V is for Vector, the course Picard will plot
V'Ger of Borg: Carbon units are irrelevant.
V'ger Doo: the feeling that I've seen this spacecraft before
V'room v'room's coming! - Crow as dumb guy on cars
V*****!*  W* d**'t g*t ** t**k**g v****!!!
V-SCAN Warning: CLINTON.COM fails integrity check.
V. Any program will expand to fill available memory.
V.I.P.---Very Important Pipsqueak.
V.M. Smith was as real as taxes, but he was a race of one.
V.R.: Vomit Reproduction (a.k.a. Voc Rehab)
V.fast = V.32bis on steroids.
V34 is a matter of luck ...to a Rockwell chip
VACATIONERS do it in a leisure way
VAGINA..A city in Saskatchewan
VAGINA..Medical term describing heart trouble
VAGITARIAN, n. - Lesbian, in PC-speak
VAGRANTS do it everywhere
VAGRANTS do it everywhere.
VALLEY-DOS:  Delete File?  (F)er sure. (N)o way, dude. (H)uh?
VALLEY-DOS: Delete File? (F)er sure (N)o way, dude (R)ad
VALUERS really know the price
VALUERS really know the price.
VAMPIRE BITES CHRIST.  Ponder the ramifications.
VAN GO: for a vanpool.
VANGUARD do it ahead of everyone else
VANGUARD do it ahead of everyone else.
VANITY, n.  The tribute of a fool to the worth of the nearest ass.
VANITY: plain and simple.
VASECTOMY---What most men find incoceivable.
VAX,FAX,WAX, what's the difference.
VAX: A very big PC peripheral.
VAX: Change vendor immediately (See BNE)
VAX: Violate All eXecutions
VB< <=The voices in Jim Venn's head stopped so Jim could tell
VB< A man can be happy with any woman as long as he doesn't love
VB< Virginia Blalock:=<
VBG           Very Big Grin
VCR's are a way to defeat time.....
VCRs are irrelevant. -- Locutus of RCA
VD is nothing to clap about!
VD is nothing to clap about.
VDP: Violate Design Parameters
VEGETARIAN(n):ancient native word meaning "lousy hunter"!
VEGETARIANS don't do it with meat
VELVEETA: the cheese that cannot die
VELVEETA: the cheese that cannot die!
VENDORS try hard to sell it
VENDORS try hard to sell it.
VENI: Vidi@Vici.com...I came, I saw, I logged-on.
VERBAL---Able to whine in words.
VERIFIERS check on it
VERIFIERS check on it.
VERNON CASTLE - Goodnight, Irene
VERSIFIERS write poems for it
VERSIFIERS write poems for it.
VERTIGO:        What a tourbook tells you.
VETERANS have much more experience than the fresh-handed
VETERANS have much more experience than the fresh-handed.
VETERINARIANS are pussy lovers
VETERINARIANS are pussy lovers.
VETERINARIANS are pussy lovers.   
VETERINARIANS do it with animals
VETERINARIANS do it with animals.
VETERINARIANS do it with sick animals
VETERINARIANS do it with sick animals.
VF-41/CVN-68, VF-31/CV-59, VF-33/CV-66, HC-6/NASNORVA  TBC
VFE: Violate Field Engineer
VFO: Violate Female Operator
VGA:  The poor man's movie screen.
VGA?  We don't need no steenkin' VGA..!
VGA? We don't need no steenking VGA..!
VI  Oxymoron: Passive aggression.
VICARS do it in church.
VICARS do it with amazing grace
VICARS substitute others to
VICE PRINCIPALS do it with discipline
VICE PRINCIPALS do it with discipline.
VICTIMS are those who got it
VICTIMS are those who got it.
VICTOR activates any Wednesday
VICTORS know how hard to win it
VICTORS know how hard to win it.
VIEWERS do it with eyes
VIEWERS do it with eyes.
VIGILANTES take it into their own hands.
VIII. Any non-trivial program contains at least one bug.
VIKING.COM corrupt: (R)ape (L)oot (P)illage
VILIFIERS say others don't do it well
VILIFIERS say others don't do it well.
VILLAGERS do it provincially
VIOLATOR (Violator B1) activates Dec 4th
VIOLATOR (Violator B1) activates Nov 4th
VIOLATOR (Violator B1) activates October 4th
VIOLATOR (Violator B1) activates Sep 1 - Sep 30
VIOLATOR (Violator B2) activates Dec 31
VIOLATOR (Violator B2) activates Oct 31st
VIOLATOR (Violator B3) activates Dec 25th
VIOLATOR activates after Aug 14th, 1990
VIOLENT: An active, dangerous plant with purple flowers.
VIOLINISTS do it gently
VIOLINISTS do it gently.
VIOLINISTS prefer odd positions
VIOLINISTS prefer odd positions.
VIRGIN WOOL  Wool from a sheep that could outrun the farmer.
VIRGIN..An extinct female species
VIRGINITY  A big issue over a little tissue.
VIRGINS do it only once in their whole lifetime.
VIRGINS use it and lose it.
VIRTUAL REALITY: If you can't handle the real thing!
VIRTUE?!? WE dON't gOt NO tiNkiNg VIRTUE!!!
VIRTUES, n.pl.  Certain abstentions.
VIRTUOSI appreciate it
VIRTUOSI appreciate it.
VIRUS - Versatile Invador with Rapid Unbelievable Success!!!!
VIRUS CHECK:  Windows 95 found.  Delete (Y/y)?
VIRUS FROG'S ALLEY activates the 5th of any month
VIRUS.EXE: Error #72. This program requires MS Windows.
VIRUS:  The computer world's version of natural selection.
VIRUSWARE:  An olive branch given to our enemies, anonymously.
VISA, its everywhere you want to be
VISA, its everywhere you want to be.
VISITORS come and see it
VISITORS come and see it.
VISOR - (V)ery (I)ncredibly (S)tupid (O)rgan (R)eplacement
VIVE Costa Rica y las Ticas! Fumo Ticos, Amo a Ticas
VLSI:  "Getting High On Low Voltage"
VM PROGRAMMERS do it virtually all the time.
VM PROGRAMMERS do it virtualy all the time
VM SYSTEMS PROGRAMMERS do it with emulated devices.
VM systems programmers DO IT three levels deep.
VM/CMS: Operating system for the scroll-phobic.
VM: The Original Client Server.
VMA: Violate Maintenance Agreement
VMB: Verify, then Make Bad
VMS is a text adventure. If you win you get to use UNIX.
VMS is like a nightmare about RXS-11M.
VMS must die!
VNO: Violate Noise Ordinance
VOCALISTS are good in their mouths
VOCALISTS are good in their mouths.
VOLCANIC ERUPTION : New Zealand duck hunting method.
VOLCANIC ERUPTION : New Zealand weed killing method.
VOLCANOLOGISTS erupt with a bang.
VOLCANOLOGISTS know how violent it can be
VOLCANOLOGISTS know how violent it can be.
VOLES dick through it
VOLES dick through it.
VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS keep it up longer.
VOLUNTEERS do it willingly
VOLUNTEERS do it willingly.
VOTARISTS decide to contribute them self.
VOTARISTS decide to contribute themself
VOTE IVANOVA : FOR MISS UNIVERSE ...................or else boom
VOTE! Truth only hurts, lies destroy!
VOTERS will decide who can do it
VOYAGER: The next nine star generations deep space treks!
VOYAGER:To boldly get lost where no one has been lost before
VOYAGER:To boldly git lost where no one gots'ta been lost before
VOYAGERS do it in between the sea and the sky
VOYAGERS do it in between the sea and the sky.
VOYEURS like what they see.
VPA: Vanishing Point Arithmetic
VPL  = Visible Panty Line
VTBNL (Victim to be named later) <aw>
VULCANS do it logically
VULVA..Yuppie car made in Sweden
VVM: Vaporize Virtual Memory
VVV Beware of limbo-dancers below this line VVV
VVVV          Vomiting Via Vulgar Visage, i.e., <MYAM>
VVVV: Vomiting Via Vulgar Visage -BBS Lingo
VViirruuss??  WWhhaatt VViirruuss??
VW Beetles: The Energizer Bunny of cars...
VW: Very Worthless
V_o^o_V  Things that go Bump on the Keyboard.
Va va va voom! - Tom dances the hula
Va-Kul, Mother of Waters.
Vaat zeems to be die trouble Leftenent Picard?
Vacancy on the top floor.
Vacation (n.): Where you are when you COULD be comfortable! - KJ Radkey
Vacation Special: Have your home exterminated.
Vacation in Washington and visit your money.
Vacation in Washington, and visit your money.
Vacation in the billion worlds of a used book store...
Vacation: Take half as much clothing and twice as much money!
Vacationers DO IT in a leisure way.
Vacationers do it in a leisure way.
Vacationing Blonde writing home - "Hi. Having a great time. Where am I?"
Vacubeam: n. The useless headlight on a vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum (n) - see Blonde's cranal cavity.
Vacuum (n) - see blonde's cranial cavity.
Vacuum cleaners suck (at least the good ones do...).
Vacuum cleaners suck.
Vacuum:  A large, empty space where the pope lives.
Vacuum: See "blonde's cranial cavity"
Vader and Yoda never met...END OF STORY
Vader of Borg:  You WILL be assimilated. The Emperor has forseen it.
Vader of Borg: You WILL be assimilated. The Collective has foreseen it
Vader of Borg: You WILL be assimilated. The Emperor has forseen it.
Vader of Borg: You will be assimilated--it is your destiny.
Vader of Borg: You will be assimilated. The Collective has forseen it.
Vader of Borg: You will be assimilated. The Emperor has foreseen it.
Vader of Borg:You will be assimilated--it is your destiny.
Vader/Fett '96
Vagina - chest pain.
Vagina in my chest: explains the feeling that someone is sitting on it
Vagina is the medical term to describe heart trouble.
Vagina to penis: Surrender I have you surrounded!
Vagina to penis: Surrender!  I have you surrounded!
Vagina:  Heart trouble.
Vagitarian. and proud of it. 
Vagrants do it everywhere.  
Vague and nebulous is the beginning of all things, but not their end.
ValDOSta:  (F)loridian, (T)ourist, (R)etired, (C)uban?
Valencia:  The spectre looms again...
Valentine Michael Smith was as real as taxes.  -- Heinlein
Valerie: I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!
Valerie: Liar!  Liar!  Liar!  Miracle Max: Get back, witch!
Valetudinarians do it in sick beds.
ValeyarDOS 0.125: Now executing DELOLDOS...
ValeyarDOS 0.125: Supports aliases and multiple personalities
ValeyarDOS 0.5:  (A)bort, (R)ant, (P)opplewick?
Valjusak sam ja, lice mi se sja ...
Valley Elves do it on the beach, man!
Valley Klingon Girl: Honor? Gnarly!  It's, like, to die for....
Valley of the Dulls-Lehigh Valley,PA.
Vallista rends and then rebuilds
Valorus:  Large animal vit tusks; lives in vater.
Valorus:  Large animal vit tusks; lives in vater...
Valorus:  a large animal vit tusks; lives in vater..
ValuCom: 1st things 1st...Nothing can be better!
ValuCom: Anything else is for the 12 year old rlies
ValuCom: Anything else is greasy kid-stuff.
ValuCom: Carved only from the finest ASCII
ValuCom: The BBS for the rest of us!
Valuable things are not cheap.
Value the individul, be wary of the collective. -- Dr. MindBender
Value your words - each one may be the last.
Valuers really know the price.  
Vamoose ya little varmint! - Data
Vamoose, ya li'l varmint! - Data
Vampire + Werewolf = Fur coat that sticks to your neck.
Vampire Error:  <A>vert, <R>eflect, <I>mpale
Vampire Error:  <A<vert, <R<eflect, <I<mpale
Vampire Hunter D has Now Entered Vampire D's Domicile.
Vampire Taxation System: Puts the bite on you and sucks you dry!
Vampire `D' With the *fangs* for the ---====future===---!!!
Vampire beavers, from the depths of the lake.
Vampire bites Jesus - ponder the ramifications!
Vampire bites Jesus! (ponder the ramifications...)
Vampire is an odd name.  Mind if we call you Bruce?
Vampire's NEED love too.....!!     "D"
Vampire's are cool... They like suck blood and stuff...
Vampire+Werewolf = Fur coat that sticks to your neck.
Vampire:  The Masquerade.
Vampires are a pain in the neck.
Vampires are blood relatives.
Vampires are cool... They like suck blood and stuff...
Vampires are coolThey like to suck blood and stuff.
Vampires are creatures eclipsed by their own darkness. -- Juliedi
Vampires do it aaaaalllllll  nniiiiiight lllllooooooonnnnnggggg!
Vampires do it all night long!
Vampires do it allllll niiiiight looooong!
Vampires do it in the dead of night.
Vampires do it until dawn.  So does Janier..what's your point?
Vampires don't attack Lawyers.   Profssional courtesy..
Vampires don't attack Lawyers.  Professional courtesy.
Vampires don't attack Lawyers. Profssional courtesy
Vampires don't attack lawyers. Professional courtesey.
Vampires don't attack lawyers. Professional courtesy!
Vampires don't attack lawyers. Professional courtesy.
Vampires don't attack lawyers...Professional courtesy.
Vampires fighting over a bloody tampon.
Vampires give *killer* hickeys.
Vampires have no life!
Vampires need love too.
Vampires never have bad breath......Mr. Garlic.
Vampires suck!
Vampires with AIDS; the unknown vector.
Vampires:  If you hung upsidedown all day wouldn't you bite someone.
Vampires: If you hung upside down all day wouldn't you bite?
Vampiric Error: (A)vert (R)eflect (I)mpale
Vampyra to the shy little boy: "Don't worry, I don't bite!"
Vampyra's World. Party time, excellent!
Vampyra's been to hell. "And they kicked her out, right?"
Vampyrex the unburnable.
Van Cliburn entertains a groupy - Crow
Van Doren meets Van Damme in Death Warrant - Mike
Van Gogh became a painter because he had no ear for music.
Van Richten's Guide to Rabid Beaver Zombies.
Van Richten's Guide to Van Richten.
Van Richten's Guide to Zombies with Red Hair.
Van Roy's Law: An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.
Vancouver Island
Vancouver Rain Festival - Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
Vancouver Rain Festival runs January 1 - December 31 this year! :)
Vancouver tourists: "When does Canada Place set sail?"
Vandal of the Lost World - Crow
Vanderbilt DOS:  (A)bort  (R)etry  (C)all Daddy
Vanguard do it ahead of everyone else.
Vanilla Ice to Bill Gates at Intel:  MICROSOFT WORD TO YOUR MOTHERBOARD!
Vanity Plates -- taglines for cars!
Vanity is the food of fools.
Vanity is the quicksand of reason.
Vanity kills! It don't pay bills.
Vanity plates: Taglines for cars.
Vanna White found dead!Police suspect vowel play!
Vanslykequistborgensson - You've been SCANDINAVIANIZED!
VaporHelp:  MicroSoft Tech Support.
Vaporware 3.2: The next best thing to the real thing!
Vaporware has versions which support Windows and OS/2.
Vaporware is a figment on your hard disk.
Vaporware...Now you boot it, now you don't.
Variable Not Found
Variable Not Found.
Variables don't, constants aren't.
Variables won't; constants aren't.
Variables won't; constants aren't.  - Osborn
Variables won't; constants aren't.  -- Osborn
Variables won't; constants aren't. - L. Long
Variables won't; constants aren't. -- Heinlein
Variables won`t;  constants aren`t;  dummies can't.
Variables won`t; constants aren`t; dummies can't.
Varicose  Veins: Veins very close to each other.
Varicose - nearby
Varicose -- located nearby
Varicose : Near by
Varicose Veins:  Veins very close to each other...
Varicose Veins: Veins very close to each other.
Varicose veins.... Veins that are very close together.
Varicose veins: veins which are very close together.
Varicose:  Near by.
Varicose:  Near by...
Variety is the spice of life.
Variety is the spice of life.  Monotony finances it.
Variety: spice of life. Don't change horses in midstream.
Varnish one's cane
Vasectomy patient: "How's it going, Doc?"  Doc: "Won't be long now..."
Vasectomy patient: How's it going, doc?  Doc: Won't be long.
Vasectomy: A snip in time saves nine.
Vasectomy: Below the belt lobotomy for a 1 track mind.
Vasectomy: Sunkist Operation-all juice, no seeds!
Vasectomy: below the belt lobotomy for one track minds.
Vaseline:  Meat tenderizer.
Vashti (Persian): beautiful.
Vast ideas are often, on reflection, only half-vast.
Vatican Express-Don't leave Rome without it!
Vatican II: The Final Reconing - Mike
Vaucom: This BBS does more by 9:00am than other BBS's do all day.
Vaya con queso!
VbReader Lives! ...but WHERE is the author?
Ve haff our vays...
Ve have vays of making you obey zee rules!
Ve have vays of makink you obey zee rules on zia board!
Ve have vays to make you talk, Orville Bullitt!
Ve have vays to make you talk, Orville!
Ve iz too soon old, undt too late schmart!
Ve vill dress like the Village People - Mike as Russian
Ve vill krush owr oppohnnents. -Arnold.
Vece ne mirise na rakove i skoljke, mesec je bleda fleka boje cimeta.
Vedek Bareil stars in "Zombies of the Bajorasphere".
Vedek Bareil, with the orb of assimilation.  Oh, Ki-ra??
Vedek Bariel Victor:  1993 - 1995   R. I. P.
Vedek Winn and the Opera Hat of Doom.
Vedek Winn: "I...am your mother." Luke: "Noooooo!!!!!!"
Vedeks drink Red Robe tea.
Vee have vays of making you use Vindows! - Adolf Gates
Veg-o-matic-o-Borg: It slices, it dices, it assimilates!
Vegepygmy... And I thought bugbear was bad.
Vegetables are what food eats.
Vegetables stink too, sometimes
Vegetables stink too, sometimes.
Vegetarian Mafioso. Cross me and you wake up next to a head of lettuce
Vegetarian Tagline * Tastes just like the real thing!
Vegetarian crime family. Cross me, wake up next to a head of lettuce.
Vegetarian crime family. Cross me, you wake up next to a head of lettuce
Vegetarian protest song "No cukes, give peas a chance!"
Vegetarian's Peace Rally Sign: "No Cukes! Give Peas a Chance!"
Vegetarian's rally sign: "No Cukes! Give Peas a chance!"
Vegetarian:  American Indian word meaning "lousy hunter".
Vegetarian:  Indian word for lousy hunter!!!
Vegetarian: A Salad Citizen
Vegetarian: Indian word for lousy hunter!!!
Vegetarians don't do it with meats.
Vegetarians eat vegetables - Beware of humanitarians.
Vegetarians eat vegetables - beware humanitarians!
Vegetarians eat vegetables-Beware of humanitarians
Vegetarians eat vegetables.  Beware of humanitarians!
Vegetarians eat vegetables.  Beware the humanitarians!
Vegetarians eat vegetables.  Humanitarians eat...?
Vegetarians eat vegetables.  Me?  I'm a humanitarian...
Vegetarians eat vegetables... I'm a Humanitarian.
Vegetarians eat vegetables:  beware of humanitarians...
Vegetarians eat vegetables; I'm a humanitarian!
Vegetarians eat vegetables; I'm a humanitarian...
Vegetarians eat vegetables; what do Humanitarians eat??
Vegeterians eat vegetables.  Humanitarians eat...?
Vegetinting: Taking items from a salad bar to make your plate colorful
Vegetinting: taking items from salad bars to make your plate colorful.
Veggies of the lewd: succotash. Had your tash succoed?
Vegitarians eat vegitables ... Beware the humanitarians
Vehemence is no guarantee of truth.  -I. Asimov
Vehemence is no guarantee of truth. -- Isaac Asimov
Vehicle NOT responding manditory termination procedure-Tom
Vein - conceited
Vein:  Conceited...
Veja Du: The feeling dyslexics get when they've read this before.
Veja Du: The feeling that you have always been elsewhere before.
Veja Du: The feeling that you have never been there before.
Veja Du: The feeling you've never been there before
Velcro, super glue, duct tape, post-its, and OS/2!
Velcronomicon - Book of the dead that sticks with you.
Veldt jynx grimps waqf zho buck.
Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy you know? - Gag Halfrunt.
Velveeta is a splinter group - Tom on Dairy Council
Velveeta:  It's orange, so it must be cheese.
Velvet Star - A 10K brain attached to a 9600 baud mouth.
Velvet brake pads
Ven I does mischief, I knows ven I detta nastygram. -JCF
VenI, VIDI, VICI...I came, I saw, I roman numeraled.
Vendi, Vidi, Velcro -- I came, I saw, I stuck around.
Vendi, Vidi, Visa (I came, I saw, I bought)
Vendo medio paraguas para cuando llueve poco.
Vendors try hard to sell it.
Venerial Deseases by Rotchyerkakoff
Venerial Diseases by Rotchyerkakoff.
Venetian blinds are made by shady characters.
Venetians do it swimmingly.
Venezuelan Beaver Cheese?    Not *today*, sir, no.
Vengence is mine, sayeth the Lord; but sometimes She subcontracts.
Veni = Veni, vidi...
Veni Vidi Fetuccini        (I came, I saw, I had lunch.)
Veni Vidi Fetuccini: I came, I saw, I had lunch.
Veni Vidi Visa: I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Veni vidi velcro : I came, I saw, I stuck around.
Veni vidi waffli : I came, I saw, I waffled!
Veni, *.vidi, *.vici ...I came, I saw everything, I conquered everything.
Veni, V.:::..:.:::, ...I came, I felt it in Braille.
Veni, Vedi, Clinti - I came, I saw, I lied.
Veni, Vedi, Vandal: I came, I saw, I vandalized your tagline!
Veni, Vedi, Vanish- I came, I saw, I went away...
Veni, Vedi, Velcro, I came, I saw, I stuck around!
Veni, Vedi, Verboten. I came, I saw, I got thrown off the echo.
Veni, Vedi, Visa. I came, I saw, I shopped!!
Veni, Vedi, Werewolf...I came, I saw, I howled at the moon...
Veni, Veni, Veni. - I came, I came, I came.
Veni, Veni, Veni...I came three times.
Veni, Vidi, Alioto...I came, I saw, I left my heart in San Francisco.
Veni, Vidi, Beasty     --  I came, I saw, I heard rap.
Veni, Vidi, Beli...I came, I saw, I sued them all.
Veni, Vidi, Boogie...I came, I saw, I left in a BIG hurry!
Veni, Vidi, Boogie:  I came, I saw, I got out in a big hurry!
Veni, Vidi, Borde.  I came, I saw, I got bored.
Veni, Vidi, Borde. I came, I saw, I got bored.
Veni, Vidi, Cappuccino...I came, I saw, I got insomnia
Veni, Vidi, Clinti - I Came, I Saw, I Lied.
Veni, Vidi, Clinti -- I Came, I Saw, I Lied.
Veni, Vidi, Deja Vu...I came, I saw, I had been there before.
Veni, Vidi, Dimaggio...I came, I saw, I hit in 56 in a row.
Veni, Vidi, Eggo. {I came, I saw, I waffled} -- Bill Clinton
Veni, Vidi, Fetuccini        (I came, I saw, I had lunch.)
Veni, Vidi, Macaroni...I came, I saw, I put a feather in my hat.
Veni, Vidi, Mussolini...I came, I saw, I got conquered.
Veni, Vidi, ROFL -- I came, I saw, I -laughed-!
Veni, Vidi, Rosti - I came, I saw, I stole.
Veni, Vidi, SST...I came, I saw, I concorded.
Veni, Vidi, Shelfi:  I came, I saw, I stored Windows.
Veni, Vidi, Slick Willie - I came, I saw, I TAXED and SPENT IT!
Veni, Vidi, Sushi...I came, I saw, I ate a raw fish.
Veni, Vidi, V#%$&@...I came, I saw, I got pissed off.
Veni, Vidi, V-RAM...I came, I saw, I downloaded some video clips.
Veni, Vidi, V...%$#@& - NO CARRIER...I came, I saw, I was disconnected.
Veni, Vidi, V.32bis...I came, I saw, I connected my modem.
Veni, Vidi, V8...I came, I saw, I drank a little vegetable juice.
Veni, Vidi, VCR - I came, I saw, I taped.
Veni, Vidi, VCR - I came, I saw, I videotaped it
Veni, Vidi, VCR -- I came, I saw, I taped.
Veni, Vidi, VCR. I came, I saw, I videotaped it.
Veni, Vidi, VCR... I came, I saw, I taped it.
Veni, Vidi, VCR...I came, I saw, I taped it.
Veni, Vidi, VCR:  I came.  I saw.  I taped.
Veni, Vidi, VD...I came, I saw, I caught a disease.
Veni, Vidi, VHS...I came, I saw, I watched a little TV.
Veni, Vidi, VISA   (I came, I saw, I charged!)
Veni, Vidi, VO...I came, I saw, I sipped some Seagrams.
Veni, Vidi, VVVRROOOMMM: I came, I saw, I hauled ass!
Veni, Vidi, VW...I came, I saw, I drove around in a little car.
Veni, Vidi, Vaccinate: I came, I saw, I caught a nasty social disease.
Veni, Vidi, Vacuum.  (I came, I saw, I cleaned house)
Veni, Vidi, Vagabond...I came, I saw, I bummed around.
Veni, Vidi, Vaginitis: I came, I saw, I practiced gynecology.
Veni, Vidi, Vail...I came, I saw, I skied.
Veni, Vidi, Vail: I came, I saw, I paid too much for a lift pass.
Veni, Vidi, Valedictory: I came, I saw, I matriculated.
Veni, Vidi, Vampire:  I came, I saw, I sucked.
Veni, Vidi, Van Gogh:  I came, I saw, I...OUCH!  My EAR!!
Veni, Vidi, Vanish:I came,I saw,I stole your tagline
Veni, Vidi, Vanna: I came, I saw, I bought a vowel.
Veni, Vidi, Varney...I came, I saw, I met Vern.
Veni, Vidi, Vasectomy:  I came, I saw, I didn't came.
Veni, Vidi, Vasectomy:  I came, I saw, I left in a BIG hurry!
Veni, Vidi, Vaseline:  I came, I saw, and it does WHAT to condoms?!
Veni, Vidi, Vatican...I came, I saw, I prayed.
Veni, Vidi, Veer: I came, I saw, I ducked!
Veni, Vidi, Vegas...I came, I saw, I lost some money and saw some great shows.
Veni, Vidi, Veggie...I came, I saw, I dieted.
Veni, Vidi, Vegi.  I came, I saw, I had a salad.
Veni, Vidi, Veja Vu...I came, I saw, I saw the rerun too.
Veni, Vidi, Velcro            (I came, I saw, I stuck around)
Veni, Vidi, Velcro -- I came, I saw, I stuck around.
Veni, Vidi, Velociraptor (I came, I saw, I shredded!)
Veni, Vidi, Velveeta (I came, I saw, I cheesed it)
Veni, Vidi, Vend...I came, I saw, I sold out.
Veni, Vidi, Venice...I came, I saw, I took a gondola ride.
Veni, Vidi, Venti...I came, I looked around, I broke wind.
Veni, Vidi, Verboten...I came, I saw, I was told to go away.
Veni, Vidi, Vermouth: I came, I saw, I (hic)...I came, I shaw, I...
Veni, Vidi, Vernacular...I came, I saw, I spoke their language.
Veni, Vidi, Vernacular: I came, I saw, I said a few choice words!
Veni, Vidi, Versailes..I came, I saw, I toured a palace.
Veni, Vidi, Vespa...I came, I saw, I scootered around.
Veni, Vidi, Vestibule ( I came, I saw, I hid in the closet ).
Veni, Vidi, Vestibule:  I came, I saw, I got out in a big hurry!
Veni, Vidi, Veto...I came, I saw, I quashed it. - Clinton
Veni, Vidi, Via...I came, I saw, I was just passing through.
Veni, Vidi, Vibes...I came, I saw, I felt.
Veni, Vidi, Vice Versa...I came, I saw, I turned around and went back.
Veni, Vidi, Video...I came, I saw, I taped what I saw.
Veni, Vidi, Vino...I came, I saw, I had a little wine.
Veni, Vidi, Viola...I came, I saw, I played a little violin.
Veni, Vidi, Virtual...I came, I saw, I wasn't really there.
Veni, Vidi, Virus...I came, I saw, I caught the bug.
Veni, Vidi, Virus..I came, I saw, I detected a bug.
Veni, Vidi, Vis-a-Vis...I came, I saw, I compared.
Veni, Vidi, Visa - I came, I saw, I charged it
Veni, Vidi, Visa - I came, I saw, I shopped.
Veni, Vidi, Visa--I came, I saw, I bought it.
Veni, Vidi, Visa.
Veni, Vidi, Visa. (I came, I saw, I bought.)
Veni, Vidi, Visa...I came, I saw, I charged it.
Veni, Vidi, Visa:  I came, I saw, I shopped.
Veni, Vidi, Visa:  I came, I saw, I'm a tourist!
Veni, Vidi, Visa: I came, I saw, I got my credit cards stolen!
Veni, Vidi, Viscera...I came, I saw, I lacked the guts.
Veni, Vidi, Viscosity: I came, I saw and I oozed on out of there!
Veni, Vidi, Viva...I came, I saw, I lived a long life.
Veni, Vidi, Vodka...I came, I saw, I got drunk.
Veni, Vidi, Void...I came, I saw, but there was nothing to see.
Veni, Vidi, Volov...I came, I saw, I learned to speak Swedish.
Veni, Vidi, Voltaire...I came, I saw, I became a philosopher.
Veni, Vidi, Vomit...I came, I saw, I ate their food.
Veni, Vidi, Vomiti. "I came, I saw, it made me sick."
Veni, Vidi, Vomiti:  I came, I saw, I got sick!
Veni, Vidi, Vomiti: I came, I saw, I got sick!
Veni, Vidi, Voodoo...I came, I saw, I was cursed.
Veni, Vidi, Vote...I came, I saw, I got elected.
Veni, Vidi, Vrooooom: I came, I saw, I left in a hurry!
Veni, Vidi, Vulture! (I came, I saw, I called my lawyer!)
Veni, Vidi, Yari: I came, I saw, I got killed by an oil slick!
Veni, Vidi, Zuchini...I came, I saw, I got squashed.
Veni, Vidi, _Velociraptor_....I came, I saw, I shredded.
Veni, Vidi, arreViderci...I came, I saw, I said good-bye.
Veni, Vidi, di Vinci...I came, I saw, I invented.
Veni, Vidi, ineV...I came, I saw, I turned around and came back.
Veni, Vidi, vi...I came, I saw, I wrote about it on a UNIX editor.
Veni, vedi, VCR:  I came, I saw, I dubbed.
Veni, vedi, valance:  I came, I saw, I hung curtains.
Veni, vedi, valence:  I came, I saw, I acquired an electron.
Veni, vedi, vasaline: I came, I saw, I slipped
Veni, vedi, veal parmagian:  I came, I saw, I ate Italian.
Veni, vedi, vicuna: I came, I saw, I bought a really expensive sweater
Veni, vedi, virus: I came, I saw, I caught a cold.
Veni, vedi, voodoo:  I came, I saw, I dated a zombie.
Veni, vidi veni = I came...I saw the second coming.
Veni, vidi, Hillary - I came, I saw, I TOOK OVER!
Veni, vidi, VCR:  I came, I saw, I dubbed.
Veni, vidi, Vega:  I came, I saw, I played Super Street Fighter ][.
Veni, vidi, boogie...I came, I saw, I left in a BIG hurry
Veni, vidi, boogie...I came, I saw, I left in a hurry
Veni, vidi, buttinski.
Veni, vidi, calce concidi.
Veni, vidi, crappy: I came, I saw, It sucked.
Veni, vidi, et got the T-shirt.
Veni, vidi, fece!
Veni, vidi, vaboo:  I came, I saw, I've almost got it fixed!
Veni, vidi, vacate:  I came, I saw, I got out of there.
Veni, vidi, valence:  I came, I saw, I decorated.
Veni, vidi, vamp:  I came, I saw, I came, I saw, I came, I saw ...
Veni, vidi, veggie:  I came, I saw, I had a salad.
Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
Veni, vidi, velcro: I came, I saw, I stuck around.
Veni, vidi, venal:  I came, I saw, I was bribed.
Veni, vidi, vendor - I came, I saw, I set up a hot dog stand.
Veni, vidi, verify:  I came, I saw, I saw.
Veni, vidi, vermillion:  I came, I saw, I was mugged and beaten.
Veni, vidi, verse:  I came, I saw, I recited poetry.
Veni, vidi, vertigo:  I came, I saw, I got dizzy.
Veni, vidi, vesicant:  I came, I saw, I drank the water.
Veni, vidi, vestibule:  I came, I saw, I hid in the hall.
Veni, vidi, vilify:  I came, I saw, I cursed.
Veni, vidi, vintage:  I came, I saw, I sampled the wine.
Veni, vidi, virtual:  I came, I saw.  From remote.
Veni, vidi, visa (I came, I saw, I went shopping).
Veni, vidi, viscous: I came, I saw, I oozed. - Odo
Veni, vidi, volt:  I came, I saw, I was shocked.
Veni, vidi, vomit:  I came, I saw, I barfed.
Veni,Vedi,Vandal:I came,I saw,I vandalized your tagline!
Veni. Vidi, Borgi:  I came, I saw, I got assimilated!
Veni. Vidi, Borgi: I came, I saw, I got assimilated!
Ventriloquists do it with their mouths closed.
Ventriloquists do it without moving their lips.
Venus does it on the half-shell!
Verad!...don't call me Benjamin -- Sisko
Verb! That's what's happenin'!
Verb, as the documentation (aka the "F...'n Manual :-)
Verb, as the documentation (aka the "F....ine Manual :-)
Verbal agreements frequently lead to verbal disagreements.
Verbing weirds language - Calvin
Verbing weirds language. -- Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes)
Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.
Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things. - Dan Quayle
Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things. - Quayle
Verbosity:  Refuge Of Those With Nothing Original To Say.
Verbs has to agree with their subjects.
Verge's Little Idiot -- coming soon to a player near you!
Verified S.P.E. at keyboard
Verifiers check on it.
Verily I say unto you: "Doo wah diddy diddy, dum diddy doo!"
Verily, there are many ways to form friendships in Cyberspace!
Veritech Fighter Pilots do it in three positions.
Vermiculture. Good hobby for the dead.
Vermont: It's against the law to whistle under water.
Vermont: Least gun control and crime.  DC: The opposite.
Vern, you'd trade me for a banana...! -- The Regulator
Vernon Howell changed his name AGAIN, now he's David KorASH!
Vernon got exactly what he deserved...NOTHING!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
Veronica and Jughead Have Love Child - Archie
Veronica is a gopher's best friend!
Verrrrrrrrrrry funny, Scotty.  Now beam up my clothes.
Verrrry Interesting... But Stupid!
Verrry funny, Scotty.  Now beam up my clothes.
Verry Funny Scotty......Now beam  Down My Cloths
Versifiers write poems for it.
Version Rule:  Version 1.0 was smaller and faster.
Version Rule: Version 1.0 was smaller and faster.
Vertebrates...unquestionably gave rise to chiropractors.
Vertically-fornicated mind.
Vertigo Radio - "Tweek the nobbedge"...
Vertullo:  Fidonet's resident schizophrenic.....
Very Funny Scotty! Now beam me down my clothes
Very brave man, they don't usually get this far...
Very clever Worf. Eat any good books lately? - Q
Very clever, but sex would have been better!
Very creative.  Very imaginative.  Logic... *that's* what's missing.
Very droll. Yes indeed - Crow
Very few individuals ever radiate real knowledge.
Very few jobs actually require a penis or vagina.
Very few profundities can be expressed in 57 characters.
Very few profundities can be expressed in less than 80 characters.
Very funny Chief - now beam up my clothes! - Picard
Very funny Ensign Wolff, now beam down my pants!!
Very funny Frank. Will ya' buzz me in?! - Dr. Forrester
Very funny Mr. O'Brien...now beam down my uniform!
Very funny Mr. Scott -- Now beam up my clothes
Very funny Scotty - now beam up my clothes!
Very funny Scotty!, Now beam up my clothes!
Very funny Scotty!..Now beam down my clothes!
Very funny Scotty, now beam up my clothes...
Very funny Scotty. Now beam me down my clothes! :-)))
Very funny Scotty. Now, BEAM DOWN MY CLOTHES!
Very funny Scotty...now beam down my clothes!!!
Very funny Scotty...now beam down my uniform!
Very funny! Now beam up my clothes!
Very funny, Garfield.  Jon
Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes.
Very funny, Scotty - now beam up my clothes!
Very funny, Scotty.  Now beam down my clothes!
Very funny, Scotty.  Now beam down my clothes. 
Very funny, Scotty.  Now beam up my clothes, too.
Very funny, Scotty.  Now beam up my clothes.
Very funny, Scotty.  Now, BEAM DOWN MY CLOTHES!!!
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my pants!
Very funny, Scotty. Now beam up my clothes.
Very funny, Scotty. Now, BEAM DOWN MY CLOTHES!!!
Very funny. Yes.
Very good Mr. Einstein, but next time show all your work!
Very good Mr. Einstein, but next time show your work.
Very good Mr. Einstien, but next time show all your work!
Very good Worf.  Eat any good books lately? - Q
Very good! We'll have to give you a badge of Mathematical Excellence!
Very good, Einstein, but next time show your work.
Very good, Wally...Very Circular...
Very good, Worf. Eat any good books lately? - Q
Very high on my list of current needs is:  better luck.
Very humorous, indeed. Hysterical, in fact.
Very large ants are giANT.
Very latest galactic thrill:  *vibrating* B-W Tribbles.
Very latest galactic thrill:  a *vibrating* Ben-Wa Tribble...
Very little in life is black and white--except if you're a zebra.
Very little tastes as good as a mouthfull of soggy croutons.
Very nice, Joel. Downright funky - Frank
Very poetic, I like that much better.  Here are a few more like those:
Very prim, very proper, almost austere! - Kryten
Very skinny extras make Colossus look big - Crow
Very smelly. Wait. That's me - Crow in Deep 13
Very unfortunate.  We will be dead. * Worf
Very well then... prepare to die. :) - Dire Wolf
Vese are the thoyages of the enship Starterprise.
Vesele sam prirode sto se narocito vidi kad sam radostan.
Vesele' Va'noce a s~t~astny' novy' rok! -Czech Christmas
Vesele' Vianoce a s~t~astlivy' novy' rok! -Slovak Christmas
Vet's sign:  The doctor will be with you soon.  SIT!  STAY!
Vet's welcome mat:  "Woof Right In!"
Vetar duva, riba kaslje, ja te volim najvise na svetu
Veteran - Bermuda Triangle Exploration Team: 1999-1955.
Veteran of the Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force 1990-1951
Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Exploration Team: 1999-1955
Veteran--1994 World Cup English Fan Chaperone Squad.
Veteran--1994 World Cup Rule Translation Team.
Veteran: Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force 1992 - 1942....
Veterans have much more experience than the fresh-handed.
Veterinarians do it with sick animals.
Veterinarians drive like animals.
Vets Looking Out for Vets, cause NO ONE ELSE WILL!
Vhat seems to be the trouble Lieutenant Chet? -Q
Vhujunka............sweet?                             DOH!
Vi ste nam kurtoni!
Vi: Story conference slave master.  WRITE or DIE!
ViTU e ?!?  We dON't gOt NO  tiNkiNg viTU e !!!
Via the death penalty, there are no repeat offenders!
Viaduct? I dunno, why a duck?
Viaduct? Why not a chicken?
Vibrating pocket pagers, a whole new dimension of phone sex!
Vibration.  We're not talking about a violin. * Riker
Vicars DO IT with amazing grace.
Vicars DO IT with candlesticks!
Vicars do it with amazing grace.
Vicars substitute others to ...
Vice Brigadier Sir Thomas "Bullhead" Servo - Mike
Vice Squad - Pussy Posse
Vice Squad: A pussy posse.
Vice Versa - poems about brothels?
Vice Versa; Mafia controlled poetry...
Vice is nice, but incest is best.
Vice presidents can't spell!
Vice-president is always under the ...
Vices and Virtues: Can't have one without the other! -- L. Abraham
Vicious circle - your open mouth!
Vicious circle:  A cunt with teeth.
Vicious circle: A vagina with teeth.
Vickie Weaver is proof that the FBI sanctions murder!
Victim of a drive-by wedgie
Victim of a prank, Geordi puts a banana over his eyes.
Victim of the revolving door of Senseless Fate.
Victimology: The most money goes to the biggest victim.
Victims are those who got it.
Victor Bariel Has a Wimpy Smile! --FAB alternate slogan
Victor Borg: Pianos are irrelevant.
Victor and Kira when the bulkheads shook.
Victor, Victor?!!!! Where art thou?!!!!
Victoria bordering on the truly amazing.......New South Wales
Victoria's Secret is that she likes to dress like a slut. Oh Boy!
Victors know how hard to win it.
Victory find a hundred fathers, but defeat is an orphan.
Victory finds a hundred fathers, but defeat is an orphan.
Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. JFK
Victory is only relative, defeat is truly decisive.
Victory or Death!  (If it doesn't rain)
Victory or defeat!
Vid' krava!
Vid' kurvice, navlaci gac'ce!
Videla zaba da se konj potkiva, pa i ona nogu digla
Video Games are life, the rest is just details.
Video arcade Xmas carol: "Chest guts roasting as I open fire"
Video cameras everywhere. A world run by Sony - Tom
Video game players just can't stop.
Vidi, Veni, Erectus. I came, I saw, I put up a tower...
Vidi, Veni, Video (I came, I saw, I took LOTS of PICTURES!)
Vidi, Vici, Veni, Veni, Veni (I saw, I conquered,...)
Vidi, Vici, Veni:  I saw, I conquered, I came
Vidi, Vici, Vini: I saw, I conquered, I came.
Vidi, vici, veni - I saw, I conquered, I came.
Vidi,Veni,Video (I came, I saw, I took LOTS of PICTURES!)
Viet Nam? We were WINNING when I left!
Vietnam cookbook: 101 ways to WOK your dog.
Vietnam:  Return home to face not appreciation but isolation.
Vietnamese Cookbook:  "101 Ways to Wok Your Dog!"
View with skepticism anything described as "cool".
Viewers do it with eyes.
Vigilia pretium libertatis.  (Eternal vigilance is the price of
Viking Philharmonic Orchestra: World's largest horn section!
Viking Rule of Acquisition 1: Remember where you beached the long ship
Vilifiers say others don't do it well.
Villagers DO IT provincially.
Villagers do it provincially.
Villains in black.
Vince Arenas AVLC^2 * E-Mail to: vinceavl@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us
Vince Foster: The real smoking gun of Whitewater Gate.
Vince and Larry in `96!
Vince and Larry use Windoze so that you know how dangerous it is!
Vince has assembled his braintrust - Crow on tough gang
Vince has no Elvis in him at all.
Vince in Suave Overdrive - Tom
Vincent Price  1911 - 1993   He will be missed.
Vincent Price:  "Quoth the Raven, Nevermore."
Vincent Vega:  Our Man in Amsterdam.
Vincent's Slinky's kinked.
Vineburg's Conclusion #5: *Everything* is unreliable.
Vineburg's Law of Specifications: "True" MTBF = MTBF%1000
Vineburg's Law of Sysoping: "Sysoping sucks."
Vineburg's Laws: #14) When in doubt, let the dog choose.
Vineburg's Laws: #25) When trouble strikes, Ctrl-Alt-Del!
Vinegar - the *other* white meat.
Vini Vidi Visa - I came, I saw, I did a little shopping
Vini Vidi Visa:  I came, I saw, I bought
Vini Vidi Vomiti "I came, I saw, It made me sick"
Vini, Vidi, Eggo - "I came, I saw, I waffled" - B. Clinton.
Vini, Vidi, Eggo. "I came, I saw, I waffled" - Clinton.
Vini, Vidi, Eggo. (I came, I saw, I waffled) B. Clinton.
Vini, Vidi, Eggo: I came, I saw, I waffled -Bill Clinton
Vini, Vidi, Velcro -- I came, I saw, I stuck around.
Vini, Vidi, Vovere...I came, I saw, I twitted.
Vini, Vidi, Vovere: I came, I saw, I twitted.
Vini, vedi, hacki.
Vini, vide, wee wee ... I came, I saw, I wet my pants.
Vini, vidi, vici.
Vini, vidi, wee wee .. I came, I saw, I wet my pants!
Vini,Vidi,Visa.I came,I saw,I charged.
Vintage Radio: Theatre of the mind
Vinyl Siding - Is that a spur that runs next to a plastics factory?
Viola players do it deeper than the Violins can!
Violence in reality is quite different from theory.
Violence in reality is quite different from theory..Spock..
Violence is just a hobby of mine.
Violence is now mainly organized and governmental. - B. Russell.
Violence is the Last Refuge of the Incompetent! -- Salvor Hardin?
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.  -- Salvor Hardin
Violence is the last resort of the frustrated.
Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.  -Issac Asimov
Violence is the last resort of the incompetent. - Salvador Hardin
Violence is the last word of the illiterate. Also the first.
Violence never settled anything! -- Genghis Khan
Violence never settles anything -- Ghengis Kahn
Violence never settles anything. -Genghis Khan 1162-1227
Violence never solves anything, but it sure makes me feel good.
Violence on TV? What about that guy nailed to a cross?
Violent crimes, except rape, increased by 36%, 1981-1990.
Violet, is that @f's sword under your bed ???
Violet, who's sword is that under the bed...?
Violinists DO IT with bows and strings.
Violinists do it gently.
Violinists do it in first position.
Violinists do it with long strokes.
Violoncellists do it low.
Vios con dios!
Vique's Law: A man without a religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
Vique's Law: A man without religion is like a fish withou
Vique's Law: A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
Vique's Law: A man without religion is like a fish without water
VirCure: Windows Found...delete? [Y/Yeah/Heck Yeah]?
Vire kroz kljucaonicu, u vasu spavaonicu.
Virgin Cola?  Very nice, but it takes 4 hours to get the top off.
Virgin Steel. I went to school w/Virgil Steele - Mike
Virgin Tagline: a tagline that has not been stolen.
Virgin Wool: Wool from UGLY Sheep!
Virgin wool comes from *UGLY* sheep!
Virgin wool comes from ugly sheep.
Virgin wool:  Wool from slow sheep.
Virgin wool:  Wool from ugly sheep.
Virgin: A recipe that has not been snagged.
Virgin: Waste.
Virgin: a tagline that has not been stolen.
Virgina Slimed: A cigarette butt with lipstick on it.
Virginia Beach, VA - The water resort without water.
Virginia Blalock wrote in a message to Jim Venn:
Virginia Slimed:  A cigarette butt with lipstick on it.
Virginia Woolfe might drive a Spitfire.
Virginia is for Lovers.
Virginia is for lovers, but Pensylvania has INTERCOURSE!
Virginia law forbids bathtubs in the house; tubs must be kept in the yard.
Virginity can be cured.
Virginity is a disease that can be cured.
Virginity is curable if caught early enough.
Virginity is curable if detected early
Virginity is curable if detected early enough.
Virginity is curable.
Virginity is like a balloon - one prick and it's all gone!
Virginity is like a balloon, one prick.all gone.
Virginity is like a balloon: One prick and it's gone.
Virginity is like a bubble, one prick and it's popped.
Virginity is like hemophilia... One prick and it's over
Virginity is not hereditary -- Heinlein
Virginity like balloon, one prick.... all gone.
Virginity, like baby teeth, is only intended to be temporary.
Virginity:  If you use it, you lose it.
Virginity: Big issue over a little tissue.
Virginity: If you use it, you lose it.
Virginity: a curable congenital defect.
Virginity: like a balloon: one prick and it's gone.
Virgins R Us has closed due to lack of personnel.
Virgins R Us" is closed, due to stock shortage. 
Virgins R' Us......closed due to personnel shortage.
Virgins do it...well, actually, they don't.
Virgins don't DO IT yet.
Virgins for sale! Sorry, no returns accepted.
Virgins only do it once. <--- How's the grammar!
Virgins: Once you love them, they're not!!
Virtual Cat tangles the Web.
Virtual Intelligence: You think you know everything!
Virtual Reality ... what a concept!
Virtual Reality Conference Host
Virtual Reality Is Like Free-Basing American Television.
Virtual Reality is a contradiction.
Virtual Reality is nothing compared to a good imagination
Virtual Reality. My life when my wife spots the new $700 printer
Virtual Tag Line, you can see it but can't touch it.
Virtual artists make virtual money.
Virtual means never knowing where your next byte is coming from.
Virtual morality is more common than Virtual Reality.
Virtual reality is a contradiction.
Virtual reality is not virtually real!
Virtual reality: I think, therefore I am
Virtual workspace, Virtual Office, Virtual Job, Virtual pay.
Virtual: not knowing where your next byte is coming from.
Virtuality Has Taken Precedence Over Reality!
Virtuality: So real it seems fake.
Virtue becomes a wife; beauty becomes a concubine.
Virtue is a relative term.
Virtue is a relative term..Spock, Friday's Child..
Virtue is easy for an ugly woman.
Virtue is insufficient temptation.
Virtue is it's own punishment.
Virtue is its own punishment.
Virtue is its own reward, but so is sin.
Virtue is its own reward, but then so is sin!
Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set. -Francis Bacon
Virtue is the failure to achieve vice...
Virtue is the failure to obtain vice. -John C. Armour
Virtue pays but there's no market for it.
Virtue sometimes is it's own punishment.
Virtue?  God bless you, and here's a hankie.
Virtuosi appreciate it.
ViruScan Warning: CLINTON.COM fails integrity check.
ViruScan detects Windows v3.1. Remove Y N?
ViruScan detects Windows/NT. Remove (Y/N)?
Virus "WIN.COM" found.  Remove? (Y/n):
Virus Analysis Kit - some assembly required...
Virus Detected: Pour chicken noodle soup on motherboard.
Virus Scan -= Windows Found =- Delete (Y/n)
Virus Scan---FOUND:Windows - do you wish to remove the virus?
Virus Scan: WORLD.SYS infected with POLITICS virus. Delete?
Virus Scan: WORLD.SYS infected with UN virus. Delete?
Virus check complete.  All viruses functioning normally.
Virus check:  CHEEZ.WIZ found.  (A)bort, (D)elete, (T)erminate?
Virus detected on your HD. .transfer aborted
Virus detected!  P)our chicken soup on motherboard?
Virus detected, delete Windows? (Y/n).
Virus detected, self-distruction in five minutes.
Virus detected.  OS/2 backup software stuck in R&D.  User panics.
Virus detected.  OS/2 backups not available.  Format to DOS (Y/N)?
Virus detected. OS/2 backup software stuck in R and D. User panics.
Virus detected. OS/2 backups not available. Format to DOS (Y/N)?
Virus detected: (I)nfect (E)xecute (V)accinate (P)anic
Virus found - Windows 3.1.  (A)bort (R)emove (I)nstall OS/2 Warp
Virus found.  Filebase was corrupted.  Should I short-circuit (y/n)?
Virus in the HD? who you gonna call? WORMBUSTERS
Virus programmers do it with malice.
Virus related taglines.
Virus scan:  Windows found, remove it?  (Y/y)
Virus scanner:       "Windows" found.  Remove? (Y)
Virus scanner: "Windows found - Remove (Y,n)?"
Virus strikes African antelopes.  Gnus at 11.
Virus successfully installed.  Trash FAT now? (Y/N)
Virus writers should be Debugged!
Virus!?! Wha v iu s I don s e ny v r s!
VirusScan - "Windows found: Remove it? (Y) (N)?"
VirusScan - "Windows found: Remove it? (Y/n)"
VirusScan - "Windows found: Remove it? (Y/y)"
VirusScan - Windows found: Remove it? (Y/n)
VirusScan -"Windows found " :(R)emove it ?
VirusScan : MS Windows found. Delete (Y/y)?
VirusScan located MicroSoft WINDOWS95 deleting & installing OS/2 WARP!
VirusScan: MS Windows found.  Delete? (Y/y)
VirusScan: Windows 95 found.  Delete? (Y/y)
VirusScan: Windows v3.1 found!  Remove it?  (Y/y)
Viruscan V1.22- ** Windows found ** Remove? (Y,+
Viruscan: CLINTON.EXE found. Remove? (Y,N)
Viruses are by definition Public Domain Software.
Viruses are your system's way of requesting a backup.
Viruses often make my FAT go on a crash diet.
Viruses?! We don't got no..!#$^@343h NO CARRIER
Visa, Visa, Viso -> I shopped, I shopped, I ran out of cash.
Visa, Visa, Viso -> I shopped, I shopped, I ran out of money.
Vise ne pisem TAG-ove. Bar ne besplatno.
Vise volim tebe mladu, nego pusku da mi dadu!
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible. - s.w.
Visions and expertise at 90  angle to reality!
Visit Connecticut...home of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Visit Historic Thunderumbler's Inn.  Home of famous Dragon's Egg Mead.
Visit Innsmouth this year and enjoy swimming on Devil's Reef
Visit L.A. - it's a riot!
Visit Quark's bar!
Visit Scenic R'lyeh!  Sit on Cthulhu's Lap!
Visit TW's Homepage@http://genesis.tiac.net/twoodfin/woodfin1.html
Visit Wisconsin!...You'll LOVE our dairy air!
Visit Xanth today!
Visit beautiful Vergas, Minnesota.
Visit beautiful Wisconsin Dells.
Visit club Med, Muraroa and have a real blast!
Visit scenic R'lyeh! See the impossible angles! Sit on Cthulhu's lap!
Visit the Hooterville Petting Zoo and pet the hooters of your choice.
Visit the Hooterville Petting Zoo and pet the hooters.
Visit the new Cardassian Holiday Resort - each room has 5 lights!
Visit your Government Church - Tom
Visit your local Rent-A-Congress-Critter outlet today!
Visit your money - holiday in Canberra.
Visit your money this year - vacation in Washington D.C.
Visit your money this year - vacation in Washington, D.C.
Visitation is for prisoners.  Children need PARENTS.
Visited Sandtiger's lately?? Try to sell your NOTHING :-)=)
Visiting Keith Richards - Joel on giant syringe
Visiting This Planet . . .', said The Baron Latimer
Visiting hours are over.
Visitors come and see it.
Visitors like fish shouldn't be around after three days!
Vist your local unemployment office, the social club of the 90's!
Vista ga usta, Bejbi!
Visual mode, Selma..
Visualbasic Programers : do it with their eyes Open!
Visualise whirled peas.  Give peas a chance!
Visualize 'whirled peas'...
Visualize Whirled Peas.
Visualize World Police
Visualize what you really want, not what someone else wants for you.
Visualize whirled peas
Visualize.........  Whirrled pizza...........
Visualizing... He wanting to become the ice cream man. <G>
Vital Social Issues 'N' Stuff with KELLY
Vitamin - what to do when the doorbell rings...
Vitamin C deficiency is apauling
Vitamin C deficiency is apauling.
Vitamin for friendship: B1
Vitamin:  What you do when friends knock on the door.
Vitamins...They do wonders for the strength...
Viva La Cheese Wheel! - Quickling
Viva Revolution!
Viva la /dev/null !  Long live /dev/null !   /dev/null forever !
Viva la Raza! (But which one?)
Vivat Trimaris!
Vive la Difference!
Vive le Quebec LIBRE !!!
Vivian Tse said "OJ and Barney" While Staring amazedily at SPAM!
Vivid is a veritable bolt of lightning.
Vivisection is a crime. Unless you use a mime.
Vivisection is a crime...Unless you use a mime.
Vizzini of Borg: Resistance?! Inconceivable!
Vjerovaces da postoji nada ako zamislis zivot u ritmu muzike za ples
Vjerujte meni i Tudjmanu. (c)Alija Izetbegovic
Vn, vd, vc...cm, sw, sw n vwls.
Vocalists are good in their mouths.
Vocalize solidarity. - Collective Soul
Vodili smo konzervaciju
Vodimo device po kucama !
Vodka + Honda Accord = Dead Driver Squash
Vodka + Orange Juice + Galliano = Wallbanger
Vodka + Prune Juice + Yeast = Crotch Rot
Vodka + Prune juice = A Bloody Nuisance
Vodka + Prune juice = Can Opener
Vodka + Prune juice = Pile Driver
Vodka + Tomato Juice served over tiny snowballs = Hail Mary
Vodka + milk of magnesia = Phillips screwdriver
Vodka + milk of magnesia:  Phillips screwdriver...
Vodka + milk of magnesia: Philips screwdriver
Vodka + prune juice: a piledriver.
Vogon Poetry Society: Corresponding Member
Vogon poetry causes cancer!
Vogon poetry is of course the third worst in the universe.
Vogon:  Half Klingon and half Vulcan.
Vogons! snapped Ford. We're under attack!
Voice (Lynn Minmei) = Fingernails + Chalkboard
Voice(Lynn_Minmei) = fingernails + Black(board);
Void for vagueness?
Void in states where it isn't prohibited.
Void where Prohibited.   - Great! Lets wizz on Clinton's shoes!
Void where prohibited by law.
Void where prohibited.
Voila! The answer to our prayers! -- Yakko
Vojvodina Vojvodjanima !
Vojvodina moja domovina!!!
Vojvodjanke Vojvodjanima !!! (a i ostale) ;)
Volatile Storage - A disk drive filled with nitroglycerine.
Volcano -- a mountain with hiccups.
Volcano party at Zorch's place next friday: Bring Marshmellows!
Volcano:  A mountain that blew its stack and got its rocks off.
Volcano:  A mountain with hiccups.
Volcano: A mountain that blew its stack and got its rocks off.
Volcanologists know how violent it can be.
Voles dick through it.
Volkswagen: a van ordinaire.
Volkswagon: A transistorized Mercedes Benz.
Voltaire was said to drink 50 cups of coffee a day.
Volume in Drive C:  TOO_LOUD!
Volume in drive C has no backup
Volume in drive C is PLEASE WORK         Serial number is 392D
Voluntary aerobics: wear bunny slippers near hunting dog
Voluntary aerobics: wear bunny slippers near hunting dog.
Volunteer some of your time to a Scout Troop.
Volunteer's Guidebook: Linda Hand
Volunteer's Guidebook: Linda Hand.
Volunteers DO IT For FREE
Volunteers DO IT in their spare time.
Volunteers do it willingly.
Voluteers are being given fake placebos.
Vomit: Yawning in technicolor
Vomiting * Involuntary personal protein spill.
Vomiting * Unplanned examination of recent food choices.
Voodoo Programming:  Things programmers do that they know
Voodoo acupuncture: You don't have to go. - S.W.
Voodoo economics...turning a profit while going bankrupt.
Voodoo economics: Hillary's budget advice from Eleanor Roosevelt
Voodoo economics: Hillary's budget advice from Eleanor Roosevelt.
Voodoo school - Hex Education.
Vorlon fixation....What would Freud say about that !!!
Vorlon, tastes like chicken to me!, Joe
Vorlons don't need flashlights
Votarists decide to contribute themself.
Vote "Ren and Stimpy" for World Leaders!
Vote --> "Deport all of the above" in `92.
Vote ABC in '96 (Anybody But Clinton)
Vote Anarchist.
Vote Clinton in 1996: Let the world know Americans are stupid!
Vote Conservative - Look what it did for the Germans!
Vote Cthulhu if you are tired of choosing the lesser of two evils!
Vote Cthulhu in '96--Why settle for the lesser evil?
Vote Cthulhu...when you're tired of the LESSER evil!
Vote Democrat -- it's easier than getting a job.
Vote Democrat ---- It's easier than finding a job
Vote Democrat ---- The country isn't screwed up enough yet.
Vote Democrat ---- The country isn't screwed up enough yet..
Vote Democrat--Washington needs more sex and Gore.
Vote Democrat. It's easier than thinking.
Vote Democrat.........It's easier than finding a job
Vote Democrat.........It's easier than finding a job.
Vote Democrat...It's easier than getting a job.
Vote Democrat:  It's easier than getting a job...
Vote Democratic! ... The party without a clue.
Vote Democratic--- It is easier than getting a real job.
Vote H. Ross Perot In '96 - We'll Need Him After Clinton!
Vote Libertarian!
Vote Republican! ... The party without a heart.
Vote Republican, it's easier than thinking.
Vote [X] Cthulhu - Why choose a lesser evil?
Vote anarchist
Vote anarchist.
Vote apathy! If you can be bothered.
Vote for "NONE of the ABOVE"
Vote for "plain english" User Docs
Vote for C'thulhu! Why support the Lesser of Evils?
Vote for Clinton.  We have enough jobs, not enough taxes
Vote for Clinton. We have enough jobs, not enough taxes.
Vote for Cthulhu! Why support the Lesser of Evils?
Vote for Cthulhu. Why settle for a lesser evil?
Vote for George "Bush" or Michael "Do-Cock-Us"?  Is there another choice?
Vote for Harris, McCarthy and Prop 14.
Vote for Independence - it beats having to fight for it.
Vote for Locutus/Hugh'9 of 6 of the Collective Party!!!
Vote for ME -- I'm well-tapered, half-cocked, ill-conceived and TAX-DEFERRED!
Vote for Mulder & Scully in '96: "The Truth Is Out There"!
Vote for Spock/Data in '96. The LOGICAL choice.
Vote for _______, said Tom elec-tronically.
Vote for a Good Clinton - Vote for Socks in '94.
Vote for abolishment of public display of butt-cracks.
Vote for corruption:  Vote for a liberal politician!
Vote for the Antidisestablishmentarianism Party!
Vote for the most absurd party. Most of you did last time
Vote incumbents OUT!
Vote republican - It's easier than thinking.
Vote the Elder Party in 96.  Why settle for the lesser evil?
Vote the issues, not the party.
Vote: "Deport All of the Above" in '96
Voters are guilty of male-only draft registration.
Voters want a fraud they can believe in.
Voters will decide who can do it.
Voting for Clinton = buying a round trip on the Titanic.
Voting for Clinton is like buying a round trip on the Titanic.
Voting in Japan causes erections
Voting. Your right & your duty to those that died defending that right
Voulez vouz coucher avec moi ce soir?
Vous venez de comprendre ce que veux dire GO NORDIQUES GO... :(
Vows of sacrifice, headless chickens dance in circles.
Voyage of the Acolyte
Voyager 'Breaking new ground': Kes gets new clothes.
Voyager 'Cutting Edge': Shuttles are only lost every _second_ week....
Voyager = Star Trek + Lost In Space... Bleah
Voyager Tags :  Work in progress..
Voyager goes to Pink Alert and takes Madonna to a material world.
Voyager to Enterprise.....We're  home and welcome you to our vessel.
Voyager was WHICH hub?!?
Voyager went 70,000 light years and all I got was this T-shirt!
Voyager went 70,000 light years and all I got was this damn T-shirt!
Voyager's WHERE? Been there already...
Voyager:  To boldly get lost where no one has been lost before!
Voyager: The Fourth Coming of Star Trek!
Voyager: To boldly come back from where no one has come back before.
Voyager: To boldly come back from where no one has come back from before
Voyager: to boldly go where EVERYONE has been before.
Voyagers do it in between the sea and the sky.
Voyeurs do it from afar.
Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een gelukkig nieuwjaar -Dutch Christmas
Vuja De - The Feeling You've Never Been Here
Vuja De: the feeling that nothing like this has ever happened before.
Vulcan Blondes have fuzzy logic?
Vulcan DOS:  Illogical command or file name."Bones, it's Ensign Ketchup!
Vulcan DOS: Illogical command or file name
Vulcan Death Grips don't kill, Vulcans do.
Vulcan IDIC : Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations
Vulcan Proverb: Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Vulcan Science Academy Dropout.
Vulcan aerobics - Live long and perspire.
Vulcan food has gone bad when Klingons start asking for the recipe.
Vulcan from General Electric-We Bring Good Things to Life
Vulcan logic + Klingon courage + Romulan treachery = Humans
Vulcan tribbles think in fuzzy logic.
Vulcan/Tribble hybrids think in fuzzy logic.
Vulcans NEVER bluff -- Spock
Vulcans NEVER bluff ---Spock
Vulcans are a species that can appreciate good ears. - Quark
Vulcans are just Romulans with ice down their shorts!
Vulcans believe peace should not depend on force.
Vulcans dVirgins do it only once.
Vulcans do it logically.
Vulcans do it with their fingers.
Vulcans do not approve of violence.
Vulcans don't lie - just exaggerate.
Vulcans have less fun.
Vulcans make the worst patients.
Vulcans never bluff.
Vulcans stole his homework... then they ate Nog. - Jake Sisko
Vulcans stole his homeworkthen they ate Nog. - Jake
Vulcans stole my homework -- Nog
Vulcans worship peace above all.
Vulcans worship peace above all. McCoy, Return to Tomorrow
Vulcans...the best straight men Victor Borg: Pianos are irrelevant.
Vulgar word: Taxes.
Vulgarity: The conduct of others.
Vulgarity: The linguistic crutch of inarticulate morons.
Vulle geluk in den tuk !
Vultures don't get frequent flier miles.  Lawyers DO.
Vultures fly only with carrion luggage..
Vultures fly with only carrion luggage.
Vultures only fly with carrion luggage
Vultures only fly with carrion luggage.
Vulva - a boxy, Swedish automobile.
Vy Is Der zo Many More Orziz Azzes Den Der Iz Orziz?
Vy not vacation in Sveden this year?
VŒçšî¨!¨  Wî d™¥'t g™t ¥™ tŒ¥kŒ¥g vŒçšî!!!
v3.00 X (Dos + Windows + ATM) < OS/2 2.0!
v6.6.6 - beastly modification of software
v666.0 - beastly release of software
valentines & maple leaves/tucked into a paper bag
var Heaven : array [from .. above] of sunshine;
varnished reeds in window jars/tarnished beads on tapestries
vas sincic, tek detence, novu kucnu pomocnicu, stipka za dupence.
veQDuj 'oH Dujllj'e'   ("Your ship is a garbage scow!")
veceras igram samo za tebe
velocipede:  Very fast, many-legged creature.
veni vidi nuclei deceiri -- I came, I saw, I dumped core.
veni, vidi, taglinem subripui
veni, vidi, visa: I came, I saw, I shopped
verified 57.52% cool
versicle:  Eskimo poem.
vi - /usr/The /bin/editor /tmp/from /etc/hell!
via netmail) or e-mail me internet if you guys still have e-mail access.
ving passed on, the lawyer found himself with the devil in a
violent? -- Wesleynan zone?mprov
virus, virii, viriii, viriv, virv, virvi, virvii..
visiate, visiate, asteroid minimus... or: Twinkle, twinkle, little star!
vitamin:  What you should do when friends stop by for a visit.
vitamin:  What you should do when friends stop over for a visit.
vjeruj mi duso srest cemo se u svijetu tajni mi nismo sami.
void atexit("Jump in a lake!");
void main (void) { if (windows=="useful") hell=frozen }
void main(void).....Black hole programming
volcano? May we participate?
vonNeumann was into control!
vwl mnmlsm

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca