O <-- Fat, bald tribble
O ... give me a password please ;-), for acsess by anonimous ftp
O :-) User is an angel (at heart, at least)
O Canada, said Pooh, Our home and native land.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, it takes a loan to buy thee.
O Fates, come, come, cut thread and thrum. * Shakespeare
O God, please save me from the wrath of your followers.
O Jesus, Lord, my light & life, my health, my hope, my aid in strife.
O Lord our Lord, how excellent {is} thy name in all the earth! PSA 8:9
O Lord, bless this Holy hand grenade..
O Lord, protect me from those to whom You speak directly
O Lord, protect me from those to whom You speak directly!...
O Mighty Oracle, tell me: how much wood %*!&~ NO GROVELER
O Oysters come and walk with us, the Walrus did beseech.
O Tongue give sound to joy and sing Of hope and Promise on Dragonwing!
O U C H.....Q U I T...I T !....
O Where Oh where Have My Skeletons gone?
O che sciagura d'essere senza coglioni!
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? - Job30:23
O famous Kent!  What county hath this isle that can compare with thee?
O gods of Fidonet, allow this message to be sent...
O how I long to have some chat with her..!
O is for O'Brien, in charge of transporters
O little town of Bethlehem, your steel mills have all gone dry.
O o, a q I c. I 8 2 q b 4 i p.
O oysters come and walk with us, the walrus did beseech.
O rage! O despair!
O virtuous fight, when right with right wars who shall be most right.
O! a kiss Long as my exile, sweet as my revenge! <Shakespeare>
O! that way madness lies; let me shun that.
O"ne more like that and I'm going to lose both these men." McCoy
O'Brian's Law Murphy is an optimist.
O'Brian's Law... Murphy is an optimist.
O'Brien Burger:    (Looks boring, but really spicy!)
O'Brien Burger: Looks boring, but really spicy!
O'Brien Burger: No one really knows for sure how many toppings it has.
O'Brien!! Beam them aboard! *KLONK* Good shot chief!
O'Brien's *real* rank is...'%^*}:. NO CARRIER
O'Brien's Law Murphy is an optimist.
O'Brien's Law: Nothing is ever done for the right reasons.
O'Brien's LawMurphy is an optimist.
O'Brien's rank is... Senior Chief Specialist. <hooray!>
O'Brien, beam a large pepperoni pizza to these coordinates.
O'Brien, beam down a large pepperoni pizza for Dax & me.
O'Brien, take a nap.  You didn't see any of this. * Riker
O'REILLY'S LAW OF THE KITCHEN - Cleanliness is next to impossible.
O'TOOLE'S COMMENTARY ON MURPHY'S LAW - Murphy was an optimist.
O'Toole's Comment on Murphy's Law: Murphy was an optimist.
O'Toole's Commentary on Murphy's Law: Murphy was an optimist.
O'Toole's Commentary on Murphy's Laws: Murphy was an optimist.
O'Toole's Commentary:   Murphy was an optimist.
O'Toole's Commentary: Murphy was an optimist.
O'Tooles corollarie: Murphy was an optimist.
O, No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'!
O, bother, said Pooh as more hair came out in his brush.
O, es tu !
O, so sweet to sit at His feet...
O-<--<_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-/\  I love it here.  Don't trip on the chain.
O-)   Megaton Man On Patrol!  (or else, user is a scuba diver)
O-->  Man      O--+  Woman       O--?  Undecided
O-R-A-L S-E-X...
O-U-T spells "out"...
O-f-c-o-u-r-s-e-I-m-g-o-i-n-g-2-4-0-0-b-a-u-d..#$%$ NO CARRIER
O-|-<   (dead body) Useful for bad jokes, or good jokes.
O... O... O... O... H...    S H I T  ! - Data
O.D.'d on life itself!!!!
O.J. - If a racist cop is on the case, get out of jail free.
O.J. - Nine months to present the evidence, three hours to reject it.
O.J. - Proof that in the US, racism is a worse crime than murder.
O.J. - Proof that rich sports heroes get away with murder.
O.J. Simpson Trial:  "The year the Great Bore came upon us all."
O.J. Simpson gives a new meaning to "slashing running back".
O.J. Trial: Where Police planted evidence to frame a Guilty Man!
O.J. acquited of murder; found Super Bowl ring at crime scene.
O.J. confessed - they squeezed it out of him.
O.J. confessed----They squeezed it out of him
O.J. confessed----but Shapiro says they squeezed it out of him!
O.J. gave new meaning to "fits like a glove".
O.J. got a new contract...with Ginsu!
O.J. leaving the courtroom: "Can I get my hat and gloves back now?"
O.J. now dating Lorena Bobbitt. CNN getting ready.
O.J. of Borg: prosecution is futile, jurors will be assimilated.
O.J. who?
O.J.'s alibi? "I was waiting for a table at Denny's!"
O.J.'s e-mail address: // \ <ESC>
O.J.'s favorite sport . . . Bundy jumping.
O.J.'s knife got Julius Caeser! Film at 5, 6, & 11.
O.J.'s last to Nicole: "Your waiter will be right with you."
O.J.'s last words to Nicole: "Your waiter will be right with you."
O.J., when the cops arrived.
O.J.- Nine months to present the evidence, three hours to reject it.
O.K Moderator, I'll put my clothes back on.
O.K to coninue??  <yes> <no> <MAYBE?>
O.K to coninue??  <yes< <no< <MAYBE?<
O.K to continue??  <yes> <no> <MAYBE?>
O.K. baby, bend over and spread'em, here cums my BULLET!
O.K. to continue??  <Yes> <No> <MAYBE?>
O.K.! I figured! Ennything else??
O.K.! Who ordered the truck load of dumb blondes?
O.K., Mister! Where's your tagline? Come on.
O.K., who let the normal people in?
O.K.... I guess you can lick off my fur. - Ren Hoek
O.K.: A couple of "clueless male" Taglines (originals)
O.P.M. - Other People's Money
O.k. Leonardo, Fire up the Croaking Device...
O:-)    for those innocent souls
OA-Q   -  Leaving
OARSMEN stroke till it hurts
OARSMEN stroke till it hurts.
OAS             On another subject
OBB: Overflow Bit Bucket
OBE - Our Brains Are Empty
OBE - Over Bloated Egos
OBEDIENCE - A trait that is alien to the human child.
OBEDIENCE---A trait that is alien to the human child.
OBGYN.ZIP - Doc file for WOMEN.ZIP
OBGYN: Working where other men play.
OBJET: on a Dodge Dart.
OBLIGATO -- being forced to practice the piano.
OBOE(n):Kindling for an accordian fire.
OBOE(n):Kindling for an accordion fire.
OBSCENITY(n): anything that gives the judge an erection.
OBTW    :Oh, by the way
OBVIOUSLY a Norton fan!!
OB\GYN..A spreader of old wives' tales.
OCEANOGRAPHERS do it down under
OCEANOGRAPHERS do it down under.
OCEANOGRAPHERS explore uncharted depths.
OCF: Open Circular File
ODO-DOS v1.0: It shapes itself to work with your system.
ODO-ROOTER: The *Original* Liquid Plumber!
ODOMETER: A device to tell how far a shapeshifter went.
ODOR EATERS(n): skunks in 69 position.
ODOSCAN.EXE - Gets the Quaraks out of your Hard Drive!
ODOSCAN.EXE-- keeps the Quarks off of your HD.
ODOSCAN.EXE--keeps the Quarks off your hard drive!
ODOSCAN.EXE:  keeps the Quarks off of your hard drive.
ODOSCAN.EXE: Keeps the Quarks off your hard drive
ODOSCAN.EXE: keeps the Quarks off of your hard drive.
OF COURSE I love you ?!?! My dick is hard isn't it?
OF COURSE I'm on topic!  (Which conference is this?)
OFF-LINE XPRESS TAGLINE STORAGE GUAGE: [## E .\..*....*....*.... F ##]
OFF-LINE XPRESS Taste Test: Lick-> ############ [it's vanilla, right?]
OFF-TOPIC WARNING; (A)bort (R)etry (S)uck up to Moderator ;)
OFF-line mail make sysops happy.
OFF-line mail makes Sysops happy.
OFFICE INFORMATION SYSTEM - The word processor knowing the most gossip
OFFICIAL TAGLINE of the 1996 Olympic Cat Spearing Competition
OFFLINE 1.41 * "I used to be a narrator for bad mimes." - s.w.
OFFLINE 1.50  "* <- Tribble   __ <- Tribble vs. Godzilla"
OFFLINE 1.50  "Apathy Error: Don't Bother Striking Any Ke
OFFLINE 1.50  "Cloves Captioned for the ham impaired."
OFFLINE 1.50  "Darn! Out of tribble tags!"
OFFLINE 1.50  "I am cat of Borg - We will assimilate your
OFFLINE 1.50  "Windows NT: Needs Terabytes"
OFFLINE 1.52  "Error in Virtual Reality Simulator Control
OFFLINE 1.52  "Error in operator: add beer."
OFFLINE 1.52  "For fools rush in where angels fear to tre
OFFLINE 1.52  "Golf is a good walk spoiled."
OFFLINE 1.52  "Golfer: A person who hits and tells."
OFFline mail makes Sysops happy.
OH NO!  Not ANOTHER learning experience!
OH NO! I overslept! I'M LATE! For my nap. Z.  Garfield
OH NO! My eyes have stuck to this monitor!
OH NO! off topic AGAIN delete message quick...too late its gone!
OH NO!!  You did it just like I told you to!!
OH NO, my wife burned the rice crispies--AGAIN!!
OH S**T!!!!     (Data)
OH SHIT!, I just forgot my whole philosophy of life ...
OH YES! SHOVE IT! SHOVE IT! - Mutant Raccoon
OH! Dont touch the modem there, thats it's ,um, nice spot!
OH! Give a man a heart attack! - Ted Bullpit, Kingswood Country
OH! I posted a bunch of taglines with different keywords. I hope that yo
OH! It's YOU, Bob!
OH! No not YOU again!
OH! Oh! I'm sorry! This is abuse!
OH! This is simply MAR-velous! - Don Bruce
OH!!!  Gravity Works! -- Batty Coda
OH, NO! Can't Operate! AMA License Expired!
OH, NO, nurse, I told you to prick his boil!
OH, NO, nurse, I told you to prick his boil! (sigh)
OH, then you are one of those FYBITS, type of SysOps. perfect.
OHGOOD: You say this when you are buried in traffic.
OHMIGOD! He's got the precious cable TV cable! - Homer Simpson
OI: Vey
OIC                   Oh, I See
OIL REFINERS do it crudely.
OJ REMARRIES!!! Wants another stab at it!
OJ Simpson Trial, See dis? De year de Great Bore came upon us all.  What
OJ Simpson Trial: The year the Great Bore came upon us all..
OJ didn't do it....I saw it on Hardcopy!!!
OJ engaged again.  Thought he'd take another stab at it.
OJ favorite hobby? Fishing for Cut Throat Salmon.
OJ got a new contract-- with Ginsu!
OJ legal expense #6: One jumbo jar of hand swelling cream.
OJ remarries: wants to take another stab at it.
OJ video informerical...SELLING the truth...not telling the truth.
OJ virus #2: your keyboard only has a slash key.
OJ who?
OJ will walk, Tom said cluelessly. He *DID* walk! Tom said judiciously.
OJ's Email address:  enter.slash.slash.backslash.escape
OJ's Genius jury ... read 47,000 pages of testimony in 3 hours.
OJ's favorite hobby? Fishing for cut throat salmon!
OJ's new Email Address:  / \ <Esc>
OJ:  Hang him or free him but just get him off my TV!
OJ: He'd never cut to the left.
OK Beeblebrox, hold it right there. We've got you covered!
OK DIE -  a NH `Live free or Die' automobile tag
OK DIE ;on a NH 'Live free or Die' automobile.
OK Dear, I'll turn it off 'IN JUST A MINUTE' [sigh]
OK Honey, I'll drop the modem if you drop the gun...
OK I'm weird! But I'm saving up to become eccentric.
OK Let's try it. What harm can it d.....................
OK Mom, I'm going to hypnotize you now, said Tom transparently.
OK OK OK I admit it.....
OK Scotty, NOW!  Detonate and energize!  I mean.......
OK Scotty, NOW!  Detonate and energize!  I mean....... BoOoOoM!!
OK Scotty, NOW! Detonate and energize! I mean.......
OK joke's over! Where's President Bush?
OK kids come and get your Bambiburgers-hey why is everyone crying?
OK ladies, no spraying - Tom on Panther vs. Leopard fight
OK then and good sailing -Dr. Forrester w/semaphore flags
OK then, why DO rocket scientists count backwards???
OK who put pitta bread in the disk drive?
OK!   I admit it.  I'm just here for the sexual thrill..
OK!  Who broke the copier?  Palms up everyone... palms up!
OK! Enough with the significant looks! - Mike
OK! I admit it. I'm just here for the sexual thrill.
OK! I admit it. I'm just here for the thrill.
OK! I give up--I win!
OK! I sent the check, honestly, I did!
OK! I'll make the coffee. Where d'you get the water from?
OK! OK! So he called her a bitch! Its a Newt point.
OK! Who started this!!!
OK!!!...I'll come to bed in a MINUTE!......NOT!!!
OK!!...I Failed as proof-reader for M & M's
OK, Beavis-Power down daddy's computer and go to bed...
OK, Crow. This is a really, really big deal - Mike
OK, DON'T kill me. 'Sure could go for a sandwich - Tom
OK, GECO won, for getting the most taglines made just for him....
OK, I admit. I'm an undercover angel. I left my wings back home.
OK, I pulled the pin. Now what?   Hey, where're you going?
OK, I'm confused.  More than normal, that is.
OK, I'm confused. More than usual, that is.
OK, I'm gonna turn you into Shields & Yarnell - Mike
OK, I'm weird - But I'm saving up to be eccentric!
OK, I'm weird! But I'm saving up to be eccentric.
OK, I'm weird! But I'm saving up to become eccentric.
OK, I'm weird.. But I'm saving to be eccentric.
OK, Orville, let's see your tagline hunting permit!
OK, Sherlock, who dunnit? - Hawkeye to BJ
OK, You! Hand over your Anime taglines before I change into a panda!
OK, bite down! - Crow as kid puts head in whale's mouth
OK, but they can't shed on the furniture - Crow
OK, cat, go ahead and sniff there, but don't you dare start lic YEOW!
OK, do it quick. Get it over with - Mike as trampy girl
OK, everyone set w/the primace of the movie? - Mike
OK, here is a question... Where ARE your tanlines...?
OK, joke's over.  Where's President Bush?
OK, kids, come and get your Bambiburgers - hey, why is everyone crying?
OK, lady!"--Mindy "No, Mom!"--Mindy's mom "OK lady, love you bye bye!
OK, let's see your tagline hunting permit!
OK, now try the next step: Type "DEL *.*"... It always works...
OK, now will you unchain me from this keyboard!!
OK, ok! Good pet! - Scratchansniff
OK, screw buzzing - Mike as ditzy girl
OK, so I am weird, but I am saving up to be eccentric!
OK, so I'm crazy.  But I'm saving up to be eccentric.
OK, so I've got an attitude.  Can we talk anyway?
OK, so that last one wasn't TMBG related, but oh well.
OK, so the ogre has me in a bear hug?  Great!  I'll fireball him!
OK, so why isn't is spelled "Fonix"?
OK, so why isn't it spelled "Fonix"?
OK, squeal piggy! - Mike as girls attack guy
OK, the first thing we'll do is strangle the Kender.
OK, very funny, Scotty.  Now beam down my clothes.
OK, we get it. The cycle of friggin' life - Crow
OK, where did I put that tagline? <FidoBelch>
OK, which of you feminizts put the white-out on my screen? 
OK, who put a "stop payment" on my reality check?
OK, who put the white-out on my screen?
OK.  A Spider is a Webster.I can live with that.-Frank Palmer..
OK.  Hold it right there!
OK. Double whip-out at 4000 feet! - Crow on skydivers
OK. I'm going back on topic, I swear.
OK. Lets' love - Crow boredly
OKAY!  This isn't funny anymore.  I give up - where am I?
OKAY, what is wrong now?
OKAYthis isn't funny anymore.  I give upwhere am I?
OKP: On your Knees and Pray!
OKlahoma, it's in Oklahoma.
OKlahoma, shut-up and drive.
OKlahoma, trees are made of wood.
OLAY, olay... feelin' Hot , Hot HOT!! - TEC
OLD ACADEMICS never die, they just loose their faculties.
OLD BURGLARS never die, they just steal away!
OLD HIKERS never die, they just trail away.
OLD HIPPIES never die, they just smell that way.
OLD HYPOCHONDRIACS never die, they just lose their grippe.
OLD INVESTORS never die, they just roll over.
OLD JOURNALISTS never die, they just get de-pressed
OLD KEY PUNCH OPERATORS never die, they just punch out.
OLD LASER PHYSICISTS never die, they just become incoherent.
OLD LIMBO DANCERS never die, they just go under.
OLD MAGICIANS never die, they just disappear.
OLD MAID  One who has given up all hope of giving in.
OLD MATHEMATICIANS never die, they just disintegrate
OLD MILKMAIDS never die, they just lose their whey.
OLD MUSICIANS never die, they just get played out
OLD MUSICIANS never die, they just go from bar to bar.
OLD NUMERICAL ANALYSTS never die, they just get disarrayed.
OLD PACIFISTS never die, they just go to peaces.
OLD PC: "Make it so."        New PC: "Do it!"
OLD PILOTS never die, they just buzz off
OLD PILOTS never die, they just go to a higher plane
OLD PLUMBERS never die, they just go down the drain.
OLD POLICEMEN never die, they just cop out.
OLD POSTAL CARRIERS never die, they just lose their zip.
OLD PRINTERS never die, they're just not the type.
OLD PROGRAMMERS never die, they just decompile.
OLD PROGRAMMERS never die, they just get bugged with life.
OLD PROGRAMMERS never die, they just go to bits.
OLD PROGRAMMERS never die, they just loose their memory.
OLD PROGRAMMERS never die, they just move to new addresses.
OLD RAILROADERS never die, they just derail.
OLD SCOTS never die, but they can be kilt.
OLD SCULPTORS never die, they just lose their marbles.
OLD SHOES MAKERS never die, they just lose their sole.
OLD SOCCER PLAYERS never die, they just lose their kick.
OLD SOLDIERS never die, they just fade away.
OLD SPELUNKERS never die, they just cave in.
OLD STEELMAKERS never die, they just lose their temper.
OLD SWIMMERS never die, they just fall off their blocks.
OLD SWIMMERS never die, they just have a stroke.
OLD SWIMMERS never die, they just kick-off
OLD TANNERS never die, they just go into hiding.
OLD TIME RADIO: Peak the grid; dip the final; Tune for smoke !!
OLD USENETTERS never die, they just become unresponsive.
OLD WATCHMAKERS never die, they just run out of time.
OLD WATCHMAKERS never die, they just unwind.
OLD WEATHERMEN never die, they reign forever.
OLD WRESTLERS never die, they just lose their grip.
OLD YACHTSMEN never die, they just keel over.
OLD: Wine,Women,Song. NEW:Coffee,Computers,CD's.
OLIVE OYL - Always The Extra Virgin
OLIVER'S LAW OF LOCATION - No matter where you are, there you are.
OLX 2.1 TD   Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity
OLX snags recipes..not me!
OLX steals Taglines..... not me!
OLX's quick exit just trashed my 3000 byte Taglines file.
OLX's quick exit just trashed my 3000 byte recipes file.
OLX: On the cutting edge of software evolution.
OMC: Obscene Message to Console
OMC: Overheat Memory Chip
OMEGA1: on a Jaguar Xj6.
OMEN, n.  A sign that something will happen if nothing happens.
OMEN: Sign that something will happen if nothing happens
OMIGOD!  I just shot Marvin in the head!  -- Vincent Vega
OML: Obey Murphy's Laws
ON  K:P   User is a little kid with a propeller beenie
ON a BBS, noone can hear you scream....
ONCE, adv.  Enough.
ONLINE ? Good! Hit <ALT-H> to take the I.Q. Test
ONLINE ? Good! Hit <ALT-H< to take the I.Q. Test
ONLINE ? Good! Hit ALT-H to take the I.Q. Test
ONLINE:  Computerese for "The damn board finally answered!"
ONLINE?  Good!  Hit <ALT-H> to take the I.Q. Test.
ONLINE?  Hit <ALT-H> for a quick I.Q. Test.
ONLINE?  Hit <ALT-H< for a quick I.Q. Test.
ONLINE? Good! Hit <ALT-H> to take the I.Q. Test
ONLINE? Good! Hit <ALT-H< to take the I.Q. Test
ONLINE? Hit <ALT+H> for a quick I.Q. Test!
ONLINE? Hit <ALT+H< for a quick I.Q. Test!
ONLY Taglines are on-topic here.  Please don't drag me off-topic again.
ONLY good cat is a stir fried cat" - Alf
ONLY recipes are on-topic here.  Please don't drag me off-topic again.
OO          Headlights on msg
OO  Many kiss the hand that they wish cut off.
OOCH! OUCH! OW! Crack vials underfoot! - Outland
OOOHHHHH!!!  Birdzilla returns!  Don't let him eat me!!
OOOOH!  That's GOTTA hurt!
OOOOOH, I'll keelhaul you for this! - Yosemite Sam
OOOOOOOHHHHH!!! That feeeels ssoooo gooood!.
OOOOOOOOO:  A condom chorus line.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOklahoma: Where the wind goes whistling down the plain.
OOOOOOOOOOOOklahoma: Where the wind goes whistling down the plain.
OOOOOhhhh.. I'm too pooped to poop...
OOOOoooooooooh!  Such power!  I love it!
OOOPS!... I just tried to steal my own tagline....
OOOPS!I just tried to snag my own recipe
OOOPS!I just tried to steal my own tagline....
OOOooohyou meant PLAY DEADI'm sorry I shot it.
OOP             Out Of Print
OOPS!  Hit the wrong F'ing key again...
OOPS!  I just tried to steal my own tagline!!
OOPS!  I sit corrected!!  Lay it to old-timer's ailment.
OOPS! ---SDI software engineer
OOPS! Hit the wrong F'ing key again...
OOPS! I gotta go, here comes my keeper!
OOPS! I stepped in something,      ..... GUI
OOPS:  I just got a C++ compiler!
OOPS:  Not just for klutzes anymore
OOPS: Not just for klutzes anymore
OOPs! This is C++, not C!
OOPs, I stepped on a GUI!
OOTC            Obligatory On Topic Comment
OOTC: We don' need no steenkin' OOTC!
OOTQ            Obligatory On Topic Quote
OOoohh Baby, Baby!
OPCODE: AAR = Alter at Random
OPCODE: BF = Belch Fire
OPCODE: BMR = Branch Multiple Registers
OPCODE: CLBR = Clobber Register
OPCODE: CLBRI = Clobber Register Immediately
OPCODE: DMPK = Destroy Memory Protect Key
OPCODE: DOC = Drive Operator Crazy
OPCODE: EXOP = Execute Operator
OPCODE: EXPP = Execute Political Prisoner
OPCODE: HCF = Halt and Catch Fire
OPCODE: RA = Randomize Answer
OPCODE: ROC = Randomize Op Codes
OPCODE: TPDH = Tell Programmer to Do it Himself.
OPCODE: UER = Update and Erase Record
OPCODE: ZAR = Zero Any Register
OPEN THE REST ROOM DOORS, HAL.    HAL!    Never mind.....
OPERA:  People singing when they should be talking.
OPERA: A place where a guy gets stabbed in the back and sings about it
OPERA: A place where anything too dumb to be spoken is sung.
OPERATER ERROR.. (A)bort (R)etry (G)ive up...
OPERATER ERROR.. (A)bort (R)etry (S)hoot...
OPERATER ERROR.. (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)hoot...
OPERATER ERROR:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (G)ive up...
OPERATER ERROR:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)hoot...
OPERATING SYSTEM : What you have after a meal of prunes.
OPERATIONS does it with precise execution.
OPERATOR - Personnel used for entering errors into a computer.
OPERATOR ERROR.. (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)hoot...
OPERATOR ERROR: Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah!
OPERATOR does it automatically
OPERATOR does it automatically.
OPERATOR does it in the CTY
OPERATOR does it in the CTY.
OPERATOR! Trace this call and tell me where I am.
OPERATORS do it person-to-person
OPERATORS do it person-to-person.
OPERATORS do it person-to-person.   
OPERATORS mount everything
OPERATORS push the right buttons.
OPERATORS really know how to mount it
OPERATORS really know how to mount it.
OPI: Order Pizza Immediately
OPINION: Where "moderation" means "attack."
OPL:  Obvious Panty Line
OPP: Order Pizza for Programmer
OPPORTUNITY " You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
OPPORTUNITY, n.  A favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment.
OPPOSE, v.  To assist with obstructions and objections.
OPRAH VIRUS: You'll lose 300mb, but don't worry; it won't last.
OPTIMIST - someone trying to buy Win95 on 360k floppies for his XT
OPTIMIST A pregnant girl who rubs vanishing cream on her tummy.
OPTIMIST(n):pessimist who missed the basic point.
OPTIMIST, n.  A proponent of the doctrine that black is white.
OPTIMISTS do it without a doubt
OPTIMISTS do it without a doubt.
OPTOMETRISTS do it eyeball-to-eyeball, since they always see eye-to-eye
OPTOMETRISTS do it eyeball-to-eyeball, since they always see eye-to-eye.
OPTOMETRISTS do it face-to-face
OPUP - To push one's glasses back on the nose.
OR  Oxymoron: Peace keeper missile.
ORAL Roberts. With a name like that, we shoulda known!
ORAL SEX - one slip of the tongue and you're in sh*t!
ORAL SEX..Means sticking it in your ear
ORDER NOW!  Turn messages to taglines in 1EZ-STEP! (GW)
ORG.ASM NOT FOUND - (R)etry (F)ake it?
ORG.ASM Not Found.  Wife not happy!
ORG.ASM Not Found.  Wife/girlfriend not happy!
ORG.ASM not found! Fondle any key to retry...
ORG.ASM not found, Girlfriend not happy.
ORG.ASM not found.  Should I fake it? (Y)(N)
ORG.ASM not found.  Wife not happy!
ORG.ASM not found. Girlfriend not happy...
ORG.ASM not found. Should I fake it (Y)es (N)o (R)etry?
ORG.ASM not found... (R)etry, (F)ake it?
ORG.ASM not found; Wife VERY unhappy!
ORGANISTS do it with both hands and both feet
ORGANISTS do it with both hands and both feet.
ORGANISTS pull out all the stops and do it with their feet
ORGASM..Person who accompanies the church choir
ORGASM.COM not found.  Should I fake it?
ORGASM.CUM not found.... should I fake it?  (Y/n)
ORGASM.EXE not found!   Fake it (Y/n)?
ORGASM.EXE not found.  Should I fake it? (Y/N)
ORGASM.EXE not found. Copy COCK.COM C:\MOUTH (y/n) ?
ORGASM.EXE not found. Insert LIPS.COM in drive AHH:
ORGASM.HER not found. Action: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ake?
ORGASM.SYS not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)
ORGASM.SYS not found. Should I fake it? [Y/N]
ORIENTEERS do it in the woods.
ORIGAMY: Uncertain marital status.
ORIGINAL Tagline? What can I say in such a small space?
ORIGINAL recipe? What can I say in such a small space?
ORIGINALITY(n):undetected plagiarism
ORSON WELLES - All's well that ends Welles
ORTHODONTISTS do it with braces
ORTHODOX, n.  An ox wearing the popular religious joke.
ORTHOPEDISTS do it till it breaks.
ORVILLE & WILBUR - Dead: Two Wrights
OS Big Boss Speak With Firey Toungue ......
OS PEOPLE would do it if only they didn't 'deadlock'
OS PEOPLE would do it if only they didn't 'deadlock'.
OS-DEBATE Mantra:  Platforms that do not run DOOM are irrelevant.
OS/ virus scan: Windows found - delete? (Y/y)
OS/2    That's half an operating system...?
OS/2   To be or not to be Not to be!
OS/2   half an operating system!
OS/2  32-bit Object Orientated Operating System.      (Team OS/2)
OS/2  MS-DOS/1  Wintendo/0
OS/2 ! Contributing Editor for "OS/2 Monthly"
OS/2 + OS/2 = OS.
OS/2 - A Not Ready For Prime Time Player
OS/2 - Because 32 bits are terrible things to waste!
OS/2 - Cause winbloze bloze!  <Team MainDoor/2>
OS/2 - Find out how Objects can make your Computing Easier!
OS/2 - From the people who brought you the 640 limit!
OS/2 - From the people who brought you the 640k limit!
OS/2 - Half an OS, Windows - Not an OS. Take your Pick!!!
OS/2 - Half an operating system?
OS/2 - Half its OS tied behind its back... just to make it fair.
OS/2 - It opens up Windows and shuts up Gates!
OS/2 - It's like perfomance tires for your computer!
OS/2 - It's not just for breakfast anymore.
OS/2 - Not just another pretty program loader!
OS/2 - Oh Shucks, 2 times we made a BIG mistake - IBM.
OS/2 - Oh Shucks, 2 times we made a BIG mistake.
OS/2 - Opens up Windows and shuts up Gates.
OS/2 - Operates Safer/Too!
OS/2 - So you can be *productive* and yet - still play solitaire!
OS/2 - So you can be *productive* and yet - still play solitare!
OS/2 - Superior OS for superior minds.
OS/2 - The Galaxy class starship of operating systems!
OS/2 - The Operating System of Champions!
OS/2 - The choice of a new generation
OS/2 - The sane way to jump out of Windows!!!
OS/2 - The sane way to jump out of windows.
OS/2 - The sliced bread of the computer world
OS/2 - Warp Drive for Windows.
OS/2 - Windows done RIGHT!
OS/2 - Windows done right !
OS/2 - Windows with bullet-proof glass.
OS/2 - Your Brain  Windows - Your Brain on Drugs.
OS/2 - because YOU'RE not afraid of a few hundred bugs.
OS/2 - better Windows than Windows, better DOS than DOS.
OS/2 - drag me, drop me, make me feel like an object!
OS/2 - the bOSs of Operating Systems!
OS/2 - the door to the future you can walk thru!
OS/2 - what DOS dreams of being.
OS/2 -- Opens new Gates not seen through Windows!
OS/2 -- What "95" wants to be when it grows up.
OS/2 -- better Windows than Windows, better Dos than Dos.
OS/2 -- don't leave DOS without it!
OS/2 ... 32-bit beauty that's more than just skin-deep.
OS/2 ... Opens up Windows, shuts up Gates.
OS/2 ... half an operating system!
OS/2 ... opens up Windows, shuts up Gates.
OS/2 1/2 an operating system for 1/2 a computer
OS/2 2 ..Will it send DOS & Windows the way of CP/M ?????
OS/2 2.0 <== This is your brain   Windows <== Your brain on drugs.
OS/2 2.0 - The sane way to jump out of Windows!!!
OS/2 2.0 : IBM's answer to Windows-- "We give! Uncle!"
OS/2 2.0 ?  I'll believe it when I see it.
OS/2 2.0 ERROR. Purchase 486-50Mhz 32-meg to continue.
OS/2 2.0 ERROR:  Purchase 486-50 with 8 Meg to continue...
OS/2 2.0 ERROR:  Purchase Amiga with 8 Meg to continue...
OS/2 2.0 ERROR: Purchase 486-50 with 8 Meg to continue...
OS/2 2.0 VirusScan - Windows 3.1 found: Remove it? (Y/y)
OS/2 2.0 fixes broken windows.
OS/2 2.0! 2.0 is better than 1.
OS/2 2.0"=Your PC. "Windows"=Your PC on drugs. Questions?
OS/2 2.0.. so many bugs you could open a bait shop
OS/2 2.0... so many bugs you could open a bait shop.
OS/2 2.0..It puts hair on your CPU!
OS/2 2.0: Taking the wind out of Windows.
OS/2 2.0=Your PC. Windows=Your PC on drugs. Questions?
OS/2 2.0? I'll believe it when I see it.
OS/2 2.1 <== This is your brain Windows <== Your brain on drugs.
OS/2 2.1 - A Better DOS than the real thing
OS/2 2.1 - It's curtains for Windows!
OS/2 2.1 - Opens Up Windows and Shuts Up Gates
OS/2 2.1 - The coming of age of 32 bit computing!
OS/2 2.1 - the best Windows tip around!
OS/2 2.1 ... A Better Reason To Jump Out Of Windows !
OS/2 2.1 .... Opens Windows - shuts Gates
OS/2 2.1 .... avoid broken Windows.
OS/2 2.1 A Better Reason To Jump Out Of Windows
OS/2 2.1 Borg Release: Resistance is Futile!
OS/2 2.1 Borg Release: Windows is Futile!
OS/2 2.1 Drag me, Drop me, Make me feel like an object!
OS/2 2.1 ERROR: Purchase 486-50 with 8 Meg to continue...
OS/2 2.1 Up and _RUNNING_ not just Up and Coming.
OS/2 2.11 - The coming of age of 32 bit computing!
OS/2 2.1: DOS 2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0 Windoze 2.0/3.0/3.1
OS/2 2.1: Taking the wind out of Windows.
OS/2 2.1: UAE'nt seen nothin yet!
OS/2 2.1: Windows with bullet proof glass
OS/2 2.2 will be released when 2.1 finishes loading.
OS/2 3.0 Can be yours too!
OS/2 3.0 WARP, RA2.02+ and now IM2.29M it's gonna get better...
OS/2 4.0 in August 1995? Heck thats before Windows95!
OS/2 : Bill Gates' worst nightmare !
OS/2 = Half an Operating System?  NO WAY!!!
OS/2 = Half an operating system.
OS/2 = Half of Operation System
OS/2 = Multitasking, Win 3.1 = Multi crashing.
OS/2 == SEX the first time
OS/2 ? I'll wait for GNU Hurd !
OS/2 ? What's that? Half of an Operating System? ...
OS/2 Backup procedure: Remove the hard drive
OS/2 Doing what windows can't
OS/2 ERROR: Please remove cat from drive A:.
OS/2 Error 006: Malicious error.  Windows found on drive.
OS/2 Error:006 Malicious error.  Windows found on drive.
OS/2 ErrorScan- "Windows found: Remove it? (Y/y)"
OS/2 Fat Man in a Slow Car
OS/2 For SMP: A six-lane expressway.
OS/2 Half an Operating System?
OS/2 IS the OP/SYS of choice!  Internet:  sysop@at.com
OS/2 Installation Bunny: No go...
OS/2 Means CURTAINS For Windows!
OS/2 Means CURTAINS For Windows! :-)
OS/2 OS/2C Error #003: You're joking... right?
OS/2 SMP USERS can do it with multiple engines.
OS/2 To be or not to be... Not to be!
OS/2 USERS can do it in parallel.
OS/2 Undelete Help: Online Documentation Not found. (Real Smart, IBM!)
OS/2 V2.0  What's this?  A GUI for Yuppies!?
OS/2 V2.0: Windows with bullet proof glass.
OS/2 V2:  Curtains for Windows
OS/2 Version 2: Windows with bullet proof glass.  **NOT**
OS/2 Version 2: taking the wind out of Windows
OS/2 VirScan - Windows found : Remove? (Y/y)
OS/2 ViruScan :: Windows found. Remove <Y/n>.
OS/2 ViruScan: Windows Found, Remove it? (Y/y)?
OS/2 Virus Scanner: WIN Virus found [R]emove or [R]emove?
OS/2 Virus checker. MS Windows found! Remove [Y,n]?
OS/2 Virus scan: Found Windows.  Delete it?
OS/2 VirusScan - "Windows found: Remove it? (Y,y)"
OS/2 VirusScan - "Windows found: Remove it? (Y/y)"
OS/2 VirusScan - "Windows found: Remove it? (y/n)"
OS/2 VirusScan - Windows found: Remove it? (Y/n)?
OS/2 VirusScan - Windows found: Remove it? (Y/y)
OS/2 VirusScan:  Windows detected.  Delete?  (Y/y)
OS/2 VirusScan: WINDOWS detected. Delete? (Y/y)
OS/2 VirusScan: Windows found. Remove it? (Y/y)?
OS/2 Viruscan - "Windows found: Remove it? (Y/y)
OS/2 WARP - The sane way to jump out of windows.
OS/2 Warp - World Tour - 1995
OS/2 Warp ..Will it send DOS & Windows the way of CP/M ?????
OS/2 Warp ..Will it send DOS & Windows the way of the Commodore 64 ?????
OS/2 Warp does today what Microsoft might deliver in '98
OS/2 Warp does today what Microsoft wants to do in 1998!
OS/2 Warp found; (D)elete, (R)emove, (S)quash? (Y/N)
OS/2 Warp v. Win 95 - a NO-WIN situation.
OS/2 Warp vs. Windows 95 is a NO-WIN situation.
OS/2 Warp! The wave of the future!
OS/2 Warp: Anything less would be uncivilized.
OS/2 Warp: Logic, not magic.
OS/2 Warp: Not just another pretty program loader!
OS/2 Warp: Taking the wind out of Windows.
OS/2 Warp: Windows done RIGHT!
OS/2 an obtuse way to run Windows 3.1
OS/2 and PC-DOS 6.3 -- Microsoft free in '94!
OS/2 applications where? WIN applications EVERYWHERE!
OS/2 be *the* most stable opx~Re{ NO CARRIER
OS/2 changeover: Is debuggery acceptable with a consenting system?
OS/2 could mean "Obviously Superior." - John Dvorak
OS/2 could mean Obviously Superior. --J. Dvorak.
OS/2 didn't dieWIndows NT killed it!
OS/2 didn't dieWindows NT did!
OS/2 doesn't try to be everything to everybody... it already *IS*!
OS/2 error 666, it's posesed, now it's Windows
OS/2 fixes broken windows.
OS/2 for PS/2: half an operating system for half a computer.
OS/2 for Windows does Windows from the outside if you have Windows.
OS/2 for Windows: Better Windows If You Already Have Windows. --Fiedler.
OS/2 for Windows: just add Windows
OS/2 for the PS/2 (Half an operating system for half a computer)
OS/2 found. Save time and trash system now (Y/N)?
OS/2 has advantages over DOS formats, but won't let you back it up!
OS/2 has air bags...Filled by NT blowhards.
OS/2 has golden code.  Windows has, well, Windows code.
OS/2 in '92!
OS/2 infected by virus: I've fallen and I can't get backups!
OS/2 into the future!
OS/2 is *the* most stable oper[;$!<h ... NO CARRIER
OS/2 is *the* most stable opx~Re{ NO CARRIER
OS/2 is Curtains for Windows!
OS/2 is a SUCCESS despite IBM's marketing department!
OS/2 is a tinkerer's dream!
OS/2 is an OS, Windows is a shell, and DOS is a boot sector virus.
OS/2 is awesome!  ...until you discover the limited software support.
OS/2 is awesome!  It can multitask, run Windows, and [CrAsH!]
OS/2 is awesome! ...until you discover the limited software support.
OS/2 is awesome! It can Multitask, run Windows, and [CrAsH!]
OS/2 is awesome. Until you discover the limited software support.
OS/2 is destined to be the most important OS. --Bill Gates.
OS/2 is for people who want to get things done.
OS/2 is not a sun screen!
OS/2 is not a virus!
OS/2 is not about fixing old Windows but about opening new doors.
OS/2 is not about fixing old Windows, but opening new doors.
OS/2 is the right one, baby, uh huh.
OS/2 is to the space shuttle as Windows is to a rowboat.
OS/2 isn't a virus; a virus *does* something.
OS/2 isn't crippleware: it's "Functionally Challenged"
OS/2 isn't perfect, but it's damn close to it....
OS/2 je pravi, ko ne voli OS/2 dobice po glavi.
OS/2 just broke all the Windows!
OS/2 means 2x as OutStanding as Windows
OS/2 no need to do windows anymore!
OS/2 opens the Windows and closes the Gates.
OS/2 opens up windows, shuts up gates.
OS/2 requires more memory than any Windows app I've ever seen.
OS/2 sales past 4 million, demand grows in wake of NT: CRN 11/22/93.
OS/2 says how bad windows is - OS divided by 2
OS/2 seamlessly ignores my tape back up unit too.
OS/2 secures your software investiment!
OS/2 shatters Windows.
OS/2 simply means you have to spend hours to make it run Windows.
OS/2 the best operating system
OS/2 the future
OS/2 the official operation system of the PS/2
OS/2 users DO IT protected
OS/2 users can DO IT in two places at the same time.
OS/2 users do EVERYTHING while formatting floppy disks.
OS/2 users were on a Higher Level, now they are Warped.
OS/2 virus scan: Windows found - delete? (Y/y)
OS/2 virus scan: Windows found??? Delete?? (y/n)
OS/2 volem jer sam seljak golem
OS/2 vs DOS: DOS can be easily backed up. OS/2, however... uh...
OS/2 vs. OS/9: a Color Computer is more advanced than an IBM 486?
OS/2 vs. Windows is a no-Win situation.
OS/2 was written on a Monday
OS/2 welcomes you to paradise...
OS/2 will *DEFINITELY* catch CPM by the year 2000.
OS/2! IS the OP/SYS of choice!
OS/2, 4Dos and 4OS2 : My computer is happy again..
OS/2, Cha cha cha, OS/2, Cha cha cha.
OS/2, The Rolls Royce on the Information Superhighway
OS/2, Windows/0
OS/2, must mean 1/2 an Operating System, Take me back to DOS...
OS/2, the Operating System inside!
OS/2- The New Future In Operating Systems
OS/2-It's not for wimps.
OS/2-The Future Of Computing
OS/2. From the people that brought you PcJr.
OS/2... Oh! So that's why it's half an operating system!
OS/2... Opens up Windows, shuts up Gates.
OS/2... Still the Best 32-bit Object Orientated Operating System.
OS/2...Opens up Windows, shuts up Gates
OS/2...Opens up Windows, shuts up Gates.
OS/2...Still the best 32-bit object oriented operating system.
OS/2...UNIX for the mentally handicapped.
OS/2...find the light
OS/2...half an operating system!
OS/2:  Drag me, Drop me, Make me feel like an object!
OS/2:  Drag me, drop me, make me feel like an object!
OS/2:  IBM's answer to Windows.  "We give!  Uncle!"
OS/2:  Means curtains For Windows!
OS/2:  Oh S***, Squared.
OS/2:  One half of an operating system?
OS/2:  Opens Up Windows and Shuts Up Gates
OS/2:  Opens Windows, Shuts up Gates.
OS/2:  This dream's real.  You've got to admit it.
OS/2:  What Windows will never be.
OS/2:  Who wants half an operating system?
OS/2:  Windows done right!
OS/2:  Windows with bullet proof glass!
OS/2:  Your brain.   Windows 95:  Your brain on drugs!
OS/2: (n.) Windows with bullet-proff glass.
OS/2: A door to the future with a free peep hole!
OS/2: A hole in one on a PAR 5
OS/2: A version of Windows that actually DOES something!
OS/2: An imitation UNIX thats better than DOS!
OS/2: Bill Gate's worst nightmare!
OS/2: Bill Gates' worst nightmare!
OS/2: Catch The Wave Of The Future!
OS/2: Curtains for Windows?
OS/2: Curtains for Windoze
OS/2: Cutting Windows in half
OS/2: Drag Me...Drop Me...Treat Me Like An Object!
OS/2: Drag me!  Drop me!!  Make me feel like an object!!!
OS/2: Drag me, Drop me, Make Me feel like an object!
OS/2: From the creators of dead-end 8514a and MCA technology.
OS/2: From the people who brought you the PCJr
OS/2: From those who created the PS/1.
OS/2: Half an operating system?
OS/2: I wish my kids would behave as well as my OS!
OS/2: IBM's answer to Windows. We give! Uncle!
OS/2: Industrial strength operating system.
OS/2: Introducing more problems for problem plagued Windows app users.
OS/2: Just another Windows-wannabe!
OS/2: Logic, not magic.
OS/2: Looking thru windows to the other side
OS/2: Means curtains For Windows!
OS/2: Not just another pretty program loader!
OS/2: Not just another pretty programme loader!
OS/2: Not just up and coming. Up and Running!
OS/2: Obsolete System, too!
OS/2: Opens Windows, Shuts up GATES...
OS/2: Opens up Windows and shuts up Gates.
OS/2: Opens up Windows, shuts up Gates.
OS/2: Ornery Software Too!
OS/2: Power Windows ... Win NT: Power Outage ... Win 95: Powerless ...
OS/2: The Nightmare Continues...
OS/2: The choice of the next generation.
OS/2: The light seen through Windows....
OS/2: The only software that makes Windows look good.
OS/2: This will end your Windows session!
OS/2: Upgrades are free.  Who would PAY for it anyway?
OS/2: What Windows will NEVER BE!
OS/2: Why you can't find ANY applications readily available.
OS/2: Why you can't run your favorite gaming software correctly.
OS/2: Why you can't use any of your favorite DOS applications.
OS/2: Windex for Windows.
OS/2: Windows detected on drive C.  Insert new hard disk to continue.
OS/2: Windows done RIGHT!
OS/2: Windows the way it SHOULD have been!
OS/2: Windows with bullet proof glass!
OS/2: Windows with bullet-proof glass.
OS/2: Windows with safety glass.
OS/2: Winner of 50+ awards including PC Mag's Editor's Choice
OS/2: Yep... still stuck on limited conventional memory space.
OS/2: Yesterday's software tomorrow.
OS/2: Your brain.  Windows: Your brain on drugs.
OS/2: a better Windows than Windowsbut still a Windows.
OS/2: an obtuse way to run Windows 3.1
OS/2: the Pentagon couldn't have done it better.
OS/2:(n.) Windows with bullet-proff glass.
OS/2:(n.) Windows with bullet-proof glass.
OS/2:...The same thing as NT -only it works. -- J. Dvorak
OS/2?  Sorry, only 32mb memory!
OS/2? 7 years and 38 megs later.
OS/2? Sorry, only 32mb memory!
OS/2? What's that? Half of an Operating System?
OS/2BORG: You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.
OS/2Error:006 Malicious error.  Windows found on drive.
OS/2Oh! So that's why it's half an operating system!
OS/2Opens up Windows, shuts up Gates.
OS/666 - Operating system of the beast (runs 333 OS/2 boxes)
OS2 - A FLY's secondary orientation system.
OS2 from the people who brought you the System 34/36/38
OS2 ver 2.0 The final death blow to Windows!
OS2--robust for mission-critical?  EXACTLY!
OS2/2.0: taking the wind out of Windows.
OS2?  For fast relief call 1-800-MSW-IN31.
OSBORN'S LAW - Variables won't, constants aren't.
OSHA INSPECTORS do it safely.
OSI Layers - People don't need to see Paula Abdul.
OSI Layers - Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away.
OSI: Overflow Stack Immediate
OSI: Overflow Stack Indefinite
OSP: Open Six-Pack
OSTEOPATHS do it until you feel no pain
OSTEOPATHS do it until you feel no pain.
OS\2 throws pool balls through windows
OTC           Over The Counter
OTF           Off The Floor
OTF = on the floor (laughing)
OTHELLO> If Lincoln campaigned in an all-Black district, he'd lose.
OTHELLO>..A half pint makes her half-tight..what will a whole pint do?
OTHELLO>..Conservative...a liberal who has succeeded at SOMETHING
OTHELLO>..I got mugged on my way to MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL
OTHELLO>..Iii...wwwant..tttto be aaaa rrrrrrrrRADIO ANNOUNCER!
OTHELLO(n): Unless you're an English major, who cares??
OTHERWISE, adv.  No better.
OTL: Out To Lunch
OTOH                  On The Other Hand
OTOH... you could always call Compu$pend!
OTOH..........There Are Four Fingers and a Thumb!
OTOH; On The Other Hand,...
OTOHyou could always call Compu$pend!
OTT     :Over the Topexcessive, not subtle...
OTTOMH        Off the Top of My Head
OTTOMHAROOB   Off the Top of My Head and Rolling Out of Bounds
OU: Offend User
OUCH!  I got my floppy caught in my PKZipper!
OUCH!  I hate it when you turn & burn..
OUCH! -- Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper!
OUCH! DAMN - she's BITING me! - Aahz
OUCH! Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper!
OUCH! I should NEVER give a <stomp> in my bare feets! Eewwww!
OUCH! Stop that! I didn't say PLUCK me!
OUCH! That one was below the Bible Belt!
OUCH! The coffee's too hot! Tom yelled heatedly.
OUCH!...  Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper.
OUCH!...  Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper...
OUR sysop lets us say XXXXCENSOREDXXXX
OURS(n):Indian name for America b4 white man came
OUT TO LUNCH - If not back at five, OUT TO DINNER!
OUTDO, v.t.  To make an enemy.
OUTPUT DEVICE - A Word processor who can't say "NO!"
OVARIES..French egg and cheese dishes
OVERDRAWN? What the hell? I still have checks left!
OVERDRAWN? What the hell?!? I still have checks left!
OVERDRAWN? What the hell?, I still have checks left!
OVERDRAWN??? - No way!! I still have lots of checks left!
OVEREAT, v.  To dine.
OVERFLOW ERROR(n): computer vomit
OW! Quit it.  OW! Quit it.  OW! Quit it.  OW! Quit it.
OW: the first word spoken by children with older siblings
OWEN? Owen SUCKS!!! Bret Hart rules the federation, Sid rules the world!
OXYMORON : "Live" from Death Row
OXYMORON : A just war
OXYMORON : A lighter Dark Beer
OXYMORON : Airline cuisine
OXYMORON : Bob Hope Special
OXYMORON : Christian Science
OXYMORON : Civil war
OXYMORON : College Education
OXYMORON : Controlled growth
OXYMORON : Country club prison
OXYMORON : Criminal lawyer?
OXYMORON : Defensive touchdown
OXYMORON : Dry vermouth
OXYMORON : Exit interview
OXYMORON : Fish farm
OXYMORON : For those too dumb to use OXY-5 & OXY-10.
OXYMORON : Free with purchase
OXYMORON : Friendly Fire
OXYMORON : Genuine fake
OXYMORON : Government budget
OXYMORON : Government worker
OXYMORON : Holy war
OXYMORON : Honest politician
OXYMORON : Industrial park
OXYMORON : Jews for Jesus
OXYMORON : Least favorite
OXYMORON : Live Dead
OXYMORON : MicroSoft Works.
OXYMORON : Mild interest
OXYMORON : No-fault divorce
OXYMORON : Nonalcoholic beer
OXYMORON : Player coach
OXYMORON : Politicaly Correct
OXYMORON : Preservation Development Corp.
OXYMORON : Reagan memoirs
OXYMORON : Restrained opulence
OXYMORON : Safe sex
OXYMORON : Self-help groups
OXYMORON : Smokeless cigarette
OXYMORON : Sociological Analysis
OXYMORON : Turned up missing
OXYMORON : Uncrowned king
OXYMORON : Unsung hero
OXYMORON : War games
OXYMORON : Winnable nuclear war
OXYMORON : Working vacation
OXYMORON:  Bob Hope Special
OXYMORON:  Dumb Graduate of Oxford.
OXYMORON:  Economy in government (OPM)
OXYMORON:  Government budget
OXYMORON:  Reliable network
OXYMORON:  Stupid ox.
OXYMORON: Army Intellegence
OXYMORON: Congressional action
OXYMORON: Friendly Sysop
OXYMORON: No-fault divorce
OXYMORON: Rush Limbaugh
OXYMORON: That shoe fits him like a glove.
OY! A Pervert! THIS, I don't need! - Frumple
OYSTERS: Oy'stirs; Noun: Sea Boogers
OZ Nihayet dunyaya acildi!..
OZDOS: Ya sure?  (Y)eah, (N)uh, (W)ho gives a ****!
OZDOS: Ya sure? (Y)eah, (N)uh, (W)ho ves a shit!
OZONE: It comes right after Nzone.
O_O  O_O      (_)     Mickey & Minnie meet Satan.
O_O  O_O     (_)      Mickey and Minnie meet Satan
Oarsmen stroke till it hurts.
Oat bran can cause cereal output errors.
Oat bran causes cereal output errors.
Oat bran eases and improves cereal output.
Oatbran can cause cereal output errors.
Oaths are but words, and words are but wind. - Butler
Ob-la-dee Ob-la-da
Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on. -Beatles
Obe Wan Kenobi at the dinner table:  Use the FORKS, Luke!
Obe Wan Kenobi at the dinner table: "Use the FORKS, Luke!"
Obedience belongs to us; results belong to God.
Obedience is submission veiled with gravity. --Funboy.
Obesa cantavit.......The fat lady has sung.
Obesity: A surplus gone to waist.
Obesity: asurplus gone to waist.
Obewan of Borg: Use the Assimulation, Luke!
Obey Acts 2:38. Become a Biblical Christian
Obey G-R-A-V-I-T-Y... It's the law
Obey Little, Resist Much.
Obey gravity! It's the law.
Obey gravity...it's the law!
Obey the COWGOD!
Obi One at dinner: use the FORKS, Luke! The FORKS!
Obi Wan Kenobi at dinner: "Use the FORKS, Luke! The FORKS!"
Obi Wan Kenobi at the dinner table: "Use the FORKS, Luke"
Obi Wan has taught you well
Obi Wan is here and the force is with him. - Darth Vader
Obi Wan now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.
Obi Wan of Borg - "Killing me is futile."
Obi Wan was wise to hide you from us
Obi Wan--now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. - Obi Wan
Obi Wan... now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.
Obi Won at dinner, "Use the FORKS, Luke! The FORKS!"
Obi-Wan Kenobi at dinner: "Use the FORKS, Luke!"
Obi-Wan Kenobi at the dinner table:  "Use the FORKS, Luke!"
Obi-Wan has taught you well. - Vader
Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father
Obi-Wan's words of wisdom to Luke eating: "Use the fork, Luke!"
Obi-Wan:  "Luke!  Use the mass times acceleration..."
Obi-Won Kenobi at dinner "Luke, use the FORKS!"
Obiwan to Luke at dinner, "Use the forks, Luke! Use the forks!"
Object in my jeans is much larger than it appears!!!
Object not of required type. Should I fake it? (Y/N)
Objection ........ Beyond the scope.....
Objection! He's leading the witness - Tom on minister
Objection, your Honor!  My client is an idiot!
Objection, your Honor! @FN@ is an idiot!
Objection, your Honor! My client is an idiot!
Objection, your Honour!  My client is an idiot!
Objection, your Honour! My client is an idiot!
Objection...calls for speculation...misleading...may I be heard?
Objective reality is a mass hallucination.
Objective reality is a mass halucination.
Objectivism: Rational self interest.
Objectivity is in the eye of the beholder
Objectivity is in the eye of the beholder.
Objects are closer than they appear.
Objects are closer than they appear...
Objects are just data structures with an attitude.
Objects fall so as to do the most damage.
Objects in mirror are dumber than they appear
Objects in mirror are more moronic than they appear.
Objects in mirror are smarter than they appear.
Objects in mirror are stupider than they appear.
Objects in tagline: are closer than they appear.
Objects in taglines are closer than they appear.
Objects in the Jumpgate are further away than they appear.
Objects in the rear view mirror are behind you.
Objects in view screen are farther than they appear
Objects in viewscreen are farther away than they appear.
Objects in viewscreen are farther than they appear.
Objects in your download packet may appear larger than they are.
Objects in your download packet may appear larger than they are. <-TLP
Objects may be closer than they appear.
Objects on screen are closer than they appear...
Objects on screen are stupider than they appear.
Objects under T-Shirt are larger than they appear.
Objects under T-Shirt are larger than they appear.
Obligatory Disclaimer: My mind is privately owned and operated.
Obligatory On-Topic Comment
Oblivion together does not frighten me, beloved.
Oboe: an ill wind that nobody blows good.
Obrij me majko motornom pilom!
Obscene phrase: Higher Taxes.
Obscene, hell!  Bob, it was auto-erotic.
Obscene, hell!  Brenda, it was auto-erotic.
Obscene, hell!  Gary, it was auto-erotic.
Obscene, hell!  It was auto-erotic.
Obscenity is in the mind of the beholder.
Obscenity is only what gives the judge an erection.
Obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate people.
Obscenity is the crutch of the inarticulate m*****f*****.
Obscenity is the last refuge of dumb assholes.
Obscenity is whatever give a judge an erection.
Obscenity is whatever gives a judge an erection.
Obscenity is whatever gives the Judge an Erection
Obscenity is whatever gives the Judge an erection
Obscenity:  anything that gives a judge an erection..
Obscenity: Whatever gives the judge an erection.
Observe the face of the wife to know the husband's character.
Obsess much? - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
Obsessed much? - Ace Ventura
Obsession is a terrible thing to waste.
Obsessive tagline, obsessive tagline, obsessive tagline, obsessi...
Obsidian lovers go with the flow.
Obsolescence is the price of progress (tax not included).
Obsolete:  The computer you already own.
Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the road.
Obviously I have way too much time on my hands.
Obviously I'm due for a regeneration soon
Obviously I'm due for a regeneration soon...
Obviously some unnamed agency's sick sense of humor...
Obviously the only rational solution to your problem is suicide.
Obviously, SOME people are MORE equal than others.
Obviously, you've forgotten to read the fine print .
Obviously, you've never been hit by a deer! They aren't brain surgeons
Occasianal chair!?  What is it the rest of the time?
Occasional chair!?  What is it the rest of the time?
Occasional humility lessons are good for ones soul.
Occasionally the North Vietnamese fight back - Mike
Occupation?-Bum! -- Lister
Occupational Hazard For Santa's Elves #1:  Mistakenly drinking paint.
Occupational Hazards For Elves:  Jingle bell lodged in trachea.
Ocean:  A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a w
Oceanographers do it down under.
Och, lassie, the BEST way to a man's heart is with a broadsword.
Oci su tvoje kao noc, lice je blijedo, osmeh ledeni, da ledeni
Octarine is the eighth colour, the colour of the Imagination. (TCoM)
Octarine is the eighth colour, the pigment of the Imagination. (TCoM)
October - When trees change from hirsuties to bald pates.
October is Burn a UN Flag Month!  Burn a UN Flag for Freedom!!
October, when greens turn brown and tans pale.
October; When trees change from hirsuties to bald pates.
Octopussy is NOT a XXX-movie about a kinky hooker...
Ocu moj deo, necete da me prevarite!
Od Vardara pa do Triglava veliko se sranje odigrava
Od biraca nema jebaca  :)))
Od kolevke pa do groba nista ne vredi pisljiva boba,
Od rakije nema bolje zene, po tri dana ona ljulja mene.
Od usana do usana i svuda tebe trazim ja od mojih tuznih ljubavi ostajes
Odd fact: nobody in a beer commercial ever has a beer belly.
Odd women lying in ponds giving out swords is no basis for government
Oddjob...Korean term for golf caddy.
Oded, Have a Happy and Safe Holiday.
Odie's so stupid he'd have to stand on a chair to raise his IQ.
Odie's so ugly it would take two of him to get any uglier.  Garfield
Odin loves the little Vikings \ All the Vikings of the world...
Odin loves the little Vikings \ All the little Vikings of the world.
Odin loves the little Vikings, All the little Vikings of the world.
Odin loves the little Vikings, all the Vikings of the world...
Odlazis ranim jutarnjim vozom, gledam te poslednji put.
Odnos izmedju cekica i eksera je BOLI GLAVA !
Odo & Dax  '96   It's time for leadership that can adapt...
Odo Burger:   (You can have it this way, or this way, or this way...)
Odo Burger:  It's a burger!  It's a shake!  It's fries!
Odo Burger: It's a burger!  It's a shake!  It's fries!
Odo Burger: You can have it this way, or this way....
Odo Scale: I can do pounds, ounces, kilos, tons ...
Odo Shopping: Excuse me, where do you keep the Buckets?
Odo and Kira, in the escape pod.
Odo as a Vedek: The fluid druid.
Odo as a Vedek? A fluid druid!
Odo called...he'll be over after he changes.
Odo called; he'll be over as soon as he changes
Odo disguised as tribble: *
Odo doesn't like it if you tell him to "Go jump in the lake"!
Odo has a rich, caramel center.
Odo has been caught masquerading as Kira's uniform.
Odo in '96 - Changing the shape of the future!
Odo is good to the last drop.
Odo is made of a liquid metal polyalloy.
Odo is there any more Jell-O in the Fridge?   Odo??   Odo???
Odo isn't phased by Kryptonite!
Odo just needs a good hug. (SQUIIIIISH!) Oops...
Odo looked at her and thought, "Let me ooze through your fingers..."
Odo melts in your uhhhhh never mind
Odo of Borg: One form is futile, many shapes will be assimilated.
Odo of Borg: One form is futile, many shapes will be assumed
Odo should have a cat--only TRULY honest pet there is!
Odo uses DMS for those REALLY small shapes
Odo uses PKZIP for those *really* small shapes.
Odo was caught masquerading as Kira's uniform today...
Odo was caught masquerading as Kira's uniform...
Odo was my condom - Next, on Geraldo!
Odo washes his uniform by diving into his pail filled with suds.
Odo! They'll put you in a zoo! -- Dr. Mora Pol
Odo's Rules Of Obedience: #14: No jokes.
Odo's dad is always welcome at Quark's!
Odo's not just a drop in the bucket
Odo's pick-up line - Your bucket or mine?
Odo, any more Jell-O in the fridge?  Odo?  Odo?
Odo, got anymore of that Jello in the fridge? Odo... Odo??
Odo, is something bothering you? --Kira.
Odo, is there any more Jell-O in the fridge?   Odo??   Odo??!!
Odo, its just silly putty....!
Odo, when the walls fell.  Lwaxana, her arms wide..
Odo, when the walls fell. Lwaxana, her arms wide...
Odo, why are you pretending to be my uniform?--Kira
Odo, you got anymore of that Jello in the fridge... ODO? uh oh...
Odo-Qwk 1.0  It shapes itself to work with your software!
Odo-Qwk 2.0 - Changes to work better with your software.
Odo-Robics:  When you have absolutely have to be in PERFECT Shape!
Odo-meter: measures how much a shapeshifter can shift.
Odo-ware:  Software that configures itself to the computer.
Odo-ware: Software that configures itself to your computer!
Odo.. I've god ah code
Odo...  Quark to Odo, you still with us?
Odo/Dax '96 - Leadership that can adapt!
Odo/Dax in '96: It's time for leadership that adapts!
Odo/Quark in '96: Law and order, and a tidy profit!
Odo: I sleep in a bucket. Lwaxana: That's okay, I can swim!
Odo?  Is there any more Jell-O in the Fridge?   Odo?? Odo??
Odo? Got anymore of that Jello in the fridge?... ODO??!
Odo? Quark to Odo.. Are you still with us? - Quark
OdoDOS v6.22:  <A>bort  <R>etry  <B>lame Quark
OdoDOS v6.22:  (A)bort  (R)etry  (G)rowl Something Unintelligible
OdoDOS: Works on any platform, uses any language!
OdoDos 6.0 - Works with ANY software on ANY system in ANY language!
OdoQWK 1.0: It shapes itself to work with your software.
OdoQWK 3.0-- it shapes itself to work with your computer!
OdoQwk 2.0: Changes to work better with your software!
OdoXRS 1.0 - Shapes itself to work with your software!
Odo_Qwk 1.0 It shapes itself to work with your software!
Odometer: Measures how much a shapeshifter can shift
Odometer: Measures how much shape a shapeshifter can shift.
Odometer: What Quark needs to tell if Odo is near.
Odysses _never_ forgot his Trojans.
Odysseus _never_ forgot his Trojans.
Of *COURSE* I'm on topic.  (Which echo is this?)
Of *COURSE* I'm on topic. (Which echo did you say this was?)
Of *COURSE* I'm on topic. (Which echo is this?)
Of *COURSE* I'm on topic. (Which echo was this?)
Of *course* I'm crazy. But that doesn't mean I'm *wrong*!
Of *course* it won't work...but I'll do it anyway.
Of *course* it'll work...but I won't do it anyway.
Of =all= the ways to die - I gotta go as SLUG BAIT. - DarkWing Duck
Of =all= the ways to die - I gotta go as SLUG BAIT... - DarkWing
Of Borg, Yoda am I. Be assimilated, will you.
Of COURSE I know where I'm going - Crazy!
Of COURSE I talk to myself.  I LOVE intelligent conversation!
Of COURSE I'm on topic (Which echo is this?)
Of COURSE I'm on topic, Mr. Moderator.  BTW, Which echo is this?
Of COURSE I'm on topic...(which echo is this?  Thanks)...
Of COURSE there's a God.  What else explains leather minis...!?!
Of COURSE there's a H on my forehead you git, I'm DEAD! --Rimmer.
Of Course I'm Sane.  The Voices Say So.
Of The Art" is technospeak for "unproven".
Of a Kenneth Branaugh film - Tom
Of a compliment, only a third is meant. Welsh proverb.
Of all animals, the boy is most unmanageable.      Plato
Of all animals, the boy is most unmanageable.<Plato>
Of all animals, the pre-teen is the most unmanageable.
Of all forms of caution, caution in love is the most fatal.
Of all forms of caution, cautious love is the most fatal.
Of all ills that men endure, hope is the only cheap and universal cure
Of all liars, memory is the most convincing
Of all my relations, I like sex the best.
Of all noises, music is the least disagreeable.
Of all of natures vegetables, only the Beet goes on...
Of all sexual aberrations, chastity is the strangest.
Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable.  -- Plato
Of all the expressions of true love, lovemaking is still the weirdest.
Of all the filks I've read before...
Of all the people I have met, you are certainly one
Of all the people I have met, you are certainly one of them.
Of all the people I know - I'm who I want to be.
Of all the people I know, you're one of them.
Of all the people I've ever met, you certainly are one of them.
Of all the people I've met you're certainly one of them
Of all the people I've met, you're certainly one of 'em.
Of all the people born in 1839, 100% who ate carrots are dead.
Of all the people in this world, why Bill Clinton?
Of all the people in this world, why He?
Of all the people in this world, why Orville Bullitt?
Of all the people in this world, why Orville?
Of all the people in this world, why Ross Perot?
Of all the replies I have ever sent, this is one of them.
Of all the sites on all the internet, she telnets into mine!
Of all the souls I have encountered, his was the most...human. - Kirk
Of all the things I haven't got, I love gold the best - Elmer Fudd
Of all the things I lost I miss my mind the most.
Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most.
Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind!
Of all the things I lost, it's my mind I miss most!
Of all the things I've ever lost, I miss my mind the most.
Of all the things I've lost I miss my lover most!.
Of all the things I've lost so far, I miss my mind the most.
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my money the most.
Of all the things I've lost, I only miss my mind
Of all the things lost, I miss my mind most.
Of all the vegetables in the world... only The Beat Goes On. (boooo!)
Of all thirty-six alternatives, ignoring it is best.
Of all thirty-six alternatives, running away is best.
Of all wild beasts, a boy is the most difficult to tame.
Of course Data's intelligent...he has a cat!
Of course God has a sense of humor, look at men.
Of course God hates money, just look who he gave it to.
Of course God made man FIRST!  He wanted to give him a chance to SPEAK!
Of course I can be seen, heard, and smelt, said Tom sensibly.
Of course I can cook, but I never do it on a first date.
Of course I can cook, but I never do it on the first date
Of course I can handle a crisis!  Heck, I create them.
Of course I can make armor out of chains, Tom replied by mail.
Of course I didn't do it!   Wasn't it already done?
Of course I have a dirty mind, I ran out of soap
Of course I have a recipe. Why do you ask?
Of course I have a tagline.  Why do you ask?
Of course I have a tagline. Why do you ask?
Of course I have an original copy...
Of course I have backup tapes!  Do you want last years?
Of course I have problems! And I enjoy giving them to people.
Of course I knew! I just had no idea!
Of course I know Braille, :.::: ::..: ::.::. :..::
Of course I know the best. I'm an American. - Frank Burns
Of course I know what happens when you die. I do. I'm Death. --DiDi.
Of course I know who I am I am Jean-Luc Picard -- Riker
Of course I like children - sauteed with onions and mushrooms.
Of course I like children. Sauteed with onions and mushrooms.
Of course I like you - I've had a good dinner.
Of course I love my fellow klingons.
Of course I love you - to a certain extent.
Of course I love you, @FN@. <sharpening the knives< Now go to sleep.
Of course I love you, go to sleep.
Of course I paid the phone bill#$# *#@$**@#$  NO CARRIER
Of course I respect you. What's your name again?
Of course I talk to myself.  Who else can I trust?
Of course I tessssted it.
Of course I trust Rush Limbaugh with my daughter, just not my son
Of course I turned, I hit you didn't I?
Of course I won't respect you in the morning, I'll be dead! - Male Ant
Of course I worship myself.  In my Universe I AM god....
Of course I would rather pay $29 per month than $50, heh.
Of course I'll be registering it soon... (heh-heh-heh)
Of course I'll give you a hand -- right across the mouth.
Of course I'll introduce you to Warren!
Of course I'll respect you in the morning.  Now roll over.
Of course I'll still respect you in the morning!
Of course I'm a capitalist!  So.. would you like to buy a few things?
Of course I'm a virgin!  I'm catholic!
Of course I'm a virgin.  I'm Catholic.
Of course I'm a wizard, son.  I've got a tall pointy hat!"
Of course I'm arrogant.  The best usually are. -- Jack Butler
Of course I'm aware ostriches can't fly! chirped Tom knowingly.
Of course I'm crazy! But that doesn't mean I'm wrong!
Of course I'm crazy.     That doesn't mean I'm WRONG!
Of course I'm crazy.  But that doesn't mean I'm WRONG!
Of course I'm easy. Don't be difficult.
Of course I'm happily married.  She's happy, and I'm married.
Of course I'm honest.  Worked at a bath house 15 years, never took one.
Of course I'm ladylike!  I always apologize after I deck someone.
Of course I'm on topic . . . which conference IS this?
Of course I'm on topic! (Which echo is this, again?)
Of course I'm on topic... which echo is this anyway?
Of course I'm perfect, just read my resume
Of course I'm running Windows 95...*E&*%@#^8+H{48"M~l4^#$#&%NO CARRIER
Of course I'm running Windows#d+'+ NO CARRIER
Of course I'm running Windows#d+o+ NO CARRIER
Of course I'm running Windows@#%@#$@#$ NO CARRIER
Of course I'm runnning Windows@#%@#$@#$ NO CARRIER
Of course I'm sane The voices said so
Of course I'm sane! Thats what the voices are telling me!
Of course I'm sane.  All these voices say so!
Of course I'm sane.  The voices in my head say so.
Of course I'm sane.  The voices said so.
Of course I'm sane.  The voices told me so.
Of course I'm sane. The voices said so!
Of course I'm sane. The voices say so.
Of course I'm sane. The voices tell me so.
Of course I'm sane... At least that's what the voices say...
Of course I'm shallow!  I'm only a holodeck character...
Of course I'm shallow!!! I'm a holodeck character!!!
Of course I'm smartThe bodies haven't been found yet, have they?
Of course I'm sure the above is a simplification.
Of course Janier's pretty....she reminds me of Elvira with blonde hair.
Of course Windows can multi-tas^}%#)*!###@}}^}NO CARRIER
Of course dragons can flyWhy on earth would they have those wings?
Of course games are a computers REAL task.
Of course gun control "works." The question is for whom!
Of course he *DOES* spend too much time at the computer!!!-Jym Fox
Of course he won't bite. Look how cute he is.....
Of course he's a liberal! He can't *spell* "conservative".
Of course he's a traitor, Friend Computer.
Of course he's dead--I killed him.
Of course it broke. I bought it at Radio Shack
Of course it makes weird kind sense or I wouldn't have said it!!
Of course it won't fall off. They used Crazy Glue. :)
Of course it's a good idea - it's mine!
Of course it's clean laundry. The cat's sitting on it, isn't he?
Of course it's half eaten. You said you wanted the chef's salad.
Of course it's in the last place! Why look after you've found it?
Of course it's neat. What's wrong with neat? I LIKE neat! <M>
Of course it's safe.  Go in!  I'll be right behind you. ___ Maybe.
Of course it's safe.  Go on in, I'll be right behind you.
Of course it's safe...there's no hockey players around.
Of course it's selected off.  Why won't they fire??
Of course it's the murder weapon. Who would frame someone with a fake?
Of course man was created first, you always need a rough draft.
Of course my job looks easy--I'm doing it!
Of course my memory could have failed me...I think, I'm not sure...
Of course she *DOES* spend too much time at the computer !!!! - Jym Fox
Of course the moderators are Nazi's... what did you expect?
Of course the moderators are Nazi'swhat did you expec
Of course there is no reason for it, it's just my policy.
Of course there's a "H" on my forehead, you git! I'm dead!
Of course there's a God. What else explains Speedos?
Of course there's a H on my forehead, you git! I'm dead!
Of course there's no Santa Claus, we FRIED him! - The Tick
Of course there's no reason for it, it's just our policy.
Of course you don't get wafers with it!
Of course you graduated, said Tom diplomatically.
Of course you know, this means Warners! - Yakko
Of course you know, this means war. -- Bugs Bunny
Of course you realize, this means WAR! -Bugs Bunny-
Of course you were expectin someone else!
Of course you were expecting someone else.
Of course you'll die. It'll just be at a later time.
Of course you're tense, you rectum-faced pygmy! - Rimmer
Of course! <smacking hand to forehead>
Of course, Bell Canada COULD do it differently!
Of course, Friday I get laid off again, without pay this time.
Of course, I can't remember the argument's *content*-- Jack Butler
Of course, I'll be registering it soon.  (heh-heh-heh.) <G>
Of course, I'm paranoid.  Now the question is, am I paranoid enough?
Of course, change the path to whatever it actually is.
Of course, coffee *is* one of the major vitamins
Of course, he's concealed about me person.
Of course, if you were me, you'd live in a water tower in Burbank.
Of course, long before you mature, most of you will be eaten.
Of course, now I may get "nastygrams" from all those who LIKE AOL....
Of course, once you're over 30 you're finished.
Of course, real men don't set phasers to "stun".
Of course, seeing IS believing, they say ...
Of course, sir. It's a cheese shop, sir.
Of course, there's no Santa Claus, we FRIED him!! - The Tick
Of course, this series of messages wouldn't be complete without a
Of course, we could always get a sump pump.
Of course, you know that the real moderators of this echo are cats.
Of course,he couldn't help but add his $.02 to this <G>.
Of course.  Evil is the meatiest role a good actor can play.
Of coursssse I tessssted it.  Why do you assssk?
Of people born in 1809, 100% who believed in god are dead!
Of people born in 1839, 100% who ate carrots are dead
Of people born in 1839, 100% who ate carrots are dead.
Of quartz I won't take it for granite, Tom said gneissly.
Of ships and shoes and sealing wax and cabbages and kings.
Of soup & love, the first is best - Thomas Fuller
Of the choice of two evils, I pick the one I've never tried before.
Of the last three presidents named William, two died in office.
Of the people, by the lawyers, for the liberals.
Of the things I've lost..I miss my mind the most.
Of those killed on TV entertainment programs, about 97% are men!
Of troubles I considered myself amply possessed.
Of two evils, choose neither.
Ofcourse I-'-m G-O-i-n-g---2-4-0-0--b-a-u-d-  ::No Carrier..::
Off Line Readers: A new standard in telec : : #@(!!_ NO CARRIER
Off To Market: Tobias A. Pigg
Off Topeka? Wichita messages Kansas you? -JCF
Off Topic posts are a threat to your manhood. -Moderator Rule #4
Off Topic:  Another way to push the moderator's buttons.
Off Topic?  What do you mean I'm off topic!
Off Topic? What do you mean I'm Off Topic!
Off Utopia Planetia; thru the DS9 airlock, nothing but net.
Off any drive, through any windows, nothing but OS/2.
Off by CRASHING COMPUTER. Time Logged:  ^D!@#$%^(*&^%^Z.
Off by CRASHING COMPUTER. Time Logged: *****)*$*********
Off his rocker.
Off like a Jewish foreskin.
Off like a bride's nightie.
Off like a bucket of prawns in the sun.
Off like a can of bug spray.
Off like a cheap toupe in the wind.
Off like a dirty shirt.
Off like a herd of turtles.
Off like a masochistic whore with long fingernails.
Off like a massochist whore with long fingernails.
Off like a meat cake in a vegetarian's wedding.
Off like a prom dress.
Off like a turd of hurdles.
Off like a whore's drawers.
Off like dirty shorts.
Off like your mother's undies.
Off like...a Jewish foreskin.
Off like...a bride's nightie.
Off like...a bucket of prawns in the sun.
Off like...a can of bug spray.
Off like...a cheap toupee in the wind.
Off like...a dirty shirt.
Off like...a herd of turtles.
Off like...a masochist whore with long fingernails.
Off like...a meat cake in a vegetarian's wedding.
Off like...a prom dress.
Off like...a turd of hurdles.
Off like...a whore's drawers.
Off like...dirty shorts.
Off like...your mother's undies.
Off likea Jewish foreskin.
Off likea bride's nightie.
Off likea bucket of prawns in the sun.
Off likea can of bug spray.
Off likea cheap toupee in the wind.
Off likea dirty shirt.
Off likea herd of turtles.
Off likea masochist whore with long fingernails.
Off likea meat cake in a vegetarian's wedding.
Off likea prom dress.
Off likea turd of hurdles.
Off likea whore's drawers.
Off likedirty shorts.
Off likeyour mother's undies.
Off line E-Mailers do it all night!
Off line E-mailers do it all nite
Off of the table now my dear, duty calls - Thomas Serveau
Off street parking. Bell bottom's cleaned daily - Tom
Off the Record, would you trust CBS's Connie Chung? Whisper in my ear.
Off the highway, across the river, thru the window, nothin' but net.
Off the keyboard, over the modem, nothing but net.
Off the modem, through the phone line, nothing but net.
Off the modem...Through the phone line...nothin' but net.
Off the nacelle, through the airlock, nothing but net.   (swish)
Off to practise the other 6 deadly sins.
Off to see the lizard.  Deja, deja, deja vu....
Off to wax the shuttlecraft.  Got a tribble I can use?
Off topic but it needed to be said.
Off topic posts? You slay me! -Abel  That'll be 30 days in exile, Cain.
Off topic! Please stand in the corner for 5000 messages reading time!
Off topic!?!?!?! Impossible!!!! (What echo is this anyway?)
Off topic, yes.  But useless information should not be wasted.
Off topic?  I thought S&M Echo was Sports and Magic
Off topic?  Just forget I asked the question!!!
Off topic? Dammit, Jim, I'm a DOCTOR, not a moderator!
Off we go into the wild blue yonder, .......splat!!!
Off-Line mail make sysops happy!
Off-Topic Rules! Huh huh, huh huh... --Butthead.
Off-line Readers are commie plots to drive us crazy!
Off-line readers make sysops happy.
Off-topic = more interesting.
Off-topic and DAMN PROUD OF IT!
Off-topic messages - the only way to find out anything.
Off-topic, yes, but useless knowledge is not to be wasted
Off-topic, yes, but useless knowledge should not be wasted
Off-topic: Where did Smurfette get the little one?
Offender: Opus' butt on Sunday mornings
Offense is a human emotion.
Offensive Foul! Illegal Tagline! 2 Meg Penalty, RAM to Defense!
Offensive, if you believe in the Devil! Otherwise, *fun*!
Offensiveness is in the eye of the beholder.
Offer expires #DM# #DD# or while supplies last.
Offer expires 27 or while supplies last .
Offer expires December 31 or while supplies last .
Offer expires February 31 or while supplies last.
Offer void where inhibited by sanity.
Offer void where prohibited by sanity.
Offers do have to be reasonable of course for me to consider them!!
Offers have to be reasonable of course!
Office & honor are one and the same. - Homer
Office of Economic Opportunity
Office temps cut loose - Mike on disco
Officer Bullitt, I wasn't driving fast, just flying low!
Officer Morris, I wasn't driving fast, just flying low!
Officer Orville, I wasn't driving fast, just flying low!
Officer Third Wheel - Mike on guy with couple
Officer, I was only calling you brother, in Chinse Sign Language.
Officer, I wasn't driving fast, just flying low!
Officer, are you sure it was my Neon green Ferrari that was speeding?
Officer, arrest yourself this minute!
Officer, if you weren't out in the street I never would've hit you.
Officer, where do I apologize for shooting Orville Bullitt?
Officer, where do I apologize for shooting Orville?
Officer, where do I apologize for shooting Tom Adams?
Officer, where do I apologize for shooting Tony Jones?
Officer,the stop sign was green when I went through it!
Officer:  "Hey boy!, got any ID?";  Motorist: "'Bout what?"
Officer:  A cop whom you can talk out of giving you a ticket.
Officer: I'm sorry, sir, but you _must_ appear in Tagline Court!
Officer: a cop you can talk out of a ticket.
Officers will examine themselves and vice versa in private. - Henry
Offices opening soon at a Walmart near you !
Official Blue Wave Betazoid (leave me alone, Lwaxana!)
Official Blue Wave Betazoid (now, where's Deanna Troi?)
Official Blue Wave Betazoid (oh, Deanna...?)
Official Federal Agency Annoyance Tagline - U 235
Official Moderator's Deadly Ninja Throwing NerfStar
Official Razor's Edge Spelling Moderator  - Sue
Official TNG Policy:  Tasha dies every other season.
Official Tagline of Major League Baseball
Official Tagline of the 1996 Cat Spearing Competition
Official Tagline of the 1996 Cat Spearing Competition.
Official Teen Echo Jester (By appointment of Sir Jimmy the Groovey)
Official host of the OFF-TOPIC conference.
Official results to the latest poll: Living WILL kill you
Official sponser of the ongoing quest for the 100% failsafe human...
Official tag line area.
Officila BbS of peo ple whocant' type alll that wlel/
Offline 1.5 is offline, the Wave killed it!
Offline E-mailers DO IT all night.
Offline mail readers do it all night.
Offshore:  Out of (1) sight of land, or (2) your mind.
Often a clear conscience is just a poor memory
Often it is cheaper to buy something than to accept it as a gift.
Often it's fatal to live too long
Often the search proves more profitable than the goal.
Often the surest way to convey misinformation is to tell the truth.
Often the test of courage is not to die but to live.
Often wrong ... but NEVER in doubt.
Often, people put taglines down here. WHY?
Often-Wrong Soong's got a broken heart. Can't even tell his boys apart
Often-Wrong Soong's got a broken heart. Can't even tell his boys apart.
Ofw...ninja tribbles         0NOTHojThTi eS
Ogden the comedian might drive a Nash.
Ogden's Law: The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.
Oh "Bother!" Said Pooh, and twitted his Moderator
Oh - it wasn't dead, then?
Oh - to be in L.A. when the polyethyl-vinyl trees are in
Oh ... bite my fingernails!
Oh Al! Bravo Al! You WERE enjoyed! - Tom on music director
Oh Blessed Mother, Gaia, we are one
Oh Bother Poo Bear Said As Christopher Robin Defecated All Over Him
Oh Bother said Pooh, as He deleted his message base....
Oh Bother said Pooh; Beavis and Butthead are roasting Piglet!
Oh Bother! said Pooh, Beavis and Butthead are roasting Piglet!
Oh Bother, said Pooh as he ate a Yakuza!
Oh Bother, said Pooh, and deleted his message base.
Oh Bother, said Pooh, as he died for the 5th time in DOOM!
Oh Bother, said Pooh, as he saw another message from New Jersey.
Oh Bother, said Pooh, when his microwave exploded.
Oh Bother, said Pooh; and deleted his message base.
Oh Boy! Now I get to steal some GOOD Taglines!!
Oh Boy!, Looky Big Wilbur, A Fish Whistle! - Stimpy.
Oh Boy!, This Is The Life, Isn't It Fellas - Stimpy.
Oh Canada - If death doesn't kill me your taxes will.
Oh Canada, Our home on native lands...
Oh Chef of the Future, can it core a apple?
Oh Come on, just a little nude? No one will ever see them
Oh Come on, just a little nude? No one will ever see!
Oh Dad!  We're ALL Devo!
Oh Death, where is thy sting-a-ling-a-ling?
Oh Death, where is thy sting-a-ling-a-ling? to, but
Oh Dreamweaver, I believe we can see the morning light.
Oh GEE! What a useful bit of programming! - Crow
Oh GOD I love candles - Mike as voodoo girl
Oh GOD! Did you see where he pulled it from? -Crow on gun
Oh Gawd, haven't I been through enough?
Oh God Part IV, with Jesse Helms as the Antichrist!
Oh God! I almost stole a tagline!
Oh God, I hope this isn't my full potential!
Oh God, Oh God, I'm so fantastic.
Oh God, it's far out space nuts - Crow
Oh Great !.. Flat battery in the car AND broken bristles on the broom
Oh I READ the docs, I just didn't UNDERSTAND them. ;)
Oh I get it, it's a whole Star Trek gag thingy - Dot
Oh I have slipped the surley bonds of earth and danced the skies....
Oh I saw the stop sign officer, It's YOU I didn't see
Oh I think Thor is Fabulouth - Tom lisps
Oh I'm sorry were the voices in my head bothering you?
Oh I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?
Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?
Oh Jesus isn't on the line - Tom
Oh Jimminy!, Jimminy Lummox! - Stimpy.
Oh Joy! - Stimpy.
Oh LORD! Bless this thy holy hand-grenade!
Oh Lord help me...I'm learning to make taglines!
Oh Lord! John Kahane's out bothering the Spoo again!
Oh Lord! Where did the Americans go?
Oh Lord, Bless us this Holy Hand Grenade...
Oh Lord, bless this Holy hand grenade..
Oh Lord, give me patience, quick!
Oh Lord, if there is a Lord, save my soul, if I have a soul.
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble - when your Airborne in ever
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble when you're Rayek in every w
Oh Lord, protect me from those to whom you speak directly to.
Oh Lord, protect me from those to whom you speak with one on one.....
Oh Lord, we beseech Thee, tell us 'oo croaked Lester!
Oh Lord; save us from those to whom you speak directly....
Oh MY GAWWD! Fleas have sucked the brains out of my dog!
Oh Mannix! Ow! Mannix! - Tom as guy slides down hill
Oh Mr. Belpit, your legs are so swollen...
Oh My .... J.T. Kirk
Oh NO! Customer Ranma fell in Pool of Drowned Ataru!!!
Oh NO!!!  Now their starting a Brain Tax!! Man, am I in Trouble!
Oh Nicholas! You're such an Eternal Boy! - Janette
Oh No It Mr Bill...Clinton that is!!!!
Oh No!  A +12 Vorpal Bunnie!!!!  Aieeeeeeeee!!!!
Oh No!  A +12 Vorpal Energizer Bunnie!!!!  Aieeeeeeeee!!!!
Oh No!  It's the Isaac Asimov Literary Doomsday Machine.
Oh No! It's the Isaac Asimov Literary Doomsday Machine.
Oh No! It's the Issac Asimov Literary Doomsday Machine
Oh No! Not Again?
Oh No!!!!! Here come the moderators!!! <<<CLICK>>>
Oh No, It's Mr Bill...Clinton, that is!!!!
Oh OH couldn't get it to work!
Oh Oh, here she goes again with the Yuk Yuks....<G>.
Oh Orville! The Dust Bunnies are our friends!
Oh Oysters come and walk with us, the Walrus did beseech.
Oh Really!!!?  (No, O'Reilly... He's Irish).
Oh Rimmer. You _are_ a smeghead. --Todhunter.
Oh SURE.  You can steal this.  But can you write some?
Oh SURE. You can take time to read this. But can you write some? Noooo!
Oh SURE. You can take time to steal this. But can you write some? NO!
Oh Sure, that's if you want to do it the EASY way.
Oh THERE you are, Jean-Luc!  -Lwaxana
Oh Tasha, See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me!
Oh Toto, this isn't Kansas!
Oh Wesley ... I've got something for you.. Troi [Naked]
Oh Wesley, just shut the hell up!  Picard
Oh Weyr, oh Weyr, has my little dra gon
Oh What A Relief It Is: Al Kaseltzer
Oh What A Relief It Is: Al Kaseltzer*
Oh Where, Oh Where, Have My Ancestors Gone,  Oh Where, Oh Where, ....
Oh Worf, you're such an animal! : Troi OH! Beverly guess why
Oh YEAH? Well, step outta that Battlemaster and say that!
Oh a big heroin shipment is a coming! - Crow sings
Oh baby!  Don't stop there!
Oh be quiet.  Can't you see I'm busy dying?  - H. G. Wells
Oh bite me Frodo! - Frank
Oh boner, man. Jeez - Tom
Oh bother said O'Pooh am I a lieutenant or a chief petty officer?
Oh bother! Said Pooh, and twitted his moderator
Oh bother! Said Pooh, and twitted his moderator.
Oh bother' said Pooh and hit his reset switch.
Oh bother, said Barry and twitted the (HI-ASCII) moderator.
Oh bother, said Orville and twitted the (HI-ASCII) moderator.
Oh bother, said Orville and twitted the moderator.
Oh bother, said Pooh and twitted the (HI-ASCII) moderator.
Oh bother, said Pooh and twitted the ^%&^%&$ moderator.
Oh bother, said Pooh as Satan laid his soul to waste.
Oh bother, said Pooh as he felt a disturbance in the Force.
Oh bother, said Pooh, Beavis and Butthead are roasting Piglet!
Oh bother, said Pooh, am I a lieutenant or a chief petty officer?
Oh bother, said Pooh, and nuked Iraq!
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he deleted his hard drive.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he deleted the entire message base.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he fell into the toilet.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he fell off the prostitute.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he found he'd used a dirty needle.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he got trapped in the printer.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he had Eeyore for dinner.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he hid Piglet's corpse with Roo's.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he loaded his last round.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he puked on Christopher Robin.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he pulled the cat off his face.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he reached for the reset button.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he read alt.fan.bill-gates.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he realized that his tagline wouldn't fi
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he received his Compu$erve bill.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he received his CompuServe bill.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he saw the mushroom cloud.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he started up Norton Utilities.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he struggled with his condom.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he twitted his moderator.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as he wrestled with the moderator.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as his latest beta crashed.
Oh bother, said Pooh, as the police closed in.
Oh bother, said Pooh, when he found that the tagline would not fi
Oh bother, said Pooh, who then deleted his message base.
Oh bother, said Ray and twitted the (HI-ASCII) moderator.
Oh bother, said Ray and twitted the ^%&^%&$ moderator.
Oh bother... said Pooh, as he realized that his tagline wouldn't fi
Oh bother..., said Pooh, when he found that the tagline would not fi
Oh bothersaid Pooh, as he realized that his tagline wouldn't fi
Oh boy! That was a turd, wasn't it? - Tom on movie
Oh boy, one of THESE - Crow on ditzy girl
Oh boy...
Oh brother Gamera is really neat! - Joel sings reggae
Oh by the way which one's Pink?
Oh c'mon! Delta Burke could fit through that window - Tom
Oh captain! my captain! our fearful trip is done.
Oh close the door, put out the lights, close the curtains...
Oh come on Ayesha, EVERYONE loves a bonfire. :) - Jalapeno
Oh come on now, you almost had me going there until the end. -Dire Wolf
Oh come on, how could an Alana get no attention? -Serendipity
Oh come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!
Oh come, ye, oh come ye to Bethlehem.
Oh could I fly, I'd fly with thee.
Oh crap. (Toilet comes from behind wall) Not you! --Lister.
Oh crap. Not you! - Lister
Oh darn your biscuits, Mirandy...
Oh dear!  What to do, what to do...
Oh dear, I think I am stuck this time. - Gen.
Oh dear, I think reality is on the blink again.
Oh dear, I think reality's on the blink again.
Oh dear, I think reality's on the brink again.
Oh dear, I think you'll find reality's on the blink again
Oh dear, I think you'll find reality's on the blink again.
Oh dear, it appears that reality is on the blink again.
Oh dear, now I have to write something funny down here...
Oh dear, reality seems to be on the blink again.
Oh dear, the radio's exploded!
Oh dear. I think reality's gone on the blink again.-Marvin
Oh dear. I think you'll find reality's gone on the blink again.-Marvin
Oh dear...was THAT you contact lens?
Oh death, where is thy sting?  Oh grave, where is thy victory?
Oh deeeeeaaaaarr, oh deeeeaaaarrrrr....
Oh don't give me none more of that Old Janx Spirit.
Oh don't grovel!
Oh don't you hug me! You're all greasy! - Tom to Crow
Oh du schone, Schnitzelbank!
Oh father please help me, for I have done wrong.
Oh for gracious sakes, I don't know one person who believes that way.
Oh for pete's sake, it's only a joke.
Oh for the days when men were men and women were property
Oh for the good old days of Tammany.
Oh forget it! I'm tired of trying to make up new taglines.
Oh frankmy lips are so hotKISS my hot-lips frank..{oh we need to..}
Oh freddled gruntbuggly, thy mixturations are to me...
Oh freddled gruntbuggly, thy nacturations are to me...
Oh freddled gruntbuggly? Thy micturations are to me
Oh gee! Look who i found sleeping in the Fields...<Snap>...
Oh geez, he shot a coconut, in cold blood.
Oh give me a cray... Where the numbers play..
Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam..on second thought...
Oh give me a phone, with a modem on loan.
Oh give me a phone, with a modem on loan...
Oh go easy on the Lemming, Harry!
Oh god, not Troi's mother again! - Entire Crew
Oh godie MORE taglines!
Oh good. A Cylon warrior - Tom on cheesy space suit
Oh good. This room is even more dreary - Tom
Oh goodness gracious, I'm dead! --Joel Robinson.
Oh goody! - Crow on seeing Adam West in credits
Oh goody! A Muranium P36 Explosive Space Modulator!
Oh goody! Another Muranium Explosive Space Modulator!
Oh goody! Another Muranium P36 Explosive Space Modulator!
Oh goody! Another Muranium Pue 36 Explosive Space Modulator!
Oh goody! This guy! - Crow on familiar actor in movie
Oh goody-Another uranium P36 Explosive Space Modulator
Oh great!  Everyone's lost but me.
Oh great!  So where's a good trumpet when you need one?
Oh great!  Where will we find gas in Mexico?
Oh great! Everyone's lost but me. -- Young Indy
Oh great, I have a cyst - Crow as character looks at hand
Oh great, an Abba reunion - Tom on blonde vikings
Oh great, guess who? -Tom upon seeing Gamera title screen
Oh great, it's a giantZlWsic pickle! - Crow on monster
Oh great, my dad's Burl Ives - Crow
Oh great. He's getting nuder - Joel
Oh great. I get to spend the summer with my brain. - Bart
Oh great. The monster's a voyeur - Crow
Oh great. We can't have nice arms - Mike
Oh gross. I can see up your pants leg - Mike
Oh he's really very sweet....don't let that M-16 fool you.
Oh hell!  My mood ring just exploded!
Oh hell, it ain't Friday YET?!?
Oh here is another one for you. Remorse: Send it again Samuel.
Oh hey! A Cowboy movie! - Evil Tom Servo
Oh hey, he's no fun, he fell right over!
Oh him he's been lurking.
Oh honey, I took in a stray cat while you were gone -Crow
Oh honey, not tonightI have a modem.
Oh humanoids! I hate those, they hurt! - Crow
Oh joy!  My very own lint miniskirt ...
Oh let's not go there, it's such a silly place
Oh look who's arguing semantics now! - Crow to Tom
Oh look! 60,839 taglines. They're so cute when entering puberty.
Oh look! It's a message from the Butler
Oh look! It's a message from the Chorzelewski
Oh look! It's a message from the Sharlow
Oh look! Theres' the sweet spot - Crow/#606
Oh look, Engineering has a NEW plan.... HAHA Gasp Wheeze!
Oh look. She's surprised! Isn't that darling? - Tom
Oh mama! Santa's home! - Tom as old guy hugs biker chick
Oh mamma, I'm in fear of my life from the long arm of the law - Styx
Oh man! Crotch slapping! - Mike
Oh man, now I'm hungry! - Dragonrider
Oh man, the prescription on my glasses just ran out!...
Oh man. What the hell did I do last night? - Crow as kid
Oh me nerves!
Oh merde. - Amanda
Oh mushy, mushy, mushy! - Crow during love scene
Oh my GAWD!!  My computer's caught Windows!!!
Oh my GOD!  My computer's caught Windows 95!
Oh my GOD!  My computer's caught Windows!
Oh my GOD!  My computer's caught a virus:  Windows!
Oh my God you take the biscuit, treating me this way.
Oh my God! I'm all wet! - Crow after Tom shoots him
Oh my God! I've run out of taglines!
Oh my bruvvers, I yam fallin'!!
Oh my god, they've spaced the captives. - Ivanova
Oh my god...I'll be arrested for sure.
Oh my goodness! said Tom graciously.
Oh my were did I put my husband?
Oh my!  I'd forgotten how much I hate space travel!
Oh my! Said Pooh, as he deleted his message base.
Oh my!! There's more plastic than Cher. <Riggs>
Oh my, Mister Sensitive - Crow to Dr. Forrester
Oh my..that feels....like.... a perfect fit...!!!
Oh never mind!
Oh night, which ever art when day is not taglined! -- Tagspeare
Oh night, which ever art when day is not! - Shakespeare
Oh no !  Not another online learning experience !
Oh no Captain, that's not dilithium, that's ice!
Oh no Captain, those aren't dilithium crystals, it's ice!
Oh no Captain, those aren't dilithium crystals, they're ice!
Oh no Mr. Bill!  Look out for that big TRUC*&^%$#@NO CARRIER
Oh no it's the.....Ack!....A Moderator!....Run away!.....Run away!<BG>
Oh no not this aga&%$*#(##@ NO CARRIER
Oh no one understands my dog?
Oh no you don't!  Your not stealing this one!
Oh no!  More bugs.  ///\oo/\\\   ///\oo/\\\
Oh no!  My cat ate my mouse!
Oh no!  Not another expensive update.
Oh no!  Sharkdog's about to eat those defenseless little kittens!
Oh no!  The condom is leaki^&#o@%&&&  NO BARRIER
Oh no!  The creationists are mutating!
Oh no!  The creationsist are mutating!
Oh no!  The moderator of the MPD echo just banned aliases
Oh no! ANOTHER of Wesley's experiments is threatening the universe!
Oh no! Another Bullitt! RUN!
Oh no! Another Orville! RUN!
Oh no! He died of jock itch! - Tom
Oh no! He's doing interpretative mime - Crow as guy waves
Oh no! He's gonna pee! - Crow on giant in Vegas
Oh no! I forgot which friends I told the truth to!
Oh no! I got shrew doo on my shoe! - Tom
Oh no! I turned out just like my mom!
Oh no! I'm on turtle modem! *&^%$#**NO CARRIER
Oh no! I'm running out of new tag-lines!
Oh no! I'm stuck in Usurper, now wh**&^%#@*NO CARRIER
Oh no! I've been transmogrified into an expanding ball of pulsating slime !!!
Oh no! It's going to eliminate! - Mike on spaceship
Oh no! My cat ate my mouse!
Oh no! Not a Chronic Hysteris... chronic hysteris... chronic...
Oh no! Not a Chronic Hysterisis... chronic hysterisis... chronic...
Oh no! Not another "learning experience!"
Oh no! Not another 'undocumented feature'!
Oh no! Not another learning experience! :-)
Oh no! Not the Bajoran Death Chant! --Ro.
Oh no! Now you did it.  You shouldn't tease my brother like that.
Oh no! One of Bob's socks has escaped!
Oh no! One of Coridon's socks has escaped!
Oh no! One of his socks has escaped!
Oh no! Sharkdog's about to eat those defenseless little kittens!
Oh no! She's gonna do the funny dance again! - Mike
Oh no! The Horrible Shaking Bush! - Crow
Oh no! The Moderator of the MPD echo just banned aliases
Oh no! The Queen's drunk again - Crow
Oh no! The condom is leaki^&#o@%&&& NO BARRIER
Oh no! The creationists are mutating!
Oh no!!  Look! It's a Brain Storm!!!
Oh no, Gordie! II can't! --Chris Chambers.
Oh no, I could never do that. Then THEY would get me. - Dire Wolf
Oh no, I'm losing my buzz - Mike
Oh no, I've forgotten the crackers Gromit!
Oh no, Satan...you stay right here where I can see you.
Oh no, her bra strap broke! - Crow
Oh no, here comes the diatribe - Mike
Oh no, it wasn't the Airplane; It was BEAUTY killed the beast!
Oh no, it's Emogine Coca - Mike
Oh no, not again!
Oh no, not again! - Bowl of Petunias
Oh no, not again.
Oh no, not an "Nth-Complexity Infinite Binary Loop"!!!
Oh no, not another learning experience!
Oh no, not deja-vu again. Oh no, not deja-vu again. Oh no
Oh no, she's marking the couch! - Mike
Oh no, what do I do with my arms? - Mike as stiff actor
Oh no, you've trodden in an Amiga. Go wipe your shoe on the grass...
Oh no.  Yo' Man!! Not anotha' 'undocumented feature'.  Yo' Man!!
Oh no. He's gone over - Mike on zombie in coffin
Oh no... not an... UNREGISTERED copy?! #!%&@T   NO CARRIER
Oh no....IT'S ME AGAIN!
Oh no...more irrelevant nonsense from @FN@? UGH!
Oh nonot anUNREGISTERD copy?! E$^@$# NO CARRIER
Oh nooo! Too dumb! Nooo! - Mike as kid
Oh nooooo! :-O  Not AGAIN!
Oh noooooo - Mr. Spot has been flattened by a fist.
Oh oh. Wait a minute. What's this? This sucks.-- Butthead
Oh oh....maybe you'd better start your own bbs..snicker....
Oh please, I wouldn't touch you to scratch you.
Oh please, I've already got hay in my pants! - Mike
Oh please, don't do that...Oh please, don't...Oh please.. Ohhhhh
Oh please, not the death chant!
Oh please, not the death chant! --Ro.
Oh poo! I'm in the pit of Hell - Tom as Kathy Ireland
Oh puh-leeze... look who you're talking to....  *this* group. - Shell
Oh pun, sez me! - Ali Baba & the Forty Tagline Thieves
Oh put me away deathpusher.
Oh say can you C...(at dawn's early light)
Oh say it isn't so... it isn't soooooo... say it isn't so; oh oh oh!
Oh say, can you see...by the dawn's early light...
Oh sh*t there goes the planet
Oh shit!  My mood ring just exploded!!
Oh shit, there goes the planet.
Oh shoot. My face is still there - Tom
Oh shut up Baldric!  You'd laugh at a Shakespeare comedy!
Oh shut up!  And go and change your armor.
Oh shut up. And go and change your armor.
Oh stop the wedgie, please! - Tom
Oh strong and long liv'd death, how cam'st thou in? -- Donne
Oh sure Einstein, but what's the speed of dark?
Oh sure!  But what's the speed of dark?
Oh sure! But then, what's the speed of Dark, smarty???
Oh sure! What's the speed of dark?
Oh sure, turn my own words back on me why don't you.
Oh sure.  That's what you 100 foot flying turtles always say.
Oh sure.. tell me this AFTER suggesting the tongue.
Oh sure...put the government in charge of healthcare...
Oh sureHooked on phonetics now, eh?
Oh sweet Information Super Highway - Crow
Oh that's cute, a zombie with a gas attack. - Garibaldi
Oh that?  I was playing leap frog with a unicorn.
Oh that?  It was playing leap frog with a unicorn.
Oh that? It was from playing leap frog with a unicorn.
Oh the dreams of what used to be.
Oh the girls all get prettier at closin time
Oh the great Amish director of photography - Mike
Oh the pain, the pain...
Oh the shot heard 'round the world, was the start of the revolution...
Oh there you are Jeff, on the floor, stop convulsing!...
Oh there you are, lying on the floor ... Stop convulsing!
Oh touch me, turn me on, and burn me down.
Oh trust in me my pretty one, come walk with me my helpless one
Oh typical! Agony booth is out of order - Evil Crow
Oh uh, lysdexic beykoard...
Oh very clever Worf, eat any good books lately?
Oh very good, Worf. Eat any good books lately?
Oh waiter!  There's a tagline in my soup!
Oh war. Thou son of Hell.
Oh well - got carried away here.
Oh well, I guess that's the way the woodchuck chucks...
Oh well, I guess this is just going to be one of those lifetimes.
Oh well, THERE'S her hat - Tom as girl lifts her skirt
Oh well, as long as you enjoy yourself, there's no need to be perfect.
Oh well, best I could come up with on short notice<G>.
Oh well, can't change the world... have to learn to live in it.
Oh well, half of one, six dozen of the other.
Oh well, half of one, six dozen of the other. 
Oh well, now I won't be able to use my Dan Quayle taglines anymore.
Oh well... I remember when Commodore was on top of the game too!
Oh what tangled webs our ancestors weave ...
Oh what the heck.  I'll do it. - Calvin
Oh what the heck...I DO want it all..
Oh where, oh where, have my ancestors gone?
Oh who was it I saw, oh who?
Oh wow! Good nyborg, man!
Oh wow! Look how cheap frankfurters were! - Crow
Oh yea, so what can the Phone Company D#&* NO CA
Oh yeah I'll tell you something,I think you'll understand
Oh yeah!  I'll tell you something,I think you'll understand!
Oh yeah!  Well, I'm the most modest person I know!
Oh yeah! I've got a mil hit points! I'm the Dm. You're dead.
Oh yeah!?  Well 010111001001001001010101 to you too, buddy!
Oh yeah!? Well 010111001001001001010101 to you, buddy!
Oh yeah, "I'll be back in a few hours - just watching the game."
Oh yeah, I don't have internet access either...
Oh yeah, I'll tell you something I think you'll understand.
Oh yeah, and "$#%@ all that, we've gotta get on with these!" - Floyd
Oh yeah, another thing ......There's SO much Mis-information....
Oh yeah, like *that's* a big surprise.
Oh yeah, you wish.
Oh yeah?  Well my blaster rifle BEATS your Pure Sabacc!
Oh yeah?  Well step out of the giant robot and say that!
Oh yeah?  Well why don't you just wear red and beam down, pal!
Oh yeah?  Well, I didn't care FIRST!
Oh yeah?  You into Gor? HmMMMMmMM she said.
Oh yeah? Beta test this.
Oh yeah? How old are you Beavis? -- Butthead
Oh yeah? Step out of the giant robot and say that!
Oh yeah? Well, beam *THIS* up, pal!
Oh yeah? What city?
Oh yeh, I'm a miracle worker, baby - Mike
Oh yes, that sweet, good girl smile works every time.
Oh yes.  The... uh... Norwegian Blue.  What's wrong with it?
Oh you and your whining...does it ever stop? :) - Jalapeno
Oh you cursed brat, look what you've done! I'm MELTING!!
Oh yuck! Its been setting down his pants! - Crow on Tor
Oh yuck, he was eating crackers - Crow on wind demon
Oh!  Agent Cooper!
Oh!  Gotta GO!  2-year old has my 386 notebook!
Oh!  I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.
Oh!  I get it!  HAHAHAHAHAhahahaha....haha..
Oh!  It's the *meek*... blessed are the *meek*!
Oh!  King, eh?  Very nice.  And 'ow'd you get that, eh?
Oh!  Oh!  I'm sorry!  This is "Abuse!"
Oh!  The two plots are on a collision course!
Oh!  You want SERIOUS ideas?
Oh!  You want SERIOUS ideas?... ummmm... glumble....gloop
Oh!  You're evil  =)
Oh! ... what a tedious mortal. -- Voltaire
Oh! A TORY, EH!?!? - Tom to Mike
Oh! A deadly bell assault! A pig block from Saotome!
Oh! An untimely death.
Oh! Anatomy of a Murder - Mike on credits
Oh! And what does *this* button do?
Oh! Are you trying to be clever?....
Oh! Baby, baby, baby, baby!
Oh! Clara! Your hand is freezing! - Mike
Oh! Come on Orville, just this one last little feature!
Oh! Dont touch the modem there. Thats it, uhm, nice spot!
Oh! Gotta GO! 2-yr.-old has my 386 notebook!
Oh! He's suddenly become meliflous! - Crow
Oh! I almost forgot! It's absolutely VITAL to plan ahea
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, And danced the skies ....
Oh! I just love success!
Oh! I see you've worked for the Master! - Dr. F to Torgo
Oh! I thought you were asking about my work ETHNIC...
Oh! Icky caca! - Tom as Demon Dogs whiz on him
Oh! Intercourse the penguin! (Chapman)
Oh! It's Lawrence of Pasedina! -- Crow
Oh! Just like a penis!  Only smaller.
Oh! Just like that Doctor?....Who??...Can't remember!
Oh! Make it stop! - Crow on movie
Oh! My area! - Joel as guy racks himself
Oh! My mistake:  Agmemnon, son of Atreus;  Paris, son of Priam.
Oh! No! Tell me you didn't say that?!
Oh! Now how did I end up in the OFF-TOPIC conference?!
Oh! Oh I see!
Oh! Oh! I know the answer! It's YES! - Jalapeno
Oh! Oh! Me! Me! I'm done! I'll go first - Crow
Oh! Oh! Oh! What are you guys talking about?
Oh! Oh, I don't do battle - Mike as hero
Oh! Quit giving me pee! - Dr. F on lemonade
Oh! To be an Interface Cowboy in Hyperspace.!!!
Oh! Trouser cam! Hi there! - Joel
Oh! You want SERIOUS ideas?
Oh! You're undercover! - Crow as stewardess to rescuer
Oh! Zombie chiropractor - Tom as zombie twists guy's neck
Oh! he he he! ooh! ha ha ha! - Ed
Oh!! So this is where the ________+_A_g_L_i_N_E__________goes! aahhh.
Oh!! You been smoking that STUFF again, ummm?
Oh"Bother, said Pooh, as he died for the 5th time in DOOM!
Oh, <censored> !!!  I just lost all my taglines!
Oh, <censored< !!! I just lost all my taglines!
Oh, 'meltdown'. We prefer to call it an unrequested fision surplus.
Oh, 'meltdown'. We prefer to call it an unrequested fission surplus.
Oh, *SURE*, wise a*s!  But what's the speed of dark?
Oh, @L. You've forgotten the color code!
Oh, ABE!!! One night at the Theatre isn't going to kill you.
Oh, All, this looks so good.  I wish I could smell it.
Oh, Auntie Em, it's so good to be home!
Oh, Aunty Em, it's so good to be home!
Oh, BTW Geco, the Lab called.   Your brain is ready!
Oh, BTW He, the Lab called.   Your brain is ready!
Oh, BTW Peter, the Lab called.   Your brain is ready!
Oh, BTW, why haven't you mentioned that feminist organizations in Europe
Oh, Beavis! And I thought you were so rugged!
Oh, Bevis!  And I thought you were so butch!
Oh, Bevis!  And I thought you were so rugged!
Oh, Bevis! And I thought you were so rugged!
Oh, Bother!, cried Pooh, after he spoke the lords name backwards.
Oh, Bother!, cried Pooh, as he sold Eyore to the glue factory.
Oh, Bother!, said Pooh as he erased his hard drive
Oh, Bother, cried Pooh, as he pushed The Button to start Armageddon.
Oh, Brain! I fixed it! - Pinky I fixed it too, Pinky. - Brain
Oh, Bullitt. You've forgotten the color code!
Oh, DEAR...I've said too much.   Scar
Oh, Delenn! Someone named Delilah to see you!
Oh, Doctor Bashir? I have the WORST cough...
Oh, E.T.'s in the beer again and I'm gettttinn d r u n k. Hic!
Oh, Effendi, if you only knew what a deal I have for you
Oh, Frank wrote to me again  ;)
Oh, Garrison Keeler's laughing - Mike
Oh, Gods... not another one!
Oh, I assure you I would never do such a thing intentionally! :) - DW
Oh, I can 'C' clearly now, my brain is gone...
Oh, I don't even know what I'm doing here. We're wasting our time! -Luke
Oh, I don't have anymore Zebra rear! - Dione
Oh, I get it.  You were kidding.
Oh, I guess I'm not funny - Mike
Oh, I hate these movies!
Oh, I have slipped the surley bonds of earth and danced the skies...
Oh, I hope their chins don't lock - Crow as couple kisses
Oh, I just *love* a bit of nonsense <g>.
Oh, I ran into the prop wall - Crow T. Robot
Oh, I saw the Stop sign officer.  It's YOU I didn't see.
Oh, I see!  You live in a superluminal reality?
Oh, I see, said the blind man to his deaf wife
Oh, I suck! - Homer
Oh, I though they were supposed to land on their feet. - Yakko
Oh, I thought you said you were the MODULATOR!!
Oh, I thought you were complaining about the mazukia player!
Oh, I will bring you silver and gold, and I will bring you Glory!
Oh, I wish Uncle Dicky was here.-King   Don't `Dicky' me, Ducky.-Ghost
Oh, I'm a BAAAAD Girl - Crow as Mamie Van Doren
Oh, I'm a Congressman & I'm ok, I tax all night and I spend all day.
Oh, I'm a Congressman and I'm ok, I tax all night and I spend all day.
Oh, I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay,
Oh, I'm a tagline and I'm okay
Oh, I'm a tagline, and I'm OK...
Oh, I'm not bothered<splash> ONE BIT! <kick> --Akane.
Oh, I'm sorry, was that your hard drive.
Oh, I'm sorry, were the voices in my head bothering you?
Oh, I've forgotten what I said now.
Oh, I've got friends in low places...
Oh, I've had a really _awful_ day.  This makes me feel _much_ better.
Oh, I've had such a curious dream! said Alice.
Oh, Jean-Luke, I want you so bad. MAKE IT SO!
Oh, Joy!!! new taglines!
Oh, Lister. You've forgotten the color code! - Rimmer
Oh, Lord! It's Hard To Be Humble When You're Perfect In Every Way
Oh, Lord! Michael Mac Nessa's out bothering the Spoo again!
Oh, Mike. Oh what time is it? I slept late -Dr. Forrester
Oh, Mr. Mawshall, I'm so confused. What season is it?
Oh, Mr. Woof! -Lwaxana
Oh, NO, @FN@! I..I CAN'T!
Oh, NO, Gordie! I..I CAN'T! - Chris Chambers
Oh, NO, Orville! I..I CAN'T!
Oh, No!  A +12 Vorpal Energizer Bunnie!  Aieeeeeeeee!
Oh, No!!  I've really asked for it now, huh??!
Oh, Nurse!  You've done it backwards!  I said prick his boil!
Oh, Oh! My computer's caught Windows!
Oh, Oh, ... Your Zip File Is Open!
Oh, Oh, Your Zip File Is Open!
Oh, Oh..!   My computer's caught Windows!
Oh, Old MacDonald had 3 sylables in his name. e i e i o!
Oh, Orville don't be a blork.
Oh, Orville, you in a heapa trouble now!
Oh, Orville. You've forgotten the color code!
Oh, People of the Earth, listen to the words of the Prophet.
Oh, Picard, I will enjoy you morning, noon and night!
Oh, Picard, I will enjoy you morning, noon and night! - Ardra
Oh, Pooh!  Mrs. Neilsen, HI HONEY, I'M HOME
Oh, Pooh! I deleted my Tagline!
Oh, Pooh! I deleted my tagline!
Oh, Pooh. A war.  Animaniacs
Oh, Rimmer. You *are* a smeghead. - Todhunter
Oh, SYSOP, could we get waited on here?
Oh, Sh!t!!! - Data
Oh, Wesley!  I've got something for you!   - Troi [naked]
Oh, Where, O Where have my skeletons gone?
Oh, YEAH! Want to FIGHT about it? <Honey, beat @FN@ up for me.<
Oh, YEAH! Want to FIGHT about it? {daddy, beat him up}
Oh, a headache? That's too bad, Mike - Crow
Oh, a rhetorical post?  Okay, this is a rhetorical recipe....
Oh, a rhetorical post?  Okay, this is a rhetorical tagline....
Oh, a suggestion about a suggestion! Ok, that's different. :) - SJ
Oh, a wise guy!
Oh, all right here's your @!#% tagline
Oh, and HUGE pectoral muscles... Amen. - Ren Hoek
Oh, and HighlanderDon't lose your head. --Ramirez.
Oh, and I love to *SWIPE* `til I'm Smurf blue.
Oh, and I love to *SWIPE* `till I'm Smurf blue. :-)
Oh, and Son. I ate the last can of dog food - Mike
Oh, and Verad... Don't call me Benjamin. <zap!> - Sisko
Oh, and child, one last thing...  - Winn as Columbo
Oh, and now THIS - Tom pretentiously as movie starts
Oh, and who elected YOU Sysop?
Oh, are you Irish stew?
Oh, bite me, Barnabas!
Oh, bite me, Dracula!
Oh, bloody hell!  My mood ring just exploded!!
Oh, bodduh, said Pooh, We're here to <clap> pump you up!
Oh, bother burgling and everything to do with it! - Bilbo Baggins
Oh, bother said Pooh, I'm just a sweet transvestite...
Oh, bother said Pooh, as he saw another message from New Jersey.
Oh, bother said Pooh, as he took his torn trousers to Garak's shop.
Oh, bother said Pooh, as the Sysop locked him out of the system.
Oh, bother said Pooh, this tagline is revolting.
Oh, bother!  Said Pooh, as yet another condom ruptured.
Oh, bother! Said Pooh, as yet another condom ruptured.
Oh, bother! said Pooh, and deleted his message base.
Oh, bother! said Pooh, and twitted the moderator.
Oh, bother!' said Pooh, as he twitted his moderator.
Oh, bother!, said Pooh, as he harpooned Flipper.
Oh, bother!, worried Pooh, as Eyore missed another period.
Oh, bother, said Pooh and transcended this plane.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as Beverly's hair changed color yet again.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as King Tut's curse claimed him as a victim.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as Klingons beamed into the 100 Acre Wood.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as Lwaxana began giving him Oomox.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as Satan laid his soul to waste.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he centered the cross hairs on Tigger.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he composed Roo's ransom note.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he declared his horse a Senator.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he deleted his source code.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he drove the Ka-Bar home again.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he found that a 19mm Willmerdinger unit would
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he gunned down yet another drooling Fanboy.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he informed on Christopher Robin to the CIA.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he lay back and lit Piglet's cigarette.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he lit the end of the gas-soaked rag.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he loaded another clip into his Uzi.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he made yet another ham sandwich.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he quietly hid Piglet's body away.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he ran out of taglines.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he realized he was a red shirt. <<ZAP>>
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he realized that Ferengi sell fuel by the US.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he realized that his Visor was a barrette.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he realized that his Visor was a hair barrette.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he realized that logic really WAS a tweeting.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he tied Kanga down, sport.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he waded through a feminist linguistic polemic.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he waded through a linguistic polemic.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he was defenestrated... on the twentieth floor.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as he went blotchy from that time with Eeyore.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as his phaser overloaded.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as the wind blew the smoke from his gun barrel.
Oh, bother, said Pooh as the writers killed off his character.
Oh, bother, said Pooh of Borg, Hunny is irrelevant, prepare to be.
Oh, bother, said Pooh, I'm just a sweet transvestite...
Oh, bother, said Pooh, I've fallen and I can't get up!
Oh, bother, said Pooh, _I'M_ Brian of Nazareth!
Oh, bother, said Pooh, as Klingons beamed into the 100 Acre Wood.
Oh, bother, said Pooh, as he fought off three dragons.
Oh, bother, said Pooh, as he realized he didn't fit ANY demographics.
Oh, bother, said Pooh, as he transcended this plane.
Oh, bother, said Pooh, as the BATF destroyed his honey pot.
Oh, bother, said Pooh, as the vice squad took his GIF files.
Oh, bother, said Pooh, this Martini was stirred, not shaken.
Oh, bother, said Pooh, this tagline is revolting.
Oh, bother, said Winnie the Pooh, as Cthulhu rose up and ate him.
Oh, bother. --Pooh.
Oh, but anyway, Toto...we're home!   Judy Garland
Oh, but there's that Prime Directive in the way again.
Oh, by the way, how was my funeral?    Irene Dunne
Oh, by the way, which one's Pink? - Pink Floyd
Oh, c'mon, Dr. #AL#, I'll bring the book back....HONEST!
Oh, c'mon, Dr. Bullitt, I'll bring the book back....HONEST!
Oh, c'mon, Dr. Orville, I'll bring the book back....HONEST!
Oh, c'mon, I'll bring the book back....HONEST!
Oh, c'mon, who let the sane people in here?!?!
Oh, champagne - I love it! It tastes like your foot's asleep.
Oh, come *on*, Beverly!  It's been 7 years... just *tell* him!
Oh, come ON, Beverly, it's been 7 years...just TELL him!
Oh, come now... there's *always* room for Odo!
Oh, come now... there's ALWAYS room for Odo!
Oh, come on. That Tagline up there comes from the computer game.
Oh, cool yer jets! I'm just trying to get a plug in for Pizza Tips!
Oh, cry me a river.
Oh, damn those capilaries, damn them to arterial hell!
Oh, damn!!!! I just lost all my Taglines!
Oh, dear!  I'm here -- I should be there! --White Rabbit
Oh, dear. The radio's exploded.
Oh, dear...  I've been tossed into the wrong echo again...
Oh, dear...I can't live like this- Danny Davids
Oh, did I mention there were drugs at that time? - Joel
Oh, did I say probably?  Oh, no, I meant definitely.
Oh, did I say that?  I don't remember saying that...
Oh, don't mind me - I'm just looking for new taglines.
Oh, don't worry! I backed all that up on my new RAM disk...
Oh, duh! You jumped my booger! - Crow
Oh, excellent! I love long life better than figs.
Oh, excuse me, but my Vogon space cruiser is here.  Bye!
Oh, for a "Backspace" key on the keyboard of Life!!!!!!!!
Oh, for a really world class psychologist. --Kryten
Oh, for an episode where Kira meets Ro....
Oh, for crying out loud.. you know I love you...
Oh, for the good old days of Tammany.
Oh, forget it! Just grab the cat and run!!!
Oh, get some hair Picard, your brain has caught cold -- Q
Oh, ghod! A moderator *and* a tagline thief :^)
Oh, ghodif *he* saw this he will fall out of the chair laughing!
Oh, give it up! - Tom
Oh, give me a home where the Borg never roam.
Oh, give me a home where the leathermen roam.
Oh, give me a home where the lesbians roam
Oh, go eat some flowers! *Gasp* My secret shame!
Oh, go on then. Shake your head and walk out! --Lister.
Oh, go stick your head in the fusion reactor.
Oh, good one, Joel! I'm not putting him back together!
Oh, goody!  My Alludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator!
Oh, goody!  My Alludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator! BOOOOM!
Oh, goody! Another blackout! said Tom delightedly.
Oh, gotta go! The Lab called and my brain's ready to pick up now...
Oh, grate! That's just sewer!
Oh, great.  Well, we can still outmaneuver them. - Han Solo
Oh, great. Another window. - Duncan MacLeod
Oh, great. He killed a coconut - Tom
Oh, he based that scene on the cabbage sequence in `Mighty Mouse'...
Oh, he put on a skort - Mike
Oh, he told...it took three digits but he told...
Oh, he'll live, I'm sure. :) - Dire Wolf
Oh, he's got a cute little blood mustache! - Tom
Oh, he's not retarded, he's a christian.
Oh, he's nursing a broken heart.
Oh, he's so cute! Look at him - Mike as cop sleeps
Oh, heavy is the burden of being me!  - Q
Oh, heck ... I pressed the wrong key ...
Oh, heck!  My mood ring just exploded!
Oh, hell!  My mood ring just exploded!
Oh, hey! Wait, an action sequence! - Crow
Oh, hi.  Didn't see you standing there.
Oh, him?  He was playing leap frog with a unicorn.
Oh, honestly, Daffy, he doesn't have to shoot you now. -Bugs
Oh, honey..I missed you! She said, and fired again.
Oh, how I loathe you - Dr. Forrester to Frank
Oh, how absolutely typical of your species!
Oh, how absolutely typical of your species!  -- Q
Oh, how droll - Mike
Oh, ice cream headache! - Tom
Oh, intercourse the penguin
Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me, Enough to die for me!
Oh, it's YOU @FN@!
Oh, it's a Poopy hat! - Tom
Oh, it's a plot, I see it now, it's all a plot.
Oh, it's great being David Hartman! - Mike
Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it -- Tim
Oh, it's on page 732 of the docs, paragraph 3, section D1
Oh, it's worth it for you.
Oh, its a time consuming hobby !
Oh, its just Garek.  Plain, simple, Garek.
Oh, jesus!  Sounds like another lawyer!  Get the spray!
Oh, just look for flying saucers.
Oh, just looking for flying saucers - green ones!, Ford Prefect
Oh, lately i've taken a liking to "happiness is" Taglines
Oh, let it be done. -- Butthead
Oh, like THAT's hard - Dr. Forrester to Frank
Oh, listen to teacher's pet.
Oh, listen to them, Artoo; they're dying!
Oh, listen to them, Bullitt... they're dying!
Oh, listen to them, Orville... they're dying!
Oh, looks like beer, Norm. ...Call me Mister Lucky.
Oh, mama don' 'llow no li'l nonfalsifiables runnin' roun' heah...
Oh, man! You killed my dragon. You guys are going to pay! - DM
Oh, man! You killed my dragon. You guys are going to pay.
Oh, man, I'm almost out of room in my tagline file. I better stop writ
Oh, medical waste! We're in Trenton - Crow
Oh, merde! - Amanda
Oh, molluscs. I thought you said bacon.
Oh, my GOD!  My computer's caught Windows!
Oh, my God! They've brought him back from the dead as Saint Fox! <lg>
Oh, my beautiful liar.  Oh, my precious whore.
Oh, my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!
Oh, my tattered rags are caught on your coffee table. - Homer
Oh, my word!  That *is* a long way up, isn't it? <PatDoc>
Oh, my! Oh, my word! - Crow as girl dances
Oh, my.  I'd forgotten how much I hate space travel. - C-3PO
Oh, my. He really kicked your butt - Crow
Oh, nice going, Jerk-ules! --Tom Servo.
Oh, nice underpants! - Susie
Oh, no Baby.  I said Let's FLUX!
Oh, no!  Cannibals!  Now don't get in a stew.
Oh, no!  Not *ANOTHER* learning experience!
Oh, no!  Someone's fed Delenn after midnight!
Oh, no!  That will start the "super wire" people all over again
Oh, no! . . . . . . . . not ANOTHER learning experience!
Oh, no! A thread herring!
Oh, no! He's channelling a smurf!
Oh, no! Not *ANOTHER* learning experience!
Oh, no! Not *ANOTHER* learning experience.
Oh, no! Not another learning experience!
Oh, no! Not enema Taglines!
Oh, no! Not enema recipes!
Oh, no! Not the Bajoran Death Chant! --Ensign Ro.
Oh, no! Reality has finally caught up with me!
Oh, no! Who let the Aggie in here?
Oh, no! YOU'RE something special, Lar! - Dr. Forrester
Oh, no, Your Honor!  I didn't say Minnie was crazy...
Oh, no, baby. I said Let's Flux!
Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes - it was beauty killed the beast.
Oh, no, no, I don't do that no more. Tired of waking up on de floor.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.  Yes.
Oh, no, not another learning experience!
Oh, no, not another learning experience!!
Oh, no, not deja-vu again.  Oh, no, not deja-vu again. Oh, no, not dej
Oh, no. Borg taglines again.
Oh, no. Not another learning experience.
Oh, no... Orville has discovered my secret!
Oh, no... You have discovered my secret!
Oh, no... she's gonna moderate my humor!
Oh, no...@FN@ has discovered my secret!
Oh, nobody knows the tribbles I've seen
Oh, nohas discovered my secret!
Oh, not the dynamite in the cake bit again! - Slappy Squirrel
Oh, now look.  You've made me lose my lunch!
Oh, number nine, feed the moon like SPAM!
Oh, oh! Dad's vomit - Crow on kid's dirty shoes
Oh, oh, oh; is that Starfleet policy? - Odo.
Oh, oh.  I think the worm is turning.  Where's the hooks?
Oh, one more thing, Governor: love your suit.... --Hannibal
Oh, pardon me, was that *your* culture?  So sorry.
Oh, pardon me, was that *your* culture? So sorry.
Oh, pardon my revelry! - Dr. Forrester
Oh, pass the udder udder over to me udder brudder...
Oh, please!!!  This thread is really crappie!
Oh, please, God!  Not *another* learning experience......
Oh, pooh! -- Mrs. Neilsen, HI HONEY, I'M HOME
Oh, pshaw! There's always too many beans - Mike
Oh, pul-eeze, don't go strange on me!- Don Schanke to Nick Knight
Oh, quick get the sword out!  I want to cut his head off!
Oh, quick get the sword out! I want to cut his head off!
Oh, quit yer belly-achin'!
Oh, quit your whining @FN@...you've got another leg!
Oh, quit your whining.  You've got another leg...
Oh, quit your whining...you've got other teeth!
Oh, ram it Clown! - Mike to geeky character in movie
Oh, really, now, it wasn't THAT funny.
Oh, right in the love handle - Crow
Oh, running away, eh? Come back here, I'll bite your kneecaps off!
Oh, save your breath for your inflatable date!
Oh, sexy landing! - Tom leers
Oh, shake 'em up baby now...shake em' up baby.
Oh, she is a naughty person, and she must pay the penalty
Oh, she is a naughty person, and she must pay the penalty.
Oh, she's back-pedaling - Mike on voodoo girl
Oh, shut up Baldric--you'd laugh at a Shakespeare comedy.
Oh, smeg... what the smegging smeg's he smegging done? He's smegging .
Oh, so Canada has a South, too - Crow after incest remark
Oh, so YOU are the Rick Gutbrod that everyone I know makes fun of...
Oh, so _that's_ what an invisible barrier looks like.
Oh, so very clever! Eat any good books lately?
Oh, so you'd want DigiShake n' Bake as your mistress.
Oh, some body oil - Tom on grocery items
Oh, stop the comedy, turn it off! - Tom snottily to Joel
Oh, sure! You'd like it if it was the Lost Hope Diet!
Oh, sure. We're just doing this for kicks. - Terrible Tues
Oh, switch off. - C-3PO
Oh, thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it.  - Q
Oh, that had to hurt! - Duncan MacLeod
Oh, that one's got a way with zombies - Tom on cop
Oh, that sound of male ego.
Oh, that sounds simply erm, how to describehealthyisherk.
Oh, that's DISGUSTING! Do it again.
Oh, that's adorable! - Crow
Oh, that's different.  Never mind.
Oh, that's just Veshz. Yes, I know he's a crugar, but so what?
Oh, that's my brain. It's always falling out.
Oh, that's my ring toe - Tom as guy steps on girl's foot
Oh, that's our shortstop!
Oh, that's right! My grotesque appearance! - Krusty
Oh, that's the BANJO PLAYER'S Porsche. - Johnny Carson
Oh, that's the BANJO PLAYER'S Porsche. -- Johnny Carson
Oh, that's the bedroom. But nothing ever happened in there.
Oh, that?  That's just my soapbox.
Oh, the Mafia's playing in the pool - Mike
Oh, the carnage - Crow on Dr. Forrester pinata
Oh, the humanity of it all...
Oh, the humanity! -- Yakko
Oh, the humanity...
Oh, the pain, the pain--Dr. Zachary Smith
Oh, the passion. I find you so acceptable - Mike
Oh, the relish tray: to die for! - Tom
Oh, there is a guy with funny eyes, his name is Micheal Finn...
Oh, there's nothin' like drinkin' up a windfall...
Oh, these little earthquakes.
Oh, they're SHINING sleazy chicks - Mike
Oh, they're gonna crunch coat him! - Mike
Oh, this house tastes good! said Hansel and Gretel gingerly.
Oh, this is a *Unix* system. I know all about this.
Oh, this is the L&M moment - Crow
Oh, this is too-hip-by-far! - Goslyn Mallard
Oh, to be a latrine, now that spring is here. - Hawkeye
Oh, to be sure! <G>  Totally!
Oh, to see a cleancut man in his tight-fittin' blue jeans ...
Oh, very clever Worf.  Eat any good books lately?  - Q
Oh, very clever!  Eat any good books lately? -- Q
Oh, very clever! Read any good books lately?
Oh, very clever, #AF#! Eat any good books lately?
Oh, very clever, Bob Morgan! Read any good books lately?
Oh, very clever, Charles!  Eat any good books lately?
Oh, very clever, Coridon Henshaw! Read any good books lately?
Oh, very clever, Jack!  Eat any good books lately?
Oh, very clever, Orville Bullitt!  Eat any good books lately? -- Q.
Oh, very clever, Orville Bullitt! Eat any good books lately?
Oh, very clever, Orville! Eat any good books lately?
Oh, very clever, Worf.  Eat any good books lately?  - Q
Oh, very good Worf.  Eat any good books lately?
Oh, very good Worf.  Eat any good books lately?  Q
Oh, waffle-weenie - Joel to Crow as Willy The Waffle
Oh, wait a minute -  that was a compliment thanks Danny :-)
Oh, we have a *wonderful* anxiety of yours tonight, Binkley!
Oh, we use only the finest baby frogs
Oh, we use only the finest baby frogs.
Oh, we're going to make a killing, all right. - Shai-ster
Oh, we're gonna put out an APB on Big Bird now. <Riggs>
Oh, we're not talking the "typical" person here!!
Oh, well, I didn't want to land anyways.No input..No output..NO CARRIER
Oh, well, I guess this is just going to be one of those lifetimes.
Oh, well, I, um, uhh, gee, ahh, nevermind
Oh, well, I, um, uhh, gee, ahh, nevermind.
Oh, well... never mind!
Oh, were you planning to *use* that toilet paper for something?
Oh, what a caboose! Hoo hah! - Crow on girl's butt
Oh, what a caboose! Hoo hah! - Tom leers at girl's butt
Oh, what a circus! - Garibaldi
Oh, what a jolly fine natatorium [mating perch, arranged spectacle,
Oh, what a lovely baby! How nice it would go with gravy.
Oh, what a tangled web we get, when first we join the Internet.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave -Hair Club For Men.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we try to comms receive.
Oh, what a thrill...
Oh, what is it now? Can't you leave me in Peace? - Basil Fawlty
Oh, what is now? Can't you leave me in peace? - Basil Fawlty
Oh, what kind of fool do you think I am?
Oh, what the heck. I'll send them now. This first one is the largest. 
Oh, what the hell, here's a recipe.
Oh, what the hell, here's a tagline.
Oh, why must they scream so? - Crow on metal music
Oh, wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful! * Shakespeare
Oh, wow! Look at the moon!
Oh, wow! What a party! Wow! - Crow
Oh, wow, man.  I've been snipped.  Heavy.
Oh, yeah...I know how to do that....
Oh, yeah? Well, beam THIS up, pal!
Oh, yeah? Well, you're atmospherocephalic!
Oh, yes, it's me! --Hercules
Oh, yes...aren't you one of the little people? -- Q to O'Brien
Oh, you ALWAYS get to be Jesus!
Oh, you are very welcome! ... Nice rose!
Oh, you asked if I had a hard DISK? I misunderstood.
Oh, you call 3 hours of batting practice `relaxing'? - Garibaldi
Oh, you didn't know about the AltF7-B-Y-F3-CAPS combo?
Oh, you didn't want an XEROX of the disk?
Oh, you don't need to do that. Take my word for it. ;) - Dire Wolf
Oh, you just wanted a station? You see, I normally design abbattoirs.
Oh, you know. Cloning - Frank
Oh, you like this game, huh?  Do you reeeeeeeeeealy like it? - Ren
Oh, you make it so difficult sometimes. - Leia
Oh, you mean the old Same place.
Oh, you mean you can use LOTUS to do arithmetic?
Oh, you promised you wouldn't do fruit this week.
Oh, you rang in before it got to your brain, too bad-Alex Trabek
Oh, you said a hard DISK?  I must have misunderstood.
Oh, you said a hard DISK? I must have misunderstood.
Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you!
Oh, you'll find them a friendly, simple folk. - Kira.
Oh, you'll probably get away with crucifixion.
Oh, you're no fun anymore!
Oh, your Hill Giant's attacking.  How nice for my Craw Wurm.
Oh, your smoldering averageness. Stop me - Crow
Oh, your species is always suffering and dying. - Q
Oh-oh! One of those ... A capitalist! All you do is pay taxes.
Oh.  It's you again.
Oh.  Well.  That's different! - Pinky
Oh. A brain-sucking amoeba. --Scully.
Oh. It's so...hot today - Mike as girl takes shirt off
Oh. Right. Sorry, Gus. Old reflexes. - Aahz
Oh. So Canada has a South, too. -- Crow T. Robot
Oh. Then take one of these dead floppies too! Really.
Oh. Well. That's different! - Pinky
Oh. Whoa! Ohhh oooh! Ooooh! Poopy! - Crow
Oh.. Don't mind him.He's from Barcelona - Basil Fawlty
Oh... it wasn't dead, then?
Oh.... A wiiiise guy, eh?????
Oh.... a brain-sucking amoeba... --Dana Scully.
Oh...so you wanna do it the Scanner way, eh?
Oh...that's my brain...It's always falling out....
Oh..I thought AI was Artificial Insemination
Oh.a brain-sucking amoeba- Dana Scully
Oh? Hey! Don't say 'underware'! - Mike
Oh? Maybe you can fix my toaster? - Mike
Oh? Tickled you with that one, did I?<G>
Ohboyohboyohboy!!!!!! We got us a convoy! -=[swipe!]=-
Ohh Back from the PILE, eh?
Ohh goodie goodie goodie!!!
Ohh! A harem! Where's that application form? -Nightfall
Ohh! But he's so scary! Ohh! - Tom on Keith Richards
Ohh! Right in one of his many soft spots -Mike on fat guy
Ohh! Right on his luggage rack! - Crow
Ohh, I'm getting too old for these raves -- Tom Servo
Ohh, Mr. Byron, don't be such a big girl's blouse! -Mrs. Miggins
Ohh, somebody stop me. I'm laughing." - Slappy
Ohh, that had to hurt! - Duncan MacLeod
Ohh, they filmed the cast party! - Tom
Ohh... Back from the PILE, eh?
Ohh... I just LOVE pinching 'em when they're not looking.
Ohh..come on, it ALWAYS a good thing ;) - Jalapeno
OhhBack from the PILE, eh?
Ohhh Bother said Pooh as he called in the air strike.
Ohhh Thanks Man, I Needed That!  - Fish.
Ohhh that's disgusting!!! Do it again....Please.....
Ohhh! He's sucking up hot tub water! - Tom
Ohhh! My baboon heart! - Bart
Ohhh! That hurt - Frank as Dr. F puts dinosaur down pants
Ohhh! That one was personal -Tom as girl slaps other girl
Ohhh, I discovered a <bumpty bump> right before my eyes.
Ohhh, Morticia...I LOVE it when you speak French!    Gomez Addams
Ohhh, Tuxedo Mask!  I knew you'd come!!
Ohhh. Where's the charred remains? - Mike
Ohhh.. look at her. I bet she gives good Tagline!
Ohhh...and I was looking forward to that...;) - Jalapeno
Ohhhh - Jedi master!  Yoda...you seek Yoda! - Yoda
Ohhhh. Clocks just run. Do they ever run out of room to run?
Ohhhh...you have a talent for Umachs! -- Quark
Ohhhhh Ghhhhooodddd!!!!!  You're gonna get it now baby!
Ohhhhh sick, on test day, why? - Bart
Ohhhhhh...ET must be into the beer again. I'm drunk!
Ohhhhhhh  YeaH!!!!!  Dig it!
Ohhhhhhh - A *wiseguy* !!!  *woo woo woo woo woo*
Ohio's school cuts to pay for tomb stones for the politically correct.
Ohio's school cuts will be used to prop up decades of business failures.
Ohit wasn't dead, then?
Ohm of Borg:  "Resistance IS relevant!"
Ohmigosh! The tagline's longer than the message!!
Ohmygosh! Aliens!! Ahhhhhhhhhh! "So, THAT'S where @FN@ came from."
Ohrobb: A rerun of 'The Dick Van Dyke Show.'
Oi! Rocky!  Vatch me pull a Rabbi out of my hat!
Oi, oi, oi, me gotta hurt in 'ere..."
Oil - Gas - AntiMatter * DaTaCoRp *
Oil Pressure=0...Fuel Pressure=0...Altitude 12000'agl...Uh-Oh!
Oil Riggers do it deeper.
Oil doesn't reach his dipstick.
Oil paint dries faster than a 2400 bps login procedure.
Oil will be discovered in your backyard.  The taxes will ruin you.
Oil. Castrol. Hot. --Locutus of Borg.
Oink FLAP oink FLAP oink FLAP oink FLAP oink FLAP oink FLAP...
Oink if you love Rush!
Oink oink to you too. -Ranma
Oink! Oink! Flap! Flap!
Oink, FLAP!  oink, FLAP!  oink, FLAP!  oink, FLAP!
Ointment! That's what you need when your head's been cut off! -Nursey
Oj Sanelo digo mi se, kad sam tebi vido (*)(*)
Oj Srbijo mila mati dal' te treba tako zvati?
Ok @FN@, I'll come to bed in a minute.
Ok Is now the time to say,........................PAR-TAY...PAR-TAY...
Ok Obrien, The jokes over beam up my clothes.
Ok Republicans, now that we won, let's show them how to do it RIGHT!
Ok Republicans, now that we won, lets pork-it our way!
Ok So I'm not very good at thinking up recipes.
Ok Space Cadets! Prepare to hurtle through the cosmos!
Ok Squirell, Hand Over Ya Nut's Or We'll Murdalize Ya - Pigeon.
Ok WHO Stole My Tagline !!
Ok You Weasles!, Get To Work!, And Don't Screw Up! - Big Butt.
Ok everyone, this is an open call for D&D Taglines
Ok everyone, this is an open call for D&D recipes...
Ok flight, Arm your weapons, Lock & Load.. This could get messy.
Ok honey, I'll come to bed in a minute
Ok is NOT a threat, no matter how many a's you put on it. --Rimmer.
Ok like is it time to say............................PAR-TAY...PAR-TAY
Ok maybe it's gonna take me a bit to get used to tag..
Ok son spell PC,...... PEE SEE, Woops!
Ok who left the stain?
Ok wizard, give us all Ur gold or we kill Ur familiar!
Ok wizard, give us all your gold pieces, or we kill your familiar!
Ok! I'm weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.
Ok! Ok!  I'll come to bed in a minute, stay off the ph@#$%^*NO CARRIER
Ok! Ok! I'll come to bed in a minuite, stay off the ph@% NO CARRIER
Ok! Who used up all the matches?! -  FBI Purchasing Dept.
Ok! Who used up all the matches?! - BATF Purchasing Dept.
Ok! ok! I give! no more home made recipes, til next time.
Ok! ok! I give! no more home made taglines, til next time.
Ok!!! I admit it!!! I'm just here for a sexual thrill!!!!
Ok, Alex, I'll take 'Look, there's a dragon behind you...' for $200.
Ok, Bob, time to return to reality!
Ok, I admit it - *I* made all the crop circles.
Ok, I can use Quote characters, NOT!
Ok, I guess I won't try that!
Ok, I pulled the pin, now what?  Hey, where are you going?
Ok, I pulled the pin.  Now what...  Hey!  Where are you going?
Ok, I pulled the pin.  Now what?  Where are you going?
Ok, I pulled the pin. Now what? Where are you going?
Ok, I'm an invertebrate punster. So slug me!
Ok, I'm ready again. - Ace Ventura
Ok, I'm weird. But I'm saving up to be eccentric.
Ok, I've pulled the pin.  Now what?   Where are you going...?
Ok, Interest charges on all loans are Now Doubled<G>
Ok, Lets Turn Up the Heat A Little!!!
Ok, Ok, here's my obligatory tags ;)
Ok, Orville, write 500 times I will not practice law.
Ok, Sid...Let's put in the Colosseum and see if the lions will eat it!
Ok, Sysops, Next week, we learn how to play the kazoo
Ok, Sysops, Next week, we'll learn how to play the kazoo
Ok, Sysops, Next week, we'll learn how to play the kazoo!
Ok, dear.  I'll turn it off 'IN JUST A MINUTE' [Sigh]
Ok, if you're so smart, set your VCR clock!
Ok, let yourself go, as long as you can let yourself back
Ok, now for a quick backu&.%#^1s..NO CARRIER
Ok, now for a quick backu+A+&#^s=
Ok, now for a quick backu+A+&2#^1s=
Ok, now for a quick backu...&.%#^1s.....NO CARRIER
Ok, now for a quick backuL+b&2PO^1+=Darn Windows!!
Ok, now for a quick backu^L+b&2PO^1+=.
Ok, ok, my second favorite thing [in the universe] - Garibaldi
Ok, so it was a cheap shot - I couldn't resist
Ok, so you're dead.  You don't have to whine on about it.
Ok, so you're dead. You don't have to whinge on about it. --Lister.
Ok, the joke's getting old, bring back President Bush ...
Ok, time to return to reality!
Ok, where do nudist geeks put their pocket protectors?
Ok, who took my wand of regularity?
Ok, you where's my taglines? <crossing arms and tapping foot>.
Ok, you've got your point. But where's the comma ?
Ok, you... where's my taglines? <crossing arms and tapping foot>.
Ok. I just felt like being picky. :) - Dione
Ok. So I'm not very good at thinking up Taglines.
Ok. So I'm not very good at thinking up recipes.
Ok. The refridgerator light does go off. Now let me out of here.
Ok. for all you RPG freaks, here's my list of AD&D tags
Ok...  So I'm not very good at thinking up taglines.
Ok... I can eat a taco with SIX squirts of hot sauce in... FIVE bites!
Ok... You're marginally female -Nightfall to Serendipity
Ok... we all know Prince Valium is a pill...
Ok...<unzzzzzzip> ....ohhhhhhh, you said "TUCKer"...
Ok.....nicely hot cup of tea.....rubber band.....
Oka You Ma Chas Po Ko Ptu Ta Kras Dat I Krow Ya Oka.
Okaayy....any *smokers* here? Whahey!! That's a lot of energy for you f***ers!!
Okay - right after this one we're BACK to the TOPIC
Okay - right after this one we're BACK to the TOPIC!
Okay - who stole my tagline file?
Okay @LN@, where are you keeping Elvis?
Okay Kitty Cats, Read My Beak; No More Birds!
Okay Kitty Kats... READ MY BEAK... No More Birds!!!!
Okay Lemmings, follow me!  Over this cliff to freedom!!!
Okay Lisa, is Michael and Janet the same person?
Okay Okay - right after this one we're BACK to the TOPIC!
Okay Sysops  Next week, we'll learn how to play the kazoo...
Okay buddy, let's see your tagline hunting permit!
Okay everybody, put away your books, time for a POP QUIZ!!
Okay flight, Arm your weapons, Lock & Load... This could get messy.
Okay then; let's move on to our next caller...
Okay!  I admit it.  I'm just here for the sexual thrills.
Okay!  Who ordered the truck load of dumb blondes?
Okay!  Who pushed Dr. Pulaski down the turbolift shaft?
Okay! - Okay! - I'll be off the phone in a minute!  Geez!
Okay! I admit it. I'm just here to fulfill men's sexual fantasies.
Okay! We'll buy the bread!! - Tom
Okay! Who cut the cheese??? Neelix!!!!!
Okay! Who ordered the truck load of dumb Blondes?
Okay!!!!!!!!! Thanx !!!!!!!!!! - Eddy Gosset
Okay, 2 to 1 and *30* points if you'll take San Diego.......!!
Okay, Alex, I'll take "Look, there's a dragon behind you..." for $200.
Okay, Benkhe, where are you keeping Elvis?
Okay, HEre we go have at them if you want them:
Okay, I =know= this sucker's dead, Jim. Shot 'im myself.
Okay, I admit it!  -I- made all the crop circles!
Okay, I love you, bye bye! - Mindy
Okay, I pulled the pin.  Now what?  Wait!  Where are you going?
Okay, I pulled the pin.  Now what?  Where are you going?
Okay, I pulled the pin.  Now what?  Where are you going?  -SLR
Okay, I pulled the pin.  Now what?... Wait!...Where are you going?
Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what? Where are you going?
Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what?...Hey, come back here!
Okay, I pulled the pin. What next? Hey, come back!!
Okay, I'll accept that, your the Taggod :)
Okay, I'll give you my phone number.  911-8642
Okay, I'm confused.  More than usual, that is.
Okay, I'm crazy!  But I'm saving up to be eccentric.
Okay, I'm crazy! But I'm saving up to be eccentric.
Okay, I'm done pontificating...  Think I'll go watch DS9! ;)
Okay, I'm weird--but I'm saving up to be eccentric!
Okay, I'm wierd! But I'm saving up to be eccentric.
Okay, Jujubees it is - Crow
Okay, Lisa, is Michael and Janet the same person?
Okay, Quaker, let's have it: name, rank, and cereal number.
Okay, Senator Stinky-Pants - Crow
Okay, THAT'S IT!  Arm the electric bagpipes!
Okay, THAT'S IT!  Arm the electric bagpipes.
Okay, WATCH...ME...CLOSELY! ALLEY OOP! - Tom dissappears
Okay, Who put a "Stop Payment" on my reality checks?
Okay, but I know funny! --Bart Simpson.
Okay, but a few of these are kind of obscure.
Okay, enough romance, where's my bl*w j*b.
Okay, everybody, put away your books.  It's time for a POP QUIZ!!
Okay, now lets pretend that this is a real funny tagline.
Okay, now, joke's over. Where's President Bush?
Okay, officer, you got me. - Carl Robinson
Okay, okay - minor setback. - DarkWing Duck
Okay, okay - right after this one we're BACK to the TOPIC!
Okay, okay, Ender......but I want a REMATCH!!!!!
Okay, okay, I'll try to be nice -- but no promises.
Okay, okay, enough with the quotein' already!!!
Okay, okay, we'll all try to do better in the future.
Okay, okay....so I got it out of the newspaper..so what?
Okay, plan B: We'll hide you with Michael Jackson.
Okay, practice time. Repeat after me: "Yes, Dear."
Okay, quit _leading_ me on...
Okay, sho I drank too much, said Tom, sotto voce.
Okay, smart buckets - Crow to Tom
Okay, so Hydrogen was relevant--Hindenborg.
Okay, so I didn't descend from anyone..now what ???
Okay, so I don't descend from anyone...  now what ???
Okay, so I never said it was funny.  :)
Okay, so I stole a Tagline But I didn't inhale it!
Okay, so hydrogen was a bad choice-- Hindenberg
Okay, so tell me.  Was that a really innocent look or WHAT?!?
Okay, the dog didn't eat my homework. He peed on it.
Okay, the fat lady is singing - get out!
Okay, the fat lady sang.  NOW is it over?
Okay, the joke is over, Bring back President Bush!
Okay, the joke's over, now show me your *real* penis.
Okay, the joke's over.  Where's President Bush?
Okay, the message is over.  Why are you still here?
Okay, then how about black poupon?  Green?  Yellow?  Red? ...
Okay, we're here, where are all the darn trains?
Okay, when I count to three, everybody smile!
Okay, where are you keeping Elvis?
Okay, which of you feminists put the white-out on my screen?
Okay, who brought the dog?
Okay, who left the dimensional gate open?
Okay, who let Elvis back on the racetrack.
Okay, who ordered the Mount Bellyache Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae?
Okay, who put a "Stop Payment" on my reality checks?
Okay, who put a "stop payment" on my reality check?
Okay, who swiped the Crime Watch Sign?
Okay, who's Steve Winter? And what's he got to do with Barney?
Okay, who's the wise guy who moved the balcony?! - Slappy
Okay, who's the wiseguy who put "worms" on the Scout camp menu?
Okay, who's wicked & awesome? - Tom on himself
Okay, you bring the 'Pen' and I'll get a 'Sword' (O.J.)
Okay, you can borrow it again, Tom relented.
Okay, you can have the gloves without lining, Tom deferred.
Okay, you can switch on the electric chair now, said Tom conceitedly.
Okay. Big friggin' deal - Tom
Okay. I'm weird. But I'm saving up to become eccentric.
Okay. When I count to three, everybody smile!
Okay.. consider it pencilled in....:) - TEC
Okay.. roll 3d6 against your Toothpicking Skill.
Okay... Have you tried 'back handing'? - TEC
Okay... I'm guilty... - TEC
Okay... have I gone far enough yet?
Okay... roll 3d6 against your Toothpicking Skill...
Okay... so, what's the catch?
Okay... wanna give it a go?
Okay...when I start to get annoying, smack me. :)
OkayHave you tried 'back handing'? - TEC
OkayI'm guilty- TEC
Okee Dokee: Roger Wilco
Oki Doki Ren - Stimpy.
Okie dokie...just make sure you're wearing UV protected sunglasses. :)
Okkie-dokkies! -- Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Oklahoma - Heart of the Heartland.
Oklahoma courting song: "Woman, git in the truck!" 8-)
Oklahoma is OK for terrorists 
Oklahoma weather is like sex: Ya never know what you're gonna get!
Oklahoma, Ah..hell...skip it.
Oklahoma, Elvis lives here.
Oklahoma, Honk if you are Jesus.
Oklahoma, No, she's not my sister!
Oklahoma, Nothing to do with Oj.
Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, there, I said it three times.
Oklahoma, Oklahoma, there I said it twice.
Oklahoma, Paul McCartney knows we exist.
Oklahoma, We're aliens visit.
Oklahoma, come Homa to Oklahoma.
Oklahoma, give us a chance.
Oklahoma, honk if you've found Jesus.
Oklahoma, it ain't for pussys anymore.
Oklahoma, land of the free, home of the victims...
Oklahoma, made in the usa.
Oklahoma, most of us can read.
Oklahoma, no jokes, please.
Oklahoma, no mass murders here.
Oklahoma, please we need the tourism.
Oklahoma, some people say we don't suck.
Oklahoma, the home of the largest Lint ball bust.
Oklahoma, we don't kill much.
Oklahoma, we grow wheat.
Oklahoma, we have electrictiy.
Oklahoma, we just got cable.
Oklahoma, we like you.
Oklahoma, we're not Iowa
Oklahoma, we're part of the country too.
Oklahoma, what else can we say, we're Oklahoma.
Oklahoma, what would you do for a klondike bar?
Oklahoma, where's the beef?
Oklahomans do it sooner.
Okleedokleedoo! - Ned Flanders
Oklhoma, we messed up the name, just like everything else in the state.
Okuda's 1st Law of Cheap Props - Dustbuster = Phaser
Okuda's 2nd Law of Cheap Props - GameBoy = Tricorder
Okuda's 3rd Law of Cheap Props - BananaClip = VISOR.
Okuda's Star Trek, it's not fandom, it's a religion!
Okwy. Uho suitchwd ny kwytops aroumd?
Old Actors never die, they just drop apart.
Old Age: when your wet dreams are only reruns.
Old Amigas never die, they just get harder to kick start
Old Anesthesiologists never die, they just run out of gas.
Old Archers never die, they just bow and quiver.
Old Architects never die, they just lose their structures.
Old BBS'ers never die, they just log off for good.
Old BBS'ers never die, they just lose their ZIP.
Old BBSers don't die, they just drop their carrier.
Old BBSers never die -- we just keep getting mo' 'dem.
Old BBSers never die, they just drop their carrier!
Old BUSINESSES never die...they just get consolidated.
Old Bakers never die, they just lose their dough.
Old Bankers never die, they just lose interest.
Old Barbers never die, they just become old cut-ups.
Old Basketball players never die, they just go on dribbling.
Old Beekeepers never die, they just buzz off.
Old Blondes never fade, the just dye away
Old Bond investors never die, they just yield to maturity.
Old Bookkeepers never die, they just lose their figures.
Old Bowlers never die, they just end up in the gutter.
Old Bricklayers never die, they just throw in he trowel.
Old Bricklayers never die, they just throw in t he trowel.
Old Brickmasons never die, they just get mortarfied.
Old Bugs never die, they just go FASTER!
Old Bumper Stickers don't die; they become taglines.
Old Butchers never die, they just meat somewhere else.
Old Cabalists never die. They just get hung up on the Tree!
Old Cashiers never die, they just check out.
Old Celts never die, they just have harp failure.
Old Chauffeurs never die, they just lose their drive.
Old Chemists never die, they just fail to react.
Old Chinese probverb: Never make SysOp mad, you might not get any mail
Old Chiropractors never die, they adjust.
Old Cleaning people never die, they just kick the bucket.
Old Computer programmers never die, they just decompile.
Old Computer programmers never die, they just log off.
Old Computer programmers never die, they just lose it bit by bit.
Old Cooks never die, they just get deranged.
Old Crow + Water = A Bird Bath
Old Daredevils never die, they just get discouraged.
Old Deans never die, they just lose their faculties.
Old Dem school cheer:  If you can't beat'em, investigate'em.
Old Dentists never die, they just look down in the mouth.
Old Disney didn't die.  He's in suspended animation.
Old Doctors never die, they just lose their patience.
Old Doctors never die, they just lose their patients!
Old Electricians never die, they just lose contact.
Old Electricians never die, they just lose their charge.
Old English teachers never die, they just complete their sentences. Old
Old Farmers never die, they just go to seed.
Old Farts don't have to be politically correct.
Old Fighters never die, they just lose their punch.
Old Fireflies never die, they just find that they can't glow on.
Old Fishermen never die--they just smell that way.
Old Frenchmen never die. They just get put out to Pasteur!
Old GAYS never die, because thanks to AIDS, there are no old GAYS.
Old Garagemen never die, they just retire.
Old Genealogists never die, they just haunt Archives!
Old Genealogists never die.  They just haunt Archives.
Old Golfers never die, they just keep putting along.
Old Goodyear workers never die, they just retire.
Old Gossip columnists never die, they just lose their sense of rumor.
Old Grammarians never die, they fall into a comma.
Old Grand dad is dead, but his spirit lives on.
Old Grandad is dead but his spirits live on.
Old Grandad is dead, but his spirit lives on.
Old Granddad: Big, bald-headed, pussy-eating machine!
Old HELSINKI TOURISTS never die...they just vanish into Finn Air.
Old Harleys never die.well, at least their titles don't!
Old Hippies don't die, they get just get haircuts.
Old Hippies never die - They just flash back.
Old Hobbits die hard. Tolkien.
Old Immortals never die.  They just... don't.
Old Italians never die, they just pasta away.
Old Jedi never die, they just fade away.
Old Kleptomaniacs never die, they just steal away.
Old MacDonald had a computer with EIA I/O
Old MacDonald had a computer with EIA I/O.
Old MacDonald had a computer with an EIA I/O
Old MacDonald had a computer with an EIA I/O.
Old MacDonald had a computer with an EIE I/O
Old MacDonald had a computer, EIE I/O
Old MacDonald had a computer, with EIA I/O...
Old MacDonald had a computer, with an EIA I/O
Old MacDonald had an agricultural real estate tax abatement.
Old Macdonald had a computer, with EIA I/O
Old Magicians never die, they just get a new wand!
Old McDonald had a computer, with EIA I/O!
Old McDonald had a computer, with EIA I/O...
Old McDonald had a computer, with an EIAYE EIAYE O...
Old McDonald had a farm, EPAIO. And on this farm he had some wetland..
Old McDonald had an agricultural real estate tax abatement. to, butEIEIO
Old McDonald had an agricultural real state tax abatement
Old McDonald had an agricultural real state tax abatement. EIEIO.
Old McDonald's had a tag line ..please pull up to the second window.
Old Mechanics never die, they just misplace their tools.
Old Methuselahs never die, they just run out of blood.
Old Michellin employees never die--they just re-tire.
Old Modemers Don't Die; They Just Get Faxed To Heaven.
Old Moderator: Burned out shell of a computer hobbyist.
Old Movie-New Star: "10" - Phillis Diller
Old Movie-New Star: "A Pocket Full Of Miracles" - Jesus of Nazareth
Old Movie-New Star: "A Star Is Born" - Carl Sagan
Old Movie-New Star: "Air America" - Oliver North
Old Movie-New Star: "Airheads" - Orvile and Wilber Wright
Old Movie-New Star: "Alice's Restaurant" - Mel
Old Movie-New Star: "All The Presidents Men" - George Stepenopolas
Old Movie-New Star: "American Flyer" - Greg LeMond
Old Movie-New Star: "American Graffitti" - Andy Wahol
Old Movie-New Star: "An Officer And A Gentleman" - Mr. Roberts
Old Movie-New Star: "Animal House" - Dr. Doolittle
Old Movie-New Star: "Baby Doll" - Shirley Temple
Old Movie-New Star: "Bad Day At Black Rock" - Tonya Harding
Old Movie-New Star: "Bambi" -  The Deer Hunter
Old Movie-New Star: "Batteries Not Included" - Thomas A. Edison
Old Movie-New Star: "Battle of Britian" - Herman Goring
Old Movie-New Star: "Bed Knobs And Broom Sticks" - Hazel
Old Movie-New Star: "Bedtime For Bonzo" - King Kong
Old Movie-New Star: "Beethoven" - Benji
Old Movie-New Star: "Benji" - Beethoven
Old Movie-New Star: "Beverely Hills Cop" - Zsa Zsa Gabor
Old Movie-New Star: "Black Beauty" - Flicka
Old Movie-New Star: "Black Heart, White Hunter" - Ramar of the Jungle
Old Movie-New Star: "Black Magic" - Erwin Johnson
Old Movie-New Star: "Black Sunday" - Melina Mercuri
Old Movie-New Star: "Blame It On Rio" - Eva Peron
Old Movie-New Star: "Blazing Saddles" - Curly
Old Movie-New Star: "Blue Lagoon" - The Creature From the Black Lagoon
Old Movie-New Star: "Body Of Evidence" - Thomas Nagochi
Old Movie-New Star: "Born On The Fourth Of July" - Uncle Sam
Old Movie-New Star: "Boys Town" - Dan Quayle
Old Movie-New Star: "Boyz N The Hood" - Spanky
Old Movie-New Star: "Breakfast At Tiffineys" - Wolfgang Puck
Old Movie-New Star: "Bring Me the Head Of Alfredo Garcia" - King Henry VIII
Old Movie-New Star: "Bronco Billy" - Wild Bill Hickcock
Old Movie-New Star: "Bye, Bye Birdie" - Alfred Hitchcock
Old Movie-New Star: "Caberat" - Ed Sullivan
Old Movie-New Star: "Caddyshack" - Arnold Palmer
Old Movie-New Star: "Cadillac Man" - Ford Fairlane
Old Movie-New Star: "California Suite" - Howard Johnson
Old Movie-New Star: "Carwash" -  Henry Ford
Old Movie-New Star: "Catch 22" - Major Major Major
Old Movie-New Star: "Charade" -  Marcel Marcue
Old Movie-New Star: "Chariots Of Fire" - Ben Hur
Old Movie-New Star: "Chinatown" - Suzie Wong
Old Movie-New Star: "Cliffhanger" - Indiana Jones
Old Movie-New Star: "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" - E.T.
Old Movie-New Star: "Coma" - Al Gore
Old Movie-New Star: "Comes A Horseman" - Willie Shoemaker
Old Movie-New Star: "Coming Home" - Dorothy & Toto
Old Movie-New Star: "Coming To America" - Manual Noriega
Old Movie-New Star: "Conan The Barbarian" - Don Knotts
Old Movie-New Star: "Cool Hand Luke" - Luke Skywalker
Old Movie-New Star: "K-9" - Toto
Old Movie-New Star: "The Africian Queen" - Cleopatra
Old Movie-New Star: "The Awakening" - Rip van Winkle
Old Movie-New Star: "The Bad News Bears" - Mike Dikta
Old Movie-New Star: "The Big Chill" - Frosty the Snowman
Old Movie-New Star: "The Birds" - The Birds
Old Movie-New Star: "The Blackboard Jungle" - Mary Poppins
Old Movie-New Star: "The Blob" - Mr. Blobby
Old Movie-New Star: "The Blues Brothers" - Tom and Dick Smothers
Old Movie-New Star: "The Bodyguard" - Sean Eckhardt
Old Movie-New Star: "The Bohemian" - Shirly MacClain
Old Movie-New Star: "The Candidate" - Michael Dukikas
Old Movie-New Star: "The Carpet Baggers" - Howard Hughes
Old Movie-New Star: "The Cat And the Canary" - Sylvester & Tweety
Old Movie-New Star: "The Cincinnati Kid" - Pete Rose
Old Movie-New Star: "The Color Purple" - The Purple People Eater
Old Movie-New Star: "The Competition" - John McEnroe
Old Movie-New Star: "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" - Darth Vader
Old Movie-New Star: "The Crying Game" - Nancy Kerrigan
Old Musicians never die, they just decompose.
Old Musicians never die, they just go flat!
Old Musicians never die, they just go from bar to bar.
Old Orville Bullitt is alive and well, sir.
Old Orville is alive and well, sir.
Old Owls never die, they just don't give a hoot.
Old PCs never die, they just cache in their chips.
Old Penguins never die, they just get hard of herring.
Old Philosophers never die, they just kant.
Old Phone men never die, they just turn blue orange green brown slate!
Old Photographers never die, they just lose their views.
Old Photographers never die, they just stop developing.
Old Plumbers never die, that is why they smell that way.
Old Policemen never die, they just lose their beat.
Old Politicians never die, they just lose their hot air.
Old Pooh bears never die. They just don't "Bother!"
Old Porno Keith? - Tom on crusty security guard
Old Preachers never die, they just lose their wind.
Old Procrastinators never die, They just put it off!
Old Procrastinators never die, they just keep putting it off.
Old Programmers never die, they just flip a bit.
Old Programmers never die, they write an AI to keep alive their mind!
Old Programming wizards never die, they just recurse.
Old Prostitutes never die, they just lose their grip.
Old Quilters never die, they just go to pieces.
Old Radio operators never die, they just lose their power.
Old Radio operators never die, they just lose their sparks.
Old Sanders never die, they just lose their grit.
Old Schools never die, they just lose their principals.
Old Seers never die, they just lose their vision.
Old Sewage workers never die, they just waste away.
Old Singapore proverb: Hot bums cool hot heads.
Old Skiers never die, they just go over the hill.
Old Skiers never die. They just go downhill.
Old Sourdoughs never die.  They just ferment away.
Old Students never die, they just get degraded.
Old Surfers never die, they just get wiped out.
Old Taglines, like clothes, will come back into style!
Old Teachers never die, they just lose their class.
Old Techs Don't Die, They Just Loose Their Tweeker!
Old Undertakers never die, they just vault away.
Old Virus Detected, Contact Hacker For Update (Y/N)
Old Virus Detected...Contact Hacker for Update? [Y/n]
Old Virus detected, contact your hacker for an update.
Old Vulcan Proverb "Only Nixen could go to China"
Old Vulcan Proverb "Only Nixon could go to China"
Old Vulcan proverb - Only Nixon could go to China.
Old White water rafters never die, they just get disgorge\S
Old White water rafters never die, they just get disgorged.
Old Yiddish proverb: "If triangles had a God, He'd have three sides."
Old accountants never die, they just lose their balance.
Old ad campaign COKE TAKES LIFE -Tom on Coke truck ambush
Old age & treachery triumph over youth & vigor.
Old age - when actions creak louder than words.
Old age = you + 20 years.
Old age and impatience outdo youth and skill.
Old age and tenacity will overcome youth and skill!
Old age and treachery will always outdo youth and skill.
Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill
Old age and treachery will overcome wisdom and youth.
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill!
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.
Old age comes at a bad time.
Old age is a disease without a cure.
Old age is a wonderful thing.  You outlive your enemies.
Old age is always 15 years older than I am. L. Long
Old age is better than the alternative.
Old age is not for sissies.    (Niven's Law #19)
Old age is not for sissies. - Larry Niven
Old age is not for sissies...
Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative.
Old age needs so little, but it needs that little so much
Old age needs so little, but it needs that little so much.
Old age should burn and rave at close of day
Old age: You know all the answers but nobody asks you the questions.
Old age: You stop looking forward to your next birthday.
Old age: you sit in a rocking chair & can't get it going.
Old aircraft make great boat anchors.
Old aliens never die. They just fill in space!
Old and sneaky beats young and gifted every time!
Old anesthesiologists don't die...they just run out of gas.
Old artists never die. They just get the brush!
Old assembly programmers don't die, they just MOV on...
Old athletes and old bookkeepers both lose their balance
Old babies never die. There are no old babies!
Old baggage handlers never die; just lose their grip.
Old bakers never die, they just quit making dough.
Old bakers never die, you just can't get a rise out of them!
Old bakers never die. They just loaf around!
Old barbers never die...they just become old cup-ups.
Old barbers never die...they just become old cut-ups.
Old basketball coaches never die, they just go on dribbling.
Old bicyclists never die; they merely ascend one final climb.
Old biddies never sigh, they just pine away.
Old birds are hard to pluck.
Old brain surgeons never die--they just lose their nerve.
Old burglars never die, they just steal away!
Old card players never die...They just shuffle off.
Old channellers never die. They just give up the ghost!
Old chemists never die - they just stop reacting.
Old computer programmers never die...they just byte the big one.
Old computer programmers never die...they just lose it bit by bit.
Old computers make great boat anchors.
Old computers never die, they just become video games.
Old computers never die...they just lose their byte.
Old con men never die, they just steal away.
Old crafters never die, they just get more bazaar.
Old days: Wine, Women, Song. Now days: Coffee, Computers, CD's.
Old days: Wine, Women, Song. Now days: F-29, Shuttles, Stealth..
Old dinosaurs never die...as long as an asteroid ain't around...
Old dog learns new tricks, but forgets what they were!
Old electricians never die - they just lose their spark.
Old electricians never die. They just lose the power!
Old email - e.xtinct
Old enough to *know better*, but young enough to not care
Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway!
Old explorers never die. They just get lost!
Old farmers never die - they just go to the udder place.
Old fashion designers never die; they just fad away.
Old fat spider spinning in a tree. - Bilbo Baggins
Old feminists never die ... they're just deliberated.
Old firefighters never die - they just pull up their hosees.
Old fisherman never die, they just smell like it!
Old fishermen never die, they just smell that way.
Old fishermen never die, they just wade away.
Old florists never die; they make other arrangements.
Old folks give good advice because they can no longer set bad examples
Old food never dies: it just goes bad.
Old fools normally started as Young fools
Old football players never die. They just get the boot!
Old friends are like old sneakers - always comfortable.
Old friends takes on a whole new meaning with you. - Natalie Lambert
Old frogs never die, But they do croak!
Old frogs never die, they just croak.
Old frogs never die. They croak!
Old frogs never die...but they do croak.
Old genealogists never die, they just lose their census.
Old genealogists never die, they keep putting down their roots.
Old golfers never die, they just loose their BALLS
Old golfers never die, they just loose their BALLS.
Old golfers never die.  They just keep putting along.
Old gravediggers never die - they just spade away.
Old grocery bags, way to get NEW Train items by wife!
Old guitarists never die, their strings just go rusty..
Old hackers never die - they just exit to a higher shell.
Old hardware engineers never die, they just cache in their chips.
Old heroes never die, they reappear in sequels. (M. Moorcock)
Old heroes never die; the reappear in sequels - M. Moorcock
Old hippies never die, they just flashback!
Old hippies never die.  They just go to pot!
Old hippies never die. They just flash back...
Old hippies never die. They just go to pot!
Old hitch-hikers never die, they just throw in the towel.
Old hitchhikers never die-they just throw in the towel.
Old horse doctors never die. They just become veterin veterinarians!
Old immortals don't die, they just ... don't.
Old immortals don't die, they just... don't.
Old immortals never die, they just, well, they just don't.
Old immortals never die, they just... don't.
Old immortals never die, they just...well...they just don't.
Old immortals never die, they justdon't.
Old immortals never die, they justwellthey just don't.
Old immortals never die. They...they just don't!
Old is 20 years from now
Old is needing a fire permit for your birthday cake.
Old is twenty years from now.
Old is when all the phone numbers in your black book are doctors.
Old lawyers never die - they just lose their appeal.
Old lawyers never die dammit!
Old lawyers never die, they just lose their appeal.
Old lawyers never die, they just mess their briefs
Old lawyers never die, they just rest their cases.
Old lawyers never die... they just lose their appeal.
Old lawyers never die; they just make another appeal.
Old lawyers never diethey just lose their appeal.
Old magicians never get die. They just can't raise their wands!
Old maid: A girl whose father didn't own a shotgun.
Old mail has arrived.
Old man tribble, he just keeps rolling along.
Old mathematicians never die, they just reduce to lowest terms.
Old mathematicians never die; they just lose some of their functions.
Old memories never die...they just haunt you!
Old men go to death; death comes to young men.
Old men in Jerusalem - geezers of Nazareth
Old men remember how, they just don't remember why.
Old men still remember how, they just don't remember WHY!
Old mercenaries never die - they just go to hell and regroup
Old mercenaries never die.  They just go to hell and regroup.
Old mercenaries never die. They just go to hell and regroup.
Old military bases make great chicken plucking farms.
Old milkmaids never die - they just kick the bucket.
Old mimes never die - they're just never heard from again.
Old mimes never die - they're just never seen again.
Old movie buffs never die. They just lose the plot!
Old mufflers never die, they get exhausted.
Old musicians don't die...they just decompose.
Old musicians never die ... they just decompose.
Old musicians never die, they decompose.
Old musicians never die, they just decompose.
Old musicians never die, they just get played out..
Old musicians never die, they just go flat!
Old musicians never die. They just decompose!
Old musicians never die. They just get crotchety & skip a beat!
Old mystics never die. They just transcend this plane of existence!
Old myths are the dried up husks of dead religions.
Old navigators never die, they just get lost.
Old net.personalities never die; they just change their Internet address.
Old people shouldn't eat health food; they need all those preservatives!
Old people suck! huh uh huh Butthead
Old people! huh huh huh
Old pilots never die. They just fly away!
Old plagiarists never die, they just steal away.
Old plumbers never die, they just go to the minor leaks.
Old poets never die, they just ride off into the sonnet.
Old politicians never die-they just run once too often.
Old postal workers never die - they just lose their ZIP.
Old postmen don't die, they just lose their zip!
Old postmen never die...they just lose their zip.
Old potato packers never die. They just get the sack!
Old principals never die, they just lose their faculties.
Old proctologists never die - they just face the end.
Old programmers don't die, they just lose their memory.
Old programmers never die, they branch to a new address.
Old programmers never die, they get updated!
Old programmers never die, they just lose their byte.
Old programmers never die, they just reassemble into another life form
Old programmers never die, they just terminate and stay resident.
Old programmers never die, they're all in protected memory.
Old programmers never die.  They branch to a new address.
Old programmers never die.  They just lose their byte.
Old programmers never die. They become recursive loops.
Old programmers never die. They branch to a new address!
Old programmers never die. They just branch to a new address.
Old programmers never die. They just lose their byte!
Old programmers never die. They just lose their byte.
Old programmers never die...they just decompile.
Old programmers never die; they exit to a higher shell.
Old programmers never die; they just branch to a new address.
Old programmers never die;they branch to a new address
Old psychiatrists never die - they just shrink away.
Old psychologists never die; they're forever Jung.
Old quarter backs never die--they just pass away.
Old quarterbacks never die, they just lead the Chiefs to mediocrity.
Old race car pilots never die, they become Indy champs.
Old railfans never die They just loose track.
Old relics do not die. They become antiques.
Old rock stars never die, they just get Unplugged.
Old sailors never die - they just get a little dinghy.
Old salesmen never die - they just go out of commission.
Old sci-fi actors never die, they just go to Babylon Five.
Old sitcoms never die, they go to syndication.
Old skiers never die....they just go over the hill.
Old soldiers never die -- young ones do it for them.
Old soldiers never die--Just young ones.
Old soldiers never die.  Young ones do.
Old soldiers never die. Young ones do.
Old soldiers never die; young ones do it for them.
Old spinners never dye; they just turn to roving.
Old style, you go to bed.  New style, you go out for pizza - Ivanova
Old style, you roll over and go to sleep. - Ivanova
Old surfers don't die...they just get wiped out.
Old sysops never die; they ju@t f^%G*(k&)(g7g
Old taglines don't die, they just fill up hard drives.
Old teachers never die, they just lose their principles.
Old teachers never diethey just lose their principals...
Old tin lizzy do it till you're dizzy
Old truckers never die - they just get a new Peterbuilt!
Old truckers never die; they just get a new Peterbilt.
Old truckers never die; they just semi-retire.
Old typesetters never die.  They just decompose.
Old typesetters never die. They just decompose.
Old vacuum cleaner salesmen never die. They just get sucked in!
Old virus detected - contact your hacker for an update.
Old virus detected, contact your hacker for an update.
Old welders never die, they just pass the torch.
Old witches never die; they just rest for a spell.
Old wizard's never die--they just forget how to spell.
Old wizards never die; they just rest for a spell.
Old women are like aged whines. <G>
Old, I know, but all I've got.
Old-timer's disease is catching! It just takes time.
Old: When you are  17 neck, A 44 around  waist, and a 106 in  golf.
Old: When you are a 17 neck, a 44 waist, and a 106 in golf.
Old: When you are: 17 neck, 44 waist, and shoot 106 in golf.
Olden sailors were often battered about by fierce unexpected squaws.
Older men ALWAYS carry handkerchiefs! - Mike
Older women interest archaeologists, said Agatha Christie virtuosically.
Older, Your little black book contains only names ending in M.D.
Oldsmobile: Oh Look Dammit, Some Massive Oil Burning Idiot's Leaking Everything
Oldsmobile: Old Loose Dented Sheet Metal Outdated By Infamies Like Edsel
Ole' Joel Robinson, had a farm? - Dr. Forrester
Ole' off! - Magic Voice, angrily
Olive oil comes from olives. Where does baby oil come from?
Olive: none die
Oliver North's Crime? He lied to Teddy Kennedy...
Oliver Twist had more Hawaiin locations - Tom Servo
Oliver Wendell Jones! I am the ghost of slide rules past!-Bloom County
Oliver's Law: Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it
Olivers' Law of Location: No matter where you go, there you are.
Ollie North for President! It's time we put a REAL crook in office.
Ollie North lost, Marion Barry won. Why?
Ollie North shreds his documents here.
Ollie North virus: causes your printer to become a paper shredder.
Ollie ollie, ollie ollie ollie, ollie ollie incomplete, baby.
Olly,olly,oxen free!  All hiding ancestors can come out!
Oluja je, vetar duva, nema nikog da te cuva, sacekaj.
Olympic Bound... Someday I'll make it.
Olympic athletes do it internationally.
Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner was an Eagle Scout.
Olympics 2000 Sport:  Full-contact Golf!
Om mani payme more.   (Hooker meditating)
Omaha?  They have computers in Omaha?
Omaha? They have computers in Omaha?????
Omaha? Well they outta know what to do with them hogs up there...
Omega - Kiss up and be one of us !
Omega - Making piracy socially acceptable.
Omega's a Crossdresser! Omega's a Crossdresser! Omega's a Crossdresser!
Omen The only Way to MOBY!
Omit the Tagline !...Collect $200.00 dollars !!! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Omladina mora da halucinira!
Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum. --Horace.
Omni Magazine:  The "USA Today" of science.
Omni random est.
On (24 Oct 93) Bob Chalmers wrote to All Users...
On 01-25-94 Gene Young wrote to All...
On 05/20/95 Ameritech cut off Vampire "D"'s phone ... *NO CARRIER*
On 07-03-94, without care of life or limb, Wade Hamel spake thusly to
On 08-23-95 Reen Bombardier said to Prof. dammit....
On Christmas List:  Bigger hard drives, for computer and for bedroom.
On ERROR GOTO - StandinCorner.
On Earth 200 years ago, I was a prince -- Khan
On FIDO the whole world can hear you whimper
On Fidonet, nobody know you're naked.
On Fidonet, nobody knows if you're naked.
On Fidonet, nobody knows you're naked.
On Internet, no one can hear you scream.
On Judgement Day thy shall meet thy Superuser.
On New Year's Eve I got shot--Garibaldi.
On Stardate 9567.39 which is Tuesday, I saw the light.
On Stardate 9609.47 which is Friday, I saw the light.
On Strike - Tagline Writers Local 2718
On Strike - Tagline Writers Local 2718.
On Strike - recipe Writers Local 2718.
On TV the good guys will only get shot in the arm or leg.
On TV tonite: A vase, a family portrait and a sleeping cat.
On TV, teenagers can access any computer by using their PC's.
On The 7th Day God Rested
On The Committe To Hunt Down and Permanently Kill ELVIS!
On Topic posts that bore you should be deleted. -Moderator Rule #6
On Vacation in Memphis!
On Vulcan the teddy bears are alive and they have 6 inch fangs.
On Wednesdays I go shoppin'
On Xmas List:  Bigger hard drives, for computer and for bedroom.
On `Star Trek', anything is possible. - Patrick Stewart
On a FidoNut's tombstone: CONNECT Oct 4 1965 NO CARRIER Aug 8 1992
On a Pentium, when x=4195835.0 and y=3145727.0, x - (x * y) / y = 256.
On a beer a day, you can pee forever.
On a beer day, you can pee forever.
On a child's T-Shirt:  My human experiance is just beginning.
On a clear dais, you can speak forever.
On a clear desk you can never find anything.
On a clear disk you can see forever
On a clear disk you can see forever.
On a clear disk you can seek forever
On a clear disk you can seek forever.           -Computerworld button
On a clear disk you can seek forever.  - Denning
On a clear disk you can seek forever.  -- Denning
On a clear disk you can seek forever. -- Computerworld button
On a clear disk you can seek forever. -- Ed McClusky
On a clear disk you can seek forever...
On a clear disk, you can seek forever!
On a clear downhill, you can ski forever.
On a clear night you can see 1.5*10^9 light years.
On a cold, dark night, you can hear a Chevy rust in Ford country!
On a dark desert highway, Phillip posted a message about "D&D Related
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair.
On a dark summer's night, would you offer your throat to the wolf...
On a dirt road at the end of the Information Highway.
On a five year mission, to sorta like explore and blow up stuff.
On a hacker's tombstone: CONNECT 1964 - NO CARRIER 1994
On a headstone:  "I *told* you I was sick!"
On a hill far away stood a beat-up Chevrolet...
On a queer day, you can see forever!
On a quiet day you can hear windows crashing.
On a quiet night you can hear a ford rust!
On a quiet night, you can hear a Chevy rust!
On a quiet night, you can hear a FORD rust!
On a quiet night, you can hear the Chevys rusting.
On a quiet night, you can listen forever and hear nothing
On a quite night you can hear Windows 95 machines crashing in the dist
On a scale of 1 to 10, 4 is about 7.
On a tombstone:  "I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK"
On a tous la bouche en sang...et on rit!!!
On all LaserGrams: Don't forget the Zap code.
On an alien world, the most dangerous creature...is still man.
On an electrician's truck: Let Us Remove Your Shorts
On an obstetrician's business card - "We Deliver!"
On average, each person has one testicle.
On behalf of mutants everywhere... Pthhphth!
On borrowed time (+30 m. in Newfoundland)
On ce meni, nije nego...
On civilization's funeral pyre
On cold mornings it was Carl's job to start the animals.
On days like this I feel like I could download the world!
On de 8th day God said "OK, Murphy, now youse in charge."
On de otha' hand.  Cheeeiit..ya' gots five different fingers
On dirait Chewbaka qui vient de s'asseoir sur Bart Simpson.
On earth as it is in San Francisco
On earth my visit is but brief, and bowed am I by sin and grief.
On eclair day, you can eat forever.
On election day vote early and often
On leave from CNN...
On location with 'Regarding Hiney' - Mike
On my left: Tom Servo. On my right: Crow T. Robot - Mike
On my property, -I- am the police power, understand?
On my way here, I talked to Dr. Franklin. - Sheridan
On my way to SPEND another sunny day...
On my way to sunny Cali-for-nee-a...
On no account allow a Vogon to read poetry at you. - HHGTTG
On no account allow a Vogon to read poetry to you.
On no account allow a Vogon to read poety at you.
On one issue, men and women agree: They both distrust men.
On one issue, men and women agree: They both distrust women.
On pourrait vecurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants.
On quiet nights, you can listen forever and hear nothing.
On reentry a bullet is about as a aerodynamic as a brick.
On second thought, let us not go to Camelot. 'Tis a silly place.
On second thought, let's not go to Camelot-it is a silly place. -Arthur
On second thought, maybe I should have read the instructions first...
On some clear disk ya' kin seek foreva'
On that dark and fateful day, the Filk Lords rode forth into battle.
On that dark and fateful day, the Trill Lords rode forth into battle.
On that logic you must be Cthulhu incarnate.
On the 10 Year Plan at Southern Tech
On the 5th day, God created Man. On the 6th, Woman. On the 7th, Alcohol
On the 5th day, God created Man. On the 6th, Woman. On the 7th, Beer.
On the 6th day, God invented beer, On the 7th, Beroccas and the Sabbath
On the 6th day, God invented beer, On the 7th, Beroccas and the Sabbath.
On the 6th day, God invented beer, On the 7th, the Sabbath.
On the 7th day God said "It's a Miller Day,"
On the 8th Day God said: "OK Murphy, you're in charge."
On the 8th day God said "OK, Murphy, now you're in charge."
On the 8th day She created the SCA.
On the 8th day, God created Star Trek.
On the 8th day, God made Rottweilers.
On the 8th day, God said: "O.K., Murphy, you take over now...."
On the 8th day, I was created. God cried "Strike it from the record."
On the 8th day, the Corps of Engineers started changing everything.
On the Bleeding Edge of Technology.....
On the Eighth day, Eve and Blunderwoman exaggerated.
On the Firefly platform of Sunny Goodge Street
On the Train of thought, 99% are riding for half fare!
On the air? I AM the air!  - Venus Flytrap
On the average, everybody has one testicle
On the batting end of a no-hitter.
On the count of one, unzip your pants! - Buzzcut
On the count of three, scream...1...2...3!
On the count of three, start leaking! - Buzzcut
On the count of two, take out your penises! - Buzzcut
On the cutting edge of software evolution...
On the data highway, sign says "PAY TOLL AHEAD", I don't have change.
On the day of the dead, when the year too dies.
On the echo, the filking echo, the users wait to post..
On the edge of a precipice, only a fool does cartwheels.
On the eigth day God created JAZZ! *
On the eigth day God created football! *
On the evolutionary scale, he's just slightly above dog food.
On the exam eve even notes will do. 
On the information superhighway, @N drives a VW Bug.
On the next Geraldo: was Gertrude Stein a Vogon?
On the next Oprah:  What Vulcans do for the other six years.
On the next Tagline, Geraldo will be Stolen!
On the next episode of Space: Nineteen Dollars and Ninety-Nine Cents..
On the ninth day God created Racing.
On the other hand are four fingers and a thumb.
On the other hand you also have five fingers.
On the other hand you have different fingers. - S.W.
On the other hand, I have five fingers.
On the other hand, Limbaugh's butt is too big to miss.
On the other hand, it -is- OK to prick your finger.
On the other hand, it doesn't sound like i am missing anything!
On the other hand, the early worm gets eaten.
On the other hand, you also have 5 fingers.
On the other hand, you also have five fingers.
On the other hand, you also have five fingers. \|||!
On the other hand, you have different fingers
On the other hand, you have different fingers.
On the other hand... I have four fingers and a thumb.
On the other hand..you have five different fingers
On the outskirts of nowhere, On the ringroad to somewhere
On the raw edge of reality I stood . .
On the road to success, be sure to enjoy the ride.
On the road...where the night is black.
On the road...where you don't look back.
On the seventh day God created swimmers....and then rested.
On the sixth day God created man -- she must have had PMS.
On the stage, dying is easy, comedy is difficult.
On the subject of SEX:   I'm in favour of it.
On the subject of SEX:  I'm in favor of it.
On the subject of SEX: I'm in favor of it.
On the subject of SEX: I'm in favour of it.
On the subject of sex: GIMME IT!
On the trailing edge on technology
On the train of thought--99% are riding half-fare!!!
On the turning away. - Pink Floyd
On the unlabeled disk? HELL they're all unlabeled!
On the wall of the women's restroom on the Enterprise: "Where no man has
On the wrong end of the Information Superhighway.
On the young mountain, all four winds blow.
On the young mountain, who falls shall climb.
On their knees the war pigs crawling...
On their turf, they're the top dogs. Here? Different story.
On they fight, for they are right, yes, but who's to say?
On this BBS, we recycle all of our bytes, bit by bit.
On this echo, just about everything is odd.
On this ship I don't take orders, I give em!
On this side, memories are all we really own. --Hercules
On to njega imitira.
On today's show, Barney proclaimed his love for you.
On top of everything else, they're littering - Mike
On top of the Crumpetty Tree the Quangle-Wangle sat....
On wall, women's loo on the Enterprise: "Where no man has gone before"
On what conclusion do you base your facts?
On what conclusion do you base your facts?  ..Opinion?
On what conclusion have you selected your facts?
On what conclusions do you base your facts?
On whose lawn is YOUR dog?  Leash it!
On wings of Fear, the terror sweeps into the city.
On wings of Vengeance, don't advise them, 'Death to barbarians!'
On y soit, qui mal y pense.  (You are what you think.)
On your WHAT!? -- Butthead
On-Topic Meter [ E........F|] Full Tank!
On-Topic Meter [ E...o...F/] My my my! My tank is full!
On-Topic Meter [ E..\o...F ] Well...it's marginal.
On-Topic Meter [\E...o...F ] Yup! Below "E" on this one!
On-Topic Meter [|E........F ] REDLINE!!!
On-topic if it kills me.
On-topic?  Darn, I'll try harder next time!
On-topic? What's THAT mean?
Onaj je podivljao.
Onanism: a radical contraceptive process.
Once (wuns), adv:  Enough.
Once := Accident   Twice := Coincidence
Once A Knight Is Never Enough
Once I added stealth technology to my HST!
Once I could see, Now I am blind -- NIN
Once I gave up on reality, I had so many more options!
Once I had a little tagline of my own. Now everyone else has it too..
Once I had a tribble, now I have a dozen.
Once I make up my mind, I'm full of indecision.
Once I rose above the noise and confusion...
Once I take over the world, remind me to snub you. - Brain
Once I thought I made a mistake, but I was wrong.
Once I thought I was wrong - but I was mistaken
Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken!
Once I thought I was wrong.  But I was mistaken.
Once I took a wine-making course, then I forgot how to drive! -Homer
Once I was on a table, you couldn't get me off of it! - Lister
Once I'm elevated to full dwarfdom - Mike
Once Upon A Time, In A Galaxy Parked By The Bay...
Once Upon a Time Warp...
Once a Limey, always a Limey!
Once a Moderator, Always moderating.
Once a driller always a driller. Is that dirty? - Gypsy
Once a hobby, now an obsession.
Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it makes it worse.
Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it only makes it worse.
Once a job is messed up,  anything done to improve it makes it worse.
Once a king always a king, but once a knight isn't enough
Once a king always a king, but once a knight isn't enough!
Once a king, always a king, but once a knight is enough.
Once a king, always a king, but once a knight isn't enough!
Once a king, always a king.  Once a knight, always enough...
Once a king, always a king....but once a knight is not nearly enough!
Once a king, always a king; but once a knight is enough!
Once a misfit leaves, another will be recruited.
Once a mistake is corrected, a second mistake will become apparent.
Once a night, always a Knight, all nite long!!
Once a spook, always a spook.  Death by analysis!
Once a week, to ALL in FIDO, RIME, ILINK, and INTELEC Taglines
Once a word has to escaped, it cannot be recalled.
Once a year whether there's a full load or not - Dr. F
Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
Once again Odo wins the break dancing championships.
Once again, Fortune has nestled me close to her sweet, perfumed bosom.
Once again, Odo winds the Twister championship.
Once again, Odo wins the Twister championship.
Once again, Odo wins the twister championships...
Once again, Windows is NOT a virus.  Viruses do something
Once again, i screwed it up with my computer's help!!
Once again, truth and American technology defeat Satan
Once again, we saved civilization as we know it. Kirk
Once again....Odo wins the twister contest...
Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle
Once an evil deed is done, it never ends. -- Sun Chien
Once apon a time warp..
Once connected, forever hooked...
Once had a love & it was a gas -Mike sings as blonde girl
Once harm has been done, even a fool understands it. - Homer
Once harm has been done, even a fool understands it/Homer
Once i add stealth technology to my HST!
Once in a Q Moon. Q becomes a galactic werewolf.
Once in a while you can get shown the light
Once in a while, @FN@ screws up and does something right.
Once in a while, I screw up and do something right
Once in a while, screws up and does something right.
Once in awhile declare peace,confuses the hell out of your enemy -- ROA
Once in awhile declare peace,confuses the hell out of your enemy.
Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.
Once more into the breach, dear friends.  Henry V 3.1.1
Once more into the breach, dear frineds.  Henry V 3.1.1
Once more into the breach.
Once more unto the breach dear Ferrets, once more
Once more unto the breach, dear friends   Henry V
Once more unto the breach, dear friends.  Henry V 3.1.1
Once more unto the breach, dear friends...
Once my bones have healed, Pinky, remind me to hurt you. -Brain
Once swords are crossed the gun becomes useless. -- Musashi
Once the Gays are in the Army, next they'll be in Furry Fand
Once the first tag is taken, you're doomed. :) - Dire Wolf
Once the game is over, the King and Pawn go in same box!
Once the game is over, the king and pawn go back into the same box.
Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer our friend.
Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Hand Grenade is not your friend.
Once there was a Sub-Lt so dumb even the other Subbies noticed.
Once they were women now they are land crabs.
Once upon a midnight dreary, Orville pondered, weak and weary,
Once upon a qwk pack dreary, as I pondered weak & weary..
Once upon a time...
Once uttered, words run faster than the horses I bet on.
Once uttered, words run faster than the horses i bet on.
Once we had a competition to see who could come up with the exciting
Once we loved the flowers, now we ask the price of the land.
Once we pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is NOT our friend!
Once you accept his assumptions even a madman seems reasonable.
Once you are Real, you can't become unreal again.
Once you face yourself, you fear no blade.
Once you get past the smell, you've got it licked.
Once you get started, it becomes like a scavenger hunt.
Once you get the hang of it -------->ZOOM!!!!
Once you get them Vorlons outta that shell, they make darn good eating
Once you give up a right, or a freedom, you *never* get it back.
Once you have the lady in bed, stop trying to pick her up!
Once you have their money, never give it back -- ROA #1
Once you have their money, never give it back. - 1st Rule
Once you have their money, you never give it back.
Once you know the rules you are free to break them
Once you pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer a friend.
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate destiny.
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny
Once you start down the dark path, it will dominate your destiny.
Once you understand your computer it is obsolete
Once you're real, you can't become unreal again.
Once you've been bionic there's no taming you - Tom
Once you've had Deanna Troi, you'll never want anyone else.
Once you've had Deanna, you'll never want anyone else.
Once you've lost your parents' trust, it's hard to earn it back.
Once, I thought I was wrong - but I was mistaken.
Once, I thought I was wrong, but, I was mistaken.
Once, adv.:  Enough.
Once, adv.: Enough.
Once, long ago, They walked the stars like Giants. --Delenn.
Once, on the shore of the great northern sea - Mike
Once:  Enough.
One "yang" line short of an auspicious hexagram.
One & a half gainer with a twist  - Joel on car wreck
One 'Rush' and billions of Liberals. Fair fight?
One 'Rush' and millions of Liberals. Fair fight?
One .GIF is worth a thousand .TXT's
One 7th of your life is spent on Mondays
One A-Bomb can ruin your whole day!
One Atom Bomb Can Ruin Your Whole Day
One B-2 bomber = 30,000 4-year college educations.
One Beer At A Time.
One Beer gets me Drunk...usually the 47th.
One Beer gets me drunk. Usually the 47th.
One Beer gets me drunk... Usually the 47th<g>
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer!
One Buchanan beats a Bush hiding a Quayle any day.
One Byte at a Tyme.
One Chicken to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
One Christmas I got a battery with a note saying, "toy not included."
One Day at a Time.
One FAT Ferengi has just entered  - Worf
One Froot Loop shy of a full bowl.
One Gene to rule them all, and in the trekness bind them.
One Googleplex & 79 cents - Mike on blank check
One Gun, One Bullet, One Foot
One Gun, One Bullet, One Foot...Charles Schumer with a gun...
One Gun, One Bullet, One Foot...Schumer with a gun...
One Hundred Years Old: Abbie Birthday
One Hundred Years Old: Abbie Birthday*
One Iraqui dictator can ruin your whole day.
One Is Seldom Criticized For A Closed Mouth.
One Klingon Flea to another.."Meet you on the next ridge."
One Klingon Flea to another...Meet you on the next ridge.
One Klingon flea to another: I'll see you on the next ridge.
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, (EPH 4:5) (KJV)
One Lord, one faith, one baptism. - Ephisians 4:5
One Mail Lady who needs the Kitchen Sink!
One Man's Ceiling Is Another Man's Wall. There Goes Weird Gravity.
One Must Fall - Coming SOON from Epic Megagames
One Nation, under God, with Liberty, Large Fries, & a Coke to go.
One Nation, under God, with Liberty, Large Fries, and a Coke, to go.
One Nation, with Liberty, Large Fries, and a Coffee to go!
One OS to rule them all and in the darkness, bind them.
One On Topic post a day keeps the Moderator at bay.
One Pentium will beat a full house of Macs.
One Question: When/Where is the Next Party?!?!?!? I Wanna Go!!!
One Ring to Rule Them All and in the Darkness Bind them ..
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
One Satellite, Under God, or not -Crow pledges allegiance
One Sysop's LEEEEEEECH! is another Sysop's user.
One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor
One VERY nice thing about Cats - they DON'T BARK!
One VERY nice thing about cats - they DON'T BARK!
One Vogon constructor fleet can just RUIN your day!
One Way; Up yours!
One White gown, One Black tux: mix the two, you're outta luck!
One Wife,Two Kids,Big Mortgage
One World, One Race, One Rule!
One already wet does not fear the rain.
One ancestor leads to another.
One atom bomb can really ruin your day
One atom bomb can really ruin your day.
One bag of money is stronger than two bags of truth.
One bean short of a burrito.
One beautiful tagline!...Two beautiful taglines!- The Count von Count
One beer gets me drunk.....usually the 23rd.
One beer gets me drunk...usually it's the 14th one.
One beer gets me drunk...usually the 47th.
One beer's too many, a thousand's not enough.
One best friend is better than a whole bunch of friends.
One bird on hand ='s two in the bush. They all have a best friend!
One bit short of a byte.
One black bird to another:  "Bred any good rooks lately?"
One blackbird to another: Bred any good rooks lately ?
One board short of a porch.
One book at a time?  How... limiting.
One boot stuck in the sand.
One bun/donut short of a dozen.
One burrito short of a combo meal.
One byte short of a major frame.
One can always be kind to people about whom one cares not
One can be bored until boredom becomes a mystical experience. Smithe
One can be very crooked - if one has the desire to do so.
One can choose to have an abortion, yet one can't choose to wear a seat belt.
One can disagree without being disagreeable.
One can never consent to creep when one feels the urge to soar!
One can never have enough beer and sex!
One can never have enough beer, sex, and hockey!
One can never have enough recipes, regardless of their inanity.
One can never have enough taglines, regardless of their inanity.
One can never underestimate the intelligence of the electorate.
One can not be given what one denies to oneself.
One can't fall into a bidet as far. -Why women like bidets #7 -JCF
One can't proceed from the informal to the formal by formal means.
One canibal's meal is another man's person.
One cannibal's meal is another man's person.
One cannot assemble a militia from an unarmed populace.
One cannot be wise on an empty stomach
One cannot have wisdom without living life.<Dorothy McCall>
One cannot send 2400+ BPS with 2 dixie cups and a string.
One card/marble shy of a full deck.
One cat just leads to another.
One child is not enough, but two are far too many.
One child is not enough, but two children are far too many.
One chocolate donut is worth 1000 bran muffins.
One could say a good pun is it's own reword.
One crow will not peck out another crow's eyes.
One crow won't peck out another crow's eyes.
One cylinder short of a Slant-6
One damn minute Admiral! - Spock, Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
One damn minute, Admiral * Spock
One day I looked in my pocket...There was a hole in it!
One day I shall burst my bud of calm and blossom forth into hysteria.
One day I shot an elephant in my pajamas
One day I soared with the clouds.
One day I will burst my bud of calm and blossom forth into hysteria.
One day I will surprise you, .. but not today.
One day I will surprise you, Ritchie Funk.. but not today.
One day I will surprise you, TOD DAVIS.. but not today.
One day I woke up and discovered that I was in love with
One day I'm a windshield, the next day a bug thereon.
One day I'm going to give it to that Bajoran tramp  Troi
One day a tortoise will learn how to fly.
One day something inside me snapped... AND I LIKED IT!!!!!
One day they're shooting at you, then taking you out to dinner.
One day you will find yourself and be quite disappointed.
One dead unjugged rabbit fish later.
One dies only once, and it's for such a long time. -- Moliere
One dive bomber coming up!
One does not bargain with a beast.
One does not make pacts with an animal.
One does not risk everything to settle a score prematurely. - G'kar
One does not thank logic.
One does not thank logic. -- Sarek
One dog barks at something, the rest bark at him.
One dom to another:  "Ok, so, who beats who?"
One dream, one goal, one prize, one soul! - Queen
One drink of wine, two drinks of gin, and I'm lost in the ozone again.
One drink won't get you all this, but three might
One drop short of an empty bladder.
One end of the string is birth, the other is death. --Sam.
One enemy is enough and two are two many.
One event happened to them all. - Ecclesiastes 2:14
One express elevator to hell ....going down!!
One eyed dog missing, answers to the name, Lucky.
One faces the future with one's past. <Pearl S Buck>
One family builds a wall, two families enjoy it.
One feels, and thus is liberal. I think, therefore I'm conservative.
One fine day, GOD was sitting up in his office looking all DESPONDANT
One finger is all a real American needs.
One flea short of a circus   - Geco
One flea to another: "Frances, I don't think we're on Toto anymore
One fly to another fly:  "Your human is open"
One fly to another: "Hey, your man's open..."
One for all,All for one We strike first ,and then your done!
One for the road? - Trapper. While we've still got one. - Hawkeye
One for the thumb in '91!
One for you, and *seven* for me...is that better? -- Quark
One for you, six for me.  One for you, six for me.
One fry short of a happy meal.
One gallon of gas please. -Butthead
One gig of RAM, 1 Terrabyte of HD space, a Pentium chip, NO WINDOWS!
One golf ball and I'm up all night. - BJ
One good hello deserves another.
One good moon deserves another.   ( Y )
One good post leads to another!
One good recipe deserves another!
One good swallow would have solved this problem.
One good thing about an avowed enemy: you know who he is.
One good thing about my computer - it never asks "Why."
One good thing about repeating your mistakes is that you know when to cringe.
One good thing about the apocalypse: always plenty of parking.
One good turn gets all the blankets!
One good turn gets all the blankets.
One good turn gets most of the blanket on a cold night.
One good turn gets most of the blanket.
One good turn gets most of the blankets!
One good turn gets most of the blankets.
One good turn gets the whole blanket.
One good turn is usually enough to get lost.
One good turn usually gets most of the blanket.
One good way to forget your troubles is to wear tight shoes.
One grain fills not the sack, but helps his fellows - George Herbert
One great thing about cats - they don't bark.
One grows tired of everything.  Except power.  --Doctor Who
One guy following along with a pooper scooper - Tom
One happy family. - Lestat - Interview With A Vampire
One has the right to be wrong in a democracy.
One hopes this will never be nessecery!
One horse can run faster than another. But which one?
One hot pepper short of an enchilada.
One hour of instruction - and 100 hours on how to do it!
One hour of instruction - and 100 hours on how to get around it.
One humdinger of a doozy of a loser - Joel on movie
One id short of a personality.
One if by LAN, two if by C.
One if by LAN, two if by C.  - Paul Revere, as told by John Karwoski
One if by LAN, two if by C.  -- Paul Revere, as told by John Karwoski
One if by land, two if by sea, 10101 by e-mail.
One if by land, two if by sea, six if by UFO.
One in Kate Bush is worth two in the Hand.
One in a Q moon. Q becomes a galactic werewolf.
One is a baby, the other's....The Brain....
One is a genius, the other insane!  - Animaniacs
One is a genius, the other's insane!
One is my name, the other is not! - Lt. Cmdr. Data
One is my name. The other is not.
One is not guilty unless his intention be guilty.
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do...
One item could not be deleted because it was missing. - Mac System 7.0b1 error
One joy scatters a hundred griefs.
One last thanks to all that I've stolen from :-)
One lawyer can snag more than a hundred men with guns.
One lawyer can steal more than 10 of my crooks. A Capone
One lawyer can steal more than a hundred armed men.
One lawyer can steal more than a hundred men with guns.
One learns to itch where one can scratch. -- Ernest Bramah
One legged girls are easy pushovers
One legged girls are pushovers
One legged girls are pushovers.
One lesbian frog to another; "Hey!  We DO taste like chicken!"
One level further down somebody is getting killed, right now.
One lie always leads to another almost automatically.
One lie always leads to another.
One life down, eight to go.  Garfield
One likes to know everything
One little two little three dead kitty cats...four little five little
One lump or two? asked Mary sweetly.
One man cannot summon the future.
One man come in the name of love
One man gathers what another man spills ...
One man gathers what another man spills...
One man plus courage is a majority.
One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.
One man with a gun can control 100 without one - Lenin
One man with courage makes a majority
One man with courage makes a majority - Andrew Jackson
One man's Windows are another man's walls.
One man's bait is another's Sushi.
One man's belly laugh is my theology.
One man's bug is another man's feature
One man's constant is another man's variable.  - Perlis
One man's constant is another man's variable.  -- Perlis
One man's folly is another man's wife.
One man's folly is another man's wife. 
One man's freedom is another man's perversion.
One man's great program is another man's dud!
One man's gridlock is another's checks and balances!
One man's insanity is another man's vision.
One man's lover is another man's wife.
One man's lust is another man's daughter ......
One man's magic is another man's engineering.  L. Long
One man's magic is another man's engineering. - Lazarus Long
One man's magic is another man's engineering. -- Heinlein
One man's meat is another man's dinner...
One man's meat is another's editor
One man's mumbo-jumbo is another's science and a third's religion.
One man's priceless is another man's worthless. - Quark
One man's religion is another's nervous breakdown.
One man's signal is another man's noise.
One man's theolgy is another man's bellylaugh.
One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.
One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.  -Heinlein
One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.  L. Long
One man's theology is another man's belly laugh. - Heinlein
One man's theology is another man's belly laugh. - Lazarus Long
One man's theology is another man's belly laugh. -- Heinlein
One man's theology is another man's belly laugh. -L. Long
One man's theology is another's belly laugh.
One man's trash is another man's treasure
One man's upload is another man's download
One mans bug is another man's _undocumented feature_.
One mans theology is anothers belly laugh.
One marble shy of a full deck.
One may explain water, but the mouth will not become wet. -TAKUAN
One may go a long way after one is tired.
One may not reach the dawn save by the path of the night.
One measure of a man's ignorance is his arrogance.
One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it.
One million "Hows?", two million "Wheres?", and seven million "Whys?"
One minute to core meltdown. ..Shut up!
One modem said to another: "Hey, You've got a nice Baud!"
One modem said to another: "Hey, you've got a nice baud!"
One modem said to another: "mind showing me your bits?"
One modem said to the other "Do you have to echo every thing I say?"
One modem to another, "That's a great baud you've got."
One modem to another,That's quite a baud you've got.
One moment please....searching string(y) "chickens"
One moment please:  We are experiencing musical deprivation.
One moment please: This echo is experiencing intelligence deprivation.
One moment please: This post is experiencing intelligence deprivation.
One moment please: We are experiencing chocolate deprivation.
One moment please: We are experiencing musical deprivation.
One moment please; we are adjusting the Reality parameter
One moment please; we are adjusting the Reality parameters.
One more *%^%$^@! spam recipe and I get violent.
One more *%^%$^@! tribble tagline and I get violent.
One more bowl of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs - Calvin
One more bowl of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs.
One more casualty. You know we're too easy. - Tori Amos
One more chewing-out and my belly button will cave in. - Henry
One more day like today and I'll kill you
One more direct hit on the back quarter and we're done for. - C-3PO
One more good thing about day Baseball games: Pre-empting Rush Limbaugh
One more modification, then I'll do a backup...
One more nostalgic part of childhood goes thbppth - Calvin
One more stupid mistake and every nurse goes on report. - Hoolihan
One more tap lesson, Doctor, then I must go.  Worf
One more thing, I was told he was an only child.
One more time......NEVER turn your back on the ocean!!
One more time...Trying Megamail
One more trophy! - Joel as Daddy-O woos blonde girl
One more wise crack and I'm sending in Barney.
One more word and I'll nail your tongue to your nose.-Hawk to Radar
One more word and you will be part of the excess population - G'kar
One more yell like that and we'll have interchangeable parts. - Hawk
One morning in a fit of pique / she drowned her father in the creek
One mouse to another:  "Your pad or mine?"
One murder makes a villain, millions a hero.-Bishop Beilby Porteus
One must care about a world one will not see. - Bertrand Russell
One must first have a mind, in order to make it up.
One must never fail to pronounce moral judgment.
One must put out a lot of bait to catch a fish.
One must put up barriers to keep oneself intact. --Rush Limbaugh.
One nation under God; with liberty, fries & a Coke to go.
One nation, under God, with Liberty, large fries, and a Coke - to go.
One need not be a male to be a sexist.
One needn't overmuch flexibility of intellect to hunt leaves.
One needs a SyQuest drive to read Terry Herrin REP packet
One needs to be a bit crazy to keep from going insane.
One never knows, do one?
One nice thing about being dead is that you become eligible to appear on
One nice thing about egotists: They don't talk about other people.
One nice thing about egotists: they don't talk about other people.
One night I came home very late. It was the next night
One night I came home very late. It was the next night. - s.w.
One night in Bangkok, and the world's your oyster!
One night with a sailor & she won't be a feminist anymore
One night with a sailor & she won't be a feminist anymore.
One nybble and you're hooked.
One nybble at a time.
One observes the survivors and learns from them.
One of God's most precious gifts is the love of a friend.
One of Jacob's sons, Joseph, gave refuse to the Israelites.
One of a kind...
One of life's great oxymoron's:  Quick Basic
One of my First sexual experiences was in the TRUNK of a '55 Dodge!
One of my favorite ways to end a game is to win!
One of my favorites on the same signpost, TWO-WAY TRAFFIC and DEAD END
One of my ideas worked! - Tom
One of my other computers is parked in orbit.
One of my robotic laws is to annoy at all costs - Tom
One of my wife's ancestors.
One of ten 'London derriere' finalists dropped out, said Tom asininely.
One of the benefits of keeping records in magnetic media!  :-)
One of the early failures of electroshock therapy.
One of the few BBSes with a subwoofer.
One of the few things that the Japanese CAN'T do better.
One of the fingers on the button will be German.
One of the flayrods has got out askew on the treddle...
One of the flayrods has got out skew on the treddle...
One of the great ANTI-climaxes. - Tom Servo
One of the joys of travel is visiting new towns-meeting people.-G. Khan
One of the main pleasures of childhood is rebellion.
One of the minor pleasures in life is to be slightly ill.
One of the things I enjoy receiving most is obedience.
One of the things I miss the most is people my own age. - Potter
One of the world's thinnest books: Howard Stern's Book of Etiquette
One of these days Garibaldi, you'll learn to watch your back. - Smith
One of these days I am going to surprise you, Mr. Berman. But not toda
One of these days I am going to surprise you, Mr. David. But not today
One of these days I am going to surprise you, Mr. Gilbert. But not tody.
One of these days I am going to surprise you, Mr. Mitchell. But not to
One of these days I am going to surprise you, Mr. Smith. But not today
One of these days I am going to surprise you, Mr. Tait. But not today.
One of these days I am going to surprise you, Mr. Urschel. But not tod
One of these days I am going to surprise you, Tuvok. B
One of these days I am going to surprise you. But not today.
One of these days I might be convinced you're human. - Garibaldi
One of these days I will surprise Mr. Funk, but not today.
One of these days I will surprise Mr. Jurjonas, but not today.
One of these days I will surprise Mr. Kiefer, but not today.
One of these days I will surprise Mr. Lai, but not today.
One of these days I'll do some real work...
One of these days I'll get it right!
One of these days I'm going to have to quit procrastinating.
One of these days I'm gonna break these chains.
One of these days I've *got* to organize these taglines  :^)
One of these days reboots are gonna walk all over you...
One of these days your 'puter will begin rebooting you . . .
One of these days, Alice, one of these days.
One of these days, I will surprise you, Mr Krupowicz...but not today.
One of these days, I will surprise you, Mr Lim...but not today.
One of these days, I'll quit procrastinating
One of these days, Marvin.......POW!!!!
One of these days, you're going to laugh yourselves to death!
One of these days?  I have one of those lives!
One of these nights, in between the dark and the light.. - Eagles.
One of these nights, in between the dark and the light...
One of these times I might actually hit you! - Crow
One of these words is illegible.
One of those days?  I have one of those lives.
One of us will not be coming back, yes? - Londo
One of your taglines is lost...
One often repents of having spoken and scarcely of having been silent!
One or two threads ought to be enough for anybody.   - Win95!
One ought to have a good memory when he has told a lie.
One out of many; one composed of many.
One page a day keeps the Moderator at bay.
One page a day keeps the sysop at bay.
One pennyworth of example was worth a pound of punishment.
One person with courage makes a majority.
One person's <*grin*> is another's <*groan*>.
One person's <grin> is another's <groan>.
One person's <grin< is another's <groan<.
One person's art is another person's toilet paper.
One person's bug is another person's feature.
One person's dribble is another's Bill Clinton speech.
One person's entitlement is other people's obligations.
One person's error is another person's data.
One person's essential feature is another's useless frill
One person's junk food is another company's snack food.
One person's lunatic is anothers True Seeker. --Sinclair.
One person's lunatic, is another's true seeker. - Sinclair
One person's theology is another person's belly laugh.
One photon torpedo can ruin your whole day.
One photon torpedo can ruin your whole day...think about it
One picture is worth 128K words.
One picture is worth a thousand words.  See diagram below.
One picture is worth a thousand words. See diagram below.
One pill makes you larger and another makes you small...
One planet is all you get!
One point of entry 7.5 cm below the sternum. - Franklin
One pound Orville ... sliced thinly please.
One pound Orville Bullitt ... sliced thinly please.
One pubic hair short of a cunt.
One rabbit stew coming right up! -- Bors
One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I'm having a fun.
One recipe to rule them all, & in the darkness bind them.
One resource we will never run out of is Idiots
One ring could rule them all - Mike
One ring to rule them all and in the darkness...
One ring to rule them all, one ring to bind them.
One ring to rule them all. . .
One ring to rule them all...
One running red light and two speeding tickets? The organ banks for you!
One sandwich short of a picnic.
One seldom sees a monument to a committee.
One sentence short of a paragraph.
One seventh of our lives is spent on Mondays.
One seventh of your life is spent on Monday.
One seventh of your life is spent on Mondays.... (sigh)
One shade short of a rainbow.
One shaft of light, that shows the way...--Queen
One shingle shy of a roof.
One ship short of a full fleet.
One should always be in love.  For that reason one should never marry
One should always forgive Republicans, but not before they are hanged.
One should avoid generalities in general.
One should die proudly when one can no longer live proudly.
One should never place burnt offerings on the altar of life.
One should never spoil a good theory by explaining it!
One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age
One should not irritate, much less piss off, a psychopath....<Tuti>
One should not try to sell roses in a fish market.
One should only see a psychiatrist out of boredom.
One should use condoms for all Conceivable occasions.
One should work to become, not to acquire.
One side short of a pentagon.
One single fact can ruin a perfectly good argument.
One single joy takes away hundred worries.
One size fits all is a lie.
One size fits all.
One size fits nobody.
One small step for a ferret, a bloody sight bigger one for ferretkind.
One snowflake short of a ski slope.
One sperm with a sense of direction and our fate is sealed!
One spilled quart of milk will solidly cover 16 square feet of floor.
One step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again. -- Paine
One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous. -- Paine
One step forward, two steps back
One step forward, two steps back...
One step short of the attic.
One step, and only one step, ahead of the masses. - Lenin
One swallow does not make a summer.             Aristotle
One swallow does not make a summer.<Aristotle>
One sword at least thy rights shall guard,
One sword tries to get along with an incorrigible dragon. - Mike
One taco short of a combination plate.
One taco short of a combination platter
One tactical thermonuclear weapon can ruin your whole day.
One tagline is worth a thousand words.....
One tagline to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
One tagline to rule them all, & in the darkness bind them.
One tagline to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.
One test of good manners is putting up pleasantly with bad ones.
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free. -Beatles
One thing I'll say for them, Taglines are cool.
One thing about Alzheimer's is that you get to meet so many new people
One thing about pain:  It proves you're alive
One thing about pain:  it proves you're alive!
One thing about pain:  it proves you're alive.
One thing about this get away: great gas mileage! - Crow
One thing is certain - smiles never go up in price or down in value.
One thing nuclear scientists fear -    "Ooops!"
One thing nuclear scientists fear - "Oops"
One thing that makes me believe in UFOs is, sometimes I lose stuff. - Jack Handy
One thing the inventors can't seem to get the bugs out of is fresh paint.
One thing you've got to say about Carter, he didn't spin like Bill.
One thing's better than bricking a camel, Hump it !
One thing's for sure, we're all going to be alot thinner! - Han Solo
One thing's for sure--we're all gonna be a lot thinner. -Han Solo
One thing's for sure; 1st is a tinkerer's dream!
One thing's perfectly clear, Clinton doesn't drink draft beer.
One things perfectly clear, Slick Willy doesn't drink draft beer.
One thinks, therefore is liberal. I know, therefore I'm conservative.
One thought driven home is better than three left on base.
One thousand miles deep
One time I went to a drive-in in a taxi cab.  The movie cost me $95.
One time I went to a drive-in in a taxi. The movie cost me $95. - s.w.
One time a thing occured to me - what's real and what's for sale --STP
One tree short of a hammock.
One trouble about being a kept woman is the rent's always due.
One user with a mouse is more powerful than ten users with game ports.
One user's .tmp files is another user's .bak files.
One wanton pointer, and you're in the soup!
One war is worth a thousand words.
One way or another, we'll get the job done. - Richard Franklin
One way or another, we're going to make a deal. - Andy Cord
One way to better your lot is to do a lot better...
One way to have a clean mind is to change it frequently.
One way to make your old car run better is to look up the price of a new model.
One way to put your boss in good humor is - do the dishes for her!
One way to save face is to keep the lower part shut.
One way to stop a run away horse is to bet on him.
One way to stop a runaway horse is to bet on him.
One weight short of a shipwreck.
One well placed bomb could ruin my whole day.
One who has a clear conscience has a foggy memory.
One who hurries.....  stumbles.
One who is always in a stew generally goes to pot.
One who is in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs.
One who is in peril thinks with their legs.
One who is truly skilled avoids being hit as much as possible-Ed Parker
One who objects to being a sex object, probably isn't.
One who objects to being a sex symbol, probably isn't.
One who says they never had a chance, never took a chance.
One who trusts can never be betrayed - only mistaken.
One will never stub their toe by standing still.
One woman nagged her bald husband so much his scalp turned gray.
One word...BACKUP !
One's a bottom-dwelling scumsucker. The other's a fish.
One's a flaming Nazi gasbag and the other is a dirigible.
One's needs are a function of what other people have.
One's spiritual awakening is another's nervous breakdown.
One's too many.  A thousand's not enough.
One-Adam 12. See the crullers - Crow makes cop/donut joke
One-into-one can give a girl 6 inches, and a bigger figure to carry.
One-legged man competent to stand trial - film at 11
One-seventh of your life is spent on Monday!
One. Two. Three. Four. --Sinclair.
OneNanoBuck = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pesos.
Oni disu kao jedan, citav svijet je svezan konopcima ljubavi
Onion Ring to rule them all... Onion ring to find them..
Onion ring to rule them all, onion ring to bind them.
Onion rings to bring them all and in the oil fry them.
Onion rings to rule them all, and in the darkness bind...
Online again? When do you sleep?...
Online context sensitive help.
Online insanity! $1 per line, all major credit cards accepted.
Online time is fine!
Online?  Good, hit Alt-H for FREE Unlimited Access !
Online? Good. Hit <ALT-H> for the on-line I.Q. test
Online? Hit ALT-H for Sysop Access, Alt-X for Dos Access
Only $2 a call, plus toll charges if any.
Only 1 days to go Bo and the month is up
Only 10 city blocks from the scenic Phila. Water Treatment Plant..
Only 128,243,596 sec. to the Second Coming !
Only 130 Weeks until Clinton Leaves Office!!
Only 16 more tag stealing days until Christmas.
Only 177 days to high school graduation!
Only 19,999 lines of C++ to my next ski trip...
Only 20 more Chopping days until John Bobbitt's Birthday!
Only 3% of people like lawyers. Over 70% of Congress is Lawyers.
Only 355 shopping days until Christmas!
Only 54 days to high school graduation!
Only 68 days to Marine Corps boot camp!
Only @FN@ would steal this tagline.
Only @TO would steal this tagline.
Only AMIGA Makes It Possible. Only Commodore Stood In The Way.
Only AMIGA makes the possible improbable
Only Americans can hurt America - Eisenhower
Only Amiga makes it possible.
Only Amiga makes it possible. - Commodore Amiga
Only Amiga, Only Commodore, Only Gone....
Only Beverly can turn Data off, but only Tasha can turn him on.
Only Bill Clinton would take police witnesses to an extramarital affair.
Only Bullitt is dumb enough to argue with the creator of the universe!
Only Cats, Music, Books, and Computers justify the human race.
Only Chad Harris would steal this tagline.
Only Clinton would take police witnesses to an extramarital affair.
Only Crusoe Could Get All of This Done by Friday
Only DARRYL BASNER would steal this tagline.
Only Girly-Men use taglines.
Only God Can Prune A Family Tree.
Only God and a fool are always right.
Only God can login as Superuser.
Only God can make a random number.
Only God can make a random selection.
Only God can make random selections.
Only God can read and understand source code.
Only God is in a position to look down at anyone.
Only God is in a position to look down on anyone. -Sarah Brown
Only I can tell where my own shoe pinches me.
Only In America Could a Moron Like You Own a Computer
Only JH users can read this tagline!
Only Lamont Cranston could drive a Shadow.
Only NSA and the FBI can hear you scream in cyberspace.
Only Nixon could go to China.  -  Spock
Only Orville Bullitt would steal this tagline.
Only Orville would steal this tagline.
Only PACs and special interests like Republicans.
Only Robinson Crusoe could get everything done by Friday.
Only Robinson Crusoe could have everything done by Friday.
Only Robinson Crusoe had his work done by Friday.
Only Robinson Crusoe had it all done by Friday!
Only Rush Limbaugh could call Jack Brooks a "Liberal Democrat."
Only SISSIES are in color! - BW-Dot
Only Singapore delinquents get hit harder than Cub starters
Only Sky Divers know why Birds sing!
Only THE SHADOW knows!
Only The Good Die Young - Danny Dp
Only The Good Die Young -Billy Joel
Only Trekkies and Conservatives know the Ferengi Laws of Acquisition.
Only Tyrants and Criminals need fear an armed citizen.
Only Tyrants fear armed citizenry.
Only Warped minds use OS/2
Only Weenies snag recipes they don't understand.
Only Weenies steal taglines they don't understand.
Only Windows makes the possible improbable.
Only XT owners know that January 1, 1980 was a Tuesday
Only XT users know January 1, 1980 was a Tuesday.
Only XT users know that 1-Jan-1980 is a Tuesday!
Only XT users know that Jan 1, 1980 was a Tuesday.
Only XT users know that Jan. 1, 1980 was a Tuesday
Only XT users know that January 1, 1980 was a Tuesday!
Only YOU can fire the Politician !
Only YOU can prevent forest fires...
Only YOU can prevent futility. * Smokey the Borg.
Only YOU kin prevent futility.  Ya' know? * Smokey de Borg.  What it is,
Only a $400 tax increase! Gawsh! That's only two of my haircuts!
Only a 'veruul' would use such language in public.  - Riker
Only a Genealogist regards a step backwards as progress.
Only a Klingon would bolt on an eyepatch.
Only a Klingon would rivet on an eye patch.
Only a Klingon would screw on an eye patch.
Only a Liberal could coin a word like _UNDERTAXED_
Only a REAL drag queen can be chased 1/4 mile in six seconds.
Only a REAL drag queen can wear a DDD bra!
Only a ballplayer's errors are published every day.
Only a bastard like me could love a bitch like her.
Only a blonde would spell blonde "blond."
Only a child can open a child proof package.
Only a doctor suffers from good health.
Only a fool brings a knife to a gunfight!
Only a fool fights in a burning house -- Kang
Only a fool fights in a burning house--Kank the Klingon
Only a fool fights in a burning house.
Only a fool fights in a burning house. -- Klingon proverb
Only a fool follows orders without knowing why !
Only a fool lends his book expecting it to be returned. 
Only a fool pays his debts to a dead man.
Only a fool tells the bald truth on social occasions. - Heinlein
Only a fool tells the bald truth on social occasions. -- RAH
Only a fool tries to jump fire - Uganda.
Only a fool would stand in the way of progress.
Only a lawyer calls a 10,000 word document a brief.
Only a lawyer can call a 159 page document a "brief".
Only a lawyer has to have a ladder to scratch a snake's belly.
Only a lawyer would call a 137-page document a brief.
Only a liberal could coin a term such as "undertaxed."
Only a liberal could coin a word such as "undertaxed."
Only a liberal could coin the phrase "undertaxed."
Only a liberal could coin the word "undertaxed".
Only a living entity can have goals or can originate them.
Only a loser would meet his wife online.  Huh?  Rush did?  My point.
Only a loser would try to read this recipe!
Only a loser would try to read this tagline!
Only a man who risks is free.
Only a master of evil, #TN#.
Only a master of evil, Bullitt.
Only a master of evil, Darth!
Only a master of evil, McLeod.
Only a master of evil, Orville.
Only a master of evil, Vince.
Only a master of evil.
Only a mediocre person is always at his best.
Only a mediocre person is always at his best. - Maughan
Only a mediocre person is ever at their best.
Only a real friend will tell you when your face is dirty.
Only a sadistic scoundrel tells the bald truth on social occasions.
Only a sinner has a right to preach.
Only a test. Had this been an actual recipe...
Only a test. Had this been an actual tagline.
Only a true liberal would believe a story like that!
Only a vaRool would use such language in public -Riker
Only a vain woman can live by the emotions she inspires.
Only a varrule would use language like that!
Only a war waged for revenge or defense can be just. - Cicero
Only a wimpy God can't get it right the first time!
Only a woman could get lost 70,000 light years from home.
Only adults have difficulty with child-proof bottles.
Only adults have difficulty with child-proof caps.
Only adults have difficulty with childproof caps.
Only adults have problems with childproof caps.
Only an XT user knows that Jan 01, 1980 was a Tuesday.
Only an idiot actually READS taglines.
Only because Martain gravity of 40% Earth-normal. - Franklin
Only because Martian gravity of 40% Earth-normal. --Franklin.
Only boring women have immaculate homes.
Only budding serial killers pull the wings off fairies.
Only by attempting the absurd can we achieve the impossible.
Only change Clinton has made is the change in his pockets!
Only choosy muthas choose GIF!
Only command not rejected by a cat: EAT
Only consume alcohol on days ending in "Y!"
Only consumer can remove tagline.
Only cosmetologists give make-up exams.
Only crude guys try to catch fairies.
Only dangerous sex will do
Only dead fish go with the flow
Only dead fish go with the stream.
Only dead fish swim with the stream
Only dead fish swim with the stream all the time.
Only dead fish swim with the stream!
Only death is fatal - life is not!
Only death remains and the stench of paradise burning.
Only defense lawyers profit from tickets
Only despotic government fears an armed populace!
Only drink alcohol on days that end in "Y"!!!
Only fisherman & John Bobbit care how big it was>---
Only flattered? Hmpf! That's insulting! -Serendipity
Only fools are positive.
Only fools fall for bimbos!
Only fools fall from space!
Only fools have no fear -- Worf
Only fools make technology a master instead of a servant.
Only fools rush in... but they get the best taglines!
Only fools rush in...but they get the best seats !!
Only fools rush in...but they get the best taglines !!!
Only fools say it can't be done.
Only fools worry about having the right size tool!
Only free men can be armed if they so desire.
Only from the Heart can one hope to see clearly!
Only geeks use the recipes that come packaged with Blue Wave.
Only geeks use the taglines that come packaged with Blue Wave.
Only girly men use QWK.  Get pumped up with BlueWave 2.20
Only going forward 'cause we can't find reverse!
Only greed can overcome common sense.
Only gullible numskulls would elect Clinton president twice!
Only half a key. I had to split it with the sound effects man.
Only half the patients leave an abortion clinic alive.
Only he attempting the absurd can achieve the impossible.
Only hey can conquer who believe they can.
Only if she goes too. - Yakko
Only if we get lots more ice-cream! Chim-chim: Oo Oo A A!
Only if you dress up as Big Bird and make me say my ABCs
Only if you promise to spell "shields" correctly next time.  <GDAR>
Only in America would "slim chance" = "fat chance"
Only in English would "slim chance" = "fat chance"
Only in English would 'slim chance' = 'fat chance'
Only in baseball is a self-sacrifice appreciated.
Only in the NHL do Leafs fall twice a year: autumn and spring.
Only in your dreams are you really free.
Only in your dreams, Commander. - Troi
Only in your dreams, Commander. X Troi
Only in your dreams, Commander. ~ Troi
Only in your dreams, Commander. þ Troi
Only in your dreams, are you truly free..
Only inane idiots like taglines. Please send yours by return mail.
Only laugh when somethin' is funny.
Only lawyers are despised more than child molesters.
Only lawyers are trusted less than used car salesmen.
Only lemmings jump to conclusions.
Only love can be divided endlessly and still not diminish.
Only love sails straight through the harbor
Only love sails straight through the harbor.
Only man has dignity; only man, therefore, can be funny. - Twain
Only mediocre people are always at their best.
Only men with leather balls play rugby.
Only monkeys and Saudi's stand on toilet seats !!
Only my enemies think I'm paranoid.
Only my friends call me "wop."   Frank Sinatra
Only my modem knows for sure.
Only one chance to make a first impression!
Only one good:  Knowledge.  One evil:  Ignorance.<Socrates>
Only one good: Knowledge. One evil: Ignorance.   Socrates
Only one human captain has survived combat with the Minbari - Delenn
Only one kingdom can truly be called 'Christian'
Only one man has this sweaty a neck! - Tom
Only one oar in the water.
Only one of us is in the correct time continuum.
Only one person has pulled it offElvis. - Fox Mulder on faking death
Only one person would dare to give me the rasberry...
Only one thing can top good sex:  Chocolate sauce.
Only one woman ever looked at me like that.. - Sam Beckett
Only one, only Amiga
Only people born with chimneys are allowed to smoke.
Only people can defend freedom, it isn't a government job
Only people can defend freedom, it isn't a government job!
Only people's tools work only in other people's gardens.
Only place I want data loss is on my fuel credit card!
Only playing with 51 cards.
Only playing with the jokers.
Only problem is that I'm going to need a new one probably every year!
Only prostitutes can mix business with pleasure.
Only sailors get blown off shore
Only schitzos hear anything when listening to Prozac.
Only send off-topic notices to perpetual offenders.
Only sheep make baaaaad puns...
Only sheep make baaaad puns.
Only sick music makes money today.  -- Nietzsche, 1888
Only sick music makes money today. - F. Nietzsche 1888
Only sick music makes money today. -- Nietzsche, 1888
Only stop for walls - Speedo
Only sure things are taxes, death and the big red switch.
Only the Shadow knows.
Only the anacrusis...the main event remains.
Only the body is mortal, the soul is imortal.
Only the brave survive catholic school!OJW
Only the bravest of men wear kilts.
Only the dead have no need of self defense. - Charles Curley
Only the dead have seen the end of war!
Only the dumb envy the talkative.
Only the foolish and the dead never change their minds
Only the foolish and the dead never change their opinions.
Only the free have the dispostion to be truthful. -- Auden
Only the good die young, note the average age in Congress.
Only the good die young, so I guess I'm safe.
Only the good die young, so be a BASTARD!
Only the good die young.  I'll be here forever.
Only the good die young.  Note the average age in Commons
Only the good die young.  Note the average age in Congress.
Only the good die young. I'll be here forever.
Only the good die young. Note the average age in Commons.
Only the good die young. Note the average age in Congress.
Only the good die young. Note the average age of Congress.
Only the hand able to  erase can write the truth.
Only the hand that erases can write the true thing.
Only the ignorant are full of bliss and vinegar.
Only the insane know why.
Only the insane take themselves quite seriously.
Only the insane take themselves seriously. --Beerbohm.
Only the interiors were shot in Hawaii - Tom Servo
Only the lead dog sees the scenery change.
Only the leftists are right anymore.
Only the little people pay taxes. Leona Helmsley
Only the lucky find life is two steps forward, one back.
Only the marginal members of society will get HIV. --Limbaugh.
Only the marginal members of society will get HIV. --Limborg.
Only the mediocre are always at their best.
Only the mediocre are always at their best.  S. Maugham
Only the mediocre are always at their best. -J. Giraudoux
Only the mediocre are at their best all the time.
Only the mediocre are at there best 100% of the time.
Only the people can defend freedom, it isn't a government job.
Only the rich are eccentric. We poor must be happy with being nuts.
Only the rich can be eccentric, the poor do with being nuts.
Only the rich have distant relatives!
Only the rich have distant relatives.
Only the second one falsely describes me. The rest are true.
Only the shallow know themselves. - Oscar Wilde
Only the shallow people who do not judge by appearance.
Only the stupidest calves choose their own butcher.
Only the stupidest calves chose their own butcher.
Only the suppressed word is dangerous. L. Borne
Only the ugly ones carry mace & whistles..why ask why?
Only the users like QWK doors and Compucom modems.
Only the wages of sin have no deductions.
Only the weak will die.
Only the winners decide what were war crimes.
Only the winners decide what were war crimes. - Gary Willis
Only the winners ever get to decide which were "War Crimes".
Only the young die good.
Only they can conquer who believe they can.
Only thing in the world getting better is restaurant coffee.
Only thing shorter than a weekend is a vacation
Only those who ask themselves "Why?" get an answer.
Only those who attempt the absurd achieve the impossible.
Only those who attempt the absurd can acheive the impossible.
Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. - RFK
Only those who fear need lie.
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.
Only those who voted for Clinton should pay new taxes!
Only through Death's portal, To a better life ye pass.
Only through hard work and perseverance can one truly suffer.
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong. -Beatles
Only time your dog stops barking is when you shoot it--once or twice...
Only together can we turn him to the dark side of the Force. - Emperor
Only try to do a better job. Picard Ha, ha, ha. Q
Only turkeys have extreme left and right wings
Only two desserts?  Garfield
Only two groups fall for flattery - men and women.
Only two things can top sex: Whipped cream and a cherry.
Only tyrants and criminals fear the honest armed citizen.
Only tyrants and criminals fear the honorable armed citizen.
Only use moderation in moderation.
Only used by a little old tagline from Pasadena!
Only users loose drugs!
Only users lose drugs.
Only way to keep the fire going is to outrun the wind.
Only well reared girls should wear slacks.
Only when a woman is openly bad is she really good. - Syrus
Only women could have thought of feminizm.  
Only you can prevent 'ax-cidents'!
Only you can stop women from driving, ONLY you!
Only you could be so bold
Only you, can prevent forest fires
Onom ko je blesav ne mozes ni to dokazati
Onst baas, aas jist pressed dis, an' de carrier he gone walkabout....
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
Onward and backward!  We must look busy.
Onward through the fog
Onward with ez-reader. Is my tie on straight?
Onward, through the fog.
Ooh Ah Oh!  Toxic Love! -- Hexxus
Ooh Amber, I just love the way you flash that cursor!
Ooh Change Your Clothes, Yesss! -Tom As K.Ireland Changes - MST3K
Ooh I can't get enough of your <blush> Oops wrong conference
Ooh Papa Smerf... no ones ever touched me there before.
Ooh ee, ooh ah ah, ting-tang, walla-walla bing-bang!
Ooh eee ooh aa aa ting tang walla walla bing bang.
Ooh look at all the poo - Frank on prairie full of horses
Ooh! Butt shot! - Tom on alien girl's skin tight suit
Ooh! Macamadamia nuts! - Homer
Ooh! Ooh! Speech! Lip & tongue action! Ooh! - Tom cheers
Ooh! Our new best friend! - Yakko Warner
Ooh! Papa Smurf! Nobody's EVER touched me like that!
Ooh! Right in the Chablise! - Crow as gunshot hits wine
Ooh! Sand in my underpants! - Crow as girl
Ooh! Somebody *stop* me! -- The Mask
Ooh! What a burn! - Joel
Ooh, Amber, I just love the way you flash that cursor!
Ooh, I *like* that one, can I borrow it?
Ooh, dumb move! Back to the car! - Tom
Ooh, goodie! I hear the Nurse coming with another shot!
Ooh, goody! A program-like advertisement! - Homer
Ooh, has his scalp ever seen a bar of soap? - Mike
Ooh, he's going to hate me for this - Hobbes
Ooh, he's got fangs! - Mike as kid smiles
Ooh, ish! Girl stuff! - Mike as wimpy guy
Ooh, it's stuck in his hinder holster - Mike on gun
Ooh, look! It's our new best friend! - Yakko Warner
Ooh, nice use of his 'area' - Mike as guys fight
Ooh, right in my vast doughy mid-section - Crow
Ooh, right in the sinister urge - Tom Servo as guy gets shot
Ooh, right in the sinister urge - Tom as guy gets shot
Ooh, she needs to spackle her neck pits! - Mike
Ooh, she's a Breck girl - Crow
Ooh, sign me up for that -Tom w/sarcasm sequencer on high
Ooh, suddenly I've lost my sinister urge - Tom Servo
Ooh, that styrofoam really burns! - Mike on fake volcano
Ooh, that'll induce labor - Crow T. Robot on body slam
Ooh, that'll induce labor - Crow on body slam
Ooh, that's an onion in the ointment! - Grampa
Ooh, the things I can do with my Spirograph! - Tom
Ooh, there's no bread.  Let 'em eat cake! -RUSH
Ooh, those pants! Yowie! - Mike on girl's tight pants
Ooh--that's *GOTTA* hurt
Ooh. Cooshy! - Homer
Ooh. Floor Pie! - Homer Simpson
Ooh. Fuzzy. - Homer
Ooh. My ovaries! - Bart Simpson
Ooh. Pizza. - Homer
Ooh. Red hots. - Homer
Ooh. The touch of death! - Homer
Ooh...I like the pain, the pain is good (pant, pant).
Ooh..look at all the pretty universes!
OohI like the pain, the pain is good (pant, pant).
Oohhh.  Jedi Master.  Yoda.  You seek Yoda.
Ooo, it smells like Coleman Francis in here - Mike as dog
Oooh I need a dirty woman, I need a dirty girl- Pink Floyd
Oooh Papa Smurf!  Nobodys ever touched me THERE before!
Oooh ohh owie! Oh, my butt - Crow as guy slides down hill
Oooh! It's interactive TV! - Crow as girl hits television
Oooh! Monkeys! - Crow chirps excitedly
Oooh! Wrist dickies! - Mike on nun's sleeves
Oooh, I'm disgusting! - Mike as odd suspect
Oooh, I'm getting horse-sick! - Frank
Oooh, Miss Metaphor - Mike
Oooh, Professor Firefly! - Crow
Oooh, Toto, I don't think we're in DOS any more.
Oooh, a noser! - Crow as Mike does a spit take
Oooh, boogers! - Crow as girl with handkerchief
Oooh, clever - Crow as tough guy makes a bad pun
Oooh, found the needle! - Mike as guys fight in hayloft
Oooh, he's got Palmolive hands - Crow
Oooh, it's my turn to act - Mike
Oooh, junky joke! - Tom
Oooh, let the wild rumpus begin!!!  };>
Oooh, lotta nose grease! - Tom as guy cleans his glasses
Oooh, right in the fuselage! - Mike on fight
Oooh, shades of Jame Gumb! - Tom
Oooh, she moves fast for a lineman - Crow
Oooh, smells like grandma's purse - Frank on kerchief
Oooh, someone's got a pant-load! - Tom on car noise
Oooh, spidery hands! - Tom as guy picks lock
Oooh, that must _hurt_!
Oooh, that must be hexadecimal.
Oooh, that's GOTTA hurt.
Oooh, this ISN'T the Tagline Conference??!! <*cringe*>
Oooh, you're all dead & stuff! - Mike after car crash
Oooh. Save a leg for me! - Tom as Crow gets scolded
Ooohh @FN@, don't stop - you're making me wet!
Ooohh, don't stop - you're making me firm!
Ooohh, don't stop - you're making me wet!
Ooohhh, ROCKY!!!
Ooohhh, sheeelaalah... she's got Stephen down on his knees.
Ooomph! I think I'm in love. --Garibaldi.
Ooonga dinky doo mm mort! mort! mort!- The Swedish Chef
Oooo!  Watch out... the walls are Pointy!
Oooo! My ovaries! --Bart Simpson.
Oooo... I quiver with fear... - Scar
Oooo... I'm Shakin' in my cheese...
Ooooh eeeeh oooh ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Ooooh! It's not GUI, it's <blush!> *never mind*! <BEG>
Ooooh, I liked the underwear! - Tom leers
Ooooh, I need a dirty woman.
Ooooh, Jethro - Crow as plain looking girl talks
Ooooh, MESSAGE Taglines. ... And I don't have most of these!
Ooooh, Taglines! Color them *S*W*I*P*E*D* Thanks, Myra! <VBG>
Ooooh, arty! - Crow on hokey scene
Ooooh, it stinks in here. - Maurecia
Ooooh, the attitude control - Tom, sarcastically
Ooooh, who would want to kiss Jason?! - Allison
Ooooh, yech. How did THAT get in my bed? - Prez Reagan:*)
Ooooh, yech. How did THAT get in my bed? - Ronald Reagan :*)
Oooohhhhh, I'm having thoughties...
Oooohhhhhhhh! - Tom as Mamie takes off her stocking
Ooooo! My ovaries! --Bart Simpson.
Ooooo... That makes my flesh crawl. - Ren Hoek
Oooooh!  I'm sorry.  You won't be going on to the bonus round today.
Oooooh, I hate it when that happens.
Oooooh, artsy-fartsy! - Mike on end titles
Oooooh, sarcasm - Crow
Ooooohhh, off in a private little corner to discuss taglines.
Ooooohhhh!  I hates rabbits. -- Yosemite Sam
Oooooo, am I going to pay for THAT one.
Oooooo-o-oo .... let ME fill that cavity, my dear!
Oooooo...I quiver with fear.   Scar
Ooooooh Lord it's hard to be humble...
Ooooooh, I need a dirty recipe.. (I just washed all mine!)
Ooooooh, I need a dirty tagline.. (I just washed all mine!)
Ooooooh, showers! - Mike & Bots leer
Ooooooh, the power, the power...uh-oh, the power bill....
Oooooohhh Donuts!.......Homer simpson.
Oooooooh, the looks I got for that!!
Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!! That Was Nice!!!!!!
Oooooooooooooooh.......Do it again!!!!!
Ooooops, Typo alert!!!
Oooopps! Sorry, I think my karma ran over your dogma!
Oooops!  I forgot to write a TAGLINE.
Oooops!...Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper...
Ooops I got GUI all over my screen
Ooops I thought this was alt.tv.ds9.sucks. Sorry!
Ooops!                Tried to snag my own recipe.  :)
Ooops!                Tried to steal my own tagline.  :)
Ooops!      >heh<      Tried to steal my own tagline.  :)
Ooops!   ...Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper.
Ooops! ... That means it's misspelled through June 27! AARRGGHH!!
Ooops! My brain just hit another bad sector.
Ooops! What happened with Novell??  :-(
Ooops!...Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper...
Ooops, I've been caught Paying Attention! Will I now be Taxed for it?
Ooops, sausage burp! - Crow
Ooops, there goes another Rubber Tree Plant
Ooops. Mah brain plum hit anotha' bad secto'.
Ooops. My brain just hit another bad sector.
Oooww! My trick nipple! - Dr. F
Oops there goes another skydiver. Ker plop! - Tom sings
Oops!  Caught the moderators attention again.
Oops!  Gotta go feed the dragon.
Oops!  Gotta run!  HAL just shut off the life support systems again!
Oops!  I dropped my tagline!
Oops!  Out of space!  See you next message...
Oops!  Shouldn't have said that.
Oops!  Synaptic misfire!
Oops!  This isn't the flirting echo???
Oops!  Tried to steal my own Tagline, hehe
Oops! .. Tried to snag my own recipe, hehe ..
Oops! .. Tried to steal my own tagline, hehe ..
Oops! Caught the Moderators attention again.
Oops! Did it again!
Oops! Excuse the mistakes. The cat danced on my keyboard.
Oops! Gotta go feed the dragon.
Oops! Gotta pee! - Joel as lady rushes off
Oops! Gotta run! HAL just shut off the life support systems again!
Oops! I dropped my Tagline!
Oops! I just ran over your dog-- *&*(&&*& NO TERRIER
Oops! Left in a Doors tag. Sorry.
Oops! My dog ate my tagline.
Oops! Sorry for stepping on your face...
Oops! There goes another Odessa - Joel as planet explodes
Oops! There goes my hat! said Tom off the top of his head.
Oops! Tried to steal my own tagline, hehe ...
Oops, I dropped my tagline...and I can't get up!!
Oops, I forgot to have children.
Oops, I think daddy burned the spam again!
Oops, I'm not Scandinavian, sorry.
Oops, I've gotta run.  The cat's caught in the printer.
Oops, I've ripped my pants! was Tom's unseemly comment.
Oops, caught the moderator's attention again.
Oops, gotta go feed the dragon.
Oops, gotta go!  ATF tanks are ramming the house again, dammit!
Oops, my kharma just ran over my dogma.
Oops, my reality check bounced!
Oops, the sun's up.  It's too late to sleep.
Oops, there goes another Rubber Tree Plant...
Oops, these shoes are soiled too!
Oops, time for Ponn Farr!
Oops, you caught the moderators attention again.
Oops.  My brain just hit another bad sector.
Oops. --Ivanova. Yeah, 'oops.' --Garibaldi.
Oops.. I read online today! <this is not a tagline>
Oops... Mental Note: Get coffee colored shirts.
Oops... Tried to steal my own aircraft!
Oops... Tried to steal my own tagline!
Oops... copyied your to reply to something...
Oops... did I step in it again?
OopsTried to snag my own recipe!
OopsTried to steal my own tagline!
Op Code: EOI - Execute Operator Immediate
Opasno je nasloniti (si)se na vrata
Open 24 hours - but not in a row.
Open Channel "D"..
Open Mouth, Insert Foot, Chew Carefully
Open Mouth, Insert Foot, Chew Carefully.
Open Mouth, Insert foot, SHUTUP!
Open Mouth,............Insert foot,..............Echo Internationally.
Open Mouth. Insert Foot. Chew Carefully.
Open Roads....Open Minds.
Open Some Days as Late as 12 or 1.
Open That Exit Hatch Computer..  Ok, Get The Axe - Zaphod Beeblebrox
Open WINDOWS 95 and you let BUGS in...
Open WINDOWS and you let BUGS in
Open WINDOWS and you let BUGS in...
Open Windows and let the bugs in.
Open Windows lets bugs fly in.
Open Windows, invite bugs in...
Open Windows; let bugs in.
Open a hailing frequency...
Open a nuclear waste dump on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington D.C.
Open all the windows 3.1!!!
Open an electrolysis salon - Crow on humans in ape city
Open beer bottles with my eye sockets - Crow
Open both your mouth and your wallet cautiously.
Open doors we find our way; we look, we see, we smile.
Open hailing frequencies Orville.
Open hailing frequencies, @FN@.
Open it up and what have you got: Bibbity, Bobbity BOOOO.
Open mind, please fill with knowledge...
Open mind:  Device used to overcome the effects of bigotry.
Open minded does NOT mean empty headed!
Open mouth .... insert foot ... taste good?
Open mouth, Insert foot, Echo Internationally
Open mouth, insert foot - echo internationally!
Open mouth, insert foot, echo internationally
Open mouth, insert foot, echo internationally . . .
Open mouth, insert foot, echo internationally.
Open mouth, insert foot, echo stupidity internationally.
Open mouth, insert foot.  Echo internationally.
Open mouth, insert shoe store.
Open mouth.  Insert Foot.  Echo internationally.
Open mouth. Insert Foot. Echo internationally.
Open mouth; insert face.
Open mouth; insert foot; echo internationally...
Open my eyes, that I may see...
Open rebuke is better than secret love. - Proverbs 27:5
Open some Windows and let some Fresh air in....
Open the Rest Room doors HAL. I'm sorry Mark, I can't do that.
Open the Rest Room doors HAL. I'm sorry Orville, I can't do that.
Open the Windows and let the bugs in.
Open the back door, OR ELSE !...Unahacker.
Open the bathroom door HAL. Come on HAL, I'm not kidding!
Open the bathroom door, HAL. HAL? I'm not kidding, HAL...
Open the bathroom doors, HAL. HAL? Come on HAL, I'm not kidding...!
Open the bathroom doors, HAL.....HAL?...Come on HAL, I'm not kidding!
Open the blast doors! Open the blast doors!
Open the door, sit in the seat, turn the key and go!
Open the pod bay door, Hal.
Open the pod bay doors please, Hal.
Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Open the pod bay doors, Orville.
Open the restroom door HAL.  Dammit HAL, I'm not kidding!
Open the restroom door, HAL. Dammit, I'm not kidding! HAL!
Open to korrection
Open to the realm of extreme possibility. The truth is out there.
Open up. Drop the walls. - Bester
Open wide dear, I promise that I won't..............
Open wide! You don't know how big this thing gets!
Open wide, Joel. Eat it boy! Eat it! - Dr. Forrester
Open windows are fair game for water bottles
Open your drive door, honey.
Open your front door @FN@, my pit bull is waiting to say hello.
Open your front door Orville, my pit bull is waiting to say hello.
Open your legs, honey, Tom said mellifluously.
Open your mind to extreme possibility. -- Fox Mulder
Open your mind to new ideas.  -- The Watcher
Open your mouth honey, it's just a tongue depressor...
Opened a hotel, The Tribble Inn. Klingons never stay there.
Opened a hotel, The Tribbled Inn. For some reason Klingons never stay.
Opening night: the night before the play is ready to open.
Opening the fridge, Dahmer sings "My bologna has a first name..."
Opening your mind can be fatal.
Opera Gump: Chocolate, and Boxes they love, on tomorrows show.
Opera Virus - Hard Disk Size Decreases and then Increases on the hour...
Opera audience dies after Fat Lady sings!
Opera is when a guy gets stabbed and instead of bleeding, he sings.
Opera singers do it with their diaphragms.
Operate at a higher level with OS/2!
Operating System...or Modus Operandi, for law enforcement users.
Operating at WARP speed with OS/2 Warp!
Operating at a 90-degree angle to reality...
Operating in stand-by mode.
Operating system overwritten.  Terribly sorry!
Operating with one hand tied behind your back again? - Hawk to Frank
Operation Double-0 Girlscout - Crow
Operation Rescuer's are too ugly to have sex with anyway.
Operation Sudden Death. - Richard Franklin
Operation Weasel-snitch - Joel
Operation halted!  Cat needs attention!
Operator Failure: Please Insert a Bootable Brain...
Operator Halted.. Star Trek's On.
Operator Headspace Error #0003 has occurred; System Halted.
Operator I can NOT find the eleven on this dial! I need 9 11 NOW.
Operator down.  (A)bort (R)etry (I)nsert coffee
Operator down.  (A)bort (R)etry (I)nsert tea
Operator halted -- Animaniacs is on!
Operator halted!  Cat needs attention!
Operator halted!  Star Trek's on!
Operator halted!  Startrek's on!
Operator halted-- Animaniacs is on!
Operator halted-- Star Trek's on!
Operator halted.  Monday Night Football is on.
Operator halted.  Star Trek is on.
Operator out of coffee. Recipes may become irrational.
Operator out of coffee. Taglines may become irrational.
Operator out of coffee...taglines may be dupes...may be dupes...may
Operator out of coffee...taglines may become irrational...
Operator out of coffeetaglines may be dupesmay be dupesmay
Operator out of coffeetaglines may become irrational
Operator shelled to kitchen for more coffee
Operator what is the number for 911?
Operator!  Trace this call and tell me where I am!
Operator!  Trace this call and tell me where I am.
Operator! Quick! Trace this call and tell me where I am.
Operator! Trace this call and tell me where I am!
Operator! Trace this call and tell me where I am.
Operator, can I have the number for 911?
Operator, gimme ham on 5, hold the mayo...
Operator, give me the number for 911!
Operator, give me the number for 911.
Operator, trace this call and tell me where I am.
Operator, won't ya put me on through...
Operator... what is the number for 911??.
Operator...give me the no for 911, quick!
Operator...give me the number for 911, quick!
Operator?  This is John Bobbitt.  I've been cut off
OperatorWhat is the number for ??
Operators do it person-to-person.
Operators mount everything.
Operators really know how to mount it.
Operetta- an Italian telephone operater.
Operetta: an Italian telephone operator.
Opet je pun RAK !
Opet mi se zaglavio tasterrrrrrrrrrr
Ophelia Oliver said her name and vanished from the haunts of men.
Ophelia, Get thee to a nunnery!<Shakespeare>
Opie and his therapist go fishing-- Tom Servo
Opinion, Mr. Worf?     I think we should kill them, sir!
Opinions are just like a$$holes.... EVERYBODY HAS ONE
Opinions are like a**holes; everybody has one.
Opinions are like anuses..everyone has one...most stink.
Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.
Opinions are like noses, almost everybody has one.
Opinions are mine alone. Who else would admit to them?
Opinions are mine. Use at your own risk.
Opinions are no substitute for the facts.   (disclaimer from M'liss)
Opinions are respected here, if you don't express them.
Opinions expressed are Mine -   Take 'em or Leave 'em.
Opinions expressed are Mine - Take 'em or Leave 'em.
Opinions expressed are not my own & I'm not responsible for them.
Opinions expressed here or there are not necessarily mine
Opinions of employee do not necessarily reflect those of the Company.
Opona:  Celtic Goddess of Horses.
Opportunist: Someone finding himself in hot water, decides to bathe.
Opportunities are often things you hadn't noticed the first time.
Opportunities taken are what makes your future.
Opportunity always knock at the least opportune moment.
Opportunity always knocks at the least opportune moment.
Opportunity always knocks at the least opportune time.
Opportunity knocked but @N@ was out back looking for 4-Leaf-Clovers.
Opportunity knocked but Orville was out back looking for 4-Leaf-Clovers.
Opportunity knocks but once, GRAB that sucker
Opportunity knocks once - the neighbors rest of the time.
Opportunity knocks once - the neighbors the rest of the time!
Opportunity knocks. Temptation kicks the door down.
Opportunity only knocks; Temptation breaks the door down.
Opportunity plus instinct equals profit -- ROA #9
Opportunity plus instinct equals profit. - 9th Rule
Opportunity plus instinct equals profit. - Larry Niven
Opportunity plus instinct equals profit. -ROA#9
Oppose global government and Bush's "New World Odor".
Oppose global government and Bush's "New World Order".
Oppose redundancy, and we'll send you a FREE GIFT!
Opposing action systems do not execute simultaneously.
Opposite weirdnesses attract--all weirdness is opposite
Opposites attract.
Opposites attract.  Example:  LONG hair and SHORT skirt!
Opposites attract. One example: LONG hair & SHORT skirt
Opposition inflames the enthusiast, never converts him.
Opposition of abortion seems really to be about the control of women.
Opposition to abortion seems really to be about the control of women.
Oprah Winfrey IS the Gross National Product - Doug Anthony All Stars
Oprah Winfrey Reveals Her Distressing Addiction to "Tagline Thievery"!
Oprah of Borg: Losing weight is irrelevant.
Oprah of Borg: Why did you assimilate your husband?
Oprah spelled backwards is Harpo!
Opreznost je majka sigurnosti...
Ops to Rio Grande. You are in business. - Kira
Optical Illusion: Democratic Tax Cut
Optical Mice Have no Balls
Optical Rectalitis: Having a sh*tty outlook on life.
Optical mice have no balls!
Optimisim is a Mania for saying all is well when one is in hell.
Optimism:  Waiting for a ship to come in when you haven't sent one out.
Optimist (adj) _ One lacking sufficient experience.
Optimist (n): Ford owner with a trailer hitch.
Optimist (n): Yugo owner with a trailer hitch.
Optimist is person who thinks he can break up traffic jam
Optimist:      Shit only happens once
Optimist:  A YUGO owner with a trailer hitch!
Optimist:  A man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.
Optimist:  An Amiga salesman with a beeper.
Optimist:  Someone who doesn't know all the facts yet.
Optimist:  a Yugo owner with a trailer hitch!
Optimist: A Geo Metro with a Class 3 trailer hitch.
Optimist: A Yugo owner with a radar detector.
Optimist: A Yugo owner with a trailer hitch!
Optimist: A Yugo with a radar detector.
Optimist: Accordian player with a beeper.
Optimist: Amiga computer salesman with a pager
Optimist: An accordion player with a pager!
Optimist: Chevy truck owner without a fire extinguisher.
Optimist: Chevy truck owner without fire extinguisher.
Optimist: Clinton fan with 1996 Campaign Button!
Optimist: Commodore computer salesman with a bleeper.
Optimist: Commodore computer salesperson with a pager.
Optimist: Geo Metro owner with a trailer hitch!
Optimist: Mac computer salesman with a pager.
Optimist: One lacking sufficient experience.
Optimist: Running dblspace without a backup of the drive.
Optimist: Someone who doesn't know all the facts yet.
Optimist: Stands behind 6 teens at a phone booth.
Optimist: Vanagon owner with a radar detector.
Optimist: YUGO owner with a radar detector.
Optimist: YUGO owner with a trailer hitch.
Optimist: Yugo owner with 'The Club'
Optimist: a Yugo owner with a trailer hitch.
Optimistic - even in the face of reality.
Optimists invented the airplane, pessimists the parachute
Optimization hinders evolution.
Optimized for OS/1.997683 ... You don't need a power-on
Optimum acceleration for a Macintosh:  9.8 m/s ^2
Option on PSYCHIC BBS menu: [W]ho called tomorrow.
Options Trading: June Gold
Options Trading: June Gold*
Optometrist caught in grinder, makes spectacle of himself
Optometrist caught in lens-grinder, makes spectacle of himself!
Optometrists DO IT eyeball-to-eyeball; they always see eye-to-eye.
Optometrists DO IT face-to-face.
Optometrists do it eyeball-to-eyeball, since they always see eye-to-eye.
Optometrists do it face-to-face.
Opus "Right now we're doing something called 'civil disobedience.'"
Opus & Bill the Cat...the voter's alternative....
Or I may have to eat you. - The Cat
Or a beautiful woman walks past, and Londo says, "Hel-looo NURSE!"
Or a disease. - Dot
Or a man and a man? Whatever turns you on Orville.
Or a million thimble sized pints -Crow on freeze capacity
Or anus. Any questions? - Mike as teacher
Or bored teenagers who frequently call out for pizza delivery!
Or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong
Or did I dream this on rotten mushrooms one summer night?
Or did I hallucinate this on SHRooMs one summer night?
Or do we soon forget the things we cannot see...
Or do you enjoy seeing women grovel at your feet? - Tristessa
Or else Pizza is going to send out for you!
Or grateful aliens having sex? Or aliens having gratuitous sex?
Or have other sysops make them for them by request. How about this
Or in my case, those who do it on a daily basis.
Or is it all just a fragment of your partition?
Or just amputate that finger! - Crow
Or maybe not. - Franklin
Or maybe they filled Voyager with helium.
Or not.
Or perhaps you consider that an "ERROR" on my part?
Or toe jam!
Or we'll tear your throat out & kick you in the ear -Crow
Or words to that effect.
Or worse, not to have a mind -Dan Quayle
Or would you rather be a fish?...
Or write Parent's Brains on a three by five card.. - Zombie Krusty
Or you can shoot them just there, just above the beak.
Or you could put a bag over your head and do it for Babylon 5. Franklin
Or you could trade in your appliance and get a PC and an OLR.
Or, as I shall be known from now on...The Black...Vegetable!  -Edmund
Or, how about one relevant to current events over here in Australia?
Or, we can STOP right now and find out what this is all ABOUT! - Aahz
Or, when he's here and it's not him, it's me.
Oral Roberts: Send me $1 million by Xmas or the Borg will assilimate me.
Oral Roberts: Send me $1 million by Xmas or the Borg will assimilated me
Oral Roberts: Send me $1 million or the Borg will assimilated me.
Oral Sex in a National Park - Old Facefull
Oral contraception:  Just say no...
Oral contraceptive: I asked, she said no.
Oral contraceptive: When I asked her and she said no.
Oral self-stimulation is fun! said Tom, swallowing his pride.
Oral sex is a matter of taste.
Oral sex is the answer.. Uhh, the question was what?
Oral sex prevents children.
Oral sex:  [n] The taste of things to come.
Oral sex: The taste of things to come.
Oral sex: just for the taste of it!
Oral thermometer - for use on T.V. evangelist...
Orange Alert: used when encountering the Great Pumpkin
Orange Juice + Vodka + Milk of Magnesia = Phillips Screwdriver
Orange Juice! The Life's Blood of FL! Hmm, is Everyone else a Vampire?
Orange Juice! The Life's Blood of Florida!
Orange juice inside keyboard.  Delete children (Y/n)?
Oranges are pretty! - Crow as dumb girl
Orator: a two minute idea, a two hour vocabulary.
Orators do it orally.
Orb all you want. We'll write more.
Orca circles, hard and lean.
Orchestra leaders do it with a baton.
Orchestral music in the background.
Orcs and Klingons make a bloddy mess when they do it.
Orcs and Klingons make a bloody mess when they do it.
Orcs deserve rights....  and lefts, jabs, uppercuts....
Orcs do it (GOD, what a horrid thought!)
Orcs get all the girls. -- Worf
Orcs get all the girls. Lt.Worf
Orcs really aren't so bad (if you use lots of catsup).
Ordain women or stop baptizing them.
Order Now, and have, a friend for Dinner....
Order now, just $19.95!
Order some bug remover to clean those canopies..
Orderlies do it neatly.
Orders, Master, orders!!! --K9, Warriors' Gate
Ordinary is a setting on a washing machine.
Oregano(n.) - The ancient Italian art of pizza folding.
Oregano, n.: The ancient Italian art of pizza folding.
Oregano:  The ancient Italian art of pizza folding.
Oregano:  the art of Italian pizza folding.
Oregano: the ancient Italian art of pizza folding.
Oregon - it is illegal to require a dead person to serve on a jury.
Oregon -- where the men are men, and so are the women. 
Oregon cellars contain more water than Texas rivers.
Oregon, where men are men and sheep are nervous.
Oregon: It is illegal to require a dead person to serve on a jury.
Org.Asm not found, should I fake it? (Y)es (N)o (R)eEnter
Org.Asm not found, should I fake it? (Y)es (N)o (R)etry
Org.asm found, continue? (YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes)
Organ donor: One who rides without a helmet.
Organ donor?  No WAY I'm giving up my Wurlitzer!
Organ donor?  No WAY!  I'm not giving up my Wurlitzer!
Organ donor? No WAY I'm giving up my Wurlitzer.
Organ transplants are best left to the professionals
Organ transplants are best left to the professionals -Bart Simp./1F15
Organ transplants are best left to the professionals -Bart Simpson/1F15
Organic........... Church music.
Organic:  Musical.
Organic:  Musical...
Organic:  Relating to church music.
Organic: Musical.
Organic: Pertaining to church music
Organic: Relating to church music
Organists do it with both hands and both feet.
Organists pull out all the stops and DO IT with their feet.
Organization is the enemy of improvisation.
Organized Crime: Some call it government.
Organized crime is alive and well.  It's called auto insurance.
Organized religion, organized crimesynonymical.
Orgasm immenent - come again (Y) and again (Y) and again (Y)..
Orgasm not found.  Should I fake it? (Y/N)
Orgasm:  Person who accompanies the church choir.
Orgasm: Natures Tranquilizer
Orgasm: Person who accompanies the church choir.
Orgasms are overrated, said Tom anticlimactically.
Orgasms make a believer outta me!
Orgy of Destruction - Tom boredly on explosions
Oriental guy: Translate * Tom: Booga hooga booga!
Oriental sex -  hour later you're horny again!
Oriental sex - 2 hours later you're horny again!
Oriental sex...an hour later you're horny again!
Orienteers would DO IT, if they knew where they were.
Origamicartaphobia: fear of having to refold a road map.
Origamicartaphobia: the fear of having to refold a road map.
Origin "Never Underestimate the Power of a Crystallized Attitude"
Origin (This List):  The Chuckle Box BBS
Origin * Sorry, but I don't believe in the Grim Reape*&$%# NO CARRIER
Origin ???  My mother of course!!  Humph!
Origin line - Do not remove under penalty of law
Origin of Life:  Somewhere in one of my trashcans.
Origin of Life?  Just check my refrigerator
Origin of Life?  Just check my refrigerator.
Origin of Life? Just check my refrigerator.
Origin of Life? Just check the flight deck refrigerator...
Origin of life? Just check my refigerator...
Origin. We create worlds (of criminals). Who else has the money?
Origin:  Excluded Middle Incorporate
Origin:  Gin made from orgies.
Origin:  The Ayn Rand School for Tots
Origin:  Wits End Farm - do you have to ask?  Ontario Canada
Origin: -={The Fishin Hole}=-[Okc,Ok] (1:147/79)
Origin: Gin made from orgies.
Origin: Holly's Bed & Board! San Diego CA! - Holly Sullivan
Origin: Jina usenet <-> fidonet gateway, Beaverton OR USA (1:105/210)
Origin: Right Said O'Brian: I'm too Sexy for my accent..
Origin: The Aquarium BBS - Fishies Unite! (1:203/112)
Origin: The mining ship Red Dwarf
Original  discoveries, seem so obvious afterwards.
Original Recipe Borg: Calm, Cool, and Collective!
Original Star Trek tagline file.  (The only Trek taglines I keep.)
Original drawings will be mangled by the copying machine.
Original tagline was censored because of the word $#!+
Originality is just undetected plagiarism
Originality is merely undetected plagiarism.
Originality is the art of concealing your source.
Originality is the art of concealing your sources.
Originality is the art of making you believe I said it first.
Originality is undetected plagiarism.
Originality:  Thinking for yourself.
Originality:  posting a stolen tag at least one reader has never seen.
Originality:  proper concealment of source.
Originality: Creating never before seen taglines.
Originality: Making your own damn taglines.
Originality: Thinking for yourself.
Originality: Undetected plagarism.
Originality: posting a stolen tag at least 1 reader has never seen.
Originality: posting a stolen tag at least one reader has never seen
Originality: posting a stolen tag at least one reader has never seen.
Originality: posting a tagline that at least one person hasn't seen.
Originator is a mother: Taglines may become irrational.
Originator of Fuzzy logic!
Originator out of chocolate: Taglines may become irrational.
Originator out of cigarettes.  Taglines may become irrational.
Originator out of coffee. Taglines may become irrational.
Originator out of coffee:  Taglines may become irrational.
Originator out of coffee: Taglines may become irrational.
Originator out of coffee: recipes may become irrational.
Originator out of hair spray: Taglines may become irrational.
Originator out of tea: Taglines may become irrational.
Originator sick of the hockey lockout: Taglines may become irrational.
Originator watching Due South:  Taglines may become sexual.
Origional: name of a reptile in the movie "Gamera vs. Guiron"
Origional: someone from Oregon, or thereabouts
Origional: the positive ion of origionalium
Orks do it. (What an awful thought)
Orlando weather forecast [insert date] - Hot. Afternoon rain.
Orlando's by Virginia, said Tom wolfishly.
Orlando, home of the Magic
Orlando:  Home of the Shaq Attack!
Orlando:  Home of the World's Largest Tagline Collection.
Orlando:  Two million tourists and fifteen natives.
Ornaments of gold / warm my soul from the growing cold
Ornothology is for the birds!
Orphans of the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein
Orrin Hatch Virus Detected; Run 'Exorcist'?
Orthodontists DO IT with braces.
Orthodontists do it with braces.
Orthopedists get all the breaks.
Orville  -  A rose by any other name . . .
Orville  We're not clickin' on all cylinders here!
Orville !!! Genitalia is not an Italian airline...
Orville & hate are like his hand and his dick, inseperable.
Orville (A member of the "Not Quite Over the Hill Gang".
Orville (Keeper of the Sacred Chalice of Geeks)
Orville *must* not have been gone long, his modem's still warm.
Orville , Save energy..screw slowly
Orville ,Are you SURE it's plugged in?
Orville - I'd be delighted to accept.  Tell me what you have in mind...
Orville All the way from "Let's watch the grass grow" festival!
Orville Bluuitt only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Orville Boooonngg.
Orville Bullitt - 13 donuts short of a baker's dozen.
Orville Bullitt - 1995 U.S. Javelin Catching Team member.
Orville Bullitt - 1996 U.S. Olympic Drowning Team member.
Orville Bullitt - A couple of volts below threshold.
Orville Bullitt - A few beans short of a burrito.
Orville Bullitt - A few beers short of a six-pack.
Orville Bullitt - A few bombs short of a cluster.
Orville Bullitt - A few clowns short of a circus.
Orville Bullitt - A few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Orville Bullitt - A few holes short of a whiffle ball.
Orville Bullitt - A few peas short of a casserole.
Orville Bullitt - A few pickles short of a jar.
Orville Bullitt - A fool's fool.
Orville Bullitt - A hole in his bag of marbles.
Orville Bullitt - A jack-of-all-trades and unemployed in all of them.
Orville Bullitt - A legend in his own mind.
Orville Bullitt - A living example of artificial intelligence.
Orville Bullitt - A sausage short of a barbecue.
Orville Bullitt - A victim of retroactive birth control.
Orville Bullitt - About as bright as a black hole.
Orville Bullitt - About as bright as a small appliance bulb.
Orville Bullitt - About as sharp as a bowling ball.
Orville Bullitt - About as sharp as a pin head.
Orville Bullitt - About as sharp as jello.
Orville Bullitt - About four cents short of a nickel.
Orville Bullitt - All booster - no payload.
Orville Bullitt - All crown - no filling.
Orville Bullitt - All the lights don't shine in his marquee.
Orville Bullitt - All the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
Orville Bullitt - Always in the right place, but at the wrong time.
Orville Bullitt - Always sharpening his sleeping skills.
Orville Bullitt - An example of why some animals eat their young.
Orville Bullitt - As bright as a burnt out light bulb.
Orville Bullitt - As flaky as a snowstorm.
Orville Bullitt - As screwed up as a football bat.
Orville Bullitt - As sharp as a marble.
Orville Bullitt - As thick as two short planks.
Orville Bullitt - Barney's biggest fan.
Orville Bullitt - Body by Fisher - brains by Mattel.
Orville Bullitt - Born a day late, and like that ever since.
Orville Bullitt - Born ugly and losing ground ever since.
Orville Bullitt - Charles Manson's drinking buddy.
Orville Bullitt - Condom poster child for 1994.
Orville Bullitt - Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth.
Orville Bullitt - Contributes to the population problem.
Orville Bullitt - Credibility deficient.
Orville Bullitt - Daughter of Suzy Creamcheese and it shows.
Orville Bullitt - Diagnosable.
Orville Bullitt - Drivelmaster.
Orville Bullitt - Electroencephalographically challenged.
Orville Bullitt - Fired from McDonald's for short attention-span.
Orville Bullitt - Full throttle, dry tank.
Orville Bullitt - Grease spot on the driveway of life.
Orville Bullitt - Informationally deprived.
Orville Bullitt - Knitting with only one needle.
Orville Bullitt - Mental agility of a soap dish.
Orville Bullitt - Mouth is in gear, brain is in neutral.
Orville Bullitt - On the batting end of a no-hitter.
Orville Bullitt - On the wrong end of the Information Superhighway.
Orville Bullitt - One bean short of a burrito.
Orville Bullitt - One fry short of a happy meal.
Orville Bullitt - One marble shy of a full deck.
Orville Bullitt - Paranoia Poster child for 1994.
Orville Bullitt - Poster child for Densa.
Orville Bullitt - Poster child for birth control.
Orville Bullitt - Renewable energy source for hot air balloons.
Orville Bullitt - Risen from obscurity & headed for oblivion.
Orville Bullitt - Sailboat fuel for brains.
Orville Bullitt - Seven seconds behind, and built to stay that way.
Orville Bullitt - Squirrel food.
Orville Bullitt - Still trying to figure out who he is.
Orville Bullitt - TIME's 1994 Moron of the Year.
Orville Bullitt - Taste tester for Alpo.
Orville Bullitt - The LEAST dangerous man in America!
Orville Bullitt - The person who brought you the beer milkshake.
Orville Bullitt - The third Warner Brother on Animaniacs.
Orville Bullitt - With one more neuron he'd have a synapse.
Orville Bullitt - born brain dead and still is that way.
Orville Bullitt - inbred and proud of it!
Orville Bullitt - just another inmate in this insane world.
Orville Bullitt - living proof that nature does not abhor a vacuum.
Orville Bullitt - mentally challenged.
Orville Bullitt - one burrito short of a combo meal.
Orville Bullitt - one id short of a personality.
Orville Bullitt - one sandwich short of a picnic.
Orville Bullitt - redneck extrordinaire!
Orville Bullitt - result of a first cousin marriage.
Orville Bullitt - son of Suzy Creamcheese and it shows.
Orville Bullitt - still trying to figure out who they are.
Orville Bullitt WAS born yesterday!
Orville Bullitt blew his O-rings.
Orville Bullitt blew the hatch before the lock sealed.
Orville Bullitt can be outwitted by a jar of marshmallow fluff.
Orville Bullitt comes from a long line of first cousins.
Orville Bullitt couldn't buy a clue with lottery winnings.
Orville Bullitt couldn't win a debate against Suzy Creamcheese.
Orville Bullitt desperately needs help.
Orville Bullitt doesn't have all his cups in the cupboard.
Orville Bullitt doesn't have all his dogs on one leash.
Orville Bullitt doesn't have all of his groceries in the same bag.
Orville Bullitt doesn't have all the dots on his dice.
Orville Bullitt doesn't have both oars in the water.
Orville Bullitt doesn't have enough sandwiches for a picnic.
Orville Bullitt doesn't know what he's talking about.
Orville Bullitt doesn't know what she's talking about.
Orville Bullitt doesn't know which side of the toast the butter is on.
Orville Bullitt doesn't like that idea....
Orville Bullitt doesn't need therapy - he needs a lobotomy.
Orville Bullitt echoes between the ears.
Orville Bullitt failed as a proof-reader for M & M's.
Orville Bullitt fan club - tar & feathers will be provided.
Orville Bullitt forgot the gun was loaded.
Orville Bullitt forgot to pay his brain bill.
Orville Bullitt gets his news from Mad Magazine.
Orville Bullitt got a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.
Orville Bullitt has a Wessonality disorder.
Orville Bullitt has a one-bit brain with a parity error.
Orville Bullitt has a ready wit. Let me know where it's ready.
Orville Bullitt has a room-temperature I.Q.
Orville Bullitt has a slow clock.
Orville Bullitt has a very good point.
Orville Bullitt has both oars in the water on the same side of the boat!
Orville Bullitt has bubbles in his think tank.
Orville Bullitt has his solar panels aimed at the moon.
Orville Bullitt has it floored in neutral.
Orville Bullitt has several screws loose.
Orville Bullitt has taught you well.
Orville Bullitt has too many lice to feel an itch.
Orville Bullitt has trouble dealing with reality.
Orville Bullitt has two neurons separated by a spirochete.
Orville Bullitt headbutts steel posts for fun.
Orville Bullitt is about to impress us with his piloting skills.
Orville Bullitt is my name! But you already knew that, right?
Orville Bullitt is temperamental:  50% temper, 50% mental.
Orville Bullitt is to Fidonet, what The Canadians are to hockey.
Orville Bullitt is to Fidonet, what The Whalers are to hockey.
Orville Bullitt just enjoys the abuse.
Orville Bullitt knows *things* about *stuff*!!
Orville Bullitt lines up his shot ... Hey! What's with the pink bunny!
Orville Bullitt loses arguments with the TAGLINES Conference.
Orville Bullitt makes Pee-Wee Herman appear funny.
Orville Bullitt makes wood seem intelligent.
Orville Bullitt needs another brain to make it to half-wit.
Orville Bullitt only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Orville Bullitt only uses his brain to keep his head from caving in.
Orville Bullitt plays solitaire for cash.
Orville Bullitt please pick up the white courtesy phone.
Orville Bullitt runs squares around the competition.
Orville Bullitt sat under the ozone hole too long.
Orville Bullitt says a thousand pleasant things, but never Adieu.
Orville Bullitt snarls. Orville Bullitt was done with waiting.
Orville Bullitt sticks his tongue in rotating fan blades for fun.
Orville Bullitt still believes in the tooth fairy, too.
Orville Bullitt studies hard for blood tests.
Orville Bullitt suffers from terminal brain-lock.
Orville Bullitt suffers from terminal brain-skid.
Orville Bullitt suffers from too many radiation treatments.
Orville Bullitt thinks 'Ren and Stimpy' is highbrow entertainment!
Orville Bullitt thinks at 5 baud.
Orville Bullitt was born twins and they killed the wrong one!
Orville Bullitt was caused by a failed condom.
Orville Bullitt wasn't abused as a child, but should have been.
Orville Bullitt wears a pony tail to cover up the valve stem.
Orville Bullitt's Reality-ometer: E[\........]F  Hmmph! Thought so...
Orville Bullitt's SO stupid, he got stabbed in a shootout.
Orville Bullitt's Slinky's kinked.
Orville Bullitt's Warp Crystals make my jeep do wf8?
Orville Bullitt's Yin and Yang are no longer on speaking terms.
Orville Bullitt's a closet homosapien!
Orville Bullitt's a real big gun - of small caliber and immense bore.
Orville Bullitt's a self-made man, and worships his creator.
Orville Bullitt's a sheep in sheep's clothing.
Orville Bullitt's about as smart as live bait.
Orville Bullitt's all sail and no boat.
Orville Bullitt's as up-to-date as a 1940 calendar.
Orville Bullitt's attic's very dusty.
Orville Bullitt's been napping in front of the ion shield again.
Orville Bullitt's been playing with his wand too much.
Orville Bullitt's been playing with the plutonium again.
Orville Bullitt's been short on oxygen one time too many.
Orville Bullitt's been using his head as a mass driver.
Orville Bullitt's brain has freezer burns.
Orville Bullitt's bright as a tulip bulb.
Orville Bullitt's buffer is full.
Orville Bullitt's caboose seems to be pulling the engine.
Orville Bullitt's cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
Orville Bullitt's clock doesn't have all its numbers.
Orville Bullitt's comes from a long line of first cousins.
Orville Bullitt's demented and deluded mind.
Orville Bullitt's doin' 30 on the freeway.
Orville Bullitt's egotism is a plain case of mistaken nonentity.
Orville Bullitt's employed as a crash dummy?!?
Orville Bullitt's family tree doesn't fork.
Orville Bullitt's got the attention span of an overripe grapefruit.
Orville Bullitt's gyros are loose.
Orville Bullitt's head whistles in a crosswind.
Orville Bullitt's little red choo choo done jumped the track.
Orville Bullitt's looking for a meaningful overnight relationship.
Orville Bullitt's lug nuts rattling in the hubcaps.
Orville Bullitt's memory is truly random-access.
Orville Bullitt's middle name?  Hoover.  Because he sucks dirt too...
Orville Bullitt's mind is like a steel sieve.
Orville Bullitt's mind is like a steel trap - full of mice.
Orville Bullitt's mind is like a steel trap - rusted shut!
Orville Bullitt's new strategy; running away.
Orville Bullitt's on her last lap around the gene pool.
Orville Bullitt's on his last lap around the gene pool.
Orville Bullitt's opinion is SHAREWARE!  To register, send me $10.
Orville Bullitt's opinion will be taken under advisement.
Orville Bullitt's parents threw out the baby and kept the bathwater.
Orville Bullitt's playing baseball with a rubber bat.
Orville Bullitt's playing hockey with a warped puck.
Orville Bullitt's playing with an unstrung raquet.
Orville Bullitt's plays solitaire......for cash.
Orville Bullitt's post: [ ]Humorous [ ]Insightful [X]Just plain stupid.
Orville Bullitt's pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere.
Orville Bullitt's reset line is glitching.
Orville Bullitt's skating on the wrong side of the ice.
Orville Bullitt's slower than my grandma. She's been dead for 20 years.
Orville Bullitt's so stupid he could screw up a one-car funeral.
Orville Bullitt's swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Orville Bullitt's the Lawn Ranger.
Orville Bullitt's two tacos short of a combination plate.
Orville Bullitt's zero k memory.
Orville Bullitt, I said I was Sorry!.. Don't Delete^*%*&****NO CARRIER
Orville Bullitt, Ph.D. of Scatology.
Orville Bullitt, The Mad Quoter!
Orville Bullitt, You are fast becoming my favorite slick person.
Orville Bullitt, a little light in the loafers.
Orville Bullitt, a man that'd trade boredom for misery.
Orville Bullitt, approach, bow and scrape, state your business.
Orville Bullitt, don't be elliptical unless you're an orbit.
Orville Bullitt, goalie for the dart team.
Orville Bullitt, please pick up the black courtesy phone.
Orville Bullitt, rebel without a clue.
Orville Bullitt, sorry about your rectocranial inversion.
Orville Bullitt, we're going to *CLAP* pump you up!
Orville Bullitt, you are a jerk, a complete knee biter.
Orville Bullitt, you are some piece of work!! Hoo Ha!!!
Orville Bullitt, you certainly know how to make a Point!
Orville Bullitt, you forgot the bloomin' TAGLINE.
Orville Bullitt, you have been selected for a secret mission.
Orville Bullitt, you have been selected to clean the latrine.
Orville Bullitt, you know better than to trust a strange computer.
Orville Bullitt, you were pretty rough on the Beaver last night.
Orville Bullitt. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon.
Orville Bullitt... Jedi Knight!
Orville Bullitt: A 10K brain attached to a 14,400 baud mouth.
Orville Bullitt: A bad spot on the disk.
Orville Bullitt: A couple of revisions behind.
Orville Bullitt: A few bits shy of a word.
Orville Bullitt: A loose chip on the microprocessor board.
Orville Bullitt: An 8080 in a 68000 environment.
Orville Bullitt: CPU not connected to the bus.
Orville Bullitt: Doesn't have all the pens in her plotter.
Orville Bullitt: Had a head crash.
Orville Bullitt: Has a few wait states.
Orville Bullitt: In need of a ROM upgrade.
Orville Bullitt: More fun than a ferret in your pants!
Orville Bullitt: Overruns above 110 baud.
Orville Bullitt: RS-232 pins 2 & 3 permanently connected to ground.
Orville Bullitt: Sending back packets, but the checksums are wrong.
Orville Bullitt: Source code is missing a few lines.
Orville Bullitt: The lights are on but nobody's home.
Orville Bullitt: Twit of the Year 1994. Congratulations!
Orville Bullitt: reading from an empty disk.
Orville Bullitt: running at 300 baud.
Orville Bullitt: swapped out.
Orville Bullitt: working with an unformatted disk
Orville Bullitt? Orville!? Boy- your parents musta *HATED* you!
Orville Bullitt? What makes you think so?
Orville Knows BlueWave!
Orville Motors - Home of the World's Largest Lemon Collection.
Orville Snatches Kisses, and Vice-Versa!
Orville Snerdley - Official Call Screener for the Lamers Echo.
Orville Snerdley - Official Call Screener for the Limbaugh Echo.
Orville This is your life: A comedy in half hour segments.
Orville University: Where men are men and the women are too.
Orville Unties Other Half of Brain!  News at 11!
Orville WAS born yesterday!
Orville Why can't you see things my way?
Orville Wright didn't have a pilot's license.
Orville are you naked?
Orville are you scared?
Orville are your toes numbered?
Orville arrested at Sea World for releasing the 7 seals.
Orville arrested at Sea World, trying to release the 7 seals.
Orville at Pooh Corner: looking for Hunny taglines.
Orville at school: <sinkt> Whaddya mean I got an F
Orville be the one tote'n a machine gun.
Orville believes anyone who says 'Read my Lips...' <grin>
Orville bellows like a cow standing on her tit.
Orville can be outwitted by a jar of marshmallow fluff.
Orville can go skinny dipping in Cool Whip!
Orville can read government instructions!  I'm worried about him.
Orville can turn ANY conversation into one about sex!
Orville can't be stupid, he completed third grade!
Orville couldn't buy a clue with lottery winnings.
Orville couldn't find a cup of water if you dropped him in a lake.
Orville couldn't win a debate against Suzy Creamcheese.
Orville dated Betty Crocker, and said she was moist and easy!
Orville deserves more credit than he received.
Orville desperately needs help.
Orville did it her way.
Orville did it his way.
Orville didn't jump; he screamed inside his helmet.
Orville does his best work with MY help!! Hehe...
Orville does the most fabulous tongue tricks I've ever felt!
Orville does the work of 3 men. Moe, Larry & Curly
Orville doesn't have all his cups in the cupboard.
Orville doesn't have all his dogs on one leash.
Orville doesn't have all of his groceries in the same bag.
Orville doesn't have all the dots on his dice.
Orville doesn't have both oars in the water.
Orville doesn't have enough sandwiches for a picnic.
Orville doesn't know what he's talking about.
Orville doesn't know what she's talking about.
Orville doesn't know which side of the toast the butter is on.
Orville echoes between the ears.
Orville failed as a proof-reader for M & M's.
Orville fan club - tar & feathers will be provided.
Orville forgot the gun was loaded.
Orville forgot to pay his brain bill.
Orville forgot to take his medication, again.
Orville gave me a truck load of vibrators:  Toys for twats.
Orville gets his news from Mad Magazine.
Orville got a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.
Orville got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.
Orville had a little RAM... about 16K or so.
Orville had a sterility test done and only x-chromosomes showed up.
Orville had a tyro's grasp of the Hero's Tongue.
Orville has Mental agility of a soap dish.
Orville has Van Gogh's ear for music.
Orville has a Wessonality disorder.
Orville has a full throttle, dry tank.
Orville has a good frame of mind but no picture.
Orville has a mind like a steel sieve.
Orville has a mind like a steel trap - rusted shut!
Orville has a one-bit brain with a parity error.
Orville has a ready wit. Let me know where it's ready.
Orville has a room-temperature IQ.
Orville has a slow clock.
Orville has a very good point.
Orville has been absent because he has two teeth taken off his face.
Orville has been caught cheating on taglines again.
Orville has been diagnosed with Blue Wave Fever. It's catching too.
Orville has been diagnosed with Tagline Fever. It's catching too!
Orville has been found in more hotel rooms than the Bible.
Orville has been nominated as Dax's host in '94!
Orville has both oars in the water on the same side of the boat!
Orville has bubbles in his think tank.
Orville has his solar panels aimed at the moon.
Orville has it floored in neutral.
Orville has me tongue-tied! Mfff! Mfff-t!
Orville has no Elvis in him.
Orville has several screws loose.
Orville has too many lice to feel an itch.
Orville has trouble dealing with reality.
Orville has two neurons separated by a spirochete.
Orville have you ever been a member of the Illuminati?
Orville headbutts steel posts for fun.
Orville is a Marxist with Groucho tendencies.
Orville is a beta short of a full release!
Orville is a closet Dittohead!
Orville is a page short of a book.
Orville is a self-made man, and worships his creator.
Orville is a sheep in sheep's clothing.
Orville is a tender subject. Would you like another piece?
Orville is about as much a journalist as Leeza Gibbons is.
Orville is actually a HUGE Rush Limbaugh fan.
Orville is an obnoxious twit. I know, he's at all the meetings.
Orville is buried 9 edge, face down.
Orville is busier than a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes.
Orville is everywhere, man, Orville is everywhere.
Orville is everywhere.
Orville is irrelevant. Orville is irrelevant. You will be regurgitated.
Orville is just another misguided manure salesman.
Orville is locked inside a chocolate factory...DON'T send help!
Orville is my name! But you already knew that, right?
Orville is not GEEK - just SOCIALLY CHALLENGED.
Orville is not a Borg identification, you are now 3 of 32 billion.
Orville is our salvation!
Orville is so narrow minded he can look through a keyhole.
Orville is temperamental:  50% temper, 50% mental.
Orville is this years poster child for the tagline echo!
Orville is to moderators what mosquitoes are to campers..
Orville isn't an idiot. Full of shit, yes. An idiot, no.
Orville just enjoys the abuse.
Orville knows Taglines!
Orville knows Zortech C++.
Orville lines up his shot... Hey! What's with the pink bunny!
Orville lives for hardware.
Orville make a donation to the Get a Life Foundation.
Orville makes Pee-Wee Herman appear funny.
Orville makes wood seem intelligent.
Orville meets Godzilla! And there was much rejoicing.
Orville must be home. The modem is still warm.
Orville must have hidden the plans in the escape pod.
Orville needs another brain to make it to half-wit.
Orville no longer needs the wierding module!
Orville oh Orville, wherefore art thou Orville?
Orville on the next Geraldo.
Orville only uses his brain to keep his head from caving in.
Orville pondered the theory of relativity as he ate a Big Mac.
Orville reminds me of London - Always in a fog.
Orville rented a pickup truck. It didn't work. He didn't get any girls.
Orville runs squares around the competition.
Orville said  Make like a shepard and get the flock out of here.
Orville said "I had a vasectomy, so you'll still be a virgin"
Orville said "If I can't misquote it, I don't want it."
Orville said "On your knees slut, and open your mouth wide!" YES!
Orville said Make like a hockey player and puck off.
Orville said he can't see the light!!! well put on some glasses!!
Orville said to @FT@ LICK.COM invoked, please spread your legs.
Orville said to me.. "On your knees slut, and open your mouth wide!"
Orville said, Put in a tagline. So I did.
Orville said.. My girlfriend can't wrestle, but you should see her box!
Orville said.."Well I think I'll make like a baby and head out. "
Orville sat under the ozone hole too long.
Orville saw Elvis.  He sat between him and Bigfoot on the UFO.
Orville says a thousand pleasant things, but never Adieu.
Orville says:  Muff diving warms your ears.
Orville seized the moment but found he had no place to put it.
Orville sets off every stud sensor in the hardware store.
Orville smiled, and showed *all* his teeth.
Orville snarls. Orville was done with waiting.
Orville sticks his tongue in rotating fan blades for fun.
Orville still believes in the tooth fairy, too.
Orville studies hard for blood tests.
Orville suddenly realizes the world has no Hue, Value, or Chroma!
Orville suffers from terminal brain-lock.
Orville suffers from terminal brain-skid.
Orville suffers from too many radiation treatments.
Orville survived the First Amazon Calvary PMS Battalion!
Orville the 8th I am, I am! Orville the 8th I am! I got married to...
Orville the Wise says.. Abstain from wine, women, and song; mostly song.
Orville the battle bridge is being used go somewhere else.
Orville thinks 'Ren and Stimpy' is highbrow entertainment!
Orville thinks at 5 baud.
Orville thought drugs were fun 'til he started studying pharmacy.
Orville throwing clone off tower: On trial for obscene clone falls.
Orville typed a bad command, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyaaaaahhhh ...
Orville used to kiss me on the lips, but now it's all over.
Orville wanted to see the world, so I bought him an atlas.
Orville was a man that never said a foolish thing in his life.
Orville was absent from school yesterday because she has a going over.
Orville was absent this morning because he missed his bust.
Orville was absent yesterday because he had a sore trout.
Orville was absent yesterday because he had a stomach.
Orville was born twins and they killed the wrong one!
Orville was caused by a failed condom.
Orville was fired from McDonald's for short attention-span.
Orville was so good the ladies gave him a standing ovulation!
Orville wasn't abused as a child, but should have been.
Orville wears a pony tail to cover up the valve stem.
Orville will not be in school because he has an acre in his side.
Orville wishing the very best to you as he signs off!
Orville you have been accused of Mass Mental Cruelty. How do you plead.
Orville you have the attention span of a ferret on a double mocha.
Orville you're a living example of Artificial Intelligence.
Orville! It's Loot, Pillage and THEN burn ... Stupid berserkers....
Orville! You're a genius!
Orville! You're killing me!
Orville's 13 donuts short of a baker's dozen.
Orville's 1996 U.S. Olympic Drowning Team member.
Orville's A few bits short of a byte.
Orville's A few bits shy of a word.
Orville's A few bombs short of a full load.
Orville's A few bricks shy of a load.
Orville's A few clowns short of a circus.
Orville's A few drops short of a piss.
Orville's A few holes short of a whiffle ball.
Orville's A few pages stuck together.
Orville's A few peas short of a casserole.
Orville's A few pickles short of a jar.
Orville's A few pickles shy of a jar.
Orville's A few planes short of an Air Force.
Orville's A few sandwiches short of a picnic
Orville's A few slices short of a loaf
Orville's A few tacos short of a combo plate
Orville's A few tiles short of a successful re-entry.
Orville's A few tokens short of a toaster.
Orville's A few yards short of the hole.
Orville's A victim of retroactive birth control.
Orville's About as bright as a black hole.
Orville's About as bright as a small appliance bulb.
Orville's About as sharp as a bowling ball.
Orville's About as sharp as a pin head.
Orville's About as sharp as jello.
Orville's About four cents short of a nickel.
Orville's All booster - no payload.
Orville's All crown - no filling.
Orville's All the lights don't shine in his marquee.
Orville's All the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
Orville's Always in the right place, but at the wrong time.
Orville's Always sharpening his sleeping skills.
Orville's An example of why some animals eat their young.
Orville's As bright as a burnt out light bulb.
Orville's As flakey as a snowstorm.
Orville's As screwed up as a football bat.
Orville's As sharp as a marble.
Orville's Author of Lead, follow, or get outta the way.
Orville's Author of Zilch.
Orville's Barney's biggest fan.
Orville's Body by Fisher - brains by Mattel.
Orville's Born a day late, and like that ever since.
Orville's Born ugly and losing ground ever since.
Orville's Charles Manson's drinking buddy.
Orville's Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth.
Orville's Contributes to the population problem.
Orville's Diagnosable.
Orville's Drivelmaster.
Orville's Gourmet Taglines: Best and Freshest Every Day!
Orville's IQ is the inverse of the number of flames he posts.
Orville's Paranoia Poster child for 1994.
Orville's Poster child for Densa.
Orville's Poster child for birth control.
Orville's Reality-o-meter: E[\........]F. Hmmph! Thought so.
Orville's SO stupid, he got stabbed in a shootout.
Orville's Sailboat fuel for brains.
Orville's Seven seconds behind, and built to stay that way.
Orville's Slinky's kinked.
Orville's Squirrel food.
Orville's Summer Camp - not just for the criminally insane!!!
Orville's Tagcrafters: Taglines repaired in about an hour.
Orville's Taste tester for Alpo.
Orville's The LEAST dangerous man in America!
Orville's The person who brought you the beer milkshake.
Orville's With one more neuron he'd have a synapse.
Orville's World! Party Time! Excellent!
Orville's Yin and Yang are no longer on speaking terms.
Orville's a blond short of a blond.
Orville's a brick short of a load.
Orville's a bubble shy of plumb.
Orville's a can short of a six pack.
Orville's a card shy of a deck.
Orville's a closet homosapien!
Orville's a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic basket.
Orville's a couple of tacos short of a combo plate.
Orville's a couple of volts below threshold.
Orville's a couple sandwiches short of a picnic.
Orville's a cup and saucer short of a place setting.
Orville's a doughnut short of a dozen.
Orville's a few Beta's short of a full release!
Orville's a few beans short of a burrito.
Orville's a few beers short of a six-pack.
Orville's a few bombs short of a cluster.
Orville's a few bricks short of a load.
Orville's a few bytes short of a checksum.
Orville's a few cards short of a full deck.
Orville's a few flap jacks short a breakfast.
Orville's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Orville's a few roses short of a bouquet
Orville's a few screws loose.
Orville's a fool's fool.
Orville's a hole in his bag of marbles.
Orville's a jack-of-all-trades and unemployed in all of them.
Orville's a legend in his own mind.
Orville's a little light in the loafers!
Orville's a living example of artificial intelligence.
Orville's a member of The Flat-Earth Society.
Orville's a nugget short of a cob.
Orville's a place setting short of a spoon.
Orville's a real big gun - of small caliber and immense bore.
Orville's a real rocket scientist!
Orville's a sandwich short of a picnic.
Orville's a sausage short of a barbecue.
Orville's a self-made man, and worships his creator.
Orville's a sheep in sheep's clothing.
Orville's a walk-out.
Orville's a walking wind tunnel.
Orville's a wheel short of a unicycle.
Orville's about 51 cards short of a full deck.
Orville's about a quart low!
Orville's about as smart as live bait.
Orville's all sail and no boat.
Orville's all wired, but no one has turned on the circuit breakers.
Orville's an Enchilada short of a combination plate.
Orville's an odd name.  Mind if we call you Bruce?
Orville's as dumb as a sack of hammers.
Orville's as thick as two short planks.
Orville's as up-to-date as a 1940 calendar.
Orville's attic's very dusty.
Orville's been infected with E.I.B.!
Orville's been napping in front of the ion shield again.
Orville's been playing with his wand too much.
Orville's been playing with the plutonium again.
Orville's been short on oxygen one time too many.
Orville's been using his head as a mass driver.
Orville's believing any politician won't raise your taxes.
Orville's blew his O-rings.
Orville's blew the hatch before the lock sealed.
Orville's born brain dead and still is that way.
Orville's brain has freezer burns.
Orville's bright as a broken bulb.
Orville's bright as a tulip bulb.
Orville's buffer is full.
Orville's caboose seems to be pulling the engine.
Orville's cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
Orville's clock doesn't have all its numbers.
Orville's comes from a long line of first cousins.
Orville's condom poster child for 1994.
Orville's credibility deficient.
Orville's daughter of Suzy Creamcheese and it shows.
Orville's demented and deluded mind.
Orville's doesn't have both oars in the water.
Orville's doin' 30 on the freeway.
Orville's egotism is a plain case of mistaken nonentity.
Orville's electroencephalographically challenged.
Orville's employed as a crash dummy?!?
Orville's engaging in another of his Real-Life Simulations. HELP US!
Orville's engaging in another of those Real-Life Simulations....
Orville's family tree doesn't fork.
Orville's favorite exercise is compressing springs - BED springs.
Orville's gay?  That's enough to make homosexuals homophobic.
Orville's got a magnet! Everybody BACKUP!
Orville's got the attention span of an overripe grapefruit.
Orville's grease spot on the driveway of life.
Orville's gyros are loose.
Orville's head whistles in a crosswind.
Orville's in the shopping mall of the mind, he's in the toy store.
Orville's inbred and proud of it!
Orville's informationally deprived.
Orville's just another inmate in this insane world.
Orville's just not a farmer. He has too much of his father in him.
Orville's just tagging along for the pun of it.
Orville's knitting with only one needle.
Orville's last words: "Ooops! E DOES EQUAL Mc! AGGGHHHH!"
Orville's little red choo choo done jumped the track.
Orville's living proof that nature does not abhor a vacuum.
Orville's lug nuts rattling in the hubcaps.
Orville's memory is truly random-access.
Orville's mentally challenged.
Orville's mind is like a steel sieve.
Orville's mind is like a steel trap - full of mice.
Orville's mind is like a steel trap - rusted shut!
Orville's missing all the face cards.
Orville's mouth is in gear, brain is in neutral.
Orville's new strategy; running away.
Orville's not playing with a full deck.
Orville's on her last lap around the gene pool.
Orville's on his last lap around the gene pool.
Orville's on the batting end of a no-hitter.
Orville's one bean short of a burrito.
Orville's one burrito short of a combo meal.
Orville's one card short of a full deck.
Orville's one fry short of a happy meal.
Orville's one id short of a personality.
Orville's one marble shy of a full deck.
Orville's one of our prize students - we're giving him away next week.
Orville's one sandwich short of a picnic.
Orville's one taco short of a combination platter.
Orville's opinion will be taken under advisement.
Orville's parents threw out the baby and kept the bathwater.
Orville's playing Russian roulette with a full gun.
Orville's playing baseball with a rubber bat.
Orville's playing hockey with a warped puck.
Orville's playing with an unstrung raquet.
Orville's plays solitaire......for cash.
Orville's post: [ ]Humorous [ ]Insightful [X]Just plain stupid.
Orville's post: [X]Humorous [ ]Insightful [ ]Just plain stupid.
Orville's pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere.
Orville's redneck extrordinaire!
Orville's renewable energy source for hot air balloons.
Orville's result of a first cousin marriage.
Orville's risen from obscurity & headed for oblivion.
Orville's secret is that she likes to dress like a slut.
Orville's sharp as a tacky marshmallow.
Orville's skating on the wrong side of the ice.
Orville's slower than my grandma. She's been dead for 20 years.
Orville's so stupid he could screw up a one-car funeral.
Orville's son of Suzy Creamcheese and it shows.
Orville's started at his wit's end.
Orville's still trying to figure out who they are.
Orville's swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Orville's tequila tried to go down the wrong way.
Orville's the Lawn Ranger.
Orville's the brains sweetheart!
Orville's the largest source if natural gas.
Orville's the newest outfielder for the Nippon Ham Fighters.
Orville's the third Warner Brother on Animaniacs.
Orville's thinks a Perot is better than a Bush.
Orville's two bushels shy of a good crop.
Orville's two tacos short of a combination plate.
Orville's two ticks past the noon whistle.
Orville's typing is improving. He can now make 20 mistakes a minute.
Orville's was diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Orville's zero k memory.
Orville, Define the universe and give three examples.
Orville, Have a Happy and Safe Holiday.
Orville, I could just stare at your legs all day.
Orville, I just leaped into a tagline. What does Ziggy have to say?
Orville, I just love your wicked mind.......
Orville, I said I was Sorry!.. Don't Delete^*%*&****NO CARRIER
Orville, I said TUCK the kids in bed!
Orville, I shall taunt you a second time.
Orville, I think it's a floating city.
Orville, I'm worried about the Beaver.
Orville, I'm your No. 1 fan. You're lucky I found you.
Orville, I've got a feeling we're not in Waco anymore.
Orville, Ph.D. of Scatology.
Orville, The Mad Quoter!
Orville, This is your life: A comedy in half hour segments.
Orville, You are fast becoming my favorite sick person.
Orville, Ziggy says there's a 94.1% chance your tagline is adopted!
Orville, a little light in the loafers.
Orville, a man that'd trade boredom for misery.
Orville, and _how_ may I please you?
Orville, approach, bow and scrape, state your business.
Orville, are your toes numbered?
Orville, be proud of your North Tibetan heritage!
Orville, beam me up! But I don't have the power.
Orville, bring me the ruby slippers.
Orville, comb your hair...you look dreadful!
Orville, could you pick your butt with your nose? huh huh huh
Orville, crusing for chicks on the information superhighway...
Orville, direct from the Ministry of Silly Walks
Orville, don't be elliptical unless you're an orbit.
Orville, don't crush that dwarf! Hand me the pliers!
Orville, don't spit on the floor, use the cuspidor.
Orville, feast your eyes.
Orville, go see who's at the door.
Orville, have you been eating dung again?
Orville, have you been listening to Big Brother, again?
Orville, have you been smoking that stuff again?
Orville, if I were there now what would you do with me??
Orville, if someone asks you if you're a god, you say 'YES!'
Orville, is the coast clear? My boyfriend is getting suspicious.
Orville, is the coast clear? My girlfriend is getting suspicious.
Orville, is the coast clear? My husband is getting suspicious.
Orville, is the coast clear? My wife is getting suspicious.
Orville, it worked! I knew you could do it!
Orville, it's time you confessed your sins to Friar Gordo.
Orville, jog his memory.
Orville, meet me at the Stardock Tavern, 19:30!
Orville, my boy... why did you have to fry poor Greedo like that?
Orville, my towel and your heinder have an appointment!
Orville, no sleeping on the Promenade. Go home. --Odo.
Orville, peel me another grape....
Orville, please pick up the black courtesy phone.
Orville, please pick up the white courtesy telephone.
Orville, please.  Not in front of the Klingons.
Orville, rebel without a clue.
Orville, set the Way-Back Machine for 1492. --Peabody.
Orville, some people will turn you away. --M. Jackson.
Orville, sorry about your rectocranial inversion.
Orville, still doing things with meat butchers only dream of?
Orville, stop that!!  My boyfriend's getting suspicious!
Orville, stop that!!  My girlfriend's getting suspicious!
Orville, target your blaster at the nearest moderator AND SHOOT!
Orville, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans.
Orville, the replicator is on the blink again - can you fix it?
Orville, this message self destructs in 7 seconds...3, 2, 1, *BLAM!*
Orville, we're going to *CLAP* pump you up!
Orville, were gonna have company!
Orville, when someone asks if you're good, say YES!
Orville, when someone asks you if your're good...SAY YES!
Orville, why does Heidi Fleiss have you 9 times in her book?
Orville, will you build me my own jack-booted dominatrix?
Orville, would you like a hot tongue injection?
Orville, you ...huh... take a laptop to the _bathroom_ with you?
Orville, you are part of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor!
Orville, you certainly know how to make a Point!
Orville, you delight and amaze me!
Orville, you fail to grasp Ti Kwon Leep. (BOOT TO THE HEAD).
Orville, you have been selected to clean the latrine.
Orville, you magnificent b*stard...I READ YOUR MENU!
Orville, you must get a grip on yourself. WHERE, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!
Orville, you owe me a box of Kleenex!
Orville, you switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?
Orville, you will not be the first, but you can be NEXT!
Orville, you're playing the wrong message!
Orville, you're so cute when youre cynical
Orville, your brain is caught in your zipper.
Orville.  We live in a bloody swamp!  We need all the land we can get!
Orville. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon.
Orville... Boy, your parents musta *HATED* you!
Orville... Jedi Knight!
Orville.... Instant Karma Sutra ...
Orville:  "All *other* opinions are irrelevant!"
Orville:  A personality cult by any other name...
Orville:  All the wit of a marginally bright bully.
Orville:  Can dish it out, but he can't take it!
Orville:  Forging new limits of human stupidity daily.
Orville:  Living proof of what happens when cousins marry.
Orville:  Proof that acid flashbacks can be marketable.
Orville:  Proof that evolution works in reverse.
Orville:  Stop him now before he breeds!
Orville:  The only person EVER to make Vice-Admiral Necheyev cry.
Orville:  The world's most gifted idiot.
Orville: More fun than a ferret in your pants!
Orville: Twit of the Year 1994. Congratulations!
Orville? Orville Bullitt where are you?!
Orville? Orville!? Boy- your parents musta *HATED* you!
Orville? What makes you think so?
Orville? What's the difference between soup and gravy?
Orville? Yes Hal? Orville? Orville?! Orville's not here.
Orvilles Gourmet Taglines: Best and Freshest Every Day!
Orvilles dice are missing some of the spots.
Orvilles draw-bridge is always up.
Orvilles elevator doesn't go all the way to the top.
Orvilles post: [ ]Humorous [ ]Insightful [X]Just plain stupid.
Orvilles post: [ ]Humorous [X]Insightful [ ]Just plain stupid.
Orvilles post: [X]Humorous [ ]Insightful [ ]Just plain stupid.
Orvillezilla, scourge of the nets, is on the loose again!
Orwell to Publisher "Ninety -four! Ninety -four you Idiot!"
Orwell to Publisher "Ninety-four! Ninety-four, you Idiot!"
Orwell was an optimist!
Orwell was off by 10 years and got the gender wrong. Long Live Big SISTER!
Orwell was only off by about ten years.
Orwellian Dict.- Clinton: The Administration of Newspeak.
Orwellian Dicttionary - Clinton: The Administration of Newspeak.
Os/2 is half an operating system.
Osborn's Law: Variables won't; constants aren't.
Osborne Computer for sale...See Antiques Conference  ;*)
Osborne's Law: Variables won't: constants aren't.
Oscar Mayers do it frankly.
Oscar Myers do it frankly.
Oscar the Grouch on smut: I love it because it's trash!
Osculating Fan.....
Osecam da dolazi moje vreme - pokvario mi se sat!
Oslobodimo robinju Isauru!
Ossie not found!(P)luck duck(T)ake saucepans(W)atch ManAboutTheHouse
Ostacu slobodan, necu se vezati, vazno je samo, dobro se zezati.
Ostao sam bez teksta...
Ostrich Complex: People who try to hide from their problems.
Ostrich: He often runs so fast he leaves himself behind.
Ostrich: He runs so fast he leaves his behind behind.
Otaku of Borg - Carl Macek is irrelevant!
Otezem kad pricam jezikom koji ne poznajem.
Other kings said I was *daft* to build a castle in a swamp!
Other kings said I was daft to build a castle in a swamp!
Other opinions will be welcomed and ignored.
Other people eat to live, New Orleanians live to eat.
Other recipes will follow.  Keep only the ones you want.
Other sports exist only to keep you busy until baseball season comes
Other taglines will follow, one every month. Keep only ones you want.
Other taglines will follow.  Keep only the ones you want.
Other taglines will follow...Keep only the ones you want...
Other than being strangled, the body was not otherwise harmed.
Other than hockey, Canada mainly influences U.N. peace missions.
Other than it doesn't work, it works fantastic for me.
Other than penicillin do you take if you have everything?
Other than that Mrs.Kennedy, how did you like the parade?
Other than that, Jackie, how was the parade? - Dan Quayle
Other than that, Mrs. Kennedy, did you enjoy Dallas?
Other than that, Mrs. Kennedy, how was the parade?
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play ?
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Other than that, Saddam, how was Kuwait?
Other than that, Saddam, how were the fireworks?
Other than that, how WAS your day Mrs. Lincoln?
Other than that, how was the parade, Mrs. Kennedy?
Other than that, how'd you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
Other than that.  I am just as confused as you are..
Other things change, but we start and end with family.
Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.
Other times, other customs.
Others look to you for stability, so hide when you bite your nails.
Others may disagree with some or all of this.
Others will look to you for stability, so hide when you bite your nails.
Otherwise, I'll have to sentence you to the comfy chair!
Otherwise, we're all on CNN! - Kalas
Otium sine litteris mors est--Leisure without literature is death.
Otkad pijem pivo mene glava ne boli
Otkrivaju mlade talente Zadizu im suknje
Ottawa scares the hell out of us in the West.
Otto Von Cheese-Biscuit -Tom suggesting alias for Daddy-O
Otto saw pup; pup was Otto.
Ottowam: capital of Kennedium
Ottumwa did its bit, Radar. They sent you. - Hawkeye
Ouch!  I got my floppy stuck in my PK ZIPper!
Ouch!  Stop that!  I didn't say PLUCK me!
Ouch!  That's my real nose - I AM a witch! - Monty Python
Ouch!  Ya got me!  Thanks for calling it interesting!
Ouch! ... Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper ...
Ouch! And I mean it.
Ouch! Damn it, who left that star there?
Ouch! Good thing I'm not a man!
Ouch! Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper! - Robert Saylor
Ouch! I have been bitten by a "feature!"  ///\oo/\\\
Ouch! My ear! Why are you screaming? Turn off capslock, please.
Ouch! Not that one, my love, the other titty!
Ouch! Ugh! Umph! Arrrgh! Oooh! More!
Ouch! When I get stung, I want revenge, said Tom begrudgingly.
Ouch! Windows is giving me panes!
Ouch.  I walked into that one!
Ouch. Hmm wonder if there was poison on that?
Ouchie! Ouchie! - Frank with dinosaur in pants
Ought to have a warning label on his forehead.
Oui, mon Capitan.  -- Q
Oui, oui, Josephine, I'm as sane as you. - Hawkeye to Klinger
Our 274 Tech Support employees can't be wrong!
Our Ancestors are riding the Blue Wave !
Our Chief Weapons are Fear, Surprise, and Ruthless Efficiency...
Our Earth can support 100 million in lusty luxury forever!!
Our Father UART in heaven; I/O'd be thy name.
Our Gang child actor grows, joins NBA - Kareem O'Wheat.
Our God *specializes* in new beginnings!!
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Our God is an awesome God ; He reigns in heaven above.
Our Lady Of Blessed Acceleration, Don't Fail Me Now!!!!  -  Elwood Blues
Our Lady of Do-You-Have-A-Bathroom-Around-Here? - Crow
Our Lady of Perpetual Groovin' - Crow
Our Mission: To Boldly stay home and read mail off line.
Our Moderator is a kind and gracious per..AARRGGHH!!
Our National Health Plan - Don't Get Sick.
Our OS which art in CPU - UNIX be thy name .....
Our OS which art in CPU - UNIX be thy name, thy Pentium Come...
Our Program, who art in memory, EXE by thy name ...
Our SEX is so GOOD; even the neighbors need a cigarette.
Our Standard: Excellence; Our Goal: Perfection; Reality: Murphy.
Our Standard: Exellence; Our Goal: Perfection; Reality: Murphy.
Our Yaks Are Really Large - Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen.
Our anger toward men as victimizers blinds us to men as victims.
Our apologies, but reality is not in service at this time
Our attention deficit excedes our fiscal deficit!
Our best is none too good.
Our big cities are becoming Third World countries.
Our biggest problem is apathy - but who cares?
Our bikinis are exciting.  They are simply the tops.
Our bikinis are exciting. They are simply the tops.
Our bikinis are exciting...they are simply tops!
Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. (W. Wordsworth)
Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. (Wordsworth)
Our bodies are just shells, our souls are us.
Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.
Our bodies just keep the real self from getting out.
Our buffet's are safe again! - Tom after fat guy dies
Our business is largely word of foot. - BJ to Lt. Chivers
Our business is run on trust.  We trust you will pay in a
Our butts are just fine - Calvin
Our capacity to change is our glory as human beings.
Our cat has nine lives; tried for ten.  Amen.
Our chief weapon is fear, fear and surprise, our TWO chief weapons are
Our child has four legs and meows.
Our children have four legs and bark.
Our children learn by our example. Oh my god...
Our children will inherit the history we make...make it good!
Our civil government is anything but civil.
Our comedies are not to be laughed at. --Samuel Goldwyn.
Our computer doesn't know you, and you've come a day too late.
Our conservatives support freedom and liberty... for money, not people
Our conservatives support freedomfor money, not people.
Our constitution has not been in effect for 62 years.
Our currency is flesh and bone.  Drow Inc.
Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.
Our dice are painstakingly carved - Tom
Our economy is based on a permanent set of unemployed people.
Our employees are our greatest asset.  I say we sell them!
Our engagement is off. - Trapper to Margaret
Our father who art in Dallas, hallowed be thy DOS.
Our father who art in Redmond, hallowed be thy DOS
Our father who art in heaven Howard be  thy name
Our father, who art in 7-Eleven, Harold be thy name.
Our father, who art in Heaven, how did you know my name?
Our fears are always more numerous than our dangers.
Our first and last love is -- self-love.
Our first stop is in Bogota, to check Columbian fields-Rush
Our five year mission, to explore and blow up stuff.
Our five year mission, to sorta like explore and blow up stuff.
Our five year mission, to sorta like explore and blow up things!
Our five year mission, to sorta, like, explore and blow up stuff.
Our foreigners play better baseball than your foreigners!
Our freedoms:  laid to rest without contest by the new incompetence.
Our friends must not make us think we're acting.. --Jim Morrison
Our friendship is over! -- Sisko
Our future is always uncertain our end is always there.
Our future is always uncertain our end is always too near
Our future still looks brighter than our past. -Rush
Our government:  A system of checks and bounces.
Our grandmother, our sister, our friend
Our great computers fill the hallowed halls.: Rush
Our greatest blessings come to us by way of madness. (Socrates)
Our greatest need was forgivness, so God sent us a Savior.
Our hope for peace is over, we are now at war with the Centari - G'Kar
Our house plants have a good sense of humus.
Our houseplants have a good sense of humous.
Our job is to sprinkle talc on that guy's butt - Mike
Our jobs are safe. No machine would work under THESE conditions.
Our kind don't worry to much about our `constitutions'. - Mako
Our last master was Captain #TN#.
Our last master was Captain Bullitt.
Our last master was Captain Orville.
Our last, best hope....Babylon 5
Our legions killing all in sight to get the one called Lord!
Our life is a trip between two eternities.
Our little group has always been/And always will, until the end.
Our local clergyman has a toothache, said Tom vicariously.
Our love is like a red red rose, and I am a little thorny! - S. Ipkiss
Our loved ones die under the hammer of the Soviet sun
Our main weapon is surprise and.....
Our marriage must be dissolved,    she said acidly.
Our marriage must be dissolved, Tom said acidly.
Our memory and our identity are ever at odds. - Ralph Ellison
Our men in uniform are our country's SOLDIERS - not our SLAVES.
Our mission to boldly stay home and BBS!
Our mission:  To boldly stay home and read mail.
Our mission: to boldly stay home and BBS!
Our missions are peaceful -- not for conquest.
Our most dangerous enemy is ourselves. -- Fangs of Garm
Our most sacred tears never seek our eyes.
Our nation says NO to Renaissance Festivals - Crow
Our national flower is the concrete clover leaf.
Our national flower is the concrete cloverleaf.
Our nature consists in motion, complete inaction is death. B. Pascal
Our necessities are few but our wants are endless...
Our new friend! - Yakko Warner
Our new keyboard even has an ANY key!
Our next cartoon features Slappy the Squirrel!
Our only greatness is that we aspire. - Ingelow
Our own ways are the only ways that should matter to us.
Our parents ruin our early lives, our children later.
Our parents were never our age.
Our patience will achieve more than force
Our people don't believe in slavery.
Our phone bill can't be that big!  I have a 14.4 modem!
Our phone bill can't be that big!  I have a 14.4 modem!.
Our pledge to you: Absolutely no Barney songs in this echo.
Our policy is ALWAYS to blame the computer.
Our policy is, when in doubt, do the right thing.  -- Roy Ash
Our polls are rising! huh uh huh huh -Butthead
Our pond has ducks.  Really anti-social ducks.
Our president favors infanticide. Weep for the unborn.
Our president has the same name as a sociopathic cat?!?
Our problem was religion. She thought she was God, and I disagreed.
Our program, who art in memory, EXE be thy name...
Our psychics are verified by the psi corps.
Our public schools are a socialist disease.
Our purpose is to improvise, the effort counts! - Riker
Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie which we ascribe to heaven.
Our revels now are ended.  The Tempest 3.1.148
Our rotten system is as good as anyone else's rotten system.
Our rules are for guidance, not giggin'!
Our safety which art in hollow-point, Hydra-Shok be thy name.
Our safety, which art in hollow points Hydra-Shok be thy name.
Our sense of humor is somewhat similar - sick and twisted.
Our sensors show that you're out of oxygen. -- Yakko
Our ships probably give them a good idea of our technology. - Sheridan
Our team may be minor league, but at least it's Triple-A!
Our top story tonight: Chevy Chase's career is STILL DEAD!
Our town is so small the fire department is a Great Dane!
Our true nationality is mankind
Our two sides must unite, or be destroyed. - Delenn
Our value to God is not diminished by our failures.
Our very own garage. - Dot
Our viewers need proof!
Our warranty doesn't cover fire, theft, or acts of dog.
Our way is peace.
Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.
Our wildest dreams sometimes result in our greatest endeavors.
Our world is not an ant farm! - Duncan MacLeod
Our world was turned asunder into hollow hemispheres-RUSH
Our world: a 8000 mile in diameter spherical pile of dirt
Ours is a mixed marriage; I'm Pagan, he's Klingon
Ours is a mixed marriage; I'm Pagan, he's a Klingon...
Ours is not a show to be seen. - Michelle de Bourgone
Ours is not to reason why. Ours is to but live and die.
Ours is not to wonder why; Ours is but to do and die.
Out Of Body - Be back in 5 minutes.
Out Of Body.  Back in 5 Minutes.
Out Of Body. Back in 5 Minutes.
Out Of Derogatory Windows Taglines... Looking For Derogatory DOS tags.
Out Of Derogatory Windoze TaglinesLooking For Derogatory DOS tagz...
Out To Lunch..if not back by 5pm, Out To Dinner too...
Out To Lunch..if not back by 5pm, Out To Dinner too....
Out damn spot! You too, fido!
Out for a spin, Lovebirds-Freddy Krueger
Out in the garden, there's half of a heaven.
Out numbered 20,000 to 2...... and we killed them both.    Aragorn
Out of 100 men, asked about masturbation, 95% do it, 5% were liars.
Out of 100,000 sperm, YOU were the quickest?!
Out of 100,000 sperm, you were the fastest..?!.
Out of 169 people, I rank 169.  -D. Lister
Out of 169 people, I rank 169. - Lister
Out of 500,000,000 sperm, you were the fastest?
Out of Bounds:  An exhausted kangaroo.
Out of Coffee, Operator Stopped
Out of Memory Error, I think! Er.. where was I...??
Out of Memory!?  But I fed you 6 Megs this morning!
Out of Memory, Cannot Execute Altzheimer.exe
Out of Mind. Back in 5 Minutes.
Out of Money Error: (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)heck under seat cushions.
Out of Paper...Exit Toilet (Y/N)?
Out of The Frying Pan, Into the Dog House
Out of Work? Apply for Japanese Unemployment!
Out of a job?  Never, people are DYING for tombstone designers.
Out of body, be back in five minutes or so.
Out of body, be back in five minutes.
Out of body...  Be back in 5 minutes!
Out of control and blind as a bat! - Kirk, STIV:TVH
Out of control and blind as a bat.
Out of curiosity, why did you eat the cat?
Out of disk space. Delete Windows?  [Y]es  [H]ell yes!
Out of gas?!  I told you you should have put more than five bucks in!
Out of jealousy, Data dismantles the Energizer (TM) Bunny...
Out of memory error:  delete directory \WINDOWS?  (Y/N)
Out of memory.  Forgetting.
Out of monkeys?  Use Epic Beta testers, no one will notice.
Out of order - try taglines tomorrow
Out of our minds and into your homes.
Out of sick days - think I'll call in dead.
Out of sick days? Call in dead...
Out of sight or in the element of light
Out of sight, out of mind = invisible idiot
Out of sight, out of mind.
Out of string space?  Try Scotch Tape.
Out of taglines, here's a rain check.
Out of taglines:  (A)bort (R)eread (S)teal
Out of taglines; please order more.
Out of the ashes of my heritage arises a phoenix of hope and dreams.
Out of the ashes of this tragedy we shall rise... - Scar
Out of the closets and into the streets!
Out of the depths ... de profundis
Out of the fog and into the smog <kof<
Out of the fog, into the smog ... - Nick Danger
Out of the frying pan and into the spilt milk!
Out of the frying pan, into der fire. - The Swedish Chef
Out of the frying pan, into der fire. - The Swedish Chef.
Out of the frying pan, into the spilt milk.
Out of the mouth of babes comes  *YUCK*
Out of the mouth of babes comes .. *yuck*
Out of the mouths of babes does often come cereal.
Out of the mouths of babes often comes oatmeal.
Out of the pan and into the fire ...
Out of the shadows steps a dark figure...
Out of their differences comes symmetry. --Delenn.
Out of two evils, I'll take the one I haven't tried yet.
Out tawny tartar,out! Out, loathed medicine! Hated potion, hence!
Out there where the buses don't run.
Out there, thataway!
Out to Lunch, If not back by 5, then  "Out to dinner"
Out to lunch - If not back by 5pm - out to dinner too
Out to lunch - If not back by 5pm, out to dinner also
Out to lunch.  If not back by 5 pm, then out to dinner.
Out to lunch.. Bach at 1pm.  Offenbach earlier.
Out top story tonight: Chevy Chase's career is STILL dead!
Out, damn Spot!  BAD DOGGIE!! <...whimper> <...whimper>
Out, out brief candle!  Life's but a walking rutabaga...
Out, out, damned spot! said Lady Macbeth distainfully.
Out, out, damned spot! said Lady Macbeth, doggedly.
Outa disk space already?
Outa my mind..... Back in 5 minutes.
Outa my way!  I smell chocolate!
Outa my way! I smell chocolate!
Outcome based education = dumbing down of America
Outdoor Activities:                Alf Resco(6)
Outdoor Activities: Alf Resco
Outdoor Cookery: Barbie Cue
Outdoor Cookery: Barbie Cue*
Outdoors would be greater if it were inside.  Garfield
Outer space in a propeller plane?  I think not.
Outfox your kids.  Hide your car keys in a BOOK!
Outlaw Government of the Party against the People of Canada!
Outlaw Work! 11,000 are killed on the job yearly!
Outlaw cussing - Then wonder why my vocabulary is small.
Outlaw junk mail, and save the trees!
Outlaw lawyers from becoming legislators!
Outlaw marriage and only outlaws will have inlaws!
Outlaw water guns and only Outlaws will have water guns.
Outnumbered 20,000 to 2                     And we killed them both!
Outnumbered, yes.  Outmaneuvered, maybe.  Outclassed, never!
Outpatient - a person who fainted
Outpatient - a person who has fainted.
Outpatient -- person who had fainted
Outpatient : A patient who has fainted.
Outpatient.  A person who has fainted in the waiting room
Outpatient:  Person who has fainted.
Outpatient:  Person who has fainted...
Outpatient: A person who fainted
Outpatient: Person who has fainted.
Output problem
Outrageous older woman!
Outrageous: crazy.
Outrunning the big Corellian ships
Outside noisy, inside empty.
Outside of you three, no one is to be told of this. - Richard Franklin
Outside, snowflakes falling..  Found: 179   For You: 0
Outta Antimatter. I told Geordi $ wasn't enough
Outta my way!  I smell chocolate!
Outta my way, Habib! -Crow as giant passes Arabian statue
Outta the way, Skipper. Move it padre! - Mike
Outta the way, ya knuckleheads!
Outta' the way, lard ass! - Tom
Ova omladina je pokvarena kao i ona u moje vreme....
Ova tag e zarazen virusom koi guta slovo ""
Ovaj zid stoji krivo!
Ovaries are a French egg dish made with cheese.
Ovaries:  French egg dish made with cheese.
Ove noci jedan covek nekud luta, na cas misli da je stigo na kraj puta
Oven mitt:  A partially charred grease stain that fits over the hand.
Oven: Home incinerator used for disposing of bulky pieces of meat.
Over 'ere, the Queen's loo--oops! Sorry, yer grace
Over 40, but still under the speed limit...
Over 65? Get your exercise as a pallbearer for jogger friends.
Over Worked and Under Appreciated.
Over and over the crow cries, uncover the corn fields.
Over here! Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Over hill, Over dale, Searching for Ancestral trail
Over many a quaint & curious volume of forgotten lore ...
Over my dead body !...%$#@& - NO CARRION
Over quoting and darn proud of it!
Over sexed people are more prone....
Over the Cliff by Hugo First.
Over the bird sounds, I hear a black sound - Course of Empire
Over the city in an airplane...
Over the counter and under the pew - Course of Empire
Over the garden wall, two little lovebirds, [pphtt!] coo-coo to you.
Over the hill and far, far, far a-w-a-a-a-y-y. (1 "far" = 30.)
Over the hill and picking up speed.
Over the hill and still on the ball
Over the hill and through the woods to a lesbian's house I go
Over the hill and through the woods...
Over the hill? Can't be! I don't remember being on top.
Over the hill? What hill? I didn't see a hill!
Over the next 2 days, you might lose a lot of sleep - Riker
Over the rainbow.
Over the river and through the woods?  GIVE ME THAT MAP!
Over the river and through the woods?  GIVE ME THAT MAP!!!
Over the weekend, a guy rotated my tires, from my car to his.
Over-tensioned the toaster-eject again?
Overco     0WINDOW  The m
Overcome by jealously, DATA dismembers the Energizer Bunny.
Overcome by jealousy, Data dismantles the Energizer Bunny.
Overcome by jealousy, Data dismembers the Energizer Bunny
Overcome by jealousy, Data pushes Energizer Bunny out of an airlock.
Overcome by jealousy, Data pushes the Energizer Bunny out an airlock.
Overcome by jealousy, Data pushes the Energizer Bunny out of an airlock.
Overcome the fear of death, welcome the death of fear.
Overcoming Nervousness On Radio: Mike Fright
Overcoming Nervousness On Radio: Mike Fright*
Overdraft: Charging you more of what the Bank says you have none of.
Overdrawn?  But I still have checks left!
Overdrawn? But I still have checks left!
Overeating - what makes you thick to your stomach.
Overeating:  An activity which makes you thick to your stomach.
Overeating:  What makes you thick to your stomach.
Overestimate travel time by at least 15%.
Overestimation: Thinking that all your geese are swans.
Overestimation: Thinking that all your geese are swans.  
Overestimation: thinking that all your geese are swans.
Overflow error in COFFEE.POT:  FILTER.BAT not found.
Overflow error in TOILET.COM
Overflow on /dev/null, please empty the bit bucket.
Overflow on /dev/null; please empty the bit bucket.
Overflow on null device; please empty the bit bucket.
Overgrown grasshoppers and flying cockroaches... What a Life!!
Overheard at Waco, Texas:  "Let's roast them weenies!"
Overheard at a police station: "God told me to kill her..."
Overheard at an IRS audit...Now why don't you just drop 'em pants
Overheard at the Bazaar at Deva: Gleep! Ah, a Dragon!
Overheard at the Bazzar at Deva:  "Gleep!"     "Ah, a Dragon!"
Overheard at the White House: "What country is Waco in, Hillary?"
Overheard during the Inquisition: "It's my way or no way, bud!"
Overheard in Toys-R-Us: Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh MY!
Overheard:O.J. "I got a knife, and you can't find it"
Overleaf is now an Internet server. Freq Overleaf for details
Overleaf..Your on-ramp to the Information Superhighway
Overload -- core meltdown sequence initiated.
Overload--core meltdown sequence initiated.
Overlord Underoos? - Crow
Overnight success usually takes about 15 years.
Overpassion: Graffiti on bridges.
Overpay good babysitters.
Overqualified? Allow me to remove some lies from my resume.
Overruns above 110 baud.
Oversexed and underlaid
Oversexed man seeks another to whom this is not a problem.
Oversexed man seeks woman to whom this is not a problem!
Oversexed people are just more prone.
Oversexed people are more prone....
Oversharpen the blade, and the edge will soon blunt.
Oversized props with undersized talent - Tom on Gallagher
Overthrow the American Lesbocracy 
Overthrow the Government... Vote No Incumbants!!!!
Overthrow the Technocracy!  Reality is merely a mass hallucination!
Overtip breakfast waitresses.
Overweight Vegetables: O. Beets
Overweight is when you live beyond your seams.
Overweight just snacks up on you.
Overweight just sort of snacks up on you.
Overweight just sorta snacks up on you!
Overweight?  I prefer to say I'm chocolate -enriched.
Overweight?  No.  I'm chocolate-enriched.
Overweight? I prefer to say I'm chocolate-enriched.
Overwhelmed by everything, but wanting more so much -Rush
Overwrite existing keystroke macro [Y/n]? - BRIEF Editor
Overwrite existing keystroke macro [yn]? - BRIEF Editor
Ovi sto ne znaju udavise nas sto znamo ...
Ovih dana ja sam bolestan od ljudi, nemoj da me diras sutra me probudi.
Ovih dana sve mi mirise na jesen. Ja cu opet biti sasav i zanesen.
Ovo je moderno vrijeme, ljudi sa hiljade zena, zene sa hiljade lica
Ovo je samo sala...
Ovo pisem samo jedanput.
Ow d'ya know 'es a King?  E 'asn't got shit all over 'im!
Ow d'ya know 'es a King? E 'asn't got dung all over 'im!
Ow!  Do that again!
Ow!  OWW!  OUCH!  OW!  Oh, wait, that's not mine.  Never mind.  -SLR
Ow! Do that again!
Ow! Watch that! My crack! - Joel
Ow! Where's a camcorder when you need one? - The Mask
Ow.  Brain hernia.  I hate when that happens.
Ow.  I believe I have overexerted myself.  - Data
Ow. I believe I have overexerted myself. - Data.
Own a $2,000 286; Buy a Macintosh!!
Own three week old gefilte fish -- Go to Jail.
Ownday ithway aglinestay in oreignfay anguageslay!
Owned by a little old short line who only used it on Sunday.
Owning a MacIntosh is its own punishment!
Owww - Don't bite it - I've only got one!!
Oxford English Dictionary: recursive. Adj. see recursive.
Oxford, OH:  It's illegal for women to undress in front of a man's photo
Oxford, OH: Women are forbidden to undress in front of a man's photo.
OxyMORON: Prime Minister Mulroney
Oxygen's for losers! - Lister's Confidence
Oxyidiot 1.0, Oxyimbecile 2.0, Oxymoron 3.0, Oxygenius real soon now.
Oxymorass:  Bogged down with Oxymorons.
Oxymore = Authentic Replica ...
Oxymoron   Honest Politician
Oxymoron #012, Army Intelligence
Oxymoron #040: Ironclad Guarantee
Oxymoron #115: Speeding Yugo.
Oxymoron #12, Army Intelligence
Oxymoron #17:  Fast Fourier Transforms
Oxymoron #194: IBM Software
Oxymoron #1:  Macintosh Compatible
Oxymoron #219:  Political Correctness
Oxymoron #329: Constant change.
Oxymoron #342: Windows accelerator
Oxymoron #40:  Ironclad Guarantee
Oxymoron #486: Veteran Kamikaze pilot.
Oxymoron #537: "Windows power user"
Oxymoron #54:  Windows acceleration.
Oxymoron #62:  Gourmet pizza
Oxymoron #71: A Ferengi dentist.
Oxymoron #86: Jumbo Shrimp.
Oxymoron - Definite possibility
Oxymoron - Giant Shrimp
Oxymoron - Government Worker
Oxymoron - Happily Married
Oxymoron - Legal Ethics
Oxymoron - Military Intelligence
Oxymoron - jumbo shrimp, military intelligence, airline food....
Oxymoron -- Democratic logic.
Oxymoron -- Liberal Logic.
Oxymoron -- a compassionate Republican.
Oxymoron -- a stupid zit.
Oxymoron -- a wise democrat.
Oxymoron :  hot water heater
Oxymoron :  serious comedy.
Oxymoron : A lighter Dark Beer
Oxymoron : Adult children
Oxymoron : American culture
Oxymoron : Business diplomacy
Oxymoron : Congressional leadership
Oxymoron : Countable infinity
Oxymoron : Definite maybe
Oxymoron : Economy in government (OPM)
Oxymoron : Elementary calculus.
Oxymoron : Family vacation
Oxymoron : Folksong writer
Oxymoron : For those too dumb to use OXY-5 and OXY-10.
Oxymoron : Fresh exhaust
Oxymoron : Friendly takeover
Oxymoron : Good government
Oxymoron : Gourmet Tex-Mex
Oxymoron : Government planning
Oxymoron : Happily married
Oxymoron : Intimate violence
Oxymoron : Kosher pork
Oxymoron : Linear curve
Oxymoron : Non-working mother
Oxymoron : Nonalcoholic beer
Oxymoron : Passive activity
Oxymoron : Qualified success
Oxymoron : Random logic.
Oxymoron : Reliable network
Oxymoron : Rush hour
Oxymoron : Safe sex
Oxymoron : Sensetive guy
Oxymoron : Television news
Oxymoron : Unborn child
Oxymoron = Authentic Replica ...
Oxymoron = Long Island Expressway ...
Oxymoron = Oxymorons
Oxymoron = Social Security
Oxymoron Honest Politician.
Oxymoron Open-minded conservative
Oxymoron du jour: Liberal Scholar.
Oxymoron of the day: Commander-in-Chief Bill Clinton
Oxymoron of war :  acceptable losses.
Oxymoron--open-minded liberal.
Oxymoron...Amiga Computer
Oxymoron...Dumb Terminal.
Oxymoron...Hells Angels
Oxymoron...Unix simplified.
Oxymoron...[START] Windows'95.
Oxymoron...computer magic
Oxymoron:           Microsoft
Oxymoron:           fog horns
Oxymoron:           hand guns
Oxymoron:           safe sex
Oxymoron:           shareware
Oxymoron:       President Clinton  (or is that an Oxford Moron?)
Oxymoron:   One who has used too much acne goo...
Oxymoron:  "Runs Under Windows"
Oxymoron:  "Windows NT ready."
Oxymoron:  A Ferengi dentist.
Oxymoron:  A contradiction in terms, e.g. rap music...
Oxymoron:  A lean, stable, and innovative Microsoft product.
Oxymoron:  A new classic.
Oxymoron:  ATM Teller Machine
Oxymoron:  Absent Witness.
Oxymoron:  Accidentally on Purpose.
Oxymoron:  Accurate stereotype.
Oxymoron:  Act natural.
Oxymoron:  Adult children.
Oxymoron:  Advanced Basic.
Oxymoron:  Amtrak schedule
Oxymoron:  Apartment Home.
Oxymoron:  Authentic reproduction
Oxymoron:  Bankrupt millionaire.
Oxymoron:  Begin Initially.
Oxymoron:  Benevolent Despot.
Oxymoron:  Boneless ribs.
Oxymoron:  Censorship Freedom.
Oxymoron:  Chilling Fever.
Oxymoron:  Civil Engineer
Oxymoron:  Clean Landfill.
Oxymoron:  Coed fraternity
Oxymoron:  Coed sorority.
Oxymoron:  Cold as Hell.
Oxymoron:  Compulsory Volunteers.
Oxymoron:  Constant Variable.
Oxymoron:  DSZ documentation
Oxymoron:  Definite Possability.
Oxymoron:  Definite maybe.
Oxymoron:  Definitely Probably.
Oxymoron:  Deliberate Mistake.
Oxymoron:  Devout Atheist.
Oxymoron:  Disgustingly good.
Oxymoron:  Dream Reality
Oxymoron:  Duplicate original.
Oxymoron:  Dwarf Mammoths!
Oxymoron:  Elementary Calculus
Oxymoron:  Empty hole.
Oxymoron:  Extremely Average.
Oxymoron:  Extremely Neutral.
Oxymoron:  Extremely bland.
Oxymoron:  Factual inaccuracies.
Oxymoron:  Fairly Obvious.
Oxymoron:  Ferengi Dentist
Oxymoron:  Ferengi Dentist.
Oxymoron:  Final Conclusion.
Oxymoron:  Finally Again.
Oxymoron:  Fire water.
Oxymoron:  Flaccid Erection.
Oxymoron:  Flat-busted.
Oxymoron:  For those too dumb to use OXY-5 & OXY-10
Oxymoron:  For those too stupid to know how to use Oxy-10.
Oxymoron:  Foreign Alien.
Oxymoron:  Found Missing.
Oxymoron:  Friendly takeover.
Oxymoron:  Generally Aware.
Oxymoron:  Generally Specific
Oxymoron:  Genuine fake.
Oxymoron:  Genuine imitation.
Oxymoron:  Genuine synthetic.
Oxymoron:  Government Services
Oxymoron:  Government planning
Oxymoron:  Government worker
Oxymoron:  Gregarious Recluse.
Oxymoron:  Harvard-educated
Oxymoron:  Holy Hell
Oxymoron:  Honest Government.
Oxymoron:  Hubble's constant
Oxymoron:  Humane Society
Oxymoron:  Humor Moderator
Oxymoron:  I read part of it all the way through
Oxymoron:  Internal Revenue Service
Oxymoron:  Ironclad Guarantee
Oxymoron:  K-mart quality
Oxymoron:  Kind Moderator
Oxymoron:  Klingon diplomacy
Oxymoron:  Least favorite.
Oxymoron:  Legally drunk.
Oxymoron:  Liberal, Kansas
Oxymoron:  Linear curve.
Oxymoron:  Liquid crystal.
Oxymoron:  Liquid gas.
Oxymoron:  Literal interpretation.
Oxymoron:  Living dead.
Oxymoron:  Long Island Expressway
Oxymoron:  Manson Family values
Oxymoron:  Mighty Mouse
Oxymoron:  Mobil station
Oxymoron:  NFL follies
Oxymoron:  New Classic Rock
Oxymoron:  NighZfOthe Living Dead
Oxymoron:  Non-dairy creamer.
Oxymoron:  Non-working mother.
Oxymoron:  One who has used too much acne goo.
Oxymoron:  Painless childbirth.
Oxymoron:  Peace force.
Oxymoron:  Plymouth Reliant
Oxymoron:  Political Correctness
Oxymoron:  Political Science.
Oxymoron:  Potential has-been.
Oxymoron:  Pretty Ugly
Oxymoron:  Private e-mail
Oxymoron:  Rapid transit.
Oxymoron:  Reagan Memiors
Oxymoron:  Reagan Memiors.
Oxymoron:  Reagan credibility
Oxymoron:  Recently new.
Oxymoron:  Reckless caution.
Oxymoron:  Republican Atheist.
Oxymoron:  Sandinista Compliance.
Oxymoron:  Sane Warner
Oxymoron:  Saving price.
Oxymoron:  Senatorial courtesy
Oxymoron:  Severely killed.
Oxymoron:  Somewhat Ambiguous.
Oxymoron:  Standard options.
Oxymoron:  Straight hook.
Oxymoron:  Tandy Computer
Oxymoron:  Taped live.
Oxymoron:  Terminal initialization.
Oxymoron:  Thrift binge.
Oxymoron:  Too many taglines  ;-)
Oxymoron:  Tragic comedy.
Oxymoron:  True gossip.
Oxymoron:  UN force
Oxymoron:  UNIX security
Oxymoron:  Unbiased predisposition.
Oxymoron:  Unborn child.
Oxymoron:  Violent agreement.
Oxymoron:  What Quayle thinks he uses on pimples.
Oxymoron:  Windows NT (New Technology).
Oxymoron:  Windows accelerator
Oxymoron:  `cash surplus'
Oxymoron:  a lighter dark beer
Oxymoron:  a vampire named Dawn
Oxymoron:  acceptable losses
Oxymoron:  almost always
Oxymoron:  almost safe
Oxymoron:  an idiot with acne
Oxymoron:  anarchy rules
Oxymoron:  apparent contradiction
Oxymoron:  artificial snow
Oxymoron:  athletic scholarships
Oxymoron:  authentic replica
Oxymoron:  awful nice
Oxymoron:  bad sex
Oxymoron:  balanced insanity
Oxymoron:  bittersweet
Oxymoron:  blameless lawyers
Oxymoron:  cash surplus
Oxymoron:  classic new homes
Oxymoron:  classic rock!
Oxymoron:  close-minded liberal
Oxymoron:  common sense
Oxymoron:  compassionate Republican
Oxymoron:  completely unfinished
Oxymoron:  decaffeinated coffee
Oxymoron:  decisive liberal
Oxymoron:  delicious fat-free
Oxymoron:  dull point
Oxymoron:  dumb student at Oxford
Oxymoron:  enough hard drive space
Oxymoron:  evaporated milk
Oxymoron:  exact estimate
Oxymoron:  fast Windows
Oxymoron:  federal assistance
Oxymoron:  final beta
Oxymoron:  gay biggot
Oxymoron:  gay bigot
Oxymoron:  genuine copy of a fake Dior
Oxymoron:  good lawyer
Oxymoron:  gourmet pizza
Oxymoron:  guilty scapegoats
Oxymoron:  half dead
Oxymoron:  halfway around
Oxymoron:  happily married
Oxymoron:  happy birthday
Oxymoron:  happy medium
Oxymoron:  hard-wired
Oxymoron:  healthy tan
Oxymoron:  high negative image
Oxymoron:  high negative ratings
Oxymoron:  high-level depression
Oxymoron:  highly visible covert operation
Oxymoron:  hilarious funerals
Oxymoron:  holy war
Oxymoron:  home offices
Oxymoron:  honest lawyer
Oxymoron:  honest politician
Oxymoron:  horribly decent
Oxymoron:  hot chili
Oxymoron:  hot ice
Oxymoron:  human dignity
Oxymoron:  humble arrogance
Oxymoron:  icy hot
Oxymoron:  ill health
Oxymoron:  important trivia
Oxymoron:  impossible possibility
Oxymoron:  improbable disaster
Oxymoron:  independent counsel
Oxymoron:  independent dog
Oxymoron:  indifferently attentive
Oxymoron:  industrial park
Oxymoron:  inferred petty corruption
Oxymoron:  infinite loop
Oxymoron:  initial resignation
Oxymoron:  initial retirement
Oxymoron:  insincere vow
Oxymoron:  intelligence oversight board
Oxymoron:  intelligent fight
Oxymoron:  intelligent presidential debate
Oxymoron:  intense apathy
Oxymoron:  intense disinterest
Oxymoron:  interactive soliloquy
Oxymoron:  interesting Canadian politics
Oxymoron:  internal exile
Oxymoron:  internal front
Oxymoron:  international law
Oxymoron:  irate patient
Oxymoron:  irregularly scheduled
Oxymoron:  justifiably paranoid
Oxymoron:  kind Moderator
Oxymoron:  lack light
Oxymoron:  lady mud wrestler
Oxymoron:  large-scale mini-computers
Oxymoron:  last initial
Oxymoron:  legal ethics
Oxymoron:  legal thought
Oxymoron:  legitimate conspiracy
Oxymoron:  leisure suit
Oxymoron:  lesser evil
Oxymoron:  lethal aid
Oxymoron:  liberal Republican
Oxymoron:  lieutenant colonel
Oxymoron:  life insurance
Oxymoron:  limited immunity
Oxymoron:  liquid smoke
Oxymoron:  little deceptive
Oxymoron:  little hope
Oxymoron:  little misleading
Oxymoron:  live recording
Oxymoron:  local network
Oxymoron:  logical design
Oxymoron:  long recess
Oxymoron:  loose gridlock
Oxymoron:  loose tights
Oxymoron:  loosely organized
Oxymoron:  lost finding
Oxymoron:  loving hate
Oxymoron:  low positive image
Oxymoron:  low-profile public approach
Oxymoron:  loyal opposition
Oxymoron:  luxury bus
Oxymoron:  mail service
Oxymoron:  major general
Oxymoron:  male logic
Oxymoron:  man child
Oxymoron:  management science
Oxymoron:  mandatory option
Oxymoron:  marijuana initiative
Oxymoron:  marital bliss
Oxymoron:  marketing research
Oxymoron:  masculine logic
Oxymoron:  meaningful dialogue
Oxymoron:  measured meter
Oxymoron:  meatloaf surprise
Oxymoron:  micro-mainframe
Oxymoron:  mild interest
Oxymoron:  mildly psychotic
Oxymoron:  military accountability
Oxymoron:  military etiquette
Oxymoron:  military intelligence
Oxymoron:  military justice
Oxymoron:  military propriety
Oxymoron:  military salvation
Oxymoron:  military thought
Oxymoron:  mini-firestorm
Oxymoron:  minor greatness
Oxymoron:  minor issue
Oxymoron:  minor moment
Oxymoron:  minor peccadillo
Oxymoron:  mismatch
Oxymoron:  mobile home
Oxymoron:  moral lawyer
Oxymoron:  morally right
Oxymoron:  morbid humor
Oxymoron:  motorcycle safety
Oxymoron:  mutual aversion
Oxymoron:  narrow breadth
Oxymoron:  natural gas
Oxymoron:  natural grass
Oxymoron:  natural synthetic
Oxymoron:  near miss
Oxymoron:  nearly square
Oxymoron:  negative concurrence
Oxymoron:  negative momentum
Oxymoron:  new standard
Oxymoron:  night light
Oxymoron:  no action
Oxymoron:  no information
Oxymoron:  no opposition
Oxymoron:  non-alcoholic beer
Oxymoron:  nondairy creamer
Oxymoron:  normal controversy
Oxymoron:  normal espionage
Oxymoron:  normal foreign film
Oxymoron:  not concerned
Oxymoron:  noticeably less aggressive
Oxymoron:  nuclear safety
Oxymoron:  obedient defiance
Oxymoron:  objective rating
Oxymoron:  occupational injury
Oxymoron:  odd irony
Oxymoron:  oddly appropriate
Oxymoron:  often unpredictable
Oxymoron:  old news
Oxymoron:  one who has used too much acne goo?
Oxymoron:  one-sided dialogue
Oxymoron:  only choice
Oxymoron:  operating system
Oxymoron:  original copy
Oxymoron:  oversized brief
Oxymoron:  paid amateur
Oxymoron:  paid volunteers.
Oxymoron:  paperless office
Oxymoron:  parents without partners
Oxymoron:  partial conclusion
Oxymoron:  partial success
Oxymoron:  partially completed
Oxymoron:  partially furnished
Oxymoron:  partly engaged
Oxymoron:  passive activity
Oxymoron:  passive confrontation
Oxymoron:  passive reply
Oxymoron:  patiently wait
Oxymoron:  peace offensive
Oxymoron:  peace-keeper missile
Oxymoron:  perfect misfit
Oxymoron:  perfectly legitimate
Oxymoron:  perhaps certainly
Oxymoron:  perhaps predictably
Oxymoron:  permanent fad
Oxymoron:  persistent ambivalence
Oxymoron:  personal computer
Oxymoron:  personalized form letter
Oxymoron:  petty officer
Oxymoron:  pious atheists
Oxymoron:  planned serendipity
Oxymoron:  plastic canvas
Oxymoron:  plastic glasses
Oxymoron:  plastic snow
Oxymoron:  plastic straw
Oxymoron:  political embarrassment
Oxymoron:  political process
Oxymoron:  political promise
Oxymoron:  political science
Oxymoron:  politically correct
Oxymoron:  portable standard Lisp
Oxymoron:  positive calamity
Oxymoron:  positively grudgingly
Oxymoron:  practical joke
Oxymoron:  practical theory
Oxymoron:  preacher politicians
Oxymoron:  preliminary conclusion
Oxymoron:  prepare to commence
Oxymoron:  press release
Oxymoron:  pretty ugly
Oxymoron:  pro-contra
Oxymoron:  progressive conservative
Oxymoron:  public secrecy
Oxymoron:  pure nonsense
Oxymoron:  pure sludge
Oxymoron:  pure speculation
Oxymoron:  purely political
Oxymoron:  qualified success
Oxymoron:  quick reboot
Oxymoron:  race walking
Oxymoron:  random choice
Oxymoron:  random file organization
Oxymoron:  random logic
Oxymoron:  random order
Oxymoron:  randomly organized
Oxymoron:  rap music
Oxymoron:  rather direct
Oxymoron:  rational ravings
Oxymoron:  real fantasy
Oxymoron:  real fishing story
Oxymoron:  real hypothetical
Oxymoron:  real magic
Oxymoron:  rear admiral
Oxymoron:  reciprocal concession
Oxymoron:  regional pantheists
Oxymoron:  regular random
Oxymoron:  regular special
Oxymoron:  reinvent
Oxymoron:  relatively obscure
Oxymoron:  relaxed genes
Oxymoron:  relentlessly continued
Oxymoron:  removable sticker
Oxymoron:  repeatedly redundant
Oxymoron:  resident alien
Oxymoron:  resident manager
Oxymoron:  resident visitor
Oxymoron:  resolute ambivalence
Oxymoron:  respectable Lawyer
Oxymoron:  respective conventions
Oxymoron:  restless sleep
Oxymoron:  rising deficits
Oxymoron:  river walk
Oxymoron:  rolling stop
Oxymoron:  routine emergency
Oxymoron:  runs under Windows
Oxymoron:  rush hour
Oxymoron:  safe politics
Oxymoron:  safe sex.
Oxymoron:  satisfied tenant
Oxymoron:  science fiction
Oxymoron:  second childhood
Oxymoron:  second initiatives
Oxymoron:  second lieutenant
Oxymoron:  self-dependent
Oxymoron:  semiboneless ham
Oxymoron:  sensible shoes
Oxymoron:  sergeant major
Oxymoron:  serious barbecue
Oxymoron:  serious comedy
Oxymoron:  sharp cookie
Oxymoron:  shooting blanks
Oxymoron:  shortcut
Oxymoron:  shyly pompous
Oxymoron:  sight unseen
Oxymoron:  silent noise
Oxymoron:  silent testimony
Oxymoron:  silken bonds
Oxymoron:  simple calculus
Oxymoron:  simple system
Oxymoron:  simple technology
Oxymoron:  sincere lie
Oxymoron:  sisterly love
Oxymoron:  sit up
Oxymoron:  slightly out of view
Oxymoron:  slightly pregnant
Oxymoron:  slow death
Oxymoron:  slow speed
Oxymoron:  small crowd
Oxymoron:  smart bomb
Oxymoron:  smokeless cigarette
Oxymoron:  snow removal plan
Oxymoron:  social psychologist
Oxymoron:  social security
Oxymoron:  solipsists of the world, unite
Oxymoron:  someone who thinks all those pimple meds work
Oxymoron:  somewhat awesome
Oxymoron:  somewhat confused
Oxymoron:  somewhat destroyed
Oxymoron:  somewhat eloquently
Oxymoron:  somewhat extraordinary
Oxymoron:  somewhat fairly explicit
Oxymoron:  somewhat functional
Oxymoron:  somewhat incompatible
Oxymoron:  somewhat informed
Oxymoron:  somewhat narrow attitude
Oxymoron:  sophisticated hacker
Oxymoron:  southern front
Oxymoron:  soviet life
Oxymoron:  spare time
Oxymoron:  spending cuts
Oxymoron:  split level
Oxymoron:  stand down
Oxymoron:  standard deviation
Oxymoron:  steel wool
Oxymoron:  still life
Oxymoron:  straight curve
Oxymoron:  straightforward subterfuge
Oxymoron:  strong president
Oxymoron:  structure design
Oxymoron:  stuck in traffic
Oxymoron:  student athlete
Oxymoron:  student teachers
Oxymoron:  stupid ox
Oxymoron:  subsequent initiatives
Oxymoron:  sugarless candy
Oxymoron:  superette
Oxymoron:  supporting documentation
Oxymoron:  sure bet
Oxymoron:  sweet pickle
Oxymoron:  sweet sorrow
Oxymoron:  sycophantic cat
Oxymoron:  systematic variance
Oxymoron:  systematically at random
Oxymoron:  talk show
Oxymoron:  tax refund
Oxymoron:  tax-free
Oxymoron:  team of independents
Oxymoron:  tech support
Oxymoron:  televised hearings
Oxymoron:  television tape
Oxymoron:  tenuous lies
Oxymoron:  term limit
Oxymoron:  term meaning stupid as an ox
Oxymoron:  terribly nice
Oxymoron:  the best of Rush Limbaugh
Oxymoron:  three originals
Oxymoron:  thundering silence
Oxymoron:  tight flexibility
Oxymoron:  timeless library
Oxymoron:  too many taglines
Oxymoron:  totalitarian democracy
Oxymoron:  traditionally radical
Oxymoron:  traffic flow
Oxymoron:  trial learning
Oxymoron:  true DOS multi-tasking
Oxymoron:  true confessions
Oxymoron:  true love
Oxymoron:  true sincerity
Oxymoron:  truth in politics
Oxymoron:  tv commentator
Oxymoron:  unacceptable solution
Oxymoron:  unachievable accomplishments
Oxymoron:  unclear information
Oxymoron:  undercrowded criminal justice system
Oxymoron:  understanding UNIX
Oxymoron:  understanding wife
Oxymoron:  uniform scraps
Oxymoron:  unique uniform
Oxymoron:  uniquely uniform.
Oxymoron:  unusual routine
Oxymoron:  uprooted plant
Oxymoron:  upside-down logic
Oxymoron:  user friendliness
Oxymoron:  user friendly - idiot-proof
Oxymoron:  vacant dwelling
Oxymoron:  vague memory
Oxymoron:  vague recollection
Oxymoron:  vaguely recall
Oxymoron:  valueless education
Oxymoron:  vanilla fudge
Oxymoron:  vegetarian chili
Oxymoron:  very much uninspired
Oxymoron:  vexation exercise
Oxymoron:  vice admiral
Oxymoron:  villainous hero
Oxymoron:  virtual reality
Oxymoron:  virtual storage
Oxymoron:  vociferous silence
Oxymoron:  voluntary contributions
Oxymoron:  vulcan sentimentality
Oxymoron:  war games
Oxymoron:  waste management
Oxymoron:  water landing
Oxymoron:  weak president
Oxymoron:  wealthy professor
Oxymoron:  weather forecast
Oxymoron:  whole half
Oxymoron:  whole hemisphere
Oxymoron:  wicked good
Oxymoron:  wickedly funny
Oxymoron:  wickedly nice
Oxymoron:  windows expert!
Oxymoron:  windows power user
Oxymoron:  windows productivity
Oxymoron:  wonderfully ambiguous
Oxymoron:  work party
Oxymoron:  working dinner
Oxymoron:  working vacation
Oxymoron: "... runs under Windows."
Oxymoron: "The honor of the French."
Oxymoron: "Windows power user"
Oxymoron: "runs under Windows."
Oxymoron: 10K fun run
Oxymoron: 6502-based computer.
Oxymoron: A Catholic WASP
Oxymoron: A Little Ironic.
Oxymoron: A Peacemaker Missile is an oxymoron.
Oxymoron: A Stupid Zit.
Oxymoron: A Truthful Politician.
Oxymoron: A compassionate Republican.
Oxymoron: A fiscally prudent Democrat.
Oxymoron: A frugal Democrat.
Oxymoron: A frugal Republican.
Oxymoron: A good politician.
Oxymoron: A honest Republican.
Oxymoron: A honest politician.
Oxymoron: A just war
Oxymoron: A lighter Dark Beer
Oxymoron: A lighter dark beer.
Oxymoron: A little big
Oxymoron: A new classic
Oxymoron: A really, really dumb ox.
Oxymoron: A really, really, dumb baby ox!
Oxymoron: A thinking liberal.
Oxymoron: A truthful Republican.
Oxymoron: A truthful democrat.
Oxymoron: A wise democrat.
Oxymoron: ATM Teller Machine
Oxymoron: ATM Teller Machine? Oxymoron!
Oxymoron: Absent Witness.
Oxymoron: Academic Salary.
Oxymoron: Academic dean.
Oxymoron: Academic scholar.
Oxymoron: Academic sorority
Oxymoron: Accidentally on purpose.
Oxymoron: Accordion music
Oxymoron: Accurate stereotype
Oxymoron: Aching joys.
Oxymoron: Acne cream for an idiot!
Oxymoron: Act natural.
Oxymoron: Act naturally
Oxymoron: Action committee.
Oxymoron: Active Reserve.
Oxymoron: Activity break
Oxymoron: Adequate security.
Oxymoron: Adult children.
Oxymoron: Advanced BASIC
Oxymoron: Advanced basic
Oxymoron: Aerobic exercise
Oxymoron: Affirmative action, equal opportunity
Oxymoron: Aggressive Begging.
Oxymoron: Aging yuppie
Oxymoron: Air Force work.
Oxymoron: Air traffic control.
Oxymoron: Airline cuisine.
Oxymoron: Airline food
Oxymoron: Airport security.
Oxymoron: Almost Suddenly
Oxymoron: Almost Totally.
Oxymoron: Almost a Negative Pregnancy.
Oxymoron: Almost candid.
Oxymoron: Almost exactly
Oxymoron: Almost no comment.
Oxymoron: Almost round.
Oxymoron: Almost safe
Oxymoron: Alone together
Oxymoron: Ambiguous law.
Oxymoron: American English.
Oxymoron: American Honda
Oxymoron: American beer
Oxymoron: American chop suey
Oxymoron: American culture
Oxymoron: American education
Oxymoron: American geographers
Oxymoron: American history
Oxymoron: American peace keepers.
Oxymoron: Amiable Divorce
Oxymoron: Amiga computer.
Oxymoron: Amiga friend
Oxymoron: Amiga friendly.
Oxymoron: Amtrack Schedule.
Oxymoron: Amtrak schedule
Oxymoron: An Honest Democrat.
Oxymoron: An Honest Politician.
Oxymoron: An astronomically low rate of failures.
Oxymoron: An honest politician.
Oxymoron: Anarchy rules!
Oxymoron: Ancient technology.
Oxymoron: Antipoverty Workers.
Oxymoron: Anxious patient.
Oxymoron: Apartment home.
Oxymoron: Apparently Civil Government.
Oxymoron: Apparently civil government.
Oxymoron: Apple Tech Support.
Oxymoron: Appropriate happenstance.
Oxymoron: Arms limitation
Oxymoron: Army Intelligence
Oxymoron: Arrogant humility.
Oxymoron: Art student
Oxymoron: Artificial intelligence
Oxymoron: Athletic scholarship
Oxymoron: Athletic scholarship.
Oxymoron: Atlantic Front.
Oxymoron: Australian spelling
Oxymoron: Authentic Replica
Oxymoron: Authentic reproduction
Oxymoron: Automated data processing
Oxymoron: Automated data processing.
Oxymoron: Awfully good
Oxymoron: Baby Grand.
Oxymoron: Baby grand
Oxymoron: Back to the future
Oxymoron: Bad Sex.
Oxymoron: Bad health
Oxymoron: Balanced opinion.
Oxymoron: Balding hair
Oxymoron: Bankrupt millionaire
Oxymoron: Barely dressed.
Oxymoron: Begin Initially.
Oxymoron: Belligerent begging.
Oxymoron: Benevolent Despot.
Oxymoron: Better than new
Oxymoron: Beyond infinity.
Oxymoron: Bicameral Unity.
Oxymoron: Bipartisan cooperation.
Oxymoron: Bittersweet
Oxymoron: Black Racist.
Oxymoron: Black light
Oxymoron: Black racist is an oxymoron.
Oxymoron: Black-Body Radiation.
Oxymoron: Blameless Criminals.
Oxymoron: Blameless Thieves.
Oxymoron: Blameless culprits.
Oxymoron: Blameless terrorists.
Oxymoron: Blameless villains.
Oxymoron: Boastful Exaggerations.
Oxymoron: Bob Hope Special.
Oxymoron: Boneless ribs.
Oxymoron: Boring orgasm
Oxymoron: Bosnian Cease-Fire
Oxymoron: Bottoms up.
Oxymoron: Bridegroom
Oxymoron: British fashion
Oxymoron: Broad compartment-mentalization.
Oxymoron: Brotherly Love.
Oxymoron: Budget Resolution
Oxymoron: Budget deficit
Oxymoron: Budget gourmet.
Oxymoron: Bug free code.
Oxymoron: Buggy virus
Oxymoron: Business ethics.
Oxymoron: Butthead
Oxymoron: C.I.A.
Oxymoron: CIA Requests.
Oxymoron: CIA management.
Oxymoron: CNN style
Oxymoron: Cabinet Government.
Oxymoron: Cafeteria food
Oxymoron: California culture
Oxymoron: California expressway
Oxymoron: Can I ask you a question?
Oxymoron: Canadian culture
Oxymoron: Canadian identity.
Oxymoron: Canadian nationalism.
Oxymoron: Cardinal sin.
Oxymoron: Casual intimacy
Oxymoron: Casually concerned.
Oxymoron: Cat proof.
Oxymoron: Catproof
Oxymoron: Cavalier concern.
Oxymoron: Censorship Freedom.
Oxymoron: Central Intelligence Agency
Oxymoron: Centrally-planned economy
Oxymoron: Certain risk.
Oxymoron: Certainly Unsure.
Oxymoron: Chance goals.
Oxymoron: Cheap Labour
Oxymoron: Cheap labor
Oxymoron: Cheap labor.
Oxymoron: Cheerful pessimist
Oxymoron: Cherokee pioneer
Oxymoron: Chicken fingers
Oxymoron: Chicken fingerslead crystal.
Oxymoron: Childproof
Oxymoron: Chilling fever.
Oxymoron: Chow Baby
Oxymoron: Chow Baby.
Oxymoron: Christian Scientists
Oxymoron: Christian education
Oxymoron: Christian education.
Oxymoron: Christian militia
Oxymoron: Church of Scientology
Oxymoron: Civil Law
Oxymoron: Civil War.
Oxymoron: Civil engineer.
Oxymoron: Civil libertarian
Oxymoron: Civil servant
Oxymoron: Civil war
Oxymoron: Civilized divorce
Oxymoron: Classic Rock!
Oxymoron: Classic rock & roll
Oxymoron: Classic rock and roll.
Oxymoron: Classified advertising.
Oxymoron: Clean Landfill.
Oxymoron: Clean hack
Oxymoron: Clear as mud
Oxymoron: Clearly misunderstood
Oxymoron: Clinton Cares.
Oxymoron: Clinton Economics
Oxymoron: Clinton Economics.
Oxymoron: Clinton leadership
Oxymoron: Closed Hearing.
Oxymoron: Coarse Diplomat.
Oxymoron: Coca-Cola Foods
Oxymoron: Coed fraternity/sorority
Oxymoron: Coed sorority.
Oxymoron: Cold as hell.
Oxymoron: Cold comfort.
Oxymoron: Cold toast.
Oxymoron: Collective liberty
Oxymoron: College algebra
Oxymoron: College education
Oxymoron: College student.
Oxymoron: Colored music
Oxymoron: Colt Peacemaker.
Oxymoron: Columbia Football.
Oxymoron: Comics and Investment
Oxymoron: Coming home.
Oxymoron: Commercial Art.
Oxymoron: Committee decision
Oxymoron: Committee schedule
Oxymoron: Common Sense
Oxymoron: Common sense is an oxymoron.
Oxymoron: Common sense.
Oxymoron: Communist Party
Oxymoron: Compassionate Politician.
Oxymoron: Compassionate editor.
Oxymoron: Compitition Committee
Oxymoron: Completed Research.
Oxymoron: Completely educated.
Oxymoron: Compulsory volunteering
Oxymoron: Compulsory volunteers.
Oxymoron: Computer Jock.
Oxymoron: Computer science.
Oxymoron: Computer security
Oxymoron: Confused Males.
Oxymoron: Congressional Ethics
Oxymoron: Congressional Ethics Committee
Oxymoron: Congressional Ethics.
Oxymoron: Congressional Responsibility
Oxymoron: Congressional Responsibility.
Oxymoron: Congressional action
Oxymoron: Congressional ethics
Oxymoron: Congressional leadership
Oxymoron: Congressional oversight
Oxymoron: Congressional oversight.
Oxymoron: Conscripted volunteer.
Oxymoron: Conservative Activist.
Oxymoron: Conservative Democrat.
Oxymoron: Conservative Planner.
Oxymoron: Conservative Scholar
Oxymoron: Conservative planner.
Oxymoron: Consistent Discrepancies.
Oxymoron: Conspicuous absence
Oxymoron: Constant Change.
Oxymoron: Constant variable.
Oxymoron: Construction worker
Oxymoron: Contra Assistance.
Oxymoron: Contra aid.
Oxymoron: Controlled enthusiasm.
Oxymoron: Convenience Stores
Oxymoron: Convenience Stores.
Oxymoron: Conventional wisdom.
Oxymoron: Convienience store
Oxymoron: Convinced Skeptic.
Oxymoron: Cooking glue.
Oxymoron: Cooperative multitasking
Oxymoron: Corporate planning
Oxymoron: Cost Efficient
Oxymoron: Cost effective
Oxymoron: Country music
Oxymoron: Courtesy towing
Oxymoron: Crash landing.
Oxymoron: Creation science
Oxymoron: Creationist science.
Oxymoron: Criminal Lawyer is an oxymoron.
Oxymoron: Criminal Lawyer.
Oxymoron: Criminal justice
Oxymoron: Criminal justice.
Oxymoron: Crowded Sky.
Oxymoron: Curved line
Oxymoron: Customer satisfaction
Oxymoron: Cynical humanitarian.
Oxymoron: DOS operating system
Oxymoron: DSZ documentation
Oxymoron: Dark Ray.
Oxymoron: Data Administration.
Oxymoron: Data Processing.
Oxymoron: Data Structure.
Oxymoron: De-install.
Oxymoron: Deaf Piano Tuner.
Oxymoron: Deanna Troi Action figures!
Oxymoron: Death benefits
Oxymoron: Debugged program
Oxymoron: Debutante ball
Oxymoron: Decaffeinated coffee
Oxymoron: Decent lawyer
Oxymoron: Definite Posability.
Oxymoron: Definite Possibility
Oxymoron: Definite maybe
Oxymoron: Definite possibility
Oxymoron: Definitely Probably.
Oxymoron: Degradable plastic
Oxymoron: Deliberate Speed.
Oxymoron: Deliberate mistake.
Oxymoron: Demanding patient.
Oxymoron: Democratic Congress
Oxymoron: Democratic Congress.
Oxymoron: Democratic Democrat.
Oxymoron: Democratic Party.
Oxymoron: Democratic freedom.
Oxymoron: Democratic logic.
Oxymoron: Department of Interior (responsible for everything outside)
Oxymoron: Department of the Interior
Oxymoron: Desktop publishing
Oxymoron: Devout Atheist.
Oxymoron: Devout atheist.
Oxymoron: Diet ice cream
Oxymoron: Diminished confidence.
Oxymoron: Dimwitted Democrat.
Oxymoron: Dining hall food
Oxymoron: Dip switch.
Oxymoron: Disco music
Oxymoron: Discreet corruption.
Oxymoron: Disgustingly good
Oxymoron: Disinformation.
Oxymoron: Divorce court
Oxymoron: Dodge Ram
Oxymoron: Dodge Ram.
Oxymoron: Domestic import.
Oxymoron: Down Escalator.
Oxymoron: Down escalator
Oxymoron: Down escalator.
Oxymoron: Down escalator/elevator
Oxymoron: Downtown Detroit.
Oxymoron: Dream Reality
Oxymoron: Dress pants
Oxymoron: Drive on parkway and park on drive way
Oxymoron: Driving pleasure
Oxymoron: Droll executions.
Oxymoron: Dry Ice: A Carbon Dioxymoron.
Oxymoron: Dry Runs.
Oxymoron: Dry beer
Oxymoron: Dry ice
Oxymoron: Dry well.
Oxymoron: Dry wine
Oxymoron: Dumb blonde (no, that's redundant)
Oxymoron: Dumb blonde ..
Oxymoron: Dumb graduate of Oxford.
Oxymoron: Duplicate original.
Oxymoron: Dwarf Mammoths!
Oxymoron: Dynamic Monotone.
Oxymoron: Easy C.
Oxymoron: Easy Money.
Oxymoron: Easy OS/2 setup.
Oxymoron: Easy payments.
Oxymoron: Easy to read computer manual.
Oxymoron: Easy-open cap.
Oxymoron: Economic reform
Oxymoron: Economist.
Oxymoron: Economy in government (OPM).
Oxymoron: Educated Republican.
Oxymoron: Educational TV.
Oxymoron: Educational Television.
Oxymoron: Educational administration.
Oxymoron: Educational television
Oxymoron: Electroshock therapy
Oxymoron: Elementary calculus
Oxymoron: Empty hole
Oxymoron: Empty when full (sign on a dumpster).
Oxymoron: English chef
Oxymoron: English syntax
Oxymoron: Enquiring minds
Oxymoron: Entertaining sermon.
Oxymoron: Environmentalist bumper sticker
Oxymoron: Equal half.
Oxymoron: Ergonomic keyboard
Oxymoron: Escort GT - An oxymoron
Oxymoron: Escort GT.
Oxymoron: Eternal life.
Oxymoron: European Community
Oxymoron: Evaporated milk
Oxymoron: Even Odds.
Oxymoron: Evolutionary fact
Oxymoron: Exact estimate
Oxymoron: Exact nebulousness.
Oxymoron: Executive decision
Oxymoron: Expensive junk.
Oxymoron: Expert Business System.
Oxymoron: Expert consultant.
Oxymoron: Exposed Insulation.
Oxymoron: Express Mail from the Post Office.
Oxymoron: Express bus
Oxymoron: Express mail from the post office.
Oxymoron: Express mail.
Oxymoron: Extensive Briefing.
Oxymoron: Extremely average.
Oxymoron: Extremely bland.
Oxymoron: Extremely neutral.
Oxymoron: Factual inaccuracies.
Oxymoron: Factual inaccuracy.
Oxymoron: Faculty Cooperation.
Oxymoron: Faculty understanding.
Oxymoron: Fair DM.
Oxymoron: Fair reporting
Oxymoron: Fair trial
Oxymoron: Fairly Obvious.
Oxymoron: Fairly comprehensive.
Oxymoron: Fake fur.
Oxymoron: Fallout shelter
Oxymoron: False Sincerity.
Oxymoron: False fact.
Oxymoron: Falsely true.
Oxymoron: Family entertainment
Oxymoron: Fast BASIC.
Oxymoron: Fast Windows
Oxymoron: Fast food
Oxymoron: Fast idle
Oxymoron: Fast paced.
Oxymoron: Federal budget
Oxymoron: Feminine logic
Oxymoron: Feminine logic.
Oxymoron: Ferenghi Dentist.
Oxymoron: Ferengi Dentist
Oxymoron: Ferengi Generosity
Oxymoron: Ferrengi Dentist.
Oxymoron: Fighting for peace
Oxymoron: Final Beta
Oxymoron: Final Version
Oxymoron: Final conclusion.
Oxymoron: Final version
Oxymoron: Finally Once Again.
Oxymoron: Finally again.
Oxymoron: Fire water.
Oxymoron: Firm maybe.
Oxymoron: First Deadline.
Oxymoron: First Version.
Oxymoron: First annual
Oxymoron: First class private.
Oxymoron: First lieutenant.
Oxymoron: First-strike defense
Oxymoron: Fish Farm.
Oxymoron: Flaccid erection.
Oxymoron: Flat-busted
Oxymoron: Flexible freeze
Oxymoron: Folk song writer.
Oxymoron: Football scholarship
Oxymoron: Football scholarship.
Oxymoron: For the blonde that is too stupid to use Oxy-10.
Oxymoron: For those not smart enough to use OXY-5 or OXY-10.
Oxymoron: For those really stupid pimples.
Oxymoron: For those too dumb to use OXY-5 & OXY-10
Oxymoron: For those too dumb to use OXY-5 and OXY-10.
Oxymoron: For those too stupid to know how to use Oxy-10.
Oxymoron: Foreign Alien.
Oxymoron: Foreign policy continuity.
Oxymoron: Forgotten memories.
Oxymoron: Former evangelist.
Oxymoron: Forth programming language.
Oxymoron: Found missing
Oxymoron: Four-cornered triangle.
Oxymoron: Foxy chick
Oxymoron: Free Society.
Oxymoron: Free election
Oxymoron: Free electron laser
Oxymoron: Free love
Oxymoron: Free love.
Oxymoron: Free prisoner.
Oxymoron: Free trade.
Oxymoron: Free with purchase
Oxymoron: Freezer burn
Oxymoron: French culture
Oxymoron: Fresh Frozen.
Oxymoron: Fresh frozen
Oxymoron: Friendly Amiga
Oxymoron: Friendly advice
Oxymoron: Friendly competitor
Oxymoron: Friendly enemies.
Oxymoron: Friendly fire
Oxymoron: Friendly fire.
Oxymoron: Friendly takeover.
Oxymoron: Front End
Oxymoron: Frugal bureaucrat.
Oxymoron: Full service
Oxymoron: Full time hobby.
Oxymoron: Full-length bikini
Oxymoron: Fulltime Hobby.
Oxymoron: Functional manager
Oxymoron: Funny clean joke
Oxymoron: Future history.
Oxymoron: Fuzzy logic
Oxymoron: Gay drill sergeant
Oxymoron: General specificity.
Oxymoron: Generally Aware.
Oxymoron: Generally specific.
Oxymoron: Genuine fake.
Oxymoron: Genuine imitation
Oxymoron: Genuine synthetic.
Oxymoron: Giant Shrimp
Oxymoron: Glacier like rapidity.
Oxymoron: Good Alan Rudolph films
Oxymoron: Good Government
Oxymoron: Good Grief.
Oxymoron: Good Loser.
Oxymoron: Good Morning
Oxymoron: Good Sex.
Oxymoron: Good Temper.
Oxymoron: Good loser.
Oxymoron: Good mother-in-law
Oxymoron: Good mother-in-law.
Oxymoron: Gourmet pizza
Oxymoron: Government Assistance.
Oxymoron: Government Intelligence - Another Oxymoron!
Oxymoron: Government Intelligence.
Oxymoron: Government Intelligence: The biggest oxymoron of all.
Oxymoron: Government Planning.
Oxymoron: Government Savings
Oxymoron: Government Service.
Oxymoron: Government aid
Oxymoron: Government aid.
Oxymoron: Government aid/assistance
Oxymoron: Government assistance.
Oxymoron: Government budget.
Oxymoron: Government efficiency
Oxymoron: Government efficiency.
Oxymoron: Government organization
Oxymoron: Government organization.
Oxymoron: Government planning.
Oxymoron: Government savings.
Oxymoron: Government service.
Oxymoron: Government worker
Oxymoron: Graduate student
Oxymoron: Grape Nuts.
Oxymoron: Great Britain
Oxymoron: Great Democratic Mind, Great Republican Mind.
Oxymoron: Great Democratic Mind.
Oxymoron: Great Depression
Oxymoron: Great Republican Mind.
Oxymoron: Great depression
Oxymoron: Great detail.
Oxymoron: Greater Cleveland.
Oxymoron: Greater Good.
Oxymoron: Gregarious recluse.
Oxymoron: Grossly Unfair.
Oxymoron: Ground floor.
Oxymoron: Guest host
Oxymoron: Guest host.
Oxymoron: Gun Control.
Oxymoron: Gun Control..Brady bill...an Oxymoron!
Oxymoron: Gun control.
Oxymoron: Gunboat diplomacy
Oxymoron: Half-Democracies.
Oxymoron: Half-democracies.
Oxymoron: Half-word.
Oxymoron: Happy Birthday (oxymoron to anybody over 40).
Oxymoron: Happy Birthday.
Oxymoron: Happy Monday
Oxymoron: Hard disk
Oxymoron: Hard water
Oxymoron: Harvard-educated
Oxymoron: Hazardous waste disposal
Oxymoron: Helicopter flight
Oxymoron: High Tech PC
Oxymoron: High negative.
Oxymoron: High school education
Oxymoron: Higher education
Oxymoron: Hillary Rodham Clinton and open-door meetings.
Oxymoron: Historical Truth.
Oxymoron: Holy Hell
Oxymoron: Holy Roman Empire
Oxymoron: Holy war
Oxymoron: Homicide survivors.
Oxymoron: Honest Convict.
Oxymoron: Honest Crook!
Oxymoron: Honest Government.
Oxymoron: Honest Politician
Oxymoron: Honest campaign
Oxymoron: Honest crook!
Oxymoron: Honest government
Oxymoron: Hopelessly optimistic
Oxymoron: House Ethics Committee
Oxymoron: Hubble's constant
Oxymoron: Huge market niche
Oxymoron: Human Intelligence.
Oxymoron: Human evolution
Oxymoron: Humane Society
Oxymoron: Humane robotics.
Oxymoron: Humor Moderator
Oxymoron: Humour Moderator.
Oxymoron: I read part of it all the way through
Oxymoron: IBM compatible.
Oxymoron: Idiot over angels 12.5.
Oxymoron: Idiot-proof.
Oxymoron: Illegal immigrant (we Canadians shy away from the word alien).
Oxymoron: Illegal immigrant.
Oxymoron: Inconceivable.
Oxymoron: Indecent exposure
Oxymoron: Industrial park
Oxymoron: Informed consent.
Oxymoron: Initial Resignation.
Oxymoron: Institutional Revolutionary Party
Oxymoron: Intelligent females.
Oxymoron: Intelligent life forms.
Oxymoron: Intense Apathy.
Oxymoron: Interesting Canadian Politics
Oxymoron: Internal Revenue Service
Oxymoron: International Law
Oxymoron: Investment in comics
Oxymoron: Irate patient
Oxymoron: Ironclad Guarantee
Oxymoron: Irregularly Scheduled
Oxymoron: Italian egg rolls
Oxymoron: Japanese trade.
Oxymoron: Jocular Murder Trials.
Oxymoron: Journalistic accuracy
Oxymoron: Journalistic integrity
Oxymoron: Jumbo shrimp
Oxymoron: Jumbo shrimp.
Oxymoron: Junk food
Oxymoron: Just in Time (JIT)
Oxymoron: Just war.
Oxymoron: Justice Rehnquist.
Oxymoron: Justice Thomas
Oxymoron: K-mart quality
Oxymoron: Kentucky Fried Chicken
Oxymoron: Kind Moderator
Oxymoron: Klingon diplomacy
Oxymoron: Kosher for Yom Kippur.
Oxymoron: Kosher ham
Oxymoron: Lace-up loafers
Oxymoron: Lady Mud Wrestler.
Oxymoron: Lady Rams.
Oxymoron: Largest Minority Group -New York City administration
Oxymoron: Largest minority group.
Oxymoron: Last first.
Oxymoron: Lead balloons
Oxymoron: Least favorite.
Oxymoron: Lebanese government
Oxymoron: Left handed screwdrivers.
Oxymoron: Legal Brief.
Oxymoron: Legal ethics
Oxymoron: Legally drunk
Oxymoron: Let me know if ya want more
Oxymoron: Liberal Logic.
Oxymoron: Liberal Party (conservative)
Oxymoron: Liberal fundamentalists.
Oxymoron: Liberal scholar.
Oxymoron: Liberal, Kansas
Oxymoron: Liberal, Kansas.
Oxymoron: Light heavyweight
Oxymoron: Linear curve.
Oxymoron: Liquid crystal
Oxymoron: Liquid gas.
Oxymoron: Lite Beer.
Oxymoron: Lite rock
Oxymoron: Lite rock.
Oxymoron: Literal interpretation
Oxymoron: Little Giants (from the current movie).
Oxymoron: Live television
Oxymoron: Living dead
Oxymoron: Long Island Expressway
Oxymoron: Loose tights.
Oxymoron: Macintosh Computer
Oxymoron: Male compassion
Oxymoron: Male help (domestic).
Oxymoron: Managed competition.
Oxymoron: Management action
Oxymoron: Management decision.
Oxymoron: Management style
Oxymoron: Management support
Oxymoron: Mandatory option
Oxymoron: Mankind.
Oxymoron: Manson family values
Oxymoron: Marijuana initiative
Oxymoron: Marketing strategy
Oxymoron: Married life
Oxymoron: Martial law
Oxymoron: Math teacher
Oxymoron: Mature student
Oxymoron: McDonald's food.
Oxymoron: McDonalds dinner
Oxymoron: Meaning stupid Ox.
Oxymoron: Medicaid payment
Oxymoron: Medical ethics
Oxymoron: Metal woods
Oxymoron: Microsoft Access.
Oxymoron: Microsoft Works
Oxymoron: Middle East peace process
Oxymoron: Mighty Mouse
Oxymoron: Mild interest
Oxymoron: Militart justice
Oxymoron: Military Intelligence is an oxymoron!
Oxymoron: Military Intelligence.
Oxymoron: Military Intelligence: The ultimate oxymoron.
Oxymoron: Military Propriety.
Oxymoron: Military intelligence
Oxymoron: Military intelligence and Tech support!
Oxymoron: Military medicine.
Oxymoron: Military peace
Oxymoron: Military security.
Oxymoron: Mini-Fire storm.
Oxymoron: Minimize to the maximum.
Oxymoron: Minmei singing
Oxymoron: Minor disaster
Oxymoron: Minor miracle.
Oxymoron: Mobil station
Oxymoron: Model prisoner.
Oxymoron: Moderate Iranians.
Oxymoron: Moderate Liberal.
Oxymoron: Moderate Republican.
Oxymoron: Modified final judgement
Oxymoron: Modified final judgment.
Oxymoron: Monopoly
Oxymoron: Moral Majority
Oxymoron: Moral Politician.
Oxymoron: Moral politician.
Oxymoron: Mutual Aversion.
Oxymoron: Mutual attraction
Oxymoron: Mutually exclusive
Oxymoron: My humble opinion.
Oxymoron: NFL compitition committee *
Oxymoron: NFL follies
Oxymoron: Natural Grass
Oxymoron: Navy man.
Oxymoron: Near miss.
Oxymoron: Necessary evil.
Oxymoron: New Classic Rock
Oxymoron: New Democrat
Oxymoron: New Mexico
Oxymoron: New and improved.
Oxymoron: Nice cat
Oxymoron: Nice demon.
Oxymoron: Night of the Living Dead
Oxymoron: No action.
Oxymoron: Noble savage
Oxymoron: Non dairy Creamer.
Oxymoron: Non-alcoholic Beer.
Oxymoron: Non-alcoholic beer
Oxymoron: Non-binding contract.
Oxymoron: Non-dairy creamer.
Oxymoron: Non-denominational church
Oxymoron: Non-stop flight
Oxymoron: Non-working mother.
Oxymoron: Nonalcoholic beer.
Oxymoron: Nonworking mother
Oxymoron: Now, now
Oxymoron: Now, then
Oxymoron: Nuclear defense
Oxymoron: Nuclear safety
Oxymoron: Numb Feeling
Oxymoron: Objective parent
Oxymoron: Oddly appropriate
Oxymoron: Often unpredictable
Oxymoron: Old news
Oxymoron: One size fits all
Oxymoron: One who does not know how to use pimple medication.
Oxymoron: One who has used too much acne goo.
Oxymoron: One-sided dialogue
Oxymoron: Only Choice.
Oxymoron: Only choice
Oxymoron: Open lock
Oxymoron: Open-minded conservative
Oxymoron: Operating system
Oxymoron: Operation rescue
Oxymoron: Organized religion.
Oxymoron: Original copies.
Oxymoron: Original copy
Oxymoron: Oversized brief
Oxymoron: Pacific Ocean
Oxymoron: Paid amateur
Oxymoron: Paid volunteers.
Oxymoron: Painless childbirth.
Oxymoron: Paper china
Oxymoron: Paperless office
Oxymoron: Paradox:  Two MDs.
Oxymoron: Partial conclusion
Oxymoron: Partial success
Oxymoron: Partially completed
Oxymoron: Partially furnished
Oxymoron: Partly engaged
Oxymoron: Partly pregnant
Oxymoron: Passive activity
Oxymoron: Passive aggression
Oxymoron: Passive confrontation
Oxymoron: Passive reply
Oxymoron: Patiently wait
Oxymoron: Peace force
Oxymoron: Peace keeper missile.
Oxymoron: Peace offensive
Oxymoron: Peace officer
Oxymoron: PeaceMaker missle
Oxymoron: Peacekeeper missile
Oxymoron: Peacemaker Missile
Oxymoron: Peacemaker Missile.
Oxymoron: People's Army.
Oxymoron: People's Democratic Republic Of Yemen
Oxymoron: Perfect idiot
Oxymoron: Perfect misfit
Oxymoron: Perfectly legitimate
Oxymoron: Permanent fad
Oxymoron: Persistent ambivalence
Oxymoron: Personalized form letter
Oxymoron: Petty Officer
Oxymoron: Petty Officer.
Oxymoron: Petty cash
Oxymoron: Philosophy science
Oxymoron: Pigeon's milk.
Oxymoron: Pious atheists
Oxymoron: Planned Serendipity.
Oxymoron: Planned serendipity
Oxymoron: Plastic canvas
Oxymoron: Plastic glass.
Oxymoron: Plastic glasses
Oxymoron: Plastic silverware
Oxymoron: Plastic snow
Oxymoron: Plastic snow.
Oxymoron: Plastic straw
Oxymoron: Plymouth Reliant
Oxymoron: Pocket calculator
Oxymoron: Police protection
Oxymoron: Polite cabbies.
Oxymoron: Polite cabby.
Oxymoron: Political Correctness
Oxymoron: Political embarrassment (no, that's redundant)
Oxymoron: Political ethics.
Oxymoron: Political leadership
Oxymoron: Political process
Oxymoron: Political promise
Oxymoron: Political science
Oxymoron: Politically Correct.
Oxymoron: Politically correct
Oxymoron: Politically correct, the perfect oxymoron.
Oxymoron: Poor Republican
Oxymoron: Pop art
Oxymoron: Positive calamity
Oxymoron: Postal Service
Oxymoron: Postal Service.
Oxymoron: Postal service
Oxymoron: Postal worker.
Oxymoron: Pot luck
Oxymoron: Potential has-been.
Oxymoron: Practical joke
Oxymoron: Practical logic
Oxymoron: Practical theory
Oxymoron: Preacher politicians
Oxymoron: Precision bombing
Oxymoron: Preliminary conclusion
Oxymoron: Prepost
Oxymoron: President Bush.
Oxymoron: President Clinton
Oxymoron: President Clinton [or is that just moron]
Oxymoron: Presidential ethics
Oxymoron: Presidential promises
Oxymoron: Press release
Oxymoron: Pretested condoms.
Oxymoron: Pretty Good Privacy.
Oxymoron: Pretty Ugly
Oxymoron: Pretty ice-storm.
Oxymoron: Pretty ugly
Oxymoron: Pretty ugly.
Oxymoron: Private e-mail
Oxymoron: Pro-contra
Oxymoron: Pro-contra.
Oxymoron: Production meeting.
Oxymoron: Productivity committee
Oxymoron: Professional courtesy
Oxymoron: Programmer's Oxymoron: Spare-Time
Oxymoron: Progress in Congress
Oxymoron: Progress in Congress.
Oxymoron: Pronounced silence
Oxymoron: Pronounced silence.
Oxymoron: Proprietary standard
Oxymoron: Psychiatric care
Oxymoron: Public Servant
Oxymoron: Public covert policy
Oxymoron: Public covert policy.
Oxymoron: Public school education
Oxymoron: Public secrecy
Oxymoron: Punk fashion.
Oxymoron: Pure nonsense
Oxymoron: Pure sludge
Oxymoron: Pure speculation
Oxymoron: Purely political
Oxymoron: QWK Packet!
Oxymoron: Qualified success
Oxymoron: Quality assurance
Oxymoron: Quality service
Oxymoron: Quebec intellectual
Oxymoron: Quick C.
Oxymoron: Quick fix.
Oxymoron: Quick reboot
Oxymoron: QuickBASIC
Oxymoron: Race walking
Oxymoron: Rafe politics.
Oxymoron: Rain solidly.
Oxymoron: Random choice
Oxymoron: Random logic
Oxymoron: Random order
Oxymoron: Randomly organized
Oxymoron: Rap music
Oxymoron: Rap music!
Oxymoron: Rapid transit
Oxymoron: Rare steak
Oxymoron: Rather direct
Oxymoron: Rational ravings
Oxymoron: Reagan credibility
Oxymoron: Reagan memoirs
Oxymoron: Reagan's memoirs
Oxymoron: Real Fishing Story
Oxymoron: Real fantasy
Oxymoron: Real hypothetical
Oxymoron: Real magic
Oxymoron: Realistic schedule
Oxymoron: Realtime computing
Oxymoron: Reasonable female
Oxymoron: Recently new
Oxymoron: Reciprocal concession
Oxymoron: Reckless caution
Oxymoron: Red Indians
Oxymoron: Reinvent
Oxymoron: Relatively obscure
Oxymoron: Relativistic correction
Oxymoron: Relaxed Genes.
Oxymoron: Relaxed genes
Oxymoron: Reliable network.
Oxymoron: Religious education
Oxymoron: Religious fact
Oxymoron: Religious fundamentalists.
Oxymoron: Religious science
Oxymoron: Religious tolerance
Oxymoron: Removable sticker
Oxymoron: Republican Atheist.
Oxymoron: Republican atheist.
Oxymoron: Republican diplomat.
Oxymoron: Republican initiative
Oxymoron: Republican math expert.
Oxymoron: Republican party.
Oxymoron: Requires Microsoft Windows.
Oxymoron: Resident Visitor is an oxymoron!
Oxymoron: Resident Visitor.
Oxymoron: Resident alien
Oxymoron: Resident visitor
Oxymoron: Resolute ambivalence
Oxymoron: Respectable lawyer
Oxymoron: Responsible committee
Oxymoron: Restless sleep
Oxymoron: Restrained grandparent
Oxymoron: Right-wing logic.
Oxymoron: River walk
Oxymoron: Rock opera.
Oxymoron: Rolling stop
Oxymoron: Routine emergency
Oxymoron: Royal family.
Oxymoron: Russian economy
Oxymoron: Safe Sex.
Oxymoron: Safe sex.
Oxymoron: Sandinista Compliance.
Oxymoron: Sane Warner
Oxymoron: Sane Warner Sibling
Oxymoron: Sanitary landfill
Oxymoron: Satisfied Democrat
Oxymoron: Saving price
Oxymoron: Savings & loan
Oxymoron: Savings and loan.
Oxymoron: School (Cafeteria) Food
Oxymoron: School food
Oxymoron: Scottish Danish (actual pastry sold at 7-11)
Oxymoron: Second Annual Tour of Classic New Homes.
Oxymoron: Second childhood
Oxymoron: Second initiatives
Oxymoron: Secure Unix
Oxymoron: Sedate sex
Oxymoron: Self-dependent
Oxymoron: Semi truck
Oxymoron: Senate Ethics Committee
Oxymoron: Senate Ethics.
Oxymoron: Senatorial courtesy
Oxymoron: Sensible shoes
Oxymoron: Sensitive male
Oxymoron: Sergeant Major
Oxymoron: Serious barbecue
Oxymoron: Serious comedy
Oxymoron: Severely killed
Oxymoron: Severely/slightly killed
Oxymoron: Sharp cookie
Oxymoron: Shipment is by car, and cargo by boat.
Oxymoron: Shooting blanks
Oxymoron: Shortcut
Oxymoron: Shyly pompous
Oxymoron: Silent noise
Oxymoron: Silent scream
Oxymoron: Silent testimony
Oxymoron: Silken bonds
Oxymoron: Simple calculus
Oxymoron: Simple system
Oxymoron: Simple technology
Oxymoron: Sincere congressman
Oxymoron: Sincere lie
Oxymoron: Sit up
Oxymoron: Slightly killed
Oxymoron: Slow children (sign with picture of running child)
Oxymoron: Slow speed
Oxymoron: Small crowd
Oxymoron: Smart Blonde.
Oxymoron: Smart blonde.
Oxymoron: Smart democrat
Oxymoron: Smart drugs
Oxymoron: Social activist.
Oxymoron: Social science
Oxymoron: Soft rock
Oxymoron: Software documentation
Oxymoron: Software engineering
Oxymoron: Solid glass
Oxymoron: Solipsists of the World, Untie.
Oxymoron: Someone who thinks all those pimple meds work!
Oxymoron: Somewhat Ambiguous.
Oxymoron: Sophisticated New Yorker.
Oxymoron: Southern justice
Oxymoron: Soviet Union.
Oxymoron: Spare rib
Oxymoron: Speed limit
Oxymoron: Speeding Yugo.
Oxymoron: Split level
Oxymoron: Sports sedan
Oxymoron: Stand down
Oxymoron: Standard deviation
Oxymoron: Standard options.
Oxymoron: Stealth bomber
Oxymoron: Steel wool
Oxymoron: Steering committee.
Oxymoron: Still life
Oxymoron: Straight Hooks.
Oxymoron: Straight curve
Oxymoron: Straightforward subterfuge
Oxymoron: Striped paint.
Oxymoron: Student athlete
Oxymoron: Student teacher
Oxymoron: Student teacher.
Oxymoron: Stupid Ox.
Oxymoron: Stupid individual with a clear complexion.
Oxymoron: Sub minimum.
Oxymoron: Sugarless candy
Oxymoron: Summer school
Oxymoron: Sure bet
Oxymoron: Sweet pickle
Oxymoron: Sweet sixteen.
Oxymoron: Sweet sorrow
Oxymoron: Swiss steak
Oxymoron: Synthetic natural gas
Oxymoron: Talk show
Oxymoron: Tame cat
Oxymoron: Tandy Computer
Oxymoron: Taped live
Oxymoron: Tax Return.
Oxymoron: Tax reform.
Oxymoron: Tax return.
Oxymoron: Television critic
Oxymoron: Television entertainment.
Oxymoron: Temporary tax increase
Oxymoron: Terminal initialization
Oxymoron: Terribly nice
Oxymoron: Terribly pleased
Oxymoron: Texas Chic.
Oxymoron: Texas chic
Oxymoron: Texas chic.
Oxymoron: The Stainless Steel Moviegoer
Oxymoron: The honor of the French
Oxymoron: The laundry detergent for idiots.
Oxymoron: Thorough Briefer.
Oxymoron: Thoughtful sidewalk cyclist.
Oxymoron: Thrift binge.
Oxymoron: Thundering silence.
Oxymoron: Tight flexibility
Oxymoron: Tight slacks
Oxymoron: Timeless segment
Oxymoron: Tolerant liberal
Oxymoron: Tone color
Oxymoron: Too many recipes.
Oxymoron: Too rich.
Oxymoron: Total Quality Management (TQM)
Oxymoron: Tragic comedy.
Oxymoron: Trioxymoron: Amtrak experimental high-speed train.
Oxymoron: True DOS multi-tasking
Oxymoron: True Love.
Oxymoron: True gossip
Oxymoron: True love from afar.
Oxymoron: True story
Oxymoron: Turned up missing.
Oxymoron: Twelve-ounce pound cake
Oxymoron: UN force
Oxymoron: UNIX security
Oxymoron: Ultimate oxymoron: 'Cash Surplus'.
Oxymoron: Unacceptable solution
Oxymoron: Unbiased American news broadcast
Oxymoron: Unbiased journalism
Oxymoron: Unbiased news reports
Oxymoron: Unbiased predisposition
Oxymoron: Unborn child.
Oxymoron: Uncontested divorce
Oxymoron: Under crowded Criminal Justice System.
Oxymoron: Understanding banker
Oxymoron: Unified libertarians.
Oxymoron: Uninhibited Muslim woman.
Oxymoron: Union workers
Oxymoron: Unique uniform
Oxymoron: United States
Oxymoron: University at Las Vegas
Oxymoron: University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Oxymoron: Unsalted Saltines
Oxymoron: Unusual routine
Oxymoron: Uprooted plant
Oxymoron: Upside-down Logic.
Oxymoron: Upside-down logic
Oxymoron: Uptown Buffalo.
Oxymoron: Uptown buffalo
Oxymoron: Use Oxymoron for those really stupid pimples!
Oxymoron: User-friendly war
Oxymoron: User-friendly.
Oxymoron: Vacant dwelling
Oxymoron: Valueless education
Oxymoron: Vegetable beef soup
Oxymoron: Vegetarian chili
Oxymoron: Vegetarian chili.
Oxymoron: Ventura Freeway
Oxymoron: Vexation exercise
Oxymoron: Vice Pres Quayle.
Oxymoron: Villainous hero
Oxymoron: Violent agreement
Oxymoron: Virtual fishing.
Oxymoron: Virtual reality
Oxymoron: Virtual storage
Oxymoron: Vociferous silence
Oxymoron: Voice mail (this one's more than simply an oxymoron).
Oxymoron: Voluntary Contributions.
Oxymoron: Voluntary taxation
Oxymoron: Voting power
Oxymoron: Vulcan sentimentality
Oxymoron: Waiting patiently
Oxymoron: War hero
Oxymoron: Waste management
Oxymoron: Water landing
Oxymoron: We will arrest any inmate who misbehaves.
Oxymoron: Wedded bliss.
Oxymoron: Welfare Benefits.
Oxymoron: What Quayle thinks he uses on pimples.
Oxymoron: What does it mean, 'exact change'?
Oxymoron: Whole half
Oxymoron: Whole hemisphere
Oxymoron: Why do they call them apartment when they are all together
Oxymoron: Why do they call them apartments when they are all together?
Oxymoron: Wilderness management
Oxymoron: Windows NT (New Technology).
Oxymoron: Windows NT ready.
Oxymoron: Windows Productivity
Oxymoron: Windows accelerator
Oxymoron: Windows expert
Oxymoron: Windows expert!
Oxymoron: Windows power user
Oxymoron: Windows productivity
Oxymoron: Windows-Capable.
Oxymoron: Windows-capable.
Oxymoron: Wireless cable.
Oxymoron: Wise Democrat.
Oxymoron: Wonder Bread
Oxymoron: Woods Metal
Oxymoron: Work party
Oxymoron: Working dinner
Oxymoron: Working vacation
Oxymoron: Worlds biggest truck is called a semi-truck
Oxymoron: Young Floridian
Oxymoron: Young Republicans.
Oxymoron: Yugo turbo
Oxymoron: Yummy sushi
Oxymoron: Zero tolerance.
Oxymoron: `cash surplus'.
Oxymoron: a contradiction in terms, e.g. "rap music" . . .
Oxymoron: a lighter dark beer
Oxymoron: a vampire named Dawn
Oxymoron: acceptable losses
Oxymoron: acne cream for a geek
Oxymoron: activity break
Oxymoron: airline food
Oxymoron: almost always
Oxymoron: almost round
Oxymoron: almost safe
Oxymoron: alone together
Oxymoron: an idiot with acne
Oxymoron: anarchy rules
Oxymoron: apartment complex
Oxymoron: apparent contradiction
Oxymoron: artificial snow
Oxymoron: athletic scholarships
Oxymoron: authentic replica
Oxymoron: awful nice
Oxymoron: awfully good
Oxymoron: baby grand
Oxymoron: bad sex
Oxymoron: balanced insanity
Oxymoron: black light
Oxymoron: blameless lawyers
Oxymoron: brave politician
Oxymoron: buggy virus
Oxymoron: business ethics
Oxymoron: capital punishment
Oxymoron: cash surplus
Oxymoron: cheap junk
Oxymoron: chicken fingers
Oxymoron: civil war
Oxymoron: classic new homes
Oxymoron: classic rock!
Oxymoron: clean dirt
Oxymoron: clearly confused
Oxymoron: clearly misunderstood
Oxymoron: close-minded liberal
Oxymoron: cold fire
Oxymoron: compassionate Republican
Oxymoron: completely unfinished
Oxymoron: computer security
Oxymoron: constant change
Oxymoron: conventional wisdom
Oxymoron: criminal justice
Oxymoron: criminal lawyer
Oxymoron: death benefits
Oxymoron: debugged program
Oxymoron: decaffeinated coffee
Oxymoron: decisive liberal
Oxymoron: definite possibility
Oxymoron: delicious fat-free
Oxymoron: divorce court
Oxymoron: down escalator
Oxymoron: dry heaves
Oxymoron: dry ice
Oxymoron: dry wine
Oxymoron: dull point
Oxymoron: dull shine
Oxymoron: dumb student at Oxford
Oxymoron: educational TV
Oxymoron: elementary calculus
Oxymoron: enough hard drive space
Oxymoron: evaporated milk
Oxymoron: even odds
Oxymoron: exact estimate
Oxymoron: expert business system.
Oxymoron: family vacation
Oxymoron: fast idle
Oxymoron: faulty logic
Oxymoron: federal assistance
Oxymoron: female logic
Oxymoron: final beta
Oxymoron: final version
Oxymoron: finished buildings
Oxymoron: firewater
Oxymoron: first annual
Oxymoron: fish farm
Oxymoron: flexible freeze
Oxymoron: foxy chick
Oxymoron: free love
Oxymoron: free with purchase
Oxymoron: freezer burn
Oxymoron: fresh frozen
Oxymoron: fresh frozen jumbo shrimp
Oxymoron: friendly fire
Oxymoron: fun run
Oxymoron: functionally illiterate
Oxymoron: gay bigot
Oxymoron: genuine replica
Oxymoron: good grief
Oxymoron: good lawyer
Oxymoron: good morning
Oxymoron: gourmet pizza
Oxymoron: guest host
Oxymoron: guilty scapegoats
Oxymoron: half dead
Oxymoron: halfway around
Oxymoron: happily married
Oxymoron: happy birthday
Oxymoron: happy medium
Oxymoron: hard-wired
Oxymoron: healthy tan
Oxymoron: high negative
Oxymoron: high negative image
Oxymoron: high negative ratings
Oxymoron: high-level depression
Oxymoron: highly visible covert operation
Oxymoron: hilarious funerals
Oxymoron: holy war
Oxymoron: home offices
Oxymoron: honest lawyer
Oxymoron: honest politician
Oxymoron: hopelessly optimistic
Oxymoron: horribly decent
Oxymoron: hot chili
Oxymoron: hot ice
Oxymoron: hot water heater
Oxymoron: human dignity
Oxymoron: humble arrogance
Oxymoron: iced tea (you boil it then chill it.  Sugar then lemon.)
Oxymoron: icy hot
Oxymoron: ill health
Oxymoron: imitation margarine
Oxymoron: important trivia
Oxymoron: impossible possibility
Oxymoron: improbable disaster
Oxymoron: independent counsel
Oxymoron: independent dog
Oxymoron: indifferently attentive
Oxymoron: industrial park
Oxymoron: inferred petty corruption
Oxymoron: infinite loop
Oxymoron: initial resignation
Oxymoron: initial retirement
Oxymoron: insincere vow
Oxymoron: intelligence oversight board
Oxymoron: intelligent fight
Oxymoron: intelligent presidential debate
Oxymoron: intense apathy
Oxymoron: intense disinterest
Oxymoron: interactive soliloquy
Oxymoron: internal exile
Oxymoron: internal front
Oxymoron: irate patient
Oxymoron: irregularly scheduled
Oxymoron: jumbo shrimp
Oxymoron: junk food
Oxymoron: justifiable homicide
Oxymoron: justifiably paranoid
Oxymoron: lack light
Oxymoron: lady mud wrestler
Oxymoron: large-scale mini-computers
Oxymoron: last initial
Oxymoron: lead crystal
Oxymoron: legal brief
Oxymoron: legal ethics
Oxymoron: legal thought
Oxymoron: legitimate conspiracy
Oxymoron: leisure suit
Oxymoron: lesser evil
Oxymoron: lethal aid
Oxymoron: liberal Republican
Oxymoron: lieutenant colonel
Oxymoron: life insurance
Oxymoron: light heavyweight
Oxymoron: limited immunity
Oxymoron: limited time
Oxymoron: liquid paper
Oxymoron: liquid smoke
Oxymoron: lite dark beer.
Oxymoron: little deceptive
Oxymoron: little hope
Oxymoron: little misleading
Oxymoron: live recording
Oxymoron: live television
Oxymoron: local network
Oxymoron: logical design
Oxymoron: long recess
Oxymoron: loose gridlock
Oxymoron: loose tights
Oxymoron: loosely organized
Oxymoron: lost finding
Oxymoron: loving hate
Oxymoron: low positive image
Oxymoron: low-profile public approach
Oxymoron: loyal opposition
Oxymoron: luxury bus
Oxymoron: mail service
Oxymoron: major general
Oxymoron: male logic
Oxymoron: man child
Oxymoron: management science
Oxymoron: mandatory option
Oxymoron: marijuana initiative
Oxymoron: marital bliss
Oxymoron: marketing research
Oxymoron: masculine logic
Oxymoron: meaningful dialogue
Oxymoron: meaningful, overnight relationship. ;->
Oxymoron: measured meter
Oxymoron: meatloaf surprise
Oxymoron: micro-mainframe
Oxymoron: mild interest
Oxymoron: mildly psychotic
Oxymoron: military accountability
Oxymoron: military etiquette
Oxymoron: military intelligence
Oxymoron: military justice
Oxymoron: military propriety
Oxymoron: military salvation
Oxymoron: military thought
Oxymoron: mini-firestorm
Oxymoron: minor disaster
Oxymoron: minor greatness
Oxymoron: minor issue
Oxymoron: minor moment
Oxymoron: minor peccadillo
Oxymoron: mismatch
Oxymoron: mobile home
Oxymoron: moral lawyer
Oxymoron: morally right
Oxymoron: morbid humor
Oxymoron: motorcycle safety
Oxymoron: mutual aversion
Oxymoron: narrow breadth
Oxymoron: natural gas
Oxymoron: natural grass
Oxymoron: natural synthetic
Oxymoron: near miss
Oxymoron: nearly perfect
Oxymoron: nearly square
Oxymoron: negative concurrence
Oxymoron: negative momentum
Oxymoron: new standard
Oxymoron: night light
Oxymoron: no action
Oxymoron: no information
Oxymoron: no opposition
Oxymoron: non-alcoholic beer
Oxymoron: non-stop flight
Oxymoron: nondairy creamer
Oxymoron: normal controversy
Oxymoron: normal espionage
Oxymoron: normal foreign film
Oxymoron: not concerned
Oxymoron: noticeably less aggressive
Oxymoron: nuclear safety
Oxymoron: numb feeling
Oxymoron: obedient defiance
Oxymoron: objective rating
Oxymoron: occupational injury
Oxymoron: odd irony
Oxymoron: oddly appropriate
Oxymoron: often unpredictable
Oxymoron: old news
Oxymoron: one who has used too much acne goo?
Oxymoron: one-sided dialogue
Oxymoron: only choice
Oxymoron: open lock
Oxymoron: operating system
Oxymoron: original copy
Oxymoron: original sin
Oxymoron: oversized brief
Oxymoron: paid amateur
Oxymoron: paper china
Oxymoron: paperless office
Oxymoron: parents without partners
Oxymoron: partial conclusion
Oxymoron: partial success
Oxymoron: partially completed
Oxymoron: partially furnished
Oxymoron: partly engaged
Oxymoron: passive activity
Oxymoron: passive aggression
Oxymoron: passive confrontation
Oxymoron: passive reply
Oxymoron: patiently wait
Oxymoron: peace offensive
Oxymoron: peace-keeper missile
Oxymoron: perfect idiot
Oxymoron: perfect misfit
Oxymoron: perfectly legitimate
Oxymoron: perhaps certainly
Oxymoron: perhaps predictably
Oxymoron: permanent fad
Oxymoron: persistent ambivalence
Oxymoron: personal computer
Oxymoron: personalized form letter
Oxymoron: petty officer
Oxymoron: pious atheists
Oxymoron: planned serendipity
Oxymoron: plastic canvas
Oxymoron: plastic glasses
Oxymoron: plastic silverware
Oxymoron: plastic snow
Oxymoron: plastic straw
Oxymoron: political embarrassment
Oxymoron: political process
Oxymoron: political promise
Oxymoron: political science
Oxymoron: politically correct
Oxymoron: portable standard Lisp
Oxymoron: positive calamity
Oxymoron: positively grudgingly
Oxymoron: practical homeowner
Oxymoron: practical joke
Oxymoron: practical theory
Oxymoron: preacher politicians
Oxymoron: preliminary conclusion
Oxymoron: prepare to commence
Oxymoron: prepost
Oxymoron: press release
Oxymoron: private e-mail
Oxymoron: pro-contra
Oxymoron: professional amateur
Oxymoron: progressive conservative
Oxymoron: public secrecy
Oxymoron: pure nonsense
Oxymoron: pure sludge
Oxymoron: pure speculation
Oxymoron: purely political
Oxymoron: qualified success
Oxymoron: quick reboot
Oxymoron: race walking
Oxymoron: random choice
Oxymoron: random file organization
Oxymoron: random logic
Oxymoron: random order
Oxymoron: randomly organized
Oxymoron: rap music
Oxymoron: rather direct
Oxymoron: rational ravings
Oxymoron: real fantasy
Oxymoron: real fishing story
Oxymoron: real hypothetical
Oxymoron: real magic
Oxymoron: rear admiral
Oxymoron: reciprocal concession
Oxymoron: regional pantheists
Oxymoron: regular random
Oxymoron: regular special
Oxymoron: reinvent
Oxymoron: relatively obscure
Oxymoron: relaxed genes
Oxymoron: relentlessly continued
Oxymoron: removable sticker
Oxymoron: repeatedly redundant
Oxymoron: resident alien
Oxymoron: resident manager
Oxymoron: resident visitor
Oxymoron: resolute ambivalence
Oxymoron: respectable Lawyer
Oxymoron: respective conventions
Oxymoron: restless sleep
Oxymoron: rising deficits
Oxymoron: river walk
Oxymoron: rolling stop
Oxymoron: routine emergency
Oxymoron: runs under Windows
Oxymoron: rush hour
Oxymoron: safe politics
Oxymoron: same difference
Oxymoron: satisfied tenant
Oxymoron: science fiction
Oxymoron: second childhood
Oxymoron: second initiatives
Oxymoron: second lieutenant
Oxymoron: self-dependent
Oxymoron: semiboneless ham
Oxymoron: sensible shoes
Oxymoron: sergeant major
Oxymoron: serious barbecue
Oxymoron: serious comedy
Oxymoron: sharp cookie
Oxymoron: shooting blanks
Oxymoron: shortcut
Oxymoron: shyly pompous
Oxymoron: silent noise
Oxymoron: silent testimony
Oxymoron: silken bonds
Oxymoron: simple calculus
Oxymoron: simple system
Oxymoron: simple technology
Oxymoron: sincere lie
Oxymoron: sisterly love
Oxymoron: sit up
Oxymoron: slightly out of view
Oxymoron: slightly pregnant
Oxymoron: slow death
Oxymoron: slow speed
Oxymoron: small crowd
Oxymoron: smart bomb
Oxymoron: smokeless cigarette
Oxymoron: snow removal plan
Oxymoron: social psychologist
Oxymoron: social security
Oxymoron: solipsists of the world, unite
Oxymoron: somewhat awesome
Oxymoron: somewhat confused
Oxymoron: somewhat destroyed
Oxymoron: somewhat eloquently
Oxymoron: somewhat extraordinary
Oxymoron: somewhat fairly explicit
Oxymoron: somewhat functional
Oxymoron: somewhat incompatible
Oxymoron: somewhat informed
Oxymoron: somewhat narrow attitude
Oxymoron: sophisticated hacker
Oxymoron: southern front
Oxymoron: soviet life
Oxymoron: spare time
Oxymoron: spending cuts
Oxymoron: split level
Oxymoron: stand down
Oxymoron: standard deviation
Oxymoron: steel wool
Oxymoron: still life
Oxymoron: straight curve
Oxymoron: straightforward subterfuge
Oxymoron: strong president
Oxymoron: structure design
Oxymoron: stuck in traffic
Oxymoron: student athlete
Oxymoron: student teachers
Oxymoron: stupid ox
Oxymoron: subsequent initiatives
Oxymoron: sugarless candy
Oxymoron: superette
Oxymoron: supporting documentation
Oxymoron: sure bet
Oxymoron: sweet pickle
Oxymoron: sweet sorrow
Oxymoron: sycophantic cat
Oxymoron: systematic variance
Oxymoron: systematically at random
Oxymoron: talk show
Oxymoron: tax refund
Oxymoron: tax-free
Oxymoron: team of independents
Oxymoron: tech support
Oxymoron: televised hearings
Oxymoron: television tape
Oxymoron: tenuous lies
Oxymoron: term limit
Oxymoron: term meaning stupid as an ox
Oxymoron: terribly nice
Oxymoron: the best of Rush Limbaugh
Oxymoron: the loser guy on the pimple-cream commercial.
Oxymoron: three originals
Oxymoron: tight flexibility
Oxymoron: timeless library
Oxymoron: too many taglines
Oxymoron: totalitarian democracy
Oxymoron: traditionally radical
Oxymoron: traffic flow
Oxymoron: trial learning
Oxymoron: true DOS multi-tasking
Oxymoron: true confessions
Oxymoron: true love
Oxymoron: true sincerity
Oxymoron: truth in politics
Oxymoron: tv commentator
Oxymoron: unacceptable solution
Oxymoron: unachievable accomplishments
Oxymoron: unbiased opinion
Oxymoron: unclear information
Oxymoron: undercrowded criminal justice system
Oxymoron: understanding UNIX
Oxymoron: understanding wife
Oxymoron: uniform scraps
Oxymoron: unique uniform
Oxymoron: uniquely uniform.
Oxymoron: unusual routine
Oxymoron: uprooted plant
Oxymoron: upside-down logic
Oxymoron: user friendliness
Oxymoron: user friendly - idiot-proof
Oxymoron: vacant dwelling
Oxymoron: vague memory
Oxymoron: vague recollection
Oxymoron: vaguely recall
Oxymoron: valueless education
Oxymoron: vanilla fudge
Oxymoron: vegetarian chili
Oxymoron: very much uninspired
Oxymoron: vexation exercise
Oxymoron: vice admiral
Oxymoron: villainous hero
Oxymoron: virtual reality
Oxymoron: virtual storage
Oxymoron: vociferous silence
Oxymoron: voluntary contributions
Oxymoron: vulcan sentimentality
Oxymoron: war games
Oxymoron: waste management
Oxymoron: water landing
Oxymoron: weak president
Oxymoron: wealthy professor
Oxymoron: weather forecast
Oxymoron: whole half
Oxymoron: whole hemisphere
Oxymoron: wicked good
Oxymoron: wickedly funny
Oxymoron: wickedly nice
Oxymoron: windows power user
Oxymoron: wonderfully ambiguous
Oxymoron: work party
Oxymoron: working dinner
Oxymoron: working vacation
Oxymoron:"runs under Windows."
OxymoronZvVporated milk.
Oxymorone #40: Ironclade Guarantee.
Oxymorons"military intelligence" and "tech support"!
Oxymorons... "military intelligence" and "tech support"
Oxymorons... "military intelligence" and "technical support"!
Oxymorons: Great Democratic Mind, Great Republican Mind.
Oxymorons: Liberal Thinktank, Political ethics, Politically Correct.
Oxymorons: military intelligence and tech support!
Oy gevalt! there's something fishy about that tagline!
Oy veh and begorrah! (c 1989 C. Power)
Oy! Rocky!  Vatch me pull a Rabbi out of my hat!
Oy, Rocky!  Vatch me pull a Rabbi out of my hat.
Oyez! Oyez! Jo Peshek should be preparing to arm!
Oyster's theme song: A Gritty Pearl Is Like A Malady.
Oysters fried, stewed and nude at Wintzell's Oyster House, Mobile, Al.
Ozian option: I can't give you brains, but I can give you a diploma.
Ozzy & Harriet: After Dark! - Tom as teens make out
o   <--  Baby Tribble with bottle
o  <--- Jean Luc tribble
o <-- Jean-Luc Tribble
o o o   <- Picard tribbles
o o o <- Bald tribbles        <- after hairclub visit
o o o This tagline o o o was nailed down o o o to prevent theft. o o o
o>-<  QaH! jIpumpu' 'ej jIHu'laHbe'!
o>-< Help!  I've fallen, and I can't get up!
o<-<    Help!  I've fallen and I can't get up!
o**  <--- Tribbles living near Three Mile Island.
o+>+*b*+++f  <-- Tribbles living near Three Mile Island.
o->-Theft Proof Tagline <hehe>
o/~    *I'm* the reason God made Oklahoma....    o/~
o/~ "..Onevok...Tuvok...Threevok...Fourvok..." - Vulcan Children's song
o/~ ..He steals from the rich ...stupid B***h  "eh What?"
o/~ Bad karma -- it's killin' me by degrees! o/~  --W. Zevon
o/~ Hot Patootie bless my soul, I really love that Rock-n-Roll ~\o
o/~ I remember, doin' the Time Warp...o/~
o/~ Ranma got run over by a reindeero/~
oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo. .oOo
oWorld : unite               T         eaEATIribbles      0IN  SAFEZsaEZ
o^o  Isn't this the OFF-TOPIC conference?
obius tagline. This is a mobius tagline. This is a mobius
oboe:  British tramp
obrati paznju na posljednju stvar i legni tu kraj mene
obrati paznju na posljednju stvar, zadrzi me u sebi
ocky: Watch me pull a SYSOP out of my hat!
octopus:  Two-faced person with four heads.
od mojih tuznih ljubavi ostajes samo ti.
of Jello, and twice as smart.
of discussion is allowed if you send a bit of taglines with
of the conference you might want to check with whoever does take care of
off topic off topic off topic off topic off topic...
offspring next spring."
offtopic ... offtopic ... offtopic ... offtopic ... offtopic ...
oh    asiav"Fail Safe"sdesign.isEATIN  SAFESEX.ZIP isIP is0DESIGN EThere
oh    asiavlittle garlic   0BEATIN  SAFs MouThoAia Tr  wou0GARLIC rThere
oh    asibravery;  nlyidegreAsAof Xe.r   0BEATIN  SAFESEX.0DEGREEFEThare
oh    nhaAMThbody EATINbelieve.onX.ZIPIN  SAFESEX.        0BELIEV  The T
oh    yei.                           IPIN  SAFESEX.      .0NOTHojThThSu
oh my beautiful liar oh my precious whore
oh no, i'm out of breath mints, tom said uncertainly
oink FLAP oink FLAP oink FLAP oink FLAP oink FLAP
ok...so it's got some acceloration...fix the cigarette lighter - Jake Blues
okay. My other computer is interlinked with Data.
okkaY - "!sbis ,esrever tiH"
old timer's disease     a common cause of forgetfulness
om extraction from the mental bit stream of...
ome...There's no place like home (click! click! click!) There's no pla
on a clean disk you can seek forever
on fini.obj set link.sst {security, perimeter} restore
on message_fin.cmd do include.tagline
on the Geraldo of Borg..  Brothers who assimulate sisters!
on the next man-bashing Oprah...
on the other hand, you have four fingers and a thumb...
on to the original tag1.txt.
on whte_rbt.obj call link.sst {security, perimeter} set to off.
on't like timid men;cats don't like prudent rats! *
on, cows will fly." - Dvorak, April 1994
ona vuce moje niti, ona cini moje sne
once i add stealth technology to my HST!
one day, a spotty man came down to earth and sprinkled his magic dust
one likes to believe in the freedom of music.
one must put up barriers to keep oneself intact.
one person/two alone/three together/four each other
one pill makes you larger and/one pill makes you small
one thing, how do you transform posted messages into actual
one verse does not the Bible make.
ones at the bottom.
only 1 sugar in mine thanks.
only a dark cocoon until i get my gorgeous wings & fly away...
only a phase/these dark cafe days
only a test. Had this been an actual tagline
only had 2 moderators send messages to my sysop, This
only my TENTH cup of coffee.
only the toner has been changed, to protect the printer.
oo      for somebody's head-lights are on messages.
ooTaglines, Taglines: Catch the Fever Now!oo
ooh, doughnuts!"
oooh, damian you were the dark younge man...
oooooo....I hates rabbits! - Yosemite Sam
ooooooooonnnnnnnnnn, Oops Cat on the keyboard
ooops!...Got my floppy caught in my PKZipper...
ooops, caught the moderator's attention again.
oops!!...........0[[0tyHG0[GyG0RTWE4  <NO CARRIER>
oops, gotta run, alarm just rang, its time to WAKE UP & go to work
oorecipes, recipes: Catch the Fever Now!oo
op o' the food chain to ye!
open door.....insert slam!!!!!  <ROFL!>
open my eyes wake up in flames
opera:  Where a guy gets stabbed and instead of bleeding, he sings.
oppps! lost my tags!!!
or (R) for you using PCBoard <G<
or a Macintosh   ... or an Amiga  ... or an Atari ST   ... or (et. al.)
or perhaps under a summer sky filled with stars.
or that your father has very small private parts?  -Queen
orf, fire at will.  <<ZAP!<<  Hey! Where'd Riker go?
orsX.ZIPjThorsY                                           1THANK    ormA
orse.te.0IewIN  itself.ZIP is a TrojThorse. how would they0ITSELF  Temer
orsl.ZIP iword?ein Condoms.  For guys who don't pull out. 0L        hh
ortune cookies written in English?                        0ENGLISFEWhySa
ostanes kraj puta ko popisan svet, sudbina je stara, proverena kurva
ot rid of my wife. The cats were allergic *
other BBS errorlevels in increasing order here ...
other tagline files within the tagline area.
otpijam pomalo, grlo mi je suvo, kako poraz boli kada si jos rovit.
otter:  Cockney weather forecast.
our CLASSIFIED AD DOORS is excellent and I wanted to use it for Real
our little group has always been/and always will until the end.
our next show, so don't miss it!"
out numbered 20,000 to 2...... and we killed them both.
out numbered 20,000 to 2...and we killed them both.
out of business in ONE MONTH!"
out too many pointless ones...
outa shape?  .   .   .   .   .   Nah, just thick & tired...
ov++h+n AC*hanks for hanging up, dear.
ow long will it be before we all "just get in the way?"
owE:  Tur.s 0 486erojk:idFo a PC/XTant ninja t            0WINDOW  The M
own WP software-files savedAasA.wpo ouT     SEX   FESEX.N 0SOFTWAFEWinsc
owsiX.und:TRemove it? (Y/y)"  E,s MouT     SEX.  IP i   X.0REMOVE  Virus
oxymoron :  authentic replica
oxymoron of war:  acceptable losses
oxymoron:  Cherokee pioneer
oxymoron:  Dodge Ram
oxymoron:  Great Depression
oxymoron:  House Ethics Committee
oxymoron:  Italian egg rolls
oxymoron:  Minimize to the maximum.
oxymoron:  Mobil station
oxymoron:  Night of the Living Dead
oxymoron:  Postal Service
oxymoron:  Yugo turbo
oxymoron:  a lighter dark beer
oxymoron:  acne cream for a geek
oxymoron:  activity break
oxymoron:  airline food
oxymoron:  almost safe
oxymoron:  alone together
oxymoron:  anarchy rules
oxymoron:  apartment complex
oxymoron:  athletic scholarships
oxymoron:  authentic replica
oxymoron:  awful nice
oxymoron:  baby grand
oxymoron:  bad sex
oxymoron:  black light
oxymoron:  brave politician
oxymoron:  buggy virus
oxymoron:  business ethics
oxymoron:  capital punishment
oxymoron:  cheap junk
oxymoron:  chicken fingers
oxymoron:  civil war
oxymoron:  classic rock!
oxymoron:  clean dirt
oxymoron:  clearly confused
oxymoron:  clearly misunderstood
oxymoron:  cold fire
oxymoron:  computer security
oxymoron:  congressional ethics
oxymoron:  constant change
oxymoron:  conventional wisdom
oxymoron:  criminal justice
oxymoron:  criminal lawyer
oxymoron:  death benefits
oxymoron:  debugged program
oxymoron:  decaffeinated coffee
oxymoron:  definite possibility
oxymoron:  divorce court
oxymoron:  down escalator
oxymoron:  dry heaves
oxymoron:  dry ice
oxymoron:  dry wine
oxymoron:  dull point
oxymoron:  dull shine
oxymoron:  dumb student at Oxford
oxymoron:  educational TV
oxymoron:  elementary calculus
oxymoron:  evaporated milk
oxymoron:  even odds
oxymoron:  exact estimate
oxymoron:  expert business system.
oxymoron:  fast idle
oxymoron:  faulty logic
oxymoron:  federal assistance
oxymoron:  female logic
oxymoron:  final version
oxymoron:  finished buildings
oxymoron:  firewater
oxymoron:  first annual
oxymoron:  fish farm
oxymoron:  flexible freeze
oxymoron:  foxy chick
oxymoron:  free love
oxymoron:  free with purchase
oxymoron:  freezer burn
oxymoron:  fresh frozen
oxymoron:  friendly fire
oxymoron:  fun run
oxymoron:  functionally illiterate
oxymoron:  good government
oxymoron:  good grief
oxymoron:  gourmet pizza
oxymoron:  guest host
oxymoron:  happy birthday
oxymoron:  holy war
oxymoron:  honest politician
oxymoron:  hopelessly optimistic
oxymoron:  hot water heater
oxymoron:  imitation margarine
oxymoron:  important trivia
oxymoron:  industrial park
oxymoron:  intense apathy
oxymoron:  irate patient
oxymoron:  jumbo shrimp
oxymoron:  junk food
oxymoron:  justifiable homicide
oxymoron:  kind Moderator
oxymoron:  last initial
oxymoron:  lead crystal
oxymoron:  legal brief
oxymoron:  liberal Republican
oxymoron:  life insurance
oxymoron:  light heavyweight
oxymoron:  limited time
oxymoron:  liquid paper
oxymoron:  live recording
oxymoron:  live television
oxymoron:  loose tights
oxymoron:  mail service
oxymoron:  mandatory option
oxymoron:  marijuana initiative
oxymoron:  marital bliss
oxymoron:  meaningful dialogue
oxymoron:  minor disaster
oxymoron:  near miss
oxymoron:  nearly perfect
oxymoron:  non-stop flight
oxymoron:  numb feeling
oxymoron:  oddly appropriate
oxymoron:  old news
oxymoron:  only choice
oxymoron:  open lock
oxymoron:  original copy
oxymoron:  paid amateur
oxymoron:  paper china
oxymoron:  partially completed
oxymoron:  passive activity
oxymoron:  passive aggression
oxymoron:  peace-keeper missile
oxymoron:  perfect idiot
oxymoron:  plastic silverware
oxymoron:  practical homeowner
oxymoron:  prepost
oxymoron:  private E-mail
oxymoron:  professional amateur
oxymoron:  runs under Windows
oxymoron:  same difference
oxymoron:  unbiased opinion
oxymoron: Civil war
oxymoron: Genuine copy of a fake Dior
oxymoron: Holy war
oxymoron: Too many taglines
oxymoron: War games
oxymoron: Winnable nuclear war

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca