J i m m y   H o f f a ,   c a l l   y o u r   o f f i c e.
J is for joking, with which Data annoys
J!:*#/g_lqer{ 8ry]@jvBnjjj (recipe courtesy of my three year old neice)
J'ai uni ame solitaire.
J'suis le Grand Zombie!
J'suis le Grand Zombie.
J-E-S-U-S is Right for, peace, love, joy, happiness!
J. DAHMER, services 9:00.  Or, 15 piece family pack, only $12.99!
J. Dahlmer to L. Bobbit--"You gonna eat that?"
J. Edgar Hoover slept with a night light on all night.
J. J. Pickle, Congressman (Tex.), was an Eagle Scout.
J. Roy Rowland, Jr., Congressman (Ga.), was an Eagle Scout.
J. Terry Sanford, Senator (N.C.), was an Eagle Scout.
J. William Marriott, Jr., CEO, Marriott Corp., was an Eagle Scout.
J.J. Judkins for President. It's the RIGHT thing to do.
J.S. Bach wrote a one-act operetta called the Coffee Cantata.
J.S. to God:  "And I thought the gathering of eggs was a chore!"
J.S.? Yeah, John Sheridan. This is supposed to be *ME*?
J/K  = Just Kidding
JAA: Jump Almost Always
JABBA           Just Another Brain-Boggling Acronymn
JABBA - AAMOF:  As A Matter Of Fact
JABBA - ADIDAS:  All Day I Dream About Sex
JABBA - ADN:  Any Day Now
JABBA - AFAIK:  As Far As I Know
JABBA - AIMB:  As I Mentioned Before
JABBA - APA:  Amateur Press Association
JABBA - ASAP:  As Soon As Possible
JABBA - ASYOYO:  Adios, Sucker - You're On Your Own!
JABBA - ATSL:  Along The Same line
JABBA - ATST:  At The Same Time
JABBA - AWGTHTGTTA?:  Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?
JABBA - BAC:  By Any Chance
JABBA - BCNU:  Be seeing you
JABBA - BION:  Believe It Or Not
JABBA - BIP:  Books In Print
JABBA - BNF:  Big Name Fan
JABBA - BRB:  Be Right Back
JABBA - BTSOOM:  Beats The Stuffing (?) Out Of Me
JABBA - BTW:  By The Way
JABBA - CBIP:  Current Book In Progress
JABBA - CCITT:  Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today
JABBA - CU:  See You
JABBA - CUL8R:  See You Later - also CUL
JABBA - CYA:  Cover your a-- (ASCII?)
JABBA - DIIK:  Damned If I Know
JABBA - DILLIGAFF:  Do I Look Like I Give A Flying Figment?
JABBA - DLG:  Devilish Little Grin
JABBA - DNPM:  Darn Near P***ed Myself
JABBA - DOM:  Dirty Old Man
JABBA - DUOE:  Dried-Up Old Eunuch
JABBA - EMSL:  Evil Mad Scientist Laugh
JABBA - EOD:  End Of Discussion
JABBA - EOL:  End Of Lecture
JABBA - FIAWOL:  Fandom Is A Way Of Life
JABBA - FIFO:  First in, first out
JABBA - FITB:  Fill In The Blank
JABBA - FUBAR:  Fouled up beyond all repair
JABBA - FUBS:  Fidonet Used Book Squad
JABBA - FUWOTD - Fed up with off-topic discussion.
JABBA - FWIW:  For what it's worth
JABBA - FYI:  For Your Information
JABBA - G,D&R:  Grinning, Ducking, and Running
JABBA - GAFIA:  Get Away From It All
JABBA - GAFIATE:  Get Away From It All
JABBA - GIGO:  Garbage in, garbage out.
JABBA - GIWIST:  Gee I Wish I'd Said That
JABBA - GLG:  Goofy Little Grin
JABBA - GO PRI:  Send Private Mail
JABBA - GR8:  Great
JABBA - IAC:  In Any Case
JABBA - IAE:  In Any Event
JABBA - IANAL:  I Am Not A Lawyer
JABBA - IAW:  In Accordance With
JABBA - IC:  I See
JABBA - ICOCBW:  I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong
JABBA - IIRC:  If I Remember Correctly.
JABBA - IMCO:  In my considered opinion
JABBA - IMHO:  In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion
JABBA - IMNSHO:  In My Not-So Humble Opinion
JABBA - IMO:  In My Opinion
JABBA - IMOBO:  In My Own Biased Opinion
JABBA - INPO:  In No Particular Order
JABBA - IOW:  In Other Words
JABBA - JABBA:  Just Another Brain-Boggling Acronymn
JABBA - KHYF:  Know how you feel
JABBA - KISS:  Keep It Simple Stupid
JABBA - L8R:  Later
JABBA - LLAP:  Live Long and Prosper
JABBA - LLTA:  Lots and Lots of Thunderous (or Thundering) Applause
JABBA - LOL:  Laughing Out Loud
JABBA - LSL:  Loud Screaming Laughter
JABBA - LTMSH:  Laughing 'Til My Sides Hurt
JABBA - LTNT:  Long time, no type
JABBA - MLASS:  Mind (or Memory) Like A Steel Sieve
JABBA - MORF:  Male OR Female?
JABBA - MPE:  My Point Exactly!
JABBA - NBD:  No Big Deal
JABBA - NBL:  Not Bloody Likely
JABBA - NIMBY:  Not In My Back Yard
JABBA - NP:  No Problem
JABBA - NRN:  No Reply Necessary
JABBA - NTYMI:  Now that you mention it
JABBA - OAS:  On another subject
JABBA - OIC:  Oh, I see
JABBA - OOP:  Out Of Print
JABBA - OOTC:  Obligatory On Topic Comment
JABBA - OOTQ:  Obligatory On Topic Quote
JABBA - OTOH:  On The Other Hand
JABBA - PITA:  Pain in the a--  (ASCII?)
JABBA - PMETC:  Pardon Me, ETC.
JABBA - PMJI:  Pardon My Jumping In
JABBA - POV:  Point Of View
JABBA - RAVE:  Retch And Vomit Explosively
JABBA - ROFL:  Rolling On Floor Laughing
JABBA - ROFLASTC: Rolling On Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat.
JABBA - ROTBA:  Reality On The Blink Again
JABBA - ROTF:  Rolling On The Floor
JABBA - ROTFLH:  Rolling On Floor Laughing Hysterically
JABBA - ROTFLMHO:  Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Head Off
JABBA - ROTM:  Right On The Money
JABBA - RSN:  Real Soon Now
JABBA - RTFM:  Read The "Fine" Manual
JABBA - SFBC:  Science Fiction Book Club
JABBA - SITD:  Still in the dark
JABBA - SNAFU:  Situation normal, all fouled up
JABBA - SOP:  Standing Operational Procedures
JABBA - SOW:  Speaking of which
JABBA - SYT:  Sweet Young Thing
JABBA - TANJ:  There Ain't No Justice
JABBA - TANSTAAFL:  There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
JABBA - TBSL:  Turning Blue Stifling Laughter
JABBA - TIA:  Thanks In Advance
JABBA - TIC:  Tongue in cheek
JABBA - TINALO:  This is not a legal opinion
JABBA - TINAR:  This is not a recommendation
JABBA - TOBAL:  There oughta be a law
JABBA - TOBG:  This oughta be good
JABBA - TPTB:  The Powers That Be
JABBA - TRDMC:  Tears Running Down My Cheeks
JABBA - TRQ:  To Read Queue
JABBA - TTBOMK:  To The Best Of My Knowledge
JABBA - TTFN:  Ta Ta For Now.
JABBA - TTMS:  Talk (TYPE) To Me Soon
JABBA - TTYL:  Talk (or Type) To You Later
JABBA - UBS:  Used Book Store
JABBA - WAMKSAM:  Why Are My Kids (or Kitties) Staring At Me?
JABBA - WIBAMU:  Well I'll be a Monkey's Uncle
JABBA - WYSBYGI:  What You See Before You Get It
JABBA - WYSIWYG:  What You See Is What You Get
JABBA - WYTYSYDG:  What You Thought You Saw, You Didn't Get
JABBA - YAFA:  Yet Another "Fine" Abbreviation
JABBA - YATI:  Yet Another Trivial Inconsistancy
JABBA - YGIAGAM:  Your Guess Is As Good As Mine!
JABBA - YGLT:  You're gonna love this
JABBA - YMMV:  Your mileage may vary.
JABBA:  BOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes Again!
JABBA:  FUWOTD - Fed up with off-topic discussion.
JABBA:  KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
JABBER steals taglines..... not me!
JABBER the no meat, no oil QWK reader
JABIC Just Another B5 Improbable Coincidence
JACQUES BREL - No Longer Alive and Well...
JAMAICAN BOBSLEDDERS do it poorly, but they make movies about it anyway.
JAMES EARL CARTER - "  Found a Peanut..."
JANE EYRE - Vanished into Thin Eyre
JANE!  Stop this crazy thing!!
JANE! Get me off this crazy thing!
JANIS IAN - At Seventeen     also
JANITORS clean up after wards.
JANITORS clean up afterwards
JANITORS clean up afterwards.
JANITORS do it in the washroom.
JANITORS do it with a plunger
JASA          Just Another Stupid Acronym
JASA- Just Another Stupid Acronym.
JASSLA          Just Another Stupid Six-Letter Acronym
JAWS          Jabbering Amateur Wickedly Silenced
JAZZ MUSIC by Tenna Saxe
JAZZ TRIO MAN - Joel's super hero
JAZZ:  Five men on the same stage all playing different tunes.
JB> Sorry.  I no longer have any Calvin and Hobbes or Barney
JBS: Jump and Blow Stack
JCI: Jump to Current Instruction
JEANEALOGY:  The study of Levi's, Wranglers, and other denims.
JEDI KNIGHTS do it forcefully
JEDI KNIGHTS do it forcefully.
JEDI KNIGHTS do it with force.
JEFFREY DAHMER does it then eats it.
JELLO WRESTLING...the best food fight there is!
JELLO: KoolAid with a hard on!
JELLO: KoolAid with a semi-hard on!
JENKINSON'S LAW - It won't work.
JERRY GARCIA - Crate full o'dead.
JERUSALEM (Anarkia-B) activates October 12th
JERUSALEM (Arnakia) activates Tuesday the 13th
JERUSALEM (January 25th) activates Jan 25th
JERUSALEM (Jerusalem-PLO) activates Jul - Dec
JERUSALEM (Mendoza) activates Jul - Dec
JERUSALEM (Payday) activates Fridays (not 13th)
JERUSALEM (Phenome) activates any Saturday
JERUSALEM 11-30 activates Nov 30th
JERUSALEM activates Friday 13th
JESUS IS COMING soon to a theater near you.
JESUS IS COMING!!!  (Look busy....)
JESUS ROCKS! World Tour II  Coming Soon!
JESUS SAVES (By clipping coupons and shopping wisely)
JESUS SAVES (and we're gonna spend it for him)
JESUS SAVES (but Norton does backups)
JESUS SAVES SINNERS! (He must have a lot by now)
JESUS SAVES but Moses invests.
JESUS SAVES!...Passes to Jordan...Who JAMS it home!
JESUS SAVES!...but then, He's not on PAYE...
JESUS SAVES, but Clones 'R' Us makes backups!
JESUS SAVES; the rest of us better make backups.
JET SKIERS do it with more thrust.
JEWELERS mount real gems.
JEWELERS mount real gems.  
JEWELLERS mount real gems
JEWS worry about doing it
JEWS worry about doing it.
JFK shot first!  Lee Harvey Oswald was just defending himself.
JFK was shot by @!#$&@&!#$  NO CARRIER
JFK: I need this motorcade like a hole in my head!
JFM: Jump on Full Moon
JHRB: Jump to H&R Block
JIC                   Just In Case
JIM CROCKETT - Composting
JIM JONES - It's a Kool-Aid Day
JIMMY DURANTE - Inka Dinka Done
JIMMY HOFFA - A Man Among Giants
JITNOT                Just In The Nick Of Time
JJ was watching Geraldo talk about Sysop & trek tags needed on 08-07-93
JJJ!!!!:*#/g_lqerJJJJJJ!!!{ 8ry]@jvBnjjjjj  (Jaeda's recipe)
JK            Just Kidding
JKB said! "Cat-Tags" can be a nice way to go--they're habit forming!
JKB said! "Cat-a-Lan" a network of Cats--they're the "Cats-Meoowww!"
JKB said! Dec.25th. "Cat-a-Claus" is coming--Ho Ho Ho!!!
JKB said! My Cat crawls under *Beds*...Software crawls under *Windows*
JKB said! My Cat goes "Cat-Blanche"--it's the "Cats-Meoowww!"
JKB said! My Cat likes "Cat-Mobiles"--they stop at "Cats-X-ings!"
JKB said! My Cat likes serial Mice for breakfast! it's the "Cats-Meow"
JKB said! My Cat looks for "Bugs-in-Win95"-they're the "Cats-Meoww!"
JKB said! My Cat loves "Santa-Cat-Alina"--it's the "Cats-Meoowww!"
JKB said! My Cat uses "Cat-Apults"--they're the "Cats-Meoowww!"
JKB said! My Cat uses "Cat-Walks"--they're the "Cats-Meoowww!"
JKB said! Sea Cats prefer "Cat-Amarans"--they're the "Cats-Meoowww!"
JKB said! WARNING: *Cats* chase Birds--could be habit forming!!!
JKb said! My Cat sleeps in "Cats-Cradles"--it's the "Cats-Meoowww!"
JKeyboard Not Found - Press [F1] to Continue
JLP: Jump and Lose Pointer
JLR: Jump and Lose Return
JMAT: JuMp on Alternate Thursdays
JMP if you love assembly language!
JMS has said that Morden was indeed human.
JMail-H 2.80 (Omega 4a)
JN: Jump to Nowhere
JNA trt ili smrt?
JNL: Jump when programmer is Not Looking
JO(inside)KE  <-- inside joke. <g>
JOB: Jump On Beaver
JOCKEYS do it at the gate
JOCKEYS do it at the gate.
JOCKEYS do it on the horse-back
JOCKEYS do it with their horses
JOCKEYS do it with whips and saddles
JOE NAMATH - Passed Away
JOEL: Umm, sorry General, that's my FLINGING hand!
JOGGERS do it on the run
JOGGERS do it on the run.
JOGGERS do it on the run.   
JOHN AKERS - Goodbye, Mr. Chips
JOHN DOE - Gone But Not Forgotten
JOHN F.KENNEDY - Jack In The Box
JOHN LENNON - Number Nine...  or was it 910  ..the one after 909
JOHNNY ACTION FINGER - Tom's super hero
JOHNNY KINGSFORD - edges light evenly - Crow's super hero
JOHNSON-LAIRD'S LAW - Toothache tends to start on Saturday night.
JOIN Orphan Voyage of Alabama today PO BOX 45754 Madison, WI. 53744
JOIN the club? I FOUNDED the club...
JOIN! The Pink Bunny Rangers. Special weapons training in Snare drums.
JOKES - The Politically InCorrect conference.
JOKES--the politically incorrect conference.
JOM: Jump Out of Memory
JOM: Jump Over Moon
JOP: Jump OPerator
JOSEPH E. SEAGRAM - He's With Us In Spirits
JOSHI activates Jan 5th
JOURNALIST: Person with nothing on his mind & the power to express it.
JOURNALISTS do it write.
JOUST NAKED @==>>============>
JOY - Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.
JOYSTICK:  Peripheral used by consulting adults.
JOZXYQK - The sound made when you get your sexual organs trapped!
JPA: Jump when Pizza Arrives
JPEG: a GIF corruption utility (virus?)
JR>  Error Taglines!
JR> Calvin and Hobbes Taglines!
JR> concerning the words "laywer", "lawyers", "barrister", "solicitor" o
JR>ERROR   .TAG- Last updated on 06/29/1995 with 106 taglines
JRAN: Jump RANdom
JRCF: Jump Relative and Catch Fire
JRGA: Jump Relative and Get Arrested
JRL: Jump to Random Location
JRRT = J.R.R. Tolkien
JRSR: Jump to Random SubRoutine
JS: "Catalog writer's block?" EB: "Yeahthat's funny."
JS: "Do women go left or right?" EB: "No, we just play defense."
JS: "What'bout the breathing, the panting, the screaming, the moaning?"
JS: "What's the show about?" GC: "Absolutely nothing."
JS: What do I do with latex? GC: I don't know, you manufacture it!"
JS? Sheridan John Sheridan. --Ivanova.
JSC: Jump on System Crash
JSNM; Just Stark Naked Magic
JSOR: Jump Somewhere Over Rainbow
JSP: Jump on Sexy Programmer
JSU: Jump Self Unconditional
JT: Jump if Tuesday
JTC: Jump To Conclusions
JTT: Jump and Tangle Tape
JTZ: Jump to Twilight Zone
JUDGES do it in chambers
JUDGES do it in chambers.
JUDGES watch it and give scores
JUDGES watch it and give scores.
JUGGERNAUT: Der Fukkengratt Trukken
JUGGLERS do it in a flash
JUGGLERS do it in a flash.
JUGGLERS do it with more balls
JUGGLERS do it with their balls in the air
JULIA CHILD - Whisked Away
JULY 13TH activates Jul 13th
JUM: Jeer at User's Mistake
JUMP!  7 million lemmings can't be wrong.
JUNE 16TH activates Jun 16th
JUNE:  When young men graduate from college and begin their education.
JUNK(n): stuff we throw away.   STUFF(n): Junk we keep.
JURORS do it at her majesties pleasure (UK).
JURORS hand down their verdict.
JURY BACK: Trust Innocent! It was curiosity that killed the cat!
JURY: 12 people of average ignorance.
JURY: 12 people who determine which side has the better lawyer.
JURY: 12 people who determine which side has the funnier lawyer.
JVC-the Northgate of the VCR world
JW's of Borg:  Only the first 144,000 will be assimilated.
JWN: Jump When Necessary
Ja #Sezame otvori se> a on #Incorrect Password>
Ja devojku volim na travi, u prirodnoj prirodi...
Ja ga posl'o u Minken da studira, a on cimer !?
Ja imam bombu u grudima i jedan zestok plan samo za dvoje
Ja ne znam nista o racunarima. Zato sam pozvao njih !
Ja nemam Ebola virus.
Ja nikad necu biti s drugom, uz vino ja sam pored nje
Ja nisam USER o naprotiv, meni je osmeh light motiv
Ja nisam covek od jedne zelje!
Ja nisam isao u Jovinu Gimnaziju !
Ja nosim samo samocu i tugu, ko zna sta ona sad oseca,
Ja sam VOJVODJANIN !!!!!
Ja sam danas razocaran skoro svim i svacim
Ja sam jedan ostavljeni tagOna me vise ne voli. :~(
Ja sam ovde samo zbog para.
Ja sam pripadnik lepseg pola.
Ja sam strani placenik.
Ja sam suluhuidan tip :)
Ja sam zvezda padalica. Pozeli zelju....
Ja samo zujim-ne ubadam  :)))))))
Ja svake noci sanjam, najlepse oci tvoje
Ja sve radim polako uverices se. O;)))
Ja vise ne stanujem ovde.
Jabba the Hutt meets Rudolf the Reindeer. I dunno, mom - Calvin
Jabba wants to see YOU, #TN#
Jabba wants to see YOU, Bob !
Jabba wants to see YOU, Taglit !
Jabba!  This is your last chance.  Free us or die. - Luke
Jabba! This is your last chance. Free us...or die.
Jabba:  LIFO - Last in, first out
Jabber... The Lean, Mean, Reading Machine...
Jabjabber: After-fight interview.
Jack & Jill file $10,000,000 lawsuit after hillside fall
Jack & Jill...pail of water???.....Riiiight!
Jack Butler has been caught stealing taglines again.
Jack Butler has no Elvis in him.
Jack Butler is an ass
Jack Butler is more likea force of nature. -- Brian Williams
Jack Butler's Ultimate Tagline File!  44 Meg and Still Growing!
Jack Butler's Ultimate Tagline File:  43 Megs and Growing!
Jack Butler's Ultimate Tagline File: 43 Megs and Climbing!
Jack Daniel's Law of Motion: 'You can't fall off the floor'!
Jack Daniels - It's not just for breakfast anymore
Jack Daniels makes my list of admired people...what's wrong with that?
Jack Frost roasting on an open fire, chestnuts nipping at your nose...
Jack Kennedy was a dittohead
Jack Kervorkian's patients NEVER complain !
Jack O'Lobotomy: Removal of pulp and seeds from a pumpkin.
Jack O'Lobotomy: removal of pulp and seeds from a pumpkin.
Jack Palance fights back - Tom
Jack Snerdley - Official Call Screener for the Limbaugh Echo.
Jack and Jill are over the hill.
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over...oh, Jack!
Jack has Van Gogh's ear for music.
Jack is nimble, Jack is quick, but Jill prefers the candlestick.
Jack the sound barrier. Bring the noise. - Snow Crash
Jack's Gourmet Taglines: Best and Freshest Every Day!
Jack, please tell me you saw the humor in Shatner's SNL sketch.
Jack, spend $40 on drinks - and THEN I'll tell you!
Jack, there's some lovely filth down here. -Adapted frm M. Python
Jack:  Limbless man stuck under a car
Jacket blurb:  Fable of contents.
Jackie Gleason's Music To Buy Acid By - Tom
Jackie Vernon hitting a little fungo - Tom
Jackrabbit Slim's: Next best thing to a time Machine
Jackson of Borg: Don't you know I'm Borg, I'm Borg, Ya know it.
Jacob - Another soldier in the War of transverse realities!
Jacob wrestled the angel and was overcome --U2
Jacques Brel might drive a Parisienne.
Jacques and Serge all at once??? Man oh man!!! This IS a good day!!!
Jade, amber, tiger-eye, garnet.  I LIKE being stoned.
Jadzia Dax: No Julian, you CAN'T see if the spots go all the way down.
Jadzia Dax: No Julian, you CANNOT see if the spots go all the way down
Jadzia of Borg:  Resistance is *DEFINATELY* futile.
Jadzia of Borg: NO Julian I will not assimilate you!
Jafar, Jafar, he's our man, if he can't do it, GREAT!
Jaguar:  Yes.  I want a hand Job.  (Crazy People)
Jaguar: Jews And Germans Usually Argue Retail
Jail is no place for a young fellow. There's no advancement.- Groucho
Jake Sisko: just call him "Anti-Borg"
Jake The Pig by Rolf Harris
Jalepeno's 'R' Us.
Jamaican bobsledders DO IT poorly, but they make movies about it.
Jamboree On The Air -- shortwave Scouting friendship.
Jamboree On The Air -- the World Jamboree from all over the world.
James A. Lovell Jr., Astronaut (Gemini, Apollo), was an Eagle Scout.
James Anteater Brown: the aardest varking man in show biz
James Bond in a pickle factory: licensed to dill.
James Bond rules, 00K
James Bond rules.  00K.
James Borg 007 - CubeRaker.
James Borg 007 - Cybernetics are Forever.
James Borg 007 - The Borg Who Loved Me
James Borg 007 - The Man with the Golden Borg.
James Borg 007 - You only Assimilate Twice.
James Brown - "I've fallen and can't get down!"
James Brown: "Help!  I've fallen and I can't get down!"
James Brown: I've fallen and I can't get down.
James Dixon is NOT a Borg identification. You are now 1 of 5.5 billion
James Dixon was seduced by the Quark side of the Force: Latinum.
James Dixon, his mind closed, his mouth open.
James Earl Jones, ladies and gentlemen! --Tom Servo.
James Earl Ray in back there - Mike
James Jontz, Congressman (Ind.), was an Eagle Scout.
James K. Polk, Napoleon of the Stump -- TMBG
James Laine only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
James R. Olin, Congressman (Va.), was an Eagle Scout.
James S. Brady, Press Secretary to President Reagan was an Eagle Scout.
James T. Dundee: That's not a phaser. THIS is a phaser.
James T. Welk: Show's almost over, haven't kissed alien!
James Watt is so dense, he absorbs neutrinos.
James is a few fries short of a happy meal. (:
James's a real big gun - of small caliber and immense bore.
James, would you care to settle this outside?
Jamforx: The ability of cramming one more utensil in the dishwasher.
Jamie Farr: Vulcan sex with an out-of-work actor.
Jamming with Blue Wave, QEdit and Maximus!
Jammit Dim; Im' a dokter, not a tipist!@!
Jan 17, 1994: Earthquake struck Los Angeles; 6.6 on the Richter Scale.
Jan Brady, like you've never seen her before - Tom
Jan. 11, 1994: Lorena Bobbitt trial begins. Charge: Malicious wounding
Jane Fonda has more combat experience than Bill Clinton!
Jane Fonda's at the U.N. Complaining the US won't fund abortions!
Jane Fonda, call home:  1-800-HANOI
Jane! Stop this crazy thing! Help! Jane! -- G. Jetson
Jane, you say it's all over for you and me, girl
Jane, you're playing a game called ..
Janet Hayes SPEAKS ABOUT Leather/SM Taglines!
Janet Reno doesn't have enough qualifications to be a meter maid.
Janet Reno is "Big Sister!"
Janet Reno is Adolf Hitler in DRAG.
Janet Reno is a SCUD, all the PATRIOTS are out to get her.
Janet Reno, look out! - Mike on guy dressed as girl
Janet Reno-Williams -- "The Destroyer"
Janet Reno: "Cookin' with gas!"
Janet Reno: Chief meter maid of Clinton's D.C. Loon Platoon.
Janet Reno: Himmler in a skirt, except Himmler had better legs.
Janet Reno: a clown in the Bungling Bros., Rodham & Billy Circus.
Janet Reno: the President's personal meter maid.
Janet!  Dr. Scott!  Janet!  Brad!  Rocky!  Uhhh!
Janeway ! Stop this crazy thing! Help! Janeeeewaaaaay! - Lt. G. Jetson
Janeway IDIC:  Incalculable Devastation for Infinite Coffee.
Janeway IDIC:  Incalculable Devotion for Infinite Coffee
Janeway IDIC: Incalculable Devastation for Infinite Coffee
Janeway IDIC: Incalculable Devotion for Infinite Coffee
Janeway of Borg: "You'll be assimilated, or face deadly force!"
Janeway to Voyager! JANEWAY TO VOYAGER! Damn, it's busy!
Janeway!  Chakotay!  Neelix!  There -- I am on topic!
Janeway's hairdo:  THE BUN OF STEEL!!!
Janeway, the hard way, far, far away!  And, don't come back to soon!
Janeway:  Doesn't need Q to tell her when a gas cloud is a lifeform.
Janeway: Dorothy, Paris: Scarecrow, Chakotay: Tin Man, Kim: Toto
Janeway: Only a FEMALE captain could actually ADMIT she's lost.
Janier knows two types of pedestrians - Quick and Dead.
Janier's Diner - Turkey $2.35; Chicken $2.25; Children $1.50!
Janier's Tagline \c3--==Kill a kid--God will make more.=--\c7
Janier's an Apathetic Sociopath..    ...she'd kill you if she cared !!
Janier: "murder always cheers me up"
Janis Joplin didn't die for our sins, she died from Heroin.
Janitors clean up afterwards.
Janitors do it in supply closets.
Janitors do it with a plunger.
Janitors do it with mops and brooms.
Janyway's animal guide: Newt "Gingrich"
Japan says your illiterate.
Japanese Accountants do it in strange forms.
Japanese Animation Rule #91: 100 ton hammers are highly accessible.
Japanese Cookbook: "101 Ways to Wok Your Dog"
Japanese Pet Store: "Buy one, get one flea."
Japanese battleship dead ahe@#$#@$ NO CARRIER
Japanese proverb:  "Mi kara deta sabi."
Japanese say Americans are lazy.  HAH!!  At lease we cook our fish!
Japanese say Americans are lazy?  HAH!  At least we cook OUR fish.
Japanese say Americans are lazy?  Hah!, we cook our fish!
Japanese say Americans are lazy? HAH! At least we cook OUR fish.
Japanese say NZers are lazy?  HAH!  At least we cook OUR fish.
Japanese tagline #1: Kora wa hon desu...
Japanese think Americans are lazy? At least we COOK fish!
Japenese is strange. I Kana understand it.
Japple...an Apple computer sold in Japan.
Jared would rather ride the Wave than wallow in QWKsand!
Jared, never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
Jargon is a method of succeeding by anti-simplification.
Jargon is used as a means of succeeding by not simplifying.
Jargon: method of succeeding by antisimplification
Jarheads. - Ivanova
Jason Blanks reminds me of London - Always in a fog.
Jason Levine makes Pee-Wee Herman appear funny.
Jason Meaden - SysOp - Rough N Ready - TeamOS/2 -
Jason Rothstein is to Fidonet, what The Canadians are to hockey.
Jason White wrote: Wow! How old are you!?!?! I am 14 (almost 15).
Jason turned in his hockey mask for OS/2.
Jason, you certainly know how to make a Point!
Jason, you fail to grasp Ti Kwon Leep.  (BOOT TO THE HEAD)
Jaundice:  To include in a group.
Jaunty! is locked inside a chocolate factory...DON'T send help!
Jaunty! seen pushing clone off bell tower; busted 4 obscene clone fall
Jaunty! seen pushing clone off tower; busted 4 obscene clone fall.
Jaunty!'s birthdate has B.C. at the end of it!
Javacise - Burst of motion after spilling coffee in one's lap.
Jaw:  A shark without as much teeth.
Jay Miner is dead.  :-(    Long live the AMIGA!!!
Jay Miner's dog helped design my Amiga! Cool!
Jay Moock only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Jay is nowhere, man.
Jazz - the highest common denominator!
Jazz Musician- Juggler using harmonies instead of oranges
Je me souviens
Je suis Jean-Luc Picard.  Avez-vous des Poupon Gris?
Je t'aime, je t'adore.
Je t'emerde, espece de porc a la manque!
Je*o te Haso,za koga ti navijas,za mene il' za medjeda?
Jealous, am I?  Yes, I suppose I am.   Clark Gable
Jealousy and Astrology: Two things I never get involved with.
Jealousy has often been a motive for murder.
Jealousy is all the fun you think they are having.
Jealousy is all the fun you think they have.
Jealousy is the injured lover's hell.
Jean Luc, I'm in control now, and you may address me as MISTRESS Troi.
Jean Luc, the only reason I come here is to listen to these speeches.
Jean Nate, jock strap, rotted- Crow describes smell
Jean Taylor's the Lawn Ranger.
Jean-Luc Picard and Mister Clean:  Separated at birth?
Jean-Luc and the T-Rex:  Jurassic Picard!
Jean-Luc! How 'bout a big *hug*!! - Q to Picard in Qpid.
Jean-Luc! What naughty thoughts! - Lwaxana Troi
Jean-Luc, I just love your new hairstyle!  - Q
Jean-Luc, I know what you're thinking...- Troi
Jean-Luc, I never knew you were such a cad! - Q
Jean-Luc, look at your team for a minute. We are children. - Guinan.
Jean-Luc....read me....underwear...mcnuggets -- Vash
Jean-Luc: Hate Enterprize, hate Worf. Taking Vash. -Q
Jeane Moore has been diagnosed with Tagline Fever.
Jeanealogy: the study of LEVIS and WRANGLERS.
Jeaux sans Frontiere
Jebes ribu sa VEKS-a :) (i ja bi)
Jedan ce ludak letjeti, kroz planine, do tebe
Jedem leba i parizer, ja sam Vosin simpatizer!
Jedi Knight Geordi... May LaForge be with you!
Jedi Knights do it forcefully.
Jedi Knights don't wait fifteen years for a sequel.
Jedi Masters do it with even more Force.
Jedi do it with Force.
Jedi to hot dog vendor: "Make me one with everything"
Jedi's never die, they fade away
Jedi's nightmare:  Teenage Mutant Ninja Ysalamiri!
Jedite spanac i bicete snazni i celavi. sifra "Popaj"
Jedne noci ni sam ne znam koje, tvoje usne bice samo moje.
Jedni grabe napred, a drugi otpozadi.
Jednim udarcem teram u gips, a drugim u grob!!!
Jednog dana nema me, da nikada ne dodjem !
Jeeez...even my tagline suggestion file was empty on this one!
Jeep            Junk Each Eagle Produced
Jeep            Just Excrement Expensively Priced
Jeep:  Just Everyone Elses Parts
Jeep: Jinxed Engine has Extra Parts
Jeep: Jump Excitedly in Every Pothole.
Jeep: Jumps Everything Ever Parked
Jeep: Junk Eletrical and Emissions Parts
Jeep: Junk Everyone Eyes for Parts
Jeep: Just Eat Every Pickle.
Jeesh!.You go right for the throat!..
Jeez if you love honkus
Jeez!  This is getting preachy!
Jeez! I'm Getting Older By Leaps and Bounds!
Jeez, next time buy something - Crow on his veggie stand
Jeez, she's cantilevered into that shirt! - Tom
Jeez, victims are SO touchy - Crow
Jeez, you could shave with her voice - Mike
Jeez, you start havin' fun, they send in the lawyers!
Jeez.  I almost had him right where I wanted him.
Jeez. They over-booked the credits - Tom
Jeezzzz it's tough to be over the hill at such a young age!
Jeff Bingaman, Senator (N.M.), was an Eagle Scout.
Jeff Crow is NOT a Borg identification. You are now 1 of 5.5 billion.
Jeff Dahmer is so lonely for sex he can almost taste it.
Jeff Dahmer kept substantial frozen assets.
Jeff Dahmer to Lorena Bobbitt: You gonna eat that?
Jeff Dalhmer is so lonely for sex he can almost taste it.
Jeff Dalhmer was sane and stood trial, not Lorena.
Jeff Dunham & Peanut - Mike
Jeff Gordon - Future Winston Cup Champion.
Jeff to Tonya: I'm free next year, if you are maybe we...
Jeff, yeah, yeah, we're getting you. --Sinclair.
Jefferson Airplane/Surrealistic Pillow
Jefferson Darcy...male gigolo.  Marcy Darcy...female impersonator.
Jefferson figured we'd need at least 2-3 revolutions per century.
Jeffery Dahmer - Just another eating disorder victim.
Jeffery Dahmer was caught trying to butter up the judge!
Jeffery Dahmer: "All I did was have some friends for dinner?"
Jeffery Darmer is a smoker. They found a pile of butts in his house!
Jeffrey Dahlmer is so lonely for sex he can almost taste it.
Jeffrey Dahmer Virus: Eats your system piece by piece...
Jeffrey Dahmer added a new meaning to the term, "finger food"
Jeffrey Dahmer is a smoker.  They fuound a pile of butts in his house!
Jeffrey Dahmer is a smoker. They found a pile of butts in his house!
Jeffrey Dahmer is so lonely for sex he can almost taste it.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a "humanitarian?" <*shudder*>
Jeffrey Dahmer's Cookbook: A Farewell to Arms.
Jeffrey Dahmer's Cookbook: How to cook with Heart and Soul
Jeffrey Dahmer's Cookbook: How to get a head in refrigeration.
Jeffrey Dahmer's Cookbook: Shortcuts to becoming a Head Chef!
Jeffrey Dahmer's favorite film:  Three Men and a Little Gravy.
Jeffrey Dahmer... the queer that made Milwaukee famous!
Jeffrey Dahmer:  "Homophobe, MOI?!  Au, contrair......."
Jeffrey Dahmer: The queer that made Milwaukee famous!
Jeffrey Dahmers Cookbook: A Farewell to Arms.
Jeffrey Dahmers Cookbook: How to cook with Heard and Soul
Jeffrey Dahmers Cookbook: How to cook with Heard and Soul.
Jeffrey Dahmers Cookbook: How to cook with Heart and Soul.
Jeffrey Dahmers Cookbook: How to get a head in refrigeration.
Jeffrey Dahmers Cookbook: Shortcuts to becoming a Head Chef.
Jeffrey Darmer is a smoker. They found a pile of butts in his house!
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: ART's Choked Heart.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: BABY Back Ribs.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: BOB-B-Que.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Baked Alaskan.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Beans and FRANK.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Brown Knees.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: CHUCK's Roast.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Elbow Macaroni.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Eyesburg Lettuce.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Fillet O'FRED.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Finger Sandwiches.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Handburger.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Head Lettuce.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Icebox Surprise Pie.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Kidney Pie.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Leg O'SAM.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Manwich.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Mixed Nuts.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Moo Goo Guy in a Pan.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: PETER Bread.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Rice a RONNIE.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Rump Roast.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Scrambled Legs.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Screamin' SAMMY Sausage.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Shisk-K-BOB.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Sloppy JOE.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Spaghetti and Pete's Balls.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Sum-Yun-Guy.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: TERRY Aki.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: Tongue Sandwich.
Jeffrey's favorite recipes: VINCE Meat Pie.
Jehovah Java, my reviver, caffeine is sufficient for me...
Jehovah Witnesses of BORG: We just Assimilate you for a few minutes?
Jehovah Witnesses of BORG: We'll just Assimilate you for a few minutes
Jehovah is an alien and still threatens this planet!
Jehovah's Witness Relocation Program Director
Jehovah's Witness rock music: "All Along the Watchtower."
Jehovah's Witness: (def) Knock, knock "S**t happens"
Jehovah's Wittness ... (knock, knock) S*** happens
Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah What's he hiding with all those aliases?
Jehovah-rapha: The LORD that heals.
Jehovah-shalom: The LORD our peace.
Jehoviah's Witnesses: Knock, Knock, Sh*t happens!
Jel' bi ti tantario Tanju ?
Jel' ova linija mora uvek da bude ukljucena?
Jell-O: Kool-Aid with a hard-on.
Jello and onions! - Al, on Sam's choice of snack food, "8 1/2 Months"
Jello can be violent in the wrong hands...
Jello is Kool-Aid with a hard-on.
Jello is antimatter.
Jellybean, Aardvark, Hayden, Haberdashery
Jellybeans and Windows are essentially evil.
Jellybeans and windex are essentially evil.
Jemimites - Tiny pancakes formed from batter that fell of the ladle.
Jeni Morgan for Governor of Texas...
Jenkinson's Law: It won't work.
Jennie Garth is "HOTT".
Jennie Garth is a "BABE".
Jennifer Vitelli, that explains it all!
Jenny Shipley... a good example of why animals eat there young!
Jeordi to the Bridge!  Data is being formatted!!
Jep - you are right!
Jer Amerika je zemlja daleka..nazalost :(
Jer alkohol je nas zivot i on nam znaci sve ...
Jer jak je glas sto me doziva, sa druge obale - sa one obale
Jer za ljubav treba imat dusu
Jer za tebe vise nema povratka, sta uradi ova kurva zelen
Jeramia was a bulltag. He was a good friend of mine.
Jeremiah Johnson might drive a Summit.
Jeremiah was a Bullfrog, Was a good friend of mine.
Jeremy Mullins's cat?  Sorry, I haven't seen it.
Jeremy Wong (1978-1994): One only dies when one is truly forgotten...
Jerk (n): What is found on both ends of fishing lines.
Jerk: What is found on both ends of fishing lines.
Jerky Boys! - Crow as guy hangs up phone
Jerome Greene "Just the FAQ's"
Jerry ASCII and Jerry receives.
Jerry Brown loves Ronald Reagan.
Jerry Faries only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Jerry the Belly Button Elf: "I HATE LINTLOAF Aaaaagh ..."
Jerry wrote this in the fall of 1993.
Jerry, You are just like a crab, always on the ball...<G<
Jersey Shore's Dance Music Net!!!!!! FREQ  "DANCE" 1:107/453
Jes' da sam celav i dlakav k'o medved, al' imam DUSU!
Jesi li video zenu Stivija Vondera? Nije ni on.
Jesse Helm's Angels - Tom
Jesse Helms: The number one argument for term limits
Jesse Jackson: The Disk Crash of political candidates.
Jesse Jackson: The EDLIN of political candidates.
Jesse Jackson: Wanna-be Massa of the LIbEral Plantation.
Jesse James was a good shot, but you'll be a hotshot with Messenger!
Jesse's Gourmet Taglines: All about Snake, Possum And Mole {SPAM}
Jesse, never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
Jest - What the doctor ordered.
Jest da nam je zemlja mala al je leglo kriminala
Jestering is grueling - Crow
Jests directed against the unfortunate are inhuman. - Qunitilian
Jesus  Saves. Moses invests. Feminizts just steal..
Jesus * 9 = 666 (try it!  A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6 etc)
Jesus Built My Hotrod!
Jesus Christ - True God of True God - begotten not made!
Jesus Christ is coming back soon. Are you ready? Are you saved?
Jesus Christ is physically coming back soon. Are you saved?
Jesus Christ is the answer. Now, what was your question
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (HEB 13:8)
Jesus Christ was cool, it's just his fan club that irritates me.
Jesus Christ! Close the door! Were you born in a barn!?!?
Jesus Christ, I hate those christians!
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today and for ever.- Heb. 13:8
Jesus Christ:  God over all.  --Romans 9:5
Jesus Christ: Your Creator, not your spirit-brother. - Col. 1:16-17
Jesus Gives Hugs
Jesus H(arold) Christ.  Harold Be thy name!
Jesus H. Christ has 12 letters.  Elvis Presley has 12 letters.
Jesus H. Christ has 12 letters. Elvis Presley has 12 letters. Hmmm ...
Jesus Is Coming!  Quick, look busy!
Jesus Loves You.  I Don't.  Get Out Of My Way.
Jesus Loves You. I Don't. Get Out Of My Way.
Jesus NEVER fails.
Jesus Not Only Saves, He also Makes Backups Frequently!
Jesus SAVES! Passes to Moses. He shoots! Scores!
Jesus Saves - at First National Bank
Jesus Saves - not on my salary he doesn't.
Jesus Saves ---- Passes to Moses ---- AND HE SCORES!!!!
Jesus Saves --at First National Bank
Jesus Saves .. Moses Invests .. Cthulhu Forecloses.
Jesus Saves He passes to Moses, he shoots, he scores!
Jesus Saves Passes to Moses shoots SCORES!
Jesus Saves!  But Gretzky scores on the rebound.
Jesus Saves!  Is that why there are so many "Pennies From Heaven?"
Jesus Saves!  With today's prices, that's a miracle!
Jesus Saves! Passes to Moses, he shoot's... he scores!
Jesus Saves!!!(by clipping coupons & shopping wisely)
Jesus Saves!.... Passes to Moses!.... SHOOTS! SCORES!
Jesus Saves!...passes to Moses...shoots! SCORES!
Jesus Saves, Johnson scores on the rebound.
Jesus Saves, Moses Invests, But only Buddha pays Dividends.
Jesus Saves, Passes to Moses, He Shoots; SCORES!!
Jesus Saves, Vishnu invests.
Jesus Saves, but Cthulhu Engulfs and Devours
Jesus Saves, but with Hasek in net, He's trade bait.
Jesus Saves, by striking out the side in the bottom of the ninth.
Jesus Saves, pases to Moseshe shootsHE SCORES!
Jesus Saves, passes to Moses who shoots and SCORES!!
Jesus Saves.   Vishnu Invests.   Cthulhu Forecloses.
Jesus Saves.  Moses Invests.  Cthulhu Forecloses.
Jesus Saves.  The Pope makes tape backups.
Jesus Saves..--Gretsky steals-HE SCORES!!!...
Jesus Saves... Moses Invests.
Jesus Saves... Passes to Moses. Shoots... He SCORES!
Jesus Saves... Passes to Moses. Shoots... IT'S A GOAL!!!!
Jesus Saves... Passes to Moses... shoots... SCORES!
Jesus Saves... Vishnu Invests... Cthulhu Forecloses...
Jesus Saves... but Moses invests!
Jesus Saves...But not at the Congressional Bank.
Jesus Saves...Passes to Moses..Shoots....Scores!
Jesus Saves...passes to Moses, He shoots, He scores!
Jesus Saves..passes to Moses..shoots..SCORES!
Jesus SavesPasses to Moses. ShootsHe SCORES!
Jesus SavesPasses to MosesshootsSCORES!
Jesus SavesVishnu InvestsCthulhu Forecloses...
Jesus appears at disco; states "I've risen and I can't get down"
Jesus at a Disco:  "I've risen and I can't get down!"
Jesus at a disco: "Help I've risen and I can't get down!"
Jesus at a disco: "I've risen and I can't get down!"
Jesus at an inn "Here's 3 nails, can you put me up for the night?"
Jesus at disco: "I've risen and I can't get down!"
Jesus blasphemed and died for your blasphemy.
Jesus built my hot rod.. it was a love affair.
Jesus chased out the tax collectors; he missed here!
Jesus comes to you in 30 minutes or your next religion is free.
Jesus could keep a party going all night on one six-pack.
Jesus didn't wear a condom when he came - now he's a dad
Jesus died for my sins and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
Jesus died for our sins - so let's not disappoint him!
Jesus died for our sins, so let's not dissappoint him aye?
Jesus died for our sinsLet's not disappoint him!
Jesus died for you, too.
Jesus died for your sins, make it worth his while.
Jesus died for your sins.  Make it worth his time.
Jesus died for your sins; I'm dying for a little sin of my own.
Jesus died to take away your sins, not your mind.
Jesus died to take away your sins, not your sense of humor.
Jesus died to take your sins, not your sense of humor.
Jesus is Lord!
Jesus is Messiah's Handel
Jesus is Our Awsome Saviour
Jesus is a Capricorn.  Elvis is a Capricorn.
Jesus is a Capricorn. (December 25)  Elvis is a Capricorn. (January 8)
Jesus is a friend that walks in when the world has walked out
Jesus is back---and he refuses to be a Christian.
Jesus is coming - look busy!
Jesus is coming back and boy, is he pissed!
Jesus is coming back, and boy, is he ticked!
Jesus is coming in 30 minutes or your next pizza free!
Jesus is coming in 30 minutes or your next religion is free!
Jesus is coming!   Look busy!
Jesus is coming!  Everyone look busy.
Jesus is coming!  Look busy!
Jesus is coming!  No - wait, he's just breathing hard.
Jesus is coming, and boy is he pissed off.
Jesus is coming, and is He pissed!
Jesus is coming, wait, no he's just breathing hard...
Jesus is coming. Do you spit or swallow?
Jesus is coming. Look busy
Jesus is coming...no...wait...just breathing heavy.
Jesus is in my heart and owes me three months back rent.
Jesus is real - real dead!
Jesus is real.......DEAD.
Jesus is the Lord's shepherd.  Elvis dated Cybill Shepherd.
Jesus is the Lords's shepherd.  Elvis dated Cybill Shepherd.
Jesus is the ONLY name given among men to be saved!
Jesus is the Rock of stumbling; we dare not reduce him to a pebble.
Jesus is the reason for ALL seasons.
Jesus is the reason for the season.
Jesus is the sweetest name I know.
Jesus isn't coming?  May I suggest...A BLOWJOB.
Jesus knows your soul can not be saved!
Jesus lefthanded? Sure! He was perfect, wasn't he?
Jesus lived in a Near Eastern land. Elvis in a nearly eastern state.
Jesus lived in a Near Eastern land. Elvis: a nearly eastern state.
Jesus lived in state of grace.  Elvis lived in Graceland.
Jesus lived in state of grace. Elvis lived in Graceland.
Jesus lives - oh damn, there goes our Easter holidays
Jesus lives! (He's in my trunk)
Jesus lives! Damn, there go our Easter holidays...
Jesus lives.  Vampires never die.
Jesus love you, everybody else thinks your an ass.
Jesus love you. I think you're s**t wrapped in skin.
Jesus loved us enough to give His life for us. - B. Evans
Jesus loves everyone!  Except for those damn ants.
Jesus loves me. This I know - Tom sings as stripper
Jesus loves the white male fetus.
Jesus loves you - but then again, so does Barney.
Jesus loves you - but then again, so does your dog.
Jesus loves you - everyone else thinks you're a moron
Jesus loves you - everyone else thinks you're a moron.
Jesus loves you -- but then again, so does Barney.
Jesus loves you ... but then again, so does your dog.
Jesus loves you ... everyone else thinks you are a moron
Jesus loves you but everyone else thinks you're a loser.
Jesus loves you more than I do.
Jesus loves you!  Just send $19.95 + $3.95 S&H...
Jesus loves you, but then again so does Barney.
Jesus loves you, but then again, so does your dog.
Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you're a moron.
Jesus loves you.  But then again, so does Barney.
Jesus loves you.  Everyone else thinks you're a butthead.
Jesus loves you.  Everyone else thinks you're a jerk!
Jesus loves you.  Everyone else thinks you're a moron.
Jesus loves you.  Everyone else thinks you're an ass.
Jesus loves you.  Everyone else thinks you're an idiot.
Jesus loves you.  Everyone else thinks you're silly.
Jesus loves you.  However, I happen to think you're a geek.
Jesus loves you.  However, I think you suck.
Jesus loves you.  I don't.  Get out of my Echo.
Jesus loves you. *I* don't! So, get out of my way!
Jesus loves you. But then again so does Barney.
Jesus loves you. But then again, so does Barney.
Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're a jerk!
Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're a moron.
Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're an ass.
Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're silly.
Jesus loves you. I, however, think you're sh*t wrapped in skin.
Jesus loves you. Just send $19.95 and $3.95 S&H. GET YOURS TODAY!!
Jesus loves you. The rest of us think you're a jerk.
Jesus loves you... but then again, so does your dog.
Jesus loves you.... everyone else thinks you are a moron
Jesus loves you...but then again, so does your dog.
Jesus loves you...the rest of us think you're a jerk!
Jesus loves you...which prooves even He has a sense of humor.
Jesus loves you..but then again, so does Barney.
Jesus loves you.Everyone else thinks you're an ass.
Jesus loves you.Everyone else thinks you're an idiot.
Jesus loves you.everyone else thinks you are a moron
Jesus loves youbut then again, so does your dog.
Jesus may love you, but I think you're garbage wrapped in skin.
Jesus of Borg: Assimilate your enemies.
Jesus of Borg: Blessed are the assimilated- they shall inherit the earth
Jesus of Borg: Blessed are they who are assimilated.
Jesus of Borg: This day shall ye be with me in the collective!
Jesus paid a bill He didn't owe....
Jesus passes to Robinson and its a SLAM DUNK!
Jesus said to Moses "Come fourth"; but he came fifth and won a tea pot
Jesus said"I am the Way, the Truth, & the Life"
Jesus said:  "Get a life!"
Jesus said:  "Peter, feed my sheep."  Not bludgeon them to death.
Jesus said: If a man love me, he will keep my words.
Jesus said: Peter, feed my sheep. Not bludgeon them to death.
Jesus save souls!  And redeems them for valuable cash prizes!
Jesus saves - Moses invests - Cthulhu squanders
Jesus saves - Moses invests - Cthulhu squanders.
Jesus saves - but he couldn't on my salary
Jesus saves - he shops at Walmart!
Jesus saves ... Passes to Moses ... Shoots ... Scores!
Jesus saves but he dosn't do backups.
Jesus saves sinners - and redeems them for merchandise.
Jesus saves sinners and redeems `em for VALUABLE prizes!
Jesus saves sinners and redeems them for VALUABLE PRIZES!
Jesus saves sinners and redeems them for VALUABLE prizes!
Jesus saves sinners and redeems them for a valuable prize!
Jesus saves sinners then redeems them for valuable prizes!
Jesus saves sinners, and redeems them for valuable cash and prizes!
Jesus saves sinners, and redeems them for valuable prizes!
Jesus saves sinners... and redeems then for valuable cash prizes!
Jesus saves sinners....and redeems them for valuable prizes
Jesus saves sinners...and redeems them for valuable cash prizes!
Jesus saves souls...in case he's hungry later.
Jesus saves!  Everyone else better make backups.
Jesus saves!  He only takes half damage from the fireball!
Jesus saves!  He passes to Moses--he shoots!!  He SCORES!!!!!
Jesus saves!  He passes to Moses.. He shoots!! Mary Blocks!!!!!
Jesus saves!  Is that why there's so many "Pennies from Heaven?"
Jesus saves!  Long pass to Moses - the shot is up, it's GOOD!
Jesus saves!  Long pass to Moses -- the shot is up, it's GOOD!
Jesus saves!  The rest of us better make backups.
Jesus saves! He only takes half damage from the fireball!
Jesus saves! He passes to Moses.. He shoots! He SCORES!
Jesus saves! He then runs 50 yards for a touchdown.
Jesus saves! Muller gets the rebound. He shoots. He scores!
Jesus saves! Passes to Moses! He shoots! He SCORES!!!
Jesus saves! Passes to Moses. He shoots, HE SCORES!
Jesus saves,  Cthulhu forecloses.
Jesus saves, @FN@ picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores!
Jesus saves, @LN@ picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores!
Jesus saves, Boojum invests, Cthulhu engulfs and devours.
Jesus saves, Cthulhu forecloses.
Jesus saves, Desjardins picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores!
Jesus saves, Gretsky steals, he shoots, HE SCORES!
Jesus saves, Kali scores on the rebound!
Jesus saves, Kutzler picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores!
Jesus saves, Moses Invests. Cthulhu forecloses.
Jesus saves, Moses earns, but the Mongol Hordes
Jesus saves, Moses invests and Cthulhu forecloses!
Jesus saves, Moses invests, Cthulhu forecloses.
Jesus saves, Moses invests, Cthulhu repossesses.
Jesus saves, Moses invests, Cthulhu squanders.
Jesus saves, Moses invests, Strawberry preserves.
Jesus saves, Moses invests, but Cthulhu forecloses!
Jesus saves, Orville picks up the rebound, he shoots, he scores!
Jesus saves, Vishnu Invests, Cthulhu Forecloses.
Jesus saves, and only takes half damage.
Jesus saves, but Cthulhu forecloses.
Jesus saves, but Esposito scores on rebounds.
Jesus saves, but the IRS gets /.
Jesus saves, pases to Moses, shoots, Ohh, bad luck!
Jesus saves, passes to Moses - he shoots, he SCORES!
Jesus saves, passes to Moses, he shoots, he scores!
Jesus saves.  Mohammed invests.
Jesus saves.  Moses invests.  Cthulhu forcloses.
Jesus saves. At today's prices THAT'S a miracle.
Jesus saves. Boojum invests. Cthulhu engulfs and devours.
Jesus saves. He passes to Moses. He shoots! HE SCORES!
Jesus saves. He passes to Moses. Moses shoots. He scores!
Jesus saves. Moses invests.  Cthulhu repossesses.
Jesus saves. Moses invests. But only Buddha pays dividends.
Jesus saves. Moses invests. Cthulhu collects.
Jesus saves. Moses invests. Cthulhu engulfs and devours.
Jesus saves. Moses invests. Cthulhu forecloses.
Jesus saves. Moses invests. Cthulhu repossesses.
Jesus saves. Moses invests. Cthulhu squanders.
Jesus saves... Gretzky gets the rebound and SCORES!
Jesus saves... Passes to Moses.. he shoots.. and SCORES!
Jesus saves... Passes to Moses... He Shoots... He Scores!
Jesus saves... at First National Bank
Jesus saves... but Gretzky steals!  He shoots!  He scores!
Jesus saves... but Lindros scores on the rebound!
Jesus saves... but Muller scores on the rebound!
Jesus saves... but it's stolen by Mahommet, who SCORES!
Jesus saves... fakes to Moses, he shoots - and scores!
Jesus saves... shoots... scores!
Jesus saves....  Passes to Moses....  Shoots!  Scores!
Jesus saves........He passes to Moses, Moses shoots......he scores!
Jesus saves....Passes to Moses....He shoots!  HE SCORES!
Jesus saves....Passes to Moses....He shoots!  HE SCORES!
Jesus saves....passes to Moses...he shoots....scores!
Jesus saves...Moses invests....Cthulhu forecloses.....
Jesus saves...Passes to Moses...Moses Shoots....Scores!
Jesus saves...Passes to Moses...Shoots...Scores!
Jesus saves...passes to Judas...shoots at wrong basket...SCORES! :-(
Jesus saves...passes to Moses...Moses shoots and the net parts!
Jesus saves...shoots from across the court...goes in...it's a MIRACLE!
Jesus saves...shoots from behind the cross...it's a THREE POINTER!
Jesus saves...the cock crows for the fifth time...and He fouls out.
Jesus saves...the crowd is on their feet!!...He rises again!
Jesus saves..passes to Moses..shoots..SCORES!
Jesus saves; He passes to Moses; He shoots -- He scores!
Jesus saves; Moses gets the rebound and scores!
Jesus saves; now offering 14.9% !!
Jesus savesPasses to MosesHe ShootsHe Scores!
Jesus savesat First National Bank
Jesus savespasses to Moses, he shoots, SCORES!!
Jesus to Multitude:  What, 5000 of you and no one brought a sandwich?
Jesus to crowd: 5000 of you, & no one brought sandwiches?
Jesus to his followers: "You did WHAT in my name?!?"
Jesus told me he hates you - Crow T. Robot
Jesus turned our sorrow into dancing. Elvis played at proms.
Jesus turned water into wine....the ultimate party guest!
Jesus walked on water.  Matt.14:25  Elvis surfed.  Blue Hawaii 1965
Jesus walked on water. Matt.14:25  Elvis surfed. Blue Hawaii 1965
Jesus was *at least* a 15th level cleric.
Jesus was _at least_ a 15th level cleric.
Jesus was a Carpenter, Elvis took woodshop in High School.
Jesus was a Jew, but only on his mother's side -- Archie Bunker
Jesus was a Jew, but only on his mother's side.
Jesus was a carpenter. Elvis' favorite h.s. class was wood shop.
Jesus was killed by a Moral Majority.
Jesus was part of the Trinity.  Elvis' first band was a trio.
Jesus was the Son of God.  Elvis first recorded with Sun Studios.
Jesus was the lamb of God.  Elvis had mutton chop sideburns.
Jesus wept. - John 11:35
Jesus wore a crown of thorns.  Elvis wore Royal Crown hair styler.
Jesus! With all thy faults I love thee still. -- Butler
Jesus' Apostles had 12 members. Elvis' Memphis Mafia had 12 members.
Jesus' Father is everywhere.  Elvis' father was a drifter.
Jesus, Drop that cross again and you're out of the parade!
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,  on a picnic
Jesus, Toto, let's lay off the windowpane, OK?
Jesus, does the afterlife have a revolving door? <vjml>
Jesus, save me from your followers.
Jesus, save me!   ...from your self-proclaimed followers.
Jesus, the same yesterday, today, forever: Dead.
Jesus... don't leave earth without him.
Jesus:  Born to die that you might live!
Jesus: He died so I MIGHT live? He was a lousy negotiator!
Jesus: Love thy neighbor-Matthew 22:39  Elvis: Don't be cruel-RCA,1956
Jesus: Love thy neighbor. Matthew 22:39  Elvis: Don't be cruel. RCA,1956
Jesus: Love thy neighbor. Matthew 22:39.. Elvis: Don't be cruel. 1956
Jesus: son of God. Lisa Marie Presley went to Immaculate Conception H.S.
Jesus:If any man thirst..John 7:37 Elvis:"Drinks on me! Jailhouse Rock
Jesus:Love thy neighbor-Matthew 22:39.  Elvis:Don't be cruel-RCA,1956
Jesus:Man shall not live by bread alone. Elvis:peanut butter & bananas
Jesus:Son of God. Lisa Marie Presley went to Immaculate Conception H.S.
Jet Engine Theory -Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow!
Jet engine mechanics do it with more thrust..
Jet engine: Suck, squeeze, bang, blow. Sound familiar?
Jet engines suck and blow.  Sorry, no gay aircraft allowed here..
Jet noise - The sound of freedom!
Jethro Q. Bunn Whackett Buzzard Stubble and Boot Walrustitty
Jethro Q. Bunn Whackett Walrustitty: the Silly Candidate in `96!
Jetschpiel - The animated "safety speech" given on airlines & ignored.
Jeux sans frontieres.
Jewelers mount real gems.
Jewish Dilema: FREE HAM
Jewish Dilemma <smile> :Pork chops; half-price
Jewish Holidays: Hannah Kuhh
Jewish Holidays: Hannah Kuhh*
Jewish Mysticism: Lev Itation
Jewish Xmas:dance around cashreg,singing"What a Friend We Have In Jesus!
Jewish boy to parents: "Mom, Dad...I think I'm goy."
Jewish boy to parents: "Mom, dad ... I think I'm goy!"
Jewish!  What do I do when I can't afford the lawyer anymore?
Jews For Jerry (Garcia)
Jews have big noses because air is free?
Jews worry about doing it.
Jews: God is 1! Atheists: God is i!
Jezik za zubima je nas sluzbeni jezik
Jhegaala shifts as moments pass
Jhereg feeds on others' kills.
Jiggle the plot.  Sometimes you have to kick it.
Jigglysomething: the way the camera bounces in yuppie commercials.
Jim Bakker of Borg: Send a donation and you will be assimilated.
Jim Bakker of Borg: Send me money or they'll assimilate me!
Jim Beam up, Scotchy!
Jim Bob: Computer software for ya'all.
Jim Bolger is my shephard, I shall soon want.
Jim Cooper, Congressman (Tenn.), was an Eagle Scout.
Jim Derr  <jim.derr@kandy.com< CSERVE(76266,2634)
Jim Henson's Baby Babies! - Crow
Jim Henson's Cracker Babies - Tom on rednecks
Jim Henson's Edgar Winter Babies - Joel
Jim Henson's Last Picture Show Babies - Crow
Jim Henson's Misfit Babies - Crow
Jim Waddell only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Jim he's dead. I'll take his wallet you get his phaser, Bones.
Jim that's illogical. Even Vulcans have needs. Bend over.
Jim watches in amazement as Spock's ears sprout broccoli.
Jim!  Scotty's snorted the dilithium crystals again...
Jim's World. Party time, excellent!
Jim, He's dead.  You get the tricorder and I'll get his wallet!
Jim, He's dead.  You get the tricorder and I'll get the wallet.
Jim, He's dead. You get the tricorder and I'll get his wallet!
Jim, He's dead. You get the tricorder and I'll get the wallet.
Jim, I'm a doctor not a prostitute!
Jim, I'm a programmer, not a paeologist! :->
Jim, I'm a programmer, not a paeologist! :-<
Jim, hate to tell you, but you're dead.
Jim, this is a Klingon one-liner, but not as we know them.
Jim, you don't ask GOD for his ID!
Jim, you don't ask GOD for his ID! -- McCoy
Jim, you don't ask The Almighty for his ID!
Jim, you fail to grasp Ti Kwon Leep.  (BOOT TO THE HEAD)
Jim... Your name is Jim -- Spock
Jim...it's been 7 years, Jim...hold still, Jim.
JimYour name is Jim -- Spock
Jimi Hendrex's modem was a Purple Hayes.
Jimi Hendrix rules!!!
Jimi Hendrix used a Purple Hayes.
Jimi Hendrix's modem was a Purple Hayes.
Jimi Hendrix's modem was a Purple Hayes.    -pdm
Jimmer the .QWK mail door for RBBS.
Jimmy Buffet for President.
Jimmy Carter - No longer our worst president.
Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst President we've ever had.
Jimmy Carter. I've always liked the man - Crow
Jimmy Carter...No Longer Our Worst President!
Jimmy Carter: No longer the worst president of the USA.
Jimmy Carter: no longer the worst president.
Jimmy Chinese Buffett - Joel on Japanese country singer
Jimmy Dean -- Rebel Without a Sausage.
Jimmy Dean --- Rebel Without a Sausage.
Jimmy Dean, Rebel without a sausage - Tom Servo on hero
Jimmy Doorlocks! - Crow
Jimmy Hoffa Found!!! Tammy Faye's Makeup Removed!!!
Jimmy Hoffa found in Elvis Presley's grave! Film at 11.
Jimmy Hoffa has been spotted on the Promenade! Or mabye it's Odo again.
Jimmy Hoffa, call your office.
Jimmy Hoffa, please call your office immediately!
Jimmy Hoffa--please call home.
Jimmy Pearson for Kansas State Executioner!
Jimmy Swaggart is a buy-sexual.
Jimmy jumpsuit! This is Hermes - Crow on secret mission
Jinxy's Veterinary and Taxidermy -- "Either Way You Get Your Dog Back"!
Jo Jo was a man who thought he was a tagline
Jo Jo was a man who thought he was a woman...
Jo, never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
JoJo was a man who thought he was a tagline...
Joan Baez has more combat experience than Bill Clinton!
Joan of Arc is alive and medium well.
Joan of Arc is dead...long live Joan of .ZIP!!!
Joan of Arc quit smoking in 1431.
Joan of Arc was the patron saint of welding.
Joan of Arc: patron saint of welders
Joan of Arc: the patron saint of welders.
Job Placement, n.: Telling your boss what he can do with your job.
Job hunting in Florida is like fishing in a chlorinated swimming pool!
Job not found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (W)elfare.
Job not found: (A)bort (R)etry (W)elfare
Job opening; native-born Esperanto speakers only.
Job security? Try genealogy.  You can't get fired and you can't quit!
Job wanted.  minimum hours, high pay, good benefits.
Jobbies Bottoms Willies Farts Fannies and Poohs
Jobs Rated Almanac: President, US; 241 out of 250.
Jobs are delegated to the person who understands them the least.
Jocaboodle: A stash of sports figure trading cards.
Jocelyn Elders - an unplanned and unwanted Surgeon General
Jockey's Rule of Thumb:  Put your money where your mount is.
Jockeys DO IT with their horses.
Jockeys DO IT with whips and saddles.
Jockeys do it at the gate.
Jockeys do it in the saddle.
Jockeys do it on the horse-back.
Jockeys do it with their horses.
Jockeys do it with whips and saddles.
Jockulars: Happy sports announcers.
Joe "Skinny Legs" Tagliano? - Dr. Forrester
Joe Biden writes these quotes down...I wonder why?
Joe Goyette - Barney's biggest fan.
Joe Goyette is to Fidonet what Barney is to reality
Joe McCarthy was cloned, and the clone calls himself Limbaugh.
Joe McCarthy would have wanted everyone to use MS-DOS.
Joe McCarthy's clone: Rush Limbaugh.
Joe Peschi died for our sins.
Joe Servo - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Joe Stalin's grave was a Communist Plot.
Joe Winnett : 4015 Penrod; Dallas, Tx. 75211
Joe Wins at a Track Meet: C. Howie Runns
Joe have you ever been a member of the Illuminati?
Joe paved the way for Herve Villaichase - Crow
Joe's Creamatorium! You kill 'em, we grill 'em! - Bart
Joe's Dinner -  "Buffett Special - $2.99 - All You Can Hold Down"
Joe's Morgue you kill'em we chill'em!
Joe's Moturary: You Stab 'Em, We Slab 'Em!
Joe's Point -- A Tripacer in the Sky
Joe's Taxidermy! You snuff 'em, we stuff 'em! - Bart
Joe's crematorium u kill'em we grill'em!
Joe, did you get Jean's ansi figured out yet?
Joel Robinson: Dead at 31.
Joel has a good frame of mind, but no picture.
Joel is a very good example of a naked ape - Tom
Joel is floating naked in space! - Tom & Crow
Joel is gone, there's a void...or a noid - Tom
Joel posits: "Oscar Wilde wasn't this gay."
Joel's dressing up robots as farm animals! - Tom
Joel, I'm pregnant with your child - Tom
Joel, man! You were REALLY out there! Haha! - Tom
Joel, this movie isn't really good, is it? - Crow
Joel, we ARE heavy machinery - Tom
Joel, you magnificent bastard! I read your menu - Tom
Joel, you should really just relaxe - Crow
Joel. Don't vapor lock on us! - Tom
Joel: (on sexy girl) Thumbs up! * Tom: Not JUST thumbs!
Joel: (on spit take) The Juicy Lucy * Crow: Aaaah Ricky!
Joel: (reading letter) I'm 13 * Crow: It's over...
Joel: A black hole * Crow: A Joel hole!
Joel: Bob, you got a little lemur * Tom: Oooohhh!
Joel: Boil some water! * Crow: Boil some newspaper!
Joel: Cosmic Princess * Crow:I've been called that before
Joel: Eidipus * Tom: Rex (on Tyrranasaurus rex)
Joel: Have you ever thought of being evil? I mean REALLY evil?
Joel: He 'blowed up' lame! * Bots: REAL lame!
Joel: He combed his hair with an iron * Tom: A five iron!
Joel: Honk-shoo? Whats that? * Tom: Honk-shoo! Honk-shoo!
Joel: How do they get away w/it? * Crow: Roger Corman
Joel: Husky Kenny * Tom: He WAS a blubber boy, wasn't he?
Joel: I love you Crow! * Crow: You're not my real father!
Joel: I love you Tom Servo * Tom: (Sobs) I love you Joel
Joel: I'm THX1138 * Crow: That's my mother's name
Joel: I'm going to shut you down * Crow: Shut down THIS!
Joel: It's the Agony of Defeat auditions!
Joel: Kill Hooker! * Crow: Oh, alright. Kill Hooker.
Joel: Maxis, midis, minis * Tom: Veni, vidi, veci
Joel: Nice robot, eh? * Tom: What a babe!
Joel: Noah's ark * Crow: And there's Moses's jeep!
Joel: PMS * Crow: Poor Movie Syndrome!
Joel: Safe boating * Crow: He brought his Jimmy Boat!
Joel: Sam Chew? * Crow: Gesundheidt!
Joel: Servo, that lamp looks just like you * Tom: Mommy!
Joel: Sound again! * Bots: Three...Four!
Joel: Sound off! * Bots: One...Two!
Joel: Sumuru * Crow: No, that's a Volvo
Joel: That's pretty GOOD! * Tom: That's not half BAD!
Joel: The crowd goes wild * Bots: (sounding bored) Yay
Joel: The plot thickens * Tom: Like rancid feces!
Joel: There's Amsterdam * Tom: Hey, Morey!
Joel: This place is a mess! * Crow: It's dirty, too!
Joel: Three fisted hot butter Bob!
Joel: Uranium? * Tom: Uranus!
Joel: We're gonna burn up! * Crow: Crispy critter time!
Joel: Where do you wanna be in 3 yrs? Crow: Sidehacker II
Joel:(On UFO) A giant roach motel * Crow: For scientists
Joel:Know how to make a dead woman float? * Tom: Rootbeer
Joel:Looks like Sandy Duncan  Tom:Keep an eye out for her
Joel:Sugar britches? Crow:Sweet pants! Tom:Honey drawers
Joel:The friendly dinosaur * Tom:Aren't they all, though?
Joel:The perfect vacuum * Tom:Kirby is the perfect vacuum
Joey Kocur: Ever wonder if his last name holds any precedence - COKER?
Joey the Lemur! - Mads sing
Jog to work tomorrow - Just for the health of it !
Joggers DO IT on the run.
Joggers and zodiacs and darts, WTF!
Joggers do it on the run.
Jogging my memory is about as close as I get to exercise!
Johann Sebastian Schwarzenegger - "I'll be BACH!"
Johann Sebastian Schwarzennegger: "I'll be Bach..."
Johannes Sebastian Schwarzenegger- "I'll be Bach."
John Barleycorn got up again and sore surpris'd them all!
John Blue: His last name sure reflects his game performances.
John Bobbit has no HARD feelings about what his wife did.
John Bobbit has no hard feelings about what his wife did.
John Bobbit in Germany: Patchendervienerbache.
John Bobbit to bartender: "Just one more, then cut me off."
John Bobbit was hoping for a hung jury.
John Bobbit:  A man without peer!
John Bobbitt - the new spokesman for Snap-On Tools.
John Bobbitt called 911 but, unfortunately, was cut off
John Bobbitt foreplay: 1 uppercut, and 1 kick in the butt.
John Bobbitt gave Lorena the shaft, so she kept it!
John Bobbitt has PMS.  Penis Malfunction Syndrome!!
John Bobbitt has hung on to the thing he likes the most.
John Bobbitt has no hard feelings about what his wife did.
John Bobbitt in a American Express Travelers Check ad?
John Bobbitt is changing his name to Les Johnson.
John Bobbitt is picking up the pieces after his trial.
John Bobbitt needed a Michael Jackson cod piece.
John Bobbitt needs a Michael Jackson cod piece.
John Bobbitt offended his wife, so she took up her knife.
John Bobbitt to bartender: One more and cut me off.
John Bobbitt was a man of lust, whose wife was filled with distrust.
John Bobbitt won't be Bobbing it with Lorena anymore...
John Bobbitt's been feeling a little down and detached.
John Bobbitt's pick up line at the bar:  Wanna see something funny?
John Bobbitt's pick up line: Wanna see something funny?
John Bobbitt's pick-up line: "Hello... Can I show ya something funny?"
John Bobbitt's try at intercourse after surgery: "That didn't work."
John Bobbitt: "Who's the idiot that sewed this *thing* on backwards?"
John Bobbitt: no HARD feelings about what Lorena did...
John Bryant, Senator (Tex.), was an Eagle Scout.
John Burrows is Elvis Presley
John Cage on the sound track - Mike
John Caradine for Viceroy - Tom
John Cleese in '96: Time for Something Completely Different
John D. Schapiro, Chairman, Boston Metals, was an Eagle Scout.
John D. Waihee III, Governor (Ha.), was an Eagle Scout.
John Deere won't stand behind its manure spreaders...
John Denver died for your sins.         Well, he should.
John Denver died for your sins. Well, he should.
John Drake, Secret Agent, *is* The Prisoner.
John E. Dolibois, U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg, was an Eagle Scout.
John Elway in the O.J. movie - he plays a slow-moving white Bronco.
John Elway is NOT the "slow white, Bronco" they want.
John Forsythe and Linda Evans might drive a Dynasty.
John Foster Dulles?  He was named for my grandfather. -John Foster
John Foster has been caught cheating on Taglines again.
John Foster's memory is truly random-access.
John Foster's zero k memory.
John Goodman on Hume Cronan's back could outrun this-Mike
John Hancock - - Where arrrrre you?
John Hancock and DeLuxe2...Good to the last quip!
John Hancock is where it's at!
John Hancock..when you want to send the very best!
John Ingram - born brain dead and still is that way.
John Ingram's slower than my grandma. She's been dead for 20 years.
John Kellner's egotism is a plain case of mistaken nonentity.
John Laroquette, Klingon comedian.
John Lennon of Borg:  Imagine there's no assimilation...
John M. Wright, Jr., Comptroller Gen. of the Army, was an Eagle Scout.
John M. Wright, Jr., Lt. General, was an Eagle Scout.
John Madden...A few ports short of a complete game.
John Madden...The world's largest game port.
John P. Murtha, Congressman (Penn.), was an Eagle Scout.
John Scully...Chief Apple Polisher.
John Sebastian Bach died from 1750 to the present.
John Steinbeck in 'Of Mice & MURDER'! - Mike
John Tesh might drive (John says ride) a Celica.
John Tesh on the keyboards. -- Joel Robinson
John Wayne Bobbitt - a cut above the rest.
John Wayne Bobbitt:  O--            -->
John Wayne Zucchini:  What, you've never heard of "The Zuke"?
John Wayne would have used Blue Wave version 2.20!
John Wayne would have used Blue Wave!
John Wayne would have used OS/2!
John Wayne would have used PXEDIT!
John Wayne would have used Platinum Xpress!
John Wayne would have used QEdit!
John Wayne's World:  Party on, Pilgrim.
John Wayne's World:  Party time, Pilgrim.
John has been caught cheating on taglines again.
John is getting married again and making money selling t-shirts.
John knows Taglines!
John loves Marry.  Too bad he's married to Sue!
John loves Mary; too bad he's married to Sue.
John makes Keith Richards look dewey - Crow
John really fills out a pair of overalls - Tom
John warned of false prophets in 2 John.
John's Axiom:  When your opponent is down, kick him.
John's Gourmet Taglines: Best and Freshest Every Day!
John's Tagcrafters: taglines repaired in about an hour.
John's not really dead, he's just been hanging out with Elvis
John, jog his memory.
John, never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
John, there's a lovely kill-floor in here - Mike
John-O-Rama, The Johninator, John-Man, The Johnmeister
John-O-Rama, The Johninator, The John-Man, The Johnmeister.
John...NOOOOOOOO!!! Resist!! RESIST!!!!!   :)
John: Love Powered by Joni!
Johnny Cash -- Coins you keep to use a pay toilet.
Johnny Cash:  A pay toilet
Johnny Pooper, number 2 bad man in the west - Crow
Johnny be fair and Johnny be fine and wants me for to wed;
Johnny take a walk with your sister the moon --U2
Johnny! Auntie Em! Mr. Whipple! Mr. Rogers! - Crow
Johnny's got his fast car.. Herbert wins the Brittish GP!
Johnny, show her who she shot! - Tom
Johnny, what do we have in the way of parting gifts for Nicole?
Johnny, what do we have in the way of parting gifts for Orville?
Johnny: "Godo!  Godo, help!"   Crow: "Go to hell?!"
Johnson & Johnson Tagline: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "ouch!"
Johnson & Johnson Tagline: ÛÛÛÛÛ°°°°°ÛÛÛÛÛ "ouch"
Johnson & Johnson tagline:  ÛÛÛÛÛÛ°°°°°ÛÛÛÛÛÛ
Johnson Vikings use the latest in GlassFETs.
Join AAA-AA ... the car club for people who are driven to drink.
Join Amnesiacs Anonymous at um, er
Join Amnesiacs Anonymous at um, er...
Join Campus Crusade for Cthulhu, call 1-800-OLD-ONES TODAY!
Join Campus Crusade for Cthulhu. Dial 1-800-OLD-ONES Today!
Join Counselor Troi and the Empathic Friends Network
Join D.A.M.  -  Mothers Against Dyslexia
Join FIDO and insult 'em before they  become friends.
Join Odo's Gym!  Get into shape!  *Any* shape!
Join PAGAN.  People Against Goodness And Normalcy.
Join STANLI: Society To Abolish Network Logo Intrusions.
Join STET--Society To Eliminate Taglines
Join Starfleet!! Meet interesting people, kill them!!!
Join TAD: Dyslexics Against Taglines.
Join Tagline Anonymous. We can help.
Join Tagline Anonymous......Jaunty!... can help.....Really he can!!!<BG>
Join Taglines Addicts Anonymous -- call 1-800-TAG-LINE
Join Taglines Anonymous.  We can help.
Join Taglines Anonymous.  We can help. 1 900 tag-line
Join Taglines Anonymous. We can help.
Join Taglines Anonymous. We'll help, join our 12-step untagging program.
Join a militia and serve the US, join the Army and serve the UN...
Join clauses good, like a conjunction should.
Join hands across the seas.  Stop continental drift.
Join in, post often, have fun! If you meet someone special, Great!
Join in; You can't want us to have All the fun <or do you????>
Join me at the Algierian cash bar, Cory?
Join me at the Algierian cash bar?
Join me in my quest for world domination.
Join me, and we can rule the galaxy as father and son. - Vader
Join me...one little jigger of dreams, huh? Ray Milland
Join my war on technology...send me a FAX.  - Mark Russell
Join s Anonymous.  We can help.
Join the ARMY! Meet interesting people, and kill them!
Join the ARMY!Meet interesting people!Kill them!
Join the Air Force!  Meet exciting new people and kill them!
Join the Al Gore fan club - tar & feathers will be provided.
Join the Army & see the world! Join the Navy & swab it!
Join the Army!  Meet exciting new people and kill them!
Join the Army! Meet exciting, new people and kill them!
Join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them.
Join the Army, meet new, interesting people and kill them.
Join the Army. Meet interesting people. And kill them.
Join the Athletics conference today!
Join the Bill Clinton fan club - tar & feathers will be provided.
Join the Book Club!
Join the Borg and see the Universe.  Then Assimilate it.
Join the Campus Crusade for Cthulhu, call 1-800-OLD-ONES TODAY!
Join the Clinton Revolution - Become a Neo-Socialist.
Join the Clinton Revolution.. Become a new Socialist..
Join the Colonial Marines.  Keeping the peace through firepower.
Join the Frustrated SysOp Society today!
Join the Group Mind - become a Borg
Join the He fan club - Tar & feathers will be provided.
Join the Illuminati and see the world . . . differently.
Join the Klingon Overhand Bowling Team!
Join the Klingon Overhand Bowling Team.
Join the Marines - intervene in the country of your choice.
Join the Marines!  Meet exciting new people and kill them!
Join the Mystic Order of Arachnid Vigilance today!"
Join the NRA or GOA or SAF or CCRKBA or..? Join and make a difference!
Join the NTA: The National Tagline Association
Join the Navy and see the world...  Through a porthole.
Join the Navy, see the world - through a porthole.
Join the Orville Bullitt fan club - Tar & feathers will be provided.
Join the Orville fan club - tar & feathers will be provided.
Join the Ross Perot fan club - tar & feathers will be provided.
Join the TAGLINE CHAIN !!, adopt and add 1. This one is copy #2
Join the TREKKAN Line, See the Universe,Meet new Aliens & Conquer them
Join the United Appeal for the Dead. They work for you.
Join the War on Puberty, eliminate juvenile delinquency.
Join the air force- see exotic peoples and kill them.
Join the army  meet interesting people  kill them.
Join the army ... meet interesting people ... kill them.
Join the army, meet interesting people, and kill them.
Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them.
Join the few, the proud, the truly insane...
Join the few, the proud, the truly weird.
Join the few, the proud, the truly wierd.
Join the few, the strange, the truly weird. Join the DaFt Corps!
Join the hate group of your choice and be a Liberal!
Join the joyride!
Join the march to save individuality!
Join the plot! Burn a Sysop today!!!!!!!!!!
Join the war against violence!
Join us at <T>otally <O>bsessive <A>ddictive <D>erelicts of <S>ociety!
Join us bears and suck up some air in the great outdoors!
Joint:  A location or place.
Joj sto mi se spava ...
Joke them if they can't take a f*ck." -- Robin Williams
Jokes on the Enterprise, Replay file tape of Borg ship on main viewer.
Jokeys do it with whips and saddles.
Jolan Tru or Jolan False?
Jolan tru, Qapla'!, Live Long & Prosper, Sayonara, etc.
Joliet, IL - It is illegal to mispronounce the name of the city.
Jolly old elf had better make out his will ohh! - Bots
Jon Mikl Thor was in the movie - Tom Servo
Jon is not going to be happy about this.  Garfield
Jon wanted to talk to me. To know where I was coming from.
Jonathon Hayes. All through my brain - Tom on credits
Jone's Motto:   Friends come and go but enemies accumulate.
Jone's Motto: Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.
Jone's Principle:  Needs are a function of what other people have.
Jones' Motto: Friends may come and go, but enemies accumu
Jones' Motto: Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
Jonesboro, GA - It is against the law for any person to say, "Oh Boy!"
Joni is one of our prize citizens; we're giving her away next week.
Joni: 100% huggable, lovable and lovely.
Joni: Love Powered by John!
Jos drhtim od tvog pogleda,iz nekih starih razloga,ne mogu da se sredim
Jos jedan dosadan tag.
Jose Canseco - role model for the '90's???
Jose Cuervo, you are a friend of mine
Joseph Smith of Borg: You must let Jesus of Borg assimilate you.
Joseph Stalin's grave was a Communist Plot.
Joseph to Mary: "I thought it said "Manager", not "manger"!!!
Journalism is literature in a hurry.  -- Matthew Arnold
Journalism will kill you, but it will keep you alive while you are at it.
Journalistic ethics:  An accurate quote?  Whats that?
Journalists aren't liars...they're factually challenged.
Journalists do it daily--SUPORT THE FIRST AMENDMENT!
Journalists do it daily--SUPPORT THE FIRST AMENDMENT!
Journeys begin with a single step, and a decision to take it.
Joy can be many things.
Joy of Sox - Boston and Chicago Baseball Players. -SLR
Joy to the world, the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King!
Joy untouched by thankfulness is always suspect. T. Haecker
Joy!, Joy!, Joy!, Oh Joy! - Stimpy.
Joy, another flame war... [hopefully not] ...
Joy, you're going home on the kindergarten bus today! - Mrs. Jewls
Joycelyn Elders - living proof that quotas reduce quality
Joycelyn Elders has no wind in the windmills of her mind!
Joycelyn Elders: an unplanned and unwanted Surgeon General
Joycelyn Elders: first non-blonde "airhead"
Joycelyn Elders: living proof that quotas reduce quality.
Joycelyn was born with a rusty spoon in her mouth!
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee -French Christmas
Joys of Cowardice: Lily Livard
Joys of Cowardice: Lily Livard*
Joystick- A peripheral intended for use only by consenting adults.
Joystick: A peripheral intended for use only by consenting adults.
Joystick: Peripheral used by consulting computer pilots.
Juan Valdes dies: family says they will freeze dry! -N'tl Inquirer
Juan Valdez must be the busiest guy in Colombia.
Judaism - Why does this **** always happen to us?
Judaism ... Why does S*** keep happening to us?
Judaism:       Why is shit always happening to us?
Judaism:  Why does Sh*t always happen to me?
Judaism: (def) Why does this s**t always happen to me?
Judaism: Religion of the `chosen people.' God, choose someone else!
Judaism: Why does sh*t always happen to us?
Judaism: Why does shit always happen to us?
Judaism: Why does this shit always happen to me?
Judas Betrayed Jesus for 30 Pieces Of Silver
Judas was a low, mean premature Congressman. -- Twain
Judge - An Unemployed Lawyer Who Wears a Black Dress.
Judge Gives Drunk Six Months in Violin Case
Judge Green, 1984 - Change is better!!
Judge Ito - ring leader of a three ring circus.
Judge Ito, as confused as a termite in a wood yo-yo. _
Judge Roy Bean might drive a Pinto.
Judge Rush Limbaugh by looking at those who criticize him.
Judge Rush Limbaugh by looking at those who praise him.
Judge Rush Limbaugh by those who praise him.
Judge Stone does not preside over this trial. *&^% NO HARRY-HERE
Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.
Judge not a carpenter on how fast chips fly.
Judge not a carpenter on how fast the chips fly.
Judge not a hockey player by his strength, but by his lost teeth!
Judge not according to appearance. - John 7:24
Judge not lest you be judged, you bastard
Judge not, lest ye be judged incompetent by the world.
Judge not, lest ye be judged. - Matthew 7:1
Judge not, that you be not judged. -- Jesus, Mat. 7:1
Judge people by what they are, not where they are.
Judge people from where they stand, not from where you stand.
Judge people from where they stand, not where you stand!
Judge:  An unemployed lawyer who wears a black dress.
Judgement and punishment, some silly conservative Christian hoopla.
Judgement comes from experience; experience comes from poor judgement.
Judgement day is coming, and it don't care what you look like. - Amis
Judgement of beauty can err, what with the wine and the dark. -Ovid
Judges DO IT with better rulings.
Judges are people, there WILL be and ARE some who rule by bias!
Judges do it in chambers.
Judges watch it and give scores.
Judgin' by the taste, I'd say the other one's Shinola.
Judging Fast Food: Warren Berger
Judging Fast Food: Warren Berger(3)
Judging from the taste, I'd say the OTHER one was Shinola
Judging from the taste, I'd say the other one is shinola.
Judgment comes from experience; experience comes from poor judgment.
Judicial reform is no sport for the short-winded.
Judy Garland - Over the Rainbow
Judy! Judy! Judy! - Crow
Judy: Beyond Thunder Squishy - Mike
Juggler - A schitzophrenic playing catch.
Jugglers DO IT with more balls.
Jugglers DO IT with their balls in the air.
Jugglers do it 'till they drop.
Jugglers do it until they drop.
Jugglers do it with more balls.
Jugglers do it with their balls in the air.
Jugglers have lots of balls.
Jugglers know how to handle LOTS of things . . .
Jugular - one who does skillful tricks of sleight of hand
Julia Child does it with asparagus and Hollandaise sauce.
Julia Roberts married Lyle Lovett?  Yes!  There's hope!
Julian & Jadzia's Nuptials:  Married ... With Symbiont
Julian and Bev circle each other--OH, MY, THE DANCING DOCTOR IS DOWN!!
Julian, go take a high-pitched sonic shower -- Dax
Julie, you were always the ONLY Catwoman.
Julius Borg:  "We Came, We Scanned, We assimilated.
Julius Borg:  "We Came, We Scanned, We assimilated."
July in Minnesota - Mike on river full of ice
Jumbo Shrimp?! Let's think about that.
Jumbo Shrimp??????
Jumbo shrimp = oxymoron.
Jumbol:  A fat jogger.
Jump Suit: A hooker's apparel
Jump TOWARD the propellor, right? - Tom
Jump high and you will see the mountain little mouse
Jump high, you will see the mountain little mouse
Jump through hoops? I don't think so. Crawl through Windows? *HELL NO*!!
Jump to the jam/Boogie-woogie jam slam...
Jumpers die of deceleration trauma.
Jumpies: Downwardly mobile (9.8m/sec}) Yuppies
Jumpin' Gerbils, Fudgeman!
Jumping Jack Flush by The Rolling Stones
Jumping Off a Cliff: Eugo First
Jumping off my soapbox, now.
Jumping off the cliff won't necessarily KILL him.
Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane to walk where your going..
Jumping to conclusions can be a bad exercise ..
Jumping to conclusions is a dangerous exercise!
June Cleaver: Wally, if I know your father, he's out looking for Beaver.
Jungle manners:  First listen to sermon, THEN eat missionary.
Jungle: a rain forest with poor public relations.
Junior College	- Workstation
Junior High  School	- Palm Top Computer
Junior high: The Kobayashi Maru of education
Junior seats dad & sister seats the dog - Crow
Junior! Quit playing with your floppy!
Junior! Quit playing with your floppy.
Junior, quit playing with your floppy!
Juniper: contraction meaning "Did you bite that female?"
Junk - stuff we throw away.  Stuff - junk we keep.
Junk - stuff we throw away.  Stuff - junk we keep.
Junk Bonds: what Michael Milken and the S.F. Giants have in common.
Junk is the stuff we throw away, and stuff is the junk we keep.
Junk mail arrives the day it was sent.
Junk robots provided by Slick Henry at Dog Solitude.
Junk software doesn't require MNP transfers
Junk will accumulate to overflow space provided for it.
Junk--stuff we throw away.  Stuff--junk we keep.
Junk:  Something you need the day after you throw it away.
Junk:  Something you need the day after you throw it away...
Junk: Stuff we throw away.           Stuff: Junk we keep.
Junk: Stuff we throw away. Stuff: Junk we keep.
Junk: stuff that we throw away.  Stuff: junk that we keep
Junk: stuff we throw away.  Stuff: junk we keep.
Junk: stuff we throw away.  Stuff: junk we keep. 03 Jan 94 ...
Junyer's Law - Murphy was an optimist.
Jur-TAX-ic ParkBill Clinton's White House.
Jurassic = Jurassic Park (Book)
Jurassic Park -- Only the Amiga made it possible!
Jurassic Park II:    Barney goes off his medication..
Jurassic Park II:  Barney Goes Off His Medication
Jurassic Park II:  Barney Goes off His Medication.
Jurassic Park II: Barney Goes Off His Medication
Jurassic Park accidentally clones Barneys...world doomed!
Jurassic Park clones Barney, feeds him gefilte fish.
Jurassic Park has teeth.  Barney and Friends has music.
Jurassic Park has teeth.  Barney andALL                           Recvd:
Jurassic Park:  S. Korea's ambassador to the U N
Jurassic Park: The Tagline!
Jurassic Park: Yeah, SURE, blame the programmer!!!
Jurassic Park: where they know how to handle lawyers!
Jurassic Pork: (n) see Gabor, Zsa Zsa
Jurassic Pork: It's been in your fridge way too long.
Jurassic pork: It has been in the fridge too long.
Juror = synonym for "moron."
Jurrasic Park II: Barney goes off his medication.
Jury (n): 12 persons who decide who has the best lawyer
Jury - A Group Chosen to Decide Who has the Best Lawyer.
Jury - Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.
Jury -- 12 people who determine which client has the better lawyer.
Jury -- Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer
Jury, the last bastion of liberty without bloodshed
Jury:  12 people selected to decide who has the better lawyer.
Jury:  A group chosen to decide who has the best lawyer!!
Jury:  Group chosen to decide who has the best lawyer.
Jury:  Twelve men and women trying to decide which party has the best lawyer.
Jury:  Twelve people who decide which side has the best lawyer.
Jury:  Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.
Jury: 12 people selected to decide who has the better lawyer.
Jury: 12 people who decide which side has the best lawyer.
Jury: 12 persons who decide who has the best lawyer..
Jury: A group chosen to decide who has the best lawyer
Jury: A group chosen to decide who has the best lawyer.
Jury: Group chosen to decide who has the best lawyer.
Jury: Twelve people too dumb t get out of jury duty.
Jury: Twelve people too dumb to get out of jury duty.
Jury: Twelve people who decide which side has the best lawyer.
Jury: Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.
Jury: a group chosen to decide who has the best lawyer.
Jury: a group of twelve people of average ignorance.
Jury: a group set up to decide who hired the better lawyer.
Jury: ignorance multiplied by 12.
Jury:Group chosen to decide who has the best lawyer
Just  "Say NO" to tag lines.
Just 'cause I peel my banana from opposite end, don't mean I'm weird.
Just 'cause I remembered one thing doesn't make me smart!
Just 'cause it applies to You doesn't mean it applies to Everyone!
Just 'cause it won't work YOU think its buggy
Just *once* I'd like to meet an alien that wasn't immune to bullets
Just 3 points- WHERE am I, WHO am I, & who're YOU? The Rani! --7th Dr.
Just 3 small points- WHERE am I, WHO am I, & who're YOU? The RANI!
Just Another Spacial Anomaly, just another day at the office! - Q
Just BE! The rest comes with the picture.
Just Being Pooh like.
Just Being Pooh-like.
Just Cube It! --Borg commercial.
Just Do IT !!!!! Can't think of anything else!!!!!!
Just Do IT! Can't think of anything else!
Just Do It.                             Nike
Just Fix It!
Just Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie Fried Chicken!
Just HEIR out all your problems here . . . someone may help!
Just Imagine a Marine with a Flame Thrower, & PMS!
Just Juggle It!
Just Like My Hero, The Great Wilbur Cobb - Stimpy.
Just My Opinion (But I'm Always Right!)
Just My Opinion (But I'm Right!)
Just Plane Here with 8 computers and nothing to do <EVIL GRIN>
Just Relax, Daddy'll Make It Better - Stimpy.
Just Remember. Science fiction is science fact in the making.
Just Robocommin' Around!!!
Just Say NI!
Just Say NO to Drows.
Just Say No To Oil Drilling Off Of Florida's Coast.
Just Say No to Sex with Pro-Lifers
Just Say No to dogma.
Just Say No: Will Power
Just Scouting !!!!
Just THINK about where EGGS and MILK come from!!!
Just Tell Me How To Follow Protocol.
Just Visiting This Planet . . .
Just Yell It.  Somebody Will Hear You!
Just a *little* Klingonbut I think this is another language :-)
Just a 2 bit programmer on a 32 bit machine.
Just a RIME without a reason.....
Just a Renegade, Rebel, & Rogue on the Information Superhighway
Just a clue!  Maybe it will give you somewhere to go from where you are.
Just a dab of Spacom will do the trick - Tom Servo
Just a few thoughts from this bent being. - Quickling
Just a flash of light....
Just a flesh wound!
Just a flesh wound. - Black Knight
Just a harmless little fuzzball.
Just a hitchiker on the information superhighway.
Just a hobby?  JUST A HOBBY!?!?  Don't make me kick your a$$!!!
Just a lil angel with a dirty face.
Just a little 'slow' at times
Just a little Christmas prayer...that God will keep you in his care.
Just a little off the top! A. BOLEYN
Just a little pin prick, they'll be no more aaaaaaaaaaaah!.. - Bunny
Just a little pin-prick... there'll be no more...
Just a little pinprick
Just a little thing I do. - Dot Warner
Just a little thoughtfulness brings alot of happiness.
Just a lowly conference participant, not a moderator.
Just a minute. Typing with the baby in lap, again.
Just a modern modem mage cruising the electronic highways.
Just a moment.. I have another call..
Just a peaceful person in a violent world.
Just a piece of friendly advice-- Jack Butler
Just a plain ole Blue Wave tagline.
Just a playful suggestion.  This user is feeling weird today.
Just a possum on the information superhighway.
Just a puppet who can see the strings.
Just a relocated Blue Hen's chick, here...
Just a roadkill on the information superhighway.
Just a sec, Brain, I think I'm finally getting somewhere! - Pinky
Just a sec......yep, I hear a beer calling me!
Just a shameless ascii thief
Just a shameless ascii thief...
Just a simple 'Yes' or 'No'    is all I understand
Just a simple line at my bottom.  ------->   (|)
Just a single line/ Hard to write meaningfully/ Like a good haiku.
Just a slip of the tongue...nothing important.--Odo
Just a speedbump on the Information Superhighway...
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the strychnine go down..
Just a taste of what is to come....  TURKEY TREK!
Just a teeny bit cynical and insulting.
Just a thought.  Hope to be more coherent when I wake up.
Just a virtual machine, in a virtual world.
Just a-blowin' smoke until you learn.
Just about Anything is considered to be "on topic" on This Board!<G>
Just add yourself to the password file and make a directory...
Just advancing the plot. Nothing personal - Joel
Just after he was drained of life by the succubus - Crow
Just ain't your day for the *quick* resolution of problems!
Just an amoeba in the Petri dish of life
Just an amoeba in the Petri dish of life.
Just an observation: if I wanted to flame you, you'd be ashes already!
Just another ESTO error.  (Equipment Smarter Than Operator)
Just another Elvis, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll novel.
Just another Fido Puppy..woof, woof, woof!
Just another Happy Novell DOS 7 user - keep them fixes comming!!
Just another Nature Worshippin' Jezebel!  -Pat Robertson
Just another User in America ...
Just another beady-eyed little bunny watcher...
Just another beautiful PMS moment. Got any chocolate?
Just another bit of wit and wisdom from Wintzell's Oyster House.
Just another bored teenager.
Just another buffalo in the mist....
Just another crazy idea from Myra I Fox.
Just another crazy idea from Orville Bullitt.
Just another day in paradise <B-)
Just another dull moment in S.MR
Just another dull moment in TAGLINES.MR
Just another fiber artist, bobbin and weavin'.
Just another flash in the bedpan.
Just another inmate in this ASYLUM!!!
Just another inmate in this insane world.
Just another lesbian in the wall
Just another line in the field of time.
Just another listed twit....
Just another one adding their 2 senses....
Just another prisoner of gravity!!
Just another random quote.
Just another roadkill on the Information Superhighway...
Just another shitty day in paradise!
Just another skid mark on the Information Super-Highway.
Just another sobering thought from some drunken bastard.
Just another tagline is another tagline. But a serious one is a joke.
Just another typical day aboard the USS @LN@.
Just another useless, unnecessary tagline!
Just another useless, unnecessary tagline.
Just another wrinkle in the fabric of Reality
Just another wrinkle in the fabric of Time.
Just another wrinkle in the fabric of time and space.
Just answer one question, Starfleet. *Where* is *here*? - Torres
Just as I think I've hit bottom, somebody hands me a shovel.
Just as cute as a baby python!
Just as knights of old, a Scout's duty is to God, honor and country.
Just as long as that old river flows...
Just as long as the X is with an XX and not an XY...:) - TEC
Just as you should, Captain.  Just as you should.
Just ask Pig                                {EG}
Just ask, and see what you get...
Just assume kiss a Wookiee
Just be grateful it isn't OS/2
Just because Al's paranoid doesn't mean that we're not out to get him.
Just because Commodore is toast, doesn't mean that Amiga is..
Just because Gloria says it doesn't make it a fact
Just because I do suffering well doesn't mean I have to.
Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand! - Homer
Just because I enjoy sex doesn't make me sexist!
Just because I gave up cigarettes doesn't mean I gave up smokin'!
Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I
Just because I have this chainsaw, doesn't mean I did it ...
Just because I'm a fan doesn't mean I'm robotic about Rush Limbaugh.
Just because I'm moody doesn't mean you're not a pain in the butt.
Just because I'm moody doesn't mean you're not irritating
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean no one is out to get me.
Just because Terry's paranoid doesn't mean that we're not after him.
Just because a dress is red satin doesn't mean it will come off easily
Just because a fisherman smells doesn't mean his dead!!!
Just because a girl makes 20 or 30 mistakes they call her a TRAMP!
Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed
Just because he's dead doesn't mean he's not trying to out-think me.
Just because it can't move doesn't mean it's dead.
Just because it isn't real doesn't mean it can't kill you!
Just because it worked doesn't mean it works.
Just because it's a mild night doesn't mean dark forces aren't abroad.
Just because it's dead doesn't mean it can't move.
Just because it's impossible is no reason not to do it.
Just because they have uniforms doesn't mean they're sane.
Just because you add obligatory tags does not mean you're not an ass.
Just because you go around in circles doesn't make you a big wheel.
Just because you have my support doesn't mean I want you on my back!
Just because you say it doesn't make it true.
Just because you think I'm telepathic doesn't mean that I am. Oops...
Just because you're Paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you
Just because you're STUPID ain't no excuse.
Just because you're dead doesn't mean you stop having fun.
Just because you're female doesn't mean you aren't sexist.
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
Just because you're paranoid doen't mean they're not out to get you.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean I'm not after you.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean everyone's not out to get you.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that I'm not after you.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they AREN'T after you.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they AREN'T after you.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you!
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT try
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT tryin to get you
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT trying to get you.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're not being followed.
Just because you're paranoid, Doesn't mean they're not after you
Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean I'm not after you!
Just because you're paranoid, doesnt mean there not after you
Just because your married doesn't mean you stop looking -- O'Brien
Just because your momma picks out your clothes doesn't mean you can
Just because your paranoid, Dont mean there not after you
Just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.
Just because your're paranoid Doesnt mean they're not out to get you..!
Just because.
Just because....
Just being a SysOp qualifies you for the Butterfly Nets.
Just being weird is enough.
Just between Us -RUSH Entre Nous
Just between us majors, Major... - Maj. Frank Burns
Just between you and I, case is important.
Just between you and I, case is important.-Feinstein Grammatical Rule#2
Just between you and me...and now everyone.
Just bring me my coffee, and s-l-o-w-l-y back away.
Just bungled it trying to be smart.
Just burst my bubble why don't cha!!!
Just call me "Unicorn".  Horny, and hung like a horse.
Just call me Cleopatra - I'm Queen of Denial.
Just call on me, and I'll send it along.......
Just cannot resist a little fun along the way.  :-)
Just cannot resist a little fun along the way. :-)
Just cashed my reality check, and I'm still broke.
Just change any of my "GM" references to "DM" to be AD&D specific!
Just change the gravitational constant of the universe -- Q
Just change the gravitational constant of the universe!
Just checking if you're busy...
Just cleaning out my spit valve - Mike on trumpet music
Just climb in, and hang on. Open your eyes, if you dare.
Just consider me your destiny. You're gonna' like it... (Daera)
Just couldn't help myself ........
Just coz you're not paranoid, dont mean they aint watching!!
Just crank it up!
Just dial 1-900-976-CATS for a purrfectly meowvelous time.
Just dip me in honey and throw me to the wolves.
Just do it until your hard disk fills up.
Just do it!  You can regret it later!!!!
Just do it! You can regret it later!
Just do it. Again and again and again and again and agai...
Just do it...explore the possibilities!
Just do it...explore the possibilities!!!
Just do it..examine your scalp for ringworm.. - Commercial
Just doing my part to annoy right-wing Christians
Just doing our part to bring people together.
Just doing some foreshadowing, if ya don't mind - Crow
Just doing time on plaet Earth...
Just doing time on planet Earth...
Just don't Stand There!  God's a Busy Man - Kirk
Just don't eat any of the pink things and you'll be fine. - Neelix
Just don't give away the Home world. --Babylon 5.
Just don't give away the Homeworld. - Babylon 5
Just don't give away the home world --Londo and G'Kar.
Just don't give away the homeworld - Londo & G'Kar
Just don't give away the homeworld. --Londo and G'Kar.
Just don't let Kirk show you what he calls "The Captain's Log"!
Just don't let Kirk show you what he calls "The Captain's Log."
Just don't mess with my crystal! -- Bowler
Just don't slam the curtains - Crow
Just don't tell the asylum you saw me here
Just don't tell the asylum you saw me here.
Just don't think I love you only for your Taglines
Just don't think I love you only for your recipes...
Just drink your prune juice. - Guinan to Worf
Just drop the gun & nobody gets wet - Tom the policeman
Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
Just enough brains to be a dangerous idiot.
Just exactly how much 'Whiz' is in Cheese Whiz?
Just exactly what kind of sick, sadistic game did you have in mind?
Just exactly why do they call it the Love Boat, anyway?
Just fer that I'm gonna go looking back at the original message!
Just fill out one simple form to win an IRS Audit!
Just follow the bouncing lesbian
Just follow the trail of heads - Crow
Just for a change, I woke my DOG from a sound sleep to go for a walk.
Just for fun... let's get naked!
Just for that, you don't get a clever tagline.
Just for the hell of it, lets go under the bridge - Crow
Just for the record, it wasn't entirely voluntary.... -Don
Just for the record, it's B-U-T-L-E-R, not B-O-T-L-E-R. - Jack Butler
Just for the taste of it, Diet Coke" -C. Thomas
Just for the taste of it, Diet Coke.
Just for today..... do not anger.
Just found out that "FAG" is the acronym for "Former Arkansas Govenor"
Just found out that "FAG" is the acronym for "Former Arkansas Governor"
Just get it done -- Jellico
Just gimma a slice of Orville
Just gimma a slice of...
Just gimme 5 seconds with the IRS computer and an EMP generator!
Just gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme FRIED CHICKEN!--Queen
Just gimme one more last chance.
Just gimme the killer B's...Beer, Blues, BBQ & BBros!
Just gimme the killer B's...Beer, Blues, BBQ and BBros!
Just give me 5 seconds with the IRS computer and an EMP generator!
Just give me Kochanski! - Lister
Just give me the Mountain Dew and the JOLT, and no one will get hurt.
Just give me the chocolate and no one will get hurt!
Just give me the coffee, and no one will get hurt.
Just give me the straight gnus.
Just give me what the Dr ordered..OHHOOO Dr Pepper..
Just give me what the Dr.ordered..OHHOOO Dr Pepper..
Just go away Janeway!
Just go on to the next message and no one gets hurt.
Just going down to the gym for some exorcism.
Just got a call from Godot.  He says he'll be late.
Just got a new big screen TV for my boyfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new big screen TV for my girlfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new car for @FN@...GREAT TRADE!!!
Just got a new car for my boyfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new car for my girlfriend.  Great trade!
Just got a new car for my girlfriend... Great trade...
Just got a new car for my husband.... Great Trade!!!!
Just got a new car for my wife ... Great trade...
Just got a new car for my wife. What a great trade!
Just got a new car for my wife... Great trade!
Just got a new car for my wife... Great trade.
Just got a new car for my wife... Great trade...
Just got a new car for my wife... Great trade...
Just got a new car for my wife... Great trade... 
Just got a new computer for my boyfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new computer for my girlfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new ferret for my husbandGreat trade.
Just got a new ferret for my wife... Great trade.
Just got a new house for my boyfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new house for my girlfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new pool table for my boyfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new pool table for my girlfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new truck for my boyfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got a new truck for my girlfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got my DOS 6.0 upgrade and found a syringe in it..
Just got my zoology dictonary.  It's called NOAH'S.ARC
Just got outta bed and now I have to wrestle... - Tom Servo
Just got outta bed, now I have to wrestle - Tom
Just got playoff tickets for my boyfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got playoff tickets for my girlfriend...GREAT TRADE!
Just got pulled over by the LAPD and boy am I beat.
Just grab on this end and pull!
Just grab you a can of PORK soda, that'll be JUST...FINE,
Just had to. Keep on smilin!
Just hand over the chocolate and nobody will get hurt.
Just have faith in your madness
Just having a gay ol' time.
Just having a little fun. -- Brisco
Just hit "A" to activate your Tagline Tractor Beam.
Just hit "T" to activate your Tagline Tractor Beam.
Just hit A to activate your Tagline Tractor Beam.
Just hit A to activate your recipe Tractor Beam.
Just hold me - Mike as two pilots talk
Just hold this up like this, and wait for the lightning OK?
Just how SCSI *IS* your hard disk...?
Just how did you get all that custard from such a small cat?
Just how do you get one hundred cows in a barn? Put up a Bingo sign!
Just how high can you throw that thing?
Just how is it that a hologram is going bald anyways?
Just how long do Weasels- er, Ferrengi live anyway?
Just how many 30th-level evil wizards are there in this village?
Just how many rasins are there in rasin brand?
Just how many women did Packwood drown in his car?
Just how much justice can you afford? <Londo<
Just how much justice can you afford? - Londo
Just how much justice can you afford? Londo, B5
Just how much leg have I got
Just how much of your life would you change if you could?
Just humor him. - Crow T. Robot
Just ignore him.  He has no idea what he's talking abo
Just imagine a Marine with a flame thrower and PMS!
Just imagine the floor is Queeg's Face! - Rimmer
Just in case you wanted the source of those...
Just in from Heloise: Diet Coke DOES clean keyboards!
Just in one of my moods.   >BURP!<   I think that helped.
Just in one of my moods. <*BURP*> I think that helped.
Just in. UFO takes @FN@...More after the Hockey game.
Just in. UFO takes @LN@... More after the Hockey game.
Just in. UFO takes Bullitt ... More after the race.
Just in. UFO takes Bullitt... More after the Hockey game.
Just in. UFO takes Caplan... More after the orgy.
Just in. UFO takes Caplan... More after the race.
Just in. UFO takes Karmann... More after the Hockey game.
Just in. UFO takes Orville... More after the League game.
Just in... UFO takes Claffie...More after the AUTORACE.
Just in... UFO takes Schwab...More after the AUTORACE.
Just in... UFO takes kid ...More after the AUTORACE.
Just inUFO takes Vincent...More after the AUTORACE.
Just jiggle it a little, it'll open.
Just keep brushing & saying the name of our Lord - Mike
Just keep feeding me the straight lines, guys.
Just keep feeding me those straightlines
Just keep it outta my room - Tom on Nummy Muffin
Just kidding Mr. Moderator!  *HEY*  I said just kidding!  OUCH!  STOP!
Just kidding Ms. Moderator! *HEY* I said just kidding! OUCH! STOP!
Just kidding about that God part.  No offense.  -Cmdr. Ivanova
Just kidding about that God part. --Ivanova.
Just kidding about that God part. --Susan Ivanova.
Just kidding about that God part. No offence. - Ivanova
Just kidding about that God part. No offense. --Ivanova.
Just kidding about the $22.
Just kidding, Cindy. JUST kidding! <grin<
Just kiss the ring and get up
Just knocking your Xmas tree ornaments to the floor!
Just last night I was able to get Windows to boot on my Sears PONG game.
Just leave a name and brief message after the beep.
Just leave your heart right here for me.
Just leave your memory...
Just let me dry that......
Just let me hear some of that Rock and Roll..
Just let me sprinkle a little rancid Budwieser in my beard right now.
Just lie back and enjoy it!
Just lighten up and let go and break the damned rules! - Amanda
Just like '976-TALK', only better and cheaper.
Just like ALIENS, except without the underwear - Crow
Just like I love 'em, short and sweet!
Just like a typical hockey player!
Just like a typical male!
Just like an old fashioned story book rhyme.
Just like cheese, I'm aged to perfection!
Just like in golf, follow through in life is most important.
Just like the Sisteen Chapel only it'd be real dirty -Tom
Just like the boy who made up stories all the time...
Just like the lights of the casino...
Just like the sound when you shove a boiled spud up a donkeys arse!
Just like those New Yorkers to find the flaw!
Just like today's youth, bringing a knife to a gunfight!
Just listen to those old diodes slam dancing.
Just lockup when you're through.
Just look at this innocent baby face o' mine, would I LIE????
Just make a little room at the top for a Regular Joe.
Just make a pass at your commanding officer. Done and done!
Just make sure your private school gives a public degree.
Just making sure where we stand. - G'Kar
Just me 'n' you 'n' a Borg named Hugh.
Just me and you...we could bill and cow...no...bull and cow.- Groucho
Just more roadkill on the Information Superhighway...
Just move in front of me and I'll protect you!
Just moving fast is not the same as getting somewhere.
Just my 2 cents worth.  :)
Just my 2 cents... and some million dollar questions.
Just my 30 cents.  I never could keep a penny i earned...
Just my 78,000 lira worth.
Just my luck - my psychotic episode is a rerun.
Just my luck -- the Children's Zoo doesn't want my kids.
Just my mind rambling on and on and on......
Just my opinion, right as it may be....
Just my opinion...but I'm right!
Just my two cents, and worth every penny of it!
Just my two cents.
Just my two rubber ningis worth.
Just need enough coffee to tide me over 'till I need more
Just need something organic. --Holly.
Just nod if you can hear me.
Just nod if you can here me.
Just off of a beaten path.
Just once I want to make it through a crisis with a minimum of grief
Just once I would like to leave messages before the beep.
Just once I'd like to see Picard KILL the alien!
Just once, before I die, I want a menage a tois!
Just one little kiss? I promise I've had all my shots! - Yakko
Just one man beneath the sky,
Just one more code fix and then I'll go to bed... zzz
Just one more compile and I'll come to bed...
Just one more dune to go.       You said that three dunes ago!
Just one more good thump and it should be working okay.
Just one more mail packet and I'll come to bed...
Just one more random encounter, THEN I'll heal the party <-TLP
Just one more random encounter, THEN I'll heal the party.
Just one more tagline.. then I'll quit.. I PROMISE!!!
Just one night.....  (famous last words)
Just one term turns an honest man into a politician.
Just one term turns an honorable man into a politician.
Just one word. He said, 'Yes'. --Lennier.
Just one year of love is better than a lifetime alone... Queen
Just one year of love, is better than a lifetime alone...
Just out!  The "I wanna be a Klingon" head vice!
Just out! -- The "I wanna be a Klingon" head vice!
Just outside the realm of reality, and somewhat west of Jersey.
Just pack the groceries, pop - Mike on talkative clerk
Just painted my toenails. Now my socks won't come off.
Just pass me a beer and I'll shut up.
Just passing through.
Just picked up a book called "Glue in Many Lands" and can't put it down.
Just plead the Fifth -- or drink  it -- either way.
Just poppin' in to interject some meaningless chatter!
Just pray for a tough hide and a tender heart.
Just pretend it's a VAX.
Just print up some money and pay off the deficit.
Just put it on my BILL - Mike as girl feeds duck
Just put your money in the sack and shut up! - Clintonomics
Just putting the salmon balls away - Crow
Just ran out of original recipes.  Looking for donors.
Just ran out of original taglines.  Looking for donors.
Just recombining some DNA - Frank
Just relax and follow my tag line..your getting sleepy..eyes heavy!!
Just remember .... *NOBODY* expects the Spanish Inquisition!!
Just remember lawyers do it to you legally.
Just remember one thing: Amanda's all mine. - Kenny
Just remember that Al Bundy is a shoe salesman.
Just remember to put the space after the periods - Easy, eh?
Just remember, *Captain* Riker's never lost. - Riker
Just remember, CAPTAIN Riker's never lost.
Just remember, I'm only doing this for you ...
Just remember, being dead is no excuse for missing school
Just remember, being dead is no excuse for missing work.
Just remember, chocolate is a Klingon aphrodesiac!
Just remember, chocolate is a Klingon aphrodisiac!
Just remember, some times the dragon wins.  Correction - Most Times.
Just remember, sometimes the dragon wins!!! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Just remember, sometimes the dragon wins.
Just remember, there's always two sides to ever issue.
Just remember.. Captain Riker has never lost! - Riker
Just remember... the potato goes at the front.. not the back! - Trissy
Just remember:  when in doubt, you're always right.
Just remember: For every Slap you get, you're 1 closer to scoring!
Just remember: Lawyers do it to you legally.
Just remember: Your weapon was built by the lowest possible bidder
Just repeat to yourself `Its just a show' - MST3K12
Just repeat to yourself, It's just a book I should really just relax!
Just repeat to yourself, it's just a show I should really just relax.
Just returned from Dalhart, Texas.  The ONLY thing to do!OJW
Just say  "NO"  to Clinton`
Just say "NO!" to Star Trek taglines!
Just say "NO!" to death and taxes.
Just say "NO!" to the New World Order, and shout "YES!" to Jesus!!
Just say "NO" to sex with pro-lifers.
Just say "NOOOOOOOOOOOARGHhhhhhh..." to Cthulhu.
Just say "NOOOOOOOOOOOARGHhhhhhh..." to Cthulu.
Just say "NooOOOARGHhhhhhh..." to Cthulhu!
Just say "YES!" to girls in hardsuits...
Just say *NO* to Drow
Just say NO to Amendment II!
Just say NO to Buchanan
Just say NO to Microsoft
Just say NO to a Constitutional Convention!
Just say NO to a national Sales Tax! Sales Taxes are regressive!
Just say NO to rugs - American Hardwood Floor Association
Just say NO to single-menu BBS software!
Just say NO!  The only dope worth shooting is Rush Limbaugh.
Just say NO! to Micro$oft Windows.
Just say NO! to Pc Tools...
Just say NO! to STAR TREK taglines!!
Just say NO! to the New World Order, and shout YES! to Jesus!!
Just say NO... the only dope worth shooting is Rush Limbaugh.
Just say NOOOOOOOOOOOARGHhhhhhh... to Cthulhu.
Just say NOOOOOooooooooooo! to Cthulhu.
Just say YES to IDIC.
Just say no to Clipper/Capstone/NSA
Just say no to Drow....  and kill 'em anyway!
Just say no to sex with pro-lifers!
Just say no!  (To IBM)
Just say yes to girls in hardsuits
Just say you *borrowed* the taglines.
Just say you love me.  You don't have to mean it.   Carolyn Jones
Just say, "NOOOOOOOOOOARRGGHHhhh..." to Cthulhu
Just send a message to me.
Just send my paycheck to MasterCard or VISA.
Just shut up and try to look like a victim, will you?
Just sic the Rover on the Borg!
Just sign at the bottom.  Could you possibly do it in blood?
Just sit back and join me in a delightfully insane state of mind.
Just sit him here on this body bag - Crow on hurt guy
Just sit next to me, by your computer and get all wet for me.
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
Just sitting here idling like a time bomb!
Just sitting thinking up new ways to add spice to life.
Just sliding down the razor blade of life.
Just slightly ahead of it's time.
Just so you know, I don't watch that show on a regular basis.
Just some extemporaneous personal communication
Just some flesh caught in this big broken machine - NIN
Just some more irrelevant nonsense from me.
Just some syringes & Coney Island whitefish - Crow on net
Just someone I met at the Quick Dial Bar
Just spent 4 hours buryin' the cat - wouldn't keep still..
Just stay away from those products from ACME, Mr. Coyote.
Just stay there & hallucinate - Crow to alcoholic
Just switch 'em all on at once you showoff - Mike
Just taggin' along for the Rime.
Just tagging along for the pun of it.
Just tagging along!
Just take a cold shower and sleep it off.
Just take a little time and you'll see that baby, it's me.
Just take my sympathy and go...
Just take those old records off the shelf...
Just tell me there's some chocolate here.  -Troi.
Just tell the tagline police you were making backups.
Just the FAX, man
Just the Fax, Ma'am - you can keep the photocopier.
Just the basic facts, can you show me where it hurts?
Just the other day...No! That wasn't me.
Just the philanthropic sort of person I am.  Why should I deprive my
Just the usual "cocoa butter and fluffy things" ritual. Ben Sansing
Just the way I see it...although some of it may be made up.
Just then, a bird crapped on his head.
Just think - In a few million years Barney will be motor oil!
Just think - in German, "Tag" means "day".
Just think about the average. What use have they for you?: Rush
Just think of all the things we haven't thought of yet.
Just think of death as the Ultimate Upload!
Just think of me and I'll be there
Just think what I could have posted had I been trying!
Just think! One day Virtual reality games will be like Pong!
Just think! One day Virtual reality games will be like Pot
Just think, in a few million years Barney will be motor oil.
Just think, in a few million years Barney will be oil.
Just think, in a few million years, Barney will be motor oil.
Just think-how would Bugs Bunny have handled this?
Just think.  In 50 million years, Barney will be motor oil!
Just think... Your 1960 Chevy could have once been a Niagara!
Just think... Your 1993 Ford could have once been a GP30!
Just thinkYour 1960 Chevy could have once been a Niagara!
Just thinkYour 1993 Ford could have once been a GP30!
Just thought I'd let you know what is going on here.
Just thought I'd throw this in for you, you never know!
Just tilt my sun towards your domain. - Collective Soul
Just to be sure, I laced the Chocolate syrup with Cyanide!
Just to the windward of the law. -- Churchill
Just tracing the tracks.
Just try getting em back in the box -Tom on guy in coffin
Just try it shorty -- Tasha
Just try to keep both arms the same length, doc - Garibaldi
Just try to keep both arms the same length. --Garibaldi.
Just trying out a new thing or two ...
Just trying out life--not registered yet
Just trying out this tagline. Not registered yet!
Just trying to hold on...
Just trying to keep up...
Just trying to make everyone's day a little more surreal.
Just trying to play hardball with ya, Servo - Crow
Just turn off the program before you leave.
Just two minutes left in the ball game, dear.
Just under the surface lie riches untold.
Just visiting this planet.
Just wait there. She's PERFECTLY trustworthy - Crow
Just wait til my time machine's finished!!! Mars Attacks cards for .1!
Just wait till my mother gets online, she has lots of friends...
Just wait until I reply to YOUR reply!
Just wait until I'm finished warming up!.
Just wait until there's nuns & croquet mallets! - Mike
Just wait, the Christmas Chicken may visit YOUR house next!
Just waiting 'til my lottery numbers get picked.
Just waiting for a new version......
Just want to add my two cents worth, for what it's worth.
Just wanted to let you know: I HEARD THAT!!!!
Just wanted to pass along an invitation of my own for you to join in!
Just washed my computer and can't do a thing with it!
Just watch the show. I got that sciatic nerve - Dr. F
Just watching it burn in my steady systematic decline - NIN
Just what *IS* the best way to display a CSP collections?
Just what *is* your alter ego's name?  I really don't know  :-)
Just what God needs, one more victim.
Just what I need Another smarta** reader!
Just what WAS the greatest thing before sliced bread?
Just what can you teach dead people? Other than "stay".
Just what can you teach dead people? other than "stay" I mean...
Just what chicken and which road are we talking about?
Just what did curiosity do to the cat?
Just what did you think a PPC would DO to a hovercar?
Just what do they teach training bras anyway?
Just what do you think you're doing, @FN@?
Just what does a fish drink like, anyway?
Just what does that mean?
Just what kind of sign does he expect us to see from up there?
Just what part of "NO" didn't you understand...?
Just what part of "no" don't you understand?
Just what the heck have we accomplished this year?
Just what the war needed. Extra innings. - Hawkeye
Just what we needed, do it yourself tag line kits
Just when I figure out the meaning of life, there's a new upgrade.
Just when I got it all together, I forgot where I put it.
Just when I hit bottom, someone hands me a shovel....
Just when I make ends meet, someone moves one end.
Just when I make ends meet, someone moves one!
Just when I think I found it.......................... someone moves it!
Just when I think I know the answers, somebody changes the question.
Just when I think I've hit bottom, someone hands me a shovel.
Just when I thought all my feelings had died...
Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.
Just when I've found the answer, you change the question.
Just when everthing was making sense you took away my self confidence
Just when my ship came in, it's the Kobyashi Maru.
Just when my ship comes in, it's the Kobayashi Maru
Just when my ship comes in, it's the Kobyashi Maru.
Just when one is caught up, everything speeds up!
Just when they think they know the answers, I change the questions.
Just when we were beginning to tolerate the former moderator...
Just when you discard a piece of a kimono is when you need it most
Just when you find out life's a bitch, it has puppies.
Just when you got it all figured out:  An UPGRADE!
Just when you idiot-proof it, along comes a better idiot.
Just when you make ends meet, someone moves them.
Just when you start having fun, they send in the lawyers
Just when you start having funthey turn reality back on!
Just when you start winning the Rat Race, along come faster Rats!
Just when you think it's hopelessly broken, it works.
Just when you think you have it bug free  bug free bug free bug free
Just when you think you know it all you know you don't!
Just when you think you've finally hit bottom, someone tosses you a shovel.
Just when you think you've found them all, Up pops another!
Just when you think you've won the rat race along come faster rats.
Just when you think your winning the rat race, along come
Just when you thought it was over you were right.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the gene pool.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Taglines echo,
Just when you thought it was safe to go outside...
Just when you thought it was safe to go outside...
Just when you thought you saw it all...you ain't seen nothing yet!
Just when you thought you were safe...
Just when you thought you were winning the rat race, along comes a faster rat!!!
Just when your ship comes in, it's the Kobayashi Maru.
Just when your ship comes in, it's the Kobyashi Maru
Just when your ship comes in, it's the Kobyashi Maru.
Just where in the *%^&^% *IS* Carmen SanDiego?
Just who do I think I am?
Just who do you think you are, Pierce? - Henry Blake
Just who is this General Failure, and why is he reading my drive?
Just who the hell are you? - Soran
Just why did IBM make the Scroll-Lock ?
Just win, baby. --Al Davis.
Just winking happy thoughts into a little tiddle cup.
Just wondering if you are still out there in Fido land....
Just wondering...are you going to Puerto Rico?
Just write 'Landing Information' Pueblo, Colorado - Tom
Just-in-time terraforming
Justice League Wish List:  Anthony Michael Hall as Booster Gold.
Justice League Wish List:  Brent Spiner as Blue Beetle.
Justice League Wish List:  Charles Dutton as Metamorpho.
Justice League Wish List:  Christopher Reeve the Atom.
Justice League Wish List:  Emilio Estevez as Elongated Man.
Justice League Wish List:  Isabella Rosellini as the Crimson Fox.
Justice League Wish List:  John Wesley Shipp as The Flash.
Justice League Wish List:  Juliet Lewis as Doctor Light.
Justice League Wish List:  Levar Burton as Bloodwynd.
Justice League Wish List:  Linda Hamilton as Power Girl.
Justice League Wish List:  Matt Frewer as Maxwell Lord.
Justice League Wish List:  Michael Keaton as Batman.
Justice League Wish List:  Miguel Ferer as Guy Gardener.
Justice League Wish List:  Perry King as Superman.
Justice League Wish List:  Scott Bakula as Green Lantern.
Justice League Wish List:  Winston Grey as Oberon.
Justice League Wish List: Michael Keaton as Batman.
Justice League Wish List: Perry King as Superman.
Justice always prevails ... three times out of seven! -- Michael J. Wagner
Justice and Law are two distinct and often disjoint subsets of life.
Justice delayed is justice denied
Justice is bright red & trickles from the edge of my sword
Justice is bright red and trickles from the edge of my sword.
Justice is dispensed with sometimes in the court system.
Justice is incidental to law and order.
Justice is incidental to law and order.  -- J. Edgar Hoover
Justice is incidental to law and order. - J. Edgar Hoover
Justice is much swifter now that they've abolished all lawyers.
Justice is the bread of the nation; it's always hungry for it.
Justice is too good for some people and not good enough for the rest.
Justice is truth in action.
Justice is what a lawyer gets when a judge agrees with him.
Justice is what we get when the decision is in our favour. Raper
Justice is where you find it...or make it!
Justice isn't blind she's cross-eyed! -- Yakko Warner
Justice isn't blind, it just needs new glasses.
Justice isn't blind... she's cross-eyed! - Yakko Warner
Justice isn't blind...she's cross-eyed!--Yakko
Justice isn't blindShe's cross-eyed! -Yakko
Justice isn't cross-eyed after all she's in love!! - Yakko
Justice may be blind, but she can be bought.
Justice should be blind, but not deaf and dumb too.
Justice to all.
Justice without mercy is preferable to mercy without justice.
Justice, lawyers, and a spoon in the garbage disposal.
Justice, n.: A decision in your favor.
Justice, unlike revenge, is best served warm and bleeding
Justice:  A decision in your favor.
Justice: A decision in your favor.
Justice: A decision in your favour
Justice: A decision in your favour.
Justice? In the Army? You're crazy.-You might say that.-Klinger
Justice?: Michael J. having affair with Mrs. Bobbitt!
Justifiable flamethrowing withheld at Moderator's request
Justified flame withheld at moderator's request.
Justified flame withheld at moderator's request..
Justified flamethrowing withheld at Moderator's request.
Justify my text?  I'm sorry but it has no excuse.
Justin Wilson BBS -=- Now, what you know 'bout 'dat?
Justin got ran over by a dragon...
Juvenile delinquents are OTHER people's children
Jya mata! (Japanese, for "see you later")
Jym - Just one of the Bodyguards - Fox
Jym Fox - Bodyguard to the Echo Ghodess
jIQub vaj jIwuQ  (I think, therefore I have a headache!)
jIQub vaj jIwuQ (I think, therefore I have a headache)
jT- l    mso!  if youawroj* No r rse ojThoAi    E,s MouTho0RATIOS  Ta  n
jTPa TE     ush L              0BEATIN  SAFESEX.ZIP is a T         SIP'E
jThoALITbeenjoyBEATIN  SAFESEX.ZIP is a TrojThorse.        IN  SAFESjTre
jThoAi    E,s MouT     SEX.                               0IN  SAFEVini,
jThof crocodile nastie                                    0NASTIEFEThasr
jThors     aEat i    SAFESEX.ca.ZIP a T    0BEATIN  SAFESETIN  SAFESEx.
jThorse.                            0BEATIN  SAFESEX.ZIP is a TrojThorse
jThorse.       evan    evanBEATIN  SAFESEX                0IN  SAFEViquX
jTo rXaIlyZscrew upSitAta  s a compu   ojThoAi    E,s MouT0COMPUTFETo er
ja cu se posle odvuci kuci, samo da popijem jos jednu s nogu.
ja sam tu slucajno i prokleto sam ljut
ja se zovem vitez propustene prilike, lijepe zene dodju vide i odlaze
ja zelim samo da se vrati, ja zelim da mi prodju sati
jabwI' qaghwIjDaq puvwI'  (Waiter, there's a fly in my qagh.)
jednom kada izadjem nemoj da te zateknem s drugim u snu
jms's allusions to LotR have gone unnoticed by few... ;)
jms=God, jms=athiest.  Uh-oh.  There is a hole in my logic.
jocular:  Of or relating to sports.
join the Counsil, meet interesting people and kill them.
joj,joj, koliki je moj...od cipela broj
jos uvijek te volim, da li to znas
jt War proves nothing 'cept who's willing to waste the most lives!
jt War! huh, Good God! What is it Good for? Absolutely Nuthin! hey
jthae'a a fX.Z 0B    E,s MouThoAi    E,s MouThoAia Tr  wou0FEATURThThaA'
jthae'a an Enhas ad FX.Z 0BuThoAi    E,s MouThoAia Tr  wou0FEATURThThaA'
jumped the track.
jury:  12 people who decide which one has the best lawyer.
jury:  12 people who decide who has the best lawyer.
just STEAL it, STEAL it
just another idiot with a modem...
just don't think I only love you for your Taglines ;>
just make a file, and not update it from week to week,
just me and my Qedit.
just when I had you wriggling in the crushing grip of reason, too.

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca