Y B ordinary.
Y Chromosomes:  Deity's way of keeping things mildly interesting.
Y H g0d  yUNg. nt h avrg g in (oGss.
Y bother with games that aren't worth the CD they are on!!
Y is for Yar, who was killed on Vagra ][
Y is for Yuggoth, a planet far
Y"ou're perfectly heatlhy, Mr. Spock." Chapel
Y' yin quap' je! (Klingon for "Survive and succeed".)
Y'all must be hearin' things. - Data
Y'know what I like about you, Plotz? Absolutely nothing!!! - Yakko
Y'know...OS/2 requires more memory than any Windows app I've ever seen
Y'see? It heard the word power and it responded, just like we do!
Y.A. Tittle, out - Mike as bald air traffic controller
Y0u +avE bEEU a$imi+atEd. Y0u aLE U0w: ||+||||#||
YAAR if you've been arrested for relieving yourself in an ice machine
YAB: Yet Another Bug
YABADABADOO! Oh Fred, you spoke in TONGUES!
YABAs: Yet Another Babylon Anomaly.
YAFA            Yet Another "Fine" Abbreviation
YAFT-Yet Another Fine Tagline
YAGDSFC -  Yet Another Gawd Damned Science Fiction Classic
YAKKO-I be Yakking Yak, WAKKO-I be Wakko Who Waltzes With Wolves
YAKKO.SYS corrupt. <A>bort, <R>etry, <U>nZoo YAK.ZOO?
YAKKO.SYS corrupt. <A>bort, <R>etry, <U>se ANIMAL.YAK ? _
YAKKO.SYS missing: (A)bort (R)etry (C)ancel Animaniacs?
YAKKO.SYS not found! <A>bort <R>etry <C>ancel Animaniacs
YAKKO.SYS not found, reboot Animaniacs?  <Y/N/R> -- WB's Computer
YAKKO.SYS not found: <R>etry <F>ail <A>ttract with NURSE.SYS?
YAMLA.  YAMLA YAMLA YAMLA.  yamla?  YAMLA! yamla yamla
YAPT -- Yet Another Pointless Tagline
YAR           Yet Another Rumor
YASE: Yet Another Stupid Error
YASQ          Yet Another Stupid Question
YAT           Yet Another Tagline
YATI            Yet Another Trivial Inconsistancy
YATI *this*, you pissy little...OOPS...wrong show!
YATI: Yet Another Trek Inconsistency
YAWA:  You and what army?   (Sam Tuirel)
YAWN(n):only time some men get 2 open their mouths
YAWN: The only time @FN@ gets to open his mouth.
YAWN: The only time YOU gets to open his mouth.
YAWN: The only time men get to open their mouths.
YEA, YEA...Once A Hobby, Now An Expensive Addiction!
YEAH!  An' I got a dog what plays the saxophone!
YEAH!! But why doesn't it work???
YEAR, n.  A period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments.
YELLOW PAGES - Any book a naked baby sits on.
YELLOW PAGES: Any book a naked baby sits on.
YELLOW RIVER by I. P. Freely
YER A REDNECK IF you can have sex w/o spilling your beer.
YES! It's about time they played something cool. -- Butthead
YES! Now we're getting somewhere! -- Butthead
YES! Otherwise I wouldn't be here, silly!
YES! Sound Garden kicks ass!
YES! We Deliver... Open 24HRS!
YES! You may have already won.......
YES!!  eh, NO!!! oh, well  MAYBE!!!!!!!!
YES, Cherry is my real name!
YES, you have NO email today.
YES,tonight....I have a headache!!!
YGIAGAM         Your Guess Is As Good As Mine!
YGLT            You're gonna love this
YHAT were those mistakes my parents made?
YIELD(n):the sign your kids "purchased" at about 3 am
YIG            Yes, I'm Grinning
YIHmey vImuSqu'  (Translation:  I hate Tribbles!)
YII: Yield to Irresistable Impulse
YKYAR if you've been arrested for relieving yourself in an ice machine
YKYARW        You know you're a redneck when==
YKYBDTTLW ... everything you post comes out in taglines.
YKYBDTTLW ... you notice the sun coming up outside your window.
YKYBDTTLW ... you start singing "tagline" songs.
YKYBDTTLW ... you're always saying, "That'd make a great tagline!"
YKYBDTTLW ...People begin turning your messages into taglines
YKYBDTTLW ...You begin turning other peoples messages into taglines
YKYBDTTLW everything you post comes out in taglines.
YKYBDTTLW you notice the sun coming up outside your window.
YKYBDTTLW you start singing  tagline  songs.
YKYBDTTLW you're always saying,  That'd make a great tagline!
YKYBDTTLW...everything you post comes out in recipes.
YKYBDTTLW...everything you post comes out in taglines.
YKYBDTTLW: you notice the sun coming up outside your window.
YKYBITTL When "Bother, Said pooh" is in your normal vocabulary!
YKYBITTL when Myra harrasses you with winkie messages!
YKYBITTL when ya know Anime from Animaniacs without watchin!
YKYBITTL when you build an altar to Gary Caplan!
YKYBITTL when you can't find any new tags outta 84 messages!
YKYBITTL when you create a special macro for "*S*W*I*P*E*D*"
YKYBITTL when you find yourself asking, "A Crow is a BIRD??"
YKYBITTL when you start examining messages for hidden tags!
YKYBITTL when you're up to your neck in Tribble taglines!
YKYBITTL when your message text becomes tagline fodder!
YKYBRTMRJW: You think of David Koresh as a False Dragon.
YKYBWTMB5W--The phone rings and you tap the back of your hand.
YKYHW = You Know You're Hooked When:
YKYHW:  you Blue Wave EVERY conference
YKYHW:  you answer people in chat out loud
YKYHW:  you are in chat by yourself and like it
YKYHW:  you can understand your taglines
YKYHW:  you can't get away from the screen
YKYHW:  you can't pry your fingers from the keys
YKYHW:  you consider BBS subs the ultimate gift
YKYHW:  you consider BBSing better than chocolate
YKYHW:  you consider BBSing better than ice cream
YKYHW:  you consider BBSing better than sex
YKYHW:  you consider file listing serious research
YKYHW:  you copy every tagline you can find
YKYHW:  you don't care if you never get phone calls
YKYHW:  you don't eat supper until breakfast time
YKYHW:  you dream of new Trade Wars moves
YKYHW:  you experience "screen vision"
YKYHW:  you feel depressed when you can't log on
YKYHW:  you flame yourself to watch the action
YKYHW:  you forget how to leave your screen
YKYHW:  you get excited by the time bank balance
YKYHW:  you get nervous when away from the BBS
YKYHW:  you have treads on your fingertips
YKYHW:  you hold the world's record for posting
YKYHW:  you laugh out loud at the taglines
YKYHW:  you log on right at midnight after reset
YKYHW:  you post a test to yourself every day
YKYHW:  you post messages to see your name in print
YKYHW:  you realize you never sleep anymore
YKYHW:  you sign your handle to your checks
YKYHW:  you spend all night making up taglines
YKYHW: You answer people in chat out loud.
YKYHW: You are in chat by yourself and like it.
YKYHW: You can understand your Taglines.
YKYHW: You can't get away from the screen.
YKYHW: You can't pry your fingers from the keys.
YKYHW: You consider BBS subs the ultimate gift.
YKYHW: You consider BBSing better than chocolate.
YKYHW: You consider BBSing better than ice cream.
YKYHW: You consider BBSing better than sex.
YKYHW: You consider file listing serious research.
YKYHW: You copy every Tagline you can find.
YKYHW: You don't care if you never get phone calls.
YKYHW: You don't eat supper until breakfast time.
YKYHW: You dream of new Trade Wars moves.
YKYHW: You experience screen vision.
YKYHW: You feel depressed when you can't log on.
YKYHW: You flame yourself to watch the action.
YKYHW: You forget how to leave your screen.
YKYHW: You get excited by the time bank balance.
YKYHW: You get nervous when away from the BBS.
YKYHW: You have treads on your fingertips.
YKYHW: You hold the world's record for posting.
YKYHW: You laugh out loud at the Taglines.
YKYHW: You log on right at midnight after reset.
YKYHW: You post a test to yourself every day.
YKYHW: You post messages to see your name in print.
YKYHW: You realize you never sleep anymore.
YKYHW: You save Tagline *conferences*.
YKYHW: You sign your handle to your checks.
YKYHW: You spend all night editing Taglines.
YKYHW: You spend all night editing recipes.
YKYHW: You spend all night making up Taglines.
YKYHW: the computer store gives you a fequent buyer discount.
YKYHW: you Blue Wave EVERY conference
YKYHW: you really want to be a sysop
YKYHW: you sell your house to pay for board access
YKYHW: you start carring a clipboard around to write down good taglines
YKYHW: you start seeing messages in your dreams
YKYHW: you start thinking about your computer at work.
YKYHW: you want your own echo to moderate
YKYHW: your fingers fall off
YMBARI: "Somebody jiggle that" is a common household phrase.
YMBAT If you say "On Screen" to turn your TV on - YMBAT
YMBATA = Youth Might Be Attracted To Angels; or,
YMBATI: you scream "MIRAMANEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" while making love...
YMMV            Your mileage may vary.
YO MIKEY!!! He'll eat anything!!!
YO! Picard! That just ain't logical! - S'talone of Vulcan
YOGA: Exit Finite-State Mode
YOGI BERRA - It's Good to Be Alive
YOGURT---The baby's home facial kit.
YOGURT: The baby's home facial kit.
YOT YM: My toy, backwards.
YOU ARE HERE ------------< X
YOU ARE HERE-> (Where did you think you were?) <Mindplayers>
YOU ARE HERE-> (Where did you think you were?) - Mindplayers, Cadigan
YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!?!  Yes daddy.  I DIDN'T HEAR YOU!!! - Extreme
YOU can double your money! ... Here's how: fold it in half!
YOU can double your money, Orville! Here's how: fold it in half!
YOU can help wipe out COBOL in our lifetime
YOU go and love your brother.I'll go and love your sister
YOU go talk to the "Friendly" RED Dragon !
YOU have been caught stealing taglines again!
YOU look like an elephant!
YOU multitask??  I'm WRITING this on the toilet!!
YOU try and color-coordinate in the dark! - Klinger
YOU! Chair! G'won g'won g'won! I LOVE my chair. - Ted Bullpit
YOU! Kidney failure! --Death.
YOU'RE Zaphod Beeblebrox? THE Zaphod Beeblebrox?
YOU'VE been ta3:05)             Number: 21
YOU'VE been talking to GARIBALDI again haven't you?
YOU'VE been talking to GARIBALDI again! - Sinclair
YOU'VE been talking to GARIBALDI again! Haven't you?
YOU, GOLD, OWE, ME!  Quark
YOU...CAN'T...BUILD...ROBOTS! - Crow to Mike
YOU...STUPID...LITTLE...(beep) - Crow to his computer
YOU? Run MY bar?!?!? Wahahahaha! -- Quark
YOUNG LOCHINVAR - Came *Into* the West
YOUR A REDNECK IF the color of your car is 'primer'.
YOUTHFUL FIGURE: What you get when you ask a woman's age.
YOW!!  The land of the rising SONY!!
YOW!!  Up ahead!  It's a DONUT HUT!!
YOWCH!  I bit my tongue!  ...and it needs a pinch of something...
YTERM:  A terminal program for queries.
YUPPIES: Yes Under Peer Pressure I Eat Sushi.
YYYOOUU...Got what I neeeeed-- Butthead
Ya I know, I look like Mel Gibson, everyone says that.
Ya canna be sayin I speak wi a accent, can ya? -- Scotty
Ya canna be sayin tha I speak wi a accent, can ya?-Scotty
Ya canna be sayin' I speak wi an accent, can ya? --Scoty
Ya di'na tell 'im how long it would really take did ya!? - Scotty
Ya from Kansas? Well, welcome to the USA.
Ya god damm parents are trippin...
Ya got another objection?  Hmmm?
Ya got him, Cindy! Ya got him where ya want him! - McCoy, ST VI
Ya got some kinda good kinda hold on me.
Ya gotta be cunning to speak dat lingus!
Ya gotta be subtle! - M. Hammer
Ya gotta do what ya can. Let mother nature do the rest.
Ya gotta have heart. All ya really need is heart..
Ya gotta help me, doc.  My daydreams are running rampant.
Ya gotta keep 'em seperated, COME OUT AND PLAY! - Offspring
Ya gotta kick a little to be tough.
Ya gotta kick a little to cause a stir.
Ya gotta let 'em know you had enough.
Ya have anything to do with Judas Priest? -Crow to priest
Ya just gotta love catholic school: if you don't you go to hell.
Ya know I could never lie.
Ya know Jesus was a hippy? - Tom
Ya know the lady's a lot like Reno.
Ya know what burns my butt? A flame about yay-high.
Ya know when ya getting old, everything stop growing but ya stomach.
Ya know, I should be urchin everybody to stop this thread.
Ya know, next time you come in here I'm gonna toast ya.
Ya know, some days life is just one non sequiter after catfish.
Ya know, sometimes I'm really amazed at how weird you are
Ya know, sometimes it is soooo easy to be dumb!
Ya know, we really should have giv'in that borg a C compiler...
Ya know, with a little work, I think I could do 'em all...:-)
Ya lay a whole lotta love on me.
Ya learns sumpin' new ever' day 'round here.
Ya lousy bum... - Muddy Mudskipper
Ya mean cigarettes are unhealthy?! - Opus
Ya might be better off alone.
Ya mudda's like Nintendo.....Now she's portable
Ya mudda's like a hardware store.....2 Cents a screw
Ya mudda's like a race car.....4 Rubbers a day
Ya mudda's so stupid, she tripped over the cordless Telephone
Ya only THINK I'm devious, actually, I'm far more twisted
Ya pays your money and you take your chances.
Ya picked a fine time to leave me Lucile - Kenny Rogers
Ya read what I said, now do ya know what I mean?
Ya really had me going baby, but now I'm gone.
Ya really had me going, stringing me along.
Ya say love is blind, I say baby not this time...
Ya should see the one I have IN my computer.
Ya still believe that it won't go wrong this time.
Ya sure, but how would OJ do against Lorena Bobbitt?
Ya wanna REAL demon?  Try Asmodeus...dial 1-900-GBYESOUL, $5/minute...
Ya wanna know how a Holodeck works?
Ya wanna know how to make it rain? Go wash and wax your car!
Ya want a stupid answer?  Ask me anything!
Ya want a stupid answer? Ask me anything!
Ya' can't teach an old dogma new tricks.
Ya' hear that Kate Mulgrew is Mrs. Piccard? - Mike
Ya' heard of me?
Ya'll come back now ya hear.
Ya, I'm a lowly Cadet, but I should be getting a promotion soon!
Ya, jussa sec. I'll do it in a minute. Hold on willya?
Ya..  But if it worked 1st time.. What fun would it be?
Yaaayy, Sandy! - Joel & Bots cheer Sandy Frank's name
Yabba Dabba Doo.                        Fred Flintstone
Yabba dabba do!    - Flintstone
Yabba dabba doooooooooo!
Yabba-Dabba-Doo!  -- F. Flinstone
Yabba-Dabba-Doo! -- F. Flinstone
Yabettanot: The warning at the beginning of a home videocassette.
Yabettanot: Warning at the beginning of a home videocassette.
Yachties Do It With Berth Control.
Yah better reply to this one ya flea bitt'n varmint!!
Yah shur.  Coulda swore I saw 'em coupla days ago posted to Yakko.
Yah! Is home of Rice'a'Roni! - Tom as Russian on Frisco
Yahweh said "I Myself will go with you and I will give you rest.
Yak with a Kentucky long rifle - Mike
Yak yak yak. You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle.
Yakka Foob MoG.  GRuG PubbawuP Zink wattoom GaZoRk.  CHuMBLE Spuzz.
Yakkety yak.. y'all come back now.. ya hear?
Yakko "Hellooooo, Nurse!" - Yakko & Wakko
Yakko & Wakko of Borg:  Prepare to be....HelloOO, NURSE!
Yakko = Animaniacs: Quotes by Yakko Warner
Yakko Warner only uses his brain to keep his head from caving in.
Yakko Warner suffers from terminal brain-lock.
Yakko of Borg: Being a potty mouth is futile.
Yakko of Borg: Today's moral is irrelevant.
Yakko, is our use of falling anvils going to be a bit excessive? - Dot
Yakko.EXE found.  Computer now has irresistable attraction to women
Yakko.EXE found.  Computer now irresistably attracted to women.
Yakko.EXE found. Computer now has irresistable attraction to women...
Yakko: Will someone stop this Borg from saying "Assimilate"???
Yakuza, Yakuza never a blooza!
Yankee by birth, Texan by choice!
Yankee found in family tree- will trade for black sheep or horse thief
Yankee:  Any person born north of Gainesville Florida.
Yankees do it frugally.
Yankees do it until they're blue.
Yankees do it up north.
Yankees in Georgia!?  How'd they ever get in?
Yappapai Yappapai Iinshyanten
Yar to O'Brien. Transport Data directly to my quarters.
Yar: "Riker, watch my behind..."
Yard ape here - Dr. Forrester referring to TV's Frank
Yard by yard, life is hard, Inch by inch, life's a cinch.
Yardshtick - Lame neighborly quips exchanged in the backyard.
Yassar Arafat: Sound of Dolly Parton removing her bra.
Yawking: Speaking and yawning simultaneously.
Yawl:  Southern version of "ahoy".
Yawn -- the only time some people should open their mouths.
Yawn a more Roman way.
Yawn, Where did Q come from?!?
Yawn:  The only time men get to open their mouths.
Yawn:  The only time some men get to open their mouths.
Yawn: The only time a man gets to open his mouth.
Yawn: The only time some men get to open their mouths.
Yawning at X-rated movie: Indecent composure.
Yawning is an orgasm for your face.  -- Gunvar Ingeborg
Yay! What are these? - Crow on Mamie's bust
Yay!!! Clap clap clap clap clap clap.
Ye cannot serve God and money. - Matthew 6:24
Ye didna' tell him how long it would REALLY take, did ye?
Ye gads, what am I, flypaper for whackos on echos?
Ye may become like angels of heaven, sources of happiness to souls.
Ye shall know the truth and it shall make ye freak.
Ye shall know the truth and it shall make ye odd.
Ye shall know the truth and it shall make you freak!!!
Ye shall know the truth, & the truth shall make you mad.
Ye shall know the truth, and it shall make you odd ...
Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad!
Ye shall know them by their recipes.
Ye shall know them by their taglines.
Ye shall not attach disks to your fridge with magnets!
Ye shalt not ask where the "Any" key is!
Ye shalt not insert thy fist into the computer screen!
Ye shalt not insertith thy fistith into thy computer screenith.
Ye shalt not justify thy $2,000 computer purchase by purchasing games.
Ye that love the Lord, hate evil. - Psalm 97:10
Yea tho I walk through the valley of sysoping, I shall fear no user...
Yea verily, thou art Chaotic Evil and I must slay thee.
Yea!  The RULES! I've been waiting for a month.  Thanks.
Yea, ..once a hobby, now an expensive addiction!
Yea, I'll pick-it-up& I'LL MAIL IT TO `YA!
Yea, Though I walk thru the valley of TAX & SPEND, I'll fear no Liberal!
Yea, Though I walk thru the valley of TAX, I'll fear no Liberal!
Yea, Verily, I doth say:  Bite-eth me!
Yea, dost thou jeer and flout me in the teeth?
Yea, tho I COM thru the valley in the shadow of the SYSOP
Yea, though I walk thru the valley of Clintons, I'll fear no Liberal!
Yea, verily do many strange things come to be
Yea, yea, yea... I'm shaking in my boots" - Garabaldi
Yea, yea, yeaI'm shaking in my boots. --Garibaldi.
Yea, yea..once a hobby, now an expensive addiction!
Yea. Me Skeeve. Who you? - Skeeve
YeaIt's showtime! - Duncan MacLeod
Yeah ... I think that Ernest fellow is funny...what's wrong with that?
Yeah I Married Her, I Married The HELL Out Of Her.
Yeah I got a good heart, I wouldn't hurt a soul.
Yeah I guess your right <g>That makes me, gary, and
Yeah I know the feeling
Yeah I like spreading; PB&J, BS, BUTTER, but mostly LEGS!
Yeah I love work, I could sit and watch it all day...
Yeah I'm gay.  Why should it matter to you?
Yeah I've been injured. I've got a big crack in my butt - Butthead.
Yeah Patrick, but can a Pontiac do Warp 9?
Yeah and some day the sun will die out.
Yeah baby, I'll show you a good time <heh heh> GULP! ACK! Morphworm!!!!
Yeah he called her a bitch, and so far, nobody's denying it.
Yeah mon. No prahblem.
Yeah right Orville, I think you're having a brain cramp!
Yeah sure--and I'm the Kumquat Haagendasz!
Yeah that's an old one I knowBut a goody.
Yeah yeah, I know... the check is in the mail!
Yeah yeah, I love dogs too. Want to trade recepies?
Yeah yeah.... Shut up... Go away... we're Like closed... or something!
Yeah!  A dolphin-burger, and put it in a styrofoam box!
Yeah!  I've got a bit of scum in me!  Yeah!!  -Vhujunka
Yeah! I know, ladies room. But I'm blind! Remember? - Geordi
Yeah, Brain, but where are we going to find rubber pants our size?
Yeah, I consider "Outdoor Life" deep reading...what's wrong with that?
Yeah, I do happen to have a velvet bedspread...what's wrong with that?
Yeah, I do have a picture of Elvis on velvet...what's wrong with that?
Yeah, I do have two relatives, Elmer and Jed...what's wrong with that?
Yeah, I fired a warning shot... in his chest.
Yeah, I fired a warning shot... into his chest.
Yeah, I fired a warning shotin his chest. - Janier
Yeah, I got a modem, a real fast one too, it's a 300bps!
Yeah, I had a Tribble tagline once, then I got a real one
Yeah, I happen to have a civil war chess set...what's wrong with that?
Yeah, I know - "Beast, you're a sick puppy"
Yeah, I know - "SHADDAP, Beast!"
Yeah, I know"F.Y. Beast."
Yeah, I love cats too... want to trade recipes?
Yeah, I love cats too...want to trade recipes?
Yeah, I love cats too...you wanna trade recipes??
Yeah, I meant to ask, how are you? and I hope everyone is safe!
Yeah, I use Windows. Win-OS2!
Yeah, I'll buy another Intel product.  In 27,000 years!
Yeah, I'm a hi-skool grajuit... wanna make somthin outta it?
Yeah, I'm cute! I like being cute! Cutes a good thing! -Vhujunka
Yeah, I'm from the Lair.  Wanna make somethin' about it?
Yeah, I'm in the "Directory", but they missmelled my name
Yeah, I'm psycho but I'm STILL a cop! <Riggs>
Yeah, I'm religious. Hockey's a religion, right?
Yeah, I'm running Win#%^ NO CARRIER
Yeah, I'm weird, but I'm saving up to be eccentric.
Yeah, I'm weird; so what ?
Yeah, I've been injured. I've got a big crack in my butt  - Butthead.
Yeah, I've been injured. I've got a big crack in my butt - Butthead.
Yeah, I've been there, I've done that. - Nick Knight
Yeah, I've got a pool table, but it's all wet.  And no diving board.
Yeah, Jesus saves - but why not just use a tape backup instead?
Yeah, Ralph! You make a great whoopie cushion! - Dot
Yeah, Thanks Stimpy! - 10lb Crappy.
Yeah, and now *I* itch all over! @$#% Tribbles <scratch>!!
Yeah, and road kill don't get flatter as time goes by!
Yeah, and where's the rest of it ?
Yeah, another clone. (Hysterical giggling)
Yeah, but I thought Madonna already *had* a steady bloke! - Pinky
Yeah, but WHO'S got The Stanley Cup???
Yeah, but does 'Suck, don't blow' apply to female Vampyres?
Yeah, but my mother-in-law is MEANER than YOURS.
Yeah, but she was only a little bit pregnant!
Yeah, but what does Habs stand for? Have Another Beer Stupid?
Yeah, but what's the speed of DARK?
Yeah, but what's the speed of dark?
Yeah, but you oughta see him dance. - T. Carlisle
Yeah, but you're not telling me to kiss it. - Geordi.
Yeah, but you're taking the universe out of context!
Yeah, but you're taking the universe out of context.
Yeah, by why does s**t always happen to ME? -- Jewish
Yeah, first you start stealing taglines, and then.
Yeah, he *only* did what his Rice Crispies told him to do.
Yeah, he's haulin' dynamite, and he needs all the help he can git.
Yeah, it's been going on for SOOOO long... <sigh> :) - Dire Wolf
Yeah, maybe we ARE apathetic, but we Just Don't Care.
Yeah, now that we have bombs in Europe, let's Nuke someone...
Yeah, once I shot deer from inside the house...what's wrong with that?
Yeah, out like a lighthouse, hard as a carp, cold as a mackeral.
Yeah, right.  When <oink, oink> <flap, flap>......never mind.
Yeah, sure -- and Carl Sagan is a creationist.
Yeah, sure, smarter than Einstein, Hawking, Cochrane, all Vulcans!
Yeah, sure. That'll happen when hell < 32oF !
Yeah, sure. When frogs tapdance and Shrimp sing!!
Yeah, that way people might mistake them for yours eh?
Yeah, that's a good one . . . HEY! - Calvin
Yeah, that's it, Milhouse, keep up the chatter. - Apu
Yeah, that's it... I had a blond moment!
Yeah, that's it... she had a blond moment!
Yeah, the form is right.  My hobby is narcotics.
Yeah, there's a lot of stress here, but I'm not straining.
Yeah, this chainsaw kicks ass! Pruning is cool! huh huh huh
Yeah, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Zorch
Yeah, tomorrow we're in, ah, let's see, Tierra del Fuego
Yeah, uh, that's the ticket!.....
Yeah, verily!  Gadzooks!
Yeah, well I got me eye on you.
Yeah, well I've had a really bad day.
Yeah, well there's a woman behind every great >loser<, too!
Yeah, yeah, I know...I screwed up again...
Yeah, yeah, I love cats too.  Want to trade recipes?
Yeah, yeah, I love cats tooespecially with soy sauce...
Yeah, yeah, I love cats, too Want to trade recipes?
Yeah, yeah, I love dogs too... want to trade recipes?
Yeah, yeah, okay. Fine. I'll come back later.  - DEATH
Yeah, yeah, yeah...Message received and ignored...
Yeah, yeah. Patience! What's that take? like... an hour?
Yeah, yeah.. Kill the messenger - Calvin
Yeah, you're right, you can't sense to cretins....<g<
Yeah--but what's the speed of *DARK*?
Yeah. . . . But does he know the speed of dark??
Yeah. And it sucks too. --Beavis.
Yeah. Sure. - Richie Ryan
Yeah... THAT's the ticket!
Yeah... once I rolled that riding lawn mower...what's wrong with that?
Yeah...I love the Wheel of Morality...*MWAH* - Wakko
Yeah...and WHO'S got The Stanley Cup???
Yeah...and some day the sun will die out.
Yeah...right Beavis. What a wuss!
Yeah?  I'll fight ya with one arm tied behind your back!
Yeah?  So, Ma, like, which is it, be careful or have a good time?
Yeah?  Well, how do we know you're the REAL Angel of Death?
Yeah?  Well, tell that to her parents. ~ Geordi
Yeah?  Well, tell that to her parents. þ Geordi
Yeah? And you're ugly! - Ace Ventura
Yeah?!  Well, FREQ you too!
Yeah?!? What are YOU gonna do about it?!?
YeahI love the Wheel of Morality*MWAH* -- Wakko
Yeahand WHO'S got The Stanley Cup???
Yeahand some day the sun will die out.
Yeahdeath of a salesman. <BELCH>.
Year 2000: Are you getting ready for the third millenium?
Year: A period of 365 failures and disappointments.
Year: A period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments.
Year: a period of 365 disappointments.
Years go by.
Years of development: We finally got one to work.
Years of insanity have kept me from going crazy.
Years went by & the dream grew strong - Hendrix
Years, education and understanding offtimes are foes.
Yeeah! You Rimp wristed occidental roser! - Crow as ninja
Yeehaaa! Cambot?  - Crow
Yeesssssssssssssssss! Oh, god you're good! - Ivanova
Yeh! Big Sweat can drive! - Crow
Yeh, I'm sick of sex anyway - Mike on marriage short
Yeh, but I kid the pornographers - Mike
Yeh, have some consideration! - Crow
Yeh, he knows a LOT about women's toenails - Mike
Yeh, here's my torso - Mike sings as girl dances
Yeh, me too. Delmar the Elfen King - Crow
Yeh, my hair's frosted - Tom as dorky tough guy
Yeh, right. My name's Peter Rabbit - Crow
Yeh, so long, Dali - Tom
Yeh, tee off on THIS - Mike
Yeh, the crows'll get 'em - Mike on dead guys
Yeh, whatever! Let's go! Let's wail! - Crow
Yeh, women know NOTHING about underwear - Mike
Yeh...Now the Whole world understands.....
Yeild to temptation! It may not pass your way again!!
Yello? Deep 13. How can I help you? - Dr. Forrester
Yellow + Pink = Clinton
Yellow Alert! - drink!
Yellow Jello...The Building Block of Men.
Yellow Pages do it with Walking Fingers.
Yellow River, by I. Peed Freely
Yellow matter custard - dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Yellow snow is not a Lemonade Fizz!
Yellow snow is not lemon flavored.
Yellow...no, I mean blue!
Yellowknife - Glove it or leave it.
Yellowknife - Have you jump started your kid today?
Yellowknife - Land of two seasons: July and Winter.
Yellowknife - Land of two seasons: Winter and Road Construction.
Yellowknife - Land of two seasons: Winter is coming. Winter is here.
Yellowknife - Many are cold but few are frozen.
Yellowknife - One day it's warm the rest of the year it's cold.
Yellowknife - mosquito supplier to the free world.
Yellowknife ...I came. I thawed. I transferred.
Yellowknife I came. I thawed. I transferred.
Yellowknife gets colder than a bucket of penguin poop
Yellowknife, NWT: Home of the Thermally Challenged!
Yellowknife, a really cool place!
Yellowknife: Many are cold, but few are frozen.
Yellowknife: closed for glacier repairs.
Yendi coils and strikes, unseen
Yentas do it nosily.
Yeow!  I'm looking good today!" -- The Cat
Yeow! I feel good! --James Brown
Yeow! I'm looking good today! - The Cat
Yep folks, just like the 10:00 news.  The crazies ARE out there!
Yep they named a street sign after Shan........."ONE WAY"
Yep!  You bet... What was that you said?
Yep! That's who it was, alright! And they had Pictures!! They Did!!
Yep! you bet... What was that you said?
Yep, I found a piece o'.....GOLD!!!! (Animaniacs)
Yep, another day, another box of stolen pens.
Yep, there ca not be inter-species breeding.
Yep, there can't be inter-species breeding.
Yep, you never know who'll turn up. - Yakko
Yep. She wants me, pretty much - Mike as geeky scientist
Yepper doodle do - Crow
Yer Duane 'n Audrey?
Yer Motherboard Wears Combat Reboots
Yer a fart smeller, I mean smart feller!
Yer gonna end up hooked on smack and then yer gonna die. --Leary.
Yer hooked when:  you can understand your taglines
Yer hooked when:  you copy every tagline you can find
Yer hooked when:  you laugh out loud at the taglines
Yer hooked when:  you spend all night making up taglines
Yer hooked when: you laugh out loud at the taglines.
Yer momma's so dumb that she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order!
Yer momma's so fat she fell in love and broke it!
Yer momma's so fat she jumped up in the air and got stuck!
Yer momma's so fat that when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips!
Yer momma's so fat when she bungee jumps she pulls down the bridge too
Yer momma's so old her social security number is 1!
Yer momma's so old she has to have a fire permit for her birthday cake
Yer mother's a Hampster & yer father smelt of elderberrys
Yer motherboard wears army reboots!
Yer motherboard wears combat reboots
Yer on an express elevator to hell. Going down! -"Aliens"
Yer such a wild thang!
Yerassic Park:  Where your butt's on the line!
Yes                                    Maybe
Yes - Sheridan What do you mean `yes'? Its me - Ivanova
Yes Bud, fish take walks...just inside the tank!
Yes Captain, we have entered the Q(edit) Continuum.
Yes DOS.... ah dear.... I'll be right there.
Yes Dear!!  I'll be done after the next meg worth of personal messages.
Yes Dear, I'll Get Off The Computer In Just A Minute
Yes Dear, I'll be off the computer in just a minute.
Yes Dear, I'm doing that damn computer mail thing again....
Yes Dear, just a few more minutes...
Yes Dire, and you're straying very close to anvil territory :) - Jal
Yes I am a witch, but only for a spell.
Yes I have, but only a time or 2..3..4..5......
Yes I have. It's just like steely and goldie, 'cept it's made of iron.
Yes I know... I've already used Alt A to steal this tagline
Yes I wonder, is this the way life's meant to be?
Yes I'm a rocket scientist.  Why do you ask?
Yes I'm built like a newborn baby, 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 inches.
Yes I'm crazy, but I'm saving up to be eccentric.
Yes Miss,I'll have a fur burger & a side of thighs
Yes Money does talk... Mine says Goodbye!
Yes Mr. Limbaugh, I *am* going to finish this sandwich.
Yes Satan - Ace Ventura
Yes Sir, you can have a fur burger and a side of thighs...
Yes Virginia, there is a Al Gore.
Yes Virginia, there is a Bill Clinton.
Yes Virginia, there is a Dan Parsons.
Yes Your Moderateness, I'll get back on topic!
Yes dad, that IS a doggy - Mike
Yes dear, I KNOW I SHOUTING!!!!
Yes dear, I'll get off the computer in just a minute.
Yes folks, a FREE recipe
Yes folks, a FREE tagline
Yes it's Roberta Fett ... Boba to her friends.
Yes moderator, I know, so here's a couple .......
Yes my child,my hat was modelled after the ancient Sydney Opera House.
Yes my son, long ago citizens were allowed to own guns.
Yes my son, long ago mail was read 1 at a time.
Yes my son, long ago mail was read 1 message at a time
Yes my son, long ago mail was read 1 packet at a time.
Yes perhaps I may die; you, however will be joining me.
Yes perhaps You Know St. Murphy
Yes sir I'll fill her up right away! But won't she mind?
Yes sir Mr. Spacely.  Right a way, Mr. Spacely.
Yes sir.  It's... ah... it's a bit runny...
Yes this tagline is stolen, you think I have a brain?
Yes we have no bananas, Would a nut do instead?
Yes we have no bananas..  the cat eats them!
Yes you are! And you've been taglined! :) <whack!> -Twopaw
Yes!  Do you want to switch places?
Yes!  I always drink coffee while I watch radar!
Yes!  We just might win!
Yes!  Yes, right away!  I'll get back on topic...
Yes! Another movie: "Free Willie Part 2," starring Lorena Bobbitt.
Yes! Come on, you little horse! - Homer at the dog track
Yes! Let us all grunt in unison. - Keepers
Yes! Mr. B/Natural had breasts! - Crow
Yes! Of course I paid my phone bill! I...E$#$+-34 NO CARRIER
Yes! Oh yes! - Tom as guy strokes missile
Yes! The Chargers ARE in the Super Bowl. Deal with it, America.
Yes, Anastasia. All your dollies are friends - Tori Amos
Yes, Brain, but burlap chafes me so- Pinky
Yes, Brain, but where are we going to get chaps our size? - Pinky
Yes, Bud...you can help Momma paint...but not the cat!
Yes, But is your tongue as good as that of the rock star from KISS?
Yes, Constable. That's exactly right. It was a Borg ship
Yes, Dad...a 486DX-66 is essential for my schoolwork.
Yes, Dear, I'll Get Off The Computer In Just A Minute!
Yes, God has a sense of humor! @FN@'s here, right?
Yes, God has a sense of humor! FEMMSA's still here, ain't it?
Yes, God has a sense of humor! I'm here, ain't I?
Yes, God has a sense of humor! YOU's here, right?
Yes, Hate.  But never fear.  Fear is for the enemy.
Yes, I *DO* look deceptively intelligent.
Yes, I *am* turning everything you say into a tagline.
Yes, I *do* own a Perilous Wear t shirt :)
Yes, I AM an "old fart".why do you ask?
Yes, I DO have PMS. What's your excuse?
Yes, I KNOW chocolate is a vice.  Who cares?
Yes, I KNOW chocolate is a vice. What's your point?
Yes, I KNOW chocolate is a vice. Who cares?
Yes, I WAS wearing my seat belt!
Yes, I _am_ turning everything you say into Taglines.
Yes, I _am_ turning everything you say into recipes.
Yes, I _am_ turning things you say into taglines.
Yes, I admit it --- I'm a chocoholic.
Yes, I admit it.  I do snag recipes.
Yes, I admit it.  I do steal Taglines.
Yes, I admit it. I like Spam. I LOVE Spam. Spam rules! {Yucckkk!}
Yes, I admit, *I* snag recipes!?!?!
Yes, I admit, *I* steal Taglines !
Yes, I admit, *I* steal taglines!?!?!
Yes, I admit, *I* steal taglines?!?!?!
Yes, I am FULLY functional. - Data
Yes, I am looking to steal some Babylon 5 tag lines.
Yes, I bet you have. - Han Solo
Yes, I do Windows (3.0)...
Yes, I do have the crabgrass, now where are the apples?
Yes, I do talk to my wife after sex - if she phones.
Yes, I do, a few.  However, your list, like millions of Star Trek lists
Yes, I expect they cured death the instant we left Earth. --Rimmer.
Yes, I have trod the boards! - Mike on acting background
Yes, I know I'm off topic.  Thank you for your concern.
Yes, I know I'm off-topic.  Thank you for your concern.
Yes, I know I'm still off topic.
Yes, I know the secrets of the island mind.
Yes, I must follow my leader, I must walk the Trail of the Gates Nerd...
Yes, I read you. The answer is negative. <Ripley>
Yes, I read, write and speak Taglinese.
Yes, I speak English...and I understand "Southern."
Yes, I speak email.
Yes, I think God has a sense of humour. No, I don't understand it.
Yes, I think it's time to cull the herd.  Have Maggie lead!
Yes, I use a spell checker.  Butt how did ewe no?
Yes, I want to eat my cake too! And where's my ice cream?
Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight... the same as you.
Yes, I wonder, is this the way life's meant to be?
Yes, I'll try some of your burned replicated bird flesh.
Yes, I'm Crazy -Octave: Moody Blues
Yes, I'm Still Using WordStar -- By Choice!
Yes, I'm THAT strongly built, said Tom soberly.
Yes, I'm a flirt! And damn proud of it too! ;)
Yes, I'm a geezer but I'ts taken me years to qualify!
Yes, I'm a masochist.  I own a tent, don't I?
Yes, I'm a power user, -- my computer is plugged in.
Yes, I'm a sex beast! - Lister
Yes, I'm a strict parent, but maybe my kid will hire yours someday.
Yes, I'm afraid it's true ... I DO actually read 'em <sniff> ...
Yes, I'm drunk. Why? - Tom as cop
Yes, I'm in a very GUMBY mood today.
Yes, I'm movin', Yes, I'm movin
Yes, I'm paranoid, and they DO want to take my guns away!
Yes, I'm smart! No one's found the bodies yet, have they?
Yes, I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry indeed. It won't happen again.
Yes, I'm weird. So what?
Yes, I've been smoking that stuff again.
Yes, I've found Jesus.  I have him in my trunk.
Yes, I've read _Gulliver's Travels_, replied Tom swiftly.
Yes, Mister Lister Sir! Practice, Rimmer, makes perfect.-Lister
Yes, Moerator, I was on topic, want to do something about#$%@ NO CARRIER
Yes, Mr. Crow. Where was it last when we met? - Mike
Yes, Mr. Limbaugh, I *am* going to finish that sandwich.
Yes, Mr. Limbaugh, I *am* going to finish this sandwich.
Yes, Mr. Moderator.  I'll get back on subject right now.
Yes, Ms. Moderator.  I'll get back on subject right now.
Yes, My new Mac&^$^%^&$% NO APPLE
Yes, Satan? - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
Yes, Socrates himself is particularly missed.
Yes, YES! _EXCELLENT_ idea, sir!! - Data to Riker, ST:G
Yes, a corn detassler - Mike
Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur, wholeheartedly.
Yes, and also I've always been intrigued by women named BJ. --Mulder.
Yes, and by the same token, no.
Yes, and you're so cute when you're investigating someone close to you
Yes, and you're so cute when you're investigating someone close to you.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am a lawyer
Yes, at last we are even. - Louis
Yes, but 10,000 in cold blood! --Londo Mollari.
Yes, but I came here for an argument!!
Yes, but are you SURE?
Yes, but did you read the REALLY fine print?
Yes, but every time I try to see things your way, I get a headache.
Yes, but it is do-able. --Cranston.
Yes, but it's an Organized Mess.
Yes, but the pirates don't eat the tourists!
Yes, but the real world is a special case
Yes, but what does it all mean?-Jean-Luc Picard
Yes, but what if I am a figment of MY own imagination?
Yes, but what is the speed of Dark?
Yes, but what's the speed of DARK?
Yes, but where did the bowl of tropical fruit come from?
Yes, but you're taking the universe out of context.
Yes, but you've always been a bit of an oddity. -Jalapeno to Dire Wolf
Yes, but.. your mood is weird ALL the time. :) - Dire Wolf
Yes, dear, with Robo I now have time for a QWKie
Yes, death would change my mind about this...
Yes, do like all smart motorists.  Choose Crelm toothpaste.
Yes, even in my naive days, I knew when I saw something good...<EG>
Yes, ex-wives should be allowed in combat!
Yes, find your own chair, you smelly little dog's pizzle! -Ghost
Yes, he is a dickweed-- Crow T. Robot
Yes, in scene 4 we vaporize the actor and
Yes, in scene 4 we vaporize the actor and ...
Yes, indeed...I killed him myself at one point.  Anyone else? -Harry
Yes, it annual 'Running of the Breasts' - Tom
Yes, it is a very manly soap. Manly, yes, but Beavis likes it too!
Yes, it is something serious, your brain is not on file.
Yes, it is written.Good shall always destroy evil.
Yes, it sure helped. :-) Thanks again.
Yes, it's Doc Zimmerman:  the portable!  1001 uses!
Yes, it's a Turbo Charged Toaster, black in 2 sec. flat!
Yes, it's female sex fantasies on ice!
Yes, it's sexist Male Fantasies on Ice!
Yes, it's sexist male fantasies on ice!
Yes, it's spelled "Chuck" but PRONOUNCED "Throat Warbler Mangrove".
Yes, it's the Booze Barge! - Mike on drunk boat captain
Yes, life's pretty cheap to that type.
Yes, most of them came from here!
Yes, my name is *Bob* -- and I'm suing Microsoft for defamation.
Yes, my son, 2400 baud was once high speed ....
Yes, my son, a 10 meg hard drive was once really big ....
Yes, my son, we once thought nobody would ever need 640k ....
Yes, nurses really do put bedpans in the freezer first.
Yes, she faked another upload last night.....
Yes, sir, if you say so, sir. - Radar
Yes, son, long ago mail was read 1 packet at a time.
Yes, son, long ago, mail was written with pen and paper.
Yes, son.  There was a time when people read their mail on-line...
Yes, teens dig the lush orchestral arrangements - Tom
Yes, that *is* a gun in my pocket and I *am* glad to see you.
Yes, that IS a banana in my pocket.
Yes, that is the rare Aluminum Foil Dragon.
Yes, that's the idea. - Sheridan
Yes, the Air Force is THAT way. Over THERE - Tom
Yes, the Python works; my Volvo has never been stolen.
Yes, the lizard works; my Volvo has never been stolen.
Yes, the philosophy of 'nome,' meaning 'all.'
Yes, they did the 'nasty' - Crow on honeymooners
Yes, they look fine, now put them back in your blouse.
Yes, this IS the end of the message. You may reply now.
Yes, this is John Hancock speaking...
Yes, this is REALLY Violet.  The voluptuous one!!
Yes, this is a gun and I'm NOT glad to see you!
Yes, this was an official moderation message.
Yes, werstling. The clean sport - Crow
Yes, who the hell is it? - Picard.
Yes, yes, I see,... that you're a bleedin' loonie!
Yes, yes. It's all a rich tapestry. - Dr. Wieg
Yes, you *DO* look deceptively intelligent.
Yes, you can help us fight at the corral, Tom Wyatt okayed.
Yes, you have to get a keyboard with those characters<G>
Yes, you must give us all a good spanking!!
Yes, you're in the wrong echo and you *are* off-topic!
Yes,I've hurt your pride.Give me a chance,I'm still loving you.
Yes-men:  Fellows who hang around the man nobody noes.
Yes-men: Fellows who hang around the man nobody noes.
Yes. --Sheridan. What do you mean `yes'? Its me. --Ivanova.
Yes. I am a model.  Why do you ask?
Yes. I'm THAT screwed up - Mike as geeky guy
Yes. Oh sure. Recommends rolling up the window - Crow
Yes... It's true... some people *do* cross networks! <Bill Newman>
Yes... what do you THINK it is? :) - Dire Wolf
Yes........and if you remind me, I might even bring film.....;*)
YesIt's truesome people *do* cross networks! <Bill Newman>
Yeshua is Messiah's Handel
Yeshua, ha'Mashiach
Yesmen: Fellows who hang around the man nobody noes.
Yessir I'll fill her up right away! But won't she mind?
Yessir, I like it! - Mr. Horse
Yesterdaays flower children are todays blooming fools.
Yesterday I bench-pressed 287 Mb.
Yesterday I got a ticket just for watching the movie SPEED!
Yesterday I saw a man with a wooden leg and a real foot.
Yesterday I was arrested for lip-syncing karaoke!
Yesterday I were a progrmmr and today I can't spell one.
Yesterday Tax, Today Nepotism, Tomorrow Communism.
Yesterday a conscience, today a modem, tomorrow poverty..
Yesterday a convenience store chain filed Chapter 7-11.
Yesterday is a memory.  Tomorrow is a vision.  Today is a
Yesterday is a memory.  Tomorrow is a vision.  Today is a bitch.
Yesterday is cancelled. Please go directly to tomorrow
Yesterday is gone at last, even God won't change the past
Yesterday seems as though it never existed.
Yesterday was the deadline for complaints.
Yesterday was the deadline on all complaints.
Yesterday we had a smooth-running war. - Frank Burns
Yesterday's A Memory. Tomorrow's A Dream. Today's A Bitch.
Yesterday's flower children are today's blooming idiots!
Yesterday's history, tomorrow's mystery.  Today's reality.
Yesterday's news is tomorrow's fish & chip paper.
Yesterday's scandal! Today's family history!!
Yesterday, I wanted a revolution.  Today, I want a Pepsi
Yesterday, I worried about tomorrow and today all is well
Yesterday, all my taglines seemed so far away.
Yesterday... was once upon a time...
Yesterday...All my troubles seemed so far away.
Yesturday I kudknot spel engeneere now I r one.
Yesyesyes. Mostest dreadfullest. Mostest noxiousest. Yesyesyes.
Yet Another D**n Yankee, ........From Miami!!!
Yet another Dirty SysOp lusting for the Pair!
Yet another bad storyline brought to you by the WCW.
Yet another great idea the producers will probably never go for.
Yet another tempting opportunity for suicide beckons.
Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. (PSA 2:6)
Yet one breath leads to the insatiable desire for suicide in sex
Yet the light of a whole life dies when love is done.
Yet the light of the bright world dies, with the dying sun.
Yethth Mathter,... Anything you thay Mathter
Yew Haul...Do-it-yourself tree removal.
Yiddle with a Fiddle - Crow
Yield the right-of-way. Beats being DEAD right!
Yield to Temptation. It may not pass your way again.
Yield to temptation - you've gotta have some fun in life!
Yield to temptation, I may not pass your way again.
Yield to temptation, it may never pass your way again
Yield to temptation, it may not come your way again . . .
Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again.
Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again. - L. Long
Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again. - Lazarus Long.
Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again..
Yield to temptation.  It may not come along again.
Yield to temptation. I may not make the pass again.
Yield to temptation. It may not make the pass again.
Yield to temptation... ME..
Yield to temptation...it may be your only chance, @FN@!
Yield to temptation...it may be your only chance, YOU!
Yield to temptation..it may be your only chance!
Yield to temptation; It may not pass your way again.
Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again.  L. Long
Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again. - Lazarus Long
Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again. -L. Long
Yielding to the will of God is not bondage - it is blessing.
Yihla Moja, Yihla Moja, the man is dead.
Yikes!  My genes are faded and full of holes!
Yikes!  My genes are fades and full of holes!
Yikes, my genes are faded and full of holes!
Yikes, you're this new and you know me that well already? - Dire Wolf
Yikes. Looks like I need more! :)
Ying tong yiddle I po.
Yinkel:  A person who combs his hair over a bald spot.
Yippee DIE yi yay! - Evil Captain Mike
Yippee yi OUCH - Frank
Yippee! I'm a pilot! - Mike
Yippee-kiyay, mamma-jamma!
Yippie!  You can't see me but I can you.
Yisterday i cudnt spell Jeanealigest, now i air one.
Yisterday i cudnt spell Jeanealigest, now i are one.
Yo Ho Yo Ho it's a pirate's life for me! - Crew on Hook's ship.
Yo Mama don't dance and your Daddy don't Rock and Roll.
Yo Mama don't remove the Marlboro from her lips before.
Yo Mama fat, when a cop saw her, he told her Hey you two, break it up!
Yo Mama is like a door, In and out and in and out and in...
Yo Mama is like a double barreled shotgun, one cock and she blows.
Yo Mama is like a gas station, 10 bucks a hump.
Yo Mama is like a gas station, 10 bucks a pump.
Yo Mama is like a hardware store, 2 cents per screw.
Yo Mama is like a light bulb, a 3-year old can turn her on.
Yo Mama is like a race car, she's always burning rubber.
Yo Mama is like a shotgun, every cock, she blows.
Yo Mama is so dumb she rode the short bus to school. and liked it.
Yo Mama is so dumb she thought softball was a venereal disease.
Yo Mama is so fat and stupid that she wears a VCR as a beeper!
Yo Mama is so fat she bleeds gravy...
Yo Mama is so fat she has to use hoola-hoops to hold her socks up.
Yo Mama is so fat she uses the freeway as a slip n slide.
Yo Mama is so fat that she jumped in the air and got stuck.
Yo Mama is so fat,her high school picture was an aerial photograph.
Yo Mama is so fat,i had to walk around her and got lost
Yo Mama is so hairy, Bigfoot takes pictures of HER!
Yo Mama is so short, you can see her feet on her driver's license.
Yo Mama is so stupid, she took the Pepsi Challenge and chose Jiff.
Yo Mama like a door knob everyone gets a turn...
Yo Mama like a stop sign she's on every corner...
Yo Mama like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man everybody gets a piece...
Yo Mama like the Stay Puffed Marshmellow Man everbody gets a piece...
Yo Mama so black a piece of coal makes a white mark on her...
Yo Mama so black she got out of the car and the oil light came on...
Yo Mama so dumb she got locked in a quickie mart and starved to death...
Yo Mama so dumb she got locked in a quicky mart and starved to death..
Yo Mama so fat at her graduation picture they had to take an air shot.
Yo Mama so fat she has 2 area codes...
Yo Mama so fat she irons her pants in the driveway...
Yo Mama so fat she jumped in the air she got stuck...
Yo Mama so fat she uses a vcr for a beeper...
Yo Mama so fat that when she jumped up in the air she got stuck.
Yo Mama so fat when she cut her self gravy poored out...
Yo Mama so fat when she cut her self gravy poured out...
Yo Mama so fat when she sits on a rainbow skittles pop out...
Yo Mama so fat you can't tell if she is coming or going...
Yo Mama so fat, copters land on her when she wears a Malcolm X shirt.
Yo Mama so fat, she bungee jumped and went straight to hell!
Yo Mama so funky, she made right guard turn left.
Yo Mama so funky, she slowed down speed stick.
Yo Mama so poor, she cant afford free cheese!
Yo Mama so poor, the Somalians are sending her food.
Yo Mama so short, she jumped off the curb and died.
Yo Mama so skank she gets drunk at communion...
Yo Mama so stupid she took a job cutting grass offshore...
Yo Mama so stupid she tried to hang her self with a cordless phone...
Yo Mama so stupid, she gets lost in thought.
Yo Mama so stupid, she ran after a parked car!
Yo Mama so stupid, she went to a 99c store and asked for a price check
Yo Mama so tall, she did a cart wheel and kicked God in the chin.
Yo Mama so ugly her rice crispies won't talk to her...
Yo Mama so ugly, she has to trick or treat over the phone.
Yo Mama was so dumb the retarded kids made fun of her.
Yo Mama's So Stupid She took the Pepsi Challenge and Chose JIF!
Yo Mama's breath stank so bad when she breathes her teeth duck...
Yo Mama's breath's so strong, she be blowin' bubbles with Now & Laters.
Yo Mama's got a leather wig w/suede sideburns.
Yo Mama's got a wooden leg w/a real foot.
Yo Mama's got hair on her tongue and she gargles w/curl activator.
Yo Mama's got snake skin teeth.
Yo Mama's like 7-Up...never had it never will.
Yo Mama's like Crazy Eddie, she's practically giving it all away
Yo Mama's like Lucky, still the low price leader!
Yo Mama's like McDonalds, over 85 billion served!
Yo Mama's like a Christmas tree, everybody hangs balls on her.
Yo Mama's like a Ferrari, she burns 4 rubbers a day!
Yo Mama's like a bowling ball she always comes back for more.
Yo Mama's like a bowling ball she always winds up in the gutter.
Yo Mama's like a bowling ball you can fit three fingers in.
Yo Mama's like a bubble gum, 5 cents a blow!
Yo Mama's like a doorknobeverybody gets a turn.
Yo Mama's like a video game, 3 men for a quarter!
Yo Mama's mother's like mustard, she spreads easy.
Yo Mama's real nice - she'll give ya the hair right off her back!
Yo Mama's so Dumb: She jumped out the window and went up.
Yo Mama's so Fat, she's got two area codes!
Yo Mama's so black she drinks water and pisses coffee.
Yo Mama's so dumb, she took and hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes!
Yo Mama's so dumb- she thought a quarterback was a refund!
Yo Mama's so dumb: She asked for a price check at the $1.00 store
Yo Mama's so fat she has to use a VCR for a beeper.
Yo Mama's so fat they had to Baptize Her at Seaworld.
Yo Mama's so fat your family portrait has stretch marks.
Yo Mama's so fat, Her butt looks like 2 pigs fightin' over Milkduds.
Yo Mama's so fat, I had to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot.
Yo Mama's so fat, Mosquitoes see her and scream buffet!
Yo Mama's so fat, They baptized her at Sea World.
Yo Mama's so fat, at the zoo the elephants started throwing Her peanuts.
Yo Mama's so fat, copters land on her when she wears a Malcolm X shirt.
Yo Mama's so fat, her butt cheeks have different area codes.
Yo Mama's so fat, her graduation picture they had to take an air shot...
Yo Mama's so fat, her high school picture was an aerial photograph.
Yo Mama's so fat, her picture in the yearbook was an aerial photo.
Yo Mama's so fat, her yearbook picture was an aerial photo.
Yo Mama's so fat, she bungee jumped and went straight to hell!
Yo Mama's so fat, she got to iron her pants on the driveway
Yo Mama's so fat, she had to go to Sea World to get baptized
Yo Mama's so fat, she has 2 area codes...
Yo Mama's so fat, she has to iron her clothes in the driveway!
Yo Mama's so fat, she has to use a VCR for a beeper.
Yo Mama's so fat, she has to use a mattress as a maxi-pad.
Yo Mama's so fat, she has to use hoola-hoops to hold her socks up.
Yo Mama's so fat, she irons her pants in the driveway...
Yo Mama's so fat, she jumped in the air she got stuck...
Yo Mama's so fat, she jumped up in the air -- AND GOT STUCK!
Yo Mama's so fat, she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller
Yo Mama's so fat, she thinks Church`s Chicken`s a Holy Place.
Yo Mama's so fat, she wears a VCR for a beeper.
Yo Mama's so fat, when she cut her self gravy poured out...
Yo Mama's so fat, when she sits on a rainbow skittles pop out...
Yo Mama's so fat, you can't tell if she is coming or going...
Yo Mama's so fat, your family portrait has stretch marks.
Yo Mama's so fat..her picture in the yearbook was an aerial photo.
Yo Mama's so fat..she jumped up in the air and got stuck!
Yo Mama's so fat..that when she sits on my face I can't here the stereo.
Yo Mama's so fat..you can slap her thighs and ride the waves in!
Yo Mama's so fat: Her butt looks like 2 pigs fightin' over Milkduds
Yo Mama's so fat: Mosquitoes see her and scream buffet!
Yo Mama's so fat: They baptized her at Sea World
Yo Mama's so fatthat when she sings, it's over!
Yo Mama's so old she owes Jesus Christ a quarter
Yo Mama's so old, her birthday's expired.
Yo Mama's so old: God said let there be light & she flipped the switch.
Yo Mama's so poor she went to McDonald's to put a shake on layaway.
Yo Mama's so short: She poses for trophies
Yo Mama's so stupid she jumped out a window and went up.
Yo Mama's so stupid, it takes her an hour to cook minute rice.
Yo Mama's so stupid, she cooked her own complimentary breakfast.
Yo Mama's so stupid, she got hit by a cup and said she got mugged.
Yo Mama's so stupid, she got hit by a parked car!
Yo Mama's so stupid, she got stabbed at a shoot-out.
Yo Mama's so stupid, she has blonde roots in your eyeballs.
Yo Mama's so stupid, she sold the car for gas money
Yo Mama's so stupid, she takes an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes!
Yo Mama's so stupid, she thinks Johnny Cash is a pay toilet!
Yo Mama's so stupid, she thinks manual labor is a Mexican!
Yo Mama's so stupid, she thinks socialism means partying!
Yo Mama's so stupid, she went to a Clippers game to get a hair cut.
Yo Mama's so stupid- we told it was chili outside and she went and got a
Yo Mama's so ugly, her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her
Yo Mama's so ugly, her mother had to feed her with a sling shot.
Yo Mama's so ugly, she could scare the chrome off a bumper!
Yo Mama's so ugly, she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween.
Yo Mama's so ugly, she gives Freddy Krueger nightmares!
Yo Mama's so ugly, she puts on her makeup in the dark!
Yo Mama's so ugly, she won't even play with herself!
Yo Mama's so ugly, she'd make a train take a dirt road!
Yo Mama's so ugly, the government moved Halloween to her birthday.
Yo Mama's so ugly, the psychiatrist makes her lie facedown.
Yo Mama's so ugly, when she cries the tears run up her face.
Yo Mama's so ugly, when she was born the doctor slapped your mother!
Yo Mama's so ugly: Her teeth look like dice.
Yo Mama's teeth so yellow, she can see in the dark!
Yo Mama's teeth so yellow, she drank some water and turned to lemonade
Yo Mama's teeth so yellow, traffic slows when she yawns.
Yo Mama's thighs are so big...she needs hula hoops to hold up her socks.
Yo Mama`s so fat, she thinks Church`s Chicken`s a Holy Place.
Yo Mamas so fat she's on both sides of the family!
Yo Mamma's so stupid, she got hit by a parked car!
Yo Moma So Fat: She gotta VCR for a Beeper!!!
Yo Momma is so stupid, she took the Pepsi Challenge and chose Jiff.
Yo Momma so fat, copters land on her when she wears a Malcolm X shirt.
Yo Momma's teeth so yellow, traffic slows when she grins.
Yo Momma's teeth so yellow, traffic slows when she yawns.
Yo Yatdom awaits you in N'Awlins, dawlin'!
Yo Yo Ma goes camping - Crow
Yo babe!  You!  Me!  Champagne!  Trifle!  Capish?
Yo babe! You! Me! Mango -juice! Capice?  - Tom
Yo boy! When Orville's `doc is finished with you, you know it!
Yo ho yo ho, a pirate's life for me!
Yo ho, yo ho, a perverts life for me!
Yo mama ain't so bad...she would give you the hair off of her back!
Yo mama arms are so short, she has to tilt her head to scratch her ear.
Yo mama breath smell so bad when she yawns her teeth duck.
Yo mama breath so bad she be blowin' bubbles with Now & Laters.
Yo mama breath so bad she be blowin' bubbles with Now and Laters.
Yo mama breath so bad when she yawns her teeth duck.
Yo mama butt so hairy, she has to part the crack to crap.
Yo mama can wrestle a cow to the ground.
Yo mama could only get a date with the Pillsbury dough boy.
Yo mama cross-eyed and watches TV in stereo.
Yo mama drives a peanut.
Yo mama feet are so big her shoes have to have license plates!
Yo mama glasses are so thick she can see into the future.
Yo mama goes out, takes a look at the menu and says 'That'll do'
Yo mama got a bald head with a part and sideburns.
Yo mama got a face like a bag of chisels.
Yo mama got a face like a bag of smashed arseholes.
Yo mama got a face like a blind cobbler's thumb.
Yo mama got a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle?
Yo mama got a face like a burglar's dog !!
Yo mama got a face like a half-sucked mango
Yo mama got a face like a welder's bench.
Yo mama got a face like half a pound of smacked twat and a hairy pie.
Yo mama got a face like the south end of a north-bound camel
Yo mama got a leather wig w/suede sideburns.
Yo mama got a metal afro with rusty sideburns.
Yo mama got a peg leg, wit' a kickstand! (from Eddie Murphy)
Yo mama got a peg leg, wit' a kickstand! --Eddie Murphy.
Yo mama got a wooden leg w/a real foot.
Yo mama got a wooden leg with a kickstand on it.
Yo mama got a wooden leg with branches.
Yo mama got a' afro, wit' a chin strap!
Yo mama got eyeballs in her kneecaps & her name's Neicee
Yo mama got eyeballs in her kneecaps and her name's Neicee.
Yo mama got eyes in her butt talking about Damn, did you see that shit?!
Yo mama got hair on her tongue and she gargles with curl activator.
Yo mama got no legs & her name's Contsuelo
Yo mama got no legs and her name's Contsuelo.
Yo mama got snake skin teeth.
Yo mama got so many freckles she looks like a hamburger!
Yo mama got so many teeth missing, it looks like her tounge is in jail.
Yo mama got so much dandruff you could build Frosty.
Yo mama got so much dandruff you could build a snow man.
Yo mama got so much dandruff you could write your name in the snow.
Yo mama got three fingers and a banjo.
Yo mama got three teeth...one in her mouth and two in her pocket.
Yo mama got two wooden legs and one is one backward.
Yo mama gums are so black she spits Yoo-hoo.
Yo mama hair so nappy she has to take Tylenol just to comb it.
Yo mama hair so short she curls it with rice.
Yo mama hair so short when she braided it they looked like stiches.
Yo mama hair so short when she braided it they looked like stitches.
Yo mama has 10 fingers - all on the same hand.
Yo mama has 4 eyes and 2 pair of sunglasses.
Yo mama has a 'fro with warning lights.
Yo mama has a glass eye with a fish in it.
Yo mama has a short arm and can't applaude.
Yo mama has a short leg and walks in circles.
Yo mama has a wooden afro with an "X" carved in the back.
Yo mama has an afro with a chin strap.
Yo mama has an ass soo big she has to shit in a dumpster
Yo mama has green hair and thinks she's a tree.
Yo mama has no NECK!
Yo mama has no ears.... I seen the bitch trying on sunglasses
Yo mama has one arm and a clapper.
Yo mama has one hand and a Clapper.
Yo mama has one leg and a bicycle.
Yo mama has so much hair on her upper lip, she braids it.
Yo mama head so big it shows up on radar.
Yo mama head so big she has to step into her shirts.
Yo mama head so small she use a tea-bag as a pillow.
Yo mama head so small that she got her ear pierced and died.
Yo mama hips are so big, people set their drinks on them.
Yo mama hips so big, people set their drinks on them.
Yo mama hole so loose she can use a 747 as a dildo.
Yo mama house so dirty roaches ride around on dune buggies!
Yo mama house so dirty she has to wipe her feet before she goes outside.
Yo mama house so small she has to go outside to eat a large pizza.
Yo mama house so small you have to go outside to change your mind.
Yo mama is a Ferenghi ho!
Yo mama is a Ferengi ho!
Yo mama is a Ferrengi ho!
Yo mama is a triceratops!
Yo mama is in a wheelchair screaming "I AIN'T STANDING FOR THIS SHIT"
Yo mama is just like a TV remote, a 2 year old could turn her on.
Yo mama is like a TV, a two year old could turn her on!
Yo mama is like a bus: Guys payin a quarter to get on her all day.
Yo mama is like a bus: Guys paying a quarter to get on her all day.
Yo mama is like a race car, burns 4 rubbers a night.
Yo mama is like a shotgun, one cock and she's ready to blow!
Yo mama is missing a finger and can't count past 9.
Yo mama is so black, they count her absent at night school.
Yo mama is so fat her picture fell off the wall!
Yo mama is so fat she had to be baptized at Marine World.
Yo mama is so fat that when she has to haul ass it takes two trips!
Yo mama is so fat when she bungee jumps she goes straight down to hell
Yo mama is so fat, after sex she smokes turkeys.
Yo mama is so fat, it takes her two trips to haul ass.
Yo mama is so fat, she broke her arm and gravy poured out.
Yo mama is so fat, she don't cast a shadow.
Yo mama is so fat, she got a run in her blue jeans.
Yo mama is so fat, she has her own area code.
Yo mama is so fat, she has shocks on her toilet seat.
Yo mama is so fat, she has to go outside to put on deodorant.
Yo mama is so fat, she has to use a satellite disk as a diaphragm.
Yo mama is so fat, she irons her clothes in the driveway.
Yo mama is so fat, she jumped for joy and got stuck.
Yo mama is so fat, she uses a VCR for a beeper.
Yo mama is so fat, she uses the Astrodome for a diaphragm.
Yo mama is so fat, she's on both sides of the family!
Yo mama is so fat, when I got on top of her, my ears popped.
Yo mama is so fat...she fell down, broke her leg and gravy poured out!
Yo mama is so funky, when she goes for a walk cats follow her.
Yo mama is so hairy that big foot takes photos of her.
Yo mama is so old her birth certificate expired
Yo mama is so old she played kick-ball with JESUS!
Yo mama is so poor, I saw her fighting an ant for food.
Yo mama is so poor, Jimmy Swaggart gives HER money.
Yo mama is so small she could hang-glide on a Dorito.
Yo mama is so stupid she got fired from a blow job..
Yo mama is so stupid that it takes her an hour to cook minute rice.
Yo mama is so stupid, she dialed 911 for information.
Yo mama is so stupid, she fell UP the stairs!
Yo mama is so stupid, she got hit by a parked car!
Yo mama is so sweaty that you'd run out of flour.
Yo mama is so ugly, Dairy Queen doesn't even treat her right.
Yo mama is so ugly, her doctor is a veterinarian.
Yo mama is so ugly, she has to sneak up on her mirror.
Yo mama is so ugly, when she walks by the bathroom the toilet *FLUSHES*.
Yo mama is so weak she had to fight the current in the bath tub.
Yo mama is so weak she had to fight the wind in the Metronome.
Yo mama is so wrinkled she has to screw her hat on.
Yo mama is sooooooo fat that it takes two loads to haul ass!
Yo mama is sooooooooo fat, she has a part-time job as a trampoline!
Yo mama like 7-UP...never had it, never will.
Yo mama like Crazy Eddie, she's practically giving it all away
Yo mama like Denny's...open 24 hours.
Yo mama like Domino's pizza-- Something for nothing
Yo mama like Orange Crush: "Good Vibrations!"
Yo mama like a Christmas tree,  everybody hangs balls on her.
Yo mama like a McDonalds:  over 52 billion served.
Yo mama like a T.V. set, even a three year old can turn her on!
Yo mama like a Toyota: "Oh what a feelin'!"
Yo mama like a birthday cake, everybody gets a piece.
Yo mama like a bubble-gum machine... five cents a blow.
Yo mama like a bus, fifty cents and she's ready to ride!
Yo mama like a bus:  Guys climb on and off her all day long.
Yo mama like a goalie; she changes her pads after three periods.
Yo mama like a golf course, everyone GETS a hole in one!
Yo mama like a hardware store: 4 cents a screw!
Yo mama like a light switch, even a little kid can turn her on.
Yo mama like a potato chip seller on 42nd street, LAYS! LAYS!...
Yo mama like a potatoe chip seller on 42nd street, "LAYS! LAYS!..."
Yo mama like a race car driver...she burns a lot of rubbers.
Yo mama like a refridgerator: everyone likes to put their meat in her!
Yo mama like a refrigerator: everyone likes to put their meat in her!
Yo mama like a rifle... four cocks and she's loaded.
Yo mama like a screen door, after a couple bangs she tends to loosen up!
Yo mama like a shotgun: one cock and she blows!
Yo mama like a tomato source bottle, everyone gets a squeeze out of her!
Yo mama like a vaccuum cleaner.....a real good suck.
Yo mama like a vacuum cleaner.....a real good suck.
Yo mama like an ice cream cone... everyone gets a lick.
Yo mama like cake mix, 15 servings per package!
Yo mama like castlebury stew: servings are family size
Yo mama like chinese food:  sweet, sour and cheap!
Yo mama like mustard, she spreads easy.
Yo mama like potato chips-- Fri-to Lay
Yo mama like the Pillsbury doughboy - everyone gets a poke!
Yo mama like the pillbury doughboy - everyone gets a poke!
Yo mama like the railway system, she gets laid all over the country!
Yo mama lips so big, Chap Stick had to invent a spray.
Yo mama mates out of season.
Yo mama middle name is Rambo.
Yo mama might of wrote this.
Yo mama mouth so big, she speaks in surround sound.
Yo mama nose so big she makes Pinocchio look like a cat!
Yo mama nose so big she makes Pinochio look like a cat!
Yo mama nose so big you can go bowling with her boogers!
Yo mama only got three teeth: One in her mouth and two in her pocket!
Yo mama pussy so dry the crabs carry canteens
Yo mama referees bar fights without a shirt on.
Yo mama rides a dustbuster! --Buster Bunny.
Yo mama said she liked seafood, so I gave her crabs.
Yo mama smells so bad that not even a dog would go near her.
Yo mama smells so bad that she made Right Guard turn left.
Yo mama so backwards, she sit on the TV and watches the couch.
Yo mama so backwards, she sits on the t.v. and watches the couch.
Yo mama so bald even a wig wouldn't help!
Yo mama so bald that she took a shower and got brain-washed.
Yo mama so bald you can see whats on her mind
Yo mama so big, she don't have cellulite, she have celluHEAVY!
Yo mama so black that they marked her absent in night school.
Yo mama so black, she farts soot!
Yo mama so black, she got out the car and the oil light came on...
Yo mama so black, they mark her absent at night school!
Yo mama so cheap she whored her way on to the metro.
Yo mama so clumsy she got tangled up in a cordless phone.
Yo mama so clumsy, she got tangled in a cordless phone.
Yo mama so clumsy, she got tangled up in a cordless phone.
Yo mama so cross eyed she dropped a dime and picked up 2 nickels.
Yo mama so cross-eyed she watches TV in stereo.
Yo mama so cross-eyed, she dropped a dime and picked up two nickels!
Yo mama so dark if she cut herself who wouldn't bleed she would smoke!
Yo mama so dark she spits chocolate milk!
Yo mama so dark she went to night school and was marked absent!
Yo mama so dark that she can leave fingerprints on charcoal.
Yo mama so dark they die bowling balls in her bath water
Yo mama so dark they dye bowling balls in her bath water
Yo mama so dark when she got outta the car, the Oil light went on!
Yo mama so dark, she went to night school and was marked absent.
Yo mama so dirty she has to creep up on bath water.
Yo mama so dirty you could write your name in the sand.
Yo mama so dirty, when she goes to take a bath, the water jumps out!
Yo mama so dumb she though an elevator was a mobile home.
Yo mama so dumb, her brain cells are on the ENDANGERED SPECIES list.
Yo mama so dumb, she cooked her own complimentary breakfast.
Yo mama so dumb, she got hit by a cup and told the cops she got mugged
Yo mama so dumb, she got hit by a parked car.
Yo mama so dumb, she got stabbed at a shoot-out.
Yo mama so dumb, she sold the car for gas money!
Yo mama so dumb, she think a HOT MEAL is stolen food.
Yo mama so dumb, she thinks Johnny Cash is a pay toilet!
Yo mama so dumb, she thinks socialism means partying!
Yo mama so dumb, she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
Yo mama so dumb, she took the Pepsi challenge and chose Jif.
Yo mama so fat  she's got more chins than a Hong Kong phonebook.
Yo mama so fat God couldn't create light until she moved.
Yo mama so fat God couldn't light Earth till she moved!
Yo mama so fat I had to take a train buses just to get on her good side.
Yo mama so fat I took her to a dance and the band skipped
Yo mama so fat I tried to drive around her and I ran out of gas.
Yo mama so fat NASA has to orbit a satellite around her!
Yo mama so fat She had to get out of bed to roll over
Yo mama so fat She thought gravy was a beverage
Yo mama so fat The Himalayas are practices runs to prepare for her
Yo mama so fat We went to Mt. Rushmore and didnt know who's face to sit
Yo mama so fat a picture of her would fall off the wall!
Yo mama so fat after sex she smokes a turkey!
Yo mama so fat and stupid, her waist size is larger than her IQ!
Yo mama so fat at the zoo, the elephants started throwing her peanuts.
Yo mama so fat bitch went to Kuwait to light a fag.
Yo mama so fat even Bill Gates couldn't pay for her liposuction!
Yo mama so fat even Pres. Clinton couldn't pay for her liposuction!
Yo mama so fat even her clothes have stretch marks!
Yo mama so fat every time she walks in high heels she strikes oil.
Yo mama so fat her big toe got stuck in the catflap.
Yo mama so fat her college graduation picture was an aerial.
Yo mama so fat her legs is like spoiled milk - white & chunky!
Yo mama so fat her legs is like spoiled milk - white and chunky!
Yo mama so fat her neck looks like a pair of hot dogs!
Yo mama so fat her nickname is "DAMN"
Yo mama so fat her tits are in two different time zones.
Yo mama so fat it say on her driver's license Picture continued on back.
Yo mama so fat it takes her two trips to haul ass
Yo mama so fat people jog around her for exercise
Yo mama so fat people use her dandruff as quilts.
Yo mama so fat sets off car alarms when she runs.
Yo mama so fat she accidentally got a 747 caught in her teeth.
Yo mama so fat she accidently got a 747 caught in her teeth
Yo mama so fat she ate Santa!
Yo mama so fat she bleeds gravy...
Yo mama so fat she broke her leg and gravy fell out.
Yo mama so fat she broke her leg and gravy poured out.
Yo mama so fat she cant reach her back pocket.
Yo mama so fat she eats Wheat Thicks.
Yo mama so fat she fell and made the Grand Canyon!
Yo mama so fat she fell in love and broke it!
Yo mama so fat she got hit by a parked car!
Yo mama so fat she got hit by a truck and asked "Who threw that rock?"
Yo mama so fat she got to iron her pants in the driveway.
Yo mama so fat she got to iron her pants on the driveway
Yo mama so fat she got to pull down her pants to get into her pockets.
Yo mama so fat she had a run in her jeans.
Yo mama so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized.
Yo mama so fat she had to go to Sea World tto be baptized.
Yo mama so fat she has a run in her blue-jeans!
Yo mama so fat she has a wooden leg with a kickstand!
Yo mama so fat she has been declared a natural habitat for Condors.
Yo mama so fat she has her own brand of jeans: FA - FatAss Jeans.
Yo mama so fat she has her own time zone.
Yo mama so fat she has her own zip code.
Yo mama so fat she has more rolls than a Mary Jane truck.
Yo mama so fat she has to buy two airline tickets.
Yo mama so fat she has to iron her clothes in the driveway.
Yo mama so fat she has to use a VCR as a beeper!
Yo mama so fat she hoola-hooped the super bowl.
Yo mama so fat she influences the tides.
Yo mama so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck.
Yo mama so fat she jumped up in the air and got stuck!
Yo mama so fat she leaves a ring around the lake.
Yo mama so fat she lives in two time zones: supper time and dinner time.
Yo mama so fat she looks like she's smuggling a Volkswagen!
Yo mama so fat she looks like shes smuggling a Volkswagon
Yo mama so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller
Yo mama so fat she rolled over 4 quarters and it made a dollar!
Yo mama so fat she runs on diesel...
Yo mama so fat she sat on a quarter Boogers shot out of George's nose.
Yo mama so fat she sat on a rainbow and made Skittles.
Yo mama so fat she sat on a rainbow and skiddles popped out.
Yo mama so fat she sat on the beach and Green peace threw her in!
Yo mama so fat she shows up on radar.
Yo mama so fat she stands in two time zones.
Yo mama so fat she stepped on a rainbow and made Skittles.
Yo mama so fat she steps on a scale and it goes one at a time please.
Yo mama so fat she think a balanced meal is a ham in each hand.
Yo mama so fat she uses a mattress as a maxi-pad.
Yo mama so fat she uses a mattress as a tampon.
Yo mama so fat she uses a mattress for a tampon.
Yo mama so fat she uses a pillow case as a sock.
Yo mama so fat she uses redwoods to pick her teeth.
Yo mama so fat she uses the freeways as a slip N slide...
Yo mama so fat she wakes up in sections!
Yo mama so fat she was Miss Arizona -- class Battleship.
Yo mama so fat she was baptized at Marine World.
Yo mama so fat she was baptized in the ocean.
Yo mama so fat she was born on the 4th, 5th and 6th of March!
Yo mama so fat she was mistaken for God's bowling ball!
Yo mama so fat she was zoned for commercial development.
Yo mama so fat she wears two watches because she's in two time zones!
Yo mama so fat she went to the movies and sat next to everyone.
Yo mama so fat she won Miss Bessie the Cow 94.
Yo mama so fat she's got Amtrak written on her leg.
Yo mama so fat she's got Brighton stuck up her arse.
Yo mama so fat she's got her own area code!
Yo mama so fat she's got more Chins than a Hong Kong phone book!
Yo mama so fat she's on both sides of the family!
Yo mama so fat that her senior picture had to be an arial view.
Yo mama so fat that her senior pictures had to be aerial views!
Yo mama so fat that she cant tie her own shoes.
Yo mama so fat that she jumped in the air and got stuck.
Yo mama so fat that she uses a VCR for a beeper.
Yo mama so fat that when I tried to drive around her I ran out of gas.
Yo mama so fat that when she cuts herself, she bleeds cottage cheese.
Yo mama so fat that when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips!
Yo mama so fat the Aids quilt wouldn't cover her.
Yo mama so fat the animals at the zoo feed her.
Yo mama so fat the back of her neck looks like a pack of hot dogs.
Yo mama so fat the bathtub leaves a ring around her.
Yo mama so fat the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn".
Yo mama so fat the only pictures you have of her are satellite pictures.
Yo mama so fat they have to grease the bath tub to get her out!
Yo mama so fat they use the elastic in her underwear for bungee jumping.
Yo mama so fat to her light food means under 4 Tons.
Yo mama so fat were in her right now.
Yo mama so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up.
Yo mama so fat when she back up she beep.
Yo mama so fat when she bungee jumps she goes straight to hell!
Yo mama so fat when she bungee jumps she pulls down the bridge too.
Yo mama so fat when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too.
Yo mama so fat when she bunje jumps she goes straight to hell!
Yo mama so fat when she dances at a concert the whole band skips.
Yo mama so fat when she fell in love she broke it.
Yo mama so fat when she gets on the scale it says no livestock please
Yo mama so fat when she gets on the scale it says to be continued.
Yo mama so fat when she gets on the scale it says we don't do livestock.
Yo mama so fat when she goes to the beach no one else gets any sun.
Yo mama so fat when she has sex, she has to give directions
Yo mama so fat when she jumps in the air she gets stuck
Yo mama so fat when she jumps up in the air she gets stuck!
Yo mama so fat when she jumps up she gets stuck.
Yo mama so fat when she lies on the beach no one else gets sun!
Yo mama so fat when she play's hop scotch she goes Denver Chicago...
Yo mama so fat when she puts her foot down she clears rain forests
Yo mama so fat when she sits on my face I can't hear the stereo.
Yo mama so fat when she tripped over on 4th Ave she landed on 12th.
Yo mama so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat people say "Taxi!"
Yo mama so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said "Taxi!"
Yo mama so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat, people yell, "Taxi"
Yo mama so fat when she wears red, all the kids scream KOOLAID!
Yo mama so fat when shes on the beach the kids yell "FREE WILLY!"
Yo mama so fat when you get on top of her your ears pop!
Yo mama so fat when you put her in a Jacuzzi she makes her own gravy!
Yo mama so fat whenever she goes to the beach the tide comes in!
Yo mama so fat y'all thought it was an eclipse.
Yo mama so fat you have to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot.
Yo mama so fat you have to roll over twice to get off of her.
Yo mama so fat you haveta roll over twice to get off her.
Yo mama so fat, I had to slap her thigh and ride the wave in!
Yo mama so fat, I had to slap her thigh and ride the wave in.
Yo mama so fat, McDonalds has to change their sign every time she eats.
Yo mama so fat, a picture of her would fall off the wall!
Yo mama so fat, after sex she smokes turkeys.
Yo mama so fat, at the zoo, the elephants started throwing her peanuts
Yo mama so fat, cars run out of gas before passing yo mama's fat ass
Yo mama so fat, every time she wears high heels, she strikes oil!
Yo mama so fat, every time she wears high heels, she strikes oil.
Yo mama so fat, her blood type is Ragu!
Yo mama so fat, her college graduation picture was an aerial!
Yo mama so fat, her college graduation picture was an aerial.
Yo mama so fat, her doctor's a grounds keeper.
Yo mama so fat, her school picture was an aerial picture
Yo mama so fat, if she weighed 5 mo' pounds, she'd get group insurance
Yo mama so fat, if she weighed 5 more pounds, she'd get group insurance.
Yo mama so fat, if she weighed more , she'd get group insurance!
Yo mama so fat, it takes her two trips to haul ass!
Yo mama so fat, it takes her two trips to haul ass.
Yo mama so fat, she CAN HEAR BACON FRYING in Canada.
Yo mama so fat, she broke her leg and gravy fell out.
Yo mama so fat, she can smell bacon frying in Canada!
Yo mama so fat, she can't even tie her own shoes!
Yo mama so fat, she can't even tie her own shoes.
Yo mama so fat, she can't reach her back pocket.
Yo mama so fat, she don't have cellulite, she's got cellu-HEAVY!
Yo mama so fat, she fell in love and broke it!
Yo mama so fat, she fell in love and broke it.
Yo mama so fat, she got her baby pictures taken by satellite.
Yo mama so fat, she got hit by a car and the car sued for body damages
Yo mama so fat, she got hit by a truck and asked "Who threw that rock?
Yo mama so fat, she got hit by a truck and asked "Who threw that rock?"
Yo mama so fat, she had her ears pierced by harpoon.
Yo mama so fat, she had to go to Sea World to get baptized!
Yo mama so fat, she had to go to Sea World to get baptized.
Yo mama so fat, she has her own area code.
Yo mama so fat, she has her own zip code
Yo mama so fat, she has to buy two airline tickets!
Yo mama so fat, she has to buy two airline tickets.
Yo mama so fat, she has to go outside to sit around the house
Yo mama so fat, she has to iron her pants on the driveway!
Yo mama so fat, she has to iron her pants on the driveway.
Yo mama so fat, she has to pull down her pants to get into her pockets
Yo mama so fat, she has to pull down her pants to get into her pockets.
Yo mama so fat, she irons her clothes in the driveway!
Yo mama so fat, she irons her clothes in the driveway.
Yo mama so fat, she irons her pants in the driveway...
Yo mama so fat, she jump in the air and gets stuck...
Yo mama so fat, she jumped up in the air and got stuck!
Yo mama so fat, she jumped up in the air and got stuck.
Yo mama so fat, she keeps her diaphragm in a pizza box
Yo mama so fat, she keeps her diaphram in a pizza box!
Yo mama so fat, she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller!
Yo mama so fat, she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller.
Yo mama so fat, she runs on Diesel!
Yo mama so fat, she shows up on radar.
Yo mama so fat, she uses a mattress as a maxi-pad.
Yo mama so fat, she uses a satallite dish as a diaphragm.
Yo mama so fat, she uses a satellite dish as a diaphragm.
Yo mama so fat, she uses a vcr as a beeper.
Yo mama so fat, she uses the freeway as a Slip n' Slide!
Yo mama so fat, she was baptized at Marine World.
Yo mama so fat, she wears a microwave for a beeper!
Yo mama so fat, she wears pillow cases for socks.
Yo mama so fat, she went to the salad bar and PULLED UP A CHAIR.
Yo mama so fat, she's got her own zip code!
Yo mama so fat, she's on both sides of the family!
Yo mama so fat, she's sits on coal and farts out a diamond.
Yo mama so fat, the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn".
Yo mama so fat, we take her to macdonalds just to watch the sign change.
Yo mama so fat, we're IN her now!
Yo mama so fat, when she breaks her leg she bleeds gravy!
Yo mama so fat, when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too.
Yo mama so fat, when she jumped in the air, she got stuck.
Yo mama so fat, when she sits on a chair, she makes paper!
Yo mama so fat, when she sits on a rainbow she makes Skittles!
Yo mama so fat, when she sits on my face, I can't hear the stereo.
Yo mama so fat, when she steps on a scale, it read "...to be continued".
Yo mama so fat, when she steps on a scale, it read "one at a time."
Yo mama so fat, when she steps on a scale, it read ...to be continued.
Yo mama so fat, when she sweats, everyone around her wears raincoats!
Yo mama so fat, when she tripped over on 4th Ave, she landed on 12th.
Yo mama so fat, when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said "Taxi!".
Yo mama so fat, when she wears her "X" jacket, helicopters land on her
Yo mama so flat she's jealous of the wall!
Yo mama so funky, her Sure deodorant is now confused!
Yo mama so funky, she puts ice in her panties to keep the crabs fresh
Yo mama so funky, she sweats Black Flag!
Yo mama so funky, she used Secret and it told on her!
Yo mama so generous, she'd give you the hair off her back!
Yo mama so greasy Texaco buys Oil from her.
Yo mama so greasy she sweats Crisco!
Yo mama so greasy she used bacon as a band-aid!
Yo mama so hairy Bigfoot is taking her picture!
Yo mama so hairy she look like she got Buckwheat in a head lock.
Yo mama so hairy she looks like a Chia Pet with an Afro!
Yo mama so hairy she shaves with a weed whacker.
Yo mama so hairy she uses a lawn mower to shave her armpits.
Yo mama so hairy she's got afros on her nipples!
Yo mama so hairy that Big Foot takes pictures of her.
Yo mama so hairy you almost died of rug burn at birth!
Yo mama so hairy, Bigfoot takes pictures of her!
Yo mama so hairy, she look like she got Buckwheat in a head lock.
Yo mama so hairy, she played in gorillas in the mist
Yo mama so lightheaded, when she jumps out the window, she flies UP!
Yo mama so nasty Ozzie Ozbourne refused to bite her head off.
Yo mama so nasty even the flies puke.
Yo mama so nasty lice consider her a great vacation place.
Yo mama so nasty she brings crabs to the beach
Yo mama so nasty she has to creep up on bath water.
Yo mama so nasty she has two pussies and they both stink.
Yo mama so nasty she made right guard turn left.
Yo mama so nasty she made speed stick slow down.
Yo mama so nasty she put on Secret deodorant and it told on her.
Yo mama so nasty she uses drano to douche.
Yo mama so nasty she was declared quarantine since before she was born.
Yo mama so nasty she went swimming and now we have the dead sea.
Yo mama so nasty skunks run from her.
Yo mama so nasty that her sh*t is glad to escape.
Yo mama so nasty the fishery be paying her to leave.
Yo mama so nasty when yo daddy ate her pussy he got food poisoning.
Yo mama so nasty, when she goes to a hair salon, she told the stylist to
Yo mama so old I told her to act her own age, and the bitch died.
Yo mama so old even God calls her mother!
Yo mama so old her ass is a cave for Indians.
Yo mama so old her birth certificate is in Roman numerals.
Yo mama so old her birth certificate says expired on it.
Yo mama so old her birthday's expired.
Yo mama so old her social security number is 1!
Yo mama so old she be older than the wood her peg-leg was made out of.
Yo mama so old she co-wrote one of the ten commandments.
Yo mama so old she farts dust!
Yo mama so old she farts out dust.
Yo mama so old she has Jesus' beeper number!
Yo mama so old she has a picture of Moses in her yearbook.
Yo mama so old she knew Burger King while he was still a prince.
Yo mama so old she owes Jesus 3 bucks!
Yo mama so old she owes Jesus a nickel.
Yo mama so old she ran track with dinosaurs.
Yo mama so old she sat behind Jesus in the third grade.
Yo mama so old she was Jesus Wet Nurse.
Yo mama so old she was a waitress at the Last Supper.
Yo mama so old she's blind from the big bang.
Yo mama so old she's in Jesus's yearbook!
Yo mama so old that when God said let the be light, she hit the switch'
Yo mama so old that when she was in school there was no history class.
Yo mama so old when Moses parted the Red Sea, she was on the other side.
Yo mama so old, I told her to act her age and she died.
Yo mama so old, I told her to act her age and the bitch dropped dead.
Yo mama so old, I told her to act her age...the bitch drop dead.
Yo mama so old, her birth certificate expired!
Yo mama so old, her birthday's expired.
Yo mama so old, she co-wrote one of the ten commandments.
Yo mama so old, she has a picture of Moses in her yearbook.
Yo mama so old, she knew Burger King while he was still a prince.
Yo mama so old, she owes Jesus a nickel.
Yo mama so old, she owes Jesus food stamps!
Yo mama so old, she was there for the first day of slavery.
Yo mama so old, she wrote the foreword to the Bible!
Yo mama so old, when Moses split the Red Sea she was on the other side
Yo mama so poor burglars break in her house and leave money.
Yo mama so poor her face is on the front of a food stamp.
Yo mama so poor she can't afford to pay attention!
Yo mama so poor she drives a peanut.
Yo mama so poor she married young just to get the rice!
Yo mama so poor she went to McDonald's and put a milkshake on layaway.
Yo mama so poor she wipes with both sides of the toilet paper.
Yo mama so poor when I ring the doorbell I hear the toilet flush!
Yo mama so poor when I ring the doorbell she says, DING!
Yo mama so poor when your family watches TV, they go to Ed Kelleys.
Yo mama so poor you go out for Sunday pushes of the skateboard.
Yo mama so poor your family ate cereal with a fork to save milk.
Yo mama so poor, she bitches about the hi prices at Goodwill.
Yo mama so poor, she can't even afford to pay attention.
Yo mama so poor, she can't even pay attention!
Yo mama so poor, she goes to KFC to lick other people's fingers!
Yo mama so poor, she married young just to get the rice!
Yo mama so poor, she went to McDonald's and put a milkshake on layaway
Yo mama so poor, when your family watches TV, they go to Ed Kelleys.
Yo mama so poor, your family at cereal with a fork to save milk.
Yo mama so short she can play handball on the curb.
Yo mama so short she does back flips under the bed.
Yo mama so short she has to use a ladder to pick up a dime.
Yo mama so short she is the original Q-tip.
Yo mama so short she models for trophies.
Yo mama so short she poll vaults with a toothpick.
Yo mama so short she poses for trophies!
Yo mama so short you can see her feet on her drivers license!
Yo mama so short, she can play handball on the curb.
Yo mama so short, she poses for trophies!
Yo mama so skinny her nipples touch.
Yo mama so skinny she could start a Weight Watchers in Ethiopia!
Yo mama so skinny she goes hang-gliding on a dorritos chip.
Yo mama so skinny she got a run in her hose an she fell out
Yo mama so skinny she has to run around in the shower to get wet.
Yo mama so skinny she has to wear a belt with spandex.
Yo mama so skinny she hula hoops with a cheerio.
Yo mama so skinny she turned sideways and disappeared.
Yo mama so skinny she uses a Band-Aid as a maxi-pad.
Yo mama so skinny she uses suspenders for panties.
Yo mama so skinny, Sally Struthers sends her food!
Yo mama so skinny, she uses a Band-Aid as a maxi-pad.
Yo mama so slow, it takes her two hours to watch 60 minutes!
Yo mama so slutty John Holmes just looked at her and got AIDS.
Yo mama so slutty she blind and seeing another man.
Yo mama so slutty she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch ball!
Yo mama so slutty she could suck-start a Harley!
Yo mama so slutty she had her own "Hands across her ass" charity drive.
Yo mama so slutty she has Trojan written on her gum line.
Yo mama so slutty she is known as Homecoming Disease.
Yo mama so slutty she swims after troop ships!
Yo mama so slutty she would bend over backwards for YOU.
Yo mama so smelly, that her shit is glad to escape.
Yo mama so stank, she could knock a buzzard off a $#!t wagon.
Yo mama so stupid I saw her in the frozen food section w/a fishing rod.
Yo mama so stupid be missing a finger and can't count past 9.
Yo mama so stupid her brain cells die ALONE.
Yo mama so stupid it take her a day to cook a 3 minute egg.
Yo mama so stupid it take her a month to get rid of the 7 day itch.
Yo mama so stupid it take her a week to get rid of a 24hr virus.
Yo mama so stupid it takes her an hour to cook minute rice.
Yo mama so stupid it took her 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes!
Yo mama so stupid she asked you "What is the number for 911"
Yo mama so stupid she bought a solar-powered flashlight!
Yo mama so stupid she called Dan Quayle for a spell check.
Yo mama so stupid she called the cocaine hot line to order some.
Yo mama so stupid she cooked her own complimentary breakfast.
Yo mama so stupid she could trip over a cordless phone!
Yo mama so stupid she couldn't read an audio book.
Yo mama so stupid she got locked in a grocery store and starved!
Yo mama so stupid she got stabbed in a shoot out.
Yo mama so stupid she got stuck on the escalator for 3 hours,
Yo mama so stupid she has blonde roots in your eyeballs.
Yo mama so stupid she has to ask for help to use hamburger helper.
Yo mama so stupid she hears it's chilly outside so she gets a bowl
Yo mama so stupid she jumped out the window and went up.
Yo mama so stupid she sat on a window ledge thinking she'd get framed.
Yo mama so stupid she saw a wet floor sign and peed on the floor.
Yo mama so stupid she sits on the TV, and watches the couch!
Yo mama so stupid she sold her car for gasoline money!
Yo mama so stupid she stepped on a crack and broke her own back.
Yo mama so stupid she stole free bread.
Yo mama so stupid she think innuendo is an Italian suppository.
Yo mama so stupid she thinks Johnny Cash is a pay toilet!
Yo mama so stupid she thinks a quarterback is a refund!
Yo mama so stupid she thinks manual labor is a Mexican!
Yo mama so stupid she thinks socialism means partying!
Yo mama so stupid she thought Taco Bell was a Mexican phone company.
Yo mama so stupid she thought a beaver dam was a type of tampon.
Yo mama so stupid she thought a quarterback was an income tax refund.
Yo mama so stupid she thought gangrene was another golf course.
Yo mama so stupid she thought menopause was a button on the stereo.
Yo mama so stupid she thought she needed a token to get on Soul Train.
Yo mama so stupid she thought the Nazis were saying Hi! Hitler.
Yo mama so stupid she took a cup to see Juice.
Yo mama so stupid she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
Yo mama so stupid she took a spoon to the super bowl.
Yo mama so stupid she took a umbrella to see Purple Rain.
Yo mama so stupid she took the Pepsi challenge and chose Jif.
Yo mama so stupid she tried to commit suicide and jumped off the curb.
Yo mama so stupid she tripped over a cordless phone!
Yo mama so stupid she watches "The Three Stooges" and takes notes.
Yo mama so stupid she went to Alpha Beta and asked to buy a vowel.
Yo mama so stupid she went to a Clippers game to get a hair cut.
Yo mama so stupid she went to a Whalers game to see Shamu.
Yo mama so stupid that she go hit by a parked car.
Yo mama so stupid that she sold the car for gas money.
Yo mama so stupid that she thought Boyz II Men was a day care center.
Yo mama so stupid that she took a shower and got brain-washed.
Yo mama so stupid that she tried to put M and M's in alphabetical order!
Yo mama so stupid that she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order!
Yo mama so stupid that she went to a Clippers game to get a hair cut.
Yo mama so stupid that she went to a Whalers game to see Shamu.
Yo mama so stupid when you stand next to her you hear the ocean!
Yo mama so stupid you have to dig for her IQ!
Yo mama so stupid, I saw her standing on an empty bus.
Yo mama so stupid, I told her it was chilly outside, she got a spoon.
Yo mama so stupid, it takes her a half hour to make minute rice.
Yo mama so stupid, it took her 2 hours to watch "60 Minutes".
Yo mama so stupid, she asked you "What is the number for 911".
Yo mama so stupid, she called a 7-11 to ask when they closed!
Yo mama so stupid, she got stabbed in a shootout.
Yo mama so stupid, she puts a ruler by bed to see how long she slept!
Yo mama so stupid, she thinks Taco Bell is where you pay your telephone
Yo mama so stupid, she thought a quarterback was change.
Yo mama so stupid, she thought softball was a venereal disease!
Yo mama so stupid, she went to Dodger stadium and drowned in the waves
Yo mama so stupid, when she saw a sign that said "Wet Floor", she did
Yo mama so stupid, when she went to take the number 44 bus, she took the
Yo mama so tall she did a back-flip and kicked Jesus in the mouth.
Yo mama so tall she tripped in Michigan and hit her head in Florida.
Yo mama so tall she tripped over a rock and hit her head on the moon.
Yo mama so tall, she did a back-flip and kicked Jesus in the mouth.
Yo mama so ugly I heard that your dad first met her at the pound.
Yo mama so ugly I've seen cow pies I'd rather do it with.
Yo mama so ugly Ted Dansen wouldn't date her!
Yo mama so ugly The NHL banned her for life.
Yo mama so ugly even ALIEN face huggers run away from her!
Yo mama so ugly even Rice Krispies won't talk to her!
Yo mama so ugly for Halloween she trick or treats on the phone!
Yo mama so ugly her face is closed on weekends!
Yo mama so ugly her face is like a melted willy.
Yo mama so ugly her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her.
Yo mama so ugly if ugly were bricks she'd have her own projects!
Yo mama so ugly it looks like she sleeps on a bed of nails, FACE DOWN!
Yo mama so ugly people go as her for Halloween.
Yo mama so ugly she could scare a hungry wolf off a meat truck.
Yo mama so ugly she could scare the chrome off a bumper!
Yo mama so ugly she could scare the moss off a rock!
Yo mama so ugly she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween!
Yo mama so ugly she had a face that would sink a thousand ships.
Yo mama so ugly she had to get her baby drunk to breast feed it!
Yo mama so ugly she had to sneak up on a glass of water.
Yo mama so ugly she had to wear two bags...in case one breaks.
Yo mama so ugly she has to sneak up on a hurricane to catch a breeze.
Yo mama so ugly she is very successful at her job: Being a scarecrow.
Yo mama so ugly she just got a job at the airport, sniffing for drugs.
Yo mama so ugly she looks like a Bulldog licking piss off a thistle.
Yo mama so ugly she looks like she's been bobbing for French fries!
Yo mama so ugly she looks like the elephant man chewing on a wasp.
Yo mama so ugly she looks out the window and gets arrested!
Yo mama so ugly she looks out the window and got arrested for mooning.
Yo mama so ugly she made an onion cry!
Yo mama so ugly she made onion cry.
Yo mama so ugly she makes *YOU* look good!
Yo mama so ugly she scares the roaches away.
Yo mama so ugly she scares wild life.
Yo mama so ugly she tried to take a bath and the water jumped out.
Yo mama so ugly she tried to take a bath the water jumped out!
Yo mama so ugly she turned Medusa to stone!
Yo mama so ugly she'd make a freight train take a dirt road.
Yo mama so ugly she'd scare a buzzard off a gut wagon.
Yo mama so ugly she's the cover girl for iodine.
Yo mama so ugly that if ugly were bricks she'd have her own projects.
Yo mama so ugly the government moved Halloween to her birthday!
Yo mama so ugly the psychiatrist makes her lie facedown.
Yo mama so ugly the tide won't even take her out.
Yo mama so ugly the tide wouldn't even take her out.
Yo mama so ugly they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower!
Yo mama so ugly they only wanted her feet for the freak show.
Yo mama so ugly they pay her to put her clothes on in strip joints.
Yo mama so ugly they push her face into dough to make gorilla cookies.
Yo mama so ugly they put her in dough and made monster cookies!
Yo mama so ugly they threw her away and kept the afterbirth.
Yo mama so ugly when she cries the tears run up her face.
Yo mama so ugly when she was born, the doctor slapped her mother.
Yo mama so ugly when she went to jump in the lake, the lake jumped back!
Yo mama so ugly you could tell the face, only 'cuz it had ears.
Yo mama so ugly, HER DOCTOR IS A VET.
Yo mama so ugly, WHEN SHE SITS IN THE SAND the cat tries to bury him.
Yo mama so ugly, her dentist treats her by mail!
Yo mama so ugly, her face is closed on weekends!
Yo mama so ugly, her mama had to be drunk to breast feed her.
Yo mama so ugly, her mama had to feed her with a sling shot.
Yo mama so ugly, her nickname is Damn!
Yo mama so ugly, if she joined an ugly contest, they'd say "Sorry, no
Yo mama so ugly, if ugly were bricks, she'd have her own projects.
Yo mama so ugly, people go as her for Halloween.
Yo mama so ugly, she could be the poster child for birth control!
Yo mama so ugly, she could scare the chrome off a bumper!
Yo mama so ugly, she could scare the moss off a rock!
Yo mama so ugly, she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween.
Yo mama so ugly, she made an onion cry.
Yo mama so ugly, she practices birth control by leaving the lights on!
Yo mama so ugly, she scares the roaches away.
Yo mama so ugly, the psychiatrist makes her lie facedown.
Yo mama so ugly, they changed her name to DAAAAAAAAAMN.
Yo mama so ugly, they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower.
Yo mama so ugly, they pay her to put her clothes on in strip joints.
Yo mama so ugly, they turn off the cameras when she walks into a bank!
Yo mama so ugly, when she goes to the beach, the tide won't come in!
Yo mama so ugly, when she walk into a bank, they turn the cameras off!
Yo mama so ugly, when she walks in the bank they TURN OFF THE CAMERAS.
Yo mama so ugly, when she was born, God admitted that even *he* could
Yo mama so ugly, when she was born, her mama saw the afterbirth and said
Yo mama so ugly, when she was born, the doctor slapped HER mama!
Yo mama so wrinkled, she has to screw her hat on.
Yo mama stinks so bad, she uses lysol for perfume.
Yo mama stinks so bad, she uses lysol for purfume.
Yo mama teeth are so rotten, when she smiles they look like dice.
Yo mama teeth are so yellow I can't believe its not butter.
Yo mama teeth are so yellow she spits butter!
Yo mama teeth are so yellow traffic slows down when she smiles!
Yo mama teeth areScotty!, Hurry beam me u%#$& NO CARRIER
Yo mama teeth so yellow, I can't believe it's not butter.
Yo mama threw a frisbee three weeks ago that hasn't landed yet.
Yo mama twice the man you are.
Yo mama was a hamster.
Yo mama was born on Independence Day and can't remember her birthday.
Yo mama was in church with a tee-shirt on that said WHO FARTED?
Yo mama was so fat that when she was born, she gave the hospital stretch
Yo mama watches "The Three Stooges" and takes notes.
Yo mama waves around a pop sickle stick and calls it air conditioning.
Yo mama wears knee-pads and yells "Curb Service!"
Yo mama would eat the flour!
Yo mama's a hamster.
Yo mama's arm-pits stink so bad, she made Right Guard turn to left!
Yo mama's arm-pits stink so bad, she made Speed Stick slow down!
Yo mama's ass is so tight, only the dogs can hear it when she farts!
Yo mama's blind and seeing another man.
Yo mama's breath so bad, her teeth have asbestos caps!
Yo mama's cross-eyed and watches TV in stereo.
Yo mama's ears are so big, she drives the freeways by sonar!
Yo mama's feet so big, she got to have license plates for her shoes
Yo mama's glasses are so thick she can see into the future.
Yo mama's glasses are so thick she can see people waving.
Yo mama's glasses are so thick she can see the future.
Yo mama's glasses are so thick that when she looks on a map, she can see
Yo mama's glasses are so thick, she can see into the future.
Yo mama's glasses are so thick, she can see people waving.
Yo mama's glasses are so thick, she could read my mind!
Yo mama's glasses so thick, she can see the future!
Yo mama's got 10 fingers, all on the same hand.
Yo mama's got 4 eyes and 2 pair of sunglasses.
Yo mama's got a 'fro with warning lights.
Yo mama's got a bald head with a part and sideburns.
Yo mama's got a glass eye with a fish in it!
Yo mama's got a metal afro with rusty sideburns.
Yo mama's got a peg leg, wit' a kickstand! (from Eddie Murphy)
Yo mama's got a short arm and can't applaud.
Yo mama's got a short leg and walks in circles.
Yo mama's got a wooden afro with an "X" carved in the back.
Yo mama's got a wooden leg with branches.
Yo mama's got a' afro, wit' a chin strap!
Yo mama's got green hair, and thinks she's a tree.
Yo mama's got hair on her tongue and she gargles with curl activator.
Yo mama's got one hand, and a Clapper.
Yo mama's got one leg, and a bicycle.
Yo mama's got so much hair on her upper lip, she braids it.
Yo mama's got three fingers and a banjo.
Yo mama's got three teeth...one in her mouth and two in her pocket.
Yo mama's got two wooden legs and one is one backward.
Yo mama's gpt a short leg and walks in circles.
Yo mama's hair is so nappy she has to take Tylenol just to comb it.
Yo mama's hair is so nappy she rolls her hair with rice.
Yo mama's hair is so nappy, she has to take Tylenol just to comb it.
Yo mama's hair is so nappy, she has to take pain killers to comb it!
Yo mama's hair is so short she curls it with rice.
Yo mama's hair so nappy, she has to take painkillers when she combs it
Yo mama's hair so nappy, she has to take painkillers when she combs!
Yo mama's hair so nappy, she rolls her hair with rice!
Yo mama's head is so short that she took a shower and got brain-washed
Yo mama's head is so short, she took a shower and got brain-washed.
Yo mama's head is so small that she got her ear pierced and died.
Yo mama's head is so small, she got her ear pierced and died.
Yo mama's hips are so big, people set their drinks on them.
Yo mama's house is so small..the Welcome mat just says Well...
Yo mama's house so dirty, the mice ride dirt bikes!
Yo mama's just like a TV remote, a 2 year old could turn her on.
Yo mama's just like the Pillbury Doughboy... everybody pokes her.
Yo mama's just like the Pillsbury Doughboy... everybody pokes her.
Yo mama's like 7-11. She's on every corner, and she's always open.
Yo mama's like Denny's, open 24 hours.
Yo mama's like McDonalds, Billions and Billions served.
Yo mama's like McDonalds... Billions and Billions served.
Yo mama's like Nintendo, Now she's portable
Yo mama's like a T.V. A two year old could turn her on.
Yo mama's like a birthday cake, everybody gets a piece.
Yo mama's like a bowling ball, she always comes back for more.
Yo mama's like a bowling ball, she always winds up in the gutter.
Yo mama's like a bowling ball, you can fit three fingers in.
Yo mama's like a bus, guys climb on and off her all day long.
Yo mama's like a door knob, everybody gets a turn.
Yo mama's like a doorknob, everyone gets a turn
Yo mama's like a goalie, she changes her pads after three periods.
Yo mama's like a hardware store, 2 Cents a screw
Yo mama's like a light switch, even a little kid can turn her on.
Yo mama's like a postage stamp, you lick her, then send her away.
Yo mama's like a race car driver, she burns a lot of rubbers.
Yo mama's like a race car, 4 Rubbers a day
Yo mama's like a railroad - she gets laid all over the country!
Yo mama's like a railroad track, she gets laid all over the country.
Yo mama's like a rifle...four cocks and she's all set to blow!
Yo mama's like a shotgun, give her a cock and she blows.
Yo mama's like a shotgun, one cock and she's ready to blow!
Yo mama's like a shotgun...give her a cock and she blows.
Yo mama's like an ice cream cone, everyone gets a lick.
Yo mama's like mustard, she spreads easy.
Yo mama's lips are so big, chap stick invented a spray!
Yo mama's lips are so big, she puts lipstick on with a paint roller...
Yo mama's lips so big, Chapstick invented a spray!
Yo mama's middle name is Rambo.
Yo mama's missing a finger, and can't count past 9.
Yo mama's nose is so big, you can bowl with her booger!
Yo mama's nose so big, she uses her boogers for bowling balls!
Yo mama's only got three teeth: One in her mouth and two in her pocket
Yo mama's so *OLD* she drove a chariot to high school!
Yo mama's so backwards, she sits on the t.v. and watches the couch.
Yo mama's so big she's been given her own statehood.
Yo mama's so big she's on both sides of the family!
Yo mama's so big, she don't have cellulite, she have celluHEAVY!
Yo mama's so black, she farts soot!
Yo mama's so black, they mark her absent at night school!
Yo mama's so boring, she make Presidental speeches sound intresting
Yo mama's so boring, she make Presidential speeches sound interesting.
Yo mama's so clumsy, she got tangled up in a cordless phone.
Yo mama's so cross-eyed, she dropped a dime and picked up two nickels!
Yo mama's so dark, she went to night school and was marked absent.
Yo mama's so dirty, she has to creep up on bath water.
Yo mama's so dirty, when she goes to take a bath, the water jumps out!
Yo mama's so dumb, her brain cells are on the ENDANGERED SPECIES list.
Yo mama's so dumb, it takes her an hour to cook minute rice!
Yo mama's so dumb, she cooked her own complimentary breakfast.
Yo mama's so dumb, she got stabbed at a shoot-out.
Yo mama's so dumb, she returned a puzzle, complaining it was broken!
Yo mama's so dumb, she shaves off her hair to ware a toupee.
Yo mama's so dumb, she thinks Johnny Cash is a pay toilet!
Yo mama's so dumb, she thinks socialism means partying!
Yo mama's so dumb, she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
Yo mama's so dumb, she took the Pepsi challenge and chose Jif.
Yo mama's so easy, that Madonna get tips from her!
Yo mama's so fat - she cut her legand gravy poured out!
Yo mama's so fat and old, she fell down and created the Grand Canyon
Yo mama's so fat every time she turns around its her birthday.
Yo mama's so fat her blood type is Ragu!
Yo mama's so fat if she'd died, you'd have to take her in two trips.
Yo mama's so fat if she'd died, you'd have to take her out in two trips.
Yo mama's so fat it takes a forklift to help her stand up.
Yo mama's so fat light gets stuck near her.
Yo mama's so fat see keeps her diaphragm in a pizza box.
Yo mama's so fat she can use Mt. Everest for a didlo.
Yo mama's so fat she fell in love and broke it!
Yo mama's so fat she had stretch marks when she was a virgin.
Yo mama's so fat she had to be baptized in Sea World.
Yo mama's so fat she has her own gravity.
Yo mama's so fat she hides her goiter with her chin.
Yo mama's so fat she sat on a rainbow and Skittles popped out!
Yo mama's so fat she steps on a scale & it goes one at a time please
Yo mama's so fat she uses sheep for tampons.
Yo mama's so fat she wore a wigwam as her hat.
Yo mama's so fat she's got her own post code.
Yo mama's so fat she's got her own zip code.
Yo mama's so fat that NASA has a satellite orbiting around her!
Yo mama's so fat that her high school photo was an aerial photograph..
Yo mama's so fat that she fell, broke her leg and gravy poured out...
Yo mama's so fat that when she walks she leaves snail tracks....
Yo mama's so fat the airline charges her round trip for each flight.
Yo mama's so fat to lose a few pounds she takes off her girdle.
Yo mama's so fat when she broke her leg, gravy poured out.
Yo mama's so fat when she gets on the scale it says to be continued.
Yo mama's so fat when she jumps in the air, she gets stuck.
Yo mama's so fat when she stepped on a scale it said TO be continued.
Yo mama's so fat when she stepped on the scale it said 'One at a time
Yo mama's so fat you can't tell where her boobs end and her arms begin
Yo mama's so fat you gotta slam her thigh and ride the wave...
Yo mama's so fat, I had to slap her thigh and ride the wave in!
Yo mama's so fat, I had to walk around her and got lost
Yo mama's so fat, McDonalds has to change their sign every time she eats
Yo mama's so fat, a picture of her would fall off the wall!
Yo mama's so fat, after sex she smokes turkeys.
Yo mama's so fat, and stupid, that she wears a VCR as a beeper!
Yo mama's so fat, cars run out of gas before passing yo mama's fat ass
Yo mama's so fat, every time she wears high heels, she strikes oil!
Yo mama's so fat, he blood type is Ragu.
Yo mama's so fat, her blood type is Ragu!
Yo mama's so fat, her college graduation picture was an aerial!
Yo mama's so fat, her doctor's a grounds keeper.
Yo mama's so fat, her high school photo was an aerial photograph...
Yo mama's so fat, her highschool picture was an arial photograph..
Yo mama's so fat, her school picture was an aerial picture
Yo mama's so fat, her toes bleed when she walks!
Yo mama's so fat, it takes a forklift to help her stand up.
Yo mama's so fat, it takes her two trips to haul ass!
Yo mama's so fat, it takes two loads to haul ass!
Yo mama's so fat, keeps Tandy in business by making leather belts once a
Yo mama's so fat, see keeps her diaphragm in a pizza box.
Yo mama's so fat, she CAN HEAR BACON FRYING in Canada.
Yo mama's so fat, she broke her arm and gravy poured out!
Yo mama's so fat, she broke her leg and gravy fell out.
Yo mama's so fat, she can smell bacon frying in Canada!
Yo mama's so fat, she can use Mt. Everest for a didlo.
Yo mama's so fat, she can't even tie her own shoes!
Yo mama's so fat, she can't reach her back pocket.
Yo mama's so fat, she don't cast a shadow.
Yo mama's so fat, she don't have cellulite, she's got cellu-HEAVY!
Yo mama's so fat, she fell down, broke her leg and gravy poured out!
Yo mama's so fat, she fell in love and broke it!
Yo mama's so fat, she fell over, broke her leg and gravy poured out...
Yo mama's so fat, she gets stuck in her dreams!
Yo mama's so fat, she got a run in her blue jeans.
Yo mama's so fat, she got her baby pictures taken by satellite.
Yo mama's so fat, she got hit by a truck and asked Who threw that rock?
Yo mama's so fat, she had her ears pierced by harpoon.
Yo mama's so fat, she had stretch marks when she was a virgin.
Yo mama's so fat, she had to be baptized at Marine World.
Yo mama's so fat, she has a part-time job as a trampoline!
Yo mama's so fat, she has her own area code!
Yo mama's so fat, she has her own zip code
Yo mama's so fat, she has shocks on her toilet seat.
Yo mama's so fat, she has to buy two airline tickets!
Yo mama's so fat, she has to go outside to put on deodorant.
Yo mama's so fat, she has to go outside to sit around the house
Yo mama's so fat, she has to iron her clothes on the driveway.
Yo mama's so fat, she has to iron her pants on the driveway!
Yo mama's so fat, she has to lay down to tie her shoe.
Yo mama's so fat, she has to use a satellite disk as a diaphragm.
Yo mama's so fat, she hides her goiter with her chin.
Yo mama's so fat, she irons her clothes in the driveway!
Yo mama's so fat, she jump in the air and gets stuck...
Yo mama's so fat, she jumped for joy and got stuck.
Yo mama's so fat, she jumped into the sky and got stuck!
Yo mama's so fat, she keeps her diaphragm in a pizza box
Yo mama's so fat, she keeps her diaphram in a pizza box!
Yo mama's so fat, she runs on Diesel!
Yo mama's so fat, she sat on a rainbow and skiddles popped out.
Yo mama's so fat, she shaves her legs with a lawn mower.
Yo mama's so fat, she shows up on radar.
Yo mama's so fat, she stepped on the scale it said, "To be continued."
Yo mama's so fat, she takes baths in swimming pools.
Yo mama's so fat, she uses a VCR as a beeper!
Yo mama's so fat, she uses a VCR for a beeper.
Yo mama's so fat, she uses a mattress as a maxi-pad.
Yo mama's so fat, she uses a pillow for a Maxi pad!
Yo mama's so fat, she uses a satallite dish as a diaphragm.
Yo mama's so fat, she uses a satellite dish as a diaphragm.
Yo mama's so fat, she uses sheep for tampons.
Yo mama's so fat, she uses the Astrodome for a diaphragm.
Yo mama's so fat, she uses the freeway as a Slip n' Slide!
Yo mama's so fat, she was baptized at Marine World.
Yo mama's so fat, she wears a microwave for a beeper!
Yo mama's so fat, she went to the beach and sold shade!
Yo mama's so fat, she went to the movies and sat next to EVERYONE!
Yo mama's so fat, she went to the salad bar and PULLED UP A CHAIR.
Yo mama's so fat, she's got her own post code.
Yo mama's so fat, she's got her own zip code!
Yo mama's so fat, she's in two time zones at the same time!
Yo mama's so fat, she's on both sides of the family!
Yo mama's so fat, she's sits on coal and farts out a diamond.
Yo mama's so fat, she's works in the movies -- as the screen.
Yo mama's so fat, that her high school photo was an aerial photograph...
Yo mama's so fat, that it takes two loads to haul ass!
Yo mama's so fat, that she jumped in the air and got stuck.
Yo mama's so fat, that when she has to haul ass it takes two trips!
Yo mama's so fat, that when she walks she leaves snail tracks....
Yo mama's so fat, the airline charges her round trip for each flight.
Yo mama's so fat, the back of her neck look like a pack of hot dogs.
Yo mama's so fat, the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn".
Yo mama's so fat, the patrolman made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn".
Yo mama's so fat, they invented super extra strength ultra SlimFast
Yo mama's so fat, they mistake her for a country
Yo mama's so fat, to lose a few pounds she takes off her girdle.
Yo mama's so fat, we're IN her now!
Yo mama's so fat, when I got on top of her, my ears popped.
Yo mama's so fat, when I tried to drive around her, I ran out of gas.
Yo mama's so fat, when she breaks her leg she bleeds gravy!
Yo mama's so fat, when she broke her leg gravy poured out!
Yo mama's so fat, when she bungee jumps she goes straight down to hell.
Yo mama's so fat, when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too.
Yo mama's so fat, when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge.
Yo mama's so fat, when she falls it measures on the richter scale!
Yo mama's so fat, when she falls, she really falls!
Yo mama's so fat, when she goes to parties people scream Kool-Aid!
Yo mama's so fat, when she got her ears pierced gravy shot out!
Yo mama's so fat, when she jumped in the air she got stuck!
Yo mama's so fat, when she moons people they turn into Werewolves.
Yo mama's so fat, when she sits on a chair, she makes paper!
Yo mama's so fat, when she sits on a rainbow she makes Skittles!
Yo mama's so fat, when she sits on my face, I can't hear the stereo.
Yo mama's so fat, when she stepped on a scale it read to be continued!
Yo mama's so fat, when she stepped on the scale it said 'One at a time
Yo mama's so fat, when she stepped on the scale it said,To be continued.
Yo mama's so fat, when she steps on a scale, it read ...to be continued.
Yo mama's so fat, when she sweats, everyone around her wears raincoats
Yo mama's so fat, when she tripped over on 4th Ave, she landed on 12th
Yo mama's so fat, when she walks she leaves snail tracks....
Yo mama's so fat, when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said "Taxi!
Yo mama's so fat, when she wears her "X" jacket, helicopters land on her
Yo mama's so fat, when she wears her "X" jacket, helicopters try to land
Yo mama's so fat, when she wears her X jacket, helicopters land on her
Yo mama's so fat, when she wears her X jacket, helicopters try to land
Yo mama's so fat, when she wears high heels she strikes oil!
Yo mama's so fat, you gotta slam her thigh and ride the wave...
Yo mama's so funky, her Sure deodorant is now confused!
Yo mama's so funky, she puts ice in her panties to keep the crabs fresh!
Yo mama's so funky, she puts ice in her pants to keep the crabs fresh!
Yo mama's so funky, she sweats Black Flag!
Yo mama's so funky, she used Secret and it told on her!
Yo mama's so generous, she'd give you the hair off her back!
Yo mama's so greasy she sweats Crisco!
Yo mama's so hairy, Bigfoot takes pictures of her!
Yo mama's so hairy, bigfoot takes photos of her.
Yo mama's so hairy, it looks like she has Buckwheat in a head lock.
Yo mama's so hairy, she look like she got Buckwheat in a headlock
Yo mama's so hairy, she uses a lawn mower to shave.
Yo mama's so lightheaded, when she jumps out the window, she flies UP!
Yo mama's so old I told her to act her own age, and she died!
Yo mama's so old her social security number is 1!
Yo mama's so old she D-jed the Boston Tea Party!
Yo mama's so old she has Jesus and all the disciples in her yearbook.
Yo mama's so old she has Jesus' beeper number!
Yo mama's so old she has jesus and all the disiples in her yearbook.
Yo mama's so old she used to drive a chariot to high-school
Yo mama's so old she went to Pizza Hut when it was only a teepee.
Yo mama's so old, I told her to act her age and she died.
Yo mama's so old, I told her to act her age and she dropped dead.
Yo mama's so old, I told her to act her age and the bitch dropped dead
Yo mama's so old, her birth certificate expired!
Yo mama's so old, her birthday cake is a fire hazard
Yo mama's so old, she D-jed the Boston Tea Party!
Yo mama's so old, she co-wrote one of the ten commandments.
Yo mama's so old, she councled Adam and Eve
Yo mama's so old, she counseled Adam and Eve.
Yo mama's so old, she farts dust!
Yo mama's so old, she has a picture of Moses in her yearbook.
Yo mama's so old, she has jesus and all the disiples in her yearbook.
Yo mama's so old, she knew Burger King while he was still a prince.
Yo mama's so old, she owes Jesus a nickel.
Yo mama's so old, she owes Jesus food stamps!
Yo mama's so old, she played kick-ball with JESUS!
Yo mama's so old, she still owes Moses a quarter!
Yo mama's so old, she wrote the foreword to the Bible!
Yo mama's so old, she's got Jesus's beeper number.
Yo mama's so old, when she reads the bible she reminisces!
Yo mama's so old, when she was in school there was no history class.
Yo mama's so poor that Jerry Lewis sends her money.
Yo mama's so poor, she can't even afford to pay attention.
Yo mama's so poor, she can't even pay attention!
Yo mama's so poor, she catches fire flies for heat.
Yo mama's so poor, she considers jail as a fancy hotel
Yo mama's so poor, she goes to KFC and licks everybody's fingers.
Yo mama's so poor, she goes to KFC to lick other people's fingers!
Yo mama's so poor, she married young just to get the rice!
Yo mama's so poor, that when she wrote a check the whole bank bounced!
Yo mama's so poor, when your family watches TV, they go to Ed Kelleys.
Yo mama's so poor, your family at cereal with a fork to save milk.
Yo mama's so short you can see her feet on her drivers lisence!
Yo mama's so short, she can bungee-jump off a curb!
Yo mama's so short, she can play handball on the curb.
Yo mama's so short, she plays racquet ball on a curb!
Yo mama's so short, she plays raquet ball on a curb!
Yo mama's so short, she poses for trophies!
Yo mama's so short, when she jumped off a Now-n-Later she died!
Yo mama's so skinny - she could go hang gliding on a Dorito!
Yo mama's so skinny, Sally Struthers sends her food!
Yo mama's so skinny, she could hula-hoop through a Cherrio!
Yo mama's so skinny, she uses a Band-Aid as a maxi-pad.
Yo mama's so slow, it takes her two hours to watch 60 minutes!
Yo mama's so small she poses for trophies!
Yo mama's so smelly, that her shit is glad to escape.
Yo mama's so stupid - she ran into a parked car.
Yo mama's so stupid - she tripped over a cordless phone!
Yo mama's so stupid it takes her hours to cook minute rice.
Yo mama's so stupid she called the 7-11 to see what time they closed.
Yo mama's so stupid she can't even spell 'I.Q'.
Yo mama's so stupid she got run over by a parked car.
Yo mama's so stupid she thinks a quarterback is a refund.
Yo mama's so stupid she thought Lionel Riche was a kid with trains.
Yo mama's so stupid she thought O.J. Simpson was some kind of fruit
Yo mama's so stupid she thought O.J. Simpson was some kind of juice.
Yo mama's so stupid she thought O.J. Simpson was some kind of new fruit
Yo mama's so stupid she thought menopause was a button on a VCR.
Yo mama's so stupid she went swimming to a car pool.
Yo mama's so stupid, I saw her in the frozen food section fishing.
Yo mama's so stupid, I told her it was chilly outside, she got a spoon
Yo mama's so stupid, it takes her a half hour to make minute rice.
Yo mama's so stupid, it took her 2 hours to watch "60 Minutes".
Yo mama's so stupid, mind-readers charge her half-price.
Yo mama's so stupid, she asked you "What is the number for 911".
Yo mama's so stupid, she called a 7-11 to ask when they closed!
Yo mama's so stupid, she can't even spell 'I.Q'.
Yo mama's so stupid, she dialed 911 for information.
Yo mama's so stupid, she go hit by a parked car.
Yo mama's so stupid, she goes to Taco Bell to pay the telephone bill.
Yo mama's so stupid, she got locked up in a Supermarket and starved
Yo mama's so stupid, she puts a ruler by bed to see how long she slept
Yo mama's so stupid, she sniffs Coca-Cola (Coke)
Yo mama's so stupid, she thought Lionel Riche was a kid with trians.
Yo mama's so stupid, she thought O.J. Simpson was some kind of fruit
Yo mama's so stupid, she thought softball was a venereal disease!
Yo mama's so stupid, she took the Pepsi challenge and chose Jiff!
Yo mama's so stupid, she tripped over the cordless Telephone
Yo mama's so stupid, she went to a Whalers game to see Shamu.
Yo mama's so stupid, when she saw a sign that said Wet Floor, she did!
Yo mama's so tall, she did a back-flip and kicked Jesus in the mouth.
Yo mama's so toothless it takes her an hour to eat minute rice!
Yo mama's so ugly she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween!
Yo mama's so ugly that for birth control, she leaves the lights on.
Yo mama's so ugly that her doctor treats her by mail.
Yo mama's so ugly the government moved Halloween to her birthday!
Yo mama's so ugly, Dairy Queen doesn't even treat her right.
Yo mama's so ugly, her dentist treats her by mail!
Yo mama's so ugly, her doctor is a veterinarian.
Yo mama's so ugly, her face is closed on weekends!
Yo mama's so ugly, her mama had to be drunk to breast feed her.
Yo mama's so ugly, her mama had to feed her with a sling shot.
Yo mama's so ugly, her nickname is Damn!
Yo mama's so ugly, if she joined an ugly contest, they'd say Sorry, no
Yo mama's so ugly, if ugly were bricks, she'd have her own projects.
Yo mama's so ugly, not even her Rice Crispies will talk to her!
Yo mama's so ugly, people go as her for Halloween.
Yo mama's so ugly, she can turn Madusa to stone.
Yo mama's so ugly, she could scare the moss off a rock!
Yo mama's so ugly, she has to sneak up on a cup of water!
Yo mama's so ugly, she has to sneak up on her mirror.
Yo mama's so ugly, she loses to Jabba the Hutt in a beauty contest!
Yo mama's so ugly, she made an onion cry.
Yo mama's so ugly, she scares the roaches away.
Yo mama's so ugly, she walked past a mirror and it exploded.
Yo mama's so ugly, they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower.
Yo mama's so ugly, they pay her to put her clothes on in strip joints.
Yo mama's so ugly, when she looks in a mirror, she breaks.
Yo mama's so ugly, when she walk into a bank, they turn the cameras off!
Yo mama's so ugly, when she walks by the bathroom the toilet *FLUSHES*
Yo mama's so ugly, when she was born, the doctor slapped HER mama!
Yo mama's so white, she makes albinos look dark.
Yo mama's so white, when she lies in the snow naked, she disappears.
Yo mama's so wrinkled, she has to screw her hat on.
Yo mama's soooo fat she has to iron her clothes in the driveway.
Yo mama's teeth are so yellow, cars slow down!
Yo mama's teeth are so yellow, she can butter a whole loaf of bread !!
Yo mama's teeth are so yellow, she spits butter!
Yo mama's teeth are so yellow, when she smiles all the traffic slows.
Yo mama's teeth are so yellow, when she smiles traffic slows down!
Yo mama's teeth are so yellow....I can't believe it's not butter!
Yo mama's teeth so yellow she spits butter.
Yo mama's teeth so yellow, she spits butter!
Yo mama's throat is so tough, she could gargle peanut butter!
Yo mama's twice the man you are.
Yo mama,s so dumb, her brain cells are on the ENDANGERED SPECIES list.
Yo mamas glasses are so thick she can see people waving.
Yo mamas like Betty Crocker icing, always ready to spread.
Yo mamas like a revolving door, everyone gets a turn.
Yo mamas like a smokehouse, always full of meat.
Yo mamas so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits AROUND it!
Yo mamas teeth are so yellow, she can butter a whole loaf of bread !!
Yo mamas teeth so bad, look like she got a mouth full of dice.
Yo mamma is a Ferrengi ho!
Yo mamma is a triceratops!
Yo mamma is like a race car, burns 4 rubbers a night.
Yo mamma is so big, she burns diesel!
Yo mamma might of wrote this.
Yo mamma so fat you haveta roll over twice to get off her...
Yo mamma's so dumb, she returned a puzzle, complaining it was broken!
Yo mamma's so easy, that Madonna get tips from her!
Yo mamma's so fat, they mistake her for a country
Yo mamma's so ugly, she can turn Madusa to stone
Yo mamma's so ugly, she loses to Jabba the Hutt in a beauty contest!
Yo mamma's so white, she makes abinos look dark
Yo mamma's so white, when she lies in the snow naked, she disappears
Yo momma ain't so bad...she would give you the hair off of her back!
Yo momma arms are so short, she has to tilt her head to scratch her ear.
Yo momma breath  so bad when she yawns her teeth duck.
Yo momma breath so bad she be blowin' bubbles with Now & Laters.
Yo momma breath so bad when she yawns her teeth duck.
Yo momma butt so hairy, she has to part the crack to crap.
Yo momma can wrestle a cow to the ground.
Yo momma feet are so big her shoes have to have license plates!
Yo momma glasses are so thick she can see into the future.
Yo momma got a bald head with a part and sideburns.
Yo momma got a face like a bag of chisels.
Yo momma got a face like a bag of smashed arseholes.
Yo momma got a face like a blind cobbler's thumb.
Yo momma got a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle?
Yo momma got a face like a burglar's dog !!
Yo momma got a face like a half-sucked mango
Yo momma got a face like a welder's bench.
Yo momma got a face like half a pound of smacked twat and a hairy pie.
Yo momma got a face like the south end of a north-bound camel
Yo momma got a leather wig w/suede sideburns.
Yo momma got a metal afro with rusty sideburns.
Yo momma got a wooden leg w/a real foot.
Yo momma got a wooden leg with a kickstand on it.
Yo momma got a wooden leg with branches.
Yo momma got a' afro, wit' a chin strap!!!!
Yo momma got eyeballs in her kneecaps & her name's Neicee
Yo momma got hair on her tongue and she gargles with curl activator.
Yo momma got no legs & her name's Contsuelo
Yo momma got snakeskin teeth.
Yo momma got so many freckles she looks like a hamburger!
Yo momma got so many teeth missing, it looks like her tounge is in jail.
Yo momma got so much dandruff you could build Frosty.
Yo momma got so much dandruff you could build a snow man.
Yo momma got so much dandruff you could write your name in the snow.
Yo momma got three fingers and a banjo.
Yo momma got three teeth...one in her mouth and two in her pocket.
Yo momma got two wooden legs and one is one backward.
Yo momma gums are so black she spits Yoo-hoo.
Yo momma hair so nappy she has to take Tylenol just to comb it.
Yo momma hair so short she curls it with rice.
Yo momma hair so short when she braided it they looked like stiches.
Yo momma has 10 fingers--all on the same hand.
Yo momma has 4 eyes and 2 pair of sunglasses.
Yo momma has a 'fro with warning lights.
Yo momma has a glass eye with a fish in it.
Yo momma has a short arm and can't applaude.
Yo momma has a short leg and walks in circles.
Yo momma has a wooden afro with an "X" carved in the back.
Yo momma has an ass soo big she has to shit in a dumpster
Yo momma has green hair and thinks she's a tree.
Yo momma has no ears.... I seen the bitch trying on sunglasses
Yo momma has one hand and a Clapper.
Yo momma has one leg and a bicycle.
Yo momma has so much hair on her upper lip, she braids it.
Yo momma head so big it shows up on radar.
Yo momma head so big she has to step into her shirts.
Yo momma head so small she use a tea-bag as a pillow.
Yo momma head so small that she got her ear pierced and died.
Yo momma hips are so big, people set their drinks on them.
Yo momma hips so big, people set their drinks on them.
Yo momma hole so loose she can use a 747 as a dildo.
Yo momma house so dirty roaches ride around on dune buggies!
Yo momma house so small she has to go outside to eat a large pizza.
Yo momma house so small you have to go outside to change your mind.
Yo momma is in a wheelchair screaming "I AIN'T STANDING FOR THIS SHIT"
Yo momma is so stupid, she dialed 911 for information.
Yo momma is so ugly, Dairy Queen doesn't even treat her right.
Yo momma is so ugly, her doctor is a veterinarian.
Yo momma is so ugly, she has to sneak up on her mirror.
Yo momma is so ugly, when she walks by the bathroom the toilet FLUSHES
Yo momma like 7-UP...never had it, never will.
Yo momma like Crazy Eddie, she's practically giving it all away
Yo momma like Denny's...open 24 hours.
Yo momma like Domino's pizza-- Something for nothing
Yo momma like Orange Crush: "Good Vibrations!"
Yo momma like a Christmas tree,  everybody hangs balls on her.
Yo momma like a McDonalds:  over 52 billion served.
Yo momma like a T.V. set, even a three year old can turn her on!
Yo momma like a Toyota: "Oh what a feelin'!"
Yo momma like a birthday cake, everybody gets a piece.
Yo momma like a bubble-gum machine... five cents a blow.
Yo momma like a bus, fifty cents and she's ready to ride!
Yo momma like a bus:  Guys climb on and off her all day long.
Yo momma like a doorknob - everyone gets a turn!
Yo momma like a goalie; she changes her pads after three periods.
Yo momma like a golf course, everyone GETS a hole in one!
Yo momma like a hardware store: 4 cents a screw!
Yo momma like a light switch, even a little kid can turn her on.
Yo momma like a potatoe chip seller on 42nd street, "LAYS! LAYS!..."
Yo momma like a race car driver...she burns a lot of rubbers.
Yo momma like a refridgerator: everyone likes to put their meat in her!
Yo momma like a rifle... four cocks and she's loaded.
Yo momma like a shotgun: one cock and she blows!
Yo momma like a vaccuum cleaner.....a real good suck.
Yo momma like an ice cream cone... everyone gets a lick.
Yo momma like cake mix, 15 servings per package!
Yo momma like castlebury stew: servings are family size
Yo momma like chinese food:  sweet, sour and cheap!
Yo momma like mustard, she spreads easy.
Yo momma like potato chips-- Fri-to Lay
Yo momma like the pillbury doughboy - everyone gets a poke!
Yo momma like the railway system, she gets laid all over the country!
Yo momma lips so big, Chap Stick had to invent a spray.
Yo momma middle name is Rambo.
Yo momma mouth so big, she speaks in surround sound.
Yo momma nose so big she makes Pinochio look like a cat!
Yo momma nose so big you can go bowling with her boogers!
Yo momma pussy so dry the crabs carry canteens
Yo momma referees bar fights without a shirt on.
Yo momma smells so bad that not even a dog would go near her.
Yo momma so backwards, she sits on the t.v. and watches the couch.
Yo momma so bald even a wig wouldn't help!
Yo momma so bald that she took a shower and got brain-washed.
Yo momma so bald you can see whats on her mind
Yo momma so black that they marked her absent in night school.
Yo momma so cheap she whored her way on to the metro.
Yo momma so cross-eyed she watches TV in stereo.
Yo momma so dark if she cut herself who wouldn't bleed she would smoke!
Yo momma so dark she spits chocolate milk!
Yo momma so dark she went to night school and was marked absent!
Yo momma so dark that she can leave fingerprints on charcoal.
Yo momma so dark they die bowling balls in her bath water
Yo momma so dark they dye bowling balls in her bath water
Yo momma so dark when she got outta the car, the Oil light went on!
Yo momma so dirty she has to creep up on bathwater.
Yo momma so dirty you could write your name in the sand.
Yo momma so dumb she though an elevator was a mobile home.
Yo momma so dumb, she sold the car for gas money!
Yo momma so fat  she's got more chins than a Hong Kong phonebook.
Yo momma so fat God couldn't create light until she moved.
Yo momma so fat God couldn't light Earth till she moved!
Yo momma so fat I took her to a dance and the band skipped
Yo momma so fat NASA has to orbit a satellite around her!
Yo momma so fat She had to get out of bed to roll over
Yo momma so fat She thought gravy was a beverage
Yo momma so fat The Himalayas are practices runs to prepare for her
Yo momma so fat We went to Mt. Rushmore and didnt know who's face to sit
Yo momma so fat a picture of her would fall off the wall!
Yo momma so fat after sex she smokes a turkey!
Yo momma so fat and stupid, her waist size is larger than her IQ!!!
Yo momma so fat at the zoo, the elephants started throwing her peanuts.
Yo momma so fat bitch went to Kuwait to light a fag.
Yo momma so fat even Bill Gates couldn't pay for her liposuction!
Yo momma so fat even Pres. Clinton couldn't pay for her liposuction!
Yo momma so fat even her clothes have stretch marks!
Yo momma so fat everytime she walks in high heels, she strikes oil!
Yo momma so fat her big toe got stuck in the catflap.
Yo momma so fat her legs is like spoiled milk - white & chunky!
Yo momma so fat her neck looks like a pair of hot dogs!
Yo momma so fat her nickname is "DAMN"
Yo momma so fat her tits are in two different time zones.
Yo momma so fat it takes her two trips to haul ass
Yo momma so fat people jog around her for exercise
Yo momma so fat people use her dandruff as quilts.
Yo momma so fat sets off car alarms when she runs.
Yo momma so fat she accidently got a 747 caught in her teeth
Yo momma so fat she ate Santa!
Yo momma so fat she broke her leg, and gravy poured out!
Yo momma so fat she cant reach her back pocket.
Yo momma so fat she eats Wheat Thicks.
Yo momma so fat she fell and made the Grand Canyon!
Yo momma so fat she fell in love and broke it.
Yo momma so fat she got hit by a parked car!
Yo momma so fat she got hit by a truck and asked "Who threw that rock?"
Yo momma so fat she got to iron her pants in the driveway.
Yo momma so fat she got to iron her pants on the driveway
Yo momma so fat she got to pull down her pants to get into her pockets
Yo momma so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized
Yo momma so fat she had to go to Sea World tto be baptized.
Yo momma so fat she has a run in her blue-jeans!
Yo momma so fat she has a wooden leg with a kickstand!
Yo momma so fat she has been declared a natural habitat for Condors
Yo momma so fat she has her own brand of jeans: FA - FatAss Jeans
Yo momma so fat she has her own time zone.
Yo momma so fat she has her own zip code.
Yo momma so fat she has more rolls than a mary jane truck
Yo momma so fat she has to buy two airline tickets.
Yo momma so fat she has to use a VCR as a beeper!
Yo momma so fat she hoola-hooped the super bowl.
Yo momma so fat she influences the tides.
Yo momma so fat she leaves a ring around the lake.
Yo momma so fat she looks like she's smuggling a Volkswagon!
Yo momma so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller
Yo momma so fat she rolled over 4 quarters and it made a dollar!
Yo momma so fat she sat on a quarter Boogers shot out of George's nose.
Yo momma so fat she sat on a rainbow and made Skittles.
Yo momma so fat she sat on the beach and Greenpeace threw her in!
Yo momma so fat she shows up on radar.
Yo momma so fat she stands in two time zones.
Yo momma so fat she stepped on a rainbow and made Skittles.
Yo momma so fat she think a balanced meal is a ham in each hand
Yo momma so fat she uses a mattress as a maxi-pad.
Yo momma so fat she uses a mattress for a tampon.
Yo momma so fat she uses a pillow case as a sock.
Yo momma so fat she uses redwoods to pick her teeth
Yo momma so fat she wakes up in sections!
Yo momma so fat she was Miss Arizona --  class Battleship
Yo momma so fat she was baptised in the ocean.
Yo momma so fat she was baptized at Marine World.
Yo momma so fat she was born on the 4th, 5th and 6th of March!
Yo momma so fat she was mistaken for God's bowling ball!
Yo momma so fat she was zoned for commercial development
Yo momma so fat she wears two watches because she's in two time zones!
Yo momma so fat she went to the movies and sat next to everyone
Yo momma so fat she won "Miss Bessie the Cow 94"
Yo momma so fat she's got Amtrak written on her leg.
Yo momma so fat she's got Brighton stuck up her arse.
Yo momma so fat she's got her own area code!
Yo momma so fat she's got more Chins than a Hong Kong phone book!
Yo momma so fat she's on both sides of the family!
Yo momma so fat that her senior picture had to be an arial view.
Yo momma so fat that her senior pictures had to be arial views!
Yo momma so fat that she cant tie her own shoes.
Yo momma so fat that she jumped in the air and got stuck.
Yo momma so fat that she uses a VCR for a beeper.
Yo momma so fat that when I tried to drive around her I ran out of gas.
Yo momma so fat that when she cuts herself, she bleeds cottage cheese.
Yo momma so fat that when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips!
Yo momma so fat the Aids quilt wouldn't cover her
Yo momma so fat the animals at the zoo feed her.
Yo momma so fat the bathtub leaves a ring around her.
Yo momma so fat the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn"
Yo momma so fat the only pictures you have of her are satellite pictures
Yo momma so fat they have to grease the bath tub to get her out!
Yo momma so fat they use the elastic in her underwear for bungee jumping
Yo momma so fat to her "light food" means under 4 Tons
Yo momma so fat were in her right now
Yo momma so fat when her beeper goes off, people thought she was backing
Yo momma so fat when she back up she beep.
Yo momma so fat when she bungee jumps she goes straight to hell!
Yo momma so fat when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too
Yo momma so fat when she dances at a concert the whole band skips.
Yo momma so fat when she gets on the scale it says no livestock please
Yo momma so fat when she gets on the scale it says to be continued.
Yo momma so fat when she goes to the beach no one else gets any sun.
Yo momma so fat when she has sex, she has to give directions
Yo momma so fat when she jumps in the air she gets stuck
Yo momma so fat when she jumps up in the air she gets stuck!!!
Yo momma so fat when she lies on the beach no one else gets sun!
Yo momma so fat when she puts her foot down she clears rainforests
Yo momma so fat when she sits on my face I can't hear the stereo.
Yo momma so fat when she tripped over on 4th Ave, she landed on 12th
Yo momma so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said "Taxi!"
Yo momma so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat, people yell, "Taxi"
Yo momma so fat when she wears red, all the kids scream KOOLAID!
Yo momma so fat when shes on the beach the kids yell "FREE WILLY!"
Yo momma so fat when you get on top of her your ears pop!
Yo momma so fat when you put her in a jacuzzi she makes her own gravy!
Yo momma so fat whenever she goes to the beach the tide comes in!
Yo momma so fat y'all thought it was an eclipse.
Yo momma so fat you have to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot.
Yo momma so fat you haveta roll over twice to get off her.
Yo momma so fat, she has to iron her clothes on the driveway.
Yo momma so flat she's jealous of the wall!
Yo momma so greasy Texaco buys Oil from her
Yo momma so greasy she sweats Crisco!
Yo momma so greasy she used bacon as a band-aid!
Yo momma so hairy Bigfoot is taking her picture!
Yo momma so hairy she look like she got Buchwheat in a headlock.
Yo momma so hairy she looks like a Chia Pet with an afro!
Yo momma so hairy she shaves with a weedwhacker
Yo momma so hairy she uses a lawnmower to shave her armpits.
Yo momma so hairy she's got afros on her nipples!
Yo momma so hairy that Big Foot takes pictures of her.
Yo momma so hairy you almost died of rugburn at birth!
Yo momma so nasty Ozzie Ozbourne refused to bite her head off
Yo momma so nasty even the flies puke.
Yo momma so nasty lice consider her a great vacation place
Yo momma so nasty she brings crabs to the beach
Yo momma so nasty she has to creep up on bathwater.
Yo momma so nasty she has two pussys and they both stink.
Yo momma so nasty she made right guard turn left.
Yo momma so nasty she made speed stick slow down.
Yo momma so nasty she put on Secret deoderant and it told on her.
Yo momma so nasty she uses drano to douche
Yo momma so nasty she was declared quarentine since before she was born
Yo momma so nasty she went swimming and now we have the dead sea
Yo momma so nasty skunks run from her
Yo momma so nasty that her sh*t is glad to escape.
Yo momma so nasty the fishery be paying her to leave
Yo momma so nasty when yo daddy ate her pussy he got food poisoning.
Yo momma so old I told her to act her own age, and the bitch died.
Yo momma so old even God calls her mother!
Yo momma so old her ass is a cave for indians.
Yo momma so old her birth certificate is in Roman numerals.
Yo momma so old her birth certificate says expired on it.
Yo momma so old her birthday's expired.
Yo momma so old her social security number is 1!
Yo momma so old she be older than the wood her peg-leg was made out of.
Yo momma so old she co-wrote one of the ten commandments.
Yo momma so old she farts dust!
Yo momma so old she farts out dust.
Yo momma so old she has Jesus' beeper number!
Yo momma so old she has a picture of Moses in her yearbook.
Yo momma so old she knew Burger King while he was still a prince.
Yo momma so old she owes Jesus 3 bucks!
Yo momma so old she ran track with dinosaurs.
Yo momma so old she sat behind Jesus in the third grade.
Yo momma so old she was Jesus Wet Nurse
Yo momma so old she was a waitress at the Last Supper.
Yo momma so old she's in Jesus's yearbook!
Yo momma so old shes blind from the big bang
Yo momma so old that when God said let the be light, she hit the switch'
Yo momma so old that when she was in school there was no history class.
Yo momma so poor burglars break in her house and leave money
Yo momma so poor her face is on the front of a foodstamp.
Yo momma so poor she can't afford to pay attention!
Yo momma so poor she drives a peanut.
Yo momma so poor she married young just to get the rice!
Yo momma so poor she went to McDonald's and put a milkshake on layaway.
Yo momma so poor she wipes with both sides of the toilet paper.
Yo momma so poor when I ring the doorbell I hear the toilet flush!
Yo momma so poor when I ring the doorbell she says,"DING!"
Yo momma so poor when your family watches TV, they go to Ed Kelleys.
Yo momma so poor you go out for sunday pushes of the skateboard
Yo momma so poor your family ate cereal with a fork to save milk.
Yo momma so short she can play handball on the curb.
Yo momma so short she does backflips under the bed.
Yo momma so short she has to use a ladder to pick up a dime.
Yo momma so short she is the original Q-tip
Yo momma so short she models for trophys.
Yo momma so short she poll vaults with a toothpick
Yo momma so short you can see her feet on her drivers lisence!
Yo momma so skinny her nipples touch.
Yo momma so skinny she could start a Weight Watchers in ethiopia!
Yo momma so skinny she goes hang-gliding on a dorritos chip.
Yo momma so skinny she got a run in her hose an she fell out
Yo momma so skinny she has to run around in the shower to get wet
Yo momma so skinny she has to wear a belt with spandex.
Yo momma so skinny she hula hoops with a cheerio
Yo momma so skinny she turned sideways and dissapeared.
Yo momma so skinny she uses a Band-Aid as a maxi-pad.
Yo momma so skinny she uses suspenders for panties.
Yo momma so slutty John Holmes just looked at her and got AIDS
Yo momma so slutty she blind and seeing another man.
Yo momma so slutty she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch ball!
Yo momma so slutty she could suck-start a Harley!
Yo momma so slutty she had her own "Hands across her ass" charity drive
Yo momma so slutty she has Trojan written on her gumline.
Yo momma so slutty she is known as Homecomming Disease
Yo momma so slutty she swims after troop ships!
Yo momma so slutty whe would bend over backwards for YOU.
Yo momma so smelly, that her shit is glad to escape.
Yo momma so stupid I saw her in the frozen food section w/a fishing rod.
Yo momma so stupid be missing a finger and can't count past 9.
Yo momma so stupid her brain cells die ALONE
Yo momma so stupid it take her a day to cook a 3 minute egg
Yo momma so stupid it take her a month to get rid of the 7 day itch.
Yo momma so stupid it take her a week to get rid of a 24hr virus
Yo momma so stupid it takes her an hour to cook minute rice.
Yo momma so stupid it took her 2 hours to watch 60 minutes
Yo momma so stupid she asked you "What is the number for 911"
Yo momma so stupid she bought a solar-powered flashlight!
Yo momma so stupid she bought a video camera to record cable tv shows at
Yo momma so stupid she called Dan Quayle for a spell check.
Yo momma so stupid she called the cocaine hotline to order some.
Yo momma so stupid she cooked her own complimentary breakfast.
Yo momma so stupid she couldn't read an audio book
Yo momma so stupid she got locked in a grocery store and starved!
Yo momma so stupid she got stabbed in a shoot out.
Yo momma so stupid she got stuck on the escalator for 3 hours,
Yo momma so stupid she has blonde roots in your eyeballs.
Yo momma so stupid she has to ask for help to use hamburger helper
Yo momma so stupid she hears it's chilly outside so she gets a bowl
Yo momma so stupid she jumped out the window and went up.
Yo momma so stupid she sat on a window ledge thinking she'd get framed.
Yo momma so stupid she saw a "wet floor" sign and peed on the floor
Yo momma so stupid she sits on the TV, and watches the couch!
Yo momma so stupid she sold her car for gasoline money!
Yo momma so stupid she stepped on a crack and broke her own back.
Yo momma so stupid she stole free bread.
Yo momma so stupid she think "innuendo" is an Italian suppository
Yo momma so stupid she thinks Johnny Cash is a pay toilet!
Yo momma so stupid she thinks a quarterback is a refund!
Yo momma so stupid she thinks manual labor is a Mexican!
Yo momma so stupid she thinks socialism means partying!
Yo momma so stupid she thought Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company.
Yo momma so stupid she thought Taco Bell was a Mexican phone company.
Yo momma so stupid she thought a beaver dam was a type of tampon
Yo momma so stupid she thought a quarterback was an income tax refund.
Yo momma so stupid she thought gangrene was another golf course
Yo momma so stupid she thought menopause was a button on the stereo
Yo momma so stupid she thought she needed a token to get on Soul Train.
Yo momma so stupid she thought the Nazis were saying "Hi!  Hitler"
Yo momma so stupid she took a cup to see Juice.
Yo momma so stupid she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
Yo momma so stupid she took a spoon to the superbowl.
Yo momma so stupid she took a umbrella to see Purple Rain.
Yo momma so stupid she took the Pepsi challenge and chose Jif.
Yo momma so stupid she tried to commit suicide and jumped off the curb.
Yo momma so stupid she tripped over a cordless phone!
Yo momma so stupid she watches "The Three Stooges" and takes notes.
Yo momma so stupid she went to Alpha Beta and asked to buy a vowel.
Yo momma so stupid she went to a Clippers game to get a hair cut.
Yo momma so stupid she went to a Whalers game to see Shamu.
Yo momma so stupid that she sold the car for gas money.
Yo momma so stupid that she thought Boyz II Men was a day care center.
Yo momma so stupid that she took a shower and got brain-washed.
Yo momma so stupid that she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order!
Yo momma so stupid when you stand next to her you hear the ocean!
Yo momma so stupid you have to dig for her IQ!
Yo momma so tall she did a back-flip and kicked Jesus in the mouth.
Yo momma so tall she tripped in Michigan and hit her head in Florida.
Yo momma so tall she tripped over a rock and hit her head on the moon.
Yo momma so ugly I heard that your dad first met her at the pound.
Yo momma so ugly I've seen cowpies I'd rather do it with.
Yo momma so ugly Ted Dansen wouldn't date her!
Yo momma so ugly The NHL banned her for life
Yo momma so ugly even ALIEN facehuggers run away from her!
Yo momma so ugly even Rice Krispies won't talk to her!
Yo momma so ugly for Halloween she trick or treats on the phone!
Yo momma so ugly her face is closed on weekends!
Yo momma so ugly her face is like a melted willy.
Yo momma so ugly her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her
Yo momma so ugly it looks like she sleeps on a bed of nails, FACE DOWN!
Yo momma so ugly people go as her for Halloween.
Yo momma so ugly she could scare a hungry wolf off a meat truck.
Yo momma so ugly she could scare the chrome off a bumper!
Yo momma so ugly she could scare the moss off a rock!
Yo momma so ugly she had a face that would sink a thousand ships.
Yo momma so ugly she had to sneak up on a glass of water.
Yo momma so ugly she had to wear two bags...in case one breaks
Yo momma so ugly she has to sneak up on a huricane to catch a breeze.
Yo momma so ugly she is very successful at her job: Being a scarecrow
Yo momma so ugly she just got a job at the airport, sniffing for drugs
Yo momma so ugly she looks like a Bulldog licking piss off a thistle.
Yo momma so ugly she looks like she's been bobbing for french fries!
Yo momma so ugly she looks like the elephant man chewing on a wasp.
Yo momma so ugly she looks out the window and gets arrested!
Yo momma so ugly she made an onion cry.
Yo momma so ugly she makes *YOU* look good!"
Yo momma so ugly she scares the roaches away.
Yo momma so ugly she scares wild life.
Yo momma so ugly she tried to take a bath the water jumped out!
Yo momma so ugly she turned Medusa to stone!
Yo momma so ugly she'd make a freight train take a dirt road.
Yo momma so ugly she'd scare a buzzard off a gut wagon.
Yo momma so ugly she's the cover girl for iodine.
Yo momma so ugly that if ugly were bricks she'd have her own projects.
Yo momma so ugly the government moved Halloween to her birthday.
Yo momma so ugly the psychiatrist makes her lie facedown.
Yo momma so ugly the tide wouldn't even take her out
Yo momma so ugly they only wanted her feet for the freak show.
Yo momma so ugly they pay her to put her clothes on in strip joints.
Yo momma so ugly they threw her away and kept the afterbirth.
Yo momma so ugly when she cries the tears run up her face.
Yo momma so ugly when she was born, the doctor slapped her mother.
Yo momma so ugly you could tell the face, only 'cuz it had ears.
Yo momma so wrinkled, she has to screw her hat on.
Yo momma teeth are so rotten, when she smiles they look like dice.
Yo momma teeth are so yellow I can't believe its not butter
Yo momma teeth are so yellow she spits butter!
Yo momma teeth are so yellow traffic slows down when she smiles!
Yo momma teeth are so yellow, I can't believe it's not butter
Yo momma teeth are so yellow, she spits butter!
Yo momma teeth are so yellow, traffic slows down when she smiles!
Yo momma threw a frizbee three weeks ago that hasn't landed yet.
Yo momma twice the man you are.
Yo momma was in church with a tee-shirt on that said "WHO FARTED?"
Yo momma wears knee-pads and yells "Curb Service!"
Yo momma's so boring, she make Presidental speeches sound intresting
Yo momma's so fat and old, she fell down and created the Grand Canyon
Yo momma's so fat that when she walks she leaves snail tracks....
Yo momma's so fat, they invented super extra strength ultra SlimFast
Yo momma's so hairy, she uses a lawnmower to shave.
Yo momma's so nice she'd give me the hair off her back!
Yo momma's so old, her birthday cake is a fire hazard
Yo momma's so old, she councled Adam and Eve
Yo momma's so poor, she can't even pay attention.
Yo momma's so poor, she considers jail as a fancy hotel
Yo momma's so stupid, she sniffs Coca-Cola (Coke)
Yo so fat, when yo steps on a scale, it read "one at a time, please".
Yo so fat, yo steps on a scale, it read "...to be continued".
Yo so grouchy, the McDonalds yo works in doesn't even serve Happy Meals.
Yo so old, when Moses parted the Red Sea, yo was on the other side.
Yo!  Picard raps
Yo! Dudes! Don't have a cow, Man!
Yo! Jingle This.
Yo! Kirk! That jus ain't logical! -- S'tallone of Vulcan
Yo! Picard raps...
Yo' Life be uncertain so's eat dessert *first*.
Yo' Momma is so stupid, she took the Pepsi Challenge and chose Jif.
Yo' Momma's so fat she had to get her own area code.
Yo' momma so black, she farts soot!
Yo'daddy like cement, it takes him two days to get hard.
Yo'daddy so old, he was the promoter for David vs. Goliath.
Yo'dick is so small, it looks like you have a second bellybutton.
Yo'dick is so small, you pee on your nuts.
Yo'momma ain't so bad...she would give you the hair off of her back!
Yo'momma armpits so hairy looks like she got Buckwheat in a headlock!
Yo'momma armpits stink so bad, she made Speed Stick slow down!
Yo'momma arms are so short, she has to tilt her head to scratch her ear.
Yo'momma arms so short, she has to tilt her head to scratch her ear.
Yo'momma ass so tight only the dogs can hear it when she farts!
Yo'momma breath so bad her teeth have asbestos caps!
Yo'momma breath so bad she be blowin' bubbles with Now & Laters.
Yo'momma breath so bad when she yawns her teeth duck.
Yo'momma butt is so big, crack dealers say she's got enough already.
Yo'momma butt so hairy she has to part the crack to crap.
Yo'momma can wrestle a cow to the ground.
Yo'momma could only get a date with the Pillsbury dough boy.
Yo'momma cross-eyed and watches TV in stereo.
Yo'momma don't dance and your Daddy don't Rock and Roll.
Yo'momma drives a peanut.
Yo'momma ears are so big she drives the freeways by sonar!
Yo'momma feet are so big her shoes have to have license plates!
Yo'momma glasses are so thick she can see into the future.
Yo'momma glasses so thick, she could read my mind!
Yo'momma goes out takes a look at the menu and says "That'll do."
Yo'momma got a 'fro with warning lights.
Yo'momma got a bald head with a part and sideburns.
Yo'momma got a face like a bag of chisels.
Yo'momma got a face like a bag of smashed arseholes.
Yo'momma got a face like a blind cobbler's thumb.
Yo'momma got a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle.
Yo'momma got a face like a burglar's dog !!
Yo'momma got a face like a half-sucked mango
Yo'momma got a face like a welder's bench.
Yo'momma got a face like half a pound of smacked twat and a hairy pie.
Yo'momma got a face like the south end of a north-bound camel
Yo'momma got a glass eye with a fish in it.
Yo'momma got a leather wig with suede sideburns.
Yo'momma got a metal afro with rusty sideburns.
Yo'momma got a pussy on her hip so she can make money on the side.
Yo'momma got a wooden leg with a kickstand on it.
Yo'momma got a wooden leg with a real foot.
Yo'momma got a wooden leg with branches.
Yo'momma got a yeast infection so bad, she pisses biscuits.
Yo'momma got a' afro, wit' a chin strap!!!!
Yo'momma got an ass soo big she got to sh*t in a dumpster.
Yo'momma got eyeballs in her kneecaps & her name Neicee
Yo'momma got four eyes and two pair of sunglasses.
Yo'momma got green hair and thinks she's a tree.
Yo'momma got hair on her tongue and she gargles with curl activator.
Yo'momma got lips on her ass, that's why she talks a lot of sh*t!
Yo'momma got more pricks than a pin cushion.
Yo'momma got no legs & her name Contsuelo
Yo'momma got snakeskin teeth.
Yo'momma got so many freckles she looks like a hamburger!
Yo'momma got so many teeth missing it looks like her tongue is in jail.
Yo'momma got so much hair on her upper lip she braids it.
Yo'momma got three fingers and a banjo.
Yo'momma got three teeth...one in her mouth and two in her pocket.
Yo'momma got two wooden legs and one is one backward.
Yo'momma gums are so black she spits Yoo-hoo.
Yo'momma hair is so nappy, she rolls her hair with rice.
Yo'momma hair so nappy she has to take pain killers to comb it!
Yo'momma hair so nappy she rolls her hair with rice.
Yo'momma hair so nappy when she braided it they looked like stiches.
Yo'momma has a 'fro with warning lights.
Yo'momma has a glass eye with a fish in it.
Yo'momma has a short arm and can't applaude.
Yo'momma has a short leg and walks in circles.
Yo'momma has a wooden afro with an X carved in the back.
Yo'momma has an ass soo big she has to use a dumpster.
Yo'momma has green hair and thinks she a tree.
Yo'momma has no ears. I seen the bitch trying on sunglasses.
Yo'momma has so much hair on her upper lip, she braids it.
Yo'momma head so big it shows up on radar.
Yo'momma head so big she has to step into her shirts.
Yo'momma head so small she got her ear pierced and died.
Yo'momma head so small she took a shower and got brain-washed.
Yo'momma head so small she use a tea-bag as a pillow.
Yo'momma hips so big people set their drinks on them.
Yo'momma hole so loose she can use a 747 as a dildo.
Yo'momma house so dirty roaches ride around on dune buggies!
Yo'momma house so dirty she has to wipe her feet before going outside.
Yo'momma house so dirty the mice ride dirt bikes!
Yo'momma house so small her washcloth makes wall-to-wall carpeting.
Yo'momma house so small she has to go outside to eat a large pizza.
Yo'momma house so small the doormat just says "WEL"
Yo'momma house so small you have to go outside to change your mind.
Yo'momma house so small, her washcloth makes wall-to-wall carpeting.
Yo'momma house so small, the doormat just says "WEL"
Yo'momma just like a TV remote: A 2 year old could turn her on.
Yo'momma just like the Pillsbury Doughboy. Everybody pokes her.
Yo'momma like Betty Crocker icing: Always ready to spread.
Yo'momma like Crazy Eddie: She practically giving it all away.
Yo'momma like Crazy Eddie: She's practically giving it all away.
Yo'momma like Denny's: Open 24 hours.
Yo'momma like Domino's pizza: Something for nothing.
Yo'momma like Mcdonalds: What you want is What you get.
Yo'momma like Nintendo: Now she's portable.
Yo'momma like a 10 Seater Bike: It take 10 people to move her ass.
Yo'momma like a 7-11: She's on every corner, and she's always open.
Yo'momma like a 7-UP: Never had it, never will.
Yo'momma like a Christmas tree: Everybody hangs balls on her.
Yo'momma like a Coke machine: 50 cents a pop.
Yo'momma like a Denny's: Open 24 hours.
Yo'momma like a McDonalds: over 52 billion served.
Yo'momma like a TV set: Even a three year old can turn her on!
Yo'momma like a Toyota: "Oh what a feelin'!"
Yo'momma like a bike: People constantly pumping away at her.
Yo'momma like a birthday cake: Everybody gets a piece.
Yo'momma like a bowling ball: You can fit three fingers in.
Yo'momma like a broken bubble gum machine: 25 cents gets it all.
Yo'momma like a bubble gum machine: 25 cents a blow.
Yo'momma like a bubble gum machine: Everyone gets a pop.
Yo'momma like a bus: Fifty cents and she's ready to ride!
Yo'momma like a bus: Guys climb on and off her all day long.
Yo'momma like a catsup bottle: Everyone gets a squeeze out of her!
Yo'momma like a door knob: Everyone gets a turn.
Yo'momma like a garden: She's always gettin' planted.
Yo'momma like a goalie: Changes pads after three periods.
Yo'momma like a golf course: Everyone gets a hole in one!
Yo'momma like a horse: She's always gettin' mounted.
Yo'momma like a lamp post: She be on every street corner.
Yo'momma like a light switch: Even a little kid can turn her on.
Yo'momma like a motorcycle: Couple kicks and shes roaring to go.
Yo'momma like a pack of bubble gum: 5 sticks for a quarter.
Yo'momma like a potato chip seller on 42nd street: "LAYS! LAYS!"
Yo'momma like a race car: She's always burning rubber.
Yo'momma like a railroad track: Gets laid all over the country.
Yo'momma like a refrigerator: Everyone likes to put their meat in her!
Yo'momma like a revolving door: Everyone gets a turn.
Yo'momma like a rifle: Four cocks and she loaded.
Yo'momma like a screen door: After a couple bangs she loosens up!
Yo'momma like a shotgun: One cock and she blows!
Yo'momma like a smokehouse: Always full of meat.
Yo'momma like a stamp: You lick her, stick her, then send her away.
Yo'momma like a stop sign: She's on every corner.
Yo'momma like a taxi: Constantly giving rides to strangers.
Yo'momma like a vacuum cleaner: A real good suck.
Yo'momma like a video game: Four men for a dollar!
Yo'momma like an Orange Crush: "Good Vibrations!"
Yo'momma like an ice cream cone: Everyone gets a lick.
Yo'momma like cake mix: 15 servings per package!
Yo'momma like castlebury stew: Servings are family size.
Yo'momma like chinese food: Sweet, sour and cheap!
Yo'momma like mustard: She spreads easy.
Yo'momma like potato chips: Flat, Greasy and Frito-Lay.
Yo'momma like the Pillsbury doughboy: Everyone gets a poke!
Yo'momma like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man: Everybody gets a piece.
Yo'momma like the railway system: She gets laid all over the country!
Yo'momma lips are so big she puts lipstick on with a paint roller.
Yo'momma lips so big Chap Stick had to invent a spray.
Yo'momma looks like a humor moderator.
Yo'momma mates out of season.
Yo'momma middle name is Rambo.
Yo'momma mouth so big she speaks in surround sound.
Yo'momma nails so long they're like Freddy Krugeur's.
Yo'momma nose so big she makes Pinocchio look like a cat!
Yo'momma nose so big she uses her boogers for bowling balls!
Yo'momma only got three teeth: One in her mouth and two in her pocket!
Yo'momma pubic hair is so nappy the crabs ride dune buggies.
Yo'momma pussy so dry the crabs carry canteens.
Yo'momma real nice: She'll give ya the hair right off her back!
Yo'momma referees bar fights without a shirt on.
Yo'momma said she liked seafood so I gave her crabs.
Yo'momma shoes so old when she step on gum she know the flavor.
Yo'momma smell so bad she made Right Guard turn to left!
Yo'momma smell so bad she made Speed Stick slow down!
Yo'momma smell so bad she uses Lysol for perfume.
Yo'momma smell so bad that not even a dog would go near her.
Yo'momma smell so fishy I can't believe it's not tuna!
Yo'momma smells so bad that not even a dog would go near her.
Yo'momma so backwards, she sits on the TV and watches the couch.
Yo'momma so bald even a wig wouldn't help!
Yo'momma so bald that she took a shower and got brain-washed.
Yo'momma so bald you can see whats on her mind
Yo'momma so big she's been given her own statehood.
Yo'momma so big she's on both sides of the family!
Yo'momma so big when she sweats people wear raincoats around her!
Yo'momma so boring she make Presidential speeches sound interesting.
Yo'momma so cheap she whored her way on to the metro.
Yo'momma so clumsy she got tangled up in a cordless phone.
Yo'momma so cross-eyed she dropped a dime and picked up two nickels!
Yo'momma so cross-eyed she watches TV in stereo.
Yo'momma so dark if she cut herself she would smoke!
Yo'momma so dark she can go to a funeral butt naked.
Yo'momma so dark she creates a eclipse.
Yo'momma so dark she farts soot!
Yo'momma so dark she spits chocolate milk!
Yo'momma so dark she went to night school and was marked absent!
Yo'momma so dark that she can leave fingerprints on charcoal.
Yo'momma so dark the sun sends her a monthly bill.
Yo'momma so dark they die bowling balls in her bath water.
Yo'momma so dark when she got outta the car, the oil light went on!
Yo'momma so dirty she has to creep up on bathwater.
Yo'momma so dumb, she asked for a price check at the $1.00 store.
Yo'momma so easy that Madonna get tips from her!
Yo'momma so fat God couldn't light Earth till she moved!
Yo'momma so fat I had to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot.
Yo'momma so fat I had to slap her thigh and ride the wave in!
Yo'momma so fat I had to walk around her and got lost.
Yo'momma so fat I took her to a dance and the band skipped.
Yo'momma so fat I tried to drive around her and I ran out of gas.
Yo'momma so fat McDonalds has to change their sign every time she eats.
Yo'momma so fat NASA has a satellite orbiting around her!
Yo'momma so fat a picture of her would fall off the wall!
Yo'momma so fat after sex she smokes a turkey!
Yo'momma so fat and old she fell down and created the Grand Canyon.
Yo'momma so fat and stupid, her waist size is larger than her IQ!
Yo'momma so fat at the zoo the elephants started throwing her peanuts!
Yo'momma so fat cars run out of gas before passing yo mama's fat ass.
Yo'momma so fat don't have cellulite, she have celluHEAVY!
Yo'momma so fat even Bill Gates couldn't pay for her liposuction!
Yo'momma so fat even her clothes have stretch marks!
Yo'momma so fat everytime she walks in high heels she strikes oil!
Yo'momma so fat her big toe got stuck in the catflap.
Yo'momma so fat her blood type's "Ragu."
Yo'momma so fat her butt cheeks have different area codes.
Yo'momma so fat her butt looks like 2 pigs fightin' over Milkduds.
Yo'momma so fat her doctor's a grounds keeper.
Yo'momma so fat her driver license picture's continued on the back.
Yo'momma so fat her high school picture was an aerial photograph.
Yo'momma so fat her legs are like spoiled milk - white and chunky!
Yo'momma so fat her neck looks like a pair of hot dogs!
Yo'momma so fat her nickname is "damn."
Yo'momma so fat her only pictures are satellite pictures.
Yo'momma so fat her picture fell off the wall!
Yo'momma so fat her tits are in two different time zones.
Yo'momma so fat her toes bleed when she walks!
Yo'momma so fat if she weighed 5 more pounds she'd get group insurance.
Yo'momma so fat if she'd died you'd have to take her out in two trips.
Yo'momma so fat it takes a forklift to help her stand up.
Yo'momma so fat it takes her two trips to haul ass
Yo'momma so fat last time she went swimming she got harpooned.
Yo'momma so fat light gets stuck near her.
Yo'momma so fat mosquitoes see her and scream buffet!
Yo'momma so fat people ice skate on her toe nails.
Yo'momma so fat people jog around her for exercise.
Yo'momma so fat people use her dandruff as quilts.
Yo'momma so fat sets off car alarms when she runs.
Yo'momma so fat she accidently got a 747 caught in her teeth.
Yo'momma so fat she been given her own statehood.
Yo'momma so fat she been mistaken for planet X.
Yo'momma so fat she bought 2-18 wheelers trucks to go in-line skating.
Yo'momma so fat she broke her leg and gravy poured out!
Yo'momma so fat she can smell bacon frying in Canada!
Yo'momma so fat she can use Mt. Everest for a dildo.
Yo'momma so fat she can't even tie her own shoes!
Yo'momma so fat she can't make a leap of faith.
Yo'momma so fat she can't reach her back pocket.
Yo'momma so fat she can't walk home so she rolls home.
Yo'momma so fat she dressed up as a bouncy castle.
Yo'momma so fat she eats Wheat Thicks.
Yo'momma so fat she eats out of a satellite dish.
Yo'momma so fat she fell and made the Grand Canyon!
Yo'momma so fat she fell in love and broke it!
Yo'momma so fat she gets stuck in her dreams!
Yo'momma so fat she got Amtrak written on her leg.
Yo'momma so fat she got Brighton stuck up her arse.
Yo'momma so fat she got a date with the Pillsbury dough boy.
Yo'momma so fat she got her baby pictures taken by satellite.
Yo'momma so fat she got her own area code!
Yo'momma so fat she got hit by a parked car!
Yo'momma so fat she got hit by a truck and asked Who threw that rock?
Yo'momma so fat she got more Chins than a Hong Kong phone book!
Yo'momma so fat she got to iron her pants on the driveway.
Yo'momma so fat she got to pull down her pants to get into her pockets.
Yo'momma so fat she gotta' take two trips to haul ass!
Yo'momma so fat she had a run in her jeans!
Yo'momma so fat she had her ears pierced by harpoon.
Yo'momma so fat she had stretch marks when she was a virgin.
Yo'momma so fat she had to get out of bed to roll over.
Yo'momma so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized.
Yo'momma so fat she has a part-time job as a trampoline!
Yo'momma so fat she has a run in her blue jeans!
Yo'momma so fat she has been declared a natural habitat for Condors.
Yo'momma so fat she has her own brand of jeans: FA - FatAss Jeans.
Yo'momma so fat she has her own gravity.
Yo'momma so fat she has her own zip code.
Yo'momma so fat she has more rolls than a Mary Jane truck.
Yo'momma so fat she has shocks on her toilet seat.
Yo'momma so fat she has to buy two airline tickets!
Yo'momma so fat she has to go outside to put on deodorant.
Yo'momma so fat she has to go outside to sit around the house.
Yo'momma so fat she has to iron her clothes in the driveway.
Yo'momma so fat she has to lay down to tie her shoe.
Yo'momma so fat she has to use a VCR as a beeper!
Yo'momma so fat she has to use hoola-hoops to hold her socks up.
Yo'momma so fat she hides her goiter with her chin.
Yo'momma so fat she hoola-hooped the super bowl.
Yo'momma so fat she influences the tides.
Yo'momma so fat she irons her clothes in the driveway.
Yo'momma so fat she jumped for joy and got stuck.
Yo'momma so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck!
Yo'momma so fat she keeps her diagphram in a pizza box!
Yo'momma so fat she looks like a kangaroo with all the kids home.
Yo'momma so fat she looks like she's smuggling a Volkswagen!
Yo'momma so fat she needs a bookmark to find her chin.
Yo'momma so fat she needs a boomerang to put a scarf on.
Yo'momma so fat she on both sides of the family!
Yo'momma so fat she plays pool with the planets.
Yo'momma so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller.
Yo'momma so fat she rocked herself to sleep trying to get up.
Yo'momma so fat she rolled over 4 quarters and it made a dollar!
Yo'momma so fat she runs on Diesel!
Yo'momma so fat she sat on a face at Mt. Rushmore and covered it!
Yo'momma so fat she sat on a rainbow and made Skittles.
Yo'momma so fat she sat on the beach and Greenpeace threw her in!
Yo'momma so fat she shaves her legs with a lawn mower.
Yo'momma so fat she shows up on radar.
Yo'momma so fat she sits on coal and farts out a diamond.
Yo'momma so fat she stands in two time zones.
Yo'momma so fat she stepped on a dime and picked up two nickles.
Yo'momma so fat she stepped on a rainbow and made Skittles.
Yo'momma so fat she stepped on a rainbow and made skidmarks!
Yo'momma so fat she steps on a scale and it goes: One at a time please.
Yo'momma so fat she takes baths in swimming pools.
Yo'momma so fat she thinks Church's Chicken's a holy place.
Yo'momma so fat she thinks a balanced meal is a ham in each hand.
Yo'momma so fat she thought gravy was a beverage.
Yo'momma so fat she uses a mattress as a maxi-pad.
Yo'momma so fat she uses a mattress as a tampon.
Yo'momma so fat she uses a pillow case as a sock.
Yo'momma so fat she uses a satellite dish as a diaphragm.
Yo'momma so fat she uses redwoods to pick her teeth.
Yo'momma so fat she uses sheep for tampons.
Yo'momma so fat she uses the freeway as a Slip n' Slide!
Yo'momma so fat she wakes up in sections!
Yo'momma so fat she was Miss Arizona - class Battleship.
Yo'momma so fat she was baptised in the ocean.
Yo'momma so fat she was baptized at Marine World.
Yo'momma so fat she was born on the 4th, 5th and 6th of March!
Yo'momma so fat she was mistaken for God's bowling ball!
Yo'momma so fat she was zoned for commercial development.
Yo'momma so fat she wears a microwave for a beeper!
Yo'momma so fat she wears two watches because she's in two time zones!
Yo'momma so fat she went to "Butter Fat High" School.
Yo'momma so fat she went to the beach and sold shade!
Yo'momma so fat she went to the movies and sat next to everyone.
Yo'momma so fat she went to the salad bar and pulled up a chair.
Yo'momma so fat she won "Miss Bessie the Cow 95."
Yo'momma so fat she works in the movies - as the screen.
Yo'momma so fat she's on both sides of the family.
Yo'momma so fat that her senior pictures had to be arial views!
Yo'momma so fat that she cant tie her own shoes.
Yo'momma so fat that when I tried to drive around her I ran out of gas.
Yo'momma so fat that when she cuts herself, she bleeds cottage cheese.
Yo'momma so fat that when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips!
Yo'momma so fat that whenever she burps, your dinner is ready.
Yo'momma so fat the Aids quilt wouldn't cover her.
Yo'momma so fat the Himalayas are practice runs.
Yo'momma so fat the airline charges her round trip for each flight.
Yo'momma so fat the animals at the zoo feed her.
Yo'momma so fat the bitch went to Kuwait to light a fag.
Yo'momma so fat the elastic in her underwear is used for bungee jumping.
Yo'momma so fat the highway patrol made her wear Caution! Wide Turn!
Yo'momma so fat the scale read, "Forget it."
Yo'momma so fat the zoo elephants started throwing her peanuts!
Yo'momma so fat they have to grease the bath tub to get her out!
Yo'momma so fat they invented super extra strength ultra SlimFast.
Yo'momma so fat they mistake her for a country.
Yo'momma so fat they use her eyelashes as wickets.
Yo'momma so fat they used her pussy as the Channel Tunnel.
Yo'momma so fat to her "light food" means under 4 Tons.
Yo'momma so fat to lose a few pounds she takes off her girdle.
Yo'momma so fat when I got on top of her my ears popped.
Yo'momma so fat when a cop saw her he told her: Hey you two break it up!
Yo'momma so fat when her beeper goes off people think she's backing up.
Yo'momma so fat when her beeper goes on, people think she's backing up.
Yo'momma so fat when she back up she beep.
Yo'momma so fat when she bungee jumps she brings down the bridge too.
Yo'momma so fat when she bungee jumps she goes straight to hell!
Yo'momma so fat when she dances at a concert the whole band skips.
Yo'momma so fat when she falls it measures on the Richter scale!
Yo'momma so fat when she fell in love she broke it!
Yo'momma so fat when she fell over an' cut herself - gravy ran out.
Yo'momma so fat when she gets on the scale it says: To be continued.
Yo'momma so fat when she has sex she has to give directions!
Yo'momma so fat when she hoola-hoops, she looks like Saturn.
Yo'momma so fat when she jumps up in the air she gets stuck!
Yo'momma so fat when she lays down stunt men try to jump over her.
Yo'momma so fat when she lies on the beach no one else gets sun!
Yo'momma so fat when she moons people they turn into Werewolves.
Yo'momma so fat when she moves the moon follows her.
Yo'momma so fat when she puts her foot down she clears rain forests.
Yo'momma so fat when she sings, it's over, it IS over!!
Yo'momma so fat when she sits on my face I can't hear the stereo.
Yo'momma so fat when she steps on a scale it read one at a time, please.
Yo'momma so fat when she sweats everyone around her wears raincoats!
Yo'momma so fat when she tripped over on 4th Ave she landed on 12th.
Yo'momma so fat when she turns around it's her birthday.
Yo'momma so fat when she walks in high heels she strikes oil.
Yo'momma so fat when she walks she leaves snail tracks.
Yo'momma so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat people say "Taxi!"
Yo'momma so fat when she wears her X jacket, helicopters land on her.
Yo'momma so fat when she wears red all the kids scream Kool Aid!
Yo'momma so fat when she's pissed, it looks like a tornado is coming.
Yo'momma so fat when you get on top of her your ears pop!
Yo'momma so fat when you put her in a jacuzzi she makes her own gravy!
Yo'momma so fat whenever she goes to the beach the tide comes in!
Yo'momma so fat you can slap her thighs and ride the waves in!
Yo'momma so fat you can't tell if she is coming or going.
Yo'momma so fat you have to roll over twice to get off of her.
Yo'momma so fat your family portrait has stretch marks.
Yo'momma so flat she's jealous of the wall!
Yo'momma so funky she puts ice in her panties to keep the crabs fresh!
Yo'momma so funky she slowed down speed stick.
Yo'momma so funky she sweats Black Flag!
Yo'momma so funky she used Secret and it told on her!
Yo'momma so funky when she goes for a walk cats follow her.
Yo'momma so generous she'd give you the hair off her back!
Yo'momma so generous that she would give all her money to a bum.
Yo'momma so greasy Texaco buys oil from her.
Yo'momma so greasy she sweats Crisco!
Yo'momma so greasy she used bacon as a band-aid!
Yo'momma so hairy Bigfoot takes pictures of her!
Yo'momma so hairy her momma almost died of rug burn at birth!
Yo'momma so hairy she beats her chest after sex.
Yo'momma so hairy she got afros on her nipples!
Yo'momma so hairy she look like she got Buchwheat in a headlock.
Yo'momma so hairy she looks like a Chia Pet with an afro!
Yo'momma so hairy she played in Gorillas In The Mist.
Yo'momma so hairy she shaves with a weed whacker.
Yo'momma so hairy she uses a lawn mower to shave her armpits.
Yo'momma so hairy you almost died of rugburn at birth!
Yo'momma so lightheaded when she jumps out the window she flies UP!
Yo'momma so nasty Ozzie Ozbourne refused to bite her head off.
Yo'momma so nasty her Sure deodorant is now confused!
Yo'momma so nasty lice consider her a great vacation place.
Yo'momma so nasty she brings crabs to the beach.
Yo'momma so nasty she gets drunk at communion.
Yo'momma so nasty she gets sour dough yeast infections.
Yo'momma so nasty she has to creep up on bath water.
Yo'momma so nasty she has two pussys and they both stink.
Yo'momma so nasty she made right guard turn left.
Yo'momma so nasty she made speed stick slow down.
Yo'momma so nasty she put on Secret deoderant and it told on her.
Yo'momma so nasty she uses drano to douche.
Yo'momma so nasty she was quarantined before she was born.
Yo'momma so nasty she went swimming and now we have the Dead Sea.
Yo'momma so nasty skunks run from her.
Yo'momma so nasty sometimes people mistake her for a fishing boat.
Yo'momma so nasty that her sh*t is glad to escape.
Yo'momma so nasty the fishery be paying her to leave.
Yo'momma so nasty they sell her crabs at the fish market.
Yo'momma so nasty when she goes for a walk cats follow her.
Yo'momma so nasty when yo'daddy ate her pussy he got food poisoning.
Yo'momma so nasty when your daddy ate her pussy he got food poisoning.
Yo'momma so nice she'd give me the hair off her back!
Yo'momma so old God said let there be light and she flipped the switch.
Yo'momma so old I told her to act her age, and the bitch died.
Yo'momma so old and stupid she knew the Virgin Mary when she was 10.
Yo'momma so old even God calls her momma!
Yo'momma so old her ass is a cave for Indians.
Yo'momma so old her birth certificate expired!
Yo'momma so old her birth certificate is in Roman numerals.
Yo'momma so old her birthday cake is a fire hazard.
Yo'momma so old her social security number is 1!
Yo'momma so old she D-J'd the Boston Tea Party!
Yo'momma so old she be older than the wood her peg-leg was made out of.
Yo'momma so old she co-wrote one of the Ten Commandments.
Yo'momma so old she counseled Adam and Eve.
Yo'momma so old she dreams in black and white.
Yo'momma so old she drove a chariot to high school!
Yo'momma so old she farts dust!
Yo'momma so old she has Jesus and all the disciples in her yearbook.
Yo'momma so old she has Jesus' beeper number!
Yo'momma so old she has a picture of Moses in her yearbook.
Yo'momma so old she knew Burger King while he was still a prince.
Yo'momma so old she owes Jesus 3 bucks!
Yo'momma so old she played kick-ball with Jesus!
Yo'momma so old she ran track with dinosaurs.
Yo'momma so old she sat behind Jesus in the third grade.
Yo'momma so old she sh*ts clay tablets.
Yo'momma so old she still owes Moses a quarter!
Yo'momma so old she was Jesus' Wet Nurse.
Yo'momma so old she was a waitress at the Last Supper.
Yo'momma so old she was there for the first day of slavery.
Yo'momma so old she went to Pizza Hut when it was only a teepee.
Yo'momma so old she wrote the foreword to the Bible!
Yo'momma so old she's blind from the Big Bang.
Yo'momma so old when she reads the bible she reminisces!
Yo'momma so old when she was in school there was no history class.
Yo'momma so poor I saw her fighting an ant for food.
Yo'momma so poor Jimmy Swaggart gives HER money.
Yo'momma so poor burglars break in her house and leave money.
Yo'momma so poor her face is on the front of a food stamp.
Yo'momma so poor she bitches about high prices at Goodwill.
Yo'momma so poor she can't afford free cheese!
Yo'momma so poor she can't afford to pay attention!
Yo'momma so poor she catches fire flies for heat.
Yo'momma so poor she considers jail as a fancy hotel.
Yo'momma so poor she goes to KFC to lick other people's fingers!
Yo'momma so poor she married young just to get the rice!
Yo'momma so poor she was kickin a can, and said she was "moving!"
Yo'momma so poor she went to McDonald's to put a shake on layaway.
Yo'momma so poor she wipes with both sides of the toilet paper.
Yo'momma so poor that Jerry Lewis sends her money.
Yo'momma so poor that when she wrote a check the whole bank bounced!
Yo'momma so poor the Somalians are sending her food.
Yo'momma so poor when I ring the doorbell I hear the toilet flush!
Yo'momma so poor when I ring the doorbell she says DING!
Yo'momma so poor when your family watches TV, they go to Ed Kelley's.
Yo'momma so poor you go out for sunday pushes of the skateboard.
Yo'momma so poor your family ate cereal with a fork to save milk.
Yo'momma so short she can bungee-jump off a curb!
Yo'momma so short she can play handball on the curb.
Yo'momma so short she does back flips under the bed.
Yo'momma so short she has to slam dunk her change on the bus!!
Yo'momma so short she has to use a ladder to pick up a dime.
Yo'momma so short she is the original Q-tip.
Yo'momma so short she jumped off a curb and commited suicide.
Yo'momma so short she models for trophies.
Yo'momma so short she plays racquet ball on a curb!
Yo'momma so short she pole vaults with a toothpick.
Yo'momma so short she trips on spit.
Yo'momma so short you can see her feet on her driver's license.
Yo'momma so skank she gets drunk at communion.
Yo'momma so skinny Sally Struthers sends her food!
Yo'momma so skinny her nipples touch.
Yo'momma so skinny she could go hang gliding on a Dorito!
Yo'momma so skinny she could hula-hoop through a Cherrio!
Yo'momma so skinny she could start a Weight Watchers in Ethiopia!
Yo'momma so skinny she got a run in her hose and she fell out.
Yo'momma so skinny she has to run around in the shower to get wet
Yo'momma so skinny she has to wear a belt with spandex.
Yo'momma so skinny she hula hoops with a cheerio
Yo'momma so skinny she turned sideways and disappeared.
Yo'momma so skinny she uses a Band-Aid as a maxi-pad.
Yo'momma so skinny she uses suspenders for panties.
Yo'momma so slutty John Holmes just looked at her and got AIDS.
Yo'momma so slutty she blind and seeing another man.
Yo'momma so slutty she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch ball!
Yo'momma so slutty she could suck-start a Harley!
Yo'momma so slutty she had her own "Hands across her ass" charity drive.
Yo'momma so slutty she has Trojan written on her gum line.
Yo'momma so slutty she is known as Homecoming Disease.
Yo'momma so slutty she swims after troop ships!
Yo'momma so slutty she wears knee-pads and yells "Curb Service!"
Yo'momma so slutty the bottom of her feet are suntanned.
Yo'momma so slutty whe would bend over backward for YOU.
Yo'momma so small she gotta hang glide on a Dorito.
Yo'momma so smelly that her sh*t is glad to escape.
Yo'momma so stinky she can knock a buzzard off a sh*t wagon!
Yo'momma so stinky she make Right Guard turn left!
Yo'momma so stupid I saw her in the frozen food section w/a fishing rod.
Yo'momma so stupid I saw her standing on an empty bus.
Yo'momma so stupid I told her it was chilly outside, she got a spoon.
Yo'momma so stupid her brain cells are on the endangered species list.
Yo'momma so stupid her brain cells die ALONE!
Yo'momma so stupid it take her a day to cook a 3 minute egg.
Yo'momma so stupid it take her a month to get rid of the 7 day itch.
Yo'momma so stupid it take her a week to get rid of a 24 hour virus.
Yo'momma so stupid it take her two hours to watch 60 Minutes.
Yo'momma so stupid it takes her an hour to cook minute rice.
Yo'momma so stupid mind-readers charge her half-price.
Yo'momma so stupid she asked for a price check at the $1.00 store.
Yo'momma so stupid she asked for help to use hamburger helper.
Yo'momma so stupid she asked you: What is the number for 911?
Yo'momma so stupid she be missing a finger and can't count past 9.
Yo'momma so stupid she bought a solar-powered flashlight!
Yo'momma so stupid she called Dan Quayle for a spell check.
Yo'momma so stupid she called a 7-11 to ask when they closed!
Yo'momma so stupid she called the cocaine hot line to order some.
Yo'momma so stupid she can't even spell `IQ'.
Yo'momma so stupid she cooked her own complimentary breakfast.
Yo'momma so stupid she could trip over a cordless phone!
Yo'momma so stupid she couldn't read an audio book.
Yo'momma so stupid she dialed 911 for information.
Yo'momma so stupid she fell on her stomach and broke her back.
Yo'momma so stupid she gets lost in thought.
Yo'momma so stupid she got a bowl when told it was chilly outside.
Yo'momma so stupid she got fired from a blow job!
Yo'momma so stupid she got hit by a cup and told cops she got mugged.
Yo'momma so stupid she got hit by a parked car!
Yo'momma so stupid she got left back in Romper Room.
Yo'momma so stupid she got locked in a grocery store and starved!
Yo'momma so stupid she got stabbed in a shoot out.
Yo'momma so stupid she got stuck on the escalator for 3 hours.
Yo'momma so stupid she jumped out the window and went up.
Yo'momma so stupid she puts a ruler by bed to see how long she slept!
Yo'momma so stupid she returned a puzzle complaining it was broken!
Yo'momma so stupid she sat on a window ledge thinking she'd get framed.
Yo'momma so stupid she saw a sign that said Wet Floor so she did!
Yo'momma so stupid she shaves off her hair to wear a toupee.
Yo'momma so stupid she sits on the TV and watches the couch!
Yo'momma so stupid she sold her car for gasoline money!
Yo'momma so stupid she stepped on a crack and broke her own back.
Yo'momma so stupid she stole free bread.
Yo'momma so stupid she think innuendo is an Italian suppository.
Yo'momma so stupid she thinks Johnny Cash is a pay toilet!
Yo'momma so stupid she thinks manual labor is a Mexican!
Yo'momma so stupid she thinks socialism means partying!
Yo'momma so stupid she thought Lionel Riche was a kid with trians.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought O.J. Simpson some kind of fruit juice.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought Taco Bell was a Mexican phone company.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought Taco Bell was where to pay a phone bill.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought a beaver dam was a type of tampon.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought a hot meal is stolen food.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought a quarterback was an income tax refund.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought a quarterback was change.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought gangrene was another golf course.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought menopause was a button on the stereo.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought she needed a token to get on soul Train.
Yo'momma so stupid she thought softball was a venereal disease!
Yo'momma so stupid she thought the Nazis were saying "Hi! Hitler."
Yo'momma so stupid she took a cup to see Juice.
Yo'momma so stupid she took a job cutting grass offshore.
Yo'momma so stupid she took a spoon to the super bowl.
Yo'momma so stupid she took a umbrella to see Purple Rain.
Yo'momma so stupid she took the Pepsi challenge and chose Jif.
Yo'momma so stupid she tried to hang her self with a cordless phone.
Yo'momma so stupid she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order!
Yo'momma so stupid she tripped over a cordless phone!
Yo'momma so stupid she watches "The Three Stooges" and takes notes.
Yo'momma so stupid she went swimming to a car pool.
Yo'momma so stupid she went to Alpha Beta and asked to buy a vowel.
Yo'momma so stupid she went to a Clippers game to get a hair cut.
Yo'momma so stupid she went to a Whalers game to see Shamu.
Yo'momma so stupid she went to a gunfight armed with a knife.
Yo'momma so stupid she wrote `M, F, sometimes Wed' under "SEX?"
Yo'momma so stupid that she go hit by a parked car.
Yo'momma so stupid that she thought Boyz II Men was a day care center.
Yo'momma so stupid that she thought a quarterback was a refund.
Yo'momma so stupid that she tried to go swimming in a car pool.
Yo'momma so stupid the bitch bought a glass door with a peep-hole.
Yo'momma so stupid the retarded kids make fun of her.
Yo'momma so stupid when she counts to ten she get stuck at 11.
Yo'momma so stupid when you stand next to her you hear the ocean!
Yo'momma so stupid you have to dig for her IQ!
Yo'momma so tall she did a back-flip and kicked Jesus in the mouth.
Yo'momma so tall she did a cart wheel and kicked God in the chin.
Yo'momma so tall she tripped in Michigan and hit her head in Florida.
Yo'momma so tall she tripped over a rock and hit her head on the moon.
Yo'momma so toothless it takes her an hour to eat minute rice!
Yo'momma so ugly Dairy Queen doesn't even treat her right.
Yo'momma so ugly I heard that your dad first met her at the pound.
Yo'momma so ugly I wouldn't |=/////> her with a stolen dick.
Yo'momma so ugly I've seen cow pies I'd rather do it with.
Yo'momma so ugly Ted Dansen wouldn't date her!
Yo'momma so ugly a fly wouldn't sit on her.
Yo'momma so ugly even ALIEN face huggers run away from her!
Yo'momma so ugly even Rice Krispies won't talk to her!
Yo'momma so ugly everytime I see her I get a soft-on.
Yo'momma so ugly for Halloween she trick or treats on the phone!
Yo'momma so ugly her dentist treats her by mail!
Yo'momma so ugly her doctor is a Vet.
Yo'momma so ugly her face is closed on weekends!
Yo'momma so ugly her face is like a melted willy.
Yo'momma so ugly her momma had to be drunk to breast feed her.
Yo'momma so ugly her momma had to feed her with a sling shot.
Yo'momma so ugly her nickname is Damn!
Yo'momma so ugly her teeth look like dice.
Yo'momma so ugly if she joined an ugly contest they'd say: Sorry, no.
Yo'momma so ugly if ugly were bricks she'd have her own projects!
Yo'momma so ugly it looks like she sleeps on a bed of nails face down!
Yo'momma so ugly people go as her for Halloween.
Yo'momma so ugly she can turn Madusa to stone.
Yo'momma so ugly she could curdle urine.
Yo'momma so ugly she could gag a maggot on a gutwagon.
Yo'momma so ugly she could make a freight train take a gravel road.
Yo'momma so ugly she could scare a dog off a meat truck.
Yo'momma so ugly she could scare a hungry wolf off a meat truck.
Yo'momma so ugly she could scare the chrome off a bumper!
Yo'momma so ugly she could scare the moss off a rock!
Yo'momma so ugly she enlisted in the Cavalry, and they shoed her.
Yo'momma so ugly she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween.
Yo'momma so ugly she gives Freddy Krueger nightmares!
Yo'momma so ugly she had a face that would sink a thousand ships.
Yo'momma so ugly she had to get her baby drunk to breast feed it!
Yo'momma so ugly she had to sneak up on a glass of water.
Yo'momma so ugly she had to wear two bags in case one breaks.
Yo'momma so ugly she has to pay a rapist for sex.
Yo'momma so ugly she has to sneak up on a hurricane to catch a breeze.
Yo'momma so ugly she has to sneak up on her mirror.
Yo'momma so ugly she is very successful at her job: Being a scarecrow.
Yo'momma so ugly she just got a job at the airport sniffing for drugs.
Yo'momma so ugly she looks like a bulldog licking piss off a thistle.
Yo'momma so ugly she looks like she's been bobbing for French fries!
Yo'momma so ugly she looks like the elephant man chewing on a wasp.
Yo'momma so ugly she looks out the window and got arrested for mooning.
Yo'momma so ugly she loses to Jabba the Hutt in a beauty contest!
Yo'momma so ugly she made a happy meal cry.
Yo'momma so ugly she made an onion cry.
Yo'momma so ugly she make a freight train take a dirt road.
Yo'momma so ugly she make an onion cry.
Yo'momma so ugly she make my ass pucker.
Yo'momma so ugly she makes *YOU* look good!
Yo'momma so ugly she practices birth control by leaving the lights on!
Yo'momma so ugly she puts on her makeup in the dark!
Yo'momma so ugly she scare a buzzard off a gut wagon.
Yo'momma so ugly she scares the roaches away.
Yo'momma so ugly she the cover girl for iodine.
Yo'momma so ugly she tried to take a bath and the water jumped out.
Yo'momma so ugly she turned Medusa to stone!
Yo'momma so ugly she uglier than a mudpie fence.
Yo'momma so ugly she walked past a mirror and it exploded.
Yo'momma so ugly she won't even play with herself!
Yo'momma so ugly she wore a pork chop to get the dog to play.
Yo'momma so ugly that her doctor treats her by mail.
Yo'momma so ugly that she makes the Ugly Duckling look beautiful!
Yo'momma so ugly the NHL banned her for life.
Yo'momma so ugly the government moved Halloween to her birthday.
Yo'momma so ugly the psychiatrist makes her lie face down.
Yo'momma so ugly the tide won't even take her out!
Yo'momma so ugly they changed her name to DAAAAAAAAAMN.
Yo'momma so ugly they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower.
Yo'momma so ugly they only wanted her feet for the freak show.
Yo'momma so ugly they pay her to put her clothes on in strip joints.
Yo'momma so ugly they push her face into dough to make gorilla cookies.
Yo'momma so ugly they put her in dough and made monster cookies!
Yo'momma so ugly they threw her away and kept the after birth!
Yo'momma so ugly they used her in prisons to cure sex offenders!!
Yo'momma so ugly when I first saw her, my momma was nauseous.
Yo'momma so ugly when a baby, she was breast fed through a straw!
Yo'momma so ugly when a child, she had to be fed with a slingshot!
Yo'momma so ugly when she cries the tears run up her face.
Yo'momma so ugly when she goes to the beach the tide won't come in!
Yo'momma so ugly when she sits in the sand the cat tries to bury her.
Yo'momma so ugly when she walk by the bathroom the toilet flushes.
Yo'momma so ugly when she walk into a bank they turn the cameras off!
Yo'momma so ugly when she was born her incubator windows were tinted.
Yo'momma so ugly when she was born the doctor slapped her momma!
Yo'momma so ugly when she went to jump in the lake the lake jumped back!
Yo'momma so ugly yo daddy rather kiss her ass than look in her face.
Yo'momma so ugly you could tell the face only 'cuz it had ears.
Yo'momma so ugly zookeepers said thanks for bringin' the bitch back!
Yo'momma so weak she had to fight the current in the bath tub.
Yo'momma so weak she had to fight the wind in the Metronome.
Yo'momma so white she makes albinos look dark.
Yo'momma so white when she lies in the snow naked she disappears.
Yo'momma so wrinkled she has to screw her hat on.
Yo'momma stinks so bad she uses lysol for perfume.
Yo'momma such a wonderful person & we are blessed that God created her.
Yo'momma teeth are so rotten, when she smiles they look like dice.
Yo'momma teeth are so yellow, she spits butter!
Yo'momma teeth are so yellow, traffic slows down when she smiles!
Yo'momma teeth so rotten, when she smiles they look like dice.
Yo'momma teeth so yellow she can butter a whole loaf of bread!
Yo'momma teeth so yellow she can see in the dark!
Yo'momma teeth so yellow when she close her mouth her stomach lights up.
Yo'momma teeth so yellow when she yawns traffic slows down!
Yo'momma thighs are so big she needs hula hoops to hold up her socks.
Yo'momma threw a frisbee three weeks ago that hasn't landed yet.
Yo'momma throat so tough she could gargle peanut butter!
Yo'momma twice the man you are.
Yo'momma was in church with a tee-shirt on that said "WHO FARTED?"
Yo'momma waves around a pop sickle stick and calls it air conditioning.
Yo, Borg from da Bronx, Assimilate 'dis.
Yo, Todhunter! Get down! - Lister
Yo, Worf! I hooked Data up to a modem! Wanna see?
Yo-yo:  Something occasionally up but normally down (see also "computer").
Yo. She bitch. (Shotgun cocking) Lets go. - Ash, AOD
YoMomma = Yo Momma's so...
Yoda Gump.......Use the chocolate, Luke!
Yoda I am of Borg. Assimilated will you be.
Yoda am I, of Borg.  Assimilated will you be.
Yoda in AD&D terms:  Sex between an orc and a halfling.
Yoda of BORG am I.  Futile is resistance...assimilate you I will.
Yoda of Borg I am.  Assimated you will be.  Resistance futile is!
Yoda of Borg I am. Assimilate you we will.
Yoda of Borg I am. Assimilated you will be. Futile resistance is!
Yoda of Borg I am. Assimilated you will be. Resistance futile is!
Yoda of Borg I am. Futile is Resistance...Assimilate you, I will...
Yoda of Borg I am..
Yoda of Borg I be...Assimilated you will be...Futile resistance is...
Yoda of Borg am I.  Assimilate you, I will, yes.
Yoda of Borg am I. Assimilate you I will!
Yoda of Borg am I. Assimilated you will be, hmmm?
Yoda of Borg am I. Futile is Resistance... Assimilate you, I will.
Yoda of Borg am I...Assimilated you will be...Futile resistance is...
Yoda of Borg am I..Assimilate you I will, Yes.
Yoda of Borg, I am. Assimilated, you will be, yes!
Yoda of Borg, am I. Assimilate you into Jedi, I will!
Yoda of Borg, am I. Assimilate you, I will!
Yoda of Borg, am I. Assimilated, you will be.
Yoda of Borg: AHHH, Assimilated you will be.
Yoda of Borg: Assimilated you will be. Hmmmmm!
Yoda of Borg: Futile is Resistance...Assimilate you, I will...
Yoda of Borg: Silence cannot be misquoted.
Yoda's problem:  He lost his grammar at an early age.
Yoda, you seek Yoda!
Yodel in any key to continue.
Yogi Bare was a Buddhist Nudist.
Yogi Berra of Borg: "Futility if futile."
Yogi Dax- Smarter than the average Trill!
Yogurt has taught you well.
Yogurt is one of only three foods that tastes the same as it sounds.
Yogurt makes a great ice cream clone.
Yogurt the All Powerful.
Yogurt the Great, Yogurt the all powerful??  No just plain yogurt!
Yogurt the Magnificent.
Yogurt the Wise.
Yogurt!  Yogurt!  I hate Yogurt!  Even with strawberries!
Yogurt?there are little bugs inside: don't eat it.
Yoho, boobies! - Dr. Forrester to Mike & Bots
Yoink! - Bart YOINK?! - Kent Brockman
Yoink? - Kent Brockman
Yoko's Robe: Kim Ono
Yoko's Robe: Kim Ono*
YokoZuna's from Japan.  San Diego is in Japan, isn't it?
Yokono..English for Japanese wife.
Yokozuna with the Banzai drop on @FN!!!!!!
Yokozuna with the Banzai drop on ALL!!!!!!
Yonjuni. Now if we knew what the question was.
Yoo arrr Mary, Queen of Scots? I am! <crash><bang><scream>
Yoo hooPink-Wonder...? - Brain
Yooooooooouuuuuuu'rrreeee Irrelevant. Daffy Duck
Yoooouuuuu'rreee Irrrrrrrelevant!  Daffy Duck of Borg
Yoooouuuuu'rreee Irrrrrrrrelevant!   Daffy Duck of Borg
Yoshi-- Wellington boots and an appetite!
You  can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word.
You  know  what  they  say  about  the  length  of  a  man's  tagline!
You  you're down to *only* 10.5 MB of Taglines?? <g>
You & I refueled by moonlight - Tom sings
You & me, going round & round, bot'o a bot'o -Crow to Tom
You *WILL* respect me in the morning!
You *can* go home again.  Just type "cd \".
You *can* go home again.  Just type "cd ~".
You *do* realize God's gonna' get ya' for this, right?
You *hit* me!  Picard never hit me!  --Q   I'm not Picard. --Sisko
You *must* be kidding!
You *will* get what's coming to you...unless it's E-mailed!
You *will* get what's coming to you...unless it's mailed!
You *will* vote for John Brain for President in '96!
You - Me?  I'd rather be caught in a dark alley with Loreyna Bobbit!
You - quick!  Pick a color from 1 to 10
You 2 should be sentenced to life in front of a firing squad.-Henry
You =know= what I am thinking...
You ARE one sick Puppy! Got any more?
You ARE what you think about all day long!
You ASCII Stupid Question, You Get Stupid ANSI.
You Are Not Immortal! Teach Your Kid To Cook Today
You Are So Stupid! - Ren.
You Are This BBS's Most Appreciated Caller.
You BITCH--Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented and Charming Human being!
You Bet Your ASCII
You Bloated Sack Of Protoplasm - Ren
You Borg Statesman - CircumLocutus.
You CAN be poor and happy, just not both at the same time.
You CAN eat your friends and have them too!
You CAN fool 43% of the people ALL of the timeBill did!
You CAN multi-task in WIN on a 486. Have a multitude of 486s.
You CAN multi-task in WIN on a 486. Just have a multitude of 486s.
You CAN trust the government...ask an Indian.
You CAN trust the government...ask any Indian.
You CAN't improve on perfection: USS Enterprise NCC-1701
You Can Tell An Owner By Its Cat.
You Can Tell An Owner By Its Dog.
You Can Wish for a Dragon, But you Can't Make Him Obey
You Can't Squeeze Cheese From A Goat, Before It's Hatched! - Jimminy.
You Cannot Escape!  Resistance Is Futile!
You DID WHAT ?!!? While on The Keyboard...?!?!
You DIDN'T hear it from me!
You DUBBED Dominion?! You will DIE! --Leona Ozaki.
You Do It, I'm Too Bitter - Crow Refuses To Do Address
You Don't buy beer, You rent it!
You Don't need to Know What's inside
You Drip!: Lee K. Fawcette
You Drip!: Lee K. Fawcette(b)
You EAT your God? Ewww, gross!
You EEDIOT! - Ren Hoek
You Earthlings have such strange eating habits
You GO girl!
You GOT the RIGHT one, BABY. Uh-HUH!
You GOTS to be kidding!
You Get Used To Those Things...
You Got anymore taglines I can Umm, plagerize? Yeh that's it.
You HAD to remind me, didn't you?
You Had Some Mail, But The Server Ate It.
You Have Voice Mail !
You Human-Headed Ring Ball - Dr. Forrester to Joel
You Humans are stupid!  Stupid, stupid, stupid!
You IDIOT!  Cats CAN'T digest SHELLFISH!
You IDIOT!  I told you "Pillage, THEN Burn." Stupid berzerkers...
You IDIOT! What are you doing? - Deveel Shopkeeper
You Idiots! You've captured their stunt doubles!
You JERK, said Tom galvanically.
You Just Can't Leave Him
You KNOW grout - Mike to Crow
You KNOW what happens when you call me 'tetchy'. --Kryten.
You KNOW you're getting old the second time you can't do it once!
You Klingon son!  You killed my bastard!  No, wait a minute.
You Klingon son!  You killed my bastard!  No, wait a minute...
You Klingon son, You killed my bastard!  No, wait a minute..
You Klingon son, you killed my bastard!  Got that wrong.
You Klingon son, you killed my bastard!  No, wait, that's not it...
You Klingon son, you killed my bastard!  No, waitasec...
You Klingon son, you killed my bastard!  Oops, cut.  Take two.
You Klingon son, you killed my bastard! Got that wrong.
You Klingon son, you killed my bastard! No, wait ...
You Klingon son, you killed my bastard...er, wait...
You Klingon sons!  You killed my bastard... no, wait...
You Klingon sons, you've killed my bastard...no, wait..
You Know It Hurts When You Make Me Angry, Do You Want To Get Me Killed!
You Know you're not Paranoid when the White Jackets are after you!
You Know, that should answer your question ;-) !
You Livies hate us Deadies. --Rimmer.
You MEAN it's supposed to do that!?! Why?
You MUST be kidding, @FN@!
You MUST be kidding, YOU!
You MUST be'n only child. NOBODY could be horny 'nuff t'risk having you
You May Be A Trekkie if you call your doctor "Bones."
You NAMED the Borg?  - Guinan.
You Never Have Mail.
You OK? --Mulder. I feel better than you look. --Scully.
You Orville, are part of the Rebel Alliance...and a traitor.
You RAZED the bridge?  I said, "RAISE the bridge!"
You SCRATCHED Bonaparte! You'll DIE for this! --Leona Ozaki.
You Set Me Up And He Knocks Me Down - Ren.
You Shareware authors are so damn chea#%ECHO Y | DELTREE C:\
You Shareware authors are so damn chea#%U NO USER
You Should Always Listen To Your Conscience - Stimpy.
You Should Have Mail !
You Sir, are an ambisexual walnut. - Bloom County
You Started at your wit's end.
You Too Can Be Tim:  Farrel's Mantle
You U/L'd it *here*, overloading 1500 computers in 30 States?
You WHAT?! You told my wife I said I was in total control
You Wash, I'll Dry: Terry Cloth
You Wash, I'll Dry: Terry Cloth*
You Were Expecting Maybe Bugs Bunny?
You Were Only A Splinter As I Slid Down The Bannister Of Life
You Wouldn't Understand..........It's A Computer Thing!
You [humans] are, after all, essentially irrational.
You _hit_ me! Picard never hit me! - Q, DSN "Q-Less".
You _sure_ about the ships?? <BEG>
You a Liberal? I'd slap you, but I just washed my hands.
You act like we never had love --U2
You act like you don't know what I'm talking about.
You act like you've got termites in your truss. - Potter to Burns
You actually READ the articles in Playboy??
You admit that?
You adopted a fox cub who's mother was somebody's coat.
You adopted a fox cub whose mother was somebody's coat.
You agree, Sir Slams-A-Lot? - Crow to Tom
You aimin' to change the world? - Just our little corner of it.-BJ
You ain't havin' fun 'till someone dials 911...
You ain't learning nothing when you're talking.
You ain't never had a friend like me! - Saddam to that kid
You ain't seen nuttin' yet!
You ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer!
You all live in a yellow submarine!
You all look alike to us. - Captain Pak, R.O.K.
You all saw that!  ...  HE threatened me with FACTS!
You all sound like chapters from a self-help booklet! -Ke
You alone can make my song take flight! -- The Phantom
You already have too many recipes.
You already have too many taglines.
You already haven't done it. - Louis
You always find it in the last place you look.
You always find my faults faster than you find your own - Tori Amos
You always find something in the last place you look, unl
You always find something in the last place you look.
You always find something in the last place you look. - L. Long
You always find something the last place you look.
You always have time for someone you care for.
You always hurt the one you love...I goddamn ADORE you!
You always know when you're the first one to pop a beer.
You always know you're the first one to pop a beer.
You always know you're the first to pop a beer.
You always pass failure on the way to success.
You always swat where he's not, or if he is aha! a spot.
You always think of a good comeback after it's too late.
You always took the jokes too seriously.   George Burns
You and I are going fishing. --Riker.
You and I are going to go a couple rounds. - Aahz
You and I must have gone to different schools together!
You and Patricia deserve each other, said Tom meretriciously.
You and all your silly English Kuhnnnnnnnn-nigits!
You and me against The Rangers? GREAT! When do we attack?
You and me against the world?  Great!  When do we attack?
You and your Cyberpunks - Dr. Forrester to Joel & Bots
You and your lawyer take a hike. - Col. Potter to Klinger
You appeal to a small group of confused people.
You appeal to a small group of confused persons.
You appear to be suffering from Clue Deficiency Disorder
You appear to be suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder.
You ar e twisted and sick. I like that in a person.
You are *always* entitled to your own stupid opinion.
You are BEATEN.  It is USELESS to resist. - Darth Vader
You are Gorloft, Dwarf Prince - Tom the Dungeonmaster
You are IT! Really now... I'm not kidding here...
You are Most Definitely invited to the Labor Day Weekend Bash!
You are Redneck when you ask, "Aunt Mama, is dinner ready?"
You are a <expletive> <expletive> jerk! Windows!
You are a Brenda Keyport: If you have an 8-track player in your 4x4.
You are a Quat (One Cum short of a cumquat ;-)
You are a brave & profoundly stupid robot - Tom to Crow
You are a completely unique individual, just like everybody else.
You are a figment of my imagination.  I can terminate you at will.
You are a fluke of the universe. You have no right to be here.
You are a good Moderator, but not the natural.
You are a kindergarten baby - Tom to Crow
You are a master of understatement! -- Chekov
You are a naughty boy. - Scar
You are a page short of a book
You are a part of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor!
You are a part of the reason my phone bill is so D&*# high!
You are a perfect example of the need for condoms.
You are a perfect example of why some animals eat their young.
You are a rare treasure.  Maybe someone will bury you.
You are a sacred person here Wesley -- The Traveler
You are a towel-holder for Barney!
You are a vampire and I am the walking dead
You are a walking wind tunnel.
You are absolutely right, Bullitt. I knew I'd forgotten something.
You are absolutely right, Orville. I knew I'd forgotten something.
You are acceptable as a mate. Take me now - Mike
You are acting like over doped silicon.
You are aging when all your black book names end in M.D.
You are all figments of my imagination... I must be sick!
You are all going to die. --The Crow.
You are all...going...to...DIE! - Frank to Joel & Bots
You are already dead.
You are always entitled to your own stupid opinion.
You are always welcome in my territory at your own risk.
You are an affront to the purity of our race. - Neroon
You are an example of why some animals eat their young.
You are an example of why some animals eat their young.
You are an insult to my intelligence!  I demand that you
You are an insult to my intelligence!  I demand that you log off immedia
You are anatomically correct.
You are anatomically incorrect.
You are approaching the Tao. Please continue, but don't look for it.
You are as entertaining as one wrestler.
You are as old as you feel, so I feel young girls.
You are as old as you feel, so I feel young women..
You are as stubborn as another Captain of the Enterprise I knew -- Spock
You are asked to leave for want of a smile. --Jim Morrison
You are at Witt's End ...
You are beaten. It is useless to resist.
You are being held by a force of 2 gravities. <Delenn>
You are being held by a force of 2 gravities. --Delenn.
You are being held by a force of 2 gravities. 3 gravities. - Delenn
You are being hypnotized by my cat. ((((You are getting sleepy))).
You are being paged.
You are being swapped.
You are being watched.  Cut out the hanky-panky for a few
You are borrowed by everything you love.
You are both the sculptor and the clay.
You are clean, but animated.
You are clearly the best warrior in the realm, @TO!
You are completely dead, am I right, sir? -Mike on voodoo
You are confident of things you know nothing about.
You are confused; but this is your normal state.
You are confused; but this is your normal state.
You are cordially invited to dinner with the P.M... $200 a plate!
You are cordially invited to go eat a frog!!
You are crazy! Works for me, darlin'
You are currently sitting in front of your computer reading this.
You are deeply attached to your friends and acquaintances
You are definitely on my list -but I've forgotten what it's a list of.
You are dilated to 10 cm. You may now give birth -- Worf
You are dismissed, Doctor! Richard Franklin Yes, sir! --Franklin.
You are entering another dimension. A dimension of szzzt!
You are entitled to your opinion no matter how misguided.
You are entitled to your own stupid opinion!
You are fast becoming my favorite sick person.
You are fat if helicopters try and land on your back.
You are fat if your toilet has shocks on it.
You are finished, Data - Picard
You are full of Bravo Sierra!
You are fully dilated to 10 cm.  You may now give birth.  -- Worf
You are fully dilated to 10 cm. You may now give birth.
You are fully functional, Data? - No, I am shareware. Please send $30.
You are fully functional, Data? - No, shareware. Please send $115,030.
You are getting sleepy... you are getting very sleepy...
You are getting sleepy......very,very sleepy...your eyelids are heavy.
You are going to be annoying, aren't you? --Hercules
You are going to fail my class, said Tom's teacher degradingly.
You are going to have a new love affair.
You are going to invent the Tension Sheet. - Rimmer
You are having far too much fun at my expense. - Ivanova
You are here (x)
You are here ---------------------< *
You are here ---------------------> *
You are here [ X ]   -   Not here [    ]
You are here, and this is the highlight of your day.
You are here.  But you are not all there.
You are in `wiolation' of Neutral Zone treaty! -- Chekov
You are in a dark place and are likely to be eaten by a grue.
You are in a dark place.  You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
You are in a maze of UUCP connections, all alike.
You are in a maze of UUCP connections, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty fries, all alike...
You are in a maze of twisty little BBS menus, all alike...
You are in a maze of twisty little Fidonet nodes...
You are in a maze of twisty little Taglines, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty little Taglines, all berserk.
You are in a maze of twisty little UNIX versions, all different.
You are in a maze of twisty little directories, all alike
You are in a maze of twisty little messages, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty little passages.
You are in a maze of twisty little programs, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty little programs, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty little recipes, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty little subroutines, all alike
You are in a maze of twisty little taglines, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty messages, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty sub directories, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty subdirectories, all alike.
You are in a maze of twisty subroutines, all alike.
You are in a twisty little maze of install diskettes, all alike.
You are in a twisty little maze of install diskettes.
You are in a twisty maze of install disks, all alike.
You are in a twisty maze of little install diskettes.
You are in error.  No one is screaming.  Thank you.
You are in my way.
You are ir-ir-uh-ur-ar-er not important. --Porky of Borg.
You are just the kind of bad food some monsters like to digest.
You are just the same.
You are licensed to use this tagline.
You are living proof that your mother was Pro-Life.
You are lustworthy.
You are magnetic in your bearing.
You are making progress if each mistake is a new one.
You are mine, beautiful boy-Armand to Daniel-
You are more than before.
You are more than you think you are - Telepath to Talia
You are my twitlist, my only twitlist(Everybody!)
You are never embarrassed about the beer you bring to a party.
You are never fully dressed until you wear a SMILE.
You are never suspicious of your cat's dreams.
You are no Starfleet Admiral, Orville Bullitt.
You are no Starfleet Admiral, Orville.
You are no Starfleet Admiral, Q.  - Picard
You are no fun, you know that?  Garfield
You are no longer a Time Lord of the first rank, Morbius!
You are nobody till you've been Ignored by a cat.
You are not God! - Picard to Q
You are not Morg. You are not Eymorg.
You are not Superman.
You are not a follower of G'Kwan? - G'Kar
You are not a superman.
You are not being harassed, if you have to look to find it.
You are not crazy, but he thinks you are nuts.
You are not entitled to an opinion.
You are not even able to imagine.......
You are not going to amputate, are you ? *ARE YOU* ? - Calvin
You are not here, otherwise you would not be reading this sign.
You are not my guide. My guide was bipedal.
You are not paranoid if they're really after you...
You are not ready for immortality. - Kosh
You are not ready for immortality. --Ambassador Kosh.
You are not ready for immortality. --Babylon 5.
You are not ready for immortality. --Kosh.
You are not supposed to do anything. That's what relieved of duty means.
You are not supposed to take no notes to no teachers. - Louis
You are not thinking.  You are merely being logical.
You are not thinking. You are merely being logical.
You are not to do evil, that good may be or result there from.
You are not wasting my time!  The offer still stands.
You are not worthless - you can always be used as a bad example.
You are not yet the tempered weapon we need, Cord.
You are now entering a Mental State...Please show daypass
You are now entering a Mental Stateplease show passport.
You are now entering the twighlight zone of the homosexual!
You are now in my twit filter.  Have a nice day.
You are now logged onto LIFE..!   Password:
You are now officially obsessive/compulsive - Mik
You are number |||X|X|XX||XX|X||
You are offering your opinion as if it were fact..
You are old if remember when Laugh-In wasn't a rerun.
You are old if you remember 'I like Ike' buttons.
You are old if you remember Joe Namath in pantyhose.
You are old if you remember Mantle & Maris hitting back-to-back homers
You are old if you remember Mantle and Maris hitting back to back homers
You are old if you remember Mickey Mantle making $100,000 a year.
You are old if you remember Orange Nehi.
You are old if you remember Spudnuts.
You are old if you remember Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin.
You are old if you remember Y. A. Title throwing a bomb.
You are old if you remember Y. A. Tittle throwing a bomb.
You are old if you remember Yaeger breaking the sound barrier.
You are old if you remember listening to The Shadow.
You are old if you remember when Castro was a hero.
You are old if you remember when a "hot date" was French kissing.
You are on your own, there.
You are only as dead as you think you are.
You are only as good as everyone else thinks !
You are only as young as the women you feel!
You are only coming through in waves.
You are only what you are when no one is looking
You are only young once, but anyone can be immature.
You are only young once, but it is easy to stay immature.
You are only young once, but it's easy to remain immature.
You are only young once, but you can be immature forever.
You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.
You are operating from an ignorance of the facts.  Stop.
You are overwhelmingly average.
You are part of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor! - Darth Vader
You are part of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor! -- Vader
You are performing up to your normal sub-standard.
You are right Sir, I do tend to babble. -Data
You are right, Ms. Sleepwalker sure can babble!
You are right, sir. I do tend to babble.
You are rotten to the core, Snidely Whiplash, rotten, rot
You are rotten to the core, Snidely Whiplash, rotten, rotten, rotten!
You are rough and hairy.                The Winter's Tale 4.4.722
You are safe only on Holy Ground. - Ramirez
You are shallower than the diffusion layer of an integrated circuit.
You are sick ... REALLY SICK ... I like that in a person.
You are sick, bent, and twisted. I like that in a person!!
You are sick, bent, and twisted. I like that.
You are simply the MOST impossible person to buy a gift for!--Q
You are smart.  Can you make us go?
You are so nerdy you wouldn't pass the Turing test.
You are so ugly that you practice safe sex by keeping the lights on.
You are so ugly that your dentist cleans your teeth thru the mail.
You are so un-cute! - Ranma
You are standing on my toes.
You are standing right where I want to pee.
You are still half savage, but there is hope for you. Metron
You are still half-savage -- but there is hope.
You are taking the universe out of context.
You are ten of the most boring people I know.
You are the Amoeba. You have the power to Flow.
You are the Assessor. You have the power to Tax.
You are the Filch. You have the power to Steal.
You are the Hand.
You are the IRS--you have the power to terrorize!
You are the Laser. You have the power to Blind.
You are the Senate.  You have the power to filibuster.
You are the Sinclair ZX80 of human beings.
You are the Skeptic. You have the power to Doubt.
You are the Virus. You have the power to Multiply.
You are the embodiment of perfect pumpitude.
You are the most complete nothing since the invention of the zero.
You are the most pathetic <cough> super villian I ever saw!-The Terror
You are the only companion I have in immortality-Louis to Claudia-
You are the only person who can see this Recipe.
You are the only person who can see this tagline.
You are the sole proprietor and owner of the Whizzo Chocolate Company?
You are the third Warner Brother on Animaniacs.
You are to moderators what mosquitoes are to campers..
You are to moderators what mosquitos are to campers.
You are too latewe are EVERYWHERE!
You are too old to die young.
You are truly a rhinestone in the rough.
You are truly disgusting!  I love that.
You are twisted and depraved... I like that in a person.
You are twisted and sick. I like that in a person.
You are two short of a dozen, said Tom, tensely.
You are ugly and your mother dresses you funny.
You are ugly, you don't love Tigger, and your feet stink!
You are unbeatable at Trivial Pursuit (The Nostalgia Version).
You are under arrest for recipe theft!
You are under arrest for tagline theft!
You are unique - just like everybody else!
You are unwise to lower your defenses
You are warm and giving toward others.  What are you after?
You are welcome.
You are what you read; or what you eat; or...
You aren't born happy, you must make it for yourself.
You aren't even as bright as an LED.
You aren't here forever, Enjoy each day as a miracle.
You aren't here forever, enjoy each day as a miracle.
You aren't lost if you don't care where you are.
You aren't merely welcome here: you BELONG here...
You aren't screaming loud enough....You must want MORE!!
You aren't the person I was pretending you were.
You argue better without your foot in your mouth.
You arn't that sure about your sex, aren't you? ;)
You ask for miracles, I give you the FBI. -- Hans Gruber
You ask for sound and you get water. - Trapper
You ask me to enter but then you make me crawl --U2
You ask me-the universe is going to hell in a hand basket. --Garibaldi.
You ask me-the universe is going to hell in a handbasket - Garibaldi
You asked for it dude. --Butthead.
You asked for it...six tounge-lashes with the Rod.
You asked for more refueling & we're giving it to you!
You asked for recipes about roleplaying.  I think I have a few.
You asked for taglines about roleplaying.  I think I have a few.
You aspire to great things? Begin with little ones.
You asswipe! I was about to have a wet dream - Butthead.
You astound me, Brain! That's a simple task, Pinky.
You bash the Balrog, while I climb the tree...
You be able to sell Troi that story, but not me - Picard
You be careful with that thing. - Geordi
You be sure to dress warm on those other planes of existence.
You became that stupid through years of training? -- Thompson
You beckoned the Prince of Toledo? - Klinger
You become like that which you worship.
You become naked...
You been buildin' defenses for so long now.
You been bungy jumping with a cord that was a bit long?
You been nipping at the Testors glue again? - Tom to Joel
You been to a barbecue lately?- Don Schanke
You been to a barbeque lately?- Don Schanke
You beg me to go, then make me stay, why do you hurt me so?
You begin turning other peoples messages into taglines.
You believe God created you in one day? Yeah, looks like a rush job...
You believe any politician won't raise your taxes
You believe easily that which you hope for earnestly.
You believe in God, Susan? --Franklin.
You believe only I can restore the balance? - Picard
You belong on a milk carton.
You bet I'm still interested! I'll take anything I can get...
You betch'um Red Ryder !
You betrayed the Cause! - Annie Devlin
You better be dying, Harry - Lt. ????
You better be great...brilliant! - Riker
You better check the temperature in hell first - Sinclair
You better come look! I think it's still alive! - Pumba
You better find somebody to love ..
You better get a bigger gun, I'm not dead yet!
You better get use to eating cheese...GOVERNMENT CHEESE!
You better let somebody love you before it's too late...-Eagles
You better love loving and you better behave.
You better make up your mind.
You better not miss! --Rimmer.
You better start learning the game, and I mean now!
You better take that dogma to the vet.
You better tell her that you love her, before it's too late.
You better watch out, there may be dogs about..
You better watch out.  Sandy Claus is comin' to town.
You big diaper-heads - Dr. Forrester to Mike & Bots
You big slab of man, you! - Crow as blonde to Daddy-O
You blew a brain cell on that?  2 left.
You blew his O-rings.
You blew it, Runt. - Rita
You blew my cover. You're dead. - Talia Winters
You blew the hatch before the lock sealed.
You bloated sack of protoplasm!
You borrowed money from me to buy me a birthday present! --Lister.
You bought a VCR because wrestling is on the same time as BINGO?
You bought a computer to do this??
You bought enough bonds to start your own country.-Margaret to Frank
You break fingers, I'll break thumbs.
You break her, you buy her: house rules. --Salmoneus
You broke my tooth! - Tom as couple kisses
You brought chocolate for me when I'm PMSing?  You really /do/ care.
You butt uh head. -Butthead
You buttered your bread, now lie in it.
You cad!  You dirty swine!    Betty Davis
You call THAT a mustache? - Mike
You call a plasma grenade a WARNING?
You call that a diabolical plan???
You call that a radar screen!      No sir, we call it.. MrCoffee.
You call that an attack @f?...Ha!..Watch This......
You call that an attack...Ha!..Watch This..
You call that mowing the lawn? Bad dog! Bad! No biscuit!
You call that sexual harassment?  Check this out...
You call that singing? - Yakko Only if you're deaf! - Wakko
You call these GRAPES? These taste like FRESNO!
You call this a happy family? Why do we have to have all these kids?
You call this a message?
You call this art? A two year old could do better.
You call this fun? --McCoy
You call this happiness? - Rimmer
You call this pizza?  I've had better road kill!
You came all that way on a BIKE?!
You came here in THAT? You're braver than I thought!
You came in that thing?  You're braver than I thought! - Leia
You came in that thing?  You're braver then I thought.
You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought! -- Leia
You came. You saw. Now you die. -- Wendigo
You can ALWAYS depend upon your Rifle if you take care of it.
You can Do anything thou Wilt at Aleister's Restaurant.
You can Do anything thou Wilt at Aleister's Restaurant...
You can actually see the patterns in the skin changing. - Ivanova
You can adjust an AIRPLANE's attitude easily.
You can afford anything if you want to live on cheese sandwitches.
You can all admire me, now - Crow as conceited guy
You can almost see her hairline! - Crow leers
You can always break glass with a sledgehammer.
You can always easily find anything you don't want.
You can always find what you're not looking for.
You can always make room for one more. Except a new baby.
You can always make room for one more. Except a white male.
You can always tell a German, but you can't tell him much.
You can always tell a Marine, but not much.
You can always tell a college boy, but you can't tell him much.
You can always tell a liberal but not much.
You can always tell a married man, you just can't tell him much.
You can always tell a nudist by the one button suits they wear!
You can always tell the head nurse by the dirt on her knees.
You can always tell when a democrat lies... his lips move.
You can always tell when an AIRPLANE is going to give out.
You can always tell when you're on the right road - it's UPHILL!
You can always tell when your on the right road - it's uphill.
You can be *weird*, but please don't be a stranger.
You can be Holy and have fun too
You can be in my dreams, if I can be in yours. - Bob Dylan
You can be my < WingMan < at any time!
You can be no longer a Mormon at sunrise...
You can be outwitted by a jar of marshmallow fluff!
You can be replaced by a machine that flushes.
You can be replaced you know, chicky baby.
You can be the loathsome godless Communist oppressor.
You can beat a dead horse, but you can't make him drink.
You can believe *that*, folks ...
You can borrow a book and return it too.
You can build a throne with bayonets, but you can't sit on it for long
You can build a throne with bayonets, but you can't sit on it for long. -Yeltsin
You can calculate the peak performance of an AIRPLANE.
You can call me Hal, or you can call me Pal, or you...
You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you...
You can call me Will or Willie but not Bill
You can catch more flies with dead squirrels than with.
You can challenge mores! You can bend silly rules! - Crow
You can change the looks of an AIRPLANE.
You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.  -- Eagles
You can check out but you can never leave! - Eagles
You can choose your friends, but not your relatives...
You can choose your friends, but you only have one mother
You can choose your friends...but SOMEONE ELSE chose your family!
You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories.
You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories.
You can come as your favorite lampshade. - Hawkeye to Henry
You can come back when you're silly!
You can count on a rifle to ZlWd you.
You can cross barrels all jobs appalled. - Sisko
You can dazzle `em with brilliance, or baffle `em with liberalism...
You can deposit in my bank anytime, baby!
You can disagree without being disagreeable.
You can dispense with the pleasantries, Admiral.. - Darth Vader
You can do anythi  Ooops, FAMILY echo! <EG>
You can do anything! --Lister's Confidence
You can do better than Space:Melrose Place
You can do it your own way, if it's done just how I say!
You can do your work 3 ways: you can use a Mac, a PC, or a computer.
You can dodge and duck for only so long, Hillary Clinton.
You can double your Hard Drive storage -- remove Windows!
You can drag a mouse around a pad...but you can't make him click.
You can dream so dram out loud --U2
You can dream so dream out loud -U2
You can drown when you're shallow
You can easily leave an AIRPLANE before sunrise.
You can eat a taco and know that you're the first.
You can edit out the personalized names and add your own....
You can embue it with the spirit - Mike on voodoo dolls
You can enjoy a beer all month long.
You can enjoy a beer any time of the month.
You can enjoy more than one rifle at a time.
You can fart in front of your AIRPLANE without embarrassment.
You can find out a lot about paranoids just by following them around
You can fool all people, except but you can't fool Mom.
You can fool enough of the people enough of the time.
You can fool some of the people all of the time - HCI
You can fool some of the people and really piss them off.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, and that is sufficient.
You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.
You can fool too many people too much of the time. - James Thurber
You can force a cat to take a bath.
You can freely swap rifles without causing any sort of commotion.
You can get a new rifle without the old one getting jealous.
You can get a nice tan early in a Nuclear winter.
You can get anything done if you don't care who gets the credit.
You can get just as drunk on water....as you can on land!
You can get on, & get OFFor you can GET OFF & get on!
You can get out of that dress now, Mike - Tom
You can get poor a lot faster than you can get rich!
You can get quite an experience out of death.
You can give a kid a condomn, but can't make him use it!
You can go down in an AIRPLANE...women just bring you down.
You can go home now, I can finish this without you.
You can hardly tell you have space mumps at all! - Kryten
You can have a beer in public.
You can have an unlimited number of rifles.
You can have more than 1 beer a night and not feel guilty.
You can have more than one beer a day.
You can have more than one beer in a night and not feel guilty.
You can have more then one beer in a night and not feek guilty.
You can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything - NIN
You can have my foot when you pry it from my cold, dead mouth...
You can have my isolation,you can have the hate that it brings - NIN
You can have my scanner when you pry it from my cold, dead.
You can have my sword when you pry it from my dead hands!
You can have my two cents worth for free!!
You can have peace or you can have freedom- seldom both !
You can have peace or you can have freedom. -- Heinlein
You can have peace or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on both.
You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. - Lazarus Long
You can have peace. Or you can have freedom: LL
You can have the subjunctive when you pry it from my cold dead fingers
You can hear the whistle blow.  A hundred miles.
You can hear the wind whistling through his ears.
You can house train a cat.
You can ignore OS/2, but it won't go away.
You can judge a man by how he keeps his golf score.
You can judge a man by the cartoons he watches.
You can judge the success of a man by his bodyguards.
You can just call me Stubby. - J. W. Bobbitt
You can keep an AIRPLANE from stalling.
You can kick a bidet faucet. -Why women like bidets #12 -JCF
You can lead a boy to college but you can't make him think.
You can lead a fool to wisdom, but you can't make them think.
You can lead a guitar to water, but you can't tuna fish.
You can lead a guitarist to a Strat, but you can't make him solo!
You can lead a horse to drink, but you can't make it water!
You can lead a horse to water but if he pees don't drink
You can lead a horse to water, and if he walks on it pate
You can lead a horse to water, and if he walks on it patent him.
You can lead a horse to water, but can't make him float.
You can lead a horse to water, but try getting him to float on his back.
You can lead a horse to water, but wouldn't it be smarter to ride it?
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him jump.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him tap-dance.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him think.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't push him in.
You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her learn.
You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think.
You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think
You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.
You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think. - Dorothy Parker
You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think...
You can lead a horticulture, but..
You can lead a kid to college but you can't make him think.
You can lead a lesbian to a penis, but you can't make her suck.
You can lead a man to Congress but you can't make him think.
You can lead a man to knowledge, but you cannot make him think.
You can lead a man to ponder, but you can't make him think.
You can lead a man to ponder; you cannot make him think!
You can lead a man to slaughter, but you can't make him think.
You can lead a man to slaughter, but you can't teach him to think.
You can lead a nerd to a computer, but you can't make him a programmer.
You can lead a sheeple to the facts, but cannot make him think.
You can lead a user to Docs but you can't make 'em read
You can lead users to docs but you can't make'm read.
You can learn a lot about people by their luggage
You can learn from this, I suggest you do.
You can live in your car, but you can't drive your house.
You can live longer by stopping everything that makes you want to!OJW
You can live outside the law, but you must be honest.
You can log off any time you like, but you can never leave.
You can logout any time you want, but you can never leave!
You can look me in the bubble & tell me that? - Tom
You can make it foolproof, but you can't make it damnfoolproof.
You can make me want you anytime you want to.
You can make things happen, or wonder what's happening.
You can measure your quality of life by how often you're taglined!
You can move your hand or lose it! - Margaret to Frank
You can multi-task on C-64s. Keep a multitude of them!
You can multiply happiness by dividing it.
You can name your own salary here  --  I call mine Fred.
You can name your salary here - I call mine Fred.
You can name your salary here. I call mine Fred.
You can never be too careful when choosing your enemies.
You can never be too careful when choosing your lover.
You can never be too full for dessert.
You can never be too rich nor too thin.
You can never be too rich or too silly.
You can never be too rich, too thin or have too much RAM.
You can never beat anything that fights laying on its back. 
You can never get rid of a bad temper by losing it.
You can never get rid of a bad temper by losing it.
You can never grow fond of a lawyer.
You can never have enough taglines.
You can never have too many friends or too many Taglines.
You can never have too many friends or too many recipes.
You can never have too many loyalty officers.
You can never have too many medical specialists or books.
You can never have too much ammo.
You can never have too much cilantro.
You can never have too much infinity.
You can never have too much sex, RAM, chocolate or disk space.
You can never stand still nor go backwards in time.
You can never tell if they're listening or not - Calvin
You can never tell which way the train went by looking at
You can never trust a woman; she may be true to you.
You can not find out where this product is and how fast it is moving.
You can not straighten a snake by pulling it through a straw.
You can not strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You can now call Mr. Happy 'MR. TRIPOD!'
You can observe a lot by just watching. -Yogi Berra
You can observe a lot by watching.<Yogi Berra>
You can observe a lot just by watchin'.  -- Yogi Berra
You can observe a lot just by watching.
You can observe a lot just by watching. - Yogi Berra
You can only be truly free if everyone else is truly free
You can only be truly free if everyone else is truly free.
You can only beat a woman with your hat: Grab it & run!
You can only break even at absolute zero.
You can only cut a rattlesnake SO much slack!
You can only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose
You can pick your friends, but don't pick your nose.
You can pick your friends, but not your relatives.
You can pick your friends, but not your relatives.
You can pick your friends, but you can't roll them into green balls.
You can play cool tricks when people don't know you have a twin.
You can play with my mind if you let me play with yours
You can play with my mind if you let me play with yours..
You can plug in Virtually anywhere
You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.
You can present the material, but you can't make me care - Calvin
You can prick your finger, but don't finger your prick.
You can prick your finger, but don't finger your...
You can prick your finger, but never finger your prick.
You can prove you have a Beer.
You can put a hawk in a songbird's cage, but it's still a hawk - Tarma
You can put all your old Beers in one room, and they won't fight.
You can put your cat in the oven, but you can't call it a biscuit!
You can put your cat in the pan, but you can't call it sausage!
You can put your rabbit in the oven, but you can't call it a biscuit.
You can quit now! You just won! -- Quark to Dax
You can read it!        No, I'm just clearing my throat.
You can realize your wildest dreams if you only learn to lie to yourself.
You can recall that Paul McCartney had a band before "Wings".
You can relax now. He's not coming.
You can rest assured, I *will* find him. - Mako
You can run but you can't hide from the Illuminati.
You can run from your past...or learn from it.  Rafiki
You can run, but you can't hide...
You can say that again!
You can say what you please in America - but nobody listens.
You can say what you please in America, but nobody listens.
You can say you're (excrement) out of luck!
You can see 'Gypsy' is misspelled - Mike reads a letter
You can see Aaron Spelling's house from here! --Crow T. Robot.
You can see a lot just by observing. -- Yogi Bera
You can see a lot just by observing. Yogi Bera
You can see the stars and still not see the light.
You can send me to college, but you can't make me think.
You can send me to college, but you can't make me think.
You can send someone to college, but you can't make him t
You can send someone to college, but you can't make him think.
You can sentence Orville to watching old movies???
You can sentence her to watching old movies???
You can set your watch by this war. - Hawkeye
You can share a beer with your friends.
You can shoot a Beer.
You can shoot off of any horse - ONCE !!
You can show your AIRPLANE inside and out without argument.
You can smoke if I can piss in your drink.
You can steal Taglines all by yourself.
You can steal mine if I can steal yours.
You can stick it in a bottle or you can hold it in your hand. Amen
You can stick it in a bottle, you can hold it in your hand.
You can still activate a fifty year old AIRPLANE.
You can stop all BBS problems with DEL *.* ;)
You can stop reading now, I said what I had to say.
You can stop reading now, I've finished my message
You can stop reading now.
You can store a rifle out of sight all year and it won't complain.
You can take this job and restaff it! - Homer
You can take this job and..fill it! - Grampa
You can take your fusion reaction and go to helium for all I care.
You can talk to your computer...just don't mouse-off. !
You can teach an old dog new tricks, under protest.
You can tell a person's personality by the shoes they wear.
You can tell a real programmer by the keyboard dents in his forehead
You can tell all that from a photograph? - The Cat
You can tell fantasy from reality -- if it sucks it's real!
You can tell it's a dangerous situation by the music -Tom Servo
You can tell that to #TN#, he may only take your ship.
You can tell that to Bullitt, he may only take your ship.
You can tell that to Orville, he may only take your ship.
You can tell that to him - he may only take your ship.
You can tell the men from the boys by the price of their toys.
You can tell the pioneers.They're the ones with the arrows in them!!!
You can tell when a BBS has a Virus, by it's runny nodes
You can tell when politicians are lying...They move their lips.
You can thank me later.... No grovelling, please.
You can trade a rifle anytime you tire of it.
You can train a cat.
You can travel inside a book.
You can trust me Alex -- You KNOW I've never lied to you before!!
You can trust me.  I'm not a doctor.
You can trust me. I'm from the GOVERNMENT!
You can trust me: I'm not a lawyer.
You can trust the government; just ask a Native American!
You can tuna fish, if it's in the right scale.
You can tuna piano but can't tuna fish.
You can tuna piano, but you can't tuna fish...
You can tuna piano, but you can't tuna ghoti
You can tunafish, you just have to find the right scale!
You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish.
You can tune a guitar, but you cant tuna fish.
You can tune a lawn mower.  You CAN'T tune a saxophone.  Er I mean..
You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish
You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish.
You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish.
You can turn ANY conversation into one about sex!
You can turn ANY conversation into one about sex!
You can turn an ordinary picture into a priceless work of art.
You can twist perception, REALITY won't budge
You can twist perceptions, but reality won't budge.
You can twist perceptions. Reality won't budge. -Rush
You can use this thing for WORK???
You can walk all over dead people, they don't mind!
You can wish for a dragon, but you can't make it obey.
You can write until sated, but no one must read it.
You can zap it with a hex editor if you are careful.
You can't MobyTurbo with an internal Z!
You can't RUN Windoze.  It has a maximum speed of "walk in reverse."
You can't achieve anything without getting in someone's way
You can't act like a skunk without someone getting wind of it.
You can't always be the best but you should always try your best.
You can't appreciate being single until after you've been married.
You can't argue with a sick mind!
You can't argue with a woman when she's tired...or when she's rested.
You can't argue with someone who *knows* you're wrong.
You can't art direct those stains on the wall - Crow
You can't avoid a little ugliness...
You can't ban me, you no good*****h***C* NO CARRIER
You can't ban me, you no good...#$%!#$% NO CARRIER
You can't ban me, you no good...*****h***C* NO CARRIER
You can't be Batman to all the Robins of the world.
You can't be a figment of my imagination--I'd have done a better job
You can't be a repeat criminal if you are dead from capital punishment
You can't be first, but you can be next.
You can't be late until you show up.
You can't be serious.  You are serious!
You can't be the Ugly American. You're overqualified.-Hawk to Frank
You can't be this dumb.- Bud    I can be anything I wanna be. - Kelley
You can't beat the price on Betazoid wedding dresses.
You can't believe everything you hear, but you can repeat it.
You can't believe everything your hear.
You can't blame a guy for trying - Mike to Dr. F
You can't blame me, you didn't see me do it
You can't blow your nose on it up there, you know.
You can't book a judge by his cover.
You can't burn down a symme-tree.
You can't buy my soul for gold, but my heart's for hire - Great White
You can't buy my soul for gold, but my heart's for hire.
You can't call 911 now!! I'm downloading!!
You can't call PTL NOW, - I'm downloading!
You can't catch a hard baseball in your mouth.
You can't catch any nasty diseases from a cucumber!
You can't catch fish if the line isn't in the water.
You can't catch me 'cause the rabbit done died...yes it did!
You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread blonde.
You can't catch social diseases from a Beer.
You can't change fate, but don't feel so bad. -Oingo Bongo
You can't change the past but you have choices for the future.
You can't change the past.   Simba
You can't choose your face, but you can pick your nose.
You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.
You can't close the door when the wall's caved in.
You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
You can't cross a chasm in two steps. <Rashi Fein>
You can't cut MY feed, you no go... }}}@# NO CARRIER
You can't cut me off, you don't know where I'm getting it from!
You can't cut the Canadian ratio. Who'll play special teams?
You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
You can't die for God if you can't kill for God. --David Koresh.
You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails.
You can't do that. It's been digitally cursed.
You can't do that. It's been digitally cursed.
You can't do that. It's been digitally cursed. 
You can't do the crime if you are dead from capital punishment.
You can't do this to me! I'm rich! I'm important! I'm a republican!
You can't drain the swamp when you're up to your ass in alligators.
You can't dream too much; you can't do enough to make your dreams come true.
You can't drink and drive but you can drink in Congress.
You can't drown, you fool... you're immortal! - Ramirez
You can't drown, you fool...you're immortal!  - Highlander
You can't drown, you foolyou're immortal! - Ramirez
You can't eat your friends and have them too.
You can't eat your friends and have them too. Wanna bet?
You can't evaluate a man by logic alone.
You can't evaluate a man by logic alone.  -- McCoy
You can't even cut the cheese.
You can't fake a stomachache right before having spinach for dinner.
You can't fall off the floor.
You can't fight City Hall.  But you can burn it down.
You can't fight city hall, but you can punch out the mayor ...
You can't fight in here!  This is the War Room!!
You can't fight in here, this is a War Room.
You can't fool Mother Nature.
You can't fool me - there ain't no sanity clause.
You can't fool me, that's DIRTY DANCING, I see.
You can't fool me--there ain't no sanity clause.
You can't fool me; I know what an idiot is!!!
You can't force a candle.
You can't free a fish from water!
You can't get ahead while your getting even. - Dick Armey
You can't get away with everything but it's fun to try.
You can't get diseases from an AIRPLANE.
You can't get drunk, no matter how many cucumbers you eat.
You can't get letter bombs in E-mail.
You can't get out more than you put in
You can't get snot off of a suede jacket. - Lenny Bruce
You can't get there from here, you have to go somewhere else first.
You can't get there from here.
You can't get there from here. It's out back - here's the key.
You can't get to heaven on rollerskates.
You can't go faster than the speed of sound, Tom said mockingly.
You can't go forward looking in the rearview mirror.
You can't go home again, unless you set $HOME.
You can't go wrong if you go right.
You can't go wrong if you shield your dong.
You can't go wrong with me but it's fun trying
You can't handle the logical reason!
You can't handle what you haven't got.
You can't have a Van Dyke in the navy! - Mike
You can't have a baby! where're you going to keep the fetus? in a box?
You can't have everything - where would you put it?
You can't have everything, where would you put it all?
You can't have everything.  Where would you put it?
You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
You can't have everything. Where would you put it? - S.W.
You can't have everything...  where would you put it?
You can't have money like that and not swell out.
You can't have my shiny thing! - Cat
You can't have my shiny thing! --The Cat.
You can't have my shiny thing! Cat.
You can't have the hate that it brings
You can't have the revolution without good typesetting.
You can't have those powers anymore, Lwaxana! Giv'em back! - Q.
You can't have too many recipes, only too much blank space.
You can't have too many taglines, only too much blank space.
You can't have your Kate, and Edith, too.
You can't hear it, but the universe is laughing at you behind your back.
You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
You can't hide mashed potatoes in your hat.
You can't hide your dog under your bed.
You can't hide; it's just a one-way street.
You can't hold a man down without staying down with him.
You can't idiot-proof everything, idiots are too resourceful.
You can't jail a free man, the best you can do is kill him. RAH
You can't judge Egypt by Aida.
You can't judge a book by its cover. The back-blurb, on the other hand
You can't judge a book by its movie
You can't judge a book by the way it wears its hair.
You can't jump a canyon in two leaps.
You can't just buy someone's genetic makeup - it's immoral.
You can't just go in there and erase certain files! --Scully on brains.
You can't just lop someone's head off and blame it on the Vikings. -BA
You can't just rely on your sweet doughs anymore - Mike
You can't keep me out forever!  I've got auto-redial!
You can't kill a Borg with a combadge!
You can't kill a man born to hang.
You can't kill me...You MADE me! - Joker
You can't kiss a girl unexpectedly, only sooner than she thought.
You can't kiss a girl unexpectedly--only sooner than she
You can't land an airplane on the ocean!  $%#@&*NO CARRIER
You can't lay all that on my shoulders. - Hawkeye
You can't learn anything with your mouth open.
You can't leave during a family crisis.
You can't legislate common sense!
You can't let her drive....She's legally blonde!
You can't let nature run wild!
You can't lie in front of the buldozer indefinately I'm game...
You can't live on hope alone, nor can you live without it.
You can't live without lawyers and you can't die without them.
You can't live wrong and die right.
You can't love somebody until you learn about hate.
You can't make a perfect society out of imperfect people.
You can't make a program without broken egos.
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
You can't make anyone love you.
You can't mean my body lacks dirt? - Kes
You can't mine that sacred site - the holy spirit Metho lives there
You can't miss it. We've just had the outside painted with warm pus.
You can't out-macho a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
You can't outrun them.  You can't destroy them.  - Q
You can't outsmart me, 'cause I'm a moron.
You can't plant me in your penthouse,   I'm going back to my plow.
You can't play sick & then expect your mom to let you go to the mall.
You can't polish a turd, Beavis but I bet it was pretty cool to try!
You can't polish a turd, Beavis...
You can't pray a lie.
You can't produce a baby in 1 month by impregnating 9 women.
You can't produce a baby in just one month by impregnating nine women.
You can't protect them, Richie. - Duncan MacLeod
You can't prove anything about anybody by what he carries.-Freedman
You can't push a rope.
You can't push away your conscience.
You can't push on a rope.
You can't push with a rope
You can't put a price on a miracle.
You can't put a price tag on love, but you can on all its accessories.
You can't quit now! You just won! - Quark to Dax
You can't quit now... you just won! - Quark
You can't re-stock your wife when she gets old
You can't read a girl like a book but it's fun browsing the pages.
You can't read a someone like a book but it's fun browsing the pages.
You can't read men like a book but it's fun browsing the pages.
You can't really be strong until you see a funny side to things.
You can't really train a beagle, Tom dogmatized. -Roy Bongartz
You can't really train a beagle, he dogmatized.
You can't reason with someone who has a twisted mind.
You can't remember what you never read. 
You can't repeat the crime if you are dead from capital punishment.
You can't rollar skate in a buffalo herd...you can't rollar skate...
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd....
You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd.
You can't run away forever, but there's nothing wrong with getting a good hea
You can't run with the big dogs if you're peeing with the puppies.
You can't run with the big dogs, if you pee like a puppy. <G>
You can't say MY mind's dirty: YOU understood the joke!
You can't say MY mind's dirty: YOURS understood the joke!
You can't say that in Latin.
You can't scare me. I have children.
You can't scare me. I'm a teacher!!
You can't scare me..... I have *children*!!!!!
You can't scare me...I have kids!
You can't scare me..I have *children*!!!!!
You can't see because your head's up your a$$ ...
You can't sell nonsense to me by claiming to be fresh out of sense.
You can't shoot down a flying saucer! - Tom incredulously
You can't simply say, "Today I will be brilliant."
You can't sing you know. - Talkie Toaster
You can't sleep with the owls to fly with the eagles.
You can't soar with Dragons if you work with gargoyles.
You can't soar with dragons if you work with gargoyles
You can't soar with dragons if you work with gargoyles...
You can't spank the monkey if he's on your back.
You can't spell "HypoCrIte" without HCI!!!
You can't stay away, you need me, I need you
You can't stay away, you need me, I need you. - Qyr
You can't stay young, but you can remain immature forever!
You can't steal my tagline <neh neh-neh neh neh..neh neh-neh neh neh!>
You can't step in the same river twice.
You can't step on the same piece of water twice.
You can't step twice in the same river twice.
You can't step twice in the same river.
You can't step twice into the same river.
You can't survive by sucking the juice from a wet mitten. -Peanuts
You can't swing a dead cat without hitting one of his speeches.
You can't take it with you.  So don't go.
You can't teach a dead dog new tricks.
You can't teach a old dog new tricks if you don't try.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
You can't teach an old dogma neCome on Illuminati.
You can't teach an old dogma new tricks.
You can't teach an old lesbian new tricks.
You can't teach an old mouse new clicks.
You can't teach and old dog new math.
You can't teach old dogs new tricks.
You can't teach people to be lazy - either they have it or they don't.
You can't tell Al Gore anything. He has a soundproof head.
You can't tell Bill Clinton anything. He has a soundproof head.
You can't tell Orville anything. He has a soundproof head.
You can't tell a book by its cover.
You can't tell a book by its movie.
You can't tell a computer by its monitor.
You can't tell he anything. He has a soundproof head.
You can't tell how deep a puddle is until you step in it.
You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the track.
You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.
You can't throw us into space, we're trying to write a book.
You can't trade death for death. - Duncan MacLeod
You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
You can't un-melt a snowflake...
You can't underestimate the power of fear.
You can't unscramble eggs.
You can't walk in the daylight if you fly with the bats at night.
You can't whack death on the head! -- Rimmer
You can't whack death over the head! --Rimmer.
You can't win if you don't play. -- Heinlein
You can't win them all, but you can sure lose them all.
You can't win, #TN#.
You can't win, @LN@.
You can't win, Bullitt.
You can't win, Darth. - Obi Wan
You can't win, Orville.
You can't win, but there are alternatives to fighting.
You can't win.  You can't break even.  You can't even quit the game.
You can't win. You can't break even. You can't even quit the game.
You can't win. You can't break even. You can't even quit.
You can't win... but there ARE alternatives to fighting...
You can, too, trust the government--just ask the Indians!
You can...sell your soul for complete control - Pink Floyd
You cannot achieve the impossible without attempting the absurd.
You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time.
You cannot be God, Q, the universe cannot be so poorly designed!
You cannot be too careful in the choice of your enemies.
You cannot break the laws of physics, but you can make them up.
You cannot conquer a free man, the most you can do is kill him.
You cannot conquor a free man,the most you can do is kill him.
You cannot determine beforehand which side of the bread t
You cannot determine beforehand which side of the bread to butter.
You cannot die, MacLeod. --Ramirez.
You cannot die, MacLeod. Accept it. - Ramirez
You cannot dry dishes with a wet towel
You cannot fathom the consciousness of a leaf.
You cannot give away kindness, it always comes back to you.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot hurt a twinkie! - Apu
You cannot just grab a penis and make it erect.
You cannot kill time without assaulting eternity.
You cannot kill time without injuring eternity
You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
You cannot laugh and be unkind at the same time.
You cannot produce a baby in one month by impregnating nine women.
You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on
You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back!
You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back.
You cannot propel youself forward by patting yourself on the back.
You cannot regulate a right, only a privilege.
You cannot run the race until you learn to walk.
You cannot scare me... I'm a teacher!
You cannot see the wood for the trees.       John Heywood
You cannot serve both God and money. - Matthew 6:24
You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. <Indira Ghandi>
You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war. A. Einstein
You cannot step twice in the same river.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. - Abe. Lincoln
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. --A. Lincoln
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. A. Lincoln
You cannot teach a crab to walk straight.    Aristophanes
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.
You cannot traverse a chasm in two leaps...
You cannot wrestle in satin tap pants - Crow
You carried the cross and my shame --U2
You certainly got smooth skin - between the wrinkles, that is!
You change just like the weather.
You chat, I chat, We all chat!
You ching, They ching, We All ching for I ching!
You ching, They ching, We all ching for I Ching!
You climb the Balrog, I'll fight the tree.
You cling to your *paganism* like lichen to a stone.- Nick Knight
You cod dam small-fry, now you've got me hooked too!
You colored good, sir - Tom
You come at last to a mad place beyond which you cannot go.
You come from the shallow end of the gene pool?
You come in second to Annie, and you'll die. Forever. --Duncan MacLeod
You comes from a long line of first cousins.
You coming on to me? - Crow as bread man to girl
You coming to Atlanta? Cya at ONE BBSCON in August.
You conceded, or you're conceited? <Riggs>
You confess to listening? Lock 'im up, Dano! -RUSH
You conjure it, You feed it!
You conjure it, you feed it!
You consider a six pack of beer and a bug-zapper quality entertainment
You consider a six pack of beer and a bug-zapper quality entertainment.
You control the birth rate. Mother Nature controls the death rate.
You cook YOUR way; I'll cook MY way.
You could A)rchive the message and LIST it.
You could ALWAYS read the...Nah, what *was* I thinking???
You could at least smile, Worf. * Pulaski
You could at least tell me what you want. - Sheridan
You could be worse...you could be twins!
You could call cigarettes TUMORS, smokers will still but'em.
You could count them on less than one hand.
You could cut the tension with a dull object - Mike
You could die from such a man.
You could do better, but why bother?
You could do it in a boat, you could do it with a goat.
You could eat processed cheese but Why would you?
You could floss your toes... - Ren Hoek
You could get lost on an escalator.
You could have "I'm a wuss" tattooed across your butt - Butthead.
You could have Butthead sit on a glass jar and fart
You could have any woman you wanted, dead or alive.
You could have cigarettes called TUMORS, smokers will still buy 'em.
You could have easily been right -- Deanna
You could have it all, my empire of dirt - NIN
You could have knocked me over with a fender.
You could have said 'Pee-pee-soaked heck hole'! - Probation Guy
You could have, "I'm a wuss!" tattooed across your butt! huh huh huh
You could hear eagle bone whistles screaming.  --Black Elk
You could infuriate a rock.  Sophocles
You could kill me now, but you would never know the truth.
You could kill me now, but you'll never know the truth. --Cancerman.
You could kill me now, but you'll never know the truth. --X-Files.
You could learn a lesson here.
You could lose a battle of wits with an iguana.
You could make quite a good tagline out of that
You could never be a truly world class dancer-Tom to Mike
You could play weeth your special puppet pals. - Ren Hoek
You could play with your magic nose goblins. - Ren Hoek
You could play with your pet Crocostimpy... - Ren Hoek
You could say I have a magnetic personality. - Data
You could say I'd lost my faith in our politicians.
You could take the Fjord! - Tom to guys on horseback
You could taste-test popular colas... - Ren Hoek
You could use a good kiss! - Han Solo
You could use that face to jimmy door locks - Tom
You could've at least shaved your legs - Mike
You couldn't buy a clue with lottery winnings.
You couldn't get a pen in your foot, you swine.
You couldn't get me on Mars if it were the last place on
You couldn't get me on Mars if it were the last place on earth.
You couldn't have a consistent relationship with a doorknob.
You couldn't hit water if you fell out of a &%#@ boat - C Davis
You couldn't put off the inevitable.
You couldn't win a debate against Suzy Creamcheese.
You countermanded me on WHOSE authority? POPE JOHN
You cry in vain, Satan takes over your soul!
You cut the telephone line, the story might change.
You dance divinely.-My parents made me take divine lessons.-Hawk
You dare sting me with your solo ding dong? - Tom to Crow
You decide to procrastinate but never get around to it.
You deliberately disobeyed me.   Mafusa
You depend too much on computers for information.
You deserve a big hand-right across the mouth!
You deserve the best.  Download Blue Wave today!
You deserve the gods you worship.
You desperately needs help.
You destroyed a Centari warship. -
You dial 911 while drinking water - Dr. F to TV's Frank
You dialed 5483.
You did *WHAT* to my ship, Number One?! - Picard (STG)
You did *WHAT* while on the keyboard?!?!
You did WHAT to the disk drive?!
You did WHAT with TurboTax? OMG!
You did WHAT with TurboTax??? OMG!!
You did a great job putting all that together.
You did not.  It was hot, and I was hungry.
You did well, but you need more.
You did what to the car?
You did what with a spoon!?!?!
You didn't "ruffle my feathers".  You "royally pissed me off"!
You didn't have the right parents? Whose did you have? --Lister.
You didn't hurt me, nothing can hurt me, nothing can stop me now.
You didn't invite me... so I crashed!
You didn't know California had hick towns?!
You didn't say what you said I said you said
You die when you kill. - Armand
You die, Amanda will be free to date. - Methos
You die, the girl dies, EVERYBODY dies!
You dirty bastards...! Give me back my hand...!
You disagree?  May I plea guilty by reason of sanity?
You disgust me - Dr. Forrester to Mike
You disgust me ... DO IT some more!
You do *what* on this holodeck? * Scotty
You do chain taglines?  Even Oprah is more entertaining.
You do have 14,400 speed modem, right?
You do have a big heart, @FN@...I like you a lot.
You do have a big heart, All...I like you a lot.
You do have a big heart, Orville...I like you a lot.
You do have a big heart, YOU...I like you a lot.
You do have one redeeming feature - mortality.
You do have one redeeming quality - mortality!
You do it, I'm too bitter - Crow T. Robot
You do know that I'm a Real Vampire right???  "D"
You do know what a leading question is, don't you?
You do know what this entails? - Ivanova
You do not know what you have done, but you will. - Kalas
You do not need a needle for ruptured pigs.
You do not understand. - Delenn
You do not wish to continue our lovers' quarrel? - Data
You do realize you're asking a guy inna rat suit?
You do remember Edlin, the Edsel of word processing programs?
You do ride in a surrey with a fringe on top? - Crow
You do the hokey pockey...  - G'Kar
You do the hokey pokey --G'Kar.
You do too know how to sign! You know how to flip the Bird, don't ya?
You do understand that I can keep this up until I run out of cereal.
You doesn't have all his cups in the cupboard.
You doesn't have all his dogs on one leash.
You doesn't have all of his groceries in the same bag.
You doesn't have all the dots on his dice.
You doesn't have both oars in the water.
You doesn't have enough sandwiches for a picnic.
You doesn't know what he's talking about.
You doesn't know what she's talking about.
You doesn't know which side of the toast the butter is on.
You don' frighten us, English pig-dogs!
You don't *have* to be crazy to post here ... but it certainly helps!
You don't BUY rootbeer, you rent it! - Tom
You don't Buy beer, you only Rent it!
You don't always know what I mean!
You don't buy beer, you just temporarily divert it
You don't buy beer, you merely rent it.
You don't buy beer, you only rent it for a while.
You don't buy beer. You only rent it for a while...
You don't care about me. I don't care about that - Hendrix
You don't care about me. I don't care about you - Hendrix
You don't change when you're immortal; you just live longer.
You don't deserve NICE taglines, FOOL!!!
You don't deserve it, but I'm glad it happened!
You don't direct Kline, you just get outta the way - Mike
You don't do pranks at a police station.
You don't end prejudice by changing the words for it.
You don't fool me!  You're not really an idiot!
You don't fool me!! You're not really an idiot!!
You don't fool me, 'cause I know what you feel.
You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs!
You don't get AIDS, you get HIV.
You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.
You don't get freedom for free.: Rush
You don't get it boy, this is an operating table.
You don't get once-in-a-lifetime offers like this every day.
You don't give a damn about apathy.
You don't give resentments: you take them.
You don't go fishing for minnows when you've got Mobey Dick at home!
You don't go into a brothel for a kiss. Don't go into a bar for a Coke.
You don't go to Denny's. You just end up there.
You don't happen to be on the Fido Non_Sports echo, do you ?-)
You don't have PMS, you're just logically underenhanced!
You don't have a '486 yet?!?!?
You don't have a hand up your tookus! Oy, hey! - Gabbo
You don't have the right to _force_ your own opinion on others.
You don't have to BE straight to SHOOT straight.
You don't have to be CrAzY to be committed, but it helps!
You don't have to be a cannibal to get fed up with people.
You don't have to be an archaeologist to dig up a copy of Messenger.
You don't have to be crazy to do this....but it surely helps!
You don't have to be crazy to post here -- but it's assumed you are!
You don't have to be crazy to post here, but it helps.
You don't have to be crazy, but it sure helps
You don't have to be gay to be tolerant!
You don't have to be in Who's Who to know what's what.
You don't have to be intelligent to use it but it helps.
You don't have to be undead to be evil, but it helps.
You don't have to burn books to subjugate;just get'em to stop reading.
You don't have to do this to impress me.
You don't have to do this to impress--ZZIIPP!... Oh, my God!
You don't have to explain something you never said.
You don't have to have a point to have a point.
You don't have to impress me with your technobabble! --Neelix
You don't have to introduce us, said Tom metaphorically.
You don't have to know how the computer works, just how to work the computer.
You don't have to know where you're going as long as you're on your way.
You don't have to le   Recvd: NO
You don't have to let a beer win.
You don't have to marry a lawyer to get screwed by one.
You don't have to sit in a feminizt to know what it smells like. 
You don't have to sit on a Femagogues to know what * IT * smells like. 
You don't have to sweet-talk an AIRPLANE.
You don't have to talk dirty to your rifle to get it to work.
You don't have to think too hard when talking to teachers
You don't have to think too hard when talking to teachers.
You don't have to try, you just have to be ...
You don't have to wait 2000+ years for a second beer.
You don't have to wait 2000-plus years for a second beer.
You don't have to wine and dine a beer.
You don't have to worry about that: it's virtual!
You don't knock on peoples' doors trying to give away beer.
You don't know how lucky you are.
You don't know how much you don't know until you know alot.  -- Nick Holland
You don't know how? Practice on someone else's mind
You don't know if it's fear or desire --U2
You don't know it boy, but you just blew it.
You don't know it, but this is a subliminal Recipe..
You don't know it, but this is a subliminal tagline......
You don't know me.     -Federal Witness Protection Agency
You don't know me. --Federal Witness Protection Program.
You don't know me...you just wish that you did.
You don't know right from wrong.
You don't know the power that you have. - Tori Amos
You don't know the systems are compatable - Ivanova
You don't know what it's like being short. - Radar
You don't know what it's like in our universe! Riker
You don't know what love means.   Paul Newman
You don't know what you want, and are willing to go throu
You don't know what you're talking about, do you?
You don't know what you've got till it's
You don't know where ya goin if ya don't know where ya been!
You don't know your own mind - or you'd hate it, too.
You don't know your own strength. You've never seen any.
You don't like Heinlein?  Don't they have drug-therapy for that now?
You don't like Rush Limbaugh's show? Then get your own talk show.
You don't like Servo? - Giant Tom Servo
You don't like it?  We don't care! (Road Warriors)
You don't like me, do you, Vir? --Morden.
You don't like the way I drive?  Stay off the sidewalk!
You don't look at the mantle-piece when you poke the fire!
You don't look like Charlie Chaplin, Baldric. You don't have a moustache
You don't lose your starting position because of injury.
You don't miss the old neighbourhood until you move away.
You don't move to Edina, you achieve Edina.
You don't need "protection" with a cucumber...
You don't need a backup unless you don't have one.
You don't need a computer to put two and two together.
You don't need a license to live with a Beer.
You don't need a power-on light for a Pentium!  It glows!
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind bl
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
You don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows.
You don't need insurance to drive the information highway.
You don't need to be a cannibal to be fed up with Bill Clinton.
You don't need to be a cannibal to be fed up with people.
You don't need to be a cannible to be fed up with people.
You don't need to buy your cat expensive presents on its birthday.
You don't need your teeth. It's soup.
You don't offend me. But *that* does. --Ivanova.
You don't own the only heart that's been broken
You don't say. - Yakko
You don't serialsly believe the number is really gone?
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to live!
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive!
You don't suppose she's a virgin, do you? - Mulder
You don't think females are explosive?? Try dropping one.
You don't understand something so you become fearful.
You don't use liquid soap in a dishwasher.
You don't usually see that kind of behavior in a major ap
You don't usually see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.
You don't vote?  Don't criticize the government, then!
You don't wanna know what he DID kill!! <G>
You don't want peace!  You want revenge! -- Sisko
You don't want to be the one I am looking for. - Cidwine
You don't want to come back from Sorrento to a dead cat.
You don't want to die and I don't want to have to kill you!
You don't want to know what happened to this tagline.
You don't want to pay for abortions-I don't want to pay for churches.
You don't want to see this again, boy. Let's go...
You dont buy beer, you rent it...
You dont really need your paycheck, do you? Vote Clinton!
You dream of things that aren't and ask "why not?".
You drive me crazy babe. It's a love drive!
You drop your carrier and I'll drop my pants....
You dropped your hardware three times. - Hawkeye to Henry
You dumb dummies! - Dr. F
You eat healthy, don't smoke, drink, or have sex, yet you still die!
You eat terrible.  You got no manners.   Judy Holliday
You eat too much - it keeps you alive!
You echoes between the ears.
You either believe in yourself or you don't.
You either get an OLMR, or get on the all time twit list!
You enjoy being difficult, don't you Gord? - Jalapeno
You enjoy the company of other people.
You enjoyed that, didn't you? - Ivanova
You ever breathe oxygen kid?  Good, don't start!
You ever go tharn when a hruddudu runs by?
You ever met anybody you didn't kill? <Murtagh>
You ever notice how boogers don't smell?
You ever wonder *why* resistance is futile? --Rooney of Borg.
You examine any object; you question everything.
You exist; it's this echo that is unreal.
You expect a great tagline from everybody?????
You expect me to entertain you every time I write?????
You expect us to share our litter box with that newcomer?
You expected a clever line?  Think again.
You expression is the most important thing you wear.
You extend your hand to those who suffer - NIN
You fail to grasp Ti Kwon Leep.  (BOOT TO THE HEAD)
You failed as a proof-reader for M & M's.
You failed. Watch out for the Gom Jabbar.
You fan club - Tar & feathers will be provided.
You fat bloated EEEDIOT!!!
You fat, bloated eediot! - Ren Hoek
You feel a whole lot more like you do now than you did wh
You feel there's something calling you, you're wanting to return-Rush
You feelthy swine! - Ren Hoek
You fell asleep. - I figured that when I woke up. - Hawkeye
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders... -- Vinzinni
You fez-headed blaaaaahhhh - Joel
You fiendish diabolical wretched WONDERFUL man -Tom lisps
You fight with the strength of many men, sir knight.
You fill a much--needed gap.
You find out who your friends are after that first nervous breakdown.
You flatter me by laughing at my puns  My husband always just groans.
You folks aren't talking about Barney, are you? I'm outta here.
You folks telling me that intolerance is a Traditional Family Value?
You followed me! --Rimmer.
You fool!  That's the Echo History Eraser Button!
You fool!  That's the History Eraser Button!!!
You fool! That's the History Eraser Button!!!
You fool. Warren is dead!
You foreigners see millions of stars and nothing beyond.
You forget, Jean-Luc, you destroy humanity. - Q
You forgot the bloomin' TAGLINE.
You forgot the gun was loaded.
You forgot to do your backup 16 days ago.  Tomorrow you will need that version.
You forgot to do your backup 16 days ago.  Tomorrow you'll need that version.
You forgot to pay his brain bill.
You fought in the Clone Wars?
You found God?  I never even knew he was lost!
You found it? Run it over to Operating Room #2 for John Bobbitt.
You found it? Run over to Operating Room 2 for John Bobbitt!
You found it? Take it over to Operating Room 2 for John Bobbitt.
You frightened me. Do it again.
You from the casino? I'm from *a* casino. Good enough.
You gat a new fool. Ha, I like it like that! - Hendrix
You gave away fourty-seven meelion dollars? - Ren Hoek
You gave it to "The Rush Room," and they SOLD it?
You gave me nothing, now it's all I got
You gave me two less than a dozen, said Tom tensely.
You gave my cards to the RECYCLERS? Aieeeeee!!!
You gawddammed aliens keep your ship out of my wheat field!!!
You get a better view with OS/2!
You get a free T-Shirt when you join our Nudist Colony.
You get a splinter in your finger every time you scratch your forehead
You get a splinter in your finger every time you scratch your head.
You get a stack of Taglines here instead of just one at a time?
You get me closer to God  - Trent Reznor (NIN)
You get stack of Taglines here instead of just one at a time.
You get stack of recipes here instead of just one at a time.
You get the life you ask for. - Duncan MacLeod
You get the most of what you need the least.
You get the occasional evil morning person, but rarely before 7:30...
You get the one with the silver T-Shirt I'll get the rest with a net.
You get what you deserve -- NIN
You get what you deserve.
You get what you pay for
You get what you pay for. Life is free. Hmmm....
You get what you tolerate! - Rush
You get what's coming to you...unless it's mailed.
You gets his news from Mad Magazine.
You getting this, Zapruder? - Tom as sniper takes aim
You gimboid, that's a Blue Wave headed for the Red Dwarf!
You give a whole new meaning to the term "drop cloth"...<Volsted>
You give away a lot of advice. You only charge what it's worth.
You give it all but I want more --U2
You give me all I need.
You give me the anger, you give me the nerve -- NIN
You give me the anger, you give me the nerve.
You give me the reason you give me control -- NIN
You give me the reason you give me control.
You give'em a book and they eat the pages.
You glorify the past when the future dries up.
You go Uruguay, I'll go mine.
You go to Arby's a lot don't you? - Mike as guy in car
You go to heaven and God sneezes. What do you say?
You go to heaven....God sneezes... What do you say?
You go to heaven...God sneezes... What do you say?
You go to the church you kiss the cross,you will be saved at any cost
You go to the moon by way of Alaska?! - Tom incredulously
You goof! - Tom to hysterical girl
You got 10 lb. balls? - Tom on pawn shop owner
You got Windoze?  Mongo want..........No, on second thought...
You got a D-CUP...er a Decaf? - Crow leers to busty girl
You got a big pimple back here, want me to pop it? - Tom
You got a brand new pair of roller scates, I got a brand new key.
You got a lot of hair up your nose - Mike as couple kiss
You got a lot of repressed feelings, don't you, Bob
You got a lot of repressed feelings, don't you, Chrissy
You got a lot of repressed feelings, don't you?
You got a new fool. Ha, I like it like that! - Hendrix
You got a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.
You got a problem kid ?...  ---celenza
You got a problem, Mr. Nel-STUPID? - Tom
You got a thing or two to learn about me baby.
You got a towel with you?
You got any more Taglines I can plagiarize ?
You got any more recipes I can plagiarize ?
You got any more taglines I can plagiarize ?
You got any stethoscopes? - We're a medical unit! - Hawkeye
You got filkers. You should spray.
You got me out my mind,I can't explain. I can't explain it baby!
You got me where you want me.
You got problems.  The problem is you. -Sex Pistols
You got some kind of probelm here, boy? - Large
You got some kind of problem here, boy? --Large.
You got succotash on my stole! - Klinger to Hawkeye
You got the decease I got the solution.... REVOLUTION!
You got the rest of your life to give me answers Scully to Skinner
You got the right one baby Uh Huh, Uh Ouch!
You got the right syringe, Baby!  Uh uh!  Uh uh!
You got the right syringe, Baby! Uh uh! Uh uh!
You got the whole blanket said Tom, coldly.
You got those large, fleshy hands - Mike to Tom
You got to be all mine, all mine, foxy lady!
You got to cry without weeping --U2
You got to cry, do it by yourself and be quick about it.
You got to know when to banish, know when to vanish
You got to start somewhere if you're going end elsewhere.
You got to stop screwing around, daddy.
You got what it takes to be a full fledged member!
You got your batwoman in my mole people - Tom
You got your gods, I got mine.  If something happens, can I borrow one?
You got your mole people in my batwoman - Mike
You gotta admit its pretty creepy down here!" -Crow T. Robot
You gotta admit, Deep Space 9 is a pretty good place to get experience.
You gotta admit, it's pretty funny - Mike on board gag
You gotta be at least a LITTLE insane to like life!  =)
You gotta be smart to be crazy.
You gotta be warped to weave.
You gotta get your knee outta my groin! - Mike
You gotta go where the hamster goes, you're a ninja - Tom
You gotta hand it to those blind prostitutes.
You gotta have big balls to play CFL football.
You gotta keep changing.  Shirts, old ladies, whatever.  -- Neil Young
You gotta keep her warm - Crow as guy covers burn victim
You gotta know when to code 'em and know when to modem.
You gotta know when to code 'em, know when to modem.
You gotta know when to code 'em, know when to modem...
You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.
You gotta learn when to shut your mouth! <G, D & R>
You gotta look out for #1, but don't step in #2 doing it!
You gotta love this place, every day's like Halloween. --Fox Mulder.
You gotta make a genuine effort to pretend you're interested." -Roy
You gotta move it up, and use it like a schoolboy would. -ZZ Top
You gotta play by my rules, It's my football.
You gotta put your behind in your past.   Pumbaa
You gotta put your behind in your past. - Pumba
You gotta read "Cat in the Bed" by Claude Balles.
You gotta walk with the turkeys before you can fly with the eagles.
You green blooded, inhuman -- McCoy
You gregarious, galvanized garbage can - Crow to Tom
You guys are SO weird! - Gypsy to Mike & Bots
You guys are dead, huh? What's that like? - Mike as cop
You guys are grossing me out<turning green> - Danny Davids
You guys are just floundering around.
You guys are kidding, right? - Radar
You guys are one for the book. - Potter to Hawkeye & BJ
You guys are so unhip it is a wonder your buns don't fall off!
You guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off!
You guys are the greatest. Yea I'm a liar but you don't care.
You guys are too smart to be officers. - Sgt. Kimble to Hawk & BJ
You guys are worse than Allen & Rossi - Crow to Joel/Tom
You guys can't evolve, you're machines! - Joel to Bots
You guys don't know a thing about women. - Frank to Hawk and BJ
You guys have got to be yanking my chain! - Lister
You guys in here sure are weird!  :)  That's a good tagline. h hehe
You guys in here sure are weird! :) That's a good Tagline.
You guys look ridiculous - Mike to Bots with fire helmets
You guys make me look awful good. - Col. Blake
You guys might be right, but I've got all the beer.
You guys should be on the Gong Show - Crow to Joel & Tom
You guys will get yours. - Col. Flagg to Trapper & Hawkeye
You guys would take a bullet for me? - Mike to Bots
You had a vasectomy, so I'll still be a virgin? No worries then.
You had all of them on your side, didn't you?  Didn't you?
You had diddly for deductions - Tom to Crow
You had good - now you've got me.
You had hallucinations. They were solid. --Rimmer.
You had mail, but the super-user read it, and deleted it!
You had no claim on that vessel - Picard
You had quite a turbulent couple of years.
You had to ask? I was just being a DORK........<G>
You had to be the hero! - Richie Ryan
You had to give up. I'm too dangerous for you.
You had to hand it to the Patrician.
You had to see it to believe it was real. - Duncan MacLeod
You hair's thinning.  So who wants fat hair?
You hairdressing little cowpokes! - Mike to Mads
You harldy went to council meeting until I showed up. - Sheridan
You hate mail.
You have 2 choices for dinner. Take it or leave it. Bon appetit!
You have 2 choices...open the door or I hump your leg!
You have 60 mins a day, BUT you cannot d/l unless you
You have 60 mins a day, BUT you cannot d/l unless you...
You have HUGE ... Eyes!  (Must be a hyperactive thyroid.)
You have PMS and a Handgun?  I'll go quietly.....
You have PMS and a Handgun? I'll go quietly.
You have Voice Mail..."Please deposit 35 cents"
You have a Wessonality disorder.
You have a clear mind, it isn't cluttered up with facts!
You have a collective call from Borg, will you accept the charges?
You have a diarrhea of words and constipation of thought.
You have a face only a mother could love - and she hates it!
You have a fine personality..but not for a human
You have a frog in your pocket?
You have a higher tolerance level than most people around my town...:-)
You have a hole in your mind...   Fill it with Bab5 beer!
You have a lot of free time, don't you? - Crow to Tom
You have a lovely brain.  It will make a fine addition to our files.
You have a lovely brain.  It will make a lovely addition to our files.
You have a massage.  (From the Swedish prime minister.)
You have a mean face. It punished people.
You have a mean face...it punishes people!
You have a mouth like a steel trap....Full of mice!
You have a nimble wit.  I think twas made of Atalanta's heels. - w.s.
You have a one-bit brain with a parity error.
You have a perverted mind!  I like that in a person!
You have a question for my face? -Crow as David Hartman
You have a ready wit.  Let me know where it's ready.
You have a ready wit. Let me know where it's ready.
You have a ready wit....Let me know when it's ready.
You have a right to be stupid but don't abuse the privilege.
You have a right to your opinions.  I just don't want to hear them.
You have a room-temperature I.Q.
You have a sick, sick, sick mind. Mind you, so did Freud. -Jalapeno
You have a slow clock.
You have a slow leak? - Yakko
You have a strong appeal for members of the opposite sex.
You have a strong appeal for members of your own sex.
You have a talent for umox!  -Quark
You have a talent for umox! -Qwark
You have a tendency to feel you are superior to most comp
You have a tendency to feel you are superior to most computers.
You have a thing about weddings, don't you? - Annie Ross
You have a thing about weddings, don't you? - Duncan MacLeod
You have a tongue blessed by the God, Sterculius
You have a very good point; but comb your hair right, it won't show.
You have a very striking face.  Can I strike it too?
You have a will that can be influenced by all with whom y
You have a wrong number. Please hangup the phone and press redial.
You have all the brainpower of a dead amoeba.
You have all the character references of a politician. - Odo.
You have all the qualities of a politician.  Odo
You have always been here.  Kosh to Sheridan
You have always been here. - Ambassador Kosh
You have always been here. - Koch
You have always been here. - Kosh, the Vorlon Ambassador.
You have always been here. --Ambassador Kosh.
You have an ambitious nature and may make a name for yourself.
You have an important role as a negative example.
You have an important role as a negative example.
You have an opinion on the matter??
You have baseball eyes-two baggers!
You have been a bad li'tle bunny rabbit, George.
You have been caught cheating on taglines again.
You have been mating Bulldogs and Shitszus again, John Foster!
You have been selected for a secret mission.
You have been selected for a secret mission.
You have been targeted for termination.
You have been using this software for 26363 days. Please register it!
You have both oars in the water on the same side of the boat!
You have bubbles in his think tank.
You have connected to a C=64 BBS!  !@#$&*@#$  NO CARRIER
You have connected to a C=64 BBS! +++ATH0 NO CARRIER
You have delusions of adequacy.
You have diabetes, Tom's doctor said sweetly.
You have diabetes, the doctor said sweetly.
You have entered a dark place ...
You have failed the test.
You have fallen so far behind, there is no reason to log
You have fe-mail
You have forgotten something.  Your V8. -- Kosh, the short-order cook.
You have forgotten who you are.   Mufasa
You have freedom when you're easy in your harness.
You have gone where no man's gone before!"  Bones
You have got to teach me to do that sometime. - Natalie Lambert
You have had a long--term stimulation relative to busines
You have had a long-term stimulation relative to business.
You have hate mail.
You have his solar panels aimed at the moon.
You have it floored in neutral.
You have junk mail.
You have just been served by the *Tagline Addict*
You have just entered THE EMMITT ZONE!
You have just won a trip on the E! Phone 1-8&^ NO CARRIER
You have little to fear brave knight, unless the dragon stops purring.
You have made an enemy today.
You have made many enemies - G'Kar Call it a lifestyle - Garibaldi
You have made the world a better place-Crow reads to Dr.F
You have mail.
You have mail. It's ticking...
You have managed to stay in good standing with me.
You have many friends and very few living enemies.
You have mistaken me for someone who gives a damn
You have mistakenly ascribed that item to me.
You have new junk mail waiting! Read now? (Y/n)
You have nice manners for a thief and a liar. - Smaug
You have no RIGHTS to be politically correct!
You have no file restrictions!  I want more file access  ...NO CARRIER
You have no idea what you are! - Tarsis
You have no knowledge of your true potential. - Ramirez
You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.
You have not died until you have experienced a group hangover.
You have not heard the last of me!
You have nothing to lose & everything to gain.
You have now entered the Zucchini Zone <creepy music>
You have only a very small head and must live within it.
You have only a very small head and must live within it.
You have personal mail. Assume warm glow? (Y/N).
You have pimples! Oxy-cute them! - Tom on closeup of geek
You have probably guess by now that the answer to this is yes.
You have quite an imagination, Bob!
You have quite an imagination, Chrissy Di!
You have reach the Borg... Press 1 to be assimilated...Press 2 for....
You have reach this tagline, ple$%%#$^&^# - darn recorders!!!!
You have reache the limit of Shadow or the end of yourself.
You have reached 911, all representatives are currently busy.
You have reached 911. Please hold.
You have reached the Borg..Press 1 for assimilation, Press 2 for assim
You have reached the Incontinence Hotline.  Please hold....
You have reached the Lawn Mowing Enthusiast BBS @#$&$#!  NO CARRIER
You have reached the Lawn Mowing Enthusiast BBS! +++ATH0...NO CARRIER
You have reached the Suicide Hotline... please hold.
You have sadism stamped all over your bloated British kisser.
You have several screws loose.
You have sex with women? That's sick. - Ray I.
You have stimulated me!  You have stimulated me!
You have taken yourself too seriously.
You have tasted two worms. - Spooner
You have the Mark of the Beast on you - Mike
You have the attention span of a ferret on a double dose of acid.
You have the attention span of a ferret on a double mocha.
You have the body of a 19 year old.  Please return it before it gets wrinkled.
You have the bridge Number One..I have to go number two
You have the bridge, Number One.  I have to go number two!
You have the bridge, Number One....I have to go number two!
You have the capacity to learn from mistakes.  You will l
You have the capacity to learn from mistakes.  You will learn a lot today.
You have the capacity to learn from mistakes.  You'll learn a lot today.
You have the capacity to learn from mistakes. If You'll let yourself.
You have the capacity to learn from mistakes. You'll learn a lot today
You have the con Mr. Bullitt.
You have the con Mr. Orville.
You have the feet of a teenager. - Hawkeye to Col. Potter
You have the heart of a conservative...a lump of black rock.
You have the mind of a two-year-old. (He wants it back!)
You have the recall of a lima bean, Pinky. - The Brain
You have the recall of a lima bean. - Brain (to Pinky)
You have the right to bear arms, bare chest... oops, sorry!
You have the right to remain an idiot, @FN@.
You have the right to remain an idiot, YOU.
You have the right to remain silent, If you give up that right. DEATH!
You have the right to remain silent, said Tom arrestingly.
You have the right to remain silent. Use it!
You have the right to remain silent....
You have the right to remain silent....  USE IT!
You have the right to remain unconscious. <Riggs>
You have the wisdom which comes with age - senility!
You have this "just spanked" look about you.
You have three options:  Die.  Die painfully.  Drink Pepsi.
You have to >be< an antique to appreciate one.
You have to be REALLY short to be an underdog!
You have to be SURE of yourself... I think...
You have to be an antique to appreciate them.
You have to be sharp to be on the cutting edge.
You have to be trusted...by the people that you lie to... - Pink Floyd
You have to be very sneaky if you borrow your sister's clothes.
You have to believe in something.  I believe I'll have a beer.
You have to believe in something. I believe I'll have a beer.
You have to commit me. - Ace Ventura
You have to do more than call to make a cat come.
You have to draw the line somewhere: ----------------
You have to get up pretty early to fool me pretty early.
You have to give it the full path to your editor so it can find it.
You have to hand it to Venus de Milo -- otherwise she'd starve.
You have to have a quick wit to keep up with All.
You have to have a quick wit to keep up with Gary.
You have to have a quick wit to keep up with Orville.
You have to have an ace in the hole.
You have to kiss alot of frogs before you meet the handsome prince!
You have to know these sorts of things when you're a king.
You have to move to limit personal freedom. - Bill Clinton, 1994
You have to rebuild human culture with every generation
You have to run between the raindrops if you want to see
You have to run between the raindrops if you want to see the sun...
You have to show a Missourian how to DO IT.
You have to sign a message like that "THE MODERATOR", are you?
You have to support the right party, said the politician patronizingly.
You have to the count of 3 to stop it ... 1000, 999, 998, 997, 996 ...
You have to trust me.Please. Trust me. <B2>
You have to vewwy quite when assimiwating. --Fudd of Borg.
You have too many lice to feel an itch.
You have too much room in the house and not enough in the medicine cabin
You have trouble dealing with reality.
You have two choices for dinner.  Take it or leave it.
You have two choices for dinner.  You can take it or you can leave it.
You have two choices for dinner:  Take it or leave it.
You have two choices for dinner: Take it or Leave it.
You have two choices: vote, or lose all your rights.
You have two neurons separated by a spirochete.
You have used this unregistered copy 620,958,284 times.
You have used this unregistered copy one googol times.
You have violated Robot's Rules of Order
You have won $1,000,000!!  Press ALT-$ to collect!!
You have your orders.
You have your problems, and I have yours.
You have your prophets, I have my profits.
You haven't a single redeeming vice.
You haven't been acceptable. You've been REMARKABLE.-Kes to HoloDoc
You haven't converted a man because you've silenced him
You haven't lived till you try anchovie pizza with marshmellow sauce.
You haven't saved? Oh BTW, what's this button next to turbo for?
You haven't seen my Royal touch, have you? -Iolus
You haven't seen my bad side yet.
You hazed your own self? - Crow to Mike
You hear laughter cracking through the walls -- it sends you spinning
You hear that, whoever you are, where ever you are... I QUIT. - Sam
You hear the _strangest_ things around here ......
You heard me Chekhov....trash the planet !
You heard me Spock. I said, SHUT YOUR VULCAN MOUTH ! ! !
You heard the Commander, you star-butts! - Plug
You heard, on your way troublemaker!
You here again?? When do you sleep??
You hit me Picard never hit me. - Q.  I'm not Picard. - Sisko.
You hit me!  Professor Robinson never hit me! - Dr. Smith to Sisko
You hit me! Bullitt never hit me! I'm not Bullitt.
You hit me! Orville never hit me! I'm not Orville.
You hit me! Picard never hit me. -- Q I'm NOT Picard! -- Sisko
You hit me! Picard never hit me. I'm NOT Picard!
You hit me! Professor Robinson never hit me! --Dr. Smith to Sisko.
You hit me... Picard never hit me. - Q.  I'm not Picard. - Sisko.
You hit the nail right between the eyes!
You hit the nail right between the eyes.
You hold 'em off, I'll go for help.  (heh-heh-heh)
You hold 'em off, I'll go for help. (heh-heh-heh)
You humans are all alike.
You hurt that woman and it will take you 10 days to die - Garibaldi
You idiot!  You look even more stupid than usual! - Ren
You idiot.  Think you could handle reading instructions?
You idiots!  You've captured they're stunt doubles!
You in the red shirt, go check out that strange noise.
You in the red shirt, go look behind that big rock!
You in the red uniform, see what that noise is. - Kirk
You in the red, investigate that noise. * Kirk
You incremented the count.  I smoked your monitor.  We're even.
You infernal machine! Give me a soda or my money back!
You just bought yourself 220! C'mon, dickweed! - Crow
You just called him an umbrella. - Radar to Hawkeye
You just can't beat cubic inches.
You just contradicted me!
You just couldn't let me get the last word in!
You just don't know women. - H. Hefner
You just don't put the effort into your schemes that you used to.
You just forgot the <G>'s, right?
You just give nature some space and she won't try to kill you.
You just gotta love algorithm patents... NOT!
You just had to take that apple, didn't you? (Adam to Eve)
You just say that to make people hug you, don't you? :) - Dire Wolf
You just stay put and stabilize. - Hawkeye
You just wasted 4 sec. reading this tag line.
You keep saying that, I don't think it means what you think it means.
You kept me up posting last night. My wife is eternally grateful!OJW
You kill a guy then you're throwin pasta at your mom -Tom
You kill it, we grill it...
You kill my father.  Prepare to die.
You kill my father. Prepare to die.
You killed Ted, you medieval dick-weed! - Bill
You killed it 'cos I needed revenge --U2
You kinda look like the dogs had you under the house.
You knew about this and didn't say anything?    -Vash
You knew the job was dangerous when you took it!
You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred.
You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Orville.
You knew the job was dangerous when you took it. - Super Chicken
You knew this job was dangerous when you took it!
You know Adam worked for scale in this film - Tom on West
You know Delenn, you're cute for a Mimbari--Londo.
You know Delenn, you're cute for a Minbari--Londo.
You know Endora has never done anything for me - Crow
You know Gary, sometimes I amaze even myself..
You know I can see what you really are.
You know I hooked up my modem to a board with no name...
You know I was arrested last week for throwing rocks through Windows.
You know I'm a sucker, baby.  For what the cowgirls do.
You know I'm a sucker, baby. For what the cowgirls do.
You know I'm a sucker, baby...for what the cowboys do.
You know I'm big & I like you - Mike
You know I'm lost without you. - Stimpy
You know I'm trigger-happy, trigger-happy every day! -Weird Al Yankovic
You know Maureen, sometimes I amaze even myself..
You know Orville, sometimes I amaze even myself.
You know Riker? - Lt. Tom Paris to any Delta Quadrant babe.
You know Riker? -Paris to any Delta Quadrant babe.
You know Vir, you have what the Earthers call a `negative personality'.
You know You're hooked when:  You can't get away from the screen
You know You're hooked when:  You log on right at midnight after reset
You know You're hooked when:  You sign Your handle to Your checks
You know You're hooked when: You sign Your handle to Your checks
You know a barnacle's happy by the ship-eating grin.
You know a lawyer's lying if his lips are moving.
You know all the time she's smiling, you'll be on your knees tomorrow.
You know better than to trust a strange computer
You know better than to trust a strange computer.
You know he's Bad, he's Bad, you know it -- he stinks!
You know he's a vampire if your pet rabbit growls at him.
You know how Einstein got bad grades as a kid?  Well, MIN
You know how expensive fire is these days? - Joel
You know how it is in the kid's book world:It's just bunny eat bunny.
You know how the road is, you tend to leap around a lot. - Sam
You know how this world can beat you down - NIN
You know how to get to Sesame Street? Tell me, tell me!
You know how to win a victory, but not how to use it.
You know how we psychos are.
You know i'm a sucker babe, for what the cowgirls do
You know i'm bound to you for life.
You know it is going to be a bad day when you forget your new password.
You know it kind if tastes like chicken to me.
You know it might not be that bad, I was the best you ever had.
You know it might not be that bad, you were the best I ever had.
You know it's Monday when you find a land mine in your food - Garfield
You know it's Monday when you find sharks in your water bowl - Garfield
You know it's Monday when you wake up and it's Tuesday - Garfield
You know it's a bad bad when your team gets whipped by The Whalers!
You know it's a bad bad when your team hires Mike Keenan...
You know it's a bad day when you wake up on the pavement.
You know it's a bad day when your team gets whipped by The Whalers!
You know it's a bad day when, your income tax refund check bounces.
You know it's a bad day when...
You know it's a bad day when:  Suicide Prevention puts you on hold.
You know it's bad when a computer talks about you in the 3rd person.
You know it's going to be a bad day when you jump out of bed and miss the floor.
You know it's hot when even the mosquitoes melt ...
You know it's so ironic...I had to lose to win...
You know it's summer in Ireland when the rain warms up.
You know my name.  Look up the number.
You know nothin' about genetics. It goes boy, girl, boy, girl! - Bart
You know of See Orville run. Looking for taggies for the Easter Basket!
You know of the Rebellion against #TN#?
You know of the Rebellion against @LN@?
You know of the Rebellion against Bullitt?
You know of the Rebellion against Orville?
You know of the Rebellion against the Empire?
You know princess, you are UGLY when you're angry..
You know silly.. down here... yeah.. here... RIGHT HERE!!!!
You know so little and know it so fluently.
You know something? No, I'm sure you don't!
You know sometimes I amaze even myself.
You know that I'm fighting this love in vain....
You know that feeling when you're leaning back on a stool
You know that little #TN# is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
You know that little @LN@ is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
You know that little Bullitt is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
You know that little Caplan is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
You know that little Carlsson is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
You know that little McLeod is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
You know that little Orville Waiter, there's Orville in my tagline!
You know that little Orville is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
You know that little kid is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
You know that little rat is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
You know the price of everything and the value of nothing
You know the rules against scanning normals - Bester
You know the spell that created this tunnel?
You know there's a bit of an ion storm - Crow
You know this Earthling... uh Person?
You know us Sysops, It's always the other guys fault ;-)
You know what I hate?  Indian givers...no, I take that back.
You know what I like about England? It ain't France! - Leary
You know what I think? I think that Elvis is still alive.
You know what a core memory really is.
You know what burns me? Matches.
You know what burns my butt?  A flame about yea-high.
You know what kind of day it's going to be when you stub your toe on the pillow.
You know what separates humans from animals?  Coffee!!!
You know what they say about paradigms - shift happens!
You know what they say about paradigms . . . Shift happens.
You know what they say about that...
You know what, Gary?  I *H*A*T*E* that old TV show!!!!
You know what?  I mistook me for somebody else.  Sorry.
You know when Barnacle Bard's happy.by his ship-eating grin.
You know when a barnacle's happy by the ship-eating grin.
You know when you do a wheels up landing, it takes full power to taxi.
You know where those reviewers are? ALL DEAD!
You know where we can find any? - Wakko
You know who critics are?  The people who have failed.
You know who somebody is. By looking at his books.
You know who you are -- NIN
You know why I smile? Only I know I have bolagna in my...
You know yer a redneck when you go to family reunions to meet women!
You know you are fat when your bathtub has stretch marks.
You know you have too many recipes when you post just to use them.
You know you have too many taglines when you post just to use them.
You know you never ask my opinion when I am right!
You know you really bombed the test when you hear God ROTFL!!
You know you're a BBS junkie when your best friend/s are BBS users
You know you're a Redneck if you call your father, 'Uncle Dad'.
You know you're a Redneck if you have a gun rack on your bicycle!
You know you're a Redneck if, you call your father 'Uncle Dad'.
You know you're a Redneck if, you have a gunrack on your bicycle!
You know you're a Redneck if. You call your father 'Uncle Dad'.
You know you're dieting when postage stamps taste good!
You know you're dieting when postage stamps taste good.
You know you're dieting when postage stamps taste.
You know you're dieting when stamps taste good!
You know you're fat if joggers take laps around you for exercise. - G.
You know you're getting old when Happy Hour is a Nap.
You know you're getting old when everything dries up or leaks.
You know you're getting old when your teeth are out more than you are.
You know you're getting old...when your Happy Hour is a nap.
You know you're getting old...when your wife buys very ripe bananas.
You know you're getting old...when your wife buys you "Depends."
You know you're getting older when "Happy Hour" is a nap!
You know you're getting older when the happy hour is a nap.
You know you're getting older when your Happy Hour is a nap.
You know you're going mad when you buy ammo on the way to work.
You know you're growing old when dialing long distance wears you out.
You know you're having a bad dream when Freddy wears a Swiss Army glove.
You know you're having a bad dream when Freddy wears an Army glove.
You know you're hooked when:  you are in chat by yourself and like it
You know you're hooked when:  you can understand your taglines
You know you're hooked when:  you consider BBS subs the ultimate gift
You know you're hooked when:  you consider file listing serious research
You know you're hooked when:  you don't eat supper until breakfast time
You know you're hooked when:  you flame yourself to watch the action
You know you're hooked when:  you get nervous when away from the BBS
You know you're hooked when:  you hold the world's record for posting
You know you're hooked when:  you laugh out loud at the taglines
You know you're hooked when:  you realize you never sleep anymore
You know you're hooked when:  you spend all night making up taglines
You know you're hooked when: you consider BBSing better than chocolate
You know you're hooked when: you log on right at midnight after reset
You know you're in for it when your guardian angel is laughing.
You know you're in trouble when AEON FLUX starts making sense!
You know you're in trouble when Steve Dallas is your defense attorney.
You know you're in trouble when Worf smiles at you
You know you're in trouble when Worf smiles at you.
You know you're in trouble when you forget your date with the DM.
You know you're in trouble when you forget your skates at home.
You know you're in trouble when your SYSOP grounds you.
You know you're in trouble when your Xerox censors your letters.
You know you're old when Willard Scott wishes you "Happy Birthday".
You know you're old when you don't learn history, you remember it!
You know you're old when you sit in a rocking chair and can't move it!
You know you're old when you start to for...what was I saying?
You know you're old when your social security number is 4!
You know you're old when your toupee turns gray.
You know you're on a diet when postage stamps taste good.
You know you're really old when stop buying green bananas
You know you're stupid if a Rubber Chicken tests out higher than you.
You know you're there when they steal your taglines
You know you're there, when they snag your recipes.
You know you're there, when they steal your taglines.
You know you're tough when your Rice Krispies say "SHHHHhere he comes!"
You know you're using a real computer if it Gurus.
You know you've arrived when they steal your taglines.
You know you've been down too long when it starts looking like up.
You know you've failed Buddhism when you come back as a sysop.
You know your in YK if: you have to break the smoke off your chimney.
You know your in YK if: you have to break your dog loose from the tree.
You know your in YK if: you have to open the fridge to heat the house.
You know your in YK if: your false teeth chatter & they are still in the
You know your in YK when: police tell a robber to freeze, and he does.
You know your in YK when: you have to break the smoke off your chimney.
You know your in YK when: you have to open the fridge to heat the house.
You know your in Yellowknife if: your shadow freezes to the sidewalk.
You know your in Yellowknife when: your shadow freezes to the sidewalk.
You know your old when your drivers license is for a covered wagon.
You know, I don't know, you know...
You know, I don't understand math at all - Calvin
You know, I should have done this a long time ago.
You know, I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
You know, I've read about this kinda thing at a check-out counter.Tick
You know, Jimmy's Taglines are actually getting acceptable
You know, Orville Bullitt's Taglines are actually getting acceptable
You know, a moose once bit my sister.
You know, at first I thought I wasn't going to like him - Odo
You know, brains were never your long suit, Guido. - Shai-ster
You know, in a hundred years I just might get to like you
You know, it kind if tastes like chicken to me. - JC, Brujah
You know, it's fun to have an idea. There! Wasn't that fun?
You know, it's strong enough for a Manos, but it's made for a Womanos
You know, names aren't magic. They are merely handles.
You know, seeing you sure brings back a few things.
You know, some of those FILTHY things - Crow on lingerie
You know, sometimes I amaze even myself.
You know, sometimes I amaze even myself. - Han Solo
You know, sometimes I amaze even myself..
You know, sometimes I even amaze myself.
You know, that Deb is FINE - Dr. Forrester to Frank
You know, that dog isn't really all that shaggy.
You know, this means war.  B. Bunny
You know, this means war. - Bugs Bunny
You know, we really ought to have turkey more often.
You know, you could talk your head off all day and never miss it-Yakko
You know, you should meet my pet -- Dot Warner
You know, you're not like the other candidates - Mike
You know....I like you better this way.
You know...in a hundred years I just might get to like you.
You know...with Alzheimer's you could hide your own Easter eggs.
You know; it's weird, but even the monsters are badly dubbed.
You know?  I'd rather see this on TV.  Tones it down.
You knowin a hundred years I just might get to like you.
You lead the way - Crow to blind man
You learn a lot about people from their luggage -Picard
You learn as much by writing as you do by reading.
You learn more by getting out there and living.
You learn something every day if you are not careful.
You learn something useless every day.
You leave me breathless, got me helpless, you take my breath away.
You leave me breathless.
You leave me just out of reach --U2
You leave me smiling tonight, but crying tomorrow.
You left me down on the killing floor. - Hendrix
You left my heart empty as a vacant lot --U2
You left your *what* on the bus?
You left your order for Snow in MY yard--COME & pick it up NOW.
You let him clip your spikes, who knows WHAT he'll wanna cut off next!
You let me do this to you (I am an exit)
You lied -- Saavik I exaggerated -- Spock
You lied to me 'cos I asked you to --U2
You lied. - Saavik  |  I exxagerated. - Spock
You light off a roman candle in the rumpus room - Dr. F
You like Erg Raiders?  I've got some swampland I'd like you to see.
You like cats, I like dogs, so what.
You like federal judges? I'll buy you one for Christmas.
You like me because I'm a scoundrel. - Han
You like me! You really really like me! -S. Field
You like meat balls? - Mike as cop interrogates suspect
You like your chili with or without crushed Oreos? <Riggs>
You lips are like crisp, delicious bacon - Tom on kiss
You little Temptress. I want to see you BEG! Arnie Becker (L.A. Law)
You little sh#@, you're in it now, I hope they throw away the key..
You little snip! - Joel to alien girl
You live & learn, or you don't live long. - Lazarus Long
You live and learn, or else you do not live long.
You live and learn, or you don't live long. -- Heinlein
You live and learn.  Or you don't live long.
You live and learn.  Or you don't live long.  L. Long
You live and learn. Or you don't live long.
You live and you learn - or you don't live long.
You live around here often, sailor? - Tom as sleazy girl
You live in fantasy that anyone would believe what you say.
You live in the cemetary, I live down town - Tom
You live to enjoy life, not to avoid dying... Bernie Siegel
You look as though your tapeworm had swallowed you.
You look bored and I'm bored.  Let's bore together!
You look fit to be tied...now where's that rope?
You look for sexual innuendos in Sesame Street, don't you
You look like George Wendt! - Crow on Tom Servo's body
You look like Petey from Our Gang -Tom to Joel after prank
You look like Rupaul! - Mike on Mongol leader
You look like a bird who's swallowed a plate!  -Black Adder
You look like a goat, Tom kidded.
You look like a million dollars.  All in loose change.
You look like a tough guy, you can have your room for free.
You look like a tough looking guy, you can have your room for free.
You look like a wreckage from an accident your parents had!
You look like an accident - waiting to happen
You look like sh*t, and you smell like beer.
You look like something the cat refused to drag in.
You look like you've been in a fight w/a wild cat. - Al, "Her Charm"
You look like you've been in a fight with a wild cat. -- Al
You look marvellous! - Quam pulcher/pulchra es!
You look marvellous.
You look marvelous.
You look more like Woody Woodpecker with a perm!
You look old enough to be your own parent.
You look pretty good for someone eating Sickbay food for 3 days - Riker
You look rather rash my dear your colors don't quite matc
You look rather rash my dear your colors don't quite match your face.
You look simply sexual my dear.
You look so invitin', I thought it might be excitin'.
You look tense, Jean-Luc. - Yvette Picard.
You looked good in a mustache - Tom writes to Adam West
You lookin' at me? I don't see anyone else around....
You lose the beat, you lose the rhythm!
You lose your manners when you're poor.  Betsy Blair
You lost WHAT source code?
You lost the Last of the Wild Horses, you dink! - Frank
You lost your Soc. Sec. card- gov't says you died last week.
You lost your virginity?  I hope you kept the box it came in.
You love me so much you almost killed him! - Sara Carter
You love pussy's? Stroke mine.....
You loved me. I never understood. Cochrane
You made a bad mistake - oh yeah!
You made a woman MEOW?
You made a yummy noise - Dr.Forrester to Dr. Erhardt
You made it bearable. - Hawkeye. No charge. - Trapper
You made it to heaven and God sneezes, what do you say.
You made me do this! You, woman you! - Crow to Gypsy
You made me lose my lunch. - Scar
You made me love you. You held a gun to my head.
You made me think.  I'll be wary of you in the future.
You made me think. I'll be wary of you in the future.
You made my day, now you have to sleep in it
You made my day, now you have to sleep in it -- TMBG
You made my day--now you have to sleep in it.
You made my head explode.
You magnificent b*stard...I READ YOUR MENU!
You make 20 or 30 mistakes in your life they call you a tramp!
You make a great lower-lip sandwich. - Hawkeye to nurse
You make demands you'll never get.
You make ends meet and they hate each other!
You make ends meet...and they hate each other!
You make it rain! -- Sam Beckett, A Single drop of rain.
You make it we take it.
You make me feel brand new.
You make me feel fine...warm as the mountain's sunshine.
You make me feel fine...warm as the mountain's sunshine.-NGDB
You make me very angry.
You make me wanna eat pork.
You make me wish I knew how post privately!
You make me wish I were an only child. - Data
You make the same sounds for pain or happiness.  Walter Matthau
You make very good sharks, Mr. Garabaldi. - Ambassador Lando
You make very good sharks, Mr. Garabaldi. - Londo Molari
You make very good sharks, Mr. Garibaldi. --Ambassador Londo Mollari.
You make very good sharks, Mr. Garibaldi. --Londo Molari.
You make very good sharks, Mr. Garibaldi. --Londo Mollari.
You managed to cut off our only escape route! - Leia
You march to the beat of a different drum.
You married?   Me neither.   Lee Grant
You may already be a wiener!
You may be Southern -- but you're no Comfort.
You may be a RedNeck if you refer to the 5th grade as your senior year.
You may be a loser for a long time before you realize it.
You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer!
You may be a power user if you use all 48 outlets on your power strip.
You may be a power user if you wear a yellow tie at the keyboard.
You may be an idiot, but try not to be stupid.  -- Forest Gump
You may be living off love, but you're killing the chickens.
You may be recognized soon.  Hide.
You may be recognized soon.  Perhaps you should hide?
You may be redneck If U own a fur coat that's homemade.
You may be redneck If U've ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.
You may be redneck if Goodwill declines your mattress.
You may be redneck if Jack Daniels makes your most admired list.
You may be redneck if Redman Tobacco sends you Christmas cards.
You may be redneck if Spam on a saltine is considered an appetizer.
You may be redneck if a watch band is wider than any book you've read.
You may be redneck if all of your four-letter words are two syllables.
You may be redneck if all your art was purchased at gas stations.
You may be redneck if antlers are nailed to the outside of your house.
You may be redneck if any of your hobbies require dogs and a lantern.
You may be redneck if anyone in your family rassles `gators for money.
You may be redneck if birds are attracted to your beard.
You may be redneck if blowing a tire results in a new flower pot.
You may be redneck if both your dad and you are in the same grade.
You may be redneck if both your dog and your wallet are on a chain.
You may be redneck if every socket in your house breaks a fire code.
You may be redneck if hitchhikers refuse to get in your car with you.
You may be redneck if kudzu is in your family crest.
You may be redneck if less than half of the cars you own run.
You may be redneck if people ask permission to hunt in the front yard.
You may be redneck if potted meat on a saltine is an appetizer.
You may be redneck if someone in your family is an Elvis impersonator.
You may be redneck if stealing road signs is a family outing.
You may be redneck if taillight covers on your car are made of tape.
You may be redneck if the Elvis Hotline limits you to 1 call per day.
You may be redneck if the Orkin man tells you, "Give up; you've lost."
You may be redneck if the QVC operator recognizes your voice.
You may be redneck if the Salvation Army declines your mattress.
You may be redneck if the UFO Hotline limits you to one call per day.
You may be redneck if the color of your car is Bondo.
You may be redneck if the color of your car is primer.
You may be redneck if the color of your truck is Bondo.
You may be redneck if the color of your truck is primer.
You may be redneck if the family business requires a lookout.
You may be redneck if the front yard's pink flamingos ain't a joke.
You may be redneck if the primary color of your car is bondo.
You may be redneck if there is a puddle in your driveway year-round.
You may be redneck if there is a stuffed possum anywhere in your home.
You may be redneck if there's a wasp nest in your living room.
You may be redneck if there's an Elvis portrait over the fireplace.
You may be redneck if there's an velvet Elvis portrait in your home.
You may be redneck if truckers tell your wife to watch her language.
You may be redneck if you answer the door holding a baseball bat.
You may be redneck if you are allowed to bring your dog to work.
You may be redneck if you are famous for your homemade squash wine.
You may be redneck if you are legally named "Bubba."
You may be redneck if you are proud that you can belch your full name.
You may be redneck if you barbecue Spam on the grill.
You may be redneck if you burn your yard instead of mowing it.
You may be redneck if you buy a new house & have to remove the wheels.
You may be redneck if you can burp the entire chorus of Jingle Bells.
You may be redneck if you can have sex without spilling your beer.
You may be redneck if you can swallow tobacco spit and not puke.
You may be redneck if you consider "Field And Stream" deep reading.
You may be redneck if you consider "Outdoor Life" deep reading.
You may be redneck if you consider "TV Guide" to be deep reading.
You may be redneck if you cut your toenails in front of company.
You may be redneck if you don't like those "new-fangled" people.
You may be redneck if you don't need a clean shirt to go to work.
You may be redneck if you dress up the kids to go to K-Mart.
You may be redneck if you dress up the kids to go to Wal-Mart.
You may be redneck if you drink from Mason jars at home.
You may be redneck if you drive a tractor to the grocery store.
You may be redneck if you drive a tractor to the liquor store.
You may be redneck if you drove to elementary school.
You may be redneck if you eat a McDonald's cheeseburger in one bite.
You may be redneck if you entertain with tapes of pro bowling.
You may be redneck if you entertain yourself with a fly swatter.
You may be redneck if you ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.
You may be redneck if you feel cow tipping should be an Olympic event.
You may be redneck if you get Odor-Eaters as a Christmas present.
You may be redneck if you get into a custody fight over a hunting dog.
You may be redneck if you get your oil changed by your barber.
You may be redneck if you go to family reunions to meet women.
You may be redneck if you go to family reunions to pick up girls.
You may be redneck if you had to remove a Marlboro to kiss the bride.
You may be redneck if you had to take the wheels off your new home.
You may be redneck if you have "dress" boots.
You may be redneck if you have a Hefty Bag replacing any car window.
You may be redneck if you have a bumper sticker on your bowling ball.
You may be redneck if you have a civil war chess set & play checkers.
You may be redneck if you have a gunrack on your bicycle.
You may be redneck if you have a ham hanging from your front porch.
You may be redneck if you have a rag as a gas-cap.
You may be redneck if you have a suit with sequins on it.
You may be redneck if you have a tire swing in you house.
You may be redneck if you have a velvet bedspread.
You may be redneck if you have an 8-track player in your 4X4.
You may be redneck if you have any relatives named Elmer or Jed.
You may be redneck if you have brothers named "Bubba" or "Junior."
You may be redneck if you have ever financed a tattoo.
You may be redneck if you have every episode of "Hee-Haw" on tape.
You may be redneck if you have fly strips above the kitchen table.
You may be redneck if you have more than twelve dogs on your porch.
You may be redneck if you have more than twelve dogs under your porch.
You may be redneck if you have the taxidermist's number on speed-dial.
You may be redneck if you have to mow your driveway.
You may be redneck if you have to rake leaves in your kitchen.
You may be redneck if you have velvet Elvis paintings...in plain view.
You may be redneck if you have velvet paintings above your mantle.
You may be redneck if you invite friends over to see your lava lamp.
You may be redneck if you keep a can of Raid on the kitchen table.
You may be redneck if you keep a pellet gun by the front door.
You may be redneck if you keep catfish in your aquarium.
You may be redneck if you know how many bales of hay fit in your car.
You may be redneck if you know how to hotwire a bulldozer.
You may be redneck if you know how to hotwire a tractor.
You may be redneck if you know how to milk a goat.
You may be redneck if you legally name your child "Bubba."
You may be redneck if you list your parole officer as a reference.
You may be redneck if you live with more dogs than family.
You may be redneck if you made a hot tub using a trolling motor.
You may be redneck if you mother has ever been arrested for poaching.
You may be redneck if you mow your yard and discover a car.
You may be redneck if you often answer the door holding baseball bat.
You may be redneck if you often shop for groceries at gas stations.
You may be redneck if you own 3 TV's and only 2 books.
You may be redneck if you own a belt buckle weighing more than 3 lbs.
You may be redneck if you own a collection of "monster truck" tapes.
You may be redneck if you own a collection of pro-bowling tapes.
You may be redneck if you own a collection of pro-wrestling tapes.
You may be redneck if you own a fur coat that's homemade.
You may be redneck if you own a pair of "dress" boots.
You may be redneck if you own more cowboy boots than sneakers.
You may be redneck if you own more television sets than books.
You may be redneck if you own more than 3 shirts with cut-off sleeves.
You may be redneck if you own more than two tractors.
You may be redneck if you paint your car with cans of spray paint.
You may be redneck if you paint your car with house paint.
You may be redneck if you prefer car keys to Q-tips.
You may be redneck if you proudly display gifts you got at Graceland.
You may be redneck if you proudly own a "monster truck."
You may be redneck if you proudly own a denim leisure suit.
You may be redneck if you quit your job to avoid paying child support.
You may be redneck if you read the Auto Trader with a highlight pen.
You may be redneck if you refer to Mason jars as "the good glasses."
You may be redneck if you refer to TV dinners as "gourmet dining."
You may be redneck if you refer to certain animals as "good eatin'!"
You may be redneck if you refer to paper plates as "the good china."
You may be redneck if you refer to the 5th grade as "my senior year."
You may be redneck if you refer to your truck as "The Love Machine."
You may be redneck if you refinance your taxidermy bills.
You may be redneck if you regularly exclaim "Them's good eatin!"
You may be redneck if you roll down the car window after sex.
You may be redneck if you sell rabbits out of your car.
You may be redneck if you share your beer with your dog.
You may be redneck if you show your belt buckle when asked for I.D.
You may be redneck if you skipped school in the 6th grade to vote.
You may be redneck if you still owe money on your 8-track tape player.
You may be redneck if you still think pro-wrestling is real.
You may be redneck if you take a bath only once a week.
You may be redneck if you take the kids to watch rabbits breed.
You may be redneck if you tape pro-wrestling so you can watch later.
You may be redneck if you tape pro-wrestling while you're at work.
You may be redneck if you think Deliverance was a comedy.
You may be redneck if you think Deliverance was a love story.
You may be redneck if you think Ernest P. Worrel is funny.
You may be redneck if you think God looks like Hank Williams, Jr.
You may be redneck if you think Slim Fast is Reba McEntire's drummer.
You may be redneck if you think a hand saw is a musical instrument.
You may be redneck if you think campho-phenique is a miracle drug.
You may be redneck if you think paprika is a third-world country.
You may be redneck if you tried to take a fishing pole into Sea World.
You may be redneck if you use a bed sheet as a sofa cover.
You may be redneck if you use a farm tractor to mow your yard.
You may be redneck if you use aluminum foil in place of curtains.
You may be redneck if you use an oily rag for a gas-cap.
You may be redneck if you use your mailbox to hold up the clothesline.
You may be redneck if you voted Tammy Bakker as "Best Dressed Woman."
You may be redneck if you want the national anthem to be "Free Bird."
You may be redneck if you wash your truck more often than your kids.
You may be redneck if you wear a belt buckle weighing more than 3 lbs.
You may be redneck if you wear clothes to church with sequins on them.
You may be redneck if you were holding a beer in your wedding picture.
You may be redneck if you were playing pool when your child was born.
You may be redneck if you wore a sequined dress to any wedding.
You may be redneck if you wore a sequined dress to your own wedding.
You may be redneck if you wore a sequined tuxedo to any wedding.
You may be redneck if you wore a sequined tuxedo to your own wedding.
You may be redneck if you're affectionately known as "Bubba, Jr."
You may be redneck if you're arrested for peeing in an ice machine.
You may be redneck if you're excited by gals who can field dress deer.
You may be redneck if you're still upset that "Gunsmoke" was canceled.
You may be redneck if you're still upset that "Hee Haw" was canceled.
You may be redneck if you've been a snipe hunter more than once.
You may be redneck if you've been accused of lying through your tooth.
You may be redneck if you've been arrested for an obscene mud-flap.
You may be redneck if you've ever BBQ'd Spam on the grill.
You may be redneck if you've ever BBQ'ed chitlins on the grill.
You may be redneck if you've ever Christmas shopped at a truck stop.
You may be redneck if you've ever bathed with flea and tick soap.
You may be redneck if you've ever been banished from a bowling alley.
You may be redneck if you've ever bought a used baseball cap.
You may be redneck if you've ever cleaned fish in your living room.
You may be redneck if you've ever committed a crime with a lawn mower.
You may be redneck if you've ever eaten out of a minnow bucket.
You may be redneck if you've ever filled a deer tag on a golf course.
You may be redneck if you've ever financed a tattoo.
You may be redneck if you've ever given rat traps as gifts.
You may be redneck if you've ever heckled someone during a eulogy.
You may be redneck if you've ever hotwired a bulldozer.
You may be redneck if you've ever left Santa Claus an RC & a moon pie.
You may be redneck if you've ever lost a loved one to kudzu.
You may be redneck if you've ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.
You may be redneck if you've ever made change in the offering plate.
You may be redneck if you've ever rolled your riding lawn mower.
You may be redneck if you've ever shot a deer from inside your house.
You may be redneck if you've ever stolen toilet paper from Stuckey's.
You may be redneck if you've ever stolen toilet paper from rest areas.
You may be redneck if you've ever used a weed eater indoors.
You may be redneck if you've ever used lard in bed.
You may be redneck if you've ever vacationed in a rest area.
You may be redneck if you've ever worn a cowboy hat to church.
You may be redneck if you've ever worn shorts to a funeral home.
You may be redneck if you've hit a deer with your car....deliberately.
You may be redneck if you've named one of you kids after a good dog.
You may be redneck if you've taken toilet paper home from work.
You may be redneck if you've vacationed in a rest area parking lot.
You may be redneck if your 9x9 living room has a Spanish decor.
You may be redneck if your Christmas tree has a deer stand in it.
You may be redneck if your Levi's have Skoal can marks on the pockets.
You may be redneck if your all-time favorite movie is "Deliverance."
You may be redneck if your all-time favorite movie is Cannonball Run.
You may be redneck if your best shoes have steel toes.
You may be redneck if your best suit includes a Budweiser cap.
You may be redneck if your best suit includes an orange hunting vest.
You may be redneck if your best suit includes hip waders.
You may be redneck if your best suit is a Coors cap & an orange vest.
You may be redneck if your boat has not left the driveway in 5 years.
You may be redneck if your brake lights are covered with red tape.
You may be redneck if your brother-in-law is also your uncle.
You may be redneck if your car window is actually a Hefty bag.
You may be redneck if your children address you as "Uncle Dad."
You may be redneck if your coffee table used to be a TV cable spool.
You may be redneck if your daughters' children also call you Cousin.
You may be redneck if your dog and your wallet are both on a chain.
You may be redneck if your dog can smoke a cigarette.
You may be redneck if your dog can't watch you eat without gagging.
You may be redneck if your dog sleeps closer to you than your wife.
You may be redneck if your dress shoes have steel toes.
You may be redneck if your driveway is bordered by half-buried tires.
You may be redneck if your entertainment is a 6-pack and a bug zapper.
You may be redneck if your entertainment is shooting rats at the dump.
You may be redneck if your family tree doesn't fork.
You may be redneck if your father is also your uncle.
You may be redneck if your father legally named you "Bubba."
You may be redneck if your father made your personalized license plate.
You may be redneck if your father refers to you as "Bubba, Jr."
You may be redneck if your favorite Chinese meal comes from La Choy.
You may be redneck if your fiance carries a spit cup.
You may be redneck if your first cousin is also your wife.
You may be redneck if your first name is followed by "Bob".
You may be redneck if your flashlight holds more then four batteries.
You may be redneck if your funeral has more pickup trucks than cars.
You may be redneck if your gene pool is a foot deep and usually empty.
You may be redneck if your home comes with whitewall tires.
You may be redneck if your home is mobile but your car isn't.
You may be redneck if your home library is a entire set of TV Guides.
You may be redneck if your home needs a bumper hitch.
You may be redneck if your house warming involves removing the tires.
You may be redneck if your idea of a "gourmet chef" is Chef Boyardee.
You may be redneck if your idea of a "gourmet meal" comes from a can.
You may be redneck if your idea of a "gourmet meal" is Alpo.
You may be redneck if your idea of a "gourmet meal" is chitlins.
You may be redneck if your idea of a "gourmet meal" is grits & greens.
You may be redneck if your idea of classic literature is TV Guide.
You may be redneck if your idea of health food is chitlins.
You may be redneck if your idea of health food is lard.
You may be redneck if your idea of health food is pork rinds.
You may be redneck if your jeans have Skoal can prints on the pockets.
You may be redneck if your job requires you to wear an orange vest.
You may be redneck if your kid takes a siphon hose to Show-and-Tell.
You may be redneck if your kid takes your spit cup to Show-and-Tell.
You may be redneck if your kids are described as "dumb as a brick."
You may be redneck if your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand.
You may be redneck if your local ambulance has a trailer hitch.
You may be redneck if your mailbox is in the shape of any farm animal.
You may be redneck if your mailbox is made from an old farm plow.
You may be redneck if your mailbox is made out of old tractor parts.
You may be redneck if your mailbox is made out of old truck parts.
You may be redneck if your matchbook doubles as a toothpick.
You may be redneck if your mom earns beer money mud-wrestling.
You may be redneck if your mom earns beer money rebuilding engines.
You may be redneck if your mother has ever been arrested for poaching.
You may be redneck if your mother refers to you as "Bubba, Jr."
You may be redneck if your mother turns out to be your sister.
You may be redneck if your mother uses a spittoon.
You may be redneck if your nephew's wife calls you Cousin too.
You may be redneck if your parents are first cousins.
You may be redneck if your parents legally named you "Bubba."
You may be redneck if your pocket knife often doubles as a toothpick.
You may be redneck if your primary source of income is the pawn shop.
You may be redneck if your school's fight song was "Dueling Banjos."
You may be redneck if your taxidermist bill exceeds annual income.
You may be redneck if your truck costs more than your house.
You may be redneck if your truck is taller than your house.
You may be redneck if your truck muffler is held on by a coat hanger.
You may be redneck if your two-year-old has more teeth than you do.
You may be redneck if your van has curtains and your house doesn't.
You may be redneck if your wading boots double as dress pants.
You may be redneck if your wedding looks more like a family reunion.
You may be redneck if your wife can climb a tree faster than your cat.
You may be redneck if your wife carries a spit cup.
You may be redneck if your wife doesn't put on shoes to go shopping.
You may be redneck if your wife ever burned out an electric razor.
You may be redneck if your wife goes to weddings wearing a tube-top.
You may be redneck if your wife has "ammo" on her Christmas list.
You may be redneck if your wife has a beer belly and you find it cute.
You may be redneck if your wife has a spit cup by her ironing board.
You may be redneck if your wife has ever worn a tube top to a funeral.
You may be redneck if your wife has ever worn a tube top to a wedding.
You may be redneck if your wife owns a camouflage nightie.
You may be redneck if your wife really admires your mother's tattoos.
You may be redneck if your wife wears any camouflage lingerie.
You may be redneck if your wife would rather fish than shop.
You may be redneck if your wife's best shoes have steel toes.
You may be redneck if your wife's hairdo is higher than the doorframe.
You may be redneck if your wife's hairdo is ruined by the ceiling fan.
You may be redneck if your wife's job has her wear an orange vest.
You may be right. - Mulder Waityou think I'm right? - Scully
You may be right. You may be crazy. Me, three.
You may be rightI may be crazy.  So what's new?
You may be smarter... stronger... better trained... but orcs is meaner
You may be stupid if you are proud of voting for Clinton.
You may be stupid if you believe Elvis still is alive.
You may be stupid if you believe OJ is innocent.
You may be stupid if you believe anything a democrat tells you.
You may be stupid if you believe day time talk show guests are normal..
You may be stupid if you believe everything you see on TV.
You may be stupid if you believe the government can help you.
You may be stupid if you believe the headlines on the tabloids.
You may be stupid if you believe your owed a living.
You may be stupid if you think President Clinton is honest.
You may be stupid if you watch day time talk shows.
You may be stupid if your VCR is flashing 12:00.
You may be whatever you resolve to be.  ---Thomas J. Jackson
You may believe it but Satan wouldn't lie!
You may borrow a book and read it too! 
You may call me by my name, Wirth, or by my value, Worth.
You may carry on, Captain. - Richard Franklin
You may disagree, but please don't be disagreeable.
You may end up in the Psychotronic Film Guide - Joel
You may fail if you try, but you're doomed if you don't!
You may fire when ready, Gridley.
You may fire when ready, Gridlock.
You may get an unpleasant sensation of chloroform.
You may have been a good smuggler, but now you're Bantha fodder
You may impress me.  - Worf
You may never feel you've done enough.. but you have.
You may not touch my monkey.
You may not use an elephant to plow a cotton field in North Carolina.
You may now log in to life.  Password:
You may now log on to life.  PASSWORD:____________
You may proceed after you finish reading this tagline.
You may retain the excess. - Data
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. -- John Lennon
You may say I'm off-topic, but I'm not the only one
You may say that life sucks, but compared to what?
You may smoke You may also burst into flames and die.
You may smoke, but please do not exhale.
You may smoke. You may also burst into flames and die.
You may smoke...  You may also burst into flames and die.
You may soon receive an important message.
You may steal THIS tag, but you can't get my whole file!
You may take a vacation in the south of France, said Tom nicely.
You may talk to them about emplimenting something like this.
You may think I'm paranoid_ I'm afraid you are quite mistaken
You may use this opinion for a two week trial period.
You may use this recipe 30 days before registering.
You may use this tagline 30 days before registering.
You may wish to call the Fire Department.
You mean *I'M* teaching the camping merit badge?
You mean *I'M* teaching the hiking merit badge?
You mean *I'M* teaching the lifesaving merit badge?
You mean *I'M* teaching the orienteering merit badge?
You mean 2 + 2 ISN'T 5!?!
You mean Barney ISN'T a demon?
You mean Blonde Jovi here used to be an X-Man?
You mean FDISK doesn't stand for FULL DISK BACKUP????!!
You mean I can put stuff past column 72? WOW! UNIX is gre
You mean I can put stuff past column 72? WOW! UNIX is great!
You mean I can send mail to myself?
You mean I don't HAVE to reply to EVERY post?
You mean I have to do a TAGLINE, too? I quit!
You mean I have to let a mouse join my party?
You mean I have to sin to be saved? Run that by me again!
You mean I have to take classes?! But I just came here for the beer.
You mean I'm supposed to know what the heck I'm saying?
You mean I'm supposed to read the *messages*?
You mean Luke *wasn't* the only Skywalker?
You mean Lyle Waggoner is here? - Pinky
You mean Lyle Wagner is here? - Pinky
You mean Reagan fathered all those black children?
You mean Snibeldid isn't in the Scrabble dictionary?
You mean Virtual Memory has to actually exist?!?
You mean Windows *isn't* a virus!
You mean _I_ have to keep an expense record?
You mean a 7up isn't one of those big mushrooms in Super Mario Bros?
You mean chocolate ISN'T one of the four food groups?
You mean everything above the Tagline ISN'T line noise?
You mean everything above the recipe ISN'T line noise?
You mean everything above the tagline ISN'T line noise?
You mean everything above the taglines ISN'T line noise?
You mean everything above the tearline ISN'T line noise? |-)
You mean like Vorlons-gone-bad?
You mean that I have to have a reason to post something????!!??!?!?!??
You mean that really neat round room on Deck 1?
You mean that you PAID for that haircut?!?!??
You mean the moon is NOT swiss cheese?
You mean the old 'girl says no but she really means yes' crapola. - Al
You mean there are (gasp!) WITCHES here?!?!
You mean there are BBS's that AREN'T run by drunks?
You mean there were backups? - O. North
You mean this Fox Mulder person isn't one of yours, Dawson?
You mean this ISN'T the Mindless Chatter Echo?
You mean this ISN'T the holodeck?  oops.
You mean this is a 'feel good' segment? - Crow
You mean this network has OTHER Echoes!
You mean this network has OTHER Echos!
You mean we're supposed to take them alive?    - Janier
You mean you actually TALK on the phone?
You mean you crap out of a window?
You mean you didn't have it Registered in the Library of Congress?
You mean you don't still use clear nail polish to stop a run?  :-)
You mean you just... SIT here?
You mean you think Windows NT **ISN'T** a joke?!
You mean you took a *shotgun* to a UFO sighting?
You mean you're going to shoot me too? -- Quark
You mean, he's going to send us to another planet? - Janet Weiss
You mean, we have ANOTHER modem to feed?
You mean, you can use the telephone line for TALKING?
You mean...ALL echoes *aren't* tagline echoes?
You might acquire some predatory instinct.
You might as well - I stole yours.
You might as well live.
You might be a redneck if you use flypaper rolls.
You might be a redneck if...Girls' night out is held at the laundromat.
You might be a redneck if...You bring a bar of soap to a public pool.
You might be a redneck if...You shop for groceries at a gas station.
You might be a redneck if...You think cow tipping should be an Olympic
You might be a redneck if...Your family business requires a lookout.
You might experiment, just for giggles and grins...
You might get a bunch of complaints about the ANSI in your message.
You might have mail.
You might like these, as well:
You might say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not asleep.
You might say Lorena Bobbitt took the situation in hand...
You might say my whole life's been devoted to "Waste Managment"
You might say there's been a *rash* of penicillin thefts. - Henry
You might think I'm crazy, but all I want is you.
You might try a city directory for the town in question.
You might want to get a band-aid for that.
You might wind up dead if you don't shield your head.
You miss too much these days if you stop to think --U2
You miss too much these days if you stop to think.
You missed an invaluable opportunity for silence!
You misspelled 'Skelter' - Crow to biker girl with note
You misunderstood. Bush ACTUALLY said 'No nude Texans.'
You mock me by your silence! - Crow to inanimate objects
You momma so fat she has to get out of the car to shift gears!
You monster! You ate my Josaphine! - Azusa
You moron! - Tom to Mike
You move it around till it gets sticky. - Mutant Raccoon
You move like a pregnant yak!  <Chiun>
You mugwump! - Tom to Crow
You must always remember to take the green one first...
You must be a graduate of the Lorena Bobbitt School of Sexual Charm!
You must be an interesting person. <smile>
You must be born of the water and of the spirit.
You must be drunk! Why, there's two of you!
You must be from the shallow end of the gene pool.
You must be here to see TV's Frank - TV's Frank to thug
You must be joking!   Do I look like I'm joking?
You must be mistaken. We left starbase only three weeks ago.
You must be present to win.
You must be seeing something I didn't say. --Synners.
You must be stupid if you drive under the speed limit in the left lane.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Mahatma Gandhi
You must be the corner worker who flags with a whip!
You must choose between pain and drudgery.
You must do the thing you think you cannot do. <E. Roosevelt>
You must earn your future or perish with the land - Course of Empire
You must fight the dark side of the SPAM at all times!
You must first learn to annoy before you're allowed to torment.
You must have a big brain to contain so much ignorance, @FN@.
You must have a big brain to contain so much ignorance, YOU.
You must have a big brain to contain so much ignorance.
You must have a lottery in Georgia, Tom said zealously.
You must have a much different image of Canada.
You must have been passed out when the brains were!
You must have free will. you have no choice.
You must have had your messages WINTER IZED!
You must have opened your mind, been assaulted by logic, and closed it.
You must have overslept - Worf to Data
You must have the courage to believe the truth.  Rush Limbaugh
You must keep your sword well oiled in case you need it.
You must know I missed you.  I'll shoot again.
You must know much before you know how little you know.
You must know your limits to break through them.
You must learn control
You must leave now - you have no choice..
You must let her see the fire in your eyes!  ... Worf
You must like to embrace domestic pets and barnyard animals!
You must obey Acts 2:38 to be saved.
You must open TROUSER.ZIP to access Drive P.
You must pee every time you see a sign "W E T   F L O O R"
You must realize:  Sweatwork is the only road to fitness.
You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.
You must tell her he is a pretty cat, and a good cat.
You must tell him he is a pretty cat, a good cat. - Data
You must think me as stupid as a photocopier. --Kryten.
You must think you're a big wheel, Tom spoke.
You must tie her down on a bed and spank her! - Dingo
You must unlearn what you have learned - Yoda
You must've opened your mind, been assaulted by logic, and closed it.
You mustn't fraternise with my prisoners.
You mustn't fraternize with my prisoners. - Janier
You mustn't give your heart to a wild thing.   Audrey Hepburn
You mustn't let me sleep all day, this woman charges by the hour!
You n Me and a Borg named Hugh, living & assimilating .
You n Me and a Borg named Hugh, living and assimilating .
You name it... I can get it.
You named ALL the fish Mike?
You named ALL the fish Orville!? Helps me keep the names straight.
You named ALL the fish Vicki!?  Helps me keep the names straight.
You nattering nabob & naysayer! - Tom to Crow
You need X-rays, said Tom flouroscopically.
You need X-rays, said Tom fluoroscopically.
You need a break today.  Slaughter a homosexual and be a hero!
You need a driver's license to buy beer but you can't drink and drive!
You need a guide....I'm your guide.
You need a license to have a dog, why not for a kid?
You need a more respectable ID.
You need a pants horn to get into those things - Mike
You need a reader that can 'save' messages to a text file.
You need another kick in the teeth, don't you? :) - Jalapeno
You need feet to keep your legs from fraying at the ends.
You need help. Get some. Just don't bother me.
You need her like a drug --U2
You need not worry about your future.
You need only claim the events of your life to make yourself yours.
You need professional help - may I suggest Dr. Kevorkian?
You need professional help.  May I suggest Dr. J. KevorkiAN..
You need professional help.  May I suggest Dr. Kevorkian?
You need professional help. May I suggest Dr. J. Kevorkian
You need professional help. May I suggest Dr. Kevorkian?
You need someone you can call "mine".
You need supplies....I know where to procure them.
You need tender loving care once a week - so that I can s
You need the MANUALS to use this recipe!
You need the MANUALS to use this tagline!
You need to be at least 10% smarter than the equipment.
You need to be well to be wealthy, but you need to be whole to be holy
You need to do a self-diagnostic - <that chinese guy's friend>
You need to relax, Dax.  Take a chill pill, trill!
You need to relax, Dax. Take a chill pill, trill!
You need to spank me. I've been bad - Tom
You nervous? I would be, too, if I were you. <Jesse>
You never act da way ya should & I like it
You never act da way ya should and I like it.
You never demand things from a Shadow Lord -- Mari, Black Fury
You never find a lost article until you replace it.
You never find the what you want, until you replace it.
You never finish a program, you just stop working on it.
You never forget the day you come of age and walk the Pattern.
You never forget your first believer. They gave you shape.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
You never get laid on Thanksgiving.  Why?  Too many coats on the bed.
You never give me your money, you only send me your funny papers
You never give me your money. -Beatles
You never have mail.
You never have to break up with your Taglines.
You never have to explain things you never said.
You never have to outrun anything you can outwit.
You never have to promise to respect a Beer in the morning.
You never have to shovel sunshine.
You never hear this: `Have a crappy day!'
You never heard it, not a word of it.
You never kiss me when we're standing up.
You never knew what you were missing.
You never know how little you know until you start talking.
You never know how loud you are until you have to be quiet.
You never know unless you ask, answer not guaranteed.
You never know until you try!!
You never know what might come up!!!
You never know what you know!
You never know what's around the next corner.
You never know who is right, but you always know who is in charge.
You never know who you'll meet around the Dabo table.
You never know who's right, but you always know who's in charge.
You never know your friends until you vacation with them.
You never learn from anyone who agrees with you.
You never learn, do you? -- Rimmer
You never open an umbrella in the car.
You never outgrow your birthday suit.
You never realize how precious life is until you almost lose it.
You never realize how short a month is until you pay alim
You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.
You never saw a maid before as sorry as I was.
You never see a path until you put your foot on it!! -"CRITTER"
You never seem to look any older. I guess it's just not possible.
You never served with Bajoran woman before, have you, sir? - O'Brien.
You never talk to me
You never told me about that you Spanish peacock. - Connor MacLeod
You never told me he had one of ... those!
You never told me you were such a ladies' man. --Q.
You never truly learn to swear until you learn to DM
You never truly learn to swear until you learn to moderate an Echo
You never wonder whether your cat is good enough for you.
You never, ever, EVER leave your wingman.
You never, ever, ever go to bed with gum in your mouth.
You no push button I push button Baby Plucky.
You non-conformists are all alike.  -SLR
You notice the sun coming up outside your window.
You now have 10 minutes to reach a safe distance.
You now have Asian Flu.
You obviously have no desire to land - Mike
You obviously mistook me for someone who cares.
You obviously mistook me for someone who knows.
You octopus this thread to bed, sea?
You of all people who go by the book. * Spock.
You only 'rent' cognac  - Crow as snooty bar patron
You only THINK I'm devious. . . actually, I'm far more twisted.
You only die oncebetter make it good.
You only get six fouls per game.  Make them count.
You only go around once, but if you play your cards right.......
You only have a problem if you think it is a problem.
You only have one life; if you value it, go home! - Connor MacLeod
You only have one mom and you should take care of her.
You only have to read the lines in scribbly and everything shines.
You only have your elf to blame!
You only killed the bride's father, that's all!
You only live once, but hey, who's counting?
You only live ten times. - Trill. James Trill.
You only look big because I am on my knees.
You only rent Holy Water -Crow as priest runs into church
You opened the door; all I did was walk through it. -- Jack Butler
You orbiting Wilford Brimley wannabe - Dr. F to Joel
You ought to see a proctologist about brain damage. - Hawk to Frank
You ought to see a psychiatrist, Tom reminded me. -Roy Bongartz
You ought to take the bull between the legs.
You ought to take the bull between the teeth.
You oughta have seen what I deleted from here...
You owe "Bob" a living.
You owe the Oracle a good hangover.
You owe the Oracle an alligator briefcase, made from a real lawyer.
You owe the me a sampler of Swiss chocolate.
You own a dog, but you can only feed a cat.
You own me two gold coins! Charon to --Hercules
You paid cover to get in here. HA!
You paid how much for that dress?
You paid what?  For a comic book?  Are you nuts?
You parked your caddilac *WHERE*?!
You pathetic, puny, puking, putrid puddle of poodle piss!
You paycheck will be assimilated - Clinton of Borg
You pays your money and you takes your choice.
You people are always generalizing!
You pick a cold night to visit our planet, Earthman.
You pick a cold night to visit our y Bashing
You picked the perfect place to keep the secret.
You pile of space crap! - Crow
You pitted out my sweater! - Crow as girls wrestle
You play glockenspiel, I'll play drums.
You play the accordian?  How good a bard can you be?
You play with matches, you get burned.
You point it out, we'll take it out!
You poor old sod, you see it's only me.
You poor old sot, you see it's only me.
You possess a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained.
You pray your God will help, his strength is no match for mine
You prefer the company of the opposite sex, but are well
You prefer the company of the opposite sex, but are well liked by your o
You presume far too much, little human.
You pretty matter-o-fact about not dyin'. - Carl Robinson
You probably scream and cry that your little world won't let you go
You promised a drug-free America, and we want our free drugs *now*.
You promised a drugfree America. Where's our free drugs?
You pump, I'll pay. Wanna bagel dog? - Tom
You puppies go to sleep, I need the rest.
You push the button - TV's Frank to Zombie Forrester
You pusillanimous little squirt! - Winchester to Radar
You put that down! You put that down! - TV's Frank
You put the S in Sex baby
You put the whole project in jeopardy!  I wanted to be on Wheel of Fortune!
You put wings on something, it becomes bird shit
You put your WEEEEED in there-Saturday Night Live
You put your right hand in --G'Kar.
You quote freely from 'Rich & Famous'! - Mike to Crow
You rake! - Tom to Crow
You rarely see a good facial whipping - Dr. Forrester
You read fiction novels?  I read fiction on the nets.
You read what I said, now do you know what I mean?
You ready to Go for the Gold???
You realise you're asking a guy inna rat suit ?
You realize how short a month when you pay alimony.
You really are a complete smeghead, aren't you Dill?!
You really are quite a piece of work - Frank to Dr. F
You really can clone yourself from your dandruff? - The Cat
You really expect me to believe that your dog ATE your DISK?
You really hurt me last night....can you do it again?
You really hurt me last night...could you do it again?
You really look good today!
You really piss me off @FN@.
You really piss me off Jack.
You really piss me off Jim -- McCoy
You really piss me off YOU.
You really piss me off.
You really think so, mister...? - Tom sobs
You reap what you sow. -- Gentle Mountain
You recorded it all. --Ashon. You betcha. --Garibaldi.
You refer to me as idiot, not you captain!  Er, I mean..
You refuse to even LEARN about Wink Martindale - Crow
You remember Picard, I assimilated em'. Ho! - Dice of Borg
You remind me of a goat-always butting in.
You remind me of a jigsaw puzzle--so many of the pieces are missing.
You remind me of a one-story building--nothing upstairs
You remind me of a rose!  An American Beauty?  No, a rhinoserose!
You remind me of a very young Betty Boop. - Slappy Squirrel
You remind me of a young Susan Barrington... -- Slappy Squirrel
You remind me of the Duras sisters!
You rescued me just before I crossed the line.
You risk losing your entire career if you say yes. - Hague
You risked my future on the eye-witness identification of a dog.
You rockers won't make music in MY auditorium, said Tom disconcertingly.
You roll my log, and I will roll yours.
You run across a 4th level Balrog - Tom the Dungeonmaster
You said "Tool" huh huh huhe?
You said Windows was a Power Tool???
You said a *double* mouthful there, Sunshine!
You said a mouseful!
You said it was my turn to win!   Who said life was fair!!
You said it, Chewie.  Where did you pick up that old fossil?
You said it, Pal-eee! - Crow
You said what?
You said you want WHAT command, punk?
You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake. - Han
You said you wanted to sacrifice a virgin.-Radar Did we?-Hawkeye
You said, they're nothing but slobbering mangey stupid vultures. - Simba
You sang THAT song at Vespers? - Crow to Tom
You sank my battleship - Crow after guy reads coordinates
You sass that hoopy Ford Prefect?
You satin-suited Tolkien reading loser! - Frank
You save mail packets too, huh???!!!!!!!!  <BG>  Hmmmmm.........
You saw it?! --Ivanova.
You saw my Boing?! - Mike
You saw my hard disk drive off? Where?
You saw the wound, Dexter. He shouldha' died!
You saw what became of Eddie.  Society must be protected.
You say Potaoe, I say....BigMacFilleto'fishQuarterPounderFrenchFries.
You say _I_ was speeding?? How fast did you go to pass me??
You say bug spray I say repellant, let's call the whole thing OFF
You say hello, I say good riddance.  
You say in love there are no rules --U2
You say love is a temple, Love a higher law --U2
You say money can't make me happy?  Prove it to me.
You say that now, but try chewing a child the next time y
You say that now, but try chewing a child the next time you're car sick.
You say they are poisonous?
You say things with your eyes that others waste time putt
You say things with your eyes that others waste time putting into words.
You say this is Earl Grey? I'd swear it was Dar Giling.          AGT
You say you wanna revolution...well, you know...
You say you want a revelation -- we all want to end the world . . .
You say you're having trouble figuring me...
You scallywag! - Tom to Crow
You scratch my tape, and I'll scratch yours.
You scream then you leap.
You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream ...
You scuffed my hair, you dink! - Mike
You sea, weed out my glasses...
You see it your way, I see it mine, but we both see it slippin away...
You see me now, a veteran - of a thousand psychic wars.
You see that elephant?  Ran right under my chair
You see the nipples on that dog?!? - Tom
You see the toupee on that guy? - Tom on Pernell Roberts
You see this?  This is a box of pudding All.
You see what I'm sayin'?
You see, I may be stupid, but I'm not smart!
You see, Lord #TN#, she can be reasonable.
You see, Lord @FN@, she can be reasonable.
You see, Lord Bullitt, she can be reasonable.
You see, Lord Bullitt, she dead, that's what's wrong with it!
You see, Lord Caplan, she dead, that's what's wrong with it!
You see, Lord Firla, she's dead, that's what's wrong with it!
You see, Lord Ingram, she dead, that's what's wrong with it!
You see, Lord Orville, she can be reasonable.
You see, Lord Orville, she's dead, that's what's wrong with it!
You see, Lord Woody, she can be reasonable.
You see, Lord YOU, she can be reasonable.
You see, Lord, she can be reasonable.
You see, Orville *must* not have been gone long, his modem's still warm.
You see, but you do not observe. - Sir Arthur Conan
You see, no one would ever surrender to the Dread Pirate Wesley
You see, the body sees a hernia as a series of ones and zeros...
You see, there's not enough kindness in the world.  Sydney Greenstreet
You see, we're nothing like you... we're better. - Quark
You see... There is two sides to every Schwart.
You see?   He lives in you.   Rafiki
You see? You see? They are INSANE!!! -Lt. Worf
You seeeck leetle MONKEY!
You seek Yoda of Borg: Assimilate you, I will...
You seek leetle monkey! - Ren Hoek
You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die. -- Westley
You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die. --The Man In Black.
You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you. -- Inigo Montoya
You seem informationally deprived.  Can I help?
You seem like the kind of person who appreciates catheters...
You seem to find this all very amusing.  - Q to Riker
You seem unimpaled so far.   Q
You send 'em to school, they eat the books.
You send `em to school ... they eat the books.
You sent it up to the Internet, and it disappeared?
You set my head a spinning just like a Tilt-A-Whirl.
You set my heart aflame.  You give me heartburn.
You shall be called  - @FN@!
You shall be called  - YOU!
You shall be rewarded for a dastardly deed.
You shall be rewarded for your dastardly deeds.
You shall know the truth and be freed.
You shall know the truth and it shall make you weird.
You shall know the truth, and it shall make you freak.
You shall know the truth, and it shall make you odd.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you freak.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
You shall know the truth, and you shall freak.
You shall see, it will fall pat as I told you. * Shakespeare
You shame me. - Kor to Dax
You shant regret this! Me thinks I shant!
You shoot Cthulhu, and I run! No you shoot...*slurp*...*burb*.
You shoot the stars to see the miles you've made - Stan Rogers
You shot me, you sonova- Mike as zombie
You shot my boyfriend you dirty fuzz! - Gypsy to Tom
You should *never* burn the Stars and Stripes! cried Tom flagrantly.
You should always carry protection. --Fox Mulder on voodoo charms.
You should always say celli when you mean there are 2 or more cellos.
You should always say celli when you mean there are two or more cellos
You should always think for yourself. Believe me.
You should always try, even when you don't think it will help.
You should avoid hedging, at least that's what I think.
You should be aware of the quantitive test results.  I am.
You should be glad that you were born...no one else is.
You should be intelligent enough to let others tell you what to do.
You should be peeling onions, was Tom's tirade. (Pronounce short i.)
You should be pun-ished!
You should be receiving it shortly.
You should get away with crucifixion. CRUCIFIXION! Yeah 1st offence
You should go hand your head in shame...and leave your body on it!
You should go hang your head in shame...and leave your body on it!
You should go hang yourself in shame...and leave your body on it!
You should go home.
You should hardly ever equivocate.
You should have a license to love, you're lovin' dangerously...
You should have broken more than his nose. <smirk>
You should have finished on a song! - The Cat
You should have seen it. Would have, if you'd been conscious. --Londo.
You should have seen the tagline that got away!
You should have seen those two... they made a nice pair!
You should have stayed on the outside, lookin' in...
You should have to defend against criminals, not police.
You should have told us *before* we put the snake in his bed.-Hawk
You should know better than to trust a strange computer.
You should let her say `yes' first.  - Duncan MacLeod
You should never ask your 3 year old brother to hold a tomato.
You should never bite your nails after dissecting a frog.
You should never chew on an opened tube of crazy glue.
You should never drink anything upside down.
You should never hold a dustbuster and a cat at the same time
You should never jump off your top bunk and expect to fly.
You should never jump out of a tree using trash bags as parachutes.
You should never laugh at your dad if he's mad or screaming at you.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never mess with a kid that beat you up once already.
You should never order seafood at a hamburger joint in Nebraska.
You should never run around a barn with bare feet.
You should never run in a race with your shoelaces untied.
You should never stick a hanger in a light socket.
You should never surprise a cow when you are behind it.
You should never take more than you give in the circle of life........
You should never tease a goose.
You should never tell the same lie twice. - Garak
You should never try to stick peas in your pocket at dinnertime.
You should never use "you" as an indefinite pronoun.
You should not be the first one to fall asleep at a slumber party.
You should not have come back. - Darth Vader
You should not mess with the principal.
You should not pick your nose because your mom will SCREAM!!!
You should pray that I bleed real soon.
You should presently be able to deal from a full deck.
You should read your shirt. It's probably a novel! - Rimmer
You should see the way he brushes his teeth! - Yakko
You should see what we keep in the moat!
You should tell all your friends you are a Rubber Chicken!
You should try living in Memphis during Elvis week!
You should use contraceptives at every conceivable occasi
You should use contraceptives at every conceivable occasion.
You should weigh less than you hard disk in Mb.
You should've heard me before you got here. ~ Ro
You should've heard me before you got here. þ Ro
You should've seen the posts that went with some of these!!  Heehee!
You shouldn't bug a pregnant mom.
You shouldn't get attached to a puppy you can't have.
You shouldn't go breaking people's windows. - Yakko
You shouldn't have anymore problems...
You shouldn't have buried meI'm not dead. --Freddy Krueger.
You shouldn't have had bacon for breakfast, you cannibal.
You shouldn't jump down stairs with your hands in your pockets.
You shouldn't keep it up too long - Mutant Raccoon
You shouldn't mess with Mother Nature
You shouldn't pull off the emergency brake on a steep driveway.
You shouldn't put a marshmallow in the microwave.
You shouldn't shake a can of pop before opening it.
You shouldn't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
You shouldn't stand in a bucket of water and touch an electric fence.
You shouldn't stick your tongue to a car bumper in winter.
You shouldn't test a 9-volt battery with your braces.
You shouldn't try to do fifteen cartwheels in a row.
You shout and no one seems to hear.
You show me your tribble, I'll show you my Regulan blood worm!
You show me yours and I'll laugh!
You show me yours; I'll show you mine.(messages you fool)
You show me yours; I'll show you mine... (taglines, you fool)
You showed admirable restraint for one so small. ~ Worf
You showed admirable restraint for one so small. þ Worf
You shrink all the TV's and everyone gets all squinty-eyed? - Pinky
You sick little monkey! - Ren
You sick puppy! It's time for your shot...like the one Ol' Yeller got!
You sick puppy! It's time for your shot...like the one Old Yeller got!
You signed an emergency leave for Pvt. Charles Lamb.-Radar to Henry
You silly willy! - Crow to Joel
You simply *must* stop taking other people's advice.
You sink your teth into a steak - and they stay there.
You sir, are an idiot and a New Zealander; but I repeat myself
You sit in a rocking chair but can't get it going
You sleep with a copy of 'Madame Sousatzka' -Crow to Mike
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind...
You smash it - and I'll build around it.\JOHN LENNON
You smell terrific! - Ace Ventura
You smell wonderful - Frank to Dr. Forrester
You snag my recipes, I snag yours.  That's called the barter system.
You snake, Tom rattled. -Rambo & Youngquist
You sneezed, insert FD disk as it must spin-dry.
You some kind of....trans-former? --Beavis.
You sometimes drive me crazy, but I worry about you.
You sound like a TV series! * Rimmer
You sound like a TV series! --Rimmer.
You sound really stupid most of the time. - Butthead (to Beavis)
You speak English? How much? I asked. $25, she said.
You speak an infinite deal of nothing. - Shakespeare
You speak an infinite deal of taglines.-- Tagspeare
You spell knife with a k. --Troi  I spell knife with an n. --Picard
You spent HOW MUCH TIME to read these messages?
You spent HOW MUCH on a toy???
You spent HOW MUCH to read these messages?
You spent most of your money on beer and women, the rest you wasted.
You spoke to 5 people and they all committed suicide! --Lister.
You spotted snakes with double tongue... be not seen.
You start counting the letters in a quote to see if they would fit int
You start counting the letters in a quote to see if they would fit.
You start having fun, they send in the lawyers
You start singing "tagline" songs.
You starve to death, again and again and again. - Kinkaid
You stay out of this, Glenda..!
You stay out of trouble, okay? - Garibaldi
You steal taglines like a ferengi!
You steala this tagline, I breaka you face.
You stepped out of a dream, believing everything was gone.
You still didn't pay your Grit bill, ma'am - Tom
You still have lots of time! - Duncan MacLeod
You still need the last file you removed.
You still remember. I cannot help but be touched. * Khan
You still won't face reality, will you! - Frank Burns
You stink of death! - Buzzcut
You stole it 'cos I needed the cash --U2
You stole my steel guitar and now I sing off Waikiki!
You stole my tagline, again!
You strike me as the bear type.
You stroke me, I stroke back!
You stupid fatheads! - Dr. Forrester to Mike & Bots
You summoned me, Captain? asked T. Earl Grey hotly.
You summoned me, Captain? asked T. Earl Grey, hotly.
You support your local police. You give them jobs.
You sure don't *look* like an iguana. - M. Donovan to Barbara, V
You sure that was Jolt you were drinking? -Cain
You sure we need all four tires? - Radar
You swallowed a WHAT?
You sweat a lot when you drink raw eggs!  - Crow
You sweet talking devil you....
You take it you big, stupidy bully butt! - Frank to Dr. F
You take the blond, I'll take the one in the turban.
You take the blonde, I'll take the one in the turban.
You talk and I'll pretend to listen.
You talk in that voice one more time - Tom Servo
You talk like a Ferengi! - K'Ehleyr
You talk so much your tongue is sunburned.
You talk to her! She's got PMS and a .38--any questions?
You talk too much.  I've got a ball-gag that will cure that.
You talkin' to me? Are YOU....talkin' to me?
You talkin' to us, Mr. Nel-SON? - Tom
You taste like Annie Greensprings - Joel
You taste like Bud Abbot - Crow as couple kisses
You taste like Joeseph Goebles - Tom as couple kisses
You taste like Vince Edwards -Mike as doctor kisses nurse
You taste like a fat, drunk Russian - Crow
You taste like chili peppers - Joel as couple kisses
You taste like vinyl - Tom as couple kisses
You taught Kryten that? You two should audition for What's my fruit!
You teach best what you most need to learn.
You tell 'em Bald Head, You're smooth.
You tell 'em Bald Head, you're smooth!
You tell 'em Banana, You've been skinned.
You tell 'em Bank, You're safe.
You tell 'em Bank, you're safe.
You tell 'em Bean, He's stringing you.
You tell 'em Brake, You've got the drag.
You tell 'em Brake, you've got the drag.
You tell 'em Butcher, You've got a lot of tongue.
You tell 'em Butcher, you've got a lot of tongue.
You tell 'em Cabbage, You've got the head.
You tell 'em Cabbage, you've got the head.
You tell 'em Calendar, You've got lots of dates.
You tell 'em Calendar, you've got lots of dates.
You tell 'em Cashier, I'm a poor teller.
You tell 'em Cat, That's what you're fur.
You tell 'em Cemetery, You are so grave.
You tell 'em Cemetery, you are so grave.
You tell 'em Chloroform, You can put them to sleep.
You tell 'em Chloroform, you can put them to sleep.
You tell 'em Church Bell, I told you.
You tell 'em Cigarette, You're lit up.
You tell 'em Cigarette, you're lit up.
You tell 'em Clock, You've got the time.
You tell 'em Clock, you've got the time.
You tell 'em Cucumber, I've been pickled.
You tell 'em Custard Pie, You've got the crust.
You tell 'em Custard Pie, you've got the crust.
You tell 'em Dentist, You've got the pull.
You tell 'em Dentist, you've got the pull.
You tell 'em Dictionary, You're full of information.
You tell 'em Dictionary, you're full of information.
You tell 'em Doctor, You've got the patience.
You tell 'em Doctor, you've got the patience.
You tell 'em Doctor; you've got the patients.
You tell 'em Dough, You're well bred.
You tell 'em Dough, you're well bred.
You tell 'em Electricity, You can shock 'em.
You tell 'em Electricity, you can shock 'em.
You tell 'em Envelope, You're well posted.
You tell 'em Envelope, you're well posted.
You tell 'em Gambler, You've got winning ways.
You tell 'em Gambler, you've got winning ways.
You tell 'em Goldfish, You've been around the globe.
You tell 'em Goldfish, you've been around the globe.
You tell 'em Hard-Boiled Egg, You're hard to beat.
You tell 'em Hard-Boiled Egg, you're hard to beat.
You tell 'em Horse, You carry a tail.
You tell 'em Horse, You carry a tale.
You tell 'em Horse, you carry a tale.
You tell 'em Hunter, I'm a duck.
You tell 'em Hunter, I'm game.
You tell 'em June, And don't July.
You tell 'em Manicurist, I've been trimmed.
You tell 'em Moon, You're out all night.
You tell 'em Moon, you're out all night.
You tell 'em Mountain, I'm only a bluff.
You tell 'em Operator, You've got their number.
You tell 'em Operator, you've got their number.
You tell 'em Owl, You're wise.
You tell 'em Piano, You're upright and square.
You tell 'em Piano, you're upright and square.
You tell 'em Playing Cards, you know the joker.
You tell 'em Playing cards, You know the joker.
You tell 'em Printer, I'm not your type.
You tell 'em Railroad, It's not along my line.
You tell 'em September Morn, No one has anything on you.
You tell 'em September Morn, no one has anything on you.
You tell 'em Shoemaker, You know awl.
You tell 'em Shoemaker, you know awl.
You tell 'em Simon, I'll Legree.
You tell 'em Skyscraper, You have more than one story.
You tell 'em Skyscraper, you have more than one story.
You tell 'em Submarine, I can't seaplane.
You tell 'em Teacher, You've got the class.
You tell 'em Teacher, you've got the class.
You tell 'em cabbage, You've got the head.
You tell 'em calendar, You've got lots of dates.
You tell 'em playing cards, You know the joker.
You tell 'em teacher, You've got the class.
You tell 'em, Bald Head, You're smooth.
You tell fishstories, I tell the truth.
You tell the difference between snowmen and snowwomen?
You tell the sex of a chromosome by pulling down it's genes.
You tell us how to run our lives; we run for youthanasia.
You temptress! - Tom as teacher to trampy girl
You terrified me - Mike to bread man
You the bords and I the slits - Tom
You there in the back row. Stop laughing or leave the room!
You there, in the red shirt, go see what that noise was!
You think 100 Megaton Nuke is too much to kill Barney with - Darkwood
You think I have an anal obsession? Well shove it up your *$$!
You think I'd make my sister a widow?   Al Pacino
You think I'm a long haired weirdo?  So were the disciples...
You think I'm over the hill? I've got news for you! I AM the hill!
You think I'm senile; that all this is just a delusion.
You think I'm voting for YOU? - Mike
You think Windows is bad? Try running it under OS/2 with Lan Manager!
You think YOU have problems? My artificial flower died!
You think YOU have troubles?  My sundial is slow
You think good programs grow on trees, don't you?
You think health care is expensive now? Wait until it's free!
You think paying an expert is expensive? Try an amateur!
You think that's bad?
You think the dead don't come back to life?  Be here at quitting time.
You think the two of us can handle a drunk Vulcan? -McCoy
You think there's a big market for jewelry that looks like snot, then?
You think these people were eaten? --Scully.
You think they'll bungle? - Crow on couple in jungle
You think this is strange?  You ought to meet the casting director!
You think this life is something strange...
You think time heals everything? Try waiting in a doctor's office.
You think we are not smart, but we are smart.
You think you could thin it out a bit. - Rasmussen
You think you have problems!  Murphy lives with me!
You think you have problems?  My sundial is running slow.
You think you have problems? My sundial is running slow.
You think you have troubles?  Even my sundial is slow.
You think you have troubles? My sundial is slow.
You think you'll see the pearly gates when death takes you away!
You think you're getting old the first time you can't do it twice.
You think you're tough, just cuz you got a Death Sword?
You think you've got problems, my daughter wants a Glock.
You think your 1200 is slow?  My modem has tubes!
You think your tough @F just cuz you get a Sword???
You think your tough @FirstName@ cause you get a Sword???
You thought reentry was tought - Tom on car wreck
You threw a telepath out a 3rd story window - Sheridan to Ivanova
You threw out my WHAT?
You throw like my sister, man! Yeah, you throw like me!
You tiny brained whiper of other peoples bottoms.
You to can "Turn your 386 into an XT!  Use Windows!".
You told my wife I said I was in total control??????
You took the TagLines right out of my mouth.
You took the Taglines right outta my mouth!
You took the recipes right outta my mouth!
You took the words right outta my mouth
You touch-a my tagline, I smash-a ya' face!
You toucha my books and I breaka you face.
You touched my heart.
You tow-headed, contact lens wearing piece of toast -Crow
You traiterous pigs! - Evil Tom to Mike & Crow
You treat Death like a lover. --Dax to Kang.
You treat Death like a lover. --Dax.
You tricked me with visions of paradise...
You tried the rest, and bought WHAT..??!?
You tried your best & you failed miserably. The lesson is: Never try.
You truly are a sick person deep down, aren't you?
You trust me??  I don't even trust me!!
You try and kiss me and I'll break your arm. - Garibaldi to Londo
You try my patience. Make your choice! -- The Phantom
You turn out the lights for economic rather than romantic reasons
You turned off Doodles Weaver! - Mike
You twist and turn like a... a... twisty-turny thing..
You two are chasing rainbows and I'm leaving Oz. -Don Schanke
You two front end loader -heads!  - Joel to Bots
You used that excuse LAST month," said Tom periodically
You used to be faster than a toilet stop in rattlesnake country.
You used to be indecisive.  Now you're not sure.
You used to be indecisive.  Now you're not sure.
You used to say I was nice,now you say I'm the Antichrist
You vill count the slits between the boards - Crow
You voted for Change!  Now that's all I've got left.  thanks....
You wait there; I'll get the crystal. --Garibaldi.
You wake & bake every day! - TV's Frank to Mike
You walk with your head held high, trying to get used to your bifocals
You wanna bitch?           No thanks, I already have one.
You wanna bitch?  No thanks dear, I already have one.
You wanna play rough? - Mike
You wanna see my favorite thing in the whole world?
You wanna trade nighties? - Mike as guy to girl
You wanna' be Crow's Boogers partner? - Mike to Dr. F
You want "knockdown power?"  Get a Buick!
You want "knockdown power?"  Get an M1A1!
You want I should bop you with this here Lollipop?!?
You want Seska?  Oh, I thought you wanted a Fresca!
You want Taglines, of course! ... How about some from Slovenia? :-)
You want V34+ _and_ fax class2.0?  Erm, I'll call you back
You want WHAT on half the pizza?
You want a Real challenge?  Try MSWindows on a 286!!
You want a chocolate? --Forrest Gump.
You want a level 3 diagnostic done WHEN?!
You want a stupid answer? Ask me anything!
You want fries with that?
You want it *when*?!
You want it WHEN?!?
You want it crude, rude, dirty, and rough? Forget sex, PLAY HOCKEY!
You want it done right, or you want me to do it?
You want it when ??
You want it when, heeheeheeeheee?
You want me to clean what???
You want me to debate Charles Schumer?  Sorry,I only debate humans.
You want me to do WHAT!        How much will you give me?
You want me to do what to you?
You want me to feed the cat?  Feed it to what?
You want me to feed your cat?  Feed it to what?
You want me to go to college? College? Ha! Barber or Clown?
You want me to pay for bug fixes???
You want me to put it where? That is not logical. - Vulcan Gigolo.
You want me to raise Alexander? - Troi to Worf
You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me?
You want me to suck your towel?- Zaphod Beeblebrox
You want me to take off your head? - Riker
You want media attention?  Get OJ to sponsor a car.
You want original Taglines? Make one up.
You want original recipes? Make one up.
You want programming jokes?  Ok, COBOL, FORTRAN, Clipper, Dbase, OOP..
You want programming jokes?  Ok: Pascal, COBOL, ...
You want programming jokes? OK: BASIC, Pascal, COBOL, Windows.
You want smut? I'll show ya' smut! - Mike
You want some?  Nah, I'm not into leather...
You want something for the pain? To increase it. - Hawk to Flagg
You want something interesting? - Annie Devlin
You want something to worship? Try your SysGoddess.
You want something to worship? Try your SysOp.
You want surreal? What about A Very Brady Christmas? -Tom
You want that I should use a recipe here, Boss?
You want that I should use a tagline here, Boss?
You want the good news first or the bad news?
You want the impossible.
You want the man in charge or the lady that knows it all?
You want to REALLY add to your Taglines? Swipe an entire CONFERENCE!
You want to be a programmer?  Don't quit your day job !
You want to do WHAT with me?!  <gryn>
You want to do WHAT with me?!  <gryn<
You want to do it your way, I want to do it right.
You want to grow up and be dumb like Za Su Pitts?  W.C. Fields
You want to help them?! --Ivanova.
You want to import a steak. Why? - Sinclair
You want to keep us frightened and isolated. - Talia to Bester
You want to know what a bonehead is?  Go ask a Mike Tetrault!
You want to know what a bonehead is?  Go ask a Minbari!
You want to know what a bonehead is?  Try asking a Minbari!
You want to repeat that?
You want to smell my WHAT?
You want to smell my WHAT? - The Cat
You want to stop being scornful, it's twisting your face.
You want to tell me what it is? - Garibaldi
You want to threaten my freedom, and you expect me to be nice?
You want to what about who? - Skeeve
You wanted a good tagline?  This is it. :)You're welcome
You wanted creative. - Torres
You wanted to make law Make it a good one -- Picard
You wanted to see me, Delenn? - Lennier
You warm my dead heart, Nicholas. - LaCroix
You wash your face in gravy - Tom to Crow
You watch Oprah? What a wuss! - Butthead on Beavis.
You watch too much TV, Pinky. - Brain
You weak-minded fool! He's using an old Jedi mind trick. -Jabba
You wear a hat so you'll know which end to wipe!
You went to a freak show and got in free!
You went to hell and all I got was this lousy t-shirt?!
You were *asking us* for FOX Taglines :-)
You were *born* with *sex*. The rest of the stuff you gotta *LEARN*!
You were SUPPOSED to laugh, idiot!
You were SUPPOSED to laugh, you idiot!
You were TOLD not to feed me after midnight
You were a runner too?
You were a stranger to sorrow; thus fate has cursed you.
You were a test tube baby. The experiment failed.
You were at my Frankfurt lecture series, no? - Crow
You were born because your mother didn't believe in abortion. Now she do
You were born in Mass? No need to be born again then!
You were born out of your mother's arse 'cos her cunt was too busy.
You were born twins and they killed the wrong one!
You were born, and so you're free.  So Happy Birthday.
You were dead, and you want me to quicken you once more. - Louis
You were doing 55.00026 mph in a 55 mph zone! - Officer (Animaniacs)
You were expecting someone else?          [James Bond(Pierce Brosnan)]
You were hoping for bad ideas? :) - Dire Wolf
You were just attacked by a WereFrog, +4 to crunch.
You were probably frightened by a callus at an early age. Eve Arden
You were s'posed to laugh!
You were saying coming here was a bad idea. - Luke
You were sent here for MY pleasure!
You were such an ugly kid your mother breast fed you through a straw
You were talking about the end of the world  --U2
You were talking...he was LISTENING! -- Quark
You were the bestus Batman ever - Tom to Adam West
You were the one everybody laughed at behind your back. :) - Jalapeno
You were the prototype for the first speed bump.
You were told not to feed me after midnight!
You were totally wacko! - Plotz No, HE'S Wakko. - Yakko
You were very brave last night, Dire Wolf. - Madonna
You were wonderful - Crow as bum lights cigarette
You were young and foolish once.  Now you're no longer young.
You were young and foolish.  Now you're no longer young.
You weren't like that before the beard. - Q to Riker
You who fear the Lord, praise him! Psalm 22:23
You who have the Light, What are you doing with it?
You who never associated sexuality w/your great aunt-Crow
You who think you know it all are very annoying to those of us who do.
You will all become one with the Borg! -- Locutus
You will always find it cheaper after you buy it
You will always find something in the last place you look.
You will always have a place with us in the Bajoran underground.
You will be Terminated!
You will be Told about it Tomorrow.  Go Home and Prepare Thyself.
You will be a winner today.  Pick a fight with a four-yea
You will be a winner today.  Pick a fight with a four-year-old.
You will be a winner today. Fight with a four-year-old.
You will be aided greatly by a person whom you thought to
You will be assim...  HU HU, HU HU HU!!! - Butthead of Borg
You will be assim...assim...taken over! - Porky of Borg
You will be assimilated right after these messages...
You will be assimilated, but don't take it personally.
You will be assimilated. Resistance is....... Oooh! Doughnuts!
You will be assimilated. The Collective has foreseen it.
You will be assimilated. The Emperor has foreseen it.
You will be assimilated... during dinner. -- Bates of Borg
You will be audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
You will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize--posthumously.
You will be back, Nicholas. - LaCroix
You will be better advised to watch what we do instead of what we say.
You will be glad to know that my penis is erect.
You will be held hostage by a radical group.
You will be invited to dine with many important people.
You will be invited to dine with many important people.  Once.
You will be reincarnated as a toad; and you will be much
You will be reincarnated as a toad; and you will be much happier.
You will be singled out for a promotion.
You will be squirrely today.
You will be surprised by a loud noise.
You will be tested on the above material!
You will be the last person to buy a Chrysler.
You will be the victim of a bizarre joke.
You will be the victim of a bizarre joke.
You will be told about it tomorrow.  Go home and prepare
You will be told about it tomorrow.  Go home and prepare
You will be winged by an anti--aircraft battery.
You will become rich and famous unless you don't.
You will become rich and famous unless you don't.
You will bow down before me - Dr. Forrester to Frank
You will cease issuing ultimatums, or else.
You will cooperate or someone will die. --Data.
You will deny all knowledge of this incident. - Bester
You will develop a sense of humor and die laughing at yourself.
You will die far quicker than your son did, Kang. -- The Albino
You will die for this! - Duncan MacLeod
You will die of terminal acne.
You will dimly remember this image throughout your entire life. (Tick)
You will disarm your weapons and escort us to sector 001 - Locutus
You will do nothing! - G'Kar
You will experience a strong urge to do good; but it will
You will feel hungry again in another hour.
You will find the colors that were hidden deep - Course of Empire
You will find what is not lost and enter where there are
You will forget that you ever knew me.
You will gain money by an illegal or immoral action.
You will get a fair trial, after which you **WILL** be shot.
You will get a fair trial, after which you will be shot.
You will give someone a piece of your mind, which you can
You will give someone a piece of your mind, which you can ill afford.
You will go to the Degoba System. - Obi Wan
You will have a long and boring life.
You will have a long and unpleasant discussion with your
You will have a long and unpleasant discussion with your supervisor.
You will have good luck and over come hardships.
You will have many recoverable tape errors.
You will join us or die
You will know happy motorcyclist by the bug stains on his
You will know happy motorcyclist by the bug stains on his teeth.
You will lose an important file.
You will need me to watch your back. - Na'Toth
You will need someone to watch your back - Na'Toth
You will need the MANUALS to use this recipe!
You will need the MANUALS to use this tagline!
You will never again mention the Gray Council in my presence - Delenn
You will never be alone with a poet in your pocket.
You will never be one of those who dies before they die. - Troi.
You will never be younger then you are today..
You will never be younger then you are today..
You will never be younger then you are today...& vise versa
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
You will never get any better if you don't push yourself.
You will never grow old, or die. - Louis - Interview...
You will never have any more time than you have today.
You will not be elected to public office this year.
You will not be the first, but you can be next.
You will not leave here until I know the truth. - Sheridan
You will not see me again as I am now - Delenn
You will outgrow your usefulness.
You will outlive those who seek to destroy you.
You will pass away very quickly.
You will pioneer the first Martian colony.
You will remember something that you should not have forg
You will resist, I hope? --Ivanova.
You will soon be crossing the great waters.
You will soon forget this.
You will soon meet a strangler who will become your fiend
You will soon meet a strangler who will become your fiend.
You will soon meet a tall dark handsome stranger.
You will spend the rest of your life in the future.
You will survive the conflagration.
You will undoubtedly be here tomorrow.
You will use Windows. Resistance is Futile. * Gates of Borg
You will use Windows. Resistance is Futile. -- Borg
You will visit the Dung Pits of Glive soon.
You will win success in whatever calling you adopt.  You
You win some and you lose some. But think qualitatively.
You wiper of other people's bottoms!
You wish to press a key. Well let's explore that idea.
You woke me from a sexy dream to discuss morale?! - Hawkeye
You won first prize! Send me $50 and I'll send yer prize!
You won first prize..! Send me $50. and I'll send your prize!
You won the bronze, said Tom meddlingly.
You won't be doing that again, will you? O my god, it's Uncle Richard!
You won't be living for the rest of your life.
You won't catch me sleeping with an enlisted man. - Frank Burns
You won't die - I won't let you.
You won't even *think* about lookin' for me! - Carl Robinson
You won't find Earth people quite the easy mark you imagined.-Dr Scott
You won't find ME standing in front of a mirror weeping!
You won't find a Rubber Chicken's pictutre at the Post Office.
You won't find me posting "He's dead Jim" taglines.
You won't get wise with the sleep still in your eyes...-Rush
You won't need a visit by Cupid to love Messenger.  Download it today!
You won't regret it.
You wont get sick if you wrap your dick.
You wont have Bela to kick around anymore - Crow
You worry to much, you make yourself sad.
You worship the earth your head is buried in.
You worthless dweebified, unjustified, leftover DNA
You would have suffered a lot more if I'd been inderstood.
You would have us believe there are puns in that thread? - Dire Wolf
You would if you could but you can't so you won't.
You would if you could but you can't so you won't.
You would know, wouldn't you?
You would make a great addition to my pet "ROCK" collection!
You would. You have to. That's how moderators are. - Edward Lee
You wouldn't believe what she can do with a carton of milk and a tuning fork!
You wouldn't happen to be a readhead would you....?  ;-)
You wouldn't happen to have anything less... ducky?
You wouldn't last five minutes in Tokyo during monster season.
You wouldn't only sell your grandmother, you'd send her C.O.D.!
You wouldn't sink to the level of tagliner, would you? - Dione
You wouldn't understand ... It's a KY BASKETBALL 'thang
You wouldn't want my life to get boring, would you? -- C-3PO
You wound me Springheel. :) - Digital Shakespeare
You write drivel unfit for a lightbulb commercial. - The Brain
You you don't know who GARY CAPLAN is?
You you're down to *only* 10.5 MB of Taglines?? <g>
You!  Out of the Gene Pool!
You!  Rita!  Out of the Gene Pool!
You! Kindly refrain yer brain.
You! There in the back row. Stop laughing or leave the room!
You! What PLANET is this?
You! What PLANET is this? --McCoy.
You!, Blithering Brain Cramp! - Ren.
You'd argue better without your foot in your mouth.
You'd be NUDE except for the sailor suit - Tom to Mike
You'd be a rich man if you were paid all the money you owe!
You'd be crabby, too, if your mussels cramped.
You'd be forgiven endlessly, but your values are all fake
You'd be good on Televisionthen I could turn you off.
You'd be red too if somebody pulled your hose across the road.
You'd be shocked at how your neighbor makes love. -Plato
You'd be so easy to love - but who'd want to?
You'd be surprised at how many people would do what I've done.
You'd be surprised how far a hug goes - Riker
You'd be surprised how far a hug goes with Geordi...or Worf. -- Riker
You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap.
You'd be surprised what I can do without throwing up. - Jalapeno
You'd be surprised what a diet rich in oat bran can do.
You'd best put on some gloves for that Moon Probe.
You'd better be good!
You'd better be nice to me -- I throw up easily.
You'd better do it because Kai Winn is my mom!
You'd better lie down before something else happens..
You'd better make like a hockey player and get the puck outta here.
You'd better not ask if you'd rather not know.
You'd better run ----- Pink Floyd
You'd better run this past the smell chucker.
You'd better update your info.
You'd cry too if you knew who you'd just kissed. -Akane
You'd give your soul for that? Sign here! Satan
You'd have goose bumps too, if you didn't have clothes on.
You'd have more success herding cats.
You'd have to put it in reverse to become a twit.
You'd like me to THINK that, wouldn't you
You'd like me to THINK that, wouldn't you?
You'd look better without it  - Tom leers to girl in robe
You'd look great in a cellophane T-shirt.
You'd look great in a dancing bear costume - Joel
You'd make a good throw rug for the castle, Worf. - Q
You'd make a lovely corpse.
You'd make a perfect poster child for the Pro-Choice movement.
You'd make a perfect stranger.
You'd never hear this on Welsh Jepordy: "I'd like to buy a vowel."
You'd think He supplied Don Rickles with material.
You'd think Hell would just provide those - Crow
You'd think Orville Bullitt supplied Don Rickles with material.
You'd think Ross Perot supplied Don Rickles with material.
You'd think supplied Don Rickles with material.
You'd think there were ENOUGH quotes, already...
You'd think we'd be tired of this by now, but what do YOU know.
You'ld be surprised the things you learn in prison.
You'll Get The Shine-ola Beat Out Of Ya - Stimpy.
You'll always be our hacker hero, Bob!
You'll always find the bull in my messages!
You'll always find us out to lunch. -Sex Pistols
You'll always get a zit on important days.
You'll always overlook one of those pins in a new shirt.
You'll be a hard luck woman...baby till you find your man.
You'll be dead!
You'll be enchanted & bemused by what you find - Mike
You'll be on the receiving end but a short time, then trading.
You'll be playing 'black woman on airplane' - Crow
You'll be sorry.
You'll be swimming in whiskey. - I didn't bring my trunks. - BJ
You'll be taking a little vacation of three weeks. Bon voyage.
You'll blow up the entire feromantel drive! -Riker
You'll come a waltzin' matilda with me....
You'll feel better when you drink peppermint tea and take a hot bath.
You'll feel relieved...Filling your briefs! - Tom sings
You'll find I'm full of surprises.
You'll find radical Berkelium in sunny Californium.
You'll forgive me if I'm not in the mood for your usual bawdernage.
You'll get my Blue Wave when you pry it out of my cold, dead fingers!
You'll get what's coming to you.  Unless it's mailed.
You'll get what's coming to you.  Unless it's routed NetMail.
You'll get what's coming to you.. Unless it's mailed.
You'll get your brains beat out. - Aahz
You'll get your reward. - Leia
You'll go to Heck if you don't believe in Gosh
You'll hang from the highest yardarm in the Army. - Frank to Radar
You'll have *plenty* if you snarf up "conferences" worth of
You'll have to be nice to me--I throw up easily
You'll have to lick up your own damn coffee, sir. - Riker.
You'll have to marry me first...
You'll have to settle for acid-spit, Princess. I've got a sore throat.
You'll have to work harder, I think. :) - Dire Wolf
You'll hear from my lawyers - Dewey, Cheatham and Howe!
You'll know fear, pain, then die. Have a nice flight!
You'll know fear/You'll know pain/And then you'll die. Have a nice
You'll know when your ready for it.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss your brains goodbye.
You'll learn everything you need as you progress along life's path!
You'll learn something about men and women
You'll learn why it happened eventually.  -- Mormon
You'll like it. Go ahead. - Franklin
You'll like that a lot.
You'll like the bypass.
You'll love it Dad! It's fully assembled!
You'll make the other pilots feel inadequate - Ivanova
You'll need some sympathy, but don't be calling me.
You'll need someone to help you when you feel like cursing me.
You'll never be half the woman your father was!
You'll never be the man your mother was!
You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum & villany
You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum.
You'll never find it, in all that loose clothing.
You'll never find your gold on a sandy beach.
You'll never forget your first Daim
You'll never get dizzy doing a good turn.
You'll never get there and if you do, you won't know.
You'll never get to heaven if you pay a lawyer.
You'll never know until you ask the right source.
You'll never know what you missed. - Dodger
You'll never live to regret it! - Yakko
You'll never look at your hairline the same again.
You'll never make a more important decision than the person you marry.
You'll never see me gamble. Wanna' take a bet?
You'll never touch me! - Crow as girl to boyfriend
You'll not be making music in MY auditorium, said Tom disconcertingly.
You'll only cry those happy tears.
You'll pay for these papercuts, don't think you won't pay!
You'll pay one day, hayseed! - Mike as cow to farmer
You'll pay to know what you really think!
You'll pay too much, but it's worth it. - IBM marketing
You'll see who rules, you twisted old fruit - Joel
You'll see. Me and ___ will rule the universe.
You'll thank me later.
You'n Me and a Borg named Hugh, living & assimilating....
You'n'me, proffesor - we're two of a kind - handsome, dynamic - bald.
You're (quiet now, SH!) IT!
You're 28, you should graduate - Tom
You're 59 OM...what was your call?
You're A Handy Excuse to AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGH!!! at random intervals
You're A Redneck IF: You know which leaves make the best toilet paper
You're A Redneck If: You go to a family reunion to meet women.
You're A Redneck If: You own a homemade fur coat.
You're A Redneck If: You're holding a beer in your wedding picture.
You're A Redneck If: directions to your house are "Turn off road..."
You're A Redneck If: your family tree doesn't fork.
You're A Redneck if: you converted your carport into a beauty shop.
You're A Redneck if: you think cow tipping is an Olympic sport.
You're A Redneck if: you've ever worn a cowboy hat to church.
You're A Redneck if: your local ambulance is a tractor.
You're BOTH good cops - Mike to Tom & Crow
You're DEAD! --Alice. That never stopped me before! --Freddy Krueger.
You're Dead Jim!
You're Extremely Weird, Sir -- Marcie, Peanuts.
You're God?  yeah right, let me speak to your mother!
You're Gray Ogre's attacking?  How nice for my Craw Wurm.
You're John Bobbitt and have one medical deduction (see attachment).
You're John Bobbitt, promoting sales of "Members Only" clothing line.
You're Kidding!: Shirley U. Jest
You're King Clammy! - Dr. Forrester to Frank
You're NOBODY until you've been ignored by a cat!
You're NOT God...But don't tell anyone. -Moderator Rule #3
You're NOT deaf !...I'm just chewing gum.
You're NOT the only game in town.
You're Never Alone With Schizophrenia.
You're OK, man. - I know. But don't spread it around. - Klinger
You're OUT! said Tom baselessly.
You're PC if you think a "chick" is a baby bird.
You're So Sweet: Mable Syrup
You're TOAST Barry! I have the BFG9000!
You're TOAST Orville!  I have the BFG9000!
You're The Reason They Made A Passing Lane To Begin With!
You're a 3 decked sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce
You're a Bundle of Laughs: Vera Funny
You're a Few Fries Short of a Happy Meal!
You're a Good Boy, Orville.
You're a Good Girl, Gay.                      - Robert A. Heinlein
You're a Good Girl, Gay. - Heinlein
You're a Good Girl, Orville.
You're a HARRRRRRD man, McGee!--Gildersleeve
You're a Hacker?  I don't see any broken computers.
You're a MSTie when you find yourself asking, "A Crow is a BIRD??"
You're a Q.  You can do anything you want!  .. Dr Crusher
You're a Redneck If U come back from the dump with more than you took.
You're a Redneck If U cut your toenails in front of company.
You're a Redneck If U don't need a clean shirt to go to work.
You're a Redneck If U find three cars while mowing the lawn.
You're a Redneck If U have a Hefty Bag instead of a passenger window.
You're a Redneck If U have a gun rack on your bicycle.
You're a Redneck If U have a rag for a gas cap.
You're a Redneck If U have any relatives named Elmer or Jed.
You're a Redneck If U have brothers named Bubba or Junior.
You're a Redneck If U have ever financed a tattoo.
You're a Redneck If U have to move the transmission to take a bath.
You're a Redneck If U mother has ever been arrested for poaching.
You're a Redneck If U own a homemade fur coat.
You're a Redneck If U own more than three shirts with cutoff sleeves.
You're a Redneck If U prefer car keys to Q-tips.
You're a Redneck If U record WWF Wrestling while you're at work.
You're a Redneck If U think God look like Hank Williams, Jr.
You're a Redneck If U think people who have electricity are uppity.
You're a Redneck If U're holding a beer in your wedding photo.
You're a Redneck If U're holding a beer in your wedding picture.
You're a Redneck If U've been too drunk to fish.
You're a Redneck If U've ever BBQ'd Spam on the grill.
You're a Redneck If U've ever cleaned fish in your living room.
You're a Redneck If U've ever eaten out of a minnow bucket.
You're a Redneck If U've ever lost your wife in a poker game.
You're a Redneck If U've ever names a child for a good dog.
You're a Redneck If U've lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.
You're a Redneck If Ur Levis have Skoal can prints on the pockets.
You're a Redneck If Ur belt buckle is heavier than 4 lbs.
You're a Redneck If Ur brother-in-law is also your uncle.
You're a Redneck If Ur dog and your wallet are both on a chain.
You're a Redneck If Ur dog sleeps closer to you than your wife does.
You're a Redneck If Ur home needs a hitch.
You're a Redneck If Ur kids are described as "dumb as a brick".
You're a Redneck If Ur lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand.
You're a Redneck If Ur mother has "ammo" on her Christmas list.
You're a Redneck If Ur next family reunion is a chance to meet girls.
You're a Redneck If Ur porch collapses and more than 3 dogs die.
You're a Redneck If Ur savings are out of reach for a '76 Pinto.
You're a Redneck If Ur two-year-old has more teeth than you do.
You're a Redneck If Ur van has curtains and your house doesn't.
You're a Redneck If Ur wife's hairdo has ever been ruined by a ceiling
You're a Redneck if "Somebody jiggle that" is a common house phrase
You're a Redneck if "Somebody jiggle that" is a common household phrase.
You're a Redneck if Somebody jiggle that is a common household phrase.
You're a Redneck if all of your four-letter words are two syllables.
You're a Redneck if family reunions are good places to pick up women.
You're a Redneck if hitchhikers won't get in the car with you.
You're a Redneck if less than half the cars you own run.
You're a Redneck if the family business requires a lookout.
You're a Redneck if the taillight covers on your car are made of tape
You're a Redneck if truckers tell your wife to watch her language.
You're a Redneck if you come back from the dump with more than you took.
You're a Redneck if you come back from the dump with more'n you took.
You're a Redneck if you cut your toenails in front of company.
You're a Redneck if you don't need a clean shirt to go to work.
You're a Redneck if you find three cars while mowing the lawn.
You're a Redneck if you have a Hefty Bag instead of a passenger window
You're a Redneck if you have a gun rack on your bicycle.
You're a Redneck if you have a rag for a gas cap.
You're a Redneck if you have any relatives named Elmer or Jed.
You're a Redneck if you have brothers named Bubba or Junior.
You're a Redneck if you have ever financed a tattoo.
You're a Redneck if you have to move the transmission to take a bath.
You're a Redneck if you mother has ever been arrested for poaching.
You're a Redneck if you own a homemade fur coat.
You're a Redneck if you own more than three shirts with cutoff sleeves
You're a Redneck if you own more than three shirts with cutoff sleeves.
You're a Redneck if you pick up chicks at the Family Reunion...
You're a Redneck if you prefer car keys to Q-tips.
You're a Redneck if you record WWF Wrestling while you're at work.
You're a Redneck if you roll down the car window after sex.
You're a Redneck if you think God look like Hank Williams, Jr.
You're a Redneck if you think God looks like Hank Williams, Jr.
You're a Redneck if you think people who have electricity are uppity.
You're a Redneck if you're holding a beer in your wedding photo.
You're a Redneck if you're holding a beer in your wedding picture.
You're a Redneck if you've been too drunk to fish.
You're a Redneck if you've ever BBQ'd Spam on the grill.
You're a Redneck if you've ever cleaned fish in your living room.
You're a Redneck if you've ever eaten out of a minnow bucket.
You're a Redneck if you've ever lost your wife in a poker game.
You're a Redneck if you've ever names a child for a good dog.
You're a Redneck if you've lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.
You're a Redneck if your Levis have Skoal can prints on the pockets.
You're a Redneck if your belt buckle is heavier than 4 lbs.
You're a Redneck if your brother-in-law is also your uncle.
You're a Redneck if your dog and your wallet are both on a chain.
You're a Redneck if your dog sleeps closer to you than your wife does
You're a Redneck if your home needs a hitch.
You're a Redneck if your kids are described as "dumb as a brick".
You're a Redneck if your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand.
You're a Redneck if your mother has "ammo" on her Christmas list.
You're a Redneck if your next family reunion is a chance to meet girls
You're a Redneck if your porch collapses and more than 3 dogs die.
You're a Redneck if your savings are out of reach for a '76 Pinto.
You're a Redneck if your two-year-old has more teeth than you do.
You're a Redneck if your van has curtains and your house doesn't.
You're a Redneck if your wife's hairdo has ever been ruined by a ceiling
You're a Redneck if your wife's hairdo has ever been ruined by a fan.
You're a Redneck if:  You tape WWF Wrestling while you're at work.
You're a Redneck if: Less than half the cars in your yard, work.
You're a Redneck if: Saying NO to crack means pulling your jeans up
You're a Redneck if: The UFO hotline limits you to one call a day
You're a Redneck if: Truckers tell your wife to watch her language.
You're a Redneck if: You and Your Dad are both in third grade!
You're a Redneck if: You decorate your living room with hub caps.
You're a Redneck if: You fish in your swimming pool
You're a Redneck if: You go to family reunions to look for dates.
You're a Redneck if: You know what barbed wire and string are used for
You're a Redneck if: You need shoes and a light to go to the bathroom
You're a Redneck if: You show you're belt buckle when asked for ID
You're a Redneck if: You're dog and wallet are both on a chain
You're a Redneck if: You're two year old has more teeth than you
You're a Redneck if: You've ever been to drunk to fish
You're a Redneck if: You've ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.
You're a Redneck if: Your Mom has a spitton under the ironing board
You're a Redneck if: Your belt buckle is heavier than 4 lbs.
You're a Redneck if: Your beltbuckle is heavier than 4 lbs.
You're a Redneck if: Your boyfriend hits you "because he cares"
You're a Redneck if: Your entertained by a 6-pack and a bug-zapper.
You're a Redneck if: Your family tree has no branches.
You're a Redneck if: Your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand
You're a Redneck if: Your porch collapses and more than 3 dogs die.
You're a Redneck if: Your wife is also your sister!
You're a Redneck if: all of your four-letter words are two syllables.
You're a Redneck if: the taillight covers on your car are made of tape
You're a Redneck if: you come from the dump with more than you took
You're a Redneck if: you have "dress" boots.
You're a Redneck if: you have a gun rack on your bicycle!
You're a Redneck if: you have a rag for a gas cap.
You're a Redneck if: you have ever financed a tattoo.
You're a Redneck if: you think people who have electricity are uppity
You're a Redneck if: you've ever lost your wife in a poker game.
You're a Redneck if: you've ever shot a deer from inside your house.
You're a Redneck if: your brother-in-law is also your uncle.
You're a Redneck if: your coffee table was a telephone cable spool.
You're a Redneck if: your muffler is held on by a coat hanger.
You're a Redneck if: your wedding looks more like a family reunion.
You're a backsliding atheist.
You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel.
You're a better man than I, Rin Tin Tin.
You're a card which will have to be dealt with.
You're a doctor, you should know better. - Garibaldi
You're a droid; and I'm annoyed. - Guinan, to Data
You're a dumbass, Beavis. - Butthead
You're a few channels short of Basic Cable.
You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch.  You've got termites in your smile!
You're a free thinker. Your thoughts aren't worth anything.
You're a funny guy! - Goodfellas
You're a funny guy...that's why they'll kill you last.
You're a gambler, Quark. -- Sisko AND a thief! -- Odo
You're a general favorite among your many friends.
You're a glutton for punishment? :)
You're a good egg in the long run; but who wants a long, runny egg.
You're a good example of why some animals eat their young.
You're a great judge of good Whiskey and Bad Women
You're a habit I'd like to kick; with both feet.
You're a hermaphro-Bot - Joel on Crow's sex
You're a hot dog, but you better not try to hurt her, Frank Furter.
You're a hotdog, but you better not try to hurt her, Franfurter!
You're a jerk Orville, A complete kneebiter.
You're a lapsed atheist, dear.
You're a licensed cleavage inspector?
You're a lifelong Hacker?  You've been using Windows, I see!
You're a little piece of flab - Joel to girl
You're a little too good at that, Beavis. - Butthead
You're a load that should've been swallowed!
You're a loser & we're sending you away-Mike as kid's mom
You're a loser if your dog gets a new best friend.
You're a loser when your dog gets a new best friend.
You're a man of integrity in both universes, Mr. Spock.
You're a man of promise, but you never keep any of them.
You're a man playing a woman playing a man? - Crow
You're a man? No way! huh huh huh - Butthead on Boy George.
You're a mangy cur, Tom barked doggedly.
You're a member of the rebel alliance, and a traitor.Take her away!
You're a nice guy if you go fishing and just tape the worm to hook.
You're a nice guy to send your wife on a vacation. "I needed it."
You're a nice guy. - I used to get hit if I wasn't. - Radar
You're a pain in the a**, boyscout. - Andy Cord
You're a parasite for sore eyes.
You're a patriot. - Hague
You're a perfect example that ugly people shouldn't breed.
You're a person who travels well. Now start traveling.
You're a person who travels well. Now start travelling.
You're a piece of glass left there on the beach --U2
You're a prevert, Beavis! - Butthead
You're a putz.
You're a queer duck - Joel to geeky movie character
You're a real loser when your dog gets a new best friend!
You're a real zero, said Tom naughtily.
You're a redneck if Red Man Chewing Tobacco sends you a Christmas card.
You're a redneck if roaches leave a note saying "Clean this place up!"
You're a redneck if you can eat a McDonald's cheeseburger in one bite.
You're a redneck if you have more than two brothers named Bubba or Jr.
You're a redneck if you keep catfish in your aquarium.
You're a redneck if you look like Willie Nelson after your haircut.
You're a redneck if you own more TVs than books.
You're a redneck if you think Volvo is part of a woman's anatomy.
You're a redneck if you've ever used a weed-eater indoors.
You're a redneck if you've ever worn a cowboy hat to church.
You're a redneck if your house moves but your twelve cars don't.
You're a redneck if: Fewer than half the cars in your yard really run.
You're a redneck if: Several family members are Elvis impersonators
You're a redneck if: You call your spouse "Cuz".
You're a redneck if: You consider chewing tobacco a basic food group.
You're a redneck if: You divorced your cousin.
You're a redneck if: You find a car while cutting your grass.
You're a redneck if: You have to move the transmission to take a bath.
You're a redneck if: You prefer car keys to Q-tips.
You're a redneck if: You refer to the fifth grade as "my senior year"
You're a redneck if: You tape wrestling matches while you're at work.
You're a redneck if: You think "Deliverance" was a love story.
You're a redneck if: You're holding a beer in your wedding photo.
You're a redneck if: You've ever been arrested for obscene mudflaps.
You're a redneck if: You've reported more than a dozen UFOs this week.
You're a redneck if: Your child calls you "Uncle Daddy".
You're a redneck if: Your dad and you are both in the third grade.
You're a redneck if: Your house moves but your twelve cars don't.
You're a redneck if: Your kids have three-day-old Kool-Aid mustaches.
You're a redneck if: Your mom has a spittoon under the ironing board.
You're a redneck if: Your second car is a tractor.
You're a redneck if: Your truck has curtains but your house doesn't.
You're a redneck if: Your yard has more appliances than your house.
You're a redneck if: your funeral has more pickups than cars.
You're a regular information center-always telling people where to go.
You're a regular rock of Jello.
You're a retreat in the battle of wits.
You're a security chief; Shouldn't you be out securing something?
You're a sheep in sheep's clothing.
You're a swine, isn't he George?
You're a thief, find the key.
You're a three decked sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sau
You're a very welcome addition to my QWK mail packet.
You're a vicious man." "It's in the job description!
You're a vicious man." "It's in the job description! - B5
You're a wicked glutton, Tom insinuated.
You're a window-rattler son.
You're a writer? Are you published?
You're about as entertaining as one wrestler.
You're about as funny as a beer fart in a space suit.
You're about as funny as a beerfart in a space suit.
You're about as subtle as an axe between the eyes.
You're about forty miles south of being a twit.
You're about to be assimilated! Absorbed, that is.
You're about to go where everyone has gone before. - Ivanova
You're acquitting yourself in such a way that no jury ever would.
You're actin' silly! Who's actin'? - Lucky/Bonkers
You're all I think about these days.
You're all a bunch of swell eggs...some, a little cracked. -F. Burns
You're all clear kid!  Now let's blow this thing and go home!
You're all clear! Now let's blow this thing and go home!
You're all clear, #TN#! Now let's blow this thing and go home!
You're all clear, Orville! Now let's blow this thing and go home!
You're all going to die! --Amis.
You're all insane and trying to steal my magic bag
You're all right, baby! - Large
You're all sail and no anchor.
You're almost as smart as others say you think you are.
You're alone here. If you jump, you'd best jump far - Tori Amos
You're always interrupting me in the middle of my mistakes.
You're always saying, "That'd make a great tagline!"
You're always scared. That's part of the job. - Keffer
You're always seated by a crying child during long flights.
You're an Animaniac if you greet every woman with "Helloooooo, Nurse!"
You're an Animaniac if you refer to your home as "the water tower."
You're an INFORMANT?  Nice try, but this is DOOM ][!  >BLAM!<
You're an accident waiting to happen --U2
You're an addict when you consider modeming better than chocolate.
You're an adult if you can "remember when..."
You're an adult if you own more than 5 ties.
You're an adult if you read the obituraries.
You're an adult if you say "Ren and WHAT?"
You're an adult if you say, "I hate these newfangled gadgets!"
You're an adult if you say, "Which one's Beavis?"
You're an adult if you think "bad" is the opposite of "good."
You're an adult if you'd rather by a new shrub than a new CD.
You're an attack was not better than that of a child. - Ramirez
You're an incredible example of death after life. - Trap to Frank
You're an outcast!  That's good!  So are we.  Timon
You're an unproductive truckload of fly covered monkey zits!
You're as beautiful as I'd imagined...and more -- LaForge
You're as confused as a baby at a topless bar.
You're as cuddly as a cactus.
You're as flutie as a Ssi-ruu!
You're as phony to me as an opera soprano.   William Holden
You're as sharp as a pin.... head.
You're as sick as your darkest secret.
You're as subtle as the air in a pet shop.
You're as young as the man you feel.
You're as young as the one you feel.
You're asking GARY for a *couple* of Taglines?! <giggle> - Myra I Fox
You're at "Y2". A hollow voice says "Plugh".
You're awfully picky for someone from the twilight zone
You're bald, aren't you? - Mike
You're beating a dead horse with that one. :) - Dire Wolf
You're becoming popular around here. =)
You're beginning to talk just like a Vorlon. --Ivanova.
You're being followed, cut out hanky-panky for a few days
You're being followed; cut out the hanky-panky for a few days.
You're better off not knowing how sausages & laws are made
You're better off not knowing how sausages and laws are made.
You're born and you die. The bit in between is called life. --Lister.
You're born single! Profit from the experience!
You're born single, profit from the experience
You're born, you die, and in between you try to get laid.
You're born, you die, and there's lots of padding in between.
You're born, you die, in between you try to get laid.
You're born, you live, you die. That's a career?
You're both into really femmie movies -Tom to Mike & Crow
You're bound to marry well -- everyone is above you.
You're bringing Patience? She's Chastity's sister isn't she? -Jalapeno
You're burning the candle at both ends, Tom said wickedly.
You're catching my drift.-I played left drift in high school.-Hawk
You're certainly thoughtless. I wish you were speechless, too.
You're circuit's dead, there's something wrong!
You're clean. - Potter. Thank God, sir! - Mulcahy
You're cleared for drop. - Ivanova
You're clearly not a major genius.
You're concerned over a letter of the alphabet? - Lwaxana to Picard.
You're copying the whole textbook onto you body.
You're copying the whole textbook onto your body --Lister.
You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. - Bart
You're dangerous 'cos you don't know what you want --U2
You're dangerous 'cos you're honest --U2
You're dead a lot longer than you're alive..
You're dead and this is the afterlife -- Q
You're dead in this town, fella.
You're dead, Jim! -- Scene from Star Trek: Generations.
You're dead, Jim--if you don't get off my effing back.
You're dead, Jim.
You're dead, Jim. --Picard to Kirk.
You're dead, this is the afterlife and I'm God!  ... Q - Tapestry
You're destroyed, suckers! - TekWar
You're disgusting when you're nice. - Henry to Hawk
You're disgusting! It's a living. -- Odo/Quark
You're disgusting...  I like that in a person.
You're distorting everything! --Winters.
You're doing WHAT??? Ooo... can I watch?
You're doing a bang-up job, Mitch. - Bart Simpson
You're doing fine, honey, but we do not use WhiteOut on our mistea##s.
You're doing just fine. - Potter to BJ
You're don't know right from wrong.
You're driving me to nervous prostitution!
You're drunk and besides we're in public.  - Richie Ryan
You're drunk! It's disgusting
You're drunk, you're drunk, yet you're balancing the scales
You're dumb, but you've met your match in me. - Flagg to Freedman
You're either on the Right or on the Wrong.
You're elderly when you finally get it all together, and forget where it
You're elderly when your teeth are out more than you are.
You're enjoying this WAY too much, Bob!!!.
You're enjoying this WAY too much, Chrissy!!!.
You're entitled to your opinion. Wrong - but entitled.
You're ever so right.  I refrain from further comment.
You're fat if it takes two men and a boy to look at you.
You're fat if you fall asleep at the beach and wake up at Sea World
You're fat if your main squeeze is a doorway!
You're fat when you lay on the beach and someone calls Greenpeace.
You're filming your shirt - Tom
You're five?  Hell, when I was your age, I was six!
You're from New York, aren't you?
You're from the planet Earth.
You're full of good ideas today, Beavis! - Butthead
You're getting in way over your head. - Duncan MacLeod
You're getting old when you realize you bought your antique desk new
You're getting old when you stop to think and forget to start again
You're getting pretty good at this!
You're glowin' like a horse, Margaret! - Dennis
You're going nowhere you wussy red cupcake - Crow to Tom
You're going to _love_ this! - Sheridan
You're going to be a smear on the deck if you don't answere my question
You're going to die anyway.  Can we use you as a shield?
You're going to die here. Convenient.
You're going to eat the dog food?
You're going to fry an egg with a Hair Dryer? --Lister.
You're going to get what you deserve - NIN
You're going to have to do better than that! - Connor MacLeod
You're going to have to finish this alone! - Michael Moore
You're going to kill an innocent man.  - Lucas Kagan
You're going to need a collapsable porta-potty - Dr. F
You're going to put that fish where?!!!
You're going to sell me a Hurloon Minotaur for $1,000? What a bargain.
You're going to stick that where?
You're gonna be back.
You're gonna die here, you know. Convenient.
You're gonna die. Down there - Tom as pilot points
You're gonna find, that you're as beautiful as you feel. <C. King>
You're gonna flunk shop! How embarrassing - Crow to Tom
You're gonna hurt all three of my feelings!
You're gonna make a cod piece outta me - Crow T. Robot as squirrel
You're gonna make a cod piece outta me - Crow as squirrel
You're gonna soil your drawers! --Butthead
You're gonna stay at the Red Roof Inn! - Tom as villain
You're gonna want to run.
You're gonna wind up workin in a Gas Station.
You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around...
You're government issue, Frank. You came with my mess kit.-Hoolihan
You're hat's very creative today, Kyle - Joel
You're having a group hallucination.
You're having far too much fun at my expense.
You're here from the Government to help me?  BOOM!!!
You're hit! - Joe Dawson  I got that part. - Richie Ryan
You're honey child to a swarm of bees --U2
You're in a cheap Tijuana hospital - Crow
You're in a class all by yourself....everyone else graduated!!
You're in a good mood, what's the catch
You're in a maze of twisted messages, all alike.
You're in a maze of twisty echo conferences, all alike...
You're in a maze of twisty little directories....
You're in a maze of twisty little messages...
You're in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike..........
You're in good hands  with Picard.
You're in good hands with Gamera.
You're in good manipulatory appendages with West End.
You're in love with a Dabo girl?!? -- Sisko to Jake
You're in the 1st Cav Division? Don't you mean the Worst Cav Division?
You're in to sexual tag lines, aren't you?
You're invited to a sack race in the minefield. - Hawkeye to Frank
You're it!  You're it!  You're it!  You're it!  (Tag line)
You're it! (Just playing a little game of taglines.)
You're just a game that she's gotta play.
You're just a hangnail on the fickle finger of fate.
You're just an old goat who thinks he's a kid.
You're just as puny as all the other men on board. - Ro.
You're just being sesquipedalian..
You're just giving him sex for term papers - Tom
You're just going to say no, right Rimmer? --Lister.
You're just in time to read today's Lotto Numbers - Crow
You're just like - Crosstown traffic. - Hendrix
You're just like your father - Sheridan Why, thank you - Franklin
You're just not used to deductive reasoning. - BJ
You're just so incredibly stupid & wrong! - Dr. F
You're just so incredibly stupid and wrong! - Dr. Forrester
You're just supposed to *sit* here? -- Worf
You're just what the doctor ordered -- shock treatment.
You're kissing an ant hill - Mike as girl
You're legally brain-dead.
You're letting the mutton dry out! Tom lambasted.
You're letting things prey on your mind.
You're like a door knob, everybody gets a turn.  -Heather Kane
You're like a race car, you burn four rubbers a night. -Heather Kane
You're like a scoop of ice cream sitting on top of a cherry pie.
You're like a shotgun, two cocks and you'll blow.  -Heather Kane
You're like an idiot savant, only without the savant part.
You're like an unemployed teacher:  no class & no principals.
You're listening to KPLA Klingon Radio. All glory, all the time.
You're listening to KPLA, Klingon radio: All glory, all the time!
You're living in your own filth! Ooooh! - Dr. Forrester
You're living proof that wisdom doesn't come with age!
You're looking for plausibility. It ain't here!!
You're losing your grippe! said Tom fluently.
You're lucky I don't cast you out, or smite you.  Q
You're lucky I'm in a good mood, or I'd have your nads for earrings!
You're lucky my chicks here - Crow after Tom attacks him
You're lucky you've still got your brown paper bag!
You're lucky, he's lucky, I'm lucky, we're all lucky!!!
You're making my laugh too hard!
You're mama so dumb, she think a HOT MEAL is stolen food.
You're mama so fat, she had her ears pierced by harpoon.
You're mama so fat, she went to the salad bar and PULLED UP A CHAIR.
You're mighty brave in Cyberspace, flame boy...
You're mighty purdy - Crow as cowboys talk
You're mistaken! I didn't drive myself crazy; God made me this way!!
You're more fun than a barrel o' slugs!
You're more trouble than a toilet full of snakes - Cmdr. Sinclair
You're more trouble than a toilet full of snakes. --Sinclair.
You're mother's a freak - Mike
You're my hero!
You're my kind of man - bribable.
You're my main, main, main, main man! - Rich Lister
You're my psychic friend, you tell ME my credit card #!
You're my vitamins because I'm like you
You're nearly a laugh, but you're really a cry..
You're needed! You mustn't die! --Nyssa
You're needed; you mustn't die!-- Nyssa
You're never a loser until you quit trying.
You're never alone if you're a sex maniac.
You're never alone with a conspiracy theory...
You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
You're never alone with a split personality.
You're never dead till you're out of quarters.
You're never fully dressed without a smile!
You're never so old that you can't die.
You're never so old you can't die.
You're never too old for a teddy bear.
You're never too old to have a fun childhood.
You're never too old to learn something stupid
You're never too old to learn something stupid.
You're never too young to learn something old!
You're new around here, aren't you? -Riker
You're next, Mistress Ballantrae, said the cannibal masterfully.
You're no Art Linkletter - Crow to Tom
You're no Starfleet Admiral, Q. -Picard
You're no failure...you're not dead yet!
You're no fun anymore!
You're no longer young when College students call you ma'am, or sir.
You're nobody's fool.  You're a freelancer.
You're nobody's indentured servant now. - Duncan MacLeod
You're not STILL using Windows are you???
You're not Superman, Richie. - Duncan MacLeod
You're not a gyneticalobamacafile are you?
You're not a person until you cat takes advantage of you
You're not a real person until you're ignored by a cat.
You're not an Immortal!   Give that man a cigar!
You're not an alcoholic unless you go to the meetings.
You're not as real as you think
You're not bald. You just have an extra large part in your hair.
You're not dead - you just appear that way.
You're not dead till you're Zestfully dead!
You're not dead until I tell you. You got that, Riggs? <M>
You're not drunk as long as you can hold onto the floor.
You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor with out holding on.
You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without hanging on.
You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.
You're not drunk if you don't step on your hand walking to the door.
You're not easy ... you're instant!
You're not fat - you're fluffy
You're not from Earth, are you?
You're not fully dead until you're ZEST-FULLY dead!
You're not funny anymore. Go away.
You're not going insane.  You're going sane, in a crazy world! -The Tick
You're not going into a song while I'm here!
You're not gonna look so goodwith your face ripped off.
You're not gonna lose him. - Potter to BJ (in surgery)
You're not imagining things. I AM turning your messages into Taglines.
You're not imagining things. I AM turning your messages into recipes.
You're not in Otara now, Rector Gopata
You're not in trouble unless you're caught.
You're not just any Cardassian, you're Gul Huber.
You're not losing more hair, you're gaining more scalp.
You're not man enough to smoke Nelson, Nelson - Crow
You're not nearly as alone as you think ...
You're not nukeing the broccoli long enough, the worms aren't exploding.
You're not old, You're chronologically disadvantaged
You're not old, You're chronologically disadvantaged.
You're not on my records, let me look at the CDs...
You're not over the hill till you can't get "over the hill".
You're not paranoid if they really ARE out to get you.
You're not paranoid if they're really after you.
You're not paranoid, they ARE after you!
You're not paranoid.  They're not out to get you.  I am!
You're not perfect, but those flaws make up an interesting person.
You're not ready for immortality - Ambassador Kosh of the Vorlons
You're not seriously hurt.  You can return to your station.
You're not stoned, you're stupid.
You're not strong or smart but you're a hairy little monkey.
You're not stuck in the traffic jam, you *are* the traffic jam!
You're not stuck in the traffic jam, you ARE the traffic jam!
You're not supposed to be funny, you're a scientist! - Al, "Stand Up"
You're not the boss of me! - Tom as teen
You're not the only one in the world who has problems.
You're not the only one who still gets angry about it.
You're not the only one who thinks I don't know what I'm doing
You're not the person you used to be -- but then you never were.
You're not too drunk if you can lie on the floor without hanging on.
You're not too smart - are you? I like that in a woman.
You're not too smart, I like that in a man. -Kathleen Turner,Body Heat
You're not totally worthless, you can be used as a bad example.
You're not worthy! You're not worthy!
You're not young when you're alarmed by how young your doctor is.
You're nothing but a pretty mannequin in a fancy suit.
You're now about to witness the strength of street knowledge.
You're obviously based on very faulty research.
You're obviously having a bad hair day.
You're obviously having delusions of adequacy.
You're obviously on your last lap around the gene pool.
You're okay Really Just weird, that's all.
You're old enough to be in the cast of Star Trek VI!
You're old enough to be in the cast of Star Trek six.
You're old enough to fight. You're old enough to dance. - Trapper
You're old enough to know better than that.
You're old when Methuselah starts to look younger every day.
You're old when the things you did all night now take all night to do.
You're old when you forget how to start your rocking chai
You're old when you forget how to start your rocking chair.
You're on a roll, Brain!  *ZOINK* - Pinky
You're on report, Ensign.  My quarters, 1900 hrs. -Riker. 23 Jan 96 ..
You're on report, Ensign.  My quarters, 1900 hrs. ~ Riker
You're on report, Ensign.  My quarters, 1900 hrs. þ Riker
You're one in a Billion. Thank heavens!
You're one in a million.  Thank heavens!
You're one of the fondest people I'm of! - Dick Martin
You're one of the stupidest hostages we've ever had - Tom
You're one of us now. - Duncan MacLeod
You're one of us now. - Duncan McLeod
You're one to talk about rules, sir: you're naked. - Ro.
You're one to tell me what I can and can't sense. Troi
You're one to tell me what I can and can't sense. þ Troi
You're only a loser when your dog gets a new best friend.
You're only as old as the girls you feel..
You're only as old as the woman you feel.
You're only as old as you feel.. the next day
You're only as old as you feel...pinch a teenager  ;*)
You're only as old as your car.
You're only as sick as your secrets.
You're only human -- Q
You're only hurting yourselves. --Winters.
You're only saying that to make me feel good. - Frank Burns
You're only young once - After that you need another excuse.
You're only young once but you can be immature forever.
You're only young once, but you can always be immature.
You're only young once, but you can be immature forever
You're only young once, but you can be immature forever!
You're only young once- You're immature forever!
You're only young once--after that you need another excuse
You're only young once.  You're immature forever.
You're only young once.  You're immature forever.
You're only young once. After that you need another excuse.
You're only younge once- You're immature forever!
You're our temporary medic until the doctor returns.
You're out manned, out gunned, and out equipped - Riker
You're planning on taking us back into the belly of this beast?
You're playing a very dangerous game, Captain. --Morden.
You're playing hockey with a warped puck.
You're playing with dice that don't have dots!
You're preaching to the converted -Joel on girl's kiss
You're pretty quick with the socks, fella. - Hawkeye to BJ
You're pretty smart, Butthead - Beavis
You're pretty stupid, Beavis. -Butthead
You're pro-life? Fine...GET one, and stay out of mine!
You're probes have touched me, Mr. Spock.   Sargon
You're proof that your mother was pro-life
You're really a Spaceball. You know that, don't you?
You're really hard up if you snag *this* recipe.
You're really hard up if you steal *this* tagline.
You're really trolling the bottom, there's no net profit in this.
You're rebelling in an unthreatening way! - Crow sings
You're redneck if: Your truck has curtains but your house doesn't.
You're right ... "punishment" might be a better word for it!
You're right Mike, dad's gutter swill - Crow
You're right about my brains. - Hwiii
You're right, his solution didn't work either.
You're right, sir! I do Babble.-Data
You're right, we ARE demons. We DO eat children. I haven't had dinner.
You're right.  I'm ashamed.  Spank me.
You're right. I don't trust you -- Deanna
You're right. I'm ashamed. Spank me - Crow
You're right. I'm ashamed. Spank me.
You're running on empty.
You're running with the Devil/it's touch and go...
You're saying because I'm holding this right not I'm Green leader?
You're saying because I'm holding this right now I'm Green leader?
You're saying our computer was day dreaming? * Riker
You're sick and digusting, I like that in a person!!
You're sick and disgusting!  I love that in a person!
You're sick and disgusting, I like that in a person!!
You're sick and disgusting.  I like that in a person.
You're sick and twisted.  I like that in a person!
You're signing my death warrant.
You're sitting on my hand - Crow
You're sitting on my luncheon meat.
You're sixteen years too late. I told you you're getting slow.
You're skating the edge. I _am_ the edge. - Aeon Flux
You're so CUTE when you're righteous!
You're so bossy you ought to be milked before you come home at night.
You're so brave to expose all those popsicle toes.
You're so cute when you degrade yourself for the pleasure of others.
You're so dumb you need a cue card just to say "Huh?"!
You're so dumb you needs a cue card just to say "Huh?"!
You're so far right, you're out off the Earth!
You're so fat, that if you fell down you'd hit the ceiling.
You're so fat, when you dance the record skips--at the radio station.
You're so fat, you create your own eclipse.
You're so fat, your baby photos were taken by satellite.
You're so fat, your size is measured in metric yardage.
You're so full of Bull that you can start a cattle ranch.
You're so full of bull you could start a cattle ranch!
You're so happy, it's bizarre.
You're so hot you melt the plastic in my underwear.
You're so inbred your family tree doesn't branch.
You're so low, you only see dirt any way you look.
You're so narrowminded you can see thru a keyhole with both eyes!
You're so out to lunch you make me hungry.
You're so repulsive, even a magnet wouldn't find you attractive!
You're so stolid. You weren't like that before the beard.-Q to Riker
You're so stupid you can't read a Scrabble tile without moving your lips!
You're so stupid you could trip over a cordless phone!
You're so stupid you have to use a bookmark to read a bumpersticker.
You're so stupid you think Word Perfect is another Bible translation.
You're so stupid you thought "quarterback" was a refund!
You're so stupid your IQ test came back negative.
You're so stupid, you talk to yourself. No one else will!
You're so tight-assed, you can sit on a tack.
You're so ugly , your pshyciatrist makes you lie face down .
You're so ugly you'd make a maggot gag at fifty paces.
You're so ugly, you could scare a bulldog off a meat truck.
You're so ugly, you're only allowed to walk the streets on Halloween!
You're so vain I bet you think this tagline's about you
You're so vain I bet you think this tagline's about you.
You're so vain, I bet you think this recipe's about you.
You're so vain, you think this Tagline is about you.
You're so weak the only thing you've ever licked is people's boots.
You're soaking in it
You're something that happens once in a Billion years - thank heavens!
You're something that happens once in a million years - thank heavens!
You're space crazy. -- Rimmer // *I'm* space crazy! -- Lister
You're space crazy. --Rimmer.
You're spaced out on sensation, like you're under sedation!
You're spending an awful lotta time on that 1 nipple-Crow
You're standing right where I want to pee.
You're standing where I want to pee!
You're standing where I want to pee.
You're starting to sound like Jack Perkins, Joel - Crow
You're staying because I need you. - Col. Potter to Winchester
You're still 'collating'? I find that hard to believe. <Ripley>
You're still a suspect, Garibaldi - Major Kemmer
You're still discusting. ...Odo  Till the day I die!  ...Quark
You're still disgusting. -- Odo Till the day I die. -- Quark
You're still disgusting. Till the day I die. --Odo/Quark.
You're still here? Go home! - Ferris Bueller
You're still thinking like a human -- Q
You're such a jerk, even the ocean wouldn't wave when it saw you.
You're supposed to be a diver, not an ichthiologist!
You're supposed to grow old WITH someone, not BECAUSE of them.<R>
You're supposed to just sit here? - Worf
You're supposed to sick at attention. - Hawkeye
You're supposed to use the skin - not the whole pig!
You're supposed to wake *me*. - Frank to Radar
You're sure in a good mood tonight.
You're taking *who* to the prom?!
You're taking it the wrong way! Why not think of yerself, as LUNCH?
You're taking the universe out of context.
You're talk of hemlines kept me riveted - Crow
You're talking about mass murder - not war!
You're tellin' me we're surrounded by devils? - Guido
You're terminally good. - Al, "Play Ball"
You're that Shakespeare queen that Betty dumped - Tom
You're the Devil's spawn! - Mike as nun to wayward girl
You're the best at all you do - and all you do is make people hate you
You're the computer. You tell me where the file is!
You're the computer...YOU tell me where the file is!
You're the friendliest person in your zip code.
You're the last man I expected to see - or wanted to!
You're the last person I expected to see - or wanted to!
You're the mother-lovin' pigeon of all! - Crow
You're the only Bob Barker look-alike we got - Joel
You're the only one that I love,
You're the reason my dog is pregnant, aren't you?
You're the reason my dog is pregnant, aren't you?!
You're the reason our children are so stupid and ugly !
You're the reason they made a passing lane to begin with!
You're the security chief, shouldn't you be out securing something?
You're the security chief-shouldn't you be out securing something?
You're the security chief-shouldn't you be out securing something? --B5.
You're there to meet me at the gate - Course of Empire
You're threatened by my good looks! - Tom to Mike
You're throwing it all out the Windows!
You're too beautiful to ignore.Too much woman.
You're too fat if that little dimple on your knee is your bellybutton.
You're too fat if you are forced to stop at railroad crossings.
You're too fat if you can sit down without bending your knees..
You're too fat if you eat food off other people's plates.
You're too fat if you get stuck in the asphalt in summer.
You're too fat if you go to the beach and they throw harpoons at you.
You're too fat if you have to lie down to zip up.
You're too fat if you hide cookies in the folds of your skin.
You're too fat if you pass out trying to tie your shoes.
You're too fat if you put a mirror over your kitchen table.
You're too fat if you think gravy is a beverage.
You're too fat if you wear courduroys and your thighs catch fire.
You're too fat if your bumpersticker says: Honk if you have groceries!
You're too fat if your jeans are made by "Loading Dockers"
You're too fat if your jeans are mady by U-Haul
You're too fat if your tires squeal when you get into your car
You're too fat if your zipper looks like a railroad track.
You're too late, mama.  There's nothin' upside your head.
You're too nice of a Dire Puppywuppy! -Tristessa
You're too stupid to know what you're involved in.
You're too twisted for this computer, GET OUT!
You're too young to experience that much pain - Ivanova
You're truly a better Idiot than I, Mutie. :) - Digital Shakespeare
You're trying to bruise my mind. I can do it on my own. --Soundgarden.
You're trying to pull a Clinton, aren't you?
You're trying to say you like DOS better than me, right?
You're tuned to the Tagline Service of the BBC.
You're twisted and perverted.  I like that in a person.
You're twisted and sick!  I LIKE that in a person!
You're twisted and sick.  Can you come out and play?
You're twisted and sick.  I admire that in a person.
You're twisted and sick. Can you come out and play?
You're twisted and sick. I admire that in a person.
You're twisted and sick... I like that in a person.
You're twisted and sick; I like that in a person!
You're twisted, depraved, and rotten to the core . . .  I like that in a person.
You're twisted, perverted & sick.  I like that in a person!
You're twisted, perverted and sick.  I like that in a person.
You're twisted, perverted and sick. I like that.
You're twisted, perverted and sick...and I like that in a person.
You're twisted, perverted, & sick. I like that in a person!
You're twisted, perverted, & sick. I like that!
You're two-faced. And they're both ugly!
You're tyrin' to throw your arms around the world --U2
You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny
You're ugly and your mother makes you use dumb recipes.
You're ugly and your mother makes you use dumb taglines.
You're ugly when you're angry.
You're ugly, and your mama dresses you funny!
You're under arrest for 'Grand theft Tagline'...
You're under arrest for impeding bread delivery!
You're under arrest for possession of a stolen tagline!
You're upset. I like that - Dr. Forrester to Joel
You're very quiet!  Are you given to speaking your mind?
You're very quiet! Are you given to send chocolate.
You're very sensitive, aren't you?
You're wasting your time. You aren't dating me!
You're watching MST3K! Deal with it, Pink Boy! -- Tom Servo
You're watching the All Chair Channel. -- Crow T. Robot
You're watching the Chris Shelton Show on Network XXIII.
You're watching the Crystal Morton Show on Network XXIII.
You're watching the David Clark Show on Network XXIII.
You're watching the Kelly Reed Show on Network XXIII.
You're watching the Orville Bullitt Show on Network XXIII.
You're watching the Orville Show on Network XXIII.
You're watching the Rick Cooley Show on Network XXIII.
You're watching the Ron Janorkar Show on Network XXIII.
You're way ahead @TOFIRST@ baby! Way ahead of EVERYONE.
You're way out of line, mister! -Riker
You're wealth of ignorance astounds me.
You're wearing a shag rug & you think SHE's strange? -Tom
You're wearing her purse on your head - Crow on odd hat
You're weaving all over my heart...
You're welcome. Oh, and by the way...you owe me $20!
You're welcome.....Where d'ya think *I* got it?
You're welcome....and thanks!!
You're wet.  -Riff Raff
You're wet.  Let's Party.
You're wet. - Riff Raff  Yes.  It's raining. - Janet
You're wife is HOT - Tom as guy buys lingerie
You're wooden, but you're acting - Mike
You're working my side of the street! - Klinger to Radar
You're worshipping a false god. You're not genuine!
You're writing an autobiography ?  What's it about ?
You're wrong. Soon I'll be deadand you with me. --Luke.
You're young only once, but you can be immature indefinitely.
You're young, you're free, why don't you DOOM with me?
You're-Ble-Ir-El-Ir-Not Relevant! - Porky Pig of Borg
You're.... Despicable... - Daffy Duck.
You'renotdrunkifyoudon't steponyourhandwalkingtoyourdoor
You've Been LURKING all this Time!!!
You've _got_ to stop sniffing that glue, Orville.
You've _got_ to stop sniffing that glue, he.
You've actually managed to worry me, Dire Puppy. :) - DigiShake
You've already been taglined by indifferent and uncaring louts.
You've already got the best; just make sure you know all the features!
You've already made the challenge! - G'Kar
You've always made the mistake of being yourself.
You've become a member of the Clinton House Tax of the Month Club!
You've been a bad girl.  Now go to my room.
You've been a wonderful audience...you stayed.
You've been cold to me so long I'm crying icicles instead of tears.
You've been falling off the sidewalk --U2
You've been flamed:  Postage Due:  $11,538,498.68.
You've been hangin' out with Delenn too much. --Garibaldi
You've been hanging around Delenn too long--Garibaldi.
You've been hanging out with Delenn too much. - Garibaldi
You've been infected by the Harvesters -- Bashir
You've been leading a dog's life.  Stay off the furniture
You've been leading a dog's life.  Stay off the furniture Geco!*RASQWK
You've been leading a dog's life.  Stay off the furniture He!
You've been leading a dog's life.  Stay off the furniture.
You've been leading a dog's life. Stay off the furniture.
You've been living underground --U2
You've been most helpful. -- Odo Don't let it get around. -- Quark
You've been out of the game too long.  - Kalas
You've been pushing your stethoscope too far into your ears.-Henry
You've been searching for the hidden microphones again, haven't you?
You've been smoking that stuff again Geco, uh?
You've been smoking that stuff again He, uh?
You've been smoking that stuff again, eh?
You've been smoking that stuff again, haven't you.
You've been smoking that stuff again, huh?
You've been smoking that stuff again, uh?
You've been sniffing Scope again, sweetie.
You've been speaking to the Hidden Microphones again, haven't you???
You've been stood up more times than a bowling pin!
You've been taking drugs again, haven't you?
You've been through hell, eh? Good--what'd ya bring me?
You've been up all night long, trying to solve a problem.
You've been watching my death video, haven't you?
You've been working such long hours, sowing fear and all-D.Maus
You've been working such long hours, sowing fear and all...-D. Mouse
You've certainly got smooth skin - between the wrinkles, that is.
You've come a long way, baby.
You've done this before, haven't you?
You've flunked the test, Tom's teacher said degradingly.
You've flunked the test, the teacher said degradingly.
You've gathered all my secrets, and I don't know who I am
You've gathered all my secrets, and I don't know who I am.  - Qyr
You've given me something to live for - revenge
You've got a big hole in your head...now shut it!
You've got a cute shape -Mike as teacher to geeky student
You've got a heck of a warside manner. - Hawkeye to Freedman
You've got a lifeline the size of the Mississippi. - Greta
You've got a lot to learn.  But then, I've got a lot to teach.
You've got a pet halibut?  Yes, I chose him out of thousands
You've got a point, but if you wear a hat no can tell.
You've got all the emotions of a stone. -- Quark
You've got an IQ two points below plant life.
You've got an inferiority complex, you have.
You've got chains on for the rest of your life.
You've got dandruff & weird, smelling breath - Mike
You've got me, who's got you?
You've got more guts than road kill
You've got my interest. What's the scoop?
You've got nicer legs than Hitler, and bigger tits than Cher.
You've got that certain nothing.
You've got the body, and I've got the brains.-Freddy Krueger
You've got the brain of a cheese sandwich. -- Rimmer
You've got the name, how about the genes?
You've got the power.
You've got the right one baby! Uh HUH!
You've got the right reader baby.  UH-HUH!
You've got the right reader baby. UH-HUH!
You've got the tail wagging the dog, madam.
You've got the tail wagging the dog, sir.
You've got the wrong ship! This is NCC-1702! - Picard outwits the Borg
You've got to be cruel to be cool.
You've got to be egging me on, yolked Tom.
You've got to be kidding me, right?  Mr beta Tester Burwell <g>.
You've got to be kidding me, right? Mr beta Tester <g>.
You've got to be trusted by the people that you lie to.
You've got to hand it to the IRS.  If not, they'll come and take it.
You've got to have an ace in the hole.
You've got to miss them to score sometimes.
You've got to take life cereal, baby.
You've got to throw the stone to get the pool to ripple
You've got to trust me. --Dana Scully.
You've got too many Zucchini if you dream they're coming after you...
You've got too many Zucchini if you start seeing pictures in them.
You've got two coconuts and you're bangin' em together.
You've got two years, Mr. Gingrich.  Better make it good.
You've got your mouth in my tongue - Crow on lovers
You've gotta be pretty desperate to pay someone to have sex with you.
You've gotta fight for your right to party.
You've gotta have a hay seed farmer -Crow on UFO sighting
You've gotta have the right tool for the job, Beavis. - Butthead
You've gotta love it, though you don't have to respect it the next day.
You've gotta' die in creative ways.
You've gotta' die in creatnive ways.
You've just become a victim of Tagline Backfire!
You've just been assisted by Taglinius Addictus, the *Tagline Addict*.
You've just been roped into: Wes's Tales of Really Wierd Stuff
You've just had a visit from the *Tagline Addict*
You've let the lawn go too far when it requires harvesting.
You've little to fear, brave knight...unless the dragon stops purring.
You've lost five percent of your brain! Me lose brain? Uh oh!
You've met my husky?  <G>
You've never been closer.
You've never even MET Mamie Eisenhower - Tom to Crow
You've never had a *nightmare* THIS vivid!
You've never heard of Case Specific Registration Codes?
You've never peed in the woods, have you? - Tom
You've never seen Voyager.
You've never seen pictures of me from years ago.. classic nerd.. - DW
You've not converted a man because you have silenced him.
You've obviously been educated beyond your intelligence.
You've obviously been educated beyond your intelligence.
You've obviously mistaken me for somebody who cares.
You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a shirt..
You've obviously never pressed <CTRL><ALT><DEL> under Windows.
You've obviously never slept on a Cardassian mattress. -- O'Brien
You've only got so many tricks - no one lives forever!
You've only turned 30, so Son, you'd better apologize.
You've put your foot in the right hands. - Hawkeye to Lt. Chivers
You've reached Borg Voicemail -- press 1 to be assimilated.
You've reached middle age when all you exercise is caution.
You've reached the tag thief hotline, to steal, press 1
You've reached the tag thief hotline.  To steal, press ALT - A.
You've reached the tag thief hotline.  To steal, press T.
You've reached the tag thief hotline. To steal, press 1.
You've read the thread, now view the GIF.
You've run Toolbook and your CPU still works?!
You've seen one nuclear war, you've seen 'em all!
You've seen one nuclear war, you've seen 'em all.
You've seen the beach. Now GO HOME. From us in New Jersey.
You've seen things that weren't meant to be seen. - Deep Throat
You've spilt the blood. I have your soul.
You've stowed his ashes commendably, was Tom's well-earned compliment.
You've taken a vow of silence, how fascinating.  Tell me about it.
You've used up all your sick days? Try calling in dead!
You've wasted an excellent opportunity to remain silent.
You've won a free spin on the "Wheel of Meat"!
You, Allison. There in the back row. Stop laughing or leave the room!
You, Gary. There in the back row. Stop laughing or leave the room!
You, Klingon...attack me - Data
You, Orville. There in the back row. Stop laughing or leave the room!
You, Scott.  There in the back row. Stop laughing or leave the room!
You, Tony. There in the back row. Stop laughing or leave the room!
You, as per usual, are the test case - Dr. F to Mike
You, in the back row stop laughing or leave the room!
You, in the red shirt.  See what that noise is.
You, in the red uniform -- wander out that way a little bit
You, in the red uniform, see what that noise is.
You, in the red uniform, see what that noise is. - J. Kirk
You, in the red uniform--wander out that way a little bit
You, like your father, are now ours!
You, my friend, are losing your hair, Tom stated baldly.
You, my friend, have a specialty bread - Tom
You, my unwashed friend, are repugnant. -Brain
You, rebel without a clue.
You, sir, are a complete copulating anal orifice.
You, sir, are an ambisexual walnut. - Bloom County
You, sir, are truly the offspring of a crossbred penguin.
You, the white male, are my personal oppressor! - Gypsy
You, with your clammy body! - Dr. Forrester to Frank
You, you, and you - panic.  The rest of you, come with me.
You, you, and you panic.  The rest of you, come with me.
You-Hoo, Over Here, Over Here - Fish.
You... do *have* some cheese, don't you?
You... you can't kill me! I'm a genius! - The Doctor
You... you uploaded OS/2 to the Borg?. Jean-Luc Picard
You... you uploaded Windows to the Borg?.
You...are going...to die...Why?...Because...I'm going...to kill you!
You...called me...Picard! - Picard
YouHaveJustSentencedYourMachineToALockup. Have A Nice Day.:)
Youdo *have* some cheese, don't you?
Yougot mepartner! -- The Mask
Young Hearts Be Free Tonight. - Rod Stewart for Bunny
Young Hillary Rodham's mistake: "You like sax, Bill?  That's fine!"
Young Joe Pepitone ponders his fate - Mike
Young Man's Fancy Crinkle cut potatoes - Crow
Young and healthy and fit and wealthy
Young at heart - Slightly older other places
Young at heart, slightly older in other places.
Young at heart. Other parts older but still servicable.
Young at heart... slightly older in other places.
Young dragon roasts ancient Tyrannosaurus -- film at eleven.
Young flesh and old fish are best.
Young gorillas are friendly, but they soon learn.
Young husbands are great in bed, except they stay awake too long...
Young lady, I'll just give you three hours to stop that!
Young lady, in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamnics -Homer
Young man!  Stop playing with that AT ONCE!
Young man, I'll just give you three hours to stop that!
Young man, let's see your legs.  Rosalind Russell
Young man, what do you wanna do with your life?
Young men know that only others come to harm.
Young men sometimes make rash decisions. - Picard
Young men think old men fools and old men know young men to be so. -Anon
Young men will do't if they come to't
Young men...they think they'll live forever. - Maurice
Young people have a lot to say thru their music - Mike
Young programmers are the best! [and the cockiest]
Young's Law: All great discoveries are made by mistake.
Young's Second Law: It is the dead wood that holds up the tree.
Young?  Don't worry - you'll get over it.
Youngblood:  Shakespeare for the Brain Dead
Youngsters remember anything if it happened or not
Youngsters remember anything if it happened or not.
Your #$@%! karma ran over my $#@%! dogma!
Your $500,000 is in the mail. (Wait 14 days)
Your 'I Love Lucy'. Your 'Home Improvement' - Frank
Your 'Louis Armstrong'. Your 'The Beatles' - Dr. F
Your 'Massachussetts'. Your 'Illinois' - Dr. F
Your 'My Mother The Colosticulusticaleepy...' - Frank
Your 'Zylock Blues Band from Omicron Cettie 3' - Dr. F
Your .ZIP file is open!
Your ATOG killed my Shivan?!?!
Your ATTENTION please!....Elvis has left the echo.
Your BIRTHDAY CAKE?  I thought you were having a torchlight parade!
Your Barking Up The Wrong Chicken - Ren.
Your Brain: C:\> ** Your Brain on Drugs: C:\>WINDOWS>
Your Brain: DOS Your Brain on drugs: Windows 3.1
Your Carpet or Mine?
Your Choice:  Be a Limbaugh fan or learn to think for yourself.
Your E-Mail has been returned due to insufficient CREDIT.
Your E-Mail has been returned due to insufficient voltage
Your E-Mail has been returned due to insufficient voltage.
Your E-mail has been returned for insufficient voltage.
Your E-mail was retuned due to insufficient voltage!
Your Ex just called - she's with the IRS now
Your FACE or MINE?
Your Family tree will die if not fertilized.
Your Father loves to watch you grow
Your Freudian slip is showing.
Your Friendly Neighborhood System Administrator
Your God dead?  Try one of mine!
Your God left me behind and set my soul to be free!
Your Going To Stop This Naked Foolery, And Go Outside - Ren.
Your Gray Ogre is attacking?  How nice for my Craw Wyrm.
Your Headlights are on!  But no one is behind the wheel!
Your Honor, I plead permanent insanity
Your Honor, I shot him because he waved with too few fingers
Your Honor, I wish to plead permanent insanity
Your Honor, it was temporary insanity. I was in Windows.
Your Honor, my bird wants a peace bond with the cat.
Your Honour, I shot him because he waved with too few fingers.
Your Honour, I wish to plead permanent insanity.
Your Hover-Buick will get you there on time - Tom
Your I.Q. results are back.  They're negative.
Your I.Q. test is back.  The results are negative!
Your IQ Test results are back. They came back negative.
Your IQ test came back.  The results were negative.
Your IQ test results are in and they were negative.
Your IQ test results are in. They were negative.
Your Kryten android is nearing the end of it's life.
Your Lisa is dating Ethan Hawke - Dr. Forrester to Frank
Your Lucky Color Is Fading.
Your Mama don't dance and your Daddy don't Rock & Roll
Your Mama don't dance and your Daddy don't Rock and Roll.
Your Mama's so fat, her yearbook picture was an aerial photo.
Your Mama's so fat, she has to iron her clothes in the driveway!
Your Mama's so fat, when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said Taxi!
Your Mama's so fat..her picture in the yearbook was an aerial photo.
Your Mama's so ugly, her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her.
Your Mama's so ugly, the government moved Halloween to her birthday.
Your Mom is on Fire
Your Mommy's calling but you're online.
Your Mother Sews My Socks - Ren.
Your Mother Wears Combat Boots - Kinder
Your Mother is a Ferrengi Ho!
Your Mother is a Gulley Dwarf - Kinder
Your Motherboard wears Combat Re-Boots!
Your Motherboard wears combat boots.
Your Never Alone with Schizophrenia!
Your OffLine Mail Reader will crash without daily recipes!
Your OffLine Mail Reader will crash without daily taglines!
Your Proctologist called.  He says your brain is fine.
Your Recipe here, $15.95/month. Sorry, no C.O.D.'s.
Your Recipe is now, shall we say, on indefinite loan.
Your Rubber Chicken friends won't talk to the Pigs.
Your Sysop is paging you.  Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to answer.
Your Taglines have been Nationalized. Congratulations!==--
Your Taglines have found a good <<<SWIPE>>> home.
Your Ton Ton will freeze before you reach the first marker!
Your Virus is now STONED. Legalize ViruScan
Your Warped? How can you warp something so twisted?
Your Wife's been cheating on us again
Your Yin and Yang are no longer on speaking terms.
Your Zephon wars from Beta Three - Crow
Your Zip file is open.
Your `noble citizens' have stolen credit chips. --Sinclair.
Your a Picasso of pain, a fantasy in flesh tone.
Your a girl that I should like to take home to mother. YOUR Mother!
Your about as funny as a beer fart in a space suit.
Your actions could change our lives forever - Mike
Your age is showing if you remember the Flintstones in prime time.
Your agonizer, please. - Evil Captain Mike to Evil Crow
Your agony thrills me.
Your aims are high, and you are incapable of much.
Your aims are high, and you are incapable of much.
Your ambushes would be more successful if you bathed more often!
Your analyst has you confused with another patient.
Your analyst has you confused with another patient.
Your ancestors were real swingers - from trees & gallows.
Your ancestors were real swingers - from trees and gallows.
Your anus - the seventh planet in the solar system.
Your anus is big & gassy, isn't it? - Crow to Tom
Your attack was no better than that of a clumsy child. --Ramirez.
Your attack was not better than that of a child. - Ramirez
Your attitude is giving me leg cramps!
Your average mind numbing, brain-blowing experience.
Your baby and I will see you in Hell! --Nadine.
Your back goes out more than you do.
Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth.
Your beer will always wait in the car while you play football.
Your best response: Seethe and fume and throw a tantrum.
Your biochemical CPU is experiencing a memory fault...
Your birthday's next week. D'you want a surprise party?
Your blonde roots are showing, dear.
Your blood will paint the way to the future!
Your body is so under-allocated, it leaves me with a dangling pointer.
Your body's a temple?   --   Mine's an Amusement Park!
Your book ate your homework, hmm?  That's a new one. -- Mrs. Wormwood
Your bookie won't take your bets...someone said your were dead..
Your bootsector is being destroyed!
Your boss is thinking about you.
Your boss is thinking about you.
Your bother-in-law is also your uncle.
Your bottom will wish it had never been born!
Your bowling ball's not in the lane, said Tom gutturally.
Your brain "#" your brain on drugs "C:\WINDOWS>
Your brain "C:\<" your brain on drugs "C:\WINDOWS<"
Your brain ->*<-     Your brain if you vote Conservative ->.<-
Your brain -<*<-     Your brain if you vote Conservative -<.<-
Your brain C:\> your brain on drugs C:\WINDOWS>.
Your brain [o]. This is your brain on Taglines [O]..
Your brain is caught in your zipper.
Your brain is full of spiders.
Your brain is like a quark:  scientists think it's just theoretical.
Your brain is not on file.
Your brain needs a good garbage-collection algorithm.
Your brain needs replacing with a newer model!
Your brain: -----------, you brain on UNIX: )**&%^$^%$#&#&
Your brain: OS/2 Your brain on drugs: Windows.
Your brainpan's dripping. - Hawkeye to Col. Flagg
Your brains are in your anal region. -- Lister
Your bread ain't baked.
Your breath and my socks, what a pair!
Your breath is really bad. It's really pungent - Tom
Your brother's keeper?  Then let your brother have babies!
Your bucket's been kicked, baby. --Rimmer.
Your buckets being kicked, baby!
Your bulb's been out since I met you. - Col. Potter to Maj. Burns
Your butt is wide, well mine is too...
Your call will be answered in the order it was ignored.
Your call will be ignored in the order it was answered.
Your canceled check is your receipt.
Your captain has nice legs -- Lwaxanna
Your car is my KAR
Your cart just ran over my dogma
Your cat badly needs to be confused.
Your cat is laughing at you.
Your cat is not lost; his waveform has temporarily collapsed.
Your cat is wonderful! Pass the ketchup.
Your cat just ran over my dog.
Your cat may have 9 lives, but my frog croaks daily...
Your cat's missing?  Have you checked my bumper?
Your ceiling is hideous.
Your chain to your wallet is as big as your dog chain.
Your chances of winnin' the lottery get better if you buy a ticket.
Your character's dead, and I'm not going to tell you why.
Your children make odds.. 40 to 1 that YOUR BOOKY is right...
Your children will pay for your wretched youth.
Your clipboard's under 'C', of course. - Frank. No, 'K'. - Radar
Your clock doesn't have all its numbers.
Your co-sysops are Beavis and Bu*&^%$#@!NO CARRIER.
Your code is theoretically beautiful, but it won't work.
Your code will not compile cleanly as written.
Your complaint has been forwarded to our Round File.
Your computer account is overdrawn.  Please re-authorize.
Your computer does WHAT?
Your computer does WHAT????!!!
Your computer setup requires one more power cord than you actually have.
Your computer will self-destruct in 5 seconds
Your computer will self-destruct in 5 seconds.
Your computer will self-destruct in @SECONDS@ seconds.
Your computer would like WHAT?
Your computer's mother was a toaster oven!
Your continued support of me is appreaciated.
Your cooperation is essential if we're going to take back our govt.
Your copy of CP/M has been unregistered for 5,783 days.
Your couch or mine??
Your country, right or wrong?  But what happens if it IS wrong?
Your cowardice does not befit a Romulan Commander! -- Deanna
Your crazy if: You collect dead windowsill flies.
Your crt is 2 loud. turn it down!
Your daddy hates me...much as I love you.
Your daddy must have been a baker, 'cause you've got a nice set of buns.
Your daily life is your temple and your religion. - Kahlil Gibran
Your data has been quick-fried to a crackly crunch.
Your day breaks, your mind aches...
Your dentist inspects your nads? - Butthead
Your depth of comprehension may tend to make you lax in w
Your depth of comprehension may tend to make you lax in worldly ways.
Your descendants shall gather your fruits.         Virgil
Your destiny is that of a man, your vows those of a god. Voltaire
Your dinner will be ready when the smoke detector goes off.
Your disinformation is exceeded only by your imagination.
Your disk will self--destruct in 5 seconds.
Your dog can smoke a cigarette.
Your dog just ran over my cat!
Your dog will do tricks for you but not for your friends.
Your dog's condition has been upgraded from 'stable' to 'frisky'..
Your drip-dries are crumpled, said the laundress ironically.
Your drugs on brains...:@-&`#~$~%~]~`":>*<:?+^+.*./\ |+^<:O:>
Your e-mail has been delayed due to "no carrier"
Your e-mail has been returned due to excessive voltage.
Your e-mail has been returned due to insufficient voltage.
Your elevator doesn't make it to the penthouse.
Your email has been returned due to insufficient voltage.
Your embroidery is sloppy, Tom needled cruelly. -Rambo & Youngquist
Your empty file directory has been deleted.
Your enemies are closing in.
Your entire race is crazy. <Chiun to Remo>
Your entire race is crazy. <Chiun to Remo<
Your epidermis is showing Jack!
Your epidermis is showing Orville!
Your epidermis is showing he!
Your epidermis is showing!
Your every wish is my command, m'lady. Back into bed I go. - L. Carter
Your ex just called.  She's with Revenue Canada now....
Your ex just called.  She's with the IRS now.
Your ex just called. She's with Revenue Canada now.
Your ex just called....she's with the IRS now.
Your example is more important than your advice.
Your excellence? Looks mediocre at best-Tom on ape leader
Your experiment is KITTEN WITH A WHIP - Dr. Forrester
Your eyes are sparkling like club soda. - Frank to Margaret
Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.
Your eyes! They shine like the pants of a blue serge suit.- Groucho Marx
Your eyes...it's a days work, just looking into them.
Your face bears a scar...your looks!
Your face is really flappin' Herb! - Crow
Your face reminds me of a crate of squashed assholes!
Your faith is what you believe, not what you know. J. L. Spalding
Your family tree has no branches.
Your father may be father to all the lads, but still.
Your father screwed a plant and raised a blooming idiot..
Your father should have butchered the goat.
Your father should have pulled out and spared us.
Your father was Assimilated by the Dark Side of the Force.
Your father was a hamster...
Your father's sowed his wild oats, but still ye need not fret.
Your fault -- core dumped.
Your fault, core dumped.
Your feet have balls but not vice versa?
Your feet, M'am, they're almost as big as your mouth.
Your fifteen minutes are up.
Your fighter doesn't get bonuses because he drinks coffee.
Your files will always expand to fill the available tracks.
Your fingers are showing.
Your fly is down, I called, knowing that Cthulhu would not be tricked.
Your fly is undone, was Tom's zippy rejoinder.
Your following me around isn't going to help my paranoia.
Your foot, Your mouth,  ....Go arrange a meeting.
Your foot, Your mouth, ....Go arrange a meeting.
Your foot.  Your mouth.  A marriage made in Heaven.
Your freedom to swing your arm ends where my nose begins.
Your friend died on his knees, begging for his life. - Crowley
Your friend died on his knees, begging for his life. --Rayburn.
Your friendly neighborhood Atheist.
Your friends are the ones who don't believe the rumours about you.
Your friends think you're crazy.
Your frog was just crunched.  What will you do, WHAT WILL YOU DO?
Your future, with the Maker or the Baker is up to you.
Your gavel doesn't quite hit the bench.
Your genealogy is NEVER finished!
Your genealogy is never done !
Your generosity underwhelms me, Little Father.  -- Remo
Your girl is going bad? Low-level format her.
Your girl's too fat if she sits on you & you can't hear the stereo.
Your girlfriend is going bad? Low level format her!
Your god is dead and no one cares - NIN
Your god is dead and noone cares if there is a hell i'll see you there
Your goldfish is about as affectionate as a tea bag.
Your government is here to help you.........NOT!!!!!!!!
Your grasp of the obvious is incredible !!!
Your gun is digging into my hip. - Ace Ventura
Your gun is sticking into my hip. - Ace Ventura
Your hair is false.
Your hair is like a halo of mouse brown fire. - The Tick
Your hair's thinning - Who wants fat hair?
Your handcuffs or mine?
Your hard-drive was full so I formatted it to make more space.
Your head can only take as much as your arse can stand.
Your head is as smooth as a baby's bottom.
Your head is getting a little dull. *It* does need a good polishing.
Your head looks like an egg from back here - Mike
Your heart breaker,dream maker,love taker,don't you mess around with me.
Your heart is pure, and your mind clear, and your soul de
Your heart is pure, and your mind clear, and your soul perverted.
Your heart is pure, your mind clear and your soul perverted.
Your heart's not cold like the winter time,
Your helmut is soo big.
Your help and co-operation are greatly appreciated!
Your help is appreciated.
Your hockey team sucks, Beavis! huh huh huh
Your hollandaise is way to lemony - Mike to Bots
Your honour, I object.  The badger is counselling the witness.
Your house has no curtains, but your pick-up truck does
Your hovercraft is full of eels.
Your idea of safe sex is a pillow covering the head-board.
Your idea of safe sex is a pillow padding the head-board.
Your ignorance cramps my conversation.
Your illness license has expired:  Report back to health immediately.
Your imagination goes far beyond my wildest dreams!
Your imperfections bring such joy to your detractors, Coyote!
Your inlaws on your wife's side usually are ...
Your it!
Your jelly doughnuts will be assimilated. -- Elvis of Borg
Your jeweled sword twinkles as the world rolls by.
Your jewelled sword twinkles as the world rolls by.
Your judgement is a little clouded right now. - Mulder
Your just no fun anymore.
Your karma just ran over my dogma
Your karma ran over my dogma.
Your kid's best years: Old enough to shovel snow, too young to drive.
Your kids are really my kids and you're just paying for them.  <g>
Your kind don't deserve a Tagline.  You need a toe tag for your mind!
Your kind don't deserve a recipe.  You need a toe tag for your mind!
Your kisses leave something to be desired, Chris--the rest of you.
Your kisses leave something to be desired--the rest of you.
Your knowledge would be useless without my ignorance!
Your lab results are in.  You are short, fat and bald.
Your last original thought died of loneliness.
Your legs must be tired, 'cause you been running through my mind all night!
Your lies and sweet talk don't even cause me pain...
Your life history is stored in BIOS.
Your life is a clue in the crossword of life.
Your life is a clue in the crossword.
Your life is forfeit.  That was MY pop-tart.
Your life is meaningless, until you've made it with a sheep.
Your life is on your own shoulders. Blind faith is not healthy.<HH
Your life is what we in Hollywood call "High Concept".
Your life story would not make a good book. Don't even tr
Your life story would not make a good book. Don't even try.
Your life-long dream was to be a contestant on the Gong show.
Your life-long dream was to eat the world's biggest hoagie.
Your life-long dream was to run out on to a baseball field.
Your lifes a joke, Your Broke.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
Your lips move, but I can't here what cha sayin'
Your lips say no no, but your eyes are saying, are you crazy!
Your lips/your legs/your hips into the locked position!
Your little black book contains only names ending in 'MD'
Your lives are taglines on the echoes of time.
Your living proof of what happens when cousins marry.
Your local police are armed and dangerous.
Your logic is flawed, evacuate your premises immediately.
Your logic was impeccable, Captain.  We are in grave dang
Your logic was impeccable, Captain.  We are in grave danger.
Your logic, as usual, is impuckable.
Your love is contagious, your kiss dangerous..
Your love is like a secret that's been passed around --U2
Your love is like a tidal wave spinning over my head.
Your love is like greasy fried noodles...
Your love was a lightbulb hanging over my bed --U2
Your love's better than money in the bank.  NOT!!!
Your lucky color has faded.
Your lucky color is fading.
Your lucky number for the day is 43,636,235,754,532
Your lucky number for the day:  43,636,235,754,532,124,456,226,412,331
Your lucky number has been disconnected.
Your lucky number has been discontinued.
Your lucky number is 32345543423225.  Watch for it everywhere.
Your lucky number is 364958674928.  Watch for it everywhere.
Your lucky number is 85587928. Watch for it everywhere
Your lucky number is: 332458321. Look for it everywhere.
Your lucky star imploded into a black hole.  Ziggy
Your majesty is like a stream of bat's piss
Your majesty! The pedants are revolting!
Your maleage may vary.  Your car may not run.
Your mama don't remove the Marlboro from her lips before.
Your mama is so fat and stupid that she wears a VCR as a beeper!
Your mama is so fat she has to use hoola-hoops to hold her socks up.
Your mama is so fat that she jumped in the air and got stuck.
Your mama is so fat,her high school picture was an aerial photograph.
Your mama is so fat,her highschool picture was an arial photograph..
Your mama is so fat,i had to walk around her and got lost
Your mama's like Crazy Eddie, she's practically giving it all away
Your mama's lips are so big,she puts lipstick on with a paint roller..
Your mama's nose is so big, you can bowl with her booger!
Your mama's real nice - she'll give ya the hair right off her back!
Your mama's so fat, she has to iron her clothes in the driveway.
Your mama's so fat: Mosquitoes see her and scream buffet!
Your mama's so stupid it took her an hour to cook minute rice.
Your mama's so stupid she went to a gunfight armed with a knife.
Your mama's so ugly, she puts on her makeup in the dark!
Your marriage was a mistake - your wife's!
Your meaningless drivel has been noted.
Your meat, madam! announced the two butcher boys jointly.
Your memory's so far from my mind it might as well die.
Your message failed its drug tests, you need to requalify.
Your message here, here, here, here, here, here, everywhere.
Your message here, there, everywhere.
Your message here.  International coverage.
Your message proves the fourth stooge theory.
Your message was just forwarded to a walking rutabaga.
Your message was likes a fart in a windstorm
Your messages have all the subtlety of a rectal thermometer.
Your messages have all the subtlety of an Anal Intruder.
Your messages have the subtlety of a rectal thermometer
Your messages have the subtlety of a rectal thermometer.
Your milage may vary  ....
Your mileage may vary.
Your mileage may vary. Your car may not run.
Your mind is filled with new ideas: Don't be afraid to use them..in bed
Your mind is set on never trying again
Your mind is so small it's not allowed to cross the street!
Your mind powers will not work on me, boy. -- Jabba the Hutt
Your mind powers will not work on me.
Your mind understands what it has been taught; your heart what is true
Your mirror will tell you what none of your friends will.
Your mission is a failure!  Your lifestyle's too extreme!
Your mission: To destroy any and all purple dinosaurs.
Your mistakes are not behind you until you face them.
Your mode of life will be changed to ASCII.
Your mode of life will be changed to EBCDIC.
Your momma goes out, takes a look at the menu and says 'That'll do'
Your momma stinks so bad, she uses lysol for purfume.
Your momma's got one short leg... they call her hip-hop.
Your momma's house is dirty the mice ride dirt bikes.
Your momma's so dumb, it takes her an hour to cook minute rice!
Your momma's so dumb, it takes her two days to watch 60 Minutes.
Your momma's so fat she's got her own postcode.
Your momma's so fat she's got her own zip code.
Your momma's so fat, she has to lay down to tie her shoe.
Your momma's so fat, she keeps her diaphram in a pizza box.
Your momma's so fat, when she falls it measures on the richter scale!
Your momma's so fat, when she falls, she really falls!
Your momma's so fat, when she has sex, she has to give directions!
Your momma's so stupid she can't even spell 'I.Q'.
Your momma's so stupid she thought Lionel Riche was a kid with trians.
Your momma's so stupid, mind-readers charge her half-price.
Your momma's so stupid, she thought a quarterback was a refund!
Your money or your life! I'm thinking it over.
Your money talks and my genius walks -- TMBG
Your money's safe -- the S&L Regulators are watching it
Your monkey has got it right, sir. - HHGTTG
Your most pleasing taglines are not duplicated.
Your most useful program will be continually improved unt
Your mother dates Kennedys!
Your mother had morning sickness after you were born.
Your mother handled dead animal flesh!!? -- Keiko to O'brien
Your mother is just like a TV remote, a 2 year old could turn her on.
Your mother is so fat, after sex she smokes turkeys.
Your mother is so fat, she broke her arm and gravy poured out.
Your mother is so fat, she don't cast a shadow.
Your mother is so fat, she got a run in her blue jeans.
Your mother is so fat, she has her own area code.
Your mother is so fat, she has to go outside to put on deodorant.
Your mother is so fat, she has to use a satellite disk as a diapharam.
Your mother is so fat, she jumped for joy and got stuck.
Your mother is so fat, she uses a VCR for a beeper
Your mother is so fat, she's on BOTH SIDES of the family.
Your mother is so fat, when I got on top of her, my ears popped.
Your mother is so hairy that bigfoot takes photos of her.
Your mother is so old she played kick-ball with JESUS!
Your mother is so stupid, she got hit by a parked car!
Your mother is sooooooo fat that it takes two loads to haul ass!!!!!
Your mother poses for the Far Side!
Your mother puts license plates in your underwear?
Your mother warned you about echoes like this...
Your mother was a 286!!!  -famous computer insult
Your mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of elderberries.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of ELDERBERRIES!
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elder
Your mother was a hamster.
Your mother was afraid of cats! - Al, Quantum Leap
Your mother wears leather underwear! - Tom
Your mother worries if I eat a hamburger. - General Franklin
Your mother worries if I eat a hamburger. - Richard Franklin
Your mother worries if I eat a hamburger. --Franklin.
Your mother worries if I eat a hamburger. --Richard Franklin.
Your mother's gonna LOVE me!
Your mother's so old, I told her to act her age and she dropped dead.
Your mother's so old, when I told her to act her age, she died.
Your motherboard wears COM.BAT reboots!
Your motherboard wears combat reboots....
Your mothers glasses are so thick she can see people waving.
Your movie this week Cowsills -Dr. Forrester to Mike/Bots
Your movie this week is a little butt of a film - Dr. F
Your name in 3of9 is ||##|||#|#||
Your name is Brainiac 5?  What, was Darkseid 2 taken?
Your name was never Ace. Maybe Ace-Hole. --Lister.
Your name's Forrest Gump.  People call you Forrest Gump.
Your near duplicate taglines are not pleasing.
Your near duplicate taglines are wasted space.
Your nearly duplicate taglines are wasted space.
Your nearly duplicated taglines are wasted space.
Your neat tagline was just stolen by SLMR20 - Thanks!
Your need for me has been replaced -- NIN
Your need for me has been replaced.
Your new credit limit is $1.  Merry Christmas.
Your new credit limit is $1. Have a nice day.
Your new credit limit is $1.00
Your next stop the Twilight Zone.
Your nose is running......  Go catch it!
Your nose is the mirror of your soul. - Hawkeye to Klinger
Your nose isn't too big. Your face is too small. - Hawk to Klinger
Your not as smart as I think I am.
Your not having fun till they call 911!
Your not hearing what I'm saying.
Your official Borg-moderator designation is now one of two.
Your one...DEAL...is floating there - Crow to scientist
Your online time has ended because of a PER CALL LIMIT.
Your only *true* erogenous zone is between your ears.
Your only brain cell must have died of loneliness.
Your only limitation is you!
Your opinion is irrelevant. --Rush Limbaugh.
Your opinion may vary.
Your opponent is not as strong as you think. Neither are you.
Your other left, soldier!
Your overconfidence is your weakness. -- Luke Skywalker
Your own mileage may vary.
Your own qualities will help prevent your advancement in the world.
Your pacemaker makes the garage door go up when you see a pretty girl.
Your pain and your hunger, they're driving you mad.
Your parents: Before you were born -Mike on geeky dancers
Your password has been changed to protect the innocent.
Your password is pitifully obvious.
Your past is my future. It hasn't been written yet - Picard
Your penis is small when, Your girlfriend feeds you hot dog helper.
Your people do not walk in the sands of blood. --The Muta-Do.
Your people killed my people on The Line. - Kliest
Your personal life is a little murky - Mike on suspect
Your phone bill and line noise are provided _FREE_ by Telecom South ZIP
Your piss poor planning is not necessarily my emergency!
Your point or are we just strolling down memory lane? - Duncan MacLeod
Your poor planning is not necessarily my emergency!
Your porch collapses, and it kills more than seven dogs.
Your post *Proves* the fourth stooge theory
Your post is permeated with Bravo Sierra!
Your probes have touched me, Mr. Spock. Sargon
Your problem is sex & drugs & Rock 'n' Roll.. You should try some.
Your problem is sex, drugs & Rock 'n' Roll. I think you should try some.
Your problem is you have diarrhea of the mouth and constapation of the b
Your proctologist called & your head is ready.
Your proctologist called and your head is ready.
Your proctologist called, he found your head
Your proctologist called.  Your head is ready.
Your proctologist called. He found your head.
Your program is sick!  Shoot it and put it out of its mem
Your program is sick!  Shoot it and put it out of its memory.
Your program is sick...shareware it!
Your program is sick?  Shoot it, put it out of its memory
Your program is sick? Shoot it, put it out of its memory
Your project will be late.
Your proof of this, Dr. Watson?
Your public servants serve you right. - Adlai Stevenson
Your punishment, Barbarella, is Tom Heydan!
Your rain falls like crazy fingers..
Your ratings couldn't jump start a Yugo! - Larry to Joel
Your reach is exceeding your grasp.
Your real home is on this station out in deep space.
Your real tagline has been replace with Folger's Crystals.
Your reality check just bounced.
Your reality is a figment of my imagination.
Your really a Spaceball..
Your reasoning is silly and irrational but it is beginning to make sense.
Your recipe delivered in thirty minutes or it's free.
Your recipe hunting license has expired. Lose 2 packets
Your report is concise, informative, and makes no sense. - Hawkeye
Your reset line is glitching.
Your resume will be used on the "Tonight Show" monologue.
Your reward for a job well done: more work.
Your rifle always smokes after using.
Your rifle barrel is always stiff.
Your rifle can get off more than 1 round an hour.
Your rifle can't go out and get a job.
Your rifle does shoot when you squeeze the trigger
Your rifle doesn't need a pet name like "Mr. Happy."
Your rifle doesn't shoot before you squeeze the trigger.
Your rifle doesn't want to change positions in the middle of a string.
Your rifle never cleans itself.
Your rifle will cost you about as much as your wife.
Your rifle won't go limp after the first shot.
Your rifle won't leave a wet spot on the bed after you use it.
Your right to punch me ends just short of my nose! -- Heinlein
Your sacred cow is my next Double Whopper with Cheese
Your sacred cow is my next Quarter Pounder with cheese!
Your safety is not our concern, Bert. Your gold, is.
Your safety is not our concern, Mike; your gold is.
Your safety is not our concern, Orville. Your gold, is.
Your safety is not our concern. Your gold, is.
Your seats will be moved down the hall and into the fusion reactor.
Your security forces are very efficient. --Cranston.
Your sense of smell tells you when you need to change your socks Wakko
Your sexual orientation is YOUR business! <G, D & R>
Your ship finally comes in -- but it's the Kobayashi Maru!
Your ship runs on FEAR?!  Wiggy!!  Well, fill'er up boys!! - The Tick
Your shoe is ringing.
Your silence will not protect you.   -- Audre Lorde
Your silent mercies lock me up inside my mind
Your silliness has been noted.
Your simian countenance suggests a heritage rich in species diversity
Your sin, was it of omission, commission, or admission?
Your sin, was it of omission, commission, or emission?
Your sister dates a SYSOP!  Nyaah-nyaah.
Your sister gave me diamonds and I give em to your wife.
Your sister is dating a musician!
Your sister subscribes to Soldier of Fortune magazine.
Your sister's so fat, they had to baptize her at Sea World.
Your skin is a soft as a preacher's belly. <Jesse>
Your skin looks like baby skin - with diaper rash!
Your so dumb a mind reader charges you half price.
Your so dumb that you go to a mind reader and she charges you half price
Your so out to lunch you make me hungry.
Your so vain, you probably thought this tag is about you.
Your software has bugs, >mine< has Random Features.
Your solution stinks. The problem is very interesting.
Your soul cannot be free, not given the chance to rot in Hell
Your soul is an overflowing dung heap overflowing with the most disgrace
Your soul is an overflowing dung heap.
Your soul is mine... - Shang Tsung
Your soul slipped away, it belongs to the Queen of the Reich.
Your souls are damned your God has fell to slave for me eternally!
Your species is self-destructive.
Your spelling checker,dont write Nome without it
Your sperm's in the gutter, your love's in the sink.
Your spirit and my voice in one combined! -- Christine
Your statement fully describes the situation partially.
Your stinking industrial bathwater -- My wine.
Your strain it gets under my skin take in with in the extent of my sin
Your suggestion(s) have been received and saved for future reference.
Your sun so bright it leaves no shadows, only scars --U2
Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons.
Your superior minds are no match for our puny weapons! - Aliens
Your superior minds are no match for our puny weapons.
Your surgeon is great!  The lobotomy scars hardly show.
Your surgeon's great!  The lobotomy scars hardly show
Your sweet words suck a morning dew off the honeysuckle.
Your sweet words suck the morning dew off the honeysuckle
Your swing choir against mine. Mano'y'mano - Dr. F
Your tagline delivered in thirty minutes or it's free.
Your tagline has been assimilated into the collective.
Your tagline has been assimilated with the collective!
Your tagline has been assimilated. - BorgReader
Your tagline here, $15.95/month. Sorry, no C.O.D.'s.
Your tagline here.  $15.95/mo.  Sorry, no C.O.D.'s
Your tagline hunting license has expired.  Fine: 2 packets.
Your tagline hunting license has expired.  Lose 2 packets.
Your tagline hunting license has expired. Lose 2 packets
Your tagline is now, shall we say, on indefinite loan.
Your taglines have the right to be stolen...
Your talk sounds like the capital of Turkey - Instantbull!
Your tax dollars at work.
Your temper is a valuable possession, Willow. Don't lose it.
Your temper is one of your more valuable possessions. Don't lose it.
Your temporary financial embarrassment will be relieved i
Your text editor can call up both your TAGLINES.BW file
Your the One who is in distress, Captain
Your the right kind of singer to release my inner fantasies.
Your theory is crazy -- but not crazy enough to be true. -- Niels Bohr
Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true.
Your thoughts became a song. - Ambassador Kosh
Your thoughts became the song. - Kosh
Your thoughts betray you Doug. I feel the good in you.
Your thoughts, they're primal, savage.  I like that in a man! - Lwaxana
Your time has run out!, Insert coin to continue.
Your time is about to logoff.  Please expire.
Your tongue is sharp, but your voice is flat....
Your touches send rushes through my brain.
Your tribe's customs are NOT the laws of the Universe!
Your trouble is that your absence makes good company.
Your turn to stop it? YAY! - Yakko
Your turn.  I'm off line now.
Your turn. I'm off line now.
Your twisted and sick, I like that in a person.
Your type doesn't stay around long enough to stay your type.
Your under arrest for impeding bread delivery - Tom
Your values are twisted -- let us help you unwind.
Your wasting your time. You aren't dating me.
Your wealth of ignorance astounds me.
Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder!
Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
Your welcome! but what for???
Your were born twins and they killed the wrong one!
Your what hurts?
Your whim is my command....
Your wife can always use your rifle against you!
Your wife is dead when sex remains the same & dirty dishes pile up.
Your wife is dead when the sex is the same but the dishes pile up.
Your wife's other car is a broom!
Your wish is my desire.
Your work is very poor, but at least it's slow.
Your worst nightmare: Bottle fed by Dolly Parton.
Your'e a redneck if: Your kids have three-day-old Kool-Aid mustaches.
Your'e an addict when you feel depressed when you can't log on
Your're not over the hill 'till you can't get "over the hill".
Your, uh, your wife, does she go, eh, does she go, eh?
Youre looking at 100% prime cut American robotic male-Tom
Yours 'til the dogwood tree barks.
Yours 'til the heavens die.
Yours in Frequency Modulation
Yours is no disgrace.
Yours is one of those faces that closes doors and empties bars...
Yours till the modem melts.
Yours was an unnatural birth; you came from a human being.
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory.
Youse lucky you've still gots yo' brown papa' bag.  Yo' Man!!
Youth & Enthusiasm Is No Match For Age & Experience?
Youth + confidence + myopia = naivete.
Youth Condemns; maturity condones - Amy Lowell
Youth Culture Killed My Dog.
Youth and skill will always overcome age and treachery.
Youth and talent are no match for age and treachery.
Youth doesn't excuse everything.
Youth doesn't excuse everything. -- Dr. Janice Lester (in Kirk's body)
Youth had been a habit of hers so long that she could not part with it.
Youth is NOT wasted on the young! Er, could I *borrow* some?
Youth is a blunder; Manhood a struggle; Old age a regret.
Youth is a disease from which we all hopefully recover!
Youth is a gift of nature... Age is a work of art!
Youth is a gift of nature...Middle age is a work of art!
Youth is a wonderful thing. Too bad it's wasted on children.
Youth is about sex, drugs, pizza, and more sex. --Nikki Sixx.
Youth is better in every situation! - Crow sings
Youth is better! Old is stupid! - Crow sings
Youth is both foolish and vulnerable. --Delenn.
Youth is both foolish and vunerable. - Delenn
Youth is glorious, but it isn't a career.
Youth is not a time of life, but rather a state of mind...
Youth is not a time of life, it's a state of mind.
Youth is wasted on the young.
Youth isn't a time of life, but a state of mind.
Youth will be served...
Youth's a stuff will not endure
Youth, a habit of hers so long she couldn't part with it.
Youth, which is forgiven everything, forgives itself nothing
Youthful figure:  What you get when asking a woman's age.
Youthful figure: What you get when asking a lady's age.
Youthful figure: What you get when asking a woman's age.
Youyou uploaded OS/2 to the Borg?. Jean-Luc Picard
Yow!  Am I having fun yet?
Yow!  Are we laid back yet?
Yow!  Are we wet yet?
Yow!  Those people look exactly like Donnie and Marie Osmond!!
Yow! Everybody out of the GENETIC POOL!
Yow! I am having fun!
Yow! My mood ring just exploded!
Yow, my area! Oww oww! - Tom as dog gets caught in fence
Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems--A Growing Excited Company!
Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems: The Future Begins Tommorrow
Yoyodyne Propulsions Sys, Inc - The 7th Dimension and Beyond
Yoyodyne Propulsions Sys,Inc - The 7th Dimension + Beyond
Ytterby, Sweden begat 4 elements: Yttrium, Ytterbium, Terbium, Erbium
Yuck! My cat just spit up a dead tribble!
Yuck!!! I can't marry her, she's my friend! - Simba
Yuggoth; Another stepping stone for The Winged Ones...
Yugo's - Yesterday's technology today.
Yugo: (n) push-cart ex. 1."Yugo find a mechanic" 2."Yugo on foot."
Yugo: YUGO fast--You hit a tree--YUGO through the window!
Yugos are funny. Except when you own one.
Yugoslavia: Slaves in Yugos
Yugoslavia? where in the world is that?
Yuk! My Windows Are All GUI.
Yuk, what kind of dumb menu system is that?  Oh, so that is Windows!
Yukon Fred's Pizzeria and Gator Pit
Yum! Breakfast beans! - Crow as hick
Yum, said Pooh, as he licked the hunny off of Bo Derek.
Yum, yum--buggy cows and oozy cabbage! Pass the ketchup.
Yum..this hamburger helper tastes good even without the hamburger.
Yump: Punching one's glove in anticipation of an arriving softball.
Yup this echo is for the POSTING of taglines. A light bit
Yup, I call it the Attic.
Yup, this is the new "Ronco Pocket Nuke."  Can level a city block.
Yup-Yup-Yup, we're going to the zoo Yup-Yup-Yup
Yup. And with call forwarding and call bouncing.
YupEven if you do have 2 co-moderators <g>...
Yuphere ya go...
Yupper!  Been there, done that, tapped out an answer to it!
Yuppie:        It's my shit, all MINE.  Isn't it WONDERFUL.
Yuppies don't cry...they just Saab.
Yur'assic Park: Where you butt is on the line daily
Yur'assic Park: where your butt is on the line daily
Yustrday I was iliterite twoday i kan post     - Geco
yIHmey vImuSqu' (I hate tribbles!)
yIQay'Qo'  (Don't blow your top!)
yOU HAve OfFIcialLY eNTereD tHe PRepoStERous ZonE.
yOU HaVE OfFiCIaLLy eNTeReD tHE PrEPoSteRoUs zOnE.
yawn error #30: CPU tired
ybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.les.l...ERear!t!. fi
yes,U've a right2your opinions.I just don't want2 hear it
yip yip yap yip yap yap yip yip yap *BANG* - NO TERRIER
yip yip yap yip yap yip yip *BANG* -- NO TERRIER
yip yip yip yap yap yip *BANG* -- NO TERRIER
yip yip yip yap yap yipe! *BANG* NO TERRIER
yip yip yip yip yap yap yip *BANG* --- NO TERRIER
yip yip yip yip yip yip yap yap yip *BANG* NO TERRIER
yip! yip! yip! yap! yap! yip! *BANG* -- NO TERRIER
yip..yip..yip..yap..yip..yip..yip..y...BANG!  NO TERRIER
yo mama so big, when she sweats people wear raincoats around her!
yo mama's so big, when she sweats people wear raincoats around her!
yo mama's so dumb, she sold the car for gas money!
you also have Freudian panties to go with that slip?
you always know where your cucumber has been...
you always the one to show me how -- NIN
you always the one to show me how.
you are alone by choice!!!....
you are someone else i am still right here
you can carry a cucumber around in YOUR pocket!
you can fondle cucumbers in the supermarket without being lewd...
you can have as many cucumbers as you can handle...
you can pretend to be serious, but not witty.
you can take your bra off while driving.
you can't sedate all the things you hate
you can't tame a wild rose.
you certainly know how to make a Point!
you don't have to use a rubber with a cucumber...
you had all of them on your side, didn't you? --NIN
you have hibernation sickness
you have kleptomania?...   take something for it...
you just leave me nailed here hanging like Jesus on this cross -- NIN
you just leave me nailed here hanging like Jesus on this cross.
you know how firm it is before you take it home...
you know you're hooked when you Blue Wave EVERY conference
you know you're hooked when you answer people in chat out loud
you know you're hooked when you are in chat by yourself and like it
you know you're hooked when you can understand your taglines
you know you're hooked when you can't get away from the screen
you know you're hooked when you consider BBS subs the ultimate gift
you know you're hooked when you consider BBSing better than chocolate
you know you're hooked when you consider BBSing better than ice cream
you know you're hooked when you consider BBSing better than sex
you know you're hooked when you consider file listing serious research
you know you're hooked when you copy every tagline you can find
you know you're hooked when you don't care if you never get phone calls
you know you're hooked when you don't eat supper until breakfast time
you know you're hooked when you dream of new Trade Wars moves
you know you're hooked when you experience "screen vision"
you know you're hooked when you feel depressed when you can't log on
you know you're hooked when you flame yourself to watch the action
you know you're hooked when you forget how to leave your screen
you know you're hooked when you get excited by the time bank balance
you know you're hooked when you get nervous when away from the BBS
you know you're hooked when you have treads on your fingertips
you know you're hooked when you hold the world's record for posting
you know you're hooked when you know all the local BBS files by heart
you know you're hooked when you laugh out loud at the taglines
you know you're hooked when you log on right at midnight after reset
you know you're hooked when you post a test to yourself every day
you know you're hooked when you post messages to see your name in print
you know you're hooked when you realize you never sleep anymore
you know you're hooked when you refuse to pry your fingers from the keys
you know you're hooked when you sign your handle to your checks
you know you're hooked when you spend all night making up taglines
you know you're hooked when you talk BBS instead of soaps
you know you're hooked when:  you Blue Wave EVERY conference
you know you're hooked when:  you answer people in chat out loud
you know you're hooked when:  you consider BBSing better than chocolate
you know you're hooked when:  you consider BBSing better than ice cream
you know you're hooked when:  you consider BBSing better than sex
you know you're hooked when:  you copy every tagline you can find
you know you're hooked when:  you dream of new Trade Wars moves
you know you're hooked when:  you experience "screen vision"
you know you're hooked when:  you feel depressed when you can't log on
you know you're hooked when:  you forget how to leave your screen
you know you're hooked when:  you get excited by the time bank balance
you know you're hooked when:  you have treads on your fingertips
you know you're hooked when:  you know all the local BBS files by heart
you know you're hooked when:  you post a test to yourself every day
you know you're hooked when:  you talk BBS instead of soaps
you knows *things* about *stuff*!!
you like those programs from Holland, do ya?  <g>
you lucky thing! I know some fairly liberal-minded girls...-George
you make this all go away, you make it all go away -- NIN
you make this all go away, you make it all go away.
you may fire when ready commander
you may loose sight of where you're going.
you may say i'm a dreamer/but i'm not the only one
you might use as separate categories.
you only eat cucumbers when you feel like it...
you promised a drugfree amerika. where's our free drugs?
you see, he IS the |<wisatz Haderach!
you shouldn't have to pay for your love with your bones and flesh
you smiles.  "You are too slow.  You are too stupid."
you the strangest people of course....
you the whole house. Microsoft is suing Apple because they have
you think I'm a fool, or maybe some kind of lunatic- Qyr
you thought we smelled bad on the outside!
you wouldn`t want me to break the law,now would you?<g>
you're just too physical to me
you're momma's so fat that when she walks she leaves snail tracks....
you're not confused, you're not paying attention.
you're playing the wrong message!
you're tired of life, broke, depressed?  Good! now *I* feel better...
you've underlined a few...bloomers,bottom,burp,fart,fiddle,fornicate?
you, you inspire me...
you_love_Forth  IF  honk  THEN
young tagline looking for swf tagline to travel
your Father had an accident there;
your way.  Holler if you don't get it...}
youth is a gift of nature - middle age is a work of art.
ywercs lla og tsuj sgniht semitemoS

Neil Enns, ennsnr@brandonU.ca