N C C   1 7 0 1  No bloody A, B, C, or D!   Scotty
N C C One Seven Oh One. No Bloody A, B, C, or D.
N C C One Seven One Zero ...No bloody A, B ,C ,or D.. - Scotty
N could be a vowel if enough people just believed in it.
N is for Natasha, who said "See ya lata!"
N is for Neville who died of ennui.
N'Grath: Babylon 5's own "Big Boss of Crime."
N'Grath: Babylon 5's own "Big Boss of Crime." - B5
N'Grath: Babylon 5's own Big Boss of Crime.
N-C-C 4-6-8-1-R, No Bloody A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J...
N-C-C-One-Seven-Oh-One. No bloody A, B, C, or D. Scotty
N. C. C. 1. 7. 0. 1.  No bloody A, B, C, or D. - Scotty
N.O.T.N.O.W. -- National Organization of Terribly Nasty Old Womyn.
N.O.T.N.O.W. -- National Organization of Terribly Nasty Old Womyn. 
N.O.W. --  Nasty Old Whiners.
N.O.W. --  Nasty Old Whiners. 
N.O.W. -- epitome of hypocricy in regards to Anita Hill & Paula Jones.
N.O.W. officials have well-earned the name "feminazi."
N.O.W.: National Organization of Whiners.
N.O.W.: epitome of hypocrisy in regards to Anita Hill & Paula Jones
N.P.: "Foolish Heart" -- Grateful Dead
N.P.: "Souvenirs" -- Jimmy Buffett
N.P.: "Sunny Afternoon" -- Jimmy Buffett
N.Y. cops go bar hopping, L.A. cops go NIGHT CLUBBING!!
NA  Oxymoron: Passive activity.
NAFTA = National Association For Tagline Assimilators.
NAFTA = North American Fajita + Taco Agreement
NAFTA = North American Fraud and Theft Agreement.
NAFTA will get us nowhere. At least nowhere good.
NAFTA:  No American Factories Taking Applications.
NAFTA:  the price we finally pay for the Mexican War
NAFTA: No American Factories Taking Applications
NAFTA: Not Another F______ Trade Agreement
NAGLINE "Put on a sweater before you catch a cold."
NAGLINE(n):"Put on a sweater,or you'll catch cold."
NAK NAK  Who's there? rdgnker#$%^#$%^@#%U#%^#...  NO CARRIER
NAK NAK  who's there?  ^A!@#$%^B&*()^Z NO CARRIER.
NAK NAK who's there? S#j8)&!k NO CARRIER
NAK NAK who's there?^A!@#$%^B&*()^Z NO CARRIER.
NAK NAK, "Who's There?" #@#^#$%#(#@^ NO CARRIER
NAK NAK, "Who's There?"#@#^#$%#(#@^ NO CARRIER NO CARRIER.
NAK NAK, 'Who's There?' #@#^#$%#(#@^ NO CARRIER
NAK NAKWho's there?
NAKED BILLIARDS:  Get felt on the table
NAMASTE! - I bow in reverence to you and to your beliefs.
NANOSECOND:  Used to measure a User's attention span
NAPA: Never Any Parts Available.
NAPOLEON XIV - They've come to take me away, haha...
NARF - Pinky
NARODNJAK - Seljak bez njivu.
NASA is smart? They count backwards!
NASA renames "FREEDOM" to "FRED" to fit new bulkhead dimensions.
NASA reports it's safe to land on the sun...if it's done at night.
NASA wants you for a manned expedition to Uranus.
NASA: Not All Satellites Answer
NASCAR fans do it at high speeds
NATITIRI      Not Attempting To Imply That It's Really Important
NATIVE AMERICANS do it with reservations.
NAVIGATOR: Woman on a trip in the car, with a road map in her lap.
NAVIGATORS can show you the way.
NAVY SH-3H ....Thunderpig on patrol....
NAVY:  Never Again Volunteer Yourself
NAVY: Never Again Volunteer Yourself
NBAcious - Last ditch effort of a player as the buzzer goes off.
NBAcious: last ditch effort of a player as the buzzer goes off.
NBC Executive (June 1965): "Drop the guy with the devil ears."
NBC Movie of the Week: "Member In The Grass:  The John Bobbitt Story"
NBC firebombing GM trucks since 1993  <BOOM>
NBC, June 1965: Get rid of the guy in the devil ears.
NBC: National Baloney Channel.
NBD             No Big Deal
NBFD                  No Big [Flipping] Deal
NBL             Not Bloody Likely
NBR: Unconditional No BRanch
NBRM: Unconditional No BRanch Multiple
NC = No Carrier
NC17: 50's style! - Crow leers on scantily clad girl
NCC           Naval Construction Contract
NCC 1701, No Bloody A,B,C, or D ! -- Scotty
NCC-1701-D:  The ONLY way to fly
NCC-1701-D: Definitely * NOT * your father's Oldsmobile!
NCC-1701-D: Not your father's Enterprise.
NCC-1701D bumpersticker: "Our other ship seperates into 3 pieces!"
NCC-1701D: *NOT* your father's Oldsmobile!
NCC-one-seven-oh-one, no bloody A, B, C or D!
NCOD?  I forget, ask Gary..
NDP - Next Dead Party.
NEAR ACCIDENT: Der Phewn Near Schittenselfen
NEBULA COFFEE: Maximum viscosity for maximum vitality.
NECROCOMEDIAN: The Book of Dead Jokes.
NECROCOMEDION:  The Book of Dead Jokes
NECROCOMICON: The book of dead jokes.
NECROMANCER: A guy who kisses his girl's throat a lot.
NECRONOMICON... Read it, most intriguing.
NECRONOMICONReadit.Sys corrupted -- Reboot
NECROPHILIACS do it cryptically.
NELBBUG:  Northeast Louisiana Bulletin Board Users Group
NELLIE MELBA - The Toast of the Stage
NERD          National Establishment for Real Dorks
NERD          Never-Ending Resplendent Discussion.
NERDS do it in Rot13.
NERDs: N.ot E.xactly R.eal D.orks...
NETWORK - What a fisherman does when he's not fishing
NETWORK ENGINEERS do it under desks.
NETWORK HACKERS know how to communicate.
NETWORK--The occupation of a fisherman.
NEVER ask what hot dogs are made of! -- Yakko
NEVER drink and use an electric mixer at the same time!!!
NEVER eat children!  You don't know where they've been!
NEVER hit a demon !!!!!!
NEVER let a dark spectre onto the ship again - Joel
NEVER mistake your Rubber Chicken for a rubber.
NEVER moon a police officer who has a nightstick.
NEVER moon a police officer who has a polearm.
NEVER repeat the words of a barbarian.  That is what they live for.
NEVER say Cthulhu's name ou%^*$%#^*$%NO CARRIER
NEVER say Cthulu's name ou%^*$%#^*$%NO CARRIER.
NEVER sleep with someone CRAZIER than yourself!
NEVER tug on Kira's ear ring to get her attention!
NEVER!  or at least not until after lunch.
NEVER! I shall come out, puns blazing! - Dire Wolf
NEW - Where in Hell is Carmen Sandiego?
NEW DRINK: The Simpson: Slice with a twist and a dash of OJ.
NEW Edlin for Windows NT!!!!!
NEW FISH? No honey, that fish has been there for months!
NEW From TagCo... TagLine-Lite  ...All the Impact, 1/3rd Less Serious.
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  Division Considered Harmful.
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  It's Close Enough, We Say So.
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  It's a FLAW, Dammit, not a Bug.
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  Nearly 300 Correct Opcodes.
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  Redefining the PC - and Mathematics As Well.
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  The Errata Inside.
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  We Fixed It, Really.
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  We're Looking for a Few Good Flaws.
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  Why Do You Think It's Called *Floating* Point?
NEW PENTIUM SLOGAN:  You Don't Need to Know What's Inside.
NEW USERS do it after reading the help file.
NEW YORKERS do it in a jam.
NEW from Franklin Mint: America's Best Beloved Taglines
NEW from Ralston Purina! Human-flavored Dragon Chow!
NEW from Ralston Purina:  Maiden-flavored Dragon Chow
NEW from Ralston Purina:  Newbie flavored Dragon Chow
NEW from Ralston Purina:  Priest/Mage flavored DRAGON CHOW!
NEW from Ralston Purina: Newbie flavored Dragon Chow...
NEW from Ralston Purina: Priest/Mage flavored DRAGON CHOW!
NEW!  From MicroSoft!  Visual EDLIN for Windows!  Now 64-bit!
NEW!  NEW!  Windex 3.1 for Windows!  NEW!  NEW!
NEW!  Tagline-Lite!  Only 1/3rd Less Serious...
NEW!  Windex 3.0 for Windows!
NEW! NEW! Windex 3.0 for Windows! NEW! NEW!
NEW! Nabisco T*TS! Betcha can't eat just one! - G. Carlin
NEW! Purina Tyrannosaur Chow -- a Lawyer in every bite.
NEW! Tagline-Lite! Only 1/3rd Less Serious...
NEW! Tagline-lite! 1/3 less serious than a regular tagline.
NEW! The "moderator" echo, for moderation and netmail only.
NEW! The "netmail" echo, where you only send complaints.
NEW! The "new" echo, where you may not post stolen taglines.
NEW! The "offensive" echo, where taglines accompany netmail.
NEW! The Fart Book; complete with scratch and sniff $4.95.
NEW! The moderator echo, for moderation and Netmail only.
NEW!!  IMPROVED!!!  E=MC^3 !!!
NEW:  Crunchy Taglines - betcha can't read just one!
NEW: Last years model in a different colour
NEW: Postal Stamp especially for Bills & Taxes"THE BIRD"!
NEWBY ON FIDO TAGLINES: What's this area about?
NEWS FLASH  Hard Drive Crash...Sysop Strikes a Directory Tree.
NEWS FLASH - Dyslexic Christian Sells Soul to Santa!
NEWS FLASH - Man Loves Woman!  Woman Loves Man!
NEWS FLASH - Microsoft announces Visual EDLIN for Windows!
NEWS FLASH!  Elvis is *still* dead!
NEWS FLASH! Clinton tried camels; prefers men. News @ 11.
NEWS FLASH! Sarah Brady decapitated in dungbeetle attack!
NEWS FLASH!!!..Energizer Bunny: Now wired to 220, and he's pissed!
NEWS FLASH*  Hard Drive Crash...Sysop Strikes a Director.
NEWS FLASH:  Birdland Bar closed for serving mynahs.
NEWS FLASH:  Red ship crashes into blue ship.  Sailors marooned!
NEWS FLASH:  Taglines discovered in Dead Sea Scrolls!
NEWS FLASH:  Virus Author offers free upgrades to registered users.
NEWS FLASH: Dyslexic christian sells soul to Santa.
NEWS FLASH: Karl Marx inhabits body of Bill Clinton.
NEWS FLASH: Taglines discovered in Dead Sea Scrolls!
NEWS FLASH: The Complete @FF@ Handbook has just been released!
NEWS FLASH: The Complete Tony Baechler Handbook has just been released!
NEWS FLASH: The Complete f&%k Y%$ Handbook has just been released!
NEWS FLASH: Virus Author offers free upgrades to registered users.
NEWS!  British left waffles on Falkland Islands
NEWS!  Clinton wins on budget, but more lies ahead
NEWS!  Cold wave linked to temperatures
NEWS!  Eye drops off shelf
NEWS!  If strike isn't settled quickly, it may last a while
NEWS!  Is there a ring of debris around Uranus?
NEWS!  Miners refuse to work after death
NEWS!  Something went wrong in jet crash, expert says
NEWS!  Soviet bloc heads meet
NEWS!  Soviet virgin lands short of goal again
NEWS!  War dims hope for peace
NEWS! Farmer Bill dies in house.
NEWS! Killer sentenced to die for second time in 10 years.
NEWS! Miners refuse to work after death.
NEWS! NEWS! READ ALL ABOUT IT! 3rd German seen in TAGLINES-Echo!
NEWS! Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers
NEWS! Squad helps dog bite victim.
NEWS! Stolen painting found by tree
NEWS! Two soviet ships collide, one dies.
NEWS! War dims hope for peace
NEWS: ..Eskimo stabs self with icicle, dies of cold cuts.
NEWS: Clinton wins on budget, but more lies ahead
NEWS: Eskimo stabs self with icicle, dies of cold cuts.
NEWS: Next week, Taglines will be sent out in Morse code.
NEWSBYTES:  "Win95 runs great on our TRS-80s," say Microsoft reps.
NEWSFLASH!  Dyslexic christian sells soul to Santa.
NEWSFLASH! - Mr Mott transferred to DS9 to be Sisko's personal barber!
NEWSFLASH:  Red ship crashes into blue ship. . . sailors marooned.
NEWSFLASH: Cat Eats Ball of Yarn, Gives Birth to Set of Mittens!
NEWSFLASH: Hard Drive Crash. Sysop strikes Directory Tree
NEWSFLASH: Red ship crashes into blue ship. . . sailors marooned.
NEWSPAPER BOYS do it in front of every door.
NEWT: Newly Elected Whitehouse Terror
NEWT: Nutty Extreemist Whitehouse Terror
NEXT WEEK : Neelix loses his lunch ...er lungs..
NFGAA         No Freaking Grin At All
NFL Week 11: Kansas City Chiefs 22 - San Diego Chargers 7!
NFL Week 14:  Kansas City Chiefs 29 - Oakland Raiders 23!
NFL Week 2:  Kansas City Chiefs 20 - New York Giants 17!
NFL Week 3:  Kansas City Chiefs 23 - Oakland Raiders 17!
NFL Week 5:  Kansas City Chiefs 24 - Arizona Cardinals 3!
NFL Week 8:  Kansas City Chiefs 21 - Denver Broncos 7!
NFL vs NHL: NFL players tackle, NHL player brawl.
NFL vs NHL: NFL players tackle, NHL players brawl.
NFW                   No [Flippin'] Way
NFX v1.3 [000] ..and DON'T call me STORMY...I HATE that!--Cybil Shepard.
NHL - No Habs or Leafs!
NHL Hockey: Stanley Kupp*
NHL News: Golden Brett... stolen!  Jewelry thieves suspected!
NHL News: Hartford Whalers raided by environmentalists... 10 killed...
NHL News: Ottawa Senators get financial backing from Trojan Condoms!
NHL News: Pittsburgh Penguins move to Antarctic to be with mascot!
NHL is for adults ===> He plays with it a bit, he shoots, he SCORES!
NHL theme song:  All I Want For Xmas Is My Two Front Teeth.
NHL.SYS corrupted. Re-boot Bettman? (Y/y)?
NHL.SYS corrupted. Re-boot Goodenow? (Y/y)?
NHL.SYS corrupted. Re-boot owners? (Y/y)?
NHL.SYS corrupted. Re-boot players? (Y/y)?
NHL? Didn't they used to play hockey or something?
NIAGARA FALLS!  Sloooowly, I turned....
NICBDAT = Nothing Is Certain But Death And Taxes
NICE EH: on a REALLY beat up car.
NICE TAGLINE! <swipe> Thanks!! <GRIN>  ;-)
NICE TRYYYY!! - Calvin's Mom
NICE TRYYYY!!" -Calvin's Mom
NICE? I'm never nice. KIND sometimes, but NICE isn't in my contract!
NIFOC -- Not in front of the Children.
NIFOC -- Nude In Front Of Computer
NIKE commercial: Lawyers do it in briefs.
NIKE just does it.
NIMBLE little minx, isn't she?
NIMBY           Not In My Back Yard
NIPPLE.....What fish do to your bait
NITRATE:   cheaper than day rate
NIXON did it trickily.
NJ Host for Teen International Message Exchange Network
NJ State Bird is the Mosquito.
NN>Also how about some from the mask?
NNI: Neglect Next Instruction
NNooww  wwhheerree  DDIIDD  II  ppuutt  mmyy  ggllaasssseess??
NO BLOODY A, B, C, *OR* D!  M.Scott
NO CARRIER               Naval Aviator's worst nightmare!
NO CARRIER         ... where will the fighterplanes land?
NO CARRIER        Naval Aviator's worst nightmare!
NO CARRIER (Oh well, I didn't want to land anyway.)
NO CARRIER (Well, I didn't want to land, anyway!)
NO CARRIER - Aircraft unable to land.
NO CARRIER - Hacker's and Navy Pilots' worst nightmares!!!
NO CARRIER - Oh well I didn't want to land anyway.
NO CARRIER - a naval aviator's worst nightmare!
NO CARRIER - but I've got a spare Battleship...
NO CARRIER ... Just Kidding! ... NO CARRIER
NO CARRIER ... where will the fighter planes land?
NO CARRIER .... Oh well, I didn't want to land anyway !
NO CARRIER DETECTED.  Is there any life out there?
NO CARRIER!  A naval aviator's worst nightmare.
NO CARRIER! Oh well, I didn't want to land, anyway!
NO CARRIER!? .Oh well, I didn't really want to land it now anyway.
NO CARRIER's giving you the benefit of the doubt!
NO CARRIER, but I've got a few warships and F-15's...
NO CARRIER, but I've got a spare Battleship....
NO CARRIER.  Oh, well, I didn't want to land anyways.
NO CARRIER. Now where do we land?!
NO CARRIER. Oh, well, I didn't want to land anyways.
NO CARRIER...  How about a battleship?
NO CARRIER... A navy pilot's worst nightmare!
NO CARRIER... Naval Aviator's worst nightmare!
NO CARRIER...Oh well, I didn't want to land anyway!
NO CARRIER...but I've got 2 destroyers and a frigate
NO CARRIER:  What Admiral Nagumo found at Pearl Harbor.
NO CARRIER: A naval aviator's worst nightmare.
NO CARRIER: An aviator's worse nightmare!
NO CARRIER: What Admiral Nagumo found at Pearl Harbor.
NO CARRIER: Where will Tom Cruise land his plane?
NO CARRIER?  How are we gonna land this modem?
NO CARRIER?  Oh well, I didn't want to land anyway.
NO CARRIER? How 'bout 2 frigates and a destroyer?
NO CARRIER? How About 2 Frigates And A Submarine?
NO CARRIER? Oh, well, I didn't want to land anyways.
NO CARRIER? Where will Tom Cruise land his plane?
NO CARRIERNaval Aviator's worst nightmare!
NO HITCHHIKERS! (Except for blondes, brunettes, and redheads!)
NO HITCHHIKERS! (Except for redheads)
NO LITTERING - $100 FINE - Lorena Bobbitt got off cheap!
NO LITTERING X $100 FINE X Lorena Bobbitt got off cheap!
NO NO Nurse, I said to grab his spectacles!
NO New Mail.  Leave threatening message for SysOp? (Y/n)
NO Nurse! I said Prick his Boil!  - Bunny
NO PROGRAM is idiot proof, idiots are ingenious!
NO PRUNING of family trees. That strange branch may save your life.
NO SCOTTY!!!! I said "beam me a BROAD!"
NO SMOKING HERE...Under penalty of the Smoke Police.
NO SPARKY! Don't chew on the power cor@$!@*#@NO TERRIER
NO WE'RE NOT!!!!  <disgusted look> - Danny Davids
NO be-jumpsuited humans are allowed - Crow to Joel
NO computer is fast enough for windows.....Face it...
NO honey, I'm not BBSing again -- I'm writing a letter to my mother.
NO one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
NO organized crime, abolish the unconstitutional federal government!
NO pucks allowed in the Lacher-Room!!
NO!  I do NOT use taglines.
NO!  It's MY keyboard!  Get AWAY!  Get your OWN!
NO!  Taco Bell is NOT the Mexican Phone Company!
NO!  You cannot call 911. I'm downloading my Blue Wave mail!
NO! B5 inconsistencies do NOT exist!
NO! I said raise dead, not animate dead.
NO! I'm not a Kennedy, my pants just fell down.
NO! It's MY keyboard! Get AWAY! Get your OWN!!!!
NO! It's MY keyboard! Go AWAY! Get your OWN!!!!
NO! NO! Don't DO IT! <---Huh? Even if it's SAFE sex?
NO! NO! NO! I said raise dead >not< animate dead!
NO! NO! don't push THAT key!  AIIIGGGGGHHHHH!
NO! Not like this!! -- Sinclair at the Battle of the Line
NO! YOU CAN'T call 911 - I'm downloading my MAIL!!!
NO! to a cat means "Not while I am looking."
NO! you can't phone 000 - I've just found Humphrey Bear's Web Page...
NO!! Not them! Don't even say their- - Plotz You rang?! - Yakko
NO!!!  DON'T scratch the dragon's bel~!@#$%^&NO CARRIER
NO!!, you can't phone 911 - I'm downloading some new DOOM episodes.
NO, I *don't* wear rubber ears!
NO, I _don't_ do WINDOWS 95!!
NO, I ain't posting any new taglines!
NO, NO Woody I said TUCK the kids in bed!   -  Mia Farrow
NO, NO, Nurse!  I said clean his SPECTACLES!
NO, NO, Nurse! I said "prick his Boil!" Ouch!!
NO, NO, Nurse! I said to slip off his spectacles.
NO, not that one! @*%^)!-+_\^ NO CARRIER
NO, this Unrecoverable Application Error is _NOT_ OK!!!
NO, you can't call 911 now -- I'm DOWNLOADING !
NO-ONE is to throw ANY stones at ANYONE, even if they DO say "Jehovah"!
NO. You cannot call 911. I am downloading my mail!
NO...what part of this word, are you having difficulty with?
NOBODY EXPECTS....oh bugger!!!
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! - Monty Python
NOBODY inquisites the Spanish Expectation!
NOBODY: on a Rolls Royce.
NOBRKS: no brakes!
NODUPS does delete uploaded mail automatically.
NOLAN'S PLACEBO - An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.
NON-COMBATANT, n.  A dead Quaker.
NON-SMOKERS do it without huffing and puffing.
NONE: Funny when this one is on paper (registration,tickets,etc).
NONSMOKERS do it without hulling and puffing.   
NOOOOBODY expects the Orville-Inquisition!
NOP: Randomize the PSW and then branch
NOPE.. the microwave method sure didn't work on this cat
NOPLATE: Funny when on paper.
NORAD installed Windows. The Russians declared a national holiday.
NORAD just installed Windows.  The Russians declared a national holiday.
NORAD: Home of the WOPPER,
NORAD: Home of the WOPR
NORMAL---Unlike your children.
NORMAL? That the setting I use on my washing machine...
NORTON:  Patron saint of oddly-named utility programs.
NOT Clint Eastwood but he gets the job done -Crow on Anka
NOT FAT: on a RX7 (woman owned).
NOT HOT: on a Porsche 924.
NOT READING DRIVE C:  (A)bort (R)etry (B)ribe With Chocolate
NOT READING DRIVE C: (A)bort, (R)etry, (B)ribe With Chocolate
NOT THERE!! Auugggh...the cat sat on the keyboard and erased this!
NOT an actor! - Crow on stiff character in movie
NOT homeless, NOT hungry, but I WILL work for SEX!
NOT kneeing you in the groin is a constant struggle -Mike
NOT that it's ever happened to me, mind you.
NOT the Co-moderator!
NOT the Mama!!
NOTE:  Driver carries no cash; he's married.
NOTE: Driver carries no cash; he's married.
NOTE: Due to inflation, dumb looks are now $1 each.
NOTE: The most fundamental particles in your Amiga are held
NOTE: This message was originally addressed to ALL
NOTE: Winter in Dallas fell on a Tuesday this year
NOTHING MATTERS. Nothing matters. -matters. -matters. -tters. -ers.
NOTHING can prepare you!
NOTHING is FOOLPROOF..Fools are too ingenious!
NOTHING is unbreakable... just ask any kid!
NOTHING is unbreakable...just ask my kid!
NOTHING:  Often a good thing to do & a clever thing to say.
NOTHING:  Often a good thing to do and a clever thing to say.
NOTHING: Nucleus Of Totally Helpless Independent National Governments
NOTHING: Often a good thing to do & a clever thing to say.
NOTICE! * This tagline protected by an attack cat.
NOTICE! X This tagline protected by an attack cat.
NOTICE: The new PC term for PC is "culturally sensitive".
NOTICE:All incoming fire has the right of way.
NOVA, RECURRENT:  A star that does nothing until nobody is looking.
NOVEL, Baldrick...not navel. I sent him my NOVEL. -Edmund
NOVEMBER 17TH activates Nov 17th
NOVEMBER, n.  The eleventh twelfth of a weariness.
NOVICES do it with instructions.
NOW (n), adv: A moment in time that has already passed.
NOW ENTERING MONTANA - Please set clocks back 20 years.
NOW SHOWING: Disney's "The Lyin' King" starring Bill Clinton.
NOW from Ralston Purina! Human-flavored Dragon Chow!
NOW is just a period of time between Yesterday and Tomorrow.
NOW recruitment:  "We're looking for a few good men -- in women's bodies." 
NOW we're gonna see some acting -Crow as alien girl cries
NOW, more than ever, insane! 
NOW, you can press the other key to continue...
NP              No Problem
NPC: "I never START anything..."
NRA Life Member JFK was shot by ACLU Member L.H. Oswald!
NRA life member JFK was shot by ACLU member L.H. Oswald.
NRN             No Reply Necessary
NRVOUS: on a red Porsche 911 (he was driving cautiously)
NR]   It's Not What You Know, But Who You Know.
NRun men! It's Lorena Bobbitt! AARRGGHH.@#$&* NO CARRIER
NS  Oxymoron: Peace officer
NSA Agent burned trying to steam open PGP message, details at 11!
NSA Keywords:  Drugs, Bush Terrorist, Ocelot, Iraq.
NSA of Borg: I can neither confirm nor deny you are irrelevent.
NSW...Monday one day...Tuesday the next....
NT - The Benford 5000 OS!
NT replace OS/2? And I suppose your favorite editor is edlin.
NT will not be assimilated. Its existence is futile.
NT: The <New Testament> of Windows
NT?  No Thanks!
NTAS - Netware's Top Advertising Service (?)
NTL           Nevertheless (Nonetheless)
NTOTO2: And toto too.
NTYMI                 Now that you mention it
NUDE GOLF - New meaning to the phrase "Nice Swing"
NUDE:  Barefoot all over.
NUKES do it with more power.
NUMBER CRUNCHING:  Jumping on a Computer.
NUMBER(n): Get her real drunk.
NUMBER(v): Get her real drunk.
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS : Proving that 2 + 2 really does make 5.
NUNS do it out of habit.
NURSE.SYS found, executing HELLOOOO...
NURSE.SYS found.... computer will fall in love in no time flat!
NURSES call the shots.
NURSES call the shots.   
NURSES do it with TLC.
NURSES have a good bedside manner.
NWT official bird: the Mosquito!
NWT's other official flower: empty aluminum beer can :(
NWT: where it's Politically Correct to eat seals.
NWT: where it's Politically Correct to eat whales.
NWT: where it's Politically Correct to wear furs.
NY Rangers...who gives a puck? 1994 and COUNTING...
NY cops go bar hopping. LA cops go night clubing.
NY cops go bar-hopping; LA cops go night-clubbing.
NY police go bar-hopping, LA police go night-clubbing...
NY, mothers (prisoners) have live-in nursery; fathers do not.
NYC Niagara: The Epitome of Steam Super Power.
NYC is to rudeness what Paris is to high fashion.
NYC: Hell with a sales tax.
NYMPHO.EXE Ready. Copy %1 %2 %3 %4 %5. Timeout %6 %7 %8
NYSE -- Acme Suspenders Break: Consolidated Pants Drop.
NYTT; Now you're talking turkey.
NYUK! NYUK! You fanboys thought this was about the X-Men!
NZ kids have Nintendo; Japanese kids have homework.
NZ where men are men, women are cold, sheep are nervous
NZ's other official flower: empty aluminum beer can :(
Na hipodromu imas horse, grass & shit.
Na kraj sela chadjava mehana, iz nje viri kosa necheshlja
Na na na naaa, na na na naaa. Hey hey hey Good-bye...
Na rusinskom se "POKOPAN" kaze "POHOVAN" !!!
Na'Toth has a present for us courtesy of Ambassador G'Kar - Garibaldi
NaCl + H2O = Alien Spot Remover
Nabavio sam jedan potpuno novi ...
Nacelle Condoms... nothing gets through the hull!
Nacho, Nacho Man! I want to be a Nacho Man! - Homer
Nachos rule. - Butthead
Nacionalisti svih zemalja ujedinite se !!
Nadine, Nadine, how I love to love Nadine. -- Randall Flagg
Nadolig LLawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda. -Welsh Christmas
Nah nah nah I'm an infant give me everything - Mike
Nah, I call him Eddie Spaghetti `cause he's got worms.
Nah.  Call me crazy, but I'm satisfied with 9600.
Nah... Jaunty! is guilty!
Nahh, I like the gator-headed chick! - Tom
Nahh, real mathematicians do it discretely -- anyone who does it
Nailbiting cure: Chicken manure on your fingertips!
Nailed 'em both. <Murtagh>
Naimanology 201, first project, disection.
Naivcina i za vesala misli da su ljuljaska !
Najbolja bolest: Skleroza! Svaki dan cujes nesto novo.
Najbolja farba za jaja je karmin!
Najbolja je EVINA sardina !    ADAM
Najgora stvar u vezi sa cenzurom je __________
Najlepse je ziveti u zemlji dembeliji.
Najlepsi je meni onaj dan kad se budim mamuran...
Najlepsi je onaj dan kad se budim nasmejan!
Najlepsi je poziv za vojsku.Drugi deo vica je vojna tajna
Najpametnija je ona devojka koja misli da je glupa !!!
Najpoznatiji americki general bio je GENERAL MOTORS!
Najprivrzeniji stvor na svetu je mokar pas.
Najveca glupost je zasaditi cvarak i cekati da bane
Najveci pedofil ja DEDA MRAZ
Najvise volim Italijankin expreso...
Naked Lunch - World Tour - 1995
Naked except for your girlfriend and her 120 or so kids right?
Naked jock-strap wrestling - Tom
Naked people have little influence on history.
Nakid women dropping out of trees causes all kind of problems.
Nam homo proponit, sed Deus disponit.
Namaste:  "I honor or worship the Divinity within you."
Name - Alive, occupying space, and exerting gravitational force.
Name ONE of these actors - Mike
Name a Psychological Rock Group?  Pink Freud!
Name calling + petty insults = Liberal making a point!
Name for a topless bathing suit: "Two for the show?"
Name number 9,000,000,000 is........................
Name of new Zen laxative:  All Things Must Pass...
Name one animal hunted with an AK-47, besides man.
Name one thing you can do with Prodigy...Hang up!
Name the winning jockey in the 1972 Greyhoud Derby.
Name's Commander Rimmer. Ace Rimmer. - Ace Rimmer
Name's Lincoln. Abe Lincoln. - Wax Lincoln
Name-callers Anonymous has just denounced Rush Limbaugh.
Name. [*] My name? [*] No, my name! [*] I do not know your name!
Name.....Dave Lister; Occupation.........Bum.
Name: ___  Address: ___  Postal Code: ___  Age: ___  Sex:  [Y/N]
Name:############# Rank:########## Serial No:#########
Namecalling: the refuge of the intellectually challenged
Names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Names' Spayed. Sam Spayed. I'm a private eye. - Ren Hoek
Names, Places, Times. Arnold Rimmer, his locker, this morning!
Nanana na, nanana na, hey hey, goodbye Tories!
Nancy Kerrigan KFC Special: 2 small breasts & a battered thigh.
Nancy Reagan agreed to be the first artificial heart donor.
Nancy Vaine is to moderators what mosquitos are to campers.
Nanites are invading your computer. Munch! Munch! Yummy in the Tummy.
Nanites:  The Borg strain of herpes!
Nano, Nano translates into English as Live long and prosper.
Nanook say's...Catch the Blue Wave!
Nanosecond - Mork's stunt man.
Nanosecond, used to measure a man's attention span.
Nanosecond, used to measure a woman's attention span.
Nanosecond:  Used to measure a Woman's attention span!
Nanosecond: Mork's stunt man.
Nanosecond: a measure of Grandma's time.
Nanosecond: used to measure a two-year-old's attention span.
Nanu nanu!
Naomi, sex at noon taxes, I moan.
Napjerk - The sudden body convulsions as one is about to doze off.
Napjerk: The sudden body convulsion as one is about to doze off.
Napjerk: The sudden body convulsions as one is about to doze off.
Napjerk: the sudden body convulsions as one is about to doze off.
Napkin up the blood & entrails & move on - Joel
Napoleon is a short, dead dude!
Napoleon might drive a Corsica.
Napoleon sat here and blew his Bonaparte.
Napoleon sheds his skin in the summer when the sun is high.
Narapoia:  when you feel you're always following someone.
Narcissism is the next best thing to being great.
Narcissism: You and your toilet paper share the same name.
Narcolepsy is nothing to lose sleep over.
Narcotics and character building have nothing in common. -- Ed Parker
Narrator: A spool* Crow: A spool sample
Narrator: Dr. Chin Hu * Tom: Gesundheidt!
Narrator: Einstein * Crow: Morty Einstein
Narrow minded: Looks through keyhole with 2 eyes.
Narrow minded: Looks through keyhole with two eyes.
Narrow minded: looks through keyhole with both eyes at the same time.
Narrow mindedness in this world must be addressed.
Nas najbolji pozorisni komad je do daljeg Tanja Boskovic.
Nasa si ljubimica ti, danju nocu smo zajedno mi
Nasa si ljubimica ti, pored tebe srecni smo svi
Nasmesite se, sa mnogo dobrote i malo, malo gorcine.
Nasser Hasian        ________
Nasty Message Found.  (D)elete (S)ave (U)ncoil Whip
Nasty comments go here!
Nat King Cole: "They try to sell us Egg Foo Young"
Natalie's bed and breakfast. - Natalie Lambert
Natchez, MS: Elephants are not permitted to drink beer.
Natchez, Mississippi - Elephants are not permitted to drink beer.
Nathan! Quit hitting me! - Mike lisps as tough guy
National Association For Tagline Assimilators (NAFTA)
National Association of Manufacturers (No taxation without depreciation)
National DM Association:  DMs don't kill people, monsters do!
National DM's Association:  Monsters don't kill - *WE* do!
National Directory Of Irish AA Members  - Short Book
National Health care: medicine with postal efficiency & IRS compassion
National Healthcare: medicine with postal efficiency & IRS compassion.
National Non Sequitur Society: we don't make sense, but we love pizza!
National Organization of Women of Borg -> FemiNazis Asimilate!
National Public Gump......All Chocolates Considered...
National Sex Week      1st Jan - 31st Dec
National security is in your hands - guard it well.
National security is more important than individual will.
Nationalism: The most powerful ism of the entire democratic age.
Nationality, locality, longevity - all recorded in binary.
Native American Ice Cream (Formerly 'Big Chief Crazy Cone')
Native American in the truest sense of the word.
NativeDOS 1.0: (H)ide in bush, ambush Dr (C)onspire against Dr
Natoma, KS:  it's illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits.
Nattily noodling my navel near Nirvana
Natural 20! - Player Miss! - DM Uh oh - Player
Natural Born Squirters-Dr. Forrester on Bots w/water guns
Natural laws have no pity - RAH
Natural laws have no pity.  L. Long
Natural laws have no pity. - Lazarus Long
Natural laws have no pity. -- Heinlein
Natural laws have no pity. L. Long
Natural laws have not pity.
Natural medicine can NOT interfere with drugs.
Natural redhead:  Natures aphrodisiac.
Natural redheads:  Natures aphrodisiac.
Naturally; they're Bass Masters at this sort of stuff.
Nature Abhors a Vacuum. Beavis thinks it SUCKS! heh heh!
Nature abhors a vacuum, but a good suck turns me on...
Nature abhors a vacuum.
N ever A gain V olunteer Y ourself
N'Grath: Babylon 5's own "Big Boss of Crime."
N-C-C-One-Seven-Oh-One. No bloody A, B, C, or D. Scotty
N-O-I-S-E The Conservative Voice -
NAFTA (No American Factories Taking Applications)
NAK NAK, "Who's There?" #@#^#$%#(#@^ NO CARRIER
NAPA: Never Any Parts Available.
NASA's new contest - Find the Mars probe, win a free case of Tang!
NASA: There's no such thing as a free launch.
NASCAR -- Where speed excells!
NATIVE AMAZONIANS do it with poison tips down along narrow tubes
NATIVE AMERICANS do it with reservations
NATR: National Association of Tagline Recyclers.
NAVIGATOR-----<Spouse on a trip in the car, with road map in her lap.
NAVIGATORS can show you the way
NBC: Negate By Clearing
NCW: Notch Carriage and Way
NDA? I am not at liberty to disclose if I'm under one..
NECROPHILIACS do it cryptically
NECROPHILIACS do it until they are dead tired
NERDS do it in Rot13
NERDs: N.ot E.xactly R.eal D.orks...
NES ve assimilate moose a  isqvirrel!" horse.             0SQVIRR  Windo
NETWORK HACKERS know how to communicate
NETWORK MANAGERS do it in many places at once
NETWORK: What fishermen do when not fishing.
NEVER argue with people who know they are right!
NEVER eat children!  You don't know where they've been!
NEVER say Cthulhu's name ou%^*$%#^*$%NO CARRIER
NEVER say Cthulu's name ou%^*$%#^*$%NO CARRIER.
NEVER sleep with someone CRAZIER than yourself!
NEW DRINK: The Simpson: Slice with a twist and a dash of OJ.
NEW USERS do it after reading the helpfile
NEW USERS do it after receiving advice
NEW from Franklin Mint: America's Best Beloved Taglines
NEW! Tagline-Lite! Only 1/3rd Less Serious...
NEW!! IMPROVED!!! E=MC^3 !!!  Faster Light, Less Fueling!
NEW: Postal Stamp especially for Bills & Taxes... "THE BIRD"!
NEWS FLASH - John Bobbitt signed as spokesperson for Snap-On Tools.
NEWS FLASH! Elvis is *still* dead!
NEWS FLASH-dyslexic sells his soul to Santa.
NEWS SERVICE: USS NIMITZ sunk by Sperm-Whale's cum shot
NEWSFLASH! Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa
NEWSFLASH: Red ship crashes into blue ship. . . sailors marooned.
NEWSPAPER BOYS do it in front of every door
NFL vs NHL: NFL players tackle, NHL players brawl.
NHL Hockey: Stanley Kupp
NHL News: Hartford Whalers raided by environmentalists... 10 killed...
NHL News: Ottawa Senators get financial backing from Trojan Condoms!
NHL News: Pittsburgh Penguins move to Antarctic to be with mascot!
NHL is for adults ===< He plays with it a bit, he shoots, he SCORES!
NICE TAGLINE! <swipe< Thanks!! <GRIN< ;-)
NIKE just does it
NIMBY=Not In My Backyard
NIXON IN '96!  (Better DEAD than RED. . .)
NJ State Bird is the Mosquito.
NJ has toxic dumps; CA, lawyers.  NJ had first choice.
NLTDB:-):-):-):  Nothin' Left To Do But Smile, Smile, Smile.
NMI: Negate Most Integers
NO BATHROOM = Just boldly go where no man has gone before!
NO CARRIER - Navy Pilots Worst Nightmare
NO CARRIER. Oh, well, I didn't want to land anyways.
NO CARRIER:..  what, does this mean I have to walk?
NO HITCHHIKERS! (Except for blondes, brunettes,and redheads!)
NO NO Nurse, I said to slip off his spectacles
NO NURSE! I said: "remove his SPECTACLES"!
NO PROGRAM is idiot proof, idiots are ingenious!
NO!  I do NOT use taglines.
NO, I _don't_ do WINDOWS!!
NO, I said butt light
NO, I'm not a Kennedy. My pants just fell down!
NO, NO, Nurse! I said 'prick his Boil!' Ouch!!
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
NOBODY inquisites the Spanish Expectation!
NON-SMOKERS do it without huffing and puffing
NOP: Needlessly Omit Pointer
NORAD: Home of the WOPPER,
NORMAL? That the setting I use on my washing machine...
NOT an A.S.P. Sanctioned or approved BBS
NOTHING is unbreakable... just ask any kid!
NOVICES do it with instructions
NOW I've put my ear in it!
NOW, you can press the other key to continue...
NPC: Normalize Program Counter
NPN: No Program Necessary [VAX]
NRA life member JFK was shot by ACLU member L.H. Oswald.
NSA Keywords:  Drugs, Bush Terrorist, Ocelot, Iraq.
NT  Many are educated...few are learned.
NT Craws, Win Walk, Dos Run, OS/2 Fly
NTGH: Not Tonight, i've Got a Headache
NUCLEAR ENGINEERS do it hotter than anything else
NUKES do it with more power
NUMBER CRUNCHING:  Jumping on a Computer.
NUNS do it out of habit
NURSES call the shots
NURSES do it painless
NURSES do it with TLC
NURSES do it with care
NY Rangers...who gives a puck? 1994 and COUNTING...
NY cops go bar-hopping; LA cops go night-clubbing.
NaCl + H2O = Alien Spot Remover
Naaah, couldn't be!
Naaah, real men don't read docs.
Nadie se murio por no hacer nada!
Naeser's Law: You can make it foolproof, but you can't make it damnfoolproof.
Nah nah nah SHE'S GOT THE LOOK!
Nah! that's my modem speaking in tounges
Naked except for your girlfriend and her 120 or so kids right?
Naked: No clothes.  Nekkid: No clothes & up to something.
Name-callers Anonymous has just denounced Rush Limbaugh.
Nana-korobi ya-oki (fall down 7 get up 8)
Nancy = Millionaire, Tonya = Zilch
Nancy Reagan agreed to be the first artificial heart donor.
Nanosecond,Used to measure a Womans attention span.
Nanosecond: Mork's stunt man.
Nanu nanu!
Napjerk: The sudden body convulsion as one is about to doze off.
Narcissism: You and your toilet paper share the same name.  -SLR
Nasi Lemak, the breakfast of champions.
National Airport:  The combat zone.
National Health care: medicine with postal efficiency & IRS compassion.
Nationalise crime, and make sure it doesn't pay.
Native Americans do it with reservations.
Nato Ergo Sum
Natural laws have no pity - RAH
Natural laws have no pity.  L. Long
Naturally; they're Bass Masters at this sort of stuff.
Nature abhors a vacuum, which is why witches ride brooms.
Nature abhors a vacuum... which is why Witches ride brooms.
Nature almost always sides with the hidden flaw.
Nature always bats last.
Nature always sides with the hidden flaw
Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
Nature decays, but latinum lasts forever. - 102nd Rule
Nature decays, but latinum lasts forever. - Quark, ROA #102
Nature does nothing uselessly.                  Aristotle
Nature does nothing uselessly.<Aristotle>
Nature draws the line.  I just keep crossing that sucker
Nature is a book of which god is the author.
Nature is a mother.
Nature is cruel. If you don't believe me...look in the mirror.
Nature sides with the hidden flaw.
Nature speaks; humans have forgotten how to listen.
Nature's bounty: Corn, soy'a bean, sorghum, SPACOM - Crow T. Robot
Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put here to rise above.
Nature, like people sometimes weeps for gladness.
Naughty Girls (Need Love Too).
Naughty dragon?  YOU spank him!!!
Naughty frog! *NARF*! - Pinky
Naughty girl in search of strict discipline!
Naughty naughtyvery naughty naughty.. naughty! -Beavis
Navaglancing - Trying to find a good radio station while driving.
Naval Def'n: Abovewater Warfare | Sailor on a waterbed
Naval Def'n: Foreign Port | Not my wife
Naval Def'n: Higher Education | The bar upstairs
Naval Def'n: Naval Aviator | Sailor being thrown out of a bar
Naval Def'n: Naval Tradition | Hardest way to do something wrong
Naval Def'n: Underwater Warfare | Sailor after sex on a waterbed
Naval Definition: Naval Aviator- Sailor being thrown out of a bar! ___
Naval Oxymoron: Petty Officer.
Naval Reserve: Where they keep spare belly buttons.
Navidad Ara Pora -Guarani Christmas
Navigation Buoys don't shoot at you.
Navigation error: Where is the keyboard?
Navigator: Spouse on a trip in the car, with road map in her lap.
Navigators can show you the way.
Navy (n): An army entirely surrounded by water.
Navy - It's not just a job, it's $98.33 a week!
Navy - Never Again Volunteer Yourself
Navy Photo School:  Get 100 feet of chow line.
Navy Photo School:  Get a bottle of focusing fluid.
Navy Photo School:  Get a box of f-stops.
Navy Photo School:  Get a dock stretcher.
Navy Photo School: Get 100 feet of chow line.
Navy Photo School: Get a bottle of focusing fluid.
Navy Photo School: Get a box of f-stops.
Navy Photo School: Get a dock stretcher.
Navy Pilots worst nightmare: $%^^NO CARRIER
Navy coffee - the _real_ adventure!
Navy pilot's worst nightmare...NO CARRIER!
Navy pilots hate it when they see NO CARRIER.
Navy, Just Another Adventure by Milton Bradley
Navy, not just a job, but an adventure.
Naw, Naw, I can't be Dwayne Dibbley!
Naw, Windows works fine with this !@#$&&$!#  NO CARRIER
Naw, rain doesn't affect #$&&!#@$&&$  NO CARRIER
Nay! Tom bridled hoarsely.
Nay, nay, and again I say nay, Tom said hoarsely.
Nazgul are dead ringers!
Nazis.  Ooh, I hate these guys. - Indiana Jones
Nazism: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.
Ne boj se, necu ti nista, treba mi rame za plakanje,
Ne bojte se SysOp-a, vec strujnog udara.
Ne diraj lava Dok Holidej
Ne dizi tu slusalicu..."#$##"%"#!1   NO CARRIER
Ne gazite travuPusite je !!!
Ne insistiraj da budes u vecini.Vecina je na groblju.
Ne mogu nam zabraniti da umremo.
Ne mrzi rano ujutro - spavaj do podne!
Ne pijem, ne jurim zene, samo pomalo lazem!
Ne pijte vodu, ribe se u njoj je.u
Ne postoji muski sovinizam, sve je to istina...
Ne pusim,ne pijem,ne psujem.Jebote,pade cigara u pivo!!
Ne te confudant iligitimi
Ne trosi vreme citajuci ovaj Tag, radi nesto pametnije.
Ne veruj zeni koja laze !!
Ne zelim da ti kazem da zivot nije igra da se osecam starim
Ne znam kad i ne znam gdje ici cemo istom stranom ulice
Near beer sold here but no beer sold near here.
Near plane accidents make me hot! - Tom as girl
Nearing Mars now - Hey! What's that bri&^$%% NO OBSERVER
Nearing Mars now.  What's that bright li.$ NO OBSERVER
Nearing Mars now.  What's that lig.@#$%^%$^ NO OBSERVER
Nearly 300 Corrrect Opcodes
Nearly all generalizations are false.
Neat Shirts: Preston Ironed
Neat play on "Fish and Chips and tantalizing Sauces"
Neato complete-o YIPEE! - Yakko Warner
Nebraska Cornhuskers - 1994 National Champions!
Neccessity is the mother of reading to most students. 
Necessity is a mother.
Necessity is not always desirable...
Necessity is not an established fact,but an interpretation..Nietzsche
Necessity is the excuse for every infringement of freedom.
Necessity is the mother of convention.
Necessity is the mother of invention -- Poverty is just a mother.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Necessity is the mother of strange bedfellows.
Necessity never made a good bargain. - Ben Franklin
Necessity never made a good bargain. --Franklin.
Necessity, where would we be without the inventions of her progeny?
Neckties strangle clear thinking. -- Lin Yutang
Necro's safety tip: Never finger a woman after she decomposed.
NecroARMicon - dead C++ programmers reference
NecroARMicon - dead C++ programmers reference.
NecroBeGone - book of insect repellents for the dead.
NecroD-Con - book of insecticides for the dead.
NecroJerryGarciaTelecomnicon: Book of Grateful Dead Phone Numbers
NecroTelecomacon - book of phone #s of the dead.
Necrocomidian - Book of dead jokes
Necrocomidian - Book of dead jokes.
Necrohippofibrillation: Cardiac nightmares on the next VET'S CORNER...
Necrohippoflagellaphilia: (n) Love Of Beating A Dead Horse.
Necrohippoflagellaphilia: The love of beating a dead horse.
Necrohippoflagellaphilia: love of beating a dead horse.
Necrohippoflagellation, a Fidonet staple.
Necrohippoflagellation:  Beating a dead horse.
Necrohippoflagellation:  The love of beating a dead horse
Necrohippoflagellation: Equine nightmares on the next Hard Copy...
Necromancers do it loud enough to wake the dead.
Necromancers do it to wake the dead.
Necromancers put the FUN back in Funerals!
Necromancers put the FUN back in funerals!
Necromancers put the FUN back into funeral!
Necromancing - What dead people do for fun.
Necrophelia: a dead art..
Necrophilia is dead boring.
Necrophilia means never having to say ... anything.
Necrophilia means never having to say, well, anything.
Necrophilia means never having to say...well, anything.
Necrophilia, Bestiality & Flagellation - Beating a dead horse?
Necrophilia, Bestiality and Flagellation - Beating a dead horse?
Necrophilia, bestiality and flagellation - am I beating a dead horse?
Necrophilia:  a dead art.
Necrophilia: Dropping in for a cold one.
Necrophiliacs DO IT until they are dead tired.
Necrophilohippoflagellation: The love of beating a dead horse.
Necrophobic, can't control the paranoia..scared to die. --Slayer.
NecrotelecomiconBook of dead phone numbers.
Necrotelecomnicon: Book of Dead phone Numbers
Necrotelecomnicon: Book of telephone numbers of the dead
Necrotelecomunicon: Death's fax machine.
Necu Sanja da ti pricam,one stare pesme,
Necu da budem ko masina.
Necu da idem u bioskop jer nema nikog da ide sa mnom,
Necu da te volim!
Necu ti nista reci, tuzan sam, nisam ljut,
Ned Flanders of Borg: Hideho, it's time to assimilate, neighbor.
Nee Jabba no badda.  Me chaade su goodie. - Bib Fortuna
Nee!  Nee!  Nee!  Nee!  Nee!
Nee! Niet weer een UFO... kan ik opnieuw de grasmat gaan leggen...
Neece's personal teleprompter:    -=<*********** D U H ! ************>=-
Need A Lawyer? Email To:  oj.simpson@lajail.com for info
Need A Lift Do Ya, Hop In........Circus Midgets! - Fireman
Need a Hand? : Paris to Holodoc
Need a change of scenery?  Date a stage hand.
Need a cop? Call a donut shop!
Need a good laugh? Listen to a Joycelyn Elders speech.
Need a good laugh? Turn to WOR and watch the 1993 Mets.
Need a hat and thigh-high BOOTS for that one!
Need a job?  Want an adventure?  Call 1-800-327-NAVY
Need a paperclip or staple?  Look on (or in) the copy machine!
Need a partner for Mr.Potatoe Head? Try Mr.Ferengi, only $19.95 + Tax!
Need a sleazy lawyer?  1-800-WE SUE 4 U.
Need a walk? Take a stroll through your mind!
Need a worthy cause to support?  How about you sysop?
Need an organist?  E-Mail me!
Need birth control? Buy a computer.
Need help to shorten phone number!  Call 1-800-345-7895-22345568-32357-53688
Need help with Australian research,  let me know.
Need help?  Call Counselor Troi at: 1-900-NCC-1701.  ($195 per min.)
Need medical assistance? Call the Doctor at 1-90-NCC-74656
Need more power? I got this 350 in the shed, that'll do it.
Need more taglines?  Quote every line of a message written at 4 AM.
Need some quiet?  Play your blank tapes at full volume!
Need to contaminate, to alleviate this lonliness - NIN
Need, not greed
Needed newsgroup: alt.tv.dr-who.adric.die.die.die
Needed newsgroup: alt.tv.yr-who.adric.die.die.die
Needed! A Spell Checker to prevent me from sending wrong numbers.
Needed...Older woman to educate young male...
Needed:  One Dragon to beta test a new +6 sword of Dragonslaying
Needed: Lawyer. Mine died when the ambulance backed up!
Needed: One dragon to beta test a new +6 sword of Dragonslaying.
Needed: new search routine for organic memory module!
Needless to say, "I am NOT a merry man."
Needless to say, I'm just a little bent about that.
Needless to say- 3 to 1 it'll be said, and soon.
Needs another brain to make half-wit.
Needs are a function of what other people have.
Needs both hands to wipe his behind.
Needs his sleeves lengthened by a couple of feet so they
Needy inches bow down! Pity and a poor boy! - Joel/Bots
Neelix IDIC:  Incalculable Delight in Inedible Cooking.
Neelix IDIC: Incalculable Devastation for Inedible Cooking
Neelix and the Replicator have food-fight! Film at 11.
Neelix and the Replicator have food-fight! Meal at 11.
Neelix and the Replicator in grudge match, film at 11.
Neelix and the replicator have a food fight.  Film at 11.
Neelix bathes on water world, Tuvok disgusted, film at 11.
Neelix bathes on water world, disgusts Tuvok, film at 11.
Neelix for panache and Kes for poise.
Neelix is outraged, Kes has dumped him for the Beetles.
Neelix last words - "Captain, let me give these Borg a moral boost!"
Neelix made crackers out of Ensign Graham???
Neelix of Borg: "Glad to assimilate you!!!"
Neelix starts a riot by making water.  Janeway not amused.
Neelix's meal for the Kazon included many...interesting herbs.
Neelix, who approved this?  Uhh.....well.....nobody.
Neelix, who approved this? - Janeway * Uhh... well... nobody. - Neelix
Neelix:  "Can I replicate a Dabo girl?"  Tuvok:  "Most assuredly not."
Neelix:  Star Trek's only bipedal warthog!
Neelix: Nice title, I have no idea what it means, but nice title
Neelix: Part scavenger, chef, tour guide, and sage.
Negative slack tends to increase.
Negative tribble: *-
Negative.. Negative.. I'm not a main character so I missed.
Neglintics: Study of why contrasting lint attaches itself to clothes.
Negola dewaghi wooldugger?!?!
Neil Armstrong tripped.
Neil Armstrong, Astronaut, First man on the moon, was an Eagle Scout.
Neil Peart is a drum god!
Neil virus: Refuses to run program and paints astrology chart instead
Nein! I haff vorgotten ze passvort! How inconweenient!
Neither Borrower Or Lender Be; routinely ignored by Congress.
Neither a Borrower: Nora Lender Bee
Neither a borrower nor a lender be; work for the IRS and steal it.
Neither a borrower nor lender be * Hamlet
Neither a borrower nor lender be.<Shakespeare>
Neither a panhandler nor a Laplander be.
Neither an Optimist nor a Pessimist be.  -- Only a Realist.
Neither an Optimist nor a Pessimist-- Only a Realist.
Neither give place to the devil. (EPH 4:27)
Neither one of us is very good at this. - Mike Nelson
Neither provides those three little dots, I just add them.
Neither rain nor snow nor l?ne noise will k$%@ #$%("
Neither rain nor snow nor line nois~^+*)*&#!$#NO CARRIER!
Neither rain or snow or l?ne noise..
Neither rain, nor snow, nor ILin $
Neka casa padne, neka prsti staklo, oni traze da pjevamo tise,
Neka ide sve do vraga popicu nesto sada
Neka me pokriva ziva ljuta kopriva, i poneki TAGicak da me podseca na...
Neka staro drustvo dodje, ko nekad davno u kraju mom
Nekad mislim a nekad postojim!
Nekad sam bio neodlucan! A mozda i nisam?!
Neko jos nije rekao:"Vama ne sme niko da iskljucuje struj
Nell'anime nostre non entra terror
Nelson Cigarettes. For the spirit of Nelson in all of us
Nema demokratije, nema demo.../&$"#$ Ima demokratije,im
Nema ljutis?
Nema odmora dok traje obnova !
Nema svako govno sansu da postane djubrivo!
Nemam velike sise, ali su mi bar dugacke -T. Torbarina-
Nemam vise motiv, da bih bio protiv
Nemas sansu, iskoristi je!
Nemo exspectat Inquisitionem Hispaniensen!
Nemo exspectat Inquisitionen Hispaniensen -- Montius Pythonius
Nemoj Sanja da se menjas, da se stidis lazi
Nemoj da se izmices kad znam sta nam treba zasto ne bi ti i ja leteli do
Nemoj silom! Uzmi veci cekic.
Nemojte ljudi ko boga Vas molim
Nepotism is fine as long as you keep it in the family.
Nepotism is relational.
Nepotism: When many are called but nephews are chosen.
Nepotism: togetherness with pay.
Nerd Measle: An ink spot at the bottom of a shirt pocket.
Nerds DO IT with pocket protectors.
Nerds design ditches, jocks dig them.
Nerds having sex:   Oooh!  Interface me!
Nerds having sex: "Oooh!  Interface me!"
Nerds pummeled in football melee.
Nerdworld Comics  www.nerdworld.com/nw164.html
Neroon? I do not understand. He is Warrior caste. - Delenn
Nerve Center: Where the spine is misaligned!
Nerves of steel:  Selling a Yugo to a Klingon.
Nervous as a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs.
Nervous as long tailed cat in roomful of rocking chairs.
Nervous:  Asking which wine goes best with fingernails.
Nervous: Asking what wine goes well with fingernails.
Nervous: Asking which wine goes best with fingernails.
Nescio quid dicas.
Nespretan - prdne i usere se.
Nesto zlo nam se priblizava,dolazi,ispija,odlazi...
Net DOS 1.0: WIPE all disks? [ ] Yes [ ] Repeatedly [x] Using napalm
Net intelligence is constant; population is increasing...
Net mail, now where did my opener go..
Net ware does not have bugs, it has "Undocumented enhancements"
NetMail Replies/Comments to: 1:290/627 or 1:290/2.7.
NetSpeak...short for carpalese.
Netmail OJ.SIMPSONCOM for lawyer referrals.
Netmail doesn't exist; the Sysop types all this in!
Netmail from some flounder?
Netmail spanking is not fun...
Netmail: It's not just for breakfast any more. Serves any mealymouth.
Netmail: What you get after you double-fault your serves. -JCF
Netnews is like yelling, "Anyone want to buy a used car?" in a crowded theater.
Netnews...For the latest results from Wimbleton.
Netriding at ~3:00 am - for the enlightened souls ...
Nettling Imp & Royal Assassin:  I quit!
Nettling Imp:  DAMMIT!
Network Administration is like herding cats....
Network Adminstrators thumbing nodes at each other...
Network Management is Like herding Cats.
Network error on server FS1: (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore?
Network hackers know how to communicate.
Network management is like herding cats.
Network management is like trying to herd cats.
Network management is like trying to herd cats..
Network management is like trying to herd cats...
Network management is like trying to herd cats... 
Network managers do it in many places at once.
Network?  I'm retired, I don't do no work never.
Networked Sysops pick their nodes.
Networking is fun. Repeat as needed.
Networking:  Now everyone is entitled to my opinion.
Networks should be labeled NOT-WORKS!!!
Neuro toxin Lite! Tastes great. Less drooling.
NeuroPrancer:  A lost reindeer in Cyberspace.
Neuroses are red, Melancholia's blue, I'm schizophrenic, What are you?
Neurotic:  when that little voice in your head keeps laughing at you.
Neurotic: A Russian storekeeper worrying about his bread's shelf life.
Neurotic: Self-taut person.
Neurotic: Self-taut person. - Author Unknown
Neurotic: person in a clash with himself.
Neurotic: person who can't leave being well enough alone.
Neurotoxin Lite! Tastes great. Less drooling.
Neutrality favors the oppressor - Bishop Desmond Tutu
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Neutrality pays when your wife and mother-in-law argue.
Neutrinos are into physicists.
Neutrinos do it without being detected.
Neutrinos have bad breadth.
Neutrinos have mass?  I didn't even know they're Catholic!
Neva', eva', mess wid de d00d who duz it fo' some livin'.
Never "assume" or you'll make an "ass" of "u" and "me".
Never *EVERget someone who might be a witch mad! -- I.M.A. Frog
Never *EVERget someone who might be a witch mad! -- Ima Toad
Never *ever* attack the United States. -- 3nd Law of War
Never ANSWER a twit's posts!!!  Stirring manure makes it stink worse.
Never Again: No sales tax!
Never Argue With A Fool, People Might Not Know The Difference -
Never Argue With a Mule or a Woman.
Never Argue With a Mule, Woman or Bob Morgan.
Never Argue With a Mule, Woman or Gary Caplan. <-Cal Webster Tagline.
Never Argue With a Mule, Woman or Kelli Williams.
Never Argue With a Skunk, Mule, Woman or SysOp.
Never Argue With a Skunk, Mule, Woman or a SysOp
Never Argue With a Skunk, a Mule, a Woman or a SysOp (Or *ME*!!!)
Never Argue With a Skunk, a Mule, a Woman or a SysOp!
Never Argue With a Woman SysOp
Never Argue With a skunk, mule, woman, moderator, Sysop.
Never Argue With a skunk, mule, woman, moderator, or sysop.
Never Argue With a skunk, mule, woman, moderator, sysop or cat.
Never Argue With a skunk, mule, woman, moderator, sysop, or Filicine.
Never Ask A Hungry Cat If It Loves You For Yourself
Never Buy a Pitbull from a man with one arm.
Never Do Yesterday What Should Be Done Tomorrow.
Never EVER volunteer to give up your personal firearms.
Never Feed an Otaku AFTER MIDNIGHT!!!
Never Forget, Never!!!
Never Marry For Money, You Can Always Borrow It Cheaper.
Never Moon A Werewolf !
Never Open a Can of Worms Unless You Plan to Go Fishing.
Never Share A Foxhole With Anyone Braver Than Yourself.
Never Tell Me The Odds -- Capt. Sulu
Never Underestimate a Thalian!
Never Wear Battery-Powered Clothing to a Formal Event.
Never Wear Formal Clothing to a Battery-Powered Event.
Never Wrestle With a Pig! You Both Get Dirty, And, The Pig Likes It !
Never a Jehovah's Witness you're invoking Pagan deities downstairs.
Never a dull moment!
Never a late apex, never a dull moment!
Never a transport tube when you need one. - Londo
Never a transport tube when you want one. - Londo
Never a victim without retribution!!
Never accept a beer from a urologist...
Never accept a beer from an urologist.
Never accept a drink from a urologist.
Never accept a drink from an urologist!
Never accept apple juice from a urologist!
Never accept beer from a urologist.
Never accept brownies from a proctologist.
Never accept chocolates from a proctologist!
Never accept lemonade from a Urologist.
Never accept lemonade from a urologist!!!
Never accept lemonade from a urologist.
Never accept lemonaide from a urologist.
Never accept milk from a Pediatrician or Gynecologist!!
Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry.
Never again the burning!
Never agree with me, it shakes my self confidence.
Never allow a vampire to stay over at your place for the night.
Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity -- ROA #6
Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. - 6th Rule
Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. - The Nagus
Never alone, Delenn. Never alone. - Lennier
Never anger a dragon for you are crunchy & go well with brie.
Never anger a dragon for you are crunchy and go well with Brie.
Never anger a dragon for you are crunchy and go will with Brie.
Never anger a dragon, for thee be quite crunchy and go well with Brie.
Never anger a dragon, for thou art crunchy and go good with brie!
Never anger a dragon, for thou art crunchy and go well with Brie.
Never anger a dragon, for thou art crunchy and go well with brie...
Never anger a dragon, for thou art crunchy and good tasting
Never anger a dragon, for thou art crunchy, and go well with Brie!
Never anger a dragon, for you are crunchy and go well with Brie!
Never anger a dragon, for you are crunchy and go well with brie.
Never anger a dragon, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
Never anger a dragon, for you're crunchy and go with Brie
Never anger a dragon. You are crunchy and go well with brie.
Never anger a moderator, for thou art crunchy and go well with brie...
Never anger a redhead! You'd look silly stuffed & mounted on a wall!!
Never annoy a CALVIN, I have a stuffed tiger in my pocket!
Never annoy a grizzly, he bears a grudge.
Never annoy a woman when she's bitchy. Or in a good mood.
Never appeal to a man's "better nature". He may not have one.
Never appeal to a man's better nature.  He may not have one.
Never appeal to a man's brain - he probably doesn't have one.
Never appeal to his better nature.  He may not have one.
Never approach a Klingon when he's grumbling
Never approach a Klingon when he's grumbling.
Never argue with Debi the SysOp God. NOT.....
Never argue with Rasta - it's frustrating and you'll lose, anyway.
Never argue with Tigger the SysGod
Never argue with a Man, Moderator or Mule. It's useless!
Never argue with a Man, SysOp, Cat or Mule.  It's worthless.
Never argue with a Moderator who's either tired or rested.
Never argue with a Scorpio - it's frustrating and you'll lose, anyway.
Never argue with a Woman, Moderator or Mule. It's useless!
Never argue with a Woman, a skunk or a especially a SysOp!
Never argue with a Woman, skunk or (especially) a sysop!
Never argue with a computer, without a hammer.
Never argue with a computer.
Never argue with a dragon or a SYSOP.
Never argue with a dragon or a sysop.
Never argue with a fool - people can't tell you apart.
Never argue with a fool - people may not be able to tell you apart.
Never argue with a fool - people might not know the diffe
Never argue with a fool, a passerby can't tell you apart.
Never argue with a fool.  He may be doing the same thing.
Never argue with a fool.  People might not know the diffe
Never argue with a fool. Passerbys can't tell you apart.
Never argue with a man carrying a water -buffalo.
Never argue with a man carrying a water buffalo.
Never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel.
Never argue with a moderator who's tired or rested.
Never argue with a pig - you'll just get dirty, and it annoys the pig.
Never argue with a self-proclaimed expert.
Never argue with a six-year-old who shaves - Calvin
Never argue with a skunk or a lawyer. You'll either lose or stink.
Never argue with a skunk or a lawyer. You'll lose and stink.
Never argue with a skunk, a drunk, or a sysop.
Never argue with a skunk, mule, cat, woman, or sysop.
Never argue with a skunk, mule, female or a Sysop.
Never argue with a skunk, mule, female, or a SysOp
Never argue with a skunk, mule, moderator, or Sysop.
Never argue with a skunk, mule, or a SysOp.
Never argue with a skunk, mule, or woman. 
Never argue with a skunk, mule, woman or SysOp!
Never argue with a skunk, mule, woman, Sysop or "Moderator".
Never argue with a skunk, mule, woman, or SysOp...
Never argue with a sysop who's tired or rested.
Never argue with a woman when she is tired -- or rested.
Never argue with a woman when she's tired ... or rested.
Never argue with a woman when she's tired or rested.
Never argue with a woman when she's tired, or rested.
Never argue with a women when she's tired -- or rested.
Never argue with an idiot, people may not know the difference.
Never argue with an idiot. Spectators can't tell who's who!
Never argue with anyone who buys ink by the gallon.
Never argue with people who *know* they are right!
Never argue with people who buy ink by the gallon. - Tommy Lasorda
Never argue with someone holding a Bazooka!
Never argue with someoneoneone holding a Bazooka!
Never argue with the Divine Right of SysOps.
Never argue with the Divine Rights of Sysops.
Never argue with the man who packs your parachute.
Never ascribe to malice that which can adequately be explained by a .sig
Never ascribe to malice what can be adequately explained by ignorance.
Never ascribe to malice what can best be explained by stupidity.
Never ask "Do you ever press charges?" at a job interview.
Never ask a Scot if he's regimental; he may show you!
Never ask a barber if you need a haircut!
Never ask a bard to play the banjo.
Never ask a hungry cat if it loves you for yourself.
Never ask a hungry cat if it loves you!
Never ask a hungry dog if it loves you!
Never ask a hungry dragon if it loves you
Never ask a leper to lend a hand.
Never ask a mortician to bring back a cold one!
Never ask a mortician to bring back a cold one.
Never ask a mortician to bring home a cold one...
Never ask a red dragon if he has a light
Never ask a redhead if her freckles really go all the way down there...
Never ask a sysop to say "When."
Never ask for a pardon before you have been accused.
Never ask what you are eating as long as it taste good
Never ask when you can take. Old Ferengi Saying.
Never assume anything (unless it's a 4% mortgage).
Never assume conspiracy where stupidity will suffice.
Never assume malice where stupidity would suffice.
Never assume the universe evolved in the order you discovered it.
Never assume villainy when mere incompetence suffices.
Never assume.  It makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me".
Never attack a dragon with a pointy stick.
Never attempt an auto trip if your kids out number the car windows
Never attempt to distract a masturbating gorilla.
Never attempt to tailgate the batmobile.
Never attribute mallice to what is clearly the result of stupidity.
Never attribute to malice that which can adequately explained by stupidity.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidit
Never attribute to malice that which is explained by stupidity!
Never attribute to malice that which may be explained by stupidity.
Never attribute to malice what can be blamed on stupidity
Never attribute to malice what can best be explained by stupidity.
Never attribute to malice what can by adequately explained by stupidity.
Never attribute to malice what is better explained by stupidity.
Never attribute to malice what is explained by stupidity.
Never attribute to malice, what can be explained by simple stupidity.
Never battle a dragon in his own lair.
Never be able to scrub away the stain from your soul -Tom
Never be afraid to dream...just fall asleep first.
Never be ashamed of being a Scout.
Never be ashamed of patriotism!
Never be led astray onto the path of virtue.
Never be the first to break a family tradition
Never been married...never will....
Never been to Egypt? Tut, Tut, Tut.
Never before has the screen been so electrified - Mike
Never before have so few puked so much on so many.
Never begin a business negotiation on a empty stomach.
Never begin a business negotiation on an empty stomach. - 214th Rule
Never begin a message with "I KNOW this is off-topic... but"
Never believe anything until it's been officially denied.
Never believe anything until it's officially denied.
Never believe anything until its been OFFICIALLY denied.
Never believe anything until its been officially denied.
Never believe in miracles, simply depend upon them.
Never believe what you hear, and less of what you think.
Never bet on a loser if you think his luck is changing. - Murphy
Never board a plane whose flight number is 5050!
Never borrow trouble, the interest is entirely too high.
Never bow down to orcs masquerading as Dragons.
Never bow down to ork's masquerading as Dragons.
Never bring a ghetto blaster to a vision quest.
Never build a deathtrap you couldn't get out of yourself.
Never buy a house at a fire sale.
Never buy a software package bigger than your head.
Never buy a used tape recorder from Mr. Phelps.
Never buy anything at full price.
Never buy condoms at a second hand store.
Never buy dairy products at a garage sale.
Never buy dental floss at a second hand store.
Never buy flashbulbs at a second hand store.
Never buy lollipops at a second hand store.
Never buy what you can build yourself for a higher price.
Never call a man a fool, instead, borrow from him.
Never call a man a fool.  Borrow from him instead.
Never call a man a fool.  Borrow from him.
Never call a man a fool. Borrow from him.
Never call a man a fool. Borrow money from him.
Never call a man a fool. Instead, borrow from him.
Never call a man fool when you can borrow money from him
Never call out the name of your enemy in an ambush (ie: "TETSUO!!").
Never call up Anything you cannot put on hold...
Never chain a dragon to roast your meat!
Never challenge a Zakdorn to Strategema
Never change horses in mid-stream.
Never check for an error you don't know how to handle.
Never claim to be Crowley reborn unless you know the next guy *isn't*!
Never close your lips to those to whom you have opened your heart.
Never commit to living on the edge till you see how far the drop is
Never commit yourself! Let someone else commit you.
Never compromise your integrity.
Never confuse "I love you" with "I want to marry you" -Cleveland Amory
Never confuse Faith with religion.
Never confuse I love you with I want to marry you -Cleveland Amory
Never confuse a motion with an action.  Apples & Oranges.
Never confuse an open mind with one that's vacant.
Never confuse confidence with arrogance. -- Dr. MindBender
Never confuse endurance with hospitality.
Never confuse motion with action. - Ernest Hemingway
Never confuse moving fast with going somewhere.
Never cook bacon naked!!
Never correct a dragon.
Never cough into a full ashtray.
Never could reach it just slips away but I try..
Never count your chickens before they rip your lips off
Never count your chickens before they rip your lips off.
Never cover a sneezing dragon's snout and ask him, "Here nowBlow!"
Never critize a guy with a razor - Calvin
Never cut a deal with the Dragon Lady.
Never cut down an Ironwood Tree to build your life raft.
Never cut what can be untied.
Never dare to judge until you've heard all.     Euripides
Never date a man who's belt buckle is bigger than his head.
Never date outside your species.
Never deal with a dragon.
Never deck her with a naked pecker.
Never deck her with an unwrapped pecker.
Never deprive someone of hope, it may be all they have.
Never deprive someone of hope; it may be all they have.
Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.
Never despair.  If you do, you will work on into despair.
Never despair; but if you do, work on in despair.
Never did mockers waste more idle breath. - Shakespeare
Never did see eye to eye.
Never did tagliners waste more idle breath. -- Tagspeare
Never discuss love with a tennis player, it means nothing to them.
Never do anything you wouldn't be caught dead doing
Never do card tricks for the group you play poker with.
Never do the achy-breaky with a fat woman in cowboy boots.
Never do today what you can con someone else into doing.
Never do today what you can delegate tomorrow.
Never do today what you can ignore altogether.
Never do today what you can put off 'till next week.
Never do today what you can put off 'till the day after tomorrow.
Never do today what you can put off 'till tomorrow.
Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
Never do tomorrow what you can put off today
Never do tomorrow what you can put off today.
Never do what you can deligate.
Never do with your hands what you could do better with your mouth.
Never draw a weapon unless you intend to use it.
Never draw fire - it irratates everyone around you.
Never draw fire - it irritates everyone around you
Never draw fire - it irritates those around you.
Never draw fire, it irritates everyone around you
Never draw fire, it irritates everyone around you!
Never draw fire, it irritates eveyone around  you.
Never draw fire, it irritates those around you
Never draw fire; it irritates the people around you.
Never drink beer made by someone who keeps Clidesdale horses.
Never drink beer made by someone who keeps Clydesdale horses.
Never drink black coffee at lunch - keeps you awake in the afternoon.
Never drink coffee that has been anywhere near a fish.
Never drink coffee that's been anywhere near a fish.
Never drink from your finger bowl - it contains only water.
Never drink from your finger bowl, it contains only water
Never drink more than two Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters.
Never drink whisky on an empty ulcer!
Never drink with someone who says: The dog barks at midnight.
Never drive faster than your angel can fly.
Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.
Never drop acid *before* you carve the turkey.
Never easy, never clean, to be a beast among human sheep.
Never eat -anything- that comes covered in "Secret Sauce"!
Never eat a hedgehog without peeling it first!
Never eat anything bigger than your head!
Never eat anything larger than your head.
Never eat anything that tries to attack you with your fork.
Never eat anything that winks at you.
Never eat at a place called "Mom's...". -Nelson Algren
Never eat at a place called Mom's.
Never eat at a restaurant located next to the pound
Never eat food after you dissect something in science class.
Never eat more than you can lift.
Never eat more than you can lift. - Miss Piggy
Never eat more than you can lift. -- Miss Piggy
Never eat pizza under a tree unless you like everything on it.
Never eat prunes when you are famished.
Never eat prunes when you're famished.
Never eat the last cookie.
Never eat yellow snow
Never eat yellow snow!
Never eat yellow snow.
Never eatNAK NAK, Who's There? #@#^#$%#(#@^ NO CARRIER
Never eaten a whole prom before - Crow as alien attacks
Never encourage Politicians, Fools, or Punsters!
Never encourage anyone to become a lawyer.
Never enough time to do it right... always enough time to do it over!
Never enough time, unless you're serving it.
Never enter a battle of wits unarmed.
Never ever play leapfrog with a Unicorn!
Never explain. Friends don't need it, Enemies wouldn't believe it.
Never extend credit to a dragon.
Never fall in love with someone you can't afford to lose.
Never fall in love with your stock certificates.
Never fall in love, it sticks to your face.
Never fear answers. Only fear running out of questions. --Ivanova.
Never feed a straight line to a warped mind. (Hmmm...)
Never feed the cat anything that doesn't match the rug.
Never feed your cat anything that clashes with the carpet
Never feed your cat anything that clashes with the carpet!
Never feed your cat anything that doesn't match the carpet
Never feed your cat anything that doesn't match the carpet.
Never feed your cat stuff that doesn't match the carpet.
Never feed your dog anything that doesn't match the carpet.
Never feed your kids anything that clashes with the carpet..
Never fight with a Dragon in his own Lair
Never fight with a bear in his own cave.
Never fight with a bear in his own cave.
Never fire a laser at a mirror. <Larry Niven>
Never fire a laser at a mirror. - Larry Niven
Never fire a laser at a mirror. -Niven
Never fire a laser directly at a mirror.
Never fish in the sea of life without bait
Never fish in the sea of life without bait.
Never flush urinals with your hand - use your elbow.
Never forget @FN@, especially if he owes you money.
Never forget a friend, especially if he owes you money.
Never forget that clones are people two.
Never forget that your weapon is made by the lowest bidder.
Never forget that your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
Never forget your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
Never forget your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.  'Murphy
Never forget: 2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2.
Never french-kiss a Ferengi.
Never frighten a little man.  He'll kill you.  L. Long
Never frighten a little man.  He'll kill you. - Lazarus Long
Never frighten a little man. He'll kill you. -- Heinlein
Never get excited over how people look from behind.
Never get into a pissing contest with a skunk!
Never get into something it takes lawyers to get you out!
Never get mad at someone who disagrees with you in Netmail.
Never give  up, keep looking.
Never give Celine Dion chicken soup.
Never give a feminizt an even break. 
Never give a gift that's not beautifully wrapped!
Never give a gun to ducks.
Never give a sucker an even break.  Make sure it's compound
Never give a sucker an even break. -- Rimmer
Never give a sucker an even break; take everything you can from him.
Never give away a secret when it can be sold for more!
Never give them hell. Tell the truth and they'll think it's hell.
Never give up on anybody.  Miracles happen every day.
Never give up, keep trying!
Never give your real address to entities you've just met on the astral
Never go into a hug off balance.
Never go into the dungeon at midnight.
Never go to Weight Watchers after smoking dope.  Munchies!!!
Never go to a doctor who's office plants have died. -- Heinlein
Never go to a doctor who's office plants have died. --L. Long.
Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. - L. Long
Never go to a doctor with dead plants in his office.
Never go to a doctor's office whose plants have died.
Never go to bed angry, stay up and fight ...Joan Rivers
Never go to bed mad, stay up and fight.
Never go to bed mad, stay up and fight. -Murphy's Law #58 on Sex
Never go to bed mad.  Stay up and fight.
Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight instead.
Never go to bed mad... stay up and fight -- Phyllis Diller
Never go to bed mad.....  Stay up and fight.....
Never go to jail without your hat. That's a rule.
Never go with the odds
Never going back again to crucify myself again - Tori Amos
Never gonna see her with the likes of you!
Never grab a falling knife!
Never had a headcold in her life since diseases can't exist in
Never had a plan, just living for the minute.
Never had it, never will.  Hell, I don't even know what 'it' is.
Never hand someone a gun unless you know where he'll point it.
Never hand someone a gun unless you're sure where they'll point it.
Never have any children, only grandchildren.  -- Gore Vidal
Never have children, but always have grandchildren.
Never have sex with anyone in the same office.
Never have sex with someone in your office. Wait until you get home.
Never have sex with the Boss's daughter!
Never have sex with the boss' sister. - 112th Rule
Never have sex with the boss' sister. - Playing God
Never have sex with the boss' sister. -ROA#112
Never have sex with the boss's sister.
Never have sex with the bosses' sister -- ROA #112
Never have that thing down!
Never heard this story...
Never hire an electrician whose eyebrows are scorched.
Never hit a man when he's down.  He may get back up again.
Never hit a man when he's down.  Kick him
Never hit a man when he's down.  Kick him.  It's easier.
Never hit a man with glasses.  Hit him with a baseball bat.
Never hit a man with glasses.  Use your fist!
Never hit a man with glasses.  Use your fist!
Never hit a man with glasses.  Use your fist.
Never hit a man with glasses.  Use your fists
Never hit a man with glasses. A fist hurts more!
Never hit a man with glasses. Be smart, use your fist.
Never hit a man with glasses. Be smart; use your fist!!
Never hit a man with glasses. Hit him with a baseball bat.
Never hit a man with glasses. Hit him with your fist!
Never hit a man with glasses. Use your fists!
Never hit a man with glasses... use your fist.
Never hit a man with glasses; hit him with your fist.
Never hit anyone with a shovel, it might leave an impression.
Never hold a belching contest with a dragon.
Never hold a vendetta.  Plant it and get a palmetto. -JCF
Never hold vendettas.  See also Rules 5a and 5b.
Never incorrige an incorrigible punster.
Never insult 7 men when all you're packing is a 6-shooter
Never insult 7 men when all you're packing is a six-gun. Zane Grey
Never insult a crocodile until you are safely across the river.
Never insult an alligator until you've crossed the river.
Never insult anyone you can't beat up or shoot down.
Never insult seven men when all you have is a six gun.
Never insult someone by accident.  -- Heinlein
Never insult someone by accident. - RA Heinlein
Never insult someone by accident. -- Heinlein
Never insult someone you can't outrun.
Never interrupt when you are being flattered.
Never invest in anything that eats or needs painting.
Never invest your money in anything that eats or needs painting.
Never invest your money in anything that eats or needs painting. - Billy Rose
Never invite Lorena Bobbitt to your brist!
Never invite Lorena Bobbitt to your son's briss!
Never invite a vampire in for a bite.
Never invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy!
Never invite newlyweds to a come-as-you-are party.
Never invoke anyone you can't banish.
Never invoke anything bigger than your head
Never invoke anything bigger than your head.
Never invoke gods unless you want them to appear...
Never invoke the Moderator unless you want him to appear!
Never is such a lonely word.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Never judge a book by its movie.
Never judge a film by the number of thumbs up.
Never judge a man by his Taglines.
Never judge a man by his taglines.
Never judge a man by the Taglines he has stolen..
Never judge a man's virility by the size of his Atog.
Never judge a people by their taglines.  (Oh, hope not!)
Never judge a tagline till it's been stolen ... twice
Never judge a woman by her taglines ...........
Never justify anything. If it needs justification, it's already wrong.
Never kick a man unless he's down.
Never kick a man when he's down - he may get up.
Never kill unless it's necessary.
Never kiss anything that doesn't have lips.
Never knock on Death's door, ring the bell and run. He hates that.
Never knock on Death's door.  Ring the doorbell and run.
Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run! Death hates that!
Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run! Death hates that.
Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run. He *hates* that!
Never knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run. He really hates that
Never knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run like hell.
Never knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run. He hates that.
Never knock on Death's door.. ring the bell and run!
Never knock on death's door. Ring the doorbell and run. He hates that.
Never knock on death's door: Ring the doorbell and run instead.
Never laugh at anyone's dream.
Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!
Never laugh at live dragons.  -- Bilbo Baggins
Never lean forward to push an invisible object.
Never learn to type.  If you do, someone will ask you to do it.
Never leave a youngster in the car without taking the car keys.
Never leave anything to chance; Make sure all your crimes
Never let a cat play with a Food Processor.
Never let a child moon Michael Jackson.
Never let a computer know you're in a hurry.
Never let a debt go unpaid... by you or to you.
Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you.
Never let a knitting machine know you're in a hurry.
Never let a machine know you're in a hurry
Never let a man make lasagna, he'd screw up a sacred thing!
Never let a sewing machine know you're in a hurry.
Never let a sleeping dogma lie.
Never let an amateur whip you.
Never let an inanimate object defeat you...
Never let an inanimate object know you are in a hurry.
Never let anything mechanical know you are in a hurry!
Never let anything mechanical know you're in a hurry...
Never let people Freq your Fido, he'll bark all night.
Never let the Devil dress you - Crow
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!
Never let the facts stand in the way of a good story!
Never let the grass grow under your feet. It tickles!
Never let the robots write another segment - Joel
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story !
Never let the truth interfere with a good story.
Never let them see you sweat.
Never let yesterday or tomorrow use up today.
Never let your feet run faster than your shoes.
Never let your morals keep you from doing what is right.
Never let your schooling interfere with your education.
Never let your sense of morals interfere with doing the right thing
Never let your studies interfere with your education.
Never let your thirteen y/o son moon Michael Jackson.
Never let your wife or girlfriend watch "I Spit on Your Grave".
Never let your wife or girlfriend watch I Spit on Your Grave.
Never let your willpower get the best of you.
Never lick a gift horse in the mouth.
Never lie down with a man who's got more troubles than you.
Never lie down with a woman who's got more troubles than you.
Never lie unless you have an awfully good memory
Never lie when the truth can deceive better.
Never lie when the truth is more profitable.
Never look a gift horse in the asshole.
Never look too deep into the mind of a lawyer.
Never lose your nerve, your temper, or your car keys.
Never lose your sense of the superficial.
Never love something so much that you can't bear to see it die.
Never make a decision you can get someone else to make.
Never make a defence or apology before you are accused
Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother -- ROA #31
Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother. (Quark, The Siege)
Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother. - 31th Rule
Never make fun of a Ferrengi's mother.
Never make light of 'Boing' son - Crow
Never make love to a man who isn't wearing a condom!
Never make love to a woman who's wearing spurs!
Never make the same mistake twice, make all of them once.
Never make the same mistake twice. There are too many new ones to try
Never make your lies too complicated. -L. Long
Never makes deals with a dragon.
Never marry a man who hates his mother because he'll end up hating you
Never marry for ANY reason. You can borrow it cheaper.
Never marry for money.  You can borrow it cheaper.
Never mention a name to a Genealogist, without good references.
Never mess with a Dragon!
Never mess with a Wizard!
Never mess with the Mummy.
Never mind MST3K -- what I want to see is C-SPAN3K.
Never mind about the time slip -- we're on holiday! <The Doctor>
Never mind about the time slip -- we're on holiday! <The Doctor<
Never mind double tap.  I do double-barreled super shotgun!
Never mind that roses have thorns; be grateful that thorns have roses.
Never mind the DOG. BEWARE of OWNER.
Never mind the Grey Poupon, there's BIRD poupon yer hood.
Never mind the Titanic - is there any news of the iceberg?
Never mind the dog - beware of the owner!
Never mind the dog, beware of the owner & fecal deposits.
Never mind the dog, beware of the owner and fecal deposits.
Never mind the dog, beware of the owner and fetal deposits.
Never mind the facts - I know what I know
Never mind the facts - I know what I know!.
Never mind the facts - I know what I know.
Never mind the grey poupon - you have bird poupon your window!
Never mind the grey poupon-you have bird poupon your window!
Never mind the size... just feel the quality on this one (!!)
Never mind the star, get those camels off my lawn!
Never mind the star, get those da** camels off the lawn!
Never mind the star, get those damn camels off the lawn!
Never mind the star, just get those camels off my lawn!
Never mind the star, just get those camels off the lawn!
Never mind the stars...Get those Camels off of my lawn!
Never mind.......
Never miss a chance to dance with your spouse!
Never miss a chance to have sex or appear on television.
Never miss a good chance to shut up.
Never miss a good opportunity to shut your face.
Never miss an opportunity to sleep on a screened-in porch
Never mistake a failure of imagination for an insight into necessity.
Never mistake endurance for hospitality.
Never mistake green slime as spilled Jell-o.
Never mistake motion for action.
Never mistake motion for action...
Never mix water with chocolate. Gumpism No. 47-a
Never moon a person with lycanthropy.
Never moon a werewolf.
Never moon skunks. They'll either retaliate ... or drop dead laughing.
Never mow the grass...
Never murder a man who is about to commit suicide. - German Proverb
Never never quit.
Never offend a Bard. Fighters kill ya once; Bards slander ya forever!
Never offend a bard. Fighters kill you once;bards slander you forever.
Never offend with style when you can offend with substance.
Never open a book before 4 p.m. Sunday. (Rule of Weekend Studying)
Never open a can of worms unless you plan on fishing!
Never open your own restaurant.
Never order chicken-fried steak in a place that doesn't have a jukebox
Never over-extend your thrust--Ramirez.
Never overestimate a man's ability to underestimate a woman.
Never park your hard disk in a tow -away zone.
Never park your hard disk in a tow-away zone!
Never park your hard disk in a tow-away zone.
Never park your hard drive on the information highway.
Never pass the puck to people who are not worthy of it.
Never pay more for an acquisition than you have to.
Never pet a burning cat.
Never pet a burning dog.
Never pet a dog that's on fire.
Never pet a porcupine. ANONYMOUS KID, SESAME STREET
Never pick on your sister when she has a baseball bat in her hand.
Never pick your guitar after picking your nose! Strings taste funny!
Never pick your nose with my finger.
Never place friendship above profit -- ROA #21
Never place friendship above profit. - 21st Rule
Never play cards with a man called Doc.
Never play favorites.  Long shots pay more if they win.
Never play favorites.  See also Rules 4a and 4b.
Never play freeze tag with a White Dragon!
Never play golf with Lorena Bobbit... she has a wicked slice!
Never play leap frog with a unicorn.
Never play leap-frog with a Unicorn
Never play leap-frog with a unicorn!
Never play leapfrog with a Unicorn! <= Too many of these.
Never play leapfrog with a homosexual.
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
Never play poker with a Centari.
Never play poker with a man named 'Doc'.
Never play poker with the Scarborough Bluffs.
Never play pool with someone named after a state.
Never practice saying 'revelant'!
Never program and drink beer at the same time
Never pull a sleeping crocodile's tail.
Never pull a tiger's tail.
Never purchase anything with a handle it means work.
Never purge files after three sleepless nights.
Never put a spiteful cat in a clean house with healthy plants.
Never put a spiteful cat in a clean house with plants!
Never put all your command crew in one shuttlecraft.
Never put all your files in one directory.
Never put all your megs in one basket.
Never put an Emitter resistor on a power tube.
Never put anything larger than your elbow in your ear.
Never put doughnuts next to the kitty litter - Mike
Never put life on hold.
Never put off 'til tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
Never put off till run-time what you can do at compile-time.  - D. Gries
Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid all together.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can ignore entirely
Never put off till tomorrow what you can ignore entirely.
Never put off till tomorrow what your slave can do today.
Never put off to tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
Never put off to tomorrow what you can wiggle out of today.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid entirely.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can d
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can ignore completely.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off for good.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off indefinitely.
Never put out the welcome mat for an evil thought.
Never put salt in your eyes. Never, ever put salt in your eyes.
Never put spiteful cat in clean house with healthy plants
Never question authority.  It doesn't know either.
Never raise your hand during a hijacking to show you get a kosher meal!
Never read a book that is not a year old. -- Emerson
Never read any book that is not a year old. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Never read the cooking echo hungry your grocery bill will suffer.
Never read the cooking echo hungry, you may fill up your hard drive
Never read the cooking echo hungry; your grocery bill may suffer...
Never regret growing old; many are denied the privilege.
Never rely on a person who uses 'party' as a verb.
Never rent a car to a racecar driver...!
Never replicate a successful experiment.
Never resist Temptation,It may never come again.
Never return a kindness---pass it on!
Never risk what you can't afford to lose!
Never rub another man's rhubarb.
Never sail a boat that weighs less than you do.
Never satisfied...
Never saw an self-illuminated book before. Interesting.
Never saw my grandma naked, but this'll do - Mike
Never say "Eat *this*" to Mr. Dahlmer!
Never say "I'm game" at an NRA meeting!
Never say "Shall I put the coffee here?"
Never say "maybe" unless you mean it.
Never say "oops."
Never say anything bad about another person's cat.
Never say anything more predictive than "Watch this!"
Never say never again
Never say never.  You too, could be a congressman!!
Never say no.
Never say oops.
Never say you know a man until you have divided an inheri
Never say, "Bite me!" to a dragon
Never say, "I'm game", at a meeting of the NRA.
Never say, "I'm game", not at a meeting of the NRA, anyway!
Never say, "I'm game," at a meeting of the NRA.
Never say, "My child would never do that!"
Never say, Bite me! to a dragon...
Never scratch your back with a vorpal sword.
Never see a Chinese person wok a dog?
Never sell yourself short.......or cheap!
Never send a boy to do a man's job.
Never send a man to do a woman's job.
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil Cleric.
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist
Never send a monster to do the work of an evil scientist.
Never send an evil monster to do a mad scientist's work.
Never send tapes to rock stars (see "Right Now").
Never settle for anything less than WordPerfect.
Never settle for less than your best.
Never settle with words what you can accomplish with a flame thrower.
Never settle with words what you can accomplish with a flamethrower.
Never share a fox hole with anyone braver than you are.
Never share a foxhole with a Hero.
Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you -Murphy
Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are.
Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you.
Never share a foxhole with someone braver than yourself.
Never share a patrol car with anyone braver than yourself!
Never share your foxhole with anyone braver than you.
Never shove your granny while she's shaving.
Never show your poker buddies card tricks!
Never shower with a man called SUE!
Never sing 'Onward Christian Soldiers' during the Great Rite.
Never sky dive from your flight simulator.
Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.
Never sleep with anyone crazier than you are.
Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.
Never sleep with anyone weirder than you ...
Never sleep with someone who is more Screwed up than you are!
Never smell a cod piece close up.
Never smirk at the judge.
Never smirk at the judge..
Never smoke a turkey, they're hard to light
Never speak klingon with a runny nose; the results can be quite messy.
Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. -  3rd Rule
Never spend more for an aquisition than you have too. -ROA #3
Never squat down with your spurs on !
Never squat with your spurs on!
Never stand between a dog and a fire hydrant!
Never stand between a dog and a lampost.
Never stand between a dog and his fire hydrant.
Never stand between a dog and the hydrant.
Never stand between a fire hydrant and a dog.
Never stand in front of a sneezing dragon.
Never stand near a sneezing dragon.
Never stand next to someone throwing sh*t at an armed man.<Larry Niven>
Never stand next to someone throwing shit at an armed man. - Larry Niven
Never stand next to someone throwing shit at an armed man. - l.n.
Never stand next to someone throwing shit at an armed man. --Niven.
Never stand next to someone throwing shit at an armed man.<Larry Niven
Never stand next to someone throwing shit at an armed man.<Niven>
Never startle a Klingon when he's tired or rested.
Never steal anything small.
Never steal taglines from someone more stupider than yourself.
Never step in anything soft with the exception of a bed.
Never step in anything soft.
Never stop by a working woman's house...unannounced.
Never stop swimming.
Never summon a Moderator you cannot control (i.e. any)
Never swap your integrity for money, power or fame!
Never tailgate the Batmobile.
Never take a Tagline seriously - No, Really!
Never take a bear over a troll bridge.
Never take a beer to a job interview
Never take a beer to a job interview.
Never take a tagline seriously - No, Really!
Never take action when you're angry!
Never take any crap from a mechanical object.
Never take beer to a job interview.
Never take for a wife a woman who has no faults.
Never take on more work than you have time to pray about.
Never take the last coin, but be sure to get all the rest.
Never talk to strangers unless you know them *really really* well.
Never talk tough to a guy with a flat nose!
Never talking, just keeps walking, spreading his magic...
Never teach a pig to sing -- wastes time & annoys the pig
Never teach a pig to sing--wastes your time, annoys pig.
Never teach a pig to sing: it wastes your time & annoys the pig.
Never tell Jehova's Witnesses you're invoking Pagan dieties downstairs
Never tell a lepper: "Can I borrow your long arms for a minute?"
Never tell a lepper: "Drop your butt in that chair..."
Never tell a lepper: "Give me a hand, will ya?"
Never tell a lepper: "HANDS OFF!"
Never tell a lepper: "I wish I had YOUR green thumb."
Never tell a lepper: "I wish I had your eyes."
Never tell a lepper: "Keep an eye out."
Never tell a lepper: "Keep your eyes peeled."
Never tell a lepper: "Knock it off!"
Never tell a lepper: "Lend me your ears."
Never tell a lepper: "Put your back into it!"
Never tell a lepper: "Put your feet up."
Never tell a lepper: "Put your heart into it!"
Never tell a lepper: "Slap me some skin!"
Never tell a lepper: "Use your head."
Never tell a lepper: "Wedge your foot in the door."
Never tell a lepper: "Wipe that smile off your face!"
Never tell a lepper: "Wipe your feet off before coming in."
Never tell a lie unless it is absolutely convenient.
Never tell a lie, unless lying is your strongest point.
Never tell a lie... unless lying is one of your strong points.
Never tell a pawn the rules of chess.
Never tell me the odds!  -Han Solo
Never tell off the teacher until AFTER you get the report card!
Never tell sexual war stories to a manic-depressive.
Never tell the same lie twice. - Garak, IMPROBABLE CAUSE
Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.
Never tell them what you wouldn't want to do.
Never tell us the odds!
Never tell your dreams.  What if the Freudists come to power?  -Lec
Never test a cat or a flash bulb.
Never test for a condition you don't know how to handle.
Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.
Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.  - Steinbach
Never test for an error unless you're ready to handle it.
Never test for an error you cannot fix.
Never test for an error you don't know how to handle!
Never test for an error you don't know how to handle.
Never test the depth of a river with both feet.
Never think of the future.  It comes too soon regardless.
Never threaten if you don't intend to back it up!
Never throw ZlWd at a dragon.
Never throw a bird at a dragon, unless you fancy battling a PO'd bird.
Never throw a bird at a dragon.
Never throw sh*t at an armed man.
Never throw shit at an armed man. - Larry Niven
Never throw the letter Q into a privet bush.
Never throw water on a Caitian...
Never tick off the government spooks. They'll kill ya - John Gotti.
Never time to do it right, but always time to do it over.
Never to forget that `Mother In Law' is an anagram of `Woman Hitler'
Never trade verbal jousts with a conservative....you'll lose!
Never trust Romulans bearing .GIFs
Never trust Romulans bearing .GIFs ............
Never trust a Ferengi dentist.
Never trust a God Fearing People.
Never trust a Microsoft product that ends with .0
Never trust a Sysop.
Never trust a barmaid that smiles through 5 o'clock shadow.
Never trust a computer bigger than you can lift.
Never trust a computer heavier than you can lift.
Never trust a computer you can't lift.
Never trust a computer you can't lift.  - Stan Masor
Never trust a computer you can't lift.  -- Stan Masor
Never trust a computer you can't throw out the window.
Never trust a computer you can't throw out the window.  - S. Hunt
Never trust a computer you cannot carry.
Never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
Never trust a government that doesn't trust you !!
Never trust a grapefruit.
Never trust a man wearing a regimental tie with a tux.
Never trust a man who can count to 1,023 on his fingers
Never trust a man who speaks well of everybody.
Never trust a nun with a gun.
Never trust a person who says, "Trust Me" . . .
Never trust a person who says, "Trust Me"....
Never trust a person who says, "Trust Me"....
Never trust a pit bull named "Fluffy."
Never trust a pit bull, even one named "Fluffy"
Never trust a platypus.
Never trust a politician whose lips are moving.
Never trust a programmer who carries a screwdriver.
Never trust a relative. It is far worse than trusting strangers.
Never trust a religion which is less than 2,500 years old
Never trust a skinny chef!
Never trust a skinny cook.
Never trust a skinny cook. 
Never trust a smiling DM/GM - Darkwood
Never trust a smiling G.M.   8-)
Never trust a smiling Tinker-Gnome in a chastity belt store
Never trust a smiling barbarian holding a club in a magic shoppe.
Never trust a smiling barbarian holding a club in front of a magic shop.
Never trust a smiling bard dating your only daughter.
Never trust a smiling cat
Never trust a smiling cat.
Never trust a smiling crone holding a philter of love.
Never trust a smiling curse-breaker holding an abacus and a bill pad.
Never trust a smiling dragon picking its teeth with a sword.
Never trust a smiling dragon picking its teeth with a two-handed sword.
Never trust a smiling game master.
Never trust a smiling snake.
Never trust a smiling succubus holding a pot of lip rouge.
Never trust a smiling thief throwing dice.
Never trust a smiling tinker gnome in a chastity bely store.
Never trust a smiling wolf to tend your sheep.
Never trust a woman who uses the phrase "eager beaver."
Never trust ale from a God fearing people. - Quark
Never trust an aircraft with the propellor on the front....
Never trust anyone over dirty.
Never trust anyone who laughs at his own one-liners.
Never trust anyone who says "trust me".  Except just this once.
Never trust anyone who speaks well of everyone.
Never trust anyone who uses "party" as verb.
Never trust anyone.
Never trust anything that bleeds 5 days and doesn't die!
Never trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die!
Never trust anything that can bleed for 5 days & not die, 
Never trust anything that can bleed for five days and not die.
Never trust anything you can eat.  -Old Dragon Proverb
Never trust anything you can eat. -Dragon Proverb
Never trust anything you can eat. -Old Dragon Proverb
Never trust nobody that says he never took a drink in his whole life.
Never trusted telepaths. Never have, never will. - Garibaldi
Never trusted telepaths. Never have, never will.<Garibaldi>
Never trusted telepaths. Never have, never will.<Garibaldi<
Never trusted telepaths. Never have, never will.<Garibaldi-B5>
Never try Necrotelecomnicon: Book of Dead phone Numbers.
Never try this stunt on your own PC.
Never try to catch two frogs with one hand..
Never try to chase a dog with a cat in your arms.
Never try to herd cats. -- Mark Twain
Never try to herd cats....
Never try to mentally undress a Betazoid.  UNLESS you enjoy traction.
Never try to out stubborn a cat
Never try to out stubborn a cat. L. Long
Never try to out stubborn a cat. The cat will win.
Never try to out stubborn a cat. You won't do it.
Never try to out-stubborn THREE pampered Pomeranians!
Never try to out-stubborn a cat!
Never try to out-stubborn a pampered Pomeranian!
Never try to outstubborn a cat.
Never try to outstubborn a cat.  L. Long
Never try to outstubborn a cat.  You won't do it.
Never try to outstubborn a cat. - Lazarus Long
Never try to outstubborn a cat. -- Heinlein
Never try to outstubborn a cat. -- Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"
Never try to outstubborn a cat. -L. Long
Never try to outstubborn a cator a boxer.
Never try to outwit a man, unless you are one.
Never try to outwit a woman, unless you are one.
Never try to pick your teeth with a ball-peen hammer.
Never try to play freeze tag with a dragon!
Never try to stare down a medusa.
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes time and annoys the pig.
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and
Never try to teach a pig to sing....
Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time & annoys the pig
Never try to teach a pig to sing; wastes your time & annoys the pig.
Never turn your back on a monster.
Never underestimate a child's ability to get into more trouble.
Never underestimate a witch.
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes.  - Jackson
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon hurtling down a highway.
Never underestimate the importance of a cheap laugh.
Never underestimate the importance of a cheap laugh. -- Plucky Duck
Never underestimate the power of "Modem Addictus"!
Never underestimate the power of MY stupidity!
Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed.
Never underestimate the power of a redhead!
Never underestimate the power of a small tactical nuclear weapon.
Never underestimate the power of an 8 bit.
Never underestimate the power of an eleven year old.
Never underestimate the power of bein' stupid.
Never underestimate the power of flattery.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.  L. Long
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. - Lazarus Long
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. -- Heinlein
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. -L. Long
Never underestimate the power of public apathy.
Never underestimate the power of serendipity.   K. Stuckas
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Never underestimate the power of stupidity
Never underestimate the power of the Internet, Luke. -- O W Kenobi
Never underestimate the power of the Schwartz!
Never underestimate the power of your enemy, a lie or a feminizt. 
Never underestimate the purr of a woman.
Never underestimate your income taxes.
Never underestimating the Force
Never use a fireball ina small room.
Never use a large word when a diminutive one will do.
Never use a lightning bolt in a small room.
Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
Never use a long word when a diminutive one will suffice.
Never use a long word when a diminutive one'll do.
Never use a preposition to end a sentence with.
Never use a sentence that a preposition is at the end of.
Never use a spoon where a fork will suffice. - Jalapeno
Never use an elevator in a building that has been hit by
Never use your best weapon to engrave a curse.
Never vacation on an active volcano.
Never violate the Prime Directory!  C:\
Never volunteer.
Never vote for a politician. It only encourages them.
Never wake a sleep-walking Tarantasorous Rex!
Never walk out on a quarrel with your wife.
Never wanting to be more than I am, I remain what I are.
Never was so much owed by so many to so few. -- Churchill
Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
Never waste calories.  (Fuzzy Pink Niven's Law) - Larry Niven
Never waste calories. --Niven's Law.
Never wear a Big Mac suit while next to George Foreman.
Never wear a red shirt when Captain Kirk is in command...
Never wear a thong for the first time without sunscreen.
Never wear a white robe to a Bacchanalian revel.
Never wear anything in public that panics your cat.
Never wear anything that panics the cat.
Never wear spam shorts while hanging from your toes on a Thursday. - MP
Never went to bed w/an ugly woman, but I woke up w/a few.
Never whistle while you're pissing.
Never work higher magic in clothes you can't run in
Never wrestle a pig, you get dirty, and the pig likes it
Never wrestle a pig.  You both get dirty and the pig likes it.
Never wrestle a pig: you both get dirty & the pig likes it!
Never wrestle with a pig.  Both get dirty, but the pig likes it.
Never write software that anthropomorphizes the machine.
Never write software that patronizes the user.
Never yakuza you neighbor it is not nice.
Never yell THEATRE in a crowded fire.
Never yell, "Hi, Jack!" on an airplane.
Never! I mean EVER! Sleep beneath a bus bumper.
Never!...Ever!...Give up!!
Never* get mad at someone who disagrees with you in Netmail.
Never, *ever* say "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty" to a kzin.
Never, EVER play leapfrog with a Unicorn!
Never, EVER trust a draft dodger....
Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
Never, ever share a razor used by a dead man.
Never, ever trust a draft dodger - Rush Limbaugh
Never, ever trust anyone under 30 or over 25.
Never, ever try to be funny in my presence again Percy.  -Black Adder
Never, ever use repetitive redundancies.
Never, ever, EVER trust a draft dogger! --Rush Limbaugh.
Never, ever, ever attempt to learn thermodynamics.
Never, ever, french-kiss a dragon!
Never, ever, has a tax increase reduced a deficit.
Never, ever, mess with the man who does it for a living.
Never, ever, pinch a sorceress on the butt.  <ribbit>
Never, ever, play leapfrog with a unicorn.
Never, ever, post a chain message to an echo area...
Never, ever, tease a witch with PMS.
Never, ever, trust a draft dodger!
Never, never deck her with an unwrapped pecker
Never, never talk back to the moderator.
Never, never try to milk a cow when your hands are cold!!
Never, never, never *MOON* a werewolf !!
Never, never, never *MOON* a werewolf.
Never, never, never load SRM inferno ammo backwards...
Never, never, never use absolutes!
Never, never, never, never give up!
Never...Ever, argue with a skunk..mule..woman...or SysOp!!
Nevermind the Grey Poupon, there's BIRD poupon yer hood.
Nevermind the dog...BEWARE of OWNER!
Nevermore - No one cares who lives or dies. --Brutal Truth 1992.
Nevermore will I read 'The Raven', said Tom poetically.
Nevermore will I wander, away from hearth and friends.
Nevermore... thus quoth the raven: nevermore... (Edgar Allan Poe)
Nevertheless = Alwaysthemore?
Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, - 1 Cor. 11:11
Nevesta svucena do gola od svojih momaka, bas!
New "Lawyers" postage stamp: You spit on BOTH sides!
New "PLAYBOY" for married men:  Same centerfold every month.
New AI programming language has only one command: DWIM!
New ASM opcode #004: APX Apply Power and eXplode.
New Age ... rhymes with "sewage"
New Age Steppenwolf song - Borg to be Wild.
New Age:       I affirm shit does not happen to me
New Asian Cookbook: 101 Ways to Wok Your Dog!
New Attraction!!! Dulce Level 8
New Automatic Mail Reader: AK47 for Windows
New Bajoran soap opera:  "As The Orb Turns"
New Betazoid modem: It downloads the files it senses you want.
New Blonde Invention the invisble Baseball bat.
New Book:  JAZZ MUSIC, by Tenna Saxe.
New Book:  _How to write a How To book_
New Book: "Secrets of the KKK" by Dewey, Lynch & Howe.
New Book: A FISH STORY by Czar Dean.
New Book: Animations Techniques Used in Making Beavis and Butthead.
New Book: BAD MONEY by Count R. Fitz.
New Book: BAND PLAYING by Clara Nett.
New Book: CALM DOWN by Ed. G. Nerfs.
New Book: CAUGHT IN THE FLOOD by Noah Zark.
New Book: CUDDLY TOYS by Ted E. Behr.
New Book: Clint Howard: My Career Without My Brother Ron.
New Book: Dog Training by Willie Bite.
New Book: HANDLING YOUR EMOTIONS by Mel. N. Collie.
New Book: HOW TO MAKE A TOURNIQUET by Hank R. Schiff.
New Book: How to hike the longest Trail by Carrie Mee.
New Book: How to tell you friends from apes.
New Book: How to tell your friends from apes.
New Book: How to write a How To book.
New Book: JAZZ MUSIC by Tenna Saxe.
New Book: Jimmy Carter, Servant of the Jesuit-Zionist Conspiracy.
New Book: KNOCKING YOUR FUNNY BONE by Lord Howard Hertz.
New Book: LITTLE FISHES by Anne Chovey.
New Book: LaToya Jackson: My Career Without Michael and Janet.
New Book: MY LIFE IN CRIME by Upton O. Goode.
New Book: My exciting life by Frank Lee Boring.
New Book: Neil Young's Grooming Tips.
New Book: Pitcairn Island Telephone Book (incl. Yellow Page).
New Book: Poison in Every Pot.
New Book: Polar Exploration by U.R. Cole and I.M Freezin.
New Book: Roger Clinton: My Career Without My Brother Bill.
New Book: STOMACH CRAMPS by Henrietta Greenapple.
New Book: Science: Satan's Plot Against God and Man.
New Book: Sound Sleeping in 60 Seconds by Eliza Wake.
New Book: THE GANGSTERS by Robin Steele.
New Book: THE STARS TELL IT ALL by Horace Cope.
New Book: THE TIN CAN COOKBOOK by Billie Gote.
New Book: TIME TO EAT! by Dean R. Bell.
New Book: The Complete Chevy Chase Show.
New Book: The Golden Voice of Roger Clinton.
New Book: The Occult Technology of Money and the Moneylords.
New Book: The Yellow River by I. P. Freely.
New Book: Tom Arnold: My Career Without Roseanne.
New Book: UNIX Programmers Who Wear Ties.
New Book: WATERWAYS OF THE WORLD by Sue S. Canal.
New Book: YOU ALWAYS GET CAUGHT by Sue Nora Later.
New Book: Yoko Ono: My Career Without John Lennon.
New Book: _How to write a How To book_
New Boomerang?  Can't get rid of the old one!
New Borg Movie:  Assimilating the World in 80 days.
New Borg Movie:  Beauty and the Borg.
New Borg Movie:  Bedknobs and Borgsticks.
New Borg Movie:  Borg Free.
New Borg Movie:  Borg in East L.A.
New Borg Movie:  Borg with an Attitude.
New Borg Movie:  Borg: the Experience.
New Borg Movie:  Futility is forever.
New Borg Movie:  Raiders of the Lost Borg.
New Borg Movie:  The Assimilation of the Lambs.
New Borg Movie:  The Borg with the Golden Arm.
New Borg Movie:  The Collective Strikes Back.
New Borg Movie:  The Last Borg Scout.
New Borg Movie:  The Lonely Borg: Myth or Tragedy?
New Borg Movie:  Where the Borg Are.
New Borg Movie: A Borg Named Desire.
New Borg Movie: A Borg and His Dog.
New Borg Movie: Assimilating the World in 80 days.
New Borg Movie: Beauty and the Borg.
New Borg Movie: Bedknobs and Borgsticks.
New Borg Movie: Bimbo Beach Borgs.
New Borg Movie: Borg Durham.
New Borg Movie: Borg Free.
New Borg Movie: Borg Like It Hot.
New Borg Movie: Borg On a Hot Tin Roof.
New Borg Movie: Borg and the Hood.
New Borg Movie: Borg by Starlight.
New Borg Movie: Borg in East L.A.
New Borg Movie: Borg with an Attitude.
New Borg Movie: Borg's World.
New Borg Movie: Borg: the Experience.
New Borg Movie: Borgateer.
New Borg Movie: Borgbusters.
New Borg Movie: Borggie Does the Federation.
New Borg Movie: Borging in the Rain.
New Borg Movie: Citizen Borg.
New Borg Movie: Dances with Borg.
New Borg Movie: DeepBorg.
New Borg Movie: Eye of the Borg.
New Borg Movie: Fried Green Borgs.
New Borg Movie: Futility is forever.
New Borg Movie: Gentlemen Prefer Borg.
New Borg Movie: Gone with the Assimilation.
New Borg Movie: Gone with the Borg.
New Borg Movie: Guess Who's Borging to Dinner?
New Borg Movie: Hamborger Hill.
New Borg Movie: Hill Street Borg.
New Borg Movie: Hold that Borg.
New Borg Movie: Honeysuckle Borg.
New Borg Movie: Lonely Borg.
New Borg Movie: Long Borg Assimilation.
New Borg Movie: Night of the Borg-ana.
New Borg Movie: On Borg Pond.
New Borg Movie: Raiders of the Lost Borg.
New Borg Movie: Revenge of the Borg, Parts 1-3.
New Borg Movie: RoboBorg.
New Borg Movie: Shootout at the Borg Corral.
New Borg Movie: Stop or my Borg will Shoot!
New Borg Movie: SuperBorg: The Movie.
New Borg Movie: The Assimilation of the Lambs.
New Borg Movie: The Borg of Oz.
New Borg Movie: The Borg with a Thousand Eyes.
New Borg Movie: The Borg with the Golden Arm.
New Borg Movie: The Borger of Seville.
New Borg Movie: The Borgfather.
New Borg Movie: The Borginator.
New Borg Movie: The Collective Strikes Back.
New Borg Movie: The Fabulous Baker Borgs.
New Borg Movie: The Golden Borg.
New Borg Movie: The Last Borg Scout.
New Borg Movie: The Last BorgFighter.
New Borg Movie: The Lonely Borg: Myth or Tragedy?
New Borg Movie: The Maltese Borg.
New Borg Movie: The Return of the Pink Borg.
New Borg Movie: The Sound of Borg.
New Borg Movie: This Old Collective Conscience.
New Borg Movie: Three Men and a Borg.
New Borg Movie: To Borg, with Love.
New Borg Movie: Twelve Angry Borg.
New Borg Movie: We said, We said.
New Borg Movie: What about Borg?
New Borg Movie: Where the Borg Are.
New Borg Movie: Who's Afraid of Virginia Borg?
New Borg Steppenwolf song:  Borg to be Wild.
New Borg episodes, Beauty and the Borg.
New Borg episodes, Borg Free.
New Borg episodes, Borg in East L.A.
New Borg episodes, Borg on a Wire.
New Borg episodes, Borg on the 4th of July.
New Borg episodes, Borg to be Wild.
New Borg episodes, BorgMan of Alcatraz.
New Borg episodes, Chairman of the Borg.
New Borg episodes, Ernest BORGnine.
New Borg episodes, First Borg.
New Borg episodes, Judge Robert Borg.
New Borg episodes, Ouija Borg.
New Borg episodes, SchmorgasBorg.
New Borg episodes, School Borg.
New Borg episodes, ShuffleBorg.
New Borg episodes, Smokey and the Borg.
New Borg episodes, The Borgs (Hitchcock Thriller Type).
New Borg episodes, Under the Borgwalk.
New Borg episodes, Victor BORGe.
New Borg episodes, WitchBorg.
New Boring Default Message Header Now in use.
New Clinton Health Plan: Take 2 aspirin and don't call me
New Clinton library to be all fiction...
New Clinton presidential theme: "Inhale to the Chief"
New Clinton presidential theme: Inhale to the Chief.
New Comic Releases  www.cam.org/~stoy/newcomics.html
New Computer---- to be superseded as soon as it's installed
New Computer: Divorce at 120Mhz
New DOS command:  ASSPOS.EXE  - Assume the position.
New DOS command: ASSPOS.EXE - Assume the position
New Dannytos. Shoot all you want. We'll make more. :) - Dex
New Defination for BBS:  Blonde, Beautiful, & Sexy
New Democrat: New sack, same old crap and some extra new crap.
New Democrat: New sack, same old crap and some new crap.
New Diet Pepsi Slogans: 200 cc's of Great Taste.
New Diet Pepsi Slogans: Coke's For Sissies.
New Diet Pepsi Slogans: Every can inspected by Ray Charles.
New Diet Pepsi Slogans: Give your taste buds something to shout about.
New Diet Pepsi Slogans: Keep out of the reach of children.
New Diet Pepsi Slogans: Take The New Pepsi Challenge.
New Diet Pepsi Slogans: UH-HUH, UH-HUH, OW!
New Diet Pepsi Slogans: Vaccinate Your Thirst.
New Diet Pepsi Slogans: You've Got The Contaminated One, Baby!
New Disney club for kids: M-I-C-K-E-Y, M-O-D-E-M
New Drink: A Rum With A View - Bacardi and Visine.
New Drink: American in Paris - Kentucky bourbon and champagne.
New Drink: Bloot Clot - vodka, tomato juice, and Jell-O.
New Drink: Blue Moon - corn whiskey and Aqua Velva.
New Drink: Fuzzy Naval Base - peach schnapps, orange juice, and ammonia.
New Drink: Honeydew the Dishes - Midori and Dawn.
New Drink: Martinizer - gin, vermouth, and carbon tetrachloride.
New Drink: Mexican Hairless - tequila and minoxidil.
New Drink: Oil of Ole - Mazola and sangria.
New Drink: Quack Doctor - cold duck and Dr Pepper.
New Drink: Sake-to-me - rice wine, punch, and nitrous oxide.
New Drink: Shipwreck - Cutty Sark on the rocks.
New Drink: Sinead O'Connor - Irish whiskey and Nair.
New Drink: Sour Kraut - schnapps and lemon juice.
New Drink: The Simpson: Slice with a twist, followed by a dash of OJ.
New Drink: Tonya Bobbitt - Club Soda with a Slice
New Drink: Vodka + Milk of Magnesia:  Phillips screwdriver.
New England DOS: Do ya reckon?  (Ayeh/Shrug)
New England weather is like sex: Ya never know what you're gonna get!
New Ez-reader user and my phone is free!
New Ferengi handcream: Odo of Olay.
New Flash! Murphy Brown causes L.A. riots. Film at 11.
New Gay Sitcom.  "Leave it, it's Beaver."
New Gay Slogan: 2Q2BSTR8     (Too cute to be straight)
New Gay Slogan: 2QT2BSTR8     (Too cute to be straight)
New Ginzu Harddrive, makes julienne floppies!
New Hayes AT command set: AT ET - Phone Home
New Hayes AT command: AT ET = Phone Home.
New Highway gets Railroaded.
New Intel opcode #005 ROAD: Roll over and die
New Intel opcode #006 CHOKE: Compare hot opcode key ending
New Intel opcode #007 PUKE: Put unmeaningful keywords everywhere
New Intel opcode #008 DIE: Delete instruction entry
New Intel opcode #010 PDASORN: Power down and shut off right now
New Japanese restaurant for lawyers... Sosumi
New Jersey has the best politicians money can buy!
New Jersey's state flower: Mildew.
New Jersey. Like Hell with a sales tax.
New Jersey:  It's filthier than you think.
New Jersey: It's filthier than you think.
New Jersey: The Garden State.
New Jersey: The Runny Yolk State
New Jersey: Where dump trucks go to die.
New Kids On The Block: Play their records backwards...they sound better.
New Klingon Horror Flick:  Edward Batlh'ethHands.
New L.A. full-service gas station: checks your oil & ammo
New Lawyers postage stamp: You can spit on both sides!
New Lemon Scented Tagline
New Librium diet: Most of your food falls off your fork.
New MK character: Lorena Bobbitt!
New Madonna Stamp just out!  It licks you back
New Madonna Tune:  "Justify My Zucchini."
New Mail not found.  Executing Blame Sysop Sequence...
New Mail not found.  Start whine -pout sequence? (Y/N)
New Mail not found.  Start whine-pout sequence now? (Y/N)
New Mail not found.  Start whine-pout sequence? (Y/N)
New Mail not found. Executing Blame/Flame Sysop Sequence.
New Marine motto: Semper Gump.
New Math: Jimmy Carter - Integrity = Bill Clinton
New Member, CyberPromenade
New Mexico Tour Book: Albie Kerky
New Mexico Tour Book: Albie Kerky.
New Mexico?  Sorry, we don't do ship to foreign countries
New Mexico?  Sorry, we don't do ship to foreign countries.
New Mexico? Sorry, we don't do ship to foreign countries
New Michael Jackson Movie!  SEX, LIES, & SEXUAL ADVANCES
New Moderator Taglines? I think the Moderator keeps stripping them!
New Monitor Sweepstakes:To see if you've won, punch hole thru screen.
New Mousepad: PhD theses.
New Mousepad: The first 300 ingredients found in a Twinkie.
New Mousepad: The logos of IBM, DEC, and Intel.
New Mousepad: issues of Wired! magazine.
New Mousepad: marriage certificates. (perennial favorite)
New Mousepad: prop 187, glued over a copy of the Constitution.
New Olympic Sport: Assimulation
New Olympic Sport: Club Bashing
New Olympic Sport: Polish Javenline Catching
New Olympic Sport: Russian cow throwing(with bare hands)
New Olympic Sport: Spear Dancing
New Olympic sport: Ice Falling
New Opcode #01:  AAR - Alter At Random
New Opcode #02:  BNA - Branch to Nonexistant Address
New Opcode #03:  HCF - Halt and Catch Fire
New Opcode #04:  ROC - Randomize OpCodes
New Opcode #05:  RRM - Randomly Reallocate Memory
New Opcode #06:  SEX - Spawn EXec (create child process)
New Opcode #07:  LIA - Load Incorrect Address
New Opcode #08:  JWF - Jam While Formfeed
New Opcode #09:  EOI - Execute Operator Immediate
New Opcode #10:  EPI - Execute Programmer Immediately
New Opcode #11:  CBVD - Convert Blanks to Valid Data
New Opcode #12:  PII - Perform Intended Instruction
New Opcode #13:  CRN - Convert to Roman Numerals
New Opcode #14:  IIRW - Ignore Instructions and Run Wild
New Opcode #15:  RST - Rewind and Stretch Tape
New Opcode #16:  PHD - Plow Heads into Disk
New Opcode #17:  BAH - Branch And Hang
New Opcode #18:  IPX - Increase Power and eXplode
New Opcode #18: RAH - Ruin All Hardware
New Opcode #19:  BCM - Backspace Core Memory
New Opcode #1: AAR - Alter At Random
New Opcode #20:  FSR - Forms Skip and Runaway
New Opcode #21:  RCR - Reread Card Reader
New Opcode #22:  SSD - Seek and Scar Disk
New Opcode #23:  CPTCB - Call Programmer and Take Coffee Break
New Opcode #23:  EXP - EXecute Programmer
New Opcode #24:  DMPK - Destroy Memory Protect Key
New Opcode #24:  RAH - Ruin All Hardware
New Opcode #25:  EXP - EXecute Programmer
New Opcode #26:  DMPK - Destroy Memory Protect Key
New Opcode #26:  RAH - Ruin All Hardware
New Opcode #26: DMPK - Destroy Memory Protect Key.
New Opcode #27:  BBBF - Branch on Bit Bucket Full
New Opcode #28:  BCF - Branch on Chip box Full
New Opcode #29:  BOHP - Bribe Operator for Higher Priority
New Opcode #2: BNA - Branch to N    Number: 82
New Opcode #2: BNA - Branch to Nonexistant Address
New Opcode #30:  BSST - BackSpace and Stretch Tape
New Opcode #31:  CUN - Cancel all User Numbers
New Opcode #32:  EMW - Emulate Maytag Washer
New Opcode #33:  ERD - Eject Removable Disk
New Opcode #34:  IA - Illogical And
New Opcode #35:  KCE - Kill Consultant on Error
New Opcode #36:  MST - Mount Scotch Tape
New Opcode #37:  MVLR - MoVe and Lose Record
New Opcode #38:  PDM - Play Drum Memory (dated, wot?)
New Opcode #39:  PLSC - Perform Light Show on Console
New Opcode #3: ROC - Randomize OpCodes
New Opcode #40:  PS - Print and Smear
New Opcode #41:  RPB - Read Print and Blush
New Opcode #42:  RCSD - Read Card and Scramble Deck
New Opcode #42:  RPB - Read Print and Blush
New Opcode #43:  RCSD - Read Card and Scramble Deck
New Opcode #43:  RFSC - Read Feed and Shred Card
New Opcode #44:  RIG - Read Inter-record Gap
New Opcode #45:  RSD - Read and Shuffle Deck
New Opcode #46:  RWRT - Read While Ripping Tape
New Opcode #47:  SD - Scatter Deck
New Opcode #48:  SPD - SPin dry Disk
New Opcode #49:  UER - Update and Erase Record
New Opcode #4: HCF - Halt and Catch Fire
New Opcode #50:  APX - Apply Power and eXplode
New Opcode #50:  UER - Update and Erase Record
New Opcode #51:  ROAD - Roll Over And die
New Opcode #51: ROAD - Roll Over And die.
New Opcode #52:  CHOKE - Compare Hot Opcode Key Ending
New Opcode #53:  DIE - Delete Instruction Entry
New Opcode #53: DIE - Delete Instruction Entry.
New Opcode #54:  PUKE - Put Unmeaningful Keywords Everywhere
New Opcode #55:  DIE - Delete Instruction Entry
New Opcode #56:  PDASORN - Power Down And Shut Off Right Now
New Opcode #56:  PDASORN - Power down and shut off right now.
New Opcode #5: RRM - Randomly Reallocate Memory
New Opcode #6: SEX - Spawn EXec (create child process)
New Opcode #7: LIA - Load Incorrect Address
New Opcode #8: IPX - Increase Power and eXplode
New Opcode #9: BAH - Branch And Hang
New Opcode - HCF  Halt and Catch Fire
New Opcode:  RCR - Reread Card Reader
New Opcode:  WSWW = Work in Strange and Wondrous Ways
New Opcode: AAR - Alter At Random
New Opcode: APX - Apply Power and eXplode.
New Opcode: BAH - Branch And Hang
New Opcode: BBW - Branch Both Ways
New Opcode: BCM - Backspace Core Memory
New Opcode: BNA - Branch to Nonexistant Address
New Opcode: CBVD - Convert Blanks to Valid Data
New Opcode: CHOKE - Compare hot opcode key ending
New Opcode: CPTCB - Call Programmer and Take Coffee Break
New Opcode: CRN - Convert to Roman Numerals
New Opcode: DIE - Delete Instruction Entry
New Opcode: EIOC - Execute Invalid Op Code
New Opcode: EPI - Execute Programmer Immediately
New Opcode: EXP - EXecute Programmer
New Opcode: FSR - Forms Skip and Runaway
New Opcode: HCF - Halt and Catch Fire
New Opcode: IIRW - Ignore Instructions and Run Wild
New Opcode: IPX - Increase Power and eXplode
New Opcode: LIA - Load Incorrect Address
New Opcode: PDASORN - Power down and shut off right now
New Opcode: PHD - Plow Heads into Disk
New Opcode: PII - Perform Intended Instruction
New Opcode: PORN - Power Off Right Now!
New Opcode: PUKE - Put unmeaningful keywords everywhere
New Opcode: RAH - Ruin All Hardware
New Opcode: RCR - Reread Card Reader
New Opcode: ROAD - Roll over and die
New Opcode: ROC - Randomize OpCodes
New Opcode: RRM - Randomly Reallocate Memory
New Opcode: RST - Rewind and Stretch Tape
New Opcode: SEX - Spawn EXec (create child process)
New Opcode: SSD - Seek and Scar Disk
New Oral Roberts Doll--feed it money or it self-destructs!!
New Orleans Saints season ticket holding sysop here --- Go Saints
New Orleans, 1829
New Oxymoron: The Best of Rush Limbaugh!
New PAGAN BARBIE! (Wand, incense, athame, & pentacle sold separately)
New PKZIPTAG -- compresses multi-line taglines to fit!
New Pagan Barbie! (Wand, incense, and pentacle sold separately.)
New Pagan Barbie! (wand, athame, incense, pentacle sold separately.)
New Pantene Bimbo shampoo, it won't happen overnight but it will happen
New Pantene Bimbo shampoo, it won't happen overnite but it will happen
New Paul Simon Tune:  "(There must be) 50 Ways to Cook Zucchini."
New Pentium laptops - asbestos underwear included!
New Pentium sticker: CAUTION! Intel Inside!
New Porno Film : Little throbbin' Redbreast
New Porno Film:  On Golden Blonde
New Porno Film: A Penis Runs Through It
New Porno Film: Blazing Mattresses
New Porno Film: Bright Lights, Big Titties
New Porno Film: Cherry Poppins
New Porno Film: Chode Encounters of the Turd Kind (Beavis & Butthead)
New Porno Film: Crocodile Blondee
New Porno Film: Cum Shots, Part Do-me
New Porno Film: Debbie Does Dishes Part 2
New Porno Film: Dickman and Throbbin'
New Porno Film: E.T. (The Extra Testicle)
New Porno Film: Edward Penishands
New Porno Film: Field of Reams
New Porno Film: In the Line of Cum Shots
New Porno Film: Jungle Beaver
New Porno Film: Jurassic Pork
New Porno Film: Malcolm Sex
New Porno Film: On Golden Blonde
New Porno Film: Robin Head: Men Who are Tight
New Porno Film: Rumpled Foreskin
New Porno Film: Silence of the Buns
New Porno Film: Sleeping with Seattle
New Porno Film: The Firm Gets Even More Firm
New Porno Film: The Little Barmaid
New Porno Film: The Sperminator
New Porno Film: Toys in Babeland
New Porno Film: White Men Can't Hump
New Porno Film: Wonderland in Alice
New Porno Film: Yank My Doodle, It's A Dandy.
New Presidential motto: "One day at a time for the last time."
New Psionic Ability: Mind on Drugs, turns brain to egg.
New Quicksand Kitty Litter-Never clean a litter box again!
New Release from Disney - starring Bill Clinton - "The Lyin' King"
New Rod Stewart album:  A Spammer In The Works!
New Russian software - Dos Vedanya!
New Scape fights Dragon Breath with its fresh "Armored Knight" flavor.
New SelfHelp Book: "_Rid yourself of doubt... or should you?_"
New Shimmer is a floor wax AND a dessert topping!
New South Wales is bordering on the truly amazing...Queensland.
New Status Symbol For The 90's  A Job....
New Steel-Belted Trojans - for the active Klingon male!
New Study of Obesity looks for Larger Test Group
New Surgeon General's warning: What are you, an idiot?
New TV Series: Star Trek GG: The Geritol Generation
New TV Series: Star Trek GG: The Geritol Generation.
New TV series based on the Bobbits: "Leave it to Cleaver"
New Tagline Found! (S)teal (I)gnore (C)orrect spelling ?
New UNIX/TS manuals available in 2F--101.
New User <Emerson> to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
New User <Ernie> to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
New User <Gary> to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
New User <Jason> to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
New User <Jim> to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
New User <Jim< to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
New User <Myra> to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
New User <Orville> to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
New User <Wayne> to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
New Users always find the glitch. - 1st Law of Sysops.
New VOYAGER bumper snicker:  "JANEWAY OR THE HIGHWAY!"
New Windows 4.0: programmed in Turbo Logo++.
New Windows cleaner:  Windex 3.1
New World ORDER = Now hear this!! Do it OUR way or else!
New Year's Eve, when everybody enters a hackish phase!
New Year's wish: Revenue Canada using Pentium-based PC's
New York City!? -Neelix
New York City, the city that never moves - Mike
New York Rangers: 1994 Stanley Cup Champions
New York Rangers: 2048 Stanley Cup Champions!
New York Times bought out by ZyXEL. News at 19.2
New York cops go bar-hopping; LA cops go night-clubbing.
New York is America's thyroid gland.
New York is real. The rest is done with mirrors.
New York's all right If U like saxophones.
New York's alright if you like saxophones.
New York, Tokyo, Paris, Hood River
New ZEALAND? I *KNEW* I should have taken that left at Tau Ceti Alpha!
New Zealand beer leaves one with a sheepish taste.
New and Improved Relativity Formula:  E=MC^3
New and improved Cost Of Living, direct from the Clintons!
New and used taglines for sale, many only one previous owner <sly grin
New book - "Ventriloquism For Dummies"
New book by Saddem Hussein: "Sand to Glass in 5 Seconds"
New book by Saddem Hussein: Sand to Glass in 5 seconds
New book from Bill: "How to Be a Lame Duck in Less Than Three Years"
New book, Your own death and how to cope with it.
New book: "Cream of Russian Youth", by Iben Yakinitoff.
New book: 101 Ways to Brown-Nose to Success.
New book: Do's and Don'ts for a Harmonious Honeymoon.
New book: Do's and Don'ts for a Hormonious Honeymoon.
New book: I am NOT a Borg, by Jean-Locu...um, that's *LUC* Picard.
New book: Modern Sex Techniques. It's a hand book.
New bus for poor & elderly : get on poor, get off elderly.
New campaign promise:  Babble fish for all
New campaign promise:  Bable fish for all.
New car, caviar, four star daydream, think I'll buy me a football team
New cereal: Crisp Dix.
New cereal: Great Nuts.
New clinical studies show there are no answers!
New computer?  But my abacus beads are *so* colourful.
New computer? But I like my vacuum tubes... They keep me warm.
New conference: HE'S-DEAD-JIM-TAGLINES. Volume: 7 warpzillion/week.
New convenience store:  Stop and Liquor. 
New courses: BC 119 Money can make you Rich.
New courses: BC 133 Tax Shelters for the Indigent.
New courses: BC 140 Becoming a Democrat and Living off the Taxpayers.
New courses: BC 141 Becoming a Republican and Living off the Taxpayers.
New courses: HE 106 Basic Kitchen Taxidermy.
New crypt. See /usr/news/crypt.
New dating service: Desperately Seeking.
New dating service: Things that bang in the night.
New dating service: Things that bump in the night.
New dating service: Things that hump in the night.
New dating service: Trashy Connections.
New diet fad of the recession 90'sSTEAL-A-MEAL!
New diet fad of the resession 90's... STEAL-A-MEAL!
New drink - The Simpson: Slice with a twist, followed by a dash of OJ.
New expansion team:  Battle Creek "Cereals"
New expansion team:  Elba "Benders"
New expansion team:  Mobile "X-Ray Units"
New expansion team:  Phoenix "Ashes"
New expansion team:  Reno "Vators"
New expansion team:  Rockford "Files"
New expansion team:  The Bronx "Cheers"
New ez-reader user tech support welcomed!
New feminizt car -- 1995 MitsuBitchy. 
New for Christmas: The John Bobbitt doll (Some assembly required).
New for the holidays: Toy Uzi. Assault and batteries not included.
New from Blammo (tm), it's NUCLEAR LOG!
New from Centauri Home Video: Refa Madness!
New from Disney: Snow White and the Seven Lesbians
New from Franklin Mint:  America's Most Beloved Taglines.
New from HP: the DisruptorJet Printer!
New from Intel - The Pentium Space Heater, only $799.95!
New from Kellogg's: Pre-toasted bread. Just heat and serve.
New from Kytel Records: HOOKED ON TAGLINES
New from MS ALZHEIMERS: Memory manager for Windows.
New from Maxis:  SimWindows!
New from McAfee: WiScan. Removes all Windows programs.
New from McAfee: WinScan. Removes all Windows programs.
New from McAffee: WinScan.  Removes all Windows programs!
New from Microsoft, a HD stress-tester: NT on 8 megs RAM.
New from Microsoft....EDLIN for Windows!!!
New from Microsoft: OS/2: The brain-damaged o/s for the b
New from Microsoft: Online mail reader.
New from Milton Bradley! Escape From Cthulhu!
New from Oolon Coluphid: "Who Is This God Person Anyway?", now in pb..
New from Playboy's animation dept.- Nyphomaniacs!
New from the Playboy Channel...Star Trek: Voyeur!
New from the creators of Baywatch: Lesbianwatch!
New function found for <Pause> key:  Pausing!!
New game on the Promenade.  "Where's Morn?"
New game, new rules.  WE change the law.  YOU're outlaws. - Government
New game-Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego's Luggage?
New game:  "Where in Hell is Carmen Sandiego?"
New game: where in the world is Carmen Sandiego's luggage?
New girl's got an odd can - Mike on girl's butt
New here?  Not to worry.  If you're nuts, you'll fit right in!
New horror flick/gardners' revenge:  "The Zucchini Chainsaw Massacre."
New horror flick:  "Night of the Living Zucchini."
New hotel - The Tribbled Inn for some reason the Klingons never stay.
New law passed in California: It's now illegal to have fun.
New laws? You mean we used up the old ones?
New magazine, Soldier of Misfortune.
New mail found...... FINALLY!!!!!..........(S)top whinning NOW?
New mail not found.  Start whine/pout sequence? (Y/n)
New mail not found. (W)hine, (P)out, (R)edial?
New mail not found. Executing Blams Sysop Sequence...
New mail not found. Start whine pout sequence? (Y/N)
New mail not found: (A)bort (R)etry (B)lame sysop . . .
New members urgently required for Suicide Club.
New message scan starting at 1 of 25,535. Non-abort mode.
New money making strategy. Invest in negotiable blondes.
New mouse driver costs money! Socialism dead!
New movie, Throw kitty from the train
New movie:  Doctor Who -- Regenerations
New musical group on the Promenade:  RoboGail & the MaryRaptors.
New on Dogahue: Dogs Who Use Cat Doors.
New on Dogahue: Falling in Love with Your Vet.
New on Dogahue: Korea: The Evil Empire.
New on Dogahue: Owners Who Eat Your Leftovers.
New on Dogahue: Post-neutering Depression.
New on Dogahue: Those Romantic Pocono Tick Baths.
New on Dogahue: When to Stop Licking Yourself.
New on Dogahue: Why Quayle?
New on Dogahue: Worm Pill Addicts.
New opcode #51: APX - Apply Power and eXplode.
New opcode #52: ROAD - Roll over and die.
New opcode #53: CHOKE - Compare hot opcode key ending.
New picture made in Bordeaux:  Tarzan of the Grapes
New plane?  I like the tail pipes... They keep me warm.
New pop group in Bosnia:  No Kids on the Block.
New product:  Uncle Ben's Perverted Rice...in the leather box.
New program:Taglines for Guns. Turn in a gun for a FREE tagline!
New punishment for illegal hackers; chain them to a Vic-20.
New recipe Found! [S]nag, [C]ook, [I]ncease garlic?
New regulations means new jobs for new regulators!
New religion? I haven't used up the old one, yet!
New religious game: Where In Hell Is Carmen Sandiego?
New restaurant on the Moon - Great food, no atmosphere!
New restaurant on the moon - good food but no atmosphere!
New restaurant on the moon : cool, but no atmosphere...
New restaurant on the moon.  Great food but no atmosphere!
New restaurant on the moon.  Great food, but no atmosphere.
New restaurant on the moon. Great food, lousy atmosphere.
New restaurant on the moon. Great food, no atmosphere.
New restaurant on the moon: cool, but no atmosphere...
New sci-fi/horror flick:  "Attack of the Killer Zucchini."
New sci-fi/horror flick:  "Invasion of the Zucchini Snatchers."
New sci-fi/horror flick:  "The Zucchini from the Black Lagoon."
New sidewalk game....Step on a crack dealer!
New sign on the highway: "Will umpire for food."
New slogan for Antioch College:  Just Say No and No and No...
New slogan for the Grand Canyon state: "Come to Aridzona!"
New spell: Dispel Stupidity
New spell: Power Word, Lawsuit.
New spell: Protection from Taxes
New sport for the olympic games: Tagline Stealing
New strain of system-trashing virus : WINDOWS
New style, you go out for pizza and never come back. - Ivanova
New support group for talkers- On & On Anon!!!
New systems generate new problems.
New taglines for old!  New taglines for old!
New theme park: 6 Flags Over 10 to the 12th power - Dr. F
New to Internet and trying to learn!!!
New truths begin as heresies and end as superstitions.
New use for old Pentiums - Hot plate.
New use for old computers: Book Ends
New users DO IT after receiving advice.
New users do it after reading the helpfile.
New users do it after receiving advice.
New warning sticker on records "SCREW YOU - don't buy this!"
New wave geology! Punk rock!
New with a K in front is a Canoe.
New wizard spell: Fudge DM Rolls
New wizard spell: Power word, Aaaaaauuuuuuugggggghhhhhhhhh!
New word being used in Japan: "Bushuru", to vomit.
New year is cancelled - They found the old one!
New!  Nabisco "Tits" -- betcha can't eat just one!
New! Hoggin' DOS---Ice Cream for Windows!
New! PRISONWare! -Crusty and Deadie's- *NOW RELEASED*.
New! Pagan Barbie!  (wand, incense, athame, pentacle sold separately).
New! Pagan Barbie! (wand and pentacle sold separately).
New! Pagan Barbie! (wand, incense, athame, pentacle sold separately)
New!!!   Windows Ice Cream -- Hoggin' DOS
New, Extry Bold - Crow
New, from the makers of Edlin-Windows!
New, improved Doctor McCoy! He's a doctor AND a floor wax!
New-found wealth sits on the shelf of yesterday.
New: It comes in different colors from the previous version.
Newbies are getting too easy to mess with
Newborn daredevil: Baby goes umbilical cord jumping.
Newdos - Acronym for 'Not Exactly What The Dealer Offers To sell y
Newer in not BETTER just bigger in size!!!!
Newest Storage: A WORN disk. (Write Once..Read Never).
Newfie Place Names: Come by Chance
Newfie Place Names: Joe Batt's Arm, Notre Dame Bay
Newfie Place Names: Piss Pot Point, Conception Bay
Newfie astronauts do nothing but take up space in school
Newfie dogs have bumps on the head from chasing parked cars
Newfie hunter follows tracks 3 miles before killed by train
Newfie summer 1996 is expected on August 3rd
Newfie wolf chews off three paws to get out of trap
Newfoundland...Fun in the Fog!
Newfoundland: No, I'm not a black St.Bernard.
NewfoundlandFun in the Fog!
Newfoundlanders: Furry Love En Masse.
Newly found protozoan fossil: Paramecium Johntorpeyus
Newlyweds:  Let's-Do-It-'Til-We're-Sore-Gasms
Newmaulultramicroscopicsilicolvolcanicconiosis -- Abraham J. Simpson
News Ad - Eight puppies from a German Shepherd and an Alaskan Hussy
News Flash - Tagline theft will be an Olympic event this year!
News Flash -- Tagline theft will be an Olympic event this year!!
News Flash! Energizer bunny arrested and charged with battery!
News Flash!! Fotomat just burned down, no film at 11.
News Flash:  Jack & Jill sue Mother Goose over unsafe hills.
News Flash: Suicidal Twin Kills Brother By Mistake.
News Headline: "Explosion At Sperm Bank. Nurses Overcome"
News Headline: Air force shoots down recruit.
News Headline: Ants Take A Long Time To Cook In Microwave.
News Headline: April slated as child abuse month.
News Headline: Burghers oppose McDonald's.
News Headline: Burglar takes underwear from home.
News Headline: Change should help Iowa get more drug money, Tauke says
News Headline: Christine Preston former head nurse; at 69.
News Headline: Cocaine is seeking to buy table talk.
News Headline: Dead guitarist better.
News Headline: Disabled athlete winds second gold with record heave.
News Headline: Disabled athlete wins second gold with record heave.
News Headline: Downpour likely to help only crappie fishermen.
News Headline: Ears found in probe of heads.
News Headline: Fight erupts at world peace conference.
News Headline: Get involved with drugs before your children do.
News Headline: Guardsman quits after death.
News Headline: League of women voters aims to shed drag image.
News Headline: Officials warn clams, oysters can carry virus.
News Headline: Organ will be speaker at Sertoma Conference.
News Headline: Prisoner loses his appeal.
News Headline: Rejection of laundry is urged.
News Headline: Sex Fund Pledged For Sheriff
News Headline: Shortage of brains slows medical research.
News Headline: Shots interrupt salvador war.
News Headline: Some murderers prone to violence.
News Headline: Sun to darken much of America.
News Headline: Towle Head buys Galaxy Building.
News Headline: Wine promises to put some life back into dead braves.
News Headline: Woman killed, burned near lakes!
News Headline: Woman's arm turns out to be beaver leg.
News Item:  Jupiter to hit comet fragments!!!
News Reporter:  We get paid well when the shit happens...
News anchor tells truth!  Head explodes!  Film at eleven!
News anchor tells truth!  Head explodes!  Flim at eleven!
News anchormen do it under the weather.
News cameramen go on strike - slides at 11.
News flash!  Pentium chip finds end of Pi!
News flash! The Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery!
News flash:  Headless body found in topless bar...
News flash: Barney caught exposing himself at Jurassic Park Movie.
News headline: Milk drinkers are turning to powder
News headline: Quarter of a million Chinese live on water
News is the first rough draft of History...
News is the first rough draft of history.
News reporters vying with lawyers for the barrel bottom..
News, are you for real, or some strange and twisted dream?
News:  Redneck caught lying through his tooth!
News:  Vampire population decimated due to outbreak of AIDS.
News: Vampire population decimated due to outbreak of AIDS.
Newsbytes - Microsoft announce EDLIN for Windows.
Newsbytes - Microsoft announces EDLIN for Windows.
Newscasters DO IT at 5, 6, 10, and 11.
Newscasters do it in network relays.
Newsflash!  Birdland Bar closed for serving mynahs.
Newsflash! Enterprise Counselor Dies of Shock when her mother kisses Q
Newsflash! Microsoft announces Visual EDLIN for Windows.
Newsflash! Microsoft to introduce Visual Edlin for Windows.
Newsflash:  Headless body found in topless bar...
Newsflash:  Kelly got an A - news at 11!
Newsflash: Headless body found in topless bar.
Newsflash: Limbaugh Unties Other Half of Brain and Becomes a Liberal!
Newsflash: Microsoft announces Visual Edlin for Windows v1.0!
Newsflash: Microsoft announces Visual Edlin for Windows.
Newsflash: Toy Town's Big Ears, has been made into a Ferengi Sex God...
Newsmen do it at six and eleven.
Newspamper - The plastic bag the paper comes in on rainy day
Newspamper - The plastic bag the paper comes in on rainy/snowy days.
Newspamper: the plastic bag the paper comes in on rainy/snowy days.
Newspaper Ad - Dog for sale:  eats anything and is fond of children.
Newspaper Ad - Eight puppies from a German Shepherd and an Alaskan Hussy
Newspaper Ad - For Rent:  6 room hated apartment.
Newspaper Ad - For Sale - Diamonds $20,00; microscopes $15.00.
Newspaper Ad - For Sale - Three canaries of undetermined sex.
Newspaper Ad - For Sale, Smoker's chair.  Solid Ash.
Newspaper Ad - For Sale:  Three canaries of undetermined sex.
Newspaper Ad - Get rid of aunts:  Zap does the job in 24 hours.
Newspaper Ad - Great Dames for sale.
Newspaper Ad - Man, honest.  Will take anything.
Newspaper Ad - Modular Sofas.  Only $299.00.  For rest or fore play.
Newspaper Ad - Offer expires December 31 or while supplies last.
Newspaper Ad - Our bikinis are exciting.  They are simply the tops.
Newspaper Ad - Save regularly in our bank.  You'll never reget it.
Newspaper Ad - See ladies blouses.  50% off!
Newspaper Ad - Semi-Annual after Christmas Sale.
Newspaper Ad - TOMBSTONE SLIGHTLY USED.  Cheap.  Weil's Curiosity Shop
Newspaper Ad - Tired of cleaning yourself?  Let me do it.
Newspaper Ad - Vacation Special:  Have your house exterminated.
Newspaper Ad - Wanted:  Chambermaid in rectory.  Love in, $200 a month.
Newspaper Ad - Wanted:  Hair-cutter.  Excellent growth potential.
Newspaper Ad - Wanted:  Mother's helper - peasant working conditions.
Newspaper Ad - Wanted: chambermaid in rectory. Love in, $200 a month.
Newspaper Ad - We build bodies that last a lifetime.
Newspaper Ad - Widows made to order.  Send us your specifications.
Newspaper Ad:  Dog for sale: eats anything and is fond of children.
Newspaper Ad:  Our bikinis are exciting.  They are simply the tops.
Newspaper Ad:  Tired of cleaning yourself?  Let me do it.
Newspaper Ad:  Widows made to order.  Send us your specifications.
Newspaper Ad: "Dog for sale: eats anything and is fond of children."
Newspaper Ad: For Sale:  Three canaries of undetermined sex.
Newspaper Ad: Our bikinis are exciting.  They are simply the tops.
Newspaper Ad: Semi-Annual after Christmas Sale.
Newspaper Ad: TOMBSTONE SLIGHTLY USED.  Cheap.  Weil's Curiosity Shop
Newspaper Ad: Tired of cleaning yourself?  Let me do it.
Newspaper Ad: Wanted:  Chambermaid in rectory.  Love in, $200 a month.
Newspaper Ad: Widows made to order.  Send us your specifications.
Newspaper Obit: Christine Preston former head nurse; at 69.
Newspaper boys do it in front of every door.
Newspaper headline: Shootout leaves one dead - two deader.
Newt Gingrich is his own best friend.
Newt Happens...When 61% of the American voters don't vote.
Newt and Cthulu what a team!
Newt surfs the Third Wave.... into oblivion.
Newt, a small, slimy, salamander.
Newt: "Term limits? Did somebody say term limits?"
Newt: Species of salamander - green with red spots, lives in caves.
Newton Died, Einstein died, I'm not feeling ok!
Newton had a bad trip, and now there's calculus.
Newton had a very integral character.
Newton of Borg:  "Force equals mass times assimilation."
Newton's 4th Law:  Every action has an equal & opposite satisfaction.
Newton's Fourth Law:  Every action has an equal & opposite satisfaction.
Newton's Fourth Law: Every action has an equal and opposite satisfaction.
Newton's Law of Gravitation : F = G m1 m2 / r^2
Newton's Little-Known Seventh Law: A bird in the hand is safer than one overhead
Newton's Third Law of Humourdynamics (Conservation of Bad Jokes)
Newton's law: Sitting under apple trees causes headaches.
Newton's laws of motion, that's all we need, more regulations.
Newtonian mechanics - the guys that work on your sports telescope.
Newts new Book: Connie, Mom, The Bitch, and I.
Newuser <Orville> to Sysop: I need BlueWave and I need it NOW!
Newuser <Willow> to Sysop: I need Blue Wave and I need it NOW!!!
Next ? - Steve Jobs
Next @#$%! time buy the two-ply kind, said Tom abrasively.
Next DS9: Odo is infuriated when he finds a mop in his bucket...
Next DS9: Odo serenades Kira with his version of "Bend Me, Shape Me"!
Next Exit Beyond the Outer Limits - Darkwood
Next Geraldo - people so weird they were rejected by other talk shows
Next Geraldo - weirdos rejected by other talk shows!
Next I'll figure out sibling rivalry. - Dr. Freedman
Next Major Movie Hit: Barney vs. T-Rex. In style of Bambi V. Godzilla.
Next Major Movie Release: Barney meets Godzilla.
Next Tagline doesn't leave until tomorrow, sorry no Tagline today.
Next Wednesday you will be presented with a great opportu
Next Wednesday you will be presented with a great opportunity
Next Week On DSN: The Stanley Cup is mistaken for an orb!
Next Week:  Q versus the Partridge Family.
Next door's fireworks display is always better.
Next exit: Food, Gas, Lodging and MURDER - Crow
Next film we may show her elbow - Mike on clothed 'porno'
Next from Intel:  The Repentium
Next from Intel: the Repentium.
Next incarnation, I have dibs on being a porn star.
Next irrational outburst: 5 min.
Next life, I'm getting script approval.
Next month is the 30th day of the rest of your life.
Next month: Red Wizard's Midnight Black edibles...:) - TEC
Next on AllBellsTagMgr: Auto conversion of FILE*.CHK to taglines.
Next on DS9 - Odo becomes a Runabout and goes joyriding.
Next on DS9:  Odo is infuriated when he finds a mop in his bucket.
Next on ESPN2 - The National Gerbiling Finals from San Francisco, CA
Next on Fantasy Island: Microsoft beats shipment deadline
Next on Geraldo of Borg: brothers who assimilate sisters.
Next on Geraldo, "People who hang around on BBSs."
Next on Geraldo... Absolutely Normal People!  Are they a dying breed?
Next on Geraldo:  Is Spock really an elf named Elrond??
Next on MST3K:  "Frank Perricone Conquers The Martians"
Next on MST3K: "@FN@'s Song"
Next on MST3K: "@LN@ Part III in 3-D"
Next on MST3K: "@N@ Conquers The Martians"
Next on MST3K: "Ben Butler Conquers The Martians"
Next on MST3K: "Bill and Carol and @FN@ and Alice"
Next on MST3K: "JIM Conquers The Martians"
Next on MST3K: "Mars Needs @LN@"
Next on MST3K: "Mars Needs Lawrence Kiefer"
Next on MST3K: "Mars Needs Ross Perot"
Next on MST3K: "The Adventures of @LN@"
Next on MST3K: "The Adventures of Ross Perot"
Next on MST3K: "They Saved @LN@'s Brain"
Next on MST3K: Ben Butler Conquers The Martians
Next on MTV: Beavis & Buttafuoco.
Next on Mystery Anime Theater 3000: Lensman.
Next on Oprah... Computer Geek Modem Romance!
Next on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION -- Ensign Ro vs. Ensign Wade
Next on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION--Ensign Ro vs. Ensign Wade
Next on Star Trek:  Q versus the Partridge Family.
Next on TNG: Troi sues Ryker for mental harrassment.
Next on TV:  Utrecht, the Next Generation!
Next on VOY: CKJ replicates ruby slippers in an attempt to get home
Next on VOY: Crew plays connect the dots on Neelix's head.
Next on VOY: The whole crew is caught stealing TAGLINES!
Next on a very special Mrs. Ironsides - Crow
Next rest area:  25 miles.  Whoa, that's a pretty big rest area!
Next stop Keystone City
Next stop is the infirmary, down the hall, to the right. - Franklin
Next stop the stars! Now where do i buy a ticket?
Next stop, funny farm.
Next stop: Rocket Science!
Next tagline doesn't leave until tomorrow, sorry
Next thing ya know, they'll be taxing sex!
Next time @FN@, put your brain in gear before starting your mouth.
Next time I send a damn fool, I'll go myself...Geez!
Next time I will try English.
Next time buy the two-ply kind, said Tom abrasively.
Next time it could be me on the scaffolding
Next time it could be me on the scaffolding - Bart Simpson's lines
Next time it could be me on the scaffolding. --Bart Simpson.
Next time my way.
Next time see if the hard drive is actually spinning.
Next time swipe one of Daffy's routines. - Bugs Bunny
Next time the power goes out: no candles - Mike
Next time u want an apple, BUY ONE! (Adam to Eve)
Next time you give away your old clothes-stay in them.
Next time you pass my house, I'll appreciate it.
Next time you post, think about it, will ya? - Jack Butler
Next time you wave  ...Use ALL of your fingers!!
Next time you wave at me use more than one finger.
Next time you wave at me, use ALL of your fingers.
Next time you wave at me, use ALL your fingers!.
Next time you wave at me, use all of your fingers.
Next time you wave at me, use more than one finger!
Next time you wave at me, use more than one finger, please.
Next time you wave, use ALL of your fingers!
Next time you wave, use ALL of your fingers!!
Next time you wave, use ALL of your fingers!!
Next time you wave, use ALL your fingers!
Next time you wave, use all your fingers.
Next time you wish to issue a Challenge to a Kzin: "Scream and Leap!"
Next time your mind goes blank, please stop typing.
Next time, @TO, insert brain, THEN type.
Next time, I'm not going to walk away. - Duncan Macleod
Next time, MY way...
Next time, give "The gift that keeps on giving" - A female kitten.
Next time, just say NO! (Adam to Eve)
Next time, my way. - Ivanova
Next time, see me before you see Sigmund. Troi
Next time, try separation of PROPERTY and STATE.
Next time, when all else fails, read the ENTIRE message, dimwit.
Next to be served:  3   Your number:  2812667764
Next to ingratitude, the most painful thing to bear is gratitude.
Next to the desicated liver pills - Crow as grocery guy
Next to the dog, the wastebasket is man's best friend.
Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it.
Next to your dog the or the forest fish will splatter!
Next up on Mystery Anime Theater 3000: Urotsuki Doji.
Next up on slave search, funny-slave Carrot Top - Tom
Next up:  Tossing Bob For Fun & Profit.
Next up:  Tossing Chrissy Di For Fun & Profit.
Next up:  Tossing Orville For Fun & Profit.
Next up:  Tossing Peter For Fun & Profit.
Next up:  Tossing him For Fun & Profit.
Next up: Tossing Orville For Fun and Profit.
Next version, mouse support for EDLIN!!
Next victim, please
Next week is the 7th day of the rest of your life.
Next week on "Babaloo 5:" Lucy visits a space station.
Next week on Babalooney 5:  Lucy visits a space station.
Next week on Mannix - Tom
Next week on McGuiver - Tom
Next week on Medical Center - Tom
Next week on Night Court: It's Ensign Ro vs Ensign Wade!
Next week on Voyager: Fem-Borgs In Las Vegas!
Next week's lesson:  How to find a sheep's G-Spot
Next week's message will be entered in Morse code.
Next week, Geco, we explore the wonders of sex.  Bring your sister!
Next week, He, we explore the wonders of sex.  Bring your sister!
Next week, Joel and the 'bots drop by DS9.
Next week, Johnny, we explore the wonders of sex.  Bring your sister!
Next week, we explore the wonders of sex. Bring your sister!
Next week, we'll learn how to play the kazoo.
Next week...He gets taller. - BJ
Next week: Geriatric Rodeo! - Crow
Next year I send *them* on vacation, and I'll stay home!
Next year's top seller: Bugspray 1.0 for Windows 95.
Next! Next! Number 17! Number 17! - Crow as deli worker
Next! Serena vs C-ko in Anime Combat for the Jaguar/7800!
Next, Mr. Goodwrench sings "What kind of tool am I"
Next, Sammy Davis sings "My Eye Adores You"
Next, on "The Mighty Morphin' Flower Arrangers..."
Next:  A Night At Dirty Zelda's
Next:  Tribbles Klingon style, on "Yan Can Cook"!
Next: Michael Jordan takes up figure skating.
Niagara Falls:  "Slow-w-wly I turned . . . ."
Niagara, O roar again!
Niagra Falls ...Slowly I turned ...Step by step ...Inch by inch ...
Nibbiblettes: Crumbs on your chest after snacking in front of the T.V.
Nibbles, bits, bytes....great hobby for a dieter, huh?!?
Nibbles, bits, bytes..great hobby for a dieter, huh?
Nice Borg. Gooood Borg. Urk!
Nice Brahams playing on the car radio - Tom
Nice Cat. Good Pizza. Don't confuse them.
Nice DM Good DM Put down the Outerplanes Monster Manual
Nice DM Good DM Set down the Outerplanes Monster Manual
Nice FIDO <rrrrrr> Good boy, FIDO <CHOMP!> YEEOWCH
Nice Haircut, Slick!
Nice Hotels: Mary Ott
Nice Hotels: Mary Ott(i)
Nice Jammies - Crow on guy's futuristic suit
Nice Kitty. Welcome to Cyberspace!
Nice and slow, see... That's the way ya do it...
Nice blazer. Sure you got a big enough collar? - Joel
Nice boy, but a little dumb. -- Foghorn Leghorn
Nice boy, but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice. - Foghorn Leghorn
Nice brains! - Joel & Bots on busty girl
Nice butt. - Dodger
Nice cake. - Rimmer It's supposed to be meatloaf. - Lister
Nice cake. --Rimmer. It was supposed to be meatloaf. --Lister.
Nice cake. --Rimmer. It's supposed to be meatloaf. --Lister.
Nice car! It's a Fillmore isn't it? Real futuristic!
Nice catch, ladies! --Hercules
Nice computers don't crash.
Nice computers don't go down - or do windows.
Nice computers don't go down on you. But nice girls....
Nice computers don't go down on you...
Nice computers don't go down.
Nice decorating!  Let me guessSatan? -- Dot
Nice dissolve.
Nice doggie!
Nice flea collar. - Duncan MacLoed to Kanis
Nice girls don't detonate galaxies.
Nice girls don't kill guys who ask them for dates. Unless it's Ataru.
Nice girls don't post nude self-portraits on the Web.
Nice girls finish last; YOU get to sleep in.
Nice going...Master Ninja Dipstick -MST3K
Nice guys don't finish nice.
Nice guys finish last -- but we sleep in more.
Nice guys finish last but we get to sleep in.
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in.
Nice guys get sick.
Nice hammer,... you nail anything with that?...:) - TEC
Nice house but not much furniture / nobody lives there.
Nice house. Good tea. - Worf
Nice jail. Looks strong . . . H. Houdini
Nice jammies! - Crow on cosmic princess' costume
Nice job Fisty. Push the button will you - Dr. F
Nice jump! - The Cat
Nice kitty....<punt>RRRrreeeooww!!!
Nice landing.  Next time, put the wheels down first.
Nice legs ... for a human. * Worf
Nice mirror! said Tom reflectively.
Nice music here - my compliments to the clef!
Nice of you to drop in. --Hercules to Xena
Nice of you to stop. -- Dax to Koloth
Nice one Simba - Timone
Nice outfit. - Potter. Thank you, sir! - Klinger.
Nice party.  Hey Goober! Try-ya some of them Horse Ovaries.
Nice shark, pretty shark. --Londo Mollari.
Nice shark.  Pretty shark - Londo
Nice shark. Pretty shark. <Londo<
Nice shark. Pretty shark. - Londo
Nice shoes.  Wanna f*ck?
Nice shot eh? What? Wrong net?
Nice sound a cat makes.. BUMP BUMP
Nice tank, Janet!  Is there a raid on civilians tonight?
Nice thing about a tagline file: no disagreeable opinions.
Nice tits.  Mind if I feel them?
Nice to know there's a little pizazz left in the old digits.-Potter
Nice to meet you, Pinnochio - Riker
Nice to see I'm not alone in my disgruntlement..
Nice to see you again, MacCleod. - The Kurgan
Nice to see you again, MacLeod. - The Kurgan
Nice try Quark, but I know you better than that. -- Dax
Nice try, astro-spy! - Joel
Nice try. No cigar!
Nice typing to a "Real" Princess ....
Nice underpants - Hobbes
Nice underwear Chris.perhaps you should take them off your head.
Nice underwear.  Perhaps you should take them off your head.
Nice view from this here window, Mr. Perot!! Can see all of Elm St!!
Nice, Mantovani in your CD Player. Writing A Romantic Program?
Nice, nice, very nice...but cheesy.
Nicely done, butt head! - Tom after scientist goofs up
Nicest sound a bard makes?  <THWEEEEEeeeeeeechunk-"AAARGH(gurgle)">
Nicest sound a cat makes: "Bump-Bump!!!"
Nicest sound a poodle makes?                                <Thup-thup!>
Nicest thing about Pagan friends? They worship the ground you walk on
Nick Brimble? I had a nick on my brimble once - Crow
Nick Hawkins, the common conference jerk.
Nick Johnson, Security Guard - Crow
Nick Nadboralski's REAL rank is...Q#$^ a NO CARRIER
Nick at Nite?
Nick does have his eccentric side - Don Schanke
Nick, think of the paperwork if you drop him! - Don Schanke
Nick, think of the paperwork if you drop him!- Schanke
Nickel:  Once good for getting the wrong number with.
Nickel: Once good for getting the wrong number with.
Nicknames stick to people and the most ridiculous are the stickiest.
Nicolah, we cannot define our lives by mortal mores. - Janette
Nicole Schwab doesn't know what he's talking about.
Nicole Schwab pondered during a file transfer
Nicole was a man who thought he was a tagline...
Nicole, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Nicole, don't confuse me with facts, just tell me what happened.
Nicole, what would you do without me?  ...Don't answer that.
Nicole, you magnificent b*stard...I READ YOUR MENU!
Nicoli Shaperio, Quzol, others - Pigs in Cyberspace
Nicotine is an addictive drug - Just say no to drugs.
Nien Nunb, I don't care about the damn elephants on your foot!
Nienberg's Law: Progress is made on alternate Fridays.
Niether give place to the devil. (Eph 4:27)
Nietzche Pops - The Uberbreakfast
Nietzche is pietzche, but Sartre is smartre.
Nietzsche is dead, God.
Nietzsche is pietzche, but Sartre is smartre.
Nietzsche is pietzsche, Goethe is murder.
Nietzsche is pietzsche.
Nietzsche says God is dead. God says Nietzsche is dead.
Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal. - Tolstoy
Nietzsche: God is Dead. God: Nietzsche is dead.
Nietzschism:  "All truth is simple." Is that not a sh*t happening?
Nifty. Can I have one, too?
Nigel Mansell, Indy Champ
Nigel Mansell: official Indy Champ of the Taglines echo (hurrah!)
Nigel,let that caller's leg go!
Night brings bad dreams, bad dreams and guillotines...
Night crawler, leeches, sucker minnows - Crow
Night hangs like a prisoner stretched over black and blue --U2
Night is always darkest just before you step on the cat.
Night of a Thousand Mimes.  Be afraid.  Be very, very afraid.
Night of the Living Brain Dead.
Night of the Living Dead - Nocturnal BBSr!
Night of the Living Fractals ... Whew nightmares.
Night of the Living Thread!
Night of the living dead chipmunks
Night of the living dead moderators.
Night of the living dead newbies
Night spread across the Disk like plum jam.  <Sourcery>
Nightingales sing badly - Jean Cocteau
Nightmare on Tobacco Street:  Joe Camel Returns.
Nightmare:  A bard who plays the accordian.
Nightmare:  A bard who plays the accordion.
Nightmare: Dreaming it's Monday and waking up to find that it is! - G.
Nightowls are _real_ people.
Nighttime is for modeming and sex. I'll rest when I'm dead!
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
Nihil simul est inventum et perfectum..
Nihilism should commence with oneself.
Nije bitno vazno da je pitko!
Nije lepo ali je korisno.
Nije sve crno kako izgleda, ponesto je i sivo.
Nije sve tako crno, rece dzelat, samo su ti zavezane oci.
Nije sve u parama - nesto je i u lovi
Nije sve u parama, nesto je i u markama ...
Nije sve u textu, ima nesto i u interpretaciji
Nije to Principov most zna se ko ga je pravio (c)Cengic
Nije trac,ali kruzi...
Nije vazno stici prvi. Vazno je stici pre drugog.
Nije zvaka za seljaka.
Nike virus: just does it.
Nike wants you to just do it.
Niki, ujaaaa   tu tu  bu buuuuu!
Niko nema sto PANON imade
Niko nema sto Srbin imade. Slobu, na primer
Niko nezna sta ga ceka dan sta nosi, svako juce ostavlja nam trag u kosi
Niko nije savrsen ali, kad pogledam u ogledalo???
Nikolaaa! Silazi dole, nisam ti ja maajkaaa!
Nil Illigitimi Carborundum
Nil taurus excretum.  No El Toro Poopoo either!
Nimoy for President in '96! The *ONLY* logical choice!
Nimoy: I'm not a Vulcan, but I play one on TV.
Nincompoop...Waste product of the nincom.
Nine Inch Nails is Trent Reznor
Nine Inch Nails: Broken
Nine Inch Nails: Coming Down Fast
Nine Inch Nails: Fixed
Nine Inch Nails: Pretty Hate Machine
Nine Inch Nails: Self Destruct Tour '94
Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Spiral
Nine bladed lawnmower? Here kitty....
Nine for mortal men doomed to die...
Nine months? Why were you in such a hurry at the end?
Nine out of 10 men who tried Camels preferred women!
Nine out of 10 vampires who tried camels prefer humans.
Nine out of ten Rotweilers prefer Jehovahs Witnesses
Nine out of ten cats prefer Logitech mice.
Nine out of ten doctors agree that one out of ten doctors is an idiot.
Nine out of ten ferrets choose Microsoft mice.
Nine out of ten men who try camels prefer women.
Nine out of ten people think they are above average.  The rest are in therapy.
Nine out of ten taglines prefer Blue Wave.  Yours will too.
Nine out of ten taglines prefer Messenger.  Yours will too.
Nine out of ten tyrants prefer unarmed peasents.
Nine out of ten women are scared off by Trekkers
Nine pence in the shilling.
Nine times out of ten the statisticians are wrong.
Nine times out of ten, talking is a way to avoid doing things.
Nine-tenths of all existing books are nonsense - Disraeli
Niner. Kiner. Byner. Miner - Crow
Nineteen cents short of a paradigm.
Ninety per cent of everything is crap.
Ninety percent of everything is crap. - Sturgeon's Law
Ninety percent of everything will prove to be plain crap.
Ninety percent of the game is half mental.  -- Yogi Berra
Ninja Auto Mechanic. In color! - Crow
Ninja Sminga. You can't Karate chop a bullet.
Nino! Fetch me another...this one's broken. - Kalas
Nintendinitis: Hand strain due to excessive rapid fire button pushing.
Nintendo: in-home baby sitter.
Nintendonitis: Hand strain due to excessive rapid fire button pushing.
Nintendunce:  A kid who is always playing computer video games.
Nintendunce: A kid who is always playing computer video games.
Nintey per cent of everything is Garbage. - P. Sturgeon
Ninth Level Tagline Thief, +8 to swipe.
Nip it in the bud!.....Nip it! Nip it! Nip it!
Nipple!! - Crow
Nipples-N-Clits, Nipples-N-Clits, I'm gonna get me some
Nipples-n-Clits Nipples-n-Clits, you're gonna get some...
Nirvana errupts on the scene. Canine suicide climbs 86% ..hmm.
Nirvana: Bleach
Nirvana: In Utero
Nirvana: Incesticide
Nirvana: MTV Unplugged
Nirvana: Nevermind
Nirvana: One down, two to go.
Nisam lep, al' sam zato glup.
Nisam od onih koji cvile, vise te namam i sta ja tu mogu,
Nisam plava, al sam glupa.
Nisi bila Bogzna sta, nisam bio to ni ja,
Nisi valjda luda da se stidis, sto si me prognala istocno od raja
Niski cevap, mali 1,50
Niski cevap, veliki 3,00
Nissan: Nasty Import Sucks Savings Away to Nippon
Nissan: Now In Some Shitty Automobile Nightmare
Nista je nista - ali ni nesto nije Bog zna sta.
Nista nas nesme iznenaditi...od ovakve vlasti
Nit Picks, I love scanning for Nit Picks.
Nitendo (ni-ten'-do) N -A game for the truly brain dead.
Nitko nije otok, zar ne, nitko ne moze sam.
Nitpick-like - humor challenged
Nitpicking:  Not just a hobby, it's a way of life!
Nitrate (def.) - cheaper than the day rate.
Nitrate ... Cheaper than Day Rates.
Nitrate, n. - the cost of phone calls after 11 PM.
Nitrate........... Different than the day rate.
Nitrate.................. Cheaper than a day rate.
Nitrate..Different than the day rate.
Nitrate:  Cheaper than a day rate.
Nitrate:  Cheaper than a day rate...
Nitrate:  Lower than the day rate.
Nitrate: - Lower than day rate.
Nitrate: Cheaper than a day rate.
Nitrate: Cheaper than the day rate
Nitrate: Different than the day rate.
Nitrate: The motel rate for a stay of more than two hours
Nitrates - cheaper than day rates
Nitrates: lower than day rates.
Niven's Law - Mother Nature doesn't care if you are having fun.
Niwagra:  The motion that causes a guy to miss the toilet.
Nixon '96:  He's rotting, he's rested, he's ready!
Nixon When the President does it, it's not illegal.
Nixon had Watergate, Clinton has Whitewater.
Nixon in '92! He's repented, tanned, and ready!!!!!
Nixon in '96.  He's pallid, he rested, he's ready.
Nixon in '96: because a corpse could do a better job than Clinton
Nixon in '96: because a corpse is the best the Republicans got.
Nixon in '96: he's pallid, he's rested, he's ready!
Nixon is dead - deal with it!
Nixon of Borg:  I am not a Borg.
Nixon says Quayle's not an intellectual midget.
Nixon's Principal: If 2 wrongs don't make a right, try 3.
Njene noge su u redu, a ja volim da citam izmedju redova.
Njih je dvojica, a mi smo sami.Ne upustaj se u borbu..
Njutn laze !!! Lake padaju lakse.
Njutn laze! Lake padaju brze.
No "Bother said Pooh" jokes allowed in this conference -Jw
No *I* am your father! -- Darth Vader
No *human* being could eat like that - and still surf
No - I have not grown roots into this chair!
No - yes - maybe - could be - perhaps.  Musings of a genealogist.
No - yes - maybe - no - could be - perhaps. Musings of a genealogist.
No .sig is a good .sig
No Amount Of Planning Will Replace Dumb Luck
No Anchovies! Please!!!
No Applause, Please
No B5 cults, please
No Baby On Board.  Please Drive Wrecklessly.
No Beast, I don't care what Savage said. There are NO lemon snow-cones!
No Bermuda vacation...the bridge is out.
No Big Macs in space! - Hodge Podge
No Bill, it's not an XT.  We're just testing Windows NT
No Boom *today*. Boom tomorrow.
No Bother said Pooh jokes allowed in this conference -Jw
No Brain, No Pain.
No Brains.... No Headaches!
No Canadian coins.
No Captain, we *did* add one more office light to make 5, why?
No Captain... when I say tommorow, I mean tommorow.- B'Elanna Torres
No Carrier- A Naval Aviators Worse Nightmare.
No Chips, no fun
No Chris, making love and farting is NOT multitasking.
No Clinton! I said "Fax me" not "Tax me"!
No Command Processor, Oh No, Not Again!!!!
No Commander, I meant the OTHER battleship.
No Commander, I meant the OTHER battlestar.
No Condo, No MBA, No BMW, No Clever Tagline
No Credit, Bad Credit? No Problem. No Money?  Problem.
No Credit, Bad Credit? No Problem. No Money?  Problem.
No Credit? No Problem.  Bad Credit? No Problem.
No Deanna, that's not your headband... that's Geordi's visor!
No Dear, I Don't Love My Computer More Than You.
No Dilithium Crystals? Use Folgers instead!
No Dupes! - (c) 1993 D.B. Bozarth
No Earl Grey tea? Set course for Starbase 5! Warp 9! Engage!
No Errors Found - Hmmmmm, that can't be right.
No Facts but...
No Fear Bungee Team
No Fear, said Elijah, as he gave Ahab the weather forecast.
No Flames!  Combustible tempers ahead.
No Freedom Without Wilderness.
No God  No Peace;   Know God  Know Peace
No God is ALL good!  Term limits NOW!
No Guns, No Peace/Know Guns, Know Peace.
No Gus, It wasn't a secret love affair! Trust us! :)
No Hunter shall interfere with another's hunt - Bounty Hunter's Creed
No Hunter shall slay another Hunter - Bounty Hunter's Creed
No I don't ice skate, here feel my
No I don't need your help, I get in enough trouble by myself..
No Jack in the Box jokes allowed in this conference
No Kill I.  Horta
No Kline?! - Tom disappointedly
No License on Drive C> Ticket? (y/n?).
No Lord shall stand before my Self.
No MORGANA card? She spends more time on-field than SOME players.
No Matter How You Vote, A Government Still Gets Elected.
No Means No!
No Michael, a nine year old can bathe himself.
No Money?  Problem.
No More Circuit Breakers!: Ira Fuse
No Mr Worf, You cannot use the holodeck to play Doom.- Picard
No Mr. Worf ... the Holodeck won't run Doom.
No Newt is good news.
No Newts is good Newts!
No Newts is good news.
No Nicking, Nibbling, or Finger Dipping Allowed in my Kitchen.
No No Nurse! I said PRICK his BOIL!!!
No No, I really like to run about the ship in my bare feet! - Piccard
No One Under 21 Admitted
No PGP-key available. No! Not even on special request receipt!
No Purchase Required.  Details Inside Package.
No Real Programmer works 9 to 5 (unless it's 9pm to 5am).
No Response, Please!
No Resurrection. No Christianity. - Michael Ramsey
No Revelation 3 coffee, please, Rev. 3:16, hot preferred.
No Rover don't touch that plu@(*#%$& NO CARRIER
No S&M here - why cause yourself pain?? Use SLMR!
No SDL Support for US Canada Courier Owners? Gimme a Break!
No Shirt-No Shoes-No Tie---No messages.....;-)
No Shirt? No Shoes? No Tagline.
No Silicon Heaven?  Then where do all the calculators go?
No Sir! I didn't see you playing with your dolls again!
No Sir, I didn't get it done.  I was in DEATHMATCH mode..
No Sir, I don't like it. - Mr. Horse
No Strippa Da Tagline !!<Just can't resist GRIN<
No T.V. for a week!
No Tagline available at this time.
No Tagline available. See?
No Tagline today....my love has plugged out my PC.
No Taglines Allowed -- Violators will be Prostituted!
No Thanks, I Don't Breed Well In Captivity.
No The name of my ship is the Lollipop -- Riker
No WANNA learn nother language; 'nuff trouble wid dis 1
No Warp?  Worf, Data .. get out and push .. I'll steer!
No Warp?  Worf, Data, get out and push, I'll steer!
No Wesley, do not open up that window!........
No Whining!
No Why?  Have YOU ever snorted laser toner?
No William F. Buckley impersonations! - Joel to Tom
No Windows, no cry
No Worf ... The holodeck won't run Doom.
No Worf.....The holodeck does NOT run DOOM.
No Wucking Forries.
No abusive language in this message, so a reply is expected.
No act of love however small is ever wasted!
No act of love, however small, is wasted!
No actually, we're just good friends.
No adult channels?  What do you watch then.
No alcohol, dogs, or horses.
No amateur crastinator am I.
No amount of careful planning will ever replace dumb luck
No amount of careful planning will ever replace luck
No amount of careful planning will ever replace luck.
No amount of force can control a free man -- RAH
No amount of planning can ever replace dumb luck.
No amount of planning can replace dumb luck!
No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck!
No amount of planning will replace dumb luck.
No amount of poor schooling can spoil a good student.
No amount of second hand smoke is safe!.
No anchovies unless otherwise specified.
No anchovies, please.
No animals were harmed during the making of this film, except the cat!
No animals were harmed in the making of this movie. Except the cat.
No animals were harmed in the posting of this message.
No answer is also an answer.
No artist sees reality, if he did he wouldn't be an artist.
No baby on board - you can DESTROY my car now.
No baby on board - you can destroy my car now.
No baby on board, you can blow up my car now.
No bachelor files for divorce after a home-cooked meal.
No bagpipes in Heaven?  Send me downstairs, then!
No bane, no pain.
No bath cures ignorance, but drowning would help.
No bathroom?  Just boldly go where no one has gone before!
No bathroom? Just boldly go when no one has gone before!
No bathroom? Just boldly go where no man has gone before!
No bathroom? Just boldly go where no one has gone before!
No battle plan has ever survived contact with the enemy.
No battle plan survives contact with the enemy
No battle plan survives more than 3 minutes of actual combat.
No beer, wine, or liquor will ever touch my lips...I use a straw.
No being can be truly sentient without laughter.  Delenn
No bias here...just years of experience.
No big deal
No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.
No blade, just empty hand :)
No blasters!  No blasters!
No blondes using THIS comXputer!    X
No blood. No Dallas. Nothing. <Parker>
No body knows the troubles I've XEEN.
No books are lost by lending, except those you wanted to keep.
No boom now.  Boom tomorrow...there's ALWAYS a boom tomorrow...BOOM!
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow - Ivanova
No boom? - Garibaldi No boom. - Sinclair
No brain is stronger than its weakest think.
No brain, no effect!
No breasts were ritually removed - Joel
No bugs, no Windows, I don't NEED no stinking Windex!
No bugs?  Don't worry...  I can fix that...
No but my keyboard isn't bad!.....I am.
No calls from Korthof, Parks or Grillo...
No carrier.... YOU CARRY ME!....
No carrier?  How we gonna land this modem?
No casting? Foundry workers are devastated - Mike
No cat ever voted to confirm Clarence Thomas.
No cause for alarm? Maybe FOUR alarm - Tom on raging fire
No cause is so right that one cannot find a fool following it. - Niven
No cause is so right that one cannot find a fool following it. - l.n.
No cause of death determined for beheading victim.
No chairs M'Lady? Feel free to use my face.
No chance for contact, there's no Raison D'Etre.
No chance for contact, there's no Raison D'Etre. - Qyr
No chance, English bedwetting types!
No cheese Gromit.
No child on board - go ahead and hit me
No coaching from the sidelines, shrimp! - Tom to kid
No cock too big or too small...I take 'em ALL!!!
No combat-ready unit has ever passed inspection.  'Murphy
No comment is a comment.
No comment till I speak to my lawyer.
No comment, and you can quote me on that!
No comment.
No compromise - no surrender - no firearms prohibition!
No computer stands in my way!  Only blood can cancel my pain!
No concussion.  He'll be fine.  Cleam him up.
No concussion.  You'll be fine.  Cleam him up.
No concussion.  You'll be fine.  Clean him up. --Holodoc
No concussion. He'll be fine. Clean him up. - Holo Doc
No condo, no MBA, no BMW, no 486, no clever tagline.
No convective SIGMETS before 10AM == good Fla summer day
No cookies! Not now! Not ever! - Mike
No copy of me can possibly be as good or as bad as the original.
No country in history has ever taxed itself into prosperity.
No cross, no glory!!!
No darkness have we who in Jesus abide.
No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap.
No dear, I'm not on the modem again.
No death lasts for eternity.
No decorations necessary.
No destiny, just certainty of death.
No detail is too small to be overlooked.
No device ERROR attempting to read user's mind.
No dinner with Mel Gibson?! - Dot Warner
No discussion makes sense to the willfully ignorant.
No dolphins were killed to prepare this tagline.
No dolphins were killed to produce this message.
No doubt about it, we gotta get our radar checked - Yakko
No dream comes true until you wake up and get to work on it.
No dream is ever lost if you never cease to try
No duh...No duh, Franky - Dr. Forrester
No dumbass, you're not born with em, you get em when you join the Navy
No ear can hear nor tongue can tell the tortures of an inward hell.
No ellipses, no parabolas, and no hyperbolas, said Tom laconically.
No escape from his battering-ram tongue - Tom on Barugon
No evil Shahs live on.
No evil is greater than indifference toward evil.
No evil sex at noon; taxes live on.
No excuse, really, just brain made of turnips.
No expression. Look at the camera w/no interest - Crow
No extensible language will be universal.  - T. Cheatham
No extra charge for heavy sarcasm
No extra charge for heavy sarcasm.
No facts are sacred, none are profane.
No fair, you're trying to confuse me with facts here.
No falsehood lingers into old age.     Sophocles (406 BC)
No favor can win gratitude from a cat. La Fontaine
No fear, for its a jungle out there!
No fear.
No files copied, insufficient disk space.
No film can ever have three thumbs up.
No filter in the coffeemaker.
No fouling the footpaths . . . curb your dog.
No free lunch in an ecosystem.
No free man shall ever be barred the use of arms - Jefferson
No free man shall ever be barred the use of arms-Jefferson
No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. - T. Jefferson
No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. Thomas Jefferson
No further information is available about- *reality* <click>
No further insults required in response!!!
No gags, no bulldozer, no dynamite! Whatta rotten cartoon! -- Slappy
No gags, no sex, no dynamite! Whatta rotten echo!
No garden, one dragon
No generalization is true, not even this one.
No generalization is wholly true, not even this one.
No girdle ever cured a pregnancy
No glory, no guts.
No glove, no love!
No goals, no glory.
No god, no lord shall live.
No good buys, just amenities. - Yar at the mall
No good citizen always trusts his government.
No good deed ever goes unpunished. - 285th Rule
No good deed ever goes unpunished. - The Collaborator
No good deed ever goes unpunished. - Trapper (*before* FRA #285)
No good deed goes unpunished - Mark Twain.
No good deed goes unpunished.
No good deed goes unpunished. -- Clare Boothe Luce
No good deed shall go unpunished!
No good deed should go unpunished
No good duty goes unpunished.
No good turn goes unpunished
No goodbyes, just good memories. Hailing frequencies closed, Captain!
No government gets an income except by stealing.
No government is better than our government.
No government wrongs = No personal rights.  -J. Hunt
No grain in the silo.
No grass atoll, no trees atoll, no water atoll...Kilroy
No grass grows where my horse has trod. - Atilla the Hun
No grass grows where my horse has trod. -Atilla the Hun
No great achievement is posssible without persistant work. B. Russell
No great genius is without an admixture of madness. -- Aristotle
No great scoundrel is ever uninteresting
No guarantees. --Garibaldi. None required. --Londo.
No guarentees. Garibaldi None required. - Londo
No guns? What should I use for defense, harsh language?
No hand signals. The driver is a convicted arab shoplifter.
No hangovers -- stay drunk!!!
No hay in the loft.
No help from the pit boss in the sky. - Klinger
No help there-Data
No hesitation, no heart of gold; just flesh and blood. - Weird Science
No historical taglines found...
No holding back the summer night, I got a feeling. - Danzig
No honey, I can't eat with the family. My computer gets lonely!
No honey, I can't eat with the family. My plane gets lonely!
No honey, it's only a computer, PLEASE put down the gun.
No honey, it's only a computer, PLEASE put down the gun..
No horsing around, now. I'm serious. - Col. Potter
No human thing is of serious importance.           Plato
No human thing is of serious importance. - <Plato>
No human would stack books like that.
No hunter shall refuse aid to another hunter - Bounty Hunter's Creed
No individual raindrop ever considers itself responsible for the flood
No inequity is too trivial.
No input .. No output .. NO CARRIER
No inspection-ready unit has ever passed combat.
No intelligence at your terminal. Self destruct in 60 sec
No intelligent life here! Beam me up Scotty.
No it isn't...  No it isn't...  No it isn't... No it ...
No it was his sweetbreads.
No job is so small it doesn't require all your tools
No job is too simple nor too small to make a mess out of.
No job is too small to screw up!
No job to easy, no fee too large. Dragons rescued, Virgins slain.
No job too easy, no fee too large. Dragons rescued, Maidens slain.
No job too easy, no fee too large. Dragons rescued, Virgins slain.
No jokes. That's my Rule of Obedience Number 14.
No justice! Otis Redding dead, Barry Manilow lives!
No keyboard attached. Think "F1" to continue.
No kidding, it's a serious matter.
No king! No king! la la la la la la - Hyenas
No lady, I said you've got great set of BITS.
No landing is bad if you can walk away.
No law can be made that does not take something from liberty.-Bentham
No law is sufficiently convenient to all. - Livy
No learning, no knowledge is ever wasted - Tarma
No legacy is so rich as honesty.   (Shakespeare)
No lemons, no melon.
No liberals = no progress = no computers = no BBSs.
No line available at 300 baud.
No longer a Ghost!
No love is sincerer than the Katagits' love of Mankind.
No ma'am.  No dipshit.
No magic at the table, you know the rules.  <Ridcully>
No mail?  Give FIDO a laxative.
No mail?  Give fido a laxitive.
No mail? Give fido a laxative.
No main() No Gain!
No man can scoop a meal out of a can as that man can.  Garfield
No man can serve two masters - Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters, yes-men can serve hundreds.
No man can serve two masters.
No man can think well of himself who does not think well of others.
No man ever shot a woman while her mouth was shut.
No man goes before his time...unless his boss has left early.
No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar
No man has a right to do as he pleases, unless he pleases to do right.
No man is a fool always, but all men are fools sometimes.
No man is an island if he is on even one mailing list.
No man is an island, but I've met some peninsulas... -- RAH
No man is an island, but I've met some peninsulas....
No man is an island, but in the bathroom urination.
No man is an island, but some have long peninsulas.
No man is an island, but some of us are long peninsulas.
No man is an island, but some of us have big peninsulas. - Dire Wolf
No man is an island. But some make pretty good peninsulas.
No man is an island. But some of us are long peninsulas.
No man is an island. But some of us have long peninsulas.
No man is complete until he marries. Then He's finished!
No man is drunk as long as he can lie on the floor without holding on.
No man is lonely while eating spaghetti.
No man is so old as to think he cannot live one more year.
No man is such a conquerer as the one who has defeated himself.
No man loves life like him that's growing old.  Sophocles
No man loves life like him that's growing old. Sophocles
No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions. Steinmetz
No man stands taller, than when he bends to help others.
No man's credit is as good as cash.
No man's credit is as good as his money.
No man's liberty is safe while legislature is in session.
No man's religion ever survives his morals.
No maniacs in polyester slacksRUSH Roll the Bones
No matter his power, Q was still an idiot.-Picard
No matter how advanced we become, puppies will still piddle on the rug
No matter how cynical I get, I can't keep up.  -Lily Tomlins
No matter how cynical I get,I still can't keep up..Lily Tomlin
No matter how cynical you are, you can't keep up
No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up.
No matter how cynical you get, it is hard to keep up...
No matter how early you arrive, someone else is in line first.
No matter how hard you throw a dead fish in the water, it still won't swim.
No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats!
No matter how large that drive is, it'll never be enough.
No matter how long you nurse a grudge it will never get better.
No matter how many friends you have there's always room for one more.
No matter how much you do, you'll never do enough.
No matter how much you think you need it, don't borrow money!
No matter how old you are now, you will never be this young again!
No matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney.
No matter how you dress a cow, it still gives milk !
No matter how you slice it, it's still a golf ball
No matter how you vote, a government still gets elected.
No matter what I do, my mom can always tell when I'm lying.
No matter what a man's past may have been, his future is spotless.
No matter what a man's past, his future is spotless.
No matter what goes wrong, it will probably look right.
No matter what goes wrong, someone knew it would.
No matter what happens, someone always knew it would.
No matter what it is, it's more important than housework
No matter what mom does to it, spinach always tastes awful.
No matter what the package, a Beer still looks good.
No matter what the result, someone is always eager to misinterpret it.
No matter what the subject, it's money.
No matter what they SAY, size IS important!
No matter what you achieve, someone has helped you.
No matter what you do, someone always knew you would.
No matter where I go, there I am.  Hey!  I'm omnipresent!
No matter where in CT you are, it's still CT. -CT Proverb
No matter where we hunt, we all howl at the same moon.
No matter where you are there you are...
No matter where you go, Gary, there you are.
No matter where you go, Orville, there you are.
No matter where you go, there you are!
No matter where you go, there you are.
No matter where you go, there you are.  - B. Bonzai
No matter where you go, there you are. - B. Bonzai.
No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
No matter where you go, there you are.....
No matter where you go....I'll HUNT you down!!!
No matter where you go...there you are!
No matter where you go.I'll HUNT you down!!!
No matter where you go; you're there.
No matter where you're at, there you are.
No matter which book you need, it's on the bottom shelf.
No matter which direction you march, it is allways uphill.
No matter which way you ride, it's uphill and against the wind.
No matter who you vote for - the government gets elected.
No matter who you vote for the government wins!
No matter who you vote for, the government gets elected
No matter who you vote for, the government gets elected.
No matter who you vote for, the government gets in.
No means No.
No medicine can cure a vulgar person.
No messages were harmed in the making of this tagline.
No military, lots of sex, some pot hey!, Clinton's a hippie!
No military, lots of sex, some pot...hey!, Clinton's a hippie!
No military, lots of sex, some pothey!, Clinton's a hi
No moderator? Lets chat about Windows!
No money could save him, so he lay down and he died.
No money needed! (Did I say that?)
No money, no honey!
No more BLT's! <SCREAM!> Aw, take it easy, it's just a sandwich. -Tick
No more Coffee for you Captain! ahhahaha
No more Conservatives for Canada ! ...E V E R!
No more Gin Fizzes for me - Mike
No more Mr. Nice Guy!  No more Mr. Clean!
No more Ms goodperdaughter
No more Ms. Goodperson
No more Romulan Ale to be served at Social Functions...
No more Scooby snacks for you!
No more abasing the women, Orville! Ok, please don't hit me, again.
No more adventures.  I'm not going that way. - C-3PO
No more beaming! This time I am going to walk. - Skroob
No more blah, blah, blah!
No more bottled water left...!$*^*$% NO PERRIER
No more excuses baby. Look me in the eye.
No more getting slapped in the load pan - Crow
No more lawyers? No more freedom!
No more lawyers? No more pettifoggery!
No more looking downcome and claim your crown!
No more money for MICROSOFT. USE 4DOS!!!!
No more money for Mickey. Use 4DOS and DRDOS
No more negotiating -- it's a dumb deal.
No more rules. - Duncan MacLeod
No more sentence.  All of my pain has been freed. - Collective Soul
No more sick days?  Call in dead!
No more taglines.  They make me sick.
No more taxes! It's all contributions now!
No more twit replies required. I got it! Thanks all!
No more violence against women!
No more wine and no more women.  Sing all the songs you want.
No more witch hunts!  This time, we fight back!
No more. No less. You got a lifetime. --Death.
No mortal man can win this day...
No moving parts!
No mud can soil us but the mud we throw.
No mushy keyboards, please....
No name is needed. In fact it will not work if you put your name.
No names until we're topside. --Franklin.
No napkin is sanitary enough for me.
No nation can ever rise above the caliber of its homes.
No nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity. - Rush Limbaugh
No need for WindowsVideoAccelerator, get OS/2.
No need for me to stay the last thing left. I just threw it away. -NIN
No need for therapy this week.
No need to be leading to have the courage to go ahead.
No need to be pessimistic. It wouldn't have worked anyway.
No need to bother the Bouncing Berserker about that, my dear. --Hodge.
No need to insure the office clock....everyone watches it.
No need to launder the money-Mike as money falls in water
No need to panic, I tell myself.
No need to reply; I know you'll agree with me.
No new mail for you - want someone else's?  ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
No new tale to tell, 26 years on my way to hell - NIN
No news is good news.
No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'!
No no, chocolate goes in the North. Massage oil goes in the West!
No no...I'm the OTHER Sysop.
No not really. I am the guy running this operation. - Dr. Franklin
No not really. I am the guy running this operation. --Franklin.
No nurse!  I said to TUCK the patient in the bed!
No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye. - Elizabeth Bowen
No occifer, I'm not punk in drublic.
No offense intended in anything above!
No officer with false teeth shall attempt oral sex in zero gravity.
No one at the throttle.
No one brings me flowers, she said lackadaisically.
No one can be like you. No one is that desperate.
No one can call just once
No one can call just once...
No one can deny that these are difficult times.
No one can earn a million dollars honestly. - Bryant
No one can fail to be impressed, or perhaps to gulp. Always Coca-Cola.
No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
No one can get ahead of you when they're kicking you in t
No one can guarantee the actions of another.
No one can guarantee the actions of another. - Spock, "Day of the Dove"
No one can hear when you're Screaming in Digital!
No one can hear you scream at 300 baud...
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. -- Eleanor Roosevelt
No one can milk a shot like Adam West - Crow
No one can predict to what heights you can soar.
No one can put you down without your full cooperation.
No one can spend three bucks like dad does - Tom
No one can stop an earthquake.  Shift happens!
No one can think clearly with clenched fists.
No one could be that devious. - Sisko.  I am. - Quark.
No one does a Blue Wave like Argonaut fans.
No one does as much harm as one going about doing good.
No one else has THESE! -Tom as girl thrusts her chest out
No one else pays attention to you, so why should I?
No one ever MEANS for these things to happen... - Scar
No one ever assassinated Clinton's character. IT COMMITED SUICIDE!
No one ever assassinated Clinton's character. IT COMMITTED SUICIDE!
No one ever expects the SPANISH Inquisition!
No one ever forgets where he buried the hatchet.
No one ever forgets where they buried the hatchet.
No one ever made laws keeping people from making fools of themselves.
No one ever reads these things.
No one ever really knows themself. That certainly makes YOU lucky.
No one expects the Spamish Repetition!  Spam Spam Spam!
No one expects the Spammish Repetition!  Spam!  Spam!  Spam!
No one expects the Spammish Repetition!  Spam!  Spam!  Spam!  Spam!
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
No one feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
No one feels as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
No one finds my mine fields humorous.
No one gets a change of scenery except the lead dog.
No one gets sick on Wednesdays.
No one gets the best of me in my kitcken!! - Neelix
No one goes there anymore -- it's too crowded -Yogi Berra
No one goes to that restaurant anymore- it's always too crowded.
No one got's to never go teasin' hisn's momma, said Tom ungrammatically.
No one had gone bananas, not in that way at least. - HHGTTG
No one had to assassinate Clinton's character: It Committed Suicide!
No one has ever bet enough on a winning horse.
No one has ever complained of a parachute not opening.
No one has ever died an atheist. --Plato.
No one has ever died an atheist. -Plato-
No one has ever loved you as I love you.   Greta Garbo
No one has ever recovered a ship from hyperspace - Sheridan
No one has jurisdiction over the truth -Fox Mulder
No one has known we were among you...until now. - Ramirez
No one hates this war business better than I do. - Frank Burns
No one in love is free...or wants to be.   Shirley Knight
No one invited me to the pillaging - Crow
No one is as ugly as their passport photo!
No one is born knowing all about this stuff...
No one is entitled to an opinion on a subject they are ignorant of.
No one is ever all wrong, and no one is ever all right.
No one is ever old enough to know better.
No one is interested in my underpants
No one is interested in my underpants - Bart Simpson's lines
No one is interested in my underpants -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F17
No one is interested in my underpants -Bart Simpson/Episode 9F17
No one is interested in my underpants.
No one is interested in my underpants. --Bart Simpson.
No one is listening until you make a mistake.
No one is more carnal than a recent virgin.  -- John Steinbeck
No one is near, no one to hear your changeling song, take shape!
No one is paying attention until you make a mistake.
No one is perfect, but some of us are closer than others.
No one is so generous as he who has nothing to give. French Proverb
No one is so happy or sad as he imagines.
No one is so rich as to throw away a friend.
No one is so self-sufficient that he does not need God.
No one is unemployed who minds his own business
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.
No one kills over drugs ... They kill over money.
No one knows I'm a lesbian.
No one knows I'm bi-sexual.
No one knows how he'll act under pressure.
No one knows how much a cat means to the owner - except the Cat.
No one knows the Tribble I've seen..
No one knows the reason for all this, but it is probably quantum.
No one knows what he can do until he tries.  -- Publilius Syrus
No one likes a beast with an attitude, or a dragon with a chest-cold.
No one may catch fish with his bare hands in Kansas.
No one notices what I do until I don't do it.
No one on TV ever does housework, but everyone's home is always clean.
No one on this echo is exactly as he appears.
No one on this station is completely independent. -- Bashir
No one on this station is exactly as he appears...
No one ought to be injured by what took place between others.
No one owns life. But anyone with a frying pan owns death.
No one paws my butt without permission! =) -Tristessa
No one raindrop considers itself responsible for the flood.
No one really knows enough to be a pessimist.
No one said you had to LEAVE the echo!!
No one saw you enter. No one has to see you leave. -- Black Fury
No one saying be here... - Nala
No one saying be there... - Nala
No one saying do this... - Simba
No one saying stop that... - Simba
No one should ever see how laws and sausages are made.
No one should ever see how laws or sausages are made.
No one should have to die for love.
No one should hide their true self behind a false face. LON CHANEY
No one should test the depth of a river with both feet.
No one steps twice into the same river. - Heraclitus
No one takes you seriously?  That's ridiculous!
No one test the depth of a river with both feet.
No one tests the depth of a river with both feet.
No one thought up being; he who thinks he has, step forward. --JM
No one told me it involved having sex with an alien. - Ivanova
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
No one told you when to run,you missed the starting gun
No one understands my work. - Calvin
No one wants advice- only corroboration - Steinbeck
No one wants to admit they wrote this? - Crow
No one wants war.
No one wants war. - James Tiberius Kirk
No one who can read is successful at cleaning out an attic.
No one who speaks German could be an evil man.
No one will believe the Clinton's innocence - Vince Foster
No one will follow a dull disillusioned crybaby.
No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.
No one wins, it's a war of men.
No one's asked us to eat ten raw pigs for breakfast-Edmund
No one's belief is so trivial that it cannot start a war.
No one's watching that wienie anyway! - Larry on Joel
No opportunity is lost; someone else takes it.
No order there, just a trip back in time!  :)
No pain, no pain. - Armand
No pain, no palm; no thorn, no throne. - William Penn
No pants or shoes w/that outfit huh? -Crow on girl's gown
No parking in the red zone.
No passes accepted for this engagement.
No pearls, no dress? Why are you out of uniform?-Potter to Klinger
No person ever became wicked all at once
No person ever became wicked all at once.
No person is lonely while eating spaghetti.
No person should govern another without permission of the governed.
No person should govern another without their permission.
No personal messages- leave threatening message to Sysop?
No pilaf for me, please, said Tom derisively.
No plan ever survives contact with the enemy.
No plan survives contact with the enemy...
No plan survives initial contact with the enemy.
No plan survives the first contact intact.
No plan survives the first contact intact.  'Murphy
No plane on Sunday...maybe one come Monday.
No please don't get up -- I'm finished.
No pleasure lasts long unless there's variety in it.
No point in contacting me.
No political party has exclusive patent rights on prosperity.
No political system can establish universal rationality by law.
No politician of either party really gives a damn about "freedom."
No positive G's today, I have a headache!
No postage necessary if mailed in the United States.
No prizes for predicting rain.  Prizes only awarded for building arks.
No prob! :> I like to state the facts
No problem - my favorite Cats all love Tuna
No problem is insoluble.
No problem is insoluble. -- Dr. Janet Wallace
No problem is so big you can't run away from it.
No problem is so complex it can't be run away from.
No problem is so formidable that you can't just walk away from it.
No problem is so great it can't be run away from.
No problem is so large it can't be fit in somewhere.
No problem is too big it can't be run away from..
No problem is too big to run away from. --Charles M. Schulz.
No problem too big that high explosives couldn't cure.
No problem, do you want mayo on that? - Sheridan
No problemo
No program done by a hacker will work unless he is on the system.
No program done by an undergrad will work after she graduates.
No program survives contact with a user.
No program works the first time you run it.
No promised land to take you to there is no other way!
No protection, no erection.
No purchase necessary.
No quailing, Orville! No drawing back!
No quarter asked, no change given.
No question is so difficult as one to which the answer is obvious.
No racism no sexism *#%^%%%^@@#! NO BARRIER
No radio.  Already stolen.
No raindrop considers itself responsible for the flood.
No real problem has a solution.
No reason for it; It's just my policy.
No reason for it; it's just my policy.
No reason to stand up. I know when I've been licked.
No regrets? That is a human response - Data
No reply expected or desired........
No respect for Superman in supermarket.
No response is required or expected, IAW Don't answer, cementhead!
No rest for the Wicca-ed!
No reward is worth this! - Han Solo
No room for improvement. -Hobbes
No sEx CaUses DistOrted VisIon
No sane man will dance.
No sane person lives where it snows. - Ancient Floridian Proverb.
No sane person lives where it snows. - Floridian Proverb
No sane person lives where it snows. -- Jack Butler
No sane person lives where it snows. -Floridian proverb.
No scientific evidence exists to prove that life is serious.
No scotch and sofa tonight, it's gin and platonic for you!
No sense being Pessimistic.....it won't help anyway.
No sense being pessimistic - it won't work, anyway...
No sense being pessimistic -- it wouldn't work anyway.
No sense being pessimistic, it wouldn't work anyway.
No sense being pessimistic.  It wouldn't work anyway.
No sense being pessimistic.  Won't help anyway.
No sense being pessimistic.........It won't work anyway!
No sense dying before lunch.
No sense in being pessimistic -- it won't help anyway.
No sense in being pessimistic...It wouldn't work anyway!
No serenade, no fire brigade, just pyromania.
No seriously....hehe....how much damage did I take?
No serviceable components inside.
No sex is better than bad sex.
No sex is better than good sex.
No sex life?  There's always computers
No sex with anyone in the same office.
No ships, no fighters, no cruisers. - G'Kar
No shirt, no shoes; no replies.
No shoes, no shirt, no Taglines.
No shoes. No spears. No safari - Crow on cavemen
No sir!  I didn't see you playing with your dolls again sir!
No sir, I didn't see you playing with your dolls again!
No sir, Ossifer, I'm not the leath bit drunk!
No slogans, simple taglines.... PLANET BLUEWAVE
No smoke or sparks... hmm... Must be a software problem.
No smoking on the bridge! fumed Picard.
No snowflake falls in an inappropriate place. <Zen saying>
No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.
No solicitors.
No son, we use Windows to slow down games on 486's.
No son, we used Windows to slow down games on 486's
No son,delete does not mean go to the next game!!
No son,we used Windows to slow down games on 486's!
No soul is more a soul than another.  -- Plato --
No special reason, just government policy
No speech can be entirely bad if it is short enough.
No stationary defense can cope with an FTL attack.
No strangling the driver, it creats traffic accidents.
No substitute for good manners - except fast relexes
No such thing as MEN, Only BOYS with COMPUTERS.
No such thing as PMS. It's just tight shoes.
No such thing as an incorrect tagline, duuude.
No such thing as an incorrect tagline, man.
No such thing: A nonpolitical speech from a politician.
No sweat Fox! -Falco
No tag line today. Please call again tomorrow.
No tag line. I seem to have lost it.
No tag: user twitted.
No tagline - come back next message.
No tagline available for this era.
No tagline available.  See?
No tagline available.  Wakko ate them all!
No tagline in the world can do thee good-- Tagspeare
No tagline is necessary if mailed in Canada.
No tagline necessary if mailed within the United States
No tagline needed.
No tagline today in honour of tagline haters.
No tagline today, I have a headache!
No tagline today.
No tagline too mean not to be stolen.
No tagline used or swiped.
No tagline.  Tired of taglines.
No taglines allowed.
No taglines today, sorry, fresh out
No taglines today.  I'm all out of pith.
No taglines under 17 allowed.
No taglines were harmed during the writing of this message.
No taglines were harmed during the writing of this msg.
No taglines, please, we're British.
No talking in line! - Gypsy during fire drill
No tax collector will ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
No taxation with out representation (void in NY)!
No taxation without representation. --Frost.
No technique works if it isn't used. - Larry Niven
No thank you.  I already have a nagila.
No thanks, I already have a nagila.
No thanks, I already have two nagilas.
No thanks, I'm a Government man.
No thanks, I'm a Government man...
No thanks, I'm already having one.
No thanks.  I think I've had about as much fun as I can stand.
No thanks. I'm on a low saliva diet. --Slappy.
No thanks... I don't do Windows.  <g>
No thanks... I don't do Windows.  <g<
No think so, sounds too fishy to me!
No this isn't a tagline....so why are you reading it?!
No ticky, no shirty - Joel on meaning of Chinese emblems
No time for boogers! - Dr. Forrester
No time spent with your grandchildren is ever wasted!
No time to discuss this in committee. - Han Solo
No time to kill.
No to a cat means Not while the human is looking   ;>
No touch Servo! - Giant Tom Servo
No trace - not one carton.
No trade for torturers. Free Tibet now.
No trees, no paper. Go wipe your butt on a spotted owl.
No tricks. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
No trouble parking; I drive a forklift.
No true wizard ever breaks his word.
No trumpets sound when the important decisions are made. <A. DeMille>
No two equals are the same
No two men are alike, and both of them are happy for it.
No use being pessimistic. Wouldn't work anyway..
No use being pessimistic; it won't work anyway.
No use crying over spilled water under a burned bridge.
No use milking a spilt cow.
No user-serviceable parts inside
No user-serviceable parts inside.  Refer to qualified ser
No vampire can be trusted.
No virus was found by a scanner first
No viruses detected.  Must be a pair of Nanites.
No viruses detected. Must be a pair of Nanites.
No visible panty line - Crow on guy's tight pants
No wait... With $10,000 we'd be millionaires! - Homer Simpson
No wanna Work,  Wanna bang on the keyboard
No wanna go ta school. Wanna bang on keyboard all day.
No wanna work! Wanna bang on 'puter!
No wanna work, wanna bang keyboard all day!
No wanna work.  Wanna bang on 'puter.
No wanna work.  Wanna bang on keyboard
No wanna work.  Wanna bang on keyboard and talk on modem.
No wanna work.  Wanna bang on keyboard and talk with modem.
No wanna work.  Wanna bang on keyboard.
No wanna work. Wanna bang on keybard.
No wanna work. Wanna listen to MODs.
No wanna work... wanna bang on keyboard!
No want to work, want to PLAY!!!
No wants -- no needs? We weren't meant for that.
No warp!!! Worf, Data, get outside and push I'll steer.
No warp?  Data, Worf...Get out and push...I'll steer!
No warp? Worf, Data...get out and push...I'll steer.
No way are these mine. These *bend*! - Lister
No way are these mine. These BEND! (holding his underwear).  --Lister.
No way are these my shorts. These bend! --Lister.
No way out alive?  Then we'll have to go out dead.
No way, I took call waiting of!@#$!(!@ ) #$! NO CARRIER
No way, sir! YOU take the Locust and distract the Warhammer!
No wife of *mine* is doing any dishes.  That's what we ha
No wife of *mine* is doing any dishes.  That's what we had the kid for.
No wife, no horse, no mustache!
No wind in her mind's windmills.
No witches were ever burned at Salem.
No woman controls me, but I wish one would
No woman ever shot a man while he was doing the dishes
No woman ever shot her husband while he did the dishes.
No woman has ever shot a man while he's doing the dishes.
No woman is so simple that she can't get screwed.
No woman should imitate men.  Men are not worth it.
No woman who killed only men executed in US since 1954.
No wonder Albert kept telling God what to do.
No wonder Clinton couldn't make it in the BSA!  He isn't honest.
No wonder Clinton couldn't make it in the BSA!  He isn't thrifty.
No wonder Clinton couldn't make it in the BSA!  He isn't trustworthy.
No wonder I got darts in all my clothing - Crow
No wonder I never get any calls: Every time I call myself its busy!
No wonder can last more than three days.
No wonder my H/D gets shitty..... it's covered in bytes!
No wonder people went nuts over the Beatles - Crow
No wonder this circuit failed..says 'Made in Japan'
No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain - Shenzi
No wonder you ended up with Picard.  - Q to Vash
No wonder you have headaches, your halo is on too tight
No wonder. Saddam Hussein is a lawyer!
No word, no bond, row on.
No worries honey... play as much as you want.
No worries, I'm okay, just a few bruises, thanks for caring.... <sigh>
No ya dummy A thrustmaster is not a sex toy.
No you Idiot !  You don't cook your food with a Fireball Spell !!!!!
No you aren't crazy, I am just insane.
No you can't call 911 NOW, I'm downloading my mail!
No you can't dial 111, I'm downloading my mail.
No you can't take that away from me -- NIN
No you cannot call 911!  I'm downloading my mail!
No you fool!  We we're told to comb the desert so were combing it!
No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment!
No!  Don't touch my baby!  GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE KEYBOARD!  <bash<
No!  Go away!  We're all dead!
No!  I told you to have the cat TUTORED!
No!  No!  Nurse!!!  I said "prick his boil"!
No!  No!  Nurse!!!  I said:  "Prick his boil!"
No!  No, Nurse!  I said SLIP off his SPECTACLES!!
No!  Not the Knights who say `Ni'!
No!  Not the chocolate-ripple! #*%&&&  NO DERRIERE
No!  Some people collect mail packets?  Really?
No!  Wait!  I'm quotin' here.
No! A Martinus, if I wanted a double, I'd ask for it. - W&S
No! BOSS doesn't mean Bend Over Staff Sergeant..
No! Dammit nurse! I said to PRICK HIS BOIL!!!
No! Don't pick up that phon .'...'. NO CARRIER
No! Here: do it with Daddy's passport!
No! I ain't got no where to go! Don't you do it!
No! I said BUD LIGHT.. Captain of the Hindenburg..
No! I said Unix expert, not Eunuch expert....
No! I'm downloading a file!!...^&*(*_#$..NO CARRIER
No! Let me out of here! - Riker
No! Light speed is too slow!
No! Look out! He's going to eat your mind!!!
No! Microsoft did NOT make OS/2, you moron!
No! NO! Not exile to the HUMOR Echo! The horror, the horror...
No! No! It's rape cattle, pillage women, burn village, try it again!!!
No! No! Nurse!  I said PRICK his BOIL!
No! No! Nurse!!! I said "prick his boil"!
No! No! Nurse.  I said "Slip of his spectacles."
No! Not a crane shot! - Tom
No! Not back to food inspection!  - Dr. Erhardt
No! Not on our ONE piece of furniture! - Mike
No! Not that! Mutant Raccoon's.... eeek! Short.
No! Not the Knights who say 'Ni'!
No! Not the Knights who say `Nee'!
No! Not the chocolate-ripple! #*%&&& NO DERRIERE
No! Not the masons!
No! Nothing like that!  I'm just disabling your "virgin" feature.
No! Taco Bell is not the Mexican Phone Co.
No! Use fireballs, you idiot! - Tom the Dungeonmaster
No! You can  NOT  pay your phone bill at Taco Bell!
No! You can't have any of my lobster, Tom said selfishly.
No! You can't have any of my lobster, said Tom, shellfishly.
No! You can't touch it! Yours already broke off.
No! You can't touch it. You already broke yours off!
No! You cannot call 911, I'm downloading my mail!
No!! To be continued?!?! Noooo! - Tom
No*I* am your father! -- Darth Vader
No,  YOU check the 'gator's tonsils....
No, @FN@...I don't like it!
No, A-ko! You can't die yet! --C-ko. Oh well, That's the breaks! --B-ko.
No, A-ko! You can't die yet! Oh well, That's the breaks! --B-ko.
No, AIDS is a virus.  Pat Robertson is a punishment from God.
No, AIDS is a virus.  Rush Limbaugh is a punishment from God.
No, AIDS is an illness.  Pat Robertson is a punishment from God.
No, Adam, Polident is NOT a damaged parrot!
No, Albinoni is NOT a great tasting fish.
No, Bi-modem doesn't mean your modem is gay.
No, Bimodem doesn't mean your modem is gay.
No, Blue Wave is not available in stores.
No, Brain, wake me at the noon of time. - Pinky
No, Captain Riker, the Klingons do NOT want to play poker!!
No, ChildrenINTEL INSIDE is not a warning label!
No, Clinton! I said "Fax me" not "Tax me"!
No, DISKCOPY will not reproduce a floppy drive cleaner.
No, Dear. We sleep in the Garage with the Cars. The BOOKS stay here.
No, Don't Pick Up The Pho #@!*&^{{%$##@!]   NO CARRIER
No, Ensign Glenn, it is not your turn to say "engage"
No, Ensign Kennedy, we cannot replicate "chesty babes."
No, Eve, I won't touch that apple, said Tom adamantly.
No, I DON'T watch "Nine Hoes Do One Hoe!"
No, I am NOT a Kennedy!  My pants just fell down!
No, I am NOT related to Ross Perot! -- Quark
No, I am Zoot's identical twin sister, Dingo.
No, I am not mad, I just am not going to take it anymore.
No, I am not sending Morse code.
No, I dn't hv a 16550 URT.  Shd I gt one?
No, I do *not* want Jello Instant Pudding! * Odo
No, I do NOT want to use A F****** BLUEWAVE TAGLINE!!!!!!
No, I do not allow audiences while on the throne.
No, I don't have a graduate degree - why do you ask?
No, I don't have any taglines to give you.  Go Away.
No, I don't know what "apathy" means, nor do I care!
No, I don't know what "apathy" means, nor do I care.
No, I don't know what apathy means.....And I don't care!
No, I don't live here; the cat does. I just pay the rent.
No, I don't see any nose hairs - Tom
No, I don't smoke; Disgusting habit. - Ace Ventura
No, I have NOT had enough! said Tom solicitously.
No, I haven't read Voltaire, said Tom candidly.
No, I never read the documentation
No, I said, "No nude Texans."
No, I told you to have the horse SHOD!
No, I was joking ... REALLY ... you can put down that machine gun ...
No, I was joking... Really... You can put down that Uzi now...!
No, I will not drink blood again, Orville!
No, I won't die for my governmentbut I WILL kill for my country!
No, I'd prefer a cooler WITHOUT an ant-door, thank you ...
No, I'm *from* Connecticut. I only *work* in outer space.
No, I'm *from* outer space, I only *work* in California.
No, I'm Chaos and he's Mayhem - we're a double act. <Riggs>
No, I'm MORE confused than you think!
No, I'm NOT an Extended Character.
No, I'm NOT gonna hit you - Dr. Forrester
No, I'm NOT in a good mood today. I haven't shot @FN@ yet!
No, I'm NOT in a good mood today. I haven't shot Detroit yet!
No, I'm NOT in a good mood today. I haven't shot the Rangers yet!
No, I'm NOT in a good mood today. I haven't shot you yet!
No, I'm NOT in a good mood today. The Bruins won!
No, I'm NOT in a good mood today. The Canadiens lost!
No, I'm NOT in a good mood today. The Rangers won the Cup!
No, I'm Rushdie! Send ME the Cheque!
No, I'm from Dallas, I just work in outer space.
No, I'm from Iowa.  I only work in outer space. -- Kirk
No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in Outer Space.
No, I'm from NZ. I only work in Outer Space.
No, I'm from Oklahoma City, I just work in outer space.
No, I'm from Texas.  I only work in outer space.
No, I'm from outer space.  I only get my E-Mail in League City.
No, I'm from outer space.  I only get my E-Mail in New York.
No, I'm from outer space.  I only get my E-Mail in Tennessee.
No, I'm from outer space. I only get my E-Mail in Dallas.
No, I'm from outer space. I only get my E-Mail in Houston.
No, I'm from outer space. I only get my E-Mail in NZ.
No, I'm from outer space. I only get my E-Mail in New Jersey.
No, I'm just masochistic. :) - Dire Wolf
No, I'm not Bill Clinton.  My pants just fell down.
No, I'm not a Kennedy.  My pants just fell down.
No, I'm not a cultist.  I just sacrifice virgins for fun.
No, I'm not an elitist.  Why do you ask, peasant?
No, I'm not gay.  I'm British and just wanted a cigarette.
No, I'm not in a jolly mood today. I haven't shot you yet!
No, I'm not just another extended character.
No, I'm not mad, I'm just not going to take it anymore.
No, I'm not paranoid, who said I was? Tell me! Who said it?? TELL ME!
No, I'm not related to Ross Perot!  Quark
No, I'm not shy - just poor and unemployed.
No, I'm not twisted!  Okay, so I'm a little bent at the corners
No, I'm not using an offline reader Ichabod! It's a clever trick.
No, I'm not using an offline reader! It's a clever trick.
No, I'm sorry, sir, we're not offering the butt tattoo promotion.
No, I'm tellin ya my CAT REALLY ate my 1040 form!
No, I'm tellin' ya my cat ate my 1040 form.
No, I've changed it to Trust Everyone, didn't I tell you? - Fox Mulder
No, I've not found the Master Universal Tagline File. - Joni Stanley
No, I've not found the Master Universal recipe File.
No, Joel, *you* can't go to Woodstock - Joel
No, Joseph, honest! I never had sex with anyone else! (Mary)
No, LITERALLY, I have a man up in space! - Dr. Forrester
No, Light Speed is too slow!  Prepare for Ludicrous Speed! - D. Helmet
No, Light Speed is too slow!  Prepare for Ludicrus Speed! - D. Helmet
No, Lorena, I do NOT want to try your homemade sausage!
No, Luke....I * AM * your father!
No, Martin!  Not the <Boot to the Head!>
No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.
No, Mr. President.  I said, "Throw out the first PITCH."
No, Mr. Worf ... the Holodeck won't run Doom.
No, Mr. Worf, the Holodeck will not run Doom ][.
No, Mr. Worf.  The Holodeck WON'T run Doom!
No, NO!  *RAPE* the women and *STEAL* the sheep!
No, NO! RAPE the women and steal the SHEEP!
No, Never, Not even if you order me, Sir. :))
No, No, No, Warf! I said beam up VICTOR Borge!
No, No, Nurse!  I said PRICK his BOIL!
No, No, Nurse, I told you to prick his boil!!
No, No.  I said BUD Light.  D. Koresch 1993
No, Number One, it is _not_ your turn to say "engage".
No, Number One, it is not your turn to say "engage"
No, Nurse, NO! I said to SLIP off Bill's SPECTACLES!
No, Orville, Shakespeare is NOT a chewing gum flavor!
No, Orville, put down that gun!
No, POV-Ray 3.0 has not been released yet.
No, Peg... -- Al Bundy
No, Potter! Not potash! - Col. Potter on the phone
No, Q, I meant a BUD light!
No, Scotty, I said "Beam me ABOARD," Not "A BROAD!"
No, Scotty.  I said, "Beam me ABOARD", not "a board".
No, Sir. But I have this - a dead slug.
No, Taco Bell is *not* the Mexican telephone company!
No, Taco Bell is NOT the Mexican Telephone Company!
No, Taco Bell is NOT the Mexican telephone company
No, Taco Bell is not the Mexican Phone Company
No, Taglines are for holding your letters up.
No, Windows IS NOT a Virus!  Viruses DO Something!!
No, Windows isn't a virus...viruses actually DO something!
No, Woody, I said TUCK the kid in bed! -Mia Farrow
No, YOU check the 'gator's tonsils.
No, YOU wear the red uniform.  I don't want to die this episode.
No, YOU wear the security uniform  I don't want to die this episode
No, _I_ get to wear the leotards this time!
No, a Poptart is _not_ a female jumping out of a cake.
No, a pedant is NOT some kind of sexual deviate.
No, a rouge in the CFL has nothing to do with makeup.
No, bartender, I said I vanted a BLOOD lite!
No, boars are never chauvinists.
No, but she WAS heavily involved in getting it started.
No, dammit! I didn't say I was *sexy;* I said I like sex!!
No, dear - smoke is SUPPOSED to come out...
No, grasshopper, carry hibachi by HANDLES!
No, i'm not afraid to jump into a VOID, it's the GROUND that scares me
No, it didn't go up my sleeve, said Tom underhandedly.
No, it doesn't come with bloody wafers!
No, it is open on one position.
No, it takes more than a sheepskin to make me trust anyone.
No, it was a figure of speech, don't take it so literally!
No, it's 360 degrees in the other direction!
No, it's NOT mink, it's cat, and it's okay 'cuz we ate the meat!
No, it's Rasta, the Kooky Dread Clown - Tom
No, it's a Mac-N-Trash thingy!
No, it's a feature - Really.
No, it's a feature... Really.
No, it's expensive. *THAT*'s steep. - Dot [pointing to cliff]
No, it's not an XT.  We're just testing Windows NT
No, it's not fair. It never is. - Franklin
No, it's the Snooze In Santa Cruz - Mike on wrestlers
No, just *a* Zaphod Beeblebrox, didn't you hear I come in six packs?
No, just another minute on the modem, and THEN you can call 911!
No, keep talking - I always yawn when I'm interest
No, kids, S&M does NOT stand for Sailor Moon.
No, let us not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.
No, life isn't what I wanted - haven't you got anything else?
No, light the OTHER end of the stage tree!
No, mustn't let them see weakness - G'Kar
No, my child, you don't snort Colombian coffee through a dollar bill.
No, my dear Doctor, you must die! --The Master.
No, my dear Doctor, you must die!-- The Master
No, my head exploded.  Turn your contrast knob down shade, okay?
No, no ! "any" is not a special key to continue.
No, no Windows users here, try the USS Dinosaur
No, no butthead no I can't settle down! - Beavis
No, no thanks, I'm on this liquid diet. - Nick Knight
No, no!  The time travel seminar was held NEXT month!
No, no! Beware the Ides of APRIL! (Tax time!)
No, no! No applause necessary! Don't applaud, just throw money!
No, no! Not Ripple...SNAPPLE!
No, no, Chocolate goes in the North. Massage oil goes in the West!
No, no, I said I was into PORN again, not born again.
No, no, Nurse!  I said "PRICK his Boil!", NOT boil his
No, no, Nurse!  I said "PRICK his Boil!", NOT boil his..
No, no, Nurse!  I said clean off his SPECTACLES!
No, no, Orville! It's pillage, rape and THEN burn.
No, no, _I_ say "Make it so!" _You_ get the girls!
No, no, he's not dead.  He's, he's restin'!
No, no, no! FIRST pillage, THEN burn!
No, no, no! FIRST rape, THEN pillage!
No, no, no*this* is chocolate! --Patrick Stewart.
No, no, no, nurse - I said to prick his boil!
No, no, no, you STUPID, stupid man! -- Tom Servo to Joel
No, no, no.  The dog and sled is my WINTER car!
No, no, no.  You mean 286 and 386's are too slow, not Windows.  <G<
No, no, no. You silly man! - Tom to Crow
No, no, not "Born Again", I said I was into "PORN Again."
No, no, not "born again", I said I was into "PORN again"
No, no, not Penn State, State Pen!
No, no, not at all. Not as such. - Ivanova
No, no, nothat's WINDOWS*THIS* is Shinola!
No, no, nurse!  I said PRICK his BOIL!!  Not vice versa!
No, no, nurse!  I said slip off his *SPECTACLES*!
No, no, nurse! I said SLIP off his SPECTACLES!!
No, no, nurse! I said SLIP off his SPECTACLES!!
No, no, nurse! I said lick his SPECTACLES! But go ahead anyway
No, no. Dig UP, stupid! - Chief Wiggum
No, no. He's uhHe's not dead. He's resting. --Monty Python.
No, no. How DOOO you do! Scratchy Fine, thank you. Dot
No, no.....No, 'e's stunned!
No, not "Born Again"  I said I was into "PORN" again!!
No, not Tandy, @TOFIRST@ said Realistically.
No, not Tandy, I said Realistically.
No, not Tandy, Orville said Realistically.
No, not Tandy, Tom said Realistically.
No, not Tandy, he said Realistically.
No, not evil Dr. Nemiso! That's three times this week!
No, not exactly, I just want to cut off your head.
No, not the Comfy Chair! - Monty Python
No, officer, I didn't. The signs went by so fast, I, er, <g>
No, officer, it's just a bag of cut sage, for a religious cerimony!
No, officer,just a bag of cut sage, for religious rituals.
No, oh, no!  Bad, bad Zoot! -- Dingo, Zoot's identical twin sister
No, put down that gun!
No, safe sex does not mean dating your sister!
No, seriously, how much damage did I take?
No, she Sister, me doctor, you Mr. Bertenshaw.
No, she'll only reject me in the end and I'll be frustrated.
No, she's not spoiled.  She's just wearing cheap perfume.
No, sir! YOU take the Ostscout and distract the Warhammer!
No, sir.  All our "David Copperfield"s have two P's.
No, sorry, I'm busy folding maps.
No, sweetheart, being a moderator won't take up much time. - Myra I Fox
No, thank you. My ears are too sweet now.
No, that chair isn't saved. But we're praying for it!
No, that doesn't track. --Garibaldi.
No, that information was withheld from me until today.
No, that isn't a bananna.  And yes, I am happy to see you.
No, that isn't a flashlight and yes, I am happy to see you.
No, that would be a vegisexual.  I'm not that either. :)  -DigiShake
No, that's German for 'The Bart, The' - Sideshow Bob
No, that's genetic. They train me to be persistent. - Don Schanke
No, that's genetic. They train me to be persistent. - Schanke
No, that's not it. Change it. -- Butthead
No, the illuminati aren't out to get you. What was your name again?
No, the needle isn't growing larger. Why? -Doc Zimmerman
No, the sheep makes the wool; I make the yarn.
No, the skydivers did their own acting - Crow
No, the thing I chopped off had a nose. -Baldrick
No, there's nothing unusual about my ears - Dr. Forrester
No, they weren't horny when they made their outfits.
No, we *were* threatening you. Now we're mocking you, bug boy!
No, we Erisians seldom pray, it is much too dangerous.
No, we Erisians seldom pray; it's much too dangerous...
No, we are not drugs on...
No, we don't morally censure:  We just want the money.
No, we're opaque. - Yakko Warner
No, why? Have _you_ ever snorted laser toner?
No, yes, maybe, no, could be, perhaps. Musings of a genealogist.
No, you *CANT* use my toothbrush!
No, you *can't* call 911 now.  I'm downloading my mail.
No, you CANNOT kill a vampire with a sunlamp.
No, you can't buy a Monty Python at the Pet Shoppe!
No, you can't call 911 now-- I am DOWNLOADING
No, you can't dial 911 *now*.  I'm downloading my mail!
No, you can't pay phone bills at Taco Bell.
No, you can't use the pho(*&^%*&^$*A*GD(^%$H
No, you can't use the pho..... NO CARRIER
No, you can't use the phon*%$@# NO CARRIER
No, you cannot hack a system using punch cards!
No, you consult the docs! I'll go over here with the nurses.
No, you do not even understand yourself  - Kosh to Sheridan
No, you do not understand. Go. - Kosh
No, you fool! I mean power! Ultimate power - Evil Gypsy
No, you fool, now sit down and shut up!
No, you gimboid! * Rimmer
No, you have to do it again, Tom reiterated loopily.
No, you have to do it again, reiterated Tom loopily.
No, you idiot! That's my saxophone -Crow on first aid kit
No, you stupid cat! Get away from my keyboa - NO CARRIER
No, you're not -- you'll be stone dead in a moment.
No, you're not paranoid.  This is really happening.
No,,I'm not drunk. I'm just alcoholicly disadvantaged.
No,Scotty.I said "Beam me ABOARD". Not "A BROAD"
No,Taco Bell is NOT the Mexican telephone company!
No-Code Techs *are* real hams!  Don't believe me?  Just ask one!
No-Name Rubbers  For anonymous sex.
No-bra speech: Point here, point there, shaky in between!
No-no, Dragons make wonderful pets.  Just put down lots of newspaper.
No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
No-one can sing the blues like blind Willie McTell - Bob Dylan
No-one ever reads these things.
No-yes-maybe-no-could be-perhaps-well??. (Musings of a genealogist.)
No.  No, I don't have any garlic. - Nick Knight
No.  She Sister, me doctor, you Mr. Bertenshaw.
No.  Why, have YOU ever snorted laser toner?
No.  You left out anti-environment, pro-gun, anti-government ... but,
No. 1:  If I were *really* paranoid, they'd have been shot by now.
No. Do you know who I am? - Yakko
No. I don't think so. All the other clerics you hire die the first day
No. I don't want your filth - Mike
No. I hadn't thought of it that way. That would have been interesting.
No. No, I don't have any garlic. - Nick Knight
No. No. Bad! - Frank as dinosaur attacks Dr. Forrester
No. No. No. YOU are Mr. Show Business - Tom to Joel
No. Raping dead orcs is not lawful good behavior.
No. There's a third option. --Winters.
No. We just call it taglines for the he** of it. J/K.
No. Why, have YOU ever snorted laser toner?
No. Would you like to take a hike? - Yakko
No. You have to put the key in the ignition FIRST, dimbo!!!
No.. Noooo... Not That...
No.. Why, have YOU ever snorted laser toner?
No... *I* am your father! -- Darth Vader
No... Taco Bell is not the Mexican Phone Co.
No... The name of my ship is the Lollipop -- Riker
No... chamPIPPLE
No... it just means I'm never wrong. - Sisko
No... they are carried here by swallows...
No............  Why, have YOU ever snorted laser toner?
No...The name of my ship is the Lollipop. - Riker
No...why, have YOU ever snorted laser toner?
No..Officer..It REALLY IS Sage..Honest!
No: Bimodem doesn't mean your modem is gay.
No: Kurt Reply
No; not dead, "electroencephalographically challenged."
No?!  Some people collect mail packets? Really!!
No?!  Some people still read mail a packet at a time?!
NoA built an "Rk", so that's how you spell it.
NoA's "Rk" was on a nob in the land of Nod, in case of high what? "R"!
NoDoz comes from the Land of Nod.
NoThe name of my ship is the Lollipop -- Riker
Noah began to be a husbandman and he planted a vineyard. (Gen 9:20)
Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him. (Gen 7:5)
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. (Gen 6:8)
Noah had the first ARC program.
Noah saved all the animals from the flood by .ARCing them.
Noah saved animals from the flood by .arc'ing them.
Noah saved animals from the flood by archiving them!
Noah saved animals from the flood by arcing them
Noah saved animals from the flood by arcing them!
Noah saved the animals from the flood by ARCing them.
Noah should have swatted those two flies.
Noah to God:  "40 days -- and let the sewers back up!"
Noah upgraded and built an ARJ!
Noah was 600 years old when the flood was upon the earth (Gen 7:6)
Noah was able to float alone while everyone else was in liquidation.
Noah was cramped.  He should have used a ZIP, not an ARC.
Noah!  Come quick!  There's water in the basement!
Noah's boat would be smaller if he had built a zip.
Noah's wife was called Joan of Ark.
Nobel Prize Cannibals: Laurie Ate
Nobel Prize Cannibals: Laurie Ate*
Nobel laureates do it in the bank.
Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression.<D Smith>
Noble deeds that are concealed are most esteemed.
Nobody ELSE changes the subject line...Why should I???
Nobody HAS to do anything
Nobody Home But the Lights & they're out too.
Nobody Time Warps like Orville Bullitt!!
Nobody _expects_ the Spanish Inquisition
Nobody accused me of being normal and I'm damned proud of it!
Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger!
Nobody better lay a finger on my Tagline!
Nobody but Morons live in Salt Lake City.
Nobody can be as agreeable as an uninvited guest.
Nobody can be as agreeable as an univited guest.
Nobody can be as unagreeable as an uninvited guest.
Nobody can be exactly like me.  Even I have trouble doing
Nobody can be exactly like me.  Even I have trouble doing it.
Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it. - Tallulah Bankhead
Nobody can be just like me, even I have trouble
Nobody can be just like me. Even I have trouble.
Nobody can be like me. Even I have trouble doing so.
Nobody can give you freedom.
Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Nobody can play dead like I can.
Nobody can really explain FidoNet but it works.
Nobody could ever learn ALL of WordPerfect!
Nobody cuts off MY nuptials and gets away with it!
Nobody died from to much rest .
Nobody dies around here without my say-so. - Col. Potter
Nobody does it like Sarah Lee...hmmm...anybody got her number?
Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee.
Nobody double-dares me and gets away with it. - Frank Burns
Nobody drinks from my gal! - Tom to Joel with blender
Nobody else changes the SUBJECT line!!!  WHY SHOULD I!?
Nobody else knows what to do either.
Nobody ever bet too much on a winning horse.
Nobody ever bets enough on the winning horse.
Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition
Nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet.
Nobody ever forgets where they buried the hatchet.
Nobody ever goes in, nobody ever comes out!
Nobody ever goes there, it's too crowded.
Nobody ever goes there, it's too crowded. (I've actually HEARD this!)
Nobody ever got into trouble by keepin' his mouth shut.
Nobody ever lies about bein' lonely.    Montgomery Clift
Nobody ever promised it would make sense...
Nobody ever puts out a sign that says NICE DOG.
Nobody ever said it was going to be easy, baby! --Boxcar Bertha.
Nobody ever says, "Can I have your beets?"
Nobody ever went broke sayin' "good mornin'" to folks.
Nobody exp(cut to black) "Oh bollox" ...
Nobody expects the ... Oh Bugger!
Nobody expects the Klingon Inquisition!
Nobody expects the Spanish in the Kitchen!
Nobody for President!  Who balanced the budget?  Nobody, that's who.
Nobody forgets where he buried the hatchet.
Nobody gets out of the Bermuda Triangle.  Not even for lunch.
Nobody gets to live life backwards, look ahead!
Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded.  - Yogi Berra
Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded. - Yogi Berra
Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded....
Nobody goes there, it's too popular. - Yogi Berra
Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore.  It's too crowded.
Nobody handles Handle like you handle Handel!
Nobody has a monopoly on the truth.
Nobody has ever been burned at the stake for his brand of beer.
Nobody has ever learned all of WordPerfect.
Nobody has ever, ever, EVER learned all of WordPerfect.
Nobody helps nobody but himself!
Nobody here but us, and I do adore the view. - Kalas
Nobody home but the lights, and they're out too.
Nobody inspects the Spanish exhibition.
Nobody is as deaf as those who will not to hear.
Nobody is to throw anything until I say, even if they say Jehova
Nobody is worthless; anyone can be used as a bad example!
Nobody knows I'm GAY!
Nobody knows the Taglines I've seen, messages unto the world!
Nobody knows the Tribbles I've seen
Nobody knows the Tribbles I've seen (Everybody!)
Nobody knows the Tribbles I've seen; nobody knows but @F...
Nobody knows the Tribbles I've seen; nobody knows but Kahless...
Nobody knows the tribble I've seen.
Nobody knows the trouble I have been.
Nobody knows the trouble I've been!
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen... - Zazu
Nobody knows the truffles I've seen.
Nobody knows what we mean! - Mads sing
Nobody knows what you look like.  That makes some people,...nervous.
Nobody leaves here till they sing the blues.
Nobody likes a crooked lawyer until they need one.
Nobody likes sunburn slappers
Nobody likes sunburn slappers - Bart Simpson's lines
Nobody likes sunburn slappers -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F23
Nobody likes sunburn slappers -Bart Simpson/Episode 7F23
Nobody likes sunburn slappers. --Bart Simpson.
Nobody likes to kiss a smoker. (Unless they take out the cigarette)
Nobody listens unless you swear every other word  Kirk  <Yup! :)
Nobody listens unless you swear every other word -- Kirk
Nobody loves me but my Momma and she could be jivin', too.
Nobody loves me but my mother and she could be jivin too - blues lyric
Nobody loves me..I'm going to feed my fish some worms.
Nobody messes with your dad.   Mafusa
Nobody move!  This cat is loaded and I know how to use it!
Nobody nodes the troubles I've seen, nobody knows my sysops.
Nobody notices the big errors.
Nobody notices what I do till I don't do it.
Nobody notices when things go right, I'm always noticed.
Nobody notices when things go right, Orville's always noticed.
Nobody notices when things go right, and I'm noticed.
Nobody notices when things go right.
Nobody notices when things go right.  I'm always noticed
Nobody notices when things go right.  I'm always noticed.
Nobody pays any attention to you unless you swear every other word.
Nobody rapes a .357...
Nobody really cares or understands what anyone else is doing.
Nobody really knows what is going on anywhere within the organization.
Nobody really knows what is going on anywhere within your organization.
Nobody really knows what's going on anywhere within your organization.
Nobody roots for Goliath.
Nobody ruins my family vacation but me... - Homer
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
Nobody said it would be easy, and Nobody was right!
Nobody shoots at Santa Claus.
Nobody slimes ME and gets away with it.
Nobody steals books but your friends.
Nobody takes advantage of my mother! --Hercules
Nobody talks baq to Shaq !
Nobody told her about the secrets that ladies have to hide.
Nobody toucha my PC.  It's the state of the Ark
Nobody understands Quantum Mechanics. The IDIOT who posted this doesn't!
Nobody who can read is ever successful at cleaning out the attic
Nobody will get out of this world alive.
Nobody wins, slamming doors.
Nobody would save him, so he laid down and he died.
Nobody's Favorite Sysop!
Nobody's dead. <cop> Hey, the night's young. <Riggs>
Nobody's dumb enough to read taglines anyway!
Nobody's ever been gone this long before!
Nobody's flushing out my brain! - Lister
Nobody's gonna get their hands on the plans we made.
Nobody's gonna ground me. Nobody. - Smilin' Jack Mitchell
Nobody's gonna rain on our parade.
Nobody's home.  I hate getting on my own nerves.   - Geco
Nobody's home. -- Elmyra There's an understatement! -- Dot
Nobody's interested in sweetness and light.
Nobody's listening to you, Rimmer! - Lister
Nobody's perfect, but I'm not Nobody!!!
Nobody's perfect...  We are what we are!
Nobody's perfect.....some of us are just REALLY CLOSE!
Nobody's safe 'cuz we care for none -- Wakko
Nobody's seen it all.
Nobody's ugly after 2 a.m.
Nobody, including the Supreme Court, knows what obscenity is.
Noci su ovde tako ledene, oci crvene od kosave,
Noci su ovde tako preduge, godine lijene k'o stoljece
Nocturnal golfers enjoy swinging nightclubs.
Nod Earful - The Googooplex Names of Tom Servo!
Nod King promoted the first dyslexic boxing match in the land of Nod.
Nod as good as a wink to a blind bat.
Nodding the head does not row the boat.
Nodding the head does not row the boat.  - Irish Proverb
Node:  Was aware of...
Node: Was aware of.  The past tense of "know".
Nodes come and go.... message bases accumulate.
Noel Coward:  One who is afraid of Christmas.
Nofussregisterkey, the easy way to register.
Nog Prank #4: change Jake's baseball program to cricket
Nog Prank #8: replace Odo's bucket with a short lampshade
Nog.  Yeah, that's my name, and no, my first name isn't Egg.
Noggenavigation: Ability of parents to guide kids by the tops of heads
Noggenavigation: Ability of parents to guide kids by the tops of heads.
Noggenavigation: ability of parents to guide kids by tops of heads.
Nohting is so simple that I can't scrwe it up.
Noise is Forbidden!: Nada Loud
Noise:  Two skeletons making love on a tin roof.
Noise? Huh? What Noise? Its Sooooo Peaceful....
Noise? What noise? Oh, that's just my conure singing!
Noisy brute.  Why don't we just go into light-speed? - C-3PO
Nolan Ryan has more K than this computer
Nollaig Shona Duit -Gaelic/Irish Christmas
Nollaig shona -  Happy Christmas in Eire
Nominating Data for Moderator, he has an off button.
Nominating Data for President - he has an off button
Nominating Data for President: he sticks to his programing
Nominations for PMS Poster Child are being taken at local NOW chapter.
Nominations for PMS Poster Child are open.
Non c'e rosa senza spina.
Non illigitum carburundum est. (Don't let the bastards grind you down)
Non nobis solum nati summus - Not unto ourselves alone are we born.
Non omnia possumus omnes.
Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
Non sequitur. Your facts do not co-relate.
Non smokers die every day.
Non stop gate closing action! - Mike
Non-System Disk in Drive C, (A)bort (R)etry (G)ive Up?
Non-Trekkers of the world -- Get a FUTURE!!!
Non-Trekkies of the world - GET A LIFE!!
Non-Trekkies of the world-- GET A FUTURE!!
Non-White Non-Christian Non-Heterosexual Male.
Non-assimilated life form on board. --Borg Car Window Sign.
Non-essential IRS employee. Will audit your tax return for food.
Non-fiction often is more unrealistic than fiction.
Non-sequitur, your facts are uncoordinated.
Non-sequiturs make me eat lampshades.
Non-serious material marked "<g>" or ":)" for the humor impaired
Non-smoker, huh? I'd quit if I didn't think I'd become like you!
Non-smokers are the worst advertisment for not smoking.
Non-smokers do it longer.
Non-smokers do it without breathing heavy 'till the end.
Non-smokers do it without huffing and puffing.
Non-smokers... I guess you put loose change in the ashtray as well.
Non-union baseball snack - scab dogs.
Noncombatant, n.: A dead Quaker.
Noncombatant:  A dead Quaker.
Nondeterminism means never having to say you are wrong.
None Of You Exist! My Sysop Types All Of This In!
None but a mule denies his family.
None but a mule denies his genealogy.
None have ever won my game, crucified them all in flames!
None is more helpless than the owner of sick goldfish.
None is so rich as to throw away a friend
None of my friends are gay, which is my own damned fault!
None of the "Above" for President.
None of the Edmonton players has the name GIZMO on their back!
None of the above may be reproduced, except by lunatics.
None of these Taglines were sexist or offensive? Where did I go *WRONG*?
None of us is as smart as all of us.
None of us is happy to hear about that large tax refund.
None of us qualifies as an expert on emotional stability. - Hawkeye
None of us showed conspicuous intelligence on this occasion.
None of you actually exist; my SysOp types all this in.
None of you arguing this understand what I've tried to say.
None of you exist!  My SYSOP types all this in!
None of you exist, my Sysop types all this in.
None of you exist, my sysop types all this in!
None of you exist, my sysop types all this in.
None of you exist.  My sysop just types all this in.
None of you exist.  The sysop types all this in
None of you exist.  The sysop types it all in!
None of you exist. My SYSOP types all this in!
None of you exist. My sysop types all the messages.
None of you exist. The sysop types it all in.
None of you exist; my Sysop types all this in!
None of you exist; my sysop types all this in.
None of you exists! My sysop types all of this in!
None of you exists, my sysop types all this in!
None of your five bar gate jumps and over sort of stuff.
None preaches better than the ant, and she says nothing. --Franklin.
Nonetheless, I will accompany you. - Lennier
Nonexistence is, after all, a bit of a dead end.
Nonfat, nonsalt, nonfilling, bland tagline.
Nonminee:  A would-be candidate who constantly says he won't run.
Nonminee: The would-be candidate who constantly says he won't run.
Nonsense, no man I know can do it that way -- O'Brien
Nonsense, there *is* no such thing as too many taglines.
Nonsense.  There is no such thing as too much coffee.
Nonsense. What could go wrong? - Dr. Forrester
Nonsequitur.  Your facts are uncoordinated. -Nomad
Nonviolence holds that suffering can educate and transform.
Nonworking mom is an oxymoron.
Noodledoodle:  A message carved into someone's hair.
Nooooobody expects an Empire interrogation!
Nooooooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Nope! ... I'd better post some *Taglines*(!) <g>
Nope! No Liquid Paper(tm) on MY scren
Nope, I just have to free-hand these things!
Nope, I'm not kidding.
Nope, We run it because "It's the Most Powerfull!"
Nope, it helped make a new movie : Star Trek VII, the
Nope, the bird is definitely dead, sir.
Nope. Giving up is not my style. Not ever. -- Lando Calrissian
Nope. Giving up is not my style. Not ever. --Londo.
Nope. SICK minds think alike. <grin>
Nope. Still nothing on this end - Tom Servo
Nope...I've been hanging out in the Ferengi trade route sector.
Nordic Groundskeepers:             Leif Raker*
Nordic Groundskeepers: Leif Raker
Norfolk, VA: A woman can't go out without wearing a corset.
Norfolk, Virginia:  A woman can't go out without wearing a corset.
Norma is as selfless as I am, Ron.
Norma wants me to help her have a baby. --Sam Beckett.
Normal folks, they don't spit out bullets when you shoot 'em. No sir.
Normal hamsters ar cute, but Giant Space Hamsters are cuter.
Normal hamsters are cute, but Giant Space Hamsters are cuter.
Normal is Boring. That's why you are normal.
Normal is a position on a clothes washer.
Normal is a setting on a washing machine
Normal is just a setting on the dryer...
Normal is just a setting on your dryer.
Normal is the absence of any psychoses.
Normal is what everyone else is, and what you are not. Soran
Normal people are ones you don't know very well!
Normal people are so dull!
Normal people get scared by weirdos like you. -Dione
Normal people with real lives - on the next Geraldo!
Normality is restored.  Any problems remaining are your own.
Normality will be restored as soon as we're sure what is normal anyway
Normality will be restored as soon as we're sure what it is, anyway.
Normality will be restored as soon as we're sure what it is.
Normally I'm so GOOD with innocence! I've kept mine safe for ages..DW
Normally sane people have no idea what BBS'ing is!
Normally you eat something illegal to be that crazy.
Normally you'd have to eat something illegal to be *that* crazy.
Norman Bates gave me that - Dr. Forrester
Norman, put the knife down, Norman...Norman?...NORMAN!
Norsemen came, lookin' for a fight, just another Irish Saturday night.
North American Fraud and Theft Agreement"
North Carolina Beach Bum here!!!
North Carolina: You may not use an elephant to plow a cotton field.
North South East West (the 4 Points of the Compass)
North lied to Congress? How'd they know the difference?
Northen Quadrant can't be beat, 'cause we're from the Dark Moon Fleet!
Northern 8 course meal- Caribou stew, bannock & a 6-pack
Northern Exposure: Watch out for the frostbite!
Northern nights are 6 months long. Can I sleep late?
Northwestel announces, FREE call waiti+ng_+%*-8>_
Norton Commander 4.0 - what Windows should have been.
Norton County, VA: It is illegal to tickle a girl.
Norton County, Virginia - It is illegal to tickle a girl.
Norwegian Blues stun easily, guv'nor.
Norwegian foods #14:  Poor, little knights.
Nos micturate te salutamus.
Noses're red, cops're blue, why'm I do'in dis, why rn't U
Nostalgia Buff:  One who finds the past perfect and present tense.
Nostalgia ain't cheap!
Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.
Nostalgia is OK, but it's not what it used to be.
Nostalgia is like sex: Each thinks he is first to know.
Nostalgia is longing for something you got sick of having around.
Nostalgia is tough if you can't remember anything.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be!
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
Nostalgia just ain't what it used to be ...
Nostalgia just isn't what it used to be. --Herb Caen
Nostalgia rules, Okey-Dokey
Nostalgia was much better in the good old days.
Nostalgia--stuffing seaweed cuttings up your nose
Nostalgia:  The good old days multiplied by a bad memory...
Nostalgia: The good old days multiplied by a bad memory
Nostridamus - Nose itch when your hands are unable to scratch it.
Nostridamus: nose itch when your hands are unable to scratch it.
Nostrollong: Walking by the cosmetics section of a department store.
Nosy bugger, ain't I?
Not *exactly,* Roger. Look below, and decide for yourself. :-)
Not 100% efficient, of course ... but nothing ever is. - Kirk
Not AGAIN?!  My tongue is numb!
Not Again?
Not All Men are Fools, Some are Bachelors!
Not Bogged Down In Reality: Jason Rainbows
Not Bogged Down In Reality: Jason Rainbows.
Not Dead, just Electroencephalographically Challanged.
Not Everybody Can Live Upstream ...
Not Fido, the moderator with the high Ascii scissors.
Not Fox... Mulder. --Dana Scully.
Not Guilty by reason of justifiable logic
Not Little Fuzzies at all. Just logic.
Not MY universe!
Not NOW, Bob! I'm watching Star Trek!
Not No-body, Not No-how..!
Not Now Dear..it's 3rd Down!
Not Now! I'm watching Star Trek! (The Real Star Trek).
Not Only Am I Perfect - I am Canadian too!
Not Quite Your Normal, Everyday User..
Not Ready Error reading user's mind.
Not Shampoo, but the *real* Pooh!
Not Shampoo. The REAL Pooh!
Not So Hot: Luke Warm
Not THIS ship, sister! - Han Solo
Not Zorton! No, not Zorton! - Tom the Dungeonmaster
Not _everybody_ over there has the IQ of a brick...  :>
Not a Computer Nerd, merely a techno-weenie
Not a Guitar!: Amanda Lin
Not a Guitar!: Amanda Lin(e)
Not a High School Diploma between them! - Crow T. Robot
Not a _REAL_ IBM PC? That must mean ... he's the ... CLONE RANGER!!
Not a bad bit of rescuing if I do say so myself.
Not a bad collection.  Considered them swiped...
Not a beach bum, a costally located American
Not a bug - an undocumented feature!!
Not a chance, Aahz. - Skeeve
Not a chance, femme bot! - Tom to Crow
Not a chest hair among 'em - Crow on wimpy viking men
Not a computer nerd; merely a techno-weenie.
Not a couch potato, horizontally challenged
Not a day goes by I don't think about Amanda. Dead.- Kit O'Brady
Not a lot of things to do, I wouldn't rather do with you.
Not a moment too soon, not a minute to spare...
Not a moment too soon.
Not a monster, Neelix, but a life form. -- Janeway
Not a nice butt, a well-rounded individual
Not a pick up, an attempted horizontal encounter
Not a problem, and you're NOT being a pest.
Not a problem. --- Parker Lewis
Not a real tagline, but an incredible simulation!
Not a real tagline, but an incredible soy substitute!
Not a real tagline, but an incredible soy substitute.
Not a scrap. I was deliberately wasting your time, sir.
Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.
Not a shred of evidence exists that life is serious
Not a sound, but I still here -- Controlled by hatred.
Not a very busy day at San Francisco Intl. airport - Tom
Not a very fair war. - BJ. Contradiction in terms. - Hawkeye
Not a woman here could vote no matter what age!
Not affiliated with the American Red Cross.
Not afraid of commitment, he's relationship challenged
Not afraid to get married, avoiding domestic incarceration
Not again Bill, the taxpayers have a headache.
Not all Blondes are dumb.  But then who ever checks.
Not all Blondes are dumb. But who REALLY ever checks?
Not all Blondes are dumb. But, then, who ever checks.
Not all Christians are bigoted fascists.
Not all Moderators are user friendly!
Not all Sysops are User friendly!
Not all Sysops are not user friendly!
Not all Sysops are scum.
Not all breeders are homophobes!
Not all bugs are worth fixing.
Not all dough needs to rise to the occasion...
Not all elves are sweatshop slaves to fat white guys.
Not all gays are fairies.-LG
Not all learning can be measured by grades.
Not all meals are going to be gourmet experiences...trust me!
Not all men are fools - some are bachelors.
Not all men are fools, some have girlfriends.
Not all men are fools, some obey women.
Not all men are fools.  Some are bachelors.
Not all men are fools.  Some of them are bachelors.
Not all men are fools. Some of them are bachelors.
Not all men are fools. Some use Windows
Not all men are fools...  Some are still bachelors!
Not all men who drink are poets.  Some of us drink because we are not poets.
Not all of the First Ones have gone away. --Delenn.
Not all phone lines are capable of supporting high DCE rates.
Not all poems are written with a pen.
Not all questions worth asking have answers...
Not all republicans are bad...some are dead!
Not all rumors are as misleading as this one..
Not all temptation is evil, so take advantage of the good temptations
Not all traditions of men are vain.
Not all who own a harp are harpers ...
Not all women are fools - some are single.
Not all women are fools - some don't associate with @FN@.
Not allowed?  Me?  I'm allowed everywhere. - Dr. Who
Not allowed? My dear fellow, I'm allowed everywhere. - Dr Who.
Not another NAK NAK joke, Please!
Not another boring short! My shorts are NEVER BORING!
Not another tagline!, unless you really like what I gave you.
Not as good as I once was, as good once as I ever was.
Not as good as I once was, but good once as I ever was ...
Not at all: you are a lady; and wherever ladies are is hell.
Not bad for a little furball. - Han Solo
Not bad for a walking pile of circuitry -- Geordi
Not bad, for a girl.
Not bad, said the cannibal tongue-in-cheek.
Not bad. Cleaner than I expected. --Dodger.
Not bad. Cleaner than I expecteed. - Dodger
Not bad. For ahuman. <Bishop>
Not beauty but respectability is only skin deep.
Not being paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get ya!
Not being the lead dog on your team means the scenery never changes.
Not believing in my methods only makes my job more difficult.
Not bending the rules, just testing the elasticity.
Not bird, nor plane, nor even frog.  Just little ol' me, Underdog.
Not bird, nor plane, nor even frog.....
Not bird, nor turd, not even frog, just little ol' me, Underdog.
Not bloody likely!   - G. B. Shaw
Not breaking the rules, just testing the Moderator.
Not breaking the rules, just testing the elasticity.
Not breaking the rules, just testing the elasticity...
Not breaking the rules, just testing the tensil strength.
Not bugs, really. Just incongruous activity.
Not by Ten thousand rows of Christmas trees!
Not by killing others.
Not completely crazy but working on it!
Not crazy, just almost lost my census!
Not da mama!  --  AGAIN!  --  We're
Not dead yet!
Not digging in the same ditch with the rest of us.
Not doing more than average is what keeps the average down.
Not enough brains cells for the Prozac to be effective.
Not enough brains to get anywhere *near* the gutter.
Not enough change to break a dollar/pound/deutschmark/yen.
Not enough disk space, not enough RAM, not enough money!
Not enough disk space?  Just use: echo y | FORMAT C: /S
Not enough e-mail?  Here, let me help.
Not enough is said about the bad luck of the early worm.
Not enough mail???  Here, let me help.......
Not enough mail??? Here, let me help.
Not enough sense to come in out of the rain.
Not enough sense to stay out in the rain (like a 60's flower child).
Not enough sex makes you repeat yourself redundantly.
Not enough time left to ^&e{rNO CARRIER
Not entirely stable!  I'm glad you're here to tell us these things!
Not even *God* knows what you're doing! -- Zeus Carver
Not even a bite on the cheek for old-times sake? -- K'ehleyr
Not even cannibals accept Talk Show Hosts as part of the food chain!
Not even crime would pay if Clinton ran it.
Not even my teeth are straight.
Not even with BOTH hands AND a flashlight!
Not every soil can bear all things.        Virgil (19 BC)
Not everybody does it, but every body should!
Not everyone back home buys the party line. - Hague
Not everyone can be as cool as us! --Butthead
Not everyone can say they have God as a landlord.
Not everyone is cut out to be an Arby's fry cook - Tom
Not everything in life is funny.
Not everything more difficult is more meritorious.
Not everything that counts can be counted.
Not evil! - Gypsy
Not exalting the gifted prevents quarreling.
Not faint canaries but ambrosial
Not firing on all four/six/eight cylinders.
Not for the meek or insignificant.
Not furioso, but there's life in these old hands still. - Lestat
Not gay, not conservative, not "Politically Correct." Just ... ME!
Not genius, glory or love reflects the soul's greatness, it's kindness.
Not getting enough? See if SEX.COM is off-line.
Not gluttony as much as thrill-seeking.
Not gonna do it. Did it!
Not good enough, dammit! Not good enough! - JLP
Not good is a galactic understatement.
Not half bad for a somewhat slow setting.
Not hard-docked.
Not hungry and not homeless.  Will work for sex.
Not hungry, not homeless.  Will work for kinky sex.
Not hungry, not homeless.  Will work for sex.
Not hungry, not homeless. Will work for kinky sex.
Not hungry, not homeless. Will work for sex.
Not if I have to cook it!
Not if you time it just right ...
Not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance is the death of knowledge.
Not ignorance, but ignorance of ingnorance, is the death of knowledge.
Not in -my- world you don't!
Not in TAG_TALK. Try a better conference, Eric. Thanks!
Not in a gazillion years. - TEC
Not in this lifetime, Tom, and don't call me "honey"!
Not in this space time continuum you won't -- Quark to Martis
Not inflated to 90 PSI.
Not interested, but thanks for the invitation.  8)
Not just a job, but an adventure.
Not just a job, it's an adventure.... Tagline Theft!
Not long afterwards you'll be posting lists! <G>
Not many people realise just how well known I am.
Not many people realize just how well known I am.
Not me: My Mama raised no fool
Not mental defectivesthey're logically underdeveloped. <PC>
Not much for small talk, are you? I like that in a man. - Massha
Not much is permanently serious.
Not much of a program.  Computer! ...Level 2.
Not much of a program. - Kh'leyr. Computer!  Level two. - Worf.
Not much of a program."   "Computer! ... Level two.
Not much on thinking.  But we all knew that, didn't we?
Not my fault if you have a strange affinity to vegetables.
Not necessarily a master at this, but studying to be...
Not necessarily stoned but beautiful - Hendrix
Not necessarily.  I *could* be arguing in my spare time.
Not necessary...you could pick me out of a crowd.
Not now ... I have to go mow the laundry.
Not now Captain!!  The Jell-Packs have a Headache!
Not now Dear..I'm reading my Netmail.
Not now I have to go mow the laundry.
Not now John, we've got to get on with the film show..
Not now honey! I have Blue Wave Mail to read!
Not now honey, I'm screaming at @FN@!
Not now! I'm having an Oculogyric Crisis!!
Not now! I'm watching Doctor Who!
Not now! I'm watching the hockey game!
Not now! No strap parts on Won Ton!
Not now, I have a headache!
Not now, I'm having a crisis.
Not now, I'm waxing my cat!
Not now, Kato.
Not now, Marjorie, I'm inspecting the troops!-Gen. Steele to Klinger
Not now, dear.  Mother's chopping some wood. -- Lwaxana, "Q-In-Law"
Not now, honey, I'm screaming at *<<<ICEMAN>>>*!
Not now, honey, I'm screaming at Orville!
Not now, pageI'm busy dealing with this dragon<spank!><spank!>
Not of works, lest any man should boast. (EPH 2:9)
Not omelets, you morons - Mike to Bots
Not on your life !
Not on your life!
Not one hundred percent efficient, of course.but nothing ever is.
Not one man in a beer commercial has a beer belly.
Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.
Not one step closer or I'll drop carrier! I warn you...
Not one woman has been executed after killing only a man.
Not one word. And no pantamamime, either!
Not only a Canadian.  A proud Canadian!!!
Not only am I a Native American, I'm an Indian too!
Not only am I a master of suspense, but I
Not only am I a master of suspense, but...
Not only does it boggle the mind, but it rattles the cornea... - MR
Not only does it compromise security, but it... *annoys* us.
Not only hitless, but witless.
Not only is my foot asleep, but it's having a lucid dream!
Not only that, I'm barefoot and pregnant too!
Not over til the fat lady sings? Tra la la. Now lets get outta here!
Not perfect, Thank God.  But that is yet to come.  Thanks be to God.
Not plane nor bird nor even frog.
Not plane nor bird nor even frog....
Not playing with / dealing from a full deck (-- not even in the game).
Not plugged all the way into the wall.
Not politically correct, just mentally challenged.
Not quite human any longer
Not quite human any longer.
Not quite ready to act my age.
Not quite, HAL. The engineers have figured out a kludge.
Not quite: The Good, the Bad, and the Homely.
Not reading Drive C:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic?
Not reading Drive C: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
Not reading Drive C: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic.
Not ready error reading tagline - Abort, Retry, Fail?
Not recommended for children.
Not responsible for Taglines left over 30 days...
Not responsible for advice not taken. - Larry Niven
Not responsible for typographical errorrs.
Not right, not wrong, JUST different!
Not running OS/2?  You're throwing it all out the Windows!
Not running OS/2? You're throwing it all out the Windows!
Not running on full thrusters.
Not since The Who were here has this happened - Crow
Not since the eating scene in Tom Jones - Tom
Not so fast Lonestar.
Not so fast there, Neon Peon - Tom to Joel
Not so much lemming in my tea, please.
Not so nice guys finish first.
Not so tough.
Not sure if it helps, but turn the monitor ON.
Not sure why it stopped, but it's ok to add 9000 records..
Not that I was snooping - Dr. Forrester
Not the Apple story again! -- Stephen Hawking
Not the Beatles, but an incredible simulation
Not the Beatles, but an incredible simulation.
Not the Cheapest, The Least Expensive of Quality!
Not the Ming spitoon! - Tom
Not the Sci-Fly-By-Night Channel, is it?
Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.
Not the church, not the state; women must decide their fate.
Not the copier, just the fax, ma'am.
Not the full quid.
Not the glamour girl who'd love to sell her soul -RUSH
Not the night, me son!!!
Not the phlegm again, sir! Not the phlegm! -Joel to giant
Not the same since they took him off his medication.
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Not this MONTH Dear, I have MODEM DOOM!
Not this little mammal! Fly a human? I'd rather suck wax fruit!
Not this little mammal! Fly a human? I'd rather suck wax fruit! -- Batty
Not to be confused with a "bambi"....:->
Not to believe rashly is the nerve of wisdom.
Not to know is bad, but not to wish to know is worse.
Not to mention its lousy bedside manner.
Not to understand a man's purpose does not make *him* confused.-Po
Not to worry!  I LOVE cats.  Especially with BBQ sauce!
Not to worry, this is a TRANSCENDENTAL solution.
Not to worry... "I have a little list... They will never be missed..."
Not to worry...Orville. It's being dealt with.
Not tonight Honey.  I have a modem.
Not tonight Honney I have a modem.
Not tonight dear . . . . . . . . . I have a modem.
Not tonight dear, I have a BBS!
Not tonight dear, I have a modem..Oh hell with the modem..COME HERE!
Not tonight dear, I just got the new version of BK!
Not tonight dear. I'd rather ride the Wave!
Not tonight dear. Why do you think I bought you that damned modem?
Not tonight dear.... I've got a modem . . .
Not tonight dear...........I'm compiling under Windows!
Not tonight honey, I got a BBS!
Not tonight honey, I've got a modem.
Not tonight honey... I have a modem
Not tonight honey..I have a modem.
Not tonight hun,  I have a modem...
Not tonight, Dear.  I'm going to be counting the pixels on my monitor.
Not tonight, Dear.  I'm re-arranging my screen icons.
Not tonight, boys, call me when you get some pubes, OK? - Babes-R-Us
Not tonight, dear, I have to watch Animaniacs.
Not tonight, dear, I've got to get up early tomorrow.
Not tonight, dear.  I have a BlueWave packet.
Not tonight, dear.  I have a QWKRR 128 packet.
Not tonight, dear.  I have a bbs.
Not tonight, dear.  I have a modem
Not tonight, dear.  I have a modem.
Not tonight, dear.  I have an attitude.
Not tonight, dear.  Monday Night Raw is on.
Not tonight, dear. I have a modem.
Not tonight, dear...a hockey game is on!
Not tonight, hon. I have a headcrash.
Not tonight, honey...the Canadiens lost.
Not tonite Honey; I have a Modem!
Not too little, not too much. - Lister
Not too many moderator tags, but you're welcome to them: :)
Not too much cologne, it's fragrance abuse
Not unless you keep trippin over it!
Not unlike having your brains lightly whipped into a smooth puree.
Not using Windows or OS/2 and LOVING IT!!!
Not very sporting. - Kalas
Not what Teacher said to do, makin' dreams come true. -Weird Science
Not whether you win or lose but how you place the blame.
Not with MY cat, you don't!
Not with my tax money, you don't!!!
Not worth pissin' on.
Not wrapped too tight.
Not, I think, today Commander. J. L. Picard
Not, I think, today, Commander. - Picard
Not-so-famous Fraternities: I Phelta Thi, Tappa Kegga Bru
Notaries do it with seals!
Notaries try to make a lasting impression.
Note the huge breasted typist in the background.
Note the look on its face as Orville runs away.
Note the look on the lion's face as Jim gets away.
Note to N.O.W. - If you want to help me, just DON'T help me!
Note to mothers: when diapering your babies, don't do anything rash.
Note to myself. Don't throw rocks at magma - Crow
Note to myself: Never come back as anything with a horn.
Note to self:  Get cat to stop bungi jumping out of tree!
Note to self:  Get cat to stop bungie jumping out of tree!
Note:  Virus in message has been passed to your system.
Note: Chocolate syrup is good on ice cream, too.
Notes for next year: diet, dye job and facelift
Nothen is sew smiple that it cant' git screwed up..
Nothin' a cold beer and a big hamburger wouldn't solve!
Nothin' ain't worth nothin', but it's free.
Nothin' be so's smiple dat it can't git screwed up.
Nothin' ever remains the same.
Nothin' left to do but smile, smile, smile. - Garcia/Hunter
Nothin' much to say I guess --U2
Nothing But the Truth!
Nothing I do is good enough for you. - Tori Amos
Nothing I see means anything.
Nothing POLITICAL is correct!
Nothing Suceeds like a Budgie without a beak.
Nothing Unreal Exists
Nothing amazes Man so much as common sense.
Nothing and no one will stand in my way. -- Remmick
Nothing annoys me more than a *gynocentric* feminist.
Nothing anybody tells you about marriage helps.
Nothing artificial here! Real cheese! Real meat - Erhardt
Nothing astonishes like common sense and plain dealing.
Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.
Nothing bad said about you is ever untrue.
Nothing beats The Montreal Canadiens!
Nothing beats Windows, it keeps loading & loading & loading
Nothing beats Windows, it keeps loading and loading and loading and
Nothing beats a BUD!
Nothing beats a great pair of LEGS!
Nothing beats a hockey game!
Nothing behind you matters
Nothing behind you matters.
Nothing between the stethoscopes.
Nothing between us but the night.
Nothing but net!!
Nothing can be created from nothing.    Lucretius (55 BC)
Nothing can be made fool proof, as fools are so ingenious.
Nothing can be made foolproof - fools are so disingenuous!
Nothing can be made foolproof - fools are so ingenious
Nothing can be made foolproof because fools are so clever
Nothing can be made foolproof, as fools are ingenious.
Nothing can be made foolproof, as fools are so ingenious
Nothing can be made foolproof, as fools are so ingenious.
Nothing can feel *that* good and be good for you too!
Nothing can go wrong now, go wrong, gow rong, grong!
Nothing can go wrong, go wrong, go wro*%$@# NO CARRIER.
Nothing can go wrong, go wrong, go wrong, go wro
Nothing can go wrong...%$@# NO CARRIER.
Nothing can go wrong...go wrong...go wro%$@# NO CARRIER.
Nothing can go wrong...go wrong...go wro%&*@# NO CARRIER
Nothing can harm a good man, either in life or after death - Socrates
Nothing can help this story. . .
Nothing can stop me now - NIN
Nothing can stop me now, 'cause I don't care anymore.
Nothing can vex like the opposite sex !
Nothing changes on New Year's Day.
Nothing changes, MacLeod!  Ever! - Kalas
Nothing clears your sinuses like a sandwich with lots of horseradish.
Nothing confuses a man like a woman driver who does everything right.
Nothing cures a case of nerves like a case of beer!
Nothing cures homesickness faster than an unexplored tower.
Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it is time to get up.
Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it's time to get up.
Nothing damages new truth as old error.
Nothing doing, Tommy! - Crow to Tom
Nothing else can survive a holocaust but poetry and songs. --JM
Nothing else feels right without love.
Nothing else turns me on more than a good, erotic snuggle...
Nothing else worked!, Postman claims; So I bit the dog.
Nothing endures but change.           Heraclitus (480 BC)
Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.
Nothing ever goes away.
Nothing exists; all things are becoming. <Masunaga>
Nothing found on any drive . . . (R)etry (C)ry (D)rink
Nothing from outside the echo matters.
Nothing funny to post as a Tagline, this trip.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. - Emerson
Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes
Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around- Calvin
Nothing here is what it seems--G'Kar.
Nothing here remains, no future and no past.
Nothing hurts like a masturbation injury involving kitchen appliances!
Nothing hurts more than guilt.
Nothing improves your driving like a police car following you.
Nothing in Policy demands that teh moderator be sane.
Nothing in Policy implies that sanity is a Sysop requirement!
Nothing in Policy4 implies that Godhood is a SysOp requirement!
Nothing in Policy4 implies that sanity is a SysOp requirement!
Nothing in fine print is ever good news.m---
Nothing in policy implies that Godhood is a SysOp requirement!
Nothing in the known universe travels faster than a bad check.
Nothing in the known universe travels faster than a bad cheque!
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Nothing in this tagline...
Nothing in this world is certain but DOS and taxes.
Nothing in this world is certain, except death and taxes. --Franklin.
Nothing increases your golf score like witnesses.
Nothing irritates women more than a happy bachelor!
Nothing is 100% certain, bug free or IBM compatible.
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
Nothing is as fatal to religion as indifference. - Burke
Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has come
Nothing is as intolerant as a tolerant Liberal.
Nothing is as it seems.. you have entered the
Nothing is better motivation than the last minute.
Nothing is better than hockey, except sex while watching hockey.
Nothing is confirmed until officially denied.
Nothing is easy in this life.
Nothing is ever 100%
Nothing is ever `supposed' to happen.  - Duncan MacLeod
Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man.
Nothing is ever as simple as it first seems.
Nothing is ever completely black or white!
Nothing is ever constant unless it is dead.
Nothing is ever constant, unless it is dead.
Nothing is ever constant, unless it is dead. 
Nothing is ever foolproof.  Fools are always so ingenious.
Nothing is ever foolproof.  They are always so ingenious.
Nothing is ever good nor bad, but thinking makes it so. - Shakespeare
Nothing is ever so bad it can't be made worse by firing the coach.
Nothing is ever so bad it can't get worse.
Nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse.
Nothing is faster than the speed of light ...
Nothing is faster than the speed of light.
Nothing is final. Except me, of course. --Death.
Nothing is fool-proof as long as there are fools.
Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool
Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool.
Nothing is foolproof - Fools are too ingenious!
Nothing is foolproof - fools are ingenious.
Nothing is foolproof as fools are so ingenious.
Nothing is foolproof because fools are ingenious.
Nothing is foolproof because fools are so ingenious
Nothing is foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
Nothing is foolproof because fools are so ingenius.
Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
Nothing is foolproof! Fools are too ingenious!
Nothing is foolproof, as fools can be ingenious
Nothing is foolproof, because fools are so ingenious.
Nothing is foolproof, fools are too ingenious.
Nothing is foolproof, idiots are too ingenious.
Nothing is foolproof.  Fools are too ingenious.
Nothing is foolproof. The fools are too ingenious
Nothing is foolproof; fools are so ingenious.
Nothing is forgotten.   Nothing is ever forgotten
Nothing is given so profusely as advice.
Nothing is illegal if 100 businessmen decide to do it.
Nothing is illegal if one hundred businessmen decide to do it.
Nothing is illegal if one hundred businessmen decide to do it. -- Andrew Young
Nothing is illegal until you get caught.
Nothing is impossible for a man who doesn't have to do it himself.
Nothing is impossible for anyone impervious to reason
Nothing is impossible for he who doesn't have to do it.
Nothing is impossible for someone impervious to reason.
Nothing is impossible for the man who does NOT have to do it.
Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself.
Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself.
Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do the work.
Nothing is impossible for those who don't have to do it.
Nothing is impossible if YOU don't have to do it!
Nothing is impossible if you don't have to do it yourself.
Nothing is impossible in the minds of lovers.
Nothing is impossible with the right attitude & a hammer!
Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything.
Nothing is indelible, said Tom irascibly.
Nothing is interesting if you're not interested.
Nothing is intuitive, in its fullest form.
Nothing is kinky for a Scorpio
Nothing is kinky for an Aquarius
Nothing is lost forever, except the Cathedral of Chalesm.
Nothing is lost until you begin to look for it.
Nothing is more believed as that known least by the most.
Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Nothing is more convenient than a good friend.
Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. -A.Camus
Nothing is more gratifying to the mind of man than power or dominion.
Nothing is more precious than a baby's laugh!
Nothing is more productive than the last minute.
Nothing is more relaxed than a sleeping cat.
Nothing is more sad than the death of an illusion.
Nothing is more unpleasant than a virtuous person with a mean mind.
Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.
Nothing is perfect, it has lumps in it.
Nothing is politically right when it is morally wrong.
Nothing is quite as certain as that time changes everything ...
Nothing is quite so unexpected as the truth.
Nothing is real, and nothing to get hung about.
Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.
Nothing is safe from this pain. Deathin its arms. --Samhain.
Nothing is said that has not been said before. - Terence
Nothing is small if God accepts it. -St. Theresa of Avila
Nothing is so burdensome as a secret. - Anon
Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know. Montaigne
Nothing is so good as it seems beforehand.
Nothing is so good that somebody will not hate it.
Nothing is so good that somebody, somewhere, will not hate it.
Nothing is so permanant as a Temporary Government Program
Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.
Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.- Milton Fri
Nothing is so simple that feminists can't screw it up.
Nothing is so simple that feminizts can't screwed it up.
Nothing is so simple that it can't get screwed up
Nothing is so simple that it can't get screwed up.
Nothing is so simple that it cannot get screwed up.
Nothing is so simple the government can't screw it up! - RAH.
Nothing is so smiple it can't be screwed up.
Nothing is so smiple it can't get screwed up!
Nothing is so smiple that I can't screw it up.
Nothing is so smiple that Minmei can't screwed it up.
Nothing is so smiple that it can't be screwed up
Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up by a computer.
Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up.
Nothing is so smiple that it can't get stuffed up
Nothing is so smiple that ti cant' get srecwed up.
Nothing is so smiple that women can't screw it up. 
Nothing is so uncomfortable as the after thought.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true...with AbleLINK!
Nothing is true!  But that's a lie...
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
Nothing is ultimate.
Nothing is unnatural that is not physically impossible.
Nothing is very funny when you're underneath it.
Nothing is what it seems in the RIME Taglines Conference
Nothing is what it seems, all things are what they are.
Nothing is worth holding onto.
Nothing is written in stone. - Duncan MacLeod
Nothing is wrong with you that reincarnation can't cure.
Nothing lasts.
Nothing leaves this office, right? - Crow to Dr. Servo
Nothing left but pipe-dreams draining the gutter of my mind. - MR
Nothing left to comfort me, except a sunny day....
Nothing less than 7X will do, developed in 1888.
Nothing like a UFO sighting to wreck your credibility.
Nothing like a good cigar on a bright clear morning. - Col. Potter
Nothing like a good ghost story, eh? --Londo Mollari.
Nothing like a grenade to ruin a party...
Nothing like a level playing field to ruin a Psycop's day - Sheridan
Nothing like a little virus to take the edge off a kid. - Calvin's Dr.
Nothing like a little virus to take the edge off a kid." -Calvin
Nothing like a nothing tagline.
Nothing like a soak in the Hot Tub under The Midnight Sun
Nothing like couple of gunshots to clear an area.
Nothing like going off the deep end, is there!!
Nothing like harpsichord music - Tom sarcastically
Nothing like slitting your throat with the cutting edge of technology
Nothing like the smell of Inferno Rounds in the Morning.
Nothing looks as good close up as it does from far away.
Nothing looks as good from far away as it does close up.
Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.
Nothing makes a vacation seem better than hindsight.
Nothing makes a vacation seem better then hindsight
Nothing makes an ugly woman beautiful, except a BLIND date.
Nothing makes sense before noon.
Nothing matters but the weekend, from a Tuesday point of view.
Nothing matters to you. Except your holy war.
Nothing matters, and what if it did?
Nothing matters, but everything counts.
Nothing modernizes a castle so quickly as putting it up for sale.
Nothing more will I teach you today. Clear your mind of questions.
Nothing moves faster than light...except a cat hearing FOOD!
Nothing new here. Think it'll change anyone's mind?
Nothing outlasts Vampyra. She just keeps posting, and posting...
Nothing outlasts the Jem'Hadar!  They keep going and going and...
Nothing outlasts the Terminator.
Nothing personal, Sandy <g>.  Just fit in with your Groucho tagline.
Nothing personal, baby... --Uncle Frank.
Nothing personal, but God told me to set you on fire.
Nothing personal, but you look like hell. --Garibaldi.
Nothing positive ever came from a negative thought.
Nothing quite like the feel of something new - NIN
Nothing really obnoxious ever totally disappears.
Nothing recedes like success.
Nothing recedes like success. -- Walter Winchell
Nothing runs like a Fox!
Nothing says  I love you  better than six hours of nonstop sex.
Nothing says "I like you" better than six hours of nonstop sex.
Nothing says "I love you!" better than a Barney!
Nothing says "I love you" better than six hours of nonstop sex.
Nothing says "I love you" like 6 hours of SCREAMING SEX!
Nothing says "I love you" like 6 hrs. of SCREAMIN' SEX with a redhead!
Nothing says "I love you" like a week of SCREAMING SEX!!!!
Nothing says I love you better than six hours of nonstop sex.
Nothing says I love you like 6 hrs. of SCREAMIN' SEX with a redhead!
Nothing says I love you like a week of SCREAMING SEX!!!!
Nothing says I love you quite like Vaseline.
Nothing screws up a good story like an eye witness.
Nothing screws up a good story like an eyewitness.
Nothing spells LOVE better than 6 hours of screaming sex.
Nothing spoils a good party like a genius.
Nothing spoils the mood like "I'm using you" as the 3 little words!
Nothing stands between love and you.
Nothing succeeds like -- failure.
Nothing succeeds like a budgie with no teeth.
Nothing succeeds like a toothless canary.
Nothing succeeds like excess.
Nothing succeeds like excess.  Moderation is for monks.
Nothing tastes better in the morning than Big Ass ham.
Nothing that group nudity and a can of Crisco won't cure.
Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. - Oscar Wilde
Nothing that will go wrong will go wrong. Avoid "off-topic" warnings:
Nothing this evil EVER dies!
Nothing to do with the fact that I'm going senile... - Jalapeno
Nothing turns to putty in my hands.
Nothing up my sleeve, PRESTO!
Nothing up my sleeve.
Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time. A. Lincoln
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, no one found!
Nothing venturednothing gainednothing taxed!!!
Nothing warms the heart like a horny lover warming the bed.
Nothing warms the heart like a lover warming the bed.
Nothing warms the heart like a same sex lover warming the bed.
Nothing was ever accomplished by a reasonable person.
Nothing we do will bring anyone back! - Duncan MacLeod
Nothing will change until you take action to change yourself.
Nothing will cook your goose faster than a hot tongue.
Nothing will please me more than to give away Mrs. Troi - Picard
Nothing will preserve liberty but downright FORCE.- Patrick Henry
Nothing with God can be accidental. - Henry W. Longfellow
Nothing without Providence.
Nothing works, and nobody cares.
Nothing would please me more than to give Mrs. Troi away!
Nothing would please me more than to give away Mrs. Troi. -- Picard
Nothing wrong that reincarnation won't cure.
Nothing wrong with my memory, just slightly disoriented!!
Nothing wrong with this country a few plastic explosives can't cure.
Nothing wrong with this place a little Plutonium can't fix.
Nothing you can't spell will ever work.
Nothing!  Nothing can prepare you! -Mortal Kombat II
Nothing! All essentials of my online *life* are thus provided! :-)
Nothing's IMPOSSIBLE to those that don't have to do it.
Nothing's IMPOSSIBLE to those who don't have to do it...
Nothing's bulletproof if you've got a big enough bullet!
Nothing's easy for Joe. - Maurecia
Nothing's ever "funny" when its sweaty tail-end's parked on your face.
Nothing's impossible for those who don't have to do it.
Nothing's more dangerous than a mind with a solitary idea
Nothing's more expensive than a girl who's free for the evening.
Nothing's so small it can't be blown out of proportion.
Nothing's so weird that no one's done it.
Nothing's the same anymore. --Sinclair.
Nothing's turning out the way I planned - NIN
Nothing's wrong that reincarnation won't cure.
Nothing's wrong with me, must be something wrong with universe. - Bev.
Nothing, I saw nothing. - Ambassador Londo Molari
Nothing, the Big Nothing, that's what the "Heys" want- Hologram
Nothing. I'm not doing anything - Crow as guy milks cow
Nothing...happened...to my face -- Odo
Nothing: Often a good thing to do and a clever thing to say.
Notice : This is a Dragon Sanctuary!  No Knights!
Notice how easily it detaches. -- Ro
Notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Notice how no one criticized Riker until Wesley was gone?
Notice how safe the streets are with Kevorkian jailed?
Notice how safe the streets are without Jack Kavorkian?
Notice they do not so much fly as plummet.
Notice they do not so much fly, as plummet.  <*baahhhh....*><*thump*>
Notice to HCI: No gun *EVER* pulled its own trigger!!!
Notice to thieves.  This car has already been stolen.
Notice!! Executive Error,  Starting Sysop Erasure
Notice:  All incoming fireballs have the right of way.
Notice: 824 is now 1024. Please recalibrate your instrumentation accordingly.
Notice: All incoming fire has the right of way.
Notice: All incoming fireballs have the right of way.
Notice: Messages contains 90% foul language. Edit (Y)/(N)? n
Notice: Pilots must not be seen together in the toilets during flights
NotraP ylloD -- sniw ytivarg ,dne eht nI
Nougalicity - Degree to which a Snickers will stretch before breaking.
Nougalicity: degree which a snickers will stretch before breaking.
Noun is a person, place or thing
Nouvelle cuisine shows more on the bill, than the plate.
Novel Idea: Take your clothes off AFTER sex!
Novell DOS takes too long.  How about short-story DOS?
November 8, 1994 - The Great Elephant Stampede
November 8, 1994: America wakes up from 1992 election hangover.
November 8, 1994: Kleenex reports record sales in Washington, D.C.
November 8, 1994: Operation Restore Democracy is Successful.
November 8, 1996: America wakes up from 1994 election hangover.
November 9, 1994: Clinton wakes up and thinks he is in a bad dream.
November 9, 1994: Democrats find polls closed. Call Clinton to complain.
November 9, 1994: Janet Reno declares war on California for Prop 187.
November 9, 1994: Kool Aid reports record sales of grape Kool Aid.
November 9, 1994: Last Mario update on the Rush Limbaugh show.
November was a bad month for two similar groups - Liberals and Turkeys!
November, n.: The eleventh twelfth of a weariness.
Novices do it with instructions.
Now (nou), adv:  A moment in time that has already passed.
Now *THAT*'s a Gold Nugget! - Yakko
Now *THERE'S* a Tagline that makes me go "Hmmmmmm." :-)
Now *that's* comedy! - Slappy Squirrel
Now *that's* precise editing!
Now *that's* what a self-inflicted wound looks like! - Hawkeye
Now *this* is a *great*  Tagline!  Huh?
Now *this* is a *great*  tagline!  Hah!
Now *you* must make this decision, Captain. --Delenn.
Now . . . what could be WORSE than the Shadows?
Now ... witness the power of this FULLY ARMED AND OPERATIONAL tagline!
Now @TO finally has something to whine about again.
Now Bob, you know you'll go blind!!!
Now Cal, you know you'll go blind!!!
Now Eating: Cream Cheese, green olives on bagel.
Now Eating:Cream Cheese,green olives on bagle.
Now Get To Work!, Stimpy - Ren.
Now Hiring...Pick pockets for Nudist camps. E.O.E......
Now I KNOW Fidonet is against me!
Now I can do some painting, said Tom easily.
Now I don't need an excuse...I have a REASON!
Now I give my credit cards to a blonde swedish gal.
Now I got two mind people?
Now I gotta' go hock up a new Booger partner - Crow
Now I have 1 less incident to tease you about! - Dragonrider
Now I have an unhealthy hatred of Finnish people - Mike
Now I have been a Sysop for ohhhabout 15-20 years.
Now I have friends I never knew were there. - Londo
Now I have you where I want you ... where is my jar of Bull ants?
Now I know how Pontius Pilate must have felt. <Sinclair<
Now I know how Pontius Pilate must have felt. - Sinclair
Now I know what I can live without.
Now I know what happened to all the neurons that QA tossed out.
Now I know why O.J. did all those Hertz commercials...practice.
Now I know why they are called WAITresses.
Now I know...
Now I lay me down in dreamland...
Now I lay me down to eat - Mike
Now I lay me down to sleep, a bag of peanuts at my feet. - Mulcahy
Now I lay me down to sleep, the Prophet's take my soul to keep...
Now I lay thee down to sleep... wanna join me?
Now I own 200,000 shares of a Spoo ranch! --Londo Mollari.
Now I pay for cleaning the environment, am I allowed to pollute it too?
Now I really feel like flaming!!!!!
Now I see from whence the stench came! - Ren
Now I see whence the stench came! - Ren
Now I shall have the "AEAS", or, "Aaron Esienberg (sp) App. Society!
Now I understand why Liz Taylor had to have six husbands!
Now I walk in shadows, never see the light- Qyr
Now I walk in shadows, never see the light.
Now I walk in shadows, never see the light...
Now I want you to sing like Tommy Tune - Tom
Now I'll NEVER dance, said Tom defeatedly.
Now I'll bet you're sorry you asked!
Now I'll have to THINK some more - Crow as Kathy Ireland
Now I'm a TAGLING - one day I'll grow up to be a TAGLINE.
Now I'm getting pissed - Crow
Now I'm gonna shoot the moon.
Now I'm happy, I'm dead, the ultimate high ...
Now I'm hearing the term baby killers again.
Now I'm here, and history is vindicated. - Calvin
Now I'm kinda clueless `bout what you might want in Taggers  Hmmmm
Now I'm learning how to let go.
Now I'm really confused
Now I've gone too far, where do I go now?
Now I've got uranium in my bloodstream! said Tom vaingloriously.
Now It Can Be Told:  Geraldo is Wesley Crusher on steroids.
Now Ned, I am a maiden nun; Ned, I am a maiden won.
Now Serving: Left d'oeuvres
Now THAT'S Italian!
Now THAT'S a walk on! - Mike on goofy paper boy
Now THAT'S coffee...
Now THAT'S comedy!
Now THAT'S entertainment!
Now THAT'S one I hadn't thought about before. - Aahz
Now THAT'S what I call humor !
Now THAT's a dilemma!  BBSing.  Chocolate.  BBSing.  Chocolate.
Now THAT's sloppy embroidery, Tom needled cruelly.
Now THAT's worth stealing, said Tom abstractly.
Now THESE are the aliens - Crow on redneck bar patrons
Now THIS will anger the Gods - Tom on girl's dance
Now WHO buried the land mine in the cat's litter?
Now WHY do you have sheeps wool all over you?
Now Windows 95 is even _more_ out of date!
Now _that's_ what I call a dead parrot.
Now a Turkish Delight on a moonlit night -- TMBG
Now a pestering sister's a festering blister, you'd best-a resist her.
Now a pestering sister's a festering blister, you'd best-a resist her...
Now accepting any GOOD Taglines!
Now accepting any GOOD recipes!
Now all I need is a spell checker for Telix.
Now all I need is some talent - Tom as has-been actor
Now all I need is the 1995 Moderator Chrome Series!
Now all that i've been hearing must be true -- NIN
Now all that i've been hearing must be true.
Now all that we will use is a little quantum physics:
Now all the youth of England are on fire
Now all those New England Patriots need is new uniforms! *
Now all those Patriots need is their old emblem! *
Now and then an honest person goes into politics.
Now and then an honest person goes into politics. <Snicker>
Now and then an innocent man becomes a senator.
Now and then an innocent man is sent to Congress.
Now and then an innocent man is sent to the Legislature.
Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.
Now and then an innocent person is sent to the legislature.
Now and then, Aunt Slappy is just a *little* bit bitter.
Now appearing in the Darkstar Lounge:  Susan "Boom-boom" Ivanova!
Now are they many members, yet one body. - 1 Cor. 12:20
Now at 28.8...on a 286 with CGA!
Now at 28.8/V.34...on a 286 with CGA and a GlidePoint!
Now at 39 minutes to live - Crow
Now at Toys-R-Us: Windoze NT frisbee CDs           CHEAP!
Now available in new, extra BOLD!!! - Mike
Now available on CD, cassette, 8-track, and wax cylinder!
Now available on LP, 8 track, and Edison Cylinder !
Now available on VHS:  "Why Jane and Johnny can't read."
Now back to my original lurk mode...
Now back to reality....Anybody got a map ??
Now back to the Bozo show.
Now back to the jaunty Roy Thinnes theme - Crow
Now back to the normal confusion.
Now back to the normal confusion...
Now be a good submissive and hand me my whip.
Now bring us........A SHRUBERRY!
Now casting "The Lorena Bobbitt Story!" Cutoff date to be announced.
Now casting "The Lorena Bobbitt Story"... Cut off date is...
Now close your eyes or one day you're gonna require a lot of therapy.
Now come on, you can tell me.. you're in Heidi's book huh?
Now come this way.. the bed is in here..
Now consultants do Windows.
Now cut that out... <figuratively speaking>
Now dat ve haff taken zis *bite,* lez go fer da BIGGIE! :-)
Now daughter haven't I told ye to forgive and to ferget?
Now diamonds AND AIDS are forever.
Now do I repay a period won.
Now don't be sad, cause two out of three ain't bad
Now don't go giving away the home planet! --Londo.
Now don't sulk. - Skeeve
Now don't that be a whole lot betta'? - Joel jives
Now entering Alabama.  Please set your clocks back 20 years.
Now entering Mississippi. Please set your clocks back 50 years.
Now entering Utah.  Please set your clocks back 20 years
Now entering tagline territory... enter at your own risk.
Now entering the 80XXX echo(Some assembly required)
Now even Sunshine can use TAGLINES!!!!
Now everyone can see my true identity:  I'm Kilroy!
Now everything smells like Leather flavored chocolate--IT.
Now everything smells like Leather flavored chocolate...
Now for a few tags.
Now for my favorite part of the show! ..waz that say? - Krusty
Now for my weekend barbecue forecast - Mike
Now for some plane aerobics - Tom
Now for something Really Amazing!
Now for that viral check @*!*$^~*@***** NO CARRIER
Now for the future we would all like to see.
Now for the girl stuff....
Now for turning up the heat a little......
Now forming a local chapter of Aardvarks Anonymous
Now forming:  Support group for survivors of Windows 95.
Now from Franklin Mint:  America's Most Beloved Taglines
Now from the makers of Edlin: Windows!
Now get in the left hand lane - Crow to airplane
Now get that American butt back into bed. - Corrina Dreger
Now give a big Family Feud welcome to the Menendez Family
Now go and change your armour!
Now go and sin some more...
Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time !!
Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
Now go away or I will taunt you a second time.
Now go away or we will taunt you a second time!
Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!
Now go away, or I will be forced to taunt you a second time!
Now go aweh or Ah shall taunt yeu a second tahm-e! - Monty Python
Now go back or thou shalt most certainly die.- Q
Now go play in traffic elsewhere on the information superhighway.
Now go tell your mommie you have been using her computer.
Now go, and sin some more...
Now green button to send, red to destroy the world. Whoops!
Now he has to keep her & get rabies shots - Mike
Now he's Secret Agent, Super Loiterer - Crow
Now he's doing Garret Morris! -Crow as Joel loses control
Now he's gifted. -Beavis
Now he's singing about the continental breakfast - Crow
Now hear this !  The catapult is not functi..%$#@& - NO CARRIER TAKEOFFS
Now hear this, you soggies!
Now here is a real idiot!!!!!!!!!!
Now here you are with your faith and your Peter Pan advice.
Now here's a scary thought-a female Q with PMS.
Now here's something we hope you'll really like ...
Now hold him while I get my sword.- Amanda
Now how about some NO CARRIER taglines?
Now how can I trick Sidney? Tom considered.
Now how do you say Goodbye? Immediately, immediately, immmediate L-Y!
Now how much would you pay for all this?  BUT, *Wait*! Don't answer...
Now how would you express that in 57 characters or less?
Now i'll just run this file to active the virus and$!@(*NO CARRIER
Now i'm slipping in all the tears you made me cry -- NIN
Now i'm slipping in all the tears you made me cry.
Now if I can run Win3 under DV under Unix...
Now if I could only find the Video switch!
Now if I could only make MYSELF fat-free....
Now if only I could get Blue Wave to wash my car for me!
Now if only I could get the computer to do my housework!
Now if only I could get this Blue Wave to wash my car for me!
Now if only I knew what I was talking about.
Now if only I knew who the Evil Clown was.  <GDAR>
Now if only The Whalers could fight like that in a game
Now if only The Whalers could fight like that in a game...
Now if there was money involved....... - Mutant Raccoon
Now if you don't mind, I've got some pigs to deliver. --Hercules
Now in 1994, there's me. The Acme of Evolution. --Calvin.
Now in new great-tasting Grape and Watermelon flavors.
Now in stereo. Left channel at 2:204/137.5 and right at 2:204/136.9.
Now is blessed, the rest remembered. --Jim Morrison
Now is come the time on Shprockets ven ve dance.
Now is it a bit more clear? -- Jack Butler
Now is not a good time to annoy me
Now is the WIN.TER of our disk contents. --Bill Gates
Now is the WIN.ter of our disc contents. Bill Gatespeare
Now is the Windows of our disc contents
Now is the Windows of our disk contents.
Now is the time for YOU to join the NRA. 1-800-352-4NRA
Now is the time for all good men to come to aid of the men's movement! 
Now is the time for all good men to come to.
Now is the time for all good men to come to. -- Walt Kelly
Now is the time for senseless bickering!
Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance.
Now is the time....for what?
Now is time for a breakdown
Now is yesterday's tomorrow.
Now it seems to me some fine things have been placed within your bucket,
Now it's finished, Father; now it's finished. - Duncan MacLeod
Now it's getting scary! -- Yakko
Now it's molecule, molecule, moleculeit's never anything BIG! -Tick
Now it's over...said and done.
Now its got that `died-in' look. - Amanda
Now just look.. they're burning the `Porta-Potties'- Opus
Now keep in mind Mike can't control when movies begin or end - MST3K08
Now lay back and pass out before I sedate you.
Now leaving Cocoa Beach, now entering Ron Jon Land.
Now let me see if I've got this right... - Aahz
Now let me show you something that isn't in the dressage book.
Now let's blow this thing and go home! - Han Solo
Now let's go kick some ingrate butt!
Now lets get those clothes off! - Tom to girl
Now lie back and pass out out before I have to sedate you
Now listen John, behave yourself or I'll murder you.
Now look Gypsy. You DON'T have velvet rims - Joel
Now look at them. --Garibaldi.
Now look what she's gotten us into!
Now look what you made me do - Londo & G'kar
Now look what you made me do! - Londo and G'Kar to each other
Now look what you made me do! --Londo and G'kar.
Now may be an excellent time to become a missing person.
Now my computer needs a back-seat driver for the Information Highway.
Now my hand's gonna be sticky! - Mutant Raccoon
Now my mouth tastes like your foot - Mike
Now nobody can detect my halitosis, said Tom breathlessly.
Now now! I watching the hockey game!
Now now, @FN@! My boyfriend is getting suspicious.
Now now, @FROM@! My girlfriend is getting suspicious.
Now now, @TO@! My girlfriend is getting suspicious.
Now now, @TOFIRST@! My boyfriend is getting suspicious.
Now now, @TOFIRST@! My girlfriend is getting suspicious.
Now now, Cal Webster!  My girlfriend is getting suspicious.
Now now, we're not schizophrenic, are we?
Now on CD ROM, classic taglines of the computer era.
Now on a 486DX2/66, 28.8/V.34, and a Glide point...with CGA and 2 megs!
Now on home video: "Lost in Space: The Motion Picture"
Now on sale at Barnacle Brothers
Now only if I can DO IT 4 as much as I think about it.
Now only if I can do it 4 times as much as I think about it.
Now only if Toronto and Winnipeg would get new logos
Now our Gladys was a star in Cattle Circle...
Now patients can get a second opinion, said Tom paradoxically.
Now playing at the Hannibal Lecter Dinner Theatre: "Man of La Muncha"
Now playing at the Pussycat Theater: LORD OF THE THINGS
Now pretend you're Buddy Hacket & Mickey Rooney - Mike
Now quietly amuse yourself. -Brain
Now registering 7.2 on the Sphincter Scale .
Now repeat after me: Owa Tana Siam.  Faster!
Now running the REALITY.SYS beta
Now say it a million times! - Crow T. Robot
Now sending AND receiving NETMAIL at the above address!
Now seriously, Orville... The check IS in the mail!
Now seriously, Paran... The check IS in the mail!
Now seriously, The check IS in the mail!
Now serving:  Left d'oeuvres.
Now she is mine!
Now showing. The Richie Tozier, All Dead Rock Show.
Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white.
Now some red-red lipstick - Crow as guy applies makeup
Now stop it or I'll have your other leg.-King Arthur
Now stop that!!! I can't say anything without it being taglined!!!
Now stop, Major-General; are negro jam-pots won?
Now suddenly I'm the expanding Russian frontier. --Ivanova.
Now suddenly, I *am* the expanding Russian frontier. --Ivanova
Now taking bets on Barney vs. Godzilla...
Now that Bev has kissed Picard, what a waste of our time!
Now that Communism is dead, who'll save us from the Americans?
Now that I am dead, I'm finally making a living.
Now that I got that bunch of tags, I guess I gotta go watch the show.
Now that I have a firm grip on reality, I can strangle it.
Now that I have a grip on reality I can strangle it.
Now that I have finshed Doom, what else is there in life?
Now that I have it all together, I can't remember where I put it.
Now that I have my coffee, I am ready to watch radar.
Now that I have your attention, listen up.
Now that I have your ear, Mr. Van Gogh...
Now that I'm awake I hold the truth, I hold the past - Course of Empire
Now that I'm in InterUser, I need Taglines AND an *Atlas*!
Now that I'm not pregnant anymore, I feel GREAT!
Now that I've eaten I see things in a different light.
Now that I've given up hope I feel much better
Now that I've given up hope I feel much better...
Now that I've gone too far, where should I go now?
Now that I've muddied the waters it's time to paddle off!
Now that Superman's dead, do we need the kryptonite?
Now that dream is laid to rest.
Now that feels familiar. (John Bobbitt)
Now that tag lines are out, what's this doing here?
Now that there's your FIRST problem, Pilgrim!
Now that we have had sex I just put on this condom and you won't get pre
Now that we travel in space how about travelling in time?
Now that winter is coming, get one of our 16 pound heater cats.
Now that you know who you are, what do you want to be? -Beatles
Now that you read the tagline, read the message.
Now that you're getting younger, you must be getting smarter!
Now that you've found me, what do you say we...ECONOMIZE!
Now that you've left your seed here  -Tom after love scene
Now that's Entertainment !! - Vlad the Impaler.
Now that's a Truly Profound Tagline!
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time!
Now that's a tacky tactician!
Now that's an interesting thought.
Now that's not funny! - Radar
Now that's one train of thought I'm glad I'm not riding!
Now that's what I call a dead parrot.
Now the Admiral *REALLY* has something to whine about.
Now the Earth is a Witch, and the men still burn her
Now the God of peace {be} with you all. Amen. (ROM 15:33) (KJV)
Now the God of peace {be} with youAll. Amen. (ROM 15:33)
Now the Holy dollar rules everybody's lives.  - Qyr
Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means
Now the eternal love part...
Now the final solution can be applied.
Now the man that puts the 'you' in impr-you-vment! - Troy McClure
Now the time is hear for Iron Man to spread fear...
Now the whiskey ain't working anymore.
Now then, was that funny or WHAT?
Now there you go getting greedy again.
Now there's a mind like a steel sieve.
Now there's a moderator with an itchy twit-finger.
Now there's gonna be some REAL ass-kicking - Tom as nun
Now there's that look in your eyes like blackholes in the sky
Now they've taken the first amendment and I can't say anything at all.
Now things are really what they seem.
Now this is R-R-R-REALLY so bold - Tom
Now this is _extremely_ nasty!
Now this is a Serious Topic Of Discussion!  Any Takers???
Now this is a way to make a phone call!
Now this is extremely nasty.
Now this, O monks, is noble truth that leads to the cessation of pain.
Now this, from English Leather - Crow as TV movie pauses
Now to get my bustier out of the freezer - Tom
Now to get pantsed & dragged around the track - Crow
Now to heaven our prayer ascending, God speed the right.
Now to put on some Pampers & watch Flower Drum Song -Crow
Now to sit in my underwear & watch Silk Stalkings - Crow T. Robot
Now to try and avoid being moderated.
Now touch these wires to your tongue!
Now wait a minute. . . How do we know you're the REAL Angel of Death?
Now watch, Skeeve. You'll learn much, if we survive. - Master Garkin
Now we are about to attempt to cross-the Bridge of Death!
Now we can talk freely. - Hague
Now we do what we're supposed to do, we wait. - Joe Dawson
Now we dolly back, now we fade to black . . .
Now we give you @FN@ and his inflatable doll!
Now we give you Jerome and his inflatable doll!
Now we give you Orville Bullitt and his inflatable knees!
Now we give you Orville and his inflatable knees!
Now we kill the rich, take their stuff, and split. -- Shakespeare
Now we know what Clinton did in Russia - He studied economics!
Now we know what Clinton did in Russia - He studied economics!!!
Now we know where Michael Jackson lost that other glove.
Now we know where Michael left that other glove.
Now we know why Nigel Mansell was seen buying Escudos, Yen and Aus $'s
Now we return you to your (ir)regular conference.
Now we send a message of our own. - Narn
Now we will discuss the location of your hidden Rebel base. - Vader
Now we will test the structural integrity of Troi's uniform...
Now we'll have to replace all the ship's windows, Tom reported.
Now we're gonna guide you into some power lines - Tom
Now we've got Sax and Gore in the movies and the White House!
Now what did I do with that flak jacket?
Now what did he mean by THAT?
Now what was it that Michael liked to HIDE in Hide & Seek?
Now what were we talking about?
Now where *did* I put that fire extinguisher?
Now where am I gonna land this modem with no carrier?
Now where can you find one, nicer than this?
Now where did I leave my dragon-scale-extract?
Now where did I park my hard drive?
Now where did I place that +35 holy bazooka?
Now where did I put that Tagline???  OH!!  THERE IT IS!!!...
Now where did I put that ancestor?  I know he's in here somewhere..
Now where did I put that fire extinguisher?
Now where did I put that magazine? Tom asked periodically.
Now where did I put that nitwit filter?
Now where did I put that rubber doll?
Now where did you say my disk drive drove?
Now where did you say my disk drove?
Now where is dat wascally wabbit?
Now where ya gonna find a porcupine this time a night? - Alfalfa
Now which disk did I put that backup on?
Now which one does Bill Clinton play in the show, Beavis or Butthead?
Now who's the guy who fills those *creme* doughnuts?
Now why couldn't the Death Star have exploded like that? --Lando.
Now why did I reply to this again ??
Now why didn't it surprise me when he looked good in pumps.
Now why didn't you TELL us that you carried a pocketbook?
Now why didn't you tell us that you wore a pocketbook?
Now why do you think THAT?
Now why was your name in Heidi's little black book?
Now why won't you believe Santa took all your panties?
Now with TWICE as many moose lips!
Now with the added power of Platformate.
Now witness their attempts to fly from tree to tree.
Now would be a good moment to feel VERY worried
Now would be a good time, Mr. O'Brien. - Picard.
Now you are Tosk as well, O'Brien. --Tosk.
Now you are cooking with gas.
Now you asked me for help, and I am doing the best that I can. Sheridan
Now you can borrow enough money to get completely out of debt.
Now you can dream of being as wealthy and glamourous as me. - Bono
Now you have. It's stereo. - Rimmer
Now you know why the Cheshire Cat is smiling.
Now you see 'em, now you don't! --Iolus
Now you see it, now you don't.
Now you see that evil will always win because good is dumb.
Now you see? What did I tell you, @FN@.
Now you see? What did I tell you, Orville.
Now you two kiss an' make out, er, up {EG}
Now you understand that evil will always triumph because good is dumb
Now you'll see why a good commander needs so many naps. - Potter
Now you're Laughing
Now you're a can opener. Metal & shiney & taciturn - Tom
Now you're an enfeebled freak - Crow as girl to giant
Now you're assimilating with POWER! -- Nintendo of Borg
Now you're assimilating with power -- Nintendo of Borg
Now you're cooking with Crisco! - Crow
Now you're going to be ex-Q. - Lwaxana.
Now you're like all the rest - Gypsy writes Adam West
Now you're lost in a haze of alchohol soft middle age
Now you're ready to rub out Sonny Corleone - Tom
Now you've gone and lost again but I thought you knew. -Sex Pistols
Now you've got me, you will learn the real meaning of "aggravated".
Now you've got the two of us... Go for it!
Now your assimilating with power -- Nintendo of Borg
Now your really in trouble; eh, Jean Luc! --Q of Borg.
Now! Let's meet our hippy! - Crow
Now! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! <Picard throwing tantrums>
Now's the time for Uncle Jim's fundamentalist dogma -Mike
Now's your chance to ruin the world. OS/2.
Now, Commander.  Watch and learn.  -Troi
Now, DON'T encourage me!
Now, Here's John Bobbitt with a few words about Crazy Glue.
Now, Here's John with a few words about Crazy Glue.
Now, I go to spread happiness to the rest of the station.
Now, John Bobbitt for Crazy Glue
Now, Mr. Simpson... Simpson, Simpson... French, is it?
Now, STOP it or you'll go BLIND!
Now, Scotty! Detonate and energize! I mean.....
Now, THIS is a tagline
Now, That IS an Aerodynamic Advantage!
Now, WHERE did you say my disk drove??
Now, a brief pause while everyone says, "Who cares?"
Now, a giant cockroach - Crow
Now, about that hazard pay. -- Quark
Now, about this phony Italian accent of yours - Tom
Now, assuming that I'm right.  And I invariably am... <The Doctor>
Now, assuming that I'm right.  And I invariably am... <The Doctor<
Now, back to minding my own business...
Now, by request, "Don't Bring Me Down" as sung by Barney!
Now, by the world, it is a lusty wench..!
Now, daughter, haven't I told ye to forgive and to ferget?
Now, doesn't that make you feel better? - NIN
Now, dribble-dick, do your worst.
Now, either order something or make room for paying customers.
Now, for the last and most intense move - Butthead.
Now, from K-TEL, on 2 LPs, 1 Cassette OR 3 CD's!
Now, get in a line, get in a row - Crow's square dance
Now, honey, let me sit in the chair today. - Clinton
Now, how does Wesley save THIS universe?
Now, if I can only remember my name?
Now, if I could get my hands on this General Failure....
Now, if I could just get the BLUE WAVE to wash my comet.....
Now, if I could just get the BLUE WAVE to wash my truck.......
Now, if my bank gave *Video* Toasters with each new account . . .
Now, if only I could get paid for this...
Now, if you go say to Australia, that's a different matter.
Now, if you'll all excuse me - I'm off to shoot my grandmother.
Now, is that called an attitude you can live with?    ;>
Now, it's getting kinky ...
Now, just lay across my lap
Now, more than ever, it's specialty breads - Crow
Now, now, we're not schizophrenic, am I?
Now, now.... that's cheating.
Now, pay attention, dolt! - Master Garkin
Now, promenade! Whoohoo! Wheehaa! - Crow's square dance
Now, repeat after me: Star Trek is only a !%@^@^& TV show!!!
Now, say it without the stick in your mouth - Crow
Now, something a little different ... hmmm.
Now, that *was* at McDonald's in Nebraska, wasn't it???!  <BG>
Now, that feels familiar- John Bobbitt
Now, that's a good script (g).
Now, the bridge of the nose! - Crow
Now, this is more like it! - Sheridan
Now, to stay on topic...
Now, turn your head & cough - Tom as guy cracks safe
Now, was that an animal, a mineral or a vegetable? <G>
Now, watch closely.  I'm only doing this once.
Now, we are about to attempt to cross....the Bridge of Death!
Now, we are about to attempt to crossthe Bridge of Death!
Now, what in the WORLD am I supposed to do with you?
Now, what was that magic word? Shazam? <WHAM!> Nah - Garibaldi
Now, what was that magic word? Shazzam? <WHAM!> Nah - Garibaldi
Now, where did I park that hard disk?
Now, where did I put my +20 Holy Bazooka.....
Now, where did I put that dweeb filter?
Now, where did I put the Foster's?
Now, where did I put those Cthulhu Taglines?
Now, where's Korea? :)
Now, would you be a gentleman and send me a couple of recipes???!!
Now, would you be a gentleman and send me a couple of taglines???!!  <G>
Now, write it 100 times, or I'll cut your balls off!
Now, write it out 100 times, or I'll cut yer balls off!
Now, you know you'll go blind!!!
Now, you see, Brown?  What did I tell you?
Now, young Skywalker....you will die!
Now...  Would _I_ do _that_?!?
Now... _go_bother_some_one_else_!
Now... where did I park that hard disk?
Now.......Let's see....What else can I get into?
Now...if I were a landing thruster, which one would I be? --Londo.
Now...witness the power of this *FULLY ARMED AND OPERATIONAL* Tagline!
Now:  A moment in time that has already passed.
Nowadays even some illiterates can read and write.
Nowadays everything we have is taxed - even our patience.
Nowadays it's not so much sleigh bells as cash registers.......
Nowadays, the only thing you can do on a shoestring is trip.
Nowhere has to come from somewhere. <Chiun>
Nowwhere did I park that hard disk?
Noxie? Why is that little Puerto Rican boy in a dress crying?
Nuclear Explosives: Adam Baum
Nuclear Plants:  Still safer than Teddy Kennedy's car.
Nuclear Plants: Still safer than Teddy Kennedy's car.
Nuclear Power Bafflement: Ken Fusion
Nuclear Power Bafflement: Ken Fusion*
Nuclear War can also be called Urban Renewal.
Nuclear Weapons:  May they rust in peace.
Nuclear bombs - Made by lazy Americans - Tested in Japan
Nuclear clock stands at T - 5 minutes
Nuclear clock stands at five mins to midnite
Nuclear engineers do it hotter than anyone else.
Nuclear engineers do it hotter than anything else.
Nuclear submarine's major problem: Whale mating season.
Nuclear testing makes me madder then a homophobic Redneck!-PH
Nuclear war is unhealthy for children and other living things.
Nuclear war?  There goes my career!
Nude housework - Tom
Nude photgraphy... Tried it and damn near froze.
Nude photography. I tried it once and d*mn near froze.
Nude weddings.  So all can see who the best man is.
Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more
Nudge nudge. Wink wink. Know what I mean? - Crow
Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink. Say no more!
Nudge, nudge, ;-), ;-), say no more!
Nudge, nudge, say no more!
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink .. know what I mean?
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no mo-ore!   - Monty Python
Nudge, nudge.. Wink, wink.. Say no more, say no more.
Nudism: a different way of looking at things.
Nudist Camp sign - Sorry, Clothed for Winter.
Nudist:  One who goes coatless & vestless and wears trousers to match.
Nudist:  One who suffers from clothestrophobia
Nudists are people who go in for altogetherness.
Nudists are people who wear one button suits.
Nudists are people who wear one--button suits.
Nudists are people who wear one-button suits.
Nudists do it barely.
Nudists do it naked.
Nudists: people who wear one-button suits.
Nudity *is* natural - that's why we were all born naked!
Nudity:  What do people over 40 use as birth control.
Nueva!  Contiene aceite legitimo 9 vainilla del indio!
Nugatory:  Where old candy bars go when they die.
Nugloo:  Single continuous eyebrow that covers the entire forehead.
Nuh uh! I call 'NO WAY'! - Mike on implausible scene
Nuh-uh...you obviously missed the part about "No Gay Bashing ones".
Nuk 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark.
Nuke 'em 'til they glow, & shoot 'em in the dark
Nuke 'em til they glow then shoot 'em in the dark!
Nuke 'em till they glow, and then shoot them in the dark.
Nuke A Godless Communist Gay Baby Seal for Christ
Nuke Barney 'til he glows, then shoot him in the dark!
Nuke Barney from orbit - it's the only way to be sure.
Nuke Bob from orbit - it's the only way to be sure.
Nuke Jerome from orbit - it's the only way to be sure.
Nuke Keith from orbit - it's the only way to be sure.
Nuke Melt-down!  9 Million Hospitalized!  GNP Skyrockets!
Nuke The Gay Baby Whales For Jesus!
Nuke `em `til they glow, then shoot `em in the dark.
Nuke em all let GOD sort em out - Darkwood
Nuke em all let the maggots eat them out - Darkwood
Nuke em till they glow - Darkwood
Nuke em till they glow and shoot em in the dark!!!!
Nuke en till they glow, shoot em in the dark
Nuke it till' it glows.
Nuke me, Zorro
Nuke tha one ya love ?
Nuke the Gay Whales for Christ.
Nuke the Smurfs!!!!!!!!!!
Nuke the Unborn, Gay Whales!
Nuke the Whales - US Fission Wildlife Service
Nuke the baby fur whales.
Nuke the baby seals for Jesus
Nuke the gay unborn minority homeless baby whales for Jesus.
Nuke the homeless druggie homosexual baby whales!
Nuke the liberal media
Nuke the monastery from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Nuke the site from Orbit, its the only way to be sure
Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Nuke the unborn baby whales.
Nuke the unborn black gay baby whale doctors for Christ!
Nuke the unborn communist baby gay whales for Jesus!
Nuke the unborn gay baby whales for Christ!
Nuke the unborn gay baby whales for jesus!
Nuke the unborn gay whales for Jesus!
Nuke the whales
Nuke them 'til they glow, then shoot them in the dark.
Nuke unborn gay whales.
Nuke'em till they glow, then shoot'em in the dark.
Nuke'm til they glow, then shoot'em in the dark!
Nuked radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.
Null String: The results of a 4 hour database search.
Null modems were created when God got no handshake.
Number 'n a hake.  (New England expression; a notoriously stupid fish.)
Number 'n a hake.  New England expression; a notoriously stupid fish.
Number 1, U Have The Bridge, I'll Be In My Ready Room.
Number 2 of Borg: You will be assimilated... into The Village.
Number 5: INPUT! INPUT! Need INPUT!...
Number 6 of Borg - Why I resigned is irrelevant.
Number 9 is.....ALIVE!!!!!!!
Number 9, we are standing still - Mike
Number One, It seems your always after my job
Number One, buy me a Pontiac!
Number One, please remove Ken Stuckas from the Bridge..
Number One, please remove Orville Bullitt from the Bridge.
Number One, please remove Orville from the Bridge.
Number One, prepare to use the Dynamic Ribbon Device...
Number One, you have the bridge.
Number One--bring me some more turtle wax!
Number Seven.  Two inches to the right of a very naughty bit indeed.
Number eleven...more naughty bits.
Number ninety-seven:  A radio.
Number of Vulcans needed to replace a bulb?  Precisely 1.000000
Number of men to screw in a light bulb? 1 - men will screw anything.
Number of phone rings = # of steps from commode - 1.
Number of phone rings = number of steps from commode - 1.
Number of phone rings = number of steps from toilet -1
Number of phone rings=number of steps from commode - 1!
Number one raise the shields."  "Ok, I'll bet 100 credits!
Number:  Get her real drunk.
Numeric stability is probably not all that important when you're guessing.
Numerical Logic Error: Press F13 to restore
Nummy Muffin Coocol Butter was taken from me -Frank sings
Nummymuffincooklebutter - Price Rebel Icon Mdse. Catalog
Nun works in condom factory, thinks she's making sleeping bags for mice.
Nun's know right where to get ya! - Crow as nun grabs guy
Nun: Autographed picture * Tom: This is JESUS!
Nun: Mr. Parlow is here * Mike: Bring me my leather habit
Nunnery: Where nuns are hatched.
Nuns are married to God?  If they divorce do they get half the universe?
Nuns do it out of habit.         
Nuns! No sense of humor. - The Kurgan
Nurbs are splineless.
Nurse Chapel, set phaser on spank.
Nurse Chapel: He's dead, Doctor.
Nurse Chapel: Mr Spock, have you ever been engaged?
Nurse Ratched! - Mike on tough old lady in hospital
Nurse Ren to the rescue! NOW EET'S MY TURN! - Ren Hoek
Nurse! I said: "SLIP off his SPECtacles!"
Nurse!, You done it backwards, I said prick his boil
Nurse, I spy gypsies! Run!
Nurse, am I glad to see you or did someone put a canoe in my pocket.
Nurse, bring me that really large anestheic mallet.
Nurse, get me a braille Playboy - Mike
Nurse, pass me a squab.
Nurse, what do you want me to do with this rectal thermometer?
Nurses - Women so homely they have to go to the hospital.
Nurses DO IT with care.
Nurses DO IT with intensive care.
Nurses Do It 24 Hours a Day
Nurses call the shots.
Nurses do it Twenty Fours Hours a day!
Nurses do it painlessly.
Nurses do it practically.
Nurses do it with care.
Nurses do it with needles.
Nurses do it with patience.
Nurses make it all better
Nursie, am I glad to see you or did someone put a canoe in my pocket.
Nursing Law:  All the IV trees are at the other end of the hall.
Nut 'N Raisen:  Breakfast for the impotent..
Nutcracker Suite: squirrel's nest
Nutcracker suite: squirrel's nest
Nuther Brylunt Minde Distoryed By Publik Educashun
Nuthin I'd rather be doin than sweatin, chewin & spewin. - Fishbone
Nuthin' is simple sometimes...
Nutrasecond - the short time before the aftertaste kicks in.
Nutrasecond -The few seconds of pleasure before the aftertaste sets in
Nutrition is a matter of mind over minerals.
Nutrition tagline -Low in sodium-
Nuts about You!: Cy Cosis
Nuts and Gum: Here at last!
Nuttonbutton - The device at intersections marked "push to cross"
Nutty as a fruitcake.
Nutz & Boltz...Lefty Lucy - Righty Tighty
Nyehh =my= finger has an Austel approval sticker!!   :)
Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembered.
Nymphomania.. Illness that you hear about but never encounter.
Nymphomania: An illness that you hear about but never encounter.
Nymphomania: Illness that you hear about but never encounter.
Nymphomaniac - any woman whose sex drive is greater than yours.
Nymphomaniac:  A girl that can only count up to sex.
Nymphomaniac:  A girl that can only count up to sex...
Nymphomaniac: Anyone who wants more sex than you do!!
Nymphs are never satyrs-fied.
Nyquil: The sneezy achy why am I on the kitchen floor medicine.
Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck! [POP!] Oooooooh, a wise guy!
Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk - Curly Howard
n me on, dead man...turn me on, dead man...turn me on, dead man...turn
n+1 trivial tasks take twice as long as n trivial tasks.
nEEd inPUt...  mOrE inPUt!!!
nIbpoH  n. - The feeling that you have read this tagline before.
nIbpoH: The feeling you've read this Tagline before.
nah, Kramer is only interested in Canadian football.
ne prodajem zvezde ni sarene laze, suvise me toga zviznulo po glavi
ne smem da ukljucim radio, muzika me na nju podseca.
neSbites throdustZIP is a TrojThorse.                    Z0ANOTHE o[Mdat
neSof thrsePcomputer bats!!                      T        0COMPUTFEWhere
nedostaje mi mnogo i htio bih da sanjam, da se nadjem negdje pored nje
need to contaminate to alleviate this loneliness
need you dream you find you taste you f*ck you use you scar you
neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. - 1 Cor. 11:11
neka sasvim cudnovata pitanja ...
nekad je sunce nekad su magle, tvoje su oci opasne.
nergy. jSteal some.hiro heavy. j       i      i      is a 0SOMETHFEWorkT
nesglter la.vaiesaao ilbTu upqne
netko me trazi, ali ne znam gdje
never believe a rumour until officially denied - you might get snowed
never die, they just look down in the mouth.
never inhaled meself, could only afford loosies, an' dem was woodies
never raise your hand to your children,it leaves your midsection open
never says EXCELLENT command or filename...
new drive installed
new file@(O8AoC(   NO CARRIER  Sheesh!
new oxymoron: final beta
new...first, we were right, there IS a god!...second, he's putting IBM
next on Geraldo: Disgruntled OLX users with Guns!
next thing I know my work has a bad reputation in the Gamma Quadrant.
nfx v2.0 [C0000] Relax.  Don't worry.  Have a homebrew.
nfx v2.3 [C0000] "I see," the blind man said to the deaf man
ni Bog sveti nije znao sta se u njoj kuva.
nice to meet u!!
night in the city looks pretty to me
nightswimming, deserves a quiet night
nisam bio pijan ni napusten sta mu ovo dodje?
nispon anomimata mi monan opsin ...
no God, no peace; Know God, Know Peace
no Justice of the Peace for you, just a big Piece of Justice! -Tick
no greater FORCE in the Galaxy!
no matter how old you are, you can always get another cucumber...
no matter where you go ... there you are - Buckaroo Banzai
no slamming others, but blatant sexism is ok.
no tagline needed.
no wanna work!  WANNA bang on KEYBOARD!!!!
no, I don't have a graduate degree - why do you ask?
no,no..no,no,no,no...no,no,no,no...no,no there's no limit!
no-one's ever going to believe we've just cut it off, it's gone green!
no.. NO!! NOT THE SALT!!- failed invasion of the Slug people
no...No...NO Geco....I said  *pluck*  the Turkey!!!!.
no...No...NO He....I said  *pluck*  the Turkey!!!!.
no...No...NO.....I said  *pluck*  the Turkey!!!!.
noNoNO Geco.I said  *pluck*  the Turkey!!!!.
nob'eghbogh nob 'oH quv
non regar pugna inopiae - You won't rule me without a fight!
noone to blame always the same
nope, wrong path. DARN!!
nose / the wax out of her ears.
nostalgia ain't what it used to be
not CREATING a disturbance, I was improving one already there. I went to
not all immortals are vampiresask meI know!
not even a Dear Gertrude Perkins:Thank you for your book,get stuffed.
not necessarily completely different
not only that, it's a whole new shade of green, too!
nothing a vulture hates more than biting into a glass eye
nothing can go wronggo wronggo wro*%$ #
nothing can stop me now cause i just don't care
nothing in, nothing out / rusted shut.
nothing increases your golf score like witnesses
nothing is real
now I lay me down in dreamland...
now back to the normal confusion...
now don't talk to me...I got books to read!!!! :)
now lets blow this thing and go home!
now my bitter hands cradle broken glass...
now the only pure thing left in my fking world is wearing your disease
now your failure is complete..if you will not turn, perhaps she will
now, Dos-e-do, byte your partner...throw em thru the Windows..prominad
nsb0;ew978 ]'   Hey! Get the cat off the keyboard!
nued from previous message)
nued to next message)
number of the moderator.
nuqDoq'oH puchpa''e'?

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca