P Revere: "One if by Lan, two if by 'C'"
P is for Picard, who giveth all the orders
P l e a s e   Mr. Data - no more jokes!
P! U!...Who stepped in a pile of lawyer?
P$*!: Punch Obscenity
P)rotocal change
P,S...the new hot keys to view participants and subjects in Xpress!
P-)           Colonel Klink (Hogan's Heroes)
P-)     from someone getting fresh
P-Porky P-Pig of Borg: You will be assim-assim... absorbed!
P-Porky P-Pig of Borg: You will be assim-assim...absorbed
P-town: where the women are strong & the men are pretty!
P. A. R. T. - Y?  Because I gotta!
P. Funk of Borg: Assimilatin' Just For the Funk of It.
P. Funk of Borg: Assimilatin' You in Your Earhole.
P. Funk of Borg: Somethin' about the music is irrelevant
P.B. don't mean Paranoid Baker
P.B. don't mean Penguin Blackbelt
P.B. don't mean Pig Basketball
P.B. don't mean Polynesian Bobsled
P.B. don't mean Pottsdown Barbarian
P.B. don't mean Propeller Beanie
P.B. don't mean Purple Bananas
P.E.T.A. - People for the Eating of Tasty Animals
P.E.T.A. People for the Eating of Tasty Animals
P.I.T.A.-(P)ain (I)n (T)he <oh well, you get it>.
P.M. ROGET - Dead, Deceased, Expired.
P.O.A. - Plain 'Ol Arithmetic.
P.PIG - Th-th-th-th-th- That's All Folks
P.S. Hope you like the pinking shears - Gypsy reads
P.S. Life is like a box o'chocolates you never know what you're gonna
P.S. Look for some Snail Mail soon!
P.S. We also walk dogs.
P.S.666 - school of the beast
P.T. Barnum said it, Jerry Falwell proves it, and I believe it!
P.T. Barnum should have been in the comic business.
P.T. Barnum should have been in the comics business.
P.T. Barnum would DEFINITELY approve!
P.l.e.a.s.e...Mr. Data....no more jokes!
P004593 Entered at [CRS]
P120 + WINdoze 95 = Maserati with the parking brake on.
P5-133, 108 MB RAM, 9 G drive: Just an entry-level Win-95 machine.
P6 + Windows 95 - A speedboat with no water.
P6 + Windoze 95 - a speedboat bogged in mud...
PA Dutch Turn Signal-Dented Front Fender.
PA: Punch in ASCII
PAC committees: Political Action Committees commitees.
PACIFIC NORTHWEST hackers do it with n loggin' sorts
PACIFIC NORTHWEST hackers do it with n loggin' sorts.
PACIFISTS do it non-violently.
PADRES preach it.
PAF the magic Dragon ........ a carriage to the past.
PAG           Psychoanalytical Grin
PAGAN REDNECK: Your ritual wine comes from a still.
PAGANS Are NOT Evil, Just Different!
PAGANS do it naturally.
PAGE:  Beep the speaker at the sysop to see if he's at home.
PAIN - n. Telling a Klingon his mother wears pink ballet slippers.
PAIN: "Transfer completed (1 CPS)..."
PAINTERS do it out in the field with brightly colored sticky substances.
PAINTERS do it out in the field with brightly coloured sticky substances
PAINTERS do it with longer strokes
PAINTERS have longer strokes.
PAINTERS have longer strokes.   
PAJAMAS clothing newlyweds place beside the bed in case of fire
PAL: Pack And Leave
PALADIN 4 HIRE:Dragons RescuedMaidens Slainerrrr
PALADINS do it good or not at all
PALADINS don't do it
PALINDROME spelled backwards is EMORDNILAP.
PANDORA.ZIP  Warning!  DO NOT UnZip this file!
PANTIES:  Next to the best thing in the world!
PANTOMIMISTS do it silently
PAPARAZZI do it to the rich and famous.
PAPER CLIP(n): larval stage of coat hanger.
PARABLE:  Two male bovines.
PARADOX = 2 PhD's     PARADISE = 1 PhD + 1 JOB
PARADOX---Two obstetricians.
PARAMEDICS can revive anything
PARAMEDICS can revive anything.
PARAMEDICS can revive anything.   
PARANOIA: Hearing Satanic messages in your modem's 'connect noises'
PARANOID - One who is really in touch with reality.
PARANOID - One who is truly in touch with reality.
PARATROOPERS do it by vertical insertion
PARATROOPERS do it by vertical insertion.
PARDON me, am I speaking ENGLISH?
PARENT: Don't you understand English? HONEST CHILD: No, not fully!
PARENTHOOD: Feeding the hand that bites you.
PARKING METER: Der tennarpinscher und Zlochenarr
PARKINSON'S LAW OF DELAY:  Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
PARODY ERROR:  Cannot locate file WEIRD_AL.EXE
PAROLE: conditional release to prove the inadequacy of the sentence.
PARTICLE PHYSICISTS do it energetically
PARTICLE PHYSICISTS to it with *charm*
PARTICLE PHYSICISTS to it with *charm*.
PAS: Print And Smear
PASCAL - (P)rogrammers (A)ssurance-to (S)tupid (C)ode (A)nd (L)oonecy
PASCAL PROGRAMMERS do it for an educational experience.
PASCAL PROGRAMMERS do it with indentations.
PASCAL USERS do it with run time support.
PASCAL USERS do it with runtime support
PASCAL is a French sex position involving cheese.
PASCAL is not dead, it just smells that way.
PASCAL is to Programming what Asemmbler is to Windows NT.
PASCAL programmers DO IT from the top down
PASCAL programmers REPEAT it.
PASCAL programmers are better structured.
PASCAL programmers are blind - they do not "C"!
PASCAL users do it with runtime support.
PASSIO  Musicians do it with rhythm.
PASSION PIT: Stud dog.
PASTORS do it with SPIRIT.
PAS_AL, BASI_, & _OBOL...  C fills all the gaps!
PATH= Look around hard drive, then check top drawer, or maybe the box.
PATH=Curiouser and Curiouser!
PATH=look around hard drive;then check top drawer;or maybe the box on
PATH=look around hard drive;then check top drawer;or maybe the box...
PATHOLOGISTS do it with corpses
PATIENCE, n.  A minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue.
PATIENCE-A Virtue That Carries A Lot Of Wait
PATIENTS do it in bed, sometimes with great pain
PATRICK HENRY - Wishes Granted
PATROL CAR BUMPERSTICKER:  Attitudes adjusted, while you wait.
PAUD: PAUse Dramatically
PAUL RUBIN - Rest In Pee's...
PAUL SIMON - Hello Darkness, my old friend.
PAVLOV did it with drooling dogs.
PAWSH: on a Porsche.
PAZ: Pack Alpha Zone
PAZ: Pack Alpha and drop Zones
PBC: Pretensious Black Clothing
PBC: Print and Break Chain
PBD: Print and Break Drum
PBF: Pay Bus Fare
PBL: Pack Bags and Leave
PBM: Pop Bubble Memory
PBPBPBP: Place Backup in Plain Brown Paper Bag Please
PBS VIRUS: Your PC stops every few minutes to ask for money.
PBS Virus: Your computer stops every five minutes to ask for money.
PBS is pretty cool. -- Butthead
PBS is pretty cool. huh huh huh
PBS:  TV for the humor impaired.
PBS: Shareware TV.
PBS: TV for the humor impaired.
PBST: Play Batch mode Star Trek
PBT: Prune Binary Tree
PC & recipes under final tests.
PC & taglines under final tests.
PC (and taglines) are on the "bench."
PC - A politically correct computer.
PC 1st Amendment: "Free speech for me but not for thee."
PC GP30 hits bus load of smurfs...Conrail Blue is born!
PC Programmers do it 32 bits at a time!
PC RAID - Kills program bugs dead!
PC RAID -- Kills program bugs dead!
PC RAID -- Kills program bugs, DEAD!
PC SPEAK> Boring: Differently interesting.
PC SPEAK> Dead: Terminally inconvenienced.
PC Tools: A pipe wrench and a jack hammer.
PC Upgrade definition: Take the OLD bugs out, Put new ones in
PC and recipes are under repair.
PC and taglines are under repair.
PC doesn't work.
PC for sale, am switching to gas heat. ... But teacher!  My
PC memo - henceforth broadjumping will be referred to as womynjumping.
PC on fire press ESC!
PC software policy: Compiled; first screen came up; ship it!!!
PC stands for Perpetually Constipated.
PC terms for FRPs: NPC = person of limited destiny
PC version of dead: Metobolicaly challenged.
PC! Politically Correct (or) pure crap?
PC's --- the junk bonds of the computer industry.
PC, not in your hand. ... SLOGAN FOR PENTIUM: 3.14141414
PC.  That's Petty Crybaby.  Right?
PC.. Just say NO!!!
PC:  "I disbelieve the great wyrm red dragonuhI run..."
PC:  "I mount my horse."    DM:  "It doesn't want to have sex."
PC:  Primitive Calculator.
PC:  Pseudo-Computer.
PC: "I disbelieve the great wyrm red dragon...uh...I run..."
PC: "I have a 21 Physical Endurance!  I don't *need* sleep!"
PC: "Is it too late to change my character sheet?"
PC: "Luckily, all ley lines lead to Lazlo..."
PC: "Natural 20!"  DM: "You miss."  PC: "Uh-oh...."
PC: "What do you mean I hit with negative damage?"
PC: I didn't hit the pit floor?  DM: Nope, the spikes broke your fall.
PC: I disbelieve the great wyrm red dragon...uh...I run...
PC: I mount my horse.
PC: I point da wand at da dragon. DM: You die. PC: WHAT? DM: Wrong end.
PC: If you believe in a flat Earth, then this is the computer for you
PC: Personal Confuser
PC: not blind,not visually impairedbut - OUTTA SIGHT!
PC: the refuge of the cognitively challenged.
PC:I open the door. DM:Umm..are you SURE? <evil grin> PC:Uh, no.
PC:I point da wand at da dragon.  DM:You die.  PC:WHAT?  DM:Wrong end.
PCB's are bad for the environment, call a Wildcat! TODAY!
PCB: Pause for Coffee Break
PCBackup 1 of 1362 disks.
PCBackup: 1 of 1362 disks.
PCBackup: Insert disk 1 of 1362 disks!
PCBoard 14.5A/E3 the best (until PCBoard 15.0/E3)
PCBoard 15.0/E3 the best (until PCBoard 15.1/E3)
PCBoard ratio headaches?  Doctors recommend PCBFRE!
PCBored?  Call a WILDCAT! BBS tonight!
PCD: PunCh Disk
PCDOS 6.3 & OS/2 - Make your system Microsoft Free in '94 Y'know...
PCI: Pleat Cards Immediate
PCMCIA - People Can't Memorise Computer Industry Acronyms
PCMCIA - People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
PCMCIA: People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
PCR: Print and Cut Ribbon
PCS: Push to Centre of Stack
PCUGR = Politically Correct Users Group of the Redwoods
PCs are OK except when you use them as bowling balls.
PCs...The preffered food of dragon's everywhere.
PD> HEINLEIN.BW   Robert A. Heinlein Quotes
PD: Play Dead
PD: Punch Disk
PDA  = Public Display of Affection
PDH: Page to Disk for the Hell of it
PDLD: Power Down and Lock Door [to computer room]
PDSK: Punch DiSK
PEACE in America,  NOT America in Pieces.
PEACE: The Universal Greeting Word for The Asiatic World!
PEACENIKS; Demonstrate in a dictatorship!!!!
PEACOCK(n): Chicken in bloom
PEBCAK: Problem exists between chair and keyboard.
PEBKAC:  Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair...
PEBKAC: "Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair."
PEDERAST..What a statue sits on
PEDIATRICIANS do it with children
PEDIATRICIANS do it with children.
PEDIDDEL - A car with only one working headlight.
PEDOPHILE..Someone who collects pedos
PEDOPHILES do it on their knees.
PEE WEE's CLEANERS: Drop your pants and Jacket off here.
PEED v1.4 /TLX
PEER'S LAW - The solution to a problem changes the problem.
PEG           Pious Ecclesiastical Grin
PEHC: Punch Extra Holes in Cards
PELVIC EXAM - one test you can't cheat on.
PELVIS:    cousin of Elvis
PEN**.SYS not found, loading DIL**.COM    <sorry>
PENALTY! (R)eset button pushed: Contents of memory erased!
PENTIUM - Can you count to 5??
PENTIUM SLOGAN 7.9414610: Nearly 300 Correct Opcodes.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  0.998 The Errata Inside.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  1.9517 We're Looking for a Few Good Flaws.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  2.919 Why Do You Think It's Called *Floating* Point?
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  3.998245917 Division Considered Harmful.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  4.9021 We Fixed It, Really.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  5.9835 Redefining the PC - and Mathematics As Well.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  6.9831538 You Don't Need to Know What's Inside.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  7.9414610 Nearly 300 Correct Opcodes.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  8.9163362 It's Close Enough, We Say So.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  9.973251 It's a FLAW, Dammit, not a Bug.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  Division Considered Harmful.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  It's Close Enough, We Say So.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  It's a FLAW, Dammit, not a Bug.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  Nearly 300 Correct Opcodes.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  Redefining the PC - and Mathematics As Well.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  The Errata Inside.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  We Fixed It, Really.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  We're Looking for a Few Good Flaws.
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  Why Do You Think It's Called *Floating* Point?
PENTIUM SLOGAN:  You Don't Need to Know What's Inside.
PENTIUM quote #1.9999823221  We're looking for a few good flaws.
PENTIUM quote #2.9998453123  Why do you think they call it "Floating
PENTIUM quote #4.9998232132  We Fixed it, Really!
PENTIUM quote #5.9998122332  Redefining the PC
PENTIUM: A bad random number generator
PENTIUM: Chip off the old blockhead.
PENTIUM: Produce Errant Number Thru Incorrect Use of Math
PEOPLE I CAN DO WITHOUT: Guys in their 50's named "Skip". -Carlin
PEOPLE OF STATURE: People who don't need status.
PEOPLE are more fun than Anybody!
PEP: Print on Edge of Paper
PEPARED CHILDBIRTH - A contradiction in terms.
PEPSI - Please Expect Plastic Syringes Inside.
PERES de Cuellar meets EEC TROICA.
PERFECTIONISTS do it better.
PERIPHERAL = Essential device which does not come with price of computer
PERSEPHONE (Per-SEH-fun-ee) n: Greek goddess of bills
PERSONAL COMPUTING ... A Terminal Disease.
PERSONAL.MSG not found- Initiate Whine/Pout Routine?
PESSIMISTS can't do it
PESSIMISTS can't do it.
PESSIMISTS do it with a sigh
PESSIMISTS do think they'll enjoy it.
PETA - (P)eople (E)ating (T)asty (A)nimals
PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals
PETA:  People for the Eating of Tasty Animals...
PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals
PETA: People Exterminating Tame Animals
PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals!
PETA: People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
PETB charges SFBC with Book Clubbing, plans protest.
PETE ROSE - Arrestin' Pete
PETER GRAVES - Remission: Impossible
PETER JENNINGS - Anchor's Away
PETTY CASH...What Tom Petty Carries In His Wallet
PFD: Punt on Fourth Down
PFE: Print Floating Eye
PFLAG refers to Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays.
PFM                   Pure [Flipping] Magic
PFM: Pray For Miracle
PFML: Print Four Million Lines
PG = Boy gets girl, R = Villian gets girl, X = Everybody gets girl
PG: Print Garbage
PGP + NSA + Disinformation = Hey, this is too hard for us to crack! <g>
PGP Key Fingerprint: 1C 8D EF 9B 5E 51 75 EE  BA 69 F2 BE 05 A7 AF 49
PGP: Encryption used by the masses, to thwart the asses.
PGPBlue and Bluewave could end up like Ozzie/Harriet, George/Gracie!
PH>  taglines.
PHALLUS..Where the Queen lives, as in Buckingham
PHARMACISTS do it with drugs.
PHARMACOLOGISTS do it by prescription
PHARMACOLOGISTS do it by prescription.
PHARMACOLOGISTS do it via the oral route
PHARMACOLOGISTS do it via the oral route.
PHARMACOLOGISTS do it with affinity
PHBBTT! Supreme Court. What have THEY done for us, lately? - Bart
PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERS. . . itty-bitty tagline space.
PHERIPHERAL DRIVER : The drunk who thinks the footpath is highway one.
PHHHHHHHRRRRRRRTTTTT!!!! <- Heard while stealing a tagline
PHILOSOPHERS do it for pure reasons
PHILOSOPHERS do it for pure reasons.
PHILOSOPHERS do it in their minds
PHILOSOPHERS do it with their minds
PHILOSOPHERS do it with their minds.
PHILOSOPHERS think about doing it
PHILOSOPHERS think they do it
PHILOSOPHERS wonder why they did it
PHILOSOPHY(n): a tagline longer than 57 characters
PHILOSOPHY, n.  A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.
PHILOSOPHY: A study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently.
PHM BID: 3/128, 4/128 PHZ BID: 11/128, 12/128 SCV BID: 25, 8 1/4
PHO: Pull Hair Out
PHOBIA(n): what you have left in a 6-pack,after U drink 2
PHONE FACE - Crow's super hero
PHONE OPERATORS let their fingers do the walking.
PHONOGRAPH, n.  An irritating toy that restores life to dead noises.
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it at 68 degrees or not at all
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it at 68 degrees or not at all.
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it in a flash.
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it in synch.
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it in the dark
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it while exposing
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it with "Enlargers"
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it with "Enlargers" {h}
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it with a flash
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it with a flash.
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it with a zoom
PHOTOGRAPHERS do it with a zoom.
PHOTOMETER: Device to prevent *anyone* looking through your telescope.
PHOTOTHERAPISTS do it with the lights on
PHOTOTHERAPISTS do it with the lights on.
PHP: Put Hackers into Privileged mode
PHYSICAL THERAPISTS do it until it hurts.
PHYSICAL THERAPISTS work your muscles.
PHYSICISTS do it a quantum at a time
PHYSICISTS do it at the Speed of Light.
PHYSICISTS do it at the speed of light
PHYSICISTS do it at two places in the universe at one time
PHYSICISTS do it attractively
PHYSICISTS do it energetically
PHYSICISTS do it in black holes
PHYSICISTS do it in black holes.
PHYSICISTS do it in waves
PHYSICISTS do it like Einstein
PHYSICISTS do it like Einstein.
PHYSICISTS do it magnetically
PHYSICISTS do it on accelerated frames
PHYSICISTS do it on accelerated frames.
PHYSICISTS do it particularly
PHYSICISTS do it repulsively
PHYSICISTS do it repulsively.
PHYSICISTS do it strangely
PHYSICISTS do it with Charm
PHYSICISTS do it with Tensors
PHYSICISTS do it with black bodies
PHYSICISTS do it with frequency until it Hertz.
PHYSICISTS do it with large expensive machinery
PHYSICISTS do it with rigid bodies
PHYSICISTS do it with the help of an absolute Bohr
PHYSICISTS do it with the help of an absolute Bohr.
PHYSICISTS do it with their vectors
PHYSICISTS do it with uniform harmonic motion
PHYSICISTS get a big bang
PHYSICISTS get a big bang.
PHYSICS MAJORS do it at the speed of light
PI seconds is a nanocentury. - Tom Duff, Bell Labs
PI: Punch Invalid
PIANO PLAYERS have faster fingers
PIANO STUDENTS learn on their teachers' instruments
PIANO STUDENTS learn on their teachers' instruments.
PIANO TUNERS do it twice a year.
PIBM: Pretend to be an IBM
PIC: Permute Instruction Codes
PIC: Print Illegible Characters
PIC: Print Invalid Character
PIC: Punch Invalid Character
PICARD:  I'm too sexy for my hair, too sexy for my hair...
PICARD: "FIRE AT WILL!"  RIKER: "What a minute, I can explaAUURRGH!"
PICARD: I'm too sexy for my hair, too sexy for my hair...
PICASSO would have done it with square balls.
PICK-UP LINE: I would die happy if I saw you naked just once.
PICK-UP LINE: I would kill or die to make love to you.
PICK-UP a copy of RECORD at a BBS near you today!
PICKUP a copy of RECORD at a BBS near you today!
PICKUP a copy of RECORD at a BBS near you today! - Blue Wave/QWK
PIE, n.  An advance agent of the reaper whose name is Indigestion.
PIGS have [P]ride, [I]ntegrity, and [G]uts!
PILFERING: Theft by the employee
PILOTS do it higher
PILOTS do it higher.
PILOTS do it in the cockpit
PILOTS do it on the wing
PILOTS do it on the wing.
PILOTS do it to get high
PILOTS do it with flare
PILOTS do it with flare {i}
PILOTS keep it up longer
PILOTS keep it up longer.
PILOTS keep it up longer.  
PILOTS stay up longer
PILOTS stay up longer.
PIMP: a fornicaterer.
PING-PONG = Game to play while engineer fixes corrupted HD!
PING-PONG PLAYERS always smash balls
PING-PONG PLAYERS always smash balls.
PING-PONG PLAYERS do it with paddles.
PIPE FITTERS do it snugly.
PIRACY, n.  Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.
PIRATE:  What your enemies call your best friend.
PIRATES do it with stumps
PIRATES do it with stumps.
PISS ON IT...It needed to be watered anyhow!!
PITA            Pain in the a--  (ASCII?)
PITA; Pain In The A$$
PITCHERS.BAT found.  Delete DH.SYS (Y,y)?
PITY, n.  A failing sense of exemption, inspired by contrast.
PIZZA DELIVERY BOYS come in 30 minutes, or it's free
PIZZA DELIVERY BOYS come in 30 minutes, or it's free.
PIZZA:  Nature's perfect food.
PKLite Beer?
PKUNBTN LEVI.501 Successful. Start PKSUK? (Y/N)
PKUNBUTN LEVI.501 Succesful. Start PKLIK [Y/n]?
PKUNZIP CLINTON.ZIP..PKUNZIP(E11) File structure corrupt! Use PKZipFix
PKUNZIP Levi.501 Successful!  Start PKLICK (Y/N)
PKUNZIP complete.  Begin PKBLOW? (Y/n)
PKUNZIP complete.  Begin PKSUCKC.OCK (Y/n)
PKUNZIP finished...PKBLOWJOB now commencing.
PKUNZIP?  What, is my fly down?
PKUnzip successful. Begin PKSuck? <Y/N>
PKWARE: "The Data Compression Experts" (tm)
PKZIP 2.04c is a virus!! It spreads, nd cmpreses n cprss
PKZIP 2.04c: Format another (Y/N)?
PKZIP PEASANT.EXE  "Help, help!  I'm being compressed!"
PKZIP oldkitbag C:\TROUBLES.*
PKZip - it's not just for downloads anymore
PKZip 3.0 - the hope of our grandchildren!
PKunZIP V56.7 FAST! Exploding Universe-<<CRC-l error!
PKunzip complete, now starting PKBLOW!
PKunzip complete, now starting PKLICK!
PLAMF (Parry Like A Mad Fool)
PLANE.COM crashing; (A)bort (R)etry (K)iss your ASCII goodbye
PLASMA PHYSICISTS do it with everything stripped off
PLASTERERS to it hard
PLASTERERS to it hard.
PLASTIQUE (Cobol) activates Jan 1 - Sep 21
PLASTIQUE activates Sep 20 - Dec 31
PLASTIQUE-B activates Sep 20 - Dec 31
PLAY BALL!:  The last two words of the National Anthem!
PLAY BALL:  Last 2 words of the national anthem.
PLAY BALL: Last two words of the National Anthem.
PLAYBOY..one who shortens the day by lengthening his night.
PLAYERS do it in a team
PLAYERS do it in a team.
PLEASE don't pickup the puCe+++++++++++NO CARRIER
PLEASE nitify the pussy patrol ASAP.
PLEASE tell your aardvark that I'm NOT an anthill!
PLEASE tell your cat that I'm NOT a tree!
PLEASE!  I have already told you MORE than I know!
PLEASE, a little respect!  Don't you know who Nicole Schwab is?
PLEASE, a little respect! Don't you know who Orville Bullitt is?
PLEASE, a little respect! Don't you know who Orville is?
PLEASE, don't Phul around in the echoes....
PLEASE, v.  To lay the foundation for a superstructure of imposition.
PLEASE...don't remind me!
PLEASURE, n.  The least hateful form of dejection.
PLEBISCITE(n):vote 2 validate will of unknown sovereign.
PLEBISCITE, n.  A popular vote to ascertain the will of the sovereign.
PLOKTA                Press Lots Of Keys To Abort
PLOKTA: Pound Lots Of Keys To Abort
PLSC: Perform Light Show on Console
PLUGH ..... nothing happens
PLUMBERS do it under the sink
PLUMBERS do it under the sink.
PLUMBERS do it under the sink.   
PLUMBERS do it with plumber's friends
PLUS PROGRAMMERS cycle forever, until you make them exit
PLUS PROGRAMMERS cycle forever, until you make them exit.
PM> Does anyone have any type of dog taglines?
PMETC           Pardon Me, ETC.
PMFBI                 Pardon Me For Butting In
PMJI            Pardon My Jumping In
PMJI    :Pardon me for jumping in
PMJI-Pardon My Jumping In
PMS - Learning when to keep your mouth shut
PMS - Periodic Monster Syndrome
PMS - Periodic Monster Syndrome.
PMS - Pooped Mommy Syndrome
PMS - Pretty Miserable Spouse ?
PMS = (:D  >:`(  (:D  >:`(  (:D  >:`(  (:D >:`( (:D  >:`(
PMS ? better Pack My Suitcase :-)
PMS Barbie and chocolate bringing Ken! What every girl wants for Xmas!
PMS Punish My Spouse.
PMS is a vicious cycle!
PMS is a vicious cycle.
PMS means SHUT UP! Just SHUT UP!!!
PMS- Presentation Manager Syndrome.
PMS...Petty Male Syndrom.
PMS: Isn't that a Time Zone?
PMS: Periodic Monster Syndrome
PMS: Periodic Monster Syndrome.
PMS: Permanent Mean Streak
PMS: Perverted Mental State.
PMS: Please Move Sir. *Wham!* Not fast enough!
PMS: Pooped Mommy Syndrome.
PMS: Pre Monster Syndrome - Crow
PMS: Presentation Manager Syndrome
PMS: Pretty Mean Streak.
PMS: Punish My Spouse.
PMS: Punish the Male Species
PMS: Punishing My Sibling
PMS: Punishing My Spouse
PMS: That's Pacific Mountain Standard time, isn't it?
PMS: When women act like men do all the time!
PMS= Punish my spouse
PMS? No, I'm always like this. Why? - Hoosier Red.
PMS] P]lease M]ove S]ir *Wham!* Not fast enough!
PMT: Punch Magnetic Tape
PMYMHMMFSWGAD-Pardon Me, You Must Have Mistaken Me
PNG: Pass Noxious Gas
PNIH: Place Needle In Haystack
PNRP: Print Nasty Replies to Programmer
PNS           Pretty Neat Stuff
PO = Post Office.  PO = Pissed Off.  Coincidence?
PO: Punch Operator
POCK, he's that guy from Tar Trek!  8^)
POCKET, n.  The cradle of motive and the grave of conscience.
POCL: Punch Out Console Lights
PODIATRISTS do it with someone else's feet
POEM activates Dec 21st
POETS: Piss On Everything, Tomorrow's Saturday.
POG: Print Only Greek
POI: Power Off Intermittently
POISON? That's such a Nasty word! We prefer "Life Signs Inhibiter."
POKER - The game of the GODS!
POKER PLAYERS do it with a full house.
POKER PLAYERS do it with their own hand
POKER PLAYERS do it with their own hand.
POLAROID does it in one step
POLAROID does it in one step.
POLAROID does it in seconds
POLE VAULTERS do it with long flexible instruments
POLE VAULTERS do it with long flexible instruments.
POLICE TAGLINEDO NOT CROSSPOLICE TAGLINE{ 1 fish, { 2 fish, { red fish, { blue
POLICE TOILET STOLEN!...Officers have nothing to go on!
POLICE.COM not found. Run DONUT.BAT to locate [Y/n]?
POLICEMEN come when you dial 911.
POLICEMEN like big busts
POLICEMEN like big busts.
POLICEMEN like big busts.   
POLICEMEN never cop out
POLICEMEN never cop out.
POLIDENT(n):damaged parrot
POLITENESS(n):socially-accepted hypocrisies
POLITENESS, n.  The most acceptable hypocrisy.
POLITICIANS bicker about it.
POLITICIANS do it for 4 years and then have to get re-elected.
POLITICIANS do it for 4 years then have to get re-elected
POLITICIANS do it for 4 years then have to get re-elected.
POLITICIANS do it to everyone
POLITICIANS do it to make the headlines
POLITICIANS do it, but they stay in too long and make you pay for it afterwards
POLITICIANS: Lawyers who don't inhale.
POLITICS:  Poly (many)  =   Tics (blood suckers)
POLITICS:  Poly (many) + Ticks (blood-sucking parasites)
POLITICS: Poli = Poly = Many, Tics = Blood Suckers.
POLITICS: The entertainment branch of industry.
POLITICS: [Poli - many; Tics - blood sucking parasites].  see LAWYER
POLITICS: poli=many; tics=small blood-sucking creatures.
POLITICS: poly (many) + ticks = numerous blood sucking parasites.
POLITICS: poly = "many"  tics = "blood-sucking parasites"
POLITICS: poly = "many" tics = "blood-sucking parasites"
POLITICS= POLY (many) + TICS (blood sucking parasites)
POLO: Horse Hockey
POLYGAMY..Baby frogs
POLYGAMY: A failure to learn from one's mistakes.
POLYGON: A dead parrot.
POLYMER CHEMISTS do it in chains
POOL CLEANERS do it wet.
POORSCH: on an RX-7 Turbo.
POP: Pop Or Push
POPES do it in the woods
POPES do it in the woods.
POPEYE - I Fought To The Finish
POPEYE did it with Oyl.
POPI: Punch OPerator Immediate
POPN: Punch OPerator's Nose
PORCUPINE: A squirrel having a really bad hair day.
PORNOGRAPHY..The business of making vinyl recordings
PORTABOR: A wild pig with carrying handles.
PORTUGUESE, n.pl.  A species of geese indigenous to Portugal.
POSH MORTEM - Death styles of the rich and famous.
POSITIVE(adj):mistaken, at the top of one's voice.
POSSLQ                Person of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters
POST OFFICE WORKERS do it overnight, guaranteed for $8.90
POST OFFICE WORKERS do it overnight, guaranteed for $8.90.
POSTED: No tresspassing comedians under penalty of guffaw.
POSTMEN are first class males
POSTMEN are first class males.
POSTMEN come slower
POSTMEN come slower.
POSTMEN come slower.   
POSTMEN fill lots of boxes.
POTS...Plain Old Telephone System
POV                   Point Of View
POVERTY, n.  A file provided for the teeth of the rats of reform.
POW - Lets you use YOUR Taglines from the word go!
POW - don't it just grow on you!
POW Maintenance release out NOW!  POW103.ZIP
POW/MIA  You are NOT forgotten.
POW: "Pwitty Obwious Weelly" said Wabbit!
POW: the Perfectly Obvious Way to read your mail!
POWER BRAKES: Der edbangeronvinschreen stoppenquick
PPA - Piss Poor Attitude
PPA: Print Paper Airplanes
PPC: Purge Pascal Compiler [HP 3000]
PPI and tech. support, another of lifes oxymorons.....
PPI's new Betazoid modem: It downloads the files it senses you want.
PPL: Perform Perpetual Loop
PPP: Print Programmer's Picture
PPR: Play Punk Rock
PPSW: Pack Program Status Word
PPSW: Pack Progran Status Word
PPTSPAHS              Please Pass The Salt, Pepper And Hot Sauce
PPlleeaassee ttuurrnn ooffff yyoouurr dduupplleexx!!
PRAY IN CHURCH - STUDY IN SCHOOL. During finals do the reverse.
PRAYER--instant access;no CallBackVerifier needed!
PRECONCEIVE---To get pregnant before you intended to.
PREDICAMENT, n.  The wage of consistency.
PREDICTION You are reading messages right now.
PREDICTION: @FN@'s reading messages right now.
PREDICTION: You are reading a message right now.
PREDICTION: You are reading messages right now.
PREDILECTION, n.  The preparatory stage of disillusion.
PREGNANT  Past tense of virgin.
PREHISTORIC, adj.  Belonging to an early period and a museum.
PREJUDICE(n):vagrant opinion w/out vis. means of support.
PREJUDICE, n.  A vagrant opinion without visible means of support.
PRENATAL---When your life was still your own.
PRENATAL: when your life was still somewhat your own.
PREPARED CHILDBIRTH: a contradiction in terms.
PREROGATIVE, n.  A sovereign's right to do wrong.
PRESBYTERIANS do it decently and in order
PRESBYTERIANS do it decently and in order.
PRESHRUNK---A garment that will fit the baby at least a week.
PRESHRUNK: A garment that will fit the baby at least a week.
PRESIDENCY, n.  The greased pig in the field game of American politics.
PREVARICATORS do it with tall tales.
PRICETAG-What Salespeople Play When Nobody's In The Store
PRIDE OF CHANUR: A great read if you don't mind the pits.
PRIESTS do it faithfully with Masses.
PRIME DIRECTIVE, MY A**! Phasers on maximum!
PRINCE CHARLES does it in succession
PRINCE CHARLES does it in succession.
PRINTER : A computer accessory for destroying forests.
PRINTER:  A computer accessory for destroying forests.
PRINTERS do it with pins.
PRINTERS do it without wrinkling the sheets
PRINTERS do it without wrinkling the sheets!
PRINTERS reproduce the fastest
PRINTERS reproduce the fastest.
PRINTERS reproduce the fastest.   
PRINTSHOP:  A program used to waste paper in massive quantities.
PRISM(n):place 4 light waves who commit minor refractions
PRISONERS do it with balls and chains.
PRIVACY - What childless or very old couples have.
PRIVACY---What childless or very old couples have.
PRM: PRint Money
PRO BOZO PUBLICO - Support your local clown
PROBATE LAWYERS do it willingly
PROBATE LAWYERS do it willingly.
PROBLEM:  Unsafe Sanity    SOLUTION:  Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
PROBLEM: Can't watch Animaniacs; must work  SOLUTION: Don't goto work
PROBLEM: Mall full of clothes  SOLUTION: Paige Fox
PROBLEM: Unsafe Sanity  SOLUTION: Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
PROBLEM: annoying house guest  SOLUTION: Sic Wakko on him
PROCRASTINATION ALERT! We'll have to give this one a little more thougt.
PROCRASTINATORS will do it tomorrow
PROCRASTINATORS will do it tomorrow.
PROCTOLOGISTS do it in the end
PROCTOLOGISTS do it in the end.
PROCTOLOGISTS do it in the end.   
PROCTOLOGISTS do it with a finger up where the sun don't shine
PRODIGY - the World's Largest Online Coloring Book!
PRODIGY:  Actually an illigitimate son.
PROFANITY(n):the linguistic crutch of ignorant bastards.
PROFANITY: The language all programmers know.
PROFESSOR: Someone who talks in somebody else's sleep.
PROFESSORS do it by the book
PROFESSORS do it by the book.
PROFESSORS do it by the book.   
PROFESSORS do it from a grant
PROFESSORS do it with class
PROFESSORS do it with class.
PROFESSORS don't do it; they leave it as an exercise for their students
PROFESSORS forget to do it
PROFIT: Profit
PROFIT?  What an anti-socialist idea...
PROGRAM (n.) - organized sequence of counteracting errors
PROGRAM (n.) - used to turn input into error messages
PROGRAM (n.) Organized sequence of counteracting errors.
PROGRAM - A random collection of Bugs
PROGRAM ::= Do What I Want
PROGRAM n. used to turn valid data into error messages
PROGRAM v. act similar to beating your head against a wall
PROGRAM v. act similar to beating your head against awall
PROGRAM v. an act similar to beating your head against a wall.
PROGRAM(n):device 2 creatively turn input in2 error msg.s
PROGRAM:  (n) Organized sequence of counteracting errors.
PROGRAMMERS 6502 it do their with bytes reversed.
PROGRAMMERS cycle forever, until you make them exit
PROGRAMMERS cycle forever, until you make them exit.
PROGRAMMERS do it all night
PROGRAMMERS do it bit by bit.
PROGRAMMERS do it bottom-up
PROGRAMMERS do it by pushing and popping
PROGRAMMERS do it in higher levels
PROGRAMMERS do it in iteration.
PROGRAMMERS do it in loops
PROGRAMMERS do it in microseconds.
PROGRAMMERS do it in software
PROGRAMMERS do it on command
PROGRAMMERS do it top down
PROGRAMMERS do it with bugs
PROGRAMMERS do it with disks
PROGRAMMERS do it with disks.
PROGRAMMERS do it with their fingers.
PROGRAMMERS give it a top down design.
PROGRAMMERS have bigger disks.
PROGRAMMERS have: Bigger disks
PROGRAMMERS peek before they poke
PROGRAMMERS peek before they poke.
PROGRAMMERS repeat it until done
PROGRAMMERS repeat it until done.
PROGRAMMERS will do it all night, but only if you are debugged
PROJECT MANAGERS do it on schedule.
PROLIFE.SYS error found.  Only options are (I)gnore, (R)etry, (F)ail.
PROLOG PROGRAMMERS are a cut above the rest
PROLOG PROGRAMMERS are a cut above the rest.
PROMISCUOUS HACKERS share resources.
PROMOTE the general welfare.., not PAY for it!!!
PROPAGANDA! NETWORK: Publishing lies for JESUS!
PROSTITUTE: Receiver of swollen goods.
PROSTITUTES do it at illegal addresses
PROSTITUTES do it for profit
PROTECT JIMMY CARTER.  Clinton is a heartbeat away from the Presidency
PROTEIN: Favoring young people.
PROTESTANTISM:  Let shit happen to someone else.
PROTESTANTS do it unwillingly
PROZAC! Breakfast of postal workers.
PROZAX HOT-LINE: If you are armed, press 1........
PROgress is the opposite of CONgress
PRS: PRint and Smear
PRUDE, n.  A bawd hiding behind the back of her demeanor.
PRUNES: Making sure that all this shall pass.
PRUNING family trees is NOT allowed.
PS-  The answer to question #2 is "Yes".
PS.  I'm a quiche-eating Pascal person!
PS. I just read your next message in line.
PS. I promise to read the FAQ soon.
PS.. any news on Carrie Ross? :)
PS/2 -=< Just Say No
PS/2 it?  PS/on it too.
PS/2, OS/2 - twice the price, half as nice!
PS/2: Half a computer?
PS:  I'm not fishin' for another compliment. <G>
PS: Pirate Software
PSALM 109 verse 8 Let his days be few, And let another take his office
PSI COP: "That's a lie." SINCLAIR: "Yes it isso what's your point?
PSI COP:"That's a lie."  SINCLAIR:"Yes it is - what's your point?"
PSM: Print and SMear
PSP: Print and Shred Paper
PSP: Push Stack Pointer
PSR: Print and Shred Ribbon
PSSSSSST! Hey! Ya wanna buy some taglines?
PSSST! Commander Data Runs Telegard. Pass it on!
PSY COP:"That's a lie."  SINCLAIR:"Yes it is... so what's your point?"
PSYCHIATRISTS do it for at least fifty dollars per session
PSYCHIATRISTS do it on the couch
PSYCHIC  PREDICTION:  You just read this message.
PSYCHOLOGISTS do it with rats
PSYCHOLOGISTS think they do it
PT 90210 - Joel on boat
PTP     :Pardon the pun
PTP: Produce Toilet Paper
PTT je inace jedna jako divna org@&^$@#^$ NO CARRIER
PTerry = Terry Pratchett
PU              That Stinks!
PUBIC HAIR..A breed of wild rabbit from Pueblo, Colorado
PUBLIC SPEAKERS do it on a soap box.
PUBLIC SPEAKERS do it orally
PUI: Piglet User Interface
PULL........<CRASH>....PULL....Hold still will you! <GG>
PULP: We put new meaning to DEAD POETS SOCIETY!
PUNK - Potpuno Uvredljivo Negiranje Klasike
PUNNY BOOK = A Bestiary of Plant Eaters: Herb Avore.
PUNNY BOOK = A Boxing Cornerman's Story: Dawson DeTowel.
PUNNY BOOK = A Great Plenty: E. Nuff.
PUNNY BOOK = A Stuntman To The End: Kenny Doitt.
PUNNY BOOK = A Whole Lot of Cats: Kitt N. Caboodle.
PUNNY BOOK = Acrophobia Explained: Alfredo Heights.
PUNNY BOOK = After The Corned Beef And Cabbage: Kay O'Pectate.
PUNNY BOOK = Ah, Thor!: Ty Till.
PUNNY BOOK = All Alone: Saul E. Terry.
PUNNY BOOK = Allegiance To The King: Neil Downe.
PUNNY BOOK = Ambulance Driving: Adam Muhway.
PUNNY BOOK = And Shut Up!: Sid Downe.
PUNNY BOOK = Animal Illnesses: Ann Thrax.
PUNNY BOOK = Animal Scents: Farrah Mones.
PUNNY BOOK = April Fool!: Sue Prize.
PUNNY BOOK = Archery: Beau N. Arrow.
PUNNY BOOK = Armed Heists: Robin Banks.
PUNNY BOOK = Artificial Weightlessness: Andy Gravity.
PUNNY BOOK = As Solid as...: Rocco Gibraltar.
PUNNY BOOK = At The Bottom Of The Can: Hazel Nutt.
PUNNY BOOK = Back Row Of The Orchestra: Clara Nett.
PUNNY BOOK = Bad Cow Jokes: Terry Bull.
PUNNY BOOK = Bad Gardeners: Wilt Plant
PUNNY BOOK = Battle Axes: Tom A. Hawk.
PUNNY BOOK = Beekeeping: A. V. Arry.
PUNNY BOOK = Big Fart!: Hugh Jass.
PUNNY BOOK = Blowout!: Vlad Tire.
PUNNY BOOK = Boring Midwestern Cities: Cole Lumbus.
PUNNY BOOK = Boy Scout's Handbook: Casey Needzit.
PUNNY BOOK = Brane Surjery Maid Simpel: Sarah Bellum.
PUNNY BOOK = Breaking the Law: Kermit A. Krime.
PUNNY BOOK = Candle-Vaulting: Jack B. Nimble.
PUNNY BOOK = Car Capital Of The World: Mitch Egan.
PUNNY BOOK = Car Repairs: Axel Grease.
PUNNY BOOK = Care For A Chop?: Marsha Larts.
PUNNY BOOK = Cheating on His Wife: Izzy Backyet.
PUNNY BOOK = Chicago Gangs Of The '30's: Tommy Gunn.
PUNNY BOOK = Christmas for Baldies: Yule Brynner.
PUNNY BOOK = Cloning: Ima Dubble.
PUNNY BOOK = College Athletics: Nancy Dubblelay.
PUNNY BOOK = Columbus, Vespucci, And Me: Enzo DiUrth.
PUNNY BOOK = Come on in!: Doris Open.
PUNNY BOOK = Computer Memories: Meg Abight.
PUNNY BOOK = Confessions Of A Gold Digger: Emile Ticket.
PUNNY BOOK = Cooking Spaghetti: Al Dente.
PUNNY BOOK = Cosmetology: Rosie Cheeks.
PUNNY BOOK = Covered Walkways: R. Kade.
PUNNY BOOK = Crackdown: Lauren Order.
PUNNY BOOK = Crocodile Dundee: Ali Gator.
PUNNY BOOK = Cry Wolf: Al Armist.
PUNNY BOOK = Cut the Grass!: Moses Lawn.
PUNNY BOOK = Daddy are We There Yet?: Miles Away.
PUNNY BOOK = Danger!: Luke Out.
PUNNY BOOK = Defunct Nations: Sophie Etunion.
PUNNY BOOK = Desert Crossing: I. Rhoda Camel.
PUNNY BOOK = Do It Yourself: Tyrone Shoelaces.
PUNNY BOOK = Don't Do Anything Rash: Jacques Itch.
PUNNY BOOK = Don't Tread On Me: Amanda B. Reckonwith.
PUNNY BOOK = Downpour!: Wayne Dwops.
PUNNY BOOK = Drafted!: Abel Boddeed.
PUNNY BOOK = Dull Razor: Nick Shaving.
PUNNY BOOK = East Coast Resorts: Nan Tuckett.
PUNNY BOOK = Eating Disorders: Anna Rexia.
PUNNY BOOK = Ecclesiastical Infractions: Cardinal Sin.
PUNNY BOOK = En Garde!: Drew Blood.
PUNNY BOOK = Equine Leg Cramps: Charlie Horse.
PUNNY BOOK = Errors and Accidents: Miss Takes and Miss Haps.
PUNNY BOOK = Events In The Soviet Union: Perry Stroika.
PUNNY BOOK = Ex-Presidential Retreat: Kenny Bunkport.
PUNNY BOOK = Exercise on Wheels: Cy Kling.
PUNNY BOOK = Exotic Irish Plants: Phil O'Dendron.
PUNNY BOOK = Exploring The Dutch Frontier: Will Der Ness.
PUNNY BOOK = Fallen Underwear: Lucy Lastic.
PUNNY BOOK = Falling Trees: Tim Burr.
PUNNY BOOK = Fastest Gun In The West: Everett DeReady.
PUNNY BOOK = Fat Lady In The Sideshow: Ellie Funt.
PUNNY BOOK = Feelings: Cara Lott.
PUNNY BOOK = Fifty Yards to the Outhouse: Willy Makit and Betty Woant.
PUNNY BOOK = Fingerplay: Jacob Sladder.
PUNNY BOOK = Fish Story: Rod Enreel.
PUNNY BOOK = Fistfights: Donny Brooke.
PUNNY BOOK = Fixing Computer Programs: Dee Bugger.
PUNNY BOOK = Flogging in the Army: Corporal Punishment.
PUNNY BOOK = Foot Coverings: Susan Socks.
PUNNY BOOK = Foot Problems of Big Lumberjacks: Paul Bunion.
PUNNY BOOK = Fortune Telling: Crystal Ball.
PUNNY BOOK = Fred Can Philosophize!: Immanuel Kant.
PUNNY BOOK = French Overpopulation: Francis Crowded.
PUNNY BOOK = Full Moon: Seymour Buns
PUNNY BOOK = Gambling: Monty Carlos.
PUNNY BOOK = Gangway!: Hedda Steam.
PUNNY BOOK = Gardening With The Ex-President: Rose Bush.
PUNNY BOOK = Get Moving!: Sheik Aleg.
PUNNY BOOK = Get Out There!: Sally Forth.
PUNNY BOOK = Go Away!: Ron Onhome.
PUNNY BOOK = Golly Gosh!: G. Whiz.
PUNNY BOOK = Gone Fishing: Rod Annette.
PUNNY BOOK = Gone With The Wind: George Uh.
PUNNY BOOK = Good Housekeeping: Lottie Dust
PUNNY BOOK = Good Steak!: T. Bone.
PUNNY BOOK = Good Works: Ben Evolent.
PUNNY BOOK = Grave Mistakes: Paul Bearer.
PUNNY BOOK = Green Lawn Chairs: Patty O'Furniture.
PUNNY BOOK = Greeting Sheep Strangers: Hugh R. Ewe.
PUNNY BOOK = Guide To Mixology: Bart Ender.
PUNNY BOOK = Handel's Messiah: Ollie Luyah.
PUNNY BOOK = Happy New Year!: Mary Christmas
PUNNY BOOK = Harvesting Wild Plants: Dudley Nightshade.
PUNNY BOOK = He Disappeared!: Otto Sight.
PUNNY BOOK = He's Contagious!: Lucas Measles.
PUNNY BOOK = Head of Security: Barb Dwyer.
PUNNY BOOK = Held Hostage by Italian Terrorists!: Aldo Anything.
PUNNY BOOK = Here's Pus In Your Eye: Lance Boyle.
PUNNY BOOK = Hertz, Don't It?: Lisa Carr.
PUNNY BOOK = Highway Travel: Dusty Rhodes.
PUNNY BOOK = Hiya Fella: Gladys Eeya.
PUNNY BOOK = Hollywood Gossip: Phyllis Zinn.
PUNNY BOOK = Holmes Does It Again: Scott Linyard.
PUNNY BOOK = Home Alone III, The Sequel: Eddie Buddyhome.
PUNNY BOOK = Hot Dog!: Frank Furter.
PUNNY BOOK = House Construction: Bill Jerome Holme.
PUNNY BOOK = House Plants: Clay Potts.
PUNNY BOOK = How I Won The Marathon: Randy Hoelway.
PUNNY BOOK = How To Beat A Murder Rap: Scott Free.
PUNNY BOOK = How To Make Cornmeal Pancakes: Johnny Cake.
PUNNY BOOK = How To Tune Up Your Auto: Carl Humm.
PUNNY BOOK = How to Annoy: Aunt Agonize.
PUNNY BOOK = How to Break In: Jimmy De Lock.
PUNNY BOOK = How to Tour the Prison: Robin Steele
PUNNY BOOK = Hunger In America: Heywood Jafeedme
PUNNY BOOK = Hypnotism: N. Tranced.
PUNNY BOOK = I Beat Bobby Fischer: Jess Player.
PUNNY BOOK = I Can Fix It: Jerry Rigg.
PUNNY BOOK = I Can't See The Difference: Sam Ting.
PUNNY BOOK = I Didn't Do It!: Ivan Alibi.
PUNNY BOOK = I Hate Fighting: Boris Hell.
PUNNY BOOK = I Hate Monday Mornings: Gaetan Oop.
PUNNY BOOK = I Hate the Sun: Gladys Knight.
PUNNY BOOK = I Hit the Wall: Isadore There
PUNNY BOOK = I Like Fish: Ann Chovie.
PUNNY BOOK = I Like Liquor: Ethyl Alcohol
PUNNY BOOK = I Like Weeding Gardens: Manuel Labour.
PUNNY BOOK = I Lived in Detroit: Helen Earth
PUNNY BOOK = I Lost My Balance: Eileen Dover and Paul Down
PUNNY BOOK = I Love Crowds: Morris Merrier.
PUNNY BOOK = I Love Fractions: Lois C. Denominator
PUNNY BOOK = I Love Mathematics: Adam Up.
PUNNY BOOK = I Love Wills: Benny Fishery.
PUNNY BOOK = I Love You!: Alma Hart.
PUNNY BOOK = I Need Insurance: Justin Case.
PUNNY BOOK = I Read You Like A Book: Claire Voyant.
PUNNY BOOK = I Say So!: Frank O. Pinion.
PUNNY BOOK = I Want to Help: Abel N. Willin.
PUNNY BOOK = I Was A Son Of A Buccaneer: Rich Kidd.
PUNNY BOOK = I Was a Cloakroom Attendant: Mahatma Coate.
PUNNY BOOK = I Win!: U. Lose.
PUNNY BOOK = I Work with Diamonds: Jules Sparkle.
PUNNY BOOK = I Wuz Framed!: Gil Tee.
PUNNY BOOK = I Wuz Robbed!: Alma Money.
PUNNY BOOK = I'm Fine: Howard Yu.
PUNNY BOOK = I'm Scared!: Emma Fraid.
PUNNY BOOK = I'm Someone Else: Ima Nonymous
PUNNY BOOK = In The Trenches: Helmut Wearer.
PUNNY BOOK = Indiana Jones' Adventures: Darrin Rescue.
PUNNY BOOK = Inflammation, Please!: Arthur Itis.
PUNNY BOOK = Irish Dentistry: Perry O'Dontal.
PUNNY BOOK = Irish Flooring: Lynn O'Leum
PUNNY BOOK = It Won't Work!: Mel Function.
PUNNY BOOK = It's All In Your Head: Madge Ination.
PUNNY BOOK = It's Magic!: Sven Gali.
PUNNY BOOK = It's Springtime!: Theresa Green.
PUNNY BOOK = It's Unfair!: Y. Me.
PUNNY BOOK = It's a Holdup!: Nick R. Elastic
PUNNY BOOK = It's a Shocker: Alec Tricity.
PUNNY BOOK = Italian Delicacies: Liz Onya.
PUNNY BOOK = Jewish Holidays: Hannah Kuhh.
PUNNY BOOK = Joys of Cowardice: Lily Livard.
PUNNY BOOK = Judging Fast Food: Warren Berger.
PUNNY BOOK = Just Say No: Will Power.
PUNNY BOOK = Kangaroo Illnesses: Marcus Wallaby, M.D.
PUNNY BOOK = Keep Out!: Barb Dwyer.
PUNNY BOOK = Keep it Clean!: Armand Hammer.
PUNNY BOOK = Laid Off!: Gwen Home.
PUNNY BOOK = Lawn Care: Ray King.
PUNNY BOOK = Lawyers of Suffering: Grin and Barrett.
PUNNY BOOK = Leo Tolstoy: Warren Peace.
PUNNY BOOK = Let's Do it Now!: Igor Beaver.
PUNNY BOOK = Lewis Carroll: Alison Wonderland.
PUNNY BOOK = Life As A Comic: Stan Dupp.
PUNNY BOOK = Life Before Cars: Orson Buggy.
PUNNY BOOK = Life Before The Civil War: Aunty Bellum.
PUNNY BOOK = Life In The Sorority House: Carrie Onn.
PUNNY BOOK = Life in Chicago: Wendy City.
PUNNY BOOK = Look Younger: Fay Slift.
PUNNY BOOK = Lots of Excitement: Hugh N. Cry.
PUNNY BOOK = Lotsa Luck: Bess Twishes.
PUNNY BOOK = Love Wills: Benny Fishery
PUNNY BOOK = Manana: Stew Layt.
PUNNY BOOK = Many Are Cold, But Few Are Frozen: Minnie Sota.
PUNNY BOOK = Mardi Gras Time: Lou Isiana.
PUNNY BOOK = Maritime Disasters: Andrea Doria.
PUNNY BOOK = Masterpieces Of Fox TV: Annette Work.
PUNNY BOOK = May Flowers: April Showers.
PUNNY BOOK = Meals On Safari: Lionel Eecha.
PUNNY BOOK = Measles Collision!: Kay Rash.
PUNNY BOOK = Meat Eaters: Carney Vore.
PUNNY BOOK = Mensa Man: Gene Yuss.
PUNNY BOOK = Mexican Revenge: Monty Zuma.
PUNNY BOOK = Military Defeats: Major Disaster and General Mayhem.
PUNNY BOOK = Military Rule: Marshall Law.
PUNNY BOOK = Misunderstood: Art Tistic.
PUNNY BOOK = Mobile Homes: Winnie Bago.
PUNNY BOOK = Monkey Shines: Bob Boone.
PUNNY BOOK = Mosquito Bites: Ivan Itch.
PUNNY BOOK = Mountain Climbing: Andover Hand.
PUNNY BOOK = Music of the Sea: Lawrence Whelk.
PUNNY BOOK = Musical Gunfighters: The Okay Chorale.
PUNNY BOOK = My Life on Skid Row: Titus A. Drum.
PUNNY BOOK = My Lost Causes: Noah Veil.
PUNNY BOOK = My Seventh Husband: Ivana Newhouse.
PUNNY BOOK = Mystery in the Barnyard: Hu Flung Dung
PUNNY BOOK = NHL Hockey: Stanley Kupp.
PUNNY BOOK = Neither a Borrower: Nora Lender Bee.
PUNNY BOOK = No More Circuit Breakers!: Ira Fuse.
PUNNY BOOK = No: Kurt Reply
PUNNY BOOK = Not Bogged Down In Reality: Jason Rainbows.
PUNNY BOOK = Not So Hot: Luke Warm.
PUNNY BOOK = Nuclear Power Bafflement: Ken Fusion.
PUNNY BOOK = Nuts about You!: Cy Cosis.
PUNNY BOOK = Off To Market: Tobias A. Pigg.
PUNNY BOOK = Oh What A Relief It Is: Al Kaseltzer.
PUNNY BOOK = Okee Dokee: Roger Wilco.
PUNNY BOOK = One Hundred Years Old: Abbie Birthday.
PUNNY BOOK = Options Trading: June Gold.
PUNNY BOOK = Outdoor Activities: Alf Resco.
PUNNY BOOK = Outdoor Cookery: Barbie Cue.
PUNNY BOOK = Overcoming Nervousness On Radio: Mike Fright.
PUNNY BOOK = Pain Relief: Ann L. Gesick.
PUNNY BOOK = Pain in My Body: Otis Leghurts.
PUNNY BOOK = Parachuting: Hugo First.
PUNNY BOOK = Party On, Dude: Jill Out.
PUNNY BOOK = Peeping Tom: Sawyer Scanties.
PUNNY BOOK = Personal Best: Marco DeStinction.
PUNNY BOOK = Pilgrim Settlers: May Flower.
PUNNY BOOK = Plumb Good: Dwayne Pipe.
PUNNY BOOK = Poetry in Baseball: Homer.
PUNNY BOOK = Preaching to Hell's Angels: Pastor Redlight.
PUNNY BOOK = Prepare To Meet Your Maker: Eva DeStruction.
PUNNY BOOK = Preparing Leather: Tanya Hyde.
PUNNY BOOK = Prevent Drowning: Buddy System.
PUNNY BOOK = Pull with All You've Got!: Eve Ho.
PUNNY BOOK = Punk Rock Rulez!: Lotta Noyze.
PUNNY BOOK = Put'er There, Pal!: Greg Garious.
PUNNY BOOK = Quips For The Young At Heart: Marty Pants.
PUNNY BOOK = Racketeering: Dennis Court.
PUNNY BOOK = Raising Flowers By Hand: Flo Wrist.
PUNNY BOOK = Rangers In The Night: Forrest Fyar.
PUNNY BOOK = Ready...Set...: Sadie Word.
PUNNY BOOK = Red Vegetables: B. Troot.
PUNNY BOOK = Repent At Leisure: Marion Hayste.
PUNNY BOOK = Riel Ambush!: May T. Surprise
PUNNY BOOK = Robots: Anne Droid
PUNNY BOOK = Round the World: Madge Ellen.
PUNNY BOOK = Rules For Living: Sharon Sharalike.
PUNNY BOOK = Say The Magic Word: Abby Cadabra.
PUNNY BOOK = Scandinavian Photography: Matt Finnish.
PUNNY BOOK = Scottish Kilt Patterns: Glen Pladd.
PUNNY BOOK = Scuffed Floors: Mark Tupp.
PUNNY BOOK = Sea Birds: Al Batross.
PUNNY BOOK = Self Denial Made Easy: Abner Gation.
PUNNY BOOK = Shaky Knees: Cliff Diver.
PUNNY BOOK = Shhh!: Danielle Soloud
PUNNY BOOK = Ship Mysteries: Marie Celeste.
PUNNY BOOK = Shoes For Farm And Ranch: Claude Hopper.
PUNNY BOOK = Skunks in the Shrubbery: P. Yew.
PUNNY BOOK = Small Vegetables: Russell Sprout.
PUNNY BOOK = Smart Beer Making: Bud Wiser.
PUNNY BOOK = Smash His Lobster!: Buster Crabbe.
PUNNY BOOK = Smoker's Cough: Nick O'Teen.
PUNNY BOOK = Snorting My Way To Heaven: Angel Dust.
PUNNY BOOK = Social Insecurity: Wilma Moneylast.
PUNNY BOOK = Soda Pop History: Ginger Aile
PUNNY BOOK = Sofa so Good: Chester Field
PUNNY BOOK = Solving Crimes: D. Tective.
PUNNY BOOK = Some Like it Sweet: Sugar Kane.
PUNNY BOOK = Songs For Children: Barbara Blacksheep.
PUNNY BOOK = Songs from 'South Pacific': Sam and Janet Evening.
PUNNY BOOK = Southern California Waffles: Sandy Eggo.
PUNNY BOOK = Split Personalities: Jacqueline Hyde.
PUNNY BOOK = Star Spangled Barrio: Jose Canusee.
PUNNY BOOK = Still Looking For My Heart: Sam Francisco.
PUNNY BOOK = Stop Arguing: Xavier Breath.
PUNNY BOOK = String Instruments: Viola Player.
PUNNY BOOK = Strong Winds: Gail Force.
PUNNY BOOK = Surprised!: Omar Gosh.
PUNNY BOOK = Swimming in the Arctic: I. C. Waters.
PUNNY BOOK = Tailoring: Serge Soote.
PUNNY BOOK = Take This Job And Shove It: Ike Witt.
PUNNY BOOK = Take a Break!: Colin Sick.
PUNNY BOOK = Teach Me!: I. Wanda Know
PUNNY BOOK = Tear Up Those Betting Slips: Lou Zerr.
PUNNY BOOK = Teenagers Of The '50's: Bobbie Sox.
PUNNY BOOK = The Auto Salvage Business: Rex Toad.
PUNNY BOOK = The Beach Bully: Harry Ayp.
PUNNY BOOK = The Bog: Pete Maas.
PUNNY BOOK = The Candy Store: Pepper Mintz.
PUNNY BOOK = The Criminals Of Watergate: Barton Mee.
PUNNY BOOK = The Dead Of Winter: Jan Yuary.
PUNNY BOOK = The Effects of Alcohol: Sir Osis of Liver.
PUNNY BOOK = The Empath: Ophelia Sadness.
PUNNY BOOK = The Excitement of Trees: I. M. Board.
PUNNY BOOK = The Fall of a Watermelon: S. Platt.
PUNNY BOOK = The Fortuneteller: Reid Palms.
PUNNY BOOK = The French Chef: Sue Flay.
PUNNY BOOK = The Garden State: Ida Hoe.
PUNNY BOOK = The German Bank Robbery: Hans Zupp.
PUNNY BOOK = The Greasy Spoon: Chris Coe.
PUNNY BOOK = The Great Escape: Freida Convict.
PUNNY BOOK = The Great Flood: Noah Zark.
PUNNY BOOK = The Ham Radio Primer: Loudon Clear.
PUNNY BOOK = The Hitchhiker: Juan Nalift.
PUNNY BOOK = The Industrial Revolution: Otto Mattick.
PUNNY BOOK = The Irish Heart Surgeon: Angie O'Plasty.
PUNNY BOOK = The LA Lakers' Breakfast: Kareem O'Wheat.
PUNNY BOOK = The Lady Pirate: Peg Legg.
PUNNY BOOK = The Last Roundup: Brandon Irons.
PUNNY BOOK = The Lion Attacked: Claudia Armoff.
PUNNY BOOK = The Miracle Drug: Penny Cillin.
PUNNY BOOK = The Monkey Cage: Jim Panzee.
PUNNY BOOK = The Music Of Sammy Davis Jr.: Candy Mann.
PUNNY BOOK = The National Science Foundation: Grant Money.
PUNNY BOOK = The Palace Roof has a Hole: Lee King.
PUNNY BOOK = The Paper Route: Avery Daye.
PUNNY BOOK = The Peace Mission: Olive Branch.
PUNNY BOOK = The Perils Of Drug Addiction: Anita Fixx.
PUNNY BOOK = The Phillipine Post Office: Imelda Letter.
PUNNY BOOK = The Porn Queen: Mona Lott.
PUNNY BOOK = The Scent Of A Man: Jim Nasium.
PUNNY BOOK = The Senior Prom: Spike Drink.
PUNNY BOOK = The Smorgasbord: Buffy Dinner.
PUNNY BOOK = The Squeaking Gate: Rusty Hinges.
PUNNY BOOK = The Sweat Shop: Hiram Cheap.
PUNNY BOOK = The TV News Anchorman: Maury Ports.
PUNNY BOOK = The Telltale Heart: Stefi Scope.
PUNNY BOOK = The Truancy Problem: Marcus Absent.
PUNNY BOOK = The Twelfth Month: Dee Sember.
PUNNY BOOK = The World's Best Recipes: Gus Tatorial.
PUNNY BOOK = The World's Deadliest Joke: Theophilus Punoval.
PUNNY BOOK = Theft and Robbery: Andy Tover.
PUNNY BOOK = Things To Do At Parties: Bob Frapples.
PUNNY BOOK = Those Funny Dogs: Joe Kur.
PUNNY BOOK = Tight Situation: Leah Tard.
PUNNY BOOK = Tinseltown Tales: Holly Wood.
PUNNY BOOK = To be Honest: Frank Lee.
PUNNY BOOK = Too Rough: Soren Redd.
PUNNY BOOK = Trial Law: Tess Temoni.
PUNNY BOOK = Trim Those Sideburns Too?: Buzz Cutt.
PUNNY BOOK = Tug of War: Paul Hard.
PUNNY BOOK = Turtle Racing: Eubie Quick.
PUNNY BOOK = Unemployed: Anita Job.
PUNNY BOOK = Unsolved Mysteries: N. Igma.
PUNNY BOOK = Unwanted Babies: Anna Bortion.
PUNNY BOOK = Wake Up!: Sal Ammoniac.
PUNNY BOOK = We Won 20-1!: Barry Um.
PUNNY BOOK = We're All Flakes: Dan Druff.
PUNNY BOOK = Webster's Words: Dick Shunnary.
PUNNY BOOK = West Coast Universities: Stan Ford.
PUNNY BOOK = What I Took: Irv Erginity.
PUNNY BOOK = What Makes Airplanes Go: Jeff Fuel.
PUNNY BOOK = What's For Dinner?: Chuck Roast.
PUNNY BOOK = Whatchamacallit!: Thingum Bob.
PUNNY BOOK = When's The Revolution?: Millie Tant.
PUNNY BOOK = Where to Find Islands: Archie Pelago.
PUNNY BOOK = Who Killed Cock Robin?: Howard I. Know.
PUNNY BOOK = Why Cars Stop: M.T. Tank.
PUNNY BOOK = Wind In The Maple Trees: Russell Ingleaves.
PUNNY BOOK = Wind Instruments: Tom Bone.
PUNNY BOOK = Winning the Race: Vic Tree.
PUNNY BOOK = Wish I'd Never Been Born: Rudy Daye.
PUNNY BOOK = Without Warning: Oliver Sudden.
PUNNY BOOK = Woulda Been A Great Shortstop: Kent Hitt.
PUNNY BOOK = Yoko's Robe: Kim Ono.
PUNNY BOOK = You Drip!: Lee K. Fawcette.
PUNNY BOOK = You Wash, I'll Dry: Terry Cloth.
PUNNY BOOK = You're Kidding!: Shirley U. Jest.
PUNNY BOOK = You're So Sweet: Mable Syrup.
PUNNY BOOK = You're a Bundle of Laughs: Vera Funny.
PUNNY BOOK: Acrophobia Explained: Alfredo Heights.
PUNNY BOOK: Ah, Thor!: Ty Till.
PUNNY BOOK: All Alone: Saul E. Terry.
PUNNY BOOK: Allegiance To The King: Neil Downe.
PUNNY BOOK: Ambulance Driving: Adam Muhway.
PUNNY BOOK: And Shut Up!: Sid Downe.
PUNNY BOOK: Animal Illnesses: Ann Thrax.
PUNNY BOOK: Animal Scents: Farrah Mones.
PUNNY BOOK: April Fool!: Sue Prize.
PUNNY BOOK: Archery: Beau N. Arrow.
PUNNY BOOK: Armed Heists: Robin Banks.
PUNNY BOOK: Artificial Weightlessness: Andy Gravity.
PUNNY BOOK: As Solid as...: Rocco Gibraltar.
PUNNY BOOK: At The Bottom Of The Can: Hazel Nutt.
PUNNY BOOK: Gambling: Monty Carlos.
PUNNY BOOK: Gangway!: Hedda Steam.
PUNNY BOOK: Gardening With The Ex-President: Rose Bush.
PUNNY BOOK: Get Moving!: Sheik Aleg.
PUNNY BOOK: Get Out There!: Sally Forth.
PUNNY BOOK: Go Away!: Ron Onhome.
PUNNY BOOK: Golly Gosh!: G. Whiz.
PUNNY BOOK: Gone Fishing: Rod Annette.
PUNNY BOOK: Gone With The Wind: George Uh.
PUNNY BOOK: Good Housekeeping: Lottie Dust.
PUNNY BOOK: Good Steak!: T. Bone.
PUNNY BOOK: Good Works: Ben Evolent.
PUNNY BOOK: Grave Mistakes: Paul Bearer.
PUNNY BOOK: Green Lawn Chairs: Patty O'Furniture.
PUNNY BOOK: Greeting Sheep Strangers: Hugh R. Ewe.
PUNNY BOOK: Guide To Mixology: Bart Ender.
PUNNY BOOK: Handel's Messiah: Ollie Luyah.
PUNNY BOOK: Harvesting Wild Plants: Dudley Nightshade.
PUNNY BOOK: He Disappeared!: Otto Sight.
PUNNY BOOK: He's Contagious!: Lucas Measles.
PUNNY BOOK: Head of Security: Barb Dwyer.
PUNNY BOOK: Held Hostage by Italian Terrorists!: Aldo Anything.
PUNNY BOOK: Here's Pus In Your Eye: Lance Boyle.
PUNNY BOOK: Hertz, Don't It?: Lisa Carr.
PUNNY BOOK: Highway Travel: Dusty Rhodes.
PUNNY BOOK: Hiya Fella: Gladys Eeya.
PUNNY BOOK: Hollywood Gossip: Phyllis Zinn.
PUNNY BOOK: Holmes Does It Again: Scott Linyard.
PUNNY BOOK: Home Alone III, The Sequel: Eddie Buddyhome.
PUNNY BOOK: House Construction: Bill Jerome Holme.
PUNNY BOOK: House Plants: Clay Potts.
PUNNY BOOK: How I Won The Marathon: Randy Hoelway.
PUNNY BOOK: How To Beat A Murder Rap: Scott Free.
PUNNY BOOK: How To Make Cornmeal Pancakes: Johnny Cake.
PUNNY BOOK: How To Tune Up Your Auto: Carl Humm.
PUNNY BOOK: How to Annoy: Aunt Agonize.
PUNNY BOOK: How to Break In: Jimmy De Lock.
PUNNY BOOK: How to Tour the Prison: Robin Steele.
PUNNY BOOK: Hunger In America: Heywood Jafeedme.
PUNNY BOOK: Hypnotism: N. Tranced.
PUNNY BOOK: I Beat Bobby Fischer: Jess Player.
PUNNY BOOK: I Can Fix It: Jerry Rigg.
PUNNY BOOK: I Can't See The Difference: Sam Ting.
PUNNY BOOK: I Didn't Do It!: Ivan Alibi.
PUNNY BOOK: I Hate Fighting: Boris Hell.
PUNNY BOOK: I Hate Monday Mornings: Gaetan Oop.
PUNNY BOOK: I Hate the Sun: Gladys Knight.
PUNNY BOOK: I Hit the Wall: Isadore There.
PUNNY BOOK: I Like Fish: Ann Chovie.
PUNNY BOOK: I Like Liquor: Ethyl Alcohol.
PUNNY BOOK: I Like Weeding Gardens: Manuel Labour.
PUNNY BOOK: I Lived in Detroit: Helen Earth.
PUNNY BOOK: I Lost My Balance: Eileen Dover and Paul Down.
PUNNY BOOK: I Love Crowds: Morris Merrier.
PUNNY BOOK: I Love Fractions: Lois C. Denominator.
PUNNY BOOK: I Love Mathematics: Adam Up.
PUNNY BOOK: I Love Wills: Benny Fishery.
PUNNY BOOK: I Love You!: Alma Hart.
PUNNY BOOK: I Read You Like A Book: Claire Voyant.
PUNNY BOOK: I Want to Help: Abel N. Willin.
PUNNY BOOK: I Was a Cloakroom Attendant: Mahatma Coate.
PUNNY BOOK: I Win!: U. Lose.
PUNNY BOOK: I Work with Diamonds: Jules Sparkle.
PUNNY BOOK: I Wuz Framed!: Gil Tee.
PUNNY BOOK: I Wuz Robbed!: Alma Money.
PUNNY BOOK: I'm Fine: Howard Yu.
PUNNY BOOK: I'm Scared!: Emma Fraid.
PUNNY BOOK: I'm Someone Else: Ima Nonymous.
PUNNY BOOK: In The Trenches: Helmut Wearer.
PUNNY BOOK: Indiana Jones' Adventures: Darrin Rescue.
PUNNY BOOK: Inflammation, Please!: Arthur Itis.
PUNNY BOOK: Irish Dentistry: Perry O'Dontal.
PUNNY BOOK: Irish Flooring: Lynn O'Leum.
PUNNY BOOK: It Won't Work!: Mel Function.
PUNNY BOOK: It's All In Your Head: Madge Ination.
PUNNY BOOK: It's Magic!: Sven Gali.
PUNNY BOOK: It's Springtime!: Theresa Green.
PUNNY BOOK: It's Unfair!: Y. Me.
PUNNY BOOK: It's a Holdup!: Nick R. Elastic.
PUNNY BOOK: It's a Shocker: Alec Tricity.
PUNNY BOOK: Italian Delicacies: Liz Onya.
PUNNY BOOK: Jewish Holidays: Hannah Kuhh.
PUNNY BOOK: Joys of Cowardice: Lily Livard.
PUNNY BOOK: Judging Fast Food: Warren Berger.
PUNNY BOOK: Just Say No: Will Power.
PUNNY BOOK: Kangaroo Illnesses: Marcus Wallaby, M.D.
PUNNY BOOK: Keep Out!: Barb Dwyer.
PUNNY BOOK: Keep it Clean!: Armand Hammer.
PUNNY BOOK: Laid Off!: Gwen Home.
PUNNY BOOK: Lawn Care: Ray King.
PUNNY BOOK: Lawyers of Suffering: Grin and Barrett.
PUNNY BOOK: Leo Tolstoy: Warren Peace.
PUNNY BOOK: Let's Do it Now!: Igor Beaver.
PUNNY BOOK: Lewis Carroll: Alison Wonderland.
PUNNY BOOK: Life As A Comic: Stan Dupp.
PUNNY BOOK: Life Before Cars: Orson Buggy.
PUNNY BOOK: Life Before The Civil War: Aunty Bellum.
PUNNY BOOK: Life In The Sorority House: Carrie Onn.
PUNNY BOOK: Life in Chicago: Wendy City.
PUNNY BOOK: Look Younger: Fay Slift.
PUNNY BOOK: Lots of Excitement: Hugh N. Cry.
PUNNY BOOK: Lotsa Luck: Bess Twishes.
PUNNY BOOK: Love Wills: Benny Fishery.
PUNNY BOOK: Manana: Stew Layt.
PUNNY BOOK: Many Are Cold, But Few Are Frozen: Minnie Sota.
PUNNY BOOK: Mardi Gras Time: Lou Isiana.
PUNNY BOOK: Maritime Disasters: Andrea Doria.
PUNNY BOOK: Masterpieces Of Fox TV: Annette Work.
PUNNY BOOK: May Flowers: April Showers.
PUNNY BOOK: Meals On Safari: Lionel Eecha.
PUNNY BOOK: Measles Collision!: Kay Rash.
PUNNY BOOK: Meat Eaters: Carney Vore.
PUNNY BOOK: Mensa Man: Gene Yuss.
PUNNY BOOK: Mexican Revenge: Monty Zuma.
PUNNY BOOK: Military Defeats: Major Disaster and General Mayhem.
PUNNY BOOK: Military Rule: Marshall Law.
PUNNY BOOK: Misunderstood: Art Tistic.
PUNNY BOOK: Mobile Homes: Winnie Bago.
PUNNY BOOK: Monkey Shines: Bob Boone.
PUNNY BOOK: Mosquito Bites: Ivan Itch.
PUNNY BOOK: Mountain Climbing: Andover Hand.
PUNNY BOOK: Music of the Sea: Lawrence Whelk.
PUNNY BOOK: Musical Gunfighters: The Okay Chorale.
PUNNY BOOK: My Life on Skid Row: Titus A. Drum.
PUNNY BOOK: My Lost Causes: Noah Veil.
PUNNY BOOK: My Seventh Husband: Ivana Newhouse.
PUNNY BOOK: Mystery in the Barnyard: Hu Flung Dung.
PUNNY BOOK: NHL Hockey: Stanley Kupp.
PUNNY BOOK: Neither a Borrower: Nora Lender Bee.
PUNNY BOOK: No More Circuit Breakers!: Ira Fuse.
PUNNY BOOK: No: Kurt Reply
PUNNY BOOK: Not Bogged Down In Reality: Jason Rainbows.
PUNNY BOOK: Not So Hot: Luke Warm.
PUNNY BOOK: Nuclear Power Bafflement: Ken Fusion.
PUNNY BOOK: Nuts about You!: Cy Cosis.
PUNNY BOOK: Off To Market: Tobias A. Pigg.
PUNNY BOOK: Oh What A Relief It Is: Al Kaseltzer.
PUNNY BOOK: Okee Dokee: Roger Wilco.
PUNNY BOOK: One Hundred Years Old: Abbie Birthday.
PUNNY BOOK: Options Trading: June Gold.
PUNNY BOOK: Outdoor Activities: Alf Resco.
PUNNY BOOK: Outdoor Cookery: Barbie Cue.
PUNNY BOOK: Overcoming Nervousness On Radio: Mike Fright.
PUNNY BOOK: Pain Relief: Ann L. Gesick.
PUNNY BOOK: Pain in My Body: Otis Leghurts.
PUNNY BOOK: Parachuting: Hugo First.
PUNNY BOOK: Party On, Dude: Jill Out.
PUNNY BOOK: Peeping Tom: Sawyer Scanties.
PUNNY BOOK: Personal Best: Marco DeStinction.
PUNNY BOOK: Pilgrim Settlers: May Flower.
PUNNY BOOK: Plumb Good: Dwayne Pipe.
PUNNY BOOK: Poetry in Baseball: Homer.
PUNNY BOOK: Preaching to Hell's Angels: Pastor Redlight.
PUNNY BOOK: Prepare To Meet Your Maker: Eva DeStruction.
PUNNY BOOK: Preparing Leather: Tanya Hyde.
PUNNY BOOK: Prevent Drowning: Buddy System.
PUNNY BOOK: Pull with All You've Got!: Eve Ho.
PUNNY BOOK: Punk Rock Rulez!: Lotta Noyze.
PUNNY BOOK: Put'er There, Pal!: Greg Garious.
PUNNY BOOK: Quips For The Young At Heart: Marty Pants.
PUNNY BOOK: Racketeering: Dennis Court.
PUNNY BOOK: Raising Flowers By Hand: Flo Wrist.
PUNNY BOOK: Rangers In The Night: Forrest Fyar.
PUNNY BOOK: Ready...Set...: Sadie Word.
PUNNY BOOK: Red Vegetables: B. Troot.
PUNNY BOOK: Repent At Leisure: Marion Hayste.
PUNNY BOOK: Riel Ambush!: May T. Surprise.
PUNNY BOOK: Robots: Anne Droid.
PUNNY BOOK: Round the World: Madge Ellen.
PUNNY BOOK: Rules For Living: Sharon Sharalike.
PUNNY BOOK: Say The Magic Word: Abby Cadabra.
PUNNY BOOK: Scandinavian Photography: Matt Finnish.
PUNNY BOOK: Scottish Kilt Patterns: Glen Pladd.
PUNNY BOOK: Scuffed Floors: Mark Tupp.
PUNNY BOOK: Sea Birds: Al Batross.
PUNNY BOOK: Self Denial Made Easy: Abner Gation.
PUNNY BOOK: Shaky Knees: Cliff Diver.
PUNNY BOOK: Shhh!: Danielle Soloud.
PUNNY BOOK: Ship Mysteries: Marie Celeste.
PUNNY BOOK: Shoes For Farm And Ranch: Claude Hopper.
PUNNY BOOK: Skunks in the Shrubbery: P. Yew.
PUNNY BOOK: Small Vegetables: Russell Sprout.
PUNNY BOOK: Smart Beer Making: Bud Wiser.
PUNNY BOOK: Smash His Lobster!: Buster Crabbe.
PUNNY BOOK: Smoker's Cough: Nick O'Teen.
PUNNY BOOK: Snorting My Way To Heaven: Angel Dust.
PUNNY BOOK: Social Insecurity: Wilma Moneylast.
PUNNY BOOK: Soda Pop History: Ginger Aile.
PUNNY BOOK: Sofa so Good: Chester Field.
PUNNY BOOK: Solving Crimes: D. Tective.
PUNNY BOOK: Some Like it Sweet: Sugar Kane.
PUNNY BOOK: Songs from 'South Pacific': Sam and Janet Evening.
PUNNY BOOK: Southern California Waffles: Sandy Eggo.
PUNNY BOOK: Split Personalities: Jacqueline Hyde.
PUNNY BOOK: Star Spangled Barrio: Jose Canusee.
PUNNY BOOK: Still Looking For My Heart: Sam Francisco.
PUNNY BOOK: Stop Arguing: Xavier Breath.
PUNNY BOOK: String Instruments: Viola Player.
PUNNY BOOK: Strong Winds: Gail Force.
PUNNY BOOK: Surprised!: Omar Gosh.
PUNNY BOOK: Swimming in the Arctic: I. C. Waters.
PUNNY BOOK: Tailoring: Serge Soote.
PUNNY BOOK: Take This Job And Shove It: Ike Witt.
PUNNY BOOK: Take a Break!: Colin Sick.
PUNNY BOOK: Teach Me!: I. Wanda Know.
PUNNY BOOK: Tear Up Those Betting Slips: Lou Zerr.
PUNNY BOOK: Teenagers Of The '50's: Bobbie Sox.
PUNNY BOOK: The Auto Salvage Business: Rex Toad.
PUNNY BOOK: The Beach Bully: Harry Ayp.
PUNNY BOOK: The Bog: Pete Maas.
PUNNY BOOK: The Candy Store: Pepper Mintz.
PUNNY BOOK: The Criminals Of Watergate: Barton Mee.
PUNNY BOOK: The Dead Of Winter: Jan Yuary.
PUNNY BOOK: The Effects of Alcohol: Sir Osis of Liver.
PUNNY BOOK: The Empath: Ophelia Sadness.
PUNNY BOOK: The Excitement of Trees: I. M. Board.
PUNNY BOOK: The Fall of a Watermelon: S. Platt.
PUNNY BOOK: The Fortuneteller: Reid Palms.
PUNNY BOOK: The French Chef: Sue Flay.
PUNNY BOOK: The Garden State: Ida Hoe.
PUNNY BOOK: The German Bank Robbery: Hans Zupp.
PUNNY BOOK: The Greasy Spoon: Chris Coe.
PUNNY BOOK: The Great Escape: Freida Convict.
PUNNY BOOK: The Great Flood: Noah Zark.
PUNNY BOOK: The Ham Radio Primer: Loudon Clear.
PUNNY BOOK: The Hitchhiker: Juan Nalift.
PUNNY BOOK: The Industrial Revolution: Otto Mattick.
PUNNY BOOK: The Irish Heart Surgeon: Angie O'Plasty.
PUNNY BOOK: The LA Lakers' Breakfast: Kareem O'Wheat.
PUNNY BOOK: The Lady Pirate: Peg Legg.
PUNNY BOOK: The Last Roundup: Brandon Irons.
PUNNY BOOK: The Lion Attacked: Claudia Armoff.
PUNNY BOOK: The Miracle Drug: Penny Cillin.
PUNNY BOOK: The Monkey Cage: Jim Panzee.
PUNNY BOOK: The Music Of Sammy Davis Jr.: Candy Mann.
PUNNY BOOK: The National Science Foundation: Grant Money.
PUNNY BOOK: The Palace Roof has a Hole: Lee King.
PUNNY BOOK: The Paper Route: Avery Daye.
PUNNY BOOK: The Peace Mission: Olive Branch.
PUNNY BOOK: The Perils Of Drug Addiction: Anita Fixx.
PUNNY BOOK: The Philippine Post Office: Imelda Letter.
PUNNY BOOK: The Porn Queen: Mona Lott.
PUNNY BOOK: The Scent Of A Man: Jim Nasium.
PUNNY BOOK: The Senior Prom: Spike Drink.
PUNNY BOOK: The Smorgasbord: Buffy Dinner.
PUNNY BOOK: The Squeaking Gate: Rusty Hinges.
PUNNY BOOK: The Sweat Shop: Hiram Cheap.
PUNNY BOOK: The TV News Anchorman: Maury Ports.
PUNNY BOOK: The Telltale Heart: Stefi Scope.
PUNNY BOOK: The Truancy Problem: Marcus Absent.
PUNNY BOOK: The Twelfth Month: Dee Sember.
PUNNY BOOK: The World's Best Recipes: Gus Tatorial.
PUNNY BOOK: The World's Deadliest Joke: Theophilus Punoval.
PUNNY BOOK: Theft and Robbery: Andy Tover.
PUNNY BOOK: Things To Do At Parties: Bob Frapples.
PUNNY BOOK: Tight Situation: Leah Tard.
PUNNY BOOK: Tinseltown Tales: Holly Wood.
PUNNY BOOK: Too Rough: Soren Redd.
PUNNY BOOK: Trial Law: Tess Temoni.
PUNNY BOOK: Trim Those Sideburns Too?: Buzz Cutt.
PUNNY BOOK: Tug of War: Paul Hard.
PUNNY BOOK: Turtle Racing: Eubie Quick.
PUNNY BOOK: Unemployed: Anita Job.
PUNNY BOOK: Unsolved Mysteries: N. Igma.
PUNNY BOOK: Unwanted Babies: Anna Bortion.
PUNNY BOOK: Wake Up!: Sal Ammoniac.
PUNNY BOOK: We Won 20-1!: Barry Um.
PUNNY BOOK: We're All Flakes: Dan Druff.
PUNNY BOOK: Webster's Words: Dick Shunnary.
PUNNY BOOK: West Coast Universities: Stan Ford.
PUNNY BOOK: What I Took: Irv Erginity.
PUNNY BOOK: What Makes Airplanes Go: Jeff Fuel.
PUNNY BOOK: What's For Dinner?: Chuck Roast.
PUNNY BOOK: Whatchamacallit!: Thingum Bob.
PUNNY BOOK: When's The Revolution?: Millie Tant.
PUNNY BOOK: Who Killed Cock Robin?: Howard I. Know.
PUNNY BOOK: Why Cars Stop: M.T. Tank.
PUNNY BOOK: Wind In The Maple Trees: Russell Ingleaves.
PUNNY BOOK: Wind Instruments: Tom Bone.
PUNNY BOOK: Winning the Race: Vic Tree.
PUNNY BOOK: Wish I'd Never Been Born: Rudy Daye.
PUNNY BOOK: Without Warning: Oliver Sudden.
PUNNY BOOK: Woulda Been A Great Shortstop: Kent Hitt.
PUNNY BOOK: Yoko's Robe: Kim Ono.
PUNNY BOOK: You Drip!: Lee K. Fawcette.
PUNNY BOOK: You Wash, I'll Dry: Terry Cloth.
PUNNY BOOK: You're Kidding!: Shirley U. Jest.
PUNNY BOOK: You're So Sweet: Mable Syrup.
PUNNY BOOK: You're a Bundle of Laughs: Vera Funny.
PUNTATEUCH: The first five bad jokes in the Bible
PUNTIFICATE - trying to predict which direction a football will bounce
PUNTIUM: Computer that makes bad jokes.
PUO: Perform Unknown Operation
PUPPY LOVE - Why babies allow doggies to French-kiss them.
PUPPY LOVE:  Why babies allow doggies to French-kiss them.
PUPSQUEAK - sound a yawning dog emits when it opens its mouth too wide
PURE MATHEMATICIANS do it rigorously.
PURR if you love cats
PURR if you're a Tribble
PURVEY(n):sound made by an overwrought Jewish cat.
PUS: PUrge System
PUSS - He Died With His Boots On
PUSSY needs love, admiration, & Worship, as you need food.
PUSSY-WHIPPED(adj):describing men of higher-intelligence.
PUSSibility: The chance of you takin your cat to the vet.
PVLC: Punch Variable Length Card
PWA: Airline Service.
PWB: Put to Waste Basket
PWCMCIA - People Who Cannot Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
PWCMCIA: People Who Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
PWP: Print Without Paper
PWS: create PoWer Surge
PXT Happiness is a HeathKit disruptor kit
PYROMARTYR NETWORK!  Blowing ourselves up for Jesus!
PYROTECHNICIANS do it with flare
PYROTECHNICIANS do it with flare.
PYROTECHNICIANS experts do it with a blinding flash
PYS: Program YourSelf
P`[31mlankton lobbyist`[34m:  "NUKE THE WHALES!"`[0m
Pa's a sap.
Paasault: Cracking an Easter egg on someone's head.
Paasorb: A peeled Easter egg that has the color of the shell on it.
PabMail: Just another stupid TURBO BASIC XL Program!
Pablo and Gibsons coffee brings a new meaning to the word vomit
Pacific Bell Is Proud To Offer FREE Call Waiti+ng*x*%@#NO CARRIER
Pacific Northwest hackers DO IT with loggin' sorts.
Pacific Northwest hackers do it with n loggin' sorts.
Pack the bags. We're going on a guilt trip.
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun. -- Auden
Pack up your Tribbles in your old kit bag
Pack up your troubles. [*] Are we leaving? [*] It's a song title, Spock.
Pack your bags, were going on a guilt trip.
Packed File corrupt.
Packed file corrupt: appoint special prosecutor? [Y/n]
Packed with cops, this movie really satisfies - Tom Servo
PacketBoy: Luxuriantly hand-crafted from Windows.
Packets 'n' readers 'n' doors, oh my!
Packets and Trivia and Doors, oh my!
Packled Borg: We look for things. Things to assimilate.
Packleds DO IT With Borrowed Parts
Packwood is a hands on boss.
Pacts with the devil aren't legally binding.
Padded walls scratch your nose when wearing a Straight Jacket.
Paddling up the mighty Mystic without a paddle card.
Pagan Barbie! (wand, athame, incense, pentacle sold separately)
Pagan Missionary
Pagan Problem #6:  which deity's name to call out during sex?
Pagan Problem #6: which deity's name to call during sex
Pagan Problem #6: which deity's name to call out during sex?
Pagan and Proud
Pagan tip #253:  Don't try astral projection in the tub.
Pagan tip #254:  Accentuate the positive.
Pagan: n. A person whose religion is different from the speakers.
Pagan? Not me! I have enough trouble with *one* god!
Paganism - **** happens to make the flowers grow
Paganism - Shit happens to make the flowers grow
Paganism- Christanity without the guilt.
Paganism:  Shit happens by order of the Gods.  Accept it.
Paganism: the gods to have, when you're having more than one.
Pagans & heretics & witches, oh my!
Pagans DO IT in the Woad
Pagans DO IT with mother earth.
Pagans are born again...and again...and again...
Pagans are wary of large groups of Christians bearing torches.
Pagans do it in a circle.
Pagans do it in circles.
Pagans do it in the Woad
Pagans do it in the Woad.
Pagans do it like magic.
Pagans do it.
Pagans have Rites too!
Page 1 of 1028465, press enter to continue
Page yer sysop at 3am and learn some cool new words!
Page your Sysop at 3 A.M. and learn new words!
Page your Sysop at 3 A.M. for free prizes!!!!
Page your Sysop at 3am for free taglines...!!!
Page your sysop a 3 AM for free prizes!
Page your sysop at 3:00 am and learn lots of new words!
Page your sysop at 3:00am and learn new words.
Page your sysop at 3am and learn new words...
Page your sysop at 3am for Free Prizes!
Page your sysop at 3am*** and learn new words.
Page your sysop at 4am and learn some new words.
Paged/swapped out.
Paging Dr. Benway, white courtesy phone.
Paging Dr. F! - Frank
Paging Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard...
Paging Dr. Howard, Dr. Orville, Dr. Howard...
Paging Mr. Sharkey, white courtesy telephone, please
Paging"Jimmy Hoffa, call your office."
Pah lay vooh fransayh?
Paid for by Dragonstar Excursions.
Paid for by the Committee to Scare Your Pants Off
Paid for by the Oklahoma City chapter of the Buffalo Bills Fan Club!
Paid for my wife's breast implants. I put my money where my mouth is.
Paid for my wife's breast implants. Yes, I put my money where my mouth
Paid my auto insurance. Had to sell the car to DO IT!
Paid off?  What does that mean?
Pain -- Finally something we can depend on.
Pain Farr: Vulcan Sex, but doing it wrong!
Pain Farr: Vulcan sex done incorrectly.
Pain Relief: Ann L. Gesick
Pain Relief: Ann L. Gesick(6)
Pain and PLeasure are just a matter of reference.
Pain and Pleasure is a matter of reference
Pain and pleasure are a matter of referance.
Pain and pleasure are a matter of reference.
Pain in My Body: Otis Leghurts
Pain is a part of all life.  Misery is at your option.
Pain is a poison I digest. - Collective Soul
Pain is a thing of the mind.  The mind can be controlled. - Spock
Pain is forgotten; insult lingers on.
Pain is good. It lets you know your still alive
Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional.
Pain is inevitable, misery is optional    .
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
Pain is inevitable.  Misery, however, is an option.
Pain is just God's way of hurting you.
Pain is just nature's way of telling you you're alive.
Pain is so close to pleasure everybody knows.
Pain is the touchstone of spiritual progress.
Pain is your body's way of saying, "Hey!  Stop that!"
Pain is your body's way of saying:  "Hey, stop that!"
Pain is your body's way of saying: "Hey, stop that!"
Pain n. Telling a Klingon his mother wears pink slippers!
Pain of child birth; preview of things to come.
Pain, pain is all he wants.  And hate, yes hate.
Pain:  Klingon mating rituals.
Pain:  Telling a Klingon his mother wears combat boots.
Pain: Finally something on which we can depend.
Pain: Telling a klingon his mother wears lipstick
Pain: giving a Klingon a noogie.
Pain: n. Telling a Klingon his mother DOESN'T wear combat boots...
Pain? PAIN?!? You want pain? I'll give you pain!
Painful...getting rear-ended by a unicorn.
Painfully heterosexual, but not bunged up about it.
Painless Dentistry (Formerly Painful Dentistry)
Paint "Salman Rushdie lives here" on Barney's front porch.
Paint Salman Rushdie lives here on Barney's front porch.
Paint a Trabant in red - sell it to Albania as a Ferrari.
Paint a number on her head and Sinead's a billiard ball.
Paint it Octarine: the color of magic.
Paint it blue again, Tom said reassuringly.
Paint never looks the same on the wall as it does on the color chart.
Paint the hind ends of all the ships. Leave no stern untoned.
Paint:  substance to apply before using paint remover.
Paintball?  No.  But my cat plays hairball.
Paintballers do it at high velocities
Painted lady, don't you do those dirty deeds. (Electric Light Orchestra)
Painters DO IT out in the field w/brightly colored sticky substances.
Painters do it to fill in the cracks.
Painters do it with longer strokes.
Pairanoia: The fear of being smothered between 48 DD's.
Pajamas, jazz & communism - Crow
Pakled Invention: Sugar coated insulin.
Pakled Prunes: Things to make you go.
Pakled laxatives? Things to make us go!
Pakled/Picard/Borg:  We Look for Shakespeare to Assimilate.
Pakleds : We look for things, things to kill Wesley with.
Pakleds' favorite song: Things That Make You Go! HMMM!
Pal, help me find the secret button -Crow to Dr.Forrester
Paladin Orcs get +2 to hit against neutral clerics.
Paladin:  Canned food for dragons
Paladins DO IT Good.
Paladins Do It Reverently.
Paladins do it good or not at all.
Paladins do it lawfully good.
Paladins do it perfectly.
Paladins don't do it.
Paladins is *sooooo* stupid! - many games, many times.
Palance on Palance: Believe It Or Not - Mike
Pale ink beats a good memory.
Paleontoloically speaking, there's enough Parasaurolophus.
Palestenian and Norwegian wed.  First child?  Yassir Yubetcha.
Palimony -- why buy the bull when you can milk him for free? 
Palimony suits are unjust in a society where abortion is a right.
Palindrome - "Amen" I call if I fill a cinema.
Palindrome - "Do nine men interpret?"     "Nine men," I nod.
Palindrome - 'Tis Ivan, on a visit.
Palindrome - A dog!  A panic in a pagoda.
Palindrome - A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.
Palindrome - A mock coma.
Palindrome - Able was I ere I saw Elba.
Palindrome - Ah, Satan sees Natasha.
Palindrome - Allar munum ralla.  [Icelandic]
Palindrome - Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?
Palindrome - Dennis Krats and Edna Stark sinned.
Palindrome - Desserts stressed.
Palindrome - Detartrated.  (a contrived chemical name)
Palindrome - Do Good's deeds live on?  No, Evil's deeds do, O God!
Palindrome - Drowsy sword.
Palindrome - Ebro e Otel, ma Amleto e orbe.  [Italian]
Palindrome - Egad!  Alas!  A salad age!
Palindrome - Egad, a base tone denotes a bad age.
Palindrome - Eros?  Sidney, my end is sore!
Palindrome - Evil I did dwell;  lewd did I live.
Palindrome - Funeral - Real fun.
Palindrome - Gateman sees name, garageman sees name tag.
Palindrome - Harass Sarah!
Palindrome - He lived as a devil, eh?
Palindrome - I roamed under it as a tired, nude Maori.
Palindrome - I, madam, I made radio!  So I dared!  Am I mad?  Am I?
Palindrome - If I had a hi-fi.
Palindrome - Kanakanak.  (near Dellingham, Alaska)
Palindrome - Lepers repel.
Palindrome - Lew Otto has a hot towel.
Palindrome - Lion oil.
Palindrome - Ma is as selfless as I am.
Palindrome - Madam in Eden, I'm Adam.
Palindrome - Mr. Alarm.
Palindrome - Neder sit Wort; trow tis Reden.  [Dutch]
Palindrome - Niagara, O roar again!
Palindrome - No evil Shahs live on.
Palindrome - No garden, one dragon
Palindrome - No lemons, no melon.
Palindrome - No trace - not one carton.
Palindrome - No word, no bond, row on.
Palindrome - No, it is open on one position.
Palindrome - Nurse, I spy gypsies!  Run!
Palindrome - Oh who was it I saw, oh who?
Palindrome - Pa's a sap.
Palindrome - Pacer race car recap!
Palindrome - Pam, draw a ward map.
Palindrome - Pepsi is PEP.
Palindrome - Pull up if I pull up.
Palindrome - Rats drown in Wordstar.
Palindrome - Red rum, sir, is murder.
Palindrome - Reflog a golfer.
Palindrome - Rise to vote, sir.
Palindrome - Saippuakivikauppias.  (Finnish word for a dealer in lye)
Palindrome - Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
Palindrome - Sex at Noon taxes.
Palindrome - Sit on a pan, Otis.
Palindrome - Snug & raw was I ere I saw war & guns.
Palindrome - So many dynamos.
Palindrome - Some men interpret nine memos.
Palindrome - Step on no pets.
Palindrome - Straw?  No, too stupid a fad.  I put soot on warts.
Palindrome - Straw?  No, too stupid. I put soot on warts!
Palindrome - Taem, no Devil lived on meat.
Palindrome - Tell Abe to vote ballet.
Palindrome - Ten animals I slam in a net.
Palindrome - Too hot to hoot.
Palindrome - Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Palindrome - Was it a rat I saw?
Palindrome isn't one.
Palindrome:  No evil sex at noon; taxes live on.
Palindrome:  Snug & raw was I ere I saw war & gun.
Palindrome:  Ten animals I slam in a net.
Palindrome:  Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Palindrome:  Won't lovers revolt now?
Palindrome: "Nora, a raft!" "Is is far, Aaron?"
Palindrome: A Toyota
Palindrome: A dog! A panic in a pagoda.
Palindrome: A dog, a plan, a canal.  Pagoda!
Palindrome: Detartrated (a contrived chemical name).
Palindrome: Emil's niece, in slime...
Palindrome: Go hang a salami! I'm a lasagna hog!
Palindrome: I madam, I made radio! So I dared! Am I mad? Am I?
Palindrome: Kanakanak (near Dellingham, Alaska).
Palindrome: Last egg gets Al.
Palindrome: Last egge gets Al.
Palindrome: Lepers repel.
Palindrome: Level
Palindrome: Live sex in a Toyota nixes evil.
Palindrome: Ma, I say! Lee's as eely as I am!
Palindrome: Madam, I'm Adam.
Palindrome: Madam, in Eden, I'm Adam
Palindrome: Malayalam (language of the Malayali in Kerala, so. India).
Palindrome: Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.
Palindrome: No evil sex at noon; taxes live on.
Palindrome: No trace - not one carton.
Palindrome: Now Ned, I am a maiden nun Ned, I am a maiden won!
Palindrome: Pacer race car recap!
Palindrome: Palindromic taglines are not on erase nilgatci mordnilap!
Palindrome: Pam laid a dial map.
Palindrome: Pepsi is PEP
Palindrome: Race car
Palindrome: Radar
Palindrome: Rats live on no evil star.
Palindrome: Redivider.
Palindrome: Reflog a golfer.
Palindrome: Releveler (won't work with British spelling though).
Palindrome: Rise, sir lap dog. God, pal, rise sir.
Palindrome: Saippuakivikauppias (Finnish word for a dealer in lye).
Palindrome: Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
Palindrome: Sex at noon taxes.
Palindrome: Snug & raw was I ere I saw war & guns.
Palindrome: Stressed desserts
Palindrome: Tell Abe to vote ballet.
Palindrome: Toot
Palindrome: Wanna tan? Naw...
Palindrome: Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Palindrome: Won't lovers revolt now?
Palindrome? Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
Palindromic recipes are for roferas enilgat cimordnilap
Palindromic taglines are for roferas enilgat cimordnilap
Palindromic taglines are not on erase nilgatci mordnilap!
Palindrone -  Oh who was it I saw, oh who?
Palladium, promethium, potassium, polonium.
Palm Bay Florida: Decades of tradition unimpeded by progress.
Palm Bay, Florida, USA, Sol 3, Sector 4, Quadrant 2, Milky Way.
Palm Farr: If PeeWee Herman was a Vulcan
Palm Farr: Vulcan sex with PeeWee Herman.
Palm Springs University-more than 100 degrees available
Palm readers do it with your hand.
Palmgreasity:  A maitre D's attitude.
Paluckoo stew sticks to your ribs; Paluckoo doo sticks to
Pam laid a dial map.
Pamela, never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
Pamplona, Spain the annual running of the goats - Crow
Pamtim lepe trenutke, a ona se nicega ne seca
Pan Amime: Motions airline attendant does while another explains.
Pan up! - Crow on floor level shot of girl taking shower
Panama driving: All garbage goes out the window immediately.
Panama driving: At all costs, don't spill your beer.
Panama: Relax!!!  Thats how a scorpion says "Thanks for the shelter".
Panama: Why did all of those one day strikes seem to fall on Mondays?
Panasia BBS: Internet/EchoMail; No fee & Minimum red tape
Panda Farr:  Vulcan sex  uh, never mind.
Panda Farr: Vulcan sex with... uh, never mind.
Panda Farr: Vulcan sex...uh, never mind.
Pandemonium doesn't reign here... It pours!
Pandora's Box...Intel was Inside.
Pandora's Law: Never open a box you didn't close yourself.
Pandora, get away from that box!!
Pandora:  we know all about her box.
Pane Farr:  Vulcan sex in glass houses
Pane Farr: A Vulcan peeping Tom
Pane Farr: Vulcan sex in a glass house.
Pane Farr: Vulcan sex in glass houses
Pang Farr:  Vulcan sex while incredibly hungry.
Pang Farr: Vulcan sex while incredibly hungry.
Pangalactic Gargleblaster or Old Mink? Your choice.
Panic is never encountered by a Scout who's prepared.
Panic now - avoid the rush!
Panic: can't find  rm --rf *
Pansy - someone who likes his vice versa.
Pant Farr:  Vulcan sex with your clothes on
Pant Farr: Exhausting Vulcan sex.
Pant Farr: Vulcan sex when you're winded.
Pant Farr: Vulcan sex with your clothes on.
Panties aren't the best thing in the world, but they're next to it.
Panties conceal nature's most deadly weapon.
Panties: not the best thing in the world, but next to it.
Pantomimists do it silently.
Pantone 666 - color of the beast
Pants... thank you! - Sam, "M.I.A"
Pants.Zip Not Found: <A>bort <R>etry <P>ee anyway?
Pants:  Trousers' country cousins.
Pants: Trousers' country cousins.
Pants: trousers' country cousins.
Pantyhose = software: free installation available.
Pap smear - a fatherhood test
Pap smear -- fatherhood test
Papa Smurf for President; his neigbours for Congress
Paper Towels? I thought it was bathroom tissue for big -
Paper clip: The larval stage of a coat hanger
Paper clips are the larvae stage of coat hangers.
Paper clips are the larval stage of coat hangers.
Paper clips: the larval stage of coat hangers.
Paper cut; Insulting Tagline.
Paper hangers do it vertically.
Paper is always strongest at the perferations
Paper is always strongest at the perforations
Paper is always strongest at the perforations.
Paper is always strongest at the perforations.  -- Corry
Paper is always strongest at the perforations. -- Corry
Paper or plastic bags:  Who cares, I'm "BI-SACKS-UAL!"
Paper or plastique, Mr. Qadaifi ?
Paper tagline, or plastic?
PaperBoy is almost finished. Wish OS/2 was.
Paperclips are the embryo form of clothes hangers.
Papers, Papers, Where's the starting point?
Paperweights - The only way to keep bills down.
Paperweights -- The only way to keep bills down.
Papsmear:  Fatherhood test.
Papsmear:  Fatherhood test...
Par polka: Dance follow-through some golfers make when teeing off.
Parachute for Sale ! Used only once, never opened, small stain.
Parachute for sale. Used once, never opened. One red stain.
Parachutes only work when they are open..
Parachuting: Hugo First
Parade the ox and start the flood - Course of Empire
Paradigms - you know what they say, "shift happens."
Paradigms: you know what they say, "shift happens."
Parading around in that revealing sweater - Tom
Paradise : two cubes with dots on them
Paradise by the dashboard light.
Paradise is exactly like where you are right now ... only much, much better.
Paradise sucks - Beavis
Paradox:  Enterprise security officers versus Imperial Stormtroopers.
Paradox:  Two MDs.
Paradox:  when premature insight clashes with prevailing nonsense.
Paradox: A very small medical group.
Paralell Universe Parking - Tom on old 40s era cars
Paralell Universe Parking... -- Tom Servo
Parallel Minor:  A music student who is as tall as his instructor.
Parallel Paths: Death and Homosexuality!
Parallel lines never meet unless you bend one or both of them.
Parallel lines never meet, unless you bend one or both of them.
Parallel parked in a diagonal universe.
Parallel processors share the task.
Paralyze:  The checks in the mail and Trust Me.
Paralyze: "The check's in the mail" and "Trust Me".
Paralyzed from the neck up.
Paramedics are patient people.
Paramedics can revive anything.
Paramedics save lives, EMT's clean suction units.
Paramedics save lives....EMTs still drive the ambulance!
Paramedics save lives...EMT's clean suction units
Paramedics save lives...EMT's still drive the ambulance!
Paranoia - Believing this tagline is about you
Paranoia Poster child for 1994.
Paranoia doesn't mean the whole world really isn't out to
Paranoia doesn't mean the whole world really isn't out to get you.
Paranoia is OK. If they're really out to get you.....
Paranoia is a man's worst friend.
Paranoia is heightened awareness!!
Paranoia is heightened awareness.
Paranoia is nothing to be afraid of!!
Paranoia is simply an optimistic outlook on life
Paranoia is simply an optimistic outlook on life.
Paranoia is when you think these are about you.
Paranoia isn't as much fun as it used to be.
Paranoia must run in your species, Odo -- Quark
Paranoia n: Fear of being watched. Who'd bother with _You_?! Oh, THEM!!
Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep...
Paranoia virus: deletes all files & replaces them with duplicates
Paranoia virus: deletes all files & replaces them with exact duplicate
Paranoia:  Believing this tagline is written about you.
Paranoia:  Believing this tagline is written about you...
Paranoia:  Not an attitude but a way of life.
Paranoia:  the feeling that a tagline is about you.
Paranoia: Believing this Tagline is written about you
Paranoia: Believing this recipe is about you.
Paranoia: Believing this tagline is about you.
Paranoia: Not an attittude but a way of life.
Paranoia: Not an attitude but a way of life.
Paranoia: Not just an attittude but a way of life.
Paranoia: Two fears for the price of one.
Paranoia: Yugo Owner with THE CLUB.
Paranoia: n. fear of white designer jackets that close from behind.
Paranoia: n. fear of white designer jackets with 52 inch sleeves!
Paranoia: the feeling that a tagline is about you.
Paranoia:n. fear of being watched. Who'd bother with _You_?! Oh, THEM!
Paranoid (n.) One that is badly in touch with reality.
Paranoid = Paranoid Tags
Paranoid Delusions can affect Anyone, at least that's what THEY told me!
Paranoid Delusions can affect Anyone; that's what THEY told me!!!
Paranoid recruitment drive: tell a Ranger fan about the Illuminati.
Paranoid schizophrenics outnumber their enemies 2 to 1!
Paranoid schizophrenics outnumber their enemies at least two to one.
Paranoid schizophrenics outnumber their enemies two to one!
Paranoid, I melt into myself.
Paranoid:  two geeks
Paranoid: One who has just figured out what's going on.
Paranoid: someone who just figured out what's going on.
Paranoid: two geeks
Paranoid?  Who me?  What?  Where?  How?  Why?  Help!
Paranoid? Me? Who wants to know?
Paranoid? Why should *I* be paranoid? - Dire Wolf
Paranoids Anonymous.  "Stop reading my taglines!"
Paranoids Anonymous. "Stop reading my taglines!"
Paranoids are justified.
Paranoids are never alone.
Paranoids have enemies, too.
Parapet: Two Dogs.
Parasites--what makes them tick?
Paratime Elevator - when it HAD to be there Yesteryear!
Paratroopers do it by vertical insertion.
Paratroopers go deeper, last longer, and pack a heavier load
Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any Barbie Dolls?
Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any Blue GP-38's?
Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any Blue Poupon
Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any Blue Poupon?
Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any Blue Poupon? ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any Gray Poupon?
Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any Grey Poupon?
Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any Yellow Poupon?
Pardon Me, But Would You Have Any noodles?
Pardon me boy - is this the lair of great Cthulhu?
Pardon me but I am chasing Ancestors!
Pardon me but would you have any Blue Poupon?
Pardon me miss, but I help noticing that you have cum in your hair.
Pardon me while I check with God.
Pardon me while I snag your recipe...
Pardon me while I steal your tagline...
Pardon me, Gord. Would you happen to have any Grey Poupon?
Pardon me, I find your existence offensive; please die.
Pardon me, I've been BBSing.
Pardon me, I've been smoking DSZ docs.
Pardon me, Orville - Would you happen to have any Grey Poupon?
Pardon me, but are reason and logic allowed here?
Pardon me, but did you say `Blessed are the cheesemakers'?
Pardon me, but do you have any Earl Grey Pupon?
Pardon me, but do you have any Gagh Poupon?
Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?
Pardon me, but do you have any grey tampons?
Pardon me, but does your dog bite? --Inspector Clousseau.
Pardon me, but does your menkey bite?  <Inspector Clouseau>
Pardon me, but is that Grey Poupon on those Bugle Boy jeans you're wearing?
Pardon me, but what's this fish doing in my ear?
Pardon me, but would you happen to have any Blue Poupon?
Pardon me, but would you happen to have any Dead Poupon?
Pardon me, but would you happen to have any Grey Poupon?
Pardon me, but would you have any Gagh Poupon?
Pardon me, but would you have any Orange Poupon?
Pardon me, but would you have any original Taglines?....
Pardon me, but would you have any original recipes?
Pardon me, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.
Pardon me, but your Freudian slip is showing.
Pardon me, but your shoe is ringing...
Pardon me, did you drop your wrestler? - Mike
Pardon me, do you have any Earl Grey Poupon?
Pardon me, do you have any Heinz Pickled Herring?
Pardon me, do you have any grey poop on?
Pardon me, do you have any grey poop-on?
Pardon me, is that a real duck?
Pardon me, please.  I just regained consciousness....
Pardon me, please. Which is the non-smoking lifeboat?
Pardon me, sir, but are reason and logic allowed in this echo?
Pardon me, sir, you're bad entertainment. W. Shakespeare
Pardon me, sir, you're bad entertainment.-- Shakespeare
Pardon me, sir, you're bad tagline entertainment. W. Tagspeare
Pardon me, son, she ain't no kid.
Pardon me, the cheese slipped off my cracker for a moment
Pardon me, there's a cat on my keyboard.
Pardon me, waiter. I like my water diluted.
Pardon me, which way to the casual sex?
Pardon me, you seem to have mistaken me for someone you can mess with.
Pardon me, your horse is on fire!
Pardon me-it appears my mind is out at the moment-leave a message.
Pardon me.  I find your existence offensive; please die.
Pardon me.. I have been smoking DSZ docs!
Pardon me...  Do you have any Grey Poupon?
Pardon me... do you have any Blue Poupon?
Pardon me...Do you have any Double Coupons?
Pardon me:  weren't the Borg originally from the Delta Quad?...
Pardon me; I believe you're sitting on my banana.
Pardon my circumlocutions, I seem to be soliloquizing.
Pardon my driving -- I'm reloading right now...
Pardon my driving, I'm reloading
Pardon my driving, I'm trying to reload and dropped my bullets.
Pardon my driving, I'm trying to reload on the move.
Pardon my driving, I'm trying to reload!
Pardon my driving, I'm trying to reload.
Pardon my driving, I'm trying to reload. - Janier
Pardon my driving, officer, I was trying to reload!
Pardon my driving... I'm trying to reload, eh?
Pardon my driving; I'm trying to reload. --Ambulance Driver.
Pardon my hipness - Tom as cheesy hippy character
Pardon my rubber. --Fox Mulder.
Pardon my rubber. --Mulder.
Pardon my spandex - Mike as girl disrobes
Pardon our existence and we'll pardon yours.
Pardon the scattered thoughts, my neurons are pinging.  :>
Pardon this fortune. Database under reconstruction.
Pardon this tagline, my other one got lost in cyberspace!
Pardrobe: A professional golfer's clothing.
Parent/Teacher Night: Let's Share The Blame.
Parental Chat Controls...The Mother of all Vaporware.
Parental Discretion is advised.
Parental units told me I'd have millennia like this.
Parentheses - a bad habit, but I'm trying to bracket.
Parenthood is when you're better chaperoned than before the wedding.
Parenthood-Feeding the mouth that bites you!
Parents Who Watch Television - Have Kids Who Watch Television
Parents are content when their kids are in bed safe and soundless.
Parents dilemma: Sleep? Sex?... Sleep? Sex?... Slee...zzzz...
Parents don't get enough appreciation.
Parents freak out when you have a party with loud music.
Parents have eyes in the backs of their heads.
Parents like stupid things.
Parents should come with instructions.
Parents.         Couples that practise the rhythm method.
Parents: One of the hardships of a minor's life.
Parents: one of the hardships of a minor's life.
Paris and Neelix 'go' to hell ?  I figure they already are there...
Paris of Borg: "Let's assimilate the twins in stellar cartography."
Parity Error, System Halted, Daves out of coffee, Hit Enter to restart
Park Harpell? Thats Canadian English,this is Canada -Mike
Park Overall is an optimist.
Park the HD?  As in moving it from D to P?
Parked his head and forgot where he left it.
Parker's Law: Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.
Parking Lot:  A place to keep potholes until needed.
Parking for Wizards Only...all others will be toad.
Parking for Wizards only -- Violators will be toad!
Parking is such street sorrow.
Parking is such street sorrow.  Herb Caen
Parking is such street sorrow. -- Mario Andretti
Parking lot:  A place where arguments start from scratch.
Parking lot:  A place where arguments start from scratch...
Parking space:  An area that vanishes as you make a U-Turn.
Parking space:  An area that vanishes as you make a U-Turn...
Parking: Wizards only!  Violators will be toad!
Parkinson's First Law: Work expands to fill the time avai
Parkinson's Second Law:    Expenditures rise to meet income.
Parkinson's Second Law: Expenditures rise to meet income.
Parliament: "They have what it takes, to get what you got."
Parna masina je pronadjena jer nije mogla neparna.
Parody error: Cannot locate file WEIRD_AL.EXE
Parrot in a raincoat: polyunsaturated.
Parrot:  Official Bird of the Tagline echo.
Parrot:  Official Bird of the recipe echo.
Parrotnoia:  Fear that your parrot is up to something!
Parroty Error: Polly want a kumquat?
Parry. Thrust. Parry - Mike as girl awkwardly fights
Parsley farmers: can the IRS garnish their wages?
Parsley farmers: can the IRS garnishee their wages?
Parsley is just like pubic hair. Push it out of the way, keep eating.
Parsleycution - Destroying the garnish on your plate, so no recycling
Parsons Ammonia:  Cleans your Avenue like nothing else!
Parsons of Borg:  "You cannot resist our instrumentals!"
Part #135246B-6.  Elastic band for 386-33.
Part Time Job, full time pay, generous benefits: The Senate of Canada
Part Time Job, full time pay, generous benefits: The U.S. Senate
Part of the 57% that didn't vote for Clinton.
Part of the Foundation Trilogy gift set - Dr. Forrester
Part of the art of being a woman is knowing when not to be too much of a lady.
Part of the hospital hazing - Joel as guy sprays patients
Part-time Chocolate Patrol.
Part-time GYN, only on friday nights and weekends...
Part-time musicians are semiconductors
Partays wait for no one.
Particle man fights Tagline man
Particle physicists DO IT energetically.
Particle physicists DO IT with *charm*.
Particle physicists do it energetically.
Parties exist, therefore I am.
Parting Shots: Sid Semper Tyrannis
Partition your hard drive with Disk Devastater
Partition your hard drive with Disk Mangler.
Partner and Poodle missing!!  Reward for poodle!
Parts is parts.
Parts of Texas look like Kansas with a goiter.
Parts that cannot be assembled in improper order will be.
Parts that positively cannot be assembled in improper order will be.
Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Party On, Dude: Jill Out
Party On, Dude: Jill Out*
Party On, Dudes and Be Excellent To Each Other!! ....Bill & Ted
Party Time coming soon to a DLBB near you!
Party all night, ohh oh All night long.
Party at Chez Anthony!
Party at Chez Dennis!
Party at Chez Gracie!
Party at Chez James!
Party at Chez Jaunty!!
Party at Chez Jo!
Party at Chez Leman!
Party at Chez Mary!
Party at Chez Mic!
Party at Chez Smoke!
Party at Chez Stephen!
Party at Chez Tammy!
Party at Chez Yvon!
Party at Ground Zero.
Party like a bitch from hell!
Party on Wayne!!  Party on Garth!!  Party on Bluewave!!
Party on the Edge of Forever.
Party on, Wayne. Party on, @F.
Party on, Wayne. Party on, @FN@.
Party on, Wayne. Party on, Orville.
Party till your tongue turns green...
Party time!  Excellent!
Pascal Programmers do it with Toolboxes!
Pascal is like C with a mother watching you...
Pascal programmers are blind - They can't C!
Pascal programmers do it on the heap.
Pascal programmers do it with indentations.
Pascal programmers do it with structure.
Pascal programmers don't die, they EXEC without SWAPVECTORS;
Pascal programming is like herding cats.
Pascal:  What's it Wirth?
Pascal: What's it Wirth?
Pascal: not Wirth a nickel.
Pass The Cinnamon Rolls and Another Cup Of Coffee
Pass by the open WINDOWS
Pass me a flower tortilla, will you? - Tom
Pass me an issue of Captain Napalm, will you? - Hobbes
Pass me another shot of Essence of Cute Fuzzy Thing.
Pass me the rap rod plate captain" - Hitchikers.
Pass the Beer Nuts, wouldja?
Pass the Jelly Babbies....
Pass the Prozac, please...
Pass the Security Off--er--the Jello, please, Sisko.
Pass the Word - eat a Bible!
Pass the beer nuts, you back-ass cracker - Tom
Pass the cards, said Tom ideally.
Pass the cards, said Troi ideally.
Pass the crow, please...(sigh) <CHOMP>  <CHOMP>
Pass the spray paint and keep an eye open...
Pass the waffle syrup--that Clinton guy's on TV again!
Pass the wit of ancient wisdom, pass the Cup of Crimson Wonder.
Passed my urine test!  Hit the bulls-eye 4 out of 5 times!
Passing gas is a normal biological function!
Passing on curves: What a beauty-contest judge does.
Passion has as much conscience as a worm entering a luscious apple.
Passionate hatred can give meaning to an empty life.
Passionate kiss like spider web, lead to undoing of fly.
Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly.
Passionate kisses, like a spider's web, can lead to a fly's undoing.
Password - The nonsense word taped to your monitor.
Password = What you need to say for her to go to bed
Password- The nonsense word taped to the CRT.
Password?  I don't need to show you no steenking password
Passwords -- We don' need no stinkin passwords.
Passwords are implemented as a result of insecurity.
Passwords? -- We don' need no steenkin passwords!
Past Age 50, if it don't hurt, it don't work.
Past age 40 now... still immature, but decrepit!
Past experience should be a guidepost, not a hitching post.
Past of try is tried.  Past of do is done.
Past the mission, I smell the roses.
Past the school house/take it slow/let the little shavers grow.
Pastaplegic - Person who can't move after eating too much spaghetti.
Pastore's Comment on Michehl's Theorem: Nothing is ultimate.
Pastry: A Hazardous Waist Material
Pasulj sejem, a Fridrih mi nice.
Pat Buchanan wants a blinder, more Gentile nation. [D. Miller]
Pat Buchanan's just trying to be funny.
Pat Dukkkanan's Campaign:  Total Recoil II
Pat Farley is to moderators what mosquitos are to campers.
Pat is reproducing geometrically, watch out!  Tribbles...
Pat said, Put in a recipe. So I did.
Pat, I'd like to buy a clue...
Patch griefs with proverbs.
Patented 50s scream - Tom Servo
Path = 'down there a ways and to the left'
Path = C:\DOS;C:\DOS\Run;C:\WIN\Crash\DOS;C:\Me\Del\WIN;C:\Me\Use\OS2
Path = Curiouser and Curiouser!
Path = Wandering Considerably.
Path to heaven = C:\jesus
Pathetic as usual, @FN@.
Pathetic as usual, He.
Pathetic as usual, Orville Bullitt.
Pathetic as usual, Orville.
Pathetic lives, every second someone dies.
Pathetically misguided rootdiggers. -Brain
Pathological liar - see: Hillary Clinton
Pathological liar -- see: Bill Clinton
Pathological liar -- see: Hillary Clinton
Pathologists DO IT to death and beyond!
Pathologists DO IT with corpses.<---Disregard. THAT's SICK!
Pathologists do it with corpses.
Pathologists know how to cut loose.
Paths are many, truth is one.
Patience (n.): A minor form of despair disguised as a virtue.
Patience -- Wait control
Patience HELL! Let's kill something!
Patience NOW!
Patience builder: Windows 2.0 on a 4.77 MHz 8088
Patience has its place, even for werewolves. -- Jalisha
Patience is a virgin.
Patience is a virtue possessed by few men and no women.
Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of WAIT!
Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of wait
Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of wait.
Patience is a virtue. Rutabega is a vegetable.
Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet.  Hebrews 10:36
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
Patience is important, but being too patient is not good.
Patience is like a virgin, it's never really been tried.
Patience is something I was given in very small doses.
Patience is waiting for pizza to thaw.  Garfield
Patience my a$$, I wanna kill something!
Patience my ass, I'm going to kill something.
Patience my ass, I'm going to kill something.    - Janier
Patience will achieve more than force.
Patience will come to he who waits for it.
Patience..yeah, yeah...how long will *that* take?
Patience: A surfer sitting in Walden Pond.
Patience: the ability to let your light shine after your fuse is blown.
Patience?   Yeah, right -   how long will THAT take?
Patient may die from bloodtoxification! Alert! 2Lerts 3...
Patients do it feverishly.
Patients do it in bed, sometimes with great pain.
Patrick Long has nearly 4600 Taglines.
Patrick Long has nearly 4600 recipes.
Patrick Long:  Random Genius, Thinker of Sometimes Great Thoughts.
Patrick Roy for President - The Puck stops here!
Patrick Stewart in "Phil McCracken: Scottish Therapist" [SNL 2-5-94]
Patrick Stewart stars in Locutus, Prince of Assimilators
Patrick Stewart stars in The Last Borg Scout
Patrick's back...
Patrick, I recognized your foul stench when I opened my mail packet!
Patrick, have you been in that marijuana gin again?
Patriot Missiles!  When you care enough to send the very best.
Patriotism is always the last refuge for the scoundrel.
Patriotism is racism re-sold.
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Patriotism:  Making the other SOB die for *his* country.
Patriotism: The last resort of the scoundrel.
Patriotism: willingness to kill/die for trivial reasons.
Patriots are in the Playoffs!!! YES!
Patton..Ol Blood 'n Guts. Clinton..Ol Cut 'n Run
Patty O'Furniture:  Limbless Irish girl who lives in the back
Patty:  LImbless woman on a barbeque
Paul Anka - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Paul Anka, P. I. - Crow
Paul Bunyan does it with Babe.
Paul Goverts only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Paul Haigh-His I's are too close together.
Paul Haigh-When he meets another egotis, it's and I for an I.
Paul Harvey fans always have a good day
Paul Harvey fans always have a good day.
Paul Harvey of Borg: Resistance is futile, you will be...assimilated.
Paul Howard 214 Main St. Greenup, Ky. 41144
Paul Kienitz, rebel without a clue.
Paul Lynde to block...
Paul McCartney seen smooching with Elvis!
Paul McCartney with Hugh: Borg on the Run.
Paul Newman is Sheri Belafonte-Harper - Tom
Paul Revere Net - Because the Gun-grabbers are coming!
Paul Revere Net - But now it's not the British we have to worry about.
Paul Revere virus........ once if by LAN, twice if by C
Paul Revere virus........ one if by LAN, two if by C
Paul Revere was a tattle-tail.
Paul Revere was a tattle-tale
Paul Revere was a tattle-tale.
Paul Revere'd the right to bear arms.  Will you?
Paul Revere: "One if by LAN, two if by C..."
Paul Revere: One if by LAN, two if by "C".
Paul Simon Analphabetics' Association: When Letters Get Serious.
Paul Simon Borg: Assimilating with diamonds on the souls of my shoes.
Paul Simon of Borg:  Assimilation Over Troubled Waters
Paul Simon of Borg:  Still Futile After All These Years
Paul Simon of Borg:  You Can Call Me Hugh
Paul Simon of Borg: "There must be 50 ways to assimilate your lover."
Paul Simon of Borg: Assimilating with diamonds on the souls of my shoes.
Paul Simon of Borg: Assimilation Over Troubled Waters.
Paul Simon of Borg: Cecilia, you're assimilating my heart.
Paul Simon of Borg: Garfunkel is irrelevant.
Paul Simon of Borg: Still Futile After All These Years.
Paul Simon of Borg: Still assimilating after all these years.
Paul Simon of Borg: There must be 50 ways to assimilate your lover.
Paul Simon of Borg: You Can Call Me Hugh.
Paul has remained Saul after all; the persecutor of God.<Nietzsche>
Paul is a dead man, miss him, miss him, miss him.
Paul never used to make deals w/the devil - Joel
Paul of Borg: Gentiles should be assimilated too.
Paul readily bends over to pick up a quarter on an island of gays.
Paul said it is better to marry than burn, some wonder.
Paul warned of those who distort the truth in Acts 20:30,31!
Paul's Law: In America, it's not how much an item costs, it's how much you save.
Paul's Law: You can't fall off the floor.
Paul, did you pull Leslie's pigtail again? No, I pulled the other one.
Paul_Simon of Borg - "There must be 50 ways to assimilate your lover."
Paula Coughlin or Lorena Bobbitt -- who got what they wanted?
Paula Jones feels safer since Nov 8... Clinton was Newt-ered!
Paula Jones to Bill Clinton-"No thanks, I choke on small bones!"
Paula Parkins picked a peck of pickled peppers - Mike
Pause for storage relocation.
Paused: enter any 12-digit prime number to continue.
Pauses for light audience applause. As usual.
Pausing to empty tagline buffer...
Pave the bay.
Pave the rainforest, shoot the condors, nuke the whales!
Pave the way for REAL new technology, get OS/2 TODAY!!!
Pavlov would love this kid. - Slappy
Paw Farr: Vulcan sex in a dog house.
Paw prints on the ceiling: "Oh No, she found the catnip supply!"
Pawn Farr: Vulcan sex during chess - ONLY ONE MOVE!
Pay Attention!  There may be a Pop quiz on this!!!
Pay Attention! There may be a Pop Quiz on this!
Pay Attention? I'm not paying ANYBODY!!!  Nothing to pay 'em with ...
Pay TV: "FeeVee"
Pay attention!  There may be a quiz.
Pay attention! This is the mother of all recipes.
Pay attention! This is the mother of all taglines.
Pay attention!?  I'm too broke to pay attention!
Pay attention, stay honest, and don't take any shit.
Pay her in cash instead of sex - Mike
Pay money to read books. *PHBBT!* To hell with this! - Bart
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtains.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain !
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Pay your electric bill in pennies.
Pay your money, take your chances ...
Pay your phone bill in pennies.
Pay your rent--work for the Earth
Payfall:  Payphone sound that makes you think your coin returned.
Paying AT&T's debts 250 phone calls at a time.
Paying alimony is like feeding hay to a dead horse.
Paying alimony is like paying installments on a car wreck.
Paying income tax is voluntary, but it's mandatory that you volunteer.
Payment of Invoice invalidates warranty
Payne Stewart, Holy Man - Mike
Payneighing: Arguing over who is going to pick up the check in a diner.
Pazi kad se povuces u sebe, da tamo ne nadjes nista
Pazljiv si ko' Strahinja prema pegli ! :)
Pcboard 14.5a the best value for the serious SysOp
Pcboard 15.0 the best value for the serious SysOp
Pckd tgln, vwls nsrtd ltr.
Pd. for by Exxon<
Peace - live in it or rest in it
Peace -- Through Superior Firepower.
Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
Peace Through Digital Harmony
Peace Through Superior Treknology.
Peace Train, ride on the Pe -KILL SALMON RUSHDI! KILL SALMON
Peace and long life to DS9.  Or at least long life.
Peace and long life...until senility gets you
Peace can be made or broken w/a gun, a word, an idea, even a thought
Peace in space means humans on Earth.
Peace is an extension of war by political means.  L. Long
Peace is an extension of war by political means. - Lazarus Long
Peace is an extension of war by political means. -- Heinlein
Peace is difficult to be achieved solely by governments.-Dalai Lama
Peace is good for business.
Peace is good for trade, unless you happen to be an arms merchant.
Peace is not passive.  Freedom is not free.
Peace is our Profession.  War is just a hobby.
Peace is our profession - mass murder's just a hobby.
Peace is rarely denied to the peaceful.
Peace loving mungbeans baby.
Peace on Earth as it is in Heaven...
Peace though superior firepower.
Peace through Superior Sexual Positioning....
Peace through superior fire power!
Peace through superior firepower.
Peace through superior swordplay
Peace was the way.
Peace, Love & Understanding --Elvis Costello
Peace, love, and a slab of Gorgonzola for everyone!
Peace, love, and goats' milk yogurt w/bran.
Peace, pot and microdot
Peace, prosperity and good health.
Peace.  By overwhelming military & economic superiority..
Peace.  War.  Life.  Death.  Such is the circle of the ages.
Peace: A period of cheating between two periods of fighting.
Peace: A short period of preparation for the next war.
Peace: Short period of preparation for the next war.
Peaceful Coexistence my Fantail!  Phasers on Maximum!
Peaceful Coexistence my Fantail! Phasers on Maximum!
Peach schnapps + Cherry coke = A Fuzzy Pussy
Peaches has a fresh, natural stupidnes - Crow
Peaches' bikini sold at Sothby's for $50,000 - Crow
Peak the grid.. Dip the final.. Tune for minimum smoke !!
Peanut Butter & Taglines: One Great Taste.
Peanut Butter & recipes: One Great Taste.
Peanut butter crackers are a *must* while _I'm_ Modeming!
Peanuts:     The Drinking Man's Filter.
Peanuts: The Drinking Man's Filter.
Pear pimples for hairy fishnuts!
Pearl Jam!  Nirvana!  Lemonheads!  STP!  RHCP! ...etc...
Pearls-o-wisdom from Mr. Fried-Egg-Chili-Chutney Sandwich Face.
Pearson & Presley in '92. Vote Often!!
Pearson & Presley in '96.  Vote Often!!
Pecan Sandies, health food of the gods!
Peck! Peck! Peck! ... Boom! .... Chicken in a Minefield.
Peckham's Law: Beauty times brains equals a constant.
Peckinpah's Wild Parking Attendants - Crow T. Robot
Peckish, sir?
Pedal to the Metal
Pedestrian.      A motorist with teenage sons.
Pedestrian:  Someone who found a place to park.
Pedestrian:  Someone who found a place to park...
Pedestrian: Someone who found a place to park.
Pedestrian: The most approachable chap in the world.
Pedestrian: a man who depended on his wife to put gas in the car.
Pedestrian: someone looking for their parked car!
Pedestrians come in two types - Quick or Dead.
Pedestrians: The Quick or the Dead.
Pediatricians are men of little patients.
Pediatricians do it with children.
Pediatricians have little patients.
Pedro's Fireworks - Does yours?
Pee Wee Herman Tour '91..... COMING IN A THEATRE NEAR YOU
Pee Wee Herman dies from a Stroke... News at 10
Pee Wee Herman dies from a StrokeNews at 10
Pee Wee Herman is sick, but he's holding his own.
Pee Wee Herman practiced safe sex, and we threw him in jail.
Pee Wee Herman told us to act our age.
Pee Wee didn't have a free hand, Mr.Dahlmer gave him one!
Pee Wee'S Cleaners: Drop your pants and jacket off.
Pee Wee's Book:How to make it big in the movies.
Pee Wee's favorite baseball team: the Expos.
Pee Wee's song title: Looking for love (in all the wrong places).
Pee Wee, in the dark, his arm in motion. --Tamarian Insult
Pee Wee: I don't need a lawyer, I can get myself off.
Pee wee would write, but he does not have a free hand!
Pee-Wee Herman:If sh*t happens, don't get it on your hand\
Pee-Wee didn't need a lawyer; he got himself off!
Pee-Wee's favorite baseball team --> the Expos.
Pee-Wee's favorite baseball team --< the Expos.
Pee-wee Herman had a farm...eeyi eeyi oh...
Pee-wee Herman: a rebel with a bike.
PeeWee Herman....Aw, why beat a dead horse..<grin>
PeeWee Herman....Aw, why beat a dead horse..<grin<
PeeWee Herman...Aw, why beat a dead horse.
PeeWee didn't need a lawyer; he got himself off!
PeeWee doesn't want a lawyer. Says he can get himself off.
PeeWee for prez in '96 - He'll stick up for you!
PeeWee says he can handle it himself sir.
PeeWee says he can handle it himself, sir.
PeeWeeDOS: seek error reading hard di[s|c]k C:
Peeeeyooooh! I tell ya man. There's nuthin' that could get me in there.
Peek into one shower and you're labeled for life. - Trapper
Peeking through the French doors...
Peeking two-eyed through a keyhole takes a narrow mind.
Peel out the watchword, just peel out the watchword...
Peepholus noanswerdoorus: Jerk who shows up at your place unexpectedly.
Peeping Tom - A perverted cat on stilts.
Peeping Tom .nukes. Windows!
Peeping Tom = A Guy too lazy to go to the Beach!
Peeping Tom: A perverted cat on stilts.
Peeping Tom: Sawyer Scanties
Peeping Toms look in Windows.
Peeple think weer stoopid just becuz weer blond.
Peepola - The gap in dressing room curtains that never be closed.
Peepshow, creepshow, where did you get those eyes?
Peer's Law:  The solution to the problem changes the problem.
Peer's Law: The solution to a problem changes the problem.
Peetah?  Peetah??  PEETAH???  Is there an echo in this echo?
Peewee Herman: If sh*t happens, don't get it on your hand!
Peewee didn't have a free hand, Jeffrey Dahlmer gave him one!
Peewee fired his lawyer. He said he could handle it himself
Peewee fired his lawyer. He said he could handle it himself.
Peewee really meant to flash a bird.
Peewee's favorite book: 'Sexual positions for one' by Ivan Jackinoff
Peewee's favorite eating establishment: Jack in the box
Peewee's favorite song: 'All by myself'
Peewee's favorite song: 'Beat it'
Peewee's favorite song: 'I touch myself'
Peg, leave me alone!  Don't you see I'm trying to have sex!
Pegasus : Horny and Hung Like a Horse.
Peggy, he hasn't moved in an hour. - Maybe he thinks he's having sex.
Pel:  the galaxy's first cross-dressing Ferengi.
Peldor Joy, K'vin! Have some jumja--enjoy the Gratitude Festival!
Pele: Hawaiian fire goddess.  Bursts volcanos, and submerges islands.
Pelvis - a cousin of Elvis
Pelvis -- cousin of Elvis
Pelvis Lady moves into position! - Crow as girls fight
Pelvis:  Cousin of Elvis...
Pen*ium?! Isn't that called Faultium?!
Penal colony:  an all male nudist camp.
Penchill: The little bump on your middle finger caused by writing.
Pencil neck geek!  Scum suckin' freak!
Pencils only write the shadows of words.
Penguin Evolution is a fib. - Bloom County
Penguin Trivia #46: Animals who are not penguins can only wish they were.
Penguin: The Head Waiter of the Antarctic.
Penguin: The headwaiter of the Antarctic.
Penguin: the headwaiter of the Antarctic.
Penguins don't come from next door, they come from the Antarctic
Penguins!, Underwater Penguins!, with SCUBA Gear!
Penguins: Pennsylvania's only hope for a Stanley Cup.
Penile - having to do with being punished.
Penile Replacement Corporation presents...
Penis envy is a Y-linked trait
Penis envy: The desire to be pink and wrinkled and 4" long.
Penis:  A fibrous muscle often found in women...
Penis:  A fibrous muscle often found on/in men.
Penis: A fibrous muscle often found in women.
Penis: A fibrous muscle often found on/in men.
Pennsic XXIV:  At last, shopping IS a War Point!
Pennsylvania: It is illegal to sing in the bathtub.
Penny = A Dollar, with all the taxes taken out!
Penny for your thoughts. - Q.
Penny for your thoughts..  Hey! I deserve change!
Penny for your thoughts...  Hey! I deserve change!
Penny for your thoughts?  Hey--you owe me change!
Penny for your thoughts?  SURE, Do I get Change?
Penny:  a dollar with all the taxes taken out.
Pentagon Press Release: Colonel O'Truth and Lotta Lies
Pentagon Tagline, developed at only 2 billion over budget!
Pentagon tagline: Developed at only 2 million over budget
Pentagon:a star-shaped building where the Pagan Paramilitary HQ is based
Pentecostalism: Praise the sh*t!
Penth Elmet: The cap on a fountain pen.
Penthouse Forum: The Motion Picture - Crow T. Robot
Pentium + Windows = a Mazerati with the parking brake on.
Pentium - A true RISK processor
Pentium - It's a computer chip AND a space heater!
Pentium - for those who've never heard of K.I.S.S.
Pentium 120 .. so you can reboot WINDOZE really fast.
Pentium 1571 error: 21,illegal track,18,14.99998
Pentium 60 computers have a 80586 CHU (Central Heating Unit)
Pentium Algebra 101: 3x^2+6x+9=322.211482148127341746923746127
Pentium Burger: (Comes with 1.1124030762098725376498427629086 pickles)
Pentium Defined:   A CPU chip aspiring to be a blast furnace.
Pentium III: Do not plug in for fire will occur.
Pentium Paint-By-Numbers:  Red=1.9999998, Blue=2.9999998, Green=3.9999998.
Pentium Prob.: Every time I turn it on, I burn it up, & burn it out.
Pentium Problem: Every time I turn it on, I burn it up, & burn it out
Pentium Problem: Every time I turn it on, I burn it up, and burn it out.
Pentium Problem: Every time I turn it on, it burn up, and burn it out.
Pentium Processing...As easy as 0.999999998, 1.999999998, 2.999999998 !
Pentium Processing...Poo-poo IN  =  Poo-poo OUT.
Pentium Rule #1: If at first you don't succeed, round it off.
Pentium Slogan: 3.14141414 Well, it's ALMOST a circle.
Pentium Slogan: 5 decimal places are ought to be enough for anyone.
Pentium Slogan: 9.973251 It's a FLAW, Dammit, not a Bug.
Pentium Slogan: Optimized for OS/1.997683
Pentium Slogan: The Errata Inside.
Pentium Slogan: You DonZfOed to Know What's Inside.
Pentium burger: the 0.22338563249858676 pounder
Pentium calculations are like a box of chocolates.
Pentium chips are GREAT!  But they're better with Yamok sauce!
Pentium chips are GREAT! But they're better with Yammack sauce!
Pentium compatibility test: (1.0 * X) / X < 1.0
Pentium computer: Housing with central heating built in.
Pentium computers have a 80586 CHU (Central Heating Unit)
Pentium conforms to the IEEE standards - Aaaaaaaiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!
Pentium conforms to the IEEE standards - Aaaaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!
Pentium conforms to the IEEE standards - Aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee
Pentium division flaw brought to you by the lab pros at Intel.
Pentium feature: fuzzy division.
Pentium happens.
Pentium has a 80586 CHU (Central Heating Unit)...
Pentium is like a box of chocolates. -- Forrest Intel
Pentium math: 1>2, 3=3.01, pi=2, 2/1=.5, 0>0
Pentium of BORG!  Division is futile!  It *will* be approximated!
Pentium processor finally calculates PI - the answer is 3!
Pentium said that the answer to 1+1 was 1.6746854!! ...
Pentium slogan:  Fixed versions are definitely out there - honest.
Pentium slogan:  Its a feature, not a bug.
Pentium slogan:  That's the reason it is called floating point.
Pentium slogan:  We are looking for a few good flaws.
Pentium slogan: 5 decimal places are ought to be enough for everyone.
Pentium slogan: At Intel, we redefine the ways to do math.
Pentium slogan: Buy them at The GAP. 1.998 for the price of 1!
Pentium slogan: Computers are too precise for human use.
Pentium slogan: Division Considered Harmful.
Pentium slogan: Fixed versions are definitely out ZfO - honest.
Pentium slogan: Fixed versions are definitely out there - honest.
Pentium slogan: It's a FLAW, Dammit, not a Bug!
Pentium slogan: It's a FLAW, darn it, not a bug!
Pentium slogan: It's a feature, not a bug.
Pentium slogan: It's close enough, we say so!
Pentium slogan: Nearly 300 correct opcodes!
Pentium slogan: One bad opcode wouldn't kill everyone.
Pentium slogan: Redefining the PC - and Mathematics As Well.
Pentium slogan: That's the reason it is called floating point.
Pentium slogan: The Error Inside.
Pentium slogan: We Fixed It, Really.
Pentium slogan: We are looking for a few good flaws.
Pentium slogan: We're Looking For a Few Good Flaws.
Pentium slogan: Why Do You Think It's Called *Floating* Point?
Pentium slogan: You don't need to know what's inside.
Pentium troubleshooting tip: refrigerate hard drive
Pentium's melt on your motherboard, not in your hand.
Pentium, a little faster, a little less accurate...
Pentium-Based Science Fiction:  Deep Space 8.999309849...
Pentium.  Redefining the PC, and Mathmatics as well!
Pentium:  1 error/27000 years (calculated from a Pentium?)
Pentium:  A CPU aspiring to be a blast furnace.
Pentium:  A CPU chip aspiring to be a blast furnace.
Pentium:  Housing with central heating built in.
Pentium:  Process cash from wallet at higher speeds.
Pentium: (Beware of millionaires using Quicken.)
Pentium: 1 error/27000 years (calculated from a Pentium?)
Pentium: 2.000+2.000=4.001. Close enough for us, close enough for you.
Pentium: A CPU aspiring to be a blast furnace
Pentium: A space heater with a monitor.
Pentium: A space heater with a mouse.
Pentium: A very expensive toaster for floppy disks.
Pentium: Add? Sure! Subtract? Sure! Multiply? Sure! Divide? maybe...
Pentium: Buy them at The GAP. 1.998 for the price of 1!
Pentium: Housing with central heating built in
Pentium: Intel brings fuzzy logic to the desktop PC!
Pentium: Intel's newest fuzzy logic chip...
Pentium: Intel's version of the 586.
Pentium: It's not a Flaw, Dammit, it's a Virus!
Pentium: Optimized for OS/1.997683
Pentium: Partially Exact New Technology, Is Under Modification
Pentium: Process cash from wallet at higher speeds.
Pentium: Produces Erroneous Numbers Using Incorrect Math
Pentium: Slowest 90Mhz proccessor I ever seen
Pentium: The fastest random number generator you'll ever see!
Pentium: There can be only 1.0101002913491!
Pentium: another attempt to bring PC's up to where Amigas used to be.
Pentium: beware of millionaires using Quicken.
Pentium:Brings slide rule accuracy to microprocessor calculations
Pentiums & Deodorants - when being close is all that matters
Pentiums & wives: wrong, but keep ya warm nights
Pentiums - original advertised name for 586s.
Pentiums and Deodorants - When being close is all that matters
Pentiums are like a box of chocolates - Forest Gump
Pentiums are so great, they can compute Pi to the last digit.
Pentiums have a 80586 CHU(Central Heating Unit)
Pentiums melt in your PC, not in your hand.
Pentiums: Finally useful multitasking (Cooking, Computing).
Pentiums: Melts in your PC, not in your hand!
Pentiums: small appliance replacements for the next century.
Penzoil Juice - The Drink of a *REAL* Borg!
People DO read taglines! You are!
People Don't Own Cats, Cats Own PEOPLE!
People Who Dislike Cats were RATS in a former life!
People Who Steal Taglines, on the next Geraldo!
People accuse you of lying through your tooth.
People act rationally only when all else fails....
People all wrapped up in themselves make for very small packages.
People all wrapped up in themselves make small packages.
People always get the government they vote for.
People always turn away from the eyes of a stranger.
People always turn away from the eyes of a stranger. - Qyr
People are always available for work in the past tense.
People are always available to work in the past tense.
People are blaming me for the Spanish-American War.
People are boring.  Computers are fun.
People are boring. Computers are fun.
People are gonna hate you for quite a while - Tom
People are just going crazy over this vampire thing. - Stonetree
People are like a box of chocolates.  Yum.  - Forrest Dahmer
People are more than fun than anybody.
People are still having sex.
People are strange when you're a stranger.
People are the Strangest animal of ALL!
People are the only creatures with the power of laughter.
People ask "Where do you get your ideas?"
People ask "Where do you get your ideas?"...
People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise
People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise.
People before profits.
People begin turning your messages into taglines.
People can be very frightened of change.        Kirk STVI
People can't understand, "Whopper, NO onions and NO pickles!"
People change and forget to tell each other.
People come in all shapes and sizes.
People didn't hit you over the head with farm houses back home.
People do not become more valuable with age.
People do the *strangest* things for the love of chocolate.
People don't form relationships, they take hostages.
People don't go there anymore.  It's too crowded.  -- Yogi Berra
People don't have bounties, only acquisitions have bounties - BH Creed
People don't learn unless there's blood.
People don't live or die, people just float.
People don't own cats, cats own PEOPLE!
People enjoy creating an alternative kind of reality.-Jennifer Lien
People everywhere confuse what they read in the newspapers with news.
People fear *most* what they understand *least*!
People forget how fast you did a job, but remember how well you did it
People forget how fast you did a job, but remember how well you did it.
People from Atlantis are all wet!
People from Los Angeles don't trust the air they can't see.
People give more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
People have always complimented me on my good manners. - Rimmer
People have an instinctual fear of their eyes being hurt.
People have one thing in common, they're all different.
People have one thing in common:  they are all different.
People have one thing in common: they are all different.
People have rights, but the government has what's left.
People in B.C. don't tan, they rust.
People in Glass-houses shouldn't throw Stones
People in Massachusetts must be stupid - they re-elected Ted Kennedy!
People in Vancouver don't tan, they rust.
People in glass houses shouldn't nail up pictures.
People in glass houses shouldn't undress with the light on.
People in hell tell each other to go to Dalhart, Texas!OJW
People just wander from scene to scene in this movie-Mike
People let me tell ya 'bout my best friend
People lie about most; How much money they make.
People like that are the reason we have middle fingers.
People living in glass houses should screw in the basement...
People look ridiculous when they're in ecstasy.
People look up to you whenever you eat mints - Crow sings
People need Connectors: Writers, heroes, stars, leaders.. --JM
People need loving the most when they deserve it the least.
People of Earth! Surrender Kim or we open fire!
People often ask questions they already know the answer to.
People on 'ludes Should Not Use E-Mail.........
People on `ludes Should Not Use E-Mail.{NB: Quaaludes are off the mkt.}
People power works.... Ask a Socred!
People respond to people who respond.
People run from the Truth, God bless the one that does'nt
People say I'm an indian giver .. no, I take that back.
People say I'm an indian giver...no, I take that back.
People say I'm apathetic, but I don't care.
People say I'm apathetic, but I don't care....
People say I'm crazy but I have a good time
People say I'm indecisive, but I'm not so sure.
People say I'm indecisive.  Am I?  I don't know.
People say I'm insensitive, but I don't care.
People seldom plan to fail, but they often fail to plan.
People should be measured in feats, not feet.
People smoked openly on the Tonight Show! - Joel on 60s
People suck, but some do it *exquisitely*.
People sweat so they do not catch fire while making love.
People sweat so they don't catch fire while making love!
People sweat so they won't catch fire during sex
People sweat so they won't catch fire when making love.
People talk about LD calls like they gotta walk all the way.-Klinger
People talk about me like talking bout a dog without a bone - Hendrix
People talk about me, like bout a dog without a bone. - Hendrix
People tell a lot of things to their barbers, and pail carriers.
People that claim money isn't everything usually have plenty of it.
People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time.
People used to get rid of viruses - now they BUY Windows!
People usually get what's coming to them ... unless it's been mailed.
People usually get what's coming to them...  unless it was mailed.
People usually get what's coming to them...Unless it's be
People vote their resentment not their appreciation.
People w/full bladders to the front of the fire line -Crow
People were afraid to go to lady's wrestling - Crow
People were whiter back then - Joel
People who THINK they know it all, bother us who DO!
People who are easily offended, really offend me.
People who are sensible about love are incapable of it.
People who are wrapped up in themselves make small packages.
People who care are people who share.
People who complain about the way the ball bounces usually dropped it.
People who deal with bits should expect to get bitten.  - Jon Bentley
People who deal with bits should expect to get bitten.  -- Jon Bentley
People who dislike cats were rats in a former life!
People who do Latin taglines don't need a demand.
People who don't like OS/2 have a hard time finding why.
People who don't like dragons- who knows WHAT they'll do? -M.Addams
People who eat snails are slime!!
People who feel genuinely loved and needed rarely commit suicide.
People who feel needed and loved rarely commit suicide.
People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing.
People who give white trash a bad name... next on Geraldo!
People who gleet in glass houses, shouldn't!
People who go broke in a big way never miss any meals.  L. Long
People who go broke in a big way never miss any meals. - Lazarus Long
People who hate cats were rats in a previous life!
People who have no minds of their own deserve to look like clowns.
People who have no vices have very few virtues.  -- A. Lincoln
People who have trouble communicating should shut up.
People who kick butt get shit on their feet
People who kill give guns a bad name.
People who kill people give guns a bad name.
People who know, chose OS/2.
People who live in Windows shouldn't throw Stoned.
People who live in Windoze's houses can't see!
People who live in dog houses shouldn't throw bones.
People who live in glass houses don't need windows.
People who live in glass houses have a lot of drapes.
People who live in glass houses have faded sofas.
People who live in glass houses should get dressed in the basement.
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
People who live in glass houses should undress in the basement.
People who live in glass houses should use their neighbors bathrooms.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't have sex.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't take baths.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw parties.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones without going outside.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't!
People who live in glass houses shouldn't.
People who live in glass houses, don't need WINDOWS!
People who live in glass houses, should do it in the basement.
People who live in glasses houses should've used plexiglass!
People who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones.
People who live in log houses shouldn't keep beavers
People who live in log houses shouldn't keep beavers.
People who live in stone houses shouldn't throw glasses.
People who live in wooden houses shouldn't flame.
People who love the law and sausages should watch neither being made.
People who matter don't mind.  People who mind don't matter.
People who pirate are cracked.
People who pun deserve to be drawn and quoted!
People who pun deserve to be drawn and quoted.
People who say nothing is impossible don't have teenagers
People who say nothing is impossible don't have teenagers.
People who say they sleep like a baby don't have one.
People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one.
People who say, "Nothing is impossible" don't have teenagers!
People who shoot in self defense give guns a good name!
People who sleep like a baby obviously don't have one.
People who snore always fall asleep first.....
People who spell chili with two L's probably keep llamas for pets
People who stagnate rather than evolve are almost dead.
People who take cat naps don't usually sleep in a cat's cradle.
People who think they know everything annoy those of us who do!
People who think they know everything greatly annoy those of us who do.
People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who do!
People who think they know it all annoy those of us who do.
People who think they know it all are especially annoying
People who think they know it all are especially annoying.
People who think they know it all really annoy we who do.
People who throw kisses are mighty hopelessly lazy
People who throw mud lose ground.
People who throw trash out car windows are trashy people.
People who voted for Bill Clinton - next on Geraldo.
People who wake up at dawn all bright and cheerful should be shot.
People who want to get rich fall into temptation.. - 1 Tim 6:9
People who'd rather push a FORD, usually do!
People who's et onions is no judge of who's et onions and who aint.
People will act rationally only when all else fails..
People will believe anything - if you whisper it.
People will buy anything that's one to a customer.
People will buy two of anything that's one to a customer.
People will die this year that never died before
People will do odd things if you give them money.
People will remember you better if you always wear the sa
People will remember you better if you always wear the same outfit.
People willing to give up freedom for security deserve neither.
People with brain cells are the most oppressed.
People with cute nicknames should be used for food - Janier
People with cute nicknames should be used for food...
People with dogs are too cowardly to bite for themselves.
People with glass computers shouldn't throw st<CRASH> %$#@ NO CARRIER
People with narrow minds usually have broad tongues
People with narrow minds usually have broad tongues.
People with tact have less to retract.
People would be alive if there were a death penality
People would be alive if there were a death penalty.
People! Can't live with em, Can't live without em!
People's minds are changed through their pockets.
People, by 'Oliver Towne'
People, by nature, are civic animals.
People, not dogs, sell their souls for money or power.
Pepperoni to anchovy, level four - Tom on 3D Pizza
Peppier - The waiter at fancy restaurant who only grinds pepper.
Pepsi Cola dehydrated Michael Jackson.
Pepsi Crystal and Michael Jackson...Marketing genius!
Pepsi Signs Lorena Bobbitt as the New "SLICE" Spokesperson.
Pepsi Trek: The Next Gen (Aack! Phptht!)
Pepsi Trek: The Next Gen... (Aack! Phptht!)
Pepsi brings back your ancestors from the dead.
Pepsi hired Lorena Bobbitt as the new "SLICE" spokesperson.
Pepsi not found (A)bort, (P)anic, (S)hop
Pepsi not found - Operator halted.
Pepsi: Wanted gay male to suck little boy OUT of bottle.
Pepsunami - The tidal wave of carbonation that cascades over the edge.
Pepsunami: the tidal wave of carbonation that cascades over the edge.
Per ardua ad asbestos --- Damn you Jack, I'm fireproof!
Perceiving is believing!
Perchance, might Madonna be a Basselope?-Rosebud  Not this month.-Milo
Perche' la mamma corre a ZedZap? Zitto e passami un CaRiCatore :-)
Percussionists do it with rhythm.
Percy, just go forth into the street.
Percy, you brainless son of a prostitute! Where have you been? -Edmund
Pereant, inquit, qui ante nos nostra dixerunt.
Perfect Accountants: Aes Sedai!  They can find =any= loophole!
Perfect Awareness = Perfect Paranoia
Perfect Secretary: one who never misses a peiod.
Perfect day for scrubbing the floor and other exciting th
Perfect day for scrubbing the floor and other exciting things.
Perfect gift for those who want peace and quiet:  A phoneless cord!
Perfect love in the most beautiful of all frustrations.
Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness.
Perfect was the life of king.
Perfection has one grave defect: it is apt to be dull.- Somerset Maugham
Perfection is the road, not the destination.
Perfectionism is spelled `paralysis.' -- Churchill
Perfectionists do it better.
Perfidity Thy Name is Myra
Perfir:  The perfect Christmas tree.
Perform Random Acts of Kindness
Perform arial copulation with a rotating pastry.
Perform random acts of kindness & senseless beauty.
Perform random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
Perform random acts of violence and senseless slaughter.
Perform random silliness and senseless acts of confusion.
Perform random silliness and senseless acts of taglines.
Performance is easier to add than clarity.
Performance proven: It works through beta test.
Performance upgrade, Hit any key to delete Windows now.
Perhaps God is just as sad about us as we are.
Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them - D.Vader
Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them. - Vader
Perhaps I should have said that your suspicions are correct <G>.
Perhaps I should take up golf instead?
Perhaps Orville Bullitt could take some lessons from a TI-01 calculator.
Perhaps a more Klingon approach is in order.
Perhaps a radiologist can find something of value in him?
Perhaps a sedative? - Slappy
Perhaps a visit to "Clues 'R' Us" would be in order.
Perhaps booze would alleviate this situation - Tom
Perhaps he died while carving it?
Perhaps he thought I might be summoned for IMPORTANT reasons?
Perhaps he's a former Palestinian commie? explored Tom.
Perhaps he's just sick of hearing you complain, I know I am.
Perhaps he's just sick of hearing you whine, I know I am.
Perhaps if I revert to human form it will calm them.
Perhaps it is a good day to live.
Perhaps it should be I who dominates from now on. - Data
Perhaps it was your pert acting ability - Crow
Perhaps it's only a coincidence but man's best friend can't talk!
Perhaps later. - NT
Perhaps more assassinations and fewer lawsuits... <Chiun>
Perhaps my blood was tainted, despite my power over the Pattern.
Perhaps my brains are old and scrambled
Perhaps some Binacca? - Ace Ventura
Perhaps taxation without representation would be cheaper!
Perhaps the narration for year five should just be, "RUN FOR IT!" JMS
Perhaps the price is too steep.
Perhaps the sea's definition of a shell is the pearl.
Perhaps there is no life after death...There's just Los Angeles.
Perhaps this situation requires a more Klingon response.
Perhaps this won't be as simple as I thought. - Shai-ster
Perhaps time's definition of coal is the diamond.
Perhaps we can get one of our Klingon females to breast feed you.
Perhaps you and the jerko here could come with us. -- Lwaxana
Perhaps you and the jerko here could join us.
Perhaps you don't know yourself as well as you think. - Delenn
Perhaps you have learn'd it without book.
Perhaps you know Russian epic of Cinderella: * Chekov
Perhaps you should consider another line of work!
Perhaps you should flee in terror.  Yes, I think that would be best.
Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly. - Vader
Perhaps you would be happier in another job?
Perhaps you would be happier with a new job. * Data
Perhaps you'd find burning in eternal hellfire silly.
Perhaps you'll share the joke with me? Q to Riker
Perhaps your "razor wit" is dull from over-use?
Perhapsit is a good day to live. - Kang
Periodically edit your taglines to check for duplicates duplicates.
Peripheral visionary:  can see into the future, but only way off to the side.
Perkin's postulate:    The bigger they are, the harder they hit.
Permanent Birth Control:  1-900-BOBBITT
Permanently out to lunch.
Permanently rotated 90 degrees from the rest of us.
Permission for lip to wobble, Sir?
Permission to blast the Ferengi from space, sir? -  Worf
Permission to cover up my nakedidity? - Radar to Potter
Permission to put my Klingon foot up Q's ___?
Permission to smash the lieutenant's head in, sir. * Worf
Permit me to remove my cat from your face.
Pernell! Your hair piece is stuck in the door! - Tom
Pernell's got a built in grimace - Mike
Perot has a BAD case of Candidatus Interruptus.
Perot of Borg:  Now here's the deal. You will be eliminated.
Perot of Borg:  Resistance?  Now that's just sad.
Perot of Borg: Now here's the deal. You will be assimilated...
Perot of Borg: Now here's the deal. You will be eliminate
Perot of Borg: Resistance. Now, that's just so sad.
Perot of Borg: Resistance?  Now that's just sad...
Perot's gone Can we start over?
Perot's gone...  Can we start over?
Perot, Bush, Quayle: The Millionaire, Skipper & Gilligan!
Perot/Bush/Clinton: The Millionaire, the Skipper & Gilligan
Perot/Bush/Quayle:  The Millionaire, Skipper, & Gilligan.
Perot/Bush/Quayle: Billionaire, Skipper and Gilligan
Perot/Bush/Quayle: The Billionaire, Skipper and Gilligan
Perot/Bush/Quayle: The Billionaire, the Skipper& Gilligan
Perot/Bush/Quayle: The Milionaire, Skipper & Gilligan.
Perot/Bush/Quayle: The Milionaire, the Skipper & Gilligan
Perot/Bush/Quayle: The Millionaire, Skipper & Gilligan.
Perot/Bush/Quayle: The Millionaire, the Skipper & Gilligan
Perot:  (A)bort  (Q)uit  (E)nd  (T)erminate...
Perot:  (A)bort (Q)uit (E)nd or (T)erminate.
Perot: (A)bort (Q)uit (E)nd (T)erminate.
Perot: (A)bort (Q)uit (E)nd or (T)erminate.
Perot: the Yellow Ross of Texas.
Perotnoid:  when you think everyone is out to elect you.
Perpetual motion...a program in an endless loop.
Perri-air: Salt-free sparkling air from Druida.
Perry Mason and the Case of the Abominable Bigfoot
Perry Masson - television lawyer who will solve no case before its time.
Pers O you the uhis wife'fool. con ruth.
Persecution is a bad and indirect way to plant religion.
Persecution is a very easy form of virtue. - Chief Justice Coleridge
Persephone, Goddess of the Blessed Dead.
Persephone:  Greek goddess of bills.
Persephone: Greek goddess of bills.
Perseverance furthers/I Ching
Persian cats are good dust mops. Tie on end of a stick.
Persian:  [noun]  1) Fluffy, snub-nosed, cat breed  2)  Musky bait
Persist: the greatest effort's not enough.
Persistence prevails when all else fails.
Persistent little bugger, isn't he? I wonder if the RAID will work?
Person who falls in blast furnace is certain to feel overwrought.
Personal Best: Marco DeStinction
Personal Best: Marco DeStinction*
Personal OS/2: Winner of Best of Comdex/Windows World '94
Personal Opinions only please... Facts are at the next window....
Personal bar code:  Gimme a Brew.
Personal bar code: Gimme a Brew.
Personal hygene is the key to success'- W. Nels
Personal hygiene is the key to success ---W. Nels
Personal hygiene is the key to success. - L. Lovelace
Personal mail not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic (B)lame_Alias
Personal mail not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic (B)lame_Mail_Door
Personal mail not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic (B)lame_QWK_Format |-)
Personal protein spill -- vomiting.
Personal protein spill: vomiting.
Personal use?  I downloaded the WordPerfect echo too, boss.
Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower.
Personally, I don't believe in atheists.
Personally, I like to keep a more open mind. - Mulder
Personally, I prefer chocolate covered...chocolate!
Personally, I'm getting a little BLUE around the GILLs.
Personally, I'm rooting for the eye creatures. - Calvin
Personally, I'm sad to see the Dual Standard title go.
Personifiers Unite!  You have nothing to lose but Mr. Dignity!
Persons living with entropy - dead
Persons reading between the lines do so at their own risk
Persons with a weak Constitution, may soon have One.
PertweeDOS 3.3: Colour graphics adapter support added
PertweeDos 3.0:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (V)enusian karate.
PertweeDos 3.0: (A)bort (R)etry (V)enusian karate
Perversity is the spice of life. 
Perverted Hackers do it with POPs. 
Perverted Mushrooms: M. Morel
Perverted and Proud!!!!
Perverted is what folks you hate, do and enjoy for sex...
Perverted:  Sexually dysfunctional.
Pervish cooking -- true culinary delight.
Pesimista - jos nije ni prdnuo, a vec misli da se usrao.
Pesky Nanites did it .. Honest!!!
Pesky little devil, isn't it?
Pesnici su opevali neke zene. Ostale su opevali popovi!
Pessimism never won a battle.
Pessimism wouldn't work *any*way...
Pessimist:     Shit happens forever
Pessimist:  An optimist with experience.
Pessimist:  An optimist with experience..
Pessimist:  An optimist with experience...
Pessimist:  one who no's too much
Pessimist: An optimist with experience.
Pessimist: one who sees in others his own worst characteristics.
Pessimistic Borg: Assimilation is futile.
Pessimistic thought leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Pessimists DO IT with a sigh.
Pessimists are optimists who know better.
Pessimists burn all their bridges ahead of them.
Pessimists can't do it.
Pessimists do it like there is no tomorrow.
Pessimists do it with a sigh.
Pest: A friend in need.
Pet Peeve #1 - Hookers with cold hands
Pet Peeve #2 - Hookers that backwash
Pet Store:  "Buy one, get one flea."
Pet Store: "Buy one, get one flea."
Pet are fun.  My cat likes to play Hide-and-Go-Puke
Pet conures--God's way of saying you sleep too late.
Pet peeves? I tried dogs, cats, birds, and fish - peeves are better.
PetaQ! That is my batleH, not a Ginsu knife! -- Worf
Pete Rose & George Steinbrenner, what a combo.
Pete Rose by any other name would smell of sweat.
Pete Rose is the new batting instructor for LAPD.
Pete Rose owns the Baseball Hall of Fame-He won it in a bet!
Pete Rose: The bookie stops here
Pete Townshend! - Crow on big-nosed girl
Peter Norton is the "Betty Crocker" of software!
Peter Norton saved my Momma and Data.............
Peter Norton would love to work on your disk of life.
Peter Pan Syndrome: Men who refuse to grow up.
Peter Pan......what you put under your bed at night.
Peter Pan:  A washbasin in a house of ill repute.
Peter Pan:  A washbasin in a house of ill repute...
Peter Pan: A washbasin in a house of ill repute.
Peter Pan: a specialized washbasin.
Peter Piper was a hunt-an-pecker.
Peter Rabbit's Frisky Adventures.
Peter aint got no keys
Peter must around here some where. The modem is still warm.
Peter warned of greedy false prophets in 2 Peter 2:1-3!
Peter's Placebo:  An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.
Peter:"Watcha doin' over Easter?" Jesus:"Hangin' round the Cross"
Peterson, get me Forbin!
Petition Hormel to make Spam out of Barney.
Petition:  A list of people who didn't have the nerve to say no.
Petroleum and coffee had no value a few centuries ago.
Pets & Vets = Hairy.  Grab the adhesive tape!
Pets are fun.  My cat likes to play Hide-and-Go-Puke.
Pets are it!
Pets are not just for Christmas, but for a LIFETIME!!!!
Pets are the soul of the household
Pets are the soul of the household.
Pets aren't dangerous; just don't let them carry guns.
Pets resemble their owners. Give Neelix some tropical fish.
Pets: pure love contained in small packages.
Pets: pure love contained in soft packages.
Petting:  A study in anatomy in braille.
Petting:  A study in anatomy in braille...
Petting:  The study of anatomy in Braille.
Petting: A study in anatomy in braille.
Petting: A study of anatomy in Braille.
Petty Officer First Class Tribble: <<<*
Petty crime is the scourge of business today.
Petty laws breed great crimes.
Pevac ili krelac, bice dobra supica.:))
PgUp?  Home?  Break?  End?  SysRq!
Ph'nglui mglu'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn!
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.  Or so I'm told.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.  Supposedly...
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Or so I'm told.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wzah'magl fhtagn.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Moderator R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Scott Raymond R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Ph'nglui mglw'nath Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Ph.D. stands for Pepper-head Dude, right?
Ph.D.: Piled Higher & Deeper.
Ph.D.: Post Hole Digger.
PhD, just means Piled Higher and Deeper
PhD. - Chaotic GMing
PhD...Piled High and Deeper.
PhD: Piled Higher and Deeper.
Phantom of FidoNet.
Pharaoh's daughter -- she drew a prophet from a rush on the bank
Pharmacists DO IT with side effects.
Pharmacologists DO IT to a response.
Pharmacologists DO IT with affinity.
Pharmacologists do it by prescription.
Pharmacologists do it with affinity.
Pharoahs worshipped cats.  Egypt lasted 3,000 years.  Coincidence?
Phartengnugen: passing gas in a Volkswagen.
Phase 1 of the Borg conquest: Introduce the GST.
Phase B of our plan involves a lot of hiding - Mike
Phaser: The ultimate point and click interface.
Phaser? I don't even know her!
Phasers are the universal communicators.
Phasers don't kill people, Borg kill people...
Phasers don't kill people, Klingons kill people.
Phasers don't kill people, unless they're set too high.
Phasers don't kill people. Unless you set them too high.
Phasers don't kill people...Unless you set them too high
Phasers don't kill people; Klingons kill people.
Phasers locked on target.
Phasers on "Blow the crap out of 'em!"FIRE!
Phasers on stun, O'Brien... I want that vole taken alive! - Sisko
Phasers set on "Blow him to Hell" sir.
Phasors locked on target, Captain.
Pheasants do it under glass.
Phew! After THAT much work, I'd better sav
Phew! I'm glad I finally got through all that. I guess I should sav
Phew! What is that smell? - Flies
Phil Gramm for President 1996, get a REAL porker in the Whitehouse
Phil Gramm for President 1996, he's what America needs!
Phil Have a Happy and Safe Holiday
Phil, we've seen your gear. Let's get on with it! - Mike
Phil:  Limbless man in the hole in the ground
Philadelphia Pa... We Bomb our Citizens
Philanthropist, n. A rich (and usually bald) old gentlema
Philatelist: A good word to use when you're losing an argument.
Philidelphia Flyers - to the playoffs and beyond. We want a cup!
Philip Have a Happy and Safe Holiday
Philip R. Sharp, Congressman, (Ind.), was an Eagle Scout.
Philistines demand David be tested for steroids
Philistines demand David be tested for steroids.
Phill's been pressing sixty so long it's pleated!
Phill's so cheap  - He took out fire insurance on his cigars.
Phillips 666 - gasoline of the beast
Phillips, give me a screwdriver - Tom
Phillistines demand David be tested for steroids.
Philogyny recapitulates erogeny; erogeny recapitulates philogyny.
Philoneous Hebbadiah Scalley - Mike
Philosophers DO IT in their minds.
Philosophers and ploughmen each must know his part. -Rush
Philosophers are tourists.  Scientists are explorers.
Philosophers do it for pure reasons.
Philosophers do it in their minds.
Philosophers go deep.
Philosophers think about doing it.
Philosophers think they do it.
Philosophers wonder why they did it.
Philosophic enjoyment = mutual  misunderstanding.
Philosophic enjoyment = mutual misunderstanding.
Philosophic kings have no need of titles.
Philosophical Error -- Demonstrate the existence of a key to continue
Philosophical error- Demonstrate the existence of a key to continue.
Philosophical error:Prove the existance of a key 2 cont.
Philosophy begins in wonder. -- Plato
Philosophy is a kind of revenge on reality.
Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently.
Philosophy is a walk on a slippery rock.
Philosophy is a walk on slippery rocks . . . --Eddie Brickell.
Philosophy is a walk on the slippery rocks.
Philosophy is for people who can't form their own opinions.
Philosophy is just a set of rules for people without chocolate!
Philosophy is the root of all things.
Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box. --Edie Brickell.
Philosophy is to life as masturbation is to sex.
Philosophy is to the real world as masturbation is to sex
Philosophy will clip an angel's wings.
Philosophy:  A route of many roads leading from nowhere t
Philosophy:  A study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently.
Philosophy:  unintelligible answers to insoluble problems
Philosophy:  unintelligible answers to insoluble problems
Philosophy: A route from nowhere to nothing...
Philosophy: A route leading from nowhere to nothing.
Philosophy: A science that lets us be unhappy more intelligently.
Philosophy: a set of rules for people without chocolate!
Philosophy: the profound grasp of the obvious.
Philosopy: unintelligible answers to insoluble problems.
Philosphical error - Demonstrate the existance of a key to continue.
Philysilicle - A silly tagline with Philosoopical meaning.
Phobaphobia (n.): The fear of fear itself.
Phobia -- what you have left over after you drink two out of a 6-pack.
Phobia du jour: Aelurophobia - fear of cats
Phobia:  What's left after 20 beers in a 24 pack.
Phoenix OS/2 Society, Program Chair & VP
Phoenix rise from ashes, gray.
Phoenix sinks into decay, Haughty dragon yearns to slay. - S. Brust
Phoenix versus the Borg...assimilation was fleeting...
Phoenix, Arizona: Home of the Thermally Enhanced!
Phoenix, the only city where the highway is adorned with toilets.
Phoenix:  The Official Handle of the FIDO Tagline Echo.
Phoenix:  The Official Handle of the FIDO recipe Echo.
Phoenix: Hell  Tucson: A really good imitation
Phoenix: The Official Handle of the FIDO Tagline Echo.
Phoenix: official handle of the Taglines echo
Phoenix: official handle of the recipes echo
Phoenix? Hell, Tucson is a really good imitation.
Phone Farr:   the Vulcan (900) number for phone sex.
Phone Farr: Vulcan sex on a 1-900 line.
Phone Sex isn't good enough for me!
Phone bill?... what phone bill, honey??
Phone chocolate? Wouldn't that get clogged in the holes?
Phone not busy = Daughter not home
Phone sex is fun, but it leaves button marks on your butt
Phone sex is passe.  Phone chocolate is in!
Phone sex... hot line in the old town tonight...
Phone sex?  But those holes are so small!
Phone sex?  Nah - Ma Bell's a little past Playmate age.
Phone sex? Nah. Ma Bell is a little past Playmate age.
Phone sexhot line in the old town tonight...
Phone your Moderator at 3 A.M. and learn new words!
Phone your Moderator at 3 A.M. for free taglines!
Phone your Moderator at 3 A.M. for free taglines...!!!!
Phone your Moderator at 3 am. and learn new words!
Phone your Moderator at 3 am. for free taglines...!!!
Phoneco.sys corrupted - recommend competitive market
Phoneless cord: for people who like peace and quiet.
Phosphorus    (P)     30.97380
Photo journalists do it with a story.
Photographers DO IT fish eyed.
Photographers DO IT with "enlargers".
Photographers DO IT with a shutter.
Photographers DO IT with their subjects.
Photographers are better developed!
Photographers are better developed.
Photographers are great in dark rooms.
Photographers do it in dark rooms.
Photographers do it in the DARK! D).
Photographers do it in the dark.
Photographers do it in the dark. 
Photographers do it on assignment.
Photographers do it on film.
Photographers do it up to 36 times without reloading.
Photographers do it while exposing.
Photographers do it with a Smile...
Photographers do it with a flash.
Photographers do it with a shutter.
Photographers do it with a zoom.
Photographers do it with multiple exposures.
Photographers do their best work in the dark !
Photographers fade faster than photographs.
Photographers let things Develop in the dark.
Photographers like to do it in the Light, Printers like to do it the d
Photographic memory:  pictures of 4MB SIMMS.
Photographic memory=128 Mb RAM.
Photojournalists do it with a story.
Photon Missles - when you care enough to send the very best.
Photon Torpedoes locked on target.
Photon Torpedoes:  when you care enough to send the very best.
Photons have Mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic
Photons have mass?  I didn't even know they were Catholic!
Photons have mass?  I didn't even know they were Catholic.
Photons have mass?  I didn't know they were Catholic!
Photons have mass?  I didn't know they were catholic!
Photons have mass? I didn't know they were Catholic!
Photons have mass? I didn't know they were Catholic.
Photons have mass?!  I didn't even realize they were Catholic!?
Phrase:  What teaching music does to your nerves.
Phriendly Phluffy Phelines R Phantastic & Phun!
Phue!  Another sacrifice to the diaper god.
Phyllis Coates holiday ham with beer glaze.
Physiatrists:  Dip Switch Re-setters.
Physical laws simply cannot be ignored.
Physical reality is consistent with universal laws.
Physician, heal thyself!
Physician:  One upon whom we set our hopes when ill and o
Physicist DO IT a quantum at a time.
Physicist do it a quantum at a time.
Physicists DO IT at the speed of light.
Physicists DO IT attractively.
Physicists DO IT in 4 dimensions.
Physicists DO IT in waves.
Physicists DO IT magnetically.
Physicists DO IT particularly.
Physicists DO IT strangely.
Physicists DO IT with charm.
Physicists DO IT with rigid bodies.
Physicists DO IT with their vectors.
Physicists Have Strange Quarks.
Physicists do it a quantum at a time.
Physicists do it at two places in the universe at all times.
Physicists do it at two places in the universe at one time.
Physicists do it attractively.
Physicists do it energetically.
Physicists do it in black holes.
Physicists do it in waves.
Physicists do it like Einstein.
Physicists do it magnetically.
Physicists do it on accelerated frames.
Physicists do it particularly.
Physicists do it repulsively.
Physicists do it strangely.
Physicists do it ultra-relativistically.
Physicists do it up and down, with charming color, but strange!
Physicists do it with Tensors.
Physicists do it with a Big Bang
Physicists do it with a Superconducting Super Collider
Physicists do it with black bodies
Physicists do it with charm.     
Physicists do it with high energy particles.
Physicists do it with large expensive machinery.
Physicists do it with large expensive machinery. 
Physicists do it with rigid bodies.
Physicists do it with the help of an absolute Bohr (ouch!).
Physicists do it with the help of an absolute Bohr (ouch!).      
Physicists do it with their vectors.
Physicists do it with uniform harmonic motion.
Physicists don't do it with meson.
Physicists get a big bang.
Physicists get hadrons.
Physics and Law Enforcement -- if it weren't for those two, I'd be unstoppable.
Physics is experience, arranged in an economical order.
Physics is phun?  Not if you phlunk!
Physics lesson: When a body is submerged in water, the phone rings.
Physics majors do it at the speed of light.
Physics shook its head and looked the other way.
Physics, who needs it? Sour kraut juice works wonders.
Physics: When a body is submersed, the phone rings
Physics: reverse-engineering the universe.
Pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592
Pi R Round? Not at Square Pan Pizza!
Pi R Square?  No.  Pie R round, cornbread R square!
Pi R Square? No! Pie R Round-Cornbread R Square!
Pi R Squared?       No. Pie R round, Cornbread R square!
Pi R Squared? No. Pie R round, Cornbread R square!
Pi R sqaure?  No, pi r round.  Cornbread R square.
Pi R square?  No, pi R round.  Cornbread R square.
Pi R square? No, Pi R round...cornbread R square!
Pi R squared.  Noo!  Pie R round, cornbread R square!
Pi R squared.  Nooo!  Pie R round, cornbread R square!
Pi R squared.  Nooooo!  Pie R round, cornbread R square!
Pi R squared. No!  Pie R round, cornbread R square!
Pi R squared. Nooo!  Pie R round, Cornbread R squared!
Pi R squared?  No - Pie R round, _*Toast*_ R square!
Pi are round. Cornbread are square.
Pi aren't square! Cornbread are square!
Pi is equal to 3.0. (God has a nasty habit of using base 10.472!)
Pi r square, what a thought!!
Pi... Proof that God has a sense of humor.
Pi=3.14159265358979323846264, or 3.14159265358979323846263 on a Pentium.
Piano Mouth - Particular condition after one has eaten chocolate cake.
Piano Players do it with Correct Fingerings
Piano lessons can make 15 minutes feel like an hour.
Piano player available...will work for sex.
Piano players have faster fingers
Piano students learn on their teachers' instruments.
Piano tuners do it twice a year.
Picante with a very pleasant crunch. - Timone
Picard - "Mr. Worf, honk the horn."
Picard - "Mr. Yiffy! Report to my quarters at once!"
Picard Burger:    (No sesame seeds on the bun.)
Picard Burger: No sesame seeds on the bun.
Picard In A Bad Mood:  "Tea.  Earl Grey.  Ice Cold, Dammit!"
Picard Maneuver: Wait and see what happens.
Picard Pacled: We look for things, things that make it so.
Picard Pakleds: We look for things. Things to make it so.
Picard always drank tea.  Kirk always drank coffee.  Any questions?
Picard and Crusher, noisy in his quarters.
Picard and Riker in '96!
Picard and his lackeys would have solved this technobabble hours ago.
Picard as botanical officer: "Make it grow!"
Picard drinks - 2 drinks!
Picard drinks tea - 3 drinks!
Picard for President.   Make it so!
Picard identifies the tea as Earl Grey - 4 drinks!
Picard in a small boat:  Make it row.
Picard in personal quarters: "Come!" - 2 drinks!
Picard is a bit surprised and goes flying to the floor.
Picard is a racist.
Picard is attacked/has an accident & blood is drawn - 2 drinks!
Picard is attacked/has an accident - drink!
Picard is in his chest-revealing bedwear - 2 drinks!
Picard is the Sysop, Data the System, Wesley top D/L'er.
Picard is the phallic symbol of the universe.
Picard isn't bald, just follicly challenged.
Picard kills Wesley on General Principle!
Picard never hit me! - Q I'm not Picard - Sisko
Picard on a roller coaster: Make it slow! Make it slow!
Picard on the holodeck:  Make it snow.
Picard picking an away team:  Make it Ro.
Picard provides poignant "Picardness" piously,privately,perfectly.
Picard requesting a tractor beam:  Make it tow.
Picard stands, tugs at uniform.
Picard straightens his uniform - drink!
Picard to Enterprise! PICARD TO ENTERPRISE!  Damn, it's busy...
Picard to Enterprise, beam down Beverly and a six pack
Picard to Homer Simpson:           "Make it DOH!"
Picard to LaForge:  Make it go.
Picard to Lwaxana: "Not THAT kind of 'Engage'!"
Picard to Riker: Now, about that horgon you wanted...
Picard to Romulan Commander-"Are those Bugle Boy Jeans you're wearing?
Picard to bridge, where am I?
Picard to his Singer repairman:  Make it sew.
Picard to his tailor:  "Make it sew!"
Picard to seamtress Make it sew.
Picard was right!  There *are* 4 ligh$%#$^@$#%  NO CARRIER
Picard was right!  There ARE 4 lig$^&#@$#@$#^%#$@  NO CARRIER
Picard with a 1200 baud modem: Make it slow.
Picard would have been a better foil for Spock.
Picard!  You cheated!  I'm impressed!  - Q
Picard's got a Bambleweenie 57 Sub Meson Brain & an Atom. Vect. Plotr.
Picard's in his ready room. The door signals. Picard, "Go Away!"
Picard's picture is beside the word confidence in the dictionary.
Picard, Picardo, Picaro:  A captain, an actor, and a pirate.
Picard, consorting with lower rank females?
Picard, consorting with lower ranked females?  - Q
Picard, get some hair, your brains have caught cold. * Q
Picard, get some hair.  Your brain has caught cold. -- Q, "Q-In-Law"
Picard, grow some hair. Your brain has caught cold. - Q
Picard, you cheated...I'm impressed!  Q
Picard/Riker '96    Leadership for the Next Generation
Picard/Riker '96:  The choice of the Next Generation.
Picard/Riker '96: Leadership for the Next Generation
Picard/Riker '96: The choice of The Next Generation!
Picard/Riker in '92 -- The Team for the Future!
Picard/Riker in '96 -- They kept us out of war.
Picard/Riker in '96!  Leadership for The Next Generation!
Picard/Riker in '96.  The choice of the Next Generation!
Picard/Riker in '96. "Make it so".
Picard/Riker in '96:  The team for the future!
Picard/Riker'92!  Leadership for The Next Generation!
Picard/Riker'92! Leadership for The Next Generation!
Picard:  "To baldly go where no one has gone before."
Picard:  To BALDLY go where no one has gone before...
Picard:  To Baldly go where no man has gone before.
Picard:  To baldly go where no one has gone before!
Picard:  Warp factor 9, any heading, Mr. Crusher...
Picard:  What's that smell?  Worf:  Apologies, Sir.
Picard: "Come!" - drink!
Picard: "Fire at Will." Riker: "What did I do this time??"
Picard: "I am NOT William Shatner! Q, take this toupee off my head!"
Picard: "Mister Data, your resourcefulness never ceases to amaze me."
Picard: "Natural causes? What in nature could cause that?"
Picard: Elvis? Who's that?
Picard: Fire at Will! >ZAP< THANK you Data  I mean, 'Number One.'
Picard: I am NOT William Shatner! Q, take this toupee off of my head!
Picard: Make is so!   Wesley: A zig zag stitch, sir?
Picard: There's ice striking the hull!  Worf: We're being hailed.
Picard: To baldly go where no man has gone before.
Picard: To baldly go where no one has gone before.
Picard: Warp 9, any heading, Mr. Crusher...
Picard: What's that smell?  Worf:  Apologies, Sir.
Picard: What's that smell?  Worf: Apologies, Sir
Picard:" Fire at Will !" , Riker: " Hey, what did I do this time?"
Picard:"To baldly go where no one has gone before."
PicardDOS v6.22: (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)traigten Uniform
Piccolo players do it with a little stick.
Pick 2: 1)Fast 2)Right 3)Cheap 4)Windoze (counts as 2)
Pick Pockets 35%  Climb Walls 95%  Steal Taglines 100%
Pick Pockets 35% Climb Walls 95% Steal Tagline 15%
Pick Two:  1) Cheap 2) Fast 3) Bug Free 4) Windows (Counts As 2)
Pick Two: 1. Cheap  2. Fast  3. Bug Free  4. Windows (Counts As 2)
Pick a key. Now press it to continue.
Pick a letter from 1 to 1000. How about X, or X, or X, or even X.
Pick another fortune cookie.
Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.
Pick me teacher! I'm ever so smart! - Martin
Pick me! Pick me! I know! I know!
Pick one to die, Captain, or I kill them both. --Data.
Pick two:  1)Fast 2)Right 3)Cheap
Pick two: 1) Cheap 2) Fast 3) Bug free 4) Windoze (counts as 2)
Pick two: 1)Fast 2)Right 3)Cheap 4)Windows (counts as 2)
Pick two: [1] Fast   [2] Right   [3] Cheap
Pick two: [1] Fast  [2] Correct  [3] Cheap
Pick two: [1] Fast [2] Tasty [3] Cheap
Pick up everything that isn't nailed down or painted.
Pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday..
Pick up the Phone and Bitch.  Letters don't get through!
Pick your enemies carefully - they're harder to get rid of.
Pick your nose, a PRIZE every time...
Picka je polni organ, a pizda je karakterna osobina!
Picked up this stupid Tagline at a BBS Convention.
Picked up this stupid recipe at a BBS Convention.
Picked up this stupid tagline at a BBS Convention.
Pickle me grandmother! - Ted Bullpit, Kingswood Country
Pickle me grandmother! It's a wog! - Ted Bullpit, Kingswood Country
Pickle:  A cucumber soured by a jarring experience!
Pickle:  A cucumber soured by a jarring experience.
Pickle:  A cucumber soured by a jarring experience...
Pickles in Connecticut must bounce.
Pickles pack the stands for the pickle races - Tom
Pickup survey: Man says "Hi"-71%; Woman says "Hi"-100%
Picky Pickers practice Safe Snot.
Picky, Picky, Picky, Picky, Picky, Picky, Picky, Picky, P
Pictionary ... a game created by sadistic artists.
Picture this .... you... me.... whips... chains ...
Picture this.... you .... me.... ropes.... feathers....
Picture this..you....me...whips....chains..NOW!
Pictures received. All four shot dead while resisting arrest.
Piddlywinks...Short naps.
Pie Jesu, qui tollis peccata mundi
Pie R square? NO! Pie R Round! Cornbread R Square!
Pie R square? NO! Pie R Round! Sliced Bread R Square!
Pie the entire site from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure.
Pie walks into a bar. Bartender says,"Sorry we don't serve food here."
Pie: It's just not for dessert anymore. Try some for breakfast.
Piece de la resistance                       [She's hard to get next to]
Piece of dirt, that is all I'm standing on today
Pieces of Nine! Pieces of Nine!  Another parroty error!
Pieces of Nine! Pieces of Nine! Grawk! (Parroty error)
Pieces of eight, pieces of nine...Awk parrotty error!
Pieces of eight. Pieces of nine. AWK, parroty error!
Pieces of eight...Pieces of nine...AWK Parroty error!
Pieces of meat over 8 inches thick: fry very slowly. - P.J. O'Rourke
Pieces through Superior Firepower.
Pielibrium: Point at which the crust outweighs the filling, tipping over
Pielibrium: Point which the crust outweighs the filling, tipping over.
Pier:  Harbor landing place that goes "crack" or "crunch" when hit.
Pierce, using a textbook? - Frank Burns
Pierce, why is it we always turn up in the same place? - Frank
Pierce. MacIntyre. The Swine Brothers. - Trapper & Hawkeye
Piety requries us to honor truth above friends. Aristotle
Pig ben: The huge time clock in a football stadium.
Pig sty:  Hormel of the SPAM.
Pigeon poop!
Piggiepeeps: Holes in the toes of socks.
Piggish prow youths eye yin due.  Go to jukebox, Hodgkin.
Piggy Suey, Piggy Suey... - Buddy, "How the Tess was Won"
Piglet : If I wasn't such a small Borg, resistance would be useless.
Piglet of Borg:  "If I weren't such a small Borg, resistance would"
Piglet of Borg: If I wasn't such a small Borg, resistance would be usele
Piglet of Borg: If I weren't such a small Borg, resistance would
Piglet of Borg:If I wasn't such a small Borg,resistance would be usele
Pigmy: Canadian slang for Pass the backbacon eh!
Pigs DO IT in the mud.
Pigs can fly, cows go baaaa, and Nuclear Power is *safe*?
Pigskin amen: The end zone kneel-and-pray.
Piii! J*bes tag!
Pijani momci prolaze,duz nase tihe ulice,oni u vojsku..
Pijem a ne znam cemu sve to, i pijan ja je ipak volim
Pijem po kucama. Sifra: "Alkoholicar"
Pilate saith unto him, `What is truth?' - John 18:38
Piles are not a laughing matter, unless you don't have them.
Pilgrim Settlers: May Flower
Pilgrim Settlers: May Flower*
Pilgrims may follow but there can only be one Columbus.
Pilgrims may have followed, but there can only be one Columbus.
Pillage pillage pillage ... loot loot loot! - Stimpy
Pillage, Plunder, maim and put big hickeys on the fair damsels.
Piller of flame - a stack of fanatics on an echo?
Pillow talk!? *I'd* make sure mine was DEAD before *I* slept on it!
Pillows are a cat's best friend... also the clean laundry.
Pillows:  Pillows that are making Headlines.
Pilot a Classic: HGN-732, The HIGHLANDER!
Pilot a classic: FLS-8K, The FLASHMAN!
Pilot a classic: MON-66, The MONGOOSE!
Pilot error: Keyboard went flying.
Pilot not found.. Please notify aircraft..
Pilot:  "What's this mountain goat doing up here in a cloud bank?"
Pilots DO IT in the cockpit.
Pilots DO IT to get high.
Pilots are just PLANE people with an AIR about them.
Pilots are just plane folks.
Pilots are just plane people...
Pilots are plain people with a certain air about them.
Pilots do it in the cockpit.
Pilots do it on the fly.
Pilots do it on top!
Pilots do it to get high.
Pilots do it with flare. (airplanes are flared on landing)
Pilots have photographic memories. Some don't have film.
Pilots keep it up longer.
Pilots must not be seen together in the toilets during flights.
Pilots stay up longer.
Pilots, the single slowest, cheapest form of life know to A&Ps.
Piltdown: the pig that made a monkey out of a man...
Pim Bastoid, the world's first cyber-humanoid - SatNews
Pimply Pears and Hairy Fishnuts?
Pin Farr: Uh, never mind -- too graphic for G rate
Pin-ups give us guys a good idea of what we're fighting for.
Pine Farr:  Vulcan sex in the wilderness
Pine Farr: Vulcan sex in a forest.
Pine Island, MN: A man must remove his hat when meeting a cow.
Pine Island, Minnesota - A man must remove his hat with meeting a cow.
Pine Trees are fine trees!
Ping pong balls? I thought you said King Kong's.
Ping-pong Farr: Vulcan sex while playing a table tennis game.
Ping-pong players always smash balls.
Pinhead, n. ;  See :  Clinton, William J.
Pining for the fjords???  What kind of talk is that?
Pink Floyd Error: A momentary lapse of reason.
Pink Floyd of Borg:  Learning to Assimilate
Pink Floyd of Borg:  We don't need assimilation.
Pink Floyd of Borg: All in all, we're all just Borgs in The Wall.
Pink Floyd of Borg: All in all, we're just another Borg in the Wall.
Pink Floyd of Borg: Learning to Assimilate.
Pink Floyd of Borg: We don't need no assimilation!
Pink Hearts! Blue Moons! Green Japanese Boys!
Pink is the navy blue of India.
Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel..
Pink slips are an extremely effective means of communication. - Don Smith
Pinking shears! - Mike opening Gypsy's gift
Pinky Borg, are you assimilating what I'm assimilating?
Pinky of Borg: Gee Brain, who are we gonna assimilate tonight?
Pinky!  It's PINKY and the Brain!
Pinky! You've just created an international incident. -Brain
Pinky, I told you to stop that. - The Brain
Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? -- The Brain
Pinky, set phasers on `conquering the universe' - Brain
Pinky, you are a threat to tolerance. - Brain
Pinky...are you pondering what I'm pondering? - Brain
Pinky? Oh, Pink-oof! He he he! - Brain
Pinned you again! - Nala
Pinned you! - Nala
Pinnochio, whatever you do, don't lie around Lorena Bobbitt!
Pinocchio:  Love is a many splintered thing.
Pins 2 & 3 (RS-232) permanently connected to ground.
Pins 2 and 3 (RS-232) permanently connected to ground.
Pinto: Put In New Transmission Often
Pioneers are the guys out in front with arrows in their chests.
Pioneers are the ones with the arrows in their backs.
Pioneers in really BIG stuff - Mike on Bert I. Gordon
Pipe Cleaner: A flexible toothpick with long underwear.
Pipe down, bubble head - Crow to Tom
Pipe fitters do it with blowtorches.
Pipe fitters do it with tight joints.
Pipe fitters. Snake handlers - Crow
Pipecleaner - A toothpick with long underwear.
Pipers do it with Amazing Grace
Pippin...Another rotten Apple, but this time there's no core to dump.
Piracy has increased steadily with sales of MS-DOS.  Coincidence?
Pirated tagline.  Contact the author, then the cops and sysop.
Pirates do it with stumps.
Pirates, they're recking it for everyone!
Piss everyone off!  Nuke the Gay Baby Whales for Jesus.
Piss me off - Pay the consequences!
Piss me off and someday psychics will lead dogs to find your body
Piss me off...Pay the consequences.....
Piss off a liberal: buy a gun!
Piss on you, I'm workin' for Mel Brooks!
Pistol:  A flower's only protection against insects.
Pistols at Dawn!  Dawn, what's she got to do with it?
Pit Bull on my arm or a Marine on my ass? Here doggie!
Pitbull's motto: If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em.
Pitbull-Collie cross: A dog that rips off your leg then runs for help
Pitbulls don't kill people...uh, yeah, I guess they do.
Pitchfork:  a device for collecting dead babies
Pits are there, so we can grow more.
Pitts pilots do it upside down and in a tail slide.
Pity Al Gore. He receives care packages from Bosnia.
Pity Al Gore. He receives care packages from Haiti.
Pity Al Gore. He receives care packages from Somalia.
Pity Bill Clinton. He receives care packages from Bosnia.
Pity Bill Clinton. He receives care packages from Haiti.
Pity Bill Clinton. He receives care packages from Somalia.
Pity He. He receives care packages from Somalia.
Pity Orville Bullitt. He receives care packages from Somalia.
Pity Orville. He receives care packages from Somalia.
Pity William James. He receives care packages from Somalia.
Pity a donkey with a IQ of 138.  Nobody likes a smart ass
Pity a donkey with a IQ of 138.  Nobody likes a smart ass.
Pity a donkey with a IQ of 158.  No one likes a smart ass.
Pity a donkey with an IQ of 138.  Nobody likes a smart ass.
Pity is for the living, envy is for the dead.
Pity stayed his hand - "Pity I'm out of bullets"
Pity the cat.  It has gotten dumber as it evolved.
Pity the egg...it gets laid only once.
Pity the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. -- Don Marquis
Pity the nearsighted proctologist. --Maynard Gibson
Pity the poor cat, it's gotten dumber as it's evolved.
Pity the poor corpuscle, for he labors in vein
Pity the poor egg: it only gets laid once
Pity the poor fools that defend Clinton's lies.
Pity.  It's more thorough than the Dickens.
Pity? It was pity that stayed his hand.
Pity? It was pity that stayed his hand. Gandalf
Pity? There is no such word in our vocabulary! EX-TER-MIN-ATE!!!!!
Pivo uvek cuti.
Pixel - Tinkerbell after the hormone shots. 
Pixel, the cat you don't have to let out.
Pixie Stix aren't just sugar, they're a way of life.
Pizza - it's not just for breakfast any more!
Pizza Allocation Error - System Halted
Pizza Boy not found: (A)bort (R)etry (B)uy fish and chips
Pizza Boy not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
Pizza Hut for Windows:  ooey GUI good
Pizza IS the four food groups
Pizza IS the four food groups!
Pizza Toppings, by 'Pepper O. Nee'
Pizza _is_ the four food groups.
Pizza delivery boys come in 30 minutes, or it's free.
Pizza for Breakfast.  Its the wrong thing to do!
Pizza is life. It is all around us. - radio ad
Pizza is proof of higher intelligence. Congress isn't.
Pizza just isn't the same without extra cheese.
Pizza not found: (A)bort (R)edial (P)anic
Pizza the Hutt!
Pizza!  Nature's perfect food. -- Don Schanke
Pizza! Pizza! MY A$$!
Pizza, redheads, and Star Trek... what a combination!
Pizza-Delivery men do it in 10 minutes or less!
Pizza: It's not just a food group, it's a way of life.
Pizza: Nature's perfect food.
Pizzicato:  A small Italian pie garnished with cheese, anchovies, etc.
PkUnHook SILK_BRA.38C successful.  begin PkLick? (y/n)
PkZip this...
Pkunzip  levi's.zip.......Exploding  Bigcock.exe!!!!!!!!
Pkunzip WOMAN.ZIP --- Error: don't no how to handle STRAP.BRA.
Pkunzip woman 'Hey! Sorry! *88455gfkdd,k NO CARRIER.
Place "very funny" recipe here.
Place "very funny" tagline here.
Place Your Ad Here
Place all paint in the rear. Leave no stern untoned.
Place all your Tom Swifties here, said Tom stoically.
Place an "X" in this box [   ] if you have read this tagline before.
Place blood sacrifice on keyboard to continue.
Place in Reader's Mind, Light Fuse, Get Away.  Do Not Hold in Hand.
Place it on it's side and it's the symbol meaning... Infinity!
Place magnet here #### to alter display colors.
Place recipe here ----->
Place written complaint and proof here====>[]
Place written complaint and proof here====<[]
Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.
Plagarism prohibited.  Derive carefully.
Plagerism is the sincerest form of flattery.
Plagiarism is copying from one source; research is copying from two or more.
Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery.
Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery.
Plagiarism not allowed.  Derive carefully.
Plagiarism not allowed. Derive carefully.
Plagiarism prohibited -- Derive carefully.
Plagiarism prohibited, derive carefully.
Plagiarism prohibited.  Derive carefully.
Plagiarism! That was really Harold Bibik's "moose" tagline!
Plagiarist: Someone who forges ahead.
Plagiarists are always suspicious of being stolen from.
Plagiarize, but please call it research!
Plagiarize, that's why God made your eyes- Tom Lehrer
Plagues of locusts, and frogs, and MS-DOS, and Windows 95.
Plaigerize! Only remember always to call it 'research'.
Plain women know more about men than beautiful ones do.
Plan B > Use your .bak files.
Plan ahead - learn Japanese.
Plan ahead.  It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
Plan ahead.  Remember...it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
Plan ahead:  After all, it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
Plan to be more spontaneous.
Plan to throw one away.  You will anyhow.
Plan: To make a machine that will be proud of us. -- Thinking Machine's motto.
Plane ticket to Florida: CHEAP, return ticket not needed.
Plane unregistered: 15 min flight time exceeded..!
Planes don't kill people - the ground does.
Planet 98% full.  Delete politicians?  (Y/y)
Planet Connect: what is it? what does it do to my mail? Next Geraldo!
Planet Connect?  Great... WHICH FREAKIN' PLANET?!?
Planet Druidia is in sight sir..
Planet Earth has been UNREGISTERED for 6,978,253,410.983 years.
Planet Earth:  Love it or leave it.
Planet Three don't come with no instructions.
Planet allocation error  A)bort F)ail R)eboot Universe
Planet:  A body of Earth surrounded by sky.
Planetary creation error:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (E)volve?
Planetary creation error: (A)bort (R)etry or (E)volve?
Planetary creation error: Abort, Retry, or Evolve?
Planets tend to have a rather difficult time abruptly changing course
Plankton lobbyist:  "NUKE THE WHALES!"
Plankton lobiest: "Nuke the whales!"
Planned Parenthood is nothing of the sort.
Planned parenthood - the impossible dream.
Planned parenthood --- the impossible dream.
Planning tomorrow's problems today.
Plant Audrey from "Little Shop of Horrors" in Barney's garden.
Plant a glove? Hell, Fehrman couldn't plant a tulip bulb.
Plant a tree...bury Algore!
Plant newspaper, add sarcasm, tags sprout in 4-6 nsec.
Plant the demon seed, raise a flower of fire --U2
Plant you now and dig you later!
Plant your seeds!  Keep prices down!
Plant zucchini only if you have lots of friends.
Plasma is another matter.
Plasma physicists do it with everything stripped off.
Plasterblaster: An argument heard through apartment walls.
Plasterers DO IT hard.
Plasterers to it hard.
Plastering my name all over this place.
Plastic Surgery - operation paid for by a credit card...
Plastic explosives will be appropriate later in the week.
Plastic explosives will be appropriate later in the week.
Plastic packaged foods are very uncanny.
Plastic soldiers in the miniature dirt war--Jim Morrison
Platapus - not one of the 7 dirty words you can't say on the radio.
Plate.  Shrimp.  Plate of shrimp.  I tell ya, it's weird.
Platemail +5 only comes in two sizes, too large and too small.
Platforms that do not run DOOM are irrelevant.
Platinum Xpress! It's hot!
Platinum Xpress! Wildcat's Integrated Frontend Tosser/Packer
Platinum Xpress.... You know whats next!
Platinum Xpress...Your Cat will never be the same!
Platinum Xpress...coming to a Wildcat! BBS near you!
Platinum Xpress...even your CAT! won't believe it!
Plato is a bore. <Nietzsche>
Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is the truth. -- Aristotle
Plato was a bore. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Platonic LOVE: two are playing with a gun and think it is play.
Platonic is to Plato what plutonic is to Pluto. [WOOF]
Platt's Starport Guide - By West End Games
Plavo je zelenije nego zuto.
Play "carrier landing" - jump 50 ft and try to lick a postage stamp.
Play Country Music backwards.It'll get your job back, wife back....
Play DOOM ][ by Modem?  E-mail me and let's rock n' roll!
Play DOOM by Modem?  E-mail me and let's rock n' roll!
Play DOOM by Modem?Email me. let's rock n' roll!
Play Gay poker, no straights and queens are wild......
Play Muzak on elevators, rap on escalators, and I'll WALK up.
Play R&R backwards and it'll screw up the needle.
Play Rogue, visit exotic locations, meet strange creatures and kill them.
Play U BBS Crash? OK, you go first#^#$ NO CARRIER
Play With Fire -preferred Rolling Stones song to use for Win95
Play another role...Try and lose control.
Play ball: last 2 words of the U.S. national anthem at baseball games.
Play country music backwards, you get back your job, your girl....
Play electronic games? You have too much time on your hands.
Play endless games of stick-ball on I-94 - Tom
Play it Again, Sam
Play it LOUD!
Play it again Sam.....
Play it again, Sam. I always wanted to say that. - Al, "Piano Man"
Play it again, bard.
Play it safe, trade in your sex drive for a hard drive!
Play it, Sam. PlayAs Time Goes By -- Elsa
Play it, again Sam.
Play the FL Lotto! Just don't tell me the Odds!
Play with my keys, pleaaase!
Play with tigers, ya get covered in yellow and black hair.....
Play with tigers, ya get covered in yellow fur...
Play you BBS Crash? OK, you go first#^#$ NO CARRIER
PlayBorg: I only assimilate the articles. Honest.
PlayFerengi: Magazine full of Ferengi women wearing clothes.
Playborg Centerfold:  Candace Borgen.
Playboy channel?  Nah, I've got the holodeck channel!
Played Poker w/ Tarot Cards--got a flush--5 people died
Played poker with Tarot cards.  Got a flush.  5 people died.
Played poker with Tarot cards. Got a flush. 5 people died.
Played poker with Tarot last night. Got a full house. 5 people died...
Played poker with tarot cards. Got a flush. Five people died!
Played poker with three Klingons and a Ferengi. Wow, what a match.
Played solitaire with Tarot cards5 people died.
Player Character to Sith:  "But I'm only a woman!" (actually happened)
Player Characters come in two types - Quick and Dead.
Player to Bad DM:"But nuclear weapons haven't been invented yet!"
Player to Bad DM:"That's it's 43rd attack can we draw our weapons now?
Player to Bad DM:"Whadda ya mean each kobold has a wand of Orcus?"
Player: "Can my sword talk to your axe?"
Player: "Hey, wanna trade magic items?"
Playin' rap so loud I found a gold tooth in my ear!
Playing "Achy Breaky Heart" on bagpipes doesn't improve either one.
Playing God is my favorite game
Playing Greek bingo, Frank? - Trapper
Playing RPG: part of the fun is watching other people stumble...
Playing Scrabble, but we can't figure out what words he's building.
Playing a billion in a row on KRQR, the station that doesn't count too good.
Playing an endgame with a king and no other pieces.
Playing baseball with a rubber bat.
Playing doctor and nurse, it can be good for your health.
Playing his oboe with just one reed.
Playing hockey with a warped puck.
Playing the fool and winning.
Playing the lead violin part on a viola.
Playing with a ball of yarn, kitty?  Hey...where's the spaghetti?
Playing with fire is a hot proposition.
Playing with the Christmas Fire: Yule B. Sari
Plays pinochle with a poker deck.
Plays solitaire...  for cash.
Plays tennis with no net and finds it challenging.
Plays...Of...The Week! - Crow as girls wrestle
Pleasant prospects for the future are indicated.
Pleasant visual aspects exist in the optical organ of its owner.
Please Ambassador, one thing at a time.
Please Captain not in front of the Klingons
Please Captain, not in front of the Klingons -- Spock
Please Captain, not in front uh de Klin'ons.
Please Captain...Not in front of the Klingons!
Please Captian.Not in front of the Klingons!
Please Dispurse, there is nothing to see here, please move along.
Please E-Mail me a zipped packet of Ocala, Florida sunshine!
Please God!  Not ANOTHER learning experience!
Please God, Give me patience, but HURRY!
Please God, I'm only 17 - Crow as cars crash
Please God, give me patience -- and hurry!
Please God, just one more hit record - Tom as Paul Anka
Please God, not *another* learning experience!
Please Hold...
Please Lord, not another learning experience!
Please Mike, cover my eyes! - Tom Servo as tough couple kisses
Please Mike, cover my eyes! - Tom as tough couple kisses
Please Mr. Moderater, Don't hit me !  I'll get back to the Subject !
Please Mr. Moderator...May I have another?
Please Mr. Sysop I want some more
Please Mr. Sysop, may I have another?
Please Mr. Sysop... I want some more...
Please Ms. Moderator...May I have another?
Please Press CTRL-ALT-DEL.
Please Reply Snail Mail...My daughter needs a strong back & weak mind.
Please Return The Stewardess To Her Original Position!
Please Santa, let me take the toys to the naughty girls!
Please Tell Me if you Don't Get This Message
Please Type In Lower Caps. YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL!
Please Wait . . . Eating Hat.
Please abuse your drugs elsewhere.
Please accept our apology for your inconvenience.
Please adjust your Editor to 'wrap' at column 65 or less.
Please affix a 29-cent stamp on your next message.
Please affix a 29-cent stamp on your next message.
Please and Thanks are words to love by.
Please attempt to not ever split infinitives...
Please be good today ball. I'd hate to have to kill you.
Please be patient - this is my first time.
Please be patient with me; I'm still learning!
Please be sure to exit before leaving. - Jack Treger
Please bear with me. I am slightly shell shocked.
Please call IBM.  I believe my computer's on fire.
Please call IBM. I believe my computer's on fire.
Please call back later - All lines are tied up...%$#@& - KNOT CARRIER
Please captain, not in front on the Klingons. -- Spock
Please change the channel...
Please check all reality at the entrance.
Please check with your proctologist for possible brain damage.
Please check your firearm at the door.
Please check your sexuality at the door.  Okay, I checked.
Please clarify me on this subject. Do I have to send another SASE?
Please come back to Detroit, we missed you the first time
Please come home with me...I have Tylenol!!
Please continue the "petty bickering" .. it intrigues me.
Please contribute to the "Help Patrick Long Buy a Clue" fund.
Please cut my pizza in six slices - I can't eat eight.
Please dear God, I need patience -- AND HURRY!!!
Please define... 'SOON'
Please deposit 5 taglines for the first three minutes.
Please deposit a quarter into your computer for the next message.
Please direct me to my hotel.
Please direct me to the nearest sentient mammal.
Please disconnect...We are swapping you for another user.   
Please dispose of your Mongols properly - Mike
Please disregard this message if already read.
Please do Not: Fold, Spindle, or Cogitate
Please do not adjust your mind - reality is malfunctioning
Please do not break character.
Please do not describe your duffel, as all duffels look alike.
Please do not feed the sysop.
Please do not look into laser with remaining eyeball.
Please do not offer my god a peanut! - Apu
Please do not read this message.
Please do not read this tagline again.
Please do not read this tagline, it has very little to say!
Please do not reply to this message as it is only advisory in nature.
Please don't SHOUT - you're hurting my eyes...
Please don't ask me what the score is.  I'm not even a musician!
Please don't buy beer with it - Crow writes to Adam West
Please don't drink and post.
Please don't drink from the bidet! - Joel
Please don't drop kick me!  I'll go back on topic!
Please don't fart before my wife....ladies first!
Please don't feed or tease the fundies.
Please don't feed or tease the straight people.
Please don't feed the Taglines!
Please don't feed the animals!
Please don't feed the typesetter.
Please don't filter this twit
Please don't filter this twit.
Please don't give me a piece of your mind... I know it's your last one
Please don't kill the messenger.
Please don't kill the messenger..
Please don't leave, there's more demons to toast.
Please don't make me do that! <g> Thanks!!
Please don't pet my dog. I am available, however!
Please don't sink to HIS level.
Please don't sneeze with your mouth full, said the carpenter tactfully.
Please don't spoil everything by telling me the truth.
Please don't stand in the light, the glare is blinding.
Please don't steal it if you don't really need it.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Please don't take them to heart. Gleefully stolen for your Benefit.
Please don't talk to me while I'm interrupting.
Please don't tease or feed the heterosexuals.
Please don't tell my fiancee what SHICKSA means!
Please don't throw beer bottles at the band!
Please don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Please don't touch the secretary's reproduction equipment!
Please don't unzip here. I'm bashful; I'll probably laugh
Please don't worry. Every thing is okay. --Ian Troy.
Please don't yell at me.  I'm new at this.
Please don't yell at me.  I'm new at this. 
Please don't yell at me. You'll regret it.
Please donate to help the Humour Impaired.
Please donate to the Sysop's Widows and Orphaned Childrens Fund -KP
Please dont EVER open your mouth again -Mike to K.Ireland
Please download your Softwares onto my Hard Disk...
Please dragonriders, don't flame this thread.
Please drive carefully!
Please engage brain before setting mouth into motion.
Please enlighten us - Crow to Mike
Please enter password now to fire sidewinder __________________
Please excuse @FN@ for being. It was his father's fault.
Please excuse Al Gore for being. It was his mother's fault.
Please excuse Bill Clinton for being. It was his mother's fault.
Please excuse Craig for being. It was his father's fault.
Please excuse Gloria from Jim today.
Please excuse Jane.  She had been sick and under the doctor.
Please excuse John for being.  It was his father's fault.
Please excuse Orville Friday. He has very loose vowels.
Please excuse Orville for being out yesterday, because he had the fuel.
Please excuse Orville for being. It was his father's fault.
Please excuse Orville for being. It was his mother's fault.
Please excuse Orville from being absent yesterday. She was in bed with
Please excuse Orville from gym today. She is administrating.
Please excuse Orville from school yesterday. He had a stomach egg.
Please excuse Orville she was in bed with gramps.
Please excuse he for being. It was his father's fault.
Please excuse he for being. It was his mother's fault.
Please excuse me now, I've just spilt Odo on the keyboard.
Please excuse me now, I've just spilt Odo over the keyboard.
Please excuse me while I ROTFL.
Please excuse me while I recharge my flamethrower...
Please excuse me. I'm one of the fatigue impaired.
Please excuse my bad english
Please excuse this interlude; returning to our regular flame throwing!
Please excuse us while we clean House ... and Senate.
Please explain that "the Vampire gets up again.." part to me again...?
Please explain the scientific nature of 'the whammy'. - Dana Scully
Please explain.
Please feel free to leave me messages.
Please feel welcome until further notice.
Please get in the elevator, said Tom uppishly.
Please get out of my store, and thank you come again. - Apu
Please give to the United Robot College Fund - Tom Servo
Please go away.
Please hang up.  We are sick and tired of answering this phone line.
Please hang up....all lines are busy....
Please have Lorena Bobbitt fill my Xmas stocking.- Jeffrey Dahlmer
Please help me to get this operational.... thanks... Gary
Please help me...I have lost my census.
Please help...I have lost my census.
Please hold ... running command "NUKE C:".
Please hold your breath while I smoke.
Please hold, a Dungeon Master will annoy you shortly.
Please hold, a representative will annoy you shortly.
Please hold, a service representative will annoy you shortly
Please hold, a service representative will annoy you shortly.
Please hold.  A representative will annoy you shortly.
Please hold.  An Geco representative will annoy you shortly.
Please hold.  An He representative will annoy you shortly.
Please hold.  Someone will annoy you shortly.
Please hold. A General Manager will be annoying you shortly!
Please hold. A representative will annoy you shortly.
Please hold. A service rep will annoy you shortly.
Please hold...Your call is importa...%$#@& - NO CALLEE
Please hurry, this IS an emergency...%$#@& - NO CARE - NO HOW
Please ignore previous Tagline.
Please ignore previous fortune.
Please ignore previous recipe.
Please ignore previous tagline.
Please ignore this line.
Please include City, State, and Country on reply
Please include previous messages with your replies.
Please inform Starfleet: I have engaged the Borg. Wedding Friday.
Please inform me if you do not recieve this message.
Please insert 5c in drive A: for next Tagline.
Please insert 5c in drive A: for next recipe.
Please insert disk in drive C: and press any key...
Please insert drive A: into drive B:
Please irradiate your hands before handling food.
Please just ignore this Tagline, OK?
Please just ignore this recipe, OK?
Please just ignore this tagline, OK?
Please keep honking...I need a second to reload.
Please keep your hands off the secretary's reproducing equipment
Please knee this kid in the groin - Tom
Please knock firmly on door.  I like firm knockers.
Please knock firmly on door. I like firm knockers
Please leave a message before the BEEP.
Please leave deposit in appropriate bank...
Please leave your message after the the dial tone.
Please let me hear back from you....
Please let me know if there's any further trouble I can cause you.
Please let me know if you did not receive this.
Please let me know if you do not receive this.
Please let me know in which persons you're interested.
Please make all deliveries at the rear.
Please make yourself at home - do the dishes!
Please make yourself at home, @FN@ - do the dishes!
Please no more. Not again. My life is hell. Enough - Mike
Please no smoking while dispensing gas
Please not to be disturbing the driver during vehicular combat.
Please note extreme sarcasm here!
Please note how clever tribbles changed your intent.
Please note that there should have been a tagline here.  :((
Please note:  If found unconscious, administer chocolate.
Please note:  If found unconscious, administer coffee!
Please note:  If found unconscious, administer espresso!
Please note:  If found unconscious, please administer chocolate
Please note: If found unconscious, administer chocolate, STAT!
Please note: If found unconscious, administer chocolate.
Please note: If found unconscious, please administer chocolate.
Please pass me the oranges, was Tom's fruitless request.
Please pass the milk, please -- TMBG
Please pay for your purchases and get out of my store and come again.
Please phrase your questions in the form of an answer
Please phrase your questions in the form of an answer.
Please place tongue firmly in cheek before proceeding.
Please place your orders early for WINDOWS 96; 97; 98; 99; 2000; 2001!
Please post this email...%$#@& - NO CONVEY
Please pray that Clinton won't trash the economy!
Please press firmly.  You are making 1,000,000 copies.
Please put all BBS complaints in this box [###]  Please write legibly.
Please put complaints in this box.  Write legibly. --> []
Please put it out.  Just...put it out.
Please put some folds in these trousers, Tom pleaded.
Please put that arrow back where it belongs, Tom quivered.
Please rain so I can leave - Tom as girl at baseball game
Please re-enter your tagline. . . and make it funny this time!
Please re-enter your tagline... and make it funny this time.
Please read Chapter 5: "Your Wife's rights, lefts, and upper-cuts"
Please read the *ENTIRE* message before responding.
Please recite `Jabberwocky' backwards to continue . . .
Please reconsider--it's so hard to take "Go to Hell" for an answer.
Please recycle this recipe.  Once is not enough.
Please recycle this tagline.  Once is not enough.
Please refrain from using your imagination. -- Odo
Please relax, its not a bribe. - Londo
Please relocate to the Judeo-Christian place of eternal punishment.
Please relocate to the theological place of eternal punishment
Please relocate yourself to the Christian place of eternal damnation.
Please remain seated until this message comes to a complete stop.
Please remain seated while the sub grinds to a complete halt.
Please remember to turn me off when you leave the room - HOLODECK DOCTOR
Please remove near duplicate recipes to save space.
Please remove near duplicate recipes to shave space.
Please remove near duplicate taglines to save space.
Please remove near duplicate taglines to shave space.
Please remove your duplicate recipes to save space nearby.
Please remove your duplicate recipes to save space.
Please remove your duplicate recipes to shave space.
Please remove your duplicate taglines to save space nearby.
Please remove your duplicate taglines to save space.
Please remove your duplicate taglines to shave space.
Please remove your near duplicate recipes to save space.
Please remove your near duplicate taglines to save space.
Please reply if you don't get this message.
Please reply if you don't see this recipe.
Please reply if you don't see this tagline.
Please reply to message before reading this recipe.
Please reply to message before reading this tagline.
Please reply to this conference
Please report all lost or snagged recipes to your Sysop.
Please report all lost or stolen taglines to your Sysop
Please report all lost or stolen taglines to your Sysop.
Please report all stolen taglines to your Sysop.
Please respond to this echo and conference
Please return my uniform to me, Counselor. - Data
Please return stewardess to her original upright position
Please return stewardess to original upright position
Please return stewardess to original upright position.
Please return stewardess to original upright position.  
Please return stewardess to the original upright position.
Please return stewardesses to an upright position.
Please return sysop to original upright position.
Please return the seat back to its original upright position.
Please return the stewardess to her original upright position.
Please return the stewardesses to their original upright positions
Please return the stuardess in an upright position.
Please return the sysop to his original uptight position.
Please return your stewardess to an upright position.
Please return your stewardess to her original upright position.
Please save the above drivel for future reference!
Please save the above drivel for future reference!
Please save the branches of our trees, said Tom limply.
Please save this drivel for future reference.
Please save your burned out bulbs for me -- I'm building a darkroom.
Please say 'The End'! Please! - Crow during dull scene
Please say it isn't so!!!
Please say that we can be joined together - Tom
Please show me more of what I can't have.
Please smash head through monitor to continue.
Please smash head through monitor to continue...
Please spay your recipes so that they do not duplicate.
Please spay your taglines so that they do not duplicate.
Please speak slowly...I'm from Mississippi.
Please stand by-we have temporarily lost our reality feed.
Please stand in the center of the target...
Please stand out of the crease.
Please standby for Funny Bunny's reply...
Please standby for Ms. Sleepwalker's reply...
Please standby for Sleepwalker's reply...
Please state the nature of the medical emergency. - Holodoc
Please stay on the line.  We'll get to you when we're darn done good and ready!
Please steal this tagline, and spread it around the world.
Please stop that or I'll have to hurt you.  - The Brain
Please take cash.
Please take my word for it.
Please take the time to give me advice....
Please take these books of my hands!
Please take this as sincere, constructive criticism.
Please tell Dr. Kevorkian I'm feeling MUCH better, now!
Please tell Michael Jackson to get ahold of himself.
Please tell me I'm adopted. - Calvin
Please tell me if you don't get this message.
Please tell me if you haven't received this message.
Please tell me more.....
Please tell your cat that I am not a tree.
Please think when you drink....
Please trace this call and tell me where am I!
Please trace this call and tell me where the heck I am.
Please turn off the doctor when you leave Sickbay.
Please turn to the next screen.
Please type your Bank PIN number in your reply again.
Please type your Bank PIN number in your reply again.
Please use the quote feature if you respond. Thanks.
Please vote the Ottawa Senators for the Stanley Cup... in 2010!
Please wait  Moderator has exited to the race track...
Please wait Moderator has exited to the race track
Please wait ONE HOUR before replying
Please wait ONE HOUR before replying...
Please wait loading tagline.
Please wait untill the ride has come to a full and complete stop.
Please wait while PCBoard reloads.
Please wait while an attempt is made to find more quarters...
Please wait while an attempt is made to find the Lysol...
Please wait while an attempt is made to record this bad news...
Please wait while an attempt is made to record this good news...
Please wait.  Program reading mind.
Please wait...   Moderator has exited to the race track...
Please wait... Sysop has exited to DOS
Please waitModerator has exited to the race track
Please waitSysop has exited to DOS
Please wash your monitor after reading this message.
Please weight...Spell Checker at work.
Please write all your complaints in space reserved --> []
Please write any response legibly in this space ---> []
Please write any response legibly in this space ---< []
Please!  Do not break character!
Please!  Do not break character! 
Please! >>> Think! <<< While it's still legal!
Please! Don't unzip here! I'm bashful!
Please! I can manipulate myself without your help.
Please! Please! Please! End the song now! -Joel/Bots sing
Please! Take my word for it.
Please, Captain.  Not in front of the Klingons. * Spock
Please, Christopher, said Tom crisply.
Please, G-d!  Not ANOTHER learning experience!
Please, GOD, PLEASE save me from some of your followers.
Please, God  please save me from some of your followers.
Please, God - save me from some of your followers.
Please, God!  Not ANOTHER learning experience!
Please, God, please save me from some of your followers.
Please, Lord... Not another learning experience!
Please, Moderator, may I now go to the bathroom?
Please, Mr. Sysop, I don't wanna go.
Please, Mr. Wizard!  Which way is the Byteroom?
Please, Please, I'm just plain Yogurt.
Please, Sir Knight we ARE doctors.
Please, Sir Knight... we *are* doctors.
Please, Sysop, not in front of the Klingons.
Please, avoid commas, they are not necessary, OK?
Please, can I have one to surge with?
Please, cut off my arm.
Please, doctor, not while my wife is on board. X O'Brien
Please, doctor, not while my wife is on board. ~ O'Brien
Please, doctor, not while my wife is on board. þ O'Brien
Please, forget that, I was just going to start eating.
Please, just tell me that it isn't the 70's again! --Sam.
Please, mother, I'd rather do it myself!
Please, no deja vu; I don't want to go through that again
Please, no deja vu; I don't want to go through that again.
Please, no taglines today... I've got a headache!
Please, not in front of the Klingons
Please, not the Death Chant. --Ro.
Please, please, please, don't take my genealogy away!
Please, please... don't make a fuss... I'm just plain Yogurt.
Please, read the Skeptical Inquirer!
Please, won't somebody tell me what diddie-wa-diddie means?
Please, you can pretend to be serious, but not witty.
Please. Don't grab my butt! - Joel
Please...we *are* doctors.
Pleased prognosticator: Happy medium.
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name.
Pleased to meetcha, kid. I'm Aahz. Oz? No relation. - Aahz & Skeeve
Pleasing everyone means you end up pleasing no one.
Pleasure is a freedom song, but it is not freedom. -Gibran
Pleasure is labor too, and tires as much.
Pleasure is the bait of sin.
Pleasure is the start and end of living happily. Epicurus
Pleasure just makes the rest of life seem worse.
Pleasure leaves a fingerprint as surely as mortal pain. -Scars, Rush
Pleasure's a sin, and sometimes sin's a pleasure.
Pleasure, what is this?    - Wormhole Creatures.
Pleeeeaaassseee RICKY!?!?!?!?!?
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease pretty please with a cow on top? :>.
Plenty of booze & dexies - Crow
Plenty of room for you, Hotshot. -Rita Longshot. My names Longshot.
Plenty of starch, please, said Tom stiffly.
Plerique amicos, tanquam pecudes, eos potissium
Pljujemo po svima na pamet sto nam padaju !
Plodding along with Plodigy.
Plop. Plop. Plop - Mike & Bots on group of horses
Plot a course, there's coffee in that nebula!-Janeway "The Cloud"
Plot a course, there's coffee in that nebula. - Janeway
Plot holes big enough to lose planets in." SPACE: ABOVE & BEYOND
Plot point! Plot point! - Tom
Plots on Trek, now theres a good one!!!
Plow a straight furrow and you're in a rut
Plow a straight furrow and you're in a rut.
Pluck yer magic twanger, Froggie.
Plucky Reginald Vas Deferens is a nuclear scientist.
Plucky go down the HOOOOOOOOLLLLLLEEEEE!!!  <glub!>
Plug a pizza in the socket and get a pizza delight.
Plug your modem in backwards and hear the Devil's own words!
Plum Farr: Vulcan sex using your thumbs
Plum Farr: Vulcan sex while eating fruit
Plumb Good: Dwayne Pipe
Plumb Good: Dwayne Pipe*
Plumb Good: Dwayne Pipe.
Plumber's helper: What you need after Hamburger Helper
Plumber's motto; A flush beats a full house.
Plumber, Ma'am - you said have a hole you want plugged?
Plumbers Creed:  A good flush beats a full house anytime!
Plumbers DO IT where its wet.
Plumbers Motto:  A flush beats a full house.
Plumbers do it in the bathroom.
Plumbers do it in the shower.
Plumbers do it on the toilet.
Plumbers do it under the sink.
Plumbers do it with caulking compound.
Plumbers do it with plumber's friends.
Plumbers do it with snakes and helpers.
Plumbers do it with tools.
Plumbers:       The shit happens, then it overflows...
Plumbum, peachbum, applebum, bananabum:  homeless fruits
Plumbum, peachbum, applebum, bananabum: homeless fruits
Plunk yer magic twanger Froggy !
Plunk your magic twanger, Froggyyyyy!
Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose. -La Rochefoucauld
Plus ca change, plus ne ca change rien
Plus ca' change, plus ca' la meme chose.
Plus puto, minus scio--The more I learn, The less I know
Plus, I'm dumb! - Mike as girl
Pluto can be seen with the naked eye at Disneyland.
Plymouth        Please Leave Your Motor On Unless There's Help
Plymouth        Please Let Your Mother Out <from> Under The Hood!
Plymouth: Please Leave Your Money Out Under The Hood
Plymouth: Pontiac	Poor old ni**er thinks it's a Cadillac
Plymouth: Poor Old Nitwit Thinks Its A Cadilliac
Po sumama i gorama,nase zemlje ponosne,idu cete partizana
Po zanimanju sam pesimista........
Pobeci negde, daleko, sto dalje, gde ne trebaju pilute za spavanje,
Pobody's Nerfect!
Pobody's nerfect
Pobody's nerfect.
Pobogu, druze moj, sta ti je, necu da budem clan mafije,
Pocahontas is your hero!
Pockalanche - Perpetual action where items fall out of a shirt pocket.
Pockalanche: perpetual action where items fall out of a shirt pocket.
Pocketbook wearing Jester: See Richard Hsiung...
Pockets!  I have POCKETS!!!
Podiatrists do it with feet.
Podiatrists do it with someone else's feet.
Podkayne of Mars by RAH by Robert A. Heinlein
Pods lie #29:I don't match any URA Pagan Redneck tagline descriptions.
Poems? Sure. --Jim Morrison
Poet's motto: It could be verse!
Poet: to transfer a liquid - "Just POET down the sink!"
Poetic Borg:You will compose assimilated rhythms and rhymes.
Poetic Justice : A Lawyer with his tongue cut out.
Poetic Justice:  A lawyer with his tongue cut out.
Poetic Justice: A lawyer with his tongue cut out.
Poetic Justice: a moderator getting moderated by the co-moderator.
Poetic justace:  A moderator without a node number.
Poetic justice:  A co-moderator getting moderated, in public.
Poetic justice:  A moderator getting moderated by the USERS!
Poetic justice:  A moderator getting moderated by the co-moderator.
Poetic justice: A co-moderator getting moderated, in public.
Poetic justice: A moderator forgets to pay his/her CRP in time.
Poetic justice: A moderator getting moderated by the NEC.
Poetic justice: A moderator getting moderated by the USERS!
Poetic justice: a moderator getting moderated, in public.
Poetry and Power Tools:  "The sun creeps up / THE DAY AWAKES / ..."
Poetry in Baseball: Homer
Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance. <Carl Sandburg>
Poetry is what Milton first saw after he went blind.
Poetry isn't obscene . . . it's per verse.
Poetry isn't obscene, it's per verse.
Poetry isn't obscene, its per verse.
Poets are rather silent on the subject of cheese.
Poets do not go mad; but chess players do - G.K. Chesterton
Poets go from bad to verse
Poets go from bard to verse.
Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. - G. K. Chesterton
Poets have been strangely silent on the subject of cheese.
Poets speak their heart and then bleed for it --U2
Pogledaj dom svoj, andjele, i skini paucinu s ociju,
Pognute glave, krijuci bore zatvorim oci i vidim nju
Pogo Farr: Vulcan sex on a pogo stick
Pogo Farr: Vulcan sex with a cartoon opossum.
Pogo Farr: Vulcan sex with a cartoon possum.
Pogo ergo possum
Pogo sticks make people jumpy.
Pohl's law: Nothing is so good that somebody, somewhere,
Pohl's law: Nothing is so good that somebody, somewhere, will not hate it.
Poignant how they're trying to set up the series - Tom
Point and click, drag and dump.
Point click point clic...guess my mouse isn't loaded.
Point me, Click me, Treat me like a Mouse.
Point not found.  (A)bort (R)eread (I)gnore?
Point not found. A)bort, R)eread, I)gnore.
Point of know return.
Point of message not found. A)bort, R)eread, I)gnore.
Point...click...ERRORTHEN what?
Point: I wasn't jumping, I was commenting. -- Jack Butler
Pointing and clicking can be a real drag sometimes.
Pointing is rude! Depends on what you point with...
Pointless behavior, and plenty of it...
Pointless point of Confuscion
Pointless point of Confuscion...
Pointless:  Teaching a dog to fetch boomerangs.
Pointless: Teaching a dog to fetch a boomerang.
Points Rule 5: Everyone must buy the sysop chocolate.
Poisoning pigeons on the grass alas alas
Poisonous Displacer Adamantine Giant Space Hamster.
Poit!! - Brain
Poit. - Pinky Narf. - Brain
Poke a few holes in him so he don't explode - Crow
Poke fun at my ancestors..you may see the sap running out of the tree.
Poker Face: The face that launched a thousand chips.
Poker Is that some kind of a game? -- Riker
Poker players DO IT with a royal flush.
Poker players DO IT with two pair.
Poker players do it on the table and bet on the outcome.
Poker players do it with their own hand.
Poker, is that a game of some sort?  -Riker
Poker... Is that some kind of a game? -- Riker
Poker:  A game where a good deal depends on a good deal.
Poker: It's darkest just before you've drawn.
Poker? Is that some kind of game? - Riker
PokerIs that some kind of a game? -- Riker
Pokupio sve pare sto smo spremili za Bi-li-ja !
Pokvario mi se pescani sat.Kasni tri zrnceta!
Poland's favorite Olympic sport: javelin catching.
Poland's favorite Olympic sport: javeline catching.
Polar Bear:  Cartesian Bear after coordinate transformation.
Polar Bears don't hunt Penguins. Why? Too far to swim.
Polar Kraken: Pretty damn big.
Polar bear - Cartesian bear after coordinate transform.
Polaroid does it in one step.
Polaroid does it in seconds.
Polaroids...Android inhabitants from the Arctic region.
Polaroids:  what polar bears get from sitting on icecaps.
Polaroids: Polar bears get these from sitting on ice flows.
Polaroids: What bears get from sitting on icebergs.
Polaroids: What polar bears get from sitting on icebergs
Polaroids: what polar bears get from sitting on icecaps
Polaroids: what polar bears get from sitting on the ice.
Pole vaulters do it with long, flexible instruments.
Poli(Many) Tic(Bloodsucker) Politics = Many Bloodsuckers
Poli(Many) Tic(Bloodsucker) Politics = Many Bloodsuckers.
Police ... No sense of humor.  -  Piccalilli
Police = Machine that converts donuts into speeding tickets.
Police Blotter: Energizer Bunny Charged with Battery!
Police Error!  (A)bort, (R)etry, (S)hoot innocent bystanders?
Police Helicopters - Where things just keep whirling around!
Police Kill Man to Stop Suicide!
Police Not Found: Try Adult Bookstore [Y/N]?
Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers.
Police busted a picture over a man's head.  He was framed.
Police do it with sirens and flashing lights.
Police officer dies: trapped in empty doughnut warehouse 16 days!
Police officers have arresting personalities.
Police recipe. Do not cross.
Police seize sex computer, but are unsure of it's gender
Police station toilet stolen: The Cops have nothing to go on.
Police station toilet stolen; cops have nothing to go on
Police tagline.  Do not cross.
Police toilets stolen!  Officers have nothing to go on!
Policeman, police thyself.
Policemen are a social fiction.
Policemen do it with handcuffs.
Policemen like big busts.
Policemen... I'd recognize them in ANY century. --Moriarty.
Policewomen do it with night sticks.
Policy does not imply that sanity is a Sysop requirement.
Polident is NOT a damaged parrot!
Polinomial: Fasting parrot
Polish invention : Airplanes that don't fly so they don't crash.
Polish invention : Braces for false teeth.
Polish invention : Colored invisible ink.
Polish invention : Ejectable helicopter seats
Polish invention : Fire alarm that doesn't ring when you sleep.
Polish invention : Hypodermic needles that don't pierce the skin
Polish invention : Solar powered flashlights.
Polish invention: Airplanes that don't fly so they don't crash.
Polish invention: Fire alarm that doesn't ring when you sleep.
Politaical Power attracts the corruptable.
Politenes goes far, yet costs nothing.
Politeness is asking a beggar if he'll take a check.
Politeness is the art of choosing among your thoughts.
Politeness makes wrinkles smooth.
Politeness, n: The most acceptable hypocrisy.
Political Campaigns: Foreplay before we get screwed.
Political Correctness - "Me Too ism" for the new century.
Political Correctness = Thought Police
Political Correctness consists of ignoring the facts.
Political Correctness failed in the Soviet Union!
Political Correctness is a Borg plot.
Political Correctness is a marketing term for mind control!
Political Correctness is a refuge for refuse. 
Political Correctness is an excuse for a lack of intelligence. 
Political Correctness is doubleplusgood.
Political Correctness is mentally challenged!
Political Correctness is, I agree, a waste of time.
Political Correctness toadies should be euthanized.
Political Correctness:  A marketing term for mind control
Political Correctness:  Emperor's New Clothes for the 90's.
Political Correctness:  The 90s version of "Holier than thou".
Political Correctness: Emperor's clothes for the 90's.
Political Correctness: The 90s version of "Holier than thou".
Political Correctness: a marketing term for mind control
Political Correctness: a marketing term for mind control.
Political Correctness=censorship and socialist propaganda
Political Correctness?  Bite me!
Political Correctness? Blow me. <-Sponsored by the City of Chicago.
Political Mathematics 101: Guns + Registration = Tyranny.
Political New Math: Republicans + Democratics = $.10 a dozen
Political New Math: |(Republican Party) - (Democratic Party)| = $.05
Political Nightmare: Quayle/Bono in '96.
Political Parties : They'll give the shirt off someone else's back.
Political Promises - oxymorons believed in by Liberals
Political Promises - oxymorons believed in by morons
Political Promises - oxymorons believed in by morons.
Political Promises-oxymorons believed in by Democrats.
Political convulsions usher in new epochs of the world's progress.
Political correctness is for the differently brained.
Political correctness isn't.
Political correctness: Liberal Socialist thought control.
Political disaster - see: Hillary Clinton's health plan
Political disaster -- see: Hillary Clinton's health plan
Political freedom is a political reading of the Bible.
Political incorrectness on drive C: - (A)bort (R)etry (P)ersecute?
Political joke - see: Bill Clinton's foreign policy
Political joke -- see: Bill Clinton's foreign policy
Political panjandrums prologize pedantic paronomasia.
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun - Mao Tse-tung
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
Political rectitude is exactly as comfortable as it sounds
Political shifts come from reframing the fundamentals.
Political system's like an airplane: needs left & right wings to fly!
Political worth... Now there's an oxymoron!
Politically *Incorrect* and proud of it!!!
Politically Correct - Human with spine removed.
Politically Correct = Brain Dead.
Politically Correct = Brain dead from not enough thinking.
Politically Correct = PC = Petty Crybabies
Politically Correct DOS:  Ask any key if it wants to be hit.
Politically Correct Speech, for those who can't think for themselves.
Politically Correct Thinking is...THE NEW FASCISM!
Politically Correct Zone:  no thinking allowed.
Politically Correct is a contradiction in terms.
Politically Correct is an oxymoron.
Politically Correct is the perfect oxymoron.
Politically Correct tagline: *B*O*R*I*N*G*!!
Politically Correct term for `Zombies' is Living Impaired.
Politically Correct the perfect oxymoron!
Politically Correct thinking is the new fascism!
Politically Correct, Be a follower not a leader.
Politically Correct, the perfect oxymoron!
Politically Correct:  Marketing term for mind control.
Politically Correct: "He's metabolically challenged, Jim."
Politically Correct: A new way of saying Holier than Thou
Politically Correct: Be a follower not a leader.
Politically Correct: Brain dead from too much agreeing.
Politically Correct: Don't think!
Politically Correct: Fat people are calorically challenged.
Politically Correct: He's metabolically challenged, Jim.
Politically Correct: Human with spine removed
Politically Correct: Intolerant of tolerance.
Politically Correct: Short people are vertically challenged.
Politically Correct: The perfect oxymoron!
Politically Correct:a pair of weasel words for moral cowards....
Politically Correct? I'm not even politically coherent.
Politically Correct?! I'm not even Anatomically Correct!
Politically INCorrect -- and damn proud of it!
Politically INcorrect, and proud of it!
Politically Incorrect - Tagline Deleted!
Politically Incorrect -- and damn proud of it!
Politically Incorrect Tagline Deleted!
Politically Incorrect and proud of it!
Politically Incorrect, my butt!
Politically Un-Corrct Tagline Deleted!
Politically Un-Correct Tagline Deleted!
Politically correct healthy chili has yogurt and tofu in it? <UGH>
Politically correct is a contradiction in terms.
Politically correct song:  "My Person Sal."
Politically correct term for 'Zombies' is Living Impaired
Politically correct term for Zombies:  Living Impaired.
Politically correct virus: calls itself an electronic micro-organism.
Politically correct, gender neutral pronoun - s/h/it.
Politically correct=Politically controlled!
Politically correct?  I'm not even ANATOMICALLY correct!
Politically incorrect and DAMNED proud of it!!!
Politically incorrect and proud of it!
Politically incorrect, and damn proud of it!
Politically old: Bald. New: Follicularly challenged.
Politically old: Dairy. New: Where cows are raped.
Politically old: Dead. New: Metabolically challenged.
Politically old: Dead. New: Metabolically different.
Politically old: Fishing. New: Raping the oceans.
Politically old: Heterosexual White Male. New: Scum.
Politically old: Ranch. New: Where cattle are murdered.
Politically old: Rude. New: Politically correct (tm).
Politically, fashionably and aerodynamically incorrect - Outland
Politically, fashionably and aerodynamically incorrect.
Politically, fashonably and aerodynamically incorrect!
Politically-correct:  Brain dead from too much agreeing
Politicaly Correct Planned Abortion..Kill a Protestor.
Politician - Lawyer - Liar: Synonyms!
Politician - Lawyer - Thief: Synonyms!
Politician and diapers need changing often for similar reasons.
Politician's Don't Like Armed Peasants!
Politician:  A fellow who'll lay down your life for his country.
Politician:  An eel in the fundamental mud upon which the
Politician:  Organism closely related to pond scum, see Crud.
Politician: Breeding form of lawers.
Politician: Breeding form of lawyers.
Politician: Larval form of lawyers.
Politician: Organism closely related to pond scum, see Crud.
Politician:Honesty as Darkness:Light
Politician:n., Organism closely related to pond scum, see Crud.
Politicians & Diapers - Change often (for same reasons).
Politicians & diapers should be changed often-& for the same reason.
Politicians -- they'll screw it up everytime.
Politicians DO IT to make the headlines.
Politicians DO IT, but they stay in too long & make you pay for it.
Politicians Don't Like Armed Peasants!
Politicians LIE to the press, then QUOTE the media...
Politicians always lie when their lips move.
Politicians and criminals are hard to tell apart!
Politicians and diapers need changing for the same reasons.
Politicians and diapers need changing often for similar reasons.
Politicians and diapers need to be changed, often for the same reasons
Politicians and diapers often need changing for similar reasons.
Politicians and diapers should be changed often for the same reasons.
Politicians are ambidextrous pickpockets.
Politicians are like babies.  Change them often.  For the same reason!
Politicians are like condoms - Feel secure while they screw you!
Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often.
Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often.
Politicians are like polkas - different names but sound the same.
Politicians are like ships - noisiest when lost in a fog.
Politicians are people to...aren't they...
Politicians are people too, aren't they?
Politicians are the crabgrass in the lawn of life!
Politicians are the only truly American criminal class. - Will Rogers
Politicians are the result of frontal lobotomies gone wrong
Politicians aren't born, they are excreted. (Cicero)
Politicians aren't crooks - just "ethically challenged"
Politicians come from the shallow end of the gene pool.
Politicians cut red tape... LENGTHWISE.
Politicians cut red tape....LENGTHWISE
Politicians cut red tape....LENGTHWISE
Politicians do it and ought to be stopped!
Politicians do it as committees.
Politicians do it for 4 years then have to get re-erected.
Politicians do it in public.
Politicians do it on the back bench.
Politicians do it on the floors of Congress.
Politicians do it to everybody.
Politicians do it to everyone!
Politicians do it to everyone.
Politicians do it to make the headlines.
Politicians do it with everyone.
Politicians do it with everyone. 
Politicians do it without your permission.
Politicians fly the SST now, and all of us pay later.
Politicians have the privilege of writing the laws they break.
Politicians know very little - but they know it fluently!
Politicians never mention individual responsibility!
Politicians operate at a 180 degree angle to reality
Politicians profit by confusing theories with conditions.
Politicians work for us.  Don't forget!  Don't let them forget!
Politicians, like diapers, should be changed frequently.
Politicians, like diapers, should be changed often!
Politicians: Lawyers who don't inhale.
Politicians: lawyers who don't inhale.
Politics - Root(s): [1] Poly-Many; [2] Tics-Bloodsuckers
Politics -- also a religion? Or is the other way around?
Politics = poly(many) + tics(blood sucking parasites)
Politics defined:  poli=many  tics=blood suckers
Politics defined: Poli=many  tics=blood suckers
Politics from roots: poly (many) and ticks (blood suckers)
Politics is a profession where the paths of glory lead but to gravy.
Politics is an illusion of service that cloaks the corruption of power
Politics is everywhere. Even entering Heaven you need to know Someone!
Politics is no exact science
Politics is not a game... it is an earnest business.
Politics is not an exact science.
Politics is stealing from the many and giving to the few.
Politics is the art of the impossible. Otto von Bismarck
Politics is the conduct of public affairs for private advantage.
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.
Politics is the most promising of all careers.
Politics is the science of discontent.
Politics is the science of domination...  -  Tom Robbins
Politics is the science of how who gets what when, and why.
Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.
Politics isn't about ethics.  It's about power and survival.
Politics made simple: Poli = many, tics = blood suckers
Politics permits a LOT more idiocy than science does.
Politics schmolitics...I'm here for the taglines!
Politics shouldn't be so political.
Politics--Poly: many + Tics: blood sucking parasites
Politics... are but the cigar smoke of a man. - Thoreau
Politics:  A parrot that has swallowed a watch.
Politics:  A strife of interests masquerading as a contes
Politics:  POLY = many. TICKS = blood-sucking vermin.
Politics:  Passing the buck or passing the doe.
Politics:  Poli=Many, Tics=Blood sucking parasites.
Politics:  Poly=many, Tics=Blood sucking parasites.
Politics:  The entertainment branch of industry.
Politics:  The glad hand and the marble heart.
Politics:  Where right is wrong.
Politics:  from poli = many, tics = blood-sucking parasites
Politics:  poli=many  tics=small blood-sucking insects
Politics: A parrot that has swallowed a watch.
Politics: No experience... or thought... required.
Politics: POLY: meaning many.  TICS: blood sucking vermin.
Politics: Passing the buck or passing the doe.
Politics: Poli = Many, Tics = blood sucking parasites.
Politics: Poly (Many) + Ticks (Blood Sucking Parasites)
Politics: Poly (many) + Ticks (blood-sucking parasites)
Politics: Poly (many) + tics (blood sucking parasites)
Politics: Poly = many, Tics = Blood sucking parasites.
Politics: Poly=Many, Tics=Blood sucking parasites.
Politics: Root(s):[a] Poly-Many; [b]Tics-Bloodsuckers
Politics: The glad hand and the marble heart.
Politics: The most promising of all careers.
Politics: Too serious a matter to be left to politicians.
Politics: When one makes a decision that involves others.
Politics: n. from Greek; "poli"-many; "tics"-ugly, bloodsucking parasites.
Politics: poli=many  tics=small blood-sucking insects
Politics: poly=many, ticks=blood suckers
Politics: the art of the possibleif you think so....
Politics?  They're parrot parasites, right?
Politika je kurva, izvinte me sto psujem
Polka Dot?  Not again!
Polka Dot? Not again!
Polka Your Eyes Out!!!
Polka dot? - Ministers Not AGAIN! - Dot
Polka-Dot?  If you insist
Poll: How many know what a snow snake is?
Polls show 4 out of 5 people lie to poll-takers.
Polls show that 10 out of 5 schizophrenics agree...
Polls show that 9 out of 6 schizophrenics agree.
Polluting New Jersey. Like who's gonna notice?
Polluting New Jersey... like who's gonna notice?
Pollution, crime, noise...aah, it's good to be home.
Polly doesn't want a damn cracker.  Polly wants a beer!
Polly doesn't want a damn cracker. Polly wants a beer!
Polly wanna Alka-Seltzer? - Beavis
Polly wanna Big Mac.
Polly wanna cat.
Polly wanna crack 'er.
Polly wanna crack at 'er.
Polly wanna cracker.
Polly wanna dictatorship.
Polly wanna finger.
Polly wanna go outside.
Polly wanna red sports car.
Polly wanna wisecrack.
Polly want a Ham on Rye - Another parroty error
Polly want a cracker?
Polly want an Alka Seltzer? huh huh huh huh huh
Polly want some crack.
Polly, Polly, come quick!  I need your help! - Basil Fawlty
Polly, if you don't eat this cracker, I'm getting a cat.
Pollydent - Keeps your parrot's teeth sparkling.
Pollydent:  Helps hold parrot's false teeth in.
Pollydent:  The mark my parrot left in my car!
Pollydent: The mark my parrot left in my car!
Pollydent: helps hold parrot's false teeth in.
Pollytheism (n.), The belief that God is a parrot.
Pollytheism (n.), The belief that God is a parrot. (Pollytheist)
Pollytheism n., the belief that God is a parrot.
Pollytheism n.; the belief that God is a parrot.
Pollytheism:   The belief that God is a parrot.
Pollytheism: n., the belief that God is a parrot.
Pollytheism; the belief that God is a parrot.
Polock bought a pet zebra...Named it Spot.
Poly(many)+tics (blood sucking parasites). Hmm..
Poly-propylene is NOT a plastic parrot!
Polyarchy.........A parrot who admires Mehitabel.
Polydactyl:  A giant prehistoric parrot.
Polydentia=Parrot with false teeth.
Polygamy is too many wives. Monogamy is too many wives.
Polygamy:  The smell of an unwashed parrot.
Polygamy: The keeping of more than one parrot.
Polygamy: The smell of an unwashed parrot.
Polygon--someone left the cage door open!
Polygon:  A missing parrot.
Polygon:  Someone left the cage door open!
Polygon: A missing parrot.
Polyhedral dreams and virtual realities...
Polymer Chemists DO IT in chains.
Polymer Chemists do it in chains.
Polymer Chemists do it with chains.
Polymer chemists do it in chains.
Polymer physicists are into chains.
Polymorph:  A parrot who shapeshifts.
Polynesia (n.)  loss of memory in parrots
Polynesia:  Loss of memory in parrots.
Polyphone: What parrots use to speak long distances
Polypropylene is NOT a plastic parrot!
Polytheism - The belief that God is a parrot.
Polytheism n., the belief that God is a parrot.
Polytheism, n.: The belief in a Divine Parrot.
Polytheism: The belief that God is a parrot.
Polyunsaturated does not mean that the parrot is dry!
Polyunsaturated:  A sober parrot.
Polyunsaturated:  Parrot in a raincoat.
Polyvinyl: Bird recording
Pom, said Pooh.  I put that in to make it more hummy.
Pom, said Pooh. I put that in to make it more hummy.
PomPom Farr: Vulcan sex with a cheerleader
Pomagajte drugovi, hocu da se ubijem zbog nje, zbog nje
Pomazite policiji - batinajte sami sebe.
Pomblonde:  A species of cheerleader.
Pomona, Goddess of Fruit Trees, Mother of Apples.
Pompousadour: A news anchor's hair.
Pon  - Vulcan for  Wild .  Fahr  - Vulcan for  Thing .
Ponch Farr: Vulcan Sex with Eric Estrada.
Poncho Farr: Vulcan sex through a hole in a blanket
Pond farr: Vulcan sex in a hot tub.
Pond, James Pond.  Double Bubble Seven.  Underwater Agent.
Pond, James Pond. Double Bubble Seven. Underwater Agent.
Ponder Farr: The consideration of having Vulcan sex.
Ponderosa Farr: Vulcan sex on "Bonanza".
Ponderous Farr: Vulcan sex with a fat person
Pondery: Too much hand lotion poured, offered to people to use up.
Pondery: You pour too much hand lotion and offer it to people to use up.
Ponds Farr: Vulcan sex w/ 1/3 moisturizing lotion
Ponds Farr: Vulcan sex with 1/3 moisturizing lotion.
Pone Farr: Vulcan sex after eating cornbread
Ponekad je vidim, lezeci u snu. Kao igru sena, na mom ramenu.
Pong Farr: Vulcan sex while playing a video game.
Pong Farr: Vulcan sex while playing table tennis.
Pontiac         Poor Old N***** Thinks It's A Cadillac
Pontiac Farr: Vulcan sex in the back seat of a car
Pontiac Farr: Vulcan sex with Patrick Stewart.
Pontiac: Poor Old Nigger Thinks It's A Cadillac
Pontiff Farr: Vulcan sex with a clergyman
Pontius Pilate & Bill Clinton: each tried washing blood from his hands
Pontius Pilate & Bill Clinton: each tried washing blood from his hands.
Pontoon Farr: Vulcan sex on a boat
Poo poo occurs, on several occasions.
Poo poo occurs.
Poo poo...Ca ca...Sissy pants - Crow as guy gives speech
Poocock! Landau! Kaplinga! - Mike on stupid names
Poodle need excercise?  Toss'm in front of a Bulldogon a MACK TRUCK!
Poof! "What did you turn me into, priest?" "Whoops, clerical error."
Pooh Farr: Vulcan sex with a bear..."Bother."
Pooh as"Hey! I can see my feet down there!" -- Mike Nelson
Pooh as"Ignorance is free but it exacts an enormous price." - Leipzig
Pooh as"It's a liquor show room." -- Tom Servo
Pooh as"Stop leading the witness!"     "Okay, you lead."
Pooh asI am Locutus of Borg, Do you have any Grey Poupon?
Pooh asI get a sense of ... merriment from this tagline.  --Troi
Pooh asI hear the president is naming you Secretary of the Inferior.
Pooh asIt's going to start hurting soon.
Pooh of Borg. Surrender your honey pot.
Pooh of Borg: I think I'll assimilate a little something today.
Pooh of Borg: Surrender your honey pot.
Pooh postulated, "Reality is for people who can't handle Star Trek."
Pooh postulated, Reality is for people who can't handle Star Trek.
Pooh rules!
Pooh said Oh, I put that in to make it more *hummy*..
Pooh said, "Oh...where is that recipe tree?"
Pooh said, "Oh...where is that tagline tree?"
Pooh sat enthralled by the ((((HYPNOTIC))))((((TAGLINE)))
Pooh sat enthralled by the ((((HYPNOTIC))))((((Tagline)))
Pooh sat enthralled by the ((((HYPNOTIC))))((((recipe)))
Pooh sat entranced by the ((((HYPNOTIC))))((((TAGLINE))))
Pooh sat entranced by the `[0;1;5m((((HYPNOTIC))))((((TAGLINE))))`[0;m
Pooh! said Piglet as the bear exploded.
Pooky Nuts is in trouble! - Mike on teddy bear
Pool cleaners do it wet.
Pool is like sex - you use a stick with balls to get into a dark hole
Pool players do it with English.
Poon Far: The length of time a Vulcan can go without sex
Poop can be a pleasant word.
Pooper Also Murdered. Killed in his own LOG cabin - Crow
Pooper Held As Probe Widens - Crow
Poopoourri...Potpourri gone bad.
Poopy suit?!? - Mike & Bots
Poor Billy, sad but true.......just can't kill that OS/2!
Poor Dan is in a droop!
Poor Das is a Droop.
Poor Fred.. and so soon after retirement, too..
Poor Kira.  So many men.  So little time.
Poor Man: One who has nothing but money.
Poor Nicholas...tortured by a soul he hasn't got. - Janette
Poor Pilgrim only had one friend, so i kilt 'im. - J. Wayne.
Poor Polly; the algorythmic method was now her only hope.
Poor Tony.. and so soon after retirement, too..
Poor chicken, Never did make it across the road...
Poor excuse for a tagline.
Poor eyes limit your sight, poor vision limits your deeds.
Poor genetic material? -Calvin
Poor golfers get more for their money!
Poor guy with a motive, Baby. - Ace Ventura
Poor guy...doesn't even get the joke.
Poor little evil fellow who asked for it! - Dot Warner
Poor little wombat; went down under in every combat.
Poor man's bagpipe:  Stuff cat under arm, pull legs, and chew tail.
Poor mans bagpipe - Put cat under arm, pull legs and chew on tail.
Poor me.  Poor me.  Pour me a drink.
Poor saps - Mike on city kids
Poor sex life?  Get yourself a gun!
Poor spellers of the world untie.  -- Dan Quayle
Poor woman, she's obviously infatuated with me.  Quark
Poot...Blupp...Putt- Zamfir & his magic armpit.
Pootooter:  An empty toilet paper roll.
Pop On My Mirrored Shades ... Better To See
Pop in Machine Head, there - Mike as guys wait in car
Pop up, push down, Byte, Byte, Byte!
Pop! <KA-BOOM>  goes the weasel - Slakmer (Animaniacs)
Pop, the cat's gone bald. Good, so has your mother.
Pop, you are the original space cadet. - Tim
Popcicle: KoolAid with a hard on!
Pope Goes to Mount Olive. Popeye damn near kills him.
Pope Goes to Mount Olive. Popeye tries to kill him.
Pope goes to Mount Olive, Popeye damn near kills him.
Pope goes to Mount Olive.  Popey kills him.
Pope goes to Mount Olive.  Popeye vows revenge.
Pope goes to Mount Olive.... Popeye swears revenge.
Pope goes to Mount Olive; Popeye kills him.
Pope-on-a-rope: Let us spray
Popes do it in the woods.        
Popeye of Borg - "Resistance is futile, you will be askimilated."
Popeye of Borg: Prepare to be askimilated.
Popeye of Borg: Prepares to be askimilagrated.
Popeye said to Olive Oyl "Love me like I yam"
Popping popcorn without a lid isn't smart.
Poppoop: The remains of a firecracker.
Poppycock: the thing that mummy needs to create you.
Poptroopers: Kernels that leap over the side of the container.
Populus vult decipi. (The people like to be deceived.)
Porcineflingus: The two-minute offense a losing football team runs.
Porcupines DO IT ... very, very carefully.
Porcupines DO IT very, very carefully.
Porcupines do it carefully.
Pork sausage by the metric-ton - Mike on doughy guys
Porky Borg: Prepare to be assim..assim..I'm taking over!
Porky Borg: You will be assim...assim...I'm taking over!
Porky Picard....Bedebedebede........Make it so Folks!
Porky Picard: "Bedeebedeebedee make it so, folks!"
Porky Pig ... our favorite ham!
Porky of B-Borg prepare to be assim-assim-absorbed
Porky of Borg: P-p-pr-pr-p-pre-prea-p-pre, Aw, give up.
Porn on the Radio? I don't think its gonna work - Joel
Porn to City: Drop Dead - Crow
Porn-again Christians rise to the occasion!
Pornographic flick for $7,500. "I'll take Republican Candidate."
Pornographic materials?  I don't even have a pornograph!
Pornographic: "Finally, a man can satisfy two women at once."
Pornography = art. Or is it sexual harassment?
Pornography does me no good. I don't own a pornagraph.
Pornography is in the groin of the beholder.
Pornography is the business of making records.
Pornography:  Business of making record albums.
Pornography?  Nah!  Haven't you ever seen 5 people in love?
Pornography? I don't even have a pornograph!
Pornography? I don't even own a pornograph!
Pornography? Nah! Haven't you ever seen 5 people in love?
Pornography? We don't even have a pornograph!
Pornographywhatever gives the judge an erection.
Pornopouch:  The plastic container for adult magazines in a store rack
Porridge: [P]utrid, h[ORR]Id and slu[DGE].
Porsche 911 Turbo: Justification for higher education.
Porsche: Phased Out Racer-Still Can't Hold Engine
Porsche: Please Overlook Really Sh*tty Cardboard Horrible Engine
Porsche: Pulled Over Regularly So Cops Have Enough
Porsche: Puts Out Really Smoky Carbonate Hazardous Emissions
Port 1 error.........
Port of Call: OS/2.  It's not a job, it's an experience.
Portable, adj.: Survives system reboot.
Portable:  Survives system reboot.
Portal to another dimension there on the wall - Tom
Portions of this message have been pre-recorded.
Portions of this tagline have been previously recorded.
Portland - Land of liquid sunshine !
Poruka bez TAGa je k'o WINDOWS bez baga .G :)
Posessor of a mind not just twisted but actually sprained.
Positing infinity, the rest is easy. -Creatures of Light and Darkness
Positive Reinforcement: Wade Ago
Positive Reinforcement: Wade Ago*
Positive anything is better than negative nothing.
Positive fantasies: Actively guiding your imagination.
Positive numbers are numbers written in ink.
Positive thinking... Leads to miscalculation.
Positive thinking: Believe everything positively stinks.
Positive tribble: *+
Positive, adj.: Mistaken at the top of one's voice.
Positive:  Being mistaken at the top of your voice.
Positive:  Mistaken at the top of one's voice.
Positive: Being mistaken at the top of one's voice.
Positive: Mistaken at the top of one's voice.
Positive: Wrong at the top of your voice
Positive: mistaken at the top of your voice.
Positively NO TAGS ALLOWED HERE!!!!!
Positively, absolutely, without a doubt ... maybe.
Positivity: have you had your plus sign today?
Positrons and antiprotons do it, but does it really antimatter?
Posle mene potop != rekoh i otkopcah slic
Posle ove poruke idem da gledam Power Rangerse!
Posle ove poruke, ja odoh na pivo!
Possession is 9/10ths of divorce
Possession is nine tenths of the law, except in TAGLINES.
Possession, n. The whole of the law.
Possessor of a mind not just twisted but actually sprained.
Possessor of a mind not merely twisted but actually sprained
Possessor of a mind not merely twisted but actually sprained.
Possible DOS Disk
Possible DOS Disk.
Possum (n): flat, furry animal; born dead on Southern highways.
Possum: Small, furry animal, born dead on Southern highways.
Post No Bills
Post Piece of a Cake - Get Peanuts in Return!
Post enough and you get quoted, eh?
Post my e-mail, OR ELSE !...Unauser.
Post no bulletins  Post no bulletins  Post no
Post office will not deliver without postage.
Post operative -- letter carrier
Post proelium, praemium. (After the battle, the reward.)
Post the more colorful spots off-limits. - Sheridan
Post this tagline, OR ELSE ! - Unatagger
Post unto others as you would have them post unto you.
Post unto others as you'd have others post unto you.
Post-Operative:  Fancy title for a letter carrier.
Post-it Note to Clinton:  Blow the sax - not the country!
Post-meonpausal woman's mind is virtually uncharted territory.<Walker>
Post-operative - a letter carrier....
Post-operative...A letter carrier.
Post-operative:  Letter carrier.
PostLink(tm) v1.06  SECRET (#313) :
PostLink(tm) v1.11  AQUILA (#731) : RelayNet(tm)
Postage 3 cents transport 40 cents storage
Postage not necessary if mailed within the United States.
Postage will be paid by addressee.
Postal Service seeking ways to deliver mail more slowly.
Postal Worker: the ultimate oxymoron!
Postal workers never die..they just lose their zip!
Posted by Citizens Committee to Horsewhip Charles Schumer
Posted by my evil twin Skippy.
Posted by one whose mind isn't twisted, but sprained
Postena sam, al' volim da kleknem
Posteni ljudi su nekad manje krali !
Posteno pa ko koga zajebe (zajebase oni tebe)
Posteno. Pa ko koga za*ebe. (Dj. Balasevic)
Postentive - Starting a long overdue letter and never finishing it.
Poster child for Densa.
Poster child for birth control.
Posting ON-topic means never having to say you're sorry.
Posting a message to ALL is easier than reading the .DOC file.
Posting bad recipes is like having bad breath.
Posting bad taglines is like having bad breath.
Posting here adds to the universal Chaos.
Posting of recipes in ALT_sex_kinky not permitted -moderator
Posting recipes is futile.  You will be assimilated.
Posting taglines is futile.  You will be assimilated.
Posting to amuse, not abuse.
Posting too much lately?  Dial 1-800-BBS-ANON
Postlink Error: Now Formatting All Drives..Quit Whining
Postmen come slower.
Postmen do it at the front entrance.
Postmen do it until a full bag is empty.
Postmen never die, they just lose their zip ..
Postmen never die, they just lose their zip.
Postoperative - a letter carrier
Postoperative:  Letter carrier...
Postorifice: A rude postal clerk.
Posts empty articles to Usenet, and enjoys rereading them later.
Posts in message base are weirder than they appear.
Postscript,..Prescript,..what's the difference?
Postscript: The only thing of interest in some letters.
Postuj svoj zivot, to je jedini koji ces ikad imati.
Postujmo Srbiju - ipak nam je ona prvi komsija !
Posture Pals was the definitive last word on posture-Crow
Posture, boy! Posture! -Crow as kid runs away from danger
Pot belly? No, I got pregnant before the sex change!
Pot head - Tom on robot's odd looking top
Potassium     (K)     39.10200
Potassium Exthoxide rules C2H5OK
Potato Salad Special - $1.59 Today only!
Potato cakes! That's it! - Mike
Potatoes do not concern me, Captain. I want that ship!
Potatoo.. pootoe..poetatoe..poutaou.. Aw nuts, SPUD. - Dan Quayle
Potehtow, poetaeto, poltatoe, putaetow, potato, potatow, poetaeto, po
Pothead! - Mike on guy smoking pipe
Potholes in the Information Superhighway.
Pottanada:  A dead house plant.
Potter: "Rank?"    Klinger: "Corporal."    Potter: "GOTCHA!!"
Potty Emergency! I have a Potty Emergency! - Wakko Warner
Potty Mouth!  Potty Mouth!
Pouchsalada: Stuff jammed in the airline pocket after long flight.
Pouchsalada: Stuff thats jammed in the airline pocket after long flight.
Pound Farr: Overweight Vulcan Sex.
Pound any key to a pulp to contiune.
Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on Earth.
Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth
Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.
Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on the earth.
Pound forehead on keyboard to continue.
Pound forehead on keyboard to continue...
Pound head on keyboard to continue.........
Pound keyboard with large hammer to continue.
Pour a beer in your hand and get your date drunk.
Pour a beer in your hand: Get your date drunk.
Pour a beer right, and you'll always get good head.
Pour an Atom Cocktail - one sip and she will split.
Pour beer into your SmartModem & make your Baud Wiser!
Pour beer into your SmartModem and make your Baud Wiser!
Pour me another cup, don't wanna miss any of this gossip!
Pour some honey on me....I like to know where I'll be getting licked!
Poured spot remover on my dog, now he's gone
Pouring beer down the sink...THAT's alcohol abuse!
Pouring bourbon down the sink...THAT's alcohol abuse!
Pouring homebrew down the sink...THAT's alcohol abuse!
Poverty begins at home.
Poverty is catching.  You get it from your kids.
Poverty is inconvenient, try to avoid it.
Poverty is no disgrace, it's just most inconvenient.
Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.<Aristotle>
Poverty is the root of all evil.
Poverty:  Having too much month left at the end of the money.
Poverty: too much month left at the end of the money.
Powder milk - Has your family tried 'em?
Powdered Water (tm) --- Just add... hmmmm....
Powdered water - just add hmmm ...
Powdered water -- just add . . .  hmmm? . . .
Powdermilk - Has your family tried 'em?
Power (L)user!
Power Corrupts, Absolute Power is kind of neat...
Power Corrupts.  What the hell else is it good for?
Power Forward for the Klingon Rollerball Team.
Power Mac = A Yugo with a supercharger.
Power PC -vs- OS/2: One can run like a Mac... the other can't. Period.
Power PC vs OS/2: One can run like a Mac...the other can't.
Power PC...Power Pocket Calculator
Power Rangers meet Borg: We surrender!!
Power Rangers:  bad scriptwriting as a martial art.
Power Switch...| O |   |  |  |
Power User... Anyone who can format a disk from DOS.
Power Windows! Windows, OS/2, MIDI, News
Power assisted, anti-lock hooves - Joel as horse climbs
Power attracts the corruptable.
Power beyond the WILDest of CATS!...Blue Wave!
Power beyond the WILDest of CATS!...Platinum Xpress!
Power company cut the voltage so we were at half power all evening.
Power confers "knowledge" when that power is ABSOLUTE! :-)
Power corrups. Absolute power is kind of neat, though.
Power corrupts -- isn't that what it's for?
Power corrupts! Absolute power is kinda' neat, though...
Power corrupts, and absolute power... is absolutely divine!
Power corrupts, but Absolute Power is really kind of neat!
Power corrupts, but OS/2 is kinda neat.
Power corrupts, but absolute power is sort of neat.
Power corrupts, but we need electricity.
Power corrupts, but we need the electricity
Power corrupts, but we still need electricity.
Power corrupts, especially at 1,000,000,000,000,000 volts
Power corrupts, otherwise why bother?
Power corrupts.  Absolut Vodka corrupts absolutely...
Power corrupts.  Absolute power is for Dragons
Power corrupts.  Absolute power is kind of fun, though.
Power corrupts.  Absolute power is kind of neat.
Power corrupts.  Absolute power is kinda neat!
Power corrupts.  Absolute power is kinda neat, though.
Power corrupts.  Absolute power is kinda neat.
Power corrupts.  Absolute power is sorta neat, though.
Power corrupts.  And atomic power corrupts atomically.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is for dragons + weremals.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is for dragons.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is great, however.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of fun.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat though.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat, though.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is knida neat, though.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is sorta neat, though.
Power corrupts. Especially if it's on Fidonet.
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Acton
Power corrupts; absolute power is kind of neat.
Power does not corrupt fools, but fools corrupt power.
Power doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt power.
Power fail detected, press F1 to continue.
Power failure detected - press F1 to continue
Power gains respect.  Restraint of power gains admiration.
Power had not gone to his head. Something had, but not power
Power is always insolent and despotic. - Noah Webster
Power is an illusion; only stupidity is real.
Power is apt to be insolent, and Liberty is apt to be saucy.
Power is danger.
Power is dangerous unless you have humility!
Power is nothing without control - Pirelli
Power means having to respond.
Power means not having to respond
Power means not having to respond.
Power minds of yesterday have fallen to the fray - Course of Empire
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Power to the people! One man, one volt! - Albie Sachs
Power user? Hell, I overpower them.
Power users - call 1-900-PENTIUM for a real thrill
Power users - call 1-900-PENTIUM for a real thrill.
Power users don't use Windows!
Power, love is power, And there's really nothing we can't do.
Power, n: The only narcotic regulated by the SEC instead of the FDA.
Power- Absoulute Power - Newt Greenrich
Power-packed beyond your WILDest dreams...Platinum Xpress!
PowerOPEN: IBM's accelerator for the Mac.
PowerPC is 'just' a single chip version of the RS/6000 POWER CPU...
PowerQWK rules.. it's simply the best..
Powered by Imagination's engine, we crash thru the Guard Rail of Life!
Powered by Pepsi, pizza, and chocolate.
Powered by Win95 (490c) & Shuttle the Mailer for Windows
Powered by coffee, pizza, and chocolate
Powered by pizza, beer and chocolate
Powerline Offline reader for Windows - New Windows OLR
Pozajmi uvek od pesimista. Oni ne ocekuju da im vratis.
Ppp ppii ppissi kk kkao s sssto ggooo oovo ovoris!
Ppssstt...@FN@ did it.
Pracitical nurse:  One who marries a rich, elderly patient.
Practic safe government, use kindoms.
Practical Nurse:  One who marries a rich, elderly patient.
Practical Nurse:  One who marries a wealthy patient.
Practical Nurse: One who marries a rich, elderly patient.
Practical jokes are wasted on the stupid.  Garfield
Practical politics consists of ignoring facts.
Practical politics consists of ignoring the facts.
Practically?  I find that few people truly _like_ caviar.  8)
Practice DELIBERATE kindness and unselfish acts of love!
Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Beauty
Practice Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty
Practice Safe Government - Use Kingdoms
Practice Safe Government:  use a Kingdom!
Practice Safe Hex -- BackUp Your Hard Drive . . .
Practice Safe Sex:  Don't give your real name.
Practice Safe Sex: get Married and be faithful!
Practice Safe Sin
Practice Safe Treks! Use Dax Slug Slime with Nonoxynol-9+
Practice Save CSX
Practice artificial insemination - Keep your hand in.
Practice good mirth control - use a conundrum.
Practice good mirth control -- use a conundrum.
Practice is the best of all instructors.<Syrus>
Practice makes monotony.
Practice makes perfect, but no one's perfect, so why practice?
Practice makes perfect.
Practice mirth control.  Use a conundrum!
Practice random acts of kindness & senseless beauty.
Practice random acts of kindness and beauty.
Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty.
Practice random acts of stupidity, become a feminist.
Practice random acts of stupidity, become a feminizt. 
Practice random and senseless acts of kindness and beauty.
Practice random and senseless acts of kindness.
Practice random hickies and senseless acts of biting
Practice random hickies and senseless acts of biting.
Practice random kindness & senseless acts of beauty
Practice random kindness, commit senseless acts of beauty
Practice random kindness/senseless acts o'beauty
Practice random violence and senseless acts of stupidity.
Practice safe Cyber....Encrypt!
Practice safe algebra, use brackets.
Practice safe algebra...use brackets!
Practice safe banking use latex checks!
Practice safe calculus - don't drink and derive.
Practice safe computer sex:  A)bstinence C)ondom P)ill 
Practice safe computing, wear a write protect tab.
Practice safe computing: Write-Protect tabs.
Practice safe eating - use condiments.
Practice safe eating, use a condiment.
Practice safe eating.  Use condiments.
Practice safe eating. Kill the animal first.
Practice safe eating. Use condiments.
Practice safe fax. Use a cover sheet.
Practice safe fax....use a cover sheet.
Practice safe fax...ALWAYS use a cover slip.
Practice safe fax...use a cover sheet.
Practice safe flight: Use plastic HUD covers!
Practice safe government . .  . use a kingdom.
Practice safe government.  Use kingdoms.
Practice safe government. Use Kingdoms.
Practice safe government: use kingdoms.
Practice safe hex ... type in surgical gloves.
Practice safe hex.  Use plastic keyboard covers.
Practice safe hex...Wear a write-protect tab.
Practice safe hex: Use a keyboard cover!
Practice safe hex: Use plastic keyboard covers!
Practice safe magick; use a Necronomicondom.
Practice safe religion:  Worship a Sysop
Practice safe sex   ...wear a wedding ring.
Practice safe sex, don't give your real name.
Practice safe sex...    ...wear a wedding ring.
Practice safe sex... don't give your name.
Practice safe sex...give her someone else's name.
Practice safe sex: Stay monogamous!
Practice safe sex?  I don't even know what a condominum is !
Practice safe sex? People actually practice sex??
Practice safe sexwear a wedding ring.
Practice senseless acts of careless randomness ...
Practice traditional birth control: eat your young!
Practice wearing those heels *before* Halloween.
Practice yourself what you preach.
Practicing Safe Sex .... by Anita Condom
Practicing alcoholic?  I never had to practice!
Practicing tagline addict.
Practise safe computing ! Wear a write protect tab!
Practising to be thick-headed, Geco? You're there already.
Practising to be thick-headed, you're there already.
Practising to be thickaded, He? You're there already.
Practiss makes perfict
Practiss makes perfict.
Practiss maks perfict.
Pragmatism should never be confused with moderation.
Praise "Bob" and pass the 'frop!
Praise @FN@, praise @FN@, PRAISE @FN@!
Praise God from whom all puppies and kitties flow.
Praise Orville, praise Orville, PRAISE Orville!
Praise Ye the Lord!!
Praise a wife but remain a bachelor.
Praise be to the SYSOPs who give Origin Locations.
Praise can be your most valuable asset if you don't aim it at yourself
Praise comes naturally to those who count their blessings.
Praise in public.  Criticize in private.
Praise is simply letting off esteem.
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition!
Praise the Lord and buy bigger guns.- David Koresch
Praise the Lord and pass the Cheez-Whiz!
Praise the Lord and pass the backup disks.
Praise the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised!
Praise the Sysop.  The board has risen.
Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.
Praise undeserved is satire in disguise.
Praise, it's the least I can do.
Praise: What you receive when you are no longer alive.
Praise: what you receive when you are no longer alive.
Prancy, that's not YOUR mouse!
Praps ye sits here and chats with it a bitsy, my preciousss. - Gollum
Pratice aggressive driving.
Pravi muskarci slusaju "They Might Be Giants"
Pravila postoje kad se dvoje vole, mama ti je rekla: Ne daj prve noci.
Pravilo 1: SysOp je uvek u pravu!
Prawn Farr:  Vulcan shrimp sex.
Pray TV should be *PREY* TV!
Pray before Hope, except after death.
Pray for Bill Clinton (see Psalm 109:8).
Pray for Bill Clinton. America needs all the help we can get.
Pray for President Clinton (Psalm 109:8)
Pray for Ted Turner, he's in need!!
Pray for Windows 3.1  May God be merciful to us...
Pray for a good harvest, but keep on hoeing.
Pray for great things, but above all, Pray!
Pray for me - what harm can it do?
Pray for me. I drive in the Valley..
Pray for pre-trib rapture,but prepare for POST! --K.Green
Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
Pray for the success of atheism.
Pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.
Pray for what you want but work for what you need
Pray for your Assistant Scoutmasters....They need the help.
Pray for your Scouter....He needs the help.
Pray for your Scoutmaster....He needs the help.
Pray not for things, but for wisdom and courage.
Pray that the dogs of cyberspace will allow this.
Pray to the junkiemaker, 'take a hit wit cher lips!' - Fishbone
Pray we don't alter it any further
Pray without ceasing. - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray!  We'll need it to avoid KILLING these idiots
Pray!  You'll need it. Your cause has been defeated!
Pray! We'll need it to avoid KILLING these idiots ...
Pray:  To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled i
Prayer - Instant Access, No Callback Verification Needed!
Prayer Works, ask the Berlin Wall
Prayer can free us from worry and move us to action.
Prayer does not change God, it changes YOU!
Prayer is asking for rain.  Faith is carrying an umbrella.
Prayer is asking for rain.  Faith is then bringing an umbrella.
Prayer is asking for rain. Faith is carrying an umbrella.
Prayer is for constant use, not just for emergencies.
Prayer is practicing the presence of God.
Prayer may not change things but it sure changes _you_ for things!
Prayer pimples for hairy fishnuts? -- Opus Penguin
Prayer warriors needed!
Prayer will be in schools as long as exams are!
Prayer. The last refuge of a scoundrel. - Lisa Simpson
Prayers For Children:              Cindy Skool*
Prayers For Children: Cindy Skool
Prayers are always answered. The answer is usually 'NO.'
Praying will give you a calm-plex.
Prays to the Lord!!
Pre odlaska u krevet obrij se sekirom i spavaces kao zaklan
Pre-School	- Abacus
Pre-coding checklist; Pencil\paper [X] Ref. books [X] Snickers bar [X]
Pre-emptive laws are the hallmark of tyranny.
Pre-scented buckets are provided for your vomiting pleasure.
Pre-spaceflight (first age of mankind).
Preach the Gospel all the time; if necessary use words. --St. Francis
Preachers do it from the pulpit.
Preaching to Hell's Angels:        Pastor Redlight(1)
Preaching to Hell's Angels: Pastor Redlight
Precinct toilet stolen - Cops have nothing to go on.
Precinct toilet stolen - police have nothing to go on.
Precinct toilet stolen.  Police have nothing to go on.
Precinct toilet stolen. Cops have nothing to go on...
Precinct toilet stolen; Cops have nothing to go on
Precinct toilet stolen; Cops have nothing to go on.
Precinct toilet stolen; police have nothing to go on.
Precinct toilets snagged.  Police have nothing to go on.
Precinct toilets stolen! Police have nothing to go on.
Precinct toilets stolen! The police have nothing to go on
Precinct toilets stolen.  Police have nothing to go on.
Precint toilets stolen: Police have nothing to go on!!
Precisely the correct time. --Kosh.
Precision bombing is normally accurate within plus or minus one mile.
Preconception: A lock on the door of wisdom
Preconception: a lock on the door of wisdom
Predators of Borg:  "Hunt the best; assimilate the rest."
Predestination was doomed from the beginning.
Predestination was doomed from the start.
Predicted death rate remaining steady at one per person.
Predicting the future of technology is fraud with peril!
Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.
Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future.
Prediction: You are reading a tagline right now.
Predjudice applies to more than color or race
Preen goeth before a flap.
Preference or orientation: What does it matter?
Prefurred housing - where the cat lives.
PregNet: Undergoing rapid expansion!
Pregnancy - a woman a swelled up over her work
Pregnancy is a side effect of sloppy birth control.
Pregnancy is hell. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or on drugs.
Pregnancy:  Taking seriously that which was poked in fun.
Pregnant is the past tense of virgin.
Pregnant ropuli. (The snake will soon lay eggs.)
Pregnant tribble: 0
Pregnant women gives birth during marathon and still comes in third!
Pregnant-Navy Syndrome:  Sign up and get pregnant!
Pregnant: Past Tense of Virgin!
Prejudice ain't a part of that collection.
Prejudice and pain permeate the World of Darkness...
Prejudice is all in your head.
Prejudice is the child of ignorance.
Prejudice is the child of ignorance. - William Hazlitt
Prejudice is the reason of fools. - Voltaire
Prejudice is the reason of fools. Voltaire.
Prelude to the Afternoon of a Hot Fawn - Crow
Premature Articulation... saying too much too soon.
Premature Ejaculation--Disconnect While Downloading QWK..
Premature ejaculator....a troubled shooter
Premature phone music - Tom
Premium Notice:   ......The check is in the mail!
Prenuptial Agreement:  An "I do" with an asterisk...
PrepArE To Be IncompRehenSibly GarBled. - bSCUTI Of borG
Preparation H is the favourite lipstick in San Francisco.
Preparation H: Kiss your hemmoroids goodbye.
Preparation P sounds like a good name for a diuretic.
Preparation is assimilated, prepare to be irrelevant. Waitaminute...
Prepare To Meet Your Maker: Eva DeStruction
Prepare To Meet Your Maker: Eva DeStruction*
Prepare a bed for our guest.
Prepare for a rather sudden visit to Gauda Prime!
Prepare for the return of the Ottoman Empire! -The Empress Ottoman
Prepare for the ultimate journey into an uncharted wilderness.
Prepare for tomorrow -- get ready.
Prepare ship for Ludicrous Speed!
Prepare ship for light speed!
Prepare the Wave Motion Gun!
Prepare to attack! Set phrasers to PUN!
Prepare to be as..assi..assimi...We're taking over! --Porky of Borg.
Prepare to be, or not to be assimilated - Hamlet of Borg
Prepare to destroy the borg!  Ensign, upload windows!
Prepare to die, EARTH SCUM!
Prepare to fling crap! -- MST3K
Prepare to go into hyperspace on my mark
Prepare to meet thy GOD! (Evening dress optional)
Prepare to surge to sub-light speed.............EN-GAGE!
Prepare to witness pin-point marketing - Dr. Forrester
Prepared by a professional, don't try this at home.
Prepared in mind and resources.
Preparing Leather: Tanya Hyde
Preparing Leather: Tanya Hyde*
Preparing an ambush, I sight-in with my <<<SWIPER>>> missle, and wait.
Preparing for something better begins with gratitude for what we have.
Preparing, preparing! Why are you always preparing?  Just go!
Prepatory Beat:  A threat made to singers, eg: "Sing or else!"
Preperation is assimilated, prepare to be irrelevant. Waitaminute...
Preposition: A poor word to end a sentence with.
Preposition: a bad word to end a sentence up with
Preposition: poor word to end a sentence with.
Prepositions are not a good thing to end a sentence with.
Preposterous, adj.  The idea that murder is a crime.
Prerecorded for this time zone.
Prerequisite for being a Mighty Duck: you must become an NHL quack.
Pres$%(^#%^JCxT*(#%^@#HTY@RHNX%@!@&*)+=-_*&ther key to erase disk!
Pres. Clinton's master health plan disks were found to have a virus.
Preschooler of the future: A:\ B:\ C:\ D:\ E:\ F:\ G:\ H:\ I:\ J:\.
Presence is more than just being there.
Present technology may permit history to have an end.
Present wrist for one slap, please, Bob.....
Present...  Hex Editor!  Forward...  Hack!
Presented for your ultimate edification
Presentez toujours le devant au monde.
Presenting Lorena Bobbitt with the all NEW Ginsu Knife 2000!
Presenting... the daring young man on the flying TRAP 000Es!
Presently presently will mean now, not in the very near future.
Preserve TOLKIEN's works:  Pickle a HOBBIT today!
Preserve Wild Life.  Throw a party.
Preserve Wildlife  --  Pickle a Moderator !
Preserve Wildlife - Pickle a Moderator!
Preserve Wildlife - Pickle a Sysop!
Preserve an endangered species:  Female Sysops
Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust. (PSA 16:1)
Preserve the Hacker Ethic.
Preserve the Spotted Owl!  In Formaldehyde!
Preserve the old, but know the new
Preserve the old, but know the new.
Preserve wildlife - pickle a hedgehog!
Preserve wildlife! Throw a party!
Preserve wildlife, pickle a squirrel today!
Preserve wildlife.  Pickle a squirrel.
Preserve wildlife. Pickle a sqirrel.
Preserve wildlife. Pickle a squirrel.
Preserve wildlife... pickle a moderator!
Preserve wildlife... pickle a rat.
Preserve wildlife... pickle a sqirrel.
Preserve wildlife... pickle a squirrel.
Preserve wildlife...pickle a raccoon!
Preserve wildlife...pickle a spotted owl!
Preserve wildlife...pickle a squirrel.
Preserve your environment.  Recycle taglines.
Preserve your intelligence! Stop thinking *now*!
Presidency:  The greased pig in the field game of America
Presidency:  The greased pig in the field game of American politics.
President Clinton - The face on the $3.00 bill...
President Clinton and Bill.
President Clinton called. Please call her back ASAP.
President Clinton is really a Boomer!!  Help!  Priss!!
President Clinton, The Waffle House, Washington, D.C.
President Clinton, welcome to California...Now go home!
President Clinton---The Eddie Haskel of politics
President Clinton:  The face on the $3.00 bill.
President Clinton: Oxymoron or Oxford Moron?
President Clinton: Proof that character matters!
President Clinton: The face on the $3.00 bill.
President Eisenhower reelected by a 9 million vote plurality Nov. 6.
President Gerald Ford was an Eagle Scout.
President Skroob... SALUTE!
President not found should I call Slick Willie?
President of the Itty Bitty Tittie Committee!
President of the Nat'l. Water Gun Association, Wayne La Perrier.
President's Advisor on Scientific Flummery.
President's Choice Condoms: Memories of Whatsername
President's Choice condoms: Memories of What's-Her-Name.
President/Vice president is undefined. Cannot divide by zero.
President: (n)  see: Scapegoat.
President? President? We don't need no stinking president
Presidential Committee on Lower Expectations.
Presidential election: choosing the evil of two lessors!
Press  <ENTER>  to continue..  No..  Wait..  Oh forget it...
Press  +  to see another tagline.
Press  to Adopt Me!  I need a better home.
Press "+" for the next tagline...
Press "+" to see another recipe.
Press "+" to see another tagline.
Press "+" to see the best tagline.
Press "+++" to see a picture of the Sender!
Press "-" to see feminist tagline
Press "-" to see feminizt tagline
Press "S" to snuggle with me!
Press & hold button to test device. Release to detonate.
Press <ALT> T to view all available taglines.
Press <ALT-A> to adopt me. I need a new home.
Press <ALT-H> for extra file points on this board!
Press <Alt -A> to Adopt Me!  I need a better home.
Press <CONTROL A> to Adopt Me!  I need a better home.
Press <CTRL> <ALT> <DEL> for an erotic chat!
Press <CTRL> <ALT> <DEL> to display a dirty picture.
Press <CTRL><ALT><DEL> for SysOp access!
Press <CTRL><ALT><SHIFT><TAB><ENTER> and click here [] to continue.
Press <CTRL><TAB><ESC> to abort
Press <CTRL>+<ALT>+<DEL> to continue.
Press <CTRL>+<ALT>+<DEL> to exit.
Press <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DEL> if you're for Clinton!
Press <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DEL> if your for Clinton!
Press <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DEL> to continue ...
Press <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DEL> to store all new data:
Press <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DELETE> for more.
Press <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DELETE> to continue.
Press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><F12><Esc><Ins><Del><F8> to quit.
Press <Ctrl-Alt-Del> now to access the Spam recipe file section
Press <Ctrl-Alt-Del> now to access the pirate software.
Press <ENTER> to Exit.
Press <ENTER> to see the next message
Press <ESC> to load the BBS, or <ALT>+H for an IQ test.
Press <Freud> to format sex drive:
Press <alt>-H to see the hidden tagline -->
Press 'S' to save this message as an ASCII textfile.
Press ( Ctrl Alt Del ) to see the next tagline.
Press <Alt-A< to Adopt Me!  I need a better home.
Press <CTRL<-<ALT<-<DEL< to continue ...
Press <CTRL<-<ALT<-<DEL< to store all new data:
Press <CTRL<-<ALT<-<DELETE< to continue.
Press <CTRL<<ALT<<SHIFT<<TAB<<ENTER< and click here [] to continue.
Press <CTRL<<TAB<<ESC< to abort
Press <Ctrl<<Alt<<Del< to take IQ test
Press <Ctrl<<Alt<<Delete< to continue.
Press <FREUD< to format sex drive.
Press <Z< for a special surprise.........(click)
Press (CTRL)(ALT)(SHIFT)(TAB)(ENTER) and click here
Press (P) to Purge and reprogram current Vhujunka model.
Press (g) to garble or (e) to encrypt with unknown key.
Press + to see another Tagline.
Press + to see another recipe.
Press +<Oan to retain files, or any other key to reformat C:
Press -- to continue ...
Press -- to store all new data:
Press 1 to be assimilated...The Borg:TNG
Press ALL keys to continue
Press ALT-A if you hate Barney!
Press ALT-F for the French Version of this bilingual recipe.
Press ALT-F for the French Version of this bilingual tagline.
Press ALT-H for a special message from your SysOp!
Press ALT-H now to become a co-sysop....
Press ALT-H to Page Sysop...
Press ALT-H to continue
Press ALT-H to post disagreement with this message...
Press ALT-H when the SysOp asks for a chat.
Press ANY key to continue......Where's the ANY key????
Press ANY key to continueWhere's the ANY key????
Press Alt F to view the French version of this bilingual tagline
Press Alt-H for SySop Access!
Press Alt-H for a special message from the SysOp.
Press Alt-H for free pizza.
Press Alt-H for further help.
Press Alt-H for temporary Sysop access
Press Alt-H for temporary Sysop access.
Press Alt-H to get improved transmission quality
Press Alt-H,Y for an IQ test
Press Any Key to Continue.. (Where's the  key???)
Press Any Key to Continue.. (Where's the <ANY< key???)
Press Any Key to continue(Where's the [ANY] key?)
Press Any Key to continue..  (Where's the [ANY] key?)
Press Any Key: I don't have no stinkin' "ANY" key.
Press CTL-ALT-DELETE to use computer effectively
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Continue Reading
Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to continue.
Press CTRL+ALT+ESC for a better world...
Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to continue
Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to talk to the SysOp.
Press CTRL-ALT-DEL twice to continue with Windows...
Press CTRL-ALT-DELETE to use computer effectively.
Press Control, Alt, Delete for an I.Q. Test.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Tab+F10+LeftShift+P to obtain Power User Status !
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del for IQ test now!
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del for SysOp access!
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del now for I.Q. test.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del now for IQ test..
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to access the pirate software.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to reply.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to view the secret tagline.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete for SysOp access
Press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F12-Esc-Tab-Del-PgDn-Home-Break
Press Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga to continue.
Press Ctrl-x to cut or press the power switch to foul things up.
Press ENTER once to quit or twice to save changes.
Press ENTER to begin self destruct sequence...
Press ENTER to execute reboot sequence...  NO CARRIER
Press ESC to enter or ENTER to escape...
Press Esc to load the BBS, or Alt-H for IQ test
Press Esc twice to enter Nose Picker's Anonymous! @!#$&&  NO CARRIER
Press Esc twice to enter The Pee Wee Herman BBS! @#!$&&!@#$ NO CARRIER
Press Esc twice to enter The Power Ranger Fan Club BBS! #$%#% NO CARRIER
Press Esc.  To load this tagline, please wait.......
Press F1 for help, F2 for more...
Press F1 to Reboot
Press F13 to continue
Press F13 to continue...
Press Is There anyone out there that has Manx cat's?
Press PAUSE and wait to continue...
Press PLAY+REC to save this recipe.
Press PLAY+REC to save this tagline.
Press RESET to continue
Press RESET to quit
Press SPACEBAR once to quit or twice to save changes
Press SPACEBAR once to quit or twice to save changes.
Press SPS to quit...
Press [Ctrl]-[Alt]-[Del] for the instant IQ test
Press [Ctrl][Alt][Del] to continue.
Press [ENTER] on this line to find TAGLINES.BW
Press [ENTER] once to Quit, or twice to Save changes.
Press [ESC] to detonate or any other key to explode
Press [ESC] to detonate or any other key to explode.
Press [ctrl-alt-lshift-f9-del-ins] to continue
Press a key to continue...Not that one!*%@$O CARRIER
Press all keys at once to continue...
Press all the keys at once to continue
Press all the keys at once to continue.
Press all the keys at once to continue...
Press almost any key to continueNo, not THAT one you idiot!
Press any key - EXCEPT THAT ONE!!!
Press any key - EXCEPT THAT ONE...
Press any key - i.e. the key with  "ANY"  on it.
Press any key ...                                     EXCEPT THAT ONE!
Press any key for a wrinkle-free keyboard.
Press any key if no keyboard is present................?
Press any key if you hate Windows.
Press any key t' continue o' any otha' key t' quit
Press any key to Low-Level Format HD.
Press any key to continue or another key for valium.
Press any key to continue or any other key to <Q>uit
Press any key to continue or any other key to abort...
Press any key to continue or any other key to detonate...
Press any key to continue or any other key to format C:
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit (Y/N)?
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit.
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...
Press any key to continue or any other key yo quit.
Press any key to continue | <click> | Except that one...
Press any key to continue, and any other key to format hard drive.
Press any key to continue, any other key to quit.
Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.
Press any key to continue.                Except that one.
Press any key to continue.  NO, NO, NO, NOT THAT ONE!!!!
Press any key to continue.  Not that one!
Press any key to continue.  Press any other key to quit...
Press any key to continue. (No, not THAT one!)
Press any key to continue. Press any other key to quit.
Press any key to continue..  But my computer doesn't have an "any key.
Press any key to continue.. Any other key to Format Hard Drive.
Press any key to continue... NO, NO, NO, NOT THAT ONE!!!
Press any key to continue....NO  NO  NO  NOT THAT ONE!!!!
Press any key to continue...NO!...except that one.
Press any key to continue...NO, NO, NO, NOT THAT ONE!!!!
Press any key to continue...except that...not that either...try again!
Press any key to continue; No starch, please!
Press any key to continue? But I cant find the ANY key!
Press any key to delete or any other key to erase...:)
Press any key to dis-continue! %^&$^$@#
Press any key to exit or any other key to continue.
Press any key to exit, press again to save file
Press any key to explode computer.
Press any key to get your money back.
Press any key to hang-up, press the Frak key to go cancel.
Press any key to initiate auto-destruct sequence.
Press any key to initiate orgasm... then stand clear.
Press any key to ruin your life.
Press any key to the activate electro-orgasmatron.
Press any key to--NO, NOT THAT ONE!
Press any key with a big rock to continue.
Press any key.. HEY! NOT THAT ONE! NO! <(*êNO CARRIER
Press any key... But I don't have an 'any' key??
Press any key... NO!... except that one.
Press any key... no, No NO NOT THAT ONE!!!!!!!!
Press any key.... NONONONONO!!! Not that one!!!!!#$%#$ NO CARRIER
Press any key...NO, NO, NO, NOT THAT ONE!!!!!!
Press any key...NO, NO, NO, NOT THAT<NO CARRIER<
Press any keyNO! NOT THAT ONE!! ..AEH$#3 NO CARRIER
Press any keyNO!NOT THAT ONE!!
Press any keyNO!except that one.
Press any keyexcept that one.
Press any keyno, No NO NOT THAT ONE!!!!!!!!
Press any other key to continue...
Press button to test.  <CLICK>  Release to detonate.
Press button to test.  Release to detonate.
Press button to test. Release to detonate.
Press enter for yes or return for no.
Press every key to continue...
Press on a small rodent's head to obtain file <ROTFL>
Press on a small rodent's head to obtain file <ROTFL<
Press red button to test, release to detonate...
Press t' Test ........Release t' detonate.  Cheeeiit.
Press the "any key" to continue.
Press the <STOP> key now
Press the <STOP< key now...
Press the *any* key not just any key to see more Taglines.
Press the [F117A] key for stealth operations."
Press the [F4] key to access a Phantom application.
Press the button, my friend, send me back into time.
Press to "TEST", [click],  Release to "DETONATE".
Press to Test ........Release to detonate.
Press to test.  <click>                    Release to detonate. <BLAM!!
Press to test.  Release to detonate.
Press to test." <click>  "Release to detonate.
Press to test..<click<..Release to Detonate....BOOM!!
Press to test...  Release to detonate!
Press to test....Release to Detonate....BOOM!!
Press:   F1-Help   F2-Extended Help   F3-Give It Up
Presser?! Cabin Presser?! - Crow on misspelled gauge
Pressing ENTER on this line will execute John Hancock!
Pressing ENTER will load a tag line file from below.
Pressure is building and the volcano is ready to blow.
Pressure is the natural force acting upon an engineer.
Pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere.
Prestone Borg: unreliable assimilation is NOT an option!
Pretend to spank him - he's a pseudo-masochist.
Pretend to spank me - I'm a pseudo masochist.
Pretend to spank me - I'm a pseudo-masochist!
Pretend to spank me - I'm a psuedo- masochist!
Pretend to spank me -- I'm a pseudo-masochist!
Pretend to spank me -- I'm a pseudo-masochist!
Pretend to spank me, I'm pseudo-masochist.
Pretend to spank me, baby -- I'm a pseudomasochist!
Pretend to spank me--I'm a pseudo-masochist
Pretend to spank me.  I'm a pseudo-masochist.
Pretend to spank me. I'm a pseudo-masochist!
Pretend to spank me...I'm pseudo-masochist.
Pretend we were in the days before railways, Tom coached.
Pretend you understand what's going on.
Pretending sleep is the most common birth control device.
Pretentious Pedantry Presently Participating
Pretentious? I think not. Snobbish, maybe, but not pretentious. - SJ
Pretentious? Moi? - John Cleese
Pretty Bird, Pretty Bird ... Stupid Human, Stupid Human
Pretty cute for a priest, huh? - Mike
Pretty embarrassing to get beat up by Frankie Avalon -Tom
Pretty girls make u buy beer, ugly ones make you drink it.
Pretty much born to slam - Tom
Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Pretty soon, you may have to do some "adjusting" <g> NOT!!!
Pretty starry out tonight
Pretty thin, huh? <Murtagh>  Anorexic! <Riggs>
Pretty weak shelves. - Hoozit
Pretty women are fun to be with, but good books are a READ!
PrettyBird,PrettyBird .. StupidHuman,StupidHuman
Pretzel Farr: Kama Sutra Vulcan sex.
Preudhomme's Law of Window Cleaning:  It's on the other side.
Preudhomme's Law of Window Cleaning: It's on the other side.
Prevent AIDS in your computer; practice safe hex.
Prevent Apathy - Actually, I couldn't care less.
Prevent Drowning:                  Buddy System*
Prevent Drowning: Buddy System
Prevent abortions --- Support Sex Education!
Prevent accidents - start doing things deliberately.
Prevent being flamed - Sign up for Email ID Blocking NOW !
Prevent computer viruses.  Install Trojans!
Prevent computer viruses. Install Trojans!
Prevent headcolds from going to your chest; tie a knot in your neck.
Prevent noise pollution. Gag a Flamer!
Prevent noise pollution. Shoot a Rapper!
Prevent security leaks.
Prevent tooth decay.....eat through your nose.
Preventing baldness is simple. Just knot your hair from the inside.
Prevention is better than cure.
Previously on Warner Law (Animaniacs)
Previously on Warner Law...
Previously, on Baretta - Tom
Pricam sa vinom kao s' drugom, slusa me mada zna vec sve
Price does not include taxes.
Price has no meaning without a measure of the quality being purchased.
Price of admission - your premise.
Price you name. Money I got -- McCoy
Priceless is true love in a good woman's heart.
Prices subject to change without reason.
Pride goeth before destruction. - Proverbs 16:18
Pride is all very well, but a sausage is a sausage.
Pride is the middle class substitute for class.  Garfield
Pride is what we have.  Vanity is what others have.
Pride is what we have...vanity is what others have.
Pride of the Zombies - Mike on sandlot baseball game
Priest be nimble. Priest be quick - Crow
Priests do it by the word of God.
Priests do it faithfully with Masses.
Priests do it heavenly.
Priests do it with Masses.
Priests go out on the town and celibate.
Priests should be considered guilty until proven innocent. -- RAH
Priests should marry.  It'll give them working knowledge of Hell.
Prijatelju, propalice, zasto ti je propalo lice?
Prikupljaca nesazvakanih delova kobaje.
Prime Directive, My butt set phasers to PUREE.
Prime Drective MY A##! Phasers on maximum!
Prime directive MY BUTT!  Set phasers to PUREE!
Prime directives butt, fire when ready Mr. Worf!
Prime directives rear end, fire when ready, Mr. Work.
Prime-time TV is the opiate of the masses.
Primero escuchamos al sermon; entonces comemos al misionero.
Primordial soup for dinner again?
Primum Non Nocere
Prince Andrew's T-shirt: "Wanna See the Royal Jewels?"
Prince Charles and Lady Di do it royally.
Prince Charles does it in succession.
Prince Charming Lied.
Prince Ranier might drive a Monaco.
Prince of all darkness initiation, ritually baptized in flames
Prince to Snow White:  You shared a cottage with WHAT?!?
Prince? Where? He's dreeeeaaaammy! Not! - Dot
Princes in exile raising the standard Drambuie...(Fish)
Princess Anne & Princess Margaret -Crow on girl wrestlers
Princess Lorena Says: Off with their heads; Never mind which end!
Princess of Sorrow, Wilderness Angel--Jim Morrison
Principal Skinner, I got car sick in your office. - Ralph Wiggum
Principals do it nine months a year.
Principles have no real force except when one is well fed. - Twain
Print my Help Files...Or I'll crash your computer ! - UnaMouse
Printed on 100% recyclable phosphor.
Printed on 100% recycled electrons.
Printed on the side of a Klingon vessel: HMS Bounty.
Printer Crashed! Printer Driver fell asleep!
Printer paper is strongest at the perforation
Printer's do it without wrinkling the sheets.
Printers DO IT with ribbons.
Printers DO IT with their own type.
Printers always die on page 999 of a 1000 page report
Printers always die on page 999 of a 1000 page report!!!
Printers do it on virgin sheets.
Printers do it without wrinking the sheets.
Printers do it without wrinkling the sheets
Printers do it without wrinkling the sheets.
Printers reproduce the fastest.
Printout - A document to verify data you know is wrong anyway
Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Priority Message : CODE 47 : Secure Channel
Priscilla says, "Food?  Did someone say food?"
Prism:  a place for light waves that commit refractions.
Prism: Place for light rays that commit minor refractions.
Prison = Clothes, Food, Bed, TV, Books, Recreation = Comfort.
Prison grave sites researched....Call 1-800-GOT-TIME
Prisoner of gravity #56482873
Prisoner on Borg ship: I am not a Borg, I am a free man!
Prisons are places people go to in a pinch.
Prisons of a pride too strong, that never let him go - Course of Empire
Private Durman? Care to join us? - Plug to Dodger
Private First Class Tribble:  <*
Private Joke Center of the known universe.
Private Parts and Major Woody reporting for duty
Private Parts-The Movie! Coming soon!
Privilege has it's own odor - Crow
Pro & con are opposites, what about progress & congress?
Pro - the Tagline utility - is really a powerhouse.
Pro Athlete: a rich muscle.
Pro Bono: A lawyer obstructing Justice for free!
Pro CHOICE is a lie, no baby CHOOSES to die..
Pro Choice!
Pro Lifer's DOS: Can't (A)bort or (DEL)ete Continue (Y/y)
Pro bono: a fan of Sonny's.
Pro football is like nuclear warfare. No winners, just survivors.
Pro golfers know that money grows on tees.
Pro is to con as progress is to Congress
Pro is to con as progress is to Congress.
Pro is to con what progress is to Congress.
Pro is to progress as Con is to Congress.
Pro wrestler:  a struggling actor.
Pro wrestling: America's original white trash art form!
Pro-Abortion Virus: Deletes all new files under 3k.
Pro-BORG: All fortunes will be assimilated.
Pro-Child, Pro-Family, Pro-Woman, Pro-Choice.
Pro-Child, Pro-Family, Pro-Woman, Pro-Life.
Pro-Choice because it's the woman's right to choose.
Pro-Choice! Murder a baby to keep America safe!
Pro-Choice, because "(R)etry, (I)gnore" doesn't cut it...
Pro-Choice...?  WRONG..  Pro-DEATH!
Pro-Choice: Everyone should choose Eternal Life!
Pro-Choice?   So why doesn't the baby get one?
Pro-Choice? So why doesn't the baby get one?
Pro-Choice? What choice did the dead baby have?
Pro-Choice? Wrong! Pro-DEATH!!!
Pro-Life?  More like Pro-overpopulation if you think about it!
Pro-Life? Fine. Get one and stay out of mine.
Pro-Lifer's DOS: Can't A)bort or DELete. Continue? (Y/y)
Pro-Lifer...  Have you met my friend RICO???
Pro-Lifers believe in life. And they will kill to prove it.
Pro-Lifers insist on laboring over a misconception.
Pro-Lifers insist on labouring over a misconception.
Pro-abortionists think "choice" is spelled 'Supreme Court opinion'!
Pro-abortionists: people trying to end lives
Pro-abortionists: their "rights" imposed on a baby's life
Pro-choice is really Anti-choice when birth is involved.
Pro-choice: If your mom aborted you, where would you be today?
Pro-choice?  What choice does the baby have?
Pro-choice? That's a lie...babies never choose to die!
Pro-choice? What choice does the baby have?
Pro-choicer: Heart-beat? Brain-waves?? Well, it's still not a baby.
Pro-choicer: Heart-beat? Brain-waves?? Well...it's still not a baby.
Pro-death?  Fine.  GO end your life, and stay out of mine!
Pro-free speech, pro-gun, PRO-FREEDOM!
Pro-life is a lie! They don't care if women die!
Pro-life.  Pro-child.  Pro-family.  PRO-CHOICE!!!
Pro-life: "Saving a life", while destroying a teenager's life.
Pro-life?  Fine.  GET one, and stay out of mine!
Pro-life? Fine. GET one, and stay out of mine!
Pro-life? Fine. GET one, and stay outta mine!
Pro-lifers believe in life; they will kill to prove it!
Pro-lifers believe life begins when you agree with them.
ProChoice is OK, but it depends on when you choose.
ProComm+ for Windows ate my tagline file!!
ProPUSSition: Let the cat be X...
ProTag - Version 1.0
Probable impossibilities are preferred over improbable possibilities.
Probable non-DOS dis######### NO CARRIER
Probable non-DOS dis********* NO CARRIER
Probable non-DOS disèÉóçæÈÆâô NO CARRIER
Probably Something... But Not...!
Probably came from YOU.
Probably doesn't even have any, uh, attributes. --Londo.
Probably had to walk a mile in the snow, too. - Richie Ryan
Probably noticed all the skirts running around - Dr. F
Probably, becasue nobody thought it was important.
Probably. But we have to prove it. - Hague
Problem System, Please be Patient.
Problem is, he won't listen to anyone that disagrees with him...
Problem loading SENILE.COM ... out of memory.
Problem localized: Intel processor found in computer.
Problem solving, solution number 2: deny the problem exists.
Problem with DOOM ][?  End of the line is WAAAY back there.
Problem with immortality; you have to be dead to get it.
Problem with kissing ass is that you get a face full of dung!
Problem with kissing ass is that you get a face full of shit !
Problem with shooting skeet, cleaning and cooking them!
Problem with the gene pool - No lifeguard...
Problem with the gene pool:  No lifeguard.
Problem-With-The-Poster-O-Meter:  [......../]  Hmmph!  Thought so...
Problem: My #VARIABLE# doesn't want to.
Problem?  See Kei and Yuri in complaints.
Problems Problems If only to much MONEY was a problem!
Problems arise when you have only 5 minutes left on the BBS!
Problems don't go away by themselves. Customers do.
Problems for a Furry:  Being mistaken for Bill Clinton's cat.
Problems for a Furry:  Getting tail caught in doors.
Problems for a Furry:  HEAT!
Problems for a Furry:  Hairballs.
Problems for a Furry:  Having to wear a license just to walk around.
Problems for a Furry:  Leash laws.
Problems for a Furry:  People look at you funny when you walk the dog.
Problems for a Furry:  Trousers that make no allowance for tails.
Problems for a Furry:  VETS!
Problems for a Furry: Being mistaken for Bill Clinton's cat.
Problems for a Furry: Being mistaken for Bill the cat.
Problems for a Furry: Dog-Catchers.
Problems for a Furry: People look at you funny when you walk the dog.
Problems have solutions, you know.
Problems never go away.  They simply swim upriver to spawn.
Problems should come with their own white-out.
Problems with math? Call 1-800-[(10x)(13i).]-[sin(xy)/2.362x].
Problems worthy of attack will attack back.
Problems! Problems! If only to much MONEY was a problem!
Problems.... Problems... If only MONEY was a problem!
Problems? "Cherchez la femme."
Problems? - not me  - it's the rest of the World!
Problems? No, I LIKE my foot there.
Proboscis Waving in the Breeze
Proboscis:  The rudimentary organ of an elephant which se
Probudi se, vreme je da popijes pilulu za spavanje.
Procastinator's Club may meet next week.
Procastinator:  A fishing expert, gifted at casting lures.
Procastinator:  A fishing expert, gifted at casting lures...
Procatstinate:  When a cat can't decide to go out or stay inside.
Procatstinate: The cat can't decide to go out or stay inside.
Procatstinate: When a cat can't decide to go out or stay inside.
Proceed carefully into the chase - Mike
Proceed with Caution - Twisted Mind Under Construction!
Proceed with caution; SysOp under pressure
Process cash from wallet at higher speeds.
Processed Cheeses: The triumph of technology over conscience.
Processed at location stamped in code at top of carton.
Processing network mail..please hang up
Procomm changed my life...I used it to get Telix.
Procomm+ changed my life!  I used it to D/L Qmodem T-D!
Procrasinators Anonymous Meeting - Tomorrow
Procrastinate  NOW!
Procrastinate now!
Procrastinating beaver! - Tom on half chopped tree
Procrastination Anonymous Meeting - Tomorrow
Procrastination Day Has Been Postponed!
Procrastination day is tomorrow, or the next day!
Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.
Procrastination means never having to say you're sorry.
Procrastination will rule one day, OK?
Procrastination--the art of keeping up with yesterday.
Procrastination:  Putting off problems for a brainy day.
Procrastination:  The art of keeping up with yesterday.
Procrastination: What I plan on if I ever find time *
Procrastinator:  A person with a wait problem.
Procrastinators Anonymous meeting has been postponed. Again.
Procrastinators Anonymous will meet this Friday... probably.
Procrastinators Anonymous:  Meeting to be held when we get around to i
Procrastinators DO IT when they get a round to it.
Procrastinators DO IT when they get a round tuit
Procrastinators do it later.
Procrastinators do it tomorrow.
Procrastinators don't die, they keep putn' it off!
Procrastinators live on "Someday I'll".
Procrastinators live on Someday Isle.
Procrastinators of the world, do it NOW.
Procrastinators will DO IT when they get around to it.
Procrastinators will do it when they get around to it.
Procrastinators' Club 1978 annual meeting postponed - again.
Proctologist are very probing people
Proctologist:  A doctor who puts in a hard day at the orifice.
Proctologists DO IT with a finger up where the sun don't shine.
Proctologists do it in the end.
Proctologists do it with a finger up where the sun don't shine.
Proctology is a dirty job but someone has to do it.
Proctology made simple: Hugh Janus
Prodajem frizider. Pogodan kao kuciste za Pentium.
Prodajem savest. Garantovano ne grize.
Prodessionals built the Titanic; amateurs the ark
Prodigal - Wasteful. Worthless. Prodigy - Hmmm!
Prodigal Sorcerer - "Oh, no - it's TIM!"   -=<PING!>=-
Prodigy Motto: 'Almost as good as two cans and a string!'
Prodigy says:  All the world is a stage.<dat>
Prodigy says:  All the world is a stage.<dat<
Prodigy software...is blasphemy.
Prodigy's new slogan..Come pay for our free services
Prodigy, you can't see me but I'm mooning you now ...
Prodigy: The EDLIN of on line services
Prodigy: the "Bait and Switch" On-Line Shopping Network.
Produce suppliers do it with cucumbers.
Produced by Yoyodyne, Inc.
Producer's sister? Whats she doing in every scene - Crow
Producers do it in-house (Trust me).
Producing a book is like typing a lot.
Production is the basis of morale.
Production is the only answer to inflation.
Products O.J. won't endorse: SLICE soda.
Products of conception found in uterus.dll, Terminate? (y/n) N
Prof. Dammit Knows Blue Wave!
Prof., there's some lovely filth down here. -Adapted frm M. Python
Prof: Hate you, hate the X-Men, took the dragon. - Kitty
Profanity - The language of computer professionals
Profanity - the language computerists know well.
Profanity -- not just for Windows users.
Profanity ... It's not just for Windows users anymore.
Profanity fixes another person's attention on my words, not thoughts.
Profanity is the crutch of an illiterate $@%@*@&!^(#!
Profanity is the crutch of the g*dd*mn stupid bl**dy motherf*cker.
Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate.
Profanity is the language most programmers know best
Profanity is the linguistic crutch of inarticulate bastards
Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.
Profanity is the one language programmers know best.
Profanity, The Language of Computer Professionals.
Profanity, the language computerists know.
Profanity, the one language ALL computer programmers know.
Profanity--It's not just for Windows users any more!!
Profanity--the language of computer professionals.
Profanity.... it's not just for mechanics, anymore(WIN95)
Profanity.....its not just for Windows users anymore
Profanity:  The universal programming language.
Profanity: First language of computer professionals.
Profanity: It's not just for Windows users any more!!
Profanity: The language all programmers know.
Profanity: The language most programmers know best
Profanity: The linguistic crutch of inarticulate bastards
Profanity: The universal programming language
Profanity: a linguistic crutch for f$#&*@ stupid bastards
Profanity: the universal computer programming language!
Profanity: the universal programming language
ProfanityIt's not just for Windows users anymore.
Profantiny : The Universal Programming Language
Profesional Edition. Windows 95:  Get stoned before you install
Profesionals are predictable, amateurs are dangerous.!  - Heinlein
Profesor je osoba koja govori dok drugi spavaju.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, (ROM 1:22) (KJV)
Professional Lurker
Professional Nuisance for Hire--name a target, name a place, I'm there
Professional athletes. Always wantin' more.. - Homer
Professional journalism...an oxymoron.
Professional low life scum would pay $9.95 for it - Crow
Professional mail reader on closed modem.  Do not attempt at home.
Professional mail reader on closed modem.  Do not attempt.
Professional mail reader on closed modem. Do not attempt.
Professional super villains are always foiled with Reynol.
Professional wrestling:  ballet for the common man.
Professionals are predictable - amateurs are DANGEROUS!
Professionals are predictable ...it's the amateurs that are dangerous.
Professionals are predictable, amateurs are dangerous.! -- RAH
Professionals are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs.
Professionals are predictable, it's the amateurs that are dangerous.
Professionals are predictable, the amateurs are dangerous.
Professionals are predictable; it's the amateurs who are dangerous.
Professionals built the Titanic, amateurs built the Ark.
Professionals built the Titanic, amateurs built the ark.
Professionals built the Titanic, amateurs built the ark.
Professionals do their best work when they feel like it.
Professor Buehler's Day Off - Tom on name in credits
Professor/Teacher: A textbook wired for sound.
Professor:  A textbook wired for sound.
Professor:  Someone who talks in somebody else's sleep.
Professor:  Someone who talks in the sleep of another.
Professor: A textbook wired for sound.
Professor: Hate you. Hate the X-men. Took the dragon. Kitty.
Professor: a textbook wired for liberalism.
Professor: a textbook wired for sound.
Professor: one who talks in someone else's sleep.
Professors DO IT from a grant.
Professors do it by the book.
Professors do it with class.
Professors do it, then forget they did it.
Professors do it, then publish a technical paper.
Professors don't DO IT; they leave it as an exercise for their students.
Professors forget to DO IT. <---Don't you BELIEVE THAT!
Professors forget to do it.
Profuse apologies to the registered rabble.
Progam complete. Enter when ready.
Program (n): Something used to turn valid data into error messages.
Program (v): Act similar to beating your head against a wall.
Program Doesn't Work? Include this in your CONFIG.SYS File: BUGS=OFF
Program ERROR: Unable to read user's mind!
Program call to load Windows- "Here_piggy_piggy_piggy"...
Program complete ... Enter when ready. - Holodeck
Program error:  Unable to read user's mind!
Program halted.  (A)bort (R)etry (S)acrifice to random Goddess
Program halted: Star Trek's on!
Program in hieroglyphics, the original GUI.
Program not executed.  Execute user instead?  (Y)es (N)o (H)elp!
Program to load Windows: "Here piggy-piggy-piggy-piggy!"
Program too small to fit into memory.
Program(n): Instructions to turn data into errors.
Program: A project requiring more than one phone call.
Programer halted - Brain upgrade being installed!
Programers : do it in an endless loop!!
Programma' - an organism dat turns coffee into software
Programmer (n): One who makes salesman's lies come true.
Programmer (n): One who makes the lies the salesman told come true.
Programmer - Red-eyed mumbling mammal who talks to inanimate objects.
Programmer - an organism that turns coffee into software
Programmer killed! .GIF at Eleven!
Programmer not loaded (the night is young)
Programmer on Computer
Programmer on Computer.
Programmer speak: Change in scope means Lots more money.
Programmer's DO IT with Bytes and Nibbles!
Programmer's Oxymoron: Spare-Time
Programmer's motto: Changed a line and now it's mine.
Programmer's worst fear:  NO IDEAS!!!!!!!!
Programmer...a Doctor of Carpalology
Programmer: (n.) one who writes programs and trusts them. An optimist.
Programmer: (n.) one who writes programs and trusts them. See Optimist
Programmer: One who is too lacking in people skills to be a software engineer.
Programmers "C" it differently!
Programmers & Hookers make a living doing what they enjoy
Programmers CYCLE forever, until you make them EXIT.
Programmers DO IT In Code
Programmers DO IT by pushing and popping.
Programmers DO IT in higher levels.
Programmers DO IT in iteration :)
Programmers DO IT in loops.
Programmers DO IT top down
Programmers DO IT with Bytes and Nibbles!
Programmers DO IT with fewer instructions!
Programmers Do It With OBJects And In The LIBrary!
Programmers Do It with LOGIC
Programmers Use Extended Memory!
Programmers are expensive.  Hardware is cheap.
Programmers aren't perverts; they're just object-oriented.
Programmers assemble!
Programmers awake at 7am haven't been to bed yet!
Programmers do it Graphically.
Programmers do it all night.
Programmers do it bit by bit!
Programmers do it bit by bit.
Programmers do it bottom-up.
Programmers do it by pushing and popping.
Programmers do it by the byte.
Programmers do it byte by byte.
Programmers do it for consultants.
Programmers do it in Turbo!
Programmers do it in bits.
Programmers do it in higher levels.
Programmers do it in iteration :)
Programmers do it in loops.
Programmers do it in many languages.
Programmers do it in software
Programmers do it logically!
Programmers do it on command.
Programmers do it right the first time!
Programmers do it top down.
Programmers do it with Bytes and Nybles.
Programmers do it with a Hard Drive!
Programmers do it with algo-rithyms!
Programmers do it with bugs.
Programmers do it with bytes.
Programmers do it with computers.
Programmers do it with insertion routines.
Programmers do it with low-level interfacing.
Programmers do it with numbers!
Programmers do it with objects
Programmers do it with their fingers.
Programmers don't Byte,they just Nybble a bit
Programmers don't byte, they nibble a bit.
Programmers don't byte. But they do nybble a bit.
Programmers don't change Light Bulbs, that's Hardware....
Programmers don't change light bulbs; That's a hardware problem.
Programmers don't die, they GOSUB without RETURN.
Programmers don't dieThey get overlaid!
Programmers don't get sniffles, they get a CODE.
Programmers don't get sniffles, they get a CODE.
Programmers don't repeat themselves, they LOOP
Programmers get overlaid!
Programmers get overlaid.
Programmers get overlayed
Programmers give more input/output!
Programmers have a higher baud rate!
Programmers have random access memory!
Programmers love dual floppies!
Programmers love their tools!
Programmers manage to do it with floppy disks.
Programmers need more input/output!
Programmers never die, they branch off to a new address.
Programmers repeat it until done.
Programmers should write code, NOT documentation!
Programmers stick to the BASICs!
Programmers take bigger Bytes!
Programmers take it in the Ascii.
Programmers wanted - some assembly required.
Programmers will do it all night, but only if you are debugged.
Programming - like building a castle with toothpicks
Programming Department:  Hazardous Waste!
Programming Department:  Mistakes made while you wait.
Programming Dept.: Mistakes made while you wait.
Programming _can_ be fun.
Programming assumes all calls are free.
Programming contest:  Wheel Of FORTRAN
Programming for Wildcat! makes any man hunble...
Programming in C means never having to say you're done...
Programming is 1 part knowledge, 99 parts guessing...
Programming is 90% debugging, the other half troubleshooting.
Programming is an art form that fights back.
Programming is an unnatural act.
Programming is done in code ?  No wonder it is so cryptic.
Programming is like pinball, the reward is doing it again.
Programming is like sex - one mistake and you support it
Programming is like sex-one mistake and you support it
Programming is like sex-one mistake and you're screwed!
Programming is like sex. One mistake and you support it for life.
Programming is like sex: 1 mistake & you have to support it for life.
Programming is like sex: 1 mistake and you support it for life.
Programming is like sex: One mistake and you support it.
Programming is like sex: one mistake and you support it for life.
Programming is the only art form that fights back.
Programming is: Edit,Save,Exit,Assemble,Link,Run,Curse,Ctrl+Alt+Del...
Programming just with goto's is like swatting flies with a sledgehammer.
Programming's like sex: One mistake, support it for life!
Programming: Finding out how bad a god you are.
Programming: It's not a job, it's an adventure!
Programming: Like building a castle with toothpicks
Programming: The art of debugging a blank sheet of paper.
Programming????????  Ok, where's the TV-Guide?
Programs are just people in disguise.
Programs do it in loops.
Programs get overlaid - why can't I?
Programs get overlaid, why can't I?
Programs will expand to fill available memory
Programs. Ones w/bugs & ones w/hidden bugs.
Programs: What software used to be, back when we knew how to write it.
Progress : replacing errors with more subtle errors
Progress at best consists of replacing errors with more subtle errors
Progress consists of replacing errors with more subtle errors.
Progress consists of swapping old troubles for new.
Progress is a circle of ideas claimed by every generation.<Dr Who>
Progress is a new Beta Release
Progress is an illusion.
Progress is made on alternate Fridays.
Progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance
Progress is useless, unless it is in the right direction.
Progress results from unpopular positions.
Progress results when you mix persistence with purpose
Progressive Conservative is an oxymoron.
Progutao sam tiganj.Ko ne veruje nek mi opipa drsku.
Project Managers do it with short deadlines
Project: A word that makes a minor job seem major.
Projectee - A person who is in front of the screen as the movie starts
Projectee - Who is in front of screen as movie starts.
Projectionist: A reel to reel player.
Proky Pig: a porker that works for a living as a greased pig.
Proletarians of all countries... Sorry ! - Karl Marx
Prolog ucim, ruke mi krvave
Prolonged exposure to Silly Putty can cause cancer in llamas.
Prom Farr: Vulcan sex at a high school dance
Prom Farr: Vulcans having sex at a high school.
Promiscuity, controlled substances, & annepestic tempo.
Promiscuous hackers share resources.
Promiscuous symbiont: A cheap Trill.
Promise me something, Pinky.  Never breed. - Brain
Promise you won't tell Orville?
Promises and performances vary with hopes and fears.
Promises and pie crust are made to be broken - Jonathan Swift
Promises,like virginity,disappear when no longer needed!
Promises,like virginity,disappear when you either screw or get screwed
Promo for a big used-clothing exchange:  SHARE-WEAR.
Promote Crime Control. ARM THE VICTIMS!
Promote OS/2 Warp, show Windows 95 to all your friends !
Promote ballistic behavior pattern modification.
Promote kiddie porn and kid killers...join the ACLU.
Promote that demon to the House of Lords, commanded Tom imperiously.
Prompt $h$h$h$h$h$h$h$h
Prompt:  (n) a computer request for a random operator error.
Pronopouch: The plastic container for adult magazines in a store rack.
Pronoun (n): a noun that lost its amateur status.
Pronounce your prepositions, damn it!
Pronto Tonto to Toronto.
Proof read carefully to see if you any words out.
Proof that cats have nine lives: I can't kill'em quickly.
Proof that evolution *can* go in reverse.
Proof that gunowners aren't violent...Charles Schumer is still alive.
Proof you CAN screw your brains out?   Bill Clinton!
Proofread carefully to insure you any words out
Proofread carefully to see if you     any words out.
Proofread carefully to see if you any words out!
Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Proofread carefully, see if you any words out.
Proofread karefoolly too sea if u mizpelt anee wurds
Proofreading is more effective after publication. -- Barker
Proofreading is more efficient after publication.
Prop dept. JUST ran out of money - Crow on cheesy effect
Prop me up beside the jukebox if I die!
Propaganda must not serve the truth.
Propel, propel, propel your craft in a sedate decent of the estuary.
Propellers keep pilots cool.  When they stop, pilots sweat!!
Proper ID Required.
Proper Irish ballad: he dies, she dies, everybody dies.
Proper little gaoler's pet, aren't we?
Proper little gaoler's pet, aren't we?!?
Proper, target your blaster at the nearest moderator AND SHOOT!
Property Taxes are destroying the American Dream!
Property Taxes are the most insidious taxes of all!
Property Taxes punish all land owners.
Property of DEEP 13 Athletics
Property of Honest Abdhul's Sushi Bar and Bait Shop.
Property of Klingon Perisi Squares team.
Property of Klingon Rollerball team.
Property of Toast Inc.
Property of the Klingon Rollerball Team
Property of the Klingon Rollerball Team.
Property of the Sontaran Army Space Corps.
Property of: "Confuse-a-Cat Limited"
Prophet Sharing:  David Koresh's sex life.
Prophet? Profit? Hmmm...
Prophylacteries:  For those who like to play when they pray.
Propogation on the net isn't what it used to be.......
Propom: A cheerleader for a professional sports team.
Proposed NEW tax will pay the tax on the tax, supposedly.
Propri<HIC> propri<HIC> bartender...another drink!
Pros are people who do jobs well even when they don't feel like it
Pros are those who do their jobs even when they don`t feel like it.
Pros are those who do their jobs well even when they don`t feel like it.
Prosao sam davno cmakanje u parku, drzanje za ruke, lezanje na travi, na
Prose is like Poetry, only verse.
Prosecution means, never being humble...
Prosecution needs to focus on true facts and clear evidence.
Prosecutors will be shoplifted.
Prosecutors will be transgressicuted.
Prosecutors will be violated
Prosecutors will be violated.
Proslosti, molim te, oprosti.
Proso voz - rece Ana Karenjina.
Prospectus: Financial term meaning "Don't bother reading this-just send money"
Prosperity begets friends; adversity proves them.
Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
Prosperity makes some friends and many enemies.
Prosperity tries the fortunate; adversity the great. Pliny
Prosperity:  Something you fold and and forward to Washington.
Prosperity: period from Fri's paycheck to Sat's shopping.
Prostate:  Flat on your back.
Prostate:  Flat on your back...
Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz was not a pleasent sight, even for other Vogons
Prostitute with PhD in phsyclogy: She'll blow your mind!
Prostitute:  Someone who sleeps using the Buddy System.
Prostitute: Someone who sleeps using the Buddy System.
Prostitutes & Bungee Jumping: if the rubber breaks, you're gonna die!
Prostitutes DO IT for profit.
Prostitutes do it at illegal addresses.
Prostitutes do it for profit.
Prostitutes do it on the John.
Prostitution is Sex + Free Enterprise.  Which don't you like?
Prostitution isn't illegal if you marry the john.
Prostitution:  SEX + FREE ENTERPRISE.  Which don't you like?
Protect Freedom: Vote Clinto#%^ NO CARRIER
Protect Japanese forests   clearcut B.C.!!
Protect Japanese forests...    clearcut B.C.!!
Protect a child, support life terms for pedophiles!
Protect data from prying eyes: randomize it!
Protect our privates - keep our military straight!
Protect rare coprolites, they're an endangered feces.
Protect your bagels - put lox on them.
Protect your car: Use a club!
Protect your right to arm bears
Protect your software at all costs -- all else is meat.
Protect your software at all costs; all else is meat.
Protect your taglines! Get the Tagline Club and secure you tags today!
Protected Mode Blue Wave! It's hot!
Protected Mode Xpress! It's hot!
Protected Mode: (def.) Safe Sex For Computers.
Protected Sex: Sex after Clinton's healthcare insurance.
Protection is not a principle, but an expedient. --Disraeli.
Protection is not only dead, but damned. --Disraeli.
Protecto Brand seat covers, the industry standard.
Protein -- Favoring young people
Protein -- favouring young people
Protein In favor of young people.
Protein........... In favor of young people.
Protein:  In favor of young people...
Protein: In favor of young people.
Protein: Supportive of young people.
Protest:  In favor of Examines.
Protest: In favor of exams.
Protestantism - Let the **** happen to someone else.
Protestantism ... S*** will not happen if I work harder
Protestantism:  (def) S**t won't happen if I work harder.
Protestantism: sh*t wouldn't happen if I worked harder.
Protestants 7, Catholics 3. But we'll get 'em! - Father Mulcahy
Protestants do it unwillingly.
Protocol Selection:  (X)modem   (Y)modem   (Z)modem   (C)-3PO
Protocol Selection: (X)modem (Y)modem (Z)modem (C)-3PO
Protocol selection:  (Z)modem  (Y)modem  (X)modem  (C)3-PO
Protocol!? Maaa, where's the Dictionary?
Protocol:  For golf, Arnold Palmer or Jack Nicklaus.
Protoculture:  Mold, fuel, or way of life?  You decide...
Protoculture: Flower, fuel, or way of life?  You decide...
Protons and neutrons do it in the nucleus.
Protons have mass?  I didn't even know they were Catholic!
Protovision, I have you now.
Proud Member of Philippine Cybernet Association
Proud owner of a very TwistedAndDementedSenseOfHumor (TM)
Proud parent of an honor roll student at reform school.
Proud steeds, bright metal, soft lips, dark ale. <Ganelon>
Proud to be a registered user of Blue Wave since 06/30/94!
Proud to be an Interlink Moderator!
Prov 27:20 Hell and destruction are never full
Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good. (1 The 5:21)
Prove to me, if you can, that, after I die, the world will still exist.
Prove to us you COULD bring ham - Mike
ProveAll things; hold fast that which is good. (1TH 5:21)
Proverb #2. A watched pot never boils.
Proverb: Nightgale that forgets song is hummingbird.
Proverbial excrement hits oscillating air device.
Proverbs 10:12 | Hatred stirreth up strifes:...
Proverbs 10:12b |...but love covereth all sins.
Proverbs 10:27b |...the years of the wicked shall be shortened.
Proverbs 10:2b |...but righteousness delivereth from death.
Proverbs 3:13 | Happy is the man that findeth wisdom,...
Proverbs 3:5 | ... and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 6:6 | Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways,...
Proverbs are the daughters of experience -- Sierra Leone
Proverbs: A penny saved is a penny earned.
Proverbs: Even a cat may look at a king.
Proverbs: Every dog has its day.
Proverbs: Greed for money is the root of all evil.
Proverbs: Like father, like son.
Proverbs: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Proverbs: You can't judge a book by its cover.
Provided a man is not mad, he can be cured of every folly but vanity.
Provided that Paper Chase guy doesn't survive - Tom
Providing computer solutions for the mentally impaired...
Proving once again my Theory that GERMANS LOVE DAVID HASSELHOFf
Proving that snagged recipes are the sincerest form of flattery.
Proving that stolen taglines are the sincerest form of flattery,
Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. (Eph 5:10)
Provokacije? A? Dobro. Pustam pingvine!
Proximity isn't everything, but it comes close.
Prozac - sometimes you feel like a nut - sometimes you don't.
Prozac-Sometimes you feel like a nut,sometimes you don't.
Prozac:  Sometimes you feel like a nut - sometimes you don't.
Prozac: And you thought medicine could only make your body artificial!
Prozac: Artificial Personalities now available.
Prozac: Mind-altering drug ENDORSED by the popular media.
Prozac: Some days you feel like a nut some days you are.
Prozac: Sometimes you feel like a nut - sometimes you don't!
Prozac: interferes with the grieving process.
Prozacthe non-thinking man's drug.
Prrrrrrrrrrrr-- <lick-lick> --rrrrrrrr-- <rub rub> --rrrrrrrrrr...
Prsentez toujours le devant au monde.
Prudently applied pain is white gold:  priceless.
Prune Farr: well, this could be disgusting.... <g>
Prune Juice, a warriors drink?!  I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!
Prune Juice:  The breakfast for Runers...
Prune Juice:  The breakfast for Runners.
Prune Juice: The breakfast for Runners.
Prune Juice: The breakfast for sprinters.
Prune is a plum with experience.
Prune juice  the drink of warriors!
Prune juice ... a warriors drink!
Prune juice ... the drink of warriors!
Prune juice a warriors drink ! -- Worf
Prune juice and vodka ... the pile driver.
Prune juice, a warrior's drink." - Lt. Worf
Prune juice, the drink of warriors!
Prune juice--it keeps you runnin'.
Prune juice... a warriors drink ! -- Worf
Prune juice:  The drink of warriors everywhere!
Prune juicea warriors drink ! -- Worf
Prune tree: Plum tree that got no water
Prune:  A plum that has seen better days.
Prune: A plum that has seen better days.
Prune: a plum that has seen better days.
Prunes are raisins on steroids.
Prunes give you a run for your money!
Prunes give you a run for your money.
Prunes help you download faster
Prunes will give you a run for your money.
Pruning the Family Tree is NOT permitted!
Prvih 100 tagova je najteze skupiti
Prvo ti daju 23 santimetra, a posle 40dana ;)
Pry a yellow rib 'n pound the old soak free.
Pry a yellow rib and pound the old soak free.
Psalms 137:9 - "dashes the heads of his enemy's children against rocks"
Psalms 18:2 |...God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
Psalms 19:1 | The heavens declare the glory of God;
Psalms 23:1 | The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Psalms 23:6 | Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me..
Psalms 25:4 | Show me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.
Psalms 26:2 | Examine me, O LORD, and prove me;
Psalms 29:7 | The voice of the LORD divides the flames of fire.
Psalms 30:10 |...LORD, be thou my helper.
Psalms 34:4 |...and all his works are done in truth.
Psalms 37:8 | Cease from anger, and forsake wrath:
Psalms 37:8 |...fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
Psalms 45:6 | Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever:
Psalms 7:10 | My defence is of God, which saveth the upright...
Pseudo-safari, the hunt is canned - Megadeth
Pshchic convention cancelled due to unforseen problems!!!
Psi and/or magical powers, if real, are nearly useless.  Larry Niven
Psi-Corps- We're everywhere... for your convenience.
Psssssst...........    Tinkerbell gives good tag!
Pssssst! Hey Phil, your zipfile's open!
Psssst <  > <- Illegal Hi-Ascii character within.
Psssst ... 'scuse me ... what is an ellipsis?
Psssst <*< <- Another Illegal Hi-Ascii character within.
Psssst Hey Buddy, Wanna buy an aardvark?
Pssst  the Butler did it...
Pssst - want some Romulan Ale, cheap?
Pssst!  Hey buddy... wanna buy a used tagline?
Pssst! .ZIP your .FLI!
Pssst! Did the Leif Petterssen assassination go off as planned?
Pssst! Hey kid? Wanna try echo mail? First call is free.
Pssst, hey BUDDY, have I got a deal for YOU!!
Pssst.   The root password is 'kumquat'.
Pssst.  @TO@ is a closet Pascal user!
Pssst.  Dennis Ritchie is a closet Pascal user!
Pssst.  Orville Bullitt is a closet Pascal user!
Pssst... Bob did it...
Pssst... Richard did it...
Pssst... he did it...
Pssst... wanna see some dirty 7094 octal dumps?
Pssst...wanna see some dirty 7094 octal dumps?
Psssttt, @FN@, Your zip file is open!
Psst Nigel, want a good rate on Pesetas, Yen and Australian Dollars?
Psst!  Didya hear what Cal said? It went something like this:
Psst!  Hey kid!  Wanna try a BBS?  The first time is free!
Psst!  You're the only one who's not part of the conspiracy.
Psst!  Your .ZIP file is open!
Psst! Armadillos are baby trolls... pass it on!
Psst! Wanna see my hoard? - Dragon
Psst! Your .ZIP file is open!
Psst! Your .zip file is open!
Psst! Your epidermis is showing.
Psst! et'sLay illKay @FN@ay!
Psst! et'sLay illKay Orvilleay!
Psst, Buddy!  Wanna buy some FL swamp land?
Psst, your file is open.
Psst. Hey, tiger, push the kid off the bed for a mackerel. - Monster
Psst. Hey, tiger. Push the kid off the bed for some fresh fish.
Psst. Wanna get sequestered later? - Tom leers on jury
Psst....Got a Dragon handy?  Lizard?  Any reptile at all?
Pst!  Your .ZIP file is open.
Psuedonym --- a nym that is not your real nym!
Psych Error: Press the key that means the most to you.
Psychiairic: Wherever you go, Your not all there
Psychiatric ward? I'd like a room, please.
Psychiatrist work on the mind
Psychiatrist work on the mind.
Psychiatrist: A man who doesn't have to worry, as long as others do.
Psychiatrists do it for at least fifty dollars per session.
Psychiatrists do it like crazy.
Psychiatrists do it on a couch.
Psychiatrists do it on the couch.
Psychiatrists do itlike crazy.
Psychiatrists say one of four people in this country are crazy.
Psychiatrists stay on your mind.
Psychiatry - the care of the Id by the Odd
Psychiatry - the care of the id by the odd.
Psychiatry and Proctology. I treat odds and ends.
Psychiatry is the care of the id by the odd.
Psychic - (adj) A chic who doesn't quite moan.
Psychic Con:  You know where and when
Psychic Con:  You know where and when 
Psychic Con: You know where and when
Psychic Con: You know where and when.
Psychic Convention : You know the time. You know the date.
Psychic Convention canceled due to unforeseen problems.
Psychic Convention cancelled -- unforeseen problems.
Psychic Convention cancelled due to unforeseen Halibut?
Psychic Convention cancelled due to unforeseen problems
Psychic Convention cancelled due to unforeseen problems.
Psychic Convention cancelled due to unforseen problems.
Psychic Convention. If you belong there, you will KNOW when and where.
Psychic Dwarf Escapes Jail...Small Medium At Large
Psychic Dwarf Escapes Prison:  Small medium at large.
Psychic Dwarf Escapes Prison: Small medium at large.
Psychic Dwarf Escapes from Jail: Small Medium at Large.
Psychic Dwarf Escapes from Jail========
Psychic Dwarf Escapes: Small Medium at Large!
Psychic Error: You know what key to press.
Psychic Hotline -- Hello, Orville. I know what you're going to say.
Psychic Hotline: Hello I know what your going to say.
Psychic Hotline: Hello I know what your'e goinmg to say.
Psychic comedians have a sixth sense of humor.
Psychic convention cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Psychic hair restoring weight loss pasta makers from Ron Popeil.
Psychic meeting cancelled due to unforeseen problems
Psychic meeting cancelled due to unforseen problems.
Psychic meeting; you know where and when.
Psychic midget escapes prison - SMALL MEDIUM AT LARGE!
Psychic midget escapes prison. Small medium at large.
Psychic pygmie escapes from jail: Small Medium at Large...
Psychic pygmie escapes from jail: small medium at large.
Psychic wanted, qualified person knows where to apply.
Psychic wanted. Qualified person knows where to apply.
Psychic wanted:  You know where to apply.
Psychic wanted: You will know where to apply.
Psychic's meeting canceled due to unforeseen circumstance.
Psychics do it for $2.99 per minute.
Psychics do it via astral projection.
Psychics will lead dogs to your body.
Psycho 3.0 installed:  Now running NORMAN.MOM.
Psycho 3.0 installed; run NORMAN.MOM
Psycho Chicken - Run run run run run run, run away!
Psycho State University. Make a left and a right at the Bates Motel.
Psycho ceramics: The study of crackpots.
Psycho ratings got to be 4 1/2 chainsaws. - Lister
Psycho-ceramics:  The study of crackpots
Psychoanalysis is Freudulent.
Psychoanalysis?  I thought this was a nude rap session!
Psychoanalysis??  I thought this was a nude rap session!!
Psychoanalysis?? I thought this was a nude rap session!!
Psychoanalysts do it by the hour.
Psychoceramicology: The study of the chemicals used to cure crackpots.
Psychoceramics : the study of crackpots!
Psychoceramics is the study of crack pots.
Psychoceramics:  The study of Crackpots...
Psychoceramics:  The study of crackpots.
Psychoceramics:  the study of crackpots
Psychoceramics: The study of crackpots.
Psychoceramics: The study of hard-headed SysOps.
Psychoceramics: the study of crackpots.
Psychokenisis? You mean how Carrie got even at the prom? - Dana Scully
Psychokinesis? You mean how Carrie got even at the prom? --Dana Scully.
Psychological Rock Group:  Pink Freud!
Psychological warfare: Husband: Okay, YOU kill the mouse!
Psychologists DO IT with rats!
Psychologists do it with rats!
Psychologists do it with rats.
Psychologists only DO IT if they feel good about it
Psychologists only do it if they feel good about it
Psychologists say one of four people in this country are crazy.
Psychologists think they do it.
Psychologists want you tested before they do it
Psychologists would like to do it with 95% confidence.
Psychology - the are of turning stupidity into illness.
Psychology:  The art of turning stupidity into illness
Psychology: The profession of turning stupidity into money.
Psychology: the study of the id by the odd.
Psychopath:  The road Norman Bates uses to go home.
Psychopath: Any urban thoroughfare during rush hour.
Psychopaths... fiends... mad dog killers.  Roots, Fester.
Psychosclerosis:  Hardening of the attitude.
Psychosis...the original virtual reality.
Psychotherapist is also Psycho The Rapist
Psychotic tendencies are not logical... please put down the phas-
Psycic meeting..you know where and when.
Ptah!  Nutts to you!  Or is this where we add, "Isis!  Boom!  Bah!"?
Ptahm Syrvault - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Ptuii!! EXXON!!!     <Riggs>
Pub Farr: Vulcan sex in an English Tavern
Puberty on Parade! - Tom
Pubic Hair:  Wild rabbit.
Pubic Zirconia: A ring for your 11th finger.
Pubic hair - a wild rabbit.
Public Office (n): last refuge of the incompetent.
Public Office:  The last refuge of the incompetent.
Public Political Activities During Franco's Government In Spain
Public Radio: The rare medium that's well done.
Public Restroom - The only place a flush beats a full house.
Public Restroom-The only place a flush beats a full house
Public Restroom-The only place a flush beats a full house
Public Restroom: Corporate Meeting Room for Homosexuals
Public Utility: Is that Shareware or P.D.??
Public floggings will continue until morale improves!
Public humiliation on a grand scale - Crow on ski wreck
Public office is the last refuge of the incompetent.
Public opinion exists only when the public doesn't bother with facts.
Public opinion flourishes where there are no ideas.
Public opinion is fine, but private interest rules.
Public opinion is just what people think other people are thinking.
Public opinions... private lazinesses.<Nietzsche>
Public schooling is not about learning.
Public speakers DO IT orally.
Public speakers do it orally.
Publicists do it publicly.
Publish or perish" - The Unabomber
Pucknuckler: A hockey fight.
Puddy tat no so bwave in Gwanny's microwave oven!
Puddy tat no so bwave in Gwanny's micwowave oven!
Puddy tat not so bwave in Gwanny's micwowave oven!
Puddy-tat not so bwave in Gwanny's Micwowave!
Puddy-tat not so bwave in Gwanny's Micwowave.
Puddy-tat's not so bwave in Gwanny's microwave!
Puddy-tat's not so bwave in Gwanny's micwowave!
Puff the Magic Dragon - one of my favorite Warbirds!
Puff up!  Puff up!  They hate that! -- Batty
Puff'n'Stuff help me! - Mike as kid in trouble
Pug Farr: Vulcan sex in a boxing ring
Pugsley, sit in the chair.  Wednesday Addams
Pugsley: "Are they dead?"  Wednesday: "Does it matter?"
Pulaski on Voyager? "I knew we left something behind"--Janeway
Pulaski periodically provides pernicious postulations.
Pulchritude possesses exclusively cutaneous profundity.
Pulchritude possesses solely cutaneous profundity.
Pulchritude reposes within the optic parameters of the perceiver.
Pull Yourself Together!: Annette Curtain
Pull Yourself Together!: Annette Curtain(f)
Pull a rabbit out of your pants! - Wakko Warner
Pull down your pants and slide on the ice. - Sidney Freedman
Pull from past emotions. Stay bland. That's it - Tom
Pull up if I pull up
Pull with All You've Got!: Eve Ho
Pull!!! Meeoooowwww! Rats, wide right...
Pull-A-Homer: To succeed despite idiocy.
Pulled the trigger keying the mike, oops!
Pulliam's Postulate: Never step in anything soft.
Pulling out into the Information Super Highway - Crow
Pulpit: A paperback book rack.
Pulpitt: A paperback book rack.
Pulse not found: (A)bandon hope, (R)eincarnate, or (I)gnore?
Pumba, with you -- EVERYTHING'S gas. - Timone
Pumba, you ARE a pig - Timone
Pump Iron with Capt. Kirk and Bones at the He's Dead Gym
Pump Iron with Captain Kirk at the He's Dead Gym!
Pump me up, Shoot me off, Flyin' down the highway...
Pump up with Jim Kirk at the He's Dead Gym!
Pumpalace: Health club.
Pumped poor Fluffy full of lead...dah dah use him for a pencil instead
Pumpkin Barking Hole? - Mike
Pumpkin: What people in Kentucky do.
Pumpkins with different stems, indeed.  What was the point of *that*?
Pun Farr: Vulcan sex in a comedy club.
Pun Farr: Vulcan sex jokes.
Pun Farr: Vulcan sex while telling bad jokes
Pun mi je kufer svega!
Pun, pun, pun, 'til her daddy takes her recipes away!
Pun: the lowest form of humor, unless you thought of it first.
Punch Farr: Vulcan S&M.
Punch Farr: Vulcan sex in a boxing ring.
Punch the body and tell people that he hit you first.
Punctuality is the thief of time.
Punctuality:  The art of guessing how late the other fellow will be.
Punctuate:  Where Tom had had had John had had had had.
Punctuation is a beautiful thing. Really it is
Punctuation tip #1: Don't overuse exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!
Punishing the cat.  YOU open the can of cat food!
Punishing your cat: "YOU open the can of catfood!!"
Punishment *MUST* be cruel and unusal.... it's more fun that way.
Punishment SHOULD be cruel & unusual, it works better.
Punishment SHOULD be cruel & unusual. It works better!
Punishment SHOULD be cruel and unusual - it works better.
Punishment for not answering: sex with Lorena Bobbitt
Punishment should be cruel and unusual, it works better.
Punk Rock Rulez!: Lotta Noyze
Punk Rock Rulez!: Lotta Noyze*
Punk's not dead.
Punny Book: "Archery Made Simple" - by Beau N. Arrow
Punny Book: "Battle Axes" - by Tom A. Hawk
Punny Book: "How to keep your conference on topic" - by Mod R. Ator
Punny Book: "I Like Fish" - by Ann Chovie
Punny Book: "I Love Mathematics" - by Adam Up
Punny Book: "Irish Dentistry" - by Perry O'Dontal
Punny Book: "Little Fishes" - by Anne Chovey
Punny Book: "Red Vegetables" - by Tom A. Toe
Punny Book: "Sunday Service" - by Neil Downe
Punny Book: "Upstream" - by Sam N. Fishing
Punny Book: 50 Yards to the Outhouse - Willie Makeit and Betty Dont
Punny Book: 5000 Miles in the Saddle - Major Assburn
Punny Book: A Bestiary of Plant Eaters - Herb Avore
Punny Book: A Boxing Cornerman's Story - Dawson DeTowel
Punny Book: A Great Plenty - E. Nuff
Punny Book: A Stuntman To The End - Kenny Doitt
Punny Book: A Whole Lot of Cats - Kitt N. Caboodle
Punny Book: After The Corned Beef And Cabbage - Kay O'Pectate
Punny Book: As Solid as...: By Rocco Gibraltar.
Punny Book: Back Row Of The Orchestra - Clara Nett
Punny Book: Bad Cow Jokes - Terry Bull
Punny Book: Bad Gardeners - Wilt Plant
Punny Book: Bad Money - Count R. Fitz.
Punny Book: Battle Axes - Tom A. Hawk
Punny Book: Beekeeping - A. V. Arry
Punny Book: Beneath the bleachers - Seemore Butz
Punny Book: Big Fart! - Hugh Jass
Punny Book: Blood In the Saddle - The Kotex Kid
Punny Book: Blowout! - Vlad Tire
Punny Book: Boring Midwestern Cities - Cole Lumbus
Punny Book: Boy Scout's Handbook - Casey Needzit
Punny Book: Brane Surjery Maid Simpel - Sarah Bellum
Punny Book: Breaking the Law - Kermit A. Krime
Punny Book: Candle-Vaulting - Jack B. Nimble
Punny Book: Car Capital Of The World - Mitch Egan
Punny Book: Car Repairs - Axel Grease
Punny Book: Care For A Chop? - Marsha Larts
Punny Book: Cheating on His Wife - Izzy Backyet
Punny Book: Chicago Gangs Of The '30's - Tommy Gunn
Punny Book: Christmas for Baldies - Yule Brynner
Punny Book: Cloning - Ima Dubble
Punny Book: College Athletics - Nancy Dubblelay
Punny Book: Columbus, Vespucci, And Me - Enzo DiUrth
Punny Book: Come on in! - Doris Open
Punny Book: Computer Memories - Meg Abight
Punny Book: Confessions Of A Gold Digger - Emile Ticket
Punny Book: Cooking Spaghetti - Al Dente
Punny Book: Cosmetology - Rosie Cheeks
Punny Book: Covered Walkways - R. Kade
Punny Book: Crackdown - Lauren Order
Punny Book: Crocodile Dundee - Ali Gator
Punny Book: Cry Wolf - Al Armist
Punny Book: Cut the Grass! - Moses Lawn
Punny Book: Daddy are We There Yet? - Miles Away
Punny Book: Daily Retention - Peter Knight.
Punny Book: Danger! - Luke Out
Punny Book: Defeat of a Lion Tamer - Claud Bottom
Punny Book: Defunct Nations - Sophie Etunion
Punny Book: Desert Crossing - I. Rhoda Camel
Punny Book: Do It Yourself - Tyrone Shoelaces
Punny Book: Don't Do Anything Rash - Jacques Itch
Punny Book: Don't Tread On Me - Amanda B. Reckonwith
Punny Book: Don't Wake The Baby - by Elsie Cries.
Punny Book: Downpour! - Wayne Dwops
Punny Book: Drafted! - Abel Boddeed
Punny Book: Dull Razor - Nick Shaving
Punny Book: East Coast Resorts - Nan Tuckett
Punny Book: Eating Disorders - Anna Rexia
Punny Book: Ecclesiastical Infractions - Cardinal Sin
Punny Book: En Garde! - Drew Blood
Punny Book: Equine Leg Cramps - Charlie Horse
Punny Book: Errors and Accidents - Miss Takes and Miss Haps
Punny Book: Events In The Soviet Union - Perry Stroika
Punny Book: Ex-Presidential Retreat - Kenny Bunkport
Punny Book: Exercise on Wheels - Cy Kling
Punny Book: Exotic Irish Plants - Phil O'Dendron
Punny Book: Exploring The Dutch Frontier - Will Der Ness
Punny Book: Fallen Underwear - Lucy Lastic
Punny Book: Falling Trees - Tim Burr
Punny Book: Fastest Gun In The West - Everett DeReady
Punny Book: Fat Lady In The Sideshow - Ellie Funt
Punny Book: Feelings - Cara Lott
Punny Book: Fifty Yards to the Outhouse - Willy Makit and Betty Woant
Punny Book: Fingerplay - Jacob Sladder
Punny Book: Fish Story - Rod Enreel
Punny Book: Fistfights - Donny Brooke
Punny Book: Fixing Computer Programs - Dee Bugger
Punny Book: Flogging in the Army - Corporal Punishment
Punny Book: Foot Coverings - Susan Socks
Punny Book: Foot Problems of Big Lumberjacks - Paul Bunion
Punny Book: Fortune Telling - Crystal Ball
Punny Book: Fred Can Philosophize! - Immanuel Kant
Punny Book: French Overpopulation - Francis Crowded
Punny Book: Full Moon - Seymour Buns
Punny Book: Go To Bed - Ida Wanna
Punny Book: Happy New Year! - Mary Christmas
Punny Book: Hot Dog! - Frank Furter
Punny Book: How to keep your conference on topic - by Mod R. Ator
Punny Book: How to tell you friends from apes.
Punny Book: I Need Insurance - Justin Case
Punny Book: I Say So! - Frank O. Pinion
Punny Book: I Was A Son Of A Buccaneer - Rich Kidd
Punny Book: Songs For Children - Barbara Blacksheep
Punny Book: The Japanese way of Death - by Harri Kari.
Punny Book: The LA Lakers' Breakfast - by Kareem O'Wheat
Punny Book: Those Funny Dogs - Joe Kur
Punny Book: Those Funny Dogs - Joe Kur.
Punny Book: To be Honest - Frank Lee
Punny Book: Too Many Beers - I.P. Freely
Punny Book: Too Many Beers - I.P. Freely.
Punny Book: Too Much Diet Coke - I.P. Freely
Punny Book: Tracks in the Sand - Peter Dragon
Punny Book: Upstream - by Sam N. Fishing.
Punny Book: Where to Find Islands - Archie Pelago
Punny Book: Who Killed Cock Robin - Ida Know
Punny Book: You're a Bundle of Laughs - Vera Funny
Punny Books: A Boxing Cornerman's Story: Dawson DeTowel.
Punny Books: Ah, Thor!: Ty Till.
Punny Books: Artificial Weightlessness: Andy Gravity.
Punny Books: Boy Scout's Handbook: Casey Needzit.
Punny Books: Ecclesiastical Infractions: Cardinal Sin.
Punny Books: I Love Mathematics: Adam Up.
Punny Books: Indiana Jones' Adventures: Darrin Rescue.
Punny Books: Jewish Holidays: Hannah Kuhh.
Punny Books: Not Bogged Down In Reality. --Jason Rainbows.
Punny Books: Poetry in Baseball - Homer.
Punny Books: Smoker's Cough: Nick O'Teen.
Punny Books: Southern California Waffles: Sandy Eggo.
Punny Books: Swimming in the Arctic: I. C. Waters.
Punny Books: The German Bank Robbery: Hans Zupp.
Punny Books: Unemployed: Anita Job.
Punny book: NHL Hockey, by Stanley Kupp.
Puno srece da ne bude sr*nje jos vece ...
Puns are bad but poetry is verse.
Puns are bad, Poetry is verse!
Puns are bad, but poetry is verse.
Puns are bad....poetry is verse!
Puns are for groan ups. Its the punetentiary for you.
Puns are like drugs. - Dire Wolf
Puns are my way of life! -ML
Puns are our business... Our ONLY business....
Puns are undervalued.
Puns being the weapon of choice.
Puns can groan on you
Puns...  Ammunition?
Punsters should be drawn and quoted. 
Puny moderator make Hulk mad. HULK SMASH!
Puppeteers DO IT with their mouths.
Puppy love:  the beginning of a dog's life.
Puppy with a Numchuck - Tom
Purchasing Windows is an Unrecoverable Application Error
Purcilious The manner in which a man holds his wife's purse in public.
Purcilious: manner in which a man holds his wife's purse in public.
Pure bare naked plane. Got no markings - Tom
Pure drivel drives away ordinary drivel.
Pure drivel drives ordinary drivel off the TV screen.
Pure drivel tends to drive away ordinary drivel.
Pure drivel tends to drive ordinary drivel off of the TV screen.
Pure drivel tends to drive ordinary drivel off the TV screen.
Purgamentum Init, Exit Purgamentum.
Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum!
Purgamentum intat, exit purgamentum!
Purgatory tickets to remain at $27 - film at 11
Purify the air: Grow a tree
Purify the air: Plant trees
Purist, Schmurist! I take the simplest route!
Puritan's Law: Evil is live spelled backwards.
Puritan's Second Law: If it feels good, don't do it.
Puritanism - The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
Puritanism is the fear that someone, somewhere might be having fun.
Puritanism is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
Puritanism: The fear that someone, somewhere might be having fun.
Puritanism: the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy.
Puritans: deathly afraid that someone is having fun.
Purity Control and Minbari Souls---Is there a connection?
Purple Heart - Enemy Marksman Medal
Purple Heart - Enemy Marksmanship Medal
Purple Heart:  individual recognition for superior level of conformity
Purple haze, all in my brain - Hendrix
Purple people eater: Hefty, Hefty, Hefty. Barney: Wimpy, Wimpy, Wimpy.
Purple. Answer can be found below. (Barney is purple.) <g>
Purpose of Windoze:  To boost the sales of mouse manufacturers.
Purpose of Windoze:  To give jobs to folks who understand .PIF code.
Purpose of Windoze:  To make playing Solitaire easier than ever.
Purranoai:  The fear that your cats are up to something.
Purranoia (n): the fear that your cat is up to something.
Purranoia - The fear your cat is up to something.
Purranoia is the fear that your cats are plotting against you.
Purranoia--  the fear that your cats are up to something
Purranoia:  Fear that your cat is up to something!
Purranoia:  The fear that your cats are up to something.
Purranoia:  the fear that your cat is up to something.
Purranoia: Fear that your cat is up to something!
Purranoia: The fear that cats are out to get you!
Purranoia: The fear that your cat is up to something
Purranoia: The fear that your cat is up to something...
Purranoia: The fear that your cats are up to Something!
Purranoia: The feeling that your cat is up to something.
Purranoia: The feeling that your cats are out to get you.
Purranoia: the fear one's cats are up to something.
Purranoia: the fear one's cats are up to something.
Purranoia: the fear that your cat is up to something
Purranoia: the fear that your cats are plotting against you.
Purranoia: the fear that your cats are up to Something!
Purranoia: the fear your cat is up to something.
Purranoia: the fear your cats are up to something.
Purranoic:  The fear that your cat is up to SOMETHING.
Purring (adj). Sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness.
Purring - Sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness
Purring - a cat's internal relaxation tape.
Purring - an automatic safety-valve for happiness overflow
Purring cats and glowing fireplaces make winter bearable...
Purring cats and glowing fireplaces make winter bearable.\S
Purring is a very important tool for training humans--Rocket.
Purring, Sound Of A Cat Manufacturing Cuteness.
Purring... The sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness.
Purring....Sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness.
Purring....the sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness.
Purring:  Sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness.
Purring:  Sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness...
Purring:  The sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness.
Purring:  an automatic safety-valve for happiness overflow.
Purring: Sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness.
Purring: The sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness.
Purring: a cat dreaming up naughtiness.
Purring: a cat's internal relaxation tape.
Purring: the sound of a cat manufacturing cuteness.
Purrinoia:  Fear the cat is up to something
Purrinoia: Fear that the cat is up to something...
Purrinoia: fear that the cat is up to something
Purrloiner: A cat in your lap.
Purrpetual Motion: A kitten at play.
Purrpetual motion:  A kitty playing.
Purrpetual motion:  A kitty playing...
Purrpetual:  Everlasting love for all felines.
Purrpetual:  Everlasting love for domesticated felines.
Purrpetual:  Everlasting love for domesticated felines...
Purrpetual: Everlasting love for all felines!
Purrpetual: Everlasting love for domesticated felines.
Purrranoia - The feeling that your cat is up to something
Purrrrranoia - The feeling that your cat is up to something
Purrson (n): Son of a Cat.
Purrson:  A male kitty.
Purrson:  A male kitty...
Purrverse (n): a poem about a Cat.
Purrverse:  Poem about a strange kitty.
Purrverse:  Poem about a strange kitty...
Pursue the truth no matter where it lies.
Push To Test. Release To Detonate.
Push any key.  Then push the any other key.
Push any key. Then push the any other key.
Push any switch. Then push the any other switch.
Push button to test -- release button to detonate..
Push red button to test, release to detonate...
Push red button to test.  <<CLICK>>  Release to detonate...
Push something hard enough and it will fall.
Push the button Orville.
Push the button, Frank. -- Mystery Science Theater
Push the button, control group - Dr. F to Frank
Push the envelope? I just want to print one!
Push the limit, and the limit will move away!
Push to test ..<click>.. Release to detonate
Push to test. [click] Release to detonate.
Push your mind to the limit and expand your fantasy!
Pushers and hookers and pimps... Oh my!
Pushing 40 is excercise enough.
Pushing 40 is exercise enough!
Pushing 40 is exercise enough.
Pushing a crayon...In the rayon! - Tom sings
Pushing back the limits of common sense
Pussability:  A surprised kitty's "BOING!"
Pussability:  A surprised kitty's "BOING..."
Pussy Whip:  The dessert topping for cats.
Pussy Whip:  The dessert topping for cats...
Pussy cat! - Crow on girl who transformed from a lion
Pussywhip:  the dessert topping for cats..
Pusti ba murjaka, dezinformise pucanstvo...
Put 'er there, you big galoot! - Tom
Put *that* in your tag line and smoke it!
Put 5 tag lines together and you get Bill Clinton's autobiography.
Put 5 tag lines together and you get Dan Quayle's autobiography.
Put Al Gore's brain in a pigeon and it'd fly backwards.
Put Barney in a parade with Nancy Kerrigan.
Put Barney in charge of cleaning Marla Maples' closet.
Put CHRIST back in Xmas!
Put Eliot's toilet up.
Put Government back to work. Sign the Bill..BILL!
Put He's brain in a pigeon and it'd fly backwards.
Put In Three Rounds of Wedge and Call Me in The Morning
Put Ma Bell together again. NOW!
Put Orville Bullitt's brain in a pigeon and it'd fly backwards.
Put Orville's brain in a pigeon and it'd fly backwards.
Put Patrick Long's brain in a pigeon and it'd fly backwards.
Put Scott Scheibe's brain in a pigeon and it'd fly backwards.
Put Shoeless Joe in the Baseball Hall Of Fame.
Put Windows on a bus and even local rides take forever
Put Yakko Warner's brain in a pigeon and it'd fly backwards.
Put a Nutrageous in this - Dr. F with giant mouse trap
Put a Rubber Chicken on your hat...They're perfect for all occasions.
Put a different name on your bosses door
Put a dollar in her bandage - Crow on Jan in the Pan
Put a fence around your cemetery.  People are just dying to get in!
Put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger, now he's dead. --Queen
Put a helmet on that soldier...he's going into battle!
Put a lens in each ear and you've got a telescope.
Put a little JOY in your life - Tune to 90.7 FM!
Put a little birdhouse in your soul. -- TMBG
Put a lot of little marshmallows in your hot chocolate.
Put a penny in the fuse box, baldy! - Tom on rocket
Put a piece of tape on a cat's foot, you have never laughed so hard!
Put a rooster in a freezer to get a stiff cock.
Put a sock in it, Red Adair - Dr. Forrester to Mike
Put a wallet under the guy's tongue -Joel as biker dances
Put a wallet under the guy's tongue! - Joel Robinson
Put all your begs in one ask-it!
Put all your begs in one ask-it...
Put all your eggs in one basket, and WATCH THAT BASKET!
Put an AX murder in the State House!
Put an egg in your shoe, and beat it!
Put an end to car-jackings: smile, agree, then use swift & deadly force.
Put an end to car-jackings:smile, agree, then use swift and deadly force
Put brain in gear before engaging mouth, or in this case, fingers.
Put down that tombstone mister, you're taking too much for granite.
Put down the cat, and the knife! That's NOT how to eat pussy! :)
Put down the doughnut! Put down the coffee - Crow
Put down those Windows disks. Dave. DAVE!
Put her in Hyper Active!
Put him in the box, Frank! - Dr. F
Put it on my tab. --Hercules  Tab? What's that? --Charon
Put it to Music!
Put it to the wall, Mr. LaForge. - Picard
Put knot yore trusse in spel chequers!
Put knot yore trussed in spel chequers!
Put knot yore trust inn spel chequers.
Put knot youre trusse in spel chequres !
Put lawyers on the ethics committee (for balance).
Put lawyers on the ethics committee, for balance.
Put me down as being in agreement also!
Put me down, Mindy, or I shall have to hurt you.--The Brain
Put me in coach, I'm ready to play today
Put me in coach, I'm ready to play.....John Fogerty
Put more trust in nobility of character than in an oath.
Put my dog down and get the hell off my ranch!
Put no trust in cryptic comments.
Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.
Put off procrastinating till a later time.
Put off procrastinating till another time.
Put off procrastinating until a later time.
Put off procrastinating until later.
Put on a :-) face
Put on a pot of coffee, I've got messages to read!
Put on old clothes before you get out the paint brushes!
Put on that nurses outfit - Crow leers to girl
Put on that rubber glove and call me CUPCAKE!
Put on the full armor or God!
Put on the whole armour of God- Ephesians 6:11
Put on this blindfold.  I wanna try something.
Put on this blindfold.  I want to try something.
Put on your seat belt Gary. I wanna try something.
Put on your seatbelt Montgomery I wanna try something...
Put on your seatbelt, @FN@. I wanna try something.
Put on your seatbelt, I wanna try something...
Put on your seatbelt.  I wanna try something.
Put on your seatbelt. I wanna try something.
Put on your seatbelt. I'm gonna try something new.
Put on your seatbelt. I'm gonna try something new.
Put on your seatbelt...I wanna try something...
Put on your seatbelt; I wanna try something...
Put on your seatbelts. I'm gonna try something new.
Put on-topic message here:
Put our dumps to better use - throw liberal Democrats in!
Put out an APB.. all tag lines stolen!
Put out that cigarette, Tom said breathlessly.
Put out the cat?  I didn't know it was on fire.
Put out your problems with the cat
Put people on hold when possible.
Put politicians in their place - landfills!
Put silk on a stick, and it will look fine.- Old Scot Sayin
Put some hair on her chest!  Well, more hair!
Put some power between your legs - ride a Harley.
Put some tape on a cat's foot.  You've never laughed so hard!
Put something exciting between your legs - ME!!! <sigh>
Put something exciting between your legsME !!
Put that Baroque masterpiece down! (Cleese)
Put that card down, boy... it's not meant for the likes of you...
Put that in your smipe & poke it
Put that magazine down or I'll blow your heads off! - Apu
Put that thing away!  You're going to get us all killed. - Leia
Put that tongue away.
Put the Campfire Girls on stand-by! - Tom
Put the arts back in the private sector where it belongs.
Put the cat out QUICK!
Put the cat out! Why? It's not on fire
Put the cat out?  But it's not on fire!
Put the cat out?  Didn't know it was on fire.
Put the cat out?  I didn't know it was on fire!
Put the cat out? But it's not on fire!
Put the cat out? Is it on fire?
Put the cat out??  I didn't know it was on fire!!
Put the cat out?? I didn't know it was burning!!
Put the coffee on!!
Put the cuffs on him, sis!
Put the li-i-ime in the co-o-conut - Tom on girl's accent
Put the politicians on the front line!
Put the rat mask on her! - Mike
Put the sword down,  You're scaring the straights...
Put the sword down, Butler.  You're scaring the mundanes.
Put the sword down, CaplanYou're scaring the straights. -- J Butler
Put the sword down, Gibson.  You're scaring the mundanes.
Put the sword down, Jay. You're scaring the mundanes.
Put the sword down, Kenneth, you're scaring the Mundanes!
Put the sword down, Orville. You're scaring the mundanes.
Put the sword down.  You're scaring the straights...
Put the sword down. You're scaring the mundanes.
Put them here (censored or something) email me some please...
Put two pennies in pocket...they'll breed.
Put up or shut up is the phrase that comes to mind.
Put up or shut up, @N@!
Put your Cybernetic Pedals to the Virtual Metal.
Put your Dickens sideways.
Put your Nose to the Grindstone! -- Amalgamated Plastic Surgeons and Toolmakers
Put your best .3 of a meter forward
Put your bible away, try thinking for a change!
Put your brain in gear before starting your mouth.
Put your cat in a box, add postage, and mark "RUSH".
Put your cat in box, add postage and mark "Schr*edinger."
Put your clothes back on @FN@, and get out of my house!
Put your clothes back on Orville , it's time to go home.
Put your clothes back on \v2 , it's time to go home.
Put your ear to stone and open your heart to the sky
Put your finger over the hole - Tom on leaking space suit
Put your hand inside the Puppet Head.
Put your hand inside the puppet head -- TMBG
Put your hand on the screen and FEEL my healing power
Put your hands up, and give me all your recipes. I've got a phaser.
Put your hands up, and give me all your taglines-I've got a phaser!
Put your hard drive to your ear.  Can you hear the C:?
Put your hard drive to your ear. Can you hear the C: ?
Put your modem where your mouth is!
Put your money where your modem is!
Put your money where your mouth is - So I won't have to listen to you!
Put your nose to the grindstone and you're a bloody fool.
Put your nose to the grindstone, and you become a bloody fool.
Put your own "witty" Tagline here...I'm BUSY!
Put your own "witty" recipe here...I'm BUSY!
Put your own witty Tagline here...I'm BUSY!
Put your own witty recipe here, I can't be bothered now.
Put your own witty tagline here, I can't be bothered now.
Put your own witty tagline here, I can't be bothered.
Put your trust in those who are worthy.
Put yourself down for TWO honey-glazed hams - Dr. F
Put yourself down for a honey-glazed ham - Dr. F to Frank
Put yourself in my loving arms baby I can change your mind
Put yourself in my place, come on over any time
Put'er There, Pal!: Greg Garious
Put'er There, Pal!: Greg Garious*
Puter Lie # 8:  "You'll NEVER use all that disk space!"
Puts a finger in his ear so the draft through his head isn't annoying.
Putt knot yore trussed in spiel checkers.
Putt knot yore trussed in spilling chequers.
Putt knot yore trussed inn spall chequers.
Putt knot your trussed inn spell chequers!
Putting his brain on the edge of a razor blade would be like
Putting on her jimmy-shoes - Crow on girl's stockings
Putting on his coroner's cap, Data enjoys a rotten corpse
Putting out a fire with acetylene.
Putting out the fire with vaseline ...
Putting your vegetables on your little sister's plate doesn't work.
Puttsway - Leaning/teetering movements performed by golfers.
Pwease be vewy, vewy kwiet.  I'm hunting for tagwines...
Pyramid Shipping Co.
Pyramid:  An organized pile of rocks.
Pyrotechnicians experts DO IT with a blinding flash.
Pyrotechnicnicians DO IT with a blast.
Pyrotechnics do it with a blast.
Pyrotechnics experts do it with a blinding flash.
Pyschic midget breaks out of prison -- Small medium at large!
Pyscho 3.0 installed; run NORMAN.MOM
Pyschoceramics...The study of crackpots.
Pythagoras is dead; he's singing with the angles now.
Pythagoras is dead; he's singing with the angles.
Python of Borg - "And now for something completely futile."
pEnTiUm hMMM!
pain- n. Telling a Klingon his mother wears pink slippers
paints and pretty colors/children's drawings on the wall
panic: can't find /
panic: kernel trap (ignored)
pant   pant   pant   pant   "Meow."  <KABOOM!!!>
pantsConfucius say: Man who lay girl on hill not on level.
paradox:  A very small marina.
paradox:  A very small medical group.
pardon me..I have been smoking Pro-Yam!
parking meters:  Pay toilets for dogs.
pas koji laje ne ujeda, cuti i bice o kej.
pays for this message and reads it will feel slighted!
peace of mind & sanctuary by loud waters' flow...
peccary:  The place where chickens eat.
pell Chequers dew knot always work write.
pentium slogan:  The error in Inside.
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most
person slow to anger is better than the mighty.
ping.....ping.....ping.....BURP! Six pack detected - and terminated!
pipesinta [Unix] -Computer Jargon 3.0.0
piss off-vi,Brit (1953): to leave forthwith : get out -- Webster's 9th
pitchfork (n.): used to unload dead babies from boxcars
pkunzip clinton PKUNZIP(E11)-The file structure is corrupt. Use pkzipfix
pkzip -urp pardon.me
place tagline here
playful boyish exterior beats the heart of a ruthless sadistic maniac.
please change your programs accordingly.
please edit your subject and add an M to Microsoft
please give me all the tag lines I don't have.
please greed feed, no time to hesitate
please pass the spam loaf please
please support shareware...this ad is reg'd to: [UNREGISTERED!!]
please write me tag lines.
plus a big thanks to all of my fellow net.cops. :)
poTentil Noble Prise WinNer.
podex perfectus es.
point of view: rose bushes have thorns or thornbushes have roses.
pointing device? My cat thought it was dinner.
pojesce te brzo velegradske zveri, ali, ti ces biti na naslovnoj strani.
polirical jok   u  they.ge eelee. dEATIN  SAFESEX.ZIP is a0ELECT FEThas
politically right when it is morally wrong.
polyclinic:  Hospital for sick parakeets.
pominju mi familiju, teraju me dodjavola.
pop gun / cap gun.
porcupine:  Non-Kosher variety of coniferous tree.
post Ron Jarokar's ad for TAGX into another tagline echo.
postmark: hotel trout fishing in america
potato Jim!, Let's gouge out all of his eyes"
practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty
praying for connectivity:  HEAL, H_E_A_L_ah!!
predstava je zavrsena, slijedeci put ne diraj moje lice ispod pepela
press <CTRL<-<ALT<-<DEL< to continue...
pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty
prikupi hrabrost, dodji do mene, ja sam jos ona ista budala.
primitive things stir the hearts of everyone.
printf("This is a recipe..."); printf("\nThis is your br
printf("This is a tagline..."); printf("\nThis is your br
printf("to C or not to C...that is the question/n");
printf('to C or not to C..that is the question');
prisioner transfer from cellblock 1138
privacy on 1 hand, public right on other. DONT clap
priznat cu ti da te volim, reci ces mi ne budi lud
priznat cu ti da te volim, smijes se i kazes jeftina stvar
probably NOT. ... I just collect `em; doesn't mean I _believe_ in `em!
prosecutors will be prosecuted.
proud member, Tagline Thieves Local 202.
psujem mater onom pokvarenom Bogu, zasto su se kola slomila na meni.
psychopath:  Any urban thoroughfare during rush hour.
ptr=(void *)666; /* The pointer from hell. */
pufft, who needs taglines.
pull some quotes off of the first 10 episodes, they are halarious!
pumpkin (v.): What people in Kentucky do.
purring cats and glowing fireplaces make winter a joy
purvey:  The sound made by an overwrought Jewish cat.
putting a pea on a six lane highway.

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca