this would be a reply!
If you had to look at Lee Iacocca and eat raw fish, you'd barf too
If you had to take the wheels off your new home you might be a redneck
If you had to take the wheels off your new home, you are Redneck.
If you had to take the wheels off your new home, you might be a redneck
If you had two people come in for a job and one of them was dead.
If you hadn't nailed him to the perch, he'd be pushin' up the daisies!
If you hadn't nailed it to the perch, it'd be pushin' up the daisies!
If you hadn't read this Tagline you could have saved 4 seconds.
If you hail a taxi, your bus arrives just as you get in.
If you happen to receive money monthly, be thankful!
If you have ENOUGH friends, become a Moderator.
If you have a Ph.D in Klingonaase - YMBAT
If you have a Ship's Commissioning Plaque on your wall - YMBAT
If you have a dog, write it's name on it's forehead!!
If you have a mechanic named "LaForge" - YMBAT
If you have a positronic brain - YMBAT
If you have a problem with homosexuals, don't have sex with any.
If you have a problem with homosexuals, don't have sex with one
If you have a procedure with 10 parameters, you probably missed some.
If you have a red ensign shirt in your warerobe - YMBAT
If you have all the answers, some of them must be wrong.
If you have all the answers, you're not up to date on the question.
If you have all the time in the world... You're already dead!
If you have an 8-track player in your 4x4.. you might be a redneck.
If you have an opinion I'll FLAME it.
If you have an opinion we'll FLAME it.
If you have any dimple then we can't possibly be related!
If you have around 160 years of free time, try counting to a billion!
If you have buns of steel do they rust?
If you have buns of steel? Do they rust?
If you have enough push you won't need any pull.
If you have everything, the storage space comes with it.
If you have gold-colored contacts - YMBAT
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it. - Fuller
If you have no Grey Poupon, can I have that Bird Poupon on your car?
If you have no bad people you don't need good lawyers.
If you have no dimple, then we can't possibly be related!
If you have not hugged someone today, you are in mortal danger.
If you have nothing nice to say, shut the heck up!
If you have nothing to do, don't DO IT here.
If you have nothing to do, don't do it here.
If you have nothing to do, please don't do it here!
If you have nothing to say, please only say it once!
If you have nothing to say, please only say it once!
If you have sex with Dax, does that count as a threesome?
If you have some specifics, I'd be glad to spread them around.
If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.  JC 3.2.168
If you have ten fingers you can check the math of your Amiga.
If you have the right key, you can sing in any flat.
If you have the same kinds of problems I have, seek help immediately!
If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it.
If you have to ask the question, you won't understand the answer.
If you have to ask what Jazz is, you'll never know.
If you have to ask what it costs, you can't afford it.
If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know.
If you have to choose between 2 evils, a redhead will be more fun!!
If you have to eat crow, do it while it's still fresh.
If you have to hate, hate gently.
If you have to raise your voice, you've already lost the argument.
If you have to sneeze, do it during the lunchbreak.
If you have to travel on a Titanic, why not go first class?
If you have to turn it down, the DJ must be talking.
If you have too many friends, become a moderator.
If you have true friends you can get through anything.
If you haven't already posted it, could I see:
If you hear an Onion ring Please.... answer it!
If you hear an onion ring please answer it.
If you hear an onion ring, answer it.
If you hear an onion ring, please answer it!
If you hear it only once, why do they call it an echo?
If you heated Odo up in a pot, would he be boiling mad?
If you helped Jack on the horse, would you help Jack off the horse?
If you hit a man in the jocular vein it can be fatal.
If you hit every time, the target's too near.
If you hold a hard drive to your ear, you can hear the C:
If you hold your computer up to your ear, can you hear the C:
If you hurl, and blow chunks; she runs. It was never ment
If you insist on making noise, at least be quiet about it. - BJ
If you jog backward, will you gain weight?
If you jog backwards, will you gain weight?
If you just close your eyes you can feel the enemy --U2
If you keep a pellet gun by the front door.. you might be a redneck.
If you keep an open mind people will throw a lot of garbage in it.
If you keep anything long enough, you can throw it away.
If you keep doing that, you'll get too big for your 'britches'- TEC
If you keep doing that, you'll get too big for your 'britches'...
If you keep picking that nit, it's NEVER going to heal!
If you keep sucking your thumb, it'll fall off.
If you keep the class pet hamster it's bound to get away.
If you keep your thermostat on 85 in the winter.. you might be a redneck
If you kept beating him at anything you had to be cheating.
If you kids ever need another hostage - Mike
If you kill the first kid, the others will behave.
If you killed the baby Adolf Hitler, would you be evil?
If you kiss and make up, fight with the opposite sex.
If you knew 9 more things, you'd be an idiot.
If you knew it, when did you know you knew?
If you knew my infinite charm, there'd be no reason to be alarmed.
If you knew what *I* know, you'd be a worried as *I* am!
If you knew what _I_ know, you'd be as worried as _I_ am!
If you knew what you were doing, you'd be bored.
If you knew what you're talking about, you'd be dangerous
If you know SHEZ then you know power!!
If you know a good joke, you'll love this one.
If you know a good joke, you'll love this one......
If you know how fast you're driving, you must be lost.
If you know how to organize things, you will know how to enjoy them.
If you know it's off topicDON'T POST IT!
If you know me so well then tell me which hand I use.
If you know the atomic formula for dilithium - YMBAT
If you know the beginning well, the end will not trouble you.
If you know the spelling of a word, you will err anyway.
If you know which one is the real quote, I would like to know.
If you know, you're a genius. If you answer, you're awesome.
If you laugh during sex, take a mirth control pill.
If you learn from mistakes, you will learn a lot today.
If you learn how NOT to do it, you learn HOW to do it.
If you leave 2 bills together, they breed!
If you leave the room, you're elected.
If you lie to the computer, it will get you in the end.
If you lie, you'll cheat. And if you cheat, you'll steal.
If you like Congress, you'll *love* Bill Clinton!
If you like Line Noise, you'll love Doom!
If you like fast foods, forget the escargot.
If you like sex and travel, take a ***CENSORED***
If you like this one, wait for the next one.
If you like this one, wait until you hear my next story.
If you like this tagline, send me $15
If you like trivia, stick around, 'cause I'll have more later.
If you like war, you've never been in a firefight!
If you like what I say, I said it.  If you don't, I didn't say it. :-)
If you liked the tape, Opus, squeal like a PLEASURE PIGGY! - Ron-Ann
If you listen to fools the mob rules.
If you live in Tampa.... You're a Tampon!
If you live life afraid, you live life dead.
If you live long enough, it WILL kill you.
If you live long enough, it WILL kill you...
If you live with us you have to eat like us. - Timone
If you lock your steering wheel with a broom handle URA Redneck.
If you look at Dax in the nude, will you see spots before your eyes?
If you look at it, it's a barn. If you smell it, it's a stable.- Groucho
If you look bad naked, wait till you see yourself in long underwear.
If you look closely at Gorbachev's head, you'll see our number.
If you look for love in all the wrong places, you'll have a great time.
If you look like your passport photo, don't go.
If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.
If you loose a business opportunity your competitor will find it.
If you lose your memory - just forget about it.
If you lose your memory just forget about it
If you love Minnesota, raise your right ski.
If you love New York, take I-95 north.
If you love crime .... Support Gun Control, NOW!
If you love it so much why don't you marry it?
If you love life, it will love you back.
If you love peace, then hate injustice, tyranny and greed
If you love someone, Maggie for instance, cover her in whipped cream.
If you love someone, cover them in hot fudge and whipped cream.
If you love someone, cover them in whipped cream.
If you love someone, let him go.  If he comes back, tie him back up.
If you love someone, lick her 'til she creams.
If you love someone, lick her 'til she screams.
If you love someone, lick her till she screams.
If you love something set it free, if it doesn't come bac
If you love something, kill it.  If it returns, you belong to it forever.
If you love something, kill it. If it returns, you belong to it forever.
If you love the Constitution, be ready to defend it!
If you love your llama, let it lambada.
If you love your pets more than your family.. you might be a redneck.
If you loved me, you would steal me!  :)
If you loved me, you'd swallow.
If you lower your standards you deserve everything you get!
If you mail that letter, you're a bigger fool than I thought. - Ren Hoek
If you make a mistake, fix it to the best of your ability
If you make it real tough for the enemy to get in, you won't get out.
If you make it to 2020, think how much better you'll see!
If you mean QBasic that comes with DOS, no you can't .....
If you meet God one day and he sneezes, what do you say?
If you meet Ken Thompson on the road, kill him
If you meet Ken Thompson on the road, kill him.
If you melt dry ice, can you swim without getting wet?
If you melt ice, are you removing it from its natural state?
If you mess with a thing long enough, it'll break.
If you mess with anything enough it will surely break.
If you mess with something long enough it'll break.
If you misread entrails, is that a 'READ ERROR IN FAT'?
If you miss the 5 pin, you get no sex for a month.
If you miss this, you better be dead! Or in jail! - Commercial
If you missed Love, you missed the purpose of life.
If you mix Country/Western and Rap, do you get Crap music?
If you move the TV any closer to the bed I'll be sleeping with Jay Leno!
If you mowed your lawn and found a car... you might be a redneck!
If you must ask the price, generally you can't afford it.
If you must drink and drive, drink Pepsi!
If you must go down, go down if flames
If you must go down, go down if flames.
If you must have a nice day, please do it somewhere else.
If you must jest, don't drink - Joel on jesters' antics
If you must smoke, BURN!
If you must worry ... worry B I G !!!
If you nail 'em hard there's enough time for a getaway.  Nermal
If you need a calculator, its too complex.
If you need a shoulder to cry on - get a friend.
If you need me I'll be in Holodeck 4 - Riker
If you need me I'll be lancing a boil. - Col. Potter
If you need me, I'll be in Ten-Forward
If you need me, I'll be in my bunker...
If you need n items of anything, you will have n - 1 in stock.
If you need to pour your heart out...
If you never do nothing, then how do you know when you're finished?
If you never have a go, you'll never ever know.
If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. - K. Hepburn
If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
If you only knew the power of the Dark Side - The Montreal Canadiens.
If you only knew the power of the Dark Side - The New York Rangers.
If you only knew the power of the Dark Side...
If you only know WHY, then you are a scientist.
If you open your mind for me, you won't rely on open eyes to see..
If you order extra cheese on a pizza do you really get it?
If you outlaw marriage, only outlaws will have inlaws!
If you own a computer you can afford to register shareware.
If you own three tv's and only two books.
If you pass the Rabid Child, say 'hammer down' for me.
If you pay peanuts, do you get monkeys?
If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
If you perform sensor sweeps with your satelite dish - YMBAT
If you plan to get wet you should wear rubbers.
If you plant bird seed, what do you get?
If you plant ice you'll harvest wind
If you play Satanic music backwards, do you get hymns?
If you play Satanist music backwards, do you get hymns?
If you play poker with dead scientists - YMBAT
If you play with anything long enough it will break.
If you pour a beer right you'll always get good head.
If you pour a beer right, you always get good head!
If you pour a beer, you'll usually get good head.
If you pray for the ACLU, will they sue you over it?
If you pretend *not* to exaggerate, I'll pretend to believe you!!
If you prick me do I not leak.  - Data
If you prick me, do I not ... leak?
If you prick me, do I not get turned on?
If you prick me, do I not leak?  Not for water beds!
If you prick me, do I not...  Leak? -- Data
If you prick me, do I not... leak?
If you pull the wings off a fly, does it become a walk?
If you pull the wings off a fly, is it a walk?
If you push it hard enough, it *will* fall over. -Fudd's First Law of Opposition
If you push something hard enough, it _will_ fall over.
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over
If you push something hard enough...
If you put a frog in a girl's desk you're going to hear screaming.
If you put a little pyramid on top, does that make something postmodern?
If you put chalk in the blackboard eraser it drives the teacher crazy!
If you put pasta shells to your ear, can you hear the soup?
If you put peas in your mashed potatoes they don't taste so bad.
If you put your brother's hand in warm water he WILL wet the bed.
If you put your heart in it, it won't let you down.
If you quit cold turkey, do you eat hot chicken?
If you rather MKDIR than love, it's time to quit.
If you read a book it can take you to places you haven't been before.
If you read this tagline after 30 days, you must register it.
If you read this tagline right to the very end you will most certainly die.
If you really love'er, wear a cover.
If you really need an officer in a hurry, take a nap.
If you really really want me to stay, you got to lead the way.
If you really want to get better at golf, take it up at a younger age.
If you really want to know, you won't ask me.
If you really want to know, you won't ask me.
If you redo a .BAT file, is it a son of a batch?
If you redo a batch file, does it become a son of a batch
If you redo a batch file, is it a son of a batch?
If you refer to your private office as "The Ready Room" - YMBAT
If you refuse you die, she dies, everybody dies.
If you refuse, this person will die. -- T'Jon
If you remember the 60s, you didn't do drugs.
If you reply, please use the quote feature. Thanks.
If you require someone to change you require them to lie.
If you rescue her the reward would be...WHAT?...
If you resent it don't do it; if you do it, don't resent it.
If you respect an AIRPLANE it will be good to you.
If you rip the wings off of a fly, does it become a walk?
If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can bet on Paul's vote!
If you run out of underwear, you are running too fast.
If you run out of underwear, you're streaking!
If you rush, you'll pass more than you catch up with.
If you said what you thought, you'd be speechless.
If you save the world too often, it begins to expect it.
If you save the world too often, it starts to expect it.
If you saw a Blue Wave, would you wave back?
If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?
If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back? - s.w.
If you say "Deck 6" to elevators and wonder why nothing happens - YMBAT
If you say "On Screen" to turn your TV on - YMBAT
If you say "Report" to your kids when they get home - YMBAT
If you say "Tea.  Earl Gray.  Hot!" to your microwave oven - YMBAT
If you say 'no', it'll destroy me and make me a criminal. - Homer
If you say NO again, I'm afraid I'll have to shoot you.
If you say nothing no one can make you repeat it
If you scrape off the black stuff there's toast underneath. - Radar
If you scream "Herbert!" at people you don't like - YMBAT
If you search for the unknown, expect to be surprised.
If you see God, tell Him I'm looking for Him.
If you see Voyager twice, is that Deja V'ger?
If you see a guy beat'n his dog, whip his ass.  -- Forrest Gump
If you see a hoodwink, should you wink back?
If you see a line go stand in it; probably can't hurt nothin'.
If you see a snake, just kill it. Don't appoint a committee on snakes.
If you see an onion ring - answer it!
If you see an onion ring -- answer it!
If you see an onion ring ... answer it!
If you see an onion ring, ANSWER IT!
If you see any marbles, send them to me.  They're mine!
If you see any misspelled words it HAS to be line noise.
If you see me getting beat up by the cops, drop the camera and help!
If you see nothing but darkness, check where your head is...
If you see someone without a smile, give em yours.
If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you.
If you seek hay, why owe you?
If you send a fool to school, you get an educated fool.
If you send someone a Styrofoam gift, what do you pack it in?
If you serve Romulan Ale at family dinners - YMBAT
If you set out to take Vienna, then take Vienna. - Napoleon
If you set out to take Vienna, then take Vienna. -- Napoleon
If you settle for what your given, you deserve what you get.
If you shake a Brown Tree....RUNNNNNNN!
If you share your beer with the dog, you might be a Redneck.
If you shoot a mime, do you use a silencer?
If you shoot a mime, should you use a silencer?
If you shoot at mimes, should you use a silencer? - SW
If you shoot someone in the upper leg, are you a blast-femur?
If you shoot the moderator, you inherit the job!
If you should go skating on the thin ice of modern life
If you show up with a button of Dire Wolf's face, you get in free!
If you shower with your clothes off it shows your nuts!
If you sing, I'll become a personal envoy of Satan - Tom
If you sit around thinking up new YMBAT taglines - YMBAT
If you sit down at a poker game and don't see a sucker get up. You're the sucker
If you skate on thin ice, skate _fast_!
If you sling mud,  you will have dirty hands.
If you slip between her thighs, be sure to condomize
If you slip between the thighs, be sure to condomise.
If you smoke after sex @TFName, use a lubricant next time!
If you smoke after sex Orville, use a lubricant next time!
If you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast!
If you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast.
If you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast.
If you smoke after sex your doing it too fast!
If you smoke after sex, then you're doing it too fast.
If you smoke after sex, try a lubricant next time.
If you smoke after sex, try a lubricant.
If you smoke after sex, use a lubricant!
If you smoke after sex, you need lubricant.
If you smoke after sex, you're doing it much too fast.
If you smoke after sex, you're doing it too fast
If you smoke after sex, you're doing it too fast!
If you smoke after sex, you're doing it too fast.
If you smoke after sex, you're doing it too fast...
If you smoke after sex, you're going too fast!
If you smoke after sex, you're going way too fast.
If you smoke after sex, you've done it too fast.
If you smoke after sex, you've just made love with a redhead!!
If you smoke after sex, your doing it too darn fast.
If you smoke after sex, your doing it too fast!
If you smoke during sex, you're going waaaay too fast
If you smoke in a Smoking Jacket, what do you do in a Windbreaker?
If you smoke in a smoking jacket, what's a 'windbreaker' for?
If you smoke, we'll assume you're on fire and take appropriate steps.
If you smoked during your wedding, you might be a Redneck.
If you sneeze with your mouth closed, does your head explode?
If you so much as breath heavy on them I'm out on strike.
If you spit against the wind you get it in the face.
If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean.
If you stand on your head, you will get footprints in your hair.
If you stand up to be counted someone will take your seat.
If you start to get pudgy, the computer responds with "Yes, fatso!"
If you started making a Bajoran chain from paperclips, YMBAT
If you stay calm when others panic, you don't understand the problem.
If you steala this tagline I breaka your keyboard!
If you stick around long enough, your chance will come.
If you stomp gripes, do you get whine?
If you strangle a smurf what color does he turn?
If you strike me down I will become... insignificant.
If you survive, it'll be fun. --Deadman.
If you survive, please come again! - Apu
If you suspect a man of liberalism, don't employ him!
If you suspect a man, don't employ him
If you take away the fuel, in time the flames will die.
If you take sonic showers - YMBAT
If you take the plunge, return it by Tuesday.
If you take them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
If you tell a joke in a forest, but nobody laughs, was it a joke?
If you tell me, I'll still act surprised. - Simba
If you think AIDS is a gay disease, you're lining up to get it!
If you think Barney's a pain in the a$$ then you haven't met my ex!
If you think Barney's a pain in the ass then you haven't met my ex!
If you think Barney's a pain, then you haven't met my wife!
If you think DOOM on a 486/25 is bad, just try it on a 38
If you think God looks like Hank Williams, Jr.. you might be a redneck.
If you think I speak for my employer, they'll be happy to correct you.|
If you think I'm "crazy"
If you think I'm offensive now, buster... play this TagLine backwards.
If you think I'm sick, you should see some of my Taglines
If you think I'm sick, you should see the people I get taglines from!
If you think I'm wearing *that*, you're more demented than I.
If you think I'm weird, you should see my Mother!
If you think Rush is sexy you need glasses!
If you think SHE'S beautiful, you oughta see my dairy cows!
If you think Windows is slow, try Norton DeskTop!
If you think Windoze is slow, try Win95!
If you think YOU feel good, try feeling me!
If you think YOU feel good, you oughta feel me...
If you think YOU feel good. Then you should feel ME!
If you think YOU have a lot to remember, imagine being a chromosome.
If you think a hair clip gives you full EM spectrum vision - YMBAT
If you think a hippo is ugly then you haven't seen my ex!
If you think an Odometer measures elasticity - YMBAT
If you think before you speak the other guy gets its joke in first.
If you think before you speak, the other guy gets his joke in first.
If you think education is expensive -- how much does ignorance cost?
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. - Derek Bok
If you think everything's possible, try dribbling a football..
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free!
If you think healthcare's expensive now, wait until it's free!
If you think it's buggers, but it's snot.
If you think it's hard to meet new people, pick up the wrong golf ball.
If you think it's stolen, it came from Lynk!
If you think last Tuesday was a drag, wait till you see what happens tomorrow!
If you think medical care is expensive now, wait until it's "free".
If you think my puns are bad, try Windows '95!
If you think nobody cares you're alive, try missing a car payment.
If you think nobody cares, miss a couple of payments.
If you think of anything else, fire away!
If you think sex isn't nasty then you're doing it wrong!
If you think sex isn't sticky, you're doing it wrong!
If you think she's spunky, cover your monkey.
If you think talk ZlWeap, try hiring a lawyer.
If you think talk is cheap, try hiring a lawyer.
If you think that Ernest fellow is funny, you just might be a redneck.
If you think that you are sweet, take off your jock & smell the seat!!
If you think the gov't is being taken over by bluegills - YMBAT
If you think the problem is bad now, wait till we've fixed it.
If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody.
If you think this week was a drag, wait till you see what happens next week!
If you think women are moody and bossy - get a cat.
If you think you are a wit, you are . right
If you think you are confused now, wait until I explain it!
If you think you are confused, wait until I explain it.
If you think you can limit my taglines to 70 characters you can kiss m
If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you're probably right
If you think you feel good, wait til you feel me!
If you think you have no faults, that makes one
If you think you have no faults, that makes one.
If you think you look Bad Naked, You can always hide under the sheets.
If you think you made a good deal with a Deveel, 1st count your fingers
If you think you're confused now, just wait until *I* explain it.
If you think you're confused now, just wait until I explain.
If you think you're confused now, wait until I explain it!
If you think you're free, there's no escape possible - Ram Dass
If you think your boyfriend hits you 'because he cares'.
If you think your heart has stopped beating, you should see a doctor.
If you thinks my speeling, is bad check my grammers!
If you thought Eunice Kennedy Shriver wasn't sexy - Crow
If you thought dragons were bad, don't give her a tank!
If you thought of a hot dog, would you relish the idea?
If you thought yesterday was bad, wait till you see what
If you thought you had a brain, think again!
If you throw Zucchini up into the air, do they come down Squash?
If you throw a cat out of a car window......is it kitty litter??
If you throw a cat out the car window, is it kitty litter
If you throw a cat out the car window, it kitty litter!
If you throw a cat out the window, is it kitty litter?
If you throw a cat out the window, is that kitty litter?
If you throw mud,  you will have dirty hands.
If you throw mud, you will have dirty hands.
If you tire of your dreams, reality is always available at no charge.
If you took it any easier, you'd be asleep. - Terrible Tues
If you took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy, eh?
If you took the wheels off your new home, you might be a redneck.
If you torture the data enough, it will confess
If you touch me there, I'll give you a cookie
If you trade freedom for security, you get neither.
If you travel back in time to save endangered species - YMBAT
If you treat people right, they will treat you right 90% of the time.
If you treat your watch like a Tricorder - YMBAT
If you try to be too sharp, you will cut yourself.
If you try to be too sharp, you'll cut yourself.
If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
If you try to please everybody, nobody will like it.
If you try to prove to someone it won't work, it will.
If you uncover your feet, I will faint.
If you underestimate protocol, you've never had a cat
If you understand it, it's obsolete. - Murphy
If you understand something today, it must be obsolete.
If you understand the above sentence, please respond.
If you understand what you're doing, you're not learning anything. -- A. L.
If you upset the Scots, you're likely to get kilt. - jms
If you use BW 2.2, the reader can be told to import a file for you.
If you use PROCOM try Telix 3.21. You'll never go back!!!
If you vacation on Risa - YMBAT
If you voted for Bill & Al, you actually got Ren & Stimpy.
If you voted for Bill and Al, you actually got Beavis and Butt-head.
If you voted for Bill and Al, you actually got Ren & Stimpy.
If you voted for Bill and Al, you also voted for Hillary and Tipper!
If you voted for CLinton, You must have inhaled!
If you voted for Change  - better start counting it now!
If you voted for Clinton, you must have inhaled!
If you wait, it WILL go away - hopefully!
If you wait, it will go away.
If you wake up Sleepy & Grumpy, you must be Snow White.
If you walk into bars and order SynthAle - YMBAT
If you wanna DO IT right, then why DO IT?
If you wanna apologize, you can kiss Myassis.
If you wanna be free, keep your eyes open and think for yourself.
If you wanna complain about my attitude dial 1 (800) EAT-SH*T.
If you wanna do it right, then why do it?
If you want GOOD Taglines, steal from someone else!
If you want I'll forward your address to an Illuminati contact.
If you want a Galaxy class PC cruiser, "OS/2" is it!
If you want a friend, then be a friend.
If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster
If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.
If you want a job done well, you need a man's hand.
If you want a job well done you need a man's hand
If you want a lawyer recipe, the first consultation is $50/recipe.
If you want a lawyer tagline, the first consultation is $50/tagline.
If you want a quarantee, buy a toaster...
If you want a souvenir, take yourself home in one piece.-Col. Potter
If you want a thing done, go - if not, send. - Benjamin Franklin
If you want a thing well done, get a couple of old broads to do it.
If you want a war, I'll give you one! - Kira.
If you want access you'll have to PAY ME! (CLICK!) Hello!?! Hello???
If you want divine justice, die. - Nick Seldon
If you want divine justice, die. -- Nick Seldon
If you want good food, cook it yourself - Traditional Chinese Proverb
If you want good food, cook it yourself. - Traditional Chinese Proverb
If you want her to show emotion, cut up her credit cards.
If you want her to show emotion, cut up her credit cards.
If you want instant coffee, you'll have to wait!
If you want it done right do it yourself!
If you want it done right, don't write it for Windows
If you want it done right, don't write it for Windows.
If you want it done right, forget Microsoft.
If you want it done right, forget about Microsoft
If you want it done right, let  do it.
If you want it done right, let's do it.
If you want it, here it is, come and get it...SHAREWARE_SUPPORT!!
If you want it, press [esc] now!
If you want more then Mail me, I will try to think up somemore
If you want my advice, pay me!
If you want peace prepare for war. - Vegetius
If you want peace, work for justice
If you want sex... ASK FOR IT!
If you want someone to keep a secret, keep it yourself.
If you want something done right, ask a woman.
If you want something expensive, you should ask your grandparents.
If you want the best seat in the house move the cat.
If you want the best seat in the house, just move the cat.
If you want the best seat in the house, move a cat.
If you want the best seat in the house, move the cat.
If you want the last word with a woman, apologize.
If you want the last word with a woman, apologize.
If you want the national anthem to be Free Bird you might be a redneck
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
If you want three opinions on something, ask two witches.
If you want to <shudder> "CHAT", try Interuser...
If you want to BE the MAN, you have to BEAT the MAN. Whoooo!
If you want to avoid judgement, stop passing judgement. Matt 7:1
If you want to be a bit more specific, perhaps we can help you.
If you want to be forgiven, forgive.
If you want to be happy, be.
If you want to be loved, be lovable. - Ovid
If you want to be reborn, let yourself die.
If you want to blow something up try doing it to yourself first!
If you want to cheer up, cheer up someone.
If you want to crash your MAC, you don't need to try too hard.
If you want to dance, do it over there. - Rimmer
If you want to eat a secret snack, eat it in the basement.
If you want to feel GUILTY.... Call your MOTHER...
If you want to feel important, go on a diet.
If you want to get high on pot, stand on a toilet.
If you want to get out alive, keep your eyes open.
If you want to hide your face, @FN@ - walk naked.
If you want to hide your face, walk around naked.
If you want to hide your face, walk naked.
If you want to kill time, why not try working it to death?
If you want to know a man, observe how your cat treats hi\S
If you want to know a man, observe how your cat treats him.
If you want to know about paranoids, follow them around.
If you want to learn about paranoids, just look at one funny.
If you want to live don't get between me and that chocolate!
If you want to look young and thin, hand around old fat p
If you want to look young and thin, hand around old fat people.
If you want to make a apple pie from scratch, first make the universe
If you want to make light of trouble, keep it dark!
If you want to make the world better, be better than the world.
If you want to run and play, Come along the BEAM today.
If you want to run with me, crawl before you walk.
If you want to stand out...mingle with ugly people.
If you want to teach your kids the value of a dollar, give them a quarter. 
If you want to vacuum your conscience, go see Mulcahy.-Hawk to CEW
If you want to waste your hormones growing hair, that's your business!
If you want to wear a hat do it in the privacy of your own home.
If you want truly to understand something, try to change it.
If you want your boomerang to come back, throw it first!
If you want your name spelt wrong, die.
If you want your wife to listen, talk to another woman.
If you want, I'll forward your address to an Illuminati contact.
If you we aren't allowed to be offensive, why bother?
If you went Chopin did you take your Liszt?
If you went Chopin, did you take your Liszt?
If you were a Klingon, would you want to be cute?
If you were a butterfly, would Cher be tattooed on your ass?
If you were a butterfly, would you have "Cher" tattooed on your ass?
If you were a butterfly, would you have Cher tattoed on YOUR butt?
If you were a butterfly, would you have Cher tattooed on YOUR butt?
If you were a butterfly, would you have Cher tattooed on your ass?
If you were a computer, I'd reformat your hard drive.
If you were accused of being intelligent could they prove it in court?
If you were alive, you'd hear that ironic retort - Mike
If you were an Armadillo, you'd worship trees, too!
If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer? - s.w.
If you were to ask me this question, what would my answer be?
If you were to castrate Q, would he become O?
If you were to eat a human body, where would you start?
If you will jest with me, know my taglines. -- Tagspeare
If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed. - Emperor
If you will not defend your right to be you, who will?  Who should?
If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny. - Vader
If you will not turn, you will be destroyed!
If you wish something to happen - it will.
If you wish to be a devotee of truth, then inquire. - Nietzsche
If you wish to be a devotee of truth, then inquire.-Nietschze
If you wish to know any more, press Enter.
If you wish to know more, press CTRL-ALT-DEL
If you wish to know more, press CTRL-ALT-DEL.
If you wish to know what a man is - give him skates, a stick, & a puck
If you wish to know what a man is - give him skates, a stick, & a puck.
If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority.
If you wish to live wisely, ignore sayings - including this one.
If you wish to live wisely, ignore sayings -- including this one.
If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest.
If you wish to succeed, consult three old people.
If you wish work poorly done, pay in advance.
If you won't leave me alone, I'll find someone who will.
If you won't steal, stay away from a political career!
If you wore sequins to your wedding, you might be a redneck!
If you would civilize a man, begin with his grandmother.
If you would keep a secret from an enemy, tell nobody.
If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat.
If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat.  - Heinlein
If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat. -- RAH
If you would know a man, observe how he treats his cat.
If you would know a man, observe how your cat treats him.
If you would like to know the value of money, go and try to borrow some.
If you would like to see me in a costume, you have only to ask. - Homer
If you would pay attention instead of playing with yourself.
If you would possess you must not claim.
If you would rule the world quietly, you must keep it amused.
If you would run from Satan, then wouldn't you run from the moderator?
If you write fiction you are, in a sense, corrupted. (Burgess)
If you write your name in the house dust, please don't put the year!
If you'd give me some money, I'd be happy to pay you.
If you'd rather MKDIR than love, it's time to quit. <=Which??
If you'll bring the marshmallows, I'll bring the dragon!  DM
If you'll excuse me, the natives are restless. - Garibaldi
If you're 1 in 1 million, there's 2500 of you.
If you're 1 in a million, there's 2500 of you.
If you're 18 and can read this, you must be Japanese
If you're 18 and can read this, you must be Japanese.
If you're Airborn and you know it, torture a Somali
If you're THAT gullible, you deserve to be made fun of.
If you're a Homosexual.  Stay out of my DAMN FACE! or DIE!
If you're a hacker, quit smoking.
If you're a happy little citizen, clank your chains!
If you're a leper and you know it, clap your hands...
If you're a police dog, where is your badge.
If you're a police dog, where's your badge?
If you're a prude, EVERYTHING is lewd..
If you're a real good kid, I'll give you a piggy-back ride on a buzz-saw
If you're a typical student, consider the fact there is
If you're a zombie you don't want to overschedule - Mike
If you're afraid of heights, don't astral project!
If you're afraid of the speed, just use windows.
If you're dead, why are you breathing?
If you're distracted by fear of those around you...
If you're drug free does your doctor know?
If you're family tree is a straight line, you're a Redneck.
If you're feeling down, depressed and lonely, I know a place we can go
If you're feeling good, don't worry, you'll get over it.
If you're feeling good, don't worry.  You'll get over it.
If you're gettin loaded off them fumes I'm gonna have to charge ya.
If you're getting flak, you must be over a target.
If you're going fishing, it's fair that you dig your own bait.
If you're going to act like a turd, go lie on the grass
If you're going to be a shit, go lay in the yard!
If you're going to bump it, do it on the trumpet!
If you're going to do it, do it right.
If you're going to have a barney I'll hold your coats.
If you're going to make fun of someone, start with yourself.
If you're going to moderate, let them *feel* your authority!
If you're going to split hairs, I'm going to piss off.
If you're going to stand on thin ice, you may as well dance.
If you're going to try to help.. Be Honest..
If you're gonna be a turd Geco - go sit in the yard.
If you're gonna be a turd He - go sit in the yard.
If you're gonna be in heat, you gotta package your meat
If you're gonna bitch, please be creative and do it with a tagline.
If you're gonna drink and drive, drink 7-up!
If you're gonna get down Get Down and Prey!
If you're gonna get down...Get Down and Prey!
If you're gonna go, go obnoxiously.
If you're gonna make love, wear the glove
If you're gonna screw up do it while you're young.
If you're gonna sin, you may as well be original - The Young Ones
If you're gonna use Taglines, at least write yer own! (c)
If you're gonna use s, at least write yer own! (c)
If you're gonna wake a Tiger - use a LONG STICK!
If you're gonna' panic, panic constructively.
If you're good, pizza. If you're bad, poison. ..If both?.. Poison pizza.
If you're happy and on PROZAC, Clap your hands.....
If you're happy and you know it clank your chains
If you're happy and you know it press ALT-H!
If you're happy and you know it, SHREAD YOUR CAT!
If you're happy and you know it, SHREAD the cat ....
If you're happy and you know it, SHRED YOUR CAT!
If you're happy and you know it, SPREAD YOUR CAT!
If you're happy and you're Zen, clap your hand.
If you're happy, you're successful.
If you're holdin a beer in your wedding picture.. you might be a redneck
If you're in the Boy Scouts, don't eat Brownies!
If you're in trouble at school your parents already know about it.
If you're in trouble, call for RoboChicken, the Cyborg Defender.
If you're innocent you have nothing to fear... but much to learn.
If you're innocent you have nothing to fear...but a lot to learn.
If you're interested in something different.
If you're into pains, try Windows
If you're knot at the end of your rope, I'll throw you mine.
If you're looking at what I'm looking at, then WHO'S DRIVING THE CAR??
If you're looking for blind people you came to the right place!
If you're looking for me I just left.
If you're looking for me, I just left.
If you're looking for tongue twisters, visit Michael!
If you're looking for trouble, I brought enough for all.
If you're looking for trouble, I brought enough for everybody
If you're looking for trouble, I brought some with me.
If you're looking for trouble, I can offer a wide selecti
If you're looking for trouble, I can offer a wide selection
If you're looking for trouble, I can offer you a wide selection.
If you're looking for trouble, I offer a wide selection.
If you're losing the game, change the rules.
If you're married and you're happy, this taglines not for you!
If you're my mother's valet, then please, valet! -- Deanna
If you're my psychic friend, why don't you call ME?
If you're normal, who wants to be normal?
If you're not GeoWorking, you're working too hard!
If you're not a 36C we're in trouble
If you're not a blond pushover, you're in big trouble.-Hawk to Radar
If you're not a feminist, you're a bigot.-- Gloria Allred
If you're not a hemmoroid get off my ass!
If you're not a hemmoroid, so get off my ass!
If you're not a hemorrhoid get off my ass!
If you're not a rogue you should take a libel action against your face
If you're not careful, you're going to catch something.
If you're not confused yet, that only means you haven't been here long
If you're not confused yet, you're not paying attention!
If you're not confused, you must try harder!
If you're not confused, you must try harder.
If you're not confused, you're not paying attention!
If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.
If you're not confused, you're not thinking clearly.
If you're not going to sack it, go home and whack it
If you're not going to sack it, go home and whack it.
If you're not him and he's not him, am I still me? - Cat
If you're not in NJ, where do you think you are?
If you're not in bed by midnight, go home!
If you're not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space.
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space
If you're not making waves, you're not rowing the boat.
If you're not offensive, you're not trying hard enough.
If you're not on the official list, you can't go! - Death (Animaniacs)
If you're not on the official list, you can't go! -Death
If you're not part of the solution, be part of the problem!
If you're not part of the solution, you're a Democrat!
If you're not part of the solution, you're in Government
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.- sw
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
If you're not recycling, you're throwing it all away
If you're not scaring the cat, you're not doing it right.
If you're not the lead dog the view never changes.
If you're not the lead dog, everything looks the same!
If you're not the lead dog, the horizon looks the same.
If you're not the lead dog, the scenery never changes.
If you're not the lead dog, the view can be very interesting!
If you're not the lead dog, the view can be very interesting! - W. Wils
If you're not the lead dog, the view is monotonous at best.
If you're not the lead dog, you must be staring up someones ass!
If you're not the lead dog...the view can be quite stimulating.
If you're not the lead sled dog, the scenery never changes.
If you're not the steamroller, you're part of the road.
If you're not there, don't ANSWER!
If you're not wasted, then the day is.
If you're not wearing any underwear, smile!
If you're not where you're at, you'll never be anywhere.
If you're not working on yourself, you're not working.
If you're not yourself today, who are you?
If you're offended now, try playing my message backwards.
If you're on the cutting edge, expect to bleed.
If you're on thin ice, you might as well dance.
If you're one in a million, there's 9 of you in New York
If you're only going 55 mph in Wyoming you are considered double parked.
If you're reading this, at least you're busy.
If you're really a police dog, where's your badge?
If you're really mad, go ahead and stomp that sucker flat!
If you're right 90% of the time, why quibble about the remaining 3%
If you're right 90% of the time, why quibble about the remaining 3%?
If you're right 90% of the time, why quibble about the remaining 8%?
If you're rowing the boat you don't have time to rock it.
If you're sane and you know it, clap your hands! CLAP CLAP
If you're screwed by a lawyer, is that sex for hire?
If you're short of everything but the enemy, you're in a combat zone.
If you're short on anything but the enemy - you're in a combat zone.
If you're smoking after sex, you're doing it too fast!
If you're so depressed, why not start a tagline collection?
If you're so good....YOU pull the damn sword out!!!!!!!!! - Arthur
If you're so pro-life, let the teens HAVE a life!
If you're so smart...  Why ain't you reasonable?
If you're so smart... Why ain't you reasonable?
If you're so special, why are you dead?
If you're still confused tomorrow, you know where my office is.
If you're still in the closet, you're part of the problem
If you're stubborn and you know it stamp your feet! (stamp stamp)
If you're stuck with QWK, at least use Q-Blue; it's not as bad that way.
If you're sure you're not gay, what are you afraid of?
If you're there before it's over, you're on time.
If you're thinking what I am ... well, then we're psychic!
If you're thinking what I am... well then you're psychic!
If you're thinking what I am...well then we're psychic!
If you're thinking what I am...well then you're psychic!
If you're too busy to laugh, you're entirely to busy.
If you're too old to learn, you were born so.
If you're too open minded your brains my fall out.
If you're too open minded, your brains may fall out.
If you're trying to drive me crazy, @FN@ - you're too late!
If you're trying to drive me crazy, it's working!
If you're trying to drive me crazy, you're too late!
If you're walking on thin ice, you might as well dance.
If you're witch hunting, I spell mine with a B.
If you're wondering about today's lunch....don't! - Hawkeye
If you're wrong, we're going to have a long time to debate it.
If you've been accused of lying through your tooth, you're a Redneck.
If you've come for my guns, prepare to die.
If you've ever gotten stuck in an endless temporal loop - YMBAT
If you've ever seen Klingon food you know why they are so grouchy.
If you've ever tried to exchange dollars for latinum - YMBAT
If you've ever tried to sleep in a bucket, and succeeded - YMBAT
If you've ever worn a cowboy hat to church.. you might be a redneck.
If you've got part of it, flaunt that part.
If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
If you've half a mind to watch TV, that's enough!
If you've lost him, I'll cripple you.
If you've memorized the entire Federation Charter - YMBAT
If you've seen one REDWOOD tree, you've seen 'em all.
If you've seen one Tribble, you've seen 'em all!
If you've seen one city slum, you've seen them all. - Spiro Agnew
If you've seen one fractal image, you've seen them all.
If you've seen one nuclear war, you've seen 'em all.
If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all.  - Ronald Reagan
If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all. -- Ronald Reagan
If you've seen one shopping center, you've seen a mall.
If you've seen one supreme being you've seen 'em all.
If you've succeeded in building a transporter - YMBAT
If you've totaled every car you've ever owned.. you might be redneck.
If your Bob is dead, try mine!
If your Doctor says "benign", you'd better hope he's playing bingo...
If your Gateway ever fails, that's..like...normal.
If your God disapproves of my life, let Him tell me.
If your God is dead, borrow one of mine!
If your IQ was 2 points higher you would be a rock.
If your PC has an isolinear chip reader - YMBAT
If your Pet Rock is a Horta - YMBAT
If your Sex Drive crashes, I can help you re-boot!
If your Sex-Ed teacher flunked you, kick her in the nuts!
If your VCR still blinks 12:00, fear the New World Order.
If your actions don't speak louder than words, then speak loud action words.
If your advance is going very well, you're walking into an ambush.
If your advance is going well, you're walking into an ambush.
If your afraid of heights, don't astral project!
If your aim in life is nothing; you can't miss.
If your attack is going really well it's an ambush.
If your attack is going really well, it is an ambush.
If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush.  'Murphy
If your attack is going very well, it's an ambush.
If your attack is going well, it is an ambush.
If your attack is going well, then it's an ambush..
If your attack is going well, you have walked into an ambush.
If your attack is going well, you're in an ambush
If your aunt had testicles she'd be your uncle....
If your behind is in front, you turned around!
If your boss doesn't pay you what your deserve, be thankful!
If your calender consists of Stardates - YMBAT
If your can't talk "flatlander" - you're not hip.
If your car can do warp 5 - YMBAT
If your car responds to "Warp 1. Engage!" - YMBAT
If your cat eats "Feline Supplement 327" - YMBAT
If your college pick is the Star Fleet Academy - YMBAT
If your cow doesn't give milk, dairy farming just isn't for you!
If your cow doesn't give milk, sell him
If your cow doesn't give milk, sell him!
If your cow has only one teat, dairy farming just isn't for you!
If your cow, doesn't give milk dairy farming just isn't for you!
If your cow, has only one teat dairy farming just isn't for you!
If your dog & your wallet are both on a chain, you might be a redneck.
If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain you might be a redneck
If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain, URA Redneck.
If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain, you are a redneck.
If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain, you might be a redneck
If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain, you might be a rednek
If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain, you're a redneck
If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain.. you might be a redneck
If your dog passes gas and you claim it, you may be a redneck.
If your dog sleeps closer than your wife.. you might be a redneck!
If your dream is to captain a Starship - YMBAT
If your family tree doesn't fork, you might be a redneck.
If your family tree doesn't fork, you're probably a redneck.
If your father is also your uncle, you might be a redneck.
If your feet smell and your nose runs - you're built upside down.
If your feet smell and your nose runs then you're built upside down.
If your feet smell and your nose runs, you were built ups
If your feet smell and your nose runs, you're built upside down.
If your feet smell and your nose runs, you're upside down
If your feet smell and your nose runs, your upside down.
If your friend has AIDS, don't turn your back on him.
If your front porch collapsed would it kill more than three dogs?
If your god is dead try one of mine
If your god is dead, blame mine.
If your god is dead, here  try one of mine.
If your god is dead, try mine!
If your god is dead, try one of mine!
If your god's dead, try one of mine!
If your going to check her oil, wrap it in foil.
If your gonna play in TEXAS, you gotta have a fiddle.
If your head comes away from your neck, it's over. - Ramirez
If your heart ain't busy tonight, maybe it'd like to get with mine.
If your heart surrenders you'll need me to hold.
If your hentai and you you know it, spank the monkey!
If your idea of "roughing it" is a broken replicator - YMBAT
If your in charge of the Star Fleet Academy - YMBAT
If your kids go to Starfleet Academy - YMBAT
If your knees bent the other way, what would a chair look like?
If your laptop computer is a PADD - YMBAT
If your lawyer doesn't know the law he should at least know the judge.
If your license plate is "NCC1701" - YMBAT
If your man enough to do it, be man enough to admit it.
If your medication is effective, you will know it without a doubt.
If your message arrives late, please keep the recipe as our free gift!
If your message arrives late, please keep the tagline as our free gift!
If your message arrives late, please keep the tagline as our gift!
If your message arrives late, you keep the tagline as our free gift!
If your message arrives late...please keep the tagline as a free gift!
If your message is late, you keep the tagline as a gift!
If your mind goes blank, please turn off the sound.
If your mind goes blank, remember to turn down the sound.
If your mind goes blank, remember to turn off the sound
If your mind goes blank, remember to turn off the sound.
If your modem could talk..."That's one ringy dingy.  That's two ringy dingy..."
If your mom had aborted you, where would you be today?
If your mom's asleep, don't wake her up.
If your mother has "ammo" on her Christmas list.. you might be a redneck
If your new car is called Enterprise - YMBAT
If your nose goes on strike, picket.  -SLR
If your nose runs and your feet smell, you're built upside down.
If your not willing to die for something, then your not fit to live it
If your only kitchen appliance is a replicator - YMBAT
If your only tool is a hammer, all your problems look like nails!
If your parents are worriers...I can see why!
If your parents didn't have any children, neither will you.
If your parents didn't have any children, there's a good
If your parents didn't have any kids you probably won't either.
If your parents didn't have children, you won't either.
If your past isn't checkered, why are you in Atlanta?
If your phone doesn't ring, it'll be me.
If your phone doesn't ring, it's me
If your position is everywhere, your momentum is zero.
If your project doesn't work, look for the part you didn
If your right, Appologize fast... (kinda korney though)
If your sergeant can see you, so can the enemy.
If your ship doesn't come in, it's time you swim out.
If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it!
If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it!!!
If your short on everything but enemy, you are in the combat zone.
If your son ate the last of the corn flakes, is he a cereal killer?
If your still not up and running, write back with the results.
If your thumbs are down, you're doing it wrong.
If your trash can is overflowing, life must be good.
If your troubles are deep-seated or long-stranding, try kneeling.
If your wardrobe is Starfleet Issue - YMBAT
If your wife eats everything in sight, hide her glasses.
If your wife gives you a boozy kiss is it a slip?
If your wife owns a camouflage nightie.. you might be a redneck.
If your wife weighs more than your pickup, you maybe a redneck.
If your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.
If youth only had a chance or old age any brains.
If youth only knew, if age only could.
If'n You Ain't The Granddaddy Of All Liars - Stinky Wizzleteats.
If(!strcmp(tagline,humorous)) steal(); else next_message();
If(Windows=You) then let length(YourWalk) > length(pier)
If(cat != here) play(mice);
If(pro == !con) progress = ~(congress)
If, by "for my own good" you mean you have a death wish, I understand.
If..I can.....just....reach....my....utility......belt...
Ifyoucanreadthis,youspendtoomuchtimefiguringouttaglines ...
Iggy Pop, I don't know why - Crow
Igloo [n], Material used to keep an ig from falling apart.
Igloo:  An icicle built for two.
Ignisecond: moment after locking door, realizing keys are inside.
Ignorance & apathy: I don't know & I don't care
Ignorance *is* bliss, but it will never replace sex.
Ignorance + apathy = I don't know and I don't care.
Ignorance = Fear
Ignorance IS Bliss.  I'm living proof!
Ignorance IS Bliss.  Orville's living proof!
Ignorance SHOULD be painful !
Ignorance and dogmatism are lovers growing hand-in-hand.
Ignorance and fear; fear and ignorance. Those are our watchwords.
Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand - N. Peart; Rush
Ignorance can be cured by learning, Stupidity usually can't.
Ignorance can be cured by learning, but what of hatred & bigotry?
Ignorance can be cured by learning, but what of hatred & racism?
Ignorance can be cured, stupid is forever.
Ignorance can be cured.  Stupid is forever.
Ignorance can be cured.  Stupidity can be lethal.
Ignorance can be cured.  Stupidity, now that's permanent.
Ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever.
Ignorance can be fixed. Stupidity is forever!
Ignorance creates more miracles than divine intervention.
Ignorance error: Press any key... What's a key?
Ignorance has always been more dangerous than knowledge.
Ignorance has great job security.
Ignorance is Bliss....and boy do I feel great!
Ignorance is Strength - Big Sister is Watching You!  
Ignorance is Temporary ... STUPID is Forever!
Ignorance is a *fault*, not an excuse.
Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune.
Ignorance is bliss, but it will NEVER replace sex.
Ignorance is bliss.  I can tell you are real happy too!
Ignorance is bliss.  What are you smiling about?
Ignorance is bliss... so life's great if you are ignorant
Ignorance is bliss... so life's great if you are ignorant.
Ignorance is bliss...Are you happy?
Ignorance is blissso life's great if you are ignorant
Ignorance is curable - stupidity is forever!
Ignorance is curable, but most refuse the innoculation...
Ignorance is curable, yet most refuse the innoculation.
Ignorance is fixable; stupid is forever.
Ignorance is less removed from truth than prejudice. -Denis Diderot
Ignorance is not always Bliss!
Ignorance is not innnocence but sin.  Robert Browning
Ignorance is not so bad as an unwillingness to learn.
Ignorance is only temporary, Stupidity is permanent.
Ignorance is temporary - Stupidity is forever
Ignorance is temporary, but stupidity is forever.
Ignorance is temporary, stupid is forever.
Ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever.
Ignorance is temporary, stupidity is permanent
Ignorance is temporary.  Stupidity is forever.
Ignorance is temporary; Stupid is forever.
Ignorance is temporary; Stupidity lasts forever!!!
Ignorance is temporary; stupid is forever.
Ignorance is the key to everything in life.
Ignorance is the mother of . . . . .uhmm
Ignorance is the mother of Adventure. -- Hagar the Horrible
Ignorance is the mother of superstition.
Ignorance is when you don't know anything and somebody fi
Ignorance is where learning begins.
Ignorance is where learning begins...
Ignorance isn't bliss when it comes to your tax dollars.
Ignorance kills daily.
Ignorance leads to Indulgence.
Ignorance looms in the unconscious mind
Ignorance of human nature..too bad.
Ignorance of one's ignorance is the greatest ignorance.
Ignorance of the future is no reason to hide from it.
Ignorance of the law doesn't stop the losing lawyer from collecting.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse, unless you're a lawyer.
Ignorance or Apathy?  I don't know, and I don't care!
Ignorance or Apathy? I don't know, and I don't care!
Ignorance or apathy?  I don't know and I don't care.
Ignorance, prejudice, and fear walk hand in hand.
Ignorance:  When you don't know something and someone finds out.
Ignorance:  When you don't know something and someone finds out...
Ignorance: when you don't know anything and somebody else finds out.
Ignorance=Bliss?  Why aren't more people happy??
Ignorance=Bliss? Why aren't more people happy??
Ignorant, bitter crap like this warrants no response.
Ignorant? Ha! I don't even know the meaning of the word!
Ignorant? Ha! I don't know the meaning of the word!
Ignore alien orders.
Ignore any lines above this one - we are having problems with our mailer.
Ignore it.  Maybe it'll go away.
Ignore me, I'm trying to set up a mailer here.
Ignore me... I'm just here for my looks!
Ignore one-time offender off-topic messages.
Ignore the last few lines, the writer's a musician!
Ignore the man behind the screen.
Ignore the message! I only wrote to you so I could use this tagline.
Ignore the next sentence.  Ignore the previous sentence.
Ignore the propaganda.  Focus on what you see - Sinclair.
Ignore the propaganda.  Focus on what you see. - Sinclair
Ignore the rumors, I'm even better than that!
Ignore your Rights and they'll Go Away
Ignore your health and it will eventually go away.
Ignore your health and it will go away.
Ignore your teeth and they'll go away!
Ignore(!) the obnoxious Re-Tear that GEcho does...grrrr
Ignoring me can be exceedingly fatal.
Ignotum per ignotius [The meaning of this is unknown]
Igor Stravinsky might drive a Firebird.
Ihad to type it again I dont know how to edit my lousy typing mistakes
Ike Skelton, Congressman (Mo.), was an Eagle Scout.
Ikea : Swedish for long line-ups.
Il est mort, Jean-Luc
Il n'y a pas lieu de s'inqueter..
Iles's Law:  There is an easier way to do it.
Ill fate makes gamblers of desperate men.
Ill-bred children are always displaying their pest manners.
Ill-gotten gains work evil.<Sophocles>
Illegal aliens are a problem in America.  Ask any Indian.
Illegal aliens are an American problem.  Ask any Indian.
Illegal error.  Do not get this error.
Illegal psychiatry: Freud where prohibited.
Illegal to remove taglines except by consumer.
Illegal use of computer systems is a crime.
Illegal:  A sick bird.
Illegitimati non carborendum.
Illegitimi non carborundum:  Don't let the bastards get you down.
Illegitimus non Carborundem -- "Don't let the bastards grind you down".
Illigitimi non carborundum: don't let the bastards wear you down.
Illigitimii non Carburundum. (don't let the Bast**s grind you down)
Illigitimus Non Carborundum.
Illiteracy Network - Ignorance for Jesus
Illiterate.  Write for Free Help.
Illiterate?  For a free brochure, write to...
Illiterate?  Write Today for FREE HELP.
Illiterate?  Write for FREE HELP!
Illiterate?  Write for FREE HELP! 1600 Pensylvania Ave.
Illiterate?  Write for a free brochure!
Illiterate?  Write for free brochure.
Illiterate?  Write for free brochure...
Illiterate?  Write for free help.
Illiterate?  Write for help!
Illiterate?  Write for information!
Illiterate?  Write for our free "HOW TO READ" booklet!
Illiterate? ... Write for FREE help.
Illiterate? Click on an icon.
Illiterate? For free information, write to the address below.
Illiterate? Me? Hah! I know who *BOTH* my parents are!
Illiterate? Want to learn to read? Write for free info.
Illiterate? Write for FREE HELP!
Illiterate? Write me for more information...
Illiterate? Write to me for free help.
Illiterate? Write to us for free help!
Illiterate? Write today for free help.
Illiterate?... Write for free help.
Illos repellite, expellite, compellite ad fugiendum!
Illud Latine dici non potest.
Illud iterum dicere potes!
Illuminate the opposition! --Adam Weishaupt, Grand Primus Illuminatis.
Illuminati Express Card:  Membership has its privileges.
Illuminati University  The Invisible College
Illuminati for Real.... Orville Bullitt is Cyberpunkless...
Illuminatus vehicles provided by the Fnord Motor Company
Illusionists DO IT with slight of hand.
Illusionists Do It With Pretty Lights
Illusionists do it so you don't know they did it.
Illusionists fake it.
Illusionists only LOOK like they're doing it.
Illusionists only think they do it.
Illusions are by their nature,  sweet !
Illusions are the mirages of hope.
Illustrate your Sermons! Wear "far side" ties.
Illustrate your Sermons! Wear "far side" ties. 
Illustrate? But I flunked art class!
Illustrate? Nah, I'd rather just raise my voice.
Illya likes carrots, doesn't he? - Mike
Illya's plan moves into Phase 9 - Crow
Ilufi halufate lalufatin talufaglines!
Ilyena, forgive me! <Lew Therin>
Im Bart Simpson.. who the hell are you? - Bart Simpson
Im Not ONlE Da PreSiDant of Da MiSpEl Cleb For Men, Im also a CLiAnT!
Im Not ONlE Da PreSiDant of Da MiSpEl Cleb, Im also a CLiAnT!
Im a doctor, not a bricklayer! -- Bones McCoy
Im a doctor, not a magician! -- Bones McCoy
Im a doctor, not a taylor dammit! -- Bones from Sat. Nite Live!
Im a prgrmer,Im a programer,Im a progrmer... I write code
Im being sucked into the vortex of sport parachuting-Mike
Im just trying out this tagline. Its not registered yet
Im looking for an Al, last name Choholic..
Im not crazy, you are just sane! :-)
Im not crazy..the voices told me so.
Im not the one that misplaced the Delt asteroid belt!
Im sorry Mr Moderator I'll get back on topic. I promice.
Im telling you, they are EVERYWHERE!
Ima li zivota pre smrti?
Ima samo sesnaest leta, tako mlada, a vec sve zna.
Imagery is All In The Mind.
Imagery is in the I of the beholder.
Images and reflections to brighten my day.
ImagiNet RULES!                              {Sorry - it slipped out}
ImagiNet just IS.  It's a Zen thing!
ImagiNet users come in two types - Quick or Dead...
ImagiNet's Posters come in two types - Quick or Dead
Imaginary Numbers... Like Eleventeen and Thirty-Twelve.
Imaginary Numbers... Like Eleventeen and Thirty-Twelve. - Calvin
Imaginary Numbers:  Eleventeen, Thirty-Twelve, Umpteen, Zillion...
Imagination - Inspiration for a resourceful Mind.
Imagination buffer full.  Dump, or system overload imminent.
Imagination is for people who can't afford drugs.
Imagination is high res...life is low res
Imagination is intelligence having fun.
Imagination is more important than intelligence. -Albert Einstein
Imagination is more important than intelligence." -- Einstein
Imagination is more important than knowledge  -Einstien-
Imagination is more important than knowledge - Einstein
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Albert Einstein
Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Einstein
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -Einstein
Imagination is our only weapon in the war against reality.
Imagination is the foundation of reality.
Imagination is the highest kite that anyone can fly.
Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality
Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality!
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality
Imagination is the weapon in the war against reality!
Imagination rules the world.
Imagination without learning is having wings but no feet.
Imagination-Inspiration for a resourceful Mind.
Imagination: inspiration for a resourceful mind.
Imagination: the true Virtual Reality
Imagine "The Crow" with an all-Rubber Chicken cast!
Imagine Elmer, son of Fudd, Klingon. He owns a castle and a cruiser...
Imagine Jesus standing before you.      Are you picturing a white man?
Imagine Ross Perot on too much caffeine if you dare.
Imagine Superman's kid breast feeding.
Imagine Whirled Peas.
Imagine a Miss Universe contest after we meet life from other planets!
Imagine a duck humping your leg and pecking at your genitalia as well.
Imagine a functional government!
Imagine a mind emptied by that thing, without even a tormentor for company.
Imagine a miracle and you're halfway there.
Imagine a whole ship full of Barney Borgs...
Imagine a whole ship full of Barney Borgs..."I assimilate you, you
Imagine a witty phrase here.
Imagine a world with no hypothetical situations.
Imagine all the modems, linking all the world! (ooh ooh ho hoo)
Imagine all the modems, linking all the world! (ooh ooh hoo)
Imagine an incredibly clever tagline in this space.
Imagine if birds were tickled by feathers - s.w.
Imagine in a million years Barney will be a can of 10w-40 motor oil
Imagine life without DOOM..... Scary 'init ...
Imagine no BBS's.  I wonder if you can?
Imagine something clever here
Imagine the Weekly World News on a global scale.  Welcome to Internet.
Imagine the outraged cry for investigations if Clinton was Republican.
Imagine the silence if everyone said only what they know.
Imagine there's no Moderators --John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try.
Imagine, in a million years, Barney will be a can of 10W-40 motor oil.
Imagine, in a million years, Barney will be a can of 10w-40 motor oil.
Imagine... Borg swimming in water...
Imagine:  Nancy Reagan in Frank Gorshin's old Riddler costume!
Imagining quite a bit
Imelda Marcos of Borg: I will assimilate shoes...
Imelda Marcos: "If any shoe fits, buy it."
Imitate Christ:  (R)etry, (R)etry, (R)etry, (R)apture now!
Imitating Mozart: Sam Phony
Imitation crabmeat:  Fish in the sea going, "Wait! I do a GREAT crab!"
Imitation is the flatteringest form of sincerity!
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Imitation is the sincerest form of plagiarism
Immaculate Conception - the other Big Bang!
Immanuel = God with us
Immanuel Kant ..... but Kubla Khan
Immanuel Kant but Gengis Khan.
Immanuel Kant but Kubla Khan.
Immanuel Kant was a real piss-ant who was very rarely stable.
Immanuel Kant was a real pissant who was very rarely stable.
Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal. -Lionel Trilling
Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal.-Trilling
Immature humorists borrow. Mature humorists steal.
Immature writers imitate, mature writers steal
Immigrants aren't censored in Germany. They keep the fire burning!
Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery.
Immigration: the sincerest form of flattery - Paar
Imminent death of the net predicted.  Film at 11.
Immobilized by the damned Ferengi! -- Worf
Immoral Majority Charter Member.
Immorality will continue until beatings improve.
Immorality will continue until the beatings improve.
Immorality: the morality of those having a better time.
Immortal's Glee Club: We're immortal and you're not. Ha.
Immortal, with a mortal's soul. - Armand
Immortality -- a fate worse than death. -- Edgar A. Shoaff
Immortality consists largely of boredom.
Immortality consists largely of boredom. - Zefram Chocrane
Immortality consists largely of boredom. - Zefrem Cochrane
Immortality consists largely of boredom. -- Zephrem Cochrane
Immortality for sale, Lifetime Guarantee!
Immortality is dead!
Immortality is no excuse for not flossing.- Dracula
Immortality is no excuse for not flossing.- Nick Knight
Immortality is not for the squeamish
Immortality--a fate worse than death.
Immortality:  A fate worse than death.
Immortality:  [n] A fate worse than death.
Immortality: A fate worse than death.
Immortals DO IT longer.
Immortals cannot cling like lichen to a stone. - LaCroix
Immune:  Congressional perk.
ImpLode, UpLode, DownLode, ExpLode!
Impassable:  A wet football.
Impeach Both Clintons
Impeach Clinton & Clinton before it is too late America!
Impeach Clinton & Clinton before it's too late, America!
Impeach Clinton NOW! - and her husband!
Impeach Clinton and her husband too!
Impeach Clinton now.  Avoid the rush in '96.
Impeach Clinton! And her husband too!
Impeach Clinton... and her husband!
Impeach Clinton...and her husband!
Impeach Clintonand her husband!
Impeach Hillary she is bad for our health!
Impeach Hillary; she's bad for our health!
Impeach President Clinton! (And fire Bill, too.)
Impeach the Clinton's NO LYNCH THEM!!
Impeach the Clintons now. Avoid the rush!
Impeach the President!  (And her husband, too.)
Impeach, hell! LYNCH 'em both!!!
Impenitent Order of the Mystic Cesspool
Imperfectly yours, I am...
Impersonate a man - have a lobotomy.
Impersonators do it in disguise.
Implementation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Import ASCII text tagline files into the tagline database.
Important letters develop errors in the mail.
Important letters which have no errors will develope them in the mail.
Important principles may and must be inflexible. - Abraham Lincoln
Important: ant in overseas trade.
Impossibility:  something I've not turned over to God yet.
Impossibility: A word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.
Impossible - adj. Nailing Jello to a tree.
Impossible! That is not good French. N.B.
Impossible,I tested it! It can't fire a missle like that!
Impossible: (V.) Having sex standing up in a hammock.
Impossible: (verb) Having sex standing up in a hammock.
Impotent (def.) - distinguished; well known.
Impotent:  Distinguished; well known...
Impress a fire lizard today, buy a flamethrower!
Impress a fire lizard today.
Impressive... most impressive. - Vader
Imprisoned in .QWK file!  Send the ZIP army!
Impromptu party: revel without a cause.
Impropriety is the soul of wit.
Improve America's Knowledge... Share yours
Improve Sex Life, Lose 400 lbs, Wash Behind Your Ears
Improve mail delivery... Mail postal employees their paychecks.
Improve mail delivery... mail the posties their pay!!
Improve mail delivery...mail the mailmen their pay!!
Improve mail deliverymail the posties their pay!!
Improve man, you gain a thousandfold.
Improve the Earth's ecology :  Compost a Fundamentalist!!
Improve the average conversation: Constantly reply "I don't know".
Improve the average conversation: Constantly reply with "I don't know"
Improve the computing world.  Toss a Mac off a cliff.
Improve your IQ! Eat gifted children!
Improve your image - be seen with me!
Improve your memory, forget about work
Improve your performance by improving your attitude!
Improved                                   [didn't work the second time]
Improved - didn't work the second time.
Improved user interface!
Improvement: Yugo after an accident.
Improvert: Stand-up comic.
Imps and Spectors and Cacodemons!  Oh My!!
Impulse buying is not macho. Men rarely call the Home Shopping Network
Imzadi BBS... yes I am nuts about Troi, ok?
Imzadi BBS...yes Deanna I named it for you.
In "Ted's World" the bad guy gets killed. - Ted Nugent (R&R gun lover)
In < 25 words define the Universe and cite 3 examples.
In '96, voting is as easy as ABC (Anybody But Clinton!)
In ((STEREO)) where available.
In /dev/null no one can hear you scream
In /dev/null, no one can hear you scream.
In 100 million years, Barney will be a can of 10W40.
In 1750 Issac Newton became discouraged when he fell up a flight of stairs.
In 1869 the waffle iron was invented for people who had wrinkled waffles.
In 1880 the French captured Detroit but gave it back ... they couldn't get parts
In 1915 pancake make-up was invented but most people still preferred syrup.
In 1976 my parents moved to Florida...in 1980 I found them again.
In 1981 "both baud rates" meant 110 & 300. High speed meant 1200!
In 1994, I was sure that the world was DOOM-ed.
In A War Of Ideas It Is People Who Get Killed.  --S. Lec
In Africa, when God made time, he made lots of it
In Africa, wild Airedales run naked through the jungle.....
In Alabama, it's illegal to play dominoes on Sunday.
In America sex=obsession, everywhere else it is a fact.
In America there are 2 classes of travel - 1st class and with children
In America you can have all the justice money can buy
In America, discussion means dissent.
In America, it's not how much an item costs, it's how much you save.
In America, we'll try anything once - except criminals.
In American there are 2 classes of travel - 1st class and with children.
In Amerika, a man and his paycheck are quickly parted. 
In An Emergency - Type 911!
In Arizona we do not drive the speed limit...we drive the temperature.
In Arkansas, if you get a divorce, technically you're STILL cousins.
In BAUD we trust.
In Bajoran poker, you *really* have to watch the Cards.
In Bajoran poker. You *really* have to watch your Cards!
In Borland you are never bored!
In Boston, drivers don't even obey the laws of _physics_.
In C++, only your friends can access your private parts!
In California, they say "Shift Happens". Boy, I'll say!
In California, you get earthquakes by default.
In Canada there is another word for Sushi.......BAIT!
In Canada they don't call it sushi... they call it BAIT!
In Canada, a dozen is now 10; ah, the metric system!
In Canada, even the female impersonators are women.
In Canada, there's a special word for Sushi: "bait".
In Cardassian murder mysteries, ALL the suspects are guilty.
In Case Of Fire, Rescue Taglines.
In Case of Death:  Do not use elevators.  Stay calm.
In Case of Death: Stay calm, do not use the elevators.
In Case of Fire, Log off Promptly
In Case of Fire, Log off Promptly via the Main Menu.
In Case of Fire, Log off Promptly.
In Case of Fire: (1) Log-off Promptly, (2) Yell "FIRE!"
In Case of PC Fire, Log off Promptly, & call Fire Dept!
In Castle Perilous, there's 144,000 doors to explore.
In Chicago it is important to vote early and often.
In China you could get 5-10 years for saying that.
In Christ is new Life.
In Cyberspace you CAN jerk off at the speed of light
In Cyberspace, no one wears a watch.
In DBLSPACE no one can hear you scream.
In DC sanity is so rare it is classified "top secret"!OJW
In DOS we trust.
In December, I'm all yours, I promise! - Jalapeno to Gryphon
In Devon, Connecticut, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.
In DoubleSpace (tm), no one can hear you scream...
In DoubleSpace no one can hear you scream.
In DoubleSpace no one can hear your data scream.
In ENGLISH, Data?! --Captain Beverly Picard
In England there are 60 religions and 1 sauce.
In England there are sixty different religions and only one sauce.
In English, every word can be verbed.
In FIDO, many complain about quoting/posting dupes. It isn't fun.
In FIDO, many complain about quoting/posting dupes; that it isn't fun.
In Farmer MacGregor's Garden: Peter Abbott
In Farmer MacGregor's Garden: Peter Abbott*
In Florida, the sunshine is part of your paycheck.
In France, they call it Royale with Cheese
In Frank's closet behind his Jane West doll - Dr. F
In GENERATIONS, the wrong captain died.
In God We Trust  All others must show two forms of ID.
In God We Trust - all others must show two forms of ID.
In God We Trust - all others we monitor.
In God We Trust, Inc.
In God We Trust.  All others must use the Call-Back Verifier.
In God We Trust.  All others pay in cash.
In God We Trust.  All others use the Call-Back Verifier.
In God We Trust. All others use the Call-Back Verifier.
In God we Trust......All others pay ca$h!
In God we Trust; all others we voice verify.
In God we trust - you pay in gold.
In God we trust you pay in gold.
In God we trust, Congressmen pay CASH!
In God we trust, all others must pay cash.
In God we trust, all others pay cash.
In God we trust, all others we monitor.
In God we trust, all others we voice verify!
In God we trust, all others we voice verify.
In God we trust, you pay in gold.
In God we trust.  All other must use the callback verifier.
In God we trust.  All others must pay cash.
In God we trust.  All others pay cash.
In God we trust.  All others we monitor.
In God we trust. All others must pay cash!!
In God we trust. All others must pay cash.
In God we trust. All others pay cash...
In God we trust... All others must pay cash.
In God we trust... All others pay cash!
In God we trust... All others we monitor!
In God we trust: All others we voice verify.
In God we trust; all else we walk through.
In God we trust; all others must pay cash.
In God we trust; all others pay cash ........
In God we trust; all others we monitor.
In God we trust; all others we voice verify.
In God's eyes I'm not DISABLED, I'm SPECIAL!!
In Goddess I trust.  How about you?
In Heaven there is no DOS
In Heaven, The Cooks are French.
In Heaven, The Lovers are Italian.
In Heaven, The Policemen are English.
In Heaven, all chairs are recliners.
In Heaven, all the interesting people are missing.
In Heidi's book?  There must be another guy with my name.
In Hell, The lovers are Swiss.
In Hollywood, a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk
In Hollywood, you're a genius until you lose your job.
In India they worship monkeys.   We only elect them..
In India they worship monkeys.  We just elect them.
In India they worship monkeys. In America we elect them.
In India they worship monkeys. We only elect them.
In Leningrad freezing point is called melting point.
In Louisiana it is illegal to drive barefoot.
In Louisiana, if you get a divorce, technically you're STILL cousins.
In MAINFRAME nobody dies. They are just erased.
In May of 1941, the war had just begun..
In Mexico we have a word for sushi: bait -- Jose Simon
In Minnesota they have 2 seasons: Winter & Road Repair...
In My Humble Opinion Your Mileage May Vary.
In Nature's infinite book of secrecy a little I can read.
In New Zealand "SEX" is always after 5
In Newfoundland it's called "Deep Space 9:30".
In Newfoundland, it's Deep Space 9:30.
In OS/2 we trust.
In Ohio, lemmings have to shoot themselves.
In Pennsylvania, horses can wear black tack only on Sunday.
In Propria Persona, Sui Juris - Hell no I don't need an Attorney!
In RPG's, life's a die and then you bitch.
In RPGs if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck, check for spells
In Radio Prison, they wash brain.
In San Francisco, Halloween is redundant.
In Space, no one can hear you filk.
In Stereo Where Available
In TEXAS there is another name for Sushi...BAIT!
In Taglines, good is always subjective.
In Ted's World the bad guy gets killed. - Ted Nugent, NRA Rep.
In Texas, it is illegal to have a pair of wire cutters in your car.
In Texas...We don't care how you do it in the North!
In The Beginning, There Were Aardvarks.
In The Line Of Fire, Speed, Blown Away? - Dr. Forrester
In The Search For Quality, There Is No Finish Line
In The Second Year of the Reign of William the Prevaricator
In The Trenches: Helmut Wearer
In Toledo, we threw horseshoes for self-defense, not fun. - Klinger
In Trek, answers are usually wrong by the next episode.
In USA they don't throw away the trash, they make them into TV series
In Ulthar no man may kill a cat.
In Valen's name, I take the place that has been prepared for me.
In Vancouver they don't tan, they rust!
In Vancouver we don't tan, we rust!
In WW III, all men will be cremated equal.
In Wales, a bisexual is someone who likes cattle AND sheep
In Washington DC, if you listen carefully, you can hear the noses grow
In Windows 95 I was multitasking and managed to flame myself in Email!
In Wine is Wisdom, In Beer is Power, In h2o are Bacteria!
In Wisconsin that barn would say DIESEL/CHEESE/GIFTS -Tom
In `Nam, the F1 key was not the "HELP" key = FIRE ONE!
In a Cardassian murder mystery, all the suspects are guilty.
In a Dog-Eat-Dog world never wear Milk Bone shorts.
In a Tokyo bar: special cocktails for the ladies with nuts.
In a VAN down by the river!
In a VERY weak moment, I became a conference Moderator
In a VERY weak moment, I started a BBS.
In a Western, horses are never shot and killed, they only trip.
In a Western, six shooters have at least 12 shots.
In a bad mood?  Snore in a church!
In a big country dreams stay with you - Servo Chorus
In a big country, dreams stay with you...
In a bleecker street cafe/i found someone to love today
In a cascode amplifier, the emitter resistor stabilizes the current.
In a cat's eyes all things belong to cats.
In a country of lesbians, the only woman with a tongue is queen.
In a couple hours there'll be no escaping the sun, son. - Fox Mulder
In a couple hours there'll be no escaping the sun, son. --Mulder.
In a crisis call for Isis.
In a dog-eat-dog world, I've a Milk Bone in my shorts.
In a dog-eat-dog world, don't wear MilkBone underwear.
In a dream you saw a way to survive and you were filled with joy!
In a dream you saw a way to survive and you were filled with joy! -Hol
In a dungeon, the worst thing you can do is the obvious!
In a family argument, if you are right apologize at once.
In a fight between Jesus and Superman, who'd win?
In a fight between you and the world, back the world.
In a fight you don't stop to choose your cudgels.
In a fit of confusion, Spock uses Scotty as bath tissue.
In a fit of confusion, Spock uses Scotty as toilet paper.
In a fit of confusion, Spock uses Scotty as toilet tissue
In a fit of jealousy, Data dismembers the Energizer bunny.
In a fit of jealousy, Data dissects the Energizer Bunny.
In a fluttering of eyelashes, you reformatted your HD?
In a grue's refrigerator, the light goes out when you open the door.
In a gun fight there are no second place winners.
In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.
In a hurry, I depopulateor, rather, go the elemental route.
In a lifetime, the average cat sheds 14.95 lbs. of fur, per day!
In a lifetime, the average cat sheds 14.95 lbs. of fur.
In a limited Nuclear war, all the Nukes have names....
In a logical world, MEN would ride side saddle.
In a mad world, only greater madness succeeds.
In a message to All <12-04-94 13:01> Barry Blaes wrote:
In a message to Bryan Handfield <11-02-93 17:00> Justin Bacon wrote:
In a minute honey...just 1 more message! <boom> NO CARRIER
In a minute, Honey... Just one more message! ...  Honey??
In a moment, my little piranhafish...
In a nonfree society, no pursuit of interests is possible to anyone.
In a nuclear explosion , all men are creamated equally.
In a nuclear explosion, all men are cremated equally.
In a nuclear war - all men are cremated equal!
In a nuclear war, all are cremated equally.
In a nuclear war, all men are creamated equal.
In a nuclear war, all men are cremated equally
In a nuclear war, all men will be cremated equal
In a nuclear war, all men will be cremated equally.
In a nude wedding, everyone can see who's the best-man!
In a nutshell (which is where a lot of people think I belong) <mt>
In a perfect world there would be no salad.
In a perfect world, the moon would be full more often.
In a pinch a stone ax still works.
In a restaurant, choose a table near a waiter.
In a shedding contest with cats, the odds are against you.
In a strange turn of events, the cat was electrocuted.
In a thermonuclear war, all men will be cremated equally.
In a vote for favourite MS programs, No.1 for me would be Solitaire
In a war whose escalation eradicates civil liberties, go for the win!
In a well knit family everyone gives a darn.
In a wood full of princes, freedom is a kiss...
In a world gone mad, only the mad are sane.
In a world of Hard Disks, He's using a 1S-2D floppy for brains.
In a world of masks there are few facades that last.
In acceptance there is peace.
In addition to my huge greatness - Dr. Forrester
In adversity a man is saved by hope. Menander
In adversity remember to keep an even mind. Horace (8 BC)
In all labor there is profit. - Proverbs 14:23
In all likelihood, whatever will be will be.
In all of my interesting stories, I lost.
In all systems of theology, the devil is a male.
In all the countries I've been to, everyone understands a smile.
In all things it is better to hope than to despair.
In all things....Praise HIS Name!
In all this romantic atmosphere, disaster's in the air.  Timon
In an alternate universe, the above would be off topic.
In an alternate universe, you're probably a swell guy!
In an armed society the one with the least to lose, wins.
In an atomic war, all men are cremated equally.
In an atomic war, all men will be cremated equally.
In an attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a pole.
In an easy cause any man may be eloquent. - Ovid
In an elevator in Paris: please leave your values at the front desk...
In an elevator, make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.
In an emergency, any pleasure will do.
In an empty head, you can hear forever....
In an infinite multiverse, possibilities are infinite.
In an infinite multiverse, there is no such thing as impossible.
In an infinite universe, anything is possible
In an insane society, the sane man must appear insane. -- Spock
In an nuclear war, all men will be cremated equal
In an ocean or in a glass, cool water is such a gas.
In an organization, each person rises to the level of his own incompetency.
In another 65 million years, Barney will be motor oil.
In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention.
In another time and place, this could be funny.
In any case = In any box ???
In any case, that's what pen-names are for... :-)
In any formula, constants are to be treated as variables.
In any household, junk accumulates to fill the storage space available.
In any human enterprise, work seeks the lowest hierarchial level.
In baseball, you don't know *nothing*. <Yogi Berra>
In bed be wife and husband in hall each other's guest.
In bleak misery, the lifeless lie in squandor.
In bookstores now:  "In Search of Lost Virginity", by Hymen Retread.
In canis corporea transmuto.
In capitalism, man exploits man.  In Communism, it's exactly the opposite.
In case of 911, call FIRE............ No, wait.....
In case of Big Mac attack...
In case of EaRtHqUaKe, laugh hysterically, and EnJoY tHe RiDe!
In case of NewBorg invasion pull lever. <SNAP> Oh sh|t!
In case of Rapture this tagline will self-destru.....
In case of Rapture, I get the pope's hat
In case of an emergency, administer Chocolate
In case of atomic attack, prayer in schools will be OK.
In case of death: Don't use elevators. Stay calm.
In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.
In case of doubt, make it sound convincing. - L. Long
In case of doubt, make it sound convincing. -- Heinlein
In case of doubt, make it sound convincing. L. Long
In case of doubt, vote AGAINST. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.
In case of emergency administer chocolate
In case of emergency notify: Doctor. - S.W.
In case of emergency read manual.
In case of emergency, administer chocolate.
In case of emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death
In case of emergency, break glass, scream, bleed to death.
In case of emergency, drop to DOS and do it right.
In case of emergency, pull tagline |-----------------o
In case of emergency: Break glass on documentation bookcase.
In case of fire do not use elevators... Use water.
In case of fire, do not use elevators.  Use fire extinguishers.
In case of fire, rescue computer.
In case of fire, women & taglines first!
In case of fire, yell "FIRE!"
In case of fireread next taglineHey I said in case of FIRE!
In case of frustration, break glass.
In case of injury notify your superior immediately.
In case of nuclear war, prayer in schools will be okay.
In case of rapture, please grab the wheel.
In case of rapture, who's gonna run this thing?
In case of the rapture, who's gonna run this thing?
In case you haven't heard, the war is over. - Dodger
In charity, there is no such thing as excess.
In college I was an Ursa Major - Crow as stuffed bear
In comparison, there's no comparison.
In computer science, we stand on each other's feet.  - Brian Reid
In computer science, we stand on each other's feet.  -- Brian Reid
In computers..patience is not a virtue..it is a pre-requisite..!
In corporate management, stupidity is not a handicap.
In cyberspace no one can hear you laugh but they can see you <smile>
In cyberspace no one can hear you laugh but they can see you.
In cyberspace no one can hear you scream
In cyberspace no one can hear your stomach rumble.
In cyberspace noone can hear you laugh but they can see you <smile>
In cyberspace there's no one to hear your screams.
In cyberspace, has the E-Mailman ever suffered a dog byte?
In cyberspace, no one can hear you scream.  UNLESS YOU TYPE LIKE THIS!!!
In danger of being confiscated while we watch it - Tom
In darkness is found truth - in truth - light.
In data, the figure most obviously correct is an error.
In day 6, He created fish. In day 7, He went fishing.
In death the dream is over, and then comes the morning.  -Aslan
In defeat, defiance.  In victory, magnanimity.
In democracy its your vote that counts. In feudalism its your count that votes.
In disagreements, fight fairly.  No name calling!
In dog years, I'm dead.
In dog years, I'm long dead and buried.
In dogs we trust - in politicians?  That's another story!
In dreams you can always fly.
In early June under the clear blue gypsy moon -Crow sings
In economics, the majority is almost always wrong.
In economics, the majority is always wrong.
In eternal search of that elusive CONNECT 28800...
In every family tree there's a little sap!
In every family tree there's sap.
In every family tree, there's always some sap.
In every gain there is a loss. -- Master Po
In every good man a god doth dwell. Seneca
In every man's castle, there's a lovely Princess.
In every old guy is a young guy wondering what happened.
In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.
In every revolution there is one man with a vision.
In every revolution, there is one man with a vision! - James T. Kirk
In every revolution, there's one man with a vision.
In every work of genius we recognize our rejected ideas!
In fact officer, factor in the earth's rotation and we're all speeding.
In fact, I DON'T put my pants on one leg at a time!
In fact, I DON'T put my pants on one leg on leg at a time
In fact, you're kinda weird. - Wakko
In fashion be a reed in the wind.
In favor of the woman's movement-I hate it when they just lie there.
In fifty years, movies have progressed from silent to unspeakable!
In front of every silver lining there's a cloud.
In gambling and life if you don't play, you never win.
In genealogy there are no mutually compensating errors.
In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni ...
In golf, the proof is in the putting.
In great attempts it is glorious even to fall. -- Cassius
In handling a stinging insect, move very slowly.  - Heinlein
In handling a stinging insect, move very slowly. -- RAH
In heaven all the interesting people are missing.
In heaven there is no beer that's why we drink...HUH?-Tom
In heaven, the dog never barks at three in the morning.
In her fairy-tale world she's a lost soul singing.
In her next life, she wants to be Barbie.  The bitch has EVERYTHING!
In her off hours, Tasha Yar held a Data entry position.
In hexadecimal, I'm only 2B!
In human history, most leaders prove to be good bleeders.
In it's former life, my computer was a Cray...
In just seven days (or one long night!) I can make you a man! - Frank
In just seven days, I can make you a ma-a-a-a-an. - Frankie
In just two days tomorrow will be yesterday...
In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.
In keeping with current Clinton economics, July 4th is canceled.
In knowledge, there must be truth. - Mike McMullin
In labors of love, everyday is payday.
In life beauty perishes, but not in art. (L. da Vinci)
In life or death situations, if at first you don't succeed yer DEAD!
In life...Keep your eye on the DOUGHNUT and NOT on the HOLE.
In love there are two evils:  war and peace. - Horace, 65-8BC
In loyalty to our kind we cannot tolerate your mind.
In making decisions, recall that the trend is a friend.
In many states murderers are put to death by electrolysis.
In marriage it is permitted to take every advantage of the enemy.
In marriage you learn to pay - either attention or dearly
In marriage, as in war, it is permitted to take every advantage.
In marriage, as in war, it's permitted to take advantage of the enemy.
In marriage, the bride gets a shower, but for the groom it's curtains!
In marriage, the bride gets a shower. But for the groom, it's curtains
In marriage, the bridge gets a shower. But for the groom, it's curtains!
In marriage, the bridge gets a shower. For the groom, it's curtains!
In matters of conscience, the law of majority has no place.
In memoriam: Frank Vincent Zappa (Dec. 21, 1940 - Dec. 4, 1993)
In memoriam: Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991)
In memory of Richard Nixon...I promise to.....
In more ways than one!!!!!!!!
In more ways then one!!!!!!!!
In most instances, all an argument proves is that two peo
In most instances, an argument only proves that two people are present
In my 50 years,   I have Been there & Done it all!
In my 70 years,   I have Been there & Done almost everything  :-)
In my Father's house are many mansions. - John
In my attempt to hit a fly, I drove into a telephone pole.
In my back yard I have a set of mood swings.
In my book you're a great guy.  But then it's a work of fiction.
In my book you're a great guy.  But then, it IS a work of fiction....
In my book you're a great guy.  But then, it's a work of fiction.
In my book, food should be nutrition and entertainment. * Calvin
In my business, there are no friends, only suspects. Punch/Counter Punch
In my case, usually homicide.- Janette
In my century, we've learned not to fear worms.  -Dax
In my considered opinion you're a bunch of sissies.
In my dream I was drowning my sorrows --U2
In my dreams, I'm not any better off.
In my experience, there's no such thing as luck. - Obi-Wan Kenobi
In my experience, there's no such thing as luck. -- Kenobi
In my expert medical opinion, it's... sick. - Dr. Bashir.
In my family tree, all my old roots are underground.
In my family tree, all of my roots went underground.
In my family, Crazy is a relative term.
In my grief, do I know what I'm doing? - Klinger
In my hands, your wart is sacred. - Klinger to Col. Potter
In my heart of hearts I *am* a Klingon.  - Q to Worf
In my heart of hearts I *am* a Klingon.  -- Q
In my house, the term "leftovers" refers to survivors.
In my next life I wanna be Barbie - that bitch has EVERYTHING!
In my next life I'll marry a Tagline.....  `cos they really suck!
In my next life I'm coming back as my cat!
In my next life I'm coming back as my wife's dog!
In my next life, I wanna be Barbie.  The bitch has EVERYTHING!
In my own insanity I misunderstood your blitherings.
In my own world, I am the head gardener.
In my small college, the debate team was a schizophrenic.
In nature there are no rewards or punishments, only consequences.
In need of a ROM upgrade.
In need of a good reformatting.
In need: SlOw 486 computer!! please leave a message!! Here!
In nuclear war, all men are cremated equal.
In occult matters, the obvious answer is usually the wrong one.
In one ear and gone tomorrow.
In one ear and out the rubber. <Riggs>
In order for something to get clean, something else must get dirty.
In order to get a loan you must first prove you don't need it.
In order to get a loan, you must first prove that you don't need it.
In order to get a loan, you must first prove you don't need it.
In order to get a loan, you must prove you don't need it!
In order to keep an open mind, I am trying to avoid learning anything.
In order to keep the title, a lover must keep loving.
In order to save face, keep the bottom half shut.
In order to succeed we must first think we can.
In other words, I don't have a clue, either!
In other words:  One of These Days!!!
In our century, we've learned not to fear words.
In our century, we've learned not to fear words. - Nyota Uhura
In our family, death is when you really start to enjoy life.
In our last thrilling episode, Matthew Frei shocked All by saying:
In our weakness God's strength is complete.
In our world we, too have cable television - Frank
In our world, we also have a Hawaii! - Dr. F
In our world, we too have 'riffs' - Dr. F
In our youth our hearts were touched with fire. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
In our youths our hearts were touched with fire.
In pet shop: Buy, Buy Birdie.
In plain non-Vulcan English, we were lucky. McCoy
In plumbing, a straight flush beats a full house!
In plumbing, a straight flush is better than a full house
In plumbing, a straight flush is better than a full house!
In political matters much may be said on both sides and it always is.
In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
In politics, absurdity is not a handicap.  (Napoleon)
In politics, an absurdity is not a handicap.
In politics, nothing happens by accident.
In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.
In principle I agree with what you're doing, but there are laws.
In principles be a rock in the stream.
In private, women are much more perverted than men.
In pursuit of elusive ancestors.
In quietness and confidence will be your strength...Isaiah
In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. -Isaiah 30:15
In rap, the C is silent.
In real life, Moderators are nice people...RIGHT!
In real life, moderators are nice people. hey! its true! Keith
In real life, moderators are nice people. hey! its true! Really!
In real love you want the other person's good.
In recent years the thruth has suffered from severe inflation.
In recent years the truth has suffered from severe inflation.
In recipes, good is always subjective.
In romantic love, you want the other person.
In round figures, you owe me $672.11. - Winchester
In search for the perfect comm program...
In search of @FN@'s brain.
In search of Orville Bullitt's brain.
In search of Orville's brain.
In search of a REALLY good Discworld Tagline!
In search of a new paradigm.
In search of cognitive dissonance...
In search of the perfect .
In search of the perfect man...
In seeking the unattainable, simplicity only gets in the way.
In sex point eight seconds you could be laid......
In short measures, life may perfect be. -Ben Jonson
In short, he is ignorant and not smart enough to keep his mouth shut.
In shouldn't you words around move your sentence.
In silence man can most readily preserve his integrity. M. Eckhart
In similar waters, similar fish are found - RUYSCH
In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed.
In skydiving, If the check bounces, so do you!
In software systems it is often the early bird that makes
In software systems it is often the early bird that makes the worm.
In some cases non-violence requires more militancy than violence.
In some of us, we have 3! <g<  Go figure.
In some places 'moderator' decodes to a dirty word.
In space it's never `Miller Time' - Opus
In space no one can hear you moo.
In space no one can hear you scream, but they can hear you go to warp!
In space, all warriors are cold warriors.
In space, farts are silent, but the smell lasts forever.
In space, it's never Miller time.
In space, lemmings have to shoot themselves.
In space, no one can art direct!
In space, no one can fry an egg. -- How Much For Just the Planet?
In space, no one can hear Chekov scream.              --Bill W.
In space, no one can hear you cha-cha-cha!
In space, no one can hear you explode messily.
In space, no one can hear you fart.
In space, no one can hear you if you break wind!
In space, no one can hear you rip a stinky.
In space, no one can hear you scream.
In space, no one can here you laugh!!
In space, no one can smell your breath - Crow
In space, no-one can hear you fart
In space, nobody can hear you CLUCK!!!!!! :)
In space...no one can hear you "Cha! Cha! Cha!"
In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular !
In spite of the high cost of living, it still remains popular.
In stereo (where available).
In tabulario donationem fect.
In the .EXEs of Life, he had more NOPs than most.
In the 1970 Sheepdog Trials, how many were found guilty ?
In the 90's if it isn't warped, it's just not beautiful!
In the Air Force they separate the men from the boys...with crowbars!
In the Arctic Ocean: Isa Berg
In the Beginning, God rolled a 00 on the Random World Generation Table
In the Beginning, God rolled a 20 on the Random World Generation Table
In the Beginning, God rolled a 20 on the World Generation Table.
In the Clinton Navy blowing the Bosun pipe has a whole new meaning.
In the End, There can only be Telix, EZR, and DSZ
In the Midst of Flash & Fury, Myra I Fox said in secret alphabets...
In the Name of The Old Man, The Kid, and The Spook, Amen.
In the State of Denmark there was the odor of decay...
In the UK, 40 fags is two packs of cigs.  Here, you can open a bar!
In the USA, they have Duck, Geese and Tourist seasons...
In the back room she was everybody's darlin'...
In the begining there was D&D, then they got better. . .
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Gen 1:1)
In the beginning God said:  CTRLALTDEL
In the beginning there was The Clearing Of The Throat.
In the beginning there was nothing, then Man, then God.
In the beginning there was nothing,then man appeared,followed by God.
In the beginning there was the Precambrian epoch.
In the beginning there was the word and the fundies misunderstood it.
In the beginning voz... averred the German preacher.
In the beginning was DOS 1.0 with 160k disks and a program named ED.
In the beginning was the pun. - Sam Beckett
In the beginning, God didn't have any registered users
In the beginning, God rolled a d20 on the Random World Generation table.
In the beginning, there was AT&T...
In the best of all possible worlds, I'd _still_ vote for Howard Stern.
In the case of an actual tagline, you will be notified.
In the city of R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu lies dreaming..
In the city where all schemes are tested...
In the clear white circles of morning wonder...
In the computer room no one can hear you SCREAM!
In the computer world, every little bit helps.
In the country of the blind the one eye'd man is king.
In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. - Erasmus
In the country of the blind, the one-eyed men are kings.
In the dark, all cats are gray.
In the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair. - Zed Zeplin
In the days of my youth I remembered my God!
In the demolition derby of life, I'm a Peterbuilt.
In the demolition derby of life, I'm a Pinto.
In the demolition derby of the Lair, you're a Pinto.
In the depths of dead R'lyeh, Great Cthulhu lies dreaming.
In the depths of your ignorance, what do you want? - Brain
In the depths of your ignorance, what do you want? - The Brain
In the director's cut they eliminated the narration -Joel
In the distant past Vulcans killed to win their mates.
In the early "80's" I was warned not to confuse the two.
In the echo, the mighty echo, the moderator screams tonight...
In the echoes, you can remember your name...
In the end Gravity Wins.. Dolly Parton..
In the end gravity always wins.  - Dolly Parton
In the end it's all just mentamorphological psychodelineation!
In the end there can be only OLX
In the end there can be only one.  Okay maybe 2.  Alright 3 so far...
In the end there can only be Renegade, Telix and Bluewave!!!
In the end there can only be Wildcat, Q-Modem and OLX
In the end there will be microwaves, crockpots, and MM
In the end, even Bach decomposed.
In the end, gravity always wins - Dolly Parton
In the end, gravity wins - Dolly Parton.
In the end, gravity wins -- Dolly Parton
In the end, memories are all we got.
In the end, the only people who fail are those who do not try.
In the end, there can be only one!
In the end, there can be only one. - Ramirez
In the end, you will close the book.
In the event of nuclear atttack, all bans on prayer will be lifted.
In the eyes of God, they'll be Flander-es-es-es! - Homer
In the eyes of a cat, all wisdom may be found.
In the eyes of cats , all things belong to cats.
In the eyes of the Lord we're all beasts.
In the eyes of the Lord, a prisoner's a prisoner. - Fr. Mulcahy
In the famous words of Pauly Shore..."Chi-i-i-l, bu-u-dy!"
In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared minds.
In the fight between you and the world, back the world!
In the fight between you and the world, back the world.
In the fight between you and the world, bet on the world - F. Zappa
In the final analysis, entropy always wins.
In the future all robots will act like Don Knotts - Crow
In the future archeologists may be digging for taglines!
In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.
In the game of life, father time always wins
In the great pizza of life, I got the slice of anchovies.
In the hunt, one captures or kills, never both - Bounty Hunter's Creed
In the immortal words of Marion Barry -- "Bitch set me up!"
In the immortal words of Socrates... "I drank *what*?"
In the jingle-jangle morning I'll come followin' you.  -- Bob Dylan
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle... - Timone
In the jungle, they use windshield vipers when it rains.
In the kitchen with nothing but thyme on my hands!
In the lady's restroom on the Enterprise:"Where no man has gone before
In the land of Mordor, where the Crunchy Frogs lie...
In the land of storms and snows, we'll plant one burning rose.
In the land of the Blind, one-eyed man is King.
In the land of the blind the one-eyed must be mad.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is a nut!
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is insane.
In the land of the free, now that's comedy! - Slappy
In the land of the witless, the halfwit is king.
In the land that our grandchildren knew
In the language of violence, death is a silence. - Maestro Fresh Wes
In the last episode of "As the Modem Churns" ...
In the last episode of "Tag Request", we heard Jason say to All:
In the locust wind comes a rattle and hum --U2
In the long run it all works out,course,in the long run we're all dead
In the long run we are all dead. <J M Keynes>
In the long run, every program becomes rococco, and then rubble.  - Alan Perlis
In the long run, every program becomes rococo, and then rubble. -- Alan Perlis
In the long run, volunteers will be the most expensive workers you ever had.
In the long run, we are all dead.
In the long run, we're all dead.
In the middle of a fight, a hockey game broke out.
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. - A. Einstein
In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.
In the middle of the fight, a hockey game broke out.
In the middle of the fight, a hockey game broke out...
In the midst of great joy, do not promise anyone anything
In the military,You pay taxes,taxes pays our salary,BOOM,self-employed
In the mirrors of the many judgments my hands are the color of blood.
In the morning, In the evening, Ain't we got fun...
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the news: Check out the next message.
In the next Nuclear war, will we know all the bomb's names?
In the not so distant future, way down in Deep 13 - MST3K01
In the old days men rode chargers, now they marry them.
In the old days, diplomacy was a simpler affair.
In the palm of the left hand black, I'm gonna bring you god. - Danzig
In the presence of great men, even fools hide their fault
In the pursuit of distortion-free AUDIO!
In the quadrant, the Delta quadrant, the starship's lost tonight...
In the rainforest, the mighty rainforest, the lion sleeps tonight
In the rat race, am I slowing down or is it faster rats?
In the republic of mediocrity, genius is dangerous. -Ingersoll
In the right the Holy Spirit guides, And its light is forever shining
In the shadow she finds a way.
In the shopping mall of the mind, he's in the toy store.
In the silence thats eternal, I will miss you more & more
In the spaceship, the silver space ship, the lion takes control
In the spirit of Crazy Horse
In the stiiiiiiiil of the ni-e-iiiiite the silence was deafening!
In the strict scientific sense we all feed on death. - Spock
In the suitcase on the left you'll find my favourite axe..
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread. - Genesis 3:19
In the tickling and the trembling of freeze tag
In the time it takes to fix the blame, we can fix the problem.
In the time it takes to fix the blame, we could fix the problem.
In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey -- Beck
In the town where I was Borg there lived a cube that sailed the stars.
In the vacuum of space, you can't play an accordian.
In the vastness of space and time, why did I end up here?
In the winter you lose your body; in the summer you lose your mind.
In the womb, we are blind cave fish, seeking taglines.
In the women's restroom on the Enterprise: "Where no man has gone before
In the words of David Steinburgh "Booga Booga" - Tom
In the words of the car dealers "they all do that".
In the year 2525 - if man is still alive ...
In theory, everything works.
In there's one thing I can't tolerate it's intolerance!
In these enlightened days, of course, no one believes a word of it.
In these here parts, good guys wear blue.
In this camp, cleanliness is next to impossible. - Winchester
In this corner, in the house coat - Crow
In this grand B movie we call life, there is always a girl. - Schanke
In this house of suffering, I gotta let some joy in. -bad brains
In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics! - Homer to Lisa
In this instance, reconditioned means as good as new.
In this kitchen I reign supreme,if you don't agree starve.
In this place it seems like such a shame -- NIN
In this place it seems like such a shame.
In this tiny world, people's all we got-- Biafra
In this world a man must either be anvil or hammer.
In this world a man must either be the anvil or the hammer.
In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes.
In this world, truth can wait; she's used to it.
In this year of our Lord, 1593, bring victory to the Clan Orville!
In thought and favor, word and deed.
In time of war the laws are silent. - Cicero
In time you can turn these obsessions into careers.
In time you will call me Master. - Emperor
In times of trouble and anxiety, look for God's love.
In two days tomorrow will be yesterday
In two words, im possible.
In voodoo you really have to hand hold your clients -Mike
In waking a tiger, use a long stick.
In war and life, either fight to win or don't fight.
In war it is customary to kill as many of the enemy as possible!
In war there is no substitute for victory.
In war, mistrust/paranoia are functional; at home, dysfunctional
In war, mistrust/paranoia are functional; at home, dysfunctional.
In what state were you born?                                     Nude.
In which Pooh tells Christopher Robin to sod off
In which level of metalanguage are you now speaking?
In wickedness there is a strong strain toward rationality.
In wine and Bwave, old is better!!
In your CONFIG.SYS file, make sure to SET BUGS=OFF
In your CONFIG.SYS file, make sure to set BUGS=OFF
In your CONFIG.SYS you must specify SET BUGS=OFF
In your CONFIG.SYS, add the line BUGS=OFF
In your EZ-Reader config.  Specify BUGS = OFF
In your case R Multiple Personalities and Multiple Aliases Equivalent?
In your config.sys; you must specify BUGS=OFF.
In your direction - Data to Picard
In your face, Nelson! - Dr. Forrester
In your face...GUI !
In your vision of the world is the image of yourself.
In youth we learn. In age we understand.
In zen skiing, you learn to become one with the snow.
In zen skiing, you learn to become one with the snow.
In*fer*nal Robbery Service.
InGoodShape := Copy(Beer,1,12);
Inaccuracy can save a lot of explanation.
Inadequate disk space.  Need 50 meg minimum. Window Error:00C Memory hog
Inagodadivida, baby!
Inalienable rights only interfere with the government.
Inane Tagline found. Abort, Retry, Swipe a better one.
Inane tagline found (A)bort (R)etry (S)wipe better one?
Inane tagline found.  Abort, Retry, Swipe a better one.
Inane tagline found. A)bort, R)etry, S)teal a better one, E)dit it?
Inane tagline found. Abort, Retry, Swipe a better one.
Inane tagline found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)wipe better one?
Inane tagline found: (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore
Inanimate objects move just enough to be in your way.
Inbred and proud of it!
Inbreeding is more than a word to Ross Perot, it's a way of life.
Incantation spell gone by, I will see life again
Incest gets you involved with relatives.
Incest is a game the whole family can play.
Incest is relatively boring but Necrophilia is dead boring.
Incest is relatively boring.
Incest je porodicni PLEJ-OFF.
Incest should stay in the Family.
Incest should stay in the family.
Incest:  Keep it in the family.
Incest:  Roll your own.
Incest:  The theory of relativity.
Incest:  The theory of relativity...
Incest:  When you cross a snake with a lawyer
Incest: Roll your own.
Incest: The theory of relativity.
Incest:Sibling revelry a sport the whole family can enjoy
Incidental music was by Thorchestra - Tom Servo
Incidents like this are making my job a hell of a lot harder
Include in your CONFIG.SYS File: BUGS = OFF
Include me out.
Include this in your CONFIG.SYS File:  BUGS=OFF
Include this in your CONFIG.SYS File: BUGS=OFF
Include this in your CONFIG.SYS File: BUGS=OFF
Include this in your CONFIG.SYS file: WINDOWS=CLOSED
Included battery assembly required.
Income Tax is Uncle Sam's version of "Truth or Consequences."
Income Tax is a major cause of smoking.
Income Tax is the major cause of smoking.
Income is a small matter to me - especially after taxes
Income is something you can't live without or within
Incoming Exocet!  Antimissile system not w-%&!@  NO CARRIER!
Incoming fire has right-of-way.
Incoming fire has the right of way.
Incoming fire has the right of way.  'Murphy
Incoming fire has the right-of-way.
Incoming fire will always be given the right of way.
Incompetence knows no barriers o' time o' place.  Cheeeiit. RAH
Incompetence knows no barriers of time or place. - L. Long
Incompetence knows no barriers of time or place. -- Heinlein
Incompetence knows no barriers of time or place. L. Long
Incompetence knows no barriers of time or place. RAH
Incompetence plus incompetence equals incompetence.
Incompetent captain grounds the warship he walks on.
Inconceivable!    - Vizzini
Inconceivable! -- Vinzinni
Incongruous - Where laws are made.
Incongruous - where bills are passed.
Incongruous -- Where U.S. laws are made.
Inconsistency is the key to flexibility.
Incontience Hotline .. Can you hold, Please?
Incontinence Hotline ... Can you hold please?
Incontinence Hotline can you hold?
Incontinence Hotline...Can you hold?
Incontinence is my personal way of saying I lose control.
Incontinence: disease created by the makers of Charmin.
Incorrigible punster - do not incorrige.
Incorrigible punster - please do not incorrige!
Incorrigible punster -- DO NOT INCORRIGE.
Incorrigible punster -- do not incorrige!
Incorrigible punster.  Do not encourage.
Increase your IQ -- Eat gifted children!
Increase your hard drive space......delete Windows!
Increase your property value: send your kids to boarding school!
Increase your tax burden - elect a democrat
Incredible adventures of Orville and his radioactive sweater-vest.
Incredible as it seems, my life is based on a true story.
Incredible! The Greek fire is melting them like wax!
Incredibly Stupid Tagline - Do Not Use
Incredibly stupid weapon - do not use.
Increment:  What computers eat to produce decrement.
Incumbent, n.: Person of liveliest interest to the outcumbents.
Incumbent: Person of liveliest interest to the outcumbents.
Incurable Optimist #3: Hyundai Owner with radar detector.
Indecision Clouds My Vision.
Indecision clouds my vision - Faith No More
Indecision is the basis for flexibility.
Indecision is the basis of Flexibility.
Indecision is the basis of flexibility.
Indecision is the key to felxibility
Indecision is the key to flexibility.
Indecision is the key to flexibilty ......
Indecision is the only key to flexibility.
Indecision may or may not be my problem . . .
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
Indeed you are powerful
Indeed, Captain Picard, you have found him -- Spock
Indeed, said the dragon.
Indeed, you are powerful, as the Emperor has foreseen. - Vader
Indent your Tabs.
Independence: hanging out opposite the shallow part of the pool.
Independent thinker: crazy.
Independents:   If shit happens, we quit!
Indian Chief Shortcake died, so Squaw bury Shortcake.
Indian Cuisine is a challenge, eat it often!
Indian Love Call - are you awake dear.
Indian reservation:  The home of the brave.
Indian/Italian Cuisine: Ravi Oley
Indian/Italian Cuisine: Ravi Oley*
Indiana - It is against the law to take a bath in winter.
Indiana Christison and the Crocodile of Doom.
Indiana Christison and the Vedek Crusade.
Indiana Dex on the Island of Babes With Low Self-Esteem..
Indiana Draganis and the Computer Spoon of Doom.
Indiana Draganis and the Vedek Crusade
Indiana Dupuis and the Klingon Hockey Team
Indiana Jones' Adventures: Darrin Rescue
Indiana Jones' Adventures: Darrin Rescue.
Indiana Jones: "I don't know. I'm making it up as I go along."
Indiana Nerd & the Temple of Dork - Crow
Indiana Who?!?
Indiana where snow is measured in yards, not feet.
Indiana: It is against the law to take a bath in winter.
Indianapolis 500 pit crews DO IT in under 21 seconds.
Indianapolis 500 pit crews DO IT under 21 seconds.<--= Unhappy women!
Indianapolis 500 pit crews do it under 21 seconds.<--= Quickie!
Indians DO IT with a feather. <---Don't you believe it!
Indians baseball --- catch the fever!
Indians worship the cow. You worship an ass - yourself!
Indifference error, press any key.  Or don't.  See if I care.
Indifference is not an option...
Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
Indigestion is only fatal in Mexico.
Indiscriminate study bloats the mind.
Indisposed?  She's in a cocoon! - Londo Molari.
Indisposed? She's in a cocoon! --Londo Mollari.
Individual rights, freedoms and responsibilities beat g'ment any day.
Individualist does it with himself.
Individualists of the world - UNITE!
Individualists of the world, UNITE!
Individualists unite!
Individuality is fine, as long as we all do it together. - Frank
Individually, ants are stupid.  Together, they're brilliANT.
Individuals who make their abode in vitreous edifices of patent
Inductors dissipate after doing it.
Indulge your ineffective curse, I will never die!
Industrial art teachers do it with big tools.
Industrial arts teachers DO IT with big tools.
Industrialization alienated millions of men from their source of love.
Industrialization has broadened women's options and deepened men's mold.
Industrialization made performing away from home the male role
Industrialization made performing away from home the male role.
Industry Standard:  how IBM *WON'T* do it.
Industry Standard:  the way IBM *WON'T* do it.
Indy 500   Snakes 0
Indy qualifying is like no other event in racing...
Inel: he Penium bug only affecs floaing poin calculaions!
Inertia    : The ability to rest.
Inertia is an overpowering force.
Inertia makes the world go round.
Inertial dampeners failing, Captain!  WHOOPS!!  <thump> <THUMP!>
Inevitability is my first goal as a writer.
Infachilles - Having one's heel rammed from behind by a baby stroller.
Infachilles: Having one's heel rammed from behind by a baby stroller.
Infachilles: having one's heel rammed from behind by a baby stroller.
Infamous Cereal Killer: Toucan Son of Sam
Infantrymen DO IT in the trench.
Infantrymen do it in the trench.
Infants don't enjoy infancy like adults enjoy adultery...
Infarkt, ma kakav da je, od srca je !
Infect your friends and neighbors with E.I.B.!
Infection:  Russians coming to the U.S.
Inferior, But Marketable
Inferiority complex:  a conviction by a jury of your fear
Inferiority complex: conviction by a jury of your fears
Inferiority complex: conviction by a jury of your fears.
Inferiority is what I enjoy in Orville.
Inferiority is what you enjoy in your best friends.
Infinite Diversity through Infinite Combination
Infinite space between her ears.
Infinity - one lawyer waiting for another.
Infinity Rider.  If not me, who?  If not now, when?
Infinity is a self-canceling thought form.
Infinity is far out!
Infinity is just time on an ego trip.
Infinity is my favorite number.
Infinity is one lawyer waiting for another.
Infinity is over-rated.
Infinity: The time it takes Windows do something productive.
Inflammation, Please!: Arthur Itis
Inflammation, Please!: Arthur Itis*
Inflatable Lum Doll: $928.45--Batteries Included, $84 w/o
Inflatable Lum Dolls: $59.95.  While supplies last.
Inflatable Ranma dolls $79.95, for those who can't decide...
Inflatable Rhinos are not simply one of life's little luxuries.
Inflatable dart board...
Inflation -- being broke with a lot of money in your pocket.
Inflation -- just a drop in the buck.
Inflation -- when those who save for a rainy day get soaked.
Inflation has gone up about a dollar a quart.
Inflation is a result of legalized counterfeiting.
Inflation is being broke with lots of money in your pocket.
Inflation is when the buck doesn't stop anywhere.
Inflation means the Buck does not stop here...
Inflation...when you can put $50 of groceries in your glove compartment.
Inflation: being broke with a lot of money in your pocket.
Inflation: fate worse than debt.
Inflation: just a drop in the buck.
Inflation: when those who save for a rainy day get soaked.
Info Superhighway speed trap warning:  300 BPS MODEM AHEAD
InfoTag 15: FTPMAIL is NOT Anonymoys FTP.
InfoTag 1: SLIP and PPP put *your* computer directly ON the Internet
InfoTag 7: The domain .FIDONET.ORG is unreliable.  Just say NO
InfoTag 9: Neither NETCOM or PSI allows BBS access to the Internet
Inform Star Fleet we have engaged the Borg.  Wedding on Saturday.
Inform Starfleet Command that we have encountered the Borg.
Inform Starfleet we have engaged the Borg. Wedding on Saturday.
Inform Starfleet: I have engaged the Borg. Wedding Friday.
Inform Starfleet: We have engaged the Borg. Wedding Friday
Inform Starfleet:I have engaged the Borg. Wedding Friday
Inform all the troops that communications have completely broken down.
Inform them that we have engaged the Borg.
Information - - We want information.....
Information Dirt Road:  The ride is bumpy, but free.
Information Highway? With *my* luck, I'll end up road kill!
Information Superhighway Names:  The Digital Backyard Barbecue.
Information Superhighway Names: Poor People Go Fish.
Information Superhighway?  WHERE?!?!
Information Vampire - gives a whole new meaning to the word BYTE.
Information Vampire - giving a whole new meaning to the word BYTE.
Information brought to you by Techno Junk and Grey Matter!
Information deteriorates upward through bureaucracies.
Information is Power.  Get Some!
Information is hard to get. Using it is even harder.
Information is heresay, knowledge is an event
Information is plentiful; insight is rare.
Information is the most valuable commodity in the universe.
Information just wants to be bandied about.
Information provided by the The Northeast Ohio (USA) PC User Group
Information travels more surely to those with a lesser need to know. L
Information travels more surely to those with a lesser need to know. RAH
Information wants to be free.
Informationally deprived.
Informed rule or no rule at all
Informed rule or no rule at all.
Informing Lord Vader we have a prisoner
Infrasurvey - The test to see how far back the TV remote will work.
Infrasurvey:  The test to see how far back the TV remote will work.
Infrasurvey: Test to see how far the TV remote will work.
Infrasurvey: The test to see how far back the TV remote will work.
Infrasurvey: the test to see how far back the TV remote will work.
Infringement of a Right is not a crime = government business.
Ingen har nytte av et lik
Ingenuity is never a substitute for intelligence.  Zachary Scott
Ingots & Krazy Kat are calling - Tom on Mads
Ingrate: A man who bites the hand that feeds him, and the
Ingratiate yourself to these men - Mike
Ingredient for a happy marriage: Budget the luxuries *first*!- L. Long
Ingredients of Spam: Everything but the oink.
Ingredients:  moose lips, moose lip byproducts.
Ingres is not a necessary precursor to Egress.
Ingrown toenails are caused by unsafe sox!
Inhale to the Chief...and to her husband, too!
Inhaling is irrelevant. --Clinton Borg.
Inigo, I am your father--prepare to join the Dark Side.
Iniitdeweu a nrenessTlmParanoid farern ynemaloneTlmPardon
Init string?!? No, looks like an old rope to me.....
Initialize - Carving your initials on a floppy disk.
Initialize my hard-drive?!  I can't find my damn pen!!!
Initialize:  Carving your initials on a floppy disk.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Injustice cannot be remedied by injustice. --Camille Paglia
Ink'a dink'a ink'a dink - Tom as he dances
Ink:  substance to apply before using liquid paper.  Liquid Paper:  see ink.
Inka Dinka Doo                          Jimmy Durante
Inknition - The metal clicker at the top of ball point pens.
Inknition: the metal clicker at the top of ball point pens.
Inner peace results when behavior is based on correct principles.
Innkeeper!  Slurpees and cheetos for all my men!
Innkeeper! I'll have what the man on the chandelier is having!
Innocence gave me confidence to go up against reality -Rush
Innocent as a newborn alligator!
Innocent holiday for the kiddies or a night on the town for Satan.
Innocents are here with me, prisons that I know - Course of Empire
Innovation for TV sci-fi....Rectangular doorways!
Innovation is hard to schedule. -- Dan Fylstra
Innuedo: An Italian suppository.
Innuendo : An Italian suppository.
Innuendo = Italian suppository
Innuendo = an Italian suppository.
Innuendo Freeway - Joel as biker exits tunnel
Innuendo can be fun.
Innuendo- an Italian suppository.
Innuendo...Is that an Italian suppository?
Innuendo:  Where my cat sits to look outside at the lesser beings._
Innuendo:  Where your cat sits to look outside at the birds.
Innuendo: Italian Suppository.
Innuendo: Italian for "suppository."
Innuendo: Italian for 'suppository'.
Innuendo: Italian for where you hang your curtains.
Innuendo: Where a cat sits to look outside at the birds.
Innuendo: Where your cat sits on a sunny day
Innuendo: Where your cat sits to look outside at the birds
Innuendo: Where your cat sits to look outside at the birds.
Innuendo: an Italian suppository.
Inouye shoulda been able to get in...
Input - Food, beverages, painkillers, stimulants, etc.
Input - Food, whiskey, beer, aspirin, etc.
Input - would like to know more.
Input error
Input/Output.  All you computer people think about is sex.  -SLR
Input: Food, beer, aspirin, etc.
Input: Food, beverages, painkillers, stimulants, etc.
Inquiring minds WANT TO KNOW!
Inquiring minds already think they know!
Inquiring minds couldn't care less!
Inquiring minds wanna know--Is Bill Clinton REALLY dead?
Inquiring minds wanna know... intelligent minds don't buy the tabloid.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Inquiring minds will be scared by what they find out.
Inquiring nerds need to know!
Inquiry.  The word... snoop? -- Data
Inquisition *this*, you science dinks! - The Tick
Insane No, Slightly Eccentric Maybe, Computer Addict YES!
Insane little animals... ferrets, I mean.
Insane: A poor crazy person.  Eccentric: A rich crazy person.
Insane?  Yes, I might be.  I'll ask myself and let you know.
Insane?  You're on the right track.
Insane? ME? Why thank you!
Insanity - It's only a state of mind.
Insanity - The ORIGINAL artificial reality.
Insanity - think of it as a survival skill!
Insanity -- The ORIGINAL artificial reality.
Insanity -- The ORIGINAL viritual reality.
Insanity --- The ORIGINAL artificial reality.
Insanity --- the original artificial reality.
Insanity doesn't run in my family -- it sprints.
Insanity doesn't run in my family--it gallops
Insanity is a lot of loose change.
Insanity is a pre-requisite for this echo,
Insanity is a rational reaction to an irrational world.
Insanity is a sane solution to an insane world.
Insanity is a state of mind.
Insanity is all in the mind
Insanity is an art; just like paint by numbers!
Insanity is doing it again & expecting a different result.
Insanity is for those incapable of handling Cthulhu.
Insanity is fun if you DO IT right.
Insanity is fun if you do it right.
Insanity is hereditary - you catch it from your kids
Insanity is hereditary - you get it from your children!
Insanity is hereditary - you get it from your kids
Insanity is hereditary -- from your kids.
Insanity is hereditary, You get it from your children.
Insanity is hereditary.  You get it from your kids.
Insanity is hereditary....you get it from your children. -Sam Levenson
Insanity is hereditary: It comes from Teen agers!
Insanity is hereditary; you get it from your children.
Insanity is heredity - you get it from your children.
Insanity is heredity - you get it from your kids
Insanity is heriditary, you get it from your kids!
Insanity is inherited.  You get it from your kids.
Insanity is just a state of mind.
Insanity is just a state of mind.
Insanity is just a state of mind. - Hawkeye
Insanity is like having your own movie theatre in your head.
Insanity is like having your own theatre in your head.
Insanity is my constant companion....
Insanity is my only means of relaxation!
Insanity is not a disease - it's a priviledge.
Insanity is often a clear mind overtaxed.
Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtaxed.
Insanity is only a state of mind
Insanity is something you achieve with psychiatric counselling.
Insanity killed the Cat... NOT CURIOUSITY!
Insanity killed the cat, not curiosity!
Insanity runs in my family.   In fact, it practically gallops.
Insanity runs in my family; it practically gallops
Insanity runs in my family; it practically gallops...
Insanity springs eternal.
Insanity, its not just a plea. Its a way of life.
Insanity-meter: E[......../]F  Right on!
Insanity..think of it as a survival skill!
Insanity: Doing same thing over & over & expecting different results.
Insanity: The original artificial reality.
Insanity: Think of it as a survival skill!
Insanity?  It's just a hobby...
Insect life: Protein supplement for bikers.
Insecticide:  When insects kill themselves
Insert 25 for a better tagline.
Insert DF0: in any drive.
Insert HURTME.COM Disk And Strike Worf When Ready ...
Insert Hellen Keller Jokes here:
Insert New Disk for Drive C: Press ENTER when ready.
Insert Quarter to continue..#..NO CARRIER
Insert Snazzy Tagline here __________________
Insert Tab A into B movie - Mike as Tab Hunter enters
Insert Witty Tagline Here ...
Insert a blank disk into C: and press <Enter<.
Insert a blank disk into C: and press .
Insert a favorite Slick Quote Here...
Insert appropriate tagline here.
Insert brain, THEN type
Insert brain, then type
Insert disk 5 of 4 and press any key to continue
Insert disk 5 of 4 and press any key to continue
Insert disk in drive C:  Press any key when ready.
Insert disk in drive C: and press any key when ready.
Insert disk with HURTME.COM and strike Worf when ready.
Insert disk with RTME.COM and strike Worf when ready.
Insert disk with \HURTME.COM and strike Worf when ready.
Insert disk with \HURTME.COM and strike any Klingon when ready.
Insert diskette in Drive C.  Press [ENTER] to continue...
Insert diskette in Drive C. Press [ENTER] to continue...
Insert dynamite in drive B: and press any key when ready.
Insert dynamite in drive B: light fuse when ready...
Insert dynamite in drive b: and light fuse when ready...
Insert explosive in drive B and light fuse when ready.
Insert foot in mouth, chew thoroughly, echo internationally...
Insert foot--Echo internationally
Insert hilarious tagline here
Insert humorous tagline here____________________________
Insert inevitable trivial witicism of your choice.
Insert inevitable trivial witticism of your choice.
Insert knife 'A' into girl 'B' - Tom
Insert plug A into socket B and wait for light F to blink the letter D.
Insert politically incorrect Tagline here----->
Insert prong A into hole B and twist HARD!
Insert the disk at your own risk!
Insert these lines if the message is a moved reply.
Insert your card magnetic stripe down.
Insert your own amusing tagline here: _______________________________
Inside every beam of light, there is a rainbow sleeping.
Inside every fat person is a thin person. The fat one ate him.
Inside every large problem is a small problem struggling to get out.
Inside every large problem is a small problem trying to get out.
Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out.
Inside every short man is a tall man doubled over in pain.
Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get out.
Inside every small problem, is a LARGE problem, looking for Orville.
Inside large problems are small problems waiting to get out.
Inside my ring which I always fill with an Underdog Super Energy Pill
Inside my ring, which I always fill with an Underdog Super Energy Pill.
Inside of the mound, I feel the moving ground - Course of Empire
Inside small problems a large problem struggles to get out.
Inside the Barney suit - God's sentence to John Hammond for playing God.
Inside the Barney suit - God's sentence to Mr. Hammond for playing God
Inside the Barney suit-God's sentence to John Hammond for playing God.
Inside the Robot Mind - Crow & Tom's talk show
Inside the armour of a warrior is a child..who wants play.
Inside the comic mind of Fu Manchu - Crow
Inside this fat body there's a skinny person screaming to get out.  I ate her.
Inside your head the monsters whirl
Insist on Madonna-safe sanitization.
Insist on the Original (Unless the copy is very cheap)
Insist on yourself; never imitate. * Emerson
Insomnia cures snoring.
Insomnia is not worth losing any sleep over.
Insomnia is nothing to lose sleep over.
Insomnia isn't anything to lose sleep over.
Insomnia isn't anything to lose sleep over.
Insomnia:  Nothing to lose sleep over.
Inspected by #13.
Install failed.  Attempting virus transfer to C:
Install failed. Attempting to transfer virus to c:
Installation recommended (not included).
Instant Autoworker: Just add caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine.
Instant Bagpipe: Stuff a cat under your arm. Pull legs and chew tail.
Instant Gratification takes too long...
Instant Human:  Just Add Coffee...
Instant Human:  Just add coffee.
Instant Human:  Just add diet coke . . .
Instant Human:  Just add diet coke . . . 
Instant Human: Just Add Chocolate.
Instant Human: Just Add Coffee
Instant Human: Just add beer...
Instant Human: Just add caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine.
Instant Human: Just add caffeine.
Instant Human: Just add diet coke . . .
Instant Jerk: Just add alcohol.
Instant Programmer: Just add caffine
Instant Shaman. Add water and beat to a drum.
Instant Sysop: Just add Caffeine and Nicotine.
Instant Tagline. Just add water.
Instant Tagline: Add 3 cups water and stir vigorously.
Instant Taglines. Just add wit!
Instant XT...Just add Windows.
Instant XT:  Add Windows to a 386 . . .
Instant asshole:  Just add alcohol.
Instant cassetes: out in the stores BEFORE the movie is finished!
Instant food served here - get sick the instant you eat!
Instant gratification has its merits.
Instant gratification isn't fast enough.
Instant gratification just isn't fast enough anymore
Instant gratification takes too long.
Instant human - Just add coffee.
Instant idiot!  Just add alcohol.
Instant idiot! Just add alcohol or drugs.
Instant idiot, add alcohol!! Hik.
Instant monitor upgrade: Windex and a paper towel!
Instant recipe. Just add water.
Instant sex will never be better than the kind you have to peel and cook.
Instant shaman--add one drum and beat slowly
Instant shamanadd one drum and beat slowly
Instant swimmer, just add water.
Instant swimmer.  Just add water.
Instant theatre! I love it! -- TV's Frank
Instant victim: add water and beat to a pulp.
Instant, debilitating punstration ...
Instead of being "born again", why don't you just grow up?
Instead of being born again, why not just grow up?
Instead of being born-again, why not grow up?
Instead of counting the days, make your days count.
Instead of crying over spilt milk go milk another cow.
Instead of nuclear arms, we should have atomic legs.
Instead, I have turned into a wishing well with legs. - Londo
Instinct is intelligence incapable of self-consciousness.
Instinct is often far more reliable than logic.
Instinct is the nose of the mind.
Institute:  An archaic school where football in not taught.
Institute: An archaic school where football in not taught
Instruction begins in the classroom, but education begins with life.
Instructors do it with less-on.
Instrumentalan - cim prdne konstatuje iz kog je dura.
Instrumentalist is a many-purposed word for many player-types.
Instruments come in many sizes, shapes and orchestras.
Insufficent disk space. Erase homework? (y/n)
Insufficient Disk Space, please delete Windows. Please!
Insufficient Memory Error ... Remove that stupid BUFFERS=2037463 line.
Insufficient Memory Error... Remove that stupid BUFFERS=2037463 line.
Insufficient Memory:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)ound head on wall
Insufficient Memory: (A)bort (R)etry (P)ound head on wall
Insufficient account balance to post a message WHAT !!! - Darkwood
Insufficient data is not sufficient, Mr. Spock. Kirk
Insufficient disk space, abandon all hope here and now.
Insufficient facts always invite danger.
Insufficient facts always invite danger. Spock, stardate 3141.9.
Insufficient memory  - remove BUFFERS=237463 statement from CONFIG.SYS.
Insufficient memory for Mackintosh users.
Insufficient memory:  Add 4 megs and retry.
Insufficient memory: Add 4 gigabytes and retry.
Insufficient memory: add  megs and retry
Insufficient memory: add 4 megs and retry
Insufficient mug space.  SysOp Failure.
Insufficient resources: Insert wallet in drive A:...
Insufficient resourses : insert Wallet into drive A: ...
Insufficient safeguards built in.
Insufficient shelving. (S)tack on floor,(D)ump in box,(P)ile on table
Insufficient time remaining to download.  Pull hair (Y/N)
Insult #6:  Next time you give your clothes away, stay in them.
Insult #6: I'd break you in half but I don't want two of you around.
Insulting Rush Limbaugh is like painting coal black.
Insults are effective only where emotion is present.
Insurance companies: Your best friend until you collect!
Insurance men DO IT as a matter of policy.
Insurance men do it with a matter of policy.
Insurance salesmen are premium lovers.
Insurance, n. An ingenious modern game of chance in which
Inte utan mitt dotterkort!
Integrate (1-*^2)^-1/2 d* ?  Simple; use a Tribble substitution!
Integrated circuit: A circuit with both black and white components.
Integrity has no need for rules.
Integrity has no need of rules.  -Albert Camus
Integrity is like virginity: you only lose it once.
Integrity is never painless.
Integrity is the superlative strategy. <-- honesty is the best policy
Integrity is the superlative strategy. <---- honesty is the best policy
Integrity of Heart; Skill of Hand
Intel - still number 0.999873464508
Intel - they couldn't spell intelligent!
Intel 586 Troubleshooting Tip 1:  Refrigerate Computer.
Intel Inside - no kidding, where else ya gonna put it!
Intel Inside is a Government Warning Required By Law.
Intel Inside: Should be a warning required by law.
Intel Pentium - your number 1.349037589475 choice.
Intel Pentium Labs:  Where Quality is Job .99999925643!
Intel Slogan 8.9999163362  It's Close Enough, We Say So
Intel after the Pentium: Quality is Job 0.99999999998
Intel called their processors Pentiums because to them 486+100=586.013
Intel inside, Can't divide!
Intel inside, idiot outside
Intel is one of Silicon Valley's top toxic waste polluters.
Intel's Pentium Processor: Redefining mathematics daily
Intel's Pentium: Optimized for OS/1.997683
Intel: Putting the "backward" in "backward compatible".
Intel: Quality you can count on, but not divide by.
Intel: Technology you can count on, but not divide by.
Intel: We put the "backward" in "backward compatible"
Intel: Where quality is number 0.999999995865!
Intel: Where the customer is APPROXIMATELY right.
Intel: Why do you think they call it *floating* point?
Intel: littendian, segmentated, trimodal...fun
Intelec Beatles * Conference Moderator *
Intelec Family Humor Conference Host
Intellect has its limits though stupidity knows no bounds.
Intellectual Rectum: College smart *ss!
Intellectually challenged.
Intellectually unencumbered -- stupid
Intelligence Incarnate!
Intelligence Incarnate.
Intelligence has limits; gullibility and stupidity do not.
Intelligence is a function of imagination.
Intelligence is given, Knowledge is acquired - Darkwood
Intelligence is infinite but bounded.  Ignorance is just infinite.
Intelligence is like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.
Intelligence is no deterrent to ineptitude!
Intelligence is normal, Ignorance must be explained
Intelligence is something I try to avoid.
Intelligence means predator.  You don't sneak up on grass.
Intelligence not found here.  Conservative Territory!
Intelligence not found here.  Fake it? (Y/N)
Intelligence not found. Shoot User.
Intelligence on Earth is a constant and the population is growing.
Intelligence on Earth is a constant, the population is growing.
Intelligence says, "It's raining."  Wisdom says, "Go inside."
Intelligence-o-meter:  [\........]  (Thought so...)
Intelligent listening for beginners is required here.
Intelligent people DON'T leave a situation;they develop a new strategy
Intelligent people solve problems, a genius prevents them.
Intelligent readers ignore taglines
Intelligent, talented and a very hot tomato.
Intense - Where campers hang out.
Intense : Where campers hang out.
Intense pain -- torture in a teepee
Intense: Where campers hang out.
Intense: where Boy Scouts sleep.
Intensive foreplay may leave you flat on your back!
Intensive forplay may leave you flat on your back!!!
Intentionally concentrating and inhaling the vapors can be harmful.
InterLink Shareware conference moderator.
InterNET jim.hutchison@twsubbs.twsu.edu
InterNet - wayne.baldwin@satalink.com
InterNet CyberSpace: The next best thing to beaming there
InterNet: Mike.Zier@p2.f82.n272.z1.fidonet.org
InterNet: dane.beko@lunatic.com or 1:124/2113
InterNet: thomas.jean@f100.n395.z1.fidonet.org
InterVest in Nanobucks and Emoney
Interactive television: missing remote control.
Interchangable devices don't.
Interchangable devices won't.
Interchangable parts-aren't.
Interchangeable devices won't.
Interchangeable parts never will.
Interchangeable parts won't.
Intercommunism: Proletariat must control communications.
Intercourse the penguin!
Interdum Latine loqui coactus sum
Interest in Amoebas is interest in life.
Interested in CHEAP R/C TOYS & other robotics stuff...
Interested in the other sex? Try attacking Socrates!
Interesting curves can be dangerous ones...
Interesting place you have here - Capt. John Sheraden.
Interesting place you have here. --Sheraden.
Interesting tagline. I wonder....hmmm, yeah, sounds like a good idea!
Interesting trick.  How you gonna delete them if you don't read them?
Interesting...No redeeming qualities. - Data
Intergalactic Peace Through Chocolate!
Interior Decorating: Curt Enrod
Interior Decorating: Curt Enrod*
Interior decorators do it all over the house.
Interjections! show excitement! or emotion!
Interlace:  To tie two boots together.
Interlink National Oral Sex Conference Host
Intermail, The only way to go!
Intermediate School	- Programmable Calculator
Internal Clock breakdown, call cardiologist!
Internal Sysop OverFlow... System Halted.
Internal combustion engines are the dinosaurs' revenge
Internal consistency is more highly valued than efficiency.
Internal editor allows message editing on-the-fly.
Internal tagline browse function, add/delete/edit taglines.
Internation Bogus Machines and MicroDick taglines. Comeing at ya.
International Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves
International borders are simply speedbumps on the info superhighway.
Internet Anarchy:  No one promised freedom would be EASY!
Internet E-mail me at:  jeremy.dennis@ccibbs.com
Internet Flamers have uncontrolled Vowel Movements...in Sylla Bowls.
Internet Lie #1: Doom?  Never heard of it.
Internet Lie #2: The Internet is simple and easy to use.
Internet Lie #3: Who needs moderators? FIDONET is too uptight.
Internet Lie #4: People on the Internet are more mature.
Internet Traveler... Destination: Electronic Cottage Colony
Internet f907.n273.z1.fidonet.org
Internet is a government plot to overthrow the people.
Internet is the comming thing!!!!!!!
Internet lie #2: I have a life outside the internet
Internet, See dis? kweiss@bway.net
Internet, it's the only way to have a nervous breakdown.
Internet: The Autobaun of the computer world.
Internet: jim.henry@lightspeed.com
Internet: kweiss@bway.net
Internet: lohseach@max.cc.uregina.ca
Internet: vicki.broughton@friendz.cts.com
InternetYellowPages...Let your mouse do the walking.
Interplanet Janet, she's a galaxy girl
Interpretation is the revenge of the intellect upon art. S. Sontag
Interpretative Death - Crow
Interpreter: A brunette between two blondes.
Interrupt conflict, new mail found.  Real life on hold.
Interrupts, shimerrupts... It's all Greek to me
Intersex - sex on the interstate.
Interstate-65  Auburn-9
Interstate-75  University of Florida-3
Interstellar Matter is a Gas
Intestines only hold so much before one end has to open!
Intestines:  Beta version of forks.
Into Everyone's life some rain must fall; You'll get over it!
Into Everyone's life some rain must fall; some get more than others!
Into each life some rain must fall - usually on the weekends.
Into every life some rain must fall <sigh>
Into knee-deep scum: The rest of the film - Crow
Into the distance, a ribbon of black.. - Pink Floyd
Into the garbage chute, flyboy!
Into the mud, scum queen!
Into the mud, scum-queen!
Into the valley of death ride the sex hungry. -after Tennyson
Into the void of silence...
Into your heart it will creep.
Intolerance by some Pro-Life people nullifies their position.
Intolerance is the last defense of the insecure.
Intolerant liberals wish to silence Rush Limbaugh.
Intoxicate the inmost, O my lover, not the outermost!
Intoxication:  To feel sophisticated and not be able to pronounce it.
Intra-State Priority for this message please...
Intra-solar tanning club meeting on dark side of moon.
Intriguing. I did not know humans were so capable. Data
Intriguing. I did not know humans were so capable. þ Data
Intro duke' el lay pinata! - Joel
Introducing "lite", the new way to spell "light", with 20% fewer letters!
Introducing *LOG* trading cards - From Whammo !
Introducing F-Mail. Upgrade to the popular E-Mail
Introducing Morton Tubor as Mr. Potatohead - Joel
Introducing Tempura Shelters...For Lightly Battered Women
Introducing the Insanity: The first car you have to belive in to see.
Introducing the fourth branch of government - Rush Limbaugh
Intronesia - Embarrasing act of forgetting a name as your introducing.
Intronesia: Embarrassing act of forgetting a name as your introducing.
Introverts, speak out!
Intruder Alert! - 3 drinks!
Intuition is recognized as a command prerogative. - Kirk
Intuition, however illogical, is recognized as a command prerogative.
Invade French-Canadian Dos:  (O)ui, (N)on, (M)audit, (T)abernacle?
Invalid COMMAND.COM, System Disobeying
Invalid Media Type: put down that Enquirer!
Invalid WAKKO.SYS...Insanity halted
Invalid or missing COMMAND.COM, system disobeying.
Invalid path:  try the one not taken
Invasion 'OOSA'? - Crow on title Invasion USA
Invent a better mousetrap and they'll invent better mice.
Invent a better trap 000d and the world will knock at your door!
Invent a wise saying and live forever ! - Anonymous.
Invent a wise saying, and you will be immortal.-Anonymous
Invent something. Do the paper work - Dr. F to Mike
Inventors find a way to do it.
Invertabrate punster; so slug me.
Invertebrate punster - so slug me!
Invertebrate punster: spinelessly unable to resist a pun. So slug me!
Invertebrate punster; so slug me.
Invertebrates make no bones about it.
Invest in America --- Buy Japan!
Invest in America ... Buy a Politician.
Invest in negotiable blondes.
Invest in negotiable blondes...
Invest in physics - own a piece of Dirac!
Invest in the Net...Save Your Screens
Invest in the past.  Buy a BoneJacker franchise today
Invest your money in taxes, They're bound to go up
Investigation: Making money in a Gation industry.
Investigator, Road Kill, Fuzzball, Brain Dead: who cares, same cat.
Investing your talents is sensible,  burying them is suicide!
Investment Strategy for the 90's - Negotiable Blondes
Investment in comics is an oxymoron.
Investment strategy? How 'bout negotiable blondes?
Investment: Clinton spending YOUR money any way SHE wants.
Invid?! Where?!...@*!@$*%##&%^!)*&(^$NO CARRIER
Invisible Cows Currently Control My Life.  God help me.
Invisible Lady Naked - $5 a Peep.
Invisible Systems, Inc. If you don't see it, we made it
Invisible Systems, Inc. If you don't see it, we made it.
Invisible airwaves crackle with life..-RUSH
Invisible cows completely rule my life.
Invisible dinosaur: Youthinkyouasurus.
Invisible hearing aids:  Person who can't hear, buys something they can't see!
Invisible tagline -- send money for special glasses!
Invisible taglines! $1.95 a piece!
Invisible transfers, long distance calls  Pink Floyd
Invisivoidance - The ability to disappear to avoid saying Hi to people
Invite Barney to a Michael Jackson slumber party.
Invoke the spirit of the continuity man - Crow
Invoke, palliate, drive away the Dead. Nightly. Then steal their tags!
Involuntary Termination: FIRED
Involuntary aerobics:  Wear bunny slippers near a greyhound dog.
Involuntary aerobics: wear bunny slippers near hunting dog.
Involve Barney in a "fatal attraction" relationship.
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! I adore thee. Evoe! I adore thee, IAO!
Iolo, I don't think we're in Britannia anymore!
Iota:  Unpaid-for Toyota.
Iotian Burger:  A burger you can't refuse!
Iow-a, Iow-a, it's off to space I go-a....
Iowa State College. The highschool *after* highschool. - Joel
Iowa had massive flooding.  Kansas has Tammy!
Ipak je trebalo da maznem onaj tag - ovde bi bas fino legao
Irak-bingo: B-52, F-16, A-10, F-18, F-117, B-2
Iraq destroyed 1000's of US missiles with their tanks! :>
Iraq has won the toss, and has elected to recieve.
Iraq has won the toss... and elected to receive.
Iraq shot down 38 Patriot Missiles with their SCUDS.
Iraq shot down 38 Patriot Missiles with their Scuds! :>
Iraq won the toss... and elected to receive.
Iraq won the toss....and elected to receive.
Iraq's national Bird:  DUCK!
Iraq's national bird?, "DUCK"
Iraq-bingo; B-52, F-16, A-10, F-18, F-117, B-2
Iraqi Air Force: >100 jets parked in Iran.
Iraqi Bingo  B-52..F-16..A-10.. F-18..F-117..B-2
Iraqi Bingo: B-52 .. F-16 .. M-1 .. F-18 .. F-117 .. B-2
Iraqi Bingo: B-52... F-16... M-1... F-18... F-117... BINGO!
Iraqi Bingo: B-52...F-16...A-10...F-18...F-117...B-2...
Iraqi Bingo: B-52...F-16...M-1...F-18...F-117...A-10.
Iraqi Bingo: B-52...F-16...M-1...F-18...F-117...A-10...
Iraqi Bingo: B-52F-16A-10F-18F-117B-2
Iraqi Bingo: B-52F-16M-1F-18F-117A-10.
Iraqi Bingo: F-14...F-16...M-1...F-18...F-117...A-10...
Iraqi Radar Operator: What Stealth Fighter?
Iraqi Rifle 4 Sale,Never fired,Dropped once
Iraqi Rifle for sale! Never fired but was dropped once!
Iraqi bingo:  B52... F16... M1... F18... F11
Iraqi bingo; B1, B52, F16, F11, M16!
Iraqi gun for sale.  Never used.  Dropped once (Quick).
Iraqi rifle 4sale. Never fired. Was Dropped - Once
Iraqi rifle 4sale.Never fired.Was Dropped - Once
Iraqi rifle For Sale - Never Fired, Dropped Once!
Iraqi rifle for sale, never fired, dropped once!
Iraqi rifle for sale.  Never fired.  Dropped once.
Iraqi rifle for sale. Never fired. Only Dropped once.
Iraqi rifle for sale... Never fired... Dropped once.
Iraqi rifle for sale.Never fired.Was Dropped - Once
Iraqi rifles for sale.  Never fired.  Dropped once.
Iraqnaphobia? Nothing a little RAID can't fix...
Iraqnophobia - Don't worry
Irene:  Japanese girl with one leg
Iris out already, please! - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Irish 7 course meal. Potato and a six pack.
Irish 7 course meal: a Six pack and a potato
Irish Assembler: BBSR - Blank Boot Sector & Reset
Irish Assembler: LKB -  Log to Keyboard
Irish Assembler: RIRG - Read Inter Record Gap
Irish Assembler: RLP  - Read Line Printer
Irish Assembler: RST  - Read & Shred Tape
Irish Assembler: ZTP  - Zero Totals & Print
Irish Dentistry: Perry O'Dontal
Irish Dentistry: Perry O'Dontal*
Irish First Aid: R.U. O'Kaye
Irish First Aid: R.U. O'Kaye(k)
Irish Flooring: Lynn O'Leum
Irish and PROUD of it!!!!!!
Irish foreplay: "Brace yerself, Bridget!"
Irish ignore anything they can't drink or punch.
Irish plumbers have volunteered to fix Niagara Falls.
Irish wiskey makes one see double and act single.
Irishman's 3 wishes: 3 everfull bottles of Guinness.
Irishmen grow grapes, for raisins of their own.
Irk your SYSOP. Use Tag-X and select the BIGGEST quote box.
Irk your SYSOP: Use TLX & select the BIGGEST quote box
Irk your SYSOP: Use Tag-X & select the BIGGEST quote box.
Iron Horses & Heavy Metal Forever!
Iron Law of Distribution:  Them what has - gets.
Iron Law of Distribution: Them that has, gets.
Iron Law of Distribution: Them what has - gets.
Iron plumbing students are Ferrous Faucet majors
Iron sharpens iron; scholar, the scholar.
Ironhead Haywood...Pro Football's Metal Giant
Ironic Setting - Why would "permanent press" need to be ironed?
Ironic if the Tree of Death got Dutch Elm disease - Crow
Ironic isn't it, that God gave the tortoise a drag factor of 0.03.
Ironic isn't it. No two Borg are exactly the same.
Ironic. God gave the turtle a drag coefficient of 0.03.---
Ironically, he's dead now - Crow on director
Ironically, it was a safety cone - Crow
Ironically...Well actually, there is no irony - Crow
Ironing can be deadly! - Crow
Irony happens.
Irony is giving father a billfold for Christmas
Irony is the hygiene of the mind.
Irony:  Giving father a billfold for Christmas.
Irony:  God gave the tortoise a drag factor of .03
Irony:  Limbaugh saying that dittoheads think for themselves.
Irony:  Millie Vanilli on a Karaoke machine.
Irony:  Millie Vanilli on a Karaoke machine...
Irony: Andrea Dworkin's book was banned as pornographic.
Irony: Getting a billfold from your kids for Christmas.
Irony: Giving father a billfold for Christmas.
Irony: God gave the tortoise a drag factor of .03
Irony: God gave tortoises a drag factor of .03
Irony: I'm dying for a cigarette.
Irony: Limbaugh saying that dittoheads think for themselves.
Irony: Milli Vanilli on a karaoke machine
Irony: Millie Vanilli on a Karaoke machine.
Irony: Rush Limbaugh saying that ditto heads think for themselves!
Irrational? Sheridan That's as good a word as any. --Ivanova.
Irrationality is the square root of all evil
Irrecoverably dark total eclipse without all hope of day!
Irregular verbs are on sale in the bargain basement.
Irregularity:  Someone who comes to work late.
Irrelevancy - n., see Clinton
Irrelevant and Assimilate go well together.
Irrelevant proper order of words is, yes.  Yoda of Borg
Irrelevant, proper order of words is. X Yoda of Borg
Irrelevant, proper order of words is. ~ Yoda of Borg
Irresponsible Rip-Off Service.
Irritate Rush Limbaugh... prove him wrong.
Irritate a Klingon, put a Tribble in his shorts!!!
Irritating line noise provided by a grant from US Pest, oops, US West
Irving Berlin Bobbit's latest hit: "Let's Cut the Whole Thing Off."
Irwin Allen's Straight Outta Brooklyn - Crow
Is  t  i  m  e     l     i      n       e        a         r?
Is "Artery"  The study of fine paintings?
Is "Criminal Lawyer" a redundant phrase?
Is "Floppy" one of the seven dwarfs?
Is "Government Intelligence" the ultimate oxymoron?
Is "Lord of the Flies" about the invention of the zipper?
Is "Sue" a noun or a verb?
Is "Web of Life" touchy-feely? Yes! - Like a strangle-hold.
Is "puppy love" bestiality?
Is "tired old cliche" one?
Is 'moderator' a synonim for punchbag?
Is 1984 a HISTORY book?
Is :-< a C++ operator or what?
Is :-> a C++ operator or what?
Is Agent Mulder's sex-life an X-file?!!!!
Is Al Gore really Al Gore or just his evil twin Skippy?
Is Al Gore still recognized at cockfights?
Is Al the hologram really Al Bundy in disguise?
Is Amanda there? First name Hugenkiss. - Bart Simpson
Is Arnotts Family Assorted like Incest?
Is Australia really down under, or are we upside down?
Is Barney Dino's evil brother?
Is Barney a male or female enquiring minds want to know
Is Barney a male or female enquiry minds want to know
Is Barney the Missing Link, or is he missing a link?
Is Bill Clinton a Pathological liar or what?
Is Bill Clinton really "Dave" (on drugs)?
Is Bill Clinton really Bill Clinton or just his evil twin Skippy?
Is Bill Clinton still recognized at cockfights?
Is Bill Gates the proof evolutionists have been looking for?
Is Bullitt dispersing his *OLD* jokes again? :-)
Is C:\NILE an aging hard drive?
Is CONgress the opposite of PROgress?!
Is Carl "fans-are-irrelevant" Macek a Borg?
Is Cheerfulness under extreme torture a sin?
Is Clinton lying?  Is the Pope Catholic?
Is Clinton lying? - Are his lips moving?
Is Clinton lying? Is the Pope Catholic?
Is Clinton the brother Mr. Spock never talks about?
Is Col. Sanders back from the dead or what? - Crow
Is Crocodile Dundee livering pizzas?
Is Darth Vader YOUR father, too?
Is Darth Vader really dead? Next Geraldo.
Is Doom better than Sex?  On the next Geraldo
Is Dot Warner really as cute as she says she is?
Is Elvis Alive?  Only Marilyn Monroe knoes.
Is FIDO a dog?
Is FOUR-PLAY considered a new form of group sex?
Is Floppy the eighth dwarf?
Is French Onion Dip an exotic tobacco product?
Is George Jetson the cutest guy on TV?
Is God >GOOD< or What!!!
Is God GOOD or What!!!
Is God dead, or is He just swapped out?
Is God just some kid playing SimEarth?
Is God positive, rational, real, or transcendental?
Is God positive, rational, real, transcendental?
Is God really real, or is there some doubt?
Is Gonzo cute for a Weirdo?
Is Grass really greener on the other side of Windows? Faster Too!
Is HELL is a infinite stack of Xanth novels?
Is HST faster than the Concord?
Is He really He or just his evil twin Skippy?
Is He still recognized at cockfights?
Is Holly playing pool with planets? - Lister
Is Homer there? Last name Sexual? Hold.. ANYONE HERE HOMER SEXUAL?
Is It Bad Luck To Be Superstitious?
Is It Me, Or Is 1200 Baud Starting To Seem Slow?
Is It True That Al Gore Once Had A Near Life Experience?
Is Jacques Cousteau the coach of the Miami dolphins?
Is Janet Reno really the best man for the job?
Is John Bobbitt going through a healing process?
Is John DeLancie's favorite video game "Q-Bert"?
Is John DeLancie's favourite video game "Q-Bert"?
Is Jupiter out tonight?
Is Locutus 1-2-3 a Borg spreadsheet program?
Is Lord of the Flies about the invention of the zipper?
Is MAIM an acronym for: Mad And Insane Mothers?
Is MAIM an acronym for: Multiple Abductions In Mind?
Is MS DOS a feminist?
Is Mae West or East of good taste?
Is Marcel Marceau's talk show closed-captioned?
Is Michael Jackson testosterone challenged?
Is Modula-2 really Wirth it?
Is Multimate the Word Processor for Bigamists?
Is NOTHING sacred any more?
Is O.J. guilty? For more info, call 1-900-HE-DID-IT
Is OS/2 a four letter word?
Is OS/2 half an operating system?
Is OS/2 only half an operating system?
Is Odo your first or last name? Yes
Is Orville Bullitt really Orville Bullitt or just his evil twin Skippy?
Is Orville Bullitt still recognized at cockfights?
Is Orville dispersing his *OLD* jokes again?
Is Orville really Orville or just his evil twin Skippy?
Is Orville still recognized at cockfights?
Is Pokey gonna get his own video too? -- Butthead
Is Porsche's Telephone number really  ???
Is President Clinton's pet a cat?  Eso si que es!
Is Q's favourite video game "Q-Bert"?
Is Quark a quirk of nature? Odo know! Send a FAX to Dax!
Is Ross Perot still recognized at cockfights?
Is SEX in a cornfield, Porn on a cob ????
Is Sam Donaldson the brother Spock never talks about?
Is Sarah Miles away on location?
Is Satanism a Protestant denomination??
Is Saul also among the prophets? - 1 Samuel 10:11
Is Stealing Taglines Illegal?
Is THAT all, Bernard Goetz?
Is THAT simple enough, or will you require BARNEY to sing it to you?
Is That All There Is ??
Is That That? (Confucious, 370BC)
Is That all There Is. -=DgP=- Ridgefield, NJ.
Is There Intelligent Life in the Universe? ARCARC
Is This Where a "" Goes?
Is This Where a "Tagline" Goes?
Is Tony the Tiger related to the ESSO Tiger?  Like maybe twins?
Is UNIX a castrated servant?
Is Velveeta a member of the Dairy Council? -- Mike Nelson
Is Vhujunka crazy enough to be commited to a mental institute?
Is Vince Foster in the house?  <BLAM>  Not Anymore! - H. Clinton
Is Virtual Reality computer assisted Astral Projection?
Is Virtual Reality just Computer Assisted Astral Projection?
Is Visual Basic only to be seen?????????
Is Web of Life touchy-feely? Yes! - Like a strangle-hold.
Is Windows really a good operating system ??
Is Windoze a four letter word?
Is YOUR church ATF approved?
Is YOUR religion 100% BATF certified?
Is Zeta squadron availible? - Sheridan
Is `Moderator' a synonym for punchbag?
Is a  PC a symbol of Immaculate Contraption?
Is a "stackedwurst" a German girl measuring 38-24-36?
Is a 'daughter' the thing w/a wheel? - Tom as old man
Is a C172 able to fly at 200 kts?  Yes-- all the way to impact.
Is a Ghostly chicken a Poultrygeist?
Is a Hard Drive a transcontinental auto trip?
Is a Jamaican terminal a Rastafarian?
Is a Jamaican terminal a raster-farian?
Is a Large group of homosexuals called a gay pride?
Is a Naval Aide really a Belly-button Assistant?
Is a Navy proctologist called a Rear Admiral?
Is a Polish Victory Lap CounterClockwise in Poland?
Is a SysOp with one leg a SysHop?
Is a Transcontinental Auto Trip a Hard Drive?
Is a WATCH OUT FOR CHILDREN sign a birth control ad?
Is a bad divorce redundant?  
Is a bean spread a kind of bean dip?
Is a boomerang a missile with a return address?
Is a cafe latte a lot of coffee?
Is a cannibal with a flush toilet civilised or not?
Is a cannibal with a flush toilet civilized or not?
Is a castrated pig disgruntled?
Is a computer language with goto's totally Wirth -less?
Is a computer language with goto's totally Wirth-less?
Is a dog who ends up in the stew one night a chow hound?
Is a dollar worth 45cents?
Is a domestic beer one that cleans up after itself...
Is a female Q an O?
Is a female lawyer without briefs a solicitor?
Is a female lawyer without her briefs a soliciter?
Is a female lawyer without her briefs a solicitor?
Is a female lawyer without her briefs, a solicitor?
Is a female sex change operation an Addadicktomy??
Is a feminist sexist a liberal?  Ask Rush.
Is a frogs arse water-tight?
Is a fruit cobbler a gay shoemaker?
Is a fundy with zits an Oxymoron?
Is a gay hooker a fruit tart?
Is a gay shoemaker a "fruit cobbler?"
Is a group of homosexuals called a gay pride?
Is a group of incontinent whales a pea pod?
Is a hippie haircut an example of the lunatic fringe?
Is a large group of homosexuals a gay pride?
Is a large group of homosexuals called a gay pride?
Is a mirage real?  Well, it's a real mirage.  -- Edward Abbey
Is a paradigm worth twenty cents?
Is a party thrown by homosexuals called a gay bash?
Is a person who gets drunk on pasta a spaghetti souse?
Is a pig's butt pork?
Is a plain and simple straight line to my door
Is a prehistoric fish a Jurassic Carp?
Is a proofreader a blooper snooper?
Is a prostate operation called a "lowbotomy?"
Is a recent power outage a current event?
Is a rose really a "deadly thorn bearing assualt flower"?!OJW
Is a sysop with one bad leg a SYS-HOP ??
Is a tag really ones last attempt at self expression?
Is a tagline really a tagline if no one is there to read it?
Is a transcontinental auto trip a hard drive?
Is a warm beer *really* better than no beer at all?
Is a white person from Africa an African-American? 
Is a wingless fly really a walk?
Is a witch a 'crafty' person?
Is a young Hooman a Hooboy?
Is acid rain really a form of hippie manna?
Is acid rain really a form of hippy manna?
Is advice from the continuum a Q tip?
Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream? - E. A. Poe
Is an Elvis Presley marital aid a 'hunka hunka rubber love'?
Is an OxyMoron a laundry detergent with a low IQ?
Is an advice from Q a Q-Tip?
Is an astronaut with the flu over the weather?
Is an atheist church a non-prophet organization?
Is an expert on worm fishing called a master baiter?
Is an idiotic sergeant a noncompoop?
Is anybody out there? - Sarjenka, PENPALS
Is anyone offended by things that go hump in the night?
Is anyone receiving my messages??????????????????????????
Is asking for a second date a male long term relationship?
Is backpacking a sport in the Gay Games?
Is baldness the sign of a man who came out on top?
Is beer booze? - Mike
Is beer like Champagne?
Is big brother watching?  What do you think?
Is birth control a misconception?
Is caning legal in this country? - Crow
Is cappuccino a warrior's drink?
Is commercialism destroying our economy? Send $29.95 for information.
Is death another birthday? A way to kiss your dreams goodbye...
Is death legally binding?
Is eating cheese in bed with two women considered a fromage a' trois? 
Is electronic mail just micro chip chat?
Is equality ever really feasible?
Is evil a child of the nature or nurture of the beast?
Is existentialism self-replicating? - Huh? Huh?
Is fire supposed to shoot out of it like that?
Is fire supposed to shoot out of it like this?
Is fire supposed to shoot out of the modem like that?
Is flirting with a moderator on topic?
Is flirting with the moderator on topic?
Is frustration a computer oriented disease?
Is good Data, Gordi's best friend?
Is harassment standard operating procedure? - Winchester
Is he a criminal lawyer or a civil lawyer? Is there a difference?
Is he a relative of yours? - Aahz
Is he a shipping clerk? - Tom
Is he cute? I don't know but he sure has cute taglines!
Is he dead.  I don't know, get his wallet!
Is he genuine?   Aldous? Yes, but a genuine what?  Sinclair & Garibaldi
Is he our action hero? - Mike on studly guy
Is he picking nits? - Mike as guy strokes girl's hair
Is he taking a leak? - Joel on guy with his back turned
Is he talking about his banana seat bike? - Crow
Is he talking about humping a hound? huh huh huh
Is he talking to the Penguin? - Tom on guy's goofy voice
Is ignorance worse than apathy? I don't know & I don't care!
Is infidelity a form of multitasking?
Is infinity odd or even?
Is is illegal to steal a Tagline???
Is is weird in here or is it me?
Is it "Babylon 5" or "Babble On 5?"
Is it #1 or #2? - Ace Ventura
Is it 'Flow Control' or 'wolF lortnoC'
Is it 1996 Yet?????
Is it 1996 yet? I sure do want a new President - BAD !!!
Is it Babylon 5 or Babble On 5?
Is it Bill the Cat or Bill the Clinton or just BC?
Is it EZ or is it just MEGA-SILLY?
Is it Friday, yet?
Is it I who am far away or is it you?
Is it I who am far away, or is it you?
Is it Inauguration Day 1997 Yet?  If not, hurry it up!!
Is it NAFTA or is it SHAFTA?
Is it OK for a gynecologist to look up old girlfriends?
Is it OK for vegetarians to eat animal crackers?
Is it OK to listen to my AM radio after noon?
Is it OK to use my AM radio in the afternoon?
Is it OK to yell "movie!" in a crowded firehouse?
Is it OK to yell 'MOVIE' in a crowded firehouse?
Is it OK to yell 'MOVIE' in a crowded firehouse? 
Is it ROBERTS I'm tracking or RABBITS ??
Is it SOUP yet? --J. Dahmer
Is it Strawberry Bread Yet?!
Is it a Barbara Streisand concert or a Bill Clinton campaign rally?
Is it a Barbra Streisand concert or a Bill Clinton campaign rally?
Is it a bigger crime to rob a bank or to open one?
Is it a bird, is it a plane? BANG! S-P-L-A-T!  It's a bird!
Is it a bird? is it a bottle? NO. It's VODKA-MAN!!!
Is it a crime to be illiterate?!
Is it a game of chance?  Not the way I play it.
Is it a law that all weathermen wear ties?
Is it a right to remain ignorant ? - Hobbes
Is it a volcano?  An earthquake?  No, it's  it's a CALVINOSAURUS!
Is it against Starfleet policy to push a few buttons? -- Odo
Is it all right to date or have sex with my lawyer?
Is it animal, mineral, or vegetable? - Hawkeye. Yes. - BJ
Is it any better to drown in blood than in filth?
Is it any wonder I'm not crazy?  Is it any wonder I'm sane at all?
Is it any wonder that my mind's on fire?
Is it bad cyberspace etiquette to bludgeon one's sysop?
Is it bad luck, or just bad timing?
Is it bad when people take your posts and make em into recipes?
Is it bad when people take your posts and make em into tags?
Is it bad when the hard drive smokes??? {?}
Is it better to call cat taglines FEE-LINES ?!?
Is it bigger than a baby's arm? --Nora Diniro.
Is it chauvinism if I just like them barefoot?
Is it cold-blooded?...Then it's either a snake or Frank Burns.-Hawk
Is it cool to make no sense? - Crow
Is it dead?  Well, it was coughin' up blood last night. -- MP
Is it dead? Well, it was coughing up blood last night.
Is it democracy when three wolves and a sheep plan lunch?
Is it difficult? Danagerous? Slim chance to survive? Sounds like fun!
Is it discrimination if no one will sexually harass you?
Is it fair to hold politicians to the same standards as humans?
Is it further to Boston or by bus?
Is it further to Boston, or by bus?
Is it getting better or do you feel the same --U2
Is it gone, or under a different name that I've overlooked.
Is it gravity or does the Earth suck?
Is it hard to comb your forehead? - Crow on alien hair do
Is it hip to be vague? - Crow
Is it hot in here or is it just you?
Is it hot in here?             No, it's just my Pentium.
Is it illegal to yell "MOVIE!" in a crowded firehouse?
Is it important enough to lose your head over? - Duncan MacLeod
Is it in my head, or in my heart?
Is it information if no one knows it???
Is it juicy? Is it scrumptiously crunchable? - Gollum
Is it just a "Perception" thing??
Is it just a figment of your demented imagination? - Ivanova
Is it just me or did NOTHING happen? - Crow
Is it just me or has this whole trip gone to hell?
Is it just me, or am I hallucinating?
Is it just me, or are the days getting shorter?
Is it just me, or are you getting scared too? - Dire Wolf
Is it just me, or does a conservative remind you of a ferengi?
Is it just me, or has everyone who cares departed the echo?
Is it just me, or is 9600 not as fast as it used to be?
Is it just me, or is Voyager beginning to feel like Gilligan's Island?
Is it just me, or is everyone's skin turning Plaid ?
Is it just me, or is my monitor breathing?
Is it just me?
Is it lawful to have sex with a corpse if you're married to it?
Is it legal to advocate the long overdue overthrow of a corrupt govt.?"
Is it live or is it Memorex?
Is it live or is it an image?
Is it live or is it holodeck?
Is it logical to ignore your own good sense? - Spock
Is it magic.... or is it SessionManager?
Is it magic...? No, it's Silly Little Mail Reader!
Is it magic.or is it SessionManager?
Is it me or did we just walk into a Sinatra song? - Don Schanke
Is it me or did we just walk into a Sinatra song? - Schanke
Is it me or does Troi look better in Leather? Davion Stein.
Is it me, or does Perot look like a Ferengi?
Is it me, or does Perot look like a Ferrengi?
Is it me, or does Ross Perot look like a Ferengi?
Is it me, or has there been a lot of off topic messages lately.
Is it me, or is 14400 starting to seem slow?
Is it me, or is 14400 starting to seem so slow???
Is it me, or is 9600 starting to seem slow?
Is it me, or is it getting warm in here?
Is it morally wrong to allow hockey players to keep their teeth?
Is it morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money?
Is it morally wrong to let naive end users keep their money?
Is it morally wrong toAllow hockey players to keep their teeth?
Is it necessary to have a destination or just a destiny? --Caine.
Is it nice, my preciousss? - Gollum
Is it normal if my hard disk makes puking noises?
Is it not well to pass away ere life hath lost its brightness?
Is it ok for a gynecologegest to look up an old girlfriend ?
Is it ok to panic now?
Is it ok to use my AM radio after NOON?
Is it ok when people take your posts and make em into tags?
Is it okay to use puns on the first date?
Is it paranoia if they really ARE watching you?
Is it paranoia if you *know* the tagline is about you?
Is it possible to feel gruntled.
Is it possible to feel gruntled???
Is it possible to organize a riot?
Is it possible to put a ban on censorship?
Is it progress if a cannibal uses a fork?
Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and fork
Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and fork?
Is it progress when a cannibal uses a knife and fork? -- Lec
Is it pronounced Hillary Rod-HAM or Rod-DAMN?
Is it raining, is is snowing, is a hurricane a-blowing...
Is it really 3:00am? I'll come to bed in a sec...RING.ATA
Is it really music if there's no melody?
Is it really true that blondes have more fun?
Is it really true that there are no dumb questions?
Is it relevent to answer a question with a question?
Is it roughing cutting filet mignon with a dull knife?
Is it still Monday?!?
Is it still cynicism when it's true?
Is it still paranoia if they ARE ALL out to get me???
Is it still paranoia if they really are out to get me?
Is it still rape if you call the next day?
Is it supposed to smoke like that?
Is it time for a colorful metaphor? - Spock.
Is it time for a nice cold beer? YEAH ! Miller Time!!!!
Is it too late to get the Russians to drop a nuke on Washington?"
Is it true Cher had some ribs removed? - Crow T. Robot
Is it true that I hold in my mortal hand a nugget of pure green?
Is it true that Rush Limbaugh has been "outed"?
Is it true that Rush Limbaugh has been "outed"?  <Ughhh>
Is it true that Rush Limbaugh has been outed?
Is it true that all old hurdlers are sopranos?
Is it true that the beast's girlfriend is 999 ?
Is it true that you can take any form?  Bashir to Odo
Is it true that you can take any form? X Bashir to Odo
Is it true that you can take any form? ~ Bashir to Odo
Is it unpleasant?  Gomez Addams
Is it weird in here or am I?
Is it weird in here, or is it just me?
Is it weird in here, or is it just me?  -S.W.
Is it working for you? -Dr.E to Dr.F on Elvira poster
Is it worse to have a part missing, or a part leftover?
Is it wrong to relieve fools of their money?
Is it you and I who are crazy, or is it everyone else?
Is it you and me who are crazy, or is it everyone else?
Is knowledge knowable, and how do we know?
Is language the adequate expression of all realities? - Nietzsche
Is life an illusion? In your dreams! Jeeez! - Dr. F
Is life an illusion? In your dreams! Jeez! - Dr. Forrester
Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased?
Is life trying to pass me by or run me over?
Is life trying to pass me by or run me over??
Is man a blunder of God or is God only a blunder of man?
Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God a mistake of man? - Nietzsche
Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or is God a mistake of man?
Is man one of God's blunders, or is God one of man's?
Is mom in the Guardian Angels? - Mike on woman's hat
Is monotheism a gift from the Gods?
Is more than a mouthful really a waste????
Is my cock big enough, is my brain small enough, for me to be a star
Is my face as weird as it feels? - Crow
Is my modem supposed to smoke like that?
Is my tagline off topic?
Is night time chocolate daylight?
Is no word from you the best you can do?
Is not afraid to hug her crew.
Is not afraid to touch her crew.
Is not, IS, is not. Not is, IS NOT, is not...
Is nothing sacred?, said Tom naughtily.
Is nothing safe from you guys? - TV's Frank
Is peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Is piece when the loin lies down with the limb?
Is plural marriage the same as compound misery?
Is pokey gonna get his own video, too?
Is politics a legitimate form of entertainment?
Is puppy love bestiality?
Is rabbit stew just a matter of splitting a few hares?
Is reading in the bathroom considered Multi-Tasking?
Is reading in the bathroom considered multi-tasking?
Is reality "virtual virtual reality"?
Is reality really real?
Is recycled toilet paper supposed to be brown?
Is relativism the only absolute?
Is roughing it cutting a filet mignon with a dull knife?
Is science spose'ta smell like banana cream? - TV's Frank
Is sex better then drugs? That depends on the pusher.
Is sex dirty?    Only if it's done right!
Is sex dirty? Only if it is done right! :- Woody Allen
Is sex in a cornfield "Porn on the cob"?
Is sex in a cornfield Porn on the cob?
Is sex in a cornfield considered porn on the cob?
Is sex in a cornfield, PORN on the cob?
Is she half shee-ee-eep? - Crow on voodoo girl's accent
Is she playing tennis with Kraftwerk? - Tom on music
Is small fry a young sunbather?
Is someone purring? - Tom on sputtering soundtrack
Is someone spreading vicious rumors again?!?
Is someone stuck in the drum? - Yakko
Is someone taking my name in vain? - Aahz
Is someone trying to tell you something?
Is something gonna happen?
Is something wrong with my mind?
Is t i  m   e     l     i      n       e        a         r          ?
Is that "line noise" your idea of a message? :) ;)
Is that "woof" feed me"woof" walk me"woof" there's a burglar?  What??
Is that Fred Big or Wally Big - Tom on "Mr. Big"
Is that Hemorrhoids or am I sitting on a bunch of grapes?
Is that Jello or is Odo spying on the iced tea?
Is that Lincoln or Dr. Zaius? - Mike
Is that Line Noise or a "C" program listing?
Is that MURPHY perched on my shoulder???
Is that Pee Wee Herman in the Barney suit?
Is that Sandra Bernhard, or is it just Rush Limbaugh in drag?
Is that Sandra Bernhardt, or is it just Rush Limbaugh in drag?
Is that Woof feed me; Woof walk me; Woof there's a burglar?  What???
Is that a B40PH or the box it came in?
Is that a Bowie song? Demon Dogs? - Tom
Is that a Gaseous Spacial Anomaly, or did Worf fart?
Is that a Genesis or just the box it came in?
Is that a Mail Packet in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
Is that a Pentium II or a power amplifier?
Is that a QWK packet in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?!?
Is that a SK book in your pocket... or are you really happy to see me?
Is that a Tribble in your pocket or just glad to see me?
Is that a Tribble in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Is that a Tribble on your head or did The Hair Club go under?
Is that a UFO outside????
Is that a Zucchini in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Is that a banana in your pocket, or you happy to see me?
Is that a beard or are you eating a muskrat?
Is that a cigarette you're smoking? No, it's a chicken. --Rimmer.
Is that a euphmism? I think that's a euphmism! - Tom
Is that a fact? - Vere dictis?
Is that a ferret I see before me?
Is that a ferret in your trousers, or are you always twitchy?
Is that a flying saucer or a pie in the sky?
Is that a forest approaching the castle?
Is that a gray hair?
Is that a gun in you pocker or... Hey! That -is- a gun in your pocket!
Is that a gun in you pocket or... Hey! That -is- a gun in your pocket!
Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? <M.West>
Is that a gun in your pocket or...Hey!  That IS a gun in your pocket!
Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me. -- Mae West
Is that a hairball in your tagline or is the cat back?
Is that a hard drive or are you just happy to see me?
Is that a helpful waffle, or what?
Is that a hint? No, it's a tagline. - RKS & DW
Is that a keyboard in your lap or are you glad to see me?
Is that a lot? -- Kirk
Is that a modem in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?!?
Is that a modem or are you just glad to see me - DW
Is that a palukoo in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Is that a photo of da' Brust with da HAT??????!!!!!!
Is that a pimple on your ass or a brain tumor?
Is that a pocket modem or are you holding up Steve's desk
Is that a potent fertility symbol or are you just glad to see me?
Is that a quantum singularity or does the cameraman have the shakes?
Is that a rabbit in your pocket, Data?  - Troi (naked)
Is that a real whip or a Sears whip?
Is that a sewage plant in your trousers? -- Rimmer
Is that a snake or is he just glad to see me? - Crow
Is that a threat or a promise?
Is that a tick on her face? - Crow on girl's mole
Is that a tribble on your head or did The Hair Club die?
Is that a tribble on your head or is this a Bad Hair day?
Is that a tribble, or has Spot been shedding again?
Is that a type III phaser or are you just glad to see me.
Is that a wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Is that all gibberish or do you really know what you're talking about?
Is that all of you? How much (many) of you is (are) there?
Is that also the book where they git the name "quark"?
Is that amusing?
Is that an XT or are you running Windows?
Is that an XT you're running........or Windows?
Is that an XT, or are you running Windows?
Is that an XT, or are you using WinDoze?
Is that an XT? Oh, you're running Windows.
Is that an accent, or is yo mama's mouth just full of sperm?
Is that an air raid siren I hear #!$&!&@#$&  NO CARRIER
Is that any way to talk in front of the dead? - Kalas
Is that cannon fire? Or, is it my heart pounding? -- Elsa
Is that chair saved? No, but we're praying for it.
Is that computer STILL on the phone?
Is that computer still on the phone?!!!
Is that damned computer still on the phone?!!!
Is that darn computer still on the phone?!!!
Is that enough, Orville, or do you want me to give you some more?
Is that freak on our payroll? - J. R. Grimble
Is that funny [y/n]?
Is that funny, Frank? Have we used that one before? -Dr.F
Is that funny?  Is that a joke?  --Data
Is that grunge.... or are the neighbor's cats in heat??
Is that her hope chest? - Crow on coffin
Is that how you copulate?
Is that it...Make it more...or no song..
Is that lemon in your tea?  "No, s'lime."
Is that moose trying to rape your truck again??
Is that morn for morning or Morn from Quark's place? <smile>
Is that my SoundBlaster Pro or my Rice Krispies?
Is that my phone bill or the national debt!?
Is that my phone bill or the national debt?
Is that my stomach? - Joel as girl during thunder
Is that painful? --Lennier.
Is that person still on the board??
Is that punch in the bowl, or Odo playing a sick joke?
Is that punch in the bowl, or is Odo screwing around again?
Is that really you Bob?  Oh my gosh.. it is..
Is that really you Christopher?  Oh my gosh.. it is..
Is that really you?  Oh my gosh.. it is..
Is that seat saved?    No, but we're praying for it.
Is that seat saved?  "No, but we're praying for it?"
Is that seat saved? No, but we are praying for it!
Is that seat saved? No, but we're praying for it.
Is that simple enough, as a bit, a bit surprised by your message
Is that so much to ask around here? - Londo
Is that so, Miss Smarty Goanna Bum? - Ted Bullpit, Kingswood Country
Is that some kinda new fangled dance? -Tristessa
Is that supposed to be some kind of threat? -- Bashir
Is that the *ANY* key in your pocket? Or are ya just glad to see me?
Is that the Jerk? Nah, just Frankie Avalon -Crow on dance
Is that the full poop? - And nothing but the poop. - Hawkeye
Is that the girl from APE-enema? - Tom on uptempto music
Is that the other part of the gift? --Winters.
Is that thunder I hea
Is that toupe or is a TRIBBLE on your head?
Is that underwear up there? - Crow on flying kite
Is that what is known as a poker face? - Data
Is that what love is?  Using people?   Elizabeth Taylor
Is that why so many guys blush when they're around me?
Is that you Mylar?
Is that you singing or my hard drive whining?
Is that you singing, or does the cat want in?
Is that you walking with me, Jesus? - Crow near death
Is that you, Orville? Oh sorry. Wrong tagline.
Is that your Tagline or did your mail reader throw up?
Is that your face, or did your neck explode?
Is that your face?......Or an open wound?
Is that your hand? - Is *what* my hand? - Hawkeye
Is that your head or did your neck throw up? - Dr. F
Is that your medical opinion, Commander? - Franklin
Is that your real face? - Crow
Is that your wallet or ar you just happy to see me?
Is the Centauri Ambassador's name "Moe-Larry"? Nyuck,nyuck.
Is the Defiant held together with self-sealing stem bolts?
Is the Devil wearing satin tap pants? - Mike
Is the Pope Catholic?  Is Clinton Lying?
Is the U.S. Congress hampered by greedlock?
Is the US ready for self-government?
Is the coast clear? My wife is getting suspicious.
Is the computer still talking on the phone?
Is the crew always this difficult?
Is the dictionary wrong?  It says the dumb can't talk.
Is the dingleberry still fashionable?
Is the dog treating?
Is the glass half empty, half full, or twice as large as it needs to be?
Is the great Joel Robinson going to honor me? - Tom
Is the idea of Siamese twins born in '69 rude?
Is the lack of a tagline a tagline in itself?
Is the last cow on earth the utter udder?
Is the minefield map under M for Map? - No, B for Boom. - Radar
Is the moderator looking?  NO?  Great!  Now I ca...NO CARRIER
Is the old adrenaline flowing? Good boy!
Is the opposite of the "Religious Right" the "Irreligious Wrong"?
Is the primary color of your car bondo?
Is the promotion of mail readers sexual discrimination?
Is the register better or the times?
Is the statement: "Stupid Liberal" redundant?
Is the sweat between Dolly's breasts Mountain Dew?
Is there ANYTHING worse than BAD SECTORS?.
Is there Sex after modems?
Is there a 'midway' nearby? - Crow on female wrestlers
Is there a BBS-aholics Anonymous ???
Is there a BBS-aholics Anonymous?
Is there a LIFE before death?
Is there a Lawyer in the House? *BLAM!* Any more?
Is there a Lawyer in the House? -=}BLAM!{=- Ok, any more?
Is there a Lawyer in the House? BLAM! Any more?
Is there a Lawyer in the house?  <BLAM!>  Ok, any more?
Is there a Lawyer in the house?  <BLAM!<  Ok, any more?
Is there a Lawyer in the house? <BLAM!> Ok, any more?
Is there a Lemon Law for Presidents too?
Is there a Lesbigator hiding in YOUR closet?  Well let it OUT!
Is there a Moderator in the ANARCHY Echo?
Is there a Playboy Mansion in Hooterville?
Is there a Sysop in the house?  BANG!  Any more?
Is there a buzzard in your hedge row?
Is there a conflict of interest brewing here? ;-)
Is there a cure out there for genealogyitis?
Is there a dipping sauce? - Crow as guy gets speared
Is there a frog in here, or am I hearing Voice Mail ?
Is there a greater fault than being conscious of the other person's fa
Is there a lawyer in the house ... BANG! ... Any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house?  <BAM> Anymore?
Is there a lawyer in the house?  <BAMMM!!!>  OK...any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house?  <BLAM!!>  Is there another?
Is there a lawyer in the house?  <BLAM!>  Any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house?  <BLAM!>  Is there another?
Is there a lawyer in the house?  <BLAM>  Any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house?  <BLAM> Is there another?
Is there a lawyer in the house?  -=}BLAM{=-  Any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house?  Yes?  <BANG<  Okay, any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house? <BAM> Anymore?
Is there a lawyer in the house? <BANG>  Any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house? <BLAM! > Is there another?
Is there a lawyer in the house? <BOOM> ... Anymore?
Is there a lawyer in the house? *BANG!* Any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house? *BANG!* Are there any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house? *BLAM* Okay. Any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house? -=BANG=- any more ?
Is there a lawyer in the house? -=]BLAM![=- Any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house? -=}BLAM!{=- Any more?!?!?
Is there a lawyer in the house? BANG! Any more?
Is there a lawyer in the house? Yes? <BANG> Okay, any more?
Is there a lawyer is the house?   -=}BLAM{=-   Any more?
Is there a liberal in the house? -=*BLAM*=- Any more?
Is there a mirror in your pocket? I can see myself in your pants
Is there a moderator in the ANARCHY Echo?
Is there a moderator in the house? No? You can make money@%&NO CARRIER
Is there a more violent version of doom available?
Is there a patient in the house?
Is there a pleasant peasant present?
Is there a plural for "Musical Instrument?"    Yes... "Orchestra."
Is there a plural for "Musical Instrument?"  "Orchestra."
Is there a poet in the house? <Blam!>  Any more?
Is there a problem, Mr. Garibaldi? --Lennier.
Is there a reason for this, or should I snap your hands off now?
Is there a singer in the house? <BLAM> Is there another?
Is there a special technique to this foot washing?  - Riker
Is there a spell called "Summon Pizza Elemental"?
Is there a tax exemption for co-dependents?
Is there a tax exemption for codependents?
Is there a tax specialist lurking here?
Is there an Al Coholic here? - Moe
Is there an alcoholic beverage made from oat bran?
Is there an echo in here...here...here...here...
Is there an imaginary cure for hypochondria?
Is there an imaginary cure for hypochondria? -- Heinlein
Is there an imaginary cure for hypochondria? L. Long
Is there an off button for Ms. Sleepwalker's mouth?
Is there an owl in this conference?.....
Is there any "fairness" in love and war?
Is there any adverb that can't make one of these? Tom asked.
Is there any chance I can reboot my life?
Is there any irony in steeling taglines ferrous all to use?
Is there any tea on this spaceship? - Arthur Dent
Is there any truth to the rumor that everything is really okay?
Is there anybody listening...
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anyone out there with a group of taglines devoted to AGE.
Is there anyone who smiles without a mask?
Is there anything wrong about being nice?
Is there anything you're looking for?
Is there anything you're not an expert on, 007?
Is there anything you're not telling us? Yes..we're also out of coffee.
Is there anyway to make a cpu fan last longer ?
Is there death after life?
Is there hope for man? - Heilbroner
Is there intelligent life, out there ?? Magrathea.
Is there life after BBS? No BBS...I must be in HELL!
Is there life after computers?
Is there life after death? Crash my BBS and find out!
Is there life after death? Vote Democratic and find out!
Is there life after deja you?
Is there life after modem?
Is there life before breakfast?
Is there life before caffeine?
Is there life before coffee?
Is there life before coffee? Ask me after I've had mine.
Is there life before death?
Is there life before death? --Belfast Graffito.
Is there life before tea? Ask me after I've had mine.
Is there life beyond Fidonet?
Is there life out there?
Is there money in the Lotto? YES! *I* put it there!
Is there no end to this? Tom asked finally.
Is there no end to your limitations?
Is there no villainy thou hast not committed, Calvin?
Is there no villainy thou hast not committed, Orville?
Is there no villainy thou hast not committed?
Is there really no chance to start once again?
Is there someone else up there we can talk to? -- King Arthur
Is there someone out there that will die for you...
Is there something living in FidoNet?
Is there something wrong with the one I have? - Spock
Is there such a thing as too many Taglines?
Is there such a thing as too many recipes?
Is there such thing as a censored tagline?  **** no!
Is there such thing as a censored tagline?  F*** no!
Is this *another* learning experience from the multiverse??!!
Is this Fahrvergngen?
Is this Heaven... No. Smell, its Iowa.
Is this Plato's heebie jeebies or just Existential Blues?
Is this a Kodak moment or a Maalox moment?
Is this a Warhol film? - Tom
Is this a bar where NOBODY knows your name? - Tom
Is this a dagger I see before me?
Is this a habit or just a part time job?
Is this a joke, or a grave matter?
Is this a juniper bush? - Crow as guy lurks behind tree
Is this a machine?  I don't talk to machines!  [Click]
Is this a multiple choice question?  - Ivanova
Is this a rhetorical question?  -SLR
Is this a sign of things to come?
Is this a talk show? - Tom Servo on scene's dull dialogue
Is this a talk show? - Tom on scene's dull dialogue
Is this all that's left of my life before me?
Is this all that's left of my life before me? - Qyr
Is this an action sequence? - Mike on card game
Is this anything close to what you want to know??
Is this anyway to run a TV movie?! - Mike
Is this appropriate technology?
Is this as much fun as you can have with your clothes on...
Is this backup real, or is it memorex?
Is this bullshit or fertilizer?
Is this computer supposed to be smoking?
Is this considered 'high tailing'? - Mike
Is this drive really moving with my head parked?
Is this dubbed? I think it's dubbed! - Crow
Is this going to be a stand-up fight, sir, or another bug hunt?
Is this gonna be a stand-up fightor another bug hunt? <Hicks>
Is this guy a scientologist, a Rosicrucian, or Shirley MacLaine?
Is this intended to be erotic?
Is this like the weather channel? The forecast is...partially cool!
Is this little breach of security going to affect my Xmas bonus?
Is this me in my head trying to cope w/this movie? - Crow
Is this not what you expected to see?
Is this off? - Mike sniffs dead fish
Is this part of the performance?
Is this real, or am I still on the Holodeck?
Is this real, or some strange and twisted dream?
Is this really happening?
Is this red light ever going to change...[:)
Is this schizoid paranoia or just Existential Blues?
Is this schizoid paranoia or just existential blues?
Is this sodomy? asked Tom, half in Earnest.
Is this sodomy? asked Tom, half in Ernest.
Is this some conspiracy to make me look paranoid?
Is this some more of that Trombonist's humor?
Is this stuff any good for ants? No, it kills them.
Is this supposed to be erotic?
Is this tagline actually stretching, or is it your imagination?
Is this tagline half slow or half fast?
Is this tagline off topic?
Is this the "perverse" side of you emerging? <G>
Is this the ANIMAL_SEX Echo?
Is this the Hugh Hefner planet? - Crow
Is this the NPLA?  Is this the IRA? I though it was the USA!
Is this the Off-Topic Conference?
Is this the Thrilla' In Manila? - Crow on lady wrestlers
Is this the bit you pull? - Mutant Raccoon
Is this the consequence of an out of bed experience?
Is this the five-minute argument or the full half-hour?
Is this the induction film when you go to Hell? - Crow
Is this the party to whom I am speaking ?
Is this the party to whom I am speaking?
Is this the real life?  Is this just fantasy?--Queen
Is this the real life? --Freddie Mercury, 11/24/92.
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Is this the reset bu
Is this the right echo for messages?
Is this the right fork?
Is this the right room for an arguement?
Is this the right room for an argument?
Is this the screen test? - Crow
Is this the sun? - I don't know I'm not from here....
Is this the way it has always been?  Could it ever have been different
Is this the way?
Is this thing on?
Is this true or only clever?  -- Augustine Birrell
Is this what military types call a "target-rich environment"?
Is this what the future holds? Cochrane
Is this what you intend to do with your life?
Is this where I'm supposed to insert the funny line?
Is this where the "Tagline" goes?
Is this your idea of 'justice'? - Mako
Is this your year for looking up old husbands?   Burt Lancaster
Is this yours?  Your dog left it on my lawn.
Is this yours?  Your dog left it on my lawn...
Is this yours? Your Dog left in on my lawn ...
Is this yours? Your dog left it on my lawn
Is this yours? Your dog left it on my lawn ...
Is this yours? Your dog left this on my lawn!
Is this yours? Your dogma left it on my lawn..
Is this, uhm, is this like, some sort of demonstration...? - Cavalieri
Is this... Death? --The Doctor
Is throwing a cat out a window considered kitty litter?
Is truth not truth for all?
Is truth not truth for all? Natira, stardate 5476.4.
Is twice a month over-doing it?
Is unemployment a job? - Crow as alcoholic man
Is using BOTH sides of the toilet paper REALLY recycling?
Is virus a 'micro' organism?
Is wetter REALLY better?
Is work a four letter word?
Is you aren't confused around here, you're not trying hard enough!
Is your Batmobile in the shop? - Tom to Adam West
Is your Fridge running?, If so, Go CATCH IT!!
Is your God dead? Try one of mine!
Is your aardvark missing? Check my tires.
Is your brother-in-law also your uncle?
Is your cat missing?  Check my tires.
Is your church ACTS 2:38 approved?
Is your church B.A.T.F. approved?
Is your church BATF approved? Call 1-800-CONFORM for details.
Is your church approved by the BATF?
Is your computer running hot, better slow it down...
Is your computer to fast for ya?  TRY WINDOWS!
Is your computer too fast for you? TRY WINDOWS!
Is your face odd? Misshapen? Join the Air Force - Mike
Is your family tree evergreen or deciduous?
Is your hair normal, or dry?
Is your hard drive running? You'd better cache it!
Is your head clear? No, it's opaque.
Is your job running?  You'd better go catch it!
Is your lifetime goal to own a fireworks stand?
Is your modem an "in-ie" or an "out-ie" ?
Is your mouth as big as your keyboard?
Is your name Timothy or Russell? Tom asked timorously.
Is your name not Bruce then?
Is your pussy damp? put in the microwave for 10 minutes on high.
Is your religion BATF approved?
Is your religion approved by the BATF?
Is your shower drain clogged with ellipsis dots?
Is your wife a goer, eh?  Know whatahmean, know whatahmean -- MP
Is your wife a goer, eh?  Know whatahmean, know whatahmean,
Is your wife jealous of your computer?
Is your's a real cat, or does it come when you call it?
Is yours a real cat, or does it come when you call it?
Is yours a real cat, or does she come when you call her?
Is:-> a C++ operator or what?
Isa.34:16 Seek ye out of the book of the LORD and read...
Isaac Asimov 1920 -1993  - - You are missed.
Isaac Asimov : 1920-1992 : Gone to the stars!
Isaac Asimov, 1920-1993.  In memorium.
Isaac Asimov? That's that guy who writes about robots, right? <rk>
Isaiah Beard: An opponent of the Religious Reich... and PROUD OF IT!
Ishtar, Sumero-Babylonian goddess of bloodshed, war and destruction.
Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inanna...
Iskustvo zavisi od kolicine unistene opreme
Islam ... If S*** happens, it is the will of Allah
Islam:         If shit happens, it is the Will of Allah
Islam: (def)  If s**t happens, take a hostage.
Islam: If sh*t happens, it is the will of Allah.
Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
Islamic strip poker...Lose a hand, lose a hand.
Islamics: If Sh*t happens, take a hostage.
Islexia Drules Ko!
Isms are a social disease.
Isn't "Shrimp on the Barbie" a bit kinky?
Isn't "criminal lawyer" a redundancy?
Isn't "criminal lawyer" a redundant term?
Isn't "half-duplex" just an apartment?
Isn't 'Dumb Blonde' a peroxymoron?
Isn't Brotherly Love a wonderful sight to behold?
Isn't Roddenberry one of the flavours at Baskin-Robbins?
Isn't TLX 4.00 GREAT??
Isn't Telecommunications a bit Far Fetched
Isn't a sequel to that coming out sometime?
Isn't bad poetry perverse?
Isn't beating a dead horse sado-necro-bestiality?
Isn't cannibalism when they don't know what they're eating?
Isn't criminal lawyer a redundancy?
Isn't criminal lawyer a redundant term?
Isn't damn Yankee one word?
Isn't everybody happy? - Machiavelli
Isn't genealogy fun?  The answer to one problem, leads to two more!
Isn't genealogy fun? The answer to one problem leads to 2 new ones!
Isn't goverment wonderful?  Anesthesia is more like it!
Isn't he spose'ta bathe him in Mountain Dew? - Crow
Isn't it "Wind in my hair?" Or was that a typo?
Isn't it about time to backed up your system?
Isn't it about time you backed up your system?
Isn't it about time you had a near-life experience?
Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it funny that most homophobes are also racist?
Isn't it funny that most homophobes are also sexist?
Isn't it funny that only the moderators ever object to chat?
Isn't it funny? Picard thinks about a problem that's already solved!!
Isn't it great to be young and insane? - Keaton
Isn't it great?  Reminds me of the old days. - Amanda
Isn't it great? He respects her car - Crow
Isn't it interesting that IRANGATE Proves crooks go free?
Isn't it interesting that most homophobes are also racist?
Isn't it interesting that most homophobes are also sexist?
Isn't it lucky for Microsoft that Windows isn't Shareware?
Isn't it nice that egotists don't talk about other people
Isn't it nice to be able to change history?? - Kaye Downing
Isn't it sad we're insane
Isn't it silly to wanna go to Philly?
Isn't it strange how "wise" resembles being old and tired?
Isn't it strange that simple questions often have complex answers?
Isn't it strange? As soon as you're born, you're dying - Iron Maiden
Isn't it time for a colorful metaphor? -- Spock
Isn't it time for a republic? I bags Windsor castle.
Isn't it wonderful, the things we get to spend our time working on. ;-
Isn't posting off-topic exhilarating?
Isn't posting off-topic exhilerating?
Isn't sado-necro-bestiality beating a dead horse?
Isn't shrimp on a Barbie a bit kinky?
Isn't stealing taglines illegal?  Like grand theft motto?
Isn't stealing taglines wonderful? -- Chris Smith (GF, MT, 1995)
Isn't technology wonderful?
Isn't that Teresa Russell? - Tom
Isn't that an oxymoron in itself?
Isn't that bridge built YET!??
Isn't that cute. A baby driving a car. - Chief Wiggum
Isn't that just pointless busy work? Bullseye..get cracking.
Isn't that special.
Isn't that the problem:  Being excepted rather than accepted?
Isn't that the same shot, upside down?
Isn't that the type of invitation to all the wrong sort of people?
Isn't that where Bob upchucked? - Crow on scummy water
Isn't that your building exploding? My baby!
Isn't the Internet Great.  All my questions answered.
Isn't the music too dreamy ? - Audrey Horne
Isn't the term "Dumb Blonde" a peroxymoron?
Isn't there a cop show on where they talk like real people? Sheesh!
Isn't there a statute of limitations on stupidity.
Isn't there a statute of limitations on stupidity?
Isn't there any other part of the matzoh they cook? --Marilyn Monroe
Isn't there something a bit morbid about collecting dead relatives?
Isn't this a conversation for the Taglines conference?
Isn't this from "Half The Man"? Isn't that Nirvana?
Isn't this getting just a bit too silly!
Isn't this my STOP?!
Isn't this the OFF-TOPIC conference?
Isn't this the OFF-TOPIC forum?
Isn't your pants zipper supposed to be in front?
Isn't your pants zipper supposed to be in front?   Hobbes
Isnt it cute? They're trying a stab at a plot! - Crow
Isnt it funny how everything works out -- NIN
Isnt it funny how everything works out.
Isometric: sign in the window of a modern tailor.
Isorat...A line connecting equal number of bastards.
Isorat:  Line connecting an equal number of bastards.
Isotoners! -Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
Isotope models get your isotope models. Carbon atoms -Tom
Israel knew when to withdraw from Jordan... Unlike Michael Jackson.
Israel, Israel, God is calling, Calling the from lands of woe.
Issawi's Law of Committo-Dynamics:  Comitas comitatum, omnia comitas.
Issola strikes from courtly bow
Isstvan sends his greetings, Garkin. - Throckwoddle
Issue "NUMBER 0" is an oxymoron!
Issue one!  Are guns too hard to get?  Wrong, Orville!  *BLAMM!*
Issues are Emotional. Decisions are Political. Solutions are Technical.
Istaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnbbbbbuuuuuuulllllllllllll -- TMBG
Istanbul was Constantinople now it's Istanbul not Constantinople --TMBG
Istina je relativna, rece Pilat, i opra ruke !
It *CAN'T* be chili if its got cheetos in it!
It *IS* documented, look under "For Internal Use Only."
It *IS* in stereo!  One of your speakers must be dyslexic!
It *doesn't* have to be expensive, you know..<g> - TEC
It *is* rather basic, isn't it...:) - TEC
It DOESN'T say "the right to keep and bear SPORTING GOODS!!
It IS a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it. - S.Wright
It IS as bad as you think and they ARE out to get you.
It IS documented, look under "For Internal Use Only."
It IS more than a hobby - it is an addiction!
It IS the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Captain!  Data
It IS the heat!!
It IS too a Tagline!
It Is Better To Anger A Dragon Than A Woman.
It Is Better To Copulate Than Never.
It Just Don't Add Up! -- Foghorn Leghorn.
It TAKES that many IBMs to match the productivity of 5 million Amigas.
It Takes Me All Night Long To Do What I Used To Do All Night Long
It Won't Work!: Mel Function
It Won't Work!: Mel Function*
It _is_ user-friendly.  But my name doesn't happen to be User.
It accurately simulates falling damage! - Springheel Jack
It ain't a trend until you've seen it twice
It ain't bestiality if the sheep loves you!
It ain't braggin' if you can do it.
It ain't braggin' if you really done it!
It ain't braggin' if you've really done it!
It ain't bragging if it's true!
It ain't compatible unless it's OS/2 compatible!
It ain't easy being easy.
It ain't lengthy, it's my tagline.
It ain't much, if it ain't Duch
It ain't over 'til Roseanne Arnold sings.
It ain't over 'til the Moderator says, "Knock it off!"
It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings the National Anthem and spits.
It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings the National Anthem\SLMR\TAGLI
It ain't over 'til you read the tagline!
It ain't over 'till Roseanne Arnold sings!
It ain't over til the fat dragon breathes.
It ain't over til the fat lady sits on your face.
It ain't over till it's over and Roseanne Barr sings.
It ain't over till it's over. <Yogi Berra>
It ain't over till it's over. --Yogi Berra. It's over. --Death.
It ain't over till the FAT table sings
It ain't over till the fat dragon breathes.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings national anthem and spits.
It ain't over until @FN@ reads the tagline!
It ain't over until the FAT table sinks....
It ain't over, but the fat lady is clearing her throat.
It ain't supposed to be commercial, man! It's JAZZ! - Tom
It ain't the best until it supports OS/2.
It ain't what's goin' on, son. It's what's comin' off.
It all begins beneath the skin.
It all comes down to one thing. - Kenny
It all comes down to treating others as you want to be treated.
It all comes from liking honey so much.  W.T. Pooh
It all depends on your definition of 'ordinary'.
It all depends upon whose ox is gored.
It all depends, I guess, on WHOSE ox is being gored!
It all hinges on your definition of "a good time."
It all hinges on your definition of 'a good time'.
It all looks the same if you're not the lead dog.
It all makes sense if you take every other word
It all makes sense if you take every other word...
It all rolls into one..
It all seems so unreal ... but that's only an illusion.
It all started when I found this box floating at sea...
It allows me to see. And I like it just fine -- Geordi
It always ends. That's what gives it its value. --Death.
It always ends. That's what gives it value. --Death on life.
It always happens, but we never expect "the unexpected".
It always helps if you know what you're talking about.
It always helps to use the right tool for the job.
It always rains right after I wax philosophical.
It always takes longer than you think.
It amuses me that someone is chewing the scenery - Tom
It appears my choice was successful. --Ivanova.
It appears my intelligence circuits have melted. --Kryten.
It appears that anything can and will piss him off
It appears that my karma just ran over your dogma.
It appears to be a Romulan Warbi^*****NO CARRIER
It appears to be a Romulan Warbi^JovT#NO CARRIER
It appears to be a Romulan Warbi^th*\NO CARRIER
It appears to be a Romulan WarbioXT|uX+n  NO CARRIER
It appears to be a small rodent, said Tom shrewdly.
It appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honor.
It as cunning as a rat with a gold tooth
It as so hot the cow gave five quarts of steam.
It balances! It balances! Run the bloody paychecks.
It balances! It balances! Run the paychecks.
It beats me how some people treat this war like a picnic. - Frank
It beeped and said "Countdown Initiated".  Is that bad?
It begain in the year 2257
It began in the year 2257
It began in the year 2257...
It behooves us all to avoid archaic expressions!
It behooves us to avoid archaisms.
It can be a dangerous place but it is our last best hope for peace.
It can be a dangerous place...
It can't be Nature, for it has no sense. -- Churchill
It can't be misspelled; my modem is error-correcting.
It can't hurt but help us.
It can't rain all the time.  -- Brandon Lee in "The Crow"
It can't rain all the time; the sky won't fall forever.
It certainly gets drafty when they leave the doors open.
It certainly seemed a good idea at the time
It changed my life, it was good, the end.
It comes down to this your kiss your fist -- NIN
It comes down to this your kiss your fist.
It comes in a big, blonde package called Mike Nelson -Tom
It comes with the territory.
It comes with three vegetables: two peas and a carrot.
It compiled, first screen came up??  Ship it! --Bill Gates
It compiled?  The first screen came up?  Ship it! -- Bill Gates
It costs a fortune to heat this place.
It could be a devil, it could be an angel
It could be a rabid tiger, it could be a Q-tip. We have no way of knowing.
It could be a real kid, Mike - Tom
It could be a trap, Trap. - Hawkeye
It could be that new battery. It just keeps going and going and going.
It could be worse(BOOOM) It's worse.
It could be worse, he could of left you for another man.
It could be worse, she could of left ya for another Woman
It could be worse...  I could be using MegaMail!!!
It could be worse... (BOOOM) It's worse.
It could have happened, so it must be true.
It could indeed be something much worse than a wolf
It deffinetly isn't easy, and it's time consumeing...
It depends on what the body intends to do!
It depends on which end he tries to light
It depends on which end he tries to light.
It depends on which end he tries to light...
It did WHAT?  -  Well, it's not *supposed* to do that.
It did what?  Well, it's not supposed to do that.
It didn't bother me, but I'm ignoring it anyway.
It didn't hit me like lightning.
It does however happen (or it can).
It does my heart good to see Crow burned beyond all recognition!
It does not bode well to leave a live dragon out of your calculations.
It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations
It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations.
It does not require talent to speak the truth, just courage.
It does often seem that man must fight to live.
It doesn't HAVE to make sense. It's the law!
It doesn't TAKE all kinds; we just HAVE all kinds.
It doesn't cost much to feed a Rubber chicken.
It doesn't get any better than this, dude. --Butthead
It doesn't get any skuzzier than this.
It doesn't have to make sense!  It just has to work!
It doesn't help to curse the darkness.
It doesn't hurt any more - now or ever again!
It doesn't hurt, really! <=Famous last words.
It doesn't just suck, it...it, like, REALLY sucks! - Beavis
It doesn't make it hurt any less--Crow T. Robot.
It doesn't make sense, does it? - Sheridan
It doesn't make the hurt go away - Crow to Joel
It doesn't matter if you win or lose, only how well you accept it.
It doesn't matter if you win or lose, until you lose.
It doesn't matter if you win, it's the point spread.
It doesn't matter what dog you sleep with, your still gonna get fleas!
It doesn't matter what size the gun is, just how well it shoots.
It doesn't matter what temperature a room is; it's always room temperature.
It doesn't matter what you say as long as you're St. Cyr about it. <z>
It doesn't matter whether you win or lose -- until you lose.
It doesn't matter who you vote for - a politician wins!
It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always get in.
It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.
It doesn't necessarily do it in chronological order though.
It doesn't pay for a prophet to be too specific.
It doesn't say anything here about lark's vomit!
It doesn't say..."shall not be infringed, much".
It doesn't smell anymore, Tom said distinctly.
It doesn't sound like a military gesture to me.
It doesn't take a sledgehammer to crack eggs, but it works!
It doesn't take much to rip us into pieces - Tori Amos
It doesn't take much, if you give enough.
It doesn't work! Did you turn it on? . . . oops!
It doesn't work, .......but it LOOKS pretty.
It doesn't work, but I'm working on it.
It doesn't work, but it looks pretty.
It don't get much better than this folks.
It don't mean a THING if you ain't got that SWING!!
It don't mean a Thang if it ain't got dat Swang.
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that certain je ne sais qoui.
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
It exists only if the DM allows it to exist.
It exists, Grasshopper. Take the Tootsie Pop from my hand.
It feels good to be back at Smut Manor- Mike Nelson
It feels like we just popped back into normal space. - Sheridan
It feels so good when the pain stops! - Crow T. Robot
It felt good to be on-line again
It felt good to be on-line again...
It figures the most boring trial of all time involves an NFL player.
It finally happened, I'm slightly mad.
It followed me home, Daddy. Can we eat it?
It followed me home, can I keep it?
It found *me*!  Campus Crusade for Cthulhu!
It galls you, doesn't it.  The thought of a Liberal Christian.
It get's under my skin, within, take in, the extent of my sin - NIN
It gets better.
It gives me a headache just to think down to your level.
It gives me a headache just trying to think at that level.
It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level.
It goes in, it must come out.
It goes nicely with the vomit and catarrh
It got better when the Swedish Bikini Team came.
It got me ROTFLMAO when I realized you're posting from George's board.
It got to a point where I had to get a haircut or a violin. -- F.D.R.
It got worse - you're NOT paranoid, they ARE after you!
It gots worse - youse NOT paranoid, dey ARE afta' ya'!
It grows as it goes.
It had something to do with magentic feilds. Or something.
It happened simultaneously, though not at the same time.
It happened the day before today. I remember it like it was yesterday.
It happens every time.
It happens sometimes.  People just explode.  Natural causes.
It happens sometimes. People just explode.
It happens, my dear, because the company wants it to happen. <Dallas>
It has a certain symitery. - Ivanova
It has a certain symmetry. --Ivanova.
It has a lifetime warranty; if it fails, they kill you!
It has a mind of it's own! - Crow as girl shimmies butt
It has become ... animate.
It has been discovered that ALL medical research causes cancer in rats.
It has been discovered: research causes cancer in rats.
It has been lovely, but I have to scream now.
It has been proven that life is the leading cause of death.
It has bits of marrow ... and blood and beautiful bright green flies.
It has bits of marrow sticking to it, and blood and beautiful flies...
It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats
It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats.
It has many other uses as well.  Allow me. ~ Worf
It has many other uses as well.  Allow me. þ Worf
It has no advantage to argue with the teacher.
It has no punch lines.
It has raisins in it. You like raisins, don't you?
It has to be hard to be good. 
It has to be saidthese aren't oxymorons, they are just redundant! ;->
It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.
It hasss the tagline, me Preciousss.  We wantsss it, we do.
It hasss the tagline, my preciousss.  We wantsss it, we do.
It helps if you plug it in.
It helps to know the thing. (See Psalm 199:9,11.)
It hurts a lot to wear rented bowling shoes.
It hurts to be on the cutting edge.
It hurts when you walk into stuff.
It is "USER" friendly.  But my name doesn't happen to be User.
It is *so* difficult being politically correct  ;)
It is 21:05:27 do you know where your artifacts are?
It is Fortune, not wisdom that rules man's life.
It is Gilligan's Spaceship, this thing called Voyager....
It is I suppose some kind of audio physiomolecular transport device
It is I! Count Taxula, and my faithful servant Algore!
It is I! T. Hewitt Edward Crow - Crow T. Robot
It is I, Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon.
It is Starting to rain .QWK .PAK ALL THE ANIMALS INTO THE .ARC!
It is TEXAN or Texan but =never= texan.
It is a 'tagline'.
It is a bad plan that admits of no modification.<Syrus>
It is a cellular peptide cake . with mint frosting. -- Worf
It is a conspiracy.
It is a courtesy not to leave dead men orbiting the moon.
It is a far better beer than I have drunk before.
It is a good answer that knows when to stop.
It is a good day to die, Duras, and the day is not yet over. --Worf
It is a good day to die, Orville, and the day is not yet over.
It is a good day to die, and the day is not yet over.
It is a good day to die, the day is not over.- Worf
It is a good day to die. - Dax
It is a good day to die. - Kor
It is a good day to die. - Worf, son of Mog
It is a good day to die. -- Kor
It is a good day to die. --Dax.
It is a good day to die. --Kor.
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.
It is a hell of a thing to be a martyr, MacLeod. - Methos
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.  -- Albert Einstein
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.  Albert Einstein
It is a pity we abolished the guillotine, Monsieur. - The Madam
It is a pleasure to meet such a...unique individual.
It is a poor family that hath neither a whore nor a thief in it.
It is a poor judge who cannot award a prize.
It is a possible future, and it is my hope you may yet avoid it - Ladira
It is a proud and lonely thing to be a prince of Amber...
It is a rather pleasant experience to be alone in a bank at night.
It is a rather pleasant to be alone in a bank at night.
It is a rumor that I can't behave for more than 10 minutes at a time
It is a sad irony that black racists usually are the most hateful.
It is a simple trick.  Perhaps one day I will show it to you.--Chiun
It is a sin pecuZdVto people to hate their victims.
It is a sin peculiar to people to hate their victims.
It is a subject of which I never tire <SIGH>.
It is a thirst ... it is a flower, dying in a desert ...
It is a time to celebrate, for tomorrow we all may die!
It is a truly wise man who does not play leap frog with a unicorn.
It is a well known fact that a deceased body harms the mind.
It is about time somebody showed up to debrief me, damnit. - Sheridan
It is after all, *how* we walk the path that is important.
It is against the law in Louisiana to gargle in public.
It is against the law to fish from horseback in Utah.
It is all the same nonsense when you work for a lunatic. <Chiun>
It is almost always better to be frank.
It is always better to get pissed off, than to get pissed on.
It is always better to sacrifice your opponent's men
It is always dark if you don't open your eyes.
It is always darkest after you trip over the drop cord !
It is always darkest before it goes totally black.
It is always darkest before things go totally black.
It is always darkest just before you turn on the lights
It is always darkest just before you turn on the lights.
It is always darkest just before you turn on the lights.
It is always easier to destroy than to create.
It is always good business to know about new customers.
It is always in season for old men to learn. * Aeschylus
It is always the partner's fault.
It is always the season for the old to learn
It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.
It is as absurd to argue men, as to torture them, into belief.
It is as bad as you think and they are out to get you.
It is bad luck to be superstitious.
It is bad luck to be superstitious.  -- Andrew Mathis
It is bad manners to break your bread and roll in your soup.
It is bad manners to break your bread and roll it in your soup.
It is because of people like you that they invented birth control pills!
It is best to read the weather forecast before we pray fo
It is best to read the weather forecast before we pray for rain.
It is better to be a fool than to be dead.
It is better to be brief than boring.
It is better to be dead than to be a fool. --Stevenson.
It is better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies.
It is better to be judged by twelve, than carried by six.
It is better to be looked over than overlooked.
It is better to be silent and thought of as an ass...
It is better to be wise than to be smart.
It is better to build a child than to repair an adult.
It is better to burn out than to fade away.
It is better to copulate seldom rather than never.
It is better to copulate than never. - Lazarus Long
It is better to copulate than never. -- L. Long
It is better to copulate then never.  - Robert A. Heinlein
It is better to copulate then never. -- RAH
It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your kne
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!
It is better to die standing on your feet. Then living on your knees.
It is better to die standing on your feet...than living on your knees.
It is better to drink of deep griefs than to taste shallow pleasures
It is better to feed one cat than many mice.
It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating-O.Wilde
It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.
It is better to have loved a short man than never to have
It is better to have loved and lost than just to have los
It is better to have loved and lost than just to have lost.
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
It is better to have loved and lost than to have hated an
It is better to have loved and lost, than not to love at all.
It is better to kiss an avocado than to get in a fight with an aardvark
It is better to kiss an avocado than to kiss an aardvark.
It is better to know nothing than to know what ain't so.
It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.
It is better to know useless things than nothing.
It is better to know useless things than to know nothing.
It is better to light a single candle than live in darkness.
It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.
It is better to live in an attic, than with a crabby woman...
It is better to publish than to burn.
It is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven.
It is better to suffer wrong than to do it.
It is better to wear out than rust out.
It is better to wear out than to forget.
It is better to wear out than to rust out.
It is broke.  It will not work.  It does not go.
It is by acts and not by ideas that people live.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion...
It is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. - Mother Theresa
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed.
It is certainly no part of religion to compel religion. Tertullian
It is complete now, The hands of time are nealty tied... - CB
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. - D. Koresh
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. Voltaire
It is dangerous to confuse @FN@ with an angel.
It is dangerous to confuse YOU with an angel.
It is dangerous to confuse children with angels.
It is difficult to legislate morality in the absence of moral legislators.
It is difficult to prophesy, especially about the future.
It is done by pacifists (re-phrased in the passive voice).
It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver.
It is easier to admire hard work if you do not do it.
It is easier to admire hard work if you don't do it
It is easier to admire hard work if you don't do it.
It is easier to be critical than to be correct.
It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.
It is easier to believe than to deny; we're naturally affirmative.
It is easier to believe than to doubt. E.D. Martin
It is easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.
It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.
It is easier to criticize than to create.
It is easier to curse the darkness than to light a candle.
It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil in man.
It is easier to destroy than to create. <Larry Niven>
It is easier to destroy than to create. - Larry Niven
It is easier to destroy than to create. -Niven
It is easier to fight for one's principles than live up to them.
It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live u
It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.
It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them
It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
It is easier to get forgiveness than permission. <Cats>
It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.
It is easier to rule a kingdom than a child.
It is easier to run down a hill than up one.
It is easier to stay out than get out.
It is easier to stay out than get out.  --Mark Twain
It is easier to stay out than get out. - Twain
It is easier to stay out than get out. --Mark Twain
It is easier to stay out than to get out.
It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.
It is easy to be tolerant when you do not care.
It is easy to be wise after the event.
It is easy to propose impossible remedies.
It is easy to take liberty for granted when you have never had it.
It is elementary, my dear Riker...sir. - Data
It is engineered to be used 'anywhere'.. and NEVER fails..;) - TEC
It is enough that I am of value to someone today.
It is far safer to be feared than loved.      Machiavelli
It is far safer to be feared than loved. - Niccoli Machiavelli
It is fatal to live too long.
It is folly to bolt a door with a boiled carrot.
It is for the general good of all that the wicked should be punished.
It is forbidden to make one so young, so helpless. - Armand
It is fraud to accept what you cannot repay.
It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. - Lam. 3:27
It is good to have friends, is it not Mr. Garibaldi? - Londo
It is great cleverness to know how to conceal our cleverness.
It is greatness that comes from a mystery. <Chiun>
It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. - Acts 9:5
It is hard to believe that even his friends like He.
It is hard to believe that even his friends like Orville Bullitt.
It is hard to believe that even his friends like Orville.
It is hard to believe that even his friends like Ross Perot.
It is hard to believe that even his friends like him.
It is hard to discern when enough is enough + / = / - .
It is hard to fly with the eagle when you work with the turkeys.
It is hard to fly with the eagles When you work with the turkeys.
It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere. - Voltaire
It is hard to keep coming up with original taglines.  I just hate it
It is hard to work for the money you already spent.
It is hereditary in my family not to have children.
It is hereditary in my family to have no children.
It is high praise to see your Taglines used by others.
It is hot! Turn off mathematic coprocesor!
It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly.
It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly. -- Anatole France
It is idle to grieve if you get no help from grief. Seneca
It is illegal in Florida to troll attorney traps from ambulances.
It is illegal to say "Oh, Boy" in Jonesboro, Georgia.
It is illegal to sell Limburger cheese on Sunday in Houston, Texas.
It is impossible to get anywhere without sinning against reason.
It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools
It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
It is impossible to please the whole world and your mother-in-law.
It is impossible to prove God through any normal means. - Kant
It is in his own interest that a cat purrs.
It is incumbent on one to avoid archaisms.
It is incumbent on us to avoid archaisms.
It is irrevelent that the Borg do it.
It is irreverent that the Borg do it.
It is later than you think.
It is man's nature to scare himself silly for no good reason
It is me, Cloister! - Lister
It is meaningless to speak of domesticating a cat.
It is meaningless to speak of domesticating a child.
It is memory that enables a person to gather roses in January.
It is morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money.
It is morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.
It is morally wrong to let suckers keep their money.
It is more blessed to give than to receive. - Acts 20:35
It is more blessed to give the truth than to deceive.
It is more logical to heal than to kill. - Surak of Vulcan
It is more rational to sacrifice one life than six.
It is much easier to be critical than to be correct
It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.
It is much easier to hate an enemy than a person.
It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the p
It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
It is much safer to be feared than to be loved, if one must choose
It is my firm belief that it is a mistake to hold firm beliefs
It is my pleasure to share this planet and this epoch with Orville.
It is necessary to have purpose.
It is necessary to have purpose. - Alice #1, "I, Mudd"
It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be faithful to himself.
It is never too late to give up your prejudices.
It is never too late to learn.
It is no disgrace to rest a bit.<G. Fowler>
It is no longer politically correct to be politically correct.
It is no ordinary wormhole -- Dax
It is no rest to be idle. - Paul Peel
It is not I who am CRAZY...It is I who am MAD! -- Ren Hoek
It is not I who am crazy, it is I who am MAD.
It is not I who is crazy! It is I who I mad!!!!-Ren Hoek
It is not a bug..it is a hidden and seldom used feature..
It is not a crime problem, but a punishment problem.
It is not a good omen when goldfish commit suicide.
It is not advisable to allow Silly Putty to reach room temperature.
It is not an optical illusion, it just looks like one.  -- Phil White
It is not considered cheating to read the instruction book first.
It is not death, but dying which is terrible. -- Fielding
It is not doing what we like to do, but liking what we have to do.
It is not down in any map; true places never are. - Melville
It is not easy to change. But it is possible.
It is not enough to aim, you must hit.
It is not enough to succeed.  Others must fail.
It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail. -- Gore Vidal
It is not enough to succeed; others must fail.  -- Gore Vidal
It is not everything which is permitted that is honorable.
It is not good enough to aim; you must hit.
It is not how bad you screw up but how well you recover.
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness.
It is not logical, but it is often true.
It is not logical, but it is often true...
It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.  Laurence Durrell
It is not my intention to miss quote anyone.
It is not necessary to fall into a well to know its depth.
It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.
It is not polite to point. Throw this brick at it, instead.
It is not possible to hurt me in that fashion - Data
It is not the name you call me.  It is the name to which I respond.
It is not the way of the Klingons to be small in any regard
It is now 10 p.m. Do you know where Henry Kissinger is? -- Elizabeth Carpenter
It is now kisstomary to cuss the bride. - Spooner
It is now my duty to completely Drain You.
It is now necessary to debrief you - Crow to Mike
It is now pitch dark.  If you proceed, you will likely fall into a pit.
It is now pitch dark. If you proceed, you will likely fall into a pit.
It is now proven beyond doubt that smoking is the leading
It is of immense importance to learn to laugh at ourselves.
It is only people of small moral stature who have to stand on their dignity.
It is our duty as courteous drivers to inconvenience the rude.
It is our way...It is the Klingon way! -- Kurn
It is our worship word too -- Kirk
It is our worship word too.
It is over 87 million years old - Data
It is over? Do I applaud now?
It is perpetuated; may it endure forever.
It is physically impossible to tax into property.
It is physically impossible to tax into prosperity.
It is pitch dark. You will likely fall into a hole & die
It is pitch dark. You will likely fall into a hole and die.
It is possible that blondes also prefer gentlemen. - Mamie Van Doren.
It is possible that blondes also prefer gentlemen. Nah!
It is possible they could remove me from Babylon 5. - Delenn
It is possible to commit no mistakes, and still lose - Picard
It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable.
It is possible to smell after you stop breathing.
It is quite a three pipe problem.--Sherlock Holmes
It is quite obvious that society is at fault
It is recommended:  Don't learn traffic laws by accident.
It is sad when dollars and cents take precedence over human rights.
It is said an elephant never forgets, but what's he got to remember?
It is seldom that an unbranded girl ascends the block.
It is smart to pick your friends--but not to pieces.
It is so much better to live rich than to die rich.
It is sometimes expedient to forget who we are.
It is still a risk. Delenn Yes, I suppose. - Sheridan
It is strange, I guess, to have kin and be without kinship.
It is sweet and honorable to die for one's country.) - Horace
It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression -- Ro
It is ten o'clock; do you know where your processes are?
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. - Sophocles
It is the "pon farr" -- the time of mating.
It is the Third Orb.  The Orb of Prophecy and Change.
It is the business of little minds to shrink. -- Carl Sandburg
It is the business of the future to be dangerous.
It is the business of the future to be dangerous. -- Hawkwind
It is the cause, not the death, that makes the martyr.
It is the curse of the disabled to forever educate the public!
It is the dead wood that holds up the tree.
It is the difference of opinion that makes horse races.  -- Mark Twain
It is the essence of genius to make use of the simplest ideas.
It is the honor of the murdered that he is not the murderer.
It is the journey itself that is important, not the end of the road
It is the journey that matters, in the end. <U.K. le Guin>
It is the lot of men to die once and then the judgment. --Hebrews 9:27
It is the love of what is honorable and noble. - Smith
It is the memory that enables a person to gather roses in January.
It is the nature of our species to be free.
It is the pon farr -- the time of mating.
It is the sign of La'Forge... - Worf
It is the task of ethics to teach him how to live like a man.
It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it.
It is the weak that are cruel. (Leo Rosten)
It is the wise bird who builds his nest in a tree.
It is thermodynamically impossible to stuff a genie back into a bottle.
It is things like this that make you go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
It is through love that we elevate ourselves.
It is thus that the cookie crumbles?
It is time for you to eat, your majesty.  Jon to Garfield
It is time.   Rafiki
It is too dangerous, you must not go alone.
It is truly written; LURK before you leap...
It is unavoidable.  It is your destiny. - Emperor Palpatine
It is unwise to meddle in the affairs of wizards.
It is very cold in space... -- Khan Noonian Singh
It is very difficult to discipline doctors. - Potter
It is very difficult to prophesy, especially when it pertains to the future.
It is very hard to be simple enough to be good. R.W. Emerson
It is well known, that among the blind the one-eyed man is king.  -- Erasmus 
It is what these echos were intended to be, a support echo.
It is when I struggled to be brief that I became obscure.
It is when you take for yourself that you truly take.
It is wise to empty the mind & fill the belly - Lao Tzu
It is wit to pick a lock & steal a horse but wisdom to let it alone.
It is worse still to be ignorant of your ignorance. St. Jerome
It is written again, THOU SHALT NOT TEMPT THE LORD THY GOD.(Matt 4:7)
It is you that is not real - Data
It is you who are mistaken... about a great many things. - Emperor
It is you who are mistaken...about a great many things.
It is your destiny
It is, after all,  only a moment in the infinity of time.
It is, it is a glorious thing, to be the Lion King!
It is..<frown>..it is..<sniff>..it is green. -Data
It is...It is...<sniff>.. It is Green - Data
It is...hmm...<sniff>...it is...it is *green*. -- Data
It isIt is<sniff>.. It is Green - Data
It isn't a dance, it's a fertility rite with lyrics.
It isn't an oxymoron to me! I went through college on the G.I. Bill!
It isn't bestiality if the sheep loves you.
It isn't crippleware:It's Functionally Challenged.
It isn't easy being BLUE.
It isn't easy being green.
It isn't fair...to ask what it's got in its nasty little pocketses?
It isn't funny to watch dyslexic witches working weather magic...
It isn't homework unless it's due tomorrow.
It isn't pretty being easy.
It isn't really mine 'til I've modified it
It isn't stolen It's creatively re-systhesized!
It isn't stolen... it's creatively re-systhesized!
It isn't the meat, it's the sauce.
It isn't the size of the tagline file, but the quality..
It isn't the whistle that moves the train.
It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper. -Errol Flynn
It isn't what you know, it's what you think of in time.
It isn't worth the effort to wash your dog.
It it ain't broke, let me have a shot at it.
It it smells like fish, eat all you wish........
It it's not in the computer, it just doesn't exist.
It just doesn't get any Beta than this.
It just doesn't get any better than this.  Ok, maybe it does...
It just goes to show you, it's always something.
It just goes to show you, its always something.
It just loves domineering women.........
It just takes a minute and you'll feel no pain.
It just won't break, chip, or split.
It keeps going, & going, & going. BLAMO.... hate that pink bunny
It knock one's the door, go to and see who is it.
It knows my name! - Crow on Joel's catfish puppet
It likes riddles, praps it does, does it? - Gollum
It literally is...Elvis.  -Riker
It looked like it had come straight from hell. --Amis.
It looks & tastes like ketchup, but brother, it ain't ketchup! - Homer
It looks disgusting hanging there all pink and naked.
It looks just like a Telefunken U-47.
It looks like 8-0 Canada - Foster Hewitt
It looks like Barney has won... No wait, Godzilla is getting up...
It looks like Fox has hit a new low. -Lisa Simpson
It looks like a Ding Dong with legs - Crow on bug monster
It looks like a boat and it leaks like a boat so it must be a boat.
It looks like a flying chalupa! - Crow as hick on UFO
It looks like a flying purple people eater to me! - Sheb Wooley
It looks like a flying purple people eater!
It looks like an optical illusion, but it isn't
It looks like blind screaming hedonism won out.
It looks like the CENSORED has hit the fan,
It looks like the Temple of Doom!
It looks like they had a battle with time - Riker
It looks like we match up, so I'm hoping we can share data.
It looks uncomputable to me, said Tom haltingly.
It made you mad. It made you mean-mad! - Frank on Dr. F
It makes Alien from LA look like Citizen Kane <G>.
It makes a difference whose ox is gored.    Martin Luther
It makes its own sauce; it vomits while it cooks.
It makes much more sense to rely upon your rifle than upon your wife.
It makes my mommy happy if I keep my mouth closed when I chew.
It makes sense, when you don't think about it.
It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. --Johnson.
It matters not if you win or lose, it is what I do.
It matters not so much what you sing, but why - J.S. Bach
It matters not so much what you sing, but why --- J.S. Bach
It matters not what you are thought to be but what you are.
It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or
It matters not who kills her, only that she is dead!
It may be GUI but you still can't eat it!
It may be illegal.................but it's not a sin!
It may be my destiny, but I REFUSE to accept it!!
It may be on a lousy channel, but the Simpsons are on TV! - Homer
It may be that my purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
It may be the wine, Lars but you're a pretty man - Crow
It may be unrelated, but you never know. - Ivanova
It may not be canon, but it makes sense; that's good enough for me.
It may not look like a bull, but it leaves a trail like one
It may not look like a bull, but it leaves a trail like one.
It means no worries for the rest of your days.
It might happen.  And monkeys might fly out of my butt!
It might kill you...but what a way to go huh?
It might rain money.  It might rain love.
It must be Friday. I never could get the hang of Fridays
It must be Monday. I never could get the hang of Mondays
It must be Saturday. I never could get the hang of Saturdays
It must be Sunday. I never could get the hang of Sundays
It must be Thursday, I could never get the hang of Thurdsdays.
It must be Thursday.  I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
It must be Tuesday. I never could get the hang of Tuesdays
It must be Wednesday. I never could get the hang of Wednesdays
It must be a glitch in my OLR.  A thousand pardons.
It must be inordinately taxing to be such a boob. - Brain
It must be right, I've done it from my youth
It must be sad being a species with so little imagination.
It must be the first of the month: new billboard day! - Homer
It must be the pretzels!
It must be true, because I learned if from my mother.
It must have been a lawyer... There were no skid marks!
It must have been hard:  not knowing your father.
It must mean you really love me! Hmm..interesting theory.
It must suck to be you!
It must take a lot of vigilance to keep a goat on an organic diet.
It never happened! - Lt. Yar
It never happened! -- Yar
It never hurts to help! - Eek the Cat
It never hurts to suck up to the boss -- ROA #33
It never hurts to suck up to the boss. - 33rd Rule
It never pays to argue with a mule, woman or a Sysop.
It never rains but it pours.
It never rains in Oregon, We rust from too much sunshine
It now costs more to amuse a child than it once did to ed
It obstructs my view of Venus. I think I'll blow it up.
It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.
It often works better if you plug it in.
It only costs about $10 to send a Rubber Chicken by Federal Express.
It only makes me Thank God, that I'm an Athiest.
It only rains straight down.  God doesn't do windows.
It only rains straight down. God doesn't do windows.
It only rang twice...then the dog answered..
It only seems kinky the first time.
It only takes a small oven to produce a half-baked idea.
It only takes five days.......
It only takes one finger to wave to a liberal.
It only works when you're not looking.
It outranks you, smeg for brains. -- Lister
It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputatio
It pokes, it skewers, it.. err... pokes! - Mutant Raccoon
It really WAS my evil twin.
It really bothers me when people cut me o
It really bothers me when people cut me o...
It really doesn't have to be that way, but that's the beauty in it..
It requires NO PROOF to attempt to keep out of harm's way.
It requires a very unusual mind to make an analysis of the obvious.
It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave.
It runs in the blood like wooden legs.
It runs much faster with a 1Gb disk cache.
It runs! It runs!  Now if it just did something...
It said "Don't Panic" in big friendly letters.
It said "Insert Disk #3" but only two will fit!
It said "Insert Disk #3," but only two will fit!
It said "Insert disk #3", but only 2 will fit!
It said "Insert disk #3", but only 2 will fit!
It said "Insert disk #3", but only two will fit!
It said "Insert disk #3", but only two would fit!
It said "Press any key", so I pressed the reset button.
It said "insert disk #3" - but only two will fit...
It said "insert disk #3" - but onty two will fit...
It said "insert disk #3" but only two would fit.
It said Don't Panic in big friendly letters.
It said I was a superorganism- Dumb Ant
It said Insert disk #3 , but only two will fit.
It said insert disk #3 - but onty two will fit...
It said to insert disk #3 but only two will fit!
It said,  This is probably the best button to press.
It said,  This is probably the best button to press. <HHGttG>
It said, "Insert Disk #3", but only 2 would fit
It said, "Insert disk #3," but only two will fit!
It said, "Insert disk 2," but I put my weed in there.
It said, This is probably the best button to press.
It says "Insert disk #3" but only two will fit...
It says something but the reader has to figure out what..
It says this may cause flashbacks...
It says your father died peacefully in his jeep... sleep!-Lister
It seemed like a good idea at the time!
It seemed that fortune had smiled on Brad and Janet.
It seems I am still immortalized many times <g>
It seems I find myself on the voyage of the damned. - HoloDoc
It seems I'm on the Voyage of the Damned. - Holodoc
It seems like only yesterday that we were calling today tomorrow.
It seems like the less a statesman amounts to, the more he loves the flag.
It seems no matter where she is, Yar worries about her hair.
It seems now theres nothing goes faster than time.
It seems only BLUE WAVE gives a Full line for a TAGLINE.
It seems that I'm some kind of galactic yo-yo.-The Doctor
It seems that I've got all of his marbles. * McCoy
It seems that destiny has taken a hand. -- Rick
It seems that you had more friends at the academy than you thought.
It seems the oldest always gets in trouble even if she didn't do it.
It seems to be uncontaminated by cheese.
It seems to make an auto driver mad if he misses you.
It seems to me that your antenna doesn't bring in too many stations anymore.
It seems, Admiral, that I've got all his marbles -- McCoy
It seems, Admiral, that I've got all his marbles. - McCoy
It seems, sir, that I've got all his marbles  McCoy
It shall be called....THE EARTH!
It shall be said. He died as he had lived. In his sleep.
It shall be said: He died as he had lived: In his sleep.
It should be Hillary Ram-rod Clinton.
It should be a while...he's very thorough. - Trapper on Hawkeye
It signifies the man had a large can - Mike
It slices, it dices, It makes you beg for mercy.
It slices, it dices, it locks up Windows.
It slices, it dices, it makes Boolean taglines: 001110001111!
It slices, it dices.
It smells like crayons. - It's not from my Congressman, then. - BJ
It sort of sneaks up on you. Boo, it says - Mike Nelson
It sounds like you enjoy looking forward to yesterday.
It sounds likes something I should try with eggrolls. - Darkwing Duck
It sounds simple...that's what you're thinking.
It sounds so much worse when it's taglined!
It spanned the spectrum from Ultra Violent to Infa Dead
It spanned the spectrum, from Ultra Violent to Infra Dead.
It spins round and down on an axis of atrocity
It stared back at me, Escher-like.  -  David Aylesworth
It stars Lassie. You know... the *dog*! --Dr. Forrester.
It stays crunchy, even in meelk... - Ren Hoek
It still chugged along though. Poorly but it did keep going.
It stinks more every time you run over a skunk.
It stinks of the Wyrm in here -- Mari Cabrah, Black Fury
It stopped moving!  Cook it!
It stopped moving! Cook it!
It sucks being nice.
It sure is a damn ugly nothing - Geordi
It sure is a damned UGLY nothing! --- Geordi LaForge
It sure is gesticulating wildly, isn't it? - TEC
It sure is getting deep in here!  I better get my shovel.
It sure isn't the Temple of Beth Israel.
It surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together. -Obi Wan
It take square ass to shit a brick.
It takes 11 minutes if you go 600 miles per hour - Mike
It takes 2 to tango, but it takes 5 to play Jelly-Twister!
It takes 2.0, baby, it takes 2.0...
It takes 27 seconds to cut through a pizza with an oxyacetylene torch.
It takes 3 men to replace J.T.: Larry, Moe and Curly
It takes 3 men to replace me: Larry, Moe and Curly.
It takes 72 muscle to frown, 14 to smile.  Stop being lazy.
It takes a MAN to wear Farrah Fawcett hair - Tom
It takes a REAL sick mind to moderate a FidoNet Echo!
It takes a Real Man to sit indoors all day doing this.
It takes a big man to cry but it takes a bigger man to laugh at him
It takes a big man to cry, and a bigger man to laugh at him.
It takes a big man to cry, and an even bigger man to laugh at that man.
It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.
It takes a hard-lovin' woman to love a hard-headed man.
It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity. - Syrus
It takes a long time to grow an old friend . . .
It takes a long time to understand nothing.
It takes a long time to understand nothing. - Edward Dahlberg
It takes a long word to retard spoilage.
It takes a lot of RAM to make your floppy spin.
It takes a lot of balls to golf the way I do.
It takes a lot of balls to make a football team.
It takes a lot of balls to play Golf the way I do.
It takes a lot of experience for a girl to kiss like a beginner.
It takes a lot of paper to wrap an elephant.
It takes a lot of thought to appear glib.
It takes a lot of time to push away the nonsense.
It takes a lot'a balls to golf the way I do!
It takes a mighty good man to be better than none at all.
It takes a politician to turn us against ourselves. jms
It takes a real sense of humus to be a gardener.
It takes a rocket scientist to be a rocket scientist.
It takes a room 8 by 8 to swing a cat around by the tail.
It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken.
It takes a virile man to make a chicken pregnant
It takes a virile man to make a chicken pregnant.
It takes a wise man to recognize a wise man.   Xenophanes
It takes about 10 years to get used to how old you are.
It takes about ten years to get used to how old you are.
It takes alot of experience for a girl to kiss like a beginner!
It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.
It takes both rain and sunshine to make a Rainbow.
It takes both the sun and the rain to make a rainbow.
It takes courage to grow up to be who you really are.
It takes courage to innovate, not imitate.
It takes courage to originate, not imitate.
It takes fire to temper steel.
It takes leather balls to play rugby.
It takes less time to do the right thing than to explain the wrong.
It takes many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it.
It takes money to make money because you have to copy the design exactly.
It takes more energy to be mad or sad than it does to be happy.
It takes one to Know one Mr. Tapioca -head"  - - Hobbes.
It takes real balls, to come out of the closet when you famous.-LG
It takes scratch to go to a dermatologist.
It takes steam work as well as team work to win.
It takes time, love, & support to find peace with the restless one.
It takes two heterosexuals to make one homosexual.
It takes two to do it outta sight!
It takes two to make a bargain.
It takes two to make a thing go right...
It takes two to tango, but only the man pays the price.
It takes two to tango, but only the woman pays the price.
It takes years to become an overnight success.
It tasted so good the first time, I brought it back up for an encore.
It tastes just like chicken.
It there were no golf balls, how would we measure hail?
It took *forever* to bury that cat. The damn thing kept moving!
It took Hell the best to tempt woman, Yet only a woman tempted man!
It took an accountant to catch Al Capone!
It took an hour to bury the cat. Dam thing kept getting out the hole!
It took an hour to bury the cat. Silly thing kept moving.
It took an hour to bury the kat. Silly thing kept moving.
It took forever to bury that cat. Damn thing kept moving!
It took me awhile to finish the message; I was laughing too much!
It took me years to write, won't you take a look?
It took my cat a month to fully train me.
It took willpower, but I've finally given up trying to quit smoking.
It turned me into Dwayne Dibbley, The Duke of Dork! --The Cat.
It turns out, the deficit is bigger than Clinton could think.
It used to be called puppy love, now it's called doggy.
It used to be so easy...
It used to be wine, women & song. Now it's beer, the old lady & TV.
It usually takes weeks to prepare an impromptu speech.
It waits at the limits of time and space.
It waits for one who dances with tribbles.
It waits... at the limits of time and space.
It waits... for a campfire cookout w/ Tribble on a stick.
It waits... for one who dances with Tribbles.
It waitsand so does Wednesday, Thing, and Pugsley.
It waitsat the limits of time and space.
It waitsfor one who dances with tribbles.
It was 20 years ago the day Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play..
It was OJ, in the front yard, with Col. Mustard, with the knife.
It was SO cold, a lawyer had his hands in HIS OWN pockets.
It was SO scary, Odo left a puddle of himself on the floor.
It was SUPPOSED to be a surprise!
It was SUPPOSED to be a surprise.
It was Wine, Women & Song. Now it's Beer, The Old Lady & TV
It was Wine, Women and Song. Now it's Beer, The Old Lady and TV.
It was Wine,Women & Song. Now it's Beer, The Old Lady & TV.
It was Wine,Women & Song. Now it's Beer,The Old Lady & TV
It was _so_ scary, Odo left a puddle of himself on the floor.
It was a *joke*! Get it?? <sheesh>
It was a beautiful forest until the giants took up break-dancing.
It was a bitter affair that ended briefly - Crow
It was a book to kill time for those who liked it better
It was a book to kill time for those who liked it better dead.
It was a book to kill time for those who liked it better.
It was a brave man that ate the first oyster.
It was a clerical mistake. - Londo.
It was a dark and stormy byte.
It was a dark and stormy byte...
It was a dark and stormy night SIGHHHHH. - Picard
It was a dark and stormy night...
It was a gigantic spaceborne computer called....HECTAR
It was a glitch and - IT'S GONE!  I'm back!
It was a hard drive... I had to reboot my car with cold boot.
It was a hard fight, but you lost.
It was a joke, PJ ... a JOKE!!!
It was a mistake - phasers look so much like TV remotes.
It was a mixed marriage; I'm Jewish, he's a Klingon...
It was a mixed marriage; I'm Jewish, she's a Klingon...
It was a mixed marriage; I'm Pagan, he's a Klingon...
It was a night like this, 40 million years ago.
It was a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater.
It was a short message.  Tagline not required.
It was a stark and dormy night ...
It was a symbol of her being a member of the Grey Council.
It was a total loss.
It was all so different before everything changed.
It was always thus; and even if 'twere not, 'twould inevi
It was an alien snipe hunt. Go figure - Tom
It was an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot Zucchini...
It was as though Death had looked upon me and singled me out.
It was at that point I realized ... I didn't want a pickle.
It was at that point I realized...that I didn't want a pickle.
It was back in Louisiana, just about a mile from the Texarkana...
It was casual to the most obvious observer..
It was cold and lonely in the deep dark night.
It was completely quiet in the stadium - but noisy.
It was easy.  All we had to do was upload Windows 95 to the Borg.
It was either that or the "I ROBOT" grooming bikini waxing set...
It was far from Amber, somewhere where the Shadows go mad.
It was from him that I inherited my fascinating skin diseases. -Ploppy
It was fun - Kirk
It was going good up to the "!" part, though..  Oh, well.. <shrug>
It was good for me, was it good for you?
It was great when it all began, I was a regular Tagline Fan.
It was hard to say which was worse- Sammy's laugh or Sammy's smell.
It was just a joke!  Put the sword awa~!@#$%^NO CARRIER
It was just a kiss   <Caleb>
It was just an apple! (Adam to God)
It was just before dawn one miserable morning in black 'forty four.
It was just dark enough to capture my imagination.
It was just fine until the chorus went "Aaahhh-AH-a-a-a-aahhhh"...
It was just that a few too many got to be a few too often.
It was just then that the Dwarves encountered the Beer Golem
It was just then the Dwarves encountered the Beer Golem..
It was like french kissing an electrical outlet...
It was like spit-shining a car battery...
It was like the time I stapled balogna to my face
It was like the time I stapled balogna to my face...
It was like the time I stapled bologna to my face...
It was long ago, and far away, so much better than it is today.
It was long ago, and it was far away.
It was love at first sight, but I should of taken a second look.
It was love at first sight.  Then I took a second look.
It was love at first sight. Then I took a GOOD look at @FN@.
It was more like fighting Klingons...no offense.-Riker
It was more warped than Mr. Sulu
It was my turning the Bunsen burner up - Dr. Forrester
It was never like this at Boston General. - Maj. Winchester
It was no star but a magna of illusion...
It was not my intention to amuse you. Spock STV
It was one of the first songs I ever wrote. I called it OM. --Lister.
It was probably destroyed in the blast, but it's worth a try.
It was quite a blow here. --Winters.
It was real useful....as a paperweight.
It was sea and islands now, Atlantis had sunk. C.S.Lewis
It was snowing outside and in her soul.
It was so cold I saw a cow go into a drugstore and buy six ChapSticks.
It was so cold lawyer's hands were in their own pockets!
It was so cold the cows gave ice cream.
It was so cold the flashers just described themselves.
It was so cold, I almost got married.
It was so cold, I almost got married.
It was so dry, the trees was huntin' dogs.
It was so good, I turned it into a tagline. :)
It was so hot I fwoze to death - Elmer Fudd
It was so hot the brown cow gave hot chocolate.
It was so muddy they have to jack up the cows to milk them.
It was such a lovely day I thought it was a pity to get up.
It was such a lovely day, I thought it was a pity to get up.
It was supposed to be so easy.
It was the beginning of the Third Age of Trek-kind...
It was the best of lines, it was the worst of lines.
It was the best of lines, it was the worst of lines...
It was the best of taglines, it was the worst of taglines
It was the best of taglines, it was the worst of taglines.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, I like best better!
It was the biggest day in my life.
It was the dawn of the 3d age of mankind, the year the great war came.
It was the dawn of the 3rd age of mankind.
It was the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind.
It was the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind. - B5
It was the heat of the moment telling you what your heart meant - Asia
It was the milkman scenario again..<g> - TEC
It was the name of the Beast and its number was 10100011010
It was to be my question of you - Picard
It was vertigo. A heady, insuperable longing to fall. -- Kundera
It was... VERY stimulating - Worf
It wasn't a dark and stormy night. It should have been, but there's
It wasn't actually a divorce - I was traded...
It wasn't always like this, I had a real life once.
It wasn't as easy to get programs right as we had thought.  - Wilkes, 1949
It wasn't broken..until I started playing with it!
It wasn't easy, getting across town without clothes. - Richie Ryan
It wasn't me - HONEST - it was BETTY
It wasn't me - HONEST - it was Orville!
It wasn't me .... It was my EVIL twin :)
It wasn't me who misplaced the Deltavid asteroid belt.  -- Q
It wasn't me...it was my EVIL twin, @FN@!
It wasn't my fault your wife wandered into my house!
It wasn't real cheese, it was American cheese - Crow
It wasn't really dessert, because it didn't have any chocolate in it.
It wasn't supposed to be offensicve it was supposed to be serious.
It went *ZAP* when it fired.
It what we've always suspected, the Vorlons use living technology.
It will be done on time, if I can find the time.
It will be released in four weeks.  They promised me.
It will be sweet when people say, "Bill Gates? Who  was  that!"
It will be sweet when people say, "Bill Gates? Who's that!"
It will be sweeter if you wrap your peter
It will be sweeter if you wrap your peter.
It will be the most important decision of your life. --Delenn.
It will build character - Calvin's dad
It will give us something to discuss on the trail. - Lennier
It will lift you up!
It will never get well if you keep picking at it!
It won't be quite the same without you, Chief. - Picard.
It won't hurt but a little, the swimming lawyer told the shark.
It won't like your science officer -- Admiral Quinn
It worked! Now if only I could remember what I did! The Doctor
It works better if you plug it in *AND THEN* turn it on.
It works better if you plug it in - unless it's the cat.
It works better if you plug it in THEN turn it on!
It works better if you plug it in where it should be.
It works better if you plug it in.
It works better if you plug it in.  Unless it's the cat.
It works better if you turn it on
It works better when you turn the brightness up.
It works fine except when I am in Windows.
It works fine except when it's activated.
It works fine, provided you _want_ things to explode upon arrival.
It works for me.
It works if you work it.  It won't if you don't.
It works on MY COMMODORE!
It works!  Now, if only I could remember what I did.
It works! Now, if only I could remember what I did
It works! Now, if only I could remember what I did.
It worries me anytime I find myself on the side of the majority.
It would appear to me that they are WRESTLING - Crow
It would be cheaper to shoot your dog!
It would be illogical to assume that all conditions remain stable.
It would be illogical to kill without reason.
It would be illogical to kill without reason. Spock, stardate 3842.4.
It would be nice to be sure of anything the way some people are of everything.
It would be rather interesting if Perot was a Q...
It would have helped if the cities were founded closer to airports
It would have worked if the rubber band hadn't broke!
It would help if you would reduce your line width, please
It would help me to know,do I stand in your way or the best thing you've
It would never work out, dear.  You're Aquarius and I'm ridiculous.
It would never work.  I'm Aquarius and you're ridiculous.
It would not be civilized.
It would seem that we have lost our sex appeal, Captain. - Tuvok
It would take a mountain to cRUSH that ego of his! --Limbaugh.
It would take a mountain to crush an ego the size of his!
It wouldn't be Christmas without a few disappointments.
It wouldn't be fair to the other Beautiful People.
It wouldn't be love, but it might be fun
It wriggles and writhes and bites within/Just below the sweating skin
It#%$was*&^a*&^dark$#@and&^%stormy)(+night...NO CARRIER
It'd be a great pleasure to give away Ms. Troi. - Picard
It'd be ironic if Pernell died in a fiery crash - Crow
It'd be quicker just to reformat the drive.
It'd make a rabbit spit at a dog...Irish Proverb
It'll be as interesting as Bucharest...on Saturday night!
It'll be in v1.2....I promise!!!!
It'll be in v2.9....I promise!!!!
It'll be just like Beggar's Canyon back home. - Luke
It'll gimme something to do. Let's cut her - Crow as dr.
It'll never stand up in court - Pee Wee's lawyer
It'll never stand-up in court -Lorena Bobbits Lawyer
It'll never stand-up in court. --Lorena Bobbitts Lawyer.
It'll probably be split up or truncated..
It'll save a lot of people getting killed in a riot. - Sheridan
It'll wear off before you get *this* far! :-)
It's  - do you know what your cats are shredding?
It's  3:40 pm, Do you know where your child is
It's  a big man who hides behind a twit filter.
It's  hard  to  soar like an eagle  when  you're  surrounded  by turkeys.
It's "Being Hit on the Head" lessons in `ere.
It's #CA#...do you know what your cats are shredding?
It's *NOT* a stolen tagline, it's just "previously viewed"!
It's *not* an optical illusion, it just looks like one.
It's *not* upside-down!  It's a trakball!
It's *only* money...not REAL plastic.
It's *your* baby. Don't call me if the fit hits the shan!
It's 00:00 GMT.  Do you know where your PC is?
It's 07/05/94, do you know how many days till my Birthday?
It's 07/06/94, do you know how many days till your Birthday?
It's 07:45:52 -- do you know what your cat is doing?
It's 1,000 to 1, but it's our only chance-a flame hurling catapult!
It's 10 o'clock.  Do you know where your child processes are?
It's 10 o'clock.  Do you know where your modem is connected to?
It's 10 o`clock.  Do you know where your starship is?
It's 10 pm, Do you know where your software is?
It's 10 pm.  Do you know what time it is?
It's 1000. Do you know what time it is?
It's 10:00 PM Do you know where your Crack Dealer is??
It's 10:00 PM. Do you know where your Crack Dealer is??
It's 10:00 PM. do you know where your Marines are?
It's 10:00 PM...do YOU know where YOUR tagline is?
It's 10:00 p.m. - do you know who's reading your E-Mail?
It's 10:00 pm.  Do your cats know where you are?
It's 10:00 pm. Do you know what time it is?
It's 10:00pm.  Do you know where your daughter is?
It's 10:00pm.  Do you know where your daughter is?
It's 10:24:55...do you know where your tagline is?
It's 10:30 pm.  Do you know where your hot chick is?
It's 10:30.  Do you know where your hot chick is?
It's 10:59 PM - do you know where your lesbian is?
It's 10PM, Do you know where your software is??
It's 10pm. Do YOU know where your parents are??
It's 11 P.M.  Do you know what your cats are shredding?
It's 11 PM. Do you know where your taglines are?
It's 11 PM....do you know what your cats are shredding?
It's 11 o'clock.  Do you know where your underwear is?
It's 11 o'clock.. Does your cat know where you are?
It's 11 pm--do you know where your underwear is?
It's 11:00 o'clock.  Do you know what your cats are shredding?
It's 11:00 o'clock. Do you know what your cats are shredding?
It's 11:00.  Do you know what your cats are shredding?
It's 11:00.  Does your cat know where you are?
It's 11:00. Do you know where your towel is?
It's 11:00pm - do you know what your cats are shredding?
It's 11:00pm.  Do you know what your cat is shreading?
It's 11:00pm.  Do you know what your cats are shredding?
It's 11:00pm.  Do you know where your tagline is?
It's 11:56 pm. Do you know where your modem is?
It's 12:00; do you know where your modem is?
It's 12:01 AM, did you loose any Constitutional Rights last night?
It's 12:24 am. Do you know where *YOU* are?
It's 1994.  Do you know where your Star Wars figures are?
It's 1994.  Do you know where your great-grandparents are?
It's 1995.  Do you know where your Star Wars figures are?
It's 1995.  Do you know where your great-grandparents were?
It's 1995: Do you know where your quantum physicist is?
It's 1996.  Do you know where your great-grandparents were?
It's 1999:  Do you know where your observer is?
It's 1999:  Do you know where your quantum physicist is?
It's 19:42:36, have you had your Blue Wave today?
It's 2 AM! The bar's closing. No more lawyers admitted!
It's 2 AM. I'm not as think as you tired I am!
It's 25:00!  Do you know where I am?
It's 3 AM, do you know where your disk space is?
It's 3 a.m., Tom said mournfully.
It's 3 in the mornimg do you know were your memory is..
It's 3:00am  Do you know where your moderator is?
It's 3:00am, do you know where your data is?
It's 3:00am.  Do you know where your computer is?
It's 3:30 A.M. Do you know where your mail is?
It's 3:40 pm, Do you know where your child is
It's 3:40 pm; Do you know where your child is?
It's 3am, do you know where your errors are?
It's 4am and my mother dosen't care were I am.
It's 50 meters by 10 meters. --Paris.
It's 5:00 am & Mr. Zombie's day is just beginning - Tom
It's 5:00 and time for the Penguin on the Tele to explode
It's 5PM and I'm all out of pithy things to say.
It's 5am, Time To Wake Up My Assistant Stimpy - Ren.
It's 700 years old! - Picard.  So's my father. - Guinan.
It's 74841505.  Do you know where your kids are?
It's 9 pm Do you know where your codpiece is?
It's 99% perspiration.  The other half's mental.
It's 9:59, said Tom pretentiously.
It's @N@ and his Dancing Teeth!
It's @N@ playing "Three Blind Mice" on the mouse organ.
It's A.T.V.: Alien Television - Crow on UFO view screen
It's ALL Barbara's FAULT!
It's ALWAYS dark if you never open your eyes!
It's Abby Normal's brain!
It's Abe Lincon and his Time Machine!
It's Adrian Eng, the third Mario Brother!
It's Albert The "Foul Mouth Bass" - Fish.
It's Alive! Well, not REALLY, but it was pretty scary, huh?
It's Alive.  Well, not REALLY, but it was pretty scary, huh.
It's All In Your Head: Madge Ination
It's All In Your Head: Madge Ination*
It's All's FAULT!
It's America's favorite blow hard, Rush Limbaugh!
It's America's favorite blowhard, Rush Limbaugh!
It's AmigaDOS Jim, but not AmigaDOS as we know it.
It's Avon, and he says he has the keys to the Enterprise.
It's Bad Buddy! --The Cat.
It's Barbara's FAULT!
It's Barney!  Quick, get me some insulin!!!!!
It's Blaze vs. the Wienie Man on American Gladiators -Tom
It's Bobby Benson and the B-BAR-B Riders !
It's Boris Badenov - Crow on Mongol leader
It's Brion's FAULT!
It's Bubba Bo Bob Brain. And you are my manager, Colonel Pinky. Any qu
It's COUNT De La Pain - Mike to Crow
It's COW'S blood. He uses it to thin his paints! - Don Schanke
It's Capain Flintstone He's Fred, Jim!
It's Captain Flintstone He's Fred, Jim!
It's Cat's house. We just pay the morgage, buy the food..
It's Charles Globe! - Stimpy.
It's Chief O'Brien.  He's wed, Jim.
It's Christmas Day: 364 days 'til next time...
It's Close Enough, We Say So
It's Commander Book.  He's read, Jim.
It's Crazy Loon Indentures, come and join the fun!
It's Cyrus's FAULT!
It's December 1941 in Casablanca; what time is it in New York? -- Rick
It's Deja-Vu all over again. - Yogi Berra
It's Dick Clark! - Crow on dinosaur
It's Doctor Bashir, He's MED, Jim!
It's Don Knotts in The Reluctant Viking -Tom on wimpy guy
It's Dondi the Zombie - Mike
It's Easier to Put on Slippers. Then To Carpet The World.
It's Ensein Lestat sir.  He's undead Jim.
It's Ensien Zepplin, sir.  He's Led Jim.
It's Ensign Band-Aid...he's bled, Jim!
It's Ensign Bodine, Bones.  He's dim, Jim.
It's Ensign Bridegroom...he's wed, Jim!
It's Ensign Ceballos...he's Ced, Jim!
It's Ensign Checkov ..he's Red, Jim.
It's Ensign Clampett ..he's Jed, Jim.
It's Ensign Clampett, Bones.  He's Jed, Dim.
It's Ensign Clampett.  He's Jed, Jim!
It's Ensign Clampett.  He's Jed, Jim.
It's Ensign Club...he's MED Jim!  McCoy
It's Ensign Club...he's Med, Jim!
It's Ensign Coward.  He's fled, Jim!
It's Ensign Crimson... He's red, Jim!
It's Ensign Doughboy.  He's bread, Jim.
It's Ensign Flintstone .. he's Fred, Jim.
It's Ensign Flintstone, Jim He's FRED!!!
It's Ensign Flintstone, Jim... He's FRED!!!
It's Ensign Flintstone... He's Fred, Jim!
It's Ensign Goodyear...he's tread, Jim!
It's Ensign Graphite.  He's lead, Jim.
It's Ensign Heisenberg! He's dead, Jim! Are you sure, Bones?
It's Ensign Hoover...he's a Fed, Jim!
It's Ensign Hoover...he's a sucker, Jim!
It's Ensign Iago ..he has a War Manual, Jim.
It's Ensign Jethro Bodine ..He's dim Jed..
It's Ensign Kennedy.  He's Ted, Jim.
It's Ensign Lestat sir. He's undead Jim.
It's Ensign Lestat!  He's undead, Jim!"  -- McCoy
It's Ensign Lestat, Jim. He's undead.
It's Ensign Lestat, sir.  He's undead, Jim.
It's Ensign Lestat.  He's undead, Jim.
It's Ensign Metal...he's lead, Jim!
It's Ensign Michelin ..he's tread, Jim.
It's Ensign Pb!  He's lead, Jim!
It's Ensign Pencil.  He's lead, Jim.
It's Ensign Pillsbury ... he's bread, Jim!
It's Ensign Pillsbury, Jim. He's bread.
It's Ensign Pillsbury.  He's bread, Jim.
It's Ensign Pilsbury ... He's bread, Jim ...
It's Ensign Plumbob.  He's lead, Jim.
It's Ensign Plumbum. He's lead, Jim.
It's Ensign Prisoner.... He's fled, Jim!"
It's Ensign ROY. He's dead, Jim.
It's Ensign Rimmer!  He's smeg Jim!
It's Ensign Rose... She's Red, Jim.
It's Ensign Scarlet...she's red, Jim!
It's Ensign Spoken, He's SAID, Jim!
It's Ensign Stalin, He's RED, Jim!
It's Ensign Stuffed, He's FED, Jim!
It's Ensign Turner...he's Ted, Jim!
It's Ensign Zeppelin... He's Led, Jim!"
It's Ensign Zyrain ..he's a Fed, Jim.
It's Ensign dog.... He's shed, Jim!
It's FUN breaking wind next to short people ...
It's FUN when it's FUN! - Crow
It's Festus Buffet! - Joel as shrew eats Ken Curtis
It's Fixed!  Now if I could only remember what it does.
It's French for on your knees and bark like a dog...I'm on topic!
It's GONE! Where did it go?!? - Frank on rubber band
It's George Strait till real late and dancin cheek to cheek
It's Ghastly Spotty Cross-Eyed's birthday.
It's Ghidra! - Crow on cheesy three headed dragon
It's Goodyear Tire ... He's tread, Jim ...
It's Government TAXES, stupid ! - Unataxpayer
It's Gremlin's FAULT!
It's HARD to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys!
It's HUGE! - Tom as biker girl puts her bra on a grave
It's Heck Raiser! - Joel on guy with goofy makeup
It's Herbie the Cop Car - Tom
It's Him Ren, It's Jimminy Lummox - Stimpy.
It's Holly Goweirdly!
It's Ilya whatsis-face - Mike
It's Jack Ke-borg-ian of Borg.  I want to assimalte you with dignity.
It's Jack Ke-borg-ian of Borg. I want to assimilate you with dignity.
It's Jack the Ripper! said Tom horrendously.
It's Jaunty!'s FAULT!
It's Jerry Garcia! - Tom on fuzzy alien monster
It's Jerry Garcia, Jim. He's Dead... and Grateful
It's Kinda Like A Symbiosis, But More Expensive...
It's Late. Go To Sleep.
It's Lieutenant Flintstone.  He's Fred, Jim.
It's Lieutenant Foxx, He's Redd Jim!
It's Lieutenant Ketchup. He's red, Jim.
It's Lieutenant Pencil.  He's lead, Jim.
It's Like Getting Hit In The Head With A Surf Board Of Flavor
It's Log! it's Log!  It's better than bad, it's good!
It's Loot, Pillage and THEN burn....
It's Lt. Garcia. He's Dead, Jim, and grateful.
It's Lt. Goodyear, Bones.  He's tread, Jim.
It's MY idea 'cause I stole it first!
It's MY life, MY body, MY baby. I can kill it if I want to.
It's Magic!: Sven Gali
It's Mark's FAULT!
It's Marvin.  He called to wash his head at us.
It's Midnight, do you know where your taxes are being spent?
It's Miller Time!
It's Miller time!
It's Milos's FAULT!
It's Monday again?  Didn't we just have that last week?
It's Monday and I don't feel like listening to the Mama's & Papas.
It's NEW!  Malibu Barbie's torture chamber!
It's NOT Burnt, It's well done!
It's Napalmolive! You're dead but your dishes are clean!
It's Napalmolive, and you're soaking in it.
It's Not A Message.  I Think It's A Warning - Ripley, Alien.
It's Not PMS.  I'm Always Bitchy!
It's Not What You Know, But Who You Know.
It's November. Nearly time for your bath. - Rimmer
It's O.K., they're speaking Chinese.
It's OK for women to laugh at men, just don't point.
It's OK to BELIEVE in miracles, just don't RELY on them...
It's OK to date a nun.  Just don't get in the habit.
It's OK to drink like a fish as long as you drink what a fish drinks.
It's OK to eat chicken with your fingers, but only when its dead
It's OK to fail but it's not OK to give up.
It's OK to laugh in the bedroom, but don't snicker.
It's OK to let your mind go blank, but please turn off the sound.
It's OK to let your mind go blank, but turn off the sound.
It's OK to prick your finger.  It's not OK to . . .
It's OK to wear the same thing every day: a smile.
It's OK, buddy! You're among the living - Joel to Tom
It's OK, dear, you can show me. I'm a doctor...
It's OK, it's the neighbor's house  - Crow on fire
It's OK, they're speaking Chinese.
It's ONLY apple juice from the specimen lab, TRUST me....
It's OS/2 Jim, but not OS/2 as we know it.
It's OS/2, Jim, but not OS/2 as we know it.
It's Orlando's FAULT!
It's Orville Don't Confuse Me With The Facts Wright.
It's Orville Don't confuse me with the facts Bullitt.
It's Orville Don't confuse me with the facts Orville.
It's Orville week!
It's Orville's FAULT!
It's Owl-Stretching Time!
It's Pillsbury Doughboy ... He's bread, Jim ...
It's Poopy Suit Day! - Crow
It's Psi Corp, isn't it? - Sheridan
It's Psychosomatic.  You need a lobotomy.  I'll get a saw." * Calvin
It's Ralph "It's my picture we do it MY way" Brooke -Crow
It's Rodham Hood! She steals from everyone and gives to the gov't!
It's SOOOO interesting, Michael - Crow
It's STILL just a DUMB machine !
It's STILL not weird enough for me!!
It's STILL not weird enough for me!!!
It's Satan! I'm in hell -Mike as kid sees Pernell Roberts
It's Saudi duty time!
It's Shake 'n' Bake ... and Pete helped!
It's Smoke's FAULT!
It's Spaceballs I...and they've gone to plaid!!
It's Spam, Jim, but not Spam as we know it- Bones AKA Dr. McCoy
It's Spock/Data '96. The LOGICAL choice.
It's Springtime!: Theresa Green
It's Springtime!: Theresa Green*
It's Sunday now, and you can bet that I'm alright.
It's Superman, Jim. He's dead.
It's T.E. Lawrence night at the Pullman - Crow on desert
It's Tab time - Mike on Tab Hunter
It's Talerian Death Syndrome, isn't it? --Barkley.
It's Tekonojiklly better!
It's Tekonojikly better!
It's The *CRIMINALS*, Stupid!!!
It's The Gophers And The Rabbits! They're Conspiring...
It's The Tanman..The Tagster..The Taginator..Tagaroonie..
It's Thursday Night, hosted by Orville.
It's Thursday. Do you know where your towel is?
It's Time For "Bass Masters!" - Announcer.
It's Time For NATIONAL REFERENDUMS Instead Of Politicians
It's Tinkerbell! She's alive! - Crow on sparkling light
It's Trek Lite! With 30% fewer fistfights than Classic Trek!
It's Un-American to be Canadian.
It's Unfair!: Y. Me
It's Universal so it covers everything - Crow on movie
It's WORSE than that, he's DEAD JIM, DEAD!
It's Wabbit season, No, it's Duck season,Wabbit,Du ... Ker-Blammm!
It's Wise To Know Enough To Not Know Too Much
It's Worf, Madame, not Woof. * Worf
It's YOUR God!  They're YOUR Rules!  YOU go to Hell!
It's YOUR fault!
It's YOUR reputation on the line - Pulaski
It's _my_ tagline!  I stole it first.
It's a *very* small town if the phone book has a single yellow page.
It's a +5 Long Sword, it should be easy to break.
It's a Bird! It's a plane! It's A, aah, A, aah,  aw, screw it
It's a Board! It's a plane! It's A, aah, A, aah,  aw, screw it...
It's a Borg thing.  You wouldn't assimilate.
It's a CHILD, not a CHOICE.
It's a Chia head! - Crow on alien girl's buzz cut
It's a Dragon thing, you wouldn't understand
It's a FLAW, Dammit, not a Bug
It's a FREE service, Don't expect PERSONALIZED listing - Danny DP
It's a Federal 3-Ring Circus, it's called Democracy ...
It's a Freedom thing, you wouldn't understand.
It's a GREAT DAY when I learn something new!
It's a GREAT day when I learn something new.
It's a German song, Tom lied.
It's a Hillary Clinton field goal! Far to the left!
It's a Holdup!: Nick R. Elastic
It's a JOKE - Like the funny kind, but only different.
It's a JOKE - Like the funny kind, only different.
It's a JOKE, like the funny kind but different.
It's a JOKE,like the funny kind, but different...
It's a Japanese radio - maybe they bought the LAPD.. <Riggs>
It's a Japanese rock garden, a Zen pool for skinny dipping.
It's a Japanese rock garden, a Zen pool for skinny dipping. - Sinclair
It's a Japanese stone garden. A pool for Zen skinny dipping.
It's a John Tesh song - Crow on discordant beeps
It's a Jungle out there...and unfortunately, my family tree is in it!
It's a Klingon thing...you wouldn't understand.
It's a Lawyer, Spock - set phasers to Main and Mutilate!
It's a Lawyer, Spock...set phasers to KILL!  FIRE!!!
It's a Lawyer, Worf...Fire phasers, Fire Photon torpedoes full spread!
It's a MC Dragon.  Good.  RETREAT!
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.
It's a Matt Groenig gargoyle - Mike
It's a Mensa thing.  You wouldn't understand.  Really.
It's a Mr. Death, he's come about the reaping...?
It's a Mr. Death, he's come about the reaping???
It's a Mr. Death, he's here about an expired birth certificate?
It's a Mr. Death.  Something about the reaping!OJW
It's a Mr. Death. He's come about an expired birth certificate.
It's a Mr. Death. Something about the reaping.
It's a Mr. Death? He wants to thank you for your cobbler recipe.
It's a Orville project.
It's a P.C. Cake.
It's a Pagan thing- EVERYBODY understands...
It's a SMALL war, can I have it?
It's a SMALL war; can I have it?  Please?
It's a Shocker:                    Alec Tricity
It's a Shocker: Alec Tricity
It's a Skin Compass! - Crow on star shaped tattoo
It's a TUGAR pile up - Crow
It's a Tao thing, there is nothing _to_ understand.
It's a Tough Job! ..... So I'd Rather YOU do it.
It's a Vellamint - Crow
It's a Windows 95 thang...
It's a Windows thang...
It's a Windows thing, you wouldn't understand...
It's a Zen thing, trying to understand won't help.
It's a Zen thing, you wouldn't understand.  Really.
It's a _l...o...n...g_ way to Kinston from here.
It's a bad Burt Reynolds look-alike - Crow
It's a bad day when, Yer income tax refund check bounces.
It's a bad day when, Your income tax check bounces.
It's a bad day when, Your twin sister forgot your birthday.
It's a beard Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it...
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood,...
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood......a beautiful day for a...
It's a beautiful night...I'm so tempted to stay.
It's a better sound than he'd ever make as a singer! - Yakko
It's a big salad fork! - Crow on dinosaur
It's a big world out there, Tom said universally.
It's a big world out there, he said universally.
It's a bird it's a plane OH NOOOOO, it's the MODERATOR!
It's a bird!  It's a plane!  <SPLAT!>  No, it's a bird.
It's a bird! It's a plane!  SPLAT! It's a bird.
It's a bird! It's a plane! <BANG!>...<SPLAT> It's a bird.
It's a bird! It's a plane! <SPLAT> It's a bird
It's a bird! It's a plane! <SPLAT> No, it's a bird.
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's FALLING!!!
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...........a bird.
It's a bird, It's a plane, <SPLAT> Oppppsss, it's a bird.
It's a bird, it's a plane - no, it's Gary, SUPER TAGGER!
It's a bird, it's a plane, Oh! No! it's the SYSOP!!*
It's a bird, it's a plane...NO! It's Super Orville!
It's a bird, it's a plane...NO! It's Super Patrick!
It's a bird, it's a plane...NO! It's SuperJerry!
It's a bird, it's a planeNO! It's Super Patrick!
It's a bird- it's a plane- OH NO, it's the SYSOP!
It's a bird. It's a plane! OH NO, it's the MODERATOR!!!!!
It's a bird. It's a plane. Nope, just little old me - Underdog.
It's a bird. It's a plane. Nope, just little old me-Underdog.
It's a bird. It's a plane. OH NO, it's the MODERATOR!!!
It's a bird. It's a plane. OH NO, it's the SysOp!
It's a bird... it's a plane... OH NOOOOO, it's the MODERATOR!
It's a bird...it's a plane...OH NOOOOO, it's the MODERATOR!
It's a bird...it's a plane...OH NOOOOO, it's the Orville!
It's a bird...it's a plane...OH NOOOOO, it's the SYSOP!!!
It's a bird...it's a plane...OH NOOOOO, its the MODERATOR!!
It's a birdit's a planeOH NOOOOO, it's the SYSOP!!!
It's a bitch being God, but it beats working.
It's a bitch being butch!!
It's a bleed'n albatross, it ain't got no bloody flavor!
It's a blood atomizer! - Tom
It's a booger! - Crow on scientist's strange machine
It's a brand new record for 1990 -- TMBG
It's a brave man who puts the moderator in his TWIT file.
It's a bread that has a shampoo & conditioner - Tom
It's a bullet proof teddy! - Crow
It's a business to do pleasure with you, said Mary tartly.
It's a busy life in Camelot.
It's a busy life in Camelot:
It's a cat book. You sniff the lines! - The Cat
It's a chain saw. I always carry one for emergencies.
It's a chainsaw.  I always carry one for emergencies.
It's a circle, the Circle of Life. - the Lion King
It's a coffee maker that fits in a 1/2 height drive bay!
It's a cold fish!  It's DEAD IN THE WATER!
It's a common phenomenon that pretty girls find it hard to get a man.
It's a condom, it's a mint - It's a condiment!
It's a condom, no it's a mint....no it's a condiment!!
It's a condum, it's a mint - It's a condiment!
It's a control freak thing - I won't let you understand.
It's a cookbook!  `To Serve Man' is a COOK BOOK!
It's a cookbook! It's a cook...hey! That looks delicious!
It's a cookbook! `To Serve Man' is a COOK BOOK!
It's a coupon for a Happy Meal - Mike on summons
It's a crowbar.  I always carry one for emergencies.
It's a daily program but I don't get a day off.
It's a damn good thing we don't get all the government we pay for !
It's a dangerous game we play, Tom Servo - Evil Gypsy
It's a daring, leisurely escape - Crow
It's a dead man's party. Who could ask for more?
It's a dead man's party...Who could ask for more?
It's a difficult decision. - Hague
It's a dirty job, but somebody else has gotta do it!
It's a dirty job, but someone else has gotta do it.
It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta pawn it off on someone else!OJW
It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta pawn it off on someone else.
It's a dog eat dog world and I feel like I have Milkbone underwear.
It's a dog eat dog world and I'm wearing ALPO underwear!
It's a dog eat dog world and I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear
It's a dog eat dog world and I'm wearing Milkbone shorts.
It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm wearing milk bone underwear.
It's a dog eat dog world, and I've got Milk bone underwear!
It's a dog eat dog world..and I have my milkbone shorts on.
It's a dog-eat-dog world & I'm wearing Milk Bone BVDs.....
It's a dog-eat-dog world and I am wearing milkbone shorts
It's a dog-eat-dog world and I'm wearing Milk Bone shorts.
It's a dog-eat-dog world and I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear.
It's a dog-eat-dog world and I'm wearing Milk-Bone shorts.
It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear <sigh>
It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milkbone panties!
It's a dog-eat-dog world, don't wear Milk Bone underwear.
It's a dog-eat-dog world, so bring utensils!
It's a dog-eat-dog world.  Don't wear MilkBone underwear.
It's a dogma eat dogma world!
It's a door. Actualy, it's adorable - Crow
It's a dope thang, you wouldn't understand.
It's a fact women live longer than men-especially widows.
It's a fact... the programmers who made Windows are INSANE!
It's a fact...it's actual; everything is satisfactual.
It's a fact...the programmers who made Windows are INSANE!
It's a family thing.  It comes and goes..
It's a fantastic job, but someone's gotta do it.
It's a fashion, their computer games, modern day communications. - QR
It's a female thing.  Even WE don't understand it!
It's a female! -- Grand Nagus Zek
It's a field upgrade, HAL. We're going to make you IBM compatible.
It's a fine line between courage & foolishness. Too bad it's not a fence
It's a fine line between fishing & standing still
It's a fine line between fishing and standing still.
It's a fine night to have an evening.
It's a flaming telepath!!!
It's a floor wax AND a dessert topping!
It's a foolish dog, to laugh at the flying bird.
It's a free cosmos!  <The Doctor>
It's a free cosmos!  <The Doctor<
It's a fro' comb! - Crow on dinosaur
It's a full moon and I have church!  Must I spell it out?
It's a funny thing that when a woman hasn't got anything
It's a futile day in the neigh-Borg-hood... *
It's a garbage pod, Rimmer! It's a smeggin' garbage pod!
It's a giant dread lock! - Crow on spider web
It's a giant dread lock! - Tom on shaggy monster
It's a girl thing.....you wouldn't understand!
It's a girl's night out!
It's a gnarly day in the neighborhood...
It's a good bet the Empire knows we're here!
It's a good crop of stumps - Mike
It's a good day if you don't wake up at room temperature!
It's a good day to lie. - President Klinton
It's a good place to die. - Duncan MacLeod
It's a good thing I have no bain damage.
It's a good thing money can't buy happiness.
It's a good thing we don't always get what we wish for.
It's a good thing we don't get all the government we pay for.
It's a good thing women prefer the simple things in life
It's a good thing you drifted by this brothel - Chief Wiggum
It's a grave matter after finding an ancestors's death!
It's a gray day - not a sky in the clouds.
It's a great day for hockey!
It's a great day to be alive.
It's a great fight when the Zamboni runs the team off.
It's a great place, and the drinks are cold!
It's a great world....I'M IN IT!
It's a hard life.  Few of us will get out alive.
It's a harsh, jarring comfortless experience - Tom
It's a heavily guarded suburb - Crow
It's a high performance machine. - Ace Ventura
It's a hockey stick. I always carry one for emergencies.
It's a hockey thing, you wouldn't understand.
It's a joke, Bobby, so laugh like the rest of us!
It's a joke, son.  You're supposed to laugh.
It's a kegger! - Crow on depth charge barrel
It's a kind of magic, one shaft of light that shows the way
It's a kind of magic... -- Queen
It's a kinda magic...
It's a knick-knack, Patty Wack. Give your frog a loan."
It's a lawyer, Spock--set phasers on MAIM!
It's a letter of the alphabet, as far as I know.   - Yar
It's a little box that goes zzzzzzt!  - -Kryten.
It's a little more complicated, but it'll work.
It's a little red fruit, said Tom parsimoniously.
It's a little too late to do the right thing now.
It's a load of amphigourious stultiloquential fiddle-faddle!
It's a loathsome bat -webbed booger being."  - - Calvin
It's a long way to the bottom of the warp core, Gremlin. AAAHHHhhh.
It's a long way to the bottom of the warp core, Orville. AAAHHHhhh.
It's a long way to the top if you want to Rock and Roll! - AC/DC
It's a lot better then having a FERRET in yer trousers!
It's a love drive on wheels of fire!
It's a love drive, just one desire. Love! Sweet Love!
It's a lymph node. My God! Is it *that* noticeable?
It's a magic wand. I got it for a song! - Don Bruce
It's a magnificent specimen.
It's a man with little pants! - Crow
It's a man's life in the British Dental Association.
It's a man's world, and you men can have it. - Katherine Anne Porter
It's a man's world.   Paul Douglas
It's a man's world. At least, it was until Eve arrived!
It's a man's world?   So let him think so.
It's a message in blood. It's your cryptic warning.
It's a miracle these people ever got out of the 20th century - Bones.
It's a misdemeanor to detain a homing pigeon in California.
It's a mixed bag, but I hope you like them.
It's a mystery to me!
It's a neat universe, but it certainly LOOKS chaotic
It's a new land out there!
It's a nice building. You get a better class of cockroaches. J.E.Jones
It's a nice day for a BLOOD LETTING - Dr. Forrester
It's a notable exception..
It's a once in a lifetime opportunity.
It's a one time thing; it just happens a lot.
It's a picnic casket! - Crow
It's a pity stupidity isn't consistantly painful.
It's a pity stupidity isn't painful.
It's a pity that ignorance isn't painful.
It's a planet of Gallaghers! Melon Crazy! - Crow
It's a plank in me eye, with a camel who's trying to get through it.
It's a pleasant experience to be alone in a bank at night.
It's a plot device.  It's very flimsy, so be careful.  --Crow T. Robot
It's a pod! --Rimmer.
It's a poodle set it on delicate. -Butthead
It's a poor cook who cannot lick his own fingers.
It's a poor cook who dares not to lick his own fingers.
It's a poor family that hath neither a whore nor a thief.
It's a poor family that hath neither a whore or a thief in it.
It's a poor family that hath neither a whore or a thief.
It's a poor sort of EMS that only works backwords
It's a poor sort of memory that never forgets!
It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.
It's a poor sort of mind that only knows one way to spell a name!
It's a poor tool that blames its workman.
It's a poor workman who blames his tools.
It's a port of call, home away from home
It's a port of call, home away from home...
It's a pressing matter when a 15-lb. cat wants to lay down on you!
It's a pretty controlled response to this place. - Dr. Freedman
It's a pretty short runway, but it's reeeeaaaaaal wide.
It's a private club, for VIPs and denizens of the night. -Nick Knight
It's a probable twelve to seven...
It's a problem-free...philosophy...Hakuna Matata.
It's a propaganda bomb! - Trapper
It's a proud moment for a Scoutmaster when a Scout earns his Eagle.
It's a ramblin' rack from George's tax, with an elephant engineer.
It's a rather pleasant experience to be alone in a bank at night.
It's a rooster! clucked Tom cockily.
It's a rubber plant, Sarge. "Looks like about a week's supply"
It's a running gag. - Dot
It's a sad fact that we can secure peace by preparing for war
It's a scary feeling when you see B8 00 4C CD 21 and know what it does.
It's a scary feeling when you see B8 13 00 CD 10 and know what it does.
It's a scary feeling when you see B8 4C 00 CD 21 and know what it does
It's a scary feeling when you see B8 4C 00 CD 21 and know what it means.
It's a secret. Shhh. Keep it to yourself. Really. Don't tell anyone.
It's a sensible rave - Crow as girl dances
It's a shame stupidity isn't painful.
It's a shame that most people are Constitutionally ignorant.
It's a shame that stupidity isn't painful.
It's a sick world ... and I'm a happy guy !
It's a simple choice, Life, Death, or Los Angeles.
It's a simple choice: Life, Death, or Los Angeles.
It's a sky blue sky.  Satellites are out tonight.
It's a sky blue sky.  The satellites are out tonight.
It's a sleep over caper - Mike on crook with suitcase
It's a small town if the phone book has a single yellow page.
It's a small town if the phone book has a yellow page.
It's a small world after all--Zazu
It's a small world but I wouldn't want to paint it.
It's a small world if you're still using CPM.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.  -S.W.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it. - s.w.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to mow it.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it.  -- Steven Wright
It's a small world, but I'd hate to have to paint it.
It's a small world. But I wouldn't want to paint it.
It's a smegging garbage pod! -- Rimmer
It's a sna...a sna- Crow stutters as snake crawls up
It's a start so i'll give it a shot and see what I can do.
It's a state of mind.
It's a surprise-atory - Crow on space ship
It's a swingin' world, baby! - Mike
It's a tagline, Jim, but not as we know it. -Spock
It's a tagline, Jim, but not as we know them.
It's a terrible thing to waste one's mind. --Dan Quayle
It's a terrific show, definitely one of the best ones on TV.
It's a thing on Fabio - Tom on TV showing a girl onscreen
It's a tough job but someones gotta do it....Fidonet Moderator.
It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.
It's a tough job.....but only the REALLY GOOD can do it!
It's a tragedy that no man become like their mothers.
It's a tragedy that no man becomes like his mother.
It's a tribble! - Crow on Nummy Muffin Coocool Butter
It's a tufted titmouse! - Crow as guy w/binoculars
It's a unit of electric current, said Tom amply.
It's a useless but absolutely vital precaution.
It's a very Kafka-esque high- makes you feel like a bug.
It's a very dangerous tooth brush - Crow on razor
It's a very lovely ship ... I think that you should go down with it.
It's a video of my death. --Rimmer.
It's a wonder more here don't take a vacation from reality.-Freedman
It's a wonder your still alive.
It's a wonderful day, in a one-way world. One-Day, One-Way.
It's a world gone crazy - keeps woman in chains.
It's a...nice day for a...white wedding!
It's about 50 lbs. short of Mitchell - Crow on TV Movie
It's about BUTT; Kick it or lick it!
It's about as mysterious as a baked potato.
It's about being in the right place at the right time. - Richie Ryan
It's about coincidence. - Richie Ryan
It's about time they stopped being wimpy. huh huh huh
It's accountancy that makes the world go 'round.
It's accurate, but is it precise?
It's against my programming to impersonate a deity. - C-3PO
It's against the law to whistle under water in Vermont.
It's alive Jim, but not as we know it!
It's alive, it's alive...muhahaha!
It's alive.  Kill it!  Kill it!!!
It's all   LLL III EEE SSS !!!
It's all Fun & Games until you hit that room full of CacoDemons
It's all YOUR fault!
It's all a conspiracy.
It's all a matter of taste.
It's all a moderator conspiracy, it is...
It's all a pigment of your hallucination.
It's all about Uncle Fester, isn't it?  Wednesday Addams
It's all clear now... Now where *did* I put those electrodes?
It's all done with lights and mirrors.
It's all fun and games until someone gains their sanity.
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Then it's just fun.
It's all fun and games until someone pokes their eye out.
It's all fun and games,'till someone loses an eye! Tehn it's a *SPORT*
It's all fun with words until the librarian says "ShhhhsssssH!"
It's all going the way of specialty breads - Crow
It's all in a day's work for "Confuse-a-Cat"!
It's all in a day's work for Confuse-a-Cat
It's all in the Tounge!
It's all in the name of science. -- Dr. Forrester
It's all in the wrist action.
It's all in the wrist.  Garfield
It's all in your head...but it's not psychological. - Frank Burns
It's all just so darn frightening sometimes...
It's all over now and it sure is Monday.
It's all over the place, everyone knows.
It's all over? Is that what you said? --10th Planet
It's all part of life's rich pattern.
It's all part of my Tagline dream.
It's all part of my Tagline fantasy.
It's all part of my diabolical plan!
It's all part of the novel. Don't interfere -- Riker
It's all part of this nutritious war - TV's Frank
It's all planned; But, please help anyway.
It's all right to drink like a fish - if you drink what a fish drinks.
It's all right, children, just ignore the murderer. - Krabapple
It's all so clear to me now_I_ am the keeper of the cheese!
It's all so... WONKY!
It's all soup from the same rancid pot.
It's all these books they read today. It overheats the brain.
It's all true. Especially the lies.
It's all you've done and everything you've said.
It's allllive, allllive! - Ace Ventura
It's almost as if I found in AA what I went into the pubs to look for.
It's almost as if it's collecting specimens. - Ivanova
It's almost as lame as ours, Skin Puppy - Dr. F to Joel
It's almost like a full program by it's self.
It's already on the backbone for some time now; pretty low traffic.
It's alright if you have a good time.
It's always a nice day in outer space.
It's always a rainy day without you.
It's always better to talk things out than to punch them out.-Potter
It's always darkest at the top of the stairs.
It's always darkest before you step on the cat.
It's always darkest before you trip over the dog.
It's always darkest just before it gets pitch black.
It's always darkest just before it goes completely black.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
It's always darkest just before it goes totally black.
It's always darkest just before stepping on the cat
It's always darkest just before you step on the cat!
It's always darkest just before you step on the cat.
It's always darkest right before you step in dog mess!
It's always darkest right before you step on the cat
It's always darkest right before you step on the cat!
It's always darkest when the light bulb has blown.
It's always far too early to get out of bed
It's always funny until someone gets killed - Crow
It's always harder to pave the way for others!
It's always in the last place you look
It's always quietest before the hyenas come.
It's always someone else's problem anyway ...
It's always the darkest right before you step on the cat.
It's always zero hour with THESE goons around - Crow
It's amazin' how conversant you are with ancient history.....
It's amazing how mature wisdom resembles being tired.
It's amazing how much "mature wisdom" resembles being too tired. L. Long
It's amazing how much you bleed when you pull a tooth yourself - WDVE
It's amazing how much you bleed when you pull a tooth yourself.
It's amazing how much you learn after thinking you know it all.
It's amazing the things people would rather have than money.
It's amazing what a cattle prod can accomplish, isn't it?
It's amazing what you can do with a little apple juice
It's amazing what you find when you read bumper stickers, isn't it?!?!
It's an .EXE file Jim, but not an .EXE as we know it!
It's an .EXE stash Bo-Jangles, but not an .EXE as we know it.  Yo' Man!!
It's an Aardvark thing you wouldn't understand.
It's an EXE file Jim, but not an EXE as we know it
It's an EXE file Jim, but not an EXE as we know it!
It's an Elder Thing, you don't _want_ to understand.
It's an Enlightened thing- you wouldn't understand.
It's an IBM; it's got an excuse.
It's an Old Ones Thing, if you understood it would drive you insane.
It's an actual parameter, not a formal parameter, was Tom's argument.
It's an air to air kill, even if you drop a bomb on a helicopter.
It's an all or nothing proposition, baby.
It's an anatomically correct John Bobbitt Doll.  No big thing.
It's an ancient Klingon ritual for courage.  Trust me.
It's an anywhere road, for anybody anyhow. Where body how?
It's an energy field created by all living things. - Obi Wan
It's an entire race of mimes! We gotta get back and warn Earth!
It's an exorcism for you young man! No two ways about it!
It's an ill wind that blows no good.
It's an ill wind that gathers no moss.
It's an obsession I tell you.  A dark, evil obsession!
It's an origami spaceship!
It's an uptown recipe, living in an downtown conference.
It's an uptown recipe, living in an uptown conference.
It's an uptown tagline, living in an uptown conference.
It's and Indian thing........HOW!
It's another Jadzia Sunrise...
It's another fine mess they've gotten us into
It's another fine mess you got us into, Ollie
It's another fine mess you got us into, Ollie.
It's any given day at Madonna's house - Tom on wrestlers
It's as EZ as 1-2-3 HA!
It's as bad as you think and they *are* out to get you.
It's as bad as you think and they are out to get you.
It's as easy as 1-2-C.
It's as easy as memorizing pi.
It's as if some great hand reached out of space and just erased them.
It's as inevitable as death and Praxis.
It's as well we tell no lie so I'll sing you no lullaby.
It's astounding. Time is fleeting. Madness takes control.
It's at moments like this that you want to squeeze false fruit
It's aways the pioneers that get arrows shot at them - Rush Limbaugh
It's back...and it's got a gun.
It's backwards for 'London' sir. - Kryten
It's bad if, during a download, all the lights on your modem go out.
It's bad luck to be superstitious.
It's beat, beat, beat, my heart's sending out a message.
It's beautiful the way it is, why spoil it by making it legal?
It's beautiful the way it is; why spoil it by making it legal?
It's because I'm short and bald, isn't it, Beverly?
It's becoming normal to have abnormal weather....
It's been 4 hrs. The COWS can tape something by now!-City Slickers
It's been Monday aaaaaaaaallllllll week!
It's been Monday all week today!
It's been Monday all week today.
It's been Monday all week!
It's been Monday all week.
It's been a "Klingon" afternoon.
It's been a *genuine* pleasure. TTYL8R,
It's been a LOONNNGGGG week.<sigh<
It's been a business doing pleasure with you
It's been a business doing pleasure with you.
It's been a business doing pleasure with you...
It's been a hard day's night, and I been working like a dog.
It's been a long day, Captain. - Richard Franklin
It's been bitten sort of... orf, sir!
It's been lovely but I really have to scream now!
It's been lovely, but I have to scream now, please?
It's been lovely, but I have to scream now.
It's been lovely, but I have to vomit now.
It's been nice meeting you, and nicer to see you leave.
It's been nice meeting you, when do you leave?
It's been proven that research causes cancer in rats.
It's been real and it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun.
It's been so long since I had sex, I forget who gets tied up first....
It's been so long since I've had sex she had to blow the cobwebs off.
It's been so long since I've had sex, I forget who gets tied up!
It's been so long, I forget who gets tied up.
It's been so long, I would even sleep in the wet spot.
It's been surreal, but I can't Dali now.
It's been the highpoint of my day...don't do it again -- Sisko
It's being filmed by the Gopher People - Tom
It's believed Vladimir & Estragon are no longer Waiting for Godot.
It's best to find a new word for this, Tom determined.
It's better late than never, living with out you. - Great White
It's better than a poke in the eye with a Morganti dagger.
It's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!
It's better than lying there counting people, right?-Radar to lamb
It's better the world wonder why you *AREN'T* President.
It's better to :-) than to :-(
It's better to ask a stupid question than make a stupid mistake.
It's better to be dead than to be a fool. -- Stevenson
It's better to be pissed off rather than pissed on.
It's better to be pissed off than pissed on!
It's better to be pissed off than pissed on.
It's better to be quotable, than to be honest.
It's better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick.
It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it!
It's better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
It's better to be wanted for murder than not to be wanted at all...
It's better to be wanted for murder that not to be wanted at all. -- Marty Winch
It's better to burn out than to fade away
It's better to burn out than to fade away!
It's better to burn out than to fade away!!
It's better to burn out than to fade away.
It's better to burn out than to rust out.
It's better to burn out then to fade away! - The Kurgen
It's better to burn up than to fade away.
It's better to copulate than never.
It's better to divorce than to murder.
It's better to dream of an Amiga than own a PC.
It's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
It's better to have a horrible ending than to have horrors without end.
It's better to have a lobster on your piano than a crab on your organ.
It's better to have loved & lost than marry the bitch!
It's better to love a short girl than to never love a'tall.
It's better to read the book an the Cliffs Notes.
It's better to retire too soon than too late.
It's better to steal things together, Tom corroborated.
It's better to tax and spend than to *borrow* and spend.
It's between my sole and my heel, said Tom archly.
It's beyond me...help me mommy.
It's bloody albatross flavor! It's bloody sea bloody bird bloody flavor!
It's bold enough to bulldog your taste buds! -- Tom Servo
It's broken. - Wakko
It's called "Windows" because it's such a "pane" to use.
It's called "engineering".  It isn't called "crap shoot".
It's called "enunciation", Dr. Elders. I suggest you try it.
It's called "enunciation", Senator Kennedy. I suggest you try it.
It's called Windows 95, not Windows 1995:)
It's called Windows because it's such a pane to use.
It's called Windows cuz it's a 'pane'
It's called Windows cuz that's what you wanna throw 'em outta!
It's called Windows cuz they break
It's called Windows cuz they're hard to open sometimes
It's called getting it in the NEC
It's called getting it in the NEC.
It's called reality. Look into it.
It's called... `Is There a God'? -- Wednesday Addams
It's casual day at 3M - Mike
It's casual day on the Sattelite of Love... -- Joel
It's certainly not my fault, I barely touched it.
It's certainly uncontaminated by cheese.
It's certainly uncontaminated by cheese....
It's chaos pure and simple
It's cheaper to drag the Joneses down to your level.
It's clever, but is it art?
It's close enough for you, because we say so.--Intel
It's closing time.  Are we in love now?
It's cocktail hour here at the Air Force - Crow
It's cold enough to freeze your tongue to a brass pipe!
It's cold outside, there's vacuum.
It's cold outside. There's no kind of atmosphere--Red Dwarf.
It's cold, Timothy, said Tom with his distinctive timbre.
It's colder outside then Jimmy Swaggart's wife
It's colder than a polar bear's pajamas!
It's colder than a witches t*t in a brass bra on the 12th of January!
It's covered in Nummy Muffin Kooky Butter hair! - Crow
It's cow isn't it? - Janette
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in sni
It's crossed my mind so many times, I'm thinking of putting in signals.
It's crowd noise day - Crow
It's cruel to eat meat, fish, eggs or vegetables
It's currently 7000 degrees in San Francisco - Crow
It's curtains fa you, pal,CURTAINS!  Why, they're LOVELY..
It's curtains for Windows!
It's dad...he's dying. He got into a fight with mom. - Rupert
It's dah right reader baby, uh-huh.. uh-huh
It's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
It's dangerous to be right when your government is wrong.
It's dark inside where all the insomniacs hide - Course of Empire
It's dark! It's dark, and doom coming!
It's dead Jim, beam it back to Panasonic.
It's dead, Jim. Engage the barbeque.
It's deja vu all over again.
It's diet time when, They throw puffed rice at your wedding.
It's diet time when, Weight Watchers demands your resignation.
It's diet time when, You have to apply your makeup with a paint roller
It's difficult to work in a group when you're omnipotent."--Q
It's dinnertime and we ain't got no stinkin' entrees... - Banzai
It's done, done, done! - Basil Fawlty
It's dying time! --Kryten's Replacement.
It's d‚j… vu all over again.
It's easier to act under conditions of tyranny than to think.<Arendt>
It's easier to apologize than to ask permission.
It's easier to beg for forgiveness than permission.
It's easier to beg forgiveness rather than ask permission.
It's easier to curse the candle than light the darkness.
It's easier to curse the candle than to light the darkness.
It's easier to do good than be good.
It's easier to do good then be good.
It's easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.
It's easier to get "trim" in an AIRPLANE.
It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than forgiveness for being right.
It's easier to get forgiveness than permission!
It's easier to get forgiveness than to ask for permission.
It's easier to get older than it is to get wiser
It's easier to get older than it is to get wiser.
It's easier to love all humanity than some neighbors.
It's easier to make true enemies than true friends.
It's easier to write a good program than to understand a bad one.
It's easier to write your principles down, than to live up to them.
It's easy being BLUE.
It's easy being Mr. Tough-Guy when you've got a fire-breathing cane.
It's easy to admire a good loser at a strip poker party!
It's easy to apply yourself, if you just use crazy glue!
It's easy to apply yourself, just use crazy glue!
It's easy to be an angel when nobody ruffles your feathers.
It's easy to be brave from a safe distance.
It's easy to come up with new ideas, the hard part is leaving old.
It's easy to find AA.  Go to hell and do a U  turn.
It's easy to hurt someone or hate something you don't quite understand
It's easy to make a friend, hard to make a stranger.
It's easy to make money. It's just hard to make a living.
It's easy to quit smokeing ... I've done it dozens of times.
It's easy to talk to a fish; just drop him a line.<< --- GoldED
It's either Jerry Van Dyke or a trained chimp - Crow
It's either THAT or Amway - Tom on prostitution
It's either country music, or nine cats being tortured.
It's either country music, or nine cats being totured.
It's either illegal, immoral or fattening!!
It's either very early or very late.
It's enough to make me sick. Sick?  Hey! Here are some SICK Taglines.
It's enough to write text. You want a Tagline too?
It's enough to write the message;  You want a Tagline too?
It's entitled 1,001 Ways To Defeat A Twit Filter. -- Jack Butler
It's even worse than you think.....
It's everyday living that kills you.
It's extremely hard to fold a Buffalo.
It's fallen and I can't get it up!
It's fatal to be appreciated in one's own time.
It's feminism, stupid!
It's feminizm, stupid! 
It's finally happened!
It's from the planet Dredlock - Tom on shaggy alien
It's fun to harm people while they play twister.
It's fun to mess with their minds - Calvin
It's fun to watch dyslexic witches trying to cook ...
It's fun to work with lasers!, Tom beamed.
It's fun until someone dies!
It's fun with the pun on Fidonet!
It's funny because *I* said it!
It's funny how God uses simple people to do great things.
It's funny how all the guards disappeared so fast. --Garibaldi.
It's funny that Lorena get off...but obviously NOT with her husband!
It's funny, because *I* said it!
It's funny, only sensible people agree with me.
It's getting *SO* bad that Chelsea wants to be put up for adoption.
It's getting *SO* bad that Chelsea wants to divorce her parents.
It's getting _REAL_ hot, and Clinton's selling handbaskets!
It's getting _so_ bad that Chelsea wants to be put up for adoption.
It's getting beta, beta and beta!
It's getting better all the time.
It's getting harder to find a *new* Bobbitt Tagline!
It's getting kind of scary for me- TEC
It's getting kind of scary for me...
It's getting late, I must away ere break of day!
It's getting so it's hard to laugh about disasters.
It's getting too rough on my nerves. - Aahz
It's going to be easy, like peeling a turtle.
It's going to be quite a ride - Riker
It's going to change, quietly, discreetly, an inch at a time. Sheridan
It's gone public. --The Cat.
It's gone! No, it's back at starboard! - Worf
It's gone!No, it's back at starboard! - Worf
It's gonna be a bad day when the crunchy nuggets in your cereal move.
It's gonna be a sweet surrender.
It's gonna get real hot about halfway down - Crow
It's gonna take more than chocolate to get through this...
It's gonna take more than pizza to get me through this.
It's good business to know customers before they come in the door--ROA #
It's good business to know customers before they come in the door.
It's good enough for e.e. cummings, it's good enough for me
It's good fortune for politicians that people don't think.
It's good that women are amused by the simple things in life.
It's good to be a myth. - Methos
It's good to be children sometimes and never better than at Christmas.
It's good to be home.- Duncan MacLeod
It's good to be strange!
It's good to be the King!
It's good to be the Klingon.
It's good to be the queen. - Majel Barrett Roddenberry
It's good to have an open mind, but be sure it's not at both ends.
It's good to have friends. Keep the change. --Londo.
It's good to have roots, especially if they're easy to transplant.
It's good to receive compliments and even better to give them.
It's good to see you too. - H. Livingston, MD
It's good to see you! It means you're not behind my back.
It's good to see your face again.
It's good to want things. - Quark
It's got nothing but this stupid star in the middle - Ivanova.
It's got nothing to do with past lives! - Lister
It's got round that you're a big spender.
It's got to be perfect!
It's got to look like one of Chiun's perfect accidents.
It's got what it takes, so why can't this be love?
It's gotten SO bad, I've started playing Blades of Steel on Nintendo!
It's gotten to the point that I can't fit through doors anymore
It's great AND less filling.
It's great cleverness to know how to conceal our cleverness.
It's great to be a nut, all the goodies are on the inside!
It's great to be a part of something so good that's lasted so long
It's great to be great, but greater to be me.
It's great to be missed.
It's great to be smart, because then you know stuff.
It's great to be smart, then you know stuff.
It's great to do nothing and rest afterward
It's great to do nothing and rest afterwards.
It's hard being the strong one HELLOOO, NURSE!!! - Dot
It's hard being the strong one. - Dot Warner
It's hard being the strong one...... HELLOOO, NURSE!!! - Dot
It's hard enough to come up with recipes. You want a message too?!?
It's hard enough to come up with taglines. You want a message too?!?
It's hard for me to buy clothes because I'm not my size
It's hard for the ape to believe he descended from man.
It's hard to RTFM if you can't *find* the FM...
It's hard to RTFM when you can't *find* the FM!
It's hard to RTFM when you can't find the FM..
It's hard to argue against the right when the right is so right!
It's hard to be an on-line atheist with a god-like Moderator.
It's hard to be funny when you have to be clean  -Mae West
It's hard to be humble when you are omnipotent...As I am.
It's hard to be humble when you are so perfect
It's hard to be humble when you're as great as I am.
It's hard to be humble when you're having so much fun.
It's hard to be humble when you're perfect!
It's hard to be humble when you're perfect.
It's hard to be humble with ancestors like mine!
It's hard to be serious when you're naked.
It's hard to be so smart that a woman can't fool you!
It's hard to believe he beat 100,000 other sperm.
It's hard to believe it, but some teens are humans
It's hard to believe it, but some teens are humans.
It's hard to believe that even his friends like him.
It's hard to believe that one day I'll be an ancestor.
It's hard to believe that someday I'll be an ancester.
It's hard to believe that someday I'll be an ancestor.
It's hard to call the zoo when the lion's busy.
It's hard to discern when enough is enough.
It's hard to explain, but she's coming after you. - Duncan MacLeod
It's hard to fight the fire while we're feeding the flames.
It's hard to fix something when it's working.
It's hard to fly with dragons when you work with gargoyles.
It's hard to imagine _you_ drinking.
It's hard to imagine what one would do with a ferret and Vasoline
It's hard to make a living writing taglines.
It's hard to make a program foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
It's hard to make progress unless you are willing to get your feet wet
It's hard to organize a junta in vacationland-- Tom Servo
It's hard to predict the future when liberals keep changing the past.
It's hard to predict the future when the liberals keep changing the pa
It's hard to predict the future when they keep changing the past.
It's hard to read the writing on the wall when you've got your back to it.
It's hard to say I'm sorry but even harder to say I forgive you.
It's hard to see a halo, when all you see are horns.
It's hard to see the keys when they're covered in chocolate!
It's hard to sit with a spike up your bottom.
It's hard to soar like an Eagle when you work with turkeys.
It's hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys.
It's hard to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys.
It's hard to soar w/dragons when you work w/gargoyles.
It's hard to soar with dragons when you work with gargoyles.
It's hard to take what you want in life when they see you coming.
It's hard to tell when enough is enough.
It's hard to type in a straightjacket.
It's hard to type when you gotta go Baaaad... ummmmm...
It's hard to work in a group when you're omnipotent.
It's hard to work in groups when you're omnipotent -- Q
It's hard when I have to and easy when I want to.
It's harder to kill a phantom than a reality.
It's harmless but don't move!  I'll just get a stick and kill it.
It's here at last: We've released a 26-week project in 48 weeks.
It's here! The new CD from Elvis!
It's heresy, so we take away all your points and burn you at the stake
It's high noon on my sundial - Butthead.
It's high noon on my sundial! - Orville
It's high noon on my sundial! -Butthead
It's homework time for all you college puddings.
It's hot enough to boil a monkey's bum in here, your Majesty.
It's humor, Jim, but not as we know it.
It's ill wark takin the breeks frae aff a Hielandman.-Old Scot Sayin
It's illegal in Florida to transport livestock aboard school buses.
It's illegal in Wilbur, Washington, to ride an ugly horse.
It's illegal to disturb a bullfrog or cottontail rabbit in Hayden, AZ
It's illegal to make liquor privately, or water publicly.
It's illegal to sleep with chickens in Clawson City, Michigan.
It's illegal to walk your elephant without a leash in Wisconsin.
It's immoral to repay foolishly granted loans.
It's impolite to silence a fool and cruel to let him go on.
It's important that I NOT know.
It's important that subjects and verbs is matched in number.
It's important to be decisive!         Isn't it??
It's important to never split infinitives.
It's important to use apostrophe's right.
It's impossible * Tom: To stick a Cadillac up your nose
It's impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of kittens.
It's impossible to keep tabs on blondes, so use VISA!
It's impossible to know if the road not taken had greener grass.
It's in the mail... famous last words!
It's in the shop, getting fixed for the next breakdown.
It's inherited.  My son-in-law was a SysOP, too.
It's its.  Its isn't it's.
It's just @FN@'s opinion...but he's wrong!
It's just a TV show. (And movies and comics and books and models and..
It's just a chinchilla - Tom on cheesy gibbon makeup
It's just a doll. --Ivanova.
It's just a furry with a syringe on top!  F.F.
It's just a harmless little bunny
It's just a harmless little bunny...
It's just a jump to the left.
It's just a jump to the left. THEN A STEP TO THE RIGHT!
It's just a jump to the left...
It's just a jump to the left... And then a step to the right!!!
It's just a little lion... - Pumba
It's just a little thing I doDot, Animaniacs
It's just a multimedia package, nothing special - Crow
It's just a name; I'll bet you have one, too. --Hercules
It's just a show and I really should just relax.
It's just another sweaty day in Paradise. - Don Schanke
It's just as easy to be grateful as it is to complain (theoretically).
It's just gold leaf, said Tom guiltily.
It's just like I imagined, only much shorter! --Kryten.
It's just like being there! --Rimmer.
It's just like life.  Only more so.
It's just not as easy as you think it is!
It's just one big sunny, fun-filled Bataan Death March!
It's just rare that anyone agrees with me. :) - Dire Wolf
It's just that in the beginning so much was made of the need for life!
It's just the IDEA of an inflatable rubber Worf that bothers me.
It's just the IDEA of an inflatable rubber starship that bothers me.
It's just totally inconceivable!
It's just what I wanted!
It's kind of fun doing the impossible.
It's kind of fun to Consummate the Impossible.
It's kind of fun to do the impossible-Walt Disney
It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
It's kind of like a Leon's commercial--you either love it or hate it.
It's kinda like Pictionary, but fewer people die.
It's kinda like Pictionary, but less people die.
It's kinda' cool in a dark, surreal sort of way! - Joel
It's life Jim, but not as we know it!
It's life Jim, but not as we know it.
It's like 'safe sex'....only SAFER!
It's like Clash of the Bands - Tom on trumpet music
It's like Deja Vu all over again
It's like Deja Vu all over again...
It's like a beer commercial. --Crow T. Robot.
It's like a subway for paranoids. -- Harry Wyckoff
It's like an escape act! - Crow as couple undress
It's like buttah!
It's like deja vu all over again.
It's like deja-vu, all over again.  -- Yogi Berra
It's like having Kim Bassinger and a cattle prod AT THE SAME TIME!
It's like having Seka and a cattle prod AT THE SAME TIME!
It's like he's Nick Knight of the Living Dead. - Don Schanke
It's like he's speaking in an ancient tongue- Crow T. Robot
It's like my mind keeps wondering...I...can't...-Riker
It's like nothing we've ever seen before, captain!
It's like shooting fish in a barrel - Calvin
It's like some kind of video-virus - - or should I say, 'worm'?
It's like stepping on ants -- Kira I don't step on ants, Major -- Odo
It's like talking to a Klingon! -- The Grand Nagus
It's like the blonde leading the blonde.
It's like the blonde leading the blonde...
It's like the old problem of "How to put the Genie back in the Bottle?"
It's like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's invited!
It's like those miserable Psalms...they're so depressing!
It's like trying to find a fart in a Jacuzzi. --Lister.
It's like trying to find a fart in a jaccuzi. -Lister
It's like trying to nail jelly to a tree.
It's like watching a Kung Fu movie. - Richie Ryan
It's like working in a damned computer center. X McCoy
It's log, it's log, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood ...
It's logical that something like that is on the wishlist. :)
It's lonely at the top but you eat better.
It's lonely at the top, but you eat better
It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.
It's loney at the top, but you eat better.
It's love that makes the world go round.
It's love, it's love that makes the world go round.
It's lucky you're going so slowly, because you're going in the wrong direction.
It's magically obscure!
It's mathematical:  (uNsTable - NT) = usable
It's me active compensatory factor.
It's me first band - "Smeg and the Heads". - Lister
It's me, it's me, I'll assimilate ye! - Ernest T. of Borg
It's men like you that give perversion a bad name. - Fox Mulder
It's men like you that give perversion a bad name. --Mulder.
It's midnight and I'm not famous yet.
It's mighty bold! How bold is it?! - Tom
It's mildly unethical - Mike
It's mind over matter - it you don't mind, it don't matter.
It's mine mummy, and I'll wash it as fast as I like!
It's mine! The fish is mine! --The Cat.
It's mine, and I can wash it as fast as i want to!
It's morally wrong to allow naive end users to keep their money.
It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.
It's morally wrong to let a sucker keep his money.
It's morally wrong to let suckers keep to their money.
It's more a sort of electronic sulking machine.
It's more a sort of electronic sulking machine. - Arthur Dent
It's more fun contemplating someone else's navel than your own.
It's more fun on a lap than a desk.
It's more fun surfin' Blue Waves than to ride in Silver railways!
It's more fun to talk about you, than to you.
It's more like we'd like to have dental surgery! -- Yakko
It's more than a reader.  It's a message base manager!
It's more than a toaster, Orville. You can also use it as a doorstop!
It's more than a way of life;  it's a modus vivendi!
It's more than good enough so I ain't switch'n to anythin' else!
It's more than just a fortress, it's a death trap. - Sheridan
It's more than magnificent -- it's mediocre. -- Sam Goldwyn
It's more than magnificent--it's mediocre. - Samuel Goldwyn
It's morning in An Tir, and it's not my fault!
It's morning in Calontir, and it's not my fault.
It's my 2 cents. I'll spend it where I please.
It's my SHIP.! -- Kirk
It's my birthday dear. Do I LOOK 35? No, but you used to.
It's my birthday today! Hooray!
It's my birthday today! Hooray.
It's my birthday today! Hooway.
It's my business to know their business, I am a PI!!
It's my considered opinion that they're nestin'.
It's my decision, and I'm making it. Maybe.
It's my dream, I'll boink Kim Basinger if I want to!
It's my father. Franklin The general? - Ivanova
It's my gin distributor - Crow as guy talks on phone
It's my idea 'cause I stole it first!
It's my maid's night off, said Tom helplessly.
It's my modem, and I'll flame who I want to...
It's my new favorite, "chocolate frosted sugar bombs" - Calvin
It's my parakeet's bowling night.
It's my parity and I'll byte if I want to.
It's my parity and I'll cry if I want to...
It's my party and I'll Snubb who I want!
It's my pen name, oh! Pseu, Pseu, Pseudonym!
It's my pen name, oh! Pseu, Pseu, Pseudonym!  <-TLP
It's my personal idea because I stole it first.
It's my tagline!  I stole it first!
It's my turn to be the judge, asswipe! Butthead
It's my turn to sleep in the middle.
It's my tuxedo jumper - Mike on formal clothes
It's my way or the highway this Christmas at my bar - Tom
It's nearly 3am., just what WERE you expecting?!?
It's never a good day when it's a friend. - Dax
It's never as easy as the manual says it is!
It's never as easy as you think.
It's never done THAT before!
It's never easy, rarely fun, and always expensive...
It's never good to be understood by a girl named Acid Wash.
It's never to late to have a happy childhood!
It's never too late to have a happy childhood
It's never too late to have a happy childhood!
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
It's never too late to have a happy chilhood.
It's never too late to panic!
It's never too late to say you're sorry.
It's never wise to criticize something you know nothing about. - SJ
It's new! Improved! It'll laugh at Raid!
It's new! It's amazing. Microwavable kitty litter. Yum!
It's nice that people who love L.A. live there.
It's nice to be here in Iowa.    <Gerald Ford in Ohio, 1976>
It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice
It's nice to be important but more important to be nice
It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice.
It's nice to be important, but just as important to be nice.
It's nice to be liked just the way you are.
It's nice to be nice to the nice. - Frank Burns
It's nice to have 2 dishes all to myself.
It's nice to know people like you exist.
It's nice to know you were once as common as I am. - Radar to Potter
It's nice when the taglines come home to roost.
It's no Bible - Crow on his letter to Adam West
It's no fun hiring an illegal alien(unless you're male)
It's no fun to stay up all night if your parents don't care.
It's no good agreeing with a person who is indecisive.
It's no good agreeing with a person who's indecisive.
It's no good imagining one is going to be a writer.
It's no good to know more, unless we do more with what we know!
It's no longer a crime bill, it's Bill's Crime.
It's no night to be out dancing in a party town.
It's no secret a friend is someone who lets you help --U2
It's no secret a man's conscience can sometimes be a pest --U2
It's no secret ambition bites the nails of success --U2
It's no secret our world is in darkness tonight --U2
It's no secret that a liar won't believe anyone else --U2
It's no secret the stars are falling from the sky --U2
It's no use crying over spilt milk; it only makes it salty for the cat.
It's no use, Captain. We're dead in space -- Scotty
It's no use, Jim, he's--oh that's just swell. Now you're dead, too!
It's nobody's business whose hats I smell.-Troi
It's nobody's business, not even mine.
It's noon & he's still fillibustering - Crow on Sinbad
It's not "bigamy", it's multiple partner syndrome.
It's not 55 mph; it's 147,840 furlongs per fortnight.
It's not Bashir, it's BASH HERE!!!
It's not Camelot, but it ain't Cleveland either.
It's not Camelot, but it's not Cleveland either.
It's not Cloister, it's Lister! Lister the stupid! - Lister
It's not Dilithium crystals - they're Folger's crystals!
It's not GECO - it's SOCIALLY CHALLENGED, dammit!
It's not GEEK - it's SOCIALLY CHALLENGED, dammit!
It's not God...it's His FAN clubs!
It's not I who am Crazy...It's I who am MAAAADDD!!!!!!!
It's not IF you hard drive crashes but WHEN!
It's not IF your hard drive crashes but WHEN!
It's not MY fault if yo' chops ain't together! - Tom
It's not PMS, it's husband getting Bobbitted.
It's not PMS, it's husband getting Bobbittized.
It's not PMS, it's the only time I can be myself
It's not a 'CHOICE' It's a child Martin Pollard
It's not a 'CHOICE' Mr Clinton,  it's a child
It's not a BBS, but it plays one on TV.
It's not a BBS, it's a concept.
It's not a BUG, it's an undocumented feature!
It's not a BUG, it's an undocumented feature!
It's not a Bug, it's a hidden and seldom used feature.
It's not a HOT FLASH, it's a POWER SURGE!
It's not a Mystery Reader anymore.
It's not a STOLEN tagline--it's just "previously viewed".
It's not a STOLEN tagline--it's just "previously viewed"..
It's not a bagpipe, but don't stop playing.
It's not a bald spot, it's a solar panel for a sex machin
It's not a bald spot, it's a solar panel for a sex machine.
It's not a beer belly. It's a fuel tank for a sex machine
It's not a beer belly. It's a fuel tank for a sex machine.
It's not a beer-belly, it's a gas tank for a sex machine
It's not a beer-belly, it's a gas tank for a sex machine.
It's not a black or a white thing.  It's a death thing.
It's not a broken down car, it's "mechanically challenged."
It's not a bug, it locked up because you didn't register.
It's not a bug, it's a feature! (Marketing 101)
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
It's not a bug, it's our does-the-user-use-it feature.
It's not a bug...It's a feature!
It's not a bug...it's an undocumented FEATURE!! ...
It's not a choice -- it's a child!
It's not a concentration camp, it's a re-education center!
It's not a concentration camp, it's a relocation center.
It's not a condom, it's not a mint, its a Condiment!
It's not a dog: it's a werewolf.
It's not a dungeon--it's a fortified underground defense installation.
It's not a good day to be a bad guy, Skank. - The Crow
It's not a good idea to call 911 when there's not an emergency.
It's not a good idea to drink a 2 litre Coke before going to bed.
It's not a good idea to spit while on a roller coaster.
It's not a hobby -- it's a religion.  Wanna be a heretic?
It's not a human, dammit! It's a Borg! - Picard
It's not a matter of life and death - it's much more important than that
It's not a matter of life and death - it's much more important!
It's not a mistake, it's an experiment.
It's not a person, dammit! It's a Borg! - Picard
It's not a person, damn it! It's a Borg! --Picard.
It's not a person, damnit! It's a Borg!
It's not a question of IF the car will break down, but WHEN.
It's not a recession - Dawkins is just lowering the boom.
It's not a stolen tagline, it's just "previously viewed."
It's not a stolen tagline, its "previously viewed"
It's not a stolen tagline, just "previously viewed".
It's not a virus - it's been Windows
It's not a virus ..it's just Windows 3.0!
It's not about "guns", it's about "control"
It's not about enjoyment, it's about power.  - Kalas
It's not about profit anymore. -Qwark
It's not about respect. - Franklin
It's not against RIME rules to be a jerk.
It's not an attitude - it's the way I am!
It's not an illusion, it just looks like one.
It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one.
It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one.  -- Phil White
It's not any bloody flavor, mate, it's an albatross!
It's not as if lives hang in the balance, right? - Calvin
It's not at all safe, but it's fun
It's not bad to be self-employed if you have a good boss.
It's not bestiality if the sheep loves you.
It's not broken because I haven't fixed it yet.
It's not broken... it's just functionally challenged.
It's not candy, it's a breath mint, Tom asserted.
It's not cheating until you get caught. - AJ Foyt.
It's not considered lying if you do so when complimenting a woman.
It's not creeping - Mike on title creature
It's not crippled, it's functionally challenged!
It's not crippleware. It's Functionally Challenged.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Boen.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Draganis.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Ed Grinnell.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Fernandez.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Harris.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Hernandez.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Holtz.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Howard. I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Jeff Godemann.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Jurjonas. I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Mike Coulson.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Palermo.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Reid.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Thompson. I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet, Mr. Venture.  I'll let you know when.
It's not crunch time yet.  I'll let you know when.
It's not cute being this easy.
It's not dark, it's just illuminally challenged.
It's not dead, it just smells that way.
It's not dead, it's pining for the fjords!
It's not dead, it's pining forI'm an AT-AT! I'm an AT-AT! --Mudslide.
It's not death if you refuse it It is if you accept it.
It's not denial.  I'm just selective about the reality that I choose.
It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept.
It's not done! My arms don't work - Tom on his project
It's not easy being a baby putty kat!
It's not easy being a kid but I bet it's even harder being an adult.
It's not easy being a werewolf. [From a short story]
It's not easy being green.
It's not easy being perfect, but somebody has to do it.
It's not easy being the working man - Tom Servo
It's not easy being this cute
It's not easy for a night person to work days.
It's not easy having a good time. - Frank N. Furter
It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes his face ache!
It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.
It's not easy having an overbearing parent! - Troi
It's not easy having an overbearing parent; believe me, I know.- Troi.
It's not enough that you kick my a** in public. - Charlie DeSalvo
It's not enough to be Hungarian; you must have talent too. -- Alexander Korda
It's not enough to succeed; others must fail.
It's not exactly "love", but it should still be kinda fun
It's not fair! we're not gonna score! - Beavis
It's not fair. It's not our time. --Mulder.
It's not for everyone, so what are you doing here?
It's not for me to say...
It's not forever, Margaret. There'll be other wars. - Frank
It's not good when you get these 4.0+ aftershocks all over the place.
It's not guns that kill, it's those darned little pieces of lead!
It's not hard to find a Rubber Chicken in a police line-up.
It's not hard to meet expenses - they're everywhere!
It's not hard to meet expenses, they are everywhere.
It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere
It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere.
It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere.
It's not how deep you fish, it's how you wiggle your worm
It's not how hard it rains but how fast you drive.
It's not how little you have, but how poorly you use it.
It's not how long you make it, it's how you make it long
It's not how much an item costs, it's how much you save.
It's not how you pick your nose, its where you put the booger
It's not how you win or lose, it's how you get court-martialed.-Potter
It's not if you win or lose, but how you place the blame.
It's not if you win or lose, it's how drunk you get.
It's not if you win or lose. It's placing the blame.
It's not impossible.....maybe.....perhaps not.
It's not in the manual !!!!!
It's not just a BBS...it's an adventure.
It's not just a bad hair day.  It's your life!
It's not just a flight simulator, It's an adventure..
It's not just a hobby, it's an adventure!
It's not just a job, it's a BBS.
It's not just a job, it's an adventure.
It's not just a phase.
It's not just a phone line, it's $5.70 a month.
It's not just a spaceship!  Its a transformer!
It's not just for breakfast anymore.
It's not just my DICK, it's your DINNER!
It's not just reality that matters.
It's not like I can go to McDonald's for a Big Plasma.....
It's not line noise...it's ALIEN INVADERS!
It's not lost, I'm just unsure of it's position
It's not me,  it's just the way they dress me.
It's not me, my computer is illeterate.
It's not much of a cheese shop, is it?
It's not my *drain* that's clogged; it's my *BRAIN!*
It's not my FAULT
It's not my FAULT.
It's not my fault I couldn't think of anything
It's not my fault! - Han Solo
It's not my fault, Brother Stair told me to.
It's not my fault...It's Default of the Printer.
It's not my goddam planet. Understand, monkey boy?
It's not my job to seduce the leader of a world - Riker
It's not my planet monkeyboy.
It's not necessary to be a pig in order to raise one.
It's not nice to fool Father Sysop.
It's not nice to fool Mother Economics.
It's not nice to fool Mother Nature.
It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature.
It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature!
It's not nice to put the moderator on the twit list.
It's not nice, it's Job. There's nothing very nice in the book of Job.
It's not often I'm right, but I'm wrong this time.
It's not often someone makes my twit filter with one post.
It's not often you hear bad things said about Rubber Chickens.
It's not only fine feathers that make fine birds.
It's not open for debate -- this baby is coming -- Keiko
It's not open for debate. This baby is coming. --Keiko.
It's not our fault!
It's not over 'til the FAT table sings.
It's not over 'till the fat lady sits on your face.
It's not over til you read the tagline!
It's not over till it's over.
It's not over till the Fat Lady Sings.....Acme tagline Co.
It's not over until Milli Vanilli sings!
It's not over until the *FAT* lady sings......
It's not over until the FAT table sings
It's not over until the fat lady sits on your face.
It's not paranoia if they really _are_ out to get you.
It's not polite to look directly at a man, Mary chastised.
It's not polygamy, it's multiple partner syndrome.
It's not pretty being easy
It's not pretty being easy.
It's not procrastination if you postpone it right now!
It's not rape; it's persuasion.  Right, Christina?
It's not reality that's important, but how you perceive things. --- Blue
It's not reality that's important, but how you percieve things.
It's not really a tend dress. It's a tent - Tom/#606
It's not really a tent dress. It's a tent - Tom
It's not really ugly, it's human.
It's not recommended for human consumption! - Tom
It's not replying that takes time,it's choosing a tagline.
It's not romance, but it's all I got time for. - Dodger
It's not safe to say much around here anymore, is it?
It's not school I mind, it's the principal of the thing.
It's not snowflake! - Ace Ventura
It's not so much how we stand as the direction we're moving.
It's not so much the size of the bullet; it's how you place your shots
It's not sport if you can talk afterwards.
It's not that I *mind* being chained in the basement, but...........
It's not that I *mind* being chained in the basement..." * Calvin
It's not that I disagree with Bush...I just think that he *is* the son of Satan!Anyone is advertising or marketing?...Kill yourself. Now. No, I mean it, really.If guys could blow themselves...not just an idea, but a fervent PRAYER!!!!
It's not that I don't like water. It's the sharks.
It's not that easy bein' green
It's not that easy, Dawson.  - Kalas
It's not that life is so short, it's that you're dead for so long.
It's not that life's too SHORT, it's just that you're DEAD for so long
It's not that they can't see the solution; they can't see the problem.
It's not that you & I are so clever, but that the others are such fools.
It's not that you and I are so clever, but that the others are such fools.
It's not the Society for Compulsive Authenticity!
It's not the age - it's the mileage!
It's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole!
It's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole.
It's not the bullets that kill you, it's the holes.
It's not the cold, it's the humidity that gets ya.
It's not the end of the world,it is just an intermission.
It's not the fall that hurts, it's the sudden stop at the bottom.
It's not the fall that hurts, it's the sudden stop.
It's not the fall that injures, it's the sudden stop.
It's not the fall that kills you, it's the impact on the rocks below.
It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop.
It's not the fear of whats beyond, it's just that I might not respond
It's not the length of the sword but the skill of the swordsman.
It's not the length of the sword but the strength of the arm.
It's not the length of the wand, but the magic in the stick.
It's not the length, but the roundth!
It's not the minutes spent eating that makes you fat, it's the seconds
It's not the money I want, it's the *stuff*.
It's not the money I want, it's the stuff.
It's not the money I want, it's the stuff.
It's not the principle of the thing, it's the money
It's not the principle of the thing, it's the money.
It's not the quantity of the troop that's important, but the quality.
It's not the same as it was explained to me, but it works!
It's not the same when I'm not in the holodeck - Riker
It's not the sex that keeps me going back.  Honest.
It's not the size of ship, but it's the motion in the ocean!
It's not the size of the pie...it's how you throw it that counts ;)
It's not the size of the ship, it's the size of the waves.
It's not the size of the ship, it's the size of the waves.  - Little Richard
It's not the size of your sig, it's what you do with it
It's not the tobacco we're after, it's the fire
It's not the ups and downs of love, it's the ins and outs.
It's not the valleys in life I dread so much as the dips. -- Garfield
It's not the women in my life that counts, it's the life in my women!
It's not the years; it's the mileage. -- Indiana Jones
It's not there either...
It's not thes size of the bait but the *accuracy* of the cast.
It's not true; I never took accordian lessons.
It's not very flash but works OK.
It's not what I said, it's what you think I said.
It's not what Windows can do for you but what you can do with Windows.
It's not what you do. It's what you get caught doing!
It's not what you got that counts, it's what people think you got!
It's not what you said, it's what I think you said
It's not what you say in your argument, it's how loud you say it.
It's not what you say that counts, it's what you _
It's not what you say, it's what I think you said.
It's not what you'd call a figure, is it? - Twiggy
It's not when you get up, but when you get down.
It's not whether you win or lose but how you look playing the game.
It's not whether you win or lose but how you place the blame..
It's not whether you win or lose the game - It's the point spread that counts.
It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame.
It's not whether you win or lose, it's whether I win!
It's not whether you win or lose.  It's whether I win.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's who you beat
It's not who rules, but who controls the ruler.
It's not who you know, it's who knows you!
It's not who you sleep with, it's how long a man can keep it up!
It's not who you sleep with, it's who keeps you up!
It's not wise to put the moderator on the twit list.
It's not worth it.  I'm going back to bed.
It's not worth it.  I'm going back to bed.
It's not your father's modem, dear.
It's not's going to be terribly pretty I'm afraid. :)
It's nothing a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster won't cure!
It's nothing a warm-boot can't fix
It's nothing to get hung about; strawberry taglines forever
It's now tomorrow
It's nutty hiding music! - Tom
It's obvious RAH wants us to think LL autobiographical in this area.
It's obvious by your weight you've spent a fortune on food.
It's obvious what he is.  We don't have to say it.
It's off to the Special Chamber with you! -Jalapeno
It's official: Dead people can't vote - film at 11
It's often cheaper to be forgotten than remembered.
It's ok for boys to play with dolls! - Crow as soldier
It's ok to laugh in the bedroom, but don't point
It's ok to laugh in the bedroom, but don't point.
It's ok!  He didn't inhale.
It's okay Odo,I put out the fire with a bucket of water!...Odo?  Odo!?
It's okay that I lost my job - I still have credit cards!
It's okay to abandon principles when you're right.
It's okay to be ugly...but aren't you overdoing it?
It's okay to call someone stupid, just don't prove it.
It's okay to call someone stupid; just don't prove it.
It's okay to hurt, it's okay to cry...
It's okay to laugh in the bedroom so long as you don't point.
It's okay to laugh in the bedroom, but don't point.
It's okay to laugh in the men's room, just don't point!
It's okay to leave a party with a different Beer than you arrived with
It's okay to leave a party with a different Beer than you arrived with.
It's okay to let yourself go, as long as you can let yourself back.
It's okay to wear the same thing every day:  a smile.
It's okay, Bob, the confusion, it's all in your mind.
It's okay, Gary, the confusion, it's all in your mind.
It's okay, Keith, the confusion, it's all in your mind.
It's okay, the confusion is all in your mind.
It's okay, the confusion, it's all in your mind.
It's okay--I'm an INTELLECTUAL, too!!
It's okay. There's no sugar in pixie-sticks.. - Bart
It's old, but I like the warm glow of tubes.
It's on that one, the 6th unlabeled floppy.
It's on the other side - Preudhomme's Law of Window Cleaning
It's on the way, yes it is.
It's one o'clock, and time for lunch.
It's one of those transverse reality things, you wouldn't understand
It's one small step for <trip, stumble><*CRASH*>...Dammit!!!
It's one thing to abuse words, another to abuse people with words.  D.M.
It's one thing to talk bullsh*t; it's another to believe it.
It's one thing to talk bullshit, another to believe it. - Forrest Gump
It's only 1,000 pts of Damage.  It's not like it's going to kill you!
It's only a 4 harness loom, but twill serve.
It's only a YATI, only a YATI, only a....
It's only a cartoon, only a cartoon, only a cartoon . . .
It's only a flesh wound
It's only a game until you lose.
It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... NO! IT'S MY LIFE!
It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a
It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a -- NO, IT'S MY LIFE!!!
It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a hobby ...
It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a hobby...
It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a.
It's only a hobby only a hobby only a -- NO, IT'S MY LIFE!!!
It's only a hobby! It's only an obsession...oops, I mean hobby!
It's only a hobby, duhh, only a hobby, duhh, only a...
It's only a hobby....only a hobby.....only a hobby.....only a hobby..
It's only a hobby...it's only a hobby...it's only a hobby...
It's only a hobby...only a hobby...onl--NO! IT'S MY LIFE!
It's only a hobby...only a hobby...only a hobby.
It's only a hobby...only a hobby...only a hobby...only a...
It's only a hobbyIt's only a hobbyIt's only a hobby...
It's only a ministry, only a ministry, only a m.....
It's only an obsession ... only a obsession ... only a
It's only as difficult as it seems...
It's only cheating when you get caught!
It's only fun if you can get in trouble for doing it.
It's only hidden unless you look.
It's only hopeless if you walk away.
It's only modem sex,dear, I promise it won't hurt....
It's only my opinion, but it's better than yours.
It's only ones and zeros.
It's only rock and roll but I like it
It's only shallow people who don't judge by appearances.
It's only some hobby only some hobby only some
It's only temporary unless it works.
It's only work if somebody makes you do it.
It's only work if you'd rather be doing something else.
It's our memories that shape our future.
It's our problem-free philosophy.
It's over my head. -- Beavis It's under my butt. -- Butthead
It's over when the fat lady sits on your face.
It's over. Definitely over.
It's over. Go away!
It's over... MORN is gone!
It's parallel universe parking.
It's parallel universe parking. -- Tom Servo
It's paranoid delusion. It's really sad. It's pathetic. <Burke>
It's party time!  P-A-R-T-Why?  Because I GOTTA! - S. Ipkiss
It's people like you, who make people like me above average.
It's people, not guns or knives that kill.
It's perfectly ordinary banter, Squiffy.
It's pissin me off too..
It's pointless to chastise dragons.  Their scaly hide is an inch thick.
It's potaTOE, not potaTO - Dan Quayle
It's potato, not potatoe
It's potato, not potatoe - Bart Simpson's lines
It's potato, not potatoe -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F01 2nd airing Re:Quayle
It's potato, not potatoe -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F01 2nd airing Re:Quayle
It's potato, not potatoe. --Bart Simpson.
It's private! --Rimmer It's gone public. --The Cat.
It's private! --Rimmer. It's gone public. --Cat.
It's private! --Rimmer. It's gone public. --The Cat.
It's probably Probability....
It's probably a bad day when you find a dead fish in your underwear.
It's probably a bad day when, you find a dead fish in your underwear.
It's probably my chest grease supplier - Crow on phone
It's probably pining for the fjords.
It's quite safe, it's just a cute girl with big eyes*ZAP!*
It's rage, honey - Tom on metal music lyrics
It's rainin', it's pourin', de old d00d be blized, Bo-Jangles.
It's raining cat's and lesbians!
It's raining catma and dogma.
It's raining cats and lesbians!
It's raining like a bandit..
It's raining! .SQZ the animals into the .ARC!
It's raining, It's pouring, the old man is... dead, Jim.
It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is dead, Jim.
It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is--oh, my god, he's DEAD!!
It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is...  dead, Jim.
It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is...dead, Jim.
It's raisins that make Post Raisin Bran so raisiny ...
It's really dark!  It's really neat!
It's really going to be one of those days, isn't it? - Rimmer
It's really got me worried, I'm goin' nowhere and I'm in a hurry ...
It's really kind of neat( or so I've heard ) - TEC
It's really kind of neat... ( or so I've heard )
It's really not funny, you know- TEC
It's really not funny, you know...
It's really not up to me.
It's really quite a simple choice: Life, Death, or Los Angeles.
It's really too bad that you can't reboot organic systems.
It's redundant!  It's redundant!        -R. E. Dundant
It's redundant!  It's redundant! -- R. E. Dundant
It's rewound, Jim....
It's round and therefore fun! - MST3K Catalog
It's sad how some people can't handle a little variety. -- Calvin
It's sad that much hair is wanted where it isn't, & unwanted where is.
It's sad to say, but things "done" are often UN or HALF.
It's sad when human debris like Kurt Cobain becomes a role model.
It's sad when human debris like Madonna becomes a role model.
It's sad when human debris like Sister Souljah becomes a role model.
It's sad when human debris like Tupak Shakur becomes a role model.
It's safer to commend the dead than the living.
It's search & search some more, then I find & search some more...
It's search and search some more, then I find and search some more.
It's seven o'clock and I wanna rock wanna get a belly full of beer.
It's shameless the way we flirt - Calvin
It's shuffled off this mortal coil! It's joined the choir invisible!
It's silly to worry. You're gone today and here tomorrow.- Groucho Marx
It's simple, lad, mulled the dragon. He who hesitates... is lunch.
It's smart to pick your friends -- but not your nose.
It's smart to pick your friends, but not to pieces.
It's smart to pick your friends, but not your nose.
It's smarter to be lucky than it's lucky to be smart.
It's snowing flurries!!! But only flurries. :(
It's snowing inside a mountain! - Tom says incredulously
It's snowing inside a mountain? - Tom Servo
It's snowing on the Promenade! - Odo
It's so bad, it may turn my hair dark.
It's so butch - Crow on guy's voice
It's so clean. It's certainly uncontaminated by cheese
It's so cold the cows gave ice cream.
It's so crazy it just might work!
It's so crowded I have to go outside to change my mind.
It's so easy even your kid sister can do it!
It's so fresh, you'll sue it for sexual harassment!
It's so good to be the king!
It's so hard to find good vacuum tubes for my PC anymore.
It's so hot the brown cow gave hot chocolate.
It's so loud I can hardly hear the voices in my head.
It's so quiet around here, what do they need me for? - Klinger
It's so quiet you can hear a prick drop - Lorena Bobbitt
It's so quiet, you could hear a yak scream!
It's so simple, Jim, a child could do it! A child!
It's so slow that FOR I=1 TO 2:NEXT I takes 6 weeks.
It's so slow, by the time your game boots up the sequel is already out
It's so slow, by the time your game loads the sequel is already out!
It's so so confusing this brutal abusing.
It's someone else's fault!
It's sort of soft & stuff when we kiss - Crow
It's spelled R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D, beanhead.
It's spooky!
It's spose'ta hurt! It's science! - Dr. F to Dr. Erhardt
It's starting to rain, .SQZ the animals into the .ARC !
It's starting to rain, .SQZ the animals into the .ARC, .QWK!
It's still better'n working with Mike Meyers -Crow to Tia
It's still getting worse after everything I tried - NIN
It's still getting worse after everything I tried.
It's still illegal to kill your own clone. - Odo.
It's stronger than both of us together.   Paul Henreid
It's structural perfection is matched only by it's hostility. <Ash>
It's stupid to continue doing what doesn't work.
It's sunning cats and dogs.
It's superman, it's a bird, NO IT'S A KIWI!
It's sweet to be remembered, but cheaper to be forgotten
It's sweet to be remembered, but it's often cheaper to be forgotten.
It's symbolic of my struggle against reality.
It's tagline poker.  Can you beat EIGHT aces...?
It's tagline poker.  Can you beat EIGHT aces...?
It's taking a long time to heal, too!
It's terrible when your cats tease you.
It's that Memphis accent (axe-cent) coming through <g>.
It's that fast! Prepare to enter Lint Warp!! - the What Alien leader
It's that infernal Spaceman Spiff!  Open FIRE! - Spaceslug Leader.
It's that moment of dawning comprehension I live for - Hobbes
It's that moment of dawning comprehension I live for.
It's the "Duke Gabe and his two Roof-Rack Squires" show!
It's the 'Man in the Hat' exhibit - Mike
It's the *idea* of an inflatable rubber starship that bothers me.
It's the 61st anniversary of Jack Benny's 39th birthday!
It's the 90's. Computer theft is a growth industry. - Duncan MacLeod
It's the Alleninator, Allen-O-Rama, the Allenmeister...
It's the Atilla the Hun Show on BBC2!
It's the Beninator, Ben-O-Rama, the Benmeister...
It's the Blue Parrot Cafe, and you're buying - Picard
It's the Borg!  Quick--look useless!!
It's the Borg! Everybody try to look useless.
It's the Borg! Everyone try to look useless.
It's the Borg! Quick! Look useless!
It's the Borg! Quick! Modulate tagline frequencies!!
It's the Borg! Quick, everyone try to look useless!
It's the Borg! Quick, look useless.
It's the Borg!! Quick, everyone try to look useless!
It's the Borg!! Quick, look useless...
It's the Career Aptitude Normalizing Test. Or 'CANT'. - Ms. Hoover
It's the Cat's house.  We just pay the rent and buy food.
It's the Circus of the Devil! - Crow
It's the Dannyinator, Danny-O-Rama, the Dannymeister...
It's the Doninator, Don-O-Rama, the Donmeister...
It's the ECOLOGY stupid!
It's the Eleanorinator, Eleanor-O-Rama, the Eleanormeister...
It's the Exer-Stick. $9.95! - Mike as guy lifts log
It's the F10 key from the Tagline Menu....F9 to save to mesg and file
It's the Great Old Ones, Charlie Brown!
It's the Hitlers! Haha Eva - Crow on young couple
It's the Imperial Fleet!  Run fo&^*%$#NO CARRIER
It's the Jeromeinator, Jerome-O-Rama, the Jeromemeister...
It's the Keninator, Ken-O-Rama, the Kenmeister...
It's the King! --Lister's Confidence.
It's the Leonardinator, Leonard-O-Rama, the Leonardmeister...
It's the MGM Lion. No, it's the Lippert Lizard - Crow T. Robot
It's the Moon Light Knight!  Isn't he gorgeous?
It's the Real Thing - Blue Wave 2.12
It's the Rush to buy orange juice 1994!
It's the Sooooooooouuuullll Mass Transit System-Simpsons
It's the Soooooouul Mass Transit System! - TV Host
It's the Sunday Night Mystery Movie!Ooee! - Crow & Tom
It's the UPC code for this movie - Crow on credits
It's the UPS manDID you order a clock??
It's the Ugliness Men Mr. Horrible!
It's the Wallyinator, Wally-O-Rama, the Wallymeister...
It's the Whammo Fun Factory - Crow on secret laboratory
It's the Whitelaw complex, damn rubber chickens.
It's the Yoginator - Hasta la vista Boo-Boo!
It's the angle that matters.
It's the battle of the wigwams and the fighting's intents.
It's the best of both worlds.
It's the best thing next to sex. - Dodger
It's the bewitching hour, Schank. You get used to it.- Nick Knight
It's the big smiley car! - Mike
It's the blind leading the bland. -- Crow
It's the bottom of the fifth and I'm too drunk to bat.
It's the bubble brothers - Crow on guys w/space helmets
It's the cast from Bernice Bobs Her Hair - Crow
It's the cat's house--I just pay the rent & buy the food.
It's the cat's house; I just pay the mortgage.
It's the cat's house; I just pay the rent.
It's the cat's house; we just pay the mortgage.
It's the cats' house.  We just pay the mortgage.
It's the challange of surviving on their own that helps them to evolve
It's the chance of a lifetime.
It's the criminal, not the gun..... STUPID!
It's the criminals, Stupid!
It's the criminals, not the guns stupid!
It's the dawn of the Vegetarian Extremist. -- Ronald-Ann
It's the early bird that gets the worm.
It's the empty can that makes the most noise.
It's the end of the line for you! The end of the tag-line!
It's the end of the machine-generated message template,and I feel fine
It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for.
It's the expensive gifts that impress me.  Garfield
It's the four elephants of the apocalypse! - Ned Flanders
It's the ghastly truth, I can now stub my toe with the best of them.
It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time.
It's the hour of the wolf, and I don't want to die.
It's the hugs that are a worry.. bit like boas.
It's the judiciary, Stupid! 
It's the kind of thing that makes people go "Hmmmmmmmm..."
It's the least I could do after blowing your pension fund at the track
It's the lionesses' job to do the hunting.   Scar
It's the little old tagline from Pasadena... <vroom, vroom>
It's the little stuff that gets me fubar.
It's the majority of America that Conservatives oppose.
It's the moderator! - Wakko Our new special friend! - Yakko
It's the moon or bust, in God we trust!
It's the most advanced Slurpee machine ever built - Tom
It's the mother-lovin' rubber dinosaur - Crow
It's the new FLU...One sneeze- SPLAT! goes your brain. You're DEAD!
It's the nexus of the crisis.
It's the old dope peddler, spreading joy wherever he goes.
It's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane.
It's the perfect size, Yakko! - Dot
It's the poor tool that blames its workman.
It's the president, stupid!  (And vice versa.)
It's the quicker picker-upper.
It's the real thing!
It's the same dance with different hats.
It's the same old destination, but a different world to sing about.
It's the same thing said Pooh.
It's the scent I love - Tom on burn victim
It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less then 12 parsecs.
It's the slacker navy - Tom
It's the sort of place where you have to wear a shirt.
It's the source code, stupid !
It's the special effects siren - Tom on spider warning
It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.
It's the stealth pizza man. -- Crow T. Robot
It's the story of my life, but with a lot of parts completely made up.
It's the suspense that gets me. - Bugs Bunny
It's the thought you Wave that counts!
It's the thought you Xpress that counts!
It's the thought, if any, that counts!
It's the wittwe fuwwy wabbit fwom Pasadena . . . - Jan and Fudd
It's the wrong tagline, Grommit! And it's gone *wrong*!!!
It's those changes in Lattitudes, Changes in Attitudes.
It's time again for another Good Idea/Bad Idea
It's time for "Trill!"  The gameshow where *you're* the host!
It's time for Muddy Mudskipper ...
It's time for Plan B(3)[subpart 2.56]!
It's time for Ron Janorkar to join the Good Guys!
It's time for TAPEWORM!  The game show where YOU'RE the host!
It's time for TRILL!  The game show where YOU'RE the host!
It's time for a Baseball Fan strike.
It's time for a diet when: They throw puffed rice at your wedding.
It's time for a diet when: Weight Watchers demands your resignation.
It's time for a diet when: You have to apply your makeup with a roller
It's time for another Good Idea/Bad Idea (Animaniacs)
It's time for me to add new Taglines..
It's time for my morning bowl of Reality Chex.
It's time for the BRUTAL Gourmet - Tom on Jack Palance
It's time for the FCC to act on covenants!
It's time for the fido gods to step in...
It's time for them to go.
It's time to "INDIANIZE" America
It's time to diet when Aetna offers you group insurance.
It's time to diet when Weight Watchers demands your resignation.
It's time to diet when they throw puffed rice at your wedding.
It's time to finish this.  I've got to try. - Michael Moore
It's time to get out and PARTY!!!!
It's time to have the AIR changed in your head.
It's time to heal and write Taglines again.
It's time to heal and write tagline again.
It's time to learn today's lesson. - Yakko
It's time to play my wild card, Tom deduced.
It's time to plug in with Dog-Boy and Orville at Club Robo.
It's time to put an end to your Trek through the stars.  -Q
It's time we stopped reacting and started acting. - Hague
It's time you learned that freedom is never a gift.
It's to <smile>! Politicians stink!
It's to DIE for!   Scar
It's too bad ignorance isn't painful.
It's too close to the turn of the century.
It's too dangerous with all of the #TN#people around...
It's too dangerous with all of the @LN@ people around...
It's too dangerous with all of the Nalleypeople around...
It's too dangerous with all of the Orville people around.
It's too dangerous with all of the little people around...
It's too early in the morning for that Star Trek crap!
It's too early in the morning for that Star Trek stuff!
It's too easy to get a shock by licking the stamps on electronic mail.
It's too far-fetched NOT to be true!
It's too kinky to discuss.
It's too late for that captain.  To late by far --G'Kar
It's too late, @TLName. He's spammed.
It's too late, Orville. He's spammed.
It's too late, Thekkekandam. He's spammed.
It's too much to ask preachers to do more than lay people
It's too much work!  It's boring!  It's slow! - Calvin
It's too quiet! - Dot
It's too technical sir - Mike
It's took an hour to bury that cat.  The silly thing kept moving!
It's tough being a parent, but someone has to do it!!!
It's tough to be a kid but even tougher to be a good kid.
It's tough to gather your thoughts when you don't know where they are.
It's tourist season in Florida, bag limit two.
It's tourist season in NZ, bag limit two.
It's tourist season?  Then we can shoot them, right?
It's true! ... a mild-mannered prostitute is never prone to argue!
It's true, forgiveness IS easier to get than permission
It's true, sun shining very bright, it's you who I'm gonna love tonight
It's truesome people acually cross networks!
It's truly amazing what a Dabo Girl hears!
It's trying not to appear poor that keeps a lot of folks broke.
It's trying to communicate with us. - Picard
It's turning blue. Can we have some heat please? - Crow
It's twelve feet tall with yellow eyes, and it wants to speak to you, SIR.
It's twelve noon, Tom chimed in.
It's twelve noon, Tom chimed.
It's two, two, two mints in one, Tom said certainly.
It's ugly, but it gets you there.
It's unsettling to discover that we're wrong.
It's up to YOU, New York...New York.
It's useless to try to plan for the unexpected... by definition.
It's usually just food poisoning, said Tom mainly.
It's very dark here, Ripley. I'm not what I used to be.
It's very important to properly oil your body.
It's very natural - no one would guess you've had streaks.
It's very possible that we are all incorrect.
It's what I do. I'm a terminator...NO CARRIER
It's what inside you, not the outside that counts.
It's what you can't see that can kill you.
It's what you know after you know it all that counts.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.
It's where she keeps Meatloaf - Mike on coffin
It's who you look like, not who you are.
It's who you look like......Not who you are.
It's windy in Oregon 'cause California sucks..!
It's wise to know enough to not know too much.
It's wonderful to be here, it's certainly a thrill. -Beatles
It's wonderful to be here, it's certainly a thrill...
It's working great!  LET'S FIX IT!
It's worse than being at the theatre.
It's worse than that, he's dead Jim.
It's worse than that, it's Orville, Jim!
It's worse than that, it's physics Jim!
It's worse than that, it's physics, Jim!
It's worse than that, the show's been canceled, Jim.
It's worse than that, you're DEAD Jim!
It's worse than that. He's dead Jim! --McCoy.
It's worse than that; He's *dull*, Jim.
It's worth a shot - Calvin
It's worth about a dollar, said Tom buckishly.
It's written in the stars, and in me undies..
It's you & me against the world--when do we attack?
It's you and me against the world! When do we attack?
It's you and me against the world.  Let's attack!
It's your dream, make it as big as you want.
It's your lie. . . tell it any way you want to.
It's your list, now. Leave it in or take it out. :-)
It's your reality - do what you want with it!
It's your right to be stupid, but it doesn't mean you should be.
It's your turn now to stand where I stand - Tori Amos
It's, it's, it's a Dalek Attack! --F. Mercury as a Whovian
It's.........my............SHIP.............! -- Kirk
It...Gives Me...Special Bat...Powers - Tom as Batman
It...it's been strange.- Don Schanke
It`s clever, but is it art?
It`s not how hard it rains but how fast you drive.
Italian Ancestors rode the BlueWave !
Italian Delicacies: Liz Onya
Italian Delicacies: Liz Onya*
Italian Girdle- a venetian bind.
Italian Proverb: She who is silent consents.
Italian War Heroes
Italian pacifist slogan:  "Giva Pizza Chance."
Italian pacifist slogan:  "Give Pizza Chance."
Italians do it better.  (this line was obviously written by an Italian)
Italians do it better.  (this was obviously written by an Italian)
Itch for fame?  Use powder daily.
Item two: you snore. --Ivanova. No, I don't. --Sheridan.
Item: Wolf in sheep's clothing shot. Headline: DIED IN THE WOOL.
Iterate- A healthy illiterate.
Iterators DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT.
Ith i nk m y ha rd d i sk  i sfr a gme n te d !
Iti sapis potandi tisa bigone.
Itis apis spotanda fineo ne.
Itit's been strange.- Don Schanke
Its  Spaceball one!    They've gone to plaid!
Its 10:00 P.M.!  Do you *KNOW* where your duck is?
Its 11 PM and you aren't home. Do you know what your cats are shredding?
Its 11 PM. Do you know what your cats are shredding?
Its 11 PM. You aren't home. Do you know what your cats are shredding?
Its 1993 and Elvis is still dead.
Its 2330... Do you know where your files are?
Its 3 A.M. and the kids aren't home from school yet.
Its Commander Grimm Reaper. He's Dread, Jim.
Its Ensing Pillsbury...he's BREAD Jim!  McCoy
Its GOOD to be the King! (Mel Brooks)
Its God's way of saying 'GET ON WITH THE MOVIE!' - Tom
Its JUST a fairy dragon he says... OOooo, nothing massive... RIIIIGHT!
Its JUST a fairy dragon he says... OOooo, nothing massive... RIIIIIGHT!
Its Lieutenant Zombie. He's UnDead, Jim.
Its Mega Maid!  She's switched from 'suck' to 'blow'!
Its PsyCorps, isn't it? - Sheridan
Its `pantheons'.  And yes, I have several. -- Jack Butler
Its a JOKE, like the funny kind but different
Its a JOKE, like the funny kind but different.
Its a beautiful day here at Wrigley Field - Tom
Its a black thing....Y'all wouldn't understand- Rasta
Its a cow!, he uttered.
Its a dog eat dog world, and I'm wearing milkbone underwear.
Its a dog's life -how lucky they are!
Its a dogma-eat-dogma world!
Its a felony to tease the order box, sir! - Mitch
Its a global smut market place - Tom
Its a good thing you were wearing that helmet.
Its a joke, son.  You're supposed to laugh.
Its a living ship, concious - Sheridan
Its a long long rope they use to hang you soon I hope
Its a lovely use of energy and warms you up :)
Its a nice story, and sometimes on the street that's all you got.
Its a plot device. Its very flimsy so be careful - Crow
Its a royal birth certificate.
Its a small price to pay for immortality. - Refa
Its a very lovely ship... I think that you should go down with it.
Its a waste of energy and just makes you hot and sweaty.
Its about your face. It's too lumpy - Tom
Its also known as an "I goofed."
Its always a GREAT day when you learn something new !!!
Its an EXE Jim, but its not an EXE file as we know it!
Its been a Murphy day all week long.Sigh!
Its been so long since I had SEX, I can't remember who gets tied up !
Its been surreal, but I can't Dali now
Its buggy as the Gates of Microsoft.
Its called Tagline for a reason.
Its casual day on the Sattelite of Love...
Its easier to kill when you strike from below. -- Shakespeare
Its fatal to be appreciated in one's own time.
Its good to have friends, is it not? - Londo
Its got a mind of its own. I can't do a thing with it.
Its hard being BLUE.
Its hard for me to buy clothes because I'm not my size. - s.w.
Its hard to be a sysop without a computer.
Its hard to be graceful getting off your high horse.
Its hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember a thing.
Its hard to smile when someone tells you to grab your ankles.
Its hip to be square. -- Huey P. Lewis
Its important to use apostrophe's right.
Its just the beasts under your bed, in your closet, in your head.
Its kind of a low impact donny-brook - Crow
Its like 'safe sex'....only SAFER!
Its like he's speaking in an ancient tongue - Crow
Its more than good enough so I ain't switch'n
Its my tagline! I stole it first.
Its never a good sign when the DM needs more dice.
Its never as easy as the manual says it is!
Its never okay to hit a child
Its nice to do nothing and then rest afterwards.
Its not a bug, its a feature.
Its not a bug, its an undocumented feature.
Its not a stolen tagline, it's just "previously viewed"
Its not a stolen tagline.  It's just "previously
Its not all glamor being a fleet-form underwear model-Tom
Its not death if you refuse it... it is if you accept it.
Its not for everyone, so what are you doing here
Its not just a ship. Its a Transformer.
Its not justice you want Major, it revenge - Garibaldi
Its not over, tell the fat lady to shut up.
Its not the act but the word is the test...
Its not the heat.      Its always been the humidity.
Its not the size of ship, but its the \c4motion in the ocean!
Its not the size of the ship, its the size of the waves.
Its not the thing you fling, its the fling itself.
Its not the women in my life that count...its the life in my women.
Its not the women in my life that counts, its the life in my women..
Its only a flesh wound...-Black Night
Its only a hobby ...... but I like it.
Its only a hobby, its only a hobby, its only...
Its only a macro, only a macro, only a macro...
Its only a processed shot - Crow on giant spider
Its personal and its mine. - Ivanova
Its pretty & it likes me! - Tom as kid strokes airplane
Its rarely fun, never easy, and always expensive!
Its search and search more, then I find and search some more.
Its search and search some more, then I find and search some more...
Its some good me old trout!
Its soul - a twisted wreckage of despair and pain
Its spine is a vertical scream
Its the Bazooka Joe guy! - Dr. F on cowboy with kerchief
Its the Miss Alternate Universe pageant - Tom
Its the best thing next to sex - Dodger
Its the dead wood that holds up the tree
Its the music that makes this scene come to life - Mike
Its time for a little mind over mallard - DarkWing Duck's Brain
Its time for another edition of TAX-U-LA!
Its time to draw the line in the dirt.
Its two...two...two earths in one - Crow & Joel chant
Its usually dangerous to kidnap a kzin...
Its! Admiral! Flinstone! -- He's Fred, Jim.
Ivan I am Affair of Borg, prepare to be assimilated.
Ivan Poorovitch, Russia's new premier.
Ivan Stang says "Bob" said it; I believe it; that settles it.
Ivan did it terrI am Emory of Borg... Prepare to be filed!
Ivan the Terrible didn't do it very well.
Ivana Tinkle? OK everybody! Put your glasses down. Ivana Tinkle!
Ivana, cuda su moguca: ljubav je hodala u nasim stopama,
Ivana, zasto si lagala, kad ti vidim u ocima njeznu srnu sto se boji, da
Ivana, zasto si lagala, nesretni broj svojih godina
Ivanova is Babe-a-licious.
Ivanova is God! --Ivanova.
Ivanova is always right, Ivanova is god. --Ivanova.
Ivanova is always right, Ivanova is god. --Susan Ivanova.
Ivanova is always right.  Ivanova is God. - B5 Mantra
Ivanova is always right.  Ivanova is god.  - Babylon 5 Mantra.
Ivanova is always right. Ivanova is God. --Ivanova.
Ivanova is always right. Ivanova is god. --Babylon 5 Mantra.
Ivanova is hot and sexy.
Ivanova to Medlab: Priority One Alert. - Ivanova
Ivanova to Troi: "How'd you like to sense vacuum?"
Ivanova to the borg : you will resist i hope.
Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out. --Ivanova.
Ivanova will rip your lungs out. --Ivanova.
Ivanova's hair change vs. Janeway's hair change=B5 vs. Voyager
Ive been dead before. - Cpt. Spock
Ive got a lot of honey on my nice nose-Winnie The Pooh
Ive got a lot of honey on my nose.
Ivo Andric - Yugoslavia's First Nobel Laureate
Ivo Andric - Yugoslavia's First Nobel Laureate.
Ivo Andric, Yugoslavia's first Nobel laureate
Ivonova is God!
Ivonova is a sex goddess. Close enough?
Ivy covered professors, in ivy covered halls.
Iw get you, you wascally Waptor, and your wittle Pawukoo, too!
Iwannabreakloose: IwannakeepamovinBaby, Iwannakeepamovin Wild..
Iwillnotbepushed,filed,stamped,indexed,briefed,debriefed,or numbered!
Ixnay on the upidstay. - Zazu
Iz okey. Zmodem is working now.
Iza uspesnog musarca stoji uspesna zena,iza uspesne zene
Izgubljen spermatozoid, nalazacici zelim redovan ciklus
Izmaknuo sam mu stolicu, a on je ostao .da visi !
i Am HOldINg YouR mAiL HoStaGe. SeNd $1000 tO mY nOdE ..
i GOT A GIRL who love to use BLUE WAVE!!!!
i am sanctified inside you
i am stuck in this dream it's changing me i am becoming
i am the need in you for more
i am your love slave he that cleareth the path of walk and breath
i believed the promises, the promises and lies
i bez obzira na moje sokove, furka mi je bila za bogove
i cna tyep 300 rwods pre mniuet.
i do not want this
i don't beLIEve slick wilLIE!
i drag you down i use you up mr self destruct
i drive automatic transmission, tom said shiftlessly
i dropped my toothpaste, tom said crestfallen
i em jaysin, end i em hookd on fonix
i enjoy bbsing
i feel it killing away all of my bad parts
i give you all that you want
i had a king dressed in drip-dry and paisley
i have a deskview out my window...
i hear a clock in this tomb, tom said cryptically.
i hurt myself today to see if i still feel
i jUST lOVE cAPS lOCK!!!
i know it's not the right thing but kinda i want to
i locked the door to my own cell, and i lost the key
i looked me right in the eye and said goodbye
i luv fonetik speling
i nikom nije lepse neg' je nam, samo da je tako svaki dan
i ovo je tag ...
i sail my memories of old like boats across the seine
i still feel it slipping all away but it doesn't matter anymore
i tell you all you need to know
i think im Bi..Linda evangelista makes me weak in the knees
i think the first lady made a mistake, tom said hilariously
i tried i gave up
i want to be iggy pop, if thats what it takes
i want to but i can't turn back but i want to
i want to drink it up and swim in it until i drown
i want to say all the things that would be better unsaid
i want you to break me. i want you to throw me away
i was a loving baby girl/mummy daddy had i none
i watched it way too long and that dot was pulling me down
i wear my crown of shit upon my liars chair
i will let you down i will make you hurt
i won't write my poem until i'm in my right mind
i'Ve NeVeR bEeN a BiG uRkEl fAn - Torgo
i'll cross my heart and hope to die but the needle's already in my eye
i'm going all the way i'm leaving today
i'm just an effigy to be defaced
i'm just an effigy to be disgraced, to be defaced
i'm kind of new at off line mail
i'm moving to mars....got any boxes?
i'm out of laundy detergent, tom said cheerlessly
i'm so tired i can't get to sleep
i've found you can find happiness in slavery
i've read enough shakespeare for one day, tom said willfully
i3JV noh 'umop 3pIsdn Lou w,I
iF I tHrew A CAt OUT thE cAr wInDOW, is it kitTy LItTER?
iF pEoPlE tYpE lIkE tHiS, iT gIvEs Me A HeAdAcHe!
iFut wErks tHis gOodD DoOnt mAek iT weRse!
iNTEL's PENTIUM---99.99758365277293% bug-free!!
iT's HARd to tYpe wHiLE holdINf a Cat!
iT's HArD tO tYPe WHilE HolDINg a cAT
iT's HArD tO tYPe WHilE HolDiNG a cAT...
iT's HArD tO tYPe WHilE HolDiNG tHE dOg!+
iT's HarD tO tYPe WHilE cHoKinG a cAT!
ia! ia! Cthulhu Lhunchtihme Shpeshial! Phish ahnd Cheehps!
ibbbidy..ibbbidy thattts irelllevent-t-t-t. --Borggy Pig.
idiot ('id ee it) n. - one who disagrees with me
idiot ('id ee it) n. - see "Sysop"
idiot savant:  Dittohead with a college degree.
if !here(cat) then play(mice)
if %cat%==away goto play
if ( !broke ) don't_fix();
if ( beebop = TRUE ) then dowop else dowaditty
if ( original_ver == OK )  don't_upgrade();
if ( original_ver == OK )  don't_upgrade();
if (!good_day) { sleep(until_next_day) };
if ((MS > BORLAND) || (WINDOWS > OS/2)) hahaha();
if ((MS < BORLAND) || (WINDOWS < OS/2)) hahaha();
if ((glass == EMPTY)&&(thirsty == YES)) open("Beer");
if (KidsPerFamily > 2.0) EcologicalCrime = TRUE;
if (KidsPerFamily < 2.0) EcologicalCrime = TRUE;
if (age(dog) < old) then num_tricks := MAXTRICKS;
if (age(dog) > old) then num_tricks := MAXTRICKS;
if (ax^2 + bx + c) equals zero, who cares about x?
if (clothes == OFF) have(sex);
if (dog_bark == TRUE) mailman == present;
if (horny(you_are)==YES) honk();
if (hours <= 8.0) {fclose(desk); goto home};
if (isfunny(tagline)) steal(); else next_msg();
if (moderator_mode() == ON) tagline_mode(OFF);
if (output == CRAP) eat_words();
if (pro == !con) progress = ~congress;
if (program == expireware) del (program).
if (program==delivered && installed==true) trash_HD();
if (quackslike() == duck) return(duck);
if (stone != rolling) moss++;
if (stone.rotation > 1) moss.propagation = 0;
if (stone.rotation < 1) moss.propagation = 0;
if (thisday() != myday) sleep(untilnextday)
if (thisday() != myday) sleep(untilnextday);
if (version==X.0) wait_for(X+0.1);
if (you_think(this_tagline) == funny) laugh();
if 2 people were truly identical,1 would be redundant.
if I use a semi-colon (;) am I half-assed?
if I were a landing thruster, which one of these will I be... - Londo
if Q were to be castrated would he become O?
if SEX isn't meant for fun, why's it feel so good
if SailorMoonIsOn:=true then writeln ('Sorry, chat disabled.');
if U C some1 w/out a smile,give them 1 of yours...
if U can read this you're not illiterate. Congratulations
if U can't understand it,it's INTUITIVELY obvious...
if U feed me I live;if U give me water I die.  What am I?
if U haven't crashed Windoze 2day,you're using it wrong!
if a = b and b = c, then we've got a messed up alphabet
if a Moderator isn't seen does it mean he's not around??? <Not!>
if a tagline isn't read, does it still exist at the end of this message?
if answer is right,who cares if question is wrong?
if exist STTNG.TAG twitflt @TFName@TLName
if i cant have everything then just give me a taste
if i was twice the man i could be i'd still be half of what you need
if it weren't for computer programming, I could never PASCALculus...
if it works! Don't fix it!
if love is blind why do they sell coloured condoms?
if love is blind, why do they sell coloured condoms?
if people hunt in your front yard.
if santas realy real , why doesnt his beard get soot on it ??
if there is a hell i will see you there. --NIN
if this is a counselor's ship, where is the ambassador?
if u cn rd ths u 2 cn thnk up shrt clvr tglns
if u cn rd ths u cn bcm a c prgmr!
if u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgrmmng!
if u kin reed this, thank a teechor.
if we did they would be in japanese! hehehe
if you be my dixie chicken i'll be your tennessee lamb
if you converted your carport into a beauty shop.
if you find a car while cutting your grass, you might be a redneck
if you got to family reunions to meet wimmin, you might be a redneck
if you goto go, go with a smile!!!
if you had to take the wheels off your new home, you might be a rednek
if you had to take the wheels off your new home, you're a redneck
if you have a tire swing in you house.
if you think THIS was bad, hit the spacebar & see wha'cha get...
if you think you can limit my taglines to 70 characters you can fu
if you want someone to keep a secret, keep it yourself.
if you want someone to keep a secret, keep it yourself.
if you want to winyou gotta play the game!
if you're drinking to forget/please pay in advance
if you're gonna do it do it right
if you've asked a widow for her phone # at the funeral.
if your dad walks you to school 'cause you're in the same grade, you
if your muffler is held on by a coat hanger.
if( pot.coffee == EMPTY ) { programmer->brain = OFF };
if(!ontopic(message)) {printf('Sorry this is off-topic, but '\n);}
if(!strcmp(tagline,"humorous")) steal(); else next_message();
if(!strcmp(tagline,"humorous")) steal(); else next_msg()
if(!there(tag)) {flame(sender);next(message);}
if(crash) grab_ankles();kiss_ass_goodbye()
if(crash) grab_ankles();kiss_xxx_goodbye()
if(funny(tag)) {ROFL(mao);swipe(tag);}
if(love) swallow(); else spit()
if(love)swallow();else spit();
if(sysop != here) crash(system);
if(tagline = 'humorous') steal(); else next_message();
if(youlovec) {printf('Honk!');}
ife goes on Within You and Without You
ifl78r78., c, bc 8789Q#%$J  <-- encrypted tagline
ignorance is bliss?No wonder the moderator always smiles!
ignorantia legis neminem excusat
illegitimati non carborendum
illegitimus non carborundum
im an abused faCLine - need a new u$e+ immEdiAtELy!!HEL
im hookt on fonix
imPUSSable: Making a cat do what you want, when you want!
ime you enjoy wasting is not necessarily wasted time.
impLode, UpLoad, DownLoad, ExpLode|
impeccable:  Unable to be eaten by a chicken.
in 1.00 X Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
in a bleecker street cafe/i found someone to love today
in a hammock.
in a land of black and white, search for the grays...
in an out an in an out an in an out an in an out an in an out an in...
in another exciting episode of as the modem fries ...
in just for kicks.)   Thanks to Danny Della Paolera, Gary Caplan, and
in my passion, I shall kill every one by giving them syphilis!  -Byron
in politics, an absurdity is an advantage,not a handicap
in the interests of connectivity:  Rock(well) On
inbred:  The best way to eat peanut butter.
include <mandatory.cute.tagline>
include <mandatory.cute.tagline<
includes a large selection "You may be a redneck..." taglines, oxymoron 
incongruous:  Where the hot air in the U.S. is produced.
incorrect number. The sysop's name is Noel Roberts, and if this gets out
infinite diversity in infinite combinations (IDIC)
infinity:  Time on an ego trip.
ing sexy is a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it
insert tagline here
instance I know of personally, got jumped on myself for wanting to cross
instant water just add er.. um.. ??!!
instead of a big dark blur I see a big light one
intense:  Where nomads and happy campers sleep.
interview) - "I'm staying, it's 51 below where I come from".
involuntary phenomenon]!
is OS/2 only half an operating system?
is a mobius tagline.  This is a mobius tagline.  This is a mobius tagl
is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
is it ignorance or apathy?  ...I don't know and I don't care.
is it me - or does Dr. Diggers look like Dr. Diffle?
is not a family value.
is popularly called a trunk.
is there a library in the after-life, and is it well stocked?
is there a ring of debris around uranus?
is this a tagline ? >;-)
is,Do ya' need some silenca' if ya' be goin' t' shoot some mime?
isao sam ulicom, kad ugledah nju samu na asfaltu,
iskopaj negde broj telefona, ja sam jos ona ista budala.
isn't that simple enough or do you want Barney to sing it?
isolate:  Delayed on account of frozen roads.
iss gebusted?   Ve haff vays of making it tock.
it is pointless to resist
it is the name of your true self, you've only forgotten
it is the scent of garlic that lingers on my chocolate fingers
it is too late for me, son
it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above.
it took you to make me realise
it was intended as a little pointless sarcasm :-)
it! Maybe if we attack it, it will get confused, and make a mistake!
it's 11:00...do you know what your cats are shredding?
it's 11:00pmdo you know what your cats are shredding?
it's 11pm. Do you know what your cat is shredding?
it's 12:24 am. do you know where *YOU* are?
it's ALT-14   " "
it's a good thing i'm not on the witness protection programme.
it's a poor sort of ESP that only works backwards
it's a shot of RedEye!
it's easy to drop a cucumber...
it's like stepping on ants... I don't step on ANTS major!!- Odo & Kira
it's much easier to ride a horse the way he is going.
it's not my fault, YOU made her! (Adam to God)
it's not worth doing well.
it's only in our imagination ...what is?.... DeJohn, of course!
it's probably the result of not using our available spell checker!
it's rude to Point.
it's sometimes hard to be truthful,   .    .    *AND* considerate...
it's still getting worse after everything i've tried
it.  Let me see what I have that are musically related...
it.  Some moderators state in their rules that messages from their
itches the skin right off my back

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca