L e n g t h e n   y o u r   s t r i d e.
L is for LaForge, with that bad optic nerve
L is for Lovecraft, the man and the thought
L is for how light you are! You melt in my mouth! - Joel
L'Chaim B'Yeshua
L'ETAT, C'EST MOE - All the world's a stooge
L'avant-garde, c'est fini, dipassi.
L'shana Tova (To a good year) - Hebrew
L-O-V-E-L-Y  A-N-G-E-L. Anything else is fatal.
L. Bobbitt Tool and Die Co. -- Give us your tool and die.
L. Neil Smith wrote to all (and it'll cost $5.99 to read)
L. Neil Smith wuz here
L. Smith!  This guy's a pig...and so are you.  Did you program this gu
L.A. POLICE CAR BUMPER STICKER:  Attitudes adjusted, while you wait
L.A. has Hollywood...Silicon Valley has CyberWood.
L.A.P.D. motto: We treat you like a king
L.A.Y.M.B.S. (Lusting after your mind, body, and soul!)
L.O.R.D. (Legend Of The Red Dragon)
L.S.M.F.T. - Loose Straps Mean Floppy Tits.
L8R                   Later...
L8R; Later...
L8r!!!!!!!!!!!! - Eddy Gosset
L: Lie!
LA            Laughing Aloud
LA Bumper Sticker - Keep honking.. I'm still reloading!
LA County Court rules, ok ... U.S. Gov't overrules, OK!
LA bumper sticker: Cover me, I'm changing lanes.
LA, CA - you cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time.
LA, where the chemicals meet the water.
LA: Lockout Access
LAB&TYD: Life's A Bitch and Then You Die.
LAB&TYD; Life's A Bitch & Then You Die.
LAB(n):room full of icky creatures&the frogs they dissect
LABATT"S BREWERY - Wanted : One legged man to make hops   - Sleepwalker
LABEL NOT FOUND:  Go To Your Room.
LABEL NOT FOUND: go anywhere you like.
LABIA MAJOR..The nearest galaxy in the Milky Way
LABIA MINOR..A constellation in Labia Major
LABOR PAIN:getting injured at work
LABOR, n.  One of the processes by which A acquires property for B.
LAC: Lose All Communication
LADIES! Be an orgasm donor...
LAG           Lunatic Assylum Grin
LAG: Load and Garble
LAGW: Load And Go Wrong
LAK?!  What kind of name is Lak?!  oh..Lak the wizard!..nice name!
LAMA=priest.  LLAMA=beast.  LLLAMA=conflagration.
LAN Users Get more Connections
LANDLORDS do it every month
LANDSCAPERS plant it deeper
LANDSCAPERS plant it deeper.
LANDSCAPERS plant it deeper.   
LANGUAGE - (1) What you use to program a computer
LANGUAGE - (2) What you use to swear at a computer
LANGUAGE: (1) What you use to program a computer
LANGUAGE: (2) What you use to swear at a computer
LANtmine  A server on the verge of crashing.
LAP! Network: Going in Circles for Jesus.
LAP: Laugh At Program
LAP: Laugh At Programmer
LAPD - the good, the bad, and the acquitted.
LAPD ALIEN? or E.T.P.D. Blues?
LAPD Motto: Let's leave early and beat the crowd.
LAPD Motto:Treat you like a 'KING' - Rodney King
LAPD Officers trade Batons in on Non Deadly Bricks!
LAPD Voice Mail.  Press (1) if you are a crime victim...
LAPD chased a slow, white Bronco - John Elway linked to OJ Case
LAPD sells tickets to the Policemen's Ball the HARD way!
LAPD, Your Own Crime Scene, evidence provided, Call: 1-700-INVOLVE
LAPD.  Press 1 for murder, 2 for mugging, 3 for a officer to bribe...
LAPD:  Let's All Pummel Darkies.
LAPD:  More hitters than catchers.
LAPD:  We'll treat you like a King!
LARKINSON'S LAW - All laws are basically false.
LASER PRINTERS do it without making an impression
LASER PRINTERS do it without making an impression.
LASFS Refugee: Death will not release you, even when you die!
LASSIE - Doggone
LAST GAS FOR 60 MILES (54 miles ahead)
LATE FOR DINNER by Arthur Scrapps
LATER..........AS IN MUCH!!
LAW             127     Law and Lawyers
LAW OF FAST FOOD: Cheap, Fast, Good. - Choose any two.
LAW:  The end of a nightstick.
LAW: The end of a nightstick.
LAWFUL, adj.  Compatible with the will of a judge having jurisdiction.
LAWFUL,adj. Compatible with the will of a judge having jurisdiction.
LAWS: poor substitutes for personal responsibility.
LAWYER, n.  One skilled in circumvention of the law.
LAWYER:  [n] One skilled in circumvention of the law.
LAWYER: Larval form of politician. (See Maggot.)
LAWYER: The larval form of Politician
LAWYERS do it in their briefs
LAWYERS do it in their briefs.
LAWYERS do it on a table
LAWYERS do it on a trial basis
LAWYERS do it on a trial basis.
LAWYERS do it to you
LAWYERS do it with clause
LAWYERS do it with extensions in their briefs
LAWYERS do it, which is a great pity
LAWYERS do it, which is a great pity.
LAWYERS lie about doing it and charge you for believing them
LAWYERS lie about doing it and charge you for believing them.
LAWYERS would do it but for "hung jury."
LAWYERS would do it but for 'hung jury'
LAX.EXE.....for those times when your hardrive is full of shit
LAY           Laughing At You
LAYETTE---Baby trousseau.
LAYETTE: Baby trousseau.
LAZINESS - The habit of resting before you get tired.
LAZINESS(n):using a golf cart to play horseshoes
LAZINESS, n.  Unwarranted repose of manner in a person of low degree.
LB: connect Line-voltage to BITNET
LC: Lobotomize CPU
LCARS in the E's bathrooms : Log and Crap Automated Removal System
LCC: Load and Clear Core
LCD: Launch Cartridge Disk
LCK: Lock Console Keyswitch
LD: Lose Device
LEAK! LEAK! LEAK!!! - Buzzcut
LEARNER: Die Twatten mit Elplate
LEARNING, n.  The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious.
LEB: Link Edit Backwards
LECH WALESA - Pole Vault
LEE IACOCCA - Sayonara
LEECH Targeted ....     FIRE!
LEFT HANDERS do it right
LEGACY, n.  A gift from one who is legging it out of this vale of tears.
LEGALIZE DRUGS before my court date
LEMON: on a late model Mustang convertible.
LENS DDT, to rid your environment of Liberals!
LESBIAN(n): a vagitarian
LESBIAN..A person from the Middle East
LESLIE GORE - It's my party and I'll die if I want to
LESSONS LEARNED #1: Never hire a President with hair.
LET Length(Walk) > Length(Pier)
LET'S - GET - DANGEROUS!   DarkWing Duck
LEVI STRAUSS:  Music for a waltz performed in jeans.
LEVITE: Person wearing jeans.
LHL : pour lire vos messages chez vous hors connection
LHL just loves Blue Wave mail
LIA: Load Ineffective Address
LIAR, n.  A lawyer with a roving commission.
LIAR:  [n] A lawyer with a roving commission.
LIBERAL ARTS(n): see: "Would you like fries with that?"
LIBERAL:  A bigot attacking someone elses rights.
LIBERALISM: The hair of the dog that bit you.
LIBERTY(n):imaginary state of being esp. with Americans
LIBERTY, n.  One of Imagination's most precious possessions.
LIBIDO..A prescription tranquiliser
LIBRARIANS are novel lovers.
LIBRARIANS check it out first.
LIBRARIANS do it by the book
LIBRARIANS do it in the stacks
LIBRARIANS do it on the shelfs
LIBRARIANS do it quietly
LIBRARIANS do it quietly.
LIBRARIANS do it quietly.   
LIE: This program is bug free.
LIFE is sexually transmitted, and eventually terminal.
LIFE.COM not found:  (A)dd Water (R)eserect (I)npregnate
LIFE.COM not found:  (C)reate, (B)ury, or (T)ransport
LIFE.EXE: Unregistered, can only go forward in *.LIFE
LIFE.EXE: Unregistered, can only go forward in Peter Firla.LIFE
LIFE.EXE: Unregistered, can only go forward in your Life.
LIFE:  A Sexually Transmitted Disease With 100% Mortality Rate,,,
LIFE:  What happens while you'r making other plans.
LIFE: A brief interlude between nothingness and eternity.
LIFE: A fatal, sexually transmitted disease
LIFE: Chaos uncharted, dreams unrealized, and of course taxes
LIFE: Something to do when you can't get to sleep.
LIFE: Well, one thing led to another, and then we died.
LIFE: What happens to you while you are making other plans.
LIFE= A Screen, A Keyboard, A Message, and a good coffee
LIFEGUARDS carry aids.
LIFEGUARDS do it on the beach
LIFEGUARDS use slow, smooth hands.
LIFEGUARDS use unique entries.
LIFO            Last in, first out
LIMBAUGH.EXE loaded into TSR mode. Ready to protect against LIBERAL.*
LIMBAUGH: On Bill Clinton: "Never EVER trust a draft dodger."
LIMBAUGH:- The Cheese that sane people Rush away from!
LINDA ELLERBEE - And so I went
LINEMEN do it with big cables.
LINEMEN pull their wires.
LING          Lexicological Imperialist Nyah-nyah Grin
LINGUISTS do it with their tongues
LINGUISTS do it with their tongues.
LINO: Last In, Never Out mode
LINT ATTACHMENT MAN - Crow's super hero
LIONS do it with pride
LIP  ; Lose Instruction Pointer
LISP HACKERS are thweet
LISP HACKERS are thweet.
LISP HACKERS do it in lambda functions
LISP HACKERS do it with rplacd
LISP PROGRAMMERS do it by recursion
LISP PROGRAMMERS do it by recursion.
LISP PROGRAMMERS do it without unexpected side effects
LISP PROGRAMMERS have to stop and collect garbage
LISP and learn.
LISP hackers DO IT with RPLACD.
LISP hackers are thweet.
LISP hackers do it in lambda functions.
LISP hackers do it with rplacd.
LISP programmers DO IT without unexpected side effects.
LISP programmers do it without unexpected side effects.
LISP programmers have to stop and collect garbage.
LISP programmers have to stop and collect garbage. 
LISP:  To call a spade a thpade.
LISP: Lost In Silly Parentheses.
LISP: To call a spade a thpade.
LIST - The ultimate DOS utility!
LISTEN to your children
LISTER:   Computer senility. Such a weird condition.
LITTLE FISHES by Anne Chovey.
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: A Communist contraceptive.
LIVE FREE- Ladies beware; I know Tongue Fu!
LIVE! Via modem . . .
LIVE, from......zzzZZZzzz.
LIbEral Rule #2:  Anyone who disagrees is a Nazi.
LIbErals will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
LIfe is like a box of chocolates, fundies are turds mixed in the box
LIfe support? I need a life first!
LJD: Lock Job on Disk
LLAP          Live Long and Prosper - for Trekkies
LLAP-Live Long and Prosper
LLAP: Laugh Loud And Perspire - a Vulcan Curse.
LLB=A degree to avail oneself of employment as a cabdriver!OJW
LLLike a glove. - Ace Ventura
LLTA            Lots and Lots of Thunderous (or Thundering) Applause
LLaacckk ooff sseexx ccaauusseess ddoouubbllee vviissiioonn..
LMAO; Laughing My A$$ Off.
LMB: Lose Message and Branch
LMFAO         Laughing My FAce Off <G>
LMO: Load and Mug Operator
LMPO; Laughing My Pants Off.
LMR 2.1a   I love cats - 'cause they're stranger than I am!!
LMYB: Logical MaYBe
LN: Lose inode Number
LNP: Load N digits of Pi
LOADMASTER 'chute bigger loads.
LOANS OFFICERS do it with security.
LOCKSMITHS can get into anything
LOCKSMITHS can get into anything.
LOCKSMITHS can get into anything.   
LOFTA'S LAMENT:  Nobody can leave well enough alone.
LOGIC PROGRAMMERS do it with unification/resolution
LOGIC PROGRAMMERS do it with unification/resolution.
LOGIC(n): 1+2=3 therefore 4+5=6
LOGIC: a set of rules to explain what we don't understand
LOGIC: rules to explain what we don't understand.
LOGIC??!!  Is that a new flavor of yogurt, or what?
LOGICIANS do it consistently and completely
LOGICIANS do it or they do not do it
LOGO:  Language Old;  Gone Obsolete.
LOGON:  Make yourself eligible to receive criticism from a sysop.
LOL             Laughing Out Loud
LOL =lauging out loud
LOL; Laughing Out Loud
LOLAH         Laughing Out Loud And Hard
LONELY(n):world's first homosexual
LONG JUMPERS do it with a running start
LONG JUMPERS do it with a running start.
LONG-DISTANCE RUNNERS do it on a predetermined route
LOOK !  On the Net !  It's a bug !  It's a mouse !  It's SuperUser !
LOOK!  There in the crosshairs! It's a LIBERAL!  FIRE!!
LOOK! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...no, it's a bird.
LOOK! It's a bird! It's a plane.. ARGH!.. it's a bird!
LOOK! There goes Ted Turnover! - Yakko
LOOK! There in the crosshairs! It's a LIBERAL! FIRE!!
LOOK!!  It's LTUAE's favorite blowhard Orville!!
LOOKOUTDAMMIT..!!! I'm Beta Testing!!
LOOKS taller than the camera! (Probably the hair!)
LOOP: (go to LOOP)
LOOPINS!.we've got bloody loopins!!Look the cat's died on loopins!!
LORD NIMON! It is I, Soldeed, shamelessly overacting
LORD has 12 Levels
LORD:  Let Oral Roberts Die.
LORD:  Let Oral Roberts Die...
LOS ANGELES: Land of nuts and fruits.
LOSER in the echos!
LOSER: A twit who can't even get straight F's.
LOSM: Log Off System Manager
LOST:  Husky...spayed...like one of the family.
LOST: 1 Iludium Pew-36 Explosive Space Modulator.
LOST: Husky...spayed...like one of the family.
LOTS HACKERS do it sloooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyyy
LOTS HACKERS do it sloooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyyy.
LOTS hackers do it sloooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyyy.
LOTS more fun! And no one has to die at the end!
LOTTERY: A tax on people who don't understand statistics.
LOTTERY: Just a tax on people who are bad at math.
LOTTERY: Just a tax on people who are poor at math.
LOTTERY: a tax on people who are bad at math. - L. Long
LOTUS - Let Only The Users Suffer
LOTUS 1-3-2 Spreadsheet For Dyslexics
LOUIS BRAILLE - ;.:  `:;.
LOUIS PASTEUR - Put out to pasteur.
LOUIS XVI - What a Revolting Development...
LOUISIANANS do it differently
LOUISIANANS do it differently {g}
LOVE knows how to say, I forgive you!
LOVE: A temporary insanity curable by marriage
LOW-BRED, adj.  "Raised" instead of brought up.
LOW: Launch on Warning
LOYAL SHEEP TAKE NOTICE!  Jesus loves ewe!
LP%PAS: Line Printer \(em Print And Smear
LP%RDD: Line Printer \(em Reverse Drum Direction
LP%TCR: Line Printer \(em Tangle and Chew Ribbon
LPA: Lead Programmer Astray
LPRTC: Load Program counter from Real Time Clock
LPT1 NOT LOCATED, USE BACKUP: Grab a pencil, now get a piece of paper.
LPT1 NOT LOCATED, USE BACKUP: Grab a pencil, now get a piece of paper...
LR: Load Revolver
LR<Does anyone have any ANSI taglines,er the colored ones<G<
LRA: Load RetroActively
LRB: Lose Record and Branch
LRD: Load Random Data
LS/MFT:  Lotsa Sex Means Fulltime Trouble....
LSD - Organic Virtual Reality
LSD - a cheaper version of virtual reality.
LSD - virtual reality without the expensive hardware!
LSD Having tunnel vision and selective hearing.
LSD consumes 47 times it's weight in excess reality
LSD consumes 47 times its weight in excess reality
LSD is virtual reality without the expensive hardware.
LSD makes CGA look like 16 Million colors.
LSD makes CGA look like 16,000,000 colors!
LSD melts in your mind, not in your hand.
LSD melts in your mind, not in your hands.
LSD melts your mind and not your hand.
LSD melts your mind, not in your hand.
LSD turned me into a business executive!
LSD will make your CGA screen display 16.2 million colors
LSD, PCP, DOA - Darkwood
LSD, mans' first Virtual Reality.
LSD:  Virtual Reality without all the fancy hardware.
LSD:  Virtual reality without all the expensive hardware
LSD:  Virtual reality without the expensive hardware!
LSD:  Virtual reality without the expensive hardware...
LSD: A cheaper version of virtual reality!
LSD: Dr. Timithy O'leary's cheaper version of virtual reality!
LSD: It's like MSG on a neural wafer cracker
LSD: The ULTIMATE in Virtual Reality!
LSD: Virtual Reality that runs on existing hardware.
LSD: Virtual Reality without the expensive hardware
LSD: Virtual reality without the hardware.
LSD: a cheaper version of virtual reality.
LSD: virtual reality without the expensive hardware.
LSHIHTRDMC    Laughing So Hard I Have Tears Running Down My Cheeks.
LSHIP         Laughing So Hard I Puked
LSL             Loud Screaming Laughter
LSPSW: Load and Scramble PSW
LTMSH           Laughing 'Til My Sides Hurt
LTNT                  Long Time, No Type
LTS: Link To Sputnik
LTS: Loop Till Smokes
LTT: Lose Timing Track
LUCIFERnet Ambassador to Europe.
LUCIFERnet raising HEll coast to coast!
LUCIFERnet. Bring out your dead!
LUCIFERnet:  Raising HELL coast to coast!
LUCIFERnet: Bring out your dead!
LUCK:  Explanation for the success of those you hate.
LUCK: A Loser's Justification For A Winner's Effort
LUFTHANSA - Let Us F**k The Hostess As No Steward Available
LUM: LUbricate Memory
LUMBER MAN - Joel's super hero
LUNACY  my Best personality trait!
LUNG CANCER(n): one of the few known cures for smoking
LWE: Load WhatEver
LWM: Load Write-only Memory
LX 2.1 TD   Kitty Cats ... The Purrs of Life!
LX 2.1 TD   Terror is a great form of communication.
LYNCH'S LAW - When the going gets tough, everyone leaves.
La Bambi by Richi Valens
La Cage Au Folles: Western Style - Tom
La Canada...A small Canadian town near Pasadena.
La Guerre!!  (of course, you realize, this means war!)
La Quinta in English means Next to Denneys.
La Quinta is Spanish for "Next to Denny's."
La Quinta is Spanish for Next to Denny's.
La Quinta: Spanish for "Next to Denny's"
La guillotine will claim her bloody prize..
La iglesia es tan buen negocio que hay una sucursal en cada barrio.
La la la la la AAAAAAGGGH! - The Smurfs versus Godzilla
La la la la la! Lalala...Crow! - Crow sings
La la la lala! Uh, Crow! - Crow sings
La la la, la la la la... (Banana Splits theme)
La schmoove, ain't got nuttin to prove...
La vie est une maladie mortelle transmise sexuellement.
La**ck of** s**ex ca**use**s p**oo*r ey**esi*ght*.
La-Bobbit-omy: Kinda like a labotomy, but different, Just as effective
La-who, Sa-her! - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
La. where the chemicals meet the water.
LaForge of Borg: I will assimilate books.
LaForge to Enterprise...we have a problem. -- Geordi
LaQuinta-in Spanish means "Right next to Denny's"
LaQuinta: Spanish for "Next to Denny's"
Lab Law #1:  Hot glass looks just like cold glass
Lab Law #2:  Do *not* pour 12M HCl down the drain.
Lab Law #3:  Do *not* slice sodium near a sink with 2cm of water.
Lab Law #4:  Do *not* use an open flame to test a Bunsen burner.
Lab Law #5:  Hydrochloric acid looks just like water.
Lab Law #6:  Carbon monoxide doesn't smell like anything.  Be careful.
Lab Law #7:  In a ballon, hydrogen looks just like helium.
Lab Law #8:  You'd look funnier without eyes than with lab goggles.
Lab rats caught smoking...Who bought the cigarettes for them?
Labatt's "Genuine" Draft is really recycled Miller.
Labia majora: The curly gates.
Labless.  Will do Polymerase Chain Reactions for food.
Labless.  Will science for food.
Labor Pain - Got hurt at work
Labor Pain................................Getting hurt at work
Labor Pain:  Getting hurt at work...
Labor conquers everything.
Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom - Proverbs 23:4
Labor pain (def.) - getting hurt at work.
Labor, n. One of the processes by which A acquires proper
Labor, n.: One of the processes by which A acquires property for B.
Labour pain -- got hurt at work
Labra lege......Read my lips.
Lace - the final brassiere!  Staying boldly where no man has been....
Lace-the final brassiere. These are the voyages of the USS Boobyprize
Laceration:  Dainty material allotment.
Lack of Communication: The Root of Poor Relationships.
Lack of Taglines makes John a dull girl.
Lack of Taglines makes Orville a dull girl.
Lack of Taglines makes Orville a dull person.
Lack of capability is usually disguised by lack of interest.
Lack of money is the root of all evil.
Lack of money is the root of all evil. Mark Twain
Lack of planning does not constitute an emergency.
Lack of planning on your part does *NOT* mean an emergency on my part.
Lack of sex causes poor ---- I don't know; I can't read this word....
Lack of sex causes poor eyesight.
Lack of sex causes weight gain.
Lack of sex leads to depression; extreme cases can lead to religion.
Lack of skill dictates economy of style.
Lack of sweets warps the brain and the sense of humor.
Lack of water hurts ice fishing - film at 11
Lactomangulation:  Abusing the "open here" spout on a milk carton.
Laddie, d'ye think ye might like to rephrase that?
Laddie, do ya think might like ta...rephrase that?
Laddie, ya think ya might like ta ... rephrase that?
Laddie, ya think ya might like ta...rephrase that? -- Scotty
Laddie, ya think ya might like tarephrase that? - Scott
Laddie, ya think ya might like tareprhase that? --Scott.
Laddie, you'll be needin' something to wash that doon with -- Scotty
Laddie, you'll be needin' something to wash that doon with. --Scottie
Laddie, you'll be needin' something to wash that doon with. --Scotty
Ladies & Gentlemen, Elvis has left the bldg.
Ladies & Gentlemen, Elvis has left the building.
Ladies & Gentlemen, The Presidents of the United States: Billary Clint
Ladies & Gentlemen, tonight we have Rudolph the vole Vs. Odo the rat.
Ladies & Gentlemen. From England. The Femmetones - Joel
Ladies & Gentlemen. Missus Loretta Doyle -Mike on credits
Ladies & gentlemen. The parents of the Beatles - Tom
Ladies Anarchist Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society.
Ladies Golf Lessons - By Rasta Palmer, Bedroom Golf Champ
Ladies Wanted! ALL Positions. Will train!
Ladies and Gentlemen - Elvis has now left the building.
Ladies and Gentlemen - The KLF has now left the building.
Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Your Florida Panthers!!
Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Your Vancouver Canucks!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has left the bldg.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has left the building.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has left the planet.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has logged off the system.
Ladies and Gentlemen, McFly has left the building!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Roger has left the building.
Ladies and Gentlemen, a lesbian has left the building.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Professor on the drum kit
Ladies and Gentlemen.....Elvis has left the building.
Ladies and GentlemenAnd all androgynous creatures! --Odo.
Ladies and Gents, I give to you the Cheese-o-phone.
Ladies and gentleman! The Singing Dork! - Mr. Bergstrom
Ladies and gentlemen, David Copperfield! --Crow T. Robot.
Ladies and gentlemen, now you can have a bikini for a rediculous figure.
Ladies and gentlemen, now you can have a bikini for a ridiculous figure.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Death speaking. Prepare to crash...
Ladies beware; I know Tongue Fu!!
Ladies don't show their undies unintentionally.
Ladies of leisure, with their eyes on the back roads...
Ladies please keep  (.) (.)  off of the bar!
Ladies please keep (.)(.) off the bar.
Ladies please keep your (___)(___) off of the bar!
Ladies with an attitude.
Ladies' Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society.
Ladies' clothes are your best defense against the system-BJ to Klinger
Ladies, I know Tung Fu.
Ladies, chain out, dosie doe! - Crow's square dance
Ladies, gentlemen, and all androgynous beings!"--Odo
Ladies, it's ok to laugh in the bedroom, but don't point.
Ladies, please keep (___)(___) off of the bar!
Ladira It was the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind.
Ladle:  The only thing edible in a pot of leek soup.
Lady Justice Blindfold: Hates to see lawyers make deals.
Lady Luck is a sick twisted bitch!
Lady MacBeth Red: The Lipstick That Won't Wash Off.
Lady Macbeth to her dog: "Out, damned Spot!"
Lady Wrestlers! My love is wider than... - Mike sings
Lady hacker with breast implants: Virtual mammaries
Lady lawyers LOVE hung juries.
Lady lawyers are appealing.
Lady lawyers are appealling.
Lady of the Knight
Lady who live in glass house, dress in basement!
Lady with chastity belt is not having a ball.
Lady with dress up run faster than man with pants down.
Lady!  Have you got YOUR lions crossed!   Timon
Lady, you got 10 absurd ideas for my one!   Humphrey Bogart
Lady, you're a real gentleman. - Hawkeye to Klinger
Lady: Mrs. Fischer * Tom: I brought my asst. of nuts!
LadySmith: Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman!
Laetrile is the pits
Laetrile is the pits.
Laforge...." No Wesley you moron that's not how I ended up blind!!!"
Lager;  it's the only thing that can kill a vindaloo!
Laid Off!: Gwen Home
Laid Off!: Gwen Home*
Lair Business Card:  "Dragons rescued.  Virgins slain"
Laissez Le Bon Temps Roullez!  Let the good times roll!  Cajun saying
Laissez le bon temps roule.
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
Lak of planning on your part doesn't justify an emergency on my part.
Lake Erie died for your sins.
Lake Springfield: No mercury dumping without permit.
Lake Superior is frozen - take the short cut to Canada
Lake Wobegon, Minnesota; home of Powdermilk Biscuits!
Lake of Fire and Brimstone.  Safer for tourists than Florida.
Lala..Oqht'u and Mey'lota... Shut up, Worf!
LamBORGini - The car that really assimilates the road!
LamBORGini- The car that chooses to drive =you=!
LamBORGini:  The car that really assimilates the road!
LamBORGini: The car that really assimilates the road!
Lamb stew:  Much ado about mutton.
Lamentoso:  With handkerchiefs.
Lamers need not reply.
Laminites:  Those strange people who show up inside new wallets.
Laminites: those strange people who show up inside new wallets.
Lampoon - a device for harpooning lambs
Lance Hillhouse:Professional Instigations for a Nominal Fee
Lancelot of Borg : Resistance is feudal.
Lancelot, Knight of the Internet. Will cure virgins for food
Land Trout migrate to earth occaisionally....
Land of NODos: Continued (Yesd/Nod)?
Land of Night (and high electric bills).
Land of Nod joke: "Nok Nok." "Who's there?" "NoA" "No?" "Hey!"
Land of song, sang the warrior bard...
Land of the Single Entendre...
Land of the morning calm ...........
Land shark - the cleverest species of them all.
Land shark!
Landing. Please return Stewardesses to upright position.
Landlords do it every month.
Lando learned how to play sabacc by listening to Kenny Rogers!
Lando of Borg: You will be assimilated...It's Not My Fault!
Lando's not a system, he's a man. - Han Solo
Lando's not a system, he's a man...Lando Calrissian...
Lando, Lando, he's our man!  If he can't do it ... we'll get Han!
Landru! Guide us!
Landscapers plant it deeper.
Landslide geologists are unstable!!!
Lang, watch the protoculture!  You're starting to look like Scotty!
Langin's Law: If things were left to chance,  they'd be better.
Langlin's Law:  If things were left to chance... They'd be better!
Langsam's Law:       Everything depends.
Language is a human virus from outer space.
Language is a means by which mistakes are propagated.
Language is a virus from outer space.
Language speaks to the mind, but music speaks to the heart.
Language was born from our deep inner need to complain
Language- A system of organizing and defining syntax errors.
Language: A system for organizing and defining error messages.
Language: A system of organizing and defining syntax errors.
Languages that don't have separate genders are sexist!
Lao-tze of Borg. Be like water. Water does not resist.
Lap Dancing Could be Dangerous with High Heels!...
Lap-Top: Smaller and lighter than the average secretary
Laplace's Dictum: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
Laps are so more than one person can sit on a chair at a time.
Laptop computers are okay, but I would prefer my secretary back.
Laptop users should not be permitted to use joysticks.
Laptop users...Computer commuters.
Laptop: Lighter than the avg. secretary
Laptop: Where my cats sleep.
Laptoppers do it in the comfort and warmth of BED!!!
Laptops and Taglines; proof power comes in small packages.
Laptops are popular because they can be used on the john.
Large cats are a no-no, but a little pussy is fine.
Large cats are no no's, but a little pussy is fine.
Large fries...pie...large coffee...PRONTO! --Tom Anderson
Large programmer gets flu ... the burly nerd catches the germ!
Large? What do you mean 'large'? - Dr. Forrester on ears
Largest executable program size       641K  (65634 bytes)
Larkinson's Law: All laws are basically false.
Larry Badger...meaner than a junkyard dog!
Larry Bird's gonna help 'em? - Crow
Larry D. Welch, Chief of Staff, US Air Force, was an Eagle Scout.
Larry D. Welch, General, US Air Force, was an Eagle Scout.
Larry King couldn't compete against Rush Limbaugh so Larry ran away.
Larry Mondello as The Babe - Tom on hefty baseball player
Larry Storch? Jerry Lee Lewis? - Frank
Larry is the name and, Plastics are my game
Larry, Curly and Moe at Tenagra. - Tamarian Comedy
Larry, Curly and Moe at Tenagra. -Tamarian Comedy
Larry, you're a dullard - Mike
Larry: Really frayed toothbrush that should've been tossed weeks ago.
Larry: Ummm! * Dr. F: Yummy noise! (Pizza & Pasta advert)
Larst munth i cudnt spel Jeeniealijest, now i are wun.
Las Vegas Postcards are great to receive   ---
Las Vegas, Nevada:  It's against the law to pawn your dentures.
Las Vegas:  The land of the spree and the home of the knave.
Las weak i kudden even spel jennyologest, n now eye r wun!
Lasagne is a staple of life!.
Lasciate ogni speranza o voi ci'entrate
Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate.
Laser printer on stun, Mr. Worf.
Laser printer set to stun...
Laser printers are toner deaf.
Laser printers do it without making an impression.
Laser printers purchased on Rodeo Drive are tonier.
Lassie, Benji and NT = 2 stars and a dog!
Lassie, Benji and Windows = 2 stars and a dog!
Lasso her & tie her to a chair!  - Tom during square dance
Last 2 words of the national anthem - PLAY BALL!
Last Chance, No Taglines, Next Five Messages.
Last I heard he was calling himself "Shooting Star."
Last I heard, being alive is not a crime. -- Morden
Last Tomb On The Left - Crow
Last Will and Testament?  Oh, come on, that's a dead giveaway!
Last Words of Schroedinger's Cat:  "MEOW!"
Last Words: "I went here few years ago. That bridge is perfectly safe"
Last Words: "What if I hit this button..."
Last act of defiance
Last egg gets Al.
Last egge gets Al.
Last minute is always the most productive!
Last mistake you'll ever make
Last night I dreamed you were back again.
Last night I dreamt I had insomnia!
Last night I dreamt I was a muffler and woke up exhausted.
Last night I had a dream,
Last night our sex was so good, the neighbors lit cigarettes.
Last night sex was so good the neighbors lit cigarettes.
Last night sex was so good the neighbors lit cigarettes.
Last night, our sex was so good the neighbors lit cigarettes.
Last night, our sex was so good the neighbours lit cigarettes...
Last night, sex was so good the neighbors lit cigarettes.
Last nights sex was so good the neighbours lit cigarettes.
Last of the Mohegans, but hopefully not forgotten!!
Last one in is Cousin It! -Tom as people enter space ship
Last one out of Mass., shut off the lights.
Last one out of Washington, please don't forget to flush.
Last one out turn on the UPS.
Last one out, turn off the Doctor!
Last one out, turn off the computer!
Last sperm in is a rotten egg!
Last spring I planted weeds...flowers popped up everywhere...
Last supper: Sacrament administered to a dying Catholic.
Last thing I remember is this leggy red-head with a whip.
Last thing I remember was this leggy redhead with a whip .....
Last thing I remember was this sexy redhead with a whip.
Last thing I remember was this sexy redhead with whip.
Last time I felt this good was 9 A.M. - about 12 years ago.
Last time I felt this good was 9 PM, about 12 years ago.
Last time I felt this good was 9AM - about 12 years ago.
Last time I had sex, well. I'm thinking.
Last time I heard being alive was not a crime.
Last time I saw Rasta, he was looking for his Ganja stash.
Last time we met it was in a low-lit room --U2
Last time you knew all the answers you were wrong.
Last weak, I kudent spel progrmir, now I r wun.....
Last week I couldn't even spell engineer, now I are one.
Last week I couldn't spell prgmar, now I are one!
Last week I even forgot how to ride a bicycle.
Last week I forgot how to ride a bicycle.
Last week I got into an accident speeding to my stress management class.
Last week on Cannon - Crow
Last week resembled paradise: no f*ck*ng bills at all!
Last words at Rusty&Edie's: Ed, go see who's at the door.
Last words of Bill Gates at execution "Damn, that Windows 95."
Last words of James T. Kirk:  "Bridge on the Captain!"
Last words of Sir Hector: "Watch me goose yon slumbering dragon, lad."
Last words of Socrates: "I drank what?!?!"
Last words of Socrates: "I drank what?!?!"
Last year I was 39.  This year I'm 3A.
Last year many lives were caused by accidents
Last year many lives were caused in automobile accidents.
Last yeer I kudn't spel Engineer. Now I are won.
Last yur I kudnt spel modjerater now I are won.
Lastnight I went to bed at 2 with a 10 and woke up at 10 with a 2
Late Night's Number 1 "Van Pattens or Body Parts":     "Dick"
Late Nite Diversions, Sarnia, Ont.
Late Roman score -Lions=3 Christians=1
Late at night, when it's dark & cold, I reach out for someone 2 hold
Late-night movie fans: Igor-Gasms
Lately it occurs to me what a long strange trip it's been...J. Garcia
Lately, I've come to see that "Common Sense" is not so COMMON!
Lately, it occurs to me...
Later and later and later and later and later and later.....
Later on we'll perspire   as we sit by the fire
Later!                    Tony  Morency
Later, 'O' Mighty Tag God...
Later, dude.
Later, in completely unrelated footage - Mike
Later, somewhere near a chicken farm - Crow
Latest Blonde Invention: Ejector seats for Helicopter Pilots..
Latest Blonde Invention: The Cordless Bungee.
Latest Catholic Craze- "Cheeses of Nazareth"
Latest Catholic Craze- "Portable Prayer Power: Pope on a Rope"
Latest Catholic Craze- Souveigner of the Pope's visit: "Holy Sh!t"
Latest book out: Complete Idiot's Guide to Taglines
Latest conspiracy theory:  Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
Latest conspiracy theory: Humpty Dumpty was pushed!!!
Latest figures show the death rate remaining steady at one per person.
Latest galactic thrill:  Tribbles replace Ben-Wa Balls...
Latest news!  Conference moderator overthrown by a coup!
Latest news!  GM overthrown by a coup-deville!
Latest news! Conference Moderator overthrown by a coup!
Latest news! Conference moderator overthrowned by a coup!
Latest news! SYSOP overthrown by a coup!
Latest word from Microsoft about Windows: "April Fool!"
Latex Linda... Pooh's *OTHER* honey pot.
Latex condom, I'd love to live in one of those!-Grandpa Simpson
Lather. - Wakko Rinse. - Dot Repeat! - Yakko
Latin for "I will stand in public and beg for a quid.  It is dandy."
Latin is a real angina gluteus maximus.
Latinum isn't the only thing that shines.
Latrine time. - Large
Laudate Dominum.
Laugh a lot.  A good sense of humor cures almost all of life's ills.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and the world laughs louder.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Snore and you sleep alone.
Laugh and the world thinks you are an idiot!
Laugh and the world thinks you're an idiot!
Laugh and the world thinks you're an idiot.
Laugh at your problems, everyone else does.
Laugh at your problems. Everybody else does.
Laugh at your problems; everybody else does.
Laugh at your troubles & you'll never run out of laughter.
Laugh i nearly bought a round
Laugh it up, fuzz ball. - Han Solo
Laugh now, but one day we'll rule the world!
Laugh of the day - Sleepwalker climbing stairs
Laugh track: fraudience.
Laugh when you can; cry when you must.
Laugh while you can, before you accumulate too many wrinkles!
Laugh while you can, monkeyboy!
Laugh, and the world ignores you, Crying doesn't help either.
Laugh, and the world ignores you.  Crying doesn't help ei
Laugh, and the world ignores you.  Crying doesn't help either
Laugh, and the world ignores you.  Crying doesn't help either.
Laugh, and the world laughs with you!
Laugh, and the world laughs with you. - Snore and you sleep alone.  RAH
Laugh, and the world laughs with you. - Snore and you sleep alone. L.L
Laugh, clown, laugh. This is what I tell myself whenever I dress up like Bozo.
Laughing In The White House: Polly Tickle
Laughing at your computer...?  Explains your need for a rubber room.
Laughing cows are pretty.
Laughing morons from the planet Xerox.
Laughing morons from the planet Zerox
Laughing rides, midway lights, shining stars on summer nights. -Rush
Laughing stock: cattle with a sense of humor.
Laughing too loud at the rest of the world with the boys in the crowd.
Laughter feels good all over, but it only shows in one place.
Laughter gives strength; tears takes strength away.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects!
Laughter is contagious.  Be a carrier.
Laughter is infectious. Excitement goes to my head! -Rush, _ChainLight
Laughter is not a bad beginning for a friendship.
Laughter is the Goddess's hand on the shoulder of a troubled world.
Laughter is the best lubricant for life's engine.
Laughter is the best medicine...cheaper too!
Laughter is the closest distance between two people.
Laughter is the hand of God on the shoulder of a troubled world...
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
Laughter lubes life's engine.
Laughter lubes lifes engine.
Laughter... the no side effect tranquilizer.
Laughter: The shortest distance between two people.
Launchpad McQuack wrote it?  No WONDER it crashed!
Laundry day down here - Dr. Forrester
Laundry: A place where clothes are mangled.
Laundry: a place where clothes are mangled.
Lava, American Style - Tom
Lavoris anyone? - Mike on crook with bottle
Law and Order?  No!  Awe and lauder!
Law firm:  Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe.
Law is order, and good law is good order.       Aristotle
Law is order, and good law is good order. - <Aristotle>
Law is the second oldest profession. 
Law of Combat - Automatic weapons - aren't.
Law of Combat - Don't look conspicuous - it draws fire.
Law of Combat - If it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid.
Law of Combat - If the enemy is in range, so are you.
Law of Combat - If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush.
Law of Combat - Incoming fire has the right of way.
Law of Combat - Keep it simple, stupid.
Law of Combat - Never draw fire - it irratates everyone around you.
Law of Combat - No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.
Law of Combat - Recoilless weapons - aren't.
Law of Combat - Suppressive fire - won't.
Law of Combat - The easy way is always mined.
Law of Combat - Try to look unimportant - they may be low on ammo.
Law of Combat - When in doubt - empty your magazine.
Law of Combat - You are not Superman.
Law of Combat - Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
Law of Combat:  5 second grenade fuses will burn down in 3 seconds.
Law of Combat:  All five second grenade fuses are three seconds.
Law of Combat:  Always expect your opponent to make his best move.
Law of Combat:  Automatic weapons - aren't.
Law of Combat:  Don't look conspicuous - it draws fire.
Law of Combat:  Fortify your front, and you'll get your rear shot up.
Law of Combat:  Friendly fire - isn't
Law of Combat:  If it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid.
Law of Combat:  If it's stupid and works, then it ain't stupid.
Law of Combat:  If short of everything but enemy, you're in combat zone.
Law of Combat:  If the enemy can't get in, you can't get out.
Law of Combat:  If the enemy is within range, then so are you.
Law of Combat:  If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush.
Law of Combat:  If your sergeant can see you, so can the enemy.
Law of Combat:  Incoming fire has the right of way.
Law of Combat:  Interchangable parts - won't.
Law of Combat:  Keep it simple, stupid.
Law of Combat:  Leak proof seals - will.
Law of Combat:  Military Intelligence can be a contradiction in terms.
Law of Combat:  Mines are equal opportunity weapons.
Law of Combat:  Never draw fire - it irritates everyone around you.
Law of Combat:  Never share a foxhole with someone braver than you.
Law of Combat:  No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.
Law of Combat:  No combat-ready unit has ever passed inspection.
Law of Combat:  No inspection-ready unit has ever passed combat.
Law of Combat:  Organization is the enemy of improvisation.
Law of Combat:  Peace is our profession - mass murder's just a hobby.
Law of Combat:  Radios will fail as soon as you need fire support.
Law of Combat:  Recoilless weapons - aren't.
Law of Combat:  Remember, your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
Law of Combat:  Smart bombs have bad days too.
Law of Combat:  Suppressive fire - won't.
Law of Combat:  The best armor is to keep out of range.
Law of Combat:  The best defense is to stay out of range.
Law of Combat:  The easy way is always mined.
Law of Combat:  The enemy diversion you're ignoring is the main attack.
Law of Combat:  The light at the end of the tunnel is a muzzle flash.
Law of Combat:  The quartermaster has two sizes; too large & too small.
Law of Combat:  The side with the simplest uniforms, wins.
Law of Combat:  There's always an easy way, and it's usually mined.
Law of Combat:  Tracer rounds work BOTH ways.
Law of Combat:  Tracers work both ways.
Law of Combat:  When in doubt - empty your magazine.
Law of Combat:  You are not Superman.
Law of Combat:  Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
Law of Combat: All weather close air support doesn't work in bad weather
Law of Combat: If you can't remember, the claymore's pointed towards you
Law of Combat: You are not Superman.
Law of Communications: The result of improved and enlarge
Law of CyberSpace...He who carpals first must log-off last.
Law of Destiny: Glory may be fleeting, but obscurity is forever.
Law of Gardening:  Fancy gizmos don't work.
Law of Gardening:  If nobody uses it, there's a reason.
Law of Gardening:  You get the most of what you need the least.
Law of Infinite Data - There will *ALWAYS* be more to learn.
Law of Institutional Food:  Everything is cold except what should be.
Law of Institutional Food: Everything, even corn flakes, is greasy.
Law of Institutional Food: Everything, including corn flakes, is greasy.
Law of Insurance and Taxes - Whatever goes up, stays up.
Law of Research:  Enough research will tend to support your theory.
Law of Retaliation:  Do whatever your enemies don't want you to do.
Law of Revelation:  The hidden flaw never remains hidden.
Law of Selective Gravity: An object will fall so as to do the most damage.
Law of Supply:  It's yours if you don't need nor want it.
Law of Window Cleaning:  It's always on the other side.
Law of Window Cleaning:  It's on the other side.
Law of holes: when you're in one, stop digging!
Law of the Marketplace:  Weekend specials aren't.
Law remains long after justice flees! Hear that BUBBA ???
Law students have better motions.
Law, without force, is impotent. - Pascal
Law: The art of crippling you and then charging rent on the crutch.
Lawn Care: Ray King
Lawn Care: Ray King*
Lawn weeds?  Send $29.95 for ACME Concrete brochure.
Lawrence (Joe) Mac Donald
Lawrence Mac Donald. Ast.Manager of Maestro Music & Compositions
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
Lawrence Welk can do it with bubbles.
Lawrence of Arabia might drive a Mirage.
Lawrence of San Francisco - Tom
Laws against bigamy protect the stupid man from himself.
Laws are Certain... Justice is Not!
Laws are for other people.
Laws are like bones; they're made to be broken.
Laws are like sausages, it is better to not see them made
Laws are like sausages, it is better to not see them made.
Laws are society's common sense, written down for the stupid.
Laws change, but justice is justice.   --Odo
Laws don't stop crime...Armed Citizens do.
Laws grind the poor and rich men rule the law.
Laws on date rape create a climate of date hate
Laws on date rape create a climate of date hate.
Laws should be like clothes - made to fit the people they're to serve.
Laws that do not embody public opinion can never be enforced.
Laws were almost always made *by* men, but not *for* men
Laws were almost always made *by* men, but not *for* men.
Laws: poor substitutes for personal responsibility
Lawsuit, n. A machine which you go into as a pig and come
Lawyer (n): Larval stage of Politician.
Lawyer + Godfather = an offer you can't understand
Lawyer - the larval form of Politician
Lawyer - the larval form of Politician.
Lawyer - the larval stage of a Politician.
Lawyer Testing" :because some things, even RATS won't do
Lawyer Testing:Cause some things even RATS won't do.
Lawyer \LAW-yer\ v. 1. Uses the law to get yers.
Lawyer in posh restaurant? Ambiance chaser.
Lawyer jokes: Lawyers don't like them, no-one else thinks they're joke
Lawyer went to posh restaurants. He was an ambience chaser.
Lawyer's Duty: Protect client from others of his species.
Lawyer's favorite Japanese corporation: Sosumi ( so sue me)
Lawyer's houses are built on the heads of fools. - G. Herbert
Lawyer's houses are built on the heads of fools. --Herbert.
Lawyer, n. One skilled in circumvention of the law
Lawyer.....One skilled in the circumcision of the law.
Lawyer.....One skilled in the circumvention of the law. --Ambrose Bierce
Lawyer..One skilled in the circumcision of the law.
Lawyer..One skilled in the circumvention of the law.
Lawyer:  Larval form of Politician.
Lawyer:  Larval form of a politician.
Lawyer:  Someone trained in circunventing the law.
Lawyer:  The larval form of a politician.
Lawyer:  The larval stage of a politician.
Lawyer: A cat who settles disputes between mice.
Lawyer: An ambulance chaser.
Lawyer: I can prove either for an appropriate fee.
Lawyer: I prefer representing female; system clearly biased in her favor
Lawyer: Justice as Politician: Honest.
Lawyer: Larval form of politcian.
Lawyer: Larval stage of politican
Lawyer: One skilled in circumvention of the law.
Lawyer: One who calls a 137 page document a brief.
Lawyer: Someone trained in circumventing the law.
Lawyer: The larval stage of a politician
Lawyer: The only animal that defecates from both ends.
Lawyer: a cat who settles disputes between mice.
Lawyer: one skilled in the circumvention of the law
Lawyer: only person in whom ignorance of the law is not punished.
Lawyer: someone who makes sure that he gets what's coming to you.
Lawyer: the larval form of a Politician
Lawyers & Hookers: Both hired to get their clients off.
Lawyers & hookers are both hired to get their clients off
Lawyers & hookers:  Both hired to get their clients off.
Lawyers *ARE* the problem.
Lawyers - The greatest threat to America!
Lawyers - can't live with them can't eat 'em.
Lawyers - can't live with them...can't die without them.
Lawyers - the larval form of politicians.
Lawyers DO IT on a table.
Lawyers DO IT to anyone & everyone & as often as they can!
Lawyers DO IT to anyone and everyone and as often as they can!
Lawyers DO IT with appeal.
Lawyers DO IT with extensions in their briefs.
Lawyers The #1 Cause of Divorces...
Lawyers View:  If Sh*t Happens, SUE!
Lawyers View:  If shit Happens, SUE!
Lawyers View: If sh!t Happens, SUE!
Lawyers and Hookers: Both hired to get their clients off.
Lawyers and hookers -- both hired to get their clients off.
Lawyers and hookers are both hired to get their clients off.
Lawyers and painters can soon change white to black.
Lawyers and wagon wheels must be well greased.
Lawyers and wagon wheels need to be well greased.
Lawyers are extraterrestrials.
Lawyers are like Sperm, one in a million turns out to be human!
Lawyers are like Sperm: 1 in a Million turn out to be Human.
Lawyers are like Sperm: 1 in a Million turns out to be Human.
Lawyers are like cactuses, except the pricks are inside!
Lawyers are the larval form of politicians
Lawyers aren't crooks - just "ethically challenged"
Lawyers can remove their wingtips.
Lawyers can write a 100,000 word document and call it a brief. 
Lawyers can't think, people do.
Lawyers collect on marital bonds!
Lawyers complain about briefs.
Lawyers confuse justice for income.
Lawyers could be an important source of protein for pigs.
Lawyers could be an important source of protein.
Lawyers do it in billable units.
Lawyers do it in briefs.
Lawyers do it in front of the Judge and Jury.
Lawyers do it in their briefs.
Lawyers do it on a trial basis.
Lawyers do it to anybody.
Lawyers do it to anyone they can!
Lawyers do it to anyone.
Lawyers do it to everyone they can!
Lawyers do it to everyone.
Lawyers do it to others.
Lawyers do it to you legally.
Lawyers do it to you.
Lawyers do it with clause.
Lawyers do it with extensions in their briefs.
Lawyers do it with precedents.
Lawyers do it, then charge high fees.
Lawyers do it, then charge higher fees.
Lawyers eat their spawn.
Lawyers eat their young.
Lawyers elected to office pass laws that benefit lawyers!
Lawyers get Melvin Belli-arrhea.
Lawyers get frequent flier miles. Vultures don't.
Lawyers get frequent flier miles. Why don't vultures.
Lawyers have got you in their cites!
Lawyers have got your in their cites!
Lawyers like wagon wheels must be well greased.
Lawyers never die, they just lose their appeal
Lawyers never lose their appeal.
Lawyers of Suffering: Grin & Barrett.
Lawyers of Suffering: Grin and Barrett
Lawyers or Toxic Waste Dumps ... hmm, tough choice.
Lawyers or Toxic Waste Dumps...hmmm, tough choice
Lawyers or Toxic Waste DumpsHmm, much the same
Lawyers or Toxic Waste Dumpshmmm, tough choice
Lawyers representing the Meek contacted me about my inheritance.
Lawyers should advertise on hospital ceilings.
Lawyers try to pleas many clients.
Lawyers wear tight collar to keep foreskin hidden.
Lawyers wear tight collars to keep foreskin off their face
Lawyers work in their briefs
Lawyers work in their briefs.
Lawyers, I suppose, were children once.
Lawyers, the larva form of politicians
Lawyers, the mothers of deception.
Lawyers, the roadblocks to progress!
Lawyers, tramps, and thieves....
Lawyers, your ambulance-chasing kind of people!
Lawyers- The greatest threat to America
Lawyers--the larval form of politicians
Lawyers. Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!
Lawyers... A legal protection racket.
Lawyers:  The larvae stage of politicians.
Lawyers:  n The larval stage of politicians
Lawyers:  n...  The larval stage of politicians...
Lawyers:  the best argument against gun control!
Lawyers:  the larval form of politicians.
Lawyers: The #1 Cause of Divorces
Lawyers: The best argument against gun control.
Lawyers: The larvae stage of politicians.
Lawyers: The larval form of politicians.
Lawyers: The larvel form of politicians
Lawyers: The number one cause of divorces.
Lawyers: n. The larvae stage of politicians.
Lawyers: n. the larval form of Politicians.
Lawyers: n... The larval stage of politicians...
Lawyers: the best argument against gun control..
Lawyers: the larval form of Politicians.
Lawyers: the larval form of politicians.
Lawyers: the larval stage of politicians.
Lawyers: the private-sector equivalent of government bureaucrats.
Lawyers:the larval form of politicians
Lay a stick of bubble gum on an anthill for instant Siamese Ant Twins.
Lay down Sue and get some rest, you're delirious again!
Lay down, get IN, shut up, and hold on!
Lay my hands on Heaven, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars - NIN
Lay my hands on heaven and the sun and the moon and the start -- NIN
Lay my hands on heaven and the sun and the moon and the start.
Lay off! You're suffocating me! - Crow as kid
Lay on MacDuff, and damned be he who cries, "Time out Dude!"
Lay on!  And damned be he who first cries "HOLD!"
Lay on! And damned be he that first cries; HOLD, ENOUGH!
Lay then the axe to the root and teach governments humanity. - Paine
Lay your hands on me!
Lay-tex Con-dome..boy, I'd like to live in one of those! - Grampa
Laylei: A string of packaged condoms.
Laz je da se mrak siri brzinom svetlosti!
Lazarus Long probably said it best!
Lazarus Long, Greatest lover of all TIME.
Lazarus Long: The greatest lover of all time! -- RAH
Lazer bleens! - Crow
Lazes, Melita!!!
Laziness and poverty are cousins.
Laziness is a heavy burden . Irish Proverb .
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.
Laziness: using a golf cart to play horseshoes.
Lazy Employees: Hans Doolittle
Lazy creatures, mynah birds
Lazy is taking coffee breaks between naps.  Jon
Lazy people have no spare time. -Japanese Proverb.
Lazyboy. The name America's comfortable with.
Le Future, C'est C!
Le Mat Revolver: Assault weapon of the 19th century.
Le chameau est un dromadaire dessini par un comiti.
Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien.
Le roi est mort.  Jive le roi.  <The King is dead.  No kidding.>
Le'see..I wanna MODEM,'nd a RAM DISK,'nd KATHLEEN TURNER!
Lead me not into Temptation. (I can find it myself, thank you!)
Lead me not into temptation - Unless there's money involved, of course
Lead me not into temptation - unless there's money in it.
Lead me not into temptation - unless there's money involved.  -SLR
Lead me not into temptation - unless there's money.
Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.
Lead me not into temptation, I can find my own way
Lead me not into temptation, I enjoy finding it myself.
Lead me not into temptation, I know the way myself!
Lead me not into temptation, Lord. I can find it myself.
Lead me not into temptation, for I can find it by myself.
Lead me not into temptation, unless there's money involved.
Lead me not into temptation.  I can find it myself.
Lead me not into temptation.  I can find my own way.
Lead me not into temptation. I can find it myself!
Lead me not into temptation. I can find it myself.
Lead me not into temptation. I can lead myself quite well thanks..
Lead me not into temptation... I always find it myself!
Lead me not into temptation... I can find it myself.
Lead me not into temptation...unless it's chocolate!!!
Lead me not into temptation;  I'll find my own way.
Lead me not into temptation; I can find it myself.
Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself.
Lead me not into temptation; I'll find my own way.
Lead me not into temptationFor I can find it myself...
Lead me not into temptationI can find it myself.
Lead me not to temptation for I can find it on my own.
Lead me not to temptation, I can find it myself!
Lead me not to temptation, I enjoy finding it myself.
Lead me not to temptation; I can find the way myself.
Lead on, MacDuff!
Lead the horses to water & pray they don't drown.
Lead us to temptation and deliver us some pizza.
Lead, Follow, or get the Hell out of the way
Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!
Leader: Keep me briefed! * Crow: Make those briefs SHORT!
Leaders are like eagles, they don't flock, you find them one at a time.
Leadership is intelligence, humaneness and courage. -- Sun Tzu
Leadership, Carries a chain saw and gets good results.
Leagalize maru..mawa..moua..mawo..Pot.
Leak proof seals-will, self-starters-won't.
Leak:  A nautical situation calling for Leadership.
Leakproof seals, will. Quiet toilets, aren't.
Leakproof seals--will.
Leakproof seals... do.
Leaky sunroof.
Lean books are often larded with fat of others' works.
Lean books are often larded with the fat of others' works
Lean just a little more and let's see what happens.
Lean left. Nah, your OTHER left! - Crow as barber
Lean on 'em a little and they fall into line. - Guido
Lean out ya window and shout ... I'll see if I can hear you!!
Lean'n to the Left, Lean'n to the Right, And thats Only the First Two!
Leano: Talk show host leans over to talk as they fade to commercial.
Leap - and the net will appear.
Leapees - Orville's alter egos - On the next ROBERTO!
Leapees - Sam Beckett's alter egos - On the next ROBERTO!
Leapers                    do it with timing.
Leapers always reflect before deciding what to do next!
Leapin' Lovers, Batman!  Batgirl just taught me a new trick!
Leapin' into some message wid no dought fo' safety.  Ya' know?..
Leaping into a message with no thought for safety...
Leaping lizards! - Tom as dinosaur jumps
Learn C++ as a second language!
Learn The Basics Of Clintonomics.  Call 1-900-SUK-U-DRY
Learn a foriegn language...C
Learn a little each day!
Learn a new language...think in WingDing fonts.
Learn a new mating position - Play chess.
Learn about *REAL* cults by reading "Cultes des Goules"
Learn about the Force, #TN#.
Learn about the Force, @FN@!
Learn about the Force, Bob.
Learn about the Force, Orville.
Learn about the Force, Streaker.
Learn about the force, Luke. - Obi Wan
Learn from @FN@'s parents mistakes: Use a condom!
Learn from Orville's parents' mistakes: Use a condom!
Learn from children to have a meaningful old age.
Learn from other's mistakes rather than making them all yourself.
Learn from the past, adapt to the present, and work for the future.
Learn from the turtle who makes progress when it sticks its neck out.
Learn from your parent's mistakes:  Use birth control!
Learn from your parent's mistakes: Use Birth Control!
Learn from your parents' mistakes - use birth control!
Learn from your parents' mistakes: Use a condom!
Learn from your parents' mistakes;  use birth control.
Learn how I made my 1st million.  Send $1 for Info.
Learn how to be a fabulous feminist!
Learn how to bend and you'll never have to break.
Learn how to spell, liberal trash. <--Troy Whited 01-15-94
Learn new words... Page your Sysop at 3a.m.
Learn patience  -  ray trace on an XT.
Learn something NEW today!
Learn something new every day!
Learn the basics of Clintonomics.  Call 1-900-SUK-U-DRY
Learn the basics of feminism.  Call 1-900-BEN-DOVER
Learn the basics of feminizm.  Call 1-900-BEN-DOVER
Learn the delicious kiss of the lash.
Learn the difference between a warm heart and hot pants.
Learn the sacred words of praise: Hail Satan!
Learn to disagree without being disagreeable!
Learn to fly. Skydive.
Learn to laugh at yourself, we certainly have.
Learn to laugh at yourself.............WE HAVE!
Learn to listen, listen to learn.
Learn to listen.  Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.
Learn to love me  -  'cause I AIN'T leavin' !!!
Learn to make better use of sugar and you can be like me! -Nightfall
Learn to mistrust your own taste - Mike
Learn to recognize and acknowlege these mistakes.
Learn to splel, danmit!
Learn to think for a living.
Learn what, Tess?  Learn not to be human? - Richie Ryan
Learn why the world wags and what wags it.
Learn'd without sense, and venerably dull. -- Churchill
Learn, Adapt, Move Forward. Be Well & of Good Spirits!
Learned men are the cisterns of knowledge, not the fountainheads.
Learned men do not grieve for the dead or the living.
Learning about the bondage uses of plastic wrap has made me Glad.
Learning is a wondrous thing!
Learning makes people fit company for themselves.
Learning to let go is one of the hardest lessons in life.
Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
Learning unix via man | pg
Learning without thought is labor lost.
Lease duplicate removed taglines, but not here.
Lease removed duplicate taglines, but not here.
Leask, target your blaster at the nearest moderator AND SHOOT!
Least knowledgeable of any president I've met.- Tip O'Neill on Reagan
Least popular new car option #6:  Hydraulic roadkill scoop
Least repeated phrase in the world:  "Here's your refund."
Leather and rope.. the ties that bind.
Leather doesn't protect you, but you make a good looking corpse.
Leather is waterproof -- ever see a cow with an umbrella?
Leather: It's not just for cattle anymore.
Leave It To  a BLUE WAVER
Leave It To BWAVER
Leave Livingston alone!  We've got bigger fish to fry!
Leave Me Alone, I'm in Denile.
Leave Niki out of this, she is the 8th wonder of the world.
Leave a message after the scream...don't...DON'T...AAAAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHH
Leave an emergency number while on vacation - write "911"
Leave bad enough alone!
Leave bigotry in your quarters!
Leave crusts on, so dykes will recognise the sandwiches.
Leave crusts on, so dykes will recognize the sandwiches.
Leave everything a little better than you found it!
Leave him alone Orville! He's monsterbating
Leave him alone, he's got swine fever.
Leave it alone, Bob. It's dangerous---
Leave it alone, Paul. It's dangerous---
Leave it alone. It's dangerous---
Leave it to girls to take all the fun out of sex discrimination -Calvin
Leave me alone, I'm dead!
Leave me alone, I'm having a sexual fantasy!
Leave me alone, lemme rock and Roll!"-RUSH
Leave me alone.  I'm tired.
Leave me alone. I'm sleeping with my kite - Crow
Leave me alone. I'm watching the hockey game!
Leave me drunk!  I'm alone!!!
Leave my chicken out of this! - Crow T. Robot
Leave no stone unturned.               Euripides (431 BC)
Leave some phony dog poop on top of the deceased.
Leave the jokes to the Kremlin. - Col. Flagg
Leave this one, Orville. I kind of like it.
Leave this place. They are not for you. --Kosh.
Leave your BEST tagline here.... NOW!.
Leave your friends as stuffed as the mushrooms
Leave yourself wide open; they'll be too confused to aim.
Leaves us drifting in space! - Rimmer
Leavin' on a jet plain - Tom sings as jet takes off
Leaving all I know back there...
Leaving behind a path of destruction no matter where she goes.
Leaving me lonely still...
Leaving tomorrow on an Elephant Tipping Safari!
Lebanon, Charles de Gaulle, California Baseball
Lec escaped from Auschwitz, by the way.
Lecite se kod nas i umrecete zdravi !
Lectlawnlumber: Political yard sign.
Lee "Press-On" Wood - Crow on name in credits
Lee Harvery Oswald .. where are you when we need you?
Lee Harvey Oswald's aim was off...by about thirty years.
Lee Harvey Oswald, where are you when we need you?
Lee Press-On Tagline
Lee Press-on Talons - Crow
Lee Rich - In the shopping mall of the mind, he's in the toy store.
Lee Rich has a mind like a steel sieve.
Lee Rich's demented and deluded mind.
Lee's Scalping Tickets to Disney Land! -*- Mystic Infinity
Leech hackers:  Raiders of the lost .ARC
Leetch: An escapee from The Cheshire Correctional Institution.
Leetch: Hated by Rangers bashers, and by message posters!
Left a good job in the city - Tom sings as voodoo girl
Left a good job in the city, workin for the man every night and day...
Left a good job in the city, workin for the man.
Left a good job in the city- Tom Servo
Left hand is grasping strong, it does not fear its destiny!
Left hand threaded.
Left hand; power of the lords, builds upon our destiny
Left hand; power of the pure, the world will tremble at our command
Left hand; power to take what was ours from the day of birth
Left hand; triumph of the will, the world will whimper in our wake
Left handers DO IT right.
Left heart in San Francisco. Had to. Owed the Hotel!
Left his booster on the launch pad.
Left lane fast, center-slow, right-carphones!
Left lane must turn right.
Left the house and forgot to turn the answering machine on
Left the store without all of his groceries.
Left to it's own devices, evil can get awfully obnoxious. - LS
Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
Left-handed people are in their right minds.
Left-wing Tagline                       Right-wing Tagline
Left-wingers Trying socialism again.
Leftie's Whole Hog Sausage with 100 percent pure pork.
Lefties are better lovers.
Lefties are the only people in their right minds.
Lefties:  The only people in their right minds.
Lefties:  The only people in their right minds...
Leftist, Marxist, Aardvarks Unite!
Leftists are among the first to speak of their rights.
Leftover food and medical supplies. - G'Kar
Leftover nuts never match leftover bolts.
Legal "loopholes" protect _you_ from being falsely convicted.
Legal Marijuana needs true glaucoma patients.
Legal Marijuana needs true glaucoma patients. 
Legal Reform: Fewer laws and stricter punishment.
Legalize Bingo!  Keep Grandma off the streets.
Legalize Drugs: Think of it as evolution in action.
Legalize Freedom!
Legalize freedom.
Legalize maru... mawa... moua... mawo... Pot.
Lege atque lacrima.
Legends - Sometimes adults fantasize in medieval.
Legends don't give zip codes - LaCroix
Legislate a moment of SCIENCE in the public schools.
Legislate verbs, not nouns.
Legislation doesn't cure society's ills.
Legislators:    Open their mouths and the shit happens...
Legs! Where are the legs? -- Lwaxanna
Legs, where are the legs? --Lwaxana.
Leia: "Would it helped if I got out and pushed?"   Han: "It might."
Leigh-ann Ever wonder what the other 0.56% of Ivory soap is?
Leisure is the mother of philosophy.
Lekari kazu da su smrtonosne bolesti najgore.
Lemme be frank. When I say 'frank' I mean, you know, 'devestating'.
Lemme guess, you did something stupid again today?
Lemme help you Gary. You have those hammer toes - Dr. F
Lemme just stick a dollar in there - Mike on stripper
Lemme tell ya, I've got some news for you.
Lemme' guess. Pinking shears? - Gypsy
Lemme' show you my appendix scar - Crow as drunk
Lemme' show you the giant crouton we're working on - Mike
Lemming: The animal fundies resemble the most.
Lemmings must be directed to the sea. - Frank Burns
Lemmings! All of you!
Lemon curry ?!?
Lemon curry?
Lemon tree! Very pretty! - Frank sings
Lench Mob, running from devil...
Lend me some cache?  My chkdsk bounced... I'll give it write-back.
Lend me ten pounds, I buy you a drink - Shane MacGowen
Lend money to a bad debtor and he will hate you.
Lend only what you can afford to lose.
Lend your books and lose your friends. 
Length of an average blink: 0.1 second.
Lenin's Tomb is a communist plot.
Lennon, put them girls down or I'll tell your mother on you.
Leo Tolstoy didn't do it with Peter I.
Leo Tolstoy: Warren Peace
Leona in Dominion: "You scratched BONAPARTE!  You will DIE!!"
Leonard Erickson only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Leonard Nimoy for President in 1992!  Live Long and Prosper!
Leonard Nimoy for President in 1992!  The Only Logical Candidate!
Leonard Nimoy hosts "In Search of Al Gore's Brain"
Leonard Nimoy hosts "In Search of Al Gore's Credibility"
Leonard Nimoy hosts "In Search of Al Gore's Honesty"
Leonard Nimoy hosts "In Search of Al Gore's Sense of Humor"
Leonard Nimoy hosts "In Search of Bill Clinton's Credibility"
Leonard Nimoy hosts "In Search of Bill Clinton's Honesty"
Leopards, tired of their spots, suffer suicidal thoughts.
Leper hockey game ended due to a faceoff in the left corner
Leper hockey game ended due to face-off in corner...
Leper:  A wild cat.
Lepers repel.
Lepo je u zenskom drustvu biti povucen.
Lepper sportscast: "-And Johnson HEADS HIM OFF!"
Lepper sportscast: "-And he keeps a hand on it!"
Lepper sportscast: "-It's Blueboy by a nose!"
Lepper sportscast: "And it's a face-off!"
Lepper sportscast: "He lost his head over that one!"
Lepper sportscast: "He really put his arm into that throw..."
Lepre-Khan: Short person prone to taking over starships.
Leprechauns hide in Twinkies.
Leprous Ethics:  Moral Decay.
Lepse je sa kulturu !
Leptons and Gluons and Quarks, oh my!
Lern two spel.
Les Canadiens sont la!
Les Nesman: Born to be mild... heck on wheels!
Les Nessman:  Born to be mild... heck on wheels!
Les Tres Acadiennes du Stooge: LeRoux, Meaux et Coeurlez
Les mortels muerent. Qu'importe la facon? - LaCroix
Les temps changent et nous changeons avec eux. - [Latin]
LesDlixia OK Rules ?
Lesbian UFO midgets who've kidnapped Elvis.  On the next Geraldo.
Lesbian UFO pilots who've kidnapped Elvis.  On the next Geraldo.
Lesbian one-eyed dwarfs who can't dance - on the next Geraldo!
Lesbian tagline: lick here -> [ ] <-
Lesbian's in the mist.
Lesbian's just keep going and going and going
Lesbian++  with object-oriented extensions.
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Rights *ARE* Family Values!
Lesbian:  Person from the Middle East.
Lesbian: Person from the Middle East.
Lesbian: another case of a woman attempting to do a man's job!
Lesbianage:  Gay female spy activity.
Lesbianism: Sh*t can happen lickity slit.
Lesbianism: Shit can happen lickity slit.
Lesbians - they're nothing but trouble!
Lesbians are a girl's best friend!
Lesbians do it with one-half, gays the other.
Lesbians give a whole new meaning to coffee klatches.
Lesbians just keep going and going and going
Lesbians just want to have fun!
Lesbians love whales because they have ten foot tongues!
Lesbians make the world go round!
Lesbians may settle during shipment.
Lesbians melt in your mouth not in your hand!
Lesbians roasting on an open fire
Lesbians, they're not just for breakfast anymore!
Lesbians: They take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!
Lesbians: two hers trying to play hims without an organ.
Lesion:  A unit of Roman Army.
Leslie Neilson for Police Commissioner
Less Government = Lower Taxes = Better Life.  Simple, no?
Less filling!
Less government = more freedom.
Less government is better!
Less is more.
Less talk  more Synthehol. (Said by Lt. Worf)
Less talk -- more recipes!
Less talk -- more taglines!
Less talk ... more Synthehol. (Said by Lt. Worf)
Less talk! More Synthehol! -- Worf
Less talk, more synthahol<Uuurp!>  - Worf
Less talk, more synthahol. ... Worf
Less talk.  More synthahol. * Worf
Less talk. . . more synthehol. --Worf
Less talk. More grease - Crow
Less talk. More synthehol. - Worf.
Less than 0.2% of the guns in the US are misused in crime.
Less than 1/5th of 1% of the guns in the US are misused in crime.
Less than 100 posts to go!
Less than half the cars I own start any more...what's wrong with that?
Less wrestling & pain & slamming next time, ok? - Tom
Lesse - what to throw in return... Ah!  SEARCH:  RETURN
Lesse what I got here:
Lessee - shield, helmet, sword .I'm ready to play!
Lessee.. what'll I buy first from my no-tax-hike savings?
Lesser artists borrow. Great artists steal.
Lesser les bon temps rouler!
Lesser of two evils? Shoot both of 'em and start over.
Lesson #1, don't fry bacon in the nude
Lesson #1: Don't do your deep-fat frying in the nude.
Lesson #1: Don't fry bacon in the nude.
Lesson #201 - Never scratch your back with a vorpal sword.
Lesson learned from John Bobbitt-=-Always sleep on your stomach!
Lessons are repeated until they are learned.
Lessons taught but never learned! All around us anger burns. -Rush
Lest that our neighebores thee espye."
Lestat, you are the -damndest- creature!
Lestat, you deserve your vengeance. - Louis
Let 'em jump. If there's a million already, they don't need ME!
Let Barney ride any New York transportation system.
Let Bhagwans be Bhagwans.
Let Go and Let God
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered...
Let God be true, and every man a liar.
Let He who taketh the Plunge Remember to return it by Tuesday.
Let It Rot!
Let LimBORG do it.  He knows everything.
Let This Be A Lesson To You - Stimpy.
Let Us Celebrate!
Let Us Open Our Checkbooks and Pray- TV Evangelist
Let Us Open Our Checkbooks and Pray.  -- J. Swaggart.
Let Us Open Our Checkbooks and Pray. J. Swaggart.
Let Us Open our Checkbooks and Pray...
Let Waco and Ruby Ridge be a warning to all Americans.
Let Waco and Ruby Ridge be a warning to all Americans...
Let X = X.
Let a :-) be your umbrella
Let a baby's hair and fingernails grow until their 1st birthday.
Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.
Let a gardener trim your bush today.
Let a smile be your umbrella....Put on a happy face.
Let a smirk be your umbrella...
Let all fetuses live.
Let all things be done decently and in order. (1 Cor 14:40)
Let an Electrician undo your shorts for you.
Let anarchy reign.   VOID WHERE PROHIBITED!
Let arms yield to the gown.
Let art alone. She's got enough guys sleeping with her.
Let brotherly love continue. - Hebrews 13:1
Let butt be kicked.
Let conscience be your Guinan.
Let data be seen.
Let down your defenses, go talk to her.
Let each man exercise the art he knows.      Aristophanes
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord.
Let go of him, you BITCH!! - Joel to Evil Bot Timmy
Let go of my ears! I know what I'm doing.
Let go of stuff......U-Hauls don't follow hearses.
Let government run crime to make sure it doesn't pay
Let he who is stoned cast the first sin
Let he who takes a Monday plunge return it by Tuesday.
Let he who takes the plunge remember to return it by Thursday.
Let he who takes the plunge remember to return it by Tuesday.
Let he who takes the plunge remember to return it my Monday.
Let he who takes the plunge remember to return it!
Let he who takes the plunge remember to return it.
Let heaven exist, even though our estate be hell. --Borges.
Let her know you'll always be her man.
Let her pale light in to fill up your room --U2
Let him brood. It has always been his way. - Janette
Let him have it ! It's not nice to upset a................. Moderator.
Let him have it.  It's not wise to upset a Wookiee.
Let him have it. It's not wise to upset a Orville.
Let him that moved you hither remove you hence.
Let him that would move the world, first move himself.  Socrates
Let him who is stoned cast the first sin ....
Let him who is stoned cast the first sin.
Let him who takes the Plunge remember to return it by Tuesday.
Let him who takes the plunge remember to return it by Tuesday.
Let him who takes the plunge remember to return it.
Let it go...
Let it hang in the breeze, and get caught in the trees...
Let it never end -- Aether-Tongue, Stargazer
Let it snow!  Let it snow!  Let it snow!
Let length(Long_Walk) > length(Short_Pier)
Let length(walk) > length(pier)
Let length(walk) < length(pier)
Let loose the ferrets of the apocalypse!
Let love seek and let love find.  It's simple. - Collective Soul
Let lying dogs sleep.
Let me OUT!!!   Zazu     Let me IN!!!   Timon
Let me annoint your beak with scented oils - Tom to Crow
Let me be one of the first to welcome you back...
Let me be the first to offer you sex - Tom
Let me call you Sweetheart - I can't remember your name.
Let me clarify this.  Is it random or is it chaotic?
Let me clean out this poison tank, said Tom deceptively.
Let me die sleeping like my aunt -- not screaming like her passengers.
Let me do the talking. - Yakko
Let me explain it to you VERY slowly:  NO CARRIER
Let me go back in and face the peril." " No It's too perilous!"
Let me go home and start over....
Let me grab your bosom - Tom as guy helps girl
Let me guess; Horrible. Am I warm? - Trillian
Let me have it if you must, folks. But I feel better now.
Let me have it, @FN@. It's not wise to upset a woman.
Let me have it. It's not wise to upset a woman.
Let me hear more!
Let me hear you potty talk - Tom leers
Let me hear your belelaikas ringing out...
Let me help you relax -- Deanna
Let me improvise this part, said Tom descriptively.
Let me introduce my lovely wife Pinkinia - Brain
Let me introduce you to my undead friend...
Let me introduce you to the "Little General"
Let me just check my 'Non-Christian Rolodex'.. - Reverend Lovejoy
Let me just hoist my large ass in here - Crow
Let me just patronize you a bit - Crow
Let me just say this about all these impersonations.-Father Mulcahy
Let me kiss it better. - Claudia - Interview...
Let me know how you like it after you get it going!
Let me know how you make out.  I sure that you will enjoy BW.
Let me know if he eats her brains. - Wakko
Let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight.
Let me know if this message doesn't get through to you
Let me know if this message doesn't get through to you.
Let me know if ya want more...
Let me know if you didn't receive this message.
Let me know if you don't get this so I can send it again..
Let me know if you don't receive this..
Let me know if you have any other questions that I could  help with!
Let me know if you haven't received this message. 
Let me know if you learn anything!
Let me know if you receive this!
Let me know right away if you don't get this message
Let me know right away if you don't get this message.
Let me know what you find is the solution for you.
Let me know when something normal happens.
Let me know when two finally equals three.
Let me know, if this is of interest to you.
Let me make a man out of you, Capt. Servo - Evil Gypsy
Let me not be quite so sure that my thinking is always correct.
Let me out of here fast. TRON is catching up.
Let me out of this embassy, said Tom disconsolately.
Let me outta here. TRON is catching up to me.
Let me pat your fuzzy little head...
Let me play with it first and I'll tell you what it is la
Let me play with it first and I'll tell you what it is later.
Let me push a(*$#!@# NO CARRIER
Let me put it this way...DIS-MISSED!! - Potter to Frank & Maragret
Let me put that another way. - Father Mulcahy
Let me read my twelve book epic: My favorite bath time gurgles.
Let me recognize my problems that have been solved.
Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.
Let me restate how much I hate you - Crow
Let me rub some ointment on that, Tom said topically.
Let me run this past you once real slow. - Shai-ster
Let me sail, let me sail, let the Orinoco flow.<Orinoco Flow/Enya>
Let me say again: That recipe file is *gigantic*.
Let me say again: This tagline file is *gigantic*. - Jack Butler
Let me say this: bein' an idiot is no box of chocolates.  - F. Gump
Let me see ... Alt H ...AH SHI ... NO CARRIER .
Let me see Alt-H    AW, SHI-NO CARRIER
Let me see Clinton the Idiot or Reagan the forgetful, I'll take Reagan!
Let me see if I can prove that, said Tom unassumingly.
Let me see what I can come up with for you:
Let me see what a search comes up with:
Let me see what happen when you roll your face on the key
Let me see what happens when you roll your face on the keyboard...
Let me see your bat a minute. - Hobbes
Let me see your tagline writing permit, sir.
Let me show ya something you ain't never seen...
Let me show you the cure
Let me sing you songs from the woods...
Let me sleep on it...
Let me stand next to your fire - Hendrix
Let me stroke you a bit here (*)(*), ( v ) to get you in the mood!
Let me sweeten the deal a bit - Satan
Let me sweeten the deal a bit for you, - Beelzebub.
Let me sweeten the deal a bit for you.
Let me sweeten the deal a little  -Beelzebub
Let me take you a buttonhole lower.
Let me take you far a way, you'd like a holiday.
Let me take you there!!! -- Kasmir, Led Zeppelin
Let me take you to a safer location my silky darling! -Ho
Let me take you under my thumb.
Let me taste your honey . . .Honey
Let me then switch tacks and change horses in midstream.
Let me think again, said Tom redeemingly.
Let me think... Don't hurt yourself, Pinky.
Let me through! I'm a Texan - Crow
Let my people go! Land of Goshen......
Let my people go. - Exodus 7:16
Let no good deed go unpunished.
Let no man's heart fail because of him. - 1 Samuel 17:32
Let no one say we did not fight until the last. --Dwarven Soldier.
Let not the sands of time get in your lunch.
Let not your tongue cut your throat.
Let others praise ancient times; I am glad I was born in these. (Ovid)
Let overwhelming ambition be your coach.
Let people pull in front of you when you're stopped in traffic.
Let problems make you better, not bitter.
Let sleeping dogs lie. Charles Dickens
Let sleeping dragons lie. -- St. George.
Let some things remain mysterious!
Let the Blue Wave wash through your Window and cool your fevered brow
Let the Dragon ride again the winds of time. <Dragon Prophecy>
Let the Jews all scream, let the Catholics burn;
Let the Libertarians rule for a change. --Camille Paglia.
Let the Lord of Chaos Rule <Dragon Prophecy>
Let the PC mind police arrest me. I keep having sexist thoughts.
Let the Protestants hide, let the false ones wallow in their demise
Let the airplanes circle mourning overhead... -- Auden
Let the bass kick.
Let the booting begin!
Let the dead rest and the past remain the past...Picard
Let the doors of Pain be opened!
Let the female cat run; the tomcat will catch her.
Let the fools have their 'tar-tar' sauce. - Monty Burns
Let the guilty pay, it's Independence Day!
Let the halls ring with the joyous sounds of buttkicking.
Let the machine do the dirty work.  - Elements of Programming Style
Let the meek inherit the Earth, I want the stars!
Let the meek inherit the Earth, it's the stars I'm after!
Let the meek inherit the Earth. I want the stars!
Let the news be spread..Hillary's health care plan is DEAD!
Let the people call me naive, I believe...
Let the perversions begin!
Let the programmers be many and the managers few. Tao of Programming.
Let the rain fall, and fall, and fall.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so...
Let the reign of terror end! - Crow on bread man
Let the right be wrong.
Let the sleeping lion lie. He sleeps and harms no one. -- River
Let the thief in the party hunt for >BOOOOMMM< ...traps?
Let the thief in the party hunt for <*BOOOOMMMMM!* ...traps?!
Let the user debug it!
Let the weak be strong.
Let the weak die.
Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law.
Let them all make their own music-RUSH
Let them eat Twinkies!
Let them eat `[33mA`[34mN`[35mS`[36mI`[37m
Let them eat cache!
Let them eat cache.
Let them eat my `[34mD`[35mU`[36mS`[37mT
Let them eat static!
Let them learn first to shew piety at home. - 1 Timothy 5:4
Let them live their own poisoned little lives...
Let there be CLOVE (of Garlic) in your LIFE.
Let there be Peace on earth....and let it begin with me.
Let there be kicking of butt.
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: (PHI 2:5)
Let those you love know you do.
Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent.
Let understanding stop at what cannot be understood. -Lao Tsu
Let us also remember to guard that erring member the tongue. -B. Smith
Let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together.
Let us call that the Chrono Trigger. It is pure potential. --Gaspar
Let us celebrate an exhaltation of larks!
Let us celebrate with the adding of chocolate to milk.. - Homer
Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees.
Let us drink and be merry, dance, joke and rejoice,
Let us drop our pants and pray to the sex god..
Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we shall die. - Isaiah 22:13
Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we shall die. --Old Test, Isaiah.
Let us forget Random in the courts of clemency. <Eric>
Let us have a look at this cave, then. - Thorin Oakenshield
Let us have faith that right makes might. - <Lincoln>
Let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth.
Let us not post to him a lot, for his is a silly face.
Let us open our checkbooks and prey
Let us praise the Almighty for what He has done!
Let us remember that ours is a nation of lawyers and orde
Let us remember that ours is a nation of lawyers and order
Let us settle our indifferences.
Let us sit on the ground and tell sad stories of the deaths of kings.
Let us start a new religion with onbe commandment 'Enjoy thyself'.
Let us the 'Nasty' do - Tom
Let us trust in God who has always fooled us in the past.
Let us trust in God who has always fooled us in the past.  -  Unknown
Let us wait till the ballots are all cast before declaring the winner.
Let use cross over the river, and rest in the shade of the trees.
Let you in on a little secret:  non-smokers die *ALL* *THE* *TIME*!
Let your fingers do the talking.
Let your mouth write no check that your tail can't cash.
Let your soul take you where you long to be!
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt. - Col. 4:6
Let your speech be better than silence.
Let yourself go! No one wants you.
Let's  Let's get acquainted -- Picard
Let's *not* get into that whole Kirk/Picard thing. - Crow
Let's *not* go to Camelot. It's a silly place. -- King Arthur
Let's ... Let's get acquainted - Picard
Let's ALL take the TIME 2 listen 2 D FERRETS
Let's DO IT write, uh, rite, uh, oh hell, just DO IT!
Let's Do it Now!: Igor Beaver
Let's Draw Betty and Veronica without their clothes on.
Let's Go Down To The Malt Shop And Show Off Our New Outfit's - Ren.
Let's Go Mario!!! Break the record!!! It's only 215 points!!!
Let's Go Mets!
Let's Go to Jack Arute on Pit Road
Let's Let's get acquainted - Picard
Let's Orb the entire echo from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Let's Play Carnival - You sit on my face, I'll guess your weight.
Let's Play Mail Tag......You're it.
Let's Start A Baseball Fan Strike.
Let's Take Back the Night from the evil rappers!
Let's all bask in TV's warm, glowing, warming glow.. - Homer
Let's all get into chat and do Tagline-team wrestling!
Let's all get naked and [*censored*]!
Let's all get together and sing pumpkin carols.
Let's all just shoot Wesley.
Let's all kill Barney!
Let's all play an A, a C#, and an E, cried the band with one accord.
Let's all pretend were lemmings and drown ourselves in the ocean.
Let's all raise a toast to the ghost we love the most.
Let's all sing a chorus of "The Laughing Vulcan and his Dog."
Let's all sing like the birdies sing. Tweet tweet-tweet tweet-tweet.
Let's all take the TIME to really LISTEN 2 r KIDS
Let's all try and get out of this...alive. - Lucas Kagan
Let's all vote for the all night party.
Let's arrest Congress for "Grand Theft Taxpayer".
Let's ask Mrs. Butterworth what she thinks. - The Tick
Let's be proud of what we are, regardless of the facts.
Let's beat it -- This is turning into a bloodbath!
Let's break down the formula, let's switch off the set.
Let's break the journey now on some lonely road.
Let's burn it! huh uh mmm huh huh huh
Let's burn something. huh huh huh Yeah, that'd be cool! huh huh huh
Let's camp here, Tom said intently.
Let's celebrate the birth of Christ and kill a tree!
Let's change that diaper - Tom to alcoholic
Let's collect money to give Barney a one way ticket to Jurassic Park!
Let's conquer RIDO in the 70's...
Let's cut him in half & count the rings - Crow
Let's cut out the kid stuff and play some ball. - Freedman to Hawk
Let's do it my way and get it right the first time!
Let's do it write - er, right the furst time.
Let's do it write - uh, right the furst time!
Let's do it write, uh, rite, uh, oh hell, just do it!
Let's do it!
Let's do some crimes.
Let's do some damage, shall we?
Let's do the Time Warp again!
Let's drink a lot! - Crow as tough, trampy girl
Let's eat kosher tonight, said Tom judiciously.
Let's erase our memories. --Lister.
Let's face it... the moderators are schmucks *here* too...
Let's fight three wars, not that Bill doesn't have to go.
Let's fight till six, and then have dinner. -Tweedledum. -Carroll
Let's fight, so we can kiss and make up.
Let's find a frog I can laugh at.
Let's find something that rocks!
Let's finish the Borgs forever! Send 'm those free upgrades for Windows!
Let's fire Congress and start all over.
Let's flag down a cab to reality street. - Lister
Let's flee the light diaphanous; let's slip into the night. - Danzig
Let's get *Dangerous.*
Let's get EVERYBODY on the Internet!
Let's get Visual, Visual.  I wanna get Visual..
Let's get a cup of coffee and leave the kennel to Lassie.
Let's get clean together! - Mike
Let's get dangerous ... DO IT in a subway! <--During the Rush Hour??
Let's get dangerous!
Let's get drunk and be somebody.
Let's get in the hot tub!
Let's get married, said Tom engagingly (and dismissingly).
Let's get naked and see how many ways we can honk the car horn...
Let's get naked, Jean-Luc - Lwaxana
Let's get off the subject of mothers...cuz i just got off yours..
Let's get off the subject of yo'momma...cuz i just got off yours.
Let's get one thing straight! I'm not!  And I'm not Gay Either!!!!
Let's get out of here Mulder, as fast as we can! --Dana Scully.
Let's get out our sheet music, and play the real waltz. - Lister
Let's get out story straight: she tripped, right? - Homer
Let's get rowdy!
Let's get some beer and dynamite and go fishing.
Let's get the flock out of here! <Riggs>
Let's get the whole world on-line!
Let's get yer rocks and metals straightened out here...
Let's get... *Dangerous* (Darkwing, Duck!)
Let's give `em somethin' to talk about, baby.
Let's go @FN@...and remember, we're not from here!
Let's go Crevis..and remember we're not from here! - Butthead
Let's go DX around the world
Let's go Orville...and remember we're not from here!
Let's go back to that..building..thingy..where our beds and TV..is.
Let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised - NIN
Let's go down to the malt shop and show off our new outfits - ok gals?
Let's go eat something small and defenseless - like a hamburger.
Let's go for another gallop, Tom recanted.
Let's go get some nachos! --Beavis
Let's go get some tuna-safe dolphin. - Joel Robinson
Let's go hunting baby!
Let's go into the jungle and kill something we don't understand!
Let's go offline for a QWKie.
Let's go prune some power lines. huh huh huh
Let's go tip some cattle! - Tom as city kid
Let's go to @FN@'s house and check him into the boards. huh huh huh
Let's go to McDonald's, said Tom archly.
Let's go to Picture Picture - Mike
Let's go to Stuart's house and check him into the boards. huh huh huh
Let's go to my place and do the things I'll tell everyone we did anyway.
Let's go to my place...BOUNCY, BOUNCY!!
Let's go, people. They ain't payin' us by the hour. <Apone>
Let's hang out your shingle, Major. - Potter to Winchester
Let's hang ten for justice! - The Tick
Let's have a Matriculation Orgy!
Let's have a little fun, let's do a pun.
Let's have a luau...let's have a ball!...
Let's have a war -- blame it on the middle class!
Let's have a war -- it'll start in New Jersey!
Let's have a war -- to jack up the Dow Jones!
Let's have a war.
Let's have some new cliches.
Let's hear him reply back to that!
Let's hear it for Per-KINS, Per-KINS, Per-KINS, Per-KINS, Per-KINS ...
Let's hear it for the DataMaster......
Let's hear it for the PassionNet Advertising Agency! Tanx 4 da Newbies!
Let's hold a mutiny while we're 70,000 light-years from home...
Let's hold hands on the porch swing.
Let's hope God grades on a curve.
Let's hope Pee Wee can beat it and get off.
Let's hope it's as powerful as man will ever get.
Let's hope this's as powerful as man'll ever get. Kirk
Let's invite Greg and Gary, said Tom gregariously.
Let's just be friends and make no special effort to ever
Let's just be quiet and enjoy this, it'll go faster. -MST3K
Let's just go to the agony booth - Evil Captain Mike
Let's just hope we don't have to test that. - Sheridan
Let's just pretend I didn't ruin your life, and move on
Let's just put the Taglines on top and skip the messages!
Let's just say he knows how to keep things fresh
Let's just say her half-life is that of U-235.
Let's just say sometimes I wish I had a gerbil. -Calvin (& R. Gere)
Let's just say the thread has become part of a larger tapestry. - TEC
Let's just say we'd like to avoid any Imperial entanglements. -Obi-Wan
Let's keep genealogy vital.
Let's keep this adult now, ok Mr. Poopy-pants?
Let's keep this bathroom debate complicated!! :) - Digital Shakespeare
Let's kick it into Kline overdrive! - Crow
Let's kill all the lawyers. --Shakespeare.
Let's kill him, said the executive.
Let's kill the Taglines!!
Let's kill the taglines !!
Let's legalize drugs before my kid's court date. - Surgeon General
Let's light this little fuse and see what happens
Let's look at the record. - Al Smith
Let's make a deal.  You don't smoke, and I won't fart. Deal?
Let's make a little heat of our own!
Let's make a little magic
Let's make a pact about drinking...let's never stop. - Hawkeye
Let's make like a hockey stick and get the puck outta here.
Let's make like sheep and get the flock outta here!
Let's make love not war!  It's more fun!
Let's make love not war! And no one has to die in the end!
Let's make love not war! It's more fun!
Let's make more coffee, here come the Mormon Missionaries.
Let's make sure history never forgets the name - Echosia! - Picard
Let's make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise. - Picard
Let's make sure history never forgets...the name...Enterprise.
Let's make sure that Christ didn't die for nothing!
Let's meet for lunch at The Bird's Eye Open House.
Let's meet the arriving stars....OOF! - Newslady (Animaniacs)
Let's not be too hasty. We don't know anything about.. it. <Ash>
Let's not bicker and argue about 'oo killed 'oo!
Let's not confuse ourselves with facts...
Let's not forget that I'm the Q and you're the lowly human. -- Q
Let's not get carried away with this tagline stuff.
Let's not get stuck on petty details. - Kalas
Let's not get too picky, eh?
Let's not invite any sadists, said Tom demeaningly.
Let's not louse this thing up.  (Dr Bob).
Let's not make the same mistake once. - Jean-Luc Picard
Let's not panic until it's necessary. - Col. Henry Blake
Let's not post to Orville, he is a silly person.
Let's not talk medicine, let's talk romance. - Hawkeye
Let's not view with pride and point with alarm...
Let's nuke the bridge we've burned 2,000 times before...
Let's nuke the entire planet from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Let's oink awhile! --Brian Wilson, singing Ruby Baby.
Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it.
Let's paint 'Buckler' on Brandon! Borg armour makes a helluva' beercan!
Let's party all night, lets party boys!
Let's party naked on a unicycle.
Let's party, yeah!!! Just get some extra condoms!
Let's pause 86 stomachs and be done for the universe.
Let's play "I'm a teacher & you're the AV geek" -Tom
Let's play Musical Bodies!  - Trill birthday party
Let's play a joke on the Sun Users Group, Tom suggested.
Let's play doctor.  You operate and I'll sue.
Let's play golf, Tom said coarsely.
Let's play golf, said Tom coarsely.
Let's play hide and seek.  You hide and I won't look for you.
Let's play horse. I'll be the head. You be you.
Let's play house. You'll be the door and I'll slam you!
Let's play ice cream cone...I'll lick, you melt!
Let's play mail tag...@FN@'s IT!
Let's play musical chairs, said Tom deceitfully.
Let's play nurse; you be the pill.
Let's plunge ahead. - Dr. Scratchensniff
Let's plunge ahead. -- Dr. Scratchansniff
Let's pose 'em so that they're kissing - Mike
Let's pretend - Vote Republican.
Let's pretend I'm a woman  - Joel during experiment
Let's put Clinton on Mt Rushmore; he's already stoned!
Let's put Clinton on Mt. Rushmore; he's already stoned!
Let's put Schroedinger in a box and see how HE likes it!
Let's put in the Colosseum and see if the lions will eat it!
Let's put our heads together, and start a new country up.
Let's rent a car and drive around with a roadmap opened.
Let's rock this joint! - S. Ipkiss
Let's rock! -- Al Bundy
Let's roll up our elbows and get to work.
Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anybody salutes it!
Let's sacrifice him to our God! -Abe Grandpa Simpson
Let's sample the local couisine, shall we? - Picard
Let's see Purple Hearts for Peace!
Let's see YOU try to read, type or watch TV through a 15 pound cat!
Let's see here...<ctrl>-<alt>-<del>...Oh no!Oops
Let's see here...<ctrl<-<alt<-<del<...Oh no!Oops
Let's see how good the Mob is at defending against US! - Aahz
Let's see that again!  DEATHCAM!
Let's see the instant replay on that! - H. Cossell
Let's see them figure *that* one out! - Hobbes
Let's see what kind of hero you really are. - Kalas
Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into. -- Amanda
Let's see what she's got said the captain; then we found out, didn't we?
Let's see what ya' got....
Let's see what's out there - Picard
Let's see what's out there. Engage!
Let's see you prove these allegations about Rush Limbaugh, @FN@!
Let's see your tagline hunting permit, @F!
Let's see your tagline hunting permit, @TOFIRST@!
Let's see your tagline hunting permit, @TOLAST@!
Let's see your tagline hunting permit, Bob!
Let's see your tagline hunting permit, Gary!.
Let's see your tagline hunting permit, Orville!
Let's see your tagline hunting permit, Seanette!
Let's see your tagline hunting permit, dupre!
Let's see your tagline hunting permit, sir.
Let's see, what's the command? Alt-H? NO CARRIER Ah Shi
Let's see, what's the command? Alt-H? NO CARRIER Ah Shi.
Let's see. -This- plug goes into..2b z@...NO CARRIER
Let's see...how can I make this a tagline-oriented message?
Let's send these packages to the poor overseas, Tom said carefully.
Let's send these packages to the poor overseas, she said carefully.
Let's share our surpluses.  Everybody wins.
Let's show 'em who's running things around here! - Shai-ster
Let's spend the night together!
Let's spend the night together. Now I need you more than ever.
Let's split up, we can do more damage that way
Let's split up, we can do more damage that way!
Let's split up, we can do more damage that way.
Let's steal the eye that sees us all--Jim Morrison
Let's take back The United States and give it to the People again.
Let's take some pet minority to fame in 94 ...
Let's take you down... about six feet down!
Let's talk about him in front of his back!
Let's talk about shrinkage, shall we? -Crow on men in ice
Let's talk about the Teal case...)(**&$;OE32 NO CARRIER
Let's talk refueling! - Crow leers
Let's tell him he's still invisible - Crow
Let's trade moods!!! Mine stinks.
Let's trap that sick bird, said Tom illegally.
Let's try again.  When I say "meow" this way, it means open the door.
Let's try that again after studying your spelling homework.
Let's try this again, boy.  More friendly like. - Mako
Let's try to cheat death together.
Let's try to find a video that doesn't suck.
Let's use a Pepsi bottle! - Tom on cheesy space ship
Let's visit tombs, said Tom cryptically.
Let's vote for the all night party.
Let's walk, said Tom stridently.
Let's win this one and go home. - George A. Custer
Let's you and him fight.
Let's you and him fight.... the Lawyer's credo.
Let'shave good, gentle, considerate, RAUNCHY lovin'!
Letcher fingers do the walking.
Lethal Injection, an innoculation against future arrests.
Lethargy in motion
Letovao bih na lepsem polu.
Lets  Lets get acquainted. ~ Picard
Lets Get Mystical.
Lets Lets get acquainted. Picard
Lets NOT get into that whole Kirk/Piccard thing - Crow
Lets call the movie on account of darkness - Joel
Lets compromise, We'll do it my way.
Lets find some rope and have some fun!
Lets form a soccer team & eat each other -Crow on plane
Lets get Gypsy, she'll try ANYTHING - Tom
Lets get REAL man.
Lets go down to the cellar, and carve us a witch.
Lets go eat something grey - Mike
Lets go find somebody else to shoot - Tom
Lets go get 'busy' in the car, honey - Tom Servo, as old couple
Lets go get 'busy' in the car, honey - Tom as old couple
Lets go get some tuna-safe dolphin - Joel
Lets go get you some pants - Crow on girls silly outfit
Lets go have some Naked Lunch - Tom
Lets go soap Micro$loth's WINdoze
Lets go soap Microsloths Windoze
Lets have accurassy.
Lets just let the scene...peter...out - Crow
Lets just say I was testing the bounds of reality...
Lets keep genealogy vital.
Lets keep in touch ... until we work out the details here.
Lets kill two stones with one bird
Lets make the best of it.
Lets not forget adequate support garments - Crow
Lets not let our undies get in a bunch.
Lets optimize the wait loop microcode on our next chip...
Lets park the Barbie mobile right here - Crow
Lets park the Gangster mobile right here - Tom
Lets practice some CPR, Controlled Pussy Rubbing.
Lets rest for a while - Crow as cops talk
Lets review our cast - Tom on quick scenes of characters
Lets see if we can sour juniors milk.
Lets see if we can't use voodoo to do something nice-Mike
Lets see what my little Frank is up to - Dr. Forrester
Lets see what she's got says the Captain and then we found out!
Lets see. A licorice whip attached to this gizmo - Mike
Lets see. What's the stupidest thing I can do? - Crow
Lets sing the `Anvil Song.' - Yakko
Lets start our high speed chase - Mike
Lets take a court reporter break.
Lets take a look at it here, Schporto - Mike to Tom
Lets watch Ghost Dad again - Crow
Lets watch both, Babylon Fu: The Legend Continues - By Miller Lite Beer
Lets watch both, Babylon Fu: The Legend Continues - Miller Lite Beer
Lets watch both, Babylon Fu: The Legend Continues -By Miller Lite Beer
Lets watch both, Babylon Fu: The Legend Continues. - Miller Lite Beer
Letter "e" ALWAYS follows letter "i" EXCEPT after letter "c." :-)
Letter address to "Sameal Tourist"  Accept?
Letter-writing, that most delightful way of wasting time.  -John Morle
Letterbox CGA: Run VGA programs on XTs and PC Jrs.
Letterman of Borg - "Ok, Top 10 reasons why resistance is futile.
Letterman of Borg - Here's the TOP 10 signs you've been assimilated!
Letterman of Borg:  Top 10 reasons why resistance is futile:
Letterman of Borg: Paul, some assimilation music, please.
Letterman of Borg: Tonight's top 10 ways to assimilate.
Letterman of Borg: Top 10 reasons resistance is futile...
Letterman of Borg: Top 10 reasons why resistance futile...
Letterman of Borg: Top 10 reasons why resistance is futile.
Letterman of Borg: Top 10 reasons you will be assimilated
Letterman: "This falls into the category of 'Too much information.'"
Letterman: So, are ya all "Trekkies" like me?
Letters which contain no errors will develop errors in the mail.
Letting Clinton run the country is like making Charles Manson the pope
Letting the Wookiee win
Lettuce Leaf Now.
Lettuce hail Caesar salad: We who are about to sigh dilute you.
Lettuce take our seats, Tom said crisply.
Lettuce take our seats, she said crisply.
Level 6 tagline diagnostics initiated, Captain.
Level Five Tagline Diagnostics complete.
Level Six Tagline Diagnostics initiated.
Level don't count when yer dead.
Level with me, Orville. Are you giving her the hot beef injection?
Levels don't count when yer dead.
Leviathan's Many Heads:  IRS, ATF, CIA, FBI, UN, NWO...
Leviathan's many heads: IRS, ATF, CIA, FBI, NWO....
Lew Otto has a hot towel
Lew lew, skip to my lew, lew lew, skip to my lew...
Lewd I did live & evil did I dwell - English poet John Taylor.
Lewd did I live, evil I did dwel.
Lewis & Clark,you be Jerry Lewis,Ill be Petula Clark-Joel
Lewis Carroll: Alison Wonderland
Lewis and Clark might drive an Explorer.
Lewis and Clark volunteered to go (so long, farewell, wear your overcoat
Lewis and Clark volunteered to go so long, farewell wear your overcoat
Lewis and Clark volunteered to go.
Lewis' Law:  People will buy anything that's one to a customer.
Lexington & Concord: America's first response to gun control!
Lexington and Concord were the first gun control protests!.
Lexington and Concord: America's first response to gun control!
Liar (noun): See also Clinton, William.
Liar! Double liar! Big fat liar -Joel as teen exaggerates
Liar's Club - No Meeting Tonight At 7:30.
Liar, n.: A lawyer with a roving commission.
Liar:  A lawyer with a roving commission.
Liar:  One who tells an unpleasant truth.
Liar: A lawyer with a roving commission.
Liar: One who tells an unpleasant truth.
Liars get caught by the tale.
Liars when they speak the truth are not believed Aristotle
Liars when they speak the truth are not believed.
Liars, when they speak the truth, are not believed
Liary: Sister asks if you read her diary, you answer 'Of course not!'
Libby's licking lover.....
Liberace of Borg - "I wish my brother 3 of 5 was here."
Liberace was great on a piano, but sucked on an organ.
Liberace was great on the piano, but sucked on the organ.
Liberace, put roses on the piano and tulips on the organ.
Liberal    : A conservative who just got arrested.
Liberal (n):  The societal equivalent of a computer virus.
Liberal (n): Anyone who disagrees with you.
Liberal - a power worshiper without power.
Liberal - a power worshipper without power.
Liberal - government's version of a computer virus.
Liberal - one who leaves the room when the fight begins.
Liberal - one who lies about the past, and then tries to repeat it!
Liberal - proof that evolution is not an exact science.
Liberal -- government's version of a computer virus.
Liberal -- one who leaves the room when the fight begins.
Liberal -- one who lies about the past, and then tries to repeat it!
Liberal = Lacking Intelligence But Eagerly Reducing American Liberty
Liberal Agenda: See TV Guide
Liberal Arts Major-Will think for food.
Liberal Bumper Sticker:   I LOVE my government but I HATE my country.
Liberal Crime Control:  Disarm potential victims.
Liberal Definition of Compassion:  Government Funding.
Liberal Democrats are bankrupting the United States
Liberal Dictum: If it's legal, it doesn't have to be Constitutional.
Liberal Dictum: If's it's legal, it doesn't have to be Constitutional.
Liberal Fairness: Making the rich poor instead of the poor rich!
Liberal Handbook Rule 2: Anyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi.
Liberal Handbook: Tell no big lies today, small ones work just as well
Liberal Mindset: "I know what's good for you, you don't."
Liberal Motto - Can't get my own, so I'm gonna take yours
Liberal Press Motto: If you can't beat 'em, ban 'em.
Liberal Principals: What God made after he practiced making idiots.
Liberal Rule  #1 - When in doubt, tell a lie.
Liberal Rule  #2 - When caught lying, go into hysterics
Liberal Rule  #3 - Arguments are lost only to bigots.
Liberal Rule  #3 - When faced with facts, ignore them.
Liberal Rule  #4 - Anyone who disagrees is a Fascist.
Liberal Rule  #4 - When faced with facts, ignore them.
Liberal Rule  #5 - Anyone who disagrees is a Fascist.
Liberal Rule  #5 - Party lines may not be crossed with olive branches.
Liberal Rule  #6 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.
Liberal Rule  #6 - Party lines may not be crossed with olive branches.
Liberal Rule  #7 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.
Liberal Rule  #7 - Your revisionism rebutted? Blame it on Reagan/Bush!
Liberal Rule  #8 - Defend lifestyle by comparing self with animals.
Liberal Rule  #8 - Your revisionism rebutted? Blame it on Reagan/Bush!
Liberal Rule  #9 - Can't refute the message? Attack the messenger!
Liberal Rule  #9 - Defend lifestyle by comparing self with animals.
Liberal Rule #1 - Tax and spend often.
Liberal Rule #1 - When in doubt, tell a lie.
Liberal Rule #1 thru #30 - LIE!!!
Liberal Rule #10 - Can't refute the message? Attack the messenger!
Liberal Rule #10 - If all else fails, quit in a huff.
Liberal Rule #10 - Tax all you want, just give it a different name.
Liberal Rule #11 - Break all the promises you want. Voters are stupid.
Liberal Rule #11 - If all else fails, quit in a huff.
Liberal Rule #11 - If quitting in a huff fails, see Rule #1.
Liberal Rule #114: Caucasian = Racist.
Liberal Rule #12 - Fool enough people to get elected.
Liberal Rule #12 - If quitting in a huff fails, see Rule #1.
Liberal Rule #13 - Break all the promises you want. Voters are stupid.
Liberal Rule #13 - Steal from everyone & keep it. Just call it taxes.
Liberal Rule #14 - Anyone who doesn't believe as you do is intolerant.
Liberal Rule #14 - We must play God because the masses are ignorant.
Liberal Rule #15 - Anyone who doesn't believe as you do is a bigot.
Liberal Rule #15 - Get caught in a lie? Deny you ever said it!
Liberal Rule #16 - Anyone who doesn't believe as you do is a fascist.
Liberal Rule #16 - Don't call it a lie, call it "changing your mind."
Liberal Rule #16: Coddle criminals, who cares about the victims!
Liberal Rule #17 - Anyone who doesn't believe as you do is an idiot.
Liberal Rule #17 - Conservatives are the enemy. Destroy by any means.
Liberal Rule #18 - Don't call it a lie, call it "changing your mind."
Liberal Rule #19 - Conservatives are the enemy. Destroy by any means.
Liberal Rule #1: When in doubt, lie.
Liberal Rule #2 - When caught lying, go into hysterics.
Liberal Rule #2 - When in doubt, make it up.
Liberal Rule #20 - Label all conservative Christians "radical right."
Liberal Rule #20 - When caught lying, go into hysterics.
Liberal Rule #20 - When caught lying, throw a hissy fit.
Liberal Rule #21 - Arguments are lost only to bigots.
Liberal Rule #22 - Anyone who disagrees is a fascist.
Liberal Rule #23 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.
Liberal Rule #24 - Defend lifestyle by comparing self with animals.
Liberal Rule #25 - If all else fails, quit in a huff.
Liberal Rule #26 - Party lines may not be crossed with olive branches.
Liberal Rule #27 - We must play God because the masses are ignorant.
Liberal Rule #28 - Disagree with conservatives? Call them idiots.
Liberal Rule #29 - Disagree with conservatives? Call them fascists.
Liberal Rule #3 - Arguments are lost only to bigots.
Liberal Rule #3 - Never cite sources whether they exist or not.
Liberal Rule #3 - When faced with facts, ignore them.
Liberal Rule #30 - When faced with facts, ignore them.
Liberal Rule #31 - When faced with facts, call them lies.
Liberal Rule #32 - Carefully stage all "impromptu" town meetings.
Liberal Rule #33 - Two wrongs make a right in discrimination.
Liberal Rule #34 - Never cooperate with conservatives.
Liberal Rule #35 - If ever out-argued, distract them with a hissy fit.
Liberal Rule #36 - Always deny your defeats by conservatives.
Liberal Rule #37 - Label all conservative Christians "radical right."
Liberal Rule #37: Raising taxes helps GROW the economy.
Liberal Rule #38 - We are morally superior to _all_ conservatives.
Liberal Rule #38: Never met a Tax I didn't like!
Liberal Rule #39 - If you create bad government, blame the voters.
Liberal Rule #4 - Anyone who disagrees is a Fascist.
Liberal Rule #4 - Lie loud and long enough and someone may believe it.
Liberal Rule #5 - Get caught in a lie? Deny you ever said it!
Liberal Rule #5 - Party lines may not be crossed with olive branches.
Liberal Rule #6 - Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.
Liberal Rule #6 - Make a mistake? Blame someone else!
Liberal Rule #7 - Your revisionism rebutted? Blame Reagan/Bush!
Liberal Rule #7 - Your revisionism rebutted? Blame it on Reagan/Bush!
Liberal Rule #8 - Defend lifestyle by comparing self with animals.
Liberal Rule #8 - Problem with the government? Blame Reagan/Bush!
Liberal Rule #9 - Can't refute the message? Attack the messenger!
Liberal Rule: Always deny your defeats by conservatives.
Liberal Rule: Anyone who disagrees is a fascist.
Liberal Rule: Anyone who doesn't believe as you do is a bigot.
Liberal Rule: Anyone who doesn't believe as you do is an idiot.
Liberal Rule: Arguments are lost only to bigots.
Liberal Rule: Break all the promises you want. Voters are stupid.
Liberal Rule: Can't refute the message? Attack the messenger!
Liberal Rule: Carefully stage all "impromptu" town meetings.
Liberal Rule: Caucasian = Racist.
Liberal Rule: Coddle criminals. Who cares about the victims?
Liberal Rule: Conservatives are the enemy. Destroy by any means.
Liberal Rule: Defend lifestyle by comparing self with animals.
Liberal Rule: Disagree with conservatives? Call them fascists.
Liberal Rule: Disagree with conservatives? Call them idiots.
Liberal Rule: Don't call it a lie, call it "changing your mind."
Liberal Rule: Fool enough people to get elected.
Liberal Rule: Get caught in a lie? Deny you ever said it!
Liberal Rule: If all else fails, quit in a huff.
Liberal Rule: If ever out-argued, distract them with a hissy fit.
Liberal Rule: If you create bad government, blame the voters.
Liberal Rule: LIE!!!
Liberal Rule: Label all conservative Christians "radical right."
Liberal Rule: Lie about the past, then try to repeat it.
Liberal Rule: Lie loud and long enough and someone may believe it.
Liberal Rule: Make a mistake? Blame someone else!
Liberal Rule: Never cite sources whether they exist or not.
Liberal Rule: Never cooperate with conservatives.
Liberal Rule: Party lines may not be crossed with olive branches.
Liberal Rule: Problem with the government? Blame Reagan/Bush!
Liberal Rule: Steal from everyone & keep it. Just call it taxes.
Liberal Rule: Tax all you want, just give it a different name.
Liberal Rule: Tax and spend often.
Liberal Rule: Two wrongs make a right in discrimination.
Liberal Rule: We are morally superior to _all_ conservatives.
Liberal Rule: We must play God because the masses are ignorant.
Liberal Rule: When caught lying, go into hysterics.
Liberal Rule: When faced with facts, call them lies.
Liberal Rule: When in doubt, make it up.
Liberal Slogan: "Better Dead than Read"
Liberal Speach: I promise you a Korn Dog in every asshole
Liberal Speech: I promise you a Korn Dog in every asshole.
Liberal Tactic #10: If all else fails, quit in a huff.
Liberal Tactic #11: If quitting in a huff fails, see rule 1
Liberal Tactic #1: When in doubt, tell a lie.
Liberal Tactic #2: When caught lying, go into hysterics
Liberal Tactic #3: When hysterics don't work, repeat #1
Liberal Tactic #4: Anyone who disagrees with a liberal is a Nazi.
Liberal Tactic #5: Arguments are lost only to bigots.
Liberal Tactic #6: Lie about the past, and then repeat it.
Liberal Thinking is...THE NEW FASCISM!
Liberal Torture: Having Rush Limbaugh agree with a liberal.
Liberal crap or Conservative crap - both smell just as bad.
Liberal crap or Conservative crap - it still stinks.
Liberal democrats tend to use the word "tolerant" hypocritically.
Liberal democrats tolerant?   Bat guano!
Liberal democrats tolerant?   Bravo Sierra!
Liberal democrats tolerant? Bravo Sierra!
Liberal fairness: making the rich poor instead of the poor rich!
Liberal found in family tree;will trade for horse thief.
Liberal history revision: George Bush shot JFK.
Liberal history revision: Reagan/Bush era was responsible for slavery.
Liberal hypocrisy: "tolerant" liberals' intolerance of Christianity.
Liberal hypocrisy: "tolerant" liberals' intolerance of Christians.
Liberal hypocrisy: BC dodging draft/BC wishing he experienced D-Day.
Liberal hypocrisy: Jane Fonda doing the "tomahawk chop" at ballgames.
Liberal hypocrisy: Liberals claiming to be tolerant of other POV's.
Liberal hypocrisy: Republicans lie - Democrats "change their mind."
Liberal hypocrisy: Republicans lie -- Democrats "change their mind."
Liberal hypocrisy: accusing Bush/defending Clinton of lying.
Liberal hypocrisy: defending Anita Hill/accusing Paula Jones.
Liberal in a leather jacket...Rebel without a clue
Liberal joke: funny.  Conservative joke: racist bigotry.
Liberal largesse is limited only by conservative income.
Liberal minds are like rivers - broad and shallow.
Liberal minds are like streams - broad and shallow.
Liberal minds are like streams -- broad and shallow.
Liberal minds run in the channel, right down the gutter.
Liberal motto: "Tax & spend, tax & spend, and tax & spend some more"
Liberal motto: I had some morals, but I gave them away.
Liberal nonsense detected. (D)elete (S)ave (L)augh
Liberal rule 1: Voters are sheep...hand me the shears!
Liberal should be a 4-letter word. -- Heinlein
Liberal success:  Draw a target ring around what you hit.
Liberal tagline: friends don't let friends make up their own mind.
Liberal today, Borg tomorrow.
Liberal torture - having Rush Limbaugh agree with a liberal.
Liberal torture: having Rush Limbaugh agree with a liberal.
Liberal's 1st Amendment: "Free speech for me but not for thee."
Liberal's Investment: more taxes and more spending.
Liberal's Rule #2: Anyone who disagrees is a Nazi.
Liberal's destruction of society can ruin your day
Liberal's economy equals 100 tax on YOUR earnings
Liberal's economy equals 100% tax on EVERYTHING
Liberal's economy equals 100% tax on YOUR earnings
Liberal's version of 'free' speech: They don't tax it!
Liberal, (N): The societal equivalent of a computer virus.
Liberal-One who leaves the room when the fight begins.
Liberal-Someone who will give you the shirt off somebody else's back!
Liberal......A power worshipper without power.
Liberal:  A person who wants to be a philantropist with YOUR money!
Liberal:  I don't know how expensive this thing gets!
Liberal:  It's society's failure that caused your Sh*t to Happen.
Liberal:  Proof that evolution is not an exact science.
Liberal:  Too poor to be a capitalist, too rich to be a Communist...
Liberal: A person who wants to be a philanthropist with YOUR money
Liberal: Anyone who disagrees with a conservative.
Liberal: It's society's failure that caused your sh!t to Happen.
Liberal: More comfortable seeing 2 men french-kissing than armed.
Liberal: One who is incapable of learning from experience
Liberal: One who knows exactly how to spend *your* money.
Liberal: Society's version of a computer virus
Liberal: Society's version of a computer virus.
Liberal: Someone who'll give you the shirt off somebody else's back!
Liberal: Too poor to be a capitalist, too rich to be a Communist.
Liberal: one who leaves the room when the fight begins.
Liberal: one who lies about the past, and then tries to repeat it!
Liberal: society's version of a computer virus.
Liberal: someone who lies about the past
Liberalism - doing your own thing and letting others pay for it.
Liberalism - society's version of a computer virus.
Liberalism - symbolism over substance
Liberalism - the religious left.
Liberalism -- society's version of a computer virus.
Liberalism and alcoholism are disfunctional addictions
Liberalism and alcoholism are dysfunctional addictions.
Liberalism gives a fish. Conservatism teaches how to fish.
Liberalism is a learning disorder
Liberalism is for people who have no imagination!
Liberalism is futile. We are EIB. You will be assimilated
Liberalism is futile. We are EIB. You will be assimilated.
Liberalism is not dead, it will be in 3 years.
Liberalism is simply another word for Communism
Liberalism is the "wasting disease" of society.
Liberalism rewards failure and punishes success.
Liberalism will one day assume room temperature.
Liberalism--the Politics of Arrogance.
Liberalism-God, how I hate the 20th century
Liberalism...the philosophy of no consequences
Liberalism:  Unbridled emotion fueled by unbridled greed
Liberalism:  the result of a low fact diet.
Liberalism: America's last bastion of cultivated hypocrisy.
Liberalism: Bad ideas in search of a big budget.
Liberalism: Death knell of the American middle class
Liberalism: Devourer of the American working class.
Liberalism: In a relentless pursuit of your money.
Liberalism: Now that you know how it's done, don't do it.
Liberalism: On the cutting edge of decay.
Liberalism: Power to the Government.
Liberalism: Social Carcinogen of the 90s
Liberalism: The art of being confident about being wrong.
Liberalism: Unbridled emotion fueled by unbridled greed
Liberalism: a learning disorder.
Liberalism: abandoned moral standards
Liberalism: doing your own thing and letting others pay for it.
Liberalism: inabililty to think without a leader.
Liberalism: primary factor for disappointment.
Liberalism: symbolism over substance
Liberalism: the religious left.
Liberals *still* lamely try and fail to discredit Rush Limbaugh.
Liberals - out of step, out of touch, out of time, and out of office.
Liberals = Politikal Korrecness
Liberals ARE left! Left out, left behind, left over
Liberals Whole Hog Sausage with 100 percent pure pork.
Liberals _do_ have one redeeming characteristic - mortality.....
Liberals achieve fairness by spreading misery around.
Liberals and bandits both want the population unarmed. Coincidence?
Liberals and criminals both want the population unarmed. Coincidence?
Liberals are extraterrestrials without brains.
Liberals are failed pragmatists.
Liberals are just as closed-minded as the rest of us.
Liberals are more comfortable seeing 2 men French-kissing than armed.
Liberals are nothing more than lobbyists for criminals.
Liberals are the RoadKill on the Limbaugh Highway!
Liberals are the ditch carp of democracy. - P.J. O'Rourke
Liberals are the enemies of freedom.
Liberals aren't color-blind - they're blinded by color.
Liberals aren't without worth - they can still serve as a bad example.
Liberals attempt to rewrite the past so they can control the future
Liberals do have standards - double standards!
Liberals embrace moral turpitude as ethical conduct!
Liberals figure everyone ELSE should be good at something
Liberals give you the shirt off someone else's back.
Liberals have what it takes to take what you've got.
Liberals hold half-truths to be self evident.
Liberals hold self-truths to be self evident.
Liberals in denial. Time to call the therapists!
Liberals militant? They aren't the ones tossing the bombs around!
Liberals need a foreign policy to deal with Truth.
Liberals never mention individual responsibility
Liberals never mention individual responsibility.
Liberals never, ever mention individual responsibility!
Liberals only smile while lifting your wallet.
Liberals operate at a 180 degree angle to reality
Liberals put YOUR money where THEIR mouths are!
Liberals rush in where fools fear to go.
Liberals say Buchanan is too far right?   Better right than wrong!
Liberals smash it and conservatives rebuild it.
Liberals spread Mediocrity and Misery EQUALLY!
Liberals tend to use the word "tolerant" hypocritically.
Liberals trip over their own feet while Newt surfs the Third Wave....
Liberals vote with their hearts, Conservatives vote with their brains.
Liberals want to put your money where their mouth is!
Liberals!  Looks like we'll have to blast our way out!
Liberals! Looks like I'll have to blast my way out!
Liberals! Looks like we'll have to blast our way out!
Liberals- call ultraconservatives fascist!
Liberals--where head cheese comes from
Liberals: Building a Masochistic America
Liberals: Building a Masochistic America.
Liberals: Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.
Liberals: Good with English, but poor at math.
Liberals: Good with English, poor at math.
Liberals: because sometimes Ipecac isn't enough
Liberals: society's version of computer virii.
Libertarian Food: You can't keep it down cuz it wants to be free!
Libertarian Immortalist -- No more Death and Taxes!
Libertarian Party HQ, free info # : BR-549
Libertarian:  Don't tax MY Sh*t when it Happens!
Libertarian: A Liberal who wants cheaper drugs.
Libertarian: a Republican who wants cheaper drugs.
Libertarians Defend Freedom
Libertarians oppose all proposed and pending victim-disarmament laws
Liberty and freedom have to be more than just words.
Liberty and freedom have to be more than just words. - James Tiberius
Liberty and freedom have to be more than just words. - Kirk
Liberty comes out of boxes -- Ballot, Jury, & AMMO!
Liberty comes out of boxes -- Ballot, Jury, Soap, and AMMO!
Liberty comes out of boxes -- Ballot, Jury, and *Ammo*!
Liberty consists in doing what one desires.
Liberty doesn't work in practice as it does in speeches.
Liberty is NOT the highest value. -- Mike Beard, CPHV
Liberty is one thing you can't have unless you give it to others.
Liberty is safe only when congress is Conservative.
Liberty means responsibility. - George Bernard Shaw
Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. G.B Shaw
Liberty of thought means liberty to communicate those thoughts.
Liberty or Death. Patrick Henry 1775
Liberty's in every blow! Let us do or die! --Burns.
Liberty, Fraternity, and Sexuality!
Liberty, too, must be limited to be possessed.
Liberty: only to the vigilant!
Librarian Party:  Bring your own books and beer.
Librarians DO IT by the book.
Librarians DO IT on the shelves.
Librarians DO IT quietly.
Librarians do it alphabetically.
Librarians do it between the covers.
Librarians do it by the book.
Librarians do it in the stacks.
Librarians do it on the shelfs.
Librarians do it silently.
Librarians do it under the covers.
Librarians do it with the Dewey Decimal System.
Libraries - Matter for the mind.
Libraries are sacred places.
Libraries: There are no answers, only cross references.
Library catalog proves that the librarian exists. 
Library is no place for romance. 
Library of Congress: Pork Barrel Cookbook (7th printing).
Libtt habit to, Ya ta whn ta wa.
License Plate Frame:  My other auto is a 40 S&W.
License plate - 4GETIT      on a black TA driven by a married lady!
License plate - BIRDIE      Driven by good looking lady from New Zealand
License plate - DNTSMKE     Don't smoke.
License plate - OHGOOD      You say this when you are buried in traffic.
License plates - BIRDIE: Driven by good looking lady from New Zealand.
License plates - NONE:  Funny when on paper (registration,tickets,etc)
License plates - NOPLATE:  Funny when on paper.
License plates - TWEETY: on a yello 57 Thunderbird.
License: UCLAFOX; on a Woman's 280ZX.
Licensed Tagline of the 1996 Olympics (Send Coke $10).
Licensed remote control operator.
Licensed to Thrill
Lick here, you may be one of the lucky 144,000 --> *
Lick me till I scream...
Lick me, I'm a lesbian.
Lick the new Marilyn Monroe stamp, become an honorary Kennedy.
Lick this spot>>>>>[X]<<<<<for a really good buzz!!!
Lick this tagline.
Lick your friends until they start to quiver...
Lick your voices? - Mike on metal music lyrics
Lick, lick, lick.....Still going....Nothing stops a bunny!
Lick, lick, lick.....Stilll going....Nothing stops a bunny
Lick, lick, lick.....Stilll going....Nothing stops this pixie
Lick, lick, lick..Still going.Nothing stops a bunny!
Lie #1: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you
Lie down before you hurt yourself.   Timon
Lie me alibi -- Steven King.
Lie to opinion pollsters.
Lie: A very poor substitute for the truth, but the only o
Lie: Before you know it, the baby will sleep through the night.
Lie: I don't remember anything about it.
Lie: I have one already. (I don't remember buying one yesterday.)
Lie: I love it.
Lie: I love your new suit.
Lie: I'd love for you to teach me to cook that the way you do.
Lie: I'd love to call you mom.
Lie: I'll start my diet tomorrow.
Lie: I'm sure they didn't mean to forget my birthday.
Lie: If you need money, just call.
Lie: It wouldn't be a holiday without you.
Lie: Liquor is one way out an' death's the other.
Lie: Sex isn't everything.
Lie: That's a lovely name. Does it mean something?
Lie: The baby is adorable.
Lie: The baby looks just like its father.
Lie: The baby looks just like you.
Lie: The only discovered substitute for the truth.
Lie: The program is bug free.
Lie: We couldn't find a baby-sitter.
Lie: We love seeing you.
Lieberman's Law: Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.
Lief Erikson owned a Fjord Explorer.
Liefde is net oorlog: het begint makkelijk en is moeilijk te stoppen.
Lies Bosses tell: I empathize with the fact that you have a family.
Lies Bosses tell: I hate for you to miss lunch.
Lies Bosses tell: I want you to work independently.
Lies Bosses tell: My last secretary was twice as fast.
Lies Bosses tell: Our firm has no plans to relocate.
Lies Bosses tell: We're just one big happy family here.
Lies Bosses tell: Your pension fund is safe.
Lies Workers Tell: I did it yesterday. It must have been misplaced.
Lies Workers Tell: I really enjoy working for you.
Lies Workers Tell: I worked through lunch.
Lies Workers Tell: I'm feeling sick. I won't be in.
Lies Workers Tell: No, this is not a personal call.
Lies Workers Tell: No. I don't mind doing it over.
Lies and hate and agony, thru my eyes that's all I see.
Lies make Baby Jesus cry. - Todd Flanders
Lies, damn lies, and creationism.
Lies, hate, and agony, through my eyes that's all I see - M. Muir
Lieutenant Commander Speir is in Ten-Forward.
Lieutenant Hebe?! - Mike on plane's inscription
Lieutenant, I order you to relax - Riker
Lieutenant, do you intend to blast a hole in the viewer? - Picard
Lieutenant, is there a six foot bat in Gotham City?
Life  A fatal, sexually transmitted disease.
Life  a sexually transmitted disease.
Life  n.   a fatal, sexually transmitted disease
Life - brief interlude between nothingness and etern
Life - brief interlude between nothingness and eternity
Life - the ultimate fantasy role playing game.
Life -- Fatal condition caused by sexual contact.
Life ... a sexually transmitted disease.
Life ... we live it forward and understand it backwards.
Life : What Happens When You Have Other Plans.
Life = Bed of roses, complete with thorns.
Life = all of us + same boat
Life After Death? Is that like Terminate & Stay Resident?
Life As A Comic: Stan Dupp
Life As A Comic: Stan Dupp*
Life Before Cars: Orson Buggy
Life Before Cars: Orson Buggy*
Life Before The Civil War: Aunty Bellum
Life Before The Civil War: Aunty Bellum*
Life Blows!
Life Enhancement: POSTING Taglines here, there, everywhere...
Life Enhancement: SWIPING Taglines here, there, everywhere...
Life Facts..Death, Taxes, and "THEY" will Tax us to Death
Life IS a highway.  It's backed up for 2 miles!
Life In The Sorority House: Carrie Onn
Life In The Sorority House: Carrie Onn*
Life Is One Contradiction After Another...No It Isn't !
Life MUST be a highway... I feel like road-kill.
Life Member:  International Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves
Life Of Death Becoming Clearer. Pain Monopoly, Ritual Misery.
Life Six Feet Under: Doug Graves
Life Six Feet Under: Doug Graves*
Life Sucks and then you marry one who won't...
Life WAS meant to be easy.  cc
Life _is_ a test...and spelling counts!
Life a sexually transmitted disease.
Life according to Jean-Luc Picard:  Engage.
Life after death. Is that like terminate and stay resident?
Life after death...is it like a TSR?
Life after death?  Is it like terminate and stay resident?
Life after death?  Is that like terminate and stay resident?
Life after death? Is it like terminate and stay resident?
Life after death? Is it like you terminate and stay resident?
Life after death? Is that like terminate and stay resident?
Life after death? What kind of a terminate and stay resident is that?
Life ain't easy being GREEN.....     - Kermit 1976
Life ain't easy for a Borg named Hugh.
Life ain't easy for a boy who sues. . .
Life ain't easy.... but I am.
Life always happens in manageable chunks.
Life always sucks - Some days it just bothers you more than others
Life and Liberty are safe... when Congress is in recess.
Life and death are seldom logical.
Life and liberty are safe only when congress is in recess
Life and liberty are safe only when congress is in recess.
Life and life--what is life?!
Life as we know it does not exist.
Life be likes an analogy.  Yo' Man!!  Yeah.  Yo' Man!!  Dats de ticket.
Life before the real world -- work.
Life begins after coffee!
Life begins after coffee!  Well, maybe after a donut, too...
Life begins after tea!
Life begins at '030, fun starts at '040, senility begins at '86.
Life begins at 50, but it only lasts a couple of years.
Life begins at conception. Death begins at retirement.
Life begins at contraception
Life begins when the kids leave home.
Life being what it is, I dream of revenge
Life bites, and then you marry one who won't...
Life by Norman Rockwell, but screenplay by Stephen King.
Life by the yard is hard; by the inch it's a cinch.
Life can be great if you live it to the fullest!
Life can be one big toilet, so for all our sakes, don't make waves.
Life can be profitable, if you know the odds.
Life can be profitable, if you know the odds. - Riply
Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
Life can only be understood backwards - but must be lived forward.
Life crisis -- (a)bort (r)etry (i)gnore
Life does not consist of thinking, it consists in acting.
Life eludes logic.
Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. - Exodus 20:1
Life gets a lot more interesting when you use a cattle prod.
Life goes on day after day [after day]...
Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone!!
Life goes on, but why?
Life goes on, dull as before - Mike
Life goes on, such as it is - Picard
Life has a certain ending and uncertain timing.
Life has a great deal up its sleeve.
Life has a lot of undocumented features!
Life has a way of ignoring you Until it's over!
Life has been a hard teacher!
Life has cool backround music...
Life has many mysteries.  Consider this one of them. - Sinclair
Life in Chicago: Wendy City
Life in a vacuum sucks.
Life in prison for stealing this tagline under Fed crime Bill.
Life in the saddle is lonely, ... since my horse died.
Life insurance is the only game you win when you die.
Life is GOOD, well it beats the alternatives!
Life is Hell When you dont have a good life or no girlfriend!
Life is NOT a spectator sport!
Life is Roff when yer Stewpid
Life is Sexually transmitted and Terminal
Life is Sudden Death in overtime and the watch is ticking
Life is a Lambourghini:  It goes too fast, and is unaffordable.
Life is a balancing of differences.
Life is a banquet & most suckers are starving!
Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!
Life is a batch and then your hard drive dies!
Life is a beach - and then the tide comes in. - LS
Life is a beach and every day is Sunday!
Life is a bed of roses, full of Pricks
Life is a bed of roses, thorns and all.
Life is a bed of roses.....complete with thorns.
Life is a bifurcating chaotic attractor. And then you die.
Life is a bitch and school is its son.
Life is a bitch, but some of the puppies are cute.
Life is a bitch, just don't marry one!
Life is a bitch, then you die.
Life is a bitch... but the puppies are cute!
Life is a bowl of cherries, there's always a few pits.
Life is a cabaret, old Chum.
Life is a car wash and I'm on a bicycle.
Life is a cherrabowlies!
Life is a circus and all the clowns are in Washington.
Life is a collection of low-probability events that you don't like.
Life is a collection of low-probability events.
Life is a complex number; it consists of real and imaginary parts...
Life is a constant battle to fight off maturity.
Life is a dashing, bold adventure.  Pass the pepper.
Life is a dashing, bold adventure. So pass the pepper.
Life is a dead-end street.
Life is a desire, not a meaning.    Charles Chaplin
Life is a dilemma wrapped in an oxymoron.
Life is a disease with a very poor prognosis.
Life is a do-it-yourself job.
Life is a dream walking. Death is a going home. --Chinese Proverb.
Life is a fatal, sexually-transmitted disease.
Life is a fern bar.
Life is a first draft with no rewrite.
Life is a first draft....with NO rewrite.
Life is a fractal.
Life is a full of rude awakenings, don't be one!
Life is a gamble.  In the end you always lose.
Life is a game and money is how you keep score.
Life is a game where final goal is never reached.
Life is a game.  Happiness is how we keep score.
Life is a game.  Money is how we keep score.
Life is a game.  Money is how we keep score.
Life is a giant Ponzi scheme.
Life is a gift, and people do not realize it until it is gone.
Life is a highway and it's backed up for 2 miles!
Life is a jigsaw puzzle with no picture on the box.
Life is a joke that has just begun -- Yakko
Life is a joke, Death is the punch line.
Life is a joke, and death is the punch line.
Life is a journey, not a destination
Life is a kind of trick.
Life is a lemon and I want my money back.
Life is a lemon, and I want my money back!  - Meat Loaf
Life is a long lesson in humility.
Life is a lot easier if you read the Documentation.
Life is a math class - solve one problem, get another...
Life is a math class - solve one problen, get another
Life is a meaningless comma in the sentence of time.
Life is a merry-go-round, and I'm getting dizzy!
Life is a mystery novel where the last few pages are torn. 
Life is a mystery that can only be solved by death... - Drow Proverb
Life is a one eyed man with double vision.
Life is a party.  Pass the pretzels.
Life is a place, not to live, but to die in. --Browne.
Life is a placebo masquerading as a simile.
Life is a prison.  Death shall be my release.
Life is a puzzle put together by a blind fool
Life is a rat race, and the rats are winning!
Life is a roller coaster; ups/downs and  some missed the ride..
Life is a rotten job and the hours are a bitch.
Life is a sandwich, and it's always lunchtime
Life is a school, but not all are students.
Life is a series of dogs.
Life is a series of movements from one chair to another.
Life is a series of rude awakening's
Life is a series of rude awakenings - R. V. Winkle
Life is a series of rude awakenings.
Life is a series of very rude awakenings.
Life is a sexual transmitted disease that is always fatal
Life is a sexually transmitted and terminal disease.
Life is a sexually transmitted disease
Life is a sexually transmitted disease.
Life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease.
Life is a sexually transmitted, terminal disease.  Always.
Life is a tax-deductible experience!
Life is a temporary condition.
Life is a terminal disease.
Life is a terminal illness. - Don Wallace
Life is a test.  Any questions?
Life is a theatre in which the worst people have the best seats.
Life is a thinking man's game and, as usual, I'm not equipped to play.
Life is a timed event. Death is a timeless event.
Life is a tragedy for feelers and a comedy for thinkers.
Life is a tragedy to feelers and a comedy to thinkers.
Life is a tragedy when seen close -up, but a comedy in longshot.
Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while.
Life is a whole series of circumstances beyond your control. -- Van Roy's Truism
Life is a yo-yo, and humans tie knots in the string.
Life is a yo-yo, and mankind ties knots in the string.
Life is a zoo in a jungle.
Life is ablaze, and you're right there in the flames. - Fishbone
Life is about timing.
Life is an adventure if you play it right.
Life is an egg salad sandwich.
Life is an illusion.. Enjoy it while it stays in focus..
Life is an incurable, sexually transmitted disease, 100% fatal.
Life is an interruption in entropy.
Life is an onion and each one peels it crying.
Life is an onion and one peels away its layers crying.
Life is an onion and one peels it crying.
Life is an unbroken succession of false situations.
Life is anything that dies when you shoot it!
Life is anything that dies when you stomp it!
Life is anything that dies when you stomp it.
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it!
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.  - Dave Barry
Life is as queer as a cat fart.
Life is basically a struggle between intellect and ego.
Life is best done awake.
Life is boring without EDLIN
Life is boring without EDLIN. (So *that's* what I'm missing!)
Life is both Sexually Transmitted, and Terminal!
Life is but a dream
Life is but a dream ... and Please WAKE me up!
Life is but a dream, sweetheart.
Life is but a dream.
Life is but a simulation on a galactic computer
Life is but an obstructive consideration .
Life is but one long journey, and many moccasins.
Life is but one long journey, and many moccassins.
Life is cheap.  It's the accessories that kill you.
Life is complex--it's partly real and partly imaginary
Life is complex.  It consists of real and imaginary parts.
Life is complex;  It consists of real and imaginary parts!
Life is composed at conception. Death decomposes after deconception.
Life is crazy, so I fit right in.
Life is crazy.  So I fit right in ...
Life is crazy. So I fit right in ...
Life is crewel ... it keeps me in stitches.
Life is cruel ... it keeps me in stitches.
Life is cruel. This has been an example.
Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.  -- Woody Allen
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
Life is enough to drive a healthy person sane.
Life is fair - it's people who aren't.
Life is fantastic.  Here Today.  Here Tomorrow.
Life is far too important to take seriously.
Life is far too short to dance with ugly women.
Life is filled with ups and downs but I'm going sideways.
Life is fine when all is well, but little things can make life hell
Life is fragile, handle with prayer.
Life is full of *little* surprises, says John Bobbitt.
Life is full of little surprises - Pandora
Life is full of mysteries. Consider this one of them. --Sinclair.
Life is full of undocumented features!
Life is full of... Reservoir Dogs.
Life is good, now that Wesley's gone -- Picard
Life is great, so don't ruin yours by messin' with my PC!
Life is great, so don't ruin yours by messing with my computer!
Life is hard - and even harder when you're not stupid.
Life is hard no matter how old you are.
Life is hard with an extended alphabet... <sigh>
Life is hard with an extended alphabet... <sigh<
Life is hard, and then you die.
Life is hard.  It's breathe, breathe, breathe, all the time.
Life is hard. . . . Then you die.
Life is hard. It's even harder if you're stupid. 
Life is hard. Mine is Pentium Ready!
Life is in beta test - my copy has some bugs in it.
Life is indeed a rat-race - and the rats are winning.
Life is interesting when you see it from someone else's perspective.
Life is just a Yellow SUB Routine.
Life is just a bowl of cherries...or is it the pits?
Life is just a bowl of chili, but no beans for you.
Life is just a bowl of chili, no beans for you.
Life is just a bowl of tribbles.
Life is just a dream <*SHBUM*>
Life is just a dream, Sweetheart.
Life is just a figment of my imagination.
Life is just a party and party weren't meant to last.
Life is just a placebo masquerading as a simile...
Life is just a series of TRUE - FALSE tests.
Life is just a sub-routine of God's Master Program.
Life is just downtime between Blue Wave packets.
Life is just downtime between Mail packets.
Life is just downtime between QWK packets.
Life is just gambling. In the end, you always lose...
Life is just one BIG beta test cycle
Life is just one big beta test cycle.
Life is just one damn thing after another. - Mark Twain
Life is just one of those things.
Life is just one thing after another.
Life is life. - Dr. Steven Franklin
Life is life. Dr. --Franklin.
Life is lije an EGG - either your smashed or your laid!
Life is like ... an analogy.
Life is like .......... an analogy.
Life is like Jazz, it should be improvised.
Life is like MS Windows you never know what you're gonna get.
Life is like Windows'95...you never know when you'll crash.
Life is like Windows'95...you never know when your system will crash.
Life is like a Car-wash and I'm on a bicycle.
Life is like a Class V Rapid, no easy way through.
Life is like a Class V Rapid, no sneak route.
Life is like a Joss-stick, it stinks and then it's over
Life is like a Muon: very short and unstable.
Life is like a bath; the longer you stay in it, the wrinklier you get
Life is like a bottle of Scottish Ale.YUM!  (Forest Gumby)
Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get.
Life is like a box of chocolates, feminizts are turds mixed in the box
Life is like a box of chocolates, never know what you'll get. - F.Gump
Life is like a box of chocolates, ya never know what you'r gonna get.
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
Life is like a box of chocolates.... Yeah right!
Life is like a bullet: it hurts like hell and has to go eventually.
Life is like a date movie. It sucks if you're alone.
Life is like a diaper - short and loaded.
Life is like a diaper -- short and loaded.
Life is like a flower, sometimes it blooms and sometimes it withers.
Life is like a fountain...  I will tell you how when I figure it out.
Life is like a hot shower. One wrong turn and you're in hot water.
Life is like a kidney stone.  If you are lucky, it too shallpass.
Life is like a maze in which you try to avoid the exit.
Life is like a nappie  --  Short and Loaded
Life is like a roller coaster, but I'm glad to be tall enough to ride.
Life is like a septic tank, the really big chunks always rise to the top.
Life is like a ship of redshirts. You never know who's gonna die. :)
Life is like a shower.  One wrong turn and you`re in hot water.
Life is like a shower:  The wrong turn can leave you in hot water.
Life is like a simile.
Life is like a simily
Life is like a ten-speed bike.  Most of us have gears we never use.
Life is like a vacuum cleaner.  It sucks.
Life is like a watermelon, full, sometimes seedy, & juicy.
Life is like an Oreo cookie...
Life is like an analogy!  Yeah!  Thats the ticket!
Life is like an analogy.
Life is like an hourglass.  Consciousness is the sand.
Life is like dividing on Pentium, You never know what you're gonna get
Life is like dividing on a Pentium, you never know what you'll get!
Life is like fresco-painting--erasures aren't allowed.
Life is like licking honey off a thorn.  -L. Ellerbee
Life is like sex.  I don't know why, it just is ...
Life is like the Stock Market - Ups & Downs.
Life is like the flight of a bird...out of darkness, into darkness.
Life is like the inside of a microwave oven.
Life is like toilet paper; we panic as the end approaches !
Life is like toilet paper; we panic as the end approahes
Life is like using Windows... you never know what you're gonna get.
Life is like... an analogy!  Yeah!  That's the ticket!
Life is like... an analogy.
Life is like.......... an analogy.
Life is like......an analogy.
Life is lived forwards and understood backwards.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards.
Life is long to the miserable, but short to the happy.
Life is made up of marble and mud.
Life is more than sexual combustibility!
Life is much easier if you look at the source code.
Life is nasty, brutish and short.  Why add UNIX?
Life is never dull, I have a modem.
Life is never simple, but we pretend it is.
Life is no "Dress Rehearsal" -- Emerson
Life is not a dress rehearsal.
Life is not a dress rehersal.
Life is not a spectacle or a feast, it is a predicament.
Life is not a zero sum game.
Life is not all lovely thorns and singing vultures.
Life is not fair It IS, however, quite a circus.
Life is not fair...So, go sue somebody !
Life is not fair...it IS, however, quite a circus.
Life is not fair...it is, however, quite a circus.
Life is not kind.  Time for a reality check.
Life is not one thing after another.... it's the same damn thing over and over!
Life is not so short that there isn't time for courtesy.
Life is obviously a battle, but exactly owho is the enemy?
Life is obviously a battle, but exactly who is the enemy?
Life is offensive.  You may as well get used to it.
Life is one long process of getting tired.
Life is one long struggle in the dark.  Lucretius (55 BC)
Life is one situation you'll never get out of alive!
Life is one, big, worse-case scenario.
Life is only as long as you live it.
Life is only understood backward, but must be lived forward.
Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved. - D.H. Lawrence
Life is ours, we live it our way.
Life is pain.  Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.
Life is pain; anyone who tells you different is selling something.
Life is painanyone who says differently is selling something.
Life is recursive.
Life is renewal, constantly changing and transfiguring.
Life is serious, but ART is fun!
Life is sexually transmitted  and terminal!
Life is sexually transmitted - and is almost always fatal
Life is sexually transmitted ... and terminal!
Life is sexually transmitted and invariably terminal
Life is sexually transmitted and terminal.  Always.
Life is sexually transmitted, always fatal and is Free.
Life is sexually transmitted, and fatal.
Life is sexually transmitted, and fatal. 
Life is sexually transmitted....... and terminal.
Life is short - impeach Bill NOW!!
Life is short and death is long, Fo Lo La, Follow me.
Life is short and love is always over in the morning.
Life is short impeach Bill NOW!!
Life is short, art is long, opportunity fugitive.
Life is short, but its ills make it seem long.
Life is short, eat desert first!!
Life is short, eat dessert first!!
Life is short, eat dessert first.
Life is short, experimenting dangerous, reasoning difficult.
Life is short.  Play hard.
Life is short. Death is long. Take a vacation.
Life is short. Eat dessert first.
Life is short. Impeach Bill NOW!!
Life is short...Type fast.
Life is short; fulfill your fantasies while you can!
Life is short; type hard...
Life is so complicated. It must have been designed by a committee.
Life is so full of uncertainties. My dog thinks HE'S the master.
Life is so hard when you're stupid - Mike
Life is so much easier if you look at the source code!
Life is so uncertain, eat dessert first
Life is something that happens when you can't sleep.
Life is something to do when you can't get to sleep.
Life is something to do when you cannot get to sleep.
Life is still in Beta test.
Life is still in beta testing.
Life is that brief interlude between nothingness and eternity.
Life is the art of being well-deceived.
Life is the leading cause of death
Life is the leading cause of death.
Life is the one enemy we cannot defeat. - LaCroix
Life is the only activity with a 100% mortality rate.
Life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules
Life is the soft thing with two heads. - Mutant Raccoon
Life is the storm before the calm.
Life is the storm before the calm...
Life is the urge to ecstasy.
Life is the variety of spice.
Life is to us a dashing and bold adventure.
Life is to you a dashing and bold adventure.
Life is too cheap to drink short wine!
Life is too confusing for novices.  We should let the experts take care of it.
Life is too important to be taken seriously.
Life is too important to be taken seriously.--Thalia
Life is too important to ever take seriously.
Life is too important to take seriously.
Life is too short and I've got too many hidden ancestors to find!
Life is too short for bad coffee.
Life is too short for short people!
Life is too short not to be in love !
Life is too short to be taken seriously - Einstein.
Life is too short to dance with horizontally challenged women
Life is too short to dance with ugly men.
Life is too short to dance with ugly women.
Life is too short to diet.
Life is too short to dive too long or too deep.
Life is too short to drink bad beer!
Life is too short to drink cheap beer!
Life is too short to drink cheap beer.
Life is too short to drink cheap whiskey! Try the single malts.
Life is too short to drink cheap wine!
Life is too short to drink cheep wine.
Life is too short to eat boring food.
Life is too short to learn Oracle!
Life is too short to learn Word Perfect.  Press <F??> to exit
Life is too short to learn Z-Modem parameters!
Life is too short to stuff a mushroom -- Shirley Conran
Life is too short to stuff a mushroom.
Life is too short to wait in lines.
Life is too short to waste time learning UNIX.
Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid. -John Wayne
Life is trial & error;tomorro I go on trial 4my errors.
Life is trial & error;tomorrow I go on trial 4 my errors.
Life is trial and error - tomorrow I go on trial for my errors ...
Life is trial and error - tomorrow I go on trial for my errors.
Life is uncertain - buy the luxuries first!
Life is uncertain - eat dessert first!
Life is uncertain so eat dessert *first*.
Life is uncertain, eat dessert first . . .
Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!!
Life is uncertain, so eat dessert first!
Life is uncertain......Eat dessert first!
Life is uncertain...eat dessert first!
Life is unpredictable- order your dessert first.
Life is unsure, always eat your dessert first.
Life is unsure, so always eat your dessert first.
Life is unsure....eat dessert first.
Life is very hard for those who expect it to be easy.
Life is wasted on the living.
Life is what goes by while you are watching television.
Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans.
Life is what happens to you while you are planning to do something else.
Life is what happens to you while you're making other plans.
Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
Life is what happens when you're making other plans.
Life is what happens while making other plans!!
Life is what happens while we're busy making plans.
Life is what happens while you are making other plans. <J Lennon>
Life is what happens while you are making other plans...
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans
Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
Life is what passes you by while watching TV.
Life is what passes you by while watching hockey.
Life is what's happening to you while you're making plans...
Life is wonderful, when you are conscious of the details.
Life is wonderful.  Without it you'd be dead.
Life is wonderful. Without it, @FN@ wouldn't know me.
Life is wonderful. Without it, there would be no hockey.
Life is wonderful. Without it, you'd be dead.
Life is...life is...life is...life is a kumquat.
Life isn't a spectacle or a feast, it's a predicament.
Life isn't always eternal.
Life isn't always fair, but I shouldn't cheat so much
Life isn't always fair, but it shouldn't cheat that much.
Life isn't always fair, but you'd clash with the universe.
Life isn't real, it's just an emulation
Life isn't too short, it's just that you're dead for so LONG.
Life isn't weird; it's the people in it.
Life it seems to fade away. Drifting further everyday.
Life it seems will fade away
Life it seems, will fade away...
Life itself is the proper binge.
Life itself is the ultimate adventure!
Life just dished up some spam. - Opus Penguin
Life just dished up some spam. -Opus
Life like food, usually needs a little spice!
Life may be lots of things, but it is never dull.
Life may not be perfect, but it can be optimized.
Life might be easier if we had the source code.
Life must be a highway, cause I feel like a roadkill.
Life must be a highway, cause I feel like road kill.
Life must be a highway...I feel like roadkill.
Life must of been a lot simpler when the Indians ran this country.
Life never gets so bad that it can't get worse.
Life not found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)lame
Life not stressful enough? Get Win95!!!
Life of a Mayfly: Born. Eat. Screw. Die.
Life precedes choice.
Life seems to be one long process of getting tired...
Life should come with a Quick Reference Guide.
Life shouldn't be an endless repetition of stale successes.
Life shrinks or expands according to one's courage.<Nin>
Life shrinks or expands inproportion to one's courage. Anais Nin
Life starts at '30, fun at '40, impotence at '86!
Life stinks. Fortunately, I've got a cold.
Life stinks...So, file a complaint with the EPA !
Life stinks...especially if you haven't showered for a while.
Life sucks and then you marry one who won't.
Life sucks but Death swallows!
Life sucks but death swallows!
Life sucks but the alternative isn't much better.
Life sucks! Get a bib!
Life sucks!...but the alternative is worse.
Life sucks, but Death swallows!
Life sucks, but death doesn't put out at all....
Life sucks, but it won't swallow
Life sucks, gets worse, then you die!
Life sucks, like a cookatoo without a beak......
Life sucks, live with it!
Life sucks, watch anime.
Life sucks...if she cooked, too, I'd marry her.
Life support system warranty expired!
Life support system warranty expired!!!
Life takes its toll.  Have exact change ready. . . .
Life takes you places you had no intention of going. Merry
Life tends to be a long and unreliable process.
Life was much easier before that fool invented the rake.
Life was so much easier before law school <sigh>
Life was so much easier before law school <sigh<
Life will be the death of me!
Life will sometimes hand you a magical moment.  Savor it.
Life with pets is never dull.
Life without a man is like a fish without a bicycle
Life without bears would be unbearable.
Life without cats just isn't worth living! -LG
Life without discipline is meaningless.
Life without glasses is fuzzy-wonderful.
Life without learning is death. --Cicero
Life without music would be a mistake--Nietzche
Life without music would be a mistake.
Life without order is chaos. Order without life is death.
Life without racing is just... well... life?
Life without sex is like ice cream sundae with the cherry
Life without teachers would completely lack class.
Life without weirdness is worse than death. - Odin
Life would be easier if I had the source code
Life would be easier if I had the source code ...
Life would be easier if I had the source code.
Life would be easier if we could see the source code.
Life would be easier if we had the source code.
Life would be easy if we had the source code.
Life would be easy if we only had the source code.
Life would be grand if I had a grand.
Life would be less weird without you.
Life would be much easier if I had the source code.
Life would be so much easier if I had the source code
Life would be so much easier if I had the source code.
Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code
Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.
Life would be so much simpler with access to the source code...
Life would be so very easy if Patrick had the source code.
Life would be so very easy if we only had the source code
Life!  Can't live with it, can't live without it.
Life!  What would we do without it?
Life! Don't Talk To Me About Life(MARVIN the android) HGTTG
Life! Don't talk to me about life!
Life's 3 stages of sex: Tri-weekly, try weekly, try weakly.
Life's 3 stages of sex: tri weekly, try weekly and try weakly.
Life's A Beach And We're Just Surfing Time!
Life's Four Calamities:  War, pestilence, famine, nagging.
Life's Great Irony #146:  Turtles have a drag coefficient of .03
Life's Law:  NOTHING ever happens until it does.
Life's Little Destruction Book #603. Quote Rush Limbaugh to feminists.
Life's Little Mystery #311: The SysRq key
Life's a ***** and then FIDO eats your mail packet.
Life's a *****, then you have to deal with The Phone Co.!
Life's a Bastard, and then He dies. Life's wonderful then.
Life's a Beach..then you just fade away..
Life's a Bitch, you marry one, then you die.
Life's a CACHE, and then you FLUSH...
Life's a Hillary, and then you die!(if you're lucky!)
Life's a Hillary.
Life's a Virgin....A Bitch is too easy!
Life's a Witch and then you Fly!
Life's a b**** and then Fido eats your mail packet!
Life's a b****, so smeg off! -- Rimmer
Life's a b*tch and then FIDO eats your mail packet.
Life's a batch and then your hard drive dies!
Life's a beach and still you always marry one.
Life's a beach, and then you drown.
Life's a beef, and Clara Peller's gone!
Life's a bi***, then you have to deal with The Phone Co.!
Life's a bitch and then you die still trying to get a peice of the pie.
Life's a bitch and then you diet!
Life's a bitch and then you marry one.
Life's a bitch, and so is Minmei -- Vince Weyrich
Life's a bitch, and then you marry one.
Life's a bitch, and then you're reincarnated.
Life's a bitch, but consider the alternative.
Life's a bitch, but some of the puppies are cute
Life's a bitch, but some of the puppies are cute.
Life's a bitch, but the puppies are cute.
Life's a bitch, then they throw dirt in your face...
Life's a bitch, then you die.
Life's a bitch, then you die...
Life's a bitch, then you marry one.
Life's a bitch, then you meet one.
Life's a bitch, then you're reincarnated.
Life's a bitch, time's a bastard, and death finishes it.
Life's a bitch.  Then you marry one.  Then you die.
Life's a bitch...then you are reincarnated.
Life's a bitch...then you're reincarnated
Life's a bowl of cherries...then you get the squirts!
Life's a cache, and then you flush...
Life's a dance, ya learn as ya go.
Life's a dance, ya learn as you go.
Life's a game, and I'm the game master.
Life's a game, but golf is serious!
Life's a joke and we're the punchline.
Life's a joke, and we're the punchline.
Life's a journey, not a destination.
Life's a lemon and I want my money back. <Meatloaf>
Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it.
Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it. - Monty Python
Life's a queer little man, kiddie.
Life's a reach and then you gybe.
Life's a rifle range & I've got a bullseye on my butt.
Life's a rut, don't get caught in a deep one!
Life's a tough job, and the hours are a bitch.
Life's a trip and then you run out of Travelers' Checks.
Life's a virgin.  A bitch is too easy.
Life's a virgin.  Bitches are easy!
Life's a witch, then you fly.
Life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same ...
Life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same.
Life's an evolution. Why place boundaries on yourself this soon? :) - DS
Life's been good, life's been bad, now I know what I've had.
Life's boring after 1000 years, so kill yerself!
Life's boring after 1000 years, so kill yourself!
Life's crazy...so I fit right in.
Life's fabric is corrupt, shot through with corroded thread.
Life's full of mysteries.  Consider Rosa Lopez one of them.
Life's full of mysteries.  Consider this one of them. - Sinclair
Life's full of taglines.  Consider this one of them.
Life's funny that way. -- Brisco
Life's hard, then you die!!!!!
Life's incessant ceremonies leap everlasting...
Life's just a mood ring we're not allowed to see.
Life's like a box of chocolates - Enough of it will KILL ya!
Life's like a random tag, you neva know whatcha gonna get
Life's like a sewer,what U get depends what U put into it
Life's like an onion: Peel it 1 layer at a time & sometimes you weep.
Life's not fair, is it? - Scar
Life's not passing me by, it's running me over!
Life's not pretty.  Even so, I tried so hard to make it so...
Life's not real until your fantasies are real!!
Life's not to short. You're just dead for so long.
Life's not too short, it's just that you're dead for so long.
Life's ok, but Taglines are better.
Life's rough, but the alternative's rougher!
Life's short, eat dessert first!!!
Life's short, so don't screw up.
Life's so hard.  It's breathe, breathe, breathe all the time!!
Life's three stages of sex:  Tri-Weekly, Try Weekly, and Try Weakly.
Life's too serious to sell it short!
Life's too short & horses are cheap; ride 'em hard!
Life's too short for bad coffee.
Life's too short for chess.
Life's too short not to be in love.
Life's too short to dance with ugly men.
Life's too short to dance with ugly women.
Life's too short to date ugly girls!
Life's too short to date ugly guys!
Life's too short to read all these messages!
Life's too short to steal lousy taglines!!!!!!
Life's too short to swipe lousy taglines...
Life's too short to take it seriously!
Life's too short to use a slow modem!
Life's too short to wear underwear.
Life's tough for the stupid
Life's truths are only found on T-shirts and taglines!
Life,  Liberty  And  The  Theft  Of  Taglines.....
Life, Liberty And The Theft Of Taglines.....
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of a Good-Paying Job is a Right!
Life, Liberty, and the right to know who your ancesters are....
Life, Universe, and Everything? 42
Life, a series of useless messages transmitting odd taglines.
Life, liberty and the right to know who your ancestors are.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of taglines...
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of the big O.
Life, loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it.
Life, love & laughter...what priceless gifts we give our children.
Life, love it or waste it!
Life, not the parson, teaches conduct. Holmes
Life, said Marvin, Don't talk to ME about life!
Life, the Universe, and Everything = 42.
Life.  Don't talk to me about life. - Marvin
Life.  Live it.  Love it.  Laugh at it.
Life. Don't talk to me about life.
Life... is a series of dogs.
Life...don't talk to me about life
Life...too many questions damn few answers.
Life:  A brief interlude between nothingness and eternity
Life:  A fatal condition caused by sexual contact.
Life:  A fatal, sexually transmitted disease.
Life:  A terminal, sexually transmitted disease.
Life:  A terminal, sexually transmitted disease...
Life:  Anything that dies when you stomp it.
Life:  Love it or leave it.
Life:  Something to do when you can't get to sleep.
Life:  What happens to you while you are making other plans.
Life: (n) Disease. Usually transmitted sexually. Fatal.
Life: ....Is anything that dies when you stomp it.
Life: A fatal condition caused by sexual contact
Life: A fatal, sexually transmitted disease.
Life: A terminal, sexually transmitted disease.
Life: Anything that dies when you stomp it!
Life: Anything that dies when you stomp it.
Life: If it feels good, do it.
Life: If it isn't one damned thing, it's another!
Life: Love it or leave it.
Life: The space between BBSing.
Life: Too many questions -- damn few answers.
Life: Too many questions, too few answers.
Life: When you delete a file today & need it tomorrow.
Life: You peel layer after layer, you find nothing in it.
Life: a sexually transmitted condition with 100% fatality
Life: a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate.
Life: anything that dies when you stomp on it.
Life: what a beautiful choice.
Life: what happens when you have other plans.
Life: what happens while you're making other plans.
Life:A terminal,sexually transmitted disease.
Life; it's a team effort.
Life?     Don't talk to me about life...
Life?  Sure I have a Life:  C:\LIFE
Life?  Sure,I've got a life.  ->  C:\Life\*.*
Life?  Sure,I've got a life.  -<  C:\Life\*.*
Life?  What life?  Oh, that space between BBSing.
Life? Sure I have a Life: C:\LIFE  ( Geco )
Life? Sure I have a Life: C:\LIFE  ( He )
Lifeguards DO IT on the beach.
Lifeguards do it mouth-to-mouth.
Lifeguards do it on the beach.
Lifeguards know a lot about tight seals.
Lifeis a series of dogs.
Lifes what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
Lifes what happens while you're busy making other plans-JLennon
Lifestyles of the rich and PC compatible.
Lifetime heterosexual monogamy IS an alternative lifestyle.
Lifetoo many questions damn few answers.
Lift a finger to Frodo, he can't do it back to you!
Lift handset, insert pound of flesh.
Lift up the self by the Self.
Lifting Shadows Off a Dream
Light Infantry never is.
Light and warmth! That's necessary to all humanoids.
Light at end of tunnel will be out until further notice.
Light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming train!
Light at the end of the tunnel? look out for that train.
Light blooming ground flour & get away -Joel on launching
Light bulb:   Device to absorb darkness.
Light bulbs are "dark suckers."
Light bulbs do it in the dark.
Light bulbs don't emit light, they suck darkness ...
Light creeps through her secret tunnels.
Light is square; darkness is round.
Light is useless without a dark to stick it in!
Light meter: [...../]   Speed-of-light meter: [dark....../c]
Light missile and get away - Tom
Light sleeper sleeps with light on...hard sleeper sleeps with...
Light speed! Ridiculous speed! Ludicrous speed!
Light the lamp and fire mellow...
Light tomorrow with today! Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Light travels at the speed of thought.
Light year:  A regular year with less calories.
Light year:  A regular year with less calories...
Light year: 1/3 less calories than your regular year...
Light year: A regular year with less calories - but STILL tastes great!
Light year: A regular year with less calories.
Light your path with the lamp of The Lord's wisdom.
Light-year: a regular year with less calories!
Lighten up a little, Life's a joke and death's the punch line!
Lighten up guys! It was just a joke
Lighten up guys! It was just a joke...
Lighten up!  You take yourself much too seriously!
Lighten up! Death doesn't come as fast!
Lighten up! It's JUST a tagline!
Lighten up! It's only ones and zeros.
Lighten up! You take yourself much too seriously!
Lighten up, babe!  Life is like, too short, y'know! - Deanna Troi
Lighten up, dude!  Life is like, too short, y'know. - Troi
Lighten up, dude! Life's too short....
Lighten up, man! Life's too short.
Lighten up.  Life is too short.
Lighten up...it was just a JOKE!
Lightening interface...Model 'L' - Tom on robot
Lighthouses are more helpful than churches. - Franklin
Lightin' up some lucky cowboy's eyes...
Lighting three cigarettes on a match isn't unlucky--it's unlikely.
Lightning & elephants do as they damn please!
Lightning and elephants do as they damn please!
Lightning never strikes twice in the same place..
Lights are on but nobody's home.
Lights not burning too bright.
Lights!  Camera!  Traction!  The Hollywood Blonds!
Lights! Camera! Traction! The Hollywood Blondes!
Lights, camera, uh...uh...Spock, what's next?
Lights... Camera.... Revolution!
Lightsaber: Energizer meets Excalibur.
Lightsaber: What happens when Excalibur meets Energizer.
Lightyear - same nutrients, fat-free.
Lightyear: regular year with less calories.
Liine Noise Provided By Bell Atlantic
Lijepe zene prolaze kroz grad.Ja na uglu stojim sasvim sam.
Like Berlin, 1930, all I crave is my escape -- J. Biafra
Like Clinton? Send candy. He's already had Flowers!
Like Daddy O's apartment 'cept for the big-ass phone -Tom
Like Doom? I've got some Beach front property in Holland for you.
Like Doom? I've got some Beachfront property in Holland for you.
Like Entropy, bugs can only be created, not destroyed.
Like I always say--nothing can beat the BRATWURST here in DUSSELDORF!!
Like I said before, I don't repeat myself !
Like I said before, I don't repeat myself!
Like I said before, I never repeat myself.
Like I said, It never hurts to ask!
Like I said, no imagination... no taste for art...
Like I said, you understood NOTHING.
Like Lincoln, our first Republican president, we intend to act
Like NO CARRIER, Calvin&Hobbes, and some Beavis&Butt-Head's. I deleted
Like Scarlett says, "I'll think about it tomorrow!"
Like THAT guy could sneak up on someone - Joel on fat guy
Like WE can't see the thread - Crow on rocket launch
Like a Glove! - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
Like a Gummy Bear - Tom as dino bites girl's leg
Like a Super Soaker & a nudie suit - Crow
Like a bat out of hell, I'll be gone when the morning comes -Meat Loaf
Like a big white lady, hovering over the earth - Crow
Like a bird, like a plane, like an idiot - Crow
Like a broken field runner slippin' through the line
Like a candle, to give light you must endure burning.
Like a cow in tall grass, I'm udderly tickled to be here.
Like a loose-leaf folder in winter.
Like a mother's kiss on your first broken heart, a warm wet circle
Like a patient etherised upon a table.
Like a scotch, as usual? - Mike to nun
Like a shadow from the tomb...
Like a shadow that's by your side...
Like a tagline /  Stolen for the very first time... .
Like a tagline over troubled message...
Like a tattoed testicle...
Like a virgin.  Touched for the very first time -- today.
Like a vision, she dances across the porch as the radio plays.
Like a wild horse, I wanna break you.
Like a winter snow on a summer lawn, time past is time gone.
Like all intellectuals, Rush Limbaugh is intensely stupid.
Like an angel rising up from the tomb.
Like any other day, I saw a squirrel get blown away
Like bees to the hive, so must we to survive - Course of Empire
Like being on LSD: Lousy Space Dramas - Crow on effects
Like bits through the port, so are the Data of Our Lives.
Like blood to chocolate fall.
Like blue thunder's quotes ;)
Like chihuahuas but w/out any flesh - Joel on Demon Dogs
Like flesh to the bone in the no-go zone.
Like gang warfare?  Join a political party.
Like has nothing to do with it. - Richard Franklin
Like ice cream *&* computers? Get Haagen-DOS 6.0!
Like is there anyone alive around here?
Like it hell, Mikey LOVES it!
Like it? Wanna buy it?
Like lemmings eager to Rush out on a Limbaugh...humbug . . .
Like looking at an erotic cave-painting - Tom
Like me, huh?  Stealing your own taglines...
Like most Americans, I didn't vote for Clinton.
Like my grandma's house near the end of her life -Mike
Like my hair? I just mowed it! - Crow on teen w/crew cut
Like sands in a swimsuit...so are the days of our lives.
Like shadows on grass, or a child's play on the sands .....
Like sunshine on the wrong side of the play ground.
Like tax matters, the details are complicated.
Like the Bald Eagle, the US was recently sucked into a jet engine.
Like the end of The Firm except it's coherent - Tom Servo
Like the starry skies up above <*SHBUM*>
Like there's a plot to this...
Like there's never been a sex scandal in jazz before.
Like this.
Like to deposit some guilt & withdraw some denial - Tom
Like to run a Tab. All over my body! - Tom on Tab Hunter
Like torment Cardassians?  - O'Brien to Q
Like trying to escaep from Aaron Spelling's house - Mike/#605
Like trying to escape from Aaron Spelling's house - Mike
Like tying a stone to a sling is the giving of honor to a fool.
Like wearing a bikini to the fat ladies garden club! Hehehe!
Like winter snow on summer lawn, time past is time gone.
Like you said- 'All's fair in love and comedy!' - BW-Yakko
Like you said: Is this a great country or what? <BG>
Like your father, you changed the rules -- Saavik
Like, I think my bottle absorbed my Beer, eh.
Like, do as thou wilt, y'know?
Like, you expected a straight answer?
Likelihoods, however, are 90% against you.
Likes and dislikes are among my favorites
Likes and dislikes are among my favorites.
Likes and dislikes are among my favourites
Likes coolsville, daddy-o. - Wakko
Likes dunking for french fries.
Lillehammer: Adverse affect on men from steriod abuse.
Lillehammer? You must have seen me swimming in cold water
Limbaugh (adj):  Worst possible insult to a thinking person.
Limbaugh - A wet dream for the barely literate right.
Limbaugh - Every republican homosexuals dream date!
Limbaugh = RL = Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh Commanding General of the Army of Ignorance.
Limbaugh Democracy: Three wolves and a sheep voting what's for lunch.
Limbaugh Institute FOR Advanced Conservative Studies. Liberals Welcome
Limbaugh Looses Show:  Now that's how I spell relief!
Limbaugh Loses Show:  Now that's how I spell relief!
Limbaugh Loses Show:  Takes over as President!
Limbaugh Loses Show: Now that's how I spell relief!
Limbaugh Loses Show: Takes over as President!
Limbaugh Unties Other Half of Brain!  Becomes Liberal!
Limbaugh Update (Martial theme, sound of boots marching in time).
Limbaugh could find his butt with both hands and a map.
Limbaugh for President, '96 (or sooner, if possible)!
Limbaugh gay? That's enough to make homosexuals homophobic!
Limbaugh given emergency enema, finds other half of brain!
Limbaugh goes to family reunions to pick-up on girls (boys?).
Limbaugh got out of Viet Nam, too!
Limbaugh has neither honor, nor accurate information.
Limbaugh hypocrisy: Accusing Clinton/defending Bush of lying.
Limbaugh is a closet Liberal!
Limbaugh is about as much a journalist as Leeza Gibbons is.
Limbaugh is an obnoxious twit. I know, he's at all the meetings.
Limbaugh is just another misguided manure salesman.
Limbaugh is the National Enquirer for Conservatives.
Limbaugh isn't an idiot.  Full of shit, yes.  An idiot, no
Limbaugh isn't straight!
Limbaugh marries again! Second seal opens tonight!
Limbaugh moves in with girlfriend.  Second seal opens tomorrow.
Limbaugh moves in with girlfriend. Second seal opens tomorrow.
Limbaugh of Borg: Assimilate YOU people? Why?
Limbaugh of Borg: Clinton is irrelevant. Democrats will be assimilated.
Limbaugh said "The American people are too easily fooled."  By him.
Limbaugh said concern for blacks is a setback to America.
Limbaugh said concern for women is a setback to America.
Limbaugh seen at gay bar.  Film at eleven.
Limbaugh should be sentenced to Community Service in an AIDS clinic
Limbaugh speaks Fools ditto.
Limbaugh! In your heart, you know he's right. Yes! Far-right!
Limbaugh's Menubar: File Edit Bombast Distort AttackHillary EgoBoost
Limbaugh's advantage:  Dumb people outnumber smart ones.
Limbaugh's answer to everything Democratic is to call it socialist.
Limbaugh's books do serve;  ditto-heads have been inside bookstores!
Limbaugh(N): Name for someone who thinks pain is good...
Limbaugh, Limbaugh...isn't that a kind of stinky cheese?
Limbaugh, burlesque queen of porno politics
Limbaugh.  Isn't that a cheese?
Limbaugh.  Talk about Unamerican!
Limbaugh. Isn't that a cheese?
Limbaugh. Talk about Unamerican!
Limbaugh... Limbaugh... Isn't that some kind of stinky cheese?
Limbaugh... Limbaugh... Isn't that some kink of stinky cheese?
Limbaugh...er....Isn't that a smelly cheese?
Limbaugh/Cthulhu in 1996: when you tire of the LESSER evil!
Limbaugh/North in  96
Limbaugh:   All other opinions are irrelevent.
Limbaugh:  "Assimilation on loan from God."
Limbaugh:  "If I can't misquote it, I don't want it."
Limbaugh:  "Liberals are irrelevant."
Limbaugh:  "The American people are too easily fooled."  By him.
Limbaugh:  A legend in his own mind.
Limbaugh:  A personality cult by any other name...
Limbaugh:  All the wit of a marginally bright bully.
Limbaugh:  Another disgrace on America!
Limbaugh:  Commanding General of the Army of Ignorance.
Limbaugh:  Every Republican homosexuals dream date!
Limbaugh:  Forging new limits of human stupidity daily.
Limbaugh:  He *is* a "Right-Wing Fatso"!
Limbaugh:  He can dish it out, but he can't take it!
Limbaugh:  I don't know whether to laugh or worry!
Limbaugh:  Living example of why stupid people shouldn't breed.
Limbaugh:  Living proof of what happens when cousins marry.
Limbaugh:  Proof that acid flashbacks can be marketable.
Limbaugh:  Proof that evolution works in reverse.
Limbaugh:  Radio's answer to Professional Wrestling!
Limbaugh:  So conservative he has two right sides.
Limbaugh:  So narrow minded he can look through a keyhole.
Limbaugh:  Stop him now before he breeds!
Limbaugh:  The Pillsbury Doughboy on acid.
Limbaugh:  The Right Man for the job?  Extremely!
Limbaugh:  The best thing that ever happened to the Democrats.
Limbaugh:  The crybaby of the right.
Limbaugh:  The whale that walks like a man!
Limbaugh:  The world's most gifted idiot.
Limbaugh:  Twenty pounds of shit in a five-pound bag.
Limbaugh:  When he sits around a house...
Limbaugh:  what happens when you feed a hog after midnight.
Limbaugh: A legend in his own mind.
Limbaugh: A personality cult by any other name.
Limbaugh: All *other* opinions are irrelevant!
Limbaugh: All the wit of a marginally bright bully.
Limbaugh: Another disgrace on America!
Limbaugh: Assimilation on loan from God.
Limbaugh: Barney in human form.
Limbaugh: Commanding General of the Army of Ignorance.
Limbaugh: Forging new limits of human stupidity daily.
Limbaugh: He *is* a Right-Wing Fatso!
Limbaugh: He can dish it out, but he can't take it!
Limbaugh: He failed with women, so now he attacks them.
Limbaugh: He's failed with women, so now he attacks them.
Limbaugh: I don't know whether to laugh or worry!
Limbaugh: If I can't misquote it, I don't want it.
Limbaugh: Liberals are irrelevant.
Limbaugh: Living example of why stupid people shouldn't breed.
Limbaugh: Living proof of what happens when cousins marry.
Limbaugh: Opiate of the a$$es.
Limbaugh: Opiate of the asses.
Limbaugh: Proof that acid flashbacks can be marketable.
Limbaugh: Proof that evolution works in reverse.
Limbaugh: Radio's answer to Professional Wrestling!
Limbaugh: So conservative he has two right sides.
Limbaugh: So narrow minded he can look through a keyhole.
Limbaugh: Stop him now before he breeds!
Limbaugh: The American people are too easily fooled. By him.
Limbaugh: The Pillsbury Doughboy on acid.
Limbaugh: The Right Man for the job? Extremely!
Limbaugh: The Ultimate Snake Oil Salesman
Limbaugh: The best thing that ever happened to the Democrats.
Limbaugh: The crybaby of the right.
Limbaugh: The whale that walks like a man!
Limbaugh: The world's most gifted idiot.
Limbaugh: Twenty pounds of shit in a five-pound bag.
Limbaugh: When he sits around a house.
Limbaugh: for people who don't understand tractor pulls, but want to.
Limbaugh? We don't need no stinkin' Limbaugh!
LimbaughDOS 1.0:  (A)bort  (R)etry  (B)lame liberals
LimbaughLimbaugh Isn't that some kind of stinky cheese?
LimbaughLimbaughIsn't that some kink of stinky cheese?
Limbless Irish girl who lives in the back: Patty O'Furniture
Limbless man in a cow pasture? BULL
Limbless man in the hole in the ground?  Phil.
Limborg:  "Assimilating America."
Limbot:  One who assumes that criticism of Rush equals liberalism.
Limbuagh:  He failed with women, so now he attacks them.
Lime and limpid green the sounds around the icy waters underground...
Limelight is a very chancy illumination.
Limit Clinton to 2 terms: 1 in Congress, 1 in jail.
Limit Clinton to 2 terms: 1 in office, 1 in jail.
Limit Congress to 2 terms, one in congress, one in jail.
Limit Congress to 2 terms....1 in Congress;  1 in Jail
Limit Congress to 2 terms: 1 in Congress, 1 in jail.
Limit Congressional terms? Heck, no! Don't give 'em parole, either!
Limit Congressmen to 2 terms - 1 in Congress & 1 in jail.
Limit Congressmen to 2 terms.. 1 in Congress 1 in Jail!
Limit Congressmen to 2 terms...one in Congress, one in Jail.
Limit Congressmen to 2 terms:  One in Congress and one in Jail!
Limit Congressmen to 2 terms: One in office, one in jail!
Limit Politians to two terms: one in office, one in jail.
Limit Politicians to 2 terms.. 1 in Office, 1 in Jail.
Limit congressmen to two terms.  One in office.  One in jail.
Limit congressmen to two terms. 1 in office and 1 in jail
Limit free speech to "Legitimate Entertainment Purposes"???
Limit government, not citizens.
Limit politicians to two terms -- one in office and one in jail!
Limit the Government, not the Citizen!
Limit to post when drinking is a blood-alcohol level of 26.5%
Limitations on some rights means elimination of all rights.
Limited time offer, call now to insure prompt delivery.
Limiting myself to graphic language
LinDOS 1.0: (A)bort (R)etry (L)ocate Zero Room?
LinDOS 1.0: (A)bort, (R)etry, (L)ocate Zero Room?
Linberg's First Law: Progress is made on alternate Fridays.
Lincoln Computer Club friendly impartial help for everyone!
Lincoln Savings and Loan, what's that? - Alan Cranston
Lincoln did it at his Gettysburg Address.
Lincoln is alive and living at Disneyland.
Lincoln today: How much money do I get from these Lincoln Logs?
Lincoln was only partially right; Clinton fooled enough people ONCE!
Linda Lovelace is a born sucker!
Linda Thompson - over 1 Million Lawsuits threatened. 8-)
Line 10: You'll always be
Line 11: Home sweet home t'me
Line 12: Good ol' Voyager
Line 13: Voyaging endlessly
Line 15: Janeway's in command of Voyager
Line 16: Runs a very tight ship
Line 17: She keeps Starfleet rules on Voyager
Line 18: And she don't take no lip
Line 19: Computer in control of Voyager
Line 1: Cap'n took all us up on Voyager
Line 20: Seems to be half alive
Line 21: Computer crash would kill the Voyager
Line 22: Hope those neurons survive
Line 23: On the Voyager
Line 24: You'll always be
Line 25: Home sweet home t'me
Line 26: Good ol' Voyager
Line 27: Voyaging endlessly
Line 2: Lookin' for rebel Maquis
Line 3: All we got left now is Voyager
Line 4: T'cross the galaxy
Line 5: When I first stepped on the Voyager
Line 6: Back in friendly space
Line 7: Never thought I'd be trapped on Voyager
Line 8: In a marathon race
Line 9: On the Voyager
Line = length + 0 breadth.  Bore = length + 0 depth.
Line Noise! Ha, I don't get     NO CARRIER
Line Noise! Ha, I don't get ****** NO CARRIER
Line Noise! Ha, I don't get PN+U)c NO CARRIER
Line Noise! Ha, I don't get li NO CARRIER
Line Noise! Ha, I don't get..#$%#$%... NO CARRIER
Line Noise! Ha, I don't get..*#[ f bcg....NO CARRIER
Line Printer paper is strongest at the perforations.
Line noi.se? W.hat l.ine .noi....s..'e.+?).
Line noise courtesy of Security Intelligence Service wiretaps
Line noise courtesy of U.S. West.
Line noise funded by _YOU_ and provided by SNET.
Line noise funded by you and provided by NYNEX
Line noise is really the sysop's unattended cat&keyboard
Line noise professionally provided by GTE
Line noise provided ABSOLUTELTY FREE by Telecom!
Line noise provided by #%lecom Australia !
Line noise provided by ASIO's BBS monitoring service.
Line noise provided by AT&T Telephone!
Line noise provided by Ameritech & AT&T!
Line noise provided by BC Tell!
Line noise provided by Bell Atlantic Telephone Company!
Line noise provided by Bell Atlantic!
Line noise provided by Bell Canada Telephone!
Line noise provided by Bell Canada, authorized by the CRTC
Line noise provided by Bell Canada...
Line noise provided by Bell Mid-Atlantic Telephone!
Line noise provided by Bell South! The stupidity in the post is mine.
Line noise provided by Bell Telephone!
Line noise provided by BellSouth!
Line noise provided by BellSouth, Inc.!
Line noise provided by British Telecom and Mercury!
Line noise provided by C & P Telephone of Hampton Virginia!
Line noise provided by Cincinnati Bell Telephone!
Line noise provided by FBI's BBS monitoring service.
Line noise provided by GTE!
Line noise provided by General Telephone!
Line noise provided by German TELECOM!
Line noise provided by MCI.
Line noise provided by Ma Bell, charges on the next bill!
Line noise provided by Michigan Bell!
Line noise provided by NYNEX and Sprint!
Line noise provided by NYNEX!
Line noise provided by Northwestel!
Line noise provided by Ohio Bell Telephone!
Line noise provided by PTT Telecom Netherlands.
Line noise provided by Pac Bell! The stupidity in the post is all mine
Line noise provided by Pacific Bell at no additional charge!
Line noise provided by Sask Tel!
Line noise provided by South Centeral Bell!
Line noise provided by South Central Bell Telephone!
Line noise provided by South Central Bell, Isnt it the greatest?
Line noise provided by South Western Bell Telephone!
Line noise provided by Southern AGT Telephone!
Line noise provided by Southern Bell Telephone Co...
Line noise provided by Southern Bell Telephone!
Line noise provided by Southern Bell!
Line noise provided by Southern New England Telephone!
Line noise provided by Southern western Bell Telephone!
Line noise provided by Southwestern Bell Telephone!
Line noise provided by Southwestern Bell!
Line noise provided by Sprint/Centel Telephone of Nevada!
Line noise provided by Starfleet Communications!
Line noise provided by Telecom & Optus competition!
Line noise provided by Telecom Australia...
Line noise provided by Telecom New Zealand
Line noise provided by Telecom!
Line noise provided by Telstra!
Line noise provided by The Wolf's Den!
Line noise provided by U.S. West Communications!!!
Line noise provided by U.S. West!
Line noise provided by U.S. West...
Line noise provided by US Sprint!
Line noise provided by US West Telephone!
Line noise provided by United Telephone of Florida!
Line noise provided by Vek Enterprises, BC, Canada!!
Line noise provided by cheap taps (installed by CIA & FBI).
Line noise provided by evil spirits going bump in the night.
Line noise provided by the FBI's BBS monitoring service.
Line noise provided by your local telephone company.
Line noise provided free of charge by Northwestel.
Line noise provided my Bell Canada!
Line noise?  What fh=.hElL is.LinS nfise?
Line noise?  What in fh=.worLd is.LinS nfise?
Line noise? Hah! I don't get(*^% NO CARRIER
Line noise? What fh=.hElL is.LinS nfise?
Line! Line please! - Tom as robot
Linear time What is this? - Wormhole creators
Lines for bidets are shorter. -Why women like bidets #8 -JCF
Lines of !:"Fascinating." -Spock "Most Intriguing." -Data
Lingerie is to women as giftwrap is to Christmas presents!
Lingerie is to women what giftwrap is to Christmas presents!
Lingiere (n): Braille for Blind Love.
Lingo:  Japanese Beatle.
Lingo:  japanese name for one of the Beatles.
Lingo: Japanese Beatle.
Linguists do it with tounges.
Linguists do it with words!
Link me in with Ambassador Delenn. - Sheridan
Link up! Oooooh! - Crow leers
Lintloot: The little clump of small change in your pocket.
Linux -- The Choice of a GnuType Generation
Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation.
Linux, the choice of a GNU generation.
Linux: Opens up Windows, shuts up Gates.
Linux: Your Brain  -  Windows: Your brain on drugs.
Lion King is the most financially successful animated movie to date.
Lion died of shame in New York-Someone gave him a mohawk.
Lion oil
Lions DO IT with pride.
Lions and Tigers and Bears?  We're LUNCH! --Toto
Lions and Tigers and Bears? We're LUNCH!
Lions do it with pride.
Lions eat guys like us. - Timone
Lions won't eat clowns because they taste funny.
Lions, tigers and bears - Oh no!
Lip-Mashing is an oddity in the wild kingdom. - Milo Bloom
Lipdon: A used tea bag.
Liposuction will destroy your FAT
Liposuction will destroy your FAT table.
Liposuction will destroy your FAT.
Liquid Paper is the best, it smells better than all the retht
Liquid Paper on the screen means a blonde's been using your computer.
Liquid Schwartz!
Liquid assets - Mike as money floats in water
Liquor Sales Dip Blamed On Less Drinking - film at 11
Liquor in the front.  Poker in the rear.
Liquor makes everything right! - Tom
Liquor? But I don't even know her!!!!
Liquor?!!!  I don't even know the woman!
Lisa Bonet on any given day - Tom on voodoo woman
Lisa Loeb stopped by earlier - Mike on SOL's security
Lisa Loeb? I thought she was Courtney Hole - Crow T. Robot
Lisa Marie married Michael because she likes the way he rears children
Lisa and Michael are having a kid! ...but who's the dad?
Lisa and Michael are having a kid! ...but who's the father?
Lisa was mad at Michael. Caught him wearing the same thing!
LisaWorld's number one Wing Commander III fan...
Lisbon, Portugal * 351-1-7786640
Liscensed DOS operator.
Lisp - To call a spade a thpade
Lisp Users:  Due to the holiday, there will be no garbage collection on Monday.
Lisp Users: Due to the holiday, there will be no garbage collection on Monday.
Lisp:  To call a spade a thpade.
Lisp: Long, Irritating Strings of Parenthesis
Lissen Up, Ya Lousy Bum - Muddy Mudskipper
List Barney's telephone number in Heidi Fleiss' Little Black Book.
List at least two alternate dates.
List each check separately by bank number.
List was current at time of printing.
List your database with Overleaf..and count your profits
List(en)ing by phone...
Listen ... do you smell something?
Listen bird, These signs cost money, So roost awhile
Listen carefully, I'm lying!
Listen here! I have first amendment righ(@#$!9*&^ NO CARRIER
Listen how funny my voice sounds when I  breathe Bajoran air.
Listen mate, this parrot wouldn't voom if you ran 6000 volts thru him!
Listen to BOTH sides of their mouth!
Listen to God:  This is just a dress rehersal!
Listen to John Tower. 25 cents - Mike
Listen to Rush Limbaugh, but DON'T buy from his sponsors.
Listen to facts, why bother, our opinions are the only correct ones.
Listen to me Scully they can do this! --Fox Mulder.
Listen to me now and hear me later.
Listen to me now and understand me later.
Listen to me...I'm no good.   Tyrone Power
Listen to men communicate rather than deny they are communicating
Listen to men communicate rather than deny they are communicating.
Listen to my voice and look deeply into my thighs
Listen to sermon before eating missionary.
Listen to sermon, THEN eat missionary!
Listen to the colour of your dreams. (John Lennon 1966)
Listen to the noise of the silence and it stops - Course of Empire
Listen to the rhythm of crashing hard drives
Listen to the rhythm of the failing bits...
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain.
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain...
Listen to this tagline.
Listen to those seeking the truth, doubt those who find it.
Listen to your children.
Listen to your woman or you'll lose it all.
Listen to your woman when she don't talk at all.
Listen up mama, cause I'm only sayin' this once: I'm DEAD! --Elvis.
Listen up, folks!  -- Julius Caesar, first draft
Listen up, pal: Humor is Serious Stuff!
Listen up, you full of yourself fundie. Get it right, Bozo.
Listen up, you primitive screwhead!
Listen! Do you smell something?#1 in the don't bother catagory.
Listen! I don't have time for any of this villian banter!!! -The Tick
Listen, @N@, when I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.
Listen, I Own This Town - Wilbur Cobb.
Listen, I can give you some glasses, if you think they'd help.
Listen, Orville, when I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.
Listen, have you seen the dolphins yet? - Geordi
Listen, how about some caf? - Garibaldi
Listen, if you were to rescue her, the reward would be...
Listen, pal: Humor is Serious Stuff!
Listen, you malfunctioning mess of microchips...
Listen,a good roommate relationship is based on a respect for privacy.
Listen-someone's screaming in agony!  Fortunately I speak it fluently.
Listen...Do you smell something? It smells like LIBERALISM!
Listening is tough: they almost never talk about wrestling or chicks.
Listening to Limbaugh is like having Crap jammed in your ears!
Listening to the ticking of freshly minted seconds, eh..?
Listening to tripping water while dripping through the forest...
Lister and Mum. It's a dream come true. --Rimmer.
Lister of Borg: I wish I'd assimilated Christine Kachansky.
Lister, I just saw you die. --Rimmer.
Lister, do you have a cat? - Captain Hollister
Lister, don't hum, and don't make any noises. - Rimmer
Lister, have you been in that marijuana gin again? --Rimmer.
Lister, have you ever been hit over the head with a welding mallet?
Lister, stop him! Queeg's making me fit! --Rimmer.
Lister, you're a nothing! --Rimmer.
ListerDOS 6.0: (E)at curry (D)rink lager (N)eglect to wash underpants.
ListerDOS 6.0: (E)at curry, (D)rink lager, (N)eglect to wash pants.
ListerDOS 6.0: (E)at curry, (D)rink lager, (N)eglect to wash underpants.
ListerDOS 6.0: (E)at curry, (D)rink lager, (N)eglect underpants.
ListerDOS:  (G)rab bazookoid, (O)ptimism mode-grin, (A)sk Holly
Lite Year: Low calorie year!
Lite beer on tap! So that's where it goes after you flush the troff.
Lite tagline -- 1/3 less calories than your regular tag
Liter:  A nest of young puppies.
Literacy (v.) - lighing a lady's cigarette.
Literacy Rates Rise To One Percent - Tom on headlines
Literacy means never having to say "oh, what was that word?"
Literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity.
Lithium!  Where is my Lithium?
Litmusload: Any wash load that comes out the color of one item.
Litter:  The result of literary efforts.
Little Bitty Froggies: Tad Pole
Little Bitty Froggies: Tad Pole*
Little Earthquakes - Tori Amos
Little Father, you are as clear as scripture! <Remo>
Little House on the Tundra - Joel
Little Jack Horner does it with aplomb.
Little Joe & I will try & rope the plane - Mike
Little Michael used to be warned about touching himself there.
Little One Mr. Woof! Come, join us! -- Lwaxana Troi
Little Phillonius Falcon. You get down from there - Mike
Little Pig, Little Pig  LET ME IN....
Little Prayer, Little Power - Much Prayer, Much Power
Little Red Riding Hood is a communist contraceptive
Little Red Riding Hood was a lesbian.
Little Town Of DEATH-Lehem - Joel, MST3K
Little babies are big tyrants.
Little boats should keep near the shore.
Little boy, don't put your finger in that dyke!
Little did the feminazi know...the water gun was loaded...
Little does everyone know that Chelios was referring to me. MUhahaha!
Little dog, busy street, omnibus, potted meat.
Little else matters than to write good code.
Little girls, like butterflies, need no excuse.  L. Long
Little girls, like butterflies, need no excuse. -- Heinlein
Little gods need to be hit by lightning now and then.
Little pitchers have wide ears.
Little red choo-choo's gone chugging 'round the bend /
Little rivers which run into the Nile, Juveniles.
Little thin-limbed scrawny empty headed types-Tom on Crow
Little things affect little minds.
Little things make me feel alright.
Little things that I can't resist.
Little things, I like so much.
Little to the left. That's it. - The Mask
Little too much rouge for me - Crow on alien girl
Little used pickup line: "Will you free my Willy?"
LittleRedHairedGirl of Borg: Charlie Brown is irrelevant.
Live (?) from New York . . .
Live Entertainment -- Ladies' Odo Wrestling!!!
Live Life to the Fullest!!
Live Long and Perspire.
Live Long and Phosphor. - Spock talking to his monitor.
Live Long and Prosper, Peace and Long Life.
Live Simply - That others may simply live.
Live Wild or Die!
Live Young Now, Die Free Later! No money down!
Live a clean, healthy life and soon die of boredom.
Live a life based on reason. not god worship.
Live a little longer, quit smoking.
Live an E.P.I.C. Lifestyle - Enthusiastic, Positive, In Control
Live and Uncensored.
Live and don't learn, that's me.
Live and don't learn, that's us. - Hobbes
Live and lear. Die and forget...unless your an Expert System.
Live and learn, then die and forget it all.
Live and learn. Die and forget - unless your an Expert System.
Live and learn. Die and forget.
Live and learn...Or die stupid trying.
Live and learn; always ask for ID on the First Date!
Live and learn; die and forget it all.
Live and let Spam.
Live and let live, just don't make me watch.
Live and scratch.  When you die, the itching will stop.
Live before you die.
Live better, electrically.
Live by the Death Star, die by the X-Wing fighter.
Live by the long bow, die by the Type II phaser.
Live by the longbow, die by the Type III phaser rifle.
Live by the sword, die by the long bow.
Live dangerously. Put an emotion in your tax form!
Live each day as your last - scream like a bastard
Live fast, die young, and have a good looking corpse.
Live fast, die young, and leave a fat, bloated, ugly corpse!
Live fast, die young, and leave a fgood looking corpse!
Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse behind.
Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.
Live fast, die young, and make hearts melt as you go away.
Live fast, die young, and soil your underwear.
Live fast, die young, and you'll leave a good looking corpse.
Live fast, love well, and have a glorious end.
Live fast.  Die young.  Leave a good looking corpse.
Live fast. Die young. Have a good-looking corpse.
Live fastdie young.
Live for those private moments of wild abandon! --Opus
Live for today.  Tomorrow somebody might mess it all up.
Live forever? I'm going to die trying!
Live free or die.
Live from New York, it's SATURDAY NIGHT!
Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!
Live from New York...
Live from Omaha - ... I'm bored!!!
Live from Omaha I'm bored!!!
Live from Yellowknife where snow is measured in yards, not feet.
Live from the TARDIS! It's the Control Room!
Live from.......errr......Roan Mountain..TN
Live happy.....don't die.
Live hard, drive fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse.
Live in the closet, die by the hanger.
Live in the woods, have kids in the mud, eat my mate, die in pieces.
Live is 10% what happens and 90% how we react to it.
Live life as an exclamation, not an explanation!
Live life like there's no yesterday ... but don't forget tomorrow.
Live life like there's no yesterday!
Live life together now, for tomorrow one of you may be gone.
Live long and Pros... OUCH!  Damn arthritis!
Live long and Prospect. Vulcan Miner salutation.
Live long and Prosper,... (belch) 'scuse me.
Live long and communal  <-- the hippie Vulcan :)
Live long and orgasm often ..
Live long and orgasm.
Live long and phosphor... Spock to his CRT.
Live long and profit - Ferengi motto
Live long and profit - Ferrengi motto
Live long and proper -- H'mmer, of Vulcan.
Live long and pros... OUCH! Damned Arthritis!
Live long and prosper - just don't let the IRS know.
Live long and prosper, and floss daily.
Live long and prosper, but don't let the IRS know!
Live long and prosper, right? No?  OK, I'll take five.
Live long and prosper.    --Spock
Live long and prosper. <Spock<
Live long and prosper... But don't let the IRS know.
Live long and prosper... But don't let the IRS know.
Live long and suffer  - ancient Vulcan curse.
Live long and suffer. - Ancient Vulcan curse.
Live long and.....er...uhh....(oh yeah)...be happy!
Live long enough to be a burden to your kids!
Live long enough to be a problem to your kids.
Live long enough to become a problem to your kids.
Live long then perish gently.
Live long, prosper and may the force be with you!
Live long. Travel fast. Die at warp speed.
Live music is a TRUE form of expression!
Live not on evil.
Live now, there'll be plenty of time to be dead later on.
Live now.  Procrastinate later.
Live on time; emit no evil.
Live sex in a Toyota nixes evil.
Live simply, that others may simply live
Live so that the family parrot can live afterwards.
Live teddy bears are best.
Live to build people up, not to tear them down.
Live to ride...Ride to live!
Live today; you can always procrastinate tomorrow.
Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.
Live with wolves, and you will learn how to howl.
Live within your income, even if you have to borrow to do so.
Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation !
Live your life so you don't have to hide your diary.
Live!  Via modem... It's Saturday Night Taglines.
Live! From the Matrix! It's SATURDAY NIGHT CYBERPUNKS!
Live! Via modem... It's Saturday Night Taglines.
Live, Londo, and Prosper
Live-in Maids do it daily.
Live.  Grow stronger.  Fight another day. - Methos
Live: Know the past, help the present, touch the future.
Liverpool, A second Venice upon the waters - Erskine
Liverpool, Dismal grey city & muddy river, Sophie Peabody.
Liverpool, that rich and beautiful port.   - Charles Dickens
Liverpool, what a place to commit adultery.   -Edgar Wallace
Lives in La-la-land.
Lives?  We don't need no stining lives!
Livin' on the edge without a backup for my HD
Living Dead Dating Service:  Let us dig up a date for you.
Living begins when you doubt everything that came before. - Socrates
Living examples of Artificial (and Inept) Intelligence.
Living impaired - dead
Living in LA is like not having a date on Saturday night. -- Candice Bergen
Living in a shadow of a doubt.
Living in my own little world so long, I got an area code.
Living in our pools we soon forget about the sea...
Living in the fast lane gets you to the other end rapidly
Living in the fast lane gets you to the other end rapidly.
Living in the limelight, the universal dream.
Living in the past has one thing in its favour - it's cheaper.
Living in the pools, they soon forget about the sea.
Living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances? - Col 2:20
Living is a disease from which sleep gives is relief 8 hours a day.
Living is a disease which sleep gives us relief 8 hours a day.
Living is a way of life.
Living is hazardous to your health
Living is learning, but there's got to be an easier way.
Living is making choices - Picard
Living is my life and my profession.
Living is so startling--no time for anything else!
Living it up in life!
Living it up is a prelude to living it down.
Living life on the edge of insanity (LEAP)
Living life on the edge of insanity . . . <nudge>
Living life on the edge of sanity.
Living my life on borrowed time... --Testament
Living on Earth includes an annual free trip around the Sun.
Living on Earth is better than loafing around Hell.
Living on Ramen, Vitamin C, and Caffeine...
Living on a lighted stage approaches the unreal..RUSH Limelight
Living on borrowed time.
Living on earth is better than loafing around Hades.
Living on life #9.
Living on love, buying on time.
Living on love.
Living on the brink of insanity!........<nudge>..
Living on the edge of the century. -Styx
Living one long sunrise for to me all things are new! -Rush
Living poor is best left to those with no money.
Living proof that beautiful mutants exist among us.
Living proof that nature does not abhor a vacuum.
Living right doesn't really make you live longer, it just SEEMS like longer.
Living saint--please tempt.
Living the lifestyle of the young and aimless.
Living under the name of all  is Elvis!
Living well is the best revenge.
Living with saints is harder than being one...
Living with saints is tougher than being one.
Living with the dead .... at the speed of light.
Living with the lame and learning to limp.
Living without OS/2 is a sin !!
Living your life is a task so difficult, it has never been attempted before.
Living your life is so difficult, it has never been attempted before.
Living:  The best demonstration of victory over mortality.
Living: The best demonstration of victory over mortality.
Living: the best demonstration of victory over mortality.
Lizards WERE hurt in the making of this film - Joel
Lizards don't stand erect! - Crow
Lizzie Borden didn't need no stinkin' gun!
Lizzie Borden, you bring that axe to your mother, right now!
Lizzie Borden.... America's FIRST hacker!
Lizzy Borden:  The first original hacker.
Lizzy Borden:  The original American hacker!
Lizzy Borden:  The original hacker...
Lizzy Borden: The first original hacker.
Ljubav je hodala, al' vise ne hoda - sjecam se samo tvoga imena
Ljubav je slepa. Prijateljstvo zatvara oci.
Ljubi bliznjega svoga, dok je jos topao.
Ljubicu te isto ko nekada, jednog dana ni sam ne znam kada.
Ljubitelj sam dobre kapljice. sifra "kisobran"
Ljubomoran sam na tampon Sindi Kraford.
Ljudi i vremenske prilike su slabe tacke prirode.
Ljudi kriziram! Dajte jos Dnevnika!
Ljudi se dele na razne nacine, a mnoze samo na jedan :)
Ljudi su rekli da smo ludi, nije vazno,
Lk#s9$ alkj --Oops! Sorry, fell asleep on the keyboard.
Llama Fighter, Mortal Llama and Dead Tree Weasels OFF TOPIC!
Lloyd Bridges is replacing you when we go to series -Mike
Lloyd M. Bentsen, Senator (Tex.), was an Eagle Scout.
Lo and Behold! Your name is the first in Heidi's Book!
Lo! ...what brick through yonder window breaks?
Lo*ok Out!  There are TRIBBLES on board *t*his tagl*ine!
Lo_____________________________________________________ng John $ilver
Load "GEOS",8,1
Load "Windows95",8,1
Load EXXON.SYS to screw up your environment
Load PICARD.COM?  (M)ake it so (B)elay that order (E)ngage
Load PICARD.COM?  (M)ake it so / (B)elay that order.
Load PICARD.COM?  (M)ake it so, (R)elay that order
Load PICARD.COM? (M)ake it so (B)elay that order
Load PICARD.COM? (M)ake it so (D)elay that order
Load PICARD.COM? (M)ake it so/(B)elay that order
Load Pan Training - Tom on contents of Crow's memory
Load Tagline.nlm per prescribed parameters.
Load it, run it,  guru it?
Load up on guns and bring your friends...
Load vrepair.nlm, squeeze red manual, and pray. Taglines Anonymous.
Loading DADDY.COM - Deleting SOCIAL.LYF - Lost Chains in SEXLIFE.COM
Loading MAXX.COMDone. Your computer is now a rabbit.
Loading Windowscome back tomorrow !
Loadmasters do it with CHAINS & TIEDOWNS!"
Loadmasters do it with CHAINS and TIEDOWNS!
Loafer-- someone trying to make two weekends meet.
Loan someone a sympathetic ear.
Lob Siltloam - The Googooplex Names of Tom Servo!
Lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
Lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch...
Lobotomies for Liberals!  I bet they would LOVE that..
Lobotomies for Republicans - It's the Law!
Lobotomies!  Just Say NO!!
Lobotomy means never having to say you're sorry - Tom
Lobster thermidor aux crevettes with truffle pate', brandy and spam.
Lobster:  A great excuse for eating a pound of butter
Lobster:  A great excuse to eat a pound of butter!
Lobsters are evil!!!!!!!!
Lobsters don't feel pain when you chop them up, fetuses do!
Lobsters love Limbaugh and Limbaugh loves lobsters.
Local Bus....taking us all for a ride!!!
Local man accused of sexually harassing a cucumber, film at 11. 
Local prophet before human-rights tribunal, hires male disciples only
Located across from Rush Limbaugh's Charm School
Located next door to the Beavis & Butt-Head School of Social Graces.
Located next door to the Beavis and Butthead School of Social Graces.
Located next door to the Grace Kelly Driving School.
Located next door to the Jane Fonda School of Nuclear Physics.
Located next door to the Karen Carpenter Diet Clinic.
Located next door to the Rush Limbaugh abortion clinic.
Located next door to the William Holden Liquor Store.
Located next to Dahmer's Butcher Shoppe.
Located next to Kojak's Barber Shop.
Located next to Koresh's Bar-B-Q pit.
Located next to William Shatner's School of Acting.
Located next to the Dahlmer Gourmet Meat Shoppe.
Located next to the Donald Trump School of Business
Located next to the Grace Kelly Driving School.
Located next to the JFK School of Self-defense.
Located next to the Jeffery Dahmer Cooking School.
Located next to the Joan Crawford Day Care Center.
Located next to the Karen Carpenter Diet Clinic.
Located next to the Marie Antoinette Bakery.
Located next to the Michael Jackson Child Care Center
Located next to the Natalie Wood Swimming School.
Located next to the Rob Lowe Teen Dating Center.
Located next to the Rodney King School of Behavior Management.
Located next to the Roman Polanski Home for Child Stars.
Located next to the Rooney Marriage Clinic.
Located next to the Ted Kennedy Driving Academy.
Located next to the Tonya Harding School of Competition.
Located next to the William Holden Liquor Store.
Located next to the Woody Allen Day Care and Dating Service.
Located not to the J.S. Bach Planned Parenthood Center.
Lock & Load, The Politicians are coming...
Lock & Loll...Japanese bebop.
Lock S-foils in attack positions. -- Wedge Antilles
Lock and Load
Lock and Load, Jim....
Lock and Load. These fingers have just begun to type.
Lock and load one expert magazine...
Lock and load, Orville. It's a turkey shoot and I got a bead on you!
Lock and load, he. It's a turkey shoot and I got a bead on you!
Lock feminists in your basement and have a whine cellar.
Lock feminizts in your basement and have a whine cellar.  
Lock on to Wesley's signal. Maximum dispersion.
Lock on to that explosion and fire!
Lock phasers on that tagline!
Lock the doors, everyone freeze, my Taglines are gone.
Lock the doors, everyone freeze, my recipes are gone.
Lock up Orville, and through away the key!
Lock up your children because its Prozac the killer elf!
Lock up your daughters and wallets...Clinton is in town!
Lock up your daughters, Avon crawling.
Locked a coathanger in the car.  Good thing I had a key.
Locked coathanger in car.  Good thing I had a key.
Locked coathanger in car. Good thing I had a key. - Geco
Locked coathanger in car.good thing I had a key.
Locked coathanger in the car.  Good thing I had a key!
Locked my coat hanger in the carthank God I had my key.
Locked my coathanger in my car...good thing I had my key!
Locked up in the light of day, at night I come out to play.
Locked up in the light of day, at night I comes out to play.
Locked up in the light of day, at night comes out to play.
Locking S-Foils in attack position
Locking sheep on target....  FIRE!!!
Lockoblanko -The inability to remember your combination after vacation
Locks only keep honest people out.
Locksmiths can get into anything.
Locomotive:  A crazy reason for doing something.
Locutous for Pontiac: Excitment is irrelivent.
Locutus 1-2-3:  Borg spreadsheet program
Locutus at Jurassic Park: You will be assimil...SQUISH!
Locutus for Pontiac:  Excitement is irrelevant!
Locutus for Pontiac: Excitement is irrelevant.
Locutus of Borg - "Do you have any Earl Grey Tea?"
Locutus of Borg: It is better to assimilate than never.
Locutus on Pontiac; speed is irrelevant.
Locutus to Pontiac: Excitement is Irrelevant.
Locutus to Replicator: "Oil, Quaker State, hot!"
Locutus to replicator:  "Pennzoil, steaming hot."
Locutus to replicator: Pennzoil, 40 weight, hot.
Locutus to replicator: Penzoil - steamong hot.
Locutus uses the HRS Hair Assimilation method.
Locutus-Hugh `96 - The Collective Party!
Log off and GET A LIFE !
Log! from Blammo (tm)
Logarhythm birth control for lumberjacks?
Logarithm: the little book to keep track of fertile days...
Loggers don't need job re-training... Bill Clinton does!!!
Loggers don't need job retraining Clinton does
Loggers have Paul Bunyan.  Network Sysops have Orville Bullitt.
Loggers have Paul Bunyan.  Network Sysops have Tom Jennings.
Logic = method of reaching wrong conclusion with confidence.
Logic Error CLINTON.SYS:  Truth table missing
Logic Error in CLINTON.SYS: Truth Table Missing
Logic and knowledge is not enough. * Spock
Logic dictates that we should run like h*ll!!
Logic error detected.  Reboot Republican Party?  [Y/N]
Logic has never explained what "dead" means.
Logic indicates that we should run like h*ll!!
Logic indicates that we should run like heck.
Logic indicates that we should run like hell!!
Logic is a little bird, sitting in a tree, that smells AWFUL.
Logic is a little bird, sitting in a tree, that smells.
Logic is a little bird, sitting in a tree; that smells *awful*.
Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow.
Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in the lea..
Logic is a pretty wreath of flowers that smells bad
Logic is a pretty wreath of flowers that smells bad.
Logic is a systematic way to come to wrong answer with confidence.
Logic is a way of going wrong with confidence.
Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD!
Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD! -- Spock
Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers with a very bad odor.
Logic is an organised way of going wrong with confidence.
Logic is an organized way of going wrong with confidence.
Logic is in the eye of the logician.
Logic is little tweeting bird chirping in meadow. - Spock
Logic is little tweeting bird chirping in medow. - Spock
Logic is logic. That's all I say. - Holmes
Logic is logic. That's all I say. -- Sherlock Holmes
Logic is neither an art or a science but a dodge.
Logic is the art of being wrong with confidence.
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
Logic is the f*cking great magpie that just stole your cat.
Logic is wreath of pretty flowers whichs smell BAD!
Logic merely enables one to be wrong with authority!
Logic, logic! I'm sick to death of logic! - Amanda Grayson
Logic:   The art of being wrong with confidence...
Logic: Men's futile defense against women's intuition!
Logic: The art of being wrong with confidence
Logic: The art of being wrong with confidence.
Logical solutions are not always the most obvious.
Logical thinking provides a nice contrast to the real world.
Logicians DO IT consistently and completely.
Logicians DO IT or they do not DO IT.
Logicians do it consistently and completely.
Logicians do it or they do not do it.
Logicians do it with a necessary condition.
Logicians don't do it on slippery slopes.
Login as anonymous and your email address as the password.
Logon to SprayNet for more control
Loin:  Not fat.
Lois Lane got a 'Fro! - Tom
Loitering with intent to hesitate.
Loki the Unspoken One! Beelzebub! Mephistopheles! - Tom
Lollapalooza II - August 11th - Jones Beach!!!
Lolly, lolly, lolly, get your adverbs here <-TLP
Lolly, lolly, lolly, get your adverbs here...
Lombard: Lots Of Money, But A Real Dirt ball.
Lonchaney lunge: Quickly dash to bed after a horror movie late at night.
Lonchaney lunge: Quickly dash to bed after horror movie late at night.
Londo Mollari (Centauri)  G'Kar (Narn)  Delenn (Mimbari)  Kosh (Vorlon)
Londo Mollari (Centauri)  G'Kar (Narn)  Delenn (Minbari)  Kosh (Vorlon)
Londo Mollari (Centauri) G'Kar (Narn) Delenn (Mimbari) Kosh (Vorlon)
Londo Mollari(Centauri)  G'Kar(Narn)  Delenn(Minbari)  Kosh(Vorlon)
Londo and G'Kar refuse to even speak to each other. - Delenn
Londo, I can't help noticing that you're playing with shadow puppets.
Londo/Morden in 96!
Londo/Vir in '96!
Londo: Commander, can you explain this affront to our noble citizens?
Loneliest guy in town - a Gay Black at a Buchanan rally.
Loneliest guy in town: A tag repairman
Loneliest person in town - a Jew at a Buchanan rally.
Loneliest person in town - a college graduate at a Buchanan rally.
Loneliest woman in town - a Mexican Lesbian at a Buchanan rally.
Loneliness begins when the spaces are filled. --The Tao of Pooh.
Loneliness is a birthday cake with only one piece missing.
Loneliness is a strong predictor of heart disease
Loneliness is a strong predictor of heart disease.
Loneliness is a thirst... a flower, dying in a desert.
Lonely is the programer with a debuged program.
Lonely is the programmer with a debugged program.
Lonely is the shape I'm in.
Lonely people write tag lines.
Lonely women...make good lovers.
Lonely, Worf seeks a Dog/Turtle hybrid for companionship.
Loners of the world unite
Long & tall & tan & lovely - Dr. F & Frank sing
Long Distance is sometimes just next door.
Long Live Cobain.
Long Live Mortal Kombat!
Long Live the Command line !
Long Live the Copernican Revolution!!!!
Long Walk won by dead man Orville!
Long Walk: Miss D. Bus
Long Walk: Miss D. Bus(j)
Long Way Down: Rip Cord Broke
Long ago Windows did not exist, and we liked it.
Long and lean and never mean ...
Long arm of the law? - On DS9, it's the long arm of Odo!
Long computations that yield zero are probably all for naught.
Long computations which yield 0 (zero) are probably all for naught.
Long dis-tance op-er-a-tor, get me Mem-phis Tenn-es-see.
Long distance charges are one way to keep your habit under control.
Long distance runners last longer.
Long fuses are for sissies.
Long jumpers do it with a running start.
Long legged Hanna, from Butte Montana...  (where? where?? <g>)
Long live King Orville the First! Ruler of Freedonia.
Long live Middle-age Mutant Ninja SysOps!
Long live Middle-aged Mutant Ninja Moderators.
Long live The Great Electronic Underground.
Long live guitars and distortion pedals!
Long live the C64! G-g-guys? I was only kiddin, <BANG!!>
Long live the C64! G-g-guys? I was only kiddin, <BANG!!<
Long live the I on cannon!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long live the Mystic Order of Arachnid Vigilance
Long live the Mystic Order of Arachnid Vigilance!
Long live the Practical Peripherals PC288LCD !!!!!
Long live the Rebel Alliance!
Long live the command line!
Long live the king... - Scar
Long live the proliteriat!  Death to the ignorant boug
Long live the revolution! Have a nice day.
Long may you run.
Long on dry wall, short on studs.
Long time his manxome foe he sought
Long's Notes: 1)  Always store beer in a dark place.
Long's tagline file hits "4500" mark; warps into hypertag
Long-distance runners do it on a predetermined route.
Long-life batteries aren't
Long-time batchelor Ruben Hill - Tom
Longer life through superior firepower.
Longer than lumber and broader than a bench.
Longest suicide note I ever read
Longest suicide note I ever read. -LOBO
Longing for 15 minutes alone with Dr. Julian Bashir
Longing for 15 minutes alone with Jadzia Dax
Longing for 15 minutes with Dr. Beverly Crusher.
Lonliest guy in town - a Gay Black at a Buchanan rally
Lonliest guy in town: A tag repairman
Lonliest person in town - a Jew at a Buchanan rally
Lonliest person in town - a college graduate at a Buchanan rally
Lonliest woman in town - a Mexican Lesbian at a Buchanan rally
Lonliness is a thirst. It is a flower, dying in a desert.
Loo slips sink ships ...
Loo slips stink ships!
Look - it's a bird, it's a plane, it's FALLING!
Look - it's a bird, it's a plane, it's FALLING!!!
Look - just put me back in the carbonite, okay?
Look --- A tag line with no meaning.
Look At Me Stimpy, What A Pathetic Wimp I Am! - Ren.
Look Beavis...He's fallen down and he can't get it up!
Look Bones! It's Agent Mulder!...He's a fed, Jim!
Look Captain!, A Womulan Wessel.  "A Womulan Wessel! Mr. Chekov?
Look Darwin straight in the eye, he says evolve or die
Look Ma!  My first tagline....
Look Ma, I'm a *Beta Tester*: KWQ Mail/2 for OS/2 v2.X!
Look Ma, No Tagline!!!!!!!
Look Ma, No Taglines!
Look Ma, no point!!
Look Ma...no carpal !
Look Martin! I'm registered!
Look Orville, the bat signal!
Look Ren, fresh boogers.  I just picked them myself.
Look Sire, the herd is on the move. - Zazu
Look Worf, it's the Matthew Entity, set phasers to level 16!
Look Worf, it's the Orville Entity, set phasers to level 16!
Look Younger: Fay Slift
Look after molehills mountains will look after themselves
Look and a thigh and blacken an eye. - Al Bundy
Look and you will find!
Look another vict...er...reader!
Look around and choose your own ground..
Look around, we'll see who's laughing last!-RUSH
Look at 'em... goin' after it like a couple of bunnies... <grin>
Look at Guiron emote! - Crow
Look at a Vorlon?! We're not WORTHY! We're not WORTHY!! -WEayne&Garth
Look at all the Indians! - G. Custer
Look at all the Indians.
Look at all the follicles, Uncle Bert!
Look at her nostrils! - Tom as blonde gets mad
Look at him squirm out there! - Crow on space walk
Look at his LIPS! - Tom
Look at it sideways.
Look at it's funny side, and then expose it.
Look at me you idiot, I'm a guy! Oh no! -Ranma
Look at me! I'm a ninny! A wooden-headed dum-dum! - Brain
Look at me, Brain! I'm Heidi! Yo-del-a-hee-*NARF*!!! - Pinky
Look at me, I'm Heidi! Yodelayee*NARF*! - Pinky
Look at me, brain the size of a planet and they ask me for taglines.
Look at me, ma! I'm on top of the chimney, said Tom superfluously.
Look at my shiny kitchen floor, said Tom, waxing enthusiastic.
Look at my spit-top butter top hat - Crow as Palance
Look at that happy little elf go!
Look at that monster's sandals! said Tom in a thing-thong voice.
Look at that vein! Looks like a piece of pasta! - Tom
Look at the Can of Worms he's opened now!
Look at the animals, look at you. How would you like to free one?
Look at the birds.
Look at the boil on his neck! - Tom
Look at the camera and say "birdie".
Look at the docs ?  I prefer the nurses !
Look at the docs?  Nah, nurses are much better looking
Look at the docs? Nah, nurses are much better looking
Look at the hooters on that one.
Look at the size of that pepper mill!
Look at the size of that thing! - Wedge
Look at the size of those sea monkeys! - Joel
Look at the stone I just passed! - Tom as guy on bed pan
Look at the weaver, looming in the corner!
Look at the world through DOS eyes!
Look at this, a boy and his dog.- Richie Ryan
Look at this--she's listed "Reality" as a PREVIOUS address!!
Look at this--she's listed Reality as a PREVIOUS address!!
Look at this.  He's listed "reality" as a previous address.
Look at those newborn kittens, said Tom literally.
Look at those stars! There must be HUNDREDS!
Look banana beak is scared. - Simba
Look before you leap, stupid, this is a high rise echo with 40 floors!
Look before you run into a pole.
Look both ways before you cross the network.
Look closer, most things are more than just the sum of their parts.
Look folks, its Geco, the world's only living brain donor!
Look folks, its He, the world's only living brain donor!
Look for THE PUNSTERS on _Dove_ CDs and Cassettes!
Look for a while at the China Cat Sunflower..
Look for solutions from within. - Kai Opaka.
Look for the "Lesbian Inside" sticker on your next computer.
Look for the Lesbian Inside sticker on your next computer.
Look for the best in others.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes...
Look for the hero within yourself.
Look for the love and good in your heart!
Look for version 1.00 to be released on Feb 10, 1995
Look for ways to make your boss look good!
Look good and you'll have the world in your pocket. Wide Load
Look honey the Jones' have the bomb. - Mrs. Smith
Look in my face and tell me that I am lying. --Eddie Dean.
Look in the hole and see the basilisk. . . Only 50 cents.
Look into her eyes, and see if someone else is driving.
Look into his eyes, and see if someone else is driving.
Look into my eyes. Someone else may be driving.
Look into the eyes of The Dragon and despair. - Merlin
Look into yourself to discover your first priority.
Look it's a Faerie Dragon.  Quick, get the butterfly Net.
Look its a babble fish:    ><>     o..<><   ><>.o
Look its a babble fish:    <<<        <<<   <<<
Look its a babble fish:    >     רתשתר
Look kid, when I tell you you're going to fly, believe it. - Aahz
Look like it's just you and me Tonto.....Tonto?.....TONTO!!!!!
Look ma! NO BETA!
Look ma, no BRAIN!!!
Look maw, kitty goes POP when ya plug er in da waal.
Look mummy!  There's an airplane up in the sky...
Look not to the windmill's turning while the ant still burrows.
Look on my tagline, ye mighty, and despair!
Look on my works, ye mighty - and giggle.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Look on the bright side:  AIDS is keeping the vampire population down.
Look out Earth, the slime's coming home! - Lister
Look out Fido...Executive Host...Has Arrived!
Look out behin... Oh... to late....
Look out below!
Look out clones, the Saints are coming through ...
Look out for #1 and don't step in #2 either.
Look out for #1.  Don't step in #2 either.
Look out for #1......and don't step in #2.
Look out for barking dogs that bite.
Look out for number one.  But don't step in number two!
Look out for number one. But don't step in number two!
Look out for that bird! cried Tom, ducking.
Look out for that pit bull !@$#%#  NO DERRIERE!
Look out of any window any morning, any evening, any day..
Look out world! I'm full of Tang!  The Tick
Look out world! I'm full of Tang! - The Tick
Look out!  Behind You!
Look out!  Behind you!
Look out!  It's Mr. Casual sex!
Look out!  The Moderaptor is on the prowl again.
Look out!  The moderator is on the prowl again!
Look out! Behind you!
Look out! He's gonna scat! - Crow on Mel Torme
Look out! He's got a MAGNET! Everybody BACKUP!
Look out! I have a Blue Wave and I intend to use it!
Look out! The Moderator is on the prowl again!
Look out!!  That horse kicks!                -- [NO FARRIER].
Look out!... Here comes winter, AGAIN!!
Look out, I'm going to barf!
Look out, Ms Moderator is on the prowl again.
Look out, the Moderator is on the prowl again.
Look out--there are llamas!!
Look out.  Behind you.
Look out...here comes that Lord M. guy!  Creepy!
Look outYou may become addicted to collecting taglines! ;-)
Look outside! The Sun is shining :-)
Look over your shoulder & wet your lips - Crow as villain
Look people in the eye.
Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls
Look through Windows and open a door to the future: OS/2!
Look through these blackened eyes, you'll see ten thousand lies - NIN
Look to Jesus - the author & finisher of our faith!
Look to the Son, and shadows will fall behind you.
Look under enough rocks and you'll find _something_ slimy
Look under the green Jell-O, Tom said, sublimely.
Look under the sofa cushion; you will be surprised at what you find.
Look unimportant - The enemy may be low on ammo
Look unimportant, the enemy may be running low on ammo.
Look up BBS in the dictionary and our number will be there.
Look up, look up, look up!  The sky is falling!  -Yellow Dancer.
Look upon my works oh ye mighty, and giggle.
Look upon my works, ye mighty, and giggle.
Look what I found here: a bagpipe - Tom
Look what I found. Can I keep her? - Crow on alien girl
Look what I've found!  ...a moment to write to you.
Look what the cat brought in - Jeremy Mullins.
Look what the cat brought in - Nicole Schwab.
Look what the cat dragged in!  Spot?
Look what the cat dragged in! Debbie!!!
Look what the cat dragged in! Eileen!!!
Look what the cat dragged in!"            "Nicole?"
Look what the cat dragged in!" "@FN@?"
Look what the cat dragged in!" "Spot?"
Look what they've done to my dream...
Look what you made me do - now the keyboard's all sticky
Look who's Talking.
Look who's staying with us! It's our special friend! - Yakko
Look who's talking about fragile shoulders - Mike on king
Look!  A holo-demon has posessed my data system - Londo Molari.
Look!  A thermos full of phlegm! - Calvin
Look!  Up in the sky!  It's a bird!  It's a... oh, YUCK!
Look!  Up in the sky!  It's a bird... It's a bird!
Look!  Velveeta sticks to the ceiling!
Look! <Sniff> Lemur scat! We must be close - Tom
Look! A $900 taffeta octopus outfit! - Crow
Look! A crotchety old minor! -- Yakko
Look! A giant PEZ dispenser -- Wakko
Look! A holo-demon has posessed my data system - Londo Molari.
Look! A holo-demon has possessed my data system. --Londo Mollari.
Look! A soccer team! - Mike on aerial view of mountain
Look! A thermos full of phlegm! --Calvin.
Look! Another umop apisdn tagline from Australia!
Look! I'm a moose! Shoot me! It's Moose Season! Now I'm a fiddler crab!
Look! It's Flea! It's Flea! Flea is cool! huh huh huh
Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's FALLING!!!
Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...........a bird.
Look! It's a bird; it's a plane! It's..... a bird.     :(
Look! It's big fat Scotty from Star Trek! - Yakko Warner
Look! It's registered!
Look! It's the MST3K logo up there! -- Tom Servo
Look! Mouseburger and french flies! -- Beavis
Look! Paula Greatbatch! - Tom on name in credits
Look! She put her breasts on! - Tom on Tia Carrera
Look! The mad light! Go! Fetch! Get it! -- Mike Nelson
Look! The night. It's so bright, it'll blind you. <Mae>
Look! They have Cheez-Whiz!
Look! Time of death 12:05 a.m. December 26th! - Hawkeye
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...
Look! Velveeta sticks to the ceiling! - Opus Penguin
Look, @FN@'s trying to think...that's hysterical!
Look, Bruce, the bat signal!
Look, Elephant! We ain't got a hull no more!
Look, Homer! The I.R.S.! BBOOOOOO! Oh 'boo' yourself!
Look, I Can't Take Anymore Of This Hitting! - Ren.
Look, I don't have time for this. - Garibaldi
Look, I got a girl in the oven - Mike
Look, I'm standing naked before you.
Look, Ma!  I'm roadkill! - S. Ipkiss
Look, Mom: #$%^$%^wertnmg... NO CARRIER
Look, Orville's got a boner. We'll take him! huh huh huh
Look, Sisko. I'm a security officer, a good one. - Odo
Look, a cork +5 Shield of Dart Attraction!
Look, a dead bird! Blonde: Where <looking up>.
Look, a genuine Stradivarius hand tooledat Birmingham.
Look, a golden-winged ship is passing my way! - Hendrix
Look, a tagline!  Step on it, quick, before it multiplies!
Look, can we get this show on the road? -- Bowler
Look, do you want my help or what? -- Wesley
Look, don't worry.  Everything's going to be fine.  Trust me. - Han Solo
Look, fumes, quicksand, toxic waste.  It's all ours!
Look, he's got a boner. "We'll take him!" huh huh huh
Look, in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's >>> Blunderwoman* <<<
Look, it's trying to think.
Look, jerky, I don't NEED to talk to you!
Look, just pretend this is a tagline.  I'm tired.
Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one.
Look, mom. *A*** ****** NO CARRIER
Look, mom: *A*** ****** NO CARRIER
Look, mom: No Modem!
Look, mom: No disk drive!
Look, mom: No keyboard!
Look, mom: No memory!
Look, mom: No monitor!
Look, there was this woman on Mars--Garibaldi.
Look, this isn't an argument, it's just contradiction!
Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Joey Odorisio.
Look, we all have our breaking point. - Hawkeye
Look, you asked for it, now take your abuse like a wimpering baby.
Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left!
Look.  A flying porpoise.
Look. I run the operation around here - Dr. Forrester
Look. The Mad light! Go! Fetch! Get it! - Mike to Nummy
Look. Up in the sky. It's a bird...It's a bird!
Look..!  There's Toto..!        Where did he come from..?
Look...it's trying to think!
Look: 1)Next Doc 2) Prev Doc 3) Tooth Doc
Looked like Gino Vanelli! - Crow on gorilla
Looked so nice out this morning, thought I'd leave it out
Lookin for a baby at mother board !!
Lookin for a baby at mother board!
Lookin' for Loki (with a cream pie)
Looking -==Forward to the Future And good International Relations!
Looking Good!
Looking around, talking to clowns - Dr. F sings
Looking at a nymph: The AD&D equivalent of meeting Tori Amos.
Looking fine, Ron. (whispers) He's a dead man - Tom
Looking for Callahan's but only found Brodie's
Looking for LOVE, But settle for SEX !
Looking for Love?  Adopt a pet!
Looking for Mr. Good Bomb- Mike Nelson
Looking for UART at FX1050? What does that mean? - Tom
Looking for Vanna's brains...did you find them?
Looking for a baby at the motherboard!!
Looking for a car pool on the Infomation Highway.
Looking for a couch to hide behind.
Looking for a few good Taglines.
Looking for a few good recipes.
Looking for a few good women ...
Looking for a gal who'll give me the shirt off her back.
Looking for a good Tagline.
Looking for a good time?  Call Troi at 1-900-NCC-1701
Looking for a lover who won't blow my cover...so hard to find. -Eagles
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets.
Looking for a starterpistol with a silencer.
Looking for a used starship?  Call the Ferengi Used SpaceShips Lot!
Looking for a window to throw Windows 3.1 disks through!
Looking for ancestors? Try Utah, it's still in the 19th century!
Looking for eternity?  Straight ahead - you can't miss it.
Looking for good deal on insecticide.
Looking for lost ancestors every where!!!
Looking for love, hoping for evil - Frank sings
Looking for more? Getting more!
Looking for pirates and buried treasure ...
Looking for some action, want a mean machine.
Looking for taglines - see Dictionary of Quotations!
Looking for the nearest exit.
Looking for two honest men, Radar? - Trapper
Looking for your cat?  Talk to my 300 pound canary.
Looking for your cat?  Try under my car's front tyre...
Looking for your cat?.....Look under my Tires!!!
Looking for your dead cat?  Check under my tires.
Looking forward to next season, and the ongoing search for the truth...
Looking good sister! Been working out? - Crow to nun
Looking left and then right for lurking Moderator
Looking on the bright side of life will never cause eyestrain.
Looking on the top for a truth that I can hold - Course of Empire
Looking to God for answers is premature.
Looking up, he sees the faces of three young women dressed all in white.
Looking with Orville for a car pool on the Information Highway.
Looking?  Found someone you have I would say, hmmmmm? - Yoda
Looking?, Found someone you have I would say mmmm? - Yoda
Lookit Mr. What-a-difference-a-day-makes over here. -- Bobby
Lookout World!  My Modem is Ringing!
Lookout World!  The Modem is Ringing!
Lookout!  He's got a magnet!, everybody backup...
Looks are deceiving. I know you can't be as old as you look.
Looks dangerous. YOU go first.
Looks kinda like a shag-carpeting monster - Crow on alien
Looks kinda like the set of Metallica - Joel on UFO
Looks like ANSI to me, too.
Looks like Aaron Spelling's house. - Yakko
Looks like Bill Gates has been hanging out with Timothy Leary again!
Looks like Brer Fox and Brer Bear are causing some type of commotion..
Looks like Daddy-O's gonna be deady-o.
Looks like I picked a bad week to give up beer.
Looks like I picked a bad year to stop sniffing glue.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop reading my mail.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop taking LSD.
Looks like I'm having a "random hair day."
Looks like MacGyver! - Crow T. Robot
Looks like Michael has to pretend to be Janet again.
Looks like Queen Latifah's hat - Mike on spaceship
Looks like SOMEBODY never learned to share! -- Yakko
Looks like Smokie the Bear's hat - Crow on UFO
Looks like Snuffy Smith's prescription - Mike
Looks like Ziggy had a sloppy floppy on this one. - Al, "Future Boy"
Looks like a Cajun cooking show - Crow on dead lizards
Looks like a Crosby family outing - Crow on gang fight
Looks like a Gino Vanelli concert - Joel on empty stadium
Looks like a Minnesota mosquito - Crow on terradactyl
Looks like a big Tylenol - Crow on spaceship
Looks like a bloody skunk.
Looks like a bomb was sent up in the Umbilicus - Crow
Looks like a booger --> @ , but its s not.
Looks like a fish, moves like a fish, steers like a cow.
Looks like a giant Chicken McNugget! - Joel Robinson
Looks like a giant McChicken Nuglet - Joel on zapped guy
Looks like a pump, feels like a pump - Crow
Looks like a really uncomfortable crotch - Crow
Looks like a run on wheat germ - Tom
Looks like a toilet paper cozy - Tom on girl's dress
Looks like a tongue war! - Crow on lengthy love scene
Looks like an atomic nose-hair clipper.
Looks like an espresso machine - Crow on Tom Servo
Looks like an eyebrow that went tripping-Crow on sideburn
Looks like another case of Clue Deficiency Disorder.
Looks like another case of Clue Deficit Disorder.
Looks like another cog stripped out in my mental gears..-Geco
Looks like backstage at the Penn & Teller concert - Joel
Looks like fish. Moves like fish. Steers like cows.
Looks like he made his shirt out of wood - Crow
Looks like his BVD's are holding up pretty good - Joel
Looks like it locked up, huh? - Mike on Crow's computer
Looks like it's going to be a free country!
Looks like it's going to be a missed approach...
Looks like it's just us, handsome -- Pulaski
Looks like it's safe in here for a while?
Looks like my libido finally kicked in! - Al, "Lee Harvey Oswald"
Looks like one of the Hog Jeols has fallen out of the window.
Looks like she's plucked her forhead to death - Tom
Looks like somebody punched her in the eyeballs - Crow
Looks like someone already ate it once  - Tom on shake
Looks like the Amazing...uh...White Guy - Joel on giant
Looks like the inside of Robert Morley's nose - Crow
Looks like the montage finally blew over.
Looks like there are holes in MORE than just Sinclair's MIND
Looks like there are holes in MORE than just Sinclair's MIND!
Looks like they left out a couple scenes - Crow
Looks like they sailed right into the rinse cycle.
Looks like they've turned their ploughshares into swords....
Looks like we're all in the same boat -- Geordi
Looks like your suffering from C.D.D. - Clue Deficit Disorder.
Looks like your suffering from a bad case of Clue Deficit Disorder.
Looks pretty angry, must have a CHIMP on his shoulder-Tom
Looks uncomputable to me, said Tom haltingly.
Looks, attitude, immaturity, stupidity & naivete.  Need I say more?
Loony as a jay bird.
Looooseeee, you've got some 'splainin' to do!
Looossseeeee! You got some 'splainin' to do!
Loop: goto loop
Loop: see embrace, deadly
Loose Yolks Kill Folks - Jersey Egg Enforcement Police
Loose all that ugly FAT download a virus TODAY!
Loose bits sink chips.
Loose chip on the microprocessor board.
Loose it here and you're in a World of hurts !!
Loose lips sink ships.
Loose nut on keyboard -- system halted.
Loose wire to his headset/ringer.
Loosen a few more bars & we're outta the credits - Mike
Loosen the handles on the drawers of your bosses desk
Loosen up, Dataman! Sorry Jaunty, your stretch isn't up yet.
Loosen up, baby, I'm in love with you.
Loot and pillage, WHILE you're playing hockey.
Loot, Pillage, THEN Burn!
Loot, pollute and scoot
Looth: A loose tooth.
Looting - unconventional shopping.
Looting: unconventional shopping.
Lord #TN#, I should have known.  Only you could be so bold.
Lord #TN#, the battle station plans are not aboard this ship!
Lord @FN@, the battle station plans are not aboard this ship!
Lord @LN@, The Stanley Cup is not aboard this ship!
Lord Baden-Powell -- the person responsible for Scouting.
Lord Baden-Powell might drive a Scout.
Lord Bullitt, The Stanley Cup is not aboard this ship!
Lord Cthulhu, I'd like you to eat - I mean, meet Craig Loewen.
Lord Cthulhu, I'd like you to eat, I mean meet David.
Lord Cthulhu, I'd like you to eat, er, meet Jim.
Lord Falkland's Rule: When it is not necessary to make a
Lord Give Me Chastity - She's Cute.
Lord Kur, before your sward I see - The house of death is opening.
Lord Magician, the King would like to see you. - General Badaxe
Lord Orville, I should have known. Only you could be so bold.
Lord Orville, the battle station plans are not aboard this ship!
Lord Pain/In/Neck
Lord Stanley's address correction: Broad & Pattison
Lord Tunderin' Jesus!
Lord Vader..I should've known
Lord dyin'!
Lord give me chastity - but not yet.
Lord give me chastity - but not yet.  Saint Augustine
Lord give me chastity - she's cute.
Lord give me chastity....  but not just now!
Lord give me patience......But Hurry!
Lord give me patience......But Hurry! L.Long
Lord give me patienceBut Hurry!
Lord have mercy on the working man.
Lord knows, you upset the Scots, you're likely to get kilt. <jms>
Lord of Amber, why do you strive with me? <demon>
Lord only knows.  And he won't tell...
Lord save me from those that can't take a typo at face value...
Lord what fools these mortals be! -Shakespeare
Lord, I'm much to young to feel this damn old
Lord, Please, dont take the girl.
Lord, give me Chastity - she's cute.
Lord, give me patience... and I need it NOW!
Lord, give me patience... right now!
Lord, give me patienceand I need it NOW!
Lord, give me strength to turn this machine off.
Lord, give me the strength to turn this machine off.
Lord, grant me chastity - but not yet.
Lord, grant me patience, but first ..
Lord, grant me patience, but first .....
Lord, it's hard to be humble, but I'm trying the best that I can.
Lord, let me get through today and I shall not fear tomorrow.
Lord, protect me from those to whom You speak directly.
Lord, protect me from those with whom you speak directly.
Lord, the battle station plans are not aboard this ship!
Lord, we are not thankless, only carless in giving thanks.
Lord, what fools these mortals be !  -- Shakespeare
Lord, what fools these mortals be!
Lord, what fools these tagliners be ! -- Tagspeare
Lordy day! I should have known.  Only you could be so bold.
Lore Borg. Hugh Borg. Presenting...Pepsi Lite Borg!
Lore Borgs: We do it our way. We will destroy you and your way.
Lore is a real son of a glitch.
Lore suddenly attacked me and I had to turn him off. - Lore as Data
Lore used a Pentium, that's why he was faulty!
Lore's software was developed my Microsoft.
Lore:  Takes a licking and keeps on twitching.
Lore: Takes a licking and keeps on twitching.
Lorena Bobbit Virus: turns your computer's hard drive into a floppy.
Lorena Bobbit for surgeon general!
Lorena Bobbit in Germany: Choppenderweinerhoffen
Lorena Bobbit in Germany: Choppenderwienerhoffen.
Lorena Bobbit of Borg - All penises shall be assimilated.
Lorena Bobbit set up the rules for TAGLINES.
Lorena Bobbit's Circumcision Service - open 24 hours.
Lorena Bobbitt DID want sex that night!  She just wanted it "To GO".
Lorena Bobbitt Got off - The Evidence wouldn't stand up in court!
Lorena Bobbitt bobbed *it* and lobbed *it*. (Poor John!)
Lorena Bobbitt bobbed John Bobbitt's banger.
Lorena Bobbitt ended John Bobbitt's coming and going!
Lorena Bobbitt for Surgeon General.
Lorena Bobbitt in Germany: Choppenderwienerhoffen.
Lorena Bobbitt is the new spokesperson for GINSU knifes!
Lorena Bobbitt of Borg - All penises shall be assimilated.
Lorena Bobbitt really knows how to carve a turkey.
Lorena Bobbitt set up the rules for TAGLINES!
Lorena Bobbitt sure knows how to carve a turkey!
Lorena Bobbitt thinks "Nightmare on Elm St." is a training film.
Lorena Bobbitt virus: Turns your 5.25" hard disk into a 3.5" floppy.
Lorena Bobbitt wants 1/2 of everything in the divorce settlement.
Lorena Bobbitt was killed in a traffic accident. Some dick cut her off!
Lorena Bobbitt went off half cocked, and so did her husband.
Lorena Bobbitt works for TCI - she just loves cutting cable.
Lorena Bobbitt's Circumcision Service - Open 24 Hours.
Lorena Bobbitt's Circumcision Service - open 24 hours.
Lorena Bobbitt's favorite drink - Slice!
Lorena Bobbitt's film: "Honey, I Shrunk the Kid Maker!"
Lorena Bobbitt's making a new movie; "Indecent Disposal"
Lorena Bobbitt's new Book: 50 ways to CLEAVE your lover.
Lorena Bobbitt's new film: "Honey, I Shrunk the Kid Maker!"
Lorena Bobbitt's trial could end up with a HUNG jury.
Lorena Bobbitt's trial has begun!  More Taglines needed!
Lorena Bobbitt's trial has begun! More Bobbitt Taglines needed!
Lorena Bobbitt's trial has begun! More Taglines needed!
Lorena Bobbitt: Our next Surgeon General.
Lorena Bobbitt: She's got his whole gland in her hand.
Lorena Bobbitts new Book: 50 ways to CLEAVE your lover.
Lorena cut off John Bobbitt's access because he wasn't funny.
Lorena is crazy; while John Bobbitt is only NUTS!
Lorena to Tonya: Here, smack Nancy with 'this'
Lorena to Toyna: Here, smack Nancy with 'this'
Lorena's "temporary insanity": I'm buying a Stainless Steel Codpiece!
Lorena's one date I'd leave AT THE DOOR, if I were you!!
Loretta Lynn in "Co-Pilot's Daughter" - Tom
Los Angeles Pachyderms: L.A. Funt
Los Angeles:  Seventeen suburbs in search of a city.
Los Lobos with Steve Allen on bass - Joel on goofy band
Lose Faith In Skepticism!
Lose all hope when your taglines make no sense to you.
Lose my leg? None of my suits will fit! --The Cat.
Lose not thy airspeed lest the ground rise up and smite thee!
Lose not thy airspeed, lest the earth rise and smite thee.
Lose not thy airspeed, lest the ground smite thee!
Lose not thy airspeed, lest thy ground smite thee.
Lose that ugly FAT! Download a trojan today!
Lose ugly fat now...cut off your head!
Lose weight - eat stuff you hate.
Lose without excuses.
Lose your duckie in the shower, Frank? - Trapper
Lose your mind in 20 minutes or less - read DSZ.DOC
Loser: Calls mens room wall phone number. Dial-a-Prayer!
Loser: Guy who plays Monopoly and gets mugged on Boardwalk.
Loser: Guy who plays Monopoly and is mugged on Boardwalk.
Loser: Person who finds ingenious ways to be stupid.
Losers! Losers! L -Whosers! - Ace Ventura
Losing Lottery tickets sold here.
Losing is not good, so I'll let you do it. -NO FEAR
Losing messages? ... That Fido, he be one HUNGRY puppy!
Losing messages? Blame the Fidonet black hole!
Losing messages? That Fido, he be one HUNGRY puppy!
Losing one's mind in "Taglines" is absurd!
Losing the nomination, Buchanan retired to his bunker & shot himself.
Losing weight: the triumph of mind over platter.
Losing your drivers' license is God saying "Walk!"
Losing your drivers' license is just God's way of saying "BOOGA, BOOGA!"
Losing your touch, eh Crow? - Tom
Lost - NO! Locationally Challenged - YES!
Lost - One Tagline - old, but very cuddly.
Lost ... Hell, what would ever make you think a thing like that?
Lost Carrier? That's OK, I didn't want to land anyway!
Lost Electricity Reclamation Agency.
Lost Episodes : Patrick Stewart as the Doctor.
Lost One Round But The Prize Wasn't ANYTHING
Lost are those who trust the Liar, Satan's son I'm born of fire!
Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for.
Lost gold may be found, time lost is gone forever.
Lost in a romance , wilderness of pain and all the children are insane
Lost in the 50's with Rush Limbaugh as navigator.
Lost in the Supermarket.
Lost in time and lost in space and meaning.
Lost in time over the generations.
Lost interest?  It's so bad I've lost apathy.
Lost my attorney friend, couldn't afford $100/hr
Lost my coping saw, and I can't cope.
Lost my eye in Minbari head butting competition.
Lost my fret saw, but I won't fret.
Lost souls of the dead form legions that burst through Hell's Gates
Lost time is never found again, unless the refs check the replay!
Lost your cat?  Look under my tires.
Lost your cat? Look on my tires!
Lost your cat? Look under my tires.
Lost, unfocused ?  Hey, the 6pm "news" will be happy to fill the void!
Lost:  Small poodle.  reward. Neutered. Like one of the family.
Lost:  small apricot poodle.  reward. Neutered.  Like one of the family.
Lost: Husky... neutered, like one of the family.
Lost: Small lame, blind dog Named Lucky.
Lost: Son of God. If found, please return to nearest fundie.
Lost: small apricot poodle. Reward. Neutered. Like one of the family.
Lost? try Hari Krishna (Muppet movie running gag)
Lot of betwixt other stuff & foresoothing - Tom
Lot of brooding going on here - Crow
Lot of sexual tension, though - Crow on chase scene
Lot to God: "SALT I've got - POPCORN I need!
Lot's Of People Make Cartoons That Can't Draw! - Stimpy.
Lot's of Laughs!  Great Animation! (what were we talking about?)
Lot's of bugs fixed in this version !!!
Lot's of fun folks, some great parties: you won't want to miss it!!!
Lothario of Lousy - The Host on Dr. Forrester
Lots of Excitement: Hugh N. Cry
Lots of cats & no litter boxes means many catasstrophies.
Lots of comedians have people they mimic. I mimic my shadow.- sw
Lots of comedians have people they try to mimic. I mimic my shadow. - sw
Lots of dates, yeh - TV's Frank
Lots of hackers DO IT sloooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyyy.
Lots of hey nonny nonny, and blood all over the place.
Lots of people drink from the wrong bottle sometimes.
Lots of people have died and gone on to do really really well.
Lots of people know a good thing when someone else sees it first
Lots of people make sense, I want to make $$$
Lots of people make sense, I want to make $$$
Lots of sweets, stuffed within, quickly add another chin.
Lots of things are easy when you know the answer
Lots of things with 'ion' at the end! - Crow sings
Lotsa Luck: Bess Twishes
Lotta cars in here - Crow
Lotta goofin'off in the undercover business - Tom
Lotta paper work in the other dimension! - Crow
Lotta white trash down there - Crow on aerial view
Lotteries are a tax on the arithmetically impaired.
Lottery (n) A tax on people who are bad at math.
Lottery (n), A tax on people who are bad at math.
Lottery - A tax on people who are bad at math.
Lottery is a tax on those who are bad at math.
Lottery:  A tax on people who don't understand statistics
Lottery:  A tax on people who don't understand statistics!
Lottery:  Stupdity Tax
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math. (RAH)
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math..
Lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math.
Lottery: a tax on people who don't understand statistics.
Lotto, is a tax on stupidity..
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math!
Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at statistics!
Lotto: All it takes is a tagline and a dream.
Lotus 6-6-6 - spreadsheet of the beast
Lotus executives do not wear Look & Feel T shirts.
Lotus for Windows - No longer a mess, now a GUI mess!
Lotus users do it in their Spread-Sheets
Lou Grant:   Mary Tyler Moore-gasms
Lou-WHO-ser! - Ace Ventura
Loud Is Good. Fast is Better. Fast and Loud is Best!
Loud pipes save lifes!!!
Loud pipes save lives!
LoudIsGood FastisBetter FastandLoudisBest!
Louder than Sam Kinnison.
Louis Farrakahn's nightmare? Circumcision by angry Jews w/rusty tools.
Louis Farrakhan is a black version of George Lincoln Rockwell.
Louis picked up the apple, which was really Mrs. Gorf, and ate it.
Louis, I'm so glad you're here. - Lestat
Louise is about as subtle as a lead pipe.
Louise, dump the milk! The cat drinks unleaded from now on! - B. County
Louisiana -- Crawfish Capital of the World
Louisiana has the best politicians money can buy.
Louisiana road sign: Trash is not bayou-degradable.
Louisiana wiped out by tornados.  Kansas wiped out by Tammy.
Louisiana's state bird is the mosquito!
Louisiana: It is against the law to gargle in public.
Louisiana: It is illegal to drive barefoot.
Louisiana: The reason why inbreeding is illegal.
Louisianans do it differently.  ("Big Easy" -- Dennis Quaid)
Louisianians do it bayoutifully.
Louisianians do it differently. (Big Easy -- Dennis Quaid).
Lousiana woman, Mississippi Man
Lousy Dodgers  -  Garibaldi
Lousy logic is a lot more palatable if you sloganize it.
Lousy teachers, trying to palm off our kids on us! - Homer
Lovable Harlequin! I am Harlequin! - Dr. F
Love & Trust: Oral sex between cannibals.
Love & scandal are coffee's best sweeteners
Love & scandal are coffee's best sweeteners.
Love - a grave mental disease.<Plato>
Love - urge on the verge of merge.
Love -- a grave mental disease.
Love 1 Another (the 11th Commandment)
Love America - or give it back.
Love BlueWave, just wish CEC communicated with registered users!
Love God. Love thy neighbor. All else is -commentary- ...
Love Slave to Apple-y Funky Spunky Junkie Woo Woo. - Dodger
Love Thy Neighbor. Just Don't Get Caught!!
Love Thy Neighbor.., Just Don't Get Caught!!
Love Thy Neighbour - But don't get caught. - L. Long
Love a hand that meets your own and causes some sensation.
Love a hand that touches your's and causes some sensation.
Love ain't nothing but sex misspelled. - Harlan Ellison
Love ain't what you feel. Its what you've lived through.
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks...
Love an older person today.
Love and Friends are the best things in life.
Love and Trust: Oral sex between cannibals.
Love and do what you will. -- St. Augustine
Love and friendship are profoundly personal, selfish values.
Love and kisses Lord F'tang F'tang Olay Biscuit Barrel
Love and life are deep, maybe as his skies are wide
Love and marriage go together like a ball and chain.
Love and marriage, love and marri*!@#$%* NO CARRIER
Love and pain become one and the same in the eyes of a wounded child.
Love and pain become one and the same in the eyes of a wounded man.
Love and peace flash through my mind, pain and hate are all I find
Love and potatoes both spring from the eyes.
Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.
Love at first sight can become murder at the second.
Love blinds us to faults, hatred to virtues.
Love brings the blessings that two hearts can share.
Love builds the bridges, but pride builds the walls.
Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies. --John Donne.
Love can damage more, than you can heal with drinking.
Love can stomp on a dime.
Love can walk through fire without blinking.
Love cannot be defined in a single word.
Love cannot be much younger than the lust for murder. -- Sigmund Freud
Love cannot be taught to an attacking assailant. -- Ed Parker
Love cats? They spit on their hands and rub it all over!
Love cats? They spit on thier hands and rub it all over!
Love causes blindness.
Love comes - in spurts!
Love comes calling in the middle of the night.
Love comes for you, and you follow.
Love comes in spurts!
Love comes in spurts.
Love comes to you, and then after...
Love conquers all things but poverty and toothache.
Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache. - Mae West.
Love conquers all things except poverty and toothaches.
Love conquers all, hate destroys all
Love conquers all...except poverty and toothaches.
Love created me like itself.
Love does not dominate, it cultivates.
Love doesn't know how to subtract, it only knows how to add.
Love doesn't subtract - it multiplies. - RAH
Love finds a way, indifference finds excuses.
Love flies out the door when money comes innuendo.- Groucho Marx
Love for life is my affliction- Al Jarreau
Love gets too complicated when you involve a second person
Love gives itself, it is not bought.
Love got a hold on me, ain't no doubt.
Love grows best in Little Houses. With fewer walls to seperate.
Love has a hundred gentle ends.<Leonora Speyer>
Love has multiple personalities.
Love has no other desire than to fulfil itself. - Gibran
Love has to got to stop some place short of suicide.
Love hurts - John Bobbitt
Love in an elevator, living it up while I'm goin' down...
Love is ..... Never having to say .... I'm Sorry !!!!!!!
Love is Blonde!
Love is Grand.  Divorce is Fifty Grand!
Love is Grand. Divorce is Fifty Grand!
Love is Grand... Divorce is Twenty Grand...
Love is King of emotion, stronger than you and so much deeper.
Love is Tender and knows no gender.
Love is a battlefield.. - Pat Benatar
Love is a desire of the whole being to be united to some other person.
Love is a device invented by bank managers to make us overdrawn.
Love is a fickle thing.  Garfield
Love is a four letter word.
Love is a fruit in season at all times, within reach of everyone.
Love is a grave mental disease.
Love is a hole in the heart.
Love is a kind of warfare. - Ovid, 43BC - 18 AD
Love is a matter of chemistry, but Sex is a matter of physics
Love is a matter of chemistry, but Sex is a matter of physics.
Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is all physics.
Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is pure physics.
Love is a matter of chemistry, sex is a matter of physics.
Love is a matter of chemistry: Sex is Physics
Love is a matter of chemistry;  Sex is physics.
Love is a matter of chemistry; Sex is physics.
Love is a matter of chemistry; sex is a matter of physics.
Love is a miracle.   George Segal
Love is a promise, love is a souvenir...
Love is a sickness that slows down your career
Love is a sickness that slows your career and makes you spend all your $
Love is a temple, love a higher law.
Love is a typhoon & besides my dad's a tycoon -Crow sings
Love is addicting, let's either outlaw it, or tax it!
Love is all we need; of course, a little lust doesn't hurt, either.
Love is all you need; that, and a little lust.
Love is always better the second time around...
Love is always good medicine.
Love is an attempt to change a piece of a dream world into reality.
Love is an ecstasy, but sex is an appetite.
Love is an emotion experienced by many & enjoyed by few.
Love is an emotion experienced by the many and enjoyed by the few.
Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke.
Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke. - Lynda Barry
Love is an expression and assertion of self-esteem.
Love is an interspecies phenonomena.
Love is an obsessive delusion that is cured by marriage.
Love is being stupid together.
Love is being willing to share your toothbrush with someone else.
Love is blind & lingerie makes great braille. Feel Me!
Love is blind - Marriage is the eye opener!
Love is blind - marriage is the eye opener.
Love is blind and lingerie makes great braille. Feel Me!
Love is blind but like is just too freaked out to see straight.
Love is blind but lust is deaf
Love is blind but reason, like marriage, is an eye-opener.
Love is blind, but lust is deaf.
Love is blind, but marriage is an eye opener.
Love is blind, deaf, and walks with a limp.
Love is blind, especially love at first sight
Love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener.
Love is blind, so I read lingerie in Braille.
Love is blind, to everything except fat.
Love is blind.  Lust has 20/20 vision.
Love is blind. And when you get married you get your eyesight
Love is blind. Lust isn't! - D. Giovani
Love is blindness I don't want to see --U2
Love is deaf as well as blind, that's it!  --Merlin
Love is deaf as well as blind... and walks with a limp.  -SLR
Love is deaf as well as blind... and walks with a limp. -SLR
Love is deaf as well as blindand walks with a limp.
Love is drowning in a deep well --U2
Love is eternal.    Clifton Webb
Love is fleeting, herpes is forever, AIDS is fatal.
Love is foolish ... but I still might try it sometime.
Love is grand!.....Divorce is still about twenty grand!
Love is grand, but divorce is twenty grand!
Love is grand, divorce is twenty grand.
Love is grand.  Divorce is twenty grand.
Love is grand.  Divorce, twenty grand.
Love is grand. Divorce is 200 grand!
Love is grand. Divorce is fifty grand.
Love is grand. Divorce is twenty grand.
Love is grand. Divorce is twenty grand.
Love is grand. Divorce, twenty grand.
Love is grand...  Divorce is twenty grand.
Love is grand...  Divorce is twenty grand...
Love is grand..Divorce is 200 grand!
Love is grand;  divorce 20 grand
Love is helping to choose a present for her boyfriend.
Love is in the offing, be affectionate to one who adores you.
Love is in the offing, said the homicidal maniac.
Love is in the offing. Be affectionate to who adores you.
Love is just a passing fanny.
Love is lending her your set of teeth in the restaurant.
Love is like Pi: natural, irrational, and very important.
Love is like a baseball game, four balls and you walk.
Love is like a baseball game, three strikes and you're out.
Love is like a baseball game, three strikes you're out.
Love is like a baseball game: four balls and you walk.
Love is like a baseball game: three strikes and you're out.
Love is like a door: first it's swinging, then there's a catch!
Love is like a photo - It develops in the dark.
Love is like a solitary carrot in a puddle of treacle.
Love is like an hourglass: the heart fills up, the brain gets empty.
Love is like pi---natural, irrational, and VERY important.
Love is like the measles - all the worse when it comes late in life.
Love is like the measles: you only get it once.   Howard Keel
Love is like war: easy to begin, but very hard to stop.
Love is man's illusion, that one woman differs from another
Love is nature's Second Sun.
Love is natures way of saying you are too happy.
Love is natures' way of saying you're too happy.
Love is never jealous or envious. Tell THAT to my Girlfriend!
Love is never jealous or envious. Tell THAT to my boyfriend!
Love is never jealous or envious. Tell THAT to my wife!
Love is not a four letter word (The 'g' is silent)
Love is not a possession, but a growing entity.
Love is not enough, but is sure helps.
Love is not enough.  It is much too pliable.  Too yielding.
Love is not getting, but giving.<Joanna Field>
Love is not having to write your own taglines.
Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds...
Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do.
Love is not purchased; affection has no price.
Love is of chemistry, sex is of physics.
Love is our best hope for peace.
Love is powerful, but sensitive, use with aggresion !!!
Love is reckless. Let's get reckless tonight.
Love is sentimental measles.
Love is sharing!
Love is the River of Life in this world.
Love is the crocodile on the river of desire. - Bhartrihari, 570-651AD
Love is the delusion that one man differs from another.
Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another.
Love is the greatest gift one person can give to another.....
Love is the morning and the evening star.   Burt Lancaster
Love is the most important thing on earth..
Love is the most subtle form of self-interest.
Love is the one thing money can't buy.
Love is the only fairytale that ENDS with "Once upon a time"
Love is the only game that is not called on account of darkness.
Love is the password of the universe, Jesus wrote it!
Love is the rhythm of 2 hearts beatin' poundin' out a message...
Love is the rhythm of two hearts beating, poundin' out a message
Love is the strongest message or belief you can spread or release.
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.  -- H. L. Mencken
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. -- H. L. Mencken
Love is the triumph of the groin over the brain.
Love is the triumphant twang of a bedspring.
Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise. - Johnson
Love is truely the tie that binds.
Love is unselfish, understanding, and kind.
Love is what goes on while you're NOT horny.
Love is what you've been through with somebody.
Love is when everyone knows how you feel about her, but her.
Love is when you don't have to be with another person to touch them.
Love is yesterday's illusion, today's allusion, and tomorrow's delusion
Love is...  Whatever YOU make it!
Love is...a response to one's own values in the person of another.
Love is: Never having to say.. "You've got WHAT!!!"
Love isn't always true, it hurts sometimes.
Love isn't love until you give it away.
Love israther wanting to be unhappy with her, than without.
Love it or leave it! comes back to haunt right-wingers.
Love it or leave it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.
Love keeps the cold out better than the warmest winter clothing.
Love knows no bounds or limits.
Love letter are the campaign promises of the heart.
Love letter from  Telecom: "Take me back, PLEASE, I'm begging you!
Love like a screaming flower --U2
Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind. -- Shakespeare
Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind....
Love lost, fire at will, dum-dum bullets and shoot to kill...
Love makes a fool of us all.
Love makes a wise man act like a fool.
Love makes you do funny things.  It made me get married.
Love many trust few & always paddle your own canoe!
Love may be a matter of chemistry, but sex is all physics....
Love may be blind -- but marriage will open your eyes!
Love me gently with a chainsaw!
Love me tender / love me sweet / push me out at 12,000 ft
Love me two times. Once for tommorow. Once just for today.
Love me, love my dragon.
Love me....love my huskies!
Love means an unlimited charge card!
Love means having to say you're sorry every 5 minutes
Love means having to say you're sorry every five minutes.
Love means never having to say "I'm Sorry"
Love means never having to say "honey put down that axe!"
Love means never having to say, "Put down that meat cleaver!"
Love means never having to say, Put down that meat cleaver!
Love means nothing to a tennis player.
Love means telling you why you're sorry.
Love might be blind, but LUST has 20/20 vision!
Love my 386/33 . . . Thank God my wife isn't that fast!
Love never dies.
Love of Money:  The root of all EVIL...
Love of Money: The root of all EVIL.
Love of Money: the root of all evil, just what girls want: a good root
Love of Money: the root of all evil, just what girls want: good rooting
Love of Power is the root of all politics....
Love of money is the root of all Politicians.
Love of money is the root of all politics.
Love of money is the root of all politics.
Love on a coffee table ... a many a-splintering thing.
Love our Constitution?  Get ready to defend it!
Love requires risks
Love requires risks.
Love sees no color.
Love sees no faults.
Love sees with the heart and not with the mind.
Love should be a pleasure, not a torment.
Love someone who doesn't deserve it!
Love sometimes expresses itself in sacrifice..Kirk, Metamorphosis
Love stinks...yeah yeah!
Love that chewing gum walk! ..Very Wrigley!
Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart,mind,body,soul
Love the Lord your Godwith all your mind. -- Matthew 22:37
Love the sea?  I dote upon it - from the beach.
Love the sinner but hate the sin. - St. Augustine
Love the sinner, but hate the sin...
Love they neighbor, but not in public !
Love thine enemies...buy their kid a clarinet.
Love thine enemies...buy their kid a drum.
Love thine enemies...it really pisses them off.
Love thy neighbor -- but only when her spouse is out of town.
Love thy neighbor -- but only when the spouse is out of town
Love thy neighbor ... just never get caught.
Love thy neighbor as thy self, Am I supposed to jerk him off too?!!!
Love thy neighbor as thyself, but choose thy neigborhood carefully.
Love thy neighbor as thyself, but choose your neighborhood. -- Louise Beal
Love thy neighbor just never get caught.
Love thy neighbor! ...especially if she's blonde.
Love thy neighbor!..'specially if she's blonde
Love thy neighbor, and thy neighbor's wife too; if thou art inclined.
Love thy neighbor, but don't get caught.
Love thy neighbor, but don't let her husband catch you.
Love thy neighbor, but keep the hedge in tact.
Love thy neighbor, but make sure her husband is away first!
Love thy neighbor, but not in public !
Love thy neighbor, but only when the spouse is out of town
Love thy neighbor.  You never know when your TV will be out of order.
Love thy neighbor. You never know when your TV will be out of order.
Love thy neighbor:  Tune thy piano.
Love thy neighboryou never know when your TV will break down.
Love thy neighbour - but don't get caught!
Love thy neighbour as thyself. What, jerk him off too?
Love thy neighbour, but be sure her husband is out of town.
Love thy neighbour, but be sure his wife is out of town.
Love thy neighbour, but keep the hedge intact.
Love thy neighbour...just don't get caught!
Love to but, I did my own thing and now I must go undo it.
Love to but, I have to floss my cat.
Love to but, I'm getting my overalls overhauled.
Love to but, I'm having my baby shoes bronzed.
Love to but, I'm sandblasting my oven.
Love to but, I'm teaching my ferret to yodel.
Love to but, I've dedicated my life to linguini.
Love to but, but I'm building a pig from a kit.
Love to but, the last time I went, I never came back.
Love to chat, but I have to return to the ritual sacrifice.
Love to chat, but I must get back to the ritual sacrifice
Love to feel those healin' hands of Anna Lee--the healer!
Love to, but I have to floss my cat.
Love truth but pardon error.
Love unites, hate divides. - Empedocles
Love will find a lay. -Robert Byrne
Love will make you forget time, and time will make you forget love.
Love without jealousy is like Jay Leno without monologue.
Love your country but never trust its government.
Love your enemies -- it makes them so damned mad.
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you - Matthew 5:44
Love your enemies--it really p****s them off!
Love your enemies.  It will make them crazy.
Love your enemies.  It'll drive them crazy!
Love your enemies. It'll make 'em crazy.
Love your enemies. Your friends may turn out to be bastards.
Love your enemies: they'll go crazy trying to figure out what you're up to.
Love your enemy -- it infuriates him no end.
Love your enemy. It gets him totally confused!
Love your fellow man in every way the law allows.
Love your kids so they can love!
Love your mother (caption for picture of Earth)
Love your neighbor but don't get caught.
Love your neighbor, but don't get caught!
Love your neighbor: Just don't get caught!
Love your suit. -- Hannibal Lector
Love your tagline - mind if I borrow a copy?
Love your tagline!  Consider it stolen!
Love your tagline... I think I'll adopt it.
Love yourself....What else is more important in life?
Love's a bitch, baby. Love's a bitch, yes it's crazy.
Love's a bitch, baby. Love's a bitch, yes it's crazy. - QR
Love's a chance that we all take.
Love's like the measles, all the worse when it comes late.
Love's meaning lies in oneness.
Love's not just a good idea, it's the Law.
Love, Honesty, and Compassion are OUR family values.
Love, You took me by surprise.
Love, built as beauty, soon as beauty, dies. --Donne.
Love, cough, and a smoke, can't well be hid. - Poor Richard's Almanack
Love, in its many aspects and forms is truly beautiful!
Love, it's not just a good idea, it's the Law (under Law)
Love, like youth, is wasted on the young.
Love, one size fits all!
Love, reign o'er me...reign o'er me!
Love, respect, and take care of yourself.
Love, the quest; Marriage, the conquest; Divorce, the inquest.
Love-Lust 'What's the Difference ?' (at 3 in the morning)
Love-Lust 'Whats the Difference ?' (at 3 in the morning)
Love. . . She is Blind, No? - Pep_ LePew
Love:  2 vowels, 2 consonants, and 2 fools.
Love:  The warm feeling you get towards someone who meets your neurotic needs.
Love:  The word that paints a thousand pictures.
Love:  To place our happiness in the happiness of another.
Love:  Two vowels, two consonants, two fools.
Love: 2 vowels, 2 consonants, and 2 fools.
Love: A grave mental disease.
Love: A temporary insanity cureable by marriage.
Love: The illusion that one man differs from another.
Love: To place our happiness in the happiness of another.
Love: Two minds without a single thought -Philip Barry
Love: Two vowels, two consonants, two fools.
Love: the best medicine.
Love: the delusion that one woman differs from another.
Love: the word that paints a thousand pictures.
Love: two vowels, two consonants, two fools.
Loved these -- and the one you posted earlier to someone else about Pooh
Lovejoy's a hanging priest - Tom
Lovejoy's packed tight in a denim casing - Crow on pants
Lovely & darling! - Tom gushes
Lovely - and so true!
Lovely Angel DOS v1.1: Error reading C:  Abort, Retry, Blow it up!
Lovely Lady Liberty, with her book of recipes!
Lovely Spam,  Wonderful Spam!
Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!
Lovely bags of mostly milk...
Lovely party, pity I wasn't invited. - Ace Ventura
Lovely waffles we love - Joel & Bots sing
Lovely, just *bleep*ing lovely
Lovely...Fidos' got sucking vortices, and Internet has potholes.
Lover's Leap:  The distance between two beds.
Lovers dangled like jewels for your careless pleasure. --JM
Lovers embrace that which is between them rather than each other.
Lovers, they come, and they never go....
Lovers: If you're not scaring the cat, you're not doing it right.
Loves horses, and her boyfriend too.
Loving County, Texas: Population 50.  Make a run for the NM border!
Loving, like prayer, is a power as well as a process.<Zona Gale>
Low Blow:  A dwarf performing fellatio.
Low and Behold! Your name is the first in Heidi's Book!
Low on thinking gas.
Low-class computers come with a rat instead of a mouse.
Low-income housing -- from the same people who brought you low income.
Lower life forms have more fun!
Lower taxes, raise the dead.
Lower the cone of silence.
Lower your blood pressure - slit your wrists.
Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded!
Lowery's Law: If it jams -- force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
Lowfat, decaffinated, Latte.  Otherwise known as a 'Why Bother.'
Lowliness is the base of every virtue. P.J. Bailey
Lt. @LN@! Stop looking down Troi's cleavage!
Lt. @LN@, I order you to relax.
Lt. @LN@, please stop staring at Troi's cleavage.
Lt. Barclay of Borg:  er...uh...um, Resistance is er, futile.
Lt. Cmdr. Mark Holtz, Chief Engineer-USS Oberon NCC-71820
Lt. Cmdr. Nas, please escort zan John to the Agony Cube.
Lt. Cmdr. Nas, please escort zan Orville to the Agony Cube.
Lt. Colombo. I'm investigating the theft of a quantity of taglines.
Lt. Commander Foster, run a Level 2 diagnostic on the warp core.
Lt. Commander Mcleod, run a Level 2 diagnostic on the warp core.
Lt. Dax is making sure all procedural details are precisely observed.
Lt. Dax, I just love older women!  Bashir
Lt. Frank Drebbin was in charge of Waco operations!.
Lt. Frank Drebin was in charge of Waco operations.
Lt. I order you to relax. -- Riker
Lt. Lenin? He's red Jim.
Lt. O' Reilly. - I'll never get used to that. - Hoolihan
Lt. Orville, report to airlock 3, spacesuit optional.
Lt. Rawsthorne to Counselor Troi, meet me in holodeck 2.
Lt. Uhura says:"Subspace Comms- the next best thing to beaming there!"
Lt. Worf report to the bridge. My tagline's been stolen!
Lt. Worf, confine Ensign Bullitt to the brig!
Lt. Worf, confine Ensign Orville to the brig!
Lt. Worf, please escort Wesley Crusher to airlock #3.
Lt. Yar, you are naturally blonde! - Data
Lubarski's Law of Cybernetic Entymology: There's always one more bug.
Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology: There's always one more bug.
Lubricant. Pennzoil. Steaming hot. -- Locutus of Borg
Luca Brazzi sleeps wit fishes.. How 'bout you?
Lucas refrigerators: Why the British drink warm beer.
Lucifer takes my dark soul down to the fiery pits of Hell
Lucifernet - Works for me!
Luck be a lizard tonight! - Joel sings
Luck can't last a lifetime unless you die young.
Luck is 90% preparation and 10% opportunity.
Luck is a horse to ride like any other. - Mat Cauthon
Luck is a lazy man's estimate of a worker's success.
Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.
Luck is believing you're lucky, that's all.   Marlon Brando
Luck is coming your way ... in bed.
Luck is not chance, it's toil.  Fortune's expensive smile is earned.
Luck often wins out over science and technology!
Luck:  A matter of preparation meeting opportunity.
Luck: A matter of preparation meeting opportunity.
Luck: Labor Under Correct Knowledge!!
Luck: n,  A BITCH playing Cattle Futures.
Luckily my bathrobe took the brunt of it. - Arthur
Luckily, I had a window-rod-sharpener - Crow as murderer
Luckily, I'm out of hairs to split!
Luckily, this was before DEATH was invented - Crow
Lucky bastard - Crow to gangster
Lucky daddy was there to save you, ey? - Scar
Lucky frogs: they can make those noises and not have to say excuse me!
Lucky is he for whom the belle toils.
Lucky thing I was wearing my Bat-thermonuclear-shield underwear today!
Lucky? Look at this shirt! You call THIS lucky? - Crow
Lucy in the Sky with Taglines....Lucy in the Sky
Ludefisk:  Satan for fishies.
Ludicrous speed! GO!!
Ludicrous speed! Mr. Data!
Luge is the only sport where you can die during the event and still win.
Luggage you could make outta one of them critters - Crow
Luggump: Luggage that goes round the claim belt that no one claims.
Luggurgitation: When luggage pops out onto the baggage claim belt.
Lugnuts rattling in the hubcaps.
Luke 1:49 | For he that is mighty hath done to me great things;...
Luke 3:6 | And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.
Luke 4:12 |...Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Luke 6:43. No good tree bears bad fruit
Luke 6:43a. No good tree bears bad fruit; but lousy vegetables.
Luke Perry trapped in a burning building:  next on Rescue 90210.
Luke Skywalker: Jedi's Honor - By West End Games
Luke Use the Docs, Use the Docs
Luke and Mara's Amateur Sex Holos, on the next "A Current Affair"!
Luke of Borg. Resistance is futile. I have a bad feeling about this...
Luke of Borg: You will be assimilated. I have a bad feeling about this
Luke!  Fighters on your tail!  +-O-+  (-O-)  +-O-+
Luke!  Fighters on your tail!  CDOD4  (DOD)  CDOD4
Luke's just not a farmer. He has too much of his father in him.
Luke, I'm your father. And your mother was a lesbian.
Luke, don't give in to hate - that leads to the dark side. - Obi-Wan
Luke, give in to the Dark side of the Force, you knob.
Luke, open the pod bay doors !
Luke, use the Force, not your fingers!
Luke... Luke... Use the MOUSE, Luke -Obi Wan Gates.
Luke... Luke... Use the Mouse, Luke -- Obi Wan Gates
Luke: "I don't... I don't believe it."   Yoda: "That is why you fail."
Luke: "I'm not afraid."   Yoda: "Oh, you will be.  You will be."
Luke: I don't... I don't believe it.   Yoda: That is why you fail.
Luke: I'll be careful. Ugly Guy: You'll be DEAD!
Luke: I'm not afraid.   Yoda: Oh, you will be.  You will be.
Lukewarm...?  Is that like a Jedi Knight in an electric blanket?
Lukewarm...? Is that like a Jedi Knight in an electric blanket?
Lukle 2:11b |...a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Lullaby of Old Borgway: Starring Humphrey Borgart and Lauren Borgcall.
Lulu only likes two kinds of men - foreign and domestic.
Lulu wouldn't hurt a fly unless it's open.
Lumberjack greeting :  Live long oh Poplar   Peace and Log life.
Lumberjack picnic - Spotted Owl barbecued over old growth coals.
Luminous beings are we...not this crude matter. - Yoda
Luminous beings we are,not this crude matter. So turn that light out.
Lummox : The man, the Myth, the Lover of Twinkies.
Lumpiest couple of cowboys I've ever seen - Crow
Lumptadump: Stack of trash bags sitting by the curb on trash day.
Lumptadump: Stack of trash bags sitting by the curb.
Lumpy Butt! - Crow on dumpy girl
Lumpy Milk(tm) - It stays crunchy even in cereal.  -SLR
Luna Needs Colonists! (And they are especially interested in YOU).
Luna, the moon, is sister to our Mother -- Miranda Wayfarer
Luna-ticks: Astral insects de Mexico?
Lunatic Asylum, n.: The place where optimism most flourishes.
Lunatic Asylum: The place where optimism most flourishes.
Lunatic Fringe I know your out there! - Red Ryder
Lunatic asylum: where optimism most flourishes.
Lunatic asylum: where optimism most flourishes.
Lunatic attacks nurse and escapes. Nut screws and bolts!
Lunatic:  Insect from the moon.
Lunch at the Y!
Lunch, dinner. Same thing - Tom
Lunch? - Fox Mulder after toads fell from sky
Lunching with the rich, schmoozing with the famous - Crow
Lupins? Yes, lupins. Come on, come on.
Lurk softly and carry a big ENTER key.
Lurk softly and carry a big RETURN key.
Lurk, lurk, Lurk.
Lurk, lurk, lurk...
Lurker, n: Large predatory fish found only on BBSes.
Lurkers Anonymous.
Lurkers Beware!!! You are about to embark upon a Fun Filled Journey!!!
Lurkers DO IT off-line..
Lurkers are conference gHosts.
Lurkers of the world unite!
Lursa & B'etor went to DS9 and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt
Lursa & B'etor went to DSN and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!
Lursa & Be'Tor '96.... NOT! ;<)
Lursa and B'etor of Borg.  Now that's a terrible thought!
Lursa/B'etor '96.  Why waste time on an election???
Lush:  One who's overloaded.
Lust for things you don't have the money for is the root of evil.
Lust is a wonderful thing if you can contro..PANT..PANT..
Lust is a wonderful thing if you can control the pants
Lust is fleeting, herpes is forever, AIDS is fatal.
Lust is not right; it's ambidextrous
Lust, it's not just for breakfast anymore!
Lustville-The Next Generation....
Lusty carnies drunk by 10 a.m. - Tom
Lutheran Pacific Railroad? - Mike
Luv the Bozos of the world.... they're scarce!
LuxemBORG: The European Community is irrelevant.
Luxuriantly crafted from the finest ASCII.
Luxuriantly hand-crafted from only the finest ASCII.
Luxuriantly hand-crafted from only the finest ASCII.
Luxuriantly hand-crafted from only the finest Corinthian ASCII.
Luxuriantly hand-crafted from only the finest pubic hair.
Luxuriantly hand-crafted of only the finest ASCII.
Luxuriantly hand-crafted using only the finest ASCII
Luxuriate in simple pleasures!
Luxury: Costs $7.69 to make and $20.00 to market.
Luxury: costs $7.69 to make and $20.00 to market.
Lwaxana Troi & Odo - A marriage made in an elevator.
Lwaxana Troi's favourite splash-on? Eau d'Odo.
Lwaxana hit by friendly fire:  Worf makes a Woof Goof.
Lwaxana of BorgPrepare to be assimilated, Little One
Lwaxana's favorite splash-on: Eau d'Odo
Lwaxanna Troi - irresistable grace.
Lwaxanna Troi - the Auntie Mame of the galaxy
Lycanthropes prefer Amigas 5 to 1:  Just ask Lorne! :)
Lycanthropy doesn't have to mean a death sentence.
Lying and Celibacy are hereditary
Lying drives your conscience crazy.
Lying: something which tends to keep a person down.
Lyla. Does she remind you of someone we know? --Salmoneus
Lyle Lovett, Neelix, and [Insert Name Here]!  There's hope!
Lyle Waggoner's penile implant show -Tom on Crow's memory
Lymph Node:  Where special Fairy lives.
Lymph:  A special Fairy.
Lynch's Law:   When the going gets tough, everybody leaves
Lynch's Law: When the going gets tough, everyone leaves.
Lyndon LaRouche and @N@ in `96? <*shudder*>
Lyndon LaRouche and Al Gore in `96? <*shudder*>
Lyndon LaRouche and He in `96? <*shudder*>
Lyndon LaRouche and Orville Bullitt in `96? <*shudder*>
Lyndon LaRouche and Ross Perot in `96? <*shudder*>
Lyndon LaRouche and Ross Perot in `96? *shudder*
Lynne Foulds-Wood......True or False?
Lynthlyptus - Any cough drop found in one's pocket after a few days.
Lyorn growls and lowers horn
Lysdexia:  a peech imspediment we live to learn with...
Lysistrata had a good idea.
l Error 69: Echo sex posted to 'ALL'...
l!Personalised Taglines
l'm an amateur crastinator - one day I'll turn pro...
l.n. = Larry Niven
la la dee daaaaa dee dooo la de dooo de da da da dumptee dooooo...
laiceps er'uoy siht daer nac uoy fI
lare, n: where tagline files hide
last_laugh = gloat();
later days and better waves...
laugh at men of sense is the privilege of fools.
laughing  Cute, very cute! g
lavender is blue -- lavender is green
lay my hands on heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars
leaving immediately for Nepal, where I intend to live as a goat. -BA2
let freedom ring, let the white dove sing
let length(Long_Walk) < length(Short_Pier)
let your white birds smile up at the ones who stand and frown
let's f***! No?Then I guess a BJ is out of the question?
let's find a table in the shade/& sip our tea & lemonade
let's go to McDonalds, tom said archly
let's pick away at it i want to watch it fall down
let's see, this plug in goes to ... NO CARRIER. ...
letters from across the sea/roses dipped in sealing wax
lf to grin while his conscience is picking his pocket.
life goes on...........with or without me!!!!!!!
life is like the flight of a bird...out of the light, into the light.
life is not to short, you are just dead to dam long!!
life. Want some candy little girl? It's chocolate!
light for a Pentium!  It glows!
like Gerald, Lord Sandwich, had...? Yes, a few rounds of Geralders.-BA
like a message in a net, no retreat no surrender.
like chocolate -- good to have around anytime!
like some desperate, howling demon; you frightened me.  Do it again."
likely to end up with splitting headache."
limbo:  Place where arms and legs go when they die.
line noise provided by British Telecom!
line thievery ... On the next Geraldo!
lingua franca:  Spaghetti with hot dogs.
listener again." -- Jennie Malloy
live in a yellow subroutine.
live long and prosper.
live with fear & terror but sometimes I leave her and go scuba diving
living in the interdependent web of all existence...
living in the zone of the inbetweens.
ljubavi jednog dana, bojim se, ostaces sama.
ljubio sam hrpetinu zena, ali nijedna nije bila kao ona
ll work, and no play, makes Jack a blubbering psychopath!
llA terag soeesricvdi era aedm yb emkasti.
lobster: A great excuse for eating a pound of butter.
lock and load then rock n roll...RADONE
logathorazine: What the doctor uses when there's no thorazine.
logathorium: bookkeeping device for radioactive materials.
loneliness still conforts me, my anger dwells inside of me
long time no post.. :(
look, It's a drunk tank of trombones!
look, i'm cold, i'm wet, and i'm just plain scared
looking at the stars....
looking for a girlfriend, young, free, single... Oops. Wrong area.
looking for needles in haystacks ...
lose me hate me smash me erase me kill me kill me kill me
loser:  A window washer who steps back to admire his work.
ls -d:  better living thru UNIX?
lsd consumes 47 times its weight in excess reality
lurking behind doors when x signs are on windows...

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca