X - Is there a recipe that starts with X?
X - Is there a tagline that starts with X?
X PROGRAMMERS do it with clients and servers.
X SLMR 2.1a X Jesus saves..he passes to Moses..Moses shoots, he SCORES
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X <-- Borg Fleet.
X XXXXXX bga!U bLankeq To Pgeven+ <bugN-!U> XXXXXX X
X XXXXXXXXX   Jail for Tagline Thieves
X XXX__-_\/Xx@\\=//.(Embroidering with a cat in your arms)
X is an integer, Tom declared.
X is for Xylophone, which I guess someone plays
X minus 6 weeks and counting.
X's and, said Tom wisely. -Edward J O'Brien
X-(     User just died.
X-Files?  No... They're downstairs.  We're the Y-Files.
X-Man Criteria: Whine a lot and come back from the dead.
X-Men Wish List:  Dolph Lundgren as Colossus.
X-Men criteria:  Whine a lot and come back from the dead.
X-Mess Day - the cleanup day after Christmas.
X-RAY ASTRONOMERS do it with  with high energy
X-RAY ASTRONOMERS do it with high energy.
X-RAY TECHNICIANS see right through you.
X-Tag: Mulder!  FBI!  Drop the sword, McLeod--I have a few questions....
X-Windows...Playing tic-tac-toe on a UNIX box.
X. Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
X:  Never stick anything metal up your nose.
X: Never let people stick worms in your ears.
X: Sharp thinking comes in handy more often than sharp shooting.
X: The truth is out there.
XA: Execute Address field
XBG           Xtra Big Grin
XCLEAREDX This tagline approved by Customs XCLEAREDX
XClick...click...clickDAMN! Out'a taglines!
XER: Exclusive ERror
XEROX does it again and again and again and again
XEROX does it again and again and again and again.
XEROX never comes up with something original
XGA users, it's time to upgrade.
XI: Execute Invalid op-code
XID: Exchange Instructions with Data
XIO: eXecute Invalid Opcode
XKF: eXecute Kermit the Frog
XM: Exclusive Maybe
XM: eXclusive Maybe
XMB: eXclusive MayBe
XMODEM:  A spot-marking transfer protocol.
XMS: Xtraordinarily Meaningless Specification
XNet - Because its time!
XO, 2nd Maryland Regiment, Stormtroopers of Lum.
XO: Execute Operator
XOH: eXecute no-Op and Hang
XON XOFF, XON XOFF! Like Karate Kid: Wax on, wax off
XOR: eXecute OpeRator
XOS: eXchange Operator's Sex
XPR: eXecute PRogrammer
XPRESS - the fastest way to get around the world.
XPSW: eXecute Program Status Word
XRS! - You've got the right one baby!  Uh HUH!!
XRS'ing at <Falcon System<
XSP: eXecute Systems Programmer
XT Nostalgia?  Run Windows
XT at 8 Mhz. = 386 at 25 Mhz. + Windose !!!
XT computer, just missing Monitor/keyboard/motherboard/case/HDD
XT computer, just missing Monitor/video/keyboard/motherboard/case/HDD
XT for sale:  see Marine Supplies Conference
XT or AT, it makes a big difference.
XT's Suck!
XT.TAG (with one other non-"XT" for fun):
XT/8 Mhz = 386/25 Mhz + Windose !!! 08 May 95 ...
XT5000 Ramjet Super-Configured Ltd. Edition -Tom on robot
XTalk - NetEast - Rockville, MD
XUXA - A variety program for children and adults
XUXA - Created and Developed by Morton Lee Cohen
XVF: eXchange Virtue for Fun
XX + XY = Oh, Sir Jasper.
XXX-Modem protocol:  To download those REALLY dirty .GIF files.
XXX-Rated Tagline...Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to see!
XXXBlondes. <smirk> Enough saidXXX
XXXXXX: on a Mercedes.
XXXXXXXXX          >>Taglines, Anyone??<<        XXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXXX Jail for Tagline Thieves
XXXXXXXXXX Better Taglines Through Assimilation XXXXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXXXX Better Taglines Through Confiscation XXXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXXXXBetter Taglines Through AssimilationXXXXXXXXXX
XX||XX|X|||XXX  Generic Tagline
XYZZY... Nothing happens.
XYZZY: Branch and Play Adventure
XYZZY: Seen on an Ohio car, the magic word.
Xanthielle is only a little dead.
Xanthony = Piers Anthony
Xenon: Has the unique property of duplication.
Xerox & Wurlitzer merged...now making reproductive organs.
Xerox does it again and again and again and...
Xerox never comes up with anything original anymore.
Xerox never comes up with anything original.
Xerox never does anything original.
Xerox no longer makes originals.
Xerox sue someone for copying?
Xerox your life.  If you lose it, you'll still have a copy.
Xerox your lunch and file it under "sex offenders!"
Xerox, all they ever do is copy.
Xibo is evil! In a good way, though.
Xmas list, item #1:  a 48-hour day!
Xpress Yourself!
Xpress...The totally cool way to do mail!
Xpressing from sunny Florida. And you thought you had bugs!
Xronia Poula -Greek Christmas
Xywrite: Not For Corporate Types ! Let 'em eat WP !
Xywrite: The Intelligent Writer's Choice
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x <-- Borg running from my homeworld.
xxx Sometimes I just C. Redd! xxx
xyzzy  --  nothing happens.

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca